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Tous les autres exempleires originaux sont film6s en commenpant pc^r la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee symboles suivants appsraitra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon Ie cas: Ie symbols — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", Ie symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A dee taux de reduction dfffirents. Lcrsque Ie documen* est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film« A partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'images ntcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACT TO ESTABLISH A COLLEGE BY THE NAME AND STYLE OF THE UNIVERSITY AT KINGSTON. W HEREAS, by tho Petition of the Rev. Robert McGill, Moderator of ihe Synod of the Pres- liytorian Church ofCnnada, in connection with the Churcii of Scotland, and of the Rev. Alci- indor Gale, (^lerk of the said Synod, it appears, llint certain lands and (iindHliavo been placed at the ditipofal of llm Presbytery of Toronto, by boiicvolent iiidividiials, for tho pnrposo of srisihting in the oatiiblishnicnt ul'an A'udcriucal Institution, or CoIIcrp, in connection with tho tiliiircli of Scotland : Amj Wiii;i;ea.s, the estttliliah[i!ent of a University at KinjfM'on, in thu Midland District of this Province, fur the education of youtli in the princijilea of the Christian Uoligion, and fur their instruction in tho vmious brandies of Science and Literature which are tauirht in tho Univcr.-itics of tho United Kingdom, would g-rcutly conduce to tl:o welfare of thi! inhabitants of this Province : Jnd IHtcrvas, Lot No. ;!a, in Ihe ,'3rd Concession, south of Diitulas Street, in llie Township ofTriilal^ja', in the District of (iore, is now helil in trust by John Ewart, for the bcnolit of the taid College, and it is dcsiraule timt the trustees hcreinaiter named, aiid their successors in ollico, have Li'txi>lative authority to take and hold tho s: idiot of hind, and other lands and fund.--, as a Corporate U.iily, in perpetuity, for the purpose aforeu;iid : He it ciMclctl, i^c. That it shiill and may be lawful for tho Rev. Ro'bcit McCill, the Rev. Alex- ander Galo, thoRev. Jolin McKcnzic, tho Rev. William Rii.toul, tho Rev. William T. Leach, the Rev. .Tamo9 Goorge, the Rev. .lohn Machar, the Rev. Peter Colin Campbell, the Rev John Cruikshanlc, the Rev. .-Mexiinder iMatliieson, Doctor in Divinity, tho Uev. John Cook, Doctor ni Divinity, and tho principal of the said College tVr tho tunc being, ftlinisters of the Presbv- t(>rmn Church of dmada in connection with the Church cf Scotlan:; : the Honourable John llaiiiilton, tho Honourable Jnmo J Crocdis, the IJonoiirahle William Moriis, the Ilonmirable Archibald McIiCan, iho Hnnourable John McDonald, the Ilunuuiablc Peter Mi;iiill, Eilward W. Thomson, Tliomas JIcKay, James Mmiy, John Ewart, Joliii Sleole, John Mowat, Alox- nnder Pring!?, Tliomas Blackwood, John Strang, Esqidrcs, iiiomhcrs of tin; said Church, and thoir successors, to take, receive, ludd and maintain, inlaw, tho above-named lot of land, or iny other messuages, lands, tenements, heieiiitanieiits, or other propcrlv, real or personal, acquired,^ or to be acijuired, for the establi:,hinent and niainteuaiice of an Aiai'emical i.i.-titu- tion or College, as aforesaid, for the education and insliiic'.icui of yoiitii and students in arts and faculaes, such Institution to be called " The Uniirrsity at Kif'ifrsi^n." X. Aiidbe il viiaclvd, ij'-c. That the said Trustee!--, and tiieir succoss-ors, fihalt be, and remain forever hereafter, a iioard or Rody Politic and Coiporale, ii. deed an I in name, by the name niid ttyle of tho "Tnittoes of the Uiiiversily at Kingston," and by that iiaino shall and may have perpetual succession ; and shall and may he aide, in law and' in equity, to sue and he sued, implead and be impleadeil, answer and bo answered onto, del'cnd und bo de- tended, in fdl courts and places whatsoever, and may have a common seal, ar.d may change .••nd alter the s-anie at their pleasure ; and also shall be able and capable to have, tahc, receive, purchase, acquire, hold, possess, enjoy, and maintain, in law, to and for the Ute of the said College, any messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, of what kind, nature or quality soever, so as that the same do not exceed in yearly vahie, above all charges, the smn of liftcc'n thousand pounds sterling, and also that they, and their successors, shall have power to take, purchase, acq -re, have, hold, enjoy, receive, possess, und retain, all or any goods, chattels, monies, stocks, charitable or other contiibutions, gifts, benefactions, or bequests, whatsoever, and to give, giant, bargain, sell, demise, or otherwise di.^poso of all, or any [art of the same, or of any other piop'-rty, real, personal, or other, they may at any liiii'- or times possess or be entitled t^', as "... i..em shall seem best, for th(! interest cf the said College. 3. ,'lii.dhe it further imieted, i)'>c. That the taid Board of Trustees shall for ever here- nt"ter consii.t of twerty seven members, of whom twelve shall I. c Ministers of the said Pres- byterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scothind, and tiftcen shall be laymen in full communion with the said Church; the same to bo appointed in succession, in manner as follows: that is to say, three ministers and I'oiir laymen, whose names stand lowest in this Act, and in tho future roil of ministers and laymen composing the Hoard, shall, after the year lliiJ, retire from tho Board animally, on the lirst dav of the Annual Meeting of tho said Synod, and their room be supplied by the addition of seven new members, three nnnisters, unit tour laymen, the three ministers to be chosen by the said Synod, on the lirst day of the An- nual .Mooting of the same, in such manner as shall seem best to ihe said Synod ; and the four laymen to bo chosen also en the lirst (iay of the Annual Meeting of the 'said Synod, by the Lay Trustees remaining afer iho seven have retired, fioni a list of persons made up in the following manner — that is to say: each congregation admit cd r,n the roll ef the jaid Synod, and in regular Connexion therewith, hhall, at their Annual Meeting, nominato, every thini year, one fit and discreet persdn, being a member in full eoinmunion with said Church, to fill tho olfico of Trustee of said College, and tho persons' name.-' so nominal ed, being duly intimated by tho several coiigregalions to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, in such form as the said Board may direct, shall be enrolled by ihu said Board, ami constitute the list from whieh Lay Trustees shall bo chosen to fill the vacancies occurring at the Board during each yuar — the namos of nipnibors thus aMod to the Dimnl to bo placod, from timo to time, nt the top of tlioroUnl' the Hoard; Piovidrd alimi/s, T\ii\l tho ritiiin|T Trustees may bo re-elooKd an liiTctoCurepiDviiled, if ;he Synod nnd reimiiiiinfj Lay 'I'rii.stres iwpeclivcly pro fit to do so- Wnrf providrd alwiii/s, Tlwit in case no diction of now Trastoes bliall bo made on th« inid frrst day of the Anniinl Mrclinn- of the said Synod, ibon, and in sncli ca.-c, tlio t-aid letirinir members slioil remain in otlico, iinil tlieir succcs.sora nrc appointed nt some Hiiluiccpicnt period- .1ml providrd iilwai/f, Tliat every Triistio, wlidhcr minister or laynian, beil re enterinir on bis diitie.-i as a i.ienilior of ^;aid JJoiird, ^llllll have i-olcmnly declared his lirlicf of the doctrmes of tho VVettmiii.stor (Jonlession of ]''ailh, and iiin adiieroncc to the Htandards of tlio said ('■hurcb, inpovoriiment, di^^(■iplinennd \voi>hip, and Kulihcrihcd tuch a f.rnmia tolliisrirect as may bo prescribed by the tuid Synod; iind that in.cU dieluralion luid Md)MTip'ion shall in every case 1)0 recorded in tho boohs ( f tho Eaid Hoard; And provhLd «/uv(i/j', That id! tho 'Iriistees named in this Act ^lmll eontinoo to h' Id the.r olfices, as mciubcrs of :iii, I Ui.ard, until the lirht day of tho Anni:al :\Iorlinfr ol' the said Synod, which Bhall ho liolrjcn in the year ona tlioosand ei<;ht hundred and Ibrty-threc. 4. Jnd br it ciiiiclid, tl'-c. Thi.l tho removal, hv death, resignation or otherwi:e, 't the I'rineijial and l'rofrs;sor, who are to ho nominnu'd'hv tho Counniltco oltho General AsKonddy ofti.eChnrch of Scotland, tho tnid '."niflec-i, arid their t.nccea>ori\ f hall forever have fidl iKiwor and authority to eh'ct and aipoint, for tho said Cullcce, a I'rinrii al who shall boa MnHsicrofiheChnrih of ,Scollai;d, or of the I'rcslyleiianChnrch of Canada in connexion with the Ch'irih of Scotland; and eiich profosi-or or profestore, niastir er ii;a'er.'i, tutor or tntorK, and s^iuli olhor olliccr or officers as to tho said Trnutees shall .-ecm in. at ; I'lovi- drd iiliiai/f, That such |iorhon or jiersonM as n.ay h,.> appointed to the ( III c of I'rinnpal, nlo matted, cj-c That bo soon ng there shftll bo a Principal and one Boid CcUcpe, the Honrd ol'TniKf cos shall liavo authority to constitute, under ( i.!..- mM\ nnciinl and I'rofessor, together with three inembcra of the Board of Triistoes, a V.ourt, to bo called "tho Collcgo Scnnto," for tho exercise of Academical superintendence and discipline over tho Htudents, ond nil other persons resident within tho snino; and with •ucM powers for maintaitiin;r order and cnforcin{r obodicnco to tho statutes, rules and ordi- juat mentioned. 10. Jlnd he it rimclrif, i?'c. Thit whenever tliero himll bo o Principal and four Profet- ■ors_ employed in tbotnid Ci.llcep, the Collpgc Hcnato shall have power and authority to conter the defrrees of Hncholor, Miistcr, ami Doctor, in the several Arts and Fncullios. II Jliid be tl vmu-lid, t)-c. That five of tho said Trustees, lawfully convened as le nereinuftor directed, nhidl bo a qnoruin lor tho despatch of all businosa, except for thodispo- «al and piircihaso of real estate, or for the choice or removal of tho Prineipal or Professorii lor any of win. h piirpoMoa there shnll be a inectiriir of at least thirteen Trustees. n. Jlml be it enacted, if-c That tho said Triistoes shall have full power and authority, iroiii tinio lo time, to chooso a Secretary and Treasurer; and also once in each year, or ollencr, a Cliairmaii, who hhall preside at ull mcrtings of the Board. 1;'. Jlnd be it ennetrd, 4't. Tliat ihe said Trustees shall nlso have power, by a majo.i'y or voices of tho momber.-) piosent, to nelrct and appoint, in tho event of a vacancy in tho Hoard, liydoaih, rosii;nation, or removal from tho Province, a person, whose namo is on the list from which iipp()intment.« are to bo undo, to fill such vacancy, rboosin!,' «■ Minister in tho room of a Minister, nnd a Layman in tho room of a Layman, and insertinjj the name of tlio person so cho_-cn in that place on tho roll of tho Board in which tho name of tho Trustee in whoio slca'l ho may have been chosen stood. '*• -'Ind be it eiuicled, (?-c. That the said Trustees shall have power to moot at the f.ollejTo upon thi'ir own adjournment, and so oiton as they shall bo summoned by the Uiairman, or in his obsenco by tho Senior Trustee, whoso soiiiority shall bo determined liy tho order in which the Faid Trustees are na-iieil in this Act, or shall bo elected hornafter: / rovided alw,i;/ii, that tho said Chairman, or Henior Trustee, shall not summon a meeting of tlio (.orporatuin unless rc(]iiiro!l so to do by a notice in writing from three members of ths Hoard : W«rf provided al/o, that ho cause notice of tho time nnd place of tho said meeting to 00 given in (ino or more of the public newapapers of tho Provinc.s of Upper and Lower t-anaila, at least thirty days before such mooting; and that every member of tho Corporation resident witlun tho said Provinces, shall bo noiifiod in writing, by the Secretary to the Corporation, of the time of such inciting. \'j. .In! beUeniicted, i^c. That .so soon a3 tho Univcrsitv of King's College, and the College hero!)y instituted, shall bo in actual operation, it slinll and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant (iovcrnor, or person a'lministnring thcGovornment of this Province, to authorise and direct tho payment, Iromthofunds of tho said University of King's College, in aid of thcliindsof theCollogo heiebvinstitu'.oil, of such yearly sum as to him shall seem just, for the purpose of sustaining a Theological Proffssorship therein, and in satisfaction of all claim, on tho part of tho Cliurch of Scotland, for the iiisri'.ution of a Professorship of Divinity in the University of King's College, according to tho faith and disciplino of tho Church of Ssotland. January, 1840.