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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmis en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte una empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui cumporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols -^ signifie "A SUIVRE '. le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre film^s i des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, 11 est film6 d partir da Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ i 1 i ■ , ■, t; ; LABORATORY OP THE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. BULLETIN No. 260 BAY RUM AND FLORIDA WATER 43552—1 i ' lid - 1 - :. •J si ! ^ f i' J ■S^ J.ABORATORY <iF HIE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. liUI.T.i:TIX X (J. 'siCO BAY RUM AND FLORIDA WATER Ottawa, II Jniv, 1913. \\.M. HlMsWOKIll, lv~(l. Acting D»'i)uty .Minister. InliUKJ ]{rvcmic. SiH,- I have the honour to huiul you a report (l(>aliiiK with tliirt y-fivo sani])l('s purcliascd as Hay Hum, and an ('(lual nuinlxr of sanii)h's purchased as Florida Water, in Fehruary and .March last. Hay Hum is not (h'scrihed in the British Pharniacoiioeia. It is defined as S()irit of Myrcia (Spiritus Myrciae) in the I'nited States I'liarmacopoeia of IS!H) (.-eventii re\ision) and is tiicre rcfpiired to he made so that 2,()t)0 cubic C( iitimetr(>s contain I 220 ciihic centimetres of Alcohol (O.j 1 i)er cent, volume ethyl alcohol). It is <miitted from the Fitihth revision of the I'.S.F. (KMIO). Florida Water has not, s(- far as I know, ever had any official reco}!;uition. It apiM'ars to he a solution of essential oils in more or less dilute alcohol. Complaints havt' been made, on more than one occasion, to this Department, that the articles above named are sometimes prei)are(l with thi' unacknowledged use of wood alcohol (Columbian Spirit) instead of ethyl alcohol. 7-8 Kdward VII, Chap, six (as.sented to Ktth .\pril, 191)8), Sec. 7 is as follows: "Section 2tit) of the said Act (Inland Hevenue Act, Chap. .')!, H.S., UtOti) is amended by adding the following subsection thereto: — 2. Kvery ])erson who uses methyl alcohol, or spirits containing methyl alcohol, in any form, in any pharmaceutical, medicinal or other preparation intended for external use shall atfi.x to the vessel containing the said prepara- tion a label stating, in black letters not less than one-fourth of an inch in height, the presence of methyl alcohol therein; and every person violating the provisions of this subsection shall incur a penalty not less than fifty dollars and not exceeding two hundred dollars," The following samples sold as Bay Kum contain methyl alcohol:— No. 3718."), There is nothing on the label or in the conditions of sale to indicate that methyl alcohol is |)resent. The article is judged to be adulterated; but it may be that the word Illec..\lly Sold would better describe the case. No. 371Sf). ContninH nu'tliyl alcohol :\Umn witli cihvl alcohol, and is probalily n'adc with incthyliitcci spirit. Tiurc is nothinx on thf label to indicate presence of met' ' alcohol, and it must he jmlKed similarly to the aliovf. \o. .'il'i^ti. Contains methyl and ethyl .alcohols. The words "methyl alcohol" are written, scarcely legihly, upon the lahel. which is a written one; the words "Hay Hum" lieinu however ([uite distinct. I have judifed this case as doiihtful: hut in strict interpretation of the suhsection ahove- (pioted where the presence of methyl alcohol is re(iuired to he stated "in Mack U'tters noi less than one-fourth of an inch in lieiRht," there can he no doulit that the article is ille^jal. No. .■)17.")4. Is made with methyl alcohol. The laliel is a printed one and reads: "(ienuine Imported Hay Hum". Tlie word "Methyl" is written ahove, and between, the words "deiiuine" anil "Imported"— and is (piite di.stiuct. 1 have judged the samph' as "doubtful" from the fact that the word "Methyl" is not an integral part of thi' label, as printed. No. .")l,j!»;5. The sami)le is made with methyl alcohol. It is labelled "fJenuine Imported Bay Hum," and contains no stutcinent of the presence of methvl alcohol. It "is therefor .sold illeRally. No.".')lo!»."). This sample is labelled "Hay Hum," and has no mention of methyl alcohol, which has been used in its manufacture. I have judged it to be adulterated, or sold illegally. FLOHID.V \VATP:H. No. 40914. Contains methyl alcohol. It is labelled "Koyale Florida Water" with no declaration of the presence of methyl alcohol. Illegally sold. No. ■)124;}. Is labelled "Florida Water" and contains no mentionl of methyl alcohol, althouuh it is entirely made from this. It is sold illegally." No. .570.51. Is labelled "Florida Water" without mention of methy alcohol, tliough made entirely from this. Is illegally sold. No. .57101. Labelled "Holman's Florida Toilet Water" without mention of methyl alcohol which is present. It i.s therefore sold illegally. I beg to recommend publication of this report as Bulletin No. 260. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Obedient Seryant, A. MtGILL, Chief Atinlijst. 43.5.V2-li i ft? •j liii m J 3 I Natnni Sample. 4 I Nuiie nnil Addrffwi »f Vendor. Cwt. BULLETIN No. iJ60- =-1 — :=: Name amt Addma of Manufartiirxr cir K t<rni«hHr aa ((in'n hy the SVnilor. {i# not an «x- pmwifTi of l))iiuioii). DISTRICT OF NOVA SCOTIA- lUlS. Mar. 6 Bay Rum. 4flnc)». Xaliotial I)ni(f Co., 1 <it , I Halifax, N..S. WMti KinliyHLtd., Mali- Stnta. fax, N.S. mm Kstato of .r. r. 3 .. . . I RawlPv.Halifax, I N..><. ■ 10 „ 4im»\F. W. Woolworth, S ., . . Hai;f,«. N.S. 27| M 4)i!l|0 niickli'V tiro>i.,3M.. 1 Halifax, N.S. , !)() Miehi'lon, St.{Mfr.... Thoiiia», W.I, 76 Viifidorn 76 N. I). * C. Co.,iMfn. Halifax, N.S. 4.') 1(16 I C. H. a^liek.Mfr Nrw York. H. MichelMt'n. LyinartH Lt^l., W.I. I Moiitnal. DISTRirr OF yUEBKC— Feb. 25 Bay Rnin. 1 .. »! .. Mar. 61 1 i 7 3718:i 37184 37186 .riHfi .S7187 Dr. A. Kournicr, fi6 Rni p Cre maiiip, Montualiiiville. Ed. DvImKlURiU' Notrw I>ame tivt* Anifivi, tjuebec. A. E. Kraiicceur, 3795 Rm.. St Juan, (Jii».b«!. Alfred JolictEur, 338 Rue St. .lean, Sliotn. 3 » .. 3., .. 3,,.. 3 „ .. 180 450 160 195 .30<i W. BninetiCie, (jiiebra. C. MichelHen. St Thoniaii, Wi'at Indiea. Vendor Mfr. .. W. Brunet * .. Cif, Quebec. ; 1 i 1 i DI.STRICT OF MONTKK'T, Mar. 7 Bay Ruin.l 5l23l)lr)i. .'. A. Chani-lJ pm., 1.t<i Vendor . ' I papne. Welling-! ' ton .St., Verdun,' ! I'.v. I 10; „ 61237 K Viulboncour, 61 ;3bot». 100 St. Ijftwrence B.,1 I ' Montreal. I 10, „ 61238 A. F. Lar<»e, 2:3.... 75 .. Sherbrooke E., Montreal. i 10| ., 5123it Dr. I^ue Drug's ... I 75 Vendors Co., 1181 St. Lawren ce B.,! Montreal. 10 ., 51240 I. L. Roberge, 12.11 3 „ . . 75 Vendor. .St. Lawrence B., i Montreal. Woi.l .\i I Al<' I til 11 I^liellMl uiue. tl, HAY RUM. RmuIU uf Aluly'ia. Alchul. ^ IiimifMitm Kt>frtu:t<>tiiHti>r K«'fMlint( *2() C im Aloihol. rM 5 I J 1 -^ 11-r- ! l>ilf. Iwtwi-miib- ! Tht^iTHtio*!. j Ci>nclii»ii>ti. jQ p I p \ O AUxihul. Alcoliiil. Ui'inftrki and O|iinion '4 t»K' ChH'f Aiwlyt. H .1. WAITOH, 1N8PKCTOK. p. <•. .V. 4 i 43 2 i 32 2 2li-5| ! ! 26 5 21 7| 50 )t! 43 31 84 w 4 «2 K 53 84 5, 39 2; H6 3 X>-'\ S!f4 30 (>: )>2'9 27 o' SI-4 3!t 2 nri 3 08 Ktliyl Alc..|,.,l 1 o' » 1 i 07' 8 . MV.»tR[ I 4l'>'.NI8 i mm; 4«(>to' K. X. \V. K. BKLAND, IXSPKCTOK. 45 7 38-6 7!f8 37ft 80 3^ 07 1 Ethyl .. 37183i 8i)-3 52 1 39 2 48\' I 42'8| 840; 3!t I 84 « B|. 44 5 85 72 5 830 89 8 40 Oi 7 87184 34 5 51 (ij 38-8 !<2 o Methyl Alctihol. ;)riS."iMa(ir with wood ulcohol. ' AduittratcH. Madf with ft mi ,ture o alcohol and u.xid alco liol. Adulttratiil. 17 lUsr Kthyl Alco-i 37185 i hoi - 55;; Methyl Alco- hol. Ethyl Alcohol . . 37187; r. J. COSTIGAN, INSPECTOR. tiO-2 52 3 !I2 44 2 .■?7 2 78-2 467 3!i 4 80 r> 44-5 37 4 785 ■n-B 17 «i 45'C 3!t 6 t'.r4 , I ;■ 78 7j . SI 81-3, 37.0 79 5 I 24 » 46 8 5 7 10 21'8 41 « ' Ethy! \1- 5123<i Miule with a mixture of I cohol — .")8 4 ' alcohol and wood aloo- Methyl Alco-! \ hoi. Doubtful. hoi. I I ... . I Kthyl Alcohol ..I 51237: .. 612381 51239 61240 HULLKTIN No. '260 i Nftlurt* of Sainplf. i I ■3 i Xaini* ftnH AHHrrM »if Will lor. f.~i. Ntiiii** mill V'tdrcHH iif M,iiiii(iirtiir>r '•< Kiirni«h«-r m Ki\i'ii iiy tli. Wiiiliir. I J M»nii(aotiir>-r. |>'urni>bw. , liirfpMHiir'ii (I> not an r< ]trv*ium of ( >|iiniun \. DISTRICT OK l»rrAWA- mx Mar. Ffb. Mar. Sttoy Kiiiii. .'irAilJ. .Skinmr ft Son, lipU. I Ottawa ! prior. 3i » M7r>2'HalliilayAS|.n>ul«, 1 <]t ., Ott- wa 126 llii) inej.i .MTSa.Alli-n ft ('.whraOB, 24 <« ! 7B Ottawa. ' .M71M Ottawa Dmn Ca, 14pU.I 100 Ottawa. i iu> ' Hr<M. ft t'o., Toronto. VniHon .Mfm [.■aliflltKi Im- Kirtiil Itay iini. L a li e I I e (I Methyl bay Kuni. DI.HTKICT OF TORONTO- Mar. I Ray Rum. ni&!)8 The V. E. Karnl3 hot*. I Co., Ltd.. liuwnl anilVict'/riaStii., 1 Tor- into. ! 61.V.»»ThRT. Katun Co., 13 .. .. Ltd., tjiiiHin andi Vonifn SU., To-l 1 1(1 H7 7B M5!KifJ. blyn, 2324 3 ■ St., To-l I Vindom . l.,iiht>ll«d (i«n- Hin«> ImiKjrt- vd liay Kiim. Lalifllwl Sup. prior Bay Rum. 57 Vendor iM.'iWi Lift, .. Ltd., 224 3 , Y.iiine St., To- ront^i. tl,';;Th.. Hoowr Ilr"ft3 Co., Lul., KJi King St. Wwt,! Toronto. i 57 Vendom .....' Lalu'lled 8 1 . Thoinan Hay Rum. 120 iThfUru^rad- ingCo.,Lt<)., ToniMto. DWTRICT OF HAMILTON Apr. 24 Bay Rum. 24 .Wl-ViT. W. WiKilworthHUita Co., Ltd., KiiiK St. east, Hamil- ton B7157isunley Mill* Co., 3 ., . . I Ltii., ll-l.-i KiiiK I St. east. H.imil I ton. 90 KiLOerardDPor fume Co., Chicago, III. 24 5715H T. C. WatkinnCa.lfi Ltd., King St.! east, Hamilton. I I 75 150 LaU'lled Koy- aWBavRum. Thin prepara- lioii ointainH 3;H'; alcohol. Unknown LalH-ll.d Sup- erior Bay Rum. „ Lalielled dou- ble dintilled Bay K u m . H. Michael- Bon, St. T h o ni a ■ , Weat Indie*. MAY Ul'M. Alecihul. Iniiii' -i.m RrtrscUinu-tiT U<«<Jiinf ;'" C. >m Alotiol > 3-« »tT! t 1< iK£ ^.. I iwrvHl ami I Tli«>r<-tu»l Kthyl I Mf«hyl A.cuhul. lAluitntl. CiJlivi'i^l I i Kviiiirka sinl < 'I'liii- r • f til.- CliM I Analjrn. .1. A. KICKKY. INSI'KCTOR. I>. c. r.7 I 4U !•■ 0. I • *» s! i*J 7 r>2 H »;i 2 42 2 47 J 39 » l« 3 ton Ml 3U g (Ml 4 au n MS so 2 M t 38 9 H4 » 7 7 OH 5 Kthyl Aloohiil . . :>17Bo| S1751J 51752' M7iv;t 3M 111 3M S i II 3 Methyl Aluiliol 51754 Madf with wtxxl alcuhnl. lki\\\ fill. Th" wunl " Mi'thyl " •« written I (in » pr.ntm] Ubel. H. ,1. DACRR, INSI'KCTOR. «7 3 44! 4 5H « 47 B 4«1 5061 OR 39 11 W> 3 49 40 2 .W t| iW'S!. 37 7 »1 89 6 .■» H 40 3 Hli 40 7, 820 3H 2 38 3 819 82 4 4 07!... Methyl Alcohal I 51503 Majle ■^ ilh wwxl »la>l..-l. i A(liilt«r»tMl. Ethyl 6 Methyl 4| Kthyl 4 . 51094 51.V.»ft Mf (le with w«<»f alcohol. Adulterated. 51.-i9*> . 51507 H. '. DAORR, ACTING INSPECTOR. 28 4 ns 38 4, 31 9 .51 .W 9| 28-6; 67-6 i 06 71 6 ."« 71 71 8! 02 Kthyl Alcohol .. 67156 57157 43 4 84 6 39 4' 85 4! 8, . . 57158 r :h BULLETIN No. 260— Nature of Sam pi*!. Name and AddresH uf N'endur. Co«t. Nairn' and Adclri-ss iif MannfiKrturer iir Furnishers givi'ii by thu Vendor. Manufacturer. g KurniMlier. "( Inxpector'ri ! Ke|jurt. ' (Ih not an ex- ; preHsion of ; Opinion). DISTRICT OF HAMILTO.\- i i • 5 I :r 191.'). Apr. 2.5 M 2.5 Bay Kum. .57159 Rov C. Sex.initli,;.'! Ixits 75 Vendor. , 210 York St.,: ! Hamilton. j 67160 Faike & I'iirke, 1 17-20 Market' Sijuare, Hamil-i ; tun. 1 50' Vendors. Labelle<l Dun- can Carflon, V li ni . B , Hamilton, Ont. LalM'lled Sup- erior Bay Rum. Sold aa Barbers' Bay Rum. DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER- Mar. 5 Bay Rum. 53421 H. O. Torrenee, .'JU.t«. 65 1 Davie and Den- m.'in Sts., \'an- couver. B.C. M ii M 531'22 Harrison's I) r u g 3 .. .. 7fi ; Store, (iranvilU" j and 7tli Sts., \'ancouver, B.C., .5;)423 Ferguson's D r u g 3 I Store, '2043 (Jran- ville St., Van-l j couver. B.C. I 53424 Cunn ingham 's3 ' Drugstore. Den- 1 man and Nelson! Sts.. Vancouver,! B.C. i 53425 Harrison's D r u g^3 Store, Rogers; I Block, Vancou-i ; ver, B.C. I BAY RUM. RmultH of Analyxin. Alcuhi.l. Ininier-iim Refractoineter Kending LWc. on Alcohol. i Is. Is • S3 1^" 1 Uifl. botween Ob- Kervwl and Tli«)retio«l . "5 >• For For Kthyl Methyl Alcohol. Alcohol. Kenuirki* and 4 >i>inion of tht? Chief Analyst. Concluded. p. c. I p. c. 36 r> 30 3 24 O; 19 6 497 32 9 26 1 69 3 49 9 . 2 . Ethyl Alcohol . !»7159 57160 r. F. POWER, INSPECTOh. 56 3 60 50-8 592 600 48 5 891 397 42 4 83-6 389 43 2 84-4 39-2 51 4 91-3 39-7 42 4 836 389 89-4 0-3 Ethyl Alcohol. 5*421 839 0-4 53422 86 3 09 " 53423 92 1 8 •■ 53434 at- 9 0-4 •• 53425 10 BULLETIN No. 260 Cost. Nanu' and AddreRH of Vendnr. i Naiiif ami AddreMH of Manufactiiter or FurnidlitT an giv*'n by the Vendor. Mttiiufacturer. Funu«]ier. Insiwctor'" Hfl»)rt. (!■ not an rx- pression nf Opinion). i DISTRICT OK NOVA SCOTIA I'.dn. Mar. 6F .i I! .. 10! .. 27! ! I lorida •«>911(!. A. BMrbidge. 13 liots. Wator. Halifax. N.S. ! 1 46912 National DniftCo. '3 „ . i Halifax, N.S. \ ! V,'.)13 Kinlevs Ltd. ,l3 .. .. Hal'ifax. N.S. ! i 4«9H V. W. Wi K>! worth, 1 ; Halifax, N.S. i3 .... i 4015 \V. H. Stevens, j I I>artniout!»,N S.'3 .. . . N. I). * Co., Halifax.N.S., 75 Ijannian^Kemp, Montreal. ."lO Vendor", Mon- tn'al Branch. 1 75 F. V. Ingram MfrH Co., Detroit, Mich. I 45 E. U e r a r d e , Mfr ... Chicago, 111. 75 Lanman&Kemp, ;N. D. ll Co., I Montreal. ! Halifax I 1 Branch. Hali- 1 fax, N.S. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC- ilV Feb. 24 Florida , I Water.! 25 26; Mar. 6 37ir)S lienjamin C r e -j3 lx>t.s. \ iieatilt, 68 Hue I KaniaiMe, Mont- ! I calniville. ' 87159iDr. A. Founiier,!3 I 05 Rue Creinasie, ' Moiitcalmville. 37160;Ed. Uelisle, 19Rue|3 .. .. Notre Dame des: Ange«, (.Quebec. 37161:a. Francoeur, .179*3 .. ..j ; Hue .St. .Feanj ! I l^lelH'C. 37162, Alfred Joliccpur, 3 .. . . I I :«8 Rue St. .Jean, t^nebx;. 115 LannianAKemp, .Tot*. Ainiot & Montreal. fils, Quebec. l.")0 Murraj- ft I.An- Xat. Drug Co. man. New Montreal. York. 150 Murray & Lan- VV. Brunei ft man, Montreal. Cie, Quebec. 150 John Taylor, To- Mfr . 1 ronto. I l.-iOSeely Mfg. Ca.iMfn. . Windwjr, Ont.l DISTRICT OF MONTREAL- Mar. 7, r'lorida Water. 1(1 .. 10 ,. 10 i .. 10 •• 51241 Dr. .1. Clampagne, 3botfl.i Wellington St.,. I • Venlun, V.^l ! 51242 E. VadlK)ncoDur,51 3 .. . . St. Lawren..f B, Montreal. 51243 Dr. Le<luc Drug 3 .. . . Store, HSl St. Lawrence B, Montreal. 51244 .1. L. RolKTge, 1231 3 .. . . i St. Lawrence U, i .Montreal. 5124.=! Lvinan« Ltd., St. 3 .. .. Paul St., Mon treal. 150Seely M'fg. C, I Windsor, Ont. li)0 \at. Dnig ami : Chem.Co..Ltd. 11.5 C.F.B<, New York. 1.50: 1..anmanft Kemp, I Montreal. luOi Vendon* 'De Leon' Brand. 11 FLORIDA WATER. KfBultB of Analysin, "S ! Alcohol. >> li wJES ¥ so "C ■2. ethyl Alcohol by Weight. > •6 C 'is. y Weight, y Volume. .c 1 M ^ C8 &; ^^ M < Remarks and Opinion of the Chief Analyst. R. J. WAUCH, INSI'KCTOR. I I 1 (iST57| 0-8728 0-8769- 08781 9V>- 9152 i»34fl! 9343 p. c. p. c. p. c. 69 79 76 67-50 74 51 29 59 72il34 67130 14'l03 8764 0-8788 2-62- 3-28 5 i 67 21 74 40 130 p. c. 105 104 1 94-5 411 40 105-0 gram 446 040 066 gram. 0034 0022 00702 027!0 0142 492 0(M3 46911 46912 46913 46914 Contains Methyl Alcohol. Illegally nold. 46915 F. X. W. E. BKLAND, INSPECTOR. 8768 0-8722 0-8995 0-8723 69 92 8743 69-08 89971 58- 18 0-8872J 0-8856J 84-26 I i 76 71 134 26 1 104 8| 1 76 8;<'l34 64 i 1060 76 09 133 34 104 9 68 94 115 0!t 99 Oi ! ■ i I I 7174125 63 1013. 467 621 00321 37158 01135 0-444 fl03 I i 01090 0056 1910 0032 37159 37160 37161 37162 ,1. J. COSTKiAN, INSPECTOR. 883S 9003 ■)7-92 87."i0 889i 62-59 0-9326 9326 43-43 8740 8794 66 !« I ■ 8720 n-8S18: 65-92 73 22 i i 65-69114 11 !»7-9 70 14 122-911 1016 5102 89 41 40-6 43 43 74 i; 129 99* 104 9i. 128 .S2, 101 3 170 0066 0-108 412 104 ....j 51241: I i 0- 00231 51242; 0139 51243 Contains Methyl Alcohol. Illegally sold. 61244 0067 61245 12 BULLETIN No. 2G0— ^ I 6 Nature of 8am|ile. 1 nf Vfii'lor. C.«t. Name and AddrtwH of Maimfactiin'r or Kiirni»her as given l>y thu Vindor. Manufacturer. Insjiector'a Ki'iHirt. i (Is not an ex- j preHNion t)f V • t i Opinion), rurnislier. | ' ' I DISTRICT OF OIT.VWA- I r :^: lttl3. Mar. K.b. Mar. .'! Florida I Water. I 25: I 4; 6! .>17.w Hallidayi3|.roulej3bot«. 225 Sovereign Per- Mfrs . . Ltd.. Ottawa. I 51 "■"><'■ H. F. Smith, Win-jS elienter. Ont. ; 51757 T. T. I!eatt!e,3 . Ottawa. 517.")K K. M. Aibiith-.ot, ! Ottawa. 5175!)' National IiruijCo., Ottawa. funiew. Ltd. Toronto. ISOSeelv Mfg. Co.,! ,. I \\ind.-«ir, iJnt.| 1"" Tjaninani Keuip, irnknown. Montreal. 113 V'endoriH . ... "Jdeal"Hr»ml. ' 1 ) e Leon" Florida \Vat»r. DISTRICT OF TORONTO— Fel). Mar. I Florida Water. 10 10 7051 C. Hu(5helCo.,224.V3bot9. I'ailiaiiii'nt St., I Toronto. j 7052 (i. T.iinl.lvn Ltd., '3 .. .. 44:', Yonge St.,i Toronto. j 7053 C. li. liolland,l,^'■)3 .. .. DundaH St. west, j i Toronto. I i7054'JoneH Bros, k Co., 3 i. . . I Lt<l.,'}l Adelaide I St.we8t,Tt)ronto. 75;VendoT.i 78 i i 170, i 100 S.nerBigii I' e r - ."nine, Ltd. , 1 nxjnto. ;.Iuo. Tavlor & i O , Ltd., To- 57055 Gwj. E. (Jibbard, 3 I 5H5 King St. west, Ton»nto. I ..! 1211. Labelled •• Ideal Flor- ida W.>ter." Labelled "St. .Augustine " F 1 o r i d a Water. Lalielled "Jay- Kee-.See'' Florida Watf'r. F. F. Ingram, Labelled " In- I) e t r o i t,i grams" Flor- Micli. ; ida Water." DISTRICT OF HAMILTON- Apr. 24 F'..ri !a \' ter 25 i 57161 57182 lJrew*sters L t d . , t» l)Ota. iy-21 King St. I'.ist, llamilt<<n. tolm Mack, 113 .lame,s St. north,] Haniil*o.i. | 57ira R. C. I'orUr, 244,3 ilames .St. north,, Hamilton. i 57164, A. Patrick, York 3 ! and Queen Sts., i Hamilton. 67401,11. V. Teetre, 663 3 , King .St. e-.8t, Hauulton. 90 150 150 76 120 Holman, cago. Seely Mfg. Co., I W indnor, < hit. ! H. I-. C Fe nt. Chi !Lal)elled"Hol- luan's " Flor- I ida Toilet 1 Water. Labelled Flor- ida Water. npolel (Labelled "Tal- I a h a 8 B 6 °' r 1 o r i d a Water. Dia- t'd by Mfrs. LabelUnl Flor- i d a Water. S u ^> e r i o T quality, made in Germany. La'jelled " De Leon" Flor- ida 'Vater extra. I're- i>ared only by Nat. Drug €■}. Nerlich & Co., Toronto. i Unknown . ^td^ 13 FLORIDA WATER. Reaulta of Analyxis. 2i ( ■= Alcohol. o i Sprciflc Gravity Diatillmte. ! T. •a Is 11 1^ 14 J? <e > II V X < Rfmarka and Opinion of the Chief Analyat. J. A. RICKKY, INSPECTOR. 9056 9031 0-8889 8742 0-8868 907 J 9099 8955 8900 9020 I p. c. p. c. 54 621 62-45 .53 6-i 60 04 62 36 57-21 61 45 67 73 69 92 p. c. 109 46 107-69 118 --0- I 122 o,<| p. c. 96 6!. I 65 01113 92 96 0, 99-7I 102 S 00. J gram. §rrani . 06600067 fjl755 61756 0530 0066 i 062 OaW 51787 0-445 0011 51758 ! I 061 0068 81759 H. J. DAOKR, INSPECTOR. 0-8830 SWW 8948 0-88811 63-22 9150 5117 08994 I ,58 32 0-88311 0-9025i 5700 91311 9200 49 16 70 73123 95 38-2 59-0110341 93 5 66 07 118 8O1 98 5 63 22 04-80113 67 98-5, 56 98 99 86 91-9. 0028 0065 068 149 0-064 0045 57051 Contains Methyl Alcohol. Is illegally sold. 0066, 67052 j 0022' 67U.53 07131 57064 0033 57056 H. J. D.UiKR. ACTING INSPECTOR^ 9649^ 0-9647|.... 8i<71 0-8867! 63 83 71-30124-94 !ia-i7i 0-9058 B5-.'-i0 63 33 9328 '> :t313 871B: 8804 44-06; 5r6h 111 00 90-56 29-7 24 8.5 004000U3 73 77 66 -.'>2 1211-29 ! i 101 9 97 5 860 103-4 1850 0038 0-1320 0036 0015 •>«! .. 67161iContains Methyl Alcohol. Is illegally sold. 57162 67163 57164 67404 J I Natur** .if u Cii»t. Xhiiic and AililreHU of Wndnr. BULLETIN No .'CO- NiniK' ami AiliiifMM t)( MHiiufacturur or Fiirniftlier aa given by tha Veiuior. Miuiiifiictunr. Fuint**her. l!|i*|>*'Ct(»r'M (Im hut an e\- prt^ftHiiMiof Opinion). UISTRICT OF VANC(»UVER- Mar. 5 Flnriila .VUSfi Fer^rui^nn s 1> r n k •llwtf^. \\';it»r. stiire. tiranville, aiu" I )a\ ic Stj*.,; Vatwniivrr. Il.r. ■|3427 Cariipln-irrt Ltd.. H .. . . Hastings and 'Iranvillf Sts., \'ancouv«*r, li.C r)342«Owl Drug Co.. 3 .. .. IliniHnitiir and I (iranvill.- Stn., VuncnuvtT, }\.C. 53429 Vane. Unig O., I (UltCranvillfSt., j Vancouver, IVC 5343U Broa<iway lMiar-3 niacy. BrtMwIwjiy and Granville, I StK., Vanetniver, ; B.C. ; ToNat. I>riig Ct>.. I V a n c I HI v e r, i KV. T") S**el^v Mffj. Co., W indsoi, Ont. 7'> L.mnmn& Kemp. I Mtintrt'ul. 75 Sovereign Per ■ I fumes, Ltd . , 'I'uronttj. [ 75 H. K. \Vam|x>le, Perth, Ont. ]& FLORIDA WATER. Kt'niilu (if AriAlyKi!*. Ak(.hi)l. Is 'U \^ . > \ 1 _ 2 = .- • ■- < a Uriiiai'kH and Opitiinn of thu Chief Analyst. .r. K. POWKR, INSPKCTOK. p. c. I p. c. ! p. c. I ' |i. c. i t^mni. irram. 0-87,V.I II 8X93 63 23 till 7!! IM 31: IDO 4 OiMlO i)U;W .\S42e It RS41 8!I03 01 7!l (HI 38 lilS'J KWOl « 8722 87:t<i lilt 3S 76 35 133 80 It yttr>it 911481 5.". !i5: la 78111 79 OIXMO 9<M2| yCr%\ 64 04 112 26 '.I7-3'.. ! 97 1 ., 1B8 0046 53427' 106 0| 508 0116 5:M28 ' 0810 004 53429; 01260006 53430^