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Chl-rciiks — Methodist Metropolitan Church St. Andrew's Church St. James' Cathedral St. Michael's Cathedral City Hall (Old Buildinir) City Hall, The Entrance to City Hall Main Corridor, City Hall Stained Glass Window, City Hall Government House Horticultural Gardens . Industrial Exhibition Ground Massey Hall . Mayor Lyon Mackenzie (1834) Mayor John Shaw (1899) Normal School Building Osgoode Hall Parliament Building Toronto University Trinity University. Windmill, the Old . York Pioneer's Cabin P.\C5E. Frontispiece. 9 23 24 21 22 '7 32 34 36 35 27 25 16 28 9 '3 •9 20 19 40 41 8 6 «| I !■ I w^ ,1 IPMI^mi^ i Toronto, Historical, Descriptive .nd Pictorial. BY ALEXANDER ERASER, Author of •• Historical Sketch of Toronto." " Historv of T<,ronto." Etc. Compilfd and Published by the Authority of the CITY COUNCIL. Under the Direction of the BOARD OF CONTROL OF TORONTO. flR5T SERIES. COMPLETING FIVE THOUSAND. i ^^tor.c >^;^ X ^^ MBRARY MAY 23 1956 | TORONTO: j PR|jj*.^^Y R. G. McLEAN. .' V *» ^Ji^mn end W^^ ■ Bill I ■■ I T- r Entered aceordinsf to Act of the Parliament of Canada in the vear one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, byJALEXANDKK Fka'skk, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. ...CONTENTS... P/.GK. I.— Historical Sketch .... 5 Boundaries Extended . .10 Capture of the Town, 1813 . 8 Confederation of the Piovinces. 11 Eastern Gap F"ormed . . . .11 First Mayor and Council. . . 9 First Railway Promoted . .11 F"irst Weekly Market ... 8 Incorporated as a City, 1834 . g Industrial Exhibition F"ounded, 1878 M Mayor and Council of 1899 . . 12 .Name Chanj^ed to York, 1793 . 7 Old Residenters 9 Orig'inal Town Plan .... 7 Original Names of Streets . 7 Police System Inaugoirated, 1814 9 Prince of Wales Visit, i860 . .11 Seat of Government Removed . 10 Self-Government Granted, 1814 9 Semi-Centennial Celebration 1884 II Site of Town Selected, 1793. . 7 Valuation of Property, 1834. . 10 II -MiNiciPAL Progress and Government 13 >3 '3 13 14 14 City Boundaries Extended . Present System Adopted, 1896 Board of Control .... St rinding- Committees Administration : The Depart- ments Treasury : City's Financial Standing 14 Works Department . . . .15 Assessment and Other Depart- ments Protection Against Fire Police Department 1^ 16 III r-A City of Ho.mes. A Centre OF Tr.wel Art Gallery Climate,, etc. ... Convention City .... Hotel Accommodation Industrial Exhibition. Natural Surroundings Out-door Sports .... Outlying Resorts .... Public Parks . . . . . Railway and Steamboat Lines Situation of the City . The Stage, Theatres, etc. . Street Railway Service . Toronto Island Winter Residence .... AGE. '9 30 «9 29 29 29 20 30 27 20 27 20 30 30 26 28 IV. Population 16 PiBLic Blildings and Insti- TLTIONS 33 Churches 42 City Hall and Court House . 32-37 Colleges 39-41 Education Department 38 High Schools 42 Hospitals and Charities . • ■ 39 Libraries 38 Osgoode Hall 38 Parliament Building • ... 37 Public Schools 42 Separate Schools 42 The Press 43 V. — Indlstrv, Commerce, Finance 44 Banks, Loan and Insurance Companies 45 Factories, etc 44 Freight Transportation ... 46 Live Stock Trade 46 Retail and Wholesale Trade . 44 ■ mwM« w fm o Z o e o t- ll. o u > u >■ Ul (0 a E Toronto: ^ ^ THE QUEEN CITY. I.— HISTORICAL. TORONTO has a record second to none in the Muni- cipal, Educational, Ecclesiastical and Commercial affairs of Canada. She lays no claim to a long, historic past, bristling with great event and stirring incident, nor does she boast landmarks on which the mold of ages has engraved its impression. Yet her story, if not inscrolled on the page of classic antiquity, is interwoven with glowing legend, the romantic creations of picturesque or poetic fancy, devoid neither of passion nor pathos, in the domain of love or war; while to the student of the curious, the short chapter of her early topography offers material o( some historic value.. For, long ere her site had been staked out by Governor Simcce, nation met nation on the shores of her beautiful bay to rendezvous for raid and rapine, or to smoke the calumet of peace ; and later on, when the pale-face sought adventure or gain, on the great Indian trails, he bivouacked with the friendly Hurons at Toronto, — the most important port between the Georgian Bay and the outlets on the south-eastern shores of Lake Ontario. The fierce struggles of the warlike Iroquois for racial supremacy resulting in the exter- mination of the Hurons, and the martyrdom of the Jesuit mission- aries, fill a chapter of horrors and of heroic sufferings, as do the energy and stratagem of the Voyageurs, one of pioneer enterprise. It was then, in 1749, that Toronto was first organized as a white man's centre of trade by the erection of a wooden fort, protected by a stockade. It was named Fort Rouille, after the Colonial Minister of France then in power. Around this post a small com- munity of French and Indians sprang up, and a few hundred acres of land were cleared. The British colonies to the south also sent out their intrepid traders, and thenceforward the strife was not between the Wyandots and Iroquois, but between the British and 6 HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE AND PICTORIAL. the French, and Fort Rouille was the centre o( intri£i;-ue and plot, if Ip»%s rniel not loss calculating^ than those ofthe stolid children of the forest. Fort Rouille, sometimes known as '* Fort Toronto," and " The Old French Fort," was destroyed in 1759 by the instruc- tions of (lovernor Vaudreuil, so that it mi^ht not fall into the hands of the victorious Britons. It was situated at the south-western YORK PIONEEH&' CABIN, EXHIBITION GROUNDS. corner of the Industrial Exhibition grounds of to-day, and a memorial pillar near the Pioneers' Cabin now marks the spot. But Toronto entered upon the stage of throbbing modern life just before the beginning of the progressive nineteenth century, and she has kept pace with its majestic onward march. She is essentially a modern city, and the enterprise and achievements of HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE AND PICTORIAL. 7 her citizens as displayed in extensive and varied commerce, in her magnificent buildings, her palatial mansions, her unrivalled climate, and her beautiful natural surroundings, are her crowning glory and the source of her especial pride. Lieut. -Col. John Graves Simcoe, the first Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, in 1793 selected the site on which the city of Toronto stands, with the view of building a Capital for the province. The first settlers of the prospective town were the Corps of Queen's Rangers who arrived from Queenston, in August, 1793, followed by the governor in the same month. During the fall of 1793 and the winter of 1794 Simcoe lived in a canvas tent which had belonged to Captain Cook, the famous navigator. Of this first "Government House" of Toronto the facetious Bouchette says that although its substance was but frail, '* it was rendered exceedingly comfortable, and soon became as distinguished for the social and urbane hospitality of its venerated and gracious host, as for the peculiarity of its structure." On the 27th August, 1793, the Lieutenant-Governor changed the name of the place from Toronto — " A place of meeting*" — to York, in honor of the Duke of York, the second son of King George IIL, at that time engaged in the war with France. The camp was located near the mouth and on the western bank of the river Don. Two Indian families of the Mississaga tribe with their wattled wigwams had settled on the bay before Simcoe's survey was made, but no other human inhabitants were found. So energetically, however, did the Lieutenant-Governor set to work that before he had left the Province in 1796 the place had taken on the appearance of a growing town. The original town plan was in the form of a parallelogram, the boundary streets being, on the west, George Street; on the south. Palace Street ; on the east Ontario Street ; on the north, Duchess Street. It may be interesting to recall the meaning of the early street nomenclature of the city. George Street was named after George, Prince of Wales (George IV.), Duchess Street, after the Duchess of York, Frederick Street, after the Duke of York, Caroline Street, after the Princess of Wales (Queen Caroline), Yonge Street, after Sir George Yonge, Secretary of State for War, and Simcoe Street, after the founder of the city. •According to Rev, Dr. Scadding—" Toronto Past and Present "-the word "Toronto' is of Huron origin, and means, "A place of meeting" He quotes Sagard's " Dictionary of the Huron Language," published at Paris in 1632, in which "Toronton" is given as meaning in French, "beaucoup" or "plenty," applied to men as well as to things, and applicable to the rendezvous of the Indian tribes. Lake Simcoe, at that time was Lake Toronto, the Humber river, Toronto river, and by the name Toronto the Otonabee and the Trent rivers were also known. 8 HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE AND PICTORIAL. 'HE first meetinjEj o( the Upper Canada Legisla- ture was held in York in 17CJ7 and was opened by President Peter Russell, who carried on the administration durinj^ the interrej;;num betw .en Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe's departure in 1796 and Lieutenant-General Peter Hunter's arrival in 1799. Alter President Russell, old Russell Square and Peter Street were named. The year 1803 is interesting" in the history of the city as the year in which the first weekly market was established, by the setting apart of about five acres of land for the purpose. On a portion of* this site St. Lawrence market is built, and the city still owns the land, from which a large revenue is now derived. St. James Cathedral had its beginning this year, in which also a visit was paid to the town by the Duke of Kent, whose daughter, then unborn, was to become Victoria the greatest of British monarchs. The aggregate value of the town property then was ;;^i4,87i and ;£^62 were paid in taxes. The area was 420 acres, and the population 456. In 1807 the first public school was established and it still flourishes as the Jarvis Street Collegiate Institute. The surrender of the town to the Americans in 1013 was no disgrace to the citizens who were left practically unprotected by the acting Governor and Commandant, General Sheaff"e. Britain and the United States were at war, General Hull had surrendered, Brock and Macdonell had fallen at Queenston, and in pursuance of the campaign Commodore Chauncey and General Dearborn made a descent on York, on their way from Sacketts' Harbor to Fort George. The soldiers landed at old Fort Toronto after a stubborn resistance by a few regulars, the Militia and Indians, and marched on the town. General Sheaffe withdrew the garrison and made for Kingston leaving only the small militia corps behind. Sergeant Marshall fired the powder magazine, the explosion of which wrought death and damage to the invaders, but the handful of citizens in face of a superior force wisely capitulated. Private property was respected, but the public stores were seized and the Parliament Buildings were destroyed. In the fight, about 52 Canadians were killed and 87 wounded, the American casualties being about 200. The town was occupied eleven days. Three months later Commodore Chauncey took possession of the town HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE AND PICTORIAL. 9 ' ~^ >^ ai^-ain, when the ordinary rules ^^ ^^ ^ of war were disregarded and / r* ^ll^ neither property nor the per- .' ■"'"'f^ ' sonsof the citizens werespared. / ^ The General Hospital was ' */^ I originated in 1814 and muni- ^\ w - ■» ,. ^w cipal self-government was con- r.'^:>. ferred upon the town by an ^ /•■>^ ^ ^'-'t of '87, in which provision ^ ^"w^ ^^^^ made for police regula- 1 ▲ » ^ i'j# tions. Business was extend- ing and the prosperity of the citizens attracted the attention of the country, during the / second decade of the century. ,^ Among the leadin;if men, the y more familiar names were, Rev. Dr. Strachan, Thos. WM. LvoN MACKCNzic. ESQ.. Scott, Johu McGill, Dummer , TOBONTo-B Finar MAvoR. Powell, Osgoode, the Bald- wins, Jarvises, Ridouts, Allan, Shaw, Cameron, Macdonell, Mercer, Cawthra, Jordan, Post, John Small, Wm. Chewett, Draper, Emsley, Boulton, Bidwell, Hagerman, Denison, Robinson, Rolph, and shortly afterwards, that of Mackenzie. Incorporation of the City, — From 1824 to 1834 the population increased from about one to nine thousand with a goodly variety of industries, and in the latter year York was incorporated as a city with its old name "Toronto " restored to it. Mr. Jarvis, member for York, introduced the bill for incorporation into the Legislature in February, 1834, and it became law on the 6th of March following. Under its provisions the city was divided '*y ^Mi l^iiP into five wards, the names oi which and of "^Jwl^^mwSL their representatives were: St. Andrew's, K^^^^^^^^T T. D. Morrison, John Harper, Aldermen ; jtgr\^ John Armstrong, John Doel, Councilmen ; St. David's, Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, James Lesslie, Aldermen ; Franklin Jackes, Colin Drummond, Council- men ; St. George's, Thos. Carfrae, Jr., Edward Wright, Aldermen ; John Craig, George Gurnett, Councilmen ; St. Lawrence, George lO HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE AND PICTORIAL. Munro, George Duji^g-an, Sr., Aldermen ; Wm. Arthurs, Lardner Bostwick, Councilmen ; St. I atrick's. Dr. John Rolph, George T. Denison, Sr., Aldermen ; Joseph Turton, James Trotter, Council- men. Dr. Rolph resigned his seat before the first meeting of the Council ai^d Dr. John E. Tims was elected in his stead. This Council mei for the first time on the 3rd of April, 1834, and on a vote of 10 to 8 (Dr. Rolph being absent and Mr. Mackenzie refrain- ing from voting) Wm. Lyon Mackenzie was elected Mayor. He was not only the first Mayor of Toronto, but the first who held the position of Mayor in Upper Canada. Rev. Dr. Scadding's estimate of his character as Mayor seems to be judicious and fair : — "An able, vigorous and sensible organizer, who, with a spice of Oliver Ciomwell in his composition, and much of the insight of an Adam Smith into the arcana of social science in his understanding, grappled boldly, and, as will be allowed on all hands, successfully, with the great difficulties of the situation." The city's motto: "Industry, Intelligence, Integrity," was designed by Mayor Mackenzie. The first assessment of the city was made in June, 1834, and the returns amounted to ;^i86,882, St. David's Ward leading. A tax of 3■ u (0 a X ffl ^«9|ip^fVi(qHi)« n MUNICIPAL PROCIRKSS AND GOVERNMENT. 17 THE OLD CITY HALL. 1844-1899. three to one, the cost of which (paid to private companies) exceeds $104,000. The police system is admittedly ^ood, and the obser- vance of law and order is so general as to attract the attention ot the stranger. The system is controlled by a Board of Commis- sioners, consisting of the Mayor, the Senior County Judge and the Police Magistrate. The force numbers 260 disciplined men under the command of a Chief Constable, assisted by a Deputy Chief and six Inspectors, one in charge of each police precinct. The population of the City is placed, exclusive of its populous suburbs, at 235,000, and it is rapidly growing. In 1834 the popu- lation was 9,254, in 1841, 15,000, in 1851, 30,775, in 1861, 45,000, in 1871, 56,000, in 18S1, 86,000, in 1891, 181,000, and in 1899, 235,000. The bank Clearing House total for 1896 amounted to $342,031,851.00, in 1898 to $437,661,651. The commercial ratings have reached 6,500, while the \alue of goods imported rose from $20,000,000.00 in 1896, to $25,244,405 in 1898. Such is the record of a century, creditable to the past, en- couraging for the future. -A City of Homes. A Centre of Travel. TORONTO has been correctly described as a city of homes. Its situation and fine cHmate, as well as its many natural advantages, have much to do with its pre-eminence as a city of beautiful residences. It is favored in its location, l\nig- as it does in latitude 43" 39' north, and lonjj^itude 79" 24' west, and on a g-ently undulatin^^ slope leadini^ from the shore of Lake Ontario to the summit of a ridi,'e about 260 feet hig'h. This rid I II I 111?"' "•^'"wfi SI lyi "ippTF^Hpiwr^" HOMES — TRAVEL. 29 a few weeks of severe weather beino^ the average experience. Tlien liie is thoroughly enjoyed. The social side is cultivated and to the pleasures of the home circle are added the amusements afl'orded bv the theatre, the music hail and the ball-room. Winter visitors now form quite an accession to the population. As a convention city Toronto has the advantages of convenient railway connections, splendid hall and hotel accommodation. Massey Hall, erected by the late Mr. Hart A. Massey, in memory of his son Charles Albert, and held in trust for the benefit of the citizens, is not only commodious and centrally situated, but is also comfortably furnished and is in every respect suitable for the holding of large gatherings. It has a seating capacity of 3,500. The Queen's Hotel, Rossin House, the Arlington Hotel, Walker House, Palmer and Iroquois are among the modern hotels of the city, affording comfortable lodgment and entertainment to visitors, while the street railway service, which will be described at some length, is so complete as to render travel through the city both cheap and expeditious. Spring Horse Show* — The Spring Horse Show, held in the Armories, is a great social function as well as an exhibition of the best horse flesh in Canada. The event has maintained an unbroken popularity and is one of the great happenings of the year, attracting visitors from all parts of Ontario and from the adjacent States of the Union. Industrial Exhibition. — But the great attraction of the year is the Toronto Industrial Exhibition, held on the first and second weeks of September. Occasionally the number of visitors who pay for admittance to the grounds exceeds 300,000. It was established on its present basis in 1878 and has grown in importance and extent every year until now it is the greatest and most successfully managed annual institution of the kind on the continent. Toronto's Regiments*— The military spirit has been always strong in Toronto, and of its regiments the citv is justly proud. The infantry, consisting of the Queen's Own, tht Royal Grenadiers and the Highlanders, is a splendid body of men, ' ne former wearing the green of the rifles, the latter the tartan kilt and accoutrements of a Highland regiment of the line. T'^e Field Batteries, Garrison Artillery and Body Guards are also excellent corps, and the District Schools for Infantry and Cavalry, in which the regulars of ine Canadian Militia have their quarters, are considered second to none in Canada. The Armory in which the regiments are accommodated 30 HOMES — TRAVEL. and in which they are mustered and drilled, is spacious and well provided with the necessary equipment. The building' is situated on College Avenue and is a very large structure. The Military Institute also on College Ave., near the Armory, is an organization, the object of which is to promote military interests gfenerally, is a useful club with an admirable library. In front of its handsome building are two bronze nine pound 4.2 inch calibre can- nons which proclaim the character of the Institute to the passer by. Out-door Sport*— -To citizens and visitors alike, the attractions of out-door sports are available. The Ontario Jockey Club's annual races at the Woodbine are the leading turf event in Canada. Lacrosse, baseball, cricket, golf, curling, hockey, shinty and foot- ball clubs are numerous. The curlers are a strong' body of business and professional men, and six clubs have expensive rink buildings and club houses, viz.: Victoria, Granite, Caledonian, Prospect Park, Moss Park and Parkdale. The Athletic Club, an imposing building- on College Street, and the Athenajum Club on Church Street, arc also noted homes of sport, and the County Hunt Club's House as already mentioned, occupies a beautiful position beyond Victoria Park. The Theatres, etc* — The stage is generously patronized in Toronto, there being three flourishing theatres, the Grand, the Princess and the Toronto, with a seating capacity of at least 5,000. Music and Art, twin sisters of the stage, have reached a high standard locally, the former finding pretentious homes in the Con- servatory of Music and the College of Music, and the latter in the Art Gallery on King Street West, the headquarters of the Ontario- Society of Artists, whose annual exhibitions of pictures are growing year by year in importance. The Street Rail'way* — The contract for the first street car service in Toronto was awarded in 1861 to Alexander Easton, Vorkville, and called for a system of tracks extending from Bloor to King Streets on Yonge Street, from Bathurst Street to the River Don, on King Street and from Shaw Street to Yonge Street on Queen Street. The fare for the journey was five cents. The franchise was leased for thirty years. From Mr. Easton the franchise passed to a Company, then it became part of the Bowes estate, from which the Kiely Company bought it for the compara- tively small sum of about $48,000. Sir Frank Smith secured control about 188 1, and continued President oi' the railway until th.e expiry of the Easton lease in i8qo when the City assumed charge in 1891. HOMES — TRAVEL. 3 I The franchise was leased to the Kiely, Mackenzie, Everett syndi- cate, on the stem of which the present Company was formed with Mr. Wm. Mackenzie as President. The lease provides that a percentage of the gross receipts and a rental for mileage be paid to the Corporation, the former on the following scale : On all gross receipts up to one million dollars, eight per cent, per annum ; between one and up to one and a half millions, ten per cent. ; between one and a half and up to two millions, twelve per cent. ; between two and up to thr^e millions, fifteen per cent., and on all gross receipts above three millions, twenty per cent. The street railway mileage is 85 miles, on which $64,000 rental was paid in 1898, and on the gross receipts for tltet year, the sum of $98,631 was paid. Twenty-five tickets can be bought for one dollar and passengers are entitled to free transfers from one car to another on one continuous journey, so that the city may be travelled from end to end for one fare. There are cheaper rates during certain hours in the morning and afternoon to accommodate em- ployees and school children. cs^r*' ^K^ft: ^^^f l[^ffi&<^ '-'dHf ' J'^s ^h^^ ^^^^^^^^ft!. I^N^ jW^W • W^ VjD-^fc^ ^6 ' ll ^~**-4*v i , w ^ T^%^Pw j^^^^''' t'-.i^ ' . J^Sni 7\< > r ri^ \^f^ ^ Vi i ,/ ",)' X ^^^?' i • ¥■ ■ X vi^m »;* *m^ SfffVl ^^fc^^^ Vi'i'^ W^i!4C^?\i^V\sfcW^^ , -T .aVV> r?^ SJSb^'^ •fV^^ v*^^ •XV-M/CvX % ^gJKjK^M j.,Aiyr\, jt ^\Fj\^^ JjJ^ '3*1: y ^^^w^.vt **' ]■ i->' "-' ^■'^m^flMk N ^dwiLc^i"*r^^?!^^v ^i ^ip*^i '^ JpC r^-^ iii ,^J*? ?'^^/X> **■- ^ " /«t * ..JoBUKiti ^<^ MiD^^^I^^^C^kS^' "^ ^ ^^kwl ijBwkf^ J S(^'.' ■* m- \vSIlW^^^> . )% MRL<^aiFN3Wri< X. f XttJ^K^ n * ' . i it. ^ ^ ■ ' i > 1 . . _j. _r 1.-.,-^ ^ •»- i { i . iV zui- .^.■JB-^ *fS(H<''">''--^ ■ '■' 1 ' ''"rrffii^iii i riyfl^Si MHMMMi^^^tt.^ , "' _ ^S^^ SfKMSSS';*- - ' 'in i^ ■i>*'»iijias«ie; *^*"^-i£ """"^^SJSB ""-'trSste-rtrr ^ > V ^ «• "v . ^^^^^^iHH ' ^^^BM|L, II "--■.• • "" iAJHA ..„.■■„,., „. ..J THE ARMOURY. ^ IV.— Public Buildings and Institutions. CITY AND COUNTY BUILDINGS. It is almost twenty years since the question of a new City Hall was first discussed. In 1880 the accommodation afforded at the old municipal building- on Front Street was considered inadequate, and the necessity of a larger building" was recognized. In 1883 a joint committee of the City and County Councils was appointed, the result being the recommendation of a suitable structure in which the County and City business should be carried on. Later on the scheme was changed to one providing for separate City and County buildings on the same site, in addition to the Court House. In 1884 the site was finally selected, and at the session of the Legis- lature following', power was obtained by the City to issue debentures to the amount of $300,000 for the purpose of proceedings with the work. The plans submitted by Mr. E. J. Lennox, architect, were adopted. Tenders were in part accepted, but in 1887 ^ recom- mendation by the architect, that instead of two separate buildings, one structure should be erected, was adopted. The estimated cost of the building- then was $1,405,034. For the site the sum of $227,000 (including land arbitration fees) was paid. In 1889 an additional sum of $600,000 was voted by a large majority of the ratepayers. The total cost (not yet definitely settled) is estimated at about $2,500,000, for which one of the finest buildings on the continent has been secured. The County of York, which shares the accommodation provided, pays interest on one-fourth of $400,000, the amount originally agreed upon by the County as sufficient for its needs. As now completed, the New City and County Hall is an architectural triumph. It is a structure of which the City feels justly proud. It is situated on Queen Street, at the head of Bay Street, and although the centre of the site is not exactly opposite the centre of Bay Street, the plan has been drawn so as to place the chief feature of the buildinof, viz: the Tower, in a direct line with the centre of that Street. It is in the Romanesque style and is of magnificent proportions. Its entire length is 290 feet, and its depth 275 feet, and the site contains 2 9/10 acres of land. There are three divisions, the centre, and the eastern and western wings and four main stories, but in certain parts the height of the walls allow of five or even six stories. The height of the facade at the angles of the building is 87 feet, the intervening space rising' ir Be alts. ■ < X bl u z < B H Z bi H Ui u E z 111 u 3 03 !*% PUBLIC BriLDINGS AND INSTITUTIONS. < X > y- u o z < X H Z u I- lll u B h (0 z 111 III 3 a 35 -*.;i,i ipj^^jifenwiaiMM ^iit»i**m'SiMiii^u'^^ '.^^iK^^w^'twsiVM- :sii,>^.K^ w>^T^sm «?:'?r»s?!^(r< #». to 72 feet. The tower which is 2(k) feet high is a massive square column of solid masonry, termi- nating^ with a pinnacle and roof. It is 35 feet square at the base. Near the top are circular spaces measur- ing 20 feet in diameter for clocks. The ex- terior decora- tions are rich and elaborate; the entrance especi- ally being par- ticularly fine, but the facade as a whole, indeed, merits the same praise. The interior of the building is in every respect worthy of its im- posing exterior. The main floor is inlaid with tiles in artistically designed mosaic work. The panelled ceiling is richly moulded and is supported on an avenue of from 30 to 40 Myceneean marble columns. The corridor walls are embellished by imported Pavanazzo and other Italian marbles, and a start has been made to adorn them above the marble wainscotting with mural paintings, portraying national and historical scenes and events. On approaching this corridor through the massive stone arches forming the main entrance, a magnificent stained glass window meets the eye. The accompany- ing illustration gives but a vague idea of its size and finish, con- taining as it does an area of 330 feet of costly " antique '* glass. \ y.' • ''j(^^t(M«^>-jiiisri JJtmyiua oy H. .UcUaunianU. i'nutu hy J. i^rttstr Bryce. o I Z > B O a a c a t> < s PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND INSTITUTIONS. 37 t*s < X > o a ar c o o Twelve life size figures comprise the principal jfroup, which illus- trates "the union of Commerce and Industry." In the main central panel are two figures, one a female, typifying ••Commerce," wearing a civic crown, the Canadian ensign occupying her left hand, while her right is clasped in that of the other figure, " In- dustry," which is symbolized by a stone carver, standing on the steps of a dais. Behind him are his brothe; workmen, carpenter, iron-worker, laborer, etc. The figures in the left panel represent Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, each having a distinguishing trophy, and further exemplifying the extent of Toronto's com- mercial intercourse. Building and shipping industries are shown by views of the Old and New City Halls, and distant vessels, while across a broad expanse of sea the sun (Prosperity) bursts forth with its far reaching rays of light and hope. The City Arms occupy the upper central panel, on either side of which are figures indicative of Peace and Honor. The Romanesque ornamental details are con- spicuously well-designed and being painted in monotone, the higher coloring of the figure portion of the work is harmoniously accen- tuated. The window is one of the largest stain glass windows on this continent. The staircases leading from this corridor are wide, easy struc- tures of handsome wrought iron with marble treads and brass and nickel-plated finishing. The corridor on the second floor is of the same general design as that described above, but less elaborate in finishing and decoration. The city council chamber is located on the second floor. It is forty by fifty feet in size, and at one end there is a commodious gallery. The ceiling is in one span, richly finished in moulded cornice, cantilever blocks and architrave mould- ings. The dais on which is the mayor's chair is backed by a tri- panelled canopy of richly carved oak. The building contains the civic offices, the county offices, the police court and offices, the county and high court rooms — spacious chambers — with their necessary offices, the public, separate and high school board rooms and offices — in short, the entire civic and county staff" of officials is housed here. The corner stone was laid by Mayor Clarke on the 21st Nov., 1891, and on the 27th of May, 1899, Mayor Shaw took up his official quarters in the building, being the first to enter upon its occupancy. The Scat of Government — The Parliament Building comes first in order among the government institutions. It occupies one 38 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND INSTITUTIONS. of the finest sites in the city, on the rising- ground in Queen's Park, facing the wooded vista of College Avenue. It is a massive pile, of composite Romanesque architecture, built of brown stone, four stories high, with elaborate exterior decoration. The Legislative Assembly meets in a spacious chamber, plainly but effectively furnished, and containing four galleries. The departments of government are here housed. From the tower, which is open to visitors, a sweeping view is commanded of the city and of Lake Ontario which lies in front. The Provincial Education Department occupies St. James Square, an open area of about eight acres. The building which faces '"rould Street is Roman-Doric in style and is an imposing block of brick work, in front of which is a statue of the founder of the public school system of Ontario, the Rev. Dr. Ryerson. Within is the Ontario Archaeological Museum containing a fine collection of Indian relics and articles of historic value and interest, in the gathering together of which the curator, Mr. David Boyle, has borne the burden and heat of the day, chiefly as a patriotic duty. In Osgfoode Hall^ the High Court of Justice for Ontario, has its headquarters. It was begun in 1829 and completed in sections, the last being finished in 1859. It is named after Hon. Wm. Osgoode, the first Chief Justice of Upper Canada. It is a stately edifice, designed in Classic style. The facade is of cut freestone, pillared and capitalled. Situated within a beautiful enclosure of lawn and green sward, on Queen Street, at the head of York Street, the Hall is one of the sights of the city. It is the property of the Law Society of Upper Canada, incorporated 1797, under whose management a valuable law library, handsomely housed, has been formed. On the corridor walls are many fine oil paintings of learned judges who have occupied seats on the High Court bench. Government House^ the official residence of the Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, is a large mansion situated at the corner of King and Simcoe Streets. The grounds surrounding it are beautifully laid out, and on the lawns notable social events in the history of the ciry have taken place. Pictures of some of the early Governors of the Province find here a fitting home. Public Libraries* — There are several libraries of a more or less public character in the city. Chief among them is the Toronto Public Library situated on the corner of Church and Adelaide Streets, whose large collection of books is free for the use of the PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND INSTITUTIONS. 39 citizens. It is an admirably managfed institution and to those interested is well worth a visit. The library ot* the Ontario Legislature is housed in the Parliament Building-, and that of the Law Society in Osgoode Hall, both valuable, special collections. That of the Canadian Institute, an institution incorporated for the promotion of historical, literary and scientific research, contains many valuable volumes not easily obtained elsewhere. Hospitals and Charities. — Toronto does not lack in benevolent institutions. The General Hospital is a large establishment now, which dates back to the days of small things, when it was situated on John Street. It stands on Gerrard Street East, having a frontage of 170 feet, and on the same grounds are the Burnside Lying-in Hospital, the Mercer Eye and Ear Hospital. St. Michael's Hospital on Bond Street, Grace Hospital on College Street, the Western Hospital on Manning Avenue, are also institutions of excellent repute and usefulness. Among the many charitable institutions are the House of Industry on Elm Street, St Vincent de Paul, with it's nine branches all doing excellent work, the House of Providence, the Home for Incurables, the Infants' Home and Infirmary, the Boys' Home, the Girls' Home, the Haven, ihe Orphan's Home, the Hillcrest Convalescent Home, the News Boys' Lodgings, and the Industrial Relief Society. Last, but foremost among them, is the Sick Children's Hospital on College Street, established by the efforts and liberality of Mr. John Ross Robertson, M.P., proprietor of the Evening Telegram, whose interest in the welfare of children deserves all praise. In addition, the national societies, such as the St. George's, St. Andrew's, St. Patrick, Irish Protestant Benevolent, Catholic, German and others, whose objects are benevolent and national ; and the churches also distribute money and provisions to to the poor and needy of the city. Educational Institutions* — The history of Education in Toronto would be the history of the City. In 1791, 200,000 acres of land were set apart for a University in Toronto. In 1807 the Old Grammar School — now the venerated Jarvis Street Collegiate Institute — was opened. In 1827 the charter of King's College was received, and from it Toronto University nas grown, with a proud reputation in the world of learning. The present College building was begun in 1S56 and completed in 1858, the total cost being $355,907. In 1890 it was partially destroyed, but was restored by public subscription, which friends the world over contributed In connection with the College are the Biological Building, costing ■X <*.V....— *^»*K<»-*-»^. > 10 a u > z 3 Z o E O h PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND INSTITUTIONS. 41 $129,745 (1890), Gymnasium Buildinj;-, $30,000 (1894), Chemical Building-, $82,000 (1895). The corporation consists ot'a Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Professors and members of Convocation for the time beingf. Affiliated with the University of Toronto are. Univer- sity Collegfe, Victoria University, Knox Colleg^e, St. Michael's Colleg-e, WyclifFe College, The Toronto School of Medicine, Dental and Music Colleges. Victoria College is connected with the Methodist Church and before its federation with the ^^niversity of Toronto, was located at Cobourg. It occupies a fine ouilding in Queen's Park. Knox College is a Presbyterian Institution and now confines its work almost without exception to theological studies. It occupies one of the finest situations in the City on Spadina Avenue, and the building is a handsome white brick structure. St. Michael's, a Roman Catholic College, near St. Basil's Church, is one of the best educational institutions in the country. It is well manned and modernly equipped, and has won a wide reputation for the high standard of its course. Wycliffe College represents the Low Church Anglicans, and is a vigorous, successful, theological seminary, situated in Queen's Park near the mother University. Trinity University owes its existence to the secularization of 1 * 1 i ■ ■ k 1 ' .111! L * 1 i : ! I^MMfii-Tiiira irt^^^uJnLiUJ '•J f t ' ■ - ■ h ti ^MJl4tt