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 j1 iliou ; 
 His ExcKLi.ENCY THE Governor General 
 j,h t-aiOri\t : 
 11. i!i:.\i;.M()Nr small, .\li). 
 I St. k. 15. W Il\ I K. 
 2nd.— PROF. L MACOLN. 
 '?C[Vtt;nii : 
 U. H. HARRIXCIOX (Post Okkice Dei'Artmkm ;. 
 I' ic.iMitrt : 
 W. V. AXI)1;R.SUN (M.aki.nk l)i,i-AKr.\ii.M), X.V 
 ¥'r,m : 
 H. .\L .\M1 (Gkoi.ookai. SrRVi:v), 
 Coiiunittcc ; 
 LLKI'CIII'R. W. L. SCO 11'. 
 J. B. i'VRRELL, 
 .. ■•> 
 '?t.;iroiii9 (i"ci)uiiittrc» of O'cuiuil : 
 I'uhlishing W. P. An1)KRS0\, W. II. I lAKRiN(;roN', J. Ki.kI' iii.k 
 1a( ur.iicjns R. B. Whvtk, 11. .M. Ami, W. L. Scoii'. 
 recs Prdf. J. Macoux, I. Lliichkr, J. B. 'rvKRFi.i., 
 TIic ()tta\v;i I'icld Xatunilists' Clul, was f)r-ani/c(l in \I:in li ,,S-n 
 (or thr cxpiv^s purpose of workin- up tlir Natural Hi>t.)rv of the (lis" 
 tnrt, iiii.l at the ixmc lime populari/in- llie studv of 'the (lifCerenl 
 lirani lies ol Natural Science. 
 I he v.ilue of these studies cantiot he f>ver-estiuiated, for, ftoui their 
 very nature, they are most heuelH i;,l JuHh to uuikI and I.odv while 
 Irom an ecouomit al pomt (.f view thev ate no le.s important'' I'verv 
 opportunity has been taken, since the or-ani/ation of the ( 'luh to 
 impress this ta< t upon the pul.lic, and to direct attention to the vilue 
 ol the work ai ( ()m|)lishe I. 
 The future of Ottawa is in lar-e measure dependent upon the 
 .ievcopment ol the va.t stores of minerals (ontained in the surruiind 
 iiiK distil, ts. and whi< h are as yet almost unexplored. The manifold 
 iLses and .lemand tor all ve-etable products make it necessarv tint the 
 nature an.l hahits of plants should he closelv studied, as well asth(.>eof 
 ihe countless of insect foes which dei^rive the cultivator ol so 
 nuu h ot his hard-earned gains. 
 It gives verv great .satisfaction to the memhcrs of the f'oimcil to 
 tmd that the Club is being graduallv re.omii/ed as a source of rdi ibl,. 
 reference on all these matters, 'j hev are i)arti. uiarlv anxious to en- 
 courage correspondei.ts, an<l they will gla.llv answer (uiestions and 
 urnish information on subjects relating to the Natural liiMorv of th.' 
 I'xahty. It IS hoped that all. whether members of the elub or not will 
 unhesilatmgly call its services into re( 
 'I'lic .Annual .Subscription is oulv ONE DOLLAR ; for which mem 
 I'crsare entitled to receive copie.s of anv publi.ations issued bv the 
 (_.iil. .hiring the year, to atteixl all lectures free (;f . harge, and to pur- 
 chase tickets for the monthly Ia. uisions at reduced rates \uv one 
 wishing to jcim the Club can apply to a member of the Council. ' 
 I he su((ess which has accompanied this important undertaking - 
 as shown by the 'i'ransacticms alivadv published justifies the Council 
 in appealing conlulently to the public l„r .support and encouragement out their work. This Circular will be received b^^nanv 
 who are not members, and although some mav not feel in a i-osition to 
 join the ( hib, the Council would iioint out that evervone can be of 
 ^•reat asMMance m p.romoting its aims by sending .spe'ciniens, makin- 
 iiuiiiines. or communicating informaticm relative to any new, rare o^r 
 remarkable objects or ])henomena which mav ((ane under" their 
 notice. " 
 A record of all work done bv the Club is published arnuallv in th.- 
 form of TRANSACTIONS of which three veaHv ha^ 'ulvldv 
 i.cen issueil. Copies of these mav be obtained from the Librarian at 
 25 cents ea.h. I hey contain Lists of nearlv all the Plants, .Shells and 
 Jwrd-, to be found m the vi.inity ; the Repo'rts of the Council ; the In- 
 augur-l Auuresscs of the Pre.i(knt, and iiiteiesting and v.Uuable reports 
 ...Hi p,,pers m each branch of Natural llistorv. The number soon to 
 l>e issued will it is hoped be e(iu.illy valuable.' 
( )nc EXCURSION of tl.o ( I,,!, will j.c luj.l ,..,.1, month, ii |.,,Ml,lr 
 «lunn- the scav.ii. The will endeavor to visit the iikm attra< 
 tive point*, and to nuke each K\( iirsion a source of pleasant an.l 
 prohtal.le recreation to the inemhers and tlieir friends. In addition 
 there will be Irom time to time SUB EXCURSIONS, for the purpose ot 
 examinm- localities nearer to the citv, of which members will iu- noti 
 hed l)v the Leaders of the Mranches, and it is of vital importan. e to the 
 ( liil) that these workm.u parties should be larKelv attended 
 During the dicre will be the usual SOIREE'-", probablv sis 
 in number, at whi( h valuable reports and papers will be submitted' and 
 specimens placed on exhibition. 
 The system of appoiniin- LEADER3 in the several liranches ha. 
 been continued, in onl.r that mcmb.Ts niav know to whom toapi.lyfor 
 intormatifn and a.sistaiue. Members are re.iue.sted to immediatelv 
 send m their naiiu^ to the I.e.iders of those l'.ran< hes with wlii. h thev 
 wish to be connected, in order that thev mav be diilv notified of all 
 .Siib-I'A( ursions. 
 The LEADERS are as follows: - 
 1. Gt'o/oxj: \V. I'. .\n(ki>on, II. Walters ( Minn-alogij). 
 \y. K. I!illm-s, II. W. \\m( J\,/,a»iU>l(>A'<ir' Stratiisra/^/iv ) 
 V. 1). Adams r /////<'/.',;■ r;. ^ ' 
 2. Ih>{iViy.~-\i. I!. Whyte, J. Flet<her r/y//^Wi,7/w.v;. 
 I'rol. I. .Ma(()iin ( Cryp/,>'^,tf„s). 
 ,V Co/n-/i"h^y. j. V. W hiteaves, 1'. ,S.' I>,,irier, V. K. I, at. h lord 
 -p J:iitomoh:-y. W. II. Harrington, |. Metdier, |. H. Tyrrell 
 5, OnuthoLiiy „A,r (V.-.O'. I'r.t. |, .\Ia.oun, (ieo. R. White 
 W. I,. S.(jtt. 
 '). /."oloiix ( G.iiL-)iil). II. i;. Sm,,ll, W. I'. I.ftt. 
 riiK !>( ins o). rui'; i kadh.'s .\kf, : 
 '!'■> render any assistance in their power to the members engaged 
 m collecting or studying in their res|)ective brandies. 
 To bring together lor mutual aid and eiKouragenient the member^ 
 interested in the same subjc( t. 
 ^i"o organize and direct working parties. 
 To keep notes of work clone, and to the Council at the close 
 "t the season. 
 A PRIZE will he offtred in eaa h Inane h for the best (oUe. lion of 
 specimens: but no j.ri/e will be awanled unless a -llection is con 
 sidered ot suffii ieiit merit. 
 All collections must bv made personallv in this loc, !itv durin<' the 
 ensuing .season : must be properly arranged and named, and subnmied 
 tor examination by 31st December, 1.SS3. 
 'riie President also offers a Special Prize for the be.t iv< crd of 
 o' ginal work done during the year by any member of the Club. 
 \v. H. HA:<Rix(;r()x\, 
 Preserve this Circuhir for Reference. 
OTTr^'y- W>. Tf^i 
 I. Wvii,- aihl Obji-ct. 'Ibis CluhslKill lir ( alk'd llu; ( )i i \\\ a I'ii i.h 
 Nam kAiisih', and its ()liji< t sli;ill lit.' the study ol tlir Natural 
 I li'^tory (it tliis I.ik alits. 
 2.M,i!ij^,iir/if. I'll,- Clu!) shall he under tin; inanam inciit of a 
 ''ouiiiil, annu.illy i^lvc ted, consistiii.L; ol" a President, tu,) Nice ['resi- 
 dents, a 'I'tv.iMnvr, a l.ilirarian, and a Coniinittee ol three (.iher 
 inenilu 1-, ; all()l w hum diall he eligible Inr re ele. tioii ; three to Idiin a 
 i|Ui)ruin. Minutes ol tlie nieelin^. and proieediu,,, ot' the ('..innii to 
 lie duly kt-|<t, 
 .V Aiiiiiial Mft-liii;:;. d'he Animal MeetiiiL,' of" the CIul) shall Ik 
 held on the third Tuesday in Man h, at \vhi( li. in addition to other 
 husiiiess, the Annual Report of the CouiKil shall lie lead, and the 
 oUircrs lor the tollo\vin,u year elected hv liallot alter nomination. 
 4. S/^fciti/ Mrt-fini^s. .\ Special (Icii.ral .Meetin- ol th ■ rjul) !,ia\- 
 he ( ailed hy the Council ; and -,h,dl he (ailed on re<|uisition oi not less 
 than ten inemhers, sperilyiiiL,' the husiiRss they \vi-,l) hrou-^ht lielore the 
 meetm-. d'he Couik il shall call the mert'in.i^ within Vourteeii days 
 Irom the re( eipt ol' the re.|uisiti<.n. -ivni;,' one week's noti( e. No other 
 husiiu'ss shall he transa( ted than that mentioned in the noti( e. 'J'he 
 < oinu il may, liowexcr, summon a meeiiii.; tor the transaction o{ gene- 
 ral I dirtiness at any time. 
 5- /'-'■''(■''<•(////;'.»•. l'A( iirsions in simmitr and evening nieetiivs in 
 nmter shall he held ; all arran-eiiieiUs tor which shall he made hv the 
 < duiicil. 
 (>. .1/' w/vv.v. I.adieh and (lentlemeii desiring to join the ("lul> 
 shall send a written appli. ation, si-iied hy the aiiplicant and two mem 
 hcr.s, to the Secretary, who .shall hriiiL,' the same heloie the ne\L nieet- 
 ini,' of the Council lor approval. 
 7. 0'/-/>v/,v/^////,i,'- yJ/,7///v/-.s-.- 'Jlie Coun( il shall lia\e the powir f)f 
 eleclin- Coi resp(,n.|in- Members, who shall be persons not residin.^ in 
 Ottawa or its imuiediate vicinity, but who may be desirous of prom(i"tini; 
 the obie( Is of the Club. Corresi)ondin|.r members shall not be required 
 to pa\- membership fees. 
 5. Animal ]'\\\ The annual nu'inbership fee shall be one dollar, 
 payable in advance, diic on the third d'uesdav in March, and no 
 niember in arrears shall be entitled to any of the pri\ile-es of the Club. 
 New memliers to pay the fee lor the ( iirreiit year ujionelection. The 
 payment ol the amiiial fee to entitle a luembe'r to receive a copy of the 
 I'raiisai tioiis. as imblished, and to admission to the Club Soirees with- 
 out lunher charge. 
 (;. Spyial Tickets. S])ecial tickets for non-members who may 
 wish to join an I-ac ursion may be granted bv the •Se( retary, on the 
 aiipluation ()f a member, and' unck'r such lii'nitations as the Council 
 may |irescribe. 
 10, Aiiinidmetiis. No RuK> shall be enacted f)r amended exce[>t 
 by a Special ineeting of the Club called for that [lurpose, and by a two- 
 third vote of the tneuibers present. 
 NO riv ///,■ prouipt lOiiiHiauct o- 
 ' ineiulh-n a'ith Rule S is particularly