947 1)48 941) 9''0 i)51 95-2 95:5 054 955 956 957 l)o8 Dublin, 1840 f'^'' Skvkn Wondor.s of tlio WmM, iSiiio. cloth, ImxA. 185 1 oOc Skvmouu's (llcv- M. II.; rilgriimige to Uonie, 12m<). c o//<, Lond. 1851 f} " Mornings .'iniong tlio Jos^uiti^, ISnio. cl. Lond. ISrS ijjil SilAKSi'KAltK's nViii. j Dnuiiatic, Works, Svo- /»or. Lond. ISiJo »2 yiiKiL's ni. ii.) Skcti lies of tlie Iri.'-h Biw, 2 vols, liiuio. e/otJi, Now York, iSiU ^l-iJ'> SiiKiMiKUo'd f U''V- Joli") KIiiiMdation of the Dook of ConinMm Pniyor "2 vols. Hvo. /(/: c/. Loni.. 1»17 ^ *'^ SiiiKi.ocirs (lii)) Uso and Ir.toat of Prophecy, 8vo. calf, Loud. 1725 ^^^^ "•♦ Discourses at the Temple Clmrcli, 4 vols- 8vo. caff, Lond. 1750-8 ^-:'>«^ •• (Dean) Discourse concerning a Judge of Controversies, 4fo. Large Pajier, vcl- Lond. I20 *1 Stakfokd's (Thomas, D.B.^ Pa'jataHibcniin. i: vol- royal 8vo. 1005 Story's (lluv. Holun-t; .Memoir oi isaDonu v^ampwii, i-tino. niu/ roan, (jroeiu.di, 1821> t i ^ ?^ 1000 Stowk's CII. \ij Sunny Mumorlos of Foroign Lauds, 2 voIh. 12ino. cloth, Ijo.-ton, 1851 SU'O 1007 Stiucklanu's (Agnos) Queens of Henry VIII. Hvo. cloth. 1 hil. iyo:r . ** 1008 Stkvi'k's (Rev. John) Memorials of Abp. Cianmer, folio, «///, Loml. ] 01)4. (Title wanting.) _ ^-i 1009 " Life and AcL of Abp. Parker, (Portrait) folio, calj, Lond. nil _,. ^f^'f 1010 " Life and Acts of Aim Grindal, (Portrait) foho, cf. Loud. 1011 *' Life and Act.s of Abp. Whitgift, (Portrait) folio, ca'J, 1012 '•' Annals of the Pieformation, folio, cf. Lond. 1709 $2.50 1013 " Keelesiastieal Memoritds, 3 vols, folio, Lavgo Paper, j./] rcmarhahhjJinctopy,^Mr\A. 1721 3io 1014 Stuakt's (Mose.s) History of the Old Testament Canon, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 164!) *1 1015 SuKTONii TuANQUiLLi (C.) Duodesim CiCKarcs, 12mo. halj vei. ... . Tk .arm /It T1 . J ',. ,.,...., \ 81(1 u 2 volrf. Sl.fiO th. Phil. $1 io, calf', WW lit), caif, $:J.yU f. liOud. i!?2.50 io, ca'f, $■2.50 aper, if. Q, VilllO. $1 half vel. XlJUIJ .A^X^V^U.'''* •'-' ■•Ji«« ■ ■■'■■Ji Prownee, Svo. fA0 !< ,; '< (\V. C-) History of Moliammodunism, IGino, cloth, .OH 183S) 75o 10-10 '•.; .i.'s Oiutlonnry of CIn-onology, Vlmo-cloth, Lond. 18')! $1.25 1041 'J'lJNtaoN A (Abp.) Discourse of Idolatry, sm- 4to. f/ Lond. 1588 ^^ 1042 Teukntii Afri (P.) Comoodiio, Blanlf Letter, sin. 4to. original, oak hoards, uncut, sl.v.a. (Cir. 1475) $3 104,} " folio, russia, Par. (R Stephnnus), 1529 $2 10^4 " *' 2 tomra. IGmc vellum, Lond- (Sandby), 1751 S1.50 lu4!i <« " 12mo. c/. Edin. 1758 7Sc 1.04() Tertdlmani (Q. S. F-) Opera (Seuiler), 6 vols- in 3, sm. 8vo. ^'ri/um, IVAic, 1824-9 $'^ 10 i7 Ti;^ aMkntum (Novum) Gr. & Lat. (Erasmi), folio, cf. fine copy, Bas, 1522 *5 - . l_ k _— ,w..tJ ..K^'t U-" I > I i liyh Trunhlaticns, n.yal 4to. ///'. W(//-. Luii.l. (lJa;^ster), IHAb f .' 1170 •' Lat. cum IVtillia Mc. De Lyra), Black Letter, toho. /«;«, Arjrent. 14!)2 . , "', 1071 Nfw Tkstamknt, Two Translations, with confutaliun 6f Uhcuii»li Annotations, l.y W- Fulkc. D-D., foli.. r/. Lond- Uf) ^if^ 1072 " Iniprovocl Version, (Unifaian) royal 12ino. «eM> y. roon, Loud. I S0^( ,t i iH'm"«i 1073 " New Covenant, (Granville Penn.) 8vo. rJ. Lend. lt<^iU *1 1074 " Translated from the Syriac PtKliito Verhion, l»y Janios :Murdock, D.D., 8vo. doth, New York, 18.W |*- 1075 " Apocryphal, 8vo. hf. ef. Loud- (Hone,) 1820 »j 1076 TiiEOCRiTl aliovu que Poetarum Idyllia, Gr. & Lat. 32mo. c/. flfJ'/ /c«fes, (H. Stephanus) 1579 ^ , t . lo / vl!' 1077 TiiEOPHiLi (S.) Libri Troa ad Autolicum, Gr. & Lat. Mxm.dolU^^ Cantab. 18521 , »t »r loci iti 1078 Thomas' (John, D.D.) Elpis Israel. 8vo. c/. N. Y- 1851 *1 4(1 r.> ittcr, folio, f lllicinlsh $4.r)0 . iieto hf. %\.t){) 1. 18!](i $1 , by Jumos $2 S2 mo. cf. gilt 75c 2nio. cloth, $1.50 1 %\ 76c ■ III I j.»«jgi liJii yj h yf >ij04*M« jaj » . 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1840-2 $12 1102 TuKNCii's (Dean) Notea on tho Parables, 8to. chth, bds- Lond. 1855 $2 1108 Tdrnbull's (P. E.) Austria. 2 vols- 8vo. hf. roan, Lond. 1840 $2 1104 TuRRETiNi (J. A.) Compendium Hist. Eccles. 8vo. cf. Geneva), 1734 50o 1105 Tyler's (J. E., D.D.) Worship of the Virgin Mary, Svc cloth, Lond. 1846 «l 1106 Tyso's (Job.) Inquiry after Prophetic Truth, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1831, 76o 1107 Tytler's (P. F.) England under Edward VL and Mary, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1839 $2.60 1108 " Life of Henry VIII. 16tao. doth, Lond. 1849 %l 1109 Universal History, Ancient Part, Illustrated with Maps, &c. 21 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. very neat, Lond. 1747-54 $10 1110 " Modern Part, 42 vols. 8vo. cf fine set, Lond. 17804 $25 1111 Ussiier's (Abp.) Answer to a Jesuit, sm. 4to. cf. gt. leaves, Lond. II can MS i\lio, JiaKan 5//«m, eleganl crpy. Koi««, 1741. (from " .„.. Fa«imil. .f th? Modicean MS. 4lo. »«• r«i "K«m.. ll/""""""' Bullie., Oeorgic et iEneta, 2 lomm. 16mo. »W/«». nss' wLw..«u,'. (Bp.) l'.thw.,. of ™r Lord, 16,n.. cMl, Loml. '*^ ,i.v. o.T.f'.n.'lEisav. md CoiWHioiidence, 2vol>. ». f the Vati- r41- (From K>-Laurenti- / morocco, $4 no. vellum, 91.50 boB Heber's »4.50 1755 $2.50 75o loth, Lond. 75o cloth, Lond. $1 ence, 2 vols- llttO 1784 Importonco of tbe uoctnno oi mo anuujr, wyv. v,. ->..- •1 1161 •• Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist, 8vo. cf. Lond. 1162 '•• SormonB. 2 vols. 8vo. c/". Lond. 1737 »l-25 1168 " Rogonoration Explained, IGmo. cloth boards, Dubhn. 1164^wLaN's (Bp.) Collection of Theological Tracts, vola. 8yo. c^ ^^ Jamb. 1785^.^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^gmo. cloth, New Yo^rk. 1 |66*wLnoton's (Duke of) Life. 16mo. f J'J Lond Jf^^ BOo 1167 Wbblbv's (Rev. John) SermoM, 8vo. A/, cf. Lond. 1823 »l.^0 ilfiS " Hymns, 18mo. roan, Lond. B.a. "^ 1169 W.iATELY'8 (Abp.) Scripture IteveUtionB on a Future State. 12m^ 1170'%KrS(Charle8^ lUufltration of the Book of Common Pnyrer^ 1781 ' ■ W.50 tl89 " Chri«tinnity, t2mo. caSf, Egliam, 1791 250 IIUO •• (William, D.D) Illustration of tho Now Testament, 8vo. thOi, Camb. 1888 $2 1191 " (Rev. Wm.) Modern Crusade, ISmo. doth, Boaton, 1864 25o 1192 " (W. R.) Travels in tho Holy Land, Egypt, &o. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lend. 1847 12 1193 Win KLKs' Illustrations of tho Cathedrals of England and Wales, with beautiful Engravings, 8 vols. imp. 8vo. doth, gilt, Lond. 1851 §9 1194 Wisbman's (Cardinal) Lectures on tho Catholio Church, 2 voIh. in 1, 12mo. cloth, lialtimoro, 1854 91 1105 " Real Presence in the Blessed Eucharist, 12mo. cloth, Baltimore, 1862 75o 1196 Wolfe's (Rev- Charles) Remains, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1830 75c 1197 Wolff's (Rev. Joseph) Journal, 8vo. hf. roan, Lond. 1839 $1 5o It. 12 in, 5o B8, id. 10 >l8. iBl (h, 5o 5c $1 stood that the prices are marked at the lowest Hgures, for READY MONET Onlj. IlaH/ax, ^\ S.y June, 1800. p. 28. V. '29. IV 81 P. 84. tt (I P. 86. P. 87. P. 88. P. 89. II •t " 280. (680.) for wu roaa dw- — No. . •• 889. For dWA, 750. road half cnlj, $1 No. 91*2. For 1858 road tS.'iS. •> 914. For td read 95. No. 908. For r2 read f 1. No. 991. For 2 vob. read 8 vola. No. 1088. For Grave road Grove. " 1086. For Care read Cave. 1041. For 1688 read 1078. •2.) II Several errors of the Pretw. of minor itnportuiKC will U- eiisily ul- -ni.voil and corrootisd bv tho intelliKont reader. .1- ii« |Jl >^'"» HHMF""' ■ 8 131 Binoium's (Rev. Josoph) Origines Ecclesiasticse.or /.ntiquities of the Christian Chunh, 2 vols, in 1, inrip. 8vo. hf. mor., Lea. 1852 $8 132 " '♦ French Church's Apology for the Church of England, 8vo. cf., Lond., 1706 $1.25 183 " " Scbolastical History of Lay Baptism, 8vo. cf. Lond. 1712 $1 134 Biographical Dictionary, New General, projected by Rev. H. J. Rose, B.D., 12 vols., chth, 8vo. Lond. 1863 $18 135 BiRKs' (Rev. T. H./ Elements of Prophecy, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1843. $1 136. " " Memoir of Rev. E. Bickersteth, 2 vols., 16mo. cloth, Lond., 1853. $2.o0 137 Blair's (Hugh, D.D ) Lectures on Rhetoric, 8vo. cf., Lond., 1824 $1.25 138 Blomfield's (Bp.) Sermons, 8vo. hf cf, Lond., 1829 $1.75 139 Bloxam's (M. H.) Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, 18mo. chth, Oxford, 1841 $1 140 BoETiusDE Consolatione Philosophie, sm. 4to. old cf, rubricated initials, Davontr. 1502, [Duke of Sussex's copy] $1.25 141 Bolton's (Robt.) Four Last Things, sm. 4to. cf., Lon., 1632 $1.25 142 Bonar's (Rev. A. A.) Mission to the Jews, 12mo. cloth, Edinb. 1846 75c 143 Bonar's (Andrew R.) Incidents of Missionary Enterprise, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1852 50c 144 " " Last Days of Eminent Christians, 16mo. cloth, Lond., 1852 50c 145 Bonar's (Rev. Horatius) Prophetical Landmarks, 16mo. cloth, Lond., 1847 75o 146 '« " Night of Weeping, 18mo.c^o:.' li J. # 324 825 326 327 328 829 330 331 332 ^33 334 335 336 837 338 339 40 341 342 343 843 344 345 340 347 348 349 350 351 D' Aubionk'b (J. H. Merlo) History of ihe Reforaation of the 16th Century, 5 voIh. in 1, 8vo., doOi, New York, 1854, $2.50 Davenant'b (Bp.) Exposition of 8t. Fanl's Epistle to the Colos- sians, 2 vols. 8vo., hf. tf., very scarce, Lond., 1831-82, $7 Davidson's (Samuel, LL. D.) Lectures on Biblical Criticism, 8vo., hf cf., Edin., 1849, S2 " Introduction to the New Testament, 8 vols. 8vo., clothe Lond. 1848-51, (^presentation copy from the Author to Archdeacon Hare,) $G Davison's (John, B. D.) Discourses on Prophecy, 8vo., tloth, Ox- ford, 1S45, $2.50 Dawes' (Richd.) Miscellanea Critica, 8vo. cf. Cant., 1817, $1 Dawson's (J W.) Acadian Geology, 12mo. chth, Edin., 1865, $1 " Agriculture in Nova Scotia, 8vo. chth, Halifax, 1856 50o De Custinb's (Marquis) Russia, 12mo. cloth. New York, 1854 $1 Dkmosthenis' Orationes LXII, Gr. fol. cf. gt. leaves, Bas. 1532 $2 " Gr. 3 tomu). 12mo. Uue mot' gt. leaves, Ven. 1543. (R. Hebor's copr) $6 Gr. fol. .cf Lut. 1570 $2 " PhilippiciB, Gr. & Lat. 2 toram. 12mo. green mor. gt. leaves, (bound by C. Lewis), Dublin, 1754 $5 De Retz's (Cardl.) Memoirs, 4 vols, r2mo. cloth, Lond. 1774 $2.50 Dibdin's (Rev. T. F., D.D.) Bibliomania, 8vo. ru$sia,very scarce, Lond. 1811 $5 '^ " Bibliotheca Spenceriana, (with splendid fac simile engravings) 4 vols, royal 8vo. hf russia, exceedingly rare, 1814-15 $30 " Catalogue of the Caasano Library, royal 8vo. Ms. Lond. 1823 $2 " Library Companion, 8vo. hf. cf Lond. 1825 $4 " Introduction to rare and valuable Editions of the Classics, Bibles, and Fathers, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. large paper, hf mor. (splen- did copy) Lond. 1827 " Tour in France and Germany, 3 vols. 8vo. hf mor. Lond. 1829 $6 '♦ Bibliophoba, 8vo. hf. roan, Lond. 1832 $1 " Remiciiicences of Literary Life (with Portrait) 2 vols. 8vo. cf beautiful copy, Lond. 1 836 $6 Dick's (Thomas) Christian Philosopher 12mo. chth, Glasg. s. a. $1 DiODOKi Sicali Ilistoriarum Literi V, Gr. (Editio Princeps) 4to cf Bas. 1539 $3 " Libri XV. Gr. fol. (Editio Princeps) 4to. rf Par. 1559 $2 DioGENia' Laertii De Vitis Philosophorum Libri X. Gr. & Lat. 12mo. cf. Par. 1570 $1 DioNis Cassii Romanarum Ilistorianum Libri XXIII. Gr. (Editio Pjinceps) fine copy, fol. cf Lut. 1848, (Duke of Sussex copy) S2 D'IsBAELi's (I. C.) Curiosities of Literature, 8vo. cloth, New York, 1853 $1.50 DiviNiTV Examinations, Trin. Coll. Dub. for 13 years, 8vo. hf. cf. Dublin, 1830-48 $2.50 ./ W!^ 16 352 Dixon's (Abp.) Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. cloth, Baltimore. 1853 $2 353 Dixon's (Joshua) Church Catechism Illustrated, 18mo. hf. bound, Lond. 1852 50o 354 Doddridge's (Philip, D. D.) Family Expositor of the New Testa- ment, 4 vols, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1840 $5 355 " Rise and Progress cf Religion, 24mo. cloth, Lond. 1840 25c. 356 DowLiNo's (Rev. J. G.) Introduction to Ecclesiastical History. 8vu. thth, Lond. 1838 $2 357 Drydkn's (John) Poetical Works, royal 8vo. cloth Lond. 1851 $3 358 Dublin, Trin. Coll. Chartaeet Statuta, 12mo. cloth, Dub. 1828 50c 359 " University Calendar, 1833-55-57, 3 vols. 12mo. Dub. 1833-57 $S 360 " Penny Journal, 4 vols, in 2, imp. 8vo. hf. cf. scarce, Dub. 1832-36 $6 361 Durham's (James) Clais Cantici, sm. 4to. hf. cf. Lond. 1669 $1.50 362 Eadie's (John, D. D.) Early Oriental History, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1852 il.25 363 Eaton's (Charlotte) Rome in the 19th Century, 2 vols. 12mc. cloth, Lond. 1852 $2 364 Eciiard's (Archdeacon) General Ecclesiastical History of the First Throe Centuries, folio cf. Lond. 1702, (Rev. Dr. Maitland's copy), $1.50 365 Edmondson's (J.) Views of Heaven, 16mo. cloth, N. Y. 1852 25o 366 Edwards' (Jonathan) Works, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. hfrussia fine copy, gilt, Lond. 1834 $8 367 Elliott's (Rev. C. B.) Travels in Austria, Russia and Turkey, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. Lond. 1838 $2.50 368 " (Rev. E. B.) Hcrae AjxKJalypticaD, Commentary on the Apocalypse, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, Lond. l847 $8 369 Elrinqton's (Bp.) Validity of English Ordinations, 8vo. hf roan, (scarce,) Dub. 1818 $1.50 370 Elsley and Sladb's Annotations on the New Testament, 5 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. Cam. and Lond., 1816-18 $6 371 E.vfield's (Wm ) History of Philosophy, Svo cloth, Lond 1840 $2 372 Epicteti Manucle et Sententiae, Gr. and Lat , 4to vellum, Traj. Bat 1711, $1 373 Epistol.k Obscurorum, Virorum, 16mo., cf Lond 1710 $1 374 Erasmus' (Desiderius) Paraphrase on the New Testament, with Eng- lish Text of the " Great Bible," (Black Letter), 2 vols folio, «c«> ht russia, Lond (Whitchurch), 1549-51 (Vol 1 wants 1 sheet, Vol 2 wants 1 leaf) $S 375 " Epistolaa Familiares, 16mo. hf hound, Antv 1545 $1 376 " Moria) Encomium, 24mo. c'oth, Oxon. 1633, 50c 377 " CoUoquia, 32mo. cf. Amst- 1650, 5Co 378 EucLiDis Opera Omnia, Gr- and Lat- (Gregory) folio, (large paper) cf Oxon. 1703 $4 '■*», " I f 17 379 Edclid's First Six Books •of Eleinonts, (Lardner), 8vo> hf. roan, Lond. 1848 $2 380 EuRiPiDis Tragoedi83 XYIII. Grasoe, 8vo> limp vellum, Basileas, 1544 SiS 381 ' " Tragoediaj XIX. Gr. & Lafc (Stiblini), folio, A/ c/ Bas. 1562 9S 382 " Opera Omnia, Gr. & Lat. (Bamos) folio, c/ Can- tab. 1694 $8 383 " Tragoediae IV- Graece (Porson), 8vo. vellum, gilt haveti, beautiful copy, Caotab. 1829 $8 384 EusEDii Paniphili, vSocratis, Theodoriti, Socratis, et * Evagrii Eccle- siasticae HistoriaD, Graece, jjditio Princeps, fol. cf. gt. Lat. Par. (R. Stepbanusy 1544, (From tbo Library of tho Jesuit College at Paris), S5 3S5 " Evangelica Preparatio et Demonstratio Graocc, Editio Prio- ceps, fol. cf.gt. Lut (R. Stcphanus), 1544-6 $4 386 " Ecclcs. Hist, et Vita Constantini, Gr. & Lat (Zim- mermann), 8vo- hf. cf. Francof. 1822 $4 387 „ Eccles. Hist. Latine (Ruffino intcrprete, additis Libris II, fol. hf. cf. fine copy, extremely rare, Romac, 1476, (From the library of Dr. Kloss) 10 388 " Ecclesiastical Histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Eragrius, and Dorotheus, translated by Hanmer, fol. cf. Lond. 16G3, (3 leavei partly wormed) $2 389 Entropius De Gestis Romanorum, sm. 4to. cf Par. 1554 (Duke of Sussex's copy.) 75« 390 Ewald's (Rev. F. C.) Missionary Labours in Jerusalem, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1845 ^ 75« 391 Fabee's (Rev. F. W.) All for Jesus, 12mo. cloth, Baltimore, 1859 75o 392 '* Blessed Sacrament, 16mo. chth, Pbilad. 1855 75o 393 " Spiritual Conferences, 12mo. doth, Bait. 1859 758 394 " (Rev. G. S.) Restoration of the Jews, 2 vols. 8to. hf. cf. Lond. 1808 $1.50 395 •' " Difficulties of Romanism, 8vo. half calf,, Lond. 1826 $1.60 396 ," " Primitive Doctrine of Justification, 8vo. cfofA. Lond. 1839 $2 397 *' " Primitive Doctrine of Regeneration, 6vo. iloth, Lond. 1840 $125 398 " •• Primitive Doctrine of Election, 8vo. coth, Lond. 1842 $1.50 399 Farr's (Edw.) Select Poetry of the Reign of Elizabeth and James I. 3 vols. IGrao. cloth Camb. 1845-47 $2 400 Fawcett's (John, D. D.) Christ Precious, 24mo. cloth, London, 1851 25o 401 Fitzhbrbert's (Anthony) Justyces of Peas, Black Letter, 16mo. calf, Lond. 1541 $^ 402 Ford's (Richard) Spaniards and their Country, 12mo. cloth, New York, 1847 50e 3 1$ 403 FoHSYTii's (Wm.) Naiwleon at St. Helena, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, New York, 1855 $1.50 ^04 Postkr's (John) Essay on Popular Ignorance, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1853 $1 405 Fowlkr's (O. S.) PhrenoWy, 12mo. cloth, New York, 1850 50o 406 FowNEs' (Geo.) Manual of Chemistry, IGmo. roan, Lond. 1848 $2 407 Fox's (John ) Acts and IMonuments of the Church. Black Letter, 3 vols, folio, half rvssia, Lond. 1(341 (From Library of Parker Society) $12 408 French's ((J, J.) Remarks on Church Furniture, 16mo. boards, Leeds, 1844 50c 409 Friswell's (J. H.) Russian Empire, I'Imo. cloth, Lond. 1854 50c 410 Fulke's (William, D.D.) Defence of English Translations of the Holy Scriptures, 12mo. cf. Lond. 1583 $3 411 Fuller's (Thomas, D.D.) History of the University of CarabridgCf 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1840 $1.50 412 Gambier's (Rev. S. J.) Lent Lectures, l6rao. cloth, Lond. 1841 50c 413 Garwood's (John) Million-peopled City, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1853 50c 414 Gentleman's Magazine, Selections from, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. gt. Lond. 1809-14 $4 415 Gesenius' (William) Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testa- ment, imp. 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1855 $6 416 Oesner's (Abraham) Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia, 8vo. doth, Halifax, 1849 50c 417 Gibosing's (Rev. R.) Roman Forgeries, 8vo. cloth, Dub. 1842 75c 418 Gibbon's (Edward) Decjjne and Fall of the l^)man Empire, 12 vols. 8vo. cf. gt. Lond. 1802-7 $10 419 " Miscellaneous Works, ^vo. cloth, Lond. 1837 $2 420 Gibson's (Bp.) Preservative against Popery, in several select dis- courses [upwards of 100] by the most eminent^Divines of the Church of England, 3 vols. fol. cf. very scarce, Lond. 1738 $20 421 Gilfillan's (George) Martyrs of the Scottish Covenant, 12mo. cloth. New York, 1853 50c 422 Gill's (John, D.D.) Cause of God and Truth, 4to. cf Lond. 1772 $1.50 423 Gilson's (Adam) Czar and Sultan, IGmo. cloth, New York 1853 25c 424 Girdlestone's (Rev. Charles) Commentary on the New Testament, 2 vols. 8vo. cf gilt, Oxford, 1833-38 $4 425 Godwyn's, (Thomas, B. D.) Moses and Aaron, sm. 4to. calf, Lond. 1628 75c 426 Goldsmith's (Oliver) Poems, 8vo. large paper, cf Lond. 1800 $1 427 " Miscellaneous Works, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1850 75c 428 Goode's (Rev. William) Divine Rule of Faith and Practice, 2 vols. 8vo. doth, Lond. 1842 $4 429 " Doctrine of Infant Baptism, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1849 $2 4:;?0 " Christ's Presence in tne Eucharist, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1856 $4 / ,' >* I 8 / '■^^ r ^^^ 10 431 Gorham's (Rov. G. C.) Examination by the Bishop of Exeter, 8vo. coth, Lond. 1H47 75c 482 Gussb's (P. U.) Monuments of Ancient Egypt, I'imo. cloth, Lond. 1847 76c 433 OoTiiEii's (Rev. John) Papist Misrepresented and Represented, with Stillingtloet's Anawer, Gother's Defence, and Sheriook'H Re- ply, sm. 4to. cf. Lond. U)85-() $1 434 Govett's (Rev. H.) Isaiah Unfulfilled, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1841 $1 435 Grauk's (Jo. Em.) Spicilegiuni 8 H. Patruni, 2 tomm. 8vo. caff, Oxon. 1714 $2 430 Graham's (Rev. J.) Sioge of Dorry, 12mo. /if. mm, Dub. 1830 %i 437 Grant's (Asahel, M.D.) Ncstoriana or Lo.st Tribes, lOmo. cloth, Lond. 1844 50o 438 " (David) Reauties of Modern Poetry, IGmo. cloth, Aber- deen, 1852 5()c 439 *' (James) Groat Metropolis, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. half roan, New York, 1837 $1 440 " Metropolitan Pulpit, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1839 $1 441 " (Robt.) History of Physical Astronomy, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1852 $2 442 Gravks^ (Dean) Lectures on the Pentateuch, 8vo. hf. cf. Dublin. 1844 $2 443 Gkav'8 (Bp.) Key to the Old Testament, and Bp. Percy's Key to the New Testament, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1842 $1 444 " (Thos.) Poems, lOmo. ca'f, Lond. 1768 50c 445 " Elegy, Illustrated Edition, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1854 $1.50 440 Grekk and Eastern Churches, 18mo. chth, Philad. s.a. 25c 447 Grego's (Rev. T. D.) Discussion with Rev. T. Maguire, 8vo. ha/f roan, sfarce, Dub. 1839 $2 448 Gresley's (Rev. AVm.) Portrait of an English Churchman, 12mo. c'oth, Lond. 1840 75c 449 Gresweli/3 (Rev. W. P.) Annals of Parisian Typography, 8vo. c/oth, Lond. 1818 $1.25 450 " Early Parisian Greek Press, 2 vols. 8vo. c/oth, Oxford, 1833 $1.50 451 Guimsiiawe's (Rov. T. S.) "Memoir of Rev. Legh Richmond, 8vo. Lond 1828 $1.25 452 Grindal's (Abp.) Remains, 8vo. c'oth, Camb. 1843 $1 453 GROTius'd (Hugh) Truth of Christian Religion, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1780 75c 454 GuEKiCKw'a (H. E. F.) Antiquities of tlie Christian Church, lOmo. doth, Lond. 1851 $1.25 455 Gunning's (Bp.) Lent Fast Apostolical and Perpetual, 4to. calf, Lond. 1002 $1.25 450 GuRowsKi's (A. de) Russia and its People, IGmo. cloth, Lond. 1854 75c .457 Hackett's (John) Select Epitaphs, 2 vols. i2mo. calf, Lond. 1757 ,$1 458 Hall's (Bp.) Contemplations on the New Testament, &c , folio, calf, Lond. 1034 $2 80 459 IIall'b (Bp.) Works, folio, toff, I^nd. 1647 ^i 460 " Select Devotional Workw, IHino. doth, Lond. s.o. 2rnr 461 " (Newman) Land of the Forum and Vatican, 16mo. doth, Lond. 1854 $1 mi " (llohert) Mi.scellanoouH WorlcH, 12mo. doth, Lond. 1849 $1 468 " (T. G.) Elements of Trigonometry, 12mo. doth, Lond. 1855 50e 464 Hallam's (Henry) Europe during the Middle Ages, 8 vols. 6vo. c(dj\ gilt, Lond. 1837 $10 465 " Introduction to the Literature of Europe, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. Lond. 1887-39 ${) 466 " Constitutional History of England, 2 vols. 8vo. doth, hoards, Lond. 1850 $(i 467 Hamilton's (James, D- D) Mount of Olives, 24mo. doth, Lond. 1852 25« 468 " (Wm., D. D.) Northern Coast of Antrim, 8vo. hf. cf. 469 Hammond's (Henry), D. D) View of tho New Directory, and other Treatises, sm. 4to. calf, Oxf. & Lond. 1644-52 $1.60 470 " I*ractical Catechism, &c., sm. 4to. half calf, Oxf. & Lond. 1045-6 $1 471 •' (Capt. M. M.) Memoir of, 12mo. doth, New York, 1858 75c 472 Harbauoh's (Ilev. H.) Future Life in Heaven, 3 vols. 12mo. doth, Philad. 1853 $250 478 Hardman's (Rev. E) Comments on tho New Testament, 2 vols. 8vo^ half calf, Dublin, 1832-4 $2.50 474 Hardwick's (Archdeacon) History of the Articles of Religion, 8vo. c'oth, bds. Camb. 1851 $2.50 475 Hare's (Rev. Geo.) Scripture Text Book, 12nio. doth. New York, 1850 50c 476 Habmer's (Rev. Thomas) Observations on various passages of Scriptures, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf, Lond. 1808 $4 477 Harper's Statistical Gazetteer of tho World, royal 8vo. half mo- rocco, New York, 1855 «4 478 Harris' (John, D. D) Collection of Voyages and Travels, consist- ing of above GOO authentic writers, with charts, maps, &c., 2 vols, large folio, calf, Lond. 1744-8 $8 479 Hart's (A. S., LL. D.) Treatise on Mechanics, 8vo. half roan, Dublin, lt>'44 $1 580 Hartley's (Rev. John) Researches in Greece, 12nio. cloth, Lond. 1833 $1 481 Havernick's (H. A. Ch.) Introduction to the Pentateuch, 8vo. cloth, Edin. 1850 $1.50 482 Hawkins' (Ernest, B. D) Missions of the Church of England in North America, 8vo. cloth, 1845 $1.25 483 Heber's (Bp.) Journey through tho Upper Provinces of India, 3 vols. 8vo. roan, Lond. 182?J $4 484 ' Sermons preached in England, 8vo. half calf, Lond. 1^29 $1.50 485 '• Life of Bp. Taylor, 8vo. half roan, Lond. 1822 $1.50 t >.i^ ^t 48G IIktoiiwat'b (0. W. T.) lieila Ada, the Jowieh Convert, 12mo, cloth, Lond. 1854 25e 487 Hklbiiam's (Richard, M. D-) Lectures in Natural Philosophy, 8vo. eaif, Lond. 1748 75c 488 Hen(istbnbkrg'8 (E. W.) ChrLstoIogy of the Old Testament, (Arnold) ^vo. half calf, Lond. 1847 $4 489 IIknky'b (Matthew) Exp, with another Vol. of Selections, 14 vols. fol. cloth, hf. bound, Lond 1850-6 (some vols, injured by use) $21 India, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical, l2mo. cloth, Lond. 1854 _ _ $1 Ingram's (James, D. I) ) Memorials of Oxford, with numerous en- gravings, 8 vols. 8vo. cf. gilt, fine copy, Oxford, 1837 $14 iiiisu Penny Journal, imp. 8vo. cloth, Dublin, 1.) Works, 12 vols. 8vo. calf, Lond. 1792 Vi 576 Jones' (Rev. Jer.) Canonical Authority of the New Testament, 3 vols. 8vo. hdf calf, Oxford, 1827 $6 577 Jouxin's (Archdeacon) Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, 8 vols. 8vo. half calf, Lond. 1805 Sii 578 JosEPiii (Flavii) Opera, Gr. & Lat. (Hudson) 2 vols, folio, ealf, Oxon. 1720 $6 579 " Complete Works, 8vo. halfca'f, Lond. 1851 $1.50 580 Jowett's (Rev. Wm.) Christian Researches in the Mediterranean 8vo. //.c/. Lond. 1824 $1 581 JusTiNi (M. Jun.) Historianira Lib. XLIV, 24mo. cf. Lug. Bat. (Elzevir) 1638 50c -582 " (S. Martyris) Opera, Gr. Editio Princeps fol. cf. Lut. (R. Stephanus) 1551 $3 583 " Gr. & ^Lat. (Otto.) 2 tomm. 8vo. hf. vellum, Jena& 1842-3 $4 584 JuvENALis (D. Jun.) Satyra?. Nurnbergae, 1497 585 " A. Persii Flacci Satyra), tbl. cf. Ven. 1405 $2 586 " SatyrjB XVI, 16mo. f/. rubricated initials, Par. 1512 $1 587 " et Persii Satyrse, 18mc. cf. Lond. 1710 50c 588 Kaye's (Bp.) Writings of Tcrtullian, 8vo. half calf, Camb. 1820 $2 589 " Writings of Justin Martyr, 8vo. half ca^, Camb. 1829 $1.50 590 Keble's (John, B. D.) Christian Year, 12mo. cloth, Phil. 1857 75c 591 Keddie's (Wm.) CyclopaBdia of Anecdote, 12iiio. cloth, Lond. 1854 $1 592 Kelly's (Thomas) Hymns, 24mo. cloth, Dublin, 1837 60c 593 Kempis' (Thomas A.) Imitation of Jesus Christ, fDibdinj, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1851 $2 594 Kennedy's ('James, D. D.) Greek Prelections, 8vo. cloth, Dublin, 1834 U 595 Kennet's fBp.^ Complete History of England, 3 vols, folio, ca/f, Lond. 1719 $6 596 Kett's (Rev. II.) View of Scriptural Prophecies, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. Lond. 1805 ^ $1.25 597 " Elements of General Knowledge, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. roan, Lond. 1825 $2 598 King's (Abp.) Origin of Evil (Law), 8vo. cf Camb. 1739 $1.26 499 " (Rev. Robert) Church History of Ireland, 3 vols, square 24mo. roan, Dublin, 1845-51 $3 t > . ,4*. 'I i 25 i (500 Kip's (Bp. ) Double Witness of the Church, 12rao. cl N. Y- 1 851 $75 GOl " Catacombs of llonio, 12moc/o^A, New York, 1854 75c 602 Knight's (Charles) Old England, profusely illustrated, 2 vols. imp. 4to. cloth, Lond. 1845 $0 003 " Land we Live in, with numerous wood-cuts, 4 vols, in 2, imp. 8vo. doth, Lond. 1845, s. a. $5 004 Knighton's ( Wm. ) European Turkey, 12mo. chth, Lond. 1854 oOc 005 Koran, translated by Sale, 8vo. c.'oth, Lond. 1850 S2 000 liknajEi (Caroli) Glossaria Grasco-latina, fol. cf. Par. 1079 $1 007 Lactantii FiiiMiANi Opera (Sparp) 8vo. cf. Oxoa- 10841 $1 008 Landgn's (Rev. E-) Manual of Church Councils, 12mo cloth, Lond, 1S4G, ( From the library of the Parker Society) $2 009 Laniqan's (Rev. Johu, D-D-) Eccclesiastical History of Ireland, 4 vols. 8vo. h/. cf- very scarce, Dublin, 1822 $S 010 Lardnkr's (Dion. LL. D.) Algebraic Geometry, 8vo, hf- roan, Lond. 1831 S2 Gil " Steam Engine Explained, 8vo. /i/". r««?i, Lond. s. a. $2 012 Lardnku's ('Nathaniel, D. D,^ Jewish and Heathen Testimonies to Christianity, 4 vols, in 2, 4to. hf cf Lond. 1704-07 $4 013 Lathburv's (Rev. T.) History of Convocation, 12ino. cloth, Lond. 1842 SI 014 Latimer's (Bp) Sermons and Remains, 2 vols- 8vo- cloth, Camb. 1844 82.50 015 Laud's ('Abp.; Works, vols- L IL 8vo. cloth, Oxford, 1847-9 $2-50 616 Laurence's ('Abp-^ Bampton Lectures on the Articles, 8vo. ivan, Oxford, 1838 $2 617 Lavatkr's (J. Q) Physiognomy, 12mo. cloth, Lond- 1844 50c 018 Layard's(A- H., M-P-) Nineveh and its Remains, 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1850 $3 619 " Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, Svo- chth. New York, 1853 S4 020 Lectures to Young Men, (^Exeter Hall^, 1848-9, lOmo. chth, Lond. s- a. 75c 021 " 1853-4, 12mo. cloth, New York, 1855 50c 622 '• Select, from 1 840 to 185.>, 12mo. doth, Cin- 1856 50c 023 Lee's f Edwin j Continental Traveller, 8vo. doth, Lond. 1849 $1 024 " (^Russell j Stories from Russia, &c. lOmo. doth. Load. 1853 SI 025 Leigh's fEdward; Critica Sacra, folio, rf. Lond. 1650 $1.50 020 Leighton's CAlex-^ Sion's Plea against Prelacy, 4to. cf. s. 1- v. a. (cir. 1028.) $2.50 027 '* fAbp-^ Commentary on 1 Peter, 8vo. hf. cf Loud. 1846 S2 028 " Sermons, Svo- rf Lond. 1745 SI 029 Lk Keux's fjohn^ Memorials of Cambridge, with numerous En- gravings, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, ruled loith red lines, Lond- 1842 $6 630 Lkland's (John, D. D.) Advantage and Necessity of Christianity, 2 vols. Svo. cf Lond. 1768 S1.50 631 " View of the Deistical Writers of Enghind, 2 vols. Svo. cf Lond. 179S $1.50 26 632 Leland's (John) Divine Authority of Old and New Testa- ment, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1837 SI «;33 " (Thomas, 1). D) History of Ireland, 3 vols- 8vo. cf. Cork, 1776 $3 034 Le Long (Jacobi) Bibliotheca Sacra, (Bocrner & Maschj 5 vols in 2. 4to. ?if. morocco, Hala3- lT78-i)0 $7 035 Le Plat (Judoci) Monumcuta C(5ncilii Tridentini, 7 tomm- 4to. vellum, Lovanii, 1781-87 $18 636 Leslie's (llev. Charles) Theological Works, 2 vols, folio, rf. Lond 1821 $5 637 Lewis' (Rev. John) History of English Translations of the Bible, 8vo. f/Lond 1739 $1.50 638 Liebig's (Justus, M. D.) Works on Chemistry, 8vo. eloth, Philad. s. a. %\ 639 Lingard's (John, D-D.) Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, Svo. cf. Newcastle, 1810 SI. 50 640 " Hist, of England, 13 vols- 16mo. cloth, Lond- 1837 SIO 641 Liturgies — Book of Common Prayer, Black Letter, I'ickering's Fac-simile lleprints of the several Editions, from 1549 to 1637, in- cluding the Scottish Liturgy, 5 vols- folio, hf. morocco, magnificent set, Lond. 1844 S25 642 " Book of Common Prayer, sm. fol cf. Lond 1016 ©2 643 " " Black Letter, sm. fol. cf. Lond. 1600, (Wants first title) $3 644 " with Irish Canons, &c.4to. r/. Dublin, 1846 $3 645 1851 646 Camb. 1844 047 1847 648 Oxford, 1847 649 Lond. 1838 •600 1822 651 cloth, Lond. 1849 LiturgioL- Britannica} (Keeling) Svo. cloth, Lond. $2.50 Two Liturgies of Edward VI. Svo. cloth, $1.50 Liturgies of Queen Elizabeth, Svo. cloth, Camb. $1.50 Offices of the Church of England, Svo. rough cf. $1 Services for State Holidays, (Perceval) Timo. cf $1 Oriental Liturgies, 12nio. hf cf- scarce, Dublin, $1.50 Tetralogia Llturgica, Gr. & Lat. (Neale), Svo. $1.50 052 " John Knox's Book of Common Order, (Cum- ning), 16mo. cloth, Lond- 1840, (Wants a few leaves in preface) $1 653 Livii (T.) Decades tres cum dimidia, fol- hf cf Lut. 1552 $2 054 " Historiaruni Libri qui supersunt, (Ruddiman), 4 tomm. 16mo. rf gt. Edinb. 1751 $2.50 654 " (Homer) 8 tomm. royal Svo. Large Paper, hf russia, Lond. 1794 $7 655 Lloyd's (Bp.) Formularies of Faith, during the Reign of Henry VIII. 8vo. cf Oxford, 1825 $1.50 656 " (Barthol, D. D.) Mechanical Philosophy, vol. L Svo. hf. roan, Dublin, 1826 2$ 657 " (H , D.D.) Elements of Optics, 8vo. hf. roan, Dub. 1849 $1 ■I- I .*» ■*P" 27 658 Lockb'8 (John) Philosophical Works, royal 8vo. chth, LodJ. 1843 $2 659 Lodge's (Edmund) Illustrations of British Historv, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1838 ' $4 660 Londondbuky's (Marquis of) Tour in the North of Europe, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. cf. Lond. 1838 82.50 661 LoNOKKLLOw's (W. H-) Poetical Works, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1855 75c. 662 LoKGiNi (Dion.) Quae supersunt, Gr. & Lat ^,Toup-) 8vo. Large Paper, hf. roan, Oxon- 1778 75c 663 Luby's (Thomas, D-D.) Elements of Trigonometry, Part I. 8vf. hf. roan, Dublin, H52 $1 664 LucANUs (Marcus Annoaus) 16mo. new red morocco, very fine copy, Ven. (Aldusn 1502 $2 665 " Pharsalia, 18mo. cf Lond- 1719 50o 666 ^uciANi et Philostrati Opera, Gr. fol. cf Ven- (Aldus) 1503, (Wants a few leaves, cancelled by the Inquisition), (From the libra- ry of the Jesuit College at Padua) $3 667 " Gr. 2 tomm. 16mo. Hagan. 1535 $1.50 608 " Gr- & Lat. 10 tonira- 8vo- hf vellum, uncut, Biponti, 1789-93 . $6 069 " Select! Dialogi, Gr- & Lat- (Stock), royal 8vo. Large Pa- per, hf rus. Dub. 1799 $1.50 670 " Selections, (Walker), 12mo./j/:/-ofm, Lond. 1830 75c 671 Lucretius (T.) De Ilcrum Natura, royal 4to. cf Lond. 1712 $1.50 672 " sm. 4to. large paper, cf Glas- 1759 75c 673 " royal 4to. cf Birm. (Baskerville) 1772 $2 674 Luther (Martin) Explanatio Dominicaa Orationis, sm. 4to. hf roan, very neat, Lipsia;, 15:::0, (From the library of the Augusti- nian Convent at Monaco, with their curious book-plate) $1 675 " Commentary on the Galatians, sm. 4to cf Lond- 1644 $1.50 676 Lyall's (W. K., D-D.) Pictorial History of Greece, &c. 12mo. doth, Lond. 1852 $1.25 677 Lycopiikonis Alexandra, Gr. & Lat. (Potter) folio, Large Paper, cf Oxon. 1697 _ _ $3 678 Lyell's (Sir Charles) Principles of Geology, 4 vols. 12mo. mor. gt. Lond. 1837 $4 679 Lyncii's (W. F.) Expedition to the Jordan, 12mo. cloth, Philad. 1850 50c 680 Lyra Apostolica, 24mo. c'oth, Lond. 1853 $1 681 Lysije Orationes, Gr. & Lat. (Taylor) 4to. cf. Lond. 1739 $1 682 Macaulay's (Lord) History of England, vols. I. — IV. 12mo. cl. New York, 1855-6 $3 683 '• Critical and Historical Essays, 2 vols, cloth, Lond. 1851 $2.50 684 McCaul's (Alexander) Old Paths, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1837 50c 685 McCiieyne's (Rev. R.M.) Life and Works, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1849-51 50o 286 " Basket of Fragments, 16mo. cloth, Aberd. 1849 $6 28 087 688 089 600 001 602 003 004 095 090 007 008 009 700 701 702 703 704 705 700 707 708 709 710 71^ - -J 714 McEwkn's (Rev. W.) Grace and Truth, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1852 25c MacFaulane's (Charles) Catacombs of Rome, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1853 50c McGlee's (Rev. R. J.) Laws of the Papacy, 12nio. cloth. Dub. 1839 50c McGke's (T. D.) Protestant Reformation in Ireland, 12mo. cloth, Boston, 18r'3 75o MacKay'8 (Alex.) Wesstem World, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1850 $2 " (Ciiark's) Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 2 vols. 12nio. cloth, Lond. 1852 $1.50 Maokkxzie's (Rev. W. R.) Redeeming Love, lOmo. cloth, Lond. 1854 25c " Justified Believer, IGmo, cloth, Lond. s.a. 25c Mackie's (J. M.) Life of Tai-Ping-Wang, 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857 McNeile's (Hugh, D.D.) Lectures on the Church of England, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1840 50c Church and Churches, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1840 $1.50 Macrobii, (Aur. Theod) De Somnio Scipionis, folio, calf, capitals rubricated Ven. 1500 $2 2 tomm. 8vo. cf. Beponti, 1788 $1 Madden's (Rev. Samuel) Life of Rev. Peter Roe, 8vo. cloth, Dublin, 1842 $1 Magee's (Abp.) Discourses and Dissertations on the Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. mor. Lond. 1832 $7 Maguirk's (J. F., M.P.) Rome and its Ruler, 12mo. cloth. New York, 1858 75c Maitland's (Charles, M.D.) Church in the Catacombs, 8vo. /*/. morocco, Lond 1847 $3 " Apostles' School of Prophecy, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1849 $1 (S. R., D.D.) Dark Ages, 8vo. hf. cf. Lond. 1844 S2.50 Eruvln, lOmo. cloth, Lond. 1850 $1 " Prophecies of Antichrist, 8vo. half roan, Lond. 1853 75o Mannixo's CRev. RobertJ Way to end Religious Disputes, 12mo. cloth, Boston, 1855 50c Mant's (Bp) Holy Bible, with Notes, &c., 3 vols- 4to. half pur- ple morocco, Camb. 1823 $15 "' Book of Common Prayer, with Notes, &c., 4to. half purple morocco, Oxford, 1820 $0 " History of the Church of Ireland, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, -Olid. 1840 $5 " Religio Quotidiana, lOmo. cloth, Lond. 1840 75c ^'^RfiOLIOUT^E's (Rcv. Moscs) Principles of Modern Judaism, 8vo. chih, Jv.nd. 1843 75c Markland's (J. H-) Remarks on English Churciies, 12mo. cloth, Oxford, 1843 76o .** i T ■ 29 715 Marsden's (Joshua) Mission to Nova Scotia, &c., 12rao. cloth, Lond. 1827 50c 716 Marsh's (Bp.) Lectures on the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible, 8vo. half calf, Camb. 1828 $2.50 717 " Comparative yiew of the Churches cf England and Rome, l6mo. calf, Lond. 1841 $1.25 718 " (Miss) Memorials of Capt. Vicars, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1856 50c 719 Mar'x'ialis (M. Val.) Epigrammata, 16mo. vellum. Par- 1539 75c 720 Mautyn's (Kev. Henry) Sermons, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1822 $1 721 Maskell's (Rev. William) Ancient Liturp-y of the Church of Eng- land, 8vo. hidfrussia, gt. marbled leaves, Lond. 1846 $3 722 *• Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesine Anglicanoe, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. russia, gt. marbled leaves, Lond. 1840-7 $10 723 Mason's (W. M.) History and Antiquities of St. Patrick's ('athed- ral, Dublin, 4to. calf, gt. Dub. 1820 $5 724 3Iatiier's (Increase) Remarkable Providences in New England, 12mo. c/o/A, Lond. 1856 $1 725 Matiiias (Rev. IL W.) Memorials of, IGrao. cloth, Dub. 1842 50c 726 Maxwell's (J. S.) Czar and his People, lOmo. Lond. 1854 50c 727 " (W. II.) Irish Rebellion in 1798, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1854 $1.25 728 Mkde's (Joseph, B. D.) Works, fol. cf. very scarce, Lond. 1662 $6 729 Medley's (Bp.) Sermons, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1845 $1 730 Men.\ndri et Piiilemonis Reliquiai, Or- & Lat. sm- 8vo. cloth, Amstel. 1709 75c 731 Mendiiam's (Rev. J.) Literary Policy of the Church of Rome, 8vo. c oth, Lond. 1830 $2 732 MiciiAELis' (J. D.) Introduction to the Now Testament, (Marsh's Translation and Notes,) 4 vols. 8vo. hf. cf Lond. 1823 $6 733 Middleton'3 (Conycrs, D. D.) Life of Cicero, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, Lond. 1755 $2 734 " (Bp.) Doctrine of the Greek Article, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1808 $2 735 Miller's (George, D. D.) History Philosophically Illustrated, . 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, Lond. 18524 $4 736 " (Hugh) Testimony of the Rocks, 12mo. cloth, Boston, 1857 75c 737 " (J. R-) Reign of George HI. 8vo. new half calf, Lond. 1830 $1.50 738 Milner's (Bp.) End of Religious Controversy, 8vo. half calf, Lond. 1819 $1 739 " Letters to a Prebendary, 24mo. cloth, Derby, 1843 25c 740 " (Rev. Joseph) History of the Church of Christ, with Haweis' continuation, 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1847 $3 741 Milton's (John) Poetical Works, 12mo. cloth, Lond. s. a. 75c 742 " Paradise Lost, 12mo. cf. Lond. 1678 $1.50 743 " " '• royal 8vo. cf gt. Lond. 1799 $1-25 744 MiNUCii Felicis (M.) Octavius, Comraodianus adversus Paganos, (Davis) 8vo. cf Cantab. 1712 50c ■Kuukosaaas 80 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 75n 754 755 756 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 MinnoR of Literature, &c., 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1828-9 50c MissALE RoMANUM, 8vo. calf, Dublin, 1833 $3 Mitkokd's (Wm.) History of Greece, 10 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt, Lend. 1S20 $6 MoLVNDUx's (Rev. C) Israel's Future, 12mo. cl. Lond. 1853 75c World to come, 12mo. d. Lond. 1853 75c 3Ioore's (Thcs.) Poetical Works, royal 8vo. sheep, Rost. 1855 $2 Mokell's (J- K.) Neighbours of Russia, 16mo. cloth, Loudon, 1854 50c MonoAN's (Rev. E.) Life of Rev. T. Charles, 12rao. half calf, Lond. 1831 $1.25 3IoauoFi (D" Cr.) Polyhistor, 3 tomra- in 2, 4to. veUum, gilt, Lubecaj, 1747 $4 MoKMONS, or Latter-day Saints, 12mo. cloth, Lond- s- a. 50c MosiiEMii (J. L.) De Rebus ChristiaDorum aut Coustantinuni, $4to. vel.fine copy, Helnistadii, 1753 3.50 " Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, (Murdoch & Soames, 4 vols. 8vo. cj. gt. hound hy Riviere, hemitiful copy, Lond. 1850 814 Moss's (J. W.) Manual of Bibliography, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1837 $2 INIuukay's (Hugh) History of British India, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1853 $1 " (Dean) Ireland and her Church, Svc cloth, Lond. 1845 «1 Mus.'Ei Opusculum, Gr. & Lat- Orphci Carmina, Homeri Batrach. hf. tnor. very neat, Flor. (Junta) 1519 S2 Museum Criticuni, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. Camb. 1814-26 83 Musgrave's (Sir Richard) Memoirs of Irish Rebellion, 4to. calf, Dublin, 1801 ' ^2 Myers' (A. M.) Both One in Christ, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1839 50c Neal's (Daniel, M. A.) History of the Puritans, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, Loud. 1836 ^4 Neander's (Aug.) History of ,the Christian Church, 8 vols. 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1851-2 $8 " Memorials of Christian Life, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1852 ^ $2 Nelson's (Robert) Companion for the Festivals and Fasts, 8vo. cf. Lond. 1782 75c " Life of Bp. Bull, 3vo. cf. Lond. 1713, (Bp. Inglis's copy, with his Autograph) Si Nepotis' (Corn.) Vitne Excellentium Imperatorum, 8vo. cf. Amst. 1687 75c Newgate Caleendar, 4 vols. Svo. hf. cf. Lond. 1809-10 $5 Newman's (J. H., D.D.) Lectures on Justification, 8vo. hf. cf. scarce, Lond. 1838 $3 " Essays on the Development of Christian Doctrine, Svo. cloth, Lond. 1845 $2 Discourses to Mixed Congregations, 12mo. cf Boston i ( 1853 75c ■XSTTTSemBm 31 ft, 5c 5c 1 i 774 Newton's (Sir I aac) Philosophiao Naturalis Princlpia Mathematlca, (Le Seur & Jac(iuier), 3 tomm. 4to. cf. Gencvso, 1739-42 $5 775 " Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, 4to. Large Paper, cf. Lona. 1728 _ _ $1 776 " (Up.) Dissertations on the Prophecies, 8vo. cloth, Philad. 1850 $1.50 777 " (Rev. Jolin) Works, 8vo. doth, Lond. 1853 $2 778 Nichols' (John) Anecdotes of Bowjer and his Friends, 4to. rf. Lond. 1782 32 50 779 Nicholson's (Bp.) Exposition of the Catechism, sm. 4to. cf. Lond. 1078 75o 780 Nicolson's (Abp.) English Historical Library, folio, (/. Lond. 1714 $1 781 Nolan's (llev. Frederick) Integrity of the Greek Vulgate, 8vo. tiew /if. cf. Lond. It^lb $1.50 7-*2 O'Brien's (Bp.) Primary Charge, 8vo. fif roan, Lond. 1843 $1 783 O'IIallouan's (S.) History of Lvland, 3 vols. 8vo. rf Dub. 1803 $3 784 Olumiant's (L.) llussian Shores of the Black Soa, 121110. cIo(h, New York, 1854 50c 785 Ulney Hymns, 32mo. c'oth, Lond. 1850 25c 786 OppiANi Poemata, Gr. & Lat. 2 tomm. lOmo. cf Lug. Bat. 1597 ill 787 Opusculum do variis de Christo Testimonis, 4to. d bds. Oppea- heim, s.a. [eir. 1490] $1 788 Ouigenis Adamautii Opera, Lat. Eilitio Princeps, 4 tomm. in 2, fol. cf. Par. i512, (From Library of the Parker Society) $5 789 " in S. S. Commentai-ia, Gr. & Lat- (Huet; 2 tomm. in 1, folio, cf liothom. 1668 $8 790 " Contra Colsum, Gr- & Lat. (Spencer), 4to. rf Cant. 1677 $2 791 Orpiiei Carumia, Gr- & Lat- lOmo. vellum, Traj. 1689 $1 792 " Argonautica, Gr. & Lat. sm. 4to. rf Bus- 1523 $1 793 Oruery's (Earl of) Remarks >>u Dean Swift, (Portraits) 8vo. cf Dublin, 1752 U 794 Ossian's Poems, 12mo. c'oth, Boston, 1852 75c 795 '* Fingal, First Edition. 4to. cf Lond. 1762 $1 796 OsiANDUi (Lucaj) Epitome Historiic Ecclcsiastica?, 4 tomm. tomm. L wanting (With Autograph of Tliomas Brett, the culobiated Non- jurist, 16^9, sm. 4to. c/'. Tubiiigic), $5 707 OviDii Nasonis (P.) Opera, 32mo. cf Amst. 1085 50c 798 " " 3 tomm. (Maittaire, l8mo. cf gi t, Lond. 1715 $3 799 " Fasti, cum P. Marsi interpretatione, folio, velnim, A^^n. 1502 $2 800 Owen's (Henry, D D.) Present State of the Septuagint, 1769, Brief Account of the tSeptuagint, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1787, (With 2 other Tracts.) $2 801 " Modes of Quotation, 4to. Large Paper, half calf Lond. 1789 75c 803 Owen's ( Jno., D.D.)Dcath of Christ, sm. 4to. cf. Lond. 1C43 $1.25 804 " Exposition of the 130th Psm. Bin. 4to."c/. Lond. 1669 $1 805 " Grace of being spiritually-minded, •' " 1681 $1 806 " Mystery of Christ's Person, ^so.hf. cf. Edin. 1800 $1.25 807 " Exercitations on the Hebrews, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1840 $1.50 808 " Justification by Faith, 8vo. cMh, Lond. 1850 $1 809 Paoe's (David) lludiments of Geology, 16mo. cl Edin. 1854 50o HIO Palev's (ArchdcaconJ Works, 8vo. cl Philad. 1850 $1.50 811 " Moral Philo.sophy, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. Lond- 1788 $1 812 ^' Natural Theology, 8vo. cf. gt. Lond. 1809 $1 Sl.S " Hone Paulinjo, 8vo. cl. Lond. 1838 75o 814 1*almek's ( llev- Win., Origines Liturgictc, or, Antiquities of the English Ritual, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. Oxford, 1839 $4 815 " Narrative of the publication of the *' Tracts for the Times," 8vo. hf. roan, Oxford, lj;43 75c 810 Paukkr's (Abp.) Antiijuitates Britannicas Ecclesire, (Drake) royal folio, Large Paper, cf. gt. Lond. 1729 $7 817 Patudm Apostolicorum Opera Genuina, Gr. & Lat. (Russel) 2 vols. 8vo cf. scarce, Lond. 1746 (Parkhurst's copy, with Autograph) $4 818 " " (Jacobson^ 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. mororco, Oxon. 1847 $5 819 PATRini's (Bp.) Commentary on the Bible, (including Lowtli, Ar- nald, Whitby, and Lowman,) 4 vols. inip. 8vo. ci- Lond. It5ii $12 820 Pausani.e Gricciae Descriptio, Gr. & Lat. folio, cf. Lipsine, 1696 $2 821 Payson's (Edw. D-D.) Memoirs of, 12mo. hf cf. Lond. 18.i0 $1.25 822 Pearson's (Bp.; Exposition of the Creed (with Portrait,^ folio, hf. calf Lond. 1669 SI. 50 823 " (Nichols) 8vo. c/oo 867 Powkuscoimit's (LailyJ Lottcra and PuperH, Ifhr.o. cloth, Now . York, 1851 ^ f)0o 8GH Piiksoott'h (W. II.) Ilistorieul Works and KK^uys, i) vols. lOmo. cloth, Lond. lJiikc of Su.s,sox's copy) $li 872 " (Broucklnusi) 4to. rf. Amst. 1727 $1 87;{ Pkolt's (Kbefj.) Lite Rev. J. WillianiH, 8vo. hf.cf. Lond. 1840 iiH 874 PiioviNCiAL, or Halifax Monthly ]\Iagazinc, 2 vols, 8vo. ///*. hovnd, Halifax, 1852-3 SI.50 875 Pkui»kntius, et alii Pocia) Christian!, Editio Pscudo-Aldina, lOnio. re/. I'enj neat, Lugduni, cir. 1502 $2 876 PsALTEuiuM (rnccuni e Cod. Alexandrino, fac-simlle of this cele- brated MS. (IJubcr), Lond. 1812 $:) 877 Puoin's (A. W.) True I'rinciples of Pointed Architecture, 4to. cloth, Lond. 185!$ $2.50 878 PtiLi-iT, lJriti.-h, vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 $6 879 " Thm>day Penny, vols. I.-XVI. 12ino. rl Lond. 1839-49 i!ii8 8S0 " Free Church, 3 vols. 8vo. chth, New York, 1838 $3 881 •• Catholic, 8vo. sheep, Paltiniore, 1851 $1.25 882 Pusey's (Rev. E.R.) Scriptural Views of Holy IJapti.^ni, 8vo. cloth, very scarce, Lond. 1830 $3 883 QuiNTiLiAM (M, F.) De Oratoria Institutione, (Capperonneriu*) fol. calf. Par. 1725 S2 884 " (Ingram) 8vo. ///.r/: Oxon. 1809 $1 885 Randolph's (Bp-) Enchiridion Theologieum, '2 vols. 8vo. half calf , Oxford, 1825 $3 850 " Syllogc Confci-sionum, 8vo. hf. cf. Oxon. 1827 $2 8S7 Rai'Inde Thorkas' (I'aul) History of England, translated and con- tinued by Tindal, with Portraits, 3Iaps, Medals, &c. 4 vols, in 5, folio, cf. Lond. 1732-47 $18 888 Reformatio Legum, Lat. ( Cardwell) 8vo. ef y,. Oxf 1850 $1.50 889 Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 8vo. cloth. Ilulifas 1851 75c 890 Riciiey's (Matthew, D.D.) I\Iemoir of Rev- W. B'ack, Vlmo.chth, Halifax, 1839 50e 891 Richmond's (Rev- Legh) Annals of the Poor, 24mo. cloth, Lond. 1854 25c 892 Ritchie's (Eliz.) Lessons of Life and Death, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1847 25c 893 Roach's (R., B- D.) Imperial Standard of Messiah Triumphant, vo8. Large Paper, cf. scarce and curious, Lond. 1727 $2.50 894 Robertson's (Wm- D-D.) Works, 2 vols. 8vo. hf rf Edin. 1840 $3 895 Robinson's (Edw., D-D) Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament, 8vo. roan, Edin. 1838 $4 896 Rock's (Daniel, D. D-) Hierurgia, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. Lond. 1833 U 35 m $1 $1 897 8!)8 mo 901 902 903 904 90;") 900 907 90S 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 910 917 918 919 920 921 !)22 923 924 925 920 nofiKUs' (Kcv. TJ Exiwmtlon of tlio 39 Articles, sm. 4to. 'o//*, Lond. 1025 «il.50 Kookt's {!'. M) Electricity, &c. 8vo. // roan, Lond. s- a. $1-25 Uomaine's rKov. Will.) Whole Workn, 8voJij: (J] Kdin. 1«44 »2 50 lloMK, its KdiGccs and l'(M»j»le, lOmo. c/ofh, Lond. h. a- 60o 0[)U.sculuin do Mirubilibn.i lloiiin), 8ni.4to. IJouiir, 1515 $2 Roscoe's CWin-)Lifo of Lorenzo de Medici, 12iiio. cA Lond. 1H51 SI Life of Leo X. 2 v^ls. 12nio. cloth, Lond. 1840 $2 llouTii'.*! (M. J,, D.U.J Ileliiiuifv rfatra;, 4 vols*, bvo. rf.ijt.Jlnc coptf, Oxon. 1814-18 0$ U()U'n,Ki)(iK\s American Hiindliook, lOnin. cloth, Lond. 1854 50o Rl'ins of Sacrod and Ilisstoric Latnls, Kinio. cloth, L'.nd. 1853 75o Husskll'h CBp.J ConiiC(;tion of Saerud and Profane IlLstoiy, 3 vols. 8vo. Hew hf. cf. Lond. 1827-37 %iS " History of the Cluuvli in Scotland, 2 vols. ICiuo. htdf calf, Lond. 1834 $1.25 IIiHtory of Kj!;ypt, lOnio. c'oth, Lond. 1849 $1 Palestine, lOnio. cloth, Lond. 1S51 $1 " (Wm- 0. D.) History of ]\Iodern Europo, with continua- tion to 1825, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, Lond. 1852 $3 lli;ssiA — Picturosfiuo lleprcsentationa of llussian Dress fcolorod^, royal Svo. half morovxo , Lond. s. a. %\ Hl'^tici Seriutoies, 8vo. vel. very neat, Ven. fAldusJ 1853 $1-50 KuTiiKUf'oui) s (\\20 $1 Stafford's (Thomas, D. !)•; Pa-^atn H'bcrir'', 11 vo^^ royal 8vo. cf. Dubln, 18.10 $3 88 9S8 Statu (P.) Camina, IGmo. cf. Ven. (Aldus), 1519 $1.50 989 Stepiiani (Henrici) Thesaurus Groecfe Lingua), cum Glossariis, Original Edition, 5 tomm. fulio, cf. (H. Stephanus), 1572, (With Autograph of Bp. Reynolds, 1043) «glO 990 STKPiiENs' (J. L.) Incidents of Travel, in Egypt, Arabis, the Holy Land, Greece, Turkey, llussia, and Poland, 4 vols. l£mo. clotk, New York, 1855 8?3 991 Stevknson*s (Rev. John) Exposition of the 22nd, 23rd, and lU3rd Psalms, 2 vols. 12rao. doth, Lond. & New York, ISfjO-o ^'i 992 Stillingfleet's (Rp.) Ircnicum, sni- 4to. cf. Loud. lOGl Si. 50 993 '* Origiues Sacroe, First Edition, sm. 4to. cj. Lond. 1602 %l Idolatry of the Church of Rome, 12mo. cf. Lend. Answer to Several Treatises, Part I. 12mo. cf. Lend 75c Letter to a Deist, l2nio. cf. Lond. 1677 50c Several Conferences, .l2mo. clulh, Lond. 1077 50c Unreasonableness of Separation, sm. 4to- cf. Lond. 111.50 Origines Britannica), First Edition, folio. Largo I'aper, cf. S;2.50 994 1072 995 1073 990 997 998 1681 999 " Lond. 1085 1000 *' Prhiiary Charge and 19 Sermons, (chiefly Original Edi- tions), sm. 4to. cf Lond. 1074-94 SI. 50 1001 " Forty-seven .sermons, 4 vols- .sm. Svo. cf 1(:96-1701 $3 1002 " Vindication of the Trinity, sm- Svo. if Lond. 1697 7oc 1003 " Ecclesiastical Cases, sm. 8vo. cf. Lond. 1698 75c 1004 " Grounds of Protestant Religion, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Oxford, 1844 S3 1005 Story's (Rev. RobertJ Memoir of Isabella Campbell, 12mo. half roan, Greenock, 1829 Si 1000 Stowe's (II. R.J Sunny Memories of Foreign Lauds, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, Boston, 1854 $1.50 1007 Strickland's (Agnes) Queens of Henry VIII. 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1853. $1 1008 Stiute's (Rev. John) IMemorials of Abp. Cianmer, folio, calf, Lond. 1094, (Title wanting.) S2 1009 " Life and Act;: of Abp. Parker, (Portrait) folio, calf Lond. 1711 $3.yO 1010 " Life and Aetsof Abir Grindal, (Portrait) folio, cf Lond. 1710 * $2.50 1011 " Life and Acts of Abp. Whitgift, (Portrait) folio, ca'f, Lond. 1718 $3 1012 " Annals of the Reformation, folio, cf. Lond. 1709 S2.50 1013 " Ecclesiastical 31emorials, 3 vols, folio, Largo Paper, if remarkably fue copy, homl. 1721 $i5 1014 Stuart's cMoses) History of the Old Testament Canon, Vimo. cloth, Lond. 1849 $1 1015 Sl'eto.mi Tranquiij.1 (C.) Duodosim CtCKarcs, l2n\o. half vel. gilt, leares, Par. 1543, (R. Heber's co[>y.) Si l| k. , +'' I! 89 1016 SuETONii TiiANQuiLTii, folio, rf. Liigduni, 1548 $2 1017 " Opera Omnia, (Delpli.) 8vo. cf. Lond. 1718 75c 1018 Solly's (Duke of) Memoirs, (Lennox's Translation,) 3 vols. 4tn. cf. Lond. 1750 $3 1019"SuMNKu'3 (Abp.) Apostolical Preaching, 8vo. A/", c/: Lond.l82G $1 1020 " Four Charges, 8vo. doth, Londi 1842-G 75c 1021 Taciti (C. Corn.) Opera, folio, /vii (Joan.) Syntaxis Linguae Oriseces, sm. 4to. cf. very neat, Lovanii, 1532 $1.50 1121 Yeroarj; (Francisci) Orsecs Linguse Grammatioa, 16mo. vellum, extremely rare, Par. 1550 $1 1122 Veron s (John) Huntinge of Purgatory unto Deathe, Black Letter, 24mo. cf Lond. 1561 $3.50 1123 Yersciiotle's (Rev. H.) Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, 16mo. cloth, Dublin, 1846 75c 1124 Yicii^'s (Rev- ¥-) Residence at Rome, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1847 75c 11j25 YmcENcrii Jjirinensis Gommonitorium, Lat & English, 12mo. cloth, Oxford, 183C-'j 75c 1126 Yinet'8 (A.) Pastoral Tbjology, 12mo. cloth, N. York, 1854 75c 1127 YiRGiLii Maronis (P) Opera, folio, russia, fine copy, capitals illuminated and rubricated. Yen. 1486 $6 1128 " folio, cf. verv neat. Par. (R. Stephanus) 1532, (Rev. Dr. Hawtrey's copy, with book plate) $2 1129 " i6mo. hf cf. Yen. (Aldus) 1580, (From the Library of the British Museum) $1.50 1130 " folio, cf Par. 1641 $2 1131 YiRQiLiANi Codicis Fragmenta et Picturae. Fae-simile of the Yati- oan MS. Folio, Italian vellum, elegant copy, Romse, 1741. (From the Duke of Sussex's Library. ) .<«J 1132 " Codex Antiquisumus, in Bibliotheca Medioeo-Laurenti- ana. Fac-simile of the Medicean MS. 4to. new red morocco, Florentiaj, 1741 $4 1138 " Bufiolica, Georgica, et JSneis, 2 tomm. 16mo. vellum, Lond. (Sandby) 1750 $1.50 1184 ■** royal 4to. cf Birm. (Baskerville.) 1757. ('Bishop Heber's copy, with his Autograph) $4.50 1135 " Bueolicaet Georgica, royal 8vo.c/'.Lond.(Pine) 1755 $250 1136 YoYAOBs round the World, 16mo. cloth, Lond- 1850 75c 1137 " Circumnavigation of the Globe, l2mo. cloth, Lond. 1852 75e 1138 Wainwriqht's (Bp.) Pathways of our Lord, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1853 $1 1139 Walker's (John, F.T.C. D.) Essays and Correspondence, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, liQpd 1846 $2.50 1140 Walp^b $2.50 >8 81 $1 ablin, $1 ildus), $1.50 $2 $1.50 ry neat, $1.50 vellum, $1 Letter, $8.50 16mo. 75c Lond. 75c 12mo. 75c P54 75c capitals moroccQ, $4 . vellum, Sl.SiO p Heber's $4.50 55 $2.50 75c h, Lond. 75o ih, Lond. > 1142 Wall's (William, D.D.) Dofence of the History of Infant Bap- tism, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1720 $1 1143 Waller's (Edmund) Works, 16mo. calf, Lond. 1772 75c 1144 Walsh's (Rev. Robert, LL. ]).) Journey from Constantinople to England, 12mo. hf cf Lond. 1828 $1 1145 Walton's (Isaac) Lives, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1850 75c 1146 " Complete Angler, 12mo. doth, Lond. 1854 75c 1147 Wabbubton's (Eliot) Crescent and the Cross, l2mo. cloth. New York, 1850 $1 1148 " (Bishop) Divine Legation of Moses, First Edition, 2 vols- in 3, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1738-41 $2-50 1149 " Julian, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1750. (From Library of Wadham College, Oxford) $1 1150 Wabdlaw's (Ralph, D.D.) Discourses on the Socinian Controver- sy, 8vo. new half roan, Lond. 1828 $2 1151 " Miracles, 12mo. cloth. New York, 1855 7oe 1152 Wabton's CThomas, D.D.; History of English Poetry, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1840 S5 1153 Watebland's (Daniel, D.D.)"Vindication of Christ's Divinity, 8vo. calf Camb. 1720 $1 1154 " Sermons on the Divinity of Christ, 8vo> calf, Camb. 1720 $1 1155 " Answer to Dr. Whitby, Camb. 1720— Arian Subscrip- tion, Camb. 1721 — Supplement, London, 1722 — Charge, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1731, (in 1 vol.) 75c 1156 " Second Vindication of Christ's Divinity, 8vo. calf Lond. 1723 $1 1157 •• Farther "Vindication, sm. 8vo. calf Lond. 1724 75o 1158 " Critical History of the Athanasian Creed, First Edition, sm. 4to. calf, Camb. 1724 $2 1159 " Scripture Vindicated, 8vo. cf Lond. 1731-32 75c 1160 '• Importance of the Doctrine of the Trinity, 8vo. cf Lond. 1734 $1 1161 " Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist, 8vo. cf Lond. $1.25 Sermons, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. Lond. 1737 $1.25 Regeneration Explained, 16mo. cloth boards, Dublin, 25e 1164 Watson's (Bp.) Collection of Theological Tracts, 6 vols. 8vo. cf' Camb. 1785 $5 1165 " (Richaid) Life of Wesley, 12mo. cloth, New York, 1853 75e 1166 Wellington's (Duke of) Life, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1852 50c 1167 Wkblby's (Rev. John) Sermons, 8vo. hf cf Lond. 1823 $1.25 1168 " Hymns, 18mo. roan, Lond. 8. a. 75c 1169 Whately's (Abp.) Scripture Revelations on a Future State, 12mo. cloth, PhUad. 1856 75c 1170 Whbatly's (Charles) Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer, folio, cf gt. Lond. 1720 $1.76 1737 1162 1163 1847 'f \i 44 1171 Wheatlt's (Rev. C.) Illustration of Oommon Prayer, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1848 tl.25 1172 Whiston's CWilliam; Boyle Lectures, 8vo. ef. Camb. 1708 75o 1173 White CHomy Kirke) Life and Eemaius, 12mo. chth, Leal. 1850 $1 1174 " (John) Way to the True Church, sm. 4to. hf cf. Lond 1612 $2 1175 Wuitefield's (Rev. George) Sermons, 8vo. half roan, Lond. 1849 $1.50 1176 Whiteside's (James) Vicissitudes of the Eternal City, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1840 $1 1177 Whole Duty of Man, 18mo. calf, Lond. 1664 $1 1178 " New, 8vo. ca(^, ^fiV* foare«, Lond. 1808 $1 1179 Wilbebforce's (Bp.) History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in North America, 12mo. cloth. New York, 1849 75o 1180 " (Archdeacon) Doctrine of Holy Baptism, cloth, Philad. 1850 75c 1181 " (Wm.) Practical View of Christianity, 8vo. cloth, hds. Lond. 1818 75c 1182 WiLKiNs' (Bp.) Natural Religion, 8vo. calf, Lond. 1710 60o 1183 Williams' (Edward, D-D.) Defence of Calvinism, 8vo. hf russia, Lond. 1812 $1.25 1184 " ^ (Rev. George) Holy City, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1854 $1.50 1185 Willis' (N. P.) Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1853 75c 1186 Wills' (James) Lives of Illustrious Irishmen, (with fine portraits), 6 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, Dublin, 1840-45 $10 1187 Wilson's (George, M.D.) Chemistry, 16mo. cloth, Edin. 1853 75c 1188 "- (Bishop) Works, 2 vols- royal 4to. calf Bath, 1781 $4.50 1189 " Christianity, 12mo. calf Egham, 1791 25o 1190 " (William, D.D.) Illustration of the New Testament, 8vo. cloth, Camb. 1888 $2 1191 " (Rev. Wm.) Modem Crusade, 18mo. cloth, Boston, 1854 25c 1192 " (W. R.) Travels in the Holy Land, Egypt, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1847 $2 1193 Winkles' Illustrations of the Cathedrals of England and Wales, with beautiful Engravings, 3 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, gilt, Lond. 1851 $9 1194 Wiseman's (Cardinal) Lectures on the Catholic Church, 2 vols. in 1 , 12mo. cloth, Baltimore, 1854 $1 1195 " Real Presence in the Blessed Euc£larist, 12mo. cloth, Baltimore, 1852 75o 1196 Wolfe's (Rev- Charles) Remains, 16mo. cloth, Lond. 1836 75c 1197 Wolff's (R«v. Joseph) Journal, 8vo. hf roan, Lond. 1839 $1 1198 " Mission to Bokhara, (Portrait), 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1846 $1.25 1199 Wood's (James, D.D.) Principles of Mechanics>^ 8vo. cbth, Camb. 1880 $1 45 1200 Wood's Elomonts of Algebra, 8vo. hf. roan, Camb. 1845 $1.50 1201 Wordsworth's (Bp.) Gatochesis, 12mo. cloth. Lend- 1850 50e 1202 •' (Christopher, D-D- Sen.) "Who wrote Eikon Basilike? " 8vo. hf. roan, Lend. 1824 $1 1203 " (Christopher, D.D. Jun.) Theophilus Anglicanus, 12mo- doth, Lond. 1850 75c 1204 " " Lectures on the Apocalypse, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1849 $2 1205 Xenophontis Ouuiia quao extant Opera, Gr- folio, cf. (If. Stepha- nus), 1561 $1 1206 " Cyiopsedia, et Anabasis, Gr< & Lat (Hutchinson), 2 tomm. 4to. cf Oxon. 1727-35. (From the Earl of Harcourt's Li- brary, with his book-Plate) $2 1207 Young's (Edward, D.D.) Night Thoughts, 8vo. cloth, New York, 1851 $1 1208 Zurich Letters, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, Camb. 184247 $5 Gentlemen are requested to send their Orders with- out delay, as the Books contained in this Catalogue are only offered for Sale during the present month. It will be sufficient to refer to the number and first word of each article, and it is to be distinctly under- stood that the prices are marked at the lowest figures, for READY MONET Only. HaUfax, K S., June, 1860. 4ft EERATA. p. p. p. 12. No. 14. No. 15. No. Tith. For " Fbinoh Theolooy" read "Foreuin Tmbolooy." P. 8. No. 15. For $8 read 85. P. 5. No. 74. Frtr 1669 read 1659. 75. Wants 1 or 2 leaves at the end. (X. B- Nos- 72-77 aw all FiBST Editions.) P. 10. No. 201. Add " Oxford. 1826-31, $350" " '• 207. For 1799 read 1749. P. 11. No. 216. Slightly imperfect at the end- •• " 228. For $50c. read 50c. 289. For $75c. read 75o. 805. For Coke read Coxe. 886. For $5 read $8 " " 842. Add price SO- •• " 849. For 1848 read 1648. P. 20. No. 468. Add Lond- 1786, 75c. P. 22. No. 681. For 1449 read 1749. " " 584. For 2 vols, read 2 vols, in 1- P. 28. No. 651. For 72 read 75c. " 556. For $2 read $1.50 " " 563. For $2 read $1. " 566. Add price 75c. No. 585. Omit this number* 600. For $75 read 75c' 619. For $4 read $3. 636. For 1821 read 1721. No. 685. For 50c. read $2. 286. (686.) For $6 read 50c. 695. Add price 60c. 728. For 1662 read 1672. 799. For 1592 read 1492. 876. Inserii "Eoyal Fol. hdfmoroccor '• " 888. For $1.50 read $2.60. " 889. For ebth, 75c. read half calf, $1.25. P. 36. No. 912. For 1853 read 1533. " " 914. For $6 read $5. P. 87. No. 963. For $2 read $1. P. 88. No. 991. For 2 vols, read 3 vols. P. 89. No. 1083. For Grave road Grove. " 1085. For Care read Cave. " " 1041. For 1688 read 1678. P P P P 24. 25. No. 26. 27. P. 28 P P No. No. 29. No. 31 No. 34. No. Several errors of the Press, of minor importance, will be easily ob- served and corrected by the intelligent reader. f ure \y (.b-