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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 X 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2) 1.0 II 1^ ■ 5.0 2.8 1^- m If i^ 2.5 1 2.2 2X) 1.8 ^ APPLIED IN/MGE he ^^ 1653 East Main Street S^iS Rochester, New York 14609 USA ''SB (716) 482 -0300 -Phone ^S (''6) 288 - 5989 - Fax \yy -op THE- |:oNSTrruTioN. by-lh¥s."etc. OP THE- HAMILTON SOCIETY ^ FOB PREVENTION of CRUELTY TO JINIiLS • - \: ^ WITH EXTHAOrS P.10IW -OF THE- DofflinioB of Canada and Proyiiice of Ontario, etc. -Also, — FiKST Annual Report, Etc. Vi' ■ i t t if I Wentworth Historical S:}ciETr rOH PREVENTION OF GRUELTY TO ANIMALS MEMBERSHIP. ANNUAL, - - - $ 1.00 LIFE, not less than lO.OO 0fficers of i\)e ^oclety 1888-9 ,,. ADAM BROWN. M. P. HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARV CHARLES BLACK. 3(rvetarQ:S:r(a0uvrr. HENRY McLaren. REV. GANON CURRAN, C. K. DOMVILLE. LT.-COL H. C. GWYN, S. F. LAZIER, EDWARD MARTIN, Q.C., J. J. MASON. JAMES MATHEWS, J. c. M • AND, E. OVERELL, MRS. ALAM BROWN, MRS. DENNIS MOORE, MRS. R. THOMSON. Sottoiavti dounoH. EDWARD MARTIN, Q. C, S. F. LAZIER. sfv»vf,si^y 5'*J-i«n«irg ,«Ui0faii. J. CRAIG, V. S. WILLIAM KERLEY, 13 Gore Street. / ■Tia:; . MflMILTON SOCIETY For thr PREVENTION OF mmx TO ANIMALS HAMILTON PUaua LIBRARY CONSTITUTION. (Adopted April ut, 1887.) Name. hA^Tu'^V'rJ^^ "ame of the society shall be '' The Hamilton Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." Objects. effi^.f '^'''^ '•""/'' ?^j^^*' ^^^'1 ^e to provide anS^ "'^^"^ fo"^ the prevention of cruelty to Membership. Article 3.— Any person may become 1 member of this Sociery by paying theTm of one dollar annually, it being understood that women are included. Article 4.—Any person neglecting to pay his annual fee for one year will cease to be a member of said Society. Patrons. Article 5.— The Society may from time to time elect patrons and honorary members. i / ETY RARY iety shall revention ' provide ruelty to come a sum of •od that to pay to be a time to rs. Executive Committee. Article 6.— Tlie Executive Committee, con- sisting of the President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer, together with twelve mem- bers, shall manage all the affairs of the Society, and shall be elected at the general meeting on the third Monday in April in each year. Bv-LAWS. Article 7. — The Committee may also from time to time make such Rules or By-laws as they may think fit, provided that the same be not inconsistent with the Constitution; and they may also till any vacancies that may occur in any office of the Society. Annu.\l Meeting. Article 8.— The Anntil Meeting of the Society shall be held on tht third Monday in April, when the outgoing Committee shall present a general report of the proceedings of the Society and an abstract of the accounts and general concerns of the Society up to the 31st March preceding, and the Committee for the ensuing year shall then be elected, either by ballot or open vote, as may be decided at said meeting. •• Special Meetings. Article 9.— A Special Meeting of the Society may be held at the call of the Commit- tee or upon the written request of ten members of the Society, due notice of such meeting to be given by the Secretary-Treasurer. Quorum. Article 10.— At all meetings of the Society ntne members present (who have paid their annual subscription) shall constitute a quorum, and ^ve shall constitute a quorum at all meet- ings of the Executive Committee. A . .teration uf Constitution. Article i i.— Any Article of this Constitution may be altered, amended or suspended for any length of time by consent of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting specially called for that purpose; provided that such alteration amendment or suspension shall have been specified m the notice calling such meetfng Inspector. Article 12.— An Inspector shall be an pomted by the Committee under such rules and conditions as they may deem advisable Mayor and Clergy. Article i3.--The Mayor of the City of Hamilton shall be an honorary member of the tees^n^'^n'"'''' f''' "^^"^^^^ °^ a" ^ommit- member^ ^^^ clergymen shall be honorary BY-LAWS. ten *dnlK?°" ^f^^"^ ^ ''?'" °f "^^ '^ss than iTf^ membe/.^"-°°^ '' °"^ ^""^ ^^^" ^^--^ - h alteration, have been :h meeting. meeting for SUGGESTIONS all be ap- :h rules and ble. TO INDIVIDUALS WHO SEE OR HEAR OF ACTS OF CRUELTY TO ANIMSLS. e City of ber of the ill commit- i honorary less than become a As a general rule, the eye-witness, or a person informed of any act of cruelty to any animal, should furnish the Inspector of this Society, as soon as possible, with full and precise particu- lars of the act. That officer will institute the proper inquiries, and with sufficient evidence, conduct the prosecution without expense to the witness or complainant, and without his assist- ance, unless the latter is necessary to the con- viction of the offender. (The names o -ersons and letters supplying information c. kept STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL when secrecy is enjoined.) In all cases persons are requested to obtain the NAME and /ddbess of the offender, (and his NUMBER also, if the driver of a vehicle ply- ing for hire.) The following excellent directions given by the Royal Society, London, should also be pursued : " Make a note of the time when, and the place where, the offence was committed. If for driving a horse or other animal with galled neck or shoulders, or other wounds, note the size and situation of such wounds, and especially whether they are raw, discharging, or in contact with the harness ; if for flogging or beating, note the number of blows, and on what part of the body inflicted, and the effect, if any, on the skiri of the animal; if for lame- ness, ascertain particularly whether or not there is suffering, as lameness is not always an indication of pain ; if for weakness or infirmity, take care to have good evidence of the bodily condition, age, and incapacity of the animal, and the labor extracted from it ; if for overload- ing, it is indispensable to show painful distress of the animals, e.g., trembling, falling, unusual perspiration or exhaustion, or to show violence on the part of the driver ; if for mutilation or same in dS rf R- ^ character of the member thfeLt JLT''"?"'"' "=«> '° '=- topped, whichTequeXmtnno"?'' j"?" sion of euilt Tn 1, ^ a^punt to an admis- the nlTand adS of' ' ''^^^^'^ ^'^^^'^ willing to R^eevidZf tT^^""^^^^^ '''^''^'^ witness canrsu^nrd t JU^rSce^^ Wolwhr^^^^^ "^^'^^^ should Te undoubted crudtv .nH f '' u°"^ °^ g^-^^s ^ud a resident in thfokrP ''^!? ^hf offender is not name and address^ nr' ^"^•'^'" "°^ ^'^^ ^is resident ofnonrU^H ^"l ^" ^^^ ^^^^ ^f a believe that hpT„'"' ^^^""^ '^ '"eason to that he will . i "°* ^'^'"^ ^hese truthfully or ' of crueltv rn! ^^ , ^ eye-witness of an act latter to do hfs dut/ " '"^ '^^"^^^ ^^^ Humane Association of Chicago . ^'""'"■> --, — S..SC mnici season, and ki'^fwf.r'f "y ''■°^^^^' ^'^'"Pled, starved meat unfit for food ' ° ™^''® *^«''" itely and take racter of the t also to re- ccused when to an admis- 'ssible, obtain ctable witness willing, such evidence." 'e eye witness 2 offender at man or con- should be of gross and ffender is not f^ot give his le case of a 3 reason to truthfully or ' 'ill abscond. s of an act of a police- ' request the personal in- "gs to pro- uel persons ' from co- efforts to on master ind others, oung lads, drivers of ty to assist places, and th, which and using iving exist- American Horses compelled to endure excruciating torture by the over-check and other high check- reins, through the ignorance and pride of thoughtless drivers. Dogs and cats drive madness from want ol ws. ) desperation and Horses ruined in health and limb through being over-loaded, lack of food and improper feeding. Old, galled, crippled horses ill-fed, over- loaded, and generally abused by hard masters. Calves with feet tied and tortured, while being transported long distances in distressed position, over rough roads, by butchers and others. Pigeons wantonly wounded, mutilated and allowed to linger hours before death comes to their relief, at shooting tournaments. Horses left standing in exposed positions, through severe storms, without covering. Beautiful song and useful birds needlessly slaughtered by men and boys for sport. Insects, birds and animals, of various kinds, cruelly put to death by thoughtless persons, when a little more care would make death less painful. The cruelty and savage instinct aroused by pugilism, cock and dog fighting. Every city, village and country town should be liberally supplied with drinking fountains (or animals, and they should be so constructed that even the smallest dogs can drink from them. No gift to a people confers a greater pleasure than a fountain, and that person who turns aside a stream from the field and gives a water- ing trough to the roadside, or provides a fountain, at which man and beast can drink pure water, is truly a public benefactor. condition, son. d, starved rted long ake their Extracts frqm hAw; ' -ler animal— or who, in 9 tsAWS RNRBR rARlD HAMILTON Animals. ^LTY TO idvice and House of ws ; : otherwise eludes any at, as well he bovine sex of the •t( and by is known, veil as to c- 42, s. I. 'y or un- ses, over- "-•' .•'•-'5) e driving nceorill- s where- done by who, in any manner, encourage?, aids or assists at the fighting or bait'" -^ of any bull, bear, badger, dog, cock or ot. er kind of animal, whether of domestic or wild nature, shall, on summary conviction before two Justices of the Peace, be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labor, or to both. 43 v., c. 38, s. s. 3. P>ery one who builds, makes, maintains or keeps a cockpit on premises belonging to or occupied by him, or allows a cockpit to be built, made, maintained or kept on premises belonging to or occupied by him, shall, on summary conviction before two Justices of the Peace, be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labor, or to both ; 2. All cocks found in any such cockpit, or on the premises wherein such cockpit is, shall be confiscated and sold for the benefit of the municipality in which such cockpit is situated. 43 v., c. 38, s. 3. 4. If any such offence is committed, any constable or other peace officer, or the owner of any such cattle, animal or poultry, upon view thereof, or upon the information of any other person (who shall declare his name and place of abode to such constable or other peace officer), may seize and secure, and forthwith, and without any warrant, may convey any such offender before a Justice of the Peace within whose jarisdiction the offence was committed, to be dealt with according to law. 32-33 V., c. 27, s. 4. 5. If any person apprehended for having committed any such offence refuses to disclose his name an.d place of abode to the^ Justice of the Peace before whom he is brought, such person shall be immediately delivered over to a constable or other peace officer, and shall, by him, be conveyed to the common jail or place of confinement for the district, county or place within which the offence was committed, or in which the offender was apprehended, there to remain few any term not exceeding one month, or until he makes known his name and place of abode to the said Justice. 32-33 V., c. '27, s 5. 6. No prosecution for any such offence shall be brought except within three months next 10 after the co^rnission of the offence. ,..,, y,^ the following^ mannef th.?'" ^' ^PP"^^ in moiety thereSf to rhe'n'L-' '°r'"y-" °"^ town, village, townchin T .°" ""^ ^^e city, which the offence Z' ^ "''• '''' P'^'^e in ?ther moiety. S ?uir ^.t'sToT'' ^"' '"^^ informed and prosecuted ^^ .u^^ P^'^^" ^^o such other person as to ^^ " ' ' '^"'^' °' *« seems prope'r. 3" 33 C.^.Ts'l^'^'^P^^^ THE CONVEVANCE OF CATTLE whL^r:il.;:;'Tl,ry7a?t of1^^" ^)-<^«' United States totr' hr^ouTS ?f ^^"^ ^^« from any part of a ProyTnceto/no^r'"*^"' °' the same, or owner or master n?^^' P"' °^ cpymg or transporting catflf f "^ ''"^^^ vmce to another Province "' -lu^ °"^ ^'°- vmce, or from the UnTed%. . '^"u'" ^"^ P'-o- any Province, shall co" fine th?' '^'°"^^ °^ ^^ or vessel of any descrbtion t ^f^ ^" ^"^^^^ than twenty JghtcSutiv/ h °"^'' ^^"°^ unladmgthe same for rp.f .""■'' '^'*'^°"t for a period of aTleast fivl' "'^*^' ''"^ ^'^eding pnless prevented fro^ so unI.'H-'''"'L"" ^^^''' 'ng water and food bv storr^ '"^.^"^ ^"^""h- f ble cause, or by necessaTv h°' ""'^°'^- '° the crossing of ST^ ^'^^^ or detention theVm^eTutf^I^'ch &rT«"^-ent. ^onfined without such res^ T ^f ^ ''e'^" furnis.^.ng of food and water " °"' '^'^ railways or vessels from wh?"h'';r°""^^^^'"8 ceived, whether in fhL tt • " ^^^V are re- Canada, Shan bL-nduL""""^' ^'^'^^ - i" -fadJnlh'Sa^^^^^^^^^^^^ m any car or vesseHn which ZV^ ^""^^ space and opportunity for r.«. ^^ ^^""^ P'^oper and water, {s V r . f * ^""^ P'^P^^ food 9, v^attle so nnlno^^i^ -u-t, . and watered during 'such r^t bv^r°P''^>^ ^^^ person having the rncf^J lu^ ^^^ ^^ner or ence. 32-33 v., recovered with 'I be applied in ^ 'o say; one 3n of the city, > or place in "«ed, and the the person who 'e same, or to ces of the peace 3. 8. TTLE. thin Canada, 1 line of road £d from one or from the Province, or other part of •f any vessel om one Pro- fiin any Pro- "ough or to »e in any car, ^nger period Jrs, without and feeding utive hours, md furnish- er unavoid- *r detention >nfinement, . have been without the connecting -y are re- ites or in attle being re carried ve proper 3per food part. Perly fed owner or >■ in case 2 railway sel trahs- le owner 11 or person in custody thereof; and such com- pany, owner or master shall, in such case, have a hen upon such cattle for food, care and custody furnished, and shall not be liable for any detention of such cattle. 38 V., c. 42, s. 3. 10. Where cattle are unladen from cars for the purpose of receiving food, water and rest, the railway company then having charge of the cars m which they have been transported shall, except durmg a period of frost, clear the floors of such cars, and litter the same properly with clean sawdust or sand before reloading them with live stock. 38 v., c. 42, s. 4. 11. Every railway company, owner or master of a vessel, having cattle in transit, as aforesaid, who knowingly and wilfully fails to comply with the provisions contained in the eighth section of this Act, shall, for every such failure to comply with its provisions, incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. ^8 V., c 42 s. S^part. " ' 'f . 12. Every peace officer and constable may, at all times, enter any premises where he has reasonable grounds for supposing that any car, truck or vehicle, in respect whereof any com- pany or person has failed to comply with the provisions of the four sections next preceding IS to be found, or enter on board any vessel in respect whereof he has reasonable grounds for supposing that any company or person has, on any occasion, so failed ; 2. Every one who refuses admission to such peace officer or constable, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars and not less than five dollars, and costs, and in default of payment, to im- prisonment for any term not exceeding thirty days. 38 v., c. 42, ss. 6, 7 and 8. 13. Every penalty recoverable under the two sections next preceding, shall belong to the Crown for the public uses of Canada; and no proceeding for the recovery of. such penalty shall be commenced except within one month next after the commission of the offence. 30 v., c. 42, s. 10. GENERAL. 14. Nothing in this Act shall prevent or abridge any remedy by action which any person has against the offender or his employer, %2-^t v., c. 27, s. 3./«r/;_38 v., c. 42, s. 9, /art la EXTRACTS FROM An Act - ^CT RESPECTING INFECTIOUS o,. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES APKE^';,"'^ Animals. ' Sec. 2.-^ln this Act <'raH)«" ^ cows, oxen, heifers and cles '""' ''"."^' means, except where .-r.-c ?u -^ "animals" cattle, shee,r horses swl '^''' '""^'^''^^^ animals of'UaSr ^nd^^°'n^'"^ ^" means communicable hv .1^ ' contagious " ulation ; "in?ectious" ri^ '°"''"^ ^'^ ^"oc- ■n any banner whatever. ''"' communicable orSes'aTy'^rnTm'arLV'-^^"^"^ °"^ keeps be infected^wi^h o r Lhr"^ '"'^^ ""^"^^^ 1° fectious or co^ic^^ st ^o'r ?o" t ^"i •"- exposed to infection nr !. ; ' ° ^° "^^^ been 'any forest, wool moor he? ^'°"' !" °^ "P^" waste-land open fidd ^n !?'^' '^^'^^^ common. ded or un^nc^sed fand shaif 7 °'^^^ ""^'^^' pffence, incur a pSv no ' "^^ ^''^'^ ^"ch hundred dollars, ^^'vict "^^^^^^^^^^^'"g two tobS/i^o^;?naTd°o'rif • animal known by him to h' ° r''*''^' P'^ce any labouring unde^^any inLtL'f n'^'^ "^'^'^ °' disease, shall, for eve v snTL ^°".'^g'0"s penalty not excee-^L^. \°^^"ce, incur a 42 Vict., c 23 s 4 ^ '^° ^""^^^^ dollars. ing'und^rTnf'irclTj^ is sold, disponed <^'S"p,fJ"^^^ious disease. offered for sale in an v Slle ' f " ^"^P^^ed or brought, or a^teLted ?n K T.^^^^^^^^'"' cr is purpose of beine^xnnl? ^^ brought, for the any'market,'KXf orn'':fn'S?- ^^^? ^ where other aiiimals are rn£r^ f P"^^'"" P^ace sale, any clerk mfncnl."'''"^^ ^^Posed for such fair o marke o^r .?•■' ^^ °l^^^ ^^cer of man, or any other n ^ ''^"'l^^^^ ^^ P^^ce- MayororReeve orbvT^'" °"''^ ^^ ''^^ havHe h'-^^- •' ■ °y any Justice of rhe p^o^^ authorized or anDoinfeH ? ''®.: ""' ^^^ P^^son Council may S the <= ^ '^^ n, in or upon larsh, common, •r other undivi- for every such -xceeding two , s. 3. igs or attempts ther place any •cted with or )r contagious ence, incur a dred dollars. vithorlabour- ;ious disease, s exposed or soever, or is ght, /or the I for sale in public place exposed for ir officer of ' or police- zed by the if rhp Pooo*, any person overnor-in- report the any Justice the place; or person 18 authorjz' )r appointed by the Governor-in- Council, .a^y cause the same, together with any pens, hurdles, troughs, litter, hay, straw or other articles which he judges likely to have been infected thereby, to be forthwith destroyed, or otherwise disposed of, in such manner as he deems proper, or as is directed, as provided by this Act 42 Vict, c. 23, s. 7. Sec. 13. — (i) The Governor-in-Council may order a compensation to be paid to the owners of animals slaughtered under the provisions of this Act, and whenever the animal slaughtered was affected by infectious or contagious disease, the compensation shall be one- third of the value of the animal before it became so affected ; but shall not, in any case, exceed twenty dollars ; m every other case the compensation to be three-fourths of the value of the animal, but shall not, in any case, exceed fifty dollars ; and in any case of thoroughbred pedigree animals two-thirds of the value of the animal, not to exceed $150; in all such cases the value of the aninrial shall be determined by the Minister of Agriculture, or by some person appointed by him. ' (2) Such compensation may be withheld in whole or in part whenever the owner or the person having charge of the animal has, in the opinion of the Minister of Agriculture, been guilty, in relation to the animal of an offence against this Act, or whenever the animal, being a foreign one, was, in his judgment, diseased at the time of entering Canada. See also Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887 chap. 216.— An Act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases among horses or other domestic animals. Relates principally to glan- ders and farcy. IMPOUNDING OF ANIMALS. (Revised Statutes iSSy, Chap, sij.) Sec. 14.— Every poundkeeper, and every person who impounds or confines, or causes to be impounded or confined, any animal in any common pound or in any open or close pound or m any enclosed place, shall daily furnish the 14 'he^'^i™',~^h"'f^J<=hP"so„ who furnishes recover the value UiereoTfrom ,h "'"'""• "»«>■ . •nimal, and also a rewonabfe ,?' """" <" ">« "".e, .rouble and aSa„t"^7he"" ''"•■ •"» ^* ^•' c- 195, s. le. '"*^ premises. impoundedorconfinedn. ' °'' P^"ses to be refuses or neglects tn fin 5^ *""1'^' ^« aforesaid the animal wUh'oodanH' ^i^^'^^ ^"^ ^^Pp'y «nd shelter as afSidt'str; '°°'' "'^' dunng ^hich he so refuses or ni' !°' ^^^""^ ^^V sum not less than one rinl?.. ^ ^''''' ^"'^^'^ ^ four dollars. ''°"^'"' "o^ more than Protection of Sheep. • r/?^h,a statutes ,8S7, Chat ^,^.) h/Ss'p^rtuTng^'rrWn? o " ^^"^ ^^^ ^^ich sheep or lamb. \ s ^^ ^°"" any Sec. lo-The d.^^^^^.''•'°• damages for knUng ? do?' '" "">' ^^f'on of stances in the priedfn? ""^'' '^^ ^'^^"m- ' ™ay plead not guilty bvlJf,?^" l^^ntioned, Act and the special malterfn 5/"^ ^^^ ^^is c- 194, s. 1 1/ ""^"^^ '" evidence. R. s., oatt%:;o;:^nV5SnrThfv'" ""'■''^' - city, town or county or Llr^^*"^^' ^°^ «ny any person residingVsuch ^^1'°""''^^' '^^' 01 union of counties o«mc ?' *°^" °^ ^^^unty, sion a dog which has' wZ" ' ''^' '" ^'^ Po«es' worried Ld l^njure/or d-f ""^^'^^ P^^^'°"«' the Justice of thi Peace ml • °^'?- '"^ ^^eep directed to such person V.T' '^'\'"'"'«0"s matter of such comS/ I nH "^ '^^^^^ ^^e person to appear bSore h m ^ '^^"'""^ ^"^h and place therein sYa?ed/n'' * """"'" ^'"'e Fomplaint, and to be fSLr h ^5^^^ '° «"<^h mg to law. R. a, c 194, s' ^2 ^''''''''^' ^''' 'afCf a cre5ibl7J""°" '' ^°"victed, ^hispo^Son',Tff^^ mjured on ha' ried '«ca and miured nr /^^„^ ^, "'"».u nas wor- 'food, water, and that such animal 'fined. R. s., c. n who furnishes nd shelter, may he owner of the llowance for his " the premises. eper, or person r causes to be lal as aforesaid, de and supply ■It food, water for every day fleets, forfeit a or more than ;p. at 4.) ly dog which ounding any o. ly action of the circum- mentioned, ^d give this fice. K. s,, writing, on ce, for any unties, that ' or county, his posses- is previous, »ny sheep, summons, hortly the inng ^uch rtain time to such h accord- onvicted, wning or has wor- eep, the r for the 15 killing of such dog (describing the same accord- ing to the tenor of the description given in the complaint and in the evidence), within three days, and in default thereof may, in his dis- cretion, impose i fine upon such person, not exceeding tv/enty r'ollars, with costs; and all penalities imposed under this section shall be applied to the use of the Municipality in which the defendant resides. R. S., c. 194, s. 14. Sec. 14 —No conviction under this Act shall be a bar to any action by the owner or possessor, as aforesaid, of any sheep for the recovery of damages for the injury done to such sheep in respect of which such conviction is had. R. S., c. 194, s. 15. Sec. 15.— The owner of any sheep or lamb killed or injured by any dog shall be entitled to recover the damage occasioned thereby from the owner or keeper of such dog, by an action for damages or by summary proceedings before a Justice of the Peace. Sec. 16. — The owner or keeper of any dog or dogs to whom notice is given of any injury done by his dog or dogs to any sheep or lamb, or of his dog or dogs having chased or worried any sheep or lamb, shall, within forty-eight hours after such notice, cause such dog or dogs to be killed ; and for every neglect so to do he shall forfeit a sum of two dollars and fifty cents for every such dog, and a further sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents for each such dog for every forty-eight hours thereafter, until the same is killed, if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Justice of the Peace before whom pro- ceedings are taken for the recovery of such penalties that such dog or dogs has or have worried or otherwise injured such sheep or lamb j but no such penalties shall be enforced m case it appears to the satisfaction of such Justice of the Peace that it was not in the power of such owner or keeper to kill such doe or dogs. R. S., c. 194, s. 17. Sec. 17. — In case the owner of any sheep or lamb so killed or injured proceeds against tl e o\yner or keeper of the dog that committed the injuiy, before a Justice of the Peace, as pro- vided by this Act, and is unable on the convict- ion of the offender, to levy the amount ordered to be paid, fox want of sufficient distress to levy the same, then the Council of the Municinality in which the offender resided at the time of the iJ! ! 1i I '■I I i9 injury shall order thpiV t.^ Wieved party the amlln?"^ '^.'^^^ '« 'he by the Justice under t^ecoJvTfr'^ '"^ ^ P««d ex<-q>ting the costs of the nnl"^ ■'""'"« «"d 'he Justice and before the r'^^'T ^'^^'^ ''■ ^94, s. 1 8. '^'^ Council. R. s., .killed or ,;iured braVVo7 fJ'^^ '^^ '^'"'> keeper of whu h is not known ^' ^ "^"^^^ ^^ '"onths, apply to th^rJ^^",'"^^' ^"hin three 'njured for compensation t?l ''"'• '° '^'"^^^ or competent to^a7mim•stTrl°^T'^''^h shall be examining parties n/j. I °-"' °'' o«'l's in 'hat the 4wev:d^ rrt;ts';"r?i- ■' ^^'^^^^ and mqiiry to ascerta n hl^ "^'''^^"^ ^^^rch «uc dog, and that such own°rTL°' '^'''^^^ °^ b^^ found, t;.ey shall awTrd tr??.^^^''' ^''""^t P-irty for compensa on n c ^^^ 'Aggrieved . tM.o-thirds of tCamoun? of"The"d ''^^^^^'"^ taned by him; and the V ""^^^ ^"s- ^unicipality sh^ll pay iter tl'h-'^T °^ 'he so awarded. R. S., c i " '^e amount kilfed'orVuTed whUrrnL'"^ ''^^^P °^ ^^'"b «ny highway or ulnHnl^ "^/^ ^^'S^ "Pon claim under\hs Ac^to nt -"^ ''^"" '^^^^ "o from any MunicLhty R *"«"" ^^^npensation Sec. 21 — Tf fL /■ '. ' ^' ^94, s. 21. Union ufcour ties bvR;;r/?">' bounty or with the leyy o the afofe 'Jn'^f ''^'^ '° ^''^P^n^e P/'lities within itsTurfsdiS Sn th' '" '''' ^""'^'■ sheep or lamb mJnnl^l ^^ °^"^'' of any owner or keler of'anv h"''''"^J"^' «"^ the damige or injur^ don" L thf ° -A^"^ ^°^ 'he to the said shie/or la mb' and th, ^« °^ ^^S^ be recovered in themrnn.'/ ■l'^ ^^"'^ shall ^5 of this Act. R™^""^'^ provided by Section ^- 0., C. 194, s. 22. Animals. (/Revised Statutes 187J, Cha -•'.?/. j « inafte'r' m7nwV2if '^'^^L^\ birds here- KHleci within the Derf"nH« \^1 ."""'ca, taken or (r.) Deer "j/^"""^' ^^'"^'"^fter limited : between thVAlenSTv "f"^^^'' ""' ^^"'boo. •fteentii day of oC^ber ^ °'''"^^^'- ^"^ the Jrer to pay to the >rdered to be paid "-t'on, saving and roceedings before v>ouncil. R, s. ly sheep or Iamb '» the ownej pr ^ay, within three the Municipai;ty was so killed or e injury ; and if *yhich shall be ith or oaths in ses) is satisfied e diligent search ler or keeper of r keeper cannot the aggrieved not exceeding J damage sus- isurer of the "11 the amount sheep or Jamb at large upon shall have no compensation 194, S. 21. y County or -s to dispense 1 the Munici- wner of any 'ng, sue the ^ogs for the dog or dogs • same shall d by Section Bearing birds here- taken or iniited : r cariboo, -r and the 1 I 17 (3.) Grouse, phca^ant.o, prairie fowl or patt- ridge, between the fi.-st day of January and the first day of September. (3.) Quail or wild turkeys, etween the fiftetnth day of December and the nuecnth day of October. (4) VVoodcock, between the first day of January and the fifteenth day of August. (5-) Snipe, rail and golden plover, between the first day of January and the first day of September. (6.) Swans or geese, between the first day of May and the first day of September. (7.) Ducks of all kinds, and all other water- fowl, bctwi-en the first day of January and the first day of September. (8.) Hares, between the first day of March and the first day of September. Sec. 2.— No person shall have in his pos- session any of the said animals or birds, no matter where procured, or any part or portion of any of such animals or birds, during the periods in which they are so protected. Pro- vided that they may be exposed for sale for fifteen days, and no longer, after such periods, and may be had in possession for the private use of the owner and his family at any time ; but m all cases the proof of the time of killing, taking or purchasing shall be upon the person so in possession. Sec. 3.— No eggs of any of the birds above mentioned shall be taken, destroyed, or had in possession by any person at any time. Sec. 4.— None of the said animals or birds, except the animals mentioned in Section 6 of this Act, shall be trapped or taken by means of traps, net", snares, gins, baited lines or other similar contrivances ; nor shall such traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines or contrivances be set for them, or any of them, at any time; and such traps, nets snares, gins, baited lines or con- trivances may be destroyed by any person with- out such person thereby incurring any liability Sec. 5.— None of the contrivances for fatmc- or killing the wild fowl known as swans, geese or ducks, which are described or known as batteries, swivel guns or sunken punts shall be used at any time; and no wild fowl known as duck, or other waterfowl, except geese or 18 ■ or kilK or had in (hl'„? ^'^ ''°'«"'' ''ken between the fi„tdat„'?^S''''°"A=">'l'«"™ of November nL .1^ ?, *'">' ="<> 'h* «"( day or othertmrivrce't'e'sT. 'fTthr^^' ^'"^ such period • nor choii ^"^ ^"^'^" during cut, speared brok^n^ h"^ '^'''^'^' ^°"«« bf trivances so seS k/h A ^'"' °^ °ther con- without such person thfrr°^'^ by any person bility therefor fpr^videf^^^^^^ 1?"'"'^. ^"^ "«" not apply to anv npr«^« ? ^^'? ^^^*>°n shall said aSimVs in defence or ''''°^'"^ ""^^ °^*he property. ^"''^ °'' Preservation of his >punfsU7pofsumLT^"'' ^^'> ^^* «hall be --conSSS^^^ (a.) In case of deer pIIt ^ or cariboo, by a fine nn^ / ' i^°°^^' reindeer nor less than fen dX ^^«.^?'"g fifty dollars, offence. ^" '^°"*'''' ^'^h costs, for each exct^di!rg\tnt%S,°' ^^^^; ^y ^ «"^ "o^ not exceeding twenty fivl H^ii '^*^^' ^^ ^ fi"e Ave donar, w^i.hTo:^*:,t':h Xcl^" *" by ai„'e"not%«e?di„?r "'^f'' "''^'^ Act, '«s than C do"art"li.^"'™'^«- dollars no; to Ae p^oT^u^or ™re°5 f."? ''""•'.^" ^e paid l>as reason to believe t£t,^ '^ Justice collusion »ith and Z ^ P'oseculion is in *= accused, in'hich case'^KS"/ ''•""•'"« order the disposal of *e fine a /n" h"'">' cases. "^- as in ordinary ... .?^: 9-— In all cases, cnnfic^of.- ^ .. snaa juiiow conviction • VnJTu""" "' '"^ ^^'"« fiscated shall be give'n ,1 ^''"? '° "°"- institution or purnose Tf .1 '."'"^ charitable convicting Jus ce ' ^^ ^'^cretion of the >r killed, between Jext after sunset hour next before muskrat, sable, be hunted, taken ion of any person and the first day ;aps, snares, gins or them during uskrat house be 'ed at any time ; s or other con- id by any person icurring any lia- his section shall )ying any of the iervation of his 5 Act shall be on, on informa- e of the Peace, oose, reindeer 'g fifty dollars, costs, for each ', by a fine not less than five "■egg. 'ring animals ■^ct, by a fine ^or less than fence. ss of this Act, 2 dollars nor shall be paid cting Justice ecution is in of benefiting Justice may in ordinary of the game ime so con- charitable etion of the 19 Sec. id.— In order to encourage persons who have heretofore imported, or hereafter import, different kinds of game with a desire to breed and preserve the same on their own lands, it is enacted that it shall not be lawful to hunt shoot, kill or destroy any such game without the consent of the owner of the property wherever the same may be bred. * "^ ■'' Sec. 1 1.— It shall not be lawful for any person to kill or take any animal protected by this Act by the use of poison or poisonous substances nor to expose poison, poisoned bait or other poisoned substances in any place or locality where dogs or cattle may have access to the same. Sec. 12,— No person shall at any time hunt, take or kill any deer, elk, moose, reindeer or cariboo, for the purpose of exporting the same out of Ontario, and in all cases the onus of proving that any such deer, elk, moose, rein- deer or cariboo, as aforesaid so hunted, taken or killed, is not intended to be exported as aforesaid shall be upon the person hunting, killing or taking the same, or in whose possession or custody the same may be found. Offences against this Section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, nor less than five dollars, for each animal. Sec. 13 —No owner of any hound or other dog known by the owner to be accustomed lo piirsue deer shall permit any such hound or other dog to run at large in any locality where deer are usually found during the period from the isth day of November to the 15th day of October, under a penalty, on conviction, of not more than twenty-five dollars, nor less than five dollars, for each offence. Any person harbor- ing or claiming to be the owner of any such hound or dog shall be deemed to be the owner thereof Sec. 14.— It shall be lawful for the council of any county, city, town, township or incorporated village, to appoint an oflScer who shall be known as the game inspector for such county, city town, township or incorporated village, and Who shall perform such duties in enforcing thp provisiunaofthisAct and be paid such salary as may be mutually agreed upon. llMi ! 20 • Protection of Insectivorous and other Birds Beneficial to Agriculture. (/Revised Statutes 1877, Chap. 223.) Sec. 2.— (i.) It shall not be lawful to ever Sve anrfT, ".^ '"'T- "">" ""l -"""so; (2.) Any person may, during the fruit season ^Las "of'S wr'f"* "'^ f™™'omTe miacKs 01 such birds, shoot or destroy on YW undeTttoXcr*""' "'■"« ""^" 'o -^ P"=""? bu?';'.ii'~" *"","°' '•^ '^"f"! 'o take, rapture s.!;;^t^ r^fs-— -^^^^^^^^^^ nlu' ij •'' ^"'^P' ^"Sl^. falcons, hawk" .aveis mlK.T'n''^''^''"''' j^^^' "»-" "d i'lvens, might be killed and cantured ■ arH -.n,, enlinr^ei'^l,? 'T'„"«= orXr'^a^ht c 2 ;'5g- :KhS -i-*. jays Jingljsh sparrows and ravens mav \^l destroyed by any person without such person incurring any liability therefor. R S^ c 20 " A.^^L^'~t±^l "°^ '^^ '^^f"l to take, injure. or^^oran7bird;K::::^^;l^s^ ^Ss;e^^r5,r"^i~^^ ravens R o°!^'' J^^^' English sparrows and '«vcns. K. ^5.^ c_ 201, S. 4. rous and other Agriculture. Chap. 222,) ^ct contained shall 'or the Ftotection of nals, or to apply to 'ther domesticated n as cage birds, or nonly known as e lawful to shoot, 5 attempt to shoot, any bird whatso- , falcons, hawks, kingfishers, crows, ravens, and the > The Aa for the Bearing Animals. I the fruit season, lis fruit from the 5r destroy on his as the robin and. )le to any penalty 1 to take, capture, ive in possession inds hereinbefore set, wholly or in re, cage or other any bird whatso- falcons, hawkp, I jays, crows and ttured ; ard any 3ther machine or part for the pur- ling any bird or falcons, hawks, ngfishers, crow?, ivens, may be ut such person R. S. , C. 20I, I to take, injure, iny neit, young xcept of eagles, >ns, blackbirds, I sparrows and 21 Sec. S— Any person may seize, on view, any bird unlawfully possessed, and carry the same before any Justice of the Peace, to be bv him confiscated, and if alive to be liberated : and it shall be the duty of all Market Clerks and Policemen or Constables on the spot to seize and confiscate, and, if alive, to liberate such birds. R. S., c. 201, s. 5, Sec 6,— The Commissioner of Agriculture and all persons authorized by him to that effect' may grant written permission to any person or persons who may be desirous of obtaining birds or eggs for bona fide scientific purposes to pro- cure theni for that purpose, and such person or persons shall not be liable to any penalty under this Act. R. S., c. 201, s. 6. f^i^" ^■~^V\7''^^ violation of any provision of this Act shall subject the offender to the payment of not less than one dollar and not more than t^yenty dollars, with costs, on sum- mary conviction, on information or complaint before one or more Justices of the Peace. (2.) The whole of the fine shall be paid to the prosecutor, unless the convicting Justice has reason to believe thit the prosecution is in collusion with and for the purpose of benefit- ing the accused, in which case the said Justice may order the disposal of the fine as in ordinary ^.^"M" ^f.^^"'* °^ payment of the fine and costs, the offender shall be imprisoned in the nearest Common Jail for a period of not less than two and not more than twenty days, at the discretion of such Justice. R. S., c. 201, s. 7. Sec. 8.— No conviction under this Act shall be annulled or vacated for any defect in the form thereof, or for any omission or informality m any summons or other proceeding under this Act, so long as no substantial injustice results therefrom. R. S., c. 201, s 8. Extracts from the Consolidated By-laws OF the City of Hamilton. Chapter ^.—v dating to Pound, Sec. 2.— That it shall not be lawful for any person to allow his or her horse, mare, gelding, bull, ox, cow, heifer, steer, calf, goat, mule, ass, sneep, pig, iamb, geese, ducks or any poultry to run at large within the City of Hamilton. ' ll 99 Sec. 4— That it shall and may be lawful for any person to drive to the pound any of the animals nient oned in c»^f;«^ . . "/ °' ^"? animals mentioned in Section z: geese and ZnS' ^r,"^ ''''^'''^S °'- ^"y such founS running at large contrary to this By-law. Crvs'lal 'p^J!""^ the south-west portion of the annnfmiH'"'^''^ .^^^'^^ ^^" ^^ and is hereby appointed pound-keeper of the said city. Chapter dy.—Dog Tax. Sec. 4.— That any dog or bitch found running killed or otherwise disposed of by the person or • persons duly authorized by this Council Sec. 13.— It shall be the duty of the DounH . overs'ixturs'"" ""^ "^^^ """ '">P°™dld 11 \ i may be lawful for pound any of the ion 2 J geese and r any such found his By-law. west portion of the the pound of the rr be and is hereby e said city. ' Tax. itch found running ' may be captured, f by the person or is Council. uty of the pound- ;h water all dogs been impounded FIfiXT ANNUAL REPORT -OF THE- Hamilton Society for Preyeijtion of Gruelt/- to Apimals. ■^pnV ist, 1888. In presenting their First Annual Report for the year ending 31st March, 1888, your Committee beg to review the work of the Society from the time of Its organization. After one or two preliminary meetings the Society was finally organized on ist ''April 1887, and adopted a constitution and appointed officers and an Executive Committee to carry on the work. After some little delay your Committee were at last enabled to commence active work through the kindness of the Police Commissioners m loaning the services of Police Constable Watson as temporary Inspector. Ihis officer proved himself most efficient, and your Committee endeavored to secure him as permanent Inspector, but, though they sympa- thized with the work, the Commissioners did not feel justified in granting the request, as it is difficult for the force with its present limited numbers to accomplish the ordinary work that IS expected of it. P. C. Watson was presented with a gold headed cane with an appropriate mscription as a mark of appreciation of his ?f''«f,'.- ^^^""^ extended over two nioiuhs. Mr. William Kerley, our present Inspector, was next appointed and has proved himself watch- ful, energetic and prudent. It has only been in the worst cases that prosecutions have taken place; in the large majority of instances a warning is first given the name and address of each individual being taken, and the Inspector keeping track of each case till cured. Thiic o mor. (r.„^A I..' horse with galled shoulders after being warned that It is unfit for work would at once be pro- ceeded against. Considerable tact is required m looking into reported cases, as it sometimes occurs that a neighbor will lay information against a man for some personal motive of spite 34 gives proper name and address whli ^irK" regarded as s^riaiy conUnZTX:^^^^^^! but anonymous communications (of which some have been received) will not be noticed rhl''?,,^''^ Council, on being applied to chee.fully appropriated the sum of three hundred dollars as an annual grant towards the funds of t/cSm'S hrifT'i'"'^ ^'^' •' rehnqut ed tbnfbefore%^ea^'MSr^ raisLrfunds"' ^'^'^"^"^ ^°^ ^"^ P-Pose of . Nearly all of the livery stable keener, in .1, offer has been made use of on several occasions the^Soctetv"w.^/°''"' ^'/'^ ^"'^ ^^^^ident of ine society was requested to introduce a hin during the present session of the Domidon Parliament, to prevent the use of live bS of any kind at shooting tournaments, and is akir/ up the matter, the bill having nassed Ic « 1 reading. A petition to strengthen hi 1 ^ was got up under the ausplcS of thp%J f and signed by over 500 nan'ies and very' m"nj more could have been obtained had tLper^ nitted, many citizens expressing sa isfacKnn that the matter was being taken up. ''^''^^^^'°" The Inspector visits Dundas, where the oS? ?;;V'°"' ^5 -embers,' monthly o^ 2Lnt L I.. I T'^' ^"^ ^ '■^^•^^"t honorary agent has lately been annnin«-«H fU«-„ -.-/^.*v hoped .hat like agents ml^'soi^SVpolned antbSifit°„i;.r' '' ^'^" ''^'-' =- 35 2re that all cases will when the informer Idress, which will be ttal when lo desired, tions (of which some t be noticed. being applied to, ium of three hundred owards the funds of hat it relinquished rising from prosecu- rate. This condition ity cannot therefore for the purpose of able keepers in the h horse and buggy lecessary to follow this very generous 1 several occasions. . and President of > introduce a bill, of the Dominion 'se of live birds of ents, and is taking 'g passed its first gthen his hands es of the Society i, and very many led had time per- ising satisfaction n up, V attention to the rearing or check- '■r-checking, which head in a con- )osition, which is 1 are of opinion iraged in every ias, where the rs, monthly or >ident honorary fU«— . -- J .. ■' "jvic, aiiu It IS n be appointed rlington, Stoney ven below, also It is most desirable for the successful work- ing of the Society that the funds be very con- siderably increased, and now that the citizens see that the Society is in earnest, it is hoped they will come forward and assist more generally by subscribing their names as members. A reserve fund of several hundred dollars should be created in case the society are at any time drawn into legal expense; further funds should also be available for developing the work. The erection of drinking fountains has been taken up by some societies and been the means of domg much good. While your Committee feel that they are not financially strong enough to undertake this branch of the work, they would suggest the propriety of passing a resolu- tion at the annual meeting strongly urging the City Council to erect several more fountains in suitable localities where man and beast alike can quench their thirst. The thanks of the Society are due to the sister societies in New York, Buffalo, Pennsyl- vania (women's branch), Ossining, Montreal and Ottawa for copies of reports and assistance in organizing. Mesbrs. Edward Martin, Q. C. and S. F Lazier have kindly consented to act as honorary counsel, and Dr. J. Craig, V. S., as honorary veterinary surgeon. A By-law was passed by your Committee making donors of te7i dollars ($io) and upwards life members. Your Committee cannot close this report without referring to the very recent death of Henry Bergh, of New York, who may with ' truth be called the father of Humane Societies on tr o continent, having for years devoted his life to the furtherance of their interests, and in his will requested his nephew to carry on the good work he had himself so happily and successfully inaugurated. All of which is respectfully submitted. Adam Brown, President. Henry McLaren. Sec, • Treasurer, 86 mmmpmY of ?asgs. BROUGHT mxo COURT, CONVICTED AND HNed. 9 Horses, ill-treating. ... d.^ 7 " sore shoulders..." *!l 5° « " over-driving. ^^5° I Cock-fighting ■ 5 00 _[ Chickens, plucking while "alive" ." ." ." ." 5 00 *3 * — ^ — $194 50 dismissed. == Jt Horse, died from ill-treatment. 2 Horses, destroyed as useless. ^ Warnmgs and cautions, approximate. i52_Total. Memo:- Warnings are now booked and Horses-Neglecting to feed, striking when down over-loadmg, furious driving, sore shoulders' Cows— Neglecting to feed. Chickens-Cruelty to, on the Market. 87 ess. wner found iproximate. V booked and en given in four cing when down, , sore shoulders, t properly shod, ABSTRACT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE 1st April, 1887 ^0 31st March, 1888. RECEIPTS. Members' Subscriptions $233 00 Corporation Grant for 1888 300 00 Proportion of Fines to Dec. 31st, 1887. 67 co Interest on Bank Account i 70 $602 29 EXPENDITURE. " Salaries i^g^^ qq Expenses Treasurer, Inspector and Collector 22 36 Stationery n 3q Advertising Meetings 17 00 Gold Headed Presentation Cane 10 00 Rent Room ^ eo Official Badges ', 1050 Balance, Cash on hand ~ 367 I3 $6oi 29 arket. l\n MEMBERS. David McLelJan, May ,st, 1888 Reginald ^.:. Kennedy. May 4th. ,888. Edward Martin. Q. C, May 5th. ,888. $10 00 10 00 'O CX3 LIST OF ANNUAL MEMBERS. Acres, W. Alexander, A. A. Alexander, A. > Anderson, J. M. Anderson, Robert B Baird, Chas. Baker, H. C. Balfour, St C. Ballentine, A. &Bros. Bankier, P. M. Bankier, Mrs. P. M. Barlow, G. Barnird, P. fi. Major Barton, Geo. M. Bates, Di- Battram, C. Bassett, 11. D. Bazzard, Geo. Beasley, T. Beddoe, Thomas Begue, T. H. Bell, W. & Co. Bertram, Dr. Bertram, John Bews, John Y. Billings, John Birge, C. A. Black. Chas. Boggess, Jas. Boyd. J. R. F. Bracken, H. C. Bremner, G Briggs, G. C. & Sons Bristol, G. E. BrowHj Adam Brown, Mrs. A. Brown, Miss Daisy Burn & Robinson Burrows, Stewart & Milne Calder, Johi; Cambden, J. R. Cameron, h. D. Campbell ^.: ♦Vntecost Carmioha'. I, Mrs. Hartley Casey Bros. Champ, W, S. Chittenden, Dr. C. S Clayt jn, John Coburn, H. p Colbeck, H. Colquhoun, E. A. Colquhoun. Mrs, E. A. »-oote. Geo. Copp Bros. Craig J (V. S.) Cruickshank, R. Cunningham, A. M. Davidson. Jas. Davidson, Thos. Dawson, D. Dewey, D. R. Dixon, Jas. Domvilie, A. C. Domville, C. K. Domvilie, E. Domville, E. A. Domvilie, F. J. Domville, H. T. Domville, P. Doolittle, Chas. E. Doran, Wm (Mayor) Duncan, R. Dunn.. Wm, Eastwood, John Enright, J. & Bro. w 3ERS. 1 $10 00 >, 1888, 10 00 1, 1888, . to 00 MEMBeRS. Jer, John ibden, /. k. leron, h. D, >pljell fc t»:^ntecost nioha'.l, Mrs. Hartley sy Bros, »ip, W. S. tenden, Dr. C. S. ton, John irn, H. P. eck, H. uhoun, E. A. uhoun, Mrs. E. A. i, Geo. Bros. ik ^Y- s-J kshank, R. ingham, A. M. son, Jas. son, Thos. in, D. ', D. R. [as. lie, A. C. lie, C. K. lie, E. lie. E. A. le. F. J. le, H. T. le, P. e, Chas. E. Wm (Mayor) , R. d, John J- & Bro. I' ilzsimmons, H. Flatt & Bradley Foote, C. C. Freeman, W. A. P'uller, Richard Furniss & Son Galbreaith, N. D. Garland, Louis Gates, F. W. Gerrie, J. W. Gibson, J. M., Lt.-Col. Gibson, W. Giles, Jf. W, Gillespie, Geo. H. Glassco, J. T. Gould & Son, D. H. Gow Grafton & Co. Grant, Mrs. Peter Grant, W. J. Greene, J. Greening, S. O. Grifiin, Dr. Grossman, P. Gurney, C. Gurney & Ware Gwyn, H. C, Lt.-Col. H Hacker, G. G. Hall, Alfred Hargrove, Joseph Hayes, A. Hendrie & Co. Hendrie, Capt. J. S. Hendrie, Mrs. J. S. Hendrie, Wm. Herron, Joseph Hill, Wm. Holton, W. Hope, Chas. Hore, F. W. & Son Hurd & Roberts I Imperial iMineral Water Co. Jolley, James Jones, C. J. Jones, fceiicca Ktndrick, Jas. Kerrigan, D. Knox, Morgan & Co. Land, Allan Land, I. H. Leather, T. E. Lee, Rev. C. R. Lee, H. Lees, A. A. Lees, Thomas Lets, Wm. Leggat, M. Levy, A. Little, Matt. H. Long & Uisby Lonsdale, F. Lottridge, J. M. Lumsden Bros. Lucas, R. A. M McCallum & Hall McCoy, J, C. Macfaddin, Rev. T. J. McGregor, D. G. McGregor & Park Mcllwraith & McMaster McKay, Alex., M. P. McKeand, J. C. McKechnie, R. Mackenzie, A. L McKinnon, Chief McLaren, Miss H. McLaren, Henry McLaren, Mrs. IL McLaren, Miss M. McLaren, W. H. McLaren, Mrs. W. P. McMahon, Dr. McNair, Samuel McPherson, J & Co. Macpherson, T. H. Mallock, F. Marshall, W. Martin, Miss Amy Martin, Mrs. E. Martin, Miss Ethel Martin, Miss O'D. Mason, J. J. Masson, Mrs. Mathews, Jas. Meakins & Son Middleton, J. T. Millard, J. W. Mills, Frank Mitchell, Thomas Moore, Major A. H. Moore, Mrs. D. Moore,' John hV Morgan Chas. £. Morrow, Chas. Mundy, Mark Murray, Hugh Murton, Chas. Murton, Ed. 80 N Newberry, F. W. Niagara, the Bishop of Niblett, W. C, Nichols, VV. H. Onl< Hall Osborne, Killey & Co. Osborne, fas. & Co. Overell, E. Papps, Geo S. Papps, Percy C. H. Park, J. H. Parker, J. E. Payne, Wm. Pearson, John Pennington A Ba!«r Peebles, J. Pottinger, R. Pratt & Watkins Proctor, John Ramsay, A. G. Ray, H. A. Ray, ^frs. H. A. Redfieid, J. E. Reid, Birely & Co. Reynolds, Dr. Riddel, John Roach, George Robertson, J. H. Robinson, W. A. Rollin, F, Ronan, P. Ross, Dr. Ross, S. F. Rousseaux, J. M. Routh, J. T. Rutherford, Geo. Russell, G. M. 8 Sanford, W. E. Scott, Jas. Shepherd, F. Slater, S. Smith, J. Findlay Somerville, Jas. Somerville, Roy Steele. R. T. Stewart, Jas. Stewart, John Stiff, Chas. Stinson, T. II, Stinson, James Stuart, John & Co. Sturdy, J. Sullivan, D. Taylor, Geo. Temple, J. Tench, W. B. E. Thomas, Chas. L. Thomas, J. f. Thomson, P. Thomson, G. C. Thomson, Mrs. R. Thomson, R. Thornton, Jas. Tobin, John Townsend, M. Townsend, W G. Travers, J. N. Tuckelt, Geo. E. Tuckett, Geo. J. Tuckett, John E. Vernon, Dr. * Walker, F. E. Walker, Dr. Walker, Mrs. Halford Wanzer, R. M. & Co. Warden, A. R. Watkins, Thomas C. Watson, W.J. Way, Bidwell Wheeler, R. N. Williams, Chas. J. Williams, H. S. Wilson, Arch. & Co. Wilson, R. T. Winnifrith, B. Wood, Walter & Co. Y Young, J. M. z Zingsheim, J. time of formation to MarS^.^rSSS li^^^T ^"^ mislaid^ "' *' unfortunately a few names were Steele. R. T. Stewnrt, Jas. Stewart, John Stiff, Chas. 5tinson, T. II, Stinson, James Stuart, Johri & Co. sturdy, J. jullivan, D. 'aylor, Geo. "emule, J. 'ench, W. B. E. 'homas, Chas. L. "homas, J, J. homson, F. homson, G. C. homson, Mrs. R, homson, R. hornton, Jas. obin, John ownsend, M. ownsend, W G. ravers, J. N. nckett, Geo. E. jckett, Geo. J. ackett, John E. !rnon. Dr. ' alker, F. E. ilker, Dr. ilker, Mrs. Halford Inzer, R. M. & Co. Udell, A. R. itkins, Thomas C. itson, \V. J. ly, Bidwell leeler, R. N. lliams, Chas. J. iliams, H. S. Ison, Arch, & Co. Ison, R. T. nnifrith, B. od, Walter & Co. Y ing. J. M. z {[sheim, J. 33C wno joiiicu from 888. Any member will please report to ly a few names were