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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 X 1 1 1 "1 6,1 hi I RJtn i«.i '81, IHiSft, ;?pi^ .;ir!n; -;c,% LiWMk^ M w u ut* ww*«»^w »*»i>».i .i u * « 4 ir ^« rt t^c '•■• :-"i^ft!^tf^»» •;•••'- QF I r;1ttfiUJW,«rwii5^/. TTrntJTtiniwMnfinnrncrwsnnnTSttnTrTOTOiHininnnS^^ j»&E4^iI)! n»!:i!:!?Si^^^ MiS •♦.- .'jJi^-'MitiW ''*HH».t;»'*'*-**t*f*'*'**^**'*^"***'**'^ SSBSiS^ >>W^4^>//^--^ ^-' ^ ^ REGULATIONS AND BY-LAWS ■' I m — ^ OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE, AS AMENDED AT THE GENERAL MEETING HELi> JANUARY 8th, 1853 ; WITH ADDITIONS. I I %y INCOKPOEATED BY EOTAL CHARTER. TORONTO: PRINTED BY LOVELL AND GIBSON, YONGE STREET. 1862. m m I i i if I ■f I •'«*atiur*Jiiltlwiuw5;uuw»Wiu:a.unnH«»t«lt.. Ml ^^^^^^^^^^^Hf%it: -m&^ ! / 1 1 , '■ 11 •>l-i*BaH*'*!'t«tfi*i^tf!-K«^--' frfcrfliii J ) REGULATIONS AND BY-LAWP OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE, AS AMENDED AT THE GENERAL MEETING HELD JANUARY 8th, 1853; WITH ADDITIONS. ■I ■» INCORIOEATED BY EOYAL CHARTEE. TORONTO : PRINTED BY LOVELL AND GIBSON, YONGE STREET. 1862. '^ S S S^ JUN 20 1955 « - ■« r l-!*Hl45pi- EEGULATIONS. SECTION I. OF ITS OBJECTS. The Cattadia^ Institute has been estab- lished by Eoyal Charter, for the purpose of promoting the Physical Sciences, for encoura- ging and advancing the Industrial Arts and Manufactures, for eiSecting the formation of a Provincial Museum, and for the purpose of faci- litating the acquirement and the dissemination of knowledge connected with the Surveying, Engineering, and Architectural Professions. SECTION II. OF ITS CONSTITUTION. 1. The Canadian Institute shall consist of four classes, viz., Members, Members for Life, Corresponding Members, and Honorary Mem- bers. r;j#e#1i: WtfflWWWMHIIMffiHm^ 4 REGULATIONS. 2. Members shall be persons wbose pursuits or studies are connected with the Arts and Sciences, or who are desirous of forwarding the objects of the Institute. 3. Corresponding INIembers shall bo persons residing out of the Province, whose pursuits are similar to those of Members, 4. Members for life shall be persons who may make donations of £10 in money, books, or specimens for the Museum (the two latter to be "^^ valued by competent persons), or who may be elected as such a'; the Annual General Meeting "' of the Institute, for important services per- formed, and after due notice has been given, as in the case of alteration of the laws. '* ,46. Honorary Members shall be persons of \, high standing, who are eminent for their scien- ' tific attainments. 6. The number of Honorary Members shall be limited to twenty-five. 7. The Officers of the Institute shall consist of a President; a Pirst, Second, and Third a= Vice-President ; a Treasurer ; Corresponding , ;.and Eecording Secretaries; Librarian and Cura- M. tor,— all of whom shall be elected annually, and shall be re-eligible. REGULATIONS. k1 ose pursuits le Arts and warding the [ bo persona pursuits are >ns who may f, books, or ► latter to bo who may bo 3ral Meeting services per* jen given, as rs. e persons of : their scien- embers shall I shall consist a, and Third Jorresponding ian and Cura- annually, and SECTION III. OF THE ELECTION OF MEIvIBERS. 1. All persons desirous of being admitted into the Institute as Members, Corresponding Members, or Members for Life, must be pro- posed agreeably to form (A.) in the Appendix hereto; and which form must be subscribed by at least two Members of the Institute. 2. Honorary Members ra . -ecoramended by at least three Member >hall certify that the candidate is a perfc... .ent for his attainments in Science. 3. Every recommendation of a candidate, as an Honorary Member, must be delivered to the Secretary, who shall submit the same to the Council for inquiry ; and when the recommen- dation of such candidalu is approved by the Council, it shall be signed by the Chairman, and read at the first following ordinary meeting, previous to the ballot being taken. 4i, The proportion of votes ri quisite for the election of any person, shall be at least three- fourths of the ballot. 6. Whenever any person is elected a Member, the Secretary shall immediately inform him of :«^,jiii«' ■ , •:-tli»>:,; .t tT. VV4 .u:.t&ti:iri*!'^>;>4^|*|«»l»«*«^*^. ^^^5^>^■.:>^.^4/.l/.,^^t;.!>?4f*tat^j^4t;ilMEl!>!tefi-•^1•|^44^ H S 1 I ; 1. g REGULATIONS. tte same by letter (B. in the Appendix) ; and the election of Corresponding, Life, and Hono- rary Members, shall likewise be communicated to them as soon as possible, by a letter suitable to each partis >lar case ; and no person shall be : Vice considered a member of any class until he has | and to fc balk Satu upoi day, 2 oft mua mee gen 3 and elec 4 tioi by the as yea P0£ signified his acquiescence in the election 6. Every person elected a Member is required to pay his first contribution within two months of the day of his election. 7. If at any time there shall appear cause for the expulsion of any Member, such proposition shall be handed to the Council, who, if they think fit, shall notify such Member of their in- tention, at least cue month previous, according to form (C.) in the Appendix, and shall call a special meeting for the purpose ; but no Mem- ber can be expelled without a report from the Council; ana if two-thirds of the Members present at such special general meeting agree that such Member be expelled, the President or Chairman shall declare the same accordingly; and the Secretary shall forthwith communicate the same to such Member, according to the form (D) in the Appendix. REGULATIONS. . T ndix);ana SECTION VI. and Hono- | nmunicated ^^ ™^ E^EOTION OF THE OFFICERS. tec suitable | 1. The President, First, Second, and Third son shall bo i Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Two Secretaries, mtil he has ition. ' is required two months and Curator and Liurarian (with Six Members to form a Council), shall be elected annually ^.7 ballot, at the General Meeting on the Third Saturday in December ; and if that day fall upon a holiday, then upon tlb*^ following Satur- day. 2. That all persons to be eligible as Officers of the Institute and Members of the Council, must be put in nomination at the ordinary meeting immediately preceding the annual general meeting. 3« Any Member being nominated to an office and not elected thereto, shall be eligible to be elected as a member of the Council. 4. Every Member voting at the annual elec- tion, shall deliver to two Scrutineers appointed by the Chairman, a list containing the names of -- the persons he maybe desirous of having elected rding to the ^^ Members of the Council for the ensuing year, specifying the offices for which he pro- poses them to be elected. The Scrutineers ar cause for i proposition vho, if they ' of their in- s, according 1 shall call a )ut no Mem- 3rt from the he Members eating agree President or accordingly j com.municate m v»i:;f/:':^;-l'!-;: v-''--:---'''-fi'^ • ; ivh.:M' EfliMDOll^B i I ! r 8 REGULATIONS. shall mark the name of every Member so de- liveriug his list, and if no valid objection be made, the same shall be accepted. Votes of country Members for the election of officers, communicated in writing to the Secretary, shall be valid. And it shall be the duty of the Sec- retary to furnish a printed list of persons nomi- nated to office (with the proposer and seconder of each), to every country Member, who shall apply to him in writing, signed by himself, for the same : and the Secretary shall produce the Baid application at the time of election, other- wise the vote shall not be valid. 5. The Scrutineers shall cast up the votes, and report the same to the presiding member, who shall thereupon declare the result. ^ 6. If the suffrages in any case shall be equal, the decision shall be by ballot. 8. The officers shall enter upon the discharge of their respective duties on the meeting fol- lowing their election ; and the Council for the past year shall continue in office until that time. 9. If the general meeting for the election of the Council should not take place on account of the day appointed falling upon a holiday, the Met ber so de- jection be Votes of of officers, 3tary, shall )f the Sec- sons nomi- d seconder who shall imself, for roduce the ;ion, other- the votes, g member, Lit. 11 be equal, e discharge Lieeting fol- icil for the I that time. election of I account of aoliday, the REGULATIONS. 9> officers for the time being shall continue invt office until their successors are elected. 9. The Auditors shall be appointed at the close of each session ; one by a motion of the Members at the last general meeting, the othel?^' by the Chairman. SECTION V. OP THE CONTRIBUTION OF MEMBERS,- 1. The first annual contribution of each Mem- ber shall be the sum of One Pound. The an- nual contribution of each Member residing in or within ten miles of the City of Toronto, shall be One Pound ; and of each Member residing in other parts of the Province, Fifteen Shillings. All subscriptions to be due in advance, on the 1st day of January; and all new Members, except those elected on or after the first meeting in December, to pay the subscription for the year in which they are elected. 2. Every Member shall receive a copy of the Canadian Journal^ or other authorized publica- tion of the proceedings of the Institute ; and Members elected before the annual general meeting in December, to be entitled to the same i ^7^a«!*- M»-»wfi;^;.^*ti^''{»i*> f.|<|jiB^*|i|tteifhr!'!fli*?4l^^ilii^' ^^.:^4•.•*T.1.^^.J;^r.v;•vt:•I^T•^|^!♦r?;..»i^1;;t:K.:.?;•;t«i;ati•JTiTi*:■:*;1i^J^Tf^J,t^ I ' I \ I ( I 10 REGULATIONS. from the commencement of the year in which they are elected, 3. Every Member shall be considered as be- longing to the Institute, and, as such, liable to the payment of his annual contribution until he has either forfeited his claim or has signified to the Secretary, in writing, his desire to with- draw, when his name shall be erased from the list of members. 4. Whenever any Member shall bo one year in arrear in the payment of his annual contri- bution, the Council shall direct the Secretary to send him a letter of the form (E.) in the Appendix ; and if the arrears shall not be paid within six months after the forwarding of such letter, the name of the Member so offending shall be placed among the list of defaulters, and such Member shall not eDJoy any of the privi- leges and advantages of the Institution, untU his arrears be paid. SECTION VI. OP THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS. The President shall take the chair at all meetings of the Institute at which he is pre- flent, and shall regulate and keep order in the .nflntltit.^n^.«•r•';•:-''lH^*^Wi^'^n:i*-'W«1iU%l4•.at)i,•; • in which red as be- b, liable to )Q until he signified to 9 to with- sd from the e one year ual contri- Secretary E.) in the lot be paid ng of such ) offending ulters, and ^ the privi- tion, until ISIDENTS. lair at all he is pre- •der in the REGULATIONS. 11 proceedings. It shall likewise be bis duty to state and put questions, according to the sense and intention of the meeting, and to carry into effect the regulations of the Institute. In the absence of the President, it shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to preside at the meeting and regulate the proceedings. But in case of the absence of both the President and the First, Second, and Third Vice-Presidents, the Members present may elect any one of their number to take the chair at that meeting. SECTION VII. OF THE COUNCIL. 1. The Council shall consist of the President, the First, Second, and Third Vice-Presidents, the Two Secretaries, the Treasurer, the Cura- tor and Librarian, and Six other Members, who shall have the direction and management of the affairs of the Institute. 2. The Council shal meet at least once a month during the session, or oftener if neces- sary, to conduct the general routine business ; and any Two Members thereof may, by letter to the Secretary, require an e^tra meeting to :'.,. .!.. ,:V,^*',.«j:.»s'!-'« *!/^.:,H;to^tH*l*#!»i»;H«'«!*J*t%^'iHm <»wWQgwK; TfffiiiBnfinnniiflgBa JWSmS8S3S&> :4m- ."■ 12f ' REGULAtlbNSV be called, two days' notice of which must be' given to each of the Members of the Council. 3. At any meeting of the Council, threW members thereof yhall constitute a quorum. 4. The Council shall have power to appoint Committees for special objects in the manage- ment of the Institute ; and the reports of such Committees shall be submitted to the Council previously to their being read to the Institute. 5. The Council shall draw up a yearly report on the state of the Institute, in which shall be given an abstract of all the proceedings and of the receipts and expenses of the past year, to be accompanied by vouchers ; and such report shall be read at the annual general meeting. 6. In the case of any office becommg vacant, by death or otherwise, the Council shall have power to fill the vacancy ; and in case of any ' officer being unable, through illness, absence; or otherwise, to perform his duties, the Council^ shall have power to relieve him therefrom, and ' to appoint any other Member to fill the office for the time being. ,.^kK?J*W*:fMI4^««#»'-ifi8tI^I?»!^^ i :• ?^Vi^^nvtT^t.•ttP^ h must be' ) Council. ncil, tbreie'-' [uorum. to appoint he manage- rts of sucb. ;be Council Institute. ;arly report ich shall be ings and of ist year, to sucli report neeting. ling vacant, L shall have case of any' 5s, absence, the Council srofrom, and ' ill the oflSce •1 f ,* REGULATIONS. 1^ SECTION VIII. OF THE AUDITORS. The two Auditors shall audit the accounts of,. the Institute annually, and present the same at the commencement of the ensuing session to the Chairman. SECTION IX. OF THE TREASURER. 1. All money belonging to the Institute shall ^ be handed over to the Treasurer, by the Collec- tor, who shall deposit the same in one of the chartered Banks in the City of Toronto, on account and for the use of the Institute. 2. No sum of money, payable on account of the Institute, shall be paid at any time except' by order of the Council, signed by the Chair- man and Secretary. SECTION X. OF THE SECRETARIES. 1. The duty of the Eecording Secretary shall be to attend the meetings of the Institute and'^ of the Council ; to take minutes of all their !>#S*i^i*?^; mm ii 14t REGUI.ATIONS. proceedings, and enter them in the proper books; to read the minutes of the preceding meeting, with a view to their verification, and have them signed hy the Chairman, as an attes- tation of their accuracy ; to announce any do- nations made to the Institute ; to give notice of any candidate proposed for admission or to be ballotted for ; and to read the letters and papers presented to the Institute, in the order of time in which they were received, unless the Council shall otherwise determine. Also to keep the accounts of the Institute, and to keep an ac- count of all moneys passing through his hands. 2. The duty of the Corresponding Secretary shall be to conduct the correspondence of the Institution. 3. The duty of the paid Assistant Secretary shall be defined from time to time by the Council. SECTION XI. OF THE LIBRARIAN AND CURATOR. The Curator shall have the care of all books, plans, drawings, &c., and of all models and spe- cimens for the museum; and shall have the general superintendence of the same, under the ..,.„,..■.• ;\':'if»,' .?lti-r .t.n'^t^it.ntf tuU^^j ;? le proper preceding tion, and an attea- ) any do- notice of I or to be nd papers T of time e Council keep the ep an ac* is bands. Secretary ice of the Secretary e Council. TOR. all books, .3 and spe- have the under the REGULATIONS, 15 direction of the Council. He shall keep an accurate list of all donations in the order in which they are received, with the names of the contributors thereof, to be read at the annual general meeting. He shall label all such ar- ticles, and arrange them in their proper places, so that they may be of easy access to members at all seasonable hours. 2. The Librarian may, upon application in writing from Members of the Institute resident in Toronto, permit books of reference to bo taken out of the rooms of the Institute for a limited time, keeping an account of the same in a book to be provided for the purpose. 3. The Council may divide the offices of Librarian and Curator, or appoint a Committee to advise and assist in the duties of the office. SECTION XII. OF THE ORDINARY MEETINGS. 1. The sessions of the Institute shall com- mence annually on the first Saturday in Decem- ber ; and ordinary meetings shall be held on every succeeding Saturday (omitting the Christ- mas holidays) until the first Saturday in April ; m^m-. masam i 16 REGULATIONS. .. but it shall be in the power of the Council to protract the sessions if it should seem necessary. The chair may be taken when five members are present. 2. The chair shall be taken by the officer or member entitled to the same ; and the business of the evening commence at eight o'clock pre- cisely, and be conducted in the order presciibed in the bye-laws. 3. Every member shall have the privilege of introducing two visitcis to be present at the public business of the Institute, by ticket of adpiission, on which the name and address of each visitor must be written. "f SECTION XIII. OF THE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Institute shall be held on the third Saturday in Decem- ber, at seven o'clock in the evening, to receive and deliberate upon the report of the Cou 1 on the state of the Institute, and to elect the Officers and Members of the Council for the ensuing year. ) h REGULATIONS. (»7 ! Council to n necessary, lembers are 16 officer or :lie business )' clock pre- r prescribed privilege of !sent at the )y ticket of 1 address of rcr. ihe Institute y in Decem- g, to receive the Cou 1 to elect the mcil for the SECTION XIV. OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS. (.The Council may at any time call a special general meeting of the Institute for a specific purpose, giving to city members six days' no- tice ; and they are at all times bound to do so, on the written requisition of five Members, which shall specify the nature of the business to be transacted. SECTION XV. OF BRANCH SOCIETIES. • Those Members of the Institute residing at a distance from the city, shall have the power, of , forming themselves into Branch Societies for . ^the purpose of holding meetings and discussing ''scientific and other subjects ; and are to bo governed by the regulations of the Institute, and such other bye -laws hereafter to be enacted by them and approved by the Council. SECTION XVI. PF ALTERING THE REGULATIONS. No by-law or regulation shall be altered,, or any new one adopted, except at a general meet- i^d0t^f. .•.•.t:nW-''-^.i-»%!>s.?iS*^4*'iWili'«l'»v^^>;-t'M'S': .■i/ift'JSi;;- i M SI! i I ! IS REGULATIONS. ing, special or otherwise ; and it shall be com- petent to any five members to demand of the Council such meeting with such object. Pro- vided always : that notice of the alteration pro- posed, and of the meeting at which it is to be considered, shall have been given at two conse- cutive ordinary meetings prior thereto. SECTION XVII. OF THE PROPERTY OP THE INSTITUTE. 1. The whole of the property and effects of the Institute, of what kind soever, shall be vested in the Council of the Institute, and sub- ject to its control for the time being. 2. Every paper, map, plan, or drawing, which may be presented to the Institute, shall be considered the property thereof, unless there shall have been any previous arrangement to the contrary ; and the Council may publish the same in connection with their transactions or with the consent ^ the author in any other form. No commuL ,ation made to the Institute shall be published by any other person but the author, without the previous consent of the Council. 3 pub Con porl Nol inf ins( 4 bel( the Coi but the dir( 1 but gee yea ing ber Ing c the I I'.-kf'.'fJiv' REGULATIONS. 19 liall be com- nand of the bject. Pro* eration pro- 1 it is to be b two conse- jto. TITUTB. id effects of er, shall be ite, and sub- ?• iwing, which ite, shall be unless there mgement to publish the nsactions or n any other the Institute pson but the isent of the 3. Every paper presented to the Institute for publication may be referred by the Council to a Committee to be by them appointed for a re- port on the same previous to publication. Notices or abstracts of all papers not published in full shall be prepared by the Secretary and inserted in the Transactions. 4. No papers, plans, maps, or other property belonging to the Institute, shall be taken out of the rooms thereof, without the consent of the Council or special by-Jaw hereinafter enacted ; but every Member shall have a right to inspect the same at such hours as the Council may direct. SECTION XVIIl. OF DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS. 1. The names of all persons who shall contri- bute to the library, to the museum, or to the general fund of the Institute during the past year, shall be read at the annual general meet- ing; and such persons shall be recorded as benefactors in the published transactions of the Institute. 2. Every person desirous of bequeathing to the Institute any manuscripts, books, maps, m^i^ v^.!t;n.i.:.;':i*.!.ii---''---' .t.t.x^y-i----r.-.-.-.-.-...-...'.-.-.'.t:-.- ••■ '■• • n '.•.n'f^.*t*4'.».'.'i;f«St ■.■:»^i«!*!'M-i-'-'^!-^'-''''*^^^"^' n I. 2Q REGULATIONS. •worKS ot arc ol m"- fnllowini pertv, i« requested to make use of the followin, form ill WawJl, viz.:— <.I give and bequeatb to the Cxk^bia: iNariTUTE, incorporated by Royi^ Charter, November 4th, 1851 Iher^ev, enumerate and particularize Jke efectknsv or property intended to be heiueathedhum anaiherebydeclare that the rece.p] X, of the Treasurer of the said Institutl for the time being shall be an effects disch.r!?e to my exeeutors for the sar legacy." 1 L rical, botaniJ curiositiesj eraonal p^o^ the followini BY-LAWS. I by Boya^ 1851 [hen Ize the efecti )e hequeathed] X the receipj said Institut^ be an effectui r3 for the sai^ I At the ordinary meetings of the Institute, jvery Saturday evenincr, the following order of ,usineB3 shall be attended to, as closely as cr jumstances will admit : 1. The minutes of the previous meeting to be read and confirmed, and signed by the Chairman ; and no entry shall be considered valid until this be complete. 2. New Members present to be introduced to the meeting. 3. Names of candidates for admission to bo announced. 4. Business arising out of the minutes to be entered on. 6. Communications received since the last meeting to be announced, and read if re- quired. 0. Donations received and acknowledged. >ti'j*'.* 'If'^W^J 22 BY-LAWS. 7- Communications from the Council to be brought forward. 8. Candidates to be balloted for. A ballot shal] be taken for the entire body of candi- dates proposed for admission; if one- fourth or more black balls appear, the ballot shall be taken for each individually ; and any candidate shall be rejected against whom appear a number of black balls equal to one-fourth of the number of members voting. 9. Papers on the lists to be read. II. Notices of questions to be brought for- ward for discussior, must be given at least one week before the same shall be brought forward; and it shall be competent to the Council, or to any Member to propose a subject for discus- Bion. Bubj( Btitu aboil tion brpu oftl sent forn cou thai \ L III. A. circular letter may be sent to all the country members, at the commencement of each session, with a list of questions that are ap-j pointed for discussion at the ordinary meetings of the Institute, requesting communications from the Members on them, or on any other] •^itt^U(5st*«r* ,:Vi4itJJl?t»>*^Jl»***' BY-LAWS. 2S ncil to be A ballot y of candi- ; if one- •, the ballot ually ; and ed against balls equal )f members Bubiect connected with the objects of the In- Btitute. A similar letter may also be transmitted about the middle of the session, with the adai^, tion of any new questions that may have beeu^ brought forward and accepted ; and at the end of the session, a list of questions shall also be sent to all the Members, in order to collect m. formation during the recess. Each letter shall contain a list of the written communications that have been made to the Institute. )rought for- at least one ;ht forward ; 3uncil, or to for discus- nt to all the I nent of eaph that are ap-l ary meetings imunications on any other «-■ *i IV The minutes of discussion that are taken by the Secretary, resolutions that are passed, reports of committees, and a copy of all tbe circulars or other printed papers sent out by the Council, shall be carefully pasted in a book in the order in which they occur, that they may be preserved as the original records and transac- tions of the Institute. ' V It is expected that any gentleman ad- dressing the meeting shall stand for this pur- pose, in order to prevent interruption, and to command the attention of the meeting ; and the person first rising shall have the precedence in speaking, upon which, if there is any doubt, the Chairman shall decide. Ml Si If ..«TO^i*'**.iHt'i?&W*«i«»?^*^«tai%>:- 24 BY-LAWS. VI, No person can be eligible to be cbosen as a member wbo ia undei tbe age of twenty- one years, unless a graduate of a University. Persons not under the age of fifteen shall be admitted as junior members, on being proposed and ballotted for, as provided for in Clause 8 of these by-laws, and having complied with the forms required by Section III. The contribution of junior members shall bo 123. 6d. ; such members to receive the Canadian Journal, or other authorized medium of pub- lishing the Transactions of the Institute ; and they shall be entitled to all the privileges of full members, except those of bearing offices by ap- pointment of the Institute, of sitting in com- mittee, and of voting. '*M;w/*'V'Vr;*i'»»>;*»J;**^i**i**^---*^i--'---- )e chosen twenty- liver sit y. shall be proposed ause 8 of with tho s shall bo Canadian i of pub- :ute ; and yes of full 3es by ap- . in com- APPENDIX TO THE REGULATIONS FORM A. rmre state the Christian name, surname, usual place of reddence, and pursuit of the ca«r didatel being desirous of admission into the Canadian Institute, we, the undersigned, pro- pose and recommend him as a proper person to become a member thereof. Witness our hands, this — day of — , 18— ii? m. Birr pi' ,rt*»wi« t»4»,»wj*" '•titt- i^l^ 26 APPENDIX, FORM B. Sib, — I beg to inform you, that on you were elected a member of tbo Canadian Insti- tute. But in conformity with sec. v. c. 1, and sec. iii. c. 5 and 6, of the accompanying re- gulations, your election cannot be confirmed until your first contribution is paid, and which, unless paid within two months, the electioTi is void. You will therefore be good enough to cause the same to be done. I am, Sir, Tour most obedient servant, • , Secretary. nade ' he re^ trai object Si: a del suan are i FORM 0. Sib, — I am directed by the Council of the Canadian Institute to inform you that it is their intention to call a Special G-eneral Meeting of the Institute, on — , the — day of — next, and then to submit for consideration the objections ^jpillifflB88jiiig^MHtrwii^"'"°°°^ APPENDIX. 27 faade to your name, under clause 8, sec. iv of he regulations. And I am further instructed transmit to you the enclosed copy of the said , .. ., _. )bjections. mying re- I ^^^ Sir, confirmed Tour most obedient servant, ,nd which, y Secretary. 3lectio7i is I to cause '> icretary. .J Lcil of the ; it is their Meeting of - next, and objections FORM D. Sib —It is my duty to acquaint you, that by a determination of the Canadian Institute, pur- suant to Eegulation number 8, section m., you are no longer a member of that body. I am. Sir, Your most obedient Servant, , Secretary. Ph -m z>s^;;t^'^^^^^^ ' I 28 APPENDIX. FORM E. SiB^— The Council of the Canadian Instituti have directed locie to forward you a copy of th( following regulation (sec. v. c. 4), viz., tha *' Whenever any Member shall be one year ii arrear/' &c. I have therefore to request tha you will forward the payment thereof. I am, Sir, * Tour most obedient servant, , Secretary. •^y-V-'V.--^^./ rSIKTED B^ LOVELL AND GIBSON, YONGE STEEET. .4,«i«.;ii*ii!iii4*iK*s4*l»|*i«fc»'»i*S^*^it-''