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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. irrata to pelure, n A □ 32X ' : ' ■» : • 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 RETURNS AND ADDRESSES TO TUB HOUSE OF COMMONS RILATITK TO THB SURVEYS AND APPROPRIATIONS OF LANDS FOB THK CONSTRnOTION OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY IN THE PBOVINOE OF MANITOBA, NORTH-WEST TERRITORY AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. i k 'giAnU& t>M ^t&tx 9t ^avllamfut. OTTAWA: PftlNTED BY MACLEA:N, HOGEE & CO., WELLING' )N STEBET. 188L ■pCsup I Sir, I from the i acres of (21rf) RETURN To an Address of the House of Commons, dated 16th December, 1880 ;— H For a Copy of any Order in C-ouncil granting Tracts of Land in the North-West to any Railway Company other than the Manitoba South Western Colonization Company, together with the Application for such Grants, and all Correspondence and Orders in Council connected there- with, and a Statement of the Lands selected thereunder ; also for a Copy of any Order in Council as to the Route or Termini of any such Rail- ways, and of any Correspondence in connection therewith. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, Department of the Secretary of State, Secretary of State. 7th Februaiy, 1881. ,[/n accordance with the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Frintiwj, the above Return is not printed.'] RETURN me) To an Address of the House of Commons, dated 16th December, 1880 ;— For a Copy of the Order in Council granting about 1,328,000 Acres of Land in the North- West to the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Railway Company, together with the Application for such Grant and all Correspondence and Orders in Council connected therewith, and a Statement of the Lands selected thereunder ; also for copy of any Order in Council as to the Route or Terminus of the Railway, and of any Cor- respondence in connection therewith. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, Deiiurtment of the Secretary of State, Secretaru of State. tth February, 1881. Ottawa, 24th January, 1881. Sir, — I have the honor to transmit, herewith, in compliance with an AddreHs from the House of Commons, a copy of the Order in Council granting about 1,328,000 acres of land in the North-West to the Manitoba South-Westorn Colonization Eail- way Company, together with the application for such grant and all correspondence 2\d—\ ^ 10972G ftnd Orders in Council connected therewith, and a (-tatomout of the lands selected thereunder ; also copy of all Orders in Council as to the route or terminus of the railway; and all correspondence in connection therewith, so far as is on record in this Department. I have the honor to be, Hir, your obedient servant, J. S. DENNIS, Deputy Minister of Interior. Under-Secretary of State, Ottawa. Ottawa, Ist December, ISTO. Sir, — I have been requested by the Board of Directors of the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Railway Company to nnake application on their behalf for such assistance in the way of a money or land grant as may bo given in accordance with the policy of the Government towards such feeders of the Canadian Pacific Eailroad. lino of ])ropo.su(l •vnnt, Secy.- Titiits. IIUOH, Juno, 1880. MuiiitolKi, 8.-W. ^ng its lino, Sir [i;. Wni. Kjinnor- vilway Company lands ulop' f,ho iticli landH, and rstatulin/,' boin^' md further that orn boundary of municato those DENNTS. unc, 18S0. on tho subject way Company, icinity of tho romoting tho s :- that ia to bo submitted vill build tho on oacli side per aero for purchase, as iO. of tho lands of survey of ilos indopon- ear after tho lit of junction *l. On completion of tho 50 miles, in accordance with the next preco: a given 50 milos in any one year, the frovornmont to have the right to cancel th.s agreement, so far as relates to tho j)ortion of such 50 milos not completed, and m assume enfiro control of tiio lands, returning to tho company tho value of sr> land. , at thi lalo of $1 per aci-o. 11. It is to be further understood, Liiat in the ■. ont of the Government being 11 iblo, in conscquonco of tho same having been htiuattod upon or for any other valia lo.tson of v/hich tho Miiiifj'^or of Interior sha'' bo'iioj-idgo, to soil to the company any certain section or sections of railway lands -vrithin tho ti milo belt, tho company shall bo entitled to purchase lands to tie same extent in the sumo range of sections adjoining, but outside of the said 6 milo bolt. 12. The company shall orgarizo immediately, and upon .lucb organization shall forthwith notify tho Minister of tho Interior of the aeeoptanco of tho terms above proposed ; failing such notification duly given as above, tho company sluill bo hold to have forfeited any and all privileges proposoi horob}' to bo conferred. I have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, J. S. DENxVIS. Deputy Minister of the Interior. Wm. Banneuman, Esq., M.P., Renfrew, Ont. Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Prioy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council on the 5th July, 1880. On a memorandum dated 23i'd Juno, 1880, from tho Deputy Minister of the interior, on the applications on behalf of tho Souris and Kocky Mountains Railway Company, tho South Saskatchewan Valley Railway Company and iho Manitoba South Wostorn Colonization Railway Company, recently charlercd, to purchase a quantity of railway lands in tho vicinity of the propo.sed lines of the companies at $1 per acre, as a means of assisting to promote the construction of the Railways. Tho IJonorablcs tho Ministers of tho Interior and Railways and Canals to whom this subject of sale or disposition of lands in the North-West in aid of Colonization Railways has been roforrod, berj leave to report that thoy concur in the recommenda- tions of tlie Deputy Minister of 'he Interior, and submit tho samo for tho favorable eonsideralion of Council. The Committee concur in tho forogoin^ recommendation and submit the same to Your Excellency's approval. Certified, J. 0. C0Tl5, C.P.C. Hon. Minister of the Interior. Department of the Inteuioe, Ottawa, 2b rd June, 1880. {Memorandum.') \ Tho undersigned has tho honor to report to the Minister on tho application i which has been made on behalf of the Souris and Rocky Mountains Railway Com- pany, recently chartered, to puicliaso a quantity of railway lands in tho vicinity of the proposed lino of tho company, at $1 por aero, as a moans of assisting to promote tho construction of the railway. Tho undersigned has given much consideration to the subject of affording direct encouragement to companies willing to undertake tho construction of second class or colonization railways throughout the North-West Territories, by making a sale of lands along the lino of such railway at such a price as would afford a fair margin of profit to the company upon tho sale of such lands by it, the building of the rail- way being assured ; and he is of opinion, as regards the application in question, that tho terms hereinafter suggested are such as will commend themselves as being in the public interest. Further, he is given to understand by Mr. Wm. Bannerman, M.P,, acting on behalf of the railway company mentioned, that tho same will be acceptable to tho company. Tho undersigned respectfully recommends the following to the favorable consideration of tho Minister, that is to say : — 1. That tho gauge, grades, plans, and location of said road shall be submitted for tho approval of the Government. 2. That upon the Government being satisfied that said Company will build the railway, the company may purchase all the railway lands for six miles on each side of their line for a distance of fifty miles along the line, at a rate of $1 por acre for such lands. 3. The quantity of land which the company will be permitted to purchase as above per mile to bo 3,840 acres. 4. The company to pay in cash for such lands at the time of purchase. 5. Tho company to reimburse the Government the cost of survey of tho lands purchased by it, tho average rat o to be obtained by averaging the cost of survey of the several townships on each side of the line of railway for each fifty miles independently. 6. The company to build such fifty miles of its road within one year after the Canadian Pacific lisiilway shall have boon completed to the proposed point of junction of the company's line with tho said railway. 7. On completion of the titt}' m Ics in accordance with the next preceding paragraph, the company to bo allowed to purchase the railway lands within the said belt of six miles, for a second stietch of fifty miles along tho line. 8. So long as tho comp.any fulfils the condition of completing 50 miles of its road each year, the annual purchase of railway lands in the 6 mile bolt, the same being suc- cessively in advance of construction as set forth above may be claimed by tho company. y. It is understood that tho purchase of railway landa along the first 50 miles will commence at tho outer limit of tho 5 mile boll along tho Canadian Pacific Rail- way, that is to say, the company will not bo allowed to purchase any railway lands in the present $5 belt along tho said railway at $1.00 per acre. 10. In the event of tho company not building a given 50 miles in any one year, the Government to have tho right to cancel this agreement, 30 far as relates to the portion of such 50 miles not completed, and to assume entire control of the lands, returning to tho compan}' tho value of such lands at tho rate of $1,00 per acre, 11. It is to bo firtlier understood that in the event of tho Government being unable in conseciuenco of tho same having boon squatted upon or for any other valid reason — of which the Minister of tho Ijiterior shall bo tho judge — to sell to tho com- pany any certain section or sections of railwaj'- lands within the ti mile belt, the company shall bo entitled to purchase lands to the same extent in the same range of sections adjoining, but o-.itsido of the said mile bolt. 12. Tlie company shall organize immediately, and upon such organization shall forthwith notify the Minister of tho Interior of tho acceptance of iho terms above proposed, failing such notification being given as above, the con\pany shall be held to have forfeited any and all privileges proposed hereby to be conferred. 13. Tho undersigned further recommends that tho above provision bo extended to tho South Saskatchewan Valley iJailway Company, also chartered during the recent Session of Parliament. - 1 Eockj j repres ■ signed the on \ requir ' and (: ng to promote fording direct if second class laking a sale a fair margin J of the rail- question, that 3 being in the P., acting on ptablo to tho the favorable be submitted 'ill build the on each side L per acre for ) purchase as ise. of tho lands ; of survey of 1 fifty miles car after the tt of junction ct preceding thin the said 33 of its road le being suc- ho company. st 50 miles ^ucific Eail- ilvvay lands ]y one year, lates to the f the lands, acre. mont being other valid to the com- ic bolt, the ne range of zation shall orms above all bo held extended during the : 14. An application of a similar nature to that made on behalf of the Souris and )Eocky Mountains Railway Company having been preferred by Dr. Scbultz, M.P., as I representing the Manitoba South-Western Colonization Eailway Company, the under- signed recommends that the same be dealt with on tho basis hereinbefore proposed, the only exception being : — (A.) That the Manitoba South -Western Colonization Eailway Company will be required to have 50 miles of its road in operation in tho course of the year 1881 ; and (B.) That the sale of lands along this company's line at $1.00 per aero shall commence from the westerly limit of the Province of Manitoba. Eespectfully submitted, J. S. DENNIS, Deputy Minister of the Interior. The undersigned, to whom this subject of sale or disposition of lands in the : North- West in aid of Colonization Eailways has been referred, beg leave to report •; that they concur in the memorandum of the Deputy Minister of the Interior, and '■ submit the same for tho favorable consideration of Council. JOHN A. MACDONALD, 26th June, 1880. CIIAELES TUPPEE. j Tho Eight Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, K.C.B., I Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Gable. Montreal Telegraph Company, Ottawa, 8th. July. Has Order in Council re South-Western Eailway land grant been passed ? Please reply. Col. Dennis, Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottiiwa. J. A. CODD. Answer. Yes. Throe thousand, eight hundred and forty acres per mile, at one dollar per acre, outside of Province. J. S. DENNIS. Ottawa, 24th September, 1880. Sir, — I am directed by the Board of the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Eailway Company to make application for the purchase (at one dollar per acre) of all Government lands now for sale between Winnipeg and Eoek Lake, for a distance of fiv- miles on each side of their railroad line. Having let a contract for the construction of this portion of their line, they are an:,aousto complete tho purchase I'eforred to at once. . I have the honor to be, Sir, your humble servant, JOHN SCHULTZ. Eight Hon. the Minister of the Interior Ottawa. Ottawa, 24th September, 1880. Sir, — Eeferring to tho proposed purchase of railway lands from the Government by the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Railway, I have the honor to inform you that the company will very shortly be in a position to complete the same for a dis- tance, say, of one hundred miles westerly of the Province ot Manitoba. Wo understand the Government to have agreed to sell to the company 3,840 micros per mile for tho whole lino, including the portion within the Province of Manitoba. The quantity of land, therefore, covered by the IOC miles will be lOOX 8 3,8.i0 X 2='768,000 acres. The company will be prepared to pay this amount very shortly, say by the close of the current year. May I ask to be informed the position of the lands in question, and whether thfr Government are now in a position to carry out the sale to the company? I have fho honor to be, Sir, your humble servant, JOHN SCHULTZ, Eight Hon. the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. For M. 8. W. 0. R. R. G. Telegram. J. S. Dennis, Deputy Minister of the Interior. Winnipeg, Gth October, 1880. Map with location will be sent you at earliest possible moment. DAVID YOUNG, Secy.-Treasurer. Ottawa, Gth October, 1880. Reply. ' ■' ' • David Young, Winnipeg. Important we should know at once probable time map will arrive. J. S. DENNIS. Manitoba South-Western Colonization Hailway, ' ' ' • -' •' ■ ■' '' ■ Winnipeg, 14th October, 1880. Dear Sir, — In reply to your telegram of Gth inst., I am directed by the Board to inform you that it is impossible at the present moment to give you the exact location of the line of the road within the Province, but that at the earliest possible moment it will bo sent to you. I am further instructed to inform you that a map is fyled in the office of the Hon. Minister of Eailways and Canals, showing two lines of road, either of which would receive the assent of the Government (under date of 13th August, 1880), and possibly such information as you require may be gathered there- from. The Board sincerely thanU you for your attention in the matter, and if you cannot got the necessary information from the source mentioned, the actual location in any tase will be pushed forward to completion. The country north and south of Pembina Mountain is broken and crossed by many ravines which necessitate careful action in locating, thereby causing some delay. Assuring you of the desire of the Board to meet your v iews at the earliest possible moment, I remain your most obedient servant, DAYID YOUNG, Secretary-Treasurer. P.S. — Enclosed copy of letter from Department, dated 13th August, 1880. J. S. Dennis, Esq., Deputy Minister of Interior, Ottawa. Office of the Minister op Public Works, Canada, Ottawa, 13 th August, 1880. Sir, — Y''our letter of 13th instant, on behalf of the Manitoba and Sonth-Westorn Colonization Railway Company, submitting a map of the Province of Manitoba show- ing the proposed location of your road from Winnipeg to Rock Lake is received. By the terms of the Act of Parliament the Governor in Council cannot approve the location of your road on either lino nnlos^j you comply with the provisions of the law, which, amongst other things, requires the absolute location with plans, books of fi-OJ eng. )uat very lethor the R.G, 1880. imrer. , 1880." KIS. , 1880. le Board to ict location jlo moment 3 is fyled in les of road, ate of 13th lered there- and if you ual location crossed by some delay, iest possible easttrer. 1880. :, 1880. itli-Wostorn litoba show- ;eivod. lot approve sions of the ns, books of reference, desoription, &c., &c., and the deposit of the same at the jjlaces indicated after their approval by the Governor in Council. I may, however, state that having mentioned this matter to several of my col- leagues I am under the impression that the general direction of either of these linos would bo acceptable to the Government. I remain. Sir, your obedient servant, HECTOR L. LANGEVIN, Acting Minister of Railways and Canals. John Schultz, M.P., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Certified to be a true copy. DAVID YOUNG, Secretary-Treasurer. Department of the Interior, Ottawa, 22nd October, 1880. Dear Sir, — I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th instant, accompanied by a letter from the Minister of Public Works, dated the 13th August last, on the subject of the location of the line of your railway. I regret that the location is as yet so indefinite. Yours, &c., J. S. DENNIS, Deputy Minister of Interior. David Young, Esq,, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ;rv.(u ' .J, Manitoba South- Western Colonization Railway, Winnipeg, 14th October,^ 1880. Sir,— I am directed by the Board of Directors of the M. S. W. C. R.R. to request that you will send by return mail, copies of the parish maps of St, James, St. Charles and Headingly. I enclose $4 which I am informed will cover the cost. Soliciting your early attention to the above. I have the honor to be, your obedient servant, DAVID YOUNG, Secretary-Treasurer. P. S.— Enclosure $4. Lindsay Russell, Esq., Surveyor-General, Ottawa. Manitoba Soutii-Wrstern Colonization Railway, Ottawa, 4th November, 1880. Sir, — I am instructed by the Board of Directors of the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Railway Company, to inform yon, that they are now in a position to carry out successfully the rapid couipletion of their road, and as an evidence of their intention to do so, beg leave to refer you to the following : — 1st. Enclosed find a copy of the mortgage trust deed, between our company of the one part, and Right Hon. Baron Monck, K.C.M.G., Henry Cecil Raikes, Esq., M.P., Henry Rainsford, Esq., and Ernest Carpmeal, Esq., trustees for the bondholders of the other part. 2nd. A contract hcs been entered into for the construction of 119 miles of road ft-oi Winnipeg to a point at or near Rock Lake, and the contractor is now actively engi^ged carrying on the work, several miles having been already graded. 3rd. The company have built a passenger station and freight shed in the City of Winnipeg, which is at present used and occupied by the Canadian Pacific Railway. 10 4th. The railway and traffic bridge, now being built across the Eod Eiver, in rapidly approaching completion, 5th. The surveys and right ol' way, arc both being rapidly pushed forward. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, DAVID YOUNG, Secretary-Treasurer. Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Manitoba South-Westeen Colonization Eailway, Ottawa, 4th November, 1880. Sir, — Eoferring to the verbal assurance made to Maddison & Co., of London' England, and to members of the Board of the Manitoba South-Western Colonization Eailway Company hero, to ^he effect that the company will be allowed to purchase from Government lands west of the Province of Manitoba, 3,840 acres per mile, for that Dortion of their road constructed within the Province. I am instructed to inform you, that the contract for construction within the Province covers 119 miles, and to request you to indicate whether it is the intention of the Government to place the belt to be thus purchased, immediately adjacent to the 3,840 acres per mile, adjacent to the line, and whether this double belt is to commence at the western limit of the Province. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant. Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. DAVID YOUNG, Secretary- Treasurer. Manitoba South-Westebn Colonization Eailway, Ottawa, 5th November, 1880. Sir, — Eeferring to a communication of Dr. Schultz, M.P., on behalf of the Directors of the Manitoba South-Wcstern Colonization Eailway Company, dated 24th September last, in wlfich you wore informed among other things " that the Company will bo very shortly in a position to complete the purchase of railway lands for a distance of say 100 miles west of the Province of Manitoba." I am now directed by the Board to state that they are prepared to purchase such land, in accordance with the con- ations expressed in a letter bearing date 23rd June, 1880, being 3,840 acres per mile for a distance of 50 miles westward from the boundary line of the Province, and to pay for the same at $1 per acre. I have further to inform you that the gauge adopted by the company is 4 ft. 8^ inches in width, and the grades and curves shall not exceed those laid down for the Ist and 2nd hundred miles of the Canadian Pacitic Eailway west of Eed Eiver. Herewith I enclose a map showing the general location of the line of railway from Winnipeg to Eock Lake, I am further instructed to refer you to a communication of the company bearing date the 4th November, inst., for the information of your department as to the pre- fsent financial condition of the company and their ability to construct the line. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant, DAVID YOUNG, Secretary-Treasurer. To Eight Hon. Sir John A. M.\cdonald, K.C.B., &e., &c., Ottawa. (By Telegram from St . Paul, Min.) Davii Montreal Telbobapu Company, Ottawa, 23rd Nov., 1880. Kindly wire us, Winnipeg, whether copy of Order in Council was sent to Codd as agreed. .TOHN SCHULTZ, DAVID YOUNG. To Col. Dennis Deputy Minister of the Interior. touchi Eiver, ia Jard, surer. 1880. )f London' •Ionization purchase mile, for to inform [les, and to place the e, adjacent mit of the '.asurer. 1880. le Directors September iny will be I distance of ' the Board rith the con- res per mile nee, and to y is 4 ft. 8^ )wn for the Eiver. of railway lany bearing to the pre- line. •eamrer. 7., 1880. mt to Codd rz, G. 11 Montreal Telegraph Company, 24th November, 1880. Ministers of Eailways and Interior having considered yonr message of yesterday lam directed to reply that Order in Council will pass on approval of location and grades — which should bo submitted as soon as possible, — further that the original line east of Nelson vi He, passing near Morris will be required by the Government. J. S. DENNIS. Hon. Dr. Schultz, Winnipeg Manitoba. (5?/ Telegram from Winnipeg.) Montreal Telegraph Company, Ottawa, 28th November, 1880. Location and grades will be forwarded in a few days. Scoble's report sent to my address — your care. Have you received it? To J. S. Dennis, Deputy Minister of the Interior. DAVID YOUNG, Secretary. Manitoba Sooth- Western Colonization Eailway. Winnipeg, 27th November, 1880. Dear SiR,-7-The report of Mr. Scoble, which wo promised to send you, went forward to my address. Queen's Hotel, Toronto, with instructions, if I were not there to be sent on to your care, Ottawa. I wired you to that effect to-day and if you have it, open it and please fyle, if not we will at once send you duplicate. I am happy to say that his report of the country indicates that the course west of the Provincial boundai-y, as laid down by you, is most desirable in every way, 1 have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, DAVID YOUNG, Secretary-Treasurer. To Colonel Dennis, Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Department of the Interior, Ottawa, 3rd December, 1880. Dear Sir, — The report of your engineer, to which reference was made in your letter of the 27th ult., and in your preceding telegram, has never reached me. I need hardly say that I will be glad to receive the plans of location, etc., as soon as possible. In my message to Dr. Schultz, of the 24th ult., I explained that my Minister and the Minister of Euilways and Canals, after consultation, decided to require that the road easterly of Nelsonville should follow, as nearly as possible, the lino laid down on the map by Mr. Murdoch with the Surveyor-General hero last spring ; that is, running , south-westerly from Winnipeg to the first principal meridian, in township 8, then Kouth upon the meridian to about the middle of township 6, thence south-westerly to intersect the north-western angle of township 3, in the fourth range west; thence to Nelsonville, from which point the lino recently selected by j'ou would be followed. " - I have, &c., J. S. DENNIS. David Young, Esq., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Dear touching the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Eailway, Winnipeg, 14th December, 1880. Sir, — I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of yours of 3rd December, he location of tho line of the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Eailway, 12 I send you by this mail a plan as prepared by Mr. Scoble of the location from the J'embina Eivor to the first crossing of the Souris Eiver, and I enclose you his report on the same, and also from that point to the Souris Coal Fields. I am requested b}' the Board to state that they regret the delay in your receiving this report, I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, DAVID YOUNG, Sec.-Treas. J. S, Dennis, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. '! To the President and Directors of the Manitoba South- Western Railway Company : Gentlemen, — In accordance with instructions received from the secretary of your company, dated 5th October, ibat I should make an exploratory survey trom the point reached by me last September and extending westward to * La Roche Percee,' in the vicinity of the coal mines upon the Souris Kiver, I have the honor to report that I left Winnipeg on the 10th October, and proceeded via Emerson to th© crossing of the Cypress Eiver (Clear-water), taking up the line of road from that point. (Sections 28, 21, Township 2, Eange 12 West.) It will doubtless bo within your recollection that I advised running in and out of two coulees at the Cypress Eivor crossing, and that the coulee on the west side of the river tended slightly to the southward. Following the course of the coulee, we reach the terreploin, about one and a-half miles from the valley, and emerge in a slightly broken rolling country, but which is intersected by a low level through which the line can be carried until it reaches Section 24, Township 2, Eange 13 West, where a ravine known as Atkins' Eavine intervenes. As this ravine runs to the loot of a line of sand hills or ridges (apparently an old lake ridge) which extends the whole length of Eock Lake, it will be necessary to cross the head of the ravine by a trestle-work, which would be approximately 80 to 100 feet long. From this point the land is fairly level until a deep ravine is reached in Section 32, Town- ship 2, Eange 13 West, which cuts diagonally across the plateau to the base of the sand hills. This ravine must also bo crossed by a tresUe, approximately 200 feet ir 'ongth and about bO feet in depth at the centre. From thence to within one and a-half miles of the Badger Creek, the country is perfectly level and presents no obstacle to rail- road work. From this point the land is moi*e broken, and is intersected with clumps of scrub and groves of small poplar. At the ravine formed by Badger Creek a very considorjiblo trestle will be required, as there is no opportunity for rurming in and out of the valley, as in the case of the Ist Pembina and Cypress crossings. The banks of the ravine aro high and abrupt, and the width is nearly three-quarters of a mile at the point selected for crossing. There is plenty of suitable timber available for the trestle-work within a reasonable dist'mce. After crossing the Badger, the country is slightly broken and scrubby for about a mile, when it emerges upon a beautil'ul level prairie, which extends to the north-west as far ao the ravine at the foot of Pelican Lake. In order to avoid the ravines which cut into this praiiie, it will however be necessary to turn to the west from the Badger crossing in the 3rd tier of sections (Tp, 3, E. XV, W,) curving irito the 4th tier of sections in Tp, 3, E. XVI W'., in order to avoid the pond holes and broken ground in the southern part of the township. Thence the line runs through a slightly undulating country, inter- sected with small pond holes, until the crossing of a stream (which I believe to bo the main source of the Pembina Eiver) which intersects diagonally Tp. 3, E. XVII. W. The crossing of this river is the most difflcult that will occur in the whole line. The ravine is from 100 to 120 feet deep, the banks being quite precipit- ous in places, and the width cannot be less than a mile. It is impossible that by deflecting the lino farther south a more fiivorablo crossing might be found, but I preferrod to run the risk of taking this crossing rather than enter the more broken country to the south. 13 ition from se you his recoiviDg Treas. oany : Bcrotary of nrvey trom La Roche he honor to irson to the 1 from that 1 and oat of vest side of B coulee, we emerge in a vg\ through 2, Eange 13 iTine runs to dge) which head of the ong. From )n 32, Town- ) base of the eet ir ^ongth i a-half miles tacle to rail- 1 with clumps Creek a very rining in and jssings. The -quarters of a ibor available Badger, the icrges upon a ravine at the his praiiie, it ing in the 3rd IS in Tp. 3, R. Houthorn part lountry, inter- helieve to bo illy Tp. 3, R. occur ill the luito procipit- issiblo that by 5 i'ound, but I ! more broken After crossing this river there are no obstacles of any consequence. Township 3, Range XVII I W., is cliglitly' rolling, and so is the last half of the same township in Range XIX, the lund in botli instances being more level at the north than the south end of the township. The west half of Township 3, Range XIX, is loss rolling, and ToA-nship 3, Range XX, is undulating, running to a fine, level prairie al its western side, where it slopes gradually to the level of Whitewater Lake in Township 3, Range XXI . Whitewater Lake is a considerable bo. Sir, — I am instructed by the above railway company to make application for a patent to them of the lands in the enclosed certified copy of deed from the trustees of Point Douglas Common to tho company, more particularly described, known on tho registered map of the City of Winnipeg as Victoria Park. I also enclose abstract of title. The company require the said lands for station groiind, &c,, and have already erected a station thereon. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant, S. C. BIGGS, Solicitor for t/ie Company. To the Surveyor-Goneial, Ottawa. Manitoba Soutii-Wkstern Colonization Eailway, Winnipeg, 31st December, 18*7 9. Sir,— I am instructed by the above named company to make application fo patent for tho following lands for railway purposes, namely, Blocks Nos. 21 and 2i immediately west of Victoria Park, and bounded by Eobinson, Dufforin, Aikins an( Sutherland streets, and also the further sti-ip of land extending north-westerly froii Aikins to McPhillips streets, and contained laterally between tho extensions in Copy » or threo ips, north half more oo. ication for a the trustecf d, known on l-i for station ompany. ov, 1870- ^plication foi )3. 21 and 2 " 1, Aikins an vesterly froii] tensions in 15 north-westerly direction of the linos of Dufferin and Sutherland streets. Any further particulars will bo furnished if required. An immediate reply will oblige. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, S. C. BICtGS, Solicitor for the Company. Surveyor-Genei-al of Dominion Lands, Ottawa. Ottawa, 13th August, 1880. Sir, — I have the honor, on behalf of the Manitoba South-Western Colonizuu'on ^Railway, to make application for a Patent for Victoria Park, in the Point Douglas reserve, and to enclose : 1. Eesolution of the Board. 2. Deed from trustees to the company Deed and abstract are fyled in the De- partment. 3. An abstract from Eegistry Office. 4. Copies of correspondence between the company's solicitor and your Department. I beg to call the attention of the Department to the fact, that in accepting the offer of the Government to the Point Douglas Point Holders of acre per acre for their Point Holdings, it was understood and is set forth in the preliminary correspondence, that all deeds of the trustees made prior to the acceptance of the Government offer referred to, should be recognized by the Government and patents made to their holders, and that the deed from the trustees, herewith enclosed, was made and registci-ed several months preceding such acceptance. I have the honor to be, Sir, your humble servant, .rOHN SCHULTZ. Right Hon. Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 26th July, 1880. Copy of Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Manitoba South-Western Colonization jRailway Company held the 26th day of July, 1880. " Moved by W. H. Lyon, seconded by W. Murdoch, that Dr. John Schultz and William Bannerman be requested to procure from the Dominion Government a Patent for the station grounds of the Company, and also ascertain on what terms the Dominion Government would sot aside for railway purposes of the Manitoba South- Western Colonization Railway, a block of land equal in width to the present station grounds, running in a north-westerly direction to the city limits." — Carried. A true copy . DAVID YOUNG . (L.S.) ^ Ottawa, 27th September, 1880. Sia, — On behalf of the Manitoba South-Western Colonization Railway Company, I have to request that you will at the earliest possible moment act on their application for a Patent for Victoria Park, Winnipeg, deeded to them last year, by tne Point Douglas Trustees. The Company are now engaged in closing their financial arrangements with a London Syndicate anil find it necessary to furnish the proofs of the ovrnorship of their property. I have the honor to be, Sir, your humble servant. JOHN SCHULTZ. Right Hon. the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. IG {By Telegraph from Winnipeg, Man.) MoNTBEAii Teleobapii Companv, Ottawa, 13th Noveinbor, 1880. South-Westorn Railway Company, require for railway yard, switches and land on Point Douglas Common, westerly between Sutherland street and Jjirvis street, pro- duced at least six thousand foot from Victoria Park to clear yard of Canadian Pacific Eailway, either with view of Union station or exchange of hind, doing away with any crossing of tracks by either lino; by Mr. Schroibcr's request extension of land asked for. W. MURDOCH, Chief Engineer of M. S. C. Railway. To J. S. Dennis, Telegram from Colonel Dennis, Deputi/ Minister of Interior, Ottawa, to William Murdoch, C.E., Winnipeg. Ottawa, 15th November, 1880. Message not understood. Give particulars in writing and lot Schreiber join. What is proposed to bo done with land already agreed on with Schreiber for station grounds. .1. S. DENNIS, Deputy Minister of Interior. Montreal Telegraph Company, 13th December, 1880. Please sond, without dehiy, plan showing lands desired by you, for railway pur- poses, at Point Douglas. Have soon Schreiber, but we do not understand your recent message. J. S. DENNIS. To W. Murdoch, C.E,. Winnipeg. Department (U' the Interior, Dominion Lands Office, Ottawa, 31st January, 1880. Sir, — [ have the honor, by the direction of the Minister of the Interior, to acknowledge the receipt of your letters dated the 26th and Slst December last, making application on behalf the Manitoba South-Westorn Colonization Railway, for the issue of letters patent for certain lands on Point Douglas Common, and enclosing a conveyance of part of the lands for which a patent is asked from John Sutherland and othei's, in support of your application. In reply I am to inform you that the lands applied for are about to be patented to the trustees of the Point Douglas land owners. Any further application relating to the lands in question should bo made to the trustees. T have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant, LINDSAY RUSSELL, Surveyor-General. 3. C. Biggs, Esq., Solicitor, W^innipeg. P.S. — Vour papers are herewith returned to you.' w RETURN )!•, 1880. 8 and land on is street, pro- ladian Pacific ig away with usion of land Railway. iam Murdoch, er, 1880. ihreiboi* join. 3i' for station Interior. er, 1880. railway pur- l your recent 3NNIS. (21/) To an Address of the House of Commons, dated 2l8t February, 1881 ;— For Copies of any Order in Council, Correspondence or Papers not already brought down, touching any Sale of Land in the North- West to any Railway Company. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, Department of the Secretary of State, Secretary of States 7th March, 1881. [/n accordance with the recommendation of the Joint Committee »n Printing, the above Return is not printed.'] RETCJRN (21g-) To an Order of the House of Commons, dated 2nd February, 1881 ;— For a Return shewing the Amount appropriated each Year on Account of Dominion Lands, shewing the Sum expended in Surveys, the amount expended in Management, the Area Surveyed and the Area Surveyed which is still Unoccupied. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, Department of the Secretary of State, Secretary of State. 7th March, 1880. y, 1880. Interior, to member last, Railway, for nd enclosing a Sutherland be patented ion relating General. Ottawa, 5th March, 1881. Sir, — I have the honor to transmit, hei'ewith, in compliance with an Order of the House of Commons, under date the 2nd February last, a return shewing the amount appropriated each year on account ot Dominion Lands, shewing the sum expended in surveys, the amount expended in management, the area surveyed and the area surveyed which is still unoccupied, so far as is of record in this Department. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, J. S. DENNIS, Deputy Minister of the Interior^ The Under-Secretary of State, Ottawa. 2U-2 18 S M "3 M 5" H > 3 OaoCP#t-r--5 ooM>Aa>aiSao>9T« »-H o a ». *. 73 '5 9 t=> ■-* — - : 3 i 3 r 3 3 0.0. ■-< N c«f "f lO xT t-" oo oT »■ 4)^ t* 1- h- 1- r- 1- r- 1^ t- 30 ooooaoooaooc«D(0(o» ^ •* a w-t } o > . fH 3 lO»DO>00f•^- — MOJO* t: jj <0 00 -^ M 0» P« r- <0 «» 0» «i 3 o f<"COW«0'X) — — 0O«M S 00 •• •» * M_«0_t« «0 <0 <0 i~ 00 w^ H .^rr-TirTr^'irrcf cT*-"— Tk^ oT pHi— •lOOOOO— 'CJOOO^ <-i c< c4 ^ r< .-« p-t J> S o 'CI — xi o r« « OB -• ^^ o '* t- o> <» o» ^ m t- o» o» fr'>(r-f to" uT i-i * m ■» ■* «o ■ a moot--H'*ot-oo'MO U t3 •- t-«DC>'«.-'J5 — 00 — 0> •» o ■* 40 (V) o lO o> e-i lO^o CO H t^ <6 1^ oil 00 tn -f ni' a> -^ sT 33 o rH W « i-« i-H ct S5 --T So" — ~imT»(io
-«eo>o 1^ ^- r- t-. t^ r- h- r^ r>. 00 H 00000000000000000000 i §g§ § gg S g g 3 *-4 o -3 1 o o e> § oo o S 2 o «» §gg ° gg § 5 1 § Oh . §£ ^" i § ^~ J^ s s s oT H t>- •-' «^ „ '^f' . . r^ *^ CO ■* p-H i ! : i o :o -o J :•- I-. ib o ; o ;o :o : :a o a.2 ««' !g jg jg i is § a o : o ■*" d" BQ g ■ ■— 1 l^ i'-' : •"* 00 00 ■y oooo jooo ;o O O o o • o o H S oooo 'OO* io o a o *» 0,0,0 O ; O o o J o o o g o • c^o^o o" ■ o~o"o" r oT •♦r^ ■*" i-H o t- m "o . o CO 03 oo onot^-ftaooor^meofoet - O K i-H ©4 t- e^ C4 c4 ci ^^ w e^ cfl Eb c,0, ^4 00 o rt nf to (xTrt'rt {if rn"— —"■*■•*"— "o ■» o 1^ a < .£3 6- o, . -«1 ^i^ 4^ tf _o SS5?i!?5f5SS;SS;§555:55 04 ■*« &. •< .-< M CO Til IO «o r- 00 «> o ^ t-t-r- »• »- 1- t- »- f- £ "►5 00 00 00 00 00 00 >-l 00 00 00 od 11 1-1 T«rrito a 9 a ^ a la -•9 • 0.'a3 o.-a •9 » «> ol 4 a » M O u Sa (2 ToanC al & 1 1 1 1 • 00 ■§ ^ CO r-l o. -a r f « i a a -3 )-3 -S •P4 P4 00 CO ua U < • ^ % >* H ^ H m o Departm( SlR,- the Hous of lands i Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. of operati 6'th. three yeai llTnder Sei 21< 19 Department of tub Interior, Dominion Lands Office, Ottawa, 3rd March, 1881. Return of tho area of land Hurvoyod in Manitoba and tho North- West Territories. Acrea. In tho Settlement Belt rarishes 341,666 In tho Townships in Manitoba 6,632,016 Total in Manitoba 6,973,742 In tho North-West Territories 5,298,422 Total 12,272,164 DispoBod of up to 3l8t October 5,490,741 Balance disposable 6,781,423 LINDSAY EUSSELL, Surveyor-General. RETURN (21/0 To an Order of the House of Commons, dated 28th January, 1881 ; — For a Eeturn of the Quantity of Lands actually surveyed, Ist. In Manitoba ; 2nd. In the North- West Territory ; 3rd. The cost of such Survey to 80th June last ; 4th. The further cost of such Survey to the 1st November last ; 6th. The number of Surveyors employed in such Surveys during the last season of operation ; 6th. The average number of Lots surveyed by such Surveyors during the last three years for each year. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, i Department of the Secretary of State, Secretary of State, 7th March, 1881. Ottawa, 6th March, 1881. Sir, — ^I have the honor to transmit, herewith, in compliance with an Order of I the House of Commons under date the 28th January last, a return of the quantity I of lands actually surveyed : — Ist. In Manitoba ; 2nd. In the North-West Territory ; 3rd. The cost of such survey to the 30th June last ; 4th. The further cost of such survey to the Ist November last ; 5th. The number of surveyors employed in such surveys during the last season I of operation; I 6th. The average '^umber of lots surveyed by such surveyors during the last jthree years for each year, so far as is of record in this Department. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, J. S. DENNIS, Deputy Minister of the Interior. [Under Secretary of State, Ottawa. 21i—2i 20 No. 6, — Eetuun of Surveys in Manitoba and the North-West Territory, in the Year 1879. Surveyor. Aldous, Montague .... Beatty, Walter , do Caddy & Hewson Crawford, Wm Dean, Mil el Doupe & Drummond.. Doupe & MePie Forrest, A. G King, W. P Klotz, Otto J Kirk, Joseph G McAree, John McArthur, J. J., jun. O'Hanly, J. L. P Pearce, Wm do Nature of the Surve^. Standard meridian and base lines < Block outlines of townships Township sub-divijion do do do do do do do do do do Timber limits Astronomical section of standard survey . Township sub-division do do do do do do Block outlines of townships... do do Timber explorations Timber limits.. Number of Miles Surveyed. 264 60 19 Rainboth, G. C Held, J. L Township sub-division . do TowBplot of Battleford Russell, A. L Stewart, Geo. A , Thompson, Augustus C... Webb, A. Standard meridian and base liaes. Township sub-division do do Second principal meridian Totals. Number of Acres Surveyed. 90,173'74 94,214-33 95,422-38 95, 994-5 V 94,918-57 18,686-04 61 178 668 64 93,821-35 95,910-54 74,629-25 91,912'27 25 89 46 1,464 112,112-23 84,445-73 88,240-57 1,130,481-57 Average number of miles surveyed by each surveyor, 146-4. Average number of quarter-section lots of 160 acres surveyed by each surveyor, 543. Dominion Lands Office, 3rd March, 1881. LINDSAY EUSSELL, Surveyor-General. No. 6. — Return of Surveys in Manitoba and the North-Wcst Territory during the Year 1878. Surveyor. Aldoui, Montague.. Chapman, C. P. Dennis, J. S., jr Doupe, Jos McPnillips, George Pearce, Wm Rancher, R Reid, J. L HuBsell, A. L Sinclair, Duncan ... Stewart, B Nature of Survey. Prince Albert and St. Laurent Public highways in Manitoba Standard metidian and base lines Re-survey of part of the parish of St. Agathe Parish of Lorette Boundaries of Manitoba Sub-di'<'ision of three townships do ee-^en do Standard meridian and base lines Township sub-division (aeven townships) Re-survey of township boundary Totals. Number of Miles Surveyed. 193-50 21800 42-00 145-00 140-00 ' 1*2 OO" 755-58 Average number of miles surveyed by each surveyor, 125. Average number of quarter-section lots of 160 acres surveyed by each surveyor, 383. Number of Acres Surveyed. 26,128-00 18,509-00 69,387-79 110,348-87 82,662-55 306,936-21 Dominion Lands Office, 3rd March, 1881. LINDSAY EUSSELL, Surveyor-General. rrilory, Number of Acres Surveyed. [ 1 ■ ••« • ••• • •■* 90,173-74 94,214-33 95,422-38 95,994-57 94,918-57 18,686-04 • ■•t • «•• 1 """93"82l'-35' 95,910-54 74,629-25 91,912'27 3 i ■••• "Tl2"li"2'23" 9 8* ""84*445-T3* 4 1,130,481-57 543. •-General. tory during of d. Number of Acres Surveyed. •50 26,128-00 ■00 •00 •00* '■ob" •••••• 00 -50 * r8"509-od " *69"387"7'9 110,348-87 ""82',662*55' 306,936-21 383. 5SELL, \yor- General. 21 No. 6. — Kkturn of Survoys in Manitoba and the North-Wost Territory during the Year 1877. Sn.-T«yor. Brav, E , iBeattj, W do Doupe, J do Kennedy, L McPhilhpa, George, jr.... ;: do aen., Pearce, W Stewart, B Nature of Survey. Number of Miles Surveyed. Highway in Manitoba Gimli Road Township sub-division do Township outlio'-i do 8ub-'°ii ision. do <'■> ^ do do Outer two sales of St. Clements, &c. Township sub-dirision Totals «••••■•# ••«•«• »••!• ••«••• •••••■ 13600 6«-85 3387 108 00 338-72 Number of Acres Surveyed. 20,37«-6* 23,929'04 71,868-76 24,009 77 19,834-«8 tl,673-38 231,691-63 Average number of miles surveyed by each surveyor, 84-68. Average number of quarter-section lots of 160 acres surveyed by each surveyor, 241 . Dominion Lands Office, 3rd March, 1881. LINDSAY RUSSELL, Surveyor- General . TDbpartmbnt or the Interior, Dominion Lands Ofpiob, Ottawa, 3rd Mwch, 1881. No, 6 — Eetjrn of Surv«y»rs employed in the Manitoba and the North-West Territory daring !?.st season's operations : — Standard Block Outlines. Bray, Edgar, Devi He, B., Hart, Miiner, McLatchie, J., Ogilvie, Wm., O'Hanly, J. L. P., Drummond, Thomas, Klotz, Otto J., Miles, C. F., 'Pearce. Wm., Russell, A. L., Thompeon, W. F., Webb, A. C, King, W. F. Township Outlines. Rainboth, G. C, Riley, G. U. Township Subdivision Contract Surveys. Abrey, G. B., Armstrong, F. W., Beatty, W. & D., Beitiister, G. B., Bolger, Frank, Brabazon, S. L,, Breen, Thomas, Caddy & Hewson, Caddy, EiM^::i. Clementi, T. B., Cotton & McAree, Evans & Bolger, Gai-den, G. F., Hermon, E. W., Jephson, E. J., Lett, C. A., EeiffoDBcein, J. 11., Snow, J. A., Sinclair, Duncan, Staunton & Jonos, Stewart, John, Uuwin, Charles, Wagnei', William. LINDSAT EUSSELL, . . Surveyor General. Department op the Interior, Dominion Lands Oppioe, Ottawa, 3rd March, 1881. Eeturn of the quantity of lands actually surveyed in Manitoba and the North - West Territory. No. 1. In Manitoba — Acres. In the settlement belt parishes 341,666 In the townships 6,632,076 Total in Manitoba 6,973,742 No.;^. In the North-West Territory 5,298,422 Grand total 12,272, 164 Standard base and meridian lines, &c., 10,492 miles. ■ - No. 3. Cost of survey, to 30th June. 1880 $l,203,o23 76 No. 4. Further cost, to Ist November, 1880 98,8:^3 80 No. 6. Number of Surveyors employed (see list herewith.) No. 6. Surveys during the last three years do LINDSAY EUSSELL. Surveyor-General. RETURN (21») To an Order of the House of Commons, dated 22nd December, 1880 ; — For Copies of Statistics and other Information on which were based the Plans and Prices adopted in 1879, for the Sales of Railway Lands and Pre-emptions, and now in force. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, Department of the Secretary of State, Secretary of State, 10th February, 1681. (In accordance with the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Printing, the above Return is not printed.'] •neral. irch, 1881. the North es. «66 076 742 422 164 16 80 eneral. er, 1880 ;— tvere based way Lands ry of State. ing, the above 23 (21/) RETURN To an Order of the House of Commons, dated 9th February, 1881 ; — For copies of all Correspondence in reference to the Claims of Persons •vrhose Lands have been expropriated for the Selkirk Crossing of the Canadian Pacific Railway. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, Department of the Secretary of State, Secretary of State. 14th March, 1881. [In accordance with the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Printing, the above Return is not printeiJ^ (21k) RETURN To an Address of the House of Commons, dated 16th December, 1880 ; — For Copies of all Orders in Council, and of all Correspondence with the Government of British Columbia, or with the Canadian Agent for British Columbia, touching the Lands appropriated or to be appropri- ated for the Construction of the Pacific Railway in that Province. By Command, JOHN O'CONNOR, Department of the Secretary of State, Seerttary of State, nth March, 1881. k / Synopsis re. Lands appropriated in British Columbia for C.F.R. constniction. ne 31, 18T3. May 29. Sept. 22 and Oct. 14. March 25, 18Y5. O. O. in Council, 5270. Fixing terminus at Rsquimalt, locating line and authorizing application to Government of B.C. for necesnary lands. From S. Fleming, 8221. re. operations for reason and suggestions as to reservation of land. From Hon. J. Trutch, 5531, Forwarding Min. of Ex. Council B.C., 20th September, respecting the reservation of lands, in Council, 8413. To notify Govt, of B.C., it is necessary during present Session to pass an Act to appropriate and set. apart lands along the lino of lailwaj' from Esquimalt to Nanaimo. June 9 and l4, 1876. O. in Council, IITOO. To obtain from Govt of B.C. a con- veyance of land 20 miles in width on each side of lino surveyed and located in the Province. July 20. To Hon. A. Kicharda, 6776. Confirming telegram to reserve lands at Bute Inlet and Salmon Eiver. June 1, 1877. Order in Council, 13681. Authorizing line recommended by Mr. Fleming. '2J November 26, December 29. December 24. March 19. March 27. March 27. November 1). From Governor, B.C. TraiiHmittlng Min. of Ex. Council. November 8. From Keport of E.k, Council. B.C. The year having elapsed desirable that the Provl. Govt. B.C. should be informed of the result of the year's surveys, and that a.ssurance should be given that the actual construction will be begun and prosecuted. To Liout.-Govornor, B.C. Ackg. receipt of his despatch of the 9th. To Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Trans. O. in 0. of 24th December. O. in Council. January 15, 1878. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Ackg. letter, 2nth December. March 19. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Tel. Govt, desire to bo definitely informed if construction will be commenced early in the present season. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Enclosing Min, of Ex. Council. To Lieut-Governor, B.C. Telegram of 19th answered by letter of to-day. To Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Eng. not yet completed mapping and cal- ; culations, when done Govt, will endeavor to finally decide on route and tenders called for, &c., &c. April 6. To Lieut-Governor, B.C. Acknowledging despatch of 19th. April 16. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Acknowledging receipt of letter of 27th ultimo. May 23 and 25. O. in Council, 15752. Cancelling O. in C. No. 5270. May 31. To Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Forwards No. 9110. May 29. ToS, of State, 9116. Informing him that O. in C. has passed design- ating Esquimalt as terminus of railway, and requesting i-eser- vation of lands. No. 15752. June 27. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Acknowledging letter communicating location of terminus at Burrard Inlet. M.Smith, 15950. Transmits copy of letter from H. Gamble to Hon. /G. Vernon, Com. of Land, B.C., requesting him to reserve certain distances on each side of line along the Praser and Thompson Kiver. Order in Council, 16003. Defining the route of railway from the neighboihood of Tete Jaune Cache to Burrard Inlet, B.C. To Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Eefg. to letter 3l8t May last enclosing O. in C. 3rd Sept., 1878, No. 16310. Aug. 31. To R. to Council, 9466. To call upon Govt, of B.C. to convey to Dom. Govt land No. 16265. Sept. 3 and 9. From Cider in Council, 16310. Setting apai-t for C.P.R. 20 miles of land on each side of railway, &c. Sept. 20. To Secretary of State, 9518. Transmitting copies of plan showing C.P.R. through B.C. as defined by O. in C., 16310, and requesting conveyance of lands therein designated . To Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Refg. to letter of 9th and fowdg. letter from Sec. of P. Works with plan, and requesting that conveyance of land, &c., may be made. Sept 2C. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Ackg. despatch of 9th, enclosing 0- in C. re. reservation of lands. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Ackg. No. 9518. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Forig. Min. of Ex, Council, B.C., 5 Nov., Min. calling attention to despatches of 31st May, 9 and 23. Sept, l.>-78, of their predecessors and asking for views of Govt, on the same. To Lieut-Governor, B.C. Ackg. receipt of letter of 9th with views of re. reservation of lands. From Secretary of State. Refg. to letter of 29th May and 30th Sept. January 16, 1879. From Lieut-Governor, B.C. "Tel." January 17. From Lieut.-Governor, B.C. Forwards Min. Ex. Council embodying tel. of 5th. July 11 and 15. V July 13 to 17. Sept. 9, Sept, 23. Oct 10. Nov. 9. Nov. 26. Nov. 26. Feb. 1 March March March March March April ' April : /April ! April J May II May 1! May h June 2 June 1 June 1: July 8 Octobe Ootobe Octobt Octobe Noven Decem Decen: Januai Januai Februi March March April Octob( ed desirable the result of ven that the I of the 9th. cember. cember. )ly informed asont season. 1. :er of to-day. ng and cal- y decide on tter of 27111 assed design- testing i-eser- tnmunicating mbie to Hon. m to reserve e Fraser and ay from the let, B.O. ing O. in C. ivey to Dom. i. 20 miles of owing C.P.R. id requesting g. letter from ionveyance of g O. in 0, re. , 5 Nov., Min. id 23. Sept., 3 of Govt, on views of re. )th Sept. il embodying 26 Feb. 18 and 19, March 16. March 18. March 21. March 22. March 24. April 14. ""April 16 From Speaker, B.C. Tel. Please acquaint mo by telbgram if des- patch of Dom. Govt, 13th June, 1876, locating railway was rescinded or withdrawn. To Speaker, B.C. Tol. announcing mailing of letter with plan. From Speaker, B.C. Tel. Your telegram ehewa you have misunder- stood mine which relates to despatch 9th June, 1876. To Secretary of State. Eets., telegrams, &c., referring to O. in 0. June, 1876, July, 187T-78, copies appended. To Speaker Leg. Asy., B.C. O. in 0. June, 1876, superceded by sub- sequent order. Lino as at present defined shewn on plan sent by letter 23rd Sept., last. To Speaker Log. Asy., B.C. Eefg. to telegrams of the 19th ult. and 18th inst., and explaining O. in C. 9th June, 1876. From Lieut. -Governor, B.C. Assembly adjourned, awaiting information as to your railway policy. To E. to Council, 11278. ) i?a cancellation of O. in C. 23rd May, 1878, /April 22 and 23. O. in Council, 18822. J and revision of that ot 7th June, 1873. April 24. To Llcut.-Governor, B.C. Fordg. O. in C. of 22nd April. May 15. From Lieut.-Governor B.C. Acknowledging letter of 24th ult., enclosing Order in Council. May 19 and June 9. From Lieut.-Governor B.C. Minute re cancellation of railway reservation on main land. Eep. Ex. Council B.C., 19,292. Eeport with drawings of reservation of lands. To Lieut.-Governor B.C. Ackg. receipt of djspatch cancelling reservation under Order in Council, 23rd May, 1878. To Lieut.-Governor B.C. Fordg. copy of Order in Council, 12th June, 1879. Order in Council, 19404. Informs Govt. B.C. that object of Order in Council, 18822, was to recind Order in Council of May, 1878, (15752) and leave Dom. Govt, free to adopt which ever route might appear in the public interests most eligible. Frem Order in Council. Ackg. receipt of letter, June 18. October 11. To Lieut.-Governor B.C.. Transg. Order in Council of 4th October. October 4. Order In Council, 20561. Advising that Order in Council, 13th July, 1878, defining route of C.P.E. to a point near or on Burrard Inlet be confirmed. October 29. From Govt, of B.C. Ackg. No. 20561. October 81. From Govt, of B.C. Please send Order in Council, 13th July, 1878. Forwds. copy of Order in Conncil, 13th July, May 14. June 2. June 18. June 12. July 8. B.C. Ackg. receipt of letter of 13th ult. November 13. To Govt, of 1878. December 3. From Govt, of B.C. December 16. Order In Council. January 9, 1880. To Lieut.-Governor B.C. Eequesting that steps may be taken to convey to the Dom. Govt, landa for 20 miles on each side of the railway. January 30. From Govt, of B.C. Ackg. despatch of 9th January, and promising conveyance of landa 20 miles on each side of line. February 25. Order in Council. Be. conveyance of lands. March 3. To Govt, of B.C. Calling attention to non-conveyance of lands to Dom. Govt. March 27. From Govt, of B.C. Ackg. above. April 1. Froui Liout.-Governor B.C. Emby. Min. of Ex. Council 27th March. Subject alluded to in despatch of 3rd March will be undertaken ut ensuing Session of Legislature. From Lieut.-Governor B.C., .'4442. Me, construction of Island Branch of C.P.R., enclosing min. of Ex, Council, 4th October. October 11 and 25. 26 October 16. Prom Lieut. -Governor B.C., 24305, Enclosing Min. of 14th October, 1880. Authorizing A. DaCosmod to press ou Dom. Govt, the construction of the Island Branch C.P.E. October 25. To Govt, of B.C. Ackg. letter of 11th. November 4. To Govt, of B.C. Ackg. despatch No. 24505 and enclosing Minute. Eeturn in answer to an Address "from the House of Commons, dated 16th De- cember, 1880, calling for copies of all Orders in Council, and of all Correspondence with the Government of British Columbia, or with the Agent for British Columbia, touching the lands appropriated or to bo appropriated for tho construction of the Pacitic Railway in that Province . . Order No. 24,922. Copt of a Report of a Committee of the HonorMe the Privy Council, approved by Mis Excellency the Governor General in Council, on ih<' 1th June, 1873. The Committee of Council having had before them the memorandum of the 29th May last, from tho Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacitic Railway, and the Minute of Council thereupon of the 80th May, beg leave to recommend to your Excellency that Esquimalt, in Vancouver Island, be fixed as tho terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and that a line of railway be located between ihe harbor of Esquimalt and Seymour Narrows on the said Island. Tho Committee further recommend that application immediately be made by despatch to the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia for tho conveyance to tho Dominion Government, in trust, according to the lUh paragraph of the terms of the agreement of Union, of a strip of land twenty miles in width along the eastern coast of Vancouver Inland, between Seymour Narrows and the Harbor of Esquimalt. An Order of the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia in Council, appropri- ating this tract of land in furtherance of the construction of tho said railway will be necessary in order to operate as a sufficient conveyance and reservation of the said land to and for the Dominion Government. Certified, W. A. HIMSWORTH, G.P.C. Canadian Pacific Railwat, Office of the Engineer-in-Chief, Ottawa, 29th May, 18T3 Memorandum. With regard to the operations for the present season, the undersigned recom- mends! that the following be undertaken : The Western Section. 1. An exploratory survey from Howe Sound to Kamloope, or some convenient point on the North Thompwon. 2. An exploration between Tete Jaune Cache and tho Quesncl Lake. 3. A re-survey from Moose Lake to Tete Jaune Cache on the opposite bank of the Thompson. 4. With respect to the railway in British Columbia, the Governor having announced a decided preference for Esquimalt as the terminus, whether Vancouver Island be reached by bridge or ferry; and as the time for selecting lands for rail way purposes in Bri'ish Columbia expires on the 20th July next, it beoomos imjtortant to secure, either by an extension of time or otherwise, all the vacant agrioultuial and mineral lands along the probable line for the railway on Vancouver Island. Should the Government coiiHider this advisable, the limits of the reHei"vation may be sufficiently w»3ll described as a strip of land twenty miles in width along the October, Govt, the ig Minute. 1 16th De- ispondenco Columbia, Lion of the ved by His 3f the 29th Iho Minute Excellency dian Pacific ^uimalt and 36 made by ance to the Bi-ms of the astern coast malt. 1, appropri- ivay will be of the said a P.O. EF, y, 1873 jnod recom- ) convenient >8ite bank of •nor having Vanc'iMiver for railway [m]>ortant to cultural and 1. renervation th along the 27 eastern coast of Vancouver Island, between Seymour Narrows and the Harbor of" Esquimau. The Eastern Section. 5, An exploration between Lake Nipissing and the upper part of the Montreal Eiver, to gain information respecting the country, in order to ascertain how the eastern terminus, aw defined by statute, could best be reached. 6. Continue the surveys between JRed River and Lake Superior, in order to connect linos already surveyed ; amend others, and add to the information already acquired, with the view of establishing the very best and shortest lino for tho railway between Red River and Lake Superior, at tho same time utilizing as great a length as possible for the main line. SANDFORD FLEMING. British Columbia, Government House, 22nd September, 1873. Sir, — With reference to ray despatch, No. 67, of the 26th July last, I have the honor to enclose, for tho consideration of His Excellency the Governor General, a Minute of my Executive Council, urging that the boundaries of the land on Vancouver Island, proposed to be claimed by the Dominion Government in trust to aid in the construction of a railroad under tho Terms of Union of British Columbia with Canada, may be at once defined, and that a competent person in this Piovince may be appointed to dispose of said lands on such terms as will admit of settlement, and authorizing the Hon. A. DcCosmos, President of Executive Council, and Premier of my Ministry to confer with the Government of Canada, on this subject. A duplicate of this despatch and its enclosure will be handed to you by Mr. DeCosmos, who starts tomorrow for Ottawa. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, JOSEPH W. TRUTCH. Hon. Secretary of State for Canada. Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Council, approved by Mis Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, on the twentieth day of September, 1873. On a memorandum, dated 18th September, 1873, from the Honorable the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, reporting that the Order in Council o) the M)ih June, 1873, reserving the Crown Lands of the east coast of Vancouver Island, is seriously retarding the settlement of that portion of tho Province, and recommending that in view of the fact that the despatch from His Excellency tho Liouten Jit- Governor to the Secretaryof State, transmitting the Minute of this Executive Council, dated 20th Jul}', upon the subject of this Reservation has not as yet been rejilivd to, and as the matter requires immediate settlement, that the Dominion Government be respectfully urged to at once define, by survey, the land they propose claim inij on the east coast of Vancouver Island, and that they appoint also a conipolent person in this Province to dispose of said lands on such terms as will admit of settlement, and that the Hon. A. DeCosmos, as special delegate, about to proceed to Ottawa, be authorized to confer with tho Dominion Government upon this subject. Certified, W. J. ARMSTRONG, Clerk of the Executive Council Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor- General in Council on the 25th day of March, 1875. On a memorandum, dated 25th March, 1875, from the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, reporting for the consideration of Council, that prior to the commencement of any works of construction on the proposed railway from Esquimalt to Nanaima 28 which the Dominion Governmont havo agreed lo build under the arrangement made through Lord Carnarvon at the instance of British Cohimbia, it is essential that the Province of British Columbia hliould convey, by legislation, to tlio Dominion Govern- ment in trust, to be appropriated in such manner as the Dominion Governmont may deem advisable, a similar extent of public lands along the line of railway before mentioned (not to exceed twenty miles on each side of the said lino) as may be appro- priated for the same purpose by the Dominion from the public lands of the Isorth- West Territories and the Province of Manitoba, as provided in the Order in Council, Section 11, admitting the Province of British Columbia into the Confederation ; and that it is desirable that the British Columbia Government should be at once notidod that it will be necessary during the present Session of the Legislature of that Province to paes an Act so to appropriate and set apart lands to this extent and for this purpose —the grant to be subject, otherwise, to all the conditions contained in the said llth Section of the Terms of Union. The Committee concur in the above report of the Minister of Public Works, and recommend that the British Columbia Government be notified accordingly. Certified, W. A. HIMSWOETH, C.P.G. Hon. Minister of Public Works. •Copt 0/ a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council on the 9th June 1876. The Committee of council have had under consideration the memorandum here- unto annexed from the lion. Mr. Mackenzie, submitting the expediency of obtaining from the Government of British Columbia,a conveyance of the land twenty (20) miles in width on each side of the portion of the Canadian Pacific Railway line sjrvoyed and located in that Province, and they respectfully submit their concurrence therein, and advise that a copy thereof and of this Minute be transmitted to the Government of British Columbia. Certified, W . A. HIMSWORH, C.P.C. Hon. Minister of Public Works. Ottawa, Tth June, ISYB. The undersigned has the honor to report : — That under the terms by which British Columbia entered the Dominion of Can^ ada, the Government of that Province agreed to convey to the Dominion Government, in trust, to be appropriated in such manner as the Dominion Government may deem advisable in futherance of the construction of what is known as the Canadian Pacific Eailway, a similar extent of public lands along the lino of railway, throughout its entire length in British Columbia (not to exceed, however, twenty miles on each side of said line) as may be appropriated for the same purpose by the Dominion Government from the public lands of the North-West Territories and the Province of Manitoba ; That the Government of Canada have already by Orders in Council withdrawn for sale or settlement all lands in the Province of Manitoba within twenty miles of each side of the railway line surveyed ; and also for a district twenty miles to the westward of Fort Pelly, in the North- West Tei'ritories, and further extending from a point twenty miles westerly of Fort Polly to a point twenty miles westerly of the mouth of Battle Kiver, and further for twenty miles on each side of the railway, from a point twenty miles westerly of the Battle River to Jasper House, in the Yellow Head Pass, through the Rocky Mountains ; That the line of railway has been defined and located through part of the Pro vince of British Columbia, and that it is desirable with the view of enabling the Gov ^rnment of Canada to proceed with the construction of the railway, that the lands along such line of railway and for twenty miles on each side of the line may be con Hon. A. On Works, 1 a map pr of which 1 of the described Com westerly Keewatii thence in westerly South Bi neigh bou Jasper H( 29 imont made ialthat tho ion Govern- nmont may Iway before ly be appro- ■tho North- r in Council, jration ; and once notided aat Province this purpose the said llth Works, and [, C.P.C. jroved by His andum here- of obtaining ity (20) miles ine sjrveyed rence therein, Government k C.P.C. veyod to the Dominion Government in accordance with the llth paragraph of the terms of Union. The description of the lino so located, to which reference is above made, is as follows : — Commencing at a point on tho eastern boundary of British Columbia, in tho Yel- low Head Pass, through (ho Rocky Mountains, tho lino follows down the valley of the Elver Frasor to Grand Papids, a distance of about 185 miles (ono hundred and eighty-five) thence westerly, turning the north end of the Cariboo Eange, and, cutting off tho great bond of tho Frasor, it crosses the latter near the mouth of Wil- low River, thenco south-westerly to a point near the confluence of the Rivers Stewart and Chilacot. The undersigned further recommends that communication be had to this effect, with the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, requesting that the lands alongthe line of railway, as heroin described, and for twenty miles on each side of the said line be forthwith conveyed to the Dominion Government ; and that it be represented that an Order of the Licu^ant-Governor in Council appropriating this tract of land will at present suflBco us 9 sufficient conveyance of the same ; but that it is further sug- gested that an Act be passed by the Legislature of British Columbia, conveying and vesting such appropriation in Her Majesty for the purposes of the Government of Canada, and to bo appropriated in such manner as tho said Dominion Government may deem advisable in furtherance of tho construction of" the said railway. He further recommends that in order to give due information to the public and to prevent squatters or the pro-emjition of any portion of the lands so conveyed tho Lieutenant-Governor should be invited to give public notice of the passing ©f tuch Order in Council, and of the conveyance of tho said lands as herein mentioned and therein comprised. •'• - • ^ A. MACKENZIE. ne. 18T6. linion of Can^ Government, int may deem nadian Pacific hroughout its niles on each the Dominion e Province of Copy of No. mi6. . ; Sir, — I am directed to confirm by telegi'am from the Hon. the Premier letter tho to rec^uest Ottawa, 20th July, 1876. instructions conveyed to you b tho Local Government of Biitis' I Columbia to reserve land at Jiute Tnlet, and Salmon River, Dean Inlet, for the con- struction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. I have tho honor to be, Hon. A. N. Richards, Q.C, Victoria, B.C. Sir, your obedient servant, F. BRAUN, Secretary. Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council, on the 1st June, 1877. On a memorandum, dated 21st May, 1877, from the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, recommending that tho line of the Canadian Pacific Railway as laid down on a map prepared by Mr. Sandford Fleming, Chief Engineer of the said railway, a copy of which accompanies said memorandum, shall be determined, as required by Section 1 of tho Canadian Pacific Railway Act of 1874, and which line may be briefly described as follows : — Commencing at Fort William on the Kaministiquia River, following a north- ailway, irom ^^gtoriy direction to the north of Lac des Milles Lacs and crossing the Winnipeg at in the Tellov» -- - il withdrawn renty miles of miles to the tending from esterly of the in rt of the Pro ,bling the Gov that the landf le may be con Keewatin, thence to a point on the Red River named Selkirk, as shown on the map; thence in a direct line to a point near Swan River named Northcoto ; thence south- westerly to Livingstone; thence in a nearly duo west direction, to tho crossing of tho South Branch of the Saskatchewan ; thenco in a north-westerly direction to tho neighbourhood of Fort Edmonton ; thence by the McLeod and Arthabaska Rivers to Jasper House and Henry House, and thonce to Tete Jaune (Jache. 30 That in the event of Bute Inlot being Bcloctod, as the western terminus of the said railway, the lino will follow the valley of the Frasor River from Tele Jauno Cache to the neighborhood of Fort George ; thence from the crossing of the Stewart Biver at the junction with the Chilacot lliver, ascend the valley of the Chilacot Ilivor tea point near its source, thence in a direct lino to the Nazco River, and ascending the valley of the Nazco River to the Chiscot River towards Tatta Lake and Tattyaca Lake, and the east branch of the Ilomattics River, and descend the valley of the Homattics to the waters of the Pacific at Bute Inlet. That in the event of the Dean Channel route being adopted, the above line will be followed from Tete Jaune Cache to near where it strikes the Nazco River, whence it will follow generally the line of the Blackwater River to Thracla Lake ; thenco descend the valley of the Salmon River to the waters of the Pacific at Dean Channel. The Minister further recommends that the* sections referred to in the second clause of the Canadian Pacific Railway Act of 1874, shall be defined as follows : The first section to begin at a point near the south >f Lake Nipissing, and to extend to the neighborhood of Fort William at the upper or western end of Lake Superior; the second section to commence in the neiglioorhood of Fort William and to extend to the crossing of Red River at Selkirk, in the Province of Manitoba, a distance of about 412 miles, the third section to extend from the said crossing of the Red River, at the western end of the second section, to the boundary line of British Columbia, west of Jasper House; the fourth section to extend from the last named point to the Pacific Ocean, the point to be named in a subsequent Order in Council after the completion of the surveys now in progress. The Committee concur in the foregoing recommendations and submit the same for Your Excellency's approval. Certified, W. A. HIMSWORTH, G.F.C. . Government House, Victoria, B.C., 9th November, 1877. Sir, — ^I have the honor to transmit to you, herewith, two copies of a further Minute of my Executive Council on the subject of the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, dated the 8th instant ; and I have the further honor to request that one of these copies may be forwarded through the proper channel to the lionorable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, for the consideration of the Imperial Govern- ment, and that the other be retained for the consideration of the Dominion Government. I have the honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. RICHARDS, Lieutenant-Governor. Hon. R. W. Scott, Secretary of State. Copt of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Oouncil, approved by His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor on the 8th day of November, 1877. The Committee of Council having had under consideration the subject of the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, report: That the year having nearly elapsed, which was represented by the Right Hon- orable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, as being required by the Dominion Government to enable it to determine the route and terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, it is highly desirable that the Government of this Province should be advised at the earliest possible period, of the result of the year's surveys in order that they may be in a position to convene the Legislature at an early date, and lay before it definite information with reference to tbi^ intention of the Dominion Government to carry out its railway obligations to this Province, under the terms of the settlement recommended in 1874 by the Earl of Carnarvon and agreed to by the Dominion Gov- ernment, aa well as by that of this Province. inst., Sir,- Minute o] ransmit t of His Ex( of the Can To His H( 81 inus of the Toto Jaune tho Stewart ilucot River I ascon*laturo at an early date and lay before it "^detinito information as to the intentions of the Dominion Gov- ernment to carry out its railway obligations." The Minister reports that tho delay doomed necessary before advertising for tenders was consequent upon the manifest necessity of making a careful instrumental survey of tho Fraser Valloj' route, upon which an exploratory survey only had been made in previous years. That, as oarly as tho season permitted, a largo staff of engineers was sent to per- form this work, under tho immediate charge of Mr. Cambie. That the field work was finished about the beginning of November, and in the course of that month tho engineers returned to Ottawa, whore they are now engaged plotting tho results of the season's operations. That it will take some time to accomplish this and to report in such detail as will enable the Government to como to a decision as to tho value of tho route. That it is impossible to venture upon any decided opinion at once of tho complete report, maps and profiles of tho roa I vhich are now in course of preparation . That tho Government also took t !u necessary stops to obtain accurate inform- ation regarding the possibility oia vowU'. to tho ocean at PortEssington, at the mouth of tho Skoena Elver, as well as to*' -r /tain tho feasibility of a better pass through tho Eocky Mountains in tho vicinity ui' i'ino River. That the information on both these points will be embraced in tho report of tho engineers, and will include the reports of tho naval officers upon the harbor at the mouth of the Skeena. That as far as can be seen at present there would appear to be no necessity for any further explorations in British Columbia with the view of tho determination of the best route from the summit of the Rocky Mountains to tho sea. That the conclusion reached will be duly communicated to the Secretary of State for the Celonios. Tho Committee concur in the foregoing report, and advise that a copy of this Minute bo transmitted to Lord Carnarvon and to the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. Certified, VV. A. HI MSWORTII, (7. P.C. Government House, Victoria, B.C., 15th January, 1878. Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch dated 29th Dece nber, 1877, enclosing therewith a copy of an Order of His Excellency the Gov- ernor-General in Council on tho subject of tho construction of tho Canadian Pacific Railway. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. RICHARDS, Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. JHon. E. TV. SeoTT, Secretary of Slate. Pac coiiHlruo season ? SlR,- Dominior; I'inbodyiii an.swer w Hon. R. \ Loi'v of a In a n reporting t letinit«5 in; llio Provini before the lie intonti( of Loi-d Cji ijeginnin<^ iho Lieute liio Sccrcta " Paci tonstructio ThoCc Meg ram f, Pacific Sir,— ^ efinitcly ir t^mmenced ceivod. ing and ca lent will 21d-M 33 ed by His ' Liout.- A Minute lod to tho Canadian ipatch and tention of >n thought espatch of I Columbia as possible it an early linion Gov- u-tising for istruiuental y had boon const season ? Tiy Tete'jram from Victoria, B.C., to Hon R. W. Scott, Secreiunj of State. Ottawa, March inth, 1878. Paciflo Iiuilway. — (iovornmont desire to bo definitely informed immediately if motion will bo coranionccd in this Province at an early period of present A. N. mCUARDS. Government House, Victoiua, B.C., 10th March, 1878. Sir, — I have the honor to enclose you, herewith, for the consideration of tho 1 lX)minion Govcrnniont, u copy of a Minute of my Executive Council, diitod 18lh inst., I'lnbodyini^ a telegrat'i which I have this day forwarded to you, asking for a definite I answer with regard to tho early commencement of tho Canadian Pacific liailway. I have tho honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. KICIIARDS, Lieutenant-Guvernor of British Columbia. jllon. K. W. Scott, Secretary of State, Ottawa. iont to per- iCoi'v of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Council, approved by His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, on the 18th day of March, 1878. and in the ow engaged Ictail as will Lho complete lion . •ate inform- it the mouth through tho n both these the reports necessity for nation of the tary of State copv of this or of British CP.C. vy, 1878. 1 dated 29th icy the Gov- adian Pacific Columbia. In a memorandum from tho lion. Minister of Finance, dated l(3th March, 1878, reporting that it is desirable that it be represented to tho Doniiiiion Government that ilelinite information relating to tho commcnoemont of tho liailway construction in 10 Province should be communicated immediately to this Governmeut, in order that et'oro tho prorogation of the Provincial Legislature, an assurance may bo given of ihe intention of tho Dominion Government to carry out in good luith the intimation of Lord Carnarvon, that tho year which has now ])asscd should terminate the delay in beginning actual construction of railway ; and rcciommonding that llis Fixcellency, lho Lieutenant-Governor, be requested to forward by telegraph to the lion, tho lho Secretary of State for the Dominion the following despatch : — " Pacific liailway. — Government desire to be definitely informed immediately if construction will be commenced in tho Province at an early jieriod of present season." The Committe advise that tho recommendation be approved. Certified, Wm. SMITH, Minister of Finance and Clerk Executive Council. Telegram from Department of the Secretary of State to Lieut. -Governor Richard:;, Victoria, B.C. Ottawa, 27th March, 1878. Pacific Railway telegram 19th inst. answered by letter to-day. E. W. SCOTT. Department of Secretary of State, 27th March, 1878. Sir, — Your telegram of March 19th, stating that your Government desire to be [etinitely informed immediately if the construction of tho Pacific Railway will be ommenced in British Columbia at an early period of the present season, was duly «coived. I have to inform you that the engineers have not yet completed the map- ling and calculations of last season's work. As soon as this is done the Govern- lient will endeavour to decide upon the best route to be taken through British 21d—3 84 Columbia, when tenders will bo invited in accordance with the terms of the Eailway Act of 1874. No time has been lost bj' the Government in promoting this enterprise as they have pushed on the work as rapidly as possible Avith a view to a comraenccmont being made at the earliest practicable date. I have, &c., R. W. SCOTT. To His Honor Lient.-Governor Richards, Victoria, 15.0. Department op the Secuetarv ov State, 6th April, 1878. Sib, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of you'- despatch, No. 27, of the 19th ult., enclosing a copy of a Minute of Your Executive Council, embodying a telegram foi-wardod by you on tliat day, asking for a definite answe- with regard to the early commoncenient of the Cauaclian Pacific Railway. My leter of the 27th ult., in reply to your telegram, will have given you full information on the subject. Yours, &c., R. W. SCOTT. To His Honor the Lieut. -Govcrnoi- ol' British Columbia. Government House, Victoria, B.C., KUh April, 1878. Sir, — T have the honor to acknowledge the rc^.eipt of your despatch of the 27tli nit, informing rac in answer to my telegram of che 19th ult , that as soon as the engineers completed the mapping and calculations of the last season's work the Gov- vernment will endeavor to finally decide upon the route to be taken by the Pacific Railway through British Columbia, when tenders will be invited in accordance with the terms of the Railwa}'- Act of 1874. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. RICHARDS, Lieut.-Gov. of British Columbia. Hon. R. W. Scoii, Secretary of State, Ottawa. CoVY of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Prioy Council, approved by IL Excellencij the Governor-General in Council on the 23rd May, 1878. The Committee of Council have the honor to recommend that the Order in Council! of the 7th June, 1873, fixing Esquimalt, in Vancouvor Island, as the terminus of tin Canadian Pacific Raihvay, and I'cquiring the conveyance to the Canadian Govcrnm.en of a strip of land twenty ni"ies in width along tho'eastcrn coast of Vancouver's Islaml between Seymour's Narrows and the Harbor at K^iuimalt, be rescinded. Certified, W. A. HIMSWORTH, C.P.C. Hon. .Minister of Public Works. Department ov Sechetahy or Statk, Hist May, 1878. Sir, — I am directed to transmit to you, herewith, for the consideration of you Governiiiont a copy of a letter from the Socretary of the Department of Puhlii Works, in which it is requested that coi-tain land therein described may be reserved for the purpose of the i)robal..le terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Burrar Inlet. I have, &c., R. W. SCOTT. To His Honor the Lieut.-Governor of British Columbia. E.J. S/i i!Dn ol' vvay t'l •vivo; ossc,-,si for a di.i tance he eaoJi sid Al^ Columbi said rive •^horo of ■such ];)lc Hon. Fo :i 35 lie Railway isc as they mencomcnt ;COTT. .1, 1878. 3, No. 2*7, of jmbodying a th regard to pen you T. full xvil, 1878. ;h of tho 2711i s soon as iha fyork tho CtOV- )y tho Pacific ;;oniaTK'e with Columbia. ipi,roved by Uh 1878. rder in Counci jrminus of tlif m Government Oliver's iHland, (I. II, C.F.C. iMay, 1878. I oration of yom iiont of Pul'lu' ly bo reserved hvav at Burrnr Ottawa, 20th May, 1878. iSia, — I am directed by the Hon. tho Minister of Public Works to inform you that an Order in Council has passed on tlio 2Jrd in^jtant, cancelling that of tho 7th June, 1S73, which designated Esquimalt in Vancouver Island, as the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and required the conveyance tj the Canaijian (Jovern- incnt of a strip of land twenty miles in width along tlic easlern coast, of that Island, between Se^-mour's Narrows and tho Harbor of lisquimalt. I am further directed to state that as Burrard Inlet will, in all probability, bo adopted as the western terminus of the Canadian Pacitic Railway', it is deemed iidvis- ablo that a strip of land should bo reserved for the conveyance to the Dominion Gov- ernment, in accordance with tho 11th jiaragraph of the terms of the Union, along the said lino if railway, ln\ginn:ng at English Bay or Burrard Inlet, and following the River fVi.^er to Lytton, thenco by the valley of the River Thompson to Kam- loop-i, thence i p the valley of the North Thompson, passing near to Lake Albreda and Cranberry to Tete Jaune Cache, thenco up the valley of the Fraser Jliver to tho summit of Yellow Head, or boundary lotween British Columbia and the North- West Territories. The Honorable tho Minister of Public Works desires me to request you to con- voy the foregoing information to tho Government of Bi itish Columbia, in order that they may take the necessary steps to reserve the land in question. I have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient s'ervant, F. BRA UN, Secreianj. E. J. L.VNGEViN, Esq., Hndor-Socretary .^f State, Ottawa. GovERN-MENT HousE, ViCTOHiA, B.C., 27th Junc, 1878. Sib, — 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 31st ultimo, enclosing a copy of a letter from the Secretary ol the Depmtment of Public Works, requesting that certain land maybe reserved tor the probable terminus of the Canadian Pacitic Railwjiy nt Burrard Inlet. 1 have the honor to inform you that I have laid the matter before my Ministers. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. RICHARDS, Lieutenard-G overnor of British Columbia. 5C0TT. v^ANADtAX PacIVTC RAILWAY SURVEY, WESTERN DlVISIOX, Victoria, 11th Juno, 187?. Sir, — Tcr.ding ajfoi'mal application by the Dcmiinion Government for a reserva- i!3n of the lands along the lino of tho proposed route for the Canadian Pacific Rail- way througli British Columbia, by the valleys of the Norlli Thompson and Fraser ilivci's, I a ive to request you, on their behalf, to reserve ail lands which ai'o now in osscssion of the Government of British Columbia, on both sides of the River Fiaser, for a distance of five miles above the toll-gate at the town of Yale, and the same dis- tance below that point, and for a width of one mile from the centre of the river on eaoh side. Also for u reservation of the land in possession of the Govcinment of British Columbia adjoining tho River Thompson, for a width of two miles on each side of tho said rivei', aiid extending from the outle*, of Kamloops Lake, known as Savonas Feriy, lor a distance of five miles do-^yn the river, and a width of two miles fiom the .shore of Kamloops Take for a distance of fivo miles above its outlet on both sides of such lake. I have the honor to be. Sir, yours, kc, II. J. CAMIUj^., Engineer in Chanjc of Siinwys, Ihitish Coluutbia. Hon, FoanEs (!. Vernon, Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoiia, B.C. 2l(/-3V ! I I 36 ■Copy of a Report of a Co7nviitf.ee of the Honorable tT\e Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Govanor General on the VMh July, 1878. On a iiiemorandiira dated 11th July, 1878, from tho Ho... the MinislcM- of Public Worl<8, reporting that on Iho 1st Juno, 1877, an Order in Council was ])assed, iji accordance with the provisions of the Canadian Pacific liai Iway Act of 187-1. detining tho route of tho railway bet'.veei. Fort Wil'.iam, on thu Kaministiquia liivor, and Jasper House and Tete Jauno Cache, That the same Order in Council also defined the route from tho last named point to the Pacific Ocean in tho event of the Bute Inlet or Dean Inlet routes being ulti- mately adopted, these being the routes through British Columbia, one of which at that time it seemed probable would be adopted. That later information has shown that it would be in the'public interest that tho route of tho railway from tho neighbourhood of tho Tete Jaune Cache, .should bo towards Burrard Inlet. Tho Minister, therefore, recommends thatthe route of the railro.it^ ,ii;,!! '^^.;')fined generally as passing from the neighborhood of the Tete Jauno Cache ' y lih. -eda Jiiver to the North Thompson Eivor, and descending the valley of t. • ^'or.'is vhlei r- :-.,t of to be ap able in 1 public (not, liM the area nicnt fVi Manitol) land hell of land i „ be mado I Tha the Norl way h(< thereof f through now dcti should to con VI Columbii wed by His )T of Tublic i ])nssed, in 5*71. dctining River, and lamed point boing ulti- )f which at rest that the e, .should bo lib. jfined -eda ' r«iU i .North 1, uud thence Port Moody, nvenient for jy'a a;>proval. , C.P.C. )er, 1878. y of a letter Government in accordance alities therein onor to trans- lor Gcnorul "■■ or the e n uding porlioi; 37 The undersigned further reports that by several Oidei's in Council in that behalf the nocesH'iry public lands of the North-Wost Territorien and Province of Manitoba along the line of the said i-ailway have been withdrawn from sale and settlement, pending the appropriation thereof for tho i>nrposes of the said railway; and the route of the line of railway through Manitoba, the North-West Territories and British Columbia having been now defined by Orders in Council, it is advisable that the necessary appropriations should be made, and that the Government of British Columbia should be called upon to convey to the Dominion Government such extent of public lands in British Columbia as has been above spocifioci. The under- signed therefore recommends that all public lauds in the Province of Manitoba and in the North-West Territories within twentj^ miles on each side of the said line of Eailwaj' be set apart for tho purposes of tho Canadian Pacific Eailway, and bo appropriated in such a manner as tho Dominion Government may deem advisable in furtherance of the construction of tho said railway. Tho undersigned further recommends that the Secretary of State bo authorized on behalf of this Government to inform the Govoi-nment of British Columbia as to tho route of tho lino of railway, notifying thorn that all public lands in the Province of Manitoba and in tho North- West Territories, within twenty miles on each side of tho line, have been set apart as above mentioned, and to request that Government, in accordance with thoir agree- ment in that behalf, to convey to the Dominion Govurnmont in trust, to be appro- priated in such manner as the Dominion Govornmo.it may deem advisable in furtherance of the construction of tho said railwa}*, a similar extent of public lands along the lino of railway throughout its entire length in British Columbia, and to make good to the Dominion from contiguous public lands the quantity ot land (if any) which may be held under pre-emption right or by Crown grant withia the limits of the tract of land in British Columbia, to bo so conveyed to tho Dominion Government. Respectfullv submitted, A. MACKENZfE, Minister of Public Works. of State. 1st, 1378. clause of tho entorcf' the convey r. 'i* the Do d! ku tho CanL\>' • B hroughout la 20) "miles on riatod for tho of tho North- cinont further ■ (,'rowu grant ivoyed to tho liguous public C'Mi of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency tiie Governor General in Council, on the 'drd Septembtr, 1878. On a report dated 31st August, 1878, from the Honorable the Minister of Public ».'.orks stating that by the eleventh clause of tho agreement under the terras of vhict I he Proviiico of British Columbia entered tho Dumiiiion of Canada the Govern- r :.it of Briti.sh Columbia engaged to convoy to the Dominion Government, in trust to be appropriated in such manner as the Dominion Government might deem advis- able in furtheianco of the construction of tho Canadian Pacific Railway an extent of public lands along the line of railway throughout its entire length in British Columbia (not, however, exceeding twenty (20) miles on each side of the said lino) equal to the area which might bo appropriated for the same purpose by the Dominion Govern- ment from the jiublic lands of the North-Wcst Territoi-ios and tho Province of Manitoba; the conditions of the agreement furthoi providing that tho quantity of land belli under j)re-cmption, right or by Crown grant within tho limits of the tract of land in British Columbia to bo so conveyed to tho Dominion Government should be made ^,oud to tho Dominion from contiguous public lands. That by several Orders in Council in that l)ehalf the necessary public lands of the North-VVcst Territories and Provirrt-o of M'lnitobii along tho lino oi iho said rail- way bc.ve been withdrawn from sale and .settlement, jjonding the appropriation thereof for the purpose of tho said railway; and tho I'oute of the lino o< i-ailway through Manitoba, the Noith-West Territories and British Columbia having been m»w detined by Orders in Council it is advisable that tho necessary appropiiation should be mado, and that the Government of British Columbia should be called upon to convey to tho Dominion Government such extent of public lands in British Columbia as has been above specified. r 38 Tlie Minister therefore recommends that all public lands in the Province of Manitoba and in the North- West Territories, within twenty miles on each side of the said line ol' railway, bo sot ajiart for the |)iiriK)se of the Cauaiiian Pucitic liailway, and bo appropriated in such manner as the Dominion Government may deem advisable in furtheiaiico of the construction of the s id railway. The Minister further recommends that the Secretary of State bo authorized on behalf of this Government to inform the Government of British Columbia hh to the route of the line of railway, notifying them that all public lands in the Province of Manitoba and in the Xoi'th-Wost Territories within twenty miles on each side of the line have been set apart as above ir aiiuncd, and to request that (ioverument, in accordance with their a,i;reemont ir Jiat behalf, to convey to the .Dominion Govern- ment in trust to be appropriated iii snch manner as the Dominion Government may deem advisable 'n fiirthol-anco of the construction of the said railway, a similar extent of public lands ' he line of lailway throughout its entire length in British Columbia ; and t. o good to the Dominion from contiguous' public lands the quantity of land (it /) which may bo held linder pre-emption right, or by Crown grant within the limits of the tract of land in British Columbia to be so conveyed to the Dominion Government. The Committee submit the foregoing recommendations for Your Excclloncy's approval. Certified, W. A. HI MS WORTH, C. P. C. lion. Minister of Public Works. Ottawa, 20th September, 1878. Sia, — I have the honor to transmit two copies of the plan showing the lino of the Canadian Pacific Jiailway through Dritish Columbia as now defined, together with a copy of the Order m Council of the 3rd inst., sotting apart a certain area of land on either side of the lino throughout the Pi'ovinco for the jiurposes of the railway, and I am directed to request you to obtain from the Government of British Columbia a conveyance to the Dominitjn Government, in trust, of the extent of public lands mentioned in the said Older in Council. 1 have the honor to bo, Sir, your obedient servanc, F. BRAUN. Hon. E. W. Scott, Secretary of State, Ottawa. Department oi' Secretary ov State, 23rJ Septombisr, 1878. Sir, — Adverting to my letter of the i)th inst., and its accompanying coj)y of an Order in His FiXcollency the Governor General in Council of the i>rd inst., on tho subject of the land in tho Province of Briti*-!! Ccdiimbia, to bo rosorvod for tlio pur- poses of tho Canadian Paoific Rtiilw.iy, I have the honor to transmit to you, herewith, for the information of your Gi'vornment, a copy of a letter from tho Secretary of the Department of Puiilio Works, together with plan therein referred to, shewing the line of the said i'ailwa\' tluough thjtr Pi-ovitice as now defined. I have to request that a conveyance may be obtained from your (iovernment to that of the Dominion, in trust, oftho extent of public lands mentioned in tho Order in Council of tho 3r(l instant. I have, &c., 11. W. SCOTT, To His Hon. the Lieut.-Governor of British Columbia, Victoria. Government House, Victoria, B.C., 26th Sept., 1S78. Sir, — I have tho honor to acknowledge tho receipt of your despatch of tho 0th inst., enclosing a copy of an Order of His Excellency tho Governor General in Coun- Province of h Hide of the Railway, and advisable in utborizcd on )\tx as to the I Province oi" 1 Hide of the vornmetil, in iiion Govcrn- srnmont may railar extent h in British >lic iai\d8 the or by Crown I conveyed to Excel loncy'n C.P.C. >er, 1878. lie lino of the other with a ia of land on railway, and li Columbia a public lands UN. bar, 1S7H. ff coj)y of an I inst., on the for tlio par- ou, herewith, erctary of the (shewing the ave to request 10 Dominion, ;il of the 3ni OTT, 39 (11, requesting that certain lands in this Provinco may be reserved for the purposes of the Canadian Pacilic Railway. I beg to inform you that a copy of your despatch and its enclosure has been referred to my Executive Council, I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. EICHAEDS, Lieut.-Gov. of British Columbia. ,^pt., 1S78. ch of the 0th neral in Coun- GOVERNMENT IIOUSE, ViCTOKIA, B.C., 10th Oct., 1878. Srii, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your desjiatch of the 23rd ult., enclosing a copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Department of Public Works.'Jtogether with plan therein referred to, shewing the line of the Canadian Pacific Eailway through this Provinco as now defined ; and requesting that a con- veyance may be obtained from ray Government to that of the Dominion, in trust, of the extent of public lands mentioned in a certain Order in Council of the 3rd ult., find forwarded to mo in a despatch dated 9th ult. I beg to inform you that I have referred a copy of your despatch and its enclosures (2) to my Executive Council. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. EICHAUDS, Lieut.-Gov. of British Columbia. Hon. E. W. Scott, Secretary of State, Ottawa. Government IIouse, Victoria, B.C., 9th November, 1878. Sir, — I have the honor to enclose lo you herewith a copy of a Minute of my Executive Council dated 5th inst., calling llio attention of the Dominion Government to despatches of the 31st May, 9th and 23rd of September, 1878, respectively, having reference to the reservation and conveyance, for the purposes of the Canadian Pacific liailway, of land on the mainland of British Columbia, and requesting that the present Dominion Government will be good enough to communicate their views on said despatches to the present Government of this Province as soon as possible. I have tho honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. RICH ARJ)S, Lieut. -Governor of British Columbia. lion. Secretary of State, Ottawa, Canada. QovY of a Jteport of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Counr.il, approved by His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor on the fifth day of November, 1878. The Committee of Council consider it advisable to respectfully invito tho atten- tion of the Dominion Government to their predecessors' despatches of the 31st of Hay, 9th of September and 23rd of September, 1878, rcspccti\cly, referring to the reservation and conveyance, for the purposes of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, of and on the mainland of British Columbia, and to request tho present Dominion Government to be good enough to communicate their views on said despatches to this Tiovernment as soon as possible. The Committee would observe that the land mentioned lias been fully reserved for railway purposes and that every facility should and will be given to the Dominion overnmcnt to enable them to commence railway construction in the Provinco at the arliest practicable moment. The Committee advise that this Minute bo approved and that a copy thereof be brwarded to the Dominion Government. Certified, J. M. HUMPHEEIYS, '• '■ Clerk of the Executive Council. 40 Department Secretary op State, Ottawa, 26(1i November, 1818, Sir, — I am direcled to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch, No. 102, of tlio Otli inst., enclosing a copy of a Minute of your Exocutivo Council, calling attention to despatches of the Slst May, of the 9th and 23rd S<^- ^o.^'^nr 187« - ospcctively, having reference to the reservation ;ind conveyance, for uio pui^.-^os of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, of land on the mainland of British Columbia. I have, &c., R. W. SCOTT. To His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria. Department Secretary ok State. Sir, — With reference to the letters from your Department, of the 29th May and the 30th September last, I am directed to transmit to you, herewith, for your informa- tion, a copy of a despatch from His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, and of the Minute of His Executive Council therein refotrod to, on the subject of the reservation and conveyance, for the purposes of the ' madian Pacific Jlailway, of land on the mainland of that Province. I may mention that the lottors of the Slst May and the 23rd September, referrill to by His Honor, were addressed to him from this Department, enclosing for the information of his Government, copies of the communications from your Department of the dates above cited, and that the letter of 30th September was also from this Department, enclosing a copy of the Order of His Excellency the Governor General in Council, of the 3rd of that month, on the subject of the route of the C.P.E. I have, &c., R W. SCOTT. Hon. Minister of Public Works, Seeretary. (Telegram.) Victoria, British Columbia, 16th January, 1879. Expected rev\y to my despatch of 9th November. Not having been received, please acquaint Government by telegram with your railway policy, as Legislature meets twenty-ninth January. Ministry anticipating a reply, have deferred troubling your Government until latest moment. Also please forward accompanying telegram to Imperial Government if their reply to Pi-ovince not received. Secretary state Colonies, London, no reply to petition of Legislative Assembly which meets twenty ninth ; has it been forwarded ? A. N. EICHARDS, Lieutenant-Governor. Hon. Secretary of State, Ottawa. Government House, Victoria, B.C., 11th January, 1879. Sir, — ^I have the honor to enclose you herewith two copies of a Minute of my Executive Council, dated IGth instant, embodying a telegram to the Dominion Gov ernment on the subject of their railway policy, and also one to be forwarded to the Imperial Government in reference to the petition of the Legislative Assembly of the Province. I have the honor to request that ona of the enclosed copies bo forwarded to tho Imperial Government through the proper official channel. And I have the honor to inform you that the contents of tho enclosed copy of Minute were forwarded to you on the IGth Inst, by telegraph. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. RICHARDS, Lieutenant-Governor oj British Columbia. Hon. Secretary of State for Canada, Ottawa, r ler, 1818. U). 102, of tho iiig attention ■ospectively, tho Canadian SCOTT. r State. 9th May and your informa- or of British d to, on the ladian Pacific nber, reforriJi osing for the r Department [so from this (rnor General C.P.E. SCOTT. iry, ISTD. )een received, 13 Legislature rod troubling P'ing telegram cretary &tate aeets twentj- Governor. ry, 1879. linuto of my ominion Gov- rarded to the enibly of the warded to the osed copy of 'ish Columbia. 41 Copt of a Eejwrt of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Council, approved hj Ills Excellency the Lieutenant-Ciovernor, on the Hith day of January, 1871). The Committee of Council recommend that His Ilonor tho Lieutenant-Governor be respectfully requested to forward the following telegrams, which explain thom- selve?, to the Hon. the Secretary of State : — YiCTORfA, 1.0th January, 1879. Hon. Secretary of State, Ottawa. Expected reply to my despatch of ninth November. Not having boon rocoired, please acquaint Government by telegram with your railway policy, as Legislature meets twenty-ninth January. Ministry anticipating a reply, have deferred troubling ypur Government until latest moment. Also please forward accompanying telegram to Imperial Government, if their reply to Province not received. British Columbia, 15th January, 1879. Secretary State Colonies, London. No reply to petition of Legislative Assembly, which meets* twenty-ninth. Has it been forwarded ? The Committoo also recommend that copies of this Minute be sent to the Luperial and Dominion Governments. Certified, THOS. BAST I / HUMPH RRYS, •, ' Clcrli of the Executive Council. By telegraph from Victoria, B.C., l^th February, 1879. Ottawa, 19th February, 1879. Please acquaint me by telegraph, for information of Cora. Legislative Assembly, if despatch of Dominion Government, 13th June, 1876, locating Railway, was rescinded or withdrawn, with date, and made by telegraph or letter of such withdrawal. FREDERICK WILLIAMS, Speaker, To Secretary of State. • i^EPARTMENT OF SECRETARY OF State, Ottawa, 6th March, 18*9. Letter from Department of Public "Works, with a plan showing lino route through British Columbia, as defined by Order in Council of July, 1878, was sent to Governor of British Columbia by the Secretary of State's letter of 28rd September last, and receipt acknowledged. J. C. AIKINS. To Frederick Williams, Speaker, Legislative Assembly, Victoria, B.C. By telegraph from Victoria, B.C. Ottawa, 18th March, 1879. Your telegram shows you misunderstood mine, which relates to Dominion despatch, 9th June, 1876, requesting railway reserve, between "Xollow Head Pass and point near St. G«orge. Please reply as requested immediately. Uou?-o awaits it. F. WILLIAMS, Speaker. To Secretary of State. r 42 Ottawa, Slat March, 1879 Sir, — III reforonco to your momorandum ol' tho lUtl) instant, enclosing certain teloirraniH from the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, with respect to tho reservation of lands along tho line of tho Canadian Pacific Railway, 1 have tho honor to state that the Order in Council of Dth June, 1876, concurring in tho report of tho Minister of Public Works, dated 7th June, 187G, was not acted on liy tho British Columbia Government; that an Order in Council, dated the 1st June, 1877, defined tho routes in the event of the selection of either Bute Inlet or Dean Inlet as tho tei-minuw ; that an Order in Council, dated the 13th July, 1878, superseded previous Order in Council, in so far as the route to bo followed is concerned, defining that route as from Tele Jaune Cache to Burrard Inlet. Finllay, that an Oi-der in Council, dated 3rd September, 1878, transmitted to you with my letter of the 20th of that month, requested tho British Columbia Government to (.-onvey to tho Dominion Govoiiimont certain lands along the lino of liailway, as shewn on tho plan accom- panying my letter. I have the lionor to bo. Sir, your obedient servant, F. BRA UN, Secretary. E. J. Lanqevin, Under-Secretary of State. * . Telegram. Depautment ok the Secretary op State, Ottawa, 22nd March, 1879. Order in Council of 9th June, 187(i, respecting line of Pacific Railway superseded by subsequent Order. Lino a> at present defined shewn on map sent to Lieut.- Governor in lettci- of 23rd Sopleinber last, by late Ministry. J. C. AIKINS, Secretary of State. To i Siicaker Legislative Assembly, Victoria, B.C. Department of Secretary op State, 24tb March, 1879. Sir, — With reference to your telegrams of the 19th ult., and the 18th inst., and to my replies (hereto of the 6th and 22nd in&t., on th^ subject of the lineof the Canadian Pacific Railway, I have honor to inform you that as regards the Order of His Excellency tho Governor-General in Council of the 9th Juno, 1876, a copy of which was enclosed in tho letter from this Department of tlic 13th of that month, that Order in Council was suporseled by a subsequent order, in so far as tho route te be followed is concerned, defining that route from Tote Jaune Cache to Burrard Inlet. 1 have to add that by an Order in Council of tho 3rd September last, a copy of Avhich was enclosed to the Lieut.-Govornor on tho 9th of that month, the British Columbia Guvei-nment was requested to convey to the Dominion (iovernnient certain lands about [he line of railway, as shown on a plan, wliich plan was enclo.^ed to the Licut.-Governor on tho 23rd of tho same month. I have, (fcy., J. 0. AIKINS. To the Speaker Legislative Assembly, Victoria, B.C. Victoria, B.C., 14th April, 1879. Assembly adjourned, awaiting information as to your railway policy. Please reply immediately. A. N. RICHARDS, Z:e!/t-(?Oi;ernoroyy?.C. Honorable Secretary of Slate. Me.m Engineer was passt of that r! That the Domi would bo ;in Act j^e Vancouvc igi'eemen That Council ]: Ksquimal nor is the provides f The. i'easons hi cancelling Tho if approve the Gover Sir,— Govern me on the sul British Co To His ilc Coi'Y of a L On a 1 Woj'ks lop Pacific Rai 187.3, ti.xiii British Co] That i liie Domin would bo n fn Act seti Vancouver of agreomc That o Council pas malt, but n is there an' fided lor tt I 43 h, 1879 )9ii)g certain umbia, with ific Eailway, oncurring in lot acted on :lio 1st Juno, nlot or Doan i, superseded ned, defining : an Order in of the 20th ho Dominion plan accom- 'ecretanj. ch, 1"879. ly superseded nt to Lieut.- of State. h, 1819. iinst.,and to the Canadian rdov of His ly of which month, that route to be rard Inlet, t, a copy of tho British ment certain iloscd to tho IKINS. ii, 1870. icy. Please ■ 0/ B.C. 16th Apuil, 187'J. Memorandum, — Tho undersigned represents that on a memorandum from the Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Eailway dated 'Idth May, 1873, an Order in Council was pii.isod 7lh June, 1^73, fixing Escj^uimalt, on Vancouver Island, aa tho torininus of that railway in ih-itish Columbia. That subsequently, 25th March. 1875, an Order in Council waspaseod authorizing the Dominion Government to notify the Covernmont of British Columbia, that it would bo necessary that tho Legislature of that Province then in Session, should pass ;in Act netting apart such extent of public lands along tho lino of the railway in Vancouver Island, in the manner sot forth by the 11th paragraph of the terms of agi'oement of the Union. That on tho 23rd of May, 1878, tho late Government, had another Order in Council passed, cancelling that of 7th .luno, 1873 (which fixed tho terminus at Hsquimalt), but no reason appears to have been given for their action in tho matter, nor is there any mention made of tho Order in Council of 25th March, 1875, which provides for the appropriation of tho necessary lands in Vancouver Island. Tho undersigned would therefore recommend that in the 'ibsonco of satisfactory reasons having been given for cancelling tho Or,lor in Council of May 23i'd, 1878, cancelling it be antmlled, and that of Juno 7lh, 1873 bo I'ovived. The undersigned would also rccoiumond that a copy of this Eeport to Council, if approved, bo furnished to tho Honorable tho Secretary of Slate for transmittal to tho Government of British Columbia fur their iiiformation. llespoctfuUy submitted, CIlAIiLES TUPPEE, Miimter of Public Works. Department of the Secretary of State. 24th Apiil, 1879. Sir, — I have tho honor to transmit to you, herewith, for tho information of your (lovornmonta copy of an Order ot His Excellency the Governor General in Council on the subject of tho terminus of the Canadian Pacific Eailway in the Province of Briti>-h Columbia. I have &.C., &c., ■ . ' .I.e. .ilKINS. To Ilis Honor tho Licut.-Governor of British Columbia, Victoria. Coi'Y of a Jieport of a Committee of the Honorable the Priry Cotmcil, opjjrovrd by His Excellency the Governor General in Council on the 22nd April, 1879. On a memorandum, dated Kith April, 1879, from tlie Hon. the Minisfei- of Public Works representing that on a memorandum Irom the Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, dated May 23id, 1873, an Order in Council was passed June 7th, 1873, fixiii|i JOsquimalt, on Vancouver Island, as the terminus of that railway in British Columbia. . That subsequently, March 25th, 1S75, an Order in Council was pas>eu authorizing tho Dominion Government to notify the Government of British Cohuiibiu that it would bo necessary that tho Legislature of that Province then in Session should pass n Act Betting apart such extent of public lands along the lino of the railway in Vancouver Island, in tho manner sot forth by the 11th paragraph of tho terras of agreement of the Union. That on the- 23rd of May, 1878, tho late Government had another Order in Council passed canceling that of June 7th, 1873 which fixed tho terminus at Esqui- malt, but no loason appeared to have boon given for their action in tho matter, nor is thcro any mention made of tho Order in Council of March, 25th, 1875, which pro- lidcd lor the appropriation of the necessary lands in Vancouver Island. 44 i Tho Minister, Iherofoi'c, recommends that in the nbyonco of satiHfactory roaaons having been given for cancollin;; tlio Order in Council of Juno 7th, 1873, that tho Order in Council of 23rd May, 1878, cancelling it be annulled, and that of June 7th, 1873 be revived. lie also i-ecommendu that a copj' of lii.s report to Council, if approved, be fur- nished to the Honorable tho Secretary of State for transmiBsion to the Government of British Columbia for tiicir information. Tho Committee submit tho above recommendations for Your Excellency'^ approval. Certified, W. A. IIIMSWOETH, 0. V.C, . Government House, Victoria, B.C., 15th May, 1879. Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge tho receipt of your despatch, No. 1171 on 303, of the 24th ult., enclosing a copy of an Order of His Bxccllency tho Governor General in Council, on the Hubjcet of the Canadian Pacific Railway in this Province. I beg to inform you that I have referred a copy of your de^spatch and enclosure to my Executive Council. * I have, tho honor to bo, Sir, your oljcdient servant, A. N. RlCJlAUDS, Lieut. -Governor of British Columbia, Hon. J. C. Atkins, Secretary of State for Canada. Government House, Victoria, B.C., 19th May, 1879. Sir, — T have the honor to enclose to you, herewith, a copy of a Minute of ray Executive Council having reference to the cancellation of the railway reservation on tho mtun;and, made at the instance of tho Dominion Government under Order of May, 1878. I have the honor to be. Sip, your obedient servant, A. 'N. BlCllA'kDS, Lieut,-Govenior of British Columbia. Hon. J. C. AiKiNS, Secretarv of State for Canada. Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Council, approved by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, on the 141 h day of May, 1879. Tho Committee of the Council have had under consideration despatch of tho 24tli April, IS/tt, from the lion, the Secretary of State, informing this Government that the Privy Council had b}' Minute of the 22nd April, 187!', cancelled their Order of the 23i'd of May, lt:78, and revived their Order of tho 7ih of June, 1873, which fixed the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Kailway at Esqnimnlt, and they advise that the Dominion Government be at once requested to inform the Provincial Government whether the following: re-*erve made for railway purposes, at tho instance of the Do- miniin Government, under the said Order of May, l!'78, hall be cancelled, as it is highly undesirable ihat tho land should longer be withdrawn from settlement, that is to say, a tract of land beginning at English Bay, on Burrard Inlet, and following Fraser River to Lytton ; thence b}' Thompson River valley to Kamloops ; thence up . the valley of tho North Thompson, passing near Lakes Albreda and Crnnberry to Teie Jaune Cache; thence up the Eraser River valley to the summit of the Yellow Head Pass, or tho boundary between British Columbia and the North-West Terri- tories. The Committee further advise that a copy of this Minute bo forwarder to the Dominion Government. Certified, THOMAS BASIL HUMPHREYS, Clerk Executive Council. ton( the T:J 3tory roasona lat tho Order ine 7th, 1873 tvtid, be fur- Govornmont Excellency's C.P.C. ay, 1879. 1, No. 1171 on ho Governor his Province, md enclosure 45 Dkpartment of Secretary op State, 2nd Juno, 1870. Sru, — 1 !ini dirccli'd to acknowlodge tho receipt of your desjjalcii, No. 42, of tho liUh, eiiclosin-;; ucopy of a Minute of your Executive Council having rofcronco to the foncollalion ot the niilway ro.>crvati()u on the mainlands of IJiilisli Oohnnbiii, under the Ordei' of His J-lxccUoncy the Governor General of tho 2ord .May, 1878. I have, etc.. E. J. LANGKVIN. Tj His Honor tho Lieut.-Govornor of British Columbia, Victoria, Columbia, ay, 1879. inute of ray eservation on ier Order of tish Columbia. approved by l879. ch of tho 24tli arnmont that oir Order of i, which fixed Ivise that the Government ■0 of the Do- llied, as it is ement, that is ;nd following' iH ; thence up r!r:inborry to if tlie Yellow i-West Terri- forwardel to e Council. Dei'autment OF Secretarv OF State, 18(li .luiic, 1&79. Sir, — With reference to your despatch, No, 42, of tho 19th ultimo, and its accom- panying Minute of your Executive Council, I have tho honor to transmit toj'oii, here- with, I'vv the information of your Government, a copy of an Order of His JOxcoIlcncy the (li>verrK)r Gencnil in Council, relative to the reservation of certain lands on tho mainland of liritish Columbia for tho purposes of tho Canadian Pacific Itailway. i have, i*tc., J. C. AIKJNS, To His Honor tho Lieut.-Governor of British Columbia, V'ictoriu. Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council approocd by His Excdlency the Governor General in Council, on the I2th Jane, 18"»9, On a memorandum dated 10th .Tune, 1879, from tho Hon. tho Minister of Rail- \va3'sand Canals, stating that ho has had under consideration a communication dnted 19th May, 1879, from tho Licutenant-(>ovcrnor of British Columbia, enclosing a Minute of his Executive Council of the litii jMay, 1S79, id reference to llio io>erva- lion of land on the mainland of Britijfh Columbia, between Durrani inlit and Yellow Head Pa8H. The Alinistar recommends that the Government of British Colninbia bo informed thsit the object of the Order in Council of the 22nd April, 1S79, was simply to rescind the Ordei- in Council of the 23rd May, 1878, so as to leave the Govornmont free to adopt whichever route might appear in the public intcrst the most eligible. ' That it is not propos-ed to release the reservation of land on either route, and it is felt that thisAvill result in no serious inconvenience for the short period which will now cbipse before tho location of the railway will be finally established. The Committee submit the above recommendation for YourExce!l:ij .y's approval. Certified, \V. A. HIMSWUi: rii, C.P.C. Hon, Secretary of State. Government House, Victoria, r>.C., 8th July, 1879, Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge tho leceipt of your despatch, No. 1(>93 on 303, of the 18th ultimo, enclosing a copy of an Order of His Excellency the Governor General i?i Council relative to tlie reservation of certain land on the mainland of British Coluntbia foi- the purpose of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and to inform you that I bave referred your despatch and enclosure to my Executive Council for their consideration. , 1 have tho honor to be. Sir, your obedient servant, A, N. EICHAllDS, Lieut.-Governor of Brilinh Columbia. Hon. J.C. AiKiNS, Secretary of State, Ottawa. 46 Department of Secretary ov State, 11th October, 1879. Sir, — T am (lirtu'ted to transmit to you lioi'Gwith copy of an Order in Council, dalPil tho -nil instant, conlii-iniiiy tlio Oi'iior in Council of llio 13lhof.Iuly, IS^S, (lolininff tlio line of route of the Canadian racidc Jlailway tlirough British Columhia to a point on or near Htinard Iniot. I have, iVc, J. C. AIKIXS. To IliB Honor the Lieut.-tiovflriior of British Columbia, Victoria. CovT of a Report of a Committee of the: Ifomnihh'. the Priv)/ Ooiolcfl, approved by Jlis J^xeelienci/ the (rorernor-tfenernl hi Couneil on the 4th October, 1871). On tho recommendation of tho Hon. tho MiniHtorof Railways and Canalft, tho C!oni mittco ailvine tiiat iho Ordor in (Council oftholijlh July, 1878, doliiiiiii^ the lino of route of the Canadian Pacific Jlailway throug^i British CoIund)ia to a point on or near JJurrard lidet ho contirmed. Cortilicd, W. A. llIMSWOnTir, G.V.C. lion. Minister of Railways and Canala. Government House, VicT.)RiA, B.C., 2[)lii Oeto' 79, Sill, — I havo the honor to ncUnowledf^e tho receipt of a dospatcl) from thoTTndcr Secretary 'if State, dated 11th instant, onclosjn'i; a co))y of an Older in ('ouncil dated 4lh instant, contirminir thoOrdoi' in Council of i;'.tli .'uly, 1878, definiTij4- tho lino ol route of tho Caiuidian i'acitic Railway through tliit* Province to a point on or near Hurrard Inlet. ■ I have further the honor to inform j'ou that I havo caused a copy of the dcHpalch and oncdosuro to ho laid before my Ministers. 1 havo the honor to be, Sir. vour obedient servant, • A. N. RICHARDS, Lieutenant-Goi-irnor of British Columbia. Hon. Secretary of State, Ottawa. . : , , By Iclegram from Victoria, B.C. • OrrAWA,.3l5t Oclober, 1879. Please forw;ird copy Order in Council, thirteenth July, 1878. referred t in despatch illh inst.ant, !is defining route Pacific by British Columbia. - : : A. ^. JilCllARD:<, Lieutenant-Governor. Hon, Socretaiy of State, 13th ^'ovembor, 1879. Sir, — In com])liance with the request contained in 3-our telegram of the .'i Is ultimo, I have the hohor to transmit to you, herewith, a copy of an Order of Hi Excellency tho (iovernor-Gencral in Council, referred to in mj^- letter of tho lit ultimo, on the subject of the route of tho Canadian Pacific Riulway. I havo, &c.. J, C. A IK INS. Seeretary of State. To His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, Victoria. Sir,- on 1671', < Govoi-nor the Hubjo( Ihav despatch j Hon. J. ('opir of a E: On a: tho Interii Order in t ids duties tration of Tho K requested ( crnment tl Province, j Columbia ; ileseribed i Iransmittoc Tho C proval. Hon. Socre: Sir,— I route of the request tha^ convey to tl railway line Union betv location of f a copy of w of the 13th To His Hon Sir,- I nst., reques )0S8ibIe, to ( ide of tho r lio terras of he location 1879. 1 Council, ruly, 1S7S, 1 Columl)i:i KIXS. veil hy Hi lis, tho Com- tho lino nt' t on oi' nonr , c.v.c. •79. n tho Under oiincil diitcil tho lino oi on or ncav the despalcli s/i Cohonbiii. 41 (JOVERNMENT IToiisE, Vktoria, B.C., 3nl DocomhtM', 18tn. Sir,— I liavo tho honor to acknowledgo tho receipt of your dospnlch, No. -727 on 167-, of tho 1.3th ultimo, enclosing n copy of an Order of His Kxolloney tho Oovornor Cioneral in Council roforrod to in your letter of the 11th October Innt, on the Hubjoct of tho roulo of the Canadian Pacitic Railway, I liave further tho honor to inform you that I have caused a copy of your doepatch and enclosure to be handed to my Ministorn foi- their information. 1 have tho honor to be, Sir. your obedient Hcrvant, A. N. lUCllAJlDS, JAex.,. Governor of liritishCohmhia. Hon. J. C. AiKtNs, Secrctnr}' of State, Ottawa. V,ovY of a Report of a Committee of the Ilonorable the Privy Conncil, approved hij His Ex':eUencij the Governor General in Council, on the HUh December, 187!'. On a memorandum dated l.'ith Docemboi', 1879, from tho Hon. tho Minister of tho Interior referrinf^ to the .ippointniont ot tho Hon. J. \V. Trutch, C.M.d. by Order in Council of the 9th instant, as resident agent for British Coluinbiii, part of his duties '.'oing to assist and adviso tho Department of tho Interior in the adminis- tration of tho railway lands in that Piovint'e. Tho Minister recommends that tho Government of British Cohiinbia bo now requested to take stops, without unnecessary delay, to convoy to tho Dominion (lov- crnment tho lands for twenty miles on each side of tho railwaj- lino in tho said Province, porsuant to tlio eleventh section of tho terms of Union between British Columbia and tho Dominion, and in accordance with tho location of the i-ailway .",s described in the Ordoi- in Council of tho 4th October last, a copy of which has been transmitted to tho said Government. Tho Committee submit tho above rocommcndation for your E.welloncy'rt ap-. proval. Certified. .\. O. VOTE. Asst. C. P.O. lion. Socretarj' of State. 18Tlt. roforrod Tnt-Govcrnoi\ i)er, 1879. Ti of the Order ol of tho ■Ah ■Hi 11 Dkpartment of Secretary State, Ottawa, 9th January, 1880. Sir, — Referring to previous correspondence upon the subject of the lino of oute of tho Canadian Pacific Railway through Britisn Columbia, I have the honor to request that steps may bo taken by your Govornmcnt, without unnecessary dela}*, to onvoy to the Dominion Government the lands for twenty miles on each side of tho aihvay line in the said Province, pursuant to tho eleventh section of the terms of Jnion between British Columbia ar.d tho Dominion, and in accordance with tho ocation of the railway as described in tho Order in Council of the 4tb of October la:ove cited, and to the neceswiry legislation to that end being obtained during tho ensuing Se-*sinn of tho Legislative Assembly. I have further to inform yon in connection with this subject, that the hon. J. W. Trutch, C.M.G., has been appointed a coniidential agent of the Dominion in the Province of British Columbia, and is fully authorized to -epresont tho Dominion Government in all communications verbal or otherwise with the Government of that Province on tho suljoct of the adjustment ami transfer of the land granted for railway purposes set fortii in the terms and conditions of Union, and that Mr. Trutch is accordingly dulv accredited to the Govcrnmont of Briti^li Columbia with that view. Yours, &c.. J. C. MKlii^, Secretary of State. To His Honor tlie Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, Victoria. ' Sr; inet., n lands i\ under e me of t the Dor Sir, dated 27 the ensu railway Hon. J, ( Copy of I Tho that tho 1 to ic ,Uio 1880, will ( SlR,- Bxecutivo the Domii [ tho comm I tuan nexi irrangeuu Hon. Score Copy of a His E The C (rovernmei mont respo being comi, wged to m prosecute t' Tho C< requobted t( )bjoct, and Secretary o 28th S( airf- 49 of your Columhia. ed by Mis 0. [inister of that so far C«lumbia ) bo trans- md condi- Dccomber inco. , bo again I Order in led auring it tlio Gov- J.M.(i., has ,nd is fully r otherwise transfer o of Union," t of British it the same lents beioro G.P.G. 1880. nt is aware, conveying ■cd by that Union," in ■tnuent may )f my letter during tho hon. J. W. heProvinco Cxovornment Province on ly purposes ;iccordingly GovKRNMKNT lIoDSE, VICTORIA, B.C., March 2'7th, 1880. Sir, — I have tho honor to acknowledge the receipt of your ilespatch of the Si-d inst., lequesting my Government to ooiivey to the Government of the Dominion, tho lands for railway purposes a^'roed to be transferred by this Province to (Jannda, under section 1 1 of the " terms and conditions of Union" and further informing me of the appointment of the Hon. J. W. Trutch, C.M.G., as contidential agent of tho .Dominion in this Province. I have flie lionor to be, Sii-, your obedient servant, ^. 1^. mCRkRDS, Lieut.-Governor, of British Oohimbia. • Government House, Victoria, B.C., April Ist, 1880. Sir, — I l)avo the nonor to enclose a copy of a Minute of my R.\-ocutivo Council, dated 27ih ultimo, bj' which you will see that the necessary steps will be taken at the ensuing Session of the Legislature, to convey to the Dominion Government the railway lunds on the mainland alluded to in your despatch of the ;Jrd ultimo. J have tho honor to bo, Sii', your obedient servant, A. N. ElCHAliDS, Lieut. -Governor of British Columbia. Hon, J. C. AiKiNS, Secretary of State, Ottawa. )/ State. Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Executive Council, approved by Bis Excellency the JAeutenant-Governor on the 21th day of March, 1880. Tne Committee of Council advise that the Dominion Government be iniormed that the legislation necesnary to transfer the railway lands on the mainland, alluded to in the despatch of the Hon. the Secretary of Suite, tiated tho 3rd day of March, 1880, will be undertaken at the ensuing Session of tlio Legislature. Certified, THOS.JB. IIUMPHEEYS, Clerl; of the Executive Council. Government House, Victoria, 11th October, 1880. Sir, —I have the honor to enclose to you, herewith, a copy of a Minute of my Executive Council, dated the 4th day of October, inytant, inviting the attention of the Dominion Government to the i-epresentation made by this Government regarding tho commencement of the Island Section of the Canadian Pacific Railway not later tliUii next sj)ring and respetlfuUy requesting that this Government be informed of tho nrrangoment made by the Dominion Government for carrying out the above object. 1 have the honor to bo. Sir, your obedient servant, A. N. RICHAJRDS, Lieut, hvernor of British Columbia. Hon. Secretary of State, Ottawa. Copy of a Sej^ort of a Committee of the HonorabL i,'i'i Executive Council, approved by Mis Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor on the 4th day of October, 1880. The Committee of Council deem it advisable that tho attention of the Dominion (rovernment bo earnestly invited to tho official representation piade by this Govorn- mont respecting the expediency of the Island Section of tho Canadian Pacific Railway being commenced not later than next Spring, and that the Dominion bo respectfully lU'ged to make such arrangements as may bo required to commence and vigorously prosecute the work in the early part of the coming year. The Committee advise that the Dominion Government be also respectfully requoBted to inform this Government of their arrangement for carrying out tho above )bjoct, and that a copy of this Order (if approved) be forwarded to tho Hon. the Secretary of State. Certified, T. B. HUMPHREYS, Clerk of the Executive Council. 28th September, 1680. aid— 4 50 GovEiiNME.NT lIousE, VtcTouiA, 16th Octobei*, 1880. Sir, — ^I havo the honor to onclo.so to you herewith a copy of a Minute of my Executive Council dated the 14th day of October instant, authorizing the Hon. A. DeOoimid, M.P., to press upon the Dominion Croveinniont the imp )rt:inco of their carrying out their agreement, to construct the Island Sections of the Canadian Pacific Hallway, top)intoiit the advantage to bo gained thorofrora as well as the serious injuries sustained hy tlio Province in consequence of the withdrawal from sale and settlcnxont for the past seven years of the extensive area of valuable lands along the east coast of Vancouver Island. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, , A. N. lUOUAEDS, Lieutenant-Governor of British Oolumbia , Hon. Secretary of State, Ottawa. CovY of a Eeport of a Oommittee of fhr HonorahJi' the Executive Oouncil, approved hy His .Excellencij the Lieutenant-Goi^emoron the 14th dai/ of October, 1880. The Committee of Council arc of opinion, that the interests of the Province require that some person i-esidcnt at Ottawa, shouk' be authorized on behalf of this Government, to press npon the Diimiiiion Government the importance of their carry- ing out ilicir agreement to construct the Island Section of the Canadian Pacitic Rail- way, and at the wime time to point out the commercial and economic value of the work, as well as the serious injury sustained by the Province, by the withdrawal from sale and settlement for the past seven years, at the instance of the Dominion Government, of the extensive area of valuable lands along the east coast of Vancouver Island without even the compensating advantages of railway construction, aside from the larger question of wealth and prosperity involved in its completion. That such authority should be given at once so as to afford ample time and oppoi'tunity to the Dominion Governmonr,, to make their arrangements for proceeding actively with the work, and without further delay. The Committee, therefore, advise that the Hon. A. DoCosmos, M.P., who is now, it is believed, in Ottawa, receive such authority, and tliat he be requested upoa his acceptinu; the same, to report the result of his proceedings to this Government from time to time. It is further advised that copies hereof (if approved) be forwarded to the Hon. the Secretary of State and to the Hon. Mr. DeCosmos. I Certified, T. B. H.UM.PlIRi^YS, Clerk of the Executive Council. 25th October, 1880. Sttt, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatcii of the llth instant, enclosing a copy of the Minute of your Executive, daied the 4th of that month, inviting the attention of the Dominion Government to the representation made by your Government regarding the commencement of the Island Section of the Canadian iPacific Pai'way not later than next opring, and also requesting that your Government ma}' he intormed of the arrangement made by the Dominion Government for carrying out that object. I have, &c., J. C. AIKINS, Secretary of State. To His Honor The Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, Victoria. 01 , 188J. ute of my Hon. A. CO of their ian Pacific ;ho serious 1 .sale and along the unbia . .4th No vernier, 1880. Sir,— I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of vour desnatch nf +ho iftfK rzirVe"iirYTr'''^'''""jv'^^"^^^«^"«-^«- izmg the ilon. A, DoCo.smo.s, M.P., to press upon the Dominion GovernmeDt X importance of tho.r carrying out their agreement to construct the IsLd Soca^of the Camxd.an Pacific Ka,l way, to point outtho alvantagesto begaiaed theS^ afweU from saJrin^ 'ti?'"''' 'ri''"\^ ^^ *'^« P'-^^^"«« inconsequence of the wkadrawa[ I have, &c., ™ ,,. ^ ^ J. G. AlKms, Secretary of State: 10 Ills Honor llio Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, Victoria. nproved by e Province lalf of this heir cai'ry- acitio Rail- hie of the vithdrawal Dominion Vancouver aside from > time and proceeding .P., who is jsted upon ovornmenfc I the Hod. huncil. , 1880. •fthe llth hat month, made by 3 Canadian overnment ir carrying State.