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Les diagrammes suiva^nts INystrent la mithode. • ■ • 'i . . ■■■y.}- ' 1 2 3 f 2 3 .. to . 1 » p ■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ '^ - '4 . ft • '0 > • • • * • .-.V- ' (LV ■SX'i?"*i';'1jt?KM^?'A * ', • •Ik Ballads 8ARRACK-R00M BALLADS © a o o <3. % ^' s f • • -." • • . r ..• • BARRACK ROOM BALLADS ■^^^IBWh^NN^^piiiWi'ifc II. iiif^i^ii*f^j>^^pi*^Mii|i^N>iWW^"^i^*^»*fc^^ip^)» By Rudyard iiWWMMI»»«l->IW>*»»ll|M|*Jpi-*»» I ' Til i n l | l |ll iplin] I i, I " I " 11 ," u i |] ■ tjui "H i tfi "" i ui i i u ilUi "m u II uii* I I ( "t"— ''■^■•-•■^-^^"^^^p*'- i 'l ) i 'in i in i > "u * (I 1 1"' nn u " "i i u TOmOHTO GEORGE H, MOBANG Ife CONtFAHT, ■l^W— ^^nf**- ■i*««^*pMMi»kM«HMq|MMIi^f|^t|BfM ■ . ■ a — ■ v^.lU . M w ^ii— w*— I mo I II I I II ii ii I I" I III' timmmm I i 9 I 1 'hiSk9miemeth0MMixd •ig'tst hundred srti iy««tj»HfllBib CT^^fto KiPLiKO^ w 3»e office ot tb* ftUmbear «f ss i^K • • •* 1& woicorr balestiee tl H e.#. -.1 ■SI » > i .8' r p. If n /, PREFACE ^^ e^'eatet ptrt 0/ /^ ' Barrack- JUmm Sfihdt,- <uwii^ 'Clca»fa; ^nmiim,m; and -a* BngSxh JH^' M,, „/^„„„/ ,„ ,^, 'Mta^/KH OiieretrJ Mefw. MaaniJlan and "*/ / »m ijukii^i^ riU 'St /«fm a>ua' '• M a. Sh tfwrtfay in rtgat^ fy &i UMmlt 0/ Jifc- ' Cbmj^ketdmtn' ««rf 'SaSmt,' ami the Captaim • was pHnM first in iKe ^Alk^^um ' //amy Ma/ «^rf ,/*,, ,a„ ^„,^ „^ ^ RUDYARD KIPtlNG. il'l l"»'f • f;.^ .' •' 5>< ■■0 ffi'}'V!.l /Zv pa f^ (if t fir /^!iim,'if lun, throu^'h uttfr ihrli* Sif sf/,// (r< h'ii';ln a»d s,uU'ii atiU ruUd and LK'eU and tniiiit Tk*'i' ii' t- />;n\;t-i/ i>f f>ri\ii' laattsc they ilied th-'v l-nn:,' tl;f %^\» th (>f' tht'ir />(iV\ ; 'Thy w/ (.'/ iLiiif icith the MiiJdcns Xifte, ttntT the (/',/,/j of' the iUer Ihiys — Xi ii their xnU to iei'l't ar be <ffU ar fdieth oitr lather's »7Sp<Wrtt A' ^wrtpthrou\^h,the. rni^m^dee^ :che) e Azruti's mttj^ts ar,\^ Or h^S^ if-J^h thtoi(>-h the Pifs red :vrafh uhen doifi^oes Or kttnjf mii^ "fhe rex '^/es^' Semf^Tth): on t'Tir fern of a red- . Tfu^ i^:f^ -^Mfy mrtk in^ 'MmJ^ ^ffh; t>£rtM*-4kej^ doix 4iul Par th^ Jkm^f ^f ^tul g/ui i'&a md.^-^mU^lA^ tMtrw iJ0(ts So thty ^ih'^'Ma ik& Dm^Iti irmh ihem :spdri wht* I'/nn-' Ik if An4 a/fiimm (^mgih mtr win Lard G^d, masfi^r ofr^'t-ry *raek\ And iell^ fAimi fs£e*' 0/ fAf SivmtA /Mjt^-^f /i*imT mi^dj And tfy^ rim to (hiirfeai m He ^^sa fy^—'^k'ttiktrnti »»- a/reiid. « A -SilClt^'^K To these who are cleansed of base Desire^ Sorrow and Lust and Shame — Gods, for they knew the heart of Men — men, for they stooped to Fame — Borne on the breath that men call Death, my brother^ s spirit came. m Scarce had he need to cast his pride or slough the dross of earth. E'en as he trod that day to God, so walked he from his birth — In simple ness and gentleness and honour and clean mirth. So, cup to lip in fellowship, they gave him welcome high And made him place at the banquet board, the Strong Men ranged thereby, Who had done his work and held his peace and had no fear to die. Beyond the loom of the last lone star through open darkness hurled. Further than rebel comet dared or hiving star-swarm swirled. Sits he with such as praise our God for that they served his world. I? t: m TI W TI TI Sorrow and ' ''^,'' m, for they other'' s spirit ■X' ■ the dross of he from his '^''tsB' clean mirth. 'w ome high Strong Men had no fear en darkness itar-swarm they served CONTENTS Baiiads ' THE BALLAD OF EAST AKD WEST Oh East is East, and West is We«t, and never twain shall meet, , . , , / , \ THE LAST SUTTEE Udai Chand lay sick to death, , i :. , ^ THE BALLAD OF THE KING'S MERCy Abdhur Rahman, the Durani Chief, of htm Is th« story tokl, . . . . . , ^ ^ ^ THE BALLAD OF THE KING'S JEST When spring-time flushes the desert grass, .. .. WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI .■ ' The wreath of banquet overnight lay withered on the neck, .... ^y ; . . , \. THE BALLAD OF BOH DA THONE . - This is the ballad of Boh Da Thone, . . ; THE LAMENT OF THE BORDER CATTLE THIEF O woe is me for the merry life, PA.G« tt i$ 31 40 53 I- tils ill 5 ill ,it: < i • S 1. ii:":' * * * a • 'r I. si' St! C0I4TENTS THIS RHVME 0W Tm THREE C^FTiOHS THE J:X>ST LEG105? THE SACEIHCE OF BR-HEJi ©e-Het^ ^oad tlife biiE» «l Ao-Safai, , • THE DOVE Ot-S^ACCA '•■•••. The ft«ed <io¥c flew tt> tlw Kajith's tower — THE EXFLAKATJON Love «.ittd "B&kik <»ict cetie<l tlhelr AN ANSWKR '. • A xQ^ in tattewf on fhc garden pa&, M9K 64 THE BALLAD OF THE 'BOLIVAR* $ey«ti men ftom «ljt tite wQirld, btok to 4<m1(» Jtgsdn^ 69 74 rr 8S 90 91 THE oirr OF THE SEA ... ■ Tbe dft*d chM kj Ie 'fi*^ «^oad, . . . . 92 EVARRA ANX> HIS 0015^ •' .-. ;. ... * Read bere : This is the *tory of Evarra-— tJaau — , . 96 >. '^^ ) • I 1 E T Tl '•C Rv . to: • • MOB 64 74 ■ 90 91 92 96 COHTEHTS f'i^ TBXE OOMmimUM OF Wh^ &^ flus!t of A neW'iKMft l»» Hk £0* «ft Bier;* green <«i4gca«l,. . ♦• .^/-^ , \ ,00 In the Jicolit&ic Age savage warfare did I w««, THE tJmmt> m evil • " This i« the sofrowfvJ story» •..,.. THE EN<3rj;SH HAG • ' ' ' . , * Winds of tb e W^rf el, gi.?e suauwer ? ll},ey ar* vrbiw- petitif to and jQfo— , . . 104 t07 HI Help fof A ptfcriot tlMrwed, a tpotim spirit h«rt, . 117 Now tM« ^ Ifeft isal* ©f ^€ a>tmGll ^e Gemaii Kateer TOMLMSoi^^ " . • •••■•■.:.• ..;: ,■ Mm ^vm&mn.^m up the gbost in his Uxm in ' " If.'' ::» l':i. ■••Mi! .ii!: 1 ■'• : ■ ■; ;■[: it 't*. ■■{i . '.'•' ":' '.• •t ■y :•! ■ i!" «* .:!; i?i .i;'[ 0.; adY CONTENTS Bannck-Room Ballads fAQH DANNY DEEVER •What are the bogle* blowtn' for?* «aid Filea-oo" PftYtde, . . . * . • . •143 TOMMY I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer, *FUZZY~WUZXy' :. . We've foB^t With m*ay men acrost the seas, . SOLDIER, SOLDIER * Soliiier, ioldfef, come from the wars,' 146 150 153 ( < I B SCREW-GUNS Smokiti* my pipe on the mountings, sniffin' the mocnin' cool, 156 ."V^R TI r» !•• • ■v". 5t> CELLS " ' ; . . " . = I've a heiwt like a concertina ; I've a tongue like a button-stick, , ... . . . 160 GUNGA DIN . " .•; .} ^ ; 1°°;=^ " ° '1 / You may talk o* gin and beer, .... 163 t O I 'A C40A t o i a O M TI ^■f fAOV »43 146 150 153 : CONTENTS ' : . OONTSt . ' ;., .. •. Wot isafe^ tfee soldia^s *eAit to ^n% w«»t mttltm * • * # « ■ , Msa tst) peitpiyel' LOOT keeper's l5«tek» « » *■ 156 160 163 •♦ * • « ,V..'. •SNARLEYOW ■■ ;. This 'appeaedt m a bftttle to H b^H^tj: -of tW OOip^ , THE WIDOW AT WISFDSOI^ . . '.. '. 'Ave you 'card o' tte mdiW at Ir^aiOii . . , BELTS : There was a row in SUver Street .ftiflf* near Q«ay.« • • . . . . THE YOUNG BRITISH SOLDIER " When the 'arf-made recruity goes out to the East^ MANDALAY „ ' "•.*»" " By the old MoulmeJn Pagoda, bokin' eastway^ to tile ^^' • • • ' ' * • . . a e 5, " o TROOPIN' ' ° '° ° Troopin', troopin', troopm' to the sea. *l^ *75 15?9 'If2 J 86 190 194 m MiMHKi ill .1 !'• !'• . 1; •■ ;;i- • :'■:■ '•• t: •• 1. J, t :•;« <.. ;•• • •U ■,l •{" • s: .1 ? ;•:• ' t • m com^mrs THE WIDOWS PAKTY * Wh«z» h»v« y<tix he€A tiiitt "n^liilB &««/»' . FORD O' KABUL RIVER Kabul town's by Kftbtd riviw— , . . • . GENTLEMEN-RANKERS To the Legion of the Lost Ones to the Cohort of the Damned, ........ JPAfiV m t06 105 ROUTE-MARCHIN' We're marchin' on relief over Injia'a sunny {^ttfas^ * ao6 O O SHILLIN' A DAY ° • My name is O'Kelly, I've heard the revelly, . . tic L'ENVOI There's a whisper down the field where the year has shot her yield, .•••..« 319 8V «l. #•1 o ,,r' ! I :t of the MAV *97 tot i05 o o kahi9, » ao6 BALLADS 4«o f 0:0 ear has ax 9 :ft-vi- Mi'i : If: iliil! ' 111'!! ■ .■'• ''' : • 'ij- IM :;;'■■ i.i.-ii: ■ • •:! "h'C^ ■5:a *'"' w •>«' iC'' s • ♦ ,'i .">:•■. ••■.'■.•s.iV'lif • vl m\ THE BALMD OF EAST AUB \XZSV Oh, Ma,t is Sa^ and We,t i> W^si, and mver ike hvain sh^tU mmf, 2m Marfh and Sky t^nd J^rmn^j^ «/ Q^^^ ^^^^^ But ther. u fmik^r E^,i mr Xn^f, Mri^r, mr Srmi men ^^^trpn^mn,ic,nd/mi^t,f^,^th^^^^,^^^^^ f^Qi^'0i&ends of ^^a^rtki •^ Kanaal is out witJi twai^ «*« ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ And he has lifted the CoiDxtei*s jitme %}m Is tfee He has lifted Ja^ oijt of tfee mA^^^mt h^\m^m the dawa aad tfce ifct^^ Aiid turned &e oalkiio. upoii W feet, ^d ^Mden Jier far away. IP" »Vs.v.--ar4Wfc^i^V.* 1' !'l •i| • tl I II';'-"- i!i;!i jl •1 • ;.; iiji:.. •1:1 tii.ij'i' 111 ■! i' '!'• ' :• i !'•■ ";'r: •'ii'! A THE BALLAD OF Then up mil spoke liie Colonel's sod that led a troop of the Guides : *I8 there never a man of all my men can say where Kamal hides?' llicu up and spoke Mahommcd Khan, the son of the 'R<issaldar, 'If ye know the track of the morning-mist, ye know where his pickets are. *At dusk he harries the Abazai— at dawn he is into Bonair, *But he must go by Fort liukloh to his own place to fare, * So if ye gallop to Fort Bukioh a» fast as a bird can fly, *By the fayour of God ye may cut him oU ere he win to the Tongue of Jagai, 'But if he be passed the Tongue of Jagai, right swiftly torn ye ifherx^ 'For the length and titie breadth of that grisly plain is sown with Kamal's men. 'There is rock to the left, and rock to the iright, and low lean thorn between, 'And ye may hear a breech-bolt snick where never a man i$ seexu' J V 13 T, m ^' m mi He ••?»-■•■♦ •J- • V m 'Yc ^Thc .'•■ "8 ■ l£ EAST AND WEST The Clolonel's Koa haa takta ii hor«c, aud a ruv rough d\in wa« he, Witli the mouth ol a bAll and the heart of Hell, aud the hftiid of the g,-illowa"tree. Thft Colonera son to the Fort has won, they bid him stay to eat-^ Wlao nd«s at the tail ol a i3oid«r thief, he «it8 not Jong at Ms meat He's up and away from Fort Bulcloh as fast as he can fly, Till he w.'is aware of his fathftt*.i mutt m the g^it of the Tong^ta of Jagav Till he was awJie of hi» la.ther*3 m«ie with Kama! upon her "back, And when he conid Bpy the white of het eye, he made the pistol crack. He ha$ fired once, he has fired twice, but the whist- ling ball went wide, ^Ye shoot like a soldieT,* Kamal siid. *Show now if ye can ride/ It's up and oyer the Tongue of Jag.ii, as blown dust- devils go, The dnn he fled like a stag of ten, but the mare like a barren doe. ■Isri. m i: !' I ill h 1.' i|: .1 '• • if '".05 :;: .1 • iiji. ■;}•?' ■f-k • •!•'■!} ' I. ••} • I 1!,.' .0 ■ • « . '5 c lie t. IK-. , 4 ' ' •0. •« J S* ' «. . t. " '• 1 • • THE nALLAD OF The dun he leaned against the hit oskl aluggcd h!« hciul above, But the rod marc played with the snaffle-bars, as a maiden pUyK witli a glove. There waa rock to the left and rock to the right, and low lean thorn bet^'een, And thrice he heard a breech-KiIt mick tho* never a man wa« 8een. They have ridden the low moon out of the sky, their hoofs dnnn up the dawn. The dun he wetxt like a wounded bull, but the mare like a new-roused fawn. The d^ux he fell at a water-course — in a woful heap fell he, And Kiimal has turned the red mare back, and pulled the rider free. He has knocked the pistol out of his hand — small room was there to strive, "Twas only by favour of mine,' quoth he, *ye rode so long alive : 'There was not a rock for twenty mile, there was not a clump of tree, *But covered a man of my own men with his rifle cocked on his knee. M f. '11' EAST ANT) WKST luggwl h!i bars, 09 a the right, tho' never e sky, their ut the mare woful heap back, and land — small le, *ye rode there was ith his rifle 'If r biul raised my bridk-luiad, ft» T have hM it U)\v, 44 ^kals that ll> <ai m m so fu!5t, were fca«tiii^ in a row: 'If I ha«l bowed my head on my breast, ns I have held it higli, 'Tho Ivite that whistles above <is now were i^orged till she cor.ld not lly.' Lif^htly answered tlie Colonel's son: — 'Do good to bird and beast, *Hnt count who come for the broken meats before thou makest a feast. 'If there should follow a thousand swords to carry my bones away, 'Helike the price of a jackal's meal were more than a thief could pay. 'They will feed their horse on the standing crop, their men on the garnered grain, 'The thatch of the byres will serve their fires when all the cattle arc slain. 'iUit if thou thinkest the price be fair, — thy brethren wait to sup, *The hound is kin to the jackal-spawn, — howl, dog, and call them up I «* 8 THE IJALLAD OF 41 'And if thou thinkcst the price be high, in steer and gear and stack, *(iive me my father's mare again, and I'll fight my own way back ! ' Kamal has gripped him by the hand and set him upon his feet. 'No talk shall ])G of dogs,' said he, 'when wolf and grey wolf meet. 'May I cat dirt if thou hast hurt of me in deed or breath ; 'What dam of lances brought thee forth to jest at the dawn with J)eath? ' Ivightly answered the Colonel's son: 'I hold by the blood of my clan : 'Take up the mare for my father's gift — by God, she has carried a man ! ' The red mare ran to the Colonel's son, and nuzzled against his breast, 'We be two strong men,' said Kamal then, 'but she loveth the younger best. 'So she shall go with a lifter's dower, my turquoise- studded rein, 'My broidered saddle and saddle-cloth, and silver stirrups twain.' <cv ^h, in steer ['11 fight my nd set him en wolf and in deed or h to jest at lold by the 3y God, she and nuzzled en, 'but she J turquoise- I and silver EAST AND WEST 9 The Colonel's son a pistol drew and held it muzzle- 'Ye have taken the one from a foe,' said he; Svill ye take the male from a friend? ' 'A gift for a gift,' said Kamal straight; 'a liml, for the risk of a limb. "Ihy father has sent his son to me, I'll send my son to him! ' ' , . With that he whistled his only son, that .Iropped from a mountain-crest He trod the ling like a buck in spring," and he looked like a lance in rest. 'Now here is thy master,' Kamal said, 'who leads a trooj) of the (;uides, • . 'And thou must ride at his left side as shield on shoulder rides. 'Till Death or I cut loose the tie, at camp and board and bed, 'Thy life is his-thy fate it is to guard him with thy head. 'So thou must eat the White Queen's meat, and all her foes are thine, 'And thou must harry thy father's hold for the peace of the liorder-line, IT i«ii.i"iip,i«*ir«"' ir.' 10 'TKE-"BAtLA0ar *And them muist nsiaH a twp^ tougH, -^M jbick thy way to power— * Belike ttwjy will r^im^ -^ee to Ee^saite ^hew I 4Tn . hanged in Pe&hawiir? They have looked fumh ; other . feet^eeis the eyes, atid . there th€y found m faulty . . • .. tThcy have takea : thfi Ogtth <3f th« Brother- iji-Blood on leav^eucd bread acud mil: . • • They have taken tlie Oath o| the ^ro^er-in-Blood on fire and Ire sh -cut sod, ' '" • On the hilt a'nd the haft of . the Khyber knife, and the Wondrous Names of Ood. The Colonel's son he rides th<s mare and Kamal's boy the dun, . . ; . And two have come back to Fort Bukloh where there went forth but one. And when they drew to the Quarter-Guard, full f^V-l twenty swords flew clear— . ^■■■^ There was not % man but carried his feud with the "-^Jfy. ■V*!:'.*.- blood of the mountaineer. *Ha' done! ha' done!' said the Colonel's son. .^ *Put up the steel at your sides 1 , - mi s Bt Coo s 0^ i^ "■ -n a4 Jhosbck iky .'Rp . KAST AHD VVKST n ?, fe^ eyes, atid taer-i&-Bk>od ber4jx-Blood »r knife, and and Kamal's ukloh where r-Guard, full :eiid with the )loners son. PI '.Last nxgU y& h^d stmck at a Border thief—to- te| night 'tm a mm. of tbe Ottides] ' ° ° ||rv^ • • •■ • • • « ^1 ^/^, i^/ iL9. Soiif s^ni West is Wht, and never tkt two li; I 7'iH .Earifff. ^md S^y stand frettnth at Gif(i's ^rea* V0B B%(.i tk&'re /r fmik^r Ec^i my West, Border, nor Breed fwrSiri0i^ pll W^m /ze^ j^/5^^ ^m^n siani/iuc to face, iito' they come ram from th& mds of the mrtk o * 0' 0^ O .'(^C' ■-#-« 3SCS" ,-, o O O o o O o'^ THE lAST SUITEE 1 ' I, i! o o o 0^^ o o ATof many years ago a King died in one of the Rajpoot States. His wives, disregarding the orders of the English ,, against suttse, tvould have broken out of the palace had not the gates been barred. But one of them, disguised as the King\s favourite dancing-girl, passed through the line of guards and reached the pyre> There, her courage fail- ing, she prayed her cousin, a baron of the court, to kill her. This he did, not knoiviug lifho she was. Udai Chand lay sick to death In his hold by Giingra hill. All night we heard the death-gongs ring °o For the soul of the dying Rajpoot King, All night beat up from the women's wing A cry that v/e could not still. ° r -- ^ r. n ri All night the barons came and went, The lords of the outer guard : All night the cressets glimmered pale On Ulwar sabre and Tonk jezail, Mevvar headstall and Marwar mail, ^ That clinked in the p;;ilace yard, 12 o 6 .0! ® o 09 Do O 00 % o '■ ^\ ^ o •el t. of a? •■ye ° cSS 4 S3 fe J> THE LAST SUTTEE 18 '' the Rajpoot f the English le palace had disi^uised as yQugh the line courage fail- court, to kill ring ing, wing © m ® 9 . 9 ® "o «' 00, o ■J? C ) o ^ g^ "•'j: si; In the (loldcn room on the palace roof ^11 night he fought for air: And there was sobbing behind the screen, Rustle ami whisper of women unseen, And the hungry eyes of the Boondi (^ueen On the death she might not share. o He passed at dawn — the death-tire leaped From ridge to river-head. From the Mahva plains to the Abu scaurs: And wail upon wail went up to the stars Behind the grim zenana-bars. When they knew that the King was dead. The dumb priest knelt to tie his mouth And robe him for the pyre. The Boondi Queen beneath us cried : 'See, now, that we die as our mothers died *In the bridal-bed by our master's side! 'Out, women ! — to the fire ! ' We drove the great gates home apace White hands were on the sill : '9 'A 14 THE LAST SUTTEE But ere the rush of ♦^he unseen feet Had reached the turn to the oj)en street, The bars shot down, the guard-drum beat— We held the dove-cot still. A face looked down in the gathering day, And laughing spoke from the wall : *Ohd, they mourn here: let me by — 'Azizun, the Lucknow nautch-girl, I? *When the house is rotten, the rats must fly, 'And I seek another thrall. 1 "■'} 03 <P o O V o <■:, » ° \ 6 o o ^\ •' ft o (1 cP * • c . o • A ° •• »«' °o • c. •^o ' 0. :4<D ■> ."H, OjP C. i' ' e " o ■o'.« "./ % .'" p •■•: ■!, T .°v.i *For I ruled the King as ne'er did Queen, — *To-night the Queens rule me ! *Guard them safely, but let me go, *0r e^-er they pay the debt they owe *In scourge and torture ! ' She leaped below. And the grim guard watched her flee. They knew that the King h.-d spent his soul On a North-bred dancing-girl : That he prayed to a flat-nosed Lucknow god, And kissed the ground where her feet had trod. And doomed to death at her drunken nod And swore by her lightest curl. 8 ° If ".%- o°<iEo O O O ," An •* %« «»l •o OOc o Oo o9 e 9*0% ^A street, m beat— iig day, wall : I? must fly. Queen, — e ped below, icr flee. t his soul know god, feet had trod, en nod o )i eg /■ THE LAST SUTTEE 16 ^. ' We bore the King to his fathers' place, Where tJie tombs of the Sun-born stand : Where tlie grey ai)cs swing, and the peiicocks \nven On fretted pillar and jewelled screen. And the wild boar couch in the house of tlie (^)ucen On tlie drift of the desert sand. •v-i> The herald read his titles forth. We set the logs' aglow : 'Friend of the English, free from fear, [.•:/y;r' Baron of Luni to Jeysulmeer, Xx°*Lord of the Desert of Bikaneer, vY° * King of the Jungle,— go!' Vo » no iJ C^S" ,00 00 «" i All night the red flame stabbed the sky •Is'o" ' ^^ith wavering wind-tossed spears: . ° 0° ^ And out of a shattered temple crept A woman who veiled her head and wept, •And called on the King— but the great King slept, .o". And turned not for her tears. ,^% Small thought had he to mark the strife- Cold fear with hot desire — le THE LAST vSUrXEX^ When tlirice she leaped from the impm^ flatoe, And thrjce she beat her breast for .shaiuc, And thrice like a wounded dove she came And moaned about the fire. • .S'^' i .'iiNv One watched, a bow-shot from thft blaze, 'llie silent streets between, Who had stood by the King in sport and fray, To blade in ambush or boar at bay, And he was a baron old and grey. And kin to the Boondi Queen. He said: *0 shameless, put aside *The veil upon thy brow I ° ° *Who held the King and all his land *To the wanton will of a harlot's hand! *WiU the white ash rise from the blistered brand? *Stoop down, and call him now! ' Then she: 'By the faith of my tarnished soul, *A11 things I did not well *I had hoped to clear ere the fire died, *And lay me down by my master's side *To rule in Heaven his only bride, 'While the others howl in Hell. ::&'V » H( •■•*: i '^IvIThei "^^m •v. :J ^'i^^^ed "Leai •'"•4'' • ■'*t' I ; • fi If • Hf vli: ••J- 'I 'J v.. f i'lii, fla-tue) I fray, •ed brand? soul, THE IJVST SUTTEE \:i- » -Bnt I hm^ fdt the fire'^ brcftth, C 1 * Ajid liiflxd it is to die f '§4^:' 1 *Yet if I may pray a lUjpcvat; IojkI # J*To linaUy the steel of aXliakui'^s sworn -'' ' ^*With. basti-bom blood of a trade abhorred, '- Aiid tke XtiaJcur angered, *Ay<' JJf mi ew and struck : the stmight bkdtt drank The life beneath the breast . '.'^•' H had looked for the Queen to fiice the fltome. :"0 -fBiit thtj harlot dies for th#Rivjpoot datiw;* _,r\|,JSister of mine, pass, free from shame. ■ r^-, ';pas9 with til/ King to teat I ||jv';|rhe black \og crashed above the white: The little flames and lea% -3led as slaughter and blue as steel. ::vfe;' E'hat whistled and fhfetered from head to heel, ':0l^ J^eaped up anew, for they found their meul On the heart of — the Boondi Queen i ^^H ■■^H^^ ■••V'":\ v., .•«• •■>3 5. B -nmf ;•'(, m f> l;'l i,l ' * ■ I) .1^' % i" ••• i:'v s ,' I > ' ^^' m. s THE BALLAD OF THE KING'S MERCY T W It Th i^< Abdhur JRahman, the Durani Chief, of him is the /g, story iohi. His mercy fi!Is thi Khyhr hills — his grace manifoM^ Be has taken toU (f the North and tfte South — Aw ^hry rgacheth far, 1^»1Th> •^^i ^m ■Wtm Anil tftsy tttt the tali of his charity from Balkk to ..{^i; Kandahar. iSSkiid if .v(i/l^ Before the old Peshawur Gate, where Kurd ajid ••i^^'A'^'J * : "Qfi 11 Kaffir meet, J^Jg J The Governor of Kabul dealt the Justice of tbe^.^-f^fi Street, And that was strait as running noose and swift as 'S plunging knife, Tho' he who held the longer purse might hold the ^^^^ longer life. j^ 18 I ■ . THE KING'S MERCY 10 Ml There was a hoimd of Hindtistaa had struck a j^i VMieiefore tfecy 3pat •upon h!» face and kd him out tS;'"1 to die* '*l!*;l ^-^ ^^h^i-^'-cid the ICiog weat fojrth that hour when MERCY fcliroat wa» bared to knife; ^^:|The Kaffir grovelled under-hoof and clamoured for 1x13 life. 'his grace is >)p , of kirn is the -.^1 •i^i^TheD ssiid the Kingt 'Have Koij^;^, O friend! Yea, Death disgraced is hard; '|^'|M.uch honotir shall l)e thine * j and called the Captain tfu South — hn ■^^;g| of the G^iard, • ||%ar Khau, a bastard of the Blood, w city-babble {from Baikh to ^m\ saith, :5i;;iA.nd he was honoured of the K'mg— -the which is '^1 salt to Death; ,nd he was son of Daoud Shah the Reiver of the Plains, re Kurd and ,;g> ustice of tbejw^ , '-C'.mnd blood of old Durani I^rds rah fire in his vexnsj d swift as -Wr^ '^^ *° ^^^® ^^ Afghan pride nor Hell nor Heaven could bind, wonld niake him butcher to a yelping cur light hold the 'Sfche King of Hind '■?^i. ■^•^ dUlB .'..•in* . '1: <l • J.: 11 .. *' t • ii •('•ll ''IJ : i5. -J V n ? * : n it 20 THE HALLAI) OF 'Strike! said the King. 'King's blood art thou— his death shall be his ])ride ! ' Then louder, that the crowd might catch : * Fear not — his arms are tied ! ' Yar Kh.in drew clear the Khyber knife, and struck, and sheathed again. 'O man, thy will is done,' quoth he; 'A King this d(jg hath slain.' Abdhur Rahman, the Diirani Chief, to the North and the South is sold. The North and the South sJiall open their mou^h to a Ghilzai flai^ unrolled, When the l>ig guns speak to the Khyber peak, and his dog-Heratis fly. Ye have heard the song — Ho7u long? How long I Wolves of the Abazai! ^f i That night before the watch was set, when all the streets were clear, The Governor of Kabul spoke: *My King, hast thou no fear? *Thou knowest — thou hast heard/ — his speech died at his master's face. 1 THK KINC.'S MF.KCY 91 rt thou— civ. M'car iinl struck, King this And primly said the Afghan King: 'I rule the Aff^han race. 'My path is' mine — sec lliou to thine — to-night upon I thy bed *'lliink who thi-re be in Kabul now that clamour for "^ thy head.' to the North \eir mou*h to e.r peak, and Bow long? [when all the ng, hast thou speech died That night when all the gates were shut to City and to Throne, Within a little garden-house the King lay down alone. I3efore the sinking of the moon, which is the Night of Night, Yar Khan came softly to the King to make his honour white. The children of the town had mocked beneath his horse's hoofs, The harlots of the town had hailed him 'butcher!' from their roofs. But as he groped against the wall, two hands upon him fell, The King behind his shoulder spoke: 'Dead man, thou dost not well ! ,# ■MH 22 THE BALLAD OF *'Tis ill to jest with Kings by day and seek a boon by night; *And that thou bearest in thy hand is all too sharp to write. 'But three days hence, if God be good, and if thy strength remain, *Thou shalt demand one boon of me and bless me in thy pain. 'For I am merciful to all, and most of all to thee. 'My butcher of the shambles, xest — no knife hast thou for me ! * j& Abdhur Rahman, the Durani Chief, holds hard by the South and the North ; But the Ghilzai knows, ere the melting sfwws, when the swollen banks break forth, When the red-coats crawl to the sungar wall, and his Usbeg lances fail. Ye have heard the song — How long? Hoiv long? Wolves of the Zuka Kheyl! it^. 'D, They stoned him in the rubbish-field when dawn ''Bid was '"a the sky, '^ According to the written word, 'See that he do not '^'he die.' %^.. ■'%■ THE KING'S MERCY 23 to thee, knife hast olds hard by snows, when zr wail, and How long? They stoned him till the stones were piled above him on the plain, And those the labouring limbs displaced they tumbled back again. One watched beside the dreary mound that veiled the battered thing, And him the King with laughter called the Herald of the King. It was upon the second night, the night of Ramazan, The watcher leaning earthward heard the message of Yar Khan. From shattered breast through shrivelled lips broke forth the rattling breath : 'Creature of God, deliver me from agony of Death.' % They sought the King among his girls, and risked their lives thereby: 'Protector of tl e Pitiful, give orders that he die ! * , dawn '^^^ ^^^^^ endure until the day,' a lagging answc- ^ came; , Jq j^q^ *The night is short, and he can pray and learn to bless my name.' ■IMi 24 THE KING'S MERCY Before the dawn three times he spoke, and on the day once more : ° g ° ^ r, = /Creature of God, deliver me and bless the King therefore ! ' of^ Tliey shot him at the morning prayer, to ease him of his pain, =^ ^ o ® © o And when he heard the matchlocks clink, he blessed the King again. .~ ^ = Which thing the singers made a song for all the world to sing, ^ u So that the Outer Seas may know the mercy of the King. Abdhur Rahtnattj the Durani Chiefs of him is the story told. He has opened his mouth to the North and the South, they have stuffed his mouth ivith gold. Ye know the truth of his tender ruth — and sweet hh favours are. - - Ye have heard the song — Hoio long? How long? from Balkk to Kandahar. 1 Str \ \ Am f ' Sj^r 1 Anc J Spa mk And 1 on the =>o , I he King o o ease him le blessed ■or all the rcy of the him is the •th and the \i ivith gold, -and sweet | How long? O, « "■5; I '■■i 3) THE BALLAD OF THE KING'S JEST When spring-time flushes the desert grass, Our Icafilas wind through the Khyber Pass. I can are the camels but fat the frails, Light are the purses but heavy the bales. As the snowbound trade of the North comes down To the market-square of Peshawur town. In a turquoise twilight, crisp and chill, A kafila camped at the foot of the hill. Then blue smoke-haze of the cooking rose, And tentpcg answered to hammer-nose; And the picketed ponies shag and wild, Strained at their ropes as the feed was piled; And the bubbling camels beside the load Sprawled for a furlong adown the road ; And the Persian pussy-cats, brought for sale, Spat at the dogs from the camel-bale ; And the tribesmen bellowed to hasten the food; 25 ■MM 26 THE BALLAD OF And the camp-fires twinkled by Fort Jinnrood; And there fled on the wings of the gathering dusk A savour of camels and carpets and musk, A murmur of voices, a reek of smoke. To tell us the trade of the Khyber woket The lid of the flesh-pot chattered high, The knives were whetted and — then came I To Mahbub Ali, the muleteer, Patching his bridles and counting his gear, Crammed "with the gossip of half a year. But Mahbub Ali the kindly said, 'Better is speech when the belly is fed.' ^ So we plunged the hand to the mid-wrist deep In a cinnamon stew of the fat-tailed sheep, And he who never hath tasted the food, By Allah ! he knoweth not bad from good. ■?* 'Ui We cleansed our beards of the mutton-grease, We lay on the mats and were fiUed with peace. And the talk sHd north, and the talk slid south, With the sliding puffs from the hookah-mouth. Four things greatei than all things are, — Women and Horses rnd Power and War. We spake of them all, but the last the most, * th. 9 THE KINO'S JEST 27 For I sought a word of a Russian post, Of a shifty promise, an unsheathed sword And a grey-coat guard on the Helmuwd ford. Then Mahbub Ali lowered his eyes In the fashion of one who is weaving lies. o (^tioth he: 'Of the Russians who can say? 'When the night is gathering all is grey. * But we look that the gloom of the night shall die 'In the morning flush of a blood-red sky. ' Friend of my heart, is it meet or wise 'To warn a King of his enemies? 'We know what Heaven or Hell may bring, 'Hut no man knoweth the mind of the King. 'That unsought counsel is cursed of God 'Attesteth the story of VVali Dad. ' His sire was leaky of tongue and pen, ' His dam was a clucking Khuttuck hen ; •' And the colt bred close to the vice of each, • For he carried the curse of an unstaunched speech. •' Therewith madness — so that he sought •The favour of kings at the Kabul court ; And travelled, in hope of honour, far ■To the line where the grey-coat squadrons are. 'There have I journeyed too — but I 4 ,. :^| i^ i •V , .J 'f; 1:: \'-ii ■) 28 THE BALLAD OF 'Saw naught, said naught, and — did not die! 'He hearked to rumour, and snatched at a breath 'Of "this one knoweth" and "that one saith," — 'Legends that ran from mouth to mouth 'Of a grey-coat coming, and sack of the South 'These have I also heard — they pass 'With each new spring and the winter grass. 'Hot-foot southward, forgotten of God, 'Back to the city ran Wali Dad, 'Even to Kabul — in full durbar 'The King held talk with his Chief in War. 'into the press of the crowd he broke, 'And what he had heard of the coming spoke. 'Then Gholam Hyder, the Red Chief, smiled, 'As a mother might on a babbling child; 'But those who would laugh restrained their breath, 'When the face of the King showed dark as death. 'Evil it is in full durbar 'To cry to a ruler of gathering war! 'Slowly he led to a peach-tree small, 'That grew by a cleft of the city wall. 'And he said to the boy: "'i'hey shall praise thy zeal '"So long as the red spurt f(;llovvs the steel. THE KING'S JEST 29 eath th i ke. led, T breath, LS death. '"And the Russ is upon us even now? '"(Ireat is thy prudence — await them, thou. * " Watch from the tree. Thou art young and strong, '"Surely thy vigil is not for long. ''"The Russ is upon us, thy clamour ran? *" Surely an hour shall bring their van. '"Wait and watch. When the host is near, '"Shout aloud that my men may hear." 'Friend of my heart, is it meet or wise 'To warn a King of his enemies? 'A guard was set that he might not flee — *A score of bayonets ringed the tree. 'The peach-bloom fell in showers of snow, 'When he shook at his death as he looked below. 'By the power of God, who alone is great, 'Till the seventh day he fought with his fate. 'Then madness took him, and men declare ' He mowed in the branches as ape and bear, 'And last as a sloth, ere his body failed, 'And he hung as a bat in the forks, and wailed, 'And sleep the cord of his hands untied, 'And he fell, and was caught on the points and died. ■mi if M 'M se thy zeal 1. ' Heart of my heart, is it meet or wise 'To warn a King of his enemies? 80 THE KING'S JEST o *We know what Heaven or Hell may bring, *But no man knoweth the mind of the King. *Of the grey-coat coming who can say? 'When the night is gathering all is grey. 'Two things greater than all things are, 'The first is Love, and the second War. 'And since we know not how War may prove, 'Heart of my heart, let us talk of Low. l ' WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI More I nan a hundred years ago, in a great battle fought neat Delhi^ an Induin Prince rodejifty miles after t/u: day ivas lost with a degi^ar-girl, who had loved him andfolitnved him in all his camps, on his saddle-bow. He lost the girl when almost within sight of safety. A Maratta trooper tells the story : — The wreath of banquet overnight lay withered ou the neck, Our hands and scarves were saffron-dyed for signal of despair, When we went forth to Paniput to battle with the Mlech, — Ere we came back from Paniput and left a king- dom there. F, < I '•♦fi I ; m *• Hi 'I 1:; ) s Thrice thirty-thousand men were we to force the Jumna fords — The hawk-winged horse of Damajee, mailed squadrons of the Bhao, Copyright, 1892, Hy Macmillan & Co. "* > M > » •I ^^^ mtmuamm mtmmmmitmm MHMimMMiBpa • ••. ' > ■ '. . I 82 WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI StArk levies of the southern hills, the Deccan'a sharpest Hwords, And hfc the harlot's traitor son the goatherd Mulhar Rao I W, • 'J \'o *' • •'" Thrice thirty-thousand men were we before the mists had cleared, The low white mists of morning heard the war- conch scream and bray} We called upon Bhowani and we gripped them by the beard, We rolled upon them like a flood and washed their ranks away. The children of the hills of Khost before our lances ran, We drove the black Rohillas back as cattle to the pen; 'Twas then we needed Mulhar Rao to end what we began, A thousand men had saved the charge; he fled the field with tenl WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI \i» Tht^ve. ma no room to dear a sword— no power to strike a "blow, For foot to foot^ ay, breast to breast, the battle beld Its fast — Savtj "whax^ the luked hill men ran And stabbing from below Brought down the howe and rider and wc trampled them and passed. To left the roar of musketry rang like a falling flood' — To right the sunshine rippled red from redder lance and blade^ — Above the dark Uparas"*- flew, beneath iia plashed the blood, And, bellying black against the dust, the Bhagwa Jhanda swayed. ' ill v. Ml? r ■ i ' f r I saw it fall in smoke and fire, the banner of the Bhaoj I heard a voice across the press of one who called in vain : — 1 The Choosers of th«: Slain, C I. *^ ,5 t-'^A \i $5 ^ alM n M WITH SCLNDIA TU DELHI *Ho! Anand Rao Ninibalkhur ride! (let aid of Mulhar Rao! *Go shame his squadrons into fight — the lUiao — the lihao is slain I ' Thereat, as when a sand-bar breaks In clotted spume and si)ray — When rain of later autumn sweeps the Jumna water- head, Before their charge from flank to flank our riven ranks gave way; But of the waters of that flood the Jumna fords ran red. I held by Scindia, my lord, as close as man might hold; A Soobah of the Deccan asks no aid to guard his life; But Holkar's Horse were flying, and our chiefest chiefs were cold, t> And like a flame among us leapt the long lean Northern knife. WITH hCINDIA TO UKLIII 86 I held by Sciiidia — my kincc fiom bull to tuft was dyed, The frolh of battle bossed the shield and roped the bridle-chain — What time beneath our horses' feit a maiden rose and cried, And clung to Scindia, and I turned a sword-cut from the twain. (He set a spell upon the maid in woodlands long ago, A hunter by the Tapti banks she gave him water there : He turned her heart to water, and she followed to her woe. What need had he of Lalun who had twenty maids as fair?) Now in that hour strength left my lord; he wrenched his mare aside; He bound the girl behind him and we slashed and struggled free. I „ 30 WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI Across the reeling wreck of strife we rode as shadows ride From Paniput to Delhi town, but not alone were we. 'Twas Lutuf-Ullah Populzai laid horse upon our track, A swine-fed reiver of the North that lusted for the maid; I might have barred his path awhile, but Scindia called me back, And I — Oh woe for Scindia! — I listened and obeyed. League after league the formless scrub took shape and glided by — League after league the white road swirled behind the white mare's feet — League after league, when leagues were done, we heard the Populzai, Where sure as Time and sv/ift as Death the tireless footfall beat. WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI 87 Noon's eye beheld that shrane of flight, the shadows fell, we fled Where steadfast as the wheeling kite he followed in our train; The black wolf warred where we had warred, the jackal mocked our ccad, And terror born of twilight tide made mad the labouring brain. 11 I gasped: — 'A kingdom waits my lord; her love is but her own. *A day shall mar, a day shall cure for her, but what for thee? Cut loose the girl: he follows fast. Cut loose and ride alone ! ' Then Scindia 'twixt his blistered lips: — 'My Queens' Queen shall she be ! 'Of all who ear my bread last night 'twas she alone that came *lo seek her love between the spears and find her crown therein ! I'r ft' I as WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI *One shame is mine to day, what need the weight of double shame? *If once we reach the Delhi gate, though all be lost, I win! ' ® o We rode — the white mare failed — her trot a stagger- ing stumble grew, — ® The cooking- smoke of even rose and weltered and hung low; ? ^^ And still we heird *he Populzai and still we strained anew. And Delhi town was very near, but nearer was the foe. Yea, Delhi town was very near when Lalun whispered : —'Slay! *Lord of my life, the mare sinks fast — stab deep and let me die ! ' But Scindia would not, and the maid tore free and flung away, o Ai?d turning as she fell we heaul the clattering Populzai. o o WITH SCINDIA TO DELHI 39 Then Scindia checked the gasping mare that rocked and groaned for breath, And wheeled to charge and plunged the knife a hands-breadth in her side — The hunter and the hunted know how that last pause is death — The blood had chilled about her heart, she reared and fell and died. c o o Our Gods were kind. Before he heard the maiden's piteous scream ^ A log upon the Delhi road, beneath the mare he lay — Lost mistress and lost battle passed before him like a dream; The darkness closed about his eyes — I bore my King away. iij Ui n O O r. o o o o o u u o o o ,1 ■ THE RALLAD OF BOH DA THONE This b the balhul of Boh Da Thone, Erst a Prctcndi'f to Theebaiv's throne. Who harried the district of A la lone : How he met with his fate and the V.P.P. c At the hand of llarendra Mukerfi^ Senior Gomashta, G.B.T. ° o ]>oh Da Tlionc was a warrior bold, J I is sword aiul liis Snider were bussecl with gold. And the I'eacock Dannerhis henchmen bore Was stiff with Inillion but stiffer with gore. 1 Ic shot at the strong ami he slashed at the weak l*"roni the Sulween st:rub to the C'.hindwiji teak: He crueified noble, he sacrificed mean, ^ I le filled old women with kerosene : ^ While over the water the papers cried, o o The patriot fights for his countryside ! ' ^ iO <» h o IJOII DA TIIONE 41 Hut little they c.irc<l for the Native Prcus, The worn white soldiers in Kl^iki drens, o Who tr.imped through the jungle and camped in the byre, Who (lied in the swamp and were tombei' in the mire, Who prtve up their live??, at the Oueen's Commanil, I'or the Tridc ol their Kac« ami the I'eate ut the laud. o Now, first of the foemen of JJoh Da Th<me Was Captain O'Neil of liic *i;l.fck Tyrone,' Am! ])is was a ComjKuiy, seventy .strong, Who Imstletl that dissolute Chief along. There were lads from Cahvuy and Uniih and Meath Who went to their death with a joke in tlieir teeth, o And worshipped with fluency, fervtjur, and zeal The mud on the boot-heels of 'Crook ' O'Neil. But ever a blight on their labours lay. And ever their quarry would vanish away, : M i 4 O i I ! i* ■*■■' f la 42 THE I3ALLAD OF Till the sun-dried boys of the lilack Tyrone Took a brotherly interest in Boh Da Thone: o And, sooth, if pursuit in possession ends, o The Boh and his trackers were best of friends. The word of a scout — ^a march by night — A rush through the mist — .'i scattering fight — A volley from cover — a corpse in the clearing — The glimpse of a loin-cloth and heavy jade earring — The flare of a village — the tally of slain — And . . . the Boh was abroad 'on the raid * again I . They cursed their luck as the Irish will, They gave him credit for cunning and skill, They buried their dead, they bolted their beef, And started anew on the track of the thief Till, in place of the 'Kalends of Greece,' men said, 'When Crook and his darlings come back with the head.' They had hunted the Boh from the Hills to the plain — He doubled and broke for the hills again: BOH DA THONE They had crippled his power for rapine and raid, They had routed him out of his pet stockade, And at last, they came, when the Day Star tired, To a camp deserted — a village '"ircd. 4ii i^ A black cross blistered the Morning-gold, And the body upon it was stark and cold. The wind of the dawn went merrily past, The high grass bowed her plumes to the blast. And out of the grass, on a sudden, broke A spirtle of fire, a whorl of smoke — And Captain O'Neil of the Black Tyrone Was blessed with a slug in the ulna-bone — The gift of his enemy Boh Da Thone. (Now a slug that is hammered froifi telegraph-wire Is a thorn in the flesh and a rankling fire.) H !i If ' t'i ■I ^ The shot-wound festered— as .shot-wounds may In a steaming barrack at Mandalay. The left arm throbbed, and the Captain swore, 'I'd like to be after the Boh once more! ' 3!) i U '' ' m Us J -rt ',>'L 44 THE BALLAD OF % 3 The fever held him — the Captain said, 'I'd give a hundred to look at his head! ' The Hospital punkahs creaked and whirred, But Babu Harendra (Gomashta) heard. He thought of the cane-brake, green and dank, That girdled his home by the Dacca tank. He thought of his wife and his High School son, He thought — but abandoned the thought — of a gun. His sleep was broken by visions dread Of a shining Boh v/ith a silver head. He kept his counsel and went his way, And swindled the cartmen of half their pay. And the months went on, as the worst must do, And the Boh returned to the raid anew. But the Captain had quitted the long-drawn strife, And in far Sunoorie had taken a wife. And she was a daiasel of delicate n^ould, With hair like the sunshine and heart of gold, BOH DA THONE 46 And little she knew the arms that embraced Had cloven a man from the brow to the waist: And little she knew that the loving lips Had ordered a quivering life's eclipse, And the eye that lit at her lightest breath Had glared unawed in the Clates of Death, o (For these be matters a man would hide, As a general rule, from an innocent ikide.) And little the Captain thought of the past, And, of all men, Babu Harendra last. But slow, in the sludge of the Kathun road, The Government Bullock Train toted its load. Speckless and spotless and shining withg/i^e, In the rearmost cart sat the Babu-jee. LI And ever a phantom before him fled Of a scowling Boh with a silver head. Then the lead-cart stuck, though the coolies slaved, And the cartmen flogged and the escort raved; < 1 iW ^) S' 46 THE BAL1.,^D OF • a And out of thf jungle, with yells aad squeals, Pranced Boh Da Thonc, and his gang at his heels! Then belching blunderbuss answered back The Snider 's snarl and the carbine^ s crack, And the blithe revolver began to sing To the blade that twanged on the locking-ring, And the brown flesh blued where the bay 'net kissed, As the steel shot back with a wrench and a twist, And the great white bullocks with onyx eyes Watched the souls of the dead arise. And over the smoke of the fusillade The Peacock Banner staggered and swayed. Oh, gayest of scrimmages man may see Is a well-worked rush on the G.B.T. 1 The Babu shook at the horrible sight, And girded his ponderous loins for flight, But Fate had ordained that the Boh should start On a lone-hand raid of the rearmost cart. ifr BOH DA THONE 19 And out o{ that cart, with a lieHow of woe. The Babu fell— flat on the top of tlie Ik)hl " For years had Harcndra served the State, To the growtli of his purse and the girth of his pit-— ' ' . . w* L ■'•I There were twenty stone, as tlie taUy-man knows, On tiie broad of the chest of this best of Bohs. And twenty stone from a height discharged Are bad for a Boh with a spleen enlarged. Oh, short was the struggle — severe was the shock — He dropped like a bullock — he lay like a block j And the Babu above him, convulsed with fear, Heard the labouring life-breath hissed out in his eat. And thus in a fashion undignified The princely pest of the Chindwin died. I; >« . Turn now to Simoorie where, lapped in his ease, The Captain is petting the Bride on his knees, o JO o , t^ O > t 1 ' 48 THE IJALLAU OK \\'herc the whit of the bullet, the wounded man's scream Arc mixed as the mist of some devilish dream — Forg(3ttcn, forgotten the sweat of the shambles Where the hill-duisy blooms and the grey monkey gambols, From the sword-belt set free and released from the steel. The Peace of the Lord is with C-ai)tain O'Neil. l^p the hill to Simoorie — niost patient of drudges — • The bags on his shoulder, the mail-runner trudges. 'For Captain O'Neil, Sahib. One hundred and ten Rupees to collect on delivery.' Then (Their breakfast was stopped while the screw-jack and hammer Tore wax-cloth, split teak-wood, and chipped out the dammer;) Open-eyed, open-mouthed, on the napery's snow, With a crash and a thud, rolled — the Head of the Boh! liOII DA TIIONI': 40 out the And Riimincd to the scalp was a letter which ran: — *1n Fiki,|)IN(; I-'orck Skkvick. * Kncampmt'iit, * lotli Jan. •near Sir, — T have honour to send, as you saiil^ * I'or final apijfoval (see under) lloli's Head; *\\'as took by myself in most Moody affair. 'Uy High iklucation brought pressure to bear. 'Now violate liberty, time being bad, 'To mail V.IM*. (rupees hundred) I'lease add 'Whatever Your Honour can pass. Price of IMood 'Much cheap at one hundred, and children want food. *So trustinGf Your Honour will somewhat retain 'True love and affection for Clovt. bullock Train, 'And show awful kindness to satisfy me, *I am, 'Graceful Master, *Your 'H. Mukerji.' D 60 THE BALLAD OF y\s the nil)lMt is drawn to the rattlesnake's power, As the smoker's eye fill.i at the opium hour, As a horse reaches up to the manger above, As the waiting ear yearns for the whisper of love, From the arms of the Bride, iron-visaged and slow, Ihe Captoin bent down to the Head of the Boh. And e'en as he looked on the Thing where It lay 'Twixt the winking new spoons and the napkins' array, ■^rhc freed mind fled back to the long-ago days — The hand-to-hand scuffle — the smoke and the blaze — The forced march at night and the quick rush at dawn — The banjo at twilight, the ourial ere morn — Tlie stench of the marshes — the raw, piercing smell ^\'hen the overhand stabbing-cut silenced the yell — The oaths of his Irish that surged when they stood Where the black crosses hung o'er the Kuttamow flood. )d lOW BOH DA THONE 51 As a derelict ship drifts away with the tide The Captain went out on the Past from his Bride, Back, back, through the springs to the chill of the year, When he hunted the lioh from Maloon to Tsaleer. As the shape of a corpse dimmers up through deep water, In his eye lit the passionless passion of slaughter, And men who had fought with O'Neil for the life Had gazed on his face with less dread than his wife. For she who had held him so long could not hold him — Though a four-month Eternity should have con- trolled him — But watched the twin Terror — the head turned to head — The scowling, scarred Black, and the flushed savage Red— The spirit that changed from her knowing and flew to Some grim hidden Past she had never a clue to, I' I ii wii m o 52 BOH DA THONE But It knew as It grinned, for he touched it un- feaiing, „ And muttered aloud, *So you kept that jade ear- ring ! ' Then nodded, and kindly, as friend nods to friend, 'Old man, you fought well, but you lost in tlie end.' The visions departed, and Shame followed Passion, *lIo took what 1 said in this horrible fashion, ° */*// write to Harendra! ' With language unsaintcd The Captain came back to the Bride . . . who had fainted. ° And this is a fiction? No. Go to Slmoorie And look at their baby, a twelve-month old Houri, A pert little, Irish-eyed Kathleen IVIavoumin — She's always about on the Mall of a mornin' — And you'll see, if her right shoulder-strap is dis- placed, This : Gu/es upon argent^ a Boh's Head, erased/ o O ^ o O m o ,• 6 THE LAMENT OF THE BORDER CATFLE THIEF n O WOE is me for the merry life I led beyond the Bar, And a treble woe for my winsome wife That weeps at Shalimar. They have taken away my long jezail, My shield and sabre fine, And heaved me into the Central Jail For lifting of the kine. o o _ o The steer may low within the byre. The Jut may tend his grain, But there'll be neither loot nor fire Till I come back again. And (lod have mercy on the Jut When once my fetters fall, Ami Heaven defend the farmer's hut When I am loosed from thrall. 63 '§ © 64 THE LAMENT OF THE It's woe to bend the stubborn back Above the grinching quern, It's woe to hear the leg-bar clack And jingle when I turn! But for the sorrow and the shame, The brand on me and mine, I'll pay you back in leaping fliame And loss of the butchered kin.. o For every cow I spared before In charity set free. If I may reach my hold once more I'll reive an honest three! r For every time I raised the low That scared the dusty plain, ^ By sword and cord, by torch and tow I'll light the land with twain! e Ride hard, ride hard to Abazai, Young Sahib with the yellow hair- Lie close, lie close as khuttucks lie, Fat herds below Bonair ! BORDER CATTLK rilllvF The one I'll shoot at twilight tide, At dawu rU drive the other; The black shall mourn for hoof and hide, The white man for his brother! 'Tis war, red war, I'll give you then. War till my sinews fail, For the wrong you have done to a chief of men And a thief of the Zukk:c Khevl. 55 I (3 And if I fall to your hand afresh I give you leave for the .sin, That you cram my throat with the foul pig's flesh And swing me in the skin ! ^ ei^ m ■» ( nil ■1 o o f^ THE RllYMI-: OF TTTE THREE CAPTAINS T/i,is ballad appears to refer to one of the exploits of the notorious Paul Jones, the American Pirate. It is fmnded on flit. o •D ... At the close of a winter day, Their anchors down, by London town, the Three Great Captains hiy. And one was Admiral of the North from Solway Firth to Skye, And one was Lord of the Wessex coast and all the lands thereby. And one was Master of the Thames from Limehouse to lUackvvall, And he was Captain of the Fleet — the bravest of them all. Their good guns guarded their great grey sides that were thirty foot in the sheer. When there came a certain trading-brig with news of a privateer. o"' 5^ (%■ THE THREE CAPTAINS Her rigging was rough with the clotted drift that drives in a Northern breeze, Her sides were clogged with the lazy weed that spawns in the Eastern seas. Eight she rode in the rude tide-rip, to left and right she rolled, And the skipper sat on the scuttle-butt and stared at an empty hold. *I ha' paid Port dues for your Law,* quoth he, 'and where is the Law ye boast 'If I sail unscathed from a heathen port to be ro])bed on a Christian coast? *Ye have smoked the hives of the I^iccadives as we burn the lice in a bunk ; 'We tack not now to a Gallang prow or a plunging Pei-ho junk; *I had no fear but the seas were clear as far as a sail might fare 'Till I met with a lime-washed Yankee brig that rode off Finisterre. 'There were canvas blinds to his bow-gun ports to screen the weight he bore 'And the signals ran for a merchantman frcjm Sandy Hook to the Nore. f » o o li „ ■1* m THK RHYMI- OF 'h 1 • o 1^' '• e 'He would not fly tho Rovcrfi' flag — the bloody or the black, * *I]ut now he floated the r«ridiroa and now he flaunted the Jack. 'He spoke oi tlie Law as he crimped my crew — ha swore it vas only a loan; 'But ^ucu i vvo.ad ask lor my own again, he swore it l*.*,r^ '\ou. of my own. *He has taken ni) I'ttle parrakeets that nest beneath the Line, 'He has stripped my rails of the shaddock-frails and the green unripened pinej 'He has taken my bale of dammer and spice I won beyond the seas, 'He has taken my grinning heathen gods — and what should he want o' these? 'My foremast would not mend his ])oom, my deck- house patch hi.s boats; - 'He has whittled the two this Yank Vuhoo, to peddle for shoepeg-oats. *I could not fight for the failing light and a rough beam-sea beside, 'But I hulled him once for a clumsy crimp and twice because he lied. THE THREE CAPTAINS 59 'Had I h:id gnn^ (us 1 had goods) to work my Chr'^stun harm, *I had rim him up f om his quarter-deck to trade widi his own yard-arm; 'I had nailed his ears to my capstan-head, and ri[)ped them off with a saw, 'And soused them in the bilgewater, and served them to him raw; *I had flung him blind in a rudderless boat ' . *■ in the rocking dark *I had towed him aft of his own craft, a 1 h lor his brother shark; *I had lapped him round with coco.' hv.k, and drenched him with the oil, *And lashed him fast to his own mast to blaze above my spoil; 'I had stripped his hide for my hammock-side, and tasselled his beard i' the mesh 'And spitted his crew on the live bamboo that grows through the gangrened Hesh; 'I had hove him down by the mangroves brown, where the mud- reef sucks and draws, *Moored by the heel to his own keel to wait for the land-crab's claws 1 * i s » « s '•'^^ o a »' «)> O ». » ■n » o' 10- ' i ■.■i{:. 60 THE RHYME OF *He is lazar within aud lime without, ye can nose him far enow, *For he carries the taint of a musky ship — the reel; of the slaver's dhow ! ' The skipper looked at the tiering guns and the bulwarks tall and cold, And the Captains Three full courteously peered down at the j^utted hole, And the Captains Three called courteously from deck to scuttle-butt: — *Good Sir, we ha' dealt with that merchantman or ever your teeth were cut. *Your words be words of a lawless race, and the Law it standeth thus: *He comes of a race that have never a Law, and he never has boarded us. *We ha' sold him canvas and rope and spar — we know that his price is fair, *And we know that he weejis for the lack of a law as he rides off Finisterre. *And since he is damned for a gallows-thief by you and better than you, *We hold it meet that the English fleet should know that we hold him true. ' THE THREE CAinTAINS 61 The ski})pcr called to the toll tnf/ruil: 'And wlwU is thiit to me ? 'Did ever you hear o( a privateer that rifled a Seventy'three ? *Do I loom so large from your quarter-deck, that I lift like a ship o' the fvine? 'He has learned to nin from a shotted gun aud hiiny such craft as mine. 'There is never a X*aw on the C'ocos Keys to hold a white man in, 'But we do not steal th'^ niggers' meal, for that is a nigger's sin. 'Must he have his Law as a quid to chaw, or laid in brass on his wheel? 'Does he steal with tears when he buccaneers? 'Fore Gad, then, why does he steal?' The skipper bit on a deep-sea word, aud the word it was not sweet, For he could see the Captains Three had signalled to the Fleet. But three and two, in white and bUic, the whimpering flags began : 'We have heard a tale of a foreign sail, but he is a merchantman. ' o • a.' <f ^0 !♦ 62 TIIF. RHYME OF ® The skij^pcr peered beneath his pahii ami swore by the (Ireat Horn Spoon, "Fore (lad, the Clhaphiin of the Fleet would blebs my picaroon! ' 15y two and three tiie liar's blew free to lash the laugh int^ air, *We have sold our spars to the merchantman — we know that his ijrii;e is fair.' The skipper winked his Western eye, and swore by a China storm : — 'They ha' rigged him a Joseph's jury-coat to keep his honour warm.' The halliards twanged against the tops, the bunting bellied broad, The skipper spat in the empty hold and mourned for a wasted cord. Masthead — masthead, the signal sped by the line o' the British craft; The skipper called to his Lascar crew, and put her about and laughed : — *It's mainsail haul, my bully boys all — we'll out to the seas again; 'Ere they set us to paint their pirate saint, or scrub at his grapnel-chain riiK TiiKi:i-: c a it a ins 03 •It's forc-shcct free, with lur lu.id to tlic sci, ami the swing of the uiilionghl brine — 'We'll make no spotl in an jjiglish court till we conic as a ship o' tiie Line, *'i'ill wc come as a shi|) u' liie l.ine, my lads, (>f thirty foot in the sheer, 'Lifting again fiom the oiiti-r main with news of a privateer; 'Flying his pluck at our mi/zen truck for weft of Admiralty, 'Heaving his head for our dipsylead in sign that we keep the sea. 'Then fore-sheet home as she lifts to the foam — we stand on the outward tack 'We are paid in the coin of the white man's trade — the bezant is hard, ay, and black. 'The frigate-bird shall carry my word to the Kling and the (Jrang-Laut 'How a man may sail from a heathen coast to be robbed in a Christian port; 'How a man may be robbed in Christian port while Three Great Captains there 'Shall 'Mp their flag to a slaver's rag — to show that his tracile is fair! ' Y\ •i|- ■i THE IJALLAD OF THE 'CI-AMI'HERDOWN It was our war-ship *Clamj)herdown ' Would sweep the Channel clean, Wherefore she kept her hatches close When the merry Channel chops arose, To save the bleached marine. She had one bow-gun of a hundred ton, And a great stern-gun beside; They dipped their noses deep in the sea, Thy racked their stays and staunch ions free In the wash of the wind-whipped tide. It was our war-ship 'Clampherdown,' Fell in with a cruiser light That carried the dainty Hotchkiss gun And a pair o' heels wherewith to run, From the grip of a close-fought fight. 64 THE 'CLAMPHERDOWN' She opened fire at seven miles — As ye shoot nt a bobbing cork — And once she fired and twice she fired, Till the bow gun drooped like a lily tired That lolls upon the stalk. 66 'Captain, the bow-gun melts apace, 'The deck-beams break below, *'Twere well to rest for an hour or twain, *And botch the shattered plates again.' And he answered, 'Make it so.' v.. V *9 . She opened fire within the mile — As ye shoot at the flying duck— ® And the great stern-gun shot fair and true. With the heave of the slilp, to the stainless blue. And the great stern-turret stuck. 'Captain, the turret fills with steam, 'The feed-pipes burst below — 'You can hear the hiss of helplesh ram, 'You can hear the twisted runner^> jam." - And he answered, 'Turn ami go! ' ff' in 2. -. * «°. ■; ^^'.4« '. ." ' Its « . » " 8 ., I j *■. !•'•■•."•» . m THE BALLAD OF It waf? ovir war-ship •Cknr*phcrdown,' And gtimly did she rolli Swung re\md to take the cmiger- » fire As the WMte Whale faces Ifee ^rhtcshur'a ire, When they wax by the fxmen I*<;1«. i;:/;i«. •..:• '4- ' So 4 1, ':•■" •■».. 1 ^•' .■ . s. (f ■*» ■ ' .hI 1* f ■i '* . •' 5'. *•:■■ I ■ *■ ■ i' '.•■■: j -»■.'■■ •■■Ji? 1 -■ ■< . if;.. ?' { ■; '.?•! ; ■* • m ," ..!<»• -' '•=* t« • t f ; .t t'-.i: [l^ k-'i] <». :;v ••; .' Ji i; \.' . "J ' '•■•!:«:;• •'.■•'■■ 1 1" > ■[■• ri-'v J - ".• .'1. . - » !••' 1 . .,_• ■'.'1; ••/ . i» • ;",■; ; r; :;.-S|i ;:' ;>^ 5. : : f V •■ . •us h- •' -J"! ''' .■;■- , j ■;'■ 'iii ) .v- .' V« ,V V :* , . ':k ••ii' ' •*' ■T'tl ( '• ■■■''i ■j :. 1 ■:"'.", Ki-^' ■»!• •'X ■■• > ; "i^ ' ;j.-ii.- ^1 • ." 'If '■ !' •>5l •■ •. .1. • ■^'•K- ; >■<: k * 1 'Capuilflj the shells are falling fust, , * And faster still fell wej *And it is not maet for English stork, 'To 1)ide in the heart of an eight- tiny clock, 'Tha death thej csna&t see.* . = ^ * Lie drnvn, lie down my bold A.U., * Vfe dtift upo^ her b^amj *We date aot tarn for she can nmj 'And dare je fi-jre mother gun, *Ami die la the peding steatw? ' It vat o^r wat-^lp ^Ckmpherdown * That <Mn&d, aa Mmtmr-belt) But M^f l^@i^ at stem asd bow, . lay bsxe as (ihe pau&ch oi tk; p^mr's sow, To tiie iiail of t&e Moxdeauldf . <..'• THE HrLAMI'ril-KDOWN it* Capuih, they lack m tlirmigH arid through; *Thc chiUttcI steel l>oj[|s are swift I 'We have emptied tliG Ijttxites m open sea, *'V\mt shmpnd hii^gfej iPherB otir coal shoitld be.' And he atiswexed, ^Let her (Juiif It was om war-ship ' Ckrophej-tlown, ' Smmg roimd aponi the tide^ Her two ctomb §i:ins glared m\i\\i and north, And the blood ^ind ^e buMmf strain ran forih, And she gpoimd the €r«iger*ij side. *Captamj they cty, the fight i'» done, *The}' bid yoa send yom sword. ' And he a»swdr<jdj ^Gmpple ha^t jitern and bow. *Thtjy hav^e asked lot l3ie stecU They shall have it o H)ut cutlasses m.d board I ' It wus o«r w*w?»ship *Ctoapherdow'n,' Spewed up tor iaiadr«d men; And the scalded stokeis yelped del ight, - As they rolled in the wmx iwmX YawuX the fi^ht^ Stiunp o'er their nU'cI -walled pen. ^ (I !■ ..^ I^t O'. (Ji© ® 08 THE 'CLAMPHERDOWN' They cleared the cruiser end to end, o I'rom conning-tower to hold. They fought as they fought in Nelson's fleet; They were stripped to the waist, they were bare to the feet, As it was in the days of old. a t It was the sinking 'Clampherdown ' Heaved up her battered side — And carried a million pounds in steel, To the cod and the corpse-fed conger-eel, And the scour of the Channel tide. Ri It was the crew of the 'Clampherdown' Stood out to sweep the sea.. On a cruiser won from an ancient foe, As it was in the days of long-ago, And as it still shall be. ly^^y-''k^^: THE BALLAD OF THE 'BOLIVAR' Severe men from all the world ^ back to Docks a^ain, Rolling doiv7i the Ratcliffe Road drunk and raising Cain : Give the girls another drink ^'ore we sign atuay — We that took the ^Bolivar ' out across the Bay / We put out from Sunderland loaded d^wn with rails; We put back to Sunderland 'cause uur cargo shifted; We put out from Sunderland — met the winter gales — ■ Seven days and seven nights to the tart we drifted. Racketing her rivets loose, smok* stack white as snow, All the coals adrift a deck, half the rails below 69 I 70 THE BALLAD OF Leaking like a lobster-pot, steering like a dray — Out we took the 'Bolivar,' out across the Bay ! One by one the Lights came up, winked and let us by; Mile by mile we waddled on, coal and fo'c'sle short; Met a blow that laid us down, heard a bulkhead fly; Left The Wolf behind us with a two foot-list to port. © Trailing like a wounded duck, working out her soul ; Clanging like a smithy-shop after every roll; Just a funnel and a mast lurching through the spray — So we threshed the 'Bolivar ' out across the Bay! Felt her hog and felt her sag, betted when she'd break ; Wondered every time :.he raced if she'd stand the shock; THE •liOf.IVAR' 71 Heard the seas like driinktMi men pounding ;it her strake ; Ho|>ed tli« Lord 'u<l keep liis thumb on the I)hunmcr-bloc:k. •f Banged against the iruii decks, bilges choked with coal; Flayed and frozen foot and hand, sick of heart ami soul ; 'Last \vc prayed she'd buck herself into Judg- ment Day — Hi! we cursed the 'liulivar' knocking round the IJay ! Oh! her nose flung up to sky, groaning to be still — ■ Up and down and back we went, never time for breath; Then the money paid at Lloyd's caught her by the heel, And the stars ran round and round tlancin' at our death. Aching for an hour's sleep, do/.ing off between; Heard the rotten rivets draw when she took it green J t (J). ^ *i 'D 72 THK nXLLM) UK Watcherl tlie compuss chasu its tail like a ciit at play- That was on the 'liolivar,* south across llie Bay. Once we saw bctwceii the sqiialls, lyin' head to swell — Mad with work and weariness, wishin' ihey was we— Some damned Liner's lights go by like a grand hf»tel ; Cheered her from the 'liolivar,' swampin' in the sea. Then a grcyback cleared us out, then the 5ikip])er laughed; 'IJoy.., the wheel has gone to Hell — rig the winches aft ! 'Yoke the kicking rudder-head — get her under way ! ' So we steered her, pulley- haul, out across the Bay! Just a pack o' rotten plates puttied up with tar, In we came, an' time enough 'cross Bilbao Bar. in TITK 'BOUVAR* 73 Overloaded, uudermanucd, mtjant to founder, we Kuchrcd Cod Alnughty's ston«, l)lii/fed the Eternal Sea ! Seven men from all theworU, baeh tfl town (igaifiy Hellin* d(Avn the Haidiffc Road drunk ttnd raisi?ifi Cain : Set'cn meufrom out of If til, Ain*t the mvners ^dy\ ' Cause we took the ^Bolivar ' safe across the I'ay / % o iP 9 « t 9 ■9 ■' * if the ■ V I* Till': LOST LEGION Therk's a Legion that never was 'listed, That carries no colours or crest, Jiut, sj^lit in a thousand cletacliments, Is breaking tiie road for the rest. Our fathers they left us their blessing — They taught us, and groomed us. and crammed ; But we've shaken the Clubs and the Messes To go and find out and be damned, I )ear boys ! To go and get shot and be damned. So some of us chevy the slaver, And some of us c:herish the black. And some of us hunt on the Oil Coast, And some on — the Wallaby track : And some of us drift to Sarawak, And some of us drift up The Fly, And some share our tucker with tigers. And some with the gc;ntle Masai, Dear boys ! Take tea with the giddy Masai. <■* Copyright, 1893, by Macmillan & Co. THE LOST LEGION 76 We've painted The hhuulH vermilion, We've pearled on half-shares ia the Bay, We've shouted on seven-ounce nuggets, We've .starved on a KiUiakHi'ii pay. We've lauglied at the world as we found it,- Its women and cities ajid men — From Say Yid Piurgash in a tantrum To the smoke- reddened eyes of I.olien, Dear l><)ys ! We've a litUe account witli Loben. O W^e opened the Chinamjiu's oil-well, I Jut the dynamite didn't agree, And the people got up and fan-kwaicd us, And we ran from Ichang to tiie sea. Yes, somehow and somewliere and always We were first when the trouble began. From a lottery-row in Manila To an L D. B. race on the Pan, Dear boys ! With the Mounted Police on the Pan. We preach in advance of the Army, We skirmish ahead of the Church, With never a gunboat to help us When we're scuppered and left in the lurch. o 09 GO '6 w •« ^'iU d^ ▼^ .0. ^S> t IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ^ a^ 12.0 1^ 12.2 1.4 1.6 6' ^3 ^^ ^> / ^'^V'^ ^ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V •^ \ \ fv 4^. <i '"^^ ""' 76 THE LOST LEGION But we know as the cartridges finish And we're filed on our last little shelves, That the Legion that never was 'listed Will send us as good as ourselves, (Good men !) Five hundred as good as ourselves. Then a health (we must drink it in whispers), To our wholly unauthorised horde — To the line of our dusty foreloopers, The Gentlemen Rovers abroad. Yes, a health to ourselves ere we scatter, For the steamer won't wait for the train, And the Legion that never was 'listed Goes back into quarters again. 'Regards ! Goes back under canvas again. Hurrah ! The swag and the billy again. Here's how ! The trail and the packhorse again. Salue ! The trek and the lager again. THE SACRIFICE OF ER-HEB Er-Hcb beyond the Hills of Ao-Safai Bears witness to the truth, and Ao-Safai Hath told the men of Gorukh. Thence the tale Comes westivard o'er the peaks to India. The story of Bisesa, Armod's child, — A maiden plighted to the Chief in War, The Man of Sixty Spears who hekl the Pass That leads to Thibet, but to-day is gone To seek his comfort of the God called Budh The Silent — showing how the Sickness ceased Because of her who died to save the tribe. Taman is One and greater than us all, Taman is One and greater than all Gods: Taman is Two in One and rides the sky, Curved like a stallion's croup, from dusk to dawn, And drums upon it with his heels, whereby Is bred the neighing thunder in the hills. Copyright, 1892, by Macniillaa & Co. 77 1^ 1'^ 78 THE SACRIFICE OF ER-HEB This is Taman, the God of all Er-Heb, Who was before all Gods, and made all Gods, And presently will break the Gods he made, And step upon the Earth to govern men Who give him milk-dry ewes and cheat his Priests, Or leave his shrine imlighted — as Er-Heb Left it unlighted and forgot 1 aman. When all the Valley followed after Kysh And Yabosh, little Gods but very wise, And from the sky 'I'aman beheld their sin. He sent the Sickness out upon the hills The Red Horse Sickness with the iron hooves, To turn the Valley to Taman again. And the Red Horse snuffed thrice into the wind, The naked wind that had no fear of him; And the Red Horse stamped thrice upon the snow, The naked snow that had no fear of him ; And the Red Horse went out across the rocks The ringing rocks that had no fear of him; And downward, where the lean birch meets tin- snow his THE SACRIFICE OF EK-MEB 70 Antl downward, where the grey pine meets the birch, And downward, where the dwarf oak meets the pine, Till at his feet our cup- like i)astures lay. That night, the slow mists of the evening dropped, Dropped as a cloth upon a ilead man's face, And weltered in the valley, bluish-white Like water very silent — spread abroad. Like water very silent, from the Shrine Unlighted of Taman to where the stream Is dammed to fdl our cattle-troughs — sent up White waves that rocked and heaved and then were still, Till all the Valley glittered like a marsh. Beneath the moonlight, filled with sluggish mist Knee-deep, so that men waded as they walked. tts tVi' Thai night, the Red Horse grazed above the Dam, Beyond the cattle-troughs. Men heard him feed, And those that heard him sickened where they lay Thus came the sickness to Er-Heb, and slew Ten men, strong men, and of the women four; And the Red Horse went hillward with the dawn, But near the cattle-troughs his hoof -prints lay. 80 THE SACRIFICIC OF ER-HKB Th;it night, the slow mists of the evening dropped, Dropped as a cloth upon the dead, but rose A little higher, to a young girl's height; Till all the valley glittered like a lake, Beneath the moonlight, filled with sluggish mist. That night, the Red Horse grazed beyond the Dam A stone's throw from the troughs. Men heard hira feed. And those that heard him sickened where they lay. Thus came the sickness to Er-IIcb, and slew Of men a score, and of the women eight, And of the children two. Because the road To Gorukh was a road of enemies. And Ao-Safai was blocked with early snow, We could not flee from out the Valley. Death Smote at us in a slaughter-pen, and Kysh Was mute as Yabosh, though the goats were slain; And the Red Horse grazed nightly by the stream, And later, outward, towards the Unlighted Shrine, And those that heard him sickened where they lay. THE SACRIFICE OF ER-HEB 81 Then said Bisesa to the Priests at dusk, When the white mist rose up breast-high and choked The voices in the houses of the dead: — *Yabosh and Kvsh avail not. If tlie Horse 'Reach the Unlighted Shrine we surely die. *Ye have forgotten of all (iods the Chief 'Tanian ! * Here rolled the thunder through the Hill. And Yabosh shook upon his pedestal. *Ye have forgotten of all Gods the chief 'Too long.' And all were dumb save one who cried On Yabosh with the Sapphire 'twixt His knees But found no answer in the smoky roof And, being smitten of the sickness died Before the altar of the Sapphire Shrine. .m: f in; n, |ne, they Then said Bisesa: — *I am near to Death, 'And have the Wisdom of the Clrave fur gift 'To bear me on the path my feet must tread. 'If there be wealth on earth, then I am rich, 'For Armod is the first of all Er-Heb; '!f there be beauty on the earth,' — her eyes Dropped for a moment to the temple floor, — 'Ye know that I am fair. If there be Love, *Ye know that love is mine.' The Chief in War, m ■M 82 THE SACRIFICE OF ER-HEB The Man of Sixty Spears, broke from the press, And would have clasped her, but the Priests with- stood. Saying: — 'She has a message from Taman.* Then said Bisesa: — '15) my wealth and love *And beauty, I am chosen of the God * Taman.' Here rolled the thunder through the Hills And Kysh fell forward on the Mound of Skulls. In darkness and before our Priests, the maid Between the altars, cast her bracelets down. Therewith the heavy earrings Armod made. When he was young, out of the water-gold Of Gorukh — threw the breast-plate thick with jade Upon the turquoise anklets — put aside The bands of silver on her brow and neck; And as the trinkets tinkled on the stones, The Thunder of Taman lowed like a bull. Then said Bisesa stretching out her hands. As one in darkness fearing Devils: — 'Help! *0 Priests, I am a woman very weak. THE SACRIFICE OF ER-HEB 88 *And who am I to know the will of (lods? *Taman hath called me — whither shall I go?' The Chief in War, the Man of Sixty Spears Howled in his torment fettered by the Priests lUit dared not come to her to drag her forth, And dared not lift his spear against the Priests. Then all men wept. I jade There was a Priest of Kysh Bent with a hundred winters, hairless, blind And taloned as the great Snow- Eagle is. His seat was nearest to the altar fires, And he was counted dumb among the Priests. But, whether Kysh decreed, or from Taman The impotent tongue found utterance we know As little as the bats beneath the eaves. He cried so that they heard who stood without :- 'To the Unlighted Shrine ! ' and crept aside Into the shadow of his fallen (lod And whimpered, and Bisesa went her way. ^ * That night, the slow mists of the evening dropped, Dropped as a cloth upon the dead, and rose Above the roofs, and by the Unlighted Shrine \ H THE SACRIFICE OF ER-HEB Lciy as the slimy water of the troughs When murrain thins the rattle of Kr-Heb: And through the mist men heard the Red Horse feed. In Armod's house they burned Risesa's dower, And killed her black bull Tor, and broke her wheel, And loosed her hair, as for the marriage-feast With cries more loud than mourning for the dead. Across the fields, from Armod's dwelling-place, We heard Bisesa weeping where she passed To seek the Unlighted Shrine; the Red Horse neighed And followed her, and on the river-mint His hooves struck dead and heavy in our ears. Out of the mists of evening, as the star Of Ao-Safai climbs through the black snow-blur To show the Pass is clear, Bisesa stepped Upon the great grey slope of mortised stone. The Causeway of Taman. The Red Horse neighed Behind her to the Unlighted Shrine — then fled North to the Mountain where his stable lies. THE SACRIFICi: OF Kk-IIEH They know who dared the anger of Taman, And watehed that night above the clinging mists, Far up the hill, JJiscsa's passing in. 86 She set her hand upon the carven door. Fouled by a myriad bats, and black with time, Whereon is graved the (llory of 'I'aman In letters older than the Ao-Safai ; And twice she turned aside and twice she wept, Cast down upon the threshold, clamouring For him she loved — the Man of Sixty Spears, And for her father, — and the black bull Tor Hers and her pride. Yea, twice she turned away Before the awful darkness of the door, And the great horror of the Wall of Man Where Man is made the plaything of 'I'mian, An Eyeless Face that waits above and laughs. I But the third time she cried and put her palms Against the hewn stone leaves, and ])raye(l Taman To spare Er-Heb and take her life for price. m They know who watched, the doors were rent apart And closed upon Bisesa, and the rain !-■ W THE SACRIFICE OF ER HEB Broke like a flood across the Valley, washed The mist away; but louder than the rain The thunder of 'i'aman filled men with fear. Some say that from the Unlighted Shrine she cried l''or succour, very pitifully, thrice, And others that she sang and had no fear. And some that there was neither song nor cry, But only thunder and the lashing rain. .j^ Howbeit, in the morning, men rose up, Perplexed with horror, crowding to the Shrine, And when Kr-Heb was gathered at the doors The Priests made lamentation and i)assed in To a strange Temple and a God they feared But knew not. From the crevices the grass Had thrust the altar-slabs apart, the walls Were grey with stains unclean, the roof-beams swelled With many-coloured growth of rottenness, And lichen veiled the Image of Taman In leprosy. The Basin of the Blond Tin: SACKiriCK OF LR-UEU Above the altar held the morning sun A wmking ruby on its heart; below, Face hid in hands, the maid JJisesa lay. T^r./M heyofui the Ililh of Ao-Safai n<ijrs witness to the truth, and Ao-Safai Hath to/,/ t/te men of Gond'/i. Tliemc t/ie ta/e Comes weshvardo'er t/ie pea/is to Jndia. 87 I I THE DOVE OF DACCA The freed dove flew to the Rajah's tower — Fled from the slaughter of Moslem kings — And the thorns have covered the city of Gaur. Dove — dove — oh, homing dove ! IJttle white traitor, with woe on thy wings ! The Rajah of Dacca rode under the wall ; He set in his bosom a dove of flight — " If she return, be sure that I fall." Dove — dove — ohj homing dove ! Pressed to his heart in the thick of the fight. " Fire the palace, the fort, and the keep — Leave to the foeman no spoil at all. In the flame of the palace lie down and sleep If the dove, if the dove — if the homing dove Come and alone to the palace wall." The Kings of the North they were scattered abroad- The Rajah of Dacca he slew them all. Hot from slaughter he stooped at the ford. And thtt dove — the dove — oh, the homing dove ! She thought of her cote on the palace wall. oo Copyright, 1893, by Macmillan & Co. THE DOVE OF DACCA She opened her wings and slie flew away- Fluttered away beyond recall ; She came to the palace at break of day. Dove— dove— oh, homing dove ! Flying so fast for a kingdom's fall. The Queens of Dacca they slept in flame- Slept in the flame of the palace old— To save their honour from Moslem shame. And the dove-the dove-oh, the homing dove ! She cooed to her young where the smoke-cloud rolled. The Rajah of Dacca rode far and fleet, Followed as fast as a horse could fly, He came and the palace was black at his feet ; And the dove— the dove— the homing dove, Circled alone in the stainless sky. So the dove flew to the Rajah's tower— Fled from the slaughter of Moslem kings ; So the thorns covered the city of Gaur, And Dacca was lost for a white dove's wings. Dove— dove— oh, homing dove, Dacca is lost from the roll of the kings ! 89 THE EXPLANATION Love and Death once ceased their strife At the Tavern of Man's Life. Called for wine, and threw — alas ! — Each his quiver on the grass. When the bout was o'er they found Mingled arrows strewed the ground. Hastily they gathered then Each the loves and lives of men. Ah, the fateful dawn deceived ! Mingled arrows each one sheaved; Death's dread armoury was stored With the shafts he most abhorred; Love's light quiver groaned beneath Venom-headed darts of Death. Thus it was they wrought our woe At the Tavern long ago. Tell me, do our masters know, Loosing blindly as they fly, Old men love while yoimg men die ? 90 AN ANSWER A Rose, in tatters on the garden path, Cried out to God t*nd murmured 'gainst His wrath, Because a sudden wind at twilight's hush Had snapped her stem alone of all the bush. And God, who hears both sun-dried dust and sun. Made answer whispering to that luckless one, " Sister, in that thou sayest We did not well — What voices heardst thou when thy petals fell? " And the Rose answered, " In that evil hour A voice said, * Father, wherefore falls the flower ? For lo, the very gossamers are still.' And a voice answered, * Son, by Allah's will ! ' " Then softly as a rain-mist on the sward. Came to the Rose the Answer of the Lord : " Sister, before We smote the dark in twain. Ere yet the stars saw one another plain, Time, tide, and space, We bound unto the task That thou shouldst fall, and such an one should ask." Whereat the withered flower, all content, Died as they die whose days are innocent ; While he who questioned why the flower fell Caught hold of God and saved his soul from Hell. Copyright, 1893, by Macmillan & Co. i J M ,.,*" THE GIFT OF TUK SEA The dead child lay in the shroud, And the widow watched beside; And her mother slept, and the Channel swept The gale in the teeth of the tide. But the mother laughed at all. * I have lost my man in the sea, And the child is dead. Be still,' she said, 'What more can ye do to me? ' The widow watched the dead, And the candle guttered low. And she tried to sing the Passing Song That bids the poor soul go. And *Mary take you now,' she sang, 'That lay against my heart.' And 'Mary smooth your crib to-night,' But she could not say 'Depart.' 92 THE GIFT OF THE SEA Then came a cry from the sea, liut the sea-rime blinded the glass, And 'Heard ye nothing, mother?' she said, "Tis the child that waits to pass.' 98 And the nodding mother sighed. " Tis a lambing ewe in the whin, *For why should the christened soul cry out, *That never knew of sin? ' *0 feet I have held in my hand,, *C) hands at my heart to catch, *How should they know the road to go, *And how should they lift the latch?* They laid a sheet to the door, With the little quilt atop. That it might not hurt from the cold or the dirt. But the crying would not stop. The widow lifted the latch And strained her eyes to see, And opened the door on the bitter shore To let the soul go free. ■rtsi I '^^ u 94 THE GIFT OF THE SEA There was neither glimmer nor ghost, There was neither spirit nor spark, And 'Heard ye nothing, mother? ' she said, "Tis crying for me in the dark.' .j¥ And the nodding mother sighed, *'Tis sorrow makes ye dull; *llave ye yet to learn the cry of the tern, 'Or the wail of the wind-blown gull? ' *Thc terns are blown inland, 'The grey gull follows the plough. "Twas never a bird, the voice 1 heard, *0 mother, I hear it now! ' 'Lie still, dear lamb, lie still; *The child is passed from harm, "Tis the ache in your breast that broke your rest, 'And the feel of an empty arm.* She put her mother aside, 'In Mary's name let be! *For the peace of my soul I must go,* she said. And she went to the calling sea. THE GIFT OF THE SEA 05 In the heel of the wind-bit pier, Where the twisted weed was piled, She came to the life she had missed by an hour, For she came to a little child. She laid it into her breast, And back to her mother she came, But it would not feed and it would not heed, Though she gave it her own child's name. And the dead child dripped on her breast, And her own in the shroud lay stark; And *God forgive us, mother,' she said, *Wc let it die in the dark!' J EVARRA AND HIS GODS „*1 Read here, This is the story of Evarra — man — Maker of Gods in lands beyond the sea. Because the city gave him of her gold, Because the caravans brought turquoises, Because his life was sheltered by the King, So that no man should maim him, none should steal, Or break his rest with babble in the streets When he was weary after toil, he made An image of his God in gold and pearl. With turquoise diadem and human eyes, A wonder in the sunshine, known afar And worshipped by the King; but, drunk with pride. Because the city bowed to him for God, He wrote above the shrine : ' Thus Gods arc made, * And whoso makes them othenuise shall die. ^ And all the city praised him. . . . Then he died. 06 EVARRA AND HIS GODS 07 should Read here the story of Evarra — man — Maker of Gods in lands beyond the sea. Because the city had no wealth to give, Because the caravans were spoiled afar, Because his life was threatened by the King, So that all men despised him in the streets, He hewed the living rock, with sweat and tears. And reared a God against the morning-gold, A terror in the sunshine, seen afar. And worshipped by the King; but, drunk with pride, Because the city fawned to bring him back. He carved upon the plinth: ^llius Gods are made^ ^ And whoso makes them otherwise shall die. ^ And all the people praised him. . . . Then he died. r-'i k with Read here the story of Evarra — man — Maker of Gods in lands beyond the sea. Because he lived among a simple folk. Because his village was between the hills. Because he smeared his ch«eks with blood of ewes, He cut an idol from a fallen pine. Smeared blood upon its cheeks, and wedged a shell u Hi' 98 EVARRA AND HIS GODS Above its brows for eyes, and gave it hair Of trailing moss, and plaited straw for crown. And all the village praised him for this craft, And brought him butter, honey, milk, and curds. Wherefore, because the shoutings drove him mad. He scratched upon that log : * Thus Gods are made, *And 7vhoso makes them otherwise shall die.^ And all the people praised him. . . . Then he died. -r Read here the story of Evarra — man — Maker of Gods in lands beyond the sea. Because his God decreed one clot of blood Should swerve one hair's-breadth from the pulse's path, And chafe his brain, Evarra mowed alone. Rag-wrapped, among the cattle in the fields, Counting his fingers, jesting with the trees, And mocking at the mist, until his God Drove him to labour. Out of dung and horns Dropped in the mire he made a monstrous God, Abhorrent, shapeless, crowned with plaintain tufts. And when the cattle lowed at twilight time, He dreamed it was the clamour of lost crowds, i Sa EVARRA AND HIS GODS 99 And howled among tlic beasts : * Thus Gods are madey *And ivhoso makes them of he noise shall die. ^ Thereat the cattle bellowed. . . . Then he died. Yet at the last he came to Paradise, And found his own four (iods, and that he wrote; And marvelled, being very near to (lod, What oaf on earth had made his toil (lod's law. Till God said mocking: 'Mock not. These be thine.' Then cried Kvarra: *I have sinned! ' — 'Not so. 'If thou hadst written otherwise, thy (iods 'Had rested in the mountain and the mine, 'And I were poorer by four wondrous Gods, 'And thy more wondrous law, Evarra. Thine, 'Servant of shouting crowds and lowing kine.' li Thereat, with laughing mouth, but tear-wet eyes, Evarra cast his Gods from Paradise. This is the story of Evarra — man — Maker of Gods in lands beyond the sea. THK CONUNDRUM OF THE WORKSHOPS .11 Whkn the flush of a new born sun fell first on Eden's green and gold, Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mould; And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart, Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves, 'It's pretty, but is it Art ? ' Wherefore he called to his wife, and fled to fashion his work anew — The first of his race who cared a fig for the first, most dread review; And he left his lore to the use of his sons — and that was a glorious gain When the Devil chuckled 'Is it Art?* in the ear of the branded Cain. 100 THE CONUNUKUM 101 They builded a tower to shiver the sky and wrench the stars apart, Till the Devil grunted behind the bricks: 'It's striking, but is it Art? ' The stone was dropped at the quarry-side and the idle derrick swung, While each man talked of the aims of Art, and each in an alien tongue. They fought and they talked in the North and the South, they talked and they fought in the West, Till the waters rose on the pitiful land, and the poor Red Clay had rest — Had rest till the dank, blank-canvas dawn when the dove was preened to start. And the Devil bubbled below the keel: 'It's human, but is it Art? ' The tale is as old as the Eden Tree — and new as the new-cut tooth — For each man knows ere his lip- thatch grows he is master of Art and Truth; I if •'^1 102 THE CONUNDRUM OF And each man hears as the twilight nears, to the beat of his dying heart, The i)evil drum on the darkened pane: 'You did it, but was it Art? ' We have learned to whittle the Eden Tree to the shape of a surplice-peg. We have learned to bottle our parents twain in the yelk of an addled egg. We know that the tail must wag the dog, for the horse is drawn by the cart ; But the Devil whoops, as he whooped of old: 'It's clever, but is it Art?' When the flicker of London sun falls faint on the Club-room's green and gold. The sons of Adam sit them down and scratch with their pens in the mould — They scratch with their pens in the mould of their graves, and the ink and the anguish start. For the Devil mutters behind the leaves: 'It's pretty, but is it Art ? ' THE WORKSHOPS 10^ Now, if we could win to the Eden Tree where the Four Great Rivers flow, And the Wreath of Eve is red on the turf as she left it long ago, And if we could come when the sentry slept and softly scurry through, By the favour of God we might know as much^ as our father Adam knew. m IN THE NEOLITHIC AGE In the Neolithic Age savage warfare did I wage For food and fame and two-toed horses' pelt ; I was singer to my clan in that dim, red Dawn of Man, And I sang of all we fought and feared and felt. 11 Yea, I sang as now I sing, when the Prehistoric spring Made the piled Biscayan ice-pack split and shove. And the troll and gnome and dwerg, and the Gods of Cliff and Berg W»re about me and beneath me and above. But a rival of Solutr6 told the tribe my style was outre — By a hammer, grooved of dolomite, he fell. And I left my views on Art, barbed and tanged, be- neath the heart Of a mammothistic etcher at Crenelle. Thei\ I stripped them, scalp from skull, and my hunt- ing dogs fed full. And their teeth I threaded neatly on a thcng ; 104 Copyright, 1893, by Macmillan & Co. IN THE NEOLITHIC AGE 105 And I wiped my mouth and said, " It is well that they are dead, For I know my work is right and theirs was wrong." But my Totem saw the shame; from his ridgepole shrine he came, And he told me in a vision of the night • — "There are nine and sixty ways of constructing tribal lays, And every single one of them is right ! " Th.n the silence closed upon me till They put new clothing on me Of whiter, weaker flesh and bone more frail • And I stepped beneath Time's finger once Igain a tribal singer And a minor poet certified by Tr— 1. still they skirmish to and fro, men my messmates on the snow. When we headed off the aurochs turn for turn • When the rich Allob.ogenses never kept amanuenses And our only plots were piled in lakes at Berne. I I * V i '-!kl!H 106 IN THE NEOLITHIC AGE Stiii a cultured Christian age sees us scuffle, squeak, and rage, Still we pinch and slap and jabber — scratch and dirk; Still we let our business slide — as we dropped the half- dressed hide — To show a fellow-savage how to work. Still the world is wondrous large, — seven seas from marge to marge, — And it holds a vast of various kinds of man ; And the wildest dreams of Kew arc the facts of Khat- mandhu And the crimes of Clapham chaste in Martaban. Here's my wisdom for your use, as I learned it when the moose And the reindeer roared where Paris roars to-night : There are nine and sixty ways of constructing tribal lays. And — every — single — one — of— them— is — right. THE LEGEND OF EVIL This is the sorrowful story Told when the twilight fails And the monkeys walk together Holding each other's tails. 'Our fathers lived in the forest, 'Foolish people were they, 'They went down to the coriiland 'To teach the farmers to play. 'Our fathers frisked in the millet, 'Our fathers skipped in the wheat, •Our fathers hung from the branches' 'Our fathers danced in the street. ' 'Then came the terrible farmers, 'Nothing of play they knew, 'Only . . . they caught our fathers 'And set them to labour too! Copyright. 1892, by Macmillnn & Co. jq^ -f ! "iii 108 THE LEGEND CF EVIL 'Set them to work in the cornland *With ploughs and sickles and flails, *Put them in mud-walled prisons *And — cut off their beautiful tails! *Now, we can watch our fathers, 'Sullen and bowed and old, 'Stooping over the millet, 'Sharing the silly mould. 'Driving a foolish furrow, 'Mending a muddy yoke, 'Sleeping in mud-walled prisons, 'Steeping their food in smoke. 'We may not speak to our fathers, 'For if the farmers knew 'They would come up to the forest 'And set us to labour too!* This is the horrible story Told as the twilight fails And the monkeys walk together Holding each other's tails. THE LEGEND OF EVIL 109 II 'TwAs when the rain fell steady an' the Ark was pitched an' ready, That Noah got his orders for to take the bastes belo w; He dragged them all together by the horn an' hide an' feather, An' all excipt the Donkey was agreeable to go. Thin Noah spoke him fairly, thin talked to him sevarely, An' thin he cursed him squarely to the glory av the Lord; 'Divil take the ass that bred you, and the greater ass that fed you — Divil gowid you, ye spalpeen!' an' the Donkey went aboard. (" if' But the wind was always failin', an' 'twas most onaisy sailin'. An' the ladies in the cabin couldn't stand the stable air; i, ! r r: 1;- 110 THE LEGEND OF EVIL An* the bastes betwuxt the hatches, they tuk an' died in batches, Till Noah said: 'There's wan av us that hasn't paid his fare ! ' For he heard a flusteration wid the bastes av all creation- - The trumpetin' av elephints an' bellowin' av whales; An' he saw forninst the windy whin he wint to stop the shindy The Divil wid a stable-fork bedivillin' their tails. The Divil cursed outrageous, but Noah said um- brageous : *To what am I indebted for this tenant-right invasion ? ' An' the Divil gave for answer: 'Evict me if you can, sir, 'For I came in wid the Donkey — on Your Honour's invitation.' THE ENGLISH FLAG Atcv. //„ porluo a flagstaff, l„an,,,r ,/„ ^„,^„ y r..a.nc,fl....rt,.,,, „.//«.«/- L. ,„., ij I -''''^""-''<osees<,.uflcaucei„t,.n,cU,cn,-^^^^^^ W-m,s of the World, give answer? They are whim])ering to and fro— And what should they know of England who only England know?— ^ The poor little street-bred people that vapour and lume and brag, They are lifting their heads in the stillness to yelp at the English Flag! Must we borrow a clout from the Boer-to plaster anew with dirt? An Irish liar's bandage, or an English coward's shirt? We r^ay not speak of England; her Flag's to sell or share. What is the Flag of England? Winds of the World, declare! Ill li :fl^. I ■ •■ 'I 112 THE ENGLISH FLAG The North Wind blew: — 'From Bergen my steel- shod van-guards go; 'I chase your lazy whalers home from the Disko floe; 'By the great North Lights above me I work the will of God, 'That the liner splits on the ice-field or the Dogger fills with cod. 'I barred my gates with iron, I shuttered my doors with flame, 'Because to force my ramparts your nutshell navies came ; *I took the sun from their presence, I cut them down with my blast, 'And they died, but the Flag of England blew free ere the spirit passed. *The lean white bear hath seen it in the long, long Arctic night, 'The musk-ox knows the standard that flouts the Northern Light: 'What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my bergs to dare, 'Ye have but my drifts to conquer. Go forth, for it is there ! ' THE ENGLISH FLAG 113 steel- Disko i.rk the Dogger The South Wind sighed: — 'From The Virgins my mid-sea course was ta'en 'Over a thousand islands lost in an idle main, 'Where the sea-egg flames on the coral and the long-backed breakers croon *Thcir endless ocean legends to the lazy, locked lagoon. ;l'i f doors navies it them e\v free 'Strayed amid lonely islets, mazed amid outer keys, *I waked the palms to laughter — I tossed the scud in the breeze — * Never was isle so little, never was sea so lone, *But over the scud and the palm-trees an English flag was flown. ig, long uts the ut my , for it *I have wrenched it free from the halliard to hang for a wisp on the Horn; *I have chased it north to the Lizard — ribboned and rolled and torn; *I have spread its fold o'er the dying, adrift in a hopeless sea; *I have hurled it swift on the slaver, and seen the slave set free. H 114 THE ENGLISH FLAG *My basking sunfish know it, and wheeling albatross, 'Where the lone wave fills with fire beneath the Southern Cross. 'What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my reefs to dare, 'Ye have but my seas to furrow, (io forth, for it is there ! ' The East W^ind roared: — 'From the Kuriles, the Hitter Seas, I come, 'And mc men call the Home-Wind, for I bring the English home. 'Look — look well to your shipping! By the breath of my mad typhoon 'I swept your close-packed Praya and beached your best at Kowloon ! 'The reeling junks behind me and the racing seas before, 'I raped your richest roadstead — I plundered Singa- pore! ' I set my hand on the Hoogli ; as a hooded snake she rose, 'And I flung your stoutest steamers to roost with the startled crows. THE ENCUSII FLAG 115 kitross, ilh the uut my or it is Ics, the )ring the ic breath thed your 'Never the lotos closes, never the wiUl-fowl wake, 'liut a soul goes out on the Mast Wind that died for lOngland's sake — *Man or woman or suckling, mother or bride or maid — 'Uecause on the bones of the English the English Flag is stayed. *The desert dust hath dimmed it, the llying wild-ass knows *The scared white leopard winds it across the taint- less snows. *\Vhat is the Flag of England? Ye have but my sun to dare, *Ye have but my sands to travel. Go forth, for it is there ! ' cing seas :d Singa- ed snake ,ost with The West Wind called: — * In squadrons the thought- less galleons fly *That bear the wheat and cattle lest street-bred people die. *They make my might their porter, they make my house their path, *Till I loose my neck from their rudder and whelm them all in my wrath. 116 THE ENGLISH FLAC} 'I draw the gliding fog-bank as a snake is drawn from the hole; 'They bellow one to the other, the frighted ship- bells toll, *For day is a drifting terror till I raise the shroud with my breath, 'And they see strange bows above them and the two go locked to death. *But whether in calm or wrack- wreath, whether by dark or day, *I heave them whole to the conger or rip their plates away, 'First of the scattered legions, under a shrieking sky, 'Dipping between the rollers, the English Flag goes by. 'I' 'The dead dumb fog hath wrapped it — the frozen dews have kissed — 'The naked stars have seen it, a fellow-star in the mist. *What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my breath to dare, *Ye have but my waves to conquer. Go forth, for it is there ! ' is drawn ted ship- le shroud and the lether by rip their ;king sky, Flag goes le frozen ar in the ; but my rth, for it (in memory of a 'CLEARED ' commission) Help for a ^^^^^ patnot distressed, a spotless spirit Help^for an honourable clan sore trampled in the From Queenstown Bay to Donegal, O Ii...„ .o my song, y The honourable gentlemen have wrong. isten to suffered grievous By a brutal Saxon paner in nn t • u . P'lper in an Irish shooting- case; They sat upon it fo. a year, then steeled their heart to brave it, And 'coruscating innocence ' the learned Judges gave It. 117 m I ■■ , ■ « ;r».; i-* fc-'l^ ,'i ! 118 'CLEARED* Bear witness, Heaven, of that grim crime beneath the surgeon's knife. The honourable gentleman deplored the loss of life; Bear witness of those chanting choirs that burk and shirk and snigger, No man laid hand upon the knife or finger to the trigger! ^ il )i^ Cleared in the face of all mankind beneath the winking skies. Like phoenixes from Phoenix Park (and what lay there) they rise ! Go shout it to the emerald seas — give word to Erin now. Her honourable gentlemen are cleared — and this is how : — They only paid the Moonlighter his cattle-hocking price. They only helped the murderer with council's best advice, i ti •CLEARED' beneath loss of jrk and to the ath the hat lay to Erin id this locking I's best But-sure it keeps their honour white- Court believes 119 the learned They never gave a piece o, plate to murderers and thieves. They never told the ramping crowd to card a woman's hide, They never marked a man for death-what fault of theirs he died?— "^"'Uyi"" ''"'"""^="«'' -d tallced and went By God, the boys that did the work were braver men than they I Their sin it was that fed the fire-small blame to them that heard— The 'bhoys • get drunk on rhetoric, and madden at the word — They knew whom they were talking at, if thev v/ere Irish too, The gentlemen that lied in Court, they knew and well they knew. :fi if! 4 It t" f 1 i 120 'CLEARED They only took the Judas-gold from Fenians out of jail, They only fawned for dollars on the blood-dyed Clan-na-Gael. If black is black or white is white, in black and white it's down, They're only traitors to the Queen and rebels to the Crown. II I 'Cleared,' honourable gentlemen. Be thankful it's no more: The widow's curse is on your house, the dead are at your door. On you the shame of open shame, on you from North to South The hand of every honest man flat-heeled across your mouth. 'Less black than we were painted'? — Faith, no word of black was said; The lightest touch was human blood, and that, ye know, runs red. :'| t. 'CLEARED s out of >od-dyed ack and ebels to 121 kful it's lead are 3u from I across ith, no that, ye Ana^,.e^j^^a.e..en-wei,.ed.o.,ou cannot Hold up those hands of innor^nr. sheep together, ■""°'=^"'^<=-g°. -»- your The blundering, tripping tups that bleat behind the old bell-wether; And if they s„u« the taint and break to find another pen, ^ Tell then, it's tar that glistens so, and daub then, yours again! •The charge is old '?-As old as Cain-as fresh as yesterday; ^' Old as the Ten Commandments, have ye talked those laws away? If words are words, or death is death, or powder sends the ball, P^wuer You spoke the words that sped the shot^the curse be on you all. J lir ^ 4 • ^ '1 ' 'J ai *l 122 CLEARED 'Our friends believe*? Of course they do — as sheltered women may; But have they seen the shrieking soul ripped from the quivering clay? They! — If their own front door is shut, they'll swear the whole world's warm; What do they know of dread of death or hanging fear of harm ? 111 The secret half a county keeps, the whisper in the lane, The shriek that tells the shot went home behind the broken pane, The dry blood crisping in the sun that scares the honest bees, And shows the 'bhoys ' have heard your talk — what do they know of these ? V I But you — you know — ay, ten times more; the secrets of the dead. Black terror on the country-side by word and whisper bred, :! 1 do — as ed from they'll hanging in the behind res the : — what e; the d and 'CLEAKKD- i2g The mangled stallion's scream at night, the tail- cropped heifer's low. Who set the whisper going first? You kno., and well you know! My soul! I'd soonerlie in iail for murder plain and straight, Pure crime I'd done with my own hand for money lust, or hate, ^' Than take a seat in Parli: cheered, While one of those 'not provens • proved me cleared as you are cleared. lament by fellow-felons Cleared-you that Most ' the League accounts-go guard our honour still, Go. help to make our country's laws that broke Ood's law at will One hand stuck out behind the back, to signal 'strike again ' ; * The other on heart is clane your dress-shirt-front to show your ■smk. P-'i 124 CLEARED ' If black is black or white is white, in black and white it's down, You're only traitors to the Queen and rebels to the Crown. If print is print or words are words, the learned Court perpends : We are not ruled by murderers, but only — by their friends. AN IMPERIAL RKSCRIIT Now th. is the ta,e ol .he Counci, the Ge™.„ Kaiser decreed, '^'crman To ease the strong Of their burden, to help the weak in theirneed ^ ^^ The Lords of Their Ro^^ Hastandthetst:;^:^''^''^'^^-'''^ Baltimore. Line, and Essen, Brun>n>a,e„,,a,de, and And some were black fro™ the furnace, and some were brown from the soil ^ And some were blue from the dye-vaf but ,,l wearied of toil. ' "' "" ""^^ 125 1. i« ^ '•I I i i ) I 126 AN IMPERIAL RESCRIPT And the young King said *I have found it, the road to the rest ye seek 'The strong shall wait for the weary, the hale shall halt for the weak; 'With the even tramp of an army where no man breaks from the line, *Ye shall march to peace and plenty in the bond of brotherhood — sign ! ' ' ,1 I i The paper lay on the table, the strong heads bowed thereby, And a wail went up from the peoples: *Ay, sign — give rest, for we die ! ' A hand was stretched to the goose-quill, a fist was cramped to scrawl. When — the laugh of a blue-eyed maiden ran clear through the council-hall. And each one heard Her laughing as each one saw Her plain — Saidie, Mimi, or Olga, Gretchen, or Mary Jane. And the Spirit of Man that is in Him to the light of the vision woke; And the men drew back from the paper, as a Yankee delegate spoke : — 1 1 1 1 AN IMPERIAL RESCRIPT 127 t, the e shall o man jond ot 'There's a girl in Jersey City who works on the telephone; 'We're going to hitch our horses anel dig for a house of our own, *With gas and water connections, and stcam-lieat through to the top; *And,W. Hohenzollern,I guess I shall work till 1 drop.' ; bowed , sign— , fist was an clear one saw ine. he light ;r, as a And an English delegate thundered: 'The weak an' the lame be bio wed ! 'I've a berth in the Sou '-West workshops, a home in the Wandsworth Road; 'And till the 'sociation has footed my buryin' bill, * I work for the kids an' the missus. Pull up! Til be damned if I will ! ' And over the German benches the bearded whisper ran : — * Lager, der girls und der dollars, dey makes or dey breaks a man. 'If Schmitt haf collared der dollars, he collars der girl deremit; *But if Schmitt bust in der pizness, we collars der girl from Schmitt.' } '■t'v 128 AN IMPERIAL RESCRIPT They iiassed one resolution: 'Your su1)-rommittcc believe 'You e;in lighten the curse of Adam when you've lightened the curse of live, 'liut till we are built like angels — with hainnier and chisel and pen, *Wc will work for ourself and a woman, for ever and ever. Amen.' Now this is the tale of the Council the German Kaiser held — The day that they razored the Grindstone, the day that the Cat was belled, The day of the Figs from Thistles, the day of the Twisted Sands, The day that the laugh of a maiden made light of the Lords of Their Hands. ommittec n you've inuT and ever and German 3nc, the y of the light of 1 hini ^nd carried him roar A ^I'irit gri,,pcd him by the Imir r far away, Till he heard as the roar of a rain-fod ford th of the Milky Way "''- 'SM ,,p, .O.J „p ^,^ ,|,^^| loud and high 'The good that ye did for ye came to die— 'The good that yo did for the sake of > iind answer the sake of men or ever earth so lone nien in little 129 III I'' 130 TOM LIN SON And the naked soul of Tomlinson grew white as a rain-washed bone. *0, I have a friend on earth,' he said, 'that was my priest and guide, 'And well would he answer all for me if he were by my side.' — 'For that ye strove in neighbour-love ii shall be written fair, 'But now ye wait at Heaven's Gate and not in Berkeloj' Square : 'Though we called your friend from his bed this night, lie could not speak for you, 'For the race is run by one and one and never by two and two. ' Then Tomlinson looked up and down, and little gain was there. For the naked stars grinned overhead, and he saw that his soul was bare : The Wind that blows between the worlds, it cut him like a knife. And Tomlinson took up his tale and spoke of his good in life. 'This I have read in a book,' he said, 'and that was told to me, TOMLINSON 'And this I have thoih-ht <haf n. .u l^e good souls flocked lit. u • And Peter twilled th • and wrnth. ""'""^ ""^^^ '" --.rine. 'Ve have read, ye have heard, ye have ,h . -'^.'-dthe.a.eisyet'JLr^'''^"^'''''''^ wnat ha ye done?' ilen Tomlinson looked back and f .^ good it bore, '""'' '"'d little For the Darkness stayed at h,= u ,, Heaven's Gate before ^'■°'"'^"-'"^de and "c:r:„trr::;.'^^-----eo,a --e.. little rot ;:z::rr;ri- prate ! ^ ^" idleness to *0h, none may reach bv hirer! cr. ^ priest, and kin, ''"'' ^^^^^^ °^ neighbour, ■>n m < i r 132 TOMLINSON If 'I!' ^8; lir ;i: ! 'Through borrowed deed to God's good meed that lies so fair within; *Get hence, get hence to the Lord of Wrong, for doom has yet to run, 'And . . . the faith that ye share with Berkeley Square uphold you, Tomlinson ! ' The Spirit gr'pped him by the hair, and sun by sun they fell Till they came to the belt of Naughty Stars that rim the mouth of Hell : The first are red with pride and wrath, the next are white with pain. But th.:: third are black with clinkered '''n that cannot burn again : They may hold their path, they may leave their path, with never a soul to mark. They may burn or freeze, but they must not cease in the Scorn of the Outer Dark. The Wind that bloWs between the worlds, it nipped him to the bone, And he yearned to the flare of Hell-gate there as the light of his own hearth-stone. TOMLINSON 133 The Devil he sat behind the bars, „.here then legions drew ^ desperate ""pi'"/:':"""""*-*-"-. 'That ye rank yoursel> so fit for H„ii . leave of me? "' '"' ^ell and ask no 'I am all o'er-sib to Adam's breed th.^ ,. give me scorn, ^^ ^*= *°«W •For I strove with God for your First F.,1, u that he was born. """' *^ ''=•>' 'Sit down, sit down upon the ' , ^ and high "■"*' ""'^ ''"^'^er loud 'The harm that ye did to the Sons Of Men ore you came to die.' ^''^'' And Tomlinson looked up and „„ . the night P' ""'* ^^'^ ^'gainst The belly of a tortured star hl„ ^ . Mouth light- "''"'''^ '" "«"- h ** '..• 1 IS- 134 TOMLINSON Vj 'Oh, 1 had a love on earth,' said he, 'that kissed me to my fall, 'And if ye would call my love to me I know she would answer all. ' — 'All that ye did in love forbid it shall be written fair, 'But now ye wait at Hell-Mouth Gate and not in Berkeley Square : 'Though we whistled your love from her bed to-night, I trow she would not run, 'For the sin ye do by two and two ye must pay for one by one ! ' The Wind that blows between the worlds, it cut him like a knife. And Tomlinson took up the tale and spoke of his sin in life: 'Once I ha' laughed at the power of Love and twice at the grip of the Grave, 'And thrice I ha' patted my God on the head that men might call me brave.' The Devil he blew on a brandered soul and set it aside to cool : 'Do ye think I would waste my good pit-coal on the hide of a brain-sick fool? i TOMLINSON 135 tissed w she »vritten not in 3-night, pay for cut him e of his nd twice lead that id set it al on the *I see no worth in the hobnailed mirth or the jolt- head jest ye did *That I should waken my gentlemen that are sleep- ing three on a grid.' Then Tomlinson looked back and forth, and there was little grace, For Hell-Gate filled the houseless Soul with the Fear of Naked Space. *Nay, this I ha' heard,' quo' Tomlinson, 'and this was noised abroad, *And this I ha' got from a Belgian book on the word of a dead French lord. * — *Ye ha' heard, ye ha' read, ye ha' got, good lack! And the tale begins afresh — 'Have ye sinned one sin for the pride o' the eye or the sinful lust of the flesh? ' Then Tomlinson he gripped the bars and yammered 'Let me in — 'For I mind that I borrowed my neighbour's wife to sin the deadly sin.' The Devil he grinned behind the bars, and banked the fires high : 'Did ye read of that sin in a book?' said he; and Tomlinson said 'Ay! ' i .rJ'- 136 TOMLINSON H The Devil he blew upon his nails, and the little devils ran; And he said, *Go husk this whimpering thief that comes in the guise of a man : * Winnow him out 'twixt star and star, and sieve his proper worth : 'There's sore decline in Adam's line if this be spawn of earth.* Empusa's crew, so naked-new they may not face the fire. But weep that they bin too small to sin to the height of their desire. Over the coal they chased the Soul, and racked it all abroad. As children rifle a caddis-case or the raven's foolish hoard. And back they came with the tattered Thing, as children after play. And they said: 'The soul that he got from God he has bartered clean away. 'We have threshed a stook of print and book, and winnowed a chattering wind *And many a soul wherefrom he stole, but his we cannot find : TOMLINSON ijj7 •We have handled him, we have dandled him, we have sean^d him to the bone, •And sure if tooth and nail show truth he has no soul Of his own.' The Devil he bowed his head on his breast and rumbled deep and low ;— •I'm all o'er-sib to Adam's breed that I shouM bid nim go. •Vet close we lie, and deep we lie. and if I gave him place, •My gentlemen that are so proud would flout me to my face; •They'd call my house a common stews and me a careless host, •And-I would not anger my gentlemen for the sake of a shiftless ghost.' The Devil he looked at the mangled Soul that prayed to feel the flame. And he thought of Holy Charity, but he thought of nis own good name : •Now ye could haste my coal to waste, and sit ye down to fry: 'Did ye think of that theft for yourself?' said he- and Tomlinson said ' Ay ! ' ' in ki 138 TOMLINSON !"E i '"%• The Devil he blew an outward breath, for his heart was free from care : *Ye have scarce the soul of a louse,' he said, *but the roots of sin are there, *And for that sin should ye come in were I the lord alone. 'But sinful pride has rule inside — and mightier than my own. 'Honour and Wit, fore-damned they sit, to each his priest and whore : *Nay, scarce I dare myself go there, and you they'd torture sore. *Ye are r either spirit nor spirk,' he said; 'ye are neither book nor brute — *Go, get y2 back to the flesh again for the sake of Man's repute. 'I'm all o'er-sib to Adam's breed that I should mock your pain, 'But look that ye win to worthier sin ere ye come back again. 'Get hence, the hearse is at your door — the grim black stallions wait — 'They bear your clay to place to-day. Speed, lest ye come too late ! TOMLINSON ,39 •Go back to Karth with a lip unsealed-go back With an open eye, 'And carry my word to tlie Sons of Men or ever ve come to die: ^ •That the sin they do by two and two they must pay for one by one— ^ 'And . . the God that you took from a printed book be with you, Tomlinson!' II «!» ■ I I! H. h- ii BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS -f # To T. A. J have made for you a songy And it may be right or lurong^ But only you can tell me if its true; I have tried for to explain Both your pleasure and your pain, And, lyiomas, here's my best respects to you I Oh, there'll surely come a day When they II grant you all your pay. And treat you as a Christian ought to do • So, until that day comes jvund. Heaven keep you safe and sound, And, Thomas, here's my best respects to you. *( R. K. ■■ i" DANNY DEEVER N 'VViMT are the bugles blowin' for?' said Files-on- Parade. 'To turn you out, to turn you out,' the Colour- Sergeant said. 'What makes you look so white, so white?' said Files-on- Parade. ' I'm dreadin' what I've got to watch,' the Colour- Sergeant said. For they're hangin' Danny Deever, you can hear the Dead March play, The regiment's in 'oUow square - they're hangin' him to-day; They've taken of his buttons off an' cut his stripes away. An' they're hangin' Danny Deever in the mornin'. 143 144 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS *What makes the rear-rank breathe so 'arcl?' said Files-on-Parade. 'It's bitter cold, it's bitter cold,' the Colour- Sergeant said. *What makes that front-rank man fall down?' says Files-on- Parade. * A touch o' sun, a touch o' sun,' the Colour-Sergeant said. They are hangin' Danny Deever, they are marchin' of 'im round. They 'ave 'alted Danny Deever by 'is coffin on the ground ; An' 'e'll swing in 'arf a minute for a sneakin' shootin' hound — O they're hangin' Danny Deever in the mornin' ! ' 'Is cot was right- 'and cot to mine,' said Files-on- Parade. * 'E's sleepin' out an' far to-night,' the Colour- Sergeant said. ' I've drunk 'is beer a score o' times,' said Files-on- Parade. * 'E's drinkin' bitter beer alone,' the Colour- Sergeant said. DANNY DEEVER ,45 They are hangin' Danny Deever, you must mark 'im to 'is place, For 'c shot a comrade slecpin'-you m„st look 'im in the face; Nine 'undred of 'is county an' the regiment's disgrace, Wh.le they're hangin' Danny Deever in the mornin'. 'What's that so black agin the sun?' said Files-on- Parade. 'It's iianny fig|,ti„' 'ard for life,' the Colour- Sergeant said. 'What's that that whimpers over'ead?' said Files- on- Parade. 'It's Danny's soul that's passin' now,' the Colour- Sergeant said. For they're done with Danny Deever, you can 'ear the quickstep play, The regiment's in column, ' an' they're marchin' us away; Ho! the young recruits are shakin', an' they'll want their beer to-day. After hangin' Danny Deever mornin' in the TOMMY I wp:nt into a public- 'oust* to get a pint o' beer, The publican 'e up an' scz, *We serve no red-coats here.' The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die, I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I: O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an* 'Tommy, go away '; But it's 'Thank you, Mister Atkins,' when the band begins to play. The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play, O it's 'Thank you. Mister Atkins,' when the band begins to play. I went into a theatre as sober as could be. They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me; 146 k il TOMMY 147 They sent me to the gallery or round the ™.„ic-.a,|, But when ,t comes to fightiu', Lord! they'll shov<; me in the stalls ! ' H For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' lommy, wait outside 'j But it's ^Special train for Atkins' when the trooper's on the tide, The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide, O it's 'Special train for Atkins ' when the trooper's on the tide. Ves, mak.V n.ock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starva- tion cheap; An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they') large a bit re goin' Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit. Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' 'Tommy, 'ow's yer soul? ' But it's 'Thin red line of 'eroes' when the drums begin to roll, :!/■■ ! I 148 UARRACK-ROOiM BALLADS The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll, O it's 'Thin red line of 'eroes ' when the drumi^; begin to roll. We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no black- guards too, But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you; An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all yuar fancy paints : Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints; While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' 'Tommy, fall be'ind,' But it's 'Please to walk in front, sir,' when there's trouble in the wind, There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind, O it's 'Please to walk in front, sir,' when there's trouble in the wind. You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all: We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational. I TOMMY 149 Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face The Widow's Uniform is not the soldi grace. lier-man's dis- For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' 'Chuck him out, the brute ! ' But it's 'Saviour of 'is country,' when the guns begin to shoot ; Yes it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please; But Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool~you bet that Tommy ^ees ! 'M 'FUZZY-WUZZY (SOUDAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE) We've fought with many men acrost the seas, An' some of 'em was brave an' some was not The Paythan an' the Zulu an' Burmese; But the Fuzzy was the finest o' the lot. We never got a ha'porth's change of 'im: 'E squatted in the scrub an' 'ocked our 'orses, 'E cut our sentries up at Sua.kim, An' 'e played the cat an' banjo with our forces. So 'ere's fo you, Fuzzy- Wuzzy, at your 'ome in the Soudan; You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first- class fightin' man; We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you when- ever you're inclined. 160 ,r »j 'FUZZY-WUZZY' 151 es, ces. We took our chanst among the Kybcr 'ills, The Boers knocked us silly at a mile, The Burman give us Irriwaddy chills, An' a Zulu im/>i dished us up in style: But all we ever got from such as they Was pop to what the Fuzzy made us swaller ; We 'eld our bloomin' own, the papers say. But man for man the Fuzzy knocked us 'oiler. Then 'ere's /^ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' the missis and the kid; Our orders was to break you, an' of course we went an' did. We sloshed you with Martinis, an' it wasn't 'ardly fair; But for all the odds agin' you. Fuzzy- Wuz you broke the square. 1:1 'ome la first- )U want when- 'E 'asn't got no papers of 'is own, 'E 'asn't got no medals nor rewards, So we must certify the skill 'e's shown In usin' of 'is long two-'anded swords: When 'e's 'o])|)in' in an' out among the bush With 'is coffin- 'eaded shield an' shovel-spear, An 'appy day with Fuzzy on the rush Will last an 'ealthy Tommy for a year. 152 liARKACK-ROOM I3ALLADS So 'ere's ic you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' your friends which are no more, 1£ we 'adn't lost some messmates we would 'elp you to deplore; putjiivc an' tJ'X's the gospel, an' we'll call the lirrjaia fair, Foi 11 ) 'I. 'ave lost more than us, you crumpled up ^he square 1 'E rushes at the smoke when we let drive. An', before we know, 'e's 'ackin' at our 'ead; 'E's all 'ot sand an' ginger when alive. An' 'e's generally shammin' when 'e's dead. 'E's a daisy, 'e's a ducky, 'e's a lamb! 'E's a injia-rubber idiot on the spree, 'E's the on'y thing that doesn't give a damn For a Regiment o' British Infantree ! So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'omc in the Soudan; You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first- class fightin' man; An' 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, with your 'ayrick 'ead of 'air — You big black boundin' beggar — for you broke a British square ! SOLDIKR, SOLDIER 'SoLniFR, soldier, come from the wars, Why don't you march with my true love ? ' 'We're fresh from off the ship an' 'e's mayb^gi. the slip. An' you'd best go look for a new love.' New love ! True love ! Best go look for a new love, The dead they cannot rise, an' you'd better dry your eyes, An' you'd best go look for a new love. 'Soldier, soldier, come from the wars. What did you see o' my true love? ' 'I seed 'im serve the Queen in a suit o' rifle-green. An' you'd best go look for a new love.' 'Soldier, soldier, come from the wars, Did ye see no more o' my true love ? ' 153 ■t;; 4 164 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS *I seed 'im riinnin' by when the shots begun to fly — But you'd best go look for a new love.' *Soldier, soldier, come from the wars, Did aught take 'arm to my true love?' '1 couldn't see the fight, for the smoke it lay so white — An' you'd best go look for a new love/ 'Soldier, soldier, come from the wars, I'll up an' tend to my true love ! ' "E's lying on the dead with a bullet through 'is 'ead, An' you'd best go look for a new love,* 'Soldier, soldier, come from the wars, I'll down an' die with my true love ! ' 'The pit we dug' 11 'ide 'im an' the twenty men beside im — An' you'd best go look for a new love.' 'Soldier, soldier, come from the wars, Do you bring no sign from my true love? ' '1 bring a lock of 'air that 'e alius used to wear, An' you'd best go look for a new love.' » -i to fly- lay so is 'ead, SOLDIER. SOLDIER 155 'Soulier, soldier, come from the wars <> then I know it's true [\^« i . ' ^\n' T . II ^'"^^'^'««t»^y true love!' VonM best take me foryour true love.' True love ! New love ! liest tnke 'im for a new love ■'■'- ;lead they cannot rise, an' you'd better tiry your eyes, ''"' ^""'" '''^=' «'"«= 'im for your true love. 1 beside ar. I SCREW-GUNS Smokin' my pipe on the mountings, sniffin' the mornin' cool, I walks in my old brown gaiters along o' my old brown mule, With seventy gunners be'ind me, an' never a beggar forgets It's only the pick of the Army that handles the dear little pets — 'Tss! 'Tss! For you all love the screw-guns, the screw- guns they all love you ! So when we call round with a few guns, o' course you will know what to do — hoo! hoo! Jest send in your Chief an' surrender — it's worse if you fights or you runs: You can go where you please, you can skid up the trees, but you don't get away from the guns. 156 th SCRKW-GUNS 107 the yr old .cggar 2S the screw- ins, o' I— hoo \ jr— it's in skid k away They sends us along where the roads are, but mosily we goes where they ain't: We'd climb up the side of a sign-board an' trust to the stick o' the paint: We've chivied the Naga an' l.ooshai, we've give the Afreedceman fits, For we fancies ourselves at two thousand, we guns that are built in two bits — "I'ss! 'Tss! For you all love the screw-guns, etc. If a man doesn't work, why, we drills 'im an' teaches 'im 'ow to behave; If a beggar can't march, why, we kills 'im an' rattles 'im into 'is grave. You've got to stand up to our business an' spring without snatchin' or fuss. D'you say that you sweat with the field-guns? By God, you must lather with us — 'Tss! 'Tss! For you all love the screw-guns, etc. The eagles is screamin' around us, the river's a- moL. in' below, We're clear o' the pine an' the oak-scrub, we're out on the rocks an' the snow, '4\ |T J TffWIWIBLfcJBI 158 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS An' the wind is u:: thin as a whip-laiih what carries aw:iy to the i)lains The rattle an' stamp o' the lead-mules — the jinglety- jink o' the chains — 'Tss! 'Tss! For you all love the screw-guns, etc. There's a wheel on the Horns o' th. Alornin', an' a wheel on the edge o' the Pit, An' a drop into nothin' beneath you as straight as a beggnr can spit: With liie sweat runnin' out o' your shirt-sleeves, an' the sun off the snow in your face. An' 'arf o' the men on the drag-ropes to hold the old gun in 'er place — 'Tss! 'Tss! For you all love the screw-guns, etc. Smokin' my pipe on the mountings, snififin' the n^.ornin' cool, I climbs in my old brown gaiters along o' my old brown mule. The monkey can say what our road was — the wild- goat 'e knows where we passed. Stand easy, you long-eared old darlin's! O'.t drag- ropes! With shrapnel ! Hold fast--'Tss! 'Tss! SCREW-GUNS i59 For you all love the screw-guns-the screw- guns they all love you! So when we take tea with a few guns, o' course you will know what to do-hoo! hoo ! Just semi in your Chief and surrender-it's worse if you fights or you runs: Vou may hide in the caves, they'll be only your graves, but you can't get away from the guns ! ':4 v 1 CELLS ; ! I've a head like a concertina: I've a tongue like a button-stick : I've a mouth like an old potato, and I'm more than a little sick, But I've had my fun o' the Corp'ral's Guard: I've made the cinders fly. And I'm here in the Clink for a thundering drink and blacking the Corporal's eye. With a second-hand overcoat under my head, And a beautiful view of the yard, Oh, it's pack-drill for me and a fortnight's C.B. For 'drunk and resisting the Guard!' Mad drunk and resisting the Guard — 'Strewth, but I socked it them hard! So it's pack-drill for me and a fortnight's C.B. For 'drunk and resisting the Guard.' 160 Copyright, 1892, by Macmillan & Co. CELI.S ne like a ore than Lid: I've tig drink my nead, .t's C.B. t n i — i! C.B. I started o' canteen porter, I finished o' c. 161 beer, canteen But a dose o' gin that a mate slipped i„, it was tl.= Drought me here. "IVas that and an extry double Guard th: my nose in the dirt; But I fell away with the Corp'ral's stock and the best of the Corp'ral's shirt. at at rubbed care, my belt I left my cap in a public-house, my boots in the public road, And Lord knows where, and I don't ca and my tunic goed. They'll stop my pay, they'll cut away the stripe, I used to wear. But I 'eft my mark on the Corp'ral's face, and I think he'll keep it there! My wife she cries on the barrack-gate, my kid in the barrack-yard, It ain't that I mind the DrH'N, una ine Urd ly room— it's //la/ that cuts so hard. 162 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS I'll take my oath before them both that I will sure abstain, But as soon as I'm in with a mate and gin, I know I'll do it again! With a second-hand overcoat under my head And a beautiful view of the yard, Yes, it's pack-drill for me and a fortnight's C.B. For 'drunk and resisting the Guard.' Mad drunk and resisting the Guard — • 'Strewth, but I socked it them hard! So it's puck-drill with me and a fortnight's C.B. b'oi 'drunk and resisting the Guard.' ■Ifi r^UNGA DIN Vol; may talk o' gin and beer ^^ hen you're quartered safe out W An' yoo>e sent to penny-fights an^;,dershot it. i^ut when It comes to slaughter ^ou will do your work on water ^Vhere I used to spend my time A-sen.n' of 'i,r Majesty the (^ueen, Of all them blackfaced crew The finest man I knew Was our regimental bhisti, Gunga Din. He was 'Din! Din! Din! Vou limping lump o' brick-dn.f r- u;i ]• , ""^^ ^"^t, Gunga D II ! Hi! slippery hitherao! Water, get it! Panee lao • i Vou squidgy-nosed old idol, Gunga Din/ The uniform 'e wore Was nothin' much before, 1 Bring wafer swiftly. 163 i ^ . 1U4 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS An' rather less than 'arf o' that bc'ind, For a piece o' twisty rag Au' a goatskin water-bag Was all the field-equipment 'e could find. Wl jn the svveatin' troop-train lay In a sidin' through the day, Where the 'eat would make your bloomin' eyebrows crawl, We shc'\tcd 'Harry By ! ' ^ Till our throats were bricky-dry, Then we wopped 'im 'cause 'e couldn't serve us all. It was 'Din! Din! Din! You 'eathen, where the mischief 'ave you b«"en? You put some juldee ^ in it Or I'll mariow you this minute^ If you don't fill up my helmet, Gunga Din 1 'E would dot an' carry one Till the longest day was done ; An' 'e didn't seem to know the use o' fear. If we charged or broke or cut, You could bet your bloomin' nut, 'E'd be waitin' fifty paces right flank rear. 1 Mr. Atkins' equivalent for ' O brother.' 2 Be quick. ^ Hjt you. GUNGA DIN 1G5 cbrows us all. ave you Din I ir. With 'is miissick^ on 'is back, 'E would skip with our attack, An' watch us till the bugles made 'Retire,' An' for all 'is dirty 'ide 'E was white, clear white, inside When 'e went to tend the wounded under fire ! It was 'Din! Din! Din!' With the bullets kickin' dust-spots on the green. When the cartridges ran out. You could hear the front-files shout, *Hi! ammunition-mules an' Gunga Din!' I sha'n't forgit the night When I dropped be'ind the fight With a bullet where my belt-plate should 'a' been. 1 was chokin' mad with thirst. An' the mim that spied me first Was our good old grinnin', gruntin' Gunga Din. 'E lifted up my 'ead. An' he plugged me where I bled. An' 'e guv me 'arf-a-pint o' water-green: It was crawlin' and it stunk, But of all the drinks I've drunk, I'm gratefullest to one from Gunga Din. 1 Water skin. . ^1 100 J)AKIJACK-KOOM liALLADS It was M)in' Din! Din!' 'Kre's a beggar with a bullet through 'is spleen; 'J'^s chawin' up the ground, An' 'c's kickin' all around: For Oawd's sake git the water, (Junga Din! 'E carried me away To where a dooli lay, An' a bullet come an' drilled the beggar clean. 'K put me safe inside, An' just before 'e died : *I 'ope you liked your drink,' sez (lunga Din. So I'll meet 'im later on At the place where 'e is gone — Where it's alw ys double drill and no canteen; 'E'U be sqnattin' on the coals, Givin' drink to ])()or damned souls. An' I'll get a swig in hell from (Jlunga Din! Yes, Din! Din! Din! You Lazarushian-leather Gunga Din! Though I've belted you and flayed you, Iiy the living Gawd that made you, You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din! pleen; OONTS nl (northern INDIA TRANSPORT TRAIN) ean. )in. ecn ; \V()'i' \nakes the soldier's 'cart to penk, wot makes him to jKTspire? It isn't staiidin' up to charge nor lyin' down to fire; But it's everhistin' waitin' on a everiastin' road For the commissariat camel an' 'is commissariat load, O the oont,^ () the oont, () the commissariat oont! With 'is silly neck a-bohbin' like a basket full o' snakrs; We packs 'im like an idol, an' you ought to 'ear 'im grunt, An' when we gets 'im loaded up 'is blessed girth-rope breaks. Id you, |u, unl Wot makes the rear-guard swear so 'ard when night is drorin' in, An' every native follower is shiverin' for 'is skin? 1 Camel — ocy is pronounced like 71 in 'bull,' but by Mr. Atkins to rhyme with ' front.' 167 166 BARRACK-KOOiM I5ALLADS It ain't the clianst o' being rushed by Paythans from the 'ills, It's the commissariat camel puttin' on 'is bloomin' frills! O the oont, O the oont, () the hairy scary oont! A-trippin' over tent-ropes when we've got the night alarm ! \Vc socks 'im with a stretcher-pole an' 'cads 'im off in front, An' when we've saved 'is bloomin' life 'e chaws our bloomin' arm. ;■ I The 'orse 'e knows a1)ovc a bit, the bullock's but a fool, The ele])hant 's a gentleman, the battery-mule's a mule; Ijut the commissariat cam-u-el, when all is said an' done, 'I'', 's a devil an' a ostrich an' a orphan-child in one. () the oont, () the oont, O the Gawd-forsaken oont ! The lumj^y 'umpy 'umr.iin'-bird a-singin' where 'e lies, OUNTS 109 from )min' scary ,c got ' 'ciids life 'e s but a lulc's a aid an' 11 one. lorsaken -singin' 'E's blocked the whole division from the rear-guard to the front, An' when we get him up again — the beggar goes an' dies I E'll gall an' chafe an' lame an' fight — 'e smells most awful vile; 'F/11 lose 'isself for ever if you let 'im stray ;i mile; 'lO's game to graze the 'ole day long an' 'owl the 'ole night through, An' when 'e comes to greasy ground 'e splits 'isself in two. O the oont, O the oont, O the floppin', droppin' oont! When 'is long legs give from under an' 'is meltin' eye is dim, The tribes is up be'ind us, and the tribes is out in front — It ain't no jam for Tommy, but it's kites an' crows for 'im. So when the cruel march is done, an' when the roads is blind, An' when we sees the camp in front an' 'ears the shots be'ind, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 I^|2j8 |25 ■50 "^™ H^H ^ 1^ 12.0 12.2 m |l.25 II '-^ 1 '•* < 6" ► V r Kiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV .V [v SJ :\ \ 0^ ■>e^ ^ '% Ir 170 P,ARRACK-ROOM BALLADS Ho then we strips 'is saddle off, and all 'is woes is past : 'E thinks on us that used 'im so, and gets revenge at last. O the oont, O the oont, O the floatin', bloatin' oont! The late lamented camel in the water-cut 'e lies; We keeps a mile behind 'im an' we keeps a mile in front. But 'e gets into the drinkin'-casks, and then o' course we dies. s woes IS LOOT '' y°"'ve ever stole a pl,easan,-egg be'ind ,. keeper's back, "^ ""^ If you've eversnigged the washin' from th. ,- " "" •in;-"'- • «" '" » -- '"re'":";"' "**"""'■•'""-■ y^ornet, loot! toot') W'y.tHe..,U.anarobber..est.,3.,.„eM„. With the— (am/j.)Loo! loo! Lul loot! loot! •^"I"-' Loo! loo! Loot: Ovv the loot ! liioomin' loot ' That's the thing to make the boy: shoot ! s git up an' « i. 171 172 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS I f I i; It's the same with dogs an' men, If you'd make 'em come again Clap 'em forward with a Loo! loo! Lulu! Loot! (_^) Whoopee ! Tear 'im, puppy ! I^o! loo! Lulu! Loot! loot! loot! If you've knocked a nigger edgeways when 'e's thrustin' for your life, You must leave 'im very careful where 'e fell; An' may thank your stars an' gaiters if you didn't feel 'is knife That you ain't told off to bury 'im as well. Then the sweatin' Tommies wonder as they spade the beggars under Why lootin' should be entered as a crime; So if my song you'll 'ear, I will learn you plain an' clear 'Ow to pay yourself for fightin' overtime {C/iorus.) With the loot, etc. Now remember when you're 'acking round a gilded Burma god That 'is eyes is very often precious stones; ;ir LOOT 173 An^ if you treat a nigger to a dose o' cleanin'- rod 'E's like to show you everything 'c owns. When 'e won't prodooce no more, pour some water on the floor Where you 'ear it answer 'ollow to the boot {Cornet: Toot! toot!) — When the ground begins to sink, shove your baynick down the chink, An' you're sure to touch the— {Chorus,) Loo! loo! Lulu! Loot! loot! loot! Ow the loot ! etc. When from 'ouse to 'ouse you're 'unting, you must always work in pairs — It 'alves the gain, but safer you will find— For a single man gets bottled on them twisty-wisty stairs, An' a woman comes and clobs 'im from be'ind. When you've turned 'em inside out, an' it seems beyond a doubt As if there weren't enough to dust a flute {Cornet: Toot! toot!) — n 174 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS ! i I h !■ t) . ^.r. Before you sling your 'ook,at the 'ouse-tops take a look, For it's underneath the tiles they 'ide the loot. {Chorus.) Ow the loot, etc. You can mostly square a Scrgint an' a Quartermaster too, If you only take the proper way to go; / could never keep my pickin's, but I've learned you all I knew — An' don't you never say I told you so. An' now I'll bid good-by, for I'm gettin' rather dry> An' I see another tunin' up to iooi {Coriiei: Toot! toot!)— So 'ere's good-luck to those that wears the Widow's clo'es. An' the Devil send 'em all they want o' loot! {Chorus.) Yes, the loot, Bloomin' loot. In the tunic an' the mess-tin an' the boot! It's the same with dogs an' men. If you'd make 'em come again {///) Whoop 'em forward with a Loo ! loo ! Lulu ! Loot! loot! loot! Heeya! Sick 'im, puppy! Loo! loo! Lulu! Loot! loot! loot! ii Nfi' 'SNART.EYOW Tins 'appencd in a battle to a batt'ry of the corps Which is first among the women an' amazin' first in war; An' what the bloomin' battle was I don't remember now, But Two's off-lead 'e answered to the name o' SnarU- yow. Down in the Infantry, nobody cares; Down in the Cavalry, Colonel 'e swears; But down in the lead with the wheel at the flog Turns the bold Bombardier to a little whipped dog! They was movin' into action, they was needed sore. very To learn a little schoolin' to a native army corps, 176 •»i 176 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS They 'ad nipped against an uphill, they was tuckin' down the brow, When a tricky, triindlin' round-shot give the knock to Snarleyow, I ii \i \ \ i! r 'I \ |: \ \ They cut 'im loose an' left 'im — 'e was almost tore in two — But he tried to follow after as a well-trained 'orse should do; 'E went an' fouled the limber, an' the Driver's Brother squeals : *Pull up, pull up for Snarleyow — 'is 'ead's between 'is 'eels I' The Driver 'umped 'is shoulder, for the wheels was goin' round, An' there aren't no *Stop, conductor!' when a batt'ry's changin' ground; Sez 'e: *I broke the beggar in, an' very sad I feels. But I couldn't pull up, not for you — your 'ead be- tween your 'eels ! ' Ml 'E 'adn't 'ardly spoke the word, before a droppin' shell A little right the batt'ry an' between the sections fell; fiti 'SNARLEYOW 177 tuckin' e knock lost tore 2d 'orse Driver's between hieels was when a i I feels, 'ead be- L droppin' •tions fell] An- when the smoke 'ad cleared away, before the limber wheels, There lay the iJriver'. Lrother with 'is 'ead between 'is 'eels. Then sez the Driver's RmfK^^r o«» »• t ^ i/iivcr s lirother, an 'is words was very plain, 'For Gawd's own sake get over me, an- put me out o' pain.' They saw 'is wounds was mortial, an' they judged that it was best. So they took an' drove the limber straight across 'is back an' chest. The Driver 'e give nothin' 'cept a little coughin' grunt. But 'e swung 'is 'orses 'andsome when it came to 'Action front ! ' An- if one wheel was juicy, you may lay your Mon- day head 'Twas juicier for the niggers when the case begun to spread. The moril of this story, it is plainly to be You 'avn't got no families when servin' of the Queen- seen M i '%: I ,• i|:i^ t\ 178 IJARKACK-ROOM BALLADS You 'avn't got no brothers, fathers, sisters, wives, or sons — If you want to win your battles talce an' work your bloomin' guns! Down in the Infantry, nobody cares; Down in the Cavalry, Colonel 'e swears; But down in the lead with the wheel at the flog Turns the bold Bombardier to a little whipped dog! THE WIDOW AT WINDSOR 'Ave you 'card o' the Widow at Windsor With a hairy gold crown on 'er 'ead ? She 'as ships on the foam^she 'as millions at 'ome. An she pays us poor beggars in red. (Ow, poor beggars in red!) There's 'er nick on the cavalry 'orses, There's 'er mark on the medical stores- An-er troopers you'll find with a fair wind be'ind That takes us to various wars. ( Poor beggars !— barbarious wars !) M 'it Then -'ere's to the Widow at Windsor, An' 'ere's to the stores an' the guns, The men an' the 'orses what makes up the forces O' Missis Victorier's sons. (Poor beggars ! Victorier's sons !) 179 '♦I IbU BARRACK-KOOM BALLADS mil ill Walk wide o' the Widow at Windsor, For 'alf o' ('reation she owns: We 'ave bought 'cr the same with the sword an' the flame, An' we've salted it down with our bones. (Poor beggars! — it's blue with our bones!) Hands off o' the sons of the Widow, Hands off o' the goods in 'er shop. For the Kings must come down an' the ICmperors frown When the Widow at Windsor says 'Stop ' 1 (Poor beggars ! — we're sent to say 'Stop ^ !) Then 'ere's to the Lodge o' the Widow, From the Pole to the Tropics it runs — To the Lodge that we tile with the rank an' the file, An' open in form with the guns. (Poor beggars ! — it's always they guns !) 'j kf^ We 'ave 'card o' the Widow at Windsor, It's safest to leave 'er alone : For 'er sentries we stand by the sea an' the land Wherever the bugles are blown. (Poor beggars! — an' don't we get blown!) THE WIDOW AT WINDSOR 181 Take 'old o' the Wings o' the Mornin', An' flop round the earth till you're dead • But you won't get awny from the tune that'they play lo the bloomin' old Rag over'ead. (Poor beggars !— it's 'ot over'ead !) Then ^ere^s to the sons o' the Widow Wherever, ^owever thev roam. 'Ere's all they desire, an' if they require A speedy return to their 'ome. (Poor beggars!— they'll never see 'ome !) !'■ ft .'SKi KA- If i^ IK? 4 1 ' \ BELTS There was a row in Silver Street that's near to Dublin Quay, Between an Irish regiment an' English cavalree; It started at Revelly an' it lasted on till dark: The first man dropped at Harrison's, the last forninst the Park. For it was * Belts, belts, belts, an' that's one for you ! ' An' it was 'Belts, belts, belts, an' that's done for you ! ' O buckle an' tongue Was the song that we sung From Harrison's down to the Park ! There was a row in Silver Street — the regiments was out. They called us 'Delhi Rebels,' an' we answered 'Threes about ! ' 182 (I, ili BELTS 183 That drew them like a hornet's nest-we met them good an* large, The English at the double an' the Irish at the . charge. Then it was : Belts — near to iree; t forninst hat's one lat's done regiments answered There was a row in Silver Street-an' I was in it too; We passed the time o' day, an' then the belts went whirraru ! I misremember what occurred, but subsequint the storm A Freeman's Journal Supplemint^^^ all my uniform. O it was : Belts — There was a row in Silver Street-they sent the Pol is there, The English were too drunk to know, the Irish didn't care; But when they grew impertinint we simultaneous rose. Till half o' them was Liffey mud an' half was tatthered clo'es. For it was : Belts — 1^ i I ii ' ! I' :' j! I' 'k I III \ feli < I I %■ ! '1|'','I i >> " I' n i> 184 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS There was a row in Silver Street — it might ha' raged till now, But some one drew his side-arm clear, an' nobody knew how; 'Twas Hogan took the point an' dropped; we saw the red blood run : An' so we all was murderers that started out in fun. While it was : Belts — There v/as a row in Silver Street — but that put down the shine, VVid each man whisperin' to his next: *'Twas never work o' mine ! ' We went away like beaten dogs, an' down the street we bore him. The poor dumb corpse that couldn't tell the bhoys were sorry for him. When it was : Belts — There was a row in Silver Street — it isn't over yet, For half of us are under guard wid punishments to get; ' II i I'M n 'r I lit BELTS 185 'Tis all a merricle to me as in the Clink I lie: There was a row in Silver Street-begod, I ivonder why! But it was 'Belts, belts, belts, an» that's one for you ! ' An' it was 'Belts, belts, belts, an' that's done for you ! ' O buckle and tongue Was the song that we sung From Harrison's down to the Parkl ■m ras never THE YOUNG BRITISH SOLDIER ii;'' ill; I ^ti i'tr;" I: ;'■, When the 'arf-made recruity goes out to the East 'E acts like a babe an' 'e drinks like a beast, An' 'e wonders because 'e is frequent deceased Ere 'e's fit for to serve as a soldier, Serve, serve, serve as a soldier. Serve, serve, serve as a soldier, Serve, serve, serve as a soldier, So-oldier 0/ the Queen ! Now all you recruities what's drafted to-day, You shut up your rag- box an' 'ark to my lay. An' I'll sing you a soldier as far as I may; A soldier what's fit for a soldier. Fit, fit, fit for a soldier. First mind you steer clear o' the grog-sellers' huts. For they sell you Fixed Bay'nets that rots out your guts- Ay, drink that 'ud eat the live steel from your butts — An' it's bad for the young British soldier. Bad, bad, bad for the soldier. 186 ■n THE YOUNG BRITISH SOLDIER 187 When the cholera comes-as it will past a doubt- Keep out of the wet and don't go on the shout, For the sickness gets in as the liquor dies out, An' it crumples the young British soldier. Crum-, crum-, crumples the soldier. . . But the worst o' your foes is the sun overhead : You must wear your 'elmet for all that is said : If 'e finds you uncovered 'e'll knock you down dead. An' you'll die like a fool of a soldier. Fool, fool, fool of a soldier. . . If you're cast for fatigue by a sergeant unkind. Don't grouse like a woman nor crack on nor blind; Be handy and civil and then you will find That it's beer for the young British soldier. Beer, beer, beer for the soldier. . . Now, if you must marry, take care she is old— A troop-sergeant's widow's the nicest I'm told— For beauty won't help if your rations is cold. Nor love ain't enough for a soldier. 'Nough, 'nough, 'nough for a soldier. . . \i 188 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS If the wife should go wrong with a comrade, be loth To shoot when you catch 'cm — you'll swing, on my oath ! — Make 'im take 'er and keep 'er: that's Hell for them both, An' you're shut o' the curse of a soldier. Curse, curse, curse o' a soldier. . . I ' i! When first under fire an' you're wishful to duck, Don't look nor take 'eed at the man that is struck. Be thankful you're livin', and trust to your luck And march to your front like a soldier. Front, front, front like a soldier. . . When 'arf of your bullets fly wide in the ditch. Don't call your Martini a cross-eyed old bitch; She's human as you are — you treat her as sich. An' she'll fight for the young British soldier. Fight, fight, fight for the soldier. . . When shakin' their bustles like ladies so fine. The guns o' the enemy wheel into line; Shoot low at the limbers an' don't mind the shine. For noise never startles the soldier. Start-, start-, startles the soldier. . . f ^' , ; ^ \\-^M\ \*< *r tH''^- THE YOUNG BRITISH SOLDIER 189 If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white, Remember it's ruin to run from a fight: So take open order, lie down, and sit tight. And wait for supports like a soldier. Wait, wait, wait like a soldier. . . When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, And the women come out to cut up what remains, Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains An' go to your Gawd like a soldier. Go, go, go like a soldier, Go, go, go like a soldier. Go, go, go like a soldier, So-oldier ^the Queen! m !i MANDALAY By the old Moulmein Pagoda, look in' eastward to the sea, There's a Burma girl a-settin', and I know she thinks o' me; For the wind is in the palm-trees, and the temple- bells they say : 'Come you back, you British soldier; come you back to Mandalay ! ' Come you back to Mandalay, Where the old Flotilla lay : Can't you 'ear their paddles chunkin from Rangoon to Mandalay? On the road to Mandalay, Where the fly in' -fishes play, An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the Bay ! 'Er petticoat was yaller an' 'er little cap was green. An' 'er name was Supi-yaw-lat — jes' the same as Theebaw's Queen, 190 4 tu i! : I MANDALAY 191 An' I seed her first a-smokin' of a whackin' white cheroot, An' a-wastin' Christian kisses on an 'eathen idors foot : Bloomin' idol made o' mud — What they called the Great Gawd Rudd— Plucky lot she cared for idols when I kissed 'er where she stud ! On the road to Mandalay, etc. When the mist was on the rice-fields an' the sun was droppin' slow, She'd git 'er little banjo an' she'd sing 'Kulla- lo-lor With 'er arm upon my shoulder an' 'er cheek agin my cheek We useter watch the steamers an' the hathis pilin' teak. Elephints a-pilin' teak In the sludgy, squdgy creek. Where the silence 'ung that 'eavy you was 'arf afraid to speak ! On the road to Mandalay, etc. I : ! . I- •■■I 102 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS But that's all shove be'ind me — long ago an' fur •way, An' there ain't no 'busses runnin' from the Bank to Mandalay ; An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells: *If yod've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else.' No! you won't 'eed nothin' else But them spicy garlic smells, An' the sunshine an' the palm-trees an' the tinkly temple-bells; On the road to Mandalay, etc I am sick o' wastin' leather on these gritty pavin'- stones, An' the blasted Henglish drizzle wakes the fever in my bones; Tho' I walks with fifty 'ousemaids outer Chelsea to the Strand, An' they talks a lot o' lovin', but wot do they understand ? Beefy face an' grubby 'and — Law! wot do they understand? ii. i ! i MANDALAY 193 n' fur ink to m-ycar t never an' the pavin - fever in helsea to do they IVe a neater, sweeter maiden in a cleaner, greener land ! On the road to Mandalay, etc. Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the be.t is like the worst. Where there aren't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst; For the temple-bells are callin', and it's there that I would be — By the old Moulmein Pagoda, looking lazy at the sea; On the road to Mandalay, Where the old Flotilla lay. With our sick beneath the awnings when we went to Mandalay! Oh the road to Mandalay, Where the flyin'-fishes play, An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the Bay 1 N II •If 1 TROOPIN' (our army in the east) Troopin', troopin', troopin' to the sea: 'Ere's September come again — the six-year men are free. O leave the dead bc'ind us, for they cannot come away To where the ship's a-coalin' up that takes us 'ome to-day. We're goin' 'ome, we're goin' 'ome, Our ship is af the shore. An' you must pack your 'aversack. For we won't come back no more. Ho, don't you grieve for me, My lovely Mary-Ann, For I'll marry you yit on a fourp'ny bit As a time-expired man! 194 ! it ^ TROOPIM' 105 The Malabo .n 'arbour with the Jumner at 'er tiil, An' the tirac-expirecl's waitin' of 'is orders for to sail. Ho! the weary waitin' when on Khyber 'ills we lay, But the time-expired's waitin' of 'is orders 'ome to-day. They'll turn us out at Portsmouth wharf in cold an' wet an' rain, All wearin' Injian cotton kit, but we will not com- plain; They'll kill us of pneumonia— for that's their little way — But damn the chills and fever, men, we're goin' 'ome to-day ! Troopin', troopin', winter's round again! See the new draf's pourin' in for the old campaign; Ho, you poor recruities, but you've got to earn your pay— What's the last from Lunnon, lads? We're goin' there to-day. i Troopin', troopin', give another cheer— 'Ere's to English women an' a quart of English beer; 196 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS The Colonel an' the regiment an' all who've got to stay, Gawd's mercy strike 'em gentle — Whoop! we're goin' 'ome today. We're goin' 'ome, we're goin' 'ome, Our ship is at the snore. An' you must pack your 'aversack, For we won't come back no more. Ho, don't you grieve for me. My lovely Mary-Ann, For I'll marry you yit on a fourp'ny bit As a time-expired man. I THE WIDOW'S PARTY 'Where have you been this while away, Johnnie, Johnnie?' Out with the rest on a picnic lay, Johnnie, my Johnnie, aha f They called us out of the barrack-yard To Gawd knows where from Gosport Hard, And you can't refuse when you get the card, And the Widow gives the party. {Bugle.) Ta— rara— ra-ra-rara ! *What did you get to eat and drink, Johnnie, Johnnie?' Standing water as thick as ink, Johnnie, my Johnnie, aha ! A bit o' beef that were three year stored, A bit o' mutton as tough as a board. And a fowl we killed with a sergeant's sword. When the Widow give the party. Copyright, 1892, by Macmillan & Co. 197 198 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS 'What did you do for knives and forks, Johnnie, Johnnie?' We carries 'em with us wherever we walks, Johnnie, my Johnnie, aha ! And some was sliced and some was halved, And some was crimped and some was carved. And some was gutted and some was starved, When the Widow give the party. *What ha' you done with half your mess, Johnnie, Johnnie?' They couldn't do more and they wouldn't do less, Johnnie, my Johnnie, aha ! They ate their whack and they drank their fill. And I think the rations has made them ill, For half my comp'ny's lying still Where the Widow give the party. *How did you get away — away, Johnnie, Johnnie?' On the broad o' my back at the end o' the day, Johnnie, my Johnnie, aha ! THE WIDOWS TARTY I corned away like a bleedin' toff. For I got four niggers to carry me off, As I lay in the bight of a canvas trough, When the Widow give the party. 199 'What was the end of all the show, Johnnie, Johnnie ? ' Ask my Colonel, for I don't know, Johnnie, my Johnnie, aha! We broke a King and we built a road— A court-house stands where the reg'ment goed. And the river's clean where the raw blood flowed When the Widow give the party. {Bugle.) Ta—rara—ra-ra-rara! «: FORD O' KABUL RIVER Kabul town's by Kabul river — Blow the bugle, draw the sword — There I \eV my mate for ever, Wet an' drippin' by the ford. Ford, ford, ford o' Kabul river. Ford o' Kabul river in the dark ! There's the river up and brimmin', an' there's *arf a squadron swimmin' 'Cross the ford o' Kabul river in the dark. 1 1''! i I"; Kabul town's a blasted place — Blow the bugle, draw the sword — 'Strevvth I shan't forget 'is face Wet an' drippin' by the ford 1 Ford, ford, ford o' Kabul river. Ford o' Kabul river in the dark i Keep the crossing-stakes beside you, an' they will surely guide you 'Cross the ford of Kabul river in the dark. 200 FORD O' KABUL RIVER 201 i' there's dark. an' they dark. Kabul town is sun and dust— ^ lilow the bugle, draw the sword— I'd ha' sooner drownded fust 'Stead of 'im beside the ford. Ford, ford, ford o' Kabul river, Ford o' Kabul river in the dark » You can 'ear the Ws threshin', you can ear the men a-splashin', 'Cross the ford o' Kabul river in the dark. Kabul town was ours to take— Blow the bugle, draw the sword— IM ha' left it for 'is sake— 'Im that left me by the ford. Ford, ford, ford o' Kabul river, Ford o' Kabul river in the dark ! It's none so bloomin' dry there; ain't you never comin' nigh there, 'Cross the ford o' Kabul river in the dark? Kabul town'll go to hell- Blow the bugle, draw the sword- 'Fore I see him 'live an' well— 'Im the best beside the ford. i t 202 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS Ford, ford, ford o' Kabul river, Ford o' Kabul river in the dark ! Gawd 'elp 'em if they blunder, for their boots' 11 pull 'em under, By the ford o' Kabul river in the dark. Turn your 'orse from Kabul town — Blow the bugle, draw the sword — *Im an' 'arf my troop is down, Down an' drownded by the ford. Ford, ford, ford o' Kabul river, Ford o' Kabul river in the dark ! There's the river low an' fallin', but it ain't no use o' callin' 'Cross the ford o' Kabul river in the dark. I' !■ i' GENTLEMEN-RANKERS To the legion of the lost ones, to the cohort of the damned, To my brethren in their sorrow overseas Smgs a gentleman of England cleanly bred, machinely crammed, ^ ^^ And a trooper of .he Empress, if you please. • ea, a trooper of the forces who has run his own six horses. And faith he went the pace and went it blind And the world was more than kin while he held the ready tin, But to-day the Sergeant's something less than kind We're poor little lambs who've lost our way. Baa! Baa! Baa! ' We're little black sheep who've gone astray, Baa — aa — aa ! Gentlemen-rankers out on the spree Damned from here to Eternity, God ha' mercy on such as we, Baa! Yah! Bah! Copyright, 1892. by Macmillan & Co. 203 204 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS I. ' Oh, it's sweet to sweat through stables, sweet to empty kitchen slops, And it's sweet to hear the tales the troopers tell. To dance with blowzy housemaids at the regimental hops, And thrash the cad who says you waltz too well. Yes, it makes you cock-a-hoop to be 'Rider ' to your troop. And branded with a blasted worsted spur, When you envy. Oh, how keenly, one poor Tommy being cleanly Who blacks your boots and sometimes call you 'Sir.* \t ,!: ' If the home we never write to, and the oaths we never keep, And all we know most distant and most dear. Across the snoring barrack-room return to break our sleep, Can you blame us if we soak ourselves in beer? When the drunken comrade mutters and the great guard-lantern gutters And the horror of our fall is written plain. Every secret, self-revealing on the aching white- washed ceiling. Do you wonder that we dmg ourselves from pain? GENTLEAIEN-RANKKRS 205 We have done with Hone nnrl tr^^ '^opc ana Honour, we are lost to Love and Truth, We are dropping down the ladder n,ng by run. And the measure of our torment i. thn lurmtnt IS the measure of our youth. Cod help us, for we knew the worst too young- Our shame is clean repentance for the crime that brought the sentence. Our pride it is to know no spur of pride And the Curse of Reuben holds us till an alien turf enfolds us And we die, and none can tell Them where we died. We'.e poor little lambs whoVe lost our way Baa! Baa! Baa! We're little black sheep who' Baa — aa — aa ! Gentlemen-rankers Damned from here God ha' mercy on such ve gone astray, out on the spree, to Eternity, Baa! Yah! Bah as we. 1 ROUTE MARCHIN' We're marchin' on relief over Injia's sunny plains, A little front o' Christmas time an' just be'ind the Rains, Ho! get away, you bullock-man, you've 'eard the bugle blowed. There's a regiment a-comin' down the Grand Trunk Road; With its best foot first And the road a-sliding past. An' every bloomin' campin' -ground exactly like the last; While the Big Drum says. With 'is * rowdy-dowdy-dow! ^ — ^Kiko kissywarsti don't you hamsher argyjow? ' Oh, there's them Injian temples to admire when you see. There's the peacock round the corner an' the monkey up the tree, 206 :* ' plains, e'ind the 'card the ,nd Trunk d exactly argyjowi ' when you ■ an' the KOUTE MARCHIN' 007 An' there's that rum.y „ver grass a-wavin' in the While it's best foot first, etc. At half.past five's Kevolly, a„> our tents they dowa must come, ^ Like a lot of button mushrooms when you pick 'em "P at 'ome. While the women and the kiddies sit an' shiver i,^ the carts. And it's best foot first, etc. Oh, then it's open order, an' we lights our pipes an' sings, ' An' we talks about our rations an' a lot of other things And we thinks o' friends in England, an' we wonder; what they're at, An' 'ow they would admire for to hear us sling the oat^ ** An' it's best foot first, etc. ; Thomas's first and firmest conviction is that he is a profound Or.nta..t and a fluent speaker of Hindustani. As a ^Toi fact, he depends largely on the sign-language. 208 BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS It's none so bad o' Sunday, when you're lyin' at your ease, To watch the kites a-wheelin* round them feather- 'eadcd trees, For although there ain't no women yet there ain't no barrick-yards, So the orficers goes shootin' an' the men they plays at cards. Till it's best foot first, etc. n So *ark an' 'eed you rookies, which is always grum- blin' sore, There's worser things than marchin' from Umballa to Cawnpore; And if your 'eels are blistered an' they feels to 'urt like 'ell You drop some tallow in your socks an' that will make 'em well. For it's best foot first, etc. We're marchin' on relief over Injia's coral strand, Eight 'undred fightin' Englishmen, the Colonel, ancl the Band, II, i«ti lyin' at fcathcr- ; ain't no f plays at lys grum- Umballa ils to 'urt that will ROUTE JMARCHIN' 009 Ho! get away, you bullock-man, you've 'eard the bugle blowed, There's a regiment .vcomin' clo>v„ the Grand Trunk Koad. With its best foot first And the road a-sliding past, An' every bloomin' campin'-ground exactly like the last; While the Hig Drum says, With 'is 'rowdy-(ioivdy-(iowf^~^ *JCikokissywarstiCLOXi\yQyx hamsherargyjowf ' » 1 Why don't you get on ? strand, lonel, and ;ii .U: I. I SHILLIN' A DAY My name is O'Kelly, I've heard the Revelly From Birr to Bareilly, from Leeds to Lahore, Hong-Kong and Peshawur, Lucknow and Etawah, And fifty-five more all endin' in 'pore.' Black Death and his quickness, the depth and the thickness, Of sorrow and sickness I've known on my way. But I'm old and I'm nervis, I'm cast from the Service, And all I deserve is a shillin' a day, {Chorus.) Shillin' a day Bloomin' good pay — • Lucky to touch it, a shillin' a day ! Oh, it drives me half crazy to think of the days I Went slap for the Ghazi my sword at my side, 210 Copyright, 1892, by Macmillan & Co. I ^ ,;l SHILL'N' A DAY When we rode Hell-for-Ieather Both squadrons together, 2^t didn't care whethe: we lived or we died. Btusno use desparin',.y wife .ustgocharin' An me commissairin' the pay-bills to better So If me you be 'old In the wet and the cold. By the Grand Metropold won't you give me a 1^. . {FullChnfij,\ n- V •^^'^ 6ive me a letter? \^uu K^norus.) Give 'im a letter— Can't do no better Late Troop-Sergeant Major an'-runs with a letter! Think what 'e's been, Think what 'e's seen, Think of his pension an' . Gawd SAVE THE Queen 1 211 I? o I 1 L'ENVOI There's a whisper down the field where the year has shot her yield, And the ricks stand grey to the sun, Singing: — *Over then, come over, for the bee has quit the clover. And your English summer's done.' You have heard the beat of the off-shore wind, And the thresh of the deep-sea rain; You have heard the song — how long! how long? Pull out on the trail again ! Ha' done with the Tents of Shem, dear lass, We've seen the seasons through. And it's time to turn on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail. Pull out, pull out, on the Long Trail — the trail that is always new. 212 Copyright, 1892, by Macmillan & Co. L-ENVOI 2,3 It's North you may run to the rime-ringed sun Or Soutn to the blind Horn's hate- Or East all the way into Mississippi Bay Or West to the Golden Gate; Where the blindest bluffs hold good, dear lass. And the wildest tales are true, And the men bulk big on the' old trail, our own trail, the out trail, And life runs large on the Long Trail-the trail that is always new. The days are sick and cold, and the skies are grey and old, ' And the twice-breathed airs blow damp • And I'd sell my tired soul for the bucking beam-sea roll Of a black Bilbao tramp; With her load-line over her hatch, dear lass, And a drunken Dago crew. And her nose held down'on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail From Cadiz Bar on the Long Trail-the trail that is always new. i Ilk ;i':i 214 L'ENVOI There be triple ways to take, of the eagle or the snake, Or the way of a man with a maid; But the sweetest way to me is a ship's upon the sea In the heel of the North-East Trade. Can you hear the crash on her bows, dear lass, And the drum of the racing screw, As she ships it green on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail, As she lifts and 'scends on the Long Trail — the trail that is always new ? See the shaking funnels roar, with the Peter at the fore, And the fenders grind and heave, And the derricks clack and grate as the tackle hooks the crate. And the fall-rope whines through the sheave; It's 'Gang-plank up and in,' dear lass. It's * Hawsers warp her through ! ' And it's 'All clear aft ' on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail. We're backing down ou the Long Trail — the trail that is always new. he snake, the sea ;ar lass, our own 'rail — the er at the le tackle ive; trail, our ?rail — the L'ENVOI 215 Oh, the mutter overside, when the port-fog holds us tied, And the syrens hoot their dread ! When foot by foot we creep o'er the hueless viewless deep To the sob of the questing lead ! It's down by the Lower Hope, dear lass. With the Gunfleet Sands in view. Till the Mouse swings green on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail, And the Gull Light lifts on the Long Trail- the trail that is always new. Oh, the blazing tropic night, when the wake's a welt of light That holds the hot sky tame. And the steady fore-foot snores through the planet- powdered floors Where the scared whale flukes in flame ! Her plates are scarred by the sun, dear lass, Her ropes are taunt with the dew, For .ve're booming down on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail. We're sagging south on the Long Trail-the trail that is always new. ,!/■ 216 L'ENVOI li Then home, get her home where the drunken rollers comb, And the shouting seas drive by, And the engines stamp and ring and the wet bows reel and swing. And the Southern Cross rides high ! Yes, the old lost stars wheel back, dear lass, That blaze in the velvet blue. They're all old friends on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail. They're God's own guides on the Long Trail — the trail that is always new. Fly forward, O my heart, from the Foreland to the Start — We're steaming all too slow, And it's twenty thousand miles to our little lazy isle Where the trumpet-orchids blow ! You have heard the call of the off-shore wind And the voice of the deep-sea rain — You have heard the song — how long! how long? Pull out on the trail again ! 1 1- .1 ■ h ,■ t runken ;t bows slSS, ail, our Trail— i to the lazy isle wind ng 1 how L'ENVOI 217 The I ord knows what we may find, dear lass. And the Deuce knows what we may do-^ But we're back once more on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail, We're down, hull-down on the Long Trail^the trail that is always new. :! r t ' L at s k 1! a • ti n F o a N N N N N N N Ni Morang's " Florin" Series 50c. and $1.00 This series of popular first-class novels is issued monthly on the 15th of each month, at the moderate price of 50 cents per volume in paper and $1.00 in cloth ; yearly subscrip- tion, $5.00, payable in advance, and begin- ning from any time. The object of ** The Florin Series " is to provide a regular issue of bright and entertaining reading by the best authors. The volumes already issued are : — No. I. Bob, Son of Battle. By Alfred Ollivant. No. a. The Nameless Castle. By Maurus Jokai. No. 3. The Town Traveller. By George Gissing. No. 4. The Heart of Toll. By Octave Thanet. No. 5. The Adventures of Captain Kettle. By Cut- CLIFFE HyNE. No. 6. Moran of the Lady Letty. By Frank Norris. No. 7. The Amateur Cracksman. 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Their gifted author had exceptional opportunities of seeing all that was going on, and the brilliant account of it that she wrote forms delightful reading. 16 mo., cloth ornamental, gilt top, TS^-t Paper, 25c. The Seven Seas. By Rudyard Kipling, Author of ** Barrack Room Ballads," **The Phantom Rick- shaw," etc. These poems are among the best productions of Kipling's genius. Crown, 8vo., cloth, ornamental, $1.50. The Day's Work. By Rudyako Kipling, Author of **The Seven Seas," etc.j with eight full page illustrations. To read this book, ** The Day's Work," is to receive a men- tal training and nerve bracing such as must make any man or woman — and especially any young man or woman — fitter to face life and conquer it. Crown, 8vo.; Cloth, gilt top, uncut edges, $1.50/ Paper, 75c-. Wolfvilleo By Alfred Henry Lewis, illustrated by Frederic Remington. This is a book of fresh and quaint humor. It describes in odd, but not tedious dialect, the doings in a Western ranching settlement. 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CONAN DOYLE Auihor of **Uncle Bemac" ''Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" *ic Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.50* Paper, 75c. WRENCE make its is in his rown 8vo. x Gray, id," etc. hor guar- haracter les in the fh, $i'So; to be its )k is sure )DDARD. ig period Crown Press Notices : "We thank Dr. Doyle for his charming volume and say Tarewell with extreme regret." — Illustrated London News. " It is all very sweet and graceful."— Zondim Telegraph. "A bright story. All the characters are well drawn."— London Mail. " 'Charming' is the one word to describe this volume ade- quately. Dr. Doyle's crisp style, and his rare wit and refined humor, utilized with cheerful art that is perfect of its kind, fill these pages with joy and gladness for the reader." — Philadelphia Press. " 'A Duet' is bright, brave, simple, natural, delicate. It is the most artistic and most original thing that its author has done. We can heartily recommend 'A Duet' to all classes of readers." Chicago Times Herald. UD AT ALL BOOKSELLERS OR POSTPAID FROM George N. Morang & Company Limited Publishers and IttpoRTERS Toronto The Amateur Cracksman By E. W. HORNUNG. ( No. 7 of Moran^s Florin Series. ) Crown 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Paper, 50c. In this book the author has produced a sort of counterpart of the detective stories of Dr. A. Conan Doyle. But it gives the other side of the question. In the " Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes," and in a "Study in Scarlet," the narrative was from the point of view of the law and its myrmidons. In the "Amateur Cracksman " it is one of the burglars who gives the story of his doings. It is a story that is told in a most interesting manner, as the undermentioned reviews will testify. " The book is distinctly a good one. ... It has a lightness and brightness which Dr. Doyle never attempted." — The Academy, " It interests from the opening page to the last." — Litera- ture. " Raffles is the counterpart of Sherlock Holmes to the full ; as ingenious, as cool, as cunning, and as fascinating a rascal as one can find anywhere in fiction." — Detroit Free Press. " There is not a dull page from beginning to end. It is ex- citing at times in a breathless way. He is the most interesting rogue we have met for a long time." — N. Y. Evening Sun. AT ALL BOOKSELLERS OR POSTPAID FROM George N. Morang 6: Company Limited Publishers and Importers Toronto an The Music Lover's Library In 5 Vols., each illustrated, lamo, $1.25 A series of popular volumes — historical, biographical, anec* dotal and descriptive — on the important branches of the art of music, by writers of recognized authority. iinterpart gives the Sherlock was from ♦Amateur ory of his ^ manner, It has a mpted." — '—Litera- to the full ; rascal as It is ex- interesting iun. NOW READY The Orchestra and Orchestral Music By W. J. Henderson Auihor of **What is Good Music?" etc. With 8 Portraits and Illustrations. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS : Part 1. How the Orchestra in Constituted, Part II. How the Orchestra is Used. Part ill. How the Orchestra la Directed. Part IV. How the Orchestra Grew. Part V. How Orchestral ilusic Orew. Mr. Henderson's book is a guide to a perfect understand- ing of the modern orchestra and of the uses in tone coloring of the various groups of instruments composing^ it. The develop- ment of the conductor is also traced, and the history of orchestral music is sketched. The book is addressed to the amateur, and is free from technicalities. It contains much information to be found in no other work. limited AT ALL BOOKSELLERS OR POSTPAID FROM George N. Morang & Company Limited Publishers and Importers Toronto The Music Lover's Library IN PREPARATION The Pianoforte and its Music By K E. Krehblel Au/hor of **Hsv. to Listen to Music" "Music and Manners in the Classical Period," etc. The Opera Past and Present By W. F. Apthorp Author 0/ "Musicians and Music levers," etc. Songs and Song Writers By Henry T. FInck Author of '* Wagner and His Works,'* ** Chopin and other Musical Essays," eU. Choirs and Choral Singing By Arthur Mees Conductor of the Mendelssohn Glee Club, AT ALL BOOKSELLERS OR POSTPAID FROM George N. Morang & Company Limited Publishers and Importers Toronto )rary USIC etc. sent tc. rs ng .imited