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Mapa. piataa, charts, ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antiraly ineludad in ona axpoaura sra filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand camar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha method: Laa cartaa, planehaa, tableaux, ate., pauvent Atre filmte i daa taux da rMuction diff^ents. Loraqua la document eat trop grand pour itra reproduit en un seul ciieh4, il est filmA i partir da Tangle sup4riaur gauche, de gauche k droite. et do haut ti baa. t* prenant la nombre d'imagea nicaaaaira. Las diagrammes suivants illuatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 8 6 K««K=«>eT:-rTrr«5!='S«'W««?WfW««"»«*«*«^ ^. (P>. ■ 'M'i S'fH^ TABLE OF FEES TO BE TAKEN BY THE t; JUDGE, REGISTRAR, MARSHAL, ADVOCATES, AND PROCTORS, OF THE VICE-ADMIRALTY COURT AT QUEBEC. LONDON PIUNTED BY WILLIAM (LOVVKS. 14, CHARING-CUOSS 1^32. QUEBEC. TABLE OF FEES. BY THE JUDGE. Fees in the Progreas of a Suit or Cause. For administering an Oath to a Witness or Party in a Cause. Taking Bail, whether by one or more Persons. Decreeing Monition, Commission, Attachment, or any other Instrument; or for any Judicial Act done before or ,.,ter the Hearing of a Cause, and not other\vise mentioned herein -------.._. The above Fee of 2s. to be taken by the Surrogate, whenever he performs the (htty. ° ^ On Subduction of an Action On pronouncing a Party to be in Default On signing a Decree pronouncing for the interest of a Party proceeding in poenani - - . - . . . .. __ On a Sentence or Interlocutory Decree SUtrliDg Money. £. s. d. 2 3 6 8 6 1 8 6 6 8 Fees upon the Sealing of Instruments. Warrant of Arrest, Monition, Commission, Decree, Restitution, or Attachment 6 6 Comi)uls()ry or Subpoena, or any Instrument not otherwise mentioned - - 4 Exemplification of any Document or Proceeding 100 Process transmitted to the Court of Appeal 6 6 BY THE REGISTRAR. I . Fees on Instruments prepared htj the Registrar. For l)r;iu-ing and Eiigrossing- \Vurrant to arrest Ship, Goods, or Per liail H(md - - . . _ son Moniti..!., Conunission, or Decree, whether of Unlivery, Appraisement or J5au', or otherwise -----.-.0 b2 5 5 13 4 TABLE OF FEES. [QuKBEt:. SterliDfi; Monay. £. *. d. Writ or Instrument of Restitution - - - - - - - 013 4 Compulsory or Subpoena ugainst Witnesses - - - - - 5 Writ of Attachment 13 4 If either of the preceding Instruments exceed in length ten folios, for every folio beyond ten - - - - - - - - - -014 NoTK. — The iblio nicntioneil througlioiit this Table of Fees must contain ninety words, reckoning each figure as a word. Should the Registrar be required to pre])are any other Document, Instrument, oi niatttr whatsoever, not s])ecitied in this Table, he will be entitled to the same charge as a Proctor, viz. For Drawing, for every ff>lio --..---. 014 For fair Copying or Engrossing, for every folio - - - - - . S «\^ i 4 3 (i 5 4 1 4 s 2. Fees on Documents not prepared hy the Registrar, hut by the Proctor, Solicitor, or Jldvocate in a Cause. On a Decree, pronouncing for the interest of a Party proceeding in poenam, being signed by the Judge - - - - - - - 08 f) On filing Affidavit or Protest of a INIaster or IMariners, without reference to the muiiber of persons making the same - - - - - On filing L' ' Information, Claim, Proxy, or similar Document Oii filing K-'.3iibit annexed thereto, or to any Affidavit . . - On enterhig ^^or engrossing) personal Answers of a Party in a Suit, for each folio 3,. Fees on taking the Examination of JVitnesses. On taking tlio Examination of every Witness on an Information, Libel, Inter- rogatories, or Plea, a fee of ------- - For each folio to wkich the Examination shall c>..end, if in English - If by Interpretation (Interpreter included) ------ Note. — It shonl-.i be understood, tliat the Registrar, or whoever acts as tlie l-lxaniiner for him, siiDiiid take the Depositions in chief of the Witnesses, on the Libel, Information, or Plea itself, without written Interrogatories; ])iitting snch relevant ([lust ions, i-inivoci\ as may suggest themselves ; and care should be taken not to lead the Witness. 'Die Libel, Information, or Plea, should therefore always be drawn sufficiently precise and i'uU, to enal)le the Examiner to take the Examinations accordingly. The Cross-examinations must, oi' course, be taken on written interrogatories. s f) I 4 2 8 4. Fees on Office Copies of Papers or Proceedings. For Otlicc Copy of Sentence or Interlocutory Decree, certified under Seal Fur Ollicc Copy of any Affidavit, Examiniition, Answers of a Party, or other Docnincnts or Proceedings in a Cause, or Extract therefrom, if unde:* twelve folios ---------- If exceeding twelve folios, for each folio beyond twelve - . - . Office Copies <»f Papers and Procccdinas to form a Process, to be transmitted to tiie (Jourt of Api»t',il, or for any other purpose, lor etich folio contained \-> U 5 8 \ ti K'R'iri (10 8 t Quebec] BY THE REGISTRAR. «*.^ i 4 5. Fees on Translation of Papers. Where Papers u r translated, the Registrar should charge the Disbursement actually made to the Translatoi*, with au addition of one-fourth, to compensate himself for his trouble, advance, &c. 6. Incidental Fees in the Progress of a Cause. sterling Money. £. s. (I. On Subduction of an Action - - - - - - - - -068 For entering every ordinary Act of Court - - - - » - 014 On every Default pronounced against Parties in contempt, in Cases proceeding in jtcenam - - - - - - - - - - -0 5 On every Interlocutory Deci e or Sentence, including drawing the Act, to be paid by the Party succeeding - - - - - - - 13 1 Sportulage upon every Sentence or Interlocutory Decree, to be paid by each Party in a Suit 13 4 Sportulage in a Cause terminating without a Sentence or Interlocutory Decree, to be paid by each Party in a Suit - - - - - ' OSG For every Attendance before a Judge or Surrogate, at which any Decree is made, other than an Interlocutory or Sentence - - - - 5 Fc" a Receipt for original Documents delivered out of the Registry - - 2 On a Search or Examination of the Records, by any Person not being a Party in the Cause in which the Search is made - - - - - 2 Note. — No Fee to be charged to a Party in the Cause, or to any Seaman applying lor Search. For advertising Mi intermediate or extra Court Day, in addition to tiie sum paid for Advertisement ------- -0 68 t 7. On paying out J\Ioney. Foi preparing Receipt for ]\Iouey to be paid out of the Registry - P( undagc on IMoney paid out of the Registry, for every Pound sterlin I 4 2 i 8. Taxing Costs. For taxing a IJill of Costs, if under six folios, from each Party who attends the Ta.xatiun 4 6 If the Bill of Costs exceed six folios, for every additional folio (besides the Fees above-mentioned), to be paid in equal proportions by each Party who attends ; and if but one Party attend, to be paid by him solely - - 6 9. References of Accounts, Sfc, by the Judge to the Registrar and Merchants. To the Registrar 5 5 To the Assistant IMerchant 5 5 If two Merchants, Five Guineas each. TABLE OF FEES. [QUKBEC. BY THE IMARSHAL. For urn;stiiiiif !i Vessel, Goods, or Person -.----- For keepiiii; |)ossessioii of a Vessel ai.d Cargo, jointly, or either of them singly, when the same are not nnder the resjionsihle charge and custody of the Otticers of the Customs, for each Day in which they remain in the Marshal's Charge .-.-.--.. For in(|uiriiig into, and certifying the sufficiency of Persons proposed as Sureties in any Suit, for each Surety -----. For release of a Vessel, Goods, or Person from Arrest - - . - For executing every Monition, or Decree for Answers of a Party, or G)m- j)ulsorv, or other Instrument not specified ----- For every Default or Decree pronouncing for the interest of a Party pro- ceeding in poenam --------- For every Attendance in Court, when a Sentence or Interlocutory Decree is jtronounced -----.-... For executing every Decree or Commission of Api)raisement, exclusive of the ^appraiser's Fees, hut including the making of the Inventory, if the value should not exceed iloOO sterling - _ . - - For the like duty, when the value exceeds £500 sterling - - - - For executing every Decree or Connnission of Sale of Shij), or Goods, hy Public Auction, when tiie gross proceeds are under £'200 sterling - And on every additional ;£100 sterling ------- On attending the execution of a Decree or Commission of Unliveiy of Cargo (when not done for the purpose of Sale), per Day - - - For taking a Person in Execution after Sentence, if the sum due from such Person does not exceed £20 sterling -....- For the like duty, when the sum is above £20 and under £jO sterling For the like duty, when the sum is above £50 and under £100 sterling, for ,.v(.py Pound sterling due --_.---- And on every additional Pound sterling after the first £100 - . - Stirling Money. £. 6'. 'A I 1 4 5 5 T) 8 5 10 1 f) 8 2 1 () 8 18 4 ■2 2 1 2 1 6 NoTi:. — Should it bo necessary for the Marslial to go any distanci", to oxociite any of the above duties, there should be jxiid to liini, for loss of time and Travellincr Expenses, in addition to the preceding Fees, the following: — If the distance exceed Two, and be under Four INIiles - . - - If above Four, and under Eight Miles ------- If the distance be still greater, the allowance to be reasonably increased. 1 2 1 L f QUEUliC] 1 I BY THE ADVOCATES. It is not easy to lay down any precise Rules respeciing Fees to Counsel, inasinucli us the amount must depend upon the circumstances ot each particular case, with relerenct; \u its length, importance, and difficulty. In all undefended Cases, and in matters of no great difficulty, one Counsel ought to be considered sufficient. Subject to these observations, the following suggestions are made, for the guidance of the Proctor in feeing Counsel, upon matters which most frequently occur in the progress of a Suit: — Retaining Fee to an Advocate ------- For perusing, settling, and signing Information or Libel, Claim and Affidavit, Act on Petition, responsive Plea (or Replication) to Libel or Infor- mation, or Act on Petitiu.M, according to the length or difficulty For perusing, settling, and signing Interrogatories, Answers, &c. when the same do not exceed iv elve folios in length . - - - - For evei-y additional fifteen folios, to the extent of sixty - - - - NoTi;. — It should be understood, that in preparing Interrogatories for the cross-examination of Witnesses, they are not to be drawn separately for each Witness, to whom the same are to be administered ; but that, when practicable (as in most instances will be the case), one set of Interrogatories should be prepared, generally applicable to all the Witnesses. For a Consultation in any intermediate stage of the Proceedings, should a 1 1 1 necessity arise to resort to Counsel for advice ; but this ought not too fre(|uently to occur, and only in cases of difficulty - - - - For any Mo' ion necessarily made by Counsel, before the Judge in the pro- gress of a Cause --------. The Fee for the final Hearing must depend upon the length of the Evidence, and the importance and difficulties of the Cause ; but, in cases of no great intricacy, the Fee should be from three to five Guineas, and not to exceed the latter sum, unless where the Proceedings are voluminous, or muisually important or difficult ------ Sterl £. 2 ing Money, s. d. 2 1 1 4 to 4 1 1 I 1. 3 3 1 1 or 2 2 3 3 to 5 5 BY THE PROCTORS. Retaining Fee -----.--.-- For attending before the Judge or Judge Surrogate, either in Court or Ciiambers - .-.------- On extracting any Warrant, Monition, Connnission, Writ, or other Instri'ment Drawing Libel, Information, Plea, Claim, Affidavit, Act on Petition, Inter- rogatories, Answers, or any other Proceeding whatever, not herein sj)ecified, for every folio .-----.- Fair Copying or Engrossing, for every folio ------ 6 8 G 8 7 6 1 4 8 8 TABLE OF FEES. [QUKDEC £. s. 1 1. G 18 - 8 5 KorConstiltiitioii with Party, for the jmrposo of takincj Iiistr .ctions for the Libel, Infonimtion, Plea, Act on Petition, or for uiiy (»ther important pur]»ose, during the dependance of a Suit .-.--- For Consultation with Counsel, if any sueh should he found recjuisite, pre- paratory to the final Hearing of a (Jause, or otherwise - - - FV)r Attendanee on Counsel to fee liini to peruse, settle, and sign any Informa- tion, Lihel, Replication, or other Ph.'a, Claim, Athdavit, Act on Petition, Answers, Interrogatories, or other matter, or upon any other occasion that may arise on delivering Paj)ers and feeing Counsel Nori;. — Care should be lakcn not to iiifiviisc the iuiiiiIht of Attendances or Consultations with Counsel, which oujfht, only to be resorted to when absolutely necessary. For any necessary Attendance on the Registrar, or on the adverse Prot^tor during the Progress of a Cause, to adjust any incidental point in tne Suit, or on the Marshal, to instruct him as to the service of any Instrument, reporting Rail, &c. ------- On all OlHce Copies of Depositions, &c., obtained from the Registrar, one- third of the actual smn paid iit the Registry is to be added for trouble of collating and extracting the same. For perusing and considering any P.apers, Exhibits, or Documents furnished, or introduced into a Cause, by the adverse Party, or fin*nished by a Party to his own Proctor, for the purpose of being brought forward as Evidence in the Suit, if not exceeding twelve folios - - - - For every additional twelve folios -_--.-- For attending Informations on the final Hearing of a Cause, when it occujdes only a short time, 10*.; if a few hours, 16*. 8(/. ; if a whole day, £1.0*. H</. NoTi;. — Proceedings for the Forfeiture of Slaves, Ships, or Goods, and for the Recovery of Penalties consequent thereon, have, in some instances, been carried on by two separate Suits ; one for the condemnation of die Property, and the other lor the Penalties. This mode of proceeding should be discontinued, one Suit being only necessary to accomplish both objects. Undefended Prosecutions for Breach of the Acts for the MoUtion of the Slave Trade. In all su(di Prosecutions carried on under one Monition, where no Party appears tt) defend — To the Judge ---------- To the Registrar, including a Copy of the Interlocutory Decree, or Sentence To the Proctor To the Advocate --.--.--. To the JMarshal 3 4 2 10 IG s or 1 6 8 - i 10 e 8 4 - 1 1 15 £10 (•) Approved. (Sitrned) IIKimERT JENNER. JOHN DODSON. STEPHEN LUSHINGTON. .lAMES FAKQUMAU. H. B. swaiif:y. WM. ROTHERY.