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Un dee symboles suivanta apparattra aur la darnlAre image do cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — »- signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". IMaps. plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illuatrate the method: Lea cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimAa A das taux da rAduction diff Aranta. Lorsque le document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A partir da I'angle supArieur gauche, do gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant la nombre d'imagea nAcaaaaira. Las die'^rammea suivanta illuatrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 r SEVENTH REPORT OF THB PROCEEDINGS c*- > OP THE CHURCH S.OCIETY ■V OF TUB /' ARCHDEACONRY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. f SAINT JOHN : PRINTED BY WILUAM L. AVERY. PRINCE WILLIAM STREET. 1843. > jft-i 4 4 r i * ^^ REPORT, ETC. February 9, 1843, (the second Thursday in February,) being the day appointed for the Anniversary Meeting of the '* Church Society ef the Archdeaconry of New Brunswick," on the preceding day, viau, Wednesday, February 8, the Cler«^y and Lay Deputies assembled in General Committee in the National School House, Divine Service iianng been celebrated In Christ's Church. PRESENT. The Ven. the Archdeacon, The Rev. N. Allen Coster, The Rev* Samuel Bacon, ** '* lames Hudson, *» " FTederick Cosier, " " John M. Stirling, The Rev. James VV. Disbrow, The following Crentlcmen attended as LAY DEPUTIES : it 4t (( The Hon. the Master of ihe Rolls^ * the Speaker, ' William H. Robinson, * A. Edwin Butsford, John Robinson, Esquire, James Robb, Esquire, M. D., Sylvester J. Earle, Esquire, Thomas Gilbert, Esquire, Thomas Murray, Esquire, Robert Watson, Esquire, Daniel Hanington, Esquire, Read the Accounts of William J. Bedoll, Esquire, the Treasurer, made up to February 1st, shewing a balance in hands of ;f28 129. Id. Read Mr. BedelPs Account of the Funds set apart for " Missionary Visits," shewing that the amount of that Fund is £73>J 2s. 3d., of which £708 13^. Id. is at interest on endorsed notes. Read the Secretary's Account of the distribution of the Books imported in 1842, from the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Read the Report of the Executive Committee. Fredericton, Richibucto, Kingsclear, Sackville, Fredericton, Carleton, Norton, Oagetown, Kingsclear, St. Stephen's, Shediac REPORT, A Resolution passed at the General Meeting in February (att, Having made it the duty of the Executive Committee to prepare from the Reports sent in to them by the several Loeal Committees on or before the 20th day of January, 1643, a full and general report of all the proceedings, and state of the Society and its different Branches throughout the Province, with any othei' matter that the Committee may think important to introduce into such Report ; they have with a view to the performance of this duty carefully examined the returns made to them within the time prescribed, and beg to report as follows : The Local Committee of Kingston report SubBcripttons, which with a Collection in Church, and the proceeds of Books sold, amount to £19 Os. Id. They have also forwarded two Resolutions passed at a Meeting on the 2d of January, which the Executive Committee feel no small pleasure in recording, although they cannot but regret their determinaiion to send no Lay Representatives to the General Committee. The Local Committee of Woodstock declare their unabated attachment to the Society, although from the difficulties of the times there is some falling off in their contributions. In proof of the good will prevailing in that quarter, they state that they have received eontributions of agricultural produce from many who had not money to bestow. The Church at Jackson Town is now used for the performance of Divine Service every alternate Sunday; and the Church at Richmond, being found to require a considerable enlarge^ ment, they crave the assistance of the Society forthe-accomplisfament of that work. They commend highly the exertions and success of the Rev. J. S. Thomson, recommend further aid to the Churches he is engaged in erecting^ and express a strong desire for the employment of more visiting Missionaries. They also solicit books for a Lending Library and for their Sunday Schools. In forwarding the Report of the St. Andrew*s Local Committee, the Rev. Dr. Alley has strongly expressed his sense of the good feeling towards the Society prevalent among his people ; although the pressure of the times makes the amount of their contributions less ihan they would wish. Among the Resolutioi» passed at a Meeting of this Local Committee on the 11th January, there is one reeom- mending a further grant to the Chapel at Chamcook : in support of which recommendation Dr. Alley states the building being of stone has proved more costly than was expected, and created an embarrassing debt. s Tho Local Commlttco of Sliediac forward a Potition on llic subjoot uf a claim put forth by it last year in bobalf of the Church at Cocaigne, which the Executive Committee have thought it their duty to refer ta the favorable consideration of the General Committee. The Petition Is accompanied by an application from the Rev. G. S. Jarvis to be remunerated for travelling expenses incurred in the years 1841 and 1642, by direction of the Lord Bishop, amounting to £,i 7s, Id. In behalf of the Sackville Local Committee, the Rev. J. Black writes that the New Church at Second Westcock would be finished and ready for consecration in a fortnight. He thanks the Society for the aid "so liberally and timely^' given to that work, as well as for the Books and Tracts received by that Committee ; and reports a great want in Sackville andDovchester of Bibles and Testaments, which, he thinks, wouM there meet with a ready sale. From the Chatham Local Committee there is as yet no regular Report, but the Rev. S. Bacon has forwarded a grateful acknow- ledgment of the Society*s attention to their recommendation in behalf of the Churches at Glenelg and Blackville, and of the supply of books at different periods to themselves. At the time of writing, their Collections for the L'uiiify had not been made, and he anticipated difficulty from the prcs^jure of the times ; but he was going to employ his own best exertions in the cause of the Society, and the Rev. J. Hudson had kindly offered his assistance. The Local Committee of St. Stephen's had a Meeting on the 27th December, at which Resolutions were passed expressive of strong attachment (o the objects of the Church Society. They ask aid in the formation of a Parochial Lending Library, and request that to this object may be applied whatever amount may be granted to them for Books in the present year, toge ;her with the grant of last year, which they have not yet taken up. On the part of the Local Committee of Glenelg, which met on the same day, the Rev. James Hudson states that they return their grateful thanks to the. Society for its assistance to t'e enlargement of their Parish Church. He adds that notwithstanding the bad times there will be no diminution of their contributions to the Society. Such is the substance of tho[?c returns which the Committee are authorised to uotice in this Report, and they are happy to say so far as they can judge by the letters which have been received, their own conduct in tne oxecution of the trust committed to them appears lo ■have given general satisfaction to the Members of the Society. Tbcy fmve discovered no complaint against any one proceeding of the past year, except with regard to the request of the Committee at Chatham for aid to the repairs of the Parish Church. It appears from Mr. Bacon's letter that enlargement was contemplated, as well as repairs ; but in his former communication that important cireumstance was- not stated. The Committee proceed to notice the Suciety^s operations in the- severol departments to which its resources have been turned. In the absence of any regular Report from either of the Travelling Missionaries, the Committee can only state thot they have been occupied each of them in the District originally ossigned to him by the Lord Bishop, as the scene of his labours (as they are informed) with diligence and success. Mr. Hudson^i Church at Blackville is finished, and is said to be a very beautiful building ; and Mr. Thomson^s at li.e Tobique is considerably advanced.. Mr. Hudson has drawa since the last Meeting for Travelling Expenses £89 9$, 9d. and Mr. Thomson £20. They deem it matter of regret that a greater number of Clergymen have not been found to imdertake such duty — a subject to which they will again recur. No provision having yet been made fur the endowment of Divinity Scholarships : and Sunday and other Schools having been during several years assisted only with books, ineluded in grants of Books and Tracts to the several Local Committees y the Committ«e pass to the fourth object of the Society, viz.^ The supply of Books and* Tracts, of whieti tho quantity imported cosi-;£130 sterling. Twenty- five gruni»were made last year to as many Local Committees, which< have been supplied to the amount of ;f 119 currency. The Books, dec. included in each grant were selected by the Clergyman connected with the Committee to which it was mude ; and the publications of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge out of which he had to select consisted of such as were suited for Lending Libraries, Schools mid Gratuitous Distribution. Your Committee caused a Depository of the publications to be opened at Fredericton, at which there have been sold to the anioiuit of £3 4x. 9d. The SecretiSry lias sold and issued to diflereut pArtiea for sale to the amount of Hbout ,£24. Fifth. Aid to the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels. T«n Bppropriations have been made out of therflTS allotted last year to fhis'ohjfrt, of whirh .£1 1^ 6s. Prf. have been drawn on certificates- that tho cotiflition of facli grant lias been coimplicd with. ' V- The unpaid granta (o Churches stand thus: Bay d« Verta, jflD. Kingston, iB20. Rivsr d« Chute, £80. Nelson, £19 \9t. 4d. Total £66 18«. 4d. * The actual state of the Funds, £98 19$. 7d. The income of the year 1843, ;f830 15«. 6d. Having thus disposed of the several matters above detailed, the ^Committee would again advert, to what may be considered the object of paramount importance, namely, the necessity of an immediate increase in the number of Missionaries. The great extent of the Parishes in this Province ; the very small band of Clergymen of our Church ministering to its spiritual wanto ; the fact that in several of these large districta no Clergyman is to be found, have been already brought before the notice of the Members of the Church of England, on the formation of this Society. The Committee regret to state that although two Missionaries are now employed by the aid of this Society, yet within the last ten years the whole number of the Clergy in the Province has only been increased by four, (thrde of these having been appointed since October last) ; white the Ministers of the Scotch Church, and of several of the dissenting bodies, have largely added to their numbers. This will appear from the subjoined statement, with which the Committee have been ftivored, and which they believe to be substantially correct. "The Province of New Brunswick contained according to the " census of 1840, one hundred and forty six thousand inhabitants ; ** how far this number exceeded the population in 1890, has not been ** ascertained, but doubtless it did so very considerably, as we find " that in ten years, from 1824 to 18S4, the increase was more than ** forty-five thousand. During this space of time there was but an ** increase of one in the number of Missionaries to meet an increase of ** probably fiAy thousand inhabitanta. In 1832, taking the Almanac ** of that year for our authority, we had twenty-seven Clergymen, "and in the beginning of 1842, we had twenty-eight. In the same "period the Church of Scotland multiplied the number of ita Ministers "by six (from three to eighteen.) The Church of Rome nearly "doubled its Clergy. The Baptists increased the number of their " Preachers from thirteen to twenty-four, and the Wesleyans from " fifteen to twenty-five. Thus the Church alone seems to have been " at a stand still, only having sufficient new Clergy from time to time " to fill up the gaps made by death or removal." * This sum was the balance in the hands oftlie 1 reanurcr, F&bruary Ist, 1643. To supply our watits in this respoot the good offices of th« Society for ihe Propagation of the Gospel hare been earnestly invoked, but hitherto we regret to state without the results which had been antici* pated, though we doubt not the disposition of that venerable body to render us the aid we so much need. Upwards of £700 have beenset apart fironn the Funds of the Society for this ofajject, a very small proportion of which has been consumed by the expenses of the Missionaries hitherto engaged, and the Com- mittee cannot but apprehend the longer non*employment of so large a sum for the purpose to which it has been devoted, may ii^uriously affect the progress of the Church Society. For these reasons tlte Committee are induced to dwell a little longer on this interesting subject. The failure of the offers of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to attract candidates for auch employment in this Province leads this Committee to think that the duty of a Tra* veiling Missionary must be considered as more arduous and irksome than it is ; and therefore they beg leave to state their own opinion, that, although not adapted to a person of weak constitution, there is nothing in it which should alarm a person in good health and of active habits, the roads in this country being far better than one would expect to find in one so imperfectly settled, and travelling so practicable even in the most ihclement season of the year that the beginning of the month of February has been selected by the Church Society for the time of its Annual General Meeting. They would further remark that the Travelling Missionary is not required to travel more, but only to a greater number of places, than most of the settled Missionaries in the Province ; none or scarcely any of the Country Clergy being exempt from the necessity of going very considerable distances in the performance of their stated duties ; nor is he subject to any other authority than are the other Missionaries of the Archdeaconry. The Committee cannot but think that, were these things fully understood, any zealous and robust Candidate for Missionary em- ployment would consider the inconvenience which he might expect to encounter in travelling about such a country as this, as more than compensated by the gratification he would derive (unless his experi- euce should be very different from that of others who have tried the employment) from the good effect of his labors and the grateful feelings this would call fuftb, not to mention the advantnge lo himseU :/i » ' ,-# > V ■< ■:hJk.t>*fJ''^ ■>»>•■!« '.» ~:ms,m > i ! of weing a good deal of th« country before he MUle* in any partienlar part of it. No Clergyman well qualified for the duty would punue this occupation long without finding an opportunity of being aettled in as much comfort as falls to the lot of the Clergy generally of the Province, the want of Clergymen b^ing very great, and the visits of the Travelling Missionary seldom Ailling to excite a strong desire for the blessing of a resident Pastor, aiu' an effort to procure it ; and although this Committee acknowledge that there is no room for boasting of what has been done in New Brunswick for the advancement and extension of the Church, they still flatter themselves that New Brunswick will not be found behind any other Province in theeflTorts its people have made and will continue to make for helping themselves. Its Church Society, which wasestablishedbefore any of the others and has hitherto been as liberally supported as any other, being ready to assist, by moans of Funds already provided, in the maintenance of Travelling Missionaries in a greater degree than the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel have thought fit to allow. These views the Committee would recommend should be again brought respectAilly, but with all earnestness, before the Venerable Society, being fully convinced that the wide field open for the labors of her devoted and pious Missionaries should be occupied, and the interests of the Church strongly require that this should be done without delay. J. M. STIRLING, Secretary to the Executive Committee. V -« Reports of Local Commilleea received subsequent}}/ to January 20/X. The Local Committee of Kingsclear have forwarded several reso- lutions expressive of cordial approbation of the Society and its ob- jects, especially of that object which stands first on the list, viz. Mis- sionary visits to neglected places. They recommend a strong appli- cation to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, for more Travelling Missionaries, and as there appears to be great difficulty in procuring Clergymen from the Mother Country, they also recom- mend the establishment of Divinity Scholarships in King^s College^ that candidates may be trained up for the ministry in tlie Province itself' They return thanks for the Books already granted to their Lending Library, and request a further grant to it this year. A. letter from the Rvv. C. Milner iutimatesl, that from the distress 19 •which ttt preient prevails, he has no prospect of making any coHec- Uection in his Parishes for the Society this year, which he much regrets. A letter from the Rev. A. Wood states, that although there is no ^diminution of good will to the cause, his people will be unable to con* tribute much this year. He returns thanks to the Society for the Books granted to them, and hopes they will not be overlooked at the next distribution. Prayer Books and Testaments are much in de- mand. The Local Committee of Fredericton met January 16th, and again by adjournment on the 25th. On the former occasion, they appoint* «d a Committee to prepare a report recommending special objects to the consideration of the General Committee ; and on the latter, con* •formably to the report then presented, agieed to ask nothing from tho •Society for the benefit of Fredericton and its vicinity, except that it may participate ia the division -of the Bocdts and Tracts which the •Society shall import this year, and that the allotment may include Books suitable for a Lending Library, as well as gratuitous distribution. They also passed a resolution recommending the establishment of one >or more Divinity Scholarships m King^s College. The Bev. T. N. De Wolfe announces the formation of Local Com* imittees in Richibucto and Welford, and reports subscriptions amount* (ing to £b U. 4|c{. apologizing for theemallness of the amount. The Church in each of these Parishes has been put into a state fit for con* -secration by great exertion on the part of the people, who are grate- ful for the assistance afforded Uiem by this Society. A Local Committee was regularly organized in the Parish of Car* Seton on January 25th, after Divine Service and a Sermon by the Rev. W. W. Walker. The collection, after the Sermon, amounted to <£4, and subscriptions have been made amounting to £9 15s. ; not payable, however, till June 1st next, by which time it is represented "that they will probably be greatly increased. At Gagetown, on the 27th January, a Local Committee was duly farmed, and subscriptions have since been obtained to the amount of ^6 6s. Sd. A Committee has also been formed in the Parishes of Dumfries -and Prince William, and subscriptions made, of which £7 6s. 3d. has been collected. They return thanks for the Books granted for the use of these Parishes, and also for the assistance given to the building of •a new Church at Magundy. They now soliuit Books for a Lending l<ibrary in each Parish, and a further grant to the Magund)' Church. V .1 -« If C' ^ The Norton Ck)mmittee apologize for the limited amount of their subscriptions, viz. £6 lis. Gd.^ which they attribute to engagements in which they have latnly been involved. They solicit aid toward* the erection of a Gallery in the Parish Church, and further assistance to the Parochial Library. The Local Committee of Springfield return thanks for a valuable addition to their Parochial Library. They too being engaged in erect* tng a Parsonage House, have found it necessary to reduce their con- tributions to the Church Society, without any abatement of interest in its cause. They report subscriptions to the amount of £1 6«. and solicit aid towards increasing their Parochial Library. ■U Certain applications for grants of money were then taken into con-^ sideration, of which the following were deternuned upon, the rest being referred to the Executive Committee. 1. An application for a grant to the Chapel atChamcook, to aid in paying off a debt incurred in the erection of it. Resolved, that the said application be not complied with. 2. An application for the payment of a grant made tc Cocaigne Church in 1841, of .£20, Resolved, that the same be paid. 3. An application for the payment of a grant made to Bay de Vt* rte Church in 1S40, of J&IO, Resolved, that the same be paid. 4. An application from the Rev. Dr. Jarvis for the payment of travelling expenses, incurred by order of the Lord Bishop in 1840 and! 1841. Resolved, that the saocie be not paid. APPROPRIATIONS. Re$oJvedy That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds be placed at the disposal of the Society for the Propagatbn of the Gospet towards the support of additional Travelling Missionaries, and thai the Society will engage, to the utmost of its power, to devote annu-^ ally a liberal sum corresponding with its means, for the same purpose v and that the above bo respcetfully communicated to the Society and the Lord Bishop. Resolved^ That the sum of Eighty Pounds be placed at the disposal of the Executive Committee, for the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels, and that it be an instruction to the Committee to comply, as near as may be, with the recommendations of the seve- ral Local Committees. Resolved^ That such sum as will purchase a Bilj of Exchange for Id One Hundred Pounds, sterling, be transmitted to the Society for Pro* moting Christian Knowledge, for a supply of Books suitable for Lend* ing Libraries, and other purposes ; and that the Executive Committee t)e authorized lo transmit a further sum for Books, should the state of the funds appear to them to admit of its being done. it (( ti it it it it it ii ii ii ii it AISNIVERSARY MEETING. ^Thursday, February 9, 1843. PRESENT. 'The Venerable the Archdeacon. The Reverend F. Coster. N. A. Coster. J. Hudson. W.E. Scov.il, J. M. Stirling. J- W. Disbrow. The Honorable the Chief Justice, Y. P. the Master of the Rolls, V. P. the Solicitor General, V. P. A. Edwin Botsford, V. P. sRead the Report of tlie Executive Committee. Read the Resolutions of Appropriation of the General Committee «of yesterday. Read the Accounts of tlte Treasurer. Read a Letter from the Rev. Dr. Thomson, relative to the notice ;£iven by him last year of a change of the day for the Anniversary Meeting. Resolved, that the subject be referred to the consideration of the next Anniversary Meeting. Read a Letter from the Rev. J. M. Stifling, reporting the contribu* tions of the Non>Commissioned Officers and Privates of the 52d Re* giment and Royal Artillery. Resolved unanimously, that the Society do notice, with much satisfaction, their very liberal contributions, and that Lieut. Col. Blois bo requested to convey to them this expression of their satisfaction. JU$9lvtds That the sum of 300 of the Funds, set apart for Mis* sions nty, £1& and clau T Esq was 1 Cos re*< 'J Iin( ecvj the Es k Pro- Lend- Iniittee btate of $43. iinittee notice ersary ration itribu- Jciety i, and ion of 1:3 sionary visits, be loaned by the Executive Committee on landed secu- rity, for a period not exceeding one year, and in sums not exceeeding' £150 in any one loan ; the property to be double the value of the loan, and the interest to be paid half-yearly ; the Mortgage to contain a clause conveying a power of sale in case of default of payment. The thanks of the Meeting were then given to William J. Bedell, Esquire, for his services as Treasurer during the past year, and he was re-elected Treasurer for the year ensuing. The thanks of the Meeting were also given to the Rev. Frederick Coster, for his services as Secretary during the past year, and he was re-elected Secretary for the year ensuing. The thanks of the Meeting were also given to the Rev. J. M. Stir- ling, for his services as Assistant Secretary, and Secretary to the Ex- ecutive Committee, duriug the past year, and he was re-elected to- tiio&e OfBces for the year ensuing. The following Gentlemen were then elected Members of the- Executive Committee : John C. Allen, Esquire, George Botsford, Esquire, James W. Chandler, Esquire, George J. Dibblee, Esquire, Sylvester J. Earle, Esquire, Jamies Ketchum, Esquire, Charles Lee, Esquire, John Robinson, Esquire, Robert Watson, Esquire, Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, George Wheeler, Esquire, Benjamin Wolhaupter, Esquire, Fredericton. Fredericton. Saint Andrews. Fredericton. Norton. Woodstock. Kingsclear. Douglas. Saint Stephens. Fredericton. Saint John. Fredericton. FREDERICK COSTER, Secretarp. FredericloTiy February 9, 1843. mssfss. Vlis. 14 Extract* from the Minute* of the Executive Committee of the Church Society of the Archdeaconry of Neiv Bruniwick. Tuesday, September 27, 1842. PRESENT, The Venerable the Archdeacon. The Honorable the Master of the Rolls. The Reverend F. Coster, Secretary. William J. Bedell, Esquire, TVeaturer^ Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire. Reaohedy That the Boolka and Tracts imported from the Society Cor Promoting Christian Knowledge, be divided in the following pro- portions, viz. to— Fredericton,tothe valueof £10. Springfield, of ;^ Woodstock, Saint Stephen*s, Hampton, Kingston, Sussex, Chatham, St. Andrew''s, of £6 each. Kingsclear, Sackville, Gagetown, Carleton, Andover, Glenelg, of £5 each. Gondalo Point, Saint Patrick^s, of £4 each. Nerepis, Grand Lake, Norton, Westfield, Greenwich, Prince William, Shediac, Bay Verte, of £3 each. Resohedf That an application be made to the Incorporated Society for the Building and Enlarging of Churches and Chapels, for the loan «f a few Plans of Churches suitable to the wants of this Province. FREDERICK COSTER, Secretary. Tue*day, February 20, 1843. PRESENT. The Yen. The Archdeacon, Charles Lee, Esquire, The Hon. The Master of the Rolls, George J. Dibblee, Esquire, John Robinson, Esquire, The Rev. J. M. Stirling, W. J. Bedell, Esquire. Read the Miuutes of the Proceedings of the General Committee, and of the Anniversary Meeting, whereupon Reeolvedf That the Report which has now been read, with the addition of the Minutes of this day ^s proceedings, and the Treasurer's Accounts to the latest possible period, be printed forwith, and that the printing of the Subscription Lists be deferred, until they can be presented complete. <• 15 \urch r i ciety pro- tock, ew^s, over, 9ach. liam, ciety loan y- Jire, tee, the er's that be •4 I 1 4 Resp'^ed, That this Committee, will in fitture appropriate no money fbr the enlargement of any Church orChapel, unless a statement of the- nature of the contemplated enlargement be first transmitted to the Committee. Adjourned. W J Wednesday, March 15, 1843*. PRESENT. The Yen. The Arehdeacon, John Allen, Esquire, The Hon. N. Parker, George Botsford, Esquire, John Robinson, Esquire, Tho Rev. J. M. Stirling, Chavles Lecj Esquire. Resolved, That the sum of iE80, set apart at the last General Meeting: for aid to the building and enlarging of Ghurches and Chapels, be appropriated as follows : To the Rev. S. D» Lee Street, to assist in enlarging the Church at Richmond in the manner proposed in his communieation, the same tO' be paid when it shall be duly certified that the enlargement has been< made, the sum of Ten Pounds. To the Rev. J. S. Thomson, to assist in building the Church at the- Tobique, the same to be paid when it shall be certified that ib» Church is fit for Divine Service, the sum of FiAeen Pounds. To the Rev. Ji S. Thompson, to asmst in building a Church at River de Chute, subject to the same condition as the grant to the same Church last year, the sum of Three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence. To the Rev. J. W. DIsbrow, to assist in building a Chapel at the Magundy Settlement, the sumx>f Thirteen Pounds Six and Eightpencor of which £3 6«. 8d. is to be drawn on the same condition as the grant or liast year, and the remaining^ £10 to be drawn when the Chapel is fit for Divino Service. To the Rev. James Hudson, to aid in buildinga Church in the Parish of Nelson, subject to the same conditions as the grant to the same- object last year, the sum of Eight Pounds Six Shillings and Elghtpence.. To Dr. Sevan, to assist in building a Church at the English Settlement in the Parish of Johnston, the same to be paid when it shall be duly certified that the building has been erected on land held in fee simple- by, or for the use of the Church, and the external walls completed,, the sum of Fifteen Pounds. 16 To Major Yeamans, to assist in finishing a Chapel, built by him in the Parish of Canning, provided the information respecting the said building be satisfactory to the Archdeacon, the sum of Fifteen Pounds. J. M. STIRLING, Erederictotif March 15, 1843. Secretary. Tuesday^ May 16, 1843. Read a Letter from the Rev. W. J. Rodber, Secretary of the ** Incorporated Society for promoting the enlargement, building and repairing of Churches and Chapels^* to the Secretary, dated St. Martinis Place, 9th November, 1842, stating in reply to his letter by direction of the Executive Committee, that as the Society have not exercised any right of property in the plans submitted to their consideration, he had forwarded a copy of his letter to the Oxford " Architectural So- ciety,** and " Camden Society,** at Cambridge, who, he had no doubt, would pay due attention to the request which it contained. Read a letter from the Rev. B. Webb, Secretary of the " Cambridge Camden Society,** to the Secretary, dated Trinity College, Cambridge, 2d December, 1843, stating that they possessed no plans for Churches, but offering to procure from some Architect in whom the Society could confide, plans embodying such directions as might be given ; also that he had sent a small parcel of the Society*s minor publications, as a present from their Committee to the " Church Society.** This parcel has been received. Read a Letter from the Rev. B. Webb, to the Secretary, dated Trinity College, 2d March, 1848, stating that he had enclosed tracings of the miniature drawings of two simple, yet beautiful designs, lately made under the superintendence of their Committee. The smaller will cost about ;f 800 in England, and will hold 250 ; the larger will bold 1000, and cost perhaps ;S2,500, in the hope that they may be of service. And assuring the " Church Society** of the readiness of the " Camden Society** at all times to give it all the aid in, their power. Read a Letter from the Rev. J. L. Richards, D. D., Reotor of Exeter College, Oxford, President of the " Architectural Society,** to the Se- cretary, stating that his Letter had drawn tho attention of that Society to the desirableness of publishing such plans of Churches as were re- quested, and that they had already engaged artists for taking the ground plans, &c., of a few which may best serve as models, copies of which they will be happy to forward ; and assuring the " Church 17 Society'^ of (he interest the Society feel in the Colonial Church, and their anxiety to render their labours in any way useful to it This letter was followed by a parcel of the Society's publications. Whereupon, Resolved^ That the Archdeacon be requested to return thanks in the name of this Committee, to the " Cambridge Camden Society," and to the " Oxford Architectural Society," for their kind attention to the request addressed to them respectively, and for their valuable presents to the " Church Society." ! APPENDIX. No. I. The jyetuurer'* Account. The Church Society of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswick, in Account with W. J. Bedell, Treasurer. Dr. < ;r. 1842. 1842. Paid for a Bill of Ex< Balance in Treasurer's hands last change, - £1111 2 3 year, . - - ^£187 1 4 Paid discount on Ha> Received Collections lifax paper, - - 2 from: Paid Contingencies, Z. Wheeler, Esq. • 1 10 (Candles, &c.,) • 1 6 Rev. Mr. Bacon, - 14 3 10 Paid W. L. Aveiy, for Rev. Mr. Scovil, - 28 16 Printing, - - - 11 17 6 Rev. Mr. Hudson, -10 11 This sum transferred to Rev. Dr. Alley, - 21 7 6 Missionary Fund, 50 Rev. Mr. Street, - 53 14 Do. do. do. to Fund, Rev. Mr. Sterling, 101 5 10 for Divinity Scholar- H. B. Smith, Esq. 10 ships. .... 30 R. Watson, Esq. St. Paid the following Grants Stephen's - - 20 to Churches, viz. ; Mr. Carson, Digde- Andover, - - 25 guash, ... 4 5 Jackson Town, 10 C. Lee, Esquire, NewBandon, - 20 Kingsclear, • • 7 5 Hon. A. E. Botsford, 11 Chamcook, - - 20 Glenelg, • - • 15 O. Barberie, Esq. 4 9 6 Cocaigne,- - - 20 Rev. F. Coster, - 12 Jackson Town, 5 Mr. Vail, ... 8 Chamcook, • • 20 Shediac, ? 5 2 9 Second Westcock, 16 . 13 4 Westfield, .-23 11 Weldford, - - 10 Greenwich, --39 10 Miramichi,2 grants 40 Sackville^ -.05 Magundy, - - 16 13 4 Books sold, ... 1 16 4 Balance in hand, - 28 12 7 Do. by W. J. Bedell, 3 4 9 £511 1 6 ;e511 1 6 Feb. 1, 1843. By balance due the Church Society, for " General Purposes," . . £28 12 r 19 No. II. The Treaturer'^s Account. The Church Society of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswic1^ (for General Purposes,) in Account with AV. J. Bedell, Treasurer. 1843. February 9, Paid W. J. Bedell, for Contingencies, 30, '• for Bills of Exchange, ;nOO sterling, 23, " Grant to Church at Long Reach, 27, " " " BayVerte, March 6, " Rev. Mr. Sterling's order to Anthony Welch, (contingencies,) " " do. do. do. 30, *« Grant to Church at Magundy, Balance in hand, - . . it u it tt De. £0 18 10 121 13 4 20 10 10 12 2 3 6 8 152 19 1 A3. ebruary 1, January 21, February 3, II It 11 ti *i It II 41 It tl t« 11 It 41 41 14 it it 6, 44 7, 44 11 14 8, 9, 44 10 44 44 9, ii 22, 23, 44 • £301 1 Cr. Balance due the Society on this Account, ^8 12 7 Amount paid by Rev. Mr. Sterling, 5 44 ii " T. Murray,' Esquire, 9 3 44 ii " D. Hanington, Esquire, 4 6 44 ii " Rev. Mr. Bacon, 33 9 ii 4i " Rev. Mr. Harrison, 5 14 II ** r.ev. A. Coster, « 6 3 44 ii " W. Leek, - . - 2 6 44 «i " R. Watson, Esq. . 11 10 41 Ii " Rev. F. Coster, - - 20 5 44 Ii «♦ Rev. Dr. Alley, 15 44 Ii " 0. Barberie, Esquire, « 11 6 44 it " Rev. Mr. Disbrow, 7 14 6 ii it " Rev. Mr. Scovil, 19 1 ii it " E. Simonds, Esquire, 7 5 44 it ♦♦ Rev. Mr. Disbrow, 1 10 44 ii " Rev. Mr. Sterling, 89 6 44 ti " John W. Weldon, Esquire , 5 1 6 44 ii " Rev. Mr. Sterling, 11 10 ii it " Rev. Mr. Street, 5 ii ii " Hon. A. E. Botsford, - 17 10 6 i'. 4. " Rev. Mr. Sterling, 1 ft April 1, May 1, 1843. ^y Balance due the Society for General Purposes, £310 1 ^152 19 1 {Signed) Fredericlon, May 1, 1813, W. J. BEDELL, Treasurer. 90 No. III. Abstract of Funds ^$ct apart for Missionary Visits. 1849. Amuunt due, as per abstract rendered, Transferred from General Fund as ordered 10th February, 1843. Feb. I, Accumulated Interest, Less. £Q18 9 7 60 58 2 5 £786 12 Paid Rev. J. S. Thompson, his expenses as Travelling Missionary ^20 Paid Rev. J. Hudson's ditto. 29 9 9—£49 9 9 18: Mure June Due the Society o-. this Fund, Fredericton, February 1, 1843. The above balance consists of Notes at Interest, - . ^708 13 1 Cash on hand, • . 28 9 2 JE737 2 3 £737 2 3 No. IV. Schedule of Appropriations made by the Executive Committee. 1838 I March6,Stnclville, New Bandon, Jacksontown, Norton, New Maryland, Aug. 13,;Kingston, Springfield, St. Stephen's, Sussex Vale, Fredcricton, Dundas & W. Brunswick & 9. - St. Andrew's, Oct. 9, Waterboroiigh, Woodstock, Grand Manan, iFrederirton, Westficid, (jreenwich, St. George's, 1839. St. Andrews, March 2,,Greenwich, jKingiclear, Uacksontown, iNorlon, iRichibucto, 18 Ma £ 8 d 10 20 20 10 20 5 3 4 8 8 5 2 5 5 5 2 32 .5 22 5 10 10 10 f Completing a Chapel, Paid. r Building a Church, Paid. Building a Church, Paid. Enlarging the Church, Paid. Building a Chapel^ Paid. . Sunday School, Paid. The same. Paid. The same. Paid. The same, Paid. ■ i The same, Paid. The same, Paid. The same, Paid. Books, I'aid. The same, Supplied. The same. Supplied. The same, Supplied. The same. Supplied. The same. Supplied. The same, Supplied. The same, Supplied. Books, Supplied. Rebuilding the Church, Paid Building a Church, Paid. The same, Paid. Enlarging the Chureh, Paid. Building a Church, Paid. V Mi <l . H'tiiitli 21 7 5 ve ■ 1839. Wetdibrd, March S, Kingston, June S£Si, Chulharo. St. Patrick's, Kingsclear, Woodstock, Woodstock, Kingston, Springfield, Sussex, Butternut Ridge, Hampton, Norton, Gondola Point, Westfinid, Greenwich, Gagetown, Grand Luke, Sackville, Shediac, Chatham, Richibucto, Weidford, Campo Dello, St. Andrews, St. Stephen's, Prince William &D Fredericton, Portland, Carleton, Greenwich, Kingsclear, Norton, Studville, Grand Alanan. It Dundas, t( St. Patrick's, (( S. W. Miramichi, t< Carloton, Bay de Verfe, Fredericton, &c. Woodstock, &c. Prince WiHian>, &c. St. Andrews, &c. St. Stephen's, &c. Chatham, &c. Westfield, &c. Kingston, &c. Hampton, Sec. Sussex, &c. Waterborough, Slc. Richibucto, &c. Gagetown, &c. Carleton, Portland, Grand Mnnnn, 1840. May 16, 1840. May 16, 10 5 4 9 9 a 7 3 3 5 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 3 3 4 4 5 2 9 2 7 5 25 23 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 10 U U 15 17 15 5 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 15 0|Th« same, Enlarging the Church, O' Books, The same, The same, The same, The same, ' The same, The same, The same, OTho same, The same, U The same, The same, The same, The same, The same, The snmn, The same, The bome, The same, U The same, The same, The some, ' The same, The same, The same, The same, The same, The same, Rebuilding the Church, Building a Church, U Enlarging the Church, U Building a Church, Rebuilding the Church, Ditto. Building a Church, Ditto, The same, Ditto, ti The same, Ditto Enlarging the Church, Building a Church, 4 Prayer Books and Tcsta- The same, Tfae same, Tfa e same, TIi« same. The same. The same, The same. The same. The same. The same. The same. The same. The same. The same, SJThc same, [monts Paid. I Paid. i Paid. r 1 Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. f Supplied. Supplied. i Supplied. 1 Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. * Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. <i Supplied. i Supplied. i' Supplied. ciupplied. i Supplied. Supplied. k Supplied . ■ Supplied. I'aiU Paid. ^i Paid. ;, Paid. • Paid. ' Paid. Paid. i Paid. Paid. i I'ald. •m Paid. ' ' 1 Paid. ^ Paid. 1 Paid. '. Supplied. ' Supplied. ^M Supplied. V,; Supplied. > S Supplied. ( ' Supplied. Supplied. ';(g& Supplied. 1 Supplied. rm Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. ■ ■ k. Supplied. ! . ., Supplied. Supplied. '. 23 May 14, 1841 MarahlSCarlaton Aug. 19, 1849. July 6, Sept. 97i i Saekvilla, Shedlae, Leeh Lonond, Glenelf, ««Mt Charocook, Frr-' '.eton, 4ko. Woodtiock, Ac. Tobiqua, 4ko. Kingiton, &o. HamptoN, Ac. Suiiox, 4^. Oagetown, dbo. Grand Lake, Weatfield, ^. Carleton, Portland, St. Andrew's, dke. 8t.|tStephena, Ae. Grand Manan, Chatham, Ao. Miramiehi River, Bathurst, Shediae, Sackville, Chamoook, New Bandon, Glenelg, Kingeton, Tobique, River de Chute, Jackson Town, Second Weitoook, Prince William, Nelaon, Andover, Bay Verte, Chatham, Carleton, Fredericton, Gagotown, Glenelg, Gondola Point, Grand Lake, Greenwich, Hampton, Kingston, Kingsclear, Nerepis, Norton, Prince William, Springfield, St. Stephen's, Sussex, St. Andrew's, Sackville, St. Patrick's, Shediae, Woodstock,. X3 9 10 94 10 15 90 7 C 9 10 4 6 19 10 9 9 10 6 5 7 10 9 5 8 10 4 6 5 6 95 9 4 4 90 90 15 90 190 6 16 13 16 13 16 13 6 3 3 8|Th« same, 8 The same, 0- Enlarging tha Chureh, Completing the Chureh, Enlarging the Chureh, Building a Chapel, Books, Tha same, The saina, The same, The same, OThe same, Oxha same, The same, The same. The same. The same, The same. The same. The same. The same, OThe same. The same. The same. The same,. Finishing the Chureh, Finishing the Chui«h, Enlarging the Church, V Building Church, L. Reach, Building the Church, Building the Church, Finishing the Chureh, ' Building the Church, Building a Chapel, Building the Cfiuroh, Books, The same, The same, The same, "The same, ( The same, OThe tame, OThe same, OThe same, OThe same, OThe same, OThe same, OThe same, OTlMsame, The same, OThe same, OThe same, The same, OjThe same, OrThe same, The same, The same, OThe same, uThe same. ,] li Supplied. F Supplied. Mai Paid. Paid. . Paid. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. 1 1 Supplied. Supplied. Ma Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. > « Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. ^ ^ Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. * sol Supplied. Supplied. PalJ. i Paid. ha da Paid. Paid. Paid. Paid. Paid. CI Paid. 1 ^ on Supplied. fu Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. A , Supplied. ^ V ;J. Supplied. . Supplied. ' Supplied. ', Supplied. . Supplied. Supplied. ' * Supplied. Supplied, Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. ' Supplied. Supplied. * Supplied. ^ t Supplied. ' 1M3. WMt««ld, £3 (KTho NHif . Ftb. 8, Coeaifna. 90 OT Finiahing tho Chnreh, March 10 Riehuond, 10 Entariinc tho Church, Tobiqua, 16 IMPiniaiilnf tho Chiirob, River da ChuM, 3 6 8 Building a Church, Prinee WilUam, 3 6 8 Buildint a Church, Paid. Ditto, 10 OlFiniriiinf tho Chiireh, Nelton, 8 6 8 Building a Church, Johnston, 15 U Buildint a Church, Canuiog, 15 Building a Churoh, {Signed.) FRED. COSTER, Mayl, 1643. • Sbobbtaby 0:7" The attention of the Clergy is Bolicited to the following re* % solution of the Society ; in cases in which the request which it contains has not been complied with, they are desired to appoint some other day. Anniversary Meetings 1839. Resohedt On motion of the Hon. Thomas Baillie, That the several Clergymen of the Established Church be requested to preach a Sermon on the second Sunday in June in each and every year, in aid of tb» funds of the Society. j\ ,/^ w S.G.LEIGH, ' OVNDI^B, NORTHAJIIPTOIVSHIBB, BEGS respectfully to inform those who may be yiterested In tbc purchase of ORGANS, that he has a large Collection which have passed into his hands, principally through the failure of the late proprietors, and which he can ofier on most advantageous terms. Every Instrument is warranted sound and corresponding with the description. S. G. L. having supplied upwards of Fifty Churches and Chapels with Organs, nuijri^erous testimonials and referentes can be given, and ^fiu;phasers may supply thomselves on equal or more advantageous terms than at any other establishment in England. A NOBLE ORGAN, by P&rsons, 16 feet high, in a very hand- some case; three towers of pipes, speaking front, long octaves, G G to F, with G G sharp, four shifting movements, and en octave of German pedals. The Great Organ contains open diapason throughout, large scale ; stopt diapason ; principal ; fifteenth ; cremona, fiddle G to F ; flute ; sesquialtra three ranks ; trumpet throughout. Swell with Venetian front, fiddle G to F ; open diapason ; principal ; trumpet ; hautboy ; coupler swell to great organ ; coupler pedals to great organ ; octave of C C C double pedal pipes, 16 feet. ' This splendid Organ wu.i built in 1837, at a coit of 5001— The present price it 330/. SPLENDID FINGER ORGAN, by Bates, 1838, 18 feet high, 11 feet wide, and 7 feet deep, in handsotne gothic cnse ; three rows of keys, compass long octaves G G to pianaforte C. 65 notes. Three compound pedals to C'reat Organ; octave of German pedals ; bellows with double feeders and concussion valves: double pellets to lower .octave of Great Organ. The Great Organ contains open diapason throughout the lower octave (very large scale): stopt diapason ; principal ; twelfth ; fif- teenth ; sesquialtra ; trumpet throughout. ChoirOrgan : dulciana ; stopt diapason ; principal ; flute ; cremona. Swell: open diapason ; dulciana ; stopt diapason; principal; flute; hautboy; and an octave of large scale pedal pipes. — Cost ^700, offered at £300. FINGER ORGAN, in mahogany case, 10 feet high, 5 feet wide; •contains open diapason throughout; stopt diapason; principal; twelfth; fifteenth ; sesquialtra ; and cornet ; octave of pedals compass G G to F.— Price ^100. FINGER ORGAN, in mahogany case, 8 feet high : G G to F.; ■^contains stopt diapason throughout ; open diapason treble ; principal . twelfth ; and fifteenth.— Price ,£45. FINGER ORGAN, by Haines ; G G to F Shoit octnve ; contains stopt dianason ; open diapason : principal ; and fifteenth. — Price £25. SERAPHINE, by Isaacs— .Price £30 BARREL ORGAN of great power, by Davis, 1840 ; 1 1 feet high, '6 feet wide; contains stopt diapason; open diapason; principal^} twelfth ; fifteenth ; and Auto : with 5 large 15-tune barrels, three of which are set with 45 capital and well selected Psalm Tunea and ^Chants. 'Blows by hand Price £60. NEW BARREL ORGAN, by Bates, in solid oak case ; contains > stopt diapason ; open diapason ; principal ; and fifteenth, — Price £2b. STELefnu to the Rbv. F. COSTEBt Saint John, New Bruniwick.