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SPEOmOATION OF TUBBINI is to be made inches outside Ist. Foundation Plate.— The foundation plat< in cast iron, and in the shape of a ring of 9 feet 9 iuv..^o „u«,.uu diameter, and 7 feet inside diameter, the section of iiaid rin<' is 2i inches thick when finished on top and bottom. Said -ing is to have an inside and outside rim of one inch width and de] )th*'in addition to the plate. Said foundation plate is to have si t arms and a xsentre of the same thickness as tjie plate, namey— 2i inches. Each arm is to be 8 inches wide near the centre aid 6 inches on the outside. The centre is to be 14 inches diamjter. The top and bottom of this plate is to be faced, and is to hav« 12 foundation holw of IJ inch diameter. The plate is to be put d)wn level with 12 foundation bolts, each 10 inches long, in the ehape of wood screws, and^to have fitted on it the stands and gate. After beinc' levelled said foundation plate is to be under-rufl with sulphur. 2nd. Gate Stands.— The gate stands are to bi 6 in number and are to be of cast iron. They are to be of the firm shevra on plan, and the main body and feet are to be of IJ inch thickness of metal. The bottom or feet are to be 12 inches square! the top is to be in the shape of an L, 8 inches wide. Said stands are to be planed, fitted, and secured by means of proper bolts to foundation plate and turbine cylinder. 3rd. Turbine Gate.— The turbine gate is to be made in cast iron, of 9 feet 4 inches inside diameter, 27 inches inside height or 28J inches total height Vhcn finished. It is to be of the fomi represented on the plan, with 2 ribs, 2 inches wide and 1 inch thick also 2 bosses which are to be fitted to receive the {rate n.ds. Said gate rods are to be 10 feet 3 inches from centre to centre, tli^bcttcm and inner side of top flan-e arc to be faced true, and are tu be ina-ii^ _ -j:l/_ ■*: ,■ % ^ *taw ' ^tfel!i.%j. 'g^SMfe ^^fcfeiga l[^B^?g "y-KTi! -— rwf c - ■■"te" ' y!Wi'^i^'^'^i^''*is' '\< .\: *t 'f' J tion plate and ^turbine cylinder flo as to form as ti*;lit racticable, bearing in view that the gate has to slide b^, ith. TcRBlNE CvLiNDKR.-^The turbine cylinder is to be made in cast iron, of the shape HhcWn on plan. Its total hcic round. Inside of said cylinder there arc 'to be 4' Itij^s, so arranged as to be able to receive a cross bridge. Six perpendicular strips are to be cast on the outside of cylinder, and they are to oe fitted so as to serve as guide to the gate when goin<; up or down. ' Said cylinder is further to be provided with a man-hole and plate, as shewn on plan. The work on said cylinder is that it should 'be bored true to receive a movable and stationary wheel ; tliat it should be fitted and bolted securely to the gate stands ; and that it be made so as to fit to the gate in^the manner described under the head of turbine gate ; that it should receive the cross bridge so fitted as to present a level surface for the step. In conclusion, there are to be cast on the outside and fitted two brackets, 20 inches wide, which are to be nrade as shewn on the plan, and fitted and secured with 'l bolts, 1^ inch diameter, to iron girders, to be described hereafter. ' '../,■ •>_■■■'■". 5th. Stationary or Guide Wheel. — Said wheel is to be composed of an inside rim in east iron, 18 indies high atid 5 feet 6 inches outside diameter, thickness of said rim 1^ inch. Said rim is to be strengthened by means of a plate of form and thickness shewn on the plan, and to have further 8 arms of 1 inch thickness. On said rim there should bo firmly scctrred 18 wrought iron buckets, of \ inch thickness of metal, of the form sbewn on the plan, as the curve required, at the outside diameter of the cast iron rim ; the surface of the buckets is to be formed by li«eB running horizontally from the axis to the cone of the turbine cylinder, wherciil said Xbuckets are to 1^ carefully fitted. Said buckets after being made t^ the curv^ ffibuired are to be ground saiooth. The bottom and tdjp of rim and buckets are to be fitted true. 6th. Movable Wheel. — Said wheel is to be composed of an inside rim of cast iron, of 5 feet 6 inches outside diameter, 11^ inches high, and double disk, as shewn on the plan. The ceiitre is to form a hub, which is to be bored and fitted with key seat and keyed to the turbine shaft. The sections of metal of said rim are stated on the plan. On said rim there are to be firmly secured 4-5 wrought iron buckets of ^ inch thickness, made carefully to the curve shewn on the plan, which J,',- 'i^sfet!*3&g* a^Jt ! ^ ' ^'^ lBn^ MH£iJK'J i gWm^ viS es m^ m ^si^ lt ti .\: / J % curve 18 to be extended to the outer pcrt% by horizontal linesVa- diating from the axis; said buckets arc to,^be ground smooth after they are bent to the proper curve, and after being Brinly «ecured they are to be jiiade still more solid by shrinking four wrought iron bands on the outside of #aid buckets-said bands are/when finished, to occupy the height of the movable wheel, or lU inches; before r"'^*"^ ^''«"' «n t»'e buckets are to be made true to the diameter ot cii*lit feet. Said wrought iron bands after being shrung on are to be turned off to » feet } inch scant ; the bottom and top of rim and buckets are also to be made true, and both movable and stationary wheels are to bo gauged to the number of stiuare inches eiven on the plan. -'^ ^ V. ° . ' -A/ .■^- ^ ■ 7th. TittBiNE Shaft.- The Turbine Shaft is to l»e made Af wrought iron, 14 feet 4 inches total length, and in its main part 8* mch^ diameter, when finished ; said shaft i? to be turned all over, and fitted firs^-to the moveable wheels ; second, to the upper part of step; third, to the stuffing box of Turbine cover; fourth, to the bevel pinion ; fifth, to the pedestal over the bevel pinion 8th. Step AuraMIem1!NT.— The step arrangement is to be com- posed of upper and lower part in east iron and centre in liimnm viim, said centre to be 15 inches diameter, and tbe whole^o be of the dimensions shewn on the plan. The>se and working parts, and also that part that is to fasten to thc^shaft, are «lUto be turned and titt«d also with hgnum vita:. . The upper part is to be fastened on the shaft by means of steel pointed set screws. The lignum vita: is to have two deep grooves across the face and through the centre, one inch diameter hole that connects with on,e inch diameter wrought iron pipe brought m connection with the ascending main. Said pipe IS also to be provided with a filtering apparatus aijd<«top cocks. The lower part in cast iron is to be firmly secured to the cross-bridge by means of 8 bolts i inch diameter. o .^ 9th. Cross-Bridoe.— The cross-bridge is to be of cast iron, and 18 to beform;ht-iron rods \ inch diameter each, 16 feet 6 inches long, ■ fitted with kcyH into tie two boHseci at the gate. At the other ex- tremity of each of said rods there is to be attached an eye-bolt, 1^- inch thick, which is to connect with 800 lbs. of counter-weight' for each rod; this is to bo done by mc&ns of g inch chairi, with sheaves and stands; «6 inches from the end of said rods there is to be at- tached a rack of 36 inches length. Pitch, J inch— width of teeth, 4 inches. Two-pinions arc to gear in said racks, of 7 inches diameter at pitch line, which pinions are to be. of 5 inches total width, and to be keyed or pinned to a 2^ inch horizontal wrought iron shaft, 12 feet long — which shaft is tube held with proper standH against the back of the racks and to be bolted on the top of cover of cliamber. Said^sbaft is to bo provided with a worm-wlie^l of abouf20 inches diameter, which wheel is to gear in a w^oriii about 5 inches diameter, secured to a short horizontal shaft held by a substantial stand ; at the other extremity of .said horizontal shaft there is to be a 36 inch diameter hand-wheel, 2 inches round, in tLc rim, to be turned and polished. . SPEOIFIOATION OF GEARINa. 1st. Pehestal for TtTRBiNB SiiAPT. — This pedestal is to be 8J inch bore scant to suit {he turbine shaft, its bearing is to be 15 inches long. The bearing part is to be in Babitt metal. Its ba.se is to be 2 feet 6 inches long.xby 12 inches wide and 2 inches thick when finished. The cap is to be made as shewn on the plan, but provided with a side tallow cup, which is not shejui on the plan. The pedestal is to be bored, faced, andjj|||kV&nd to bo secured to the bridge on top of the turbine ohambci||^bean8 oi' fojir bolts, H inch diameter, and wrought iron wedges. The cap ill to be seeurea by 4 bolts, 1^ diameter, with double nuts: 2nd. Bridge on top op Turbine. — This bridge is to support the pedestal of turbine shaft and the pedestal for the horizontal or counter-shaft. It is to be in cast iron, and to have 2 feet, each 18 by 20 inches square. Which feet are to be 4 feft 6 inches apart in the inside. The peculiarity of these feet is that they have each to have a projection of 1^ inch depth or thickness, and 20. inches long, which by means of wrought iron wedges are to be secured in the corresponding depressions in the cover of the bhambor. The width of these projections on the bridge is to be 3^ ineUes, and the de- pression in cover 6 inches. In addition to this mode of teourins the bridge to the cover there are to be 6 bolta in each foot, of l| inph diameter, finally a " dowel pin." t\ • < 1./- ^Tho briJgu iH to bo 3 foot 9* inchcn total f,ci.r|,t and in h« v fccfion is to bo of the «hapo o^an II, of wl ich U e'widthk 4 ^ Zt "'T^.\?.• r^ "'"P'"^' out to th; width of the f^ or ij inches. Thfi- thickncsH of metal is to be li all over Ixce^i nt tV. bo ^cu rod L tn V ^''" ""'l"™. Jho F'lcHtal of turbrne shaft is to , DO secured ifi to have on each side a " uir," thou"h not shewn nn tiSdo of J lT''i ""'•" ^""^K ^' '« ^•*''*''«'- ♦« be reinarkcd that the side of satd-?bridgo nearest th« pumps is to have a foot or nl t«i. ■ SoT; fo^' :'L'';r t'^" ''"'° H «^'' ro^e' • fe" &t puteortodt tobe Iftinehes srfuaro, as shewn on the plan '*Tl',ia pate .8 to'bo bolted with 6 bolts, If diameter, to the founda^ • '■■■■"*;■ . ' ' . ■- . . -.r ^TM«*hI!^'^'^*7 '■''"''u''*' •■OPNDATIOfJ PLATE FOR CrANK ShaPT ^JVfi tJ^' •« "'««f o b^ ".aJc in cast iron, its base is 5 feet U»l TlilXl. ^'A '♦i'-b'-'iftht fs 18 inches, the thiekness of metaU^ ^ U inchcYxccpt the base and top face which are both to be 2 inches «hen finished. Tljc top face is to have a depression of G iSes to t tf i;:r!"?n^^^"'*'? «^^"^ brid,e, o. ?8 inches ; it. depth ' i^doJnlnn^Ql .'^/P'"*''r" *' *" '"eceive the projection at the 4th Pedestals for Horizontal or Counter SiiAFT-Thesft Inn^fh nP K ^ •''•.. ^["^ i''"^ ^'^ be 12 inches bore, and 20 nehes length of bearing, the base is to be 3^ feet 6 inclies Ion- 14 inchS I^cur'ed^i::,''' '^rt ''" I*^^tals. are lined witSbit; metal protct ovprTJr-^.'^^'f''^ "f,"'^*'^" ''•^ P'^°- '^be caps are made i^ project over he sides where they are made to fiL they Vre to have on top a good sized taflov^ holder, (with brass eover^ cast on, t^ou'h „o° S"u-- '"t^i?"' ^^' pcdestal^are held to the brldg^ each by 4 bo ts, U inch diameter, and the caps are ajso held down each by 4 ♦ Ar/ diameter, thee pedestals are to be fitted and faced' to the bridges and the counter shaft. '«''«««» 5th. First Horizontal or Counter SnAFT.—This shaft is 7^:Z7'"T''''V'Y'r'' "" «"** ^'^b the sinking head o? nt .1 ^ t^Tf- "'u ^^ '^'^^'' ""-^ "«* J««« ♦ban 3 Teet long. The total length of this shaft when l^ftished is 10 feet 8. inches, and is diameter from 12 to U i„chos,^8 shewn on the plan, it' is to bo mrUM Vw,'"^ '^ ^ ^^"^ «"J >»-'y ^--'atcd and keyed to the parts'markcd thereon, namely, iuoitice bevel wheel and ^jmr pinion V. *-^..J >*. V. (5th. Revki, WiiREl.s.— TIjosc jvliools nro to l.o of tliokin.lciillod mortice wlicolx, antt arc to be 4J inclio8 pitcli, an^l IS inclic;^ Icnptb 0/ face of tcctli. wliicli teeth arc to bo sliafxd to the fi.rin slii'\viw)n a workinfr drawin;: made for the spofial construction of thcuo whcds. The whcclH arc to be made as follows: 1st. Bovil Tiiiions.— T*liis wheel is to have DH iron teeth, and I's to be f) I l^nchus In dianufer at pitch line. Tlie teetli are to be carefully dreT-sed on the worfcini,' Hide to a teniplete to be furnished, it iSito be bored out true, anil ijy iucan.s of u wrou^it irdu key and two steei ^.ointfd set sercws I.S to be fihnly" secured to the turbine shaft. .The wheeris Jo be (Shaped in the rim as^^rawn, antl^to have X).i.rin8, of IJ inch thickness, and of the ^lape shewn on tJie w'orkin;: drawin;:. 2nd. Mortice Bevel Wheel.— Tlrts wheel is to liave GO wrou;:ht iron teeth, jind is to be 80 inches diameter at pitcli liii^, .md the rin^ is to be 23^ inches breadth. Its depth at. the outside diameter is to b« 4\ inches, fadiulinfr to the centre li^je. The .said rim is to contain aoridgo in the middle of the len-ith of each tooth, IJ inch wide, and the depth of 3| inches. Tlje wheel is to be bored and turned on the rim and face of rim. Th« "teeth are to be niadc out of sound, well-seasoned hickory, thoroughly soaked in tallow, and to bo dressed down to a templSte, to be furnished, after being firmly driven home into the mortices and there sccilred by means of wedges. The hub of said mortice bevel wheel is to\e bored to 14 inches, and is to be fitted and firmly secured to the counter-shaft by means of two wrought iron keys.^aoh 2 inchcs'widc, placed at ri'dit angle to each other. , 1 *lx\\. Spur Wheels.— Th/^fsTwhccld are also to bo of the kind called mortice wheels. TKeyare to be 5 inches pitch and 24 inches face of teeth. They are to' be made as follows:— 1st. The spur , pinion is to hove 29 hwn teeth, its diameter at pitch line is tobc 46 I-5th inches, the teeth are to bo carefully dressed on the-working ^8idc according to a template, to be furnislied. The pinion is to be bored out true to 14 inches, and by moans of two wrought iron keys, 2 inches wide, is to be firmly secured to the countershaft. The large wheel, or mortice spur wheel, is to ha^e 77 teeth, and itsHiani- elfir at pitch line 122 23- 100th inches. The rim of the wheel is to be 30 inched total width. In the middle there is to be a bridge 7 by 2J inches. The number of arms, and sections of same, of both these wheels are fully represented on a working drawing of said wheels. Thereon also is gtven the depth of rini and bridge and thickapss of hijb. / Regarding the teeth of wood in this wheel, they are to be made of solid well-seasonpd hickory, soaked in tallow, and after being firml* driven hemic into the mortices, tTiey are to be secured by meafts of wedges, fa both these mortice wheels, the 'l^vel a|U spilr, ■ i\ Y- ' /-. ■.>■ < »? the wooden teeth arc to be made in two pieccp, but fitted together over the central bridge. It is to he keyed with two ^ys, 2 J by 1 J in. 8th. Crank Shaft.— This shaft is to be made in oast iron, and is to be cast on its end, with a sinking bead of the diameter of the shaft, and not less than 3 feet long. • Its total length when finisheil is to be 14 feet 2 inches, and its diameter faries from 14 to 17 inetitis, as sliewn on the plan. The shaft is to be turned all over, and to be particularly soui^d in the bearings. A core may be cast in it of 5^«inches diameter. 9th. Crank Shaft Pedestals. — These pedestals are to be 2 in number, and are to be made in cast iron with, movable boxes, lined with Babitt metal, according to a working drawing to be fur-" nished. They are to have a base 4 feet 2 inches Ions; by 18 inches wide, 3^ inches thick, with a projection 3 by 1 J inch,/Which is to be set in a corresponding depression in the bed plate. Frbm centre to ba«e the distafnce is to be 13 inches. The boxes are to4e 2 inches thick, ' made raund with squai-e flanges, and are to be filled with white metal, as shewn on the working drawing. The pedestal caps are to overlap and are to fit well the sides of the pedestals, and are to be held doi^n each with 4 long bolts, 2 inches diameter. The pedestals , t&emselVes are to be held down each -with 6 bolts, 2 inches diameter. On jthe sides there are to be in each pedestal 4 set screws, 1| inch in diameter, with squared off ends, that are to be fitted in the moveable boxes so as to prevent them from turning. The caps are to have tallow cups, as shewn on working drawing. . lOtli. Crank Wheels. — The crank wheels are to be two in numbei and are to be made in cast iron, they are to be 8 feet out- side diameter when finished, and are to be made with double disks each 1| inch in thickness, joining in a rim as shewn on the plan of 8 inohei width; these disks are united farther by means of 6 ribs ]^ ijibl. thick, that radiate from the hub to the rim, and project on the back part of the hub as shewn on the plan. The hub in each crank wheel is to be 22 inches outbide diameter, and is to be bored to 14 and 17 inches between two of the ribs ; in each wheel there is to be a boss of metal prepared to receive the crank pin as shewn on the pldth which, ^ben fitted, will present its centre 3 feet from the oentr^of the crank wheel. * The oronk wheel? are to be most carefully fitted on the crank shaft, andArhen turneif^and fac«d they are to be keyed on thp said shiUlt each .with two>wrougbt iron keys 2 J inches wide, I J inch thick, they are to be turned on the outside and top of the rim, which parts are to be polished, also to be turned on both sides of the hub, the back part of which is to fit closely to the sides of the moveable ' ■parta of the orank shaft podosttrf Br / ftii' ■f '"■■ 1 - -■ ■■;■ These crank wheels are to be secured to the crank shaft, in such a manner that the crank pins are at right angle to each other. 11th. Ceank Shaft Foundation-Plates.— These foundation- plates are two m number, and are of different shape. Ist,— The first or theone nearest to the Turbine Chamber is to be 10 feet 9 inches totallength, and is to be 15 inches, high and 18 inches wide on top and bottom, its shape is that of a & , arranged with ribs and fileta as shewn on the plan ; the section of metal is to be U inch over, ex- cept those parts that fasten to tbe4)ridgeon top of Turbine Chamber, and to the pump foundation-plate, also where the crank shaft pedcfr tels rest upon ; in all these parts it ia to be 2 ind^ thick when finished. On the base,where the crank' shaft rests iSthereis to be a depression If inch deep by 6 inches wide. ' This foundation-plate is firmly secue^ b the Turtine bndse as described in the aVticle "Bridge on top ofl'urbine." / ' On the other extremity there is-*to be a projection as shewn on plan with Its face made true to the inclined position of the pump foundation-plate. r r This foundation-plate., is to be held to its position on the stone Joundation by means of 3 foundation bolts, described in the article foundation Bolts," and at- the lower base of the foundation-plate there are to be provided three bosses 6 inches diameter and 2 inches thick independent of the thickness of the base plate, provided with 3 inches holes through them. ' r i r These holes may be cast in. All other holes in Pedestals and Laps, though not mentioned above, will have to be bored and fitted to the bolts. 2nd The s^nd foundation plateror the one furthest fi^m the Turbine Chamber, is to be 15 feet 9 inches total length, 15 inches high, 18 inches wide, and is to be made like the other in the shape of a &, arranged with ribs and filets aa shewn on the plan ; the sections of metal are also to be 1 J inch all over, except at those parts which fasten to the pump foundation-plate, or whereon the bndge for counter shaft and crank shaft pedestals rest on ; on those parts the iron is to be 2 inches thick when finished. On the extremity furthest from the Turbine there is to be a projection as shewn on plan, with a face made true to th^ inclined position of the pump foundation-plate. This foundation-plate is to be provide d in ito base with 5 bosses, 6 inches outside diameter, 2 inches thick in addition to the thickness of the base, and each is to have a 3-inoh hole to receive a foundation bolt. Both these foundation-plates are to be set so as to present a level surface at those parts which receive the pedestals, and before being finally bolted down, a substantial bed 01 sulphur IS to be run between the base and the stone foundation so as to securcf a good junction between foundation andj>late8. TT 'Ji^HiHHHBiKiM& ' \ lu 12th Foundation Bolts.— The/e bolts are to Be 8 in number for the plate making part of the gearing ; they are to be 6 feet G^ inchea long between head and nut, if inch diamet«r, furnished with anohor-plate 10 inches square, 3 inches thick, with levelled corners. The keys forming head at one e^remity are to be not less than 3| inches broad, ^ inch thick, and inserted not less than 3^ inches . from the extreme end. ■ The other extremity of th^se bolts is to be provided with sub- stantial 6 sided nmts and wronght iron washers. 13th Oil Cups and fam Plates. — Each horizontal pedestal, and they are 4 in number, is to be provided with a brass cover to fit over the talldw cups, and thereon is to be secured an automatic oil cup also niade of brass polished. Both ends of the counter shaft and the two ends of the crank shaft, and the two crank wheels are to be pro- vided with polished br^ heads according to working drawing. T SPEOinOATION OF PUilPS. 1st. Foundation Platbs.— These plates are four in number, they are to be^n cast iron, and to be made somewhat in the shape of an H. The base of said plate is to be 13^ inches broad, the top 10 inchefl, height of plate 12 inches, thickness of metal \\ inch, except where the guides and the valve chests rest, also the 2 inner plates fasten to the foundation plate of gearing, in all these parts the thiokttess is to be 2 inches when finished ; the fillets of these plates ara to be made heavy, and the upright plate to be put on and inclined/as shewii on the plan. Independent of each end there are also 9 /Tibs 1^ inch thick, that unite the bottom and top plate. Two or these plates are finished alike on both ends and- do not con- nect with anything, they are the two exterior plates for pumps, one is ri^t and one left. The finish at each end is to be like the sec- tioyof the plate itself. Total length 28 feet 9^ inches. The two ini/er plates are also to be right and left ; one end, that one where ihe valve chests are on, is to be furnished like the ends of the two exterior plates, and the two other ends are to be made flat and dressed true and fitted and secured each with 4 substantial bolts 2 inches diameter to the gearing plates. 7 Each of those 4 foundation plates is to have 6 holes' 2} inches / diameter, that may be cast in, for the foundation bolts placed at the / distances named on the general drawings ; these holes have to pass ^ through the whole depth of the plates, and to add to the strength ■of the plates, there are to be hollow tubes or passages cast as shewn ,"^\-t.^ \..l>.-^^.i.. y...^,.^^: «„. •;» t -■ . V •S-:W. 11 on the plan. When faced on top and the ends fastening to othei' plates these foundation plates have to be fitted and secnred to the vdve chests, the gaides and ends of other plates, then they are to be set at the angle shewn on the plan, at such distance from each other, on stone foundations prepared for the purpose, that will bring the centre lines of each pump 15 feet apart. When properly set the foundation and iron plates are to be united by means of a sal- Tphur bed. 2nd. Foundation Bolts. —These bolts are to be 24 in num- ber, they are to be 7 feet 3 inohes between head and nut, If inch diameter, furnished with anchor plates 10 inche? square, 3 inches thick, with bevelled corners. „ The keys forming head at one ex- tremity are to be not less than 3J inches broad ^ inch thick, and 'inserted not less than 3^ inches from the extreme end ; the other side is to be provided with a six-sided substantial wrought iron nut and washer. .^^ 3rd. GciBES. — These are the guides for the two cross heads and are to be 4 in number; they are to be nlkde in cast iron, presenting wheto finished, a burface free of scoria, which may be attained by ' casting them on end ; they are to be each 7 feet 2 inches total length, and are to he made in the shape of an L ; the base is to be 10 inohes wide, height 15J inches when finished, breadth of top when finished 12| inches, thickness of metal at base when finished 2 inches, the upright part 1^ inch with heavy filets as shewn on the plan ; the top is also to be 1^ inch thick with 2 projections towards . the cross heads, which are to serve as guide groper to said cross heads ; these projections are to present a perfectly true surface of 2f inches width and 2^ inches thickness. Immediately over the top of the upright plate of said guides there is to be at each guide a projection as shewn on the plan. , The bottom and top plates of these guides are united at each end with a rib of 1 J inch thick with fillets the same as the guides themselves, and inside these arc to be 3 addi- tional ribs \\ inch thick, which are to assist in uniting the top and bottom ; each of said gaides is to have the bottom faced and the top faced and polished, aud are to be held to the foundation-plates each by means of 4 hold-down bolts 2 inches diameter ; the bolts must be turned and fit the holes exactly, the same as at all other joints though it may not be mentioned above, excepting but one kind of l^lt holes, that is the fonndsdion bolt holes. 4th. Ceoss Hiads. — These cross heads are to be 2 in number ; they are to be of wrought iron, made with detached cheeks 12i inches long and put on as shewn on the working drawing. The centre piece is to be 11 inches thick through tlw hub, which is to be 'ISte.. 12 \ Ik m^^fi?^ ^^ '"?'' ""? ^^^°"''«« ^''^^' The places of attach- Wng ..rf.c«»f the inner gito 2 feet 6 iShr.Z wh,n.«d 6IIi. CoNNiorrao Robs.— Tbew oonaeotiDK reds m lo t» mm). present a brass box 6 inches in diametefsTnoh^ widT ?l5 II ° is to be 4| inches dLoter found at e^^ eL^ndirirchL^'-*^ meter ,n the centre. In addition to thb^inc^a^*"? dfarte^so ^ to increase the .firmness of the rods there are T iL ! u Jlfcl %nu ? , * "'*l'* •^W'noter, spreading at the centre to 27 long to or connect with and pl)ll8hed. ^^ *''®^ *^ 13 7th. Valvb ChIIsts.— These valve ohestf are 4 in number; they are to be made in oast iron. It is of particular ipaportance that every part should be sound and cast to the thickness called for on th%i pl&ns and specifications. The thickne&s of metal at the 4 flanges at each chest where they connect to other parts of the pumps, also .the 2 flanges at each chest where the valve bonnets bolt ^^n, finally, the 4 feet at each chest which bolt to tho foundation- plates are all to be 2^ inches when finished ; all other partd of said chests are to be If inch metul, this also includes all the ribs on said chests. Total length of each chest 9 feet, inside breadth 2 feet 9 inches, inside height 20 inches ; total outside breadth, over flanges 3 fee^, oyer bonnet flanges 3 feet 8 inches. The flanges are to be secured to the other parts of pumps, iBuch as inlet and outlet pipe, pump barrel, barrel-head and cover, also valve bonnets by means of 1|^ inch bolts or stud bolts put about 6^ inches apart as it may come to divide the spaces equally at each flange ; these bolts have aU to be carefully fitted into the bolt holes. The bolts for the above named purjpose are to be provided with substantial six-sided heads and jiuis, ma(} f < t gmng 1| inch metal whenVnished T^? ,'^'LT?'; ^l^ inches, ?f ««°ge;,2 feet 4 inches, th ckne^ If fll '"^V ^^*' '^•»'°«t*»^ inches. The centre of bai^l i^ to r„°f,5f ?« .^''«« finished 2* * inohM diameter .„a 2HDohTlhS T"" ' "■«y"»2feot conwKe to t^e pre,™,, M*,b°, "on iwT "^ S^' "^ "■•I«l "• to be heli down bv wroSimn & t?-- ?■"* '»"«' 'oSa .nob du,„eter placed .boat »ToS ^,f .t "fe! ■=5«'« ■>» Wf 1^ ai«^&t;?o^S"^Co;'^V"ffl4 ..od bolte 1 inob in meter of pigton^rods Th^ a , sh^htly more than the dia heads; UTf^stffinfLxS^trn^ padkingistobeofacombSfo™nf\^'*'l**''^I^¥«d^ The Balarated in taUow. """"^"^ *°"" o^ hemp bands and^ass doth in,nfthe^^^^^^ ^s'Tn'umbe'^ aJiT^hrf? ^ ^"^^l «-* plan wilh flanges 3 feet 8 inchS^ *n*^i vi?u ^TS *''«^° ©^ the total breadthj^e thickness of mete lien ' r'^dT"?* ^^ '^^^ and they are to b? held down ewh bv^S ♦ "J^ " ^ «ohes; diameter with six-sided note "^^ ^^ **? ^^^ of 1 J inJt inchS14".7,"grr^^^^^^ i- number, to be I2| Jameter with ribs on Xh a (inll S 'aJ"** ^^ P"***" 9 inchef On this conical ring JeZC manlS £ ^ '""^«» '^''g » *<> «We. end of the grain outwards ThL^ 7°°***° segments with the thoroughly sSkedrSw ftj'^-'* *Z^ "»PP^« ^oo^T' of blocks,^^ pieces in SSriayer%Tnlt"*t*.t ^»^*J" * %«" fitted to the Uel and cum rfthlvri^-'''''' *« "ooks to be the.ae is thrust in byTwrowsU '^""'"^'^ follower, aUthe blocks Jre Wd 1.^ J«i "'"^?'" **PP«^ »»*» the cured tA the piston he^ £TL wf^J- ^J* ^""'^'^^^ *<>»>«««. • bub.of the piston heads are to Z^^^ f '*'"?"'' i?P-^'*«- The front and 6 inches at the bJck '"^'^^ '*'*'"«*«^ »* the , 5^ ' ■4\ 15 \ 14tli. — Pist6n Rods. — There are to be two of these rods ; thcjs are to be made out of the best Bagnal (English) iron ; they are HI inches diameter when finished at the main body, reduced tol 3| inches where they enter the cross heads, and 3f at the other endl of the cross heads; they are to be 4 inches diai^eter whefe they «nter the piston and 5 inches In the other end. Total length 12 feet 9 inches. A substantial flat key is to secure each rod to its piston. " 15th. Outlet Pipes. — These pipek are two in number; he first one which comiects the two front valve chests is to be in the , tthape of a T. The two branches to be 6 feet from outside to oiitsi de of the flanges ;^ said flanges to be sqtaare 3 feet 8 inches'by 2 fee^ 7 inches outside^ and to be 2^ inches thick when finished. These flanges are to^be jointed ^ith bolts 1^ inch diame^r placed about 5|- inches apart, to the corresponding flanges at the valve chests. This T outlet pipe is to be shaped from the squaje flanges into a round form of 30 inches inside ^diameter, and 3 '_ inch^ outside diameter as soon as it leaves the flanges. At tb^e base, which is 5 feet from the centre line of the inlet flanges, thei is to be a round flange at right angle to the inlet flanges ; said flangi to be 40 inches outside diameter and- 2 inches thick. The secoa outlet pipe is to be' in the shape of a cross; its total length is to 11 feet & inches, breadth 6 feet ; at the extremity forming thi length there are to be at each end a round flang^^f 40 inches out side diameter. The body of the pipe forming'^e length is to be 30 inches inside and 33^ inches outside dianjieter. At the ex- tremities of the cross forming the'breadth there is to be at each end a square flange 3 feet 8 inches long, by 2 feet' 7 inches breadth ; all these flanges on both outlet pipes are to be 2\ inches in thickness when faced ; they are to be fitted and bolted to the corresponding flanges at the two back chests and front chests in such a manner as to present a water-tight joint when the pumps are working. In this second outlet pipe the body b to shape itself into a round form immediately a^r leaving the, square flanges ; said round form to be i 30 inches inside diameter. / 1 On the tpp of this second outlet pipe, at 9 feet 3 inches from the \ end joining the first outlet pipe, there are to/be' 1il9o branches with Uanges ; onei on which a large air vessel is u> be set ujpon, is to be of 30 inches/, in diameter, with a flange 42 inches in mameter, 2§ inches in thiicknesa. The face of this flange is to be slightly inclined as vhewn on plan, presenting, when the outlet pipe is set in its place, a horizontal face. Owing to the weight to bdiiistained there are aLso to be 4 ribs as shewn on the plan. On the ' \pipe there is 'to he a second branch, and 9 extremity named ; said branch is to be 12 flange to bolt on a 12 inch pipe. bottom of said outlet feet 3 inches from the inches diameter, with ~~> / , \ a 16 16th} is to set an^conlt to theTr^^^^^^^^ ^T' «",^ ^'*-' and b<;nnet8 as those of h« vawl nSS '';"i»f '^''^e sei^t. yalves, difference only of LnV of nrnL^f V ''^ ?"""?"' '*»»»» *»>« shewn on the working plans fiTtv'?"^ \'^'" '*»»'«"«ons as the same. The whol^^Jre f^d «S"T"^ T^' " *'«« *« »>« working plan fumTshi. """' **" *^ ""»^« according to a 17th. CONNEOTINO Pipes WITH EXISTING Main' TK-oo «• are to be made in n»at imn q :» ''*'''*»"o WAiN.r^lhere pipes pipe IS to be 30 inches diameter, total lencth 9 fept nr il- k ^ ' WolrSuherr 'f ^•'^ '^fe-ngTaiVf^t^lV^^^^^^^^^^ WOTks. All these 8 pipes have to be connected together and to thf different mains and parts named so as to form St [o?nta 4t ' excavations are to be prepared by other paS.^ ^ 7**® currf to. nought ITOD ,te„ 2i i„„h dimeter, which "torn fato V 17 form pivot at the Tower extremity, and at tlie otiier end to project through a stuffing box, prepared in the valve seat, for at least 12 inches, and thereon is to be secured a worm wheel about 12 inches in diameter 3 inches on the face ; which worm wheel is to be fitted to a worm band wheel, held to their respective places by means of a stand fastened on the valve seat. With the exception of the joint dpjQnecting the said valve seat to the inlet pipe, which joint is to be ina;j|e with flange and bolts, all the other >ints of the 83 inch pipe are to made with bell-mouth. . ^ > At 'the extremity furthest, from the pumps there is to be a grating, secured to a small stone wall, to be made with wrought iron bars IJ by f , placed 1} inch apart, secured into a cast iron framfe of 4 feet square, arranged with anchor bolts. The excavation, masonry, and wqrk necessary to enable men to lay these pipes are not'part of these specifications. The 29 feet 6 inches diameter inlet pipe are, as Biaibed above, to be 30 inches inside diameter; they are tftbe provided with square flanges 40 inchtiB outside diameter, and with f "inch bolts placed about 6 inchra aipart, are to be made to connect to the valve seat above namcsdj and\ to parts to be named 'hereafter. On the inlet pipe there are to b^^two branches.— 1st. One of 12 inches inside diameter, with bell-mouth, jointed to the 33 inches diameter part as shewn on the plan. 2nd. One of 30 inches diameter, with square flanges 1^ inch thick, and 38 inches outside diameter, of which the *face is 2* inches from the centre of pipe as shewn on the plan. The whole of this inlet pipe is to be .so placed as to form a descent of 12 inches from the extremity where the grate-bars are to be placed to the place where the valve seat makes part of the pipe. 19th. Inlet Pipe Connections. — As stated above, in the article "Inlet pipe," there are to be two branches.— The first of 12 inches diameter is required to have an ordinary plug put unto it which will resist 10 lbs. pressure per square inch ; on the branch of 30 inch inside diameter there is to be placed and connected there-* with a T pipe, in cast iron, 30 inches insidd diameter, | inch thick- ness of metal — said pipe to be 4 feet 5 ii ches long between the flanges; Said flanges to be 38 inches outsid( diameter and 1^ inch thickness of metal when faced. Said T pipe i^ to have a branch in Uie middle of 30 inches inside diameter, with flange of the same sises as the above — said flange to come to a height of 24 inches from the centre of the pipe. It> to be in a position at right angle to the stem. 20th. Branch Pipes op Inlet Pipe.— At the extremity of the 30 inch pipe, which docs not connect with the valve. seat above learned, there is to be a c|uartcr turn, in cast iron,^0 inch inside • ^ C IH diameter, with a centre radius of 24 inches, with flan{re8-38 inches dianietep, to be faced, fitted and bolted to the said inlet pipe and . parts to be named hereafter : these flanjares are to be ^ inch thick when finished. 2nd. On the top of the flanfxes of the quarter turn, which does notconnect with tke inlet pipe there is to be a second T pipe 4 feet 5 inches breadth between the flanges, exactly of the same dimen$iot)s as the one described in the prcceeding article of "Inlet pipe,'' It is to be in cast iron and to be connected to the flange of the quarter turn as shewn on the plan— 3rd. On the top of the /tranch of the T pipe described in the' preceeding article there is to be pla together by means of f inch rivets 3^ inches apart. It is to be placed on muHOnry prepared for it, and ia to resist an inside pressure of 20 lbs. per square inch. <■ 22nd. Racks,— These racks are to be formed with wroupht iron strips, 3 inches by f inch length, 12 feet 6 inches, with additional parts 9 inches long at each end, put at ripht angle ; these strips are to be placed 2^ inches fironi centre to centre. They are to have an inch hole in the middle of their length and one hole of J inch diameter at the , upper part, and' 2 holes J inch dijimcter in the lower part. They are'to be put together in 4 section^ by means of 4 bolts J inch diameter, and to keep the strips at their respective distances; there is to be placed on each of said bolts bet^fecn the strips small pieces of gas pipe one inch inside dliinietcr, l\ ihch long These 4 scctigns are to form a total length of 22 feet, and are to be placed at the same distance on top and bottom, and there to be se- cured by -8 inch wood screws f inch diameter, to tinib^rs eecurecj into the walls in the position shewn on the plan. | 23rd. Waste Pipe. — This pipe is to be in cast iron, 12 inches inside diameter, f inch thicknesd of metal; it is to be put on an. inclined position as shewn on the plan. At one extremity there is to be a jouud flange 21 inches outside diameter ; at a distance of 20 feet from the said flange there is to be another flange of 18 inches outside diameter, with f holes to bolt to other parts. This length is to be i^ade in two pieces, and may be joined with bell-mouth joint. At thcf flange, of 18 inches diameter, there is to be bolted a cast iron ^ valve seat for throtle valve 12 inches diameter; said seat to be 18 inches lo,ng, and to have a flange on each end 18 inches diameter, provided with bolt holes, f inch diameter, 6 inches apart and bolts. It is to be bored out true, and a throtle valve, carefully turned and fitted, with a wrought iron stent and stuffing box, and small lever. To this valve seat there is to. he l^olted an additional length of 12 • inches pipe of 42^feet 6 inches df straight pipe, and 6 feet of a curved pipe as shewn on the plan ; the\ joints of this last pipe can be made with bell-mouth joints. 24th. Head Gates.— Thesi they are to be made in cast iron ':"wicket gate." Each is to be 4 and are to be provided with a of which are.^to be in the sh inches, thickness of metal 1 to be Inade in, the shape o; to be 9 inches by 9 incbesi head gates are four in number ; and are to be of the kind called let wide by 5 feet high in the clear, trong cast iron frame, the sides of angle iron, 9 inches by 9 nch. The bottom and top are On of which both this bottom parts are top part there is to be a slightly efrpjerfting rib 1} inch wide, which is in ' i| -I ) ■^- K m 20 be Hi«J« if»e TI,o Bides are also to be mnS^' true \,nd on then, there um to t» rftted and bolted oa«t iron Htrln« ori each sfdo nrS sentrng a .^v.U ^rface made perfectly true « ^^00 tSpfa^' t«n h£ f .«'»1^«5"P« "iro to b^ held ^ its ponitlon by meanH of 6 tap bolta, i .nch diameter. One i inch from the m ddfe ?f the hot toni flange, ot thobreadth^f gate frame, there is to be a hub b1 incheB diameter fol-ming sockets as shewn'on the pW ^ *!.« ? ^ ""l*";' °^ ''*i'* *'"'' •« P'«*'^'J 3 inches from 'the outside of the honzontttl part of the iron frame. On the too' thereT nhJ tt: and"^'^ "r''" ? '"^"'«^'-' '^'*'» 2i inched hoi?. . al ^^^.tW Th«^^.V^'V""'' ''•*'' '^' *'»''«^ P"'* «f ««iJ frame ^ ^ hnJt • u '^J" ^^""^ "" •'""'^ «*■ ««'d gat6 frames is to have 8 S«W?L\"t **•'""*^^^f2 on top, 2«t bottom, and 2 at each sT^) baid gate frames are a 4 to be firmly securpd tn »h« » 11 i ''' bo%, ona J inch from the centre i. to be . vertical boss sTin^hm .rTL L^ V i "m * ^'^'^ ^ Btren-then tt^ssaid gate there ».riuat according to a working drawing to be ..i'i m. ,.i.«.. 'J^: t'% ^ JJI V '-'••J* OENEBAL SPEOinOAtlON. H l8t.--^Thero ih to be made one extra Ht^p for Turbine,liiclu(lin}( the lower part rcstip<^ on cross-bridge, tho upper part tikted on Tur- bine flhaft, also f^i^lgMum vitir part 2nd— On eaob of tli an autoin. 3,'^ ,U,S..t!t. roHS head cbc° operation.^and 1 rthtclt;'ofteS"' ''"'P*^' '^ ^'^ Con^u^ittee^a ^X " itJ'^hr^'^^r'T''^^'^^ be considered by the Committee unL oollarj, Lanadj. curcenoy, to be forfeited should tLe party to wLom the~,„traot ia, been ,.eoorded b, the Comn,itt« oKia ««^W i pe d^^rT'r "'■'I;'- *"^' ■."«!- ttcadvertStS ^leT.he":::^,''^ «.« Co..„Ut^„„d a,,o to^bt^at-w-L™ r„f„1^5'~^*'*"'J?. ^''^ fpntracting parties for this pumpine^'aDDa- seen at the office ofythe Superintendent, the expense caused thereby lL?''P^'"e*'''S •'.*° ^ ^™« J'^ *»>« Contractor. | ^ ««^ -fu" . Engineer having charge of the superinteJdence Ckv^M^rt" 'PP'"""^ ^"•'^ the Committee on^terlof th^ City of Montreal, may .at any time direct such alteration of llcation or dimensions of any part that he may deem to be to the b tres of ' the Corporation, with the understanding that the value of ilsth alterations will be estimated by the Committee on VVater Xr JeTnfiSed'biSr ^"' ^"^^"^^'' ''''^' ''' ''' ^^^' ^remain on record in the Superintendent's Office ■ ^^ EMILE GEYELIn/ .IfijdtauUc Engineer. -« LIST OP CONTRACT PLANS \ OF THE KEW PUMPING APPARATUS FOB Tits MONTREAL WATER WORKS ~^S » ♦ » . . No. 1 . — Plan of "Foundations Scale, J inch to 1 foot. 2. — Side view of Foundation " J " " 3. — Cross Section of Turbine and Longitudinal Section of Pump , " t " " ' 4.— Cross Section of Pump " 1 " «' 6.— Plan of Tulbinc and Pumps " 1 " " 6.— Mortice Spur Wheels " 3 " " 7. — Cross Section of Bevel Wheef 8 and Bridge. " 3 " '' - 8. — Plan, Section and EleTatiSli of Crank Shaft ' Pedestal .;'.^. '^^'^ " ^ " " 9.— Plan and Section of Crank Wheel.... *.|;!1* " 3 " « 10. — Plan and Elevation of Foundation Plates for^gearing.... .... ..H " S " " > 11. — Plan and Section of Discharge Pipe and Air Vessels attached " IJ '« " 12.— Plan of Valve Chest. " 3 " " 13. — Guides, ' Crtfss Heads, Piston and Piston Rod, Connecting Rod " 2 " " I4._r-End view of Discharge Pipe " 3 " '' 16.— Drawing of 12 inch Throtle Valve " 3 " " 16.— Do. 33 do. " 3 '< " • 17.— Do. Head Gates " 3 " " 18.— Do. Foot Valve " " 3 " m " 19. — Do. General Cross Section of Ma- chinery, including building... .. ...... " i " " 20. — Elevation shewing ascending main " i " " 21.— Plan of ascending main.... " i " " 22.— Elevation of Inlet main .'. " i " " 23. — Plan of Inlet main and waste pipe " J ." " 24. — Drawingof foundation plate of Turbine.. " 3 " <• 25.— " of Turbine Gate motion " 3 " " , ^ ir '■% f ~ f . KRRATA. . Page 1 — 2nd Ifne from below rcuJ " 10 feet 5 inches," instead of " 1^ feet 3 inches." 4.-^24th line add " with | bolts 6 inches apart." 5. — 2nd Une and 8th line, instead of " \ " read " li." 6.— ICth line, instead of "crank shaft" read "countershaft." 6. — 30th line, add to " moveable boxes in cast iron," 7.— 6th line, instead of " 54J inches " read " 54^." 7.— 13th and 14th lines, instead of " wroutibt iron tfieth " read •' wooden teeth." 7. — 14th line, instead of " 80 " read " 86." 8 —34th line, after inches should be a period (.), coran^encing " Between " new sentence. / " 10.— 4th'line, instead of "levelled" read "bevelled." " 13.— 5th line from below, " 8 being exua valves " is to be left out. " 15.— 9th line from below add " including sinid air vessel as per plan 11." " 16.— 4th line, instead of "6 feei" read "7 feet." " 16.*-29th line add "and 3 tie bolts 2 inches diameter, with jam ' nuts inside so as to bo used as a stay to the pipes." " 16.— 36th line, instead of " 86 " read " 71." " 16.— 37th line, insU^ad of " 57 " read " 37 feet 3 inches." « « <( li II t ■:^h!^^i ^'"' ■ ■ ' ''. ■■' ■ >' . t??."^ *( ;r!j!?«? '?^?p^' p?!?5P^ ■, - ^ - -1 P^ • "C . ■ .•■, COBfORATION OF MONTREAL WATEl paratus," aqd WOI^KS DEPARTMENT. --■^ ■ "1; \ Sealed TeJden endoraed " Tender for New Pomping Ap. / nnvatiiB " Anil ■•JJ___..J ^^ ^t^ . _ yi^ i& .. Idressed to CftAS. GlAOKk^TBi, CaftCMc, wUl be „ received at tHe Jitjr Clerk's Office, City fl«U, nntu'NOON of the 15th of OCTQiJER next, for the oonstruotion and election of a new Pumpinf j^pparatiiB for the llontraul Water Works, in ac- cordance with the conditions, pUns and specifications of the same to be seen at the Office of the nndivrsigned, City Hall, where printed forms for the te|den may be obtained as bo otb«n wiB be admitted! Bach tendJr mnst contain a som of one hnndrad doUan cni^ wnoy, to be foi^ited nhould the party '«r his aecnrities to whom the contract has bein Awarded by the Committee feH to aipi the oontwot within the timii i^Moified. Each tender to contain'4heioiw/rf« signafa^ of two rwjwn- sible persons wiUing to go security for the due fiUfilment of the, •ountraot. * A '^: The Water Cominittee do not bini themselyw to accept the lowest or any of <^e Te^ers. • . •I..;/ (By%d«r,) *r-' '.Ai •■.It, ■If:** .>:. * 'If- •- MoKTMAi,, September 8tb, i(«e3. ;•' • Supt. o/th« M.W.W. # 1?'^ ■M .:.*(••- Oi H,', tit ■•, ,:rVi '^i ip^_^^$mwm'^ r ji^^^4^P^ V- "^^ ■'.■■■• --^ ^^^L ''..;/ A I w • * • ■ .1 f ■'■•'■^' -^ ■y>^ I V \ : 1 < ^ • • * • /;-: ' • ■ . • ^^r F" ' « "----.. '~^""'~^" --'- . ■ -5u ■ ■ ,, ■ *• ■ -■ / * ■ ' # • • • ■■ J' ■ * . ■ ■ / ■ « * * ' ■ • ■ / : i. ■ ..." v . ■ - ■ :'r;.-:^^;:if>'r--i> . -. h'T -^:CS^- _ -f 'i4iii».:.:.o. / ^ . . , . ... . ...... ..... ^ ^ ■ .-. • ■ ■ - ■ ■ 1 // %'fij