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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lasi filmt Lore repri del' et d< dim illust 1 2 3 1 2 • 4 5 uetd thanks L'«xemplair« filmA fut rtproduit grice A la gAn^rositA de: L« bibliothique des Archives nationales du Canada It quality I laglbllity ththa i ara fllmad ding on •d impraa- ■ta. All Ing on tha Impraa- a printad ficha I "CON- •END"). •dat rga to ba Imad . laft to •I at ata tha imagas sulvantat ont *tA raproduitas avec le plus grand soin. compte tanu da la condition at da la nanat« da laxamplaira film*, at an conformity avac las conditions du contrat da filmaga. Laa axamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura en papiar aat ImprimAa aont filmis an commenpant par la pramiar plat at w tarminant soit par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una amprainte d'impraasion ou d'illustration. soit par la second plat, aalon la eaa. Tous las autras axamplaires originaux aont filmAa an commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainte d'impraasion ou d'illustration at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una taila amprainta. Un daa aymbolas suivants apparaitra sur la liwniif image da cheque microfiche, selon le cas: la symbols — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols ▼ signifia "FIN ". Las cartas, planchas, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmis i das taux da reduction diff^rents. Lorsqua la document est trop grand pour ttre raproduit an un aaul cliche, il est film* A partir da I'angla supAriaur gauche, da gauche h droite, at da haut an bas. mn pranant la nombre d'imagoa nicassaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^ ^^PPLED_IIVHGE In 1653 EosI Main SIreft Rochester, New v<jrk 14509 ii.;. (716) 483 -0300- Phon. "^ (716) 286-5989 - Fa« PBOPOSED INrEfi... .TIONaL BDNAL. TBI- Editor of The Oitukn. 8iH,— In every city and country in the civilized world tbere la «1 ways some duly constituted legal authority to up. . peal to in caso ot any dispute arising bo- tw-^in individuals or corporations. Ig there iny good reason why nations also may not now poesess this great advan. tage, as well as all other corporations ? Suppose several of the most ad- vanced nations phould agree to erect nu International Tribunal, which should be as impartial and equi, table as bumin ability can provide. Suppose alio such a tribunal to he ai;tn»lly established upon earth, so as to ho generally recoanizod as a duly con. Htituttd legal authority to decide all internutiooai questions or disputes. It Would then be evident that any such question ng thnt which has recently arisen between England and Ku^sia migtt ettslly be settled mont s»tisiac- toriii, with the least possible expendi- ture ot lile or treasure. It will pro- hiiblv be objected, however, that thoagh Eniilnnd might he will- leg enough to submit the ".we- tion ro any sunh tribunal, and to abiio by its decision, Russia nii;;tit perhaps prefer to attempt to de- cide the question tor herself by force of arms. In such a oase it is evident that Kuseia would nantonly break the peace ottSowoild when there would bene lonyer any excuse whatever for so do- ing I consequently Russia would jostly lorfeit hor sovereignty, and would ren- der herself liable to be disposed of sum- marily, ette<:tually, and piirmaneutly by the corat.iued forces of the whole world, thiir, (.he miglit Dever again possess the power r,, s-rlourtly disturb the peace of the woi , and thus a prec«dent would lieHSunlud for all lime fo come, tbnt every liHlion might t.encelorth recognize the fully ot wantouly provoking war in di:fi4nce ol the combined power of the whole world, lor though Rusaia might be nithcr !i formidable opponent lor Bng- Innd to engage single-handed, all the great nations of the eartli, acting m cotubinatiou against her in thorough earnest, would doubtless very eoon dis- tose ot her and divide her territory into a» many portious as security for the lutnro peace of tbe world might require. Should Canaiitt bo the means of in- diRiim England to seriounly ad- voonto some such policy as hero iuilicated, the present impending war between Great Ijritain and [tussm may not only be averted at once, but perhaps all wars whatever between the nations of the earth hence- forth, and 11 new era ot peaoe bo inauMuiaed simultaneously with the t-ffablishment of a thoroughly impaitial and equituble int!:rnational tribunal. In I uh a case, England and tbe world would have good cause to ha thankful tn OiQrvjH ioi prt;:aptiy intorOoting hel- eelf iu a matter so muijh beyond her comparatively very limited sphere. Conhequeiitly I hope you will coosider it worth while tu insert tuis short letter, and uiuoh oblige. Yours taithfullv, Hesry Wbntwobth Monk. Ottawa, 2nd July, 1835.