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Jimcii Brown , The Rev A F Demp- The RcT A F Dcmjxiey Kam* of DeftndoHt. Patrick Moore Thot Shendaa r«t Lyni Jno Mcintosh".., Daniel Wilnou . . Anna Qala Will Joseph Murray. WilHain Sloan.. Jamen Ncthery Fui Ljnn John Bodd/ Jukn Campbell Jumes Smaill . . . . Nichola.i Diecliart. Nicholas Diechitrt. NichuliiH Diccbart. Mic'.iolns Diechart. Nicholan Diechart. Nichdian Diochart. Ailrcd Gule Nicholas Diechart .luines Husk. James Husk Rnrnard Trnftiar Allnn Nixon . .. . W E Ltonard . . . SethMcMath.... William Tounjt. . . 'J'homiia Johnston. William Cuulter . . Jnmes Roma AlfiedGulo . William Core . . Peter Hawthorn Jamea Smaill . . Jnines Uiddear . James Glen. . .. James Flynn . .. James Flynn 8nmuel Smjih . JamoR Liddle Joseph Murray Thos Knox Robert Simons Malcolm McBcth Robt Marshall .. Peter Will Michael Moran Saml Barr Richard Cole . . Jnmes McDonongh .... Assault Kobert Simons Henry HiUer William Mills ... Christian Bancet . 1 homas Ynntton . Daniel Mosser . . . Jacob Mosser . . . .\ndrew Bannett , Christian Ludwig. William U Snyder. Daniel Mosser Christian Uannett, jr. Patrick Kilgallou. .. . .Matthew Wiuer John McLeod . Peter McLaren. Jolin Murray . liWDuImaga.. I'bomas Connolly . James Lnmas Simon VanNorman Thcmai Knox ... William B Snyder James Lawson Nereu James Johnston William Burns AmosTuttle William Oordan James Donovin rhomas Ureiner . ... Elotlo Irwin JVitfWf* tfChargu Date of CoHvittion. 3clHn]t apintnouB Liquor without license December 17 1866 Interrupting the Minister & con^rega*. ion December 24 1862.... M. £. M. Church Interrupting the Minister and congrega-| December 24 tion N. £. M. Church Bdrcd Drew , Peter McYca Sheep killed by dog Nam* of CottvtettHg Jiutic4. December 1866 Petit trespass .... Nonperformanoo of Statute labor. Assault Nonpayment of Wages ft , Assault Assault Assault Passing team on wrong side and furious driving Sheep killed by do; Assault Assault \y ilt'ul damage to property ' Wilful damage to property Wilfui dumaitn to property Breaking the Peace Breaking the Peace Breaking the Peace Larceny Articles of Peace Stenliiig Sheep Stealing Sheep Drunk and disorderly Aisault Spoil Keeping fake school registry Larceny Assiiiilt Assault ^fon■paymont of wages Stealing a watch ureaKing ints gonoot books, &c., &o , Drunk and di^iorderly. . Articles ot Peace .. . Druiikeness Larceny Soglecling to pay toll . . Assault Asinult Ais lult DGuSs ana s James Scott Esq J. P Donald Scot( Esq John Lcckie Esq Peter McDonald Esq Donald Scott Esq..... John Leokie Esq Peter McDonald Esq Tboa Holmes Essq Jas (jiosmsn Esq December 27 December 11 December 21 January 12 1867 January 12 December 29 1866 ... January 17 , Dec 17 Jan 8th . Jan 3rd . Jan 13 . Feb 4th . Feb 4lh Feb 4th F«b4ih . Feb 4th . Feb 4th . Feb 4th . Feb 1st J T ConawayEsq Oeorge Cox Esq IhosGidley Esq Jos Achi-Hon Esq Thos Qidley Edq .... Thos Gibson E^q . . John Gemmill Esq Thos Gibson Esq .... John Gemmill Esq Thos Holmes Esq Tbcs Holmes Esq C Corbctt Esq r Holmes Esq James Gossoiun, Esq. . Thomas Gidley Esq . . . Peter Robertson £sq . . Rs Esq . Walter Fee, Esq Amount of P/ituUty, Fini or J)amagt, Thomas Gidiey Esi . . . . Thomus Oidler Esq . . . . Isaac Curling Esq ..... Robert Dew^^Esq C Crabh, Esq C Crabb Esq C t n»bb E^q C Crabb Esq Samuel I'u'luck Esq. . . John Savage Esq C Crabb Esq C Oiabb, Esq I'homas Holmes Esq . . John Mi-Rea Esq .... Thomas Holmes, Esq . Joseph Whitehead E::q. , KThwailis, Esq Jcespb Whitshoiid cisq . R Thwftiies Esq J Whib head Esq J Whitehead Esq C Crubb liisq Ghn(\ea liairows&q . . Williiiim MallougbEsq. Wiiliam MaHoagb Esq. William MaltoH^h Esq. Williiim Miillou;(h Esq. $25.00 1.00 or thirty days Time when paid, or to 6$ puidtotaid Juttit^. imprisonment Teiv days 10.00 costs 14 1.00 2 00 and coats. 1.00 and costs. 0.50 coats $3.58 0.50 costs 3.58 10.00 91.00 and costs 12.00 Costa 92.60 Costs 92 ^0 Costs 92 60 Costs 2.60 Costs 2.60 Cosu 2.G0 10 50 or ten dayi'. $2.00 or ten days. .20 or ten days. 84.00 or ten days' gaol 12.00 2.00 and costs. 8.00 27th |Deccmbcr. Immediately . Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Immediately fmraediHtely Immediately ImraediHteiy Inamediateiy luimediolely Immediately To lokom patd ovtr by laid Jtittiee. KEMARKS. 'Not paid — appealed to Q. S. Village fVeasnrcr . . . . Township Treasurer. '. County Treasurer.....'. Feb 10 Ten days— Febjl5ih. Forthwith A II Ross Esq . A M Boss Esq. Treasurer Hullett. County Treasurer. Town Treasurer Township of Morris to pay for the sheep. Robt Simons was SHmniooed before the Magistrates on supposition that it T^as his dog that killed the sheep, the evi- dence did not sustain this, therefore tho case against Simons dismissed and t'p Morris ordered to pay. Settled by the parties defending paying costs. Dismissed. Case not proren against Simons- Certificate on T'p Treas. of Morris for flO, value of- sheep, and $1.60 costs. The lowness of the flne was on account of provocation received from proserutoi. Case dismissed with costs on prosecutor. Settled by the parties, defcndent pnyinj; costs, Sfttkd hy parties, defendant paying costs. Settled hy parties, defendant paying costs. Settled by parties, defendant paying cost^. aeitieo ny parties, Oetendant pi Settled by parties, defendant pi Sjttled by ponies, delendnnt p Settled by tmrties. defendant p Town Treasurer Town Treasurer Villa(,'e Treasurer. Propci parties. Sjttled by parties, delendnnt paying coats. Settled by rmrties. defendant paying ccsfa, Sent to Quarter Sessions. Bound over to keep- the Peace, Case dismissed for want of {TOO*. Case dismissed for want ot proof. Appealed Dismissed Committed to Gaol for trial Fine to be paid in 2 days Fine not yet paid by Van Norman Wages dne §5,50 Sent to Quarter Sessions. sent to (Quarter seulons. by J Whitelioad Hound over to keep the Peace Committed for trial to Quarter Sessions. Settled doioiidant paid costs. Settled delenduni paid costs. Stittltd dtfundaiit puid costs. iRThwaitis, Esq. [Sent to Quarter Sessions. Alfied Gttlo William B 8nyder Samuel Crelch William Core Peter Hawtbnru JamcB SmMiti James Biddear James Olen James Fl jnn James Fijnn .. Uamuel Smyth llobi Fultou Thos Mears Wm Mairjs John Cart«r Wra Casbill Michael Purccl' Joseph Lake Joseph Bojrn.' ...:. Jaidrt Morlgomery . JohnTnylor Kobt Taylor Currie & McDougaU. llobt Stevens John Wiater WiUuin Walton .... James Lnwson NeTeii •lames Johnston William Burns VmosTuttle Willmm Gordan lames Donovin Thomas Greiner .... Eiotte Irwin James O'Connors. . . . W Wickt James Pi-Bse John 6umm'>'> .uonald . Robt McDonald itealing a walcE Breaking inte school boobs, &c., &c Drunk and disorderly Articles ot Peace Urunkeness . Larceny .bfoglectinf to pay toll. . . . AsaaoU ■ Assault • Ats lalt Absconding Debtor Agirravated assault Having a dog bite a boy Trouble about some wood Absconding Debtor . . . . Abseondine Debtor house and stealing February fiih. Townshp ot Tuckersmiih Dogs killing sheep-7 sheep destroyed Townshp of Tnckersmitb Richard Cluff. Alex Fraser . John Winter. Damon Woods John Hobson. James Dowling George Biggar agent for Canada Co Samuel Crawford Februanr 25th. March 2nd. . . . March 7th ... . March 8th .... Jan 15 December 4. 18S6. . Deee nber 17 December 18 December 18th ... Decejiber 22nd .. I December 22i.d. .. December Slst . .. Wm OldBeld Wm Twin Dogs killing lambs Assault Breach of the Peace Breach of the Peace • • Son delivery ol a load of Pork. Non-payment of wages . November 28th Townshp ofTuckotsmithOne Ram killed by dogs I'respasBtog Une Ewe killed by dogs Richard Walters Townshp of Tuckersmitb Mrs Hannah. ««^ Linn . . Breaking a cutter. . , Habeas Corpus Act , Person unknown Geo McNril William Root James liosd Thomas Shields Archibald McKay. . Thomas Little Isanc McKay \Viliitim Tlio-nson . Ann Towers ATiudall Margarot Pnippon, wite of Defendeni Township of McKillop . . John Bowden Mrs Hannah Thomas Cbing E Meridith R Morrison Phippen Christina Thompson. , Maria Ann Roche Edward Swan December 20th .. January Ist, 1867 January Ist, 1867 January 18th . . . . January 12th January 18th . . .. January 20th . January 25lh January 24th Janu: ry 24th Coat taken away Trespassing on the forest . Canada Company's Assault and battery. Trespassing on lands and forests Om owe killed by dogs ...... Assault Acsault Right of road Assault • Wft^es tVssault and battery Alexander Thompson . . Thomas Poach William Swan The Queen. The Queen. The Queen. The Qiaecn. TheQieen. Tbe Queen . TbeQ 'Cen. Thomas Connolly i iarceny . W. B. Snyder Larceny. Assault Articles ol Peace . Assault. February TJih. March 4th. March 7th. March 4ih March 9th March 11th January 23i'd. . . January 30tli. . . February 0th... Novembei- 23rd. February 21st. .March 13tb. March 13lh. R Thwaitis, Esq Joseph Whitehead Esq R Tbwaites Esq J W bit*: head Esq J Whitehead Esq C Crabb l! 34,00 $1.00, costs 1 00, costs 60, costs Costs $4 00 Costs SI 00 16 00, coits $3 00 5 00, costs $iWi. fiOcts, costs $8.00. Costs $3 00 Coiis 3 00 Costs 1 75 Costs 100 $6.00, costs f 3 00 . . Settled deleiidunt paid costs. Settled dekndunl paid costs. Seltttd dtfunduul puiU costs. Paid Paid County Tre isuier. County 'I'reasurer County Treasurer. . . . Doj; bit plainliru son • A kind ot mixed atfaii — work and cordwcod. Costs not paid Costs not paid . Costs $4 00 ;^.00, costs $3 00 Forthwith Paid to Constables Not paid . Paid Paid Not paiJ. Not fttid. Case withdrawn by plaintiff.. $4 00. costs $650... Cosis incurred $2 07. Con. Astisluui $1 20.. Peter Bamsay Esq. Peter Ramsay Esq. Peter Ramsay Peter Ramsay E^. Esq. Peter Ramsay Esq... Peter Ramsay Esq . . . Peter Ramsay Esq . . . QeQrge M<*Leod Eiq. . George McLeod Esq. . George McLeod Esq. . John Geramill Esq. . . W G Walker Esq Ibamas Gibson Esq . Vjharlesi Morrow Esq . Tbumas Holmes Esq. Thomiis Gidley Esq. . Thomas Gidley Esq. . Joseph Acticsou Esq. Case dismissed. Nut paid Costs $2, $1.50 naid $5.50, costs $1 65 ... 1.00, cosU $4.75. Costs $2.57 each . 7.00 . . . Costs $1 Costs $3 Costs for plaintiff. Paid, Settled by consent. An avowed Fenian vairant. Language de. rogatory of Her Ittajestjr, Queen Victoria her crown un>l dignity. Search warrant granted Paid. Settled by mutual consent Paid Paid. Settlud by mutual consent, pai-ty to pay equal shaio of costs. $1 00. 7.00. * Bight days Tweaty days Ten days lu gaol. Fine and costs $1050. $2.00, costs 83.20 County Treasurer. Plaintiff Each Paid Nut paid. Case di^imisscd. Settlect before tr.a! Plff to pay costs. Confession . Paid. Immediately Bound over to keep County Tieasurer... the Peace. Paid. . Committed for want of sureties . Sentence— Sentence- Sentence— To be imprisoned in the Provincial Peniten- tiary. Ktngbton, for two years. To b« imprisoned in Common Gaol three months, at haid labor. One fortt:ight in gaol at haid labor. One fortnight in gaol at hard labor, to cani- meiice at the expirition o hisimpriioninent under a previous convi 'lioii. One foituight in gaol at hard labor, to c m- loence at the expiration of his iaipnsoa- uent under a preuous conviction. Six weeks iu gaol al hard labor. Jix weeks in gaol at hard la^o-, to comm 'm e at the rxpirutton of his imsrisooment und r a previous conviction. 3 taken place befoie any Justice or before the March Sessions, rom the December Sessions, 1866, to the Match Sessions, 18b7, for the DAN. LIZARS, Clerk of the Peace, Huron.