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Maps, plates, charts, etc., mey be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too lerge to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right end top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les caites, pisnches, tableaux, etc., peuvent 4tre filmis i des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grend pour Atre roproduit en un soul clichi, II est f ilmi i partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de heut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 12 3 4 S 6 5 '•■t: t/ Jubilee IReport . OF THE. . |iUni$tfr$* mtAow!^' and Orphans* |und . .OF THE. Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland. Incorporated bv a.n Act of thk LK.iisLATUHK or thb Puovi.ncb ok Canada. Anno (lecimo el undeciwo Victorioe Keginae. — Cap. CIII. Rev. II fAMPBKLL, D.U, Chairman, appointed Kev. Keil AJaoNish, LLD., ComwHll, do. IfKV. .Tamks I'ATTEKSON, Montreal, iio. IJev. D. W. Mokison, OrnihtOM n, do. John L. Moruis, Q.C., Moiitienl, do. Alkxandeu MlTCHSLL, Montreal, do. Alkxandeii Macphekson, Montrenl, do. James Taskek, Monirfal, do. James KoBEiixsoN, Moi.treal, do, William Dauling, Montreal, do. Judge Akchibald, Montreal, do. James Croil, ^^c.-r^-mj., Montreal, dc 1869. 1892. 1899. 1899. 18G7. 187;i 1876. 18S3. 188.3. 1885. 1895. 1873. I The first successful attempt to establish a fund for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans of Ministers of the Presby- terian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, was in the funn of a memorial from Dr. William Craigie — an eminent physician in Hamilton, and Mr. George £lmslie of Ancaster, together with a paper on the same subject, by the Rev. James C. Muir of Georgetown, Que., which came before the Synod, at Kingston, July 8th, 1845. The said documents were referred to the Lay Association, with . instructions to report upon them at next meeting of Synod. The Synod of 1846 decided to inaugurate such a fund, and to apply to the Provincial Legislature for an Act of Incorpor- ation enabling them to frame by-laws and to hold property to the amount of at least £1000 a }ear. The first principle enun- ciated was that it be made compulsory that each minister should contribute towards it the sum of £3 annually. To ensure this it was enacted that the minister at his ordination or in- duction be required to sign a bond authorizing the Clergy Reserve Commissioners to retain in their hands the said £3 in half-yearly instalments out of the payments coming to him from that source, the amount thus withheld to be paid over to the Managers of the Ministers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund. That was a master-stroke of policy to begin with, not only securing, beyond peradventure, a considerable amount of income, but also investing the ministers with a life interest in the con- cern. Against this decision of the Synod there was raised but one dissentient voice. It came from the Rev. James Lambie of Pickering, one of the most respected ministers of the Church, who soon, however, became one of the most active promoters of the scheme, and whose widow was the first to be placed on the fund. The Act of Incorporation received the sanction of the Legislature, July 28th, 1847. By it the following were consti- tuted a body corporate and politic, to have, perpetual succession and a common seal: — The Rev. Alexander Mathieson,D.D., Rev> John Cook, D.D., Rev. Walter Roach, Rev. Robt. McGill, and Messrs. Alexander Simpson, Hew Ramsay, Thomas Wilson, I i William Whiteford, William Edmonstone, Hugh Montgomerie, John Greenshields, Andrew Shaw, and their successors. Dr. MathiesoQ was empowered to convene the first meeting; of the corporation, which had power to frame Statutes and By-Laws, etc., etc. This meeting was held in St. Andrew's Church, Montreal, on the 4th of November, 1847, when Dr. Mathieson was elected Chairman, Mr. John Greenshields, Treasurer, and Mr. William Whiteford, Secretary. The first set of Rules was adopted in 1852, when it was announced as a . . ' 1. \ ■1 ■^• r-i'%^'^ . ;|iil...^ . ,ifr# • :,.i^''lC^^ ■, 1 ; •%_' ^ ■•- Dr. Mathieson. guiding principle, and one ever since adhered to, that the amounts contributed by ministers and congregations respectively should be regarded as two separate funds, from the first of which Hnnuities of $50 each should be paid to all widows, and that the annuity from the congregational fund be on a graduated scale proportioned to the yearly average contribution of the late min- ister's congregation. In 1860, the Board proceeded to codify 4 the Regulations that had been floating through its minutes since the commencement. These By-Laws, 34 in number, con- tini>e with little alteration to the present time. The annuities at this time were $60 from the congregational fund, when the average fell below 5*12, and $80 when the average was above $12 and under $24 — increasiag to $240, the highest rate payable. Under sections 21 and 22, it was declared that " any minister refusing or neglecting to pay his annual subscrip- " tion, or refusing to take up the annual collection from his con- " gregation, shall cease to be entitled to any benefit of the fund " for his widow and orphans." Clause 33 provides that " an- nuities paid to widows shall be forthwith forfeited by re- marriage." By a liberal arrangement, it was enacted that the payments to widows shall be made in full for the half-year during which the minister died, and also in full to the heirs of the widow for the half-year in which she died. The Management. — How enthusiastically these early man- agers and office-bearers addressed themselves to a work at once onerous and difficult ! How faithfully they guarded the interests of the Fund; how incessant their labours; how frequent their appeals to congregations on its behalf ; how scathing their re- bukes to the careless and defaulting ; how sincere their loyalty to the Synod, and their adherence to its "deliverances," are abundantly evidenced in the journals and reports of the Board. It was required of every minister to intimate a collection for the Fund on the first Sabbath of January in each year. It was forbidden for a minister to contribute personally, with a view to screen the shortcomings of his congregation. Did he venture to send money in this way, it was indignantly returned to him ! and himself and his congregation were reported to the Synod " to be dealt with." And there was no respect of persons ; the highest dignitary in the Church would be named, and was as amenable to admonition as the humblest minister in a mission field. The Annual Report in those days was an elaborate docu- ment, covering many pages of foolscap, containing detailed lists of all who contributed to the fund, and all who did not. The discussions to which it gave rise were correspondingly proIoii«,'ed, and often spicy — especially when the venerable and revered Chairman "mounted bis high horse." Occasionally, strong language was indulged in. " Some congregations give steadily," says one report, " but others dole out petty sums with a miserable parsimony that does discredit to the Christian profession." In the same breath, however, it is admitted that "on the whole, the fund is satisfactory — equal to that of the old tried fund of the Church of Scotland." In another instance the conduct of a certain minister was highly commended for imitation, in that before closing the collection, he was in the habit of calling personally on each member of his congregation "who, from ill-heHlth, bad weather, or other cause, was absent from church on the day of collection." Mr. Hew Ramsay died in 1857. He had been the secretary of the Board for a number of years; indeed he was practically the manager of the fund during his tenure of office. The Board thus pathetically mourned the loss they had sustained : " His memory is associated with the foundation and establishment Oi this — one of the most excellent of the many Christian enterprises of our Church — and embalmed in the tears of the widow and orphan." In conformity with an Act of the Canadian Legislature, the accounts of the Board began to be kept in decimal currency in the year 1858. In the following year, the Board received its first legacy, from the Estate of the late Hon. William Mouris. While the number of bequests made to the fund have been less numerous than might have been expected, grateful acknowledge- ments are recorded in the minutes of the followinsj : — 1859, Estate Hon. Wm. Morris, 1869, 1872, 1876, 1879, 1883, 1884, 1884, William Dow . Thomas Wilson. Mrs. McIntyke . Dr. Alex. Spence, . Ottawa, D. J. Greenshields, Montreal, Montreal, $ 400. Montreal, 800. .. 50. Perth, 100. 5,000. 500. James Mighie, Mrs. Machak, Toronto, 4,000. Kingston, 50. 6 Among the earliest private dunntions to the fund wa» the gift, in 1854, of £10 from Rev. \V. Montgomery Walkei:, of Ochiltree, Scotland — formerly iiliiiister of Huntingdon, Que. Many smaller individual donations are credited in the cash hook. It is not yet too late to hope that the number of legacies and donations may be increased. Up to the time of Mr. Ramsay's death, so admirable had been the administration of the fund, its continuous success and pros- pects were most encouraging. The Synod of 1865 adopted the 1 ■ • ■ 1 ■ ' ■ « t v»- .' • ••'■■ ^ ' - ,1 ' " ■*- '.' ■ * .'■ "■ \ '■■■■■^0^^-' '*■ ■**'••■«■;;?•■ • ■ , ■ /^".».- . • ''-i)s*C5> * , " m*f^:»^:-- John Greenshields. Annual Report — "rejoicing to learn that the fund is in so pros- perous a state; approve the diligence of the Managers, and return cordial thanks to them, and especially to the treasurer, Mr. Archibald Ferguson, for their valuable services." In 1866, the Board announced their intention to increase the annuities by the addition of a donus of 30 percent, to all receiv- ing under $60 the half-year, and 20 per cent, to all receiving over that sum, without promise of its continuance beyond the current year. The Manaj^ement, seeiningly, had ilifticulty m realizing that at that time tliey were ni>tkinerations. Nearly a whole generation of men having in the meantime passed away, including many of the Fathers of the Church who took an active part in the foundation of the fund : — Dr. Cook, Dr. Machar, Dr. McMorine, Dr. Urqnhart, Dr. Neill, Dr. J. C. Muir, Dr. John Barclay, Dr. Geo Bell, Dr. Spence, Dr. W. Bain ; Kevds. John Maclaurin, John Mackenzie, Andrew Btdl, James Bain, John H. Mackerras, and many others. The Semi-Jubilee of the Fund was reached in 1872, at which time Mr. Archibald Ferguson w as Treasurer, and Mr. J, S. Hunter, Secretary. In submitting their 25lh Annual Kepoit to the Synod, the Board made reference to the continue*! pros- perity of the fund, and announced their intention of still further increasing the annuities. At this time, an Act of the Provincial Leuislatnre was obtained amending the original Act of Incorporation by extending the limits of the Board's holdings from ;^I500 to $20,000 a year, and legalizing the receipt of eiuht per cent, interest on invest- ments instead of the hitherto legal rate of six per cent, to which all corporate bodies had been restricted. Up to tiiis time nearly all the investments of the Board stood in the names of private individuals who had been receiving a high rate of interest for years past. This anomalous state of afifairs was now rectified by having the investments transferred in due form to the Board. During the next three yeais matters went on harmoniously, the reports of each succeeding year showing a gratifying increase in the endowments of the Board, so much so, that in 1875 a still further increase was made to the graduated scale of annuities — raising the maximum annuity to $425. The Union of the Presbyterian Churches in Canada was consummated on the 15th of June, 1875. In anticipation of this 9 event an Act of the Legislatuie of the Province of Qiiehec was oi>tained by the Synod, amending the Act of Iiicoiporaiion, and amendments thereto, continuing to the Hoard all the rights and privileges it had hitherto enjoyed, with provisions for the election of members of the Board rendered expe>islature an Act of Incorpor- ation, by which the vested rights of all others should be ex- tinguished. Their application was promptly rejected. The result, however, was a series of protracted and expensive lawsuits, of which this Board had to bear its share, but which were brought to a satisfactory conclusion in 1882, chiefly through Mr. John L. Morris, Q C, the solicitor of the Board. Mr. Archibald Ferguson died on the 9th of October, 1876, in the 85th year of his age. He had been twenty-one years a member of the Board, and for twelve years had served gratuitously as its treasurer. It was said of him that "he brought the sprightliness and buoyancy of youth to the very verge of the grave." His self-denying efforts to promote the interests of the Fund were highly appreciatad. After his death the offices of secretary and treasurer were combined. Of the original members of the Corporation there is not one now living. The Rev. Walter Roach died at Beauharnois in 1849. Dr. McGill died in Montreal in 1856. Dr. Cook died in Quebec in 1892, in his 87th year. He was a member of this Board for 45 years, and one of its staunchtst supporters. Other ministers who served on the Board were Rev. Dr. J. C. Muir of Georgetown, Que., Rev. William Simpson ot Lachine, Rev. Dr. Snodgrass, formerly of St. Paul's Church, Montreal, Rev. William Masson of Russeltown, and Rev. Dr. Jenkins of Montreal ; also the following laymen: — Messrs. W. Gordon Mack, Thomas Peck, James Mitchell, Joseph M. Ross, James S. Hunter, James Reekie, and John Grant. Mr. Philip S. Ross, chartered accountant, has received the thanks of the Board for his valuable and gratuitous services as auditor of the books and accounts during the past twenty- three years. 11 LIST OF B E N E F I C I A R I K S FROM THE COMMENCEMENT TO 1899. Thefirtt column MAotra when the Beneficiary tea* placed in the Fund, and the latt column, vhen removed from the roll, or pretent place of Rendtnce. 1847 Lainbie, JameR Mrp 1849 Uoach, Walter " 1851 Dickie, John " , IS51 Smith, John " 1852 PiirkiH, iKaac " 1853 Brown, William " 1853 Bryning, John " , 1854 Mair. Hugh " . 1855 Milligan, Archd. << 1855 Maclean, iGneas <* , 1855 Maclaurin, John " . 1855 Mackenzie, John " . 1855 Moodie, Duncan " , 1856 McQill, Dr Robt" . 1856 Bell, Andiew " , 1857 Bell. William " . 1857 McClatchy, Geo. " , 1857 Ro88, Alex. Miss, 1858 Lindsay, John Mrs. 1859 King, William " . 1860 Mair, William, Miss 1861 Anderson, Jas. Mrs 1863 Machar, Dr. John " 1863 Ferguson, Peter " 1864 Skinner Dr. John" 1864 Grigor, Colin " 1864 Campbell, John " 1864 Evans, David '< 1863 Darrach, William" 1866 Johnston, Thos. " 1866 MarMurchy, Jno " 1866 riaig, Thomas << 1867 McMorine, Dr. J. " , 1869 Maclaurin, John <' 1 869 A nderson, Joseph <■ 1869 Thom, James " '869 McEwen, Wm. " 1869 Hunter, Alox. " ..Pickering, Ont Died at Whitby, in March, 1883 Beauharnois, Q. ... Died at Port Dover, 21 Feb., 1884, age 83. .N. Williamsburg Died there 25 March, 1886, age 73. . Beckwith, Resides in Ottawa, Ont. .Osnabruck, . . . . Died at Pre^cott in 1860. , .Uxbridge, Resides there. .Mt. Pleasant, 0.... Died, October 29, 1881. [1889,age78 ,Fergu.x, Died at Schuylerville, U. S. A., Sept. 27, . Russeltown, Q Resides at Melbourne, Australia. .Cote St. George, O. Resides at Lancaster, Ont. . Martintown, .... Resides in Hamilton, Ont. . Williamstown 0. . . Died there March 9, 1857, aged 67. . Dundee Q Died there May 23, 1892, age 83. .St. Paul's, Montreal. Died in 1864, Oct. 27, age 67. [age 72. .L'Orignal, Died at Hemmingford Q. Sept. 28, 1883. .Perth, Died there April 17, 1861, age 87. .Clinton, O Died at Grimsby 0. Feb. 18, 1898, age 88. .Innisfil, O Died in 1880. . Litchfield, Q Married in 1860. .Nelson, O Married in 1866. .Chatham Q Died there in 1881. .Ormstown Q. . . ...Last payment made in Jan., 1874. , .Kingston, O Died there October 6, 1883, age 86. .Esquesing Died in 1870, March 24, age 58. . Waterdown, Resides in Glasgow, Scotland. . . Plantagenet, . . . Died at L'Orignal, Feb. 28, 1888, age 73. , . Nottawasaga, O . . . . Resides at Napanee, O. 2^ , ^( iX/l9\(. /<^(^i ^*. °/ .Kitley, O Died in 1867. Offl^et .St. Matthews, Mont.Died in Montreal, 25 June, 1890, age 65. , .Ghinguacousy, O. . .Died in 1867. . .Eldon, O Resides at Lindsay, Ont. . Beauharnois, Q . . . . Died at Helensburgh, Scotland in 1882. . Ramsay, 0. Died Nov. 24, 1870 in her 64th year. .Lochiel Died in 1882. , .South Uower, O Died 27 March, 1875, age 76. ..Woolwich, Died there in 1877. . .N. Dorchester, O. . .Died in London O., Aug. 10, 1894, age 90. , . Leith, Resides at Kinloss, Ont. 12 1^ 1869 Campbell, John Mrs .Markham, Now Mrs Bool, Ithaca, N. Y. mar. 1876, 1870 Barr, John " . .Laprairie, Q Resides in Toronto, Ont. 1870 Mathieson, Dr. A., Heirs St Andrews, Montreal. Last payment 1871. 1870 Wallace, Alex. Mrs. . HuntinKdon, Q Resides in Huntingdon, Que. ,„_- „ r* r „ ut ** J f Last payment to children, 1882. 1870 George, Dr. Jas. » ..btratford | Mrs George died June 17. 1873. 1870 Macdonnell, Geo." ..Milton Died at Kingston, Juiy 29, 1881, age 70. 1871 Thomson, George" ..Renfrew, O Last payment to Miss T. 1876. 1871 Shanks. David Miss. yalcartier,Q Last payment in 1875. 1871 Urquhart, Hugh Mrs. Cornwall, Died there May 21, 1873, agfd 78. 1873 Macleod,JohnM " ..Glencoe, Resides in London, England. 1873 McKid, Alex. " ..Goderich,0 Died there Sept. 30, 1877, age 56. 1873 Miller, William " .. Stratford, Resides in Kdinburgh, Scotland. 1873 Colquhoun, Arch" . .Mulniur, Died there June 20, 1896, in 96th year. 1873 Maclennan, Wm " . .L'Orignal, Resides near Cornwall, Ont. 1873 Nicol, Francis " . .London, Ont Resides in Toronto. 1873 Bell, William " . . N. Easthope, O Last payment to heirs in 1882 [age 76. 1877 Hogg, Dr. John " ..Guelph, Died at Detroit, US A. Jan. 29. 1892. 1877 Tawse, John «« . .King, Died August 2, 1880, age 65. 1878 Spence, Dr. Alex" . .Ottawa, Died at Lossiemouth, Elgin, Scot. 1879. 1879 Cochrane, Wm. " . .Middleville, Resides in Kingston, Ont. 1879*Ingli8, W. M. " ..Kingston, Last payment in 1879. 1879 Cameron, Chas. I. " . . New Edinburgh, 0. Died, 1882 ; last payment to heirs in 1896. ioo« u I »i „ A I. ^ f 1 J i Died at Keraptville, 0. March, 1881. 1880 Maclennan, Alex." . .Amherst Island,.. . | ^ast payment to her son A. D. in 1892. 1880 Mackerras, J. H. " Q.C. Kingston, 0. . .Resides in Kingston, Ont. 1881* Forbes, Alex. Miss. .Inverness, Q Last payment in December, 1881. 1881 Ross, Walter, Mr». . Beckwith, Resides in Kingston. 1881 Walker, Archd. " . .Belleville, Died at Row, Scotland, Dec. 6, 1897. 1881 Stuart, John L " ..Trenton, Now Mrs. Spence, married Oct. 25, 1893. 1881 Scott, 'I'homas " . . Plantagenet, O .... Died there in August, 1884. I881*Muir, Dr. J. C Miss. .Georget«»wn, O .... Resides at Concord, N.H., U.S.A. 1882 Maclaren, R. G., Mrs. Three Rivers, Q . . . Died at Chatham, Ont, July 10, 1896. 1884 Paul, John T. Miss.. .Bolsover, Now Mrs. McRae, married in 1887. 1884 Mann, Dr. Alex. Mrs. Pakenham, 0. ..... Died at Renfrew, 0, April 11, 1889. age 69 1885 Brown, John, Heirs. .Newmarket, .... Last payment to his son Dec. 1885. 1885 Simpson, Wm. Mrs. .Lachine, Q Resides at Upper Melbourne, Que. 1885 Bain, James, " . .Scarboro, Died at Markham, 10 Jan., 1892, age 86. 1885 Mackay, W. E. " . . Orangeville, Resides at Orangeville, Ont. 1886 Livingston, P. S. " . . Manitoba Resides in Winnipeg. 1886 Barr, William " ..Wawanosh, Died at Bay fteld, Ont, Nov. 18, 1889. 1887 Barclay, Dr. Jno. " ..Toronto, Died there Nov. 23, 1890, age 76. 1887 Mackay, Alex. " . . Summerstown, O . .Resides in Toronto. 1887 Livingstone, M.W." . .Simcoe, Resides at Simcoe, Ont. 1888*Dobie, Robt, Heirs. .Milton, O Last payment to daughter, 1888. 1888 Bennett, Dr. John. ...Almonte, Resides in Almonte, Ont 13 r6. 70. e 76. 79. 1896. 1892. r 188R Cameron, Hugh, MrH.Hallville, O Died in Montreal, August 28. 1896. I888*Portsr, Sam HeirH. . .Clarke, LaHt payment to MiHR Porter, 1894. 1889 Stuart, James, Mrs. . Woodntock Died in Toronto, Feb. 25, 1895, af;e 84. 1889 Burnet, Robt. « ..Hamilton, O Died in London, Ont, Apl. 15, 1897, age 85. 1889 Bain, William » .. Perth, Died at Kingston, O. Feb. 1 1, 1893, age 70. 1889 Eakin, Jos. S. " ..Parkhill, O Resides at Port Colborne, Ont. 1 890 Herald, James " . . Manitoba Resides at Medicine Hat, Man. 1890 Neill, Dr. Robt. " . .Seymour Resides at Campbellford, 0. 1890 Davidson, John " . .N. Williamsburgh.. Died there Feb. 18, 1891, age 66. 1891 Fraser, Donald '• . .Victoria, EC Resides in Victoria, B.C. 1892* Spenser, Adam, Miss.. Bowmanville, 0.. . .Last payment made in 1893. 1892 Cameinn, David, Miss. Port Hope, O Last payment in 1893. 1892 Stewart, \Vm , Mrs. .Hornby, O Resides iu Toronto. 1892 Sinclair, Jas. S. «' ..Huntley, .... Resides at Carp, Ont 1894 Murray, Jas. A " ..London, Resides in London, Ont. 1 894 Carmichael, Jas. " . . Norwood, Resides at Markham, Ont. 1894 Morrison, D. " ..Owen Sound Resides in Sydney, N. S. W. 1895* Johnson, Wm. " . .Manitoba Resides at Vernon City, B. C. 1895 Gordon, James " ..London, Resides in London, Ont. 1895 Canning, W. T. " . .Oxford Mills. Resides at Mountain, Ont. 1896 Macdonnell, D. J. Heirs Toronto, O Family residing at Fergus, Ont. 1897 Porteous, Geo. Mrs. .L'Amable, O Resides in Kingston, Ont. 1898 .Jenkins, Dr. J. " . .St Paul's Montreal .Resides at W. Dulwich, London, Eng. 1898 Bell, Dr George " . .Q C. Kingston Resides in Toronto. 1898 Smith, Jas. C " ..Guelph.O Resides in Guelph, Ont. 1899 Muir, Dr. J. B. " . . Huntingdon, Q . . . . Resides at Birmingham, Ala. U. S. A. * NoTB ;— those marked thus were dealt with as special cases. a3. SUMMARY. ;e69 The whole number of Beneficiaries, past and present, is one hundred and eight (108). The total amount that has been paid to them is $223,069. The largest amount paid in any one year was 87,993.69, in 1895. The largest number of widows on the roll at one time was forty-five (45) in 1890, and the largest number of orphans, fifty-three (53) in 1874. Mrs. Archibald Colquhoun, of Mulmur, Ont., attained the greatest age, bordering on ninety-six *yeQ.m. The name that has been longest on the roll is that of Mrs. John Smith, formerly cf Beckwith, now residing in Ottawa. The numbfrof ministers^now contributing to the fund, personally, is 62. The average annuity is $190. 14 The working capital reached the round sum of $100,000 in 1881. It touched hinh-water mark in 1897, when the total assets were $116,441.92. Decline in the rate of interest from investments, and the inevitable decrease of congregational con- tributions, as one and another of the ministers of the oM Synod pass away, preclude the possibility of farther enlargement, at least for years to come, but, in the meantime, ail present and prospective claims on the Fund may be regarded as absolutely secure. Scale of Annuities from the Congregational Fund. When average is $12, and under $18, annuity is $138 18, 24, 156 H 30, 175 30 36. 188 36, 42, 200 42. 48, 212 48. 54, 231 54, 60, 244 60, 72. 256 72, 84, 281 84. 96, 312 96. 108, 344 108, 120, 375 120, 132, 437 132. and upv irards, 469 No annuity to exceed the last mentioned $469. All collections averaging less than $12, are subject to special consideration ; but iu no case shall the annuity deiivalde there- from exceed $100. The allowance for children is as follows : — For one child, an additional sum of $16. II two children, ti m 28. II three u m h 36. .1 four 11 II II 40. and $4. for each additional child as the number may be, until boys reach 18 years and girls 21 years. A unifofm payment of $50 per annum accrues from the Ministerial portion of the Fund in addition to the annuity from the Congregational Fund. 15 ABSTRACT OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1898-1899. 'The nameR of two annuitants were nilded to the Rt>ll during the past year, namely: Mrw. J. ('. Smith of Quel)>h,and Mrn. J. B. Muir of Huntingdon, iiiaking tlie present number forty-two, as followH: — rs. Barr. Mrs. Livingston. Miss Muir. i; Bell. II Livingstone. Mrs. Murray. (1 Bennett. II MacKay (W.E) II Morrison.