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 in d 
 Including By-Laws of the Board of Police Commissioners, 
 ana Important Agreements entered into by the 
 Corporation of the City of London. 
 IIIK IRKK I'UKSS rKlNll.NC Oil UK, K |i I lilONI) S'lUKK T. 
Printed by Order of the City Council. 
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 ooooooooooooa oo 
Members of City Council from Incorporation 
 Murray Andft-son, 
 William Darker. 
 Elijah Leonard. 
 David Glass. 
 Wm. McBride. 
 James Moffatt. 
 F. E. Cornish. 
 First Ward. 
 I'eter Sell ram. 
 James Mutlhtt. 
 fohn lilair. 
 B. Wheeler. 
 Peter Scliram. 
 James MotVatt. 
 John Blair. 
 R. S. Talbot. 
 James Moffatt. 
 James Cousins, 
 John Blair. 
 George Taylor. 
 James Cousins, 
 John Blair. 
 \i. Wheeler. 
 Robert Gunn. 
 James Moffatt. 
 J. 1. Mackenzie. 
 Charles .Stead. 
 John Bonser. 
 J. I. Mackenzie. 
 Charles Stead. 
 B. Wheeler. 
 A. Campbell. 
 Charles Stead. 
 J. M. Cousins. 
 B. Wheeler. 
 John Bonser. 
 Second Ward. 
 M. Anderson. 
 Elijah Leonard. 
 Wm. McBride. 
 Geo, M. Gunn. 
 Elijah Leonard. 
 Wm. McBride, 
 S. McBride. 
 John O'Neil. 
 Elijah Leonard. 
 Wm. McBride. 
 S. McBride. 
 John O'Neil. 
 Wm. McBride. 
 M. Anderson. 
 S. McBride. 
 John O'Neil. 
 S. McBride, 
 Wm. Begg, 
 K, Brown, 
 James Gillean, 
 S. McBride. 
 Wm. Begg. 
 James Gillean. 
 Wm. Pope. 
 Samuel McBride, 
 William Pope. 
 J. B, Smyth. 
 Wm. Divinny. 
 Third Ward. 
 James Daniell. 
 Joseph Gibbons. 
 Arthur Wallace, 
 John Clegg. 
 Marcus Holmes. 
 David Glass, 
 John Clegg. 
 John A. Arnold. 
 Marcus Holmes. 
 David Glass. 
 John Arnold. 
 James Durand. 
 Marcus Holmes. 
 David Glass. 
 James Durand. 
 John Cousins. 
 T. H. Buckley. 
 B. A. Mitchell. 
 James Reid. 
 David Hughes. 
 r. 11. Buckley. 
 C. D. Holmes. 
 David Hughes. 
 J. J. Spettigue. 
 C. D. Holmes. 
 Ed. Heathfield, 
 David Hughes. 
 }. J. Spettigue. 
of the City of London, in 1855, until 1861. 
 Fourth Ward. 
 K. Ahernetliy. 
 J. W. Kennotl. 
 Francis .Smith. 
 David Glass. 
 Francis Smith. 
 J. W. KerniDtt. 
 William Glass. 
 Wm. T, Kiely. 
 Francis Smith. 
 K. Ahernetliy. 
 W. '1\ Kiely. 
 Wm. Glass. 
 Francis Smith. 
 John Griffith. 
 Jas. II. Flock. 
 Chas. Triddis. 
 W, S. Smith. 
 Jas. II. I-lock. 
 A. Hamilton. 
 Ariel Tousby. 
 Jas. II. Flock. 
 II. Stevenson. 
 John Griffith. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Jas. li. Flock. 
 IT. Stevenson. 
 John Griffith. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Fifth Ward. | Sixth Ward. 
 Aldermen. Aldermen. 
 iXiniel Lester. John Cariing. 
 Geo. G. Mnjfee.i Thomas Peel. 
 Councilmen. I Councilmen. 
 Thos. Carter. VVm. Glen. 
 Robert Smitli. I'. I'hipps. 
 i\ldermen. i Aldermen. 
 Daniel Lester, ijohn Cariing. 
 Geo. G. jMagee. [Thomas Peel. 
 Robert Smith. 
 Jas. Ilitchins. 
 Daniel Lester. 
 11. Hunter. 
 Robert Smith. 
 Wm. Doty. 
 Robert Smith. 
 Henry Roots. 
 VVm. Doty, 
 lirock Stevens. 
 Robert Smith. 
 Geo. Webster. 
 D. McPherson. 
 Jesse Rapley. 
 Robt. Smith. 
 J. W. McGauley 
 D. Mcl'herson. 
 J. W. Rapley. 
 D. Mcl'herson. 
 D. Maciie. 
 J. W. R.ipley. 
 .S. II. Gr.iydon. 
 Kd. Garratl. 
 r. I'hipps. 
 Wade Owen. 
 Jolm Christie. 
 Ed. tjarralt. 
 P. Phipps. 
 Wade Owen. 
 John Christie. 
 P. Phipps. 
 Thomas Peel. 
 W.ide Owen. 
 James Griffiths. 
 j Councilmen. 
 I P. Phipps. 
 JFd. G.irratt. 
 I .Aldermen. 
 Ijohii CarWnt;. 
 Fd. Garratt. 
 P. Phipps. 
 (ieo. I'it/gerakl. 
 Kd. Garralt. 
 P. Phipps. 
 Wade Owen. 
 R. V. Matthews. 
 Seventh Ward. 
 Wm. barker. 
 Wm. Darby. 
 j Robinson Orr. 
 John Wells. 
 I Aldermen. 
 iWm. Rarker. 
 is. Stansfield. 
 , Councilmen. 
 ;J()hn Wells. 
 Robinson Orr. 
 S. Stansfield. 
 P. (I. Norris. 
 : Councilmen. 
 John Ross. 
 R. Thompson. 
 I Aldermen. 
 P. G Norris. 
 K. E. Cornish. 
 ! Councilmen. 
 iT. Partridge, jr. 
 |M. Macnamara. 
 I Aldermen, 
 i'. E. Cornish. 
 IT. Partridge, jr. 
 j Councilmen. 
 [M. Macnamara. 
 ]Thos. O'Brien. 
 j Aldermen. 
 |F. E. Cornish. 
 ijohn Ross. 
 'T. Partridge, jr. 
 Thos. O'Brien. 
 P. G. Norris. 
 |T. Partridge, jr. 
 I Councilmen. 
 iThos. O'Brien. 
 l\, Thompson. 
 John Doyle. 
 John Doyle. 
 John Doyle. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
Members of the City Council 
 1862 F. K. Cdrni^h. 
 1S63 1'". E. Coinislu 
 18O41F. E. ('oniisli. 
 David Cjlass. 
 David Glass. 
 Frank Smith. 
 Win. S. Smith. 
 First Ward. 
 Second Ward, i 'I'hird Ward. 
 'Charles Stead. 
 n. W'heelcr. 
 j Comu'ilnu'n. 
 jWm. ji)linsoii. 
 jjnmcs lJcadni."n. 
 I Aldermen. 
 (.'harles Stead. 
 H. Wheeler. 
 Wm. Johnson. 
 'James Deadniaii. 
 ! .-Mdei men. 
 i(.'harles Slead. 
 jl;. Wheeler. 
 I ('ounrilnien. 
 jWm Johnson, 
 'fas. Deadm.iii. 
 1 Aldenucn. 
 I Li. Wheeler. 
 J. M. Consuls. 
 jWni. Johnson. 
 Jas. Dcadman. 
 H. Wlieeler. 
 Ed. tJlackmeyer. 
 James Deadnian. 
 E. I'avey. 
 1!. Wheeler. 
 Ed. Glackmeyer. 
 A. McCormick. 
 A. Mc(!ornn'ck. 
 I>. Wheeler. 
 Ed. Clackmeyer. 
 Sanuiel .Meiiride. 
 ( 'ounedNien. 
 |<ilin I!. .Smyth. 
 Wm. Devinii). 
 ■ianiuel .Meiiride. 
 William l)e<;^f. 
 ( 'ouneilnien. 
 John I!. Smyth. 
 Oswald IJaynes. 
 Saml. .Mclhide. 
 ir.mes (lillean. 
 ( 'onneilmen. 
 [ohn 1!. Smyth. 
 < >s\vald liayne.s. 
 Samuel Meiiride. 
 John ('ampbell. 
 John I!. Smyth. 
 Oswald n.nyne.s. 
 Samuel Meiiride. jDaviil Hughes. 
 John Camiiliell. i[uhn Con.sins. 
 I Aldurnicn. 
 |C. 1). Holmes, 
 jl. J. Spettiguc. 
 I Couneilmen. 
 I ':ivid I Inches. 
 I A alter Xichcjl. 
 jC ]). liolnie.s. 
 J. J. Spettigne. 
 I David Hughes. 
 Walter Xiehol. 
 David I luglies. 
 J. J. .s'petiigue. 
 William I'latt. 
 John Tihlis. 
 I Aldermen, 
 j David Hughes. 
 John Cousins. 
 j Councilnien. 
 jjanies Keid. 
 ijolin W. Cryer. 
 John 15. Smyth. 
 < )s\\ald ISaynes. 
 S. .Meiiride. 
 J. Carn])l)ell. 
 J. Jl. Smyth. 
 I. Campbell. 
 S. Meiiride. 
 J. 11. Smyth. 
 John Christie. Aldermen. 
 S. H. (.r.aydon. 11. Wheder 
 '\. .McCormick 
 lEd. Glacknieyer. J. Campbell 
 Kcsigneil 221UI Fcljni.iry, and a. H. Uiaydoii \va^ clocterl. 
 J. 11. Smyth. 
 •S. Meiiride. 
 ijanies Keid. 
 IJohn W. Cryer. 
 David Hughe.s. 
 John Cousins, 
 lames Dnrand. 
 I Aldermen. 
 jWilliam I'arris. 
 David Hughes. 
 James Durand. 
 Walter .\icliol. 
 William h'arris. 
 David Hughes. 
 from the Year 1862 to 1869. 
 Fourtli Ward. h'ifili W.iid, i SiMli Wanl. ^cvcnlli Wanl. 
 11. Stevenson. 
 Jnlin l\()ss. 
 A. Mc(!oniiick. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 II. .Stevenson, 
 John Ross. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 A. McCorniick. 
 Jolm Ross. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Aldermen. Aldermen. 
 D. Mcl'herson. I', i'liipjis, 
 I). Maelie. 'riiomas I'eel. 
 Councilmen. Cuuncilnien. 
 J. \V. Rapley. Wade t.)\veii. 
 .'^. 11. (iraydon. Jdin Cliri-lie 
 D. Maelie. 
 S. 1 1. ( Iraydnn. 
 I. W. Rapley. 
 John I larrison. 
 ]i. Maelie. 
 I). Mcl'lier^on. 
 r. rhipp>. 
 Tliomas I'eel. 
 \\ ade ( )\\en. 
 John ( 'hrislie. 
 !'. IMnpp. 
 I honia,^ I'eel. 
 Councilmen. Councilmen. Councilmen. 
 Hewitt Fysh. J. \V. kapk). WadeOwcn. 
 James l'eici\-al. Thomas Hrown. lolin Chii^tie. 
 John Ross. 
 Alex. .Murray. 
 Hewitt I'ysh. 
 James I'ercival 
 John Ross. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Hewitt Fysh. 
 James I'ercival. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Hewitt I*'ysh. 
 \V. S. Smith. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Hewitt hysh. 
 W. S. Smith. 
 W. S. Smith. 
 Hewitt Fysh. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Geo. M;icljutli 
 I). .Maelie. 
 '[. Williams. 
 Thomas I'eel. 
 lohn ("hristie. 
 Councilmen. Councilmen. 
 J. ^V. Rapley. Wade Owen. 
 T. llrown. S. Screaton. 
 I). M.actie. 
 I). Lester. 
 Thomas Tccl. 
 I. Christie. 
 Councilmen. ( 'mincilmt.'n. 
 J. \V. Rajrtcy. Waile Owt-n, 
 \'i. Rurdelt. S. Screaton. 
 John Christie. 
 Thomas I'eel. 
 r. I'artridi^e, jr. 
 riios. ( )'lhitn. 
 Wm. Waiul. 
 R. Thompson. 
 T. I'artridi^e, jr. 
 'I'hos. O'lirieii, 
 Wm. Waud. 
 K. Tlion>pson. 
 T. rartridi^c, jr. 
 Thos. O'lirien. 
 ' 'ouncilmen. 
 M. Macnamara. 
 W . \ . I'.'.unton. 
 JT. Partridge, jr. 
 T. I'art ridge. 
 M. Macnauiara. 
 W. C. I., (iill. 
 r. t'artridge, jr. 
 l'. I'artriilge. 
 ( 'ouncilmen. 
 M. Macnamara, 
 W. C. L. Ciill. 
 i Aldernren. 
 T. Partridge, jr 
 |T. Partridge. 
 A. S. Alil.oit. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 A. S, Abbott. 
 A. S .\bl)ott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 Daniel Lester. 
 S H. (iraydon. 
 Robert Smith. I'rancis Smith, ijames Egan. 
 Aldermen. Aldermen. Aldermen, 
 S. H. (iraydon. J"li» <^''"'i^t"-"- iT. Partridge, jr. 
 Robert Smith. Fraixis Smith, 't. Partridge, 
 M, Anderscm. 'IhomasPeel. Ijanies Egan. 
 j(Jeo. Macbeth. 
 Aldermen. j Aldermen. 1 Aldermen, 
 S. IL Craydon. |John Christie, T. I'artridge, jr. 
 R Smith. jThonias I'eel. T. Partridge. 
 ^L Anderson. 'Ceo. Macbeth, ijames Egan. 
 clcclcil ill March in pkici: uf Francis Smidi, l■c•^i.^lled. 
 A. S, Abbott 
 A. S Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
Members of the City Council 
 II, Graydon. 
 I'iist Wiud. Sucond Ward. 
 15, Whcclor. 
 A. McConuick. 
 I. M. Cousins. 
 I!. Smyth. 
 J. M. Cousins. 
 1872 J. Campbell. 
 A. McCormick. 
 Henj. Cronyn. 
 Benj. Cronyn. 
 Aldermen. Aldermen. 
 J. M. Cousins. J. H. Smyth. 
 A. McC'ormick. :|. Camphell. 
 D. C. Macdonald. ij. JetVery. 
 I Aldermen. Aldermen. 
 Ij, M. Cousins. I. I!. Smyth. 
 ID. C. Macdon.ild.^J. Camiihell. 
 Jas. MoClatt. jS. McHride. 
 iJ. M. Cousins. 
 D. C. Macdonald. 
 'Ja.s. Moffatt. 
 Jas Moffatt. 
 in. C. M.acdonald 
 Rol.t. rritchard. 
 D. 0. Macdonald 
 Robt. rritchard. 
 Kobt. Smith. 
 J. 1!. Smyth. 
 Samuel McUride. 
 Thomas Heat lie. 
 ! Aldermen. 
 Thomas i^eattie. 
 James ( 'owan. 
 :T. F. Kingsmill. 
 ! Aldermen, 
 fames Cowan. 
 A. I!. I'oweil. 
 Ceor(,'e F*hillips. 
 187^0. ('. Macdonald.' Aldermen, 
 kobt. I'ritchard. 
 John Campbell. 
 G. I). Sutherland. 
 1877 Robert Pritchard. 
 1878 Robert Lewis. 
 1879 Robert Lewis. 
 G. 1). Sutherland, 
 John Campbell. 
 jGeo. Gray. 
 I Aldermen. 
 John Campbell. 
 I Robt I'ritchard. 
 John B. Smyth. 
 ; Aldermen. 
 iRobt. S. Murray. 
 VV. W. Kit/jjerald. 
 jA. K. Thompson. 
 1 Aldermen. 
 |\V. W. I'itz<,rerald. 
 I A. K. Thompson. 
 Robt. S. .Murray. 
 Third Ward. 
 j Aldermen, 
 j David Hughes. 
 Walter Nichol. 
 William Karris. 
 ! Aldermen. 
 F. I'',. ( 'ornish. 
 ^Villianl Starr. 
 John Woods. 
 William Starr. 
 |i)hn W^oods. 
 "Arch'd Mcl'hail. 
 ■ Wm. Starr. 
 Arch'd Mcl'hail. 
 A. McCormick. 
 W'illiain .Starr. 
 .Arch'd Mcl'hail. 
 .William Farris. 
 Wm. Starr. 
 Wm. F'arris. 
 Arch'd Mcl'hail. 
 *Janies Dunbar. 
 John W. Jones. 
 Arch'd Mcl'hail. 
 John VV. Jones. 
 Wm. Skinner. 
 John W. Jones. 
 Wm. Skinner. 
 D.iniel Regan. 
 i Aldermen. 
 John Campbell. 
 I iRobt. I'ritchard. 
 I ijas, Muirhead. 
 James ami John \V. Jones elcn, 
 i Aldermen. Aldermen, 
 jl'lobt. S. Murray. |Wm. Skinner. 
 'A. K. Thompson. jDaniel Regan. 
 jA; H. I'oweil. jSamuel Stringer. 
 Aldermen. I Aldermen. 
 A. I!. I'oweil. jWm. Skinner. 
 A. K. Thomps(m.!'l Stringer. 
 W. W. l-'iizgerald.lChas. T.aylor. 
 4ili Aii:4ii--l. viic Starr, lesiuncd, anil I'aivi- 
from the Year 1870 to 1879. 
 I'oiutli Wanl. I'ifili Wiinl 
 Aldfiiiicn. [ Aldiiiiicii. 
 A1l'.\. Miiniiy. |M. Aiuli'ison. 
 Ilcwiti I'ysh. ;lJnnic'l \.cs[v\: 
 II. I!. Sir()nt,r. (S. II. (li.iydon. 
 *'r. Mi'Cormickl 
 I lew ill I'ysh. 
 'r. Mc('(iriHit:k, 
 SaimiL'l liarkcr. 
 IlewiK I''ysli. 
 Samuel ilaikcr. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 L. C. Leonanl. 
 John J. Ilrown. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 Alex. Murray. 
 L. C. Leonard. 
 ('. W. Andrus. 
 L. C. Leonard. 
 (i. T. Iliscox. 
 S. VV. Abbott. 
 (i. T. Iliscox. 
 lolin Ross, [son 
 A.J.Ci. I lender- 
 G. T. IIisci)x. 
 George McNab. 
 John Ross. 
 Cleorge McXab. 
 A. Keenleyside. 
 Geo. EdIeston. 
 Geo. EdIeston. 
 (ieo. T. Iliscox. 
 l?enj. W. Greer 
 I Aldermen. 
 S. II. ( Jrnydoii. 
 I.I. \V. kaplev. 
 !llenj. Shaw. 
 i ,, , 
 ' Aldermen. 
 S, 1 1. ( iraydon. 
 Uenj. .Sliaw. 
 J. W. Uapley. 
 S. II, ( ir.aydon. 
 Henj. Shaw. 
 .1. \V. Rapley. 
 [. \V. Rapley. 
 [. W. Kern. 
 I. J. Magee. 
 J. W. Rapley. 
 Tlios. lirowne. 
 Joseph l!unn. 
 W. Rapley. 
 Thus, lirowne. 
 J. R. Miniiinnick 
 J. W. Rapley. 
 Thos. lirovvne. 
 Sixth Ward. Seventh Ward. 
 John Christie. 
 'I'liiMiias I'eel. 
 (jco. .\I icbetli. 
 IJno. Williaais. 
 T. Partridge, jr. 
 T. Partridge. 
 James Egan, 
 hn Christie. 
 1 iiomas I'eel. I'L. Partridge, 
 [nhn WiKiinis. Ijanies Egan. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 ■Mdernii'n. |A. S. .\l)bott. 
 Partridgi', jr. 
 John Christie. 
 John Williams. 
 In-nj. (ronyn. 
 T. Partridge, jr. 
 T. Partridge. 
 Jaui ■ I'^gan. 
 Joiin Christie. 
 John Williams. jT. Partridge 
 lienj. e' ronyn. ijames Egan. 
 I Aldermen. 
 jT. Partridge, jr. 
 John Christie. 
 John Williams, 
 Robert Lewis. 
 John Christie. 
 Robert Lewis. 
 John Williams. 
 I Aldermen. 
 Ijohn Christie. 
 'Roiierl Lewis. 
 John Williams. 
 i Aldermen. 
 Ijohn C'hristie. 
 [ohii Williams. 
 f.R. Minhinnick John IJoyd. 
 W. Rapley. 
 Thos. lirowne. 
 Graham Glass. 
 Graham Glass, 
 (ieorge Gray, 
 lames Ardill. 
 lohn (_'hristie. 
 |ohn Williams. 
 W. R. V 
 John Williams 
 John lioyd. 
 Wm. Scarrow. 
 I .■ Aldermen. 
 jT. Partridge, jr 
 JT. Partridge. 
 John R. Peel. 
 I Aldermen. 
 i'P. Partridge, jr, 
 |'I\ Partridge. 
 James Egan. 
 I Aldermen. 
 i'i". Partridge, jr. 
 jT. Partridge. 
 jA. li. McColl. 
 r. Partridge, jr. 
 jT. Partridge. 
 James Egan. 
 [James Egan. 
 Thomas Peel. 
 John R. Peel. 
 [ames Egan. 
 \. S. Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 A. S, Abbott. 
 \. S. Abbott. 
 \. S. Abbott. 
 A. S. Abbott. 
 . ''';''^-„^l'-"C'omuik eluded May ,6tti, vic:e H. 
 tjoliii Willuim. elcc- d June aolh, vice Geoi-i;. 
 obn R. Peel. 
 ^ ohn Rayner. 
 1!. Sll-ong, (lecc'U'ietl. 
 -Maubetli, ileccased 
 For the Year 1879. 
 1ST WARD -John Cami'Hki.i., K.iiiKRr I'RiTcifAKH, Ja.mks Muirhkad. 
 2Ni> WARD— \V. W. I'n/.GKKAi.i), A. K. Tiiomi'son, Amhro e 1!. Powell. 
 3R1) WARD-WiLLiAM Skinner, Taylor, Samuel Stringer. 
 4T11 WARD— Ueo. T. lliscox, Heni. \V. Greer, George Edlestone. 
 5TI1 WARD-C;EORf;E Gray, James Ardill, Graham Glass. 
 6th WARD— John IJoyh, John Williams, William Scarrow. 
 7TH WARD-Jamks Er.AN, John Raynkk, John R. Peej.. 
 Board of Police Commissioners. 
 Roi;i KT Lewis, Ks(j., Mayor Chairman 
 William Elliot, Esv Judge County Court 
 Lawrence Lawrason, Esq Police Magistrate 
 Offidei^^ of t]\Q doi^pot'ktion. 
 Lawrence Lawrason, Es(^) Police Maeistrate 
 Alex. S. Abhott, Esq City Clerk 
 John Brown, E.S(,) Treasurer 
 Thomas H. Tracv, Es(,) City Entrineer 
 F. B. Wilkinson-, Es(j. . . Resident Hospital Suroeon 
 W. R. Meredith, Esq City Solicitor 
 Alfred (i. Smyth, ] 
 BURWELL S< HRAM, ) AuclitorS 
 Artifur Wallace, ] 
 William McBrh)e. ) Assessors 
 John Blair, ] 
 T ^- ( Collectors 
 James 1 avlok, ) 
 Thomas Winnett Clerk of Weigh Scales 
 William Ma(Jee. . . .Clerk of Covent Garden Market 
 John W. Nash Clerk Wood Market 
 RoisERT Mawhinnev Janitor City Hall 
 Wii LiAM Williams Crier 
 Henry Moor head, ") 
 John Short, \ Chimney Sweeps 
 John Harris, ) 
 J. G. Scracc, ) 
 TT WT i Pound Keepers 
 H. Winder, ) '■ 
 David Hughes City Inspector and Relief Officer 
 Stephen Grant Steward City Hospital 
 JuLL\ Grant Matron City Hospital 
 Members of Police Force. 
 Chief Constable, 
 Sergt.- Major, 
 W. T. T. Wtli.iams. 
 \Vm. Baskerville. 
 James Crawford. 
 John Larkin, 
 Patrick Wallace, 
 James Hobbins, 
 John Boyd, 
 Frederick Templar, 
 Matthew Calderwood, 
 William Rowan, 
 George Christie, 
 Robert Crawford, 
 William Rider, 
 Robert Weir. 
 James Lutman, 
 Robert Adams, 
 Ulyse M. Burk. Pop(;, 
 Thomas IVI. Barton, 
 Thomas Jenkins. 
 Arthur W. McGuire. 
 Enoch Murphy, Henry Phair. Richard Wigmore. 
 ni IIIE 
 WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of 
 London, in the County of Middlesex, in Upper 
 Canada, have, by petition to Governor-General, prayed 
 that a Proclamation might issue, erecting the said Town 
 into and setting it apart as an Incorporated City, by 
 the name of the " City of London," and incorporating 
 the inhabitants thereof under the said Acts, and mak- 
 ing new divisions of such City into Wards. And it 
 sufficiendy appearing to our Governor-General of our 
 said Province, in Council, that the said Town contained, 
 according to the last Census Returns for the same, 
 more than Ten Thousand Inhabitants, our said 
 Governor-General, in Council, did thereupon order and 
 direct that a Proclamation suould be issued, erecting 
 and setting apart the said Town, as contained within 
 the boundaries hereinafter set forth, as an Incorporated 
 City, by the name of the " City of London," and in- 
 corporating the inhabitants thereof according to the 
 provisions of the said Acts. And which said City, 
 with the boundaries thereof, shall and may, upon, from 
 and after the First of January next, after the end of 
 three calendar months from the teste of such Procla- 
 mation, be known and described as follows, that is to 
 say :— " The City of London," to consist of all that 
 part of tho l^'ovinco situate within the County of 
 Middlesex, and lyin^- within th(i following- limits, that 
 is to say : all the lands comprised within the old and 
 new surveys of the Town of London, together with 
 the lands adjoining thereto, lying between the said 
 surveys and the River Thames, producing the northern 
 boundary line of the new survey until it intersects the 
 north branch of the River lliames, and producing 
 the eastern boundary line of the said new survey until 
 it intersects the east branch of the River Thames, and 
 the eastern boundary line be known as Adelaide street. 
 Description of the Boundaries of the Wards 
 in the City of London. 
 The City to be divided into Seven Wards, to be 
 called respectively. First Ward, Second Ward, Third 
 Ward, Fourth Ward, Fifth Ward, Sixth Ward, 
 Seventh Ward. 
 The said First Ward to comprise all that part of 
 said City which lies south of Dundas street and west 
 of Richmond street. 
 The said Second Ward to comprise all that part 
 of the said City which lies west of Burlington street, 
 Mark-lane and Richmond street, and between Oxford 
 and Dundas streets. 
 The said Third W^ard to comprise all that part of 
 the said City which lies south of Dundas street, and 
 between Richmond and Waterloo streets. 
 The said Fourth Ward to comprise all that part of 
 the said City which lies west of Waterloo street and 
 east of Burlington street, Mark-lane and Richmond 
 street, and between Oxford and Dundas streets. 
 The said Fifth Ward to comprise all that part of 
 the said City which lies west of Adelaide street and 
 east of Waterloo street and south of Dundas street. 
 The said Sixth Ward to comprise all that part of 
 said City which lies west of Adelaide street and east 
 of Waterloo street and between Oxford and Dundas 
 The said Seventh Ward to comprise all that part of 
 the said City which lies north of Oxford street. 
 Now TiiERKFORE Know Ye, that havinL,^ taken the 
 premises into our Royal consideration, and approving 
 of the erection and setting- apart of the said Town as 
 an Incorporated City, by the name and with the 
 boundaries aforesaid, and of the Incorporation of the 
 inhabitants accordingly, we do, by this our Royal Pro- 
 clamation, and in the exercise of the powers in us 
 vested in this behalf, as well by the Upper Canada 
 Municipal Corporations Act of our said Province, as 
 by our Prerogati\'e Royal or otherwise however, grant, 
 ordain, proclaim and appoint that the said Town of 
 London shall, upon, from and after th(i first day of 
 January next, aftc;r three; calendar months from the 
 teste of this our Proclamation, become an Incorporated 
 City; and that the Inhabitants of the said City and 
 their successors, by the name of the Municipality of the 
 CITY OP LONDON, in the County of Middlesex, 
 shall, upon, from and after the First day of January, 
 become incorporated as an Incorporated City, under 
 and according to the provisions of the said Upper 
 Canada Municipal Corporations Act, with [)erpetual 
 succession and a Common Seal, and all and singular 
 other the rights, powers, [privileges, franchises and 
 immunities to sucii Incorporated Cities and the inhabi- 
 tants thereof generally, either at Common Law or by 
 Statute in anywise belon<;ino- or appertainino-. And 
 we do direct and ordain, that the iMrst Municipal 
 Election for the said City of London shall be held, in 
 the manner prescribed by the said Municipal Corpora- 
 tions Act, on the First Monday in said month of 
 January. Of all which premises all our loving sub- 
 jects, and all others whom it doth or may in anywise 
 concern, are hereby required to take notice, and 
 govern themselves accordingly. 
 In Testimony Whereof, we have caused these our 
 Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our 
 said Province of Canada to be hereunto affixed. 
 Witness, our Right Trusty and Right Well beloved 
 Cousin, James, Eari. of Elgin and Kincardine, 
 Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order 
 of the Thistle, Governor-General of British North 
 America, and Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief 
 in and over our Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, 
 New Brunswick and the Island of Prince Edward, and 
 Vice-Admiral of the same, &c., &c., at '^ 'eb.-c, in our 
 said Province, this TWENTY-FIRS ' ...y of SEP- 
 TEMBER, in the year of Our Lord C .Thousand 
 Eight Hundred and Fifty-four, and in the Eighteenth 
 Year of our Reign. 
 (By Command,) 
 P. J. O. CHAUVEAU, Secretary. 
 Respecting the Interpretation of the By-laws 
 of the City of London. 
 BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of 
 the Corporation of the City of London as follows : 
 1. This By-law may be cited as "The Interpreta- shontuie. 
 tion By-law." 
 2. In the construction of every By-law of the said The interpreta- 
 Municipal Co ncil, passed after this By-law takes appiylHif By-- 
 effect, except in so far as the provisions of this section ly%l"s.std?"and 
 are inconsistent with the intent and meaning of such By-bHo^strlred! "* 
 law, or the interpretation which such provisions would 
 give to any word, expression or clause, is inconsistent 
 with the context, and except in so far as any provision 
 thereof is in any such By-law declared not applicable 
 (i) The law shall be considered as always speak- Application of 
 • 11 .^ ^l»- 1 expressions in 
 mg ; and whenever any matter or thmg is expressed present tense. 
 in the present tense, the same is to be applied to the 
 circumstances as they arise, so that effect may be given 
 to each By-law and every part thereof according to its 
 spirit, true intent and meaning. 
 (2) The word "shall" shall be construed as im- 
 perative, and the word " may " as permissive. 
 (3) Whenever the word " herein " is used in any 
 section of a By-law, it shall be understood to relate to 
 the whole By-law, and not to that section only. 
 (4) The word "person" shall include any body 
 corporate or politic, or party, and the heirs, executors, 
 administrators, or other legal representatives of such 
 person, to whom the context can apply according to 
 "Shall" and 
 ' Herein." 
 ' Montli." 
 ' Near." 
 ' Holiday." 
 Number and 
 Repeal uf a 
 (5) The word " month " shall mean a calendar 
 month, and the; word " year " a calendar year. 
 (6) The word "holiday" shall include Sunday, 
 New Year's Day. Good Friday, Christmas l)ay, 
 Dominion Day, the days appointed for the celebration 
 of the Birthday of Her Majesty and of Her Royal 
 Successors, and any day appointed by proclamation of 
 the Governor-General or Lieutenant-Governor as a 
 public holiday or for a creneral fast or thanksgiving. 
 (;) Words importing the singularnumber or the mas- 
 culine gender only shall include more persons, parties, 
 or things of the same kind than one, and females as 
 well as males, and the converse. 
 (tS) TIk; repeal of any By-law or part of a By-law 
 !lve'''rb'-inw've; shall ttot revive any By-law or provision of law 
 pealed by it. fci^ealed by such By-law or part of a By-law, or pre- 
 vent the effect of any saving clause therein. 
 KiTect of repeal (9) Where a By-law is repealed wholly or in part, 
 llsacdmie^cUid other jirovisions substituted, all officers, persons, 
 ''■ bodies politic or corporate, acting under the old law 
 shall continue to act as if appointed under the new 
 law until others are appointed in their stead, and all 
 proceedings taken under the old law shall betaken up 
 and continued under the new law when not inconsist- 
 ent therewith ; and all penalties and forfeitures may 
 be recovered, and all proceedings had in relation to 
 matters which have happened before the repeal, in the 
 same manner as if the law were still in force, pursuing 
 the new provisions as far as they can be adapted to 
 the old law. 
 ( )ITeiices com- 
 (10) No offence committed, and no penalty or for- 
 uesl'Kur'reTiroi feiture incurred, and no proceeding pending under 
 affectedbyrepeai ^j^y by-law at any time repealed, shall be affected by 
 the repeal, except that the proceedings shall be con- 
 formable where necessary to the repealing by-law ; and 
 that where any penalty, forfeiture or punishment has 
 been mitigated by any of the provisions of the repeal- 
 ing- by-law, such provision shall be extended and ap- 
 plied to any judgment to be pronounced after such 
 Passed in open Council, this sixth day of October, 
 in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred 
 and seventy-nine. 
 A. S. APT30TT, 
 To Amend and Consolidate certain of the By-laws of the' 
 City of London. 
 WHEREAS it is expedient to amend and consoli- 
 date certain of the By-laws of the City of London, 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council 
 of the Corporation of the City of London as follows : 
 I. This By-law may be cited as "The Consolidated 
 By-laws of the City of London, 1879." 
 Short title. 
 2. No person shall, within th^ City, sell or give saie of 
 , .."^ J ' o ■'aie 01 inioxi- 
 intoxicatmg drink to a child or apprentice without the SVKappS-en'^ 
 consent of the parent, master, or legal protector of such'"'^*'- 
 child or apprentice. 
 3. No person shall put up indecent placards, writ- ,„decent pia- 
 ings or pictures, or write indecent words, or make '="^'^'' ^^'■ 
 indecent pictures or drawings, on the walls or fences 
 in the streets or public places within the City. 
 4. No person shall profanely swear, or make use Profane swear- 
 of obscene, blasphemous or grossly-insulting language, '"^' *"• 
 or be guilty of any other immorality or indecency, 
 within the City. 
 5. No person shall exhibit or sell, or offer to sell, mdecem or 
 or have in his possession, within the City, any indecent"'""' ''~'''' ^'* 
 or lewd book, paper, picture, plate, drawing, or other 
 6. No person shall, within the City, exhib . per- i„dccent, im- 
 form any indecent, immoral or lewd play, or give anypia^^' °' '"""* 
 indecent exhibition ; and the Mayor, Police Magistrate 
 i,xi>iimi,.Mmayor ail)' AltltM-inaii. tlic Chief of Police, or any |)olicc- 
 i.< ^^^^^^ ^^^. ^^^..^^^^ offircr, Ilia)' prcvciit tlic cxhibititMi or 
 performance of any such play, or the i^ivin.*,^ of any 
 such exhibition. 
 Drunkenness. /• No person sliall be In a street, square, alley or 
 public place within the City, in a state of drunkenness. 
 8. No person shall k(;ep or frequent a house of ill- 
 fa,"Tdis,lier-' fame or disorderly house within the City, or in any 
 ly houses. manuer contribute to the supi)ort of such house or 
 of any inmate thereof, or shall voluntarily reside 
 9. No person shall, knowingly, let any house or 
 .o'be"'used°'as building, within the City, to Ik; used as a house; of ill- 
 hoiiseofiii-fame. ^,^j^^^,^ or knowinsj^ly and willini^Iy permit the same to 
 be so used. 
 10. No person shall permit his house, or other 
 PermiitiuBbuildinp:. within the City, to be used, freciueiited. or 
 house to be fr«- '^ , . •' , , * 
 •luented by notor- resorted to iw iiotorious persons, L-amblers, \ai/rants, 
 lous persons, &c. . •' . ,-111 
 prostitutes, or other persons of bad character. 
 1 1. No person shall keep a gamblins^-house within 
 Gaming. thc City, or keep or use, or permit to be kept or used, 
 for the purpose of gambliuL;", in any liouse, room or 
 place within the City occui)ied by him, any faro bank, 
 rouge et noir, roulette table, or any other device for 
 gambling, or permit or allow any games of chance or 
 hazard with dice, cards or other device, to be played 
 for money, liquor or other thing, within such house, 
 room or place ; and no person shall permit any descrip- 
 tion of gambling, playing at cards, dice or other games 
 of chance with betting, in any such house, room or 
 place ; and no person shall frequfmt any such house, 
 room or place, or gambling-house, or be therein for the 
 purpose of gaming. 
 Mayor. &c., ^ 2. The Mayor, Police Magistrate or any Alder- 
 iIlg''ho"use.'^a!rdman, the Chief of Police, or any policeman or peace 
 ba'nU'to:^, found officer, may enter into any house, room or place 
 •h"e. within the City, in which any faro bank, rouge et noir, 
liidecfiit e.v; 
 roulette table, or other device for namblinj;-, may be 
 kept or used for .namblino-. or in which Lia'^^nljliiiL,' of 
 any description may be carried on, and may arrc;sl 
 any person, who shall be found therein, and sci/e and 
 destroy all such faro banks, rou^x? et noir. ronU^tte 
 tables, or other devices for namblini,^ as shall be found 
 13. No person shall make any indecent exposure 
 of his person in any street, lane, alley, market or pub- 
 lic place within the City. 
 14. No person shall bathe or wash his person in 
 the River Thames within or opposite to tlu; limits of 
 the City, or in any public water within die City, be- 
 tween the hours of six o'clock in the forenoon and 
 eight o'clock in the afternoon. 
 15. No person shall l)ei;- or ask alms In an) street, 
 hicjhway. or public place within the City. 
 16. Every vaL,^rant an tl every person found drunk va«, an.i 
 or disorderly in any street, hi<;hway, or public place ctliyV.^'son^^^^^ 
 within the City, shall be liable to the penalties imposed 
 by this By-law for an infraction of the provisions 
 17. No person shall wronjrfully remove, or attempt violation of 
 to remove, aiiy body, or the remains or any part of«''-'v«^s^'<:c. 
 any body, from any grave, tomb or vault within the 
 City, in which the same shall have been deposited or 
 interred; or wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface or injure 
 any tomb, tombstone or vault, in any cemetery or 
 burial-ground within the City, or any fence, railing or 
 other work for the protection or ornament of any such 
 cemetery or burial-ground, or of any tomb, tombstone, 
 vault or lot therein ; or wrongfully remove any such 
 tomb, tombstone, vault, fence, railing, or other work 
 from sach cemetery or burial-ground ; or wilfully de- 
 stroy, cut, break, or injure any tree, shrub, or plant 
 Interments not 
 to take place 
 within city. 
 growing or being therein ; or play at any game or 
 sport, or discharge firearms in such cemetery or burial- 
 ground; or commit any nuisance, or behave in an in- 
 decent or unseemly manner therein, or in any way 
 violate any such cemetery, grave, tomb, tombstone, or 
 vault where the dead are interred. 
 18. No person shall inter or cause to be interred, 
 or assist in the interment of, any dead person within 
 the limits of the City. 
 Slaughter 19- No pcrson shall erect, keep, or continue a 
 houses. slaughter-house within the City. 
 Ringing of 20. No person shall ring any bell, blow any horn, 
 hn'it'e.1*'' '""shout, or make any other unusual noise in the streets 
 or public places within the City, or so near thereto as 
 to subject the public to annoyance or inconvenience ; 
 provided always that nothing herein contained shall 
 prevent the ringing of bells in connection with any 
 lawful business or with any church, chapel, meeting- 
 house or religious service, or the ringing of fire-bells 
 or fire-alarms. 
 Firing of guns, 2 1. No person shall fire a gun or other firearm, or 
 fire or set off a fire-ball, squib, or fire-cracker within 
 the City. 
 charivaries.&c 2 2. No person shall engage in a charivari or other 
 like disturbance of the peace within the City. 
 .Keeping of 23. No persott shall keep a hog or pig sty, or any 
 pigs, &c. j^Qg. ^j. pjg^^ upon premises within that part of the City 
 which lies south of St. James Street. 
 24. No person shall suffer or permit the accumu- 
 lation of dung, manure, offal, filth, stagnant water, or 
 other offensive matter or thing, the accumulation of 
 which is dangerous to the public health, upon any lot, 
 of dung, &c. 
 or in any house, building, or place within the City 
 owned or occupied by him ; and it shall be the duty of 
 the occupant, or if the premises are unoccupied, of the 
 owner of such lot, house, building or place, or the per- 
 son having the care or charge of the same, to cause such 
 lot, house, building or place to be thoroughly cleansed 
 and disinfected, and all such accumulation as aforesaid, 
 as may be therein or thereon, to be removed when de^of the'poirce 
 required so to do by any member of the Police Force fns'^cwr."^''"'' 
 or by the Health Inspector ; provided always that per- 
 sons keeping horses or cows may put up the manure up manure.""'"^ 
 thereof in heaps, when the doing so shall not be 
 offensive to the neighborhood ; but such manure shall 
 not be so put up or remain after the fifteenth day of 
 May in any year. 
 25. No person shall suffer or permit a public Puwic nuisance. 
 nuisance to exist upon any lot, or in any house, build- 
 ing, or place within the City owned or occupied by 
 him, or of which he shall have the care or charge. 
 26. Any member of the Police Force, the Health Abatement of 
 Inspec.v/r, or any other person by order of the health ^"'''"'""'*''"''^" 
 Inspector or of the Board of Health, may abate any 
 public nuisance existing upon any lot, or in any house, 
 building, or place within the City. 
 27. All the powers conferred upon or vested in Powers confer- 
 the members of the Municipal Council of the City by Seauh. ''''"'' °^ 
 " The Act respecting the Public Health," or by any 
 Act passed after " The Municipal Act " took effect, or 
 which may hereafter be passed for the like purpose, 
 are hereby delegated to the members of the said 
 Council who shall from time to time be the members 
 of the Standing Committee of the said Council, called 
 the Board of Health. 
 Declaration of 
 omcc to 1,.. 28. There shall be provided at the City Hall a 
 'Half fo^tclicai suitable office lor the accommodation of the medical 
 andotherofficers. ^j^^l Other officcrs to be appoiiitcd as hereinafter men- 
 tioned, and in which, if deemed convenient, the said- 
 Board mav meet when called to deliberate on matters 
 connected with the public health. 
 Health inspec- 20. There shall be ai^pointed by the Council an 
 tor to be appoint- -- 11 1 1 i i 1 1 t 1 1 11 
 «''• officer tt) be called the Health Inspector, who shall 
 hold office during- the pleasure of the Council and 
 until his successor is appointed ; and such appoint- 
 ment shall not be limited to one officer, if it be deemed 
 necessary in the interest of the public health to 
 increase the number of such Inspectors. 
 30. Every Health Inspector shall, before entering 
 upon the duties of his office, make the following de- 
 claration before the Mayor of the City for the time 
 beinLT, viz.: 
 "I hereby declare that I will, to 
 the best of my skill and judgment, duly and faithfully 
 perform all tlie duties appertaining to my office of 
 Health Inspector, as declared by the By-laws of the 
 City of London, and that I will not, directly or indi- 
 rectly, for myself or others, in trust for me or on my 
 own account, have any interest or concern in any 
 purchase, contract or agreement, to be made in pur- 
 suance of such By-laws." 
 31. The following shall be the duties of the 
 Health Inspector: 
 HLthon'cx'"' ^') To attend at the Health Office a portion of 
 each day, as the said Board may direct. 
 Duties of 
 Health Inspec- 
 'I'okeep record 
 of proceedings, 
 (2) To keep a record of all his [)roceedings in 
 books, in which shall be entered, under appropriate 
 heads, any expenditure ordered in his department, 
 with the names of all persons who have furnished ma- 
 terials, and of all workmen, the time worked and the 
 amount to be paid to each individual ; and to make a 
To keep super- 
 report thereof to the said Hoard whene\-er required so 
 to do, and at the end of each year a schedule of the 
 property under his charg^e belonginu^ to the City and 
 the value thereof. 
 (3) To keep a vigilant supervision over all the 
 lanes, by-ways, and vacant lots or premises within the&''"" °^ '''"^'' 
 City, upon which any accumulation of dung, manure, 
 offal, filth, refuse, stagnant water, or other offensive 
 matter may be found, and at once, either when required 
 by any person or otherwise, to examine the same and lo notify per. 
 • r 1 1 • 1 • ^"^"'' 'o remove 
 notify the person who owns or occuiJies such i^remises accumulation of 
 ■^ ■ ^ , , , ^ '■ ' . i Uiny, &.C.. 
 to remove the same, and, n necessary, to reciuire the 
 premises to be cleansed and disinfected. 
 (4) To make a report of such examination, and if icepon there- 
 such accumulation be not removed within twenty-four l^lovcluo 'by [n- 
 hours after notice thereof, as aforesaid, to lodge infor-^"""'"'""' 
 mation before the proper officer, to the end that pro- 
 ceedings may be immediately taken against the person 
 offending-, in accordance with the provisions of this 
 By-law, and it shall be at his discretion to cause such 
 accumulation to be removed, 
 (5) To examine or cause to be examined, by anal- ro examine 
 yzation or otherwise, the water of any well within the'"'''""^"''"'' 
 City, when directed so to do by the said Board, and 
 to forbid the use of the water from any well that is 
 found to be unfit for use, and to take such steps as 
 may be necessary to purify the same. 
 (6) To visit the premises of all butchers at least .,. . . , , 
 \ ' , i , . - ' o visit butch- 
 once a week durmg the months ot May, June, July, "^"i"''''"''*''^ 
 August, September and October, and twice a month 
 during the remainder of the year, and to report to the 
 .said Board the result of such visits immediately there- 
 (7) To make all necessary arrangements for remov- i-^ provide .or 
 ing all decaying- animal or vegetablejiiatter fron-i the ■,';"";;;^',;;f|'*^^;-!^^^^^^^ 
 streets, and for the temporary deposit and subseciuentl^';'''''-' '"''""-■'' 
 removal of manure, horse-dirt and offal. 
 ToseethatBy. {^) ^o ^cc that thc provisions of the By-laws of 
 lawsrebting w j-Ug Q\iy rclatincf to the puWic health, except such of 
 public health are / _o '■ . 11. • C i.\ 
 observed. (\^q said provisions as relate to the duties ot other 
 ^ ^ ,. persons, are enforced, and generally to obey and carry 
 To obey direc- r ^ ' . ,,,'^. r 1 'IT* J' 
 tionsofBoardofQ^j. ^]-)g jnstructions and directiotts ot the said board in 
 matters relating to the public health. 
 ^-^ In addition to the appointment of Health 
 Appointment of O" , ^ -t 1 • • 1 1 • i- 
 Medical Health I ^gpgctors thc Council iiiav, when it is deemed indis- 
 pensable for the preservation of the public health and 
 the more promptly and effectually carrying into effect 
 the sanitary provisions of this or any other By-law of 
 the Council, appoint one or more members of the 
 Medical Profession to be Medical Health Officer or 
 Officers of the City, to hold office during the pleasure 
 of the Council, and whose duties and remuneration 
 shall be specially defined from time to time by resolu- 
 tion of the Council or of the said Board. 
 whennoMed- 33- ^^ the abscnce of such appointment of a Medi- 
 icai Health offi-j,^] Health Officer it shall be lawful for the Mavor or 
 ccr. ^ 
 the said Board, or any member thereof, upon being 
 informed by any Health Inspector, Constable or other 
 Provision for person, that any person or family is in sicknes^s, and 
 reie o *'"'"'* (j^gtitutc to Tcquire, by a written order and not other- 
 wise, some member of the Medical Profession at once 
 to proceed to visit such person or family, and upon 
 such visitation to take such measures for their imme- 
 diate relief as to him may seem requisite, either by 
 reporting them as fit subjects to be removed to the 
 General Hospital or other place provided for that pur- 
 pose, or by supplying them or directing them to be 
 supplied with the requisite medicine for their relief, 
 at the expense of the City ; and a regular and correct 
 account of each case and of any sr .• expenditure shall 
 be kept by him, and a return of the same she'll be made 
 to the said Board from time to time. 
 Medicaiorsci ^^' ^" ^^^^ absettce of such appointment of Medical 
 cntitiVadvi°'e''as Health Officcr it shall be lawful for the Mayor or said 
 Board to ex- 
 amine sources of 
 Board to call in and avail themselves of medical or scien- toaduiieiationot 
 tific advice or assistance in cases in which, in the exercise °° ' 
 of sound discretion, they deem it indispensable to seek 
 such advice and assistance in determining questions 
 relating to the adulteration or sale of unwholesome 
 food, the defilement of water, or which may otherwise 
 be difficult of determination in carrying into effect the 
 sanitary provisions of this or any other By-law of the 
 City ; and a return of fees and expenditure paid or in- 
 curred in obtaining or incident to such advice or assist- 
 ance, shall be made to the said Board from time to 
 time . 
 35. The said Board shall examine into all nuisances, 
 sources of filth, and causes of sickness within the City fiuhr&c? 
 that may, in its opinion, be injurious to the health of 
 the inhabitants, and shall destroy, remove, or prevent 
 the same, as the case may require, and shall further en- 
 quire respecting articles that are capable of containing 
 or conveying infection or contagion, brought or 
 conveyed into the City by or through any vehicle, or 
 by any means whatsoever. 
 36. The said Board may grant permits for, or 
 restrain, the removal of any nuisance or infected articles ""'*""""• ^' 
 within the City, when they consider it safe and proper 
 for the public safety so to do. 
 T,"/. Whenever it shall appear necessary to the said Abatement of 
 Board or any of its officers, for the preservation of the ""''*^"'"'' *■=• 
 public health or for the abatement of any nuisance, or 
 upon the receipt by the said Board of a notice signed 
 by two or more inhabitants of the City, stating the 
 condition of any lot, house, building, or place within|the 
 City to be so filthy as to be a nuisance or injurious to 
 health, or that a public nuisance exists in or upon such 
 lot, house, building or place, or that in or uponj'any 
 such lot, house, building or place, any accumulation of 
 dung, manure, offal, filth, refuse, stagnant water, or 
 other offensive matter or thing, is kept or permitted to 
 Kemoval of 
 OiclcriiiK re- 
 niDval of nuis- 
 ances, itc. 
 In case of fail- 
 ure to remove 
 after notice 
 Iioaril may re- 
 move at expense 
 of person in de- 
 On whom no- 
 tice is to Ije serv- 
 ed and how. 
 Duty of hotel 
 and hoarding- 
 house keepers 
 during epidemic. 
 Duly of physi- 
 cians during epi- 
 roiii.'iin, so as to be a nuisance! or injurious, as alorcsaid. 
 the said Board or any of its officers may enter such lot, 
 house, buildino- or place, for the purpose of examining 
 the same. and", if necessary, may order the removal of 
 any such matter or thin^r, as aforesaid ; and if any per- 
 son havini; the care or control of such lot, house, build- 
 ino- or i^iace. after havino" " had twenty-four hours' 
 notice from the said Board or any of its officers, to 
 remove or abate such matter or thini;-, as aforesaid, 
 shall ne.L;lect or refuse to remove or abate the same, 
 he shall be subject to the penalties of this By-law ; and 
 the said Board may remove or cause to be removed 
 such matter or thin,y^, and abate or cause to be abated 
 such nuisance, the costs and expenses whereof shall be 
 paid by the person in default, in addition to the penal- 
 ties imposed by this By-law. 
 38. The notice mentioned in the next preceding 
 .section of this By-law may be served on the occupant 
 or person having charge or control of such lot, 
 house, building. or place, and if such lot, house, build- 
 ing or place is vacant, the same may be served on the 
 owner thereof or his agent, if known and resident in 
 the City, and if not known or not residing in the City, 
 may be affixed to such lot, house, building or place. 
 39, During the prevalence of any epidemic, when 
 any hotel or boarding-house keeper within the City 
 knows that a person within his house is taken sick of 
 cholera, smallpox, or any other disease of a malignant 
 character dangerous to the public health, he shall im- 
 mediately give notice thereof to the said Board or one 
 of its officers ; and it shall be the duty of the officer so 
 notified to visit the same with a view of taking such 
 steps as he may deem necessary to prevent the spread 
 of such disease. 
 40. During the i)revalence of any epidemic, when 
 any physician knows that any person, whom he is 
 called u]jon to visit within the City, is infected with 
 cholera, smallpox, or any othtir disease of a malionant 
 character dangerous to the pubhc health, he shall, if in 
 his opinion the interests of the public health require it, 
 immediately give notice thereof to the said Board or 
 one of its officers, to the end that prompt measures 
 may be insitituted to prevent the spread of such 
 41. Any person fraudulently adulterating, for the Adulteration of 
 purpose of sale, bread, or any other substance intended'"'"'''*''- 
 for food, with any substance injurious to health, shall, 
 in addition to any other punishment prescribed by law, 
 be subject to the penalties of this By-law, and the ar- 
 ticles so adulterated shall be forfeited and destroyed 
 under the direction of the Court in which such case 
 shall be tried. 
 42. Any person selling within the City, or ex- saie of tainted. 
 porting therefrom. blown, tainted or damaged fish or llesh e!rfis'i,,"&c.'""''^" 
 meat, unless with the intent that the same shall be used 
 for some other purpose than as food, shall be subject 
 to the penalties of this By-law ; antl upon a trial or 
 enquiry of such case the burden of proof shall be 
 upon the person accused, to show for what purpose 
 such fish or flesh meat was so exported or sold : and 
 the convicting justice may order the same to be de- 
 43. No person shall bring into the City any de- ,, 
 cayed fruit, potatoes, or other vegetable product, or^'^'^- 
 any tainted or damaged tlesh-meat or fish, without a 
 permit therefor from the said Board or the said 
 Health Inspector, or in any other than such a manner 
 as he or the Board shall direct. 
 44. No person shall wilfully or maliciously defile. . .er,iiM,^s,nings, 
 corrupt, or make impure any spring or other source of'^'" 
 water, or reservoir, within the City, or destroy or 
 injure any pipe, conductor of water, or other property 
 pertaining to an aqueduct within the City, or aid or 
 assist in the same. 
 Decayed fruit, 
1 o 
 beeves, &c. 
 45. No butcher or other person shall kill or 
 slaughter any beeves, calves, sheep, or other animals 
 for the purpose of sale, within the City. 
 incaseof^neg^ ^5^ If the saicl Boarcl is satisfied that any dwelHng- 
 pril;y;°vaT'orUQ.,^^. ^l^op manufactory or other inhabited building, 
 drams. iiw..i. , ^ . , . , • 1 1 • 1^ 1 1 • 
 is not provided with a suitable privy, vault and drains,or 
 either of them as hereinafter provided, they may give 
 notice in writing to the owner, agent, occupant, or 
 other person having the care thereof, requiring such 
 owner, agent, occupant or other person, within such 
 reasonable time as they shall appoint, to cause a 
 proper and sufficient privy, vault and drain, or either 
 of them, to be constructed for such dwelling-house, 
 „ , ,„ , , shop, manufactory or other inhabited building ; and in 
 Hoard of Heallli 1' -' -. •ir-» 1 
 may pro v i d e j^^gg q^ |^,s nc^lect or reiusai, the said rJoard may cause 
 same at expense o _ ir 1111 
 ofjerson in de- guci^ pHvy, vault, or drain to be made tor such dwell- 
 ing-house, shop, manufactory or other inhabited build- 
 ing, at his expense, and such owner, agent, occupant, 
 or other person shall also be subject to the penalties 
 of this By-law. 
 Cleansing and 47. Wheuevcr any privy, vault or drain shall be- 
 siveo*? obs°rua- come offeusivc or obstructed, the same shall be 
 or drain"''''" ' clcanscd aud made free, and the owner, agent occu- 
 pant, or other person having charge of the land in 
 which such privy, vault, or drain may be situated, the 
 stais or condition of which shall be in violation of the 
 provisions of this By-law, shall remove, cleanse, alter, 
 amend, or repair the same within a reasonable time, 
 after notice in writing to that effect given by the said 
 Board or any of its officers, as the said Board shall 
 appoint, and in case of neglect or refusal, the said Board 
 may cause the same to be removed, altered, amended 
 or repaired, as they may deem expedient, at the 
 expense of such owner, occupant or other person ; and 
 such owner, occupant or other person shall also be 
 liable to the penalties of this By-law. 

 11 or 
 ^ give 
 nt, or 
 ; such 
 I such 
 use a 
 and in 
 f cause 
 lall be- 
 all be 
 t occu- 
 and in 
 ed, the 
 of the 
 e, alter, 
 e time, 
 the said 
 rd shall 
 d Board 
 at the 
 Dn ; and 
 also be 
 48. No person shall remove, or cause to be Ken.ovai of 
 removed, or aid or assist in removing, or trans- '"°'"'"''' *" 
 port or cause to be transported, or aid or assist in 
 transporting in, through or along any street, high- 
 way or public place within the city, night-soil or 
 other contents of any privy, vault, sink or cesspit, 
 except substances not soluble in water, unless the same 
 be removed and transported by means of air tight 
 apparatus, or in such manner as shall prevent such night 
 soil or other contents from being agitated or exposed in 
 the open air during such removal or transportation. 
 49. No person shall deposit night-soil upon any of Depositing or 
 the streets, or upon any lot, within the City, or burysoiir&c. '"^''"" 
 within the City night-soil removed from any privy, 
 vault or other receptacle. 
 50. No person shall throw any dirt, filth, carcasses Throwing din. 
 fi 11*1 i.^1 1*1 &c. , on streets or 
 animals, or rubbish, on any street, lane, or highway into the Kiver 
 within the City, or into the River Thames where it 
 runs within or opposite to the limits of the City. All 
 such substances shall be removed from the place 
 where the same have been so thrown or left, . 
 as aforesaid, by the person who shall have so 
 thrown or left the same as aforesaid, or directed the 
 same to be done, within twenty-four hours after per- 
 sonal notice to that eft'ect, given to him by the said 
 Health Inspector ; in default of which such removal Kemovai of 
 may be made under the direction of the said Health^""""' 
 Inspector, and the expense thereof shall in that case be 
 borne by the person in default. 
 51. No person shall without the permission of the rransportinu 
 said Hoard transport or carry, or cause to be trans- ['.roiIghtUy.'^'* 
 ported or carried, or assist in transporting or carrying, 
 in, through or along any street, highway or public 
 place within the City, the body or reniains of any dead 
 person which have been interred, and afterwards dis- 
 interred, for the purpose of removal from the place of 
All officer'-, •'it 
 ^^ It shall be the duty of all officers, servants', 
 t..av-mH*aiii' workmen, and agents of the Corporation, to give all 
 Inspector, .. ^^^^^jj^j^ ^j^i ^^j assistance in their power to the Health 
 Inspector, and any of the officers of the said Hoard, in 
 the discharge of their duties. 
 Services of v„i. $3- Whencver it shall be considered necessary, the 
 "o'"u..r"' '"said Board may accept the services of persons in the 
 several wards of the City who may be willing to volun- 
 teer for the purpose of maintaining and preserving the 
 public health ; and such persons for the time being,, 
 upon their names being duly notified by proclamation 
 or other public notice, shall be invested with and exer- 
 cise all the powers and privileges exercised by the said 
 Health Inspector under this Uy-law. 
 KNcryiot.&o., 54. Every lot or parcel of land abutting on any 
 Jo ™mir)nV^wer street itt thc City, through which a common sewer runs. 
 ruiininj; opposite 1 1 • 1 • v ^ ' 1 1 1 1 t 
 toil. and which is opposite to such common sewer, shall be 
 drained into it ; and it shall be the duty of the owner 
 and occupier of every lot or parcel of land which is 
 drained into such common sewer, to cause the connect- 
 ing drain between his pren^iises and such common 
 sewer to be kept in good repair. 
 55. No person shall connect any drain from his 
 premises with any common sewer now made or con- 
 structed, or which shall hereafter be made or con- 
 structed within the City ; or with any private drain 
 whereby his premises will be drained into any such 
 common sewer, except on previous application in 
 writing to and permission by the Board of Works. 
 Si/0, .s;c.. ..r 56. All private drains hereafter made by any person 
 Vrivate coiuieel- • l_l". 1 11 . , , \ .i. , 
 ' ■ • in any public street, lane or alley, within the City, and 
 connecting with any such common sewer, shall be of 
 such size, dimensions and materials, and constructed 
 and laid as directed by the Board of Works, and shall 
 iiij; <lraiiis. 
 iir,; ilraiiis 
 (nUtiv such coiTJiiion scwcr under and according- to th(: 
 ])er.sonal suj)crvision and direction of the City Engineer. 
 57. If the owner and occupier of any lot or parcel nchUci to 
 of land within the City required by this By-law to be"""' 
 drained into a common sewer, shall nei^lect or refuse 
 to commence the work necessary to cause such l^ot or 
 parcel of land to be so drained in accordance with the 
 j)rovisions of this By-law. for the i)eriod of ten days 
 after notice in writin^i^ shall have been j^iven to him, 
 either jjcrsonally or by advertisement published in one 
 of the City newspapers, by the Board of Works, or by ,.„a,,|„f\vwk.; 
 any person under the authority and instructions of the "f'" '""'^.'^ "'»/ 
 y I -' •111 ''.'iii^t' work to le 
 said iioard ; or to prosecute the same without clelay ^''^"^ '"/''' ' 
 and to the satisfaction of the City I*j"»<^ineer ; or to*'- 
 make i^ood any want of repair which shall be found in 
 any drain now or hereafter constructed for the pur- 
 pose of connecting' such lot or parcel of land with such 
 common sewer ; or to remove any obstruction that 
 may be found therein, the necessary work may be , , 
 done by the Council, and the cost thereof shall be •'«■''"-"'»= '»"''• 
 assessed a^^ainst such iot or parcel of land. 
 58. ICvery dwellint^^'-house, shop, manufactory or 
 other inhabited building", within tlie City, shall be pro-iHn.seslc.,to"'e 
 • 11,1 '. ri'i/ii 1- proviileil witli 
 videcl by the owner, or m case ot his default, by the oc- privy, \c. 
 cupant thereof, with a suitable water-closet, earth-closet 
 or privy, and every such privy shall be provided with a 
 privy-vault which shall be walled up with two-inch plank, 
 brick or stone, and be sunk at least six feet below the 
 level of the earth; and it shall be the duty of the.,,.'^iI;i'\'V'|,' 
 occupant, and in case of his default, of the owner, of*"^^- 
 every such dwelling-house, shop, manufactory, or other 
 inhabited building, at all times to keep such water- 
 closet, earth-closet or privy and privy-vault clean, and 
 to cause the same to be drained into the common 
 sewer, where there is a common sewer within one 
 hundred feet of it. 
 I privy 
fl I' 
 Of wlial Kiie 
 Kcpainiieiit 111 . 
 timiisl, SISL 
 i'oreiiiuii aiiii 
 59. The iMre Department of the City shall con- 
 of the Ch'w.f Kni,nne(;r and twelve Firemen. 
 60. There shall be appointed from the l-'iremen 
 one I^'oreman and two I) ivers. 
 rumi uf Kc;;!-. 
 ,. 61. TIk; iM'remen shall be enrolled by the Chief 
 En^nneer in a rt;L,n"ster to be kept by him for that 
 purpose, which shall be in the followini,^ form: 
 " We, whose names are subscribed Iiert.'to, at,^ree 
 severally to serve the Corporation of the City of Lon- 
 don as Firemen, for the term of one year, and 
 thereafter until a notice in writinLi;- is <^dven to the 
 Chief Enti^ineer of the Eire Department to terminate 
 this eng-aL,^ement, in one month after the service of 
 said notice; and we severally a^-ree to observe and 
 obey the commands and orders of the officers of the 
 Fire Department; and faithfully observe all By-laws, 
 Rules and Re<j;-ulaLions of the Municipal Council of 
 the Corporation of the City of London touchin_Li^ or 
 concernino" our dutie-i as such Firemen ; and for such 
 remuneration as the said Council mav from time to 
 time determine, ijn.y able only on the certificate of the 
 Chief Engineer." 
 62. The said Inremen shall be appointed by the 
 Council on the recommendation in writinir of the 
 Chief Engineer, subject to the approval and report 
 of the Standing Committee on Fire, W'ater and Gas. 
 HowChiefKn- 63. The Chief Engineer shall be appointed by the 
 «inee. appointeu Qq^^^^w q^ the rcport of thc Said Committee. 
 ofwhatappar- 64. Thc apparatus of the T^ire Department shall 
 panmei.t to con- consist ot stcam hre engines, hre engines, hose carts 
 '"'*■ and hose, hook and ladder trucks, horses, and other 
 necessary apparatus and appliances, and in such num- 
 Uow Fi 
 Duly uf Treas- 
 ber as from time to time shall Ixj deemed necessary 
 by the said Committee. 
 65. The said Committee shall have power, having rowerofFirt-. 
 first obtained the authority of the Council so to do, to pur- o.mmiti't'e aV?^ 
 chase a sufficient number of horses to draw the engines i""^^'"""^^' *' 
 and other apparatus to and from fires, and provide 
 for said horses necessary harness, stables and keep, 
 and until such horses are purchased may hire horses 
 for that jHirpose, and the Treasurer shall pay the ex- 
 j)enses incurred under this section, upon receivinj;];' a'"^' 
 certificate therefor from the Chairman of the said 
 Committee out of any moneys a[)propriated by the 
 Council for that purpose. 
 66. No person shall be appointed a Fireman unless 1 iixman mu,m 
 hi (- I /" 11 r liL'^i year-, (jf age 
 e be ol the full aj^e ot twenty-one years. 
 67. The Chief En,t^M"neer shall liave full command chufi.,mineti 
 of all the Firemen to be appointed under this Bydaw !.f '"Ki'mr^^^^^^^^^ 
 at all fires and whenever the said firemen, or any of ""^" 
 them, shall be performini^ any duty required of them 
 under the provisions of this or any other By-law. 
 68. The firemen appointed and enrolled under this Kirememoobey 
 By-law shall, so loni,^ as they continue in the service 1:7^"^ 
 of the Corporation, obey all the lawful commands oiZZ. 
 the Chief Engineer and of the Foreman. 
 ■ Mcer aiul Kore- 
 crsons at lirt- 
 on reciuest lo as- 
 69. All persons at or near anv fire shall, at the '•' 
 request ol the Chief hnmneer or foreman, assist insist in extin 
 • • 1 • 1 -I 1 giiishing. 
 extinguishing' the same in such manner as such persons 
 shall, by the said officers of the Fire Department, be 
 70. The whole apparatus and management of the App.-.ratus,*c., 
 Fire Department shall be under the direction of then.'e"t"nderXec- 
 -'-., . ^ f\ . , . . . ^ , t ion of Chief Kn- 
 Chiet Engineer, subject to instructions from thegi""r. 
 said Committee, but at every fire the Chief 
 Engineer shall have sole control over all mem- 
 bers of the Fire Department and all persons 
 enoacred at anv fire, and over all the eni^ines. 
 apparatus, appliances and horses belon^^nng thereto, 
 ivMaityfornefi-and anv person who shall refuse or nej^-lect to obey any 
 order, "^rcwleo-al oVder of the said Chief Enj^nneer, or other 
 F.M.u.cer.ic ^^^^^_ ^^, ^^^^^ ___^. _j ^..^^^ Department in charo^e, shall 
 be subject to the penalties of this By-law. 
 71. The Chief Engineer or Foreman in charge of 
 i.uS'^^o'''^*i^- the Fire Department at any fire in the city is hereby 
 vm bre ^''^*=^-^.,^^p(3^^,^j.g(;|^ ^^.jtii tilt.' sanction of the Mayor of the city. 
 to cause to be pulled down or demolished adjacent 
 houses or other erections when necessary to prevent 
 the spreading of fire, but not otherwise. 
 In awnre of ?-■ I '^ the abseuccof the Chief Engineer, the 
 a.i,-f Kn^itieer, Poreuiau shall have the powers and perform the duties 
 po»-.:r, of Chief. qJ- the Chief Engineer. 
 .. ,, 7:. On all occasions of fire the side of the street 
 Keeping Nlieet> / o 
 l;}^:;.^'^};';';.''''''^'' nearest the fire, and for a distance of fifty feet on each 
 side of the fire, and for two-thirds the width of the 
 street in front thereof, and also the centre of the street 
 on both sides of the space above described, and also 
 any lane or by-wa)- between the public street and the 
 rear of any premises on fire through or along' which 
 it may be necessar)' to run any portion of the fire 
 apparatus shall be kept clear of all persons who may 
 in any wa)- obstruct the working of the Fire Depart- 
 ment, and all and every person who shall be in any of 
 the places above mentioned shall immediately retire 
 therefrom when called upon so to dj by the Chief 
 Engineer, any member of the Fire Dei)artment or by 
 any policeman of the city. 
 Impeding; <>i 
 liiiKleriiij; Fire- 
 74. No person shall in any way impede or hinder 
 any fireman or other person who shall be assisting in 
 extinguishing a fire or be in the ^performance of any 
 other duties connected therewith, nor shall any [person 
 drive any vehicle whatever over any hose while in use 
 or about to be used at any fire. 
 75. It shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer Duty of ji.ief 
 and every Fireman employed by the Corporation to tauf ""e'c/im--' 
 take good and proper care of such property of the said'"^"' 
 Corporation as he may have occasion to use or be in 
 charge of, and the said property not to lend, sell, give 
 away or use, except in the employment of the said 
 76. The Chief Hnginecr, Foreman and Drivers chief Ki,.;i„cLi. 
 shall be permanently employed, and shall devote their i»'riv"rrto^ 
 entire time, night and day, to the service of the City. I.;,nly.'' '"'"""^"" 
 as Firemen, or in such other employment as the Chair- 
 man of the said Committee may direct. 
 yj. The other members of the said Fire Depart- < ui,,., ,n«mber> 
 ment shall in case of fire or an alarm of fire forthwith ;^|^,,u''t,/a»emi 
 repair to the fire station or fire engines, and perform '""'"■"'"'-">■ 
 such services as may be required of them by the Chief 
 Engineer or other officer in charge, and not depart or 
 absent themselves from duty without the permission 
 of the Chief En^rineer or other officer in charge. 
 j^. The Firemen shall be paid every month. paia'mont'hiy! ''" 
 79. The Chief Engineer may suspend and report suspension of 
 a Fireman for disobedience of orders or neglect of '"""'"" 
 duty, and of such disobedience of orders or neglect of 
 duty the Chief Engineer shall, subject to an appeal to 
 the said Committee, be the sole judge. 
 So. In every case of disobedience of orders or ivmc t.. (,„«. 
 neglect of duty, the Chief Engineer with the approval 
 of the said Committee may make a deduction from the 
 I'ireman's pay of any sum not exceeding three dollars. 
 Si. No Fireman shall be entitled to be paid for his lirerutn toi.e 
 services unless upon producing to the Treasurer af'ate^.fTw/fKli- 
 certificate therefor from the Chief Engineer, and it'^'""' 
 shall be the duty of the Treasurer to sec that no 
 Chief Engineer 
 to lie iiaid qtiar- 
 greater sum is paid to any Fireman than may have 
 been provided for that purpose by the Council. 
 82. The Chief Engineer shall be paid his salary 
 Deiiuctionsfrom St,. There shall be deducted from every Fireman's 
 pay of i-irenien. p^^y^ j^^^. .^i^gg^if^g (yQ^^^ (^i^jty, for Want of prompt attend- 
 ance in case of fire or of an alarm of fire, such sum 
 as the Chief Engineer, with the approval of said 
 Committee, may consider proper, and the I^ ireman shall 
 not be entitled to claim, or the Corporation bound to 
 pay, any sum by the Chief I^ngineer so de;ducted. 
 84. Every enrolled Fireman shall only be con- 
 V ircnion to ne ' ^ ■ 1 1 - 1 
 vinpioyucidii, in- tinned as such durinir the pleasure of the Council, 
 pleasure, ^ ^*-* i 
 and in case of dismissal shall only be entitled to pay 
 to the time of such dismissal, less any sum to be 
 deducted therefrom by virtue of this By-law. 
 Members of 
 I' ire Wardens. 
 I ! 
 85. The said Committee only shall have power, 
 with the authority of the Council, to incur any expense 
 or liability for or on account of the said Tire Depart- 
 86. The members of the Council shall be r""ire 
 HreWardens.''"' Wardens, and as such shall use their best endeavours 
 in the suppression of fires within the City. 
 Members of ^7' ^^ member of the iMre Department shall be- 
 nl'^l'be'iS come intoxicated, or make use of any profane swear- 
 cated, &c. i^g.^ obscene, blasphemous or irrossly insultino- lanLruaee. 
 while on duty. 
 i-.onor not to 8^. No Hquor of any kind shall be allowed about 
 ln«i,;e-hoifst.'''the engine-houses, or at the engines during a fire, or 
 any alarm of fire. 
 lirentennctto ^9. No Fireman while on duty shall enter any 
 enter saloons, gajoon or tavem for the purpose of drinking or to 
 loiter therein. 
 90. Every membef of the Fire Department shall Members to at- 
 attend as expeditiously as possible at every fire within ,'^';^'i",^f '''""'■ 
 the City, and shall use his utmost endeavours to ex- 
 tinsfuish the same. 
 91. The Chief En_<;ineer shall attend at all fires i)„ties„fa.ief 
 within the City and direct the operations for the ex-'"'"""" 
 tinguishing the same ; and he shall keep a record of all . 
 fires and alarms of fire within the Citv, the number and 
 description of buildinjj^s destroyed or damaged, the 
 names of the owners or occupants thereof, the amount 
 of losses and insurance as well as can be ascertained ; 
 and perform generally such duties as may be required 
 of him by the said Committee. 
 92. It shall also be the duty of the Chief Engineer i-unhei- (Uuies 
 to see that the engines and other apparatus connected °^^'""'''"^'""'" 
 with the Fire 1 )epartment. and the several buildings 
 in which the same are deposited and all things in and 
 belonging to the same, are kept neat and clean and 
 in order for immediate use. 
 93. The r^oreman shall at all times assist the Chief 
 EnHneer in the discharire of his duties. 
 Hi' ties of Fore- 
 94. The said Committee are herebv empower- ,. 
 -^ ' , .1 Committee to 
 ed and authorized to make from time to time '"•'''''■' '"'"- ^""-c 
 , for government of 
 such rules and reLTulations for the crovernment of the ''''''= uepartment 
 said Fire Department as are not embraced in this 
 By-law as they may deem necessary to promote its 
 greatest efficiency. 
 95. There shall be an Inspector of Buildings for inspector or 
 the City, whose duty shall be : DutilTo/. 
 (i) To oversee the erection of all buildings here- to oversee er- 
 after to be built, altered or reconstructed within thei'ng^"" ° 
 i^ P 
 lo examine 
 (lanneioiis chim- 
 neys, &L', 
 on, S:c 
 (2) To examine carefully whenever he deems it 
 necessary, or is directed by the Mayor, the Police 
 Magistrate, or the Chairman of the Fire, Water and 
 Gas Committee to do so, all chimneys, flues, fire-places, 
 stoves, ovens, boilers or other apparatus or things 
 which may be dangerous in causing or promoting fire. 
 report there- and to rcport thcreon to the Mayor, Police Magistrate 
 or Chairman of the Fire. Water and Gas Committee 
 (as the case may be), and under the direction of the 
 Mayor. Police Magistrate or Chairman of the Fire, 
 Water and Gas Committee, if the same be dangerous, 
 lo notify owMcr to notify thc owner or person using the same, or 
 occupying the building in which the same is or are con- 
 tained, to discontinue the use of or remove the same, 
 and if such owner or person using the same, or occupy- 
 in caseof ow-ing the building in which the same is or are contained. 
 Tier's default, to ^ . ,- ^ . . 1 . , 
 remove same at neglects or retuses, after receivmg such notice, to 
 discontinue the use of the same, or to remove the 
 same, within a reasonal^le time, in that behalf", under 
 the direction of the Mayor. Police Magistrate or 
 Chairman of the F"ire, Water and Gas Committee, to 
 employ such aid and assistance as may be necessary, 
 and to remove the same at the expense of the person 
 in default. 
 to remove. 
 To enforce pro- (3) Aucl generally to enforce the provisions of the 
 \'isions 01 l>v* \ ^-^ / *— ' y ^ i 
 laws for prevent- Bv-laws of the City in force for preventing- fires. 
 ma hres. ' / 1 & 
 City Kngineer 96. Until otlicrwise provlded the City FIngineer 
 !.f liTiiidi'i'^'r''' shall perform the duties of Inspector of Buildings. 
 iireiimit>. 97' ^^^ portions of the City, which are included 
 within the following boundaries, shall constitute and be 
 known as the Fire limits, that is to say : 
 First. Commencing where the westerly limit of 
 Waterloo street intersects the northerly limit of 
 East Bathurst Street ; thence westerly, following the 
 northerly limit of East Bathurst and Bathurst Streets 
 to the easterly limit of Ridout Street; thence northerly, 
 I'ollowint^ the easterly limit of Ridout Street to the 
 southerly limit of Dundas Street ; thence westerly, 
 following- the southerly limit of Dundas Street to the 
 River Thames ; thence northerly, followint^ the east- 
 erly limit of the north branch of tlie River Thames to 
 where the southerly limit of John Street intersects the 
 River Thames ; thence easterly along the southerly 
 limit of John Street to the westerly limit of Rich- 
 mond Street ; thence southerly, following the westerly 
 limit of Richmond street to the southerly limit ot 
 Lichfield Street ; thence easterly, crossing Richmond 
 Street, and from thence following the southerly limit 
 of Great Market Street to the westerly limit of Water- 
 loo Street ; thence southerly^^tpllowing the westerly 
 limit of Waterloo Street to the pTace of beginning. 
 Second. Commencing where the westerly limit of 
 Waterloo Street intersects the northerly limit of Great 
 Market Street; thence northerly, ^following the west- 
 erly limit of Waterloo Street to. the^southerly limit of 
 Piccadilly Street ; thence westerly, lolloAingtlie soyth- 
 erly limit of Piccadilly Street to the easterly, limit 
 of Richmond Street ; thence southerly, following the 
 easterly limit of Richmond Street to the northerly 
 limit of Great Market Street ; and thenc^e easterly, 
 following the northerlv limit of Great Mar.ket Street to 
 the place of beginning. 
 Third. Commencing where the easterly limit of 
 Waterloo Street intersects the southerly limit of Great 
 Market Street ; thence easterly, along the southerly 
 h"mit of Great Market Street to the westerly limit of 
 Adelaide Street ; thence southerly, along the westerly 
 limit of Adelaide Street to the northerly limit of King 
 Street ; thence westerly, along the northerly limit of 
 King Street to the easterly limit of Waterloo Street ; 
 thence northerly, along the easterly limit of Waterloo 
 Street to the place of beginning. 
 Wooden builil- 
 iiot to be 
 ected contrary 
 Hy-law ma; 
 Party walU. 
 98. No person shall erect within the fire limits 11 
 erecterwhhin woodett builcling, or any addition to a wooden building;- 
 fire limit.. ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ vvithin the fire limits any building 
 other than with main walls of brick, iron or stone, and 
 roofing of incombustible material or shingles laid in 
 99. The Inspector of Buildings may, under the 
 '••-ection of the Mayor, Police Magistrate, or Chairman 
 ■ )i he I^'re, Water and Gas Committee, pull down or 
 remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any 
 luiildivit^ or erection which may be constructed or 
 jj. .:ec .. contravention of this By-law. 
 100. l'.\cry person who constructs or erects any 
 building within the City, shall make the party walls, if 
 of brick, not less than one foot thick in the clear,and if of 
 stone, not less than sixteen inches thick in the clear ; 
 and shall arrange the joists so as to prevent their com- 
 municating fire through the wall, by so placing them 
 that the joist holes shall not extend more than half way 
 through the wall or correspond with, but be at least 
 four inches in the clear from the joists in the other halt 
 of the wall, and shall continue the wall above the rool 
 to the heiHit of not less than eitrhteen inches of the 
 same materials and thickness, and terminate it with a 
 proper coping. 
 101. The owner, and in case of his default the 
 occupant, of every building within the City more than 
 one story in height, shall make or cause to be made a 
 scuttle through the roof of such building, and a con- 
 venient stairway leading to the same ; or shall have 
 appended to such building a good and sufficient ladder 
 of sufficient length to reach the roof, and a good and 
 sumcient ladder of sufficient length to reach the top of 
 the chimney thereof. 
 102. Every chimney or Hue built or constructed 
 neys and flue"™' within the City shall be built of brick, stone, or other 
 incombustible material, and the walls thereof shall be 
 Scuttles in roof' 
 and ladder--. 
 Mode of con- 
 structing chim- 
 flues to be con- 
 as ill 
 section I02. 
 not less than five inches in thickness exclusive of plas- 
 tering, and shall be well and sufficiently plastered, and 
 every such chimney shall rise at least three feet above 
 the ridge of the house or building in which the same 
 shall be; and every such chimney or Hue, if built in cir- 
 cular form, shall be not less than twelve inches in dia- 
 meter, and if of oval form, not less than nine inches by 
 sixteen inches; and every such chimney or flue shall be 
 so constructed as to admit of its being scraped, brushed 
 or cleansed. 
 103. No person shall build or construct within the chimneys an 
 Citv any chimney or Hue otherwise than in accordance staicted I 
 with the provisions ot the next preceding section of 
 this By-law; and no person shall use within the City 
 any chimney or Hue constructed or built otherwise than 
 in accordance with such provisions. 
 104. No person shall within the Citv construct or i-e. of danger- 
 I 1 - _ oiisihimneys.iSc. 
 use any chimney. Hue, fire-place, stove, oven, boiler, or '■°'''''''^''="- 
 other apparatus or thing, which may be dangerous, in 
 causing or promoting fire; and it shall be the duty 
 of the owner or person using the same, or occupying 
 the house, room, building, or place in which the same is 
 or are contained, after receiving notice in writing from 
 the Inspector of Buildings, under the authority of the 
 Mayor, Police Magistrate or Chairman of the Fire, 
 Water and Gas Committee, that the same is or are dan- 
 onerous as aforesaid, forthwith to discontinue usinir the , , 
 •^ . Ill -IT Anil same to he 
 .same, and 11 required so to do by the said Inspector •^«'""/«i ;^" "'- 
 within a reasonable time thereafter to remove the same. "^' "f liuiuiings. 
 105. The pipe of every stove, chimney or fire- stovfpipes.&c. 
 place within the City shall be conducted into a 
 chimney of stone, brick, or other incombustible ma- 
 terial and in all cases where a stove-pipe 
 passes through the wood-work of a building within 
 the City it shall be separated from such woodwork at 
 least three inches by metal or other incombustible 
 material, and all pipes from stoves or fire-places over 
 fifteen feet in leni^nh shall be riveted at each joint, and' 
 when necessary for safety supported and stayed by 
 wires, and no person shall within the City use any 
 pipe or stove-pipe which is not put up in accordance 
 with the provisions of this section. M.)v,j- jq5 jsjo occupant or other person in possession or 
 Jir,)c hoI^;^i to l:c I , ., ,. • i • 1 /-^' 1 11 
 cwii,&u. charge of any house or building within the Lity snail 
 permit any stove-pipe hole in the chimney of such 
 house or buiklino- while the same is not in actual use 
 to remain open, but shall cause the same to be closed 
 with a stopper of metal or other incombustible ma- 
 terial . 
 Hearth. ., 107. The occupant or Other pcrsott in i)OSsession or 
 !,';Xr''sUAil':l''' charge of any house or building within theCity.or of any 
 room or place therein where a stove is used, shall have, 
 place and keep under such stove a hearth or pan of 
 brick or metal or other incombustible material, and 
 the bottom of such stove shall not be less than eight 
 inches from such hearth or pan, and the sides or ends 
 thereof not less than eighteen inches from any wooden 
 partition, and the pij)es of such stove shall not be 
 placed within twelve inches of the ceiling or of any 
 pnttii',;^ np "wf wooden partition, and where any such stove is used to 
 stove pipe-, &i'. , ' , 1 1 1 • 1 •! • 
 neat more than one room or place, by being built into 
 any wall or partition, the space around it on the top 
 and sides to the distance of at least nine inches shall 
 be filled up w^'th bricks and mortar, stone, sheet iron, 
 or other incombustible material. 
 108. No person shall set on fire or burn in the open 
 air within the city, stumps, wood, logs, trees, brush, 
 straw, shavings or refuse, without some person being 
 in charge of the fir« to prevent its spreading or doing- 
 in'^Mre,;":; &''' lOQ. No person shall make or kindle a fire, or fur- 
 ,.r.iuLite,!. ,-,igi^ matcrials for a fire to be made or kindled in any 
 street, alley or vacant place within the city, provided 
 always that this section shall not apply to fires made 
 Settinj; tire t. 
 stumps, Ac. 
 by tinsmiths, pkimbers and other mechanics in pursu- r:voc,,<i.;M.. 
 in^j a business which requires tlie use of a fire 
 made for boiHng- tar, pitcli or oil to be used in the con- 
 struction or repair of a building or vessel, but all such 
 fires shall be made in some crate or vessel so that the 
 same shall not emit sparks or otherwise endanger sur- 
 rounding [)roperty. 
 I lo. No person shall within the City place, keep Keei.inu„i 
 or deposit ashes in wooden receptacles, or within'^"'"''"" 
 twenty-five feet of a house or building, unless the 
 same are contained in some safe depository constructed 
 of brick, stone, or other incombustible material. 
 III. No person shall carry fire or live coals in or/'\7i''.'» '"":'=• 
 1 / ^ tVCtnro streets 
 through any street, alley or lot within the City, unless 
 the same are placed in a covered metal pan or vessel. 
 I I 2. No person shall use a lighted candle or lamp im,,^ lightui 
 in any stable, building, or place within the City, where &cfprohn/it^lr' 
 hay, straw, hemp, cotton, flax, rushes, gunpowder, or 
 other combustible materials shall be stored or kept or 
 may be, unless the same is well secured in a lantern. 
 1 13. No person shall smoke or have in his posses- ^J,,"j^'^^|,"'j J;' 
 sion any lighted cigar or pipe in any stable, carpenter '"'''*'=''• 
 or cabinet-makers' workshop, or other shop, building, 
 or place within the City, where straw, shavings or other 
 combustible material may be. 
 1 14. No person shall use or occupy within the City ,,,;^';^';;,'/;'^"\^.';'f 
 any building or place for the manufacture of turpentine, f^r'"'''''^"- 
 refined petroleum oil or kerosene, paraffine, benzine, 
 camphene, fireworks, or other dangerous or easily 
 infiammable or explosive substances, or for the storage 
 of fireworks of any description whatever.. 
 1 15. No person shall have, put or keep hay, straw, S'a.kin« » 
 cotton, hemp, or wood shavings in stack or pile within 
 the City without securely inclosing the same,, so as to 
 protect them from flying sparks. 
i « 
 I m 
 DiirninK rcHneil 
 Storiiitjof Klin- 
 116. No person shall burn or place in any stove, 
 *'■' grate or furnace, or use in lighting or kindling fires 
 in any dwelling-house, shop or other building within 
 the City, refined petroleum oil. kerosene, gasoline, 
 benzine, naptha, or other highly explosive or inflam- 
 mable substances ; provided always that nothing herein 
 contained shall jirevent the use of tar burners or of 
 stoves specially constructed for consuming oil. 
 1 1 7. No person shall keep or have in any house or 
 place within the City, at any one time, more than ten 
 pounds of gunpowder, unless the same is kept in a 
 magazine to be approved of by the iMre. Water and 
 Gas Committee, and all gunpowder under the said 
 quantity which is kept on hand by any person within 
 the City shall be deposited in a fire-proof bo.x or safe, 
 and no person shall take a lighted candle, lantern, lamj), 
 or light or fire of any description near the same. 
 118. No person shall carry or transport, or cause<;i, Ac. j.^ |_^^ carried or transported, or assist in carrying or 
 transporting, gunpowder or other combustible or dan- 
 gerous materials through the City, or from one j^lace 
 to another therein, unless the same shall be contained 
 in casks secured by good canvas tow cloth, leather 
 bags or metal covered bo.xes or chests. 
 119. No person shall have or keep a lumber yard 
 within the city whereat the buying or .selling of lumber 
 or timber is carried on, or whereat lumber or 
 timber is stored, unless such yard shall be enclosed 
 with a good and substantial fence, at least six feet in 
 Inspector of 1 20. Auy member of the Police Force, upon the 
 ".a> examine pre- written authority of the Mayor, Police Magistrate or 
 mises to see 11 ^-.| . r 1 t • r 
 provisions of By. Chairman of the P ire. Water and Gas Committee, and 
 laws are observed ^ _ r t 1 1 
 the Inspector of Buildings may,at anytime between the 
 hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and six o'clock in the 
 afternoon, enter into and upon any house, building or 
 place within th- city for the purpose of examining the 
 Transiiortirvi; of 
 Fencing of iiiiii- 
 ber jards. 
 same, in order that he may ascertain whether the pro- 
 A'isions of the By-laws of the City for preventini^f 
 fires are observed, and no person shall obstruct the said Not to i.e oi.- 
 Inspector or any member of the rolice rorce in mak-JeiWiu 
 ing such examination, or refuse him, or prevent him 
 havini^, access to such house, buildinjj^ or place for the 
 purpose aforesaid 
 12 1. There shall be two Chimney Sweeps, one for ciumnoy sweep, 
 that part of the city which lies north of the centre of 
 Dundas Street, and the other for the remainder of the 
 It shall be the duty of the Chimney Sweeps 
 (i) To provide themselves with such brushes and 
 other apparatus for cleaning chimneys as shall be 
 approved of by the Fire, Water and Gas Committee, 
 and they shall not be entitled to collect the fees and 
 rates authorized by this By-law unless such apparatus 
 is used. 
 (2) To cause to be well and ':;ffectually swept every 
 llue and chimney in use within their respective dis- 
 tricts which they shall be required to sweep. 
 (3) To make complaint to the Inspect^/, of Build- 
 ings of any infraction of the By-laws ot the City 
 relating to the sweeping of chimneys, in order that the 
 offender may be proceeded against. 
 (4) To report to the Inspector of Buildings any 
 chimney or flue which shall be so constructed as to be 
 dangerous in promoting or causing fires, and any other 
 infraction of the By-laws of the City for preventing fires. 
 123. The Chimney Sweeps shall give security to 
 the satisfaction of the Fire, Water and Gas Commit- 
 tee for the due and efficient performance of their 
 Duties of. 
 To p r o \' i d c 
 brushes niul ap- 
 To sweep Hues 
 and eliiiiiiiey.-, 
 when re(iuired. 
 'J'o complain to 
 Inspector of 
 Puildings of in- 
 fraction of By- 
 To report any 
 dangerous chim- 
 ney or flue. 
 Sweeps to give 
 duties, ami lor the payment of any clama<,^o ■ ^ to 
 anv citixL'ii by the nt.i^li.i^^t.'nt dischari^^c of such cuities. 
 ,|. J 24. The Chimney Sweeps shall he entitled to tlie 
 ncyTweeps.'"" followin_L,^ I'ates and fees for services performed by them, 
 that is to say : 
 For svveepin.uf each flue of a one-story house, ei_L(ht 
 For sweepinj^'^ each Hue of a two-story house, ten 
 Antl for sweepini;- each llue of a house mo' 
 two stories hii^h, twenty cents. 
 Duty oi occu- 125. Every person occupying; a house or building-, 
 Ivc? lo ''haTjor room therein, within the City, in or attached to which 
 nue"sswrpt. "'"'there is a chimney or flue, or pipe used as a chimney or 
 flue, if the same has been in constant use viuring- 
 in^ol'swm'u'J.^the year, shall cause the same to be well and sufficiently 
 once a'^ycTr.^''''"' swept and clcattcd once in every six months ; and if 
 the .same has not been in constant use during the 
 year, shall cause the same to be well and sufficiently 
 swept and cleaned once in every twelve months. 
 Defacing build- 
 ings, lie., with 
 126. No person shall, without the consent of the 
 owner thereof, deface any building, fence, telegraph 
 pole or lamp post within the City, by writing, printing 
 or posting thereon printed or other notices. 
 Pulling down 127. No person shall, without the consent of the 
 ''s"^°'''<^^' ^^- owner thereof, pull down or deface any signboard or 
 written or printed notice lawfullyaffixed within the City. 
 128. NoixTson shall remove the cov('rii\Lj of any K.movinKu.v- 
 , ,. , - •.! • 1 /-"<•, xi ' 11*1 trills; of tank>. 
 luiblic tank ol water withni the City, or throw rubbish &c. 
 into it, or turn into it the course of any surface or 
 other drain, or in any other way prevent such tank 
 from beini^ efficient aO'\ a^'ailable for use when re- 
 (juired, or draw water ou': of such tank without the 
 permission of the Fire, Water and Gas Com- 
 129. No person shall damage or injure any of the ])a,„anir„;,,iii.. 
 public wells, pumps or drinkint^^ fountains within the''"'''"'^''^'- 
 City, or take exclusive possess!' mi thereof, or prevent 
 access bein*^ had thereto, or defile or foul them by let- 
 tinij;' any drainaij^e or sewai^e, or throwintj^ offal, filth 
 or refuse into them. 
 130. No person shall climb upon any of the lamp ciimbii.j- i^mn. 
 jiosts or upon any of the railinj^^s or fences in or along p°""' *•-■ 
 any of the streets, squares, parks or public places of 
 the City, or injure or destroy the same or any of the 
 lamps, lanterns or fittings erected or being therein. 
 131. No person shall encumber, injure or foul any i,„cumbermK, 
 road, street, square; alley, lane, bridge or other com- Ing ^"c^cts.' ^''"'" 
 munication within the City with any animal, vehicle or 
 vessel, or by any other means, or erect, place or main- 
 tain therein any building or structure whatsoever. 
 Provided always that this section shall not prevent Proviso-wer- 
 merchants and others from using and occupying for the ^^""[f4"jg°^{;^;,^ 
 width of eighteen inches the sidewalk inimedia-;;;X"f„^°Ji^p','^'^: 
 tely in front of, and next adjoining, their places '"« «°°'''*' *"^- 
 of business, for the purpose of displaying their 
 goods, wares and merchandise, or from exhibit- 
 i * 
 Ing or placing on such spaces their signs, images, 
 bulletin boards or insignia of the place or nature of 
 their trade or business, or prevent the moving of 
 goods, wares or merchandise across any sidewalk, with 
 all reasonable dispatch, ''or the purpose of taking in or 
 delivering the same ; and provided also that this sec- 
 scction not to tion shall not extend to the occupying in accordance 
 apply to use of.,, .. r^•^^^^ ^ 1 
 street for i.uiid- With the provisiotts of this 13y-law. but not otherwise, 
 ing purposes. ^ . ri "i 11 r I'lT 
 of a portion of the sidewalk or street tor building 
 Use of street ^3~- Whcrc any house or building is being erected, 
 for buiKiiiiK pur- j-),jj|j. qj. repaired on the line of any public street or 
 way, or within seven feet thereof, there shall be erected 
 a boarded fence, six feet hij^h, to enclose the sidewalk 
 allowance in front of such building, to the width of six 
 feet, and outside of such fence a planked pathway 
 shall be laid, at least four feet wide, for the conveni- 
 ence and security of the public ; or it shall be lawful, 
 Precautions to iiisteati of such fence or pathway, to plank over the 
 whole of the scaffold at the height of the first floor 
 above the ground floor, and to enclose such scaffold 
 at the same heii^ht, at least ei<i:hteen inches all round 
 above the level of the planked floor aforesaid, the 
 sidewalks of the street being left free for the public 
 use ; and it shall be the duty of the person erecting. 
 coMtraciors, buil(Jincr or repairing" such house or building, and the 
 &c., to see that "-^ 1 1 1 • 
 isions of sec- contractor or other person employed in dointr the 
 are carried '^ ..*■;.,. '^ 
 work, to see that the provisions of this section are 
 carried out. 
 133. No person shall place any lumber, stone, 
 teriais on bireei's. chips, shavlngs, rubblsh, or any other building material 
 whatsoever, on any sidewalk ; and when buildings are 
 being erected on any street no person shall be allowed 
 to occupy more than one-third of the roadway with 
 any such building material, and no person shall place 
 any such stone, lumber or other building material in 
 such manner as to obstruct the free passage of water Free passage 
 1 i • . . . 1 of water not to 
 in the drains, gutters or water-courses ; and no person be obstructed, 
 shall suffer or permit any such building material to Materials to bt 
 remain on the street any longer than is, iQP'^°'"p''y"''^^'- 
 the opinion of the Board of Works, absolutely 
 necessary for the erection of the building for which 
 such material is designed, and every such person And streets tc 
 shall, on the completion of the building, within buiwiifg't'com" 
 three days entirely remove the same from the^'"'''^ 
 street, and cause the street to be cleared from 
 all such building material and left in good repair. 
 Permission may be granted by the Board of Permits may be 
 Works for the occupation of the roadway for the ^rwc'k^s. ^"""' 
 purpose and in the manner mentioned in this section. 
 134. No person shall break, tear u[) or remove any preakinj: ni- 
 planking, pavement, sidewalk, crossing, curbing, ""''''''' ''^'■■ 
 macadam or other road surface, or make any ex- 
 cavation in or under any street or sidewalk within the 
 City for any purpose whatsoever without the permis- 
 sion of the Board of W^orks, and it shall be the duty 
 of every person breaking, tearing up or removing any Duty of ,,er- 
 jjjanking, pavement, sidewalk, crossing, curbing, mac- "ucets'lc!"*^ "' 
 adam or other road surface, or making any excava- 
 tion in or under anv such street or sidewalk, as 
 speedily as practicable, and under the direction and 
 supervision of the City Engineer, to replace, relay, and 
 make good, and to put in as good order and repair as 
 before, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, every 
 such sidewalk and street, and if the earth shall settle 
 such person shall fill the same from time to time as 
 may be necessary and to the satisfaction of the 
 City Engineer ; and every such person and the con- 
 tractor or other person by whom tlie work is actually 
 done shall erect and maintain a good and sufficient 
 fence, railing or barrier around every excavation made 
 l)y him in such a manner as to prevent accidents, and 
 shall place and keep upon such fence, railing or barrier 
 suitable and sufficient lights during- the night, and take 
 such further care and precaution as the City Engineer 
 may deem necessary and direct for the protection 
 and safety of the public, and every such person shall 
 be responsible for all injuries that may be done or 
 accidents which may occur to persons or property by 
 reason of the doing of any work for the doing of which 
 permission may be granted under the authority of this 
 section, and it shall be the duty of the Board of 
 t, be Works before giving any such permission to take from 
 every such person security tha^ he will perform all the 
 obligations imposed upon him by this section. 
 Traps, kc 
 sidewalks or 
 135. No person shall, without having first obtained 
 permission from the Board of W^orks, construct, place 
 or make any movable trap or door for the purpose of 
 entrance to any cellar or premises in or under any 
 building or place, or any steps, porch or other entrance 
 to any building which shall in any way encroach upon 
 the sidewalks or streets of the Cit\'. 
 \ craiiiialis, lic, 
 of 136. No person shall erect any verandah, awning, 
 sign, sign-post, hanging" or swinging sign which 
 shall in any way extend over any street or side- 
 walk within the City, unless a plan thereof shall be first 
 submitted to and approved of by the Board of W^orks 
 upon the report of the City Engineer, or continue any 
 such verandah, awning, sign, sign-post, hangings or 
 swinging sign heretofore erected without the permis- 
 sion of the said Board ; and no verandah or awn- 
 ing frame shall hereafter be constructed within 
 the fire limits, unless the same be made of iron and 
 supported by iron pillars. 
 Removal of oi>- ^37- Every door-step, porch, railings or other erec- 
 structions. j-j^,^ qj. obstructiott projecting into or over any road or 
 other public communication within the City shall be 
 removed by the proprietor or occupant of the property 
 connected with which such projections are found, after 
 fourteen days notice in writint^, requiring the removal 
 thereof, shall have been given to such proprietor or 
 occupant, or left for him on the premises by or under 
 the authority of the Board of Works; and in case the 
 proprietor and occupant of such property shall neglect 
 or refuse to remove such projections lor seven days 
 after the expiration of such fourteen days the same 
 may be removed by or under the direction of the 
 Board of Works at the expense of such proprietor. 
 eisons excav ■ 
 138. Every person who shall excavate for the p^, 
 erection of any wall or building, or for any other pur- ['^'"^.J'/^^^^ff^'^^^ 
 pose, near to any street or highway within the City,*""- 
 shall put up a good and sufficient protecting rail or 
 plank along the line of such street opposite to such 
 excavation, and maintain the same so long as may be 
 necessary to prevent danger to persons travelling along 
 such street or highway, or their horses or vehicles. 
 139. The owner and occupant of every house or water spouts 
 building adjoining any street or highway within the ''o„vryinrwa[er 
 Cit\- shall have, maintain and keep tight covered ![o"ses'^"beyoird 
 water spouts by which the water shall be conveyed '"' *'''"'"• 
 from the roof of such house or building to the distance 
 of not less than twelve inches bevond the outer edi^e of 
 the sidewalk, 
 \ \o. No person shall have or maintain a gate or ( or doors 
 door to or upon premis(;s owned or occupied by himskiVwaTk.'"*'"'''' 
 which shall be so constructed that the same shall swing 
 over any sidewalk, street, road or lane within the City. 
 141. No person shall dig up, take or carry away „i^,gi,„, earth, 
 anv of the earth, sand or ufravel in or from any street, t-- '■i.'if'''^'''" "^ 
 road or lane v/ithin the City, or in or from any part of 
 the River Thames lying within the City, which is no: 
 the property of private persons, without the permission 
 of the Board of Works. 
 ^ . 14.2. Every owner or occupier of any house, build- 
 Crossings to *<+••-• ; ,/-,. 1111 • 1' 
 houses, &c. ing or lot within the City who shall require to drive 
 any horse or other animal or waggon or other vehicle 
 across any paved or planked sidewalk for the purpose 
 of entering his house, building or lot shall construct 
 across the drain, gutter or water course opposite the 
 gateway or entrance to his premises a good and suf- 
 How construct- ficient bridge of planks so constructed as not to 
 '''■ obstruct such drain, gutter or water course, and shall 
 also place a piece of timber along the edge of each 
 side of the pavement or planking sufficient to prevent 
 the pavement or planking from being injured in cross- 
 ing it or entering such house, building or lot. 
 Horses, &c. , 
 not to be driven 
 on sidewalks, 
 143. No person shall drive, lead or back any herse 
 or other animal, or waggon or other vehicle, or 
 draw, push or propel any hand-cart, waggon, carriage 
 or other vehicle in or along any sidewalk in any pub- 
 lic street or other public place within the City; 
 Proviso-Sec- provided always, that this section shall not apply to 
 ro°'han°d-carlThe^ the propelHiig of hand-carts at a moderate rate of 
 nine'a. m.*; o^to speed and so as not to interfere with foot-passengers. 
 baby-carnages, j^^j-^y^^gj-j |-|-jg \^qi^ys of fivc aud uinc o'clock lu the fore- 
 noon, or to the propelling of baby-carriages (but in all 
 Koot passen- cases it shall be the duty of every person propelling a 
 ri^htif'way''"' hand-cart or baby-carriage to give way to foot-passen- 
 gers, and if necessary to prevent interference with 
 them, to turn off the sidewalk) or to the lawful 
 crossing of a sidewalk to go into any yard or lot 
 adjoining the same where a proper bridge is con- 
 structed and a piece of timber laid as prescribed by 
 the next preceding section. 
 Horses, &c , 144' No person shall tie his horso Or Other aniiTial 
 nottooetiedso^Q ,^j^y p^g^^ |^qq1^ ^^ ^-^^^^ ^^ itt any Way across any 
 sidewalk, pavement or crossing within the City so as as to interfere 
 to obstruct the ordinary traffic of the street, or leave'"' 
 any carriage or other vehicle standing upon any street 
 or thoroughfare within the City unless it be opposite 
 to premises with which or with the occupant of which 
 such person has business, and then only for a reason- 
 able time, and no longer than is absolutely necessary 
 for the transaction of such business; provided always, proviso. 
 that nothing in this By-law contained shall prevent 
 carriage-makers, waggon-makers, blacksmiths, inn- 
 keepers and keepers of livery and lodging stables from 
 temporarily occupying the street for the space of ten 
 feet immediately in front of the premises occupied by 
 them with vehicles undergoing immediate repairs or 
 with vehicles from which horses have been unhitched 
 for the purpose of being shod, or with vehicles of 
 farmers and other persons temporarily lodging with 
 such inn-keeper, or prevent draymen, express-men or 
 other persons from occupying the alley if the same be 
 twenty feet in width for the space of six feet imme- 
 diately in the rear of premises occupied by them with 
 such vehicles as are being actually used by them in the 
 [)rosecution of their respective business callings. 
 145. No person shall cast, project or throw any Throw ins 
 stone, ball of snow, ice, or other missile dangerous tOst?"tu^'. '^'^■' 
 the public, or use any bow and arrow or catapult, in 
 iUiy street, square, park or public place with the City. 
 146. No person shall remove, or assist in remov- Removiim 
 1 Ml' • ^ 1 ImililinKs, o 11 
 mg. any buildmg mto, along or across any street or streets, &c. 
 sidewalk within the City without having first obtained 
 the written permission of the Board of Works, and 
 then only by the route and in the manner directed by 
 the said Board, 
 147. No person shall keep or maintain on any KeepinR wag- 
 ROM or Stand on 
 sidewalk within the City any waggon or stand for thesiJewaik. 
 Leaving horses 
 ^c., unsecured. 
 sale of goods, wares or merchandise, so as to project 
 more than eicrhteen inches from the Hne of the street. 
 Playing games 1^8. No pcrson shall pLiyanv game of nine or 
 in sireets. ^^^ ^y^^^ |^^|j^ ^^ crickct or Other games in any street 
 or, alley within the City. 
 149. No person shall leave any horse, mule, ox or 
 team in any street, alley or public place within the city 
 without being sufficiently tied ; and no person shall 
 Halting wag- halt any waggon or other vehicle on any crossing or 
 crTsingsTXc. "" footway within the City. 
 T, ■ . I so. Everv driver or other person in change of 
 Lfvi\ crs to re- w ^ i o 
 iTeside"" "vehkie'i'^y vehicle conveying goods, wares or merchandise in or 
 while in motion. j}-,j.Q^or|-j ^^y ^f j-^g streets of theCitvshall remain 
 upon such vehicle, or walk beside the horse or animal 
 drawing the same, while such vehicle is in motion. 
 Immoderate ^5^' No pcrson driving any Carriage or Other vehi- 
 driving. (,jg drawn by horses or other animals, or riding upon any 
 horse or other animal, in any of the streets or thorough- 
 fares of the City, shall cause, suffer or permit the horse 
 or other animal which he shall be so driving or riding 
 upon to go at a gallop or other immoderate rate, and 
 every such person so driving or riding shall slacken 
 the speed of his horse or other animal in approaching 
 any crossing for foot passengers upon which any per- 
 son may be crossing such street or thorouLihfare. 
 u reaking ^ 5~- ^^ person shall break in or train any horse, 
 i\recu'. *''' '"01* exhibit any stud horse or bull, or put to mares any 
 stud horse, in any public place or in any of the streets, 
 vSquares or parks within the City. 
 Sleighs to have 
 No person shall drive any description of sleigh 
 or other vehicle on runners along the streets or thor- 
 oughfares within the City without having two or more 
 bells affixed to the horsL' or other animal drawing the 
 154. No person shall throw or pile cordwood, fire- piimi; ,;oici 
 wood or coal upon any paved or planked sidewalk sidewalk'^'" 
 within the City, or saw or split cordwood or firewood sawins cord 
 . I 11 • 1 • 1 r~" wood, \'c., oil 
 upon any street or sidewalk withm the City. streets. 
 155. No person shall stand on any sidewalk with staiuUm; . o „ 
 his wood-saw and horse so as to obstruct the free pas-' ' 
 sage of foot-passengers. 
 I t^G. No person shall throw or pile, or cause to be I'-Hng cordwood 
 ., , .... ,^. , on streets pro 
 thrown or piled, upon any street within the City cord- h>i'it.:d. 
 wood, firewood or coal, except for the purpose of the 
 same being delivered at premises owned or occupied K^^ception. 
 by him opjiosite to wliich the same shall be thrown or 
 piled, or for the use of the person owning or occupy- 
 ing the same, and no person shall permit such cord- 
 wood, fire-wood or coal to remain upon the street for 
 a longer time than two hours, or so as to obstruct the 
 free use of such street. 
 157. No person shall sprinkle, spread or place any sprinkiingsait. 
 salt or other like substance on the road or carriage-vvay;'i;''^hibUeT''''''^ 
 of any public street or highway within* the City with 
 the intent or for the jjurpose of dissolving any snow, 
 ice or dirt which mav ha\e accumulated in such road 
 or carriage-way. 
 1 58. No person shall use for the conveyance of 
 articles of burden, goods, wares, or merchandise within 
 the city any waggon or other vehicle drawn by two or 
 more horses or other animals the wheels whereof are 
 three and a half feet in diameter or over unless the 
 tires and wheels of such waofiron or other vehicle are 
 at least three inches in width, or any such waggon or 
 other vehicle the wheels whereof are less than three 
 Width of tires. 

 C r o \v d i 11 
 streets, &c. 
 and a half feet in diameter, unless the tires and wheels 
 thereof are at least four inches in width. Provided 
 always, that this section shall not apply to waggons or 
 other vehicles laden with and bona fide used for con- 
 veying farm or garden produce into the city, or to any 
 waggon or other vehicle laden with and bona fide used 
 for conveying lumber or goods from the mill or place 
 of manufacture thereof (such mill or place of manufac- 
 ture being distant more than two miles therefrom) to 
 the city, or to waggons or other vehicles in which 
 gravel, wood or building materials are drawn, or to 
 for-hire wao-o-ons. 
 ■ 159. It shall not be lawful to gather in crowds on 
 any sidewalk or in any street within the City, so as to 
 obstruct travel therein or encumber the same, and 
 three or more persons shall not stand in a group, or 
 near to each other in such a manner as to obstruct a 
 free passage for foot passengers, on any street or side- 
 walk -within the City, after a request to move on made 
 by any member of the Police Force, or any other 
 person duly authorized by the Mayor or any Alderman. 
 Plantins of or- 
 160. Ornamental or shade trees may be placed, 
 n a' inenK-i"! "or planted Or sct out itt the public streets of the City, at 
 or within the distance of two feet (at the most) from 
 the edge of the sidewalk nearest to the carriageway, 
 and also within the limits of any part of such streets, 
 which under the jDrovisions of this By-law may be used 
 for the purpose of forming a boulevard, but nothing 
 Certain kinds herein contained shall be taken to authorize the plant- 
 mg ot the trees known as the silver poplar, balm of 
 Gilead, or cotton tree, or the willow, and the plant- 
 ing thereof in any such streets is hereby prohibited. 
 of trees not to be • 
 i6i. The owner or occupier of any lot abutting construction of 
 on any public street within the City may (having first '°"'''"" ' 
 obtained the permission of the Board of Works in 
 writing) enclose with a fence or railing of wood or 
 iron of such height and description, or in such other 
 manner as the said Board may prescribe, the street 
 opposite to his lot to the distance towards the centre 
 thereof of not more than twenty feet where such street 
 is not more than sixtv-six feet in width, and of not more 
 than thirty feet where such street is more than sixty-six 
 feet in width from the line of the street next adjoin- 
 ing his lot, except so much thereof as shall be 
 occupied by the sidewalk, and the space so set apart 
 is herein called, and shall be known as "a boulevard;" 
 provided always, that no such boulevard shall be con- boulevards not 
 structed or permitted on Dundas Street west of||^''cen",^r"n'' 
 WellinLTton Street, or on Richmond Street north of"""'' 
 Bathurst Street or south of Piccadilly Street, or on any 
 street or part of a street where, in the judgment of 
 the Board of Works, the making of the same will 
 inconvenience the travelling public or be otherwise 
 162. The Board of Works, before granting such Agreement i„ 
 permission, shall take from the person to whom the persons author'i"' 
 I II < • . • . 1 ed to construct 
 same shall be o;iven an acjreement in writme to sod or boulevards. 
 sow with grass and clover seed or grass the portion of 
 the street as to which such permission shall be granted, 
 and to keep the fence, railing, sod and grass thereon 
 in good order and repair, and not to permit noxious 
 weeds or thistles to grow therein ; and it shall be law- 
 ful for such person to sod or sow the same accordingly, 
 and in the event of failure to perform the conditions 
 of such agreement the permission granted to him may 
 be revoked and put an end to by the Board of Works. 
 163. No person shall break, injure, dig up, remove inj„ring trees 
 or destroy any tree lawfully planted or growing in any *""• 
 rcinovt trce.Mii.'iy 
 1. 1 uraiUeii, 
 of the ijublic streets of the City under the authority of 
 .my law of the Province or By-law of the City, or the 
 sod or grass of or in any such boulevard, or the fence 
 or railing- surrounding the same, or any box, stake or 
 other guard which is planted around or near to-jmy 
 such tree for the purpose of protecting the same, or 
 ride or drive any horse or other animal or waggon or 
 other vehicle on the same ; provided always, that per- 
 t;; mission may be given by the IJoard of Works for the 
 removal of any such tree for the purpose of replacing 
 the same by another, or for any other purpose which 
 the said Board deems proper. 
 I ^ ii.- It * 
 164. Every boulevard which has been here- 
 ircunl'im'ej.'"'''^' tofore madc may be lawfully continued provided 
 authority for that purpose is obtained from the Board 
 of Works. 
 Shade or onia- 
 165. Shade or ornamental trees shall not be planted 
 inent'artrees'not or boulcvards bc made in the public streets of one 
 to l-e planted in , . . . , , . . 1 -1 1- 1 • 1 
 certain cases, cham m Width or less, opposite to buildings which are 
 occupied otherwise than as dwelling houses without the 
 permission of the owner or occupier of the buildings 
 but shade or ornamental trees planted and boulevards 
 made while lands are not built upon or the buildings 
 thereon are occupied as dwelling houses may be con- 
 tinued, notwithstanding that buildings occupied other- 
 wise than as dwelling houses may be afterwards erected 
 thereon, or that the buildings thereon may be afterwards 
 occupied otherwise than as dwelling houses. 
 Tying horses, 1 66. No pcrson shall tie or fasten any horse or 
 hihited*'^'' '""other animal to any tree planted or preserved for shade 
 or ornament on any of the public streets of the city, 
 and no person having the charge of any horse or other 
 animal shall leave the same near enough to any such 
 tree to injure it. 
 16;. Nothing in this By-l.'iw contained shall pre- Roadway may 
 \(;nt the owner or occupier of any lot abutting on {;"J^'(j;,'r'-j^f"''"" 
 any public street within the City iVom making- any 
 necessary roadway to his lot across the boulevard op- 
 posite to it, or from removing any tree growing upon 
 that part of the street or boulevard required to be used 
 for making such roadwa)', but no such removal shall 
 take place until after the expiration of twenty-four 
 hours from tlie delivery of a written notice of the in-gi,tu"to° cuy 
 tention to remove the same for the purpose aforesaid,^''"''*" 
 shall have been left at the office of the City Clerk, in 
 which notice shall be specified the name of the person 
 desiring- to remove such tree, the number of the house 
 or lot opposite to, and the street in which such tree is 
 Project! im 
 jranc'its of trees 
 1 68. The owner and occupier of any lot or parcel 
 of land within the City opposite to which any tree is I'X inmmed. 
 planted shall cause the same to be kept trimmed at all 
 times, so that the projecting limbs and boughs shall 
 not be less than nine feet above the sidewalk. 
 169. It shall be the duty of the Street Commis- .ifn'^ft'/iS^- 
 sioner to see that the provisions of this By-law f,[°7olhade?rMs 
 relating to shade trees and boulevards are carried out. arL^carHedlm'.''' 
 I 70. The occupant, and in case there is no occu- „ , , 
 ' i^ Kemovalol 
 pant the owner or person having the charge, care or^^,°*' '" ""'^ 
 control of any house, building or lot within the City 
 fronting or abutting on any public street or highway 
 within the city, where the sidewalks are planked or 
 paved, shall remove and clear away and keep removed 
 and cleared away all snow and ice from the sidewalk 
 and to the breadth of one foot out of the drain, water 
 course and .q^Litter on that side of such street or high- 
 way which is nearest to such house, building or lot ; 
 and also remove and clear away and keep removed 
 and cleared away all dirt and other obstructions from 
 such sidewalk, and to the breadth of one foot out of 
 such drain, water course and gutter. 
 Duty of per. i/^- If ''^"y pcrson wlio is required by the next 
 i'novai.'" '" '"preceding section of this By-law to remove the snow 
 and ice from the side walk, and to the breadth of one 
 foot out of the drain, water-course or gutter of the 
 public street or highway adjoining his premises, 
 neglects to remove and clear away the same within the 
 first four hours of daylight after any fall of snow or 
 fall of hail or rain which shall freeze on the sidewalks 
 or in the drains, water courses or gutters, or fall of 
 snow from any building, entirely off the sidewalk and 
 to the depth of one foot out of the drain, water course 
 or gutter adjoining his premises, and if any person 
 required by the said section to remove and clear 
 away other obstructions from the sidewalk and to the 
 breadth of one foot out of the drain, water course or 
 gutter of the public street or highway adjoining his 
 premises neglects or refuses so to do for twenty-four 
 hours after receivinijf notice from the Citv Insncct 
 or any member of the Police Force, reqni' lim to 
 remove and clear away the same, the C . nspector 
 may cause such snow, ice and other o l ructions to 
 be removed and cleared away at the expense c sucii 
 person, and in case of non-payment of such expense 
 the same is hereby charged as a special assessment 
 against the premises, in respect of which the duty 
 exists and is unperformed, and may be recovered in 
 like manner as other municipal rates, and it shall be 
 the duty of the City Clerk to cause the same to be 
 recovered accordingly ; provided always, that if the 
 snow or ice be so frozen that in the judgment of the 
 roviso— as l(« 
 snow and ice so 
 City Inspector ^t Icannot be removed without injury p 
 ,. 1 .^1 I'l 11 ^ • '^ »now ana ico so 
 being done to tn^ sidewalk or. 'pavement in jts re- frozen as not to 
 mo val, such person! as aforesaid shall strew such side-movar wuhoui 
 walk or pavement with ashes, sand or other like'waik* or" pavc'- 
 substance, and shall not be deemed in default in 
 removing; such sn^w and ice until the expiration of 
 four hours of daylight from the time when such snow 
 and ice s\}^\\ become capable of being removed with- 
 out any such, jinjmry being caused in its removal. 
 u 1 1 ; ; 
 172. It any non-resident owner of vacant property incaseofneg- 
 which adjoins any such public street or highway, neglects waik'torTwenty- 
 for twenty- four hours tp clean the sidewalk adjoining his*^^"' ^°""" 
 property, qr if any person occupying or who is aresi-!;;' ,;,"'!;,, 
 dent owner, pf property adjoining any such public 
 street pr; highw^iy neglects to clean the sidewalk * 
 adjoining ,the, property occupied or owned by 
 him for twenty-four hours after having been notified 
 so to do by the City Inspector or any member of the 
 Police Force!, the City Inspector may cause the same cuy inspector 
 to be cleaued ^t the exipense ot the Corporation, and ''« •^'"ned at ex- 
 ri.iii i \ 1 1 r 1 pense of party in 
 the cost thereof shall be paid by the person in default, ^f*"''- 
 and in casfebifnon-^paynient thereof the same is hereby, cost ofciean- 
 charged asJa i^ecial assessment against such property "pliai %a^e ^1 
 and may be recovered in like manner as other muni- '""'"■"^" 
 cipal rates, km\. it shall be the duty of the City Clerk 
 to cause theiisanle to be recovered accordingly. 
 v/-.'ljn():; f^flJ (;!0"il nv/jrih Mill /. 
 1 73. The occupant, and in case there is no occu- snoworiceon 
 pant, the ppr^on; owning or having the care, charge or[°f;remov™ 
 control of ^^qy .house or other building within the City, 
 abutting ;.9,ni(iOr situate within ten feet of, any public 
 street, thoroughfare,, sidewalkor pavement, shall, when- 
 ever snow, 0|" ,ic^ shall accumulate on the roof of such 
 house or (^^l\^r building, to an extent that shall either 
 in fact, qr .^flth,^ opii^ion of the City Inspector, be dan- 
 gerous ;tpp^rsops passing, cause the same to be forth- 
 with ren^oved therefrom, and every person removing 
 the same shall take due care and precaution for the 
 warning of persons and animals passn-?g or being on 
 such street, thoroughfare, sidewalk or pa/ement. 
 swine.staiiions. J 74. No person shall suffer or permit any swine, 
 rams'norto run stallion, buU, goat or ram, of which he shall be the 
 "^ owner or which shall be in his possession or custody 
 or under his control, to run at large within the City. 
 at large within 
 the City, 
 Horses.horned ijc. No pcrson shall suffcr or permit anv horse, 
 or other cattle, , , 1 11 r l' " 1 1 
 sheep or geese homcd or othcr cattle, sheep or geese, ot which he 
 iTrge south of si shall bc thc owner or which shall b^ in his possession 
 or custody or under his control, to run at large within 
 that part of the City which lies south of St. James 
 Two Poumis 176. There are hereby established two Pounds for 
 established. j|^g Q'^^y^ q^^ f^j. jj^^^j. p^^j.^ ^f jj^g Q^^y ^hich Hcs north 
 Site of Pound of die centrc of Dundas Street, the site whereof is 
 for^northerndivi-^i^^j. ^^^^ ^f ^^^ Exhibltion Grounds which is bounded 
 on the north by tip. Horticultural Hall, on the south 
 by Great Market street, on the east by a line drawn 
 from the south-east corner of the said Hall at ritrht 
 angles thereto to Great Market Street, and on 
 the west by a line drawn from the south-west corner 
 of the said Hall at right angles thereto to Great 
 Site of Pound Markct Street ; and the other for that part of the City 
 southern (hviMon i-ii. 11-1 r r^ ■< ,^ . 
 which lies south of the centre of Dundas Street, the 
 site whereof shall be that part of lot number One on 
 the north side of Hill Street described as follows : 
 Commencing at the south-west angle of the said lot ; 
 thence easterly, along Hill Street forty-eight feet; 
 thence northerly, parallel with Wellington Street 
 forty feet; thence westerly, parallel with Hill Street 
 forty-eight feet more or less to the westerly boundary of 
 to' be appeinted 
 for each Pound. 
 Any person may 
 distrain and deli- 
 ver to Pound- 
 keeper animals 
 mentioned in sec- 
 tions 174 and 17s 
 running at large 
 contrary to By- 
 Duty of Pound- 
 kt-per to receive 
 and impound. 
 addition to 
 s and ex- 
 penses in respect 
 nimals dis- 
 the said lot ; thence southerly, along the said westerly 
 boundary forty feet more or less to the place of begin- 
 ning; and there shall be a Pound-keeper appointed 
 for each of the said Pounds. 
 177. Any person may distrain any of the animals 
 mentioned in sections one hundred and seventy-four 
 and one hundred and seventy-five of this By-law 
 found running at large contrary to the provisions 
 thereof, and deliver the same to either c' the Pound- 
 keepers, and it shall be the duty of the Found-keeper 
 to whom such animals shall be delivered to impound 
 the same. 
 I 78. In addition to all damages and other e.xpenses Feessobepaid 
 for which the same or the owner thereof, or person indlimaKej 
 whose possession or custody or under whose control^ 
 the same may be, shall be liable according to law or"'''"* " 
 the By-laws of the City, there shall be payable in re- 
 spect of each animal named in section one hundred 
 and .seventy-four, distrained under the authority of 
 this By-law, the sum of one dollar, and the same 
 shall be paid by the owner of the animal or 
 other person in whose ' possession or custody or 
 unde; whose control the animal may be, or in case 
 the animal shall be .sold by the Pound-keeper, be pay- 
 able out of the proceeds of the sale, after payment of 
 the fees and e.xpenses and the damages, if any ; and 
 there shall be payable in like manner and from the 
 same source, in respect of each of the animals men- 
 jDned in .section one hundred and seventv-five, dis- 
 trained under the authority of this By-law, except geese, 
 the sum of fifty cents, and in respect of each goose the 
 sum of ten cents, and the said sums shall be respec- 
 tively payable to the person distraining the animal in 
 respect of which the same shall be payable. 
 179. None of the animals mentioned in section Anim.iis men- 
 one hundred and seventy-five which shall trespass 'lT^^'^^^'!'p^»!^'^ll 
 without the limits upon premisc'S not being within the limits men- 
 sT«t":^t'lilt?:tioned therein, shall, be liable, nor shall the owner 
 l°hen''''^em1s« thereof or person in whose possession or custody 
 rawM*fence"!b.u or under whose control the same may be, be liable 
 age'd'ie'wUhTnfor any damages done by such animal, unless 
 {her fenci'isuw.' such premises shall be enclosed with a lawful fence ; 
 fuiornot. i^^j. .^ ^^^j^ premises are enclosed with a lawful fence, 
 they shall be liable for the damages done, and they shall 
 . also be liable for all damages done to premises situate 
 within the limits mentioned in section one hundred 
 and seventy-five, whether the premises are or are not 
 enclosed with a lawful fence. 
 180. No person shall rescue or re-take, or attempt 
 Animal-, not lo 1 r 1 • 1 1 
 be rescued or re- to rcscue or re-take, from the person m whose custody 
 the sane sliall be, any animal distrained or impounded 
 under the provisions of this By-law. 
 „ 181. The damaues to be paid by the owner of, or 
 DaniaKeM„lie . , '^ . * ( , ' 
 appraiseci under persott in whose Dossession or custody, or under whose 
 I he Act re- 1 , • 1 • 1 1 i" 
 »i.eci.nfiPounds"controJ, any animal impounde^d for trespassmg contrary 
 to the laws of the Province, or the By-laws of the- 
 City, shall in case of dispute be appraised in manner 
 prescribed by "The Act respecting Pounds." 
 182. The comjjensation to be allowed the Pound- 
 keeper for services rendered by him in carrying out 
 the provisions of this By-law relating to Pounds and 
 Pound-keepers shall be as follows : 
 Keoofi'ound For iuipounding bulls and stallions, one year 
 old and over, each $i oo 
 P'or impounding boars, rams and horses and 
 horned or other cattle, over two years old, 
 each 50 
 P^or feeding same per day, each 20 
 For impounding cattle under two years old, each 25 
 P^or feeding same per day, each 15 
 For impounding sheep, goats and swine, each. 25 
 P'or feeding same per day, each 10 
 For impounding geese, each $ lo 
 For feeding same per day, each 02 
 For crying and selling, on each complaint. ... 50 
 For advf"-tising (actual disbursements.) 
 183 The quantity of food to be furnished by 
 the Pound-keeper shall be as follows : 
 For horses and horned or other cattle (except cattle 
 under two years old) each per day — sixteen 
 pounds of hay. 
 Cattle under two years old, each per day — ten pounds 
 of hay. 
 Sheep, each per day — two and a half pounds of hay. 
 Swine and goats, each per day — one quart of peas or 
 Geese, each per day — one-half pint of peas or corn. 
 And such food shall be of a good and wholesome 
 And also so much water as the said animals may 
 require to drink. 
 184. Nothing herein contained shall be taken to 
 be in substitution of the provisions of " The Act 
 respecting Pounds," except in so far as the provisions 
 of this By-law are inconsistent therewith. 
 185. It shall be the duty of the Police Constables 
 of the City to cause all animals found running at large, 
 contrary to the provisions of this or any other By-law 
 relating to Pounds and Pound-keepers to be im- 
 pounded, and to prosecute all persons offending against 
 any of the provisions of such By-laws. 
 Quantity of food 
 to be furnished 
 by Pound-keeper 
 to animals im- 
 Food to be good 
 and wholesome. 
 Water also t» 
 be furnished. 
 "The Atl re- 
 specfmg Pounds'' 
 not to be super- 
 seded unless 
 where provisions 
 of Hy-law are 
 Police Con- 
 stables to im- 
 pound animals 
 found runiiinti at 
 186. Every person who is within the City the raxonownei^ 
 owner, pos.sessor or harborer of a dog shall pay a*"'"^''"'^"" 
 yearly tax of one dollar for every such dog. 
 A.s.ssorton,a.e 1 87. Thc Asscssof ill making the annual as- 
 murnon assess gg^gj^^gj^j. q( jj-jg Q[^y shall Hiakc a rctum on the 
 nicDt roll 01 own- j ** i 
 cf'doSs """'"'"assessment roll of the names of the owners, possessors 
 or harborers of all dogs within the City, stating 
 the number of dogs ; and it shall be the duty 
 so^sTiabifto ux of all persons liable to the tax imposed by the 
 {L'^to'Asse™r;next preceding section of this By-law upon request to 
 give to the Assessor the information necessary to 
 enable him to make such return. 
 Clerk to enter j gS. Thc Clcrk shall cnter the names of all persons 
 tax on roll and , . , , , , , , , r 1 
 Collector to coi-jiable to thc said tax and the amount ot such tax upon 
 lect it 
 the Collector's Roll, and the said tax shall be collected 
 by the Collector in like manner as other rates and taxes 
 are collected, unless the same shall have been already 
 paid to the Inspector of Licenses under the provisions 
 of this By-law. 
 189. Every person who is within the City the 
 owner, possessor or harborer of a dog. shall before 
 to^rnste°?heni^^^'''^y"^'*^^ ^^'^Y *^^ Jauuary in each year hereafter, pro- 
 with License In- cure such dog to be numbered, described and regis- 
 spector before ft> _' J~> 
 31st January in [ered, for tlic vcar commencing on the first day of I*"eb- 
 each year. J ^ ^ o J ^ 
 ruary thereafter, in the office of the Inspector of Licenses 
 And to cause and sfiall cause such dog to wear around its neck, a 
 dogs to wear col- ., ^ , r 1 1 • 1 11 
 lar inscribed with collar ot metal, or ot leather with metal plate, on 
 name of owner 1 • 1 1 1 , 1 i 1 1 1 • • t 1 i 
 arid metal ckeck which iiietal coluir or plate shall be inscribed the name 
 p. and "umber of such persott, aud to which collar shall be attached 
 and year thereon i. . i-i 1111 • •! 11 1 
 a metal check, on which shall be inscribed the letters 
 C. T. P. (City Tax Paid), and figures indicating the 
 year for which such tax has been paid, and a number 
 corresponding with the number under which such dog 
 is, for the time being, registered in the books of the 
 Inspector of Licenses. 
 Metal check to 
 be furnished free 
 190. Every such person shall, on payment of the 
 mem^orta" '"'^' ^^'"^ imposed by section one hundred and eighty-six, 
 and registering his dog as provided in section one 
 hundred and eighty- nine, be furnished free of charge 
 with che metal check mentioned in the next pre- 
 ceding section. 
 191. The Inspector of Licenses shall not register ucen.e i.ispec- 
 any such dog unless the person applying to have the[°r 'doV°unfe'i 
 same registered shall have paid the tax imposed by """"''*"*• 
 section one hundred and eighty-six, and shall produce 
 the receipt of the Treasurer therefor, or shall pay the 
 said tax to such Inspector. 
 192. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Licen- ucease inspec- 
 ses to keep a book in which shall be recorded the name and make ^c^d 
 of the owner of every dog registered under the provi- 'registered^ an*d 
 sions of this By-law, the date of such registration theand"?o"maT; 
 description of the dog, the registration number and the amislatemenuto 
 amount of the tax paid ; and it shall also be the duty '''^'=^-"'^'='^- 
 of the Inspector of Licenses to make a weekly return 
 to the City Treasurer of the moneys collected by him, 
 and to furnish therewith a statement showing the per- 
 sons by whom such moneys shall have been paid. 
 iqx. The Inspector of Licenses shall perform the i^uues of Lic- 
 , . ^. , * 1 • 1 1 • • r 1 • <=">>«• n^pector as 
 duties miposcd upon him by the provisions ot this 'o'^«s^'o'^e per- 
 I . 1 •' A . . formed under 
 nv-law relatuifT to dous under the supervision and^'ip^"''*'-^" 9*" 
 / . -If* /■-> • License Commil- 
 direction ot the License Committee. 
 loiis d >gs 
 not to run at 
 194. No person shall sufter or permit any dog of \\c\ 
 which he is the owner, possessor or harborer to run atia'rge 
 larofe within the Citv, if such doi^ is of a vicious 
 or ferocious disposition or accustomed to snap at or 
 bite mankind, or if such dog has previously attacked 
 or bitten any person travelling in or along the public 
 195. No person shall after the first day of Feb- After ist Feb.. 
 rr • 1 r 1 • 1 1 iSSo, dogs not to 
 ruary next sutler or permit any doyf ot which he run at large whh- 
 , 11 1 ""' collar and 
 IS the owner, possessor or harborer to run at large <;i<cci<. 
 within the City unless such dog shall have around its 
 neck the collar and metal check mentioned in section 
 Dogs not to run 
 at large whil« 
 prohibiting it is 
 in force unless 
 Mayor may 
 when authorized 
 l)y Council issue 
 proclamation to 
 forbid running at 
 large of dogs un- 
 less muzzled. 
 Notice of pro- 
 clamation to be 
 one hundred and eighty-nine, inscribed as therein pro- 
 vided. '' 
 196. No person shall suffer or permit any dog of 
 which he is the owner, possessor or h^rborcr to run at 
 large within the City during such period as shall be 
 prescribed in any proclamation issued under the au- 
 thority of this By-law, unless such dog shall have 
 securely put on a good strong svibstajitial and safe 
 muzzle, so as to effectually prevent him from biting or 
 snapping. ;"" -"'' "■ 
 197. The Mayor may at any time, when he is 
 authorized so to do by a resolution of the Council, 
 issue his proclamation declaring that no dog shall be 
 permitted to run at large within the City during such 
 period as shall be determined by the Council and 
 named in such proclamation, unless such dog shall be 
 muzzled in manner prescribed in section one hundred 
 and ninety-six, and notice of such proclamation shall 
 be given by advertisement and posters before the same 
 goes into effect. 
 Dogs running 1 98. Any Police Constable or other person author- 
 "o ' HHaT'may ised foi' that purposc by the Mayor. Police Magistrate 
 be seized and im- /^i • r r t> 1 • • 1 r 1 • 
 pounded and or Lhiei ot rolice may seize any dog found running 
 kur1ini"s"r'e'^at Uirgc, elsewhere than on the premises of the owner, 
 possessor or harborer thereof, contrary to the provi- 
 sions of this By-law, and it shall be the duty of the 
 Police Constables so to do; and every such Police 
 Constable or other person shall forthwitJ), after making 
 such seizure, deliver such dog to one of the Pound- 
 keepers of the City, and it shall be the duty of the 
 Pound-keeper to whom the same shall be delivered to 
 impound such dog, and to supply it with water while 
 impounded, and in case it shall not be reclaimed, as 
 hereinafter provided, within forty-eight, hours after it 
 shall have been delivered to the Poiiin'<!l-kteeJDer it shall 
 be the duty of the Pound-keeper to kill such dog. 
 199. The owner, possessor or harborer of any dog owncr.&c, 
 impounded under th^ next preceding section may[,'j;l^'j;;/°^pi^y: 
 reclaim his dog on application to the Pound-keeper, on ^ro"f°f^J,y";;'! 
 proof of his ownership and on payment cf the sum^'^'P 
 of one dollar, one-half of which shall ht retained 
 by the Pound-keeper arid the other half be paid to 
 the person by whom such dog shall have been im- 
 200. The Police Magistrate, or other presiding poiice Magis- 
 magistrate at the Police Office of the City, upon the wd^ dog'iiTr?- 
 tria! of any complaint for an infraction of the provi-c''omp1aint"'is 
 r'i* Lll I'^r made under sec- 
 sions ot sections one hundred and nmety-tour, one tions 194, 195 or 
 hundred and ninety-five or one hundred and ninety- stfoyid. 
 six of this By-law, may, in addition to the imposition 
 of a fine and costs, order that the dog, in re- 
 spect of which the complaint is made, shall be 
 killed, and if the person in whose possession Penalty for re- 
 or custody such dog shall be shall neglect or refuse to^rdi'r. '° °''^^ 
 deliver him up to any member of the Police P^orce for 
 the purpose of his being killed, upon request for that pur- 
 pose being made, or shall in any way hinder or prevent 
 such doLjf from beinijf taken and killed, he shall be liable 
 to the penalties imposed for an infraction of the pro- 
 visions of this By-law. 
 I' I 
 201. Whenever the name of any street or hiirhway ,.,^ 
 » *~ ^ \V net! nflmc of 
 within the City is changed by By-law it shall be the *"■=«'>* "^hanged 
 duty of the City Clerk forthwith to transmit the By-g''>tered. 
 law making such change to the City Solicitor for the 
 purpose of its being registered, and it shall be the duty 
 of the City Solicitor to cause the same to be registered. 
 202. All By-laws heretofore passed for changing nyiaws ai- 
 the name of any street or highway within the City changinr'*nai^>^ 
 of streets to be shall bc forthwith transmitted by the City Clerk to the 
 registered. ^.^^ SoHcitor (ov the purpose of being, and the City 
 Solicitor shall cause them to be forthwith, registered 
 pursuant to the statute in that behalf. 
 rtoard of 203. The Board of Works shall cause the name of 
 J!Imes'of°stre«s every street, road or public communication within the 
 at corner*. Qj^y ^^ |^g affixcd at thc comers thereof, on either pub- 
 lic or private property, where the same has not already 
 been done. 
 = ■ 
 Houses and lots 204. Evcry house or lot fronting or abutting on 
 according" '»*'''» ^"y Street or highway within the City shall, after such 
 *'""■ plan is deposited with the City Clerk as hereinafter pro- 
 vided, be numbered in accordance with a plan prepared 
 by the City Engineer and filed in the office of the 
 Clerk, and until such plan shall be so deposited thc same 
 shall be numbered as directed by the City Engineer. 
 20 s. The Council may from time to time appoint 
 House nunibcr* 
 ers may be .-ip. one or morc persons (hereinafter called the house 
 numberers) to number the houses and lots aforesaid. 
 , ' 206. The house numberers shall affix or inscribe 
 numbers to be the prooer number as desicfnated on the said plan or 
 affixed and size i.,. 1 ^. ^-.^ ti • 1 
 of figures to be directecl by the Lity Engineer, if there is no plan, in 
 plain and legible figures at least two inches in length, 
 in a conspicuous place not higher than the first story 
 in front of every house, building or other erection 
 which is not now numbered or which may be hereafter 
 erected within the City. 
 Expense of 207. The e'cpense incident to the numbering of 
 numbering. g^^,]^ house or lot shall not, including the cost of 
 affixing the number, exceed the sum of twenty cents, 
 and the occupant, or in case of his default the 
 owner, of every such house or lot shall be charged 
 with such expense and shall pay the same to the house when to i.e 
 numberer within twenty-four hours after performance '''" ' 
 of the work and a personal demand of payment. 
 208. No person shall obstruct the house numberer h^^^_. ^^,_, 
 in the performance of his duties or prevent him from ^f/'j*^;;;'' ^^^ ^'^- 
 performing the same. 
 209. No person shall remove, deface, obliterate or Number, not 
 destroy the figures placed on or affixed to any house, L". '"" """°'''' 
 building or other erection numbered. 
 210. It shall not be necessary to affix numbers to unnecessary to 
 any barn or shed unless with the consent of the owner "heds^xcepriu 
 or occupant thereof, but this exception shall not apply "* '"'''"■ 
 to livery stables. 
 211. It shall not be necessary to affix numbers to unnecessary to 
 any church or place of public worship, public school, d?u''rch""&" '" 
 or any public building belonging to the Crown, or to 
 the Corporation of the City of London, or the Cor- 
 poration of the County of Middlesex, or any vacant 
 lot, or lot upon which only a shed or barn (other than 
 a livery stable) is erected. 
 212. Nothing in this By-law contained shall i)re- c)wMer or oc- 
 . ■' ~ 1 1 •! 1' ciipier may aftix 
 vent any owner or orcupier ot anv house, building or figures for him 
 I . ' 1 1 1 • T) '1 1 11 self if of required 
 other erection, required by this ny-law to be numbered, size and represen 
 c i'i 'ii/* 1 ''"S proper num- 
 irom numbering the same with such hgures as such bers. 
 owner or occupant shall see fit, provided that such 
 figures are not of less size than the figures prescribed 
 by this By-law, and represent the proper number of 
 such house, building or other erection. 
 213. The City Engineer shall forthwith make and pian of streets 
 deliver to the City Clerk, to be filed among the records house"X."to be 
 of his office, a record of the streets and numbers of the^'j,^'^*'*"'^"'''^"^'' 
 houses and lots numbered thereon respectively, and 
 shall enter thereon a division of the streets, with bound- 
 ^ Amitobeopenaries ancl distances, and such record shall be kept open 
 for public inspection at the office of the Clerk. 
 214. The City Enmneer, the Street Commissioner 
 Fence-viewers. , ,^ , t . 1 "i .• 1 • 1 • r ^ 
 and the Health Inspector lor the time bemg ot the 
 City shall be the fence-viewers of the City. 
 „ . , , ,, 2 IS. A lawful fence shall be of the height of at 
 Height and de- "'J o 
 scrint.on of law- Je^^gj- four fcct six mches, and so constructed as not to 
 lul lence, ' . 
 allow horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swme or geese to 
 pass through the same. 
 v.icact lots to 216. The owner of every vacant lot within the 
 ne fenced when ^-,. , . ^ , , 1 1 • 1 
 lequired i.y the City abutting on any street, road, lane or other hicfh- 
 City Kngineer ^ . . . 
 \vorks°""^ "fway, shall, when required so to do by a written notice 
 from the City Engineer, given under the authority of 
 the Board of Works, enclose such lot with a lawful 
 fence and shall maintain and keep in repair such fence. 
 Lots with pits, 2 1 7. The owner of every lot or parcel of land 
 &c., on them to .^i • ,, /^. 1 • 1 1 • • • • 
 u fenced. Within the City upon which there is a pit, precipice, 
 deep water or other place dangerous to travellers, shall 
 cause the same to be enclosed with a lawful fence and 
 maintain and keep in repair such fence. 
 Police Office 
 218. The Police Office situate on the north side 
 of Carling Street shall continue to be the Police Office 
 of the City. 
 eJiabiished"°"'^ . ^^9' The Lock-up House situate on the north 
 side of Carling Street shall continue to be the Lock- 
 I If I 
 77 . 
 up House of the City for the detention of all persons 
 detained for examination on a charge of having com- 
 mitted any offence, and of all persons detiiined for trans- 
 mission to any Common Gaol or House of Correction, 
 either for trial or in the execution of any sentence. 
 220. All bread sold or offered for sale within the AssUe of bread 
 City of whatever shape or form, shall be in loaves of 
 two pounds and four pounds weight respectively, and 
 all bread sold or offered for sale within the City of any 
 less weii^ht shall be seized and forfeited for the use of 
 the poor ; provided always that nothing in this section 
 contained shall prevent bakers or others from selling 
 or offering for sale biscuits, buns, rolls, crackers, muf- 
 fins or any other fancy cakes commonly made in the 
 trade and not intended to represent or pass as a loaf or 
 loaves of bread, and no person shall sell or offer for ''*■' '*^'^'"" 
 sale within the City bread made contrary to the 
 provisions of this By-law. 
 Rread not lo l)e 
 sold unless of pro- 
 M e ml) e rs of 
 ice Force anil 
 y Inspector 
 ■ ad 
 22 1. It shall be lawful for any member of the 
 Police r^orce, by the direction of the Mayor, Police ^9'^' 
 Maij^istrate or Chief of Police, or for the License '"^y'^^'^^l^-'V''^' 
 Inspector at any tune Irom six o clock in the morning 'jh-^'j^p';"^''i<-J'^> 
 until eleven o'clock at night {Sundays excepted) 
 to enter into any house, shop or place within 
 the City where bread is sold or offered for 
 sale, and to cause the bread found therein to 
 be weighed, and if such bread shall be found to be 
 of less weight than provided by the next preceding 
 section of this By-law, to seize and carry away the 
 same in order that it may be disposed of for the use 
 of the poor in such manner as shall be directed by the 
 Mayor, Police Magistrate or Chairman of the Hos- 
 pital and Relief Committee. 
 t in portuning 
 travellers on 
 2 2 2. No person shall in the streets or public places 
 Mreets. &c..proOf thc City importuHc others to travel in or employ 
 hiLited. ^j^y vessel or vehicle, or to go to any tavern or board- 
 Duties of In- 223. There shall be appointed an Inspector of 
 sp.ctor of Lie- Licenses for the City, whose duties shall be 
 TomtendLic- (i) To attend the License Committee whenever 
 ense Committee ^ ' ., .. Tl 1 
 when required, neccssary and whenever he is notined so to do. 
 Tr'e''a"ifurer"on (2) To advise generally from time to time with the 
 lo wroffice?'^^"' Treasurer on all matters incident to his said office. 
 I'o prepare das- 
 1 o pi 
 (3) To prepare classified lists of all persons re- 
 sons requi;ed''Vo quired to take out licenses, and use all diligence to 
 'and%ubmi't"hem supplement and perfect the same from time to time, 
 to Tr eaf. u re r 
 and submit the same monthly, or oftener if required, for 
 the examination of the Treasurer and of the License 
 Keep registry (4) To rcccive, aud keep a complete registry of, all 
 of applications. ... ri' r r (-i- 
 applications tor licenses or lor transfers of licenses to 
 be issued under the By-laws of the City. 
 To ascertain (c) fo asccrtain the truth of petitions accom- 
 t ruth of petitions, ^^ ' ... , , * 
 s:'^ panying such applications, and whether the sureties 
 tendered (where sureties are required) are solvent and 
 responsible persons. 
 To inspect pre- (6) To makc an inspection of the premises in 
 mises on which l*i 1 if i- r 
 trade, &c., (or wnicn any trade, callini^^ or business, for carrvinir on 
 which license isri'ii- • ... , ..''^ 
 quired is carri- 01 wnicli a liccnse IS requirecl, is to be carried on. 
 To keep parti- (7) ^0 kecp full particulars and, if required, a 
 terpartof license"; *^"P^'^^^^ '^'" Counterpart of every license issued, and 
 report'" o"f1hem^° ^^^^ ^ Tctum of such particulars or of such dupli- 
 10 the Treasurer, cate or countcrpart to the Treasurer. 
 ed on 
 (8) To make out all bonds, licenses and transfers 
 and to sign all licenses and transfers, the same having 
 been first taken to the Treasurer and returned with 
 his receipt thereon for the fees payable therefor. 
 (9) To ascertain from time to time and as often as n, ascertain if 
 1 lilil ill* persons licensed 
 may be necessary, whether the persons to whom h- comply with u>. 
 censes have been issued continue to comply with the '''''■ 
 provisions of the By-laws of the City, and wiiether the 
 premises licensed are maintained in the state required 
 by such By-laws, and are well and orderly kept. 
 (10) To visit at least four times in the year every lo visit aii,iarts 
 part of the City for the purpose of inspecting all l^^Vhe ^year'7or 
 houses and premises where intelligence offices, victual- PpJ^?,'i;;g, 4^. ' "' 
 ling houses, bowling alleys, billiard or bagatelle tables 
 or other houses or places required by the By-laws of 
 the City to be licensed, are kept, for the purpose of 
 ascertaining whether the same are licensed and whether 
 the provisions of such By-laws are being infringed or 
 (11) To prosecute all offences committed atjainst Jo prosecute 
 , ,. ' T> 1 r 1 /-■<• offences against 
 the license By-laws ot the City . liten^e ny-iaws. 
 (12) And generally to perform such other duties .to perform du- 
 • 1 1 • 1 1 • T-» 1 1 1 11 1 '"'* assigned by 
 as are assigned to him by this By-law, and as shall benyiaw or uc- 
 . 1 1 • 1 IT- r^ • ense Committee. 
 assigned to him by the License Committee. 
 224. The Inspector of Licenses shall give security inspector to 
 to the satisfaction of the License Committee for the 8'^*= '"'•""'y- 
 performance of the duties of his office. 
 225. The Inspector of Licenses may at any time inspector may 
 enter into any house or place licensed under the By-enwdfoTthepur' 
 laws of the City for the purpose of inspecting the K'g%n°d nouobe 
 same, and no person shall interrupt or molest the said doing" 
 Inspector in so doing or in the discharge of any other 
 duties imposed upon him by the By-laws of the City. 
 226. Every person requirincf a license for any of. P"sons desir- 
 , ^ f^ I'll- • -11 ing license to ap- 
 tiie purposes lor which a license is required to bep'y •" w"''"s 
 I IT 
 and to give sccu. taken out un er the provisions of the By-laws of the 
 "'*■ City shall make an application therefor in writing to 
 the Inspector of Licenses, and shall give security him- 
 self in the sum of two hundred dollars, and a surety, if 
 required by the Inspector, in the sum of one hundred 
 dollars, for the due observance of the By-laws of the 
 City relating to the premises in, or in connection with 
 which the trade, business or calling, in respect of which 
 such license is required to be issued, is carried on, and 
 relating to such trade, business or calling, or otherwise, 
 in respect thereof 
 227. Every license issued under the authority of 
 for the">ear cur- the By-hiws of the City shall, unless it is expressed to 
 issue and cTd on i3e granted for a shorter period, or unless the same 
 ruaryafie°i>>ue. shall be sooner forfeited, be for the year current at the 
 time of the issuing thereof, and shall expire o-i the 
 last day of February next succeeding the time of 
 such issue. 
 228. Every person to whom a license shall be 
 "*""" issued under the authority of the By-laws of the City 
 shall produce the same whenever it may be demanded 
 by the Inspector of Licenses, or l)y the Police Magis- 
 trate, or any Justice of the Peace, Member of the 
 Police Force, or other person duly authorized. 
 229. No license shall have any force or effect until 
 :aid'"'.'o the license fee payable in respi :t thereof shall have 
 been paid to tlie Treasurer, and his reccij^t therefor 
 written therein or endorsed thereon. 
 License to lie 
 License not to 
 l)e in force until 
 fee is pai 
 2XC. Every i^erson who is required by the By-laws 
 Persons re(|Uir- /■ 1 /-• » ^• r 1 11 
 ed to take .Hit ot Uie City io tfiKe out a license tor any purpose, shall 
 license to Kccn ■/ A i ' 
 up siKu will; hive and keep affixed in a conspicuous place to the 
 name inscribed . . i-ii ii- ii* r 
 thereon. prcmises m which the trade, busmess or calling for 
 the carrying of which a license is required to betaken 
 out, is carrl(^d on, or in which the thing in respect oi' 
 the keeping of which a license is required to be taken 
8 I 
 out Is contained, a sij^n, on wiiich shall l)c inscrihcd in 
 plain and Ict^Iblc characters the: name of such person. 
 231. No person shall keep within the City u vi.i,, aUiim 
 vlctuallinij^ house, ordinary, or house where fruit, oysters, i!c"n>oi' ''" "" 
 clams or victuals are sold to be eaten therein, or a place 
 for the reception, refreshment or entertaimt.cnt of th(; 
 public without ha\"Ini/ obtained a license so to do ; 
 ' -111 1 ' 1 • ■ 111 1 Scciioii nut i>> 
 i)rovided alwavs, that this section shall not ai)])lv to ^'cpiy f i<«i«'-s 
 cnis Hiiil boanl- 
 iiii;- liouso. 
 r J- • n s i f n t 
 tr.uliT I'ic., lu 
 keepers of licensed taverns or of boardIn_L;"-house5. 
 232. No transient trader or ether person who 
 occupies premises within the City for a temporary llj'Vi'- 
 period, and whose name has not Ijeen duly entered on 
 the Assessment Roll of the City in respect of income 
 or personal i)r()perty for the then current year, and who 
 may offer ^oods or merchantllse of an)" tlescrij)tIon h)r 
 sale by auction, conducted by himself or by a licensed 
 auctioneer 01 otherwise, shall carry on his trade or 
 business or offer o(> Is or merchandise for sale in man- 
 ner aforesaid withoi.L liavinj;" obtained a license so to do; 
 l)rovIded always, that this section shall not affect, appK' p^^,;,,, 
 to or restrict the sale of the stock of an insolv(,'ntI'^"","''"f •'''''?' 
 • State which Is belnsj' sold or d'.Mjosed of within the '''';'. -""'^- '" 
 City where the insolvent carried ^n business therewith 
 at the time of the Issue of a writ of attachment or liu- 
 execution of an assln-nment. 
 . 1 r e n -.I' >; t.-, 
 2^^^^. Evrvy license to a transient tradt r or , 
 person mentioned in the next precedliiL'' section sIkUI ;';\\\:'V';y/_;^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 continue in lorce for the number of d;>\s fc^r wlilch the j*""'' *:"."''•'''': 
 !Ic(;nse fee Is paiil, and no longer, aiul tlie period for 
 which such license is to continue Is to be stated therein. 
 234. No person shall sell or putiij) for sale by A.„.i..n..T. i.. 
 public auction _t;oods, wares, merchandise or effects, qi-i- '* "'-'^'i' 
 carry on th(; business or callinu;' of an aucti()ne<'r with- 
 in the City without havinL;- obtained a bcense so to do, 
 and ever\- such license shall contain the name of one 
 In cas<" 
 (nrtncoliip-ciK li 
 nienit)er t o 
 of.,,- person only, and in the case of firms or co-partner- 
 i.e ships each member or co-partner must procure a license 
 to enable such firm or co-partnershii) to sell by public 
 auction t^oods, wares, merchandise or effects, or to 
 carry on the business or calling- of auctioneers. 
 H-iwkers ,cu' -JO- ^^^ hawker or petty chapman or other person,io who carries on a petty trade within and has not be- 
 come a permanent resident ot the Lity. or who goes 
 from place to place or to other men's houses on foot 
 or with any animal bearing or drawing any g-oods. 
 wares or merchandize for sale, or in or with any boat, 
 vessel or other craft, or otherwise carrying goods, 
 wares or merchandize for sale, shall exercise such call- 
 ing within the City without having obtained a license 
 so to do. 
 Keeper, uf 236. No p( rsoii sliall. for hire or gain, directly or 
 tdieTai.k-s M K indirectK'. keep or have; in his possession or on his 
 jjremises within the City, any billiard or bagatelle tal)l(; 
 or keep or have; a billiard or bagatelle table 
 in a house or place of public entertainment or resort 
 within the City, whether such bagatelle table is used 
 or not, without having ol)tained a license so to do. 
 keeper! nfeVii ill' ^ j7 ' ^' ^ persou sliall hold or keej) any exhibition 
 '/'"":''"''"'"■. for hire or ijrofit. or keen a bowling allev. or other 
 proiil, howling i i «^ ^ 
 '!f?,V?,"'''ll'"''M^l'»ce of amusement, within the Citv, without havinij- 
 01 ii III 11 > V 111 t* 1 1 J * ^^ 
 .0 i.e i.cuM-c-a. obtaim-d a license so to do. 
 llc)iir> chiriii'.; 
 w hic li 1 1 iw 111 I.; 
 23S. Mvery 1)om ling alU'\\ billi.u'd room, or room 
 alleys, i.iiiiarri where a billiartl or bagatelle table is kept for hire or 
 rooms, ii;., are III . • 1 • 1 / '• 1 • 1 • • • 11 
 .« closed ill cer. gam, witlim th(; City, which is situate m, attached to, 
 tain cases. '- , . .•'.,, , • 1 1 • 
 or used in connection with, a house or plac*- ol public 
 t ,|, entertainment or resort, or a house or [Aacv. which is 
 ' " licensed or us(:d as a tavern, shall be closed .ukI kept 
 closed at and during th.' respective hours at and dur- 
 ing which taveins are recjuired b\- statute, or any By- 
 law ot tin: City, to be closetl or kc;))! clo.sed, excep 
 that the hour for closing^ on Saturdays shall be eleven 
 o'clock in the evening. 
 2^9. No person licensed under the provisions of Keepers of 
 this Hy-hiw or any By-law of the City to keep a bowl- atf,":" ^'^'=^;: 
 ing alley, billiard or bagatelle table, victualling house, d'iiorde'rTy'''per- 
 ordinary. or house where fruit, oysters, clams orrpenifheirpremu 
 victuals are sold to be eaten therein, or a place for the trArcam'ed'"n 
 reception, refreshment or entertainment of the public, "'"''■ 
 shall permit any drunken or disorderly person, or any 
 one who keeps or resides in a house of ill-fame or any 
 prostitute to resort to or frequent the premises kejjt 
 by him in n spect of which such license is granted; or 
 kecj) or suffer or permit to be kept in such premises 
 <iny faro bank, rouge et noir, roulette table or any other 
 device for gambling or gaming, or suffi^r or j)ermiL 
 tippling or gambling of any kind to be carried on 
 240. If any person who has taken out .1 license ucensemayhe 
 for any of the purposes mentioned in the next preced-f;}''^^4\^^>j,^,';'';^^^ 
 ing section is convicted oi a breach of the provisions [|'"'\'''^ ">* 
 of any By-law of the City n^gulating the trade or busi- 
 ness carried on by him under such license or the pre- 
 mises in which the same is carried on. or the mode of 
 carrvin*r on such trade o* business, or of the breach 
 of any Statute or By-law in force in the Municipality 
 relating to shop or taxern licenses, Wvj, license may, in 
 the discretion of the Police Magistrate or other con- 
 victing judge or justice, be absolutely forfeited. 
 241. No person shall givi.'. or assist in giving. Horson- givinsj 
 ]••.•„ i" t • • • 1* \ li i b i t ions iif 
 TiiMtion ot wax-work, menagerie, circus, riding «ax-«erk. &c., 
 or other such like sliows, usually exhibited by show-'"'"'"'^'"'"' 
 men, within the City, without having obtained a license 
 so to do. 
 242. Any finij im[)osed for an infraction of the mtM.' 'iiuy be^e^'i- 
 l)rovisions of the next preceding section of this By-mthtcXibltlon. 
 .•■A, .AT 
 law may he levied by tlistress aiul sale of the <;oods 
 and chattels of such showman, or helont^in-- to or used 
 in such exhibition, whether owned by such showman 
 i„,pnsonnK.mor not.and in default of i)ayment thereof the offender 
 ;;;;If"" '■•■•'•'>■ may be imorisoned in the Common (iaol oi the County 
 of 'Middlesex for any term not exceeding- one month. 
 Keepers of 243- No person shall set up or keep an intellioenct; 
 ':itriice,;:cM^ within the City, for the purpose of repsterin- 
 the names and residences of. and s^nving- information to. 
 or procurin,L;- servants for, employers in want of do- 
 mestics or laborers, and for re«;istering the names and 
 residences of. and .sj^iving information to. or procuring 
 employmtMit for domestics, servants and other laboi- 
 ers desirinij^ employment, without havini;- obtained a 
 license so to do. ,i.irin« 244. I^very pcrson licensed to keep an intelligenct: 
 "el'Je!V,,"rare office wlthln the City shall kcv\) his office open for 
 "'"^'■'""'""business between the; hours of nine o'clock in tlie 
 morning- and six o'clock in the evening. .Sundays and 
 holidays excepted. 
 r„,oks 10 i)u -45- I'^xery person licensed to k':ep an intelligence 
 oT^mumKTiice office shall keep a book in which sh.ill be entered at 
 i'rk's''i^^\ iTmaiie the time of application the name and residence of any 
 person who may ai)ply for employment, and the name 
 and residence of any pcM'son who may makt; applica- 
 tion to be suppli(;d with t)r femak- domestic ser- 
 vants or other laborers, and also all sums of money 
 which may be receiveil from any person for any such 
 services, and such book shall at all times be opi-n to 
 the inspection of the Inspector of Licenses, any mem- 
 ber of the Police b'orce by the direction of the Maycjr. 
 Police Magistrate or Chi(^f of Police, .uid of th(; mem 
 bers of the License Committee. 
 ?46, {"Aery person lieens(,;d to k(;ep an !ntel!igence 
)r used 
 stcri no- 
 ion to. 
 of do- 
 cs and 
 incd a 
 )C'n for 
 in the 
 vs and 
 :rL'd at 
 of any 
 ic ser- 
 en to 
 me of a[)[)li- iv-,-,t..i.ot:ik<.-i, 
 Iclli 'tfiicu olViccs. 
 office sliall !)(' entitled to receive at the ti 
 cation the followinL;- fees, and no more : — 
 I'^rom every male" applying- for |;hice or employ- 
 ment a sum not exceedini,^ thirty c(Mits. 
 I'Vom e-. ery female api)lyin_n" for ])l,ice or ('mijlox- 
 ment a sum not exceedinir twentv cents. 
 r^rom every person makinij;' applicaticjn for a male 
 tlomestic servant, or other Iai)or(r, a sum not e\cc;ed- 
 iiiL;- thirt\ cents. 
 iM'om every person makini;' application for a fc-male 
 domestic ser\ant or other l.ihorer, a sum not exceedinLT 
 twentv cents. 
 For which said sums a receipt shall be iij^iven at the kccipi 1.. i.e 
 time of application to the i)erson so ap[jlyin_L;", and '^'"'" "' '^'""' 
 in the event of no place or emjjloyment beinj^ obtained i-a.i t.. i...- re- 
 II ,- 1 ^ • .111 fiiiKleil in certain 
 i(;d for, or no domestic servant or other lal)orer<;.iscs. 
 bein_LC obtained as applied for, within one week from 
 the date of application, one-half the fees so paid shall 
 be refunded on the demand of the; person producing 
 the receipt. 
 J47. No j)erson licensed to keep an intellij^ence n.> urc^icr ,.1 
 ofhce shall directly or indirectly demand, take or re- t'^<-i>.''y deeper, 
 ceive any jj;-reater or (jther fees than those authorized ''••"<;- 
 by this By-law. 
 24S. The followin^i; shall be the license fees jniy- i.i.Lnsofco. 
 able under the provisions of this liy-law :-- 
 I'or a license- to a transient trader or other person iv.,,,.-^,,, ,r;„ur. 
 mentioned in section two hundred and thirt\-two,ten 
 dollars pi;r da\ . 
 b'or an auctioneer's license, forty cU^llars per annum. ..j^"^!' '"""""* "" 
 lor a license for an\' of thc^ purposes mentioned in iia»kcr>. petty 
 sectit)n two hundred and thirty-five, if the appli- ''''""""'' '■^'' 
 cant is not a j)erman(Mit reside nt of the City, ten 
 dollars per annum. 
 For a license for any of the purposes mentioned in sec- 
 tion two hundred and thirty-five, with a vehicle 
 drawn by any animal, or otherwise than on foot, 
 whether the applicant is or is not a permanent 
 resident of the City, ten dollars per annum. 
 For a license for any of ihe purposes mentioned in 
 section two hundred and thirty-five, if on foot and 
 the applicant be a permanent resident of the City, 
 two dollars per annum. 
 itowiiMR alleys. For keeping a bowling alley, forty dollars per annum.!ieiai,ies For kccping a bagatelle table, each, forty dollars per 
 Hiiiiani laMcs. For kccpittg a billiard table, other than a pool or 
 pocket table, for the first table, thirty dollars per 
 annum ; for the second table, twenty-five dollars 
 per annum ; and for every additional table beyond 
 two, twenty dollars per annum. 
 pockei For keeping a pool or pocket billiard table, each, forty 
 dollars per annum. 
 For the exhibition of a circus, one hundred dollars 
 per day. 
 Menagerie. For the exhibitlou of a menagerie, fifty dollars per day. 
 For the exhibition of waxwork or other exhibitions for 
 hire or profit, excepting circus riding or menagerie, 
 fifteen dollars per day. 
 refresh. For every fruit or refreshment stand or booth in con- 
 nection with any such exhibition, five dollars per 
 i.Iii's'"!-,'i'^''pT.biic For every theatre, music hall, or other public hall used 
 li'nces of%"iinc 'IS a place of amusement, eighty dollars per annum. 
 isemeiit. ti • • ii-i*^ t i 
 ,,. ror keeping a victuallmi; house, ordinary, or other 
 1 c t u a n 1 n g , 1 • I • • 1 1 , 
 house or place mentioned in section two hundred 
 and thirty-one, odierwise than in connection with an 
 exhibition, eight dollars per annum ; or two dollar^ 
 per day if by the day. 
 I'ool or 
 Waxwork or 
 other exhiljilions 
 rniit or 
 iiieiu stancis 
 houses, &c. 
 For keeping an intellii^ence office, one dollar per an- imtiiiRen.e 
 Provided always that no license fee shall be re- Pro^i'-o - no 
 nuired for holdinyf any exhibition or show other than a •^x''''^''''"'^ o«i'" 
 circus or menaeene in a theatre, music hall, or other !'»^",»Ke>ie heia 
 public hall used as a place, ol amusement which is'r«;. 't'. 
 licns^id by the year. 
 249. The sum or duty to be paid in respect of ivcsfonavem 
 every tavern license j^ranted within the city shall be '"""'"" 
 the sum of one hundred and ten dollars. 
 250. The sum or duty to be paid in resjject of . i-eesforuven, 
 1. 1 • I • 1 /•-•• 1 I liix'iises without 
 icense jj^ranted within the Lity where che tavtm accommo- 
 person to whom the same is granted is exempted from''"'""' 
 the necessity of having all the tavern accommodation 
 required by law shall be the sum of one hundred and 
 thirty dollars. 
 251. The sum or duty to l)e paid in re.'spect of . I'tes foi -hop 
 every shop license granted within the City shall be the 
 sum of one hundred and thirty dollars. 
 252. The Park Committee shall have the care and Park commit- 
 custody of X'ictoria Park and ail other public parks, oTpuMirpark;^ 
 squares and gardens within the Citv, or beloni'ini'- to d'"/" ''''''" '^"'' 
 the Corporation, : ubject to all such By-laws as may 
 from time to time be passed by the Council ; but no 
 moneys shall ))e expended thereon except such as 
 shall be appropriated by the Council for that purpose. 
 253. It shall be lawful for any police officer, con- i'oii..e onirers, 
 stable, caretaker, or other person duly authorized by from'"'i?e'' public 
 k « 
 I \ iU 
 a n (I i;a id e n > 
 (lninl<uii (ir liltliy 
 |icrM>ii>, I'vi , 
 tin; said Committee or hy tlic Mayor or any of the 
 Aldermen of the Cit\ . to exclude from tlie said Park or 
 any of th(* \m\)Uc \ydvk9,, s(juares or gardens within the 
 City, all ilriinken or filthy j)ersons, va^Ljnints. prosti- 
 tutes and notoriously had charact(.'rs. and to remove; 
 therelVom anv person who is violating* any 15y-la\v of 
 the Council or regulation for tlie care and maintenance 
 (>f the said I'.u'k or .in)- of the puhlic parks, scjuares 
 or Liardens within tht; Citv, or is committinLT a nuisance, 
 or IS n' 
 uiltv of an\ disorderlv conduct therein. 
 I liKiiu or ri.'- 
 i II g c I ".c wlurr 
 than on rDaiUsei 
 apart as carriage 
 drives or al an 
 imniiulfialf rati- 
 (i r a ss a n il 
 kwaril not to he 
 walked on esi upl 
 where pcrniis-,ion 
 is jiiven. 
 lireakinnor in- 
 juriiii; fences, &i . 
 Cliinhiii'.; or re 
 nioviny trees. &i 
 Horses, mull •-,^k, 
 254. No person shall dri\-e or ride any horse or 
 other animal, or any carria<^"e ov oth(;r vehicle, in. ujjon 
 or through the said Park or any of the public parks, 
 stjuares or t^ardens within the City, elsewhere than on 
 the roads S(,'t apart as carriage drives, or at an immod- 
 erate rate, or so as to int(,'rfere with or end;uiL;('r other 
 persons frequenting' the- same. 
 255. No person .shall walk on the ^rass and sward 
 of the said I'ark or any of the public ]nirks, s([uares 
 or i^ardens within the Cil\-, unless where permission is 
 i(iven to do so i)y or und<'r the authority of the said 
 256. No |)(M*son sliall break or injure; any of the 
 oates, locks, bolts or fencs of, or any of the seats 
 or benches for the accommodation of th(i j)ublic, or 
 any other City propertx' c(;ntained in th(; said Park or 
 in any of the public ])arks. s(|uares or i^.uxhtns within 
 the City. 
 2^}. No pers(jn shall climb, break, peel, cut. deface, 
 injure or destroy, or without the permission of the saitl 
 Committee, remove any of the treses or shrubs, (lowers, 
 roots or j^rass ^rowinL;- or beiiiL; in the said l^u'k or 
 in any of the public parks, s(]uar(s or L;';u'dens within 
 the City. 
 25S. No person beini;- the owner or kcteper, or hav- 
-iny of the 
 '•'litl Park or 
 ^ witliin the- 
 lUs, prosii- 
 to i-(,'ni()\c 
 V I')\-la\v of 
 ■I<s, s()iiares 
 a nuisance. 
 ly ]iors(; or 
 I'', in, upon 
 'l>lic parks. 
 'I'c than on 
 an iniiiuxl- 
 in^Li'cr otiicr 
 and swarti 
 ks, stjuares 
 amission is 
 of the said 
 an\- of the 
 the seats 
 inihh'c. or 
 id Park or 
 ■ns within 
 lit, deface, 
 ^f the said 
 '>^. (lowers, 
 d I'ark or 
 ns within 
 r, or ha\-- 
 wvj; the care, custody or control of any horse, nuile. ass., mil. .wint- „r 
 n^oat. doii;. cattle, swincj or j^eese, shall sullcr or permit i..n;c in or cnu-. 
 the same to tji'o at lar^e in or to enter the saitl l^u'k or '!|'!uirc'-.''ai,nar' 
 any of the public parks, scpiares or j^ardens within tlie""" 
 City, or to do any damage therein or thereto. 
 259. No person shall play at foot-ball, or thnnv I'layi.u c^mi-^ 
 stones, or play at any i^ames within the said Park '""""''''' 
 or any of the public parks, scpiares or Ljardens within 
 the City, without the permission of the Council. 
 260. The Market House now established and ( .voiucrm!..-, 
 known as the Covent (iarden Market, situate between iuurM'^IrklViw 
 Dundas Street and Kinj; Street, and Richmond Street '""'"""'■ 
 and Talbot Street, and the Market Place adioinin^' 
 thereto, shall continue to be the Market Mouse and 
 Market Place of the City. 
 261. ICvery day in the year except Sunday. Christ- .»::irk<;niay.. 
 mas Day and (iood Friday shall be a market day. 
 262. The Market House shall be opened eyery H.ur.ofopcn- 
 '.norninj^- (Sunday, Christmas Day and Good Friday MTirkci irm^'.'"' 
 e.Kcepted) by the Clerk of the Market, at fiye o'clock 
 between the first day of May ami the first day of No- 
 yember, and at .seyen o'clock during the rest of the 
 year; and be shut at two o'clock eyery afternoon all 
 the year round. (;xce|)t Saturday, when the market 
 shall be kept oi)en till ten o'clock in the t:y(.nin;.^". 
 2()}. The Clerk of the A^arket shall kvx'.[> the cvrk t.. ueei. 
 Market House and i^rounds ck^an ; and fires shall k^.', cL„. ''""'''' 
 l)e kept in the sto\es in the basement stor\' of the vw^. in k^v- 
 arket House at the expense ot the lessee ot,i,„y. 
 the basement story, as the same may be re(]uired. but 
 in the up[)er story the butchers shall i)royide their 
 own tuel. 
 H,:cV'.*rsand 264. Tlic luickstcrs' stulls, and all other stalls, oir 
 ''t.iiow:,r:n wheels or otherwise on the Market Grounds shall be 
 "•"'^'""""'^ removed, and stalls shall not in future be allowed 
 immo.ierate 265. No person shall drive any vehicle, horse or 
 llH"'iMaU^''o; other animal over the Market Place or Square or any 
 s.,"are. portion thereof at a faster rate than a walk, and it shall 
 wau.on.. &, . be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to prevent 
 Frl'VnoMh".,!;! wa«rLrons or other vehicles from remainin.c^ in front of 
 fMarkuHu.scji^^: 'j^Qj.^]^ cttd of the Market House, adjacent to the 
 platform or sidewalk. 
 Mule, ufr.i ^^^' ^*^ person shall brinor into or leave in or 
 ^^■•'{°'«;'j|;^^; about the Market House or ]\larket Place or Square 
 iirMarUti'Ue. jiny hJdcs, offal, Or any refuse, or animal or vegetable 
 matter that may occasion nuisance ; and no butcher or 
 DoKsnoiioLeother person shall keep any doii in or about the Mar- 
 kept in Market I ^ t 1 i~.i "7- 
 House, &c. ket House or Market Place or Square. 
 267. No person shall brini:^ to or expose for sale 
 Sewin? and de- ' r •"> 1 
 Mroyinc tainted^', thin fji^i Citv anv tamtcd or unwholesome meat,. 
 or unwholesome , ■> •' . r r i I'liti 
 poultry, nsh, or other articles of food ; and it shall be 
 the duty of the Inspector of the Market, or other 
 officer appointed by the Council, to inspect all meat, 
 poultry, fish and other articles of food brouL^hl to or 
 exposed for sale within the City, and if any such arti- 
 cles be found tainted or unwholesome to seize and 
 destroy the same. 
 AVai;Kons .-»nd -^^ • ^^Y persott bringluj^ into the Public Market 
 ^'hj7h'\^ny,"ing anything for sale in any waggon or other vehicle, shall 
 pia'!^ed'"i)y ' Vh'e phice his waggon or other vehicle in such place and 
 Clerk of the Ma>.Qj.^^|^j. ^^ j.|^g Q^^|^ ^f ^j^^ Market shall direct; and in 
 In ca'eof dis-case of refusal so to do the Clerk of the Market may 
 obedience Clerk r • li* • 1 • • r 
 may enforce re- entorce its removal; but in carrying outthe provisions ot 
 "no preference this scction no preference whatever shall be given by 
 .oLeafiowed. ^^^ Q^^^^ ^f ^|^g Market. 
 269. Upon any sale and delivery of potatoes within saie of potatoes 
 the City by the baii^, the bag shall be taken and in- ''^ '*"■'""'■ 
 tended to mean ninety pounds weight. 
 270. Every person selling within the City butchers' iiKi.t weiKi.t, 
 meat or other articles by weight, count or measure- '1,0" '^'e' 
 ment, shall provide himself with scales and weights 
 and measures according to the lawful standard, and no 
 jjcrson shall sell by less weight or measure than such 
 standard ; and light weight or short count, or short 
 measurement in anything marketed, is hereby pro- 
 271. All fish exposed for sale in the Market I'la.e for .«ii. 
 I'lace or Square, in waggons, sleighs or other vehicles, '""^ "''' 
 or in any other manner, shall be so exposed for sale 
 on the west side of the structure erected for a Fish 
 All hay, straw or fodder, brought to the City, weighi..« of 
 and exposed for sale therein, shall be brought to the lien ""''^"''^^'''' 
 hay scales and weighed, and the person bringing the 
 same shall place his waggon or vehicle in such place and 
 order as the Clerk of the Market shall direct. 
 273. No person shall sell meat in the Market .s.^le^ of meat 
 I lace or Square m less quantity than by the quarter, ihani.y the. luar- 
 l)ut this section shall not apply to sales in the Market'"' 
 274. No person shall sell or expose for sale any ,. ^ . 
 1 1 > • 1 • 1 r^- 1 T^ 1 I- l'Uti;hcrs meat 
 butchers meat withm the City, except at the r ublic '" ", "^ be soia 
 HT 1 • 1 • 1 r 11 • I- • 1 • within certain li- 
 Market, withm the lollowmg Jmiits, that is to say : — '""'•• 
 Bounded on the east by Richmond Street, on the 
 south by King Street, on the west by Talbot Street, 
 and on the north by Dundas Street, or upon the sides 
 of the said several streets opposite to the said limits. 
 275. No person shall sell or expose for sale any saie of goods. 
 goods or chattels by auction on any part of the market auction!""'' ^^ 
 ■ SO 
 til tm 
 11-25 i 1.4 
 % ^ > 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) •73-4503 
 Ohstnicting t 
 grounds except ooods seized under a distress warrant 
 for rent or taxes or otherwise, the sale of which shall 
 take place at the southwest corner of the Market 
 Place or Square ; and all sales which take place 
 in the Public Market by auction, shall be under 
 the supervision of the Market Clerk, who shall be 
 entitled to a rental from the person selling- for the 
 space occupied at the same rates as are by this By- 
 law al;:. >,'( d for a double watJGfon. 
 2/6. 1 1 shall not be lawful for persons to assemble 
 or conofre'- ite toijether on the sidewalks in the Market 
 Place or ^!>qiiare so as to prevent or obstruct the citi- 
 zens from passing or re-passing ; or for any person to 
 (!ami)iing.&c., play at cards, or with dice, or any game of hazard or 
 ors.iuare! "'"' chattcc wlth cards, dice or otherwise, or to sell or 
 offer for sale by lots, cards, tickets, or any mode of 
 chance whatsoever, any goods, chattels or other things 
 in the Market House, Place or Square. 
 Steam engines, 2 7/. No person shall set-up, exhibit or offer for 
 onM^rket^piace sale Itt the Markct Place or Square any steam engine, 
 or Square. bollcr, or Other machine propelled by steam, which 
 shall be actually running by means of steam-power, 
 and no person shall cause steam to be made or gene- 
 rated in any such boiler or otherwise in the Market 
 Place or Square. 
 2/8. No person shall within the City buy or 
 bargain for any market grains, meat, hsh, fruit, 
 roots, vegetables, poultry or dairy products, eggs, or 
 other articles required for family use, and such as are 
 usually sold in the market, by the wa)- as they come to 
 the market to be sold, before they are brought there, 
 (for the purpose of re-selling the same); and no per- 
 son shall, within the City, sell any of the said articles 
 by the way as they come to the markct to be sold, 
 before they are brought there, to any person purchas- 
 ing the same for the purpose of re-selling them. 
 Forstalling mar- 
 ket grains, &c., 
 , ketcil. 
 279. No person shall expose for sale any grain, crain.&cnoi 
 butchers' meat, fresh fish, hay, straw, fodder, lumber, wheie "than^'ai 
 shingles, or farm produce of any description, within unie's'Terare 
 the City, at any place but the Public Market, or without "''"''■ 
 liaving first paid the Market Fees thereon hereinafter 
 mentioned ; provided always, that nothing herein con- 
 tained shall prevent the sale of butchers' meat at 
 shops outside the limits mentioned in section two 
 hundred and seventy-four, or the sale of the other 
 articles or things mentioned in this section by any 
 person in the ordinary course of his business, at any 
 shop or place of business occupied by him. 
 280. All vehicles, vessels, and other things in which Fees „n vohi- 
 uiy thing is exposed for sale or marketed within theanylhiMg'ir'''''' 
 City, shall be liable to the following fees as a duty 
 thereon, which shall in all cases be paid by the 
 person in charge or possession thereof to the Clerk 
 of the Market before anything contained therein is 
 offered for sale or marketed, viz. : 
 h"or a double wagran or other double vehicle . . 10 cents 
 For a sinirle wao<ron or other sins/le vehicle ... s cents 
 Vor a wheelbarrow 5 cents 
 i^'or a receptacle carried by hand 2 cents 
 Which fees the Clerk of the Market is hereby author- 
 ized to demand and receive from the person aforesaid. 
 2S1. 'i'he Clerk of the Market shall ij^ive to every ,., , , 
 o J K. lerU lo gut' 
 nerson bringing anv article to the market for ''' ''f . "" '''^>- 
 1 o o » _ _ luciit ot lues. 
 sale, upon the proper fees being paid, a ticket 
 marked with the day of the month and the name of 
 the Clerk, and the amount paid, which ticket the 
 holder thereof shall show to every person purchasing 
 from him, when re([uired so to do. 
 i I" 
 2S2. Xo person shall buy or sell animals exposed Keesforsai.-.f 
 for sale <n- marketed in the open air within the City, '''""'•''"""''""'-• 
 Sale or pur- witHout havingf first paid to the Clerk of the Market 
 chase of them , . , • /• ^' j 
 prohibited unless the lees hereinaitcr mentioned : 
 fees are paid. 
 For every horse 25 cents 
 For every head ot" cattle 10 cents 
 For every sheep 2 cents 
 F'or every hog 2 cents 
 Market fees not 283. No Market Fees shall be payable in respect 
 of wrIainThi'ngs of articlcs, attimals or other things sold, or exposed 
 at free fail. ^^^ ^^j^^ ^^ ^j^^ |-^jj. gj-Qunds duHng thc holdlng of 
 free fairs ; nor shall any matter or thing in this By- 
 law be construed to entitle the Market Clerk to fees 
 on any articles, animals or other things passing through 
 the City to the fair ground, or from the fair ground 
 out of the City, but no auction sale, except of animals 
 or implements of industry, ishall be permitted on the 
 284. The Market Fees, except the fees for weigh- 
 except 'fees 7oi- ing, shall be sold, and the person purchasing the same, to be ^j^^jj ^^ ^j_^^ Clerk of the Market, and shall give 
 Purchaser to be security to the Corporation for the payment of the 
 Clerk of the Mar- , -^ . ^ , . ^ ■' ■, , 
 ket and to give purchase money, m such proportions and at such 
 periods, and for the general performance of the duties 
 of his office, as the Council from time to time pre- 
 vious to the sale thereof shall by resolution direct ; 
 if.guiityofin-and if any such Clerk shall commit a breach of any 
 \mJ° foifeitof the provisions of this By-law, or misbehave himself 
 maybcrc-okr'in hls office, hc shall not only be liable to be fined for 
 such offence, but on conviction thereof shall also for- 
 feit his said office, and the Corporation may thereafter 
 re-sell the said Market Fees for the remainder of the 
 Obstructions 285. No pcrsOH I'euting or using a stall in the 
 in° front VsuiMs basement story of the Market House, shall place any 
 ill casement, obstruction Itt the front thereof which shall prevent 
 the light from coming to the tables in the centre of the 
 basement storv. 
 286. The Butchers' Stalls shall be leased by the nutchervstaiis 
 . .-, , •{ ,1 to be leased from 
 year, from the First day of September until the ist September t., 
 Thirty-first day of August following, both days inclu- ^"' 
 sive (the present lessees having the preference), and 
 thereafter yearly, or on such other terms as the Cor- 
 poration may see fit. 
 287. The stalls in the upper part of Covent Garden Remsof staiu 
 Market shall, except when otherwise provided, be '" ^*^'''^' """'" 
 leased, the rent to be paid monthly in advance, 
 as follows: — Stalls Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, 
 Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen, at 
 Eight Dollars per month, each; Stalls Four .and 
 Fifteen at Six Dollars per month, each ; Stalls One 
 Two, Three, Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen at 
 Four Dollars per month, each ; payable to the City 
 288. The stalls, in the F'ish Market shall, except 
 when otherwise provided, be leased as follows : — in \nlh Market' 
 Numbers One and Two at Four Dollars per month ; 
 numbers Three and Four at Two Dollars per month ; 
 numbers F"ive and Six at One Dollar per month ; 
 payable in advance to the City Treasurer. 
 289. The lease of a Market Stall may be in the 
 followinof form : — 
 " This is to certify that the Corporation of the ^f 
 City of London has leased to A. B. Market Stall 
 No. in the Covent Garden Market, for the 
 term of from the day of A.D. 18 — -, at 
 the monthly rent of , payable monthly in 
 advance, determinable at the will of the Corpora- 
 tion. This lease is subject to the Market By- 
 law and any other By-law that may be passed by 
 the Council for the regulation of the Market. 
 Dated this day of A.D. 18—." 
 290. The lessee of every Market Stall shall. 
 of lel■^e 
 ■\inn ri.<|iiirfil 
 l)e simied by 
 if nuirkut 
 . 96 
 before enteriiiLC into possesnion thereof, execute an 
 agreement in the following form : — 
 " This is to certify that I have this day leased 
 from the Corporation of the City of London 
 [Market vStall number in the Covent Garden 
 Market, for the term of from the day of 
 A.D. 18 — , at the monthly rent of pay- 
 able monthly in advance, determinable at the 
 will of the Corporation ; and my lease is subject 
 to the Market By-law and any other By-law that 
 may be passed by the Council foi" the regulation 
 of the iMarket. 
 Dated this day of A.D. 18— ." 
 291. The lessee of a Market Stall shall not sub-l(^t 
 it or assign his lease without the consent, in writing, 
 of the Corporation, or allow an)- person to occupy his 
 stall under the pretence of taking care of it ; and every 
 , '" cf>«^ "fsuch act shall at the oi)tion of the Corporation be a 
 Kcforfcitcii. forfeiture of the lease, iuid ot the interest of the lessee 
 therein and of his right to the stall. 
 292. The lessee of a Market Stall shall at all 
 I.t.-.>te of stall . , . . , . , . 
 to ktep it dcantmies kecp It m a clean and sweet state to the satis- 
 faction of the Market Committee. 
 I.fs^c'i; not to 
 stib-lfl Ills Mall. 
 ami ~weft. 
 293. If the lessee of a [Market Stall neglects to 
 iTst'anltntmayP'^y ^^^^ ^^^^ thcrcfor, lils lease of the stall may at the 
 option of the Corporation be forfeited and the stall 
 Ill ca-^e of iion- 
 l.u IV let. 
 ■ iitLlieis meat 
 be sold. 
 294. Butchers' meat distrained tor arrears of rent 
 of a Market Stall may be sold, unless such arrears are 
 sooner paid, after s"y hours notice has been given by 
 posting in three conspicuous places in the Market 
 House printed or written notices specifying the meat 
 to be sold, the cause (jf seizure. ;ui(,l the time and place 
 of sale. 
 2Q'>- There shall be ap.pointed a Weicfh Clerk, weigh cicrk 
 , , '1111 to be appointed. 
 whose duty it shall be : Duties of. 
 ( 1 ) To attend at the Weiehnigf House on every (O to attend 
 I'lr 11 r ' 1/-^ weighing house 
 market day trom the hour ot opening the Covent every market day 
 Cirden Market until the hour of five o'clock in the 
 (2) To weigh zAl articles or things brought to the (2)10 weigh 
 Weighing House to be weighed, on payment of the To'ije weiS^*" 
 fees therefor. 
 (i) To keep a book, to be furnished to him for that (3) to keep an 
 1 1 T\/r 1 V^ • • 1-1 I 11 1 account of all 
 purpose by the Market Committee, in which shall be t''''>e>^ weighed. 
 entered and kept an account of all articles or things 
 weighed, the owner's name, the weight of the article 
 or thing weighed, showing gross and net, and number 
 when practicable, and such other particulars as the 
 Market Committee siiall from time to time direct. 
 (4) To give to each person for whom any articL ticket^tC e^ach 
 or thing is weighed a ticket containing all the particu- PrtTdeis°weTgted 
 lars which are required to be entered in the said book. 
 (5) To receive all fees for weighing and to pay fees for we^gh^n^ 
 ,1 ^ tl 'r* '1-1 and pay them to 
 tlie same over to the 1 reasurer once in each week. the treasurer 
 (6) To furnish to the City Clerk in the month of (6) xn furnish 
 J^ ' . , ^ r ^ annual statement 
 anuary in each year a statement ot the afjeregate to city cierk oj 
 . •; r 1 •' 1 11 • 1 quantities of 
 (luantities of white wheat, red wheat, sprinsf wheat, white wheat &c., 
 / , 1 • 1 1 1 1 , sold on the Mar- 
 barley, oats, peas, corn, hides, keg butter, dressed ket during the 
 hogs, live hogs, and wool, sold in the market, and to 
 take all practicable means for making such statement 
 as accurate as possible. 
 296. The Weigh Clerk shall be responsible for and (jie^ktobe re- 
 make good any loss or injury occasioned by his mis- ^p°;;£^{"g^'|,'y''^^^ 
 297. The following fees shall be paid for weighing : .Fees for weigh- 
 I'^or every one hundred pounds or fractional part of a 
 hundred pounds, on the small scales, one cent. 
 For every one hundred pounds to one thousand 
 pounds of coal, on(; cent. 
 For every load of coal over one thousands pounds, ten 
 All articles weighed on the weighing machine, weight 
 of vehicle deducted, for every one hundred pounds, 
 or the fractional part thereof, one cent. 
 Calves under ^qS. No pcrson sliall Sell or offer for sale within 
 nm7obr<ioid°f!)rt^"'^ ^'^7' ^^^ ^'"^^ ]nirpose of the same being used as 
 food ''"'^''°"' "'^foocl. any calf or the meat of any calf which shall have 
 been less than three weeks old at the time it was killed. 
 299. Notwithstanding the provisions contained 
 in^^P°ovi's'io'nTofin scctiott two hundred and seventy-five of this 
 tfone°ersmay""en By-law, any articlo or thing may be sold on 
 Grounds, subject the market grounds by a duly licensed auction- 
 lations!'"" '^°"'eer, on payment of the fees provided <br by the 
 said Section ; but no such sale shall take place without 
 the consent of the Clerk of the Market until after the 
 hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, or when the sale 
 would interfere with the ordinary business of the mar- 
 ket, and all such sales shall be under the super- 
 vision of the Clerk of the Market and shall take 
 place in such part of the market grounds as may be 
 set apart for that purpose by the Market Committee. 
 Free Market or 
 Fair established. 
 Time and place 
 of holding. 
 300. A public Free Market or Fair 's hereby 
 established in and for the City. 
 301. Such Free Market or I'air shall be held at 
 such time and place as the Mayor may from time to 
 time, under the authority of the Council, by public 
 proclamation, to be issued at least twenty days before 
 the day for holding tht; same, appoint. 
 302. Tlie Free Market or Fair shall be held for purposes for 
 the purpose of exhibiting, buying and selling all kinds'"" 
 of agricultural live stock, fruit, grain, meal, flour, and 
 other agricultural produce, all agricultural machines 
 and machinery, and all articles of home manufacture. 
 303. No fee shall be charged or demanded for NofeepayaUe. 
 exhibiting, buying or -selling any such stock or other 
 articles in the said Free Market or Fair. 
 -104. Persons exhibiting or selling at the Free nowstockand 
 n»i 1^' 111 1-1 11 articles to be ar- 
 Markct or rair shall arrange their stock and other ranged, 
 articles in such manner, order and place as the person 
 appoint^xl by the Council for that purpose shall direct. 
 -los. If any person shall disobey the direction G;iven Disobedience of 
 , , "^ ^ 1 . ■'1 ,. directions as to 
 by such person, or be riotous, quarrelsome, or disor- arran^mg stock 
 derly, he shall be disentitled, and shall not be allowed 
 to exhibit or sell in the Free Market or F'air. 
 306. In any of the cases mentioned in the next stock or ani- 
 *■ T ^' ...1 • ^ J r 'J c'es °f persons 
 preceding section, the person appointed as atoresaid offending maybe 
 may remove the stock or other articles of the person'^'""'"' 
 offending from the Free Market or T^air Grounds, and 
 to such reasonable distance therefrom as he may think 
 307. The person so appointed as aforesaid may D-ingerous or 
 also remove from the Free Market or F'air Grounds Cure§'orprote«' 
 1 1 i 1 .1 X • 1 1 • 1 1 ed stock or other 
 all Stock or other articles which are dangerous, or articles may be 
 h" 1 • 1 • • • , 1 1 removed, 
 ich in his opinion are not properly secured or pro- 
 308. The person so appointed as aforesaid shall ^Person in 
 1 1 1 1 II- • r ^ TV/ri charge to be un- 
 be under the control and direction ot the Market J" ';°"if"'°f«l'e 
 , . Market Lommit- 
 Committee. 'ee. 
 309. The Market Committee shall have power to Market com- 
 r 11 1 1 . • r . 1 A. mittee may make 
 frame such rules and regulations lor the management mies for govern- 
 and government of the Free Market or Fair, and of Market°andiair! 
 11 persons frequenting the same, as the said Com- 
 mittec shall think fit, and as arc not inconsistent witli 
 • law or the provisions of this By-law . 
 When rules to -^iq. Such Tulcs and rcefulations shall not take 
 £0 into enect. >J '^ . 
 effect until the same have been laid before the Coun- 
 cil, and shall go into effect as submitted by the Com- 
 mittee, unless altered by the Council, and if altered by 
 the Council shall go into effect as so altered. 
 cordwood in- 3 1 1. In thc construction of the sections of this 
 of vood" for fuel! By-law relating to the Wood Market, the word 
 " cordwood " shall include all kinds of wood for fuel. 
 Wood Market 
 312. The Wood Market now established, being that 
 part of Wellington Street which lies between Dufferin 
 Avenue and Great Market Street not enclosed with 
 Victoria Park, shall continue to be the Wood Market 
 of the City. 
 j^jWerk of Wood 313. There shall be appointed an officer to take 
 pointed. charge of the Wood Market, who shall be called the 
 Clerk of the Wood Market, and who shall before 
 To give secu-enterincf on the duties of his office s^ive a bond for the 
 rity. " ' , V . 
 due performance of such duties, himself in two hun- 
 dred dollars and two sufficient sureties in one hundred 
 dollars each. 
 Clerk of wooii SM- Thc Clcrk of the Wood Market .shall not 
 Jirchase"cord° purchase cordwood which sh ill be brought to the City 
 hiro;ruse."^''for sale, except such :.s shall be required for the 
 consumption of himself or his family' and not to be 
 resold . 
 Cordwood not 315- No pcrson .shall scll or cxposc for sale cord- 
 atWo?dM3!wood within the City at any place but the Wood 
 anT'measuS Market, Or until the same shal' have been inspected 
 and measured, and the fees prescribed by this By-hiw-;""i f'^•^^ f""'. 
 have been paid thereon ; but nothintj herein contained '" app'y "j •<=«?■ 
 i , 1 r 11 efs of wood-yards 
 shall prevent the owner or keeper of a wood-yard, 
 who shall pay the fees prescribed by section three hun- 
 dred and eif^hteen of this By-law, from selling cord- 
 wood at and delivering it from his wood-yard. 
 316. No person shall within the City buy or bargain Korcstaiiing 
 for cordwood by the way as it comes to the Wood '''"''"'""''• 
 Market to be sold before it is brough'j there for the 
 purpose of re-selling the same, and no person shall 
 within the City sell cordwood by the way as it comes 
 to the Wood Market to be sold before it is brought 
 317. No huckster or runner shall bargain for orcordwoo"d''b°y 
 purchase cordwood brought to the City for sale before ners.' """ '""* 
 three o'clock in the afternoon, except such as shall be 
 intended for consumption by himself or his family, and 
 not to be re-sold. 
 318. All cordwood sold by the owner or keeper, cordwood soid 
 • nv owners or 
 of a wood-yard within the City, at any place other keepers of wood, 
 than the Wood Market, shall be measured and in-sured and in- 
 spected by the Clerk of the Wood Market, and it 
 shall be the duty of the seller thereof to cause it to be 
 so measured and inspected before it is delivered to the 
 purchaser, and to pay to the said Clerk a fee of five presto be paid.' 
 cents per cord for every cord, or fraction of a cord, 
 which shall be so measured by him where the quantity 
 is ten cords or under, and three cents for each addi- 
 tional cord, or fraction of a cord. 
 V9- No person usin"- the Wood Market shall centreofthe 
 111 1 ri 1-1 11 street or side- 
 block up the centre of the street or the sidewalks walks in wood 
 1 ' 1 . 1 r 1 c/1 Marl<et not to be 
 therein, but a space in the centre ot the street sum- wocUed up. 
 cient for teams to pass each other shall be left clear, 
 and the sidewalks shall not be encumbered in any 
 Persons in ^20. Pcrsoiis ill cli;irL,^e c)f liorscs, vvajL^^^oiis Of othcT 
 *c:iKH"toi;;"; vehicles, in the Wood Market, shall not leave their 
 o^'as^lemi.!;*;;;: horses, waggons or other vehicles, or assemble together 
 wa£&J! ''''"on the sidewalks, or wantonly snap their whips, or 
 make a noise, or make use of obscene or blasphemous 
 language, or annoy or insult persons passing on tlu; 
 sidewalks or through the market. 
 321. Every person bringing cordwood to the Wood 
 Market for sale shall place his waggon or other vehicle 
 in such place and order as the Clerk of the Wood 
 Market shall direct, and in case of refusal so to do 
 the Clerk may enforce its removal, but in carrying out 
 the provisions of this section no preference whatever 
 shall be given by the Clerk, and no person shall 
 depart fron?piace depart froHi tile place assigned to liim before he has 
 disposed of his cordwood, unless to leave the Wood 
 Waggons to be 
 placed as direct- 
 ed by Clerk. 
 to e 
 Hovcordwcod 322. All cordwood sold, or offered or exj)Osed for 
 of "whar each sale, wlthiu the City, shall be classed as follows, that is 
 class is to consist. , (iT^'».1 ''~ ' ^' C 1 1 ill 
 to say: ' rirst class consisting ot sound merchantable 
 beech, hard maple, ironwood, hickory and black birch; 
 "Second class" consistin<r of sound merchantable rock 
 elm, white ash and soft maple ; " Third class" consisting 
 of sound merchantable bassvvood, swamp elm, red oak 
 and black ash; "Fourth class" consisting of pine; "iMfth 
 class," all refuse wood, consisting of hemlock, cedar and 
 other woods not enumerated, with l)ranches and chips. 
 Cord oi cord- r> 2 ^ A cord of cordwood shall consist of and con- 
 wood to contain • ^ 11 1 -i ^ • r r 1 
 128 cubiic feet, tain onc hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet of wood. 
 Size and form 
 of wood-rack to 
 Le used. 
 324. The rack or box of every vehicle wherein 
 cordwood is exposed for sale or marketed within the 
 City, shall be of uniform size from top to bottom, that is 
 to say: the bottom or floor of such rack or box shall be 
 loose and the sides thereof perpendicular and parallel 
 .mi i lilli-W ga 
 to each otlu:r, ami 110 person shall within the City 
 make use of any other description of rack or box. 
 The Clerk of the Wood Market shall, when 
 (Icrl;, «lien re- 
 r(;(|Hired so to do hy the purchaser of cordwood ex- ir^vond "soiii 
 posed for sale or sold or delivered within the City, see t'^'kic'ihi'i Ik'mc 
 that the same is properly packed or piled, and ifcVaiTrXf''''' 
 necessary he shall cause the seller to re-[)ack r re-pile 
 the same, and if he refuses to do so, shall hinv elf re- 
 pack or re-pile the same, and he shall be entitled to thercpu-unga 
 followinL,'" fees, to be paid by the seller, f . so doing- ■,'"''^' 
 ■.ion for 
 and re- 
 Vov re-packini^ or re-pillnij^ ten cords and iin-i r, ten Fees the cfor. 
 cents per cord ; and eight cents for each additional 
 cord ; and every fractional part of a cord shall be 
 ])aid for as a full cord. 
 326. No crooked wood shall be packed or piled crookc.i «,„ 
 with cordwood, but the same shall be packed or piled witinTorciwojii!'' 
 separately, the Clerk makin^;- an allowance for surh 
 crooked wood. 
 327. The Clerk of the Wood Market shall upon ciork 01 pay- 
 * r 1 • r 1 1 • • r 1 ment of fees to 
 payment ol his lees deliver to every person tor whom inspectcordwomi 
 ii,. . ,1 • r J ' ""J g'^c ccrtifi- 
 he shall measure or inspect cortlwood a certiricate incite, 
 writinij;', statinc,^ the number of feet measured or in- 
 spected, the dat(; of measurement or inspection and 
 the class to which such cordwood belongs, and where 
 such cordwood is contained in a wai^oon or other And mark par- 
 I'll in 11 • 1 ,• 1 U '"^"'ars on was- 
 vehicle he shall mark the said particulars on such gon or vehicle. 
 ,., ,, 1111 1 •! ''"'' e.iter certain 
 waggon or vehicle and he shall also enter the said par- particuiais in ^ 
 ticulars together with the names of the respective 
 owners or vendors of such cordwood in a book to be 
 kept by him for that purpose. 
 ^ersons in 
 328. Every person in charge of cordwood exposed P(.._^ 
 for sale within the City shall when required so to do wJlIdVproduce 
 h'l • ^ 1 . rr • ^ certificate and de- 
 ibit to any person purchasing^ or orterinsf to pur-iiver it to pur- 
 1 4-1 .1 .-i: . r . 1 chaser. 
 chase the same the certihcate ot measurement and 
 inspection thereof and the"marKs upon the waggon or 
 other veh"''e made by the Cleric of the Wood Market 
 as aforesaid, and shall also when the purchase has been 
 completed deliver such certificate to thc'purchaser. 
 Marks on Waff- 329. No person shall falsify or alter the marks 
 & °or aUer^J; rnade upon his waggon or other vehicle by the Clerk 
 cUcnis" eiive" of the Wood Market as aforesaid, or deface the same 
 ''''• until the contents of such waggon or other vehicle 
 have been delivered. 
 and I 
 When cordwood 
 to be deemed to 
 330. Every load of cordwood brought to the 
 be "expo'sed"for Wood Market, and there kept for the space of ten 
 minutes shall, whether actually offered for sale or not, 
 be deemed to be exposed for sale there, and such 
 cordwood so brought and remaining as aforesaid, and 
 the person bringing the same or in charge thereof, 
 shall be subject to the provisions of this By-law, and 
 the payment of the fees thereby prescribed on each 
 occasion of such cordwood beintr so broucrht and re- 
 mainincT at the'said Market as aforesaid. 
 Feestpbepaid 331. Evcry pcrson, except the owner or keeper of a 
 by persons other 1 ill- ■ 1 i r i-i- 
 than keepers of wood-yarcl selliiig or exposing cordwood for sale within 
 Wood Yards, ^j^^ ^-^^ ^j^^jj ^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^j ^^.j^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^j Market 
 the following fees : 
 For each load drawn by two or more animals, 5 cents 
 For each load drawn by a single animal or 
 otherwise than by two or more animals. . 3 cents 
 And upon payment of the proper fees such person 
 shall be entitled to have his cordwood inspected and 
 measured and to receive the certificate hereinbefore 
 Fees for in 
 specting, measur- 
 ing and certify- 
 332. The Clerk of the Wood Market shall be en- 
 in| qwrnity^ind titled to demand and receive Lthe foUowinor fees for 
 quality of cord- • • . , ■ . - . , '^ 
 mspecting, measuring ana certifying the quantity 
 and quality of corclwood inspected and measured by 
 him, that is to say : 
 For ten cords and under 5 cents per cord 
 For each additional cord 3 cents 
 And every fractional part of a cord shall be paid for 
 as a full cord. 
 '> '^ -1 
 All fees received by the Clerk of the Wood/-'"i<to.iccount 
 Market shall be accounted for and paid over by him^oJ|'-^a>*"fer 
 to the Treasurer at least once in each week. 
 ;4. Every person selling or exposing for sale Measuring of 
 lime within the City shall provide himself with a mea- """' 
 sure duly stamped by the Inspector of Weights and provfdedT,y °pe'r^ 
 Measures, or other proper officer, which measure shall and Wies^toT," 
 with reference to 
 be constructed of the following dimensions, that is to measure^fn'^^he 
 say : at the bottom on the inside the diameter thereof menuocomSiry.' 
 shall be one foot and six inches, and at the top on the 
 inside the diameter thereof shall be one foot and ten 
 inches, and which said measure shall contain lwo Win- 
 chester bushels, heaped measure, and all lime hereafter 
 sold within the City shall be sold by and measured 
 with such measure as aforesaid unless expressly dis- 
 pensed with at the time of sale thereof by both buyer 
 and seller. 
 335. Each of the Wards within the City, except j^^yaf'i^j''«pj 
 the Fourth and Seventh Wards, shall form two polling: H'"j-°p°"'"^ 
 . . ' 10 sub-divisions. 
 '^'^6. The first pollingf sub-division of the First Poiiinssub-divi- 
 •-'>-' r o sionsNo. i Ward 
 Ward shall consist of that part of the said Ward 
 which lies north of Bathurst Street ; and the second 
 poHing sub-division of the said Ward shall consist of 
 the remainder of the said Ward. 
 r,.i]in«sui..iivi. 337- The first polling sub-division of the Second 
 MonsNo.:.waui'yY,^j.j.j shall conslst of that part of the said Ward 
 which lies south of Albert Street and west of that 
 part of Ridout Street which extends from Dundas 
 Street to Blackfriars Bridge ; and the second polling 
 sub-division of the said Ward shall consist of the 
 remainder of the said Ward. 
 sfn^No'^'wIrd >53^* ^he first polling sub-division of the Third 
 Ward shall consist of that part of the said Ward which 
 lies north of Bathurst Street ; and the second polling 
 sub-division of the said Ward shall consist of the 
 remainder of said W^ard. 
 Polling subdivi- 339. The first polling sub-division of the Fifth 
 Ward shall consist of that part of the said Ward 
 which lies north of east Bathurst Street ; and the 
 second polling sub-division of the said Ward 
 shall consist of the remainder of the said Ward. 
 Polling sub-divi- , 340. The first polling sub-division of the Sixth 
 Ward shall consist of that part of the said Ward which 
 lies south of Great Market Street ; and the second 
 polling sub-division of the said Ward shall consist 
 of the remainder of the said Ward, 
 'J'wo Assessors 
 to be appointed. 
 Assessors to en- 
 ter house num- 
 bers on roll. 
 341. There shall be two Assessors for the City. 
 342. It shall be the duty of the Assessors to 
 enter upon the Assessment Roll opposite to each 
 assessed parcel of land the City or house number 
 thereof, but the omission so to do shall not invalidate 
 or in any way affect the assessment. 
 343.- There shall be two Collectors for the City, iwociiectors 
 one Vor that part thereof which lies north of Dundas'"'"''"^'""""^- 
 Street, called the Northern Division, and the other .collectors' <ii- 
 for that part of the City which lies south of Dundas 
 Street called the Southern Division. 
 ^/id. It shall be the duty of the Collectors to col- ,. „ 
 ^ '^ -^ . . Collector to col- 
 lect the beparate School rate within their respective!?^,' ^^paratc 
 .. riC" oiiT-> iri • School rate when 
 divisions for the beparate School Board of the Citv'='iTi'*''y?=p^- 
 . . 1 • 1 1 • ' fateSchool Board 
 when required so to do without any charge ' being 
 made therefor. 
 345. Until otherwise provided the duties of City j„!J"ctor°to^be 
 Inspector shall be performed by the Health Inspector?f;!;'}[j;'il^y,'t^o^r 
 of the City. 
 346. There shall be added to every tax or assess- i^^^'^.^'jfj;.',^^^'' ^° 
 ment which shall appear upon the Collector's Roll of'''"^^'"°^ '"''"• 
 the City for any year, and which shall remain unpaid 
 on the first day of April next after the expiration of 
 the year for which the same is imposed a percentage 
 charge at the rate of seven per centum per annum for 
 the period which shall elapse from the first day of 
 April next after the expiration of the year for which 
 such tax or assessn;ent is imposed, until the same shall 
 be paid. 
 347. There shall be appointed at the first meeting ^j"^""-'' "°" 
 of tlie new Council in each year, 
 (I.) A staff of physicians and surgeons for the .j^^anf ^nd ^'J.^r- 
 medical treatment of patients in the General Hospital.'-'^'"" 
 (2.) A staff of Homoeopathic physicians and sur- 
 geons for the medical treatment of patients desiring 
 Homoeopathic treatment in the General Hospital. 
 (3.) Two physicians to be consulting physicians. 
 (4.) Two physicians to be consulting Homoeo- 
 pathic physicians. 
 (5.) Two surgeons to be consulting surgeons. 
 (6.) One physician to be consulting obstetrician. 
 vo^unlar'"-!,'^ 348' That all of the said officers shall be volun- 
 ma'Te removed t^^y ^"^^ without pay, and the persons holding the 
 coim^dr"'^ """same may be removed therefrom at tlic pleasure of 
 the Council. 
 Staff of Horn 
 reopatliic IMiysi 
 ciaiis and Sur- 
 Two Consult- 
 ing Physicians, 
 Two Consult- 
 ing Homocopa- 
 lliic Physici.ins. 
 Two Consult- 
 ing Surgeons, 
 One Consult- 
 ing Obstetrician. 
 Resident sur- 349. There shall also be a Resident Surgeon for the 
 pointed! saiaJysaid Hospital, who shall hold office during the pleasure 
 paia.e <inarter-^^ thc Couucil, aud reccive such salary as shall from 
 time to time be appropriated as the salary of the 
 Resident Surgeon, and which shall be payable quarterly. 
 Steward to be ^ cTQ. There shall also be a Steward for the said 
 apponited, salary , , ^^. , , 1 n 1 1 1 r/- i • 1 1 r 
 payable monthly Hospital, who sliall iioid omce duruig the pleasure ot 
 the Council, and receive such salary as shall from time 
 to time be appropriated as the salary of the Steward, 
 and which shall be payable monthly. 
 ' Matron to be 
 '' appointed, salary 
 351. There shall also be a Matron for the said 
 payable monthly Hospital, who sliall hold officc during the pleasure of 
 the Council, and receive such salary as shall from time 
 to time be appropriated as the salary of the Matron, 
 * and which shall be payable monthly. 
 iz'ef me'd'icai 352- Subject to thc rules and regulations for the 
 ftTendSienuIn "management of the said Hospital, all legally author- 
 t"i°n cask'" "'" ized medical practitioners of the City shall have the 
 privilege of attending any patient in the said Hospital 
 who may desire their especial attendance, or whom 
 they may send to the said Hospital while under their 
 professional care, provided such patient be a paying 
 353. The rules and regulations established on the ceSer^^is's*! 
 sixth day of December, in the year of our Lord one^^^^^^^lZTl 
 thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, for the man- '"'^'" '" f""-"- 
 agement of the said Hospital, shall continue to be the 
 rules and regulations for the management and govern- 
 ment thereof. 
 ttiou in ctM'tmn 
 354. No person shall within the City excessively ^cmdty to ani- 
 beat, cut, wound or otherwise ill-treat any animal. 
 -^SS- Every manufacturer of woollens, cottons, , certain mam.- 
 \j %j sj J lucturcrs to be 
 p-lass or paper shall, after havinir established within exempt from tax 
 " . J--! •-> r ^ atioii in ceitair 
 the City a manufactory for all or any of the purposes 
 aforesaid, and kept the same in operation, for a period of 
 six successive months, be exempt from taxation within 
 the City in respect of the manufactory actually used by 
 him for the purposes aforesaid, the personal property 
 used or employed in such manufactory, and the income 
 derived therefrom, for the period of five years, to be 
 computed from the expiration of such six months ; 
 provided always, that whenever any such manufactory 
 shall cease to be used or run for the purposes aforesaid, 
 or some or one of them, or if the manufacture of some 
 or one of the classes of articles hereinbefore men- 
 tioned shall not be continuously going on at such 
 manufactory, such exemption shall cease and determine. 
 "156. The Assessor shall in each year, when re- Asses.oi-« 
 "•, . , .. . _^: - make returns of 
 turning his assessment roll to the Clerk, report to p'^"'""'^ >••'"='"?'• 
 the Council the names of all persons exempt from 
 ». " 
I lO 
 taxation under the provisions of this By-law, with a 
 description of the premises occupied by such persons. 
 OfTicers and ser- 
 vants not to re- 
 ceive any fees in 
 addition to salary 
 (jr wages. 
 Such fees to lie 
 paid over to City 
 In default ofTi- 
 cer or servant to 
 be dismissed. 
 .Section not to 
 apply to certain 
 Or to officers 
 paid by fees only. 
 Section to ap- 
 ply after i;>l Jan- 
 357. No officer or servant of the Corporation 
 shall after the first day January next, directly or indi- 
 rectly, take or receive for his own use, in addition to 
 the salary or wages from time to time assigned to him 
 by the Council, any fee, emolument or reward, for any 
 service performed by him in his capacity of .«=■ ich 
 officer or servant, or by reason of his occupying or 
 holding that position, whether the same is payable by 
 the Corporation, or by the Crown, or by any other 
 person, but all such fees shall be forthwith after the 
 same shall be received accounted for and paid over to 
 the City Treasurer for the use of the Municipality; 
 and if any such fee. emolument or reward shall be 
 received by such officer or servant, and shall be ap- 
 plied to his own use, or shall not be forthwith ac- 
 counted for and paid over to the City Treasurer, such 
 officer or servant shall incur the penalty of instant 
 dismissal from his office or employment, and the Cor- 
 poration may at its option deduct the amount of ?.\\ 
 such fee, emolument or reward so received from ar v 
 moneys which such officer or servant is entitled to re- 
 ceive from the Corporation; provided always, that noth- 
 ing herein contained shall e.xtend or apply to the fees 
 or emoluments to which the Treasurer is or may be 
 entitled for or in connection with any duty performed 
 by him in reference to or under the provisions of " The 
 Assessment Act" relati'ng to the collection of arrears ot 
 taxes, or the .sale of land for arrears of taxes ; and provid- 
 ed also, that this section shall not apply to any officer or 
 servant whose salary or renumeration is paid by fees 
 only, and every ofllcer or servant of the Corporation 
1 1 1 
 1 a 
 sliall after the said first day of January next be deemed "-T-y. >88o, toaii 
 , 1 , I ^ -^ ."',.,. . officers and ser- 
 to be employed on the terms contamed in this section. 
 in certain 
 358. The Court of Revision shall not have power ourt of Re- 
 under the provisions of section fifty-eight of " The niu"Vr reduce 
 Assessment Act," or any other Act which may be cases. 
 passed for the like purpose, to remit or reduce the 
 taxes due by any person unless the petition for such 
 remission or reduction is presented during the year for 
 which such taxes shall have been imposed. 
 359. If any person shall make default in doing any summary re- 
 matter or thing which is by this By-law directed to benotobiyed""' 
 done by him, such matter or thing may, unless where 
 it is otherwise provided by this By-law, be done at the 
 expense of the person in default, and the expense 
 thereof may be recovered by the Council with costs by 
 action or distress, and in case of non-payment thereof 
 the same shall be recovered in like manner as munici- 
 pal taxes. 
 360. Any person guilty of an infraction of any of 
 the provisions of this By-law shall, unless where an- 
 other and different penalty is prescribed by this By-law, 
 be liable on conviction to be fined in any sum not 
 exceeeding fifty dollars, exclusive of costs ; and in case 
 of non-payment of the fine and costs, the same may 
 be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels 
 of the offender ; and in case of non-payment of the 
 fine, nnd there being no distress found out of which 
 the same can be levied, such offender shall be liable to 
 be imprisoned in the Common Gaol of the County of 
 Middlesex, with or without hard labor for any period 
 not exceeding twenty-one days. 
 Repeal of rSy 
 IM ,■'' 
 ^6 1. The By-law passed on the ninth day of July, 
 in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred 
 and sixty -six, entided " A By-law for the enactment of 
 rules and regulations for the general government of 
 the City of London," and all other By-laws inconsistent 
 with the provisions of this By-law are hereby repealed. 
 Passed in open Council this Twenty-eighth day of 
 November, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
 eight hundred and seventy-nine. 
 1 ■ o R - 
 Regulating the Proceedings of the Council 
 Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Cor- 
 poration of the City of London, as follows : 
 1. In all proceedings had or taken in the Munici- Ruiestoappiy 
 pal Council of the said City, the following rules and e"is'l'ing"nires''r"e'l 
 regulations shall be observed, and shall be the rules and ^''''''"'' 
 re^rulations for the order and despatch of business in 
 the said Council, and all rules existinof at the time of 
 the passing of this By-law are hereby repealed. 
 Meetings and Adjournments of Council. 
 2. The Council shall meet every Monday in the Meetings of 
 year, at the hour of seven o'clock in the afternoon, ^°"'"''- 
 unless otherwise ordered, or unless such Monday be a 
 public holiday, in which latter case the Council shall 
 meet at the same hour on the next following day not 
 being a public holiday. 
 3. Unless there shall be a quorum present in half Meeting to 
 an hour after the time appointed for the meeting ofi','n'o'!,uwuTpr^e'! 
 the Council, the Council shall stand adjourned until ho",VaVt 
 the next day of meeting, and the Clerk shall take ''''''"'""''• 
 down the names of the members present at the expi- 
 ration of such half hour, and shall publish the names 
 of the absent members in the City paper having the 
 printing of the Council. 
 sent m half aa 
 er time 
 < I 
 Council toad- 4. THc Couiicil sIkiII always adjourn at the liourof 
 j°"'"""""" eleven o'clock in the evenino-, if in. session at that 
 hour, unless otherwise determined by a vote of two- 
 • thirds of the members present. 
 5. The members of the Council shall not leave 
 until the Mayor their places on adjournment until the Mayor or other 
 leaves tliu Cliair. • ^• rr 1 .1 /•"'i • , 
 presiding- officer leaves the Chair. 
 M e ni 1 1 e r s to 
 keep tlifir places 
 Order of Proceedings ix Council. 
 Mayortutake 6. So soon after the hour of meeting as there 
 iV''pres'lnt.'' shall bc a quoruiTi present the Mayor shall take the 
 Chair and call the members present to order. 
 In ai.scnce of 7. If thc Mavor Is not in attendance the Clerk 
 Mayor. LlLik l", / ,, , ■' . , 1 /->! • 11, 
 or'ier'""'"""'' '" shall Call the meetinn^ to order, and a Chairman shall 
 be chosen \vho shall preside until the arrival of the 
 An AMerman §_ J n the abscnce of the Mayor one of the Alder- 
 to preside m ah- 1 11 1 1 .1 
 sence of Mayor, ii-jg,-, prcscnt shall be chosen to preside, and shall take 
 the Chair and preside during the absence of the Mayor 
 and at the meeting- only at which he has been so 
 Minutes to be Q. Immediately after the Mayor or other presiding 
 ycer . q^^^j. j^^g taken his seat, the minutes of the preceding 
 meeting shall be read by the Clerk, in order that any 
 mistake therein may be corrected by the Council. 
 Mayor to pre 
 serve order and 
 decide qi 
 of order. 
 10. The Mayor or other presiding v^fficer shall 
 ^«<:^^e^^i""''°"^ preserve order and decorum, and decide questions of 
 order, subject to an appeal to the Council. 
 Mayor in de^ II. Wheo tlic Mayor or other presiding officer is 
 order to state callcd ott to dccide a point of order or practice he shall 
 rule applicable. , - 1 • 1 1 1 J 1 
 State the rule applicable to the case without argument 
 or comment. 
 ) r may 
 I 2. The Mayor or other presidinrj officer may vote m-^vo' 
 with the other members on all quer>tions, and any (Question nega- 
 question on which there is an equality of votes shall 'J,',i"!i. '^ """' 
 be deenied to be negatived. 
 13. If the Mayor or other pres'dinjr officer desires ,^jy'^''=;,\/[|'j;;?;: 
 to leave the Chair for the purpose of takiny^ part in[;;,,^f^^."jA,',^y'. 
 the debate or otherwise, he shall call one of the Alder- j;;;';^;^"^ ''" '•'- 
 men to fill his place until he resumes the Chair. 
 14. Every member, previous to his speaking, shall i,i^^,"";J,'"','^;,';.^':; 
 rise from his seat uncovered, and shall address himself J),%'^^,^j.''"'"''' 
 to the Mayor or other presiding officer. 
 15. When two or more members rise at once the two or more 
 Mayor or other presiding officer shall name the mem- "ogeth"^o "peak 
 ber who first rose in his place, but a motion may be 
 made that any member who has risen " be now heard," 
 •or " do now speak." 
 16. Every member present, when a question is put, Members pre- 
 shall vote thereon unless he be personally interestedi'ess'%'i^pm-lii'y 
 .• • 1 «• . Ill* interested in the 
 m the question, and such mterest is resolvable into a question. 
 a personal profit peculiar to the member, and is not 
 in common with the interests of the citizens at large, 
 in which case he shedl not vote. 
 17. When the Mayor or other presiding officer is whenquestion 
 . ,l . < I II II is being put mem- 
 putting the question, no member shall walk across or bers not to leave 
 out of the Chamber, and when a member is speaking 
 no other member shall hold discourse which may inter- ingTo^tTo'beln- 
 rupt him, or interrupt him except to order, or pass ''"'"p'*"^' 
 between him and the Chair. 
 18. A member called to order shall sit down unless cainig mem- 
 permitted to explain, and the decision of the Mayor 
 or other presiding officer shall be submitted to unless 
 an appeal is made to the Council, in which case the 
 question shall be determined without debate. 
1 i6 
 Aten.i.trs 1 9- No mcnibur shall speak disrespectfully of the 
 'j'oXjiy or'TiR-reigniiif]^ Sovereij^n or of any of the Royal Family, or 
 'rami7y"''('S of the Governor-General or person admin isterinj^- the 
 u'culen'mMiov'^ of the Doiiiinion of Canada, or of the 
 Mu.nntrTy"hmKu^ Lleutentant-Govemor or person administerin_L,^ the 
 i'^siae'lLqn^^ Government of this Province, or use offensive words 
 i>oM >n dLbate. j^^-.^jj^^j. |.j^^> CoLincil or any member thereof, or speak 
 beside the question in debate, or reflect upon any vote 
 of the Council, except for the i)urpose of moving that 
 such vote be rescinded. 
 5 .if 
 /!' '' 
 Members may oQ. Any membcr may require the question or 
 rei|uire motion to . it ■ t i • i • 
 i.eread. motion undcr discussion to be read at any time during 
 the debate, but not so as to interrupt a member while 
 Members not 2 1. No membcr shall speak moie than once to the 
 samTnue'^tiVnmain question without leave of the Council, except in 
 more than once i • ,-• ..i , r ^ ' i i'i 
 or formore than explanation ot a material part ot his speech which 
 fifteen minutes. , , . • 1 1 ^ ^1 i • . ^ 
 may have been misconceived, but then he is not to 
 When reply ai- introduce ncw matter. A reply is allowed to a mem- 
 ber who has made a substantive motion to the Council, 
 but not to any member who has moved an order of 
 the day, an amendment, the previous question, or an 
 instruction to a Committee ; and no member shall 
 without leave of the Council speak to the same ques- 
 tion or in reply for longer than a quarter of an hour. 
 Recording divi- 2 2. Upon E dlvislon of the Council, the names of 
 anrnays''caiie'd those who vote for and of those who vote against the 
 question shall be entered upon the minutes, not only 
 in the cases required by law, but when a member shall 
 call for the ayes and nays. 
 Questions may 2 7,. Questiotts may bc put to the Mayor or other 
 Mayor^r'mem^ presiding officcr. Or through him to any member of the 
 .erso tie «""■ (^Quj^cil, relating to any bill, motion or other matter 
 connected with the business of the Council or the 
 ;i- z ., intu m ii h ff m 
I I 
 .'iffairs of the City, Ijiit no art^umcnt or o[)inioii is to iM>,acnoi;ii. 
 be offcnxl, or facts to be stated, except so far as may '" '" 
 be necessary to e.\i)lain the same, and in ansvverinL,^ any 
 such (jLiestion a meinl)er is not to debate the matter to 
 which the same refers. 
 24. No person, except members or officers of the no person ex- 
 Council, shall be allowed to come withm the Bardurme'""'""^^"^'""''"= 
 the sittmijs ot the Council, without the permission 01''"=""^. 
 the Mayor or other presidiny^ officer, and when the 
 doors shall be directed to be closed all persons except dooir"^ "^''"^ 
 the members and the Clerk shall retire. 
 Ordkrs of the Day. 
 25. The Clerk shall prepare for the use of the ^^"^"^ °^ ""^ 
 members " The General Orders of the Day," for each 
 meeting of the Council, containing — 
 I — Reading of Minutes. 
 2 — Original Communications. 
 3 — Petitions. 
 4 — Referring Petitions and Communications. 
 5 — Reports of Committees and considtration 
 6 — Unfinished Business. 
 7— Enquiries. 
 8 — Giving Notice. 
 9 — Introduction of Bills and By-laws. 
 10 — Consideration of Bills and By-laws. 
 1 1 — Motions. 
 26. The business shall in all cases be taken up in^ Business to be 
 the order in which it stands upon the "General Orders >n^whgh it stands 
 of the Day," unless otherwise determined upon by adersoftheoay." 
 unless other wi'Sc 
 vote of two-thirds of the members present, and all ordered. 
 questions relating to the priority of business shall be 
 decided without debate. 
 , m i 
 Motions and Order of Putting Questions in 
 oneweek'sno- ^7' Ohg wcck's notlce shcill be given of all motions 
 of modonl^''""foi' introducing new matter other than matters of pri- 
 vilege and bringing up petitions, and no motion shall 
 be discussed unless such notice has been given. 
 28. All motions shall be in writing and seconded 
 before being debated or put from the Chair. 
 29. When a motion is seconded it shall be read by 
 the Mayor or other presiding officer before debate. 
 30. After a motion is read by the Mayor or other 
 possession of the presidingf officer, it shall be deemed to be in possession 
 Council, but may A r , ^ .1, , 'ii • 1 
 be withdiawn in 01 the Council. but may be withdrawn at any time ne- 
 iprtnin rases. ... / • 1 1 • • r 1 
 tore decision or amendment with the permission ot the 
 Council . 
 Motions to be 
 in writing and 
 Motion to be 
 read before de- 
 After a motion 
 is read it is in 
 certain cases. 
 Motion torom- 
 ■nit precludes all 
 Motion to ad- 
 journ always in 
 Second motion 
 to adjourn. 
 Motions to be 
 received when 
 <|uestion is under 
 Previous ques- 
 How amend- 
 ments to be put! 
 31. A motion for commitment, until it is decided^ 
 shall preclude all amendment of the main question. 
 32. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, 
 but no second motion to the same effect shall be made 
 until ^ter some intermediate proceeding shall have 
 been had. 
 33. When a question is under debate no motiorr 
 shall be received unless to commit it, to amend it, ta 
 lay it on the table, to postpone it. or to adjourn, or 
 the previous question. 
 34. The previous question, until it is decided, shall 
 preclude all amendment of the main question and shall 
 be in the following words : " That the question be now 
 put." If the previous question be resolved in the 
 affirmative the original question is to be put forthwith 
 without any amendment or debate . 
 35. All amendments shall be put in the reverse 
 order in which they are moved, except in filling up 
 blanks -vhen the longest time and the largest sum shall 
 be put first, and every amendment shall be reduced to 
 writing and be decided upon or withdrawn before the 
 main question is put ; all motions for the appointment 
 of any member of the Council or of any other person 
 to any office in the gift of the Council shall preclude 
 any amendments ; only one amendment shall be 
 allowed to an amendment, and any amendment more 
 than one must be to the main question. 
 36. When the question under consideration con- 
 tains distinct propositions, upon the request of any 
 member, the vote upon each proposition shall be taken 
 ^y. After any question is finally put by the Mayor 
 or other presiding officer, no member shall speak to 
 the question, nor shall any other motion be made until 
 after the result is declared and the decision of the 
 Mayor or other presiding officer as to whether the 
 question has been finally put shall be conclusive. 
 38, Whenever the Mayor or other presiding officer 
 is of opinion that an^ motion offered to the Council 
 is contrary to the rules of the Council, he shall apprise 
 the members thereof immediately without putting the 
 question thereon, and quote the rule or authority appli- 
 cable without argument or comment. 
 39. Members shall always take their places when 
 any division is called for. 
 Amendments to 
 be reduceJ to 
 Motions for ap- 
 pointment to of- 
 fice to preclude 
 Only one am- 
 endment to am- 
 endment allowed 
 Votetobe *aken 
 on each distinct 
 jiroposiiion in a 
 motion ifreciuired 
 After (iiiesticn 
 is i)ut no member 
 to speak. 
 ^^otions con- 
 trary to rules of 
 Members to t.^ke 
 their places when 
 division is called 
 Order ov Proceedings in Com.mittee of the Whole. 
 40. Whenever it is moved and carried that the Proceedings 
 /-..| . /-« . ri iirii 1 TVT when motion car- 
 Council go mto Committee ot the Whole, the Mayor ried tor coundi 
 or other presidinof officer shall leave the Chair andmi'tee of the 
 shall appoint a Chairman of Committee of the Whole, 
 who shall maintain order in the Committee and report 
 its proceedings. 
 Kuic.ofconn. 41. Tlic Rilcs of tlic Couiicil sliall be observed in 
 ?" co';:miu:e';.f^ of the Whole so far as they are appHcable, 
 Sw'^^^^^^^^^ that no motion shall require to be seconded and 
 no motion for the previous question or an adjourn- 
 ment shall be allowed, and in taking the ayes and 
 nays the names of members shall not be recorded and 
 the number of times of speaking on any question 
 shall not be limited. 
 How cuestions 42- Questlons of order arising in Committee of the 
 ?!co1,littte to Whole shall be decided by the Chairman, subject to 
 j;e decided. ^^ appeal to the Council, and if any sudden disorder 
 shall arise in the Committee, the Mayor or other pre- 
 siding officer shall immediately resume the Chair with- 
 out any question being put. 
 Motionincom- 43. On motion in Committee of the Whole to rise 
 whoTetoHseandand report the question shall be decided without 
 report to be de- , . 
 cided without de- debate, 
 In what order 44- Ifi Committce of the Whole all motions relat- 
 h!Tom4'ittee''ofing to the matter under consideration shall be put in 
 thewhoie. j.|^g order in which they are proposed. 
 Proceedings on 45- A motiott 'iti Commlttce of the Whole to rise 
 mute°e" 'of ^X without rcportlng, or that the Chairman leave the 
 Sutreporthig Chair, shall always be in order and shall take preced- 
 ence of any other motion. On such motion debate 
 shall be allowed and on an affirmative vote the subject 
 referred to the Committee shall be considered as dis- 
 posed of in the negative, and the Mayor or other pre- 
 siding officer shall resume the Chair and proceed with 
 the next order of business. 
 Reading of Bills and Proceedings thereon. 
 Clerk to certify 4^- Whcn a Bill IS read in Council the Clerk shall 
 SX°respon- certify the readings and the time on the back thereof, 
 correctness if am- and aftcr bills havepassed he shall be responsible for 
 ended. |.|.jgjj. Qorrectness should they have been amended. 
 47. The question "That this Bill be now read the first Question, as to 
 time " shall be decided without amendment or debate, wvput.'' " '' 
 and every Bill shall be read a second time before it is 
 committed and read a third time before it is signed 
 by the Mayor. 
 48. Every Bill shall be introduced on motion for How miu to be 
 the first reading thereof, and shall receive three several Sng^fhereof! 
 readings each on different days previous to its being 
 passed, except on urgent and extraordinary occasions, 
 when it may be read twice or thrice in one day. 
 49. Any Bill for the appropriation of money brought Bin for money 
 in on the report of a Committee of the Whole shall broSght'in'orre- 
 pass through all its stages without being again referred ['e°eV the wpe 
 to a Committee of the Whole unless upon special referred'tolc^om- 
 . • m itt ee of t h e 
 motion. Whole. 
 50. In proceedings of Committee of the Whole HowBiiistobe 
 upon bills every clause shall be considered in itscommitteVo^fthe 
 proper order, the preamble shall be next considered 
 a'nd then the title. 
 51. All amendments made in Committee of the ^'nen 
 *-^ . . , made in 
 Whole shall be reported by the Chairman to the'^^ofth 
 Council, who shall receive the same forthwith ; after 
 report the Bill shall be open to debate and amend- 
 ment before it is ordered for a third reading ; when a 
 Bill is reported without amendment it shall be forth- 
 with ordered to be read a third time, at such time as 
 may be appointed by the Council. 
 52. All By-laws after having been finally passed „^'^>;;^^^j* '°^\^ 
 shall be numbered and shall be forthwith entered and^"^'j"^^^^^^^j^°^|; 
 copied at full length in a book to be kept for that '"'^"^'*- 
 purpose and such book shall be indexed. 
 e ^^'hole. 
 Petitions and Communications. 
 S";. Every petition, remonstrance or other written whenandhow 
 \^ %j y L ' petitions, &c. t o 
 application, may be presented to the Council by any i'^ presented. ' 
 member thereof on any day, but not later than tlie 
 hour at which the Council convenes, except on extra- 
 ordinary occasions, and every member presenting any 
 Members pre- petition, remonstrancc or other written application to 
 Renting responsi- r ^.,111 • 1 11111 
 Me for language the Council shall cxamme the same and shall be 
 in petitions, &c. 1 1 1 • 1 • • • 
 answerable that it does not contain any mipertment 
 or improper language and that the same is respectful 
 and temperate in its language ; he shall also endorse 
 tain^^'Stkuiars thereon the name of the applicant and the substance 
 on petitions &c Qf ^\^q appHcation and sigfn his name thereto, which 
 and same only to 1 1 o ' 
 !]uiredVamem-^"^<^'*sement Only shall be read by the Mayor or other 
 ''«'■• presiding officer, unless a member shall require the 
 reading of the paper, in which case the whole shall 
 be read. 
 How petitions, 
 &c. , to be dealt 
 with and disposed 
 Members may 
 be placed 01. 
 Committee not- 
 w i t h s t an ding 
 their absence 
 when named. 
 MajOr to be 
 ex-officioa mem- 
 ber of all Com- 
 Committees to 
 consist of only 
 one member from 
 each Ward. 
 54. All petitions or other written communications 
 on any subject within the cognizance of any Standing 
 Committee, shall on presentation be referred by the 
 Mayor or other presiding officer to the proper commit- 
 tee without any motion, and no member shall speak 
 and no debate shall be allowed on the presentation of 
 any petition or other communication to the Council, 
 but any member may move that in referring any peti- 
 tion or other communication certain instructions may 
 be given by the Council, or that such petition or other 
 communication may be referred to a select committee, 
 and if the petition or communication complain of some 
 present personal grievance requiring an immediate 
 remedy, the matter contained therein may be brought 
 into immediate discussion and disposed of forthwith. 
 Appointment and Organization of Committeks. 
 55. Any member of the Council may be pi? v-d on 
 a committee notwithstanding the absence of such 
 member at the time of his being named upon such 
 committee, and the Mayor shall be ex-offido a. member 
 of all committees, and no committee shall consist of 
 more than one member from each Ward. 
 56. The member who introduces a bill, petition or Member imro- 
 motion upon any subject which is referred to a select referrcci'to'setea 
 committee shall be one of the committee without a°"membeV°and 
 being named by the Council, and shall, unless he comnurteJ*^ '^^ 
 otherwise determines, be the chairman of such com- 
 57. Of the number of members appointed to com- Majority of 
 .1' 1 , •,, 1 1 Committee, ex- 
 pose any standmg or select committee, such number elusive of ex-om- 
 thereof as shall be equal to a majority of the whole be°a"quoruni.' '" 
 number chosen, exclusive of any ex-officio member, 
 shall be a quorum competent to proceed to business. 
 58. There shall be appointed annually at the first standing com- 
 or second meeting of each newly elected Council the"""^"' 
 following committees, which shall compose the Stand- 
 ing Committees of the Council : 
 The Finance and Assessment Committee. 
 The Board of Works. 
 The Fire, Water and Gas Committee. 
 The Market Committee. 
 The License Committee. 
 The Exhibition Committee. 
 The Salaries Committee. 
 The Board of Health. 
 The Hospital and Relief Committee. 
 The Printinij Committee. 
 The Education Committee. 
 The Railway Committee. 
 The Park Committee. 
 The Gaol Committee. 
 59. Each standing committee shall consist of one mUtee"'^|o^co^n°i^[ 
 member from each Ward. ^omTacrward!: 
 60. Every committee shall keep minutes of its Minutesofpro- 
 proceedings in a book to be furriished for that purpose miueef°to Te' 
 by the City Clerk, and such book shall be kept in the *^*' 
 office and custody of the City Clerk. 
 Council may 6i. THc Couiicil niayclispcnsc with the appoint- 
 or more" oVule men t of any one or more of the said Standing Com- 
 mut'ee'"1.r ^iuli'-mittees, or may assign the duties of any one or more 
 Mmrcufthem. °'of thcm to any other or others of the said Standing 
 Committees, or may amalgamate any two or more of 
 the said Standing 'Committees, as may be throught 
 Finance and Assessment Committee. 
 Duties of Fi- 62. The following shall be the duties of the 
 nance and Assess- , , . "^ ,^ . 
 ment Committee. Fmance and Assessment Committee : 
 To present /j\ f q orescnt to the Council on or before the 
 statement ut h- \ / 1 r II 1 
 nanciai^affaij^^offjj.g|. Monday in March m each year a full and particu- 
 ing financial year ]^j. exhibit of the financial affairs of the City at the 
 on or beiore nrst ^ ' 
 Monday inMarchj.gj.,^if,^j-JQri of the preceding financial year. 
 To report on or (2) To rcport to tfic Couttcil OH or before the first 
 day'injuiy'^i'n Monday in July in each year as to the manner in 
 how rXenu"' lo which the revenue required for the current year shall 
 be rjsed. ^^ ralscd. 
 To consider and (s) To consider and report as often as may be 
 reFadng" to'' raiu necessary on the management of all matters connected 
 3lr"secSs with railwav stocks, bonds or other securities held by 
 " ''°''P°^"or belonging to the Coporation. 
 Toconsiderand iA Xo conslder and report on all matters con- 
 report as to leas- \ ' / ^ ^ 1 _ 
 ingorseiiingcitynected with the leasing or selling of City property. 
 Dropertv. o o y r l J 
 To supervise (5) To have the special supervision of the books 
 books of Treas- /• ^ , , , iril 
 urer, .S:c., and ot account, clocuments and vouchers, and or all moneys, 
 lervis': '''■■«■>'= - - ^ 
 uro' ;-cl 
 supervis. • ''^^,' ^^^beiitur^s and securities in the Treasurer's office, and 
 i.".ie supervision of the Treasurer and of all officers in 
 h'-G department under him. 
 ^,/^ •' (6) To advise with the Treasurer, when called 
 Clgtoiiisoflic''e.' i-ipon to do so, on all matters pertaining to his office. 
 To see that h) To sce that an account is kept in the Corpora- 
 account is kept in . , t> I'l ri/-> • 11 
 Corporations tions Bank in the name ot the Corporation, and that 
 Hankand moneys it •i.i'T' 1 'i 1 
 deposited there, all moneys paid to the 1 reasurer are deposited to the 
 credit of that account. 
 (8) To see that all duties and services which.jj'^^^'^^«^'''a^j|'^^ 
 ou<:ht to be performed by the Treasurer and the'."^ "!^""5'^ i;"- 
 ■^ . ■ . , r 11 1 lorm tlicinlutics. 
 officers in his department are fully executed. 
 (q) To forbid the sif^nin^f or delivery of any. to forbi.i sisn- 
 \ ■' I , 1 r 1 iiiK or delivery of 
 cheque or security or the payment of any money by i^Miie, &c.,iintii 
 1 T 1 1 11 1 • I • 1> 1 """'^•' ™ COIl- 
 the 1 reasurer it they shall think it expedient so to do ^ide'^d. s^;. 
 until the matter can be further considered or can be 
 referred to the Council. 
 (lo) To regulate all matter^, connected with the Toresiatemat- 
 . 1 ' ^ /- 1 11 ters relating to 
 receipt and payment ot money and to order the receipt ami pay- 
 .. ri 1- • • 1 -1 "lent of money, 
 adoption ot such regulations in connection therewith and to mamvge 
 111 r 1 • r financial affairs 
 as may be deemed necessary tor the prevention or any of corporation. 
 j3ayment being made in contravention of the By-laws 
 and generally to manage the financial affairs of the 
 (ii) To direct the purchase of stationery and the redirect pur- 
 , ^ .' ^ ,-^. ^ . , •, chasing of Sta- 
 advertisement ot City notices and to report thereon tononery and ad- 
 , ^^ .| *■ vertisem e n t of 
 the LOUnCli. city notices. 
 Board of Works. 
 63. The following shall be the duties of the Board p"ties of Board 
 of Works : 
 (i) To consider and report on all matters relating to consider 
 to sewers, drains, streets and thoroughfares. sewersT" 
 (2) To report and recommend to the Council such r? report reg- 
 regulations with regard to private buildings, drains va'Je'''"bund*ing"i 
 and fences as may be requisite for the public safety 
 and welfare. 
 (3) To report to the Council in their final report i" fi".!! report 
 for each year on all such works of permanent improve- works of" pern°a' 
 . I I . . n e n t j—"-— - 
 ment in connection with the sewers, drains, streets ment for 
 and thoroughfares as it may be considered essential 
 to the welfare and convenience of the citizens to be 
 carried out during the ensuing year together with the 
 estimated cost of the works so recommended. 
 n e n t nnprove- 
 To direct and (4) To dircct and control the City Engineer and 
 gineer' and 'hishjs Staff In tHc discHargc of their duties and to report 
 to the Council from time to time on all matters con- 
 nected with the duties of his department. 
 To Kive eiTect (r) Xo ^iVQ effcct to the orders of the Council in 
 toordersofCoun- ,^.' , r r 1 I4.I 
 c.i as to perform- relation to the performance ot works under other com- 
 ance of works . '■ 
 underotlier Com- niltteeS. 
 To see that (6) To scc to thc kccpinQ^ in repair of all build- 
 buildings of Cor- , \ ' . , 1 /^ • 
 poration kept in mcTs belonijin"" to the Corporation. 
 repair. ft o o 
 To see t!iat ('") To see that the streets are cleaned and kept 
 street, are cean ^j^,^^^^^ j^^ Eccordaucc wlth the By-laws of the Muni- 
 To expend (8) To cxpeud in such manner as shall be most 
 prS'for'gene-' advantageous and beneficial to the citizens such moneys 
 rai improvements ^^^ shall be appropriated by the Council for general 
 improvements within the City. 
 To have super- (9) To havc thc supcrvlsion of the Street Colli- 
 sion of Street „, ;_, ■ " . . . _ . 
 64. No sum shall be paid in respect of any ex- 
 "'^'^'' awount^^spenditure incurred by the Board of \\^orks until the 
 dired'tote'' aid 'Account therefor has been certified by the Engineer, 
 by the i3oard. and orderccl to be paid by the Board. 
 vision of S''''''' i-j-iissionei- and to see that his duties are properly per- 
 No expendi- 
 ture to lie made 
 Fire, Water and Gas Committee. 
 65. The following shall be the duties of the Fire, 
 Duties of Fire, 
 Water and Gas ,-j - ia— '■• "• 
 Committee. Water ancl Gas Committee : 
 Tomanageand (i) To manage and report on the organization 
 zIt°on&c.of^Fi're equipment and maintenance of the Fire Brigade, and 
 Brigade &c. ^|^^ supply and maintenance of the engines, horses and 
 apparatus of the Fire Department, and to see that the 
 same are kept in good order, repair and efficiency. 
 To see that (2) To See that proper books of account are 
 TeT and° sute^ kept, and Statements furnished to the Council of all 
 purchases and expenditures of the Fire Department '"e"'^ lumishea 
 l^,, '■ f . . . . i . of purchases ami 
 iind of all property trom time to time belontrmc: to the'^'^p«"'i't»r='> o'" 
 Tire Department or used m connection therewith. 
 (3) To appoint the members of the Fire Brigade. memhcTrofXe 
 (4) To report on the liofhtinsf of the Citv, the,, f''. •'^po" on 
 VT/ r 1 1 .1 • .• .1 C , lighting the City. 
 erection of gas lamps, and the inspection thereoi and 
 .of LT'is meters. 
 (5) To inquire into and report on the supply of„J°|."^^"|.7'"^° 
 water and the erection and maintenance of tanks, ^^'^i;p'^ "'^ ''•'''"' 
 hydrants and fire plugs. 
 (6) To consider and report on all matters con- Toconsiderand 
 ^ '. .ii • (-1 II' report as to \va- 
 nected with the watering 01 the public streets or '"'"s ^trms. 
 squares, and the mode in which the cost thereof 
 should be defrayed. 
 (7) To consider and report on all matters connected Toconsiderand 
 with the establishment of fire limits, the inspection of"^""' 
 buildings with reference thereto, and the prosecution 
 of offenders against such regulations as may be 
 enacted for the prevention of fires. 
 (8) To consider and report on the manner of to consider 
 heating the City Hall and other public buildings be-heaUng of city 
 longing to the Corporation, and to advertise for ten- 
 ders for the supply of coal and fuel for the use of the for tenders for 
 ., . . 1 .. . fuel and report 
 Corporation, to receive and examine the tenders re- thereon to the 
 ceived and to report thereon to the Council. 
 (9) To see that all supplies required for the use of to see that 
 the Fire Department are obtained by tender so far as Department are 
 practicable . 
 obtained by ten- 
 Market Committee. 
 66. The followiner shall be the duties of 
 the Duties of Mar- 
 ket Committee. 
 Market Committee : 
 (i) To manage and report on all matters relating reporronmatre"r^ 
 to the regulation of the Public Markets and Weighing ff,Xfke't°.&c!'' 
 Houses, the Inspection of Weights and Measures, the 
 ♦- • 
 assize of bread, the prevention of tiie sale of tainted 
 and unwholesome food, and all other matters with 
 reference to markets as to which the Council lias power 
 to pass By-laws. 
 To report on (2) To rcDort on the levvinof and collectintj- of 
 c o 1 1 e c 1 1 o n of V ' 1 •' P . . ^. 
 market (lues .-imi market dues or tolls, fees for weiLThmij^ and rental of 
 itcs for wtiuhuiK C3 O 
 .-.nd rental ofstalls. • 
 To report on ( ->) fo report on all works that may be required 
 works lor main- ^ , . . . . . . ' - , 
 tenance of Mar- for the maintenance and keepmi^ m /epan* of the 
 ket Houses, "^c. 11 1 • 
 Market Houses and fences and the cleanmQ; of the 
 Market Grounds, and to carry out all such works in 
 connection therewith as the Council may authorize. 
 To have con- /a) f q have the control and direction of the Clerk 
 trol of Clerk of \ ' / 
 Market and off- of j-|-j(. j\Iarket, and all officers and servants emploved 
 cers and servants ' I J 
 of Public Mar- in or about the Public Markets of the City. 
 TocauseMar- ( r) 'fo cause the INhirket Fees to be advertised 
 ket rees to lie ^*^' , 
 advertised forfor salc Itt thc month of December in each year, 
 sale. 1 ^ . 
 by tender, or as may be directed by the Council, to 
 I o receive ten- '' . ' -' 1 • i 1 there- exam me and report upon the tenders received, and to 
 on, and see that . . ^ - ^ • 1 1 
 security is given see to the o^ivinij- of security by the purchaser thereof 
 ijy purchaser. ri 1' 
 for the payment of the purchase money, and the per- 
 formance of his duties. 
 To requi«, if (6) To reouire, if they shall see fit, a deposit to be 
 Ihey see fit, a i r i 1 1 • 1 1' 1 1 
 deposit to be made, ot such sum as they may think rit, by each 
 tendering.''"'""'' person tendering for the purchase of the Market Fees. 
 License Committee. 
 Duties of Li- 
 tense Committee 
 67. The following shall be the duties of the License 
 Committee : 
 To consider .ind To conslder and report upon all matters relat- 
 rSng"t^Hcen-ing to the Issue of licenses in regard to matters within 
 '"'■ the control of the Council, and the regulation and 
 government of persons to whom licenses shall be 
 issued, and the premises in respect o-f which licenses 
 may be issued, and the license fees to be paid. 
 E X 1 1 1 luTioN Com m n tki;. 
 68. The follovvin*^ shall be the duties of the oi.iiesofK 
 ,,,.,,. >-, . hibition Coinnii 
 hxhibition Committee : * 
 To consider and report upon all matters relat- lo consider a,. a 
 , til- r • 1 '1 -1 1 1 rep<Jrt on matters 
 MIL'' to the liolum:'' ot nitlustrial, aLrncultural or other «i'"inK'" J-^iii- 
 Salaries Co.mmitti:!:. 
 6o. The followini' shall be the duties of the Sal- .nuiiesof sai.v 
 ,^ . ries Coniiiuttee, 
 anes Committee : 
 To consider and retjort as to the salaries to be lo consider ami 
 , , 1 1 rr* 1 1 r 1 re|)ort on salaries 
 paid to all omcers, servants and employees ot the ^^hi duties oio 
 1 . Ill- 1 rill cers, servants a 
 Corporation, and the duties to be perlormed by themenipioyeesofo 
 *^ . I ^ •' poration. 
 Hospital and Rki,ii;i' Commii'ikk. 
 70. The followin<'' shall be the duties of the Hos- nutiesof hos- 
 : ini-r/-- • 1'"''' ''"'" Kelief 
 pital and Keliet Committee : 
 (i) To have the i^encral charire and manarjement Tohavecharg 
 ,, ; ' ^, 1 T r '^ 1 of General Hos 
 ot the General Hospital. pitai. 
 (2) To supervise the distribution of out-door andji'!.'°.i,^X'n''c 
 other relief. 
 out-door and 
 other relief. 
 (•;) To reLTulate the admission of ijatients to the 7". '"'=«"'"'« •'^'i- 
 \>-'/_ & ^ 1 mission of pa- 
 tients to (ieneral 
 General Hospital 
 (4) To have the control and supervision of the Tohavecomroi 
 V '/ r ^ /-^ 1 T • I ol officers of den- 
 officers of the General Ho.spital. eiai Hospital, 
 (s) To advertise for tenders for the supplies neces- i'oi»dvertisefor 
 '•>■'' IT. tenders for sup- 
 sary for the purposes of the General Hospital, and to y}!^^ J^^"^^ "^^j'j'-j'J 
 report upon the tenders received. 
 report to Council. 
 Pkin'ting CoMMrni'.L. 
 71. The followini'- shall be the duties of the IVint-. ";','i<^^"fi;'i"t- 
 ^ ' _ o iiiK t.ommiltee. 
 ino- Committee : 
 To consider and report upon all matters relat- '"'•""•^'''■•'•and 
 11 report on matters 
 rebtiii;; I,, toi-ii^o- ^q tlu.' pn'ntiiV'' rcquirccl to he done for the 
 iMiiation printiii;; •* . ' " * 
 E I tTCATioN Com m n tkk 
 DiuicsofK.iii- 72. The following sliall be; th(! duties of th(; 
 hducation Committee : 
 r..c,.nsuie. ami 'J'q consider and r(;nort upon all matters relat- 
 loport oil mailers * . * , . r 1 ■>• 
 vA-Miun to fii.i-innr to or affectmL!' the educational interests of the Cit\ . 
 raticiiial .S .•*• J 
 Raii.w.w' CoMMIirKK. 
 Dmiosoikaii- yT.. The follovvinii' shall \n. the; duties of th(-' Rail- 
 way (..'oniinittcf. .\ , ' 
 way Committee : 
 Toconsi.ierami To consider and report upon all matters relat- 
 icport oil inaltLis . ., . I'll /■" 1 • 1 
 rtlaiiiif. lo rail in p- to railwavs in whicli the Litv mav Ix- interested. 
 ways. .-. . . - 
 Park Commii ikk. 
 D.uiesofi'ark r A Thc followinL!- sliall be the duties of the Park 
 Coiniiiittie. ,-, . 
 Committee : 
 To.iunaReami (i) To manaL;"e and report upon all matters r(;lat- 
 •una ami''!,iiitrinor to the prcservation of Victoria Park and all 
 '■" '' "" other public parks, squares or j^uticns within the City 
 or belonoino- to the Corporation, 
 lo lepoiiasto (2) To report on all matters connected with the 
 fencing, &(■., \ic- c • 1 • 1 • -.r' • !•» 1 
 toria and oUi.m lencino', plantino" antl ornamentin!>" Victoria 1 ark 
 parks, and to i ii i ' i 1- i ' i • i • 
 .any out woiksancl all Other public parks, sciuares or '>"aril(;ns within 
 aiitliori/eil liy tlie < ^-^. ... , .^ . * , 
 ( oiinrii. the City or belon^inn" to the Corporation, and to carry 
 out all such works connected therewith as iho. Council 
 may authorize. 
 Gaol Committf.k. 
 Dmies of Can! - - 'fhe followincf shall be the duties of the Gaol 
 Loiiinultee. /^ • 
 Committee : 
 lo consider .md To consider and report upon all matters re- 
 rc|)ort on matters , ., '■ ,...,.. 
 r.iatin;;iue<i,en-i;itino- to exponchtures ou accouut ol criminal justice, 
 ihc. payment of JLiR^rs, iiuiiiUcnancc of prisoners, use.ii.uu.f.u ,ri.„i 
 of Court House and Gaol, the payment of Crown wit-"''^"^''''' *" 
 nesses and all matters recjiiirinc;;^ to he adjusted hetween 
 the Corporation of the County of Mitldlesex and the 
 Corporation of the City of London with reference to 
 such matters or any of them, or to matters of a co^r_ 
 Mate character. 
 M.WNKIi Ol' C()N1)U( TIN(i riU)( i;i;iif\(iS OF 
 CoMMii'i i.r.s. 
 76. The business of the res(>ective Standing- and ii„u i,„.in.-.. 
 Select Committees shall be conducted under the foj-lundui'icd.''''"' 
 lowlnir regulations : 
 (() The Chairman shall preside at every meetin(^ » hainn..., m 
 / ,' ,, ,, . ' , . 1 1 • pr.sidc and vole 
 and shall vote on all (|uestions submitted, and m case""'i''i"e^iions. 
 of an ecpiai division the question shall pass in the,iJ^'','Xr'e'vX 
 ncL^ative. ai.e,|uai. 
 (2) He shall siirn all such ordiM's and documents .1 haiimai. 1,. 
 , ' ., . ' 1 r 11 !• 1 • 1 ""'«" "fif'"''^ mill 
 as the Committee may lawlully direct to be si^jned. .lucumcms. 
 (;) In his absence one of the other members shall '" aULiMe ..r 
 , , I . , 1 1111-1 1 1 " * liairmaiianieni- 
 be elected to preside, who shall dischari^e the; duties •"t'^f^^id''- 
 of Chairman for the meetin^Lj until the arrival of the 
 (4) The minutes of all the transactions of the Mjimie.nfi.r... 
 ' •"ccdiiitis It) l)c 
 Committee shall be accurately entered in a book to beN^i 
 provided for that purixjse, and at each meetini/ the Minutes .o he 
 * re.iM «i t c n e li 
 minutes of the precedin^^ meetiuL^ shall be submitted ni"'''"« 
 for confirmation or amendment, and after they have 
 received the approval of a majority of the members 
 j^resent they shall be sis^med by the Chairman. 
 (5) There shall be entered in the minute book of Reports to le 
 each Committee all reports ordered to be submitted u'tc7wk." 
 to the Council, all orders passed, and all accounts orders passed 
 audited with a reference to the by-law or resolution audited to°he"en- 
 under which such audit is made, together with such Book.'" 
other matttTS as tlic Ccjinniittctj sliall consider essential 
 to a record of its proceedint;s. 
 Miinncsini.;uc (6) Each minute so recorded shall have attached 
 i.Li amiioiic ill- to It a proyi'ressive number tor relerence, and an analy- 
 tical index shall he kei)t for each ininutc book. 
 Divisiuii, i,.ic (7) When a division takes |)lace on any (juestion 
 the votes of the members shall be recorded if recjuirt:d 
 bv one of the members. 
 No unicr nr (8) No ordeT or authority to do any matter or tiling 
 ii.iythiiiK to le shall be reco^^nized as emanatmi^ from any Lomnnttee 
 ic'r();;iii/til unless 1 ■• • •• • 11 1 /"I" 
 sisnc.M.v Chair- unless it IS ui vvritmi;-. siL^ned by the Chairman or 
 Mian niid aiilliori- /"I • .1 ' C \ r ' x ^1 ' ^ i' 
 /t,i i.y cummii actm<^ Chairman thereol, and relers to the minute ol 
 the Committee under which it is issued. 
 uiairman may (q) A Chairman of Committee may at any time 
 be removed from the ofhce of Chairman at a s[)ecial 
 meeting called for the i)ur[)ose and another member 
 elected Chairman in his stead. 
 Gknkkai. DrriKs oi- Stammxc and Ski.kct Com- 
 General .ii.tiis --. Xhe 'jeueral duties of all the Standin<'- and 
 (if StiiiKiHiu a lit I *-* ^ *^ 
 sc'eci Commit- Select Coiiimittecs of the Council shall be as follows : 
 To report to (i) To rcport to th(^ Council from time to time, 
 deTed i.y Coin" vhcuever desired by the Council, and as often as the 
 cil, and as often , ,^ C i.\ C^' i. ' 11 .. 
 as interests ofK'tcrests ot tile City may retjuire, on all matters con- 
 maiurT'rcialinK nected with the duties imposed on them respectively, 
 todiities imposed i. 1 l4.*lil/"" M* 1 
 on them, ami to and to recommenti such action by the Council in rela- 
 reconi m end ac- , • j.1 ». „ 1 1 1 ' 
 lion thereon. tioH thercto as may ne deemed necessary. 
 Toprepareand (o) To prepare aud iutroclucc,' into the Council all 
 inlrodute " V " 1 71 1 1 • rr 1 
 laws necessary to such in'-lavvs as mav b(; necessarv to l:ivc ettect to the 
 give effect to ' "' , . r 1 ' • / - 
 their reports reports or recommendations ol the r(!sp(;ctive Commit- 
 w lien adopted liv "^ , , , , 1 /- ■• -i 
 the Council. ■ tees that dm adopted by the Council. 
 To give effect (3) To L^Hve cffcict by the instrumentality of the 
 plr'^ffice'rs°to By- proper ofticcr to all By-laws and resolutions of the 
1 ■^ -^ 
 Council that relate to the duties of the rf.spectivei.iws .eiaiiM« to 
 I ai - 
 y Council 
 (4) To audit all accounts connected with the dis- '" ""•'' 
 charge of the duties imposed on them by the Counciv^'''',^'"';?'* ' 
 or with the ijertormance ot any works, or the purchase'"- ^^"•'P'' 
 ot any material or ij^oods under the supervision of thc^^- "."•j'^r ihe.r 
 J , ^ , '^ 1 supervision. 
 respective Committees. 
 (0 To consider and rer)ort respectively on any lo consider an.i 
 Vv'' I I J J report on matters 
 and all matters p-ferred to them by the Council, the referred to tiiem. 
 Chairman siLrninj>' such report and brintrinir up the . '*'=p°!i ".''."= 
 same. "•••>"• 
 (6) To adhere strictly in the transaction of ailr,„e'^ pre'scru.ed 
 business to the rules prescribed by the respective By-''^' "y''^'"'- 
 laws of the Council. 
 (7) 'J\) ijresent to the Council on or before the ,''". p''^"^"' '" 
 ^ ^ , ^ . ri/"" •!• 1 the Councd on or 
 last re^rular meetinir of the Council in each and every [''=^0'^^ ''''^' •^^s;'- 
 year tor the inlormation ot the Council and ot theea'^iyearagene- 
 ■' . i| II , . I ^'■•'' report ot the 
 inhabitants Lrenerally, as well as for the oruidance ofp™"*^^'"^^.^ 
 the Committees ot the tollowinir year, a ireneral report '^"'^^ suggestions 
 . «~> y r ^ '^ as to future ac- 
 of the state of the various matters referred to the «i"" f ""\y '»^ 
 ,, . ^ . . , . , , thought advau- 
 Committee trom time to time durniL;" the year, the '■'k'^""^' 
 work or business done throujj^h or by such Committee, 
 and the expenditure made under their authority or 
 superintendence ; such report shall also state the num- 
 ber of meetinos the Committee held during the year 
 at which a cjuorum was present, and the number of 
 meetinij^s duly called but at which there was no quo- 
 rum, and how often each member was absent from the 
 latter meetings ; and sliall cont.iin such suL^gestions 
 in reirard to the future; action of the succeeding Com- 
 mittee as ex^ erience may enable the reporting Com- 
 mittee to mak(2 in respect of the matters embraced in 
 the report. 
 ((S.) To see that all persons in office, or appointed lo see that 
 ,-,- I'll 1 r t ' persons in office 
 to otnce, connected with the departments ot their give proper secu- 
 respective Committees, have given, or do give, the"'^" 
 : 1 
 ► ■•'• 
 necessary security required of them for the perform- 
 ance of their duties, and in case of any new appoint- 
 ment that the security'' is 'given before 'the person 
 appointed enters upon the duties of his office . 
 Tinlieol 'J'icas- 
 To keep correct 
 books of aLCOUnt 
 To deposit 
 moneys to credit 
 of Corpor.ition 
 in its Hank. 
 To supply in- 
 formal ion to 
 members of Fi- 
 nance Committee 
 as to Finances. 
 To conform to 
 d irec t i ons of 
 To pe rfor m 
 such othei miucs 
 as may be assign- 
 ed to h'm by 
 the Council. 
 78. The duties of the Treasurer in addition to 
 those prescribed byjavv shall be : 
 (i) To keep correct and proper books of account 
 of all transactions relating* to or occurring in his 
 (2) To deposit all moneys which shall come to his 
 hands belonging to the Corporation to the credit of 
 an account to be kept in the Corporation's bank in its 
 name, when such moneys amount to one hundred 
 (3) To supply .dl information relative to the 
 finances of the City, and to all other matters connected 
 with his office, as the Finance Committee may require. 
 (4) To conform to all directions of the said Com- 
 mittee consistent with law and the By-laws of the City. 
 (5) To perform such other duties as may be as- 
 signed to him by the Council. 
 79. The duties of the Clerk of the Council in ad- 
 dition to those prescribed by law shall be : 
 Tonotifymem. (i) To ttotify cach member of the respective 
 bers of commit-/--" •, •xlL^l/'- M ..1 
 tees of time and Committees appomtcd by the Council, so soon as the 
 meeting. "'"' appointment has been made, of the time and place at 
 which the first meeting of the Committee will be held. 
 To furnish (2) To fumlsh the Treasurer and the Chairman of 
 ChVrrm«n"ofeach of thc Commlttees with certified copies of all 
 ce^rS'^wpL resolutions, enactments and orders of the Council 
 ti to 
 of resolutions a% 
 to matters over 
 which Commit- 
 tees have juris- 
 To communi- 
 cate to Commit- 
 tees petitions,&c. 
 referred to them. 
 To control offi- 
 cers employed in 
 his office. 
 To notify mem- 
 bers of Commit- 
 tee and Mayor of 
 To attend meet- 
 relative to the matters over which such Committees 
 may respectively have jurisdiction on the day next 
 succeeding that upon which the action of the Council 
 in respect thereof takes place. 
 (3) To communicate or convey to the Committees 
 all petitions or other documents referred by the 
 (4) To have control over all officers employed in 
 his office, subject to such orders as he may from time 
 to time receive from the Mayor or the Council. 
 (5) To cause a notice of each regular and special 
 mcetinijof the Committees to be served on each'of the 
 members thereof and upon the Mayor, on the day 
 [)revious to such meeting being held. 
 (6) To attend all meetings of the Committees 
 when required so to do by the Chairman or acting 
 Chairman thereof, and to record the minutes, orders 
 and reports of all such meetings in the manner here- 
 inbefore provided. 
 (7) i'o give notice to the members of the Council 
 of all meetings of the Council when held on any other 
 day than Monday, on the day previous to that on 
 which such meetiuLT is to be held. 
 (8) To have charge of the City Seal and to attach 
 the same to any document connected with the Council 
 on the order of the Council, or any of the Committees 
 (9) To perform such other duti(;s as may be 
 assigned to him by the Council. 
 80. The following shall be the duties of the •»"''«■" '^f ^'^"■ 
 I-> . " uineer. 
 !.ngmeer : 
 (i) Toe.xamine all work done for the Corporation Jr?ifyTtowo"k 
 and to certify as to the completion thereof to his satis- ;.^;;"";„.^"' ^ '"'"'" 
 ings of Commit- 
 tees when requir- 
 ed, and record 
 minutes, Sec. 
 To give notice 
 of meetings of 
 Council when 
 held on other day 
 than Monday. 
 To have charge 
 of City Seal, and 
 .tttach to docu- 
 ments connected 
 with the Council 
 on order of Com- 
 To perform all 
 other duties as- 
 signed to him liy 
 the Cimncil. 
 faction, and the amount to be paid in respect of such 
 When required (o) When rcquircd by the Board of Works to 
 to prepare plans \ / 1 _ -' , 
 wOTkfo'be'done^ plans and estimates for all works required to 
 be done by or on behalf of the Corporation. 
 (3) When required to superintend the doing of the 
 work and to prepare contracts in connection therewith. 
 (4) And to perform such other duties as may be 
 iT'The Council'''^ '*^4'-"^'^^' °^ ^"''""' ^V ^^^ Council. 
 When required 
 to super! n tend 
 To perform such 
 other duties as 
 Duties of Street 
 To examine 
 state of repair of 
 streets, and re- 
 port want of re- 
 If repairs re- 
 quire to he made 
 promptly, to 
 cause them to he 
 done and report 
 To see that 
 streets are kept 
 To superintend 
 thetloinn of work 
 for the (Corpora- 
 tion on streets, 
 and su pe r vise 
 m e n employed 
 when work not 
 done hy contract 
 'J'o keep a reconl 
 of men employed 
 on street repairs 
 and wanes paid, 
 Street Commissioxer. 
 81. The following shall be the duties of the Street 
 Commissioner : 
 (i) To examine into the state of repair of all 
 streets and highways within the City and to report any 
 want of repair that may be found therein to the Board 
 of Works. 
 (2) If any repairs require to be promptly done to 
 cause the same to be done forthwith and immediately 
 to report the same to the Board of Works. 
 (3) To see that the streets and thoroughfares of 
 the City are kept clean, and to have the same cleaned 
 whenever directed so to do by the Board of Works. 
 (4) To superintend the doing of all work which is 
 being done for the Corporation on any of the streets 
 or thoroughfares within the City, and to have the 
 charge and supervision of the men employed when the 
 work is not done by contract. 
 (s) To keep a correct record of the men employed 
 ition on stre 
 by th( 
 they are employed, and the wages [)aid to them, and 
 to deliver a ropy thereof to th(t "I'reasurer onc(; in each 
 (6) To perform such other duties as mav l)c 
 assi<nied to him 1)\- the Council or th(; r.oa'rd of"""'' ^'"'"^ ■ 
 may be assinnttl 
 to liiiii by iliu 
 Coiiiicil or the 
 Hoard of Work-. 
 82. All cheques upon the Corporation's bank for , ,,^.,,„^, „„ 
 anv sum of money whatever to be paid on account of'''".','^'"'^y'K'"='| 
 J . 1 \>y 1 reuMirer.aiHl 
 the City shall be signed by the Treasurer and counter- ';^,';;^','';["'«'''=''''^' 
 signed by the Mayor, or, in case of his absence or 
 illness, by one of the Aldermen. 
 Mo^"I•:^■ Aim'Uoi'ria rioxs. 
 '^2)- All appropriations of money shall l)e submit- 
 t(;d to a Committee of the Whole before beinti' taken 
 up in full Council. 
 84. No money appropriation shall be finally acted 
 upon by the Council until it has been first referred to 
 the Finance and iXssessment Committee, and no 
 money shall hn paid by the Treasurer or any expendi- 
 ture be authorized by an\- member of the Council 
 without a resolution of the Council ()rderin<r the same 
 and specifying the amount. 
 of MioiieyM to be 
 submitted to 
 I ommiltui.'of ili-^ 
 No money ap- 
 |)ropriatioii to be 
 tinally acted upon 
 by Council until 
 referred to I'i- 
 iiance and As- 
 sessment Com- 
 mittee, and no 
 money to be paiil 
 by Tr e asu re r 
 r expenditure 
 aulb o r i z ed by 
 member without 
 a resolution of 
 1 ovinc'il. 
 NoTK'i; oi' Mi:i;riX(;s oi- Couxcii. 
 Sv The Clerk shall not be required to give notice V'^i'^ "•" '^ 
 C y . -1 1 1 I -i|uued to yue no- 
 of the meetniL^s of the Councn unless the clav ot'i'^"'" ".'«";'«>' 
 ' of Council uiilesk 
 s.uue are held on 
 nie(;ting shall be some other dav than Mondaw 
 some other day 
 than Monday. 
 Ai'i'oixr.Mi;x i"s ro ()mii;i:. 
 86. In making appointments to office, when there inmakin^ap- 
 1 '' «. 1 • 1 11 1 poinlments to of- 
 are more than two a[)plicants, the motion shall be rne motion to be 
 put so that each shall be voted for ; the persons re- ap,'diauu'\':ned 
 ceivinsr the lowest number of votes falling out in t'oi-.iii'out iirsuc- 
 SL'si'F.xsrox oi- Rli,i:s. 
 Siniuliiii,' rule 
 ll'll lo 1)C MIS- 
 8;. No standiiiLi- ''"-iIc or order of the Council sliall 
 r.'.hiX'rol^e ^^ suspended except by a vote of two-thirds of the 
 .^niicmiur. pre- nKMiilKTs jjresent. 
 Unprovidki) Casks. 
 i.nvvofPariia- S8. lu ah unprovidcd cases in the oroccedino-s of cases tne Lounci i committee resort sliall he had to iIk; of i' . r.. nt as the; rule for guidance on the 
 question, and in such case the decision of the Mayor 
 or other pK.sid' lo- c ♦- -r shall he final ami acquiesced 
 in without debate. 
 9 1' 
 - " 
 Passed in open Council this fifteenth day of De- 
 cember in the year of our Lord one th.ousand eiM-ht 
 hundred and s(;\{MUv-nine. 
 A. .S. ABBOTT. 
 R. LIlWIS, 
 For Changing the Names of Certain 
 Streets in the City of London. 
 \\'iii;ui:\s it is exi)ctlit;nt to clianj^c the naincs of 
 the followinj^r streets within the City of London : 
 He it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the 
 Citv of London in Council assembled ; 
 I. That from and after the nassin(>; of this l^'-law NamcfMre. 
 that street or loart ot street lyinLT between KichmondsfeLt iyi„jr i,e 
 1 ^l^ 1, /•, 11 MT-11" f^ Ittocii Kichnioiul 
 Str(;et and 1 alhot Street and known as W illiam Street ^"^i Taib«t 
 shall be called and known as North Street. ioNonh. " 
 2. That that part of North Street lyino- west of^.,^^;";^'/'^^?'^ 
 Richmond Street shall be called and known as Carling|;^';;;j;|;^\!?,'=;;;:|'^^' 
 T,. That Ahirk Lane, Sarnia Street and Burlin<j^ton Mark lai.e. 
 .^ 1111 r 1 • • rxi'li •'^ariiia St reel, 
 .Street shall hereafter l)e a contmiiation ot Richmond ni'rii"gtonSireet 
 f. 1 11 • 1 It-" 11 '11 and Kichmond 
 Street, and Kichmond Street and the said three streets street toform one 
 shall together form one st.eet which shall be called ''aiie.i Kid,mona 
 and known as Richmond .Street. 
 Passed this twenty-eiLj;hth day of June, A.l). 1869. 
 ♦■.■ • 
 ALHX. S. AiUiOri" 
 Citv Clerk. 
 i\ or. 
 Be it enacted l)y the Corporation of the City of 
 London : 
 NamcotThoin- I. That a Certain Pubh'c Hiohvvav in the City ot 
 locoiiesc Street London, licretotore known as 1 homas Street, is here- 
 by given the name of College Street. 
 Passed this twelfth day of January, A. T). 1874. 
 To Change the Name of Market Street in 
 the City of London. 
 Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation 
 of the City of London as follows : 
 I. That a certain Public Hit^hway in the City oi ^^J^^"^^,."^{,J'^. 
 London heretofore known and designated as Market^^;',Ji" ^^""'' 
 Street shall hereafter be known and designated by the 
 name of Albert Street. 
 Passed the thirtieth day of March, in the year of 
 our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- 
 ALI':X. S. ABliOTT. 
 City Clerk 
 To Change the Name of HilchcockSLreet. 
 He it enacted by the iMunicipal Council of tiu; 
 Corporation of the City of London as follows : 
 Name of Hud,- ^- That Hitchcock Street shall be hereafter known 
 l^d'tTMapie-as and called Maple Street, and that the name of the 
 said street be and the same is hereby changed accord- 
 Passed the twenty-second day of November, A.I) 
 City Clerk. Mayor. 
 To Change the Name of North Street to 
 Queen's Avenue. 
 Ik; it enacted l)y the Municipal Council of the Cor- 
 poration of the City of London : 
 I. That the Street now called North Street in the j^^ame of \j>«h 
 said City of London shall hereafter be called, known <v)"«^^ens Avenue, 
 and desii^nated as Queen's Avenue, and the name of 
 the said street is hereby chans^-ed accordingly. 
 Passed the fifteenth day of May, in the year of our 
 Lord 1876. 
 City Clerk. Mayor. 
 I' VI 
 t .1 
 I"- ; 
 \ I..S. I 
 '»'■ • A 
 For Changing the Name of Duke Street. 
 W'lii'.RKAS, Major-Gcncral \V. T. Rcinvick ami 
 others, rcsidiMits and property owners on Duke Street, 
 liave i)resented their petition praying that the name ol' 
 that Str(!et may be chan^^ed to Ihifferin Avenue, anil 
 it is expedient to i^rant the prayer of sucli jjctition. 
 Be it therefore enacted by tlie Municipal Council 
 of the C()r|)oration of the Cit\' of London as follows : 
 1. That the street or road allowance in the City of 
 Name of Duke 111 11 t x 1 <> 111 
 Street chanse.itu London now Called and known as Uuke Street shall 
 Uullemi A\ciiiK. r 1 11 1 1 ' 1 1 • 111 
 liereatter be called, known and desi^mated by the 
 name of Dufferin Avenue, and that the name of the 
 said street or road allowance be, ami the same is here- 
 bv altered and changed accordin<dv. 
 Passed in o[)en Council this thirtieth day of Octo- 
 ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eii;ht hun- 
 dred and seventy-six. 
 Citv Clerk. Chairman. 
 ForChnnging the Name of Great Mar- 
 ket Street. 
 Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Cor- 
 poration of the City of London as follows : 
 That from and after the passing oi this By-law Name of cca 
 Great Market Street shall be called and known as dian^'ca u' c>n, 
 Central Avenue, and the name of the said street be"' '"""''■■ 
 changed accordingly. 
 Passed in open Council this twenty-first day of 
 April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- 
 dred and seventy-nine. 
 City Clerk. 
 " < I 
 \ -.J 
 'i'*^. : 
 For Closing Part of Pall Me^ll Street in 
 the City of London. 
 Application by WiiEREAs Emanuel T. Essery, Marvin Knowlton, 
 serT''ami others James Johiiston and others have given notice of their 
 Hy-ia^^'"""'^ ° intention to apply for the passing of this By-law ; 
 Printed no ices Ancl whcreas printed notices of t^^c intended B)- 
 iisimi''7''' Trie law have been posted up for upwards of one month in 
 ^'"''' six of the most public places in the immediate neigh- 
 borhood of the original allowance for road, street, or 
 highway hereinafter mentioned, and published weekly 
 for four successive weeks in the London Free Press, 
 a newspaper published within the Municipality of the 
 City of London ; 
 Persons oppos- And whercas the Council has heard all persons 
 in ; Hylaw heard |.. ,« ^ . •. ..1 • r 
 claimmg to be heard in opposition to the passing oi 
 this By-law ; , 
 And whereas it is expecient to stop i.:p and close 
 t part of the original allowar 
 highway hereinafter described ; 
 Expedient to 
 stoj) up part of , _ , ••111 r ^ 
 I'aiiMaiistreet. that part 01 the original allowance for road, street or 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council 
 of the Corporation of the City of London, as follows : 
 Pall Mall Street I. That from and after the passing of this By-law 
 s', amui^"adl that part of Pall Mall Street in the City of London, 
 o. "Waterloo the same being an original allowance for road, street or 
 treet.toppe. "p j^ j^rhway, whlch Hes east of Richmond Street and west 
 of the westcrlv limit of Waterloo Street in the said 
 City of London, be stopped up and forever closed, 
 ancf cease to be or form part of the highway atore- 
 said, or to be a highway. 
 Passed in open Council this fifteenth ^day of No- 
 vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
 hundred and seventy-five. 
 City Clerk. Mayor. 
 ,, ■• 
 For Closing Part of Wellington Street 
 in the City of London. 
 Application liy 
 I'.mamicl T. Es 
 WiiKRiiAs Emanuel T. Essery, Marvin Knowlton. 
 lry'"inJ "ii'ci^s Jamcs JoHnston and others have given notice of their 
 r pa.Mug o jj^j.^j^j.Jqj^ j-q apply for the passing of this i^/-]aw ; 
 4^ , *■• 
 I'rihiLd rotico And whereas printed notices of the intended By- 
 lil'ht'd Til'' Free law have been posted up for upwards of one month 
 '''"'' in six of the most public places in the immediate neigh- 
 borhood of the oriirinal allowance for road, street or 
 highway hereinafter mentioned, and published weekly 
 for four successive weeks in the London Free Press, a 
 newspaper published within the Municipalily of the 
 City of London ; 
 F'lrsuMs n, pn- And whcrcas the Council has heard all persons 
 ckummg to be lieartl m opposition to the passing ol 
 this By-law ; 
 Kvpeiiitiii lu ^\y^^\ vvhereas it is exijedient to stop up and close 
 Aii\) lip jKirl of ^ ^ I 11 
 strtit'"'"'""^'^'^^ part of the original allowance for road, street or 
 highway hereinafter described ; 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Municij)al Council 
 of the Corporation of the City of London, as follows : 
 ,.''-"^' 'f ^^■'^i- I. That from and after the passino- of this By-law 
 liiiKloii Mrctl ,, , TAir 11- • 1 '7-- /- T 1 
 .toppLii up. all that part ot W ellington street in the City of London, 
 the same being an original allowance for road, street 
 or highway, which may be described as follows, tjhat is 
 to say : Commencing at the south-east angle of lot 
 nuiiihcr fourteen on the east side of Wellinirton Street, 
 thence southerly alonji^ the east side of WeHington 
 Street to the north side of Great Market Street, thence 
 westerly alonj^ the north side of Great Market Street 
 to the west side of Wellington Street, thence northerly 
 alonijf the west side of Wellington Street to the south- 
 cast ans^le of lot number fourteen on the west side of 
 Wcllinorton Street, thence easterly, crossint^ W^ellin<r- 
 toil Street in a line parallel with the northerly limit of 
 Great Market Street, to the place of beginning; and 
 which may be also known as that part of Wellington 
 Street bounded on the north by aline drawn from the 
 south-east angle of lot number fourteen on the west 
 side of Wellington Street to the south-west angle of lot 
 number fourteen on the east side of the same street in 
 continuation of the southerly limits of the said lots, 
 and on the south by the northerly limit of Great Mar- 
 ket Street, be stopped up and forever closed and cease 
 to be or form part of the highway aforesaid, or to be 
 a highway. 
 Passed in open Council this fifteenth day of No- 
 vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
 liundred and seventy-five. 
 City Clerk. Mayor. 
 ] ''■^- ; 
 To Shut up Part of Great Talbot Street and 
 Cheapside, and for the Sale and Convey- 
 ance thereof. 
 p.enmbie WiiEREAs the part of Great Talbot Street lyins^f 
 between the southern line or limit of Victoria Street 
 and the northern line or limit of Grosvenor Street, and 
 the part of Cheapside Street lying between the western 
 line or limit of George Street and the River Thames, 
 in the City of London, have been much encroached 
 upon and washed away by the River, and are useless 
 as highways or otherwise to the inhabitants of the said 
 City or the public, and petitions have been received 
 praying for the stopping up of the said parts of streets 
 and the sale thereof as hereinafter mentioned, and it 
 is expedient that tlie prayer of such petitions should 
 be granted ; 
 And whereas written notices according to law of 
 the intended application for this By-law have been 
 posted up for the period of one month and more pre- 
 vious to the application for and passing thereof, in 
 eight of the most public places in the immediate neigh- 
 borhood of the said parts of Great Talbot and Cheap- 
 side Streets, and printed notices to the like effect have 
 been published for five successive weeks in three daily 
 newspapers, namely, the Free Press, the Herald and 
 the Advertiser, published within the said City : 
 Parts of c, cat '• Now, be it therefore cnacted by the Municipal 
 cifci'il. streets ^'f^uncil of the Corporation of the City of London, 
 '^'■"''' that from and after the passing of this liy-law all the 
 part and parts of Great Talbot Street aforesaid lying 
 between the southern line or limit of Victoria Street 
 and the northern line or limit of Grosvenor Street, and 
 all the part of Cheapside Street aforesaid lying between 
 the western line or limit of George Street and the 
 River Thames, shall be closed and stopped up, and the 
 highway in, thiough, over, upon, along and across the 
 same and every part thereof shall be and is hereby 
 abolished and annulled, and the said parts of streets 
 shall be disposed of, sold and conveyed as hereinafter 
 2. On payment of the sum of Six Hundred Dol- p" p»>"«nt of 
 '■J ... $&jo the ])art80i 
 lars by Henry C. R. Becher, of the said City, Esquire, t"'''*'^ '-'"^"f^*" 
 , / ,<, /- 1 1 1 ' be conveyed to 
 and ames Llancv, oi the same place, yeoman, the """■■'■ S- 1^- 1^'^- 
 •' . 1 T 1 ' -111 '^ ''"'' James 
 persons ownmg the adjacent lands first entitled thereto, c'a'ii;j. 
 in such proportions as they may agree upon, within 
 three months of the passing of this By-law, to the 
 Treasurer of the Corporation of the said City for the 
 uses thereof, the Mayor of the said City may execute 
 a conveyance in fee simple of the said parts of streets 
 so stopped up, with the usual covenants given by ven- 
 dors of land, and affix the Corporate Seal of the said 
 City thereto, conveying the said parts of streets in fee 
 simple as follows, that is to say : to the said James 
 Clancy and his heirs and assigns forever, the west half 
 of the part of Great Talbot Street aforesaid lying 
 between Victoria Street and the River Thames, and 
 to the said Henry C. R. Becher and his heirs and 
 assigns forever all the remaining part and parts of the 
 said Great Talbot and Cheapside Streets so stopped 
 up by this By-law, but the conveyance to the said 
 f lenry C. R. Becher shall contain this proviso and omvcvanccto 
 reservation, that the Council may at any time hereaf- Jlh^'Lerxl'itions 
 ter construct and maintain one covered sewer fronisewe^^s thrm^'h 
 George Street through the part of Cheapside to be 8trc'l:trBtoH.ed 
 closed directly to the River Thames, doing as little "''' 
 injury thereby as possible, and another covered sewer 
 from Victoria Street to the River Thames through that 
 •<; ''.1 
 part of Great Talbot Street closed, adjoining on the 
 east the part to be conveyed to the said James Clancy 
 and bein_L,^ a strip of land thirty-three feet in width. 
 easterly from the eastern limit thereof along the whole 
 of its length to the River Thames in a straight line 
 from Victoria Street : and also reserving the right to 
 of 'the rigiu "to the Coimcil tc open by By-law the said strip of land 
 open the strip of ,. .7-. . ., , ^-, . , . 1 i- 1 1 
 land from viL-trom V ictoria Street to the Kiver and establish the 
 toria Street tn . i- •. ,.111^1 
 the Kiver as a Same as a public road or street should they at any tmic 
 (iilfroj."^ ' "^"^ hereafter consider it to be required by the public with- 
 out making the said Henry C. R. Becher, his heirs or 
 assigns any compensation or paying any price therefor. 
 In default cf 3- In default of payment by the said Henry C. R. 
 liechoramiV'ian^- Bccher and James Clancy of the said sum of Six 
 8tV«8 dosed til Hundred Dollars within the period aforesaid, the said 
 t ) be parts of streets so closed and shut up shall be sold and 
 disposed of in such other way as the Council may by 
 By-law or Resolution approve and direct. 
 streets roferrci A. Great Talbot Street and Cheapside Street here- 
 to oriifinaiaiiow-. . ,, ir 1 1 ••111 
 ances in Crown m mtendecl and reterred to are the orunnal allowances 
 therefor as surveyed or laid out in the survey thereof 
 made by the Crown. 
 Passed in open Council this ninth day of Julv, 
 A. D. 1877. 
 City Clerk, Mayor. 
 To AuLhorize Lho Issue of Fifty Thousand 
 Dollars Seven per cent. Debentures under 
 the "Authority of "An Act Respectmg the 
 Debt of the City of London, 1S72," and to 
 Impose a Special Rate '.for the Payment 
 W'liKRKAS tJK; s.'iid Act aiithorl/cs i\ui issue o( de- 
 bentures for ih(! purposes therein mentioned not cx- 
 ceeilin]^' the sum of five hundred and sixty-lour thou- 
 sand seven lumdretl and twenty dollars in the whole, 
 as the Corporation of the City of London may direct ; 
 And jwhereas, lor the purposes mentioned in the 
 said Act, it is necessary to issue tlebentures to the ex- 
 tent of fifty thousand dollars, payable in twenty years 
 fronrthc; date thereof, with interest thereon at the rate 
 of seven [)er cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, 
 accordinsj" to the coupons to the said debentures 
 attached ; 
 And whereas the said Act requires, for payment 
 of the debentures to be issued thereunder, the Council 
 to impose a spc:cial rate, which shall be sufficient to 
 form a sinking; fund of two per cent, over and above all 
 interest to be paid on said deb(Mitures, and it will 
 recjLiire the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars 
 to be raised annually for the saitl interest and sinkini^ 
 fund ; 
 Pre till lilu 
 ' And whereas the amount of the whole ratable prop- 
 erly ol the Cit\ of Lontlon. accortlini^ to th(; last revised 
 assessment roll of the said City, beino- for the year oiit; 
 thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, was five 
 millions four hundred and thirty-eight thousand six 
 hundred and eighty-three dollars ; 
 And whereas the total amount of debentures issued 
 under the said Act exclusive of the debentures by this 
 Hy-law proposed to be issued is fifty thousand dollars ; 
 And whereas, for payment of the interest and creat- 
 ing a yearly sinking fund of two per cent, for payment 
 of the said debentures, amounting together yearly to 
 the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars, it will 
 require to be levied in each year an equal annual 
 special rate of one-twelfth of one cent in the dollar over 
 and above and in addition to all other rates ; 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the 
 Cit)' of London : 
 }-o.,^n iMun- '• That debentures under the said Act and for 
 Sr'"' AnTc't the purpose therein mentioned, to the extent of the 
 S*of' the City '"^um of fifty thousand dollars, are hereby authorized 
 ""■'""'""■ "'^' and directed to be issued. 
 Meiicnt.irca to o. That Said debentures shall have coui)ons thereto 
 have V u u |> o 11 a . i 
 uitadiu-iforpaj-jittachcd for the payment of the interest at the rate of 
 inent of intoruat i J » 1 1 1 - 
 haifycariyatthe seven pcr ccnt. Dcr annum, ijayable halt-yearly. 
 rate ijf seven pur i 1 ' I J J J 
 cent per annum. 
 Special rate of 3. That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund 
 one cent" in' the of tvvo per ceut. for the payment of the said deben- 
 (lollar imposed to , j ., . ^ ^ . ^1 ^ r • 1 ^ 1 
 pay interest ami tu res aud the lutcrest at the rate aioresaid to become.' 
 form sinliiiii' 1 .1 1 • 1 , r ^ ir^l r 
 due thereon, an equal special rate ot one-twellth of one 
 cent in the dollar shall over and above and in addition 
 to all other rates be raised, levied and collected in each 
 year upon all the ratable property in the said City of 
 London, during the continuance of the debentures or 
 any of them. 

 ir one 
 d six 
 This By-law passed in ojjen Council this eiLjhth Piiaso.i .th 
 (lav of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand' ''"'* '*''' 
 eii^ht hundred and seventy-two. 
 y this 
 Ihirs ; 
 City Clerk Mayor. 
 ■ L.h. ■ 
 ly to 
 t will 
 J 1 
 f the 
 1 for 
 * the 
 ^* tv; 1 
 2 re to 
 c of 
 y of 
 s or 
 . ♦ 
 : '. r' 'i".^ 
 To AuLhoi'ize the Issue of Fifty Thousand 
 Dollars Seven per cent. Debentures undei' 
 the AuthoiMty of "An Act Respecting the 
 Debt of the City of London, 1872," and to 
 Impose a Sj::eclal Rate for the Payment 
 \\'iii:rf.\s the said Act autliori/c s llic issue of 
 Dcbcntiin s for tin: piir|iOS(:s tlicrcin mentioned not 
 exccedliiL;' the siini of live luindred and sixty-four 
 thousand se-ven hundred twenty dolhu's in the 
 whole, as the Cori)orat:on ol the City ol London nia\ 
 And wh.ereas for the pur|K).ses mentioned in tlu 
 said Act it Is necessary to issue deljentures to the ex- 
 tent of I'litv thousand doll.u's payable in twenty years 
 from the d;ite thereof with interest thereon at the rate 
 of seven per cent. \)vv annum payahK; half-\earl\ 
 accordinL; to the coupons tti the said tlehentures 
 And whereas ihe said Act rcejuirc s lor pa Nine lit of 
 the debentures to be issued thereuntler the Council to 
 im[)()se a special rate which sliall be sut1ici(,'nt to form 
 a sinkinj^^ fimd of two per cent. o\-er and all 
 interest to be |)aid on said ch'bentures, and it will 
 re(]uire the sum of four th.ousand five; luindrc^d dollars 
 to be raised annualK for th.e saitl interest and .^inkinu 
 re VIS 
 Aiul whereas the amount of []\r. wh.ole ratable 
 property of the City of i.oiuloii according;- to th,e last 
 rcviscul asscssiiK'nt roll of the said City, hcinjj^ for the 
 veil* ont; thousand ci_L;ht hundred and seventy- one, was 
 live millions four hundred and thirty-ei_nht thousand 
 six hundred and eiL;hty-three dollars. 
 And whereas the total amount of debentures issued 
 iiiulcr tlie said Act exclusive of the debentures by this 
 Bv-law proposed to Ije issued is fifty thousand dollars. 
 And whereas for i)a\nient of the interest and cre- 
 ating a yearly sinking fund of two i)er cent, for pay- 
 ment of the said debentures, amounting together 
 vearlv to the sum of four thousand hve hundred dol- 
 lars, it will require to be levied in each year an equal 
 annual special rate of one-twelfth of one cent in the 
 dollar over and above and in addition to all other rates. 
 l)e it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the 
 Citv of London : 
 1. That debentures under the saitl Act and for the, $5u,oc.o ,ici,cn- 
 purposes therem mentioned, to the extent of the sum of ""•''='• '.'A" Act 
 T 1 1 1 II 1 1 1-1 rtsvcitini; thu 
 lilty thousand dollars, are herebv authori/ed and''':l"^'f "'« ^''♦y 
 , . ^ . , . , ' 111 LolKlDll, 1872 
 directed to be issued. 
 2. 1 hat said debentures shall ha\e coupons thereto. Debentures to 
 .... ^ , have coupons nt- 
 .illached for the pa\nK.'nt 01 the interest at the rate of "-^ciieti for paj- 
 ' - 1111- 1 inent of interebt 
 seven r)er cent, per annum paval)le hall-vearlv. half jtariyattiiu 
 ' ' ' - - - rate of seven per 
 cent jicr annum 
 V 1 hat for the purpose oi forming a sinking fund spcdai rate of 
 1" .^' A^ r ^1 A r ^1 '111 one - twelfth of 
 ol two i)er cent, lor the i)ayment 01 the said deben- one cent in the 
 . 1.^1 'a ^ ^ ^^ ' ^ r 'lil (lollarinipnseiito 
 tures and the mtcirest at the rate aloresaid to become pay interest ami 
 due thereon an ecpial sjjecial rate of one-twelfth of onelund. "'" '"" 
 cent in the dollar shall over and above and in addition 
 to all other rates 1)e raisc:d levied and collected in each 
 \ear upon all the: ratable property in the said City of 
'? i 
 A } 
 f ,h' 
 London clLirini; the continuance of tlic tlcbcnturcs or 
 any of them. 
 unc.'.s;.'! '^"' This By-law passed in open Council this tenth day 
 of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eii^du 
 hundred and seventy-two. 
 City Clerk. INLayor. 
-'s or 
 I day 
 To Authorize the Issue of Thirty-one Thou- 
 sand Pounds Sterling Six per cent. Deben- 
 tures, under the Authority of "An Act 
 Respecting the Debt of the City of London, 
 1872," and to Impose a Special Rate for the 
 Payment Thereof. 
 WiiKKKAS, the said Act authorizes the issue of rrcambio. 
 debentures for the |)urposes therein mentioned, not 
 exceeding the sum of five hundred and sixty-four 
 thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars in the 
 whole, as the Corporation of the City of London may 
 direct ; 
 And whereas, for the purposes mentioned in the 
 said Act, it is necessary to issue debentures to the 
 extent of Thirty-one Thousand Pounds of Sterling 
 money of Great Britain, payable in twenty years from 
 the date thereof, with interest thereon at the rate of 
 six per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, according 
 to the coupons to the said debentures attached ; 
 And whereas the said Act requires, for payment of 
 Jie debentures to be issued thereunder, the Council to 
 impose a special rate which shall be sufficient to form 
 a sinking fund of two per cent, over and above all 
 interest t be paid on said debentures, and it will re- 
 ([uire the sum of two thousand four hundred and 
 eighty pounds of sterling money of Great Britain, 
 which is equal to the sum of twelve thousand and 
 sixty-nil ; dollars and thirty-three cents of lawful 
 money of Canada, to be raised annually for the said 
 interest and sinking fund ; 

 1 60 
 And wliLTcas the amount ot" the whol'- ratahlc 
 property of the City of London, acordin^- to the last 
 revised assessment roll of the said city, bein^i^- for ilu; 
 year one thousand eii^ht hundred and seventy-three, 
 was seven millions four hundnxl and seven thousand 
 nine hundred and nin(;t) -one tlollars ; 
 And whereas the total amount of debentures issued 
 under said Act, exclusive of the debentures by this by- 
 law |)rop()sed to be issued, is fifty-three thousand l"i\c 
 hundred dollars ; 
 f i 
 And whereas for i)a\in('nt of the interest and 
 creatin<;- .1 yearly sinkin;^- hind of two per cent, for 
 payment of the said debentures, amountinij' to^etlu r 
 yearly to the sum of twebe thousand and sixty-niiU' 
 dollars and thirt)'-three cents of lawful money of 
 Canada, it will re(]uire to be lexied in each )ear an 
 equal annual special rate; of one-sixth of one cent in 
 the dollar o\er and aboxo and in addition to all cllur 
 rates ; 
 He it tlierelore enacted b\ the Corporation of ihc 
 City of London as follows ; 
 I. That (Kd)entures under the said Act and for ibc 
 mcdiimicr-A,, purpose therein mentioncyJ, to th(j extent of thirtx-onc 
 u <itiit ..f the thousand i)ounds ot sterhnij' monev 01 lircat hntain. 
 /Ijt.oxi St,'. 
 ilcliuijtiiri.'s til I 
 City i^f 1.<iih1(iii, , 1 • 1 1 1- II- 1 
 iB?;." an; nerenv authorized and directed to be issued 
 Dcbciituica to 2. That saitl delK-iUures shall haw coupons thereto 
 liuvi, ciit))>(iiit! at- I 
 ""•'';''/'."■'"'■'; attached for the payment of the interest at the rate of 
 IIR'Mt of ll!t( icSt _ I J 
 iwvif.\.!iiri*;a.six j,jv^ lier cent. i)er annum, pa\abl(; half-xearlv. 
 liLT n.'iil. per nil- 1 1 ' 1 / .' , 
 oiu'lTxt'il ?.'f 'one >^- I'^^'it I'^i' ill"-' piir[}Ose of form in l; a sinking;' bind 
 .■ei.tii.ihe.ioiiur,,f .^y^ p^.,- cciit. for tlut i)a\-ment of tlu; said tit benturt s 
 si'iVkTie'Voml''"'''^'''^^ ^'^^ '^ rate aforesaid to become i\uv 
 th.ereon, an equal special rate of one-sixth of one ceiii 
 in the dollar shall over and above and in addition to 
 ;ill other rates be raised, levied and collected in each 
 year upon all the ratable property of the said City of 
 London durin^- the continuance of the debentures or 
 anv of them. 
 4. That the said debentures and the coupons Debentures t,. 
 thereof shall be made payable at the Banking House H^Ks'aiana 
 of the " Bank of Scodand," in the City of London, in 
 that part of Great Britain called England. 
 This By-law passed in open Council this seventh passed 7tii 
 ,-»T t • 1 r T 1 A.^ November, iS?). 
 day of November, ni the year of our Lord one thou- 
 sand ci<rht hundred and seventv-three. 
 Clerk . Mayor. 
 '1, • 
 I. d 
 To Authorize the Issue of One Hunclroti 
 Thousand Dollars Debentures Under tlic 
 authority of "An Act Respecting the Deljt 
 of the City of London 1872" and to Im- 
 pose a Special Rale for the PaymenL 
 WiiKRKAS the .s.iid Act .'iLitliorizcs tlu; issue of de- 
 bentures for the i)urp()sc;s tli(M'ein mentioned, not cx- 
 cccdino; the sum of live hundred and sixtv-fcnir thou- 
 sand seven liundred and twcMit)' dollars in the whole, 
 as the Cori)oration of tiie City of London may direct. 
 And whereas for the purposes mentioned in said 
 Act it is n(!cessary to issue debentures to the (extent of 
 one hundred thousand dollar.-, payaljle in twenty years 
 from the lirst day of July last past witli interest then^- 
 on at the rate of seven per cent, per .uiiuim to be 
 computed from the same date and to be; j)a\abl(.' half- 
 yearly on the first days of January and July in each 
 and every year accordinL;' to the coupons to the said 
 debentures attached. 
 And whereas the said Act re(|uires for payment of 
 the debentures to l)e issucid thereunder the Council to 
 impose a special rate wliich shall be sufficient to form 
 a sinking fund of two per cent. o\er and a])o\(; all in- 
 terest to be paid on said debentures, and it will recjuire 
 the simi of nine thous;mcl dollars to be raised annually 
 for the said interest and sinkinij- fund. 
 And whereas the amount of the whole ratable 
 property of the City oi London accordinjj;' to the ].y.^ 
1 63 
 n\ isctl assessment roll of the said City, beinij for the 
 year one tliousand eii^ht liuiidred and seventy- four, 
 was seven milHon six hiindrt.'d and five thousand and 
 niiu.'tv dollarr.. 
 And whereas tile total amount of debentures issued 
 iiiuior said Act exclusive of the debentures by this 
 by-law proposed to be issued is two hundred and 
 cit-hteen thousand three luindred and sixtv-six dollars. 
 And whereas for jKiyment of the interest and cre- 
 ating' a yearly sinking' fund of two per cent, for pay- 
 ment of the said debentures amounting" together yearly 
 to the sum of nine thousand dollars it will rc:cjuire to 
 he levied in each year an e([ual annual special rate of 
 one mill and one-tifth of a mill in the dollar over and 
 above and in adtlition to all other rates. 
 Ik; it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the 
 CItv of Lon Jon : 
 1, ' • 
 I. That debcMUures under the said Act aiul for the j.k., kk,. 
 purjio.-^e therein mentioned to the: extent of the sum ofsu[MUimifr''"AM 
 one hundred thousand dohars are herc;l)y authorized ii.e .Ju'ui' uic 
 City of London, 
 aiul directed to be issued. 
 2. That saiti debentures shall have coupons thereto iu.i.fntnns i.. 
 altached lor the pa\ iiieiit ol the mterest .it tiie rate ol uciied f.,r pa.N- 
 1111,- 1 .1 nicnt (if inlert'st 
 se\(Mi percent, per annum pa\al)le nalt-\eariy on theiiiUf.Muiyutti,,. 
 ,- I r I III'' 1 'i ' r:iti' of sicM-n 111 f 
 In-st days ol |anuary and Jul)- \n each antl every year.runt p..-.- nm 
 comiivjncini; on the lirst day ol Januar)' next. 
 ;. That lor the puiposi} of iormin''- .i sinkinLT tund sr^uai mt. ,f 
 '' . ' 1 . "^ •111 'ine and rinu till h 
 ol two per cent, lor the p.ivment ol the said deljen-!"'"*'" the d„i. 
 ' , , . ', • - • 1 1 imposed to 
 tures and the mten^st at the rat" aforesaid to become p^y interest «n.i 
 due thereon, ;in e(|ual special rate ol on-' mill and one- f"'"' 
 lilth of ,1 mill in the dollar shall ONcr and above uid in 
 addition to all other rates be raised, levied and collected 
 in each year upon all the ratable property in the said 
 City of London during the continuance of the deben- 
 tures or any of them. 
 Aiugt!'g74/*'' '^ ^""'^ I3y-lavv [Kissed in open Council this twenty- 
 fourth day of August, in the year of our Lord one 
 thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. 
 City Clerk. 
 K iit 
 To Authorize the Issue of Two Hundred and 
 Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred and 
 Eighty-six Dollars Debentures under the 
 Authority of "An Act Respecting the Debt 
 of the City of London, 1872," and to Impose 
 a Special Rate for the Payment Thereof. 
 \\'iii:ri:as the said Act authorizes the issue of raamt.:, 
 debentures for the purposes therein mentioned not 
 exceeding the sum of five hundred and sixty-four 
 thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars in the 
 whole, as the Corporation of the City of London may 
 And whereas, for the purposes men>^'oned in said 
 Act, it is necessary to issue debentures to the extent 
 of two hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred 
 and eii^hty-six dollars, payable in twenty years from 
 the date thereof, with interest thereon at the rate of 
 six per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, accordinij^ 
 to the coui)ons to the saiil debentures attached ; 
 And whereas the s.iid Act recjuires, for payment 
 of the debentures to be issueil thereunder, the Council 
 to impose a special rate, which shall be sufficient to 
 form a sinking; fund of two |)er cent, over and above 
 all interest to be paid on said debentures, and it will 
 require the sum of se.venteen thousand five hundred 
 and htty-nine dollars to be raised annually for the said 
 interest and sinking: iund ; 
 And whereas the amount of the whole ratable 
 projjerty of the City of London, according to the last 
 revised assessment roll of the said city, beiiiij^ for the 
 year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-iivc;, was 
 eiuht millions ninety-six thousand one hundred and 
 thirty-tive dollars ; 
 in a 
 And w hereas the total amount of debenture. > issued 
 under said Act, exclusive of the debentures by this 
 By-law proposed to be issued, is three hunchMl an! 
 forty-five thousand two hundred and thirty-three dol- 
 lars and forty-three cents ; 
 And whereas, for payment of the interest and creat- 
 ing a yearly sinking fund of two per cent, for payment 
 of the said del)entin"es. jimounting together yearlv to 
 the sum of sc:\enteen thousand I'ne liundred and fifty- 
 nine dollars, it will require to be levied in each year 
 an equal annual special rate of two mills and one tifih 
 of a mill in the dollar oxer and above and in additi(Mi 
 to all other rat(.'S ; 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the 
 City of London : 
 $'.<w>cii- '• 1 hilt debentures under the said Act and for the 
 8u"r.nuiei''- An purpose therciu mentionetl, to the extent of the sum 
 Mic'dcbr'nf'thuOf two hundred and ninetecm thousand four hundr(Hl 
 City of Lumio,,, .^j^j^j (^ju]ity-six dollars. are hereljy authoiized and 
 directed to Ik; issued. 
 nt'liriiturcs f 
 li:i\t' (MiiipDnK iit 
 2. That said debentures shall have coupons then lo 
 iiichui f..r pnv- attached tor the payment 01 tlui uiterest at the rate ol 
 iiii'tit of inliTLMl . ' 1 1 1 1 /- 1 
 biiif-vc.irhatsix SIX Vivx ccut. per annum, payable lialt-yearK'. 
 )>er I cut. pci .III- 
 j;. That tur the purpose of lt)rming a sinking luiul 
 (I mill iMit.' nil (T ^ ^ r 1 r 1 *^ * 1 1 1 * 
 lis in ihr.i.iol two per cent, lor the payment ol the saul debentures 
 Special iMti' ' f 
 iwomiii c)ii(,' (itili 
 Ur iiiipiiccil t( 
 pay iiit(!rpsl nm 
 loini sink in: 
 land the interest at the rate aforrs.ud to become: di 
 lereon, an ecpial special rate of two nulls and one- 
 fiUli of a mill in the dollar shall, over and above and 
 in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied and col- 
 lected in each year u])on all the ratable property in 
 the said City of London during the continuance of the 
 debentures or any of them. 
 This By-law passed in open Council this fifth day i.^asoa = 
 of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand oi<;ht'""^"' "^" 
 juindreil and seventy-six. 
 ALLX. S. A15150TT. D. C. ^L\CD()NALD. 
 Citv Clerk. ^Liyor. 
 • -I 
 h S ' 
 •; ''J 
 WuFKKAs the Corporation of the City of London, 
 by By-law bearing'' date tlic fifth day of June last past. 
 provided for the issue of debentures to the amount of 
 two hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and 
 ei«^hty-six dollars, under authority of "An Act Rcspcct- 
 inL( the Debt of the City of London. 1872" ; 
 I ' 
 I i 
 And whereas the said Corporation has contracted 
 for the sale of the said debentures, and the j)urchasers 
 require the same to be made payable in sterlini,^ money 
 of Great Britain, at tlu; j^lace and for the amounts 
 hereinafter mentioned : 
 Debentures nn- Therefore the said Cori)oration declares and dirc^cts 
 Ijuno,^i87'6!tobethat thc deljcntures issued or to be issued under the 
 inoile liayabln in . i • r i ■ i A 1 11 1 i i i • 
 steriintf money Quthority ot tile saicl Act sliall be made payable in 
 sterhng- money ol Great Britain, at the liankin<4^ House 
 of the Bank of Scotland, in London, England, and 
 Sums fo'wbicb that two hundred and one of the said debentures shall 
 ili'benturi'S I* be • /• • ^ . . < . < • 
 miuie. be tor the sum ot one hundred i)Ounds sterling' money 
 aforesaid each, and one hundred and twenty-fixc ot 
 them for the sum of two hundred pounds sterling 
 monev aforesaid (rach. 
 pasRc.i =4th Passed this twenty-fourth day of July, in the Near 
 July. i370. of our Lord one thousand eii;ht hundred and seventy- 
 City Clerk. Mayor, 
 To Repeal Certain By-laws Passed under the 
 Authority of the Act Entitled "An Act 
 Respecting the Debt of the City of London, 
 \\'h(M'(;<'is a Hy-law was on the twenty-fourth day of I'.c 
 AiiLi'List, in tJK; year of our Lord one thousand eiglit 
 hundred and seventy-foin'. passetl l)y the iNhinicipal 
 Council of the Corporation of the City of London 
 under the authority of the Act entitled " An Act re- 
 specting the del)t of the City of London, 1872." for 
 the issue of one hunch'ed thousand tlollars sevcMi per 
 cent debentuHis of th(^ said C()r[)oration. 
 And whereas debentures to the amount of ninet\ - 
 four thousand three hundred and sixty-six dollars antl 
 sixty-six cents only have* l)een issued under the 
 autliority of the said recited By-law. 
 And whereas a certain otlier I^y-law was on the 
 fifth day of October in the year of our Lord one thou- 
 sand eijj;"ht hundred and si;yenty-four. i)assed by the 
 said Council under the authority of the said recited 
 Act for the issue of seyenty-two thousand dollars seycn 
 l)er cent, debentures of the said Corporation. 
 And whereas none of the debentiu'es authorized 
 by the said last-mentioned iU'-law to be issued have 
 been issued . 
 And whereas a certain other i^y-law was on the 
 lilth day of June last past passed by the said Council 
 under the authority of the said recited Act for the 
 issue of two lunulrcd anil nineteen thousantl four iuin- 
 dred and eighty-six dollars six per cent, debentures 
 bein<^ the residue of the debentures authorized by the 
 said recited Act to be issued exclusive of those issued 
 under the authority of the said first recited By-law and 
 liy-laws of the said Council previously passed . 
 And wliereas it is expedient to repeal the said 
 first recited By-law as to the debentures not issued 
 thereunder, and the said secondly recited By-law. 
 Be it therefore enacted by th(! said the Municipal 
 Council of the Corporation of the .said City of Lontlon 
 as follows : 
 liy-uw for is- I- rhat the authority _L;iven 1)\' the said first recited 
 ^l'eI•^■«nt'''<le- Bydaw for the issue of the debentures thereby author- 
 'TtiT'TugTst ''^cd to be issued be and the same is hereby repealed, 
 e'xct'pt''ar'toi'<^voked and annulled, exce]3t as to the d(d)entures to 
 URl;.'umkr^^^^^ amount of ninety-four thousand thre<; luuiilred and 
 sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents already issued 
 liy-iaw f,.r is 2. That the said secondly recited I-Jy-law be and 
 n>cr' ™nrti<''- the same is hereby repealed, and the authority for the 
 5th (Mui,Jr,,s74 issue ot debentures to the amount ol seventy-two 
 "iicat. . thousand dollars thereby authorized to be issued is 
 hereby revoked and annulled. 
 l\'issed this seventh day of Aui^ust in the year ot 
 our Lord one thousand eij^ht hundred and seventy-six. 
 Clerk. Mayor. 
I 71 
 To Aid and Assist '-The London, Huron and 
 Bruce Railway Company," by giving 
 $100,000 by way of Bonus Lo the Com- 
 l)any, and to Issue Debentures Therefor, 
 and to Authorize the Levying of a Special 
 Rate for Payment of the Debentures and 
 Interest Thereon. 
 W'liKRKAs l)y an Act of tlu? 4th Session of the riu:imi,:c 
 Legislature; of the I'rovince of Ontario, passed in the 
 ;,4th year of the rei^n of 1 ler Majesty (Jueen Victoria, 
 entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Lonlon, Huron 
 and Hrucc Railway Company," it is among'st other 
 thini^s provided and enacted as follows : 
 "And it shall further be lawful for any inunicipalil\' 
 or municipalities, through any part of which or ne-ar 
 which the railway or works of the saitl Company shall 
 pass or be situated, to aid and assist the said Comi)an\- 
 hy loaning' or ouaranteeini;" or i;ivinL;' money by way 
 of bonus or donations or other means to the Company 
 in the construction or equii)ment of said railway, or of 
 any of the works authorized under this Act, in such 
 manner and to such extent as such municipalities or 
 any of them shall think ex[)edl(.'nt. 
 " Provided always that no such aid or assistance, 
 by way of bonus, donation or otherwise, shall be ijiven 
 until after the passing of a By-law for the purpose and 
 the adoption of such I]y-law by the ratepayers. Pro- 
 vided also that any such By-law to bs valid shall bj 
 made in conformity with the laws of this Province 
1 a 
 /.^ { 
 r(:s|H.'ctIn,^' niiinici|jal instiliitions, ami all such l)y-la\\s 
 so passed shall ho valid, notwithslamlini,'' such rale 
 may c.\cc(;d ihc a_L;i;rc_Lialc rate of two cents in the 
 dollar on tlu; actual value; of such ratable properl). 
 Provided that the annual rate of assessment shall not 
 in any case exceed for all purpose-s two c(Mits in the 
 dollar on the actual value of the whole ratable property 
 within the munici|)alily or portion of a nuinici[)alil\ 
 creating" such tleht." 
 And whereas the uiunicipalitN' of the Citv of* 
 London has determinetl to aid and assist the said Com- 
 pany, by t;i\in_Li" thereto 1)\ way of bonus the sum of" 
 $ioo,coo. under the authority of' the said recitcxl Act ; 
 And whereas, in order to carr\ into ( ffect the said 
 recited object, it will be nccessar\' lor the said nuinici- 
 palit\' to rais(; the said sum or$ioo.oco in the manner 
 hereinalh'r mentioned a-id set forth ; 
 And wJKM'eas it will re(|uire the sum of ;jsii,oco to 
 be raised annuall)" by special rate for paying- the said 
 debt of $100,000 and int(-'rest on the debentures to be 
 issued therefor as hereinafter j)rovideil ; 
 And the ^amount of the whole ratable 
 j)ro|)erty of the said municipality, irrespective of any 
 further increastj of the same, and also irrespectivi; of 
 anv increase to be derived from th(; temporarv invest- 
 ment of the sinkiuLT fund hereinafter mentioned or of 
 any part thereof, is. accordinii" to the last revised 
 assessment roll of the said municipalitv. beini^ for the 
 year 1S70, the sum of $5, i 24.160 ; 
 And whereas the; amount of the; existing; del)t of 
 the said municij)alit\- is the sum of $1,^42,048, of 
 which the sum of $(137,289 is principal and the sum of 
/ .•> 
 |;o4.759 '^ iiUcrcst, the whole of which said last men- 
 tioned sum is in arrears ; 
 And whereas, tor paying' tlu- interest and creatinfj 
 an ('(lual yc;arly sinking- fund for payinj^- the; principal 
 of the said debt of $100,000. according- to the pro- 
 visions of the Act respectint^'' Municipal Institutions of 
 Upper Canada, it will re(|uir(r an annual special rate in 
 the dollar of 2;^, mills in additi(3n to all other rates to be 
 levied in each year ; 
 i}e it ther(!f(jre (Miacted \)y the Corporation of the 
 Cilv of London, in Council assembled, as follows: 
 I. That it sh 
 lalland may In; lawful for the said ^^^^-eiuoTr 
 iiuinicipality to assist the said Company by k''^'''\^''H"mLc'''Kaii«fly 
 thereto, by way of bonus, the sum of $100,000. compa...v. 
 2. That it shall be lawful for thi! purpose aforesaid DtiumturiH i.. 
 lor the Mayor ot the said municii)ality to cause any for. 
 number of del)entures to be made for such sum of 
 money as may be recjuircd for the said purpose, not 
 less than $100 each and not exceetlinij^ in the whole 
 the said sum of $100,000, which said debentures shall 
 be sealed with the seal of the said municipality, and 
 countersigned bv the Chamberlain thereof. 
 ;. That tht; said debentures shall be made payable iMicnimesto 
 in 20 years from the day hereinafter mentioned for this years". "ami haC'o 
 liy-law to take ertect, at the oHice ot the Chamberiam tcrest attmhtii. 
 aforesaid, in the said City of London, and shall have 
 attached thereto coui)ons for the payment of interest 
 at the rate and in the manner hereinafter mentioned. 
 4. That the said debentures shall bear interest at at'6^w^'ent° 
 and after the rate of 6 per centum per annum from thcj[\*^^'ij..'''''' ''""' 
 date thereof, and such interest shall be made payable 
 lialf-yearly, on the fifteenth day of January and the fif- 
 If •» 
 ■ «k 
 tecnth day of July in c ich year, at the office of the 
 Chamberlain aforesaid, in the said City of London. 
 speciiu lite of c That for the nurpose of forming- a sinkini/ fiiiul 
 two aixl thrco- r t r i • i i i l i • 
 twentieth mills .<or thc payment 01 the said ael)enturcs and the interest 
 ill the dollar iin- iii i -i r^-n 
 poBed toi.».vin. to become ckie thereon, an equal special rate ot 2.;^ mills 
 lercBt and form . , in in- i i- • n i " i 
 Bii.kiii;,' fund, in the dollar shall in addition to all other rates Ix; 
 raised, levied and collected in each year upon all thc 
 ratal)le jjroperty in the said municipality durinij^ thc 
 continuance of the said debentures or any of them. 
 n.v-:aw t" nkc 6. That this Hy-law shall take effect and come into 
 elTiot ijtii July, . ^ ^ r ^ r r 11 r j 1 
 .^7'. operation on, Irom and alter the tilteenth day ol July, 
 in the year of our Lord 1S71, 
 Passed this twenty-eighth day of June, A. I). 1S71. 
 City Clerk. IMavor. 
 fo Provide for the Issue of Waterworks De- 
 bentures to the Amount of $325,035, 
 under the Authority of the " Londoii 
 Waterworks Act, 1873," and " The London 
 Waterw^orks Amendment Act, 1878. " 
 WiiKkKAs the sulci recited Acts authorize the issue i-re^ 
 of (lebfMitures for the purposes therein ment'onecl to 
 an amount not exceedinii" four liundred tliousand dol- 
 lars ; 
 And whereas a H\ -law authorizin;/ the construction 
 of waterworks for the City of London, hy the authority 
 of the said recited Acts, has been duly pass(;d in 
 accordance- therewith, ami t^e expenditure thereby 
 authorized to be incurrc;d is t ic sum of three hundred 
 aivl twenty-five thousand antl thirty-five tlollars ; 
 Be it therefon; (Miacted l)y th(! Ahuiicioal Council 
 of the Corporation of the said City of L<^:.(.ion as fol- 
 lows : 
 1. It shall be lawful for the Water Commissioners wau-r c. 
 for the City of London to raise by way of loan, iV()ni u.oS't.. i'. 
 any [)erson or body cori)orate who may be willin<>; to'"''**''^-'"''" 
 atlvance the same upon the credit of the debe.itures 
 iiereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding' 
 in the whole the sum of three hundred and twenty-five 
 thousand and thirty-five dollars, and to cause the same 
 to be paid into the Hranch or Agency Office of the 
 Canadian 15ank o( Commerce at the City of London, 
 to be k(;pt and applied in the manner provided by sec- 
 tion thirty-five of the said first recited Act. 
 ■f ; 
 Mayor to issiin 
 ilt'lieiitiiri'S to lis' 
 Tlic Mavor may cause any lUimlKT of del 
 iu»rko.i"\Vttt«r-turc:s, which shall be niarkc;d and known as "Water- 
 works Uuheii- 1T\1 . '> 4. \ 11" 1 
 tures." works Debentures, to be; macU; h)r such sums as may 
 be required, but not for less than one hiuidred dollars 
 or twenty pounds of st(;rlin_LC money of (ireat Britain 
 each, and such debentures shall be mad(; imde-r tlic 
 common Seal of the said City, and slt^ned by the 
 Mayor and Treasurer tliereof. 
 Debentures to -^. Tlic Said debenturcjs shall bt; made uayal)l(,' in 
 he paviibic in .•.> "■ r i r i i i" i ' 
 years" to have twenty y(;ars at turthest Irom th<r date of the n^spec- 
 coiiponH alt: "•- . . ' , 1- • 1 • 1 • r / • 
 0,1 for payn.ciittiy(! issue th(;reol, cather m sttaMniL;' mon(;y ol drcai 
 Britain or currency in this Proyince or (ireat Ihataiii 
 or elsewhere, and shall haye attachfxl to them coupons 
 for the payment of interest. 
 Uthcutiircs to 4- The said debentures shall bear intca^est after the 
 hu Kr"r,?t'iU- '"^ <^^ ^•'^ pf'i' centum per annum from th.e d;itc 
 '""■'""•^^"'■'•" thereof, and the interest shall be ixiyable half-yearl\. 
 on the first days of April and Octolx'r in each and 
 eyery year. 
 I'assr.i ,st Passed in oi)en Council the hrst day of April, 
 April,..,;., j,^ the year of our Lord one; thousand eii^ht hunclreil 
 and seyenty-ei^ht, and L;iyen undta* the Corjiorat-' 
 Seal of the saitl municiiiality. 
 ALKX. S. AlUiOrT. 
 k. LIAVIS. 
 Respecting the Municipal Loan Fund 
 Debt of the City. 
 WiiKRKAs the ^hl^icipal Loan Fund 1 )L'bt of the Preamble 
 City of London was fixed by the Act of the Le_L,nsla- 
 tiire ol Ontario. (Mititled "An Act Respectinj^ Certain 
 Payi. i-s to Municipahties " (heini;' 36 Vic, ca[h 47), 
 at the sum of $486,05 iS. 64, besides interest for the 
 year 1873 ; 
 And whereas the Citv of London did, in compH- 
 ;ince witli the. provisions of the said Act, i^ive new 
 debentures for tlie said sum, l)ut thd not j^^ive deben- 
 tures for the said interest ibr 1S73, amountinjj^ to 
 Anil whereas proceeding's have been taken by the; 
 Gov("rnment of Ontario to com[;el i.>ayment by the 
 City of the said sum of .$24,302.93 and interest 
 thereon ; 
 And whereas, unless such proceedings are strtyed, 
 the said City will Ix^ put to a laru^e e\[)ense. \y',\d will 
 he compelled to j)ay forthwith a \iir\j!;c. sum of money, 
 and it was therefor* [jroposed by the ^layor of tlie 
 City, actini; on its behalf, that tlebentures should be 
 L;iven for the sum of $30,575.05, being the said sum of 
 $24,302.93 and intert'st theri;on computed up to tlie 
 2Sth day of February, 1879, such sum of $30,575.05 
 i)eing ecjual to ,/'6,282 los. 8d. sterling money of 
 (ireat Britain ; 
 ■ r? 
 And whereas tin- ("lovernment of Ontario has sig- 
" I 
 ' . 
 • l'«c: 
 J ,_.;.•*. 
 nlficd its willingness to accept such propositi, and the 
 Liciitcnant-Ciovernor in Council has in accordance with 
 tJK; terms of tiie said Act recjuircd the Cor[)orati()n of 
 the s.iid City of Loiuhjii to ex(!cute thirty-one deben- 
 tures of ,{,200 st^. t:.ich anil one dehentun; of 
 ./'S2 I OS. ^l\. sIl;., ^uch dc:))(ntures to i)e payable at 
 London. I'lni^laiul. on iht; first day ol Aui^ust, iS();,, 
 with interest at five per cent, computed from the first 
 day of M.u-ch, 1S71). the ;ntc:rest to he i)ayable on llu; 
 twenty-eij^luh d;!\- cS l''ebruary and thirty-tirst (hiy of 
 AuL^usl ol each year : 
 'riu;refore die Council ot the Corijoration of the 
 City of London hereb\ enacts: | . Tjiat tile Mayor shall issue delx-ntures of the 
 i.iMiiurus for said Cori)oration m accorilaiice with the said retiuisi- 
 $i..,575 (.5 on ill'- .,-,.• . . ' 
 count, of .Mnni-tion Ol tlic I jeuteiiant-Lii )\crnor. 
 Cipiil liOUM Kuiul 
 iiowiicbeniurcf 2. Til. it llic debentures numbered froui soo to ^j; 
 inclusive shall be on account ol jirincipal only, and the 
 remainder ol the said cU;bentures, numbered from 3:1 
 to 5:^1 in':lusiv(;, shall be h^r the residue. ()\ tlie prin- 
 cipal and the accrued interest. 
 ii,v.iawiot|ikc ^ That this 1)\- law shall lake i:lfect forthwith. 
 Oft torthwitli ' -' 
 .. '■'"«"' "'I' I'.is.sed in o|)en Ccnincil this nineteenth day ol 
 March, iHyj \ii\i \ i-ii iii 
 ALu'ch (A. 1). iS^cy), one thousand eight Inmdred and 
 .\Lb:x. .s. Ar.r.or r. 
 Citv Clerk. 
 R. LiaVlS. 
I 70 
 nd \hv. 
 cv with 
 tioii of 
 i-in: of 
 , I So;,, 
 uj first 
 I'H llu; 
 Ia\- of 
 For Allowing fhe Construction of ;< Branch 
 Railway or Tram-i'oad Along Adelaide and 
 BaLhurst Streets. 
 <>( the 
 WiiKki'.AN it is (l('sir;il)lc that a hraiich railway or 
 tram-road tx' ('oiistriictcci, cxtcndinij;' from the Oil 
 i)(!|)Ot of tlic Cirt:al Western K.iilway to the tliflereiu 
 oil rt.'diieries in the iOu iiship ol London, lor llie ear- 
 rla;^"e. of petroleum and other substances ; 
 He it therefore enacted l)y the Corporation of the 
 Citv of London, in Council assemlil(Ml : 
 That the authority and consent of tins Council, so a 
 far as they can .^ive the s.une, be L;i\-en to the Cireal 
 Western Raiivv.iy Company of Canada, their succ('ss()rs(^uiall^t. 
 and assiiins, to construct or cause to be constructed ar. 
 branch railway or tram-road of wood or iron or botl 
 o\-erand upon th( followinL; ireets and highways, name 
 ly, commencing at any poini in or iK^ar the present oil 
 (le|)Ot of the said the (Ireal Western Railway C(»m 
 |)any, in the City of London, on the north side ol 
 Hathurst Street and on llie west side of Adelaide 
 Street, thence runnini; in a souliieasterK' direction 
 across the corner of Ualhurst street to the east side of 
 Adelaide .Street, thence runnini;" south alon^ the east 
 side of Adelaide Street to a j)oinl nv.iv where the said 
 Adelaide Stn.-et crosses the 1 lamilton Road, in accord 
 ance with and subject to the statute in that behalf, and 
 that the isaid the (ireat W Cstern Railway Lompan)-, 
 u> the ■ (imit 
 Wi'Slcrii I! !i i I- 
 :iy ('ii|ii|iaiiy "f 
 st r II (• I brain li 
 lilwiiy iir tT'iiii- 
 rniul aliiiiir Ailc- 
 1, m, liilik' uiiil Hath- 
 iirHt stri'i'ts. 
 I 80 
 their successors and assigns, may at all times draw or 
 cause to be drawn over and upon the said branch rail- 
 way or tram-road or an) jjart thereof railway carriai^cs 
 or cars lad(;n with p(;tr()l('um 01 otlier substances. 
 Passed this sixth day of June, A. U. 1870. 
 City Clerk. Mayor. 
 , « • 
 • ••.t 
 ' ^ 
 )'<« ■ 
 • «- 
 1 '*N 
 ' '*•■ 
 ■ *lf' 
 1 -»., 
 1 ""•'. 
 1 •!.>; 
 To Perrnil the Grand Trunk Railway Com- 
 pany to Carry Their Railway Across and 
 Along Cei'Lain Sti'eets in the City of 
 W'hkrkas the Grand Trunk Railway Company of rreainbic. 
 Canada purpose buildinsj;- a Passcmt^^cr Station and 
 Offices in the City of London, on the block of land 
 lyiuLi' b(?tween Maitland and Burwell Streets, ])ounded 
 on the north by the Great Western Railwa)- and on 
 the south by East I^athurst Stre(.'t, and they have ap- 
 plied to the .\hmiciixil Council of the Corporation of 
 the City of London for i(!ave to carry their railway, or 
 a branch or siding;- thereof, alonj^^ Iilast Bathurst Street 
 from the t;ast(;rn limit of William Street to the western 
 limit of Maidand .Stniet. where it is Intended to enter 
 their said intended Passen_L;er Station premises at the 
 southeasterly corner of the said block ; 
 And whereas the carrying' of the said railway al on l>' 
 l^ast l^athurst Street as aforesaid will tend much to 
 die convenience of the public and of the said railway 
 and its traffic, and it is expedient to ^rant the said 
 a[)plication ; 
 • ■• I 
 Now it is hereby enact'.vl l:)y the INlunicipal Coun- 
 cil of llie Corporation of the City of London : 
 That the; a|)i)lication of the said the Grand 'I^aink Kauwa? c'oll^ 
 Railway Company of Canada for such leave be ;md i'^Yu oHmUo 
 the. same Is hereby ^ranted, and "t shall and may be^Jrois'' wmTam 
 lawful for the said Company, their officers, servants X^jJ^a^'a';^^^^^^^ 

 ;. 1 
 8tm\. ""*''""" and workmen, to buikl, construct and carry their rail- 
 way, or any branch or sidin^^ thereof, from tlic north- 
 western corner of lot Number Twenty-five, on tlic 
 south side of Mast Hathurst Street. west(;rly upon and 
 across WiMiam Street, curving northerly of west and 
 upon and ncross luist Hathurst Street, th(M'e curving in 
 like mann(M- till tiie northern part or strip twenty tcci 
 in d(!pth of Mast Ikithurst Street is reacluil, opposite 
 the southwest an<4ie of lot Number Twenty-three, on 
 the north aide, of liast IJathurst Street, and thence in. 
 upon and alonL; the said northerly strip or twenty feet 
 of ICast IJathurst Street, westerly across the intersec- 
 tion of Maitland Street and ICast Hathurst Street to 
 the southeast corner of the said block, and to do and 
 perform, mak<' and pui down all needful work and 
 materials therefor and therein in, upon, across and 
 alouj^' all and any of th(; said streets, as lu;reinb(;fore 
 mentioned, and the same railway, branch or sidinj^s to 
 work, use and enjoy. 
 \'r.,\\»n M to Provided always, however, that when the said rail- 
 >■•'''• way, branch or sidini^ shall reach a point in th(; inter 
 section of William and Mast i?athurst Streets, which 
 will be intersected by a strai_i;ht line to be drawn from 
 the southwest anijle of lot Twenty-five on the north 
 sid(.' to the nortlu^ast aiiujle of lot I'wenty-four on the 
 south side of Mast Hathurst Street afi)resaiil, tlu; south- 
 ern mil of such railway, branch or sidin^^ at such point 
 shall not be more than four feet nearer to the said 
 northeast an<'!e of lot rwentv-fi)ur on the said straisjlil 
 line than the southern rail (»f the present (irand Trunk 
 track tln-re is. 
 And provideil also that the said Company shall not 
 rnllw^J^*t^.'lK•c()nstru(■t or use th(!!r said railway, branch or sidinL,Mn, 
 ,f lot 1; ihealonL; or upon I'.ast Hathurst Street aloresaid turtnei 
 "mi"' H'ai.ur4't west than in front of lot Nineteen, on th(; north side 
 cir rail- 
 i: norlh- 
 on the 
 pon ;^m\ 
 est and 
 rvini^ in 
 nty led 
 hrct:, on 
 enc(j in, 
 nty feel 
 trc'ct to 
 do and 
 Drk and 
 )ss and 
 inl )(;(()!•(• 
 lillLlS In 
 of the said street, until they shall have acquired title «trcou^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 for the southerly part of lot Eighteen, the adjoming'^-i""-'^^ 
 jot thereto. 
 Passed this eighteenth day of August, A.I). 1873. 
 City Clerk. 
 > 5 
 ■■•- « 
 aid rail- 
 le inter 
 s, uhicli 
 An from 
 (• north 
 ■ on ihr 
 V. soulh- 
 ch point 
 the said 
 [\ I'rnnk 
 shall not 
 iding in, 
 rth side 
 A By-law Lo Authorize " The City Gas Com- 
 pany " to Lay Down Pipes for the Convey- 
 ance of Gas Under and Through the 
 Streets, Squai'es and Other PubHc Places 
 of the City of London. 
 VViii.kiiAs William Turnbiill l\c:nvvick, Saimid 
 Peters, II. W. riyinan, C. C. Abbott. Charles Hunt, 
 Geori^e Macbetli, Joliii C. Meredith and William 
 Howman have, bv a declaration niade the eiijhteentli 
 dav of UiK-, in the \ ear of our Lord onv thousand 
 eij^ht hundred and sixty-four, declared themselves 
 formed into a Company, uuiUt the provisions of an 
 Act of the Parliament of Canada entitled "An Act lo 
 Provide for the Pormation of lncor[Jorated Joint 
 Stock Companies, for Sup])lyin_L( Cities, Towns and 
 V^illat^es with Gas and W ater," called the City Cias 
 Company, for supi)l\in_L; said City of London widi j^as, 
 and have petitioned tlu; City Council of the City of 
 London to pass a P)ylaw to authorize said Company 
 to l.iy down pi[)es for the conveyance of ^as under 
 and through the streets, scpiares and other public 
 places of the City of London ; 
 City Gas Com- Be it therefore enacted oy the City Coimcil of the 
 tr^tty^'^JownCity of London, by and under the authority of the 
 oiTou"giT the powers by the said recited Act in them vested, that it 
 Ldpubiil'piaces shall and may be lawful for the said City Gas Com- 
 pany, and they are hereby authorized and empowered 
 to lay down pipes for the conveyance of gas under 
 and through the streets, squares and other public 
iiiimof c luii' 
 places of the said City of London, under and subject 
 to the provisions of the said in part recited Act ; (jro- 
 vided always that the said works in lavinijf down said .''';"''""."""•*" 
 1 11 1 1 11' 't 1 • to lir iimUr riK 
 pipes shall he under and subject to such regulations as |^,',""'" 
 the said City Council may hereafter adopt. 
 Passed this eighth day of August, 1864. 
 City Clerk. Mayor. 
 j L. s. 
 ■■ « 

 ■ 50 
 ■ 4.0 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) •72-4503 

 For Granting Certain Privileges to "The 
 London Street Railway Company," and to 
 Declare the Terms and Conditions on 
 which the Same are Granted. 
 I •<.,'«♦? 
 iii if 
 III I J?-: 
 I, liM • 
 'I *M ■ 
 1 -/»...' 
 Whereas by an Act of the Legislature of the 
 Province of Ontario, 36 Victoria, Cap. 99, intituled 
 "An Act to Incorporate the London Street Railway 
 Company," it is amongst other things provided that 
 the Council of the City of London and the said Com- 
 pany may make and enter into any agreements or 
 covenants relating to the construction of the said 
 railway, and for paving, macadamizing, repairing and 
 grading of streets and the construction, opening of and 
 repairing of drains or sewers and the laying of gas and 
 water pij^es in said streets, the location of the railway 
 and the particular streets along which the same shall 
 be laid, the pattern of rail, the time and speed of run- 
 ning the cars, the time within which the works are to 
 be commenced, the manner of proceeding with the 
 same, and the time for completion, and generally for 
 the safety and convenience of the passengers, the con- 
 duct of the agents and servants of the Company, and 
 the non-obstructing or impeding of the ordinary 
 traffic ; 
 And whereas the said Company has applied to the 
 Municipal Council of the City of London for permis- 
 sion to construct, maintain and operate a street railway 
 on the streets hereinafter named, and the said Council 
 has consented to grant the same upon the terms and 
 conditions and subject to the restrictions, provisoes 
 and conditions hereinafter contained ; 
 and to 
 IS on 
 of the 
 2d tliat 
 :l Coni- 
 ents or 
 \c said 
 nof and 
 ;"of and 
 C^as and 
 ic shall 
 of run- 
 arc to 
 ith the 
 illy for 
 be con- 
 iy, and 
 to the 
 is and 
 (ioublu orsin- 
 e iniii street 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council 
 of the Corporation of the City of London as follows : 
 I. The consent, permission and authority of the. Consent given 
 . , ' 1 . . J to London street 
 said Municipal Council is hereby s^iven and orranted toi^'^'i^ay com- 
 1 T-»''i /^ 1- !""'^ construct- 
 the said the London Street Railway Company, their inland operat- 
 *■" . •'/■'. inff for fifty years 
 successors and assii^ns, to construct, complete, main-'*," 
 tain and operate, during all the term of fifty years from """''way 
 the passing of this By-law, a double or single iron 
 street railway, with the necessary side tracks, switches 
 and turn-outs for the passage of cars, carriages and otii- 
 cr vehicles adapted to the same, upon and along the 
 streets hereinafter mentioned, in the manner and on 
 the terms and subject to the conditions, restrictions, 
 provisoes and conditions hereinafter contained. 
 2. The said Railway Company is, by the provi- 
 sions of this By-law^, and on the terms and conditions 
 and subject to all the restrictions, provisoes and agree- 
 ments hereinafter contained, exclusively authorized to 
 construct, maintain and operate a street railway as 
 herein provided upon and along Richmond Street, 
 north of the Great Western Railway, and upon and 
 along Dundas Street, Sarnia Street and Mark Lane, 
 in so far as the said Council hath power to grant such 
 privilege ; provided always that a single track only 
 shall be laid on Dundas Street west of Richmond 
 Street, but a double track shall be laid on Richmond 
 Street from York Street to Dundas Street, and west- 
 erly along Dundas Street to Wellington Street. 
 3. The construction of the said railway shall be 
 commenced within six months after the passing of this 
 By-law, and the railway shall be completed and 
 equipped from the corner of York and Richmond 
 Streets to Dundas Street, and from thence along 
 Uundas Street to Adelaide Street, within the current 
 year, in default of which all the privileges granted to 
 Railway to be 
 constructed o n 
 Biclimond Street 
 north of tl;e 
 Great Western 
 Railway, along 
 Diuidas ^Street, 
 SarniaStrcet and 
 Mark Lane. 
 Sinp^le traek to 
 he laid on Dun- 
 dan Street west 
 of |{> eh m on d, 
 Street, and dou- 
 ble track onRich- 
 niondStreet from 
 York to Uundus 
 Street aiid wes- 
 terly alon^ Dun- 
 das Street to Wel- 
 lington Street. 
 Railway to be 
 corner of York 
 and Richmond 
 Streets to Dun- 
 das Street, and 
 thence along 
 Dundas Street 
 to Adelaide 
 Street within the 
 current year, or 
 p r i V i I egcs to 
il« ::■ ■ 
 h 1 
 '' %iii ■■■"■ 
 Ktl* » 
 j (in"'"' 
 -L . 1 
 1 88 
 the said Company by this By-law shall cease, deter- 
 mine and be at an end. 
 Tracks and a 'fhc tracks of the said railway and all works 
 workB to be built ~ . i i • i 
 in a substantui necessary for consti'Lictmof and laymcf the same shall 
 manner, and lie- , m ' i i • i • i i , 
 (lording to the be Duilt and made in a substantial manner and accord- 
 best modern. . 
 practice, and un-i nor to the bcst iiiodem oractice, under the supervision 
 der supervision r , r^- t^ ' r i • i • i t 
 of City Engineer of the City bngHieer tor the time being or such other 
 officer as the Council shall appoint for that purpose, 
 and to the satisfaction of such 
 Engineer or other 
 Gua?e to lie K. The Said railway shall be of the qruacfe of four 
 4ft 8iiii • . . 
 feet eight and one-half inches, or the ordinary wagon 
 track, and the rails shall be of such pattern as shall be 
 Rails to be of approved of by the City En<nneer or other officer 
 pattern ap))rov- ). ^ . . iinii-i ii i • • i 
 ed by City Knsi- aforesaid, and shall be laid and kept and maintained 
 ncer. and laid ^ i • i i • i i • i 
 Hush with Hush With the said streets, and in such manner as 
 shall least obstruct the free and ordinary use of the 
 streets and the passage of vehicles and carriages over 
 the same. 
 sinjfic track to 5_ 'fhe Said railway shall be laid, if and where a 
 be m centre of . i i n i i • i - i 
 street, and dou-sinme track shall be used in the centre ot the street 
 ble track to be -p 
 so that inside and if and where a double track shall be used, so that 
 rail of each track , . . , -i r • i • 
 within 1ft. cin.the inside rail of each track shall be within one foot 
 of centre o» . 
 street. and SIX uiches oi the centre line ot the street. 
 Tracks to con- 
 form to jjrades of 
 7. The tracks shall conform to the grades of the 
 several streets upon or along which the same shall be 
 laid as the same are now or shall hereafter be estab- 
 lished, and shall not in any way alter or change the 
 Roadway be- 
 tween rails and 
 two feet outside 
 8. The roadway between the rails and a space of 
 pe^d'ormacad" two feet outside of each rail shall be paved or mac- 
 pensf ''o/'^Xadamized by and at the exixinse of the said Company, 
 kept'inTepair'by '^"<^l ^^P^ ^^ ^11 tiiiies iu good repair by the said Com- 
 the inSno pany, the materials to be furnished by the said Cor- 
 be furnished by nr»nl-i'nn 
 the Cori)oratioii. porailOn, 
1 89 
 Q. The Company shall construct and maintain in cmssinfrstobo 
 -1 . *■.'.., , r 1 • constructed at 
 cTood repair crossings similar to those tor the timei''t^''8'^c«''"" "f 
 » _ .1^ o . 1 • 1 ^^^^^ "■'"' street 
 being in use by the Corporation on the said streets at 
 the intersection of each railway track with any street 
 which the same shall cross, to the extent of the width 
 of the track or tracks and two feet on each side 
 thereof, the materials to be furnished by the said 
 ID. While the rails are being laid, or any of the,J^5"'',^;{»'',';° 
 works of the said Company are in course of construe- ^;;\*^J^''"jj-;'^^';'^: 
 tion or repair, the said Company shall cause a h'ee ^;^ji,^7,';^[;<;.^i^^ 
 passage to be kept open for carriages and vehicles, '"''"■'^''"'i"'"' 
 and all surplus street material shall either be removed 
 or spread over the street, from which the same shall su,.pi„g ,nato- 
 be taken as shall be directed by the officer of the Cor- ^i;';,;,';';'=j;i\';;'^^^^ 
 pjration for the time being having charge of the repair ^^"''"' 
 of the streets. 
 II. The Corporation of the City of London, the f'^rp^i-fti"" 
 1 J in ay t :i k I! u |) 
 said Council and the officers and servants thereof, shalh^r'^'^'*' '"'■ ''"■- 
 ' tani purjidsos. 
 have the right to take up the streets traversed by the 
 said railway eithc;r for the purpose of altering the 
 grades thereof, constructing or repairing of drains, 
 sewers or culverts, or laying down or repairing of gas 
 or water pipes or for any other purpose for [the time 
 being within the powers, privileges, duties or obliga- 
 tions of the Corporation, without being liable to' the 
 said Company for any damages that may be thereoy 
 occasioned to the said railwav or the works connected 
 therewith or the working thereof, and the said Cor- 
 poration shall not be liable to the said Company for 
 any damage the said Company may sustain from the 
 breakage of sewers or water-pipes . 
 ■ i 
 ■ I 
 12. Whenever it shall be deemed expedient to Pin in-.. r streets 
 pave for the first time any street upon or along which 
1 90 
 the railway tracks of the said Company or any of them 
 shall be laid, that portion of the street between the 
 rails and for the space of two feet outside of each rail 
 shall in the fii3t instance be paved by and at- the ex- 
 pense of the said Corporation, and thereafter thr same 
 shall be kept paved and in repair by the said Com- 
 pany, the Corporation furnishing' the materials. 
 r f 
 Ik * 
 I »■"!■ 
 I Mm«m 
 compn.nytobe 1 3- Tlic said Company shall be liable for all dam- 
 ;!;'c^'^oi8LncI^in a_<^^ which Hiay be occasioned to any person by reason 
 I'lironlpSio'iiof the construction, epair or operation of the said rail- 
 '" ™'""-^- ways or any of them, or by reason of any default in 
 repairing- those parts of the said streets which it is 
 herein provided that the said Company shall keep in 
 repair, and the said Corporation shall be indemnified 
 by the said Company from all liability in respect of 
 any such damages. 
 In case of de- 
 f uilt in keeping 
 rucovcr cos 
 fniiu tlie Com 
 14. In case the said Company shall fail to keep in 
 iiuit in Keeping « /•/-• . ^ .1 1^1 
 in repair tracks a proper ancl SLirricient state oi repau' the several tracks 
 streots'w^wcii ti?c of the Said railway, or those portions of the streets 
 <' o ni p a n y i 8 1 • 1 • • 1 • • 1 1 1 1 • 1 /- ■• 
 imund to repair, which it IS hercui providecl that the said Company 
 the Corporation 11111 1 i- • ,1 -i • 
 may uftcrnotico shall be bouncl to keep in rei^air, or the said crossings, 
 niakere|)aiisiinil ,- iv '-iiiir^i • 
 ts alter reasonable notice in that behall, the repairs may 
 be made by the said Corporation or the Council 
 thereof at the expense of the said Company, and the 
 amount so expended may be recovered from the said 
 Company in any Court of competent jurisdiction, and 
 in case of the failure of the said Company to pay the 
 same for the period of two months after the recovery 
 of a judgment for the amount, all rights and privileges 
 hereby granted shall cease, determine and be at an 
 R em oval of 
 snow or ice. 
 15. Whenever it shall be necessary to remove any 
 snow or ice from the track or tracks of the said rail- 
 way, the same shall not be left in heaps, but be spread 
 evenly over the street or removed as shall be directed 
 ig, or if 
 by the Street Commissioner for the time beini^ 
 there shall be no Street Commissioner, by the officer 
 for the time being charged with the duties of that 
 office. No snow plouij^h or other implements shall be «""«■ i''""*''' 
 , , , \ , '-' _ 1 /- 1 ""'' tu I'u used. 
 used whereby a ridge ot snow may be formed on 
 either side of the track. 
 1 6. The said Company shall not make use of salt coiupany m.t 
 , ~ ^ ■' . . - 1 *" "^^' ^'"■"^ ''"■ 
 for the purpose ot removmg- snow or ice from the removing snow 
 or ice. 
 17. Whenever the fall of snow is such as to im- com j, any ma v 
 » 1 1 -• "^^ 8lciu;ns when 
 pf:de the use of the track, the Company may uses""V'. '"|i"='i'^? 
 I.. ' '■J J use of traek, and 
 slemhs in lieu of cars, and when cars arc not used f^^^] ''« '"';""' 
 111 '1 rr • 1 • 1 r , to do so when 
 'ihall provide sufficient sleiijhs for the accommodation jfi»'™' ''v t'"^ 
 1 11- • 1 -> Board of Works 
 01 the public, and the said ComiJanv shall be bound to^'""'""' f"^ ^^i" 
 r , , . , . ^ -^ 1 . 1 t*-r season. 
 use sleighs during the winter season whenever required 
 by the Board of Works of the said Council to do so. 
 1 8. The said Company shall cause each car or company to 
 other vehicle used by it to be numbered, and shall, numbored, "and 
 after the expiration of five years from the passing ofexi'.'i'naion''ofnve 
 this By-law, pay to the Corporation an annual license iieen8e'7ec''ot To 
 fee of five dollars for every such car or other vehicle, ^'^"^ '''"^' 
 and after the expiration of the said five years the said 
 Company shall not make use of any car or other 
 vehicle for which a license has hot been obtained. 
 TO. The followimjf rules and recfulations in rerard ^"'/^ and rc- 
 1 !• ri'i 11 111 s'ulations for 
 to the workmg of the railway shall be observed by the^^"''*i"s''aiiway. 
 said Company and the officers and servants thereof : 
 (i) The cars or other vehicles shall be drawn by arawn by horses 
 horses or mules only, and shall be run as often as the",^ te"bound't.'. 
 public convenience shall require or the said Council p.'.Vc* "onven? 
 shall prescribe : provided always that the said Com- buf norToTe 
 pany shall not be bound to run their cars or other each hX^oi" 
 during twelve vehicles oftencr than once in every half-hour cbirino- 
 hours of the 1 1 r 1 1 ° 
 <>ay- twelve hours of the day. 
 coundi may (2) The Said Council may require that the cars or 
 rcciuire cars to \ / 1 1 n • , 
 commence run- other vehiclcs uscd sliall coiTimence runnini^ as earv 
 nnigat6.joa.m., , ,^ • - 1 1 r 11 r 1 ^ 
 ami the twelve as half-oast SIX o clock a.m. ot each day oi the year 
 hours shall l"-' , , ^ ,. , , , . •' . • r 
 reokoncd there- (Sundays exccpted), and the twelve hours heremafter 
 mentioned shall commence at that hour, but the said 
 Company may at its own option run its cars for more 
 than twelve hours in each dav. 
 , •.If" 
 rri;, ,' 
 I IB" 
 Passeneer cars 
 only to be useii. 
 (3) The Company shall use passenger cars only. 
 (4) No higher fare than five cents shall be char^red 
 uxceeu live cents r 1 r 1 i" 
 per passenger, tor the conveyance oi one passenger on the hne. 
 Fares not to 
 exceed live cents 
 Hxccpt in ccr 
 tain cises, cars 
 (5) Cars drawn in the same or opposite direction on 
 i/.mi UitoC'S, Uilia i'*" 1111 1 11 'l* 
 m.t to approach the same track shall not approach each other within 
 each other on 1 1 1 r • r • i 1 
 same track Willi- two hundrcd leet, except in case oi accident, or when 
 in j^>o feet. . , '■ . . 
 It may be necessary to connect them together, or at 
 Council may statiotts and turn-outs, and the rate of speed shall be 
 ;,!,'ulate rate of,. ^ . . ii* "ri -i 
 subject Iron: time to time to the direction oi the said 
 In turning cor- (6) When tumino" the corners of streets the horses 
 ners horses or ^ ■'. 1 i 1 1 11 1 i • 
 mules not to he or iiiules attached to the cars shall not be driven faster 
 driven faster , , , 
 than a walk, than a walk. 
 Cars not to 
 stop over cross- 
 insfs, except to 
 avoid collision, 
 •See., and not to 
 remain standing 
 in streets unless 
 waiting for pas- 
 When neces- 
 sary to stop f.t 
 intersection it 
 Btrceta, cars to 
 be stopped so as 
 to leave rear 
 platform over 
 (7) No cars shall be allowed to stop on or over a 
 crossing or in front of any intersecting street, except to 
 avoid collision or prevent danger to persons in the 
 streets or for other unavoidable reasons, and no cars 
 shall be left or remain standing in the street at any 
 time unless waiting for passengers. 
 (8) When it is necessary to stop at the intersection 
 of streets to receive or leave passengers, the cars shrdl 
 be stopped so as to leave the rear platform slightly 
 over the crossing. 
 :ars or 
 I said 
 (q) Conductors and drivers shall Ik^ required to ^'<^'» t" ^e 
 , , 1 1 liroii({ht to a 
 briiiL,^ the cars to a stop when [jassenij^ers request to stop when puti. 
 rr 1 ' ' ' senders ICilUCBt 
 ct on or on the same. toKctonorotT. 
 (lo) After sunset the cars shall be [)rovided with After mmset 
 colored sii^nal lig-hts of different colors for front and vi.icd with eot 
 rcar, and at all times a bell shall be attached to the i^t«ii times iieii 
 , r ■) ^ 1 '" '"^ attached 
 harness ot each horse or mule. 
 to harncBR o( 
 ' orse or mule. 
 (ii) Conductors shall announce to the passeno-crs conductors to 
 ,^ /-1 111- 1 annoiinco iiamuH 
 the names oi the streets and public squares as the cars <>f streets, 
 reach them. 
 (12) The said Company and its servants and offi- company to 
 . ■ , ,i c 11 1 r 1 1 1 conform to such 
 cials shall coniorm to all such further and other re^iu- •"CKuiations as 
 , . , • 1 /^ -1 1 11 r • • C.ouneil may 
 lations as the said Louncil shall from time to timep"="^t. ""^ >"- 
 . , , r ^ iriMfjin;,' upon 
 deem reciuisite or necessary and enact tor the ijrotec-!""'^ ''«««" '"^r*;- 
 C A 1 .. C ^^ 11- by granted. 
 tion of the persons and property of the public, pro- 
 vided such re<^ulations do not infringe upon the privi- 
 leges hereby granted to the said Company. 
 ■ I 
 in certain events. 
 ( 1 S) Careful, sober and civil agents, conductors and *i'"'.cfv'' '^"'i^'' 
 \ *--' ' i> • aiul civil Ji""cnt8 
 drivers shall at all times be emi)loved to take charge ^.'•i"''"^''"''''' '"•'' 
 . 1 - "^ drivers to be 
 of the cars on the said railway. employed 
 20. In case the said Company shall fail to com- Priviietfcscon- 
 1 , • ,1 .1 •! ferred by by-law 
 mence or to complete or equip the said railway or any to be forfeited 
 part of it (within the respective times hereinbefore in""'*' 
 that behali' limited), or in case after the same shall be 
 completed the said Company shall fail or neglect to run 
 regularly and in accordance with the provisions of this 
 l^y-law cars or sleighs for the accommodation of the 
 public sufficient for that purpose for the spac© of six 
 months, or in case the said Com[)any shall do or omit 
 to do anything the doing or omission of which under 
 the provisions of this By-law causes a forfeiture of the 
 rights hereby conferred, the said Company shall forfeit 
 all privileges, franchises and riy^hts whicli it shall 
 acquire or are conferred upon it under the provisions 
 ot this Hy-lav and its roadway, tracks and rails shall 
 thereupon become and he vested in the said Corpora- 
 tion absolutely. 
 I'riKtit'ilinjjs ill 
 case other per.'-- 
 ■•■* . 
 »»' i 
 2 1. In the event of any other person proposing to 
 irs^dcsiro'td'Ifmi- construct r.iilways on any of the streets of the Citv of 
 struct rnilwa.vs » i -ii- ^l . ^ ^" 1*^1"'t> 
 on strccLs not Loudou, Hicludmo- tuc! Streets mentioned in this ny- 
 compan.v. '^ ' '' lavv uot occupied by. the said Company, the matter and 
 Option to ix substance of the proposal shall be notified to the said 
 pany ii p f o ro Compau v, auci the option ot constructinsj;- such pro- 
 riiflitS'Trantcd to i ''•i i ^' • • '^i • i • n 
 any other pur- poscd railway ou the conditions contained in this ny- 
 law* or the conditions contained in such proposal, as the 
 said Council shall determine, shall be offered to the said 
 Company, but if such ojjtion shall not be accepted by 
 the said Company within thirty days thereafter, or if 
 the same havinsj^ been accepted the said Company shall 
 not proceed with the necessary works and comjdete the 
 same within the time by the said Corporation fixed for 
 that purpose, then the said Corporation may grant the 
 privilege to any other person, and the said Corpora- 
 tion and its orantees shall be entitled to cross the 
 railways of the said Company by other railways 
 traversing other streets ; provided always, that nothing 
 herein contained shall be taken to bind the said Cor- 
 poration to grant to the said Company or any one else 
 the right to construct a railway or railways upon any 
 streets odier than those herein mentioned. 
 Ilailwav not to 
 o 1 
 The railway shall not be opened to the public 
 Kiiginoer certi-or put Itt operatiou until the City Engineer for the time 
 gSod ''\onditicu being shall have given his certificate in writing that the 
 aPord^np\™pro- roacl is iu good condition and has been constructed in 
 by-law. " *"^all respects conformably to the provisions of this By- 
 2;. Before brcakiiiLj; up, opcninir or int(M*f(MMn''' with '''''"r«' '"tor- 
 any P^^rt of the said streets for the purpose of con- ^t'^^'C >'"'" 
 •'A. , . , ., , • 1 /^ 1 11 • liany ti i;ive tfii 
 striictinor the said railway the said Company shall oi ye. ''''>« "<'t-^" t" 
 to the City Enij^ineer for the time hein^- ten days 
 notice in writing of their intention so to do, and no 
 more that fifteen hundred hneal feet of the said streets N'otmorotimn 
 shall, unless authority from the said IJoard ot \\ orksi';'"' ^•'■i''"'" "•' 
 1111 1 • 1 1 1 1 "'"" "'""'• 
 to do so shall be obtained, be broken up or opened at 
 any one time, and when the work thereon shall have 
 been commenced the same shall be proceed with with-^J^';^'j'^|^|^,j),''",;| 
 out intermission and as rapidly as the same can be |'|^,^ ^I'^'i'^;';;^^^^^ 
 carried on with due regard to the proper and efficient '">• 
 construction of the same. 
 24.. During the construction or repair of the said """upr «<">- 
 ., t 1 11111 1 siruction and ro- 
 railway due and proijer care shall be taken to leave i>"''' "f railway 
 ., , •' ' , "^ . , , -f. space to bu k'lt 
 sufficient space and crossings, so that the trafhc on '<" trftHii^ «" H'" 
 the said streets and other streets running at right 
 angles thereto shall not be unnecessarily impeded, and 
 that the water courses of the said streets shall be left ^V'vtcr ooursta 
 1 1 1 1- 1 1 • 1 ""' ^" '"'" """ 
 free and unobstructed, and li''hts, barriers or watch- I'f'ied. ami pro- 
 1 11 1 -11 111 1 • 1 r-« cautions to ha 
 men shall be provided and kept by the said Company t"''^?-''" 'i>revt'it 
 when and where the same shall be required to prevent 
 accidents to the public. 
 25. It shall be lawful for all and every person or vehicles may 
 persons whatsoever to travel upon and use the said tr^ksl'^^'not in" 
 tracks with their vehicles, loaded or empty, when anclcrrs^of'uitcom- 
 so often as they may please, so that they do not im- 
 pede or interfere with the cars of the said Company 
 running thereon. 
 ■ 1 
 ■ t 
 26. The cars of the said Company shall be entitlecl .ca'sto bo cn- 
 1 -1 r 1 1 r 1 • 1 ' -1 1 *'""' tonsfhtof 
 to the right ot the tracks ot the said railway, and any the tracks, an.i 
 » 1 • 1 1 1 ^eliii-'les usiu!,' 
 vehicle upon the tracks when a car approaches it shall ti'cm to ton.out 
 •^ 111- • 1 *" allow cars to 
 be turned out by the driver or person in charge P'>ss. 
 thereof, so as to allow the car to pass unobstructed, 
 1 , 1 
 ■' i 
 j'eimity 2/. Ally iM^i'soii L^iiiltv of ail infraction or breach of 
 any of the provisions of this By-lay shall on conviction 
 forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one dollar or 
 more than fifty dollars, exclusive of costs, and in case 
 of non-payment thereof the; same may he recovered by 
 distress and sale of the <4-oods and chattels of the 
 offender, and in case there shall be no distress found 
 out of which such fine and costs can be levied, th(; 
 offender maybe imprisoned in the Common Jail of the 
 Coimty of Middlesex, with or without hard labor, for 
 any period not exceedini^- twenty-one days. 
 priviicfrcscon- 28. 'Hio ri^hts and jn-ivile^es hereby jj^ranted shall 
 noV''t>'tiiil;V cf-not take effect until an agreement by which the said 
 feet until aifrof- /-> iii . ' r . '' t r ii 
 inent exmit.d Lompany shall ai^n'(;(; to conform to and perform all 
 iniKss ajfrie-tnc stipulations, provisions and conditions on its part 
 within 2o days, to DC ohservcd and jxTformed, as fiercin provided, 
 shall have; been executed by the said Company and by 
 the Mayor on behalf of the said Corporation, or unless 
 such agreement shall be executed within twenty days 
 from the passing- of this By-law, in dc-fault of which 
 this By-law shall be of none effect. 
 Mayor author- 2g. The Mayor is hereby authorizod and required 
 1/0(1 to execute 4. „ , , ^ • ^.1 c ^\ • l /"" a.' i 
 riKreenient with- to execute in the naiiie of the said Corporation and 
 lm88in'K''.Ti{y- under its Common Seal the agreement hereinbefore 
 mentioned at any time within twenty days from the 
 passing of this By-law, but not afterwards. 
 Pa8RC(l March 
 8, 1875. 
 Passed the eighth day of March, in the year of 
 our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. 
 City Clerk. Mayor. 
 Ii! 1 
 ^'K'h of 
 >llar or 
 in case 
 ;nxl I)y 
 of the 
 :(l. the 
 of the 
 lor, for 
 cl shall 
 ic said 
 )rni all 
 ts part 
 ind l)y 
 y days 
 •n and 
 m the 
 car of 
 I ay or. 
 Aurici.KS oi' AcKKKMFXT, mad(i th(^ eiij^htli day of 
 March, A.l). 1875, betwc(,'n the Corporation of the; 
 City of London {her(M'nnfter called the Corporation) of 
 the llrst part antl the London Street Railway Company 
 (hereinafter called the Company) of the second part. 
 W'lircRKAS by an A'-t of the Lf^''-islature of the. Rc-i*'*' "f Act 
 J'rovmce of Ontario, ;() Victoria, Lap. — , intituKMl i"'!"'"" >*''roet 
 "An Act to Incorporate tiv '.ondon Street Railway i''"'.v. 
 Company," it is amon^sL oLluir thinj^^s provided that 
 the Council of the City of London and the said Com- 
 [)any may make and (Miter into anv agreements or 
 covenants relatinij;' to the construction of the said rail- 
 way and for paving, macadamizini^;', rcpairino- and 
 L,n-adin_L;- of streets, and th(> construction, ojxminLj;' of 
 and Hipairini;- of drains or sewers, and the layini;' of 
 L^as and water pipes in said streets, the location of the 
 railway and the i)articul<u' streets along which the same 
 shall be laid, the pattern of the rail, the time and speed 
 of riinninof the cars, the; time within which the works 
 are to be commenced, the; manner of proceeding with 
 the same, and the time for completion and generally 
 for the safety and convenience ot the passengers, the; 
 conduct of the agents and serxants of the Company, 
 and the unobstructing or impeding of the ordinary 
 traffic ; 
 And whereas the IVIunicipal Council of the said «ccitai of uv- 
 Corporation, on the eighth day of March, in the year is^^? ' Krantinlf 
 of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- 8tmirt\\inw!.y.'"" 
 five, passed a Hy-law granting to the said Company 
 certain rights for the construction, maintenance and 
 operation of a street railway upon and along certain of 
 the streets of the said City of London, subject to cer- 
 tain conditions, stipulations and provisions therein 
 contained, a copy of which said By-law is hereunto 
 annexed ; 
• 11 •»' 
 And whereas these presents arc; intended to uivc' 
 effect to the said By-law ; 
 Company Now thesc Drcscnts witness that in consideration 
 ii:;iee.s with Cor- -ri -1 I'M i-i 
 [.oniiioM. Qf tiie granting ol the rights and privileges which are 
 by the said By-law granted by the said Corporation to 
 the said Company, the said Company doth for itself, 
 its successors and assigns covenant, promise and agree 
 to and with the said Corporation and its successors in 
 manner following, that is to say : 
 To conform to 
 prr visions of 
 Slid Bv-law. 
 That the said Company, its successors and assigns 
 will in all things conform to, obey, fulfil and keep all 
 and every the conditions, stipulations and provisions 
 upon, under and subject to which the said rights are 
 by the said By-law granted to the said Company, and 
 will do and perform all acts, matters and things which 
 the said By-law provides are to be done by or on 
 behalf of the said Company, and will not do anything 
 which the said By-law provides are not to be done by 
 the said Company. 
 Corporation And thc said Corooration doth hereby ratify and 
 ratifies By-law. • i t» i i n i • • i r 
 connrm the said By-law and all the provisions thereof 
 and the rights and privileges thereby granted to the 
 said Company, subject, however, to all the conditions, 
 stipulations and provisoes in the said By-law con- 
 In witness whereof the said parties hereto have 
 caused to be affixed hereto their corporate Seals. 
 President L. S. R. Co. 
 ich are 
 tion to 
 iors in 
 To Authorize "The London Gas-light Com- 
 pany " to Lay Down Pi]jes foi the Con- 
 veyance of Gas Under the Streets, Squares 
 and Other Public Places of the City of 
 Whereas William Duffield, Thomas Stevens, Pieambie. 
 William Turner, James Burns and Daniel Wacfie 
 have, by a declaration in writing made the twenty- 
 second day of February, in the year of our Lord one 
 thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, declared 
 their desire to form a Company under the provisions 
 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter one hun- 
 dred and fifty-seven, entitled "An Act Respecting 
 Joint Stock Companies for Supplying Cities, Towns 
 and Villages with Gas and Water," to be called " The 
 London Gas-light Company," for the purpose of sup- 
 plying the City of London or any of its citizens desir- 
 ing the same with gas, and have petitioned the Muni- 
 cipal Council of the Corporation of the said City to 
 pass a By-law granting authority to them as such 
 Company to lay down pipes for the conveyance of 
 gas under the streets, sijuares and other public places 
 of the said City ; 
 And whereas it is expedient to assent to their 
 proposition, subject to certain conditions hereinafter 
 contained ; 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council 
 of the Corporation of the said City of London as fol- 
 lows : 
 ; f,^.." 
 ■ ■ ! ■ 
 London Gas- j. That it sliall aiul mav be lawful to and for the 
 Iijfht Company , , „ i • • i i i • i i , 
 authori/cd to said Companv and it is hereby authorized to break u\) 
 lay down gas 1 ■/ J '!'> 
 1)11)08 in thudioand trench so much and so many ot the streets 
 streets, doiiit,' no «^ i i l • i r ^ . 
 unnecessary squares, hiirhways, lanes and public places oi the said 
 damage, a n d 1 r t i r l • i . 
 preserving un- (^ity of Londou as are necessary tor layin<^ the mams 
 interrupted ))as- { . , ;; i i '"-^ 
 streets ""■""^''' '^^d pipes to conduct the gas trom the works ot tlie 
 Company to the consumers thereof, and to lay down 
 mains and pipes for the conveyance of gas accordingly, 
 doing no unnecessary damage in the premises, and 
 taking care as far as may be to preserve a free and 
 uninterrupted passage through the said streets, squares, 
 highways, lanes and public places while the works are 
 in progress. 
 proviBoes. Provided always that the said Company shall coiii- 
 coinpa.iy to mettce operations within two months from the passiiiL!" 
 commence oper- ,- , • -i , i 11111 1 • i 1 
 aiions witi.inot this J>y-law, and shall have their works completed 
 two nidiitlis and 1 1 • 1 • • 1 /-> 
 complete their and such mauis and pipes as the said Company may 
 works within , ' ^ . 1 • 1 
 twelve months, deem necessary to supi)lv their customers laid readv 
 in default of ■^ 1 • 1 • 1 ^ 
 which privileges to supply Lifas to sLich custoHiers Within twelve months 
 to ccaeo. r • 
 from the passing of this I^y-law, in default of which all 
 the privileges granttul to the said Company by this 
 By-law shall cease, determine and be at an end, but 
 nothing in this clause contained shall, in case of the 
 due completion of the said works and of the la) ing of 
 the said pipes and mains within the said )ear, restrict 
 the said Company from extending thereafter their 
 pipes and mains within the area of the said City. 
 i,,^'"^'/.'^!'!'^' -.1" Provided also that the said Company shall lav their 
 my I'ljiGo Willi- ^ ^ ^ 
 icave'^8treet8'''in"'*^^ '"'-'' '^""^^ plpes \\\\.\\ as little delay as possible, ami 
 good repair and ^l^.^jj ]^.JlYc; the stiTcts, sciuaies, highways, lanes and 
 dor supcrvuion P^'^-*^^^ pUiccs iu as good a Condition as they found 
 of City Engineer thciii, and that tile laying of all mains and service j^ipes 
 shall be done under the su[)ervision and direction of 
 the City Engineer for the time being. 
 Uus cijual to 
 O o v c r n m u 11 1 
 Provided also^that the; said Company shall supply 
 "as of a quality and in all other respects equal to the st'^'dnrii to im 
 ^i * '^ , , f , . * , supplied at $1.50 
 (jovernment Standard to persons wisninLT to be con-i'cr 'houiand 
 , ... / . 1 11- ~r cubic feetforfive 
 3iimers and residing' or havino: dwellincrs, ottices or years wuh addu 
 other nouses upon streets alone which the said Lorn- 5° i;«nt8 >' pay- 
 ^ , , , '-' , i- 111 u n t IS n o t 
 panvs main may be placed, at a rate or chars^-e ot not p«'"n'''''.'y '"«ie ; 
 1 -^ , 1 11 ^ r c- 1 , or $2 with reduc- 
 iiu»re than one dollar and htty cents per thousand """t" $150 for 
 cubic feet for the period of five years from the passing 
 of this By-law ; but nothing" in this clause contained 
 shall jjrevent the said Com[)any from imposing an ad- 
 ditional charge, not to exceed fifty cents per thousand 
 cubic feet, as a penalty in case of payment not being 
 promi)tly made, or in the first instance to make a 
 charge of two dollars per thousand cubic feet and an 
 agreement to reduce the same to one dollar and fifty 
 cents per thousand cubic feet in case of prompt pay- 
 Provided also, that in case the Municipal Council if corporation 
 , ., . r ■x •I/--" 1111 accepts offer ot 
 the Corporation ot the said City shall el^'ct to ac- "»« Company to 
 1 rr r 1 • i r- i • i rr • lijflit street 
 cept the oner ol the said Company, which oner is as 'amps and sup. 
 .. K , . 1 / ' ply gas for Citv. 
 tollows, that is to say : 
 " That the said Company will light the street- 
 " lamps (having jets or burners similar to or as good as 
 " those now in use) of the said City as they are now 
 "situate, and such other street-lamps with similar jets 
 "or burners as may be erected for the City, with gas 
 ''equal in (jual'ty and in all other respects to the Gov- 
 " ernment standard, at the price or sum of sixteen 
 " dollars and fifty cents per annum for each lamp, for 
 " the term of four years and six months from the first 
 " day of October next after the passing of this By-law 
 " (which election may be made by the said Corpora- 
 " tion at any time within fourteen days from the pass- 
 ' ing of this By-law), and that the said Company will, 
 " at the option of the said Corporation, also light the 
 " said lamps with coal oil from the time of such elec- 
 " tion until the said first day of October, at the same 
•1 •• - •' I > 
 iif" „.,. 
 '^[. •* 
 ., I. 
 "rate of sixteen dollars and fifty cents per annum for 
 " each lamp, and that the said Company will supply 
 " the said Corporation, for the use of their offices and 
 " buildings, with gas from their works of a quality and 
 " in all other respecis equal to the Government stand- 
 " ard, at the price or sum of not more than one dollar 
 " and fifty cents per thousand cubic feet, to be paid for 
 "quarterly, with an extension (if desired) of thirty 
 " days after each quarter for payment, and that this 
 "offer shall, in case of acceptance, be put into a writ- 
 " ten contract containing terms similar to those in 
 " the contract last made by the said Corporation 
 " and the City Gas Company, except that there 
 " shall be no clause for determining the contract 
 " upon six months' notice ; " that immediately upon 
 its being notified of such election by letter addressed 
 to the said Company and mailed at the London Post 
 Company will Office, the comi)anv will execute the necessary con- 
 lay mams o\cr ' ' - . i • i 
 area LKivercd by tfact and commeuce to lay ijiijcs and mams to the 
 City (ias Com- i«ii !/-->• /— 
 pany by .stoc-^ame extcut as they are now laid by the City Gas 
 tober, ,S79, or i i 11 1 1 1 • ,-1 
 void'^^^ ''" ''* Company, and shall complete the laying oi the same 
 with as little delay as possible, and at all events on or 
 before the said first day of October ; in default wherupf 
 this By-law shall be void. 
 In case of ainal- 
 ^;aiiiatii)n w i th 
 sale to or jmr- 
 chase by another 
 Company. i)ro- 
 visions to apply 
 to amalgamated 
 C o ni p a n y o r 
 Company p u r- 
 Kates for nse 
 of meters not to 
 exceed those 
 char^red by City 
 Oaa Company. 
 Provided also that no amalgamation with any other 
 Company, and no sale to or purchase from any other 
 Company, or any other change whatever in the said 
 Company shall in any way affect the provisions of this 
 By-law, and if any such amalgamation, sale or purchase 
 take place, the provisions of this By-law shall apply to 
 the amalgamated Company or the Company purchas- 
 ing ; also that the charge for use of meters shall not 
 during the said five years exceed the rates now charged 
 by the City Gas Company, and no charge shall be 
 made beyond the price of the gas and meter rent at 
 the rate aforesaid. 
mum for 
 1 supply 
 ices and 
 ility and 
 It stand- 
 le dollar 
 paid for 
 Df thirty 
 that this 
 a writ- 
 ;hose in 
 it there 
 dy upon 
 ion Post 
 ;ary con- 
 s to the 
 "ity Gas 
 he same 
 Its on or 
 2 That if a breach shall, within the said period of Jfi'-flViTu 
 five years, be committed of any of the proxisions of "-y-nX- 
 this By-law by the said Company, all the rights hereby r^^t.«..a„toat. 
 Granted shall thereupon cease and be at an end . 
 - That this By-law shall not go into force or take 
 effect until the form of the contract for lighting the 
 street lamps shall have been setded between the City 
 Solicitor and the Company, and which contract shall 
 contain a provision enabling the Corporation to ter- 
 minate it if a substantial breach of it shall be com- 
 mitted, and the said Company shall have given security 
 to the satisfaction of the Mayor for the performance 
 of the conditions of this agreement, and the perform- 
 ance of the contract for lighting the street lamps in 
 case the said Company shall obtain such contract. 
 Passed in open Council this nineteenth day of 
 March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
 hundred and seventy-nine. 
 By-law not to 
 go into fortii 
 II nt il form of 
 contract for 
 lijfhtinsf stn^et 
 lamps settled, or 
 until Company 
 has siiven sui'U- 
 rity lor the iior- 
 forniance of con- 
 ditions of agrt'i'- 
 nicnt and of 0011- 
 tnwt forlifthtinic 
 street lanii>s. 
 City Clerk. 
 my other 
 ny other 
 the said 
 is of this 
 apply to 
 jhall not 
 : shall be 
 • rent at 
 Agreementbe- TlIIS INDENTURE, made tllC tWentV-SlXth clav of 
 t w«en William , . , . , ' ^ x i i i • i 
 Nuffield and March, in the year of our Lord one thousand ei<vht 
 others, and the ' •' . attmi- i ^. rr i i 
 theTir-^i^Lo"!-'^'-'"^'^^^' '^"" seventy-nine, between William iJutticld, 
 J'>" ■ of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, 
 Oil Refiner ; Thomas A. Stevens, of the same place, 
 Machinist ; William P. Turner, of the same place, 
 Machinist ; James Burns, of the same place. Machin- 
 ist, and Frederick A. Fitzgerald, of the same place. 
 Oil Refiner, of the first part, and the Corporation of 
 the City of London (hereinr ter called the Corpora- 
 tion) of the said part. 
 Whereas the .said parties of the first part are the 
 promoters of and stockholders in a certain Company 
 of London"Gas- incorporated under the iDrovisions of the Revised 
 liifht Company. '^ r /^>. • a^i • i i . -v a 
 Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 157, entitled "An Act 
 Respecting- Joint Stock Companies for Supplying- 
 Cities, Towns and Villages with Gas and Water," and 
 called the London Gas-light Company ; 
 Passing of By- And wliereas the said Company having applied to 
 1*79. '^rantiiiK the Said Corporation for authority to lay down pipes 
 authority to ^ , ' ,- .■'-■' * ^ 
 Company to lay tor the conveyance ot gas uncl°r 
 down pipes on , , . i . , ' ,- , 
 certain condi- and Other public places of tljc , 
 By-law of the Municipal Cojn:i' 
 &.': streets, squares 
 ' City of London, a 
 ■if the said Corpora- 
 tion was duly passed on the niii' enth day of March, 
 A. D. 1879, granting to the said Company the 
 authority aforesaid, upon and subject to certain con- 
 ditions in the said By-law particularly mentioned and 
 set forth, and it was by the said By-law further pro- 
 By-iaw not to vided that the said By-law shall not come into force. 
 70 into force un- , ^- ., •' , , . , • i /-■< 
 security given or take efiect until amongst other things the said Com- 
 pany shall have given security to the satisfaction of 
 the Mayor of the said City of London for the perform- 
 ance of the conditions of the said By-law and of a cer- 
 tain contract for lighting the street lamps of the said 
reonieiit ap- 
 City (in the said By-law also mentioned) in case the 
 said Company shall obtain such contract ; 
 And whereas these presents are intended to be and \« 
 have been approved of by the said Mayor as theMayf.. 
 security mentioned in the said By-law , 
 Now these presents witness that the said ijarties i''»uc8 a^rcf 
 of the nrst part, tor themselves, then* heu's, executors 
 and administrators, jointly and severally covenant, 
 promise and agree to and with the said Corporation in 
 manner following, that is to say : 
 " in 
 I. That the said Company will commence opera- company 
 tions withm two months from the tune of the passm*>ations withi 
 , .,y-,l , •111 !• 1 '*^'" nionths anil 
 of the said liy-Jaw, and will nave their works com- to complete uieh 
 , , . , . . . I • 1 A^ works within 
 pleted and such mains and pipes as the said Company t«eive months 
 '^ . 11' 1 from i>a6sii)j5 of 
 may deem necessary to supply their customers ready By-iaw. 
 to supply gas to such customers within twelve months 
 from the time of the passing of the said By-law. 
 2. That the said Company will lay their mains and ^^j^«'^g\1/,Ye'dl^- 
 pipes with as little delay as possible, and leave the^^j^^*,,^';"/^^!.! 
 streets, squares, highways, lanes and public places in^'Jl'^'lJgr, ''ami 
 as good a condition as they find them, and that the f,';''^,f„VrepRir'^ 
 said Company will lay all its mains and service pipes 
 under the supervision and direction of the City Engi- 
 neer for the time being of the said City of London. 
 3. That the said Company will supply gas of a ,^p*;;,^.P^3"ey| 
 quality and in all other respects equal to the Govern- gtandaruVo^flve 
 ment standard to all persons wishing to be consumers ^^*''t,,JJ\,.g*aiui 
 and residing or having dwellings, offices or other ^-^g "^}' 1^,^;^','"; 
 houses upon streets along which the mains of the said'^''"'' 
 Company may be laid as aforesaid at a rate or charge 
 of not more than one dollar and a half per one thou- 
 sand cubic feet for the period of five years from the 
 passin^i^ of the said By-law. Provided always that the 
 said Company may impose an additional charge not to 
 exceed fifty cents per one thousand cubic feet in case 
 of payment not being promptly made, or may in the 
 first instance make a charge of two dollars per one 
 thousand cubic feet, with an agreement to reduce the 
 same to one dollar and a half per one thousand cubic 
 feet in case of prompt payment. 
 Coiniiaiiy to 
 1 i^h t 8t rout 
 4. That the said Company will light the stred 
 la'inps'onVeniisi'inius of thc Said Citv and furnish oas to the said Cor- 
 'if draft com niut * . , , ' , , '^ ... 
 annexed if Corporation at the orice and on the terms mentioned in 
 poration atcupt^, , ,- 1 i r r 1 
 offer of Com- the draft contract hereto annexed tor tour years and 
 jiany to lisjlit . , ,- i r 1 /- / ^ 1 
 liiiiips- SIX months Irom the first day ot October next, pro- 
 vided that the said Corporation shall within fourteen 
 days from the time of the passing of the said By-law 
 notify the said Company that it elects to have that 
 service performed by the said Company, and in that 
 event the said Company shall also, if required l)y the 
 Lamps to ')e CoriDoration, lioht the said lamps with coal oil for the 
 if reipiired until period wliicli will elaiose between the present date and 
 iHt October, iS;.) 1 ,....'■ , f^ 
 th(; first day ot October next, at the same price as pro- 
 vided for the supply of gas, and further that the said 
 Company will within twenty-four hours after notice of 
 the election of the said Corporation hereinbefore men- 
 siKoTKct 'if tioned execute an engrossment of the said draft con- 
 urtvr accepted, fract, in which the said parties of the ^ first part shall 
 join for the purpose of covenanting, and in which they 
 shall coxenant for the due performance by the said 
 Company of the said contract. 
 5. That in the evcmt of the said Corporation elect- 
 If Corporation 
 accept Com- ... 
 pany-s offer to mo" to (Miter luto the coutract mentioned in the next 
 lifjht lamps, area 
 cmerod by' City preceding i:)aragrai)h of this agreement within the 
 Cias Com)paiiv to ..,'■'., ^ ^ '^^ 
 ippiied" i.y period hereinbefore in that beha f limited, the said 
 ■toher, .g7g 1^ -n 1 1 1 • • 1 • 1 
 Company will lay down their pipes and mains over the 
 same area within the said City of London as that now 
 lie sn 
 ist Oct 
lat the 
 not to 
 In case; 
 |in th(! 
 -r one 
 :c tile 
 covered by the mains and pipes of the City Gas Com- 
 pany, with as httle delay as possible, ard at all events 
 not later than the first day of Octobei next, and so as 
 to supply all parts of the said City which are now sup- 
 plied by the said the City Gas Company as efficiently 
 as the same are now supplied by it, and at the price 
 hereinbefore in the third jjaragraph mentioned. 
 6, That in the event of th(! said i^arties of the I'rovibionB if 
 J- . inirties of thu 
 first part or any or either of them, or any one on their ''"•»< ■'^'■'".'■c'oin- 
 ' .,"^.. !,...■', piiiiy obtain ooii- 
 behalt or in their interest or for their benefit, or on be- ^^oi of tity oaa 
 1 ir • 1 • r 1 1 r r Coini)aiiy. 
 half or in the interest or tor the benent 01 any or 
 either of them, obtaining- control of the works of the 
 City Gas Company, or of the stock of the said Com- 
 pany,or in the event of the said the London Gas Light 
 Company purchasing" the works of the said the City 
 Gas Company or any of them, the said City Gas Com- 
 pany or the [)ersons or corporation which shall operate 
 the said works will, during the said period of five years 
 from the time of the passing of the said By-law per- 
 form all the covenants and aoreements of the said 
 parties of the first part herein contained as if the same 
 were specificaHy covenanted to be done by them ; but 
 in the event of that bein<>" done, and all of these cove- 
 nants and agreements being performed, the said the 
 London Gas-light Company shall not l)e bound to con- 
 struct any new works except such as .they shall see fit 
 to construct. 
 7. That no additional charge shall during the said no aidiUonai 
 period of five years be made for or in connection with s^'^fiior^ X"'- 
 the supplying of gas within the said City of London m a dT^x'^cept 
 beyond the prices hereinbefore mentioned except thcwhiJhlre'^il'o'tto 
 charges for meter rents which shall not exceed those orcuyoascom- 
 now charged by the City Gas Company. 
 8. That the said Company will indemnify the said 
 Compftiiy to In- 
 demnify Corpo- 
 S's"^'^•o,'l8e; C^^po^^tio" against all damages which it shall sustain 
 ilintrecu."''""' ^y I'eason of the opening of any of the streets, high- 
 ways or lanes of the said City for the purpose of lay- 
 ing down the said mains and pipes . 
 I ««■'■ ;,^ 
 :.| >«• -' 1. »r 
 .III"" ,„, 
 I' > 
 1^- .1 
 I ""•Hi* 
 • !.->-. 
 .imr"ir8oif in 9- That the said 'he London Gas-light Company 
 a"reemc"ft wuh^ ^'^' within ten days after its incorporation become 
 luinio'ipwrtion ^0"^"^^ to t^''^ -'^^'^-^ Corporation in the terms of this 
 Parties of thi: 
 first part l)oun(l 
 to C'oriJoriition 
 in $7,500 for per- 
 formance of pro- 
 visions of pura- 
 j,'raph four, and 
 in $10,000 for 
 performance of 
 other provisions 
 10. For the due performanc(! of the provisions of 
 paragraph four of this agreement and of the agree- 
 ment therein mentioned the said parties of the first 
 part bind themselves to the said Corporation in the 
 sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars, and for 
 the due performance of the other provisions of this 
 agreement they bind themselves to the said Corpora- 
 tion in the sum of ten thousand dollars as liquidated 
 and ascertained damae^es. 
 Proviso for Providcd always that so soon as the said the Lon- 
 ties'of^firat part London Gas-light Company shall have completed the 
 work" com'^iefed works in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 
 certifled'*by En- five, and it shall have been so certified in writing by 
 Mayorf ' "" the City Engineer and the Mayor for the time being, 
 the personal liability of the said parties of the first part 
 on the covenants herein contained shall thereupon 
 In witness whereof the parties of the first part have 
 hereunto set their hands and seals and the said Cor- 
 ]3oration have affixed their Corporate seal, attested by 
 the sijj^natLire of ♦^heir Mayor. 
 Sitj^ned, sealed vayI delivered 
 in presence of 
 L.S. j 
 In pursuance of clause nine of the above written London oas- 
 agreenient the London Gas-light Company hereby bfn'ds useiTby 
 covenant and agree with the Corporation of the City pmmS agree 
 of London for the due performance of the said agree- '"''"^" 
 ment in the same manner and to the same extent as if 
 they had originally been made parties to and executed 
 the same. 
 As witness their Corporate Seal and the signature 
 of their President — 
 In presence of ) WILLIAM DUFFIELD, 
 T.H.PURDOM. President. 
 ..s. j 
2 10 
 ; •»•-. IS- 
 ..«: ;:„.,: 
 II. »««■•■" 
 I (»• 
 I »i:3*:: 
 To Authorize the City Steam Heating Com- 
 pany to Lay Pipes Under the Streets, 
 Highways and Public Places Within the 
 Whereas the City Steam Heatiny; Company has 
 been incorporated under the Act respecting the incor- 
 poration of Joint Stock Companies by letters patent, 
 chapter one hundred and fifty of the Revised Statutes 
 of Ontario, for the purpose of supplying steam, hot air 
 or hot water for power and for heating purposes in the 
 City of London and its suburbs, and has applied to 
 the Municipal Council of the said City for authority to 
 lay down and maintain the necessary pipes under and 
 through the streets, highways and public places of the 
 said City ; 
 And whereas the said Municipal Council has de- 
 termined to grant the said authority upon and subject 
 to the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned ; 
 Be it therefore enacted by the said Municipal 
 Council as follows : 
 1. The said the City Steam Heating Company 
 tan "iuthorS ""^^Y' subjcct to the terms and conditions contained in 
 SpcJ.*^ '■"'*'" the draft agreement hereto annexed, lay down pipes 
 for the conducting of steam, hot air or hot water under 
 the public streets, highways and public places of the 
 said City, for the purpose of supplying the same for 
 power and for heating purposes. 
 City St earn 
 m 'i 
 lin the 
 any has 
 le incor- 
 ; patent, 
 , hot air 
 is in the 
 plied to 
 lority to 
 der and 
 s of the 
 21 I 
 . This By-law shall not oro into effect until the ^;|y;|^w^-t ,^ 
 .lief Company has executed an eni^rossment of thetii ,;.,x:"S 
 s'lid agreement, and a certificate to that effect signed <--i-y 
 l)y the Mayor has been endorsed upon this By-law. 
 Passed in open Council this eighth day of Septem- 
 ber, A. D. 1^79- 
 City Clerk. 
 Mayor pro tem. 
 has de- 
 )ned ; 
 ained in 
 vn pipes 
 er under 
 s of the 
 lame for 
 Agreement be- 
 tween City 
 This Indenture, made the eighth day of Septcm- 
 st^^l^HeaJingber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- 
 SorStioii^"' dred and seventy-nine, between the City Steam 
 Heating Company (hereinafter called the Company) 
 of the first part and the Corporation of the City of 
 London (hereinafter called the Corporation) of the 
 second part. 
 Recitals. WiiEREAS the Company has been incorporated 
 Company in- Under the provisions of the Act respecting the incor- 
 .reap-' ,"o'poration of Joint Stock Companies by letters patent, 
 K.S. o. chapter one hundred and fifty of the Revised Statutes 
 of Ontario, for supplying steam, hot <^Jr or hot water 
 for power and heating purposes in the City of London 
 and its suburbs ; 
 1 rfH*'' ,„■• 
 i ^^ 
 Company has And wliereas the Company has applied to the Cor- 
 ih^rity to"^ 'layporation for authority to lay down the necessary pipes 
 iiown pipes, ^^j. conducting steam, hot air or hot water for the 
 purposes of the],Company through the streets, high- 
 ways and public places of the City, and the Corpora- 
 tion has agreed to grant such authority upon and sub- 
 ject to the conditions contained in this agreement ; 
 Parties atjfrec 
 !i8 follows : 
 Now this Indenture witnesseth that it is acjreed 
 by and between the said Company and the said Cor- 
 poration in manner following, that is to say : 
 streets not to j. That the Said Company shall not break, dii>- or 
 be broken, dug, *• ,■' , i r 
 or torn up with- tear uD any pavement, macadam or other road surface, 
 out giving City i ^- • i r ^} ^ ^ 
 Kngineer 24 or uiakc auv excavation m or under any oi the streets, 
 hours' notice. , . , ' . 1 . t • 1 • 1 - r 1 
 highways or public places within the city tor the pur- 
 pose of laying down the said pipes or repairing or 
 maintaininiif them or otherwise in connection with 
 their works or operations, without giving twenty-fou; 
 It hun- 
 City of 
 of the 
 2 incor- 
 t water 
 (he Cor- 
 ry pipes 
 for the 
 5. hiL!;-h- 
 nd sub- 
 ent ; 
 id C 
 dio- or 
 le pur- 
 ring or 
 n with 
 hours' previous notice in writing to the City Engineer, 
 specifying therein the part of the street or highway 
 which it is proposed to break, dig or tear up, or in or 
 under which it is proposed to make any excavations. 
 2. That the said Company shall perform all the work to bo 
 work which it shall do in or under any street or hi(T^h-prrvi8ionofcit!v 
 • 1 • , 1 ■ 1 . . . r ,1 Z^-. Eiisiiieer, anil 
 way witnm the city under the supervision 01 the City pipes to b<! uia 
 Engineer, and shall lay its pipes at such depth, in such''^ icnuj . .a^, . 
 portion of the street and otherwise as the City Engi- 
 neer may deem necessary or expedient in order to pre- 
 vent unnecessary injury to the streets and highways 
 or danger to the public, and shall not in any way 
 interfere with any sewer or drain, water, gas or other 
 pipe which may be laid therein. 
 -;. That the said Companv shall not break, dio- up streets not to 
 or open any of the said streets, hiohwavs or public «>>• to»" «p 
 , ^ ^ J p , . 1 ^ . > when Companv 
 places tor the purpose 01 layino- down, repairing;' or "oiincei by city 
 i...,^.^ ri Knyincer not to 
 maintaining its pipes, or tor any other purpose con-'ioso. 
 nected with the carrying on of its operations at a time 
 wh'^n the City Engineer shcill notity the said Company 
 in writini>- not to do so. 
 4. That the said Company shall not break, dig up Not more thw 
 or open or keep open more of the streets or highways [i,\*i^g expedient 
 of the said city at any one time than the City Engi-|',"tor^nupTc)r'e 
 neer shall deem it expedient to be so broken, dug up [JX pcrLnneli 
 or opened at one time, and shall not keep the same •teln;!;/^"^.''"' 
 open for a larger period than is alosolutely necessary 
 to perform the work which is being performed, and 
 not after the lapse of such period as the City Engineer 
 shall by any notice in writing direct. 
 5. That the Company shall, wliile any work is in company t.) 
 r \ i'i IT ^^^^ precautions 
 progress in any ot the streets, tnghways or public to prevent acci- 
 places within the city, keep and maintain such bar-' 
 riers, watchmen and lights and take such other care 
 and precaution as may be necessary or the City Engi- 
 neer may require for the protection and safety of the 
 pubHc and ot property. 
 streets to be 
 repaired to satis 
 '*u> ■,,..»■ 
 IK"'" ...>' 
 'I'" .1," -*" 
 6, That the said Company shall, without any un- 
 repalreil to satis- ,, ,, . '■, '' .^ . r ^ ,^- 
 faction of City reasonable delay and to the satisfaction ot the Citv 
 Lngmeer, repair and make good the streets, highways 
 and public places which they shall break, dig up or 
 open for any of the purposes aforesaid or injure in so 
 Company tc. 7. That the Said Company shall make good to any 
 make compensa- • iiii-* i*^i 
 tion tD persons person wlio shall be injured either in person or prop- 
 stmction.'Vepair erty, by or through the negligence of the said Company 
 or maintenance • ' , , '• •' ' • , . 
 of worlds, and in- in thc coustructiou, repair, maintenance or operation 
 no'l-ation 4ai»8t of its works, thc loss and damage sustained by him, 
 and shall indemnify and save harmless the Corporation 
 from all actions, suits, claims and demands which may 
 be brought or prosecuted against the Corporation in 
 consequence of any act, default or omission of the 
 Company or of the exercise by the Company of any 
 of the rights conferred by the said By-law. 
 If Company 
 neglect to repair, 
 work may be 
 done by Corpora- 
 tion at i'Xi)en8c 
 of Company, and 
 cost of worl< re- 
 covt'red from the 
 Company, and in 
 default of pay- 
 ment rights of 
 Company to 
 8. That if thc said Company shall neglect to 
 repair or make good any street, highway or public 
 place which shall be broken, dug up or opened in or 
 for the construction, repair or maintenance of its 
 works, or in or for the carrying on of its operation, 
 within such time as the City Engineer shall in writing 
 appoint for that purpose and to the satisfaction of the 
 said Engineer, or if the said Company shall omit to do 
 any other act or thing which by the terms of this 
 agreement or otherwise it ought to do in or in con- 
 nection with the breaking, digging up or opening of 
 any of the st>-eets, highways or public places within 
 the city for the purposes aforesaid or any of them, the 
;r care 
 of the 
 ly un- 
 up or 
 in so 
 same may be done by the Corporation, and the 
 amount which the said Engineer shall certify to be 
 the cost thereof shall be paid by the Company to the 
 Corporation within ten days after the certificate of the 
 Engineer shall be served upon them, and if the same 
 shall remain unpaid for the period of three months 
 after the expiration of the said period of ten days, all 
 the rights and powers conferred upon the said Com- 
 pany by the said By-law shall at the option of the 
 Corporation be revoked, and the said By-law may be 
 Q, That the Company shall also observe all such company to ob- 
 further and other regulations as the Council of ther^cj,^«i^t',«'j^8 
 said Corporation shall from time to time adopt for then.'j»''e by coun- 
 laying down of the pipes or in connection with the 
 construction, maintenance or repair of the works, or 
 with the carrying on of the operations of the said 
 Company in the streets, highways or public places 
 within the city or otherwise, for the safety and protec- 
 tion of the public in the exercise of the power con- 
 ferred by the said By-law and the Act passed in the 
 forty-second year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled an 
 Act respecting Steam and Heating Companies, 
 10. That any notice required to be served upon . Notice requir- 
 . ^~, '' , \ , • 1 ■ 1 '"^ *" ^^ served 
 the Company may be served by mailinL>' the same atoncompanymay 
 the London Post Office, addressed to the Company maiimgr at Lon- 
 , . ,, ,. . , 11-1 don Post Office 
 by Its Corporate name aforesaid, or by leaving the 
 same at the office or place of business of the Com- 
 II. That the Company shall at all times, upon re- statement of 
 1 , 1 1 1 • . . 1 r^ .' names and resi- 
 quest, make out and deliver to the Corporation or any dences of share- 
 r -^ rr 1 1 4I • 1 1 •. . 1 1 holders, amount 
 of Its ofncers who may be authorized bv it to demand of stock hew by 
 1 , , , • . ■ r '\ J them and am- 
 ne same, a statement in writing of the names and ount paid there- 
 ell b**^com"'an'' ""csiclences of the several stockholders of the said Com- 
 to Corporation pan V, the aiiiount of stock held by them respectively 
 on reiiuest. 11 -ii 
 and the amount paid thereon. 
 In witness whereof the said Company hath caused 
 to be affixed its Corporate Seal and the President 
 thereof hath set his hand, and the Mayor of the said 
 City hath set his hand and caused to be affixed the 
 Corporate Seal of the said City the day and year first 
 above written . 
 Signed, Sealed and Delivered ) 
 in presence of j 
 Thomas Droucht, for) 
 President Bowman. > ^VINI . BOWMAN, 
 City Steam Heating- Company. 
 For Establishing a Public Park, to be Called 
 Queen's Park. 
 Be it enacted by the iMunicipal Council of the 
 Corporation of the City of London as follows : 
 1. ihat the property of the said Corporation gaiter's orove 
 situate in the Village of London East, and known as ^;^'j;%*r ^^'^^''^ 
 "Salter's Gi-ove," shall hereafter be a public Park for^'"''®"'- 
 the recreation and amusement of the citizens of Lon- 
 don, under and subject to such rules and regulations 
 as may be prescribed as hereinafter provided. 
 2. That the said Park shall be known as Queen's to be caiiea 
 Park, and shall be open free of charge at all times ?,lj''"open'''rcc 
 except on twelve days in the year to the citizens of umw^icept oil 
 London and its suburbs. thevear!^"^' '" 
 a n) 1 n 
 That Benjamin Cronvn, Andrew McCormick senji 
 and~\\":iliam H. Birrell. Esquires, shall be Trustees offeiS^ick'^ami 
 the said Park, and shall have authority to take charge ren"o"b"'Tm8- 
 of the said Park : to cause the same to be fenced, and^d may*teS 
 to make such improvements and erect such buildings erect'buiidings! 
 thereon as they may, subject to the approval, direction 
 and supervision of the Mayor, Chairman of Park Com- 
 mittee and Citv Eni^ineer, think fit. 
 4. That the said Trustees may make such rules and Trustees ma.N 
 regulations for the control of the said Park and the "ii'oM'alk' 
 maintenance of order therein as they may see fit, but 
 no such rules or regulations shall have any force orappro^ld of by 
 effect until approved of by the Mayor and Chairman c^hafrTan^of 
 ^r . 1, -T) I r--. -^ ' Parlt Committee 
 01 the Park Lommittec. 
 1 "-'ii" 
 ■'V >, 
 15 • 
 Trees not to 5. Tliat tlic siu'tl Trustecs shall not cut down or 
 'destroy any of the trees growing in the said Park 
 except such as it may be necessary to remove for the 
 purpose of making the improvements which they may 
 desire to make, and then only with the sanction and 
 approval of the Mayor, Chairman of the Park Com 
 mittee and City Engineer, 
 On 1 2 ilays 
 01) ly admission 
 feu nmy be 
 Moneys d c - 
 rived from ad- 
 mission Jecs to 
 1)0 applied in 
 m a k i n sf i ni - 
 Council ma\ 
 repeal I5y-law at 
 any time. 
 By-law not to 
 operate as a dodi- 
 eation to the 
 public or prevent 
 C o n n c i 1 from 
 makinjj other 
 (lis position of 
 the land. 
 6. That the said Trustees may upon not more than 
 tweh'e days of the year, to be selected by them, make 
 a reasonable charge for admission to the said Park, 
 but all moneys derived from admission fees shall be 
 applied and laid out in keeping in order and main- 
 taining the l^irk. 
 7. That nothing herein contained shall prevent the 
 Council at any time repealing this By-law, and in the 
 event of such repeal taking place the Trustees shall 
 be entitled to remove any building or fences. 
 8. Hiat nothing herein contained is to operate as a 
 dedication of the said lands to the use of the citizens 
 of London, so as to prevent the Corporation from mak- 
 ing use or disposing of the said lands for any purpose 
 which they may see fit. 
 Vacancies in g I'hat any vacancy which may occur in the Trus- 
 tho Trustees to >' J J ^ J 
 be tilled by l^.^^ j^y death, removal from the city, or otherwise, shall 
 Council. ■' ' . ^ ' 
 be filled by the Council. 
 Passed in open Council this fifth day of May. in 
 the year of our Lord one thousand i.ight hundred and 
 C-'ty Clerk. 
2 19 
 ut clown or 
 i said Park 
 love for the 
 :h they may 
 anction and 
 Park Com 
 )t more tlian 
 them, make 
 said Park, 
 ses shall be 
 ■ and main- 
 prevent the 
 and in the 
 Listees shall 
 operate as a 
 the citizens 
 1 from mak- 
 ^my purpose 
 in the Trus- 
 t;rwise. shall 
 of May, in 
 undred and 
 m lies east of Wul- 
 '^ linj^ton SIreot. 
 Articles of Agreement made at London the A^'rccnient i..- 
 twenty-eiij^hth dav of Serjtembcr, in the year of oiu"iion'''amri'!mia 
 T 1 X.1 ' 1 • 1 ^ 1 11 i ' . "f AirriculUiie 
 Lord one thousand eio-ht hundred and sixtv-one,«'f ipporcimaaa 
 , 1 /•-. ^' ' r 1 I ^' r \ 1 ' - , 1 as t(i Kxliit)iti(jii 
 between the Corporation ol the City ot London oi the cjrou.uis. 
 first part and the Board] of Agriculture for Upper 
 Canada of the second part. 
 First. The said Corporation of the City of London, corporation 
 in consideration of the sum of four thousand dollars eratk.n'ofT,'lt 
 to the Said Corporation of the City of London paid by 'y^^T^'ricilirure 
 the said Board of Agriculture for Ui^per Canada, ^|;[,*t'\\{;^^^^^^ 
 covenant andjagree with the said Board of Agriculture ,''j,^J,',;,,V 'Jh'i'j; 
 for Upper Canada, so soon as the title to the land? 
 hereinafter mentioned is vested in the said Corpora- 
 tion of the City of London, effectually to grant to the 
 said Board ^'of Agriculture for U[)per Canada, and to 
 all parties or Corporations authorized by the said 
 Board of Agriculture for Upper Canada, the right to 
 hold all County and Agricultiu'al P'airs, Shows and 
 I'lxhibitions free of charge in and upon that portion of 
 the Ordnance Lands within the said City of London 
 lately procured from the (iovernment, l)ing east of 
 Wellington Street and north of Great INLirket Street, 
 and the buildings that are now- erected thereon, and 
 also to erant to the Provincial Agricultural Association 
 of Upper Canada the right forever to hold any of their 
 Exhibitions'in and^upon the said lands and buildings, 
 and also in case hereafter there be established an 
 annual Western P'air, the right to hold such W^estern 
 I'air thereon and therein, and that until the title to 
 said land is^vested in the said Corporation of the City 
 of London the said Corporation of the City of London 
 do hereby guarantee to the said Board of Agriculture 
 for Upper Canada the free use of the said lands and 
 buildings for the purposes aforesaid, and the said 
 Board of AoiricultLirc for Ui)per Canada do hereby 
 No unnecesgary covenant and aii^rce to and with the said Corporation 
 joM 'to lami ^ of the City of London that no unnecessary damai^r^s 
 B(Ji'^d"to m*ko or injury shall be done to the said land or buildinos 
 sroo.1 the same, ^j^jj^ j]^^ samc are used by them or those whom tlicy 
 may authorize as aforesaid, and will indemnify the said 
 Corporation of the City of London froni such damag^e 
 or injury and make oood the same. 
 1 '•!:...•** 
 ■ i! 
 Proviso-grant Provided always that the said trrant shall not he 
 not to give right . -^ . , "^ . ^ 
 cl't'durin""and''^'^^^^'-'^^^ ^° .^'^'^ ^^^^ rio^lit of possessiott of the said 
 in fn"e<=.'.'»n lands or buildinps to the said Board of Ao-riculture for 
 with Exhibitions o i>f 
 Upper Canada or to those whom the said Board of 
 Agriculture may authorize, at any other times than 
 during the holdings of such fairs, shows and exhi- 
 bitions and for a reasonable time before and after to 
 enable the said l^oard of Agriculture for Upper 
 Canada or those whom they may authorize, to prepare 
 for exhibition and for exhibitors to have their stock or 
 goods for exhibition on the ground previous to and 
 after the said Exhibitions. 
 In witness whereof the said Corporation of the 
 City of London and the said Board of Agriculture for 
 Upper Canada have respectively caused their seals to 
 be hereunto affixed, and the Mayor and President 
 ha\e respectively signed these prc:sents the day and 
 year first above written. 
 Signed, Sealed and Delivered 
 in presence of 
 ) Mayor. 
 om they 
 the said 
 not be 
 ■he said 
 I til re for 
 ioard of 
 es than 
 id exhi- 
 after to 
 stock or 
 to and 
 It is the understanding and agreement between ,™y8^*be 
 the Corporation of the City of London and the Board ana mm,oy_ to ^ 
 of Acrriculture for Upper Canada that the first named ►'"'i'""*?- 
 Corporation shall keep the Exhibition Building insured, 
 and the first named Corporation hereby agrees to 
 insure said building for at least four thousand dollars 
 for the benefit of the said Board of Agriculture, and 
 keep the same insured ; it is also the agreement, in 
 consideration of the premises in case of destruction of 
 the premises by fire, the Board of Agriculture shall 
 apply the proceeds of said insurance towards rebuilding 
 Exhibition buildings on the land within described. 
 Signed in presence of | 
 of the 
 ;urc: for 
 ?eals to 
 lay and 
 .,*■• ■-• 
 1 •• 
 I, M.*"-' 
 nrStittocor- Tins INDENTURE maclc in duplicate the tw(Mity- 
 ISx of "certain first clay of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand 
 hthuhinGnMiiias eight hundred and sixty-nine, between the Corporation 
 of tlie Cit)' of London of the first part and the Cor[)()- 
 ration of the County of Middlesex of the second part. 
 Whereas, in consideration of the payment of tlie 
 sum of three thousand dollars by the said party of the 
 second part to the said party of the first part, the said 
 Of agreement party of the first part did, by articles of agreement 
 to ifrAiit ccrtiiiii ^ ■^ ' ^-^ 
 rightsto cori.o-bearin*'' date the eicfhteenth day of lulv, in the year 
 ration of MidtMe- -^ & i • i' i i ' i i • 
 sex when lands ot our Lorcl oue thousaud ciijnt hundred and sixtv- 
 ve8teil m Cor|)o- • i i • i - i i ' 
 rationof London one, coveuaut With the said party ot tlie second part 
 to grant unto the said party of the second part certain 
 rights and privileg'es in that portion of the lands known 
 as the Ordnance Lands within th(; said City of London, 
 lying east of Wellington Street and north of Gn.-at 
 Market Street, so soon as the title to the same should 
 be vested in the said party of tlie first part ; 
 That lands 
 vested in Corpo 
 And whereas the title to the said land with other 
 vuHieu III i^orpo- iiii ^ • r '1*1 *i 
 ration of London lands has beeu vested m iee simple in the said party 
 by letters patent, »r ^ r i i r i /-~> 
 ot the nrst part, by tetters patent trom the Crown 
 bearing date the first day of April, in the year of our 
 Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine ; 
 Grants to Cor- It is therefore witnessed that in pursuance of the 
 Iiorationof Mid- -ia-i ta ^ r i -i 'i 
 diesex risfht to said Articles ot Agreement and tor the said considera- 
 hold allows and . i • i i • i r i r i 
 exhibitions ontion which tlie said i^artv ot the first part acknow- 
 that part of Kx- , , , • i i • i r i r 
 hihitionsfrounds ledges to have received, the said party ot tlie first part 
 wliicli lies CQfit ^^ L J ' M. 
 of Wellington doth hereby grant unto the said party of the second 
 part and its successors, and to all parties or corpora- 
 tions authorized by the said party of the second part, 
 the right to hold all County and Agricultural Fairs, 
 Shows and Exhibitions free of charge in and upon 
 that portion of the lands known as th(i Ordnance 
 Lands in tiic said City of London, in the Province of 
 Ontario, lying east of Wellington Street and north of 
 Great Market Street, and in the buildings thereon, 
 containing by admeasurement sixteen acres and thirty- 
 six and three-tenths perches, be the same more or 
 less, and which said land over which the said rights 
 and privileges are to extend may be more particularly 
 known and described as follows, that is to say, being 
 composed of blocks numbers one and three, situate on 
 the north and south sides of Pall Mall Street, in the 
 said City of London, as shown on the plan made by 
 Provincial Land Surveyor William Robinson, dated 
 the fourteenth day of July, 1868, and of record in the 
 Department of the Secretary of State of Canada, and 
 which are severallv butted and bounded as follows, 
 that is to say : Block number one, commencing where 
 a Board of Ordnance Monument has been planted on 
 the nortlivvest corner of Waterloo and Great Market 
 Streets, thence north nineteen degrees ten miinutes 
 west along the west side of Waterloo Street ten chains 
 seven and a half links more or less to Pall Mall 
 Street ; thence south seventy degrees forty-four min- 
 utes west along the south side of Pall I\LilI Street ten 
 chains fifteen links more in- less to Wellington Street , 
 thence south nineteen degrees twenty-four minutes 
 east alono- the east side of Wellington Street ten 
 chains five links more or less to Great Market Street ; 
 thence north seventy degrees fifty minutes east along 
 the north side of Great Market Street ten chains nine 
 links more or less to the place of beginning, containing 
 ten acres and twenty-eight and nine-tenths perches 
 more or less ; and block number three, commencing 
 at the northwest corner of Waterloo and Pall Mall 
 Streets, thence north nineteen degrees ten minutes 
 west alone the west side of W aterloo Street five chains 
 ninety-four and a half links more or less to a Board of 
 Ordnance Monument ; thence south seventy degrees 
 -•«■'•'■ ^.' •' 
 ( : 
 ...'•" ■ 
 forty-four minutes west ten chains nineteen and a half 
 links more or less to Wellinij^ton Street ; thence south 
 nineteen det^rees twenty-four minutes east along the 
 east side of Wellington street five chains ninety-four 
 and a half links more or less to Pall Mall Street ; 
 thence north seventy degrees forty-four minutes east 
 along the north side of Pall Mall Street ten chains 
 fourteen links more or less to the place of beginning, 
 containing six acres and seven and four-tenths perches 
 more or less — to have and to hold the said rights, 
 privileges and easements to the said party of the 
 second part and its successors forever. 
 I'roviBo-ffrant Provided always tliat the said grant shall not he 
 of't-osBMsfoncx-Construecl to give tlie right of possession of th(; saitl 
 iTr uonneX'n hinds or the buil(h"ngs to the said party of the second 
 with Exhibitions p,^j.^^ or to those whom the said i)arty' of the second 
 part may authorize, at any other times than during the 
 holdings of the said fairs, shows and exhibitions, and 
 for a reasonable time before and after t(j enable the 
 said party of the second ])art or those whom they may 
 authorize to pmpare for exhibitions and for exhibitors 
 to have their stock or goods for exhibition on the 
 ground previous to and after the said fairs, shows and 
 No uiincceg- 
 And the said party of the second part covenants 
 re'"done"t7iand with the Said party of the first part that no unneces- 
 corporltion*o1sary dauKige or injury shall be done to the said land 
 nmk!i'*good the°'' ^° ^^'^^ buildiugs thercou while the same are used by 
 "*•"*■ the said party of the second part, or by those whom 
 the said party of the second part may authorize as 
 aforesaid, and that the said party of the second part 
 shall indemnify the said party of the first part from 
 such damage or injury and make good the same. 
 In witness whereof the said Corporations of the 
 City of London and of the County of Middlesex have 
 rcsi)ectively caused their Seals to be hereunto affixed, 
 and the Mayor of the said Corporation of the City of 
 London .and the Warden of the said Corporation of 
 die County of Middlesex have signed these presents 
 the day and year first above written. 
 Signed, Sealed and Delivered^ 
 in Duplicate in presence of ', 
 Warden. ' -^ ^ 
 Grant to Acrri- Tiiis INDENTURE made ill duolictite tlic tweiitv- 
 cultural Society . r t i 
 of East Middle- f^ est (Jay of June, in the vear of our Lord one thousand 
 Bex of certain iii- '• ^ /-^ 
 rights in Exiii-eigrht hundrcd and sixty-nine, between the Corporation 
 bition Grounds. o .. , rir ii /»• 
 of the City of London ot the nrst part and the Airri- 
 cultural Society of East Middlesex of the second part. 
 ' *••''!,. -■■in 
 t '•"3'-'' 
 Whereas, in consideration of the jjaymcnt of the 
 sum of two thousand dollars to the said party of the 
 first part by the said party of the second part, the said 
 Of agreement party of the first iDart did, by articles of aoreement 
 to grant certain }., , -ii r i i 
 rights to Agri- bearino- date the twenty-sixth day oi une, one thou- 
 cultural Society i • i i i i i • • i i 
 of East Middle- sand ciofht hundred and sixty-one, covenant with the 
 86X when Iftnds ^^ 
 vested in corpo- said party of the second part to i^rant unto the said 
 ration of London r i i • • i i • m 
 party ot the second part certain rights and priviletj^es 
 in that portion of the Ordnance Lands in the said City 
 of London, lyiiiL^ east of Wellino^ton Street and north 
 of Great Market Street, and in the building's that 
 mii^ht be erected thereon, so soon as the title to the 
 said lands should be vested in the said party of the 
 first part ; 
 That lands 
 vested in Coi 
 by letters patent, , 
 And whereas the title to the said lands has been 
 vested in Corpo- ,.- ,,., ., r ^ r 
 ration of London vested in fee Simple in tiie said party ot the nrst part, 
 by letters patent from the Crown bearing date the 
 first day oi April, in the year of our Lord one thou- 
 sand eight hundred and sixty-nine ; 
 :- i 
 1 1 
 Grants tu Agri- 
 cultural Society 
 of East Middle- 
 8.6 X right to 
 hold shows and 
 exhibitions un 
 that part of Ex- 
 hibition grounds 
 which lies east 
 of Wellington 
 It is therefore witnessed thai in jiursuance of the 
 said Articles of Aureement and for the said considera- 
 tion which the said party of the first part hereby 
 acknowledges to have received, th(i said party of the 
 first part doth hereby grant unto the said party of the 
 second part and its successors forever the right to 
 hold all County I^'airs, Shows and Exhibitions free of 
 charge in and upon t! it portion of the Ordnance 
 Lands within the said City of London, lying east of 
 Wellington Street and north of Great Market Street, 
 and in the buildings thereon, containing by ad- 
 measurement sixteen acres and thirty-six and three- 
 tenths perches, be the same more or less, and which 
 said lands over which the said rights and privileges 
 are to extend may be more particularly known and 
 described as follows, that is to say, being composed 
 of blocks number one and three, situate on the 
 north and south sides of Pall Mall Street, in the 
 said City of London, as shown per plan of Pro- 
 vincial Land .Surveyor William Robinson, dated the 
 fourteenth day of July, 1868, and of record in the 
 Department of the Secretary of State of Canada, and 
 which are severally butted and bounded as follows, 
 that is to say : Block number one, commencing where 
 a Board of Ordnance Monument has been planted on 
 the northwest corner of W'aterloo and Great Market 
 Streets, thence north nineteen deorees ten minutes 
 west along the west side of Waterloo Street ten chains 
 seven and a half links more or less to Pall Mall 
 Street ; thence south seventy degrees forty-four min- 
 utes west along the south side of Pall ]\Lall Street ten 
 ciiains fifteen links more or less to Wellington Street, 
 thence south nineteen degrees twenty-four minutes 
 east along the east side of Wellington Street ten 
 chains five links more or less to Great Market Street ; 
 thence north seventy degrees fifty minutes east along 
 the; north side of Great Market Street ten chains nine 
 links more or less to the place of beginning, containing 
 ten acres and twenty-eight and nine-tenths perches 
 more or less ; and block number three, commencing 
 at the northwest corner of Waterloo and Pall Mall 
 St'TPts, thence north nineteen degrees ten minutes 
 west alonof the west side of Waterloo Street five chains 
 ninety-four and a half links more or less to a Board of 
 Ordnance Monument ; thence south seventy degrees 
 forty-four minutes west ten chains nineteen and a half 
 , ;,.,,« 
 IMI-' ' '.".'•1 
 ■I HIW"' 
 'II' ,,,,»«• 
 ••""J -'tit 
 links more or less to Wellington Street ; thence south 
 nineteen degrees twenty-four minutes east along the 
 east side of Wellington street five chains ninety-four 
 and a half links more or less to Pall Mall Street ; 
 thence north seventy degrees forty-four minutes east 
 along the north side of Pall Mall Street ten chains 
 fourteen links more or less to the place of beginning, 
 containing six acres and seven and four-tenths perches 
 more or less — to have and to hold the said ri<dits, 
 easements and privileges unto the said party of the 
 second part and its successors forever. 
 And the said party of the first part doth further 
 agree with the said party of the second part that the 
 Provincial Agricultural Association of Ontario shall 
 have the right to hold any exhibition in and upon the 
 said lands and buildings, and that in case any Annual 
 Fair should hereafter be established, the same may be 
 held in and upon the said land and buildings when- 
 ever the said fair may be held. 
 Provided that these presents are subject to this 
 Proviso— That ^ -^ 
 Society's Fairs condition, that the said party of the second part shall 
 are to be held i i i 1 1 i /^ t- • oi 
 on Exhibition at all tmies hereatter hold all the County Pairs, bhows 
 Grounds, or . , . r i i 
 arai.t to be void, and hxhibitions ot the said party ot the second part 
 in and upon the said lands and buildings, otherwise 
 this deed and the grant therein contained and all rights 
 by virtue thereof to be void, cease and determine. 
 No unneccs- And urovldecl that the said party of the second 
 sary damage to i n i i • • i 
 be done to land part shall do no unnecessary damage or iniury to the 
 or buildings, and i 'iii ii-ii- J J 
 Agricultural So- said lands and buildings. 
 c 1 e t y of East *"> 
 Middlesex t o 
 same* *''°°'' "''' And the said party of the second part doth covenant 
 with the said party of the first part to indemnify the 
 said party of the first part for all unnecessary damage 
 or injury to the said lands and buildings, or to make 
 good the same. 
 And provided that these presents shall not be con- J-^-'^-e^f^',;^, 
 striied to crive the rioht of possession of the saidotpo— >«- 
 lands and buildings to the said party of the second |;-°-4YtJons 
 part at any other time than during the holding of such 
 fairs, shows and exhibitions, and for a day or two 
 before and after to enable the said party of the second 
 part, or the Provincial Agricultural Association of 
 Ontario, as the case may be, and exhibitors to prepare 
 for exhibitions and for exhibitors to have their stock 
 or o-oods for exhibition on the ground previous to and 
 after the said fairs, shows and exhibitions. 
 In witness whereof the said party of the first part 
 has hereunto set its Corporatate Seal and the hand of 
 its Mayor, and the said party of the second part has 
 hereunto set its Corporate Seal and the hands of its 
 President and Secretary the day and year first above 
 ^ S. H. GRAYDON,( — ( 
 Signed, Sealed and De- | . ' Mayor. I lU ^ 
 "livered in duplicate in j JOHN WHEATON, _ 
 . V President East Middlesex l.s. 
 presence ot Agricultural Society. ~ 
 j Secretary E. M. A. S. 
2 30 
 Agreement be- AGREEMENT made this thirteenth day of May, in 
 tween the Cor- i • i i / » •'• 
 poration of Lon- tiie year of oiir Lord one thousand eiQ^ht hundred and 
 don and tlie J i /-> • r i /^ 
 Corporation of ggventy-four, between the Corporation of the City of 
 Middlesex as to -' ' , i i /'-> • J 
 Hospital Fund. Lottdon of the first part and the Corporation of the 
 County of Middlesex of the second part. 
 li •"'..•li.J-** 
 • ■"';■►"■'■': 
 «5f III".,,,. 
 aft -»'* ^ '.»... 
 Recitals. Whereas the survivittg' Trustees of the London 
 Proposition of Savinci^s Bank i^roijose to transfer two hundred r.nd 
 Trustees of Lon- ^ V* iiiii* • .• 
 don Savings forty-tour dollars and thirty-nine cents in money, ten 
 Banlc to transfer , , "^ i- i /-^ • r i t* r i^ 
 certain moneys debentures of the Corporation oi the 1 own of St. 
 the panies^o Thomas, dated the eighth day of November, one 
 and thfBoardof thousand eicfht hundred and sixty-four, number one to 
 Trade of London .... r i \ • c \ i 
 for the support ten inciusivc, nine oi them being tor one thousand 
 Hospital hi"or dollars and one for one hundred dollars, all of them 
 having coupons for interest attached, also one deben- 
 ture of the City of London, number thirteen, dated the 
 twenty-seventh day of June, in the year of our Lord 
 one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, for five 
 hundred pounds, 'with the coupons attached from the 
 twenty-seventh day of June, to the said parties hereto 
 and the Board of Trade of the City of London upon 
 trust, to preserve the fund intact by investment and 
 reinvestment in Dominion or Provincial stocks or 
 other safe investment, and to pay the yearly interest 
 thereof only, but not any part of the principal, towards 
 the support of a General f lospital in or near the City 
 of London, to be api)lied in the maintenance and care 
 of City and County patients in the City Hospital in 
 equal shares ; 
 Recital of And whcrcas the parties Jiereto have as.i"recd and 
 agreement as to , , , ^ i t i 'i- c \ 
 disposal of an- by these pree:ents do ai>Tee tliat it the 1 rustees ot ^lie 
 nual income of _ -^ . ', . hi r i • i i 
 trust funds. Loudon Savings l-Jank transter the said moneys, sjootls 
 and chattels in this agreement mentioned, or any other 
 moneys, goods or chattels in place thereof, upon the 
 May, in 
 fed and 
 City of 
 of the 
 ed r.nd 
 ney, ten 
 II of St. 
 >er, one 
 r one to 
 of them 
 ; deben- 
 ated the 
 ur Lord 
 for five 
 ■om the 
 ! hereto 
 n upon 
 :nt and 
 >cks or 
 le City 
 d care 
 )ital in 
 d and 
 of fhe 
 >n tJie 
 trust hereinbefore set forth, then and in such case this 
 agreement shall apply and l^e binding- on the parties 
 hereto as to the disposal of the annual produce of the 
 investments to be held for the benefit of the City of 
 London and County of Middlesex. 
 I. The Trustees appointed by the London Sav- tho Trustees 
 ings Bank, the said parties hereto, their succesors inshar^o^iyomf 
 office, the Board of Trade of the City of London and niahuenance of 
 their successors in office, shall pay to the City annu- ^"^ ''**"'""' 
 ally its share of the annual profits in the trust fund, to 
 be applied towards the care and maintenance of the 
 City palients. 
 2. Out of the share of the County in the annual 
 profits the Trustees shall pay the City at such average 
 rate per day for every patient the County may send 
 to the City Hospital during the year, such rate to be 
 ascertained as follows : to the gross cost of the main- 
 tenance, attendance upon and medical and other care 
 of all the patients during the year, add for rent of Hos- 
 pital six per cent, on eight thousand dollars, the 
 amount arrived at to include site for Hospital and six 
 thousand dollars to be expended by the City in erect- 
 ing an Hospital within a reasonable time. 
 Add to such sum as may have been necessarily 
 expended for repairs and insurances. 
 Take the number of i)atients for the year, and 
 ascertain the average cost per day for each patient. 
 If the share of the County in the profits of the 
 fund for any year shall exceed the charge made upon 
 it, the excess shall be retained by the Trustees and 
 applied in like manner in the following year or years. 
 County to pay 
 City out of its 
 share of income 
 cnstof maintain- 
 injf County pa- 
 tients, the cost 
 of maintenance 
 to be determined 
 by a c e r t a i n 
 mode of calcula- 
 .-1 J . 
 •1 l,ls. ' 
 I. I"-!,! • 
 "^ ,••■'.- 
 It cost of main- 
 tenance of Coun- 
 ty puticnta ex- 
 ceeds its share 
 of income the 
 (lifference to bo 
 paid by County. 
 Agreement to 
 continue for all 
 time as to ri^jht 
 of County to 
 send patients, 
 bub only for five 
 ,..-■-• from I St 
 • <• '- her of 
 •I' ,)eyond 
 1,01.0 neoeasary 
 to exhaust Coun- 
 ty's share of in- 
 t lUM. 
 If the County shall in any year send a _L;reatcr 
 number of patients than shall be sufficient to exhaust 
 its share in the profits it shall at the end of the year 
 pay the City for the excess at the like rate per patient. 
 3. The abov'e arrangement to remain in force and 
 the charge of rental not to increase for all time to 
 come in so far as the rij^ht of the County to send 
 patients to the extent of the fund, but only to continue 
 for five years from the first day of January in the year 
 of our Lord one thousand eis^ht hundred and seventy- 
 three as to the number of patients beyond those suffi- 
 cient to exhaust the share of the County in the profits 
 ot the fund. 
 How cost of 
 maintenance to 
 After the termination of the Wxq years such excess 
 be arrived at af- of patieuts to be i)aid for on the same basis as to 
 tor expiration of / 1 1 • 1 1 1 
 five years. mamtenauce, attendance upon, medical and other cares 
 and insurances, but the charge for rental to be esti- 
 mated at the end of each year at the rate of six per 
 cent, upon the total cost for buildings and repairs, 
 such cost to be ascertained by adding to the eight 
 thousand dollars any further amount that it may have 
 been found necessary to lay out upon the Hospital 
 property in building to increase the accommodation or 
 Agreement to 4. This agreement to commence from the first day 
 commence t s t ^ » '^ ' 
 January, 1875. ot January next. 
 In witness whereof the parties hereto have here- 
 unto set their Corporate Seals the day and year first 
 above written. 
 Signed, Sealed and Delivered ] BENJ. CRONYN. ^ -- j 
 in presence of | Mayor. ^ -^ ' 
 1^ r ^T I'rMVTi^ [LIONEL E. SHIPLEY. 
 I). G. McKEN/IL, ^,r , 
 ' I Warden. I j^^ 
 Clerk County of Middlesex, j 
) "I -^ 
 the year 
 •rce and 
 time to 
 to send 
 Ih; year 
 sc suffi- 
 e profits 
 1 excess 
 is as to 
 er cares 
 be esti- 
 six [)er 
 le eioht 
 ly have 
 ation or 
 irst clay 
 e here- 
 iar first 
 Know ai.i- mkn \\\ tiiesI'; pri:si;.\t.s that the Corpora- ueciarauon of 
 tion ot the Uity ot London, tlie L(jr])oration ot thenuons of um- 
 CoLinty of Middlesex and tlie London lloartl of Trade so ".mui li-lara 
 do acknowled'^e, admit and declare that the surplus "ertaia funds 
 profits of the London Savings Bank, whicli have heentTe^m'^b.v tii'o 
 ' ,- 11.1 ..',,, , . , Triittces (if the 
 translerred by the survivniL;- 1 riistec^s thereol to the i;..n.u,n savin;,-* 
 said Corporations and Board of Trade, and consisting- 
 of a sum of two hundred and forty-four ckjllars antl 
 thirty-nine cents in money, and debentures of the 
 Cori)oration of the Town of St. Thomas, dated the 
 eitrhth day of November, one thousand ei<'"ht hundred 
 and sixty-nine, number one to ten (inclusive), nine of 
 them l)(^inn- for one thousand dollars each and one of 
 them for one hundred dollars, and all of them having- 
 coupons for interest attached, also a debenture of the 
 Corporation of the City of London, number thirteen, 
 dated the twenty-seventh day of June, A. D. one 
 thousand ei^ht hundred and fifty-three for five hundred 
 pounds with the coupons attached from the twenty- 
 seventh day of June then next, and all sums ot money 
 representint;" the interest paid or accrued thereon, and 
 all the moneys which on the fiftcMmth day of June.A.I). 
 one thousand eig-ht hundred and seventy-four, then ,,j.,^,''^',;'\^f,^^ 'j'* 
 standing at the credit of the said Trustees in the Iiank;^';,;'=J^,^;;;!„^\;^^^^ 
 of Montreal at London, and which have edso been trans- ^';|^";;;^',-j'^\J'^!^>; 
 ferred to the said Corporations and Board of Trade, ^,'^,[^j;°^^^'J-y'y,5 
 have been and are held by the said Corporations and [;,;^^/JJ';^^/;*[;|^^^^^^^ 
 Board of Trade upon trust, to preserve the wholejij,,';,^^^,;;.*;'^,;/^' 
 thereof intact by the investment and reinvestment of •'"''"'•'''• 
 the same in Dominion or Provincial stocks or in other 
 safe investments, and to pay over the annual income 
 and profits of the said funds, whether arising from 
 the state in which the i:ame are now invested or from 
 inv(;stments hereaft(.;r to bi; made by the; said Corpora- 
 tions and Board of Trach^, as follows, that is to say : 
 ft' :'■ 
 to pay one-half thereof to the Treasurer of the Corpo- 
 ration of the City of London, to be appHecl by the said 
 Cori:)oration in the carc^ and maintt:nance of a Cenoral 
 Hospital in or near the City of London, while such 
 Hospital embraces the reception of jiatients from Uu; 
 City of London, in the County of Middlesex, and ih(; 
 remaininLJf one-half therecTf to the Treasurer of iIk^ 
 Cor|)oration of the County of Mitldlesex, to be applied 
 by the said Corjioration in like; manner and for the 
 like inn"i)ose. 
 In witness whereof the said Cor])oratIons and die 
 Hoard of Trade have caused to be hereunto affixed 
 their respective Corporate Seals this fifteenth day of 
 June, A. D. one thousand ei^ht hundred and seventy- 
 Si.c^med, Sealed and De- ^ liLNJ. CRONVX, 
 livered in presence of j Ahuor. 
 II F S H T P I T^' \' 
 A. D. CAMERON, ■■ ^- '^^^^^\,. ', 
 of the City of London. THOMAS THOAH^SON, ^p;, J President Hoard of Trade ' -^.^ ^ 
 NniK. — -This Hospital Fund now consists of 
 Nine debentures of the Town of St, Thomar. for 
 .$1,000 each and one debenture of the same town for 
 $100 all payable in thirty y(,'ars, .antl maluriiiL; 
 on ist July, 1S94, and bearing- interest at .j. per 
 cent, per annum for the llrst ten years, 5 per cent, 
 per annum tor tlu; next ten years, ami 6 per cent. 
 \)vv annum lor the last ten years, payabh.' half-yeail\ 
 on 1st January and ist July ; and — 
 One d(d)enture of the City of London for $6,500, 
 maturini;- ist July, 1894, and ix-arini;- interest at 7 per 
 cent, per annum, payable half-ycarl)' on ist January 
 and 1st July. 
3.1 5 
 For Regulating and Licensing the Owne.-s 
 of Livery Slobles, CalDS and OLhei- Vehicles. 
 In; it cnactcxl bv the lioard of Commissioners of 
 Police of the City of London. undvA' the authority of 
 the Act of Parlia'ment of tin; Province of Ontario in 
 that hehalf, as follows : 
 /. 77/^?/ ^io person or persons shall eu^^ai^c in or u^^yy staWe 
 carry on the business of a Livery Stable keeper 'ivithin)^^^'^Z\. '" 
 tJie said City of London without bein^^ licensed so to do. 
 2. That no person or pei'sons shall en^a^e m the to i,e 
 calling of a cab driver for hire luithin the City of Lon-^'"'"^'''^- 
 don, or drive any cab, carriage^ coach, omnibus or other 
 vehicle for the carriage of passengers for hire from one 
 place to another ivithin the City of L.ondon, without bc- 
 in^' licensed so to do. 
 :;. That no pe.rson or persons shall engaL;e in the , cwtcH to i,e 
 calling of a carter for hire within the City of London, "'"''^'" 
 or drive any vehicle for the transportation for hire of 
 any goods, wares or merchandize or any other thing 
 what'soever within the said City of London, without 
 beinsf Hcensed so to do. 
 1. That nothinLT herein contained shall render it uvery stab'o 
 ^ Y - 1- 11- ui ""' requ red t'l 
 necessary for the keeper ot a licensed livery stable take ^out^^^cai.- 
 within the said City of London who shall not carry oniiwnse.' 
 or engage in the business of a cabnuin or carter, to 
 take out a cabman s or carter's license in addition to 
 his license as a livery stable keeper. 
One luTMsr t.. -, 'fhat onc licciisc shall not. authori/i; anv ixison 
 U80 only one ve- or persons to ilrivc more tlian one; vcliiclc, Lillicr for 
 the carriage of passcuocrs or for tin; transportation of 
 ooods { as the case may be], hut a hcense shall he re- 
 (jLiired to be taken out for each vehicle so us(.'cl, and 
 one license to keep a livery stable shall not entitle the 
 holder thereof to keep more than one livery stable. 
 Liconscs to 111! 
 iS8U(<l liv Hoard 
 6. That all licenses shall be issued bv the Hoard. 
 1 **• .1 • 
 ■ •1( 
 I 11""*' 
 1, M.*'-* 
 ^vKon'''i!.v-' ilp, 'I'i: /• i Ji'it before any person shall obtain a license 
 (•iiiiu for licunsc j.^ drivc auv carria_L;e, coach, omnibus or other v(,'hiclc 
 for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned or any of 
 them, he shall enter into a bond in the penal sum of 
 one hundred dollars, with two sufficient sureties of 
 fifty dollars each, conditioned for the observance in all 
 respects of the conditions of this By-law and all other 
 l')y-laws or Regulations of the Board of Police Com- 
 missioners ot the City of London now in force or 
 which may be luM'eafter passed or promuli^ateil. 
 Fee=i to be paid 8. That tile sum to be i)ai(.l for every license 
 fiir lic6iis6S 
 granted under the [)rovisions of this By-law shall be 
 respectively as follows : 
 For every cab or other vehicle Jor the eai riai^e 
 of passengers for hire, per annum $ 5 ()() 
 For every wa^on or other vehicle for the car- 
 riage of goods for hire (if drawn by one 
 horse), per annum 2 00 
 For everv waoon or other vehicle for the car- 
 riage of goods for hire (if drawn by two 
 horses), per annum 12 00 
 For a license to keep a livery stable, he)- annum . jo 00 
 Additional fees 9- In addition to the license fee the following fees 
 pa.vai.le. g]^,^|| y^^ payable : 
 her for 
 ition of 
 l)c re- 
 cd. ajicl 
 'itlf Ihc 
 i CO use 
 any of 
 sum of 
 :tios of 
 c in all 
 1 OtlU!!- 
 ' Coni- 
 (^XQ(\ or 
 For every License $ i oo 
 lM)r every I^)Oncl 50 
 For every Certificate 25 
 10. That no license shall he assi^nahle, and no Assi-umpi.t ..( 
 person shall ;'.ssijj[n his or her license or i)crmit anyi.nvcT 'viti,nni' 
 other person to drive his or her cab or other vehicle K'r*''"''^^''" 
 unless he or she shall oljtain from the Hoard permis- 
 sion in writinuc (endorsed on his or her license) so 
 to do. 
 11. That every licensed r^^/^w^?// 6*;' carter shall when cai>moii ami 
 ni I r ^ 1 n 1 • /■"• • • carters ti( aiil in 
 ed iijjon by any ot the i olice Lonimissioners or curryinuM'trsons 
 Aldermen, or by the Mayor, Aldermen, WV^\ Bailiff, sun!"''''' ^" ''"' 
 Chief of Police, or any of the Policemen of the City 
 of London, aid and assist with his cab, cart or other 
 veliicle in the conveyance to prison or elsewhere of any 
 person or persons arrested for any offence within the 
 City of London ; provided always that it shall be law- 
 ful for every carter so employed to demand and receive 
 for such employment his regular fare to be paid to him 
 by the City Council upon producing' a certilicate of the 
 services rendered and the amount payable on account 
 thereof from the person authorizing;" such employment. 
 12. That th(-' license of every rroman and carter Licenses to i.e 
 shall when issued be numbered, and every CtU'ter shall painteTon vehS- 
 cause the number of his license to be fairly painted on*^^"* loensci. 
 each side of his cart or other vehicle with black paint 
 on a white ground on the square of the shaft so as to 
 be easily seen and read, and every cabman shall have 
 his name painted in some conspicuous place on the out- 
 side of his cat) or other vehicle so that the same can- he 
 easily seen and read. 
 13. That every person licensed under the pro- u^.ensed cab- 
 \isions of this By-law, and every person in charge of't'o^^^pfoj'^''t''he[r 
 any cab, coach, omnibus or other vehicle used either forcj^^^^henrequir! 
 e.i on imMm-MtcarriaLTCM)!' Aassrucrs or ltooiIs witlili. said Cilv of 
 London shall employ liis horse or horses and (\i/) or 
 other vehicle for any person or persons when recjuirccl 
 for any lawful purpose (unless he he then actually em- 
 plo)'ed) on pa\inent or tender of his lei^al fare. 
 '1"^", -'■"•.» 
 ( An"" ii*'*^ 
 1 rj'ti'-- 
 I. %'*",.." 
 i)i*.nuri.v ,:..n- J I _ That uo piM'sou h.ivinij" chap'c; ol anv co/) or 
 tluct iiruliiljitfil. , I'll- 1 1 1 • Ti 1 1 11 ' 1 
 Oiucr \'ehicle hcensed under this l)y-ia\v shall wantoiilv 
 sna[) or llourish his whip, or at any time needlessly 
 leave; such ca/> or other \-ehicle or mak(; use of anv 
 abusive, (jhscene. j)rolane, or impertinent laiiL;!iaL;c 
 Tariff nf rates / r. 'J^Jiat t horo shixll Iw ii jTi W'd OH 'istdo of eeevv 
 to lie iilllM'd III! ■^ / /•/ / ; • / 
 insniof ,xh. coaeh or siteh tike covered vehicle or cat) in a eouspieh'oiis 
 place a card on zohich shall be printai in plain la^ildc 
 characters the name of the owner or ouwiers thereof and 
 the tariff of rates. 
 O w 11 e r aufl 
 ilriver to i{ive 
 1 6. That the owner,driver, or person having" char^j^c 
 number of vein- oi any such COO or otlicv vchicle in the said Lity, shall 
 cle and name , . .. 1 . 1 • ^1 ! r i • 
 nnd residence of upon Deini^ retiuestcc! SO to do o'lve the number ol his 
 owner when re- ^ , . , ^," ,- ., i 1 • i i r 
 (luired. vehicle, the name ol tlu; owner and his or her place ol 
 Prompt pay- 
 ment of fares to 
 he niiule ; in case 
 of default offen- 
 der liable to peii- 
 uities of Hv-hiw. 
 Owner ordriver 
 not to demand 
 jrreater fare than 
 provided by By- 
 1 7. That it shall l)e lawful for the owner or driver 
 of e\-ery such hired coach, cab, carriao^e, omnibus or other 
 vehicle t(^ demand promjjt payment of his lawful fare 
 or hire of the person or persons hiring' or usini;" the 
 same ; and every person refusinij;^ to pay such fare or 
 hire forthwith shall be guilty of a breach of this B\ - 
 law. And anv owner or driver as aforesaid who shall 
 demand or exact anv f^reater sum than the lawful fare 
 or hire according to the provisions of this By-law, shall 
 be guilty of a breach thereof. 
 How ion;r li- 18. That all licenses shal 
 censes to rcuiain 
 in force. 
 issuing thereof until the 
 be in force from the 
 day of March 
 Cily „f 
 i\il) or 
 ally cin- 
 ' fill) or 
 of .my 
 of i\'cry 
 'coj ami 
 \ charo^e 
 ty, shiill 
 r of" Iiis 
 place of 
 19. J'hal l/ic prices or fairs K'/iiifi may be charged jx^muxux^^ 
 ()V I he OT^'iicrs or drivers of cabs or other vehicles for the" '"' 
 (arricfge of pcusenoers for hire shall be as follozvs : 
 for coJiveyiHLi' a pa seuQcr froiu any place 101th- 
 in the City limits to any other place therein 2^ cents 
 And for every additional passeiiQcr 2j 
 I' or every hour a Cabman is detained ( if the 
 driver of one horse) 5^^ 
 And if the driver of iivo horses 75 
 And in tin same proportion for any shorter time. 
 But nothiiiQ- herein contained shall be constrncd to 
 entitle a Cabman to payment by the honr for any time 
 occupied in the jonrney from one place zuithin tlie City 
 limits to any other place therein. 
 ^o. That the prices or fares which may be charoed Tarit? of f«, 
 by the owners or drivers of carts or other vehicles i"i" ;;;'^^,J;;[^'j«;;.t^^^^^^^ 
 th(; carriage of <;-o()ds for hirc^ shall be as follows : 
 r clrixer 
 or other 
 fill fare 
 in^- the 
 fare or 
 his By- 
 ho shall 
 ful fare 
 w, shall 
 om the 
 l"or every load carried from one place to 
 another within the City of London (if in 
 a vehicle drawn by one horse;) 25 cents. 
 If in a vehicle drawn by more than one horse. 50 " 
 ■^i. That the word '' CabmaiT shall mean the i,,nrpn!utiou 
 owner or driver of any cab, coach, omni(>us or otiier 
 vehicle used for the conveyance for hire of passengers, 
 and the Tvord " Carter " shall mean the owner or 
 driver of any wa-^on, cart, dray or other vehicle; for the 
 transportation for hire of jaiods, wares or merchandize 
 of any kind. 
 Passed the eighth day of April, in the year of our 
 Lord 1868.;^.,..; 
 '■ " i ■'* 
 SSe-^ — : ! 
 \V. S. SMITH, c — , 
 Mayor. ( __ \ 
 Clerk Police Commissioners. Recorder. 
 Police I\Lr istrat/,'. 
 Note.— The parts of the above By-law printed in 
 italics are repealed. 
24 i 
 -^i" of our 
 'or. ' __ \ 
 iL 'strat','. 
 >n*nted in 
 For Regulating and Licensing the O^vners of 
 Omnibuses or Other Vehicles used for Hire 
 and for other Purposes. 
 (Passed 26th September, 1874,) (Repealed by By- 
 law passed gfh February, i8y8.) 
 To Amend the By-law lo Regulate and 
 License the Owners of Cabs, Carriages, 
 Omnibuses and Other Vehicles Used for 
 Hire Within the City of London. 
 .' n ■• 
 M ■'. 
 .■ * 
 . .•• 
 1 -""i'i- 
 Preamble. WiiERKAS it is cxpcdlcnt to prohibit c.'ibs, car- 
 riages, omnibuses and other vehicles used for hire 
 within the City of London to convey the bodies of 
 deceased persons to the place of interment or convey 
 or carry sick persons in certain cases ; 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Board of Commis- 
 sioners of Police of the City of London, consisting of 
 Benjamin Cronyn, Esquire, Mayor of said City ; 
 William Elliot, Esquire, Judge of the County Court 
 of the County of Middlesex, in which County the said 
 City is situate, and Lawrence Lawrason, Esquire, 
 Police Magistrate of said City : 
 Corpse ordead I. That no person in charge of any licensed cab, 
 c^veiTdSj^cab^ carriage, omnibus or other vehicle used for hire within 
 **"■ the City of London shall convey therein or suffer to 
 be placed therein any corpse or dead body, whether 
 in or out of a coffin. 
 sick persons 
 not lo be con- 
 veyed in cabs &c. 
 without certifi- 
 cate of medical 
 practitioner that 
 persons not suf- 
 ferini; from in- 
 fectious or con- 
 tagious disease. 
 2. That no person in charge of any licensed cab, 
 carriage, omnibus or other vehicle used for hire within 
 the City of London shall convey therein any sick 
 person without having previously received a certificate 
 from a medical practitioner that the person so carried 
 is not suffering from an infectious or contagious disease. 
G and 
 sed for 
 lbs, car- 
 for hire 
 odics of 
 stinn^ of 
 [\ City; 
 y Court 
 the said 
 [£ squire, 
 <cd cab, 
 - within 
 Lifter to 
 ed cab, 
 : within 
 ly sick 
 3. The license in respect of any cab, carriage, .in case of cm- 
 omnibus or other vehicle used for hire in the City ofthisX-ia"'' u- 
 London, which the person in charge thereof shall have forfdted""^ ''^ 
 been convicted under this By-law, may be declared 
 4. A printed copy of this By-law shall be delivered Printed copy 
 to each person who has received a license for any cab, deu^ereTto"Jr" 
 carriage, omnibus or other vehicle used for hire in the ucense/"*'' °"' 
 City of London immediately after the passing hereof, 
 and a like printed copy of this By-law shall hereafter 
 be delivered to every person at the time of taking out 
 a license. 
 5. That any person guilty of a breach of any of Pcnaiiy for in- 
 the provisions of this By-law shall be liable on convic-i»w.'"" " 
 tion to be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, 
 exclusive of costs, and in case of non-payment of the 
 fine and costs the same shall be levied by distress and 
 sale of the goods and chattels of the offender, and in 
 case of non-payment of said fine and costs, and there 
 bein<r no distress out of which such fine and costs can 
 be levied, such offender shall be liable to be imprisoned 
 in the Common Jail of the County of Middlesex, with 
 or without hard labor, for any period not exce cling 
 twenty-one days, unless the fine and costs be sooner 
 Passed this eighth day of December, in the year 
 of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- 
 Mayor and Chairman Board of Police Commissioners. 
 Relating to Cabs, Carriages, Omnibuses, and 
 Other Vehicles used for Hire for the Con- 
 veyance of Persons in the City of Lond'^n. 
 Is ' '1 1 „»..»' .Ml' 
 i. •> ■ 
 n li 
 Preamble. Whereas by section four hundred and fifteen of 
 chapter one hundred and seventy-four of the Revised 
 Statutes of Ontario power is given to the Board of 
 Commissioners of Police in cities to regulate and li- 
 cense the owners of cabs, carriages, omnibuses and 
 other vehicles used for hire, for establishing the rates 
 of fare to be taken by the owners or drivers, and for 
 enforcing payment thereof. 
 Therefore the Board of Commissioners of Police 
 for the City of London enacts as follows : 
 By-laws reiau I- That from and after the passing of this By-law 
 peliedio'^Sr^gall the Acts and By-laws of the Municipal Council 
 SBy.itw.''''*''of the Corporation of the City of London relating to 
 cabs, carriages, omnibuses and other vehicles used for 
 hire for the conveyance of persons in the City of Lon- 
 don, and all Acts or By-laws of the said Municipal 
 Council heretofore assumed by the Board of Police 
 Commissioners, which are inconsistent with the provi- 
 sions of this By-law shall be and the same are hereby 
 Vehicles for 
 conveyance o f 
 2. That from and after the passing of this By-law 
 fS^eTs" for no person shall set up, use or drive in the City of Lon- 
 ire to be iicen- ^^j^ any cab, carriage, omnibus or other vehicle 
 used for hire for the conveyance of persons from place 
 to place within the said City, without having first ob- 
5s, and 
 e Con- 
 teen of 
 oard of 
 and li- 
 >es and 
 e rates 
 and for 
 ting to 
 sed for 
 )f Lon- 
 h ere by 
 f Lon- 
 1 place 
 St ob- 
 tained a license from the said Board of Cormnission- 
 ers which said license may be in the form A to this 
 By-law annexed. 
 3. That every chariot, coach, omnibus, coachee, "cab" to in. 
 caleche, carriage, hackney carriage, cab, barouche, Ian- drL^n^byh'oms 
 dau, sled, sleigh, or other vehicle by whatever name or ^"" "* ''°*^'^' 
 names it may be called, whether covered or open, on 
 wheels or runners, drawn ,by one or more horses or 
 other animal power, used for hire in the said City for 
 the conveyance of persons from place to place within 
 the said City, shall be deemed a cab within the mean- 
 ing of this By-law. 
 4. That the Chief Constable shall have the super- chief coi.stv 
 ..^,1 111* 1 1 i» T-» '•'6 to have sn- 
 vision 01 all persons and cabs licensed under this By-rcrvisionofper- 
 *■ * anno nnti naha 
 sons and cabs 
 5. That the following shall be the duties of the Duties of chief 
 Chief Constable in connection with the provisions of^""***'"'®' 
 this By-law : 
 (i) To act as Secretary to the Board of Commis- Toactassec- 
 sioners of Police for the City of London in all matters Tnd'^keep^min! 
 relating to this By-law, and to keep correct minutes of"'^^°'"^^•'""«^ 
 the transactions of the meetings of the said Commis- 
 (2) To make a report to the said Board of Com- to report pro. 
 • . rill* 1* Ji i* .ceedinL's and 
 missioners ot all his proceedings and transactions inpcrf(»«iance of 
 the performance of his duties under this By-law once yeaJ-rand"whQn 
 a year and whenever else he shall be required by the™^"'" ' 
 said Board of Commissioners so to do. 
 (3) To examine or cause to be examined the cab jo examine 
 or cabs, horse or horses, harness and other equipments nl^^l^l^^^lJiS 
 of every applicant for a license intended to be used ^nuUhMma 
 thereunder and to report thereon. 
 . ••"'?!l 
 /, in*' 
 ' ■»•• 
 V . .• 
 i. •*' 
 .' n ■■■' 
 ,^-r»' • 
 9 •■' 
 ., '^W 
 !.»•"•" » . 
 To Bubmit at (4) To subiTiit at each meeting of the said Board 
 aiTappH^uons of Commissioners all applications for licenses, or for 
 tronsSTiui transfers of licenses, together with the names of the 
 tier'nd'rllJ^rt proposed sureties and his own report thereon. 
 To keep regis- (5) To receive and kceo a rei^istry of all applica- 
 tcrof applicants, . ^ C- .r- , f 1. ^ c r ^• 
 with certain par- tions tor certiHcates tor hcenses or transfers ot licenses 
 laid before the said Board of Commissioners, which 
 shall contain the date of the application, the name or 
 names and ages of the applicants, the names of their 
 sureties, the residences of the applicants and sureties. 
 the number of cabs required to be licensed by each 
 applicant respectively, how finally disposed of, and if 
 a license be granted, the amount paid for the same 
 and the date of the license ; also, to note all forfeitures 
 and suspensions of licenses and such further particu- 
 lars, and to keep such other books as the said Board of 
 Commissioners may order. 
 To advise Trca- (6) To advise the City Treasurer of all licenses or 
 cen^°or*ran8- transfers of licenses, with the particulars thereof, 
 to^belssued!^^ authoHzed to be issued under the provisions of this 
 To ascer- {j) To ascertaiu by inspection and enquiry from 
 ^'"ense'dlon'time to time, and so often as may be required by the 
 wXB^-iaw"'''* said Board of Commissioners, whether the persons re- 
 ceiving licenses continue to comply with the pro- 
 visions of the law and of this By-law. 
 To prosecute (^) To prosccuto all persons who shall offend 
 offem;e8 a^ai"** agalnst any of the provisions of the law or of this By- 
 law whensoever he shall have knowledge of the same. 
 Appeal to 6. That any act authorized to be done by the 
 c^nstabr*^*"*' Chief Constable under any of the provisions of this 
 By-law shall be subject to the decision of the said 
 or for 
 of the 
 r3oarcl of Commissioners, upon a written appeal 
 directed to them by any party feeling- aggrieved. 
 7. That all licenses granted under this By-law .Licongestoex- 
 shall, unless sooner lorteited, expire on the hrst day i" each year, 
 of March in each year. 
 8. That no license or transfer of license shall be. Pfocew''"!?*!" 
 , . . , , be taken to ob- 
 oranted under this liy-iaw except upon petition by the ^'"" ''^^'^e- 
 applicant to the said Board of Commissioners praying 
 for the same, which said petition shall be delivered to 
 the Chief Constable at his office, and may be in the 
 Form B to this By-law annexed, nor until the Chief 
 Constable shall have reported that the applicant is a 
 fit and proper person to have a license, and that his 
 cab or cabs, horse or horses, harness and other equip- 
 ments are in a fit and proper condition and are suit- 
 able for the public use, and that all the conditions re- 
 quired by law and by the By-laws, Rules and Regu- 
 lations of the said Board of Commissioners have been 
 complied with, which said report shall be endorsed 
 upon the said petition, and may be in the Form C to 
 this By-law annexed. 
 9. That any licensed hotel keeper or keepers may, notci keepers 
 subject to the provisions of the preceding section of "ense for^omni- 
 this By-law, obtain a license to run an omnibus or H"|„^8e! "°* *'*'' 
 omnibuses from his or their own house with passengers 
 to railway stations and m'ce versa, and any person or 
 persons may, subject to the provisions of the said pre- 
 ceding section of this By-law, obtain a license to run License for 
 an omnibus or omnibuses or other vehicle or vehicles ""'//j"^)*,' '""J" ''^ 
 within the City, and the number of persons permitted 
 to travel therein at one time shall be mentioned in the 
 license, provided always that no licensed tavern or 
 saloon keeper or employee of same shall be entitled to 
 or granted a license for any cab or cabs under this By- 
f "% 
 Liconsed omiii- 10. That evcry licensccl omnibus or other vehicle 
 of**cM5i^/*t'en in the preceding section of this By-law contained shall 
 persona. y^^ capable of accommodating not less than ten pcr- 
 No more per- sons at One time in the inside thereof, and no g^reater 
 song to be car- 1 c 1111 •!». «.•! 
 ricii in. than number ot persons shall be carried at one time by any 
 named in license 1 m ^1 1 • 1 ^..l • •£: 1 • 1 
 such omnibus or other vehicle than is specined in the 
 license unless under circumstances of reasonable 
 «" i •** 
 f'^ ■ % 
 Drivers not to 1 1. That no owncr or driver of any omnibus licen- 
 cxcept u.""takesed under this By-law shall stop his omnibus unless 
 or leive passen- r .y r^i- 1* 1 
 sfcra, and then lor the purposc ot taking or leaving passengers, and 
 fo"rthat'pSnwS then for no longer time than may be sufficient for such 
 persons to take their seats or leave the omnibus . 
 Driver of om- 12. That the owtter or driver of every omnibus 
 Si'(LwaikoJ"Jro8- licensed under this By-law shall, whenever he is re- 
 tike *?n*taMen- quired, stop at the sidewalk or nearest crossing to let 
 whin' tmnfbul out or take in passengers; provided always that he 
 shall not be required to stop for the purpose of taking 
 in passengers whenever his omnibus shall contain the 
 full number of persons authorized by his license to be 
 carried at one time. 
 Security to be 1 3. That every person receiving a license or trans- 
 tenSS^ fer of license under this By-law shall execute a bond 
 or contract to the Corporation of the City of London 
 in the sum of two hundred dollars, with two sureties, 
 freeholders or householders of the City of London, to 
 be approved of by the said Board of Commissioners, 
 in the sum of one hundred dollars each, to observe and 
 obey all Acts of the Legislature, as also the provisions 
 of this By-law and all other By-laws, Rules and Regu- 
 lations in force, from time to time made by the said 
 Commissioners for the licensing and regulating of 
 cabs, which bond or contract may be in the Form D to 
 this By-law annexed. 
 •IS I 
 ..iccnaea not tn 
 i.j. That no license shall be .L^ranled to any person i 
 under the aoe of twenty-one \ears, or to any i)c:i>;on!;er8m?^u,MLr^;,' 
 who has been convicted before any judicial authority vZ\avo" .;.."" 
 of any felony. " " 
 I'onvicteil uf 
 15. 'J'hat the fees to be hereafter paid for licenses Pecs f,.riUfn.c» 
 issued under this l^ydaw shall be as follows : b'or 
 each cab or sleigh drawn by two horses, the sum of 
 I'ive Dollars; for each omnibus for the- conveyance of • 
 pass('ni^c;rs from j)lace to ])lace within the City, the 
 sum of I'v.n Dollars ; for each transfer of license, the 
 sum ot Two 1 )()llars. 
 Pro\ ided that every license or transfer of license, Li™„fe to be 
 granted under this Hydaw shall be invalitl, inoperative paui''''to''''r.ea* 
 and ol no eftect imless the applicant shall have paid to ru^^t o'ltuine'i! 
 the 'i'reasurei- of the City of London the sum fixedislr '""'" "' 
 therefor by this IJydaw, and shall have obtained a 
 receipt for such payment signed by the 'I'reasurer, 
 \vhereui)()n the license shall b*e issued bv the Citv 
 16. 'I hat every owner of (.)ne or more cabs shall srparate li.'o.i- 
 . 1. t ..I* r 1 1 '.1 I su to be l.vkuli 
 lake out a separate hcense tor each cab with the name out tor each cuu. 
 0!" the driver inserted in each license, and if a sleieh is 
 used mstead ol a cal) the same license and number is- 
 sued for the cab shall apply to the sleigh. 
 17. That tl'ie person in whose name a license is porso,. lu 
 tiiken out for a cab shall be consitl(;red as the owner of^n8l''"til'i;e'.ro!.t 
 die same for the purposes of this IJydaw and shall beo^ne;.*: ''"'"-"* 
 llal)le for th(^ penalties therein contained. 
 18. That any owner or owners or [jerson obtaining oniy driver* 
 a license under this Hydaw, intending that his cab orarlTraJS 
 cabs shall be driven by another person shall submit for'"'''' 
 approval the; name; or names of the parti(;s he intends 
 Nil „••• 
 be icv'ikcU. 
 to employ as such driver or drivers, and no cah shall 
 be driven by any person otiier than those who have 
 Pcnni8.Mon to pemiission in vvritinij;' so to do, which permission shall 
 b(i oiulorsvd on I , . " i i- i • i i i and i.ii,.\ be endorsed upon tlie license and siij^ned by tlu; 
 Chief Constable, provided always that the Chief 
 Constable may, whenever he shall deem it expedient, 
 revoke said permission, and such permission shall In: 
 cancelled from the time the owner of a cab has received 
 notice of such revocation. 
 Owners to ^ivo 
 19. That the owner or owners of one or more cabs 
 n.ndu't of' dri"" shall take out a seioarate license for each cab, with a 
 license for driver of such cab, and whose name shall 
 be inserted in* said license, and the driver or owner 
 or owners thereof shall ijive securitv for the i/ood con- 
 duct of such driver in the sum of one hundred dollars, 
 and upon any comi)laint and conviction for extortion. 
 Penalty for ex- ^c., the clrlvcr sliall be fined not less thnn ten dollars 
 tuition. . , , 
 and not more than forty dollars lor the lirst of fence, 
 and upon conviction on the second offence the driver 
 shall be subject to fine or imprisonment, and the sure- 
 ties shall forfeit to the City the one hundred dollars 
 security, and the driver shall not thereafter be licens(;d 
 to drive any cab or other vehicle in the City, in the 
 discretion of the Commissioners. 
 Transfer of li- 
 ceiiso may liu 
 20, That any person licensed under this By-law, 
 made in"'cate'oifhavinix sold his horse or crdj, may have his license 
 sale, with con- r i i 1 'c 111 • 1 
 BLM.t .,f uuar.i. transferred to the purcliaser il approvect fjy tlie sakl 
 Hoard of Commissioners, the transferee first comply- 
 ing' with the provisions of Section Might of this \\\- 
 law, and such transfer shall be made by endorsement 
 on the license signed by the Chief Constable. 
 xnt^^, 2 1. That every cab licensed under this Hy-law 
 ;'^!'j*,;Jr"''a!!a"''."|l must 1^<^ kept continually clean, dry, and in good rejjair, 
 ZiLSTaiJm'; with the harness, tackling and equipments used with 
 ffld!iut for work" tli<^ same, and with horses proper ami sufficient to do 
) shall 
 ) have 
 n shall 
 by the 
 lall he 
 (; cal)s 
 with a 
 )cl coii- 
 e siire- 
 in the 
 c said 
 is r>y- 
 I with 
 to do 
 their work, and that whenever the owner of any cab 
 ha\ ini;" a license for iisin;^ tli(; same uniler this l^y-l.iw 
 receives notice to be L;"iven to him or his driver sii^necl 
 hy the Chief Constable that such cab or any horse or 
 harness or e(iuij)ment bcdon^ini^- to the same is not in a 
 111 conthtion lor j)iiblic use. [)ointin!j; brielly to tlie rea- 
 son thereof ; such notice shall operate and Ik; a sus- li^'Hso ,my 
 ... • 1 1- 11 1111 '"^ Hiispi'iiilnl III 
 nensKTii 01 Ins said license, and the same shall there- «•*»;""'■•»;""''• 
 upon remain suspended and wholly inoperative until 
 the said owner shall have a^ain obtained a certificate 
 sii^ned by tlie Chief Constable and entlorsed on liis 
 32. That every owner or owners licensed under < »«;'i ■•,'>' ''- 
 cpiifdil cans to 
 this lU'-law sliall when reciuired submit his or tlieir cab ^"'';"''^^'" '"/''' 
 ■ ^ 1 _ _ ^ iiispcctiiiii wlifii 
 or cal)s for the inspection of the Chief Constable l)oth '''^'i"'''«'^- 
 before and during" the continuance of his or their 
 licenses, and no owner or driver shall at any time when 
 his cab is not emi)loyed prevent or hinder the said 
 Chief Constable or other [)erson authorized by him from 
 entering- his cab for the purpose of inspecting the 
 23. That no owner or owners of any licensed cab Notoriously 
 all drive or permit or surler to be driven about theorwoinen of iu- 
 1 • , 1 1 • • 1 1 fame not to l)o 
 streets durmi^ the day time, in any oi)en cab or close driven in eai.8 
 111 • '~ 1 •' I '1 • ,1 1 ,• 'lurimrtlav time, 
 cab belonging to him or them, during the day time, except tor the 
 1 I- ' ^ 1 ' 1- , 1 • 1 ' ' ^ piir()oge of tak- 
 unless tor the purpose ot taking such persons to orin^f them to or 
 ,- •! , . t ' • • 1 .• from raiiwavpta- 
 trom any railway station when arriving or departing tum whenirriv- 
 .- ,1 ^-. . . 1111 ^ "■ " ,1111: or (leiKirtiiijf 
 ironi the City, notoriously batl characters or women ottiomcity. 
 24. That the said Hoard o\ Commissioners may n -arJ may in- 
 . . . . 11 1 • 1 • '^^'I'lire into viola- 
 troni time to time enciuire into any alleLred violation of ii''"''fi"""''8'°"? 
 I • '• 1 • 11 1 11 H.N-law, and 
 the provisions and reciuirements ot this by-law, and by «>'8p<;"<i. L^i'txi 
 resolution suspcmd (for such time as they may think ^'^"=*^- 
 proper), cancel or abrogate any license given here- 
 under, if upon such enquiry they lind that any person 
L •*■•■ .,.4 ' W' 
 ' •■•■*• ■'^•' 
 »" I 
 or })(.:rson.s rticciviii^- such llcciisi.s hcrciiiulur has vio- 
 lated or that liis (hMvcu* has violatcid any of tlic ])vn. 
 visions or requirements ol this IJy-law ; and cvcia 
 license shall he suspended from the tini(; the owner 
 thereof sliall have received notice of the resolution i it" 
 the said Hoard of Commissioners suspentlinu^ the same 
 until the end of tlu; i)eriod mentioned in the said reso- 
 In case cpf (mil- , ^ . . 
 itKHM.riihr.p-iLition, and no pL-rson wliosc; license has been so can- 
 n 1)1 license n , i i i ii i • ]• i i i 
 jor wilful vioia-cc'Uecl or abroijated, shall be aijam hcenscd under this 
 ti.m of bv-liiw, , . , . -^ , , , "^ 1 T 1 1 
 HO new license Hv-iavv witliin twelve calendar months, it by th(.' reso- 
 to tie ttriiiitod ■'. ii- i ni-iii 
 fur w Mioutiis. lution declarniL,^ the same cancelled it shall a|)pcar tlial 
 the violation ol this Uydaw was wilhil in thi^ |iarticnlar 
 That an\' dri\cr of a c.ib n ItisiuL'' to ''i\'c olli- 
 Ilcfll8:il iif ^ 
 ilHsf^ information to any Polici; Oflicer or Con.tablc 
 he"" ("i 'veil with reference to the aildress of the h.oiise or spot lo 
 L'i'v^ouu■r^n^!r-^^■^■lich he has dri\-en an\- passeiv^rr or j)assen_L;'ers, or 
 LTwith inrmvu-refusiiiLi- any other information connected with his 
 bri^''v,'tT,'bra(>ccuiKiti()n retpiired 1)\- this By-law or by aiu' rcsoli; 
 !'3'inlf'or can-tion of tlic Said Coiii iiiissit iiicrs, of w li icli In; sli.ill ha\r 
 n.r''"!fih'arr!cu'nforniatii)n or notice, shall In' a sutlicient ground, when 
 byhim. estal>lishetl to the satisfaction of tin; Commissioners, 
 for suspending' or cancellin;^ tlie liceiv 
 driver of which reliis'v-i to L:i\' 
 '■ (hr , lb thr 
 ■inaiioil as atoi'c- 
 D.iviT of c;ib 2b. That eve'r\- dri\-er of .nn ' ib shall, when 
 to coiivcv per- Hi .]" • ^ /'' il"..l 
 Hona to Jail orcalled upon SO to do. assist an\' Lon-^iable m the cop 
 I'liiiee Slitioiis, „ • i • i r ' . »l 
 or pe rsoii8 veyance in ins cab ol any person or jx-rsons to tlv 
 wmiiideil or 8uil- / - I "l i' 1 ' i > i • i. • i" . 1 '1 
 .leniv t«ken iiiCommon Jailor any ol the; I olice .Stations ol the' said 
 gi'k.u'ss'n!t'in-City, or in the conxcyance of any pcirscn to the llos- 
 fednm,. p\i,\\ Qv elsewlicre, as m.iy b,' re(|uircd, who may bi 
 wounded or who mav ha\e nK;t with any accident <'r 
 who may have been suddenly taken ill, provided such 
 sickness is not of an infectious nature. 
 till 111' riitcs. 
 27. I hat wliciuvcr llic scTviccs ot iikmi or horses kj.l. n.imit- 
 arc i'c(iiiirc(l to drive; or liaiil any of the ciiL^incs ()r!JM"o H"m.,s''f 
 otiicr a[)i)aratiis of the lM'r(! Department of the saicl hc'rlc'sjuAviM''!! 
 Cit\- to or from lircs, aii)- of the eii_nln(;ers of the saitl 1.^1^ I.TiunKc'!'' 
 l'"irc I )e|)artmcnt or any person liaxann- in charL;e any 
 eiuniie or other apparatus niay eommanil the assistance 
 of any horse or liorses and drivers of any licensed 
 cab, and may jjrt-ss such horse or horses and drivers 
 as may be necessary to accomjjh'sli the work nKpn'red, 
 and for any siicli service the owner f)f any such horse 
 or liorses as shall he so j)rc;ssed and em|)1oye(l shall 
 he [)aid out of the appropriation for the {•"ivv. I )epart- 
 nient, on th(; ordc^r of the ("hairman of the Stanilini,^ 
 Committee on l''ire, Water and (las of the City Coun- 
 cil, a sum (Mjual to hily per centum advance on th(; 
 n".Milar tarill charges lor the time so employed. 
 jS. That the saiil Uoard of Commissioners shall i-h1i person 
 ... , , ,. , I . t iklii!; lint )i- 
 liirmsh at the cost ol the Cit\-, to each partv takini''>'"sf t.. i.i-fur- 
 out a license, one coijN' oi this l)\-law, two cartis con->'f '>> ii^-. t«„ 
 tainmL2' tlu- tanll, and suih other provisions ot thistu.if. ami sm.ii 
 , , • 1 I) ■ • • • |ii(ivitiiiiis lif li\ - 
 lb law as the said ho.ard ol Commissioners mayiaw as uoiini 
 Ill ly aii|irii\e nf. 
 20. e\"<ry d.nver who sh.dl become; inebri- unvn- i.iaom- 
 • ill- ilniiik or r.'- 
 ated, or shall ncLviect to produce; his card to any person tuMMi; to i>n.- 
 . ' "^ . . , . ' '^ ~ . . (hue Ills card to 
 emu t)vin«>" hull, as 1)\' the iorty-tourtli s(;ction ot tnist.c suiij.vt t.. 
 ,.' . ' • 1 , .' 11 1 1-11 1 1 • .-vonaltics iif li.v- 
 lU-law prenided, shrill be liable to the penalties otia«. 
 this lU-law. 
 ;o. Idiat it shall not he lawlul for any person I'erson u- 
 '' I < • II 1 1 (piissd nut til ox- 
 licensed under tins i)V-]a\\ to use anv number, oriiiiiit any mim- 
 exhibit on or about his person or about liis cab anvnienno ussign.d 
 other number than the one assiijnecl to him tor nismnve or imer 
 cab bv the. s.ud Commissioners, and no |)erson (lrivinL;i".>-. 
 under this I)ydaw shall r(;iiiove his number from his 
 said cab or cover or hide it from view. 
 Ncwcnr.itohe ^i. i'hat vvliciievcr the writiii!^ on any card of 
 lii8UP(l on pay- , y. - • i i i i* i i i- i 
 mcMtnf,3ceiit8, tariri as alorcsaicl hcconics oblittM'atcd or dclaaM!, or is 
 if old one dc- i-'ii-ii 1 1 -i 
 fami „r inib-not clistiiictly Ici^ihlc, or whenever the same is lost or 
 mislaitl, the person to wiioni the license relatia^ to 
 such card of tariff was granted shall deliver the; same, 
 if he have it in his possession, to the Chief Constahle. 
 anil upon the production of his license to the Cliief 
 Constable shall be entitletl to receive a new card of 
 tariff, upon payment therefor of the sum of twenty-five 
 ■ „-"" 
 ' " .^ 
 C'at)8 to have 
 lamps, with 
 mimlicr of cah 
 piiiiituduii tliciii. 
 That the owner of every licensed cab or (ahs 
 on wheels shall provide and have two lamps, one on 
 each side of his cab, with the number of the caj) 
 painted in black on the sich; ^lasses in one and a half 
 inch fi-'ures, but if and s(3 lon^r as the cab hn on run- 
 ners he need not provide such lami)s, but shall affix 
 such numl)er to or paint it uj)on each side of his cah 
 in a conspicuous place in one and a half inch fij^ures, 
 and of a color which can be most easily noticed, or if 
 such cab Ix; provided with such lamps he may have 
 the number painted on the side (glasses th(M"eol, as pro- 
 vided for cabs upon wheels. 
 H i> n r d to 
 rtviilatL' a ii d 
 n u 111 her cab 
 stands by reso- 
 Cab o w n e r 
 or driver when 
 not ePK^jfed to 
 be on his stand, 
 under penalty 
 of forfeiture of 
 iicense. the said Commissioners shall by rt solu- 
 tion estaolish ami number tlu; stands for lictMised c<il)S 
 in the various streets, lanes or hii^hwavs of the said 
 City, and chanj^e, increase or diminish th(; same .is 
 occasion may reciuire, and may limit the number of 
 cabs to occupy each stand. 
 34. I'hat all licensed cab owners and dri\ers,\vhen 
 not actually enj^aL^ed in conveying; or returning from 
 conveying persons, shall be on their respt.-ctive stands 
 ready for employment daily, except in cases of sick- 
 ness or other reasonable cause ; any wilful infraction 
 of this provision shall subject the ow!H;r to the forfeit- 
 ure of his license, in th(^ discretion of the Police Com- 
 <Mr(l of 
 :(-•(!, or is 
 lost or 
 iti.iM- lo 
 K' saiiK', 
 H' Chief 
 card of 
 or cabs 
 one on 
 the rah 
 (1 a half 
 on riin- 
 lall affix 
 his cah 
 ■ctl, or if 
 ay have 
 I, as pro- 
 ,' nsohi- 
 sed cahs 
 the said 
 same as 
 iiil)i'r of 
 rs, wlieii 
 i_l;' troiii 
 : stands 
 t)f sick- 
 i' Coin- 
 Driver not to 
 ap|)uur on titiiiiil 
 i>r pluCL* fur liiie 
 uii Suiiduy. 
 N'o pliR'fc to bu 
 visiil l)y owner 
 or driver of culi 
 as u Btaiiil or 
 place of liiii*iiieH!4 
 except the plactM 
 aii„ii;iiuil liy 
 lioaril or ilesii;- 
 nateil li.v persons 
 ill ('liiir);e of rail- 
 way depots. 
 35. That no driver of a cab shall appear on any 
 stand or place for hire on Sunday. 
 36. That no owner or owners or driver of any 
 licensed cab shall use as a cab-stand or stoppin<^-place 
 for business, with or without his or their cab, any 
 street or place other than those desijj^nated and ap- 
 pointed as cab stands by the said lioard of Commis- 
 sioners, or such [)lace or places as may be designated 
 and appointed by the persons haviniL;- eharoe of any 
 railway depot. 
 -i.":. I the drivers shall be decently dressed and i>ressaiidcon- 
 ci\ il and well-behaved, and while on then* stands shall 
 sit or stand sufficiently nc.-ar to their cabs to have per- 
 fect control over their horses, and shall not stand in 
 oroups or in anywis(! obstruct the use of the sidewalks, 
 or needlessly snaj) tlunV whips or make any loud noise 
 or disturl)ance, or use obscene, impertinent or abusive 
 laiiL^ua^e, or molest, annoy or insult th(; owners, occu- 
 piers, inmates or inhabit^mts ol any house opposite to 
 or in the vicinitv of their stands, or anv passeni/ers or 
 Other person. 
 V*^. That no persons licensed under tliis By-law. f^iHty to 
 y Ml • 1 1 horses furliiiKleii 
 shall abuse or ill-treat or i)ermit so to l)e any horse or 
 horses used by them. 
 39. 'I'hat no person driving;' under this By-law shall nnver not to 
 loiter about the streets with his or th(Mr cabs. 
 1.0 iter !i li •■ II t 
 btriets with I'iib. 
 40. That every c.'d), when oft the stand in any f'»'' «'"-" "^ 
 ' , ^ • I 1 1 11 >*''"i<' III street to 
 street, lane: or alley, with horse or horses attached, '«' '" <'">'«'^ -f 
 1 II 1 • 1 I r 1 1 'some person 
 shall be in the charije ol some person ahove the acre 01 •''•"*'-' s'Meen 
 si.\te(;n years, to take can: ol such cab and tin: horse" 
 or horses attached. 
 Sniicilatioii til 
 41. That no person licensed under this By-law [I ^"'' •■'"""'"• 
 shall solicit any pci-soii to take or us(^ his or their cih, 
 but th(; person wishintj;- to use or enj^anc! any such ( ali 
 shall be left to choose without any int<'rruption or 
 •St-— - 
 III'*' .. 
 Piity iif lii'oii- 
 si'd iiil) (iwiur 
 iiiiil iltivir us to 
 siMvniy (ii'rs.iiis 
 ilisiriiiy; tn In; 
 42. That ever)- jjerson lic( used under this Uy-law, 
 throuL^h himself or his driver, shall serve the first per- 
 son re(juirinu;' his cab, and if he pleatl that he has ac- 
 cepted a i)re.\ ions order and lherelor(^ cannot lake die 
 present ortler, \\v. shall on demand i^ive the; name of 
 the pc.-rson to whom he has so eni^a^fnl to^'ether w ith 
 his residence and the hour, time and place; of his ap- 
 |)ointmenl; but no dri\'er shall be compelled to Like 
 anv order it the part\' cal 
 nim owes mm lor 
 vious eaine( 
 1 f, 
 U'e, un 
 til tl 
 le same 
 to lie Kt'|il. iiml 
 llctMl'ii'il i:ili ill 
 vcrtiisrivc u' 
 i':illi'(l oil 
 43. 'Idiat e\'er\ person or persons llcensi il undi 
 'i!this [i\-law, tlu'ouL^h himself or his drixcr. shall pii 
 l""!,,,v tually k(;('p alMiis app()nitin('nls and sliall unltiss 
 |)urKiiii \\ [m> 111:1 \' 
 ruiiuiii! I I iiS'-' 
 cab has been prc.-viously eni;aL;"ed ser\e at an\- place 
 witnm Jie sail 
 1 City 
 and at an)' speci 
 lied t 
 line w 
 by da\ or nij^ht (but within twenty-lour hours ol the 
 time: ot receiviuL;' the order) an\' person who may re- 
 r(ii;i:t\ re 
 (pure Ins cat), and 
 i;ai^cMnent or be 
 eiiLi'aij'ement he sha 
 ncL-Iect to hiltil his tn- 
 not i)unctiial to the time of 
 subject to the penalties ol this 
 UKl anv person so orderme- a cal) an 
 1 not 
 afterwards usin^' the same shall i)ay to the drix'cr ol 
 the cab the fare that he woulil haxa; been en 
 have received the same as il the service had bt:en per- 
 formed for which he was en''aL!('d. 
 i.,,„i,iitin,. „f 44. That each dri\c;r on each occasion when his 
 cab is hired shall when demanded of him hand to the 
 |)erson employing' him a card in the form \\ to this \\\- 
 tarilT uf lutrs. 
 aw annexed, ane 
 il sucl 
 1 card sna 
 1! 1 
 )e so SO')!! as tlu 
 ler sliiill lia\-e been fuHilled ivtiinieil lo the said 
K'ir (Ml), 
 'iich call 
 rst |)cr- 
 Iias ac- 
 akc the 
 laiiic of 
 icr with 
 his ap- 
 to lake 
 or jir,-- 
 l<:ss his 
 \" [>lai:(; 
 i of the 
 ma\- re- 
 his 'cii- 
 ol his 
 > ol (his 
 nd iKn 
 \\vx of 
 titxl to 
 :(.'ii pcr- 
 icii his 
 to the 
 Ilis P,y- 
 as the 
 (' said 
 chivcr, except in case of dispute regarding- the fare to 
 be paid, or of any infraction by the driver or owner of 
 the. cab of the provisions of this By-law, in which case 
 the person employing such cab shall retain the card 
 until his complaint is settled by proper authority. 
 45. That every driver licensed under this By-law owntrto;;ive 
 shall give his name and number and show his tariff numi')er"\ir"n 
 when demanded to any person having employed hin/^'"""^'**"'* 
 or oft'ering to employ him, or to any one to whom in- 
 jury may have been done by his horse or vehicle. 
 46. Tha*^ all licensed cabs shall travel at the rate Minimum ^pec;i 
 ol SIX miles an hour at the least, unless Irom accidental travti. 
 causes, or when otherwise expressly desired by the 
 47. Idiat no person driving under this By-law shall immoderate 
 HL. 1 1 1. ^1 i i (Irivinu proliiliit- 
 op or go at an unreasonable rate on the streets, ored. 
 at any railroad station or any [lace of resort, or block 
 up the road or access thereto, or stop upon any of the 
 public crossings of the streets. 
 4S. That no person shall be permitted to sit on the no person to 
 hox with the driver, or anywhere about the cab, with- without' coiment 
 1 ,• « 1 . 1 1 r" . 0' iicrson em- 
 out the consent of the person employing such cab nrstpio>intr.;ab. 
 expressly given for that i)urpose. 
 cr not to 
 any nno 
 88 "driver 
 49. That no driver of a cab shall allow any other ,),!, 
 person to act as driver thereof in his place, unless in}''™{' 
 the case of an owner or owners of cabs who employ ''ise'ofsScBs! 
 drivers, when in case of sickness or other sufficients,'/,^" ^v^iwon" 
 cause the licensed driver may not be able to drive ;e;',;Jg,,;,'ie, ^''''■' 
 and in such case permission may be granted tempo- 
 rarily to another driver, with the consent of the Chief 
 luinners not zQ, That HO pcrson Hcensccl or authorized to drive 
 to be employed i i • t-. i i 1 1 i 11 
 in concert with ufidcr this Bv-law shall employ or allow any runner or 
 persons licensed , ' . ^ ^ ■'.,,. 
 in obtainintr pas- Other oerson to assist or act in concert with him in 
 senders or biij,'- , ^ . \ , ^ ^ , 
 !r*Ke. obtaining any passenger or bagg?jge at any of the 
 stands, railroads stations or elsewhere in the said city. 
 <■>•■ r, •» 
 "■ ...<■•■' 
 ;- ■ 
 Driverstotake ri. That evcry driver shall take due care of all 
 care of property ^ , 1 i 1 • 1 11. 
 entrusted toproperty that may be delivered or entrusted to hiin 
 them, and pro- * ^ •' r 1 • 111 
 nerty ornumey 1 or conveyance or sate-keepinijf ; and all property or 
 left in cab to be , / . , . , 1 n 1 r 1 • 1 it 1 
 delivered to monev lett in his cab shall be lortnwith delivered over 
 owner if known, , ' . , • r 1 
 and if not left at to the pcrsoH ovvninii- the same, or it the owner cannot 
 Police Station. 1 r 11 1 1^ i- r^ . 
 at once be lound, then at the nearest rolice Station, 
 with all information in his possession reLrardinir the 
 No greater fares 52- That it sliall not be Uuvful for the owner or 
 l!'rbV%*"iaw" to owners or driver of any licensed cab to demand or 
 betaken. receivo higher rates and charges than those mentioned 
 and specified in this By-law, exclusive of tolls, whethcr 
 the same shall Ik; estimated by distance or by time. 
 Chief Constable 53- That if at any time there shall be a number of 
 uonsastostind^cabs. Carriages or other vehicles in any street, square, 
 numimrof''them public or private place within the said City, any Con- 
 stable may give directions respecting the standing of 
 such cabs, carriages and other vehicles and the route 
 they shall go, and every driver of such cabs, carriages 
 or other vehicles shall immediately conform to such 
 in street. 
 Tariff of ciiarircs 54- That the following shall be the tariff of charges 
 iwo-horse cab. j-^^ cabs and omnibuses in the City of London : 
 Takffi" of Charces — Two-HokSE Cahs. 
 r'or conveying one pass(;nger from one place to 
 another within the limits of the City, with right to re- 
 turn to place of starting within five minutes, twenty- 
 to drive 
 inner or 
 him in 
 of the 
 aid city. 
 e of all 
 to him 
 3erty or 
 cd over 
 lin<r the 
 wncr or 
 nand or 
 nit i( -net! 
 nnber of 
 ny Con- 
 id iny of 
 le route 
 to such 
 )lac(' to 
 It to re- 
 tvvent\ - 
 five cents. Half fare allowed on return if detention 
 exceeds five minutes, and full fare if the detention ex- 
 ceeds fifteen minutes. 
 DouHi.K-HoRSK Cai;s iiv riiK Hour. 
 l''or the first hour completed in conveyinsf one to i)..ui,u..i„ 
 four passengers one dollar, and lor each subsequent 
 hour one dollar, and for fractional parts of an hour at 
 same rate. Provided always that from ten o'clock to 
 twelve o'clock p. m. the charge for cabs shall be one- 
 half more than the aforesaid tariff, and after midnight 
 to six o'clock in the morning double the aforesaid tariff. 
 Sv No fare shall be charged for children under charges for 
 * • (.■i)ilurcii. 
 eight years of age in charge of an adult ; and for chil- 
 dren over eight years and under twelve years, half 
 fare shall be allowed ; over twelve, full fare shall be 
 56. That the owner or driver of every licensed cab nasf-at'e t, 
 shall carry, without additional charge, besides such """ ' 
 lu<«Tage as may be placed inside the cab, one trunk ; thar-e to 1.0 
 , "",- ' II'' 1 11 1111 '11 made for addi- 
 but ior every additional trunk n(^ shall be entitled to tP.imi tr.mvs 
 rrceive the sum of five cents. 
 not be rro\isioii8 «» 
 to overchargL'i 
 ST. The owner or dri\i'r of any cab sha 
 .'. , . ,- . to overcharge 
 entitled to recover or receive any lare Irom any person an.i iiisputes a 
 . , , 1 11 1 1 11 to proper fare. 
 or persons trom whom nv. shall have ilemanded any 
 greater jiricc; or rate than Ik; is allowed to receive 
 under this By-law, or to whom he has refused to give 
 his card of the tariff of charges, as by the forty-fourth 
 section of this '^»y-law is provided ; and it shall be the 
 duty of every Police Officer to be vigilant and active 
 at all times in preventing extortion and overcharge by 
 the owner or driver of cabs, and to be conversant with 
 the cab tariff under this By-law, and any person using 
 or driving in any cab shall be at liberty at any time to 
 i '•'i: 
 .- f 
 call upon any Police Constable to inform him the 
 proper fare to be paid for any drive or distance; jn 
 question ; and all Police Officers on duty at railway 
 stations and other places shall have sujjervision over 
 all vehicles, and the owners and drivers thereof brino-- 
 ino- travellers thereto, and in case of any dispute 
 between the owner or driver and the .p^'^rty driven as 
 to the chari^^e to be p.iid for such service, it shall Ik; the 
 duty of any Police Officer on duty aforesaid to decide 
 the matter between the parties as to the amount to be 
 paid, according- to the tariff provided by this By-law ; 
 and on all occasions when an overcharge; has been 
 made to the knowledj^e of any I'olice Constable, it 
 shall be his ihity to [)rosecut(: the offender, irrespective 
 of the person or pc;rsons from whom such overcliarL^c; 
 was made. 
 Ottiicror.iiiv.r .v*^- Ihat it ally owner or dri\fr of a cab sh.ill 
 lV'''passen!5'"r9 incki^ pcrsOii to euiplo)' him by either knowinL;l\. 
 mauer9iia'i">''t!'. w^'intonly or ii^niorantly misinformini;-, misleading or 
 i'*"'''"''""' ''• deceivini^r such person as to tlu; time,- or place of tlic 
 arrival or departure of any railroad car or other public 
 conven'ance, or the location or distance; from any part 
 of the City of an\' r.iilroad depot, hotel, public place or 
 ])rivat(; residence, or shall induce any person to emplov 
 his cab bv anv false represemtation, or shall in anv 
 manner or form im|)0se upon or (k;ceive, or in anyway 
 insult, abuse or ill-treat any person (;mi)l()yinin' him, he 
 shall be subject to the penalty of this By-law. 
 Person tmp'o.v- 59- That uo pcrson em[)l()yini4' any cab shall retuse. 
 fl'Pe "^ when 'his so soon as liis order is completed, to pay the f.u-e 
 Sod." ^"'"established by this By-law. 
 Pena:ty for ^O- That any person or persons i^uilty of an infraction 
 By!ia«.''"""""^of^ any of the provisions of this By-law shall, upon con- 
 viction before the Mayor, Police Magistrate or any 
 Justice or Justices of the Peace of the City of London, 
linn the 
 ana; in 
 on o\(j'r 
 'iven as 
 be: tlic 
 3 tlccido 
 nt to he 
 IJy-Iaw ; 
 IS Ix'cn 
 table, it 
 i\> shall 
 iwiiiL^K . 
 dini4 or 
 L' of the 
 r piihlic 
 my |)ait 
 place or 
 in any 
 my way 
 him, he 
 le fare 
 on Con- 
 or any 
 on tlie oath or affirmation of any credible witness, for- 
 feit and pay, at the discretion of the said Mayor, Police 
 Magistrate, Justice or Justices convicting, a penalty 
 not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars for each offence, 
 together with the costs of prosecution ; and in default 
 of i)ayment thereof forthwith, it shall and may be law- 
 ful for the Mayor, Police Magistrate or Justice con- 
 victing, as aforesaid, to issue a warrant under his hand 
 and seal, or in case the said Mayor, Police Magistrate 
 and Justice or Justices, or any two or more of them 
 are acting together therein, then under the hand and 
 seal of one of them, to levy the said penalty and cost 
 or costs only by distress and sale of the offender's or 
 offenders' goods and chattels ; and in case of no suffi- 
 cient distress to satisfy the said [)enalty and costs, it 
 shall and Jiiay be lawful for the Alayor, Police Magis- 
 trate, Justice or Justices convicting, as aforesaid, to 
 commit the offender or offenders to the Common Jail 
 of the said City of London, with or without hard labor, 
 for any period not exceeding six calendar months, 
 unless the said i)enalty and costs be sooner paid. 
 61. That all licenses grantetl mider the provisions i.ueuie t.. bo 
 of this By-law shall be issued l)y the City Clerk, and cierk%luceVto 
 the following fees shall be paid to him: — For every"'"' 
 license, one dollar ; for every bond and certificate, fifty 
 P.issed this ninth day of I'Y'bruary, A. D. iS/.S^ 
 City Clerk. Chairman. 
 Police Commissioners. 
*'■ .-'•'1 
 FORM "A" (Sec Section No. 2.) 
 . „ , This is to certify that of No 
 Form of Cab • i /-• r t i • i i i- , 
 Liconso. Street, in the City ot London, is hereby licensjMl lo 
 keep a cab for hire in the said City. 
 This license is to be in force (after payment of the 
 hcense fee) from the day of the date hereof until the 
 first day of March following, unless sooner sus[)cndcd 
 or forfeited. 
 Provided, nevertheless, that he, the said 
 shall observe and keep all such laws of this Province, 
 and such By-laws, Rules and Rci^ulations as are now 
 or hereafter may be in force in the said City respect- 
 ing cabs. 
 Dated at the City of London, this day of 
 in the year of our Lord on(; thousanl eight 
 hundred and 
 By order of the Commissioners of PoHce lor the 
 City of London. 
 Ciiicf Constal^lc. 
 Authontj to In pursuance of the eighteenth Section of the By- 
 e.npioy driver, j,^^^ ^f j|^^ ^3^.^^^ ^^ Comiiiissioners of Police for the 
 City of London, passed on the day of 
 A. I). 18. . . it is approved that the cab licensed herein 
 shall be driven by of the City of London. 
 subject to all the provisions of the said By-law. 
 Dated this day of .-\. D. i8 . . 
 Chief Constable. 
 •ns!,'(l to 
 nt of th(j 
 intil the 
 u-(.i now 
 . .nay of 
 n 1 einrht 
 (•T the 
 llu: liy- 
 lor tlic 
 1 h'.iT'in 
 This is to certify that named in this license ueccipt ..r 
 has paid me the sum of dollars, beinii^ the license lit^ens^lffee'"^'"' 
 fee for a cab, payable under the By-law of the Board 
 of Commissioners of Police for the City of London, 
 passed on the day of A. I). 1 8 . ... 
 Dated this day of A. D. 1 8 . . . 
 Treasurer of the City of London. 
 In pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Com- Authority t.. 
 missioners ot rolice tor the City ot London, passed on 
 the day of A. D. i8. . ., this license is 
 hereby transferred to of No street, 
 in the said City of London, subject to the conditions 
 tlicrein contained. 
 I )atcd this day of A. D. 1 8 . . . 
 Chief Constable. 
 In pursuance of the twenty-first Section of the 
 Hv-lavv of the Board of Commissioners of Police for '"stating' ikeime 
 the City ot London, passed on the day of 
 A. 1). i8. . ., I hereby certify that this license, which 
 was suspended on the day of last, is 
 from the datt^ of this certificate again operative, and of 
 the same force and effect as if the same had never 
 been suspended. 
 Dated this day of A. D. 1 8 . . . 
 In licenses for omnibuses insert the words "an 
 omnibus" for the word "a cab" and the word "omnibus" 
 or "omnibuses" for the word "cab" or "cabs" in the 
 a])ove forms, and insert the following; at the end of the 
 first clause of the first form : " Capable of accommo- 
 datinij^ at one time persons in the inside, and 
 persons on the outside thereof" 
 :? '•1*-'::^^ 
 , 1 
 , i»."«",,«< 
 (•■'' --J 
 1^ *«:.> 
 *S i::-i 
 , i 
 r\-' • 
 ' 264 
 "Capable of accommodating'' at one time 
 persons in the inside and persons on tlu; out- 
 side tliereof." 
 Petition fur 
 FORM "B" (See Section No. 8.) 
 7o the Board of Connnissioiirrs of Polite' for (Jic City 
 of London : 
 The petition of of tlie City of London, 
 sii i:\vi; TH : 
 That I am the owner of a double horse cab, and 
 am desirous of procurin^ij a license for the same ; 
 That I reside at No 
 City of London ; 
 street, in the said 
 That I am of the full age of twenty-one years ; 
 That the names of my sureties are of No. 
 street, in said City (freeholder or house- 
 holder), and of No street in saitl City 
 (freeholder or householder). 
 Your pe.'tioner therefon; prays. 
 That the said cab, the horses and appurtenances 
 thereto belonu;in<4", may be ins[)ccted with all con- 
 venient speed, and that your petitioner may have 
 granted to him a cab license for the same. 
 Dated at London this. . . .day of A.D, 18. . 
 In application for licenses for omnibuses insert the 
 words "an omnibus" for the words "a double horse cab" 
 and the word "omnibus" for the word "cab" wherever 
 they respectively occur in above form. 
tlK; uiit- 
 Ihc City 
 cab, and 
 lie ; 
 the said 
 ■cars ; 
 .of No. 
 r house- 
 aid Citv 
 (or if for IIOTFI, OMNinUS.) 
 That I am a licensed hotel-keeper, of the premises 
 known as and 1 purpose to run the said omni- 
 bus from the said premises witli passeni^^ers to and from 
 railway stations. 
 FORM " C '• (See Section No. 8). 
 To the Board of Commissioners of Police for the City 
 of London. 
 The within applicant is a proper person to have ''^ ^^'^^;[''^:i^^i;l 
 cab (or an omnibus) license, and his cab (or omnibus), i..^fav,,r';f^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 horses, harness or other appurtenances belonging; 
 thereto are in a fit and proper condition, and are suit- 
 able for the public use, and all retjuisite conditions 
 have been by him complied with. 
 Dated this 
 . .(lav of A. I). 1 S 
 Chief Constable. 
 FORM "D" (See Section No. 13). 
 :e nances 
 all con- 
 :iy have 
 D. 18.. 
 isert th(; 
 rse cab" 
 liond to be 
 Know all men by these presents that we 
 of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex ^i;-' ''v/'t^ 
 and Province of Ontario and of the^"^''''- 
 same place are respectively and severally held 
 and firmly bound unto the Corporation of the City ot 
 London in the respective sums following, that is to 
 say : I, the said in the sum of one hundred 
 dollars of lawful money of Canada, and each of us, the 
 said and in the sum of one hundred 
 dollars of lawful money of Canada, to be paid to the 
 !^ ill 
 siiid Corporation of tlic City of London, their succes- 
 sors or assi<^ns, for which several i^aynients well and 
 truly to be paid, each of us doth hind himself, his 
 heirs, executors and administrators severally and re- 
 s[)ectively (but not jointly or one. for the other) finnly 
 by these [)resents. 
 Sealed with our respective seals, and dated this 
 day of in the year of our Lord one 
 thousand ei<'ht hundred and 
 Whereas, the above named hath api)lit:cl 
 for a license to keep a cab (or an omnibus) for hire in 
 the said City of Londi)n, and the said have 
 agreed to become secLH'ity with the said for 
 the due performance by the said of all Acts 
 of the Legislature, as well as the jjrovisions of a l)y- 
 law of the Hoard of Commissioners of Police for the 
 City of London, entitled "A Hy-law relating- to cabs, 
 carriages, omnibuses and other vehicles used for hire 
 for the conveyance of persons in the City of London," 
 and passed the day of A. J3. i8. . . .and 
 all other Hy-laws, Rules and Regulations in force, from 
 time to time made bv the said Board of Commissicjn- 
 ers of Police, for the licensinLr and re''"ulatin!j' of cabs 
 (or omnibuses) and other \ehicles used for hire for the 
 conveyance of persons in the said City of London. 
 And whereas it has also been agreed by the above 
 bounden parties that in any suit to be broui^ht u[)on 
 this 13ond for an infraction of any of the said Acts of 
 the Legislature, or of any of the said By-laws, Rules 
 and Regulations of the said Jioard of Commissioners 
 of Police, the Corporation of the said City of London 
 shall be entitled to recover from time to time, as dam- 
 ages for every breach, a sum not exceeding the sum ol 
 fifty dollars, and the penalty of this Bond shall stand 
 as security not only for the sum so recovered, in re- 
 1' siicccs- 
 wcll and 
 nscir. his 
 and re- 
 •r) linnly 
 atcd this 
 ^ord one 
 l> ai)j)h\xl 
 r hin; in 
 • • . have 
 all Acts 
 Jl" a |{y. 
 for th(.' 
 to cabs, 
 lor hire 
 • . . .ami 
 I'cH-', iVoin 
 ■ of cabs 
 ti for the 
 ic above 
 lit upon 
 Acts of 
 i, Rules 
 IS dam- 
 sum of 
 I stand 
 , in re- 
 spect of tin; [jarticular hrcach or l)r{;aches suetl for, but 
 for any subsc(|ucnt broach or ])reach(:s in vvbicli the 
 damages shall be assessed in like manner. 
 Now the condition of this oblii^ation is such tbat if 
 the said do and shall, at all times hereafter, 
 during- the currency of the said license, well and truly 
 obey and observe all the said Acts of the LeL,nsla- 
 ture and all the said liy-laws, Rules and Rei,ailations 
 of the said Uoard of Commissioners in force; during;' 
 the said period, then this ol)liL;ation shall be void, or 
 otherwise shall remain in full force. 
 Sii^ned, Sealed and I)eliver{;d | 
 in presence; of ) 
 I-ORM "b: '■ (See Section Xo. 44). 
 Cab No 
 Every cabman, on each occasion when his cab is,,,^',',;,'^;,' J,'',,|,'^": 
 hired, shall, if demanded of him. hand his card to the^.;;;;|^',«|"i':">i''!f 
 person employing him. 
 No fan; is to l)e paid to an\' cabman who refuses to 
 hand this c.u'd to the person employinsj^ him, or who 
 demands a Qrcatcr rate; than a]low(;d bv the followinij- 
 b'or conveying each person from one [jlace to 
 another within the limits of the City of London, with 
 right to r(;turn within five; minutes from time; of arrival 
 at elestinatie)n, twenty-five cents ; half fare- in additie)n 
 if detention exceeds fi\e; minutes, and full fare for 
 return if detention e.\c<;eds Hfteen minutes. 
 wiiHN i:ngaged by Tin: hour. 
 For the first hour cOiiipleted in conveying one to 
 four persons, one dollar ; for each subsequent hour one 
 dollar, and for fractional parts of an hour at the same 
 Provided always that from ten o'clock p. ni. to 
 twelve o'clock, midnight, the charge shall be one-half 
 more than the above tariff, and from after midnight to 
 six o'clock a. m. double the above tariff 
 No charge for children under eight years of age if 
 in charge of an adult, and for children over eight and 
 under twelve vears of aij^e half fare shall be charged 
 Every cab shall carry without additional charge, 
 besides such luggage as may be placed inside the cab, 
 one trunk, and for everv additional trunk the charfc 
 shall be five cents. 
 Passed this ninlh (Ia\- (A' h'ebruary, 1S7S. 
 Clerk. Mayor. 
 Chairman Board of Police Commissioners. 
 ^ one to 
 hour one 
 he same 
 p. 111. to 
 hiii^dit to 
 )f a_iL;e if 
 iglit and 
 the cal), 
 To Amend the By-law Relating to Cabs, 
 Carriages, Omnibuses and Other Vehicles 
 for Hire for the Conveyance of Persons in 
 the City of London. 
 WnEur.As it is expedient to amend the Hy-hiw 
 mentioned in the title of this By-law, and pas ed on 
 the nintli day of I'^ebruary last; 
 Be it therefore enacted by the Board of Commis- 
 sioners of Police for the City of London, a?; follows : 
 1. That Section forty-three of the said By-law be ^.^s;-^;- ^4, of 
 and the me is hereby amend(;d by strikinij: out the J;;eb. .87S)an.on. 
 words " ind at any" at the end of the fifth line, all 
 the words in the sixth and seventh lines and the word 
 ••order" in the ei.i^duli line of the printed copy of the 
 said By-law, and substituting- therefor the words 
 " durine the hours in -A'hich he Is u[)on die stand." 
 Passed this sixdi day of April, in the year of our 
 Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eiglit. 
 k. LEWIS, 
 Chairman Police Commissioners 
 Relating Lo Owners of Livei-y Stables. 
 la" ■'■' 
 iTcanii.if WnEKKAS by " Tlic Municipal Act" and "The 
 Municipal Amendment Act of 1S79" power is i^n'ven 
 to tlie IJoard of Commissioners of Police in clti'-s to 
 ret'iilatc and license the owners of liverv stal>' '. 
 The Pioard of Commissioners of Police for tlu: 
 Citv of London therefore enact as follow. : 
 I. That from and after the passing of this lU'-law 
 ini; In livery ih(' Acts and P)V-laws of tlie r\lunicii)al Council of the 
 lent with ihisLorporation ol the Cit\' of Lond(^n relatin''- to li\(:r\ 
 H.vhiw iv|ii!il.(l ' ■ r • 1 /-• r I 1 ' 
 stables and the owners thereof in the City ot London 
 and all Acts and Py-laws of the said Municipal Coun- 
 cil heretofore assumed by the said P)oard of Comniis- 
 siontM's of l\olice which are inconsistent with th(! 
 provisions of this P\--Iaw shall he and the same are 
 hereby repealed. 
 KcipiTK of 2. Thai Irom <uul .iflcr the j)assinL; ()l this IK-Ijv 
 hu lictiisci. no [)crson shall c.irr)' on the business of a li\cr\ stable 
 keeper within tlu! limits of the Cit)' of London with- 
 out ha\ in^' first oblaiiK'd a hcense irom the said P)oar(l 
 Kunnnfii.u.s of Coiumissioners of j'olice. which said license may be 
 in the form "A" to this jiv-law annexed 
 wih. t.. im fi. That every person keeping horses or horses and 
 sttti.if koqitrs. vehicles lor liu'e Other than such as may be mcnided m 
 antl lic(Mised under th(; lb daw n latiiii; to cabs, lai 
 riaj^es and omnilnises, &c., passed on the ninth day ol 
 Lebruary A.I). 1878, and other than carters or dray 
 ■ > to 
 (or thf 
 1 of the 
 i li\(.'r\ 
 il Coiiii- 
 ilh the 
 ^nic arc 
 i stal)lc 
 II uitli- 
 inav l)c 
 iC's and 
 1(1(^1 ill 
 -i, lar 
 (lay ol 
 men, sliall be deemed a livery stable keeper within the 
 mcaninLC of this Bydaw, and shall be reciuired to take 
 out a license thereunder annuall)-. 
 4, That all licenses t^ranted under this By-law shall i.ironsistu i... 
 be issued from the office of the City Clerk of the said Lv'rk on' KJui'I:t 
 City of London at the City Hall in the said City on (•inc7consu"i.K'I 
 ■ A. C a.\ i'j' 1. 1 ' C c 1 i 1" ami to t'xpiru on 
 receii)t ot the certificate nereinatter referred to from ■ March in cad. 
 the Chief Constable, and shall, unless sooner forfeited, ''''"^' 
 c.\I)ire on the lirst day of March in each year. 
 5, That no license or transfer of license shall be n„ lucuso to 
 -ranted under this B)-law (except upon i)etition by thejHam.railu a"- 
 applicant to the said IJoard of Commissioners of l'o-[womSie' 
 lice praying for the same, which said j^etition shall be 
 dei'vered to the Chief Constable at his oftice and may 
 be in th(.' form " B" to this By-law ann(.'xed ; nor until 
 th(- Chief Constable sliall have certifietl that the ap- 
 plicant is a fit .uid proper person to have a license and 
 that his premises, vehicles, horses, hariK^ss and other 
 e(]uipnu.nts ;.re in .1 tit ami proper condition and are 
 suitable for the [)ublic use, and that all the conilitions 
 recjuircd by law and by the by-laws, rules and regula- 
 tions of the s.iid Board of Commissioners of Police 
 have been com )lied with, which said certificate shall 
 be endorsed upon X.\ui said petition and may be in the 
 form " C " to this Bv-law annexed, 
 6, Tb.;!t no license shall be granted to any person r,i..M,8c m.t to 
 under the age of twenty-one years. '"'""' """"'"■ 
 That the fees to be hereafter paid for licenses f-'^sf-nictiHCj 
 issued under this By-law shall be as follows : 
 {a.) I^y every person owning a livery ;;table twenty- 
 live dollars shall l)e paid. 
 (^.) I'or each transft .- of a license the sum of two 
 dollars shall bt paid by the applicant therefor. 
 >* ! 
 Proviso as to (^.) Proviclccl alvvavs that the amount to be naid 
 1008 for licoiisos ^ ' ^ 1 * 
 isHutHiaftertom- for any license issued after the present year (iStq\ 
 inencciiiuiit of \ r 1 r i 1 1 <- \ ^^ 
 license .vLur. betwcen the nrst day ot January and tlie hrst daj- ot" 
 April in any year sh.ill be the same as the chancre for 
 the full year ; for any license issued subsequently to 
 the first day of April and prior to the first day of 
 July the amount shall be three-fourths of the chan-c 
 for the full year, and for any license issued subsequent- 
 ly to the first day of July the amount shall be 
 one-half of the char^^e for the full year ; but for this 
 present year (1S79) the charge in all cases shall be the 
 chariLj^e for the full year unless the persons show to tlic 
 satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners of Police 
 th, t they owned such livery stables for a less period 
 than a whole year. 
 Proviso- license {d.) Provided also that evcry Hconse or transferor 
 lnftii^L8Vi''i"''l'^<-'"^^ .L,^ranted under this Hy-law shall be invalitl, In- 
 MT^ooei^.t "111' operative; and of no effect until the applicant has jjaid 
 uinei ihercf..r.^^ ^j^^ Treasurer of the City of London the sum fixed 
 therefor by this By-law, and lias obtained a receipt for 
 such payment on the said license, signed by the saiil 
 Person takin- J^. That evory [)erson in whose nanu; a license is 
 "oiUuered owip take.n out for a livery stable shall be considered the 
 *""■ owner thereof for the purposes of this I3y-law and 
 shall be liable to the penalties her(;in contained. 
 Q. That any person licensed under this iU'-law 
 License niav be , ."^ , , / ' , , . , i i • 
 tranHfcrrcu. ■ havuiij: soltl or Icasecl or otherwise translerred or dis- 
 posed of his livery stable, may have his license trans- 
 ferred to the purchaser, lessee or transferee, if ap- 
 proved of by the Board of 'Commissioners of Police — 
 the transferee hrst complymg with the provisions of 
 sub-section (d) of section seven of this P)y-law. 
 > 'j(! paid 
 '• (''^;9) 
 t da)- of 
 "»i".^''(' for 
 iitJy to 
 clay of 
 hall b(, 
 tor this 
 I be the 
 ^v to the 
 •r Poh'cc' 
 nsfcr of 
 aJid, in- 
 las j)aicl 
 ni fixed 
 :cipt for 
 he said 
 Xinse IS 
 red the 
 i\v and 
 yr ch's- 
 if ap- 
 )h'cc — 
 ons of 
 Owners of 
 liviTy Ht;ihlc8 to 
 k t!0 p 8t Ik lilog 
 dean mill vt'lii- 
 cIcB, Ac, |>rii|>ur 
 :>iiil Hutlli'iuntfiir 
 their Work, and 
 in uiiaoof (lufiuilt 
 licunso may Ih) 
 8 II 8 p ndcMl Ity 
 Chid Con8U»l)li', 
 aiilijci't to ap- 
 IKsallulliu liuard 
 10. That every owner of a livery stable licensed 
 under this Hy-law must keep his stables continually 
 clean, dry and in good repair, with the vehicles, har- 
 •less tackling and equipments used in connection witli 
 the same and with horses proper and sufficient to do 
 their work, and that whenever the owner of any livery 
 stable having a license for keeping the same under 
 this Hydaw receives notice, to be given to him or hij 
 agent, signed by the Chit;f Constable, that such stable 
 or any vehicle, horse, harness or e(iuipmenl belonging 
 to the same is not in a fit condition for public 
 use or in accordance with this Hy-law pointing out 
 hriclly the reason thereof, such notice shall operate and 
 be a suspension of his license and the same shall there- 
 upon remain suspended and wholly inoperative until the 
 said owner shall have again oblained acertificate signed 
 by the Chief Constable and endorsed upon his license. 
 Proviiled that any livery stabh* owner shall always 
 have the right of appeal to the Hoard of Commission 
 ers of Police. 
 I I. That every owner of a livery stable, licensed <>«n.T8 of 
 uiuler tliis Hy-law shall, when re(|uired, submit hisH''"t'hcir 
 1 , ] 1 1 • 1 1 i.1 • ^ Htiihlts Ale, f(ir 
 Stables, harness, horses, vehicles and other equi|)mentsinHpucfion when 
 lor the inspection of th(i Chic^f Constable* both before '"'""^* 
 and during the continuance of his license, and no 
 owner shall at any time prevent or hinder the Chief 
 Constable or oiIkm' person authorized by him from 
 entering the stables of such owner for the purpose of 
 ins] K'cti ng the same. 
 12. The owners and occupants of livery stables \phicio» not 
 within the City of London shall not wash or cle.m streets or*'to' en" 
 .1 • ■ ,1 1-1 I cumber the »«nie 
 their carriages or other vehicles or horses or cause 
 them to be washed or cleaned in the streets or public 
 highways or otherwise encumber the .same, 
2 74 
 ^^»— • 
 * 'r—J 
 1 jf**''* 
 llorsoB or vtj- 
 hicluH lint to III' 
 I r No such owner so licensed as aforesaid shall 
 hU'lUHIIllt to III' , ' , . , , 1 t ■ I . 
 Mtoim.icii.inu-lct or liirc anv liorse or horse and veliicle to any notu- 
 tcrHitr women (if • i i i i r mi r 
 riously l)acl cliaracters or women ol ill-lanie. 
 ijoiini may BUS- 1 4. Tile Said Hoard of Commissioners of l\)lia' 
 pond or ciiiicul ^ . . .. ,, t., 
 license- for viohi- may Irom tnne to tmie enfiuire mto any ailc^LTed viol i 
 lion of provi- . /- ^1 • • 1 • . r.l'- 11 t 
 Bioiia of uyiaw. tion of tlic provisions antl recjinrements ol this IJydavv, 
 and by resolution sus[)end for such time as they may 
 think j)ro|)er, cancel or abrogate any license L;iven 
 hereuniler, if upon such eiKiuiry they fuid that an> 
 ly p 
 son havim; such license hertnuuier has violateil any uf 
 the provisions or ri'(|uiremijnls of this i>y-Iaw, and 
 every license shall he suspend(.'d Irom the tiiiu; the 
 owner thereof shall hav(; received notice of the rcsolu 
 tion of the said IJoard of Commissioners of Politv 
 suspendinL,^ the sauK- until the end of tlu' period iiicii- 
 Honed m tlu; saitl resolution, anil no person wIk 
 license been so cancelled or al)roL;ated shall he 
 aL;ain licensed under this l>ydaw wilhin twelve calendar 
 months thereafter, if in the nsolution declarin;,; the 
 same to Ik; cancelled it shall a])|)ear that the violatic 
 of this By law was wilful in the parli( iilar instance. 
 !,i(oi.!..,ii..wii. 15. That any ovvner ol a li\cry sl.dilc r<'liisin'^ to 
 er of liverystiitili! . ",-/■• 1 • r • n i- / v.r / • 
 r.fuBiiii; toirive ollicial iiitormation to any 1 olice ( )tli(\r or Ion 
 KJvc ollii'iiil in " . , . , • i ■ i i 
 forniation i..stal)le as to parties to whom iiorses or veliicles havr 
 Pnlici' (lllicir or , i • i r • i • /- 
 (■..iiHtaiiii! may been hired, or ri'lusinLT .iny other mlormation ron 
 111' tiiisV'Mcli'il C)r 1-11' '• "11 1 • 1 > 1 
 canwiie.i. nect(;d with his occupation reijuired hy thi^ liy-law, or 
 by any ntso'ution'ol the said Hoard of Commission* is 
 of Police, ol which he shall have information or notice, 
 shall be a suHicient L;roimd, when established to the. 
 satislaction of the; Hoard of Commissioners ol l*olic(', 
 for suspendini; or cancelling; the license of such owner 
 so rcfusinir to give information as aforesaid. 
 Ill - treatment 
 1 6. No person licensed under this I^y-law shall 
 hibiteT*' '"^" abuse or ill-treat or permit so to be any horse or 
 horses owned or used by him. 
•^-'lid shall 
 •i>iy noto- 
 ' viol, I 
 ■'^ '5y-Iaw. 
 iliey may 
 t any pt,.,-. 
 t<-tl any of 
 '-J^iw. and 
 time the 
 Ik: rcsohi 
 of I'oliVr 
 riod nicii- 
 ion whose 
 1 sh.ill h,. 
 'ann_L,r the 
 ' Violation 
 ■'iisinL; U) 
 r or Con- 
 nies havr 
 lion roii- 
 ^y-law, or 
 f>r notic',,', 
 ■d to the 
 )<■ Poh'cc. 
 t h owner 
 law shall 
 horse or 
 17. That all property or money left in any vehicle Property or 
 bc'loni(inir to any livery stable owner licensed under "eZX tot do- 
 this iJy-l'inv shall be forthwith delivered over to the llrTu it i"rx. 
 person ovvnin<^r the same, or if the owner cannot atca^inoTiiorouna' 
 once be found, then at the nearest Police Station, with 
 all information in the possession of the owner of such 
 vehicle regarding the same. 
 18. That no person hiring any horse or horse and perflcmahirinK 
 vehicle from the owner of any livery stable licensed dus''ma to n'tiwe 
 under this l>y-law shall refuse; to pay the fare: or hireL'ire'.'"* '"'" "' 
 for the same when he retiiri\s any such horse or horse 
 and vehicle. 
 19. That any person or persons guilty of an in- 
 fraction of any of the provisions of this IJy-law shall, 
 upon conviction befon; the Mayor, P(jl*ce Magistrate 
 or any Justice or Justic(;s of the Peace for the City of 
 London, on tlie oath or afhrmation of any credible 
 witness, forfeit and jpay at the discretion of the said 
 Mayor, Police; Magistrate, justice 01 Justices convict- 
 ing, a penalty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars 
 lor each offence, together with the costs of prosecution, 
 aiul in default of |)ayment then.'of forthwith it may and 
 shall be lawful for the Mayor, Police; Magistrate', Jus- 
 tice; or justices ce)nvicting as afore-saiel to issue a war- 
 rant under his hanel anel seal, e)r in case e)f the; Maye)r, 
 Pe)lice: Magistrate: and Justice; or Justices or any of 
 the-iii acting toge;lhe'r therein, then unde;r the hanel anel 
 seal e)f one; of the'in, to levy the saiel penalt)' and e'osts 
 or (Mjsts e)nly by distre'ss anel sale of the eiffeneler's e)r 
 offenele;rs' g;exods and chatte;ls, anel in Ctvse o( no sutfi- 
 cie:nt e]istre;ss te) satisfy the saiel penalty and costs or 
 ':e)sts only, as the; case may be, it shall anel m.iy be- 
 lawful for the: Mayor, Police Magistrate, Justice or 
 Justices ce)nvicting as afore-saiel toce:)mmit the; offenele'r 
 or e)ffende'rs to the Commejn Jail of the County e)f 
 Mieldlese;x, with or withe)ut hare! labor, for any perie)el 
 not cxceeclinL( twenty-one clays, unless the said penalty 
 and costs or costs only, as the case may be, be sooner 
 Passed this thirteenth day of I)ecenib(M", A. 1) 
 Aij:X. S. ABIJOTT. R. Ll-WlS. 
 Cl(;rk. Chairman 
 I'lilice Commissioners 
 I'ORM "A" (Sec S(;c. 2). 
 w. ; ■ - * i 
 1 -« 
 r'' j — »ii«' 
 j.i\i;k\ >i.\i:ii: i.k i n.^k 
 Korui uf lictliite 
 This is to ccrlily that ot N 
 street, in the Ward of the; City of London, \'*> 
 hereby licensed to keep a livery stable in th(.' said 
 i'his license; is to be in force (after payment of the 
 license; f(;e) from the day ot the date; hereof until du; 
 thirty -fu'st day of I )('cemb('r followintj;^, uidess sooner 
 suspended or forf(;it('d. 
 Provided neverth(;less that he, tlu; said 
 shall observe; and keep all such laws of this Province 
 and such By-laws, kul(;s and Regulations as are now 
 or hereafter may be in force; in the said City res[)ectin!L^ 
 e owners eM iive;rv s 
 f li 
 Dated at the; City e)f Le)ndon this day ol 
 A. D. 18 
 ]]y order of the Commissioners of Police for the 
 City of London. 
 This is to certify that named in this Tr,.nHnr.i'-. re- 
 license, has paid me the sum ol . dollars, beini^,.... 
 the licensee i\ir. as kc-eper of a livery stable payable 
 under th<; By-law of th(; Hoard of Commissioners of 
 Police; for th(; City of London, i)assed on the 
 day of A. I). iS7(). 
 Dated this day of A. 1 )• iS.... 
 Citv Treasurer. 
 In pursuance of a resolution of the Board ol Com- ti,..siv. -t n- 
 missioners of Police for the City of London, passi'd"""' 
 {,11 the day of A.D. iS;^, this license 
 is liereby transferred to of No street, 
 in the Ward in the said City of Lomlon, subject 
 to the conditions therein contained. 
 Dated this day of A, 1 ). iS. . . . 
 in pursuance, of tlu^ fourteenth s(.'ction of the •h'v,;;;;\V;/;'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 law. passed on the day of A. D. i Sy^.i.n.M sMs,..nM..„ 
 hy tlu; Board of Connnissioners of Police; for th(; City 
 of London, I hert:by certify that this licen.-.e, which 
 was susiK-nded on thc! day of is from 
 the date of this certificate a^.iin operative, and of the 
 same force and ellect as if the; s.ame had never been 
 :■■•'• i 
 M- •'-■* 
 'Z' .-'••' 
 'I— • 
 I'ORM "H" (Sec Sec. 5). 
 To tlic Board of Qwiniissioncrs of J*olia' for llic City 
 of London. 
 I'etition (or Tlu* petitloii of" of tlic Citv of Loiuloii, 
 siir.wr.Tii : 
 That I am owikm' of horses, and am desir- 
 ous of prociirini; a license for a livery stable. 
 That I reside at No street, in tlu; 
 I'hat 1 am of the full \v^(\ of twenty-one years. 
 Your petitioner th(M'efor(? prays that tlie said 
 horses, stahh's and a|)purtenances thereto helonL^ini; 
 may Ik- inspected with all conviMiient speed, anil that 
 your petitioner may have granted to him a license lor 
 the same. 
 London, the day of 
 I'ORM "C" (See Sec. 5). 
 To the lioard of Con/niissionrrs of Police for the City 
 of London. 
 cvrtid.ato of I'l'if- within a])[)licant is a proper person to have 
 mtlon,nwi"'> livery stable license, and his stal)les, horse (or 
 cant. horses), harness and other appurtenances belon^ini; 
 thereto iirc in a fit and proper condition and are suit- 
 able for the public use, and all retpiisite conditions 
 have been by him complied with. 
 Pated this 
 .day of A. I). i8. 
 Chief Constable. 
 1^ 12.2 
 L25 yilU 11.6 
5? ...W 
 For Regulating and Licensing the Owners of 
 Cai'ts and other Vehicles, used for the 
 carriage of merchandise, for Hire 
 in the City of London. 
 I" 1 
 'Xhz Board of Commissioners of Police for the 
 City o{ London enact as follows : — 
 By-law of 8th I- ^^^^ By-hiw passcd on the ei^dith day of April, 
 Apn^i. 1808. re-i,^ the year of our Lord, i86S. by the said I')oar(l, 
 intituled " By-law for Rei^ulatini^ and Licensin_L( the 
 Owners of Livery Stables, Cabs and other vehicles," 
 is hereby repealed. 
 No pcison to 2. That no person or persons shall engage in the 
 Vf'cafterwithiu't calling of a carter for hire within the City of London. 
 •ing icenso . ^^ ^^[xi^ any vehicle for the transportation for hire of 
 any goods, wares or merchandise or any other thing 
 whatsoever within the said City of London, without 
 being licensed so to do. 
 Keeper of liv 
 cry stable not 
 That nothing herein contained shall render it 
 V stalile not ^ rii ri- ii' 11 
 luired to take necessary tor the keeper ot a licensed hvery stable 
 out license as . , . , . . ,^, ' _ , . 1 11 
 carter unless he Within thc said City Of Lonclon who shall not carry on 
 enga^'cs in that . . , . ^ , 
 or engage in the business ot a carter, to take out a 
 carter's license in addition to his license as a livery 
 stable keeper. 
 License requir- 
 ed for each vehi- 
 4. That one license shall not authorize any person 
 or persons to drive more than one vehicle, but a 
 license shall be required to be taken out for each 
 vehicle used. 
 wnei's of 
 3r the 
 e for the 
 of .\pril, 
 id Pjoard, 
 nsin_L,r the 
 ige in the 
 )r hire of 
 her thing- 
 i, without 
 render it 
 ry stable 
 : carry on 
 ike out a 
 '< a livery 
 y person 
 e, but a 
 for each 
 5, That all licenses issued under this By-law shall J-';7«f,j, i'^,.';;- 
 be issued by the City Inspector of Licenses upon pro- {^>.'/^p-'j'y;;': 
 auction of the City Treasurer's receipt for the proper ductionomeaa- 
 fee payable therefor. fee therefor. 
 6 That before any person shall obtain a license security to i.e 
 1 • 1 r ..1 U • 1 f K'ven by appli- 
 to drive any vehicle tor the purposes hereinbeioreeantforiirense. 
 mentioned or any of them, he shall enter into a bond 
 in the penal sum of one hundred dollars, with two 
 sufficient sureties of fifty dollars each, conditioned on 
 the observance in all respects of the conditions of 
 this By-law and all other By-laws or Regulations of 
 the Board of Police Commissioners of the City of 
 London now in force or which may be hereafter passed 
 or promulgated. 
 7 That the sums to be paid for licenses I'ef ,>" ^^ 
 issued under the provisions ot this By-law shall be 
 respectively as follows : 
 For every wagon or other vehicle for the car- 
 riage of goods for hire (if drawn by one 
 horse or other animal), per annum $ 2 00 
 l*\)r every wagon or other vehicle for the car- 
 riage of goods for hire except lorries (if 
 drawn by two horses or other animals), per 
 h"or every lorrie, per annum 
 S. That no license shall be assignable, and nojj^^enses ..a 
 person shall assign his or her license or permit any jjo^otheT^^^^^^^ 
 other person to drive his or her vehicle, unless he or|«njjj^i't~ 
 she shall obtain from the Chief Constable permission 
 in writing (endorsed on his or her license) so to do. 
 9. That every licensed carter shall when called ^•".t^^^t;;^,^-^; 
 upon by any of the Police Commissioners or Alder- an^^t;>^pn^^^^^^^^^^ 
 men, or by the Mayor, High Bailiff, Chief of Police, ""'"'"'•■■*•'"•'''• 
 6 CO 
 I". 00 
 the City Inspector of Licenses, or any of the 
 Policemen of the City of London, aid and assist 
 with his cart or other vehicle in the convey- 
 ance to prison or elsewhere of any person or 
 persons arrested for any offence within the City of 
 Fees to be LottdoH ; provided always, that it shall be lawful for 
 paid therefor on / 11^1 ^ ^ • r 
 production ofcvery carter so employed to demand and receive for 
 uertiflcate of •■ 1 ^ f • 1 /- .1 'i.i- 
 ices rrmier-such employment his regular tare to be paid to him 
 by the City Council upon producing a certificate of 
 the services rendered and the amount payable on 
 account thereof from the person authorizing such 
 Licenses to be j Q. That the liconse of every carter shall when 
 numbered and . ,1 111 111 1 
 number to be issuecl be numbered, and every carter shall cause the 
 painted on each , ri-i- ^ r • ^ • 1 i-i 
 Bide of vciiicie. number ot his license to be fairly painted on each side 
 of his cart or other vehicle with black paint on a white 
 ground so as to be easily seen and read. 
 Person 1 i- II. That cvery person licensed under the pro- 
 censed toempioy , . /■ 1 • T» 1 1 • ^ r 
 iliB horse and visions ot this liy-law, and every person in charije of 
 vehicle when re- 1 • 1 ^ r • r 1 • r 1 • 1 • 
 quired on pay- any vehiclc used for carriacje tor hire ot goods within 
 ment or tender ,' .,^^. ^ -, , 111 1 i-i 
 of fees. the said City ot London shall employ his horse or 
 horses or other animals or his vehicle for any person 
 or persons when required for any lawful purpose 
 (unless he be then actually employed) on payment or 
 tender of his lesfal fare, 
 Disorderly 12. That tto person having charge of any vehicle 
 co^id^uct pi^ohi-jj^gj^g^^ under this By-law shall wantonly snap or 
 flourish his whip, or at any time needlessly leave such 
 vehicle or make use of any abusive, obscene, profane, 
 or impertinent language whatsoever. 
 request 1 3. That thc owner, driver, or person havini 
 person iicenseu 1 r 1 i*i*^i 'i/^v 111 
 to give the num- charge ot any such vehicle in the said City, shall upon 
 ber of his li 
 cense and tiie being requestcd so to do give the number of his 
y of the 
 md assist 
 erson or 
 I City of 
 lawful for 
 iceive for 
 .id to him 
 ificate of 
 yable on 
 inof such 
 lall when 
 cause the 
 each side 
 n a white 
 the pro- 
 :harge of 
 :1s within 
 horse or 
 y person 
 yment or 
 y vehicle 
 snap or 
 ave such 
 lall upon 
 r of his 
 vehicle, the name ot the owner and his or her place --« --^} -^ 
 -. i 1 owner of the 
 of abOCle. vehicle. 
 lA That it shall be lawful for the owner or driver pmmpt ,«>- 
 T- ,«.ii«i 1 1 1. ment of fees to 
 of every such hired vehicle to demand prompt pay- be made, 
 ment of his lawful fare or hire of the person or 
 persons hiring or using the same ; and every person 
 refusing to pay such fare or hire forthwith shall be 
 (Tuilty of a breach of this By-law. And any owner 
 or driver as aforesaid who shall demand or exact any ,^.E.^to^t'«" '"■"■ 
 any greater sum than the lawful fare or hire according ""* ' 
 to the provisions of this By-law, shall be guilty of a 
 breach thereof. 
 \K That all licenses shall be in force from the Licenses to be 
 0' _ •t t r 1 r TV T 1 r 11 • '" force till Ist 
 issuino- thereof until the first day ot iVlarcn lollowing. March after issue 
 16. That tb': prices of fares which may be 
 chartred by the owners or drivers of carts or other 
 vehicles for the carriage of goods for hire shall be as 
 follows : 
 Fares to be 
 For every load carried from one place to 
 another within the City of London (if in 
 a vehicle drawn by one horse or other 
 animal) 25 cents. 
 If in a vehicle drawn by more than one horse 
 or other animal 5^ 
 I ". That the word " Carter " shall mean the owner interpretation, 
 or driver of any wagon, cart, dray or other vehicle for 
 the transportation for hire of goods, wares or mer- 
 chandize of any kind. 
 18. That any person guilty of an infraction of any Penauyj^or^in- 
 of the provisions of this By-law shall be liable on[.rw""" " 
 conviction to be lined in any sum not exceeding fifty 
 dollars exclusive of costs ; and in case of non-payment 

 of the fine and costs tlv^ same may be levied by dis- 
 tress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender, 
 and in case of the non-payment of the fine and there 
 being no distress found out of which the same can be 
 levied such offender shall be liable to be imprisoned in 
 in the Common Gaol of the County of Middlesex 
 with or without hard labor for any period not exceed- 
 ing twenty-one days. 
 Passed the fourteenth day of May, in the year of 
 our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. 
 WILL. ELLIOT, Co. judge. 
 d by dis- 
 : offender, 
 md there 
 le can be 
 risoned in 
 t exceed- 
 E year of 
 ^, Mayor. 
 ). judn-e. 
 To Amend the By-law Relating to Owners 
 of Livery Stables. 
 The Board of Commissioners of Police for the 
 City of London, enact as follows : 
 I Sub-section 'v" of section seven of the By-law J>;^^f- ^°! 
 nn^sed on the thirteenth day of December last passed. >^-°^;^,^^rd: 
 ntituled "Bv-law relating to owners of Livery Stables" |^-t'7il^,^; 
 If hereby repealed, and the following- 
 therefor • ('V.' ) Provided always, that the amount to 
 be paid for any license issued between the first day of 
 March and the first day of June in any year, shall be 
 the same as the charge for the full year ; for any 
 license issued subsequently to the first day of June 
 and prior to the first day of September m any year, 
 the amount shall be three-fourths of the charge for 
 the full year, and for any license issued subsequently 
 to the first day of September and before the first day 
 of March following in any year, the amount shall be 
 one-half the charge for the lull year. 
 o-ranted under the said By-law shall .^^^^. „y ^,^^^. 
 2. All licenses ^ 
 be issued by the City Inspector of Licenses 
 Passed the fourteenth day of May, in the year of 
 „ur Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. 
 Licenses to be 
 lued by 
 WILL. ELLIOT. Co. Judge. 
 To Further Amend the By-law Relating to 
 Cabs, Omnibuses and other Vehicles used 
 for Hire for the Conveyance of Persons in 
 the City of London. 
 The Board of Commissioners of Police for the 
 City of London enact as follows : 
 -. . • 
 Section .5 of By- I- Scctlon "Fifteen" of the By-law passed by the 
 i^y.^Mmend-said Board on the ninth day of February, in the year 
 *'*• of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- 
 eight, intituled, " By-law relating to cabs, carriages, 
 omnibuses and other vehicles used for hire for the 
 conveyance of persons in the City of London," is 
 hereby amended by striking out the words " for each 
 cab or sleigh drawn by two horses the sum of five 
 dollars" therein, and substituting therefor the word;,, 
 For each cab or sleigh drawn by one or more 
 horses or other animals, the sum of five dollars.' 
 As to fees for k 
 liy-ifiw In ap- 2. I'he provision of and the rates of fare author- 
 Jil4vn\.voiicuri^ecl to bc chargeil by the said I))--]avv as amended by 
 oH'icra'nimaR'''^the By-hiw of tile Said Board, passed on the sixth day 
 of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 
 hundred and seventy-eight, shall apply to cabs and 
 other vehicles drawn by one or more horses or other 
 animals as well as to double horse cabs. 
 u'oru" horse" 3- Thc word "liorsc," wherever the same occurs in 
 Jmi"''nBe(7"forthe Said By-law, includes any animal used for drawing 
 .iia«uurv.iude8^ cab or other vehicle used for hire for the conveyance 
 of persons from place to place within the said City. 
 Kuiin A uiiifii- 
 4. F"orm A to the said By-law is liereby 
 amended by striking out the words "Chief Constable." 
Ifciting to 
 ^\es used 
 arsons in 
 -c for the 
 5ed by the 
 ^ the year 
 :l seventy- 
 e for the 
 •nclon," is 
 " for each 
 m of five 
 he words, 
 or more 
 re author- 
 icnded by 
 sixth day 
 and eii^dit 
 cabs and 
 or other 
 occurs in 
 ' drawino^ 
 d City, 
 at the foot thereof, and substituting therefor the words 
 «' Inspector of Licenses." 
 c Sections Sixty and Sixty-one of the ^^ ^^^r' 
 recited By-law of the ninth day of February, in the 
 year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 
 seventy-eight, are hereby repealed. 
 6. Any person guiky of an infraction of any of pcmity 
 the provisions of the said recited By-laws, or of this 
 Bv-law, shall be liable on conviction to be fined in any 
 sum not exceeding Fifty dollars exclusive of costs ; 
 and in case of non-payment of the fine and costs the 
 same may be levied by distress and sale of the goods 
 and chattels of the offender, and in case of r.on-pay- 
 ment of the fine, and there being no distress found 
 out of which the same can be levied, such offender 
 shall be liable to be imprisoned in the common goal 
 of the County of Middlesex, with or without hard 
 labour, for any period not exceeding twenty-one days. 
 Licenses to he 
 7. All licenses granted under the provisions of the i«-ed^„^- ^i.y 
 said By-law shall be issued by the City Inspector of 
 Passed the Fourteenth day of May, in the year of 
 our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. 
 WILL. ELLIOT, Co. Judge. 
 ; hereby 

 -( * 
 AcciDKNis— rrecaiitions ai^ainsl, in breaking' uj) streets 53, 54, IQS. 2J3. 214 
 Adki.aidk Stkkki -tirea'l Western Railway Company anthorized to 
 • lay tramniad on 179, ISO 
 Ai)Ui.rr.uAri:i) Akticlks— 
 Destruction oi 3' 
 Forfeiture of 3^ 
 Adui.ikuation ok - 
 ■29. 31 
 RKKMKN I— r XT , /- 
 As to I'.oulevanls to he taken by Board of Works ol 
 With Hoard of A^jricullure as to Kxliihition ('.rounds 219, 220, 221 
 ,, City Steam Ileatini^ Company 212 to 216 
 „ Cori)oration of Middlesex as to Exhibition Crounds. .223,224,225,226 
 as to Hospital Funds 230,231,232 
 (, East Middlesex Agricultural Society as to Exhibition 
 Grounds 226,227,228,229 
 ,, London CJas Li.i^lit Company 204 to 209 
 „ Londim Street Railway Company 196. '97. '9° 
 Exhibitions, fairs and shows, holding of, on Exhibition Grounds. .219 to 229 
 Live Stock, sale of, at free fairs 99 
 Machinery " " " "-^ 
 >Lachines " " " "-' 
 * I'loduce H .1 i> W \.'i'- '• 
 Society of East .Middlesex, agreement with as to Exhibition 
 Chounds 226.227,228,229 
 A(;Ricui.TURK,r.OAKi) OK, agreement with as to Exhibition Grounds. 219, 220, 221 
 Alarms of Firk— 
 Fining firemen for want of prompt attendance at 40 
 Members of Fire Department, duties of in case of 39 
 Ai,iip:RT Strkk I'— Market street changed to *4i 
 Al.DKRMAN — 1 !• u 1 
 Absent Irom meeting of Council, name to be published 1 13 
 Cabmen, may recpiire, to assist in conveying persons arrested to gaol... 237 
 Carter, may require, to assist in conveying persons arrested to 
 gaol. . 237, 281, 282 
 Checjues to l)e countersigned by, in absence of ^Layor I37 
 Council, to preside at meeting of, in absence oi Mayor "4 
 „ to take chair in, when called to by Mayor 1 1 5 
 M when absent from, name of to be published 113 
 Crowds in streets to move on, may authorize persons to direct 00 
 Exhibition, indecent, immoral or lewd, may prevent .21, 22 
 Gambling houses, may enter and destroy devices for gambling lound 
 there "' ^3 
 T • . f 4 to 10 
 List of • ^ OQ 
 Park, may order exclusion of certain persons from. •■.•••. °° 
 Play, indecent, immoral or lewd, may prevent exhibition of 21, 22 

 -J • 
 >uii;es 2 J 
 Alms Asking;, in si reels or pulilic 
 Ami'.ndmkn IS-- 1'iiUiit.L,' of ill t'ouiicil (sec Coiin( ii,.) 
 Amuhicmkni', I'l.Al t.s oi — 
 1 .ieense, fees for SO, S7 
 To lie licensi'<l [2 
 An AI.Y/,.\ I'lON Oh W'a I KU 27 
 Animals — 
 Carcasses of, removal of 35 
 M tlirowinj,' into streets or river ^^^ 
 Cruelly In ,. . I09, 255, 274 
 I )amaj;es to be \und by owner of trespassing 68 
 Distrainin},' of «lien running at large ,67 
 I'ees for sale of, in open air 93, 94 
 iinpmiiKling 67 
 Rescuing impounded 68 
 l<unning at large 66 
 Sale of at free fairs 94 
 'I'lLspassing , 67, 68 
 (!ost of removing dangerous 42 
 Dangerous, to be removed when ordered 45 
 ir not to be erected 45 
 n cost of removal of. 42 
 Fire 13cpartment, ol what to consist 36 
 M to bo under direction of Chief Engineer 37i 38 
 Inspector of buildings may order removal of dangerous 42 
 Al'I'tllNTMKN IS 1(1 Ollli K — 
 Noting on, mode of 137 
 Sale or gift of intoxicating drink to 21 
 Ai'i'KOi'RiATioN 01 MoNi:v--(See MONKY Ari'ROl'klATIONS). 
 A(jt;Ki)i(rr — 
 Destroying or injuring 31 
 Not to be deposited in wooden receptacle ^47 
 kept within 25 feet of building 47 
 Strewing sidewalk with 65 
 Ass — Not to go at large in Park S8, 89 
 Assi'^ssous — 
 Ai)poiiUment of 106 
 Dogs, to make return of 70 
 Exemptions from taxation, tii make return as to 109, iio 
 I louse numbers, to enter on roll 106 
 Owner of dogs to give information to 70 
 Assl/r. OK ItUKAl) 77 
 J )ulies of Market Committee as to 127, 12S 
 Free fairs, sales in by 94, 99 
 -Market, sales in by 91, 92, 98 
 Sales by 81,82 
 Transient trader selling by 81 
 AU( TloNKIiR — 
 ICaeli member in partnership to be licensed as 82 
 I'ees to be paid by 85 
 License, to take out 81, 82 
 II to produce when demanded So 
 Market, sales in by 91, 92, 98 
 .Sales in market by gi. 92, 98 
 SO, S7 
 09. 2SS. 274 
 93. 94 
 37. 3S 
 88, 89 
 — 109, no 
 .. . 127, 12S 
 94. 99 
 ..91, 92, 98 
 81, 82 
 , 81 
 81, 82 
 ...91, 92,98 
 t„ Imve <.n inymises in which i.usinuss caniLMl on .V.^.°'.sl 
 ,\1'C nONEKR (n>it/t>lin-(f) 
 Sitjns, to Imve on \n< 
 Transient trader st-Uinj,' llirou{^li 
 Kruction of. 
 KxtendinK over street. . . . _••••■• •••••■ ■ '. " '., 
 Frames of, to he maite of iron in (we limits 
 1 )riving of, (»n sidewalk: • 
 liAC o|- IMi AioKs-l-'onlents of 
 "''TlisonleH^llmi^ not to he alh>^vecl in hous.^ where kept 
 ( lamhlint; not to he alh.we.l in liouses where kept 
 I hmrs for closint; pl.ites where k ■ ' 
 Imiiroper characters not to healh)we( 
 Inspection of liouses where kept 
 I.icen.e fees 
 I, forfe 
 for keeiiinj; reiiuired 
 (1 to frciiuent Ikhisv 
 S2, S3 
 s where kept S3 
 for keeping S3 
 ilure of X2 
 .... roiuired. • ■ ■ • ' ' W^'so 
 production of when demanded 
 Litpior license Act, hreach of hy keeper of ' ' ! ' '. "so 
 Security to he ^iven by keeper of ^.^ ^^ 
 Sit/ns to he put up hy keeper (jf ,' ' ' " T ,' , ' S; 
 Tippling not to l)e allowed in houses where kei-l -^ 
 ^'oames of, not to be played in streets 5 
 Snow, throwing in streets or parks. . . . . . . ....■• ^ 
 liAi.M ov r. I i.F.Ai. -Trees not to be planted in streets »o 
 liANK— .. .137 
 Cheipies, how drawn on 124, 134 
 Deposits to he made in ,, 
 Barns -Need not be numbered " ■ 
 Uathing in Kivkr Tiiamks 
 ''"'(S TiuiT Railway Company authorised to carry railway ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ 
 Great Western Railwky'company authoriml u", "lay tramroad on . . . 179. iSo 
 Bkc,?eT I^ C R.-Sale'of part of Great Talbot and C heap- ^ ^ 
 side streets to ^ ' ^ ' 
 liEGGlNC. in streets and public places 
 ]5ei.i,s— 24 
 Ringing of ' r^^ jf, 
 Sleighs to have j^^ 
 Street cars to have ••.•■. jk 
 Benches in Park— Destroying or injuring 
 Benzine— ^ . 
 Lighting fires, not to be used for 
 Manufactory of, not to be allowed in City 
 Beiting-IIousk— Vrohihited 
 Bu.i.iAKi)— , , , Si 
 Disorderly conduct in houses where kept •••••••• o^ 
 Gambling not to be allowed in houses where kept ^.^. ■ |J3 
 !i;;iSiS^ dl^cli;; not (o b;-an;w;d lo -^.^..^ housed • where' kept. . .' . S3 
 Inspection of houses where kept y '^g 
 License fees for keeping 83 
 11 forfeiture of j^, 
 ,1 for keeping recjuired 

 <Bk ;■■»-» 
 -J . • 
 1 *'■ ,PS«^ 
 BlU.IARlJ T.Vlil.KS (lOllh'llllcd) — 
 License, production of wlicn dcniamlcd So 
 Liquor License Act, Ineach of by keeper of 83 
 Security to be given by keeper of. 80 
 Signs to be put up by keeper of So, 81 
 Tipplini,' not to be allowed in liouses wliere kept 83 
 Blacksmiths may use part of street for certain purposes 57 
 Firemen not to use 40 
 Use of, prohibited 21 
 11 prohibited in Wood Market . . 102 
 (Sec also LANGUAdE.) 
 Blowini; ok Horns prohibited 24 
 Blown Fish or Flesh Meat — Sale or export of 31 
 Board ok Acrkultuke — 
 Agreement witli, as to Exhibition Grounds 219, 220, 221 
 Boar-.) ok Health. (See Health, I'umlic ) 
 Board of Police. (See Police, Boalu ok.) 
 Board ok Police Commissioners. (See I'oi. ice Commissioners.) 
 Board ok 'I'kade. (See London Board oi' Trade. ) 
 Board ok Works. (See Works, Pioard 01.) 
 Boakdinc, House— 
 Duties of keepers of, in case of epidemic, cholera, small pox or malignant 
 disease 30 
 Keeper not recpiired to take out license under section 231 Si 
 Travellers not to be imporluned to go to 78 
 Bodies, Dead — 
 Cabs, not to be conveyed in 242 
 Interment of 24 
 Removal of :!3 
 Transporting through streets i,}, 
 Dangerous, expense of removal of 42 
 11 Inspector of 15uildings may older to be removed. . 42 
 II not to be er .cted .^5 
 11 to be removed 45 
 Steam, not to be run on Market (Jrounds 92 
 Bolts in PARK^Breaking, destroying, or injuring 88 
 Books — Lewd, sale or possession of 21 
 Agreement to be taken from persons making , 61 
 Board of Works authority as to 60, 61, 62 
 Construction of 60, 61 
 Digging up », 61, 62 
 Driving on 62 
 Dundas street, not to be made on ]iait of. 61 
 Dwelling house, making opposite to, in certain streets 62 
 Fencing of 61 
 Forming on streets 60 
 1 leretofore constructed may be continued by permission of lioard of Works, 62 
 Injuring 61, 62 
 Not to be constructed on certain streets.. 61, 62 
 Persons making to enter into agreement as to sodding 61 
 Removal of trees from 62 
 Repairs of 61 
 Richmond street, not to be made on part of 61 
 Riding on 62 
 Roadway may be made across , , 63 
 So. Si 
 • • . . . . 102 
 I9> 220, 221 
 . 61 
 .60, 61, 62 
 ... .60, 61 
 . ... 61, 62 
 f Works. 62 
 . . . Ol, 62 
 . . .61, 62 
 Hoi'i.KVARiis {co)iliinitd) — 
 .Sodding of 61 
 Stieel Comniissioner to see llial By-law relating to carried out 63 
 Thistles not to grow on 61 
 Trees in 61, 62, 63 
 Weeds not to grow in 61 
 Width of 61 
 (Mty 13 
 Fire Limits 42, 43 
 Wards '4 
 liow AND Arrow — Using in streets and iiublic ])laccs 57 
 150\V1.IN(; Al.LKYS— 
 Disorderly conduct not to be allowed in S3 
 liambling not to be allowed in S3 
 I lours for closing 82, 83 
 Improper characters not to be allowed to frecpient 83 
 Inspection of 79 
 J .icense fees for keeiiing 86 
 So, 81 
 ,1 forfeiture of 
 M for keeping required 
 11 production of when demanded . 
 Lit(Uor License Act, breach of by kee[K' 
 .Security to be given by keejicr of 
 Signs to be ])ut up by keeper of 
 Tippling not to be allowed in 
 Adulteration of 3^ 
 Assize of 77 
 ,. Duties of Market Committee as to 127, 1 28 
 Light, may be seized and distribi.ied to poor 77 
 11 not to be sold or exposed for sale 77 
 Weight of 
 liRIDC.K — 
 I njuring 
 To be made across drains, gutters anil water cour 
 Brush— Ikirning of in ojien air 
 Building — 
 Ashes not to be kept within 25 feet of. . . . 
 15oard of Works to report as to 
 • 55 
 Defacing with notices. 
 Entrance to, not to encroach on streets 
 Erecting in streets 
 Excavations for near streets 
 Fire limits, how constructed in • y " ' 
 Inhaoited, Board of Health may require privy and drains to be made to, 
 ,, to have water closet, earth closet, or privy 
 Inspector of. (See Insi-kc.or ov Buildings) 4i, 42 
 Material, placing on sidewalk ^^'1^ 
 widtli of tires of waggon for drawing "O 
 Numbering of. ''^' 'A 
 I'lanting trees in front of. 
 Torch to, not to encroach or streets 54 
 Privy to be provided for inhabited 35 
 Pulling down to prevent spread of tire ,•'■,■■■ 
 „ „ where erected in fire limits contrary to by-law 
 -I . • 
 t'- fZi' 
 BUILDINC". (tOllihlthd)— 
 I'i.emoving on streets ' 57 
 Roofs of, to liave scuttles ^^ 
 Scuttles to be made in roofs of ^ 
 Steps to not to encroach on streets 5^ 
 Waterspouts to be provided for c t 
 Wooden not to be erected in fire limits ^^ 
 lUil.L — 
 Distraininc^ 66 
 Exhibiting in streets jS 
 Fees of pound-keeiier for impounding r)S 
 II to he paid for distraining 67 
 Food to be furnished to impounded 6g 
 Impounding 67 
 Running at larj^o, jirohibitcd from 66 
 Burial Grounds — Violation of 23, 24 
 Burlington Strket— Name of changed to Richmond Street 139 
 Butchers — 
 Dog, not to keep about market 90 
 Fuel, to provide their own, in Market House S() 
 Meat, distraining of 96 
 M not to lie sold in less ijuantity than by i|uarteron Market grounds. .91 
 11 jilace of selling Oit 93 
 1. sale of by weight 91 
 Premises, Health Insjiector to visit 27 
 Slaughtering beeves or other animals by, in city, prohibited 32 
 Stalls. (Sec also Makkki', PriU-ic) .05 
 By-law — 
 Amendments made in, in Committee of the Whole 121 
 Apiiropriation of money, for 121 
 Changing names of streets, registration of 73. 74 
 Consideration of, in Commiftee of the whole 121 
 Consolidated 21 
 Copied to be 121 
 Correctness of. Clerk resjionsible fur 120 
 iMne for infraction of .S3, S4, 1 1 1, 112, 196, 243, 260,261, 275, 276, 283, 2S4, 2S7 
 Inf'.ex of. to be made 121 
 Infraction of, penalty for. .83, 84, m, 112, 196, 243, 260, 261, 275, 276, 283 
 [284, 287 
 Interpretation of 17, 18, 19 
 Motion, to be introducetl on 121 
 Numbered, to be 121 
 Penalty for infraction of. .83, 84, in, 112, 196,243,260,261,275,276,283, 
 (284, 287 
 Proceedings on 1 20, 121 
 Reading of • 20, 121 
 Registration of 7.i> 74 
 Regulating, proceedings in Council 113 
 Remedy, summary if not obeyed n 1 of 18, 1 12 
 Repealing certain By-laws for issue of Debentures 169, 170 
 Showmen, fines on, for breaches of, how collected 83, 84 
 Summary remedy if not obeyed 1 1 1 
 By-laws'inc Dkhts— 
 City Debt, for issue of $50,000 7 / debentures 153, 154, 155 
 II II $50,0007 II 156, 157. 1 5^ 
 II II /,"3i,ooo stg. 6'i debentures 159, 160, 161 
 . II M $100,000 7 ' debentures 162, 163, 164 
 23, 24 
 Ljrounds . . (» i 
 91, 93 
 73. 74 
 2S3, 284, 2.S7 
 75, 276, 2S3 
 [2S4, 287 
 ..17, iS, 19 
 75. 27^'. 2S3, 
 (284, 287 
 . . . 1 20, 121 
 . . , 1 20, 1 2 1 
 73, 74 
 . ... 18, 1 12 
 . .. 169, 170 
 13. '54. 155 
 ;6, 157, 158 
 19, 160, 161 
 2, 163, 164 
 i()5, 166, 167 
 By-laws Creatinu Dehts {coniijiiud)— 
 City Delit, for issue of $219,486 6 ', debenlures 
 „ CIS to M $219,486 6 , 
 „ for repeal of certain by-laws "'9> '70 
 London, 1 luron and IJriice, railway bonus for $100,000 6 
 debenlures >7i. '72, 173, '74 
 ^runicipal Loan Fund, for $30,575-OS 5/ debentures '77, I7s 
 Waterworks, for $325,035 6/; debentures '75, > 7o 
 ■ 244 
 Appointments to be kept by owners and drivers of. 256 
 Authority to drive, form of 262 
 how given 249,250 
 ]}ox, persons not to be allowed to sit on y^V 
 By-law, penalty for breach of 243, 260, 261 
 11 relating to 
 ,, 1, licensing of 
 M repeal of , 
 M to amend By-laws relating to 209 
 „ „ „ licensing of 242 
 to be furnished to persons licensed to drive 243, 253 
 to further amend By-law regulating r 'r^. 
 Card, form of 267, 26S 
 ,, production of -53. 250, 257 
 ,. to be furnished to persons licensed 253, 254 
 Chief Constable, appeal from • ■ • • -4o, 247 
 „ application for licenses to be received by 240, 247 
 „ „ „ registered by 246 
 „ „ M tu report on 247 
 „ „ ,. to submit to lioard 246 
 „ „ transfer of license, to submit to Hoard, .246 
 book to be kept by, and certain entries made in it 246 
 card tt) be delivered by, to persons licensed 254 
 certiticale to be given by, before issue of license . , 247, 265 
 driver, temporary, may be employed by permission of. ,257 
 ,1 n to be approved of by 250 
 dutiesof *.. 245,246 
 „ inspection by, of cab and equipments 245, 240, 251 
 „ licensed cab to be under supervision of . , • 245 
 M minutes uf proceedings cf Board to be kept by 245 
 „ prosecution of offences, duty as to 24b 
 „ report to be made to Board by 245 
 „ Secretary of Board, to act as 245 
 „ standing of cabs, may be directed by 258 
 „ suspension of licen-ie by 5 
 „ transfer of license, indorsement on 250 
 „ Treasurer, to advise, of licenses issued 240 
 Children, fares to be charged for aw 2;*i 
 Clean, to be kept ■* ' ^ 
 Corpse, not to be conveyed in ^~ 
 Dead body not to be conveyed in •.••/'•.• ' ' ' .' '/ ' V " " ' ' ' 
 Disease, persons suffering from contagious or infectious, not to be con-^^^ 
 Driver XappointmenV of," to be subjecVto approval of Chief Con- ^^^ 
 stable ■ 2cV 2i;i; 
 „ conduct of. .'.25s 
 II dress of *. [21;' 
 ,. drunkenness of • ^^2 
 „ information, to give to police 3 

 Cau \conttniit'a) — 
 Driver of, production of card liy 25,5, i^b, 257 
 11 property left in cal) t(i take care of 258 
 m' security to he i;iven for conduct of i cq 
 H to he approved of l)y Chief Constal)le 249, 250 
 11 to give number wlien re(iuired . .23S, 257 
 Employment of 237,2,58,254,256,269 
 l'''ii"es of 239,253,258,259,206 
 II payment of 260 
 Fine for breach of Uy-law relatinj; to 243, 260, 261 
 Fire Department to have assistance of 25 5 
 Horse, meaning of term 286 
 Inspection of 251 
 Interpretation of term 245 
 Lamps, number to be painted on 254 
 II to he used at night 254 
 License, application for, how made 247 
 ■I assi!j;nnient of 2;,7, 2511 
 M 11 ]ietition for 247 
 M authority to transfer, form of 2(); 
 M liond, form of 265, 2()(), 207 
 I' certificate, reinstatini; 263 
 II duration of 238, 247 
 II fees for 236, 237, 249, 2S() 
 II II to be [laid to Treasurer 241) 
 II felony, persons convicted of, not to receive 249 
 II forfeiture of 243, 25 1 
 II forni of 202 
 11 includes only one vehicle 23(), 249 
 II issue of 261 
 II Livery stable Ivceper not reipiired to take out 235 
 I' Minors not to l)e entitled to 240 
 II numliering of 237 
 II jietition for 247, 264 
 11 saloon-keeper not to receive 247 
 II security to be given by applicant for 24S 
 II separate to be obtained for each vehicle 249 
 II suspension of 251, 252 
 11 tavern-keeper not to receive 247 
 II transfer of, how obtained 247, 250 
 Luggage, carriage of. 259 
 Man, extortion liy 258,2^9 
 " fares of 239,253,258,259,280 
 II flourishing whip 238 
 II improper language, use by 238, 255 
 II interpretation of term 239 
 II loitering 255 
 II name of, to be painted on veliicle 237 
 II number, to give when demanded 238, 257 
 II stands to be upon 254 
 11 solicitation by 255, 256 
 Notoriously Imd characters not to be driven in 251 
 Number of, none but that given to be used 253 
 II to be given when demanded 23S, 257 
 II to be painted on lamps 254 
 Omnibus (see Omnibus). 
 Overcharges, provision as to 259 
 Owner of, who to be deemed I 249 
5.?. ^S<'. 257 
 • • • 249, 250 
 ,5. 2()0, 201 
 ••2;,7. 251. 
 5. 2(J(),' 207 
 ••2A 247 
 7. 249, 286 
 •24J, 251 
 • 2J0, 249 
 . . . . .241) 
 ..247, 264 
 • 251, 252 
 •247. 250 
 , 259, 280 
 • 23«, 25s 
 .238, 257 
 .. ..254 
 •2SS. 256 
 ■23^ 257 
 '■ 24y 
 CAli (con/inuM)— 
 I'asscngers, niisleadiiij,^ 260 
 I'enalty for breach of l)y-laws relating ti) 243, 260, 261 
 Terson over sixteen years old to be in charge of 255 
 Persons arrested to be conveyed in when required 237, 252 
 Prostitutes not to be driven in 251 
 Sale of, license may be transferred on 250 
 Sick, conveying in 252 
 ,1 not to be conveyed in without medical certificate 242 
 Sleigh, use of 249 
 Speed at which to travel 257 
 Standing of, Chief Constable may direct 258 
 Stands, cabmen to be upon 254 
 M regulation of 254 
 11 to be used only as such . . 255 
 Suntlay, not to ajipear for hire on 255 
 Wounded persons, conveying in 252 
 Caiiinkt-Makuk's Wokkshoi'— Smoking in, prohibited .47 
 Calk's Meat— Sale of (jjj 
 Cami'IIKNE — Manufactory of not to be allowed in City 47 
 Candle — Lighted not to be used in stables 47 
 Carcasses oe Animals— 
 Removal of ^^ 
 Throwing into street or river -73 
 C^ARiis— Playing at 22, 92 
 Carlinc Street — I'art of North Street changed to 139 
 Cari'KN lER Seioi' — Smoking in prohibited 47 
 Makers may use portions of streets , 57 
 Sidewalk, driving on 56 
 Streets, not to be left on 57 
 Cars.— (See Street Railway.) 
 By-law for regulating and licensing 2S0 
 M ' Penalty for breach of 243, 283, 284 
 H relating to licensing of 235 
 II to amend By-law relating to licensing of 242 
 H to be furnished to persons licensed as 243 
 Chief Constable, consent of, required to change driver 281 
 II II permission of, to transfer license required 281 
 Corpse not to be conveyed in vehicle of, 242 
 Dead body n h n ..242 
 Disease, persons suffering from contagious or infectious, not to be con- 
 veyed in vehicle of. 242 
 Disorderly coniluct by 238, 282 
 Driver, consent of Chief Constable required for change of. 281 
 Employment of 237, 238, 281 
 Fares of 239, 283 
 11 payment of 238, 283 
 Fine for breach of By-laws relating to 243, 283, 284 
 Goods, transportation of, for hire, license for 235, 280 
 Inspector of Licenses to issue license to 281 
 Interpretation of 239, 2S^ 
 Language, improper, use of by 238, 282 
 License, applicant for, to give securily 236, 2S1 
 II assignment of 237,281 
 II duration of 236, 238, 283 
 II fees to be paid for 236, 237, 281 

 Carter (lonhnih'd) — 
 License, forfeiture of 243 
 II includes only one vehicle 236, 280 
 n Inspector of Licenses to issue . . 281 
 M issue of 281 
 11 livery stable keeper not required to be licensed as 235, 280 
 11 numbering of 237, 282 
 M number of, to be painted on vehicle 237, 282 
 11 required to take out 235, 280 
 fi security to be given by applicant for , 236, 281 
 ir number of to be given by, on demand 238, 282, 283 
 It M to be painted on vehicle 237, 282 
 Lorrie, fees for license for 281 
 Penalty for breach of By-law 243, 283, 284 
 Persons arrested — to assist in conveying to prison 237, 281, 282 
 Sick, not to be conveyed in vehicles of, without medical certificate 242 
 Whip, flourishing of by 238, 2S2 
 Cases — Unprovided, rule as to 138 
 Catapult — Using in streets or public places 57 
 Horned. (See Horned Cattle.) 
 Parks, not to run at large in ...88, 89 
 (See also Pounds.) 
 Cellar — Entrance to, making in streets 54 
 Cemetery— Violation of 23, 24 
 Central Avenue — Great Market street changed to 145 
 Cess Pit — Cleaning of 33 
 Chance — Games of 22, 92 
 Charivaris — Prohibited 24 
 Charter*ok City 13 
 ChEAI'SIDE Street-i 
 Closing of part of 1 50 
 Sale of part of 151 
 Alderman to countersign in absence of Mayor • • • I37 
 F'inance and Assessment Committee may forbid signing or delivery of.. ..125 
 Mayor to countersign 137 
 Treasurer to sign 137 
 Chief Engineer or Fire Department. — (See Engineer, Chief.) 
 Chief of PoLicE.--(See Police, Chief of.) 
 Child — Sale or gift of intoxicating drink to ..,,. ,..:>r 
 Dangerous, of removal of .42 
 II Inspector of buildings may order removal of. ....,.,. ,. . .42 
 II not to be erected 45 
 M to be removed 45 
 Material to be used in, and mode of constructing 44. 45 
 Stove-pipe hole, stopping of 46 
 11 to be conducted into 46 
 Sweeping of 49. 5° 
 Chimney Sweeps — 
 Apparatus, to provide themselves with 49 
 Appointment, duties and fees of 49, 5o 
 brushes, to provide themselves with 49 
 Chimneys,- to sweep when required 49 
 Dangerous chimneys or flues to report 49 
 Duties of 49 
 Infractions of By-law as to sweeping chimneys, to complain of 49 
 •2j6, 280 
 .... 2Sl 
 237, 282 
 •237, 282 
 ■23s, 280 
 .236, 281 
 38, 282, 283 
 237, 282 
 \3, 283, 284 
 37, 281, 282 
 te 242 
 • 238, 282 
 ...88, 89 
 ... 23, 24 
 ..22, 92 
 ry of.... 125 
 ••;••• •137 
 , . .45 
 49, 50 
 . . . .49 
 49, •'>o 
 Chimney Sweeps (continued)— 
 Inspector of buildings, to report to 49 
 Rates and fees of 49, 50 
 Security to give 49, 50 
 Chips — Placing on sidewalk 52 
 Duties of hotel and boarding house keepers in case of 30 
 II physicians in case of 30> 3 1 
 Cigar — Smoking of in certain places prohibited 47 
 Exhibitions of , 83 
 License fees for 86, 87 
 Licensed, to be 83 
 Penalty for unlicensed exhibition of 83, 84 
 City Clerk.— (See Clerk City.) 
 City Debt, — (See By-laws Creating Debts.) 
 City Gas Company 
 Amalgamation wiih London Gas-light Company, provision as to 207 
 Authorized to lay down pipes 184, 185 
 City Hall— Heating of 127 
 City Inspector. (See Inspector (iy.) 
 City Solicitor. (See Solicitor C y.) 
 City Sikam Heating Company— 
 Accidents, precautions against to be taken by 213, 214 
 Agreement with 212 to 216 
 By-law not to go into effect until agreement signed 211 
 II to authorize laying down of pipes of 210, 211 
 City Engineer, cost of repairs to be certified by 215 
 II II e-^tent to which streets may be broken up to be named by.213 
 II II notice of breaking up of streets to loe given to 212, 213 
 II II pipes to be laid where and as directed by 213 
 II II streets to be repaired to satisfaction of 214 
 II 11 timeduring which streets may be left open to be fixed by. 213 
 II 11 work to be done under supervision of 213 
 Damages done to persons injured through neglect of, to be made good by.214 
 Notices, how to be served on 215 
 Pipes not to interfere with sewer, water, drain, or gas pipes 213 
 11 to be laid where and at depth directed by City Engineer 213 
 Rules and regulations as to opening streets by and protection of public 
 maybe made by Council 215 
 Stockholders of, list of, with residence and amount of stock, to be fur- 
 nished to Council by 215, 216 
 Streets, cost of repair of, to be paid by, on certificate of City Engineer. .215 
 II neglect to repair 214 
 II no more to be broken up at a time than City Engineer directs. . ..213 
 II Regulations as to, to be observed by 215 
 II Repair of, may be made by Corporation on default of 214 
 II 11 to be to satisfaction of City Engineer .214 
 M To be left open only so long as City Engineer directs 213 
 Clams— Places for sale of 83 
 (See Victualling Houses.) 
 Clancy James— Sale of part of Great Talbot street to 151, 152 
 Clerk, City — 
 By-laws, reading of, to certify date of • 1 20 
 Committees, Chairmen of, to furnish with copies of resolutions 134, 135 
 H meetings of, to attend if required 135 
 II members of, to notify of first meeting of 134 
 II minutes of, to be kept in custody of 123 
 -J . • 
 :i - .1; 
 Cl.ERK, ClI'Y (cOVtllJU,'it) — 
 Committee's, notice of iueetinp;s of, to ho ^ivcn by jip 
 11 to convey (locimu'iits and iK'titit)ns icfened to i jc 
 Council, duties assigned to by, to jierfoiin \\'t 
 11 meetings, to give notice of wlien not held on legular day i ^5 
 11 members of, absent fiom meetings of, to take down ami pul)iish 
 names of 1 1 1 
 11 minutes of meetings of, to read 1 1^ 
 11 to call meeting to order in ai)sence of Mayor \\a 
 T")og tax, to enter on roll r. . .70 
 i^i"'"-'^ "f 134, isi; 
 I-'^t of 5, 7, ,j 
 Livery stable licenses, to issue. (Repealed. ) 27 1 
 Ofi'icers of his olTice to be under control of 135 
 I'lan of steeets to be de|)osited with 74< 7S 
 Seal, City, to have cliarge of 135 
 Sncjw, to jilace rates for removal of on roll 64. 05 
 Streets, By-laws changing names of, to transmit to City Solicitor 73, 74 
 11 record of to be tiled with 74) 75 
 Treasurer to furnish with copies of resolutions 134, 135 
 Trees, notice of intention to remove to be given to 63 
 Weigh clerk to furnish statement to (17 
 (Ji.icRK OK Markkt. (See MAiu<r;T, Puni.ic.) 
 Ci.KKK OK IIousi;. (See Wicic.ii Ci.krk.) 
 Clkrk Oi' Wood Makkki'. (See MaiU'CKj-, Wood.) 
 Lamp-posts, rai'ings, and fences 51 
 Trees in I'arks SS 
 Piling on sidewalk or street 59 
 Supply of, Fire, Water and Gas Committee to advertise for 127 
 Throwing on sidewalk or street , 59 
 Weighing, fee for (jS 
 Appointment of , 107 
 Divisions of 1 07 
 Dog tax to be collected by 70 
 Roll, dog tax to be entered on 70 
 Sej^arate Scliool tax to be collected by 107 
 College Street — Thomas street changed to 140 
 CoMBUsTirti.E Material — 
 lighted candle not to be used where stored 47 
 i'iled, not to be, in City, without being enclosed 47 
 Smoking prohibited where contained 47 
 Committee ok the Whole. (See Coi'ncii.) 
 II Select. (See Council.) 
 t II Standing. (See Council.) 
 Committees — Appointment and organization of. — (See also Council), .122, 123 
 Common Sewer. (See Sewer— Drainage.) 
 Conductor ok W^ater, Destroying or injuring 31 
 Connecting Drains. (See Drainage.) 
 Contagion — Articles capable of conveying. — (See also Cai! — Carter) . . ..29 
 Coni'RACTORs — To use certain precautions in building 52 
 Certificate of measurement of 103, 104 
 Classification of 102 
 Contents of a cord of 102 
 'y 135 
 I puljlish 
 ■ • • 134, 135 
 5. 7. ') 
 74. 75 
 ^'4. 65 
 Ti, 74 
 74- 75 
 ■•■'34, 13s 
 ).. 122,123 
 . ....29 
 . 105, 104 
 CORDWOOD (amli'uuctt)— 
 Crooked '°3 
 Kxposin^; for sale, what lo be deemed '04 
 Fees for inspectin},' ' "'4. |"S 
 ,, rei)ackiiig ''^3 
 n repiling '°3 
 M selling.. 
 Hueksteis," purchases by 
 Inspection of 
 Interpretation of word 
 Market for sale of 
 ,, Clerk of, purchases by 
 „ II repacking by 
 „ vepilingby 
 Meaning of 
 Measurement of 
 or, 104 
 . . . .101 
 . . . .10! 
 . . . .100 
 . . . .100 
 . . . .100 
 . ... 103 
 .. ..103 
 . . . . 100 
 . . . . loi 
 . . . 103 
 .... 103 
 1 04 
 II on street or sidewalk 
 Production of certiticate of measurement of lo3. 
 Purchases of by Clerk of Wood Market 
 R.ack, size of *°^' 
 Runners, purchases by _• • 
 Sale of, fees for , : • • J?!' ,^, 
 II not to take place l)efore inspection and payment ot fee 100, loi 
 , f 100, lol 
 II place or • 
 n what to be considered an offering for »o4 
 Sawing or splitting on street 59 
 Throwing on streets or sidewalks , '^ ' . ^ 
 Ticket f.'.r to be exhibited 'o3. 104 
 Waggon, defacing marks on 
 \, in which sold, how to be placed 
 Woodyard, sale of by keeper of 
 (See also MARKin', Wood.) 
 Coui'ORArioN OK Mii.Di.ESKX. (See, ConronATioN ok.) 
 Dangerous Chimneys, of removal ol 
 Drains, of making and reiiairing. ^^ 
 ,1 removing obstructi<ms in 33 
 Nuisance, of removal of. ■ -^e (,± 
 Obstruction in streets, of removal of ;;••.■ ;,' ' •" „", \^a 
 Kepairing streets, on default of City Steam Ilea uig Company 214 
 ' ,, ^ „ „ Street Radway Company 19° 
 Sidewalk, of cleaning • • • • A 
 Snow, ice, and obstructions, of removal ot • • •"* 
 Cotton— . r r ^ • r lOO 
 Exemption from taxation of manufactories ot '^y 
 Lighted candle not to be used where stored 4/ 
 Piled, not to be, in City without being enclosed 4/ 
 Tree, not to be planted in streets 
 Council— ,,8 
 Adjourn, motion to, always ni order ^ ^g 
 „ second motion to •■•■■•• ;-• V,' ' ,,8 
 Adjournment of •^' 
 v^OUNClL (cotttimied)— 
 Adjournment, on, members not to leave places until Mayor leaves chair.. 114 
 Amendments, how put in 1 18, 1 19 
 II only one allowed to an amendment no 
 Appointments to office, motion for to preclude amendment ng 
 II II voting on \yj 
 Bar, persons not to be allowed within 117 
 Bills, imendments of, how reported 121 
 II clauses of, how considered 121 
 II first reading of, how decided 121 
 II introduced on motion 121 
 II money appropriations, for 121 
 II motions for reading of 121 
 II preamble of, when to be considered 121 
 II proceedings on 120, 121 
 II reading of 120, 121 
 II readings of to be on different days unless otherwise ordered 121 
 II third reading of 121 
 II title of, to be considered last 121 
 Business of, how taken up 117 
 By-law, finally passed, to be copied and indexed 121 
 II to regulate proceedings in 113 
 (See also Bills— 15v-i,A\vs.) 
 Clerks of, duties of 134, 135 
 II list of 5, 7, 9 
 Closed doors, sittings with 117 
 Commitment, motion for precludes other amendments i iS 
 Committee of the Whole, Amendments of Bills made in 121 
 II II By-laws, how considered in 121 
 II II Chairman to be appointed on going into. ... 119 
 It ' II II to maintain order in 119 
 II II II to report proceedings of 119 
 II II deliatc not allowed on motion to rise and report. 120 
 II I. disorder arising in, Mayor to take chair 120 
 II II Mayor to leave the chair when Council goes 
 into 119 
 II II II to take chair on disorder arising in. ... 120 
 II 11 Money appro]iriations, bill for, to be referred to. 121 
 II II II II Finance Committee to 
 report on 137 
 II ii It 11 to l)e considered in ... 137 
 II 11 Motions in, how put 1 20 
 II II Motion to rise without reporting, Mayor to take 
 chair 1 20 
 II II order. Chairman to maintain in 119 
 II 11 II questions of, arising in 120 
 II 11 proceedings, order of, in 119 
 II ■! questions, how put, in 120 
 II II II of order arising in 120 
 II report, motion to, debate not allowed on 120 
 II II II in 120 
 II rise, motion to, debate not allowed on 120 
 II II II in 120 
 II II rules of Council to be observed in 120 
 II II yeas and nays not to be recorded in 120 
 Committees, accounts of, to be audited 133 
 II appointment of 122, 123 
 II Chairman of, in absence of, member to be elected pro tern.. 131 
es chair.. 1 14 
 ...118, 119 
 . ..120, 121 
 • ..120, 121 
 1 121 
 ■ ••'34. 13s 
 ••••5. 7, 9 
 ito 119 
 1 report. 120 
 ir 120 
 cil {;oes 
 g in,... 1 20 
 .nred to. 1 2 1 
 littee to 
 I in ...137 
 r to taiie 
 3n. .. . 120 
 1 20 
 ..122, 123 
 o tem,.i3i 
 CoUNCii. (contiuihil)— 
 Committees, Chairman oi, rL-nu)v;il ul • >32 
 „ „ to prcsule at meetings ut 131 
 „ „ 11 si^'n minutes 13' 
 II ,, ,, M orders of '3'i '32 
 „ divisions in ;■•.'■■: ; ' ■; '^^ 
 „ entries of proceedings or, to i)e made in minute book.. 131, 132 
 „ Mayor to be cx-of/iiio mem ler of all •," ' ' •, *^^ 
 „ nieml>er introducing; bill, pet ticm or motion referred to, to 
 be member of '23 
 „ „ may be appointed to, though absent 1 22 
 „ minutes of proceeding., of to be kept 123, 131 
 , ,, to be numbered and indexed 132 
 „ ,, to be read '3' 
 „ number, of what to consist 122, 123 
 „ orders of, to be signed by (Chairman 132 
 „ proceedings, manner of conducting in J3i 
 ' F 12'? 
 „ (piorum of ••.•••:•••••••; „•? 
 „ reports, to be entered in minute l)ooks » 31 
 „ Select. (See Standing and Select Committees.) 
 „ Standing. ■' . " " 
 „ yeas and nays, recording in '3'= 
 Committees, Standing— 
 Board of Health .V;',":; ' Ml 
 Board of Works "^' "f ?n 
 Education i.%\% 
 Exhibition V2Vi2i 12? 
 Finance and Assessment 23, 124, i^i 
 Fire, Water and Gas 23, 2b, 27 
 Qaol ^' -^ "^ 
 Hospital and Relief J23, 129 
 S :::::::;:::.:::::■::;:: .4i3o 
 Committees, Standing and Select— 
 Amalgamation of j^^ • ^ * 
 Appointment of ' ^ 
 Audit of accounts by \Vz lA 
 By-laws, to give effect to '-i"' |> 
 „ to prepare and introduce '^^ 
 Dispensing with • • • • • ' . • ' J 
 Duties of. ^3^' '•^•^' \l\ 
 Enumeration of • , 
 Final report of, presenting and contents ot M J 
 Matters referred to, to report on. /,V,7i 
 Minutes of proceedings, to be kept by •* rit 
 „ „ to be read 'J* 
 Number of members of which to consist 122,^ 123 
 Quorum of ....••• • 
 Report of to be signed by Chairman of • -^ • J33 
 Reporting to Council ^ ' ^-f^ 
 Rules, to adhere to ; iii iia 
 Security, to see that officers give ■ M-^' ■i'^ 
 (See also Committees.) 
 Communications to, how to be dealt with »2 
 :. fii 
 ) . 
 ', ' 
 SO ■" 
 \\ 1. 
 Council (ioiio'iiim/)— 
 (,'ominiinicatit)iis to, iiiumhors to he res|Min>ililc' fnr liinj;iinjjt' nf 122 
 II 11 II name on 122 
 II 11 pR'SfnlMij; 111 121, 
 II II rcailin^j of 
 Dny, orders of 
 I)el)alt', Mayor leaving; cliair lo take part in 
 Distinct ])ro|)ositit)ns, motion containing; 
 Divisions, lo be entered in minutes 
 II wlien called for, mendiiMs to lake their [ilaces 
 Doors, closed, silling; with 
 Ei|uality of voles, in case of, (|iicsli()n ne^alivcd 
 Fire wardens, members of to he 
 (Jeneral orders of day, business to he taken up accordint; lo 
 (jovernor-lieneral, speakinj,' disrespeclfully of 
 I lour of udjournmeiil 
 II meeliny 
 Lieutenant-Ciovernor, speaking disresjieclfully of 
 Mayor. (See Mayok.) 
 Meeting, names of memhcrs absent from, t'lerk to take down 
 II II It II pulilicntion of 
 M notice of 
 Member of, called to order, to sit down 
 II introducing liill, petition nv motion, to be member ol com 
 mittee to whicli it is referred 
 II list of 3t 
 M may appeal to ( "ouncil 
 11 II be placed on committee 
 11 M re(iuire (piestion to he read 
 11 more than one rising at same time 
 II not to leave places on adjournment until Mayor leaves chair. 
 II (juestions may be put to 116, 
 II speaking, to rise uncovered ami address Mayor or presiding 
 11 to take places when division called for 
 II to vote on all ipiestions 
 Minutes, reading of 
 Money appropriations, Committee of the Whole, to be submitted to. . . . 
 II II Finance and Assessment Committee to rejjort on.. 
 Motion, distinct propositions contained in 
 II for commitment 
 II member making to be entitled to reply 
 II notice of to be given 
 II only certain to l)e receiveil when (piestion under ilehate 
 II out of order 
 II ipiestion jntt, none to be made after 
 11 read to be when seconded 
 II to adjourn always in order 
 II withdrawal of 
 II writing, to be in 
 Order, Mayor to keep 
 II members called to, to sit down 
 II motion, out of 
 II of proceedings in 
 II of putting questions 
 II points of. Mayor to decide 
 Parliament, rules of to govern in unprovided cases 
 '; ', 
 1 '^ ;. 
 'I I 22 
 121, 122 
 • IK) 
 >35, i.?6 
 • ••; "5 
 r ot Coin- 
 3 1«>9 
 vcs chair. 1 14 
 . . . n 6, II 7 
 •: "4 
 d to.... 137 
 port on.. 137 
 1 10 
 I US 
 (Council (<oiitiiiiud) - 
 Petition to, how and wlicn to In- pifM-nlcci 121 
 insuuctions as to, may be given to committee In wliicli lefciiod. 122 
 ,, Select Connnittee. may l)e referred to 122 
 I, within co^jni/ance of Standing Cuinmitlee, to be referred to 122 
 Previous question, effect of , . 1 iS 
 „ ,, how put t'i!> 
 I'roceedings of, Uy-law to regulate • • . Hj 
 (^)uestion, after putting, no member to speak i ly 
 containing distinct propositions ..119 
 during putting of, member uot to walk across Chamber 115 
 „ mendiers to vole on 1 1 5 
 negatived in case of equality of votes 115 
 ,, previous "* 
 putting of, .Mayor's decisiod as tn, conclusive 119 
 „ ' member not to walk across Chamber during 113 
 M M to Mayor or member of II6, 117 
 II reading of when recpiired H^ 
 ,1 speak to, member is to ' •'J 
 „ „ I, not more than once or for longer than a 
 piarter of an hour 1 16 
 in absence of, to stand adjourned . 
 when present. Mayor to take chair 
 Regulating proceedings in 
 Reply allowed to member making motion 
 Royal family, speaking disrespectfully of 
 Rules, suspension of , • 
 Select Committee. (See Standinc; and Ski.kct Committees.) 
 Sovereign, speaking disrespectfully of > |o 
 Speaking, rules as to • ■ ; ■ 
 Standing Committee. (See Stanuinc and Sklect Committees.) 
 Street Commsssioner ' 3", 
 Suspension of rules 
 Town. (Sec Town Council.) 
 Treasurer - - 
 Unprovided cases. 
 Yeas and nays, recording of 
 Count, Shout 
 Court House— Duties of Gaol Committee as to 130. ij' 
 Court ok Revision. (See REvrsioN, Court ok.) 
 Covent Garden Market. (See Market, 1'ublu .) 
 Cricket, not to be played in streets ■ -^ ■ ■ 5° 
 (•himinal Justice— Duties of Gaol Committee as to 120, 131 
 Boulevards may be made over "j 
 Driver to slacken speed at 5° 
 I lalting waggon on 5 
 1 louses and lots, to "5 
 Omnibus to stop at ,'u«' ,1, 
 Street Railway '**' '92 
 Tearing up ^"^ 
 In markets 
 On sidewalks 
 Crowds — Gathering in •. 
 Crown Witnesses— Duties of Gaol Committee as to 
 Cruelty to Animals 
 Curbing— Removing of 
 ....130, 131 
 109, 255, 274 
 1 1 
 DAIRY PROCUCTS— I'oresUllini; of ^2 
 Apparatus 4-2. 45 
 Hoilers 42, 45 
 Chimneys 42,45 
 jli'^e places 42,45 
 Mues 42,45 
 Ovens ■42,45 
 I'laccs t(i be fenced 76 
 Stoves 42, 45 
 Dead Bouiks— 
 Conveyinij in licensed cabs or vehicles \ , 242 
 Graves, removal of, from 1^ ,■.... 23 
 Interment of j ... 24 
 Streets, transporting Ihrouj-h (• . . ,33 
 Debts, I' inc. (Sec Hy-La\vs Creatini; Debts.) 
 Decayed - 
 Animal matter, removal of } . . .2] 
 I'"riiit not to be brought to City 31 
 Potatoes ■. '■ 11 ......31 
 Vegetable matter, removal of •. . 27 
 M product not to be brought to City 30 
 Deei' Water — Fencing of lot containing ... 76 
 Buildings, with printed or other notices 5^ 
 Fences, n n m 50 
 House numbers 75 
 Lamp posts, with printed or other notices 50 
 Telegraph poles, .. n m 50 
 Demlement of— 
 Drinking fountains 51 
 Public wells 51 
 Pumps .51 
 Reservoir 31 
 Sources of water 31 
 Sjjrings 31 
 Water 29, 31 
 Destitute S ick — Provisions as to 28 
 Destruction of — 
 Adulterated articles 31 
 Aqueduct 31 
 Conductor of water 31 
 Fittings 51 
 i louse nuinlii'rs 75 
 l.amjjs 51 
 Lanterns 51 
 I'ipe 31 
 DlCE--Playing with 22,92 
 Dissolving with salt prohihitivl 59 
 Removal of .>3t ^'4 
 Phrowing on streets or into river }X 
 Malignnni, duties of hotel iind l)oarding house keepers in of .30 
 1. .. i)hysicians in of 5^,3^ 
 Persons suffering from infectious or contagious not to be conveyed in 
 licensi d cab or vehicle 242 
 Spread of 30, 31 
 .42, 45 
 ■ 42,45 
 ■42, 45 
 •42, 45 
 ;,/ . .242 
 •1 •■•24 
 •• • 27 
 29, 31 
 22, 92 
 M, 64 
 ? ? 
 \se of .30 
 i)^, 3^ 
 : conveyed in 
 30, 31 
 UisiNi-Ki^i'NO— I'lemiscs in which nuisance exists 
 Dl'-" OERLY — 
 Conduct in free fairs 
 „ wood market 
 1 louses 
 Persons , , 
 • 99 
 . . 102 
 . 22 
 22, 23 
 91, 92 
 nr.1 to frenuent licensed houses • • 
 DISTRESS wTRKANT^Sale Of goods under-(seeMAKKKT. Public 
 ^"""^A'customedtosnaporbitcnottoRoatlarse ;■..•.■.; '.70 
 i':. iessor to make return of ••••• -i 
 r^ jk to be kept for recordmg particulars of ^^ 
 o| ollar, to be provided With ^o 
 ( Collectors to collect tax on ..'.".'.'..,' 72, 73 
 ! Jestruction of , ... 72 
 Police Magistrate may order 71 
 terocious, not to goat large .'.'.'....... . ... 72 
 Impoundin-^ .• ; 70 
 Inspector of Licenses to regi^^''^- 90 
 Keeping about market prohibited ■ ., 
 License Committee to direct Inspector as to '^^ 
 Inspector to register 73 
 Magistrate may order to ''^.killed -^^ -^.^-^ • ' • ' y. 
 Mayor may 
 issue prcclamation for mu/.zling ' 
 r tr. I.P furnished free of charge ' • ' 
 MetaT check to be furnished free of chargi 
 „ „ have attached to collar 
 Muzzling of, at certain periods 
 Numbering of • • ' , 
 Owners of, to give information as to .... 88, 39 
 Kt fIS ,re„'£'^f'"o i^poc;";! T' "'" *" °'"'""' '"■■■'■ " 
 „ Magistrate mr rder to be killed 7, 
 Proclamation, Mayor may issue for m""l'"!i; 72 
 „ not to run at large contraiy to ^^ 
 „ notice to be given of ^3 
 Poundkeeper to kill if not reclaimed • ■ • ' ' ' ' ' ' ^ , 
 Reclaiming of impounded ' ' ' ' 70 
 Registration of ' 70 
 Return of, assessors to make 71,72 
 Running at large ' ' ' 69 
 Tax on • ■ • • 7° 
 „ Collector to collect 70 
 to be entered on roll 71 
 Vicious . . . • 
 Door— . ., ,, 54 
 Movable, making m sidewalk 54 
 Steps projecting into street ' 55 
 Swinging over sidewalk • 
 Drain AG k- . ^^^^.^^ ^,^j ,.,,,^1^ of drains •32 
 Board of Health may order mnKm^ a... .^. ^ ^^ ■ drains 34 
 „ Works may give pem^'ss on o make -^^^"J^^J J>^^ ,„. ,,..j,, ,iosel. 35 
 Puilding, inhabited, to be provided with privy, water , 
 „ material not to obstruct drams 
 w v 
 Drainaci; (continiiid)— 
 Common sewer, lots tn W drnined intu 
 Drain, cumpelliti'^ mvners of lots lu 
 ■ I connecting, Hnnni of Works to report as to 
 IP fi oljstruclion in, rcmovnl of 
 I. I. permission of I'oard of Works required to make ^u 
 |<'P^'"' 'if 34, 35 
 11 n si/e and mode of construction of 34i K 
 n nefjlect to j^ 
 " notice to, j;iving by Board of Woiks -JS 
 Drains, bridge to l)e made over in constructing crossings 56 
 H cost of makini^ and repairing j2 
 II ohstruction in, removal of 35> 63, 64 
 II repairing 34> 35 
 11 snow, ice and dirt, clearing from 63, 64 
 II tanks, turning into 51 
 11 drinking fountains, letting into ^i 
 Dwelling liouse to he provided with privy, water closet, or earth closet.. .35 
 I'larth closet, cleaning of 55 
 II draining of ^5 
 I dwelling-house, shop, manufactory, and inhabited building 
 to h& jirovided with 35 
 Inhabited building to be provided with privy, water closet, or earth closet.. 35 
 Lots to be drained into common sewer 34 
 Manufactory to be provided with privy, water closet or earth closet 35 
 Privy, cleaning of 32, 35 
 I. draining of 32, 35 
 II ilwelling-liouse, shop, manufactory and inhabited house to be 
 provided with 32, 35 
 II vault, mode of constructing 35 
 vSewer, lots to be drained into 34 
 Shops, to be provided with privy, water closet or earth closet 35 
 vStreet Railway, not entitled to damages by breaking of iSo 
 Tanks, turning drain into 51 
 Water closet, cleaning of 35 
 II draining of 35 
 II dwelling house, shop, manufactory and inhabited building 
 to be provided with 35 
 Wells, letting into 51 
 Dkawincs — Indecent and lewd 21 
 Draymen —Use of alleys by 57 
 Drink, In toxica iinc. — Sale or gift of, to child or apprentice. . 21 
 Drinkino Fountains— 
 Access to, preventing 51 
 Damaging or injuring 51 
 Defiling 51 
 Drainage, letting into 51 
 Filth, throwing into. ... 51 
 I'ouling 51 
 Offal, throwing into 51 
 Possession of, taking exclusive . .....51 
 Refuse, letting into 51 
 Sewage, 51 
 Of Fire Department. (See ?"]RF. Dei'ARTMK.nt.) 
 To slacken speed at crossmgs 58 
 To walk beside loaded vehicle or remain on it 5.S 
 (See also C'ABb— Carters.) 
 ' ' ■ ■ , 35 
 > mnko ^ 
 34, 35 
 34- 35 
 • • • 35. 6j, 64 
 34, 35 
 63, 64 
 rth closet . . . :55 
 •■; •• 35 
 ted building 
 -» r 
 earth closet., 35 
 •, 34 
 '^•oscl 35 
 32, 35 
 32, 35 
 se to be 
 32, 35 
 ted building 
 Boulevards, on 62 
 Immoderate 58. 9° 
 Market place or square, over .90 
 Parks, in 88 
 Sidewalk, on 56 
 Cab driver.... 253 
 Firemen getting 4° 
 Persons found 23 
 „ in parks 88 
 ,, not to frequent licensed houses 83 
 Drunkenness 22, 23 
 DUFFERIN Avenue— Duke Street changed to 144 
 Duke Street— Changed to Dufferin Avenue 144 
 Dung— Accumulation of 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 
 Dwelling Houses — 
 Board of Health may require privy and drain to be made to 32 
 Privy, earth closet, or water cl6set, to be provided with 35 
 Trees, planting in front of 62 
 DuNDAS Street— 
 Boulevards not to be made on part of 61 
 Street Railway may be laid on 187 
 Closet— (See Water Closet) 35 
 Removal of, from streets or river 55i 5^ 
 Settling in streets 53 
 East Middlesex Agricultural Society— Agreement with, as to Ex- 
 hibition Grounds 226 to 229 
 Education Committee 
 Appointment of '23 
 Duties of J3<> 
 Eggs — Forestalling of 92 
 Engineer, Chief, of Fire Department— 
 Absence of, foreman to act in 3* 
 Apparatus of Fire Department under charge of 37 
 Appointment of 3" 
 Buildings, may pull down to prevent spread of fire 38 
 „ of Fire Department, to see that kept in order 41 
 City property, to take care of ; 39 
 Dutiesof 361041 
 Employment of 39 
 Engines, to see that kept cleaned 4^ 
 Fire Department, command of to have 37 
 11 management of to be under direction of 37 
 Firemen, deductions of pay of, may order 39. 4° 
 .1 enrolment of to be made by 3" 
 M may fine for disobedience of order or neglect of duty 39 
 II 11 suspend m m " " 39 
 M not to be absent without leave of 39 
 M pay of, to certify for 39 
 ,1 to be appointed on recommendation of 3° 
 M II II commanded by 37 
 II II obey orders of 37 
 Fires, attendance at 4* 
 II insurance, return of, to make 4^ 
 II losses by n < ;•• ^^ 
 II persons at, may request to assist in extinguishing 37 
 lil '.I 
 1 •»"*.« 
 EiNGiNEER, Chief, of Pire Department (Continued)— 
 Fires, record of, to keep ^i 
 II return of, to make ^i 
 Foreman to act in absence of 38 
 M II assist ^i 
 Insurance, to report as to 41 
 Losses by fire n n 41 
 Property of Corporation, to take care of 39 
 Salary of, payable quarterly 40 
 Streets, may keep clear in case of fires ■ 38 
 Engineer, City — 
 Accidents, precautions against, may require to be taken 54, 214 
 Awnings, to approve of plan of 54 
 Board of Works, accounts for expenditure of to be certified by 126 
 11 II to direct 126 
 Buildings, to be inspector of 42 
 City Steam Heating Company, breaking uj) of streets by, extent of, may 
 be fixed by 213 
 II II II breaking up of streets by, may forbid .213 
 II II II notice of breaking up streets by to be 
 given to 212, 213 
 II II II pipes to be laid where and at depth di- 
 rected by 213 
 II II II power of as to 213,214,215 
 II II II streets, on default of, cost of repair of to 
 be certified by 214 
 II II II II to be repaired by to satisfaction of, 2 14 
 II II 11 time during which street may be left open 
 by, may be fixed by 213 
 II II II works of, to be done under supervision of. 21 3 
 Contracts, to draw when required 130 
 Drainage, works to be prosecuted to satisfaction of 35 
 Drains, connecting with common sewer to be Hiade under direction of. . ..35 
 Duties assigned by Council to, to perform 136 
 •1 of 135, 136 
 Estimates, to prepare when required 136 
 Fence-viewer, to be a 76 
 House numberers, to direct 74 
 Inspector of buildings, to be 42 
 London Gas Light Company to lay pipes under supervision of 205 
 Plans of streets, to make 74. 75 
 II to prepare when required 136 
 Queen's Park, improvements in to be subject to approval of 217 
 II II trees in, not to be cut down without sanction of 21S 
 Sign, to approve of plan of : 54 
 Sign-post H M 54 
 Street, breaking up and repair of by City Steam Heating Company, 
 duties of as to 213 to 215 
 II breaking up and repair of by London Gaslight Company, duties 
 of as to 205 
 II earth settling in, to be filled to satisfaction of 53 
 M plan of, to make 74i 75 
 II railway breaking up, to give notice to 195 
 II II certificate of completion of, to give 194 
 II II rails, to be approved of by 188 
 II II to be built under supervision of 188 
 II record of, to make 75, 76 
 II relaying of, to be under supervision of 53 
 54, 214 
 y 126 
 ••-, 42 
 nt of, may 
 ...... ...213 
 ■ forbid .213 
 y to be 
 212. 213 
 L depth di- 
 213, 214, 215 
 ;paii- of to 
 faction of. 2 14 
 e left open 
 :tion of. . ..35 
 .•.•«3S. 136 
 74, 75 
 ..213 to 215 
 ,ny, duties 
 74, 75 
 75. 76 
 En.;ineek, City (conittmeii)— u j ..•<•.• r ci 
 Street, replacing when broken up to be done to satisfaction ol 53 
 Vacant lots, may require to be fenced 7p 
 Verandah, to approve of plan of • • 54 
 Works, certificate as to, to give '35. J30 
 „ to examine *35, »30 
 „ 11 superintend *3o 
 Enrolment of Firemen •••••••; ^ 
 Entertainment— Place of. (See Billiard Table.) 
 Entrance to buildings not to obstruct street 54 
 Epidemic— , , , j. , , • r -jo 
 Duties of hotel and boarding house keepers in case of 3" 
 ,, physicians in case of 30, 3' 
 Erections not to obstruct street •• 54 
 Excavations in or near Streets 53, 55 
 ExKMi'TiON from TAXATION of Certain manufactories io9> 
 ExiiiniTiON Committee— 
 Appointment of • 
 Duties of 
 Exhibition Grounds — 
 Agreement as to with Agricultural Society of E. Middlesex. 226, 227, 228,229 
 ^ „ „ „ Board of Agriculture 219, 220, 22! 
 „ „ „ Corporation of Middlesex 222, 223, 224, 225 
 1 10 
 Exhibitions— ^ . 
 Agricultural, Exhibition Committee to report as to '^V 
 „ holding of on exhibition grounds 219, 220 
 For hire, to be licensed 21' "22 
 Indecent ' 
 Industrial, Exhibition Committee to report as to »^y 
 Other 'I " " " 
 • 92 
 • 93 
 Explosive Substances— 
 Fires, not to be used in lighting 
 Manufactory of, not to be allowed in city ■ 
 Exposure of Person— Indecent 
 Express Men— Using of alley by .. •• 
 FAIRS— (See Siiows—ExiumTioNs— Western Fair.) 
 Fairs, Free. (See Market, Free.) 
 Family Use— Forestalling articles for 
 Farm Produce— 
 Place of selling. ^^ 
 Waggon conveying 
 Faro Bank— 
 Destroying of ' ' "g!* 
 Keeping of ^^' "*•* 
 ^''''\7cense 85, 86, 87, 128, 236, 237, 249, 281, 285, 286 
 Market 93. 94, 104= io5 
 „ duties of Market Committee as to '^° 
 „ no, for selling in free fairs iin'^',?? 
 Officers or servants of corporation not to take "o. »" 
 „ „ „ to pay to Treasurer %a 
 Poundkeeper's ; • ' J 
 Wood market 
 to be paid to Treasurer -97 
 irket, to be paid to Treasurer '°5 
 Board of Works to report as to **3 
 Boulevard, destroying or injuring 
 Fence {continued) — 
 Boulevard, enclosing with 
 ti repairing. . ... 
 Burial ground, destruction or removal of. 
 Cemetery, destruction or removal of 
 Climbing . 
 -1 .-« 
 Dangerous place to have 76 
 Deep Water 1 76 
 Defacing with notices 50 
 Destroying 51 
 Erection of, where street used for building purposes 52 
 Excavations in or near streets to have 53) 55 
 Indecent placards, &c., not to be put up or made on 21 
 Injuring 51 
 Lawful, what a : 76 
 Lumber yard to have 48 
 Market Committee to report as to making and repair of, on market ground. 128 
 Park, breaking or injuring 88 
 Pit to have 76 
 Precipice to have 76 
 Vacant lot u 76 
 Viewers, who to be 76 
 Ferocious Dogs. (See Dogs. ) 
 Filth — 
 Accumulation of 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 
 Removal of 25, 29, 30 
 River, throwing into 33 
 Streets, m m .... 33 
 Throwing into wells, pumps, or'^rinking fountains 51 
 Finance or Assessment Committee— 
 Advertisement of city notices to direct 125 
 Appointment of 123 
 Books of Treasurer, to have supervision of. . 124 
 Cheque, may forbid signing of 125 
 Debentures, to have supervision of 124 
 Depositing of moneys, to see to 1 24 
 Duties of 124, 125 
 Financial affairs of city to be managed by 125 
 M statement, to furnish to Council 124 
 Leasing property 124 
 Money appropriations to be referred to 137 
 11 may forbid payment of 125 
 II payment of, may make regulations as to 125 
 Railway stocks, bonds and securities, to report as to 124 
 Revenue, to report as to raising 124 
 Selling property 1 24 
 Treasurer to advise with 1 24 
 II II be under supervision of 124 
 II II see that duties performed by 125 
 Treasurer's office, to have supervision of 124 
 Fines — Collection of.83, 84, 11 1, 112, 196, 243, 260, 261, 275, 276, 283, 284, 287 
 Fire — 
 Carrying 47 
 Explosive substances not to be used in kindling 48 
 Gunpowder, use of, where kept 48 
 Highly inflammable substance not to be used in kindling. 48 
 Kindling in streets, alleys or vacant places 46, 47 
 Pullinr^ down houses to prevent spread of 38 
 Setting out 46 
 53. 55 
 t ground. 128 
 5. 27, 29, 30 
 • • 25. 29, 30 
 1 24 
 . . . 124, 125 
 J3, 284, 287 
 ... 46, 47 
 FiKE (continued) — 
 Spread of 38 
 (See also Fires, Preventing.) 
 FiRK Arms— 
 Discliarging in cemetery or burial ground 24 
 Firing of 24 
 Firk HALL--Firing or setting off 24 
 FiRK Crackicr— Firing or setting off 24 
 Fire Department— 
 Apparatus of 36, 37. 127 
 Chief Engineer. (See Engineer, Chiki' ok Fire Dei'ARIment.) 
 Cabman to assist 253 
 Drivers, two to he appointed 36 
 Driving vehicle over hose 39 
 Enrolment of liremen 36 
 Expenditure of 37. 40, 127 
 Fire engines 3^ 
 1, pulling down house to prevent spread of 38 
 F"iremen, age of 37 
 M alarm of fire, to repair to station in case of 39 
 M appointment of 36 
 II blasphemous language, use of by 40 
 11 Chief Engineer, orders of, to obey 37 
 II ,1 ,1 to be commanded by 37 
 II deductions from pay of 39. 4° 
 11 dismissal of 40 
 11 disobedience of orders by 39 
 11 drinking in taverns or saloons 4° 
 II drivers, appointment of 36 
 II duly, neglect of by 39 
 11 eniiiloyment of 39 
 M II II conditions of , 4° 
 II enrolment of -36 
 II fines may be imposed on 39 
 II Fire, Water and Gas Committee to approve, and report on 
 appointment of 36 
 II fires, to attend promptly 39. 4i 
 II foreman, to obey 3^ 
 II hindering of 38 
 11 impeding. . , 38 
 11 insulting language, use of by 4° 
 II intoxication of by 4° 
 II minors not to be appointed 31 
 11 neglect of duty by : 39 
 " number of 36 
 ,1 obscene language, use of by • 4° 
 II paid, certificate of Chief lOngineer to produce before being. .39, 40 
 11 II when to be 39 
 II i)rof;ine swearing l)y 4° 
 II property of City, to take care of 39 
 II register of 3" 
 II saloon, not to loiter in 4<^ 
 II suspension of 39 
 II swearing by 4" 
 II tavern, not to loiter in . . 40 
 II Treasurer, to be paid by 39 
 Fire wardens, members of Council to be 4° 
 Fire, Water and ( las C\)mmittee, iluties as to 1 26, 1 27 
 I ; 
 ilil i U 
 Fire Dhparimkni' (ani/inuid)— 
 Foreman, appoinlmont of -jg 
 11 buiUlinijs, may order pulling down ^55 
 11 Chief Kn^'inecr, in absence of, lo act for jjj 
 11 II M to assist A I 
 11 cin]iloyincnl of •jn 
 II fnemen to (ji)ey yj 
 Form of register of lirenien 36 
 Hook and lailder trucks 35 
 Horses of 36, 37 
 Hose 39 
 II carts 39 
 II driving; over 36 
 Houses, indlini,' down to prevent spread of lire 38 
 Intoxication of niendiers of .40 
 Li([Uor not lo he allowed at engine liouse or engines 40 
 Minors not to be a])i)ointcd lireinen 37 
 Obstructini^ woikini; o{ 38 
 Persons attending lire to assist liicnicn 37 
 I'urcliases for 37, 126, 127 
 11 II Fire, Water and Gas Committee to make 37 
 11 11 teniler, to be by 1 27 
 Register of lircmen 36 
 Rules and regulations fur _L;overnment of, Fire, Water and (ias Couunit- 
 tee may make 41 
 Spread of lire, houses may be pulled down lo prevent 3S 
 Steam lire engines 3(1 
 Streets in neiyhborliooil of lire to be kepi clear jS 
 Supiilies fo)', I'ire, Water and Oas Comnnllce to purchase 127 
 11 purchases of 37, 120, 127 
 II leniler, to be lK)Ughl by 127 
 11 'I'reasurcr lo pay for 37 
 Swearing, by mend)ers of, ]n'oliiliiU'd 40 
 Treasurer, to pay firemen 37 
 II to i)ay for supplies 37 
 Vehicle, driving over hose 39 
 FiRK Engines 36 
 Fire Li.miis— 
 Awning frames in 54 
 Hmmdaries of 42, 43 
 lUtildings in, of what uuxterial \.o be constructed 44 
 {•'ire. Water and (Jas Conunittee lo report as to 127 
 Inspector may pull down buildings erected in, contrary lo iJydaw 44 
 X^erandahs in 54 
 Wooden buildings, erection of, in 44 
 Firemen. (See I''ike IJei'Autmeni. ) 
 Fire Places. (See Ciiimnkys.) 
 Fire Wardens— Members of Council to be 40 
 Fire, Water and Gas CoMMirrKE— 
 Appointment of 123 
 P)uildings, insp •jlion of to report ou 127 
 Cabman assisting Fire 1 )eparlme'.i., pay t f 253 
 Chairman of, accounts of l"ire Departme it to certify before payment of.. ..37 
 II apparatus, dangerous, may O. 'er inspection and removal 
 of 42, 45 
 II boilers, dangerous, may oriler i'.s()eciion and removal of 42, 45 
 M buildings, may give leave to police to enter to inspect. . 4IS, 49 
 '\'?i' ' 
 36, 37 
 ...37, 126, 127 
 .. .........j6 
 i;ts C onimil- 
 ■ ■■37- 12", 127 
 ■■ 54 
 42, 43 
 ■I;iw 44 
 lymunt of... .37 
 1 removal 
 42, 45 
 noval of. 42, 43 
 ispecl . . 48, 49 
 .■ii;r.. WmkR AM> (Ias C'ommiii KK (rcii/iiii/rt/) 
 ( hairnian of, Imil.liniis, may order pulling ilown of, creeled eonlrary to 
 r,y-la\\ 44 
 „ eahman assi^liiii; I'iie Department to be paid on order of. .253 
 Cliief Engineer of l-'ire Department, may assign duties to. .39 
 „ chimneys,dangcrous,mayorderinspection and removal.of.42, 45 
 ,1 tire jilaces n " " 
 „ Hues " II * " 
 42, 45 
 42, 45 
 • 42, 45 
 ■42, 45 
 „ ovens '< " " ^ ' ^-' 
 stoves .. " " " •42. 45 
 Cliimney sweeps, to ai)prove of apparatus used by • '49 
 give seenrity to satisfaction of 49.5° 
 City 1 iall, heating of "7 
 foal, 10 advertise for lenders for, and reixirt thereon V , 
 Duties of 
 Fire Briga 
 to ajjpoint members of 
 manage and report on • • • 
 „ Department, aeeounts of, Chairman to certify before payment ot. . . .37 
 apparatus of, Chief Kngineer to have management of, 
 subject to instructions from 37 
 „ ,, to determine what re(|uired for 36> 37 
 !! „ Chief r.Mgineer nf to be appointed on report of. ...... 36 
 „ ' ,, perform duties assigned to hmi by. 39,41 
 11 ',', deduction.s Irom p■^y to be subject to approval of. , . .39,40 
 .•xpendiiure ol, account of to lie kept by.... .... 126, 127 
 siatement of to be hirnished to 
 Council by 126, 127 
 to be by 40 
 " ',', liremen to be appoimed subject to approval of 36 
 rides for government of may be made by ... • . • • -41 
 sui-i.lies of, account ofto be keptunder direction of. 126, 127 
 ,, „ to be obtained by tender 127 
 I „ suspension of tiremen to be subject to ain'eal to 39 
 to mannge and report on J^ 
 hire limits, to report on ■ 
 I'iremen. suspension of to be subject to aj.peal to • • ■ ^^' 
 I'ire ohii's to repoi I as to ' ' r \ , 
 Fh-es! pn:;m,ini prosecution of ohencc against regulations U, duty 
 of as to ._' 
 „ „ to report as lo 
 Fuel, lo advertise for lenders for, and reiioit thereon 
 (Jas lamps, erection and inspection of, to report on 
 M meters, inspection of, to rei>ort on. . „ 
 ( innpowder, to approve of maga/ine for keeping |^ 
 Heating City Hall, li- leport on ^ 
 public buildings. 
 I lydrants, erection of, to report on • • • • ^^y 
 Lighting City, to report on .'..'.....'.'.."■ -127 
 Street watering, " ,■■",■' ' 'i'. ' 1 ",' ' ' i,>",. 1 27 
 Supplies of Fire Deparlmenl, to see that bought by ten.lei 127 
 •I'anks, drawing water from without permission ot 
 „ erection and maintenance of, to report on 
 Water, supply of, to report on ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' '^^'y 
 Watering streets 1^ 
 Firewood. (See Corpwood.) 
 FlRF.WORKS— 47 
 Manufactory of not to be allowed in City ■ ■ • • ^^ 
 Storing II I' " " 
 «!• fZii 
 Fires, 1'kf.vkntinc, - '^ ' 
 Ai)])aialiis, (lant^L'ious .^n, .\t 
 Ashes, liow tn lie kepi aj 
 IJen/ine, nianufnctoiy of. nul allowed in City ^■j 
 n nut to he used in li^litini; liri's ^x 
 Iioilcrs, dani;eri)iis . . .^jt. 4s 
 liiiisli, burning; of ,jf, 
 l>uildiiip;s, inspection of, may lie ntdered 48, 4(1 
 M Ins])ect()r of. (.See I .n>I'K( rnu ni' I'.i 1 i,!)i.N(;s. ) 
 M pullinf; down to prevent spreail of lire ^S 
 Biirninc; of stiimjis, \c 4(1 
 Cabinetmaker's workshop, smokini; in |iroliibited 47 
 Camphene, nianufactniy of, not allowed in City 47 
 Candle, lighted, brinfjing near 5:jiinpowder 4^ 
 M 11 usini^ in stables 47 
 Carpenter shop, smoking in prohibited 47 
 Chimneys. (See Chimneys.) 
 Cigar smoking in certain places iirohibited 47 
 Combustible materials, light not to be used where stored unless protected. 47 
 M 11 smoking where stored in-oTiibiteil 47 
 Cotton, light not to be used wliere stored unless protected 47 
 > 11 ])ilins withf)ut being enclosed 47 
 Explosive substances, manufactory of, not allowed in City 47 
 II 11 not to be used in lighting fires 48 
 Fences, lumber yards to have 48 
 Fire, carrying in streets 47 
 II kindling h 46, 47 
 11 .setting out 46 
 11 spread of, preventing 38 
 11 Department. (See Kii4K Dei'AKTMKN r. ) 
 !« limits. (See Imke Limits.) 
 II men. (See Fikk DErARiMENr.) 
 M places, (see ('IIIMNKVS.) 
 II wardens, members of Council to be 
 H Water and ( !as Committee, duties of as to 12 
 11 works, manufactory of not allowed in ( 'ity 47 
 M II storing of 47 
 Flax, light not to be used where stored unless protecli-d 47 
 Flues. (See C"mMSK,Vs ) 
 Gasoline not to be used in lighting tires 48 
 Cunpowdcr, fire not to be brought near 48 
 II light not to be used where storeil 48 
 II magazine to be provided for 48 
 II securing of 48 
 II storing of 48 
 II transporting through streets 48 
 Hay, light not to be used where stored unless ]M-otected .^.47 
 II piling without being enclosed 47 
 Hemp, light not to be used where stored unless protected 47 
 II piling without being enclosed .47 
 Houses, pulling down to ]3revent sjiread of fire 38 
 Inflammable substances, manufactory of, not allowed in City 47 
 11 11 not to be used in lighting fires 48 
 Inspector of Buildings. (Sec Insi'ectok ok Buildings.) 
 Kerosene, manufactory of, not allowed in City 47 
 II not to be used in lighting fires 48 
 Ladders to be provided for buildings more than one story high 44 
 Lighted candle, using in stables 47 
 42. 45 
 4'*<, 49 
 s protected. 47 
 4^'. 47 
 • 47 
 ■'IRKS, FRKVKNriNr. (coiifi'niiid) 
 Lighted candle, iisini; wliere gun|i(iwdcr is kepi 4^^ 
 Logs, l)iiniing of 4^ 
 Lumber yards to he fenced 48 
 IMeclianics, exemiHions in favor of as to kindling tires 4''< 47 
 Naptiia not to be used in lighting lires 48 
 Oil, lire for boiling 47 
 II stoves may be used 48 
 Ovens, dangerous 4^1 45 
 Parafl'ine, manufactory of not allowed in C!ity . ... 47 
 I'arty walls, width of and mode of constructing 44 
 Petroleum oil, manufactory of not allowed in City 47 
 ,1 M not to be used in lighting lires 48 
 ripe of stove. (See Stovki'IPIC— Sieves,) 
 II smoking of in certain places prohibited 47 
 Pitch, fire for boiling • 47 
 Plumbers, exemptions in favor of as to kindling lires 40. 47 
 Police force, members of may enter buildings to inspect 481 49 
 1, not to be olistnicted in inspecting 481 49 
 Refuse, burning of . . . 4° 
 Rushes, 1 40 
 M light not to be used where stored unless protected 47 
 Scuttles, stairway to be made to 44 
 II to be made in roofs 44 
 Shavings, Inirning of 4" 
 11 light not to be used where stored unless protected 47 
 11 smoking where stored 47 
 Smoking in certain places prohibited 47 
 Stable, light not to be used in unless protected 47 
 II smoking in 47 
 Stove pipe, hole to be stojiped up 4" 
 i. su])porte(l. how to be 4^ 
 M to l)e conducted into chimney 45 
 <i woodwork, passing through 45 
 Stoves, dangerous, removal of 47 
 M II use of 45 
 11 distance to be placed from hearth or pan 4" 
 „ ,, I, II wooden partition • •■•'4^ 
 explosive or highly inllammable substances not to be used in 48 
 hearth or pan to be kept unde 
 II oil-consuming may be used 
 Straw, burning of 
 II light not to be used where stored unless protectee 
 II smoking where stored 47 
 Stumps, burning of 4 
 Tar burners may be used 4 
 tire for boiling z-' Z 
 • - - .46, 47 
 Tinsmiths, exemptions in favor of as to kindling fires .. 
 Trees, burning of • • ■ ■ 
 Turpentine, manufactory of not allowed in City 47 
 Wood, burning of in streets 4^ 
 ,1 shavings not to be piled without being enclosed 
 Blown, sale and export of 
 Damaged, n n 
 Forestalling of 
 Inspection of 
 Market. (See MARKET, Public.) 
 ii i" 
 F'isii (lontimiiuf) — • 
 Selling, place of 9'. 95 
 Tainted, sale and export of 3', <)o 
 rnwholesotne, h " .li, <)0 
 Waggon, sale of in yi 
 V\.\\ — lighted can<tle not to he used where stored unless protected ^y 
 Fi.Ksii Mkat. (See Mkat— Makkkt, Pihi.ic.) 
 Fl.OUk— Sale of in free fairs Qy 
 Klow KKs — Destroying in I'ark ss 
 Fi.tiEs. (See CiriMNKVs.) 
 Place of selling ()^ 
 Weighing of ()i 
 Food — 
 Adulteratiiin ol 51 
 inspection of 90 
 Market * onnniltee, duties of, as to tainted and unwholesome 128 
 'I'ainted and unwholesome, sale of in market 
 Foot' liAi.L -j'laying in Park 
 Foot Passknckrs — 
 Obstructing 59, 
 Speed to be slackened at crossings for 
 FORKSTAI.l.INt; ()2, I 
 FOKl'Kiri'KK n|. — 
 Adulterate<l articles -i 
 Bread, light 77 
 Licenses S 3 
 F^OR UlRl'. Waciion — (See also Caki fu) 00 
 Foui.iNd- - 
 Drinking fountains 15 1 
 Pumps 51 
 Streets 51 
 Wells 51 
 F^ouNTAiNs— (See Drinking I'ouMAtNs) '51 
 Decayed not to i)e brought into City 31 
 House for sale of to be licensed, I Sec- .-. iso Licenses.) Si 
 Forestalling of 92 
 l'"ree fair, sale of in 99 
 Gambi.krs 22 
 GAMIil.INd — 
 Devices for, destruction of .23 
 11 not to be kept in licensed houses 83 
 Houses, freipienting prohibited 22 
 II Mayor, &c. , may enter 22, 23 
 II ])rohibited. 22 
 Licensed houses, not to lie allowed in S3 
 Market grounds, in ()2 
 Playing in cemetery (jr burial ground 24 
 II streets or parks 58, 89 
 Gaol Commiitee — 
 Appointment of 123 
 Duties of .... : 130, 131 
 Garden Produce — Waggon conveying, tires of 60 
 Gardens, Pum.rc. (See Park.) 
 ■••91, yj 
 ■ • Jl. 90 
 ...31, 90 
 . . . 5(), ()o 
 . .92, 101 
 5 1 
 .1 1 
 .... 92 
 ..22, 23 
 .... 123 
 130, 131 
 (Sec City CiAs Comia-v) 
 ( „ London (Ias I.n;irr Company). 
 Casolink— Not to be used in liylilint; lires. 
 Gatks , . . 
 I'aik, (lest II )yi lit, "'' iiij"'''"}i' 
 Sidewalk, not to swiiit; over. 
 Ckksk — 
 11 fees for 
 [•'ooil to he furnished to 
 ,, fees for. . . . 
 ■ 67 
 ■. 67 
 I'ark, riinnint,' at laiye in ^^' ^9 
 KiiniiiiiR at larije • 
 ClNKKAI. llOsnrAI,. (See IIOSI'ITAI, ( .K.N KkAl, ) 
 (.ill.r.Al), llAi.M 01 Tree not to be planted m streets ■ • ■ • -oo 
 ^;^,,\ss-Manufaelol■y of, exemption from taxation '09. >'" 
 ^'"^^l^r . . 67 
 Distraining ^' 
 u fees for A 
 I'ood to lie furiiislied to impminded ^^ 
 1 mpounding ^^^ 
 M fees (or 
 I'ark, running at large in 
 Running at large 
 (iooDs— , ^, ,,g 
 Auction, sale ni i.y, in market. 81 
 ,, ,, license reijuired for 
 llawker, sale uf by 
 Lottery, sale of by, in inarkcl '^^^ 
 I'etty cliapnien, sale of by ei" 1:2 
 Sidewalk, displaying on . . \i Ki 
 ,, moving across • • • r-,' eS 
 Streets, waggon or stand for sale ol iioi to be kept on 81 
 Transient trader, sale of by ■ , ■>",■"• 1 eS 
 Vehicles containing, driver of to remain on or walk hesule • • b° 
 width of tires of S9.0O 
 „ for conveyance of, l!y-law amending liy-law for licensing. • ■ • • '242 
 ,, ,, ,, for licensing 2^5, .sou 
 (loVEKNoi^-CKNKKAi - Speaking disrespectfully of in Council nt> 
 Grain — 
 I'ree fair, sale of in 
 I'lace of selling 
 (Jkanu Trunk Uah.wav Company oi^ Lanad.v- 
 Lower given lo, to cany railway along certain streets ibi, 10-, i^j 
 Grass. (See Parks, ) 
 GRAVKI,— re 56 
 Removal of from streets or river. en 60 
 Waggon drawing, width of tires of 2^ 24 
 Graves — Violation of • ,• ••••, ,• * " "^'i^c 
 GKE..vr MAKKKi' S 1 RKKi-Xame ol changed to Central Avenue.^ H5 
 Gr1';ai Talhot Spreet— ..150 
 Lart of closed up 
 II sale of ' 
 SS, S9 
 151. »52 
 Great Western Kai:.wav Co.mi-any— ^g^ 
 Lower given to, to lay tramroad '^' 
 Gkossly iNSULTiNd Languack— (Sec also;ua(:k) 21,40 
 (lUARi)s, Trkk. (See Tkkks.) 
 Lighted candle imt to be used where stored unless protected .47 
 Light not to he brought near 48 
 Magazine to he provided for 4S 
 Storing of 48 
 Trans])()rting througii streets 48 
 GUNS--Firing of 24 
 GuTTKRs. (See Waikr Coursks ) 
 Music, license to .S() 
 l'ul)lic, n 86 
 Hand Cart — Propelling on sidewalks 56 
 Hawkkrs — 
 License fee for S5, 86 
 11 to produce So 
 11 " take out 82 
 Lighted candle not to he used wlierc stored unless |)rotected 47 
 Piling of 47 
 I'lace of selling 93 
 " weighing 91 
 IIa/.ard — Games of . .22, 92, Board 01. (See llKAi.rii, riim.K.) 
 IIkai-th iNsi'KcroK. (See, l'i;i) 
 Health, I'uiu.ic — 
 Ahatenient of nuisances, lioard of Health may order 25, 29, 30 
 11 II notice as to 27, 29 
 Accumulations dangerous to, removal of '.24, 25, 27, 29, 30 
 Adulteratetl breail and ai tides of food, destruction of 31 
 ir 11 II II forfeiture of 31 
 11 food 29 
 A([uedutt, uostroying or injuring 31 
 Blown fish or flesh meat, sale and exjiort of. 31 
 ]Joarding ho ise keepers, duties of in case of epidemic, &c 30 
 Board A Health — 
 Abatement of nuisances, may order • 25, 29, 30 
 11 11 notice as to 27, 29 
 Appointment of 123 
 City I Lall, to have ulhce at 26 
 Com]mse<I of what persons 25 
 Contagion, inquiry as to by 29 
 Drains, may order lo be made or cleansed 31, 32 
 l*"ilth, to examine sources of 29 
 Infected .articles, permits for removal of, may grant 29 
 Infection, impiiry as to by 29 
 Medical officer may be appointed by 28 
 M n office for to be provided 26 
 .Nuisances, abatement of 25, 27, 29, 30 
 ti examination into to be made by 29 
 II permits for removal of, may grant 29 
 II removal of 29, 30 
 M I cost of 30 
 Permits for removal of nuisances and infected articles may grant 29 
 Pri\y vault and drains, may give notice to make 32 
 II II 11 order cleaning of 32 
 Powers confcrrcil on 25, 29, 30 
 •21, 40 
 • ••47 
 ... 4S 
 .. ..56 
 SS, 86 
 22, 92 
 •25. 29, 30 
 27, 29 
 . 27, 29, 30 
 • 25. 29, 30 
 27, 29 
 •• 31, 32 
 . 28 
 27, 29, 30 
 • 29 
 . ... 29, 30 
 int 29 
 25. 29, 30 
 IlF.ALTH, Public (contimicd)— 
 Board of Health — 
 .Sickness, cause of to examine iiiln 29 
 Volunteers, may accept services of as health officers 34 
 II procahnation as to 34 
 I'o.u'ding house keepers, duties of in case of epidemic, &c 30 
 Bread, adulteration of , 31 
 Butchers slaughtering beeves, &c 32 
 Carcasses of animals, throwing into streets or river 33 
 Cesspit, contents of, removal of ^^ 
 Cholera, duties of hotel and boarding house keepers and physicians in 
 case of. 
 Conductor of water, destroying or injuring .31 
 Contagion, inquiry as to 29 
 Damaged fish or flesh meat, bringing into City 31 
 11 II II sale and export of 3' 
 Dead l)o<ly, transporting through streets 33 
 Decayed fruit, potatoes or vegetable jiroduct, bringing into city 31 
 Defilement of springs, sources of water, or reservoir. , 5' 
 II 11 water 29 
 Destitute sick, provision as to ^ 28 
 Dirt, throwing into streets or river 33 
 Disease, malignant, duties of hotel and boarding house keepers and 
 physicians in case of 2,0, 31 
 I. spread of, prevention of ■ • • 3' 
 Epidemic, duties of hotel and boarding house keepers a'ad physicians in 
 case of 30> 3 1 
 Filth, -\ecumulation of 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 
 II examination into source of 29 
 II throwing into streets or river 00 
 (Sec also FiUli.) 
 Fish, blown, tainted, or unwholesome, bringing into City 31 
 ,. „ I, II sale or exj^ort of 31 
 Flesh meat 1. n bringing into City 31 
 ,1 M II 11 sale or export of 31 
 Food, adulteration of 29, 31 
 11 unwholesome, sale of 29 
 FVuit, decayed, bringir • into City 3^ 
 Health Inspector, accum... .lon of dung, itc, duties of as to 27 
 I. 11 analyzation of water ■■ n 27 
 M M appt)inlment of 26 
 „ II Board of Health, to report to 27 
 butchers' ]iremiscs to visit 27 
 By-law, to see that provisions of are ca'-ried out 28 
 by-ways, to have supervision of 27 
 carcasses of animals, removal of, duties as to 33 
 decaying animal or vegetable matter, duties as to 27 
 declaratidii of ofVice by 26 
 dirt, removal of. duties ns to 27, },^ 
 dung, accunudaiion of, dulies as to 27 
 duties of 26, 27, 28 
 expenditure, to keej) account of 26 
 fence viewer, to be 7^ 
 lilth, removal of, dulies as to 27, },i 
 fish, blown, tainted or damaged, duiies as to 31 
 tlesh meat, n " '" 3^ 
 fruit, decayed, duties as to 3' 
 health office to attend daily 26 
 Health, Public (coittinudtl)-- ^^^''' 
 Health Inspector, Inspector, Cil) , to perform iluties of. iq, 
 M II Lines, to liave supervision of 27 
 II II manure, removal of, duties of as 10 27 
 II II materials, to keep account of 26 
 , II II nuisances, may abate 21; 
 II 'I II II order abatement of 25 
 II II ofl'al, removal of, duties of as to 27 
 II II offensive matter, removal of, duties of as to. . 27 
 II II officers of Corporation, to assist 34 
 II II potatoes, decayed, duties of as to jj 
 11 11 proceedings, to keep record of 26 
 II II iiroperty, schedule of, to make 27 
 II II refuse, removal of, duties of as to 27 
 II 'I reports, to make to Board 27 
 II 11 rubbish, removal of, duties of as to 33 
 II I' vacant lots, to suj)ervise 27 
 " II volunteer health officer, may e.xercise powers of 34 
 II II water, stagnant, duties of as to removal ol 27 
 'I II II to forbid use of, if unlit 27 
 M II welis, to take steps to purify unwholesome 27 
 I' II workmen, to keep account of 1 26 
 1 lotel keepers, duties of in case of epidemic, &c 30 
 Infection, impiiry as to ... .29 
 Malignant disease, duties of hotel and boarding house keejiers anil 
 physicians in case of 30^ 31 
 Meat, blown, tainted or damageil, sale or exjiort of 31 
 Night soil, burying ^t^ 
 II depositing on streets 33 
 " removal of 33 
 Nuisances, abatement of 25, 29, 30 
 M examination into 29 
 II removal oi 29 
 II II cost of 3 I 
 II II notice for 29, 30 
 Ollicers, appointment and duties of 28 
 I'ipe, destroying or injuring .31 
 Potatoes, decayed, bringing into City 31 
 Privy, cleansing of 32 
 ■I notice to make 32 
 Reservoir, defilement of 31 
 River Thames, throwing dirt into jii 
 Rubbish, throwing into streets or river 33 
 Sickness, causes of, examination into 29 
 .Sinks, contents of, removal of ^^ 
 .Slaughtering beeves, ivc 32 
 Small i)ox, duties of hotel and boarding house keepers and physicians in 
 case of 30, 3 1 
 .Sources of water, {lelilement of 31 
 Springs, ddileinent of 31 
 Tainted (isli and flesh meat, bringing into City 31 
 II 1. II sale and exi)orl of 31 
 Thames, throwing dirt into ^.^^ 
 Vegetable jjioducts, decayed, bringing into City 31 
 \'olunteer luidth officer may be ajipointed 34 
 II II "ii exercise j)f)wers of Ins|)ector 34 
 Water conductor of, destroying or injuring ' 31 
 II defilement of Ji 
 >• • 27 
 rsof 34 
 ' 27 
 . t 26 
 jjiers and 
 30, 3J 
 . ... 25, 29, 30 
 J ' 
 29, 30 
 'sicians in 
 30, 31 
 Lighted candle not to be used where stored unless protected 47 
 riling of 47 
 J I, j)KS— Bringing into Market House 9° 
 Hitchcock Street changed to Maple street 142 
 "O'^" • f 2d 
 Keeping of '^'^ 
 Sty, keeping of • •. 24 
 Home MANurACTURK-^Articles of, sale of in free fan-s 99 
 lIoMOCOPATUic Physicians. (See IMiysicians-Hosimtai., Gknkral.) 
 IIooK ANU Ladder Trucks ■ ■ ■3(> 
 Horned Cai'ii.e— 
 Distraming ^7 
 fees for.. . : o? 
 Food to be furnished to impounded oQ 
 fees for, 
 Running at large • • • •"" 
 Trespassing °7. os 
 Horns— Blowing of 24 
 lIORSES— „ 
 Breaking, in streets or parks 5° 
 'fees for 67 
 Fastenmg to trees "~ 
 Fire Department to be provided with 3° 
 Food to be furnished to impounded 69 
 Galloping of in streets 5° 
 Immoderate riding or driving ' 5° 
 Impounding ' 7 
 ".' ■ '.'.."..".*........... 90 
 93. 94 
 fees for 
 Market, driving in 
 ,1 sale of in 
 ,1 M fees for 
 Tark, not to go at large in 
 Putting to mares in streets and parks . 
 Running at large 
 Sale of in market 
 Sidewalk, driving on 
 „ tying across 
 Streets, leaving untied in 
 Stud, exhibiting in streets and parks. 
 .88, 89 
 ■94. 95 
 • 56. 57 
 Training in streets and parks 5° 
 Trees, tying to 
 Tying to trees • • ■ „ 
 Walking beside when drawing loaded vehicle 5° 
 Wood, standing with on sidewalk 59 
 "OSE- 6 
 Dnvmg over iZ 
 Fire Department ■^ 
 Appointnu'iil nf 3 
 Bread, light, tlislril)uli()n of to poor // 
 Chairman of may distribute light bread seized 77 
 Hospital, general, charge of, to have ■ .■ J29 
 olVicers of to have control ol '29 
 „ „ patients, to regulate admission into 129 
 IIOSl'ITAI. AND Rf.i.iki' C'om.mtti KI'-. (coiitiniit^i) — 
 Hospital, [general, supplies f(ir, tn ailvertise for |2y 
 Relief, to supervise distribution of \2<) 
 Hospital Kunji — 
 Agreement as to 230, 231, 232 
 C'onsistintf, of what 234 
 Declaration of trust as to 233, 234 
 Income of, application of 231 
 Investment of .' 253 
 At^reement as to with ( 'orporation of Middlesex 230, 231, 232 
 Destitute sick, Mayor may order removal to 2S 
 Fund, atjreement and declaration of trust as to 230 to 234 
 Hospital and Relief C'ommittee to have charge of 121) 
 Matron of, appointment of 108 
 H salary of 108 
 Medical officers to be voluntary and unpaid 108 
 II practitioners may visit patients in, in certain cases 108, 109 
 Obstetrician, consulting, a])]K)intment of 108 
 Ofticers of, Hospital and Relief Committee to have control of 129 
 Patients, admission to. Hospital and Relief < 'ommittec to regulate 129 
 II County, a,q;reement as to. ... .230 to 234 
 Physicians, consulting, appt)intnient of 108 
 II " I lomn'opathic, a))|iointment of 108 
 11 •' obstetrician, n n 108 
 II Homu-opathic, appointment of 108 
 II staff of 107 
 11 to be voluntary officers 108 
 Rules and regulations of 6th l^eeember, 1875, to apply to 109 
 Steward, appointment of . . , 108 
 11 salary of ; 108 
 Su])plies for, purchase of 129 
 Surgeons, consulting, appointment of 108 
 H Homnopathic, m 108 
 11 resident " 108 
 II M salary of 108 
 11 staff of, appointment of 107 
 11 to be volunteer otVicers 108 
 Bagatelle tables in, hours of closing i-^s, 83 
 liilliard tables in, hours of closing 82, S3 
 Keeper may not be licensed as caliman 247 
 M occu]iying streets with vehicles 57 
 II omnibus, may ha/e license for 247 
 Keepers, duties of in case of epidemic, cholera, small pox, or malignant 
 disease 30 
 License, fees for 87 
 II not re(piire(l to take out under section 231 Si 
 Travellers not to be importuned to go to 78 
 Dwelling. (See; IIousk.) 
 Frequenting, by gamblers and others 22 
 (jambling 22, 23 
 Ill-fame. (See Ii.i.-iAMK, House ok.) 
 I,()ck-up established 76, 77 
 Nuisances in 24, 25 
 1 29 
 230, 231, 232 
 ^:^3> 234 
 230, 231, 2^,2 
 . • . 230 to 234 
 1 08 
 .... 108, 109 
 late 129 
 -..23010 234 
 . . 108 
 i 108 
 82, 83 
 82, S3 
 22, 23 
 76, 77 
 24, 25 
 House (continued) — 
 Numbering of 74. 7S> 7° 
 Numbers of to be entered on Assessment Roll 106 
 Pulling down to prevent spread of lire 3^ 
 Snow, removal of from roof of 65 
 Water spouts, to be provided with 55 
 House Numberkr. (See Numhf.ring of Houses.) 
 Forestalling by 92, loi 
 Stalls not to be allowed in market 9° 
 Wood, purchase of by JO' 
 HVDRANTS— Fire, Water and Gas Committee to report as to 127 
 ICE. (See Snow.) 
 Ill-fame, House of— 
 Contributing to support of 
 Inmates of, contributing to support of 
 ent licensed 
 Keepmg • 
 Letting house or building to be used as. 
 Persons keeping or residing in, not to fi 
 Residing in 
 Supporting inmates of ••.... 
 Immoderate Driving— (See Drivinc). . . 
 Immorality— Provisions for prevention of 21, 22, 23 
 Importuning Travellers • . • ■ ■ ^■■■■- ••- • 7» 
 Imvrisonment for non-payment of tines.. 83, 84, in, 112, 196, 243, 260, 261 
 houses 83 
 58, 90 
 Indecent — 
 Books . 
 Exposure of person 
 Ini>ecency - 
 In cemetery or burial ground 
 Provisions for prevention of • • ■ 
 Infection— Articles capable of conveying— (see Lah 
 Highly, not to be used in lighting tncs 
 Manufactory of not allowed in City 
 Inhabited KuiLl)lNi:-To be provided with water closet, earthclosetor privy.35 
 Injuries to property and notices 5 » 5 
 Inn Keeper— (See Hotel.) 
 Insolvent Estate— g j 
 S?ick"of^°nay be liki 'by' t.'ansient t'."adeV witliout license' where insolvent 
 carried on business with it m t ily 
 iNSPEcroR, City— 64,65,66 
 ^"' 107 
 21, 22 
 21, 22 
 21, 22, 23 
 Carter) 29 
 Duties of. 
 Health Inspector to perform duties of ^' 
 Houses, removal of snow from roofs of 3 
 " ISO •" 
 Inspector, City (lontiniiid) — 
 Snow, ice, dirt and obstructions, removal of from streets 64, 6^, 66 
 Streets, cleaning of ' • • 65 
 fi removal of .;now, ice, dirt and obstructions from 64, 65, 66 
 Inspector, Heai.ih. (See IIkaliii, ri'ui.ic.) 
 Apparatus, danjjerous, duties of as to 42, 45 
 Appointment of 41 
 boilers, dangerous, duties of as to 42, 41; 
 Huildings, may enter to ins|)ect 4^, 40 
 M pulling down 44 
 11 to have oversight of 41 
 C'hinmey sweeps to report to 49 
 ("himr'>'--, dangerous, duties as to. . 42, 45 
 Cit) ^r to perform duties of 42 
 ill 41.42 
 Fir . ...ay order destruction of buildings erected contrary to Bylaw in. 44 
 H places, dangerous, duties of as to . . 42, 45 
 Fir'^s, to enforce )jy-law fur [Meventing 42 
 l"luo>, d;i" rerou ' 'ies of as to 42, 45 
 Obsuucth'i. ./f ill j.i^rfoniii'nce of duties 49 
 Ovens, dangerous, duties of as to 42, 45 
 Stoves, M M 11 42,45 
 Inspector ok Licenses. (See Licknsk Inspecior ) 
 Inspector oe iM.\RKi:T. (See M.\rkki, Pchi.ic. ) 
 Inspector oe Weiuhts .and Measures 105 
 Insulting Lancuahe— Ise of — (See also Lancuack) 21, 40 
 Intelligence Oeeices — 
 Application to, record of to be kept 84 
 Hooks to be kept by keepers of 84 
 Extortion by 85 
 Fees, part of to be refunded in certain cases 85 
 ti to be paid for license to keep 87 
 M It taken by keepers of 84, 85 
 Hours during which to be kejjt open 84 
 Inspection of books of. . . 84 
 Keepers of to be licensed 84 
 License, keepers of to lake out 84 
 Receipt, keepers of to give, for fees paid to 85 
 Record to be ojien for insjiection 84 
 M II keep, of applications 84 
 Sign to be kept up by person keeping So, 81 
 Interment oe hie Dead 24 
 Inter fretaiton — 
 By-laws, construction of 17 
 Cab 245 
 Carter.... 239, 283 
 " Herein '" relates to whole By-law 17 
 " Holiday," what days included in 18 
 Law to be considered as always speaking 17 
 Livery stable keejjcr 270, 271 
 Masculine gender includes females 18 
 " May '' to be eonstruefl as permissive 17 
 " Month " means a calendar month 18 
 " Person," whom it includes 17 
 Repeal of By-laws, effect of >S, I9 
 " Shall " to be construed as imperative 17 
 Singular number includes more than one 18 
••■64, 65, 66 
 ...64, 65, 66 
 4i^, 49 
 42. 45 
 41. 42 
 ) 15ylavv in. 44 
 42, 45 
 21, 40 
 80, 81 
 ,...239, 2S3 
 . . . .270, 271 
 18, 19 
 INIEKPRF-TATION {cOll/illllCtl) — 
 Words, meaning; of I7i 18 
 " Year " means a calendar year 18 
 In roxicvriNU Dkink -Sale or gift of to child or apprentice 21 
 JURORS— Unties of Coal Comniitte as to 130, 131 
 [rsTRK-Criniinal, Duties of tloal tdmniittee as to 130, 131 
 Fires, not to he used for lii,diting ■ -4^ 
 Manufactory of not allowed in city 47 
 LADDERS— ISuildings to have, if more than one story hi<;h 44 
 Destroying 5* 
 Fittings, ilestroying or injuring 5^ 
 Gas, duties of Fire, Water and Gas Ciommittee as to 127 
 Injuring 5 ' 
 Posts, climbing 5' 
 „ defacing with notices 5° 
 M destroying 5' 
 II injuring 5^ 
 Stable, &c., not to be used in unless protected 47 
 Language— Obscene, blasphemous or grossly insulting, use of.. 21, 40, 102, 238, 
 [25b, 282 
 Lantkrn. (See Lamp— Stahi.i;.) 
 Book : 
 Play "• 
 License CoMMrnKE— 
 Appointment of '^ 
 Duties of ^ '^° 
 Intelligence OfTices, may inspect books of °4 
 License fees, to report as to '^s 
 I, Inspector, duties of to be assigned by 79 
 ,, ,, to attend when re<[uired ..... .70 
 „ „ M perform duties as to Dog By-law under direction of. 7 1 
 „ „ II take security from 7» 
 Licenses, to report as to '^ 
 Licenses— o. 
 Amusement, places of, to be licensed 70 ' 80 
 Application for ...... ._ 81 82 
 ...v.'.'.!!'.! ".'.81', 82 
 Auction sale of goods by 
 Auctioneer to be licensed 
 Bagatelle table, fees for license to keep 
 „ keepers of to be licensed ^2 
 Billiard table, fees for license to keep '- 
 „ „ keepers of to be licensed °^ 
 Boarding-house keeper need not be licensed under sect. 231 »l 
 Bowling alleys, fees for license to keep ° 
 „ „ keepers of to be licensed °^ 
 By-law relating to shop and tavern, breach of :''"\",!fM. 
 i-L. ^ 235 to 240, 242, 243, 244 to 268 
 C'artei-J .■;.■. ■.■.'. ■■.■.■■ 23510240,242,243,280,284 
 Circus, exhibition of to be licensed 
r ': 
 L I C K N S ES (tOU/i/l llt'd ) — 
 Circus, fees for exliihilion uf 86, 87 
 Clams, fees for license to icecp place lui sale of % 
 II keepers of place for sale of to he licensed Si 
 Committee. (See License Committee.) 
 Disorderly conduct in houses having 83 
 Duration of 80, 81 
 Entertainment, fees for license to keep place of 86 
 11 license to keep i>lace of required 81 
 Exhibitions for hire or i)rotit, fees for license to hold 86, 87 
 II license to yive required 82 
 Fees for .\ 85, 86, 87, 12S, 236, 237, 249, 281, 285, 286 
 M Lic.'.ise Committee to report as to 128 
 II not to he in force until paid 80 
 II to be paid to Treasurer 80 
 Forfeiture of 83 
 l-'ruit, fees for license to keej) place for sale of 86 
 II keepers of place for sale of to he licensed 81 
 Gambling in houses having 83 
 (Joods. sale of by transient trader unless licensed, prohibited 81 
 Hawkers, fees to be paid for. 85 
 II license, reipiired to take out 82 
 Insolvent estate, stock of, license not required for sale of 81 
 Inspector of, appointment of 78 
 II duties of 70, 77, 78, 79, 80 
 M entering houses , 79 
 II interrupting 79 
 • I molesting , 79 
 Intelligence Office, fees for license to keep 87 
 M II keepers of to be licensed 84 
 Livery stables 235 to 240, 270 
 Menageries, exhibitions of to be licensed 83 
 1. II fees for licenses lor 86 
 Music hall, fees for 86, 87 
 Omnibus 247, 248 
 Ordinaries, fees for license to keep 86 
 11 keepers of to be licensed 81 
 Oysters, fees for keeping place for sale of 86 
 II keepers of place for sale of to be licensed 8i 
 Pedlars. (See Hawkers.) 
 Petty chapman, fees to be paid for license to 85 
 II II license, required to take out 82 
 II trades, fees for license to carry on 85 
 M 11 license to carry on 82 
 Production of, when recjuired 80 
 Public hall, fees for 86, 87 
 Refreshment of public, fees for license to keep place of 86 
 II II license to keep place of required 81 
 Riding, exhibitions of to be licenseil 83 
 Sales by auction. (See auction.) 
 .Security to be given by applicants for • 80 
 Shop, fees for 87 
 Showmen, fines imposed on, how collected 83, 84 
 Shows, exhibitions of, fees for license for 86 
 II II to be licensed 83 
 .Sign, persons required to take out, to keep up 80, 81 
 Street railway cars to be licensed 191 
 Tavern, fees for 87 
XI, I. 
 LiCF.NSES [continued) — 
 Temperance House. (See Victualling House,) 
 Theatre, fees for 86, 87 
 Transient trader, fees for license to . , ,. 85 
 M II license required to be taken out by 81 
 X'ictualling house, fees for license to keep 86 
 11 ti keepers of to be licensed 81 
 Victuals, keepers of place where sold to be licensed , 81 
 Wax work, exhibition of, fee for license for , 86 
 11 n II to l)e licensed S3 
 LiCF.NSES, Inspector ok— 
 Applications for licenses, registry of to keep 78 
 Appointment of 78 
 I'agatelle tables, places where keiU to visit 7(j 
 Hilliard tables, n h n 79 
 lionds, to make out 79 
 Bowling alleys, to visit 79 
 I'read, liglit, may seize ; 77 
 By-laws, License, offences against to prosecute 79 
 II 11 to see that carried out 79 
 Cab license, to issue 287 
 Carter n 1 281 
 ,1 to assist, at request of, in conveying ]iersons to prison 281, 282 
 Classified list of persons required tt) take out licenses, '-.c jnake 78 
 Dog not to be registered by ui>less tax jiaid , , . . . 71 
 11 record to keep of registered , 71 
 11 registering of . , 70 
 11 return to make to Treasurer as to , 71 
 M tax may be ])aid to 71 
 ,1 11 to be paid before registering of 71 
 Duties of 70,, 77, 78, 79, 2S1, 2S7 
 Intelligence offices, books of to be open to 84 
 II 11 to visit 79 
 Inspection, right to enter house to make 77> 79 
 II to make, of licensed houses 79 
 II II places ref[uired to be licensed , . 78, 79 
 Interrupting in discharge of duties , , 79 
 Licenses, application for to be made to 79» ^o 
 11 counterpart of to keep 7^ 
 M particulars of to keep 78 
 II to be produced to when recpureil 80 
 II If make out 79 
 License Committee, to attend when reijuired 79 
 ,1 II 11 perform duties as to dogs under direction of 71 
 „ I, II II II assigned by 79 
 Licensed premises to inspect 79 
 ,, „ 11 see that well and orderly kept . . , . ^ 79 
 Livery stable licenses, to issue 285 
 Molesting in discharge of duties 79 
 Offences against License By-laws, to prosecute 79 
 I'etitions, to ascertain truth »f 7^ 
 Registry of applications for licenses, to keep 78 
 Security to be given by applicant for license to be to satisfaction of. . ..79, 80 
 II i. give 79 
 Transfer of Licenses, registry of applications for, to keep 78 
 ,, . M to make out 79 
 Treasurer, to advise with 7'*^ 
 II II make return to as to dogs 7 ' 

 MI ♦"*'J. 
 Licenses, Inspectoh ok (cortttnucd)—- 
 Treasurer to make return to of particulars of licenses 7^ 
 II 11 II II II 11 persons required to take out licenses 78 
 Victualling houses, to visit 7^ 
 Visit all parts of city four times a year, duty of to -ji^ 
 Lieutenant-Governor — Speaking disrespectfully of in Council ..116 
 Light Bread. (See Bread.) 77 
 Weight 91 
 Lime — Measuring of 105 
 Fees for sale of 87 
 Fire engine housea or fires, not to be used at 40 
 Livery Stahles — 
 By-law for regulating and licensing 235 
 11 repeal of 270 
 11 to amend By-law relating to 2S5 
 Certiticate in favor of granting license to, form of 278, 279 
 11 reinstating license form of 277 
 Chief Constable, form of certificate of 27S, 279 
 11 I inspection of by 273 
 11 M to certify as to applicant for license to keep 271 
 Clean, to be kejit 273 
 Cruelty to animals 274 
 Fare, payment of 275 
 Fine for infraction of By-law relating to^ 275, 276 
 Inspection of 273 
 Interpretation of term " Livery Stable keeper" 270, 271 
 Keepers of not required to take out license as cabman or carter unless 
 engaged in those businesses 235 
 11 to be licensed ., 235, 270 
 II who to be deemed 270, 27 1 
 License, assignment of 237, 272 
 II certificate of Chief Constable, form of 278, 279 
 II 1 11 11 required before issue of 271 
 II duration of 238, 271 
 II entitles to keep only one 236 
 II fees for 236,237,271,272,285 
 M form of 270, 276 
 M how to be issued 271, 285 
 II Inspector of Licenses to issue 285 
 M minor, not to be granted to 271 
 M not to be in operation till fees paid to Treasurer 272 
 II petition for, form of 278 
 II 11 required 271 
 M required to keep 235, 270 
 11 security to be given by applicant for 236 
 II suspension of 273, 274 
 II transfer of 237, 271, 272, 277 
 Notoriously bad characters, vehicles not to be let to 274 
 Numbering of 75 
 Owner of, who to be deemed 272 
 Penalty for infraction of By-law relating to 275, 276 
 Property to be taken care of by keeper of 275 
 Prostitutes, vehicles not to be let tp 274 
 Sale of, license may be transferred on 272 
 Street, keepers of may make use of for certain purposes 57 
 II vehii. ies not to Ijc washed or cleaned on 273 
 Treasurer, fees for license to keep, to be paid to 272 
 Treasurer's receipt, form of 277 
 censes 78 
 278, 279 
 27S, 279 
 275, 276 
 270, 271 
 irter unless 
 23s, 270 
 270, 271 
 237, 272 
 278, 279 
 " 271 
 238, 271 
 , 271, 272, 285 
 270, 276 
 271, 285 
 , 272 
 235, 270 
 • ■■273.274 
 271, 272, 277 
 275, 276 
 lo( K-i 1' House Estabushbd 76. 77 
 LdiKiiNG Stable. iSee Livery Stahle.) 
 Joes— Burning of in open air 
 London Boakd ok Trade— 
 Declaration of trust by as to Hospital Fund 233, 234 
 Income of Hospital Fund, application of l)y 231 
 London Gas Lioht Company— 
 Agreement with • 204 to 209 
 Amalgamation with other Company not to take place 202 
 By-law, conditions on which po-.e-s granted 200, aoi, 202 
 „ granting power to lay v wn pipes 199 to 203 
 „ when to go into force 203 
 City Gas Company obtaining control of 207 
 Engineer, pipes of to be laid under supervision of 205 
 Forfeiture of rights by J-'l^l 
 Gas, price of 200, 201, 205, 206, 207 
 /quality of 200, 201, 20s, 206 
 „ supply of to City 20'. 202, 206 
 Penalty for breach of agr-^ement 20» 
 Streets, breaking up by ^°° 
 „ to be left in repair • • 2°° 
 Works, when to be commenced and completed 200, 205, 20&, 207 
 London, Huron and Bruce Railway Comi-any— By-law to aid.. 171 to 174 
 London Savings Bank— Agreement and declaration of trust as to 
 London Street RAiLWAY-ISee Street Railway) 18610198 
 LoRRiE— Fees for license for 
 Lottery— In market 
 Selling, place of 
 Sidewalk, placing on 
 Waggon conveying from mill, tires of 
 Yards to lie fenced 
 On Street Railway '°° 
 Removing from streets • 53 
 Dog, may order destruction of '■i 
 License, forfeiture of by 
 II may demand production of 
 Police. (See Police Magistrate.) 
 Malignant Disease— (See Disease) .^°' 
 Certain, not allowed in City 
 Dangerous n « 
 Earth closet, to be provided with 
 Privy Board of Health may make to ■i 
 It notice to make 
 ,1 to be provided with • ■ • 
 1 axation, certain kinds of, exempt from ^°'^> 
 Water closet, to be provided with 
 Manure — , , r -^a '>c '>'? 20 ^o 
 Accumulation and removal of -4. ^S. -/' ^V' J 
 Putting up in heaps • • • ; 
 Maitlani) STREEi-Grand Trunk Radway Company may lay 
 railway on • ' ' ^ 
 Mai'LE Street— Hitchcock street changed to »4^ 
 Mares— Putting stud horse to in streets or parks b 
 '1- ' 
 "! ISO" 
 k '' 
 Mark T-ANK — Xaint- nf clianj^'ed tn Kiilnnond Street n 
 Makkki Commi n kk- - 
 .\)i|iiiililiiU'lil of ■ 121 
 AuLliiiii siilcs, III si't apart part of market jjrounils for ()S 
 I're.Kl, assi/c of, (hitics as tu 128 
 I )ntiLS of 127, 128 
 I'ood, tainted and unvvliolesoine, (liities as to 128 
 I'ree fair.s, rules and re^'ulalioiis as to, to make yy, 100 
 11 to direct per>on ap|iointed to arranj^e articles for exhibition at..i)0 
 l.cssie of stalls to kee|i tlicm clean to satisfaction of (jS 
 Market ( 'lerk, lo have control of 128 
 I. fees, collecting;, to report as to 128 
 11 " deposit, may reipiire from pei'sons tendering for 128 
 11 ri to advertise for tenders for purchase of 128 
 11 fences, repair of, duties as to 128 
 11 (ground, cleaning; of, duties as to 12S 
 II house, repair of, duties as to 128 
 II offiiers, to have control of 128 
 II i)ul)lic. to manage and report on 127 
 Weigh I'Icrk, to furnisli hook to i)j 
 Weighing house, to nianage and report on !?• 
 Weights and measures, to report on i, 
 Markkc, Fui;iv - 
 Agricultural live stock, produce, machines, and machinery, sale of at. . .,09 
 Articles, arranging for sale in . . 99 
 Disordeily conduct in 99 
 I'.stahlishment of 98 
 Fees, none payable at 94, 99 
 ]*"ruil, sale of in 99 
 (Jrain n n m 99 
 1 lolding of, place and time of 98 
 II II purpose of 99 
 Home manufacture, articles of, sales of in 99 
 Market ( Ommitteee to direct person in charge of 99 
 II II II make rules for 99, 100 
 Meal, sale of in 99 
 Purpose for which to be held 99 
 Rules, Market Committee to make for 99, 100 
 II when to go into effect 100 
 Slock, arranging at 99 
 II removing of 99 
 MARKEf Grains — Forestalling of 92 
 Marki'.t, ruiiLK — 
 Animal matter, bringing into 90 
 Animals, fees on saK of in . .93, 94 
 Articles for family use, forestalling of 92 
 11 sale of by weight 91 
 Auction sales in and fees therefor y I, 92, 98 
 ISag of jjotatoes, weight of 9I 
 ]5asement, tires to be kept in S9 
 II light in not to be obstructed 94 
 IJoiler running in 92 
 Hutchers' fire, lo ])rovide their own 89 
 M meat, distrained, sale of .... 96 
 II II sale of by weight 91 
 ti II II II ])Iace for ()i, 93 
 11 stalls. (.See Stalls.) 
 Calf's meat, sale of 98 
X I .V. 
 M\RKET, ruHLic l.Olfilllin/) — 
 Cards, playing at in 
 Cham f. gamvs of, I'layint,' in 
 Clerk, aiiiMiintmciU of 
 II auction sales in U) be umk-r iliroclion of 
 II fees, piircliascr of to he 
 • 92. 98 
 „ to he collected hy 93. 94 
 grounds to he kept cleaned hv °9 
 Market t:()nAmittec lo coiurol and direct 
 security, to j^ive 
 ticket to he ^iven liy on payment of fees. 
 wagt;on, hay, straw or fodder, iil.aciiiL' of. 
 11 placing,' 
 ,_^^,_, . ,,(■ 9" 
 „ to prevent 'rcniain'inij'al front of nortli end of market house.90 
 Closing, hours of 
 I'oal, fees for weighing in 
 Count, short 
 Covent Garden continued 
 ,, M stalls in, renting of 
 Crowding in 2 
 Dairy products, forestalling ^ 
 1 )ay^ 
 91, 92 
 ■ 92 
 Dice, playing witli in ■ ■ • • 
 Distress warran', sale of goods under in 
 Dog not to he kept ahout 
 Driving, immoderate, in 
 II over market s(|uare or place 
 Eggs, forestalling of 
 Engine, steam, setting up in 
 Fair, free. (See Mark Ki', Fr1':i:.) .•,!•„. 
 I, grounds, auction sales not to take place in, cxceiH of certam tlimgs 
 ,1 ,1 fees for selling in not to he charged 
 Family use, forestalling articles of ^^ 
 Farm produce, place of selling 04 128 
 Fees, sale of • • • ■; -^ ' „. 
 M in fair ground at free fairs, not payable tor J'* 
 11 ticket for to he given by clerk ; ^^ 
 ,1 „ M shown when re(iuire(l " |J 
 Fires, butchers to provide their own ^ 
 ,1 to be kept in basement 
 Fish, forestalling of ' ' 00 
 It inspection of „ j 
 II market y 
 II .. rent of stalls in ^| 
 II place of selling' • • ■ -^ 
 „ tainted or unwholesome, exposing for 
 Fodder, place of selling 91 
 II weighing of : ■ ' y " \ ^o 
 Food, articles of, tainted or unwhok'some, exposing tor sale \'.','.go 
 II . inspection of ',,02 
 Forestalling " 
 Free. (See MARKivr, Fkei-:.) ^2 
 Fruit, forestalling of. ..".!! 99 
 II sale of in free '""■•" 
 Gambling in 
 Goods, sale of in by lottery 
 II M market place . 
 .91, 92, 98 
 Market, Public (continjied)— 
 Grain, forestalling q2 
 II place of selling 93 
 Grounds, cleaning of 8^ 
 I lay, place of selling 93 
 II weighing of 91 
 Hazard, games of in 92 
 Hides, bringing into ... 90 
 Hours of opening and closing 89 
 House, cleaning of 89 
 II dog not to be kept in or aboui 90 
 II establishment of 89 
 11 repair of, duties of Market Committee as to 128 
 Hucksters' stalls not allowed in 90 
 Indecent exposure of person in 23 
 Inspector of 90 
 Lease of stalls in 95. 96 
 Lessee n h to keep fire in basement 89 
 Light weight gi 
 Lottery in 92 
 Lumber, selling, jilace of . 93 
 Market Committee. (Si:k Market Co^I^IITTKE.) 
 II II to have charge of 127 
 II grain forestalling 92 
 Measurement, sale of meat or articles by 91 
 It short 91 
 Meat, calf's, sale of 98 
 II distrained, sale of 96 
 II forestalling 92 
 II inspection of 90 
 II place of sale of 91, 93 
 11 sale of by weight 91 
 II II 11 in less quantity than by ijuarter on Market S(iuare pro- 
 hibited 91 
 II tainted or unwholesome, exposing for sale in 31, 90 
 Nuisance in 90 
 Obstructing citizens in 92 
 11 light in 94 
 Offal, bringing into 90 
 Ojien air, sale of animals in 93, 94 
 Opening, hours of 89 
 Place, established 89 
 Potatoes, forestalling of 92 
 II weight of bag of 91 
 Poultry, forestalling of 92 
 11 insjiection of . . 90 
 II taintefl or unwholesome, exposing for sale in 90 
 Quarter, meat not to be sold in less (juantity than by, on market grounds.. 91 
 Refuse, bringing into market 90 
 Rent of stalls 95 
 It II meat, distraining for 96 
 ti II neglect to pay 96 
 11 11 Treasurer to receive 95 
 Roots, forestalling of 92 
 .Scales, persons selling by weight tc be provided with 91 
 .Shingles, jilace of selling, 93 
 Sidewalks in, assembling on 92 
 Stalls, agreement to be signed by lessee of 96 
 Markkt, Public (continued)— 
 Stalls, assigned, not to be J" 
 <^lB!in tr> hp kent v" 
 clean, to l)e kept 
 I, fish market, in 
 ,, forfeiture of 
 „ hucksters 
 „ lease of 
 ,1 leased, to be 
 „ obstruction of light by 
 „ occupation of 
 ,, re-letting 
 M rent of 
 „ „ non-payment of. . . . 
 „ ,, Treasurer to receive 
 ,1 sub-letting...... 
 Steam engines, running in 
 power, machines not to be run by m ^^ 
 Straw, place of selling '.".".!'. .91 
 'raintedTiS!"fsh, poulu'y,' ox ariicles of 'food,' exposing for sale in 90 
 Unwholesome I. " " " " " ^ 
 Vegetable matter, bringing into ^ 
 Vegetables, forestalling ^ 
 Waggon, fish, sale of in..... ••'^ 
 hay, straw and iodder ^ 
 not to remain at north end of Market House 9° 
 placing of. 
 preference not to be given in placing 9^ 
 ,, removal of _ 
 Weigh Clerk, appointment of ^' 
 „ duties of ^' 
 responsibility of ^-y^ 
 Weighing, fees for " ' ' ^ 
 hay, straw and fodder... ^ 
 house, duties of Weigh Clerk as to -97 
 „ Market Committee to report as to »Z7 
 Weilht's amUireasures," ^ial■ke■l■ Conimittee to i-eport as to . . . .... ... 127 
 ^, „ persons selling by weight to be provided with. . ..91 
 Market "sTRKEi-Changed to Albert Street '41 
 Market, Wood— 
 Clerk of, appointment of • • • •. ; ' • 
 „ certil.cate, to give of wood measured or inspected 
 II duties of •. 
 II fees for re-packing or re-piling 
 „ purchases of cordwood by 
 .. security to be given by . 
 ,1 waggon, placing of in by . 
 Cordwood. (See Cordwood.) 
 Disorderly conduct in 
 Establishment of 
 Fees of 
 „ ,1 to be paid to Treasurer _ j^^, 103 
 Rack, size and form of ...'.100 
 Site of loi 
 Streets in, blocking up _ . . 104 
 Waggon, altering marks on .".*."."..' I02 
 II placing in " 
 (See also Cordwood.) 
 100 to lOi 
 ,101, 103, 104, 105 
 |0» w 
 I II 
 Mayor — 
 Absence of, chairman to be ai)iiuinte(l in 1 14 
 Adulteration of food, powers of as to 28, 2<j 
 Apparatus, danj;erous, may direct examination and removal of 42, 45 
 Bar, permission to come within, may give i ly 
 Boilers, dangerous, may direct examination and removal of 42, 45 
 Bread, may direct place where sold to be entered 77 
 11 11 order distribution to poor of light 77 
 Buildings erected contrary to By-law, may order jiulling down of 44 
 II may order inspection of 48, 49 
 II II 1. pulling down to i)revent spread of (ire 38 
 By-law, signing 121 
 Cabman, may require to assist in conveying jiersons arrested 237 
 Carter n n m .. ., 1, . .237, 281, 282 
 Chair, leaving to take part in debate . . 115 
 11 .1 when Council goes into Committee of the Whole 120 
 II taking after report 120 
 1. n in case of disorder in C'ommittee of "e Wliole 120 
 M until he leaves, members not to leave places Oi. adjournment 1 14 
 11 when (luorum present, Id take 114 
 Che(|ues, to countersign 137 
 Chimneys, dangerous, may direct examination and removal of 42, 45 
 City Steam Heating Company, to certify as to 211 
 Committee of the Whole, disorder arising in, to take chair on 120 
 II 11 11 nuition to rise without reporting carried in, to 
 take chair 120 
 11 11 M to leave chair when Council goes into 1 19 
 Committees, to be ex-oflicio a mend)er of all 122 
 Crowding streets, may authorize urder for persons to move on to prevent. .60 
 l)ogs, may authorize to be seized 72 
 II M issue proclamation for muzzling 72 
 Exhibition, indecent, inunoral or lev.d, may prevent 21, 22 
 Fire, may order buildings to Ix; pulled down to prevent spread of 3S 
 II places, dangerous, niay direct examination and removal of 42, 45 
 Klues 1: II II II 42, 45 
 (jand)ling devices, may destroy 22, 23 
 11 houses, 11 enter 22,23 
 Health Inspector to make <leclaration before 26 
 Inunoral exhibition or jday, may jirevent 21, 22 
 Indecent n 1. .. 21,22 
 Intelligence office, books of, may order to be inspected 84 
 Lewd exhibition or play, may jireveut 21, 22 
 List of 3, 4, 6, 8 
 London Cas Light Comjiiny to give security to satisfaction of 203 
 Medical advice, may call in in certain cases 29 
 Member addressing to stand uncovered 1 15 
 11 calling to oriler 1 1 5 
 !• not to leave place on adjournment until chair left by 114 
 11 to name who is to speak 1 15 
 Motion, contrary to rule, duty as to 119 
 II to be read by 118 
 Order, calling members to 115 
 It points of to decide 1 14, 1 1 5 
 II to preserve in C'ouncil 1 14 
 Ovens, dangerous, may direct examination and removal of 42, 45 
 Park, may onler certain ])ers')ns to be excluded from 88 
 Petitions, duties as to 122 
 riay, indecent, inunoral or lewd, may prevent 21, 22 
 28, 2(J 
 42, 45 
 42, 45 
 ... 48, 49 
 7, 281, 282 
 It 114 
 42, 45 
 ied in, to 
 1 20 
 prevent.. 60 
 . . .21, 22 
 42, 45 
 ...42, 45 
 ....22, 23 
 22. 23 
 21, 22 
 21, 22 
 . . . .21, 22 
 ■■3,4. 6, 8 
 .114, IIS 
 • • 42, 45 
 21, 22 
 Mayor (continiud)— 
 Police Force, may authorize to enter buildings to inspect 48, 49 
 It II I' " ti place where bread sold 77 
 Puttinc question 115^ 119 
 Queen s Park, improvements to be made by trustees to 1)e approved by. .217 
 It II to approve of regulations of trustees of 217 
 II II trees in not to be cut down without sanction of 218 
 Question, may be put to n6, 117 
 II putting 115, 119 
 Sick, destitute, may order to be attended or removed to hospital 28 
 Stoves, dangerous, may direct examination and removal of 42, 45 
 .Street railway, to execute agreement with 196 
 Vote, may on all questions in Council 115 
 Measurement — Short 91 
 Measuring Lime 105 
 Meal — Sale of at free fairs 99 
 Blown, tainted or unwholesome, sale of 3', 9° 
 Forestalling 92 
 Inspection of 90 
 Place of selling 93 
 .Sales of in less quantity than by quarter 91 
 Mechanics — Exemption in favor of as to kindling fires 46, 47 
 Medi'al Officers. (See Health, Public.) 
 Meetings OF Council. (See Council. ) 
 Menagerie — 
 Exhibition of 83 
 License fees for 86, 87 
 Licensed, to be 83 
 Penalty for unlicensed exhibition of 83, 84 
 Merchants — May use portions of sidewalk for certain purposes 51, 52 
 Mii)I)Le..ex, Corporation of — 
 Court House 130, 131 
 Criminal justice 130, 131 
 Exhibition grounds, agreement with as to 222 10 225 
 Gaol 130, 131 
 Hospital fund, agreement as to 230, 231, 232 
 II It declaration of trust as to 233, 234 
 Jurors, payment of 130, 131 
 Prisoners, maintenance of 130, 131 
 Public buildings belonging to need not be numbered 75 
 Middlesex (East) Agricultural Society— Agreement with as to 
 Exhibition Grounds 226 to 229 
 Mill — Waggons drawing lumiier from, width of tires of 60 
 Missiles— DangiTous throwing in streets or parks 57 
 Money Api'rci'riations .' 121, 137 
 Mc^ALs, Public— 
 Alms, asking on streets 23 
 Apprentice, sale or gift of intoxicating drink to 21 
 Hathing in Thames 23 
 Begging in streets 23 
 Betting houses 22 
 Blasphemous language, using 21, 40, 102 
 Books, indecent or lewd, sale or jjossession of ... .21 
 Cards, playing at 22, 90 
 Chance, games of 22, 90 
 Child, sale or gift of intoxicating drink to 21 
 Dice, playing with 22, 90 
 ■i ■> 
 ' j: 
 ^'il lc= 
 ^" iSK 
 > ; : : it«- 
 '.:.:; !Sp- 
 ^^r^f |:S1 
 Morals, Public (continuid) — 
 Disonieily houses, contributing to support ol 22 
 11 n frequenting 22 
 M .. keeping. 22 
 !i « residing in 22 
 M .1 supporting inmates of 22 
 M jiersons subject to penalties 23 
 Drawings, indecent 21 
 11 lewd 21 
 Drink, intoxicating, sale or gift of to child or apprentice 21 
 Drunk, ])ersons found 23 
 Drunkenness 21, 23 
 Exhibitions, indecent 22 
 Exposure of person, indecent 23 
 Faro Bank 22, 23 
 Fences, posting indecent pictures on 21 
 Gamblers 22 
 Gambling 22, 23 
 Gambling house 22, 23 
 Gaming 22 
 Grossly insulting language, using 21, 40 
 Hazard, games of 22, yo 
 House of ill-fame, contributing to support of 22 
 11 11 frequenting 22 
 M .■ keeping 22 
 M p. letting house or building to be used as 22 
 M II residing in 22 
 M !• sujjporting inmates of 22 
 Ill-fame, Ixiuses of 22 
 Immoral play 21, 22 
 Immorality .21 
 Indecency 21 
 Indecent book 21 
 11 drawings 21 
 exhibition 21, 22 
 II exposure of person 23 
 II paper 21 
 M i)ictures 21 
 II placards 2i 
 I' plate 21 
 II play 21,22 
 II thing 21 
 writings 21 
 Insulting language 21, 40 
 Intoxicating drink, sale or gift of to child or apprentice 21 
 Language, blasphemous 21, 40, 102 
 !• grossly insulting 21,40 
 ol)scene 21,40,102,238,255,282 
 Letting house or l)uililing to be useil as htinse of ill-fame 22 
 Lewd bonk ;2I 
 drawings 21 
 II paper 21 
 I. pictures .... 21 
 |)late 21 
 piny 21, 22 
 iNoioriiiu- persons, permitting iinuse to be frecpiented by 22 
 Obscene language, using 21, 40, 102, 23S, 255, 282 
 I'aper, indecent or lewd , , 21 
 •• 23 
 .... 21, 23 
 22, 23 
 22, 23 
 22, 23 
 21, 40 
 22, 90 
 , 22 
 , 22 
 21, 22 
 . . . 21 
 21, 22 
 , 21 
 21, 22 
 21, 40 
 .21, 40, 102 
 21, 40 
 38, 25s, 282 
 21, 22 
 38, 255, 282 
 Pum.ic (i-ontinued)— 23 
 „ of bad character m " " ' ' 21 
 I'ictures, indecent '' 21 
 lewd 21 
 Placards, indecent " " 21 
 Plate, indecent or lewd 21, 22 
 Play, immoral. . 21, 22 
 ,, indecent 21,22 
 ,, lewd .... 
 Profane swearing • •■ • ' •, ' j ' ; 
 Prostitutes, permitting house to be frequented by. 
 River Thames, bathing m • • • 
 21, 40 
 '.'..'.'.. 22, 23 
 Rouge-et-non- 22, 23 
 Roulette table ' 23 
 Streets, begging m 22, 23 
 „ drunkenness m " 23 
 „ indecent exposure in 21, 40 
 Swearing, profane. 23 
 Thames, bathing in 22, 23 
 Vagrants 21 
 Walls, indecent placards on 21 
 Words, indecent ...'.'... 2i 
 Writings, indecent • • • • • • i iS 
 Motions is Councii.-I See also Coun.ii.) 
 Mui.ES— . 58 
 Not to be left untied in street gg^ 89 
 „ go at large in Park . . ... ■ • 177,178 LOAN Fund i)K,n-15y-law as to • /^^ g^ 
 Music II ALL— Licenses to, fees tor 72 
 Mu/./.LiNU Dogs— (.See Dogs) • 
 NAMES OF STREETS, (See Streets.) 
 N",.„A-Not to be used in lighting hres 
 NiGiir Soil— 
 Removal of 
 Noises, Unusuai 
 • 31 
 • 31 
 ■ 31 
 . >39 
 Name of nart of changed to Calling street^ ^^ ;:::;:.... .{^ 
 ,, (^uecn s Avenut 
 Nuisances— 25, 27, 29, 3c 
 Abatement of " .... 
 Bells, ringing of . . •:•.•••-. 
 Burial ground, committing in 
 Cemetery, committing in 
 Charavaris prohibited ■■.\"c" 'a 
 Disinfecting premises in which found ^5, 
 Dung, accumulation and removal ot 
 Filth, accumulation and removal of ■ ■ 
 Fire arms, firing of • • • • • 
 „ ball. " '" >ciimgofl ;;;■■..... 
 „ cracker, " " ' 
 Guns, firing of 
 llealtli, accumulations dangerous to 
 27, 29, 
 29. 30 
 25. 27, 
 Hoard of may order abatement ol 2. 
 ,, „ removal ot.... 
 29. 30 
 2'). 30 
 Nuisances (roiiliiiiwd) — 
 Health Inspector mny al)ate j- 
 11 11 11 order abatement of 21; 
 Hog sty prohil)ited 24 
 I logs, keeping of prohibited 24 
 Morns, blowing of 24 
 Manure, accumulation and removal of 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 
 Market, in 
 Noises, unusual, makihg in streets 
 Notice to remove, how given 
 Offal, accumulation and removal of 24, 25, 27, 20, 
 Offensixe matter m \< 24, 25, 27, 29, 
 Parks, in 
 Pig sty prohibited 24 
 Pigs, keeping of prohibited 24 
 Police force may abate 2^ 
 Prohibited 25 
 Removal of 25, 29, 30 
 II cost of 30 
 M notice of 29, 30 
 Shouting in streets 24 
 Slaughter houses, keeping of .... 24 
 Squib, firing or setting otT 24 
 Stagnant water, accumulation and removal of. 24, 25 
 Streets, noises in , 24 
 Unusual noises making in streets 24 
 Water stagnant, accumulation and removal of 24, 25 
 NuMHERiNc. Docs— (See Dogs) 70 
 Assessor to enter numbers on roll 106 
 Barns need not be numbered 75 
 Buildings, public, need not be numbered 75 
 Churches n n 75 
 Crown, houses belonging to need not be numbered 75 
 I louses to be numbered 74 
 Livery stables >i 75 
 I^ots 11 74 
 Middlesex, Corporation of, public buildings of need not be numbered. . . .75 
 Numberer of houses, appointment of 74 
 II 11 obstructing 75 
 Numbers for houses, affixing of 74 
 II II defacing 75 
 II M destroying 75 
 M II expense of affixing 74, 75 
 II i> obliterating. 75 
 II II owners may affix their own 7^ 
 II II removal of 75 
 11 II size of 7S 
 Plan for to be deposited with City Clerk 74 
 Public worship, places of need not be numbered 75 
 Record of. Engineer to make 7S> 7^ 
 Schools, public, need not be numbered 75 
 Sheds II II -^S 
 Streets, Engineer to make record of for 7Si 7^ 
 II record of to be open for inspection . . 76 
 Worship, places of jniblic need not Ik: numbered 75 
 QBSCENE LANGUAGE— Use of 21, 40, 102, 238, 255, 282 
 27. 29, 30 
 27, 20, 30 
 27. 29, 30 
 25. 29, 30 
 ...29, 30 
 ...24, 25 
 ...24, 25 
 ••• -75 
 ■ed .... 75 
 ■••74, 75 
 •■75. 7«3 
 • • 75. 76 
 ,. ..76 
 255. 282 
 In market 92 
 u .streets, removal of 54. 55 
 II 11 11 cost of 55 
 I, II by crowds 60 
 To drains liy building materials 52. 53 
 II M removal of 35 
 II sidewalk by crowds 60 
 Accumulation and removal of. ... 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 
 Bringing into market 9° 
 Throwing into wells, pumps or drinking fountains 51 
 Offensive Mattkr — Accumulation and removal of 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 
 Office, Appointments to Mode of voting on I37 
 Officers of CoRPORArmN— 
 Dismissal of. no, 1 11 
 Fees not to be taken by 1 10, 1 1 1 
 Health Inspector, to ;.ssist 34 
 List of ' > 
 .Salaries of 1 10, 1 1 1 
 II duties of .Salary Committee as to 
 Treasurer, to pay fees to • • 
 Accommodation to be afforded by 
 Crossing, stopping at 
 Hotel keepers ni.ay obtain license (or 
 License for may be granted 
 II 11 petition for, form of. 
 Passengers, letting out and taking in 
 Sidewalk, stopping at 248 
 Stopping of 248 
 Order of Proceeuincs in Council— (See Colmil) n4 
 Orders of the Day "7 
 (.See also Council.) 
 Ordinary. (.See Victuallinc. House.) 
 Ornamental Trees. (See Treks.) 
 Ovens, (See Chimneys.) 
 Ox -Not to be left untied in streets 5° 
 (.See also Horned Cattlf.) 
 Oysters— Place for selling. (See Victuai.lim; House.) 
 PALL-MALL STREET- Part of closed 146. i47 
 Lewd 21 
 Manufactories of, exempt Irom taxation '09, no 
 Paraffine— Manufactory of not allowed in City 47 
 Park Committee — 
 Appointment of :"',,'.'''"'} ^ 
 Chairman of, sanction of reiiuired for cutting down trees by 1 rustees ot 
 gueen's P.ark • 2>» 
 M to approve of improvements to be made by 1 rustees ot 
 (Queen's Park 217 
 „ „ rules yf Trustees of (Queen's Park 217 
 Duties of ,•••.••;. '3° 
 i'arks, filthy and other persons, may authorize exclusion Irom 07 
 M to have charge of 
 II trees, removing in 
 M walking on grass in 
 (Queens Park, powers as to 
 .87. 130 
 88, 21S 
 217, 218 
 I— < 
 s • 
 I'AKK COMMITTKK ((OntilllU'il) — 
 N'ictoria I'ark, to have clinigi' of i^q 
 Ass not to be allowed in SS, Si) 
 J?enches in, breakint; or injuiinj; j^s 
 Bolts in, 11 1 88 
 liow and arrow, iisiny; in 57 
 Hull, exhil)iting in 58 
 Caretaker of, powers of 87, 88 
 Catainill, using in 57 
 Cattle not to be allowed in . . . SS, 89 
 Committee of. (See I'ARK Commitiki:.) 
 Disorderly conduct in 88 
 Dogs not lo be allowed in 88, 89 
 Driving elsewhere than on carriage drives in 88 
 11 immoderate 8S 
 Drunken jiersons may be excluded from 88 
 Kxpenditure on 87 
 Fences in, breaking or injuring 88 
 11 climbing 51 
 Filthy persons may l)e excluded from 88 
 Fittings in, destroying or injuring 51 
 Flowers in, destroying 88 
 Foot-ball, playing in 89 
 CJames, playing in 89 
 Gates in, breaking or injuring. 88 
 Geese, not to be allowed in 8S, 89 
 Goats 11 11 88, 89 
 Grass in, destroying 88 
 11 walking on 8S 
 Horse not to go at large in 88, 89 
 II putting to mares in 58 
 11 stud, exhibiting in 58 
 M traming in 58 
 Immoderate driving in 88 
 Lamp-posts in, climbing of, 51 
 Lamps in, destroying or injuring 51 
 Lanterns in, n n .. 51 
 Locks in, breaking or destroying 88 
 Missile, dangerous, throwing in 57 
 Money, expending on 87 
 Mules not to go at large in 88, 89 
 Notoriously bad characters may be excluded from 88 
 Nuisances in 88 
 I'ark Conmiittee lo have charge of 87 
 Prostitutes may be excluded from 88 
 (Queen's — (See (^)ukkn's I'ark) 217,218 
 Railing in, cliudjing 5' 
 Riding elsewhere than on carriage drives 88 
 Roots in, destroying 88 
 Seats 11 II 88 
 Shrubs II 11 , 88 
 Snowballs, throwing in 57 
 Stones, 11 57. i^'J 
 .Swine not to be allowed in 88, 89 
 Trees in, destroying 88 
 Vagrants may be excluded from 88 
 Victoria , . 87 
 , . SS, S() 
 .87, 88 
 . .... 57 
 88, 89 
 . 88, 89 
 .... 88 
 .... 88 
 .... 88 
 ... .89 
 ... 89 
 ..88, 89 
 . . 88, 89 
 . . 88, 89 
 ..88, 89 
 217, 218 
 57. ^') 
 ..88, 89 
 l.AiM .AMI. NT-Law of to ««)vern in uninovidcd casus 
 WAl.l.s-WicUh and mode of conslruction. . . 
 ,.„..,.-,v J^Sl^ o;m;^,.>v.,S3. S4 .?6. .43. ^J^ .6, 
 • ■■44 
 [275, 276, 283, 284, 287 
 I'f,kcenta(;e on Unpah- 1 a\k^ 
 I'KRSON— .. 22,83,88,251,274 
 Had character, ot 24 
 Dead, interment of ' 23 
 Indecent e.xposure of ,'.'."... 22, 83, 88, 251, 274 
 Notorious 121,122 
 I'KTiTioNs ■• (See Council) 
 l>ETKOi,Ei'M Oil— ,.,.,,. 48 
 Fires, not to be used in lislUinR • .- 47 
 Manufactory of not allowed m ( ily 
 1>1.,TTY CllAl'MAN'— 85, 86 
 Fees to be paid by for license 82 
 License, re<iuired to take out ^ 
 naiY THAUER. (See Pf/ity Chapman.) 
 Duties of in case 
 Sly, keeping of . . . 
 uf epidemic, cholera, small-pox "l^^^';'^^^ ., 
 . 21 
 Smoking in stables and certain other places prohibited . ... . • • • • ■ • • • • • • -47 
 Stove, conducting into chimney 46 
 hole, stopping up of 45 
 „ passing through woodwork 46 
 „ placing or putting up of ".'".".... 4^ 
 „ supporting of .......'!. 3' 
 Water, injury «f " '. 47 
 Prrcil- Fires for boiling ' " ' ' 76 
 Pits— Fencing of 21 
 Placards— Indecent •••••■■ •.■;•••• : 
 Plantinc. of Trees. See 1 •'^'''■^^- . , ^,^^^^^ 23, 24 
 Plants -Destroying in Cemetery 01 Puiial (.loumi. ^i 
 Plate— Lewd • ••• 21, 22 
 I'LAY-Immoral, indecent or lewd . . . • ■ ••.■•/•• J." ' ^ 46, 47 
 Pi UMDEUS-Exemplion in favor of as to kindling 3 
 Police, Board of— Members of. 235 to 287 
 Poi RE Commissioners— 15y-laws oi 
 '"' B;iali:'.':^y di^^t places where s.Jd to be entered • • ■ • • ■■■■-^ 
 Buildings, insi.ection of, powers ot, as lo 
 Cab licenses, duties of as t... (See C. ai..) 
 luties of as to. (See L AL.) ^^ _^ _^_^^^^^^^ ^^^ 237 
 of 281,282 
 man, (i 
 „ „ to'assist in conveying persons aneslcd at re. 
 Cabs, duties of as to. (^^'?^ <- ,^,"].,,„^ v 
 Carter's licenses, duties of as to. 
 (See Carter.) 
 I'OMCK, C'lilKK or {(OtidniuHi)— 
 Dofjs, seizing and imiiounding 72 
 Exhibition imiecent, imnunai or lewd, may prevent 21, 22 
 {janibliti^; house, may enter and destroy devices for ganil)hn(j found in. 22, 23 
 hniiouncling of dogs, duties of as to 72 
 Intelligence offices, hooks of may order inspection of S4 
 1-icense, may demand production of 80 
 Livery Stables, duties of as to. (See I-ivkky Stahlks.) 
 II 11 licensing t)f, duties of as to. (See I.IVKRV S I ABl.Kir.) 
 I'lay, immoral, indecent and lewd, may prevent exhibition of 21, 22 
 Poi.K'K FoKci;. — 
 Bread, light, ni.iy seize , 77 
 11 may enter place where sold 77 
 Huildings. inspection of by 48, 49 
 Cab man, extortion by to prevent 259, 260 
 11 It to assist in conveying ])ersons arrested at recjuest of 237 
 11 M 11 give information to 254 
 Carter, to assist in ccmveying i)ersons arrested at request of. . . .237, 281 2S2 
 Chief of. (See I'oi.icK Chiki' 01 .) 
 Crowds, may order to disperse 60 
 Dogs, destroying 73 
 H seizing and impounding 72 
 Exhibition indecent, immoral or lewd 21, 22 
 ('■ambling houses, may enter an<l destroy devices for gambling found in. 22, 23 
 Inipouncling of animals liy 69, 72 
 Intelligence olVices, books of may inspect 84 
 1/icense, may demand production of 80 
 Members of, list of 10 
 Nuisances, abatement of 25 
 M removal of 25 
 Obstructing in discharge of duties as to inspection of buildings 49 
 I'arks, may exchule certain jtersons from ... .87 88 
 riay, indecent, immoral or lewd, may prevent exhibition of 21, 22 
 Pounds, to prosecute offences against Uydaw relating to 69 
 Sidewalk, crowds on may order to disperse 60 
 11 may order cleaning of 64 
 Snow, ice, dirt and obstructions, may order removal of 64 
 PoLicK, Magistrate — 
 Ajiparatus dangerous, may order insjieclion and removal of 42, 45 
 Boilers dangerous, may order inspection and removal of 42, 45 
 Bread light, may '^■Jer to be distributed to poor 77 
 11 places were sold may direct to be entered 77 
 Buildings erected contrary to By-law may order destruction of. 44 
 may order inspection of 48, 49 
 Chimneys dangerous, may order inspection and removal of 42, 45 
 Dog, m.iy order destruction of 73 
 11 M M seizure of , 72 
 Exhibition indecent, immoral or lewd, may prevent 21, 22 
 Fire places dangerous, may order inspeciiim and removal of 42, 45 
 Flues dangerous may, order inspection and removal of 42, 25 
 Gambling houses, may enter and destroy devices for gambling found in. 22,23 
 Intelligence offices, may order books of to be inspected 84 
 License, may demand production of 80 
 II II forfeit 83 
 Ovens dangerous, may order inspection and removal of : .42, 45 
 Play, indecent, immoral or lewd, may ])revent exhibition of. 21, 22 
 Stoves dangerous, may order inspection anil removal of 42, 45 
 Police Oi'i- ick Es 1 ablisiieu 76, 77 
 i \ 
 ' 1 
 i ^ \ 
 roixiNO Subdivisions 105, 106 
 I'OOR— ' 
 Light bread, distribution ot to 77 
 Sick, provision as to 28 
 I'oi'i.AK SlLVKR — Not to be planted in streets 60 
 I'OKCIl — 
 Encroaching on street not to be erected 54 
 rrojecting into street, removal of 54, 55 
 \\ag .)f, contents of 91 
 i )ecayed, not to be brought into cily 31 
 I'OUl.l'KY — 
 Forestalling of 92 
 Inspection of 9" 
 Tainted and unwholesome, sale of 9*^ 
 I'DUNi) Kkepku. (See I'ouNns.) 
 Pounds — 
 Act resiiectmg not repealed o9 
 Animals dislniinod to be delivered to keeper of (>7 
 ,, distraining of ^7 
 ,. running at large ^6 
 • Uull, distraining of p 
 ,, running at large ^" 
 Cattle, dir.iraining of W 
 running at large r^" rx 
 ,, trespassing *^/' ^° 
 Damages, appraisement of "^ 
 Dogs, impounding of 72 
 reclaiming 73 
 Fees for distraining. . . 
 Geese distraining of. . . 
 ,1 running at large 
 II tresjiassing 
 Goat, distraining 
 II running at large 
 Horned cattle, distraining of 
 .67, 68 
 running at large •_ 0° 
 trespassing ^7, 00 
 Keeper of, animals distrained sale of by °7 
 „ ,, „ to be delivered to w 
 II appointment of ak fi 
 n fees to " ' ^ 
 „ food to be furnished by ^9 
 ■I water n " ' ^? 
 North Division • • ■ • • ^ 
 I'olice Constables to distrain animals running at large 09 
 „ „ ,1 prosecute offences against 15y-laws 09 
 Ram, distraining of ^^ 
 II running at large ^^ 
 Rescue of animals distrained , 
 Sheep, distraining of ^^ 
 ,1 running at large 67 68 
 I, trespassing _•-;•; ; _ ; '^^'^ g^ 
 ^''^ "f •••.•• •. ;;; ; 66, 67 
 Southern 1 )i vision ^ ^' 
 Stallion, ilistrainiiig of ^^ 
 II running at large 
 ■I \ tscJ 
 I'UIMJ^ (iOU!inilili) — 
 Swine, ilistraininj; of ^j, 
 M ninniiij^ at lai),'e ' Y)6 
 I'KKCII'li I'.s I'Viuiiij; of .','" 
 TUKA KS I INt; llltKS. (See llRI S, I'KIA i;n iiNi;.) 
 I'RK.vious (^U'KMION- -(See also CouNcii.) 
 ruiNiiNMi CoMMnrrK — 
 AppointnR'iU of • 
 Duties of I2(j, 
 Cabmen and carters to assist in conveying; to i)rison 237, 281, 2iSj 
 Maintenance of, duties of (Jaol C'onunitlee as to '. . . 130, 1 ;i 
 Tkivv - 
 Hoard of I lealtli may order making or cleaning of 52 
 (leaning of 3^.35 
 I )raining of • 32, K 
 Dwelling house lo he provided with 32, 35 
 Inhabited building pi m ...32,35 
 Manufactory n « 32,35 
 Nii,'ht soil, renutving from 33 
 Shop to be pr(jvicled with 32, jc 
 Vault, how lo be constructeil. 35 
 'RUC EKDINds IN (,'oi'NCI 1. — 
 l!y-law to regulate 1 13 
 Order of 114, 115, 116 
 I, in t'onnuittee of the Whole 1 19, 120 
 , f. connnitlees 131, 132 
 M on Hills 120, 121 
 See also CoiNcli. ) 
 City, for (.Meclion of 13 
 Dogs, running at large 72 
 X'olunteer 1 lealtli Officers, as to apiiointmenl of 34 
 15y cabmen 23S, 255 
 ,1 carters 238, 2.S2 
 M lircmen 40 
 l'rohibite<l 21 
 Wood yard, using in 102 
 ruOjEi I IONS IN Si'Ri'.i'.i s — Hemoval of 54. ^s 
 I'Roi'KRTY — Injury to S' 51 
 I'ROSniUI KS — 
 l''rei|uenting liouses ... 22 
 Livery stable keeper not to let vehicles ti . . . .274 
 .Not t" lie driven in cab 251 
 H frccjuent licenseil houses .... ^o 
 I'arks, may be excluded from 88 
 I' Huii.DlNi.s — Certain need not be numbered. 75 
 I'll HI. If 1 1 Ai. I. -License to 86, 87 
 Pl'lil.ic (See HllAI.IM, riULIc.) 
 riMil.lC M.VRKKl. (.See MaRKKI, i'Ulil.K.) 
 J'UIM.IC MOKAI.S. (See MoRAlS, I'tlll.K.) 
 I'l'Kl.lC XtnsANfE. (See XUISANtKs.) 
 riini.ic Sriiooi.s. (See SciiCXJi.s, ) 
 I'um.ic Wii i.s. (See Wia.i.s.) 
 PUbin Will .SHU' — I'laces of need not be numbered 75 
 PuLi.iNi; Down — 
 I louses erected contrary to liy-law 44 
I IN. 
 I'lii.iNi; Down ((Oiitiiiuid)— jj 
 Houses to pievfiU spread of lire ! ! ! . 50 
 Notices , 1 !.',..' 50 
 IMMi's, I'lini.ic- ., 
 Access to, preventing,' ^, 
 Damage or injury to '.'.*...,... .51 
 Defiling c, 
 Drainage, letting into ■ 
 Killh ■. ".'.'.'!".'.'.. '.".'.'sr 
 Fouling ' 5, 
 OHal, letting into ' ' ' ^, 
 Possession of, taking exclusive ^ 
 Refuse, letting into ..'.'..'....... .\l 
 QUEEN^S AVENUE-i'art of Xorth Street changed to I43 
 ( )1'I'.KN's I'AKK . , ,,17 ,>i!«! 
 ' Admission to, charge may he .nade lor on certam -lays 2 7, - ^ 
 „ to he free except on certam days 217, ^1^ 
 By-law for estahlislunent of • • • ' g 
 „ may he repealed • „ 
 „ not to operate us dedication ^^'^^ 
 Dc'lication, hylaw not to operate as. ....... ... • • • • ^ ' 
 Open free ..f charge except on certain days, to he kept ^^/ 
 mittee 217 
 Silver's drove to he called ' ' _ _2,g 
 Trees not to he cut down in .■2\'] 
 Trustees for • , '-""c 217 
 may make rules and regulations toi ^ ^'^ 
 H vacancies in, how tilled 
 I'revious IlS 
 Putting In Couneil • • • • ■ ■ ; • ; • • ; 
 (See also CorMii. ) 
 ' Adjournmenl of ( 'ouncil m c.xse not present '.'.\'.'.','.'.^ 123 
 Of Committees ■ • • •,■ • ' ' ' '. 
 (See alsoCorNcii.) 
 RAILINGS - .... 61, 62 
 Boulevard, destroying 61 
 „ making fur 6, 
 „ repairing of ' 23 
 Burial ground, destroying in • ' • • ' ' ' ' ' 23 
 Cemetery, " ' .'..... 5' 
 C'limhing tm ' ' 51 
 Destroying : 53, 54, 55 
 Excavations in or near streets to nave • ^j 
 Injuring • • ■' 54. 55 
 Projecting into streets, removal ol 
 Railway Commi rrvi-. ^ 123 
 Appointment ol '3° 
 Duties of 
 RAILWAYS - _ . 130 
 Unties of Railwav Committee as to ■ . • k..^,, 
 GSnd'rnink Railway Company authorised to -.7 -ilway^^^^ ^^^_ ^^^ 
 on certain streets ... 
 IS0 1 
 Railways Uoii/hnM/)— 
 Grcal Western Railway Conipnny authorizeil to lay tin".; vojul ,,n 
 ( eriaiii streets . . i-q |v;p, 
 l.iin<lnii, Miiion :iii<l linice R.-iilw.-')' ( 'oiii|);in}, Ihhiiis to 171 i(, 1-, 
 l.omlon Street Railway ('iimiKiiiy, a<^reeiiienl witli m- |(,^^; 
 iiy-lnw relnliniT to iSIjIokjo 
 Rams. (See SllKKf. ) 
 Readim; ok 1!ii.i.s 120, 121 
 (See also ('oi'ncii.. ) 
 Recf.I'I'Ion ok I'liiLir— 
 Fee for license to keep place for gg 
 Keepers of place for to be licensed gj 
 (,-ieeaso Vk Tt'Al.r.iNC. IIotisK.) 
 Fee lor license to keep place for S6 
 Keepers of place for to be licensed 81 
 (See also VicrUAi.i.iNi; House.) 
 Rkk ■;^ e— 
 bringing int ) market tp 
 Hurning in open air ^0 
 Health Ins[iector, duties of as to 27 
 Removal of 29, 50 
 Throwing into wells, pumps, or drinking fountains c j 
 Hydaws changing names >>( streets 7 ii 74 
 1 )ugs 70 
 l»E(;ill,AI ION UK 'I'kAKKIC ON Si'RI'.EIS 5I lo 60 
 KELIEI--, Of I -dock I2y 
 Kkmepy Summary if Hydaws not obeyeil n i 
 Rki'KAI. ok s 18, 19, 112, 244, 270, 280, 285, •_»86, 2S7 
 Ri;s<i'iN(; Animals Imi'oi'N'Iied 68 
 Reservoir -Detilement of 31 
 Revision, Coirk oi- — N'ot to remit taxes in certain cases 11 1 
 lUiulevanls not to be madi' on part of 61 
 Burlington Street, name of change' to 139 
 Mark Lane, name of changed to . 1 59 
 Sarnia Street, name of changed 10 131) 
 Street Railway may be laid on 187 
 Riding — 
 Moulevards, on 62 
 Exhibition of, fees for license for 86, 87 
 11 « to be licensed 83 
 1 nimoderate 58 
 In parks 88 
 Sidewalk, o)'. 56 
 River Thames 
 Bathing in 23 
 Removal of sand, earth and gravel from 55> 5** 
 Throwing dirt \c. into 33 
 RoAl> SuRKAiE— Removing 53 
 Roadway. (See Streets.) 
 I n fne limits to be of incombustible materials 44 
 Snow, removal of from 65, 66 
 To have scuttles in them 44 
 Pestroying in juirks 88 
 ROOTS (fOMtiMllfd) — 
 Forestalling •■^~ 
 H(nn;E-KT-NoiR— (See CJamui.inu) 22, 2j, »j 
 UOIM.IVITK TAIM.Iv- (ScoCAMBI.INC.) 22, 23, »3 
 RovAi. Famii.v— Speaking (lisicspcclfully of in Council "o 
 IfUHlllSII — 
 Placing on sidewalk j 
 Removal of 53 
 Throwing into streets or river JJ 
 '■ tanks -SJ, 
 Rui.BS— Suspension of • ••••• ■••••, •'' 
 Rushes- Lighted candle not to be used where stored unless protectett 
 Appointment of 
 Duties of ■■ ■ 
 Salaries ok Oiticers ok Cori-oration ''O' 
 Sai oons— Firemen not to enter or loiter at • • 
 (See also IIotf.i.s.) 
 Not to be used by Street Railway Company in removing snow 19' 
 Sprinkling on roadway ec c6 
 Sand — Removing from streets or river , ,„ 
 Sarnia Street— Name of changed to Uiciimond Street 
 Savings I'.ank. (See London Savin(;s ISank.) 
 Scales— To be provided by persons selling by weight 
 Schools, Pnni.ic— Numbering of 
 ScHOOLsj Sei'ARAI'E— Collection of taxes o( 
 Scuttles — ^ 
 Stairway to be made to " ' ^7 
 To be made in roofs T^ 
 Seal, City— Clerk to have charge of J^ 
 Selec. Committee. (See Coum il.) 
 Separate S( hool Taxes— Collection of • • 
 Servants ok CoRi'OKATioN-(See Okkicers ok CoRi-oRvrioN). . 
 Servants, Hecis i rv kor ■ ■ ■ ■ 
 (See also In rEi.i.HiENCE Okku es.) 
 SewACE- Letting into wells, inmiiis, or drinking fountains 
 (See also DRAIN ace.) 
 Sewer, Common— 
 Connecting drains to '. ^4 
 1 .ots to be drained into •' 
 (See also Drainahe.) 
 Sewkrac.e. (See Drainage.) 
 Shade Trees. (See Trees.) 
 Shavings — ^5 
 Hurning in open air • • • • • • ' • ' " _ 
 Lighted candle not to be used where stored unless protected 47 
 Filed up, to be enclosed 
 Sidewalks, placing on "" ' ' ^^ 
 Smoking where storeil 
 ■ 9« 
 ,110, III 
 ■ 34 
 SlIEEI 67 
 Distraining ....!...'... 67 
 ,, fees for • (^„ 
 Food to be furnished to impounded * .' . .67 
 1 mpounding ...!!!! i ... 68 
 ,, fees for 66 
 Painning at large .".',.'.67, 68 
V ' i 
 I I 
 *'■ I 
 How to l)e laid in fire limits 
 Place of selling 
 Shop License— Fee for 
 Shops — 
 Board of Health may require privy and drains to be made to 32 
 To be provided with water closet, earth closet or privy ^5 
 SlIORT — 
 Count ()i 
 Measurement tj i 
 SiiorriNc IN Streets 24 
 Showmen— Collection of fines from S3, 84 
 Snows — 
 Agricultural, hohling of on Exhibition Grounds 210 to 229 
 Exhibition of 83 
 License for, fees for S6, 87 
 Licensed, to be 83 
 Penalty for exhibition of imlicensc<l S3, 84 
 Shrubs — 
 Destroying in cemetery or burial ground 23, 24 
 M 11 parks , 88 
 Destitute, provision for 24 
 Not to be conveyed In cai) or vehicle without certificate 242, 252 
 Sickness, Cause or — Hoard of Health to in<iuirc into 20 
 Sidewalks - 
 Ashes, strewing with 05 
 Awning, extending over 54 
 Haby carriage, propelling on 56 
 llreaking up 53 
 Ihidge to be made over at cro:^sings 5*) 
 liuilding material not to be i)lace(l im 51 
 Kuihlings adjoining, removing snow from .(>^, 66 
 11 removing across 57 
 Carriage, leaving on 56, 57 
 M propelling on 56 
 Chips not to be i)laced on S- 
 Cleaning of ()4, 05 
 Clearing obstructions from 64, <)5 
 Coal, piling on 51) 
 ( "ordwood 1 . . 50 
 11 sawing and splitting on 50 
 Crossings in to be made 56 
 ( 'rowds gathering on 60 
 1 )irt to be removed from 64 
 Door, movable, making in 54 
 11 not to swing over 55 
 Driving on 56 
 Enclosing when buihlings being erected 52 
 Entrance to buildings not lo encroach on 54 
 Excavations in or near 53> 54> 55 
 I'encing of when buildings being erected S^i 55 
 Firewood, piling on 50 
 i< s;iwing or splitting on 5'' 
 dates not to swing over 55 
 (loods, displaying on 5'> 5- 
 II moving across 5^ 
 " ^^'iKfi'"! '"' stand for sale of not to be kepi on 57> 5'*^ 
 • ..S.!, S4 
 21') to 229 
 ....86, 87 
 ■ ■.M3, 84 
 ■ ■ 23, 24 
 . .242, 252 
 . . . . r)5, 66 
 • • . • 5''. 57 
 . ...64, 65 
 . ... 64. 65 
 •S3. 54. 55 
 ..• 52. 55 
 •■••5'. 52 
 .... 57. 58 
 SiDKWALKS {lOlltillllit']— ^6 
 Hanil-cart, propc ling t>n ! . " 56 
 Horse, diiving >n J5 ' j^ 
 House, ciosMiig to lo 1)0 made in 6x,()i^ 
 Ice to be n.-movcil from 64 61; 
 Insnecto'- - \y remove snow, &c. , from -*' ^ 
 Luuiber -' to be placed on ^2 
 Market, ; ■■■■ 'He, obstructing in .'.■.'.".".*.'.'.'. 101 
 11 v.ood, I' " •• • ■. ei. 1:2 
 Merchants may use part of for certain purposes ;.■.'.■.■.■; . .60 
 Obstructing 02 
 in market, public ."*','... loi 
 " ," . )!^''""' ..64, 65 
 Obstructions, clearing trom 2^j. 
 ( )mnibus stoiiping at ^ • ■ • • • • • " " " '/_... 64 
 Police may give notice lo remove snow, b^c, Horn • ^^ 
 I'orch not \o encroach on "" '^^^^ 
 Removing buildings across 53 
 Replacing after breaking up ".'..*".".... 56 
 Riding on •■■ • 52 
 Rubbish not to be placed cm .'.".!.'.'.'." 52 
 Shavings m ■< " " 54 
 Sign extending over • ' ' g^^ 
 " post " " ,•; • '/,".!'.....•'. 63,64 
 Snow to be removed Irom ■ • . ■ . q?, 58 
 Stand for sale of gooils not to be kept on ■.■.■.■.■.■■. . . . . 54 
 Steps not to encroaeli on ' ' ' " ' [jj 
 Slone not to be jjlaced on ' '^ ' " " ' '^ 
 Trap, moveable, making in " '^ ^^ 
 \ erandah extending over ... ••••■•;••• .'sT, 58 
 Waggon for sale of goods not lo be kept on ^- • 3'_'_3^ 
 „ not to be hailed on j5 
 ' (See also STREKI.) 
 Sii-.N ItoAKh- Pulling down 
 SiiiNs— 54 
 Kieclinn of 54 
 Merchants occupying streets with. . • • • • j^ 
 Swinging, erectiim of ,•■.■■■.■ " 60 
 suvKK Poi'"l..\K Not to be planted in streets ^4 
 m AUUiirKK lloisK.s- Prohibited •• 32 
 S,:Aum.T.-.iUNr,uiT...N mKCnvPKonnuu... 
 ^''""s^ea Railway Company to use at certain limes WW [^ ; ."sS," 59 
 To have bells attached 
 """^lulils of hotel and boarding house keepers in case of . . ■ ■■;-;;;;;;-^ 
 physicians in case of i ^i'-","! 47 
 SMOKIN.-, in stables and certain other places prohibited 
 Snow — ,, . 57 
 I$alls throwing in the slieel> ui I -aius ,3^^ 65 
 City Inspector may eause removal ot ^4, 65 
 ..e*i.».. Jt-*%Jtl^l(-*^- 
1.x IV 
 , »" 
 , * 
 ' ^^^^ 
 Snow (continued) — 
 I'olicc Force may cause lemoval of 64, 61; 
 Removal of, tMty Inspector may cause 64, 65 
 exi)enses of 64, O5 
 ti neglect of ^i 65 
 II where impossible without injury to sidewalks 65 
 Roofs, accumulation of, on 65, 66 
 II precautions to be taken in removing from 65, 66 
 Salt, dissolving with, prohibited 5<j 
 Street Railway duties as to 190, km 
 Sod ok Uoui.hvakds not to be injured 61 
 SouDiNC. i!oui.E\ ARDs, agreement for 61 
 SoLiciTOK, City 
 liy-law chanijing names of streets to be registered by -^ 
 11 M II II II sent to by Clerk 73.74 
 So\ KREH ;n, speaking <lisrespectfully of in Council i id 
 Sl'KKAl) OK DiSKASK 30, 3 1 
 Sl'RK.AD 01 l"l RK .38 
 Si'RiNGS — defilement of '^I 
 Stji'ARKs. (See STRKKrs — Parks.) 
 Sqimhs, firing or setting off 24 
 Staiu.k — 
 Lighted candle, using in 47 
 Livery. (Sec Ll\ KRV SrABl.i;.) 
 Nunilicring of, ojitional 75 
 Smoking in, prohibited 47 
 (See also LiVKRY Siahlk.) 
 S TAGNAM \Va IKR 24, 25, 27, 2iJ, .^O 
 Stai.i.ion. (See IIorsk.) 
 Stalls. (See Market I'iulic.) 
 Stand for sale of goods not to be kept on streets 57, 5S 
 Stationery — Finance and Assessment Committee to direct purchase of 125 
 Boiler not to be run on market 02 
 Engine n m 92 
 Fire engines. (See Fire Dki'ARTMKN t.) 
 Ilent'ng Com|)any— (See City Steam Ukatinc Company). . ..210 to 216 
 Power, machine not to be run by in market 92 
 S TKTs — Encroaching on streets 54 
 Placing on sidewalks 52 
 Throwing in parks §9 
 II 11 streets or parks 57 
 Stovk I'li'K.. (See 1'ite, Stovk.) 
 I 'angerous, expense of removal of 42 
 II Inspector of Huihlings may order removal of 42, 45 
 II not to be erecteil 45 
 11 to be removed 45 
 I'lxplosive substances not to be used in lighting 48 
 I learth or pan, distance from 46 
 II II to be kei)t under 46 
 Highly intlammal)le substances not to be used in lighting 4S 
 Oil, for consuming may be used 48 
 Pipe hole to be stoi>i)ed uj) : 46 
 II of, how to be i)laced 46 
 II 11 lo be conducted iiili' chimney 4O 
64, 6^ 
 ■ ■ . 64, 65 
 64, 65 
 ....64, 65 
 ....65, 66 
 . . 190, KM 
 • • • • 73. 74 
 ••■■30, 31 
 27. 2<j, 30 
 .... 57, 5S 
 of 125 
 210 to 216 
 SrovEs {eon'iniicd)— 
 Wooden nartilion, distance from 46 
 Straw - 
 Hurning of in open air 46 
 Lighted candle not to lie used wliere stored unless jtrotectetl. . 47 
 I'ilctl up to l)e enclosed 47 
 Pl.ce of selling 93 
 Smoking where stored, prohibited 47 
 Weighing of .9' 
 Accidents, precautions against to he taken whilst breaking up, or makmg 
 excavations in or near 53> 54, '95' 213, 214 
 Adelaide, tramway allowed on 179, i So 
 Albert, Market street changed to 141 
 Alms asking in. 23 
 Awnings, erection of in 54 
 Haby-carriage, propelling on sidewalk 5^ 
 Hall playing in 57 
 15alm of Gilead, not to be planted in 60 
 15athurst, Grand Trunk Railway may be laid on 181, 182, 183 
 M tramway allowed on I79, 1^° 
 liegging in 23 
 Bells, sleighs to have 5^, 59 
 Blacksmiths may use part of for certain purposes 57 
 lilowing horns in 24 
 Board of Works, to approve of plan of verandah etc. extending over 54 
 „ „ „ .1 give permission to make excavations in 53, 54 
 „ ,, „ ., 11 1. M M trap.s, etc. in 53,54 
 ,, I, „ 11 report as to 125 
 ,1 ,1 M It see to cleaning of •. ...... 126 
 „ „ I, „ take security from persons making excavations in — 54 
 Boulevards in, constructing 60, 61, 62, 63 
 Bow and arrow, using in 57 
 Breaking horses in 5° 
 II up 53, 54 
 Bridge to be made over watercourses at crossings 5" 
 Building .adjoining to have w.iter-spouts 55 
 „ entrance to, encroaching im 54 
 ,1 erecting in 5* 
 II material pl.icing on sidewalk 52, 53 
 ,1 ,, remaining on 1 5.2, 53 
 „ purposes, Board of Works to take security from persons using for. 53 
 „ „ occupying for, Board of Works to give permission 
 for S3, 54 
 By-laws changing names of to be registered 73» 74 
 Carcasses of animals, throwing into and removal of 33 
 Carling, part of North street ciianged to • '39 
 Carriage, leaving on 5 > 57 
 makers may use part of for certam purposes 57 
 II propelling on sidewalk 5 
 Cars. (See SiREKT Kah.way.) 
 (.:alapult, using in yj 
 Central Avenue, Market street changeil to •45 
 Cheapside, closing and sale of part of • 5'». ' 5 ' - '52 
 Chips, placing on sidewalk • . 5 
 City Steam llealin- Company aulhoiiicd to lay pipci \n 
 II removing across. 
 Bull, exhibiting in. 
 I— I 
 Si'RKEi {(Oiiliiiiicd) — 
 City Steam lleatiiifj C'diupany, powers and duties as to. .210, 212, 214, 211: 
 Cleaning;, duties of Hoard of Works as to j ,,, 
 Cliinl>iny lanip-posts, railings and fenees in , r- 
 Coal, piling on (:<) 
 College, Thoniii.' street changed to \,q 
 Conil)ustil)Ie materials, transporting tlirougli ^x 
 Commissioner, duties of ()3, 76, 136, 137, i()o, i<)| 
 (See also Strkkt C(immissIoni:k.) 
 Cordwood piling, sawing or splitting on :;,, 
 Cotton tree, not to be planted in oq 
 Cricket playing in ^y 
 Crossings, hailing waggon on . . . . ^S 
 n in, removing c> 
 " unmilius driver st(>pping at i()S 
 II s|ieed to he slackened at cj; 
 Street Railway 189, H)2 
 II to he constructeil over sidewalk c() 
 Crowds gathering in 60 
 Curbing in, removing 53 
 Dangerous materials, transporting through 4S 
 Dead body, transporting through 35 
 Destroying lamps, lanterns and rtttings in 51 
 Dirt, tlissolving in with sajt, Src 59 
 II throwing into, and removal of 3^ 
 Door, movable, making in • • •• 54 
 II not to swing over 55 
 11 steji projecting into S4> 55 
 Draymen may use lanes 57 
 Driver of vehicle conveying goods to walk l<esidc his horse or remain on 
 vehicle 5S 
 Driving, immoderate, in 5S 
 on sidewalk 56 
 Drunkenness in 22, 23 
 Dufferin Avenue, I >uke Street changeil to 144 
 I3uke, changed to I >ullerin Avenue 144 
 Dundas, boulevards not to be mailc on part of 61 
 II Street Railway may be made on 1S7 
 Earth, digging in 55 
 II settling in where broken or lorn u| 53 
 Engineer, duties of as to preventing accidents where broken u|i 
 Is.?. 54. 213, 214 
 " relaying 53 
 Kntrance to building encroaching on 54 
 Krecti(jn projecting over 54. 55 
 Kxcavations, Hoard of Works to take security from persons making 54 
 11 Engineer may rei|uire additional precaufitm from persons 
 |"'^1<'"K 53 
 II making in ir near 53. 55 
 II persons making to be responsible for accidents • • -54 
 " precaution to be taken in making 54. 55 
 I'Ahibiiing stud horse or bull in .58 
 I'ixpressmen may use lanes 57 
 Fences on, climliing, injuring nr destroying 5' 
 Filth, I In owing into and removal of 33 
 F'ire, can ying in 47 
 II in case of, to be kept clear 3S 
 11 kindling in 46 
 SiKKKi ((Oittimttd)- 
 Firewood, piling, sawing or siihtting on • • • ■ S) 
 lM)ol passengers, obstructing. ^ c(, 
 to have nglit of way 5" 
 „ way, halting waggon on • • • • • •■ • • 5 ^ 
 Kouhng ' / eg 
 (lames, playing in .. 
 Oates not to swing over. gg 
 (lilead, balm of, not to be planted m . 
 Ooods waggon, driver of to walk beside or remani on __ ■ S» 
 „ for sale of not to be kept on part of 57, g 
 Gravel, digging in .............. • 55. 5 
 C.reat Market changed to Central Avenue _ • •_ ■ • 43 
 „ Talbot, closing and sale of part of 150. '5'- i 
 Gunpowder, transporting through ^ 
 1 land-cart, propelling on sidewalk j ^ 
 Hitchcock changed to Maple Street W'.l^ 
 Horse, breaking in ,g 
 „ leaving untied in ^g 
 „ stud, exhibiting in \^ 
 „ „ putting to mares in -y^ 
 „ tminingin........ ."...'.'. .'."56," S7 
 „ tying across sidewalk ■' • 
 Ice, dissolving with salt in ..!!!! 57 
 „ throwing in • • • • ,§ 
 Immoderate riding or driving in '....'.... 78 
 Importuning travellers in , y. ........... 51 
 Incumbering •. 23 
 Indecent exposure of person in [".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 5> 
 Inn-kefpeVs'may' u^e "pa'ri oV for certain purposes 57 
 L;S'^ai:^keepe;;i;;r;y' not w^sh ;;r-ci;kn vehUde in' : . ". V. . ^ '. "• 1 • • • • ^73 
 Livery siai ic 1 j ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ,n„p„ses 57 
 Lodging house keepers may use part of for cerl.ain purposes _....• ^57 
 LondonSlas LigluVompany aulhori.ed to break up 20 2.5 
 ,, „ duties as to ^ ^ 
 ;; street Railway. Hy-Iaw and agreement as to • ■ i8b to 19^ 
 Lumber, placing on sidewalk 
 i;i:sS clJS luii^ny .i;n,i»;.y ;»n;;^«.i - >;; ;;«u _^^; ;;^ 
 across.... •••• • ...142 
 Maple, 1 litchcock street changed to 
 Mark Lane changed to Richmond Street ^-^^ 
 Market changed to Albert Street ........••• 
 Mel-chants may use part of for .hsplaymg their goods 51.52 
 Missile, dangerous, throwing in 
 Movable trap or door encroaching im ^g 
 Mule, leaving untied in 73, 74 
 Mames of, changing • " /.y^ 
 „ to be placed at corners of .".'.'.... 73, 74 
 Naming •••••. 33 
 Night soil, depositing in . .^ 
 „ „ tran>poiUiig through • ^g 
 Ninepins, playing in .......'.".■■■■■■ ■'■'^- ••'^'^ 
 Noises in :: ' I' " l-\" ', I39 
 North, part of change.l to ( ailing S reet ^ 
 ' , „ M ( lueen s .\ venue ^^ 
 II "I " ' 
 STKKKI ((Oll/llllhil) — 
 North, William Street diangod to | ,,, 
 Ohstnuninn in . VsV. 55 
 ()n'ii|iyiiii; fur Imiliiinfj purposes 52, 5 j 
 ( )\, Icavint; untied in cv; 
 I'all Mall, part of elosed i.j(,, i '.- 
 Pavement in, removini,' c, 
 I'lankiniL; m r . 
 I'oliee may or<ler persons ohslruclint; to move on (,q 
 I'oplar Silver, not to he planted in (,0 
 I'orch, eneroachin}; on c , 
 II projectini; into or over c , 
 Preeaution to he taken in exeavatinj;, in or near 53, 5^, cc 
 II 11 II II II using for huildinf; purposes 52 
 Projections in, removal of 54, 5c 
 (Jueen's Avenue, part of North chanjjed to i^j 
 Railing projecting into 54, cc 
 II to he erected hy persons excavating near 55 
 Record of to l)e made hy engineer 75. 7<» 
 Regulation of Iraft'ic on 51 to (jo 
 Richmond, houlevards not to he made on ])arls of 187 
 II Turlington Street changed to 130 
 II Mark Lane n i ^g 
 II Sarnia Street n I'^y 
 II Street Railway may l)e made on ])arts of 1S7 
 Repair of, hy City Steam I leating ( 'ompany 214, 215 
 II II II l,ondon (ias Light Company 2ck) 
 I I. Street Railway Company iSS, ii)o 
 II II II persons hreaking u]) 53, 54 
 11 11 duties of Street Commissioner as to 136 
 Riding immoderate in 58 
 Ringing hells in 24 
 Road surface, rem( >ving from 53 
 Ruhl)ish, placing on sidewalk 1,2 
 11 throwing into, ami removal of 53 
 Salt, sprinkling on . 51} 
 Sand, digging in 55, 56 
 Sarnia changed to Richmond Street 139 
 Settling, after l)eing hroken \\\> 53 
 Sliavings, placing on sidewalk 52 
 Shouting in 24 
 Sidewalk. (See SiDl'.WAl.Ks.) 
 Signs and sign-posts erecting in 54 
 .Silver Poplar, not to l)e planted in 60 
 Sleighs not to he driven in, without hells 5S, 51J 
 Snow hall, throwing in 57 
 II dissolving with salt in 50 
 Stands for sale of goods in 57, 5S 
 Steps, encroaching on 54 
 Stone, ])lacing on sidewalk 52 
 II throwing in 57 
 Structures, erecting on 51 
 .Stud horse, exhihiting in 5S 
 II 11 j)utting to mares in 58 
 Team, leaving untied on 5'*^ 
 Tearing up S3 
 Ten Pins, playing in SS 
 Thomas changed to College .Street 140 
I. XIX. 
 ••••54, 55 
 • • • 52. 5.? 
 .146. 147 
 ••• •••5,? 
 53. 54. 55 
 • • • 54. 55 
 • • ■ 54. 55 
 •••75. 7(> 
 ..51 to (K) 
 .214, 215 
 . iSS, I()0 
 • • ■ 53. 54 
 •••55. 56 
 . . . S«. 59 
 • • • 57, 5S 
 . ... 140 
 SrRKET (iontiiniid) — 
 Throwing; dirt inlu " ' 
 Tires, width of • 5/ . 
 Traffic on, regulation of ti, 
 Training horses in • J' 
 Transnorting dead bodies through :• r • • ' ; •:,■ ' r V l(,' \ .^ 
 Traps, not to be made in, without permission of board of Works 54 
 Travellers, importuning in -^-^ 7 ^ 
 Trees, planting in 24 
 Unusual noises in ; •■,'■■. .; "1 '. 'i- ^-r^ 
 Vehicles, cleaning or washing in by l.ivery Stable Kfcpur^ . -7j 
 drawing goods, driver of to remain cm or walk beside • • 5<> 
 „ leaving standing on \k Vv 
 „ on runners to have bells 5°. b ' 
 (See also Wacoon.) 
 Verandahs, Kngineer to approve of plan of 54 
 „ erection of in • • J'; 
 iron to be erected in fire limits 54 
 for sale of goods, keeping on 57. 5* 
 halting on crossings or footway 5'_ 
 V- Vers may use part of for certain puri)oses 57 
 Iling on sidewalks 5^ 
 ° 127 
 - to have ,; " 
 , , 14S, 140 
 u. closed ^ .' 7 _ 
 Waters. >■. 
 Wellington ,.- ... -.>,. ^^^ 
 Wheels, width of V Go 
 Width of tires and wheels 3^.^ ^ 
 William changed to North Slrcei ••••••••.• :: ' 'j,-; ' ^, 
 (M-aiKl Trunk Railway m:iy be laid on !»•. i^- ''X^ 
 Willow tree not to be planted in • ■ ' • ^^ 
 Wood Market, in, not to be obstructed 
 lioulevards, duties of as to • * - 
 Duties assigned to by Council to perform ■ • -^^^ ^^^- •^•^_- - — ^^^/ 
 " of '' * ^5 
 Fence viewer, to be a g. 
 Shade trees, duties of .is to '^ ,,^, 
 Street Railway, duties of as to ' ' ^ ,(^ 
 Streets, cleaning of to see to 
 repair of, to examine and report as to 
 II repairs of, to make 
 Treasurer, to report expenditure to . . . 
 Work, Corpor.i{ion. to' superintend when not done by contract iy> 
 record, and account of expembtuie of to keep o 
 Workmen, record and account of expeuditure for to keei. ■■ i 
 to have charge ot 
 II wages of, to keep record of 
 Strekt Railway— 
 Accidents, precautions to be t.aken to prevent • ••• • • 
 Additional,' provision as to application for power to construct 
 Agreement with . 
 . . .196 
 II "by-law " not to'take effect until execution of. 
 „ ,1 Mayor to execute " ' " " ^^^ 
 Authority to construct given \" \\','.'.'^ 
 By-law, duration of 
 forfeiture of in certain events ""^°l86 to "196 
 granting inivilege to ^^5 
 penalty for infraction of 
 SiKKKl Kaiiwav (.!'////;///, vO— 
 H when lo {;() into I'tVccI |()i, 
 Cars, a|)|)r()acliinjj i-acli otlier, rules as to jyj 
 II hells to have Kji 
 II conductors of, careful, sober i.nd civil, to l»e eniployeil k)^ 
 II II II duties of ii)j 
 II corners turning, rules as lo i,,> 
 II crossinjjs slnppjn}; over i()2 
 II drivers of K)^ 
 II II II careful, sober and ci\ ii to lie employed .... 195 
 II II •! duties of i()^ 
 II horses or nudes, to be drawn by k^i 
 II hours of runninj; 191, 192 
 II licensing of li)l 
 II lights to be carried by, at nighl 193 
 II nudes or horses to be drawn by 191 
 II numbering of Kjl 
 II passenger only to be used 192 
 II sto]i[)ing, rules as to 192, ii)^ 
 II streets, not to stand on liji 
 II Sundays, need not run on 292 
 II track to have right of k;^ 
 Completion of, when to take place 187, iSis 
 Conductors of ' U)] 
 Construction of, authority fur 187 
 II II precauliiins to be taken in 195 
 II II when to be conunenced 1S7 
 Crossings, cars not to stop on ii)2 
 II to be made and maintained by Company iSi) 
 Damages done in constructing or rejjairing, how borne 190 
 Drivers of Kjj 
 Driving on tracks of i<)5 
 Dundas street may be lai<l on . . 1S7 
 Kngineer, certihcale of reijuired before railway opeiu'd 11)4 
 11 notice to be given to before breaking u]) streets iqj 
 II railway to be built under supervision of iS8 
 Kailure lo carry out provisions of l>y-law, ciinsei|ucnces of i<)5 
 II II conuuence or complete 187, iXS 
 II II keep in repair 190 
 Fares, rates of 192 
 Fine for infraction of Hydaw 196 
 Flush with streets, rads to be laid 188 
 I'"orfeiture nf franchise, in what event to take jilace 190, 193, 194 
 CJrades of streets, track to conform to 1S8 
 Guage of ..... 1 S8 
 Horses or mules, cars to be <lrawn by I91 
 Ice, removal of HA 19' 
 II spreading of 190, I'JI 
 License to be taken out by for each car 191 
 Macadamizing, what to be done by Company 188 
 Mark Lane, may be laid on . . 187 
 Materials for crossings to be furnished by (.■orporniion 1S9 
 II II ri i>airs n u h 18S 
 11 surplus, renu)val of l8<) 
 Mayor to sign agreement w ith I9(') 
 Mules or horses, cars t.) be drawn by i<)i 
 Opening of I<)4 
 Pas.sage for traffic to be left in streets when construction or repair 
 going on 189, n):; 
 .... i.,3 
 ■";i, ii)2 
 • • ..I'll 
 • . .. ,i(>i 
 '92, I(,j 
 .... 2()2 
 •• -"M 
 .... 105 
 • • . 11)2 
 •■ . |i,0 
 ■ •1S7. ISS 
 I <J2 
 '• "'3. I'M 
 ■ I'd 
 . i')o, 101 
 • "Jo, I(>I 
 I S9 
 189, 195 
 SiKKKr Kaii.w.w (ioiitiiiii,(l)~ 
 I'aviiif;, what to l)c done by ( oinpany 1S9, 
 M wlien first doni' to \w dono liy ( 'oriioralioii 189, 
 Penally for infiaclion of l!y-l:i 
 Kails of, Imw to be laid and niaintii 
 pattern of. 
 Kt'pairinj;, ilefaidt of Company in. 
 case done by Corporation, to be at expense ol Company 
 of roadwa 
 Kielimond street, may be laid on. 
 pt m re|)air by Company. 
 Roadway t 
 Rules and rej^idations for workinj; 191, 192, 
 Sail not to be Used in removint; snow from 
 Saniia Street, may be laid on 
 Sewers, breaking of, Corporation not lo be liable for damage clone by. , 
 .Sleighs, use of on 
 Snow plough not to be used on 
 removal of. 
 salt not to be use<l in removing. 
 M s|)rcading of Kjo, 
 Street Commissioner, snow and ice to be spread on under direction of. 190, 
 .Streets, Corporation may take up. 
 names of to be anno\nicccl by conductors of. 
 tearing up. provision^ as to 
 track to be laid in what ;; 
 tradic on, obstruction ol 
 Sunday, cars need not run on. 
 Track, ilonble in certain street- 
 (irivinu on 
 grade:;, to c<iiiforiii to. 
 how lo be constructed 
 rejiaii, failure In keep 
 right of.. 
 siiiLile in certain strcib 
 snow and ice, removal from 190, 
 ere to be 
 Trallic on streets, obstruction of 
 Water courses not lo be iibsliiiitc<l by 
 M pijies, Coriioration nol lo be liable for damage done by breaking of. 
 Working of, rule> and regulations for 191, I92, 
 Works, lioard of, may icc|iiiie sleighs to be used m winter 
 SikREis Cmjskh 
 Cheapside, jiarl of ' SO, • 5 
 Great 'I'alboi 
 I'all Mall 
 150, 151, 
 .. ..148, 
 Strkkts, .\a\ii:> 01 < iianwkh 
 Murlington . 
 Great Market. 
 Hitchcock .. 
 Mark 1 ,ane 
 North «3';, 
 Strkkts, Nkw Nami.^ (ii\kn Wiikn C'iian(;i;i«— 
 All)crt.. 141 
 <':iili"K IJ9 
 Cintnil Avenue 145 
 < nllcf^c 140 
 1 JuHcrin Aveiiiic *. 144 
 Maple 142 
 North : IJ9 
 (^iiL'i'iiV Avenue 143 
 Kiclunond 139 
 STRians ON Which Kaii.uav^ Ai.i.r)UKi) to iik Constki'( tek— 
 Adelaide 1 79, 1 80 
 I'.alluusl 179 l(» 1X3 
 Dundas \>iy 
 Mailland 181. 182, 183 
 liicliniond 1S7 
 William l8l, 182, 183 
 SiKitlikKs, erecting on streets 51 
 Sll'I> IloKSK.— 
 Ivxhihilin^ in streets or parks 58 
 I'uttint; to mares 58 
 S ri'M I's, InirniiiL,' of in open air 46 
 Si V, lin>; or jiij;, proliihiled 24 
 SuiiDlVlslciNs, polling; 105, 106 
 SUMMAKV, remedy if Hydaws not obeyed Ill 
 Sl'Kt; ICONS. (See I'llVsK lANs. ) 
 Si si'KNsioN of rules 138 
 (See also C'oi NCI 1.) 
 Swi-.AKiNii. (See Vkoiank SuKAKiNc). 21,40, 102, 238, 255, 282 
 SWKl'.l', (..'IIIMNKV, (See ClII.MNKY SWEF.I'S. ) ^ 
 Distraining' 67 
 11 fees for 67 
 l-'ood to he funiishe<l to imjiounded 69 
 Impoundini,' 67 
 ' fees for 68 
 Keepini; in eertain parts of city jJi'dliibited 24 
 Park, not to go at large in 88, S<) 
 Running at large 66 
 Sty for keeping, in certain parts of city prohibited 24 
 I'ish or llesh meal, sale or export of 31, 90 
 Food 31, 90, 128 
 Drawing water from 51 
 I'ire, Water and CJas Committee to reiiort as to 127 
 I'reventing being efficient 5 1 
 Removing covering of 51 
 Rubbish, throwing into 51 
 Turning drains into 51 
 Iturners inry be used 48 
 Fires for boiling 46, 47 
 Taverns (See HoiKi.s.) 
 'I"a\A I ION — Kxemptions from 109, 1 10 
 Taxes — 
 Collectors of— (See Coi,i.i;( roRs) 70, 107 
 D«>i; 69, 70, 71 
 • • ii<) 
 . 1.(0 
 . 142 
 •I JO 
 • '39 
 105, ICXj 
 . . . .Ill 
 ... 24 
 , 88, Si) 
 Taxk.s (lontinticii) — 
 Remission of l)y Court of Hi-visioii ill 
 SepariUe S'.'liool, collfdiiMi of 107 
 Unpaid, i)eu-(.MUa^;e on 107 
 ■pi.;,\Ms— Not to he left untied in streets 58 
 TEl.WiKAi'll I'oi.KS- Defacinj; wiili notices 50 
 Tk.mi'KRANCK lIous|.;s. (Sec Vk ii'Ai.i.iNc lIousKS.) 
 Ten UK R 
 Market fees, sale of i)y 128 
 Kire l)ei)artinent, siipiilies for to jjc l)oU(,'lit l>y 127 
 Hospital supplies to i;e bought by . . 129 
 TllAMKS - 
 Hathing in 23 
 Dirt, tlirowinj; inti H 
 Earth, removing from 55i 5^ 
 Clravel, ■■ 55-56 
 S-ind, 55. 50 
 TllEATRK — Fees for license to keep 86 
 TilnMAS .Strkki— Name of cluinijed to College street 140 
 Tinsmith^;— Kxemplions in favor of as to kindlinj,' lires 46, 47 
 TiPl'LlNG — Not to be permitted in licensed liouses 83 
 Tires— Width of 59. 60 
 ToMUS— Violation of 23 
 Tombstone ^3 
 Town Council— 
 Clerks of 3 
 Mayors of 3 
 Members of 3 
 Trade, Hoard m--. (See London lioAUi) oi^- Trade.) 
 Trader, Transient. See Transieni Trader.) 
 Obstruction of 57. 189. I95. 213. 214 
 Regulation of on streets 51 to 60 
 Training Horses in streets 58 
 Tramroad— Hy-law for laying down on Adelaide and Bathurst streets.. 179, 180 
 Transient Trader— 
 Duration of license to 81 
 Fees for 1 rS 
 To be licensed 81 
 Trap — Movable, makiny; in sidewalk 54 
 Importuning of 7° 
 riaces dangerous to, to be fenced 7 ^ 
 Bank, to deposit moneys in 
 Books, to keep correct 
 Cab license fees to be paid to 
 Carter's m « mm m < 
 Cheques to sign 
 Chief Constable to report licenses issued t 
 Council duties assigned by to, to perform. 
 m to obey 
 Dog tax may be paid to 
 Duties of 
 Expenditure, not to make unless autliori/ed by the councd 137 
 Finance Committee, to be under direction ol ■"! i** 
 „ „ M supply information to ''34 
 Treasurkr (lonliniud) — 
 Fire Deiiartment, to pay 
 " ISO" 
 Firemen, to pay on certificate of Chief Engineer ■^q ^q 
 License, fees for to be paid to So, 249, 272, 281 
 11 Inspector to make return to ol dog tux 71^ |i. 
 It to sign receipts on jjq 
 Livery Stable license fees to be paid to 272 
 Market stalls, rent of to be i>aid to gr 
 Moneys to deposit ij. 
 Officers of Corporation to pay fees to no, i j i 
 Street Commissioner to report to | -j^ 
 Weighing fees to be paid to q^ 
 VVo(xl market fees to be paid to 105 
 H.ilm of Gilead, not to be planted in streets ^q 
 houghs of, projecting ,63 
 Hreaking 61, 62 
 FJurning of in open air ^6 
 Cotton, not to be planted in streets 60 
 Destroying 23, 61, 62, 88 
 Digging up 61, 62 
 Dwelling houses, planting op| losite G2 
 Gilead, lialm of, not to be planted in streets , 60 
 (Juards 62 
 Horses, fastening or tying to 62 
 leaving near to 62 
 Injuring 61, 62 
 Limbs of, projecting 63 
 Ornamen'iai planting in streets 60, 61, 62, 63 
 Park in, destroying 88 
 I'liiiiting ill certain streets prohibited 62 
 M " streets 60, 61, 62, 63 
 Poplar Silver, not to be planted in streets 60 
 <^)ueen's Park, trustees of not to cut down 218 
 J{enioving Cl, 62 
 .1 for the ;)urpose of making roadway 63 
 S!;.i(lf, ])lanting of 60, 61, 62, 63 
 Silver ii<>|)lar not to be planted in streets 60 
 Street Commissioner, duiies of as to 63 
 '! rimme I, to be kept 63 
 Willow ntU to be punted in streets 60 
 'I'RlMMiNi; trees in streets 63 
 'I'URPKNTINE- -Manufactory of not allowed in City. . . 47 
 'I'vim; IIorsks -- 
 Across sidewalk 56, 57 
 To trees 62 
 UNPAID TAX'aS — Percentage on 107 
 Unprovidku (JASKs--Kules for 138 
 Unusual N'ot.sKs— M -king i.i streets. 24 
 fish 3". 'K) 
 I'lesli meat 31. 90 
 Food 29, 90, 127, 128 
 Fencin;.; > >f jo 
 Health Iiisjiector to exerci:^e supervision over 27 
 Vaurants 22, 23 
 May be excluded from Parks 88 
 ••39, 40 
 • 272, 281 
 7', 134 
 ... 134 
 »IO, III 
 .... 105 
 .. .61, 62 
 61, 62, 88 
 .61, 62 
 ■• • .61, 62 
 61, 62, 63 
 61, 62, 63 
 61, 62 
 ; 63 
 01, 62, 63 
 ••3"i <^ 
 ..31, 90 
 127, 128 
 ..22, 23 
 Pi ivy. 
 (See Privy.) 
 Violation of 2^ 
 Matter removal of 27 
 Products decayed ....31 
 Vegbtables, forestalling 92 
 Erection of 54 
 Iron, erection of in fire limits 54 
 Plan of to be approved of l)y City Engineer 54 
 Vicious Dogs. (See Dogs.) 
 Victoria Park 87, 88, 130 
 Victualling House— 
 Disorderly conduct not to be allowed in 83 
 Gambling not to be allowed in 83 
 Improper characters not to be allowed to frequent 83 
 Inspection of 79 
 Licenses for, fees for 86 
 II forfeiture of 83 
 .1 for keeping required 81 
 II production of when demanded 80 
 Liquor License Act, breach of l)y keeper of 83 
 Security to be given by keeper of 80 
 Signs to be put up by keeper of 80, 81 
 Tippling not to be allowed in 83 
 Vk'ti'als. (See Victualling IIousk.) 
 VoLUNiKBR Health Ori ukrs— 
 Proclamation as to 34 
 Services of may be accoited 54 
 Driving on sidewalk . . 56 
 Fish, sale of in 91 
 For hire — (See also Carter) 60 
 Cioods, for sale of, not to be kept on sidewalk 57, 58 
 Halting on crossing or footway 58 
 Makers may use part of street for certain purposes 57 
 Market House, not to remain in front of n<,'i'i end of yo 
 II placing in 90, 102 
 Tires, width of. S<), 60 
 Wheels, t, 59, 60 
 Wood Market, placing in 102 
 Walls - 
 Indecent placards on 21 
 Party, mode of constructir^g 44 
 boundaries of 14, 15 
 Division of into polling sub-divisions 105, 106 
 Analyzation of 27 
 Animals impounded to be supplied with 69 
 Conductor of, destroying or inju'ing 31 
 Deep, fencing of 76 
 Defilement of 3' 
 Draining from tanks 5 ' 
 Pipes, ','orporation not to b" liable to Street Railway for breaking of . . . . 189 
 Removing covering of public tanks of 5' 
 Springs of, defilement of 3' 
 Stagnant, accumulati' n ami removal of 24, 25, 27, 29, ^o 
 Ml' ** 
 1,)'' ■ 
 Supply of. fire, Water and Oas L'oiumittce to rejjnrt as to 127 
 'J'hnjNsing lulihisli into i.'.nkb of 51 
 TurniiiL,' drains ■■ .■ 51 
 W AiKR Closet — 
 Cleaninj; of 32. 35 
 Draininfj of . . 55 
 Dwelling houses to he jirovitled \vilh jc 
 Inhabited tmiidings to he i)rovided with 35 
 Manufactories to he ) II ovided Willi 35 
 Shops to he provided with 3;; 
 Bridge to he made across y, 
 Clearing 63, 64 
 Oi)strtKting passage of water in 52. S3 
 Watkk Srrn'is, huildings to have 55 
 VVatki; Works Hv-law 175, 176 
 Wax Work. (See ClKCUS.) 83, 84, 86, S7 
 \VEti;iI Cl.IKK — 
 Apjiointnienl of 97 
 Articles, to weigh all hroughl to be weighed 97 
 Pook to be kept by 97 
 Duties of . • 97 
 Fees f)f 97, 98 
 Particulars of articles weighed to he entered by 97 
 Kesponsihilities of 97 
 Statement to be furnished by annually to City Clerk 97 
 Tickets to be given by for articles weighed 97 
 Treasurer, to pay fees to 97 
 Weighing house, to attend daily 97 
 Wi:i(;iiiN(. Hot-M.. (?>ee Markkt, rLiu.ii- — Wkkwi Ci.kkk.) 
 W Eic.lllNC of straw, hay and fodder 91 
 Wek.hi — 
 Light 91 
 Sales by . , 91 
 WEinnTs A.Mi Measi-res 91 
 Market ( 'onimittee to report as to inspection of 127 
 I'ersons selling hy weight to he provided with 91 
 WEi.i-i.NinoN Sikeet— I',irl of clo.-ed 14S, 149 
 Access to. preventing 51 
 Analy/ation of water of 27 
 Damage or injury to public 51 
 Defding 51 
 Drainage, letting into 51 
 P'ilth, throwing into 51 
 Fouling 51 
 Offal, throwing into 51 
 I'ossession, exclusive, taking of 51 
 Kefuse, throwing into 51 
 Sewage, letting; into 51 
 Western Fair -May be held on Exhibition ( jrounds 219 
 Wiii'.i'.i.s. Wac.c.on— Width of 59, 60 
 Wim II (M-— Wheels ,\ud tires 59, 60 
 WlI.I.IAM Streei — 
 (5th \A'ard) Cirand Trunk authorized to lay track on 181, 182, 183 
 (2.1(1 Ward) Name of changed to North .Street 1 39 
 Wll.l.ow not to be planted in streets 60 
 Witnesses, Crown Duties of Gaol Committee as to 130, 131 
 r !■ ; 
• • .127 
 ..... 50 
 .63, 64 
 • 52.53 
 17:, 176 
 S4, !i6, 87 
 •• 97 
 97. 98 
 .... ()7 
 .... 97 
 ... 97 
 • ..91 
 ■ M.\ I4<» 
 5 ' 
 • 59. 60 
 59. <JO 
 '82. if,3 
 '30, 1,^1 
 Burning of in open air 46 
 Cord. (See CORDWOOD.) 
 Market. (See Market Wood.) 
 Saw standing with on sidewalk 59 
 Shavings not to be piled in city without being enclosed. . 47 
 Vehicles drawing, width of tinjs of 60 
 WoOLLK.N Manufactories, exemption of from taxation 109, 1 10 
 Indecent 21 
 Interpretation of 17, 18, 239, 245, 270, 271, 283 
 Works Board ok — 
 Appointment of 123 
 Awnings, plan of to be approved of by 54 
 Boulevard.s may be constructed by leave of 61 
 ti to give permission to make 61 
 H to take agreement from perscms making 61 
 Buildings, Corporation, to keep in repair 126 
 M to recommend regulations as to 125 
 11 II report as to 125 
 Drain, compel ling owners of lots to .35 
 11 notice to, mode of giving 35 
 Drains connecting, to <letermine size of 34» 35 
 11 II with sewer not to be maile without permission of 34 
 11 to report and recommend regulations as to 125 
 Duties of 125, 126 
 Engineer, may recpiire to make plans and estimates 136 
 II to be under direction of . . . . 126 
 Excavations in streets, permission of to make requir>:d 53, 54 
 Fences, to report and recommend regulations as to 125 
 Improvements, general, to expend money for 126 
 Orders of Council, to give efttct to 126 
 I'ermanent improvemer ts, to njport as to 125 
 Report, final, to make 125 
 River, may permit removal uf sand, earth and gravel from 55. 56 
 Security, may take from persons making excavations in streets 54 
 .Sewers, connection with not to be made without permission of 34 
 II to report as to 126 
 Street Comuiissioncr to be under supervision of 126 
 Streets, buildings, removing in, n ay give iiermission for 57 
 II cleaning; of, to attend to 1 26 
 II excavations in, j)ermission of rcjuired for .naking 53, 54 
 II II M pers(m making to give security to satisfaction of. . .54 
 M movable trap or door in not to be made without permission of. . ..54 
 M names, affixing to 74 
 II projections in, may order removal o»' 54» 55 
 1' repair of, duties of as to • . 136 
 II .'■and, earth or gravel, may ;emoval of from .55, 56 
 II to report as to 125 
 II use of for building purposes, may give permission for 53, 54 
 Tham;% may permit removal of sand, earth and gravel from 55, 56 
 Thoroughfares, to rep(jrt as to 125 
 Trap in street not to be made without pernnssion of 54 
 Trees, to give permi..'=ion foi removal of 62 
 Vacant lots, may order to be fenced 7^ 
 Verandah, plan of to be apjiroved of by 54 
 Works, to give effect to orders of Council as to 126 
 Worship, Fubi.k— Places of need not be numbered. . 75 
 Writings, Indkcent 21