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OTTAWA: |a |«nraw at "m ottawa omnx** ■tiaic ranmra looia .*irt*« •• ^ ^S.^ ^^(U "THE OTTAWA CITIZEN" S^team Pritttinir EMtat>ll«liiuent« Hm eyerj modem requisite for Neat, Cheap, and Expeditious Printing of all kinds. > , ^«r n i ^.■o .1*11*1;. i 'Mmi\i W^T/Sfr^j JTO J' ''1 if/^my ' t ' ^ -i'IB^HI -■hM ' i* 1 '1 It Of the Mur Of the Jew Of the !^ah Of the vulp Since the d Since (he d Goldea Nui Epact Solar Cycle Vernal Equ: 3h. 2m. Summer Soi Uh. 44 There wil Of the Su I. Ob the Canada it w consin about II. On thi Canada. Until Jul; Until Augus February 15 rest of the yi October 13tl Circumcisiuti Epiphany . . Annunciatioi (jood Fridi^ Ascension D Queen Victoi Septoagesima Quinqaagesin Asih -Wednes First Sunday Palm Satidaj (}(K)d Friday, KtiHter Suuda Bundaya I Corpaa Cbria by prociamati If m OTTAWA eiTIZEl" ALIAIAQ FO» THE YEAH- ISO^. EPOCHS. Of the Mundane Mm ' . .' 5867 Of the Jewish ^ra 5625 Of the Mahom .Era 1281 Of the vulgar Christian Mtbl 1864 Since the discovery of America 372 Since the discovery of Quebec 256 Since the Treaty which confirmed the posseiiaion of Canada to the British Of the Independence of the United States Of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria 27 98 89 CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. ri-i Golden Number 3 Epact 22 Solar Cycle 25 Dominical Letters OB Roman Indictioa 7 Julian Period 6577 THE SEASONS. Vernal Equinox : Spring begins March, 20d. 3b. 2m. in the Morning. Summer Solstice : Summer begins J i^, 20d. llh. 44m. in the Evening. Autumnal Equinox : Autumn begins Sep- tember, 22d. 2h. Sin. in the Evening. Winter Solstice: Winter begins December, 21d. 7h. 55m. in the Morning. \'^Q. ECLIPSES. There will not be any Eclipse of the Moon for 1864. Of the Sun there will be but two Eclipses. I. Ob the 5th of May, in the afternoon, there will be u Central Eclipse of the Sun, In Canada it will not be visible, but will be observed in the Western part of Illinois and Wis- consin about sunset. Those who dwell in California may have a fine view of it II. On the 30tb of October there will be an Annular Eclipse of the Suu, not visible in Canada. • _ PLANETS. ■ . iia Until July 18th, Venus will be morning ntai', and tlie rest of the year evening star Until August 18th, Mars will be morning star, and evening star the rest of the year. Until February 15th, Jupiter will be morning star, then until Nov. 30th evening star, then the rest of the year morning star. Until .Tanuary 8th, Saturn will be morning star, then until October 13th, evening star, then the rest of the year morning star. '! PETES D'OBLIGATION. ■■-.-: mi i. Circumcision , January 1 Epiphany " 6 Annunciation March 25 (xood Friday " 25 AgcensioQ Day May 5 Queen Victoria's Birth Day May 24 Corpus Christi ....'. May St, Peter and St. Paul June All Saint's Day Nov. Conception of the Ble&sed Virgin Mary Dec. Christmas Day Dec. 26 29 1 8 25 MOVABLE FESTIVALS. Septuagesima Sunday, Ja«i. 24 Quioqaagesima " Feb. 7 Ash Wednesday.. *' It) First Sunday in Lent " 14 Palm Sunday March 20 Good Friday. " 25 Kaster Sunday '• 27 Low Sunday April 3 Rogation Sunday May 1 Ascension Day " 5 Whit Sunday " 16 Trinity Sunday " 22 Curpus Christi •' 26 Advent Sunday Nov. 27 LEGAL HOLIDAYS. tiuodays ; New Year's Day ; Epiphany ; Annunciation Corpus Christi ; St. Peter ; St. Paul ; All Saints by proclamatioa for a gennral fast or thaskagiving. . Good Friday ; Ascension ; Christmas Day, and any day appoiuteil' :'\ W ■ ir ^1 ■ '1 U.. K VOmStlT REQISTBR. JANUARY -31 Days. ^ Moflll't PIUUM. Third Quarter. Sew Moon First Qaartor.. Full Moon Third QM«rt«-r. DATS. w F M 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 n 18 19 20 2] 22 2o 24 25 26 27 2fc 29 31 31 d. 2 15 83 «1 Ottatoa. ta. m. S 85 mo. S 41 mo. 9 S eT. 4 58 ev. 7 13 pv. Quebte. h. m. •i SI mo. 2 61 mo. 6 18 cr. S 14 er. T » er. Morktrtal. h. m. 8 40 mo. 2 M mo. «l2ev. 6 Aev. 7 2»fv. Aifl^cfofi. m. 83 mo. 89 mo. 00 er. 66 ev. 11 eT. Toronto. m. 21 mo. 2Tmo. 48 er. 44 er. • iWev. XotK^OH. b. m. 2 13 mo. I 19 mo. 40 ev. 4 811 ev, « 61 rv. ♦^'■■1, V !,■;»' ,..^> 1. rifei. 7 41 7 41 7 41 7 40 7 38 4 38 its leti 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 7 40 4 31 7 404 32 7 39 7 39 7 39 7 39 7 38 7 37 7 37 37 36 7 34 31 31 7 28 24 23 4 33 4 34 4 35 4 37 4 40 4 41 4 42 4 43 4 44 7 35 4 45 4 47 334 49 32 4 50 7 32 4 61 4 52 4 53 30 4 56 29 4* 67 4 68 28 4 59 265 00 25 5 01 5 U3 5 Ou Mooo't Pha«< Sew Mnon- • ■ • First Qn*""^''' DVI9.; 2iT: wl F s 8 M T W T F 3 S A I' W 12 13 14 15 L6 17 18 19 20 21 11 •Hi 24 20 20 T F S s .VI T W T F 2<iM r,i MONTHLY nEQISTKR. I-ondon. b. m. 2 13 mo. i 19 Bio. 4Ucv. 4 8«ev. «» 61 f V (0> rlfei. 7 41 7 41 7 41 7 40 feti 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 7 404 31 7 40 4 32 7 39 7 39 7 39 7 39 7 38 7 38 7 37 7 37 ■—7 37 — 7 36 4 33 4 34 4 35 4 37 4 38 4 40 4 41 4 42 4 43 4 44 7 35 4 46 7 34 4 47 7 334 49 32 4 50 7 32 4 61 7 3] 4 52 7 31 4 53 30 4 56 7 29 4- 67 7 284 68 7 28 4 59 7 26 5 00 7 26 5 01 7 246 on FEBRUARY-29 Days. ' • Mooa't Phueit. (tiUiw'i. Quthtc. Umtreal. Klngnton. Toronto. Londc^, <1. ■1 h. in. 1 6CT. 8 an mo. 11 .V m'l. b. m. h. m. 1 'iiuv 1 16 er. H 38 mo. H 30 mo. b. m. 1 \ ev. s IS mo. 11 B.'i mo. 62 ev. ' S 6 mo., r. 4Smf>. h. m. 48 OT. FirtlQnarter FnllM'mn 7 88 mo. 11 8»mn, IVt '■ " ' ■ ,'''"' ■ " ■ rltei. 7 22 7 21 7 19 7 11 7 1( 7 1£ 7 14 7 18 7 11 7 10 7 09 7 08 7 06 7 04 7 02 7 01 6 59 6 58 6 57 5 56 6 54 6 62 S 5(1 5 48 6 46 6 44 6 42 6 40 S 38 ■1 uto. ) 06 oil' 5 07 1 3W 4T 5lF 6S 78 SM 9T low 11 T 12 F 13 S US 15 Al 16 r 17 W 18 T 19 F 20 s 22. VI 23 X 24 w 2i X 2() p •!7 S 28 ft 5 09 5 11 3 12 ^ b 13 9 j 15 » J 16 i 18 5 20 J 22 5 23 5 25 ' 5 26 5 28 3 29 5 30 3 32 5 34 3 35 5 37 3 38 5 40 1 3 41 ' - 3 42 \ 5 44 5 46 5 47 •iliii 5 49 .,1 r4i I ii^§ I ■ 7 ; . .1' ill] J 4fi I! W s MONTHLY REGISTER. [11041 Moon's Phases. MARCH -31 Days. Quarter Moon First Quarter. . ■I'hirU N'ew I Moon Thlrd^ w rter Otiawii Qii^ec. li. m. 8 smo. 10 W ev. I Smo. 6 20 mo. 8 16 ev. ]i. m. S 21 mo. ! It II er. ! I 13 mo. 5 80 mo. 6 26 ev. Montreal. h. m. 8 18 mo. n Sev. 1 16 mo. 6 39 mo- ^ 82 ev. Kinfftton, 3\n<mto. h. m. 8 6 mo. 10 53 ev. 1 1 mo. 5 IB mo. 6 U ev. h. m. 1 Mmo. 10 41 ev. 49 mo. B (mo. 5 Sev. b, m. 1 Mmo. lOSSer. 41 mo. 4 v3 mo. 4 Mev. 10 U \t VV H i.'i ir M T W 18 19 21 22 2.T 21 26 - I 28 29 T W T F S s M T W BDR rliet. .6 87 6 86 .6 34 ,6 821 .6 30 6 ^ .6 26 .6 26 Hte. 5 47| 5 4g| 5 60 -6 21 -6 19 _6 17 -6 16 -6 18 6 11 -6 09 .6 07 -6 06 .6 08 -6 OJ .6 69 .6 57 5 66 5 68 5 63 5 541 5 65' 5 5T 15 59 6 00 6 01 8 03 6 04 6 05 6 07 6 09 6 10 6 11 6 18 6 14 6 16 6 17 6 18 8 1(» fkooa'i Phues. rVsra jtQoartor llMoon I Quarter — . If s 8 Ih It ^fi; q- 6 61 5 49 6 48 6 46 6 48 6 41 8 fil 8 22 6 28 8 26 6 26 6 27 6 88 8 20 u ^•■jS 0.. [18941 to. 10. r. 10. 10. r. lond n. b. m. lOSSer. 41 mo. 4 23 0)0, 4 Mot. BDR Mto. 5 4? 5 rtiei, 6 87 6 6 34 6 82 6 30 5 60 5 62 5 83 6 i8\5 54 5 56 5 57 5 59 6 00 6 01 8 03 6 04 6 05 6 07 6 09 6 10 6 11 6 26 6 26 6 28 6 21 6 19 6 17 6 16 6 18 6 11 6 09 6 07 6 06 6 08 6 Oi 5 69 5 67 5 66 6 68 5 61 5 49 6 48 5 46 5 48 6 41 864.] MONTHLY ilEGIBTER. APRIL — 30 Days. Moon'i PiuwM. r If OOB itQaarter — Moon rd Quarter H8 Ottawa. b. m. 8 45 mo. 7 4er. 8 18 er. II 80 ev. Qutbeo. h. m. • 1 mo. 7 23 er. 8 81 er. 11 46 er. Xontreal. b. m. 8 65 mo. 7 14 er. 3 25 er. 11 40 er. Ktng»ton. h. m. 8 43 mo. 7 2ev. S 13 ev. 1 1 28 ev. Toronto, h. m. 8 31 mu. 6 50 ev. a 1 ev. 11 16 ev. London. h. m. 8 23 mo. H 42 er. 7 58 ev. 11 8 ev. n. F S S H r r 18 6 14 6 16 6 17 6 18 6 lf« 6 21 6 22 6 28 6 26 26 « 27 6 8B|tt iw risen. 5 .39 5 :i7 5 as 5 38 5 32 > :^0 o 28 5 26 5 24 5 22 5 20 5 1« 6 16 5 14 5 13 5 11 09 5 a7 r 05 5 04 5 02 5 00 ■l o9 1 57 4 56 4 54 4 52 4 60 4 49 4 49 mu. sets. 6 2» 31 1 6 31 6 32 34 6 3r. (J 3ti ^^ 37 (5 on 6 40 « 41 6 43 « 45 6 46 a 47 4« 6 4)1 6 50 52 «) M a m 6 66 6 57 6 6!) 7 00 7 02 7 08 7 04 , 7 05 7 07 ■*4 Is I:; It! i if 11' ■It ll^ a MOJSTRLY KE(ilf3TK». imi V-Zl ' A ' il.' ■■ ■ ai l .1 1 , ; MAY — 31 Days. Moon'e Phases. New Moon.... First Quarter.. Full Moon.. . Third Quarter. DATS.) N w 1 .8 2 M 3 T 4 W 5 T F S 6 7 8 8 9 M 10 T 11 W 12 T 13 F 14 S 15 8 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 T 20 F 21 S 22 8 23 M 24 T W 26 20 T 27 F 28 S 29 8 30 M an T Ottawa. h. m. T 10 ev. 1 16 ev. 8 aunio. 4 n mn. Quebec. h. m. 1 32 ev. S 8b mo. 4 8!) mo. Montreal. m. 20 ev. 36 ov. 30 mo. 27 mo. Kingston, h. rn. I 8ov. 'I Itev. 8 IS mo. •ilftmo. Torotilo. h. m. 6 Kev. I 2ev. 8 K mo. 4 i) mo. London. h. in. 6 48 ev. 64 er. 1 as ev. R Mmn. 80>. rises. 4 47 4 46 4 44 4 4'? 4 41 4 40 4 39 4 38 4 36 4 35 4 34 4 33 4 31 4 30 4 20 4 28 4 2 4 25 4 24 4 23 4 21 4 20 4 19 4 19 4 18 4 17 4 16 4 15 4 14 4 13 1864.] Mooa's Fhasei New Moon. ... Kirsi Quarter. . Full Moon .... T hird Quarter. seti, 7 0! 7 0i 7 15 7 1 7 12 7 13 7 14 7 16 7 17 7 18 7 19 7 21 7 22 7 2.1 7 24 7 25 7 27 7 28 7 29 7 31 7 32 7 3S 7 Sf) 7 36 7 37 7 38 7 30 7. 40 7 41 7 41 DATS- ■A W 1 w T F S M T W T 10 11 12 13 14 1.J 16 17 18 19 20 21 '22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 F S 8 M T W T F 8 M T W T F 3 8 M T ^ T 4 127 41 Ll86iJ isy-rTrr^" 1 Londm. b. m. 6 48 ov. P 64 ey. 1 06 CT. S M mo. SCI. riBe* sell 4 4' "7 0! 4 4( 370j 4 a 7 n 4 4^ 7 11 4 41 7 12 4 4(1 7 13 4 39 7U 4 38 7 16 4 36 7 17 4 35 7 18 4 34 7 19 4 33 7 21 4 31 7 22 4 30 7 2,1 4 29 7 24 4 28 7 25 __ 4 27 7 27 4 26 7 28 4 24 7 29 4 23 7 31 4 21 7 32 4 20 7 33 4 19 7 sr, 4 19 r 36 4 18 r 37 4 17 1 38 _. * Je: r 39 4 15" r.4fl 4 141 r 41 __4 13T 4l| 4 m 1 1864.] MONTHLY BEQISX^B. %i JTJN'^i -T fifO Ifays. MooD'i Phases. New Moon. . . . Kirst Quarter. . Full Moon .... Third Quarter. OttOfwa, d. b. m. 4 6 38 mo. 12 6 44 mo- ig S CO ev. 20 9 11 mo. Q" h. m. 6 an IRO. -I Omo. « 6«iv. J 27 mo# Montreal. h. m. 6 46 mo. 6 54 mo. < Oev. 9 21 ev. A'ltnf^on. h. m. 6 84 mo. 6 43 mo. a 48 ev. 9 9 mo. Toronto. b. m. 6 22 mo. 6 30 mo. 5 36 ov. 8 07 mo. DATS- 1 W w t) G ( 8 [) 10 11 12 13 14 U 16 17 18 19 21 '22 23 24 25 2C 27 28 T F S s M T W T F S s M T W T F S 8 M T W T P S 8 M 30 T London, b. m. 6 U mo. 8 22 mo 6 as AT.' 8 48 mo* ami. lete, 7 42 rises. 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 11 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 40{| 4 09 4 09 4 09 4 09 4 09 4 08 4 08 4 08 4 09 4 09 4 09 4 09 4 10 4 10 7 53' 7 43 7 43 7 44 7 45 7 45 7 46 7 47 7 48 r 49 7 49. 7 5Q; 7 5(1|; 7 50 1 7 51 ■ ^ 61, i 7 5a : 7 62 , 7 52 7 62 7 52 7 63 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 12 .4 12 4 12 4 n 7 53 7 53 7 63 7 64 7 63 7 63 7,W !• ■' I'; li 10 MONTHLY BEOIBTBR. PI JULY — 31 Days. Moon's Phuea. New Mood First Ooarter . Full Moon.... Third Qnarter. OMawo. h, m. 1 19 er. 10 47 er. 1 33 mo. t «lmo. Quebec. h. SB. 1 KeT. II 3 ev. I 4Snio. » 58 ev. Montreal. h. m. 1 Mot. I* 5T «T. t 43 mo. 8 53 «v. Ktngiton. h. m. T 17 ev. 10 45 ev. 1 80 mo. 8 40 ev. Tbronto. b. m. 7 6ev. 10 83 sv. 1 18 mo. S38ev. PAT II ,1 5T : 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 W T F S s M T W T F S If T W T F S ■ M T W T F S s [1864. London. h. B. « VI ev. 10 SS ev. 1 10 mo. 8 90 ev. Bin. rises. 4 14 4 15 4 17 4 177 51 sets. 7 52 7 52 7 51 4 18 4 19 4 20 4 21 4 22 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 49 7 49 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 7 48 7 47 7 46 7 46 7 46 7 45 4 287 44 4 28 4 307 43 4 32 4 33 4 34 7 43 7 42 7 40 7 39 4 36 7 38 4 37 4 38 4 397 34 7 36 7 35 4 41 4 42 4 43 4 44 445 4 46 7 33 7 31 7 30 7 29 7 28 <■• 7 27 1864.] Moon's Pbss Sew Moon First Qusrtor . Toll Moon .... Third Qnnrter. DATI.j V|W IM 2T 3W1 4T 5F € 8 T lOWl 12 F 13S 14.B 15U 16 T nwl isItI 19lF! 208 2181 22IM 23|t| 24W1 251 T I 261fJ 27p 28^8 291^1 3o1t| [1864. London, h. B. eWov. 10 is er. 1 lOfflo. SaOer. rises. 4 14 _4 15 4 17 4 17 4 18 4 19 4 20 4 21 4 22 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 Sim. 4 28 sete. 7 52 7 52 7 51 7 51 7 60 7 50 7 60 7 49 7 49 7 48 7 47 7 46 7 46 7 46 7 45 4 287 44 7 43 4 307 43 4 32 4 33 4 34 4 36 4 37 4 38 4 39 4 41 4 42 143 144 I 45 i 46 7 42 7 40 7 39 7 38 7 36 7 36 7 34 7 33 7 31 7 30 7 29 7 28 7*27 1864.] MONTHLY BMISnit. n AUGUST-- 31 Days. Moon's Phases. New Moon First Quarter .... Pall Moon Third Quarter *>♦ DATS. 1 2 3 4 5 € 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1^ 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 W W T F S 8 M T W Ottawa. h. m. 9 99 mo. 0B8ev. 8 8Smo. 1 Omo. QuAee. b. m. 9 46 mo. 1 9«T. 8 48 mo. 1 Xt mo. Montreal, h. m. 9 89 mo. 1 8er. 8 49 mo. I 10 mo. JOnfftton. h. m. 9 37 mo. osier. 8 10 ma 08 mo. Toronto, h. m. 1 16 mo. 89eT. 8 18 mo. 48 mo. London. h. m. 8 7 mo. 88ev. 8 10 mo. 88 mo. rises. 4 46 7 27 4 47 7 26 4 47 7 25 .4 497 23 .4 50 ■ 4 51 4 52 .4 53' -4 64' avB 4 67 4 59 5 00 ^01 02 04 05 07 09 19 11 12 14 6 16 sets. 7 22 7 21 7 19 7 17 7 15 4 567 14 7 13 7 11 7 09 7 07 7 06 7 04 7 03 7 01 6 59 6 57 6 56 6 54 6 52 5 16 6 50 6 49 20 21 22 176 47 196 45 6 42 6 41 689 ' ^2|6 37 Hit n 1.1 :!3 d m m m BR. flk4.|864.] — SO Days. Moon's FhauR. JSTew Moon.... .. Fint Quarter to Full. Moon t6 Third Qnarter |S3 New Moon PATB. M w 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ottmca, h. m. 1 4 mo. 46 QO. 4 Set. 1 eoev. 5 89 ev. Quebec. h. m. 1 20 mo. 1 3 mo. 4 21 ev. 2 «ev. B 86 eT. Montreal. h. m, 1 14 mo. S6mo. 4 15 er. 2 Oct. 5 4'» ev. KiKiieto», h. m. 1 2 mo. 44 mo. 4 Bev. 1 48 ev. 5 37 ev. Toronio. h. m. Mmo. 1^0 3tmo. ?.8«l ev. 1 SOev. S 29 ev. Lond<yn. ta. m. 43 mu. 84 mo. 8 48ev. 1 28 ev. 5 n ev. s M T W T F S M T W T P fS 8 19M 20 T 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 W T P S 8 M T W rises. 5 23 BUN. »€U<. 6 35| 24 25 26 27 29 80 82 38 34 36 36 6 3-2 6 3ii d 2^ 6 2; 6 26 6 241 6 221 6 20 1 6 19 6 \'\ 6 liij 386 Ml 30 P 89 40 42 43 5^446 04 5^6 5 47 5 48 5 60 IS 51 r» 62 5 5 56 5 56 5 67 5 58 5 59 546 6 Oil 6 08 (i Oil Moon's Pliaaes. Kirst Quarter . uU Moon .... I Quarter. Moon — Third i 6 02 6 00 5 58 6 5G 5 54 5 52 50 6 48 6 4(1 I 5 44 6 42 6 41 Sew s s M T W 6T F S B T .0 11 12 13 w T 14 F I 15 S I 16 B I 'tI 1&T| loWl 20 T I 2l|F 22 S 238 24 Ml '>.^ T W TJ. 28lF L 29 S 3oIb 3l\MI 26 2T (is^i. meL] MONTHLY RE6I3TBR. h m Lond'Oii, !>• m. timo. 84 mo. 8 48ev. 1 28 ev. I 5 17 ev 5 38 6 I'i 5 54 5 60 • ■ — » ■- t- OCTOBER -31 Days. Moon'B Phases. Ottatna. Qiieher. Montreal, Kingston. Toronto. London, • rirst Quarter Ml Voon (1. 16 22 30 Ii. in. 10 33 mu. 1 11 mo. 23 mo. 10 24 mo. h. m. 10 49 mu. 1 27 mo. 6 3» mo. 10 40 mo. h. m. 10 43 mo, 1 21 mo. It 83 roo. 10 3^1 mo. b. m. 10 81 mo. 1 9mp. 6 31 mo. 10 22 mo. h* ID. la l» mo. 67 mo. 6 9 mo. 10 10 mo. 1 1 lOUQO. <L u 1 m& riiird Quarter S'bw Moon ft Into. 10 Sao. nits. ......... -_.--... 5 59 6 00 6 01 6 08 6 04 6 08 6 07 6 08 6 09 6 11 6 13 6 14 6 15 6 16 6 18 6 20 6 21 6 22 6 28 6 26 6 27 6 28 6 29 6 80 6 31 6 82 6 N 6 3fl 6«7 6 98 6 89 MtR. S 40 28 5 89 :iM 5 37 iT 5 35 .1 w — 6 33 fiT 9 31 7F — 5 29 fiS 5 27 o« 5 25 1ft M 5 23 n T — 5 21 12 W 5 19 \^ T 5 17 M F 5 10 Ti S 5 14 16 8 5 12 17 M 5 10 18 T 5 08 10 W 5 07 9n T --- ■* ft 05 'n F — 5 08 '>9 S % 9 01 91 fl 4 59 94 M 4 58 <)r. T „ 4 66 26 W - 4 55 27 T ... •*■' -■■■ — — ■ 4 68 28 P . 161 29 S 4 60 30 P 4 48 3i\m V 4 47 1?' h I; ' \% '■] I - .5 69f5 41 HOMTHLT RB6ISTBR. ;:-*T- - :■■• •■ NOVEMBER -30: Days. | Moon'a PbsMB. OUawa. <iU*b€C. Montrtal. Kingston. 7bro«<o. Xo«H<<)il!| mnt« full 11 Third XewH iOtftor OOD d. 6 13 U 39 h. m. 6 49 CT. 39CT. 8 18 mo. 3 19 mo. h. m. 7 6ev. 45 CT. 8 28 mo. 8 89 mo. ta. m. «MeT. 89*T. 3 21 mo. 8 88 mo. ta. m. 6 47 eT. 37 eT. 8 10 mo. 3 11 mo. h. m. « S5*T. 16 eT. • 1 08 mo. 1 09 mo. h. m. 1 «97eT.I 7ev,l Qnwtar loon 1 eoeT.I 1 61 eT.I •An. ■ V IT • ( Sim. iaes. „ } 404 } 414 ) 484 } 464 J 47 4 3 484 S 60 4 5 514 6 62 4 6 64 4 6 66 4 6 68 4 6 59 4 7 004 7 014 7 02 4 7 044 7 05 4 7 06 4 7 07 4 7 09 4 7 114 7 12 4 7 13 4 7 154 7 16 4 7 17 4 7 19 4 7 20 4 7 214 JW 8T 4F 6S «• 7M 8T OVI r iOT 11 I 1 12 S 18 1 i 14U [ 161 1 16 V ? 17' r 181 p 19 J s i 1 1 32' r 28^ V 24 r 26 ■A F 36 B 547 • ' 38 M » T «<| (fl Moon's Phues. It Quarter .. llMoon rd Quarter Moon . . . . ^4 IW T r s 8 M T W T F u MONTHLY BEGI8TEK. 0. r. r. • 10. 0. London. h. m. Iti. 1 SOev, I M ev •VN, rlMa. n 6 404 6 414 6 484 6 454 6 47 4 6 484 6 60 4 6 514 6 62 4 6 64 4 6 66 4 6 68 4 6 69 4 7 00 4 7 014 7 02 4 7044 7 05 4 7 06 4 7 074 7 09 4 7 114 7 12 4 7 13 4 7 154 7 16 4 7 17 4 7 19 4 7 20 4 7 214 Moon's Phues. kt Quarter ., [iMoon ^d Quarter rMoon 188 OttavM. h. m. 2 30 mo. 2 8 mo, U 89 er. 4 n ev <iu«bte. ii. m. 2 4» mo. 3 24 niu. U 14 ma. 4 38 ev. llontrtait. h. m. 2 40 mo. 2 IS mo. V 8 mo. 4 2T ev. KinniUm, h. m. 2 28 mo. 2 6 mo. 11 Mev. 8 IS ev. ToroiUo, b. m. 9 iCme. 1 S4mo. 11 44 ev. 4 8ev. 15 DECEMBER— 31 Days. XOIMfOM. ^ ■' il 16 THE KOYAL I'AMILY, ETC. [1864, 864.] ...» THE QUEEN. Victoria, Queen of the United Kiugdom of Great Britain anil [rclinul : only <liui|:litoi oi Hi:* Va'A Rojal HiKhness Edward Duke of Kent, and Vicloriu lute Duelie.M* of Kent, dau(J!hter r.f| Francis, Duke of Saxe-Gobonrg ; born the 24th JMay, IMn ; snccecdod to the Tlirone on thf decease of Her Uncle, William IV., June 20lli, l*li7 ; proclaimed June 21st, 1837 ; Crownpill June 28th, 1888 ; Married February lOth, 1810, to Field Marshal His Royal HiKhness I'riiicf Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince nf Saxe Cobonr^i' and Ootha, Knight of the Mnitl Noble Order of the Garter, &c., Ac, &c. ; boin the -iQih August, isio ; and (Hfd nt Winds r| Castle, Decennber, 14th. 1861. ISSUE. Victoria Adelaide Marv Louisa (i'riuuess Royal), born November l'LsI, I^1U; married •laniian •26th, 1.858, H.R.H. Frederick William, Prince of 'Prussia; Albert Edward (I'lince of Wales),. boni| November 9th, 1841 ; Married Princess Alexandra of nmniark, lotli Mureh, )^(!'5 ; Alice Maud Marv born April 26th, 1843 ; married .luly 1st, 1862, H.R. i. Prince TiOuis of Hessie ; Alfred Ernest Albeii.l born August 6th, 1844; Helena Augusta Victoria, born Mav 25th, 1S4(>; Jioiiise Caroline Albertn, I born March 18th, 1848; Arthur William Patrick Albert, born' May Jst, 1850; Leopold (Jcorgo Duncail Albert, born April 7th, 18o3; Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodoii;, boiu April 14tli, ls57. J MTISIOSS. llltJI Hon. J( %t'la Dnra)iUJ. \t Lnnttudicr. lonmitrc. ■ \rmidriUe \d( tinnehci' S^ilh -George v.. King of Hano\er, born May 27th, 18l!i ; George, Uuko Cambridge, born March 2Gth, 1819; Princess Augusta (Duchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz), born Jiilvl " ry Adelaide M'^ilhehnina Elizabeth, born November 27tb, 1838. Thb Queen' h Cochins nbridge, born I 19th, 1822 ; Mary . ^iumda. THE GOVERNOR GENEHAL. The Right Honorable Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Baron Monck of BaU3'trammon, in tlii County of Wexford, Governor General of Briti.sh North America, and Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Provinces of (Janada, Nova Seotiii, New Bruns Edward, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c., <&c., &c. AMe^-de-Canif) — Denis Godley. Governor's Sccret.iry ; (juptain Uetallack, Military Secretary ami Aide-de-Camp ; Iiientenant Colonel Irvine, Provincial Aide-de-Gamp. iswick. and the Island of Prince President of the Council. Hon. 1. Thibandeau. Attorney General East.. Hon. A. A. Dorion. Attorney General West.. Hon. J. S. Macdonald Commis.of Grown Lands . Hon. W. McDont;all. Commis.ofPublicWorks.Hon. M. Laframboise, ProviDci«l Secretarv ....Hon. A. J. F. Blair. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Postniiister Geneial ll<>n. O. Mowat. Minister of Finance llou. L. H. Holton. Receiver General Hi n. W. P. Howland. Solicitor General for L.C.Hon. J. Huntington. SolicitorGcneralfor IJ.C. r.'m/-/. Minister of Agriculture.. Hon. L. I<olellier. Cheers:— W. H. Lee, Clerk ; W. A. Himswortli. Confidential Clerk. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF CANADA. nie Hon. Clbic .Toskph Tehsikr, Hpcuktv, Quolx'i'. I'IFK LbOISLATIVi: CoUhCII.I.ORri. sxuea AND p. 0. address, Hon. John Hamilton, KinggUm. Hon. " Adam Ferrle, ffamUUm. " " VmijtR. Moore, Pfiilipsbirra/i. " " George J. Goodhue, Lundon-. " James Morris, Brockville. " " James Gordon, Toronto. ' • " James Ferrler, Montreal. ' " Rodertok Matheson, Perth. Blectivk NAMFS AND t. 0. AllDRERS. Gcorpe 8. Boullon, ( obourg. lion, 9\T E. P. T&chv, Montmrigtip. .lainci Ijeslle, Montrenl. Frederick A. QuesncI, Montreal. G.8. DeBcaujeii, Coteau ffii/Aic. .Tuhn ItoHH, Toronto. 8unmcl Mills, //l7»iW()»(. j •' I.K0I.SLAT1TE ConNCII.LOBS, C. \\ . NAMKS AND P. O. ADDRKR,^. liOuiH I'anet, (Quebec. (■»lr Narcisse lii^lieaii, Quebec. riiiirlc'S Wlison, M<mire,(il. Henjnmlii Scyiiiour, I'ort Hojh Diivki M. Annstronp, Hotel. Klienpzpr Perry, Cvboiirg, Unltcr n. niekson, jViagara. mvisioKS. Bathurat Hon. Broek " BurUivgton .... " Caiara^i " tatUim. " Xrie " Oort... " Home " Kino. " MdtaMde " JfkUai rf'. iUj^ NAMK.<. P. 0. AT)DRES.S, James Shaw Smith's Falls. A. J. F. Biair Gtielph. Harmanus Smith . . Ancasler. Alex. Campbell.... Einp;!ton. Thoi. Bennett Athol. David Christie Binntford, George Alexander. Woodstock. .Tames 0. Aiklns. . . Riohvlew. David Roesor MarUham. R. Leonard London. William McMaster. Toronto. Asa A, Burnh»ni. . , ()oi>ourg. DIVISIONS. Niagara (/ueen-s Quinte... JUdeOii Saimemt St. Vhtir iSt, Lawrence.. Tficiimnctb... . Thamen Trent Western York NAMKIS. .lames U, C'urrie. . . .Tohn Simpson Rotitrt Rcail .ramc« Skoail .f olm Mc.Mnrricli ., •Mex. VIdal Geoifte Crawford . Donald McUnnnld Oiiver Blake BillaFiint Walter McOrea,.., George W. Allan,. A. Fr J. L. J. Lo Lu 01 Jo CI s. fcostTiTCieNetsi IrgentevAl Hon \igot.. Hoc |«/Kc« ..Hen itanharnota I'au UUrhttHM Eli Mhicv Ans onavi^ntute The \t(inl, K.R -tnh Irrtut, W.R... . Edii |orf-i'i«e, ToKn.r. I ii'oni*).. Clir hrldun '^'n \hntiMu ..C. 1 hnmplain .loli Viiiileroin -^de ilinttniigiMi/.. ..lloi \l.irnl.i(Siigaen...J)a 'fiWjiUni Ii>1 eriiwall. Town .Tic wchejittr lit iruui'dib Artlmb.X. iiiilds Jol burArtin, IC.R. . . .Jol ii'fhahi, W.R Jigin, K.R . . . )l<jin,W.R... Ho ..loV P.O. ADDRKSS. St. Catharine ; .Bowmanvlllo. • BpileviUe. .Ottawa. .Toronto. Sarnia. • Hrockvllie. .Toronto. .Waterforcl. .Belleville. .Chatham. .Toronto. tiontenae Wl \miie -lol Vrnanrry Oo VnvllU, S.n. .Wl |)fV tie titoii . ..J" Wwiilton, at]/... lii hstingi, y.R . .Til tiiftiiig/i. S.R Hi tnfhfliiga H( minlingdon B' li'fon i!t Bruce. in froille Al (q'U'H Curlier.. ¥i hlUtte. H' f(iii)oura«ka Je V/)f Al tmyiton. City. . . H \(liiibti)ll Al \imirk, 7V.7?....R' lliiin-yfc, S.R A Ulnaiiie Al VAnwmption....^' Uval Jc VedMiiirreii.N.R?! ,«(/», S.R A i«nni>a:i&A(fding.U «•/« J' lincohi: . .' ■« [hiet L ondon. City H Whiniere H tankinonge M Ytgantlo tj li'ldlesea),X.B..C Mdietem, W-B-.l IfiMitgii^t 3 [1864, ikupthter of rinoHP on thf Vu ; Crowncil i),'hne8a l»rii)o» lit of the Mofl I lit Windsor arricd •laiiii»ii Wales),, bori; CO Maud Mary Ernest Albeit roline Albertn, ioor£foT)nnc'a'j ^ome, IJuko ( Hz), horn JuK amtnon, iu the I and Governor sland of Princt r Secret avy ami lowat. . Helton. '. Rowland, jntington. i'tellier. 864.] LEGISLATIVE COUNCILLOBS, ETC. 17 FLKCTITB LlOtBLATITZ CotmoitLOM, C. E. DITISIOSS. (*" idford e'la Dtu-aiita. Ju VaUi^re. t Lnnaudicr . Lonmierc . . S<il<iherry. . . ramlriUe >i[f hi'iniin nnebw .%///r Uou NAMHn. P. O. AFDRISS. . Jo«. F.&rwaaJ.Rivlert.-(ie8-PrBlrlei A. B. Foster . ..Frost Vlllnje. Fran. Lemieux.. Quebec. J. Bto. Q. ProulxNicoldt . L. A. Olivier ...Burthier. J. 0. Buriau...St.Rerai. Louis Renaud.. . Moutreal. Luc Ll.de S». JualRiviorc-Oiii'lli'. CIric J. Tevsler.Qiiobt'C. John Humilton.nawlieabury. Clm8. Cormier. .PlesHisvllle, rtouicr. A.J. DuchcHnRv.Bt. Cathurines. Fos oiriaiONB. Laurentiden. . Lauton ifiUe IxUd . . .Vontarvilhr. Kepentigny „„*AJ'«8. P. O. AOSBgjM. -' M.PdeS.LatcrriereKboaIen]ents. " EHJ DuchesDaySte.MarieN.Beaaco " Edouard MassonTerrebonne. - LouiaLacoste...Bouchervllte. <ti:^c".i.<v"'ir — ''P-U.ArchambauUL'AHompMon. Iligaud " E.Prudhomme jr.Tannerv West. Rirugemonf, ... •' L. A. DessauUes. Montreal. Saurel ■Shawfnegan Stadacona. Victoria " J.B.Ouevreiaent.SoreL '• Charles Malhiot.Polnte-dtt-U-jc. •' Frangois Baby,. Quebec. ' Thomas Ryan ..Montreal. WfUinffUyn " .lohn 8. Sanborn, Shcrbruoke. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF CANADA. llrt^•. Lewis Walliiridok, Speaker. 0. ADDnHRji. iiehre. Ilean, Quehtv. , Montreal. loiir, I'ort J/o}it. trontr, Horel, , Cobourg. son, jVifi(/or(i, I'. O. ADDRK.1S. ..St. Catharine t . . IlowmaDylllo. . .IlpllevlUe. ..Ottawa. ..Toronto. . Sarnia. .,IU'ockvi!lp. I.Toronto. . . Waterfonl. .Belloville. ..C'liathatn, ,, Toronto. ;0!<fTITC«Nt'JEr*. NAMK.-". P. 0, ADDRI<i<S. rgentevAl Hon. J.J.O. Abbott Montreal. ,i(jro(l. Hon. M. Lafrauiboisc. .St. Hyai;intlie. (iiuv« Henri E. Tafclu'reaii. .Quebec. tanharnotis Paul Deni<< Montreal. ■UerlituM Ed. Rcraillarii . Quebec. ■rthier Anaelme H Paquet. . . Si. Outhlicit. maefntme Theodore Roliltallle. .New Carl if>l'». nint, K.R -'ohn Younii Bown .... Braatford. rttti, W.R. . . . Edmund B. Wood Briintford. rOih-ville, Tonn.T. U Chambers BrockvUU'. rome. ... Chri.stopher Dunkin. . .Kiiowlton. irkturi "Wm. F. Powell Ottawa. hniiihly . . .C. B. de Boueherville. . Bouclierrille. ham plain John Jones Robs St.Au'e la Per'd Jiitrleroin Adolphe Oairnon Bale St. Paul. lintiniiginl!/...,llon. L.U. Holton Montreal. hicol.dSiiguen. .'Dnv\(i K. Price (Milcoutiini. wijiU>ii John Henry Pope Cooksh'r.K.Tps oiutciiU, Town ,IIoD. J. S. MacdonaUl.CornwaH. orchenter Hector L LanRuvin. ..Quebec. W(Hi.'rf<* ArtAflb.,!. B. E. Dorion L'Avenir. inndu* John 8.vlvester Rons. ..Iroquois. turhain, E.R John Sliuter Smitli Port Hope. hirkam, IF. /?.... Henry Munro Neiyeastle. 'gin, ja.B Ltonldaa Biwwell Port Burwell. Igin, W.It lohn Scoble St. Thomas. '<w,e rontenac William Ferpusoii Kiiisslon. \inpe John LeBoutlllev Oaspe Ba.fin. Irfignrrj/ Donald A. Macdouald. Ale.\andrin. '■mivllh, S.n. .Walter Shanly Montreal. VfV fieorRe Jackson Bontinck. UltiiiiMnd David Thompson Indiana. alton. . . .John White Milton. amnion. City. . . Isaac Buchanan Uamillon. uthiQi, Jf.i: . .Thomas C. Walibridpe. Belleville. ii««»(7,s S.lt. . . .Hon. L. Wallbridgc. . . . Ilelleville. nvhftiiga Hon. A. A. Borion Montreal. untingdon Robert B. Sommevville.Huntingdon. 'liivn it BrttCf . . James Dickson Kpmond ville. Uroille Alexander Dufresne . . . Iberville. iM'ieo (7rtr</ei'. .Francois Z. Tasse St. Laurent. )U(tte. H.C. dit Grandclmmp.St. Elizabeth. 'mourMka . . . .Jean Charles Chapais.Si.DenlBten has '.,it Archibald McKellar.. Chatham. inyit'on, Ciisy. ..Hon. J.A. Macdonald. Kingston. iimhloii Alexander Mack-jnr.le.Larahton. nnark, N.R. . . . Robert Bell Oarlcton Place. mark, S.R Alexander Morrit; Montreal. ii/irairie Alfred Pln(onntnv\lt . . Montreal, '^MompMoii. .. .Louis Archambault L'ABSoniptlon iiTul Joseph H. Bellerose...St.Vinc.clePaul ee(tit,ii;Ureii.N'.RVtmc\a Jones Kemptville. wU, S.B . . ..Albert N. Richards. . Brockville. <iui()ir,*Xf/rfin(7.Rlchard J. Oartwrlght.Klnpiton «•«« Joseph G.Blanchet Levis. inroiii ''' William MeGivecin.... St. Catharines. hlei Louis B. Caron Quebec. Mdon, Oifu. . . .Hon. John Carling London. olMnlere Henri ft. Joly Quebec. 'aikimnffe Molse Uoude Rlv.duL. (enh. 'aganttc George Irvine Quebec, 'mieseti, E. 7?.. OrowuU Wilson Arva. Hiittteum, lf.i7..ThoraaiBtetobei'd ....London. fiMi$iru9t. James 0'I!«ll»rw . , . .OowsntTille, CONSTITI^ESCIES. NAHVS. P.O. ADDaBHS yffintcul/m Joseph Dufresne St. Alexis. Jfonlmagny JoBcph O. Beaubien. . . ftlontmagny. Montmorency — Hon. Joseph Caucbon. Quebec. Montreal £</#<.... Hon. O.E.Cartler. .. . Montreal Montreal Centre. . H«n. J. Ross Montreal. Montreal Went. ..Hon. Thos. D. McGee .Qucliec. yapierrJUe Sixte C. dit La Relne. . Lacolle. Niagara, Tovn , .John Simpson Niagara. yitolet Joseph Gaudet Gentilly. Norfolk Aquila Walsb Simcoe. iVo)'rtitwi6'rfJE'.i?.J. L. BlKKar Murray. - Northumh'd, W.R, James Cockburn Cobourp. Ontario, N.B Hon. Wra. McDougall. Toronto! Ontario, S.R Hon. Oliver Mowat . . . Toronto" Ottawa, City Joseph M. Currier Ottawa." Oilnim, Coimfy. , Alonzo Wright Hull. Oiej'ord, N.R Hope F. McKtnzie Sarnla. Oxford, S.H Hon. George Brown. ..Torontu. Peel Hon. J. H. Cameron. ..Toronto. Perth Robert Wacfarlane Stratford, Peterborough Wilson S. Conger Peterborough. Pontiac .lohn Poupore Chichester. Portnevf. Jean T. Brousseau... Qe bee. Preacott Thomas Higginson. . . .Hawkesbury. Prince Edward . . Walter Ross Plcton. Quebec, Sa»t Pierre 6. Huot Qnebec. Quebec, Centre. . . Hon. I. Thibaudeau. . .Quebec. Quebec, West Hon. Charles AUeyn . .Quebec. Qui'.bec, County . . Hon. F. Evanturel Quebec. Renfrew Robert Molntyre Renfrew. Rich mond£ iroZ/'eW^illiam H. Webb Melbourne. Richelieu Joseph F. Perranlt Montreal, Riitiouiki George Sylvain Rlmouski. RoutHI* Joseph F. Poulin Marievllle. RueneU Robert Bell Ottawa. Saint ffi/acinlhe. Rene Raymond St. Hyaclnthe, SainUoMt'a Francois Bourassa .... Montreal. Saint Maurice . . . Charles Lajole Yamaehlche. Shefford Hon. L. 8. HuntingtonBhcftord. Sherbrooke, TovmlUn. Alexander T. QaltSherbrooke. Simcoe, NB Thos. D. McOonkey , . Barrie. Simvot S.R Thomas R. Fergusson.Coolutowu. Souhinges William Duckett. . . . Coteau Land'g Sianntead Albert Knight Stanstead. Stormoiit Samuel Ault AuUsvlUe. Temuicouata John Bte. Poullot Uiv.du L.<en b. Terrebonne L. L. Vlger ilontreal. Three River8,UUyllon. J. E. Turcotte. ..Three Rivers. Toronto, Eaiit — John Macdonald Toronto. Toronto, ITes*..,. Alexander M. Smith ..Toronto. TiKo Mountain 9.. J i:a.n B. Daouat St. Eustache. Vawlrevil A. C. du L. Harwood. . Vaudreuil, Verehertfi Felix Geofftldn Vercheres. Victoria James W. Dunsford . . . Lindsay, Waterloo, JN.R. . .Hon. M. H. Foley Simcoe, NorPlk Waterloo, 8.R , . .James Oowan Gait. Wetland Thomas 0. Street Chippawa. WelUngtwi, N.R.Thomas B. Parker Guclph. Wellington, iS./?. .David Stirton Ouelph. Wentworth, N.R. . William Notman Dundas, Wenlworth, S,R.. Joseph Rymal Bartob. Yamatlea Molse fortler St. David, O.K. Tork, N.R Jatni^ P. W*ll8 .King. York, S.B Amos Wrlibt .BMbti^Md Hill. To rk, W.B Hon. W. P. HowlMd . . ToMtato. 18 FOREIUM CONSULsJ, JUmCIARY, BTO. [18{ FOREIGN CONSULS IN CANADA. BELGIUM. Omitvl, (/usbfc, Abraham Joseph. Vics-Conitfd, lUonfrml, Joseph Jesse. DENMARK. Vks-Cf)7wvl. Mon^tal, Thoinax Kvan. FRANCE. Consul- Geiural, Baron* Oauldrec Boilleuu, rtJHi- dence, Quebec. CMncdlnr of the Con*ul(Ut Gm.eral, Heuri Feer. Vke-Contiil, Montreal, Hon. Tliouia.^ livan.— Theodore Ducet, Actinij. Oonml. Agent, Toronto, W. J. Macdoncll. HANOVER. Consul, Montreal, Hcnrj Chapinun. HAN8K TOWNS, LL'BEC, BREMKN .\N1) HAMBURGH Consul, Quehtv, Edward Ryan. Vire-Comul, Montreal, Thomsvs Ryan. IIALY. Gotuuls, Montreal, Henry Chnpinan ; /ranjie, Horatio LeBoutillier. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN. Conml, Qu6bw, Gustav Bcling. NETHERLANDS. Gonwl-Oeneral, B. Homer Dixon, Esq., K.N.L., residence, The Homcwood, Toronto. OLDENBURG. Coimil, Quebi-c, Gustav Beling. PORTUGAL. Vice-Cortsul, Quebec, William H. Tilstone. UPPER CANADA. Hob. Wm. Hy. Draper, C.B., Chief Justice of Upper Canada. Hon. P.M.M.S. Vankoughnet, D.C.L., Chancellor Hod of Upt'r" Canada on. W Pleas. Richardi, Chief Justice of Common Hon. James C.P. Esten, Vice Chancellor. Hon. John Godfrey Spra^rge. V^ice Chancellor. Hon. J. H. Hararty, D.C.L, Judge Court of Qaeen's Bench. Hon. J. C. Morrison, Judge Court of Queen's Bench. Hon. Adam Wilson, Judge Court of Common Pleas Hon. John Wilson, Judge Conrt of Common Pleas. . . ;> LOWER CANADA. Court of Qrii^N's Bench. — Hon. Sir Louis Hrpolite Lafonts'^; Hart., VhtefJumce ; Hon. Tbos. Gushing AySi^ir:, Jear ' rancoic lod. Duval. Rene £• Carott ai»d Wni. C.s.is MereL';( :, Puitae Judges; Ch3>k iVl<in'it ii. Atsi.itan Judge. ScpehiorCocit.- l5 !».. Edward B(wcn, Chief Justice i Hon. .>amos dmith, J. A. Taschereau, Peter Winter, Andrew Stuart, Edward Short, Wm. Badgiey, John S. McCord, John C. Bruneau, David Roy, Antoino Polette, Aime Lafontaine, FaUs O. Uautbier, John G. Thompson, Joseph A. Bwikalot, and TdomM J.J. Loraoger, Judges. PRUSSIA. CoMuli', M'jntrMl, Henry ('hapmnn ; •/ Hod. George Pcmbertou". SPAIN. Cop*'ji, Moiitr>'ii/, Heury Chupmau. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Conxi'l, Q'lfbvc, Alfred Falkenbcr^. Vic -('OMtil, Montreal, H. Chapman. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Coiit'i'^-Gtiiiral, Hon. Joseph R. Giddinir.s, denci?, MoutiTHl. CoHU'l/i, ^/w^c, Thomas Fltnttni; Uuebic, Ogdeii. Conttiilar Aaenfn, Voa/lcoo^- aud Idand . Edward lieunosey; Cohourfj, George P* Duhtille, J.E. Kirkpatrick ; Pundee, John .Mullen; I'ort A'rie, John Douglas; /hiu J.D. Irwine; Himmingford, G.W. Bun. I{hig.ifoii, J.C Clark ; Lacolle {Rontie'ii /' F. W. Myers; Mo)-pci!i., Erost Hill; X FaWs, Joel Harris; Point St, Charles mi Lamhrl, W. Bennet ; Port Burwdl, R.D.L J'nrt Colhorne, James Fortier ; Port h'-jjt, Albis; Port Rowan, W. H. Stevenson; SarriiO; R. (f. McMulIen ; I^t Sinilet/, .Jo Bostwick; /V«ro</, J S.Hawloy ; tit.Cath^ D.C. Hayiics; Toronto, David Thurston URUGUAY. Conml, Montreal, F. W. Henahaw. The jeifi Consuls-General rank with Brigadier-Gene Consuls with Colonels and Lieutenant-Cof Vice-Consuls with Captains in the Army, i'josular Agents with Lieutenants in the'i ^ivfeiou ffioutt ^iUin Carleton. — The DivisionCourts for this C will be held for the year 1864, as follows For the \st Dimsion : In Ottawa, the lait day of every month. Clerk, Geo. R. Burke, 2nd Division. : In Richmond, 18th Jan, March, I6th May, 4th July, lath Sept., 7th irders are draw 64.] dlit (Bitx\ KEGULATl ^C't) Rates —Itt mi to any place piiiil , for o cents | f itarged 1 "cents | The rate on letters By Canadian By Cunard >tter8 for Briti rond sea, and I gUndj must be .je rate on '. tte )t Californip •' t J Hw^Regis'ruior Chi •vJdressed t ipri" ., i:^i charg( i'oitnc Uegistrat: 5 Penal Clause.—'] iiial clause : To incl >8e a lelte nded to serve the isi«d fortheParct Money Orders.— rnwnce may be < (Tice (of which i flice) , at the folic Under and up to Over $10 and no « 20 " " 30 " " 40 " " bO " 80 n single order c\ Money Orders wd.—montj On Iflice in Great Bi d at any Canad Clerk, John A. Bryson, Ea>q ^rd Division : In Hontly, 20th Jan., 16th Mi 18th May, 6th July, 2ht -ept,. 9th Nor. " John Fenton, Esq 4th Division : In Fi*?,r.iy, 1>n .f«r .. l7lhM I9th May. 7lh July, 2 n} -^eii*., lOvu Wov. C Wm. D. Pigott, Esq. bth Division : In North Gower, 19th Jan., March, 17th May, 6th July, 20th Sept., 8th Clerk, Wm. Cowan, Esq. Stk Divinon : In Osgoode, S7th Jan., 6th l\ 7th May, 2..d July, 3rd Sept., 19th ^0T. G Ira Morgan. Esq. lih Vivinior, : At Bell's Corners, Nepeao Jan., 12th March, 14th May , 9th July, 17tb ! 6fh Nov. Clerk, T. G. Anderson, Esq. Chr. Arhstrong, ConntyJ Ottawa, Dec, 1863. N. B —The General Qnarter Sessions and( ty C ourt, the 2nd Tuesday in .Vltroh, June tenbar, tad Daoambar. ihargeable beiiig a to £5, 60 cts. ntoXlO, 81- ban J£l0; but ai nuy be procrsreii ibt m uNiTKU caui Diocese, of M D. D., Lord Bis Very itev. J. B Thompson, M. White, Junior Rev. M. Town_ D.C.L.LL.D.. I Rev. J. Scott, Hcott, D.D., R« ('haplains; — Dioc£Sii of (j D.D, Lord B Rev. A. W. J Q. V. Honama [li 'hapmhn Ipioau. lORWAV |apDian. AMKRICA. K. Oiddinjrs |»iuu; Qucbi'i-. uhil. hland ur/j, George Pe . Ihindee, JoLo Douglas; JJam ,k IJ.W. Bun joUc ( Ronne'K I'. iiast Hill; ^';,^ AV. Charles <m\ Burwell, R.lj., er; Port kl:^i, \. Stevensou; I\)Tt Stanley, J. iwloy; tii.Vath ivid Thurston. Y. nshaw. Brigadier-Ueiie iiieutenant-Coio 9 in the ArmT.I enants in the" I 5*i«ii !7ourt8 for this C4 I, as follows ; Ottawa, the laitl Geo. R. BurkeJ >iid, 1 8th Jan.,] l»th Sept., 7rii( 0th Jan., 16th m| t., 9th Nor. if (■??,■.. 17th Ml ',^<-../Wov. C| 64.] POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, ETC. If )wer, 19th Jan., SOth Sept., 8th I !7lhJan.,6thMl , 19th ^0T. rners, Nepean,L hhJuly, i7thr 'SOD, Usq, ONCr, Connty jl rScMioniandC .viaroh, Jane,i m (Qttkt gejmvtntent. UEGULATIONS AND RATES. Uitet RatM.—titXttTH potted in Canad<i ad- lised to any place within the Provioce. pasii, if Ipuid, for h cents per ^ 02., but irpotte<l U'apaid, iriiarKed 7 'cents per j oz. The rate on letters to the UnitedKiugdom will be, By Canadian Packet, Viii cts, per I ounce. ByCunard " 17" •' Letters for British Calooies find poMsessions, rond sea, and for Foreyjtn Couotiies, via. ■glandj must be i>i'i>-pairl. The rate on I. ttei.> .f»i •'■<' ulted States, (ex- |tt Californip m d O/t.'^ou; i.i cents per } ounce legisiritior Che :.• :<s — Poi ibe Re^i^tratinn of jeiti ti'dressed to <iiy place in Hritisli North iBeri" . 1 :i - charge is £ cents. |i\*i Mc iUgistration of a Letter to Lmited Kinx- dom, l2Jc. " " LTuited States, oc. \Penal Clautc—Tbe Act cootuins the following Inal clause : To inci )se a letter, or letters, or any writiiis in- |Diied to serve the purpose of a letter, in a Parcel DsUd for the Parcel Post, shall be a misdemeanor. Ulojiei/ Orders.— Money Orders payable in the Irnvince maybe obtained at any Money Order llfice (of which a list can be seen at any Post Iflice) , at the following rates : Under and up to $10. . . Over $10 and not exceeding $20 . « 20 *' '' " 30 «' " " 40 «« " " bO " " " 80 " '« |io single order c«n be issued for more than $100 Moneif Ordert on England, Scotland and Le- md.— Money Orders payable at any Money Order IfRce in Great Britain and Ireland, can bo obtain- ' at any Canadian Money Order Otiice. The irders are drawn in sterling, the Commission ^hargeable beiug for £2 and under, 25 cts. ; from :2 to X5, 50 cts. ; from £0 to £7, 75 cts. ; irom '.1 to XIO, il. No order can be dtawn for more than £U) ; but any number of orders for £10 each I'ly be proei>reu . Ilbc (Slevgg at <Sanadit IHoceHi ' Toronto.— Hon. and Right Rev. John Strahan, D,|> , LL.D., Lord Bishop (1889); Ven. Ale.i. \. Beihune, D.D., D.C.L., Archdeacon of ToronT); .irchd. Uothiine, D.D., D.C.L, Rev. H.J. oras, f B.D., l{.v H. Soadding, D.D., Rev. S. Giviii ., R.D., Bisho^^'a Chaplains ; Rev. George C.Wilhaius. f'haplaiD her Majesty's Forci's ii Toronto. IHoLM). ■,; II u roil. Bishop ; Veil. C. C. .r. T'«vern , v'er> Rev. 'ntario • Ven. )f Ontario ; • • ■ • ,« • cents 20.. . .10 30., . . 15 40. . .30 60.. . .45 80. . ..60 00. ..76 KNITKD CBIIRCU Or EN»il,A.<l» \SI) IHKL.^ND. Diocese of Montreal. — M *t Rev F. Fulfoid, U. I)., Lord Bishop of Montreal :kii'l Mi^tropolitan. Very Kev. J. Bethupe, D. D.. Dcnu ; Rim ,1. H. Thompson, M. A., Senior Cnumi : Uf J. I'. White, Junior Canon; Rev. .J Ut'id. D I)., Rev. M. Townsend. M A Rot. W T. l.cacb, D.C.L.LL.D., Rev.C.Baocr. !,D.l> . Hn.i.r«ii«^iH; Rev. J. Scott, D. D., Arcbdeacou ; ^ ■. n. .\r(>h. Scott, D.D., Rev. J. H. Thompson, .MA.. Hittliop- ('liaplains ; Bishop's Secr«!tar\ iHocMii of (Juebev.— Right Rei-. J.W. VVillutn* D.D, Lord Bishop, (18«3) ; Rev. Or. Nicollt,, Rev. A. W. Mountain, Rev. S. S, Wood, Rev. G. V. Housman^ Bishop's Chaplains. UightHev ) Cronyn, D.D., Brough, A. M Archdeacon,' London ; Ven. J. Helmuth, D.D., Arclid , Huron; : Ven. C.C. Brougb. A.M., J. Walker Mai.sl ^ A., K.L. Elwood, A.M., R. Flood. A.M., M. L.iomer, i LL.p., Bishop's Chaplains. DioiHvt of Ontario. — Righi Lewis, D.I)., LL.D., Bishop (1 W. B. Laudor, LL.D., Dean o( H. Piitton. D. C. L., Archdeac Bishop's Chaplains, Ven. H. Puiou, D.C.L.,' Trinity College, Toronto, and Rev W. Bleasdcll, M.A., Trinity College, Dublin; Chancellor of the Diocese, James A. Henderson, Esq., D.C.L. ; Kogistrnr, C. F. Gildersleeve, Esq., Bar'i :it-Law ROHAN CATHOLIC OIUROIl. I .Dme.it ()f' Qtiebtc.—Most Rev. P. F. Turgeou, D.D., Archbishop ; Right Rev. C. F. B-iillarl: <on, , D.D., Bishop of Tloa, Administrator; Very lev. Mailloux, Very Rev. C.F. Cazeau, Vicars Gen ml. Quebfc Cathedral. — Very Rev. C.F. Cazeau, V r. ; Ilev. J. B. A. Ferland; Rev. E. Langevin, Se y; Rev. II. Lecours, Asst. Sec; J. Martin, U. Sec. Diocm of Tliree Hivem. — Most. Rev. T. Coolte, D.D., Bishop ; Very Rev. C. 0. Caron, V ry Rev. T. Caron, Very Rev. L. Lafleehe, Vicars-Genera ; Rev. T. Lottinville, Secretary. iJumst of Montreal. — Mgr. Iz. Bourget, Eveqi. • de Montreal; Very Rev. A.F. Truteau, VeryRe'. A. Manseau, Very Rev. P. Billandele, Very Rbt D. Orauet, Vicars General ; Rev. J.O. Fare, Sec. VwCiiaeWf' St. IlyaeiiUhe. — Mgr. J. LaRocque, Bishop ; very Rev. E. Crevier, Very Rev. J. S. Raymond, Vicars-Goneral ; Rev, L. T. Moreau, Secretary. Diocine of Ottawa. — .Most Rev. Jos. E. Guigues, Bishop; Very Rev. D. Dandurand, Vicar-General; \'ery Rev. J. Tabaret, Vicar-General ; Grenier, F, A., Chaplain. ; Rev. J. L. O'Connor, Bishop's Secretary. DloctHc of Kin^gnton. — Right Rev. Edward J. Horun, Bishop ; Very Rev. Angus McDonell, Very Rev. P. Dollard, Very Rev. John McDonald ; Scry Rev. J. H. McDonajjh, Vicars-General. rhoctfec of Toronto. — Right Rev. J. J. Lynch, D.D., Bishop; Very Uev.J. M. Soulerin, Very Rev. J. Walsh, Vicars-Genenil ; Ven. Eugene O'Keel'c, Archdeacon; Very Rev. J. F. Jamot, t'haaeellor ; Rev. W. J. White, Secretary; Very Rev. J. F. Jamot, Toronto, Very Rev. B. Grattaii, St. Catharines, Very Rcr. («." R. Northgraves. Barrie, Deans. Dimiiii'.of IJamUtoii- Right Rev. John Farrell, D.D., Bisuop : Very Rev'. E. Gordon, Vicar- (ilcneral ; Rev. Ed. luniitins Hecnan, Secretary. Dioi'm' of Sandwkli—'Ri^ht Rev. P. A. Pinson- eaiilt, D. iJ., Bishop ; Very Rev. J. M. Brnyere, -Vioai -General ; Rev P. 'Ardrieux, Chaplain ; Rev. J. Oinud, Rector; Rev. Joseph Bayard. SiTtetiiry ; Rev. A. Villeneuve, Assistant. fKtSHVTKHllN CHl'ROH OK CANADA— IN CONNEXION v\ ITH THE OBI IICH OF SCOTI.ANO. Meeting ol' Synod will be held at. St. Andvew'ii Church, Kingston, o)i the first Wadnssday in June, 1804, at 11 a.m. - 1 20 THE CLBRGY OF CANADA. [1864jl864-l John Campbell, MIA., Moderator: Rev. Wm. Snodgrass, Clerk; John Camcroo, Esq., Treas. Preabytery Clerks — Rev. D. Anderson. M.A., Quebeo; Rev. William Bain, M. A., Perth; Rev. Jno.Barclav, D.D., Toronto ; Rev.J.H.Mackeiras, M.A., (As/) do ; Rev. Geo. Bell, B. A., Niagara ; Rev. HJ. Borthwiik, M.A., Ottawa; Rev. Robt. Burnet, Hamilton; Rev. Robert Dobie, Glengarry, Rev. Peter Lindsay, Renfrew ; Rev. Francis \icol, Loudon; Rev. .Tames Patterson, M.A., Montreal; Kev. Arch. Walker, Kingston. CANAUA PRX8BYTERIAN CHCRCB. Next meeting of Synod in ♦h.'> City of Toronto. t'^oke's Church, on the '1 Tuesday in June, 18t)4, at ').m. Ojicerx of Si/iiod, \s()iA:~Ati7. J. Dick. Kit-h- mond Hill, Moderator ; Rev. W. Reid, A. M., Toronto, and Rev. W. Fraser, Bond Head, Joint Clerks of Synod. Clerks oj Prcsbruterlu. — Montreal, Rev. A. V. Kemp ; Ottawa, Rev. S. C. Fraser ; Brockville, Rev. J. K. Smith ; Kingston, Rev. Patrick Gray ; Cobourg. Rev. .Fnx. Bowie; Ontario, Rev. K. Men- teath : Toronto, Rev. W. Gregg, A.M. ; Guelph, Rev. James Middlemiss ; HamiRoii, Kev J. Porte- Dus: Paris, Rev. Jolin Gillespie; Londou, Rev. I). Walker ; Huron. Rev. A. D. McDonald ; r^tratford. Rev. W. Donk ; Grey, Rev. Wm.Park. WESI.EVAX METHOIilST CHmCH I.\ CA.VADA. Rev. Anson Green, D.l)., President ; Rev. John Carroll, Co-Delegate; Kev. James Speucer, M.A., Secretary: Rev. Enoch Wood, O.D., (Jeneral Superintendent of Mi.ssions. METHOniST NEW (ONNKCTION. Rev. Jnmea Caswell, President of Coiifereuce, London ; Rev. S.B. Gundv, Clerk of Conference, St. Mary's; Rev. J.H. Robinson, Superintendent of Missions, Londou ; Rev. W. McCuue, Assist- ant Superintendent, and Tutoi' of Theological Institution, Toronto ; T. Lottridgo, Krfq., Harton, Treasurer; W. Latimer, Emi., Oslrandev P. O., Co. Kent, Treasurer of Mis-sion Fund. METHODIST ICI'ISLOPAL CftL'ROU IS tANAUA. Has three Annual Coiifereuces, and one Gene- ral Conference. The latter is Quiidroiininl ; its next session to be held in May, l!<fitj. The Annual Conferenoes are called "Niugiiru," "Ontario," and "Bay of Quinte " Bishops, or General Superintendents, lii-v. Philander Smith, D.D., Brooklin, and Kev. James ilichardRon, D.D., Yorkville. NIAUAUA CONK KR UNO k. Which meets lit St. .Marv's .Ird \Veiinesda\ iu April, 1864. Presiding Elderh — Rev. T. Webster, .Niiigura District; Rev. E. liounsburj, Oxford District; llev. W. D. llughson, London District, O.NTMtlA CONVBIIUNI.'I:. Which meets at Gevirgetown, <lr«t VVedm Mlav in April, 1804. Presiding Elders—Rev. T. Morrison, Toronto District ; Rev. S. W. J^aDuc, Coll)orne Dimiici ; Rev. (i. JBennett, Durham District. BAT or ginwTK coNJ-nuKNcr. Whose next Session will be held ut Ottawa, t'itv, the first Wednesday in June, 18rt4. ('reeidinji Elders— Rev. J. Gardiner, Kinu:>iou OiBtrict : JRev. J.H. Andrews, Augusta Dinriot ; Bev. J, F. WilRon, Ottawa. BRITISH METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHtJRCU OP B. N. .i The fourth session of the Annual Conferenctl will meet in Amhertshurgh, Cauada West, on thj fourth Thursday of September, 1804. Rev. Aug. R. Greeu, Bishop, Windsor ; R>\ G. W. Rrodie, Sccretnrv of Conference, Chathanil Station; Rev. S. B. .Williams, Assistant Scc'v, Rondeau Circuit ; Rev. D. Turner, Missionanl Treasurer, Chatham. BRITIsn MKTHODIST EI'lscoi'AL CUUUCH INiVNAUi FoHiided A. />., 185t!. Kiglit Kev. Willis Nazray, (ienernl Superiu tendent, Chathani ; Rev. S. \l. Brown, Assistant Superintendent 4th line Peel ; Rev. T. W. Strin ger, Trea.suier, Buxton ; Rev. W. H. Jouos, Secretarv, Chatham. Ne.vt Conierenco will be held in Windsor, Aucust, ISil-l-. The General As-senibly will sit on the Monday in September, 1804, in Chatham. et.'IMI'l'IVE .WETHODIST iMJURUH l.N CANADA. to be held in Brnmploii, | •iOtli tirsi IS The Conferenci April Itj, tHrt4. Kev. .lohn Natdass, President, Itowmanville; Rev. T. Croinpton, Secretary, Victoria Square; Robert Walker, Esq., Treasurer, Toronto; Rev J. Davison, Miss. See., and Editor of the Chris tiau Journal, Toronto. IDSORKOATIONAL l>KNoMINAT10.\ . Th^ Dtnigiegational Union of Canada will hold I ^Vivil its nest meeting at Brantford, C.W., on Wednes I ^ti'**^** BVAKOELIC The lourth sess l,he last Wednese IWiiterloo Co., C.v I F.Pishburn,Pre Secretary, Philip* Itoronto. I NITKU .{..LGlassbrenm limm and Presidin lAununl Conferen Isecretary and Trt »v liiurkitK Dm iToionto, C.W., o Rev. J. Ande llanies Robertsoi luoirimel. Mission- lUowson, Treasur 1 Missionary. IvVAXIi Uo v. Joseph Lc I 'residing rM I District; S. Wen NEW JKHl S Kev. Adam K I K.W.Turk. Seer Treasurer, Berhi ag day, «th June, •!St»4, nt 4 p. ni Otlicers of the Union Wm. Ilay, Chairman. Scotland, C.W. ; J. Wood, Seeietarv-Trea.surer; Drantlord, C. W Ollicers of Canadian (,"on. JVli.ssiouaiy Society H. Wilkes, D.D.. Secrclury-Treiisnrer, Montreal; K. M. Fenwick, Home Secretary. Kingston. ConKiegHtional C'olleiie, B. .V.' A.— Adam Lillic, D.D , The(dogical Professor ; F H, Marling, Seoretiiry, Toronto ; P.Freeland, E.sq., Treasurer, Toronto. (AN ADA CIIKISriAM t'oNriCltK.M.'l;. J.L. Ru'js, President, tiraftcm ; Thomas Heniy, Treasurer, Osliawa ; A. .N. Henry, Clerk, fc. Oxford Centre. uiai.K vURisriw nil m ii im va.^ahv WKsr. t'ohtert'iiee nieetn al Haiuploii, on tlio tirsi rhiii'sday in June, lli(i4. I'onm.'.xionHl Oftioer.s It.lliiih'x, I'li-sideiii ol the (,\intereiirp ; D.Cantlon, S('eretiir,v ; ,1, Hodge. Corresponding Secrelnrv ; T. (hreii. Treasurer, Missi(niary Society; K Hobiiis, Secreiury, <lo. ; H. Koiinei, Book Stewnrtl ; J. M. Eynon, C'hajiel Seeri'lary ; A. Gordon, Secr-'Kivy ol Loan Fund ; H.Kenner. do. ofPreacheiH' do.;" D.Cantlon, do. Fund f'oi' I'leachers' Children ; .1. Pinch do. Contingent Fund ; P. Robins, do. General Treas. District Superintendents — ,). Cha)>ple, Cohourg District; K. Hurley, Bownianvillc, do.; J.Hodge, Rseter, do.; J. Williams, I'nlmyrn, do., U.S. nAPTISTs. . ' Till' Annual .MeHiiii)j; of the Kr.ewill Baptist Conference will he held in the Bethel Church, Siincoe, on the 2'lth, L'ftlh, and i2(>tb Juue, 1M4, W. Taylor, Aylmei. Moderator; J.H. Bryaui. Woodttock, Secretary and TrM»iur«r. lA.iilsiuitvi'iw ileac \1.', Beer a"<t l"""' .WmonilH, Waliiuta \lum ■ AiiiitomlcBl Prepai .ViH'liors, over cw .\i.fhor«, 6 cwt. ni ViilmivtB of all Wlni KiiH(|UltU>H, coUec .Xiitlmon.v \r(tol •.;■■•,• KAwA. Pot, I't'ftrt. , \\\\\»vs Iiiolc, Tanners . . . 1 •• used Holely liiiiley, except Po • Meal C.'iinH, and Bean I Biiir and Blgu. an Rnr anil Porter . I ll.vrles "Hft *"'*''; llitilus and Bevotl I lliiinad(! l-anips. Illncklnn.... IlleftchlnR PowiU'i DookWnders' Too li.ioks. Painted P ,,f which 'epi HnnkH, Pr'.uicd, 1 ^. " ni H.iUinn t'imlix. ■ ll.Milii and «l>"iH lUiriix . Ilniiul.v — Uiiin and I'lu.vti' Hi'aa», In U»r», H llrnas Wire and llrliostoiie l)ri»tleH.... llf com Corn ■ Kuokvflieai.ana Man* and RnoU Vl [1864.11864.] THE CLERGY OF CANADA, ETC. 21 |bch op B. V, .1 ual ConferencJ lla West, on ths Hndsor ; R.n fence, ChatLani Issistant iSec'v, ler, Missionan r.CH IN cv.NAlM InornI Superin ■own, Assistani ,•■. T. W. Stiin. Windsor, 'iOtL n un the tiiM bathnni. i.\ t anada. ill nriimi)(oii, lto>viuaiiville; ic'toriii Square, Toronto; Rev. r of thi? Chris irioN. naiiii will lii,|(| '., on VVcdno« iVVi Chttii'iuaii, iirv-Treiisurer; nurj Society "ivr, Montreal: ^injrston. —Adam Lillif, H. Marling, ^*|., TreuRurtT, lioniasHein V, v. (M.'rk. i]. Al'\ WKNT. "II tilt' firhi ''ii'sidfiii oi '> ; .1. Ilodtfi', 'I. TioaHnror, crriiirv, do. ; y'Kin, ChuiK.! i.oiiii Fund ; tJanllon, d<i. >^ii"!li do. fMKMal Twuk. pie, (!obour« 0.: J.H<.d«e, I"., I'.S. 'Will IJapiisi liol Church, uue, ]f:()4. .H, Br} am. BVANOELICAL LVTBBRAN CHURCH. The lourth session of Synod will be held on lihe last Wednesday of Julv, 1*64, mI Elmira, IWiiterlooCo., C.W. F.Pishburn, President, Maplevilk'; F.Ktriuger, li^ecretary, Philipsburg; Professor E. Schluter, IToronto. I MTKO UUKTIIKK.V IN CHUIST. .I..I, (ilttssbrenncr, Bishop; O. Plowman, Chuir- iiiim and Presiding Elder; H. Kropp, Secretary Aiinunl Conference ; A. B. Sherk, Missionary .■Secretary and Treasurer. WVANOKLICAI. I.SIOX, Itiitrieuii Dmnch — Conference iti iiieei in Toronto, C.W., on Srst Wednesday of .Inly, IStil. Rev. .1. Anderson, President, Huntingdon ; .l.aines Robertson, Secretary, Toronto ; Alex, (ioinmej, Mission-Secretary, Toionlo ; Dr. Joseph llowson. Treasurer, Toronto ; Rev, James Howie, Missionary. KVAXtiKLlCAL AS.S0«.'IAT1U.N. Kov. Joseph Long, IJishop ; Rev. W.W.Uivvig, liishop. I'residina Elders— J. U. Venner, Hamilton District; S. Weaver, Waterloo District. NEW JKKrSAI.KM CHLIIOH OK lANAI)\. Rev. Adam Ruby, Presideut, Berlin ; Rev. F.W.Turk. Secretary, Berlin; Rev. U.S. Huber, Treasurer, Berlin. MmxU of ®u^t0mci. Bullion Fre« Bunting — do Burr Stoues, Qol made up into Mill Stunes do Busts and Casts, as Works of Art. . du Butter do Cobles, Iron, Chain, over three-fourths of an inch in diameter... do Cables, Hemp or Orass do Cameos .t Mosaic.i, real or imitation, set in Gold, &c 10 Ciinada Plates. Tin Plates, Galvanized Iron, and Sheetlron.... .... 10 Canvas, i^ail, Nos. 1 to « Free Caoutchouc, or India Rubber, unmanufactured do Carnsge:! of Travellers do Carrialses euiployed carrying Merchandise do t/artks. Ship's water, in use .... .... do Cement, marine or liydraulic, ungrouud do j Couionts, h.vUrauli(;. ground and calcined 10 I Cheese... — Free Cigaiv 40 Clotliinir, I'tait.v-made — 26 I Colli. ..' Free I Coal Oil, lU cents per galliiu LColVee, Greeu. . . . 6 I ami 1} cents per lb j Cochim'Si . do I Oolt'oe roasted or ground, and Scents per lb. . . . 80 Coke Free Coin, In Cabinets (ir otherwise .... .... do </niiiinlssariat Stores ... ... .... . . do Cump.i.sses, Hhips' do Confectionery, and il cents per lb 16 Copperas.... ... ...Free Copper, produce or manufacture of B.N. A. Provinces imported direct therefrom Free Copper, in Bars, Rods, Bolts or Sheets .... 10 Copper, Pig .... Free ^ r. <((/. pal. Acids of every deacrlptioii, ext>;pi Vliirgar Kree Ml', Beer and Porter 30 .Mnionds, Walnuts and Filberts !<0 Alum Free Aniitomicsl Preparations do Anchors, over cwt do Ai'thors, 6 cwt. and under Ut \iilinalB of all kinds Free \iill(|UltleH, collections of do Antimony do \rgol '''••"e AAps. Pot, Pearl, and Hoda . . do Allnses •*• ilsilc. Tanners' Free " used solely lu dyoliig do lliirley, except Pot and Pearl do •■ Meal do ISi'iins, and llean Meal do Bear and Bigg, and Meal of do Rccr and Porter HO (!.iM'les uned solely in dyeing Free llililes and Devotional Hool<s do lliiinaclt! blimps. . . .... do lllncking.... .... IW llleachlng Powder Free liuiikblnders' Tools and Implemenis do It.ioks, Painted Periodicals, and Faiiiphlit.!, editions ■ if which "e printed In Oanaila .10 FliiokH, Pr'.oied, Rngllsh copyrights ..lit " not enuuieratetl elsewhen; I^'ree do Bfl Free ... :(0 Free 10 ... 10 Free do do do do ti.ilting CimliH Iliiots and HhocH Ilnrax .... . . • llrandy .... ■• • • . • . • Uriin and Hlii.its — lliuHs, In Bars, Ko<Ik and Hlieeth. , lliiias Wire and Wire Cloth Ilriinstone lli-i»tles .... llroomCoin. . . Buflkwbcat, and Meal of llQlta mid Rnntt, not Medicinal. . Copper Wire and Wire Cloth Cordials.... Corkwood, or the bark Corn, Indian... . .... .... Cotton and Fla.x Waste Cotton, Wool Cotton, Cnndle-vnck, Yarn and Warp Cream of Tartar, In Crystals Currants ... Dead K.yes Dead Lights Deck Plugs Diamonds and Precious Stones Drain Tiles for Agricultural purposes Dried Fruit Drawings, as Works of Art DriigH used solely in dyeing. ... Dye 6'tulfs, viz., bsrk, berries, *c . Earth, Clays and Ochres, dry .... E«KS Kiiiery and Emery Paper lOngravings and ly'lnts ... .... Felt Hat Bodies and Hat Felts Figs Klre-arnis for krmy {»ee note). .. . Firebricks. Firewood.... Fish... Fish Oil, in crude or natural state Kldh, products of, unmanufactured Klshing Nets and Seines FItiliiuK Hooks, liines and Twines. . Flax, Hemp and Tow, undressed Flour .... Fruits, dried. , ... Fruits, <lrled, from the U. 3. . . Fruits, green. Furs, l^kins, Pelts, or Tails, unmanufacture<l . items and Medals Ghi Ginger, ground. . . Glass and Hand -paper,. Globes,. Gold BcaterH, Brim Ml'ds iind tikins Gravel.. :... Grains, and Meal of. . Grass, Maidlla Grass, Straw and Tuscan Plaits Grease and Scraps 6rlnd»tonMi 10 ....100 . . . .Free . do .. do .... do .... 10 Free ... 20 ....Free ... do .... do .. do ....Free ...Free .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do .. 10 . Free .. 20 ..Free .. do . . do .. do ,. do . do . . du .. do .. do .. do . 20 ..Free . do . do . do .100 .. 80 ..Free .. do . do . . do .. do .. do .. 10 . »Pwc .. do ':^rMML ^f n TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. [1864. fJl 'V n Gnms, in a crude State ... ..Free Qypitun, or Plaater of Paris, not calcined do Hair, Angola, Thibet, Horse, or Moliair, unmanufac .. .Free do 26 , N. A. Piovincep, Free do do do tured Hams Harness and Saddlery Hay and Straw, the produce ul Imported direct therefrom Hemp Hides . ... Horns.. Hops, the produce of B. N. A. Provlucus, imported direct therefrom . . Fre« Hydraulic Cement, ground and calcined — .. 10 India Rubl>er in its crude state Free Indian Com, and Meal of do Indigo .. do Iron, Pig. ... . . do Iron, Sheet ..10 Iron, Bar, Rod or Hoop, Galvanized, Nail and Spike Rod, Hoop or Tire, Boiler Plate, Railrond Bars, Roller Plates. Wire. ... 10 Jewellery and Watcher . 10 .Tnnk and Oakum. . . .... ... Free Lamps, Binnacle — do Lard ... do Lead in Sheet . . 10 Lead, Pig . . . Free Lime, produce of B.N. A. Provinces oniy do Litharge .10 Locomotive and Engine Frames, Cranks, Crank A.xliis, Railway Oar and Locomotive Axlen, Pif^ton Rod^, Guide and Slide Bars, Crank Plnp, Connectiii).' Rods, Steamboat and Mill iShnft.s and Cr.'inkN forged In the rough ... 10 Mace. . :iO Manilla Grass . . . Kree Marble in Blocks or Slabs, uii|joliHheil. . do Manures. do Maps, Charts and Atlases .10 Meats, Fresh, Smoked or Sftlted . Free Medals and Gems. ... do Medicine, Patent, not otherwise specilicd .SO Medicinal Roots ..10 Henagcrii'.s, subject to regulation of Govcriio)' in Council .Free Molasses, and 5 cents per gallon . . lo Mosaics. "->! In metals .10 Mosses aad Sea Grass for Upholstery purposes .Free Musical Instruments for Military Itandn . r.o Mustard, ground . . do Nets, Fishing and BeiueK ... Free Newspapers ... . . '_'o Nitre or Saltpetre . ' . Free Nutmegs . . . . oO Nuts of all kinds .20 Oakum ...... Free Oats and Oatmeal . ' . rio Oil Cake or Linseed Cake do Oils, Cocoa Nut, Pine and Palm, In their natural stale, do Oil, Kerosene, Coal 4 Petroleum, dititillwi. 10 r. p, nal. Oil, Fish, in its naturni stale . do Ordnance Stores . ilo Ores of all kinds . . iln Osier or Willow for Basket Mak<;ri. do Paintings and Drawings as Works of An do Paper, Book, Map, or News Printinu. IS Patent Medicines, not spccined , ilO Pepper, ground . :«) Philosophical Instrumcnti* and Apparatus Free- Phosphorus .10 Pimento, ground ;iO pitch and Tar .... i.'ret^ Plants, Shrubs and Trcer^ do Piaster of Parts, ground and caluiniid lo Plaster of Paris, not calcined . l.'rco Port«r . . . . :iO Printing Ink and Presses iF'ree Prints and Engi'Hvlngs . . . 10 Rags ..... I'lei; Red Lead ... 10 Resin and Rosin . Free Hlee ciii RooU, Medical . .10 Roilns In a crude slate . l''rer> Rnm . . 100 Rye Grain, and Meal of . Free Saddlery Sapo Flour Sail Cloth, Nob. 1 to li Sails, lieady-made Sal Ammonia Sand Paper Sal Soda, Salt Scrap Uraes Sculpture, S>|.>eciini!iis ol SS Free do 10 Free do do do do do SffdH for Af,'ricultnral, Horticultural or Manufactur- ing purposes ShacklL's, Sihips' Sheaves, Sliipe" Ships' Itlocka Ships' Water CuAm, iii aiioes Sipial LaiMp» Silk Twist for Hals, (In Silk Hat Felts Slate SniiO' Soap Soda .\sbe8 i|.< and i^hoes do do do Free do 25 Free 10 Free do 30 ;«) Free Specimens of Natural History .Botany and Mineralogy,!© Spelter in Sheets . . Free Spelter in Bluob or l'i|.' . do Spiees, ifrotnid • . , 80 Spirits and Strone Waters including Spirits of Wine or Alcohol, and not beinsr Whiskey or Hrandy . 100 Spirits of Turpeulini- . . .10 Slareli . ■ .80 Statues. Hosts, *ic., as AVorli:* id Art . . Free Steel, WrouKht or Cast . . .10 Stereotype Blocks lor I'rinting purposes . Free Stone, iniwrought ... do Striuv, Tufciin and Grass Fancy Plaits . 10 Sulphur or Brimstone . . Free Suirar, refined, wliellier in Loaves or Lump.s Candied Cruslicd, or in any other form, White Bastard, or other Sujrar equal to refined . 1ft and I! cents per lb. T>o. being neillier refined, nor W. Bastard, nor Sugar e(|UHl to refined In i 10 Free do do 1ft Free 10 Free 10 Free 30 Free do uaiity and '2 eeutji per lb. Tallow .... Tanner>' Bark Tar Ten. 4 cenl.-' per 11', and . . Teasels I Tiles, Drain, lor Af;riouliu<-al purposes Timber and Lumber of all kinds T!'i, Granulated or Bar Tin. in Bloclis or Pi« Toliaeco, manufactured Tobaeeo, miuianufae.torcd Trei'nalis Tubes and Piping of copper, l)rass,ortin,whimilrawn 10 T'lrpentine, other than spirit of . Free Turpentine, spirits of . . 10 Tuscan. Straw mi I Grass Fanny Plaits . 10 Type iMetal in lIloekK or I'irs . . Free Viirnlsli, britrht and blaik In sliip-buildeis, other than (-opal, Carriaiie, Slull.ii'. Mastic or Japan do Vegetables, not elsewhere Piucifiod . do Veneering, sawed, from T,'.S., admitted free by Order in (iiiuncli, iil May, '6H, under Ru'". Treaty , Free Waterlime, ungriiund . . .do Wearing Apparel («('(■ »o'( If/ c//<n . 2^ Wheat and WhiMit Meiil . Free White Lend, dry ... 10 Whiskey of any streiijrdi, not exceeding file slronglh of Priicif tiy Sykes' llyilrometer, and so in propor- tion, for any greater sIrcMKth or less tluin a gallon, V!5 cellfs per gilllon Wine of all kinds . . . 20 Woods of all kind" . . Free Wood for lloiip>- wlb/ii not notchial , , do AVool . . . do Zinc, iir Spelter, in Block or Pip . .do Zinc or Speller, in Sheet ,10 7'/ii\followiii(/artlcf«n niealMptrmiUed to be mterni var.r., in mrfatii cirvnmntanoeii or condUioni, Hu : Agrlculturnl ]na)denieiils, Farming Clensils and Setdt of all klnda—wheu specially imported by Agricultural Booleties for the oncouragoment of Agrict^nre. ■1 [ [1884. Is Free <lo 10 Frco do do do do do finufactur- . do •lo . do Free do 25 • Frei' 10 Free . do 30 . ao Free incralogy,10 Free do 30 ts of Wine ft'i'ly . 100 10 . 80 Free 10 Free do 10 Free Oniidied iistard, or 1!S nor Sii^nr b. 10 ttev do do 15 Frco 10 Fre« 10 Free . 30 Frcf do him drawn 10 Free 10 10 Free lis, other liipun (1(1 di. by Ordi.'i y . Free do 2f. . Free 10 ! Btrungth 1 propor- a gallon, 20 Free . do do . do . 10 to be mttrtil 'iiiovt, H» • Is and Eeedi Agricultural PI'. 1864.] TARIFF OF CUSTOMS AND BANKS OF CANADA. 33 Apparel (Wearing), and other pergonal effects, and mpleinentti of huabandry (not merchandise) in actual use of persons coming to etltle In the Provl;i('e, a(;conipany- ing tliu owner. Apparel (Wearing) of firitiah subjects dying abroad. All importations lor the public uses of tho Province. j All dutiable goods Imported by and for llu^ use of tb(,' I Governor Oenenil, to be free by Order in Council. Arms, for Army or Navy, and Indian Nations— provi- ded tho duty otherwise payable bi: defrayed l)y the Treasury of the ITnited Kingdom or of tliis I'roviuco. AH tniportatloas for tin; hhc of U{^r MH.j(.'.ity's Army »ii(l Navy Fcrving in Canada, when t'u' duty otherwise payable thereon would l)f piiid or boriM' by tlii> Treiisnry of the United Klnintom cirof thU Piovinco. Silver and IMatetl Ware, (ilnsswiire. Talilv l.incii .lud Oigars. Imported specially for the uoe of nuy lieKiiiicutiil Mess of Officer.s of Her Mii.icslyV Army .^tTvinii in Canada, under such regulation^: a.n ip.ay he fii^ci mined by Order In Council. Books, Maps am! C'liiirta, luiportcd not us nieiohuinlisi!, but as the personal effects of puisoiiJ arriving in Canada to become bonajiv/o residentn of tlie Province. Household effects, that hav(! been in actual ust? for one month :)r more, ofpersons coming to settle in the I'rovlncc and under the charge of the owner. Olothing — wlien donations for t-ruluitou.-i (iistrilmlloi] by charitable societies, or for the Army, Nav,> . or In'Udii Nations. Models or Patterns of all kinds of luv'.'Ulion, Mai-liin- cry, or Improvements In the Arts— provided the same tic not put to actual use. Military Clothing for Het Maje-ty's Troops or IMiliti*. Military Stores, Ac, for Provincial Milltin, under sitch restriction and regulations as may be passed by the Governor In Council. All dutiable goods imported by and for the use of Foreign Consuls are free. Packages containing Free Goods, and of tho description in which such Goods arc usually Imported, shall be free. The following packages shall be free, viz., Bales, Trusses, (j'ases covering Casks of Wine or Brandy in Wood ; Cases and Casks containing Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery ; Cases or Casks containing Glassware or Karth- cnware ; Cases containing Bottled Wine or Bottled Spirits, and other Packages in which Goods of the kind contained in them are usually imported, and which do not necessar- ily or generally accompany such Goods when sold in this Piovlnce. All other Packages uontainlngQoods paying ad vcUortm duties sliall be chargeable with the same duty as the Goods they contaln,unless such duty exceeds 80 per cent., in which cuse the duty on the packages containing then 1 shall be 8i> per cent, ad valorem ; and Packages contain- I ing Goods paying specific duties shall be chargeable witli ; a duty of 20 per cent, ad valorem. Tools (the) iiud Implements of Trade of persons arriving j in Canada, when accompanied into the Province by the ' actual settler, and for his own use, not for sale. The. foil lymay articles fire prohibited to h« imjwrted, widiir a pen alt]) of Fifty Pounds, together viith tht forfeiture of the Parcel or Packagn of Oood« in which the same i\xay be, found ;— Books and Drawings of an immoral or iudecent char- acter. Coin, base or counterfeit. John, BANKS OF CANADA. T/tei;V Capital, Branches and Agencies in British North America. Bank of BBnisH Noiitii AMERtOA,— ('apital £1,000,000 sterliug. i?ra«(;/«a'?.— Brantford, HHlil'iix. X.S., Hamilton. Kingston, London, C.W.. Quebec, St. N,T3., Toronto, Victoria, V. I. Agencies. — Dundas, Ottawa. Bank of Montrkal.— Capital ,^6,000,000. 5rancA<?.?.— BellovilU), Bowinativillo, Brnntfoid, Brockville^ Cobourg, Guelpb, Hamilton, Kingston, London, C. W., Montreal, Ottawa, (^(uobec, Peterboro', Toronto, Whitby. ^(/(Micic*.— Cornwall, Elora, ForgiiH, (iodericb, Lindsay, Mount Forest, Perth, Picton, Simcoo, St. Mary's, Stratford, Waterloo. Bank <>k Toronto.— Capital $2,000,000. vli/cnc/e.f.— Barrio, Coljourg, Montreal, Peterboro. Bank ok Uppek Canada.— firanc/cs I'vd ^lr/r?((;jfts.— Barrie, Belleville, Brockville, Chatham, Clifton, GodericL, Hamilton, Kingston, Lindsay, London, (1 W., Montreal, Niagara, Ottawa, Picton, Port Hope, Quebec, Sarnla. .Soutliaiiiplon, S(. Oatliarines, Stratford, Throe Rivers. Toronto, Windsor. Banquk Jacques CAiiTrF.K.—Capilnl $l,«oo,000.— Montreal. Banque do PFUPr,E.~Capital !i(2,O00,00().~MontrGnl. Banque Nationals. — Quebec. City Bank.— Capital $1,200,000. Hranc/i. — Toronto. Agencies.— Q,\xehec, Shorbrooke. Commercial Bank ok Oanad-* —Capital $4,UOO,000. JJmnrAes.— Belleville, Brockvtilc, ftalt, Hamilton. London, C.W., Montreal, Peterborough, Hope, Toronto. ^^<m(nV»,— Borlin, Chftthiun. Clinton, Owou Sound, Perth, Prescott, Southampton, Stratford. Eastern Townsiiii'S Bank.— 8herbr(X)ke. OoRB Bank. — Hamilton. Branclm and Agencies. —iMi, (xuelph, Hamilton, London, C.W.. Paris, Slmnoe, Woodstock. . JjOndon and Colonial Bank (limited)— Montreal. MoLBONS BANK.-Capital $1,000,080. Branch's and .dgrtwk?.- Montreal, Toronto. ' . Ontario Bank.— Capital $2,000,000. J?rancA««.— Dundas, Ouelph, Oshnwft. Prescott, Toronto, ^pency.— Alexandria. QuiMO Bans.— JSffljwAa and u^z/i^/iCiVs.— Nicolot, Ottawa, Tliroo Rivers, Toronto. :'!1M2B: M! 24 STERLING AND CUHRENOY, filC. t . Sll ;rli n ani C«i STBRLINO. Ct'RRE»cy. STKHMSG. £ «. d. k. .N, d. , X. N. (/. 1 equal U) li -1 2 ■' •ji 5 3 " :i5 10 4 •• 5 11 () 6 *i 6 12 6 i* n 13 (1 7 •• U M 8 u -n 15 9 ft 11 16 10 '• I 17 1 •• 1 2i 18 •1 ** 2 3-i 19 3 •' H 7:-^ I [1864, 1 1864.] (jtial to Toconvcrf Sf''rlhi(f info Cnrroici/. that one-fifth. To convert Cn/reiivi/ hi to SterliiHf. To tlie given sum ndd (inf-rit'lli Multiply by 60, and divide by CIRBBKOY. £ 8. fl. 4 Ifli 6 1 12 2 13 4^ . . 14 7i 15 Oij 17 01 . 18 3 19 5. J . 1 8i I 1 lOJ . 13 IJ 1 4 4 of itsf'lf and one-twelfth ol 78, Ottawa mi gisstrict. PUBLIC BODIES, OFFICIALS AND COMPAMKH. City Corpokation, &c., 186;i— H. J. Friel, Esq., Mujior ; Aldrrtnen — Hon. James Skend, James Ounningjham, H. McCormiek, A. Scott, Robert Lees, John Forgie, Peter A. Kgleson, Isidore Traversy, F. X. (Jertin, "VN'. Kennedy. CounciUor.s — D. Scott, .1. Langford, \V. ihick, F. Abbott, J. Ardell, T. Starmer, J. Heney. E. Martineau, Isaac Berichon, Edward Dunn. Standing Cominitfee» — On Finwuf: — Aldermen Cunningham, Scott, Lees, Traversy, and Kennedy : On Sliwln ami [mprovetntnt'^ — Aid. Skead, and Forgie, Couu. Abbott. Mcney, and Berichon ; On Bji-lam — Aid Forgie, Coud. Scott, Duck, Martineau and Dunn; On Fur and Water — Ooun. Langford, Abbott, Stunner. Jle- ney and Berichon ; On Marhtx — Akl. Mi Cor- mick, Egleson and Guertin ; Coun. Langford and Starmer: On Licfnsfn — Aid. Skeud, Scott, Traversy and Kennedy, Coun. Ardell ; (hi Printing — Coun. Scott, Duck, Ardell, Martineau and Dunn ; Court of Rfvuiov — Aid. Cunning- ham, McCorraick, Lees, Kgleson and Guertin. Corjyorntion O^ti-m — (,'lerk, \V. P. Lett, Ksq.; High Bailiff; R. Ross, Esq. ; Chief ConKtiible, Thos. Langrell, Esq. ; Chamberlain, \V. H. Thompson, Esq.; Mes-songer. Mr. Michael Nile. Police Commlssioneiis— The Mayor, the He- corder, and Police Magistrate. Rbcoroer's Court. — Rmvrdcr, J. B. Lewis, Esq. ; Ckri; W. P. Lett, Ksq. ; Hi.,,fi IJai/jf, Roderick Rass, Esq. ; Urirr, Mr. Ed. Armstrong. Days of Sittiuf) ;. First MonilayK in March, Juno, September, and the third Monday in December. POLIOE GoVRW— J'olirr. MnqiMraiv, M. (J'fJara, Esq ; Ckrk, W.P. Lett, Esq, ; Sitlhu^K : 9i A.M., every week day. Comtnblfit, Neil Morrison, John Litle, Edward John O'Neill, Frederick Davis, Mtgloire Beriohon, Frnncis Kilby, Mioh- ««1 Nile, Josaph Leveoque. Co[iovER.s. — George Patterson, Esq., and Dr. Vanrorllandt. SCHOOL TRl'yTEK!?. ("oMMox School Trustees. — Vktoi-ia Ward. Alex. Workman and David Scott: Wi'Ulvijton Ward. J. I). Slater and Francis Abbott ; .SV. (lairf/i'x Ward, Donald Dow and Hugh Davis ; Bii-Wiivd, V. A. Kgleson and Geo. May; Oftavn Ward, ^\'. P. Lett and H. McCormick. Roman Catholic Ski'auatk Schools. — Vhio- riii Word, Cliaa. McCarrnn, Kdw. Proulx and Rev. J. L. O'Connor ; Wdlington Ward, E. J. O'Neil, Rev. Mi. Cooke and Sam'l Albert: ^V. Oiori/i'n Ward, Daniel Goode, Cliaa. Laporte and'Mr. Glackmeyer ; Bii-W.^rd, T. F. O'Brien, Dr. St. Jean and L. A. Grisun; Ottawa Ward, Dr. Dubarnel, Antoine Champagne and John Clancy. COfNTV AND JUDICIAL OFFICEIW. Carleton — (^vtntji 2'o>"H, Citi/ of Ottawa. — N. G. Robinson, Esq,, Warden, Nepean; Z. Wilson, Esq., Treasurer, Ottawa; W.H. Walker. Ksq., County Cleric, Oitawa ; Messrs. Lewis k Pinliey, Solicitors, Ottawa : H. H. Horsey. Ksq,, Architect. Ottawa: V'. W'alker, Ksq., Clerk of Works, (Jitawa; John Kennedy, Esq., Osgootle, and S. G. Anderson, BoU'h CornerB. Audiiors. Chr. Arni.itrong, Esq., County Judge, Ottawa; Robert Lyon, Esq., Deputy County Judge, f)ttawa: 11. Lccs, Esq., County Attorney, Otta- wa; 8. Eraser, Ksq., Sheriff, Ottawa; J.G. Bell, Esq., Deputy Sheriff, Ottawa; J. Frasor, p]sq., Deputy Clerk of Crown, Clerk County Court, and Registrar of Surrogate, Gtlawa ; \f,. Sher- wood, Esq., Registrar, Ottawa; R. LeoH, Ksq,, (-'lerkof the Peace, Ottawa; John Wdson, Esq., Muster ttiul Dep. Registrar in Chancery, Ottawa. PRiC'icoT r AND Ri;s-i;r,L — (Jounti/ Ihien, LOriq- nal. — C. Johnson, Esq., Warden, L'Orignal: .1. W. Maraton, lljq., Treaauror, L'Orignal : Peter O'Brien, Esq.. Conntv Glerk »od Solicitor, L'Orignal; Messrs. O'Kellogg and 8. M, John, ^iOD, Auditors, L County Judge, L ICounty Attorney, "isq,. Sheriff, L'C Jeputy Clerk ot ( bqJ Registrar ol Juehinan, Esq., jfames Keays, Ks( ville; David Piil ^/Origual, [ilVlSIOK linUHrs Ti:iK.'< "IkI I'l"' [ibnyar 1861: i: Origin!: M [,tl> Mui-eh; Fri Liuly ; .S..lt.rd.iy liOth NoV' fuiK'r. Va.Mrck ildl iii"MtflV, K>ih I'u-sd.iy, UHh J\ Iriday, lUh No Aa^^ liawkttibi t>ViKinesd:»y, 161 Viday, l.>t Jul J p'uesday, 8th No Plantagrnet : \ bat March ; Moi billy ; Monday, November. CMnberland . jibsday, 2ad Mar bay, 12lh July; Vesduy, 2ad No* liuBsvIl : Wedi bid March ; Wet kith July; Wodi jday, 3rd Noveni tlawk(i»bury I dooday 14th 1 laturdav, I6lh . er; Wedoesda Caledonia Flo »j, nth Marcl hsthjuly; Mui pth November. uivi OAELrroM,— I trysun, Kichroc Vm D. Plgott, ^'orUi Gower; riiomasG. Aq( Lan&uk and i^in. Kubertsor on PUce ; R. I I'ftkenham; Ot Douglas ; Am Lynn, Kgouvil l;iinoM Bell, A r Lkids and G ^ille; Thos. Hi hiiunoque; U tuUy. Murrlolt • la, f ■*-*k 'H [1864. 1 ■ — — .- . ■ OlRHE^CV. 1 f S. f/. 4 ini 6 1 12 2 13 U M 1] 15 98 17 01 18 .■^ 19 H . I H I 1 m 1 3 li 1 4 4 ,..«,. 1 laq., and .„.. 1864.] OTTAWA AND DliSTRlUl'. 25 Wt'Wvgtou \bboll ; 81. i^ugh Davis; klay; (}ft,t)i;/ Proulx and Ward, E. J. m'l Albert; lias. Laporte F. O'Brien, ifau<a Ward, and John ?T.K». f Ottmm.— N^epean ; Z. • H. VValkor, Hsra. Lewis H. Horsey, ilker, Esq., nedy, Esq., I'it Corners, ?e, Ottawa ; Hy Judge, ••noy, Otta- ; J.O. Boil, •asnr, Esq., iJty Court, i Vi. Slier- jtiOH, Et^q., Ison, li'sq., y, OitawH. L'Orignal ; L'Oriijfnftl : 1 Solicitor, M. Joiui, itOD, Aaditors, L'Orignal; Jnines Dauiell, E^q., County Judge, L'Orifi;iial ; David Pattie, Esq,, b'ounty Attorney, L'Orignal ; C. P. Tread well, . Sheriff, L'Orignal ; J. W Marston, E.sq , Deputy Clerk of Crown, Clerk of Couuty Court, lad liegistrar of Surrogate, L'Orign;t!; S. M, Cuehman, Esq., Registrar Prescott, L'.)rigual ; irnmes Keays, Esq., Kegi,strur, Russell, Duiicans- »ille; David Puttie, Esq., Olerk of the Potiro, [/Orifjual. [ilVlHIOK IKHJHI •on 'J'HK CODNJ'IKS ili^- I'^^ESCOTT ;i'.- Iiii' liolilitit;- slif' Court!- ti'r i:ii..' < .till) J)i ibn yur 1 8t> t : h'Ontjia': Mdiiiiay, 18!h Jamiiiy : iMoriiliiy. ii Mui-ch ; Fridiiy, 0th May ; SuUirdny, 2n(I fu!y ; 8:.li.rd.iy, 'Mi iSt'piember : Tiair.sday, iOill NoV'TllDCT. Vanklcck Jim : VVedtH'sday, iOth •laiutiiiy ; lii";(lny, irnh March; Thurid ly. 5ili M'l'y ; ;'u'sil,\y, I!)th July; Monday, mih Sriit,.iubt'i'; I'ridiiy, lltli Novi.-in'iH'r. Ka.".! Hawktfiburij : Thursd.iy. 'ilfst •hiini.iiy; WtKirie.sday, IGth March; Monday. 2tid May ; Mdny, LstJuly; Tuesday, 20th iSL'ptembei' ; TuDsduy, 8th ^fov•eml)('^. PlarUagrnel: Monday, llthJaiiuary; Tuosdny, IstMareh; Monday, 9tli May : Monday, 11th Inly; Monday, 5th SepttJinbtr : Tuesday. 1st Sovenaber. Gurnberland : Tuesday, iyt)» Jniiunry : W<;d- icsday, 2nd Man.h ; Tuesday, lOtU May ; Tuos- lay, 12lh July; Tuesday, Cth Sypteinber: Wod- oesduy, 2ad November. Rtumcll : Wednesday 13th January; Thursday, Ird March ; Wednesday, HtliMay; Wednesday, aihJulv; Wednesday. 7th September ; Thurs- day, 3rd November. Uawkiiibury TtKa^e ; Tuesday, 19th January; ODday 14th Marcii; Wednesday, 4th May; lalurday, I6th July; Wotlne8duy,'21st Septera ler: Wednesday, 9th November. Caledonia Flatx: Fridoy, Stb January; Thuvs Ixy, 17th MKrch; Tuesday, 3rd May; Monday, Sthjuly; Monday, 12th September; Monday, th November, James Danigll, Jud^;e. U1YI8I0N COURT OIiKRK.S. GABLrroir. — Qeo. R. Burke, Ottawa ; John A. IryHun, Richmond ; Jno. Fenton, South Huntly : IVm D. Pigotl. Fitzroy Harbor ; Wra. Cowan, (orth Gower ; Ira Morgan, Metcuif, Osgoode : riiomaaG. Anderson, Nepean. Lanauk AMU RsMKiiBW.— Rohf . MolTat, Perth ; ^in, Robertson, Lanark ; Jamns C Poole, Carle- wn Place; R, Harper, Smith's Falls ; R.ll. Davie, akenham; George Ro8.s, Roiifiew; A.W. Well, imglas ; Andrew Irving, Pembroke; 8.(4. ynii, Kganvillo ; John Patterson. Almonte; iiDOH Bell, Arnprior. Lbbds and OaicNViiJiK.— Jno. B. .(ones, nrock- ille; Thos. Harrison, Preanott; S. McCammon. atuinoque ; Robt. Leslie, Kemptvilln ; Mirhae> (illj Merrickville; Hugh Uaekay. Delta; Hi- ' a, Fr«kriH|i HowM KUboratiiDW i;oro ; W.VV. King Fi.."mer.sville : Tlio-t. Koi'ert- .suu, Speaoervillo : Warren Lyni.an. N, Auw!.-t,.'< ; Alfred A. M.iiiro. Mallorytown. PnE.scoTr A.Nii R'.'ssF.u.. — S M. Oualimaa, L'Orignal; Wm. Ferguson, Vsnklcek'Hill ; Jaa. Hays, East llawkcsbury : Albert FIngar. Plao. ttigeuot: N. W. Dunning'. Cuud'erlaud; .'aicea Kvay.i, Rus.-'eli : Thomjif, White, IT;\w1;t4jijry ; Henry Bi-adley. t'alplDui.- . Ottawa \s\> PtiEScoir Railway, — iHrH-tMrf. : Robert Bell, M. P,. Ottawa, President ; Thi.v il-'yiiold". Motili'iM!, Vi'."' I'l't'-idcn- : i.'iwrleH Aiimcfi.i, Otlav.-.", : t,!, li. lii'yviir.'>. !.)• iitrfial : • i xeph iiiiwor. :<( mt'tvillo ; ,\M. Ciiir .:, M.P.. iil.ia>va; ,Ji.,-«i>ii il;«K.-iOii. Aioutrful ; tl vi. tloii- '.Mi.>. MouirL'ai; Tli'inas .Md^iaiid, ^Uiulreal ; l.>anii') MoLaciiiio, AiMijaiir , Vi illiaiti i'alrick, Prt'scoti. , it.'v'v . hiC'iti, Ul.Li.wa; lion. Jus, Skoad, i.'ntaw'i. Dtfii'trx: .lueiLph M-Kiiity, -,ori:lair and rieasiirer, Ott;;wa; lieuj. I'lcnclj. M:in.i<.ror, I.'ii"'( .'it : 'riioiiiU^ JC'-ynulds, ili'iuiver. i\l(.-..lrcal, i;. IV.iiiii;,;? Jf., Olii.-.i'ClL'ik, Ot,tawa : t\l)jriio, MiibtL'i' Mai'iiiuist, ]'reMC(/:,t: Win. .Si.ifi-w.>od, Rimd-Ma.->1 ••;•, Ki-njpl.ville. Ml'NK'lPAL, R!tM)K.«f .ASsOCIATllif. — PrPlsillffit. .Ulan Gilniour; Vice Provident, M. K. Dickiix- son ; Comrailteo ol' Mana^'unit'iit. Mesars. Our- ncr, Plater. Ilarri.s, Mclidlivray, Noel, Roi^hei- ti.'p. Hay, 11. O. Burritt, T, Huiiton and MolCqy ; S'xietary -^nd Treasurer, Geo. Heubr»ch (.)TjAWA BoARO 0) Trauk. — All«c Gllmotr, Ksci., President: Kdward GrifiRn, Esq,, Viee- Pn-sidoi't ; P. Pearson Harris, Esq., Treasurer. CiunuHl: Messrs. K, McGilhvray, G. H, Perry, Alfxnnder Scott, Joseph Aumond, H. V. No«l, Suuinol Howell, James Skead, Coll McDonfll, Thomas Hiinton, J. M. Currier and JameR Dyk*?. Secretary, Mr. George Heubac*' Bytowh Consumbiw' Ga8 Comvany. — Kdtr. Griffin, Esq., President, J. Dyke, E.sq., Vice- President. Director»: E. Griffin, J. Dyke, J. Skead, J. Porter, Samuel Howell, N,S. illasden, J,M. Onrner, Coll McDonell. P. Pearson Harris, Esqs. Secretary, George Houbaeh, Esq. ; Mr. James Perry, Manager. Ottawa AeaociATioN Of JiHuuiiR Ma«ui»a«- Tiiiwas.— President, Allan Gilmour, Esq, ; Vic*- President, Richard McConnoll, Esq, Dhfctort . George E, Aird, Esq,; David Moore, Esq. ; Joa. Auraond, Esq.; Levi Young, Esq. ; Hon, Jamea Skead ; Rob't Conroy, Eaij. ; Rob't Skead, Bsq. Treasurer, George E. Aird, Esq.; Secroiarjj G. H. Perry, Esq. Audit Cow„ntl:'.t : Hok, James Skead; David Moore, Ei»(,.; George B. Aird, Esq.; and the Sc<;ret(U-y. \UnAWABKA RlVKIl iMHHOVEMKNf CoMPAHT. JHrfi'hru : Dnniel McLachlin. Esq. ; Georga E. Aird, Ecq, ; Robt, Conroy, Esq. ; Hon. Jaa Rktmd ; and Edward (Griffin, Esq. Oj^Vbt* . Robert Ootiroy, K«q., President ; Edw. Qriffl* Esq., V,oe-Pre8id«ntond Treasurer; Jno.OlAnfpt lUrt-:^ Hop. Jar. Bkead, Maniiging Dirtat* yMw'.mKmm'>:t»^::^%':^Mitfl^: 26 OTTAWA AND DISTRICT. [1864 COTINTY OF CaRIETON REGISTRY OmCE — Hd. Sherwood, Esq., Regislv.ir ; Mr. John T. A. Sproule, Deputy Registrar ; Mr. Thos Sproule. Oopyiug Clerk.' Office hours from In a. ni. id 'i p.m. POBT-oFFicK.— G.P. Bflker, Esq., rost-mnster ; Mr. W. H. Cluff, Assistant Post-master; Mr. B. Cluff, Registration Clerk ; Mr. J. T. Bartraiii, Window Clerk : F. Hawkins, Assistant ; W.J. 8eeby, Letter > arrier; Wm. McDonald, second Letter Carrier. Office hours during Summer, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ; and during winter from S a.m. to 6 p.m. Crsioins Department. — Dun. Graham, Esq., tioUector ; A. Douglas, Esq., Surveyor; Mr. J.S. Lee, Clork ; Mr. Alexander Heney, 1st Landing Waiter; Mr. John Litle, 2nd Lindinj^ Waiter; Mr. Wm. H. Gibson, Prerentive Officer; John Roland, Messenger. Crown Timber Oitic*.— A.J. R-issell, Agent and Inspector of Crown Timber Agencies, Canada; C. S. McNutt, Assistant; Jus. Ritchie, fnerk; Ed. Smith, Collector of Slide Dneo; Richard Quinn, Messenger. BiDEAU Cakal Oiticb.— Jas. D. Sloter, Esq , Rnpermtendent ; Mr. Martin Carman, Clerk; and Mr. Francis Abbott, Foreman ©f Works. Ottawa Mutual Impkotembnt AasociArioN. — W. Stewart. Esq., President; J. Ijang, Enq., locretary. CHURCIIKK Christ's Ohiuch (Cntmcn •r FjKm..\Ki)]. — Eev. J. S. Lauder, M. A., Rector ; residence, Richmond Road ; Curate, Rev. J. Wood, B.A. ; Hoursof service, 11 a.m. and «^ p.m.— Sparks Street. Organist, H.R. Fripp, Esq. CuAPEii OK Ease (Church o* Enoi*ani)j.— Rev. J. S. Lauder, M. A., Rector; residence, Richmond Road ; Hours of Service, 1 ] a, m,, »nd 6i p.m. — Sussex Street. Episcopal Methohibt Cnuncii.— Revs. 8. ii. Stone and F. Chisholm, Ministers ; residence, •orner of York and Dalhousie Streets ; Hours of afervice, 104 »'™-» ^^^ ®i p.m.— York Street. Knox's (Fkbe) Church.— Rct Thomas Ward rope, Minister ; residence, Stewart Street ; Hours of Service, 11 a.m. and 6^ p.m.— Daly St. St. Andrew's (Chubcu op Scotland). — Hev. Alexander Spenco, Minister ; residence, Sparks Street; Hours of Service, 11 a.m. and 6} p.m, Wbsletan.— Rev. William Scott, Minister; fesidenco corner of Queen and Metcalfe Streets ; flours of Service, lOJ ••«»• and 6i p.m.— Met- calfe Street. CoNGRKaATioNAi..— Rev. J. Elliot, Minister; residence, Ridean Street ; Hours of Service, 1 1 •.n. and 6^ p.m — Cor. of Albert and Elgin St. Haitist. — Rev. James Mackie, Minister ; rosi- «lenc«, Victoria Terrace; Hours of Service, 11 ».m. and 6i p.m.— Queen Street. St. Andrew's Church (Rohan Catholic).— Rov. Mr. McGrath, P. P. ; Hours of Service, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., flrom Easter until St. Micbael's Dny ; 10 a.m. and 3 p.m from St. Midbael's until Swter, Catuedral Notre Dame (Roman Catholic).- Rev. D. Daudurand, Vicar-General ; Houtb o| Service, 5, 8 and 10 a.m. arid 7 p.m. from Eastet until St. Miehiicl's Day; 6, 8 and 10 a.m ai< 6 p.m. from St. Michael's until Easter. Organ ist, Mr. Dosseri. St. Joseph's Church. — Rev. J. F. Gnillafi P.P. ; Hours of Divine Service, Sundays ani Holydays, Mass at 8 and 10 a.m. trom Eastet until the Feast of St. Michael. Vespers 7 p, from St. Michael to Easter, 6 p.m. ; Wi>ek day*, Mass 7Jr B.m. Organist, Mrs. R.W. Scott RELIGIOUS eOCIKTIBS Bible Society. — James Cox, Esq., Presideii Wm. Clegg, Wm. Hamilton, Wm. Cousens, Gei Hay, Esqs., Vice-Presidents ; Rev. Thos. Waril rope. Corresponding Secretary ; Rev. J. Elli«l, Recording Secretary; G. May, Esq., Treasurer; J. Doric, Ksq., Depos'tary. JUembera of Onr mitlee: Jiidt^e Armstrong,!. McKay, G.B. Blyli, H. McCorraick, Esqs.. Dr. Hill, M. Patteraoa, F. G. Crosby, S. Howell, W. F. Rnssell, Tim. Hunton, Esqs.. Dr. Sewell, John Darie, Wm Jamioson, J. Stewart, G. B. Elliott, G. Suttoi, Tbos. Gallagher, G. May, G. Thorburn,B. Gavk W. Minore, J. Tracy, Esqs., and all the resittan Protestant Clergymen of this city. General Hobpital. — Under the snperinteai euce of the Sisters of Charity. Dr. Hill, Ow- suiting Physician ; Dr. Beanbien, Surgeon. Protestant Hospital. — C. Armstrong, Ee^., President; Guorge Hay, Esq., VieePresideBt ; R. Ross, E«q , Secretary ; Alex. Workm«n,Eef ., Treasurer. Mr. Thomas Daniel, Steward. C«i suiting Physician, S.C. Sowell, A.M., M.D. Edit.; Ordinary Physician, Jas. A. Grant, M.D. Society or St. Vincbtnt de Paul: Confmi ence or OuH Lady. — Spiritual Director, Rot Mr. Molloy ; President, Patrick O'Meara, Ksq. ; Vice-President, J. F. Caldwell, Esq. ; Secretarw, Robt, O'Reilly, Esq. ; Treasurer, Jeremiah BnlB- van, Esq. ; Librarian, James Devlin, Esq. ; Pa^ tron of Schools, John O'RoillT. Esq. Physidai, Anthony O'Reilly, Esq., M. D. Meets eTej Sunday at 2 o'clock, p.m., at its new Han, Sussex Street, opposite the Cathedra). PDBLIO BIITIiUINGH. Parliament Bcildin<»p.— Architects, Messiu Fuller ABaillarge: Contractor, T. McGroevy, Esq.; Clcrkof Works, Mr. J. Laroso; Meaanrer, Mr. J. Bowes. Dbpaktmental BoiLDiNuB.-Architects, Messrh. Stent A Lnver ; Contractors, Messrs. Jones, Haycock A Co. ; Measurer, Mr. J. H. Pattison; Clerk of Works, Western Building, Mr. G. B Pelham; Clerk of Works, Eastern BuildiniR, Mr. Wm. Uatohinsou. BANKH. (iOBBEc Bakk, Ottawa Afftney, Sparks Streel. H. V. Noel, Esq., Agent; O.V. Nool, Waq. Teller. Bank or Montrsal, Ottaioa JSraneh, effloe SlTMUxf* Cparao%,B«rriB, 1864.] g. - = Uanager; I Jam Crembie, Teller BacIK of Br Agency, o£Qce \ hq., Agent; J. Bank or Ui •ffice Welliugto Manager ; Johi Ohfts. B. Graset Th» Ottaw Weekly.— Office Printing Office Robt. Bell, Esc (OR, Esq. COURRIIH d'( Ottawa Citizen itreet. Publisl Ssq., M.D. "The Union— Mrner of York i Messrs. Friil i and G. H. Perr; ©ttawa Ga; ttreet. Propr •Iohn Yielding Ottawa Bai ilreet. Propri Otfawa Trib T«rk and Bus 6'CONMon, Esq^ Carlton Roi 1864.— First P panion LB. Ta; flompanion, W Ex. Companio Companion Mi lam; Treasnn Principal Sojoi Senior Assinta Itarkc; Jnnioi T. C. Clarke. Doric Loiit J. P. Featherp Thos. Story, I, Br. W. Finglar lain; W. Br. I hum Pratt, Sec Br. Matthew A Brs. Jas. Starl CoRiNrniAN W. Br. Robert kr, P. M. ; Br Wood r>w. J. H. V. Noel, 1 Dalhousie fur 186.S-4 :- W. Bro. Dovl W.;Bro. B. I I. D. ; Bro. \ dell, "rreasurfl Bro. W. Brig [1864 Cathouc),-> Tal ; Honn ol n. from Eaatet d 10 a.m ui aster. Organ F. Guillafi Sundays anl trom fiastet spers 1 p.B ; Woekdajri, V. Scott sq., Presideii; Cousens, Ge«. Thos. Wari Rer. J. Kilitt, sq.. Treasurer; mbtnt of Om :«¥, G.n. Bly*, 11. ralteraoi, Bossell, Tb«8. n Dnrie, W«i ott, G. Sattoi. burn,B- 6<*T^ nil the resicMR he siiperintcai Dr. Hill, Om I, Surgeon. rmHtrong, Ee\., VieePreeideit ; WorkmaOjEef., Steward. Coi .M., H.D. Rdii Bt, M.D. pAtTl,: CoiirBK Director, Rot O'Meara, Ksq. ; laq. ; Secretarv, Jeremiah 6nlU' vlin, Esq. ; Pa- Isq. PhysicSai, Meets eveil its new Haf, edra). H. hitects, MeBfii^, T. McGroeTf o8«; Meaeiirer, shitectB, Meosrh, Messrs. Jones, J. II. Pattiaon; ing, Mr. G. B )tern Building, I Sparks Street, V. Nool, Mki, 1864.] OITAWA AND DISTRICT 2T Uanager ; [James Cox, Esq., Accountant ; Mr. Orembie, Teller; Mr. S. Green, CTlcrk. BAriK OF British North America, Ottawa Agency, oflBce Wellington Street. — A, C. Kelty, hq., Agent; J. A. Godd, Esq., Teller. Bank or Upper Canada, Ottawa Agency, •ffice Wellington Street. Thos Helliwell, Esq., Manager ; John H. Pinhey, Esq., Accountant ; <5hR8. B. Grasett, Esq., Teller. NKWSPAPGBB. Th» OtTfAWA Citizen. — Semi-Weekly and Weekly. — Office, TIu Ottawa CUiznn Steam Printmg Office, Bidean Street. Proprietor, Root. Bin, Esq., k.P.P. ; Manager, I. B, Tay- iCR, Esq. CODRBiiB d'Ottawa. — Weekly.— Oflke, The Qttaaa Citizen Steam Pnnting Oflke, Rideau ftreet. Publisher and Manager, J. E. Dorion, 8sq., M.D. Thb Union— Tn- Weekly and Weekly— Office, Mrner of York and Sassex Streets. Proprietors, MeEsrs. Friil A Co. E^litors, H.J. Friel, Esq., and G. H. Perry. Esq. Ottawa GAaEtr*— Weekly.— Office, Rideau itroet. Proprietors, Messrs. F. B. IIjci.y and John Yielding. Ottawa Bannbr — Weekly.— Office, Rideau Itreet. Proprietor A. WiiiSON, Esq. Ottawa Tribcnb — Weekly. — Office, corner of Terk and Sussex Streets. Publisher, R. E. 6'Connob, Esq. masonic; Cahlton Rotal Arch OnAVtm.—OJicenf for 1864.- First Principal, Right Excellent Com- panion I.B. Tnylor; Second Principal, Excellent Companion, W. B, Gailwey ; Thud Priucipnl, Kx. Companion, J. P. Fealherslon ; Scribe E, Companion Marett, Scribe N, Companion Pel- lara; Treasurer, Ex. Companion D. M. Grant; Principal Sojourner, Companion G. H. Perry ; Senior Assistant Sojouiner, Companion Jamub fttarke; Junior Assistant Sojourner, Ouuipanion T. C. Clarke. DoBio liOt»iU.—OMcera for 1864— W. Br. J. P. Featherston, W. M.. (re-elected) ; W. Br. Thos. Story, I.P.M. ; Br. Thos. U. Kerhy, S.W. : Br. W. Fingland. J. W. ; llev. C.B. Pettit, Chap- lain; W. Br. D.M.ilrant. Treasurer; Br. Abra- hum Pratt, Secretary; Br. Tbeo<loreGabler,S.D.; Br. Matthew Aird, J.l). ; Br. John Graham, J.G.; Hrs. Jas. Starko and Wm. P. Lett, Stewards. CORINPHIAN lx)DOB. — Liit ofOMcern for 1864 : Vf . Br. Robert Lyon. W. M ; W, Br. I. B. Tay- kr, P. M. ; Br. W. R. Thistle, S. VV. ; Br. James Wood r>w. J. W. ; Br. F. Marett, Secretary ; Br. ii. V. Noel, Treasurer. Dalhocsik Lodob, ^. R.). — Litt of Offioerit fur 186.'?-4 :— W. Bro. Horace Merrill, W. M. ; W. Bro, David Scott, P. M. ; Bro. F. D. Tims. 8. W. ; Bro. B. P. Williams, J. W. ; Bro. T. WUcox, «. D.; Bro. W. Wright, J. D ; Bn>. N. 8. Bias- dell, Treasurer; Bro. Wm. Sohnfield. Secretary ; Bro. W. firigbam, I. G. ; Bra Rct. 8. G. Stone, NATIONAL, lilTERART AND BSNETOLKNT 80CIETIK. St. George's Societt. — President, Thomas Hnoton, Esq. ; 1st Vice-President, J.S. Lee, Esq.; 2nd Vice-President, Jas. Perry, Esq. ; Chaplains, Revs. 0,0. Codd, and J. Buller of March ; Physi- cians, Hamnet Hill, M.D., and E. VanCortlandt, M.D., Esqs. ; Treasjirer, J.P. Featherstone, Esq. ; Secretary, W. Mills, Esq. Committee ot Ma*- agement: Messrs, T. Starmer, T.W. Shepber(|, C.T. Bate, Jas. Slooombe, G.B. Pelham, James Woodrow, Geo. Cox. Stewards : Messrs. R. W. Stevens, J. G. Macrow, E. Miles, and B. Huckell, Auditors: Messrs. C.T. Thomas and Edw. Routk. St. Andrew's Society. — President, Dr. J. A. Grant ; 1st 'Vice President, Thomas Isaac ; 2u(l Vice-President, James Peacock, sr. ; Chaplai% Rev. A. Spence; Physician, Dr. McGilhvrayj; Treasurer, James Fraser ; Secretary, Andretr Ghristie ; Assistant Secretary, G. R. Blytb. St. Patbich'b Litbrart Asbociatiow. — R. W, Scott, Presideut; W. Kehoe, Ist Vice-President^, P. Baskerville, 2nd Vie«- President ; W. Finlex^ Treasurer ; R. O'Reilly, Corrcs. Sec. ; Charlw McCarroo, Rec. Sec. ; .leseph J. Murphy, Asst^ Recordiug Secretary ; G. J.O'Doberty, Librarian. Trustees : Messrs. John Qoain, P. Brennan, Bd Dunn, W.J. Bingham, T.F, O'Brien, E.J. O'Neii, F. Doherty, D. Whelan, W. H. Griffin, P. A. Egleson, Jas. Murphy, John Carroody. Union St. Josbpu d'Ottawa.— Cnthbcrt Bor" deleau, President ; Elrich Pelletier, ler Vio»- Pr<^8ident; Napoleon Therien, 2me Vice-Pr^s^ Leonard Desmardts, Secretaire ; Tous»aint Mes- ard, Assittant Sec. ; L<5on David, TrAsorier; . Fran^j'ois Sanriol, OolIecteurTresorier; OnesinM Barette, Assittant do. do. ; Francois Duhame]^ Bihli()th6caire ; Theophile Bellemare, ler Officier Ordon:iateur. SoriRTK St. Jean-Baptistk. — President, Dr. lienubien; ler Viee-Prds. N. Germain; 2m6 Vice do., J.B. Richer ; Secr^fciire, Dr. St. Jean ; Trdsorier, II. Pinnrd. Officitrs Ordwmateur».i Ciis, Auniond, Chs. Laporte, O. Glackniej'er, P.Roque. Oomitede Reyle : I. Traversv, A.T.W. Rt-Hume, R. Lapierre, J.B. Parent, N.I'oront, I^ I'iuiird, A. Champagne, E. Martineau, J.B. Mar- tincHU, P. Mari^, L.A. Grison, J. Pinard, E. MiV liitte, A. Foisy, J. B. Oantin jr., 6. Demers, L. Tiisse, 8. Champagne, F. Rochon, C. Triolle, A. Gravelle, Dr. Riel, Capt. Favreau, Bernard Lariviere, J. T. Prudhuiume, L. J. B. Lazure, V. X. Guerlin, R. Hurtnbise, I. Berichon jr, A. Roy, Roinain Pag6, B. Proulx, A. Fillioo, A. Frechette, et P. Tambeau. NoM DE8 Officibrs dh Ckhclb Litterairb dk liA Jkunbssb G athouqve Canadiknnb d'Ottawa. —President, Ohas. Chaput; ler Vice-President, E. A. Lapierre ; 2me Vice-President, J. A. IMnard j .Secretaire, Alp. Roque; Tresorier, P.H. Chaboi; Bibltothecaire. N.Chevrier ; Conseiller, D Richer, A. T. Reaume, W. Lindsay, V. Laporte, Arcli. Roque, et H. Lapierre. iNBTiTxrr Oanadhn Fhanoais.— Dr. E. R. K "' firtill^"*' X«.A.Qri8oo, lor Yiod'Pr^sidoatt t '■T-'^mmmm'^mMM^Si Its OTTAWA AND VICINITY. [1864. 1 1864. 1 ! I :1 4^ \i Q. Glackmeyer, 2me Vice-President ; A. T. W. 'Maume, Secretaire Archiviste ; Dr. P. St. Jcnn, Secretaire Correspondent; P. Marier, Trfisoirer; t, Rochoii, Bibliuthecaire. Comite de R6gle: J. B. Tiirgoon, A. Filion, P. Rocqiie, P. Duha- nel, L. TusEd, et H. Lapierre. Ottawa Meohanics' Institutb ^Nl> Athbn.*- Ulf. — Trmtee* and Office Bearera for 1863-4 : Trwtees: Dr. S.C. Sowell, W. Duck, 11. Home, P.P. Harris, Jiimos Oimnlnghau, J. LindsHy, A. Currie, G. Sutton, H.J. Friel, J.M.T. Hanniim, H.V.Nocl,,O.H. Porry.C.R. Cunningham, Esqs.. Dr. VaaCorltaudt, W. Hamilton, Esq., Dr. J. A. iirant, J. Dyke, J. G. Bell, Tlios. Patterson iiud A. C. Huuliit'ou, Ksqs. Office Btartrs : Presi- dent, Dr. y.C. Sewell; lEt Vice-Presiutnt, W. Duck, Esq. ; 2n<l Vii-e-Presiiieut, U. iiorric, J-'sq. ; Treasurer, P. P. IIarri:>, Esq. ; Corfesporiding' Secretary, .lames Cuuniugljam, Escj. ; Ri-cording .Secretary, J, Liud&jiy ; Honorary Lilirariiiii, A. Curne. Marutgivg Commiliee : W. Duck, Oh:.irn)an ; G. Sntttm, G. H. Pciry, H. Hornc. Dr. Sewoil, J. Lindsaj', members eVoaieio; L;- brariau. J. B, Nicholison. The Ottawa Literary Association. — Org»u- iecd 1st April ISbS, " for the improvcm«>nt ol its members in Literature, CnmpoKition. Khetoiic, aad Debate, end (he promotion ui (heir intellectual, •oeial and ninral advancement.'' M(>et< every Wednesday evening, in McCarthy's Hall, Central Town. Offleers 1803 : .1. P. iiobinson, President ; ?^in. A. Lamb, Vice-President; J. U. Llo^d, rcaiurer ; J. H, Ford, Secretary. Ieisu LiTKRAav Deb.mxno Club. — President, Hobert O'Reilly : Vice President, T. F. O'Brien ; Secretary, P. G. O'Grady. IfATDKAL History Association.— President, D. Billings, Jr.; 1st Vice-President, N. K Web- iter, A.M.; 2d Vice-Prea. Geo. Hay ; Secretary, Thos. Austin ; Curator and Librarian, E. Van Cortlandt ; Coin, uf Uanagement, J. Thornburn, A. M., Duncan Thompson, TLos. Daniels, CDOCATIONAIi IMSTITUTIONa. OOLLBOB OF Ottawa. — Very Rev. J. fl. Tab- «r«t, V. G., Superior ; Rev. A. Tortel, Director •ltd Professor of Philosophy ; Rev. R. F. Cooke, Professor of Mathematics ; Rev. I . Lefevre, Profeflsor of Belles Lcttres : J. I), Bniidin, Bur- ner ; Rev. A. Derbuel, Professor of Rhetoric ; MeMra. G, Collins, Barry, McCarthy, Bt-rnior Panroe, and Rov. J. B. Genin, Professors ; rHaciplinarian, Mr. A.O. Boucher. Ottawa Sbnior GRAMiin HoHOoii.— John Vhorbnrn, Esq., M.A., Priucipal; Thos. Tubman, !Bsq., First Assistant Master; .lames DonucUy, Ksq., French Master ; 9.B. Fripp, Esq.. Drawing Master. Board of fruxtus : Dr. II, Uill. I'resi- dent. Rev. J. S. Lauder, M.A. ; Rot. Tliornas Wardropo ; P.P. Harris, Esq. ; Rev. A. fcipence ; n. M. Grant, Esq., Secretory. Ottawa Aoaukmy.— Boardino and Day luBOoL roil YoiiNO Gbntleuun,— C'ornc*' of Qmen and Metcalfe St.,- Otiowa City, C. W. Duncan Thompson, jr., N, B. Webster, AM, The students of this Institution are prepared for College or any cla^ a in College ; and thost fitting for Commercial or Mercantile pursiiilj can have thorough instruction in the branches they require to understand. The French Laa- guago is also thoroughly taught in the school. Those wishing to qualify theinBclves for leach ing will have superior advantages. The Winter Term commences on ilanuary 26th, 18«4, and the Spring Term on April 13th, 1864. Thk Ottawa Fbmai.r Seminauy, Boardivo AND Day School. — Hfjarkii Stred. Duncan Thomps'on, jr., Principal ; Mrs, E. M. Thompson I'reoeptresH; N. li. Webster, A. M. Lrcinrerot Natural Bcirnccs: Madame D^irion, Teaclier of i''ifn(!i and Music; .MIrs tieorguitiii Kogers, Teacher of EiigUsli UrHiiclies. 'Ihe Wiiitei Term comnieni'cs on January 26th, 18('4. «qri the Spring Term on April ISlli, 18f.4. TEArilElIS OF COM-MOh SCHOul.y, ClT? <>» Ottawa, \HiJ'\.~Vidoi.a Ward. L<: BrctfyiC^, Fh't: William hU".v;irt, and Mi.^s M. Stewart, A-'.sistant. Victori'i Terrace: JaiiusC. Stewart, Mi.-<H Ellen Sjiark^, At;:<iBlant. Jivgine Jlomt, WcVhigUm Ward : Mis.s Eliziibfth Murraj, and MiiJ." S. Humphries, Assinfants. Central S<lu)()l, Wellington Ward: T. J. O'Connor, Mist E. Carson and Miss Alice Spark.s, Assistauta. Si. George's Ward : John R(.bert=on, and Mioa R. Fleming and Mil's J. Murphy, Assistants. 0>fam,. Word: W. F. Bonsall. and Miss E. A. Luiigrell, A'isistaiit. R. C. SKi'AR.vrt SfHooii Teac'hkks. — Upper Town, Wellington Ward. Mr. Nolan ; Victoria Ward, Miss A. Ilackett. Lower Town, Engliak Schools, Mcisrs. J. and R. O'Reilly; Prenak Schools, Messrs. Tass^ and C. liich^ : T«MaJ» Schools, Sisters of Charily. rCMrBrtANOR SOCieTIRN. Oti'awa Tkmplb No. 403, 1. 0. or «. T.— Georgo Godwin, W.C.T. ; Mrs. M. Morriaoa, W.V.T. ; Jolin Stapledon, W. S. ; Wm, Minor*, W.F.S. ; George Shouldis, W. T. ; N. MorriMm, W.M, ; MisB C. Godwin, W.D.M. ; Mie* Graham, W.I.G. ; R. Mooney, W.0.0. ; Wa. Clegg, W. Chaplain. James Rftiliff, T.D. ; A. F. Gralinm, CD, Chaujdikxr Tkhi'ue Nu. 4i'i, I. 0. or O. 't.~ Officer*: W.C.T., Donald Mnsson; W.V.T., Mary Halfpenny ; W. S., A. E. Orahain; W.T„ George Young; W.F.S., William Hay; W.M., J. Mix; W.I.tl, J, Humphries; W.O.G., JaooW Halfpenny; W.C, D. Campholl , W.D.M., M. Holden; W.R.U.S., Agnes Graham ; W.L.H.S., D. Carmicbai'l, D.G. W.C.T. for the ciiy, A,P. Graham, This IVinple racots every Frul»f ovening in M^iOttrthy's Hall, Centre Town. Oa'iiiolk! Tbmperanob Soc'ibty— Rev. FatlM' MoUoy, President; J.lloiiey, IslVlca-Picfiidentj T. F. O'Brien, 2ud do. ; T. Kohoe, Trensurtr; Paul V. Flynn, Corresponding Becrel«ry; i. O'Reilly, Recording Secretary. Ottawa No. 1 (ioode; 2nd Cap Thomas Kebo-<; Secretary and Ti William Walsh ; 2nd do.. John Ki liavanagh ; 2nd .(oyce; Foreman Ridbau Gompa J. Ouiiird, 2nd d Treasurer; Cliai Beanchnmp, Btiv Chaudiirb Co ?. Link, 2nd do. ; man, Sec. ; Gooi Cbnthal Hou Scott, Esq., Cai tenant; Joha R Robertson, S«crs iamss Forsyth, 1 itiFLB Assota, -Lilt of Officers Viscount Monck Sir W. F. Willia of the Forces, F Tth Btttalion Ca Lieut. Col. J, Ai Lieut, Col. D. X ilonjrary Vice-^ President ; Hon I'lnn. J- Himil W.F. Powell, E H.P.; R. Bell, flsq., M.P. ; J. tyro, E.^q., M .iuda;e Arin^tro of Carleton ; Idwos, Knq. ; Esq. ; R. W '. Sapple, Esq fair, M ijor Do Ssq., M.D.: J L N. Sparks, Et! Old. Turner, ft iiri:ijadH Major Oaptdns Fiirn u. Home, c. : il.V, Noel. Ti iloD. Secretary OTTAW FiBiiD Kytpf (Japiai.i A. W Lieut., and Adj Ko>T Art 1 1.1 Lieut. Du.,'l<, h Surgeon. No. I RiPi.v No 2 lUi I'ln'^lKn R^aun Nu. :i RiF Lieut. Home. Knginbbks. Wr. A. Austin J i\: [1864. are prepared s; and thos* mile pursuit! the branches French Laa- D the school ves for teach The Winter th, 18«4, and i64. A Y, BOARDIVO t Dnnca,: I'hompHon ]j( rinrer nt- Tenclier of 'lli:» l{f)}rerK| liio Wiiitei ith, \8(A. aurt H-H, CiTT «» Li; JBrdau'', M. Siewiirl, 3 C. Stewart, ;>'(/t7i« JJonte, )tth Uurraj, nts. CetUrul 'Connor, MiBt Abtiietaiita. Ion, nnd Miaa AHSistanta. tici lliss B. A. HKKH. — Upper Ian j Victoria rowD, Engliiili eilly; Frenak ich^ : F«Mal» ). or «. ».— M. Morrison, Wni. Minorai, N. liorriaODt If. ; Miss '0.0.; Wbi. Iftiliff, T.D. ; D. «r G. T.— n; W.V.T., ihum; W.T« r.O.G., jQoob W.D.M., M, i; W.L.H.8., he city, A.F. very FridAf Town. -Rer. Ji'utlMi .■a-PicRidantj V Trenetirtr; ecreUry; J. 1864.) OTTAWA AND DISTRICT. 29 FIRB C0MPANIK8. Ottawa No. 1 Fire Coiupanv. — Captain D, (londe; 2nd Captain, John Murphy ; I st Lieut, Thomno Kebo-^; 2nd Lieut., Thomas Lacey; Secretary nnd Treas., J. P. Tiernan; Asst. do., William Walsh ; First Engineer, Jus. Murphy ; 2nd do.. John Kehoe ; I-<t Branch Man, Patrick iiavana^h; 2nd do., M. O'Meara; Busier, E. F. fo/ce; Foreman of Hose, John Ardeil. RiDBAU CoMPANT. — PttuI Favereau. Cnptain ; J. Oirnird, 2nd do. ; L. A. Grisun, Secrotary and Treasurer; Chss. Oantin, Aast. 8oc. ; Amable Beauohamp, Biiurineer; Jean Leclere. 2itd do. Chaudibrb Company. — John Lungfurd. Capt. ; ?. Link, 2nd do. ; J. Langford, Trea^. ; J. Sweet- man, Sec. ; George Wilson, Engineer. CiNxnAL HnuK 8t LAPORn Oompant — Alex. Scott, Eiq., CajitaiB ; Alfred 'I'raytdr, 1st Lieu- teaaot; Jokn Robertaon, 2nd LientenanI ; J. P. Robertaoa, Seeratanjr ; J.S. Michol8on, Treasurer; iaoias Forajth, £ngio«er. NiLlTtA. liiruB Association. Military District No. 1. ~Li*to/Oficera]S6,i-i: Patron, His Excellency Viscount Monck, Governor Gen. Vice-Patron, Sir W. P. WiUiams, Birt.. K.G.B., Co nm indur of the Forces. President. Lieut. <]ol. P P. llurrig, Tth B.ittalion Carloton Miliiia. Vice- Presiiients, Lieut. Col. J. Aumond, 4ih Bat. Carleton Militia; Lieut. Col. D. M. Grant, 4tli But. Russel Militia. Honorary Vice-Presidents: Lt. Col. Coffin, ex- Prosldeiit; Hon. Col. Matheson ; Hon. J. Shaw; lion. J- Himil on, Inkermann ; Hon. J. Skead ; W.F. Powell, Esq., M.P. ; R. B-ll, E.->q.. Linark, M.P.; R. Boll, Esq., Russell, MP.; A. Morris. Ssq., M.P.; J.M.Oiirrier. Esq., M.P. ; R. Mdii- tyro, Esq., M. P. ; J. lliggiuson, Esq.. M. P. ; •iui^e Arinstroujij; M.ivor <»r Otlaw^i ; Warden of Carleton : Mr. Slit-nff Praser; G. B. L. Fel- liiwoa, Ksq. ; A. YieMiiig, Esq ; D. McLachiin, Esq.; R. W. Suoit, Esq.; J. W. Louv, Esq.; '. Supple, Esq. ; Lt. Ool. Pjirio ; Lt. Col. Pi ty- fair, M ijor Doiitl is, Capt. I).' Ikviiiiiien; II. H II. Ssq., M.D.: J IJ.Sl itor, E^q. ; H .r. M.-i-nll, E^i ; N. Sparks, Esq. GmiiicU: Lt. i!ol. CofJia. Lt. Oiil. Turner, Major Doimlilsoii, Miijor Gilmour, iiri:jade Major Mont;jjoiiit'ry. T.(,'. Cl.trkt', Ksq ; Oiiptiin* Forn st, (i. H. Purry ; Lieuteiiaiits U. Home, C. M.'N'ali. I'imtj , Foivsi. C iptiiin H.V, Noel. Treasurer; Capt. W. B. Gnllwey, ilou. Secretary. OTTAWA ACTIVK MIUTIA KOROK. flBiiD KvrrKRY. — Oj/jcfirx: Lieut.-Col. Turner ; (Japiaia A. Workman, jr. ; I.i>iit. Geo Clarkf ; Lieut., and A'lj. Korsyilk; Paym.isi(.'r R. Hish.ip Ko )T .\RTii.i.BUY. — Ofir.ers : Capiain Forri'si, Wuui. Duc'k, Eu-sii^n McJJao, S. U. dewoll, M.P., !sa rijeoii. No. 1 RiPi.KS.— OTIi'.v;/'; Lipiit. Hill. Ko 2 \\ii'\.\i^,—OJiwrs : Cuptiiu Beaubiou, ('Insi^n R^aumo. No. 3 \\\t\.^n.—Offii'er» : Oiptain Gallwey, Lieut. Home. Kusii^u A.G. Hutchison. Knoi.vbbks. — Ofiiiers: Cupt. iSinclalr, Lieut. WT. A. Auutio^uiit^iuiut fitfrry. Commandant of the District : Major Mont^om^ ery. Brig.- Major, Merrickaville; Col. Mathewaon. sedrntary militia rokcb. Offiobrs op 4th Battauoh Carleton Miu- TiA. — Lit)ut.-CoL Aumond, Major W. H.Thomp- son, Major A. Scott, Adjutant James Cox, Quar- ter Master Edward Dudon, Surgeon Edward VanCurilandt, AsEistaut Surg-jou 10. R. E. Riel. CaplatTU. — H. V. Noel, James Cox, Thoa. Mo- Kay, Isaac Berichon, John Durie, John Freligh, James ('oombs, Wm. Clegg, Thomas Langrell, Isidore Traversy, H. G. Burritt, George Cox, John H. Pinhey. Lieutenants. — Edward Arm- strong, Samuel Howell, Chas. V. Noel, J. T. Ponnock, Chas. Aumond, Edward S. Cox, Joha C. Brennan, William Pennock, William Finlny, Chas. Sparrow, Joseph Dyke, William Aumond, Emifpm. — John Pennock, H. Lapiere, James McCracken, Win. Boland, L A. Grison, EboK Wood, Vincent Daze, J. H. Llyod, John Burns. P. Pennock, jr., James Kgleson, S. Greeo. This Battalion coni<ist8 of the above named officvr% iHi sergeants. 36 corporals, and 1,093 privates. James Cox, Captain and Adjutant. Of'riOERs OF Seventh Battalion, Carlxtom. — Lieiit.-Col. P. P. Harris, Major Allan Gilmour. Captaim. — Edward Sherwood, George Frod- eriuk Austin, James Dyke. George Ha7, Thomas Clark Hatt. E Iward UcGillivray, G. ^eubacl^ and J. E. Walsh. Captain and Adjutant 6. H. Porry. Lieulmantg. — J. Graham Vansittark, Thos. Hunton, John F. Dorn-y, Alex. C. KeltT, Daiiiol Lanigan, Wm. R. Tliistle. Thomas Holii- wcll, and A. VV. Buriowes. Ennigns. — Lionel P. V. Ilirris, G. May, R. M.Cullougli, A. O'Ueilly. M.D., Alex. Burritt, McLeod Stewurl, 0. IJ. Grasett," Henry McCormick. ORANQE LODGK. "^ County Officers of L O. Assooiation. — BroiliHr William Boiiclier, March, W C M ; Bro. J.iines Bearaen, North Gower, VV D C M; Bro, William biitlur, Richmoml. G T; Bro. William Corbett. Bell's Corners, C S ; Bro. Arcliibald Toruey. Richmond, C P. Dl-TUKM' OPPtCEIlS, L. 0. DisnticT L0I)G1\ No. l, Otpawa Cm'Y. — LJrotiier Thomas La»- gri-ll. VV D S\ ; Bro A^r.ihmi Pratt, VV I) D il; HioJiH). McCarthy, D T: Bro T. J. O'Oounor, D S: ThosClarlie, DC. ' PltlVATK LODOKy. L J.J No 47, iiu-ets in the Ornnj;'o Hall, Market Square, ITpp-jr Town, on the 2iid Moo- eay "t each iiiuiitli. ortiors ior lfiB.'t-4: — Brother James Clarke, W M; Bro Isaac (Muff, \V D M; Bro Olimlet Lmlwood, Treas; Bro EJiiiuiid B.iilhe, Si.'c'y; Bro VV Fraser, K of 0. L L No I in. niei'ts in Orange Hall, Cumber- land St.Luwer Town, on the l6t Tuesday iueack month. OlUeers for 186:J-4:— Brother Thomas Lan- i;rell, VV M: Uro Saipuel Rithwell, WDM; Bro Henry McCormick, Treua; Bro J M Bsksf, -fjo'MJroW P Lc-l, F of C. -■fmsi<-rm' 30 OTTAWA AND DISTRICT. [1864. 1 1864] L L No 126, meetH in Orange Hall, Queen fit, Centre Town, on tlie 2nd Monday in each month. Officers for 1863-4:— Brother Thomas Stnr- ■er, W M : Bro T J O'Connor, WDM; Bro J>o McCartliy, Treas ; Bro Thomas Siiroule, fleo'y ; Bro David Graham, F of C. L O L No 221. meets in Orange Ilall, Queen At, Oentr* Town, on the Ist Tuesday of each ■onth. Officers for 18G3-4 :~Brother Archibald Gra- ham, W M ; Bro .Ino Greene, WDM; Bro Graig, Treas; Bro J Stitt, Secy; Bro Wm Irvine. FofC. L O L No 227, meets in Orange Hall, Market Square, Upper Town, on the 1st We<lneaday of each month. Officers for 18G3-4 : — Brother John Langford, W M ; Bro JTancis Grnhnm, WDM; Bro Thos Clarke, Sec'y ; Bro Francis Link, Treas ; Bro 8'eorgc Sparks, F of C. MUSICAL AtrUOCIATIONS. Ottawa Musical Union. — President, P. P. Harris; Vice t'resident. Dr. Hill; Conductor and Leader, Mr. Sofge ; Pianist, Mr. Fripp ; Treasurer, I). Tliompson, Jr. ; Secretary, G. B. Telham. St. Cecilia Misical Association. — Presi- dent, J. F. Caldwell ; Treasurer, Wm. Bolaud ; Secretary, Mips Mary Jane Devlin; Assistant Secretary, Miss Mary Ann Barrett. SPOKTIN(J CLUBS. Ottawa Sk.\tin« Club. — Hon. J. Skead, M. L. C, President; J. M. Currier, M. P.. and Joh. Aumond, Vice-Presidents ; 11. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer ; L. C. Clark, A. Gilmour, C. Mc- Nab, D. M. Grant, Geo. Heubach, L. M. Blas- «lell, A. G. Forrest, Wm, Aumond, Richard Hay- cock, Committee of Management. Ottawa Curlimo Club. — A. Gilmoar, Esq,,! President; T. C. Clarke, Esq., Ist Vice-Pregi-j dent; J. McEinnon, Esq., 2nd Vice-President; A. C. Hutchison, Secretary and Treasurer Committee of Management : Messrs. Thomas | McKay and W. Hutchison. Ottawa Pionebr 8now-Shob Club. — Zutotl Officers: — Mr. James Woodrow, President; Mr, J. E. Duke, 1st Vice-President; Mr. H. P Moore, 2nd Vice-President ; Mr. T. J. Burke, I Treasurer; Mr. A. H. Taylor, Secretary. Mat^l aginff Committee: — Messrs. T. Starraer, E. W, Hillman, K. A Lapierre. Fred. Prodrick, .and! B. Uuckell. aoriccltural society. County of Caeleton; — Wm. T. Ayleu, Esq President; James Bearraan, Esq., 1st Vice- Presi dent; James Davison, Esq., 2nd Vice-President: J. G. Bell, Esq., Secretary and Treasorer. Directors: — Messrs. Thomas Graham, George Bell, Donald Kennedy, John Graham, V^'illiaii Byers, John Dawsou, Edward Reilly. BUILDINO society. OiTAw^A Union BinLDiNG Society.— Peusr A Egleson, Esq., President ; Geo. R. Burke, Esq. Secretary and Treasurer; Robert Lees, Esq., Solicitor. A Simple Mode of Oompnting Interest Multiply the sum by v!, ^ number of days : tfaa; product being divided by 6, will give the interest I in mills. For exan-.plo : , ' 200 » 12 .. ' 6)2'100(40,0 cents. If 7 per cent is required, add to 6 per cent | one-sixth. BOOKS, PAIvIPHLSTS. ^a. PriMled oh tU<>^ ^liortoNt TVotl<?o n,t .^Xe f:t€aM.a ^.Ytje^" €//*e^. <3r. S. SUTK[H:PLX-.uA».]Sr3D; Watck aad Clock Maker, ,• 1/ , litideati H|.i-eet,. t^ . . . .^. . , . .Ottawa. 6AR ■< ■■. ■♦ Dn t ■ Call ai BONNETI \.\v' Bon] R1BB< PI (cr Pi OBDE Aude^ ex [1864. Tilmoar, Esq., I at Vice-Pregj. lice-Pregidect; jid Treasurer' psars. Thomas IpLUB.— Zwt M Iresident; Mr \, Mr. H. p \. T.J.Burke fecretary, Afm ftarmer, E. W rrofirick, .and (TT. "''-^•- Aylen, Esq. 1st Vice- Pr«8i ice-President; nd Trejsnrer! ahaiii, George ihana, >?illjaa silly. ETT.— Pelor A I. Burke, Esq. rt Leea, Esq., ag Interest er of days : that ive the interest its. i to 6 per cent 18645 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. It GARLANDi MUTCHMOR & CO., STILL CONTfNVE TO SJiILL STAPLE and FANCY Dry Goods, Millin'ry ■.- ii » •• ;»■ Aco., ^e.. 4&c>., ' » • ; I Call and see their Large and Beautiful Assortment v. -OF- A H 'lit : il ''l.ft ' BONNETS and HATS, Trimmed and Untrimmed ; IIANTLES, in the Newest Styles; ., SHAWLS, Wool Hoods, Garibaldi Jackets, Ladies' Vests, Scarfs, Nubias, Veils, Hair Nets, Head-Dresses, Bonnet Velvets, Bonnet Silks, iRlBBONS, RIBBON VELVETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, PLUMES, HOOP SKIRTS, BONNET ROUCHES, &c„ as Cheap as the same description of Goods can be (Cr Purchased at any Retail House in Canada. XO ORDERS TAKEN FOR BONNETS, MANTLES And every description of Millinery Ooods, by a first class Milliner on the premwes, and • executed in any style desired upon the sliorteat uotico. All Ooods irarrantej as represented, ^gT Please see Price List next page. lideau Street, next Sappers' Bridge. 32 BUSLNESi^ DIRECTORY. [1864 I 1864.J i I * e- I. & GO'S PBIGE LIST. « Canadian Tweeds and FuUcloths r-i'i*;v^ AT FACTORY PRICES. . rt'-r.rf" SPLENDID TWEEDS, all Wool ."::.:. .... . .from 2s 9d upwards 10,000 yrads (lUEY COTTON from 71 upwardu 6,000 yards WHITE SHIRTINGS from 6 upwards 10,000 yards PRINTS from 7^ upwards GOBURGS, yard wide from 1 3 upwards 50,000 yards WINCEYS from 7^ upwards 1,000 yds. MANTLE CLOTHS (double widths) from 3 9 upwards 500 yds. SEAL-SKIN (JLOAKINGS, do. from 3 9 upwards MANTLES (in good materials) from 6 upwards 1000 ydH. all Wool CARPETING (yard wide) .from 3 6 upwards 500 yards UNION CARPETING, do. from 2 upwards LADIES' DOUBLE SHAWLS (aU W^ool) . . . .from 7 6 upwards LADIES' WOOL HOODS from 2 upwards 1,000 yards SCARLET FLaNNELS from 1 3 upwards 500 pairs W^OITNEY BLANKETS from 10 upwards 500 dozen LADIES' SKELETON SKIRTS.... from 2 upward* 200 doz. CliENlLLE and WOOL SCARFS. . . .from 1 upwards Blue nnd Black Denver Overcoatings, W^hitney and Petorsham 0',T''ff>aiii'ff=, nrduilclcilis. » it.'-H'nit trs. I)( ej-kihs. Srat'let mid Hlne Ktmpp (Iloiikings, FbiKi tiiit] Co'dud Fiiimls. Window and 'lal'lf Dunmsks. (inn Plaids, . , (jiriimii all Woui Tiiid*. Fiincv VVircpvp. P. pplinuiU's, &c., &c., KQUALLY CHEAP. " ^' NO SECOND PEIOE OALL AND BE CONVINCED. 6ARDLAND, mUTGHMOR & Go. DR S] fho sabi FANC 'fhe followi BRITIS SELKSi ' Shawls Dres 01 Gentlei Owing t TERMS [1864 ST. )ths upwardi upwards upwards npwardii upwards upwards upwards upwards upwards upwards upwards upwards upwardi upwards upwards upward* upwards storsham oil kings, aids, IS64.J BUI8NBS8 DIRECTOKY. « MAGEE & RUSSELL, IMTORTBBS OP AND DEALERS IN ^ , ,, •- ^, FOREiaN AND BRITISH DRY GOODS Sparks Street, - - Centre Town. The sabSQiibers Kave mu^h p^eisure in oaIUa<; attention to their Large, Varied and WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP ! FANCY and STAPLE DBT 600BS, £QAniriii:Es /M!3!) iaiiLoifsiEir. e '■;• ! ,»*«-'^}« ^^l Yhe followiDg departmeut will he- found nt nil timoB Rupplied with the Latoet Koyeitien and productions from the BRITISB AND GONMKNTAIi MARKETS, i •*; ■ >k!*V, 3ILSS| Bonnets and Hats, Shawls and Mantles, Eibb:)n3, Flowers, Feathers, Dress Goods, Laoes and Sawed Muslin Goods, ; Cloths and Tweeds, Hosiery and Gloves, Cottons and Print (loods, Haberdashery & Trimmings, ■ -^ . Damasks and Napery, ., . .^^ >v . MILLICIEBI^ Gentlemen's Undercbthing, Tlos, Ssarfs and Collars. Owtn;{ to tho advantft/es wo pngspps in vi-iiinf? I .o Briii-li and ContinpntH) Morfceta •(■ia.-.iuaually, -.mil Piirclirtsiiiy;«lii"ct, from i.lie Mtniiilacinrfrs. vv« are » ii.ibli'd Loo(l".jr ihe yaaiiist. itiducemuuU to iho AX 110' 33 TT X» XT fLOIBCa^ 8X3X1^ N. B. — All goods marked id Plain Figures. J^ TERMS CASH NO SECOND PRICE. 34 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. [1864. /-^, -'*'^'''°^"^*^^''^^ SIGN OF THE CIBCDLiB SAW. VENTRAL OTTA WA. THOMAS ISAACS, PurDlshln; Ironmonger Jiiid general Dealer In Iron, ^^^^ C^^l' Chains, Wlm^^^Sat. Sop^» STO VKS, )R^^,„.,>^Kp OL A SS, OILS, AC, V^.-j.- aPARK.8 STREET,/; OTtAWA aiTY CAifAUA WKST. GROCERIES for the MILLION The subscriber, grateful for the Liheinl i'atit)iiHi>e bestowed upon him during tin.' iftstyear, has the pleasure of offering to the Trade a very extensivo stock of 6R0CERIES| PROVISIONS AND LIQUORSj Purchased in the very (Mienpest Markctn, which he is prepared to sell ul nuch Ldw FijjureH as t . defy ruuipetilion. Parties rcquirinj^ these articles will And it to their advantage ty cull and exiiniine Ins Stock, consi'*ting of 250 Chests Japan Tea, 150 Chests Old Hyson, 250 Chests Twankay, 100 Barrels Refined Sugar, , 85 Hhds. Sugar, 25 Puncheons Molasses, Java, Laguira, Mocha, Ceylon and Turkey Coffee. Pickles, Spioos, Mustard, Saucer, Essences. Soap, Candles, Blackinfi;, Ulack Lead, Ac. 400 Bbls. HKAVY MEKS PORK, j 1,000 Bags LIVKRPOOL HALT. 150 Quintals T^RV CODFISH, ' 100 Bbls. OREKN CODFISH, SOO Bbls. UKRRIXOd, 160 Half Bbls. HKRRINUS. In the d_epartment of LIQUOP' ?tiuij us Sole Aj^ent in the Ottawa Country for the House of-* FOUBNIKR ft Co., Iinpi Freucli Wines and Brandies, he hH!« received the LA»(J3EST VARIETY OF WINES & BRANfilES ever offered in thi^ City, which are all in tine condition at present, and tl imported into this Country, all of which will be sold at prices fully 40 di charged for ordinary wines in this City, kuni, Lemon Syrup, Pe the hoKt Huitcd Liquors I Der cent, below rates 'eppermint Shrub. Londoa'and Dublin I'orter.'Edinburgh and City' Ale, Ac, Ac. C HI»ArtROW, Jr., p.irrow^ Building, corner fiussejband Murray HtraetK. 1864.] WHO] OTXA' ' Aiwa, nttgolately and J. STJ SHBLF \N HARDWAU MECHANK CUTI OILS, OLAS COAl STOVES, B POTASH ROPES, AND ( Ac. SH] PATTI ^ #"• '. ' t . ■,»>• [1864. .ION le last year, lUORSj r Figures aa t'> tu cull tni gar. Molasses, Coffee. Lead, Ac. ill'OOL SAL'I PISH, t> House '>f.* »d tbe UNDIES lited Liquor* t)elow rates I. Shrub, Jr., lurmy Ht,ra«U. 1864.] BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 36 IM.PORTEK AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL eiROGER. i^ ^i'.^'t'ft. rsTo. 17, I=lideau Street, OTTAWA CITY, Ounda Went. ' Always on hnn'J BRANDIES, WINES ami 0(N loi' inmily und Meiliolnal puriio^e*. SPICKS o: all W»*i nhjolately and perffcti' . Warranted senuine. J. STABE'S SHBLF \ND HEAVY HARDWAUK STOR*. MECHANICS' TOOLS, CUTLERY, OILS, GLASS, PAINTS COAL OIL, STOVES, BAR IRON, POTASH BOILlvRi?. ROPES, ANCHORS AND CHAINS, IN HTOGKf TKAS, COFFEES, ,-^ SUGARS, •'• AND SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, PICKLES, SAUCHS, SPICES, AND FRUITS. BRANDIES, WINKS AND GIN, IHGHWINES. AND FAMILY PROOF, ALSO, PORTER ANi> ALES, nOIV'S XX, XXX And PALE. J. STARKK, DKAl-EK IN SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PATTERSON'S BRICK BUILDING, No. 15, RIDE AU STREET, :,^-'. u 1 .^ ;.;• OTTuAwVv^. O. VvT-. --,; i 11' ^6 UUSINE-S DIRECTORY. [I86i|l864.] ]V[A.CK:A^Y &d Co NEW EDIISBURGH t- i ^ : 1! V%J '1»®WM 1S1S»1>' 9 AND OTTAWA " « f*^^ Ofllce: Sussex Street, OTTAWA CITY, .... CANADA WEST. RTJSSELLi HOUSE, JAS. A. GOUIN. Proprietor, This Hotel, which in sitnatotl in tho very w>ntre nf tlic City, anil was formcrlj kept bv Mr. J. L, CaMi bem-, haa bccu .. '.■„ ,'- r ;■' ' i. ^tj-xia a:^C» Completely Renovated, Redecorated and Improved Throughout Brery Room bus bwn n-pupcrfi], pd'ntrnl ami fiitoil <ip with fiirnitnrc made ci- prt'BsIy tu onler. The 'I able is wtll Biip|ilit'il und embiuct's EVERY DELICACY WHICH THE SEASON AFFORDS Thf WmE3 und LIQUORS are of Out Vb'RY BEST QUALITY. At) ()ini)ibu!«cuiivoyH PuMVugHr!) to and f.otn the RliIIwu^ Poput and Steamboat Laadim. m U J&c^ Fleor and Oatmeal Mills. Lis. ii A-h: CL01 ALEX NE-< T' [I86i '^ " -^ lis. WEST. ietop. jrracrlj R»'»'. .<!«,;/-« v«'r oughont de ea- rosDS BUSINESS DIRLOTORY. K mm JAR. TKACY. Ifv^ ^o!^} . ij V. RIDEiO STREET .;r The uttentioQ of those who require ■» •• .^nyt fling*' in tlie ^A^1:>oa^o l^ino, , Ja reBpectfullj invited by the I'ropiJctoi . , , o'iiaAaa^ ^ Qo., CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS. u^ncl Importers of I>i*y Ooo<1m, WHOLKSALS AND RETAIL. ALEXANDER DUPF WM. «HOOLBRKl> ;i^aitxziar'x*3exiar4a -i^r DONR WITB ii"4i;<«»'.. •"«• .t«- n^' •»•"-»,." MBATlSrESS. and DISFATTOKE "THE OTTAWA CITIZEN" OFFICE. p 38 BUSIWE8i4 mREOTORY. [1864. 1864.] \ FINE ASSORTMENT OP «€§«¥ ft lilif MlWVftU HOPES, PAINTS, GLASS AND OILS, Very Cheap uod on long credit to some people. F. MionoxjoAi:,. E. HARRISO... Porter Block, ^^^^^^^^^gH^ Sharks Street, « 1 N T R A L OTTAWA. Dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, Pianos and Melodeons, By the beni llakern, always on band. • ne/sie sMJrr bt mail whmv of viiargk, on hsckipt of pjuos. PIANOS TlJtSFED AND SEPAIRKD ON THK SHORTKST KOmMt. K large aBMrtMeat oT Violiu and Onitar HIrings, EngllBh, Freneh, German, and Ilaliaa. • All Ordtrs Promptly FiUtd. RIDEAU STREET, OTTAWA. V ., t The Propriotuifi of the VIElsNA HOUSE beg to inform their tVieiidfl in town m4 «urronncling couBtry, that thoy have constantly on hand a larj/e and varied a(>8ortmeDt tf Jewellery and Fancy Goods, including Work-boxes, Toilet Bottles, Ladies Reticulefi, Silvei' Thimbles, Butter Knives, Forks, &c., Hair and Nail Brushes, Accordeons, Flutes, Porte- «J0Dnaie«i, Electro-plated Urns, Cruet Stands, Ac., Glass Shades and Vases, Chesamea Dominoes, Backgammon boards, &c., &c. ; aJHo a varied assortment of Gold and Fkt«4 BroocbeSj Ear-rinj.'8, Weddinie; Kings, Signet Rings, Pencils, &c. General I7EN F STOVES ■ouse f 8lat« Oeleb] AliAMf * iK Ai) fHfd{>»« in ( TI P. S.--F t4u..; THOS. WILSOISr, -tr Aucti KEAI iionsEHc DRY GOO HA GASH AI Ketum MANUFACTURER OF f UPPER LEATHER, HARNESS LEATHER. KIP AND QALFSKIN, THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN, CASH FOR QREEN HIDES. aollars, ten Willi Any I have gMOM ri8d4. m Street, \r A. )IodeoD8, EST KOntM. t in town tmi iBorlment vf cules, Silvaf utes, Torle- Chesdmea I ODd PkM 1864.] BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 39 O T T -A. "W^ -A. General Commission and Manufactures Agency, SPARKS STREET, rjENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA CITY. .; R. J. RODDEN & Co., Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ST0VE3. TINS, JAPAITED WARE,iaOR FDMITDBE ■OUSB FURNISHINGS, COAL OIL and LAMPS, MARBLE and MARBELIZBD 8Iat« Mantlepieees, Grates, Registers, Ventilators, Kitchen Ranges, Hot Air fnrnaces. Railings, all kinds of Ornnniciital and Plain Castings, and various articles in the Hardware lino. ArcmI for the genuine Celebrated Plantagenet Mineral Water, SOLD h7 THK GLASS, OALLOjV, KKG n-nd CASK. A»AM» * tlO'R TORN BROOMS, MATCIJES Ae„ Wholesale. «. W. REED h CD'S BOOT LASTS tm,, \9holemh. Ai) fwfler* in the above attended to Promptly. CITY EXPRESS TEAMS in ennnmtVni ti«l|k our BusinsHS, and dolivtr uur goods in tho City viieb or cuabgb. TIW WARK ManufavtuiNEsd to Ortler on tlie spot. ^ ^ p. S. -^persons di-aling lu or wanting any of th* nhove will do well by giving us n •aO. M. K. CMAM13ERS, Auctioneer and Comniission Merchant, * V..' A. « »EAB rilE IA)WEIl TOWN MAKKCT, YOBa STREET, OTTAWjX ';^ '* ft ,'■"', ' Auction Sales every day in the week, ♦•onsmting' of .'>■ • ^^^ ITOrTHEUOLD FURNITURK, .. ^•,' FEATIJKU BEDS, ■• -V •■" ■■ -' ■ ORY GOODS, BOOTS AIJD SUOKS, HARDWARE, OROUERlKS. PIANO-FORTKS, Ac, Ac. «LA.S.S WARE, CROtJKEHY, Ae. CASH ADVANCED AT THE RATE OF FIFTY GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. On all goods sent for prompt f>n\e. Keturm will be 9fiad« irmHtdiaklif after ttufk w^, and proetfda handed (mr. . • 10- Charges for Bclling on CommisBion over 100 dollars, five per oi>ut ; noctar lit dollars, ten and fifteen per cent .. ^ ., v ._ » Will attend ont-door sales In any part of the city when vi'qmred. torii. Any person wishing to get instruction in tho «'♦. "»>«'I n^;??^^ ««h'7^'« '^'^'^^^^ * F8RMI, g hayegamenta cut to order, can do so by applying at the AUCTION ROOMS. M.B. CHAMBERS, Auctioneer, ,,^ ., , ., Yvri Streat, OlsUm» Oi^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. fl* U?^^' 1 1864.) TEAS Tobaccos, lUGARS I MOLASSES. ANDREW CAMPBELL,! SUSSEX STREET, OTTAWA. I I-^ I^ I> . IIAMH, (JIIEBBK N K X 1 TO .1 O n N 3 T O N ' S !■' r. O R s ■!• < . H K SVIV, 1 . »1:JH, Tilt! i.Uoiituiu of tho I'ubliu i« oailoil to iiij ' LAKOK AND WEU, A!^HOUTEn STOCK OF ttaisins. Uice, :CROCER«ES AND LIQUORS.; ' Tiicyare all oi tlu> ll.st Qualiiv, an.i nr; smI^I by mo nt prices | o.ui.V'HUBWtii-. « BAHI.HV. • lower lliaii Uic s:.iao artioU- Ii;ivi rvi!- Ix'tii i,:!i.rcil lul'iro iii Ollaws l.IQl'OHiJ *«., Ao., 5.0. i A N D R E VV C A M P B F 1. L . i of M .Icacrlptiobi Fire and Life Insurance Company OF EDIS BURGH AND LONDON. OAPiTAI^i. - - - - ^^5,00(0.000 STKKJL.I1MG. MANAOINO DIRECTORS: ' J». LOKN MAODOLiGALL, Esq., j THOMAS DAVIDSON, Esq,, Merchant. OHDINAKY DIRKCTOKS: The Hon. I^ouis Ktimu. , M. L. (!., Hit- lion. John Kuac, M. I' , Thomws Rjan, iwi., Merchitnt; James L^iw, Esq., Merchant,; David OaviUon. RHq., OeiiiTnl Mannifcr Bank of Montreal ; H.J. Jioim •oil, Esq., Local Sotrnnr.v. McDOl'OAl.L (t DAVlDfiON, Goneriil Agcoto for Canada. BBAU 0*"FIOK— Nos. t, i and B, .Mr.tti;iiAfn-i' Kxcuanci:, Montr juI. P. PEARSON HARRIS, Ae;ent for Ottawa. THE rROPHIKlOU OF THE 4A UPPER TOWN NEWS DEPOT," •'< J""' Keeps constantly on hand, at his Store ' ^ . WELLINGTON b^rREET, OTTAWA, \ LAROK ASSORTMENT 0>> SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER HAN6IN6S, FANCY TOYS, &C.,4C., Whicli he offers at suvh low prices as loVl defy competltiop. The New Yoik Daily and Weekly Papers, Periodicals, Magaeines— inchidingtbe IVtbrnia, Uerald, linm^ Clippm; Tjtdger, Mercury, nnd all the Illustrated Papera of the day, botk ■nirbHh and A mertcun— always on hand. CEORQE W, CRANB. WEST ENB TEA AND COFFEE WAREHOUSaS, ,"t:.XU hi.i'jTinx '--..A r.gw- aOKEN LYOisr 1/lmi reai)CCti'ally bog.s K-uve to aiiii«i\iiuH', tliul lie has oprnod those premises in UPPKR TOWN. FIRST DOOR WKSl' OK OEOlUiK R ULY'il KSQlTfBI, With a Stocli ol WINES, PROVISIONS, AND CHOICE GROCERIES. [fttet the laij>e-.t, oo in.^peclion it will In. found to bo one of the best solected and most «•■!' ploiH ever brouijlit t'luwurd to this «'itv ennsisfiriir of It, (!4)»t'KliH. HPICJffl, SlIftARH, TOUAdCIOH, KRIHIP, WINES, SWR1T8, LIQW0R8, CIOAHB *e., *•. «tfi»ii'.<5iiA *^#« iH'f.n'M*. JOHN LYON, v,v«>'i i .,i D*ahr in Winn, Provitiom and OMm Oroamffi, FA I Teas, Wii Stock alwc TKAS—* Gunpowder Imperial Old Hyson Young do Twankay Japan BLACE ! Souchong i Vei ' Congou ( fin t3olong Flowery Pekoe Orange do CO Java Jamaica Marracabio Lu Quayra Rooted by an i md ground da. Taylor's, Fry'< olato nod Broken Loaf Ground Crushed Whit Yellow Refiw Porto Rioo , Muscovado Bpicea of all whole Vissences of very fin< Vickies and ■< rlety, fi brated n Sardines in - Lobsters S:^almon Mackerel Potted Yam Anchovy P« Orange I Lemon V Pc Citron ) Layer Raisi Moaoatel d( Sultana di Valenol* d A oompli M to lensral 1.1864. 1864.] 6USINEHJ5 DIBfiCTOBT. |ORK, Butter, A R D , IIAMH, |lf,t>lae8Waiv )aiiy i-ING. Merchant. »» Ryan, ih(i I; H.J. foi^^ nr Canada. T," day, boUi lost «»BI^ I An., *•. UWM. 'slx^.-a^CTJrs^-T: »tf •■^ ''ir.' 41 J. T. LAJVCB, FA M I LY G ROCE R, AND IMPORTER OF ; •^UV' 'tirVif- I • -ff^l Teas, Wines, Liquors, Spices, Sauces, Pickles, &c., &c., &c. Stoc* alwaya large and compltt^. Ph'ery mrtirle warranted to be as represented. Currant'? Piga Prunes Valencia Alinouds Soft Shell do Walnuts Brazil Nuts English Sperm Candlo* IBRANDY IK WOOD * BOTTLE do do do do do all sizcfi do Bolinoaf> Parafine French Adamantine No. I Tallow Liverpool Soap Toronto and Montreal Castile do Krasive do And a full asaortmeal of Fancy Toilet Soaps Berger's Satin Starcli Do Rio(* do Glenfield do Canada Satin Grloss do Do Blue und White do i|DoCorn £*^«roh for PuddiDga MarteU's do Hennessey's do Jules Robin do Armnnd do Lefraiae t Go's do Pauet, Gastillon &, Go Gin in hhds, casea and bottles beKuyper's in red cases Do m green cases Booth's Old Tom do do WHISKEY inWOOD&BOTTLK do do do do do do Indigo Blue j^'ig do Ball do 'Jniversal do Thumb do Day k, Martin's Liquid Blacking Lamb's Superior Paste in tins do Hair and Oorn Br'X>m8 Hearth Brushes Corn Whisks Bannistor Brushes^ sing, i^ double Stovp, Shoe, and Whitewash Brushes Vermont Bitters Stoughton Bitters Bird Eye Pepper Sauce WINES IN WOOD & BOTTLE Sandemun's Port in wood & bottle Qraham's do do Hunt's do do Pemartin A Co'e Shen-y, do Duff Gordon's do do Burgundy — Sweet Olaret in Oasoa. do do do do do do do do TKAS-OREEN. Gunpowder Imperial Old Hyson Yount; do Twankay ~ {' Japan "^ BLACK TEAS, ^nchong ( Very Congou ( fine Oolong Flowery Pekoe Orange do COFFEE. Java Jamaica Marracabio Lu Guayra . lioasttd by an improved principle, and ground daily on the premines. Taylor's, Fry's and Mott's Choc- olate and Cocoa Broken Loaf Sugar Ground do Crusiied White do Yellow Refined do .. ^^. Porto Rioo do * * Muscovado do Spices of all kinds ground and whole I'lssences of every description, very fine IHoklea and aaucos in evr ry va- riety, from thn mont cele- brated makers Sardines in i and ^ Tina Lobsters do do Salmon do do Mackerel do do Potted Yarmouth Bloaters Anohovy Paste Orange ) Lemon [■ Peels Citron ) Layer Raisias ) In whole, half, Moaoatel do '' and quar. boxei< Sultana do Valenoia do A oompltta itoek of Vreith Dye Btuffli, warranted true to their names. And In Oeneral aundrlee tverythlnK lueli .■• Is geMrally kept In » arit-cUH cetabUahment. jrha8ubiorttea|rlll b« oonttantly auppUed with all New QoixU M ~ awear to the dlA««nt Mhu||. _^- ^^^m^^^i^iQlKmVj Orooer, Sparks wreet. Central Ottawa. Ramsay's Scotch do Thin's do do Morton's Family Proof do Old Rye do Murphy's Poteea Highwines sold by tho barrel at maker's prices Fine Old Jamaica in Wood and bottle ■" Dublin Porter in bottli- Bass' Alo do Montreal Ale and Porter in woot* and bottle, delivered in the city at Agent's prices. Orders from the country carefully packed and ?romptIy executed. Hgars and Tobaooos in ali the Choicest Brands PROVISIONS. Extra Fine Pastry Flour Buckwheat do ' Double Sifted Indian Meal / Oatmeal Pot and Pearl Barley Arracan Rice do ground Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon No. 1 Labrador Herrmgs No. 1 Mackerel. No. 1 Salmon No. 1 Table Codfish Digby Herrings Finnan Baddies MoKlnnon's celebrated Biscuits, in small tins. Upvards of '20 different kinds in stook. 42 BUISNESS DIRECTORY. [1864. !9^ M -V. f- BAM €€# ..;6 CORNgKOF RIDTjlAl' AND \ICH()LA.o .STRKET.S, j^*<. OttaTva Oity, Canada '^^est. I ^^ <!=i ALWAYS OX HAND THE BEST, WINES, ALES, PORTER, GIBER, 6IN, '"'- ; ' nRANDV. CIGARS; \rc., k^. -!• '' ■' *? WHOLESALE AND RFTAIL. . ,. ,, A Large Quantity of FEATHERS on hand and for Sale. Burke's Celebrated (ralway Whiskey, OLD IRELAND'S FiVOlUTE DROP, THE POTEEN Scotch Malt, Morton's Family Proof and Old Rye, Canada's best High Wines and Whiskey. v -^ No. 1 NORTH SHORE HERRINGS, Oysters, at Wholesale and Hetail^ . (:• I,ESS THAN ANY OTUKB HOUSE. m , ; . Dried and Bauelled APPLES, all the Year round. 4 • I •' ] Do not paes the Old Holy Spot, for your *' '' C3p fl. O O £3 XI. X E: iS( , •ui.;<' .„.„,...,, wa.-/.>-.' CHEAP FOR CASH, . , . ', As Dan gives Loughrea usage, "Aragad Shies," a-s Dan gives him oelf. Do not forget -.-. kk„^>:. 1864.] .^ i. S ';:?*(. ili^ Photogra patch. N. B.—i larged to S Photograpl Particulf View NOTI VVhicli is Viei < Copies fi [1364. 'Sit est. 1864] BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Sale. liskey, OTEEN. da's best INGS, on. , ft ,,,41, _ e 'V J ,■ • : ■ i.,- -TV '. , -:...' i>* ;^J| *.^s f"4.£ta«-rf'T!)S& E. SPENCER'S PHOTOGRIPHIi: ROOMS. ... ■',*-,■ u ' s- CENTRAL OTTAWA SIGN OF THE CAMERA. Photographs, Ambrotypes and all otlior Pictures In the Art execated with iieatnesp and des- N B —Old DaKucrreotypes and Ambrotype.-' copied lor Cartas de Visites, altio copied, en- larg(^ to Size of Life, if rcqaired. and Colored in Oil, thus giving ali the corrfmtneas of th(^ Photo^rraph and the durability of an Oil P-rmting. Particular attention paid to Cartes de V^isitcs, or Album Pictures. Views of the Ottawa constantly on hand. Mr. WILLIANS M'COMB, ound, .* ji'. T .i.;in--.. qivcH him oi:): ii t\ ft ft r? ,T1f Lately un artkl. in 1 .\ *.t 'j 1 '. t .ill. J ..:. 11. .S NOTMAN'S P80T06RAPRiC Mli&RY, M O N T K K A L , Whi.-l. is .jonsideitid Uio Ijust Establishment of tlio kind in tbo Pioviuw, is now prepaini to tftko i/TKENESSES of all kinds, in the best, uossibU; .stylo, nt, liis lioora.'i-- Entrance tlu; siwrie door as tli^ Vienna House, Rideau Street, Ottawa. ^r <'«./'/(w de. Viniies for Albums, including all Ibe di.^tinpiuahed p«rsonaj>'<.'s, author?, <;opie8 from Paintings, Engiavinss, &o., kept always on lianil. Dugtierreolyprs, Amh'otypes, ih., copifdfw Varies de Vi-fites. ^.,^^_^ " WM. A GEO. M'COiyiB, I •• 44 BUSINESS DIRECTORT. 1S64.] F. PROIDRTOK, ■•■ ••• SUSSEX STREET, OTTAWA. Confectioner and Soda Water Manufacturer. DRALKR IN AND MANUKAOTCRER OK SnUAS TOTS, FANCY BOXES, CANDY MACHINES, WEDDING AND CHRISTENING CAKE, .lainH. •lelliua, Manualade. fi!nnc-Man!.'<>!». Fruiis, Candies ot all kinds, Gum Drops, Jujube I'asic, Lozenges ol all kinds, Cuptaiu'ij biscuits, Syrups, Liquorice Drops, Bon Bons, Gbicken Salads, liobstcr Salads, &c. Constantly on hand, a large stock of Fancy Crarkirit ami Shnnty BlsiMtU. \\\ goods luaniifuctured from the best, materials, under personal superinteucence. 0!U)EHs Pum TlJAIJiY ATTBKDISD TO, KKKK OF PACKAOB. Apothecaries Hall, J^ Snssex Street PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED. PURE DRUGS AND GBGMIGAliS, PERFUMERY, Fsbints, Oils, and. IDye "W^oods, a4&0SS, »■&» JLV» fbOVSA 8B8DS. 0. MORTIMER , Chemist and Dn iggist. Agen t. Oo. DEALERS IN Sole and Upper Leather, French Calfskins^ Enamelled Leather, KIDS, MOROCCOS, ROANS, BINDINGS, ftC, SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, AND FINDINGS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET BAGS, *' ' OK KTERV niCSCRIlTION. Sussex Street, nearly opposite British Hotel, OTTAWA. JSrCASH PAID FOR HIDES. BRITISH AND AMERK^AN NEWSPAPER AND lAGAZINE DEPOT SUSSEX STREET, ONE DOOR FROM KIDKACJ HTHEKT, OTTAWA CITV. J. H. B^UXSJQK, . ^HDCC'KSWOR It) JOHN simTB, ; Bookseller, Bookbinder, Stationer and News Dealer, Aud Who'esaleand Retail Agent tur all the Britiuli uud Ainoricau Newspapers and Magazineh. say Raving Unequalled Mailed Facilities, ooimtry nubscribfirs can depend on being supplied with BcKjkM, Newspajiors uud Mu)i;u/iuos with punctually and despatch. fgf Oounti7 dealers 8upplie<i with evoryching new on the lowest tormw. ji^i^ Book-bindin(f in all itb branchea neatly and expedttitusly czocnted. 1864] SHII House, { llRU(i«IS1 SHO\ mm SU8SEX 1 J. P. PHARM PUESCKIP Pure Dn Oils, Paints THO LOAF, AND C Soirees fu Terms anc Breakfast i of the Clt: [JIIIR (JORNt BUSlNr fi.Ei 1864.] I 1864] BUSINESS DIBECTOBT. --r " ■■ . , =rr: - - j rr .~. '-- r— a loturer, SHIELIDS <S& Oo.,^ P. J. GELHAUSEN, RiDEAu sTRirrr Tobacco Manufactarer I Next door to the Citizen Office, Kouse, Sign, and Decorative j «'x>^^^ sr^^^r, oftawa. J s, Jujube I'asic I Bona. Ordeks Pi!.\i Itreeil .RED. mm, BBDS. Agent. 'J PAINTER. DRUGGISTS' AND BREWKKV FAN^'Y SHOW LABELS, OX GLASS, Made to Order. I Kce(M cuiujtantly on baud a general assoKtueot of i «iiiiff,ChewliigTobacco<b Cigar* ' of every dcscriptiou. Also, a large assortment of Mecr> sctiaum, Fancy and Plain Pipea, wbicti will be sold Wholesale and Retail at prlceti lower than i any other house in the city. C AllPET BAGS.I h Hotel ■fA-'. )EPO?, CITV. )ealer, i Magazinoti. being suppliedl r B<)ok-bituJin(t| SUSSEX ST.. OPmSlTK YORK ST- pim^eyg «^toMfeJMI«ttt. J. P. FEATHER8TON, PHARMA C E U TI (7.1 L CHEMIST. PUESCRIPTI0S8 CAUEFULLY PB£PAK£D. ■ Uppoaite i.- McDonaM'a Auotion ] SUSSEX STREET, OTTAWA. Pui'e Drugi- aw] Cietuicivls, Peifiiai««ry Oils, Paints, Colore, Dye Stuffs, &c. THOMAS ILIFFE, (^ITY BAKERY, d Leather! LOAFp FANCYi HARD BREAD, AND CRACKER MANUFACTURER. Soirees furnished on the most Reasonable Terms and Shortest Notice. Hot Rolls for Breakfast delivered every morning In any part of the City. ST. PATRICK STREET. Opposite Roy's Hotel. IS" Everything in' the ICiUineiy line .J9 Couiitautly on hand and ut Pricea lower than any otb'e/ house in the City. GEORaE COX, [NGRmB&COPPERPLm PRINTER, OORSEH ELGIN AND SPARKLS >STS., OTTAWA. BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, SEAL? AND EMBOSSING PRERSBH, W»0(l Cutu, tic., tf-c. CITT BOOK STORE. THELESPHORE TURGEON, HBnUlSTiTlini. BOOK-BINDER, Blank - Book Manufacturer, SUSSEX STREET, OTTAWA. Always on hand,Toya,Jewollery and Faney Goods. W. D. WOOD, Foi-merlv Proud k Wood, lU RIDEA U STREET, OTTA WA, KeeiM cuiwlantly on band u general asMrtment of DRY 600D8, READY MADE OLOTHINB aaOOfiRIKS, SHKLP AND HBAVT HABDWARB^ Iron, Hone Nalla, Castlno, Smiths' Oaala, Ac. 46 BUSINESS IIRECTORT. nrr:: ^. -: r-r- jj ...» pS64. J. •»' Xki •; >»-'£>*^J....i,'.jX''». Tn omwii on THE if ' •:■.*{** *(i. ^.i),!*;- SEHI-WEEKLT GITIZES Iff isFii('<l OP (he morningK of TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. SEm-WEEKLT luid WEEKLY, ^ ^ . . ^ . ^ , RATES OF ADVERTISING 1 JTiSI ■..^■ i'. ^ *• ** ?**■ •"■^j J^ IN iHE Semi-Ueekly and Weekly iitizeu; ! IS PtJBLISHED ATITHE id t ,1 t j- ; Six Uiiesaitd iintlfi't Iti-Mt iiised ion*. .50erii( I Ra4'h 8iib«e4iuc'iit iiisertiont..l!2i << OvcraixlUtCN,ArKtln8crlioii«|>ei'lfiie 8 ** Kach8ul><<f<incit(ln«ier<ioii«p4:rltiie *i *' Tkf niiinber of lines of all Advertisements tu ' counted by the Npace they occupy, ineuKiired In a scale ot solid minion. M. vk nt^i -n<ii>i A No uMiaid Letters will be lAkcit out of the Po StcamPressPriiitingEstablishment o.i!c.i1i|?H ;? cr- A liberal rediicHou from these rates wii< ' allowed to parties advertising; by the year. I » ... . . ' Subscribers are particularly requested to noiilf the Office of any irregularity in the delivery of ik papers. ■•'!> '. l J r .-a-^JiOMlf ')iVii'\lKSi.'^7X^h ^fe. v>f;,' ,^« Noadfer»»»«nenL (li8oeiulnu«*d wiiln»«ii. i.li»' wr R.IDBAU STFBET,— HEAD OV STTSSKX ordorol tu«' •dT«rti»cr. , ., i. \A.^ Mm^iO ?Mu. raA33 .jfcooa -^m ^ 1864.] PRI] c o C8 c C8 c '5 3 i*- Pliw. 1 mzEii igi< of B^RIDAY. ST 1', A M PRINTING ESTABUSHMENT, gRTldiNC kly iiitizeu; (<ion»..50vrii( fUon,..12i <' per line 8 <» per line "i »' 'prtigenientH to '■<■. rpy, meusiired In ;: "c * sn out of the Po.<i icHL' rates wii the year. equested to notif.T the delivery ofihf -■ ! : 3, ■ (S O c o o C8 c C8 o ft z I Bideau Street, Ottaw<*,