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 ''»|(;k tkn (!knt8. 
 ■j i'^'l^Chl 
 OK lURR A Nil 
 Ht'st ('«ir HiiHjiia or Mororco Bindings, 
 Arhl IMuMrahxj by iii-iii) Tl.uu«a,„U of (Ik, ('iH.iocHt K.igrHvii.KH. (Mm.i.uw 
 luiti I ol(.iiM.,|,niiti«M, (mihrauiii^ Jhi, uiitira Litennv jxtrtlorr 
 '>(' tho Lihrrtry of flio lute 
 LORD I'H x\ KKT, 
 / Aud li iM.ilioM of Uk, Libriiry of tho lNt«> K,,.iiiotit IriHl. Ilixtoriiiii 
 »«. HADDKfV, 
 : Vllr «''* <""«'»""«<'<■ H<^OKS oonHignea by MoHHrH.,.)KFFlUKS 
 "N«^j3)i)N, Briktoi,. 
 r ii'i'^ *;''?^- ••»»•»»*"*'"« ««"'« 0^ '''e fincrtt MiKJcimciiH of l»rlnt!nir, 
 UinUHix Hud huKraviHK, ,,k woII m tho oh..ico8t' in our biiiL'uuL'o. 
 he I11uHtr,,t«d B«.k« b(»in- jjenorally SubHcribor's Copio«, have the l»l«toH 
 HI briautiful order. Tho (;«t«Io^uo« oonipriHc aW Honio VahuibU» I'hilo- 
 Mophical liifitruiiMntM 
 Microscopes^, Valuable Telescopes, &c. 
 _ Tht! (jolleotiou will bo on view at Mr. SIIAW- Library mul Piano 
 Tfllwv ?r'i;f ^^'T./" ^''''' ^' •^'""«« •"*'«'*' '^»""*™"'' ^•» 
 mcnctW ^^"'' «'"' fo""- ^'oUowin^' Days, and tho ShK; will coni- 
 .MONimV TKN o cl.)ok, the 4th NOVKMBKR, 1H»;7. 
 And cot>tinuc in the 'EVKNING at i^EVKN, Hind «o each day, in the , 
 order of the Catalogue 
 Mo„.„„,,,5.h«„..,W7. ^,^«^ ' ««tS„,.„.: 
 |,aru'.. or ..ur Publi. I/.».r...i.'H J ii.M.tU.u.n. « 
 lldflltlOll II 
 r iho*«' ill fltiiru'"' 
 privuf t'olUvtioii, TJif lip* «»1 iiriiiliim 
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 ilinK y«''^f '"'"** '"*''" *''*^ 
 ,»■ Oil- ur»NU iiiillMir* m'»n' viiluabU'. A» 
 canbohudJ'orilll.OtJ. Th«? copy in 
 ,th the bindin;;, »Utysrren jh^auU Mlerliny. 
 CU.1 U had now lor $;i.<m. one of thr .-opi-H to 
 »<»k'H V( 
 thin collwtion cohI iIim orinin" 
 lynf^oH ' 
 W iM»ld in tItlH colU'ctiou 
 coMt i«ve"/j/ /""""^* «'"/"'!/. "'• ••''■^^ ''"'"' '"""■ 
 iiiuy be >*rtid ot tin! Muck 
 Ti,o« »iu. will .^t-f'-iiy '■«""'""■ "■" °"""'-"""' "'""""' "'" ''"'"'''k 
 W ™ vi.w. will W W..I. .,„,«. No ...l.c..i,.,. c«. »M ..I. .,».... 
 '.pUaour of ,1,0 bm.lm«». Tl,. T*«..p», MK-r,«.pe", a.„l o,b.>r ,.mcU. 
 aiv ali«» wnrttiy of HiKJciiU notkr. 
 A« the cxp< <d .1 DcKTiptiv. ('aUdo^^u. i. ^n^ni, *nd hundrodn «( 
 pcrsouH call for CataMu. who nWr nttond th. mU., it in nm.Mry. u^ 
 order to place then* in pro,>er handn. to ,nako .>,ne charge tor them ; all 
 p.,rH(ms. thcret•on^ sen.lin« for Catalc^ruos will ho. reM«ired U> hcmI the 
 ( 10 (icntH, ) ' 
 . Knr Conditions of 8al.. «ee last pa,o .^- Catalogue. «h alHO fi.r au- 
 woHnccnicnts of future naleH. 
 Montr«;al. ^i:>th (^ctolKL ISrJ, 
 ::■■ ■ < 
< ATALiKil I 
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 '>— O 
 co»iWMif«o i-mMarALLr tmn M'AoMifieiNT MmiAiir or Tin i-ati 
 i."«i» I titjiiciiT, ARi'ii ntmiop or ti am 
 Jv!A! ^^^.^.r'"'*-' »»'H. ►'HA. Tl.« ill.,.,r«7;i ;,|v«r- 
 numiri'il iIIii,imHoii«, 
 — Alinilhr i"|.y iif llii> mini... 
 Afll;\l If |l..M.rm.|».. „r lr..„M,„li.,,H of ll... mH-i.^ty ii..litMl.*.| j„ |U. 
 »iMl lu.ri...r« ol A.I ., \,y Sir Wi„. .|,mm>.. 7 vul-. it.. I i'„ir 
 A VkW'iti k'i'L<^ !• t. 4 IhhhImii '|7!M> 
 ANK( |M)| K.Sol l>..ri„,..„|„..l IN.,.,,.-, .•l,i..Hy^or ll.o Ui ...mI iwo 
 |Mv.v.l,,,^MO!,.«ri..., ,u 4 vnU. Hvu 1 e.tli; i|},„tnitrr| by Oi^riiv 
 AVVIIvl /'I'l <k • . I .. I •l«Mi, |K(U 
 A.^MlAh (IIm. S.vm>« {„ Iii.jin mo.i-injr twoiUv- 
 hvo.-nuniUM;r. rroi„o,i.,iiv.l .IniwiiiuH, |»y W,„. |)„„|;.H K V 
 >MMl li .lo^ni|.th.u.....onin l.y t|„. U,.v. lloUrt (Nuiiitn-, ||, |) ' R 
 voIh, .Hvo lull mon.cfo. ' ' 
 ACKKU.>| AN M Ilij-j. ,,n|,, (',m.,ri.|lv olT,„„|„i,|.,... i,. ,.olt..... 
 ...Ih:„mI |.uI. nMpi,,,,.. il|„sfn.»...ri,y .;r, li„.. ,.|,„..s. ..oln.uv.i' 
 '"..uf .t.ou ol ^mrM.u- .<nuvm«.. H vol.. i„.,,;i,.. u^,,. ,,.,,. 
 AU vV.'v'v-'/ "'''''''•' '■"^'>'- •""'' »** ^"''"""'- " '«!« 
 AKAmAN Ni^liu ....trrl u.nn..,.lH, .h. hxf iv^;,...! ,.,nl oimmlat.Ml 
 . t .■o,,.„,u., I,vll, W. |,„1U„, Ml. h.. will, u,.w..nJ. of-OO 
 llUHt.%,linnH [.y n.unn.i .„ti.tH. vu^rino,\ |,y tin. ImoUkmh |).,|yie| 
 \t\V}ni A\o cldih. • •' ' i'"'' 
 ATilKNAlJM (TIm.) a .lournai of lAwrMnw, «.!,.„.... n,,.!.,!,.. (i^arrH' 
 lor j.c y..,„s ih;;a.-:1(I :{7.:i8-:j». I(|..| i - ii» -n-H- lo- 17. ts- w» \o 
 W-W-.H-aft 2(J 57 5H.5;i, 21 voIh ft.. V ,1 v ,.-1 i» 
 VoN. rjinolulUMllt-xtra, tooUm.a ^^ill, .mlu.lli.JK.I will, jne 
 AIUH.— I ho Aiti>t s KopoMtoiy, or Kiiry,|oi«Mlia of fl„. li,,,,. Hrt« a 
 com|)c.i(,t„l oHii-r inati-iiill.s ,i, o,! in tlio hHh ili 
 .^ )H,Mi(lui.t..n(l.'sio„ wit). iTinarkHoi, fhoiriiafun. ami „.ch indu,!- 
 .nKtbomctboilof( cn.yo.H, A',.^o|',,. i„ 
 Wtt or col,,ur.s, cniv.jnH ,,l on;,Maviu- ii. ntrok..-, n.c/y.otinh,, «,,«.,- 
 tmto &o ol iuo.l.;llii,- and of .scuipturo, .to.,!, vol... (200plaL) 
 ito^cnlt. ^^ _L^\,j^^| ,g,^ 
 12 Al 
 ^■d^.. .Mi&^i...^ *' 
,#■'- <li^t~*^wn ,-, w ^jp"- * 
 imlt *i^*ui«4 p:»«e*. Willi Uwmry d««?ripU"iMi. (lU l.'U.r pr««i 
 •oiiHigra) ih«»l««« nttmbew^, M tWntnllY wrilltn liiU«i by 
 !!;• nwittity of • ft»rw« owiHir, I'imo *i»\f, tmk4 Md i|iU. .i 
 AUOLlMllfH' (John) llUtory .»f Knglaml tnm lb« •UNwUm of KUm 
 i«»lf v%\tA l#onu«m, I HO J 
 ANHAY Ur (Th«) tna th.' At^Wiw, wlih lh« ir^vnU b ihe Karibw 
 KMtliilHa0..1Mnc iaiMH«vU(iio Nbntrb. ly Ia tho ll«m 
 F Wi:H«. 3 vcM. ►ui|c!*.lMwrlwlt) neat. 
 AlI-TKN (Mi«). MftHit! -'l P 'rk, |i •te«, Hfo | ruMl;., J vu t. 
 AlKmao.HHU: (John) M.l). TU l»hi;««.rhy .f lh« Morjl 
 ALISON M (A -ohlbnld) KMflyi'rti th« Natuw bikI Frm; ,iI« of rwij, 
 t*v., hB.i.»u..* fitra. ^ ,»..,,, ,^"*[ ., ' HI 
 AMKaiCAN I'ootry. (H»»««;m«ii« of). wUb Crllknl ami Hit^rnphlMl 
 AUCHKHJ^ Popuftr Kcotiomlc Hotmiy, «»r Doiorlpslonof ihoHotaoi- 
 cttl ond CoiiaLorc't.! Crwracteri of tiie prlno;?*! artlcw ot \ «goU^ 
 lUm, Or:,!..;. &e, Ae. I2mo. h,!f c« f .xtri. Undon. H5J. 
 AMKLlA'rt I't.tjum. (Mr*. We oy) frto. iiait cotf. l»oti, 
 AINSWOUTII OV F.). a;. Hound ;.;• Wor.d,.ni::astroled Uword 
 of Voyogp*. Truve.i and Adn'nlurw, in "11 p«rti of tno 0.ob«, edited 
 by -, +:o. nuin«rouii Ii:u»tr«llon». ' J.nndon, n. «/. 
 ALiiKMI (Hev. J.) An to rnconvcrtod Sumtfrt, by—, with 
 an Introductory K»woy by A. TIioiiikou, D.D., 12ino. cft.f, too'.ed and 
 - jtt. O^MUow, IH2k 
 ALKXAS DKH the tirent. Tho Lil'u and Action* of-, by Kev^ . 
 Wi lianis A.M .. ;6mo., rare. N«w \ oru, IWd. 
 AliliEY (U«v. J.). The Judge, or nn Kutlmnte of the hnportonco ol 
 the Juciilnl Cliarnetor, a I'ueiu in three canto*, by—, Kimo., rare. 
 London, 1843. 
 BKLL (John) SurKfon. Thoanntotny of the humun body, contoinlng 
 the tumtoii-.y of tho bones, iuttW>ca and juint^, by , in \ voU. 
 Bvoicair. > \mA<^xi, 1808 
 DELsjH aM (itcv. ThoD.) The Enistlea of Paul the Ap<j*t.e, trunsluted 
 with i;ji cKpocUion and coto^'by ■ .""^ vo'.«. Svo^ culf extra. 
 UAINKS' (K.iword) History of th« wart of tha French Revolution, 
 from thJ»brcnking out ot th<i vrur iu 1792, to tho reMtoration of a 
 ucnoriil peucft iu 1815, comprohetidlrg. tho civil history of Groat 
 Britain utid Fixnco during that period, by , 2 voU. 4to full 
 calf, Lotigninn'a edition, etubclliniiod with portraits of tho niont 
 di«tinguisii»ed characters of the age, and illustrated by ninpa, plans 
 tnd charts. London, 1817 
 BUCK (Key. Cha^) A Thcohgical Dictionary, contaimug definitiois 
 of all religions, termi, &c., Ac, by , 8 vols. 8vo full calf. 
 I i 
 BKOWN'JH Pkul^mvy of lU Holy ^ibl«. mfrmi^A ••4 lwpfwr««l ••. 
 MrttinK In ibo A^VtixsAd •t«t4 of InfitftMlWrn «! ih« erwMil lUy, 
 hy an U«v. J»« Hmlih, A M , wiill iifwrtr4fc of. 200 Ul««ir«ilon«, 
 UfH* Nva 4 in4irit«6o I^Knlm, IHA6 
 MKAtHO* (ftobi) K«|. hliy Nt»«l mii Mlilury »«iii«lni of 
 lima Ilriulo, fwin 1727 »o 17113. by , « voIe llfo fbll fttlf 
 titr*. LiNwlon, IH04 
 BlNtJhKY i\Uf W ) AM M^iii«>ir» of llrlilth gttftdru|Md** **'«► 
 trmltt p.:nel'»l!ly of ih«ir bi»b w of ;!&, InMlnnw, ••j»»«lty. tiwi 
 UM« u» .M4nliin«l, by , wlib iiii;?f«»U»i<i» from ori«inoldr«w. 
 lnrf«, i^ioijuua obiofly by Hawl. Howitl, Hvo^ulU'slf MtM, mar 
 bind \\<iU^ Md !o«vi» Loud .n, 1809 
 Aiilm*! IlltHtrophy or Ponalar tm^tga, t«Hupri».ln« KuU|tetl« 
 ■ntfflitUfi* of iwj ecmiomy, watolu of llffa, Iimiiuct* mid inKi^TTV of 
 Ilf4 mUuiI or««iioi», by , 3 voU. 8vo full calf ««lri. iiitrbW 
 Unvi« ur.d lining*. ♦ Utsdno, 1813 
 HKr.MllA>l (W) Memolrtof Ibo rel«ii ofOcorKfl HI. to ibo ia-im«i 
 of I'tt.lUiMonl «i»ainK A.D. 1703, b| , ^ »oU. 8fO | grwn 
 <,„lj; liOnuon, 1790 
 yUmioln of ih«t Kinjpi of Grout Brluln of the IIoum of 
 Bran-wiok—LmiCnburn, by , 2 vo!n. Hvo futUtlf. 
 BlfUKK (tr.o Kight Hon. Kdtnmttl). Tfe# w«fk§ «l^, wljh » Bio- 
 gr»ph^il dtid Cnticnl Inti'CKluqt'on, by llmry Rodger*, and Jwf ' Sir Jrt«hu» Hpynoldn, In 'Z vo.i». Inrgc §¥©. cajf oalf e 
 fiiioly loolcd iind giu/witb uiaip.ed ;c»v«« >nd linligi*. 
 LopdoD, 1841. 
 BY HON ( Lor:l). The I'o«t!cnl Work»ff— , with r.olci and % memoir 
 <.f tbe uuihor, I vol. larg«iMvu. half worocco cxirn, ^Wi ioavci, tnd 
 i!mboi:i»!ifld with wjvoi'atiitool pUto OtiK™^^"**' . . 
 BALLAST Y.N K"8 B/ilUh Novo l.t«, wil'.i memuln of t!ui nulhjiw, 
 ('()Mipi-i»!nu( : Lo Sr>'o, Johmitono, Stcriic, Go:dimi:!t. Johnwm, M«o. 
 kiMulu, Wj.>k):o, Bcuvtf, 8:«o:io:t, Floidiujr, Hadcliflo, Swift, »•«•. ^ 
 Luuibtirluuu and Ric.iurditoQ ; ciu-li uuK^or compote, ID vol*. Urge 
 8vo. biilf bound in Uu»»»lii. Cont 10 gulnoan. London, 1821. . 
 BIUTLSK Novc!:i.t« (The) with an nnd ProfBccK, biograijhlcil 
 and crltlcil; by Mm. Biirbiu'.d, Uivlrigion'a boautlWl edition, m ftO 
 vi>li>. Mni'.l 8vo. Full purplo morocco, too.ud and gilt aidoa and 
 odgoM, hound by Bedfonl, of London, 18*20. Coiuprialng; Canaaa, 
 8 voIn., (li-undi-HMi, 7 do, Zo'.uoo, 2 do, Homunco of the Forcat, 2 do, 
 Cecilia, 3 d(», Evelina, 2 do, T* m Jonca, 3 do, Iloalnwn Cn«o«, 2 
 do, Bulinda, 2 do, Myatoricaof Udulpho, 3, Tho 0!d Kngliah Baron, 
 I, Simple Stork, I do, Porapoy tbo Little 1 do, Ju'.ia Mundovuo, I 
 do, RaaMolttH I do, Joionh Androwa, I do, llumnhrev Clinker, 2 do, 
 Spiritual Quixotto. 2 do, Femulo Quixotto, 2 do, Tlfo 0*d Manor 
 nou.«io, 2 do, Man aa he ia npt, » do, Man of Feeling, &o. I do. 
 BIBLE (The Holy) by lloovca, containing tho Old Teetaracrft and the 
 New, trnnalatcd out of tho original tongues, and with tho former 
 tranBUtioiiB diligently compared and revised by Ilia Mnjoaty'a Special 
 t^K. . J .^.it^K. , 
 ^^ 1. _ ^ 
 K.', .MA I 

 ^ .*' 

 4 I 
 " ■ 
 Command, 9 voie, 4to. full bound in dcorod russia, extra, tooled and 
 gilt, marbled leaves. London, 1802. 
 (C3^ This maji;nificont Bible, with wide borders for notes and com- 
 ments is from the late Bishop of Tuuni's Library, cost 20 guineas. 
 BONAPARTE (Napoleon) Memoirs of, by M. DeBourienno.with 
 anecdotes and illustrattve notes from all the most authentic sources, 
 4 vols. 8vo. half calf, illustrated. London, 1836. 
 BLAIR (Hugh) D.D., F.R.S.E. Sermons by-5 vols. 8vo full calf 
 '' extra, tooled and gilt, marbled linings and leaves. 
 BKVERIDGE (Henry) Es(|. A Coinprehcnsivo History of India: 
 Civil, Militiiry and Sociiil, from the lirst landing of the English to 
 the SupprcHsion of Alio Scvoy Revolt, including an Outline of the 
 Early History of Hindoofltiin, by— 3 vols, largo 8vo ^ morocco. 
 Illustrated by about 500 Engravings. London, 1862. 
 BURNS. (The Land of). A Sorics of Landscapes and Portraits, il- 
 lustrative of the Life and Writings of the Scottish Poet. The 
 Landscapes from Paintings made expressly for the work by J). 
 Hill, Es(|. The Literary Department by Professor Wilson, and 
 Robert Chambers, 2 vols, in 1, 4to half calf extra. 
 • Glasgow, ISiO. 
 BURNET'S ( History of his own Time,-* vols, 8vo full calf 
 extra. • London, 1818. 
 ' Another copy. 
 BOTANICAL Magazine ; or. Flower Garden Displayed, in which the 
 most Ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the open ground, 
 the green-house, and the stove, arc accurately represented in their 
 natural colours; to which arc added the name, class, order, gene- 
 ric, &c. &c., together with the most appr©Vcd methods of culture, 
 a work intended for the use of such ladies* gentlemen and garden- 
 ers, as wish. to beeomo scicntificnlly ac<iuaintcd with the plants 
 they cultivate ; by Wm. Curtis, 4-0 vols, in 20, 8vo. ^ calf. 
 A splendid copy with many thousand finely colored plates, 
 cost £25. London, 1783 to 1814. 
 BURKE (Rt. Hon. Edmund). The Works and Correspondence of— 
 , a new edition, in 8 vols. Svo full calf extra, finely tooled and gilt, 
 with marbled linings and leaves, [£12]. London, 1853. 
 BUFFON— -(Euvres Choisies de, contenantun choix tres^— complet dc 
 I'histoire naturelle dcs animaux, 2 vols. ^Vo half calf 
 BROUGHAM (Henry Lord) F. R.S. Historical Sketches of States- 
 men who flourished in the time of Geo. III., to which is added, 
 Remarks on Party, and an Appendix, by— 3 vols. Svo half calf. ' 
 London, 1839. 
 BURNET (Gilbert) D.T>. The History of the Reformation of the 
 Church of England, by — with the collection of Records and a 
 copious index, 4 vole. Svo. cloth, with a frontispiece and twenty- 
 two portraits. London, 1837, 
 -I ^ 
 ■ ' . . ■■ V 
 TiSll.J'i: l,S 

 H BROWNE (Jamos) LX.D. A Hiutory of tho Highlands and of tho 
 Highland Clans, with an oxtcnHivc f*elootion from tho hitherto 
 Unedited Stuart Papers, by — a new edition, with sixty-six illustra- 
 trativo Fngraving.4, and numerous wood cuts, 4 vols, largo 8vo half 
 ealf extra 
 54 J BARTLETT (VV. H.) American Scenery; or, Lake, Land and River 
 Illustrations, of transatlantic nature, from drawings by — engraved 
 in tho first stylo of the Art, by U. Wallis, J, Cousen, Wilraoro, 
 Brandurd, Acilard, Richardson, &c. Literary Department by N. 
 P. Willis, 2 vols. 4to full calf extra, finely tooled and gilt. A 
 subscriber's copy. London, 18i0 
 65 BURNS (Robert). The Works of— with a complete Life of tho Poeti 
 and an Essay on his genius and character, by Professor Wilson, and 
 numerous notes, unnotatiapg, and appendices, 2 vols, largo 8vo., 
 half calf extra, embellisl^P by an extensive series of portraits 
 and landscape illustralionn, choice impressions of the plates. 
 56 BUTLER'S (Geo.) M.A., Prineiples of Imitative Art— four lectures 
 delivered before the Oxford Art Society, 8vo. half calf extra. 
 London, 1852. 
 57 BURNET (Gilbert) D.D. The History of tho Reformation of tho 
 Dhurch of England, by — , ii vols. Svo half morocco, fine copy. 
 Oxford, 1829 
 58 • — : 's History of his own time with notes, by tho Earls^Darl)- 
 mouth and Hardwicke, Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift, to whicli 
 arc added other annotations, 6 vols. 8vo, uniform. 
 London, 1833 
 59 BUSSEY (Geo. Moir.) History of Napoleon, by—, 2 vols, largo 8vo 
 half bound, beautifully illustrated, by Horace Vernet. 
 London, 1840 
 60 BRITISH Novelists, (The) comprising novels accompanied with bio- 
 graphical sketches of the authors, and a critical preface to each 
 work, by Wm. Mudford, 4" vols. 8vo half calf extra, cnibellisbed, 
 ' with elegant engravings. London, 1810 
 61 — ^- — Poets (The) ; a beautiful set ot the works of the— col- 
 " lected with the bcyt editions, by Thomas Park, F.S.A., 49 vols. 
 12mo I'ull calf, beautifully illustrated with plates, by Westall, 
 and others . 
 62 BRANDON'S (R. and J. A.) Parish Churches, being perspective 
 views of English Ecclesiastical Structures, accompanied by plans 
 drawn to a uniform scale, and letter press descriptions. 
 63 BRITISH Essayists, with prefaces, biographical, historical and criti- 
 cal, by Robt. Lynam, 30 vols. 12mo half calf, with portraits. 
 Comprising Tatler, 3 — Spectator, 6 — Guardian, 2^Rainbler, 
 2 — Adventurer, 2 — World, 2— Connoisseur, 2— Idler, 1 — Gold- 
 smith's Essays, 1 — Knox's Essays, 2 — Mirror, 1 — Lounger, 1-— 
 Observer, 2 — Microcosm and 011a Podridda, 1 — and Winter Even- 
: -:*'>. '/TTi 
 Another act in 45 vola. with prefaco historical and bio- 
 graphical, by A. Cliulinors, (vol. 38 misBti^), Rusaia extra, 12mo 
 cuitf • London, 1803 
 BELL'S British Theatre, con^lstinj? of the most esteemed English 
 PiavB, 24f vol«. l2uio lull calf extra, (a^^N|p«nplcto set). 
 '^ W London, 1781 
 ^— — '» New Pantheon, or H'storioal Dictionary of the Gods, 
 Domi-Gods, Heroes t.ud fubulou^rsonugcs of antiquity, uliio of 
 the images an 1 .dob udorcd iu the pagan world, together with 
 their temples, 6ic., &^'., 2 vols. 4to lull cult", rlcaly' embellished, 
 with charu^tcrlaue p luts. Luudou, 1790 
 B0WDLKii(Tho3. E-s(..) i'Mt-S- and S.A. The Fami y feuakca- 
 pcarc, by—, in wliloU uothing id added to the original text; but 
 ' those wwi-d-i u»id exjiresisions are omitted which cannot with pro- 
 priety bo read in a family, 10 vols. 12mo exi^uisitely 
 bound ifl full calfextra, tooled i.nd gilt, Longman's beautiful edi- 
 tion. London, 1825 
 BARROW (Sli- John), Burt. An auto-biographicar memoir of— , 
 including reflections, observations and reminiscences, at home and 
 abroad, fiom early iifo to advanced age, 8vo half culf citra, por- 
 trait, l'^'*^ 
 BUTLER'S (T.B.) Philosophy of the Weather and a Guide to its 
 Changes, 8vo half eulf extra. 1^56 
 BIBLE (The Holy), containing the Old and New Testaments, with 
 notes by the Rev. John Hobart Gaunter, D.D., embellished with 
 10 maps and 40 landbcupe illustrations, by the best artists, large 
 8vo full morocco, gilt leaves. London, 1861 
 BURKE (The Right Hon. Edmund). The works of—, to which ia 
 added a sT)ccimen of Burke's Epistolatory Correspondence, 8 vols. 
 1862-64, and Life of— , by James Prior, 1 vol. 1854; in all; 9 ^ 
 vols. 8vo half calf, colored, (choice copy). London, 1846-52 
 BAXTER (Richard). The Pra.tical Works of—, with a life of the 
 author and a critical examination oi his Avritings by Rev. Wra. 
 '"Ormc. Itjdcx to life, 1st vol ; Index to works, 23rd vol. portrait, 
 8vo half colored calf, marbled leaves, 23 vols. London, 1830 
 BURNSIDE'S (Robert) A.M. Religion of Mankind in a series of 
 Essays, 2 vols. 8vo scored calf, extra, neat. London, 1819 
 BELL'S System of Geography, popular and scientific, or a physteal, 
 political and statistical account of the world and its various di- 
 visions, illustrated by a complete series of maps and other engrav- 
 ings, 6 vols. 8vo half calf. London, 1846- 
 BONAPARTE (Lucien) Charlamagne— or the Church delivered, an 
 epic poem in 24 books— translated by S. Butler, D.F., andJ. 
 Hodgson, A.M., portrait, 2 vols. 4to large fine paper, calf, gilt. 
 London, 1815 
 Another copy. 
 BROWN'S Antiquities of the Jews, carefully compiled from authen- 
 tic sources, and their customs, illustrated from modem travels, 2 
 vols. 8vo calf extra, very neat. London, 1820 
 ■ *" »A**»"'-**~t - -»^P*V *'^ ''1 F 
 V- ,^*<.«^- 
 BRITISH Pocta. A beautiful set of the— id 17 vols, l^mo taftto' 
 fully bound in hair calf. 1865 
 Comprising Gay, 2 volg. Spenner, 5 do. Thomson, 2 do. ^^keI- 
 ton, 3 tto. White, 2 do. Young, 2 do, and Vanghan. 
 — — Sketches from the — ohronologicnlly arranged from Chaucer 
 to the present time, under separate divisions, 2 vols, and biograph- 
 ical sketches of eminent British Poets, ohronologically arranged 
 from Chaucer to Burns, 1 vol. together, 3 vols. 12mo half calf, 
 colored. Dublin, 1854-eft 
 BONAPARTE (Napoleon). The Confidential Corrosponeerice of— 
 with his brottier, 2 vols. 8vq half calf, colored neat, portrait. 
 * 1824 
 BALFOUR'S (Sir J.) HistoricalX Works, published from original 
 manuscripts j^rescrved in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates 
 4 vols. 8vo half calf. Edinburgh, 1824 
 BLANCH ARD'S Sketches from life, Vith a memoir by Sir E. B. 
 Lyfton, Bnrt.> embellished with portrait and several wood engrav- 
 ings, 3 vols. Svo half ealf, colored. London, 1849 
 BRITISH Essays, comprising Tatler and Guardian ; Rambler, Idler, 
 Adventurer and CocnoisKeur, and Spectator, in 3 vols, thick, Svo > 
 cloth. London, 1861 
 BINGLEY'S (ilev. U'n^) Useful Knowledge or a familiar account of 
 the various productions of nature, mineral, vegetable and animal, 3 
 vols- fevo calf extra, tastefully tooled and gilt, with illustrations. 
 Rivington's edition. • 1821 
 BEATTIE'S Poetical works, with memoir of A. Dice, Svo half calf, 
 extra, portrait. 1863 
 BLACK Book, or Corruption Unmasked, being an account of places 
 pensions, and sinecures, the revenue of the ciei^y and landed aristo- 
 cracy, 2 vols. Svo. boards, scarce. \ London, 1829 
 BOURIEN^'E (M. de) Memoirs de—, sur Napoleon^ 5 vols. 8vo cloth 
 portrait. Paris, 1831 
 BECHSTEIN'S (J. M.) M.D., Cage and Chamber Birds, their na- 
 tural history, habits, ibod, diseases, &c., translated from the Ger- 
 man, by — , 8vo. half calf extra. London, 1853, 
 BAKER (Geo.) KM. The History of Rome, by Titius Livius, trans^ 
 lated from the original, with notes and illustratfoDs, by—, 2 vols, 
 large 8vo. half roan. fN. Y. 1858, 
 BONAR'S (Archibald) Sermons, chiefly on devotional subjects, Svo 
 half calf. Edinburgh, 1815 
 BLOOMFIELD. The Farmer's Boy, (contemporary edition, with 
 preface, giving an accourft of the author, by Capel Lofft,) with wood- 
 cutSj very highly finished, and large fine paper. -^ 
 London, 1800 
 ~ • Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs. , Author's edition, 
 portrait, 4to calf, gilt. 1802 
 BO WEN (E.) Rambles in the path of the Steam-horse, superbly il- 
 lustrated, Svo. fall morecco, gilt, gilt leaves. 1855. 
■ K 
 A' ■ 
 BRAYB YEllcn) or the Fortune Teller, 2 vol«. in 1, 8vo. half 
 morocco. London, 1M4. 
 BURNS (Rcbcrt) The Life of—, by J. 0. Lochart; ahd The Chria- 
 tian Orator, 2 hooka, 12mo. hulf calf. 1818, 1847. 
 95 30TANY. The Elements of—, by M. A. do JuMicu, trunalutcd by 
 J H. Wilson, 8vo. half calf, cglorcsd with Hlustrations. 
 / ' London, 1849. 
 90 BOUCIIKTTE (Joseph) . Tlio Britinh Dominions of North Amcricn, 
 or a Topojjraphical and Statistical Dc?cri[)tion of the Provinccn of 
 Lower and Uppr Canada, New Bruns^ck, Novu Scptiii, Ac, embel- 
 lished with Views, Plans of Towns, Harbours, Ac, 2 vds., 
 '4 to. boards, (scarce) portrait. London, 1832. 
 97 ■^. A Topographical Description of the Province of 
 Lower Canada, 4to. boardn. 1832. 
 ^. (Joseph). A Topo<j; Description of the I'xq, 
 vince of Lower Canada, >yith Remarks on Upper Canada, and on the 
 rclativeconncction of both Provinces with the United States of Ame- 
 rica, by— , embellished by several Views, Plans of Harbours, Bat- 
 tles, &c., largo 8vo. portrait, calf. London, 1815. 
 * : A second copy, in boards. London, 1815. 
 \ lis 
 ;106 BREWSTER'S](David) Treatise on Optics, l2mo.half calf, colored, 
 with Illustrations. liOndon, n. d. 
 101 BLENHEIM. A New De.«cription of—, the Scat of His Grace the 
 Duke of Marlborough, with a preliminary Essay on Landscape 
 Gardening, Bvo. half morocco, steel plates, OKli)id, 1817. 
 102 00KB (Thomas) L.L.IJ. ophe University of OxI'oid, a commentary 
 oil the Holy Bible, by , portrait, 7 vols. 4to full calf. 
 A Splendid Copy of this great Work, Loudon, 1801 
 103 CHAMBER'S (Robt.) Lives of illustrious and distinguished Scots- 
 men, froiji the earliest period to the present time, arranged in al- 
 phabetical order, and forming a complete Scottish Biograpliical 
 Dictionary, l>y — — , 4 vols. Svoblue, half calf,* embellished with 
 splendid and authentic portraits. Glasgow, 1836 
 104 CYCLOPEDIA of useful arts, mechanical and chemical manufactures 
 mining and engineering, edited by Charles Tomlinson, large 8vo. 
 in 2 vols, half calf extra, very neat. The whole illustrated by 
 40 steel engravings, two thousand four hundred and seventy seven 
 wood engravings. 
 105 -^ ■ . ' ; — (The Bible) containing the Biography, Geography, 
 and Natural History of the Holy Scriptures, by the Rev. J. P, 
 . Lawson, M.A., with introductory essay.s, by Rev. Dr. Fleming, 
 and the Rev. Geo. Scott, 3 vols, large 8vo half calf extra. 
 (The Imperial), or the Cyclopedia of the British 
 ■ -A 
 Empire in 2 vols, large Bvo Knight^s edition, half calf, with maps 
 and plates. " 
 407 (j&RNEILLE Theatre de Pierre et de Thomas, avec les notes et 
 ^ •commentaires, 2 vols. 8vo half bound in green morocco. 1845. 
 ^ r ,», r-^ 
 LOT ' . 
 108 CRUDEN (AlcxtndorJ a complete ooncordaaoe to the Old and Now 
 \ Tcstameof, or a diotlonair and alphabetical irxlcz to the Bible in 
 two parta, to which is - added a concordance tn the Apocrypha, 
 the Mfhole digested in qn eaay and regular method and constitut- 
 ing the most useful book ot the kind ever published— by , 
 to which iH luldod a lif'u of the author by Alexander Chalmers, F. 
 S.A., portrait, 1 vol. 4lo full calf extra, tooled and gilt, marblod 
 lciivj'8 nnd linings, London, 18*8 
 109 CUMBERLAND (George). A c.italoguo of rare Italian prints, 
 by — — , 4to half bound in red culf. 1827 
 110 CASTLEllKA(iU (Viscount). Memoirs nnd corronpondence of—, 
 scooud Marquis of Londonderry, edited by his brother, Charles 
 Vdnc, 4 vul-. 8vo cloth. Prico Je2. London, 1848 
 111 CHRIST. The History of the Church of , by. the late Rev. 
 Jos. Millci', A.M., with additions und corrections by the Rev. 
 lanac M iliRT, D.I)., F.R.S. 6 vols. Svo full calf extra, tooled and 
 gilt- \ ' London, 1824 
 112 CHURCH (John). A cabinet of Qua(Iri|m;ds, consisting of highly 
 fini.shcd engravings, by J ame.-i Tookey,*'lTouj drawings by Julius 
 Ibbottkjn, with historic and scientific doscriptiouH by -r— -, 2 vols. 
 4to half calf. r j „. 
 113 COX'S (Win.) Travels in Switzerland, 3 
 Sweden, Norway and Denmark, .') vols 
 Russian discoveries between Asia and 
 gcther, 9 vols, 8vo. full calf extra, illustrated' with charts and en 
 . graviiigs. , Loudon, 1787 
 1 14 CONSTABLE (J()hn) R.A. English Landscape sccnory, u series of 
 forty mczzotinto cngraviiig.s on steel by David Jjucas from picturoa 
 painted by , a beautiful copy, half morocco, gilt edges, folio. 
 1 1.0 CYCLOPEDIA (The cabinet) 2 vols. l2mo half green calf, extra, 
 116 'CUAPONE (Mrs.) Letters on the improvement of the mind, by — , 
 _, . l2mocalf. Dr. Evans' Goldoti Ceneutary, 12mo half calf, una 
 Weautics of II. K. White, 3 b't-oks, 12mo very neat. 
 • ' London, 1S22 
 117 CICERONLS (M. Tullu). Opera— rccensuit, J. M. Lallemand, 
 portrait, 14 vols. 12mo full margin, profusely and dolieatejy tool- 
 ed and gilt, by Bizarian, ex-Typograghiu Barbou. 
 Puris, 1708 
 118 COOPER'S (J. Fcuimore) Series of Novels, new edition, small 8vo. 
 new, half calf, marbled sides, lining and leave.% 22 vols. 
 London, 1805 
 vols, in Poland Russia, 
 and an account of tho 
 America. See, 1 vol, to- 
 Afloat and Ashore 
 Admirals (The two) 
 Bravo (The) 
 Deer Slayer (The) 
 Headsman (The) 
 Heiden Mauer 
 Homeward Bound 
 Hutted Knoll 
 L ist of the Mohicans 
 Lionel Lincoln 
 Mark's Reef 
 Miles Wallingford 
 Oak Openings (The) 
 Path Finder (The) 
 Water-Witch (The) 
 London, 1S64-'(JG. 
 PHot (The) 
 Pioneers (I'hc) 
 Prairie (The) 
 Red River (Tlu) 
 Sea Lions 
 '■•" -' '1 

 iof , . 
 119 COWPER (W«n.) The Works of— comprwing hii Poemi, Corroaport- 
 (lenoe and TranalattooB, with a Life of tho Author, by the editor, 
 Robert gputbey, L.LI)., 8 vols., 8vo half calf colored, beautif\il- 
 \j illustriftedyith 60 fine engra^inps. London, I8A3. 
 MrThisNwt comprinos tno Illiad and Odeasy. 
 120 CLAkSSICS— Pockei Editions.— 0. Val. Oatulli, Carmina e. P. 0. 
 Doeringu (nnd)\A. TibuU* Carmina e. Cbai^.* 0. Hoyno, 1 vol., 
 ,1821. Juvonalis^aturi «. 0. A. Uupurto ct Porsu Hatirarum. 
 P. Ovidu NasoDis Qpora rooo^novit ct argumcntcs distixit, J. A. 
 j^xaar (the same coition, the two former in the scries). Portrait 
 of Ovid Ucroides, Axi'oieH, Ars Amatoria, Ucmcdiu, Anioris, 
 Tasto, Metarmorphosesv 'J'ristcy, Kpistoloruni, Ibis, Consalatio, 
 Fragmcnta, iii 5 vols. •8'X2. The whole 7 vols. 16mo. fine jotter 
 and Dapcr. cilt leaves, gredn'morwcco, gilt and tooled, 2 letterings. 
 ^ ^ '^ \ \^ Paris, lh21-'22. 
 121 COLLIN'S History of English Bramatio Poetry to tho time of Shakc- 
 ispcaro, and Annals of tho StOge to tho Restoration, 3 voIb. 8vo 
 half green calf, beautiful copy. London, 1831. 
 122 CORNWALL (Barry). Draioatil» SIcncs and other Poems, by — 
 illustrated by Daliiel Brothers ; ttno paper, 8vo cloth. 
 123 COOPER'S (Samuel) Dictionary oA Practical Surgery, comprehend- 
 ing all the most interesting improvements up to the present period, 
 8vo. calf extra \ London, 1818. 
 124 CONVERSATIONS— Illustrated wi|h plates: On Natural History, 
 familiarly explained, 1822; on Minerology, 2 vols. 1 822 >on Bo- 
 tany, 18-23 ; on Political Economy, 1824; oil Chemistry, with 
 Experiments, 2 vols. 1825 ; on Vegetable Physiology, with appli- 
 cation to Agriculture, 2 vols. 1829. In all 9 vols. 12mo. calf 
 finely tooled. 
 125 CAMDEN'S Brittannia, or a Cborographical Descriptiontof Great 
 Britain aad Ireland, with the adjacent Islands, originally written 
 in Latin by Wm. Camden — revised and digested with lar^ addi- 
 tions, by Edm. Gibson, late Bishop of London, 3rd edition, with 
 maps of all the Counties and Prints of the British, Roman and 
 Saxon Coins, portrait' of the author, folio, Calf, 2 vols. Cost 10 
 guineas. London, 1753. 
 126 CHRISTIE (Robert). A History of the late Province of Lower 
 Canada, Parliamentary and Political, 6 vols. l2mo. half calf extra, 
 Eith a View of Montreal and Quebec. 
 OPEDIA (The Christian) Or Repertory of Biblical and Theo- 
 • logical Literature ; by Rev. James Gardner, M.A., large 8vo.. 
 half morocco, elegantly illustrated with beautiful steel illustra- 
 tions and maps. 
 128 CUMBERLAND (Ricbard) Memoirs of— written by himself; with 
 illustrative notes by Henry Flanders, 8vo cloth. 1856. 
 129 COLERIDGE (S. T.) Poetical and Dramatic Works of— with a Life 
 of the author, 16mo half calf extra. London, 1838 
 130 CXJRRAN and bis Contemporaries— by Chas. Phillips, 8vo half calf. 
Mitt 5_ JW. r V" » * «^ ■-^'^ T* ^ '^, , 
 '• ■■ ■«■-■■ '^v '^ ■■ .i v*- ■•. ■ ■ 
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 U : * ' 
 131 COOKE'S (0. W.) China and Lower Bengal-being the Timet' Cor- 
 .oo r.irr."'5P**"^*"''® *''^**'° ^'''"'*' •" 18S7-'68. ftvo half calf extra, Anpe. 
 132 CYCLOPEDIA (The Cabinet)— Conducted by Rev. Dionysiua Lard- 
 w ' ' '"'■'"^ ^y Kmincnt Literarj and Scientific men ; Eminent 
 /oo r,^r *^'*""K" ^"^tttteainon, by B. C Crowe, ft Tola. 8vo half calf extra. 
 133 CYCLOPjEUIA (The); or Unlveraal Dictionary of Arta, Soienoea 
 ' and Literature, by Abraham Kcea, D.D., F.K.8., See., Sec, with 
 the oflHiHtanoo of aovoral professional Gentlemen ; in XXXIX vols, 
 (portrait of Dr. lleca), 1819; illustrated with' numofouH cnpfrav- 
 incB, by the most distinguishoJ artists, in 6 vbls. 18:20; 4te half 
 calf, well bound and preserved, in all 45 vols. 
 London, 1819-20 
 The Preface, by Dr. I^s, says in regard to " the oxtcnsioa; 
 of the work beyond the limits first proposed," that '• it was dW 
 tcrmincd to introduce Biography as well as Geography, Toi 
 graphy and History upon a larger scale.'.' , 
 The Preface accredits assistants for their several articles, < 
 list of names contains the best of British contemporaries for ( 
 cellcnt knowledge in " Arts, Sciences and Literature." 
 '•Dr. Thomas Rccs (son of the author), has paid particular 4t- 
 ' tention to the arrangement of the plates ; he has also drawn un a 
 digested catologuo, &c." To Mr. Donovan is due " the Qene|-al 
 Systaniatic Arrangement of the plates of Natural History." 
 The 6 volume^ of plates of very fine execution, and the copL 
 clear and vivid, vols. I to 4 are of the several subjects in the ord^ 
 of the alj^habet, excepting " Natural Historv" that makes tl 
 vol. v., -very choice plates; Ancient and Modern. Atlas, vol. 
 4@rTbis is now a highly prized Work, and cost without th^ 
 binding £85 sterling. 
 CHAMELEON (The) Second Edition, 8v6 half calf. London, ISSJ 
 CARPENTER' 6- (Wm. B.)M.D, F.RS. Vegetoble Physidogy,>6r 1 
 Systematic Botany, and Philosophy of History in a course orlecturesl 
 delivered at Vienna, by tfchlogal, memoir by J. B. Robertaiii, Esq. 
 London, 1846 
 CEVANTE'S Exemplary Tales, translated from the Spanish, by 
 W. K. Kell^, portrait, and Scientific Dialogued for the iostraction 
 and entertainment of young people, by Rev. J. Joyce, 2 vols. 8vo 
 half calf. London, 1852-55 
 CREASY'S Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. Smile's 
 industrial biography, iron-workers and toot makers, 2 bks. 8vo half 
 calf, uniform. Boston, 1864 
 CANADA, or a vjew of the importance of th6 British American Col- 
 onies, by D. Anderson, with a map of the British Colonies and the 
 United States of America, 8vo half calf. ' London, 1814 
 CATLOW'S Popular British Entymology, 12mo half calf extra, 
 beautiful colored illustrations. London, 1852 
 — » — 's Popular Scripture Zoology, containing a fanuliar history 
 of the anin)a}0 mentioned in the Bible, 12mo cloth, colored plates. 
 London, 1852- 

 CA8TLEKEAGirS(Kt..Hon. Lord Viitcount) Report of tho Com- 
 mittoo ofSecrooy, nppoint«d to taks into oonntduration tho troaiion 
 able papon promntod to the lIouM of Conitnoim of Ireland, 8vn 
 bonnlH. London, 17U8 
 CASTLEUKAGII (Viitcount) McmoirH and corroHpondenoo of—, 
 oditod by hiit brother, 8vo; vol. 1, containinj^ Irinh llobollion, vol. 
 2, Arranginnontu for n Union, vol. 3, Coninlction of the Lc^iHlativo 
 Union, vol. 4, ContosMionH to Catholica ana ditwcntcrH, nnd Knimot'H 
 Inaurcotion, 4 vols. 8vo cloth. C>Ht £2. " London 1849 
 COllTES, DflhpittcheH of — , addrowicd to the Ktniioror CharluH, writ- 
 ten during the ci^nqucHt nnd containing a narrative of ita ovontM, 8vo 
 boards. " 1813 
 CllINA, Tartnry and Thibet, 3 vol«. Hvo cloth. 
 London, IS.")? 
 CONVERSATIONS for the Younj?, de«i;;ned U) promote the profit- 
 able reading of the Holy t^cripturcH, by Rev. R. Watson, Tinio 
 half calf. London, 1835 
 CAREW (Thonww) The workH of—, I'iino calf, tooled and j^ilt. 
 Ediiibur^R', 1824 
 CLIVE (Robt.). The life of—, by the Rev. 0. R. Oloig, M.A., 
 12mo half calf. London, 1848 
 CROKER (T. Croft^m) The Popular Songs of Ireland, eolloetcd and 
 edited with introductions and notes by—, 8vo half calf. 
 London, 1839 
 COCKLE'S (Mrs.) Important Studios for the Female box. Id refer- 
 ence to modern manners, 12mo calf, neat, London, 1809 
 DON QUIXOTE. The history of—, by Cervantes, the text 
 edited by F. W. Clark, M.A., uud a biographical notice of Cer- 
 vantes, by T. Teignmouth Shore, M.A., beautifully illustrated by 
 Qustave Dore, Cassil's beautiful edition, 4 to half morocco, extra 
 gilt leaves. 
 DUBLIN Penny Journal (The) for the years 1832-3-4-5-6, 4 vols. 
 4to half calf extra. 
 All that was published of this interesting work, it is now very 
 scarce, and commands a high price. • 
 DICTIONARY (The Imperial) of Universal Biography, a series 
 of original memoirs of distinguished men of all ages and 
 nations, by writers of eminence in the various branches of litera- 
 ture, science and art, 3 vols. 4to half culf, beautifully enibellished 
 with numerous portraits on steel A new and valuable work. 
 ; The imperial English Technological and Scien* 
 tifio, on the basis of Webster's English Dictionary, with an 
 addition of many thousand words and phrases, including the most 
 general technical and scientific terms, with their etymology 
 and pronunciation ; also a supplement by John Ogelvie, L.L.D. 
 2 vok 4to half calf, illustrated by about 2500 engravings. 
 London, 18CI5 

 I GO 
 DEMOSTHENKS Tho Oratoico of— |.ronounwHl U* oxoito tho 
 AtheoiAim aguiiHit !*hilip King oi MnccUon, tnuiHluted into Kng 
 Huh by Thou. Iicliin«l,I).D., 3 vok 8vo full oalf, extra. 
 lioiidon, 1770 
 DODSIiEY'S Collection of I'ociiw, by Hcvcral bamln, 6 vok 12mo 
 calf, gilt. 1768 
 ThJH irt a ran^ ami very curious collcotion of |»ooniH, not adniitt- 
 (;(1 into tlu) itubliHhud colloctionn of tho aulhorn of tho laiit cen- 
 DIIAMATISTS. r.ivort of tho IJritirth DranmtiMtH, by ThoH. Camp- 
 bell, Wiu. Gijlonl, L«i};h Hunt, (ioorgc D.irloy, Ac, 2 voIh bound 
 in 1, half calf. 1846 
 DlINOKIiKY'S (Henry) M.A., Charter of tho Nationn, or trade and 
 its rcHulta, 8vo calf, extra, tooled and gilt, marbled linings and 
 loavoii. London, 1854, 
 DOMKNKCH (Abb6 Km.) Sovcn Yearn' n;Hidcnc« in the Great 
 Uemirt.* of N. America, by — , illuHtrated with 58 woodcutH by 
 A. .lolict, 3 plates of ancient Indian music, and a map, hIiow- 
 iiig the netuftl wtuation of tho Indian Tribes and tho country 
 deHcrilwd by the author, 'J volf?. 8vo cloth. London, 18(iU 
 DALYUAMPLK'H Memoirs of ( riritain and Ireland, from the 
 IttHt parliament of Chaa. II. until the battle of L:i Hoguo, 4to, 
 calf neat. Edinburgh, 1771 
 DE FOE (Daniel). The novelrt and miHcellaneous works of — 
 with prcfuc«iH and notoH, including thoae attributed to Sir Wultqr 
 Scott, 7 vol«. 8vo calf extra, very neat. London, 1X55 
 AdventurcH of Uobin.son Cru.soe, by — . 8vo half tnorocco, 
 Beautifully illuHtrated (in French). Pari%18U 
 DE MOLEVILLE'S History of Greit Britiin^ from tho first inva- 
 sion of tho llomans to the year 1763, 4 vols. 8vo calf extra. 
 London, 181 1 
 DODD'S Curiosities of Industry^ and the applied sciences, 8vo half 
 calf. London, 1821 
 DUNDAS ; or a nketch of Canadian History, and more particularly 
 of the County of Dundas, one of tho oarlicH settled counties in 
 Upper Canada, by Janios Croil, half calf. 1862 
 DRUiMMOND'S Letters to a Young Naturalist, 12mo calf. 
 London, 1832 
 DOUGLAS (Rev. Herman) Jerusalem tho Golden, and the way to 
 it foreshadowed by the Holy Tabornaclcj 8vo half calf extra,(fronti8- 
 piece) illustrated, title page in colours. London, 1862 
 DAVIDSON'S Treatise on Food, comprising tho natural history, pro* 
 prieties, eoi^osition, ultsutions, and uses of tho vegetables, &#., 
 dec, 12mo half calf ext|B j^^. London, 1843 
 D'ISRAELI'S (J.) Curiosities of Literature)^ vols. 8vo half calf. 
 Boston, 1834 
 DARWIN (Dr.) Memoirs of tho life of—, 8vo half calf. 
 London, 1804 
 t lljfc 
^^"^ - ^Ti^Wp^sr f^^'fS 
 #■ • 
 ■. , ,' 
 ", 4 ■ 
 * • 
 D'AUBION^'H UhUity of tho Uofuriuilion of tbo Idth o«olurv, 
 6 vol*, in 1, Urgn Hvfioluth. isifl' 
 Dn(JKUN;S(ir. W) l»ictur« HUloryofKngWid, from tli« inw- 
 aion of Juliun Oouur Ui iImj pnsiicnt titiw, written for tl>e une iif tho 
 young, illuHtrntfld with HO tsngraviiiKM. by tho bruthoni Daliiol, from 
 th(Ml«>iii^tin, by All. ItiiyllM, Hiiiiili 4t«i uloth. 
 I'AVIK'iS (/Vltio KuiwurvhuM 011 tho ori^^in, truditinoN aod Unguagonf 
 tho nnoititit Ilritonn, with Mkotchuii un primilivo micioty, htr^o Hvo 
 bulfonlf. iioiidtin IH04 
 DON QUIXOTE; riiiKliioaux hidul^^n— do I.Miuuichii |Nir Mi;;u(<| 
 de Curvaiittii Huavcdru, '2 vuln. Hvu. hulf monicco, pl.itOM and vi}{- 
 n«tt«it. l>iirin, 1851 
 DK QIJINCV. Th« tivcM und woikn of Miohncl An^^olo nnd IU(ihaol, 
 by — , illuHtrutcd with 15 highly finlnhod vn;;ruving>t Hvo oloth. 
 DOWNINCrS TroutUi on tho theory luid pniotioc of landmuitM) gar- 
 doninu;. with roiuurkn mi rurul arohitvcturo, lur{;o Hvu cloth, buauti- 
 fully illHutroUid. lH5;i 
 DIINt'AN'S (JoninicntarioH <»f Citwir, trannhitod into Kn^Usb, to 
 which in prefixed a diMcuurHU concoruing tlu) Uouian art oi'.War, lar^^o 
 Hvo half loan, IH5H 
 DIARY of a Tour through i!?outh«ru India, Kj^y|)t and I'uluatino in 
 IH'il-'J'i, Hvohiltf nioi-(K;(;o, niaiiM. London, 1823 
 ENNKMOHEU'S (JoHoph) IliHtory of Ma^ic, trannlatcd from tlw 
 Uerman, by ilowitt, 2 voIh. Hvo hulf calf, neat. London, lH5t) 
 A Hcoond copy . 
 EVELYN'S Diary and Correspondence, to which M Hubjoincd 
 the private correfipondenco between Kin"; (Jhas. 1. and 8ir E. 
 NicholttH, edited from tho orignal MHS. At Wotton, by Wni. Hraye, 
 Vm\., tt new edition in 4 vols. 8vo half calf extra, bouutifalljr cmbcl- 
 •liBhod with Htool and other platcH. London, 1862 
 IfNGLAND. Hume and Smollett'H history of England, with n con- 
 tinuation to tho rei<rn of Quceh- Victoria, by Edward Farr, Eaq., 
 with tt preliminary ontUiy, by t^o Rev. Henry Stchbiiij^, D.D. 3 vols. 
 4 to holf calf, Bupcrbly illustrated, with hundrcdu of utecl engravings. 
 ^^ Londou 
 ERSKINE'S (Wmrytm., History of India, unxler tho two first W>v- 
 ereigns of tho bouso of Taimur Biber and Ilunncgun, 2 vols, lorgo 
 *<\o oloth. " London, 1854 
 EVERTS (W. W.) The life and thought* of John Foster, by—, 8vo 
 half calf, jMrtrait. New York, 1851 
 EMINENT Men und popular books, from " Tho/Timos," 12mo 
 fcalf calf extra. Z London; 1859 
 ENGLISH Saci-ed Oratory, and Uncle Tom'» Cabin, 2 books, 8vo 
 half calf extra. 1858, '66 
 ENGLAND. The authors of—, a series of niedallion portraits of 
 raod^ra literary characters, engraved from the works of Britbh art- 
 ists, by A. Collas, with illustrative notices, by^. F. Chorely, 4to, 
 Bmbossed cloth. London, 1861 
 j g, * 
 RUROPR. N«w Railway and TtUigrapliio map of—, aumntcd oa 
 lin«n, ill ololh oaiw!. 
 ENOLIHH (TImi) Harmony of th« Fuur Ooiipnlii in paraKrtpha and 
 parttlloliNHiN, with th« variation of (h« anoUnl nianuM'riptN and 
 Tnniinnii, n)nr]^innt rvfbrBnow, and qritioot and exf^aoator j n^M», 
 4fti cloth. 1856 
 KNOlilMII liitimituro. A oomptindiouii hintnry of Kiigliitli Litcratur* 
 nnd liiinpjuiiK" Troni %\w Normna (*(tn«|Utwt, with nuinernuM apt^oiniona, 
 hy Owiryii \,. ('r«ik, L.Ij.D., 2 vuU, Urgw Hvo cloth. 
 liondon, IHOl 
 FIJSTA(?K (Ilov.John Chfltwoode) A rhiiwioal Tour through Italy, 
 by— , illuNtrated with nniap or Ituly, plium of CburvboM, an Indtti, 
 Ike, 4 vok InrRc Hvo hnlt'calf oxtrti. London, 181ft 
 Klil4lS(Wm.) TolyncHinn UoiM'nrch«<n durinj; a rcwidenc* of nearly 
 oight y«ara in th« wwioty, and .Sandwich Ittlunda, by — ,4voln. 12nio 
 half poon cttir extra, IlluatraU'd. London, 1H31 
 KNCY(JL()lM<:i)l A Brittnnnion, .>r u Dictionary of Arta, Hci«ncea 
 ihkI nuHTolliuHioUii liti^rnturo, in 24 voU. 4to halt calf, Ijcautifully ora- 
 IwlliHlicd with nearly nix hundred cngravingH, tin« out, being tho fifth 
 Kdition, with thu Hupplumont. Edinburgh, 1817 
 KN(iLANI). liottcm from , by T>.in Monuol Alvurcn Ra 
 priellii, trannlitcd from tho voIh. I'imo half calf oitra. 
 \ London, 1807 
 KSSAYISTS (Tho British), with prcfuco^ hlHtorical ond biogrophl- 
 cal, by Alex. tJhoImerH, F.8.A. 45 voln. (vol. 32 miwing) I2nio full 
 calf extra. London, 1808 
 ConipriHing Tatlor 3, Si^ctaUir 10, Guardian 3, Rambler 4, Ad- 
 venturer 3, World 4, Connoiwtour 2, Idler 1, Mirror 2, Loun(^r 2, 
 Obnurvor 3, LcMiker on 4, Gcnciral Index I. 
 Kl'IOUllKAN (The) A tnio by Thoa. Moore, 12mo full calf extra, 
 luHtefully tooled and gilt, with illuatrations. London, 1827 
 KNGLANDJTho HiHtory of—, from tho iuvauion of Juliua CiB«ir 
 to the revolution in 1688, by David Hume, Eiiq., 8 voli. and from 
 tho revolution to tho death of Geo. II;, 5 vols, by S. Smollett, M.D. 
 (designed oh n cdntinuution of Mr^ Hume'M history) together, 13 voIh. 
 8vo. full calf, illustrated with plates. London, 1786 
 KL0I8A, or n scries of original letters collected and puldished by 
 Mr. J. J. IlouHSCuu, 3 vols. l2mo full o.ilf. London, 1803 
 EMKLIUS, or a treatise of education, translated from the Frenoh, 
 by J. J. Ilouhsoau, 3 vols. 12mo fulloalf. 1768 
 ENGLAND Tho History of, from tho invasion of Julius Coesar, to the 
 revolution in 1688, with the lite of Hume, written by himself, 10 voIb. 
 Also, from tho revolution to the reign of Geo. II., designed an a 
 continuation of Hume, by T. Smollett, M.D. 6 vols, best editions, 
 portraits of both authors, 16 vols. 8vo uniform, pale calf gilt, covers 
 gilt at the comers, rarely well bound. Einburgh, 1818 
 EDGEWOKTirS (Maria) Novek and Talo»— plates and vignettes, 
 15 vols. 8vo half calf, colored, double lettered, fine edition, and the 
 best. London, 1832-3. 
 f « 
 iLJSOANT Kttn^l* in (P«m, pMtry inil »^»l\m, uniktm fluli 
 tvolitfoiiir. I^ondcHi, lfiO:i 
 ^ ■ ■i ■ ■ - in priMe, 'i voIk. |Mi«try 2 vok ond cpUUcM'i voIn. 
 HMMthar tf voIm. Hvo cnirestni, unifurm. 1791 
 Hi^'IS' (Um) Family S«pf«U w HluU i^ tl«>^ wIh» w«»iiM msW 
 hot^e litppy, H voIm. Hvu cloth, }i}\i leivoai, Iw.iulU'iilly illuHtniltol liy 
 nrv^'rnl hIcoI oiijipr&vlntfii. . ■ Loiidoii ii.a. 
 KN(i^LANI), Hi«!«»ry i)r— (rum ih« iiivmiiofi of JiiliuM Vtvmr, in th«* 
 rttvo^iitioii of (UHH, i>y l>. Ilum(% Kni|., irtmliniiot to tlin <i«*iitli of m, 
 ilwll. hy T. Siimltett, MA., |NirtriiitM ol' oncii uutlior, uml a i^tiiJ^L 
 mom<l^ir of iluiiio hy liiiMN«||', lur^> Hvo liiilt' monicco ' itJtltKr 
 KNOLAND. TrInI of llu' Qm>«'ii of , wmtninlnK tliu priMnMliiip, 
 ill tlio (loiixo of l<l)rll^ n!(triiati<«l from their JounmlM nii ttlw Hill of 
 Piling 1^11*1 l*<Miiilti<<ii, lor tlrpriviiig ll«<r MnJoNty of her ri(tbtN on 
 QiuH'n (Joiiwirt, iiml nfft-otiiij; u divoron from \\\^ lyfnjcHty <j('()r)i;u 
 IV., ninlf\ niHo thii wlinU) of llm doiuiico, Hvu hulf ralf citrn, v«rj 
 KiiroD, miIIh liondon, IH'iO 
 KNGIilSIIMKN. Mvc'Mofom'iiicMit mid illti«lrloiH ~, from Alfred 
 tliu (irmt to lh*t tiidmt t)>i>«i. on an ori^itiiil plan, tiditiul by (i. (i. 
 Cumiiii^ntmi, ilJiiMtratiHl bttMr >'<'ri(M of limdy oxecntod iwrtraitn hc- 
 luctcd from\tliif moNt iitmiiotio MourcoN, iind oii^rnvcd by omiiKmt 
 urtiMtM, H vok Svo bnlf cull', iiiiflt. •(Jltw«j'ow, 1H:I7 
 KNOLANI). \ Tlio llitlory of — IVoiii tim noooHHioii of Kin^ (jlform; 
 in. to ilin cokcliiNion of po.ico in I7H^, by John AdolphuH, Kw|., 
 K.S.A., :i voIh.\Hvo. calf. London, 1810 
 1^,. History of -, from th<« InvaNlon of JnliiiH (!n'Har 
 to tlio Uovolutioy ill MiHS, by D.ivid lliitnc, Jh<H4|., with an aocotint 
 of hill lifo writtV'n by himnolf, H voh. Hvo oalf, with iSniollot'M con- 
 ttnu»ti(Hi, fV voIh. In all VA vtik. calf, n«at, illuMtrated with platcM. 
 < ii'n. lSp2 4 
 KNdililSlI liitcratiirR. (/y^utxtdia of^ — , oonHii^ii||^Q||^McricH ot' 
 HpocinU'iiH of Hrili)(h writer' in profto and v]| 
 hiiitorical and critioariuirrntivo, cditod by I 
 <lar((0'^vo half uulf extra, illuHtratvd. Kdtnbiirjrh, IHt.'i 
 l|N«YCLOPvKI)lA. Tho Penny--, of Mociety for tho diffusion of 
 I'lil Ktvowled;;n, .'U VoIn. in 17 (including 'i voIh. HuppIomcntH) 4to 
 London, 1K5| 
 fWni,.)f Tlici Shipwreck, n Poem, by — , ijvo calf. 
 Hftuk of MartyrH, edited by the Rovd. John Cum- 
 mirt. 8v(^pl||%)und in red calf extra, illuHtrntcd with Htoel 
 c^Wtc^^^ Bartlctt/wtanfiold, A:c. London, 184-4 
 Another copy full bound In Kcorcd rumia, oxtra^ tooled 
 • and gilt, marbled linings and loaves, 3 vols. 1844 
 FAIllBtlllN'S Crests of Croat Britain nud Ireland, compiled from 
 tho best authoHticM, by James Fairbum, and revised by Lawronco 
 Butters, 2 vols, largo Svo cloth. . 
 i^EBsM 4/~ 
 230,rv of tb« country. cd«„i«, .„d Inh.hlUnl? fn,^ ih« (;.,rof 
 h«bit-, Ac. Ac:, 8vo half call; illu«t„UHl with m,m^f.L pl.t«, J«d 
 th« Way, on tlio now worlil and it! pflopl«, 8vo clotb. 
 ^t^l^^-K*'*^ U»lv«n.«l Dictionary of the M»l»«, 4to o«lt, lllu». 
 'S h'!r'!Ii? ^"^" •'"'"•> ^'"«"^ ''' Antl-No JC!l' Vol" 
 FllTlVM n I • . M . '^»»*««'. 1829 
 K 1 u T '«.''"P'»"'«' M«molr« of New South Wdw. fcy vtriou. 
 KINIHHhl) MvHtory to which ih ndded in Mamini.ti(Mi of M. 
 Brown on the :?nd Advmit by Qh>. Duko of M«nchc«tflr, llvocbth. 
 H)JR8,«crH(Thfl)-~.P«tion««, Humility. IIo|h, nnd I.ovw, by th« 
 •uthor o» •< Hurry and hia Ho.non," . n«w edition with illuiitationa, 
 l2mo. half «uilf,)xtr«. LiudtJ* 1869 
 » FKlUHJfSON'H Aftronouiy «xpIuino.I upon Sir Iimaa Newtoif'i nrin- 
 \ oiplM, 8vo calf, nuuioruuH folding pluUm. I.oiidonk 1778 
 jQOL^MITH (OlLver) M. B. The ..uHc«Ilan«QUH w.rk» #-.. , " 
 I pew edition, to which \h profixed Honio account of biii lifo and wuL 
 IngB, 4 vol. Hv„ full aalf. |,„„j„„^ jh^I 
 -_^ jhe Citlicnn of the World ; or Lotton. from nUhiinciw 
 Fhil<«oplicr roNiding in London to hin friendu in the Ewt 2 vok 
 nl?,T;iil." L?."' y?.7 "*"*'• I^onJon, 1809 
 OOLDSMl rU (OhverV The worki of-, with introducUiry notes 
 •nd a hfe of-, by J. K. Waller, L.L.D. A fino copy with C««ilii 
 GOLpSMlTIl a)Hver)'M.B. The life of-, from a variety of 
 ongioAl sources by Janiog Prior, 2 voIh. 8vo, full calf, extra, tooliad 
 and jrilt, Murray'* edition with fuoHimilea of IiIh rGoldamith's) 
 London, 1837 
 (Dr.) The History of Knglanl from tha.jBaiJie«t 
 times to the death of Geo. IL, by—, continued to the deothoTGeo 
 III., by the llevd. R. Lyiiam, A.M., 3 vols. 8yo, half calf. 
 London, 1826 
 TT" A Hwtory of the Earth and Animated Nature by—, a 
 new edition with corrections and additions, 6 vols. 8vo, half calf 
 extra, illustrated with copperplates. London 1822 

 W*f te >' /" / 

 '.©. . ■ * 
 K" .r 
 GOLPSMITtf. -^second Copy, brown hdf calf. 
 GOLDSMITH'S (Oliver) History of the Earth and Animated 
 Nature * vols. 8vo calf extra, embellished with copper plates. 
 London, 1822 
 GIBBON (Edward, Ms^) The H is tonr of the decline and fall of 
 the Roman Empire, by — , a new edition in 12 vols. Svo., full 
 gjjjf London, 1806 
 GEN LIS (Madame de)— Oeuvres de— 10 vols. 12mo, half calf 
 Paris. 1826 
 GILBERT (J. T.), M.R.J.A. , A History of the City of Dublin 
 l)y_;^ith a general index; in 3 vols. Svo, blue cloth. Dublin, 1861 
 236 GIBBON'S (Edward). History of the decline and fall of the Roman 
 Empire with notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot; edited with 
 additional notes by Wm. Smith, L.L.D., 8 vols. 8vo., cloth, portrait 
 and maps, Murray's edition. London, 1862 
 The Miscellaneous Works of—, with memoirs of his life 
 and writings composed by himself, illustrated from his letters, with 
 occasional notes and narrative by the Right Hon. John, Lord Shef- 
 field, 5 vols. 8 vo., half calf. London, 1814 
 GENERAL Conchology ; or a description cf Shells, arranged accord- 
 in" to the Lumean System and illustrated with sixty plates contain- 
 in^ 260 figures of univalves and bivalves, by W. Wood, F. R. S. 
 and L. S., large Svo, half morocco, extra gilt leaves. £3 5s. 1835 
 GAZETEER (The Imperial.) A general dictionary of geography, 
 '.physical, political, statistical and descriptive, compiled- from the 
 latest and best authority, edited by W. G. Blackie, Ph. D., 2 -vols. 
 4to, half calf, with several hundred illustrations, views, costumes, 
 maps, plans, dec. 1860 
 GULLIVER'S (Lemeul) Travels into severaUremote nations of the 
 world, by Jonathan Swift, with Memoir of the author, Svo illus- 
 trated. ,^ London, 1862 
 A second and third copy. do 
 GRISWOLD (R.W.) The Prose Writers of America, with a survey 
 of the intellectual history, .condition, and prospects of the Country, 
 illustrated with portraits from original pictures, large Svo half calf 
 Poets and Poetry of America to the iniddle of tjie 
 19th Century, illustrated wiih beautiful portraits on steel, large 8 vo 
 half calf. • 1852 
 GRIFFIN (Fred.) Junius Discovered by — , 12mo half calf. 
 Bosion, 1854 
 GRATTAN'S (Thos. CoUey)* History of the Netherlands, 12mo 
 half calf. London, 1830 
 GUIZOT'S (F.) History of the Englidi Revolution of 1640, com- 
 mooly called the Great Rebellion, from the acoession of Chas. I, to 
 his death, 2 vols, in 1, Svo half calf 
 247 — — Another copy. 
 New York, I84t> 
 dr do. 
 iL=^'T'!^tJS:,.w:t-)(&^2^C 3*« ''ia^SkK^j- 
 ■■■•v., •, , .?. .■'■ 
 OEMS of LitoriRture, Elegant, rare and suggestive, small 4to cloth, 
 gilt, beautiful paper and plates. Gdioburgfc, 1866 
 OKAY (Thos.) The Poetical Works of—, with illustrations, by C. 
 W. Radclyife, edited with men^oir by Henry Reed, Rvo half culf 
 neat. Philadelphia, 1851 
 OROSSE'S British Ortiithology, Lindsay's British Lichens, and 
 White's Mammalia, 3 bks. 12mo half calf, extra, benutituUy embel- 
 lished with numerous colored plates. ' London, 1950-53-55 
 GREATEST Plague of Life, or the adventures of a lady in search 
 of a good Servant, 8vo complete in 1 vol. 1847 
 The foliowing Galleries and Splendidly Illustrated Books 
 from the late Lord Bishop of Tmiin's Library , are 
 generally Subscriber's Copies, ■ 
 $52 GAIXERY of Pictures TThe) by the first musters of the English 
 and foreign schools, with i)iogrc'iphical and critical dissertations, by 
 Allan Cunniqgham, 2 vols. 4to. half calf, embellished with 97 steel 
 plate engravings and portraits by Raphael, Claude, Vandyke, Stott- 
 hardf Reynolds, Wilkies, Rubens, Rembrandt, Paul, Potter, Gain- 
 borough, Copley, fcJmyrk, Morlund, Corggio, Muriflo, Northcote, 
 !Pussin, Westiill, icQ.^ &c. A very fine copy, Curly impressions of 
 ■ttieplites. ,Co^t£8 Ss. London 
 253 GILBERT (John.) The Songs and Sonnets of Shakespeare illus- 
 trated by — comprising the many exqui&itely engraved designs printed 
 (qp India proof paper, with letterpress and 10 chromo-litbographs, 
 folioy full bound in morocco, 3 guineas. 
 254 BURNS (Robt.) The complete works of—, containing the poems, 
 songs, and correspondence, and illustrated by 74 early pvoof en- 
 gravings, by Bartlett, AUom, and other artists, with a life of the 
 poet. and critical correspondence, by Allan Cunningham, 2 vols. 
 4to. Cost £3 3s. 
 255 HOOKER (Sir Wm. Jackson) K.H. L.L.D., &c., &c.. Director of 
 the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew. A centenary of Ferns 
 in Figures, with brief descriptions of one hundred new and rare or 
 imperfectly known species olf. Ferns, plates magnificently colored, 
 royal 8vo half green morocco. Cost 3 guineas. London, IS-H 
 256 B0URA8SE (M.L'Abb^ J.J.) Residences royales et imperiales de 
 France, Histoire et monuments par — , large, 8vo half red morocco, 
 gilt. . 1864 
 257 BRADFORD (Rev. Wm.) A.B. Sketches of the country, character, 
 ' costume of Portugal and ^pain, made during the campaign and 
 on the rout of the British army in 1808 and 1809, engraved and 
 ^ colored from the drawing, with incidental illustrations and 
 appropriate description of each subject, 56 plates, colored equal to 
 water color drawings, folio, half morocco. London, 1809 
 A very p e rf e ct copy of this magnific e nt work originally publish - 
 pdat£l5 15s. 
 = •■ . -5^ 
 i a. — a ^g'-..: .~ 

 I* t 
 CHAMBBRLAINB (J.) D.P.8.A. Original designs of the most 
 celebrated maatera of the Bologoese, Roman, Florentine and Vene- 
 tian Schools, comprising some of the works of Leonardo da Vinci, 
 the Caracoi, Claude, Lorraine, Raphael, Michael Angelo, the Pou»! 
 sins knd others in his majesty's collection ; engraved by Bartolozzi, 
 P. W. Tomkins, Schiavonetti, Lewis and other eminent engravers' 
 with biographical and historical sketches of L. Da Vinci and the 
 Caracci, by— London||l812; and engravings for the original de- 
 signs, Anmbali, Augostino and Ladovicio, Caricci, in his majesty's 
 collection consisting of elegant compositions and studies of the vari- 
 ous celebrated pictures in the diflFcreot palacCs and cabinets of Rome, 
 Bologna, Parma, I*Han, Sec. by the same; printed on the Shako- 
 speate press plates, exquisitely tinted, both volumes in one, folio 
 halfmoroccocxtra, gilt edges, Cost £25. London, 1797 
 EMINENT Conservative Statesmen, Portraits of— engraved in the , jb 
 finest style of the art with geneological and historical memoirs, coiij*^,^ 
 prismg seventy-two portraits of the great Conservative Statcameitfil /'I 
 large paper copy, 2 vols, royal 4to cloth. London, n.d -^ 
 260 ATHENS (The Antiquities of), Measured and Delineated by James 
 Stuart, P. R. S. and ¥. S. A., and Nicholas Revett, 3 vols, in 2, ele- 
 phant folio, half bound in vellum. ^ London, n. d. 
 (t> A Subscriber's copy of this magnificent work, with a list of the 
 Subscriber's names; clear and perfect impressions of the fine 
 plates. Cost£20. 
 261 BURKE'S (Sir Bernard). Book of Orders of Knighthood and decora- 
 tions of honour of all nations, comprising an historical account of 
 each order, military, naval, and civil, from the earliest to the pre- 
 sent time, with lists of the Knights and Companions of each Bri- 
 ---^ tish order, embellished with fac simile colored illustrations of the 
 ^-^4nsigma of the various orders Royal, Svo red cloth, title, printed 
 " ^''^^^' _ __ _ -/-^ London, 1858 
 ^1^^^^.^ (^^^»'''^)^-S-An and Thos. Wright, M.A., 
 F.a.A., Miscellanea Graphica, repredentatioii of ancient medieval 
 and renaissance, remains in the possession of Lord Londesborough 
 drawn, engraved and described by— the historical introduction by- 
 royal half brown morocco, gilt and tooled. London, 1857 
 HERVEY'S (T. K.) Illustrations of Modern Sculpture, a series of 
 engravings with descriptive prose and illustrative poetry, proof 
 plates on India paper, folio. Lond^, 1834 
 ^M^^^^^^^ ^P?^^'^)- ^ Histoxy of the Earth and Animated 
 ^ature, b:^-, with an introductory view of the Animal King- 
 dom, by Baron Cuvier. Copious notes of discoveries in natural 
 history and a life of the author, by Washington Irvmg. in 2 vols 
 !T f'^'i'.^c'^' beautifuUy iUustirated by several magnificent 
 co l ored pl a te s of animals, ins e cts, &c, ' — ^ 

 *.» .(*'".*»»; * 
 ' tH 
 SMITH (Revd. J. J.) Cambridge Portfolio : 
 : — " What have we here f 
 A titiiel}r.wrought Portfolio, my Lord ; 
 Full of rich tl^iDgg and rare devioes. I 
 Have heard it was his love, his pet, hia joy ; 
 To glean by day, and sow for it by night, 
 Would it might please you !" 
 embellished with numerous outline and other engravings, autographs, 
 portraits, &e., with letterpr^ descriptions, &c., regarding the Uni- 
 versity, 4to half brown morocco, gilt extra, tooled- London, 1841 
 RUSSIA. Costume of the .Russian Empire illustrated by upwards 
 of seventy richly coloured engravings, dedicated by permission to her 
 Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth, with letterpress descrip- 
 tion, a beautiful engraved title and dedication j a very valuable 
 work, folio, full blue morocco, gilt edges. Cost 8 guineas, 
 FELLOWES (W. D. Esq.) A Visit to the Monastery of La 
 Trappe in 1817, with notes taken during a tour through Le Perche, 
 Normandy, Britanyj Poitou, Augou Le Bocage, Touraine, Or- 
 Icanor, and the environs of Paris, by — , illustrated with numerous 
 coloured engravings from drawings made on the spot, royal 8vo. full 
 bound in rich green morocco, tooled and gilt. London, 1825^ 
 HOGARTH (W.) The Woplpft*^--, moralized; ay,fin§ copy with 
 numerous plates and portrait; 4tobai£morocco. London, 1834 
 LONDON NEWS (The Illustrated) oomurising ptcturea relating ta 
 the Russian War and the Great Exhibition at Paris, &c., 2 vols, 
 folio. London, 1856 
 PALAIS — Maisons et autres edifices modernes, dessinfes a Rome, 
 Publeis k Paris, I'au 6 de la Republique Francaise, folio. 
 Paris, n. d. 
 NUTTER (M. E.) Carlisle in the Olden Time, a series of views 
 of ancient public buildings formerly in the city of Carlisle, designed 
 from the originals by — , with historical descriptions, folio, half 
 bound, fine proof plates on India paper by Ackerman. London, 1835 
 CLUTTON (Henry.) Illustrations of Mediaeval Architecture in 
 France from the accession of Chas. VI. to the demise of Louis 
 XII., with historical and professional remarks, folio, half morocco 
 red, plates finely coloured. Cost £10. London, 1856 
 ROSCOE (Thomas) Esq. Wanderings and Excurbions in North 
 Wales by — , with 41 engravings by Radclyfie, from drawings 
 by Cattermole, Creswick, &c., large 8vo. half morocco. Cost 
 £4.10 London, 1836 
 LONDON. Ackerman's Select views of — , with historical and de- 
 scriptive sketchesof some of the most interesting of its public build- 
 ings, compiled by John, B. Papwortb, Architect, 76 plates finely 
 colored, 4to full bound in scored calf, extra gilt. ^ London, 1816 '} 
 — The Pictorial Handbook ot^ comprising its antiqui- 
 tics, architecture, arts, manufactures, trade, institutions, exhibitioiis, 
 &c., with some account, of the principal luburbs, and 205 wood en- 
 gravings, and a complete map, 12mo a very thick volume, half calf. 
 London, nx[. -■.- 
 SI '» .v 
 ■"■'■■ ■ i■^■,■■ ♦■ 
 S- r^Sjj 
 LONDON. The History of—, illustrated by yiews in London and 
 Westminster, engraved by Jobn Woods from orinnal drawings of 
 Shepherd, Ourland, Roberts, Ac. , edited by W.O. Fearnside and T. 
 Harral, 30 arohiteetaral views, well chosen, good impressions, 8vo 
 halt calf. ' London, 1838 
 '. And Middlesex, or a Survey of the Metropolis of Great 
 Britain, includlDg sketches of its environs and of the most remark- 
 able places in the above country, by K. W. Bray ley, in 2 vols.^ vol.' 
 Ill . bound in two parts (part if. .containing the history and de- 
 scription of Westminster), by the Rev. Jo3. Nightingale, vol. IV., 
 and last, by J. N. Brewer, ■!• vols, bound in 5, 8vo half calf, elegant. 
 London,- 1810-1« 
 EDINBURGH in the 19th Century, exhibiting the whole of the new 
 buildiDgi?, modern improvements, antiquities, and picturesque scen- 
 ery of the Scottish Metropolis and its environs, from original draw- 
 ings,i)y Mr. Thos. H. Shepherd, with bistoricui topographical and 
 critical illustrutions, 4to blue half calf London, ] 829 
 SHAW (Henry) F.S.A., Author of the Dresses an(| Decorations of 
 the middle ages. The Hand-book of Medaeval Alphabets and De- 
 vices, by — , imperial. 8vo plates, some beautifully colored and title 
 printed in colors *t ' * London, 1856 
 EXHIBITION (The Great) of 1851, Treatise on— , in 24 cihapters 
 with 70 or HO engravings, some folded, 8vo , half cali'. 
 EDWARDS (E . ) Anecdotes of Painters who have resided or been 
 born, in England, with critical remarks on their productions by — 
 intended as a continuation to the anecdotes of Painting, by the late 
 Horace, Earl of Orford, with portraits of some of the most eminent 
 painters and engravers. Fine oppy, royal 4to full purple morocco, 
 gilt edges, tooled backs and side^ Loudon, 1808 
 SHAKESPEARE. The complete works of—, revised from the 
 original editions with historical and analytical introductions to each 
 play,^.and notes explanatory and critical, and a life of the poet, by J. 
 O'Hailiweil, Esq., F.ll.S.A., and other eminent commentators, 2 
 vols, noiyal 8vo half morocco, extra, gilt leaves, elegantly; and appro- 
 priately illustrated by portiaits engraved on steel from daguerreo- 
 types of the greatest and most intellectual actors of the age, taken in 
 the embodiment of the vairied and life-like characters of our great 
 national poet. - . London and Nei^ York 
 283 ACKERMANN. The History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter'sWcst- 
 minister, its antiquities and monuments, 2 vols, imperial, 4to half 
 calf tooled, with upwards of seventy colored plates. A subscri- 
 ber's copy, with a list of the subscriber's names, cost 15 guineas. 
 London, 1812 
 ACKERMANN. A History of the University of Oxford, its colleges, 
 halls and public buildings, by—, 2 vols. 4to full russia, exquisitely 
 tooled jind gilt and embellished wi^ iiearly one hundred JbeautifuHy 
 coloured plates, and full length portrait of Lord Grenville ; a aub- 
 scriber's copy, 
 with a Ust of the subscribers' 
 names. Cost 18. 
 Londoh^ 1814 
'< " .,'t, 
 CONST ABLfi (John) R. A. Bnglwh /Landuoape Soeiiflry, a aeries 
 of 40 meiaotinto engravingB on ateel, by David Luoua, from piotqrea 
 paiirted by—, a beautiful copy, folio, half morocco extra, gUt edgea. 
 ' Jjoudon, 18o!> 
 LAWSON (John Parker) M. A. ScoUand Delineated, a aeries o 
 views of the principal cities and towns, particularly of Edinburgh 
 and its environs, of the Cathedrals, Abbeys and Monastic remains, 
 . the castles and .jaaronial mansions, the mountains and rivers, sea- 
 coast, and othp^ grand and picturesque scenery from drawings made 
 expressly by Sir Wm. Alleno, Clarkson Stanfield, George Cattermole, 
 W. L. Leitch, Thos. Creswick, David Roberts, J. D. Harding, 
 Joseph Nash, Horatio MacCuUough, J. M, W. Turner, D. O. Hill,, 
 W. Simpson, &c., Ac, accompanied by copious letter-press, com- 
 priflinR histories of the city and Castle of Edinburgh and Palace of 
 Holy rood ; with historical and antiquarian notices interspersed with 
 curious and original anecdotes of the principal scenes and events, il- 
 lustrated throughout the work by-, plates beautifully coloured, 
 imperial 4to rich blue cloth, gilt edge. . * 
 287 BRITISH Gallery (The) of Engravings, from Pictures of the Italian. 
 Flemish, Dutch and English Schools now in the possession of the ^ 
 King and several noblemen and gentlemen of the United Kingdoms, 
 with an account of each picture, with descriptive lettor-press in 
 French and English, by Edward Forester, with a complete hst of 
 each subject, printer, engraver, and present owner ;fuU bound in 
 dark green morocco, tooled sides and gilt edges, tolio. _ 
 ''• London, io07 
 WARING (J. B.) Examples of Decorative Art in Furniture se- 
 lected from the Royal and other coUections, edited by—. Ch«>mo- 
 lithocn-aphed by Bedford ; Drawings on wood by R. C. Dudley, with 
 a lisli of the plates, subjects, dimensions and names of the owner, 
 letter-press descriptions, folio. London. 
 ART AND SCULPTURE, at the International Exhibi- 
 tion of l5>2, selected and described by—, Chromo-litho- 
 gwphed by] and under the direction of W. R- Tymms, 
 A Watron id G. »|acCullQUgh, from photographs supplied by the 
 London Photographic and Stereoscopic Company, taken ^clusively 
 for this work by Si Thompson and dedicated to Her Majesty, 3 
 vols, folio, exquisite y bound in red morocco, ^^^S^^Jj^^^^jJ^^ 
 ' ^•'* Thb magnificent work is oi^e of the finest ever issued frbm the 
 ' ' English press and i^ the most important ever executed in Chromo- 
 lithoeraphy, whethet as i«gar|is the number of plates or the multi- 
 Sof paintings requkedfthe work consists of thr^ hundred 
 Ltes containing uilwards of ilOOO 8ubj«5ts, a ex(|uisit«ly coloured 
 S^ithlett er ^ pr ^^ c &riptiouix Fre n c h a nd English/r ^ copy olthui 
 magnificent workXas been presented by the Queen, tlyough B 
 cSerlaine, E^., to the*Board of Arts and Manufactures of 
 V i 

 tW '■ 
 iE''- ' 
 W' " ' ^ 
 ■«■ ■■ 
 Lower Canada, and is now with their books in the Meohanios' In- 
 ititute, Montreal. Theae and the lot below, are supposed to be the 
 only copies in this country ;« there was only 16 hundred copies print- 
 ed for all the nations represented at the Great Exhibition, and the 
 cost of the work was enormous. 
 Another copy of the above magnificent work in half 
 morocco extra. 
 WYATT (M. Digby.) The Industrial Arts of the 19th Century, 
 a series of illustrations of the choicest speciuxsns produced by every 
 nation art the Great Exhibition of Works of Industry IS5I, dcdi. 
 cated by permission to His Royal Highness Prince Albert, 2 vols, 
 large folio, half dark green morocco. - London, 1853 
 An idea of the magnificence of this great work may be gathered / 
 from the prefiioe. , Among the many eminent men engaged upon, 
 the drawings may be mentioned Sliegh, Smallfield, Clayton, Pftzi; 
 Delamotte, Thomas, Merje, Pidgeon, Dalziel, Millais and others. 
 The work was published m forty parts and comprise one hundred 
 and sixty full page plates of which there were only 1300 copies 
 printed. It is now very scarce and commands a high price. / 
 T Another copy, division 1, of the same work. \ 
 .TEXIER (Charles) and R. P. PuUan. Byzantine Architecture 
 •^ illustrated by examples of edifices in the East during the earliest 
 ages of Christianity, with historical and archaeological descriptions 
 by—, comprising 97 beautiful plates, many exquisitely coloured, 
 with descriptive letter-press folio. London, 1863 
 HALL • (S. C.) F.S.A. Gems of European Art; conl^rising the 
 best pictuites of the best schools, Ist and 2nd series complete in one, 
 royal 4to half morocco, extra, very fine impressions of the plates . . 
 London, 1846 
 WICKES (Chos.) Illustrations of the Spires and Towers of the 
 Mediaeval Churches of Englabd, preceded by some observations on 
 the architecture of the middle ages and its spire^rowth, by— 3 
 vols: complete in J, ej^ant folio, half morocco. London, 1859 
 MAP^IB (Camillo D. D.) Italy, classical, historical and pictur- 
 esque, illustrated in a series of views from drawings by Stanfield, 
 Roberts, Harding, Prout, Leifel, Brochedon. Barnard, &c., with 
 descriptions of the scenes, preceded by an introductory essay on the 
 recent history and present condition-Uf Italy and the Italians, by— 
 folio, dark brown morocco, tooled and gilt . London 
 CONSTANTINOPI<E and the scenery of the Seven- Churches of 
 Asia Minor, illustratSa in a series of drawings from nature, by 
 Thos. AUom, with an historical account of Constantinople, and de- 
 scriptions of the plates by the Rev. Robert Walsh, D.D., 4to full 
 . bound m russia, gilt and elegantly tooled. A Subscriber's copy, 
 very find impressions of the plates. 
 298 HALL (Mrs. and Mr. S.C.) A Week at Killarney, with descr^p- 
 tiona of the route thither from Dublin, Cork, d6o.,by— 4to cloth. 
 .- ' London, 1865 
 ,. JVis.;*>»iiii^<»,„ iaj-\J ■'jfatsirS^'j\^i.#*-. 
 \*t **'i)ejjd t. ^ 
"■(,",:•'.■'■ »■'- 
 .Ai^'.ij'ij?^ ,:u^:si 
 / ■ ■ • ■ ■■ '■ 
 ' i 
 ."•>♦ ' 
 GEMS of Art, forming a choice collection, engraved from picturas of 
 acknowledged excellence of beauty painted by eatecmed moBtcnj 6f 
 all ages, with a hat of painters and possessors of tfie pictures, folio 
 half brown morocco, gilt in beautiful order. London, 1848 
 HOGARTH Works of The original plates engraved by himself • 
 153 fine plates, including the two well.known " Suppressed Plates." 
 with letterpress description, ptlas folio, half morocco extra dli 
 edges, with a secret pocket for the suppressed plates. Cost 60 
 guineas. ' 
 JIOOARTH (Wm.) The Works of-, in a series of engravings with 
 descriptions, and a (JoUtunent on their moral tendency by the Rev 
 John rrusler, to which are added anecdotes of the author and his 
 works, by J. I logurth, and J, Nichols, 2 vols, 4to half calf 
 HOWITT'S (Mary) Biographical sketches of the Queens of Great 
 Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Victoria, or 
 Royal Book of Beauty, illustrated by twenty-eight highly finished 
 portraits on steel, 4to cloth, gilt. ' London, 1862 
 -— Another Copy. 
 HARRIS' (Capt. Wm. Comwallis) Wild Sports of Southern Africa, 
 being the narrative of a hunting expedition from the Capo of Good 
 Hope to the Tropic of Capricorn, 4to cloth, beautiful colored illus* 
 trations. London, 1852 
 ART UNION (The). A monthly journal of Arts, 10 vols, all for 
 the year 1848, 4to cloth, with many splendid steel plates. 1845 
 WHISTON (Wm.) The .works of Flavins Josephus, comprising 
 the Antiquiiics of the Jews; a history of the Jewish Wars, and 
 hfe>f F. Josephus written by himself, translated by—, embellished 
 wi^ numerous engravings, 4to morocco, richly gilt. 
 Edinburgh, n. d. 
 -^ w — - A second copy half morocco. ;, 
 BURNS (Robt) The Works of—, containing his poems, songs and 
 correspondence, with life and notes, critical and biographical, by 
 Allen Cunningham, 2 vols, large 8vo half morocco, with many sp'len. 
 did illustrations on steel. Edinburgh 
 GALLERY (The Wilkie.) A selection of the best pictures of the 
 late Sir David Wilkie, R. A., including his Spanish and Oriental 
 ^ Sketches with Notes, biographical and critical, imperial 4to half 
 morocco. London, n.rf. 
 IRELAND (The History of) from the earliest period of the Irish 
 Annals to the present time, by Thos. Wright, A. M., illustrated 
 ^ , with beautiful steel engravings from original drawings executed ex- 
 » prcssly for this work by H. Warren, Esq., 2 vols, royal 8vo talf 
 ^""- . London, n. (/. 
 .311 MARTIN' (Monlgomery). The Indian Empire, history, topa- 
 graphy, geology, &c., with a full account of the mutiny of the Royi.1 
 Army, &c., by—, illustrated with maps, portraits and views, 2 voIf. 
 )arge8vo half calf. London 
 ■■ ■w- 
 '■»_• ' '■■ jfei'- 
 •■ '^ 
 LODGE (Edmund.) Portraits of illusirioui penoDB of Great Bri- 
 tain engraved from uuthontio figures in the galleries of tlie nobility 
 and the pu6!io collcotiuns of the country, with biographical and 
 historical memoirs of their lives and actions, 5 vols. 4to calf 
 LOWE (E. J.) Esq. F.R.A.S. Beautiful Leaved Plants, being a 
 dctjcription of the moHt beautiful leaved plants in cultivation in this 
 country, to which is added an extended oatologuo by — , assisted by 
 W. Howurd, F.H.S. 00 colored illustrations large 8vo cloth. 
 I<ondon, 1856 
 — — A Nulurul History of new and rare ferns, containing species 
 uud varieties, none of which are included in any of the eight volumes 
 of ferns, British and exolic, amongst which are the new hymenophyl> 
 lums and triehoniancs by — , with colored illustrations and wood outs 
 large 8vo cloth. ' London 1855 
 LODGE (Edmund) Esq. The Peerage ond Baronetoge of the Bri- 
 tish Empire as at present existing, arranged and printed from the 
 personal cunnuunicutions of the nobility, under the gracious patron- 
 age of the Queen's mp$t excellent Majesty by—, large 8vo cloth gilt. 
 London, 1866 
 NICOLAS (Sir Harris.) History of tho Orders of Knighthood of 
 the British Empire, with an account of its Medals, crosses and 
 clasps, together with a history of the Quelphs of Hanover, 4 vols. 
 4to splendidly printed and iHqstrated by numerous fine engravings 
 of badges,' crosses, collars, stars, medals, ribbons and clasps, and 
 many large plates illuminated in gold and colours, includiu'' full 
 length portraits of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, the King of 
 Hanover, &o. Leather backs. Cost £14.148^ "^ London, 1842 
 SHAW'S (Geo.) General Zoology; or, Svstem'atic Natural History, 
 with plates from the first, authorities and most-select specimen/cn- 
 gravcd principally by Mr. Heath, 6 vols. 8vo'half calf extra, gilt,' (in 
 2 parts : 1st Amphibia, and 2nd Mammalia) very neat. 
 Lond<^n, 1802 
 STRATFORD (Thos.) Ireland Appeased and Reduced; or, a 
 flistory of the Wars of Ireland in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 
 bv— , illustrated with portraits of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of 
 Fotness, and fac-similies of all the original maps and plans of castles, 
 battles, &e., 2 vols, small 4to'half calf extra. London, 1821 
 PARTINGTON'S (Chas. F.) British Cyclopedia of the arts, 
 sciences, history, geography, literature, natural history and bio- 
 graphy, copiously illustrated by engravings on wood and steel by 
 eminent artists, complete in 10 vols. 8vo calf. London/ 1838 
 HUSTON (J. H.) A. History and Topography of the United 
 Stat^ edited by—, assisted by several literary gentlemen in Americft 
 and England, illustrated with a series of views drawn on the spot 
 and engraved on steel expressly for this work, 2 vols. 4to full bound 
 in rich morocco^extra, gilt, git leaves, Londp^ 
 ■■■'' ■•■■'. Ai- . ■■■•.' ■".■•■■ • . • ■ ■ ' \ ■ -^ -i ' 
 - f j,E!t t'*»»i,. jf¥j*j. ...'.'xAl*' ^ _ ' J^.- .' 
 _v_^ f^^m if0i\% 
 SCOTLAND. Tho Portrait Oallaiy of—, l^s a aerfea oif engraT 
 ingi of eminent Sootatnen copied mrm a«thent£ aoaroea, withbio- 
 graphical aketohea, 8vo full bound in purple morocco, rioblj gilt. 
 The portraiu in tha.earl7 proof itatM. 
 London, 1888 
 LONDON. Metropolitan Improvements ; or, London in the 19th 
 Century, displayed in a scries of engravings of tho new buildinga, 
 improvements, dec, by tho most eminent artists, from original draw- 
 ings taken from the objecte theniHelves expressly for this work 1^ T. 
 , H. Shepherd, comprising the palaces, parks, &c., Ac., with histori- 
 cal, topographical and critical illustrations, by Jas. Elmes, M.R.LA. 
 2 vols. 4to half calf extra, fine impression of the plates. 
 London, 1829 
 ■— — — — TALLIS' Illustrated — , in Commemoration of the 
 Great Exhibition of all nations in 1851, forming a complete Quide 
 to the British Metropoli8 and its environs, illustrated with npwarda 
 of two hundred steel engravings, from original drawings and dagner- 
 rotypes with historical and descriptive letterpress, by Wm. Qaspey, 
 2 vow. Bvo half green morocco extra. i<ondon and «.Y. 
 LYON (Capt. G.P.) The Private Journal of—, of H. M. S. Heola, 
 durin^tbe recent voyage of discovery under Capt, Parry, 8vo scoroct 
 oalf extra, gilt, with a map and several plates. , London, 1824 
 WELL'S (Edward) An Historical Geography of the Old and New 
 Testament by — , 2 vols. Svo half calf extra, maps and plates. 
 Oxford, 1819 
 BIBLE. The Pictorial History- of — , consisting of 80 engravings 
 from paintings by eminent British Artists, 4to morocco. 
 « London, 1819 
 A ma(;nificcnt copy with proor plates, in perfect state. 
 MILTON. Ramblings io-the Elucidation of the A^utograph of—, by S. 
 L. Sotheby, F.S.A. folio very richly bound in green morocco and 
 panel. f \ - ■ London n.d. 
 This is a very rave and curious book, with antogr/ipbs and fac similes, 
 cost £,5. "^-^ 
 — — A Second Copy. J 
 HUNTER' (Henry) D,D. Sacred Biography, or the History of the 
 Patriarchs, being a coun^e of lectures delivered at the Scots* Church, 
 London Wall, 2 vols. 8vo full oalf, extra, marbled linings and leaves. 
 London, 1826 
 HUME (David). The History of England from the invasion of 
 Julius Csesar^ to the revolution in 1688, to which is prefixed a short 
 account of his life, written by himself in 8 vols. ; and from the re- 
 volution to the death of Geoi^e II , by F. Smollett, M.D. (designed 
 48 a continuation ot Mr.. Hume'i History) in 5 vols, together 13 
 vols. 8vo calf, extra. Edinbui^h, 181^ ' 
 'ttiM,!, - >' \ 
 \ W 
 ft. -. 
 ■TMt X -^ 4- # 
 34 1 
 »JHI8T0RY of Ancient Art amoog the Oroek^ tr«niilat«d horn th* 
 German of John Winokelmtn, by 0. Henry Lodyo, 1 vol. 8vo full 
 iinMi5^'''''/*'^y"*"'*- London, 1840 
 1HJMK and Siiiollctt's Hwtory of ^Jiiglopd in 16 voln, royal 8vo lar^e 
 . paper beautifully printed from 'largo typo, and oinlHilliHbod with en- 
 gravings on copper and wood from (friginal doaigna, full bound in 
 scored ruaaia, extra gilt, marbled odgoH, fine copy. * 1S0:J.B 
 HALLAM (Henrv) Tho Constitutional Iliatary.of England itora 
 the aeceasion of Henry IV. to the death of Oeoreo 11., by—, 2 vola. 
 8vo f4ill calf, Murray'^8 edition. Co«t £:\ Sn. ^ London. 1842 
 HUME and Smollett's History of England from the iavwBon of 
 Juhus Cawar, to the revolution in lfi88, 13 vols, and cssiijlt and 
 treatises on several auhjects in 2 vols, by David 1 1 umo Esq. ?ifether 
 16 vols. Svo full calf eztra. Dulilliivfl779 
 HOWARD (Henrv Earl of Surrey). Tho Works of—, and of -Sir 
 Ihomas Wyatt the older, edited by G. V. Nott, D.D. S.A. tj vols." 
 4to full calf extra, tastefully tooled and gilt with plates, autographs 
 &c. published nt B guineas. London, 1H46 
 ^'m^P^ °^ '^® ^*'"P'°' ^^ Portr"'*" oftho Etij?lish, drawn by Kenny . 
 Meadows, with original essays by Dotiglas Jerd^Wj Wm. Thackeray 
 Luman Blanchard, dec, 2 vols. 8vo cloth, numQpw-illustrations. 
 ■ . . " • *■ 1864 
 HEBER'S (Regenald) D.D. Narratives of a Journey through the 
 Upper Provinces of India, 2 vols. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 
 Syna and tho Holy Land, I vol. together 3 vols;; 12HU^4ialf 6alf 
 extra, uniform. ^ ' London 1844 
 HIND'S (H.Y.) M.A. Narrative of the Canadian Red Riv6r Ex- 
 ploring Expedition of 1857 and of the Asscniboine and Saskatche- 
 wan Exploring Expedition, of 1858, 2 vols. Svo beautiful colored 
 :• ?F^(^"''^"''")^«"<"'«' H'st«'-y of the Science and prj^o- 
 ticc of Music, 5 vols 4to full calf neat. London, 1779 
 1 UI8 Book cost 6 guiru 03, and is in good order, except the lettering on the 
 iiATT ,T>, * buck is defaced. 
 HALL (Robert) A. M. The Works of-, with a memoir of his 
 u ./"?/ critical estimate of his character and writings. 6 vols. Svo 
 nnvm;iP?[Jl""JV, .r london, 1839 
 HU.VIBOLm (Alex. Von) Cosmos: a sketch of a physical descrip- 
 tionot the Universe, by—, translated from the German by E. C. 
 HFYh?ivrT,^»x'">^'"'''(P°''*'"'*) London, 1864 
 HJiYDON (B. 11.) Life of—, from his Autobiography and Jour- 
 nals, edited and compiled by Tom Taylor, 3 vols. Svo half calf 
 "n "^iP*^ .(^''°-) '^^'^ ^"'•'^^ «f '" P'-««e and Verse%d°ted^by 
 HUN J^^/t ^''"'"'^ with illustrations. , 857 
 V I- L r>^^'^ ' p^\ Imagination and Fancy, or selections from the 
 iJ-nghsh Poets, and Davidson's Poems. 2 books, Svo half calf. 
 . 349 
 HENRY (Matthew). An Eipositum of tho Old and New Tegto- 
 in«nt, wherein oaoh chapter iiiautnmed up in iti oontcntu ; theiacred 
 text inMrtod at Inrm^ in diMtiiiot parnf^raphs, each paragraph rodacod 
 to itH projHir hoadu; tho tiaiiiQ j^ivi-n and litrj^oly illuMtratod' with 
 praotioal roinarlta and ohHorvalions ; edited by lluv. 0. Uurdor and 
 tho R«v. J. IIu>];lJ('H, M. A., with tho llfo of tho author by tho Uov. 
 8. Pulmor, U voIh. 4to calf extra, frontinpiooo, nittpH and illuHtra- 
 tioni. London, 1811 
 HlHTOHTKa. A collection of intoroMtinn and nmujtioff, 8vo half 
 bound. N. Y., n. d. 
 IllKIiANl) HiMtory of—, from th«oarlio«t p<!ri()d of tho Irish annala 
 to tho proHcnt tiuio, by Tluw. Wrfpiht, Esq., M.A. F.H.A., Ac, &o., 
 illustrated with bcimtiful Btcel cnji;ruving8 from orij^inal drawinga 
 executed oxprcHxIy f«»r thiM work by II. Warren, Em]., 3 vols. 4to 
 green, half calf 
 . ■ History of— , Ancient and M(Mh»rn, takon from thfl 
 inoj«t authentic records, ond dedicated to the Irixh Hri^?ado, by the 
 Abb6 MucOcoghogan, trannlu ted from tho French by 1*. O'Kcilly, 
 Jlsq , large 8vo half bound in green calf. Dublin, 1844 
 The rarliamcntary Gazetteer of—, adapted to tho new 
 poor law franchise^ municipal and ccclesiaatical arrangements, and 
 compiled with a hjHJcial r>>iercneo to tho lincH of railroad and canal 
 communication m exi.sting in 181'4-5, illustrated by a Bcriea of 
 mapfl and other plates, and representing tho results in detail of tho 
 census of 1841, compared with that of 183 1, 3 vols, largo 8vo half 
 morocco. Dublin, 184G 
 :::^_ — The Scenery and Anti(|ultie8 of—, illurttrated in one 
 hundred and twenty engravings from drawings by W. H. Barlett, 
 with historical and descriptive text, by J. S. Coyne, N. P. Willis, 
 &c., 2 vols, bound in 1, full bound in wrinkled calf, tooled and gilt, 
 marbled lining and leaves. Subscriber's copy . < 
 IRISH Watering Places : their climate, scenery and accomodations, 
 by Dr. R. Kane, and remarks on tho various forms of desire to 
 which they are adapted, by Alex. Knox, M. D., small 8vo greco, 
 half calf extra. - Dublin, 1845 
 IRELAND ; Annala Rioghachta Eireann. Annals of tho Kingdom 
 of Ireland, by the four masters, from tli,c earliest period to the years 
 1616 _ , edited from Mss. in the library of . tho Royal Irish 
 Academy and of Trinity (Jollege, Dublin, with an English transla- 
 tion intorpaged and copious notes, 4 vols, royal 4to cloth. 1848-51 
 ILLUSTRATIONS to, Scott's Poetical Works, viz: Lay. of the 
 Last Minstrel, Lady oif the Lake, Marmion, Don Roderic, &c., 
 with historical portrait of Scott engraved by Heath, Bhinsbach, and 
 other eminent artists, from Weetall's designs, (proofs On India 
 paper), 5 parts complete, columbier 4to largest siw e^ jotiateal wrap- 
 pers. ^ \ 1809-12. 
 ~354 IRISH Catholics. A collection of very curious and rare pamphlets 
 of the last century on Irish Catholics, Penal Law, &c., in 1 vol. 8vo- 
 oalf gilt. n,d» 
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 396 IRISH Troanon Vnmot 1848, vii 
 \toer r^The Irith Felon, do; Tht Tjrilmnii, do: with iK>rlr«iUi of 
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 356 U«lK!lIi()n 1798. CoIlceUnb Politioa; or, the Politionl 
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 mwntJiry Hrooocdinj^ from 17(50 to tho Union ; ncooUnl of tho lato 
 UelHiIlion: principal Mtato triulrt, &o., Ac, by W. W. Heward, .'I 
 tola. 8vo bonrda. ^ Dublin, 1801 
 857 Rt'lwllion. A narrative of tho confinomont and exile of the 
 Revd. I). W. Steel Dickson, I'roHbyterinn Minint«r of Portaforrv 
 Ac., 8vo calf. ^' 
 * " Thli ToluiDfl contnini much intoroating and uiefiil Inronnatlon »•• 
 ■Mcting the Rebellion of n»8 In the North of Ireland, not to be found 
 •liewhere. ' 
 Rclmllion 1798, IfiO.'l. A collection of Hcarco prtmphlcta' 
 and statements counoctod with the—, I thick vol. newly bound, half 
 calf neat. 
 JOHNSON (Samuel) L.L.D. Tho Worka of-, with an caaay on hia 
 hfo and gomu.s, by Arthur Murphy, Kmi, 12 vols. 12mo half calf 
 po'*'"'*- London, 1824 
 — ____ — The Life of—, by JumoH Boswell, Kh<i. with numerous 
 additions and notes by Rt. lion. J. U. (broker, M.P. revised and en- 
 larged under his direction by John Wright, illustrated with fae 
 amiiles of hand writing and ujKwarda of 40 engravings on steel, 10 
 yols. in 5, l2mo half calf extra, very neat. London, 1859 
 JESSE (Edward) Esq. Anecdotes of -BOgs, by— 8vo half calf, gilt 
 backs very neat, with numerous engravings on wood and steel. 
 " Histories arc more full of examples of the • fidelity of dogs than 
 A. '^^^ Judgnicnt and Doctrine of tho Clergy of tho 
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 with the Penal Laws, &c., 4to uowly bound half russia neat. 
 1 poy 
 TT^^ZZ^S^^T^^^"^ TheAVorVsof-vito-ealft—— Condon, 16*0 
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 ogy, pr elements of the natural history of molleuscous animals by— 
 8vo half calf citra, plates. Ig50 
 ~r~' " " (J- P- W.) Notes on North America, Agricultural, 
 Jjiconpmical and Social, 2 vols. 8vo eloth imperial. 
 rrxxir^c, .«r . ^ . Edinburgh and London, 18.51 
 'JONES' (Wm.) Public Memorial of the Religious Tract Society, 
 containing a record of i& origin, proceedings and results, large 8vo 
 steel portraits. 1860 
 JOHN (Rev. C. A.) Flowers of the Field, 12mo half calf 
 KIMBLE (John Phillip) celebrated actor. Memoirs of his life, in- 
 cluding the history of the stage from the time of Garrick, by J. 
 Bouden, 2 vols. 8vo cloth. 1826 ■ 
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 H. Jooeii P.K.H. 2 vola. 8vo hilf calf extra, wmU London, 1803 
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 KNIOHT'H Geography of tho DritUh Kiitpire: •Gaiott«or of the 
 (Jnitfsd KinKilom and hn Colonion, 2 vuln. largo 8vo. oloth, Illu*tra< 
 tod with Htcul (uigruvinga nnd nin|)M. London, ,1i. d. 
 37-2 KNOX (Alox.) The UoniaiiiM of-., ^ votii. hi t, 6vo halt' moroobo... 
 London, 1834 
 873 LARDUKil niov. DionigMiuH). Cuhhiot Cyolopicdin, conducted by 
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 lundHcnpd gardening, inoludbig all tho latetit iniprovomontN. A 
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 London, 1827 
 379 LAllDNKR (DiompiuH) D.D.L. Tho Mowumor Scieaeo und Art 
 by — , illuHtruted by numerous engravingn on wood, 12 vols, in 3, 
 Bvo half eair neat/ London, 1854- 
 376 LUTTllELL(Narci«HU8). A Brief Relation of State 
 Affairs from Sept. IG78 to«.ApriF, 1714 by— , in ti vok 8vo Imlf 
 calf c*trtt. ' Oxford, 78B7 
 377 LIBRARY Companion, or tho Y«.ung Man'n fjiildo nnd tho Old 
 Man'o Comfort in tho jlioiee of a library, by tho Rov. T. F. Dibden, 
 P.R.8.A.S. 2 vol«. 8vo half calf neat. " ' London, 1824 
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 natural history and |M)liticM drawn from nature, 
 half calf, beautifully illuHtratedJ 
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 Witch, 1 vol 8vo half calf, extra, 
 380 LO.CKK (John) Tho Works ^)f—, 10 voIb. 8vo full calf gxtru tooled 
 nnd gilt, marbled edges, ])ortruit. This is" a splendid Hot of tho 
 great philosopher. Cost X8 8a, .'London 1810 
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 Century, being a series of views of the now and most interesting ob- 
 jects in tho B^itiHh mctnipolis and its vicinity from originiU ,dtaw- 
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 rocco extra. ' London, 1828 
 882 ' LEWIS (Samuel.) A Topographical Dictionary of England com- 
 prising the several counties, cities, boroughs corporate, and ^arket 
 - — " towns, parishes andHownships, and tho islands of Quernsey,. Jersegr 
 ! and Man, with historical and statistical de s .3ri p tion3, and embellishftd 
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 LEWIS. A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, 2 vojs. with map 
 "°iforni- London, 1842 
 — — A Topofifraphical Dictionary of Ireland, 4 vols. 4to cloth 
 uniform, with maps, 2 copies. London, 1837 
 ■- Another copy, 2 vols. 4lo with map. 
 LONDON, Tlic Pictorial Hand Book of—, comprising its anti- 
 quities, architecture, artj^, manufacturo, trade, &c., &;c,, with an 
 account of tlio princip.d suburbs and most attractive localities, illus- 
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 account of Excavations at Warka, the "Erech" of Nimrod and 
 Shush; Shushan, the palace of Esther; with Illustrations, lar-'e Svo 
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 personages of llritish History, 3rd edition, with an entire new set of 
 plates and 60 additional subjects. No. 1 to 61 (published at 7?. 
 ed. each), freshest impression, a subscriber's copy. 
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 notice and the pronunciation of the names of nearly 10 000 pla^s 
 2 vols, large Svo calf ' ' 1857 
 LATHAMS (H. G.) Ethnology of the British Islands, 3 vols. 12rao 
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 Kuter, and— 8vo half calf extra, illCistrations. - London, «. d. 
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 persunt XXXV., 7 vols. Svo calf. ^ " Dublin. 1811 
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 T A iWl^^'o'''*^.' ^''^°'' '"^'*'*'"- London, 1854 
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 cloth, illustrated. London, 1 856. 
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 ,409 . LECANU'S Pictorial half hours with the S.InV, •»«.^°^^ ^^^^ 
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 *19 Another Copy, hdf .o«o«, extra. ^ , ^Tnt; |g 
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 MILNER (The Rev. Thomas) M. A. The Gallery of Nature, h pic- 
 torial and descriptive Tour through Creation, Physical Geography and 
 Geology, by — , with 4 maps of the siderial heavens, shewing the 
 position of the stars throughout the year, planispheres of the earth 
 and moon's orbit, eight line engravings and two hundred and fifty 
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 MEMOIRS of Napoleon Bonaparte, by M. do Bourienne, with an- 
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 MUDFORD (Wm.) The Life of Richard Cumberland, Esq., em- 
 bracing a critical examination of his various writings, with an occa- 
 sional Uterary inquiry into the .irc in v,hich he lived, and the. con- 
 temporaries with whom he flourjf bed, by—, 8vo half calf extra. 
 London, 1812 
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 2 vols. 8vo half morocco red. 
 MILNER'S (Rev. Thos.) M.A., F.R.G.S. Gallery of Nature, a 
 pictorial and descriptive tour through creation, illustrative of the 
 wonders of Astronomy, physical, geography and geology, lai|ge 8vo 
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 TWsis a magnificent set of the Great Magazine, and one of the 
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 pr by coUecters. A copy at a recent sale of a Library in London 
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 collection is from the great Library of his Grace the Late Arch 
 Bishop of Tuam. - ' 
 QUARTERLY Review (The London). Vol. I. February and May 
 1809 to vol. LXVII. December, 1840, and March, 1841, (Index 
 vol. LX.) 6t vols. 8vo half morocco. 
 .^ ^ ^.'From February, 1809, to January, 1866^ 118 vols. 
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 The above beautiful set of this valuable periodical, is from the library 
 of the late Lord Mhop of Tuam. 
 The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal, from 
 the commencement in October, 1802, to January, 1853, 96 volumes 
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 COBBET'S Annual Register of reqiarkable and politioal incidents 
 and eycntfl, from January, 1802, to December, 1811, 20 vols. 8vo 
 Political Register, from 1806 to 1810, and magazines, 5 
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 translated from the German by H. Mareh, D.D , F.R.S., 5 vols. 
 8vo c;ilf extra. ' London, 1802 
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 original and best edition (the three scries compUfte) 7 vols. 8vo fine 
 pcjrtraits, cloth, uncut. • 18'42'6 
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 educution. 8vo half calf neat. 1855 
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 437 Physiciil and Political Geography, with descriptive letter-press ,4to 
 coth. London, 1850 
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 sea 8vo half call' extra, neat. N.Y. 1856 
 439 — — ^— Another Copy, green cloth, London, 1866 
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 11 vols. 12mo cloth. London, 1853 
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 ings, by CbrkVon Stanfield, R. A. large 8vq. 
 London, 1853. 
 442 MORAVIANS In Labrador, IGmo., half calf 
 Edinburgh, 1836 
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 8vo cloth . London, 1856 
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 his corrospondouce, by — , illustrated with wood-cuts, 8vo half calf. 
 ^ - N.Y. 1859 
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 , with numerous illustrations, Lilly's introduction to Astrology, 2 vols. 
 8 vo half calf, uniform. London, 1851-2 
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 with numerous wood^cuts &c.. Butlers' Principles of Imitative Art, 
 4 lectures delivered before the Oxford Art Society, 2 bks. 8vo half 
 calf . 1852-'48 
 447 MacKAY (Chas.) L.L.D. The Illustrated Book of Scottish Song^ 
 from the 16th to the 19 it century, edited by — , Svo cloth (em- 
 bossed,) illustrated. ' Londou, 1867 
 448 MAUNDER'S ^Samuel) Treasury of History, 8vo cloth. 
 Loudon, 1853 
 449 — '■ —. — A Second Cop y. 
 MARTIN'S <R.M.) Histonr of Statistics and Geography of Upper 
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 ciation, in the years 1795-96-97, by^, 2/ vojb. 8vo., full calf 
 ^ London, 1810. 
 PLUNKET (Jjord^ Speeches at the JJar hnd in the Senate, by— „ 
 edited by J. C. Hocy, ovo. cloth. / •' Dublin, 1862. 
 ■ ' ■ - 3 copies of the same. / . •> . a 
 PINDER (Peter). The Poetical Woiks of— 8vd full calf. Dub. 1788 
 PETIT'S (Rev. J. L.) M.A. Remarks on Ghurch Architecture, 
 with Illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocorf, gilt top.s. 
 • PEVERIL of the Peak; by the author of Waverly, Kelinworth, 
 Sac, in 4 vols. 8vo. full calf, very neat. Ediiiburgh, 1822. 
 PARLIAMENTARY Rc<Mster (The) Or the History of the Pro- 
 ccediugs and Debates of the Iltouse of Commons, containing an ac- 
 count. of the most intcrcsting,.apeeches, and accurate copies of the 
 ijjbst rcmarkalble letters and papers of the most material evidence, 
 petitions, &e., laid before and offered to the House during tlie 'first 
 ."Session of the 14t,h Parliament of Great Britain, from the Year 
 1743 to 179S, in 94 consecutive volumes, 8vo. full calf 
 PE.RRY (Commodore M.C.) Narrative of the IJxpedition of arii 
 American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in tluA 
 Years 1852, '3 and '4, under the command of—,' large 8vo. half 
 calf extra, numerous illustfations. "New York, 18.o7 
 .PETTIGREW (Thomiis Joseph) F.R.S., F.A.8.,'F.L.S. piogra- 
 phical Memoirs of the niost Celebrated Physicians, SurgeOns^&c, 
 who have contribute^ to the advancement of Medical* Science, by — 
 . royal 8vo. half morocco, with portraits, facsimiles, &c. 1839 
 PARNELL'3 (H.) History of the P6nal Laws against Irish Catho- 
 lics, fr^om the Treaty of Limerick to the Union, 8vo. half morocco, 
 scarce.. . 1808 
 PATRICKS' Cathedwl— Mason's (W. Monk). \ The Histbry and 
 Antiquities of the Collegiate Ghurch of S!. Patrick, Dublin, from 
 its foundation 1190 to 1819, comprising a Topographical account qf 
 the Lands and Parishes appropriated to the Community of the Ca- 
 th^dirai; and Biographical Memoirs of its Deans, Collected chie% 
 . from sources of original record, 4to.,, 7 beautiful Copper-platb en- 
 gravings, viz. ; AfuU View o^tlie Cathedral, View of the Choir, 
 A Orqund Plan of Jlic Cathedral and Liberties, and Monuments of 
 Dean Sutton andFyche; fulljength portrait of Dean Swift, and 
 the monument of Richard, first Earl of Cork. 
 Dublin, printed for the author, 1820 
 PRIOR (Matthew). The Poetical Works of— , with a Life by 
 Rev. John Mitford, 2 vols. 12mo. full calf extra, viery neat. 
 ^ Boston, 1853 
 PRESCOTT'S (W. H.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and 
 Isabella, the Catholic of Spain, 3 vols. History of the Conquest of 
 Mexico, with a prelimina r y Vie w of the Ancient I f lexioan Civiliza^ 
 tion, 3 vols. History of the Conc[uest of Peru, 3 vols. Critical 
 aij^ Miscellaneous Essays, 1 vol., in all 10 vols., exquisitely bound* 
 in. half calf extra, very neat, portrait. London, 1850 
 ^ 4J>D 
 . BOO 
 .' ■■■■■^1 
 / . sf"' 
 QUIXOTE (PON). The History and Adventures pf the renowned 
 — , translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedrai to 
 which is prefixed some account of the iiutho.r's life, by T. Smollet, 
 M.D., in 4 vols., 8vo., full calf oxtra, with illustrations. 
 Dublin, 1796 
 QUAKERISM f or/ the Stoiy of my Life, by o Lady who, for 
 forty^cars was a Member of the Society of Friends, Syo., half 
 calf cktra. • . " London, 1851 
 ROLLlN (Charl^v The Ancient History by—, containing an ae- 
 - count of the Egyptians, Carthngcnians, Assyrians, Babylonians, 
 Medes and PerHians; Macedonians and Grecians, the ninth edition, 
 illustrated With niaps, engravings, &c., G volfl. 8vo full calf 
 ' Glasgow, 1800 
 (M.) The Method of Teaching and Studying, the Be^llca 
 Letters, or an introduction to languages, poetry, &c., with reflections 
 on taste, &c., 3 volumes, 8vo full calf cxira. London, 1810 
 RHIND (Wm.) A history of the vegetable kingdom, .embracing the 
 physiology of plants, with their uses to man, and the lower animals 
 and their application in the arts, manufactures and domestic econ- 
 omy, largo 8vo half bound in morocco extra, illustrated by several 
 hundred engrj^yings on wood and Steel. , 1862 
 ROBERTSON (Wm.) D.D. The Works of—, to which is prefixed 
 an account of his life and writings, by the Rev. Robt. Lynajn, A.M. 
 12 vols. 12mo half calf extra, (vol. V. and XI. missing), with por- 
 trait and maps. London, 1824 
 ROLLIN (M.) TIic Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthagcn- 
 ians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Modes and Persians, Grecians and 
 Macedqnians, by—, translated frota the French, 2 vols, in 1, large 
 8vo cloth. 1862 
 ROME. History of— , by Jithis Livius, translated from the ori^- 
 nal, with notes and illustrations, by George Baker, A.M.; 6 vols. 8vo 
 calf. • ^ 1823 
 RUSSEL'S (Wm.) History of the Modem Empire, with an account 
 of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 5 vols. 8vo calf. 
 . London, 1801 
 ROLLIN'^ (Chas.) Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthage- 
 nians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Ikfedes and P^ians, Grecians and 
 Macedonians, including a history of the artg and sciences of t^e an- 
 cients, with life of the author, by James Bell, 2 vols, large 8v6 half 
 roan, ixjrtrait, maps, Ac. N.Y. 1855 
 REED'S (Thos.) Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, 8vo half 
 <5a^f' T" London an4 Glasgow, 1854- , 
 RHIND (W. G.) The Six Days Creation, a series oif familiar letters 
 from a father to his children, 8vo half calf„beautifully illustrated. 
 Philadelphia, 1855 
 603 REED'S (Captain). Tiger Hunter, from the French of Louis do 
 . . '-J 
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 Bellemere, 12mo half calf. 
 — Ocean Waifs, 12mo half calf, uniform. 
 Mo. ' 
 ROOKE (OctaviuH), The Life of the Moselle. fro.Yjturcr' 
 the Vosgea mountains, to i(B junction with the RMn. .» n^? "" 
 bj-, ilWatod with 70 encraviniw from or.\l. ^ • ^^i*''^"*'' 
 SHAkIsPEARE (Wil..) The Works of ..l/'r'^I'u*^^"' ^^^^ 
 Another Copy. " ^ London, 1 804 
 — • Another Gopv. ' 1864 
 ^^IT^f^ <-^- "•) ««'""l'» »n .1,0 IW of .^1 I ""** 
 edited by Isaac Uced K«r. („™.l,„. -.i ^ °' Sliakcspoarc, 
 SCOTT (Sir Walter.) Wemoirs of iClt oZu J O r"' 1 
 Mkl?'''?"' ™t " biographical sketch oFltoTittr 8 ^^J"".'' 
 Mbo„„d.ealf,.„rblcd Hring, a.d leave,; t^Si,; -'.-"^^j 
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 SPARKS' (Jared) CorrcsDon^ion^n «p m * . *^^^ 
 being letted of emInenrSo a Vs^^^^^^^^^^^ ??^voIution, 
 taking command of the army to the '"Kf-^ - *""'' °^ '"'" 
 8vo full bound in calf extra ^ ^'^ presidency^ 4 vols. 
 ;2-»««% — ="ed, „i.h*;"prh;i'.''r^ £HL.":L^:8t's 
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 1814, 8vo half calf ^ ''^~~' '^^''"^ ^- C 1004 to A. D. 
 ~--^ —A second copy London, 1 $33 
 SWIFT (Jonathan.) WoisoL '*••'. ^^on^on, 1845 
 able pape„ with a liemoirT/ ttTaXTlhrS^'^ '''''' ^^^"•• 
 and autograph, 2 vols, large 8vo cloth * ^ **"' ^'''*^°«' ?<"•'''«>* 
 827 ST SM ONDiy Histoiical Vipw ! wtTN • pl859 
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 _.._ ___ _ __ _ . __ _ London, 1853- 
"'■r^r. , 
 1^ T'h^'^i;^!'^-^' •'**^° H.wk«.worth, L.LD, 
 '•■ Th«8. Will^flB, 20 vol.. 8vo. whole beandio 
 London, 1767 
 — Another ««nv ^♦w »..„ .__..: .V?n<*o°. »«>1 
 tie Revd 
 vad the editor, Mr. 
 '|?S?C™'Pa Bonner): Letter, written by STite'Righ' 
 Sl^boi C'r;.^''**^^!' ^"^ °f Ch«,terfleld, ^ hia «,n Phtp 
 W^ nK.VTl'r^'*'.! ^}^^ •»^*''^ «**»«' piece" on various sub- 
 ject., pubhahed, from thd original, by^, in 4 vSla. 8vo fuM^alf ext«. 
 ■■ v.. „ „ . ■ . London, 1806 
 ^Hrrrr ^^ e^aoeo"" works of the late £arl of Ohester- 
 ^i^'^3*i.°K ??'«"•" to W»f^^^^^^^ to which are prefixS 
 memo w of hia life tending to illustratethe iivil, literary and politic 
 dt^^f. °^ T *''"^ V f- J^'"' ^ ^- >d ;Kiition,^with !^Z. 
 STERNE rC±"" T'VJ* ^r8°j°8- ^°<J«°. ^?79 
 STJJiRNE (Bawrence.) The Works of—, oouUining the life and 
 opinions of Tnstom Shandy, a sentimental journey through Frwce 
 S JotH^D %h? t»!^,^«°'* b ^'i'^^- . I-ondon, 1847 
 SCOILAND. The History of-, from the earliest period to the 
 SrlnT'^^^ Thoa Wright, Esq:, M.A., F.S.A., iuSrated witJ 
 ^li S?5 u?'°*°' Scotomen and celebrated personage, connected 
 ni ♦? ^^\^:) Reflations on the Works and Providence of 
 God througuoat all nature by—, 3 vols. 12mo calf, frontispiece. 
 SHAKESPEARE (Wm.) The Plays of-, from the''"1^t'!Sl 
 tion of Isaac Reed, 12 vols. limo„calf, (vol. II. wanUng), portrait 
 SWIFT (Jonathan) D.D. The Works of-, arranged'by' Thom^^ 
 Sheridan, A.M., with notes historical and critical, 24 vob. in 12. 
 RW J fvlnfcS'r °«M^ols 1 and 2 in vol. 1 wanting.) 
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 sect., 3 vol^ 12mo half calf extra. * London n d 
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 Barbanan. to the present time, 8vo half calf, map. 
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 — r — -Another Copy in i calf ^^^^' 
 ^"u«fel^uf^K l^^l Thepl.y.of-, with«,me,.coo«nt of 
 hu life written by Wro. Rowe, 10 vol. large 8vo (2 oalf, very 
 * rwM. ,- . - , . London 1803. 
 .MeoVar ?/'^r^ ''"^^^^^^ engrav^Zin the higher 
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 extract from the texl^in Engli.h and French, and critical «Uav. 
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 TO?&« ^''ur "'^•i humourou. work are now very .ci^ ^^ 
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 tnvirona ilJustMtod by upwards <4 two hundred stMl •ognviogt 
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 oriptivc lettor-proM by Wrn. Qaspoy 3 vols. 8vo half Sound in 
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 TRIAL of John Mitohell, for Felony, royal 8vo cloth " 1848 
 'iof A. H. Rowan, Kaq., 1794— of Arthur O'Connor, and 
 othera, at Maidstone, for High Trcawm, 1798— Dublin Bpooial 
 Coniinimion, Trial for Hif^h Treason 1803-^A. MoOarahan v«. 
 Rovd. Thomas McOuire, for Seduction, (portrait) 1827— of R. 
 Ooro, Ksq„ for the Murder of the Earl of Month, 1797— full Ro- 
 gart of the Trimlestown Case, very aoaroe, 1819--io one thick vol. 
 vo., newly bound half calf. 
 Special Conmiimion at QloomoU. 1848, (Smith O'Brion'i 
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 duty in admiiting the Rebels into possession of Edinbuivh, 1715, 
 Svooalf 1747 
 — — — Of Robert Emmoft at Dublin, for High Treaaon, 8vo half 
 morocco^ ticat, very scarce. lt}()3 
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 mi, colored fronts, 8vo calf 1820 
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 calf, scarce 1720 
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 With instructions for the Qualitative Analysis of Minerals, large 8vo 
 half oalf , London 1841 
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 TUCKBRMAN'S (Henry T.) Thoughts on the Poet«, 8vo half 
 oalf ^Qyf York 1851 
 TAPPAN (Henry P.) A Stop from the New World to the Old, 
 ""<J,5«ok again, by-, 2 vols 8vo half calf extra. New York 1852 
 THBIR'S History of the Theirs' EU, or Third EsUte in Pfance, 
 ovo cloth London 1859 
 TACITUS (Cornelius). The/ Works of—with an Essay on his 
 Life and Genius— notes, supplement, &o. by Arthur Murphy, laijre 
 ovo half raan , 1868 
 THUCYDIDES. The Peloponnesian War,' translated fwm the 
 rrfTi^ii^t^^y ^^- ^'"•^^' ^'^'- •"«« 8^0 half roan < 1858-^ 
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 or Studies of Character, 8vo half calf 1867 
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 ' of Uroai BriUin, ihiok RfO. half calf, iKiauHrullj illunlrated. 
 Ii<»ndon, 1861 
 UN WIN (Tboa.) R.A. A Memolir of—, by Mri Unwln, 2 toU 
 8to half calf. ' London, 1858 
 UPHAM rilov. C.W.) The Ufejof Oonorol WaahJngton, written 
 bjr himMlr,ooropriainghui Memoiriiund Corrwipbndonoo, edited by— 
 2 vol«. 8vo. half onlf. London, 1852 
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 ad Optimorum exomplarium fldom roconHita, 4to oalf. 1701 
 VICAH8 (Capt. Ilodley.) Meirtorialn of— , 8^6 halfcalf, portrait. 
 ' - 1856 
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 f engravings 
 dcaoriptivo lettor-pross, 4to. 
 A Second Copy. 
 Loudon, hJ, 
 VIEW of Nature in ascending llogions, 4to. . 
 ViDOCQ. Memoirs of — , as a convict, spy and agent of tho Froow 
 Polioo, written by himself 12rao oloth. London, 1859 
 VALPy (R.) D. D., F. A. S. Sermons preaohed. on publio oo<»- 
 sion with notes and an appendix on various important snbjoots by 
 —2 volumes 8vo full etlf. Loadou. 18il. 
 VOYAGES & I RAVELS.— A colleotion of modorn and oontem- 
 porary voyages and travels oontnioing — 1st. translations from fo- 
 reign la«g««|j«a, of voyages and travels never befor^^ranslated. 
 2nd. Oiiginftl voyages and travels never twfoM published: 3rd. 
 Analirsia of now voyages and travels published in England vols. 
 8vo icalf. London. 1805 
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 par lui mdme, 70 volumes 8vo full oalf extra tooled and gilt, an ex 
 cellentset. " ' 1780 
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 moroooo, delicately tooled and gilt, gilt leaves. London, 1849 
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 with praotjioal art and soicnoo, 8vo. half oalf, illustrated. 
 ^ ' London, 1849-50 
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 numerous colored plates. rv ' London^ 1857 
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 Petrio, Esq., and a large map of the County, 2 vols 12mo halipoalf 
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 mentary Tneatise of reoont and fossil Shells, by—, illustrated by A. 
 N. Waterhouae and J. W. Lowty, 12mo. half calC extra. 
 , London, 1^1 
 I '* 
 , TOf^ M Wr'"'° ^''^ ™-J 
 IWBDSWOBTH (Wn..) P«Ucd V^,rk8 of-, wS, Sfe, 8v<, h^- 
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 WILSON rfov. S. 8.) AN.rvativoof4eG«ekMii2l»'^J^'2 
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 WARTON (I^vi tS: dT' P«£ iVoA. „f ^°"^?J- '^'» 
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 « I H 
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 - -*'»?' *k 
 GENERAL HISf ORY. Elements of— ancient and modern, to 
 which are added a table of Chronology, and a comparative view of 
 andent and modern Geography, 3 vols 8vo calf extra (Vol III. 
 being a continuation by Rev. Edward Nares, D. D. 
 London 1821, 22' 
 HOOKE'S (N) Roman History from the building of Rome to the 
 ruin of Commonwealth, 11 vols. 8vo full bound in calf extra, tool- 
 • ed ,and gilt, illustrated with maps. London, 1818 
 HUME (David) The History of England frojn the invasion of 
 Julius Cesar to the revolution in 1688 a new edition with the 
 Authors last corrections and improvements, to which is prefixed 
 a short account of his life written by himself in 8 vols, and from 
 the revolution to the death of George II, by T. Smollett, M. D. 
 5 vols., (designed as a continuation of Mr. Hume's History,) 
 Annals of the reign of King George III from its commencement 
 in 1760 to the death of His Majesty in 1820 by John Aiiien, M. 
 D.in2 vols, making in all 15 vols. 8vo tastefully bound in full 
 calfextra, (portraits of Hume and Smollett) tooled and gilt, 
 ,^„ « . .London, 1823 
 JOHNSON'S (Saml.) L. L. D. Lives of the most eminent 
 English Poets : with critical observations on their works, 4 vols. 
 IJno calf very neat. Edinburgh, 1808 
 OTTA'S -History of Italy during the ConsuUto and Empire of 
 Napoleon Bonaparte, 2 vols. 8vo calf extra tooled and ^It. 
 ««««^,« London, 1828 
 ROBERTSON (Wm.) D.D. The works of-comprising a history 
 of Scotland 3 vols. Chas. V 4 vols. History of America, 4 vols. 
 and India, 1 vol, together 13 vols. 8vo neatly bound in full 
 ^ calfextra, London, 1817 
 RUSSEL'S. History of Modern Europe with an account of the 
 decline and fall of the Roman Empire and a view of the progress 
 of Society from the rise of th« modem kingdoms, to the peace of 
 Paris in 1763 in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son, a 
 new edition with a continuation, terminating at the pacification 
 of Paris in 1815, 7 vols. 8\'o Russia. London, 1818 
 ROLLIN. (M.) de la manifire d'enseigner et d'^tudier les belles- 
 lettres, par rapport a I'esprit et au cceur. 4 Vols. 12mo calf ex- 
 '•^ > Pari, 1803 
 ROBERTSON (Wm.) The works of-, comprising the History 
 . of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James 
 y 3 vpls., and History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. 
 4 vols, together'7 vols. 8vo calf extra tooled, marbled leaves. 
 TTMctc m London, 1809 
 11 Mis S Telescope, or a complete guide to the almanac containing 
 an explanation of Saint's days and holidays 9 vols. 12mo calf ex- 
 **** 1821 30 
 WALPOLE (Sir Horace) Letters of-, to Sir Horace Mann, 
 edited by Lord Dover, with an orignal memoir of the author by 
 the editor 3 vols 8vo calf extra. London, 1834 
 ^'WMm' ' 
 ^ WILKS (Jdhn.V Memoln of Her Majesty C uoen Caroline AnelU 
 Klii, ooiMort of Geo IV. King of Oreat Briuiii 2 vols 8vo | oalf 
 ««»»• London, 1822 
 WALKER'S Select speoiinens of English Prose, from the reign of 
 Elizabeth to the present time, with an introduction, 2 vols. 8vo 
 o»tf««tra. London, 1807 
 Small Single-barrel Microscope, with Refldctorand Forccp(8, in Walnut 
 Do ' do . j^u^ do do 
 ^r^nologioal Bust^^T^ 
 Qope, with Bronze Stand,. Reflector and Foroept«— magnifies 
 ;hoUHaud time». (No. t».i 
 ,,Jb|)e, mounted on Swivel, with Bronze Stand, aind Reflecting 
 Mirror— magnifieH twenty thouwind times ; Mahogany Case (No. 3), 
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 6 Fine French Microscope, with Double Reflector; and three ■Separate 
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 7 Powerful Microscope, with Brass Stand, double acting rack movd^^ 
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 magnifying one hundred and twenty thousand times, mahogany 
 case, (No. +). 
 8 Laige Binocular Microscope, with double action, brass stand, Reflec- 
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 very Valuable Instrument, in 3Iahogany Case. . 
 9 Powerful Microscope, Brass Stand, double rack movement imd Reflec- 
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 10 French Microscope, three sets Magnifying Sowers, magnifying fifty' 
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 N.B. — Most of the above Glasses are furnished with test objects. 
 11 Very powerful and large size Magic Lantern, in perfect order, wifj, 
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 IVI Beautiful Stereoscope, in Mahogany Case, with fifty Views, repre- 
 senting some of the finest Scenery in Ireland. < 
 13 Valuable Gun iu polished Oak Case, and Furniture, complete, all 
 feet ; made by ! urdy, of London ; and cost quite r^- 
 uew atid perfect: 
 cently, fifty guineas. 
 14 Telescope — A Powerful Asti-ononiical Telescope, 9 fbct focal length, 
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 '=Pow*»fil Asiroiomkjal TeleMope, by BardMU, of Parii, ]^ fobt 
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 Steani-Enginfe — A Miniature Steam Engine, beautifully oonstructed 
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 boanty and perfect workmanship. , 
 (O Th,e fi)Ildwing important collections ai^p now cataloguidg aod will 
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 "Mr The splendid Private Collections of the late JAMES ,L. ^, 
 MATHEWSON, Esq^JJand the lat« W.^- A. TOWNSEND, Esq., (to be, 
 ^atalpgued together.) ; ' / / ; v 
 * v». J»r The collection of rare and curious books iinnually cohsi<;iicd by 
 E.LUHI^EY, Esq., t^ London.- (Catalogues* now- ready.) 
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 ignodby HENRY G. BOH N and other^London- Publishers', and com- 
 .prising over $20,000 worth of fine new Books, many of which are suitable 
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 * * H^NRY J. SHAW, 
 PrincijMt Aucfioneft for the' sale of Literary Pnyperty. Works of 
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 Libraries attended to. Princi/Hil Office and Wa>eivmns, 91, Great 67. 
 James, Street. Montreal, 
 ' J 
 » . 
 • f » 
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,v, '-« 
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 CHA8.;:r. JEFFERIE8 ft'sbhis, 
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 1 ACKERMAlTa History of the OoUegea of Win'ohfistek Eti)n and 
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 prists Hospital, lUu^trated w»th 28 nicely coloured^ngi-avinia of 
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 2 iSuSEtomin RetirenLt, oWt^ 
 ? ?r' ?f^ *^® ^*»*^^ ^T**» *»»>e BfMU)^rsof.Pnyafe Life, 12mo^ 
 , naif calf ileat <■ ^ ,r • . ' /•'/>-,>/««- iqi»'' 
 ^ '^msl^L^e^M^^^^^ <;omi^i«1i^riiits GoniSSi«.tin 
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 *K^«X**°^^,^*f®' ^ ^^ for a PQbic Library, oompririiMfk detailed View of 
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 4 ARIpgTQii Gr^ido Furi9«o, tcuiak 
 !2mocalf Aeai " * Lm^aL lofw 
 6 BAGSTER (Samuel) Oh th^ Tteatm«»t of ^, With a fiSS 
 • coldured froatispieoe, post .8vo half calf neat Joii^ IOTA 
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 :« BIBLR-OW«ndNewlMainW; Macklin'g Magnificent Edition. 
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 lUsqilendid edition was imbl!shed.atheai^lOOJ without the Btoding. 
 :v A ;»■ 
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 . f BIBLIOTHEQUB Portotive dep Eorivauoi Franooli ; ou, Choldea 
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 MM» MoyHttnt *'^ de Levizao, 3 vols, royal 8vo calf veiy neat 
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 and raosiEinjnent Voyages, 2 vok 12mo half calf neat 
 * • • ** • Londmit 181& 
 11 BISSETT'h HiHtory of the ReTgn of 0«fti^ III., 6 vola, 8vo half 
 calf neat , . Ltmdon 1890 
 12 BLACKSTONE'8 (Sir W.) Coinnientaries on the Law» of EngWd. 
 fine portrait, 4 %'ola 12rao calf jieat ' London, 1813 
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 14 B^WELL's (Jafnos) Life of Johnson, 4 voh*. calf gilt, with fao- 
 Mlniles of hix Jtaud-writing, and portrait Zondon, l82i 
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 These splendid cnaravlnm WW from Paintints by Nbrthcote, SnM^^ 
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 16 BRAND'S (John) Observations on Popuhir Antiquities, includinu 
 Bournes Antiquitates Vulgaries, royal 8vo calf neat, nice copy. 
 17 BRITISH NovelistP—Barbauld's exceUent edition coi^^,' ^^m. 
 pnsmg the Works of the most esteemed Novelists, with Bio«a- 
 phical and Ciitical Prefaces, itortraits, 50 vola l2mo half calf mlt 
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 wantmg), calf gilt - ^ 1806 
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 Uans, numerous portraits and engravings of Anns, &c, i voll 8vb 
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 irFirfJE^''®^,*^ Discover tlie Source of the NUe in the Yeaw 
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 fl ^ (E.) Works, complete, Library Edition, eontainiig hia 
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 <^neat . ^ JSdinbUrffh, 1763 
 Tj. , J r~; ■ History of the Refonnation of the Ohuroh of 
 ^fK?r **^ '^-? corrected by the Rev. E. Nares, containing 21 
 Se?? P^ ** "^ ^ Refonners, 4 vok. 8vo half calf gilt, mar- 
 13 BUn.SsamueiyWorks^ 
 ty Pr. & Johnaon, 2 v oh t . 8 v a oalf n«t — ^^g^ 
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 |« CAMPBBLi;-(Dr. John) Naval HS^iTo^^O^e ISft' ]^!^. 
 .•T^^ 2!i • ^f^^^^'K ?»® HiBtoiy aud lire, of the British AdmuSi 
 28 Another copy, complete, 32 vok 8to half rusda gUt {jpnCtHil^l 
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 No good Libraiy am poeMfily be considered complete without the 
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 29 OHROXOLOQY of Public Events and Remarkable o'ocurn^ncas 
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 wid Assistance each should give to the other, with a Survey of the 
 Power and Junsdictioiil of the Pope in the Dominions of other 
 81 oSmi^ANR * r^*"* ^7%"*'^ git [pub. at 1/ 7s.] Oa/ord, 1811 
 81 COCHRANE 8 Journal of a^Resideiioe and Travel? in^Colimbia 
 dunlig the Ye«^1823 and 1824, 2>ols. 8vo very neatly Eound S • 
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 33 COLLECTION des Habitations Rurales dans les 92 Cantons de 
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 and others, oblong cloth gilt, gilt sides. S^A w 
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 Gountnes of the Glpbe, upMrai-dnof 150 mai^ Ld engravinT 30 
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 , Kipper and flie Origmal Agronomical Ohservatiom by fiavlr Ite. 
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Itfmoodf gilt. 
 J5 ^_ (Wm.) Life wad Letters, with Renuurki on BpirtpUry 
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 41 ORABB's (0.) XTniveraal Historical Dictionary ; or, Explanations 
 of the Names of Persons and Place* in Biblical, P«ltical, and 
 Ecclesiastical History. Mythology, Heraldry, piograjAy, Ac, &a, 
 portraits, 2 vok 4to half c»lf gilt [pub. at HI Ss] London, 1835 
 48 ORAIO's (Rev. Edward) Jacob; or, Patriarchikl Piety, post 8vo 
 calf mlt Edinburgh, 182G 
 49 OROKER's (T. C.) Legend of the Lake ; or. Sayings and Doings Ui 
 Killamey, 2 vols, post 8vo, with illustrations. London, 1829 
 44 CRA-NE's Letters from the East, written dnrinnj ji Recept Tour 
 through Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, the IJoly Land, Syria, and Greece,. 
 2 vols. 12mo calf gilt, marbled leaves, nice/jopy. London, 1826 
 45 CRAYON'S (G.) Sketch Book, con8istin/9f Tales and Stories, by 
 Popular Authors, post 8 vo half calf neatA Parw, 1831 
 46 D'AUBIGNE's History of the Reformation in the 16th Century, 
 transited by Soott, 40 fine portraits of the Reformer*, 4 vols. 8vo 
 half calf neat [pub. at 5f 28] Edinburgh, 1855 
 47 DIBDIN's (Thomas) London Theatre, a Collection of th'e most 
 Celebnited Di-amatio Pieces, 26 vola in 18, 12mo calf gilt 
 London, 1815-18 
 48 DODDJlIDGE's Family Expositor; or, a Paraphrase and Version of 
 the New Testament, with Notes, Life by Orton, Ivge type edition, 
 portrait, 4 vols, royal 4to calf gilt, broad gold border on sides, mar- 
 "bled leaves [pub. at 10/ lOs.] iWon, 1808 
 . 4j^ ^ (Dr.) Family Expositor of the New Testament, 
 royal 8vo calf gilt,' marbled leaves, fine portrait • London, 1834 
 * ' (P.) Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, 
 ^ssay by Foster,' post 8vo calf neat * Glasgow, IS27 
 (Dr. P.) Correspondence and Diary, edited by his 
 51 I — . — .— .. —.f - — - -^ — — ., , , 
 Grandson, John Doddri(^e' Humphrey, 5 vok 8vo calf neat, fine 
 'portmit ^ London, IS29 
 62 DODD's Connoissem-s* Repei-tory ; or, a Biographical History of Pamt- 
 ers, Engravers, Sculptors, and Aitshitects, printed on superfine 
 papvr on one-.8id6 only, for the pni-pose of an Alphaboticial or Classi- 
 fied arrangement^ &c.*, (fee, 6 vols. 8vo half c^lf gilt, marbled leaves. 
 . ' , ' , " i. London, no dat^. 
 53 J iDaye at' the Factories, first Series, London, illustrated by 
 . numerous engravings of Machines and Processes, post 8vo half calf 
 • irilt Xo»Mfow, 1843 
 '^M DONOVAN'S History of British Birds, with Descriptions from the 
 -• Systema Naturae of .Linnseus, embellished -with Figures Drawn, 
 Engraved, and CoWredj from the Original. Specimens, 3 vols, in 2, 
 . r -jSl 8vo calf neat [pnb. at 5/ 8s] • London, 1794 
 65 DRAKE'S Essays, Biographical, (Jritical, and Historical, illustrative 
 • of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian, 5 yoIs. 12mo mpi-occo gilt, 
 g ilt. IpavHH, TiiceJKtpy. London, 1814 
 56 - I Uteraiy Houi*s ; or, Sketches, Critical and Narrative, 2 
 vols. 8vo calf. . ' . _ ■ LomUni, 1800 
 57 —l-i Mornings in Spring ; or, Retrospectionn, Biographical, . 
 Critical, and Hiatorical, 2 Vok 8vo l.alf calf neat Zo»^, 1828 ' 
 ■^'-'•f awp^-W W^/T^^P' 
 bRTDSK*! (J.) Works of Virgil, 2 ro\a. ISIno moroeoo «cti*, Ai 
 MJgM- Zoittiim, 1820 
 DYDFa (W.) History and Antiquitlea of TowkoBbury, 8vo cloth, 
 withpktca London, )79S 
 ELEGANT Extraote in Prose, Vewe, ahd Epii^lM, the three Seriee 
 oomplete, Sharpo's beautiful edition, with numerous engraV-jlngs by 
 We^tall, Heath, 4c, Ac, 18 vola 18mo grained morocco extra/broad 
 border of gold pn sides, and gilt leaver (Vol V. of the Prose ii- 
 wanting.) \ * 
 61 Another copy, Poetry 6 voU.^ Jlpistles 6 vols., together 12 vohi. 18m'o, 
 neatly bound in calf Zotufon, 1812 
 62 FARINOTON's Views of the Lakiw in OumlierUnd and Westmor- 
 land, with Description^, English and French, double set of .the 20 
 large and fine engravings, proofs and etchings, ,oblong imperial folio 
 calf neat ' , ^ 17^9 
 63 FORBEfl's (J.) Oriental Memoirs written during 17 Years'. Residence 
 ■ in India, with Obsenriv|;ion8 on parts of Africa and South America, 
 numy fine enoravings of Views,, Ac., 4c^, those of Natuml History 
 beautiftOly oolbured, 4 vols. 4tj> calf* very neai'[pub. at 18/ 18»] 
 V " 1813 
 "A most important work : of all the books that^ve bei^ published 
 > on Indlk, this perhaps is thb most sterliifgly valu^L \. 
 6i GALLERY of Modem British Artist*, containing 78 beautiful engrav- 
 ings from the Works of the most Eminent Artists of the Day, 4to 
 '^alf mor9oco gilt, gilt leaves. ^ Zomibn, 183d 
 65 GALLERY of Portraits, containing about 72 splendid Portraits oif. 
 ., Illustrious Men, with Memoirs, 3 vols, royal 8vo half ciUf 
 [pub. at 3/ 3s in boardsj Londfm,, 1833 
 66 gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a nice libraiy. 
 •; set, 12 vols. &v6calf very neat, marbled leaves [pub. at 6H)b.] 
 ». V ' London^ 1819 
 67 GISBORNE's (Thomas) Enquiry into the Duties of Men, 2 vols. 8vo 
 «^,gilt- ' \ ^ : london,18U 
 68 GOLDSMITH'S (Dr.) Roman History, from the Foundation of the 
 City of Rome to the Destructiofl ol^he" Western Empire, 2 vols, 
 calf gilt * ^^^ —, London, rr97 
 ' • (Oliver) History of Greece,^ voUi. 8vo calf gilt, 
 marble leaves. Zoncfon, 1821 
 -History of the Earth anid Animated 
 Nature, 4 vols. 8vo half calf neat, coloured plates. London,- 1822 
 71 ORANBY, a No-v^l, in 3 vols. 8vo half calf neat London, 1826 
 72 HEBER's (Bishop) Last Days, by Thomas Robinsoni ^o half talf 
 , n^t " ' Madrae, 16^1 
 73 >-^. _««. — : Journeys through Iildia, from Calcutta to Bombay, . 
 : and to Madras and the Southern Provinces, with his Letters, c^ted ; 
 by his Wife, S vols. 4to half calf neat [pub. at 2/ 12a M] . 
 » . , , - jjondoti, 1826 , 
 74 HELON'h Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, translated from the German of 
 Frpderick Strauss, 2 vok 8vo half calf gilt London, 182i' 
 76 HERVETs .Meditations and Contemplation's, with life, and fine 
 portrait, 2 vols, royal 8vo cjalf gilt Londm, 1796 
 ■ i I 
 ■ < ■-. 
U H0BH0U8B wid Lord Byron'* Jour»«y Ihitmgh AlbMik, Tark<|ri 
 . Mid Graeoe, to Conatontinopl«, numeroitrflne dblotired engravingi of 
 04«tume tnd Soenerv, i vols. 4to <mlf neat. JAmtUM^ 181 S 
 77 HOLT» Public and Private Life of George III., pmrtrait, 2 vok Pvo 
 calf [pub. nt 30m.] Xondon, U2{) 
 78 H00KE'|(N.) Ronuui Hiatory^ from the Building of Rome to th« 
 m Ruia of ihe Commonwealth, mapti and pktea, 1 1 vols. 8vo calf gilt 
 ■ / London, 1766 
 79 HORTICULTURAL Trannactionii of the Society of London, with 
 richly coloured engravings, iHt Series 7 Vols., and Vol. I 2nd Series, 
 Ui i^L 8 volk. royal 4to half morocoii gilt, marbled leaves [pub. at 40n 
 // ° L&ndon, 1812-35 
 80 HVp^^ History of England, Bowyer'u 'splendid National RUtion, 
 yaitetrate<l by nearly 200 fine engravings, 10 vol* imperial folio 
 i|flf russia, fine copy. Lomlon, 1808 
 ' This edition, one of the most finely printed books ever produced in 
 any coontry, was published at 70Z. 
 '■ History of England, 8 vols., Smollett's Continuation, Svols* 
 and Adolphus's Continuation, 3 vols., in all 16 vols, uni&rmly bound 
 / in calf, very neat, fine portraits. Zoncton, 1802 
 82 HUME and Smollett's History of England, 18 vols- 8vo half i-ussia, 
 fine portraits. London, 1796 
 ^ 1 — History of England, from the Invasion of 
 Julius CasAir to the Death of George II., 10 vols. 12mo morocco 
 extra, gilt edges London, 1824 
 HUME^s (David) Essays «md Treatises on Several Subjects, 2 vol& 
 8vo calf gilt Edinburgh, 1809 
 85 ILLUSTRATED London News, from 1846 to 1862 (wanting Vol. 
 X.) 13 vok folio half calf gilt, nice set 
 86 IRELAND'S (S.) Picturesque Tour of the Thames, 2 vols., Holland, 
 Brabant, and part of France, 2 vok, the Avon and the Medway, 
 together 8 vok royal 8vo neatly bound in calf, numerous fine 
 aquatinta engravings [pub. at 1.0/ 10s.] London, 1795, Ac. 
 87 IrViNO's (Washington) Salmagundi; or, the Whim-Wliams and 
 Opinions of Launcelot Longstafi; Esq., and others, 2 vok post 8vo 
 half calf neat. Pa^, 1824 
 88 JEWS (History of the) in 3 vok post 8vo half calf neat 
 ^ Murraij, 1829 
 89 JOHNSON'S (Samuel) Works, including his Parliamentary Rebates, 
 with an Essay on his Life by MvuT)hy, 14 vok calf neat, fine copy, 
 contents lettered, with portrait London, 1810 
 : ^ — (Ihr.) Complete Works, with an Essay on his Life and 
 Genius by Murphy, 11 vok 8vo calf gilt, marbled leaves, fine por- 
 trait, nice copy. ' London^ 1$20 
 . (Dr. S.) Life by Boswell, 4 vok 8vo calf gilt, marbled 
 leaves, nice copy. London, 1820 
 Samuel) Works, with an Essay on his life and Genius 
 by Murphy. 12 vok 8vo half calf neat, portrait London, 1824 
 93 — — — '— — (Dr. 8.) Works complete, with Essay on his Life and 
 Genius by MurjAy, 13 vok 12mo;,calf very neat; • , - ?,, 1816 
 94 _^_.. -. (Samuel) Lives of the English Poets, with Critiques 
 on tlidr Works, 3 vok 8to calf gilt, portrait * - London, IBH 
 ■ '•-™;<;;«iwi^'*«w^-^r''rf>w.^«f^^ 
 yfe-tsri' ^tSM 
M JONES'S (Sir W.) OomplMe Wark% with ilia Bappli 
 Toluioeii oonUining his Aaiaiio Rcsearohcf, best edition, portraiti 
 and numerous engravings of Oriental Symbolloal Characters, ko., 
 8 vols. 4to russiagilt, marbled leaves, fine copy [pub. at 10^1 
 Itmdon, 1799-1806 
 06 JOSEI^HUB's (Fiavius) Lamentable and Tragic»l History of the 
 Wf^ a"il Utter Kuino of the Jews, folio old half oal£ 
 97 fVmiUB (The Letters o^ 2 vols. l9mo oalf neat, with pUtes. 
 ^ londonf 1810 
 98 "' — ■ ' Roches' Enquiry concerning the Author of Junius's 
 Letters, 8vo marbled calf extra, beautifiilly tooled in gold on the 
 side. London, 1813 
 K AVER'S (Captain Henry) Treatise oh Mechanics (Laidner's Cabinet 
 Oycloptedin) pobt 8vo half calf neat L&ndony 1830 
 IQO KEITH'S (Alexander) Signs of the Timoi^ 2 vok. 12mD half oalf 
 ' neat, (fourth edition). BdiMurgh^ 1833 
 101 KINSEY's Portugal Illustrated, with Descriptions, nearly 6U highly 
 finished engravings by Cooke, Skelton, Ac, impl. 8vo half calf neat 
 London^ 1828 
 102 KITCHINEE's (William) Cook's Oracle, containing Reccijits for 
 Plain Cooking, jxMit 8vo half calf neat. * London, 1827 
 103 LA BELLE Assemblee ; or. Bell's Court and Fashionable Magarine, 
 New Series, Vols. I. to IV., and XL to XIIL, in all 7 vols. 8vo 
 calf very neat, illustrated with numerous out* and coloured plates. 
 ' Loiuhn, 181016 
 104 LAVATER's Physiognomy, complete, translated by O. Qienville, 
 several hundred illustrations, 4 vols. 8vo cal£ London, 1800 
 100 LOCKE'S (J^hn) Works, complete, with Life, portrait, 10 vols. 8vo 
 calf very neat [pub. at 0^ London, 181S 
 106, LOUDON'S Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, 
 Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, ice, numerous engravings, 4 vols. 8vo 
 half calf neat [pub. at il is] y 1829 
 107 MASSENGEB and Foi^^^iamatio Works, complete in 1 vol, 
 with Introducdon by Huiley Coleridge, royal 8vo marbled calf 
 neat [pub. at Ifis] . .. 1839 
 108 MULLOTm Elements of General Historf^ Anoie&t and Modem, 
 € voU 8vo half calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1828 
 109 MILNER's Church History, fourth edition, revised and corrected 
 by the Rev. J. Milner, 5 vok 8vo calf neat London, 1812 
 110 MONTAIGNE'S Essaia, 4 vob. 12mo calf ^t, Paria, 1803 
 111 MONTGOMERY'S (J.) PeUcau Ishmd, and other Poems, post 8vo 
 ■ half calf ^t li8f 
 112 (J.) World before the Flood, a Poem^ irith 
 other Pieces, po«^8yo half gilt 1819 
 113 MORELL's (SirtJharles) Tales of the Genii, transhited from the 
 Persian, 2 vols. 16mo calf neat 1814 
 114 MORRIS'S History of British Game Birds and Wild Fowl, 60 
 - — . coloured plat e s, 4to half r e d moroc c o gilt, gilt top, cost 2^ 0s in 
 doth. V J8g4 
 mOSHEIM's Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modeoft, transla* 
 ted from the Latin, \^ Madai&e, 6 vols. 8yo oatf gilt 1790 
Tl« MOUintJABHKLL'i (Count** Dowvgw) OmndmoUiM'* kAr\m 
 to Young Moth«n on tiie I'hyvioal KduMtion ^f Yottip OHUdrea, 
 part Svohdf calf nmt „ i^f 18S«f 
 ' 118 MY Aunt Pontypool, 3 roU. 8vo half dalf nMt - l«8fi 
 119 NATIONAL Gallery of rictur«>« by the Great Mafltmi, lUbeauti< 
 fkil engravingp, 2 vola. 4to half morocco (pub. at iM 3»] iu> datt, 
 120 NAVAL Chronicle, complete from Ita commencement in 1799 to 
 p 1818 inohwive, illuHtratetl with many fine ^Hlrt^ait^^ and engravingH 
 ^ of Sea Fiiihtfl. Ac, 40 roln. royal bvo haif calf gilt, niarblod leaven. 
 I * / ■* Lotidon, 1799-1818 
 Thtt intereiting work gircfi thn AillMt and mo«t graphic aooountfl of the 
 brilliant exploiuor tho lirltiah Nnvy, with Memoirs of the Commanden, Offlcon, 
 i^ 4d., aho Naral Talee, Anecdoicn, Oblluoric*, Ac 
 i t! NICHOLSON'S Britiah Encyolopajdia ; or, Dictionary of Aria and 
 Sciences, illustrated with upwards of 180 elegant engravings hf 
 Lowry and Scott, 7 vola 8vo calf neat [pub. at 71 It] Londm, 1809 
 123 NICOLAS's Synopis of iho Peerage of England, 2 rols. 12mo cfclf 
 gU^ £oiul<m, I8!l6 
 123 O'CONNOR'S Chronicle of theEri, being the History of tho Oaal 
 fc'dot Iber ; or, the Jrinh] Peopl«, 2 vok 8vo calf gilt. London, 1822 
 124 ORNAMENTAL Flower Garden and hhruliboiy, containing the 
 , moat beautiful and onrious Flowering J'lants and Shrubs cxUtivated 
 in>Brlti8h Gardens, by Sweet, Professor Don, «kc., 280 fijie coloured 
 plfktea^ 4 vol& royal 8vo half calf gilt, uuurbled loaves [pub. at 8/ 88l 
 ' 185 OSSIAN's Poem^- tJMUislated by Macphcrson, plates by Heath and 
 others, 2 vols. royar8vo calf gilt, marbled leaves, lai^e paper copy. 
 ^ 1806 
 1Q6 Another copy, 2 rolfl. 8vo marbled calf gilt Edinburgh, 1805 
 127 OXFORD.— Views of the Colleges, Hulls, and Public Buildings, in 
 the University and City of Oxford, with Descriptions, oblong half 
 jji^ Oxford, 1824 
 128 PALEys (Arohdeacon) Works, complete, with Lifr, 5 vol*. 8vo 
 calf neat 1^23 
 129 Evidences of Chtiatianity, 2 vols. 8vo calf gilt, nice copy . / 
 130 — ^ -"Works:— Evidences of Clii-ifltianity, 2 vok. Moral Philoso- 
 phy, 2 voUj., Natural Theology and Hone Pauliuw, together 6 vols. 
 8vo calf neat , „ , , «?^^* 
 181 PARKYNS'm Monastic and Baronial Remains in England, Wales, 
 and Scotknd, with Descriptions, upwanla of 100 engravings of the 
 moat Ancient Castles, Abbeys, &c, 2 vols, royal 8vo morocco gilt, 
 ' gilt leaves [pub. at 4n :. ^®.^? 
 — 182 PEEL'S (Sir Robert) Life and Times, by Cooke, illustrated with 
 86 fine portraits of his Contemporaries, 4 vols. 8vo half morocco 
 [pnbiat2n08] «-<^; 
 183 PETER'S Lettci-s to his Kinsfolk, illustrated with 14 portmits of 
 Celebrated Scotch Authors, Divines, &c., i vols. 8vo calf [pub. at 
 inOs] £dinburg\ IS19 
 134 PETRARCH, Life of, by Dobsou, 2 vols. 8vo calf neat 
 /. 2?o(&fey, 1776 
 ISA n<jrORIAL HkUny of th* B(bU, ooMMnf oT 81 wfkmMA ^\m, 
 iUtutnUng aiffinwnt PuMifMi of Soriplurt ht BriUidi AHitli, wiHi 
 (kMoripf ianii to twch pUUi, *J vuia. 4tD half oaif gUt, cU>th ddaa fkiC 
 136 PITT (Htght Ilonounble W.) Ilutory ot the PoliUiml Ufa oi; 
 including noma Aoc<nint c*f th« Timea in whk)h h« Tivwl, 1^ John 
 aiflfonl, (I Villa Hvo dafiumt, flno portrait 1809. 
 ISO* PlNKKUTON'H^John) Colloction of ToyageR At><l Ti»t«Is in att 
 Parts of the Wovkl, Mrith g«n«rnl int^tx, 17 vuli. 4to, platfa, daif 
 neat [puk In btumU at 37/ IOh] 1808 
 137 PLC/TAHCU'a Liv(«i>, t^analat«(I b^ lAnghonie, vola., 1798 : tha 
 Famala Flutaroh, 3 Tob., heing iLivua of Celebratatl Women who 
 took part in the Fronoh Kevulution of 1780 : and the Revolutionary 
 Plutaroh ; or, Liv«vii otf the Lea<lerN of the French U^olutioa uf 
 uniformly bound in calf neat 
 : LomUm, 179».1806 
 ,onlfl, wi^ KuteH and Life, voK 
 th Oommentarics and Notea 
 old calf. London^ 
 1780— tojj^thvr 12 vola 
 488~JlLnoth«r oopv, tnmuiii 
 * ' pOHt 8vo calf wat 
 139 POPE'a (A.) Worka, 
 BiHltop Warburton, 9 yo 
 UO POUTUAITS and >Ioni(ylni of the moat £nuuent living Politi- 
 «cal Kofonners, oontAining 25 aplen^id portmiia, folio half uomooo 
 gilt eirea 1800 
 141 PCXTPa Oaaetteer of England and Walaa, illuatrated with two laiga 
 Mapa deaoriptive of the Roadtt, iio., itc, 9 toIm 8vo calf gilt. 
 .A ^^*_ _^ lotwton, 1810 
 142 PRI01iAIlD*a (T. J. Llewdlyn) HeTOinto of Wolih Hiatory, com- 
 priaing Memoirs and Biogmphical Kotiowi of t^e Celebrat«4 
 Women of Wales, post 8vo new cloth. • London, 1854 
 143 PRIDKAUX'a (Ur.) Connection of the Old and New TeatMuenta, 4 
 vols. Bvo calf neat . Oxford, lB2(i 
 144 PRYCE's (George) Memorials of the Canynge Family, Weatbury 
 College, RedcUff Church, and ChattertOn, hui^e 8vo new cloth, wida ,, 
 coloured illustrations. , * * *!!l^ London. '^65i^\ 
 145 QUAHrERLY Review, from its CommeiilpPht in 1809 to 1855, 
 with 4 vols, of Indexes, 97 vols. 8vo hair ^If, nice set [pulj. at , 
 upwards of 50/] 
 148* Another Set from its commencement i|^ 1809 to 1850, with thve^ 
 Indexes, 87 vol* 8vo half calf very neat -^ <^^^ -^ - a . - _ 
 146 RAPIN'a History of England, translated byFindal, with Notfes and 
 Continuation, 5 vols, folio, Heads and Plates by Virtue and 
 Houbraken, including uiany additional ones, fine copy, calf nit, 
 very neat Zon«ton, 178» 
 146 RICHARDSON'S Travels alottg the Meditt^ranertii and Parts 
 Adjacent, with the Earl of Belraore, in 1816 1 71 8, illustrated witlv 
 , plans and engravings (some coloured) S vols. 8vo half calf neat 
 London, 1822 
 Sir EOBERTSON's (William) Historical Works, with an Account of 
 -' his Life and Writings, 11 vols. 12mo calf neat Montrote, 1818" 
 lis "ROBSON's Scenery of. the Grampian Mountains; a Seriea of 4X 
 ;*- . ■ '1^, 
 beautifully coloured Views of the Lake and River Scenery of this 
 interesting District^ with Descriptive Letter-press affixed to each 
 plate, impl. folio half russia gilt [pub, at 15/ Ids.] London, 1819« 
 * 1« 
 * 165 
 ' 156 
 BOLLtlTi Anditit Ristoiy, tittaaUtad from tb« IVuioh, 6 roU. 8vo 
 OMlf gili, with portrait Jldinbw/yh, 1824 
 Another oopj, » New Edition, revised and oorreoted, with a new net 
 of Bf apa, fine portrait, 8 vola. 8vo oalf gilt, nwrbled leaves [puU at 
 4/ 4a.] London, 1819 
 BOUXB from Liverpool to the Great Salt Lake Valley, illustrated 
 with numerous beautiful engravings and woodcuts, from Sketohea 
 made by Frederick Pieroy, edited by James Linforth, 4to half cjilf 
 neat Liverpool, 1855 
 RURAL Pyolopndia; or, Oeneral Dictionary of Agriculture, and 
 of the Arte, Sciences, dec., connected with it, edited by Wilson, 
 ilumerous fine engravings, 4 large vols. iitipL 8vo half calf neat 
 Ipub. «t 4^ lOs.] Edinburgh, 1847 
 RUSS£LUs Modem Europe, with an Account of the Decline and 
 Fall of the'iloman Empire;^ 6 vols. 8vo calf gilt, fine copy. , 
 London, 1827 
 RYALL's Portraits of Illustrious Conservative Statesmen^ with 
 Biographiical Notices, folio half morocco, gilt leaves. no title. 
 SAVARY's Letters on Egypt, with the Descent of LouiiB XI. at 
 Damietta, extracted from Joinvill& and Arabian Authors, 2 vols. 
 8vo calf neat, several maps and plans. London, 1787 ' 
 SGOTT's (Sir Walter) Book of Waverley Gems, C4 Engraved Illus- 
 trations by Mitchell, Heath, dec, Svo new cloth [pub. at 21s.] 
 London, 1862 
 Another copy [piub. at 21&.] London, IB62 
 SCOTT'S (Sii- W.) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, 
 fine impressions of the 98 highly finished engravings of Old 
 Castles, &c., 2 vols. 4to calf extra^ handsomely tooled sides, gilt 
 leaves [pub. at 12/128.] ;^ London,lSl4: 
 History of Scotland (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia) 
 2 vol&'l2mo half calf neat. London,lB30 
 Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, post 8vo half oalf 
 ' ' london, 1831 
 Tales and Essays, post 8vo half calf neat Pant, 1829 
 Poetical Works, 10 vols. 8vo morocco gilt, gilt leaves, fine 
 ' Minbwrgh, 1821 
 (Thomaa) Commentary on the Bible, 6th Edition, wi^ 
 the Authoi''s last Corrections and Improvements, 6 vols. 4to russia 
 veiy neat, stamped onlhe side, with a border of gold on the inside 
 of the covers, fhie copy. , London, 1823 
 SEYER's History of Brlatol and its Neighbourhood, from the 
 Earliest Times, numerous fine engravings by Heath, dec., 2 vols. 
 4to half calf gUt ^rw^ 1821 
 SHAKSPBARE's Dramatic Works, with Life, 12 voht, Poems, 
 2 vol&, from, the Edition of Isaac Reid, together 14 vol& 12mo calf 
 gilt, contents lettered. London, 1809 
 SHAKSPEARE's Plays with the Notes of Johnson, Stfevens, and 
 Isaac Reed, and the Corrections and 1 llustrations of various other 
 Commentators ; a Life of the Poet and An pnlarged History of the 
 Stage, by E. Malone, edited by Isaac RceJ; 21 vols. 8vo calf gilt, 
 portrait , London, 1613 
 1|6« 8HAKSPBARB, Dltutratod hy ma Aaembl^(» of Portnita mmi 
 ;^' / Views; with Biogntphioal AneodotM^ «ad Portndts of Aoton^ 
 j' ,■ Editors, Ac, 2 vols, royal 8yo |Aoroooo gilt, |^t leaves [puK in 
 r boards at 6/ ds.] loncfen, 1798 
 167 SiflTH's (Adam) Inquiry into the Nature and Gauflea of tha 
 Wealth of Nations, 3 vok 8vo oalf gilt. JSeUnburgh, 1806 
 168 —— (Miss Elizabeth) Translation of i)m Boo^ bt Job, with 
 Preface and Annotations by the Rev. Biwd6Ip|i> I>«Dm ^▼o <'*^ 
 neat Bath, Igm^ 
 169 SOTHEBY'S (W.) Tour through Wales, and other Poems, ^MT 
 Engravings from Drawings taken on the Spot by J. Smith, 4to, 
 calf. London, 1794 
 170 SPAIN (A Year in) by a Youflg American, § vols. 8vo half calf 
 n«it w London, 1831 
 171 STEELE'S (Sir R) Letters, including his Familiar Letters to his 
 Wife aud Daughtiers, edited by Nichols, 2 vol& 8vo calf neat, fine 
 portrait. . , London, 1809 
 172 STEANOFORD's (ViscountesR) Eastern Shores of the Adriatic in 
 1863, with a Visit to Montenegro, 8vo new cloth, coloured; plates 
 Qpub. at2is.] .^om^, 1864 
 Another copy [pub. at 2 ls.1 Zofu^n, 1864 
 STURM'S Reflections on the Works of God in Nature and Provi- 
 translated by Adam Clarke, 2 vols. 8vo calf neat, with 
 116 JTABLE 
 Discours par 
 large Engran 
 Bertaux, fine 
 London, 1818 
 (Pean) Wor]ks, complete,' with Historical and Critical 
 Sheridan, enlarged by J. Nidhols, portrait, 19 vols, 8vo 
 marbled leaves, fine copy [pub. at 10^.] London, 1808 
 tJX de la Suisse, Pittoresques, Topographiques, Histori- 
 &o.\par Laborde et Ziirlanben, upwairds of 200 fine engrav- 
 Romantio Scenery and Antiquities, a Series of Portraits, 
 fine impressions, 2, vols., with 2 vols, of t>escription, 
 Is. imp!, folio whole bound in russia very neat 
 raria, 1780^86 
 istoriques de la Revolution Francaise, avec des 
 Abbe Fauchet, CSuunfort, Ginguene et Pages, 310 . 
 i, including 66 Poi-traits by the celebrated Duplessi 
 pressions, 3 vols. impL foUo boards, fine copy. 
 ' , ^m Tari8, 1804 
 ;h Magazine, New Series 4V its Commencement 
 19 vols, royal 8vo half morocco very neat [pub. 
 £dii^mrgh, lSU-52 
 ited London, in Commemoration of the Great 
 51, forming a complete Guide to London and its 
 escriptive Letter-press by WiUiam Gaspey, illus* 
 of 200 steel engravii^ 2 vols. 12mo htdf red 
 London and New York. 
 icaX Works, translated by Redhead, portraits and 
 •yal 8vo half calf gilt London, 1860 
 ^ew Illustration of ithe Sexual System of Linnseus, 
 with numerous/laige and finely ei^praved plates of Plants, and por- 
 traits of ^intat Botanists, 2 vols. :— and Botanical Extrads ; or, 
 Philosophy of Botany, 2 yoI&— together 4 vol& atlas folio russia 
 «xCi«,broadborder of gold dnthesidea, fineoopy (puk at42f] 1810 
 TAITs Edinbu 
 in 1834 to 
 at 9; 88.1 
 179 TALLIS's lUustI 
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 Environs, with 
 trated by upwi 
 caif, very net 
 180 thi£:rs's h 
 plates, 4 vols. 

 THORNTON*! Temple of Flora, with leveml Urge Mia finel^W 
 gnVed Fiotaresque l^tea of ' the Ghoioeet Flowers, be*uiiftilly 
 oobtired^ atlaa folio half nuBia neat London^ 181S 
 TOMLINE's (Bp.) Elements of Ohristian Theology, 2 vols. 8yo oalf 
 neat London^ 1804 
 TRUSLER's (J.) Habitable World Described; or, PreMni State of 
 the People in all parts of the Olobe, numerous fine plates, 20 voh. 
 8yo half calf neat ZoiuiKon, 1788-97 
 YALEKTIA's (Loitl) Voyaged and Travel to India, the Red Se% 
 Abyssinia, and Egypt, from 1802 to 1806, 69 fine engravings by 
 Angus, Landseer, Warren, ^, 3 voli|. in 2, royal 4to morocco 
 gilt, ^t leaves [pub. at 92 9s] London^ 1800 
 VIEWS and R^ms of Rome, and its Vicinity, consisting of 62 very 
 beautifully coloured engravings of Old Ruins and Views, w^ a 
 Description to each plate in French and English, imperial folio 
 morocco gilt ' London, n,d. 
 UNIVERSAL History, Ancient and Modem, from the Earliest 
 Account of GE^e, complete with the Supplement, best 8vo edition, 
 numerous engravings and maps, 60 vols, 8voi oalf very neat, a nice 
 uniform set London, 1779 
 WALP0IjE's«( Robert) Memoirs, relating to European and Asiatio 
 Turkey, and other Countries of the East, many illustrations, 2 vols. 
 4to caif neat [pub. at 6/ 6sl London, 1818 
 WARNER'S (Rev. Richard) Walk through some of the Western 
 Co«nUes of England, 8vo half calf gilt London, 1800 
 ^— (SuDuel) Diary Of a Late Physigii^ with Notes and 
 illustrations, 2 vols, post 8vo half oalf neat ^ i^-0dinburgh, 18ZZ 
 WARTON's (Dr. J.) Essay on the Qenius anC Writings of Pope, 
 2 vols, royal 8vo calf neat [puf^ at 1/ IsJ .£on<i(im, 1806 
 WHEELER'S History and Antiquities ofStratfiSrd-upon-Avon, with 
 a life of Shakspeare, and Account of the Jubilee, 8 illustiationsi 
 li^mo calf neat SPratford, eitfia 1806 
 WHITE'S History of Stafibrdshire^ with Descriptions of all the 
 Boroughs, Towns, dec, post 8vo calfneat Shejuld, 1834 
 WRIGHTS (Pknl) life of Christ, including the Life of John the 
 Baptist and we Virgin Maty, with a set of Copper-plate Prints from 
 the Drawii^ 01 Hamilton, West, Wale, Ac., folio oalf neat,, 
 — - . '■ . ' (Rev. O.'N.) Historical Guide to Ancient and Modern 
 Ihiblin, with engravings by Petrie, post 8yo half calf 
 London, 1821 
 ZIMMERMAN cm Solitude, 2 vola 18mo oalf iieat, fine portrait, 
 and full of platea Lontibn, 1805 
 ZOOLOGICAL Society.— The Gaxdens and Menagerie of the 
 Zoological Society Delueated, 2 vols. 8vo half calf gilt, (Vol I. 
 Quadrupeds, and VoL It) Birds,) illustrated with some splendid 
 '^' Drawings of Animals^ Birds, &o., by Harvey. 'CAmiou^ 1830 
 ySFFBRIES flf SONS, Prmtm, Caitpip BmUmgi, RtJcSf jkmr, JJrM; 
 "'^^?!^5^^*#«S'-'*'' ■'*;jr«^-*(^>*^ S*^^^^ 
 182 T11C)UNT()N".- Ttinplc of t'loni, with sovH'ul lmj,M ;uni4ilu•Iy 
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 183 TOMMM/s (|{|).) Kl'iiiriitKorCjni.-itiiui Tri.M.Ioffy, J vul.s. Svo calf 
 l-.uo'h;,. 1801, 
 IMI TUrsM'lJ M-') lliiMral.Ir World Dim rilii'd ; .-r, I'ivm Ml Statft of 
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 h>n<l-ih>, IT^H !>7 
 Is.-) V.\l.i;.N"ri.\'-< (l.oi.l) Voya-vs nii.l Tiava;!;. K. Iii<lia, tlif l!f.l Si-u, 
 Al'y>>inia, anil Kirvpt, riuiif Isi'l' li» iMijI, ril>' iiii('"«'iiM|;u inns 
 Au'_'ii-. I aiiilMi'i-. W'aiTiii, iVr., I) viJh, in^l.' n.sal |(m inwroiro, \ 
 -ill. vili Ir:isv> Ipiil.. :U'.'/ !»>; " AM/<«/..,^ IHM'J . 
 ISO V II'.W'S niiil lliiiii- (if IJoiiii^'aiiil its \'iiiiiiu\, f. in-.i--|iii;,' ot' f\'2 Vfry 
 ln\imiriillv iiiloincl rn;,'ia\ in;,'- III" Old IJiiiiis and Vi»\\>, with 'i 
 |)c^iii|.'ti'>n to (mvIi |ilatf i|^ I'k ndi and Kiil,'H>1i. iniiiiiial folio 
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 on. h. 
 187 I'Nl VKKSAL IIUImiv, .\n|,iinr and ..M-Mlcj^i, iVoiii :!ic ICailirst. 
 Acminii "1' 'rinic. ii>iii|>lctf ^^*itll llic Supjilciinnt. Iii-it I'^'fn rdiiioii, 
 nuiiii'riiii> »'ii;4ia\ ini,'- and !iki|>< '10 vul-. Nm< I'alf m'iv mat, m uioo 
 unii'i>riii .1. Loiiilitii, 1770 
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 I' tin- t!a t, nianv illii-Uatjoii.s, 1' vole. 
 i\'. ami otliiT .iiuiliii'- 1' 
 tlo c;i!f lirril ||.nl.. al I)/ <!<] 
 IClD WAl;Ni:i:'> (K.v. llidiard) Wjjk ttin.n'^^li ..mia' of tiic Wf-ttni 
 Ciiiinti'- of |';ii;,'land. S\o liall" calf p,'ilt. 
 l.(Hi<ll»), 1800 
 - (Saininl) |)iaiy of a Laic 1 liy.-ician, sviMi Notts and 
 illii' ioiH. L' vol-. juhI >i\o half calf nr;tt. Hillul.n'.r.jli, \^W1 
 \^\M\\^'\'*^^S'- (Dr. d.) Ivsiy .Ml tlic n. niu^ and Writint,'> "of i'o|rt>. 
 ^L' vols. r..\al Svo ♦•»ilf ij.'Hl'lpnl.. at 1/ ls| ■ Lomlon, 1M»6 
 19.J AVH I'.l". LKII's Ili-.t(HV anil Anti(|uiti.-<«)f Stratfoilil upon -A von, \\\i\\ 
 a lal'i of Sliak.-iicai c. and Arrount of tlic .InMlrc. S illustration.-;, 
 )nio i-:ilt nrat. 
 Strnf/'onl, rlrrn' I 805 
 l!>3 WIIITi:- lli-ioiy of StallonUliiic, witli Dc.<iTiptions itf .-ill tin 
 r>oiou_di-. 'i'owiis, A'r,, po-,1 S\o calf Ileal. 
 John th 
 I'.M \\ liltlll Ts (I'anl) l.ifr of (Mirist. includint,' tlic Lif.' of John th-. 
 JJapti-l and the NiiLcin .Mary, \vi;lia set of ( 'oppcr-platc I'lints fn<i») 
 the hiaw ing.-< of Hamilton, Wist, Wale, Ac, folio oalf^iiat., )>.(/ 
 19.'* , — '(lo'V. <;. X.) Historical (Juidi-'lo Aticiuit and .Mftdeni 
 Duliiiii. witli cnu'i'av iiii,'s l»y I'tti'ie, post 8vo lialf calf , 
 V Lo/i(/o)/, 18-1 
 l9o ZI.MMKKMAN on Solitude, '2 vols. \Suio calf neat, tine portrait, 
 a'ld lull of [ilatis. -^ . Lumhni, 180r) 
 l<*7 /OOLOIilCAl, Sori-ty— The Canlcns and ^Mcnaiji ri.> -of ill" 
 >joolo:.'ical Soi,iety helim-atcd, 2 vol^. •'^vo half ?'alf "^ilt, (.Vol J 
 Quadriip'd :, and Vol. II. Diidj.) illiistratc<l wdh some splendid 
 Drawin^f-; of Animals TJirds, itc. l»y llai-vi y. VliUwirh, \^'6\) 
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