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I * — " ■*■ •■■■ - -♦.— f -iy- m i l I.I L l t|l l Ll lii l. li , lll |; i.l ^ i |l^ || | ili ,,K. B. ^ iHA % 1 1'w ii .\ ^ •1) If -J •» V -<-^v.,^ r.^, ? 41 ~-i M ) ^ il •^ 'jSt' <» * :>"",^!J^%l¥'i ' "'J #l>,r.'i(I-' /? ■u -a wmmmmmmmmmm ^-i-.- -,i- . V .;X; 'i V L ■ • * . 1 ■^ * ,« ■'' A , ^ f, "SWf^'-i; \ •-t 4 4^ , i •^ 5 -<». '•.if 'V. ) A GENERAL INDEX TO THE STATUTES OF NEW BRUNSWICK NOW IN FORCE, OTHER THAN THOSE CONTAINED IN THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES. BBINO CHIEFLT LOCAL AND PRIVATE ACTS, J- . \ .^^ A TABLE OF ACTS WHICH, SINCE 1854, HAVE EXPIRED OR BECOME OBSOLETE OR HAVE BgBN REPEALED OTHERWISE THAN BY CHAPTER 120 OP THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES. ^11 1. ?'■' I, ■/-. ■'^ ' ) Prepared under the Authority of the Legislature. MX GEORGE W. BURBIDGE, Esquire, BABRISTER-AT-LAW. i! i^ '. t 1!" 'Ill FREDERICTON, N. B. 1878. tk r } INDEX. f } ABERDEEN Iron Company incorporated, Abusive Language, tending to promote a breach of the peace. Sessions may impose penalties for, Fines and penalties imposed for, to be paid to Justice and to be applied as Sessions may direct, — imprisonment for default, Academies, See Mount Allison Wesleyan College, Saint Stephen Academy. Academy of Music Saint John. See Saint John Academy of Music. AcADiEViLLE, Parish of. See under Kent County. Aged Females, Home for, Saint John, incorporated, For amendments see Home for Aged Females. Agricultural Societies incorporation acts : Botsford and Westmorland, 3 L. Carleton County, Incorporation Act amended as to general meeting for election of officers. Further amended, bye-laws, election of officers, Charlotte County, 3 l. District Society for Blackvillo, BhssvUle and Ludlow, Dorchester, Gloucester, Grand Lake, Harvey, Kent, Kings County, Central, Kings County, Union, Kingston, Kent, Queens County, YEAR, page 1866, IS 1862, 44 1863, 41 1870, 168 &P.S. 514 (( 497 i( 500 1861, 71 &P.S. 495 (( 519 (( 520 (I 518 (( 506 « 513 {( 504 ({ 496 {< 499 i< 512 < 516 r A/ I 'I 1 , r 1 ■•1 ' Vii INDEX. 1870, 3L.iP.S. ,1 (( 14 l« II II II ^QMCVLTVJUL QooitnitB— Continued. ^'^■* '^**' Sftint John Agricultural Society, authorized to eetablish a Fair and Market, qav,-. 7^ ^ ^ (32 Vic, c. 77,) 1869, 134 32 Vic, c. 77 amended by 8«ntP,triclf. Central, <33 Vic., c. 86.) Simonds, Suubury, BuBsex and Studholm, Upham, Victoria, Wakefield and Brighton, Incorporation Act amended aa to election of officers, " Welhngton and Dundas, (Kent,) « Westmorland, „ See under Fredericton and York. Albert and Westmorland Steam Navigation Com- pany incorporated, 1872 Albert Bank incorporated, (30 Vic, c. 36,) 1866* ^ ^'^"^^ ^®^ payment of capital stock extended, 1867* Albert Copper Mining Company incorporated, 1862| Act of incorporation amended, 1863* Albert County. ' ' Cape Enrage, proprietors of lands along highway lead- ing to Light House authorized to erect swing gates, (36 Vic, c 36,) 1872. 70 Common Fields. Great Marsh, Hopewell, constituted a common field, (32 Vic, c 75,) 33 Vic, c 76 amended, marsh land known as " East Field," to constitute a common field, fencing, &c (33 Vic, c 68,) 1870, 126 marsh land known as the "Middle Field," in the Parish of Hillsborough, to constitute a common field, fencing, L INDEX. 8 TIAB. PAOI 1869, 1870, 143 1871, 1873, 1875, Albert Ooxmtj— Continued. Lake District Marsh divided,— New district to be known as Turner District, I87i Point Marsh District, number Four, Commis- ' Bioners of, authorized to maintain fences and^teways. (32 Vic, o. 73,) # Limits of Marsh defined.—fences. Commis- sioners may determine portion of fence to be made by each owner. Railway, ^Albert} County or Parish aid to. Loan of $40,000, authorized by 34 Vic, c 63. " 30,000, « "36 Vice 40, See Albert Railway. Petitcodiac and Elgin Branch, when and what aid may be given to. (38 Vic, c 85,) WEST River, turning of, into Roshea Bay, authorized. A «_ « (1/Vic, c41,) 3L(kP.S. AXBERT Free Stone Company incorporated, iQir. «o , , (18 Vic, c 68,) 1865, 18 Vic, c 68 amended by 21 Vic, c 70, 1868 Albert Grammar School. \ See Grammar Schools. Albert Manufacturing Company incorporated, 3 L. & P. S. Exempted from local taxation for a certain period, 1873 Albert Mining Company incorporated, (15Vic,c87,) 3L '^- 28), 1877, 122 *lre Department, loan of $7,000 for purchase of steam fire engine and for building tanks, engine house, «fec, authorized, 1872, 101 See above School Trustees. ^way, for acts relating to aid to by Town of Woodstock, see "Woodstock Kailway Company. I Ss. mmmmm A-iimmnmMi,!i,i-:, INDEX 13 ax 18 I 500 71 456 78 338 1865, 126 1868, 67 1866, 138 n r» A . YEAR. PAOB Uabletok County Agricultural Society incorporated, 3 L. & P. S. 497 Incorporation Act amended as to general meeeting for election of officers, « Further amended,— bye-laws,— election of officers, 186l Carlbton County Cheese Manufacturing Company incor- porated, ' jgyg Carleton County Manufacturing Company incorporated, 1861* Cableton, Parish of, for ecclesiastical purposes established ' and election of officers provided for, .« . , (5 Geo. 4, c. 19), 3 L Railways. Grand Southern. Saint George (Parish) author- ized under certain circumstances to aid to extent of $10,000.' (36 Vic. c. 38), 1873 Saint George, Pennfield and Lepreaux (Parishes) authorized to aid survey to extent of $3000, (38 Vic, c. 36), County authorized to aid to the extent of $50,000 under certain circumstances, (38 Vic, c 37), 1875 (39 Vic, c 23),' 1876,' See Grand Southern Railway Company. Houlton Branch, aid to extent of $15,000 au- thorized, (33 Vic, c 47), 1870, Saint Andrews' Branch Railway. Issue of $10,000 debentures in aid of, authorized. (32 Vice 53), See Samt Andrews and Quebec Railway Company. Saint Stephen Branch Railroad Company. Cer- tain property holders in the Parish of Saint Stephen authorized to aid to extent of $100>000, (28 Vice 40), 1865, (38 Vic c 79), 1875, Saint Andrews — Town and Parish of. Common lands in— Sessions authorized to lease Rent to be applied to support of poor, (58 Geo. 3. c 18,) 3L.&P.S Assessment to pay oflf debt due by Town of, ^ . (24 Vic, c 34), 1861, Sessions authorized to sell certain lands in Parish of, (24 Vic, c 35,) 1861, Wharf— Issue of debentures to extent of $10,000, for construction of deep sea wharf, authorized, (29 Vic, c 21,) 1866, 58 Geo. 3, c 18 amended. — Rents to be for bene- fit of inhabitants of Town of St. Andrews, (31 Vic, c 70,) 1868, Streets and highways, maintenance of, (33 Vic, c 60,) 1870, School Trustees authorized to sell certain lands in Parish of, (36 Vic, c 74), 1873, Of District No. 1 in Parish of, issue of de- bebentures by, confirmed. Saint David.— Erection of Town Hall in Parish of, authorized. Further assessment for completion of, author- ized, 1875, 1867, 1869, 133 298 269 56 56 39 109 116 252 199 191 136 I, ,1 Ik .,1:. ...|;.'-i.,' i Hi 16 INDEX Charlotte Ooymty— Continued. Saint George, herring ashery in Parish of, law re- Ja^^ngto, (16 Vic, c. 39), 3L Town Hall in Parisli of; $2,600 debentures authorized, Streets, bridges and sidewalks, maintenance and repair of, in vUlage of, (33 Vic., c. 61), Trustees of School District, No 1, in Parish of, authorized to borrow 610,000 for school purposes, (38 Vic, c. 52), «AiNT Stephen, Town and Parish of, Landing, Justices authorized to lease part of public— market house may be erected thereon, (5 Wm. 4, c. 2), 3 L. Assessment for erection of wharf at, . , (4 Vic, ell), jsessions empowered to make regulations for due ordering of vessels lying at market ■wharf, and to appoint a wharfinger, T , , (6 Vic, c. 2), Lock-up house authorized, (16 Vic, c. 16), Mark's Street i established as a public highway, (22 Vic, c. 52), Firemen of No. 2 engine company exempt from serving on juries, (19 Vic, c. 24), Fire wards authorized to increase the num- ber of, (24 Vic, c 36), Sessions authorized to sell certain lands in the Parish of, r25 Vic, c 44), Police force in the Parish of Saint Stephen— Act for establishing and maintaining, .,,.,. , (27 Vic, c 55), Additional assessment authorized for the purposes of, (28 Vic, c 46), Bridges and sidewalks in the lower highway dis- trict, issue of $10,000 debentures authorized for repairing and improving, (30 Vic, c 52), Town of incorporated, (34 Vic, c 20), (Sec 59 of 34 Vic, c 20 repealed by Con. Stat, Sec. 63 of 34 Vic, c 20, repealed— -proof of bye- laws — authority to borrow money — assess- ments for— (35 Vic, c 21), Sessions authorized to make equitable distribu- tion of certain property in the Parish of, be- tween the Towns of Saint Stephen, Mill YKAK. PAGE .AP.S. 282 1870, 24 1870, 119 1876, 198 &P.S. 273 275 « « 276 280 1859, 130 1856, 42 1861, 58 1862, 112 1864, 131 1865, 144 1867, 114 1871, 110 1872, 35 town and TJnnflr Mills an*! t^* "P«>»^c.i,oo «* Dufferin and Saint Stephen, (37 Vic, c 28), 1874, 99 Mayor and Councillors to be President and Direc- tors of " Lower District of Saint Stephen," 1875, 298 «vs*5p^,ttii,, :*i-i^,i^„. INDEX, If 12 !4 9 8 3 5 Charlotte Oowaiy—Continued. Saint Stephen, Town and Parish o{,— Continued. Town Council authorized to sell certain '»iv^*'''*''^fr^i-''-^^)' 1876, 348 J4 Vic, c. 20 further amended— sec. 47 repealed and new section substituted— Town Council to notify Assessors of amount to be raised- poll-tax— apportionment of assessment— au- thority to borrow money to repay loan under qi v^^ ^on' .^'3 ^^^ ^^'•' "• 24). 1876, 77 J4 Vie, c. 20 further amended— elections— voters —qualification— assessment and collection of taxes— licenses— annual accounts— repeal of inconsistent acts, (41 Vic, c 74), 1878, 203 See Houlton Branch Railway. See Saint Stephen Branch Railroad Company. Upper Mills— To receive a portion of certain prop- erty divided by Sessions, (37 Vic, c 28,) 1874 99 Town of, incorporated, (37 Vic, c 60), 1874* 149 (Sec 68 of 37 Vic, c 60 repealed by Con. Stat, West Isles, herring fishery in Parish of, „. , . ^ ,„ (16 Vic, c 39,) 3L.&P.S282 Highways m Campobello and— money rate in lieu of statute labor, (21 Vic, c 55), 1858, 109 Charlotte County Agi-icultural Society incorporated, 3 L. & P. S 495 Charlotte County Bank, Act for winding up, 1866 142 Chatham, Bishop of, ' See Bishop of Chatham. Chatham Branch Railway Company incorporated, T5 . . , . , . , . (33 Vic', c 48), 1870, 86 Provincial aid to authorized, (36 Vic, c 36), 1873, 157 Chatham Driving Park Association incorporated, 1878,' 144 Chatham Dutcher Reform Temple incorporated, 1878^ 148 Chatham Gas Light Company incorporated, (20 Vic, c 25,) 1857, 1860, 20 Vic, c 25 amended by 23 Vic, c 89, Chatham, Town and Parish of. See under Northumberland County. Chatham, Ti-ustees of Schools in, authorized to sell certain lands in said Parish, Chinese Manufacturing Companies, See name of each Company, Children, apprenticing of immigrant, Christ Church, Fredericton, agreement with Bishop for conveyance of Saint Anne's Chapel,— to be known as Christ Church,— remains of Lieut. Governor Smyth to be provided for, (17 Vic, ell), 3 L. & P. S. Coi'poration of, authorized to sell certain lands and pur- chase others, (17 Vic, c. 50' <« Authorized to sell certain lands in * .edericton, 1855. 2 ' 33 138 1865, 146 1878, 126 366 371 197 ^:4m :i'';! 1 I" '•I ) I 18 INDEX. Christ Church — Continued. i to convey certain Bishop of Fredericton authorized lands to, (19 Vic, c. 62), Proceeds of sales under 17 Vic, c. SO^may be invested in certain debentures, (32 Vic, c 22), Authorized to sell certain lands, Christ Church, Norton, authorized to dispose of lands held in trust by them for school purposes, Christ Church in Parish of Saint Stephen authorized to dispose of certain Glebe lands, (7 Geo. 4, c 20), 3 L. Christ Church in the Parish of Woodstock authorized to sell certain lands, Christian Associations, Young Men's, See under name of each. Christian Church, First, of Deer Island incorporated. Christian Schools, Brothers of. See Brothers of the Christian Schools. Church of England, — presentation to Rectories, — election of Church Wardens and Vestrymen, — bodies cor- porate, — lands in whom vested, — Glebe lands, 130 Common Lands in Victoria County, "' See under Victoria County. Common Schools. Act relating to the constitution of Boards of School Trustees in Cities and incorporated Towns and in amendment of and in addition to the law relat- ing to schools, (41 Vic, c 35), 1878. 118 Companies. See under name of each Company. Congregational Churches. At Milltown (Orthodox) incorporation of, ^ ^, . (14 Vic, c 13,) 3L.&P.S. 423 Act formcorporation of, (19 Vic, c 29), 1856, 47 Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick incorporated, (25 Vic, c 70), 1862, 163 Consolidated Statutes. ^ Act providing for certain amendments in and addi- tions to, and for the publication of, (40Vic,cl3), 1877, 69 The following Chapters were amended during the Ses- sion of 1878 :— Chapter 4 relating to election to the General Assembly, 1878, 121, 122 & 329 b r : I •, . 3L.&P.S. 606 Grand Manan, Parish of. See under Charlotte County. Grand Sou^pERN Railway Company incorporated, . . (35 Vic; c. 27), 1872, 46 An Act to enable the Parish of Saint George to aid the construction of to the extent of 810,000, (36 Vic, c 38), 1873, 173 36 Vic, c. 38, amended as to calling public meeting, qfiv 07 , . , o (37 Vic, c 63) 1874, 182 35^ Vic, c 27, amended,— ss. 1, 3, 8 and 11 repealed and new sections substituted, — Directors, num- ber of, changed, — time for construction extended, ranshes of Samt George, Pennfield and Lepreaux au- thorized to make loan of |3000 in aid of survey, L.'iarlotte County authorised to aid to the extent of $50,000, — proviso regarding Act coming into •>qJ'''''®V.^^^^'>'/-^^^' 1876, 130 *< Vie, c. o7 amended, — provisions in regard to voting ^ for bringing Act into force, (39 Vic, c 23), , 1876, 73 < "^^ ILL Cemetery Company incorporated, 1876, 386 G »vi. I Parish of. See under Kings County. Greenwood Cemetery Company incorporated, 1869 14 Grimross Creek. See under Queens County. ' Grimross Neck. See under Queens County. Grindstone Companies. See name of each Company. Grundy Charity. See Alms House under Saint John City and County. Guilford, Reverend Henry Pitman, authorized to solemn- ize marriages, 1857, 75 HALL COMPANIES See name of each company. Hampton. See under Kings County. Hampton Hotel Company incorporated, 1872 88 Harbour. See under Saint John City. * 1 I ' I ! "1 32 INDEX. i !l:!l YEAR. Harvey Agricultural Society incorporated, 3 L. AOa & P. 8. 310 1868, 97 1869, 139 1871, 258 1873, 273 1874, 137 1875, 296 1878, 329 1860, 114 1872, 127 1876, 140 1875, 463 1878, 224 1870, 104 1873, 332 1868, 84 1870, 104 1872, 38 1875, 262 &P. S. 286 1873, 192 1874, 264 \ •m i i mummmux ■a»t a*mmii ta,. IWDBX. 36 \ Kings Oounty.—Continued. SpRiNoriELD, «!Rle of certain School lands in, author- ized, (24 Vic, c. 41), 24 Vic, c 41 explained by 25 Vic, c 57, 25 Vic, c 67 amended, (31 Vic, c 35), Sussex, Police Magistrate for, appointmentof author- ized,— erection of Lock-up house, A ^^'.^ . „ (37 Vic, c 30), Additional polling place in established. Kings County Central Agricultural Society incorporated, 3 L Kings County Mechanics' Institute incorporated. Kings County Mutual Insurance Company incorporated. Kings County Union Agricultural Society incorporated, Kingston (Kent) Agricultural Society incorporated, Kingston, Parish of. See under Kings County. Kirk op Scotland. See under Presbyterian Church. Kirk <- Scotland,— Incorporation of in town of New- castle, (1 Wm. 4, c 11), Knox Church,— Saint Andrews Church, Shediac, author- ized to transfer certain lands to, (35 Vic, c 69^, KouoHiBOUGUACis,— Erection of sorting boom on river' au- thorized, {31 Vic, c 39;, LAKE DISTRICT Marsh. See under Albert County. Lake George Antimony Company authorized to hold meetings at places other than Fredericton, Lake George Railway Company incorporated, (36 Vic, c 88), Lakeville Comer Milling Company incorporated, Lancaster, Parish of. See Saint John City and County. Land Companies. See name of each company. Lands. See Ordnance lands. Lands, Sales of, For authority to trustees, church and other corpora- tions to sell or mortgage lands see name of indivi- dual or name of church or other corporation. For authority to sessions or county councils to sell lands, see under name of county where lands lie. Law Societies, Barrristers' Society of New Brunswick incorporated, 3 L. Saint John Law Society incorporated, Lazaretto. See under Gloucester County. Leinster Street Baptist Church, Ac, name of Marsh Bridge Baptist Chapel changed to, Lepreaux Manufacturing Company incorporated, j-iEit-xvuAu A ivcu vTiiiinti; uiiu r iuusi/uiie vjompany incorporated, Le Tete Mining Company incorporated, Lewy's Island Railroad Company incorporated, (18 Vic, c 74), Name changed to Saint Croix and Penobscot Rail- road Company, (33 Vic, c. 15), YBAK. PAOI 1861, 1862, 1868, 67 144 63 1874, 1878, 103 329 &P. 8. « <( 496 479 688 499 512 i( 376 1872, 134 1868, 73 1876, 262 1873, 1875, 291 443 &P.S. 522 1878, 177 1878, 162 1859, 144 1876, 125 1860, 134 , •1 1856, 264 :|; . 1870, 27 99 INDEX. Lime Companies. See name of each Company. Liquors, Spirituous. For Local Acts or provisions relating to this subject see under, Fredericton, City of, Portland, Town of, Saint John City and County of. And for other acts see under the name of the County to parts of which the several acts apply. Act in addition to chapter 105, Con. Stat, and to repeal certain sections of 40 Vic, c. 25, (41 Vic, c 47), 1878, 135 Lumber Companies. See name of each Company. Lunatic Asylum. Governor in Council authorized to sell certain lands vested in the Queen for the purposes of, _ (36 Vic, c 19), 1873, 69 Lunatics, (Dangerous). Payment of fees by City of Fredericton and County of York, 1878 126 Madawaska County. Electoral Lists for the County of, Act relating to, 1878, 244 Gaol and Gaol Limits in County of, (See 36 Vic, c. 29, s. 6), Certain lock-up house established as a common gaol. Act relating to, — proclamation by Lieutenant Governor, Intervales and Islands in County of,— protection of, Mills and Factories in County of, County Council authorized to exempt from taxation, Public Buildings, loan for erection of, authorized, (37 Vic, c 44), 1874, 37 Vic, c 44, amended, — debentures to extend over a longer period, (38 Vic, c 50), 1875, Winter Roads, regulations for, 1876, Madras School,— Charter of confirmed, (6 Geo., 3. c. 6), 3 L. & P. S Authorized to sell certain lands, (6 Wm., 4. c 53), " Authorized to sell cestain lands in Fredericton, (7 Wm., 4 c 30), Annual meeting, holding of, (8 Wm., 4 c 8), « Authorized to sell certain lands in Fredericton, (14 Vic, c 12), Authorized to raise money by mortgage of certain lots in Saint John, (25 Vic, c 54), 1862, Maduxnikik Boom Company, — Act to continue 8 Vic, c 49, and 10 Vic, c 80, (20 Vic, c 31), 1857, (8 Vic, c 49 and 10 Vic, c 80 were not reprinted 1873, 1875, 1878, 1876. 1878, 81 246 306 105 223 124 196 109 433 434 435 436 437 136 59 ixi iut/x. i Further continued to 1870 by 23 Vic, c 16, 1860, Further continued to 1880 by 31 Vic, c 55, 1868^ Continued to 1890 and further amended, (37 Vic, c 61), 1874, 29 95 177 f *'lfil4«i*|6#«M|«sHl|i|^^5^l3W«»«»*»i^*l^^ INDEX. 37 YEAR. PAGE Maduxnikik River Driving Company incorporated, ^ _. (30 Vic, c. 83), 1867, MADUXNIKIK Stream Driving Company incorporated, 1875 Malleable Iron,— Act authorizing the granting of letters ' patent to John Cairns for manufacture of, 3 L. k of, <" ^"- "• ">' ^"« See Bank of New Brunswick. New Brunswick, Bishop of. See Bishop of New Brunswick New Brunswick Crystal Glass Company, limited, incor- porated, j.^. New Brunswick Dry ^d Wet Dock Company incorported, 1870,' New Brunswick Electric Telegraph Company incorporated, 1 , TT. .^ (11 Vic, c 55), 3 L. & P. S 778 11 Vic, c 55 amended, (12 Vic, c 63), ^ f --^ Act in addition to and amendment of 11 Vic, c. 55, 11 V «K , , (1^ Vice. 43)' « 11 Vic, c 55 amended,— additional lines,— leasini lines, (30 Vic, c 45), *^ 1^67 New Brunswick Freestone Company incorporated, I860' New Brunswick Freestone Company incorporated, 1877' ^i,w Brunswick Ice Company incorporated, jSTfl' New Brunswick Masonic Hall Company incorporated. dD Vic, c 55 amended, and additional power to raise money g^yen, (41 Vic, c 19), (2nd Sess.) 1877. New Brunswick Mining Company incorporated, T- ^ ^ir a (18 Vic, C 17), 1855, License to W. Stevens to work mines, 1855 Act to revive, continue, and amend, (18 Vic, c 17) 1«57' New Brunswick Mutual Fire Insurance Company incor- porated, ^ -^ j^y. New Brunswick Oil Works Company incorporated, 1856* New Brunswick Potato Preserving Company incorporated, 1876' New Brunswick, Presbyterian Church of, ' ' ". See under Presbyterian Church. For matters relating to individiml nhur-nh..^ o^« name of eac^ Church. New Brunswick Railway Company incorporated, (33 Vic, c 49), 187A 92 292 131 784 805 93 127 130 116 105 69 42 173 60 278 9 168 INDEX. 41 New Brunswick Railway Company.— Conimwet/. Aid to, by Grant of Crown Lands authorized, n . r. M . (33 Vic, c. 41), County Council of Carleton authorized to pay for survey, 33 Vic, c 49 amended,— line altered,— time when surveys must be made, (34 Vic, c 39), City of Fredericton authorized to take $25,000 stock ' in, and to issue debentures therefor, n . . AT 1 , . (3* Vic, c 42), (county of York authorized to take stock in to the extent of $100,000 and to issue debentures therefor, (34 Vic, c 44), 33 Vic, c 49 further amended,— certified copy of contract to be evidence,— debentures not to ex- ceed $3,500,000, (35 Vic, c 30), Act relating to,— Woodstock Bridge subsidy,— Guar- antors,— running trains, (36 Vic, c 39) Debentures limited to $2,500,000,— certificates of stock— mortgage, (37 Vic, c 79), An Act in further amendment of 33 Vic, c 49, tmns- fer of certain rights to the New Brunswick and Canada R R. Co., authorized, (40 Vic, c 15), (For incorporation of road on Quebec side, see Acts of Canada i870, p. 200.) (For incorporation of company to build bridge across river Saint John at Fredericton, see Acts of Canada 1871, p. 168.) New Brunswick Real Estate and Building Association incorporated. New Brunswick Real Estate Building and Investment Society incorpornted. New Brunswick Red Granite Company, limited, incorpor- ated, New Brunswick Stave Company authorized to increase capital stock, New Brunswick Steam Navigation Company incorporated New Brunswick Sugar Refining Company authorized to increase their capital stock, New Brunswick Tobacco Manufacturing Company incor- porated. New Brunswick, University of, authorized to invest in government and municipal debentures. Alumni Society incorporated, New Saint Stephen's Church, Saint John. See Saint Stephen's Church. Newcastle and Douglastown Mechanics' Institute in- corporatcid, g j^ Newcastle Gas Company incorporated, (24 Vic, c 52), 24 Vic, c 52 amended, (29 Vic, c 13,) Newcastle Railway Company incorporated, (37 Vic, c 82), 6 year, page 1870, 76 1877, 78 1871, 191 1871, 200 1871, 205 1872, 52 1873, 177 1874, 241 1877, 72 1874, 288 1874, 223 1876, 120 1870, 107 1857, 55 1864 59 1876, 150 1878, 117 1870, 16 &P.S. 481 1861, 95 1866, 26 1874, 256 n If' lif Mii m iMi 42 INDEX. i i. Newcastle, Town and Parish of. See under Northumberland County. Newcastle, Trustees of Schools of Parish of, authorized to sell certain lands, (27 Vic, c. 26), North Shore and Salisbury Junction Railway Company incorporated, (37 Vic, c 80), 37 Vic, c HO, s. 5 amended, (38 Vic, c 133), North Shore Steamboat Company incorporated, North West Boom Company incorporated, ,Tr ^ (36 Vic, c 92), North West Bridge Company incorporated, ^^ (16 Vic, c 62). " T. Northampton. See under Carleton County. Northern and Western Railway Company of New Bru .. wick incorporated, (35 Vic, c 33), Time for completion extended, (40 Vic, c 14), Northern Bank incorporated, (29 Vic, c 23), Time for payment of capital stock enlarged,' (30 Vic, c 56), Northern Railway Company incorporated, (37 Vic, c 81), 37 Vic, c 81 amended, (38 Vic, c 131), 37 Vic, c 81 revived and continued, (41 Vic, c 95), Northumberland Gounty. Bussfield, Parish of. Sessions authorized to sell certain lands in Parish of, (37 Vic, c 41), To sell certain school lands in, Booms, An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace for Northumberland to make rules and regulations for the protection and management of, (25 Vic, c 56), (See Con. Stat, c 99, s. 96, sub-sec. 24.) Chatham, Town and Parish of. Fire purposes, assessment for, authorized, Firemen exempt from sei-ving on juries or per- forming statute labor,— (17 Vic, c 8), 3 L See Con. Stat., c 107, s. 4. Landings and slips, — Commissioners authorized to lay out and cause to be recorded, — penalty for obstructing, (4 Vic, c. 27), (5 Vic, c 24), Proceedings of Commissioners confirmed, (15 Vic, c 66), Lock-up house authorized in town of, — assess- ment fox', — imprisonment in, (4 Vic, c 25), Ss. 2, 3, 4 and 5 of 4 Vic, c 25 to apply to building leased under 22 Vic, c 46, s. 7, (23 Vic, c 5), Market house in,— afssessment for authorized, (21 Vic, c 63), YEAH. PAGE 1864, 49 1874, 243 1875, 431 1875, 452 1873. 304 &P.g. 010 1872, 1877, 1866, 56 72 44 1867, 129 1874, 249 1875, 430 1878, 276 1874, 117 1875, 265 1862, 142 1878, 181 &P.S. 329 322 324 327 320 1860, 15 1858, 108 V INDEX. V (( Northumberland Oovixity— Continued. Chatham, Town and Parish oi,~Contimied. Police Force in, established,— certain sections of Portland Police Act to apply, .... , (22 Vic, c. 46), 1859, An Act m amendment of 22 Vic, c. 46,-8. 5 repealed and new section substituted,— actions under how brought, « .. n « (26 Vic, c. 40), 1863, Section 8 of 22 Vic, c. 46 repealed and new provisions made,— assessment for t> VI- police purposes, (28 Vic, c. 48), 1865, i'ubhc wharf at,— erection of authorized, a . , . (32 Vic', c. 72), 1869, Sessions authorized to sell certain lands in Chat- ham, (27 Vic, c. 51), 1864 To sell certain school lands in the Parish of, ' cj,,^^, A v.- r. (^2 Vic, c. 37)' 1869, streets and highways, appointment of Commis- _ sioners to lay out, (4 Vic, c. 27), 3 L. & P. S. Line of Water Street to be adhered to as closely as possible in laying out', (5 Vic, c. 24), «« Proceedings of Commissioners confirmed, A A ^ (15 Vic, c. 66), An Act for more effectually repairing the roads, streets and bridges in part of the Parish of Chatham, — public landings and slips to be part of highway, (26 Vic, c. 39), Certain parts of Parish of Chatham exempted from operation of 26 Vic, c. 39, , (32 Vic. c. 24), iiAZARETTO, establishment and management of, (13 Vic, 18,) 3L.ifeP.S. See under Gloucester County. Newcastle, Town and Parish of, Civil Court, Act relating to, 1878 Fairs establishment of in Town of, ' ^ c,u 1 T . (8 Vice. 57), 3L4P.S trt-ammar School,— Justices to hold certain lands for use of, (13 Vic, c. 17) " Justices authorized to sell such lands and pay over proceeds to Trustees of Schools, (37 Vic, c 40), Landings, establishment and regulation of pub- lic, (24 Vic, c 40), Lock-up House in, — Justices authorized to rent a suitable place for, (36 Vic, c 53,) 1873, Market House in, assessment for authorized, ^ ,. (21 Vic, c 53), 1858, Police force in the Town of, act for establishing and maintaining, (25 Vic, c 55), 1862, 43 YEAR. PAGE 1869, 1874, 1861, 119 94 145 128 126 75 322 324 327 1863, 91 46 330 116 325 326 116 64 226 108 137 I'l '.jf/""^,,. i 44 INDEX If " Northumberland County. —Continued. Newcastle, Town and Parish ol,— Continued. Police force, — Continued. 25 Vic., c. 55 amended (26 Vic. c. 41), Additional assessment to defray expenses auth- , orized, (33 Vic, c. 9), Appointment of Police Magistrate for, auth- orized, (39 Vic, c 44), School District No. 2, in tlie Parish of, auth- orized to sell certain lands, Sessions authorized to lease lands devised by "William Loch, Streets, — An Act for more effectually repairing the roads, streets and bridges in part of the Parish of,— public landings and slips to be part of highway,— Upper District defined, (26 Vic, c 38), An Act for more effectually repairing the roads, streets and bridges in part of the Parish of, — public landings and slips to be part of highway,— Middle District defined, (29 Vic, c 9), JNORTHUMBERLAND Mutual Insurance Company incorporated, Northumberland Straits Fishing Company incorjjorated, 3L. Act amended, further amended, further amended, — time for paying up capital extended. — power to amalgamate with a similar company, OAK BAY Rural Cemetery Company incorporated. Odd Fellows Hall Company (New Brunswick) incorpo- rated, (38 Vic, c 141), 38 Vic, c 141 amended by 41 Vic, c 52, Oil Companies. See name of each. Orange Lodges in the Province of New Brunswick, incor- poration of, (38 Vic, c 54), Ordnance Lands, — Act relating to lands belonging to Her Majesty and for vesting same in principal officers of Ordnance Department, Exchange of lands in Fredericton with, Powers, &c., of Principal Officers of Ordnance trans- ferred to Principal Secretaries of State, Certain lands in the Parish of Grand Falls re-vested in Her Majesty, (23 Vic, c 50), Xixchange of certain lands iu the City of Fredericton authorized, (28 Vic, c 61, 1865), Oromocto. See under Sunbury County. Oromocto River Driving Company incorporated, (30 Vic, c 84), YEAR. PAQE 1^<63, 96 1H70, 18 1876, 111 1878, 189 1858, 108 1863, 88 1866, 20 1856, 168 &P. S. 946 950 951 1857, 63 1875, 398 1875, 460 1878, 151 1875, 201 2. P. S. 109 " 112 1856, 126 1860, 72 1866, 59 1867, 197 ^ r i^ -SvK^'Vt^.ii.;,. -.:_, .«i%';%t.'<.''''*«"* INDEX 1878, 1878, 116 116 1874, 346 YEAM, PAOR Urphan. See Saint John Orphan Benevolent Society. Saint John Pnjtostant Orphan Asylum. Wiggin'8 Male Orphan Institution. PARISH COURTS. Chapter of Consolidated Statutes relating to, amended, Newcastle Civil Court, Act relating to. Park Companies, See name of each Company. Passamaquoddy Fish Guano Manufacturing Company, Pennfield, Parish of, see under Charlotte County. People's Bank of New Brunswick incorporated, (27 Vic. c. 34) Act of incorporation amended, (30 Vic, c. 42), People's Street Railway Company, Saint John, incor- porated. Time for completion extended, Provision in regard to taking up rails, Petitcodiac. See under Westmorland County. Petitcodiac and Elgin Branch Railway Company incor- porated, (37 Vic, c. 74), Act to facilitate the construction of, (38 Vic, c 85), Name of Company changed and incorporation Act amended, (41 Vic, c 101), Petitcodiac Bridge Company incorporated, (24 Vic, c 53), Act of incorporation amended, (27 Vic, c 24), Petitcodiac Mining and Manufacturing Company — Wind- ing up Act for, Petitcodiac Water Company incorporated, 3 L, (As to expiry of Act see s. 23). Petitcodiac Wet Dock Company incorpoiated, Philbrook, Reverend Hiram Alfred, authorized to solemn- ize marriages, Pickett Escheat,— Act relating to, 3 L Firatk Brook River Driving Company incorporated. Plaster Company. See name of Company. Pleasure Ground Associations. See name of each Association. Point DuChene, Parish of, for ecclesiastical purposes, established and set off from the Parish of Shediac, (25 Vic, c 8), Point Marsh District. See under Albert County. PoKiOK Stream Driving Company incoi-p^orated. Police, — For Acts relating to police establishments in Cities, Towns, and Counties, See under Fredericton, City of, Portland, Town of, Saint John, City of, And for other localities see under the name of the County. Pollet River Log Driving Company incorporated, 1876, 151 1864. 1867, 1866, 1869, 1874, 1874, 1875, 1878, 1861, 1864, 1874, &P.S. 61 80 115 147 284 215 313 291 101 48 142 664 1855 258 1860, .&P.S. 1860, 117 553 139 1862, 1872, 12 74 , 1 1 iui 1 1 1 m t ■'( ^H 'liiiHJft 1 n !{ :||1 M B^^H I W^^^Kl 1 11 , 1. 1 i V 1 46 INDEX. YEAR. PAOB 1878, 121 1878, 1878, 1874, 1855, 1856, 329 121 358 40 87 43 65 35 65 169 144 PoLLiNo Places for district No. 1, Grand Falls, and for Andover established, Additional, established for Parishes of Shediac, Dor- chester, Salisbury, Moncton, Botsford, Saint Mary's (Kent), Shippegan, Brighton and Sus- sex, (41 Vic, c. 112), Poor. Chapter 102 of Consolidated Statutes, relating to settlement of, amended. Pope, Reverend John Denning, authorized to solemnize marriages, Portland, Town of, Cattle. Act to prevent the going at large of, 3 L. & P. S. See Incorporation Act, 1871, p. 53. City Road. Act relating to, (23 Vic, c 58), I860, Amount payable by City limited, (24 Vic, 25), 1861,' ' Control of Road vested in Portland Road Com- missioners, (34 Vic, ell), 1871 Coasting prohibited, 3 L. & P. S, Dockage, Wharfage and Cranage,— Act to regulate in Saint John and Portland, (5 Vic, c. 39), " 6 Vic, c. 39 continued and amended, _ . (18 Vic, c 41), Revived and continued, 5 Vic, c. 39, and 18 Vic, c 41 and continuing and amending acts made perpetual. See Portland Incorporation Act s. 57, sub- sec 6, 1871, p. 51. under Saint John, City of. Ferries at Indiantown, — A-ct to alter 34 Vic, c 11 so far as it relates to, (41 Vic, c 111), Fires, Act for better extinguishing of, S. 1 repealed by 34 Vic, c 11,— Hook and Lad- der Companies and Fire Police, — evidence of stealing goods at fires,— destruction of buildings to stop fire, (15 Vic, c 15), 3 L. & P. S. Act to authorize investigation in cases of, „. ^ . (21 Vic, c 48), 1858, l^ire Hingme, purchase of,— fire alarm telegraph, extension of,— loan of $10,000 for authorized, m ^ ., , . (35 Vic, c 49), 1872, lown Council authorized to use moneys borrow- ed under 35 Vic, c 49 for other purposes in connection with the fire department, _ ,^ . , , (36 Vic, c 43), 1873, 194 Loan authorized by 35 Vic, c 49 increas^-d to $25,000, (38 Vic, c 91), Incorporation Act. (34 Vic, ell), • S. 121 of 34 Vic, ell relating to proportion of assessment for County purposes repealed, (35 Vic, c 29), 1872, 62 1860, 88 1878, 324 170 101 96 1875, 1871, 333 31 V ' s INDEX. 47 YEAR. PAQB V Portland, Town of,— Continued. Incorporation Act. — Continued. Assessments for 1871 and 1872 confirmed,— man- ner of assessing for schools,- - appeal,— relief from imprisonment,— application of surplus on sale of non-residents' real estate, — slier- ifFs fees on execution, (36 Vic, c. 6,) 1873 12 Increaee of salaries to officers, how made, ' ... , ., ,. ('"^^ Vi«» c- 44.) 1873, 194 Auction and other licenses. Act relating to,— public shows,— bye-laws,— penalties, r . , . (36 Vic, c. 45), 1873, 195 L,evying and aasessmg rates,— notice to non-resi- dent rate-payers, —publication, expense of, — constJibles' fees collecting rates, — poll- tax, where paid,-- form of assessment book, churches, chapels, ikc, exempt from taxation. ,-,, , , (37 Vic, c 45), 1874, 126 iLlectors to pay taxes seven days before voting, electoral lists,— elector not bound to produce tax receipt, (39 Vic, c 67), 1876, 167 Ss. 97—103, and s. 116 in part repealed by Con. Stat., c 120. Landings at Indiantown, Act to enlarge and im- prove, — commissioners for examining and reporting on harbour line, (28 Vic, c 24), 1865, 88 Sessions authorized to make a loan of $3000 for payment for improvements, — assessments for, how divided, (32 Vic, c 46), 1869, 90 (See34 Vic, c 11, s. 78). Main Street, Act to provide for the widening of,— issue of debentures to pay damages, (38 Vic, c 80), 1875, 300 Police, — Act to establish and maintain a police force, (11 Vic, c 12), 3L.&P.S. 82 Police Magistrate, clerk or policeman appointed under 11 Vic, c 12 not to vote for mem- bers of assembly, (12 Vic, c 68), «« 135 11 Vic, c. 12 continued and amended, — appoint- ment of sitting magistrates, — district to com- prise whole Parish, (14 Vic, c 7), «« 159 Power of Police Magistrate to collect taxes, fines, &c„ — right of alone to receive certain fees, (14 Vic, c 10, ss. 1 ?nd 2), « 160 11 Vic, c 12, 12 Vic, c 7, (since repealed by 34 Vic, c 11), and 14 ^ic, c 7, continued to 1863, (19 Vic, c 56), 1856^ 142 Act to amend 11 Vic, c 12, — assessment for lock-up, — using insulting or abusive lan- guage in Portland,— penalty, (23 Vic, 0.7), 1860, 16 s 48 INDEX. Mil I ■ ■, ill Portland, Town of, Continued. VoLum,— Continued. Act, fiirth.T to aiiHMul 1 1 Vic, c. 12,~i>«nalty for Htaiuliiig in groiipH and olwtnicting pitssou- K«'»M. |><)lioeiiu!n may outer taveiUM, — taveruH to b(' cloHtHl at oloven o'clock p. ni., — complaint for oHenco against Hpintnoii.s liquorM act may hv v(ubal or written, (21 Vic.,c. 27), 11 Vic, c 12 and anuuiding acts continuc^l to 1870, (20 Vic, c 27), An Act to amend tho law relating to the collection of taxes and for other purposeH, - Hupjjreasion of dis- orderly houses,— obstruction of side-walks, ttc, — prevention of nuiHanc(!s and encumbering of streets, - mutilating monuments in cemeteries and disturbing persons assembled therein, —ju- risdiction of police magistrates appointed for rail- way districts limited,— (28 Vic, c. 3, ss. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, & 14 of which are repealed by 34 Vic, c 11.) i y Act to amend 28 Vic, c 3,- -police to report oll'end- 01-8 against' spirituous liquor law, — [)enalty for destroying water pipes, ifec,— jurisdiction of police magistrate in cases of larceny, (30 Vic, c 36, of which ss. 2, 3, and 4 are repealed by 34 Vic, ell), ' 1 1 Vic . c. 12 and amending Acts made perpetual, — (33 Vic, c 78, the second section of which is repealed by 34 Vic, c 11), See also A. C. 33 Vic, c 33, 1870, p. 89, as to the making perpetual of certain sec- tions of 1 1 Vic, c 12 and amending Acts. Ss. 3, 5, 32, 33, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 5 1, 54 and 55 of 11 Vic, c 12 repealed by 34 Vic, ell. Police magistrate's salary fixed at $1400, (See Incorporation Act, 34 Vic, c 1 1, 1871, p. 67.) Retaining Walls and Bridges, loan of $5000 for repairing authorized, (38 Vic, c 65), Sewerage and Water Supply. Act to provide for in the Town of Portland re- pealing 35 Vic, c 41, and 38 Vic, c 90,— provisions of s. 7 of 18 Vic, c 38, making general provisions for sewerage and drainage extended to whole of Portland, (40 Vic, c 50), powers, ifec, of Water Commissioners of Saint .Tolm nx\(\ 'Pnv^■^anA aaa Mouroi-o /»r. nt^A — *--*-«.*..., - , ,^»^ f»K,^^^ Water Supply under Saint John, City of, to appointment of Water Commis- sioner, see 34 Vic, c 11, s. 153, VKAK. PAOE 1861, 44 1863, 62 1865, 33 1867, 60 1870, 147 1871, 90 1878, 312 1875, 263 For As 1877. 156 INDEX. ^m YEAR. 49 FAOB 336 378 381 382 391 77 Portland, Town of, -Continued. Streets, to be fifty feet wi(^ (38 Vic., c. 92), 1876 See above City Road, Incorporation Act and Mam Street. Ward Five eHtablished, (41 Vic. c. 24^ i«7fl in»t Water Supply. See above Sewerage and. ^ '^' ^^* Wharpaoe. See above Dockage Presbytbrian CHURGH,~In connexion with the Church of Scot and,— incoi-poration of Churches,— powers and habihties of trustees, -election of ministers and orticers, (2 Wm., 4, c. 18), 3L &p S Act to amend 2 Wm., 4, c. 18, as to powers of ' ' trustees,— selling and letting of pews, A * * * .1. (^ ^n^" 4. c 15), «« Act to further amend 2 Wm., 4, c. 18, A X X i, ., (^ Wm.,'4, c. 6,) '« Act to further amend 2 Wm., 4, c. 18,— trus- tees, election of, (14 Vic, c. 9), ti Trustees,— time for electing extended to nine clock p. m. (35 Vic,, c 40), 1372 Provisions of 35 Vic, c 40 m to extension of time not to apply to Saint Andrew's Church, Samt John, or the New Saint Stephen's Church, Saint John, (37 Vic, cc 55 and 68), Synod of the Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick ' ' ^ m connexion with the Church of Scotland in- corporated, (23 Vic, c 76), I860 Act in addition to 23 Vic, c 76, (36 Vic, c 82). 1873* Keformed Presbyterian Church in connexion with the Reformed Presbyterian Synod of Ireland —incorporation of trustees in the City of Saint John, — election of, — incorporation of other Churches, (7 Vic, c 7), 3L.&P.S Not m connexion with the established Church of Scotland, — incorporation of Saint John Presbyterian Church, and other Churches,— election of officers, — Ministers, (10 Vic, c 71), Act in amendment of 10 Vic, c 71,— Church to be known as " Presbyterian Church in New Brunswick adhering to the Westminster Standards,"— name of Saint John Presby- terian Church changed, (12 Vic, c 61), Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick, Synod of, incorporated,— 7th section of 10 Vic, c 71 re- pealed, (22 Vic, c 6)j Nova Scotia, Presbyterian Churches in connexion with, (19 Vice 13, s. 4), 19 Vic, c 13 amended as to annual meeting, . (28 Vic, c 50), 1865, 122 271 421 415 <( loca 1856, 419 17 24 148 # It.' nil t i i 1 00 INDEX. Presbyterian Chvrcu.— Continued. Act relating to union oi churches connected with, m • 1 . (38 Vic, c.'48), Clerical error in 38 Vic, c. 48 coiTected by 38 V. •, c. 81, s. 5, "^ Act respecting the union of certain churches and their Pr^P«rty rights, (38 Vic, c. 99), Who may bocome probationers or ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, (39 Vic c 13) (For matters relating to individual churches,' see under the name of each church.) Prince OF Wales Coal Company authorized to hold pro- perty in this Province, ^ Probate, Courts of, -Act to amend the law relating to Provident Institution, Trustees of incorporated, 3 L Provincial Accident Insurance Company incorporated, " Provincial Bmldnig Society, corporate name,-rights ind privileges, ° I'rovincial Oil Company incorj^orated, Public Hospital, see Hospital under Saint John City and County. "^ QUARANTINE at f»ort of Saint John. Act to prevent the importation of infectious dis- temper (3 Wm. 4, c. 21), SL &P S Act to explain, (4 Wm. 4, c. 8), ' Powers to be exercised by Saint John Board of Health, (18 Vic, c 40), But see Acts of Canada, 31 Vic, c 63, 35 Vic c 27 and Orders in Council, (May 23, 186,S), pub- lushed (874, p. 423. Queens and Sunbury Coal and Iron Minirg Company mcorporiitod, '■ "^ Queans Oouaty. Court House, —SenHious authorized to sell or remove old Court House, GAaETowN,--,Ses.siou.s authorized to lease certain lauds in, Gaol,— Issue of $6000 d(,beutun>s for (rection of ne.v gaol authorized, (ol Vic, c 4 1), Sessions autliorizod to sell or remove old gaol Grimross CREEK,-Gate across the road near mouth of authorized, C4UIMHOS3 Nj,eK, Canal across, -lands and canal pub- l:c property of the Pi-oviuce,~puuishment tor wilful injuries to, (2 Vic, c 34), 3L !' < \ fa.t tjAMfaawk.,: 'i^-jm^iiiMfim-Vm^mmi^ ^^i*r:^^^^^:i^i-^: INDEX. 55 ^ YEAR. PAQK. Saint Andeew's Church, Ch&ihBm.— Ccniimied. Trustees of, authorized to dispose of the old Saint Andrews Church building, (30 Vic, c. 86), 1867, Authorized to dispose of their manse and manse lands, (35 Vic, c 47), 1872, Saint Andrews Church, Richibucto, certain lands vested in, with power to lease or sell, ' 1878 Saint Andrews Church, Saint Andrews, authorized to sell certain lands to Tlioinas Wyer, Junior, and to dispose of the proceeds of such sale, ^. . . (2 Geo. 4, c 16), 3L.&P.S Division of lands for Church and School purposes made with Justices of Charlotte County con- firmed, (10 and 11 Geo. 4, c 26), «' Saint Andrews (Church of Scotland) Church, Saint Andrews, authorized to sell certain lands, (13 Vic,c 18), «♦ Saint Andrews Church, Saint John, Incorporation of, and of other churches in connexion with the Church of Scotland and repeal of pre- vious Acts, — powers and liabilities of trustees, — election of minister and oflficers, (2 Wm. 4, c 18), 3 L. & P. S. Act to amend 2 Wm. 4, c 18 as to powers of trustees, — selling and letting of pews, (3 Wm. 4. c 15), " Act to further amend 2 Wm. 4. c. IH, (5 Wm. 4. c 6), «« Authorized to sell a lot of land in Simonds, 1859, Authorized to sell certain lands in the Parish of Salisbury, 1866, Trustees, — numbers and election of, (37Vic,c55\ 1874, Authorized to sell and convey certain property in Saint John, (41 \ic, c 18), 2nd Sess., 1877, Saint Andrews Church, Shediac, authorized to transfer certain lands to Knox Church, (35 Vic, c 69), 1872, Saint Andhews Deep Sea Wharf and Railway Company incorporated, 1867 Saint Andrews Friendly Society, Saint Andrews, incor- por.ted, 1866, Saint Andrews Gas Company incorporated, a7Vic, c60\ 3L.&P. S. Saint Andrews Grammar So-hool. Sue Grammar Schools. Saint Andrews Hotel Company incorporated, (34 Vic, c 51\ 1871, Town of Saint Andrews authorized to aid by issue of debentures, (;}4 Vic, c 59\ * 1871, Saint Andrews Msclianics Institute incorporated, 1858, Saint Andrews Rural Cemetery Company incorporated, 1857, Justices of Chai'lotte authorized to sell certain lands to, 1860, 206 91 192 337 342 389 378 381 382 137 37 141 66 134 151 23 890 235 259 127 39 84 i'l ;.^| wi» 14 m^-'-^ 86 INDEX. YEAR. PAQB 1872, 1874, 1864, 1868, Saint Andrews Society Curling Ulub of the City of Saint John incorporated, (35 Vic, c. 61), 35 Vic, c 61 amended, (37 Vic, c 95), Saint Andrews Society, Saint John, incoi-porated Saint Andrews Steam Boat Wharf Company incorporated, Saint Andrews Steam Ferry Boat Company incoi-porated, Q T f 13, Q Saint Andrews Town and Parish of. > ' See under Charlotte County. Saint Andrews "Water Company incorporated, a A , r.^ , ^ (24Vic, c 49), 1«61, Saint Anne's Chapel, Fredericton, ' . " See Christ Church. 3L ., (33 Vic, c 15), 1870, ijewy s Island Railroad Incorporation Act, a ^ ^ . , (1« Vic, c 74), 1855, saint CivOix Bridge Company incorporated, ov Ko ■ . . (8 Vice 52), 3L.&P.S. V Vic, c 52 revived and continued to 1866, o ,r. ,„ (28 Vic, c 43), 1865, o Vic, c 52 revived and continued to 1886, o r. -r,, (30 Vic, c 29), SAINT Croix Pleasure Ground Association incorporated. Saint Croix Wharf Company incorporated. Saint Cyprian Chapel incorporated,— part of Parish of Dorchester annexed to Parish of Shediac for ecclesi- astical purposes. Saint David, Parish of, see under Charlotte County. T David's Church in Saint David, Charlotte, authorized to sell certain lands, Saint George Pleasure Grounds Association incorporated, io< * Saint George Red Granite Company, limited, incorporated, 1873* Saint George Rural Cemetery Company, incorporated, 1876 Saint George, Town and Parish of, r i , See under Charlotte County. Saint George's Church, Bathurst, authorized to sell cer- tarn lands and purchase others, (12 Vic, c 56), 3 L. & P S Saint George's Church, Carleton, authorized to sell cer- tain lands. Saint George's Church, Moncton, authorized to sell cer- tain lands at Moncton, Saint James' Church, Newcastle, trustees of, a\jthorized to sell certain lands devised to' them by John Harkins, Authorized to of manse and manse lands in Newcastle, 1866, 1873, 1875, 121 296 54 85 961 75 366 351 116 27 264 896 142 106 325 391 1870, 129 1855, 1874, 1855, 1855, 1861, 1876, 194 312 282 118 354 194 193 69 194 "-^iHiSSIS^^ '.'?*5l|Ss* ' '*-''^ > 4*;>553»*?fe^!« i4' |V;^.sJ*t»-i;»;n»-;n''t«te:^i^.»i»: INDEX. 67 1878, 255 964 YEAB. PAGE Saint James, Parish of, in the City of Saint John, estab- lished for ecclesiastical purposes, and election of officers provided for, (15 Vic, c. 17), 3 L. & P. S. 358 Saint John Academy of Music Company incorporated, (33 Vic, c 84), 1870, 159 Increase of capital stock authorized, — calls, 1871, 280 Collection of unpaid calls,— certain mortgages con- firmed, 1872, 112 Act to amend and wind up, (41 Vic, c 59), 1878, 1''8 Saint John Agricultural Society authorized to establish a Fair and Market, (32 Vic, c 77), 1869, 134 32 Vic, c 77 amended by 33 Vic, c 86, 1870, 163 Saint John and Albert Mining Company incorporated, 1860, 129 Saint John and Maine Railway Company incorporated, with power to purchase line, rights, powers, &c, of E. & N. A. Ry. Co'y, for extension from Saint John Westward, (41 Vic, c 92), Saint John and Westmorland Steam Navigation Com- pany incorporated, 3 L. & P. S. Saint John, Bishop of, see Bishop of Saint John. Saint John Bridge Bonds,— Governor in Council auth- orized to settle, 1867 Saint John Building Society, corporate name of, — rights and privileges, 1871 Saint John Church, Parish of Bui-ton, authorized to sell certain lands and purchase others, (17 Vic, c 46), 3L.&P.S. Sale of lots in Burial Ground by, «< Saint John City and County. Alms House, an Act to provide for the erection of, (1 Vice 17), 3L.&P.S. Act in addition to 1 Vic, c 17, «' Act to alter and amend 1 Vic, c 17, " Sessions authorized to raise £2,000 for building • an addition to, (22 Vic, c 40), 1859, Loan of $10,000 for making improvements and repairs in, authorized, (35 Vic, c 57), 1872, Commissioners of, incorporated with power to receive bequests, and to administer the Grundy Charity, (3.S Vic, c 108), 1875, 367 Court House, — Act authorizing raising money to complete, (9, Geo. 4, c 2), 3L.»feP.S. 10 Portico and steps to, erection of, authorized, " 13 Assessment to pay for, " 58 Sessions authorized to borrow $2000 to defray expenses of fitting up, (24 Vic, c 24), 1861, 41 Dead House, — Act to authorize erection of, (17 Vic, c 40), 3L.&P.S. 202 Gaols. — Common Council may erect, 3 L. & P. S 1003 Appointment of keepers of, " 1004 7 183 253 370 489 42 63 81 103 110 I j I) II f I k4\ 'If I ■'?!l|fe^ 68 INDEX. « 1850, 1862, 1867, 1871, 1372. 67 122 162 1869, 132 141 98 1878, 211 1860, 8S Saint John City and OoymtY.-Co^uinued. Gaols. — Continued. Act authorizing Justices of the Peace to raise money for erecting and completing, Justices authorized to raise money for alterations in and additions to. Gaoler to be appointed by Slieriff, Justices authorized to borrow $5000 for enlarg- ing and repairing, Highways,— An Act relating to,- penalty for remov- ing earth, &c., from,~recovery,-— offences against highway acts on roads leading from aboideau toTisdale's Cottage and R. Jardine's house, to be prosecuted before Police Magis- trate of Portland, (19 Vic, c. 55), Mount Pleasant Street at Crouchville in Pai-ish of Simonds, opening of authorized, T T> • , ^ o- (^1 Vic, c 47), 1858, In Parishes of Simonds, Saint Martina, Lancas- ter and Musquash,— maintenance and repair of, (41 Vic, c 75, ^ Hospital, Act for maintaining and establishing a general' public hospital, with authority to borrow i:7000. i 23 Vic, c 61,) Additional loan of $18000 authorized,— what pro- perty liable to assessment,— annual state- ments to be laid before the Legislature, and before the Common Council of the City of Saint John, (25 Vic, c 42-, Authority to assess incomes, (30 Vic, c 35), Annual statement to be laid before Sessions, ' . , ^ ^ (32 Vic, c 25), 1869, 47 Annual statement to be filed with the Clerk of the Peace and examined by the County Au- ditor,— other County officers to make similar statements when required, (34 Vic, c 25 >, A loan of $6000 authorized for erecting a sepa- rate building,— who shall be received into such building, (35 Vic, c 53), Commissioners to make up estimate of amount required,— assessments for, how made, — how applied. — inconsistent acts repealed,— as- sessment for 1872 valid,— form of warrant, ^ (36 Vic, c 49), Lancaster, School Trustees of, authorized to borrow $3000 for school purjDoses, (37 Vic, c 19), Meats, authority for destroying bad or unwholesome. Mount Pleasant Street in Parish of Simonds, open- ing of, authorized, 1858 Musquash, Parish of, established, 1877 1873, 1874, & P. S. 107 59 V 163 103 204 36 98 91 ■;n^'.-i INDEX 69 as >7 12 )2 12 V YEAR. PAGE Saint John City and Co}XD.ty.— Continued. Officers of Public Institutions disbursing moneys of City and County to file annual statement with Clerk of the Peace, (34 Vic, c. 25), 1871, 164 Portland, see Portland, Town of. Rates and Taxes, An Act to obtain more exact infor- mation relating to the real estate in the County liable to taxation, for the purpose of a more satis- factory adjustment of the proportions of taxation between the City and Parishes, (23 Vic, c 10), 1860, (See Con. Stat., c 100 ss. 35-50). Registry Office, — Act to provide for erection of, (15 Vic, c 16), 3L.&P.S. Saint John City. See Saint John, City of. Saint Martins. — Act to enable certain wharf owners in Saint Martins to collect dockage and top wharfage, 1874, Justices of the peace authorized to sell cer- tain lands in Parish of, (21 Vic, c 50), 1858, SiMONDS, — Opening of Mount Pleasant Street at Crouohville in the Parish of, authorized, 1?5S, Sessions authorized to sell certain lands in the Parish of, 1877, Slaughter House, (Public), Act to provide for the establishment of, (38 Vic, c 72), 1875, S. 6 of 38 Vic, c 72 repealed,— appoint- ment of commissioners, — penalties, «fec., (39 Vic, c 28), 1876, South Bay Canal, — Act for the regulation of, (13 Vic, c 19 , 3L.&P.S Spirituous Liquors, — Act to regulate the sale of in the City and Coun+y of Saint John, (24 Vic, c 23), 1861, Duty of Portland Police in regard to offences against, (30 Vic, c 36, s. 1), 1867, 24 Vic, c 23 and amending Acts made perpetual as to Portland by A. C.) 33 Vic, c 33. An Act in addition to 24 Vic, c 23, — when taverns may be open, — authority to enter, — penalties for violation of Act, — evidence, — hotels, — copies of Acts to be furnished to whom, — collection of penalties, (34 Vic, c 17), 1871, Act in addition to 24 Vic, c 23 and 34 Vic, c 17, — hours when liquor shall not be sold, — pen- alty, — construction of Act, (36 Vic, c 48), 1873, Act to remove doubts as to certain Acts, — pro- visions of liquor Acts to apply to Saturday, (37 Vic, c 26), 1874, 105 203 98 172 ■j • 1' 192 ,r< 103 ' 1 98 87 284 83 i , 158 Hi 33 W^: 60 !*■ r !^ 'I : . h ■ ; W 60 INDEX. Saint John Oity and Ooxmty.—Cmtimied. Spirituous Liqvo»B.~ConHmied. 24 Vic, c. 23, and all Acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, repealed, so far as they relate to the Parishes of Lancaster, Simonds, and Saint Martins, (3h Vic, c 68), 1875 (which Act is repealed by 40 Vic, c 25 ) * Sale of in the City of Saint John reguluted,— Act to be construed as part of and m addition to 24 Vic, c 23, retealiog 34 Vic, c 17 and 36 Vic, c 48 and 3V Vic, c. 26, so far as relates to the City of Saint John, (38 Vic, c 71), Sale of in Lancaster, Simonds and Saint Martins regulated,— 38 Vic c 68 repealed, (40 Vic c 25) 1877 Ss. 19 and 20 of 40 Vic, c 25 repealed,' ' Tj u r „. <*^ ^^^•'^- '^^'^^ 7), 1878, Penalty for selling m the City of Saint John in the same place where groceries are sold, o • i.T 1- r^.. « (41 Vic, c 48), 1878, Saint John, City of, ^' >°> Accounts,— of receipts and expenditures, &c,— state- ment of to be published yearly before civic elections, 3 L. & P, S Fees, (fee to Mayor, Common Clerk and Cham- berlain to be part of city revenue, Aldermen and Assistants,— election of, Power of Council to expel for improper conduct. Water commissioners West side disqualified for office of, Water commissioners. East side, disqualified. Election of,— if only one nominated ha to be de- clared elected, — qualified voter may nomin- ate in any ward,— Candidate need not live in ward for which he oflTers, n .• r . <2^ ^^^^ ^' 27), Compensation for services authorized, See bv 'ow Election. Alms Houses,— Common Council may establish, 3 L. & P S See under Saint John, City and County. Boundaries of City, k Wards, <« See below Wards. Burial (j}round.— Act relating to,— incerments in prohibited, — Common Council may maintain and keep in order. Bye Laws,— power of Common Council to make,— to be confirmed by Lieut. Governor,— power to impose imprisonment for ofiences against. year, paoc 269 1875, 278 102 136 138 72 (( a 1860, 1862, 72 990 71 98 112 1865, 1877, Q T jg^ n (( (( 97 86 1003 9.S2 984 120 994 71 *' f < 1^ » ■■'I till -mm 62 INDEX. m 1 1 1 1 « Saint John, City of,-CmHnued. ''''''"■ '''°" Common CLEKK,~Continued. Salary of, not to be less than £350, 3 L. »tP. S Common Council may appoint,— qualification, COMMON Council, constitution, rights and powers of, -. . , 3L..o»';''"rl (18 Vic, c 6, 1854), 1855, 10 f 6000 additional Water Scrip authorized, (23 Vic. c. 63), 1860, 98 117 134 115 990 990 7 37 38 97 990 52 9S3 3 202 77 181 15 72 163 203 17 INDEX. 63 ^ Saint John, Oity of— Oontmtied. Debt. — Continued. $25,000 iwitlitional Carieton Water Scrip authorized to be issued, (37 Vic, o. 71), $300,000, for water and sewerage may be issued, East side, (18 Vic, c 38, s. 33), , $100,000 additional authorized, (21 Vic, c 7), $60,000 debentures for sewers authorized, (28 Vic, c 28, s. 7), $100,000 additional authorized for water supply, (28 Vic, c. 29, s. 9), $52,000 authorized to retire debentures accruing' due, {2k Vic, c. 29, s. 10), $40,000 additional sewerage debentures authorized, (33 Vic, c 85), $300,000 additional debentures authorized, (34 Vic, c 36), $50,000 additional sewerage debentures authorized, (36 Vic, c 73), $160,000 additional water debentures and $200,000 additional sewerage deben- tures authorized, (38 Vic, c. 41), $50,000 additional water debentures author- ized, — issue to replace debentures destroyed in great fire, (41 Vic, c 13), 2nd Sess., £5000 f'or street improvements, (21 Vic, c 43), $3000 debentures for improvement of streets authorized. (27 Vic, c 16 \ $20,000 debentures authorized for the im- provement of streets on the eastern ;i le A the harbour, (30 Vic, c 34), £6000 debentures for extension of breakwater, laying down moorings and procuring a plan of the harbour, (23 Vic, c 64), Loan of i$4800 for laying a sewer in Union, Saint Patrick and Clarence Streets authorized, (24 Vic, c 31), Annual pi-ocoeds arising from disposal of fisher- ies on the west side of the Harbour to be appropriated for erection of a Public Hall, and payment of interest on Carieton Water debentures, (25 Vic, c 50), $10,000debentures for Public Hall, Carieton, authorized, (26 Vic, c 25), $o0,000 debentui'cs for City Hall authorized, (25 Vic, c 51), Further loan for purchase of lands au- thorized, (30 Vic, c 19), YEAH. PAOR 1874, 200 1856, 161 1868, 29 1865, 101 1865, 107 1865, 107 1870, 161 1871, 186 1873, 250 1875, 168 1877, 66 1858, 92 1864, 31 1866, 113 1860, 108 1861, 51 1862, 121 1863, 54 1862, 124 1866, 87 till «: l> 64 INDEX. i I"! Saint John, City Ot,— Continued. Debt. — Continued. $6000 debentures for improvement of ferries authorized, (28 Vic, c. 34), 1865, $6000 additional debentures for improvement of ferries authorized, (30 Vic, c 61), 1867, $60,000 additional debentures for ferry pur- poses authorized, (33 Vic, c 88), 1870, $60,000 debentures for stock in the European and North American Railway for extension Westward authorized, (30 Vic, c 23), 1866, $50,000 additional debentures authorized, , , , (30 Vic, c 39), 1867, issue of debentures for extending Saint John Street authorized, (30 Vic, c 24), 1866, $1H,000 debentures to retire issue under 30 Vic, c 24 authorized, (41 Vic, c 107), 1878, Issue of debentures for purchase of lands to the northwardof country marketplace authorized, (30 Vic, e. 47), 1867, $12,000 debentures for improving streets in Car- leton: authorized, (30 Vic, c 73), 1867, $50,000 debentures for public wharf between Reed's Point and Pettingell property author- ized, (32 Vic, c 59), 1869, $24,000 debentures for purchase of Pettin- gell property authorized, (33 Vic, c 87), 1870, $50,000 debentures for erection of wharves and piers on Pettingell property authorized, (34 Vic, c 38), 1871, $20,000 debentures for widening of North ancl South Market Wharves authorized, A.nnn. , , (32 Vic, c. 60), 1869, ^40,000 debentures in aid of Carleton, City of Saint John, Branch Railway authorized, (30 Vic, c 39), 1870, $20,000 debentures for purchasing improvements on lands in Lancaster authorized, (35 Vic. c 68), 1872, $5000 additional authoii ed, (36 Vic, c 50), 1873, $5000 debentures for repairs on Rodney wharves, Carleton, authorized, (36 Vic, c, 52), ' 1873, $ 1 20,000 debentures for erection of market build- ing and purchase of land authorized, (38 Vic, c 89), 1875, $5000 debentures authorized to re^av certain moneys to West side street fund, (38 Vic, c 93), 1875, $12,600 debentures authorized for paving Prince William street, (38 Vic, c 94), 1875, YEAB. PAOB 118 133 166 90 66 101 309 95 179 108 164 189 112 66 J31 207 208 326 335 338 W rl4 Uir-.' ^sm trngf^fgrn/m 'mm'--- INDEX. 65 YEAR. PAGE ^m\ Saint John, City of,— Cmtinued. Debt. — Continued, $14,200 debentures authorized for payment of land damages for Dorchester Street extension, (39 Vic, c. 30), 1876, 86 $9000 additional debentures authorized for land damages and grading Dorchester Street Extension, (40 Vic, c 22), 1877, 93 $15,000 and upwards debentures authorized for widening Dock, Mill and Smyth streets and extending Canterbury street, and for cutting down and grading, (41 Vic, c 9), 2nd Sess. 1877, 43 $93,000 debentures authorized for replacing pub- lic property destroyed by fire, (41 Vic, c 10), 2nd Sess. 1877, 47 $30,000 additional debentures authorized for same purpose, (41 Vic, c 103), 1878, 304 Issue of debentures for loan to wer deficiency caused by relief granted in 1877, authorized, (41 Vic, c 11), 2nd Sess. 1877, 52 Issue of debentures in lieu of those destroyed by "^ the great fire authorized, (41Vic, C12,) 2nd Sess., 1877, 54 $30,000 debentures for purchase of improvements on City lands authorized, (41 Vic, c 69), 1878, 195 $3000 debentures for establishment of a salvage corps, authorized (41 Vic, c 107,) 1878, 311 For authority to Board of School Trustees, Saint John, to issue debentures to extent of of $160,000 or more if authorized by Gov- ernor in Council, see Con. Stat, c 65, s. 95 sub. -sec 7, p. 628. Dockage, Wharfage and Cranage, Act to regulate in Saint John and Portland, (5 Vic, c. 39), 3 L. «fc P. S 5 Vic, c. 39, amended and continued, (18 Vic, c 41), 1855, Revived and continued, 1856, 18 Vic, c 41 contaued to 1860, 1858, 5 Vic, c 39 and is Vic, c. 41, and continu- ing and amending acts made perpetual, 1860, 88 Act relating to ■ public wharves, — authorizing Common Council to collect top wharfage on public wharves, roadways and landings, 1871, 160 Act to enable certain wharf owners in Saint Martins to collect dockage and top wharfage, 1874, i92 Wharfage on Reed's Point wharves to be paid to Chamberlain, 3 L. & P. S. 166 Dogs, — Act to restrain the going at large of, (16 Vic, c 9), 8 « 65 169 144 92 180 I' III V ' 66 INDEX. I i Saint John, City of, -Continued. Election of Mayor, Aldermen, Councillors and Con- stables,— time and manner of holding,— qualifications,— oaths of office, <&c. — bye- Uw., (I6V.0 0.37), 3L.&P.S. 186 10 Vic.,c. 67, regulating elections amended,— residence not a necessary qualification for Alderman or Councillor,— voter's oath,— posting of names of candidates, (17 Vic, c. 7), " I9y An Act to alter and amend the law relating to elections,— ward lists of electors,— bye-laws concerning electoral lists and elections,— leaseholders entitled to vote,— nomination of candidates, — time of,— certificates of ex- emption from taxes to be given to firemen, -PI ^ (2* Vic, c 28\ 1861, 45 ililectors not to vote unless taxes are paid,— tax receipt need not be produced,- names of fire- men and volunteers who are exempt from paying taxes to be retained on electoral lists,-radding names omitted, (31 Vic, c 9), 1868 22 Mayor to be elected on the second Tuesday in April,— persons assessed on four hundred dollars income entitled to vote, 1869 115 Qualification of Aldermen and Councillors to be ' based upon assessment,— when Common Clerk shall not receive nomination, ^,^ X (40 Vic, c 23), 1877, 95 Jlilectors not to vote unless all taxes assessed in prior years are paid, (41 Vic, c 105), 1878, 307 * AIRS,— holding of, 3L&PS 999 J^ENCES,— provisions of Revised Statutes regarding to apply to City, (23 Vic. ell), i860 Ferries, control of. 3L &P S $6000 debentures authorized for improvement of, $6000 additional debentures authorized,' * ' (30 Vic, c 61), 1867 $60,000 additional debentures authorized, ' T - ^ (33 Vic, c 88), 1870, Liease of, to Western Extension authorized, the master and collectors on- ferry boats' to have powers of policemen, (34 Vic, c 34), 1871 Common Council may make bye-laws for the regu- ' lation of, and approaches, &c., T, ^. (39 Vic, c 26\ 1876, 81 i?iRE Department, an Act for the better extinguish-' ing of fires, — organization,— bye-laws, — evi- dence of stealing at fires,— duty of sheriff and constables, (13 Vic, c 5), 3 L. & P. S 144 i\ V 20 997 118 133 166 174 ^1^ *-'lfe;i^ INDEX. 67 \a£ iiiiii J-; YEAR. PAGE 86 98 i\ V 45 22 ^1^ An Act relatin of asaessn men exen Common Cou each sid( « 1856, 1857, 1862, 11 Saint John, City of,— Continued. Fire Department. — Continued. Authority of Common Council to erect alarm bells, Ac, (15 Vic, c. 10), 3L.&P.S An Act to continue and amend 13 Vic, c. 5, — continued to i860,— Chambarlain's accounts, (this Act is not made perpetual with others,) (15 Vic, c 12), An Act relatii to fire police, — powers of fire police exte led, — penalty for maliciously in- juring fire -ines, Ac, (16 Vic, c. 8,, " 'he fire department, — amount ir fire purposes fixed, — fire- jm serving on juries, (17 Vic, c 6), may appoint chief engineer for harbour, (19 Vic, c 51, s. 6), Increased assessment authorized, (21 Vic, c 6), See 22 Vic, c 37, s. 1, 1859, p. 93. 13 Vic, c 5 and 15 Vic, c 10 revived and made perpetual, (25 Vic, c 6), Act relating to, — chief engineer to have exclusive power to appoint and displace officers on the East side of the harbour, — bye-laws for government of fire department and enforcing drill, (41 Vic, c 72;, When Common Council may exempt certain fire- men from taxes, — exemption not to affect right of voting, (30 Vic, c 20), Salvage corps, — debentures, — assessment on fire insurance companies, (41 Vic, c 107, ss. 9—13 , Fires, — A.ct to authorize an investigation in case of, i21 Vic, c 48), An Act to amend the law for the better preven- tion of conflagrations, — establishing fire dis- tricts, and making provision in regard to the materials of which buildings may be built, etc, (41 Vic, c 6), 2nd Sess., 41 Vic, c 6 amended by, (41 Vic, c 89), Act to regulate the construction of buildings and provide for their ijispection, (41 Vic, c 7), 2nd Sess. Fish Market,— Establishment of, (4 Vic, c 14), 3L.cfeP.S. 4 Vic, c. 14 amended and explained, " Fisheries, — Control and management of, " Fishery draft on the West side of tlie harbour abolished and other provisions for the dis- posal of thj fisheries made, (25 Vic, c 50), 1862, 1878, 1858, 1877, 1878, 1877, 163 169 179 197 135 74 1878, 201 1866, 87 311 101 13 249 21 62 174 1014 121 -' ! ■% .-fi^..?il..r,£.:!!t«sr..-ta.(.MSaa'S»mjSJ^i» 68 INDEX. 1871, 3 L. & P. S. « « , 1873, Transfer of certain lands in the city to the Queen confirmed, (40 Vic, c 24), 1877, Common Council authorized to purchase tlie im- provements on, and to borrow money for that purpose, (41 Vic, c 69), 1878, 195 Public Property and debt of Corporation, act relating to,— Council may sell leased lands,— appli- cation of proceeds, (28 Vic, c 33), 1865, Loan of $93,000 for replacing public property authorized, (41 Vic, c 10), 2nd Sess. 1877, Additional loan of $30,000 for same purpose authorized, (41 Vic, c 103), 1878, Quarantine, See Quarantine Railways, — Carleton, St. John, Branch, — The acts relating to aid to this railway, and to the ap- pointment of directors by city, are 33 Vic, c 39, 34 Vic, c 2, and 36 Vic, c 56. See Carleton, City of Saint John, Branch Railway. European and North American, for extension from Saint John westward,— loan of $60,000 for the purpose cf taking stock author- ised, (30 Vic, c 23\ 1866, Additional loan of $50,000 authorized, „ ^ (30 Vic, c 39), 1867, See Luropean and North American Railway Company for extension from Saint John westward. Rates and Taxes, — assessors and collectors of rates, — appointment of,— Common Council may make bye-laws for the government of, — searches by, at record office, (13 Vic, c 1, ss. 16-20), 3L.&P.S. 142 (As to repeal of s. 21, see 3 L.&P.S. 187). 116 47 304 .*.'j*s .• INDEX. 73 3S J3 t r YEAK. PAGE Saint John, City of,— Continued. Rates and Taxes. — Continued. An Act relating to levying, assessing and collect- ing of, (22 Vic, 0. 37), 1859, 92 22 Vic, c 37 amended, — execution for taxes, — sale of real estate, — commission of West side receiver, — auditor of accounts of re- ceiver, — fees on executions, — repeal of in- consistent acts, (24 Vic, c 29), 1861, 46 22 Vic, c 37, s. 1 amended, — limit of assess- ment, — division between East and West side, — no rate quashed for matter of form, — 24 Vic, c 29, s 1 amended as to proof of notice, (26 Vic, c 28), 1863, 63 Definition of "inhabitant" for assessment pur- poses, — 22 Vic, c 37, s. 14 explained as to place of inhabitancy of companies, &c., — 22 Vic, c 37, ss. 15 and 16 repealed and new sections substituted, — taxes on real estate a special lien for two years, — when recover- able from tenant, — remedy of latter, — cor- rection, of assessment lists, — executions to run into whole County, — assessors to search registry of shipping, «tc., — agents of .vessels exempt, (31 Vic, c 36), 1868, 64 Clerical error in 31 Vic, c 36, s. 9 corrected, (32 Vic, c 7), 1869, 23 Churches, buildings actually used for school purposes and parsonages only excepted from taxation, notwithstanding anything con- tained in 22 Vic, c. 37, s. 14, — assessora to be appointed in January instead of March, (33 Vic, c 75), 1870, 145 31 Vic, c 36, s. 4 explained as to agents of foreign Fire and Marine Insurance Companies and further provisions made in regai'd thereto, — assessors or clerk may take affidavits, (34 Vic, c 18), 1871, 107 Additional assessments for the year 1871 author- ized,— taxes on mortgaged property, how levied and collected, (34 Vic, c 27), 1871, 165 Special assessment on Eastern sido authorized, — in case agent (fee, mentioned in 31 Vic, c. 36, s. 4 dies, &c, assessors may alter name on assessment lists, (37 Vic, c 69), 1874, 198 Additional assessment for 1875 authorized, — marshal to have $2.00 additional in case of levy,— 22 Vic, c 37, s. 12 explained as to assessing joint stock, (38 Vic, c 21), 1875, 106 9 \i :i\ t.i I. I; \ ^1 i. I; IL 1,1 ^m i ,«fes«».«a*t«**saiffia5it^i^aiit8&feliSSI^^ 74 INDEX. Saint John, Oity oi!,~Contmued. Rate8 and Taxes.— Co-ntinuecL Certain property of persona having more than one busmess place exempted, — additional assessment fcr 18r6 authorized, AJ).*- , C'^*^ Vic, c. 29). Additional assessment i^or i37R authorized, I3oard of Assessors authorized to grant relief iij the year 1877, and to borrow an amount Ti.nn.r "^"fii"" deficiency, (41 Vic, ell), 2nd Hess. Recorder,— OfHce of establlHhed, 3L &P Deputy Mayor, ' ., ' Reuistrv Of fice,— Act to provide for erection of. r.^ „r (1'^ Vic, C 16),' " ROD.VEV Wharf. S33 bolow under Wharves ^ Sewerage ani. Water Supply, for Carleton,-Com- miBs.oners, appointment of,— powers- water to be obtained from Spruce Lake and other lakes,— $100,000 scrip authorized, Ax- ,j. . (^^ Vic, c 6, 1864), Act m aciditjon to and amendment of 18 Vic, c 6,-salary of commissioners, ~plans,-se.\ ers" sup •nntendent of works and otlier officers —damages,— parties to suits,— judgments', —assessments, —accounts,— water rates, - scrip, —penalty for injury to property,— lia- bility ot comimssioners, -arrest of oiiicers — ss 3, 4, and 7 of 18 Vic, c G repealed, J bye-laws,— assessment for retlemi.tion and payment of scrip, (21 Vic, c 6), Appointment cf tJommissioners transf.;rred to Common Council,— salary,— oaths of office, —powers and duties,— iis(pialitication, A X • ,,• . ^^^ Vic, c 62), Act m addition to and anienlment of Is Vic c. 6, ^1854 ,-$6000 adilitional scrip,— as- sessments,— appeal,— damages,— collector of rates,— asses.sment to pay otl' sciip, -recov- ery of poualties,— jurisdiction of poL. ma- gistrate,— defaulter.^, —proceedings against, — prutect;on to commissioners and servants, —repeal,— forms,— chairman's bond. Ax , .. (23 Vic, c 63), Act relating to,— execution for non-payment of rates,— warrant to sherifi;— provisions re- garding residents of Lancaster, . (25 Vic, c 49), Assessment on poll, under 18 Vic, c 6 ^^^54 not allowed, (25 Vic, c 50, s. 7 ,' Common Council authorized to issue additional scrip not to exceed $25,000, (37 Vic, c 71 ) YEAR. PAOK 1876 85 1878, 228 1877, 50 S. 985,990 985, 986 172 ^m 1855, 8 im% 1858, 19 1860, 96 1860, 98 1862, 119 1862, 123 1874, 200 ^-■'■^•■''"i^'—.-;- *^.-P* ?*!#*!* K.'i#,»v.0.n-a^t»ii*i*.^a*?,'';%'! ^4, .y'.> INDEX. 7T O ^ rm% 92 93 31 1866, 113 1867, 1877, 1877, 1878, a 1 J. T t ^,^ <. ^ YEAR. PAOl Saint John, City of -Continued. STBEET8 AND Hqv AV.EH.— Continued. benturog therefor authorized,~as8os8raont for payment thereof, — cliviaion of, between East and West side, — Common Council, autlior- ity of, to raise, level or improve, (21 Vic, c, 43), 1868, Annual assessment for Streets, &c., not to exceed .£3000, authorized, (22 Vic., c. 37, s. 1), 1H59, Loan of $3000 authorized for the improvement of, (27 Vic, c 16), 1864, Mayor, «kc., authorized to borrow money for im- provements on, — debentures, — duties of com- missioners of sewerage and water supply, (30 Vic, c 34), Streets in Carleton, loaii of $12,000 for im- proving authorized, (30 Vic, c 73), Side lines of streets in Carleton defined. Side lines defined, — penalty for encroachments, (41 Vic,c 8), 2ndSess. 41 V^ic, c 8 amended as to northern side line of Queens Square, (41 Vic, c 64), Canter ury Street authorized to be opened, — Cross street to be widened, (18 Vic, c 10), 1855, 18 Vic. c 10 amended, (19 Vic, c 54), 1856, 18 Vic, c 10 and 19 Vic, c 54 amended, (21 Vic, c 46), 1858, Interest on certain assessments authorized, (22 Vic, c 43), 1859, 18 Vic, c 10 amended as to widening of Cross Street, (29 Vic, c 20), 1866, Report of Commissioners confirmed, (30 Vic, c 62), 1867, Extension to Saint James Street authorized, (41 Vic, c 9), 2nd Sess. 1877, Extension to Britain .street authorized, (41 Vic, c 109), Dock Street, — widening of Dock and Nelson streets, and the opening of Smyth street au- thorized, 3 L. & P. S. 48 Widening of, authorized, (41 Vic, c 9), 2nd Sess. 1877, 32 Dorchester Street,— extension of, authorized, (32 Vic, c 65), 1869, $14,200 debentures authorized for payment of land damages under 32 Vic, c, 65, .(39 Vic, c 30), 1876, $9000 additional debentures authorized for damages and grading, (40 Vic, c. 22,) 1877, Harding Street, — widening of, authorized, (22 Vic, c 42), 1859, 179 89 29 182 27 140 96 107 38 134 32 1878, 313 121 86 93 105 ;i i ' M . i i.'i.Sit«i&«ts*i "ij^e'-MsBStW 78 INDEX. Saint John, City of -Continued. ''^''"" ^^''''' Streets and BquAKKs.—Coniinued. King Street in Carleton,— extension of, author- ized, (22 Vic, c. 44), 1859, 108 22 Vic, c. 44 explained and amended, (27 Vic, c. 50.) 1864, 125 Kings Square, Carleton,— Act for enclosing and improving, (23 Vic, c. 9) I860, 18 Mill Street,— widening of, authorized, .^ , ^ (41 Vic, c. 9), 2nd Sess. 1877, 32 JNelson btreet,— widening of, authorized, 3 L. Jc P. S. 48 Pnnce William Street, paving of,— issue of debentures therefor, (38 Vic, c. 94), 1875, 338 Queen's Square, Careleton,— Act for inclosing and improving, (23 Vic, c. 9), I860, 18 baint John Street, extension of to Reed's Point, and loan for purposes of, authorized, • . (30 Vic, c. 24), 1866, 92 30 V^.c, c. 24 amended, — ss. 2 and 5 in part repealed, (30 Vic, c. 49 \ 1867, 98 Issue of $1S,000 debentures authorized to retire debentures issued under 30 Vic. c 24, (41 Vic, c 107, s. 1-8), 1878, 309 bmyth Street, opening of autliorizeJ, 3 L. &P. S. 48 Widening of authorized, (38 Vic, c 57), 1875, 237 Further widening of authorized, __ , ^ (41 Vic, c 9), 2nd Sess. 1877, 32 Ward Street, — Common Council authorized to lay out and establish, 3L.&P.S, 14 Water Street. See Saint John Street. SuRVEYOus, — power to appoint city surveyor, « 1002 Appointment of additional city surveyors au- thorized, (23 Vic, c 59), I860, 87 Wards,— King's, Queen's, Sydney, Duke's, Guy';? and Brook's located,— boundaries of defined, 3 L. & P. S 984 4 184 Act for altering numbers and boundaries of Wellington Ward established by dividing King's, Dividing line between King's and Welling- ton defined, « I95 Prince Ward established and located, (24 Vic, c 32) 1861, 53 Albert Ward established and boundaries of Albert, Guy's and Brook's Wards defined, (24 Vic, c 33), 1861. 54 Weights AND Measures,— regulations respecting, 3L.&P.S. 998 Appointment of officers for weighing and meas- "''i"g' " 1000 Wharfage. See above Dockage, &c. Wharves,— Common Council authorized to build Reed's Point wharves, — to issue debentures for ■!!»... ^'^'4.iMiiillMi|i>il^iipft5^i*llii^^ INDEX. 79 Saint John, City ol-Cmtinued. ^ii^fiVEi.—Co.itiiU'd VEAR. PAGE £7,500 therefor.-to collect top wharfage, &c.,— to extend Brittain Street, Addi^onal wWes at Beed'^^^fa^d^l^^ ' ^- '• \k Additional loan of £ 1 750 authorized, Provisions regarding application IfMseinieS' ''''' under 15 Vjc, c. 11, 17 Vic, c. 62, and 21 Vice 5, (23 Vic, c. 64, s. 10^ Extension of Breakwater authorized'.-applica- tion ot assessments under 15 Vic ell 17 VIC. c. 62 and 21 Vic, c. 5, ' ' ' How far wha,vo3n,ay extend ^JlJt^o^ '''"' how built,~certain owners of land may build,' 'm\< Mayor, &c, may grant permfsliln'^to ' ertct ^^^^' buildings on Avharves and withdraw the sajue, (33 Vic, c. 5). European and North American Railway Com pany, (Westward,) authorized to erect wharves on certain pr jperty. T> 11- , . , ('^* Vic, c. 34, s. 4), 1871 Public wharf between Reed's Point and Pettin- ' gell property, buiJdiag of authorized,— issue of debentures to extent of $50,000 for purpohes of, (32 Vic, c. 59), Loan of |50,000 for erection of wharves, &c on, authorized, (31 Vic,-. 38 s Nortli ami South market wharves, 'widening of authorized,— !i^2O,0U0 debentures in aid of autlionzed, (32 Vic, c. 60 , Wharves, ])iers, floats and landings,— Common Council may make regulations in regard thereto, and in regard to conduct of coach- iiion, carters, porter.s and ])er,sons resorting tJiereto, — constable may arrest without warrant for breach of bye-laws committed in his view, ^34 Vig., c. 31), Uohio.y wharves in Carleton, loan of |5000 for making repairs on authorized, o T ^ (36 Vic, c. 52) 1873 Saint John Dry Dock Company incorporate.!, ^ 1858* r^AlNT JoiiN File Insurance Company incorporated, 17 V ^. u 1 , ^"^^ ^^^•'^- 63), 3L.&P.S. u \ ic, c. bJ altered and amended, and s. 26 re- pealed (23 Vic,, c. 75), I860, •flii 163 203 17 I860, 110 108 34 1870, 13 176 1K69, 1871, 108 189 1869, 112 1871, 170 208 121 689 121 I, m i: ■■.'I :r ■„A\^s»'iim%tM-ix^iiig. 80 INDEX .1 h -5 YKAR. PAGE 1858, 122 1873, 1874, 1877, 138 1878, 156 Saint John Forge Company incorporated, Saint John Gas Light Company incorporated, (8 Vic, c. 89), ZL.&V. S, Capital Stock increased, and 8 Vic, c. 89 amended, (16 Vic, c 55), " Increase of capital to £50,000, (22 Vic, c. 62), (35 Vic, c 72 authorizing increase of capital reser- ving certain rights is repealed by 37 Vic, c 90.) 8 Vic, c 89 and amending acts not to affect Carle- ten or Lancaster, (36 Vic, c 47, s. 21), Increase of stock, — sale of additional shares, — repeal of 35 Vic, c 72, (37 Vic, c 90), 8 Vic, c. 89 amended, — general meeting, — appoint- ment of officers, — di-ain fi'om works, — examina- tion of meters, — bye-laws, — ss. 4 and 16 of 8 Vic, 0. 89, and s. 2 of 16 Vic, c. 55 repealed, (40 Vic, c 38), Issne of debentures, — sinking fund, — how sharehold- ers shall vote — repeal of s. 6 of 8 Vic. c 89, (41 Vic, c 54), Saint John Grammar School. See Grammar Schools. Saint John Gymnasium Company incorporated, Wiading up act for. Saint John Harmonic Society, Act to incorporate, Saint John Hotel Company incorporated Act revived and continued, amended, — calling meeting and sales, Saint John Ice Company incorporated, Saint John Industrial School incorporated. Saint John Iron Works Company incorporated, Saint John Land and House Company incorporated, (2nd Sess.,) Saint John Law Society incorporated. Saint John Manufacturing Company incorporated, Saint John Mechanic's Institute incorporated. Saint John Mills and Canal Company incorporated. Saint John Orphan Benevolent Society incorporated, Saint John People's Street Railway. See People's Street Railway Company Saint John. Saint John Pleasure Ground Association incorporated ■ A-iNT John Protestant Orphan Asylum, — Act to incorpor- ate, (18 Vic, c 70), , 18 Vic, c 70 am nded, (20 Vic, c. 39), Authorized to sell, «fec., real estate, (41 Vic. c 17), (2nd Sess.) Saint John Real Estate and Building Company incoi-por- ated, Saint John Relief and Aid Society incorporated. Saint John River, — presei'vation of banks of. See Sunbur^ County, and Queens County. 876 888 1859, 148 1855, 1H57, 1871, 1878, 202 286 1864, 57 1875, 310 1857, 29 3L.&P.S. 941 (( 944 ({ 944 1876, 144 1874, 351 1860, 124 ,) 1877, 70 1878, 177 1855, 255 3L.&P.S. 479 a 936 (< 447 1863, 65 247 65 1877, 65 2Do 174 ^ (f agSr8t'*^ ' -J^'^^^^i^gr ^ '!'g?1) ! ffiWI»^ iMt ''■^ INDEX. m YEAR. PAGE Saint John Rural Cemeteiy Company incorporated, (11 Vic, c. 56), 3L.&P.S. 484 Amended as to annual meeting and tenure of lots, (17 Vic, c 56), " 494 Amended, — form of conveyance, — when conveyance valid,— (25 Vic, c 73, of which 3rd sec. is re- pealed,) 1862, 167 Further amended as to transfer of lots, (26 Vic, c 30), 1863, 65 Saint John Suspen.sion Bridge Company incorporated, (12 Vic, c 69,) 3L.&P.S. 898 Time for buildmg extended, (15 Vic, c 73), '« 909 Penalties for forcibly passing and fast driving over,^ (20 Vic, c 40, 1857, 65 Penalties for fast driving, — deposit for appearance, (37 Vic, c 91), 1874, 287 Issue of government debentures for purchase of, — bridge to be free, (38 Vic, c 13), 1875, 98 Sale of bridge authorized, (38 Vic, c 45) 1875, 185 See Con. Stat, p. 650. Saint John Temperance Reform Club, trustees of incor- porated, 1878, 158 Saint John Temperance Temple Company incorporated, 1870, 148 Saint John Trades Co-operative Association incorporated, 1867, 125 Act of incorporation amended, 1868, 102 Saint John Water Company incorporated, (2 Wm. 4, c 26), 3L.&P.S. 644 2 Wm. 4, c 26, revived and amended, explained and amended, Increase of capital stock, (12 Vic, c. 51), 12 Vic, c 51 amended. Capital stock further increased, (15 Vic, c 71), 15 Vic, c. 71 amended, As to sale or transfer of property of, to Water Com- missioners, Saint John, see 18 Vic, c 5, (1854), 18 Vic, c 38, (1855) ss. 6 and 7. Saint John Woollen Manufacturing Company incor- porated, Saint John Young Men's Christian Association incorpoi*- ated. Saint John's Church, Chatham, incorporated, (19 Vic, c 13), 1856, 24 Saint John's Churclt, Dalhousie, authorized to dispose of certain lands, 1876, 99 Saint John's (Jliurch, Richmond, — trustees thereof auth- orized to .sell lands and apply proceeds for certain purposes, 3L.&P.S. 383 GaTXTIII TrifTXT'o /"*]■» t^v»i-»Vi dnir\4- T^-vl*»v ^a4-tt\~Aict\T.r\A Saint Joseph, College of. See College of Plaint Joseph. Saint Louis, — certain marsh in Parish of. See under Kent County. 10 <( 652 i< 652 « 655 (( 661 (( 662 (t 663 1876, 112 1872, 116 ■^,« 82 INDEX. 1874, 1871, 1873, YEAR. PACE Saint Luke's Church, Batlmrst, trustees of autliorized to sell certain lands, (12 Vic, c. 24^ 3 L. & P. S. 387 Authorized to dispose of certain lands, (36 Vic, c. SO), 1873 264 Saint Luke's Church. Parish of Portland, made the Parish ' Church, and given the rights, &c, of Grace Church, Saint Makk's Church, Saint George, Chai^LI^.'^vlih W^^^ '' ^' ^^ ''^ to sell certain lands and purchase others, (16 Vic c 47) Saint Mark's Parish of, in the city of Saint John estab- lished tor ecclesiastical purposes,— election uf officers —pew rents, (16 Vic, c 12), ' Saint Mark's, Parish of (Sussex), established for ecclesias- tical purposes, ( 37 Vic, c 39), Saint Martins and Upham llailway Company incorpom- rr- t' , •,,• (34 Vic, c 49), lime for building extended, (36 Vic, c 35), 34 Vic, c 49 further amended— authority to borrow money,— class A and class B debentures, Q . - ^. , (37 Vic, c 63), 1874, Sessions of Kings authorized to assist to the extent of $15,000, (37 Vic, c 64), jgy^ Time for completing further extended, (41 Vic, c, 100) 1^^78' Saint Martin's Cemetery C--nany incorporated, ' ' Saint Martin's Mining and 'Manufacturing Company incorporated, i j> Saint Martin's. Parish of. See Saint John City and County. Saint Martin's in the Woods, Church of, in the Parish of Shediac authorized to sell certain lands. Required to pay certain moneys to Saint Andrew's Church, Point DuChene. Authorized to sell certain lands in the Parish of Shediac. 18fiQ Saint Mark's Church, Parish of Saint Mary, York, auth- ' onzed to sell certain lands, iokk iqr Saint Mary's Church, Richibucto, authorized to sell cer- tain lands and purchase others, A , . (11 Vic, c, 44), 3L (tP S S'lO Authorized to sell lands, (13 Vic, c 14), ''-^•«±'-». ^52 Authorized to sell other lands and invJst the pro- ceedg, ( 16 Vic, c 49 , u Saint Mary's, Town and Parish of. See under York County. Saint ^^atrick's Central Agricultun,! Society incorporated, " Saint Pauls Church, C^AI-am, authorized to sell cer- tarn f<;rries over th-^|^.ramichj River, ISf-.s Saint Pauls Ciiur<:h, Fredoncton, auth<,ri/.ed to sell cer- ' ' tarn iaiius iti I'unm of Gordon, 1869 Authorized to nominaw a succeijRoy to Rev. John M Brwke, Igyg^ 1877, I860, 1861, 1866, 364 360 113 216 156 263 264 290 142 142 68 107 80,82 355 365 507 114 61 307 W W' ••'itii'T f fi" •'rrriit.itlim*i"ir hcii 'in "•^ •"•tM UMiMiiiii ■WiiMlfe^-«^^-*illil^l^^- INDEX. 8a i(^ YEAR. PAGE 1856, 1859, 1857, 1876, Saint Paul's, Grand Manan, authorized to sell certain lands, Authorized to sell certain lands, Saint Paul's Church, Hampton and Upham, authorized to s'jll certain lands. Authorized to sell certain other lands, Saint Paul's Church, Saint John, established, ,„,.. (19 Vic, c. 60,) 1856, 19 Vic, c 50 amended by 33 Vic, c 12, 1870, Authorized to receive and hold gifts and bequests, 187l', Saint Peter's Church, Westfield, authorized to sell certain lands, 1870, Saint Peters Village Water Company incorporated, 1870, Saint Stephen Log and Timber Sluice Company incorpo- rated, (5 Vic, c 29), 3L.&P.S. Saint Stephen Middle Boom Company incorporated, (15 Vic, c 77), Saint Stephen Rural Cemetery incorporated, (19 Vic, c 28), 1856, Act relating to public burial grounds in the Parish of, (20 Vic, c 21), 1857, An Act allowing certain persons to be buried in the Church of England burial ground, (24 Vic, c 38), 1861, Saint Stephen Steam Power Company incorporated 1872^ Saint Stephen, Town and Parish of. See under Charlotte Countv. Saint Stephen Valley Park incorporated 1874, Saint Stephen Water Company of Miiltown incorporated, 1858^ Saint Stephens Academy incorporated, (20 Vic, c 27), 1857, Saint Stephens Bank,— Act to incorporate, 3 L. & P. S. Time for paying in capital extended, Act to increase the capital stock, — forfeited shares, &c.. Capital stock, further increase of, authorized, (30 Vic, c 69), 1867, Saint Stephen's Brunch Railroad Company incorporated, (27 Vic, c 56), 1864, Act in addition to 27 Vic, c 56, authorizing com- pany to issue debentures, (28 Vic, c 45 j, 1865, An Act to amend 27 Vic, c 56,— liability of stock- !-L :/.S (30 Vic, c 22), 1867, lasue r)f Viiditional »lebentures authorized, (30 Vic, c 33), 1867, A further issue of additional debentures authorized, (32 Vic, c 56), 1869, An Act to mcorporate certain property holders in the Parish of 8aint Stephen by the name of the Lower District of Saint Stephen, and to authorize them to issue $100,000 debentures in aid of, (28 Vic, c 40), 1865, 6 137 23 148 131 20 278 64 135 865 851 45 24 59 87 273 130 41 585 607 624 170 134 143 47 ^S 106 m Ifl • 1 133 84 INDEX. r'l . -: K i YEAR, PAGE Saint Stephen's Branch Railroad Company.— Co?^«m?«erf. 2lS Vic, c. 40 amended,— mayor and councillors of the Town of "* lint Stephen to be president and directors of the Lower District of Saint Stephen, a ,u A . . ■ (38 Vic, c. 79), 1.S75, 298 »ee the Act to incorporate the New Brunswick and Canada Railroad Company, 36 Vic, c.-37, 1873, p. 160. Saint Stephen's Church, Saint John,— Trustees of authorized to sell certain lands and re- invest the proceeds,— rights and powers of dis- senting pew holders, no Vic, c. 70), 3L.&P.S. Act in amendment of 10 Vic, c 70,— who may be com- missioners. (13 Vic, c 8), ' " Act in further amendment of 10 Vic, c 70 relating to vesting of outstanding estate in commis- sioners, &c, (16 Vic, 0. 48), '< Act in addition to 10 Vic, c 70, (31 Vic, c 40\ 1868, bAiNT Stephen's CAuu-ch, (New), in City of Saint John- election of trustees for,— certain lands vested in, rn , ^ (32 Vic, c 38), 1869, irustees,— number and cL^ction of, (37 Vic, c 68), 1874, Authorized to sell certain lands in Saint Martins, « c , ^ (37 Vic, c 68), 1874, Saint Stephen's Gas Light Company incorporated, cm (1^ Vic-, c. 30), 1856, Saint Thomas' Church, Parish of Saint James, Charlotte, authorized to sell certain lands and purchase others, a rr ,^ (^^ Vi«->c. 45), 3L.&P.S. bAiNT Ihomas Church, Queensbury, authorized to sell cer tain lands. Sale of certain lands by, confinned, Salisbury, Parish of. See under Westmorland County. Savings Banks, An Act to encourage the establishment of, (6 Geo. 4, c 4), Provisions extended, (4 Vic, c. 20), Further amended, (4 Vic, c 30\ Provisions further extended, (9 Vic, c 61), (These four Acts repealed except as to Saint John Savings Bank, by 10 Vic, c 43), Act relating to, repealing former Acts in part, and ma- king other provisions, (10 Vic, c 43), " Acts relating to and providing for loan, (19 Vic, c 20), 1856 Act relating to, (24 Vic, c 3\ 1861^ Act in addition to act relating to, — increasing amount of loan, (25 Vic, c 14), 1^62, 21 (Banks established hereunder to be subject to proviwoiiB of (A. C) 34 Vice 6, 1871, 52.) Saint John Savings Bank, -6 Geo. 4, c. 4, 4 Vic, c 20, 4 Vic, c 30, and 9 Vic , c 61, not repealed as to (10 Vic, c 43), 2 P. S. 175 1857, 1874, P. S. (( 384 388 393 75 76 196 198 49 353 22 183 162 173 174 174 175 175 39 13 ■K^^*ii*i*H*?*t-^;ftB^fe«i*5H!SS«^ INDEX. 85 Savings Banks, — Continued. Saint John Savings Bank. — Continued. An Act to make provision for carrying on the affairs of, (6 Wm. 4, c. 52), Provisions of, further extended, (15 Vic, o. 58), Act relating to, (27 Vic, c 13}, See Acts of Canada 34 Vic, c. 6, ss. 16, 17, 1871, 52). Issue of debentures to the extent of ^500,000 to re- tire debentures falling due under 19 Vic, c. 20, and 25 Vic. c 14 autliorized, (28 Vic, c 10), Schools — See Baptist Seminary, Fredoricton. Brothers of the Christian Schools. Chatham, Trustees of Schools for Parish of. College of Saint Joseph. Common Schools. Free Baptist Education Society. Grammar Schools. Madras School. Mount Allison Wesleyan College and Academies. Newcastle, Trustees of Schools for Parish of. Saint John Industrial School. Saint Stephens Academy. University of New Brunswick. Varley School. Victoria College. Seamen's Friend Society, — Winding up Act. Seminary, Baptist at Fredericton. See Baptist Seminary. Settlement of the Poor, Chapter 102 of the Consolida- ted Statutes relating to, amended, Sewerage. See Sewerage A-c, under Fredericton, City of, Portland, Town of, Saint John, City of, And for other acts see under name of the County to part of which the act relates. Sewers and Marsh Lands. Appointment of certain Commissioners by Governor in Council confirmed, — special provisions concern- j ing assessment for Jolicour Canal, and the Marsh enclosed by the Etter Aboideau, (28 Vic, c 17), Shediac Grindstone Manufacturing and Mining Company incorporated, 3 L. Act amended, — capital stock, Shediac, Parish of. See under Westmorland County. Shediac St&tion W^harf Compan"' inforpco-^'^c' Sheffield Cheese Manufacturing Company incorporated, Shipduilding Companies. See name of each Company. Shipwrights' Union of the City of Saint John incorporated, SiMONDs Agricultural Society incorpomted, 3L, year, paoe 172 178 1864, 29 1865, 57 1857, 25 1878, 121 1865, 66 00 rroscrvation of luviik of ii) Parwh of Lincoln,— intcrvaloN to ho fonccd, — swing gatfN, (41 Geo. 3, c. 9), " 29.^ Ah to ropair of highways on hank of River Saint John Hco (V>n. Slat., c. tJH, n. 04. SuHi'KNaiON JiiUDOK. Saint Jolni Ihidgo hoiula,- Govern- or in Cj)iincil autliorizod to Hotth\ 1807, 183 Seo Saint John Hritlgo, Sus.sK.\ AND Studholm Agricultural Socioty incoritoratoil, 3L,&r.S. 605 SuasKX Institute (■oinpany incorporated, 1871, 274 SussE.x Jiinio and Plaster (■onipany incorporated, 1874, 303 Incorporation Act amended, 1875, 398 SusaE.x, Town and Parish of. See under Ring's County. Sussex Vale MechanicsMnstitute Company incorporated, 1805, 150 Synod, Diocesan, of Fredericton, See Dioco.san Synod of Fredericton. Of Preshyterian Church of New Brunswick in con- nection with th»! Church of Scotland. See under IVe.sbyterian Church. :-^- TABUSINTAC Boom Comi)any incorporated 1874, 325 Taxes, when County Council nuiy grant relief, 1878, 122 Rates and, for special Acts relating to, See Fredericton, City of. Portland, Town of. Saint John, City of. And for other Acts see under name of County to which or part of whicli the Acts relate. Teleoraph Companies. See British and American Telegraj)h Company. British North American Electric Telegraph As- sociation. Fredericton and Saint John Electric Telegraph Company. International Telegraph Company. Miramichi and Richibucto Electric Telegraph Company. New Brunswick Electric Telegraph Company. Richibucto and Shediac Telegtapli Company. "Western Telegraph Company. Telephone between Newcastle and Indiantowii authorized, 1878, 222 Temperance Societies. See British Templars. Chatham Dutcher Reform Temple. Dorchester Temperance Hall. Hillsborough Temi>erance Hall. IX DEX . 89 \m % I860, i 69, ld74, 1870, 118 14S 195 113 YEAR. FAQK TiimRANcB 8oi wtim.— Continued. See Saiiit John Toinperanco Ter le. Sons of Tornporanco. Thobntom, Reverend JuninH Brown, authoriztni to soU-ii nixe niarriagoH, Traoadie Hospi HihU-i * of the Hotel Dieu, 8aint Joseph incorporate! , (32 Vic, c, 83), Trinity C'hurrh. Kingbton, King's County, autliirized to to sell I i luiids u the Parish of Kingst n. Trinity (vhunili, Ilothesuy, iucoi-porated, Trinity Church, Sumt John, authorized to sell certain lands, 3L.&P. 8. 345 fo havf control of l)urying ground near Saint John, " 483 Authorized to sell purt of their real estate, (26 Vic, c 32), 18G3, Authorized to receive and hold gifts and bequests, (32 Vic, c 39), 1869, Authorized > dispose of pii i of burial ground in the Parish oi Portland, belonging to them, 1871, Trinity Church, Springfield, Kings County, authorized to convoy c3i-tain lands to Jos, ah Marvin, 3 L. & P. S. 531 Authorized to sell cei-tain 'ands in Springfield, 1855, 198 Act authorizing sale amend d, 1858, 116 Trinity Church, Sussex nthorizod to erect a Parish Church upon certain Glebo lands, (36 Vic, c 77), 1873, 255 ,36 Vic, c 77, 8. 4 repealed by 37 Vic, c 39, 1874, Trinity Mission Church, Saint Stephen, incorporated, (33 Vic, c 35), 1870, 33 Vic, c 35 ameiuled by 34 Vic, c 60, 1871, Trustees of the Saint John Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation incorporated, 1872, Turner District. M!e under Albert County. Turner's Mill, Act to legalize conveyance of water to, 3 L. & P. S. 554 67 78 264 115 62 263 116 UNDERWRITERS, Saint John, Society of, authorized to sue and be sued in the name of their Secretary, 1858, 117 Union uiiurch in Parish of Saint David, Charlotte, incor- porated, 1874, 350 Union Hall Company incorporated, 1872, 93 Union Iron Works Company incorporated, 1862, 154 Union Meeting House Society, Saint James, (Charlotte), incorporated, 1875, 389 Unions. See name of each. Universalist Church, Act to incorporate first Universal- ist Society of Milltown, 1857, 68 University op New Brunswick, Associated Alumni of, incorporated, (33 Vic, c. 8), 1870, 16 Authorized to invest in government and municit^al debentures, " ^ 1878, !17 If UphaM Agricultural Society incorporated, 11 3L.&P.S. 502 __ii_^ iM IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) h /. t/u 11.25 •UUu 1.4 mil 1.6 01 p^ r. >' ^<;>* ■> .•» 1 ilUaJgidpiiiL. Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ V :\ ^^q \ J. V O^^ >^ ^^:^ ^ J> w t/j 00 INDEX. r'^l TJppEE Mills, Town of. See under Charlotte County. Upper Road District. See Cai-leton County. Utopia Red Granite Company incorporated, TSAB. FAOB 1875, 411 VARLEY SCHOOL, Saint Jonn Act to remove doubts under Will of Mark Varley and for other purposes, (13 Vic, c. 2), Company. Moncton Gas Light and Water Company, mitcodiac Water Coiripany. Saint Andrews Water Company. Samt John Water Company. Saint Peter's Village Water Company. Samt Stephen Water Company of Milltowu. Water Supply,— See Sewerage, &c., under Fredericton, City of, Jrortland, Town of A 1 u .-, . ®*^^* John, City of, WATBRBORouoH,-preservation of the banks of the Saint _ John River. See Queen's County. "tS^o^i^t ^""""^^ ^^^""'^ Agricultural Society in- ^'^''poS'' ^^«^^^ Manufacturing Company incor-^'^^'^ Wellinpton, Parish of. ^^^^' See under Kent County. Wesleyan College, Mount Allison. See Mount Allison Wesleyan Colleire Wesleyan Methodist Church. See :,T.ethodist Ch rch of Canada. West Isles, Parish of. See under Charlotte County. wf! L?'T' ^'"'"'^''^ *?' '""^ ^°^^«» Bay authorized, 3 L. & P S Western Telegraph Company incorporated, ^^■<^^-^' Westpield Hall Company incorporated, ^'' """•' '' ^'^' }J?I' WESTMOR^l^n tfn'f '^'^^ ^T'^ Wporated, 3L.&P S. WESTMORLAND AND ALBERT Mmmg and Manufacturinff Company mcorporated ^ ^""'pomtef "^ ^^^^^^ Manufacturing Company inoor- Westmorland County. Court House in,— loan of $10,000 for erection of authorized, (35 Vic, c. 23), 1>orche8Ter,—» Middle" or "Pent" road in Parish of, — commissioners authorized to repair and maintain, ^^ Issue of debentures by School District number 2 in the Parish of, ' Intervale Lands on Scadouc river, in Parish of, JoLioouR Canal,— provisions concerning assessment for. Powers of commissioners defined] YCAB. PAOK 510 U9 1860, 1872, 313 174 320 £08 132 124 1872, 40 1873, 239 1875, 1865, 1865, 1875, 347 153 66 121 'it t m iM 92 INDEX. 1875, 1876, 1878, 1878, 1878, 1878, 139 139 99 YEAH. P\UK Westmorland OoWOty.— Continued. MoKCTON, Town and Parish of. Assessment for erection of lock-up house at the Bend, (16 Vic, c. 41), 3L.&P,S. 315 School Trustees authorized to borrow $8000 for purchase or erection of school buildings, (36 Vic, c 12, s. 55, 66), 1873, 56 Further loan of $6000 authorized, (38 Vic, c 58), 1875, 246 Act to incorporate and to more effectually main- tain the streets, bridges, and sewers therein, (36 Vic, c 70), 1873, 240 36 Vic, c 70 repealed so far as inconsistent with the Town of Moncton Incorporation Act, (38 Vic, c 40), Incorporation Act, (38 Vic, c 40), 38 Vic, c 40, S8. 10 and 72 amended, (39 Vic, c 34), 1876, 38 Vic, c 40, 8. 66 repealed by Consolidated Statutes, c 120. Sales by auction, and licensing of auctioneers re- gulated, (40 Vic, c 36), Gas Light atid Water Company, — Town Council authorized to be exempt from taxation. Spirituous Liquors, Act relating to sale of in Town of, (41 Vic, c 49 ., 38 Vic, c 40 amended as to collection of taxes, — ss. 58, 59, 60 and 61 repealed and new sec- tions substituted, (41 Vic, c 82), Town Council may contract with Gas Light and Water Company for Water and Gas, Police Magistrate for Parish of, appointment of, — lock-up house, erection of, (38 Vic, c 75, 1875, (See 39 Vic, c 16, 1876, 64). Public Buildings and Sewers in Town of, — loan of $8000 for construction of authorized. Board of Health in Town of, — Act to establish, Peticodiac Police district established, — lock-up house, &c, (34 Vic, c 15 , Polling places (additional) established in Shediac, Dorchester, Salisbury, Moncton and Botsford, Sackville. Police Magistrate, appointment of for authoriz- ed, — erection of lock-up house at, (37 Vic, c 29), Ram Pasture, No. 1 District, — commissioners of Sewers authoriz d to make a road to, (38 Vic, c 53), Salisbury, Moncton and, Assessment on Parishes of, for erection of lock- up house at the Bend, (16 Vic, c. 41;, 3L.&P.S. 1877, 135 1877, 149 1878, 138 231 242 293 247 308 1871, 99 1878, 329 1874, 101 1875, 200 315 INDEX. 93 li a YEAR. FAOB 120 102 133 72 136 Westmorland Oovaity.~Cn, City of. And for other Acts relating to wharves, &c., see under the name of the County wherein such wharves are situated. Whittaker, Charles, trustee of, authorized to mortgage certain lands, 1878, 335 Wiggins Male Orphan Institution, governors of incor- ated, Williams Mining Company incorporated. Winder Stream, in Parish of Saint George, — boom across authorized, (31 Vic, c 66), Winter Roads, in Madawaska Coimty, Woodstock Bank, — Act to incorporate, (28 Vic, c 23), 1865, Further time for paying up iirst instalment of capital stock allowed, (30 Vic, c 21), Woodstock Bridge Company incorporated, Woodstock Cemetery Company incorporated, Woodstock Manufacturing Company incorporated, Woodstock Mechanics Institute incorporated, Authorized to sell and convey their real estate, Woodstock, Parish of. See Carleton County. Woodstock Pleasure Ground Association incorporated, (32 Vic, c 90), 1869, 162 A.uthorized to issue debentures, — evidence in action against shareholders, (35 Vic, c 35), 1872, 68 WoODSTociC Railway Company incorporated, (27 Vic, c 57), 1864, 140 County Council of Carleton authorized to aid by loan and by donation, (28 Vic, c 59;, 1865, 157 1867, 1862, 1868, 1876, 1867, 1867, 1877, 1868, 3L.&P.S. 1872, 19 165 107 109 76 47 81 134 98 481 123 i i I i^i^■■it.^^f»^¥'««ft•;«Si 94 INDEX. Woodstock Railway Com^p&nj. —Continv^d. Issue of debentures, to constituwn a first lieu, author ized, (29 Vic, c. 16), Town of Woodstock authorised to take stock in and make loan to, (29 Vic, c 17), Issue of debentures to be secured by assignment of subsidy authorized, (29 Vic, c 18), Loan by Town of Woodstock to be secured by mort- gage, (31 Vic, c 10), Company authorized to build branches, A . . J ,. . (33 Vic, c 43), Act in addition to and amendment of 27 Vic, c. 57, — authority to execute other mortgages, — when Town Council may loan to,— authority to sell or amalgamate,— leases,— when company may sue stockholders, (34 Vic, c 52), Authorized to cancel certain debentures and issue new debentures, (30 Vic, c 18), Authorized to build Jines in Carleton, Victoria and Parish of Southampton, York, (30 Vic, c 19), See as to transfer of rights under 30 Vic, c 19 to New Brunswick Railway Company, 40 Vic, c 15, 1877, p. 72. ^ f y> See Act to incorporate New Brunswick and Canada Railroad Company, 36 Vic, a 37, U73, 160. Woodstock, Town of. See Carleton County. Woollen Manufacturing Companies. See name of each Company. YORK AND CARLETON Mining Company incorpor- ated, (10 Vic, c 73), 3L, Act to facilitate operations of, (12 Vic, c 67) Act in amendment of,— limited liability, \i 1 > ,VI v TABLE OF REPEAL. Beference to Act repealed. 1 Rgv. Stat., c. 7, 10. 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 49, 60, 51, Extent of Repeal. The whole, do. do. do. except sec. 4, See Con. Stat., p. 166. The whole, do. do. do. Ss. 1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12, 13, 14, and 15, The whole, do. do. do. do. in 80 far as in- consistent with, do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Bepealing Act. Obsolete. 31 Vic, 0. 7. 20 Vic, c 7. 35 Vic, c 9. 18 Vic, c 2, (1865). 36 Vic, c 16. 23 Vic, c 20. 26 Vic, c 4. A. C. 31 Vic, c 69. 24 Vic, c 4. A. C. 31 Vic, c 64. See Royal Gazette, 28th, Oct., 1863. A. C. 36 Vic, c. 66. See A. C. 31 Vic , c 44 Expired, A. C. 21 Vic, c 6. do. do. do. do. 19 Vic, c 48, 31 Vic, c. 24, and 32 Vic, c 10 Expired. do. Obsolete. 32 Vic, c 16, Obsolete. 25 Vic, c 23. Obsolete. A. C. 31 Vic, c 10. A. C. 31 Vic, c 5, and Con. Stat., c 120. Expired. do. do. do. 100 LHT OF A0T8 RIPBALBO OR BXPIRBD. Beference to Act reiH-Mled. I Rev. Stat, c. 67, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91. Extent of Repeal. The whole, do. do. do. do. do. da do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. in so far as in- consistent with. 96, do. 97, do. 98, do. 100, do. 101, do. 116, Ss. 1 & 3. 118, The whole, 136, do. 138, do. except section six for matters within jurisdiction of Par- liament of Canada, do. for matters within jurisdiction of Lo- cal Legislature. The whole. So much of sec. 6 as relates to fishery draft, Sec. 1, Ss. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. The whole, do. do. 143, 146, 146, 147, 148, 149, 160, Repealing Act. 33 Vic, c. 32. 18 Vic, c 18. 28 Vic, c 2M. 26 Vic, c 20. do. do. do. See A. 0. 31 Vic, o. 40. 26 Vic, c 20. do. da da da do. 24 Vic, c. 64, (1862, p. 186). A. C. 31 Vic, c 42. A. C. 36 Vic, 0. 129, (1874, p. 26). do. do. do. A. C. 31 Vic, c 76, and A. C. 38 Vic, c 44. A. C. 36 Vic, c 47. 18 Vic, c 40. A. 0. 36 Vic, c 28 and Con. Stat., c 120. Obsolete. 26 Vic, c 6. 22 Vic, c 22, and 30 Vic, c 34. A. C. 32 and 33 Vic, c 11, and 36 Vic, c 26. 26 Vic, c 11. A. C. 32 and 33 Vic, c 36. Con. Stat., c 120. 30 Vic, c 9, (1866). 25 Vic, c 50. 27 Vic, c 4. A. C. 32 and 33 Vic, c 36. 4P' do. (1(^ do. do. do. t«T OF ACTS RIPIALBD OR BXPIRID. 101 Reference to Act repealed . IRa", State. 161, 162, 163, 164, 166. 166, 168, 169, 160, 2 P. S. p. 17 Vic, c. 1, 1, 2, 2. 8, 3, 4, 6, 6, 36, 6, 43, 7, 44, 8, 48, 9, 60, 10, 69, 11, 69, 13, 60, 14, 61, 16, 64, 16, 71, 17, 71, 32 Geo. 3o. 9, 113, 6 Vic, c. 2, 114, 2 Vice 44, 116, 12 Vic, c 20, 116, 16 Vic,c46, 117, 16 Vic,c85, 119, 16 Vic,c33, 123, 11 Vic,c 16 Vic,c 16 Vice 8 Vic,cl 9 Vice 13 Vic,c 14 Vic,c 16 Vic,c 66, 124, 34, 163, 36, 163, 11,197, 74,210, 62,214, 8, 217, K, 218, Extent of Repeil. The whole, do. Tlie whole except sec. 16, Tlie whole, do. • The whole except as. 17, 18, 20 and 22, The whole except sa. 3 and 23, The whole except ss. 10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and part of 27, 8«. 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 12, 13 and all the Schedules ex- cept U, RepeaUng Act. A. 0. 32 it 33 Vic, c 36, do. da do. i/^ da do, da flok The whole, do. do. da do. do. do. da do. do. do. da do. da da do. do. do. do. do. do. do. da do. do. da do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. da da and36Vic,cl2,(N.B). 18 Vic, c 2. Ej red. do. do. do. do. 26 Vic, c 23. 19 Vic, c 37. Expired. A. C. 36 Vic, c 49. See Con Stat, c 99. 18 Vic c 37. da Expired. Obsolete. do. da do. Expired. do. Obsolete. A. C. 31 Vic, c 46 and A. C. 34 Vic, c 4. A. C. 31 Vic, c 46 and A. C. 34 Vic, c 4. 18 Vic, c 37. do. do. 22Vicc63,(1860,161) do. Expired, do. An 10 LIST OF ACTS REPEALED OR EXPIRED. Beference to Act repealed. 2. P. S. p. 10 Vic.,c,32, 219, 4Wm.4,c.30,327, 6Wm.4,c.34,328, 10 Vic.,c.38, 329, 8Geo.4, C.2, 333, 12 Vic.,c.40, 364, 6Win.4,c.29,380, 13 Vic.,c.47, 3lH, 16 Vic.,c.22, 390, 11 Vic,,c.l6, 391, 14 Vic, c. 26, 393, 12 Vic, c. 41, 393, 13 Vic, c 43, 409, 14 Vic, c 25, 411, 6Wm.4,c43,412, SL.&P.S., p. 2Wm.4,c25, 16, 3Wm.4,cl3, ]7, 3Wm.4,c21, 23, 4Wm.4,c 8, 36, Extent or Repeal. The whole, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. - 3Vic,c 1, 44, 3 Vic, c 70, 60, 3 Vic, c 81, 60, 6 Vic, c 35, 70, 11 Vic,cl3, 105, 11 Vic, c 30, 117, 11 Vic, c 31, 119, 12 Vice 12 Vic,c 15 Vice 15 Vic,c 16 Vic,c 17 Vic,c 17 Vic, c 3 Vic,c 14 Vice 14 Vic,c 4 'Vic.,c ii Vic,e, 12 Vic,c 1,125, 7, 127, 18, 174, 63, 176, 7, 177, 37, 199, 39, 201, 78, 217, 15, 222, 17, 257, 10, 274, 42, 278, 27, 279, do. The whole except as. 1 and 2 See 18 Vic c, 40, s. 5 and A. C. 31 Vic, c 63 A. C. 35 Vic, c 27 and Order., m Council May 23rd, 1868, published 1874, p. 423. The whole, do. do. Ss. 3 and 4, The whole, See Con. Stat, c 99, ss. 77, 112 and 114, 3 Vic. c. 70, which this c( n- tinues is repealed. The whole, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. See 34 Vic. c. 20, s. 44, The whole, do. as to Grand Manan, do. a,j to Campobello, Repealing Act. Expired. 23 Vic, c 37. do. do. 24 Vic, c 12 and 36 Vic, c 31. 30 Vic, c 10. do. 30 Vic, c 10, and Con. Stat., c 120. 32 Vic, c 23. 15 Vic, c 24. do. do. \ do. do. A. C. 36 Vic, c 49. 34 Vic c 11. 16 Vic, c 37, 3 L.&P. S. 186. V 33 Vic, c 6. A. C. 36 Vic, c 54. 27 Vic, c 18. 33 Vic, c 4. Expired. 33 Vic, c 6. 34 Vic, c 11. do. do. Expired. 34 Vice 11. 21 Vie, c 4. See Con. Stat, c 20, s. 3. 22 Vic, c 8. Obsolete. 26 Vic, c 37. 20 Vic, c 8. Expired. r^^i^^i,^^ •»»aB«(j,Mw.niaK»': "I '^7 ■ IBSTWBK LIST OP A0T8 REPEALED OR EXPIRED. 103 tid 36 I Con. (' 19. i. ,s. 3. Reference to Act repealed. 3L,«feP.S., p. U Vic.,c. 8, 280, 16 Vice. 18, 281, 17 Vic.,c.38, 284. 5Geo. 4,0.23, 317, 17 Vic.,c. 3, 328, r Vice 5,424, 12 Vio.,c.64, 470, 17 Vic, c. 48, 476, 17 Vic, 0.27,6:^4, 6G80.4,cl2, 566, 4Wm.4,c44, 574, 6Wm.4,c58, 603, 4 Vice 29, 618, 7 Vic, c 14, 619, 15 Vic,c69, 623, 15 Vice 70, 623, 16 Vic, 0.5 1.624, 17 Vice 1, 626, 17 Vice 64, 642, 7Wm. 4,0.54, 700, 2 Vice 14, 714, 8 Vice 48, 716, 13 Vie,c21, 730, 14 Vice 11, 745, 15 Vice 76, 753, 17 Vic, c 53, 775, 7 Vice 49, 811, '^Vic,c91,823, 9 Vice 34, 825, 9 Vice 45, 825, 11 Vic, e5 1,842, 12 Vice 67, 845, 14 Vic, c 3,850, 15 Vic, e 74, 851, 16 Vice 68, 852, 16 Vic, c 66, 870, 16 Vice 64,962, (1854.) 18 Vic, e 1, 2, 3, 4, (1855.) 18 Vic c. 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, Extent of Repeal. See 34 Vic e 20 s. 44. The whole, do. do. do. do. do. See 20 Vic, c. 22, The whole, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Repealing Act. Expired. Expired. 22 Vie, e 47 and SO Vic, c 53. 23 Vic, e 6. 39 Vic, e 12. Expired. Expired. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. • do. do. do. do. do. do.^ do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. A. C 31 Vie, e 7. 19 Vic, c 37. Expired. do. 22 Vic, c h Expired. do. 36 Vie, e 16. /: V|ft.t..... 104 LIST OF ACn BIPEALKD OB EXPIRED. Beference to Act repealed. (1866.) 18 Vic, c. 6, 8, 13, Ifi, 18. 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, Extent of Bepeal. The whole, do. do. da do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ^^Ki 32, do. ^^H' 33, do. ^■m 34, do. ^^■1 36, do. ^H^ 39, do. i^^N 42, do. ^^Bl 43, , do. ^^kI 62, do. ^^B| 66, do. ^^■i 66, do. ^^S 69, do. ^HS 71, do. ^^^ (1866.) ^Hp 19 Vic, c 1, do. ^^H 2. ^ do. ^^H 4, - do. ^^H 11, See 22 Vic,c.38, 1869,138. ^^H 12, The whole, ^^^1 18, do. ^^^■^^ 21, do. ^^H;| 33, do. ^^H^: 34, do. ^^^^^■li . 36, do. ^^H 36, do. ^^^^1 38, See (A. C.) 31 Vic, c 60, 39, The whole, ^^^S 46, do. ^^H; 61, do. ^HR' 63, do. ^^H 64, do. ^HHi 66, do. ^^^^^^^1' 20 Vic, c 1, do. ^^B 2, do. ^H: 4, (1857.) do. ■aanni B 20 Vic, c 1, do. H Repealing Act. Sxpired. 22 Vic, c. 11. 23 Vic, c 16. Expired. 26 Vic, c 16. Expired. do. do. do. 21. Vic, c 12. A. C. 31 Vic, c 64. A. 0. 31 Vice 10, and 38 Vic, c 7. Expired. 26 Vic, c 23. 20 Vic, c 7. 20 Vic, c 1, (1857). 34 Vic, c 11. Expired. do. do, do. ^ 26 Vic, c 69. Expired. do; do; 36 Vic, c 16. Expired. Expired. A. C. 31 Vic, c 7. A C. 36 Vic, c 26. Expired. do. A. C. 31 Vic, c 7. da 26 Vic. c 20. A. C. 31 Vic, c 48. 26 Vic, c 69. Expired. do. do. da do. do. A C 31 Via, c. 64. 2] 22 V LIST OF ACTA REPEALED OR EXPIRED. 100 t. Reference to repealed. Act Extent of Repeal. Repealing Act. 34. 0, and J7). 6. J. (1«57.) 20 Vic, c. 2, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 35, 36, 38, 21Vic.,c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (1858.) 21 Vice. 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, U, 16, 17, 21, 22, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 44, 49, 51, 65, 68, (1859.) 22Vic.,c.l, 2, 4, 7. 10, 13 e whole, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Ss. 1, 2 and 4 (for 5, see Con. Stat. Tlie whole, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Section 4, The whole, do. do. do. do. do. do. Expired. , 38 Vic. c. 15. Obsolete. do. 26 Vic, c. 4. 34 Vic, ell. 21 Vic, c51. Expired. do. do. do. do. do. 26 Vic. c. 4. 21 Vic, a 9. Expired. do. ?9 Vic, c li. 34 Vic, c 21. \^- 3? Vie. a 10 and o8 Vic, c 7. A. C. 31 Vic, c 6. A. C. 31 Vic, c 69. A. a 31 Vice 6& Expired. 38 Vic, c 15. 22 Vic, c 16. Disallowed. Expired. 25 Vic, c 16. 22 Vice 11. 25 Vic, c 26 and 26 Vic, c 6. 25 Vic, c 58. Disallowed. Expired. 34 Vic ell. A. C. 31 Vic, c 63. Expired. Expired. A C. 31 Vic, c 7 38 Vic, c 15. 28 Vic, c 21. A C. 31 Vic c 59. 25 Vic c. 23. 'T 1 ] 106 LIST OP ACTS REPEALED OR EXPIRED. ! : Reference to Act , repealed. Extent of Repeal. 4 Repealing Act. ^H (1859.) ^H 22 Vic, 0.12, The whole. Expired. Hi 1^* do. do. ■^ 15, do. 25 Vic. c 16. do. Expired. Wk ^^' do. Obsolete. ^B '^^' ' do. 26 Vice 11. 19, do. 38 Vic, c 15. 24, do. Obsolete. 32, do. Expired. " ^H <^'^' do. A. C. 31 Vic, c 64. ^H 45, do. 25 Vic, c 69. Hi ^7' do. 30 Vic, c 53, ^R (1860.) ^■l 23 Vic, c 1, do. Expired. Ml f> do. 33 Vic, c 33. Hi 2' do. A. 0. 31- Vic, c 59. Hi ,®' do. 34 Vice 11. ■ I IH. do. Expired. ■l '17, do. do. fc Hi ^^' do. do. ■§' 19, do. A. C. 31 Vic, c 7. ^^ 20, do. A. C. 31 Vic, c 8. ^m do. A 0. 31 Vice 6. ^m do. do. ^m do. 26 Vic, c 4. ■1 do. Disallowed. H do. Obsolete. Sections 3 and 5, A. C. 32 and 33 Vic, c 36. ^1 ' ' The whole. do. lli. 35, do. SeeA.C. 32and33 Vic, 0. 30, ss. 4 a,nd 23. Hi do. 26 Vic, c 6. ^■i do. A. C, 35 Vic, c 26. ^H . do. 25 Vic, c 20. 44, do. Expired. 45, do. 25 Vic, c 16. ^H 46, do. 25 Vic, c 23. H do. 26 Vic, c 11. H The whole except s. 2, A. C. 31 Vic, c 45 and {Sec. 2 obsolete.) 34 Vic, c 4. H The whole, 7 Obsolete. — 1 do. A. C. 31 Vic, c. 60. Hli ^^' do. 41 Vic, c. 85. Hi'! 67, do. Expired . ■ (1861.) L ■■1 24 Vic, c 1, do. do. do. do. ^Hji do. A. C. 32 and 33 Vic, 1 1- 0. 10. ^i^j^^^^lJl«i|^|,.^gi^.g|•,|^^^^i^^^ LIST OP ACTS REPEALED OR EXPIRED. 107 Reftience to Act repealed. (1861.) Lyit!*:':%-:r»:; LIST OP ACTS REPEALED OR EXPIRED. Ill Reference to Act .„,_ . repealed. (187^.) 35 Vic, c. 2, Extent of Repeal. Repealing Act. ^he whole. Expired. 7, do. * do. . ,S' do. 37 Vic, c 58. J?' do. 36 Vic, c 18. J5' do. 36 Vic, c 72. 16, do. Obsolete. il* do. 40 Vic, c 50. 06, do. 41 Vic, c 89. 67, do. 40 Vic, c 17. 72, do. 37 Vic, c 90. (1873.) 36 Vic, c 1, do. Expired. 4, do. Obsolete. 6. do. do. 7. do. do. 8, do. Expired. 9, do. do. 16. do. Obsolete. 84, The whole except s. 3, 40 Vic, c. 17. M, The whole, Obsolete. 69, do. 37 Vic, c 4. 5^' do. Obsolete. 62, do do. 64, do. do. 65, do. do. 68, do. do. (1874.) 37 Vic, c. 3, do. 38 Vic, c 44. 6, • do. Expired. 6, do. do. 17. do. Obsolete. 46, do. do. 70, do. do. 86, do. See 41 Vic, c 27. (1875.) 38 Vic, c 1, do. Expired. 2, do. do. 3, do do. 55, do. 39 Vic, c 12. 56, do. 7 do. 68, do. 40 Vic, c 25. 73, The whole except s. 1, 40 Vic, c 17. 90, The whole, 40 Vic, c 50. 119, do. Obsolete. (1876.) ;39 Vic, c 3, do. Expired. 4, do do. e do. Obsolete. '^ do. do. '-^U^fetatt-S.* n ' / •• m LIST Of ACTS RBPKALXD OR BTFIRBO. Reference to Act < repealed. Extent of Bepeal. Repealing Act. !i (1876.) 39 Vic, c. 8, " » — !i: See Con. Stat, c. 99, s. 44, 1 ■ .17, The whole, Obsolete. 1 J, dp. do. i ' * 35, do. do. ' 1 *8, (1877.) 40 Vic, c 1, do. do. Expired, do. 't 1 2, do. do. i' ' 41 Vic, c 1, do. do. !■ \ 4, do. Obsolete. i 1 1 5. do. do. (1878.) 41 Vic c 25, do. Expired, do. ■ '■ 26, do. I . V lli', ■■1. li :|*,mu« // v*ai?ifli«^^t>,