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'7'^'"" ."* .^""U- tries tirs. attra...... a.ri..ult„ral invsti^atinn .:. t i, J'-^ n v rit'w'' f "'i that sh..op. swin.. an,l fV.l o„ raw tish an.l fi.h wa-t. rodu I ,. ,, n"'' -..lour and strong flavour unless tl„. fish was hoil.l or ,oko, h t "t." '7 oat.on of thi, knowlnlK.. to tl,. .^rowin.. fi-h,,rv t^ ^t^^^^M^T;, tt':",,?"'''" Fish in.'al should not be .-oiifound.Kl with ••fish sera].-. '• ^uano " or " .M.n,„,... - ..r other f.,ru.s of fish hy-produets „.„! as fertilisers. The fish n>eal us.hI a .. Ud- h.h offal. Uhen raneul fi-h are used the resultin^^ uu-als eontain too nneh o w , , n. U,. raneul state, eauses d.jfestive troul.les as well a- otV-Havoun-d n.ea nilk „ J o,^RS. The od e.xtraet,on ,s not only a profitable pro....s, but n.ueh i,„ . i . value ofthe n.eal. Any fresh, untainted fish oV fi.h wastes will n.ake „ fai „e.d the ^alue dependn,.^ on the r.ehness of the Hesh and the parts of ,he fish use.I. Altl .'Z usuaHy nnule frou. herr.n,-. eo.l, dogfish or other .alt water fish, yet when tl Mv ■ s suftcjent. tresh water fish are usc^. The enorn.ous «up„ly of dogfish ..n the At 3 ie ,y,mt, the ^^rent salmon industries on the Paeifio eoast and the sardine or other fi"i, .n,lustru-s wherever they exist offer t-reat opportunities for the manufaeturinK of fish meal. '" I'ish meal varies in eomposition. dependin}; on its sonree The rw-lw f ... i • u.ade from whole fish while the poorest n.eal is made fron, sud'. wlst'es '' ^a tiN and fins. One .^ood brand of fish meal made from fresh whiffish showed an naly s ^J *^^ •;■• •■"'' P'-"*''"'- "'1 3 P^-r cent and 19-8 per eent phosphate of lime It will b.. seen that the prote.n .-ontent of this meal w.s nearly twice as ^reat a. -that o average ..ottonseed n.eal or liusernl oil n.eal as ccmn.only fou..d ,m th.. r-,, dian umrlvet. ■■■muiuii The feediuK vah>e of fish me,d .lep,.nds on its very hi^rh ..ontent of dip^tible nro- te.n whud. renders it most suitable ^or eombiju.tion with foods such as roots potatoes ha.v, straw and the .starchy cereal .; ins an.l their by-produ.-ts such as corn.'.'orn bran' harh-y. ct.-., all of winch contain ; jw pmeentaKe of protein Kxperience has shown that so lonp as the quantities fed were not too large, fish meal has proven a valuable food for horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry From many feeding trials the quantitit^ per day which may be fed with a starchy ration nave been suggested : — j . .. Cattle— 2 pounds per 1,000 pounds live weight. SwiiK! — i to i pound per animal. 3hee[— Mo to \i pound per 100 pounds live weight. 49094 IIiiwt'V€>r, it iiiimt W rfiiifinlMTiHl tlmt, us in the i'um' (if oiIht rich nu'niif, lln' iiniiiiaU nnii to thoc ration!< uriiduiilly. It kIioiiM nl)>i be rnncniborpil thut tin* iiiMiiiirf from iitilinai' U'll on thi'< iiii':il hii.^ n vrry liitrli viiliii- in view of the lurK<' iinioiint of nitrotfi-n iin()|{ SWINF. 'riiif nii«ul niii.v Ix' fi'il with yonni; and fattening \>i(f*, but it KtiinuhitcH thi> iiM)<>titi> of pins of nil iitr<>s. Boing rich in phosphatos it xtiinuluttii the itrnwth rif bono in younu stock. FiNlSHlNti HOdS. At the <'cntriil KxiH'rinicntui Kami. <)Ma«a. Ont.. nit cxiMriinont to illnstriUc the value of fish meal for tinishinj; swiiir was madi- in lltl.'i. Although, uwinir to the fact thut it took some time to aeetistoni fh" pi(f* to thi-s fpcil, very slow (tains were made at first, yet the trains were, on the whole, most satisfactory. Lot 4 pounds xkim-niilk for 10<> pounds jrain. Lot 1 fed a mixture of shorts 400 pounds, barley 400 pounds, corn 200 pounds re(|uir«n fewl at pri>sent prices, fish meal would thus be worth over $48 per ton. Finally, it was not expected that fish meal would show as advantageously in this ration as one eontuining more meals and grains of a higher starch content. F. S. Ashbrook, U. .S. Department of Agriculture, reports on finishing hogs. .\n addition of 1 part tankage or fish meal to 9 parts corn showtnl the tankage lot requiring 46i pounds grain and the lot only 390 pounds grain per 100 pounds p , Keenon reports in 1910 that fish meal sharjjer.s the appetite and produces same grains as a high grade meat meal. The Seale-IIayne Agricultural College report trial.s showing fish meal a r addition to a prrain ration composed largely of corn as being responsible for extra it,.. of I to ;-, pound per pig per day. FOR GROWING SHOATS. Another experiment at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, was conducted with yo inger shoats and using a "hog meal" containing 6."> per cent fish meal, a- prepared by the Conservation (,'ommission, Ottawa. Lot 1 fed a meal mixture composed of shorts 400 pounds, corn 400 poumls. "hn-t meal " 100 pounds required 270 pounds meal and 310 pounli rncnl ii'> fliciip mill i-i'iiiiiiiMJcil proijiii'ti liiirii ill tlic <[ic:'i;il •• 1,1 if hI wii« riio.t |>niii<>iirir....J with .voiiiitf p!^. „,Mi,..,l i„ .hmo. wtioi, ooM.piw,! ,.f ..,i,.il part, lorii. .hoN. m,.i „.,, ,,,1- u.^1 in .,11 lut* 520 pouiiii. milk prr IIMI , u,U ««!,.. This l.,t iii,„l,. ^.r.^t.-t w„l „.*i'-«n -"""!■"••' .f;"'" "'"' 1" I'-' -"•'» <."'kn..|. mul milk rM,i.ip...l ir.O p.>i,„,l- meal ami i.«0 poiimU milk ii.-r KH) poiimls ,/«ii, Lot .•{ M the fimi. ... Lot -J. hut with th.. •• 1,,,^ „i.„l " ,,..iii,. tmikum. ilmI. almost ...x.,..t ly the ..imn ^,ii„. ami on tl .p.mititi... of hotli „,...l ..nd niilk In this rii.l. the n.l.lition of oith-r ti-h ni.>,il or tmiki.K,. to „ wrll l„.lm, I ,,r',i„ ration fed with milk .how.-d no im-reaso in k for ....nsnm., '/:. the present scomt.v and hi^ h pri.-s of out., shorts ,„,.! ,.,., >kin...i.ilk. tisl. m ,. available, niight well be used ns a partial suli,titiite. hnJ'f: t'^KTr ^''f; ^*"""""r"' "^ A""-"-"""'-, report- on trials with gro»in« hogs As an addition of 1 ,.urt tanknKo or fish meal to ., ration of eorn. 4 parts and meal lot .V... pounds t-rain per 1(M> pounds ^ain. Thi. trial a.^.in showed fish meal and tankiipre ot ahoiil oqiiul value. Kh'iii also reports H,h meal an exiellent substitute fur milk rhc above figures show that a high «raile ti>h meal may be eeulio.i.ieallv ...ed in balanci„« rations fur all u«es of feeding, ho^s. It will ^ive about the same re-ults a" ta.ikaRo for growing piffs, and niak.s an etpially i^ood .-uhMifute for skim-milk It is fully eqiia to tankage for finishii.^f b.,>:s and do.-s not impart any fi«bv o,I„ur or flavour to either the fresh pork or lar.1. FISH MEAL FOR DAIKV CATTLF. This feed may be given to beef or dairy eattle up to - pounds .lailv per \.(m pounds live weight, but the animals must be aeeiistomcHl to it verv gradually Miiiv -Kuro| and Ameri.-aii investigators report its value in milk prodiietiun. showiim- it« superiority over an cc|U»l weight of eottons.^Hl and liiisi-.^ oil meal in milk i.mdM I and that no llavours were imparU>d to the milk or fat At the Kxperimental Farm. Ottawa. Ont., in 1!>16. an experiment «a, .o.iduet.-d eomparnig fash meal with other eonee.itrutes in the produ.fion of milk. In this trial Orimsby brand hsh meal was used, and after the first f.-w feeds it wa^ eaten with incre^isiiig relish and the appetite of the animals increased penvptibly For this work the basis of the meal mixture thro,M.'i,o„t the experim.nt was a m..xturo ot wheat bran 4(K) pounds, gluten f | ,.,.1. p,,.,,,.!-. ;:r.aii„| oats :;,;;► ,H.,ini|s The additions to this basie meal ration during the variius poriod. were- 1 fi.h meil' 10 per cent addition ; 2, gluten fei.l 24 ,H>r oent a.lditi.,,.. :!. i.„tt..nseed meal 1.1 .n-r -ent' addition. 4. lins.>ed oil meal •'! jxt e<.|.t addition, and ,-.. ,«.aiiut oil meal 1.1 ,vr ivnt aodition. ' i The results of this trial, in brief, are as follow:— I Compared with gluten feed (20 per eei.t protein). fi,h meal required M n„„,„l. meal mixturo ess per Idft pounds milk produe.Hl and .TO pounds meal mixture le.. per inn pounds fat pro.hieed. The eows increased in produ.'tion on fish me-,1 and dropped very perceptibly when again ,,laeed on pliiten. A verv notieeable feature -was the gr..atly stimulated appetites and the iucreiued weight, of all eowd when on • >n M Itti.i. of milk |irr triiiU till- fiillowiiiK mi'til «|iiivii|iiiti' urt- '• '"• ' '"'" "••' ""•"' I'l"- ••• l"'»"'l- l>Mii pill* i'-.' (H.iiii.h onl. ,nm\ |H>I1II.|. (fllltl'll. - '"•' J '"' •f..ii.,..M| iiK-iil pill, .-o I...IIM.U hniii |>lii< M (HMiiiil. 21.- .'!.'> piiiitiiU uliitt'i lilitt piiiiiiij' itliiti 11 A- nil fXiinipIc of i-ii*li vnl III'. «iviiiir II viiliii' p.r ion ..I ;|ir,ii for irliii.-n. *7() for il« iiiMJ #:!.• for whi'iit briiii. then llii- hraiiij of iMi i | | for milk production iilnnr wlu-ii fc.l in tii lil> 11 Villlll' .t' ♦>!• Oiirinji thi. triiil tl I* proportion. fwr toll !<■ iiuv. miiii<> II iiio.t iinfl, riilil,. uiuu ill uriirln on ti,|, mcnl. hiinii'I.v, :tT poiiiiiN jut in 1 » .lny,. ami ,,1 i| a nornial milk tlow. .IihIkIiiii fnini tli -iiitiMl to the fci'iiinif of h.'ff animaU If "aiiH' tiiiK- iiioro ilia ii u I I'raiiil of ri-li nil n niaintaiiiintr MiMifly holllil \,r I'Xi'l Anotln-r trial with tiwli meal was inaiii' m IIMT with a • Vi*h pli.-cl hy thr <' Coinmi-'sion of Con-rrvatioii. TliU f.-oil , oiitaiii.>.J n ■•int iish iin>al. Dwinir t ri'fu.«i'(l this I'fcil wl iir to soiiD' vi ry iiiicxplaiiiabli' niiality tin- I'ow* p«>r«is u'li tfivi'ii MS a .". por rent aihlition to the roirular ration, h.'iice pfr tfiitly ilotiiiitc results a- to its fo.Hl v.ilue were obtaineii. (Jcnernlly ipeakinit, n (rood hraml of ti«|| meal, win a most proHtahle feeil in milk no ■n jiiijieioii-ly fiil. i, not onlv lias no detrimental itFect on the flav r meat proijuetion, hiif is also „ splendid appet ('ai.odittii liistory when this prodiiet should \m und iitili/od to U'st advanttiui' nir of the meat or milk. Tl lis IS ^■<■llerally appicemti siirelv izi'r und fiine in mauiifiieture tier cent phosphate of lime. If of frooil .jiiality and pnipcly fed with other meal- and with roiit:hau<-. it is fairly iialatahle. whoh some, and a (lood feed for yoiiiii.'. t'rowin;.' stock and also for milk production, having no injurious etfiM-ts on the at or milk. The ^freafer demand for this valuable f,...,! would areatly stimiihite it- njaiiiif tiirc. When Kiveii a fair trial and used in proper proportions it should one of the most popular ,iiid profitable protein supph-nieiits for swine feeding.