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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, 11 est film6 d partir de I'angle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CA] ^p a&$nt^ S^BRs»»^Sw^ BELCHER'S FOR THE 7X:Aa OF OV& LORD Ileingr the Seconcl after Bissextile, or, f jeap Year, CALCULATED FOR THE MERIDIAN OF HALIFAX, but will serve for any part of the Province. CONTAINING EVERY THING NECESSARY FOR AN ALMANACK, AND A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER MATTERS. " Year rolls on year ! Time flies so fast We scarce perceive hie flight, nor deem The present moment, nor the past, Has realized our golden dream." so£d by c. h. belcher, m ■m i^ iM !i i ii I. I , gg? fahmeu's almanack. J 838.1 EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS AND ABBRE- VIATIONS USED IN THIS ALMANACK. ©Sun C Moon ^ Mercury 9 Venus © T!io Earth ^ Mars 9 Ceres $ Pallai? J/ Jupiter T^ Saturn ]|[ Herschel (^ Conjunction U Quadrature g Opposition Q Ascending node ^ Descending node N . North S. South ° Degrees ' Minutes of Arc. h. Hours m. Minutes s. seconds. 0(° Aries y Taurus n Gemini 25 Cancer SI Loo viJl Virgo d2: Libra v\ Scorpio f Sagittarius "V^ Capricornus z^ Aquarius X Pisces COMMON NOTES FOR 1838. Dominicd Letter GSolar Cycle 27 Golden number 15 Roman [ndiction 11 Epact .. . . 4| Julian Period G551 FIXED AND MOVEABLE FEASTS, ANNIVER- SARIES, £ic. Epiphany January Ci Rest. K. Charles II. May Martyrdom K.Charles I. Septuagesima Sunday, Feb, Quing. or Shrove Sun. Ash Wednesday St. David March Quadragesima- Sun, in Lent. St. Patrick Annunn — Lady Day. . -1st'? _ Bnt. \ 30 11 25 28 1 Pahn Sunday April 8 Good Friday 13 Eastkr Sunday - Low Sunday - St. George, Pentecost — Whit Sun. June Trinity Sunday .... Corpus Christi . . . St. JohnBapt. Mid- summer day . Access. Queen Victoria Proclamation .... 17 St. Peter 25 Birth of Q. Adelaide Michaelmas day . . . Gunpowder Plot . . 15lSt. Andrew .... 22 1st Sun. in Adv. . . 29 3 10 14 24 20 21 29 13 23 24 St. Thomas . . Christmas Day Aug. Sept. 29 Nov. 5 30 2 21 25 Dec. Rogation Sunday . . . May 20 Birth of Queen Victoria 24 Ascension Day, or Holy Thursday Tha Year 5590 of the Jewish Era, commences on Sept. 20, 183S. The Year 1254 of the Mohammedan Era commences on March 27,1838. Ramadan (month of abstinence observed ^'/y the Turks) com- mences on Nov. 18, 1838. I V 25 20, larch 1838. farmer's almanack. • MORNING AND EVENING STARS. Venus will be tveningstar till March 5th; thence morning star. Jupiter vail be morning star till March 4th; thence evening] star till Sept. 22d ; and then again morning star. Mars will be evening star till March 3d ; thente morning star through the year. Saturn wilKbe morning star till Nov. 2:}d ; thence evening star. Vernal Equinox, March 20th, 8h. 2Gm. eve. Summer Solstice, June 21st, 5h. 34m. eve. Autumnal Equinox, Sept, o3d, 7h. 31m. m. W^inter Solstice, Dec. 22d, Oh. Sim. m. ECLIPSES IN ]8:38. There will be two Eclipses of each of the great LuMirfARiEs in heaven this year. I. The first will be of the Sun, at the lime of new moon in March, a great and total eclipse, but invisible in North America by reason of the Moon's south latitude. II. The second will be a partial eclipse of the Moon, at the time of the full on Monday evening, April 9th visible. b. First contact of the Moon with the Earth's Penumbra 6 Eclipse begins 8 Middle. ••• 9 End of the Eclipse 11 Last contact of the Moon with the Earth's Penumbra ing of the 10th. Digits eclipsed 7° 14' on the Moon's south limb. III. The third will be a great eclipse of the Sun, on the aftCi- noon of Tuesday, Sept. 18th, at the time of New Moon, visible throughout all North America, Greenland, the Arctic, eastern part of the Pacific, and western part oi the Atlantic Oceans : central and annular in a path about two hundred miles broad, over the north-western or Wisconsin Territory, nd the States of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. At 'the time of this eclipse, the Moon will be at her apogee or great- est possible distance from the earth, causing a ring of the Sun to appear all around her dark body at the time of greatest obscura- tion at all places in the path of the annular eclipse. At Halifax, its phases will be as follows : m. 55 ^ 16 9j 30 a morn- Beginning Greatest obscuration. Sun sets Eclipse end ■ m. 51 ! Apparent time. 6 22J Digits eclipsed 10° 40' on the Sun's south limb IV. The fourth »^d last will be of the Moo>, at the timo of the full, in October ; invisible, as the moon will be below the Lhorizon. > # FARMER S ALMANACK. 18o< EXPLANATION OF THE CALENDAR PAGES. First Column, contains the days of the month. Second-, the days of the week. Third, Sundajs, Anniversaries, Weather, &c. Fourth, ilinini? of the Sun. Fifth, Setting of the Sun. Sixth, Sun's Declination taken from the Nautical Almanack, in hours and minutes, at mean noon. It denotes the apparent position of the true Sun with reference to the equator, and the true equinox, at the instant the Greenwich mean time clock, or chronometer,' indicates Oh. Om. Os., or when the hour angle of the true sun is equal to the equation of time. Seventh, Risinf; and Setting of the Moon. Eighth, Moon's Southing — when the moon comes to the Meridian of; any place, or twelve o'clock hour-line, she is then due south with| respect to that place, and this is termed the moon's southing. This column also shews the time of High Water at Parrsboro', Horton, Cornwallis Windsor, Newport, ^c. JVinth, Moon's place in the Signs. The meaning of these characters maybe learned from the " explanation of characters" on page 2. Tenth, Time of High Water at Halifax, of that tide which arrives when the moon is nearest to the meridian — the time of the tide which happens when the moon is fartherest from t'.e meridian maybe easily ascertained by the addition of half the difference of the times of high water on the preceeding and following days. The top of the columns shows the Moon's phases, or the times of New and Full Moon, and of the first and last quarter, or two quadratures with the Sun. To find the length of the day, add 12 hours to the time of the Sun's setting, and from the sum subtract the time of rising. The Farmer's Calendar is placed at the foot of the columns of e^ch month. All the calculations are in Apparent or Solar time ; that is the time shown by the Sun. If you should wish to set a clock which should| keep Mean time, observe when the Sun is on the Meridian by a noonj mark or Sun dial ; then if the Sun is slow, add the Equation, ifi fast, subtract it, from 12, o'clock and it gives the true clock time.l A table of the Equation of time , will be found on the next page after the Calendar. Thus you will find at .ipparent noon, June 1, the true time is 11 h. 67 m. 25 s. June 30, it is I2h, 3 m. 22 s. As for the Weather, we are still determined to have now and then a guess at it, hit or miss, our prognostics are founded on the wea- ther table published in the Almanack some years since, and we hope that at least, they will be found as often right as wrong ; at anyi rate, we shall endeavour not to confound winter snows with summer showers. > ♦ should: nooa ion, ifi time. ;e after 1, the • I then aji wea- ^e hope I at anyj with I Month. JANUARY, 31 days. First 5, 3(1, 2h. 24m. m. n Full_0, 10th,2h 58m. eve^ & w. N.K. Last CJ8th, 8h. lOiii. New #, 25th, yh.24in. Winter. eve. .♦. E eve N.w' Sundays, weather, © J 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 i) 10 u 12 I 13 14 15 IG 17 16 1.') •20 21 0'2 i23 124 J2G 27 28 29 30 31 Ai Tu VV Tn F S G M Ti; VV Tn F S G M Tu W Tn F S G M Tu W Th F S G M Tu W Anniversaries, &c, (Jircumcision. Snow with hlnslering Low Tides, tvinds. © slow 5, 41. Epiphany. 1st Sun. aft. Epiph. Lucian. Appearance ^ sta. cj 9 ¥• ofmoresncw. Rather high tides. Hilary, [j) apos^ee. 2d Sun. alt. Epiph. [C apogee. (2) slow 10, 3. rises 7 3!) 7 39 7 38 7 38 7 37 7 37 7 3G 7 3(5 7 35 7 35 7 34 7 33 7 32 7 31 sets 4 21 4 21 4 22 4 22 4 23 4 23 Becomes fine, but Inf. (5 © 9 . Low tides. very 3d Sun. aft. Epijjh. cold, i D ^ ' Moderates. Ci)slowl2, 24. Dark Conv. St. Paul, cold C perigee. nights.\ DukeSussex b. '73 ' 4th Sun. aft. Eph. High tides. Chas. I. Martyr. Rain, or hail. 7 30 7 29 7 28 7 27 7 2G 7 25 7 24 7 23 7 22 7 21 7 20 de^S 23 1 22 5G 22 51 22 44 22 38 22 31 4 24122 24 4 24122 IG 4 25122 7 4 25I2I 59 DR. &S. 10 52 morn. 10 south. \7 19 7 17 7 IG 7 15 7 14 7 13 1 2G 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 i 4 31 4 32 4 33 4 34 4 35 4 3G 4 37 4 38 4 39 4 40 4 41 4 43 4 44 4 45 4 4G 4 47 21 50 21 40 21 30 21 20 21 9 23 3G 49 58 1 1 19 24 29 31 20 58ilO 34 11 37 rnorn. 1 2 3 4 G 7 lises. 5 15 (> 7 8 9 52 40 G 2G ])|High pllwaterj K «~48: 13 1 20 4G 20 34 20 22 20 9 1 19 5G 19 42 19 28 19 14 18 59 18 44 18 29|7 18 13:8 17 17 41 17 25 43 54 6 21 34 35 8 51 9 43 10 37 11 32 morn. 22 1 12 1 58 2 40 3 20 59 39 18 57 9 sets > 37 1 2G 4G 11 3 morn. G 47 7 37 8 33 9 34 10 38 11 42 aft. 4 4 42 35 3 25 4 13 n 43 39; 54' 7 8 9 11 8; morn. 19, SI SI -TV 14; 44' 22i 59 35' 5; 40 12 4&' 27! 11 aft. Q t t t VJ2 3 4 4 5 G 7 8 12! 9 15! 10 34 3£ 55, 59, 50 36 17 54 32 13 Famcr^s Calendar — " H.-ppy new year ! I wish you a happy new year!" is the kind irrcetin.'.!; amons: all friends on the first of this' month, the commencenieiit of a neio year. In most countries it is cele-l brated as a jubilee, in Ensjlaiid and in our country it is an occasion for making presents, particuhu ly to young people. The boys often celebrate, it by a skating frolic, or a sleigh ride ; the girls by tea parties, or a dance.! 1" I wish you a happy New Year" breaks from all lips. During this, month, it is a good time W. cut your v.'ood down and get it home. If it is good sledding so much the better. The sap is down now, and the wood L..» „.. i-u:,. '_„ : 1- u_..., i_ -1- .1 •_*!_•. ;ii .._-^,,f ; 1;cut at this season is I'and soon cover the s much better, besides, therooisin this case will sprout,.; ? field again. If you have any leisure, don't go to a! 'tavern, stay at home t.nd put your garden and farming tools in order cmethin either j about his house, his barns or his ground? usonauiBH A.^ MRi. 1 II Month. FEBRUARY, 28 days. Winter. Firsts, Ist, 111. 4m. eve. e. F^ljjp, Oil; J)li. 2:5m. m. n. w. D M.;Suncl;iys, Weatlier,! 0" ^* W.JAnniversaries, &c.|rises Last C, I7tli, Ih. Jim. eve. w. New e, 21th, 7h. 40m. m. e. ]) IDI Hiirh Tif, F 'Candlemas. Purif. S L.tides.[BVMary. G 'SthSun.alt.Eplph. M VV F 10 S 11 ir; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 i22 M Tl VV Th F S G M Tv W Th Weather 7 changeable 7 but still 7 cold. 7 9 stat.7*'?S.l,30!7 II 10 8 7 6 4 a 2 © sets 4 41» 4 50 a's licc.s' iv* S. south. I pllwator Capoiiee. hij^h tides ;i> -"jOi <) 57' 23F 24 Ls 25 G 2(>|M 27|Tu 26IVV Septuapf. Sun ^ gr. elon. /ifg-Zi winds, 6 r).j Valentine's day. i^) 54 slow 14, 27. im7/i.(j52 wiore snow>.i6 51 Sexagesima Sun. <J 48 Low tides, frequent M 4() ^ perih. rfasAesti 45 of rain and snoiv. C) 43 ^ 5 ^. |G42 (5 X 9 D ^ W-more G 40 C perigee. St. Matt. () 38 Quinq. or Shrove S. G 37 Very high tides. G 35 Shrove Tues. snoiv. G 34 Ash. W.Lent begins ;G 32 17 8 18 IG.^OI 31 4 52ilG3;5 2 43 4 53|IG15 3 51 4 54II5 57 4 49 '4 .5G 1 15. 39 5 42 4 571 15 20 G 24 4 58115 lo 54 0| 14 42 rises. 1|14 23;(; 15 2114 3i7 9 5 5 5 .T» 5 5 5 11 5 12 5 14 5 15 5 17 5 18 5 20 5 22 5 23 5 25 5 2G 5 28 3113 43 5|13 23 G|13 3 8il2 4:{ 8 9 10 11 18 21 24 27 'li>,8,'^ 55 4o:y 9 4 33 1 n 2G|n 20 10 25 11 47 £B morn. 34 3 12 22 1 morn 47 11 178 12 I 1 1 10 11 19 10 57 10 3G 10 14 9 52 9 30| sets. 9 8 7 \(] 12 55 29 8 45 8 23 8 10 8 U 17 40 17 10 14 11 1 u 49:a morn.'^ 33 n)2 14 54 33 12 52 35 24 IG 13 15 18 9 10 21 11 22 aft. 19 12 2 52 43 an TO? -TV. I 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 () G 7 8 9 U 51 44 23 58 30 ]| 30 Oi 32! 4 421 31 32 53 29 in t t V!? yj aft.45 4G 35 18 5G 32i 7i 49 8 Farmer's Calendar. — This is generally a month of drifting storms, with now and then a day of such calm and quiet sunshine, such wintry loveliness, as almost to make us wish the season to last forever. It is a jmonth wiien one may often find the day terminating in a storm which seems to fill the skies, blocking up the roads, and piling the snow in heaps penetrating every window and door crevice and saluting us with its fine Isilvery shower ; the night setting in with it^ murky darkness, and com- Ibiaingwith the raging elements to envelope the world in a gloom which 'drives man and beast to the -helter of home. Thus ends the day and we' Tet ire to rest lulled by the music of the howling storm. The morning! comes and what a change ! the sun, as if nothing had happened, shows his; smiling face over the eastern hills, and his liglit sparkles from the thou- sand diamonds of the snow drifts. The custom Oi sending Valentines is not much practised here, but is carried to a great extent in England. Two hundred thousand beyond the usual daily average p^^ss through the two- penny post Ofiice in London, on St. Valentine's day. -V <>» Ill Month. MARCH, 31 days. Sp'-ing, First ]), 3(1, 2h. lOni. m. r w. [Last C, U'th, iih. Urn. m. s. e. Full O. Htli, 4li. mm. m. s. w.|Ne\v O, '-?'), .Ih. '25. eve. w. D Higii water D M. Suiuluys, Weather,! :^) j ri) Anniversaries, &c.|rises;sot.s Vh-y <^~^^ ^^^^ l;1^i St. David. 2 F ;v)slo\v \'l,27.p[cn- 3 S 4 6? 5M GTv 7|W 8Tii 9F 10 Is ll\G 12M 13 14 15 l<) 17 18 19 20 21 Tu \V Tii F S G M Tu W 23 F 24S 25! G 26M Tu W Th F S (^ 9 (?• sunt for 1st. Sun. in Lent. the stasun. Ver}} cold (5 9 ^ T^ . Stat, and tvindy. ]) apogee. more 2d Sun. in Lent. High tides. snow. unsbttkd\^^ 10 t(;i7/t high () 9 O slow. 8. 53. <> 8 St. Patrick, ivinds. G () 3d Sun. in Lent. Low tides. Look () () 291.-) 317 (i 2715 33 1; «; 2053411; () 24 5 30 (; 23 5 37 5 (; 2115 395 <; 20I5 40 4 18 17 15 ., 13 II 37, morn. 15 29 43 47 42 52 I 29 2 42 1!) 5 40 5 42 5 43; 4 9 5 45 3 45 5 47 3 22 50 1 5 32 '5 () 27 1 31 52 5 49 5 50 ) i) ) ;)2 r.O f) Q8 30 31 © ent. <f. Ver. Eq. 7;|c's8et II. outjor a stortn. o l>9 6- 6 S ^• :J) perigee. (^ ]> ^. 4th Sun. in Lent. High tides. [Lady d. Much rain and hail in ; })7*'sSup. ^ [ $ C^O. some places. 4 2 1 59;o G 5 54 5 50 558 rr 58 5() 55 53 51 5 50 5 48 5 47 5 45 > 59 1 o '^ t^ ^■8 35 10 rinses 7 23 8 29 1 9 35 ll'IO 44 47! II 54 24! morn. oil 4 5 (i 7 8 9 9 10 3(5 11 17 11 57 morn. 29 n 24 n 18as I2;cs 3'E5 SI 7 8 10 11 37 44 42 3 2() 30 j 2 13|3 iVl0 3 10 12 13 15 1 1 92 2 34 58 21 45 5 M 8 55 33 37 £1^ 10^::^: morn. 33 4 28 58 40 20 10 f 12 10 5 4410 10 4 4 5 5 sets 8 7 31 32 8 ,54 55 10 15 19 11 32 42 morn.j4 5 43:5 10 II 11 10 II 10 6 51 aft.42 1 34 2 29 t 7 yj8 31 35 2 34 i 33| 5 40 24 5 VJ T'3 1; 20 9 51 11 30 aft.45 3 24 ,8 20 n i8!n 40, 25i o 41 18' 58 39 25 18 Farmer^s Calendar. — Snow, sleety storms, ice, mud and thaws, rains, fogs, and sunshine, makeup most of the March catalogue of out-door in cident. Farmer's during this month should be very attentive to their milch cows, and see that they are neitKer stinted nor over-fed. One that is well fed will keep her flesh and give twice as much milk as two that are put on short allowance. Parsnips, carrots, pumpkins, ground oats, and Indian meal, are capital articles for feeding cows which give milk, when thus fed they yield milk in great sjuantity. Let the milker be mild as a moon beam, in the mnr.ner of milking. If the work is performed with a hand as harsh as a hand saw, the cow will be as cross as a catamount ; but if a soft hand be gently applied, the animal receives pleasure, and al- lows the milk to flow plentifully. The earlier you can sow lettuce, early peas, and radishes the better. Set out cabbages for seed, selecting the best, and cabbage stumps, for early greens. ii Hiin mw— ),< IV Month. APRIL, MO days. Spring. l-'irst ]), lst7")lV. Tim. evo, s. Last C, I7tli,' Hliri(TrnVin. wT" Full O. !nli, HI). .■')()iii. s. !•:. i\u\v »,'Mth, '^1'. 4;>ja. m. n. k, & W. Anniversaries, &:r lriH"slsc'ts cV S I 8 G M 'W 4iVV (i 4 !> 10 11 1'2 i:i 14 15 Ki 17 18 19 •:>o 21 •24 •>(J •27 "i-28 !2<) 'Tu F S G M Tu W Tif .^ithriuM. in Lent, j.)'^^!*) IH 4 i:^slow:},4:i. Jii^_c/«;5 40';^JO,4 Low tides. ram. -> '^'m'' '-' iTi C/iavi^cs and becuiacs (£ apogee, venj fine and Palm Sunday. jjlcasant. G M T(. W T.I F S G M Tu W Tu F S G !10 M i; •271(1 3.'^ 7 n;7 40 8 .)..i IIi;j;h tides, thiuidei' Maundy Tliiirs'day. Good Friday. showers Eastkii-Su.n. at Easter ?vIon. this Easter Tues. time. becomes Low tides, ivarmcr D l^I 9 o ■ «5 ^^^^ 7;Jj's set !), 8. even. Low irjiin. 1st aft. St. George. [Ii^ast. season advances. High tides. St. Mark. pleasant, ©fast 2, :]?,;. ivith lid Sun. aft. Easter so we 7'ain. 5;}i|(;2!) r)2U'|(5:5i r>2Hu;:j-2l7 5'27i()*^a'8 5'n)!(;;Mjfs o 2.-) «).) 8 ."»2;} (;.'{7|i) .•i2l f;39i<» .")20 (MOilO 52 1 2 r^7 a 0|4 2y;4 4()l4 7 8]4 7 31 irises, 5;ii7 3: 15! 8 43 .south. 45 13 (■ 4 40 5{i !) 10 10 44linjil 11 23'£i:;2 niorn.1^112 wilier ■8~25; !) 46 M ,,; morn. 111 1 o/ 1.7 54 .^-!)|ll 4 20 morn. 42 3 J o 5 18 (i 42110 25 5 17 i;40|l0 4f)j2 5 15iU5jll (i|3 5 14 (MG 11 2713 5 12! (J 48 5 11|()49 i)()51 8m; 52 (;;() .')4 51(5 55 3' 11 48,3 12 8 4 12 28 12 48 13 8 13 27 4 47 32 21 15 9 4 59 (j :i7ll3 4() 58114 5 7 0114 24 7 114 4311 10 5 14 14 1 39 11 37 58 19 4 40 set:4. 9 14 10 30 11 37 morn. 84:5 :0:'3 Tiii3 n|4 T>1,4 12 t|(3 10 ]1V5|7 11 io>5 ■ 8V5 o; 39! 12; 43 14 4fi' 10 52: 32 55 «• 20, 45: XI 10 30x12 11 27 f\2 a ft. 19 °f 3 8,4 15 2 12 10 D 5 9 4 55 25:7 23;8 8 9 11 10 iift.28! 2l' 45 24 4 4() 29 14 4 1 Fiirmer''s Calendar. — The farmer is n lucky man ; he is subject to > few cares, disea^^es or changes. He holds in fee nhnple a certain part of j this planet, runnin;; froni tlie surface down to the centre, to;iether with the atmosiphere above it. The firmer i? indepeiulent of all but Providence— ;he calls no man master ; he is not only a friend of humanity, but he is'i 'kindly disposed towards brutes. An ox is to him in the light of a friend, ■ja cow is a benefactor, arul a calf is almost a child. He is clothed by, the sheep, and the cosset lamb i;! a foster brother of his children, who have a heavy day when their mute friend is sold to the butcher. In spring he covers with earth three or four kernels of maize, and in au- tumn he finds ears enough to furnish the materials for many loaves. He hides in the soil a seed, no bi^-jger than a large bed bug, and in a few weeks a vine appears with fieveral pumpkins attached to it, ^if the capacity of 4 gallons. He is an especial favourite of Ceres and Pon^'"- a, but cares.? little for Bacchus, Phoebus .nnd other idlers. ? X' 1 Fu 1 Si 11 D M & W I Tl 2 W 3 1\ 4 F 5 S 6 G 7 M 8 iL 9 W 10 T\i U F 12 S 13 G 14 M 15 Tu Zim ,-* WHk. 19 /•:. Id ^►^-w^'^' „V/L.JLiA ^ ih -«# Vj» V Month. First ]), Ist, !>h. 54111. ni. n. e Full O, i^th, Uh. 47m. eve. n. D M.I Sundays, VVoatlinr, & W. Anniversaries, &c. MAY, yi days. iiasrc:Ti<Jiii, r>ii Sprinj^. 1 Tu 2 W :3 1^1 4 F 5 S 6 G 7 M 8 lu 9 W 10 TYi 11 F 12 S 13 G 14 M 15 Tu 16 VV 17 Th 18 F 19 S •20 G 21 M 22 Tu 23 VV 24 Th 25 F 26 S 27 G 28 M 29 Tu :J0 W 31 Th St. Philip & St. Jds. Quite low tides. 75f:'s set 8, 28 eve. ]) apogee. Mild 21 Stat. 5 stat. ndS. aft. Easter. St. [John Evan. agreeable weather. Appearance High tides, of rain, rises 1 32m. eve. n. New O, 23d. til). 33ni. eve. s. FirjU ])^}lst, 3h. 24m. m. n.w. etsldec.Nl ^ S. south. |pl [water 58, 5/1 55 54 53 4 4 4 4 4 51 4 50 4 49 4 48 4 47 6 ^h- and 4 45 becomes 4th Sun aft. Easter. ivanner. @fast 3,56. Inf. ($$©. dC^. Rather Low tides. ^ perigee. yVc'/ueni Rogation Sun. ]> 9 • showers. 6 D 3' 6 D ^^ S I>75fc's. cooler. Queen Victoria, b [1819. Ascen. d. Hieh tides. more Sun. aft. Ascen. signs of rain. Rest. K. Chas. II. 7>|c's rise 4. 40 m. T) Apogee. 6 C 21- 44 43 42 41 40 15 II 15 19 2 15 37 2 15.55 2 / 9 10 1] 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 39 7 23 .38 7 22 19 31 37 7 23' 19 44 36 7 24 19,5() .35 7 25 26 9 .34,7 26 20 2113 16 12 l(> 29 16 46 17 2 17 18 17 34 17 50 18 5 18 20 18 35 18 49 19 3 19 17 3 48 () 4.i 14,7 26 35'8 7 528 47 8 9 26 25 10 7 41 10 48 11 33 morn. 8 58 21 10 9,1 11 12,2 niorn.i3 54 455 18 6 43 6 5 7 24 8 44 9 .33,7 27 4 32,7 28 31 7 29 30 7 30 29i7 31 28 27 20 331 20 44 20 55 21 6 21 16 7 32 21 26|morn 33121 3(i {) 6 30 sets 21 23 11 48 10 11 11 14 10 9 9 6 1 52 42 30 18 9 2 58 n n t f t 8 31 9 17 10 18 11 25 inorn. 18 1 3 10 11 11 aft.56 54 52 i 185 40 6 .'i9'6 46 35 21 3 43 K D D a SI 41 15 49 25 3 44 28 14 6 8 23 10 43 11 57 aft. 54 42 26 9 51 33, 15 55| 37 26 7 34121 4510 40i6 3lTi3e 7 21 _ 25 7 35'215l!o .'i9'6 43|Tq? 8 11 Farmer's Calendar. — May is the season for planting Indian corn, sowing oats, and summer wheat. This latter as well as winter wheat, has been much neglected for some years, from an idea that that it is not a| safe crop, but try it again, be assured that the raising of wheat may be made very profitable. You will find much iiinoceut and profitable amuse- ment in your garden, and will please to plant bush and pole beans, havingi enriched the soil witfi manure. With regard to pole-beans you will do^s well to set the poles first, and then plant the beans round the poles. In the open ground, plant cucumbers, cabbages, caulillowers, late peas, early corn, squashes, melons, &c. Hoe and bush, such peas as have come forward, and weed all the plants which have made their appearance I suppose by this time' your garden looks neat and tidy ; no sticks, stones, last year's weeds, or rubbish of any kind lying about , and that your beds are a s smooth as a carpet, and laid out with taste and judgment. y I! I' m IVI Month. JUNE, 30 days. Summer Full Oj Hth, Oh. :j9m morn. 8. Last C, I4th, 10h.l7m. eve. n.e New#,2Jst, lOh. 19m eve. n \v First ]),29th,8h.55m.eve. s.w D M. & W. Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &.<:. rises sets dcc.N|& S. south. High water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 S G M Verylow tiHes. Dull with Whit S. Pentecost. Whit Mon. some Ti: Whit. Tues. rain. V Th F S J M 6 Dh- quite fine for some High tides. days. Trinity Sun. St.Barnabus. a fine growing Tu Wj^ fast 0,26. time. TtiiCorpus Christi. F > perigee. Low tides. mo7'e^7ie 4 19 lstS.aft.Trin.jyea-4 19 8 G M Tu 4 25 4 24 4 24 4 23 4 23 4 22 4 22 4 21 4 21 421 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 19 4 19 7 35 7 36 7 36 7 37 7 37 7 38 7 38 7 39 7 39 7 39 7 40 22 2 22 10 22 18il 22 25'2 13 7 22 22 32 22 38 22 44 22 50 22 55 23 23 7 40 23 9 7 40 741 7 41 7 41 7 41 B. Waterloo 1815. '4 18 7 42 d])^*^'. c^})9'4l8|7 42 20 W'Acc.Q. Victoria, '37 4 18 21 22 Th Q. Victoria procl F {Longest day. thcr 23 S H. tides, for some 24 25 4 18 4 J8 4 18 G Trin.StJ.l4 18 M [Bapt. Midsum.davi4 18 i26iTcj;©slow2, 20. davs-U 18 27 W I pteasantiM^S 129 30 ThJ ^ apojree. ' |4 19 F jSt. Peter, not took 19 S Ci) i 1 1 a p o <r e e . dry. ! t 1 i ) 7 42 7 42 7 42 7 42 7 42 7 42 7 42 7 42 741 7 41 7 4! 28 43 20 8 8 41 9 24 10 11 45 1 1 3 18 11 59 rises morn 9 57 57 10 43 11 18 11 46 23 13 ':^i 16 23 19 23 21 23 2.3 23 25 23 26 1 morn 7!5 2716 46 (i 26 54 29 58 58 54 46 36 24 11 59, 49 42 in t t t V5 23 27 2 29 10 39 23 27 sets |ll 37 23 27 8 58 aft. 35 23 27 9 39 1 30 23 26|l0 112 23 25110 37,3 23 23 10 57 3 23 21111 13 4 23 18 11 28 5 23 15 U 43 5 23 12111 59 6 22 9 53 33 K u u 9 8 10 10 11 14 morn 11 I 45 27 8 52 3( 19 2 47 38 39 52 11 11 aft. 21 18 g3 ^14 a|4 ^6 13111^16 31 £::!7 8 53 36 15 53 28 1 35 13 56 Farmer's Calendar. — Cleanse your cellars, and every apartment in and about j^our dwelling, from all putrid and offcns^ive substances, for you may about aswell live on tainted provisions, as breathe puirid air ; in either case you bid cloPiance to the laws of health, as well as cleanliness. Now is the time to declare a war of extermination against insects, by sprinkling your fruit trees, with a syringe, or garden engine tWMce a week for 2 or 3 weeks, canker Avorms, caterpillars, and other pestiferous in- sects will vanish from j'our premises like ghosts at cock-crowing. Make daily visits to your garden. If the season be at all dry, your vegetables, jparticularly cucun)bers. will need water. Keep your crops clean by hee- ling and hand-weeding. Cut and dry for winter use, such medicinal herbs rishave come to maturity, attend to your cabbage and cauliflower plants, as well as beans, &c. and see that they are not destroy<y.d by the cut worm, Ifyou perceive a plant injured, open the earth and you will ntiver fail of finding iheworm at the root. Kill him. D JM & W WG 2 M 3 T. 4 VV T.1 6 F 7 S 8 G T T VII Month. JULY, 31 days. Summer.! 1 Full O, 7th, ]0h. Om. m.-\. \v. Last C , 14th, 3h, 3m. m. s. e. D M. Sundays, Wcathor,! & W. Anniversaries, &c.|rises New &, 2\i.t, I First ]), aiJlh, sets dec.N & S.isout!). ]|Gf 2 .3 4 D 6 7 8 f) 10 11 IQ 13 14 15 lo 17 18 19 •20 ^1 32 23 24 25 20 27 28 M Tu VV Ta F S G U Tu VV Tu F S G }1 Tu W Th F S G M Tu W Tu F S 3d S. aft.Trin. Low Vis.BVMary [tides 6 l>h- Changeable. Dog days begin. © slow 4, IT), loarm showers 4th Sun. aft. Trin. Hi^h tides, with C perigee, thunder and lightning. ^jj 19 20 20 21 21 741 7 40 7 40 7 39 7 89 7 38 38 i-V «, 22 22 2317 37 22 23 23 23 22 22 22 44,2 8 morn 40 17 00 55 1 49 1 38 8 45 35 i)h. 2m m. s. e. Ih. 35m. eve. e ~]) I High pi jwatHr ^^"~48 TTl'J) 53 II 6 morn 10 sultry. 5th S. alt. Trin. St. L. tide . [ very great 24 24 25 hot and 4 20 27 27 28 29 G 301 M heat ant/ 1,4 St. Margaret. veri/A fine ivcatherJ4 6th S. aft.Trin. 4 Rather high tides. 4 a fine 4 St. James, ruin. 4 C apogee. StAnne. 4 © slow 6, 10. 4 settled and 4 7th S. aft. Trin. 4 d, C ^l- pleasant 4 Low t\des.iveather. 4 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3(> 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 7 37 7 30 7 30 7 35 7 34 7 33, ^ «»o / OO 7 32 7 31 7 3CJ21 7 29 20 7 28! 20 7 27 20 22 o ) 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 38| rises 319 12 24! 9 17 10 / 7 8 9 10 11 12 5o; 38 39 morn 41 7 20 7 25 7 24 7 23 20 20 J 9 19 7 22119 7 7 / 7 7 9 1 53 44 35 25 15 5 54 43 32 20 8 10 10 11 11 43 7 28 47 () 98 '1 2 39 35 Til t t 11 52 morn 24 I 1 2 sets 8 35 5 54 54 3 27: 4 u;. 5 4: 5 52: 6 41 ! 7 3(>; 8 27 9 24 10 21 11 17 I a ft. 10 59, 11 7 55 39 32 3 41 20 4 57 4 8 50 9 43 9 21 20 19 18 16 19 19 18 18 18 30 17 3 49 35 20 9 10 56 14 30 47 10 18 10 38 11 4 11 37 45; 6 45! 24' 4 5 46 6 33 7 23 8/ n 10 28 n 11 53 o:5aft.59! 53: 38! 17! 53 26 E5 a SI ii)j5 £i:;6 ^8 57 26 54 27 4 50 52 Fariner's Calendar. — The mower is now in the field with lii3 scythe. At an early hour we hear the merrj'^ ringing of the stone upon the steel,' as he is sharpening it. How beautiful now is the meadow — the orchard — the wheat field — and tl.e forest : How various and how brilliant the flowers ; how fragrant the air — how balmy, yet how healhful the breeze! The sultry season of hay making is to the farmer a season of sweat and toil, but not of repining hardship. The farmer is no*^ of that class called grumblers. He does not it is true rise with the •• first song of the lark," but what is quite as well, to the music of his own domestic stock, who by this time are assisted by their young broods. Who would lie snoring in bed and lose the beauties of a summer morning .? Up, up and you will wonder that you ever doze till sunrise. Away to the hills and see the mn get up and chase the mists before him, and hear the thousand throats pour forth their morning songs. ■ m In* V I ^$. VIII Month. AUGUST, 31 days. Summer. full 0> 5th, <)h. r>m. eve. e Last C , 12th, 9h. Dm. morn, s D w. New 0, 19th, 1 Ih. 59m. eve. n. First 5, Q8th 4h. 40m. m. n. w M &W Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &,c. rises sets dec.N ]) R. & S 3) south. 3) High water 1 W 2 Tfi 3 F 4 S 5 G (3 M 7 Tv 8 W 9 Th 10 F 11 s 12 G 13 M 14 Tu 15 W 16 T« 17 F 18 S 19 6? 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 23 TVi 24 F 25 S 26 G 27 M 28 Tu 29 W 30 'ni 31 F 45 4tJ 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 Lammas day. some rain 7>jc's, rise, 7, 15. toith high winds. 8th Sun. aft. Trin. Trans, of our Lord. C perigee. Very very fine [high tides. again for some days. Dog days end. 9th Sun. aft. Trin Q.Adel.b.'92. Low @slow4, 27. [tides. Ass. B.V. Mary. 6 1> $' ^reat heat DuchessKent.b. '80 toith signs of lOthSun. aft. Trin. 5 8 (i ^ 21- ratn.|5 9 Rather high tides 15 10 C apogee. iuarmi5 12 6 1> 21 S; ^. and 5 13 St, Barth. pleasant St. James. llthS. aft.Trin. a (i > >2. [slow 1,42 56 57 4 5^' 5 5 2 5 3 5 5 5 6 15|]8 5 morn. 17 50;0 20 17 35,1 17 17 19 2 27 17 3, rises 5 14 5 16 5 1"^ 5 19 5 21 St.John,bap.beh'd. 5 22 L. lides. [St. Mich. 5 23 some rain. 5 25 St. Augustin. 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 1 6 58 (] 57 6 5.5 6 54 6 52 6 51 6 50 6 48 6 47 6 46 (5 44 6 43 16 47^8 16 30 '8 16 I3|8 15 5<> 9 15 399 I5 2l|9 15 3 10 14 45 11 142711 7 31 51 12 33 56 26 5 52 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 56 45 39 38 39 14 8 morn 13 490 48 13 30,1 53 morn. 41 1 2 3 t t 13 11 12 51 12 32 12 I2|7 11527 11 32 11 11 10 50 10 30 6 41 1 10 9 6 30|9 48 6 38 9 6 37 6 35 3 1 sets 7 24 40 55 31 45 8 38 16 5 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 4 5 5 6 7 9 10 11 39;«? 35' ^ 27:' X 16 4 52 41 36 27 34 21 17 aft. 10 59 1 Q 10 J2 11 43 morn. 55 53 42 25 3£ T 8 8 D a 26 5 1 morn 4310 9 45 27 6 45 24 4 46 33 23 E5 SI 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 ■nx 8 I 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 10 Jl aft.50 41 5 43 20 56 39 31 40 10 40 9 11 23 59 30 59 27 55 24 54 34 19 23 49 26 c Farmer''s Calendar The farmer now finds the ample reward of all his care and toil fast approaching maturity. The ripened grain waves over the fields in gentle andgra^'eful undulations, now ready for the sickle ; the reapers commence their early task , and in regular platoon pursue their Blow inarch from end to end of the field, each leaving his row of the yel- low grain laid handsomely on the ground behind him. How is it with the garden } I suppose you have had plenty of cherries, strawberries, &c. in their season and that your peach trees have now the inviting appearance of rich loads of ripening fruit Your flowering plants, 1 suppose, have long delighted you with their fragrance and beauty, and you have your care and attention well repaid. Continue to gather the best specimens of seeds to propogate from, ind be careful not to let any weeds ripen their seeds. Put on a good stout pair of leathern gloves, and declare a war uf exter- mination against the thistles in and about youi premises, before the seeds become ripe. Farn ?jtlie year season for t-oni( i|Iiiigers 1. jthe inon fields sti j'wi ncss ward to V-t j Full 0> 4th, '^h. 5n). m. s. w. : Last C, 10th, 5h. 58m. eve. n. dm; ■&VV IX Month SEPTEMBER, 30 days. New Autumn , 18th, 4h. STmeve. s. w, Sundays, Weathev, Anniversaries, &c. rises sets ©'s I D R. dec.N & S. ii 1) i'lO 11 i:12 i !':> s G M To W 'Tu P S G U Tu W ^1^1 14 F iip 15 IG 7 i!l8 iilf> ^iQO 2] |!a4 i25 •2() \V Tf, F S G M IV W ■27 Th 28, F >1)S 1 iO G s G Giles, a &clockto-!''i 20 G 34 i;2thaft.Tr. [gether|5 28 C perigee, again. Very high tides- confinwes fine and Nat.B. V. iVIar}. 13th S. alt. Trin. 6 CT'jfc's./j/easflfn/. Low tides. Q fust 4, 5. 5 -U 5 32 5 34 5 35 5 37 5 38 5 40 ,5 41 »S'omei5 43 signs 5 44 Holy Cross, o/z-fmi. •> ^G' c^ 5J^.7*'sri.-e8 5 47 14thS.aft Trin.[30.!5 40 M jSt. Lambert, look T^''lt2l^ • ecii}tse vis. 5 50 5 52 5 54 5 57 5 5i) 5 apogee, out for Rather high tides. St. Matthew. a 6 ^ '''^*)- storm, lothS.'aft. Trin.y)(; o f^ o o 5 (5 32 G31 (i 20 G28 G2G G25 G23 G22 (> 20 G 19 G17 22 1 25 12 47 384_ 13 10 rises south. 10 11 morn First 5, 2Glh, 5h. 48m. eve. s. Cllligh pj 'water ^ I morn 44 8 54 7 31 !? 9 4G 24 9 1J9 38 10 48'G 19 42|1 5 2 35 13 11:4 55 ' 5 1 '/ S^.-'.O XI OK 2 52 i<^,'^ 3 3 4 5 5 45:<^o 3G8 8 n 15'11 53'7 18:07^:8 29 25 22 20 [enters :Ch, ChaniTcable with some rain. Low tides. Michaelmas day. IGth S. alt. Trin. G ]4 G 13i3 Gl 1|2 G10 2 G 8 1 1 1 G 5 3 1 5 58 S' 557I0 1 Gj5 54 8'5 52 9J5 51 52 29 G 43 20 5G 33 morn 8 12 k^ jO 1 3 4 22 sets (> l!9 9 '9 1()!lO 34 43 30 10:1 49ii 2G,| 43; 2^ 34 4' •^11 5L^laft.3/ 15 51 lOG 4Gl7 •7 23 2 23 11 11 27 a ft .34 43 '1 14 Ojl 00 48; 3 22 4 54 37 22 G 1115 49 4G 9 10 33 20 43 il G5 10 2!g 11 12 7 8 8 5L9 141:^ 8Lf ii^|2 n| 1 4 ,) 57 i morn 29,8 4 1 53 V9:7 V58 2G Gl 35' .-,! u '4 38 18; Klii u 9 42! 11 17 morn Farmer's Calendar. — This is the richest and most beautiful moiith of the year, the sultry heats of summer have somewhat subsided, ."^nd tlic season has assumed something of a permiinenl character. The sun has; for some time been getting to the south, yet the subdued summer stillj liiigers behind, and it i^ not till he crosses the equinoxial, on tlie 23d cf the month, that the autumn is said to cominence. One look at the corn-j fields stretching over the plain, and the orchnrds with their loads of rip-; ening fruit, is enough to make the farmer bless his lot and ahr.ost tlianK, ithat part of the original first' that made him one. He has provided for jhis cattle, the patient partners of his toil, and his well filled barns bear i'wi ncss of his attention to their comfort and support. He nov/ looks for. ward to the l.arvesling those crops which are to siisain himself and his, family through the coming v.interj and afford the means of l)aying his little debts, and of laying up something against the winter of old age. Gather seeds as they ripen, and cucumbers for pickling before they spot.' z*;'^ ^•■i, t ]| \i B * \' It' i KM fr. V ;|Autumn. i (Last ([, 10th, OCTOBER, 31 days. X. Month.) iN'e\v#, Ibth, lOh. 2f>in. mTsTEJ ,^ — ih. 24m. m. s. First ]>,2Gth, 5h. Om., m. n. f) MjSundays, Weather,: ig) & WiAnnivcrsaries, &c. Irises setsldec.S & S. south. I pi High water- Much dull ivcather. d per. ©fast JO, 52 Very high tides. becomes cooler St.Faith. (5 D7*'s 17th S. aft. Trinity ivith signs oj St. Dcnys. /ros/. |<5 24 5 3G 281532 29 '5 31 6 31 5 2[) 14 6 15 17 G18 () 20 '5 40 021 2.S 5 48 5 40 5 45 5 43 5 42 5 39 5 37 5 3 o 3 1 4 5 5 Low tides. A storm at hand. I8th Sun aft. Trin. [© <ast 13, 52. ([ aj)ogcc!. Fine St Luke. again. Quite higli tides. Chan<:;eable 19th Sun. a fl^ Trin. J) 12 • weather arcornpanied unth ruin. St. Crispin. Jiail or Low (ides, snoiv 20thS.alt.Trin.St M j[St. Simon & Judo. Tui© fast Khn. colder i)iol! WiCper. hut pleasant 33 34 <) 30 37 5 27 5 20 5 24 5 23 (> 38 5 22 40 5 20 4115 11) 43 44 40 47 5 17 5 10 5 14 i) 13 49 5 11 ^^ 10 8 5 5015 52!5 54 5 (i55 6 59 30 53 16 40 3 20 49 12 35 3 14 4 39 rises 13 G 7 7 8 40 15 57 49 43 1 9 11 57[m()rn 20 9 10 4.J n 38 morn. 30 43 52 27 3 50 4 12 5 7 7 1718 23 9 27 23 20 19 19 19 ]5l?Z X X °f 8 8 n4 as 9 34 55 ;) 10 17 10 39 11 11 2118 11 4219 12 3 12 24 12 44 13 5 31 33 sets 34 59il 30 2 113 24 10 18 11 30 morn 50 13 25 13 44 14 4 5() 42 23 10 2 10 41 11 20 laft. 1 43 28 17 10 3 52 47 38 28 5 (> () / 8 1019 3(; 57 SI I 1 321 29'! 14 531 32 10 52 35: 22i 18! 27i 4s: 81 () / 8 9 11 aft. 121 o; 10 19 11 11 f t t V5 X X 11 42 U 42 14 50 28; Hi 3^ Oi 20: 59; 3 3 4 4 5 7 8 9 10 7j; T!l 2 Former^s Calendar. — The business of harvesting is now in its glory. The corn, load afier load, is brought from (he fields, and piled on the ■grass by the bam, to be husked out these fine evenings by moonlight , isomelimes our farmers make a regular husking frolic of it, by inviting the ineighboursto r.saist in the labour, or rather the sport, and the whole crop' ^ is thus disposed of in a single evening. This is perhaps the best way, pro-' !vided you conduct it on the temperance plan, as there is then no danger of injury to the grain by svv-ealing in the heap. If you pans along the sling iaod toddy every 15 or 20 minutes, and guzzle till you are all so boozy that f'you cannot te.'! n white ear from a red one, you will waste more by it, than Y/ould be lost by letting it moulder in the heap a day or two longer. Nice lemonade, cider, he. will do your work clean and leave a fine relish for the feast which follows of rich pumpkin and other' pies, cakes, apples i\::A pe.ir3, with no fear of winding up with broken heads and bloody noses. 1 1 2 F 3 S 4 c 5 \ T 7 \ 8 T 9 F 10 S 11 G lonth.j 1. s. E. N.' I 2 2 2U! 14l 531 3 32; 10: 52 35 14 '4 is (I 22 7 58 8 97 9 4S: n s\, aft. 12! 1 o; J. 38!' 2 11 2 42 3 U 3 421 4 14 50 28 G 11 6 9 20: 10 53 morn.' 7J 1 2 s glory on the )nlight ;| iting the ale crop, ay, pro-' anger of he sling ozy that e by it, longer. ne relish , apples y noses.! XI Month. NOVEMBBR, 30 days. Autumn. jFull 0> Ist, 8h. 27m. eve. ». k. iLast, C, 8th, lOh. 51m. eve. n.e iDM. i&W. Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. risesisets New 0, 17th, 4h. 3(*in. m. iv. e. First 5,24th, 2h.31m.eve. s. i dec.S &S. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 111 12 13 F S G M Tl' W 'Di F S G M Tl^ 14 VV All Saints. Still\7 AllSouls. continues]'? High tides. fine 21st Sun. aft. Trin. Gunpowder Plot. but with cool7 15 IG 17 18 19 20 Th F S G M Tc (2)fa8tlG,9. nights a7id mornings. Now Very low tides. 22d Sun. aft. Trin. C apo. [St. Martin. (5 i> J2/. lookout for a cold storm. Hisrh tides. high 23d Sun. aft. Triti 21 W 22 23 24 F S 25 G 26 27 28 29 30 M Tb W F 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 7 21 5 4 59 4 58 4 57 4 55 4 54 4 52 4 51 4 50 4 48 4 47 4 46 4 45 4 43 4 42 4 41 winds ivith rain and\7 22 somejlakes oJ\7 23 snow. 7 24 St. Cecilia. @ fast7 25 St.Clement.[ 13,41. 7 2G Peace with Am '14 7 27 24th Sun. aft. Trin. 7 28 Low tides. 7 29 Cold increases. 7 30 j) per. Rough and 7 31 2 9 h' dull with 7 32 St. Andrew. snow.\7 33 1423 14 43 15 2 15 20 15 39 15 57 IG 15 1G3> 1G50 17 7 17 24 17 40 17 5G 18 12 18 28 18 43 rises 5 11 49 38 37 45 57 4 3) |:d south.; ))l !morn (J 5 6 7 8 9 11 morn 4 40118 58 4 39119 12 4 38119 27 4 37119 41 4 36119 54 4 35120 7 4 34120 20 4 33I2O 32 4 32I2O 44 4 3120 5G 4 30 21 7 4 29 21 18 4 28 21 28 4 27 21 38 1 2 o 4 5 6 1 o 3 4 5 5 G 7 8 8 23 1 9 12 17 21 26 30 35 sets 5 8 5 54 8 56 8 6 9 23 10 41 morn 1 20 37 55 16 36 4 4 5 5 2 40 23 4 43 21 41 25 n n n £5 G 257 High water 3 .) y 10 10 11 aft.l2iin SI ■TV. 8 9 10 10 aft. 10 53 33 51 12 59; 36 2* lo 4 51 .'5 •I 13 4 58 55 52 48 41 32 20 8 56 47 f t VJ!5 VJ16 10 41 11 39 40 14 3^54 3-:> 15 51 46 50 4 17 morn. 22 1 2 10 11 14 3 Farmer's Calendar. — It is high time to fortify your premises against jthe intrusions of frost. Protect your cellar with a Farmer'' s Bank, and [then, if you work it right, you will not be obliged to hire money from |Other b.inks. If possible, let water be brought into your cattle yard, to that its tenants may not be compelled these cold mornings to ramble over ,frozen fields, or run the gauntlet along slippery liighways, harassed by men, doi.>s, and t^leighs, undergoing as many perils as Bunyan in his " Pil- grim'jj Progress." Winter squashes, cabbages, &ic. s^lioidd now be brought from the garden and prescved for winter. Siilf, heavy soil should be thrown up in trenches. Trim up, look about jou, and see that all is neat, tidy and well prepared for winter. See that your house is tight, rnen<l' he latches and catches of your doors ; i-ee ihat your doors shut well, ll'j :y creak on their hinges, grease them. Look to your window shutters, x't let ihem slam and bang every windy niglit. ^1 f- 1'' u W^^TSTFm ■ 1 < J \ I: ' \: fei! 1 C XII Month. DECKMBER, 31 days Full O) Istj ''h. i\n\. riiorn. w. Last C, Bth, Gh. 50in, eve. n. New ®, l()lh,8h.l3m.c ve. .v. av^ fTM. Sin7dIiys7Wc'alhels First ]),'^3d, lOh. j4m.eve. s.w. Full O,30th, 81i. 18m. eve. s. e. fc VV Anniversaries, &c, IIS -1 5 r; 7 rises '""iJ4 sets dec. s ^ ^5 lOJM ill Tr !|l2!\V J 4 ';i5 1st 8un. in Advent J '}^ Hij^h tides, ralheiy -^^'^ rL'''(5-Uast !), :J/". /iner.^-^'' ./ s/io/i' sturv.v^ ' "-'^ Til \St. Nicholas, wtry,^ ■>J (Joneep. b. v. Mary|'' '^^ 'wM. Sun. in Advent ;7 '-^ \ tSt. Lucv (^ j> Iz- season, (i:5{'ast4,4(). ,'>u«.s«i//'/ 41 :J;I Sun. in Advent. 7 41 4 'MQl 4Hlrises 4 2.1 1 21 57 4 25 22 <; 4 24 22 M 4 24 22 2218 4 2:^i22-3()!!) 7;37 4 23i22;j7|10 40 5 i22{22 43Iinorn 1 22122 4f)l0 4 2l!22 55 I Wh j-esult is iine is he prec lere giv( >Lin fro II dfroin, iine att nean tii ) apogee. eTuectcdA^ ^M iL\i:£i}.^ I l\n-y low tides. |7 3!'|4 21|23 () 2 ^ ^ 21. auU.jfinei? A0\i20r2S 5 3 F S G qmi't jine\ /br^/.c'7 4()|4 20i23 1). 7 41!4]U|23 13 iil7|iVl 18!'I\j lOiW 20 Th ^ gr. clou. 7:4^'s s. High tides. cf>/(/ [10. Sup. d 9 © ^ <r 7 4-: 7 42 Moderates 7 42 4 19|23 17 4 lii!23 20 sets 7 42'4 18|23 22 4 18 4 18 4 18 23 24 23 2fi 23 27 21 |P |St. Thomas 22; f3 I Shortest day. ai23 wWi^ 4214 18i23 27 17 42 4 18123 27 G s:24|M ^|25Tc 2'J W 12!) Tu F G M 4th Sun. in Advent.i7 4W 4 18|23 27 morn Rather low tides. |7 4214 18|23 2(5 lb* Christmas. ])per.|7 4? 4 13l23 25|1 St. Stephen. theap-\l ^^-' St. Joiin Evang. |7 41 Innocents. pcarance\7 4J Hiffh tides. ofsn<)v:]7 41 Jst Sun aft. XuKis.|7 4'' Silvester, c^') in per. v 40 4 18l23 23 2 4 lit 23 21 4 Ah) 23:8 4 19123 15 4 20j23 11 4 20 23 7 I {> rise?,^!'^ 4 43i0 llig^is Farmer's Calendar. — It is now the depth of winter — a (ilooniy be.uon , ;.at least it is so called by soir.e ; yet even " i*eniold wi.'iter" is not v.'itliout i.: means of conlributnijj; to the enjo>inent of his youthful admirers, 'j'lie uuiversal mantle of .snow he spreads over the landscape, is never regretled by the boys who ;riide rapidly on its smooth surfwce down the hill-fcide, and then tug up a^^nin with their iit'le sled-, giving practical proof that true pleasure may be found closely connected with toil and perseverance, then there are SHOto me7i to be made, and snow-balling \o be attended to ; I am not certain that I should recommend the latter employment or recrea- tion to the young ladie;, yet, as there should be nothing like rudeness in any sports, I think it can do tliem no harm, and may serve to make them robust and health)-. Have your fire place:^ well made, to throw out the heat, and not have them so contrived, that all the heat and fire shall go up the chimney, and where you can, use stoves. \ >— C 0-5 55 c: /■\^ <r> CD Ci '- o o ^- V.U to ox o a ^ -^ ts ':x OS *— ^"T: C C5 Ct M h«rf C5 M _> _ K. !«. wrf H-. (^ za Zi' « tC tJ H- 05 ~4 Winter. ;ve. s.w. \'C. 9. E. water 3 2 47 1 3 1:3 34 s s'i 17 — "^ ^ 9 X)l-) .- R 1,5 4G;| t!<; 33, ^!^ ^!i (K\S 5' :i^:;-! 55 1? Zbjit 50!! :^:io 5-2:1 lirill 51 i^ a;aft.-io| I 1 ssj r -3 3«> 1 /^ > 49 ^3 33' •9 4 ]5: ^4 56 b 5 34 .^ii) VSl K\7 4,2 ^j/ 5;)ii ,-:9 hi f 10 19:] j 11 33;^ ^ morn ■: 2 401 3 1 382 S!3 j:^ ! ^ ly fccat^on )t v,-itl)0',it^ yen-. Tlie * regretled j hill-Hde,1 )roof tha . 83B. FARMER » ALMANACK. EQUATION TABLE, 183S. 17 When time is deduced from observations of the Sun, the imvudiatc Iesult is apparent time ; to convert it into mean time, the oqu.\tinn ime is necessary, and is to be applied to apparent time, according to he precept at the head of the column lor each month. The numbers lere given, show for Greenwich apparent noon, the distance of Ihc mean feun from the meridian, or th? portion of time Lo be addtd to, or subtract' ^dfrom, Greenwich apparent noon to obtain the corrcspondiiv.': mean lime at the .same meridian, or the time which ought to be shown by the tnean time clock. ioS 03 N) to iC ti' ta M <^ fC M tS I— K-i t-" >-* i_ ^ i_4 ^ f_ ^ o cc -J Oi w »;- w lo *— 'j iJ W CO W CO In3 (O ti l-it ^ — ►— I— o o © Ih- CO t-i »- OT CO to o Ci to tU^ i'^ rfi. ^i en c-; ^ lU ts:* tM w la, M jj_^.jt_iy ^•- •^ ^ *- ^ "^ ii^ ^ &' • •■ ~ ■ ■" O CO i/S » J^ ^^ ^ ^NM ^ S c; CO S »J^ ^ ^ ■^■» — H- c^ o. o 5 «-ti w 05 03 w Oi CO CO CO *» hU *- *. s- tt» h- »u ** *. 4- i;- 4- >*- +«■ >;- ►»- rf- *• W K '"•^1 CT »— ic CO rf- rf* in ►- '-' jc ta j>: O'-'i>it0f-O'Xii;it<5C0*»OC0C5CC; CO CO f- CO 03 CO 03 03 03 CO t3 ^3 <.-. v^'^ 4- O iS M ti li- iU Cn CT «;i C5 Cj Ci M "■> -^l CC 'X CX 00 CO (© ' CO 0< •— CO l>3 ^ M >»- ?>' 4* I-' CO CT >— to I a- o: otwji; o oj ^ 'V^ oo «o_o m en c .3 o -i "to'ToI^lo bs ti »- t— >- '-' I— o c o ^ o~c 01 lii.- CO to ►— en ht- 03 I-' Cti ,i. 10' ^ H- 4-. ox Si -^ O Ca 0» 4- O ^"J " -l 03 C : <H\ »-' CO o: «5 — 4> O O O *■"'"* ^* ^** M IC U» ti »— CO •~J 03 •— 03 tf^ o 03 --; H- h'J c, 4* *■! >«" O O >— I— 1°^ I— t-i IC» ii 03 CI CO 4- 03 Ct 4- O Ci lO CO OH '-' CO *> t'- >— <;» to aw 0< 03 >— everance, } ended to ;i or recrea- ideness in' lake them \v out the i shall go a 1> lo i-w 03 CO CO 00 03 CO CO 03 CI 03 03 iv 03 CO CO CO 03 00 00 CO i5 CO C: O} 03 03 CO 05 C3 IT. r^ U Si V-* i-l t>5 03 CO »-. 4- *. tT Ct Cl on Ui Cn CJi Cl c;« Ol 4 -^ ** CO 03 to -'O -' • C- *. iC S o ^ 4^ O g; b 3 -^ >— < CP — CO C< gi aa Cft CTi 4- (.L O ■-; 03 '-.>.: 4- to CO c:> CS ^' _. Colw to 10 to to f- K- (— h- »— c. "o C-rp O O O O C H- 1— h- H- r-" ►- to LV i\j iv f^ =" h-i C;i *» CO <0 C'l «tw ^O I— 4- CO to — >— to CO C?l •— tO :',■:• 4- CI i~ tw CO c c/j ; ;» 03 o a)_cn to CO o to ^ Oi 03 t -i >-. it^ oi j, c- to i^, cjj o_'^i_^5_'>i _'-> «> ci :}) o Ci C5 Ci Cj C5 Ci C5 Ci Oi w w <;< Oi c;i i)i Ci c;x CI w it.. 4- 1;- i'- >" 4- 03 0; CO CO -UJ-i ■i o •-'»-' ct CI 4* hi- CO CO to I— ►-i ti 4:-. d; 1-: I— ' C"a •!- o* CPC:;OO'^ 00CiC3 O M 03 Cft CO — ' — 4- -. ^ "■! to 4- Ci Oi O ►" f— ►- to iC to 10 03 ^ tiu. ,;- ^ ^ ,:^ ci C'i C( "£^Ci Cj 0( »;- cvi ;\ W W C' C' CI ~ to ax o oc iv*; ^ cj »^ to ti- en ^ to Mi. »'.T( *-4 i-o OS K- en ci to cjc 4* t£ *. o 05 Ci c; 10 (^ Ci -J CfJ CO --.: 10 CO 00 t^.. 4- '•■'^ "■■' »C '..:: Oi Iv'J C/ W --1 f1 > H-1 c^ y • "■< t-r. U< t^ 1.; <>< .-^ re 1 r^ Cw ^-< V) ' ►, *^ I-* ^ "fci P^ sS (X 00 00 -a '^^ <j Ci c:: C: ex yx wT ,;-. iH. 4- 0: 03 CO ti i* tv .~ »— ►- i':x CO 1— en 00 '-' CT CO i~< ti co >— tf- ic 4^ to 4* to *. 10 4- JC ^ ^-5 H- en ci en en en 4i. co co to 1— «o oc -^ c: ct 4- co k" to 1— »- c- »" '•• •; :" co to ft 1 • .':i C-. Ci O- CT e;» ox en e;x ex ex ci 1,;.* 4- 4^ >;- (i- co co io 0; tJ ce: tC i^ ,...►-»-■ c ►-..". c' en *. Oi CO to •- en .r- w >- ci co t--' ex cs lo 4.. to ►•- w- .x ►- ■ ;. Ci <c -i — c> a c: to to t: to — c -^ en t— ^ 03 00 10 cr. Ci x cr to e.-. ■>- I ?! ■ i 1- ^ 1— to to to 04 03 CO 03 4i* *. rf:. tS. Cx Cx Cx en C« ex Ci 3i Ci Ci iT, Ci CT. C: f;^ T. CO cx 1—' CO 4- to 4- en >-' M o; Ci •— to co 4^ 4- Ox w- 1— v-- »— w. t_ ,:5 -^ ._> ^-. i~. C£ <» f;x f- -.J to ti '- CO 4- 4- CO I-" 'X Ox O Ci O tO 4* Cil C Cx k- < 1 t.5 —if— «tCtO>-t— o CI- OOt-'>-'tOl0 03004*iUCnCxCiCi-i^^CnCOC5eOOCO — ii "• it« >— »u. —' w ,(u '->' it^ t— ft. "-i rf* — C'v C-i CO tO' 'Vx ts": *• *"■' CO 10' >■>. i.e;>05M<i!xao ^— <r-(-ii— ~t-»-ooor)«Meneo*~'Ccc<'~''^ J>'j --» i-' tt. --i .LI B^ m 'M i|i I If! 1 I 1 ( »».** i-:vi.»v.,*d'»«i»;p .■:;;.• u? if 18 farmer's almanack. 1838.' PROVINOH or NOVA SOOTIA. Lieutenant Governor, His Excellency Major-' General SIR COLIN CAMPBELL, Knight| Commander of the most Honourable Militarylj Order of the Bath, &cc. &.c. . . , .. ; - j i HER MAJESTY S COUNCIL. Honora])le Brenlon Halliburton, President. Hon. and Right Rev. the '1 he Lord Bishop. Hon. Thomas Nickleson Jeffery. Hon. Hibbert Newton Binney. Hon. Enos Collins. Hon. Simon Bradstieet Robie. Hon. Charles Rama,2;e Prescott, Hon. Samuel Cunard. Hon. Henry Hezekiah Cogswell. Hon. Peter McNab. Hon. James Tobin. Hon. Joseph Allison. OFFICERS. Clerlv, *S'i/'K.upcrt D. George, Z>7. Dep, Clerk, Thoaias W. Jomcs, Et>(j. Messenger, Mr. Josepli LEGISLATIVE COUXCIL. The J\Iembcrs of Her Jllajesty's Council. OFFICERS. Clerk, Sir Ftupert D. George, Bt. Dep. Clerk. John C. Halliburton, Esq. Chaplain, Rev. Robert Wiilis, D. D. i'iessenger, IVlr. Joseph Skallish. I {■■i ICJ^ The Members of Her Majes-ty';^ Council, and the Speaker of the! |jirou»o of Assembly are Justices of the Peace throughout the Province ,j m\ 1838.' lajor- ! [night|| ilitarylj h er of the I 'rovince 18': farmer's almanack. ll» HousK oi'^ assi::mblv. Sjjr.aker, ^. G. VV. Archicam), Erfcj. [i. L. D. coi\\j\:i:s. Halifax Joseph ilowe und Wm. Annaml, Essqrs. CoLCHKSTER f S. G. \V. Avclii !>alii, Esq. PiCTOU t Gi;o. ^Sinith and Jiio lioluios, Esqrs. Cumberland ...+ Alex. Stewart and Gains Lewis, Esqrs. Hants Henry Goudtic and B(Mijainin t-linilh, Esqrs. King's f Sanii. Chipinan andT. A.H. DewuH, Esqra. Q,ui;kn'.s f S mil. P.'l Esqrs. x\.NNAPOLis F. A. Rol)icltau an(i Win. Holland, Esqrs. LuNENBuiiG f Win. Rudolf aral Garret rdijler, Esqrs. SHELEURNr,. . . . Winthrop Sarguut, Esqr. Yaumoutii t Herhort Hu. .ington, Esq. SiDNEV t John Youn>>-, and Alex. McDougal!, Esqrs. (luYsBOROL'GM VVui. F. Dos L'am:', and 11. ?.ioDonald, Esqrs; Cape-Breto.n .. .f Lawrence Kuvanagh, Esq. Richmond f James JJ. Uniacke, Esq.. JusTE-AU-CoRPS . William Young, Ki^q. TOn'NSIIIPS. Halifax. . , f Hugh Be!) and Thomas Forrester, Esqrs, Truro + Alex. Archibald, Esq, Onslow Alex. M. Upham, Esq. LoN'DONDi'RRv . . .G. N. McLcnnati, Esq. PiCTOu Henry Hatton, Esq. Amherst Rubt. McG. Dickey, Esq. Windsor f Lewis M. Vv'ilkins, Jr. Esq. Falmouth iohn Elder, Esq. Newport Fames Allison, Esq. HoRTON Perez M. Benjamin, Esq. Cornwallis f. 1 oil n Morton, Esq. Liverpool W. B. Taylor, Esq. Annapolis Einathan Wiiitman, Esq, Granville S S Thorne, Esq. Di«ry .Tames Holdsworlh, Esq. Lunenburg f John Heckman, Esq. Barrington . . . -John Sargeant, Esqr. Shelburne Peter Spearwater, l^sq. Yarmouth f Reuben Clements, Esq. Argvlr Simon D'Enlremont, Esq. Arichat, f Law. O'C. Doyle, Esq. Sydney,. f E M. Dodd, Esq. OFFICERii. Clerk, John Whidden, Esq ; Asst. Clerk, J. F. Gray, E^q ; ., Sergeant at Arms, Mr Matthew Forrester ; Asst. Sergt. at! Arms, Mr. John Jennings ; Messenger, Mr. John Gihbs. {The JVrits for this HoU'ie, were issued Nov . 2. 18.36 ) f Members of the former House. U: ( 1 1-1 I, !!;l. ;? f •20 FARMER S ALMANACK. J83^J.; Treasurer, Chus VV. WuUivce, Esq. Survovor-Gcneral of Liintls,.. . Conuuissionor of Crown Lands, / j^^^ ^^ . ^ Collector ot Quit. Uciits, t ' -^ ' ^ Surrogate General, . . . . ^ Secretary of the Province,. . . . ^ Sir R. D. Georj^e, Bt. Registrar of i^eeds, ^ Deputy, Thos V/ James, Esq.j Postmaster General, for Nova- ^ , , „ ni„ o <• 1 v li • 1 > John Howe, Scotia and iSew-Brunswick .. ^ ' -i Airent ol the General Mining } jj t- i /-i i • •^ ... r , '^ / Hon. batnuel Cunard. Association, London, ^ United States Consul, John Morrow, Esq. Brazilian Viee-Consul, Michael Tobin, jr. Esq. Court of Chancery. Chancellor, The Lieut. Governor. Master of the Rolls, Charles R. Fairbanks, Esq. Masters, Lewis M. VVilkins, If no G. Marshall, and J. W. Nutting, Esqrs. Masters Ex- traordinary! Jas S Morse, J T Hill, Thos Dickson, Jon Marsters, JnoCreighton, Jno VVhidden, W H Keatini^ and E MDodd,EsqrH. Registrar, N. \V. White, Esq, Counsellors and Solicitors, the Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Court. Supreme Court of Judicature. Chief Justice, Hon. Brenton Halliburton. 'Isst.Judfres, Lewis Morris Wilkins, William llill and William Blowei's Bliss, Esqrs. Jlilorneij-Gemral, S. G. W. Archibald, Esq. L. L. D. Solicitor Gencial, Jas W. Johnston, Esq. Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary, James W. Nutting, Esq. Court of Vice Admiralti/. Judij^e and Comviissan/, Charles R. Fairbanks, Esq. Surro£;ate,\ Nat. W. White, Esq. \/ldvocate General, S. G. W. Archibald, Esjjr. Solicitor General, James W. Johnston, Esq. Registrar, J. P. Hood, Esq. Dep, Res;r. James Scott Tremain, Esq. Marshall, Stephen W. Deblois, Esq. Dep. Marshalls, Halifax, Wm M Deblois ; Liverpool, S P Freeman, Esqrs. Advocates i.y Proctors, The Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Court. Court of Error; } ri t^/t - t^ : n -i ^ i 'r nr • j t\- > Her Maiestv s Council. Court of Marriage and Divorce. ^ j j ^ Advocates and Proctors, The Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Court. Court of Escheats and Forfeitures. Commissioner, Jajnes W. Nuttinjr, Esq. Registrar, Sir R. D. George, Bt. Depi Reg''r. Thomas W. James, Esq. Nova- Scotia JJarristers Society. Patrons — The Chancellor, and The Chief Justice. Honorary Members, The Judges of the Supreme Court. Treasurer, Librarian and Secretary, J. W. Nutting, Esq. Sub -Librarian, Joha McGregor, Esq. Hugh of the If?38. FARMEU's ALMANACK. ii I ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES UESIDK.NT IN NO VA-Sf'OTI A. 1 1 Adnulted Ad mil led <-• Name;*. ■G Residence. AttOi'iiies. Barristers z iil H. H. Cogswell, '....'.• I), ?. CLirhe, S.{;.W Archibald, At.Gen [.James S. Morse, J. W. NiUtin;;, Joiiu Thos. Hill, IjWm. Sterns, ||Tl)omas Dickson, j J. 'y. Johnstoii, Sol. Gen. John Creij;,h'on, |D. D Ste'.vart, Samuel P. Fairbanks.... iNat.VV. Whitn, JGeorge T. Solomon Jonathan Marslers, ;lohn Whidden, ••. Edmund M, Dodd, jWm. F Deslj.iries, Beamish Murdoch, 'Alexander Stewart, •«.• Jothiun Blancfiard. .••••• I' ■ I 'Lewis Tvl. Wilkins, i'Alex. Primrose, •• • jWra. C, Delaney, ( Iloacli, Ja-i. S. Tremaiii, James B Uniacke, • • • • I Charles j\vining, • • • • I John James Sawyer, • • I E. B. Chandler,..'... P Henry Blackadar, • • . • t Geor;j,e R. Gra-^sie, .■ I James F. Grav, I John C. Hall,"' \ Al':.\. ?.IcDougall, • • • • Weiitworth Fleiger, .. James S. Clarke, ••.• Wm. Youn.T, Charles B. Owen, • « « • '„ Chas. T. C. MacColla, I' Jai!ie.s A. Dennison, «. I Robert B. Diclison,.. James Stewart, ...... • ••»•« lOOcif " l-iOctr. M) April 1 1 Octr. ti3 Or< r. ■-'3 Octr. 14 April 14 April ^^3 Octr. 18 April 18 April MS April '!« April 19 April p5 July j05 July |l5 Jany. 1 17 April 14 July 14 July ; 18 Octr. i 9 July 10 July iOJuly 9 Octr. 18 Octr. 5 A pril 5 April 23 Jany. •' 9 April •; 13 April .,13 April .,20 July ■I 19 Jany. •il9 Jany. .114 April .2.5 Octr. 23 Octr. 24 Jany. 24 Octr. j 24 Octr. 24 Octr 24 Octr. 1798 IS.'^i 1805, l8M»| isio iSlO 1813 Ksi3 J813 1S15 1815 1817 1818 1S20 1820 1 820 18211 1821 1821 182l' I82l' 1S22; 1822! JS22' 1S22 J 822 1823 1823 1824 1824 1824 1S24 1 241 i; 25 i-^25 1825 1825 1825 10 Oc^tr. "1798; ."". Halifax. ~ V2 Octr. 180-i,..j Ditto 16 April l«05 '21 Dhto i\ Octr. ISIO' 2 Amherst. 23 Octr. isiol I Halifax. 23 Octr. l8IO|-.|Anti-onish. 14 April 1814 • • iljivertiool. 14 April 1814 23 Octr. 1814 18 April J81(i 18 April ISH) 15 April 1818! ^ : 6 April I3!S|" 19 April IS21|*'!Lunrnbi.rg. •iojuly 18-Jt| 'Truro. 25 July 1821 ; 2! Halifax. 15 Jany. 1822 1 1 jSvdi.oy, C.B 1 ] Pic ton. '• Halifax, 1 Lunenburg. New port. Livcrj ool. Halitax. 17 April 1822 14 July Is 22 l4Jul.y '822 !8 1822 D July 1822; iOJuIy ISX'Sj 10 iuly 1823 9 Octr. l8-i3' 15 Octr. 7 823| 5 April I8v3j 3 April 1823 •28 Jany. 1 825 1 9 April 1824 13 April I8'i5, 13 April I 825' 20 July l825j 24 Jan3\ l82f)j 24 Jau'.: lS2G 18 April 1S2G1 24 Octr. 1826' 24 Octr. 1826 23 Jany. 1827 Giiysboro'. •i Halifax. 2 Ditto 2'Pictou. 1 iTTintlscr. •;Halifa.v. •■Arichat,C.B, •! Amiierst. 1 'Halifax. 2j Ditto 2 Litto • I Ditto • Non-resident OjPiOtOU. • Truro. 1 {Halifax. • |KentviI!e. 1| Anti;^onis)i. •i Halifax. Ditto Ditto IjUiienburg. 1 1826 1826 1 23 Octr. IS 27l .. .Annapolis 1826 23 Octr. 1827 l| Litto jS26i23 Octr. 1827 2 Truro. 1826 23 Octr. 1827 .. 'Halifax. C. W.H.Harris, Silas C. Morse, lOQ 3 Jany. 1827123 Janv. 1827 i23 April 1S27 27 Jany. l>29\ 1 Alex. H. Winniett, Hu^h Hartshorn e, ' Ditto. Amherst. I Bridgetown. 24 July 18-27 24 July 1827124 July 18271 lllalifax. ( I * \ . .. * i ; zmtf.)tsa h 9' i •22 PAKMEU 8 ALMANACK. 183K CONTINUKD. Nnine«. Admitted Attornies. Admitted Barristers. e it 3 RcBidence. Edw. H.Harrington,. •••|23 0cir. lB27i2SOctr. 18281 L'hiirlesBolman, 23 Octr. 1827128 Octr. 18'.>8 Stephen H.Moore, • • Law. O'C. Doyle,.- Martin I. WilkinH. •• John C. Halliburton, VVra. Bowman, .... Wm. H. Keating, .• Wm. Sutherland, .. Harry King, Bdw. lloach, 22Jany, 1828 22Jany,l8'i8 22 Jany. 1828 22 July 28 Octr. 28 Octr. 28 Octr. 27 Jany, 5 May 1828 J82S 1828 1828 27 Jany. 18*i9 27 Jany. 1829 yy Jany. 1 828 28 July 1829 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 1829127 Jany. 1829' 4 May 18129 1829 1829 1829 1830 Snow P. Freeman, 28 July 1829|27 July 1830 Wm EdwSmith, Thos. B. Akins, •..• John W.Ritchie, Henry Pryor, Silas L. Morse, Nepean Clarke, Arch. McQueen, •.•• Chas. Hill Wallace,.. Robert B. Dickey, • . • • Donald N. McQueen, George R. Young, • • • • George S. Milledge, .• Daniel Owen, James R. Smith, ..••.. James L. Dewolf, • . • • George Hill, ...••• •• Andrew M.Uniacke. • « Henry H Grantham,.. Henry B. Webster, « . Stewart Campbell, • . . • George Botsford, Perez M Cunningham. . Thos N Jeffery, jr . . L D Morton. ...-•• .. Thos V B Bin^ay Wm M Hoftman Wm Hall lElias Tupper -. . I John D Kinnear jJno, McGregor , iJonathan McCulley,.. 'Eben. F. Munro, ••" jChas. !, Halliburton,.. IWm. B. Chandler, «.• jJames Turnbull, 3 Nov, 1829 4 May 1830 25Jany. lf'31 25 Jany. 1831 3 May l83l iNov. 1831 24 July 1832 30 Octr. 1832 22 Jany. 1833 22 Jany. 1833 22 Jany. 1833 1 Nov. 1830 3 May 1831 24 Jany. 1832 15 Jany. 1831 IMay 1832 30 Octr. 23 July 30 Octr. 21 Jany. 21 Jany. 1834 22 July 1834 1832 1833 1832 1834 22Janv. 1833 21 Jany. 1834 80 April 1833 29 April 1834 23 April 1833 23 July 1833 4 Nov. 1834 4 Nov. 1834 29 Octr 4 Nov 5 May 25 July 3 Nov 25 July 29 Octr. 1833 29 Octr. 1833 29 Octr. 1833 29 Octr. 1833 29 April 1834 22 July 1834 4 Nov. 1834 25 July 1835 3 Mar. 1835;l4 Jan. 3 Mar. ISSSJU Jan. 3 Mar. 183514 Jan. R May 1835; 3 May 1833 , 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835 1830 1S36 1836 18361 25 July 1835 26 July 1836 25 July 1835 26 July 1836 25 July 1835126 July 1836 3 Nov. 18351 1 Nov. 1H36 1836'il6 Jan. 1637 1836 16 Jan. 1837 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 26 July 1836 1836 14 Jan. 1836 •NotoutheN. S. lidt. Antigonish. Lunenburg. Kentville. 1 Halifax. IPictou. • Halifax. ' Windf or. 1 Yarmouth. 1 Halifax. 1 Windsor. Pictou. Liverpool. Sydney. Halifax. 1 Ditto 1 Ditto 2 Bridgetown. 2 Halifax. PortHoodCB Halifax. Amherst. 1 Sydney, C. B. Halifax. Annapolis. 1 Lunenburg. 2 Halifax. Windsor. Truro. Halifax. Yarmouth. Kentville. Antigonish. Amherst. Windsor. Halifax. Kentville. Yarmouth. Halifax, Kentville. Ditto Amherst. | Halifax. j 1 Amherst. I Truro. j Amherst. I Ditto. I Arichat, C. B. Birch C Goff's Fultz'a Hamilto Hiltz's Fitzm.-iu Mrs. Pfc La k el an Sweet's Terfry's i Road Dill's Windsor Bishop's Martin's river Wolfvill Kentvilh Sharp's Crane's Morton's Gibbon's Leonard'; Bridget ov Annnpoli iitraar's Viuchest 1838. idencC' roniHh. nburg. ville. i8:w. FAIIMKR 8 ALMANACK. 23 fJONTINl'EO. H! Names. Admitted Attorn ies. Admitted Barristers. Kisjdcncn. J ou. crpool. ney. ifax. Ditto :)itto [Igetown [ifax. •tHoodCB lifax. iherst. Iney, C. B. lifax. napolis. enbuTg. Ilifax. ndsor. iro. Ilifax. mouth. it ville. Itigonish. ilierst. Indsor. [ifax. itville. [•mouth. lifax. Itville. >itto iherBt. lifax. ^herst. tro. ito. ;hat, C. B. GuHtavus Hnlliburton Chan. F. Hiiiriiij;t()n . Wm. C. Whidden •- David Miitheson • • • ■ Peter lijuch, jr. • •• Henry P. Hill Samuel Gray James U. Lovett, jr. Chas. Young ..-••••• James Fogo George H McColla . Fredk. W. Grantham Danl. Dickson 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 18 Jan. 1>S Jan. 2 May 2 Mav 2 May 2 May 2 May 25 July l^8G l^3«) lr3({ 1^37 1837 1.-37 1 1837 1^37 1^37 1837 I. -37 1 No>, 1^36 Sj'diiey, C. B, Anti^',()nish. I'arr^iioro'. Pictcu. Halil.ix PortHood,CB Halifax Annapolis Halifax Pifto'i Annaijolis Varniouth Pictoii Roads to the principal Toivns in the Province, and the route to St. John and Fredericton, A'. JJ. \ Halifax to Digby. Edward's Val'ey Birch Cove GolT's Fultz's Hamilton's Hiltz's Fitzmaurice's Mrs. Pence's Lakeland's Sweet's Terfry's Newport I Road (35) Dill's Windsor (45) Bishop's Martin's Gaspereaux river IWolfville Kentville (63) Sharp's Crane's Morton's ibbon's eonard'a ridgetown nnnpolis Town itraar's (Viuchester'B '. Digby 7 2i 2i 14- Halifax to Shelbnrne, 3 via Annapolis. 1 Annapolis 12S 8 Digby 20 2 Everet's Weymouth 2k road 13 5 Cosman's, Wey- 2 mouth Church 6 Journie's, Scissiboo 4 n O Cosman's, Clare 4 3 Terrian's, Montagan 7 Cove 1 5 8 Coming's. E'iar , River 14 5 Parry's, Fannouth 3 Lakes 8 7 Smith's — Richan's Yarmouth Church 5 Blanvelt's, Tusket 10 Nickerson's, Apub- tic river 8 Spinney's, Apubtic Bay 5 Larkin's, Pubnico 20 Kendrick's Barring 7 10 i 12 1 5 15 8 6 Powell's, riv. Clyde 5 Hargrave's, Shel- burnc 16 3b7 Hx. to Cumbtrland. via Dartmouth. Across the Ferry 1^ Shultz's iCjl Key's * Penny's Gay'ti River Sibley's 10 7 & u Hill's Truro Gourley's, Onflow 5 Yewill's 14 FootofCobq. MntH. 6 Purdy's, top of do 6 Hewson's. River Philip 9 * At Gay's Riverthe road turns off to Mus- quodoboit and' to Shu- benacadie, from Pen- ny's to Mrs.Kaulbuck's in Musquodoboit, is 10 ton 13, miles. 1 , t i- :i| ly^d m hi 24 farmer's almanack. J 838. Stewiirt's Amliersi Fort Cuinberland 10 10 7 J 28 ■ -■ To Cnmberland via. lVi7idso)\ Wind ■or 45 Parrsboro' by water (Webster's) 30 Fiillcrion's II Macan River 6A Pugsley's, Napaii i) Pxr-nt's, Amherst 9 Fort Cumberland 7 Halifax ioAntli!;onish\Hei\ry Blois' Cove Blanchard's, West River, Pictou, ^8 Chisholm s New Gbiiijfow Coj^eland's, Meri- {:omi^>ll Murray' 10 5 Douglas Kennetcook bridge -1 ijMouth of the Shu- j benacadie river IGl lis Halifax to Pictou. fi To Truro 6' Archibald's, Saluion Halifax toLunenhurs; McDonald's, Arisaigl2, Liverpool and i^hel- Harrington's j burni'x'nx Windsor, i Antigoni-h ,J7iWi,,,j,or 45 144 Gilderfs 20' Thrroadovcrtlie Anti- Church Ilill ' ' Ci goiiishmounliiins.siiort- Wei ber 's Hill* 5 ens the above distance Middle River bridge 4 about ) 1 miles. Barkhou»e's 7 Ern test's C Canso <y^4'J^<i;o«<.s/i-]virs.ZwickerV, Ma- River Irving's, Tom Crai River Pictou 1; Mount Gu ysboro' F/Oyle's Anligoni^h 30 hone Pay 2'i Lunenburg (101 i) 12 Juo.Pernette's Ferry "TTT I a t J.jahii v e ri v er — I A cross the terry ■r's, West Halifax to Plciou via Ahisquodoboit. Dartmouth across the Ferry lA Preston, C Putnam's farm 5 Hart's S JMcKeen's 11 Leclcie's 13 Archibald's 4 Geddes' 4 Heney's 4 Dunbar's W. branch E. River, Pictou, 2u Halifax to ShcrbrooI:c. St. Jlari/'x. Antigoiiish Lochaber Lake Archibald's forks Sherbrooke [_'^^jPort Jolly 179 Sable River Jordon River Shtlburne H M'K Fras > .IV a er's Halifax to Wiliuot, Ca])c Canso. Guysboro' I7S Crow Hiirbour Wilmot 15 209 * A liltie beyond'i Webber's the road turnsi oiT to the right, avoid-j ingChe-ter ; at Middle;^ River Bridge the ligain meets tl)at leading from Chester Town. — 'I iFrcm Webber s Hill to' Ches'erTown is 6 milei- r- //.r. to Shubcnacadie. Across the harbour iTerfrv's 35 to Co jrt Houis'; 1 951 Cochran's To Fredricton , K. 77. Hent's, Amherst 1265 Wells', Hewson's, | Murphy's, Rawdon iTanlramare Marsh JO Church 8 Vi Basis'. Sackville Thfl ,evcry boro' and w after ileavesl [thenc^ jthe in ;shouI(| iPackel lore (j[ iVVind^ 1838. 11 dge 4 Ihu- i r IGA 79' enhurs; i Shel-. >idsor. 45 20' ah 5S iridge 4 G , Ma- I m I' eny er Ji t •y 4 ^ ^ovo 4'i s illape 9;| \ 10 7,-. —% 178^ beyond^ •oad turns' it, avoid-jS U Middle;'* the lat leading Town.— I sHill 10^ i is 6 miles l| '-'I 071, JV". 77- 1 prst 125' son's, I >larsh JO ille 9 1838. Kinnear's, Dorches- I ter Mrs Charters' iLewis' bend of the Pettico- diack River '.Iac<2uos' {Holster's jBlalieuey's Pitt field's Cougle's, Sussex Vale pakmer's almanack. 25i [Finger Board at 9 Baxter's 12 8 Gilles's, Head of Bellisle 5 Cronnvell's 5 Watson's, AVasha- domoak 1 Nevers' & Oakley's 15 15 3 7A 10 13i Gimseg Tilly s Widow Piirley's Fredcricton 7 10 10 _10 292 To St. John, JV. B. Baxter's, at the Finger Board ^37 From BaxeT'9 to Hammond River 10 DeForrest's, Hamp- ton Ferry St. John 12 _l4i 2'73i STAGE COACHES, &c. The Royal Western Stage Coaches, (carrying H. M. Mails) run THREE TIMES in the Aveek, from Halifax to Kentville and twice to Annapolis, and vice versa. Leave Halifax for Kentville on Tuesday, Thursday and oaturday morning and for Annapolis, on Thursday and Saturday morning. — Leave Annapolis for Kent- ville, Windsor and Halifax on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. I The Royal Eastern Stage Coaches, (Carrying H. M. Mails,)! run three times in the week, from Halifax to Pictou, and vice! versa. Leave Halifax and Pictou on Monday, Wednesday andl Friday mornings. j A Stage Coach runs betweeen Amherst, {Co. Cumberland)! and St. John, N. B. once in the week. The Parrsboro' Packet sails regularly to Windsor and Ilorton every week, from the first of April till Christmas ; leaves Parrs- boro' for Windsor, on Monday, (wind and weather permitting) and will sail from thence for Parrsboro' on Tuesday, immediately after the arrival of the Mail by the Royal Western Mail Coach, leaves Parrsboro' on Thursday, for Horton, and will sail from thence for Parrsboro' the first high water at or after 8 o'clork in the morning. Pnssetigers who wish to cross from Porrsbi,ro'^\ should be at Partridge Island the evening previous to thej Packet's sailing, as she often leaves the wharf at the River be-i fore daylight. The packet frequently makes extra trips both loi Windsor and Norton. ■ !■'( ■k'\^t \i\ If i! \ il A- Ri '<JG FARMllK S Al-MANACK. S T J-: A M E 11 S. \ ' '^*'~ ^"^*~ Ik*'jI jmS Thu Midilofih". Mist, ^^team, plios twice a wef.k, I)c-|; twc-en St. Johiij Digi)y and Annnj olis, carrying the mails, and ' 'pa:^:•el.gv.^^;. |i [ Leaves St John s'or AiuKipoiis, touchiiigat Di;/;by, on Monday^l! and .Fiid;;Y iri()i;iiii';f. Lcarcs Annnnolis for St. John, (touching at Digby.) on Tues- day uii;l K*.atui'd;sy iuorningss. I J}uriMg l!ij Summer scaso:^, a Steamer leaves St. John, N. B. every Tuesday evening (or Windsor. Lco'cs Windsor on her ||rei;K'n on Wednc^d.ay. jl 'llio Cape Brdon Steamboat, leaves the Mining Company's iiudiarf at Pietou, every Thursday evening after tl)e arrival of the ilCnsleiM rJail Coacl) from Halifax, for Charlotte Town and JMira- |;ini(;hi ; leaves Charlotte Town every P^iday morning, and re-! fluvnsto ['iclou calling at Charlotte Town ; leaves Mirainichii 5;cverv Monday morning. i I'm II COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, AND CLERGY. ! Kinf^\^ Colki^€y Windsor. Patron, His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Yijilor, the Lor([ Bishop of Nova-Scotia. Governors — His Excellency the Lt. Governor; tlie Lord ^;Bish()}/ ; Hit Chief Justice; the Judge of the Vice Admiralty ^|Court; the Speaker of the PIouso of Assembly ; the Provincial i Secretary ; the Attorney Geneial ; the Solicitor General ; The I President; Ilonblo. S. S. Blowers, and Hon. T. N. Jeffery Presidc'.it, and Professor of Divinity and Hebrew, Rev. CeoJ 5:;McCawley, D. D. ; Vice-President and Professor of Mathcma- i||tics, NatUi-al Philosoj^hy and Astronomy, Rev. John Stevenson,, HiA. M. ; Bur.-'.;r nn<i Librarian, |^ev J Stevenson. Sec'y. and Trea-I il'surer, J. C. Halliburton, Esq! ; Principal of the (.'oilegiate Aca- |.deniy, Pi-tv. W. B. King, A J\L j Pl TKrxMK. — Michaelmas Term commences 1st Sept. and ends on! !; tiie l.'th. Dec. Hilary Term Lon)menees l.ltii Jan. and ends on the Satuiduy pvec.nling Palm Sunday. Easter Term commences on j;thc Monday a-'ter i'^astcr Monday, and ends Saturday se'nnight 'before Whit i-lunday. Trinity Term commences on tiic morrow' j'of Trinity Sunday, and ends on the 1st of July. ^ j Pii'tou Acad'Omy, PIrfou. \ Trustees.— Rc\. Thos. McCulloch, D. ^). : Rt. Rev, William ilFrascr, D. 1). Bidiop of Tanen. Rev. James Robson, Rev. John w— iTmmiaTmiiamiimmmmmamah!mmTminrrnrM-rt—r--—rwnrmiim^^ m J 838. :k, l)C-'3 ils, and ., N. B.i on hei'i npany s \\ of the! d Mira- and re-' kiamichi GV. UTV. he Lord duiiiulty rovincial i-al ; The! fery lev. Ceo •lalhcnia-'; tcvenson, \ndTrea-l fiatc Aca- ! d ends on: lids on the; ncnces on se'nnighl le morrow' V, William Rev. ,Tohn H mjflifa] ■ ^■a ?'t»gwir.'«mii i" i hM-«»B « I; I8ii8. FARMKK S ALMANACK. 27 ' McKinlay, Rev. D. A. Fraser, Rev. K.J. IvIcXvcn/je, Hev. J McRae, S. G. VV. Archibald, L.L.D. ; Alex. Uraul, 'i^ho.'. Dick-'! json and David Ci'ichton, E;?qi'?. Piinci[)al, Rev. Thoi ruj lilcCr.l-j; loch, D.D. Professor, Mr.lVi.McCuiiocli. Teacher c. it:: ; Inlerior,; Jiranches, Mr. Rodk. McDonald. Terms — First term, commnnces Isl April. Seco:Kl Term, commences 1st Oct. each term lasts four months. ; IJorion Acadcmv. Wo'ifvidc. ■ ' ' Principal, Rev JolmPryor, A M. <Manag;ing Committee, Rev. E A.Crawley, Rev. V/m. Chipman, iRev. Jno Pryor, A.M., Lewin .lohnston, M.D., Jas. W. Nutting, ', W. Johnston, VV. Johnson, and Simon Fitch, Esqrs. j Halifax Gi-animnr tkkool. ! Principal, Rev. Jno. Thos. Twinimr, D D. ; Ssiatiomtl School, IJalifax. i Trustte,<i, The Lord Bishop, The Chief Justice, Rev. Robt Willis, D.D , Wm M. Deblois, Esqr. and the Church Wardens of St. Paul's. /VincipaZ, Mr. James Maxwell. I Royal Jicadian School, Halifax. j President, The Lt. Governor ; Vice-President^ Hon. Thos. N. Jeffery. Sec'y. James C. Hume, Esq. M. D. Committee, Hon. S. S. Blowers, Hon. II.N.Binney, Hon.Joscph I Allison, Hon.EnosCollins, Hon.H.H. Cogswell, Sir R. D. George Bt., Rev. John Scott, Rev. Edward A. Crawley; Jolin 'S Morris, Geo . N. Russell, Jas Forman, S G W Archibald, VVm. Lawson, Jno Howe, Lewis Johnston, M. D. ; M. G. iBlack, John McNeil, Jas N Shannon, J. W. Nuttinsr, Tcm- jple Piers, Lewis E. Piers, Robt. Hume, M.D., James W John- jSton, and Charles Twining, Esqrs. I Principal, Rev. James Morrison. ■ I ^'^('''^y of the Esiahlishcd Church i^i Nova-Scoiia. i The Honble. and Right Rev. John, Lord Bishop of Nova-Sro- tia, exercising Episcopal Jurisdiction over Nova-Scotia, New- iBrunswick, Prince Edward Island, Ncwfou.ulhvnd and Bermuda. j //rtij/aa;, Yen. Robt. Willis, D D Archdeacon and Rector of! St. Paul's ; Rev. Wm. Cogswell, A M Curate ; Rev. R. Fitz-i gerald Uniacke, A M. Rector of St. George's ; Rev. Jno Thos. I iTwining, D. D. Garrison Chaplain ; Rev. Chas. W. Weeks, A. M. Visiting Missionary. 1 Windsor, Rev. Geo, McCawley, D. D. Prcs. of Kind's College. Rev. Wm. C. King, A. M. Rector of Chrisf.^ Cluirch ; Rcv.l jWm. B. Kine-, A. M. Principal Collegiate School ; Falruoidh, and! iVisiting Mis'-ionary, Rev. Jno. l-.tevenson, A. M. Newport, Rcv.| R.J. Uniacke. Dighy, Rev. Roger Yiels, AB. Annapolis, Kcv.| lEdwin Gilpin, A B. Bridgetown, Rev. Jas. Roberlf^on, A. M.'j \Granvilk, Rev. J. M. Campbell, A M. Wnimouth, Rev. V/. H. ' iSnyder, A.B. Aijlesford, Rev. H. L. Owen, A ?.L CoruwiUls atid'^ Jlorton, Rev. Jno.'S. Clarke, AM. Yarmouth, Rev. Thos A.I, imfiinm -iMiimviif ■ r ': i' II * ? f 1 28 FARMER S ALMANACK. 1838.1 Grantham, A M. and Rev. Alfred Gilpin, A M. Shellmrne, Rev.ij Thomas B. Rowland, L L D. and Rev. Thos H. White, A B.^ Liverpool, Rev. J T T. Moodv, A M. jjimenlmrg, Rev. Jas iCochran, A M. La Have, Rev.'j W Weeks, A B. Chesler, RevJ» {.las Shreve, T). D. Dartmouth, Rev. A D Parker, AM. Sackville,' jRev. Archibald Gray, AB. Rawdon, Rev. Geo. W Morris, A iM.| Ulmhcrst, Rev.G.Townshend,A.l}. Truro, and yi^itin;.^Missionary,|| IRev. Jno Burnyeat, A B. Pictou, Rev. Chas. Elliott, A B.'l \Guysboro\ Rev. Chas J Shrcvc, A B. St. MnrirarcVs Buy, Rcv.'g '.fno Stcvinaf2;e. .'lnb)i;onish, Rev Thos C Leaver, A M. Sijdnc.ijf C. li. Rev Chas Ini-ilos, A B. ./Irickat, C.B. Rev. .las Shaw. | i Diocesan Committee of the Socieiij for promoting Christian \KnowledQ;e — Palron,The Lord Bishop ; Secretaries, Archdeacon iWillis and Rev Wm Cogswell. Depository at the National .School. Diocesan Church Sociitj/for the Province. Patrons, His Excellency Sir Colin Campbell, K C B. ; the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; and the Society for Promoting; Christian Knowledge. President, Tlie Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Vice Presidents, Rev Dr Willis, Hon Chief [ Justice Hallilnirton,Hon Thos N Jeflfery, HonC R Prescott, and David Hare, Esq. Sec'y, Rev Wm Cogswell, Asst. Sec'y, Henry Pryor, Esq. Treasurer, Law Hartshornc, Esq. Standing Com- mittee, All the Clergymen of the Established Church, and J. Leander Starr, W H Snelling, Jno Leaver, Joseph Starr, Edw. Bartlett, J G A Creighton, JasTremain, Edw Pryor, William! Pryor, Jr, .'Vndw Richardson, R Richardson, J Tempest, C Wi H Harris, Nepean Clarke, J R Glover, Robt Gruber, J J SawyerJ and C W Hill, Esqrs. Standing Committee of Revision, Rev Drl Willis, Rev R F Uniacke, Rev A D Parker, Kev Edwin Gilpin, and Rev J C Cochran. I j J Ministers of the Established Church of Scotland. Halifax, Rev. Jno. Scott, A. M. 1 I Synod of Nova Scotia, in connection with the Church of| Scotland. Moderator, Rev Jno. McRac. Synod Clerk, Rcv.|y Don. Mackintosh. !| Presbytery of Halifax. — Halifax, Rev. Jno. Martin andj Rev. Jas Mackintosh. Dartmouth, Rev. Alex. Romans, A M.'^ CornwnUis, Rev. Wm. Forsyth, (retired), and Rev Geo Struth- j ;er3. Bermuda, Rev. A. O. Grcig. Laivrence Town, Rev. Jas.; j [Morrison. Shelbvrnc and Yarmouth, Rev. Jno, Ross. ClerfcA Rev. Jas. Morrison. li I Presbytery of Pictou.— Eii.s/ River, Rev. JnoMcRao. St.lj '•Mary's and Lochaber, Rev. Don. MacConachle. MerigomishA Rev*. Alex.McGillivray. Nciv Glasgow, Rev. Donald A. Fra^ier. j pictou. Rev. Kenneth J. McKenzie,^ A. M. IVallacc, Rev. Hugh ' juTcKenzie. West and Middle Rivers, Rev. Don. Mackintosh. Clerk, Rev. Don. Mackintosh. gor. '/W 1838J ne, Rev.! e, AB.; ,-. .las C\ ier, Rev.' ris, A .M. ssionurv, It, A B. 'ay, Rev. Sijdncij, 5lia\v. ' Christian :;h(leacon National : B. ; the! )ciety for d Bishop on Chief 5Cott, and 'y, Henry ing Com- h, and J. irr, Edw , William ;st, C Wi Sawyer,' Rev Dr in Gilpin, t 15 Ihurch of| lerk, Rev.', I lartln andj ns, A MA eo Struth-i Rev. Jas.J 5. Clerfi^' cRao. 57.; lerii^omish^l A. Fraser. 5 lev. Hughl ackintosh .11 ui Pii j ra>^gw w""J»iJ Ji ' u i ; 1838. 1 ' »F. ' . t» WA i||l . i W I .IWml l Ji l'' AWHH« i ail | .,^»l»JMJt. ,JI ' i. 1 ' 'if .l ' l'»JH. J t UlWKW ) . miJ. FARMER S AJ.M.VNACK. 2'.i « Presbytery of P. E. Iijland. — Jjcl/ust, Rev. .l.'io McJ.cii-|' i'nan. Threa Rivei's and Murray Harhuur, Rev. itodk. McAuUjy.i' i CVer/c, Rev. . ' ' ii Pregijytery of Cape-Bretox. — Boidai-ihrie Ldnml, Rov.|| i'Jas. Fraser. Middle River, Rev. Alex. FarquhiU': 011. luotri ; Inhabitants^ Rev. Dugald McKii'l)an. St. Georjrd'a ChannelJ j Rev. Jno Stewart, AM. Clerk, Rev. Dugalu Mac Kichan. | The Synod meets at Halifax this year on the second Wcdnes- |;day in August. Presbyterian Church of Nova- Scotia. Presbytery of Truro. — Londonderry, Rev. .T. Brown, iTmro, Rev. Onslow. Rev. .1. Baxter. Doundai, Rev. 1 |T. S. Crowe. Musquodoboit, Rov. Jno Sj)roLt. Kconor.itj, Rev.j' A.Kerr. Sewiacke^liev. J, Smith. JVindsor, Rov. J. Murdocli Gay^s River, Rev. R. Blackwood. Presbytery of Pictou. — JLV/sf JitiY;r, Rev. D. Roy. West] /Jirer, Rev. Jas Ross. River John, Rev. .l.Mitcholl. Merigom{sh,\r Rev. VV. Patrick. Anligo7iish, Rev. Tlios Trotter. Mabon^l Rev. Wni. Miller. Pldou Town, Rev. J. McKinlay, A. M.jj Upper Selllemenl, (E. R.) Rev. A. McGillivray. Talama<jrouchc, Rev. n. Ross. Miramichi, Rev. i. MoCurdy. SI. Mary's, Rev.^^ Jno. Campbell. Prksbytery of p. E. Island —, Rev .mo Keir.!'; \St Peters, Rev Robt Douglas. RichviondRayJlev Wui TlIcG.-i-;j gor. Bcdequc, RevR S Patterson. New London, Ilex. .Ino.Goddio.l: Professor of TheolnQ:y, Rev. Thos McCulIoch, D D. Preach-, ei Rev. Danl. McCurdy. | The Synod meets anniiidly at Pictou on tholastTueiidiy of June. \ Synod Clerk, Rev Jas Robson. Clerir,}) ofi';e Roman Catholic Chvrch. Right Rev. William Fraser, D D. Bisliop of Tunon, and Vicarj? |Apostolic of Nova-Scotia, residing" at Antia-onish. I Halifax, Rov. J. Laurrlilin, P. P. and Rov. .fas. Drunimond, Curate. Chezetcooke, Rev. Dennis Geary. St. J\iarfs, Rev, Abbe Sygogne. Manchester, Rev. .fas Grant, Traeadi:. Rev.|)| :Jno Quinnan, and Rev. Pere Francois. St. Margartl's, Rev.; Patrick McLeod, Sydney, C. B. Rev. Henry McKoa}2;iicy. Bras jri'oj- Lake, Rev. Michael McKeagney. St. Pe'cr's, Rev. Patrick? McKeac^ney. Prospect, ^'c. Rev. . Anligonlsk and St. Andrews, Rev. Dr. Fraser. Port Hood, Rev. Alex. iMcDonald. Pictou and Meri gohiish , Rev. Doyle, Windsor^ tiarton, $}'c. [lev. S. Lawlor. Jfcsleyan Methodist Missionaries. Halifax, Rev, J. P. Ileilierington, and Rev. Thomai. Smith. | \Windsor, Rev. Alex. McL^od. Newport. Kev. Wm. Bennett,^ 'Sup.ernumerary, and Rev. Wm Wilson. Shnbenacadie &{ Trnro,\ 'Rev. .T. Whcelock. Parrsboro', Rev. H. Pope. Horton, Rov. 1 iJno. Marshall. Bridg'itown and Aylcsford, Rev. Geo. Miller,.! (Supernumerary), Rev. Peter Sleep, and Rev. Fredk Sniallvrood.;! C2 ^ii il M: I 1. .'•4 m - 4\ If 1^^' ^k 130 FAllMEU S ALMANACK. itasJ Annapolis and Dighy, Kov. Geo Johnson. Lunenhurs^, Rev. W. E. Shenslon. Liverpool, Rev. Wrn Smith, and Rev J V Yarmouth, Rev. Jno iMcAIurray. Barrington, Rev. Jas Know Ian. Guyshoro\ Rev. Robt. Cooncy. Wallace, Sfc. Rev. Jas Buckley. Ship Harbour, Rev. David Jennings. Sydney, C. i?.'| Rev. Win Webb. Charlotte Town, F. E. Island, Rev. Richard IKnight, Chairman of the district. Bcdequc, Rev Thos H Davies Murray Harbour, Rev. Matt. Smith. JVesleyan Methodist Missionary Auxiliary Society. Treasurers, Rev. Ricluird Knight and J. Leander Starr, p]sq. Secy's. Rev. J. P. Hetheriniiton and John H. Anderson, Esq, CoMMWi'vii: — Halifax, M. G. Black and Hugh Bell, Esqrs.j Liverpool, Joshua Newton, Robt Barry and Jas Bars;?, EsqrsJSj Shelburne, Mr. Alex II Cocken. Norton, T A S Dewolf, Esq J and Mr. Robt D Dewolf. Windsor, Mr. Mich Smith. Nnrport^j jJno Allison and Wm Allison, Esqrs. Shubenacadie, Rich'd.i !' Smith, Esq. Parrsbo7'o\ C E. Ralchford, Esq. Wallace, Joshua' iHuestis, Esq. Sydney, C. B. J G Marshall, Esq. Charlotte-' Toivn, Mr. Isaac Smith. jRcJtr/uc, Joseph Poi)e, Esq. I |i Q^^ The Conference for this year will be held at Charlotte i Town, P. E. Island, the first Monday in June, 5 * Protestant Methodist Church — Halifax, Rev, Thomas Taylor. ^1 Ministers of the Baptist Church. |i Halifax, Rev. E. A. Crawley, A M. and Rev Jno. Burton. %fl'indsor, Rev. Rich'd McLearn. Rawdon, Rev. Jno. Doyle. j Nevjport, Rev Geo Dimock, Horton, Rev T S Harding and Rev Jno Pryor, A M. Cornwallis, Rev Edw Manning-, Rev Jno | 5i Cogswell, Rev David Harris. Rev Wm Chipman, Rev Abr.^ Stronach. Aylesford, Rev E/.ekiel Marstors. Wilniff, Revh Natt Viditoc. Nict,M, Rev I E Bill. Wilmot Mountain, Rev|j Jno Chase. Lower Granville, Rev J B Cogswell, Annapolis and i i Upper Granville, Rev R Cunningham. Clements, Rev Israel Pot- I tcr and Rev Henry Saunders. Bryer Island and Long Island, [jRev Wellington Jackson. Dighy Neck, Rev Peter Crandall.; iScissiboo,{ie.\ Chas Randall. Yarmouth, Rev Harris Harding,' pRevWm Burton, and Rev Harris Harding. Amherst, Rev Chas, HTupper ?nd Rev Saml McCulIey. Onsloic, Rev Jas Mtmro. f- Parrsbcro\ Rev Silas T Rand. Sewiacke, Rev Geo Richardson.! \Guyshoro\ Rev He/ekiah Tiull. Aatigonish, Rev. Jno Whiddenj I Chester, Rev. Jos Dimock and Rev Jas Sk»''rry. Fort Medic ay, \ ■' Rev Ilartling Porter. New Albany, Dalhousie and Spring field,\ Rev Tho.^ Delong. jyellington, Rev May nard Parker. Prince\ Edward Island, Rev Jno Shaw, Rev Ingram E Bill and Rev. W| [^ Chipman. H| Licentiates, Messrs. Jno Woodworth, Tlios Rand, Isaac Chip- I man, Obadiah Saunders, David Dimock, P. D, Lavers, Geo ['Armstrong, and Stubbard. The Association for this year will be held at Chester on the ! first Monday after the 20th June. inasaztaaammtm ■ra mniiaii niwi" ! Jno is lev. W. V Jost/^ 5 Know- Lev, Jas, Richard il Davies irr, Ksq.:| j :>v\, Esq.' i 1, Esqvs :, Esqrs.ij olf, Esq.'l Ni''ii''port;i . Rich'd.' e, Joshua Jluirlotle- Charlottei s Taylor. . Burton, o. Doyle, rding and; •, Rev Jno lev Abr. ^ if't, Rev! I tain, Rev' apolis and srael Pot- ?iflf Island, Crandall. Mavdingv Rev Chas, Munro. chardson. VVhidden -t Med way, I ))r Ins; field, | Prince \ id Rev. W Sine Chip- .vers, Geo ter on the ,s 1838. PAIIMER S ALMANACK. J\''ova- Scotia Baptist Education Society. Board of Director.s. Rev. Edw Mdnmng, President ; Rev Chas Tupper and Jas W iNultuig, Esq. Vice-Presidents: Rev Messrs Jno Burton, IE: iBillj S JJancrolt, Jos Crandall, Alexis Casweil, \V Chipnism, RJ W Cunningliam, E A Crawley, Jos Ditnock, Geo Diinock, Tj 3 ■Messrs. y'jticu. iviii[Miicin, ;^\iajor v^iupumn, iioines L/nipman,' jJohn Ferguson, Wni Johnson, Jas Lent, and Doctor LyndsJ \Trcasurer, Simon Fitch, Esq. Scc'ys. Rev E A Crawley, Revj iVVm Chipinan, Manns;ing Committee, Rev. E. A. Crawley,! |Rev Win Chipman, Rev Jno Pryor, Lewis Johnston, Jas W iNutting, Jas W Johnston, W Johnson and Simon Fitch, Esqvs. Board for Foreign and Domestic Missions. Rev Messrs Edw Manning, T S Harding, W Chipman, David (Jarris, Jas Munro, Jno Pryor, I E Bill, V.m IJir *on and E A Crawley — J W Nutting, Wm A Chipman, Simon Fitch and E F Harding, Es([rs. Messrs Homes Chipman, Wm Cogswell and Walter Reed. Treasurer, W A Chipnjan, Esq. Sec'ijs. Rev. jWm Chipman. Managing Committee, Rev E A Crawley, Rev. Wm Chipinan and Rev R McLearn. Treasurer for Foreign Missions, J W Nutting, Esq. Sec'y.for Foreign Missions, Rev E A Crawley. Jifrican Baptist Church— ll?Ai{,xy., Haw Free Christian Baptist Ministers. Barrington and Cape Sahle, Rev Asi\ McGray. The Main] IRevThos Crowell. Port Latour, Rev. Edw Reynolds. Argyle,^ JRev Jacob B Morton. Liverpool, Rov Jas Melvin. Halifax^' [Rev Thomas Brady. Yarmouth, Rev ( -harles Knovvles. ./lnna-\ Spoils, Rev Asa Beiit. Licensed Ministers, Rev Messrs. Albertj ISwim, Josh. Nickcrsonand Stephen Steel. Nova Scotia Bible Society. PresidenL His Excellency Sir Colin Campbell. Vice-Presi- dents, Hon. H H Cogswell, and Hon Joseph Allison. Committee, R-^v E A Crawley, Rev Jno Martin. Rev Jas Morrison, Rev Jno I'Scott, Rev R F "Uniackc, Rev W Cogswell, Rev Jas Mcintosh. jlRov J P Hetherington, Major G Pringle, R A. ; MB Almon.j iJIugh Bell, David Hare, Lewis Johnston, r.i d. Jas W Johnston, Pjno McNeil, Geo N Russell, Jas N Shannon and Wm Pryor, jr lEsqrs. Treasurer and Depository. M G Black, Esq. Scc'y. J VV Nutting, Esq. ^ . v' : = tttuaa ) V >■ l<.^ ' £ r ' M '^ j i iT'. — joiuM . ii' ! ' « w' .ujmi ii i.iinw >ii -"."iei ' • Ti j*!* " .m" » ''] ii»»»w»lliii » i « > .iii »%!■#— ^iwr]<w«i^»i>i»»i :.3-:2 FARMER S ALMANACK. I ens: Commisslonei'S and JuHllcest of the Peace for Snhlc Island ; i Seal Litands and Mad hlmuh, Win. Lawson, Edw Wallaco, Edw j L(-unanl, Ksqrs. Clerk, Mv. Edw Diicketl, jr. Superintendant re ^'sidinu^ on, ,^ablc Island, Mr Joscpli Darby. j] Commissioner a ofLin-hf Houups, Hon. S. Cunard, Thos. May jnard, R.N. and .Jacob Miller, Esqrs. • MASONIC. The most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free Masonry. Grand Ma,stcr of En^landlW^ Royal liitrlniesy thoD^ke of Sussex. • ' • Officers of the R IV Grand Lodii;e of Nova ^coiUt. R /rjohn Albro, Esq. Provincial Grand Master. R JV JnOj Stirling. Esq Dep Grand Master. R /r AloxKeiLli, Esq. Senior; Grand Warden. R W .las Forman, jr Esq. Junior Grand! 'Warden. R /F J T Twining, L) D Grand Chaplain. VW iJas Fnllerton, Esq. Grand Treasurer. V IV. A G Blair, E]sq. Grand Secretary. COUNTY OF HALIFAX. I lirrh Sheriff, .John James Sawyer, Esq. Coroner, Jas E. Gray, Esq. llig-li Court of Chancery, held before the Master of the Rolls, every Monday throughout tiie year. Court of Vice Admiralty sits at Halifax on i\\Q first and third\ .Monday in every month. | Supreme Court sits at HaliUix, 1st Tucs. of. January; ,*kl,| Tuesday of April ; -id Tuesday of July ; and 8d Tuesday of Oct, Pi-otlioiiotary, and Clerk of the Crown, Jas. W. Nutting, Esq. Inferior Court sits at Halifax, 2d Tues. of March., June, Sept. Dec— JuDGKS, Jas Forma i, and Esqrs. j Commissioner's Court luld at Halifax, on the 1st Monday ofl ■every month. Comnirs. Jas Forman, Richard Tremuin, Jno.| ILiddell, and D. S. Clarke, Esqrs. Clerk, Jas S. Clarke, Esq.j Sessions of the Peace held at Halifax, 1st Tuesday of Mirch, iJune, September and December. Police Office open every day throughout the year (Sundays and Holy days excepted.) Justices, Wm QSawcrs, Jno Liddell, and J. Leander Starr, Esqrs. Clerk, D.S. Clarke, Esq. Constables, 'Geo Ghizebrook, Jas Ham, and Wm. Mills. , Jusiices of the Peace. — William Q. Sawers, {Custos) ; John Liddell, Richard Tremain, Adams Archibald, Samuel, JAlbro, John Albro, Thomas Holland, Isaac Rayne, Henry Y Mott, Geo N Russell, J Leander Starr, Wm Logan, H A Glad iwin, Jno Howe, W^m Annand, VA''m Stewart, Wm K Reynolds iEdw H Lowe, Geo B Creighton, Thos Green, Thos B Desbrisay iFrancis Parker, A. Melnnes, and Wm Anderson, Escjrs. HTilWMni r.p, E(l\v .dant re- DS. May-'! tnry. ii fSussex lilt. R W J no;" \. Senior; ir Grand; 1. vw\ lair, Ksq. I nary Ikl, ay ofOct. ig, Esq. .iiic, Sept. Esqrs. Monday ofn nain, Jno.i arke, Esq.! of March,! • (Sundays 10 Liddell, 'Constables, [Custos) ;| il, Samuel; Henry Y HA Glad- Reynolds, Desbrisay, irs. 1888. FAllMER S ALMANACK, M3 :he Rolls, j I and third^l Clerk of the Peace, hs Stewart Clarke, Esq — Town and Coun- tij Treasurer, Wni Lawson, Esq. — Clerk of Licence, \Vm M iJo- blois, i.sq, — HcaUh Ojl'ircr, \Vm 13 Almon, Esq. M I). — Dep. LandSurveyors, llalif'iix, ISIessrs J G McKen/.ie iiiul Titus Smith; (jay's ^Mver, Mr Win Loi^an ; Musquodoboit, Islv Jas Kent. Ojjicers of Her Mitjestxfs Customs. Collector, lion Thomas Nickleson .Teffery ; Comptroller, Jno. Walhioe, Est] : Wnitors and Searchers, Jjio JJiackrr.ore, and Saml For^aycth, E.^-jvs ; Tile Si'rvoyor.s, Messrs. P. II. Davis and Wm! Hill (act'rf.) ; Warcliousc-keoper, W II Isles, Esq; Warehouse Locker, Mr Robt Dimnictt , Clerks, Richard Best, J. T. Lane, 'and AllanClarke, Esqrs. Extra Clerks, Messrs Jno Garhy, Sainl. Story, jr. and .las GBoggs ; Surveying Officer, Mr Edw Dnckett, Boatmen Jas Wall, and W Hays. Tide waiters, Errol Royd, lAlcx Hays, Dan) Jones & Jas Miller. Broker, Mr Adam Grieve. \ Officers of Ike Provincial Revenue. \ Collector, Hon H N Binney ; Guager and Weigher, Andrew ! Richardson, Esq ; W^aiters and Shipping Officers, Messrs Jas| 'Barratt, Rubt Hodges and Jno Dempster. Collector of Light Duty, P P James, Esq. Comnussioners of the Revenue. Hon. S. B. Robie, Hon. H. H. Cojiswcll, Wm. Lawson, Law. Hartshornc, and Chas. W. Wallace, Esqs. Clerk, Mr. Edward Ducket, jr. Officers of Her Majeshfs Naval Yard. Commodore Superintendant, Sir Thos Usshcr, A7. C B and K C II. Clerk to do. F L Mouchet, Esq. Storekeeper, John R Glover, Esq. Clerks, Jaa Ritchie and Wm Donald, Esqrs. Gate Poller, Mr Thos Matthews. Officers of Her Majestfs Victualling Yard. j Storekeeper, Jno R Glover, Esq. Clerk, J \V McB'ven, Esq. Halifax Banking Company. ! President, Hon H H Cogswell ; Vice President Wm Pryor, E.5f| ; Hon Enos Collins, Hon Jas Tobin, Jno Clark and Martin ;G Black, Es(jc.-. Cashier, N T Hill, Esq. Clerk, Mr J C Wilkie. Messenger, Mr Jos Keeller. ! Discount Days — Tuesdays and Fridays. Hours of business from 10 to 3 o'clock, Sundays and Holy-days excepted. 'Nott's^ for Discount to be left the day previous, before one o'clock, with; the Cashier. I Bank of Nova- Scotia. ! Directors, M. B. Almon, President; Alex Murison, Lewis; jBliss , Jus B Uniacke, Jas Leislunan, Ja Donaldson, VVm;j ill Snellincr, VVni Murdoch, Alex Wallace, m d. Jno. Bazalgette,' jAlex Keith, Chas Roche, and Jas Treniain, Esqrs. Cashier,' Jas Forman, jr. F.^q. Tellers, Messrs H. Mundell and Benj: iCarliie. Messevger,Mr Jas Maxwell. i I D'scount Days — Tuesdays and Fridays. Hours of busineKs| from 10 to 3 o'clock, Sundays and Holydays excepted. NotesJ i: \i 1'^; r t.r.jiiijrtfmumtr 34 KARMKU S ALMANACK. ie3!5 lor Discount to be loft tlic day previous, bctbre one o'clock, with the Cashier. Bank of llril'ish North Amot'lrn. ■'■ ■ Esliihlislit.'d in J.oiuloiu ('apitnl One .'\lillioii Sterlinp;. Halifax lira n<'!i. Din^dors, Stcphou N. Hinnoy, Manatftr f. lion. Siiniliiol Cuuiird. Aloxaudor 8t.ou;irt. VVilliiiin A. Black,! Jarnos MoNal), :i!ul .). TiC.aiult.r ^^tarr, iv-<jrs, Standing CovnstlSl Is. G. W. j\i\.ljiljiil(], E.sq. L.L.D. Solicilurs and .Voluncs, Wm. i Younn- ami Geo R Young", Esqrs. Jlcc.oantant, Jl (.'assels, E^•(.J. i Tdlcr, Mr \Vrn Curritt. Akssengcr, Mr. D. McPlicr,-on. f Discount Days — Tuesdays and I'riday.s. Hours of business jfrom 10 to -'. o'clock. Notes lor Discount to be led at llie Bank the day i)revious, before 12 o'clock. Saving's Bank. Commissioner and Treasurer, Mr Edw Duckelt, jr. Conimit-ii tee for CKaniininDf the Accounts, Hon IT N Blnney, Sir Rupeit I) George, Bt. and Chad VV Wallace, Esq. The Bank i.s ke[)t at the Office of the Treasurer of the Province, in the Province- Buildin"-. Hours of attendance from 8 to 10 o'clock every Monday morninfj. Comm^rsfor the Poor Asylum. — Hon Jos Allison, Geo N Rus- sell, Jno Clark, M B Almon, Jas VV Nuttin^^ Jno Howe, Lewis Johnston, Hugh Bell, Tbos Williamson, Wm Lawson jr. andj Wm M Allan, Esqrs. — Clark., Mr Robt Phclan. Comm'r.': of Streets. — Halif.ix, Hon H H Cogswell, Hon Jo.-.eph Allison, Geo N Russell, Jas Tremain and Hugh Bell, Esqrs.; Dartmouth, Saml Albro. Edward H Lowe and John Skerry, Estirs. Comm^ rs for Halifax Common. — Hon Henry H Cogswell, Stephen W Deblois and Jas B Uiiiacko, Esqr-. Sec'y Wm M Deblois, Esq. Commr^s, of Schools. — Rev. Dr Willis, Rev John Scott, Law Harts- horne and Edw H Lowe, Esqrs. Clerk, Hugh Hartshorno, Esq. CommWs for granting; licences to Pilots for the Port oj Halifax — EdwC^unard, Jno Williamson, Jno E Fairbanks, JasMcNab,'! and G(?o P Lawson, Esqrs. Commr's for Public Cemeteries.- Wm B BIjss, Mich Tobiii, Geo N Russell, Jas N Shannon, S'l N Binney, Hon H H Cogswell, S W Deblois, Jas B Uniackc,'! and Edw Canard, Esqrs. Trustees of Public Properhj. — Jas G;- ACreitrhton, Matlier B Almon, Wm A Dlaclc, Jos Starr, and Geo] P Lawson, Esqrs. Comni^rs of Town Property. — Geo N Russeb, j Jno Howe, and S N Binney, Esqrs. Comm^rs of Bridewell.— '\ The Justices of the Peace. ' ' Fire Wardens for the. Town of Hal ij ax. South Suburbs — Alex Keith and Wm Storv. jr. Esqrs. St. Peter's Ward— Cbas. Twining {Sec'y.), Robt' iNoble and Chas' W Hill, Esqrs. St. Matthew's Ward— Josh Lee and Petcrl Lynch, Esqrs. St. Paul's Ward — Jno Dempster and Alex. G.j Eraser, Esqrs. County CourtHouseWard — Jno Howe, (Chairman ), and Thos iVdams, Esqrs. St. John's Ward, Robt. Romans, andj! Wm. Murdoch, Esqrs. North Barrack Ward — Geo P Lawson i l N, hony i well, Wm. No jAIuiil '■■Morr I and \ D No I ami 1 I Jas J PGilhc I No, ;Thos jWilsn I No. wald, son ai Roi Mclvii 'Grant! Nelsol Wm fro m I Hai 'Esqr,s| .mb\ HH S Mol Esq. I'dwal Bon hlois, jand \| Ksqr.'^ 'WiMiriiTimnninniir Ttnm m wirin atfirniii a— inatL-tr ;j . Black,! .Is, K.q. j le Bank upeit I) ; kept atj rovince- ck evcrv 1 N Rus , Lewi 1 jr. Jind^ yminrfi oJ\ ison, (jieo itli, Saml mm'rsfor 7 Dcblois Commr^s. \v Harts )Yr\e, Esq. Halifax— s McNab,;! uteries. — | iiannon, S'j Uniackc,'! \j. — Jas G •, and Geo: N Rujiseli,'] •idewell. — isqrs. St.; and Chns; and Peter; 1 Alex. G.; mans, and; P Lawson] 1838. FAllMKft 8 ALMANACK. :35 f^and Iluoh Jioll, INqrs. North Suhiirbs— Saml Marshall, W j! ^tStarr, Gasper aiul JiH.C()i,^s\vell, Eips. j The M.NGiNEs are iiiuler Ihe r()lh)winj» Fire Wiirds. — No. 1, Geo, I*. Lawson — No. 'i, .Tosh Leo — Xo. >}, ilobt. Noble' — No. 4, Clias Twining- — No. 5, Saml .Marshall. |i Fin EngiiK, Coiitpnti'j for tlic Town of Halifax. t Captain, Thos. Cassedy, i ! No. I, Eiiu;ine. — \Vm. (.'.ildwcll, Lif-nt ; F. Slurmy, .las. Ma-' jhony, Thos Lownds, »Sand CUducH, .Ino JVlcJjCiui, Geo Cald-' i well, Hen. IJrown, W. Whfslon. Wui. Ni.sbcil, Henry Iliimson,; ^iWm. Palt(;rson, Jr. .las Sniithors, and VVm Norlhrup. . j W No. Ji, En;j,'ine. — Wni Crawlord, Lienl ; Edw. Simmy, .ler.' SiMuhlia-, .(oarph Sfiiv(>n, Dan). JNIri.c .u, l.en. Eiiuriliiard, lli«:h.! jj'Morris, 13rui:e AJeDonald, .!as Roue, J no Burton, Edwin Sterns, 'and WiM Stevens. ' .. . j I No. .'^, Kn^,inc.— Geo. Little, Lieut; Ilobt. A. Bii!;];y, ,S'ec'j/.' and Trcnsarcr ; (xeo. Smilhers, Jno .lolmson, jr. Aleve. Jvniu'ht,' I Jas .Licl^son, Jno Fieldinix, David McTiere, Geo. iUcxander. I^GUbcrt Elliott, iind ThoslJrewer. . .• | i No. 4, Engine. — Benjamin Siriithors, Iwout; Stephen F;tudley,; ;Thos Holloway, Hen G Hill, David Woodill, Geo Gauld, Tho.s, iVVilson, Amos Pedler, Jno .lanvin, J)()n. Sutherland, 1?. Fro<t.{ I No. 5, Engine. — Hen. S[)ikc, Lieut.; Jos. MeGill, Andw Os-j wald, Jas Dechman, jr. Robt VVoodill, Jno Wills, jno Robert i son and Robt Jamieson. . . | Axe Fire Company. j Robert Riehardson, Cajitain ; Matt!;cw Lownds, Tit ; Thos.' MeKie, see'y. ; Errol Eoyd, Wm Marvin, Henry Aliller, Jas' 'Grant, PatMahany, Jno iVlcPherson,Chas Marvin, Eph. Lawlor,i ;Nelson Marvin, Peter ThoroughL;;ood, Robt Graham, .!no. Muh-j lisf, Wm Lunn, Roland Eustace, Goo Dravis, Peter Aitz aiidj Wm Wisdom. Q;?^ The Fire Enp-ino Company and Axo Fire-iMon are exempt |from Militia duty and from sorviiirr aa Jurors. Halifax FireLnurance Company. — Diix'ctors, Jno.Albro, Pres. M B Almou, F Stevens, C Twiiiiiirr, .1 Eee, and Alex Keith,! Esqrs. Sac'y and Treasurer, Rich Tremain, jr. Esq. ,/Hhion Life and Fire Insurance Coinpany. — President, Honj H H Cogswell. Director:?, Hon Jos Allison, S N Binnny, Jno, S Morris, and S \V Dcblois, Esqrs. Solicitor, Jas B Uinacko,' iEsq. Sec'y and Trea.«urcr, Henry Pryor, Esq. j I Ifarfford Fire Insurance Comnau^!, Ai^ent for Nova Scotia, P.' :rid\vard Island, and Newfoundland, J L Starr, Es(}. at Halitux. j Nova Scotia Marine Insurance Comnavy — Directors, Wm Pry- or, President; W^m A Black, Jno ^^'illialrlSon, Law Hartshorne, lUon Jos Al!i.-on, Jas G A Creisditon, Edw Cunard, S W De- |l)lois, Wm Lavvson, jr. JC Alliso'i, S. N. Einney, Joseph Starr. |and Wm Saltus, Esqrs. Auditors, Thos Williamson & S Binney, Ksqrs. Solicitors, Jno Whidden, and Jas F Gray, Esqrs. Bro- If' I ! i! % i! \i 11 I P k H^ 3(J FAKMKU S AI-MANACK. Id38- kers, Messre" H Yeoinans, jr. and A G Fiaser. Ollice, lieilford Row, opjxjsito the Cornmissariut. Halifax Marine Insuritnce Association. — (Jonimittco, iM C Al- mon, S B Sinitli, Jno Edw iStair, J N JSlianuon, \V B Fair- batiks, Jas Trcinain, and JnoDulI'iis, Jjls(irs. Brok'jfj J Ji Starr, Es(j. OfUcc, (irnnville JMrcct. I United Ki}ig<!om Life Assurance Company, No. 8, Waterloo. Place, Pail-Mall, London. — Agent, VV F JJlack, Esq. ut llalitax.! Pelican Life Insurance Company oj London. — Agent, 'or Nova] Scotia, and New IJrunswick, M B Almon, Esq at llalil'ax New- York Life Insurance and Trust Company. — Aji;cnt f(>r Nova Scotia, P E Island, and New Brunswick, J. Loandcr Starr, Esq. at Halifax. Central Fire Insurance Company, Fredcriclon, N. B. — Agent for Nova Scotia, Jno Morrow, Esq. at Flalilax. Agents for Lloyds — At ilalila::, Messrs. .J & M Tobin. At Pictoii, JNlr Jas Dawson. At Cape Breton, P H Clarke, Esq. Halifax Dispensary. — Patron, Sir (.'olin Campbell, K C B. President, The Lord Bishop. Vice Presidents, Her Majesty's Council. Governors, Rev, Dr. Willis, Rev. R. F. Uniacke, Rev. Jno Scott, Rev John Laughlin, Hon Samuel Cunard, Hon H H Cogswell, Hon Jas Tobin; S G W Archibald, John Albro, M G Black, Jas Forman, Law Hartshorne, J VV Nutting, Geo N Russell, and Rich'd Tremain, Esqrs. Secretaries and Medical Attendants, Jno Siirlinjr, M D. and Wm Grj^or, M D. Esqrs. Dispensary in Bedford-Row, open every day except Sunday, from 1 to 2 o'clock, p.m. Horticultural Society. — Patrons, Sir Colin Campbell. K C B and Sir Peter Halket, G C H. Lady patroness. Lady Campbell. President, Hon Thos N Jcifery. V. P's. Hon Chas R Prescott, Lt Col. Jones, R E. and Hon Jos Allison. Sec'y. C H Went- worth, Esq. R E. Shuhenacadie Canal Compan?/.— Hon TN Jeffery, President; Hon Saml Cunard, and Hon Joseph Allison, Vice Pres ; Sec'y. Chades R Fairbanks, Esq. Halifax Mkchanic's Institute. — Patron, Sir Colin Camp bell, K C B.; President, Geo R Young, Esq. V. P's. Messrs. Andw McKinlay and A. McKenzie ; Sec'y Mr Jas S Thompson ; Treasurer, Jas Forman, jr. Esq. Committee, Messrs. Geo L. O'Brien, W Gossip, J McLean, Wm Donald, Wm N Silver, Andw Downs, Wm Grigor, M. D. J W Nutang, and Jos Howe. Curator, Mr. Jno McDonald. Halifax Mkcuanic's Library. — President, Mr C H Bel- cher ; Treasurer, Mr Jno Naylor ; Committee, Messrs Thos B Akins, R M Barratt, J. Scott Tremain, Jno Watt, and Alex Keith, and the President and Treasurer. Sec'y and Librarian, Mr B Carlile. Open every evening (except Sunday and Wednes day) from 7 to 9 o'clock. On Wednesday evening from 6 to ' o'clock. ... * ,'r . . |le.".W. ! ih't f> La\^ Liwl On Lniioi p(dis, On Piol.on |{!umb( I Now 1 'for I'j O.v' On mourli O:; ! I! On llHorton jand Nc On ' O.v) \nnapr Ox h Horton On Anna !| On liNow |land, :nis;h, G ,boro' V Explai One do. Two (I( Two do A Peiu The 'cordin; tion of ■seen, v be hois An Do. Do. Do. Do. III lord LJ Al- Fair- SUUT, ilifuxJ Nova lax. nt for Starr, Agent n. At Esq. <:cB. ijesty's , Rev. bn II n , MG Geo Nl Vlcdical Esqrs. Sunday, K C B. impbell. 'rescott, [ Went Ejsident; ; Sec'y. 1 Camp- Messrs )inpson ; . Geo L. >[ Silver, s Howe. H Bel- I Thos Bj nd Ales ibrarian, "Wednes- [11 6 to ^ • f t ^ m K^umMJnm i im tmmt m t J i-tit mirmrKmj r-zr. rr 'wn y rmem^ i\» n » " " w i/im iib.'W. FAKMEll S Al.MA.NACK. • >/ Ifdlifa.y lirudin^^ Room — (-'oiiuniltec, ^^' A Dhicl:, Chairman ; (ico P La\V!-on, S liiniit.'y, Win Mnidocli, Wm J 8t;\rr, T Williamson, and Law Haruhcjrno, Es(irri. Siiijcriiilcnclant , ISIr John JJiirktlt. MaiU iiutde up at HaliJ'tic. On AiOiNDAV, far Newport, Windsor, Parr:?l)oro', Chostcr, Lunoiihurf!:, Liverpool, yholburrio, Ilurlon, Kentville, and Anna- polis, at 1 o'clock, ;;. m. On V/ki'Mospav, fur Gay's River, MMsquodoboit. Triiro, I'i'iUjii, Antijfoiiis!i, Guysboro', Onslow, LondoniioiTy, Meoiioiiiy, i (lumbnrland, I'rincc E(lw;ird [.sland, C.-ipc i?reto!i, tlio (^imadris,! Now Ljrunswick, and tlio United States, at, 1 o'clock, />. ,v/.arid' for Parr.sboro', via Amherst, dnrii g tlie winter. I I On Thl'usoay, for Truro and l*ictuu, at4 o'clock, p m. \ I On FiMDAY, />r Windsor, Kciitville, Annajiolis, jii^liy, Var-{ 'nioutli, Shclburnc, NowBrunswick, and the U.S ut o'clock, /7m.' I On Saturday, for Truro and Pictnn, at 4 o'clock, /;. m. I Mails arrivo at llalifox. ! j On Monday Evcninj,'', /ro»i Newport, Windsor, ICentvillcj illorton, Ciiuster, Limenburg, Liverj)uol, ►Sliclburnc, Annnpolis,! and Now Brunswick. On Tur.sDAY Evcninrv", From Truro and Picton. O.v WEDNKSDAYEvoiMnrj, from Windsor, Horton, Kontvillf. Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne, New Brunswick, and On Friday Evonioir, (during the Summer) /row Windsor, Horton, Kontville, and the United States. On Thuusday Evening, from Truro and Pictou. Annai)olij5. On Saturday Eveninir./row the United States, the Canadas New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton, Cinnber- iiand, Londonderry, Onslow, Economy, Mus(pio,io'joit. Anti^-o- nish, Guysboro', Pictou, Truro and Gay's River, and from Parrs- boro' via iimherst during the winter. Explanation of Signals made at the Ciladcl Hilt, IlnHfax, when Vessp.l.f are comintj^ up the Harhour. \ One ball close, a s^quare ri^rgetl vessel l A Pendan under a ball fi do : One do. half hoisted '-ido'Do. over a ball half hoisted* '7 doi Two do. close "••SdojDo. luider 'I do. close 8 i\o Two do. separated* •• •- 4doiDo. between 2 do. s^epnraled, 9 do; A Pendant of any colour* • ••5 do! A flag of any colour, 10 or more do | The above signals are hoisted at the east or west yard arm, ac-! cording to the quarter the vessel first appears ir, with the addi-i tion of a ball at the centre of the yard, until tiie vessel can he! seen, when one or more of the following descriptive colours will be hoisted at the mast head. An Union, a Flag Ship, with or without a squadron. Do. with a red pendant over it, a Two Decker. Do. with a blue pendant over it, a Frigate. Do. with a white pendant over it, a sloop o? war. Do. with a white and red pendant over it, a small armed vessel. O .Hi W' y I I li i ! ,>!' '38 ^^~' • ■1 ■ L 'qmwi.a ii., . ■» »-r»T<*5S"T!» PARMril S ALMANACK. 1838.: Neutral Fleet. < 1 II A red flag, centre ;i wlnte square, a Packet A I'luc pcrnlanl, a xMcrcIiaiit Ship. A red do. a Morcliant Brig. A white do. a tojisail Schooner or Sloop. A biiio aiul v.hiieilaic, liorizontally divided, A white and f)luc i'ondant. Neutral Man-ol-War. A Hue i\iV'\ Xcutial IMcrchant Ship. A red, white and blue flag, an Enemy's Fleet. A red flag, an !']noniy's Merchantman, An Union Jack o\ er Neutral or Enemy's Signals, vessel is de- ; lained or piize. \ A w hi(c pendant with two hlue crosses, aTransport or Troopship. ^' A v.Iiile flag over any signal. Vessel bears a flag ot" truce. A rod and blue fl?g, crossed wdute, Boston Mail Boat. A white and red pendant, Bermuda Mail Boat. A white and blue pciulant, vessel has an Engrlish mail. A I all nt t!ic mast head, Vessel is onshore in distress. — Should ij iniiacdiate aid be necessary, guns are to be fired. I'Explanaiioti of ,*>?V"«/.f — Made on the Ensign SlaiT, to denote the part widch Vessels entering the Harbour arc from. A red Flag, Great-Britain. A red aiul while do. Mediterranean. A red Pcndiuit, Continent of Europe. jl A v.hile anirred Pendant, Madeira, Canary, or Western Isles. A blue Flag, West-Indies. A blue Peiulant, Bermudas, Bahamas, or Turk's Island. A blue and wdute Flag, United States. A while flag, Newfoundland. A red and white ilag, horizontally divided, Quebec, or Gulf of ! St. Lawrence. A blue and white Flag, horizontally divided NewBrunswick, or ;|Bay of Fundy. A v.'hite Pendant, coasts of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. Repeats from Oat-posh, at Citadel Hill. For a sejUare rigged Vessel, two balls of a size. A ':'hi{), a large ball at the end of the yaid, with a small one inl the centre. ' A I.ozonge, in ths centre close up, a Sloop or Schooner. Do. half hoisted, two or more Schooners. < MerchanVs Private Signals — Port of Halifax. I B L U E. -T. L. Starr, a Blue Flag. ; i S- Cunnrd & Co do... centre a white star. : I Stephen Hinney .do crossed white. ! 1 Wm. Story do centre a white square. ; .John Clark do ... . crossed white diagonal!} . McNab & Cochran do .... crossed red. Wm. Pryor & Sons, a blue and white do. blue uppermost. j G. P. Lawson, a blue and white chequered do. | r edge. 1838.: Fleet. isel is de- roopship.| nice. >at. hil. — Shouldlj denote Hie tern Isles, and. or Gulf of ins\vick,or Ireton. nail one inj ner. r. I itar. square, •liagonall}. rmost. I i, ' . ■ m lii'Trr"*"- - *^^ 1838. FARMER S ALMANACK. '-ail* M. Richardson, a blue and red do. Idiie next tiio mast. W. B. Hamilton, a blue, while and 'nlurdo, bliuMtpj^Grinoit.'? Francis Stevens, a blue, white and hluo do. blue next the mast, j M.B.Alraon,a blue and red do. crossed \vhile,bbjc next the mast. VVm. Lawson, jr. a blue and white do. blue next the mast and at the end. A. & J. McNab, a blue and red do, blue uppermoj>t. Joseph Allison & Co. a blue Burgee. Conrad West & Son, do. centre a white star. iR E D.— D. & E. Starr, & Co. a Red Flag. j J. & M. Tobin do. . . .crossed white. ' Creiirhton &Grassie, . . .do • . . .crossed white diaaonallv. Deblois & Merkle,. . . do centre a white square. j Roliert Noble, do. centre a white N. i Wm. Roche, do. .centre u white diamond. W. H. S. Neal, do. centre a white star. N. LeCain ^' Son. do. crossed i^luc diagonally Alex. Fiddes, a red and white do. red uppermost. Thomas Laidlaw,ared, white and red do. red uppermost. Boggs & Ilartshorne, a red and white chequered do. Saltus & Wainwright, a red, white, and blue do. red and white| next the mast, red uppermost, lilue at the end. j Fairbanks Si Allison, ii red and yellow do. striped horizontally.! R. D. Clarke, a red, white, blue, white, and red do stxiped horizontally. Jas Donaldson, a red and white chequered do. Alex. A. Black, a blue, white and rod, do. blue next the mast. Robt. M. Brown, a red burgee, centre a white B. James Leishman & Co. do. crossed white diagonally. W. &. J. McNeil, do. centre a white star. WHIT E.— .T. & T. Williamson, a White Flag. Wm. J. Starr,. . , do. centre a blue star. Herbert Bazalgettc, do. centre a red Maltese Cross. Wm. Stairs, do. centre a blue square. M. Curzon, do. crossed red. James A. Moren, do. bordered red. H. Fay, do. centre a thistle. Fairbanks & McNab, do. crossed blue. John Ross, do. centre a blue Maltese cross and I ordered blue. Wm. Strachan, a white, red, and white do. v.hite next the mast. GeoHandley, white, blue and white do. white uppermost. Jos. Fairbanks, while and bUie do. the blue rneotiiu;; in the centre at a point from the four i o: lu r?. T, Piers, a blue and white Oo. blue iiu-nlcd from tiic outer: edge. j. A. Bauer, a white and red do. divided diagonally. Jno. Strachan, awhile, red and white do. white uppermost, J. & D. Starr, a white Burgee. j J. II. Reynolds do. crossed red. if .-aajUijirwrr I i rrif ^n rrnnrK i - i f iMnnnanirnrniT-.wi .U; ■ . i iigiiwinv i jM i fim i LniiTMminm— McmegaaaKiQggaiiii — i i ii nm iiii j i saa iaLauM i t< . 40 FARMER' S ALMANACK. J 836. I H. Scott, do. bordered red, centre a blue square. I' Frith, Smith i^c Co. a blue and white burgee, white next the i mast, crossed red in the v;hito. i I Ilalirax and Liverpool Packet Company, a white, blue, v.hitej and red do. white next the mast. i Wm Donaldson, a white and red do. wiiite next the mast. • liufih Lyle, a white and red do. white next the mast, a red II on (lie while and a whiie L on the red. ! YELLOW — T. ii L. Pjers&Co. a yellow flag, centre a blue ball. 1 Thos. C Kinnear, a I'lack ball. EASTERLY UIFLSIOjY. This Division includes the Counties of Colchester, Pictou, Cumberland Sydney and Guysborouoh. Chief Justice of the ilnferior Courts of Common Pleas and President of the Courts of Session, William Q,., Esquire. COUNTY OF COLCIlESTtiR. High Sheriff', George R Grassie, Esq. Coroner, Na^. Marsters, Esq. Supreme Court sits at Truro, 2d Tnos, of Juno, and 3d Tues. of Se}>t. Dcp Proih^y.; and Comvi''r for takhi'^ Special Bail on Actions deptVg in the Sup. Court, Goo)-i;o Dill. Esq. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Truro, 3d Tues of January and 2d Tues of July. Asst. Judg'cs, Thomas I JBrown and Alex. Campbell, Esqrs. \ Justices of the Peace, William (.i Sawers, Jno Dickson, ,Xathanicl Mar.stcrs, Thos I Crown, Jas Flonnning, Edvv. Blan- !chard, D V Crowe, Jno Wier, Wm iluthorford, Alex Campbell, iJno S Fulton, Saml Archibald .'kl, Silas II Crane, Jas Mahan. [Duncan Black, Alex Kent, Jas Moore, Jos FiUton, DavidB Lynds. ;W. Cutton,jr. Chas DMcCurdy, Jno Bonnyman and Fras Parker. Esqrs. Cleric oj'the Peace, Thos Brown, Esq. Jud^^o & Reg-'r. Court Probates, Jonathan Marsters, Esqr.— ' Dep. Reg'r. of Deeds, Geo, Dill, Esq. Dop. Post-m;istcrri, (lay's River, S Monro ; Economy, Silas il. Crane ; Truro, Jno Ross, Esqrs. CoU'r. of Colonial and Li<:lit Duties, .lohu Romans, E.sq. Comm'rs. of Schools, Rev Jno Bnrnyeat, Rev J Brown, Ja? Flommin^, Edw Blanchard and Jno. Bonnyman, Esqrs. Dep Land Surveyor, Mr Alex Miller. COUNTY OF PICTOr. » Hin;h Sheriff, John Harris, Esq. Coroner, Jno McKay. E.sq. Supreme Court sits at Pictou 3d Tues. of .lune and 2d Tues. of Sept. Dep. ProlWy.; Clerk of the Peace; and Comm^r for takinix Special Bail on Actions dcpd'g;. in the Supreme Court, Jas. Skinner, Esq. iMtMa r .11 > jwwi^Wfii iitc«AJ.w< *aiM mummKin^A ■««»rr;ii.»»A^- ^ tfotaiiui'.a^iffljxxacinir'j J 836. next llie I ,. i lie, v.hitc I I last. j ist, a red t tre a blue' I ' ■I ' . ' Xi f ,■< ■■' .Haw i »f - i •■ <nm: -r- .JU,«ui/4Hm^iR,wy -j ■1838. FAKMKP/3 AL:I AN A CK. r, Pictou,i ce ot" the he Court: MarsterSji 3d Tnes.' ^al Bail on \ ! Truro, 3d , Esqrs. » Dickson, Idvv. Blan- Camj'bcll. IS Mahan. idBLynd?. •as Parker rs, Esqr.— tors, (lay's Jno Ross, mans, Esq.; irown, Ja? Dej) Land )Kny. Esq. 2d Tues. 7ow7?i'r for Court, J as. 41' I Inferior Court and Sessions of tho Peacf, i.cld fit Pictou firstg iTues. of Jan'y. and first Tues. of July. iVs.-^t. Judn-Q^^, Geo t:>inith,' !R Louden, and Abraham Patterson, il^nr.-;. ' 1 Justices of the Peace, VVm. if. S.i'voiS, ]l()!)"rt Jioudon, Goo ISrnith, Jno Eraser, Abr Patterson. \Yui Muf'iieurion. ]);ivid Mc- i iLean, Robt McKay, Jas CarnHch;;el. Jno Oidin.;-. (ioo. McLoocl,'| iHenrv Hatton, D Crichton, J ilohnos, Ken AicLoaii, A;i;un Carr,'* Jas Eraser, Jos II Smith, and llobt Murray, l'Jst;rs. jj I Judge and Reg'r. Court of Probates, Uco h-'mith, E.-q. Dop1 Reg'r of Deeds, Peter Crerar, ll<v. D .'p. l'^to!•, Alex P'' :Ross. Esq. CoH'r of Customs, J H Noonan, Es-.. C d!'r of Colo-'f nial Duties, Thos Dickson, Esq. CoU'r of Ei_iit Duty, Wni Cor-'l bett, Esq. Harbour master, Mr Jno IvIcKny. Li :hr. floiiRo Kepp-; !er, Mr Dav Louden. Pih)ts, Wm Adam-on, An^ds Mc Doiiuid.''^ ;J Powel, W Powel, R Powel, Chas O Neil, aiui W Powol, jr;^ County Treasurer, Mr Matt. Patterson. Coiinn'r.^:. of Stroet.s,1 :John Taylor, Peter Crerar, Daniel;^, Adam D Gor-j don, and Jas D. B. Frasor, Esqrs. Fire W-.rdcns, J. iMcKay, Jno Taylor, Geo McKay, Jas. Daw^ron, Jos Trenaman, Jns Prim-; 'rose, H. Biackadar, Wm. Phair, Eras Bcultin. Tiios Kenton, ■ and Martin, Esqrs. Fire Engine Conip'y. Wm Corbi;tt,.|I; Capt; Adam D Gordon, 1st. Lt.; Wm Murdofh.-"M Lt.; Eire Axe'l ^Company, Capt. J D B Eraser. Com'rs of Scliools, Rev Cii ;s'j 'Elliott, Rev K J McKcnzie, A Patter-;on, and Ii Hatton, I'^qrs.;; ;U. S. Consul, Pictou, Jas Primrose, Esq. Dcp. I^aiul Surveyors,'^! Peter C.orar and Jno Holmes, Esqrs. Agent iur Lluyds, Jas;[ Dawson, Esq. jf Pictou Au-xiliary Bible Society. Pros. Geo Smith, E: q. TVfia- surer, Mr Jno Patterson. >Scc'ys. Rev J Robson and Jas Dawson, j Esq. COU.NTV OF SYD.NEV. iTigh Sheriff, Edward U. Harrington, Esq. Coroner, Alex. Mc- 'j Dougall, Esq. I| Supreme Court sits at Dorchester, on the Tues. ne.\t;i{tcr the | |4th 'j'ues. of Sept. Dep. Prot'iy. ; and Comni'r. for takiig Spe- fial Bail, on mictions depd^g in the Supreme Court, Ale :. Mc- jDonald, Esq. M D. Inferior Court, and Sessions of the Peace, held at Dorclies- llcr, on the last Tues. of June, and on the last Tuos. of D<Kr. —Ii jAsstJudgcs. Jno Cunningham, Huidi McDonald and Arcii EisI\or.^| (hsqrs. _ I j Justices of the Peace — Wm Q Sawcrs. Esq. John Cnnnirig-j Ihani iCustos). Alex McDonald, John McDom-'d, Robt N Henryjj Jas Randall, Hugh McDonald. Jos Symonds. Wm C Hierlihy,j !(Jeo Brennan, Augustus N Ogden, Robt. McDonald, Rich'd A. Forrestall, and "Allan Cameron, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace. Robt N Henry, Esq. Di> tajmrnatrvamsaaao'i: umi J i — »■»■« KWH i ^ i gBU gF JJ'I ' JJ l . J »g ijjiiiiii i i i i i ji-i I jm i mim i w 1 1 i ■ 1 142 farmer's almanack. I8;)8. Judg-o & lleg'r. Court of Probates; Alex McDonald, Esqr.i[ pjM. D. Dep. Ro^r. D^eds, Jno Cniininirham, Esq. Coll. of Colo-!| Lnial and of Li^i-Jit Duties, Allan McDonnald, Esqr. Dcp. Post-j| I'master, llobt N llonry, Esqr. •'Conimv's of Schools, Right Rov.lij jBisiiop Fraser. Rev Titos Trotter, Rov. Tlios C Leaver, Alex;s jMcDonald and lluy;h iMcDonald, Esqrs. Commr's. of StreetsJI \A\f'x 'J'houipso!), and A D Ilarrinijlou, Esqrs. Dcp. Land Sur '■ jvoyor, Alex. Thonqison, Esq. col NT y OF CiUVSliOROUOH. Hiii;h Sheriff, Robt Ilartshorne, Esq. Coroner, Jno H. Vv^eeksjij j|Es([. j Jl Supreme Court sity at Guysboro' on the 4Lh Tues, ofSeptrJ |:De|). Protli'y, and Co inn "r fortakin:;- Special Bail on actions de-ji hpeniliuij^ iu the Sujirenie Courl, Wentvv'urtli Taylor, Es([. j Inferii»r Court and Sessions of the I^oace, Iioid at Guysboro',';. |ion the Tues. next jiroccdino- the last Tues. of.Tuno, and on the i j; pceiiedin:'; the lastTuc,-^. of Dec, Asst. Judges, Jos.' iMar^h;i!l, and Robt Hartshorne, Es;^rs, iji Ju.stices of the Peace, Wm. Q. Sav.-ers, Jos JSlarsliall, Robt| iM Cutler, Wont. Tayior", Chas Arciiibal.l, vVni McKoen, R.^j jHartshorno, Jno Newton, llujrh McDouaJd. Thos Glcncross, '! Lluo Smith, ChasllrodJe, Spini'ey Whitman, Erancis Cook, Jos;] itladlcv, Abner Atvvaicr, \Vm. Bent, and Hen Cowley, Esqrs.Ii IClerk of the Peace, W O HefTornan, E.-q. ;J j Judge and Reg'r. Cour! of Pi'obates, V/ F DesBarres, Esq. I iDoputy Regislriir of D.m\1s, Ilobcrt uurtshornc ; St.Mary'.5,j iJlngh Mcl)onald, Es;ir.5. Collector of Customs, and of| Cohniial Duties, Duncan McColl, Esq. Collectors of Ligiit| liDury, Giiysho!-o', Duncan McC'oll ; C;inso, Willi.irn Skinner ;| liLittlo Canso, Wm Kigeiow ; (hit of (.';in::0, Wm Imlay, Esqrs.j i;DopPo:4ma3tor, Rolit M Cutler, Esq. Conun'rs. of Scliools. Rev.j ^;Cha^•. J Shrove, Robt. M. Ciitlo'. Went. Taylor, Robt l.!arts-| ^horno. and Duncan J\IcCoU, Es(jrs. Connn'rs. of Streets,^ |:!0 jl Freurhville, Wm O Hcffornan, and Wm Hart, E?qrs.; s D^q). Land Surveyor, Went. Taylf)r, j'^sq. U.S. Consuhir Agenl.i iAV F l)cs Darres, u.jq. Clerk of Licence, Stewart Campbell, Esq COLNTV or CinrnF.RLAND. II lliL^li .'•'uf/'i//j Joshua Chandler, Esq. Cornncr.i, John Morse' aiul W \V Bout, E>qrs. Supreme Court sit..s at Amherst Ith Tue:j oi" June, and 4tti Tiies of Sci)t. JDcp. Pro//;';/, Silas 11 Morse, Esq. Inferior Court and Sessions of tiie Peace, jield at Anrfiersl. ■><\ Tuo«. of J:ru'y and Iki Tues. of July. Asst Judges, Danl McEarlaise, Robert McG Dickey, and i\I. Gordon, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Willium U Sawers, Datd. McEarlane.j Gains L'l'wis, Jno 'Torso, George Bergman, James McN;'.!i,| Stej)hoii Oxiey, Robert McvG. Dickey, Jtilm Joimston, Wiliia:;ii; ilfivyii>fiinn"iri #i>*'r-fV-^'irr^'-i^TT"i'-'js ■• »• "jr iriiMr-vi ■ n iMnhf m »■■ --ni m-i-^ -i.-.v.j -ii,.,nrt<n-.rf'ii-i'flt--' r 'John I I ihsq. iSup. IROL'' ypy. Id, Esqr4 of Colo-!! ;cr, AlexiN f Streets, || .and Sur-I Weeks,':- of Scptr. Jtions de-|! 3(1. uvsboro'.'i rul on the Iges, Jos. i lall, llobt- Keen, R jleiicros;i, '■ I^OOk, Jl>S;| y, Esqvs. !i rres, ijsq.j of Liiriit and o ■ Li Skinner ;| ly, Esqrri.l ools. Rev. I bt i.!arts-s f Street;,,] rt, Esqrs.l iar Ajront, bell, Esq. aim Morse 2y and 4th ji Anrfiov;-!., iii;es, Oaiilj • irs. IcFarlano.i ;s 1, Wiliia;:i3 ;? HJ I tJ*I.WI in , l.i«]milLI>LUH » ltKUjJUB«jj. i : a»iu .< i.iMij t<ti 1 1838. F A UxM F, 11 S A L M A N A C K . 'Smith, Michael Gordon, Lntiior Lusby \V :Custoins, Mieliae! (Jonlon, E.sq. CoU'r. Colonial ami Liirht Du Dep. Laud Surveyors, Andw N Stevens, Jas McNab, and \Vnv P.Motlat, Esqrs. U S Consular Aocut, Silas ix Morse, Esq. MIDDLE division:. This Division includes the Counties of llant^;, Kirio-'a. Queen's and Lunenbarf,^ Chief Justice of the inferior Courts of Com- mon Pleas and President of the Courts of Session, Thomas C. PlALiijrtiTo.x, P]squirc. CO J^TY Oi' HAM'S. Iliirh Sherifr, Charles J VVilkins, Esqr. Coroners, Nathaniel Jenkins and J Smith, Esqrs Supreme Court sits at Windsor last Tues. of i\Fav, and 4i]i jTuea. of Sept. Dep. Proih'ij. iV CUrh of the Peace, E FiiardiiJ^ 11 'Esq. M D. "^ i I Inferior Court and Sessions of tlio peaco, held at Windsor.' 'ist'i'ues of Jan'y and 1st Tues of July. Asst.]ud[vos, W ' .: Shey, land Jno Elder, Esqrs. } Justices of 1 lie Peace — Thomas C Ilaiibnrton {Ciisto.t). Wm II iShey, John Smith, ijonjamin Dewolf, Joseph Scnteil, Jacob 'Withrovv', .lohn Dimock, John Elder, Rich Snnih, Daniel Wior, {William O'Brien, John Allison, Patrick Wriujit, Thomas Kinj:,: ■John Cochran, Benjamin Smith, Scmiuel Dennison, John Otis |ivin^r, Richard A MclialFcy, Francis Parker, William Mumford, iJohu N Grant, Chas 13on-gs, David Clow and Asa Torroy, Esqrs. I Judge and Re<.;'r Court of P'robates, Lev. is M. WilUins, Jr. iCsq. Commr's for taking Special Bail on Actions depd~g in tiic iSup. Court, Patrick VVright and Hugh Jenkins, li.-.cp--. Dep. jileg'r of Deeds ; Coll'r. oi' Colonial and of Light duties, Asa jTorrey, Esq. Collr. of Custouis. Pat Wright, EbC). Dep. Post- |masters, Windsor, Jas L. DevV(df; Petite, F. Parker; Rawdon, !l Withrow, Esqrs. Coir.m'rs o'C Streets, Windsor, II;irry King, iroseph Sontell and Thos. Tii'ilin. Esqrs ; Coaiia'rs of Schools, jRev WCKing, Wm U Shoy, Le^vjs M \V ilkins, JMur. E. F. iHarding, and JnoAllison, Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyor.", Messrs. |[']dwd Armstrong, Wm O'Brien, Jacob Withrow, and Andu^ Har- vey, U S Consular Agent, L M Wiikins, jr. Esq. Avon Ikidgf Kr-i.»tMv MtiujOKkhiauimtt i Vs«" ii- i I ■f. 1 1: r !% ■,'r ',' S' 41 farmer's almanack. 1838, Company, Directors, T C Haliburton, Pres. B Dewolf, W H Shey, L! M. Wilkins, jr. and lien. Goudgo, Esqrs. Sec'y. and Treasurer, Harry King, Esq. COU.NTV OK Kl.VaS. HiS'i Sheriff, Goovge Cliipman,Esq, Coroners, VV m C Moore, Jas Allison, C E Ratchford, Abraluun Van Euskirk, and Robt. D Dewolf, Esqrs. j Supreme Court sits at Kentville, 1st Tuos of June, and VA Tues of vSept. Dcp. rroih'y. and Clerk of the Peacey^^m II Chip- man, Esq. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Kentville, lid Tues of May and 2d Tues of Nov.— Asst Judges, Win Camp bell, Wm A Clupuum, and .lames D Harris, Esqrs i Justices of the Peace, Thos C Haliburton, VV A Chipman, IWm. Campbell, Sanil Bishop, Hen V Buskirk, j\\o Wells, I'Shearman Dernuson, Jas Allison, Daniel Lockhart, Jas Fuller llton, Jas D Harris, Wm. Chipman, Harris Harrington, Jas N I'Crane, J W Miiynard, Caleb H Rand, Jesse Lewis, Sanil Beck- with, David Whidden, J no Morton, Eli.sha Dewolf, jr. W C Campbell, Sand Chipman, Jas Harris, junr. Simon Fitch, Thos Tupper, Abraham Gesner, Hugh L Dickey, and Jas Ratchford, lEsqrs. Judge & Reg'r. Court of Probates, T. B. Campbell, Esq. Dep Re ''■'rs of Deeds, for Horlon, Aylesford and Cornwallis, Wm Campbell ; for Farsboro' Jas Ratchford, Esqrs. Conun'rs for taki^Ki Special Bail on Actions dopd'g in the Sup. Court, W H Chii)inan ana James Ratchford, Esqis. Coil's of Customs, Corn- wallis, David Whiddeu ; Parrsboro', T D Dickson, Esqrs. CoU.'i ofCohniiaKS: Lioht Duties, D Wiiiddon,! 'sq. Dep. Post-masters.'j Wolfville, E Dewolf; Aylesford, 11. Van Buskirk, Kentville, J Fj Hutchinson ; Parrsboro', .7 as Ratchford, Esqrs. Dep. Landi Surveyors, Messrs Wm Johnson, Gains Lewis, and C Patterson.l| D S Consular x^gent, C E Ratchford, Esq. Parrsboro. Comm'rs.|t of Schools, Rev J S Clarke, Sam! Bishop, Jas Allison and Caleb H Rand, Esqrs. ! COUNTY OF QUEENS. Hii^h Sheriff Robt. Roberts, Esq. Coronfr, Freeman Tupper. jEsq. Su[)reme Court sits at Liverpool 1st Tues. of July- — Dep.i iProth'y.; Clerk of the Peace, & Cumm'r. for taking Special Bail on Actions dopd'g. in the Suj). Court, Jas N. Knaut, Esqr. Inferior Court and S(?ssions of the Peace, hold at Liverpool 4th Tues of .Atn-il and lid Tues of Oct. AsstJudges, Joshua New-j ton, and Caleb Seeiey, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, 'i'hos C Halibtirton, Joshua Newton, [Cufitos^. ; Isaac Dexter, Snow Parker, Jas. Gorcham, Jas R De- wolf. Jno Barss, Jas Bur.^:.^, Wm B Taylor, Nath. Smith, Jno K^ampbell, Freeman Tujiper and Whitman Freeman, Esqrs. i i Ci 'Fair iDuli iJop R D Sella iNat. and 'E?q. Wig Hi Su Dep. on A JDanl ' Inl Tue? Garr( Ju: |Jno F ;andei :Mitei| Peac i Co mon, Custc Cha Esqr Danii dolf nenb •Jns ■ofS G Mi Morr : Th '^nd\ Pleas ,1 Hli Love I Whit 1838, fTvv H •cy- and T? ; Moore id liobt. I , and VA II Chip- Lcntvillc, m Camp Chipmaii. Wells, IS Fuller :n, .las N ml IJeck- jr. \V C ich, Thos laLchford, iH-HMwuHMWt .' .vi*.'^*iiv»miamuij.Miutm*w m m 1838. FARMERS ALMANACK. 45 Coiirt of Probates, Jud.<ro, Josluia Newton; Reg-'r. S P. 'Fairbanks, Esqs. CoH'r ol' Customs ; of Colonial and Light :Dulies, Josh Newton, Esq. Comptroller, Jno II Freen)an, Esq.' Dop }.lo<vV ol" liccds, J:is M K'naut, Esf). Com'r of Streets, Jas II Dowolf, John Roberts and A Cowie, Esqrs. Cornin'rs. of, Schools, Rev J T T Moody, Joshua Newton, John Barss and' iNat. Smith, Esqrs. US Consular Agent', Dcp. Post-master; and Dep Marshall Vice Achnir.:lty Court, Snow P. Freeman,' E?q. Dcp Laud Surveyors Masis VVhitman Freeman and Geo VVightmun. Esq. Dep J lUis, Wmji )unn'rs forij urt, \V Hi ms, Corn-I (irs. Coll.| t-masters.' itville, J Fj >ep. Land Patterson. Comm'rs. and Caleb inTupper, uly- — Dep.; ij)Ocial Bail , Esqr. vcrpool 4tn )shua New- la Newton,! , Jas RDe-] Smith, Jno Esqrs. I COUNTY OF LUNENBURG. I //f'g/i.S/ier?*/^, ITenryKaulback.E^q. Coroner. JnoC Rudolf.Esq.' Supreme Court sits at Lunonbur;;,^ last Tuesday of Juno.' Dep. Proth\ij. Henry Ernst, Esq. Comm'r for taking Special Bail pn Actions dep'g in the Sup. Court, and for taking Examinations' Danl Owen. Esq. i i Inferior Court and Sessions of thePeace lield at Lunenburg 2d; jTue? of April and 2d Tues of Oct. Asst. Judges, J Pernette. .Garret Miller, E James, Jno C Rudolf, arul Jim Hunt, Esqrs. i ! Justices of the Peace, Tlios C llaliburton, EdwJ ames ( C«.9<os) jJno Pcrnette, Jas Walker, JnoC Rudolf, Garret Miller, VV Alex-j ■ander, Jno lieckman, Jas S Wells, John Hunt. Wm Rudolf, Geo' .Mitchell, Wm S Morris and VV'm Greaves, Esqrs. Clerk of thel Peace, Chas B Owen, J"]sq. \ ! Court of Probates. Judi^fo, J Pernette : Reg'r, Geo T Solo-'i mon, Esqrs. Do]). Reg'r. of Deeds, Jno Ilunt, Esq. Coll'r. of .Customs, A S Bruce, Esq. Coil's, of Colonial Duty, Lunenburg,'- |Chas B Owen: Chester, and St. Margaret's Bay, Caleb A Shreve, | Esqrs. Coll'rs. of Light duty, Chester, C. A. Siircve ; Lunenburg,' Daniel Owen, Esqrs. Dep. Post-masters, Lunenburg, Jno C Ru- i dolf; Chester, Jas S Wells, Esqrs. Comn.i'rs. of Streets, Lu-' ,ncnburg. Jno Creighton, Jno Heckman, and Jnf) Hunt ; Chester, >Ias S Wells. Mich. Sniidgt and Amos JiOvett, Esqrs. Comm'rs. i :of Schools, Rev J C Cochran, Rev Dr Shreve, Rev — Cossman,' ,G Miller, and Jim [leckman, Esqrs. Dep. LandSurveyor.'s W Sj Morris & T Holland, Esqrs. U.S. ConsuhirAgent, C B Owen, Esq I) ; This Division includes the Counties of Annapolis, Shelburnc, ''ind Yarmouth. Chief Justice of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas and President of the Courts ol' Session, I Thomas Ritcfii;:, Esquire. j COUr^TY OF ANNA POMS. i High Sheriff. Edw H Cutler, Esq. Cnroners, Sil Snow Jas R ;L()vett, David Hall, Edw J Young, Peter Bennett, and Thos I'vVhite, Esqrs riMinniiii-|ir,g^iB iii wn'Mwiituwin rffl«TPaaoMg&^swriBviEMB»ww»t-T' .J $ '. 116 FARMER S ALMANACK. lenb. If ? Supremo Court sits at Annapolis Qd Tues of June, and 2d Ttics ofSeptr. Dcp. Protii'y.-, Clerk of ihe Peace ; and Comm'r.j IV)r tukino- Special Bail on Actions dopd'^ in the Sup. CourtJ Saml. CowiinjT, Esq. j Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Annapolis 3d; Tuos. of April, and 1st Tues. of Nov; and atDigby 1st Tues' of July, and -Id Tues of Dec, Asst. Judges, KIkanah Morton., and Coreno U Jones Esqrs. i Justices of tiie Peace, Thomas Ritchie (Custo.t), Elkanah! Morton, Phinoas Lovett, John Morehouse, Rev Ab6 Sigoyne,! Joshua Q,uor(!au, Ccreno U Jones, Citarles .lones, Saml Camp-j ;l)o!l, "^aml Chesley, S Doiicett, Jno Ditmar,--. Geo Robinson, :Benj Potter, Chas Budd, Colin Campbell, jr. Charles McCarthy,' :Elisha Payson, James Hall, James R Lovett, John Robinson,! ifof Disfby,] VVm Spurr, Wm Randall, Zcbulon Phinney, Fras.l Mills, John VVisvvail, Seth Leonard, John II Chipman John Mil-i ledge, and Rich James, Esqrs. [ Judge and Reg'r. Court of Probates, E H Cutler, Esq. Dep.j Regi's Deeds, East. (lis. E H Cutler; West. dis. C Jones, Esqrs.! Coll'rs of Customs, Annapolis, H Coldsniith; Digby, Henryj Davenport, Esqrs. Coll'rs of Colonial and Light Duties, Anna-! polis, H. Goldsmith; Digby, Elk. Morton ; Weymouth, H. D.! Ruggles ; Brier Island, Elislia Payson, Esqrs. Dep. Postmast-' ers, Annapolis, SamlCowling; Digby, Hen. Stewart ; Lawrence Town, S B Chipman ; Bridgetown. Thos Spurr; VVilmot, A Gib-' bon, Esqrs. Commr's. of Schools, Eastern dis. Rev Edwin Gilpin.j IHenry Goldsmith, and Tlios James, Esqrs ; Western dis. Rev| IRoger Viets, C U Jones, Chas M'Cartiiy, Chas Budd, and Jnoi [Robertson, Esqrs. Dep Land Surveyors, Messrs Alpheus Jones,! jWni Morehouse, and J. B Whipple. Comm'rsof Streets, Bridge-' 'town, Stephen S Thorn j, Silas L Morse and Thos Spurr; Digby, | JThos Smalle, Thos Ruggles and Jacob Roop ; Annapolis, Tlios.j iRit(;hie ; Henry Goldsmith andE H Cutler, Esqrs. U S. Consular: ; A gent, lames R Lovett, Esq. Firewardens, Annapolis, S Cow- jiing, W R"ggles, and Jas Gray, Esqrs. Fire Engine Company, iJas Roach, capt. ; Jas Roach, it ; P Lecain, Wm Lecain, Chas; James and VV H O Halliburton. COUNTY OF SHELBURNE. High Sherif)^, Ccrnelius White, Esq. Coroner, T. J. Crowell. Esqr. Supreme Court sits at Shelburne, '2d Tue^. of July, Dep. Protli'y. Clerk ofthe Peace, ant! Comm'r. for taking Sp(;cial Bail on actions <!epd'g in the Sup. Court, Isaac G Enslow, Esq. Inferior Court, and Sei- ions ofthe Peace, hold at Shelburne,; 2d Tues. of May and 2d Tues. of Sept. Asst Judges, Thos Crowell, and W B Sargent, Esqrs. ^ j ;! ■Arg; mout Sch( Mui Keat TBr veyo] ii Th mon( Ch Presi Hit jHill, ^ 1838. FARMERS ALMANACK. 47. Justices of the Peace, Thos. Ritchie, Obadiah Wilson, Thos" Crowell. Rdht, Currio, Wm B-Surgont, Coniclius White, and Jas Geddis, Esqrs. Jud<re and Reo-'r. Court ofProbatos, and Do]) Ri^jE^r. of Deeds, Gideon White, Esq. Dop. Post-niaslor, R. S. Thoin})Hon. Escp Jj ICoU'r. of Ciiytoins, W Robertson, Esq. ('oll'r. of Colonial and jLight Duties, yiielburnc, Cornelius White ; Barrinpton, Fras |Homcr, Es(iisi. Coinnii-'.s. of Schools, Rev, Dr. Rowland. Rev. jThos,lI White, Tiios O Geddis, W Robertson, and .losh Snow, jEsqrs. U.S. Cnosuhir Agent, Jno Robertson, Esq, Dep. Land Surveyors, Ale,\. Hamilton, and Jas Geddis, Esqrs. COLNTV OF YAIIMOUTH. High Sheriff', John Binjijay, Esq. Corrnicr, G. Bingay, Esq.| Supreme Court held at Yarmoutii, lid Tues of June. Dep. " Proth'y. and Commissioner for takin^j Special Bail on actions ;depd'j]f, in the Supreme Court, M. Huntington, Esq. I Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Tusket iVillage, 1st Tues of May, and at Yarmonth, 4th Tues of Scj)t.; jAsst. Judges, Henry G Farish, and A Lent, Esqrs. | I Justices of the Peace, Thos Ritchie, Henry G Farish, Jno Bingay, Gabriel Van Norden, Jacob Kelly, Bonj Bingay, Jno. 'McKinnon, David Van Norden, Abraham Lent, Jas. Bond, A V S Forbes Reuben Clements, Jno Ryder and Amos Baker, Esqrs. i Clerk of the Peace, ' ; Judge and Regr Court of Probates, WH Keating, Esq. Dep ! ;Regr. of Deeds and Dep Post-master, H. G. Farish, Esq. CoU'/.i of Customs, A V S Forbe.s ; Warehouse Keeper, Edw Grantham, Esq. Coll'rs of Colonial Duties, Yarmouth, H. G. Farish; 'Argyle, D. Norden, Esqrs. Coll'rs of Light Duty, Yar-j I mouth, Jos B Bond; Argylo, D Van Norden, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev Alfred Gilpin, Henry G Farish, J. Lent, Robt,' xMurray, and Jno Bingay, Esqrs. U. S. Consular Agent. W Hi i Keating, Esq. Fire Wiirdens, H G Farish, B Bingay, J Bingay,! I T Brown, E W B Moody, and R. Kelly, Esqrs. Dep. Land Sur I veyor, Mr A D Harrington. CAPE-BRETON ISLAND. This Division includes the Counties of Cape Breton, Rich- ..mond, and Inverness. ' Chief Justice of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, and President of the Courts of Session, I John' G. Marshall. Esquire. I COUNTY or CAPE-BRFTON. I ! His^h Sheriff, Joshua W Weeks, Esqr. Coroner, Jolk- L iHill, Esqr. f 1 l-i.i i mi r 48 ► ■"M M. Kli r lMi WI WIH' » H l . l H' IWI WHIH" l» m il K llil I-'AllMlin S ALMANACK. is:is:\ Supreme Court sits at Sydney, 'st Thus, of iScpt. .lJi:p Frulhy C]}as E Leonard, Esc]. Iiil'erior Court and So:-'s',on-'! of tin; ro;iC(% hold at ^'ydnoy,'> iTnos. of March, find IstTuon. of ;\ov. Asst Jn(!,v(\s, Thoniaa ' Crawley, VVni OiiseU'y, .fno McKinnoii, and Chas 11 U'ard.U; qrs.|i| Commissioners Court iield at Sy(h)ey, on Ihu Jst Monday ofi> Jan. March, May, July, Sejt. Nov. Cuinmisuloncrs, CJitis E Leo-' Hard, P H Clarke, Thos k' Lov.n, Clui^ Jijrruigloi), und Jno L:, -.Hill, l]sqrs Clerk, \; il Justices of the l-'eace, Jno Goo PvIar?hall,(Cu67o?) Thos Craw-' ley, Chas E Leonard, Peter II. Clarke, llobt Cammell Jacob ! S. In;^raliam, Jno jMcKini'.on, Jnf) Moloney, Chas iJarrin^ton,'*! (>has McAlpine, VVm Ou.soloy, Jno L fiill, Thorf S liown, Chas;« R Ward, Jno Clarke, Murdo McAskill, Ken Chislndm, Ken' McLeod, Robt K Mabters, Don McLeod, Jus II Dodd, Plijiip ilDodd, Robt McNab, Geo Ilill. WniVVarren, Fras Carr, Jno Rou- irinot, and C JBariington, jr. Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, C R \ Ward, Esq. Judge & Reg'r Court of Probate;:!, T Crawley,Et5q. Dcpllog-T.!^ iDeeds, C R Ward, Esq. CoU'rs of Customs, Sydney, JW Hcnn i^\ jRridgeport, (> E Leonard. Esqrs ; Tide Surveyor, C Rarrington,'; 'Esq. Comptr. ; Coll'r of Colonial and Light Duties, Chas E Leo-:-' ijnard, Esq. Dep. Postmaster, Sydney, iN II IMartin, Esq. Sur-'l jvoyor Gen. of Lands, Thos Crawley, Esq. Connn'r of Crown'j ijLands, and Asst. Surveyor Gon. H W Crawley, Esq. i)cp Land, ;Surveyor, B. Cossit, Esq. Commr''s of Schools, Rev. Chas Ingles,' ■Rev. Geo McKeagney, Rev Alex McDonnel, J. G. Marshall,!| iTlios. Crawley, and t^'has E Leonard, Esq. United Slates Con-\t sular Jjp;enls, Sydney, P IlClarkc ; Bridgeport, Thos 3 Rovvn,' JEsqrs. Agent for Lloyds, P. H. Clarke, Esq. Firewai'dens, Sydney, P. II. Clarke, C. R. Ward, and W R Down, Esqrs; Trustees of the Sydney Acadcnvj, Rev. Chas Ingles, Rev. H. Mc- Keagney, Chas E Leonard. E. M. Dodd. and Wm. Ouseley,' Esqrs. .1 COUiNTY OF RICHMOND. High Sheriff, John Fuller, Esq. Coroner, Supreme Court sits at Arichat, l?nd Tues. of Septr. Dep. Prolh'y. Andw. Madden Esq. j I Inferior Cotnl and Sessions of the Peace, held at Arichat, 1st jTues. of April, and !2nd Tues. of Nov. Asst. Judges. Clement .Hubert, Jno. Jean, alid Peter de Carteret Esqrs. 'I Commissioners Court held at Arichat, on the 1st Monday of Jan'y, iviirch, May, July, Septr. and ISIov. Coram'rs. Andw.' 'Madden, Law Kavanagh, Jno. Ballaine and Wm. Crichton,' Esqrs. Clerk, | I Justices of the Peace, Jno Geo Marshall, (Cusfo.9) Cleractit; Hubert, Jno Jean, Andw Madden, Chas McNab, Law Kava-I nagh, Dougald B McNab, Jno Janvrin, Wm Crichton, Peter de; I'rullnj} noy, KiKt( Tlionrj'j'^ )n(l;iy ot'i>] \{\ J no li';] 1 I js Ci-iiw-' 1 Jacob :j VI), Cliasjl lui, Ki'n' a, rhiiip; JnoBou-l act', C K| icpllog'r.; VV Bcim : irrin^-ton,'S as E Lco-,^^ Esq. Sur-|l of C'rowii i as Ino-les,'| Marshall,!] lates Cori-lj S Bovvn, ewardena,' \!v, Esqrs.i k'.H. Mc-i Ousolev,' ,tr. Dcp. richat, lst;| Clement 1838. FARMERS ALMANACK. 4U Carteret, JnoBallaine, Dougald Kennedy, Geo Bissctt, Arthur Bryuier, and Jno Smith, Esiirs. Clerk of the Peace, J Turnbull, Esq. Judge and Reg'r. Court of Probates, Wm C Dolaney, Esq. Dep. Reg'r Deeds, Jno Turnbull, Esq. Coll'r. Colonial nndj Light Duties, Jas 'rurnl)ull, Esq. Dep. Post-master, Arichat, JnoFuller, Esq. Dcp. Land Surveyors, Messrs. D. P. McNab, and Robt Sutherland. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev. Jas. Shaw, Andw Madden, Wm. Crichton, and C. Hubert, Esqrs. U. S. Consu- lar Agent, Wm. C. Delancy, Esq. Trustees of the Academy at Arichat, Rev. Miranda, Rev. Pat. McKeagncy, Andw. Madden, and Pelei dc Carteret, Escjrs. COUNTV OF" INVFRNF.8S. Hiorh Sheriff] Geo C Lawrence, Esq. Coroner, Supreme Court, held at Port Hood, 3d Tues of Sept. Dep ProWy. and Clerk of the Peace, Jno L Tremain, E&'q. j Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Port Hood, 2(1 Tiiesof A|)ril, and 3d Tues of Nov. Asst. Judges, Jno Watts, iWm McKccn, Ken Chisholm and Andw McDonald, Esqrs. Commissioners Court held at Port Hood, on the 1st Monday jof Jan. March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. Commissioners, Jno |L. Tremain, Jno Campbell, Irad Hart, Matt. Havvley, and Henry Taylor, Esqrs. Clerk. Justices of the Peace, Jno Geo. Marshall, (Custos) Wm Mc- Keen, Jno L Tremain, Trad Hart, Nat Clough, Hugh Skinner, Henry Taylor, Andw McDonald, Matt. Hawley, Ken Chisholm, jJno Campbell, Fredk. Bown, Wm. Buck, Peter J Bronard, Don |McLean, Geo C Lawrence, Don Cameron, Patk. Delaney, Jas lllawley, Jno Campbell, Thos Etheridge jr., Jno McLeod, Jno D. Tremain, Jno McLennan, Angus McLennan, and JnoSmith, Esqrs. Judge and Reg'r. Court of Probates ; Dep. Reg'r. of Deeds ; Collector of Colonial and Light Duties, Jno L Tremain, Esq.! — Deputy Post-masters, Port Hood, Dunsier Tremain ; Lake| Ainslie, Angus McLellan; Judiquo, A. McDonald ; Plaister Cove, Nat Clough ; Mabou River, Wm McKeen, Esqrs. Dep Land Surveyors, Messrs. Wm Revell and Jas. McKenzie. Comm'rs. of Schools, Wm Watts, J L Tremain, Wm Mc Keen, and Nat Clough, Esqrs. STAFF OF THE ARMY. In Nova-Scotia, under the Command of His Excellency Major-; General *Sir Colin Campbell, K. C. B, | Aide-de'Camp.—Ueut. A. W. Campbell, 14th Foot. Asst. Military Sec'y. — Capt. P. F. AV. Campbell, 1st Scots Fusilier , — Guards. <,) Clemeiitjj jy^p^fy Quarter Master Gen. and Acting Dep. Adjt Gcn~U. €ol. *J. Jas. Snodgrass, tinatt. \Ionday ofj 'rs. Andw.j Crichton,! iQW Kava- M E u M i I nvi 150 FARMERS ALMANACK. '8. Major of Brigade and Jlctitig Town Major. — Lt. Col. Jno Bazal- gette, unatt. Town Scn^cnnt — Wm Cahill. | Dep. Com. Oen. — Wm Hewetson, Esq. j Jlsst. Com. Gen. — Wm Green, Esq. j Dtp. Asst. Com. Genls — Wm Low, Chas. Williams, Wra Milliken, Richard Inglis, and Wm R A Lamont, ICsqrs. | Surgeon to the Forces — Ja». Elliot, Esq. j Asst Surgeon to the Forces — Peter Robertson, Esq. j Apothecary to the Forces — Jno Carter, Esq. ! Commandant — Lt. Col. *J. J Snodgrass. I Sutherland, h. p. ; Annapolis, Joseph Nor- Town Adjutant — Sydney, C. B., Lt. E. Barrack Masters — HaliA\x, man ; Sydney, C. B., S Rigby, Esqrs. Chaplains — Halifax, Rev J T Twining, D.D. ; Annapolis, Rev. E. Gilpin ; Sydney, C. B. , Rev. Chas Ingles. j Engineer Department. ■ Commanding Officer ^ Lt Col Rice Jones, K H. Capt. Geo Dalton, Lieuts. S H Wentworth, J W Gordon, and A P G Ross. Clerk of Works, R Creed, Esq. Clerks, Thos Goudge, Geo J Creed, and A. Jenkins, Esqrs. Master Carpenter, Edw Pryor, Esq. Foreman, Mr Jno McKenzie. Master Mason, Mr Wm McDowell. Ajaster Smith, Mr. Wm Gossip. Foreman of Labourers, Mr. G Hamilton, Office Keeper and Messenger, Mr Wm Pickles. ! Ordnance Department. I Storekeeper, John W Tapp, Esq. Dtp. Storekeeper, H. Ince,' Esq. Clerks, CH File, Jas Forrester, and WH Tapp, Esqrs. Assist. Clerks, Isaac Rigby, H M Watson, and T W Howe, Esqrs. Foreman of Carpenters, Mr C N Fife. Armourer, Mr J Plummer. Overseer of Labourers, Mr Wm Dailing. Gate Porter, Mr J Anderson. Mes- senger, Mr R Whiston. " i| OFFICERS OF THE ARxMY IN NOVA-SCOTIA. Commandant, Lt. Col. *J. J. Snodgrass, Dep Q. M. Genl. Royal Artillery. The Royal Arms and Supporters, with a Cannon, and the motto " Ubique" over the Gun, and Quo fas et Gloria ducunt below it. "Waterloo" Lt. Col. *A. C. Mercer .Majors. F Arabin G Pringle Capts. H Stanway L E Walsh 1st Lieuts. G McLean, q m. C J Wright, adjt. AVW Jones " Evan Maberly 2rf Lts. H P Parker U W Pack H G Alston Surg. T M Fogo. and Quo fas et Gloria ducunt below it. Lt. Col. Rice Jones, K H. Capt. Geo Dalton Lieuts. S H Wentworth J W Gordon A P G Ross Royal Engineers The Royal Arms and Supporters, with a Cannon, and the motto, " Ubique." over the Gun, 34th (or Cum- berland)REGT. " Albuhera" " Vittoria" " Pyrenees" " Nivelle" " Nive" " Orlhes" " Peninsula" \ Colonel Sir Thos M Bris- bane, Bt. G C\ BSfGCHl g Lt Col Hon H S Fane Majors Rich Airey Geo Ruxton Captains Edw Conolly »«.| C B Brisbane Henry Deedes E Broderick Jaa J Best '8. Jno Bazal- m Milliken, Joseph Nor- lis, Rev. E Geo Dalton, . Clerk of eed, and A. Foreman, 11. Master G Hamilton. r, H. Ince, sqrs. Assist. 3. Foreman Overseer ;rson. Mes- »OTIA. ! M. Genl. " Nive" Orlhes" Peninsula' ' Colonel Thos M Bris- ne, Bt. G C SfGCHlg Lt Col I H S Fane Majors I Aiiey Ruxton Captains T Conolly Brisbane ry Deedes roderick J Best ^ > I 1838. FARMER'S ALMANACK. l^ R W Byron Phil Hamond N R Brown |j H Mathews J Style Norris Lietits G Harford, adj. F P OsborneMarkham C F Horvoy Bust Heathcote Win E James Hen J Hutton Edw Daniell Rich D Kelly A C Goodenough Tho. Bourke Fred. H Lang Folliott Uuir j Ensigns John Simpson C A Schreiber J Macdonald EPA Talbot John Gwilt Bonfoy Uooper A C Robertson F C Harvey Pa.G Ledinghani j3(//.G Harford ,/^ QJV/ Jones Diicke Sur. Geo GritTui | Jl S Alex. SnuthI J as Gordon. Facings yellow 85th. (K"ck.s Volunteer.*!,) or tlie King's Lt. Infantry. "Fuentesd'Onor" "Nive" " Peninsula," "Bladensburg." Colonel S/rHcrbt. Taylor GCBHrGCILltir Lt. Col. Fredk MaunscU Majors. F Jackson H J French Capts. G F G O'Connor Wni T Hunt Manl Power Hon J as St u ait HerbtE Taylor G Brockman F J St Qtiintin W H Phibbs Jas K Pipon H S Browne Lieut a. H Wynyard Aug (Joryton VVm Todd T?.IMcNHaniil. ton Hen Rowles Geo Tennant G. C. Dick-on Hen C Curtia O Jackson, J67).j7 Hon WmCroiun Jno Biackbiun Ensiii^nn C E Dering J WGrey C C Doniville, c. Lord Jas Butlej Cecil E Bcwes Jno Horrocks C J Colville A Patterson, adj. Hen. J Darell W W Maun sell Pa. G A Thomp- son Adj. A Patterson ens. i Q M. G Edwards '.S'wr G Home A S Wm C Hum- frey. Wm Carson, m. d. Facinj;3 blue. General in- STAFF OF DISEMBODIED MILITIA, Commander in Chief— His Excellency, Major- *Sir COLIN CAMPBELL, K. C. B. Aides-dc-Camp \ Jf ^."t' f?*^'' I' ^^^'^"'l^»' ^}'f^; --^^J,"^- R^gt. ^ ( Major Ldw Ciinard, jr. *2d Hx. Regt. Mjutant- General — Lt. Col. Ethvavd Wallace, Quarter Master General— L,i. Col. Geo. N. Russell. Brigade M//or5— Western Division, Lt. Col. A. V. S. Forbes; Eastern and Middle Division, Major, S. liinney, 1st Hx. Regt. Judge Advocate General— lion. S. B. Robie. L L D. Surgeon General — Halifax. Volunteer ArtiVy \ Lt Col Richard Tremain. i \st Reset. I Lt. Col. A Richardson I Adjt. Capt.3. G Boggs I 2d Regt.~ \ Lt Col. Hon. S Cunard '^djt. I 5//i Regt. Cpt Ueni-yVry ox \ Lt Col H A Gladwin Adjl. nd Reici. Lt Col J. Leander Starrj^^- <^^» ^eale (^Aide-de-camp.) \ : i z^— .— ^djt. I Colchester. TpfC H Belcher I j,,t_ BATT. Wi Regt. Lt Col John Albro Adjt. Lt Col James Kent I Adjt. \Capt W"C Eaton "^■""— -rtii—f— irriT TTTTT' 2nd. BATT. Lt Col Adjt. CaptEDWDick- son 3rd BATT. Lt Col Alex Campbell Adjt. Cpt J McLDick. son i 51> FARMER S ALMANACK. 1838. Pictou. 1st BATT. Lt Col Geo Smith Adjt, Capt GeoMcDo- nald 2nd BATT. Lt Col »J. Carmichael ^djt. J Holmes Sydney. 1st BATT. Lt Col John Munro Adjt. Lt A MChisholm 2nd BATf~ Lt Col Robt M Cutler Adjt. Capt Robt Boles 3rd BATT." Lt Col Robt N Henry Adjt. J McDonald 4th BATT. Lt Col Isaac Wylde Aiijt. Alex Reed 2d BATT. LtCol Rich Smith Ad\t Capt .1 Withrow 3rd BATT. Lt Col Daniel Wier Jldj Lt T F Wier 2d BATT. Lt Col S Doncett Adjt Capt H liarr Kins:''s 1 SI BATT. Lt Col W C Moore Adjt Capt H Gciiner Shalbunie Ist BATT. i.f Col Cornelius White Adjt Capt I GEnslow Artillery. Capt. Forrcstall Cumberland Lt Col R McG Dickey Adjt. Capt T Chapman Hants. 1st BATT. Lt Col N Jenkins .idji. Capt J Songster 2d BATT. LtCol Joseph Crane Adjt Capt C H Rand 3d BATT. Li. Col. Jno Morton Adjt Capt J Crane 2d BATT. Lt Col A Lent I Adjt i Ca;)^DVNorden •' 3d BATT. ! U Col \3 Bingay 1 ^dii Capt G Bingay 4th BATT. Lt Col Jno Creighton Adjt Capt M Schmjdt Lnnenburg Ar- I tillcry. Major [Hen Oxner Chester ^rtiVy i .Major Jas S Thompson Cape Breton 1 st Regmt. 1st BATT. Lt Col Chas E Leonard Adjt Capt S Rigby PatTshoi'o'' Lt Col Jas Ratchford Adjt cpt CERatchford 4th BATT. I Lt Col I W B Sargent ' Capt J Sargent istRegt. 2d BATT. Lt Col, Saml Archibald Adjt. Jno Smith East Annapolis 1st BATT. Lt Col Thos Ritchie Adjt CaptG Robinson 2d BATT. , Lt Col \ C Shafner | Adjt Capt Robt Stone Lt Col Jas R Dewolf Adjt Capt WFreeman Luncnbui'g 1st BATT. Lt Col JnoC Rudolf Adjt Cpt GTSolonion 1st Regt. 3d BATT. Lt Col Peter H Clarke Adjt Lt. G Gesner H'est Annapolis 1st BATT. Lt Col Mjt 2d BATT. Lt Col Jno Heckman Adjt Capt Hen Ernst Is/ Reset. 4th BATT. Lt Col Jno McKinnon Adjt Capt J Brown 2rf Regi. l8t BATT. Lt Col Clement Hubert Adjt 3d BATT. Lt Col Garret Miller Adjt Capt J P Miller 2rf Regi. 2d BATT. JLf Co/ L Kavanagb Adjt Capt. D Pellier. Ik 1838. PARMER S ALMANACK. 53 3d Regt. Ist BATT. Lt Col Wm McKeen Adjt Cpt J L Tremain 3d Regt 2d BATT. Lt Col Henry Taylor Adjt D Campbell 4th Regt. let BATT. Lt Col Nat Clough Adjt Lt D McDonald T H E N A V Y. j Honourable Sir Charles Paget, Kt. G. C. H. Vice Admiral of the White, Commander-in-Chief on the West India, Halifax,; and Newfoundland Stations. Secretary .., Thos. Woodman, Esq, Flag Lieut Chas. Cooke Otway, Esq. ALB AN, Steam Vessel. Lieut. Com. E B Tinling Jss. Surg. 2d Mastery E M Fox Clk in charge H J Finhorn BELVIDERA, 42. Capt Chas B Strong Lieuts Fred Wood Lord F J Russell Wm Harvey Ut Lieut Mar Waltex Cosser 2d Lieut Mar E S Browne Master • • • • Jas Tonkin .Chaplain • • • • Rev R Wilson 'Surgeon ••••Wm M McClure ! Purser Alfred Carpenter Ass Surg»»'-Jno C Sabben iCARRON, 2 Steam Vessel- \Lieut Com. ••Eldw E Chven ^d .Master • • Hen Jas London Ass Surg.'* Clk in charge Jno Joiner CHAMPICN, 18 Sloop. Commander G St V King Lieuts Thos Stephens F B Montresor Master • • • • Wm Park er Surgeon • • • • J S Hampton Purser • • • • W B Borham Ass Surg-» Hen Liddell COMUS, 18 Sloop. Commander Hon P P Cary Lieuts Thos Smith H D Rogers Master* . • . Thos A Wemyss Surgeon • • • • DP Williams Purser • • • • Edm Brown Ass Surg • • Jno Campbell CORNWALLIS,74. FlagShip. Captain- • • • Sir Richard Grant, J^<. Commander Thos V Watkins Lieuts Jno B P Hay Jno B Cragg - i J S Ellman Hon K Stewart C C Otway, F L Additional •• P Baskerville R L Atkinson J A A Riddell B A Wake /»a /'•; Capt Mar- • WL Dawes 1st Lt Mar J Travers Master*'" Henry Pavy Chaplain " Rev Edw J Paget Surgeon*'- • E Scott, M D. Purser • • • • Jas Fletcher Ass Surg" Thos Frazer W T Rogers Additional- • Wm Minchin Alex B Macpherson A G G Tucker Jas J Metcalf Alex Barr Geo Whitmarsh CRUIZER, IG Brig- Commander W A Willis Lieuts Geo N Broke Geo Giffard Master Thos B Codner Surgeon---- ThosW Jewell Purser John Brickwood ^55 Surg ---- AnJw Anderson ill 54 farmer's aljianack. 1838. ECHO, Steam Vessel. Lt Com • • • • Wm James 2(i Master Ed F Cavell Ass Surg' • John Tennant, M D. Clk in charge Fras Cole FLAMER, 6 ...Steam Vessel. LtCom'-" JMPotbury 2d Master P P Cotter Ass Surg*' W H Foster Clk in chargeW P Carrigan GANNET, JG Sloop. Commander W G H Whish Ueuts H J Wellington Hen Coryton Master • • • • Geo Filmer Suvg eon*'** Jas Smith Purser C H Osmer Ass Surg '» '•Geo Moore GRIFFON, 3... Brignntine. Lt Com ••" Jno G D'Urban 2d Master' . F F F Taylor Ass Surg ' ' • -Wm McGill Clk in charge HMD Niblett HARPy, 10 Brig. TAeut Com* • Hon G R A Clements 2d Master • • Hen Gammon Ass Surg" Morris Pritchett Clk in charge Chas Walker LARK, 4 Schooner. Lt Com-"' Edw Barnett 2d Master- ' W Forsier Ass Surg ' ' Clkin charge'^ A Lance MADAGASCAR, 40. Capt • Sir Jno S Peyton, KCH. Commander W H Pierson Heuts R E Bullen W Houstoun \st Lt Mar- 'Alex Jervis 2d Lt Mar"W B T Rider Master • • • • H J Strutt Chaplain •• Rev Wm Mears Surg AIex!VIcKechnie,MD. Purser* ..... Jno Howard Ass Surg .... Wm Bayne. MAGNIFICENT,74. Rec Ship. Jamaica. Commander Jno Paget Lieut Jno Markett Master • . • . Surgeon • • • Purser •.«• NIMROI), Commander Lieuts "" Robt Currie . H W Mahon Jno Bryan. 20 Sloop. Jno Fraser Hector Loring Fred A Ellis J L Clarke Geo Grant Robt Simmons Surg ..... Master • « • Purser • • < PKARL, 20 Sloop Commander" Rt Hon Lurd Cla- rence E Paget Livut "" Edw Williams Hen Jas Matson Master "" W T Wheeler Surg Arch Gilchrist, M D. Purser"" Jas Chimmo Ass Surg . . . . L D Buchanan PICKLE, 5 Schooner. Lieut Com" Philip Hast 2d Master" Hen Dormer Ass Surg .... Jas Stiell . PYRAMUS, 42..R«ceiv. Ship. Halifax. 1 RACER, 16 Sloop Commander Jas Hope I Lieuts "" Geo A Seymour > Hen S Hunt j Master .... E J S Couzens j Surgeon* • • • Jno Robertson Purser « • • • R M Jeftrey Ass Surg ' ' RAINBOW, 28. Captain • • • • Thos Bennett Lieuts """ W S Cooper T C Meheux Is/ Lt Mar- • Alex Anderson Master •••• Jno Huntley Surg Geo A Munro Purser . ■ . • S J Butcher Ass Surg . . Richard L Jack RINGDOVE, m Sloop.] Commander H S Nixon Lieuts Eldvv E Gray Jno W Tarleton Master • » . . Jno Shepherd Surgeon- • .• Jno Watson Pvrser . • • . Thos Harris Ass. Surgeon Thos Somerville — -Tiiiiiafciii t 'V -o^' 1838. m . . Sloop. ing s ons . Sloop. Lord Cla- Paget ms itson ler ist, M D. > nan khooner.l >,iv. Ship. , . Sloop mour t ens Bon ett er X rson y iro ack . . SloopJ I \y leton rd n i rville 1838. J'armer's almanack. 55 SAPPHO, 16 Sloop. Commander i ThosFraser Lieuts Thos Hope Jno HoUinworth Saml Lark M Thomson E F Roberts S Sproule, M D. Master •"• Surgeon* • •• Purser •••• Jss Surgeon SATELLITE, 16.. Commander Lieuts Master' Jno Robb . Edw Batter&by Fred Holland Chas Gahan Sloop' Surs: Thos Gibson Purser .^ss Surgeon C D J Simpson T S Kevern SERINGAPATAM, 46. Capt **»•»» Jno Leith Lieut • • • • — H M E Allen M Thomas 1 T Vernon Anson Wm Ellis C apt. Mar' • 1st Lt Ma-'* 'Saml Hawkins Master. • • Chiplain Surg* > ••< Purser*" dss Surg . Jno Rogers Rev Geo Austen J Watt Reid Wm Henshelwood • Jas Lambert SERPENT, 16— Sloop. Commander Rich L Warren Lieuts • • • • Edw Dixon Ralph Miibanke Master • • • • Wm Jeffery Surg*'** Robt Holden Purser ***• S E Stretton Ass Surg* • T W P Sttodart SKIPJACK, 5 Schooner. Lieut Com Jno J Robinson Master J Wilkinson 'Ass Surg' • Jas Selleck Clk in charge W H Reevcu SNAKE, 16 Sloop. Commander Alex Milne • Hor Jauncey R B Miller H Mapleton • Jas Bankier, M D. Geo Doubt Ass Surgeon Joseph Hobb. WANDERER, 16 Sloop. Commander Thos Bushby Lieuts ' Master* *** Surgeon**' Purser **** Lieuts *** Master** < Surgeon * Purser**' Ass Surg' FW Aus'en M R Lawless W J Wood Jno Baird J S Pope • Wm McCrea. After the Roll of Barristers and Attornies was printed the fol- lowing notice appeared in the Royal Gazette. Supreme Courts Michaelmas Term, Oc^3], 1837. Chas. F. Harrington, Wm. C. Whidden, David Matheson, and iPeter Lynch, Jr. Esqrs. were this day admitted an enrolled jBarrislers ; Jas. S. Morris, Esq. admitted an Attorney and Bar- rister ; and Jas McKeagney, Esq. admitted an Attorney. For "Juste au Corps" on page 19, read * Inverness." For Members of Queen's County, read Saml. P Fairbanks and Zenas Waterman, Esqrs. and for Sydney Co. Alex. McDougall and Rich'd J FoiMstall, Esq,V8> ■J mmm I ... C. H. BELCHER, ^ * Bobk-SfiXi]:.ER AlTD STATIOlTBBy OPPOSITE THE PROVINCE SUILDING, HALIFAX, Jf. S. Has constantly on hand, and offers for Sale at the lowest rates, an 'extensive assortment of • A:€ C O U,N«T B tDO'K S, '^ J -n^rt^u. of every variety, aifd in various bindings j Blank BooCs bound anJfruled to any pattern. SOHOOZ. B^Oi^SV 7, j.f:.' of all the various kinds used in the Province, ! I WRirhYGyPRLYTrnG AXD OTHER P^IPERS Playiijg, Visiting and Printing Cards. jink Stands, Iilks and Ink Powder, Sealing Wax, Wa- ^ fers, Tapers and Stands BACif GAMkQJNi-ltABLKS,. CHESS BOARDS AND MEN. J^ox^sColdiirs and single Cakes, Indian lpti(j " ' Camet^iir Pencils, Middletons Lead^..."-4l Pencils,. Brookman and Lang- ••••v.«;t*[ don's Drawing Pencils, " B'JRiliTOL BOARDS AND DRAWING PAPER. OIL COLOURS, BRUSHES, CAJSTVAS, OILS, fyc. Pocket-Bi)6tc8, Pocket Ledgers Ivory and Sltite . Memo. Books, Slates and Slate Pencils, JpHlLOUfi^N^ BOqpr IN GREATVVARIETY, 'Bibfe^i Psalrii BdokSj Prayer Books* - . ;:. : V r A' %mBM fwfidr^ment of *; ai6^{.gi! /-ar^.!: , 017ABTS. : :*^ ^ A handsome assortment of" ' ' *'-"'■ Check Boioks^BiU BooltSv BjUs Rec^ivdhle and Payable Books. Law and other Blanks. tt?* Book-Binding of every ^<^%^p executed ia the neatest manner. .^ ^' w est rates, avthir/ tern. PERS » X, Wa- ,'.? . • ■ . ■ D MEN. «,-■..♦ •t~i- . t • -,' ' •" - \PER. B ETY, ._ .....^ » « 1o i Books.; » • * ? ] i ecuted »■;