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Whenever possible, these have been omitted from filming/ II se peut que certaines pages Manches ajouties lors d'une restauration apparaissent dans le texte, mais, lore barometer, are requested to send the imcorrected readings oi cheir barometer, the readings of the attached thermometer, and the reading of the ordinary thermometer. Page (2) should contain records of any observations that have been made before receipt of the telegram, see (3), Ait. VII., and up to the time of making the report. To aid observers in select- ing times suitable for these observations, the following occasions are suggested : — (h) Occasionally, at equal short intervals, when it is noticed that the barometer rises or falls rapidly. (i) When the barometer reaches its highest or lowest point. (?) When the velocity of the wind suddenly rises or falls. (k) Occasionally, when the velocity is very great. (l) When a considerable and rapid change occurs in the direction. (w) Occasionally, when the wind changes steadily in one direction. (n) Sudden bursts of heat or cold. (5) If Form No. 10 only is used, the general directions in (3) Art. VII. will suffice for filling up the report ; bist any information of the kind referred to in (4) Art. VII. will be valuable. (c) Uiroctious of wiud to bo inserted in the blanks -A 12 (6) If at .my storm signal station a gale should occur with- out its approach being notified by telegraph, a report of it should be transmitted to Toronto by mail.* For such a case, the words "no warning" are to be written in the place of first word of telegram. (7) If Form 10 be insufficient to contain the whole report, and the agent is not provided with Form 9, he should send a second sheet, marking it "No. 2." (8) A copy of every written report, or a memorandum of its contents should be kept at the station, to enable the agent to furnish a duplicate in case of miscarriage by mail. Aet. VIII. Agents should endeavor to procure and forward information of storms occurring in neighbouring places, abo of damage done to ships, buildings, etc. Local newspapers, or clippings, refer- ring to the same subject would be very useful. The name of the paper and its date should be sent with any clippings. Art. iX. It is the duty of the agent to examine, from time to time, the state of the hoisting gear, and give early notice if repairs or paint be required for the mast or signal, audit new halliards are neces- sary. If the halliards appear chaffed, he should freshen the nip near the halliard block, or shift the halliards end for end. At the close of navigation, the halliards are to be unrove uried and stowed away in a dry place for the winter. When the halliards consist of a single whip, the need of going nWin'nT.u '"■''^T^" f'' '1^™S '"^-^ ^' avoided by em- p oyiug a light 7rerinf, line when the halliards are unrove in the autumn Ihe reeving line should be made fast to the hoistins down nn H, 'f '' '? .^^^ °'' "nreeving the latter by rounding ^r7,yV ,- ''- '^ ' *^' "''"^^"S line may take iti place lo dim.uish the risk of jamming at the block aloft the t?tTi a 'smafley^ ^''"^'^'^ '^°^^^^ ^' pointed, and be fini'shed yelo7tyotirftnui't"onet more' howToTa iTn^;' ''j^^' ^*-^"'",«'>* «^°^« ^° '^^"'^ge should consiaer thissuffcieLt to require a ?em,,? ffi/'lf '^''^^ '°' <" ^^^oter time, he BO great a velocity as the above and then rnn^i,. '-l^ * '* ^^'i aneujometer does not shew through imperfect oxpoanre does not n^vfithifMi,'?" ■? ^^'TI *'^'^* ihe instrmuent, blowing, be should repMt that BUoh^shfaZinil! ^^"^ " ^ale is actuaUy him to that cnnchiRioc opimou, statmg at the same time what has lea with- report nail.* to be 18 eport, hould of its le the 'I'iage ation done cefer- ae of , the Daiut eces- i nip L'ove, ;oing em- i the iting ding e its the jhed CYPHER TABLE No 1. Cypher words used in storm and other special telegrams to denote the day of the month and time. Day OP THE Month. 1 Each. SjEager. SEagle. 4iEarl. SjEarly. 6 Earnest. 7 ! Easy, 8:Eat. 9Ebb. lOJEbony. ll;Eoho. 12'Eolips6. 13:Eden 14 Editor. ISEddy. lOEdge. 17 Effect. IHEgg. I'J Elbow. 20 Elk. 21 Elope. 22, Emblem. 23 Embrace 24 Employ. 25 Encamp. 26Enchant, 27 End. 28 1 Enemy. 29jEnergy. 30 Eugage. 31 Engine. TIME. MOKNINO. A.M.I h.m! OOilce. 10|Iciele. 20 Idea. 30;Idiom. 40 Idle. .50 Ignite. 1 00 Ignoble, lo'lguorance. 20 Ignore. 30 Iguana. 40Ilex .50 Uiad. 2 00 Ilk. lOIll. 20illl6gal. 30! Illegible. 40 Illicit. SOIUness. 3 Oolllude. 10' Illusion. 20jlm8ge. 3o: Imbecile. 40 Imbibe. Imbitter. Imbrue. Imitate. Immanent. Immaculate. Immaterial. Immature. Immediate. Immense, Immerge. Immerse. Immigrant. Imminent. A. M.l h.m.! 6 00 Immodest. 10' Immoderate. 'M Immolate. 30 Immoral. 40 Immortality. 50 Immovable. 7 00 Immunity. 10 Immure. 20 Impact. 30 Impair. 40 Impale. 50 Impanel. 8 00 Imparity. 10 Impart. 20 Impartial. 30 Impassable. 40 Impeach. 5u IniDede. 9 00 Impel. 10 Impend. 20 Impeiative. 30 Imperfect. 40 Imperial. 50 Impersonal. 10 00 Impetuous. 10 Impiety. 20 Implore. 30 Imply. 40 Impolite. .50 Import. 11 00 Impound. 10 Impress. 20 Imprint. 30 Impute. 40 Impure. .50:impngn. Evening. h.m noon Inn. 12 lollnability, 20'lnaccurate. 3o!lnaction. 40 [Inadequate. 50!iuadmissable 1 OOlInadvertent. 10;In alienable. 20j Inane. 30|lnanimate. 40|ln[ippo8ite. ,50|Ii-apt. 2 00 Inarch. 10 Inattentive. 20: Inaudible. 30 Inboard. 40:Iuborn. 50 Inbreathe. 3 OOllnbreed. lOInoa. 20ilncage. •SO Incaut. 40 incapable. 50;Incarnate. 4 OOjIi.case. 10] Incense. 20Inch. 30: Incidence. 40 Incipient. 60 Incision. 5 00 Incite. 10 Inclement. 20 Incline. 30|Incloge. 40|lnclude. 50 Income. P.M. I h.m.: 6 00 Incommode. 30 Incomplex. 20 Inconceivable 30 Inconclusive. I 40 Incongruent. I .50 Incorporate. 7 00 Incorrect 10 Incorrupt. 20 In jrust 20 Incubate. 40 Inculpate 50 Incur. 8 00 Indebted. 10 Indeed. 20 Indent. 80 Index, 40 Indian. 50:indieate. 9 00:indict. lOiIndigenous. 20 Indigent. 30'ludigo. 40 i Indirect. 50:Indispose. 10 00, Indistinct. 10! Indolent. 20 Indoor. 80 Induct. 40 Indult. £0 Industry, II 00 Infant. 10 Infect. 20 Infer. 30 Inflict. 40 Infuse. SO I Ingot. erago le, he shew ment, ;uaUy is led ■» < 5? ' ^ TS 3j S B t«i-2 O O OQ e6 ae a •■H QQ OS W 3 Oh 14 « o 5 •^ fc. a ■q &. L_^ t33>5 o E-l n CO i o O o M o s o ^ ^ i "3 2 • S ^ •2 o ,1 ja