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Maps, platas. charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffarant raductlon ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antlraly includad in ona axposura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand cornar, laft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: Las cartaa. planchas. tablaaux. ate. pauvant Atra filmte A das taux da rMuctlon difftrants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clich*. 11 aat filmA A partir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha k droita. at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^)' TO His ExeetUnt^ the President and ike Mm. MemherB of the Cammittee of the Rqyailnstitution for promoting learning in Canada, THE MEMORIAL OF A. G. DOUGLAS, CapUln oo Half ?»T !*«*• *<»*i* R*g<m«rt. ' ^ BUUBLY SHEWMTS, ■ . .■ .v , : .., .. .^. ... r^i' TM ' . - ■ ■ .. •• ^ , »., / * 1 HAT line* ibi ynr iSi6. wlitn the Re^aentef Novft8«olltwwndiicc4,yaar ncaarbliit lOCCMiivilyapfM toOcMnl, WilMn, ID Sir J C. Slwrbraokc, lad lo Hit Qtttt ik« Lm« Dike of RkhMmd, trri'th propmiiiMt to eiublitk a ■ililtnr Khool ia tkit Couairjr. Your memorntui ktf rcMoat to believe ikai the ikrw Gvrcraofi tboftHcnlioMd did MM diuprMt Olki* pla*( ■ circu«itiece prab»bly known lo Mmcof tke mcaibcri of your Honor*bl* Coamiiie*. The plan propoied by your mcmoiialiei wai tke fallowing ; ihtt goeernment tkould grant • pablic b^dldiag. appoiat a SuMrtn*, teadiBi, an Adjuiint wboic duly ihoald be to be preicBi at (he Ktvaliit, the Uuh, tht Rttruukm md Tmpitt, Mat ilatdy icr- jcant mijori who ikoald ailiii ike Adjuiini and ilecp ne^r the roomi of the iladeaM, and the accciMry nMsber of lervantt fruai ijw K'gi* ia gerriigo, who could be eaiily replaced ia c~>e of miiconduci,— Tho-eitabliihaMntthould ha«« been placed in or hear • Town where miniiuri of the Two Rcligioat could be ftointi, and thedoortaiwayeopeacd lo there gcDilenien, when ifcey thoald Vrikh 10 admonUh •• the Uudceit uf tkeir pertuaaion. The eoni of calbolice iboeld not be idmined ■mil they hi4 rtttivtd tht Smi rmemi ; whick iuppoicjikal they are maiiert of thti' tf neti, end ihe vacatioae were to lake place in Lent, in order to live the inconveaiencc of two Tablei.rr-The better lo coniolidaie ;hUkind of coacordai, the profeitori ware net lo livf ia the college, nor hive aay iMng lo do wiik (heir pepilt eacepi at the haari of initraciiaa, '1 hii mode would be prodeaive of oilier ad- vaoiagcai It woaM, by altf wing (he profetiort more timet enable then in loac itiiiencet to teach Mveral biaaeket, and wbatcver inigk( be their Rtligioui opioioni, (hey could act eicile (he jealoaiy of each oiher, norofihe parent! o>' CatkoKc or Protciunt Scholari. The interior diKipline %¥auld kave been then entirely left to the lUff and lo ike Officer* and nan commiitioned officer* created among (he Siodenta by roiKioa, and in conie^ucnce of ikeirgood condact.— Yonr meinorialiit iccemaicnitcd (hat gttvcra- incB( ihoald great fuel and raiioni to the whole eMablithment on the line manner at it it done in the army. The adfintigei which your memoiialitt expected from Ilia propowl, hetruitit will be evident lo yoar E»c*II*ncy Sfd voir honors. Tke difference uf Religion hai hiihei to been the principal and indeed ihe only obstacle to edncation in Lowcr-Caaada In foriniag a railiiaty ichool on ike propeaed plan, ihc two Clergiei remain in Statu ^m, ihat it to aay that witkout iaierfaring the one wiih (he uiher (hey will ccrlainly Tcmiin what (bey onght lobe, (he mastcri, the dirccloraind (he iiip«rinteadinu of tke tenet* of their reipectivefiiih, whili( goveinmen( will lake public educadon in ita hindi, a great advantage to a Coliiny, whoie aubjccta have kitherio been obliged cither lo tend ikeir tone to England for edacation at a great axpence, or a: a greaier riik to (ko United Sia(ea : for ii ia nut probable that their aona will learn among our oeigbbouri how (o respect and cheriih the coniliiution tinder which ibry were born.— A miliiary tchool condscted by a eeieran accuitomed from early life to obey, aaacquaioted with Theologicil diaqeiniiiont, and whote profeaiioii ii order and diMipliae, muit be the pro^r place where every diiny lending to eacita ;oniioveriy ihould immediately be diicountenanced ; which will be (he neaai of conciliating and riveting ihe iatereiuof the two Clergict —A miliiary ichool pretenii advlatagei entirely nnknown in common achooltand even collegea | for here the acholiri will iiad I minly Iri-itment, i treatment of a gentlemia, tiace corporal punirhment may be entirely avoided by extra datiei^toia of rank protract'iprumuiion, confinement, publiiaod private expuliiono-ln a military ichool youngmcn kav* the advaalaga to learn a( once to obey and bow to command, and Wheo they enter (he world they bring along with them a proper icnae of aubordiailion which mikci them retpeciable and hippy, tuck an education woatd beridei create friendship among the rtudeoti, and diminiik party apirit among their father*, the whole tyitepi beiag in conformity with hit Royal Highnett uie Prince Regent'e oideri, who hai Iweo plcaied to determine ihut every man in ike army will ha allnwed to pray God as he hai been laaght.— Our ncighboari havo contidrrable ciiablishmer.ts of that kind, and nobody belieeea in (he United Staiei (hat a boy il bouad to be a 6tUi*r bccaaa* h« il educated in a miliiary tchool. £uch was the plan propoied to our ihrea lai( governdn, and tuch were the argnmenti in lapport of it | but your memorialiit never hid occ-ttion locxplaia hiitnlcnded lyitem of education. The ditcusison which hii lately arose on ihiiaubject, and ihaluck^ circumttanceof your Honorable Committea having been appointed, for putting into execution the paternal int( (iona of Our Graci* out Sovereign towards tkeia piovincei, ieduce your meinorialiit tw enter into some more details. liCl the Lancatirisn lystem be preferred to the Madiai lyiiem and C<rr f'ersM il matters not : but it ita fact tha( laalaal luilion ia of the greaiest advantage for "romisting learning ; aad perhaps mure applicable to icienr'* 'ban to reading, writing and aecouat. yet gieai prejudice! eaist ' tojniiy aga'jist its introduction. The objcciioni arising from religious motive* will eaiily be over* come, as there can be n'> ty in agreeing upon principles and modes in primary ichoola, Tke strongest objections coma from the lower elans of the pea, .icy ail believe that :h>eir sons wkcn under a master must be tanght by ihia matter, only by this maiiai' and continually by this mast: r. This prejudice would diappear, should your Excellency and yonr tionora tkink proper to adopt this plan. The ions of gentlemen of the two provinces would come lu thii establishment and though the example of the grcit hivo often been deirimrniit ti> (heir infetlois in this cue at Icail it wonld be greatly beneficial.— Books i.^vc hhherio beca ooniidered a* the vehicle of initruction ) but it is Mncerely wished Ihat thii idea should appear lo false toothcri, as it doei to yonr awmorialist. There are to many tvayi of itudyingabnok, indeed as matty aKhere irc head*. Webiveall of us learnt from book* ia oar yoang days. Let us remember what we did feel. Our time was distributed into claiiet and studiea, that is (o say (he master in the tUst heard cur tesioni, examined enr cumpositons, explained for the next day jec.&c. &c. in the time of itudy we were left to trariolves, tery bad company indeed. Oaly lemember the wildneii of our imagination a( thit age, the hopefulness of youtk (b* na(aral hi' tied to work as a panishaient imposed upou men, and let usthanl: Giid if w* know evea hour to read. - Voar memorialiit would iberelore propose ihat all books, except those absolutely necessary for the acquirement of Linguiges, should he at trst eicladed from (he hands of tkeie students; (lut the misiert should deliver their lessons on geography, history, mathematics Sec. 4c. 4ec. in tko form of lecture, taking care to have them repeated each tiaie bye aumber of their pupil*. Tbia modecommanda atteaiioo, whilat aiudying in books il too often an apolugy for absence of mind. During the time dedicated to stady, tke scholar* thould writ* down wh't has been told thcin in the precedent lectures : their performances shoald be often inspected, and they ihoald be oblige! (o amend them, when wrongly made, in the time of their recreation. When the Kolara would be advanced in any branch of »• atruciion. Books on the same lubject should then be put into their hands ; they woald understand them and esteem them better, having had the advantage of creating iheir own theory, of accustoming ihemielvea to write on different iubjectl« and uf ai^uiiing BOie logical knowledge in a few yean than all the sontof Aristotle formerly did ia all their life. li it not aatoniihing that ro many gentlemen even thoie who have received tk* bett edacation, ihoald appear every day to dcieia cnt in Geographical and hiitorical knowledget we would tcate to wonder, ihuuld we obKrve that there two science* are laogkt (epa- riicly : a Bacsliit of Kingdom?, Capitals, Riven, Lakes, mountains dc in the one side, and a dry nomenclature of Heroes, Battle*, Treaties of peace, cnmeiand follies in the other: all ilirie things are connected in naiere; in separating them we have created con- fusion. Lei ihea ibe two sisters Geography and History go together.and slowly. Let the maMer of Geography after hiviag explaiued hy the use of mips and globes the definitions of that tcianceopen a large Tableau. Where he will saccestively put Kingdoms.River*, Towni &c with a proper explanation of their climate, pioduciioni &c. Let the mailer of hiitory come afterwardt aad tell the itu> deiili what did pan on Ikoie ipoti. Let them begin on a general plan which they will detiil^ai/i>/<iis (ill they fill ap tk* Tableau. Your yuungmen will thui acquiie in a few years, the knowledge which becomei the Sliteimaa, tk* merchant aad the philosopher— Diatviag ought to b* (o the icirnces iiVhai hand writing is (o the Belles lelires, and coaiequently youny men muit be debared fioai painting flowers, landscapes &c till they can maki a proper use of their rule, compass, pencil and brushes, that is to saf , till they cait draw maps, plans, profilci and elevations of civil and military architecture and of ill kind of mickinery. Let us observe that draw- iag like all other fine arts brings with it its dangers} much time is olien lost to no puiposet for a few virtuosos that Italy producei, a number of beggira torment tkeir fellow crraiorei, no doubt because they began life by scratching on the Guitar.As lo mathemeiics your memorialist does not (ear to assert that in France where the Taileau wai in uie, wliere Trellises had been simplified ( Books beiup atill in fishion) the number of youngmcn Kmnving mathemetics greatly exceded that of the same class in England, and shoald i( be objec(ed that England has produced fireai maihcmaticiaas.^ It might be answered that their genius helped them more than the me> ihod. Mathematics ought to be taught with daily application to keeping accounts, sarveying, civiC and military architecture aad the most essential paria uf astronomy, navigaiion,natural philniophy &c a good master, will easily find out that all these essential part* of knowledge may be acquiifd withsut entariag too deep ioio the icicnc* «tt inatliem:iKi. In fact muter* cam make ntithtr a ■*• thcmaticiau nor a poet. Pror«iWri m'chl ttiiljr bt-Cwad €«•■ in Ihi'i ceintry. Ii it as error io bilitra ikit MitnlltMl mt» ire iIm b«M olftlaud (e ttichi UQ dinch ocvepTed w>ib the'lreniccndint pani of Die icience, iktjp generally deipiie Ihe Eleaaanii. •kil« yoeiiine* of prMniting lolcnu muht bw irainril lo ihe propoied oictkod with daily iaaproveaacntt. Onlv pay ikem well is money, and above all wiili lb« pwrer r«<|i«ci dee lo ibair profeuion; Tbii law reward ii thn cheapctt and the bcii cilculaied for proaotiog acieacei. •Yoar memurialiil bega leave a< mie a lentencc of Moaieiqeieu, lo which he feari proper aitenlion haa not yei boaii paid. *■ L'Bda- cation del ancient aeoii en* avanlage lur la ooirc, ella n{ioii jamiit deaacntie. Epaaidondat la derniere anaie d« la *i«, ditolt,r> , cneiait, voyoii, faiiou. lea miim chotaa qui dtni |'a|e on U. *'0)t co nmen d'erre initroit.... aujoerd'hui' aont avoni iriiia Educa«|Vn^ differenlct ou coairairei.celle de not peret cellede not miitret. celle da m leicequel'on novi dii dant la derniere renverte loaiea let iiitt del prenirrea." There few linet are worth the beii ireatiie: ihey thow chat ika irealmani of ih« maiiert man cliwely iai- tale ihote of i)w puei^tii ikai childrcit man npl be anneccatarily troubled ( on the contrary tl^at all meant ought to be adopted to rca« der ttudy more agreeable and eaty far ihea, which will be ih< caie if we change limoeily their Bicercitet ifwa excite their emulsti- •o, and attend to their imralt and health. Thete linet ahew llhewiie that young n tn are to be ndecated for the w«rld lincn tWf ate (fb li*a in it, and the propoied conrie nf iidecalion will enable them to enter with advantage at thn age of |8, an Univertiijr, a Regiment, in a Coaming hont^a Seminary for the Clergy^Ac &c. for a military icbool tuch at yoar Memorialiit hat the hononr of recommending, it niM, at aight be tnpposed, a teminary for iniirnciing in the taciici of war eiduiivcly. It hat indeed nothing parw ikalar, only to far u maiheaiatical kUmc it applicable, Bnt obiaint ilt appellation merely fiom iit interior polity. . The following Mtimnt* though • mtn approximatioD, will ahow that th« receipt will exceed the expentlitare, and that government roigbt iLcreaae the •atuUlahment after a few years, ao aa to favour thoae who having wcU daaerved of theii country are unabLa to pay the whole of the aum tequired for their children's aducation. TO A Superintendant ... ... ... An Adjutant 6 Profcaaora £300 each An Agent (a merchant of the town) ... A Doct«ir(a piactitioneraf do.) ... A vierk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A Sergeot Maj^ aa Stewart at 9 Shillings per day extra pay 2 Ditto to help the Adjutant at 'i Shillings per day extra pay a Servants, One Taylor and 2 Drummers included. Is per day do. , A Launderets Waahin; (by contract) To Government for the Rations of 100 Cadets for ten mootha ... To AO augmentation to their mess and comfort* . - Balance ft will appear by (hit sliiteaeiit that the balance in favor of governoitat will be/i6oa.i8-4 per annnm froai which the pay of the Superintendint mett be dedtjctcd, nnd the expaadiiure it tuch that it woold not be materially augmented even at an encreate of loo Cadeit. Booki, Mapi. initrnaicBts, and ttMiooary aiay be procnrcd oa the uvinga of the firtt yea^ iheta objects being of a durable nature. - ' ' . . . The aecounia of the Saperiniendant and Agent would be checked the one by the other, the agents receiving the aaoacy froa the parenttand^delivering it tMt ditJta tigned by the loperintendant. Two prbfetiora^^iAAoed tyit'em) will be able to teach Engliih, French, Latin, Geography and Hiitory, The teaching •flangnagei. reqnirine.vcry preparation at all from a maiter.-a>_The choice of the drawiag and mathemetical mattera mutt be particalaf; the (rfft^er ii'^iot required to be lO much of the^arti^t at of the gentleaan lorelably vened in the leveral branchef to which drawing it to be applied tdnd eventhia be wilf acquire provided |iii Education' ahonid have been g<^od:. The laiuriito h« oboaciiaatheaamcpriociplM. The fi<«h>|mfiaaaor ahould deliver lacterM' oa the teveral icieacea to^Hwclftlie two >ait m ne t eia ^yeonld haVc gradaally prepatad thfir acholari •— This nuaber of aaiiera ■ill aot' appear too imall, thoald it be obierved that the 'cadeit are not to recaiva daily laatona in every branch, at a wall regolatod chaaga of aaerciaca will certaialy aagnent the progret^ by the ralaaation it givea th»^ind, Cadets oaght not to eater or Ifava the ettabUthaMt wiikeut an ovdcr from the (^aaan« der in chief. They are jM> bring their bedding, lineo, and doathiog, wwch ia to be anifora, and iKlit pwawa will pay tii aoathp in advance for their fifucation. Should your EictHeacy aad yoar Honors be ditpoiedte pnt coaideaca In a aaa whose edoeaiiao has been nearly that which ha now propoiet wiairodnce having been bronght apina miliury tebool, t> yeaiffa.the French and Spaaith artillery, to yeart in the V, lat 10 Bj :'<0Cadeto 1000 at X90 per 100 annum 100 £t000 80 M 1 6 73 00 14« • 4U 00 300 ' 760 8 4 • 760 84 \ 8397 1 8 t t 1608 18 4 -' : 6000 00 £5000 Engliih tervlce, 9 of which he wai an adjutant of the Royal Military College jhi Englaod, Yoar meaetialiu would repeat the ten* der of bis lervicei, bat for the few yeart only which woald be aeceitary /or kira to aMihe tho machine go. Haviag lott four yearn in Iraitlett expectation, being patt 50 ycara of age and tho Ciiher of a vary yonag fainUy. yoar meaotialiat thiaka tlat kia first duty ii now 10 «tiri)d to their welfare And yoar aawa ri a li tt will aa in doty baand aattr caaae to piay for yiar IxceUeacy aad y«u Honon jRiMT du im^^lMHKt ^ ThmMimn, MM JMnMfH fbOb A. G. DOWSLAS. ^*yy^'^*zl rv ■-^y ifh^^^i^ 5 ►--wj?. -i »■<«»> /-i.. % :