IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I I^IM 12.5 mm m22 lit m u !'0 L25 III 1.4 IIM llllim lllll 1.6 V] vl / Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRiET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 .^^ \ S> rv ^-\ ^O^ '^^ ^^^ ^.V ) E HARBOR. NOVA SCOTIA. OX^qtAKTIZEU IN isris. Udonlreal : PRINTED BY JOHX LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1868. ^ 1 I ^t| •hi gi^^^aaii^a ?ii A MA.CIlSrTOSH: GOLD mmm associatioi, \ WINE HAKBOR, NOVA SCOTIA. OKGANIZED IN 1868. m PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 18C8. r^. MANAGERS: ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ft^'^^^.zt^- ^^'^^i^^Z.*.*.*'^^^ ^J^'^y^!:'}'^'^''. treasurer: y^/^.'Ls^ck^u^^t/^//;^^^^^ t GEN'L AGENT AND SUPERINTENDENT: 'C-: <: MACINTOSH (lOLD lININfi ASSOCIATION. WINE HARBOR, NOVA SCOTIA. OECLARATIOM OF TRUST. i€k.^ ^2^-<-<-'2^^ ^^^3%?^ t Whereas a Gold Mining Property known as the Macintosh Gold Mine, situate in Wine Harbor, County Guysboro, Province of Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada, comprising '^^^ v^^t> Gold Mining Areas, known as Lots Hi^ Ji^f^.J^, sr.6.y. P^f^^O /^^^-S^' confirmed by Lease from The Government of Nova Scotia to .Xrv /^^L-c^Sfc' /^ ^v- V^-^fe^ and by him transferred to l^tCiJJ^^ ^J. J^te^^^t ^X/^ ^Ct^*^ k^ as Trustees of tlie said Macintosh Mining Association by instrument in writing bearing date the il?/tv^/^^v^ ^^ Jr/-n^ /^^ith all and singular the privileges and appurtenances'^ ^ thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining. Now we, the said Trustees, accept the said Trust, and declare the same to be as follows, viz : First. — The several persons who have contributed money in order to become Owners in said Property, or who may hereafter become owners, and contribute to the development of the present property of the Association, shall be entitled to the ))eneficial results in proportion to the number of shares they may have or be entitled to in the Company or Association hereinafter named and described. Second.— The Property so held in Trust shall be known as the Macintosh Gold Mining Association of Wine Harbor, Nova Scotia, and the aforenamed persons, and their associates, shall con- stitute The Macintosh Gold Mining Association of Wine Harbor, 4 %va Scotia which Association shall consist of cmt ^^Y^?^^^ rt^rl-^v''"' of tho par value of | /'- each Share in Gold, and not subject to assessment. TiiiRD.-Of the said 100,000 Shares //?.^^^M^ Shares are set apart for working Capital. ^ ^^ FouRTii.-It is an understood condition of the Association that ts business ar Operations are to be strictly confined to the deve- lopment of the Property, and the legitimate business thereof. Sfl'iT^Jr^^" J'"'!.''' '^^" ^''"" certificates to tho present Stockholders, settmg forth how many shares the legal owners of such Stock are entitled to. which said shares shall be transferable by assignment in writing, and upon the surrender of the Certificate LtL^Tf^^^^^^^^^ ''-'' '' ^-^^' --ding to the «!, ii'f ";7^^u '^^P°"«i^'"*3^ «f the management of the Property shall be taken by a Board of Managers of not less than iZol more than seven who shall be Stockholders of the Association, Id they sLall appoint and remove at pleasure the Officers, Agent^ and a IhXrhTsI" '^'''J ^" ''' '™^« '' the' AsStit and shall see the same properly attended and that full and correc accounts are kept of all business transactions and votes pas ed by the Stockholders, and Board of Managers, fully record^T^ ^ majority of the said Board of Managers sha''^'^ "" authorized to transact the busine^TfrA" ^^^^^^ '^^ ^'^^ the^TS;^^^^^^^^^ " a'^"-"^ - .eet at some s^d place and hour 0?;^ 1^7^ d^ o^f, a, ^^d^^-:^--^^^ meeting. A ma^rity in Interest shall constitute rQuorum and all vo es where a Quorum is present, relating to the buless of ..« Association shall be binding on all the Shareholders, ZZ^:. notice of the meeting and the nurnort of if =i,nii k P.^V *'^** paa d.eo.cdt„ oath of Z'ZZltT:CZZiTfr ro8.dcnoe, at Ica^t two weob before the meeting. ^ ' Mir' ■ arc in EraiiT— No debt or liability shall bo incurred by any OflSccr or Agent, Clerk or Servant of the Company, except for developing the property of the Company. Any funds required beyond the monthly expenses can only bo appropriated and expended with the consent and approval of had in writing. NiNTH.—A two-third vote in Interest of a regularly called meet- ing of Stockholders may direct the Trustees to sell out the Property and tlioy shall do so free, and discharged of this Trust, and proceeds of such sales shall bo divided, according to the several Interests after paying all expenses. Tenth.— The death of any member of the Association shall not operate as a dissolution of it, or give the holders of a Certificate a right to an account— shall continue to exist so long as the majority of Stockholders deem it advisable or until the Property is disposed of and its debts (if any exist) paid, and the surplus, if any, divided among the Shareholders. Eleventh.— In case of decease or inability of the Trustee or Trustees to act, a meeting of all Shareholders, shall bo called and a successor or successors in Trust shall bo chosen. TwELFTH.-The Board of and Managers to serve for the first year shall consist of tho following :— Trustees. Board of Manager :'S. BY-LAWS. Article 1. — At all meetings of the Board of Managers the senior Trustee shall preside, or, in his absence, a chairman pro tern shall be chosen. The Board of Managers shall have power to fill any vacancy in the Board, and they may appoint a General Agent and Superintendent who shall under them have charge of the business and the affairs of the Association at the Mine. Article 2. — The amountof the salaries of each and all the officers of the Association shall be determined and fixed by the Board of Managers. Article 8. — Meetings of the Board of Managers may be called at any time by its presiding officer, or any two of its members. Special meetings of the shareholders may be called at the discretion of the Board of Managers, and it shall be their duty to call such meetings, whenever so requcated in writing by shareholders repre- senting one-fourth of the stock of the Association, and the time and manner of such notice for such special meetings of shareholders shall be the same as required by the seventh article of the declara- tion of trust for the annual meeting Article 4.— The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings in the manner prescribed by the declaration of trust and the By-Laws, and shall keep in a book provided, an accurate and full record of all proceedings and votes taken, and all business transacted at such meetings. In the abpcjnce of the Secretary at any meetings, a Sec- retary pro tern shall be appointed. Article 5. — The Treasurer shall have the custody of the money and books, and accounts and papers of the Association, and shall keep an accurate account of the business of the Association, which books shall always, at reasonable times, be open for examination by the shareholders, and he shall give bonds for the faithful per- formance of his duties in such feum and with such sureties aa the Board may require. and oftener, if roaS; tl R ' ^^-T meeting „f shareholders, port 0. a„ L^nZ^'Vtt^^'^u ^T:r''''' T'"' " '"- corded by the Secretary in the recL fcooT """' """" "^ "" TretsurBhIn";a?tofh::? °?u°"^"' *"" "^^'^^ «»" «.« tod B, the HaisL%t;'r:f :rr;ror r ""^ "~- :::p:rthS;'»''*''"-°'---^^^^^^^ ShfrSr,!' rt?n'n^™T,r^ ^ "T " "' ""^ ""^«"S »f 'ko has been insor lu" tl , oHe 1^°'"'°'' '"'™"'"' ""'"ondn.ent shareholders are prist. '™ """""« "''™ " ™>"'7 "^ 'he apa..rthe«r;e:;iXe';::^ii:;^ ^''°-»' "^ - iV # t ■m