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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TfcST CHART ^ANSI uMci ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I i.25 m m I ^1 |90 2.8 112 3.6 4.0 25 2.2 11 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ /APPLI ED IM^GE Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New Ycrk 14609 (716) 482 -0300 -Phone (716) 288- 5989 -Fax USA 1 .=^ p< ULE Jrnmen and iPPRO GO VI ON •■i i II m ^ / "aSSwPF- 'P^ PORT OF PICTOU. -•05 ULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE jrnment of the Port of Pictou, Nova Scotia, and of the office of Harbor Master ^y for the said Port. iPPIiOVED BY HIS EXQELI.ENOY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL ON THE 4TH DAY OE AUGUST, A. D., 1873. William Habbis, Printer, Pictou. ^ ■ti^^^T^A \ # 4 pri Uule and the the East or Soutli fiee jiass vessels t ANCIJ Rule the fore^s of the ri thereof, oftlie w being re< or his D Pilot, or coming 1 anchor a RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR TnE %vvtrmmni of; Hit |!jarl of PICTOU. ANCHORAGE. Rule 1. — All vessels coming to aiiehor in the ( 'hannel of the Harbor between the Lighthouse and the turn of the Oliannel at the entrance of the East River, shall anchor either on the North or South side of the Channel, so as to leave a free passage in the centre of the (^hannel for vessels to pass in and out of the [)ort. ANCHORING CONTRARY TO REGU- LATIONS. Rule 2. — All vessels anchoring contrar\ 'o the foregoing regulations or anchoring in either of the rivers so as to obstruct the free navigation thereof, or so as to obstruct the landing at any of the wharves shall remove immediatelv on being requested so to do by the Harbor Master or his Deputy, duly appointed; and the Master, Pilot, or other person in charge of any vessel coming to an anchor, shall give to any vessel at anchor a clear berth. f i Rule 3.— No ve.sHf'l shall aiu'lior on tlie^ Hats to th(! (eastward between tlie Public Wharf, and and a line drawn from the south-^fst corner of Eraser's Wharf to the llallast Wharf; and else- ^^here, on the north si(l(^ of the Harbor one hundnxl fathoms shall be left clear betwet*n vessels it anchor and the wharves. IN CASE OF DIHPUTE. l>^ile 4.— In case of any dispute arising be- tween masters, owners, or "^other persons engaged in hauling shii)s or vessels in or out of the docks oi- wharves, it shall bo the duty of the Hai-bor Master, if called upon to give sucb directions in respect to the same as he may think lit; and all masters, pilots, or other personshaving the charge or command of any ships or vessels shall comply with the directions of the said Harbor Master or his Deputy in these respects, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every neglect or refusal to do so. HARBOR MASTER TO DIRECT MOORING. X^^ile 5.— If any ship or vessel arriving and anchoring, or being moored or f\istened to any wharfor vessel, in tie said Harbor, shall be so moored and placed as to be unsafe and dangerous to any other ship or vessel previously lying at anchor in the said Harbor, or moored or fastened as aforesaid, the said Harbor Master or his I)eT)uty is hereby authorized and required to forthwith order and direct the situation of such .shij) or 'I or fasten manner j and the charge o tlie orde or his D of twent Rule ( HJiij) or Vi be remoA of this b; Harljor J Inuids to assist in as may h Hueli vesf D Rule 1 charging like mate canvas oi I>ortion l under a ] every offi or other Rule ^ find ship; :^1iij) or voHscl so aiTiviiiLT an.l ;mo)i,),«.,I, mooiv.l or fastened as aforosaid, to \h>. '\\Unv.d in siuli inanner us to provnnt siu-li ins,.curitv and dan*,' jr; iiad tlie master, pilot or oilier ]hm-so?i liav"iiiect, under the j)enalty of twonty L,l,orMast«Ttoai.v<;tsuch to l.o n-),'.;. "'• ; tl,....v..nt»f>um-c.u,u,.run.-.. aUac.o..l.-as t,' tl" san.., slmll Wc at tl,. risU of tU- ik,.-hous so utU'iitling. WATCHMAN. UnW 9 -No vcsHol hIuiU l.e loft witliout scuie pcTson to' take care of Ikt by night and by (l«y when aiiclioivd ill tlio stream. K„le 10- All vessels lyi.rg at uncl.or in tl.o HarlK,r shall k.^H- '^ '^l^"" ""'> '"''"''^ ''''''* ' u ing at least six feet from the ui.l«T.»ost deck from sunset until sunrise. TOW LINKS. Rule ll—No vessel lying iij the »tream^.Ul have any tow line, hawser or thing made to any wluu-f or to the shore except for the purpose of hauling in or out. FIKK. Rule 12 —No boat or vessel which may come into any of the slips, or to any pier or whar laL ol partly laden with hay or straw, sliall W uny lire on board the same, under the penaltvofeight dollars, to be pail by the owner l!r master oi'other person having charge of such boat or vessel. BALLAST. Kale 13.— No ballast, stone, gravel earth, or A rubbish of tu ed, deposited vessel, lioat, other maniKM of thti beach part of tlie .sliore thereof between liigli forty dolUirs i paid hy the having cliargc otlna- craft frc shall hiive bet persons violat Rule 14.—: rubbish of an em[)tied out o: slip or vessel ■ entrance there set apart for tli under a pen alt every offence, ■ or other persoi or vessel. Rule IS—Ir repairing of w Harbor, care m compartments o large stone ball nl.biHh of anv km.l sJmll be unla-l.-n, .lisel.aa- 0.1, .lciK,s.t,..l, throw.,, or lui.l oitlior from hmv vessel, boat, scow, or otlier such .raft, or in ay ..bor ,nan,i,.r, or by any person fron. any part nr ":,"■;'. ?;"';"'•" °f "^^ "arbor, i„L i,,y l..rt , the Harbor, or upon the beach or . hor,. th,™of, ether below low-water mark, or between h.gha.ul low water, un.Ier a penalty of fty .lollars lor each and every oflw/ce, to be UKI by the owner or owners, master or i.eraon Laving charge of any vessel, boat or scow or oter craft from which snch n,utter as aforesaid shall have been discharged or by any i,ersou or pei-sons violating this law. ^lei^ouor BALLAST. rubbish if ■~^''i*'"',''''1' '*""•'' S"^^-"'' ^'^rth or rubbish of any kin.l shall be unladen, cast, or emptied out of or thrown overboard from any slip or vessel whatever iu the Harbor, or at the entrance thereof, except in places which may be set apart for that purpose by the Harbor Master under a penalty of eighty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the owner, master. or veisel.'""''°" '■'"^' ''^'''''^' °^ ""^ ''''^ «W WHARVES. Rule 15~.In the construction, building or repa ring of wharves within the limit of the Harbor, care must be taken that all the outside compartments of said wharves shall be filled with large st»ne ballast, and the inside compartments X with such materials as shall not be liable to ^aiout into the Harbor and the own., o builder violating this rule shall be liable to a fine of twenty dollars, and each ^-^P-f ^^^^^^^^^^^^ tion after written notice from the Haiboi Master shall be considered a now otleuce. EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL. Rule I6.-N0 explosive material whatever such as nitro-glycerine, or compounds ot tl :me, or petrolel, shall be landed mfnion exc^tei,) shall have aiiy gum nowder on board exceeding the quantity o CX-^^^ pounds, such guniK^wdor ex^edmg that quantity shall be anlcaded and ^^^ from such ship or vessel within or J-eig^t hmus after her arrival, and before such ship o ^e^sel shall be brought alongside of any P-^ ^^^ ~ under the pain of forfeitm-e o such ^^^^^ and under the penalty of forty ^o ;- fo J-'^J^^ and every offence, to be paid by ^l^e o^nu o owners of such ship or vessel, or by the mast^i or person having charge or command theieot. * GUNPOWDER. . j^.^le 18.— Whenever any gunpowder isclifc.- m i\ charged fron Harbor, the s H boat or boal for the depo? conveyance si with a tai-pauj the penalty of offence, to be «^ich gunj^owd of such convej Rule 19.—: received on boj sea (those be! Majesty and tl of Canada exc( shall be and sh and until such the Custom He with the know] Harbor Master, gunpowder is c r( moved to the s ting,) under the pcwder, and unc d( liars for each the owner or ow into which such ccntrary to the t or by the person r tpwm iiup cmi^ed from any sJ.ip or vessel in the said Harbor, the same shall be conveyed by vLh^ a boat or boats to some safe and securr n for the deposit of gunpowder durin.'^/'-T conveyance such g„^„poUr shalTTeoTS with a tarpaulm or other secure coverinc- under he r,ena ty of t.venty dollar for each and everv "ffe^xce, to be paid by the owner or ownerlof «uch gunpowder, or by the person havWchar °e of such conveyance. " ^'^^S^ GUNPOWBEE. Rule 1 9.— No gunpowder shall be taken or sea (those be ongmg to or emj yed by Her Majesty and the Government of the DomiifTon of Canada excepted,) while such ship or v3 «W11 be and shall remain at any pii or X rf and untd such ship or vessel shall be cWd at the Custom House and ready for sea excent with the knowledge and consent of the aS Harbor Master, in which case as soon as the gunpowder is on board, the vessel sh^ll hi r. moved to the stream (wind and weather pemS tong^ under the pain of forfeiture of such mm pcwder and under the further penalty of fortv dr liars for each and every offence, to be paid b^ the owner or owners of any such ship or vessd into which such gunpowder may be s'o received ccntrary to the true intentand meaning hereof or by the person having charge or command of «MM« If 8 such ship or vessel, and that when it is intended to take or load any gunpowder on board ot any ship or vessel lying in the said Harbor the same shall be conveyed by water to such sup or vessel, during all which conveyance such gun- powder shall be covered in the manner herein- before mentioned, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to V>e paid by the owner or owners of such gunpowder, or the person having charge of direction of such convey- ance. GUNPOWDER. Rule 20.— All gunpowder forfeited under and by virtue of this law shall and may be seized by the Harbor Master or person deputed by him, and when seized shall be conveyed to and de- posited in some safe and secure place without the limits of the Town of Pictou, and upon conviction of the offender the said Hai^or Master or his Deputy, shall and may and is hereby authorized and empowered, withm three days after such conviction, to sell such gunpowder by public auction by sample, and the proceeds of such sale after deducting the necessary costs and charges of prosecution and sale shall be paid by the said Harbor Master to the credit of the Receiver General of the Dominion of Canada. PENALTY. Rule 21.-— The penalty for violation of or not conforming to the provisions of the law, and tor If disobeying 1 Harbor Mai provision ft prescribed s u|K)n the ow or vessel not ments. WHARF Rule 22.- wharfinger m effect the fo management and direct tl the same ; coJ wharfage dui the Commiss for the gener; (.'Ommissionei wharfinger a grounds and i Rule 23.— charge of any alongside sai( under the dirt Rule 24.—. landing ballas shoots or tarpa or rubbish wit ing, under a p< the master or vessel, and eve 4 9 .iisobeying ti.e lawful orde™ or .lirectiona of t).e Son r'*^"^'"'' ^"'"^'y' '" -«i-' "f-; nr.fn ';■"'' '°I'«"'»"y i« hereinbefore .[-on the owner or person in charge of the shin ments ""' '=°"'"'" '""'« t° *''« l'-ti«"lar req^^ WHARFINGKR AND WHARFAGE. Riiie 22 — The Oonunissioners shall anuoint a «ttect the following regulations respectin-' the management of the public wharf: To cont,x,l .«Ki duect the depositions of vessels lying a t^ e same ; collect all moneys arising from'tlt wharfage dues and fines to be paid over Z fortheTerT"" *° ^^ '''^ "'-" "'^l'^^^'^^ tor the general pu,-,x)ses of the wharf, and the "im.nd?^nd ''"^ *"•'' <»i good and sufficient Rule 23 T^m"?"' '"'°*'"'^ '■" '"« I'J*'^'- charge J «r"] • *''^'' ™' ""'y l'«''*«« '"^ving cliargeof any ship, vessel or lighter shall haul undrtt f' -'-"■ »nl- b/permi^„ S R . o/"'?n"" "'^ t'"* ^I'arfinger. .a£ L^ii;;t!,"r :s, rithi'rfSt: pi rubbish within twenty-four houi-s after land ug, under a penalty of live dollai-s, to 1 e L d Ly the master or pereon having charge of such vesseUnd every additional Lenty'four hoi HWWtjW" ' ■ M 10 (luriTK' which BiK'h rf^movnl shall be neglected shall he coTisiflered a new offence. Kule 25.-^All Masters or persons having vh^vae of any ship or lighter lying at the wharf and not at the time discharging or taking m ba last or cargo, on being notified by the whar- finger either to shift his berth or remove from the" wharf shall do so within one hour after s eh notice if afloat, or within twelve hour, after such notice if the vessel is aground. The nenaltv for neglecting to do so shall be ten doHa^ and evxry additional six hours shall be considered a new offence. ^ Rule 26.— Vessels occupying any part of the wharf (with consent of the wharhnger) for repairs or other purposes than loading or un- loading brdlast ov cargo shall pay one dollar ner day wharfage if over one hundred and fifty tons, and fifty cents per day for vessels under one hundeed and fifty tons. Rule '>! —All goo'""t'on to tlje All wharf-tge to be paid by the conslcm«n ^e the goods ,so landed; aLl the Master Sso'. per Rule 28. -All vessels using the wharf for the purposes of landing or taking on board passengers and goods shall pay in addition fl ahe wharfage rites of good/ o Sded or aden two dollars for each time the wSfl used for such purpose. ^ M^.?lt ^f —''''"' wharfinger shall furnish the Master of every vessel coming to the wharf with^a printed copy of the^regoing^eg.:^ (Signed) K. P. GRANT \ ^l\i' n^?.^^^' f Commissioners. JAs. D. McGregor, ( JOHN GUNN, Harbor Master. l-^ t