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TO jiii; ri;o)'(.K (if n(iva.s(otia,' /V7*i!c Ctiiititri/mi'ti, 'I'ho spivcli ul'ilio Hon. tlie Solit'ilor GeiierJ, at thi' lutu I'liMic Mating in Halifax, is a liotuinciit of soino inipoi- ijiicu at till- pron lit time, ft Isiminiitniit, from llic|>i)!.itiuii aiij clianwlip of ihe ipeakor — from tlie occasloi) on wliitli it wasdiliviTcil— and from tliu iisu viiicli lias Ijctn altompt- 1(1 to In; iiiniii^ of it, an a nieaiij. to aiil tlic system of (iovi ,11- miMit agitation, iiov noiiiji; op tliroii;;liont tiic country, li is iniportam loyou, liecausi' it Wcatsoftopii's involving your doari'st intcrifts ; ami to mt', lii'caiisc it ntiuik - tlu' policy of tliL' majority in llic Asm'i:iI)I) with "lioin I liavi' actiil, ami, upon sunii' \iial ijocbtioiis, llii- soii')(iia."is (4' my political ojiinion-,. To alVccl to treat such a document with imliU'crciict, wooTd l)c to ili>play liut little knowledge of the state of puli- llc opinion in 1!: ,t:->li N irlh .\nieriia, — to pass it over in si- lence, would lie to admit the assertion of its admireff:, tliat it is coiulnsive imd unaiiKworalde — to assail its )'ositions nnonymonsly, would not be iloing justle*: Ut h gentleman, who has tlirou-n himself boldly into the arena \ nor would it he satisfactory to the calm and relloeting minds tlirotightmt the l*rovince, by whoso dt.'liberatu judyinent, founded upon evidence, theijitestioiis ut Issue must be vdtiinately decided. I have (oiieliided, tliercf.ire, to put my •iwii name to a re- view (if the ie.irncd Soliciler's*pceeli : ini'oin;^ which, I think I am not doin^ more tiian his frc»pivn1 references to m\>elf would warrant, nor than both friends and enemies would iiijiiire of me at the iiresont time i\I) object shall be, to ».et before >on, in language so plain in<) simple that ^ven the unlettti'eil cannot mivt.ike my meaniiiLj, ttie ^rtMinds nf i.iy belief, that whethi r the learned .Solic itoi Ui Ueral s speech was iuti-nded as .an att ick upon the Wct'oriiiers — a detcnee I'f the fiovemor — a vindication of the conduct of the !,c;5isla- liveaiid Kxeeiitive (Vmncils— or as an argument against Kxecutive Itesponsibility for the Colonies -that, upon each and all of these po'nts, there has been a sij<nal failure, that ren- ilcrs the trmmplial boastings of the ujiposilepirty Unlieroiis in the bigiust degree. Hefore veil rrinn to the speech itself, let me mark .1 pecu liar feature of the present times, which its delivery serves to illustrate. Some uaiH ,igo, « hen myself and a few friends in the capit.d, began to press tbosi' reforms, many of which b.ive liien s,( happily aecomplisbed, and to advweate those principles which we still, under Ijittei auspices, proud- ly «».sert, nothing eiHild exceed the contempt and imlifler- encie with which our ellorts were viewed liv the party in power. When we met in the long roiaii in the I'.xriiunge t'olUe I louse, wecouid not persuade mie of those who had any thing to Impe or to fear, to enter the room, or tale any part ill the piiKccdiiigs. I''rum the dool of the Iteadiiig llooni, «bieh adjoins it, they wmild somclinics look in, witli flees expressive of ;u>loni»lli»ent, that the humble men before them should have ttiu assnrunce to discuss the niy«teries of tloverninent, and devote an liinir til public iiHaiis. Itut limes bale clianged. Tliose ivlio rule, begin to (ear tint Ihv'y cannot hold tlieii position, but with the consent ami support of the great body of the peoph'- and. on Iheoecnsion 111 wliieb 1 refer, ("ouncillors and Ollieials were scon smiliiig blandly upon tradismi'ii and inecbnnies, ivliu 'O reeenl'i •"Thh WH Uio imlltii ntim appllnl, iintU Ulelj. t» »8> imliliii n«*ih" "<t p«liUi»l purimbw, cnlled in lUe Capllul they affected to despise, — the wenltlij inerebart, with one foot fio ii." thresiioKl of the Council, ami doubtful ivbether or i ot he would get leave to draw the other arter it, t x- changc'l ;;reetings with the binnblc dealer, who, elsewhere be would h'iidly have known ; and, ei en more surptisin^ than ail this, there .4ood her IMajestj s Solicitor (ieneral. a iiu m- her of both Councils, md coididenlial adviscrto bis Kxeel- lency Sir Cidin Campbell. <l<Jriiilifiii (In: polici/ nf tlit yn- I'triniti'iit tififl fli' rtmti'irl offfn fjnnrnitr before the fhHifiu VKlb. • Of course I attributed all these condescensions to tliesnmu cause to which you will prolwhly attribute them. .Surely, thought I, these stnuigc thinijs loidd never have happened, had not the [lotitieal discussions of the past few years made the moss of the peoiile less intelligent, less united, and infi- nitely less iiowerful than they were— depend upon it all this .(aisiderationind civility, result tVoni the weakness ilisplay., ed by the R; formers at the last election— and from their litter inability to use any j;;real intloencc upon those which are to come, When I relleeted upon the share that t bail ha 1 in producing this change. I was delighted to liml that the learned .sJolieitor forpot to make it part of the ge- neral charge which he brought against the eourso that I atid my political iiwaicl.ites bad |iursiied. I must confess, that, inputting the learned .'solieiior fie- iieral forward to defend the structure and policy of the (Jo- vermntnt, no little tact whs displayed by the opposite parry '.«,, ii|[^it they cal.'idated largely upon his intluence, both in toM n ,'ii:d country, iimongn body of christians who do not usually think with them — no doubt they thought that, be- cause, to » ei-rtain extent, they tinted him fir the lilieral s iews he was kmwn to entertain in n ligious matters, to lbs same extet.t he would ]irobahly 'ind favour in the eves of iiumy, who preferred those views to the bigotted and narrow rule of evelnsion, upon which they lia»e hitherto aelLil. riicre was policy, too. in selecting a man who hael only the sill of a few years to answer for. and who liad not been, tiir any leiigthof time, mixed up with tin- measiiics which have rondered tiieni >o distasteful to a miijcirity of the Hepresem- ative body, and to those they represent. If some policy w.abshowt. in selecting a defender, it must be nekiiowledged that the skill of a practised adiocate was «Uo displayed in choosing Ihe lollies of the defence. The whole case was ni.ide to liini upon the propriety or itiipro- piietv of the rejection of i»o incisures by the Legisliutvc Council,— of these I shall speak by and bye ; in the mean- time, I may observe, that the charge against -Sir Colin Campbell ami his .idvisers goes uiiicb deeper. It touiheii not nterely the'/rts, but tlii' i''inntnittii»t of the two Councils; and 1 assert, thai even if all that the Scdicilor tieiieral ba« said iipiin the subject of the Civil l.isl mid the ,riidiciary, wan entirely satisfictory. still, that ihf main cAarors uifniiifi Sir Ci/oi Ciimj^lifll H'Dutit ri limiil unttiurfiftK itiiit mniltf hf of' nchnriH'tir !iv(hunthj i/riire ttijusttf^ tin' lit'pr.Mtttiitivr* of thrpmiilf 111 ifkinijfiir hit ririill. llehirc priK'ceding (otiieeonsideralionof the three braiicb- e», into wlilcb the main subject naturally divides itself, 1 cannot but pause a moment In consider the ehnrge imiilea- gainstllie llelormers, that they Imd "not fairly re|iresenteil to thicountry, ' the eondtict and sintiincntHofthei!- : ;ipi<uent« Well, Ihonght 1. when Ibis aeeiisallon grn'ely fell fron; the ^^0 lipt ef Ihc learned Solicitor, can you lip 'crioiis ? nr is it pcis- 1 if not all, of tin- mcmbrr* of t!nt nnjurity. I »s\. Iiim if our -■•ililt' that cloMC .'ti'i- licutioii to ,->ll)cT and nu>rc itr-p iriant tni- ; not of inin»r iliat cajinUlo of pcTVfrsiou h;i.s not l;ein |kt- lics, Icavt'Sno leisure for ;m e\amiiiaiii»n »>f tin* i-oiitonts, or an estimate o ' the ciiaractcr, ol" the Proviiiriol I'ri'ss? No clont't Mr. Jc.Iinston ini-ant wliat ho.saiJ, t-Mt sji,jl f in all '•iiKoriiv at the liint! , Imt that he sjioke without rcllectiin, ;>ny body may he eon^inceil that turns for a ni.imcnt to tlit facts. During tlie four years that 1 have hccn in tlie I.igis- >erlid— if I lia.cgiit en dil for one itlort, howeitr worthy in any nanH\ Iiuwcver good — .itnl if .iny part of the pnhlir eondnet ofelthei nyself or u.y friends, e\ er i'een, t!iroii};li tliew, thu fiivonred irgans offholoral (joverniuent, " liiirly reptescniid to the enintry'" .\iid if not, 1 ask llic Solici- t'.'t (ienetal, as on iiprtf^ltt and eotiscientions niemlwr of that latiire, a person of known character and aitaiinnent.s has Ihlii I (ievernment, lia.s he i:ver raised hi.i voice ;i);ainst tliiif • hole- tfnif.loyuJ to report Ihc dehales for The Novnseutian. I'aNS-i sale and indiserimin.ate i.landi'r? .\nd, if he lias not, how i»P over minor iliscus.'.ions, all the leading debates, lho^e to lie '■.m 'tiiid np before the f'oontry, .\i.d uiake il mr.tte' of which the speaker oju-t have referred, have bee;'. t'-iithfuMy and fnlly rei.tirti'^t. It istrtie.the debates in i!ieL€;:i^l.itive ronneil have but setdo'.n beeni^ivcn, betraus ■ lU) aeekly pa- per can l\irnish both ; bat, as tlieir conduct and policy, when- <:*er attacked, has alwa\ s found able advocjli's in t'le .\^K;-*ni- bly, all that eouldhe siiii lor, lias usually . Tone to theeoini- ehar;^e men f,o assailed, that, in placinj; their own views b.'foro the peojde, they tjo not alw.iys pre.unt in the tni!st f .vorable lisrl.t the condurl uf those wbo set thein sueS an exiniple * If I to lot:: to the luu-spaper (iltS dur- ing the existence of the two bodies, Iconldliy before tin leart^L'd Sohiitor te.'i c,>liiinn« of ni'.sreprceiitation np..l try witli all that wassail! against thiin. It is true, tlhit ainhuseoflho tloine of .\sseinbly. I'.ir e e that could be pro. threat d^-al that ha': b:-i n donea,id said in Ix'tb Uoti^'s, ai>d [ many dortnncnt.s connected with tli.- public busiiutf.s, ba\c bi- rti omilieil, or l.iid, until lltcir interest was gune. ntercly liecausc there was nol .space to .'•pare -> but 1,0 scru- pulous have 1 been upon thispiui:!, that I cannot c.dl tu mind otie powerful ortton.-.d display matle by ' i>l' my npponcn i, bearin;^ njion aigf of the jrreat nuesLlon:. wliicli divide llie popnbition, that Icjs been iiitcntionally suppressed - -v.-Uile ■• on.e of tb.' niosi sare.ustie and s\iccessfid pci oiiul «tt.icks, upon mys'.lfand friends--somc of the ahl st vindi. cnlionsof the oppesitt p*)licy. arc tube futiid foil, fully rc- eorded in i'he Novascotian, .ir.dia';en ^cWorf r/^f' t :,nd it is a eurious t'.tct, that durin^^ the last heshioii. the only p.'|:tiOi<^ who cutnplained of injuiitiee ha^'iny bei'ti done iheni, were iluced retlectlu^ o!i the founeds ; and iheref ire, in this de- parlnu'iit, 1 am pitfarcii toui.iinlain that the loial tjo- vernnicnt liave hnd th"ad\aiita^c. Hut there .ire o !iei modes of " misrepresentation," beside tliusi' aHjided I y the I'l ?» riicio is tic industrious di> scinini:iatio,i of direct fibelumd and slanderon:i iiiRinuntion, throuj?h tl:« varied channels of Social life. I'ar be it from me to i>us;jcet the learud Solieiinr (Icneral of any partici- (lalloi in this dirty work ' iit I ted him that, in tiiis depart, irient idso, niary of thi>s.- wiili ehoin be has been .iss.H'iated, and Mho nor^' cow,:r 'eiu-'ith bis gaber.'.uie, miil l.», k to him f)r shelter Mid del", nee, ive lab.nired most atslduonsly ; anil that here also, the aiivanl age has not been on our side. I have heard ,'f sueli tliiii;(s as one near relative of a ^lavc di;j- tiv,)con-Si..^.-ioiii members on the reli.rm side of the House, j iiitary staniliiijjat his shambK'S, day by day, and relatinj{ un* While I hue thus "nit»itpr"ien'.ed" thepartj with nl.oni the leapicd ^ioUcitor .tct.s what lias been their conduct to mc? Icnnldtirii In a iio,..n leiiorts in the papers width ihcj pstroniiie, iti which n») spv'cehcs have be-.'U eithi*r emasciJa- IPtl, orentiicly oinitlcd, while thost of my uppuneiUs Imvc been Kiven at lull len;!th--t couhll.irn to 01 In vs in ulieli 1 have been made ti> utter noii^iise toiicj;«re(!ious ever to eurrillous invention ficr ..iiuther- -.and a second relative, w ho could not ^peak of liie maj.irity in the House of Asst-tn* biy without hietin;: at treason and rebellion- I haveof- ten felt bow a a .od or a line could wound and ivjtber ; ariil >et 1 have a;,o fell ihi.t the eniise in which I wn.s engageli did not icijuire that eveiy bbcv should be returned, or that eseiv circle that eh.ise- titllirow stones should have their have entered intuuuy inan'-s lu'iul---atid to one iiea'ince, fVisli [j^l'iss hiaise beaten diout their ears. I have heard of fciich in my recolUclioo, where, in a leport of t .skirmish, in v'hicli things a* im Kxeentive Coiiiicillor sccn-tlj rctatliuj^ one di- i>ii all liands it was ackn''V. Icdged du' encny ;!,)t the wtust [rect fdsehood .. and iinoiher jrrossand fraudulent pcr^inloM of it, the Mctory was (;iien to them-- -a column or tw,i beui^'I of faet-^and ijuot;ii|» the hi|,^he'<l otVicer in the (jovetiiineti t lillcd with single speeehi-f, on the ulher side ; while inii.e, ai bis authority —and yet 1 has, not thought it necessary to whicli in'cupied upwards of two hours in tin; tU'liver), w.a^ '.'unipre^setl into about tea line-i. Si much fir the conduct of the Ucfot/tiers, and tlicir op. poiumts, 'rt (Ac 'Hojt,' imjf/rtiinl ttrjKirtinmt nf pafilittU it<- follow even such di>lin{ruished examples, coiilenliiij; my- self with drafiivn,!? these lurking caluininatoriJ befoic llit public wheneier I could tniec tlieiii, and niakirij.; theni pay the pemlty o( exposure. 1 claim theieforc, for >/>'ui(ieii ;ii //;f yiio;i/c. Let us tutn to other departments. I in\s<.lf, and for those with whom 1 hive acted, not only » The limes ivnd Hn I'ictou Dbserve/ ure the nussi eonspi cinius uritiuis of the (•iiveriimcnt parly — the ,Tourtial e« traeli. every thing which can imtke iif(ainst us, niul Koms- «inies tniii.iuaiesn great deal that is disiepiita^ilc -but iaftc- norallj guaided and respettfiil ui exprosion; hut I nsk tile .Solieil-ir General to ran;{e oter the wide world of <lis uision, and 1 .niottiiig some of tiie London .'.tundny pa- per*, that live by Id el and bl,iekf;iiardisin,) to schel twoor- of .iu\ parly, i.aae iiidujirious iti <i. fanialmn -mote j even if em he b As already been sail upon llie.ic «ub' unprincipiid in Kciietal manugenicnl - more jeets, yet isSirColin t'lnnpliell lelt wiihout any deKiic» foul in tcuir lil> inite f.ilv! in f.icl and iiilercnte, tli.mti.e IJul. c;io no inoiebe "aid upon tl.em V Han the vindication, l«o paptiH through whali the public ccndiicl .and pcinonal 1 cien of liie .Ids of the lenislalivc (inineil, been mj Iri- ik/ttieiif faiiiiesis iu represeniinn the KiiyiuKsaiid doing's of out opponeiils to the t'oiuilry. but a degree of iiis({naniinily and forbia.ranei — often under the grcMitest pr..vo<atiuti t« whieliihe paitf uiipukcd to ui, cunnot l.iy the shadoti uf* claim. L.l uie Low turn to those lopies, ubich liuni the s1.tpU of the leeriied'n .Speech- the 'Vcif /.i«* am! tti« Juili'iiiri, repealing "gain, w hut I liasi slated bvl.iie, that char.iclcrk uf llie in.vjorily in tlic .Asseinbiy. mid those Mho aiipport them, arec.iistantlv as",Hle,l, 1 pul it to him to »av if there is a political or personal sluiiler that couid eti- ti:r the moat fcrliliiuiAginutmn, bainol b«vn vuiiiiitrd rhraugh llinf i^reciutia juiblicntian), agaiiial luiac ot other, iinipbon'., as to silence iiny eoioplaiiilii if the tysteiiiidio vi.d.itioii of Her .Nfiijenty'h coniitiandN in the cniutiuu* lion of that bod) 1 The tittwa the innjority of the .^Htcinhly ulir.iyii took of the I'aiunI and 'IViritctial Kevemm, wrr< -tluit IliM* 3 Mf Tcniji't u'crc vcitc] in 111^ Crovn, ri.>t o-s luTHnnal propur- ty, to lif c-^priciousiy lavisijc 1 iipun inciividuals, ui witli- (IrAwn from the Coiiiitry, but as a trust fiuul, to he. iius- h.ijnictl with cc-oT-oiiiy. iIikI i'Spemii'il for tliu bcncJit of tin- ^•■hitlc jn'ople. Ill set'kiii;; a transfer nf iliost* licvenuLs, tiuy tluiiight tliat, as the llcprc^i-nttlivc Hrandi !iad .lUn)-. promptly nmt every jual cluiuanil upon liie I-x-al (luveru- iiu'iit — atid IIS there was ito itasin to Iiellvvo that it wuultl lie K'ss lihi'rai in futuru than it I^ad hcvn in times pa-st— it wjis must tnuvi.sL' to haw a sup:iraff Muirt-c of incumt* n% thv ijTitmand of the (lovcrnor, over whiiii I'lc Uoiist' !iad iiu vontnuil, and being applied to rai^LMh^.' sjhu-iesof n fow oHit'tT* fit above tlieuuMns of the C'ulony, mid llte fji-nural sriilf of renmnciMtlon to otlii'rs---ui'eutud jealousy and unea.'^iin'h* — and fostered t'>;iravaj;ant notions, wbii h v-ontinnally menaced tl;e I'rovineial Ireawiry on the one hand, v^iiile it jnjuied the toi.o of society on the other. 'I'he IIotiH- believed that tlie Hepresenlatives ofthe IVople would approiiriuto those Revenues nunc ui.svly t!i:in the three or l^'Ur I'ublir Ol'iivrs, who usually managed the iiind, und whose oidy tare rij^i.tarLd to be, to sou who bhontd L^^t tile niUHl out uf it. iVtha^-.s they ulrio Ihon/'ht. as the i.'hlLl' p.iit of lho-»' l»v;vt.iiues was tl. -rived fro:n a nubt extni nilinary nninu;iijly of tiie miiieral restnir^joK of the Vi\>\ l;.i e, transfeirud to in* dividuult for a period of vixty Vi^-ms, that tlie Crown was bound to Uiike alun^'UK'nC fjr a grant sj iuipo- Mttc, Ijy niaiiin>; the siuJl iiieo:uo it prudiued prodne- livoof .some iulvaiit3f;e to the peoj-'a'. In relnrn f-T il e ru- . venues demanded- tin? Ilouso alMay! profesn-d its readinoiji 10 (];rant, either for t!;e lilc of the <i\u,i ii, or forever, an at'.e- • juale ('tvil I^iit— n>akinj; the (►ahuies of the (jgver.ior and tht' Judjijeh pcrmruieiil. It did not rjur.-ive itself botif id, in ntakin;^ this appropriation. to;ri\e to all iln'oHieers w'tnt liad hitherto managed this Iteveuue ihr amount nfsahiry whith they had j^iveil thvinyelves. U thought its duty wuk tolakeafiir view of the ulude subjoi t,— to the eliiin^ of exi*ilio>c olficiTx— to tin; duties to h/j disi-harjreil by future incumbents- -ti) the relative emoluLMents and du- ticH ufothiT oHu-ers, already providi-d for —arid to iho prewi- ju|i demaTid-* of the puhlie svrvite. in vnvi*' u« important de- pttrtmeni.'-, foreveiy shiHln^ of surplus fj uds,— and, biv'.ng done this, to pass iueh a 11.11 us shov ,d (i?kd!y settle the • piestiin- Thow who tmik A \fnt\ Ui this ^r.^nsurk^ dio not conoeivt tliJit they wefeto hi tied up by tho'.tttim«tofnfHefrs,uhn, from (ineeaiiNe or nilior, had hitiieitu lH<en paid out of all propor- tion to the rosaurees t)f the Country— or that (hey worv Itound to pive IhiMu, durin;; ' heir lives, tvery far^hnt^ ihey had hiibevto reciived '. nut did Ihey MippoM- lint they were ixeluded, by tie Ian/ ,iiaj^o of any cWspa'vhe*-, founded iipuii the ei parte statif lents and renmn^itruneei of those uHieers, from inakiiiy; tn llic (*! n rnnunt i proponition, whieh, in their delitu'r ,te jud(rment, ihey believed to hv ra- ti timl and fur. NV * M-haf was their proposition 'f Ihepri'M-nt t't" \ernot and hi» 'atcoi'swirs in idfue hereto reitivethe lull ^uni.s retjinivd by the Coh>nial .Seerelary. Sir Unpen ^)_ (jetnue was to rui\ ive. durinj; hi.seonfiiui- H nee in otfin- ^ .fuoo Curr» iiey, tndipeulent of hiK riTclpls tVo:n thu U ^-^ihtry. -t'lUU uus to b« (he balarj t.f hli sue- teflftor. ^t'e Chief Juhtiee wa* to receive .t'UUtt, betuues hik ■ft*<i' .mg fd'snf u (juinea a day. .t'»7:i lOn. was to be X"' n to Hit) futuvu imtnnhrnt of the itanie otltec, uhieh, **' th tbi' travel, would have Heenri"! to the hif^heht Jndieiid •^ ^ieir tf the I'rovince, iu all timi- to tome, about Ova Thousand Province Votes, ---Jur^gc Ilidiburton havings ilnrlu}* bis life, about -i*l.'iO more. Tile ^nl^ne Judges were to1.)>e, now and Iiercafier, £'700 each, wiiich, with a guinea a dcy for travel durinjf about three monlhs tliat they were on the Circuits, would have made neaily .t*Nio, to support tln-ir di|^ity and en- sure their independeucu, 'Hu IMabter of the Uo!U was to ree'ive .£7»M) a year. In ac.ditlon to sums, w);ich were to have bet ii per- manently appropriated in the I^ill rejected by the I.egi'^la- tive Couiujl. every other ehar/^e home upon the Revciuie^ to he snntndcrcii, was to be provided for by the ammul >o(es of the House. Now, 1 think, uheu you ealinly txan;Iiud tins Si heme of appropri uion, you will hardly nf'ree with the SoUtitor General, that itinvolvts ai:y;jvery illiberu! on the part of the Uonse-— to tl i- o:Tieers.--or perilou* to the •' jiuhlie honor." A more wise i-nd nasonohle mea- sure, I believe, nf.'\er passed tlic Awcnddy-— nor was one ever conceived or <-arried through in a t>etter spirit. I served on ihe Committee which fr.iii.i'dthe I'm II, and 1 never saw liie duties and elain:s of officers more f. irly considered, nor a more siiu'cre dehirc mar.lfested to rjui;t, and fi- nally dispose of, a vexed <jiiestion— and wdun (he IJill wan reported, ! diil imt believe for a moment that it wouM b« rejectef! by the upper llranch. Let us (.up}ui*e that it had pasM'dboti» IJnmches, with a suspendiui* c!auit', and had been Rent home with an Address from tin' two Houses call- inp tlu- ultention (»f Her 'vlnjcsty's Government to th« fe»* points on which it M.ned from the dcspatelM s. but utat- ing that the whole subject had been jtravel) wei;,dicd ;:rid eonstuered,- and that, in the opinivin of hotli, it was a wisu and rt avoDidde ^arrangement. Dois any man doubt that it would have been agreed to nt home? Uut, says the S'jlieitor General, it would have hem un- jntl to the Chief Justice, because he Imd taken certain fees wlilt li anioimted to more, and an arrangement had been made wttb him by which they weiu rc^impii^hefl. Let mt invite your careftil attention to this, the strong ptiir.t of the Solicitor General's case, if it has a strong p'oint at all. of v.hich you may have doubts by n.u! bye — but, for the pre- scut, bear wiih nn; whiW I try out the merits of tbii tibjte- tiun. Supp>K-e that, at this mon:ent, the Chief Justice I'ere in poKsession ofthcftu fees- ^ujtpo-^^' no (jniKtion asiu their Iciiality bail ever been raised —suppose that they were not only not illegal, but e\ sauciiiMi..'d by legislative enactment; but that, ;i;rowinjf with the {growth of the coun- 'ry, they had b-ecomc excessive ; will the Solicitor (Jei.cral ^rnturc *o deny to the I.egihiature the power and the rijrht to nbnU or I'^en tu nlotUh tUvm a/^i/;t7A(r— <»r to vi.ry the mod" nf payment, or the antount of provimun, in any way that they mi;;bt think proper, in order to mtt iu the vvuntri^ II ituifilun loiM'isiY// tiraun ; provided always, that they left to the otlieei a libera' andgenerou-s provision for bis servWvf, and paid him at a rate far above, rather Uian belbw, tlie bcale M' remuneration runiun[;; ihruu^b the other departments of the pullii: *ieiviee? I think, even if the C'hicf Justice were "remittid" hauk to the situation in which he wan In iH.'i?, that tlu- arrau^eun nt propoM'd WituUl have been fair anil just, and no breach of the "public honor ;" and I sludl be mistaken, it', ubeii yuu have retlcetedon thesubjcLt. )<>u do not think ftu too. Itnt, ffayft the iSubcitor Geutral. them wan au "arratigr- mcnt" with the Colonial Seer«ti.ry, founded U|mn the Iteu. Well, ifthcru wa», tht»did not limit or rfstrain thv f'OUttrvf Lvlh itattihti to putt upc:t Me a7ieV 5i(/;;*i'(, tun did i' put tlie 4 ('hicf Justice in a stronger piisitimi tl'nn hi' wo'ilit lii'.v: <k'- oupi'.'it, nor I'nilow liiin with any rlg'iils nioro s.icn-.l tli:.ii lii' would have \\:A, liad the tW"- •.■ontinnorl .still in c\.sti'ncf. 1 m:ilnt.un, tbi-rcforc, that ailinilliiiu thi- Ic^nijity of tlie tVi'S — whether tiiey wcru still continuiil or disconlinmil, tlv two iirancht's liad the right to pass niHai t)w whole iiiiiMion, stih- ICL't of conrsL- to the npjiroval of the Crown ; ani! that, in se- onringtntlie Chief Jusliie of this lillle Colony .t'linopc' annum, hitidok travellinj; fees, llicre would h-ue I.een no of the "iniiilic honor." liul, when it is eonsidered thai the Chlrf .Tiistiiv hajlhiod- ly eonie into l!ie receipt of the fees liefore they were dispu- ted— thai llie liiprcentativu hrntieh hud atraiii i;nd .i^'.iin declar<.<l them that the arranfreinent had been made hy the (.'ol.mial Secretary, «itlioot the benefit of V'\- eonr- sel or advice from eillier hraneh of the l.e'.'lslaliirf, as to the atnount of r..'mnnerrtiionneecs.sary for the Cloef .Insilee, .ind up jn that cdheerV representation of hl^ own rase; hov/ iroje'i strongtr diH'S the lisht of the two hunses appear to !■ gislate \vi.sely.ind independently opon the whole quest ion; and what necessity was there for the I.ogislniive Council to as.snine, tlnit ti e Sovereign \\.]uli< not rceoj)sider(he whole airiir— or what rigl.l hud the I'onncil to iis.sunie that lier JM.ijesty would not <lo justice to the country at larjjc, eventhou£;li somcsi;erifiee ^i an tu he made hy an individual? Mr. .loliuiton treimoiis- ly insi.sts \ipon the riglit of the Legislative Council to nssirl ?7.f iMf/i/fc.o/o'icf of the hnvei House, u/ifii ihi ftefrttms of ihf ctmntrrj tirr tu l>t H'juunthrt'd , and have not wc a lif-dit U> elaiii, for it i./ud/ iftitrp;'niJt-tii-i' oftftt Cnift-n, u-fifttth,*sf r<-vf- Jiitti ittiiif ht iiinxd * Having then, .es 1 i oneeivir, est.d)lislted the rit:lii of ihe two Houses to deal «ith the whole (p>estioii iniiependtntly, ind to place hefw'e till- Crown such :i meas.irc as, I'if the (iovernnient at home ehow, upon reflection, aided hy the deliheratc opliuori of tl ov »vho were *Iie jndpes, ) to sanetii}!). would ipiict dnuhtfid elaifiis. ind lend to the transfer of the revetiues, let me enijuire for a .noment what guaranleos wc had that the hill would leiie leceixeil at home the moM favornhle consideration What are the general views M'hich the Jlomo Gtivernnient have cNpresved iit reterenec to this matter "* "It is not to her MijestyS fiovernment.''s'iysI.cril lile.i- (Ig, "a matter of any serious concern, whefher ihi salar'cs to he assignetl itt the Civit List, he o.^'greatercr less, nnoiuit, provided only they lUu sullieient for Ihe muintonanee if the olMeers, in whose favour they are grantevl, in thai station of Koeiety to which they helot.;^'.'' Ai\d then t'ollowK .in .'.limirnhle injunction to eiononii, in wliich. while hi- Lord- ship deprecates the idea of piihlie ofticers se'ltlng .iiievah'ple ofevtravaganei', he declares, that he is "not only willing to ndniil, hut unxious to assert, that in fixiiifir the amount of oflieial sidaries in Hritish North America, great frugality .shouhl he ohserved. ' It won then tu » (Jovermncnt thus most f.ivor.ihly dispiised to entertain any propo.itti,>n, even though it might, in some of its deuilK not mert every pre- vious arrtmgemeiit. the '"ouneil was atked to send the Civil Li'^t Hill ; ind I •iltrHi/ i/prn,llif I'mpiiili/nf ih hilrr- lntsifKj tiftu'nn th> SnvriTiffH t/nti tSt ;»fo;,/e'.« rejtrriii^ntdtivf^, tnjirni^nf t/tf t/iitn/iini /'mih fieinif ri't-oiDiiti'fn^t ; nay, I assert, that if that hody haii hem eonstrueted as it nughl lo have heeii, under Ihe ilespuelris of Lord (ileneig, it would not ,inly have pas-ed the hill «iih a •.mpeiidiiig clause, hut,i'"/ii,i/ lel^* 'he Hi"!"! II :il i"Wir-i.«fo«viiii/ //i«» it n.ii^ht Ihitriri.l. ■ tl. Voii will pereeiM- thai 1 have (olhev.-d the evanijile of the .Solieilnr tieneral, and .irgued thi niiMiioTi upon the f»se of the Chief liistice. If f. mi riijhl, then all that has been said, applies « .th eiiu-d if not greater force to the el. urns of ll.c I'msne .ludgiai, Jind .Sir liiipert tieorge. AliJ the ue.xt iiuesiions for you to ash, ere, — were the »iJBi» granted siifheienf for the niaiolemmce I'f li'e Officers — a»d. if le-s th.iii tliey expeetod. were their ehii.ns lo more stronger •Man the claims of the whole population of the country tiv the iH'iielil ^f the surplu.s ? One would sujipose, from Ihe manner in which violation* of the •' public honor" are lalUed of, that, at the time when some if not all of Iheso oflleers were apiuiinted, there «;ls such H dearth of :!t and proper imrsoiri, that tho Governineiil and the people of Nova S<otiii had ti) luro them from other and more protitilile emiiloymmts, iind'olicit their acceptance of Ihe siluntions ihcy hold, pure- ly from regard to thepuhlie welfare, Will any man assert thai tills was the case ' AViU any tleny all ihen' parties were r,'joieed to );et lhe;n — that, at the ilate«; of their appointment, there were others to hi had eipinlly compitent —or that the applicants for then., whose el.iinis were re- jected, were not grievously mortified at the lime; while lew, ifanyoftlio disappointed, have been able to support, hy their private endeavours, the same style of living which these men h.avc since inilulged in, .it the public e\penw i T.ike the ease of the Chief .In tiee. .\ ynung Officer gets tired of the ,\rmy, (piilsit ami studies law. AlVr practising a very few years, he applies for and olitains tho situulion if I'uisi.e ,riidge, with a salary of .fltHI a year. If it he said that it was the prospect of heooming < hief •Tiistlce that tell. pled him, I nn-inir, the emoluinenn of the Chief. (ii'-liee, at tho time, were le^s th.ui the ainou.U graio'ed in the Hill that the Council h.tve reieeted ; and, thurelVire, that the rrovineo isj.niiltless.vf enyhlame, in either lakini; ,'iii;i out <.f tin army or idicing him on the heneh — and tint .t'4<H>at first.and AliM) down to IN'Hi, independent off.eslo i.'ie amount of about Id" or I'l.Ml more, wert« sums suflieiciit to secure lo tlie Country tlie ln'iielit of his ser- vices; and, that, if any one of the ehmiees that might hare debarred his e.'evatioii. li.iil occurred, be would have gone down to the grk've, like any other .Tudgc, never asking or e\ peeling move t! an T or t' -IIO .1 year. Now, let i« mip- pose Hull, on the ri tircnunt oi' .lodge Wowers, the (Joverti- Mieiit h.ul .said to Mr. ILil'ihi.rion, you may have thisiitua- tion, hut it i^ proposi d to reduce the income to .t'l 1)1)0 or even t'OOda year. Would behave laltenif.' |)o any of you hi-lieve Ihal lie woulil have Hl"ii'*d if' And yet, are ire to be told of violalioiis . if the public honour, when wi- oiler the >iaine olllcer fl IDll, iiuleiiei'deiit of Irav, lling fees .' Will you eicilil a eh.irge of irjuslice against Ihe in ijority of ihe Asseiublj, ivho, in ineluo'lng this olliie in ii geneiat arringement. gave lo the iiiciiuibei d i larger than any idlieer in ihe whole range of the (i epartment of the piihliu service which he vuluulurily selwUnl, Imd wlien he entered il--4;;iH) * year more than he had v. hen lie first tendereil bib Kcrvucs-nnd ,tllOI) a yeai mole th. ni liu had, dciwii to a few yelr, before the I.egislalu-e ci Hi''! "I"'" totlalm the revenues and revue the public e\penJ!i ore ol Ho; ( oiiil- iryV Let us turn to .iiiulhcr of those nnl'ortuna.'e iiidlvidinl*, with whom Hie pledged faith of 111, liovirnmehi was to hav« been so strangely violated. Sir Ruiiert I) (leiiii;, ' in'teriled Ihe otfice of Seoelsry of Ibis I'ro\ince from hi < filther, «beii a mere vuiiih ; and peifomud Ih.' diitii» of it .''y "•- piiiy lorsonie years, until it suitrtl bun lo niake the pi. *)■'*"•* sacrifice of bnrj iiifj himself, 'or flur liiiiir» a day, in •'"• ,Soulh Wisi Wingof oui I'rovinee Itiiilding, witlithepk '• try piiivi^ion, fVoni <ine suiiree of revenue or other, of •oaiK ,Cli)i") a year — n rnnpo of p.itrimagu hy no means il'»iglii» of rity .'Ml ml)' .iim i;ivu llC'rt hn. !)<>. Ilia I. — .111.1 cwy ucrcst tn llio car i.f ovtry Govt riwr upon iiU wca^ioiiA. 1 li.ivo iiiviT VL't licanl i!ii\l :inv ^Tcat uiix- ii'ty wm vx|irviN«'U l>y tlic IVinilo of Nuv.i Scutiu to liiive tlic »i'fvic«« 111' thin yoiiiif; ;{i.Mitli'iii:iii. 1 li^i-.o mvcr liciird of ($ iin^ lirilli.uit |)r>i%|KTli iiliaiuluiii'.l — norh.uv' I i:\er bui'ii uble (11 (liM-ovcr tliti iniinitV'<tjtiiiuH of talciit iiiul iiitbrrimtioii to i f»iniii»iiiliii^, UK lo liinj I'livirol lor tlii> iiidivicliula ilfsliiiy intirvi t'liviiililvi lli.'it) ( nliicli tiu.kitfd hi'.n hero. Sir ICii- jiert, I itni willuij? to.Klniit, is i\ \iMy gojtl oi'.u'er — llirit is* lio t» ^rillltt tlu-y would imII, ill lini()H>)d. a ti^^t class rivl tapt> oitn, liiir luitliiti;: inor^'. On o-i'.isiuii*i livhi'ii it has |jU'ii>od liiiii lo .ilisnit. liiiiiteU' tVoiu tlic l*ro*. iiK".; for a ye'ar or fi;;lii- i'L'ti niontlu, I ain not ijuili.' Mir>.- that any bodi uii>st'd him' «Uliou;,'li liis ilalio-. mito lurt-iniicd liy g.ii'li:"!'^" of the inij tMjlf! Ill' l.diiit willi hinisclt', alioiil liilf Ihe u- ^ m-iHitt itnHit/iti-Ut't fii:n in tht' f'J'ft<'t t'iif /.is/ lillK .S>i, ihi'ii, lilt" I'rowiiPi! of Nova having takvn a iiuTi* sti'i|i|iliii^ti .d' oi>]iiuir> l.dfiits, at hi^ own iv-ijUfNt, and ^ivi'n liim an LMiorni.iiis s,dary. — having utUnVLyl him to ah> •out 'Ulnr .11' and do Ihu du!) Iiy I).'|inly, v.hi.'nrvcr h,' )ih'H>it*d, .'t I'l ivilo^'.' ui' U'hith h;- lut:* av.iiK-d hiui-vll' scwral I'nie* in iinIioi'I lite --i> iiol to hv p^Toiitu-d topf^s a gcn*.-- rnl in-.iMU'i't a'lietin'; thu whole Ciiil l.l^t, ai\d the C.isu.d lUiti Tirri' UuvtniK-* »t" the Crown, niiUv. it i;ives to Diis KenlliMiiHii ihe llllerlllo^t I'ltthin;.', vvhiili, vliile those lie\eiUK'« ^■■ ere ihietly at hl^ o« n di-.iio.vd, ami he had im- litiniidod iii'Uienee vvii'i liovt i'n.irs and I'vilouial Seere- larii ., he h id llie iiio-eii iKv lo ni'-e biiii»elt' I Unt Wile We p.iinj^ to give hini ? Had wo iilinvcd VI el.wi', til it .Sir ltli|iert w.w lo !.. Ul'i nilhouta (.ulHcii'iiv •inn lo inaiMtain him in lliu si itioii i.i wlileii he was Imund to move.' W.ii hi* im^o *.o i!ei*)ior.tte, .l^ tori:}nire the intoi- ferenreoC the l.ejisl.itivu (,'oiineil to iivvuit Her .^lajesty'^ toivermnent li iin lueoiiniderin^ ii ' How ouieh, think yoo, hid till- llonte'ieil to thi I'rovini nil .Sa.relary ,' the stun j^iven to the ('!ii.-t' Jnilire : .ill lOi) per Hiiniiin. \V i< this all .' |ly niio:li.rr ilill, iii.ikiii)( vari ais alter.itioii> 111 till) Ui'rtittry D.'jvirtmeiil, an j wliieli uUo rejeeted liy tile I.e,;' '»tiv<< t'ouneil, iijioii tho vmie plea, lliiit it did not give tlie iitteriiiii«t I'irlhinx, Sir llnpert w-is lo Iiavj re- ceived, in ('oniinnl.itioil of himhiiuH upon the Deputies in the Country, a pension of .t'JUK a year. .So that he was to have been p.iid, nnl of the Ueveniie of .Sovii Svotia, in all lime to eoiii ■, lii»l I'liirleiMi llninlred I'roviiiee Nolii, or I'onr Thniiviiid One lliiiidred and Siiily l!rlli^ll (.'rowns, — nnd ilii>; is ivliat Mr. •Iiihiisioii rails .i violation of the " I'llblie llonoi." When you rclhel tlial the allouanee wan Inor^' than d,iiitite Ihe aniiinul giieii t i Ihii i'roiiiKM.d I'reiiAiirer- - luore than thu whole sioii j^iveii to three diitlges of Ihe I'oiirt of rominoil I'le.ii - lull us mneli as the Minis awardud, liy private I ompanles, to the I'aslnei* and .Ma- luKurmd III.' tliiiv llankiiiK l^istitiitioiis inlhis 'I'oini, will yon li ltd your voiciis tu «we!l the ery of iiiju.stii'1! raised a- gaiiitt yiiiir UepreHenlntivvs, I'm not i^raiitiiiK iniiru, or will you hold tile ( uiiiietl eieiisid tin ihe ri,|eetioii of the Hill 'i' Y.'l, it may lH•^.lid. thai 11. e I'nisno .liidf^eiinnd Master of the Itolls were III btMiH'ei'ted by the Hill, and ininKtioo was aliiml lobe done tiilheni. I.rt lis e\.iniliieiliis ground iifeharne. When the .M.ii.ter of the liolKiueupted liispnseni olliee, the Salary w»s .(.'liilii . the lldl see'.iruil lo him .LTiHI .—mid ii ;('i\e lo eaeb of Itie oilier .Indole', an eipial .siiiii, OfdudKe W illtiii'i'i pro»peels and pnntlee, before hi: iie- i'ep(e:l olliee. t .ini too yoiiii;^ tonay iiiiieh i they may liaie biM<n gretil. but ill. all events th« lliU Hooiired to liini a hii'Ker Mil.iry than lliiit for ivhieh thuy ivuru vidunurily ahaiiduiied. Of the iniiiry to be done to Ihe two other i( Judges, perhaps mi-.ny of us arc compit.'.nt lo (iirm an opi- nioii. I have heard the friends of Jiidj;e Jtliss say, that he never did make, while in praetice, mure thai. J. '00 a year f from what I Kiiv of the business of Courts, an from cir- cumstances wMeh were notorious al Ih,^ time, I feel conli- ilent, that, for St. veral years previous to hi-, aeceplancu of olliee, Judge Hill did n.i(, on an average, ni.ike more- -and yet tiles.' are the Men for wliooi .'JTinia year, and !in giii. iieas for travel, was not considered enouErh. I'oor gentle- men — it rwdly is distrevsiii..; to ildi^k of the straits to whieli tliey w.inid h.ive bc'.'ii re.Uieed, h.i.l iMt (lie J.egihiaiivo Couiieit kindly steped in and pievei.ted ihls breach of tho " public honor." To nie it seems rullicr sirarge, ihat so iniicb solicitude i.'i sonietinies niinifested lo pii.uet ihe fiiniest shadow of claim which vveallhy Indiviiinals m.ny ha-,.; iijiun the re- venue-i — wlieti wholesale injury is often inflicted iii.oii the poor; the public good, without any b-jdy ever ajipealing to the pnblii; lioii'Jiir. For instance, how often do we see '.vliu'e lines of road abandoiud for e.ew atrl better ones- — by which those who have built an I improved, upon the faiih of the old ro:'..'s gtdti;^ jia^t ti'vir diwirs, .in' ileeply in* jiued, if not rediieeil to poverty .mil ruin. This is an every day occuiTcnce. 'I'he plea is tho puhUc good — the savirj; of li'iia and dist.mee to thegrent l.'oile of the people. In- ijividual interests give way Ui a general iiieasure of eeo- noiny and iiiipruvement — no iiian ijiiestions the right of the ti.ivernineiit to make t!i.; change, the people submit even to ruin without a LUirniur. Hut the i. these are I'lnerolly poor people and the'isl.itive Council die-, not thinl. Iliie'.'e .'!;. '1 i.itcrfere; their s\uip."thies are oiiiy excite. I by ll.esiii.i j;;. ,it.h.j rich, and they o.ily at'iiert the public ho.i .■ .11 .Indges end .Secretaries are loiu'.'rned. .\ li-w \ '.OS .1;? 1, a ;.;eiieral system of im|>''oiemelit w as begun in tl.e ■ ireeis of JI.i,il'.i.\ ; ,nid, as it p'r.igresscd, ihoruiigbfircH were bioi.keil up--!in!dl de.dersiiijuied — poor persons com- pel I vil to n.i.'!ga;^e, for t le ei.lurgciiicnt or ri'p.itrof pro'perty, h ilf bur ud or[ilettly iniderurmed; and not a I'ew were driven out ot'tlie cunnlry, with lir.ikiii hearts, the result if.i general measure, .wund in prineiple, am) aiaiiiig at the ge- neral good, but oAen crushing and tulnou ill its details Here was a case fjr the interfereiii'C of those whose syinpa thies have of late been so painfully aroused-- did they inter- feie? ( 01111.1st the injury done to huiilreds, with that done to lour or live individuals, un.ler this Civil I,i:ii Dill, Many of liiv'se persons Ktst (heir alU-every one of tlic Ortleers lo he touched by the I'ill was to he Ut\ villi a yviieroiis, if iiol a iniiiiilicent allowanee. The plea was the s.uue -.the pnb.ic welfare — the iii'ecssHy for a i^ciieral arrimgciiieiu ; but there was a difllT- eiice of and fortune -adiirei-eneein the ability t >inal>o "the public honor" bend to prii.ite protection, and u large aiiiuiiut of iullering was berne in lilcnce. 'Hie sor» rows and misfortunes of the great are olVen depicted ill novels, and set forth in eloipient unit ions, while the calamities of llie hnnihleare rci^.irded as if .mall acionnt. .So iinieli (or the (.'ivil List Kill — let me now turn voiir ailention, for a few mninenlH, lo that wliieli tunehed llie ,ludiciary, I. uder the beautiful systein wliivli the ttcforiner^i began to assail a few years ago, you are aware that this little I'loviiice becaino blessed villi just ten Jiiil;;eK, riioiigh it Mas for a long time stoutly denied that there an one too inaiiy. it is now gviurally al- lowed, oil ,dl liaiuU, that sm aru more Ihaii enough to do Ihe work. Ill tlie itrNt sctsiou of the present UouMe a Hill passed, which, aeeurdiiij; to the SuUcllortieneral, »oi;KI havu ■■ iri|>|ili3ir' both Courts, liv taVin;; orui Jii;l;ro from each IJdich Into this (luwl ion I shall nut j^o, furthrr than to ■a)', that it nonU have giieii to throi' of tlio Judges iihoiit six, «i)il to thi' iithtrs ahoiit thrtu months work in th« yi'.ir ; cind the only oliH'i'tii 11 to it Ihut cviT sjcnicil tu h:ivi' inui'li w'cij;hi-. that of nllowir.^r Unolty points to l-j ilcciiii:! liy two Jndgi's (Hit of tlinv, applies with (iouMi.' finri; to tho Ail- niiralty mul Kijoit) t'mirts, wIuto niorepr(>;K^Tty is, 1 he- lnvi', annually ilisjiosocl of, than In fori' ilif Supteim' Tourr, and in which a siiiulo mind dwidi's. IJut ii'l tluit pass. 'I'hc l!iIlKusri.'jec'U' I hj llicCoinKil — andimothersiMt donn. No.v you will pcrt'iivc, that this hill, wliili' it aliolcvhod tli<^ infi-rijr Conrt. hh farus coi;, erncd iWna Suitia prjpiT, eonliiniprl Itin (.'api' liri'toii ; and siimcd fiani. il I > pri'trvo the anomalous syHf-.'iu coniplaiiifd of in threi- Coiiiilii's of the I'rovinci', fir no oihur rcaMii, that I (.■oiilJ we> pcrci'ivc, than to 'pare till! Judgis ofili- Supreme Conrt the t'oohio oftravi llins t« ice into Cape lir.'lon. 1 thoo;.'lit longer, woidd not these hove hwn well ipcnt in perfictinf; ilios;: details ? Put, when no attempt was made — when iu> eonf.'renoe was asked — when this Itilt also, as wojt as tti» other two, was destroyed- -what was the House to thinh ? What are you to lliiiik of tlie destrni'tion of the Civil I.iit and t!ie Kv;/tstration llills, upon the grounds already ex- apiined — :i.n<l of the .hi.Jiciary Uill, f jr the reasons as&if:;nt'ci hy the Solicitor (iencral ; (lartienlarly win n you tra"et(i svniia ot tile iirintipal agents of their dirstruetimi, ilie '•vsitni of tiovemnient aRiiation, now goiii;^ on throu'^ihont ihe Couii- lry,and ivhieh, if siitjissful, » ill ittluinly prevent (he l.e- Cislative r.iuiuil from ov:*r luin;' trotihlrd vith iheni dgiiin ? I trust liial J ha\e now ; liown you. that the Speeeh of th« learned Solicitor (ieneral handy afliirds er.'U a liy;men'. to eoM.T the nakeihus.s of the I.egislati'.e Couneil—that th» grouni'is of susiiit'irn, if not of (jraveaeeusntiouaguinst them, roniain intact anil unretnoveil. You may ask me, do 1 <« iusince- al the lime, ami I think now, if Ihe Couaeil h^id l.Hik- 1 '''"fJ?""!'"" •^'f- •'"!'"•*"■'» ^".» '•""•"I'l ''•""i"' cd more to the general interests of tin eouiilry, and Icvs tol"l.^ >^' thi.i matter? No, I only . har;;e iMion l.iin what ht Ihe feclinifs and i:it.TeMs of individuals, thar it „,i(;|,i j '''"^ '■"";!'•'• "I"'^ ""'• " Men hound in parlies" says tho have heen us «ell. Houuver, soul, a hill js this it was in.- ^'^'^"^"' (feneral, "cannot at idl tin.,-, follow their own opi- possihle to pass. We were therefore in this p-isition -what { "'"'"• '"»• "'■') ^-' ohIifJied o. .nsionally to s..rrender their a majority in the Ilouso wanted, the Council seould m.t I ''•"'■• "«'' " I fhuitahly believe that in thes.. nutters he h... give them- what the Council proposed, did i.o; extend sm rendered his-and I am md ivith.n.t .ny, uuifonnly over the wl.„le I'roviiieo, and had tu h,' re- jected. .\fter three sessions had been spent in n;'g.Hiatio» .ind dLscussloii, a bill was p 'ssed by the House, abolishing the Infe.lor Court- -appointin;,' oi.B .Judge of that Court unless the learned gentleman -hakes himself eliMr of the ^Kir* ty with whom ho has beoii and is yet associated, there may be further sacrifices to maV^'. whirli tew persons wouh! la- ment more siiieerely than myself. to the Supreme l!sneh--.givii.g to each county two terms of I I have, thus f>ir. argued this t|ueitiun, a» it ulfects t!i» the higher trihunal in a year ; and, svitlijut unnecessarily | acts of tho l.e'»islalive Couiieil— hut you will perceive, that mixing lliejudges up witli the bi;sinessofllie Sessions, enlliiiu: | whether the s ie* which Mr. J. or 1 take, be emreot, Ihe de- Ihose eo.irts atumt the siuue lime with the others, in order j fence of Sir Colin Campbel! must r'.*st upon very diHerent t.i avoid the too frerjiient atundamv nf the people as , I ,jiors, I grounds. The rejeclion of these I'iUs may illustrate or suitors, and auditoi's- by which there would i.ave lii'en a ' con.'-rm Ihe opinions whieh ihe Iloiisc forirad of the con. very important suing of the time of Ihi- rountiy bill , •■ of tlmi llody - .iinl ha.i thi'v pa's.?d, there is no wre* destroyed in the Couneil, williout .my eonferenee bei.ig I doiiht that leissof practical evil might ha^e been traceil to asked, or re.isons given-— and when we eaiiie toeuu)de this its formation, lint I assert, without the fear itf eonlratlie- ,iet with the destroilion of the Civil last and Hegislrntion J lion, that if they *etcnll ujion the Statute liook at this mo. Uills, already referred to, what were we to think ? Had even i merit, still .s"ir Cuiiii CampMi K'»M he. /.■"rt uithaal a nAii- oiio been |>assed. we iniglit have been disjiosed to yichl our iloa- of ilrfmrt —, if the liuitse of Assembly huil own 0(1111. nis upon so;in of the others--biit the whole were prostrated ; and no .sooner had the Session closed, then a *y«t,-m of atfitutiiin ii'ii.i rttminvHn d^ under the an spi'.es ofrA-.-fC aslifrl fiir his rmitl, upon the ground of hit I'luljttim of J.arit filtnfhi'^ Dixpttli'hrs ,r/f^*if-.--to s.iy iiutliin,'^#f his utteinpt tu ev.ide, and tiiiul refusal to act upon, that of Lord John Uiis- ^/e*ri rfjii'tiil, in order to lirive nut of th,: .tisemMy //, se U>;ll, the) would hive bifon nmply justdied, iiad nii'tht lu n !m /lasiril Ihnr /lillt. Vim may hu duped---yuu niiy be sustained bv th' suftVu'jes of the Coontiy. lend yourselves M this system of agitation. ■-;/.;» .my j Having, .i, I hope, to your satisfaction, dispoHcd of ih. U-turn thv tuhsniArnt hndy ../■ /jV;)r,-,cnr,i/iV.j »o o/.j/ok.,/,, |,,„r,„.J .S;,lnitor (Jcneral's charge of misr.presimtat.on ./«.>,,/— hut if you do, 1 am much mistaken if ever yon get ^j^ainst Ihe Keforrners, and of his arguments in fesuur oftlie these qocsli.His settled, ,)ii any thing like fnourulile terms, vejeclion, by the Legislative Council, of the ( ivil List and or 5f( the nnml,er of .j.wrju,!.,,'^ nUu.r.l to nil I'ut in the ! .judiciary Hills, it beeoiiies my duty t.> enquire, whether, n tools you in askwl to select, ifyou ehoose.-.hut do n( t say j a a.fince of Sir Col.n Cnmphell .iml his advisers, the doeu- lh,n those «1,„ ought to haw w.irned you, shrunk from the ,„„,{ m.der review artbrds any solid lo.mdalion, up.m w^ieh ■ a siumd and iiiihiassed mind can safelv repose. I.etini\ U hit sre the reiijons pi\ en by Ihn .Solicitor (Jeneral for j therefore, si'l before you some of the most clear iinil emphati* the re;,;ctioii of thchidieiary Dill? " T« o years ago," he "f the Soiereigns ecnim.iiids . und show h.iw, inoer) in- •»)S, "the s.tme measure, with Homo nioiiilieations, went ! i>taiK'i'i they were lu.hitcd, and not obeyed fr,mi the Council to the Assembly." Well, and when we] viui.atios iii» iihsi »eiit it hack to them, adding another Judgi, to cure the aiioiHally as rcspectisl Cape llreton. then they would not (iiiM it. Hut, he Niys. it was " defective in ics details— "some inaliers t!u' ( icil .-uuld not .uneidl "— but, why WM not a conference ask id. orsnjigustions made— why were not the defn-tive ucIhiIk |>i>iine,l <mt. thai the united wisdom i>f botli Mods' might h.'i-e been enijiloyed upon them.' Was tln<re not lime ? Kvtn had the icjuon luted a few dav« CiimMUB//.- -Members of Council are to hi selected, " iio» only wiihoul leferenee to liisiinciioni of religious xpiniona, hut in ..iieli u ui.uiner ,is l„ uffonl t.i i>laimbtt i/roHnd fiir llti .iii«/iicie>i 111 II tile choice wasintlueiiced by that coniiilpr»- llon. " L'xevulion — Of ihirly mcinhers put into the two iww Couneils, cii/htrm were ehutchmcn. Hut. it may be said, there were the old iDcmbtrsto disposi" o*-- true, but of fj- ® rt: ® C'J c-^ © tiijlilfrt ii.'w nii'i.-.licr^ cli p*M). jii.i tlfrfi wf-ri" clmrcliiMM' lluw lui t'liiiliri'it, ll.itr.nt, iiihl iiiiiiiH>'vs.iry viuldtiuii ofl.r. Sovtri'i^'iiK CDiimiinil, lioin ntoiu-l fur I'v Sir I'lilin (Um|iluil ! Ilv giMUK I" llii C liiiri'li |u^t tlirrt oiil(il'«/.i of t!iu r^iiTit u|i|joti.!iiiLilS-thii, iirtiiilM.iliii-j llitf I'liMr mid ol'l'iiry iiifli.i'nfe ill !lio, imi lo ho <)i«!>'iistrii lij tli(ir oo'ii p.i'iy 111 till' llii'iM'. \iiw, il will Im! iKTciiu'd, I', wliitluT ilif l.Hpslativf Ciiiuicll wi'Vi> rij;lit or nrjiiit, in I'li: n jtcl iuii ut fi: Jiidi- ci'jry mill t i^il l.i'-i Uill'>. Oilh' r4iMj,'v> iiftiiiust Mr Colin iljfiiW inherit} ill lUnMir of o.n- ri'li^Mms UhU. " lio^o j (vj,p|,^.i|. ^i,^,^^. i,,,,,^ ^,,1 ^„,,.,,,„,,e ,|u|.,.ai,,i, of llie I'.ul iwrnliirsur... hilt one ill I^vb .f «li..i. |. ,|ii!;.li„ii. Hi* pr,,,,.;,,!,,, i.,i,l,l,„.„ „; ,|,„ c,',],,,,] ,| (wr.'lary's i'.i-),.:tclii-% .r,-.s .iohi' nflor :ho M itijiiis of Nonii iiil.> l,.„: roiUritiil llie Lt,i| „.„,,,■„, ,iii.s;.l.iii.cii, .unl, ,i, I l.diL- .-. lotirily uul.Kn. roiiini 111 1, of l..iril iilwi-lu', :iii.l imisti-il on i!..' nirirl nillii!. ]„,,|„_ j ,,^,^.,.,_ i|,i.|...f„t.v « ill i .,r-.ii.,'fs.fijl ciiiitr*- ri-iiiv lolli.' I roifiplis l:ii,l iliwi.. Il.iil Sir ( . iin ilnr-il. in j,|n.,|,,„, ,/„„ ,y,/„, //,„„ .',,„/,„ lh,i, „„„„■,( ,,(,(y ./yi,„ Mi in tilt tii-ld, 1., h,iv^.. tlioii i.iliiv.j ., ,!..iir,iiicl,\pn.^u.iiiMiioiil. |y,„/„„.„(;„„ „/ Un,l fll, :,!,,; dry.„l /,.<,„w//'„ ,ju:elt,.>; ./ u;a lolilii Dy till' lluv. of W.ll.ojMni,, III,. l)'iLv'«o,.l.l|,,,^,.^,,„„-„,„„„,,, „4,,/,;,rM. „■,■„!/;/ S.r CM,, CmptmU. li;i>.imilii:u i.ii.j.T am'M. .11, I irinl Nun ! v ,i C.utl M.iriial. ,|,,,,, „.„„I,| j,.,,,. ,1.„ , „„ i„or,. (i„ii. 'iliiir duty ; ami -.l.'^it, M.'i..kM')» I'll 'n,iMv ,|,;irt,r full viar's i"|'itiri'!.'i' iiflii-i ili,irai.ic'r uikI polity, Cimnuin,! . " It ii tln' .! ,.iv i,f liii- "liiily tn i'i'.tni>'t l.tfltr ^^ll•l.l^<il■K I'^'fy ukiH'' v 'iiii, llit'ir r«iiliiij iiidin'C tlii: (lo'.itv iiltiiduil 1,1 ;i'0, ''^Tk ol 111,' ri>|ii'vlivi- ('iiiiu'iN, fliiiii to iliaiij^r il„ I.iiiir, .mil to ir\ Iiack I'jwiirdi to ^i',tU"in:ii r.ijWi'/ (<■/'.. i-r „»./,' /r",.(7'.r /(r,.i( /„,/// iiy//ir|il,i !.;niiul |iriiii.-iii|,'« l:i' liail'LiI- tiii-y li 111 failii! ti, i'i> »nh,-b,lltHl) ' llu'ir ,|lit> . allil risk for I'Ol'ull, Ih !i K"n'il Hi, il h l< t ) fn. r.TfiHliuH -Of/u,,, K-.u iill',' (',,1111 iltors, '-.I,- lviHV,'iii (.',, ,,'ii'.>/ ,i/ir'n(.> I'nit n ■,■ b.lriiird tlv- ,viiO'!tn,r,iJ'iifitt tliB ,\iiit"|iil-'ly. Mriv ,ir,''(rl.,ii tt,n ihv ,,■,.,. rllt;. roiii[inMl i; i/ir.'c/r- al.rjl 'iiu'.i:iii'(l oftli.-«li„l,', onill.ul ,.o."io.,ill„.i,i„;,„ity,. (.„,„„j, „>,.r f,„ i!„. |.r.'„.hi >'ir I ol.i, CiiopK'll « ..•oni,.oi<'dofili.. oI'k'I t»„.i.l'iid-^ <"'loiirii.i:iilur'. r,Un],r,..„„„,„; ,,,■ I.„, | ,|„1,„ |(„ss,.h . I ),.,,. ii.-li. it limmu, iiilolli: l.«-;slaIn,'<-M.irc.ll'oi;. 111.-' Il.ui',-. ilirwiiad ,.|.. ,„,.. .|,„j._ „,j,,_ „„,, ,,, |„„„i|i,y .'., (lit liomiiiral.U puM-a mmiy, ifi.oi ,11, I'a' Man- '^of ll,.' A.idfi'V'- '.I' I ■• )T. } s.,|i,,t^,'(;v' Iris i.miU' '..iiiii' ch;ir«, -^ «; iiu'. lopoi an,! oil'.' posK.'s-.'il M) lil!\' of "thi' uMilh'i of til.' (•■'i.iiliy ,■• | „ ,;.,, ,,,.t<i„,„. t„ l,im, „i,;,ii ll„ iilsivcTii to width, vrl.alvvrr iliiil. mtv.oor tlirw.K'ilioiisC.r lla- r.o'.o-li:r iimM.'li l„ I,,.,,.,,.,, | „,^y ,,ii| ..„u.ri,iiii l.,r lii> i.riuit.' <lKirrnUT. uiii.t livi'd, 111' ii4>(!oiii'r..lly pot in liy liii.' MM:,|li,t i„.v.i!d,' oia- ,,.,,|,„,,;k. ,i, ■„,„,! „„, ,i,.|,r...,. „fmii-,i>l;ii,y to wliiili lie in joritv of,i v.'iy viiiill.oii.litiii'iui : iii.d.!,i fill, Old, voiif. ],.,„„|,.,|,„,, ,,„(,|ii.,„.,||. .. j „,„ ., l).vs,'Mtcr. ' »ay.. tliy .aiiissi-atlu' 111.' iot,..if.r. IK,' .>rmm-n,i,l, lit %ot,i-. 'i'iit|,|,,„ m,, .i,,!,^,,,,,, „<| 1 ri'plj , " you .m'— lio't l,.'r ri.millii',-,,iidi'!:iiAi'of I., iM.l.y. r,lii..;.id •" lid.'. I', j ,.,,„„.. „ ,|,,, art to In- f.'Uii.i a' ..•( i.ili-d uilli, ami .It. tilt llmiv.. M.itd 111 .1 ini'.„';i> ,,f f ,..'r, ,';.a.ii,l llit j f,.„,|',„„ ..m,,nTmm'iit. w-liitli. in .Itl. in. f llit piprf-s <',.ni- *ny Adilu',', ..'liH'i' L'.l to lo' .It 1 .,.,t.ii,,.s riir foiiiiv Cmmu,.! Hr- Mar ,:,H'f Nornianl,. , on tl,i' 'IM „f ,lr .» ii".' li.iu niii.itin o.i. Pflhof ilit |',i>piil;it;.'n tlii'.'t-liftli» ■ Au;;ii«i las!, wnt.s In 'or I .din C'aiopl'tll i ll,i., I,.- it |i't''li'' im -idivr' of (h. Coiiii.'-ls V Ilo.v . .mi.s it tiial von oLstii'd, i»th.v,-ty |l,".o:iKli f, .Oii.-ii ft ttltiiil il„- ] ait ilit nd,..t in .if a v„„tir,.it, 'vli.,. in llic p.r'-un of on, *is-..-inldv, .vlitu tli.'y l.,.,)- ii|.t'ir,i r.'^.,lull.)l,. tariy ii, il„ of its .ditsi ■M'l.i.ltt^. . d ltd a mwt i-i unltoii'. insult to n'»»ion)'-"\\it:i r.'pird ■•) Hit i:»"i'iil,>,' l-..iim"l. 11,'tl |'l"' 'i'-".''' c'l'n.iHitii m to ivl.itli y..u btloiij. V An.llnnvd.ui Ttrv »tro-ilvli,i«' .ItMral-lt It i. H.a' .t .!i,.,il,l lit t.,„i| ,i.t,l j it l,:„'pti.. tliai ..,ii -ut i,.,-.v l.-mlui^' >„>.r>tltl.. .■ p.'liticil :i ^i..trnint'i; III mils . fill.- Sovti.ifiii. u-itli an iiiliul t^I^.■^!^ttnl■. . vi.'Jatts tilt jn-.! ri|.>!it':, ml ,. oiiniK ili,' IVtIiii'.;N ot Pisw-nti'ii, I.t ah', ..i)j !i 1 .1 ill 1 niatin-'i t.. t'lt co-iip. r ui.'U t br.i.itli of ilir l\m .litim.iii • (iiti'tltr y.nii- iliN' r.'li,,i, npi glud (.iliaiiillial I of ll„ P'.pu If I ,f [iti,nciii,'iit, inttii.U',1, d posrdd.-, to, rush the man wlui most O It'll iltsilt .1.,- ...^ittd lli'it iiiaili, and "li., '.ii.s l.dii .d Mtadilv till tt 1 ,.li,dl l.ti'i'id '''"iM .isttiilly to Hivi to III.' Dis.Ntutiii;: iiittitst its just .ill Pavt I'Hiii'dit it • \ 1,1 of- aii.i I I','. I', ii sliart ,,|' iitlii.. I'.tt ll.t (■' ft as tilt iM't.l'-l-in f.,r d..tiij; s.t iil.iy pli-t ijiiK- ,)f t!it leading mtiol»r> of lli.' Ilo.!-," .,f \' tir (., I,, I I'.mntiy fj 7Vi- ,!/•/)/.) art, ifur, liy Ins miilutl in tlit 'uisla'i ui,d. i.h A protiiottr ,il, iiu li.irJIy Itft a fritii .U'l,,l' 01. Ill,' . ittr l>,l.>;atii,|i, ht Imd dit'l". fitll.T.r, slVS, tll.ll l,t -litl ll'.lt .sttL •ils ..if til, at ill til, ( .11111, ',|h -lii.t It ' d I ill. I , III,, It, lull ! wisli I ti'idillii li' M. ihat in ati'tp!m(Z ami tiiddiflig ill ( ,,uiici dtftr.tlin;^ llit (iriiiti[,lts I'l ,|iii lUOlJtll III his lUftiici. nv .\iio win t..Rt lli,>8u fu'ls, will h.^ eo'ii) .'lltii i< t tr.inMt III p. I t',iiiit to 111,' .hill, ihi'v f nilU'd---nii<l ihi raitnih.ll in d, "artmn fri"n I is'instnitti I'lict of Sir Cdiii Ills, lit' has not U'fV rhicli was rtluit.intlv inn-i upon tlitn, nd of tiir> m,.'iii. i,f l»,' iii..Jiirity, that Sir t',,i;n .n I.I h. pro«'tcdinn ' lali.Mllv iip'tii urn or llirt. Itailmt; pint- ' .,f tli',s..' v.lui lnnlily r,.'sp,,,-t liini. anil wotiM j^Uidly .stt itlii'ioii, il'ii'i "I'll' '111' 'iidi'P''"'''"' I'"'''"'"" iihicli lit nii^lit otciipy, to ^"iirtli in vain for iiiotivos, s'lilititntly str.iiij^, to ind.ttt a loddii.' man tos.ii'rili|.psoimi<'li.,'vtiil'ro n tlit wnst'of oldijia- tiiin.whirli tlitti.iuir.'ofiv Cron'ii ,dli.'t mi^jlit. SA'in to impose. uUinn utrt t'iplt".-— Isl, t iperptt'iitt. Ill li'itli Cmiiirils, .i|otp"mUr <ittllL( cliiirtli jiiHii'.'nt.', iiisuUiii); |..t!,t f... I 111'.'.!., il ii'jurious I lid l„ I i,| to .Si l.d in Cain plitll. as a C'roM'M Ollitir, nut Itiitl mvM'lf t;. nnv sjsti mati. iitatioi to tliu tnttii l°l sts.if 1)1- till. To prt'tiit'hi'possihili. ,if Hit In-iiiittioils of tin.' ( r o-An.--as a Oil ntor. \ ty of tl.t rimist siiurmj.j tht r.iT .li..l t.>-Op,T.ltt'ill Ol I till,. (ouiuil. ill tlitir ilforts to r.'ihui,' tin' ikptmlilmt of ilii nmntry — 'ird, I'.i , oiilnit ii'l paliiiiii/tllii'iirtilotity , lyitakiii); I'lrt, wliilt ^p^aki!lKtllt iiin|.,tily liii,. vli' ltd. to ••vtlii.!« tlitir Itadtji IV ■sistuiict iviis ni','<; I ilitti It til. lo ilio ;.Tairni|T mid niiccti^ary pvvftrciU'tt ninth you I oiit.'ni[datt m\ ton to ,>nt-Hflli of tilt p.ipidatifin, ovtr tht ,i(litr foiirtifiiis, .villi art tntitltd to tht s.inu'consid.rati.iii, and to tht saint honors -and. as a man n Ir) think* with tht II, MIS.! ,,f .ANituihly np,)ii a MinilM-r of iiiip.'rtai't ipitstions, I'iitH-iitive t.'oitntil. upon ono pTi,l('\t or .,tlitr,--.nt\i'ri'itatr ,aiii iflftrinj! toii|ipi or appoinliii);, in. ,rt than ..iiit or tun at I iiiori' I who dill.-rs .tilh Hit high Tory parly ii|ioii tnaiiy I lilt formation of an .\diiiii,i»- I rottst acinus » liuio, tj It w«„ii.|,i'd liy an iivtrwl,tlniii.;t prtf ttuiioii, 111 wbitli Iht majority in tht fortacr .iiv tu le klmt 8 o;il I'lom any iiiiluonco in the Giirernmcnt, ami tlio fame ovevwhylmitig invpondcraiicc is tt) be socuml lo thu i.attcr. wliiili thi' House anil litr Majcsty't Minlslcrs liavt- alrcaily ttllki' ilefivctati';! ami cuiult'iniieil." If this language had li«n IiiUl liy tiK' Soliiitiir Goneral to Sir Colin Canipbcll. aiut iC iiu liad been linn in hh dt. tennination to have no part ill tlio iiritlei-, ( lieeatise t!ie si'u.ition vv.ii forei;;n to his liabits, bnt bicm ;e he woulil not weiii to laiietion a tiola- tioii uf in<trnitio;is wlitcli he di.i not approve---aii insnlt to tlie (.Teat Di-sentiiig iiitcrei-t, ol' nhioli he »a- :" eonsiiii'uous member — a liisieyard ofllie fwllii/sot'thc llefonn majoiiiy, with wirieli, to a certain e.Klenr, lie s\injiai!iised---andan ex- ultutiud oi'liiat party, to leliieli lu('oit:.inly owed no respeet, ) my own belief i-., that Sir Co'in C*am[il)c!l never would have dared to h:tvu viul.u^'d hi-, io-.lruelious in the manner hed'd, nor to have di-re,!^arued adv iee (Voni ^ucli a <{nurtiT, thus iudepenilently twiiJ.'riHl. Had he ttone *■>, and ]im\ ho ventured tj depri-e ^Ir, ,lo))n'-*oii like the Uritish Constitution "than I i > Iloeuliii" — th»t it strikes at the root oFfrcodom of thought and raanly indepen- dence, and never can uiid never ought to he viewed \»ith favour by any body of llritii^h subjects / " \S'luit Ku'^lijhnian," says the Solieiloi (ietierali " would deny that liie Uepresenlativo IJody should govern to a great extent .' 'I'he itra<'t!Ce i» Knglish, and I would not be Bn r.n^lijinmn if 1 wi-,hed to cripple tlic power of tl.c. Assem- bly. ' lint will the Solicitor (MMieralaliirni that iho IlouiiO of .VsMiinbly has the sii«:htest inllueuee in the liovernnient of this i'rovioee? — and will he deny thit. fruin the very ab- sence of all ciuitroul over the .\dtnini'T ration, its power to inllueuee the lesisl.nion of the I'pper Drancli, so wi^*lyancl suece'lnlly employed in England, and recently in I'pper I'anaJa, is not " erippleiV and rendered of no avail'/ On tile subject of the Deicjjation it is not u.y intention to wasttt ninch time. One thini;, however, is cAlain, that if, when. eviT the Uepreseutatives of the riu)p!e deem it indispensable of his ollici: on nceounl of h'.s independence, 1 be- llo mudnct ne;!oeintioi.:. Mith her .Majesty's liovjrnincnt, two lieve that that gentleman v.-ouid hav.- been re-instated by j I. I'.vyers are to be . selected liuni the oilier llraneh, and in- the expre^s command of the Col inlal Minister, iiid have jdulged wiih a pleasure trip at the public espenst; — to thwart strengthened his claim to th.c rt ■ jicct, both of the people jtho views of the ,\ssenihiy and press their own eiaiins tu in.i the lio-.ernmetit. Ipriimoiion; aiid if the .A jcnibly cannot pay their <'wn Ue- , 1- ir 1 1 . . 11 ., . t Jl-'KaSes uithout wasling the public treasure, by pawiij' thew i.'ckcrv tor IMr. .Uni^.ton to tell us that ho | , a i • ; i . r> i-'entienien also; why men there is an end to uU neuounitluii It is mele ■■agree,, with me in i!ie euloi;y upon Lord Olciielg's Des- patch, i'.nd desires to st.-e its prliu o.L"- in oper.itioii." ll\; knows, or oin'li'. to kiMiv, that i: has been tlic sysleinaiic violition of sunie, if not all, of I h>: principles iaiil down in that Despatch, in the liri.t insi.inee ; and the pertinacious.. ., ,' , 1 . ■ , • 1 1 . IS an indepeiulenl llodv, andean ilieiir anv expeuiio tliev consistency with which that Mol.itio;: has been ajfjirav^iieil; , ,' ' ... . .. ...•..' between trie i'eople and tin ii Sovcreij-'u — the only tu-speratu renie.W f i invetetate evils i.s swept away, and a new argti- ment is Mi;iplied in favour of local Te»-./nsil.ility whieli no man can successfully controvert, lint, it is said, the Council r.vthcr than atoned for, in the recent appointiiients.that ba.sled to events which, 1 believe, we bolli e>iually dephite | and V hiel'. has forced the Ucfonners to assert and maintain the |iriueiple oi' Kxecutive respoie.biiity, in local aitairs, as th,i only renn.'d, to prevent the perpetuation of ii .system of ex- clusion anil injustice, whicli they have stru^jfled against iii vain, and v,'.iieh no strcn)<lh of lansua^e tan snllicictillj condemn. .Vml w)uu .Mr. .lohnsi.m Idmis the old sys|ein — an> I not enlilled !u ask Iniii, what other remedy than that which we have applied, it ulliirds for a ease in which a Ijovcrnor will i.ut o'.-ev bis instructions, uHibperMsIs in acinic upon principles, li:, very reverse of those laid down for bis ||;nidance by the : dnistcrs of lilt' Crown : ratienl jiibniisshin. or a den'an,! for bis r.'call, 1 believe lo be ihe only alteratives— theri; in.iy be some other, but I must rcs- peclfully rei|iiest the Hoiieitor Cn-ncral to point it out. [dense 1 answer, that if they could send .Messrs. Su'warl diui WilkiiLs to Knjiland, on mainly false pretences, and ill detianee of thi' expressed opinions oflhcHoust-, then can they employ the same pvrs^ms, during the current }ear, ti> niake a survey of llio great lloads of tU^ rroviiiee, for thu intiirmatioii of the Council, and insist upon their being paid, before the ,\s^elnbly's;.rrants for siini'ar »er\ici.'s are passed --then can tiicy autlioii/eany onetd'lifty ridietdous evpen- ditnres that inij^bt be named, anil e.inipcll the Conmn -is tii provide the expense. Hut. it may lie stiid, the Hons.' of Lord-, have the *ain« (lowers. Supivise the l.oriU were lo ■end up .i re!|iiest lo the tjneen that twoofllieir members should he despalLhed on a contnUiitial mission to llussta — that rctpicHt vvoiiUt bo at once submitted lo a Cabinet r/f/ioi'/iu' »;«m i(s miijurUji ,11 Ihr i'ommiiui pir ih iirt) ixittiiiee. .'fthat majorily wirw favondiln to the obicci, llie niissum « oiild bt- wnl, and lint, says Mr. Jobiision, umh r the old sys'cni, the sons of ,|„.,.^, „.„|,i,i i^. „„ .tjHicnlly ibout the evpon.HC ; if nnfmnr- ,ible. no minister would dareld siuiclion llv ineasiiip, ami no expense would be incurred. I tell IMr. .lohiislon. then, mil defy conlradielion ,in (hi-, point, that nil ibe difllcnilieit poor men have been raised to the lii,u;hest honor. v i.»f the Country. I .idniit it — in Nova Scotia the poor l«iy» of one Kcncralion n.c generally the rich men of the next, llul, vviiiit iselaim- ,d as a peculier merit of the old si stem, has iKcnrivd under : ^.\^^^x^ have been felt about the DeUvfation ejpcnses /irici every (UmarehJ that has ever been formed in .iny Coinilry, |,^,„„.„ „„,,,,■ th, ,ili,>,rd »,<,l u.-onmrnu, >y,t,„t w!,ifh lie d- fr an the uece.s;,;t) felt by all Hiich combinaliors t.. neutral- ;',;,„,/,_ .„„| ti,,,,, if Hn, si,„,,le inineiples of tioverument w« iv opposition, and call into their ranks new accessiomi ol |',„(,, „.,„„_ |,,„| |„,^„ ;„„|,eraii,in, the perplexity niHm Ihii iiren«th. Hut, will .Mr. .lohn,ton ullirm that any or oil ofL,ji,„_ i,j. „,,„(i| i„„|, |„, .,|„i j i,^ve been to a certain ex- these men would have been so honored, if the) liiid render- ,,,„, ,,,„|„in.,.„„j,,,l, „ever could have occurred. ed themselves eunspienon.s tor the iissertion ..f libctal prinei- (iles .' \\'ill he .isscit that innjoritics Uive not always been retained, I'rtvuurablydispose.l lo protect Ihe cniohiinenis and <irijn{;thin the |iuucf of the (Mlicial petty by whom tliuy weruupiiomtud I Will he Mserl, that, under tliiit system, n majority ever van bu placed in the lixui'utive Council, why vill eurdiully lympatliuu will! llio Uepreiu'iitntiui llraneh, or subanl hi be lesluinied by its inlluence .' .Viid if not, does he nol peiculvo that such a syslein only h.ihij out ii (irospeel for the pour huVaii/'eni «"// n^dnn/lifij;— thai it i» no more 1 must eoiili .> that I was not a little aninseil, bv Iho snh- dned and deprecatory tone u«isl by Iho Solicitor liuiieral in plcadin|;for the old Hyslvin, vvilli which, allhou);li liabir. and aMoeiatioii havu made bin, liiiniliar, I rnniiot pcrmiadv my-, self lliat liu is niiieh ill love. "1 ask you," said lis, " lo bear in mind the peculinr circumstances of lluicnMmry"-iinil not to expect loo much nnder III • exi»lini{ CimHtitiiliun""- aiid the people loukid at him. as thuii|,'h tile inosi lliey "oK. |)eclcd" VIMS r.i i)rt ri(( o^ it. "Iho .Assembly treated th«'euiivi' Council, M if respuiLvibilily rttMud on them, ui' 9 tlioii;;ii tli?y knoiv it iliii not. lUory li.iil act liaii bcfii cliargoil 0:1 Iwily — i.ltlioiigli it was well kmiwu tliat it dill not jjuvcrn tliu CDiintij." Kaw tlui I'ict was, that Ilia A«ni)l,ly liiiLW very w/,1, lliat, liy the tli.'iiry of llie ulil Culoai',! ('uii^titiitioiis. the ri'sfioiisiiiilirv diti not rost with the Council— !mt (hit. in [iriietice, tliey iiiiist and diil govern to 11 e\tpnt"-aiid they saw eU'.iily enongll, that the Huveninient of the I'raviiivu wascnndui-teil, in alinnit every tliina; the commands of lier M.iji.sty and tiie power uf thit UonsoeoidJ 1)0 set at noiijjhr, upon the well known and avowed iiuliey oftlie 'roiy ind (IHieial eouijiael of llii.-i I'lovint'e. They felt, therefore, thai it was l)iit rijilit niid f.ur to attack t'lo (iovernorN advis.'is. jJut thes'.' "entle- inen Rener.-illy tiifnod round an! said, why eoiniilain of ut ■ If ourniout.'is wei-ij not ►euled, "we <onl,l a tale mifild"—- wo arc not ivv[i.iip.'-,il!le---nliy nut .nifaek tlie (ioveriior '.' We ar.' ni iiiniieent astliu l>.d)u iiiiliorii. When we eo:ti- jdiincd lotliu (iovornor iiiirniiUi illy, he voviel lines tolil i) dillerent xtorj— linl, when we eompl-ained [inhliely, lie /ge- nerally gave OS to i.'ii.i.'i-sl.ind, lluitiu-nl.HU! was r.'spjnsihle ---that he look the resiionsibdity.-.llKit he was highly |de.lsed with Ills Kseeiitive Coniieil. " OU ' very well," IhoviKht we —"if yon are both -agreed n,ion Mint |ioint--if liiere i-. no niisuike— if llicreis no ehaiiee ofeliangiiijt the .\d!nir,i.,lra- tl.m but by chin^injt the Governor, then we know what In do---aye, and have the eiiorfty and eouri,,'.' to dtt it.' We voted foi ,Sir Colin Cani|iheU s neall— -101 ait of paini'iil iieeessily, but one wliieli 1 shall retleet iij<on with sitisfae- to the latest bimr of my life ; niid one wliieh the ;{reat lorly of Nova Seotiaii', however they niiy have been in>iiiieiitardy exeireil, will, upon eiiliii relleetioii, be preji.ireil to sustain. '* 'I'lie (joiernor was not bound to t.iki' the advice of his t'ouneil, or to consult with it, but iu a few nmttrr.s," iwiji Mr. ,Tobmloii— .and whit a nielnneholy [lieliire d les tlii>i inhibit of the system. .\iiy two or threi* indivitlii.ilH, ei- tbtir ill or out of the I oiincil, Kettini; \'m: (iovernor into Ifculiiip slriiifts, may do just tvliat they pleasu —neither Ilraiidli of the r.efiinlnlure, not I'voii llio (Council iis.'lf, know- iiif? wbo jjives advice, or win. is to lilanie. .\iid yet Ibis I;t the system the .'iotieilor (icnerul dufemU. Vor the s.ike of commim wnsu, and of our coininon eouiilry, let it be swept awny willi otbei b.irb.iroii'i .ibsnnlitie^ of liye-(;one times, Olid l«t mliavea body of Novaseotians, whose luoiilli.s are not sealed- -wliiwe act'- are known -and whose .idvite, in all local all'.iirs, fiovuriiors shall lie biniud to lollow, :iud then we shall bavi open and manly voinpeliiioii oi'Uiiij; onvelies, And no more about "poor i.-ld .'vildiers" being saeri- fieuii, by one pnri of the populall Hi, for pelting; and palroii- iv,inj.( another. " No .\Ieinbvr of (be Conneil," says the tSoUuitor lieneral, " been brouubt fiirward ehar;jed nilli nny wroiiji; doiuii ; lei the hngev be placed on the fiel, and I will iiiwwer it." Surely he must bale lan);lieil in hi- lecve, is the simple people around liiiii t{aped at this truism, which yet luennt iiiitliin|{ —and, hi i special plua, was tin- worthy of his poucis of invention. Will Jr. .lolinstoii liiive tb" kindness to OKplaiii, bow proof of wi.iiig diiiii); can be brini^fht booie to any iiiiiuber of t oitni il .' .Suppose his eollea|(uos are inlefronaied, tliey are sworn to M'crccy- the iMentbei is not likely to Uum (Queen's evulvnce upon Iiiinselfi and if the fiostriior is uskcd, he is boniiil to say, I ti'.ke the responsibility -not only c.uiiiol i aciiisc, Imt it is Illy duly lo defend. " I doubt not," s.iys .^lr. ,loliii~tiai, " that till' Mxeeutive ('oiincil have made many mistakes." And yet, but a mraneni before he told ns that thiy iiiid little or nothing f > do .Anionic thu inislukes. however, lliev ne- net mndu a ijiualei one, than in Hiipposiiig that the |ieople nf Nwva Seuliit would lie rceoncilvd, b) iIib vry uf "(igof old sol- dicr" to iin irresponsible Kvtcutlcc Coiii)cil---to, in tact, a Council, cliiolly resident in the Town of ilrdifax. nod utlrr.';/ ii-n^jh'clivt' iifti'if.npinioag, ami hohtiiuj t'lunmh-i-n fur nlii'i-n thf injtiicrtci't <ij thp iiifiiiUrs jhiph/ hi ihf proplc. The remedy for all this, 1 believe to be -i Ksccutive l?oinicil, enjoying the eur.lldo: v nftlie .VHiemhIy, i\h the members of I'auncil, in order Hint the Ciovermnont may be clliciciil, must reside in and about t!ie Capital, or, at nil evunls, sucl. a number of them as may be ivi]iiii'ed to e 11- liuet th,: adinini.stration, tlie people who own and inipro<e '/if riihr-r itu'tten i'tntnih .', sluuiM at linve the a*-sur:tnco that their interests and uelimvs, nve, inid even their |il'iju- ] liice.i, b.-ue been consulted in tlieseleetioit — and they *btiiild ' have some ni'/de of siErnifyin;? tjjeir di: approbation, r;nd uioiddini; and inodifyiiig I'le ac!i.lini^^rali^m. whenever it i forfeil.s their conlideliee. Wilhoiit Ibis, ibe (government is iiodiiu^^^iut an t)".t;,'iiri by, self-elceted IVo;,) u particular town ■-.« Inch, Willi poivev to draw into iiv I the nier- I chants, b.iuker;.. and l.iwyevs of that town, as they bfconitf ; rich cniiiij.;h to make tl.-cir Mipport an object, c.-m rule tb,, coimlry as it plea-e'i. It is not to be woii.lered at. that Uu'se who have Ion;; po&scsscd this tnonopoly, should sni\e to defend it^-nor is it ^.iirprisin^, tluit persons who roiisidvC tiienisclvcs ipialitied, by the weight of tlieir poc-kel.s, and tb t ! snbsrrvieney oftb.eir principle^-, tor immediate or prospi .■- I live iluvalion to n share In its , oiiors, sliould spriii;; forward I to its aid on ail oeeaslons. fimre tfn- ytunt rt>u%-ry in f/ii* j f^ryilai, whii-li has been e.iUjjbt tip and re-ecboeil, by th-j j (^ompuet'. in the didi'rci t Counties, to whom the jiatent ' ri^tht ..I'eiij, lying thei:' ii;'trona.'5e, and manaf^inir their afi'dr.;, has been disposed of", i.s return for tliin snrt if fvmlitl m7m'i'i», *« all ttiurn nfdifh'fult;/ nini timr^rr. !f I could persuade inys.df that a small part of the inhab'.taiits of one comity sliould llilis govern the test — if I coubl, by any train of rea- soning, bring myself to Iwlieve that such a system was fail and just, my best policy would be to loll.iw winie distin- Kiiished exBinples, niidbow the knee to ll.inl. Pnit, tliniieli II native and resident of the Capital, and having Ibc honor ; lo represent il. 1 cannot narrow my \iews to the lompass j of II few miles ; not llirj^cl that my eoiiiUryineii. whose labor I is eiirielnnjj: anil adoriiin^t 'he leii^xlhand bre.ultbof the land, j --hare the Hitni' »'o/A(.v iDtdttdiiim us mifuflfand my tunnuHotr 1 hrit/tiljtmii. I contemi, Ibi.'rcfore, f^r a syHlcin of (iovern- j ineiit, by which a 111:10 who is plouphinj!; the sea in a '^'ar- nioutli trader lillinjt the soil of ('ornwallik—ursawiiij; deals in Ciimherlnud, shall feel lliat be has the same rights, and the same provpccis befoie hint, that be would have, if j bis l,)t had been east w itbiii the I'avonted circle -and, tliere- foic il is, that I contend for what has been called He'.[ionsi- hle (lovuinincnt, hot which is luitbin); more lluiii the old Hriiisb syHleiii. inidur which (dir brethren in Kurope have lived uild pl'0.speicd ever siiiDo lllHS, and by wbleli wutitiil cohtithnrt: liilu^ftn tlie Urfire»'nlfitii'if tif l/tt; l\vjili- tniti t!f Ittp.nonlitirrK <)/tA" S^nrrviin, U made u fimd.imeiitnl .ind iiidispiiii.ibic element in every adminislratioii of public af- fairs. I do iiotnalhetfuim the learned Solicitor (Jenera"s speech, thai he is a ili'lcrinincil oiiponeiit of this system, and I shoMld think it very stt.injte if he was, »i7irH r/,e Soliiititr h'tiwral if I 'I'prr (\iiindit, rircntl^ njimiiiitil, bus declared ihiit lia tins jiiinvU Mr^ T/hmifitioit'ti *litmininUirtitvm^ ftrcoi-nc hrlntx rrii^mi til Ite.hrvf Hull th (i%wriiiiiinl lei'W Ac Miiifucd < "« the ptitii'iltfr if lifAjyiittnihititif, ttnii that tlie mitmmt Ar* ^/iiiilti Mfr< is II f/iini'iKd'iin if i'arUiiimnlitrii lon/iiUine, Am uliall rt»ij)n, lint mil/ Ills fmtui till' Cixincili huthiii (Vdwit iiffin aim.* *Untliii ii'tliuf I'ebruitry iMt, ltvti«rl Ouldnlti, Un], Dulklivr U«- 10 l?iil, )lniii;j;li .Mr. Jiiliii-itoti (Id'.-s ni)t hnlilly iisj.iil this priiu'ipli', 111; liiiils <i niiinlier of iiliju'tioiii, whiili inal.i' nii' «isiiL'i't tli;it it is not a Civaiirito; ami llii' tr.iiM|uil reij;ii of irri'si>oii»il)ilit)' woiilil please liiiu bettor, tliaii a (ioverii- tnciil Hi'peiuU'iit on puinikr lavor and the coiifiiliiiee of the Uepl•e!.entuli^.' llraneli. Wlnii 1 liearil liiiii Hay, " 1 do not iippose re-'iion«iil)le (ioveniinciit, on the main principle. if 1 oppusi- ii at all" -I I'elt aslron;; hope that we only d ft'ieil as tt) the mode tjl' ohtiitiiiH;^ it ; Init when, one uli^ " (rovern'nent e?J\ ever he prenorved, merely some in* geniot's oljectioii may bi? raised i'rum year to year. 'Vha few hlows yel aimed by 'he Solieil'T ( may be eaiily put aside: " Were there not controlling cheeks over the ('cjmmon* wbieh do not exist here ? If the •wine power were given here, would it not be Rreiiter, relatively, than lliey have in r,n;!;lan.r.' What were the checks on the power of the Commons ? Tliire wan the immense power of the mini.strjr there was the ;rrcat e.iiitroni from .luother, Jilluidtie . aiil dbjietions were sturled, and contrasts 1 in new Klections- .:.awn, by which it was attempted ti be shown that the i wielding the patrona;.'e of (rovermnent — there was th« principle eonld nut be carried out in a (idoiiy, I rcli'.e- j inilnenee of the ( 'nnrl and of those uboni the Conrl- -tbcro- tantly coin|ielled to brin;; tny mind to a dilfetent conelnsion. I was the rsiablished hierarchy, and the aristocracy ; none of li.'t Oh examine a few of these objections by wliieli the i>;no- these clacks cxi.sled in the Colony." rintand the timid either have been, oiniay be. sl.rlhd hy i \;„„, [ atlirni that, every liritish Colony /ms all tlictt ill,- Solicitor (Jeiieral . Uluiliijhr the |ireservalioii of ord. and the nm- • No man." says l-.e, " has explained the dlslineiioti tha 1 1 ,|,,g^.un.„( uf its „n'airv, i,r<r nnd .ilrnr,' all the other chccU must of necessity exist between the (loveinmeiit of a Colo- I „.;„•,,/, ,„„^ ,,j.;,, „,;,/„„ ,/,p (-,/„„, iisc!/--Mu\ that our obli- ' ~" ' gations to proceed wisely and iirudeiitly, woulil lie tell tiinii riy iiiid that of the Mother Country. There is the ilKlien wbicli I see" Now, although this asscrlioa has been print- etl in italics, I take leave rcspcctlully tii deny its correct- ness. In the pamphlet 1 publlsheil, on this Mibjcct, last au- tumn, the iilstinctiohs were clearly drawn ; and if every ini;:- ninable shide of liiU'irence wa- not taken into account — enough was i^aid to •how how easy these inif^ht have been «net, had the intention been to write a volume and not a pamphlet. I'hat '• dislinelions" must '■ exist between the goveriimci-' if a Colony nnd that uf the .Mother Country," 111) man in liis senses will deny . Iml the onus lies with the ■jclicitor Vieuerid, t.: that these are of such a nature. ,is to render ri ptiuiiple, u hiuh liesat the fntintlalion uf the one, uiiolly ineonipatible with the s-dVlv of theothur. I bcIieNe that aimisiiig Ciaitrasls may be drawn between the temples in which we worship and the tables on which we dine, but I kn>>w that the sume xcientilie principles apply tu the coii- Nliiii'liun and security of li.ith. I believe that even yet all the uh' nrd ohji etion* that inlt(ht he urged ng.nnst revealed roli^ion, or e\e'.i against tlni Itritish Constitulion, as appll- to Ureit lintain itself, have not been nrgvd and an- bmredi Init yet it has nut been llunight nievssary to post- pone the MlioiLiI t'lijoymeut of either until the ingenious perversions of the hnnnni inlelluel, " never ending, still be- giir.ilng" have iieen evhanst.'d upon them. Neither do 1 lliiiik lliat wetihonld put oO' the introiluetion of the prin- eipli of rcspuliuliility —the only one by which hannony between the liveeutive and l.vRislative llranc!ies of the itprdl "* I'pi'T f.iimilM. wr.ttp a li*ln»r ui H 3. Uauttgii, IIm]. farmclly 4'llit't' J'litii'i* (if Nctvt'uuiMUaii'l, wlni It niiw nil o|aii n.lvuuili' uf rrs - |i.n*tli!i' liitfitnint'iil. Ir',ni iilittti ivi* fMiacI tin- f'ill(.»lii([ )i.ii-(i,ii-<. 'I !i<<r,i certainly at^|ii>hr« sainii ditlcM-Hri* iif ii(nii|im In (ween ilip twu .S')!t,'tli;r tii-iirral>. .Mf. pHl'lmnidyvi "III 'li'Mirsl I'ifl, ... I ■li»» ii,i,\i Omt if nifp|ith;u ut\\>v, I isai- tt let i^.yM-b til I.KVi. vii en a paLlli t'lpilvr itml I lim o « rL'ilffni.ilily »rll iriauli'^'l I liillji'iiii' t.'iin t'"' |M( i'ri,*>i. >ii i,.f mil ''iiii'iliy u r« fc larth'l tttillul"'ir,(n»-rnllhr'irfhtn'UpltfiHl'll'^l»>H!ilt>l>' (iolrilifHt'll/, wlnctl I liAmi {HIT hria. " Ikv .\s Ib-r M.i)is.i>'* .^olti'iliir (ii-iu-rkt. 1 ImiI.I iny»plt rii;'iin«lt>Ii., hitlll III 111) H^lV^vI i,;,i rtilit lliv iialilliv, 'ti /A,- inriifthn i-iit ifmt >»■ I'U^fit r»ii, f, I', I/. ./«- 1 -i tiuhhi ijhnr lii will, li, i\\ III nil tiii< li «tlt.- j..,-t, >ll Kcll, ral I nil trt«iin' lu v.iMi I' it.r rcf.rit to, I >nutm.- (>■•■ (.iric I'flutth tuli t'tiifi'ftntfi l>f >>M,'i.t h' iiiifii-i'lf. hut nr. liny mill ^vj.*iilMili. sti< iiM ,'ni' well,', ,,t thi- ' t'iMvri hiiiI l^iii.>< iit' lla' jii ii|<li' kiiiki «| 111 t .,IM*l.MI 'M I.. ,,•, ,'/ |.| 'I , ■r'/.,<MM( ,1/ ,/ /.|./|r(MM''l',l'y I'.ll.l- •l4¥*t, I if luH fl'rt tt tt tif my ituty tit rriljril' ' tail. I .tiu uf ii'tiiM' an eitu-^irnf ilii- Kun'riuni'iil.iiiiit as sii-li siii,. ]*i't tw llii'lr ilili'iMii'ii . t.iit tilifiipvi'i , ii)i,in iii,y Muh lee'iii'iii of ii,.. norst linii'irtnni'i' in* \y.\\t iii'lriiiaitlpnl )iii1iiiiitii>ilt sliBll nut li'«il ilin Ivriiltirl'l,' in iIk' Mi'»»>it I ii'vuviriatii'iit, I tljnll I'lilitliiv iliily linlli t,»niy Kof frptun mill ,i,y riiilitrv t.i n-vlpii ; ,,r In (,'|>t in. Ilie anvrter In PMulhi'l nliHIU', M','llll.'r //(.I,/ l/in »;,itri'M»..W 1. /<- l.f >'<tt'iK-t MMiifi'i ;'ifl,'ii-/.-> « /ii-rii' I- /A",,,' !./,((•* I t<i'i<'''it, I (■linll ri'iuc III af. ^irii Ui.-iii Illy Aiipfiiirt, tiinnl'li' unit li.nnil vthni I roiiipiyi' iiin.n my •wit vinic«|iie» It iirictMiry isiujciiunr.rp, itmll ceasii to l^c a svrvunt uf t;M' t riiim I roiiuiK, 4iit in, yiiur* rmilifiiilv llOlllilti D.VI.OWI.S more stringent, and our risks from violence t.r bad tiiith much greater, than they ate in Kngland. Tlie (^oniititii- tioii of S'o^a-Seolia — the New Constitution, cor.fvMred by l.urd .lohn liussell, and withheld hy .Sir Colin Caniphell, if in full operation, inii/lit, at uut/ nmittKut, hi^ mtsyrntUd ttntt n-t'hilriiirtt III/ thi: hi-i'trhtl PttrlhinifiU. \Vimld not the ex- amples of Canada and Jamaica be before our eye.-; on all occasions, restraining and cheeking ns even if disposed to bn nnrcionable'/ Unl what oven uling and restraining juiw- er exists any where, tiiat can ris eOectualiy prevent .in abusu of the principle of responsibility in Kngland ? Hiis t eon- ceive t ) be u suflieient answir to all that the Solicitor Cu- neral urged upon this point. If disposed to ovaminu the strength of the internal contrast, .vhicli he draws be- tween the two eonntj-ies, but which I consider quite tiling, ei ssary aller what has been said, I niijjht shew that there i» lot a gieat deal of reliance even to be plired iijioii tlieiie. The .Solicitor (ieneral will not, I think, ventiiie to allittr, that the I'eople of Oreat liritain and livlind eannul liiril out a .Minriry wbenevir they please, ' the patronage of tliu (iovernrnent,' the influence of the 'hleiarehv' imtl ' tlig ( oiirl,' to the coiiliary notwithstanding. I'he Toiies bail all these, and yet they wire turned out by tin People, and h.ive been kept >.ait for y,-ars, and can only .eturii to power, when they call persiLide //ir /'m/i/r, and not the Court or the hierarchy, that the Whigs are going too fiir. \» Utihv intlnellee of 'the ari-tocraey,' the prizes to be won by populiif f.ivor alwajs SI cores, even for iiinovaliun, ii fair share i.f tlielr support und the prestige of llio (loverifot"s ii.nnie wonM have double the iidliniiee In llalifus llnit the naiii« of Ihe (Ju.en would have ill i-ny city in Uritain, 'I'liu So- licitor (ieneral knows full well tluu the most rndical con- stitiiciny \:\ nil Kngland Is that in the midst iif » hidi ihv .Siivereign ri-ides. ' Westniinsler's glory' was the snbtiipiit which Sir I'r.nicis llurdett enjoyed in the p.iliny days of his radical n-toieity; ui.d at this inoiiicnt .Mr lead* ei. whose name is mi iitloiied with such horror by Cuiiser- vativis ill the Colonies, represenls that portion of the Mc- Iropoii-' which liirroiituls llie I'alaic of the (Jceiii. lint, says the .Solicitor (ieneral, ' would It not be a niert struggle for power, without tliu Inilnenee of great Cotisli. tulioiiul ipiuslloiiH, V hicli lire felt in Mnghinil / What would he tlie iibjerts nf eoiilentioii here', uhi'lher A shoulil luivu the liWeets of olliei!, or II. turn liiiii out.' Nuw aiU iiiitling that thiswasafuir xiev of the ease, wdiy nhiiuld not A. and 11. slruggliJ for power nnd oilce, and the peopli^ rivcidu vvliu is to ha.e ther'.ii ridher tliun that .'\. Iiuili|{ in. 11 pOfiSessioii, antl leaguing wi'J\ C. I>. K. and T. should ^hut ' II. nii'.l nil ill'.' other Ii-Ult^ i,{ tlu' aljilnlii't I'tiim olTc'. . i from an;; iiitluenr't! 'n tlie (i.)vcrtiirient ? Mow nl'ttn, oveo I'.ngland, does tiie contest IjetMf'jn parties assuine tlu' asp' i , v acted, in tlicir soliscquent negociations with .Sir Colin .jpljell. 'J'hev found that, while in .\e»v UruiiSH-ick that ■iiinent was hailed u-i oi.t'ening .» new and iroj, roved Con- .iitution upon the (.olooiei, in Nova Seolia it was siiit to of a mere slrnsjj^k' f''>r pmur . [fthe Solieitor (Jcneral the .\s-i'nibl5 with a vojnjoinoi.i bundle '>f papers, i<iiac- vouhl tuke the trfible to run his eye over the eorre-vpoM- U-om/tatr.ctl lii/ a nini/tt- riiitar/t — that while, in the sister IVlj- denee of Iliirace Walp.)!'*, liv- .voidd find upon what flinisy qoeittiniis llie fat-.' of ("aliiiiet.s has huti'^, and what eon* t^.'ioptil'te art>are srooieli'iK's resorted to, t,i secure victorj or avoid defeat, by jiarlif. Mrii.y^^^Iiii;.' fir |iower. Hut th;i leiriu.j (feiilleni.iti i' mistaken in sopposln,'^ that there are no ijoestions. or piineiples ol" any iinpor- luiee, it wii'i formally I oini;ninii-;ilei| to the officers it wat intended toatreet, here nr nm-h in'Imntiin <}/ tht nt'to.tenurt iifolflce uum iiuidi' pMir, mm] the whole matter wa.s treated hy our (oumillor' ori.l OlMci.ils as .ine in which they scari-ely any eoneern. Wl-.en llie As-emhly acted upontIii« Dcrpateh. /An (t'twfi'rtor ucfiil (u: llmnrih if ti\i3 not in I'j'iVf- tanee, in the (.'(iloiiiis, to f'lrni tlie ioiiehsto:ies of parly, or Icui-i — and when, in order to put an end to such child's play, thoy called his attention to it, and l.i the manner in which it had been received in theolSicr Colonies, he 'InuUml tha cnr- rrctut»s nf ttiti TiHidtttfi aih'piftl utwfM uti.'n'f^fiHr/, except Ijt the.pirties it intended loalleet, and said he refer the whole in.iUer to Knghind. This, It been said, was a \ery proper course to adopt ill a doubtful case. It n;lf;ht he— hut it was ibe very best upon which riv.'ili eoinhination.-i could be arrayed, bk they me at honi". Compared, of <'jur'.e, with the gtgantii: in- tcttstsat stako in I'.'i;;land, every ipiestion that aris,.'s in the (■olonics is iiisijfniiieant -hut " little lliinpf: ate gre.Ht to liule ni.r.," ao'l to littU- Provinces, — anil 1 couhl point to a ,lo^c'n ipiestioiis of inlernal policy, upon w.'iich llie iutellectuat poweM uf our pnbltuc men base hei'i eii;.;.igei) ilutiii;; tlie p e.t ten years, and to i, d'l.'xii neire j that couhl be s.'lecled to serve the interests of the ottieliil whieli will pro'iahiy enpi;;e tlu m hir the ten years to eoine, 'eompacl, and the very blow that could be aimed at that wore or will he j'.ist of us niiicli importance to tint I'eo- 'he hopes and iiiter.'sls ol the peiple. A r' ference home pie of \'ova-Sc.)tia. «• «eiv the ipiestionsnpoii which mi- 1 Rave all the parli'-s opposed to the new polii y an opportuni- niiters have cinm- in mid j;'o;u- ,uit m almost every reij^n since ItiSh. It cannot he otherri ise, in the very nature uf things. Such questions arise out of the ;:;radual growtli ami progress of evfry eouiitry, however small .-and ale mngiiitieil and clolhtnl with iniponauce, real or fictiliom, by the ceaseles- activity of aeiiiu and enctgelic mliiiU, varyiiii! ty of modiiyingor oli-trui tiiiu Ibe Minister's views, by va- rious ii'presmt.itioiis ali..ut tliiir sujicrinr claims 'ind the bar(lslii|i of Iheir imlividual cases— it gave them the chance >'f a chatigi- of .Ministry- or at least of a eliange at the Co- lonial otilce — anil of ilie enjoyment of individual power lor nnothir year, to be used in every iniaginable mode to annnv ill natural iiido-'Vmenls, and the degie--- and kind of culii- j'"' 'laHle ihcir opponenls. What did if give to the Assem- Tiitioii Ihoy may luive iveeivHi. i'lie pirils of the sea are '''.v? Tlif nnsuitiiice l/inl l/if funw-nwr, u-l>i> hmlirni L-nd no less on board of a S'lallop than of u LSetenty-f'Mn---'ir'd | <'lr«cl;/'!>Oe'p"tcli,> l^irlitniT'la, ivoj rirh'rmixeil nut to read flllliungh the freight may Ik- so raliiible and the miinlicr of lijnds m.Ty he compar.itively small, there is the same iie- eessiiy for skill and iiiteUigenee-. i! is of the s.oiki impor- tance, in tlte i)iiec.)s\' as in the ollu r, tiiat 'l,- ablest nuiriiii'i sliould 'isiime the r '...ponsihtliy aiul Uil:'* the eominoiul. It is Ir'i'' that ships have been lusi, and shallops too, by mak- ing Inteiesl, and not inerii, the role uf proinotion, i'ro- viuc;s have heiii sacTificed in the same way ere now, by the operation of the 'Solicitor (ienoril's sy stem of (iovermiieiit — and it is for tliN re ison Hut I s'l anx.'ously desire a change. The internal securities ijiiiisl al)i:se of the nev. Coiistitii. tioii are: 1.1. 'I'hu skill and pro line if (hi.s. vho may be lempied, and wlio must be aware. in no m ii are thry moie eer- laiii to loseponcr, by daring to exceed ilseons'i- iiilioaal bouii'laiits. and. .\n able opposllion, leadv I'l poiil oat llieii errm-, (iiid assiiiii!' their '.liie^v ilnl, .\ l,e;{!sl„i;i'e . ouhimI, i..'lcpeii'!eiii to agr"'.ici (lilt of the I'eopli ..L.I ihi' I'r /-IT'/ .Ivlin llii»sfU's ,11 III! — that the iM pnU->i was still In he pursil'.'d uniler ibe Snr C,,i,liti,ti.i!i . and that (he results of all their Iniimir and aiuiety were to be withheld, for another year ai least, by a nieic (jiiibble, llm. no Court in the couii- Ity wouhl have allowed tola; pl,Mi'led,to bat ihe opiralion of a htatnte half as pl.iin, or half as siroigly forlilied (iv eiplu- nalory eirciim.staiice^. as loid ,lo!.ii liiissells Despatch. Mad they (l.iulieil, the .Minister migln leive thought ilicm indilPercnt, iiii'l acted accordingly— or a new (iovi'rnormight have toiieont, to pl.iy over i!gain the same gnnie of solemn Irillin.;, 'I'lieie w!;s no clioice— no middle course th« paths of duly anil dishoiiir were before tin m, „nd the men who hal ncceph.'d the hi^di trr.sts you had icpoied, dl'iehiirgeu them with a lirioiicv- wonhy 'of any eausc--(/((' iiislumour rrtt uilh yiiu if ■i-'U liiil !/•■ in in llnir lniirul'nfcil. Hut, says the Solieihir (ieic'ial, it «,is wrong " lo send jlionie, in his old age. disgraced, n man nho terved as a sol'licr f'liihf.illy." \ov, , here is aiioiher instance in which I rank and station Munigcly cinCiui'il peoples iiMiions of right landwron?. MirppoM ih.-i! a poor old Corporal, with one 4lh. .\ Oovemo., who mav li.vui^. his Council .-.nd dis- ! I" '" '"':'"' "' "'"'"■' ' ''« "' '''''''"•'•"• "od with a W„,cr. mlv" the Uouse wheiievei h.' lai Oil every net. .'lib The r.ople, a!i„.,c l.iyall and who has ii veto i.'l l.ucfiirllritish eon-. Iictiiiii are iio'loiibtt'd, ami who, eii'y hinr year-, ii'.iv i,- Imke or diouiss jiulilte nieii ivho are gout ; to i fir. It all these are not sulllci-iit lo eiisii''' eiihler.ition and good beli.iiionr, why then th.' Inip'riiil I'.iil.amciil can ho fulli'd ill, liacked by tlie .\riiiy ,nd Savy. Ill coming now to the consideridjon of Lord .lulin Kiis- •ell's famous Dimpatch, it is only necessary f ir nm lo rcH r ;oii III the A^s<•mbly's Ail hcss, I'r i fiilhfiil icioiit.l of the diewmhey took uf II, uinl uf the iiiipresslons under whieli loo medal ar'iiiiid he. neck, were pl.iecil in the dock, chnrgeil wilb oine I'Uliice a .ainsi the laws of the I'rovince- and but eoiiiiM'l were lu uige his sen ices in the Held as a reason why heoiighl lol .' I'lluived lo violate ihu privahj rights of tlii( liiges 111 No'a NcoiiaHith iinpimily. viiih what liulignu- ti III would t'l- Siilicitor (iee.eral rise and tread such a due irine under his feet, lie would ull his I, ariud bioibei that soliliers were ilie meie seivaiiis ofihe law and the Coiistiiu. lion, iind thai those who had oiiee been emiiloy-d to defend these, sbiiuld be III',' last In alleinpt llieir viol.iiion. U'liM lighliiig iH the I'eiunsiilii g^ve mi for piekiii-g anil Hiealiiifi, or assault and bat icry, in Nova.Si'oiia- thai h.ilfnn iriii wiu no lu au acluu uf tii'»puii»_iiur was it iiuuilun V 12 y li>!; nn etcu'c in aw for running? dfT wiili anotlior ninn's will' ; ami tlui ol'l Coi-[ioral wouM be Irioil, convictcii, ami lminlt*d ovrr for jmnislinu'iit,in:ite as a mutter ol t'ourw. i^nt viu ii an olil ( iiim^ coincs to bu trii'd, it is i;»itc aiioflivr tiling- a batlli' or two must be sin excuse for any oflonce — even the violation of tin- ilearest rights of a whiile pceple, and tlie distraeiiou of a I'rovinee. 'I'hey manage thinL's l)eller in England— where the iiulepeiident espre'^sion ot opir.ioiion politieat subjettsi*; never matter who may happen to menace public liberty, or retard the iiro;jrLss of iinproveiiHiil, Did the Solieitm- (ieiieial ever bear of an oM soldier eulled the Uuke of Wellington, who was Sir t'olin's Commander-in-Chief, and vvlio, thoui»h the greatest e.iplain of the age, wearing badges ( f ilistlnction from every KovereiH;n in Europe, was driven out <jf the (jovernniei.* by t!ie people of Kngland because they did nutlikehis politics ? " I will give you no leforin,'' ^^iil the Duke to the p''ople of J'.ngland. "Very well," said the' Iloimj of Coiiiimliis, tiien we will give the Sovereign a bint to remove you from the l^abiiiet.' '■ I will give you no Kcform," said Sir lo- Ku to the peojile of Nova Scotia. '■ ^V■ry well," said the IVoples liep.-i'sentntives; " then we will ;;ive her Alajesty H hint to remove yon from the Oo'-ernnient." Tliere is a strange analogy in the ea.-es. and who doubts that the results i.ill be similar, notwithstanding the outcry that our I'roviu- eial Tories have ruisoil ! 1 have thus, fvdlow Countrymen, ;.ioiie through tlu speech of the Solicitor lieneral, and trust that I have redeemed ii.y pledge, by proving : 1st. That the charj!e of misrepresentation, if it h. is any luumlation at all, ou^ht never to have been urged against tile llefonners, biTause it applies with ten fold liirce to tlio patty whom the le.irncd gentleman defends, ii,.d with wlioia |iu uet4i.ks u lucmbi;!' of the Ouvernniett'. 2nd. That the reasons, given for the rCjCelion of the Ci^ll List and Judiciary liiils, by the LegiilativeCouneil, are un- sound and inconclusive. .".rd. Tint the dclenco of .Sir Colin Campbell and his niU \isers, and of tlio old system of (iovirnnient, has been too feeble and impotent to atVord a shadow if argmiient upon which 11 rational mind can repose. ■Ith. That the Solicitor General's Attack upon lie.sponsible Govennnent, should but endear the principle which the term involves, more and more to the people of Nova Scotia, for whoso advaritage it has bceit conceded li^ the C!rovv n. oth. That the charge a;(iinst your lleprcscntatives. of nreelpitancy, cannot fairly apply to men, who hail labored for four yiMi's to avoid the ntecssily for an extreme step, rendered imperative at last 'by llie folly of his l''.xci ileney'« advisers ; and btb. That even eminent services in tl e Cehl form no jus- titicalion 'or di.sobcdience h> the .Sovereign's conimands, ami the inal-admiu'islrution of civil all'airs. In conclusion, 1 have only to remind yon. ihiit it is fur yell wiJW /i» jiri.-iiuunre tjonrjwhjinrxi "ft thr vo.nifnt c/ ti)f lie-* funners nnil (Iteh npjmnenl^^ If yon believe the formir have faithl'nllv discharged their duty, and are disirons tocf- l.iblish the new Constitntioii winch they have laboorcd to obtain, fail nni, at the aiipro.iching election, I'l riliirn miy mnal>er ir/m Ims fnirltmUi vjiliM Ihe cmi.-c of Ciinnial l.lberli/, and to diminish, by every means ;n your p<i« er, tlit mimlKirs of the minority by wboiti your interests have Ihch perilled or betrayed. • In the mean lime, I remiiin. Through evil rciiort and pmid report, ;; Your obedient .Servant. josr.i'U uowK, ^ i t