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JOHH SWAKSiON. Bbo. I A. MoOIBBON, Bat). (IBORaB B. MUIB, ScosnAAT-TBiAacBUt. T^ W. BXTCHIE, SouoROB. aiBB, HUSTTlEB k DOUOBT, Notabxss. J. W. H0PKI2irS> iMPBOtoB. Thp Stpck Book is op«n for fortlttr Sksres. A]^pUoBfi<nu tvt Lobos . to be mad« to the S«er«Uury-Tt«M«sttr, Bt ^« WmZ : 71 1^. Ji^IM SISlSf , IP 3T4I1S, MONTREAL. I^^WMi tSO aiich; Bui^afcto Bi.00 per 2. c. BB9Kxr> rxiKTBB, veiinp4i». f*;,. S'UliSSi 1 . This Society shall be called the pRoviNcr \l Per- MANENT BuiLDiNQ SOCIETY, having itB chief place of busi- ness in the City of Montreal, duly incorporated in pursuance of the provisions m that behalf, of the Act of the Legislature ot the Province of Canada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty 8 Reign, and entitled "an Act to encourage the establishment of Building Societies in Lower Canada " and the intents and purposes for which it is established ire to assist the Members thereof and others in the axjquisitionof real estate ; in the erection of Buildings ; and otherwise improving tho same ; and in the removal of incumbrances or liabilities upon property already held by them; and to enable the Members to receive the amount of their shares m advance, after furnishing good mortgage Pecurity ; and to tacihtt ie the accumulation and the borrowing and re- demption of capital, and to provide a means of safe invest- ment for small sums; and for all the purposes mentioned in the said Act. 2. The Capital Stock ofthe Society shall consist of the unadvanced shares ofthe Members thereof, either fully paid up and invested as fixed or permanent capital, or in course of accumulation. Each member shall pay thereon a month- ly subscription ofonc dollar per share for 50 months to commence and be paid on and from the first day of any month m or after which he shall be admitted, in respect of each share, making the total payments on each unadvanced share fifty dollars. After each share shall have been paid up the amount so paid, veith the net accumulated profit thereon shall be due and payable to the holder thereof, and may then either be withdrawn from the Society or invested therein a« fixed or permanent capital. 3. All persons upon taking Stock in the Society shall sign the rules, in a book to be kept for that purpose. The JJirectors shall have the power, from time to time, to limit the number of new shares taken, or to charge a premium thereon such premium to form a part of the general funds ot the Society. ° 2 o 4. Monthly subscript ions, and all repay lucntH, Qocs, and other payments, shall bo paid lu the Society's Office, on the first, day of every month, or when the lirst day falls on Sunday, or a le^al holiday, then on the day following, or t any of the Society's u^eutH, three days previously, until utherwise ordered by the Directors. 6. A shareholder paying in a sum of money for tho purpose of meeting any number of monthly instalments as they become due shall bo credited with interest on tlio balance of such sum standing to his ertulit for the time being, at such rate as the Directors may thirk fit, or (at his option) shall be allowed an equivalent discount. C. All monies shall from time to time be subscribed, paid or given to or for tho use or benefit of the Society, or which shall in anywise belong to the Society, Khali, after providing for the payment of the expenses and liabilities of the Society, be applied in piiying off such shares as shall have become due and payable to the holders thereof; in the payment of dividends upon such part of the share capital as shall be held as Permanent Stock ; in the purchase of such shares as the Members may desire to withdraw ; and iu loans or advances to the several Members. Should the funds of the Society, available for investment, not be taken up by the Members at the usual rates charged by the Direc- tors, such funds may be otherwise invested for the benefit of the Society, at the discretion of tlic Directors, of which Mem- bers may, nevertheless, avail themselves. 7. The financial position of the Society shall be ascer- tained on the last day of ])ecember in each year, and the profits and losses shall then be apportioned equitably amongst the investing Members in proportion to the value of their shares, and the time for which they shall have been Mem- bers iu respact thereof. But if the Directors shall consider it for tho advantage and well being of the Society to set apart a portion of such profits for contingencies, they sliall have the power to do so, subject to the approval of the Members at the Annual Meeting of the Society, and the same shall then form a part of the general funds of the Society. Such proportion of the net profits thus ascertained and apportioned as shall appertain to shares which shall have been fully paid up and invested as fixed or permanent capital or shares in the Society, shall be payable to the holders of such shares, and SMch proportion of the net profits thus ascertained and apportioned as shall appertain to shares which shall not have a I'. boon ful'y paid up, hIiuH bo ciipltuli/fd and placed to the credit of mucIi shares, to be D.iyiible t<)«;ether with tlio princl- pal .sum, on their beeoniinj^ duo. And if the Directors (ihali think fit to declare a dividend at a Mc.ui-annual period, they shall have the power to do tto, and on shares hecominj^ duo during the currency of any year or half-year, the Hanie pro- portion of profit shall be payable m would have been paid at the rate of the last yearly or half-yearly dividend, unh'ssin the opinion of the Directors there are circunistancet) which render advisable an IncreaBcd or decreased amount. 8. The affairs of the Society shall be under the control and nianapjement of a Board of six Directors (of whom three shall form a (juoruni for the tronsaction of business), wlio shall hold not less than twenty unadvanced Shares each ; and who shall choose from amonj^ themselves a Presi- dent and Vice-Prosidcnt. No Directors shall hold the office of TrciiHurer, Surveyor or Solicitor of the Society. The Directory shall be elected for a term of two years, ihreo to retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election ; the three who shall retire at the first annual meeting of the Scciety, to bo decided by lot as the Directors may determine. 9. The election of Directors, unless the electors shall bo unanimous, shall be by ballot ; and at such election any member, either personally present or represented by any other member as his proxy, shall be entitled to votes upon the following scale, viz : — For 1 Share 1 Vote 2 or ij Shares 2 Votes. 4 or 5 " a <' r. or 7 " 4 « 8 or 1) " 5 « 10 or 11 '- (J « 12 or 13 " 7 " 14,15 or 1() '' 8 " 17, 18 or 19 '' 9 " 20 Shares and upwards..,. 10 " And 1 vote additional for every five shares over twenty. No member shall act as proxy for more than 12 other members. 10. The Directors elected at the formation of the Society or hereafter to be elected, shall continue in office till the election of their successors, unless in case of disqualifica- tion or resignation. 1 1 . The Directors flhull have power in fill np any vacnn- *y that may arisoin their own Ixxly in lhoc«»urHoofthoyoar j to appoint to any officre «»t' tho H<K;it'ty ; and to make any By-lawH and K«»jj;ulution» for tho ^uidanw of the H«ciety, it* Offieem, Agents iind Hh«reholdt?r», provided that such rej^uhitionH ar« not inconniHti'nl with tho general rules or tho Acta un«Ier wliieh tho {Society in ineor|)orat«d. 12. Tho Directorn ;diall make Hueh arraugomentH with any of tho chartered UankH doing buninoMM in tho City of Montreal, fiwr tbodupoait of monies and Boeurities bolongii^ to tho Society, and for conflueting other financial matters, M thoy shall from time to time, deem necctwary. 13. Tho Diroctorn arc authorizotUo loan tho money of tho Society either on mortgage of n-al cstato in Lower Cana- da or on tho Hccurity of Ihc unadvanced Mhares of the S(X5iety, 11. ft shall be lawful for tho Directors to borrow, from time to time, for tho use of tho Society any sum or huuis of nicnoy not exceeding ono-fourth part of the paid up :uu| invested capital, and to allow interest thero«»u at sueh rato as they nmy think fit, and tho assets of tho Society shall bo chargeable with tho repayment of such monies and inter-st. 15. Tho Directors shall, from time to time inspect tho books and accounts kept by the Secretary ; and shall have power to appoint agents to transact any business for tho Society, and to pay them out of tho fands of the Society such remuneration for their services as they rtluiU think reasonable : and subscriptions or repayments may be paid by members to such agents at the time hereinbefore provid- ed; and such apnts shall transmit the sumo, with an ac- count to the Secretary before four o'clock on the monthly subscription day, or pay such fine as the Directors may think proper. 10. If any Director shall die or resign, or become in- capable to act as a Director, or become bankrupt or insolvent or compound with his creditors, or cease to hold the re- quired number of unadvanced shares, or be removed from his office by a resolution of a special general meeting of tho members, or shall for three months successively be absent from the meetings of the Board, without the consent of the Directors, he shall thereupon cease to be Director of the Society ; and the Directors shall appo^^i, another member of the Society to be a Director in his place as hereinbefore provided : and no Director shall vote on any question in which he shall be personally interested. ^ Ilk ^ 17. Afkor the ii nit fiiuuici.il year tho Directors «l»all Ik) paid tho Muui of 32 each, tor vncU Hoard ur Cuiiiiiiittuo utcotiiiK tbuy tuny roMp4u;tiv«ly havo att<>ndt)d on tho bu«t* neiwor tho Hiwioty, uiid «hjill bo indemnified out «if lh« fuudH of tho Sooiety, or olhorwi«e, (Vomull ex|H;nm'M in rolor* cnoe tu tho furmatioo, conduct, and Mauugciuontot' tho Huci* ety. 18. A TreaHurer nliall ho appointed, who Mitidl uIho perform the duties otHocrotary, and who ihall bo eni|K)worod to rocoiyo and pay all nionioH for and on bohulf ef tho Hcoioty, and hiit receipt Hhail in all cam^H bo a Huffieient dischar^o ; and he Hhall deposit with ''lO Hank all »uoh monicii as ho Bhall have on hand, when thoy amount to 91(H). Ho shall attend all meetings of tho Directors or members of tho Hoeiety ; enter minutes of all resolutions or prooeedings in tho minute book, and .shall keep the ac- counts in order, — in proper books to bo provided for that purpose, — and pre|Miro the same, or a balance sheet thereof, lor the inspection and signature of tho Auditors. He shall summon tho Directors to all meetings, (by circular,) and iasuc all circulars and notices to members which may, from time to time, bo thought necfissary by tho Directors ; eon- duct tho correspondence of the Society, and perform all other duties that the nature cf tho office may recjuire, and bcl'ore entering on his oflicc uhall furnish security jis by tho Statute provided. 19. No monies sh" tho signature of the Pr* absence of both, of nnw surer. 20. One or moreSu^ "vn from the Bank without '•ce-President, (or in tho ors) and of the Trea- all bo appointed, who shall survey and exananc the prop^. ..y offered by any mem- ber of the Society, if the Directors shall consider it neces- sary, and shall, in all cases, render at the Society's office, a report in writing, to the Directors, of tho value and state of such property, in such form as tho Directors shall pre- scribe, and who shall be paid such fees as the Directors shall think reasonable. 21. A Solicitor or firm ofSolicitors shall be appointed, (who shall, either individually or together, hold not less than twenty unadvanccd shares), who shall transact such necessary business of the Society as the Directors may re- quire, and he or they siiall receive a fair and reasonable allowance for such service as Attorney or Counsel. tt. Tbo Solicitor mIihII iiiTonti^ntu tho titlo to all pro- particN oAf«d by M<mlM'rN,M security to tho Sooiuty, after no ihull Itavo hwn t'uriiiHh«H| with iioc%wii'' y docuttioiita, in» oluNiv(>ly of a Kc^iMtTiir'rt Curtitic Uo, aii<lMiiall, in iili cuiNifl, reiulor to th« Diri-otorn u n-jKirt, in writinj', wluHliui' mwh title bu (lu(<iiK'«i by hiin^iNHi uiidHuiKtit'nl i'or tho pur|HiM(!i of tho Sm;it!ty ; luid mIuiU roviw) till nt'coN-siiry niortj^aj^os ntul tiy|»<itlM>i(iu*.s iiiul otlior tloedn and inMtriinirnt.H in favor of tho Hocii'ty Tho SolioitorK and Hurvoyor'M foo», and Ko^iHtrv and Notarial an<l othor cliar^on, xliall in nil oa.soa bo paid by tin; jmrty on whom) aocount tiny in ly bu iu- cur red. 23. A Notary or firm of* NotarioH^hallbo ap|M)int<'d (who shall, <'itlnr nidividnally or tojfoth; r, hold net lo8rt than twenty nnadvamod shaica), who shall transact such businoHs aM tho Diroctors may ro(|uiro, and rocoivo tlurolor luuh fo< s HH tho DirootorH hhal! tliink ro ».mniabIo. 24. I ho l)iroc♦or^* shall hav(! power to ro^ulutc tho tei; ^n up<m w...>;h advancos hIiuII ho mado, and tho tinio aitt' manner of ro-paynnMits. Tho ro-puymontson advanced sharos shall bo for a fixed period, in ro«poc't of onch share, and shall not be liable to liio continj^tncy of losses or profits in tho busincsH of tho Hocioty, and after a share has been advanced to any .'Mend)or ho shall take no p rtin tho management "t* tho utFairs of tho Sooiety in respect thereof. 25. Tho fines lor tho non-payment of tho montldy or other repayments or subscriptions on advanced or unadvanc- ed shares <,ii tlio day on which tho same arc made pi:yablo by tho rules of tho Society, or o^'any other monies whatso- ever duo and payable by any member, shall be at tho rate of 2^ per cent, per month, on tho amount duo, and the samo shall accrue and be i)ayablo immediately after tho moiithly subscription day, and shall bo charfjjoablo lo such member until riuch arrears are paid. When the fines on unadvancod shares shall equal tho amount of subscriptions paid thcieon; such share or shares, and tho intereiit of any member iii respect thereof shall bo forfeited to tho Society ; provided that after any share shall be in difault the Directors shall have power to recover from such shareholder the amount due to the Society by an action of debt in any Court of competent Jurisdiction. 2G. 'ine place oFmeelings of the Society shall be at tho offices of the Society in the City of Montreal or nt such place in the said City as the Directors may appoint. r^ Iff 4 r^ 27. Any wmber flonlrlng an ndvnnccof* Sl.iro o» Bharcn, ithail gixc noti.-c, in rritini?, to tlui Sc .»tUry, of th6 ■ituutiiiii, tenure, i' iwriptlon, ami full pnrt= . of tho property pro|K)i«5rt to Ih) i»»ortga|,pd by nuch r "uibe.' to tho Bootd^y, in Buch fbrni uh tho Dirtjctom Hholl preroribf; «in«l •hail <Jc|»OBit witli tho Ho<'ri t«ry all nocosiiary titlo docda and Jih umontH relmin;; ihoroto, and hImo such num an the Secrotary may conaidor rc<|uiHito to nuH3t any noccMHary cxpcnaoH. Hlioiild any Sh'iroholdor doclinc to tako up tho amount awarded him, or fail to complete tho noccHaary »t'(Miritie« to tho Ratiffaction of tho Dirwtora within one month, Kuch UK'nihor chali pay a fino of ono Dolltr por Sbaro, whether aoy dojwaif hiw boon uindo or not; and tho Directors may othcrwiro diHpono of tho raonoy granted to •uch mombor. If the wcurity offoretl bo opprovod, tho party nhali, ut hii4 own oxponso, oxccuto a moitga^o or transfer ♦/> the «ntisfaction of the Dircctoin to .secure tho monioH to become due from him to tho Hociety according to tho " loH and rogulations of the Society, and shall also boar the cost of cnro^'ietrution. 28. All mort^nigo deeds and sccuH. - 'o tho Society ahull bo prepared in such form, and cc uun 3uch clausea, provisoes and auroemonts as tho Solicitors for tho Society ahall think fit, v/ithtlie approval of the J)iroctorM; and that in CMC tlie Mortgajj^or, shall at any time or times, no;^lcctor refuse to pay hisro- 'lyments, fines, fees, or other payments, for the space of six months successively, then the Directors may, either with or without tho concurrence of tho Mort- pa;:;or, appoint a person or persons, with such salary or com- mission i.s they may think proper, to collect the rents and profits of tiio mortgai;ed premises; with the same power of enforcing payments as tho Mortgagor himself may possess. And that in case tho Mortgagor shall be himself the actual occupier of such mortgaged promises, then the mortgage deed may contain stipulations that he shall becom? tenant to the Society, at a fair rent to be named in such deed ; tho Directors shall have power, if they see fit, to retain and apply so much of the rents, as will be necessary to pay tho sum required to redeem the property, pursuant to the pro- visions confainod in theso rules; together with all other payments, monies, and expenses duo to the Society, and to pay the surplus thereof to tho Mortgagor. 29. All property, secured to the Society, consist* -i^ of . buildings, sliall be insured by the Mortgagor, if required by 8 the Directors, in such sum and office as they shall think advisable; and the policy or policies shall be assigned over to the Society. In case any member, having executed a mortgage to the Society, shall make default ia payment of the expenses which may be incurred, in and about insuring ground rent or other payments to v/hich the said property may be subject, pursuant to the covenant in the mortgage deed, he shall pay a fine of one dollar ; and if default shall continue beyond one iponthly subscription day, ho shall pay in addition such fine aa he would have incurred for the non-payment of an equal amount of re-payments, at the time appointed for the payment thereof: the Society not to be responsible for any consequence arising from any omission in the payment of the premuim, or other payment due on any Policy of Insurance, and should the borrower omit to insure, the Directors shall have the right of effect- ing and renewing the same, or of reserving the rights and interests of the Society in the land and premises, mortgaged as aforesaid out of the general funds of the Society, and the borrower shall on demand pay and reimburse unto the Society such premiums with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, and a fine of 20 per cent, upon the amount so paid. 30. In case of damage by fire, the Directors shall re- ceive, from the Insurance office, the amount payable in re- spect to such damage; and the receipt of the Secretary and Treasurer of the Society, shall be a sufficient discharge, to the Insurance Office for the money therein expressed to bo received ; and the Directors shall have full power to settle and adjust with the Insurance Office any question relating to such insurance, and to accept the amount to be paid by the Insurance Office, in respect to the damage done to the premises ; or to make such arrangements with the Insurance Office as to the rebuilding or repairing of the said premises, or relating thereto, as the Directors shall think reasonable. 31. The Directors shall at their discretion, either lay out the money which shall bo received from any Insurance Office as aforesaid, or any part thereof, in repairing the damage done to the premises ; or retain and apply the same, or such part thereof, as they shall think fit, in <»r towards payment and satisfaction of the amount which shall be due from the Mortgagor, to the Society, and pay the surplus, if any to the Mortgagor, or to such other person as he shall (by writing) direct to receive the same. 32. Every member executing a morlgaj^c to the So- ciety shall, if required at the time of such execution, give to the Secretary a written statement of puch particulars re- lating to the property comprised in such mortgage as are usually required by Insurance Companies ; and if at any subsequent period any trade shall be commenced, or erection made or other matter or thing shall take place which would in any way affect the validity of the Policy of Insurance, the like statement shall be given ; and the member neglecting to five such statement shall pay a fine, at the discretion of the directors of not more than fifty cents, but not less than five cents per week for each share ; and the Directors shall, if they think fit to do so, at least once in every ye. •, appoint some competent person to obtain all the information he can with respect to trades, &c., carried on in and about the mortgaged premises and to report to the Directors accord- ingly. 33. If any member who shall have executed a mort- gage to the Society, shall desire to sell the mortgaged pro- perty, subject to the mortgage, he shall be at liberty to do so, with consent of the Directors, upon first duly trans- ferring the shares secured by such mortgage, to the intended purchaser in manner provided by these rules ; and upon such transfer being completed, and all arrears due to the Society, from the Mortgagor being paid, and the conveyance to the purchaser executed, such purchaser shall thenceforth become liable to pay all repayments payable in respect of such shares ; and the Directors may grant to the original Mortgagor, and at his cost and charge, a release from all future liability in respect thereof. 34. It shall be lawful for any member, having executed a mortgage in favour of the Society, to substitute, at his own expense and subject to the approval and consent of the Directors, any other property, as security to the Society, in lieu of the property originally mortgaged. 36. If any member shall desire to have his property discharged from a mortgage to the Society, before the expira- tion of the full term for which it has been taken, he shall be allowed to do so on payment of all re-payments, and any fines, fees and other sums due in respect thereof, up to the time of the redemption of such mortgage, and of the present value of the future re-payments, calculated to the end of the term, and discounted at such rate of interest and on such terms as the Directors may determine. 10 36. Oq the redemption of any security by a member, or ivhen all repayments have been made by him on advances pursuant to these rules, a full discharge of such security shall be executed, and the same shall be delivered to such member with all other deeds and documents deposited by him in connection with such security ; and such dischar<fc shall be prepared, and the necessary signatures obtained, and any matters relating thereto transacted, by the Solicitor and the Notary of the Society, at the expense of such member. 37. In case of the death or insanity of a member before receiving an advance, and upon the application of the legal representative of such deceased or insane member to with- draw from the Society, such representative shall be entitled to a preference before ordinary members, and to withdraw at any time, and to receive back the amount of subscrip- tions or shares which such deceased or insane member may have paid to the Society, less all fines and fees due and un- paid by the insane or deceased member at the time of his seizure or death, with the interest thereon, as hereinafter provided. 38. Any member being desirous of withdrawing from the Society the whole or part of his unadvanced shares, provided such shares shall have been held for one year or more, and shall not have been invested as lixed or perman- ent capital may at the discretion of the Directors and on giving one calendar month's notice in writing to the Sec- retary, be allowed to do so, and may receive back with in- terest at 6 per cent, the net amount of his monthly sub- scriptions paid up, deducting any monies that may be due to the Society. But the Directors may allow a higher rate of interest than 6 percent, to members withdrawing if they think it advisable so to do. 39. Anj Shareholder may transfer his share or shares by causing an entry of such transfer to be made in the books of the Society, in such manner as the Directors may appoint and upon the payment of the sum of 50 cents for each transfer and thereupon the transferee (after signing the rules) shall be entitled to all the privileges of an original Shareholder. 40. In case of the death or insanity of any member the legatee or legal representative of such member shall, before becoming entitled to the privileges of an original Share- holder, procure his place of abode and the particulars of his title to be registered in the books of the Society, and shall 11 at the same time exhibit the will or probate thereof, or letters of administration or other doeument, ^as the case may be) for the inspection and satisfaction of the Directors, ' 41. A general annual meeting of the membora shall be held on the first Thursday in the month of February, in each year, for the purpose of electing three Directors to serve for the ensuing two years, and for all other general purposes relating to the management of the Society, the first annual meeting to be held on the first Thursday in February, 1865; and at each of the said general annual meetings shall be submitted a full and clear statement of the aff*airs of the Society for the previous twelve months, which shall be attested by two auditors appointed by the Shareholders for the ensuing year, at the general annual meeting. 42. Extra general meetings of the members of the Society may be called by the Directors, upon the members being notified of such meeting through the ] 'ost-Oflice, at least one week previous to such meeting. 43. Special meetings shall be called by order of the President, Vice-President, or Two Directors, upon a re- quisition in writing, stating the object of the meeting, and signed by fifteen members. Upon receipt of such requisition the President, Vice-President, or Directors, shall instruct the Secretary to summon a special meeting by printed cir- culars, giving at least fifteen days' notice thereof, and in which the object must be specified, and i'^^ shall not be com- petent to entertain any other business at such special meeting than that for which it has been called. 44. All questions at the annual or other meetings of the Society, (except the election of Directors, as before mentioned,) shall be decided by a majority of the members holding unadvanced shares, either in person or by proxy represented at the meeting ; the chairman of any meeting,' either of the Directors or members, having a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member. ^ 45. The proceedings of the Society shall be entered in a minute book, in detail, in such manner as the Directors may, from time to time direct ; such entries to be signed by the President, Vice-President, or Chairn.an, as well as by the Secretary and Treasurer. 46. The Rules of the Society snail be copied into a book provided for that purpose, and shall be subscribed by the Shareholders, and the name and place of abode of each Shareholder shall be entered in a registry book to be kept w for that purpose. Any member changing his rcnidence shall within one calendar month thereafter, give notice, in writ- ing, to the Secretary, of such change, »nd of his new place of abode and address. 47. The Directors shall have power to make such ar- rangements as they may deem advisable with any Building Society wishing to become incorporated with this Society, and to allow to the members of such Building Society all the privileges of original shareholders in this Society on such terms as the Directors may consider safe and equitable, sub- ject to the confirmation, amendment or disallowance of a spe- cial meeting of the shareholders to be called for that purpose. 48. The Directora may at their discretion, receive de- posits of money on loan in sums of one dollar and upwards, and they may allow interest thereon at the rate of not more than six per cent per annum, which deposits may be with- drawn, upon giving one month's notice in writing to the Secretary, provided the amount so received in loan is not mere than is allowed by Law. The interest of all such depositors shall be made up at the end of the financial year and carried to his credit in the Books of the Society. 49. No dissolution of this Society shall take place unless its affaii*s be deranged or its principles prove inadequate to promote its objects, or its funds be insufficient to meet the claims or from any other such cause, rendering the dissolu- tion absolutely necessary, and then only by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present, either in person or by proxy, at a special general meeting to be called for that pur- pose, 15 days' notice of such meeting being previously given to all shareholders, and advertised in one or more of the daily papers published in Montreal. 50. In the practical application of these rules, or any rules hereafter to be made in virtue thereof, the construc- tion put upon them by the Board of Directors'shall be final and conclusive, but any member may appeal from such de- cision to a general meeting of the Shareholders. Every word in the singular number ^all be applicable to the plural and every word importing the masculine gender shall, where necessary, be understood to mean a female as well as a male, unless there be something in the subject matter or context repugnant to such constitution. 51. No alteration of these Rules shall hereafter be made except at a special general meeting of the Society, and then only by a vote of two-thirds of the members pre- sent in person or by proxy. Hi msm