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A DVERTISEMENT. nw4Pf.Bg KoDONAIib, 19 NORTH WHABF, 8T. JOHN, H. B., ESTA.BI-ISIIBI> 1836. JARDINE&CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers i Seedsmen, 85 and ^ Prince Wm. Street, and 28 ^Tater Street, DIRECr IMP0KTER8 OF British, West India and American GROCERIES m FRUITS. DEALERS IN- Peruvian Gnano, Superphosphate of Ume, Ground Bones,Boiie Meal,Groniid Plaster and Other Fertilizers, Sheep Dip, Oil Cake, &c., &c. Ships Supplied with Stores in Bond or Duty Paid. SEED aud other catalooues seht on application. Ballroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k k. MCMILLAN'S. Index — Advertisement. mLPHINATniQ, IiU BMOATIltO OILS, 0OMPRB88IOH OOP OREASES. Etc. A. Page Acadia University 170 Acadia Seminary 171 Agricultural Society, St. Jdhn.... 210 Albert County 109 Almanac 43 Ancient Order of Foresters 193 Ancient Order of Hibernians 194 Anchorage 186 Artillery— Field Batteries 179 Altitude of the Sun 48 Ancient Order United Workmen 194 B. Banks — BankHolidays 150 Ban k of British North A merica 1 51 Bank of Montreal 151 Bank of New Brunswick 151 Bank of Nova Scotia.., 151 Page People's Bank of N. B 151 Bt. Stephen's Bank 152 Halifax Banking Ck) 152 Ball's Lake Fishing Club 208 Baptist Book and Tract Society.. 172 Baptist Institute .., 172 Baptist Ministers in N.B.&P.E. I. 172 Baptist Church of NewBrunswick 170 Barristers' Sociefy of N. B 205 Board of Examiners for Civil Ser- vice 79 Baptist Boar J of Foreign Missions 171 Baptist Bo'ird of Home Missions 172 Board of the Ministers' Annuity Fund 172 Boards of Management, St. John 125 Board of Portwardens 203 Board of School Trustees for St. John 134 CONTINUED ON PAGB 4. J", ac J-. ID- i3:o"W"E, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Household and Office Furniture, BED-ROOM SUITS, DINING-ROOM SUITS, Side-Boards, Book-Cases, Office Desks -AND- MADE TO ORDER. WAREROOMS — 96 Germain St., Masonic Boilding. FACTORY— EAST END OF UNION STREET. PAPER mum A SPECIALTY AT McMILLAN'S BINDERY, ST. JOHN. :»r--ry Index — Advertisement. CHABLBS McDOHALC, SOLE AOEIIT FOR "HAOIO" WOOL OOi, Paqk Board of Trade 214 Bo^s' Brigade 206 Brighton Engineers 181 British Columbia 86 British Ministry 77 Boys' Industrial School 156 Boards of Health — Provincial Board of Health... 108 Local Boards of Health 108 c. Calendar 50-73 Canada Congregational Mission- ary Society 175 Canada Congregational Foreign Missionary Society 175 Canadian Medical Association .. 204 Canadian Storm Warnings 141 Carleton County 110 Cartage Districts 128 Catholic Mutual Benefit Assoc'n 195 CONTINUED Page Cavalry — 8th Princess Louise.... 178 Circuit Courts 91 City and County of St. John 12» City of Moncton 146 Charlotte County Ill Church of England Institute 162 Church of England S. 8. Teachers' Association 162 Clergy of the Diocese of Freder- icton 157 CoBamissioners for taking Affida- vits, etc 227 Commissioners free Public Li- brary.. 2oa Commissioners of Slaughter Houses for the City and County of St John 204 Commissioners under Cap. 36, Con. Stat 22& Consuls and Consular Agents 216 Congregational 175^ ON PAGE 6. ROBB ENGINEERING CO. (x.i3Sd:iTEr>.) EDjlDeers, Boiler Mm, MaeUQitts, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. ROBB- ARMSTRONG ENGINES. MONARCH ECONONUC BOILERS. PJCRFKCTION ROTARY ]»i:i]L.]:.S. BMBOSSDIG HEATLT EXEQUTED AT J. k A. HcHILLAH'S, ST. JOHN. Index — Advertisement. ni USE XH OVER 200 WOOLLEN MILLS IN UNITED STATES and CANADA. Page Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.. .. 175 Congregational Churches of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.... 176 Congregational College, Montreal 175 Corporation of Fredericton 147 County Courts 92 Council of Physicians and Sur- geons of New Brunswick 214 Court for the Trial of Piracy 91 Court of Divorce 91 Clan Mackenzie 210 Customs Department — Ports and Collectors in N. B... 104 Churchwardens and Vestrymen of St. John 161 Cartmen's Protective Union 209 Cabinet Ministers of the Domin- ion of Canada 78 D. Page Dental Register of New Bruns'k 227 Dental Society.. 204 Departmental Officers 89 Department of Agriculture 89 Diocesan Church Society 159 Diocesan Synod 160 Dominion of Canada 78 Dominion Savings Bank 105 Distances 41 E. Eclipses, etc 44 Ecclesiastical 157 Educational — Educational Depl. of N. B 175 University of New Brunswick 176 University Alumni Society 176 School Inspectors and Inspec- toral Districts 176 CONTINUED ON PAGE 6. OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. CAPITAL, $10,000,000. Does the Largest Business In Canada, And has the Largest NET SURPLUS of any Fire Insurance Company in the World. J. SIDNEY KAYE, Jardine's Bnilding, Frinee William Street, St. John, N. B., AGENT FOK NEW BKUNSWICK. McULLAirS P£N DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. ^ir:~qsa 6 Index — Advertisement. GHAKLE8 HeDONALD, 19 MORTH WHABF, " OERTBHVIAL " WATBB Page Educational Institute of N. B. 177 Madras School 177 Halifax School for the Blind.. 177 University of King's College, Windsor, N.S 177 Equity Sittings 90 Exchequer Court 79 Explanatory 46 Explanation of Astronomical Symbols and Abbreviations.... 43 Executive Councils — British Columbia 86 Manitoba 86 Nova Scotia 85 Ontario 85 P. E. Island 86 Quebec 85 New Brunswick 89 Exhibition Association 107 F. Farmers and Dairymen's Ass'n... 203 Father Mathew Association 211 Fixed and Movable Festivals, etc. 43 Fishery Laws 154 Forecasting the Weather.. 46 Foreign Postage Table 102 Free Christian Baptist 173 Fusiliers 179 Fire Alarm Telegraph 126 Firemen's Mutual Relief Ass'n... 212 Funnels of Atlantic Steamers 41 Fire Department 125 CONTINUED G. Page Game Laws 152 Game Wardens for New Bruns'k 154 Gloucester County IIS Grand Lodge N. B. (Orange) 185 Greenwood ("emetery Company... 212 General Public Hospital 155 H. Hackney Carriages 127 Halifax School for the Blind 177 Harbor-Master's Fees 136 Horton Collegiate Academy 171 Hospitals and Asylums — General Public Hospital 155 Victoria Hospital, Fredericton 155 Wiggins' Male Orphan Institu- tion 155 Boys' Industrial Home 156 St. John Protestant O. Asylum 156 Home for >*ged Females 156 Provincial Lunatic Asylum..... 156 House of Assembly 89 House of Commons 82 I. Independent Order Foresters — High Court of N. B 192 Directory of Courts 192 Independent Order Good T'mplrs 194 Independent Order Oddfellows — Grand Lodge of Lower Prov... 187 Grand Encampment of Mari- time Provinces 188 '^N PAGE 7. ^%Xl ♦ BREWER -MANUFACTURER OF- Soda Water, Ginger Ale, Lemonade, Syrup, Sarsaparilla, Champagne Cider, etc. 95 to 99 U nion St., ST. JOHN, N.B. JOB PRmmiG ARmnCALLf executed at J. ft A. HoMILLAirS. Index — Advertisement. WHITE, THE HI0HE8T GRADE OF AHERIOAR BUBRINO OIL. rxoB Dist. Deputy Grand Patriarchs 188 Subordinate Encampments 189 Canton Latour 189 Infantry — Carleton, 67th 180 Fusiliers, 62nd 179 Kings, 74th;. 181 Northumberland, 73rd 181 York, 7l8t 180 Irish Literary and Benevolent Society 212 J. Journeymen Tailors' Association 213 Judees and Clerks of Co. Courts... 93 Junior Liberal Con. Association.. 212 Kent County 114 Keystone Fire Insurance Co 210 Kings County 116 Knights of Pythias 200 Kings College School 206 CONTINUED ON PAGE 9. L. Paos Law and Justice Department- Supremo Court of Judicature.. 90 Equitpr Sittings 90 Circuit Courts 91 Court for the Trial of Piracy.. 91 Probate Court 91 Court of Divorce 91 County Courts 92 Sittings of the County Courts.. 92 Judges and Clerks of the Co. Courts 93 Light Houses — Bay of Fundy 17 Eastport to Boston 30 Grand Lake 17 Gulf of St. Lawrence 26 River St. John 17 Washademoak Lake 17 List of Minister j of the Metho- dist Conference of N.B.&P.E.I. 167 Lloyd's Register 212 Loyal Orange Institution 185 Letter-Carriers' Association 213 I Insurance Company OIP A.2s^CEK.IOJL. Paid $54:9,46;^ for Losses by the St. John's, New- foundland, conflagration without contesting a single claim. C. E. L. JARVIS, General Agent, 74 Prince William Street, ST. JOHIT, 3Sr- B- ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTING AT J. & A. MdaLLArS. ill 8 Advertisement. CHARLES Mcdonald, st. john, n. b., 0. H. WARWICK, IMPOHTKR OF- Crockery, China, TABLE GLASSWARE. -"^WiliSte Dfote the um Address.' <) IIVV /\l\' VV I i 1< tik,tliai kk Ak. ( > 1 I . V\ ..\JU W. iJL ^ ^ ^ Wholesale and Mail. k k k i i i ART POTTERY and LAMPS. 78 and 80 King Street, SAINT JOHN , N, B. Ballroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k A. McHILLAirS. ■;t Index — Advertisement. 9 OTUNDER on., ERoniE OIL, dtnaho oil. 'f lie w i s. Paob Log Cabin FishinR Club 213 Local Boards of Health 108 M. Madawaska County 117 Madras School 117 Manitoba 86 Master Painters' Association 210 Medical Register 229 Methodist Church 167 Militia 178 Miramichi Pilot Commissioners 205 Money Order Service 95 Mount Allison Academy 169 Mount Allison Ladies' College... 169 Municipality of the City and County of St, John 122 Maritime Com'l Travellers' Ass'n 210 Masonic — Ancient and Hon'bl Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons 182 Private Lodges 182 Grand R. A. Chapter of N. B. 183 Private Chapters 183 CONTINUED Page Grand Council of* High Priests 183 Royal Order of Scotland 184 G.and (''cl of Royal and Select MaBtera<& Appendant Orders 184 St. John Council, No. 1 184 Carleton Council R. C. Knights 182 Knights Templar 184 McLeod-MooreConcrve,No.l3 184 A.& A. S. Rite 185 Morning and Evening Stars 45 N. Natural History Society of N. B. 209 New Brunswick S. P. C. A 205 New Brunswick Railway Co 149 Neptune Rowing Club 207 N. B. Auxiliary Bible Society... 208 N. B. B'd of Fire Underwi iters... 207 N. B. Battalion Garrison A rtil'ry 179 N. B. Masonic Hall Company.... 209 N. B. Historical Society 203 N. B. Medical Society 213 N. B. Pharmaceutical Society... . 213 N. B. Provincial Rifle Associat'n 181 ON PAGE 11. THOS. CAMPBFLL, Hot Water and Steam Fitter. ■^imr ►-•►-H — ■DEALER IN- -^^^ Steam Fittings, GAS FIXTURES ^Ed PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. ESTIM. lES FUFNISHED ON APPLICATION. kirs. 79 Germain treet, - - - - St. JOHN, N. B. J. k k. McMILLilf PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. 10 Advertisements. Ill CHARLES Mcdonald, st. johh, h. b.. W. C. PITFIELD, Gesbbal Partmbs. S. HAYWABD, Special PABTNBii. W.CPITFIELD&CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF BRITISH, FOREIGN 9 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Canterbury Street, ■ St. John, N. B. WkeBToolDill! GET OUR PRICES ON SASHES -AND- NOULDMGS. Our SHUTTER and VENETIAN BLINDS are well known for their fine finish. Orders from British Columbic, West Indies, Newfound- land, etc., testify to the fact. A. Christie Woodworking Co., ST. JOHN, N . B. AU KINDS OP LEGAL PRmTOIG AT J. ft A m^wniij^ " Advertisement — Index. 11 OILS FOR ALL PUBPOBES. LOWEST FUGES. -TO WnOLESAIiE BUTKRS OF- Millinery and Fancy Dry Gfoods. BROCK tt PATERSON SHOW A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HATSftBOHinSTS FLOWERS, ORHAHSHTS, RIBBOHS, LAGES, SILKS. VELVETS, HOSIERT, GLOVES, CORSETS, JERSETS, PARASOLS, EHBROIDBRIES, BUTTOHS, EtG. 30 and 32 King Street, - - - Opposite Royal HoteL Page N. B. Sunday School Association 206 NorthHmberland County.. 118 Notaries Public 226 Nova Scotia 85 N. B. A. A. Dalhousie College... 204 Northwest Territories — LegisUtive Assembly 87 New Brunswick — Executive Council 89 House of Assembly 89 OflScers of House of Assembly 89 Department of Agriculture 89 Departmental Officers 89 O. ^Jfficers of House of Assembly... 89 Officers of the Congregational Union of N. S. and N. B 175 Official Stenographers 206 Ontario 85 Oddfellows' Hall Company 213 Offices and Officers under the Do- minion Goverment in N. B. — Finance Department 105 Inland Revenue Department... 105 Marine and Fisheries 105 Dep't of Minister of Justice.... 106 Public Works Department 106 Immigration Department 106 Dep't Railways and Canals 106 Shipping Office, St. John 1 06 CONTINUED Page Weights and Meas. Inspection 106 Weights and Meas. Ins. Service 107 Open Seasons for Fish in N. B... 155 Oromocto Coal Mining Co 212 P. P<^rliament of Canada — The Senate 81 House of Commons 82 Pilot Commissioners 134 Police Department 127 Population of New Brunswick... 122 Presbyterian Cliurch of Canada.. 165 Prince Edward Island 86 Principal Articles for the Calen- dar 4a Probate Court 91 Provincial Board of Health 10ft Portland Public Library 214 Post Office Department — New Brunswick Division 95 Railway Mail Clerks 95 Post Office, St John 95 Money Order Service 95 Rates of Postage 96 Parcel Post 9^ Registration 9& Useful Hints lOO Mutilated Stamps 100 Post Bands and Stamped En- velopes 101 ON PAGE 12, j PAPER RULINO A SPECIALTT AT HoULLAirS BINDEBT, ST. JOBfT. 12 Index — Advertisement. li'i SHOES of aU Kinds at WATBRBURT k RISIHO'S, 61 King and 212 Union Stg. Page Merchants' Boxes 101 Letter-Carriers' Delivery 101 Foreign Postage Table 102 Provincial Lunatic Asylum.. 166 Press Club, St. John.... 212 Q. <^ueb€c 85 <^ueensCounty 119 R. Railways — Intercolonial 149 Canadian Pacific 149 New Brunswick Railway Co... 149 Shore Line 149 Elgin, Petitcodiac & Havelock 149 Prince Edward Island 149 Salisbury and Harvey 150 Caraquet 150 Canada Eastern 150 Bnctouche and Moncton 150 Albert Southern 150 Kent Northern 150 Central , 150 St. John Val. and Riv. du Loup 150 St. Louis 150 Railway Mail Clerks 95 Rates of Cartage of the City of St. John 132 CONTINUED Page Rates of Cartage for Carleton 133 Rates of Fare, Hackney Carriages 127 Rates of Pilotage ; 134 Rates of Postage 96 Rates of Top Wharfage 137 Rates of Wharfage 137 Relative Value of Money 215 Restigouche County 121 Relief and Aid Society 209 Roll of Barristers and Attorneys 217 Roman Catholic Church 163 Royal Arcanum.... 209 Royal Caledonia: Curling Club... 204 Royal Family 74 Royal Templars 192 Railway Mail Clerks' Association 213 S. Salvage Corps 213 School Inspectors and Inspectoral DisHrts 176 Seasons ^ 44 Sea Signals 140 Shamrock Amateur Ath. Club.... 213 Shipwrights' Union... 212 Ship Laborers' Union 210 Signs and Influences of the Zodiac 44 Sittings of the County Courts 92 Societies, Clubs, etc 203 ON PAGE 13. I'i Brick Building, No. 715, FOOT MAIN STREET, St. John, N. B. Telephone 332. Special Prices for Country Orders. XcHILLAirS PEN Olff ARTUNT CORTAIHS GOODS FROlT AUTlAKERff. I>iDEX — Advertisement. IS 8E0E8 of aU Kindg at WATBRBURT k RIBOfO'S, 61 King and 212 Union 8to. Paoe Sons of England B. 8..., 202 Sons of Temperance — Grand Division of N. B 189 Representatives to Nat'l Div... 189 Subordinate Divisions 189 Standing Committees in Connty.. 122 Standing Committees (City) 125 St. Andrew's Society 203 St. Andrew's Curling Club 204 St. George's Society 203 St. John Bicycle Club 203 St. John Horticultural Associ^'n 210 St. John Law School 206 St. John Bridge & R. R. Ex. Co. 205 St. John City Government — Boards of Management 125 Standing Committees 125 Fire Department 125 Fire Alarm Telegraph 126 Police Department 127 St. John Amateur Athletic Club 209 St. John Fire Department 125 St. John Medical Society 204 St. John Mechanics' Institute Co. 212 St. John Rifle Co 181 St. John Rural Cemetery Co 207 St. John Typographical Union. . 207 St. John Y. M. C. Association.... 208 St. John the Baptist T. A. Society 211 St. John Tax Reduction Asso 213 CONTINUED Pagc St. John Oratorio Society 209 St. John T. and L. Council 214 St. Joseph's Senior Society 211 St. Malachi's T. A. R. Society.... 211 St. Peter's T. A. Insurance Asso.. 211 St. Patrick's T. A. Society (W.E.) 211 St. Vincent de Paul Society 211 St. John Co. 8. S. Association 206 St. John Press Club 212 St. John County 122 St. John City 124 Siinbury County 14$ Supreme Court of Canada 79 Supreme Court of Judicature 90 Savings Bank, Dominion IDS' Storm Warnings 141 T. Table of Distances 41 Temple of Honor and Temper- ance 191 Tide Table 47 Time Ball 139 Town of Woodstock Ill Trinity Preceptorv, L. O. A 187 Thistle Curling Club 214 U. Union Club 214 Union Club Company 205 ON PAGE 14. COWIE & EDWARDS, Haiti® mi lif@ Iigimies. MANAGERS PROVINCIAL BRANCH UNION INSURANCE CO., BANGOR. Me. Agents PORTLAND LLOYDS, Portland, Me., and LONDON AND PROVINCIAL MARINE INSL^ANCE CO. (Ltd.), of London, Engr* Alto Agents for N«w Brunswick CAI.BDONIAN FIRE INS. Co. of Edinburgh. Office: 90 Prince William Street, St. John, N. B. Bailroad and Steamboat PrintiBg a Special Feature at J. k A. McHQiIiAirs. 14 Index — Advertisements. 8H0E8 of aU Kindi at WATEBBURT & BniNG'S, 61 King and 212 Untoa 8ti. Page University of Mt. Allison College 169 University of Ifew Brunswick... 176 United Workmen 194 V. Victoria County 144 Victoria Hospital, Fredericton... 155 Victoria Skating Rink 205 W. Weights and Meas. Inspection... 106 Weights and Meas. Ins. Service.. 107 Paok Westmorland County 145 Women's C. T. U..... 208 Women's Baptist Miss. Society... 171 Women's F. C. B. Miss. Society.. 174 Wiggins' Male Orphan Institu'tn 155 Y. York County 146 York County Medical Society.... 148 Y. M. C. A. Debating Club 212 Young Men's Liberal Club 210 Young Men's Society of St. Joseph 21 1 S TILL exists, and at the OL D STAND. : : . ^ To the Inhabitants of Indiantown and Farmers along Saint John River: E.J. MAHONY^D^ggigt, Tenders his sincere thanks to those who have patronized him in the past, and trusts still to merit a continuance of the same. <^ll §mgs reliable and at federate S^ces. Froprietctr DR. BRIG08' MLACKBERRT STRUP; also prepares Superior FURUITPRE POLISH, and a RELIA BLE CORN CURE. New Bpunswiok Steam Coffee ^Spioe Mills, PAsAeiss ROW. sir. jqbh, k. b. A. LO R D LY & CO. -IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- Ipte, Coffey ^mm toto , eft GRINDING . XL KINDS OF SPICES AND CRYSTALS. Roasting Coffee, etc., at Moderate Prices. T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AOENT FOR GLENASKORFT BLEND SCOTCH WHISKY. Index — Advertisement. 15 MOBS of aU Kinds at W ATB RBURY k RISIHQ'B, 61 King and 21 2 Union Sta. INDEX TO ADTXBTISEMEIVTS. Page Adams, AW 137 Am. Steam Laundry(top lines)90-115 Brock & Paterson 11 Brenan, N W 12 Bourke, T. L. (bottom lines) 14-23 Boston Marine Insurance Co 232 Brackett, C E (bottom lines).... 74-97 Belmont Hotel 15 Christie Woodworking Co 10 Chamberlain, John 231 CowieA Edwards 13 Chemical Fert'lzr Co — Outside b'k cov Council, David (top lines) 150-153 Climo & Son 139 Campbell. Thos 9 Foster, S R & Son 94 Green & Son, RH 124 Harper's Periodicals 88 Harris & Co, J 94 Humphrey, R B (b'tom lines).128-133 Hayward, W H 128 Howe, J & J D 3 Jackson, Chas (top lines) 42-45 CONTINUED Page Jardine & Co 2 Kane & Co 40 Kerr & Robertson 21 Kitchen, Willard (top lines) 50-51 Lordly & Co, A 14 London & Lanc'shre Fire Ins. Company Outside front cover Manchester, R & A..Inside front cover Macdonald, Chas (top lines) 2-11 Murphy Gold Cure Institute 154 Morley Ladies' College 158 May & Son, J S 178 McAvenney, Dr A F 227 Manks & Co 65 Machum, ER 190 McLeod, E & R, & Ewing 80 McMillan, J & A— Color Printing 231 School Books 40 To the Legal Profession 90-216 Stationery, Blank Books, etc... 49 Stockton's Vice- Admiral tv Re- ports 225 ON PAGE 16. BELMONT Hotel. iimtii enNiti c. r. I. M I. c. I. iipit. —^lEE^EEE^ SAINT JOHN, N. B. i=— = • ♦ ♦ ♦ Newly re-fitted and furnished. Rooms large, xfeU ventilated, heated by hot water, aOd lighted by electricity. Hot and Cold Water Baths. Electric Cars pass the house, connecting with all trains and steamers. Baggage to and from Depot free of Charge. TEiai^s 3yco3DE::E&JLa?E. J. sm®, Ww@pwimi@Tf m I -111 T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AGENT FOR McDOUGAUi'S RTE DISTILLERY. Ill „ ,.,; 11 16 Index- -Advertisement. SHOES of all Klndf at WATBttBURT & RISIHCPS, 61 King and 212 Union Sti. Page Mahony, E J 14 Myers, W F & J W 96 Nase & Sod, P 44 (yRegan, John 61 Paterson, A Y (top lines) 46-49 " (hot " 98-105 Parks & Son, Wm 42 Pitfield & Co, W C 10 Price & Shaw 142 Queen Insurance Company 7 Queen Hotel , Fretlericton 82 Ready,James 6 Robertson & Co, George 16 Royal Hotel 76 Royal Insurance Company 5 Robb Engine Co 4 Stamers, BA .,.. 55 Paok Starr, R P & W F 53 Scovil, E G (bottom lines) 24-73 Sharkey & Son, Peter 23 Smith, A C & Co 69 St. John Businesc College and Shorthand Inst, (top lines).. .74-8& Stirling, James 74 Thompson, Jo3 (top lines) 38-41 Thome, W H «& Co 101 Victoria Hotel 103 Warwick, O H 8 Waterbury & Rising (top lines) 12-37 Webster's Dictionary..Inside back cov Weldon & McLean 80 Waring, White & Co 61 " " 63 Welcome Soap Co..Out8ide back cover Wholesale Gfocefs and West India Mercliaiits. OFFICE AND RETAIL STORE, No. .50 KIISTG STKEET, Saint John, N. b. limit €^m®^iMiiii FAMILY ACCOUNTS A SPECIALTY. SCHOOL BOOKS P*t'l'^"^.*.L*l*lJL*l?.^.?.^^*'5°*"*?? others used I the Maritime Provinces, constantly on hand. WHOIiESALK AND RETAIL. J. & A., 'M.o'M.TULiA.'N. T. Ii. BOUBKE. SOLE AGENT FOR 0LENA8K0RFT BLEMD SCOTCH WHISKT Light Hotjses. 17 SHOES of all Kinds at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sti. LIGHT HOUSES. River St. Oreen Head, Fixed white light, vis. 10 mis. Hand Point, " " " 10 " Belyed's Point, " " "11 " Williams' Landing, " " " 10 " Oak Point, " " " 10 " Flewelling's Landing, Kennebeocasis River. Fixed red light, visible 5 miles. Halfield's Pt., Lantern op a mast, vis. 10 mis. Hatfield's Point Range LiglUs—Weat side of John. Belleisle Bay. Latitude N. 45° 89' 50". Longitude W 65° 5 ' 0". Front light, fixed red. visible 2 miles ; back light, fixed white, visible 'i miles. Palmer's PL, Fixed white light, vis No Man's Friend, " " ^' " Mouth ofJemseg, " red " " Oromocto Shoal, " white " " Wilmot's Bluff, " " " " Simla. 10 " 5 " 10 " 10 " Washadenioak Lake. Musquash Island. — Fixed white light, visible 10 miles. Hendry Farm. — Fixed white lijjht, visible 10 miles. In coming down, these two lights to be kept in range until opposite N W end of Hog Island, whence a southerly course to be kept to the foot of Musquash Island. In going up, the two lights to be brought in range opposite N W end of Hog Island,' awd kept in range until within ^ mile of the light on Hendry Farm. Grand Lake. Robertson's Point. — Fixed white light, visible 10 miles. Fanjoy's Point. — do. do. Cox's Point. — do. do. ^ McMann's Point. — do. do. Light Houses in the Bay of Fundy. Cape -Sbik— On Cape. Latitude 43° 23M 9 '^ Longitude 65° 37' 15'^ Re- volving white light; bright 15s, dark 25s; visible in clear weather 12 miles. Octagonal white tower ; stands 53 feet above high water mark. A. steam fog whistle on southern point of Cape, elevated about 40 f(;et above high water. Sounds a blast of 10 seconds duration in each minute. West Head, Cape Sable Island.— On the Head. Lat. 43° 27' 17'' N ; Ion. 65° 39' 10" W; fixed white light; visible 11 miles in clear weather; white, square, wood lighthouse ; 42 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 36 feet ; visible from all points seaward. Hand fog horn answers signals from vessels. Stoddard Island.— On N. W. of Island. Latitude 43° 28' 26". Longitude 65° 43' 7". Fixed red light. White square Tower to guide vessels into the anchorage of Stoddard Harbor and Shag Harbor Sound ; 22 feet above high water. Bon Portage Island.— On S. Point. Latitude 43° 27' 14". Longitude 65» 44' 44". Red light, revolving every minute. White square tower for guid- ing vessels into Barrington, West Bay and Shag Harbor. Hand fog horn answers signals from vessels. Height, above 46 feet. Seen 12 miles. Seal Island. — On south point, one-eighth of a mile inland. Latitude 43° 23' 34"; longitude 66° 0' 52". A fixed white light, visible 18 miles in clear weather. A white octagonal tower, 98 feet in height above hi^h Tater. The Blond Rock lies S by W 3^ miles from light house. A fog whistle near light house ; sounds in each minute a blast of 5 seconds duration, and after an inter- val of 5 seconds another biast of 5 seconds. T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AOBHT FOR McOOUOALL'S RTE OISTILLBRY. B 18 Light Houses— Bay of Fundy. il II SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURT k RISIHQ'S, 61 King and^212 Union 8ti. Yarmouth, or Cape Forchu.— On E. Cape, south oolnt. Latitude 43° 47'' 30^' ; loiiKitude 66° 9' 25'^ Gp. revolving white light, showing 3 flnshes at iniervals of 20 seconds, followed by an eclii)8e of 40 seconds. Stands 117 feet above high water. Vertical red and white stripes; octagonal wooden tower; white, wooden dwelling near by. Seen 18 miles in clear weather. Whisile on W. side of Cape sounds 10 seconds in every minute. Height of building from base to vane, 69 feet. Lifeboat station at Kelly's Cove, 8. side of Yar- mouth Sound. Established 1839 (changed 1892). Yarmouth Bell Buoy.— In 10 fathoms off Yarmouth Sound. Latitude, 43° 44'' 0^^ ; longitude, 66° 10' 47''''. Red, iron buoy, f'urmounted by a ball. Bell rings by the motion of the buoy on the waves. From the buoy the " Roaring Bull" bears E.N.E., IJ miles; and Cape Fourchu light N.E. by N., 3^ miles. Established 1890. Yarmouth Faii-way Whistlinq Biuyy.—ln 34 fathoms, 10 miles S.W. by W. JW. from Cape Fourchu Light. 'Latitude, 43°40M6''; longitude, 66° 18' 55''. Black and white striped buoy, with 10-inch whistle. Whistle sounded by action of the waves. Candlebox Inland. — Northern entrance Schooner Passage. Latitude, 43° 39' 34" ; longitude, 66° 2' 45". Fixed red light ; 56 feet above high water mark. Can be seen 8 miles. White, square wood, with dwelling attached; iron lan- tern, red ; visible from all points seaward ; height ot building from base to vane, r,7 i\et. Established 1893. Peases Island.— On S. point, one of the Tusket Islands. Latitude, 43° 37' 35"; longitude, 66° 1' 40'°. Alternating red and white, one minute, each color visible 15 seconds ; 45 seconds between flashes ; 56 feet above high water mark ; visible in clear weather, 12 miles. White, square wood, with dwelling attacl d. Heightofbuildin."? from base to vane, 42 feet. Hand-horn answers signals from vessels. Sea light visible from all points of approach from 80uth> ward; also througli Schooner and Ellenv/ood Passages. A lower fixed red light in window, 16 feet below main light ; 40 feet above high water mark ; visible 4 miles. Lower lights mark channel between Old Man and Old Woman Rocks. Visible onlv between bearings W. by N. J N. and N. W. by W. St. John Ledge Bell Buoy.— In 22 fathoms, 1} miles S. W. by W. | W^, from the middle of the ledge. Latitude, 43° 29' 50" ; longitude, 65° 49' 30". Red, iron buoy, with J. ledge in white letters, surmounted by a bell. Bell rung by the action of the waves. From the buoy Pubnico Light is open to westward of St. John Island, N. E. bv N., 6} miles ; S. tangent of Bon Portage Island bears S. E. f S., 4] miles. Established 1891. Blonde Bock Automatic Whistling Buoy.— In 13 fathoms, ^ mile S. \ E. from the rock. Black, iron buoy, surmounted by a 10-inch whistle. Whistle sounds by action of the waves. Trinity Bell Buoy.— In 8 fathoms W. by N. i N. 600 feet from Trinity ledge. Iron buoy, surmounted by a bell. Bell rung by action of the waves. From the buoy Cape St. Mary bears N. E. by E. 7 miles ; Cape Fourchu S. by E. 13J miles ; Lurcher Shoal S. W. by W. 12J miles. Lurcher Shoal Whistling Buoy.— In 13 fathoms one-third mile west of shoal ; Latitude, 43° 50' 2" ; longitude, 66° 30' 0". Red, with " L " in white. Iron buoy, with 10-inch whistle. Whistle sounded by action of the waves. Shoal lies 15 miles W. N. W. from Cape Fourchu light. Cape Saint Mary.— East side Bay of Fundy. Latitude 44° 5' 10" ; longitude 66° 12' 40". Alternate red and white light every 30 seconds ; visible 16 miles in clear weat her ; white octagonal tower ; stands 103 feei above high water. T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AOENT FOR OLENASKORFT BLEND SCOTCH WHISKV. Light Hou3es — Bay op Fundy. 19 SHOES of aU Klndi at WATERBURT k RlSOra'S, 61 King and 212 Untoa Sti. Meteghan River.— At extreme end of breakwater ; lat. 44° IS'' 10'''' N ; Ion. 66° 8'' 42''' W; fixed green; visible 6 miles in clear weather; yertical red stripes on seaward side, lante.n painted black ; 23 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 21 feet. Beacon for guiding vessels into river. Must be left on starboard hand and passed close aboard. Tide leaves breakwater one hour before low water. Church Point— E. side of St. Mary's Bay, Digby County. Lat. 44° 19'' 56'' N ; Ion. 66° 7' 35'' W. Fixed red light; visible 10 miles in clear weather; white, 8C[uare, wood dwelling attached ; 36 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 20 feet. Belliveau Cbvc— St. Mary's Bay. Latitude 44° 24' 20" N ; longitude 66° 3' 10" W. The light is a fixed green light, dioptric ; elevated 24 feet above high water mark ; visible from a distance of 4 miles in all directions seaward. The light is intended to mark the entrance to Belliveau Cove. While, square, wood. -Sw*i6oo.— S. side of entrance to river. Lat. 44° 26' 25" N; Ion. 66° 1' 0" W. Fixed white light ; visible 8 miles in clear weather ; white, square, wood lighthouse ; 36 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 33 feet. Westnort. — Peter Island, entrance to Grand Passage. Lat. 44° 15' 27" ; Ion. 66* 20' 21". Two horizontal fixed white lights, 24 feet apart; visible 10 miles in clear weather ; white, square wood, lanterns rising from ends of dwelling; 40 feet each above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 15 feet. Visible from the northward between the bearings of 8 by W and S 8 W, and from the southward between the bearings of N E by E and N N W J W. Hand fog horn answers signals from vessels. Brier Island.— H^ W. point. Latitude 44° 15' 57" ; longitude 66° 23' 38". Fixed, white light; visible 13 miles; white octagonal tower; stands 92 feet above high water. Fog whistle on N. W. of Brier Island, south side of light house ; sounds 3 blasts of 4 seconds duration, with interval of 4 seconds between them, each minute. Northwest Ledge Bell Buoy. — In 15 fathoms, 400 yards N N W J W from the N W Kock. Lat. 44° 19' 15" N ; Ion. 66° 24' 30" W. Red and black ver- tical striped iron buoy. Boar's Head. — 17 yards from edge of cliff. N. entrance to Petite Passage. Latitude 44° 24' 10" ; longitude 66° 13' 3" ; alternate red and white every minute ; visible 14 miles in clear weather ; square white tower, 70 feet above high water. On S entrance to Petite Passage. Lantern on roof of dwelling. Point Prim. — South point of entrance to Annapolis Basin ; l&titude 43" 41' 30" ; longitude 65° 47' 10" ; fixed white light, visible 13 miles ; square tDwer, vertical red and white striped ; 76 feet above high water. Fog whistle near edge of cliff, sounds eight seconds in each minute. Dwelling attached. Bigby Pier.— At outer end of pier. Lat. 44° 37' 40" N ; Ion. 65° 45' 6' ' W. Fixed red light ; visible 6 miles in clear weather ; lantern on pole, with white shed at base ; 38 feet above high water ; height of building from base co vane, 29 feet. Visible from NNE round through W to SSW. Shafner's Point.— Oa N. side of Annapolis Eiver. Lat. 44^^ 42' 40" N ; Ion. 66° 37' 12" W. Fixed white light; visible 8 miles in clear weather; white, square, wood lighthouse ; 55 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 43 feet. Indicates Goat Island Shoals. Harbor Light at Annapolis. — A fixed red light, dioptric; elevated 30 feet above high water mark, and should be visible a distance of 7 miles from all T. L. BOURSE, SOUS AGENT FOR McDOUOALL'S RTE UISTILLERT. 20 Light Houses— Bay of Fundy. m II iiii iW III SHOES of all Kinds at WATERBURT ft RIS WQ'S, 61 King and 212 On i on Sta. points seaward. After passing the black buoy off Marsh point, in ascending the river, vessels may run directly lor this light on an E by N ^ N course to the anchorage just below the old government pier. Port Williams, or Marshall Core.— South shore. Latitude 44° 56'' 53'-' ; lon- gitude 65° W 56^'; two vertical fixed white lights 22 feet apart, visible 10 miles ; square white tower 92 and 70 feet above high water ; lantern on top of tower, lower light in bow window, visible from seaward from E to S through 8 to W S W i W. /br< George -On outer end of E. pier. !«•» 45° 0^ 25^' N ; Icn. 65° 9' 25'^ W. Fixed green light ; visible 7 miles in clear weather : white, square, wood lighthouse ; 25 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 21 feet. Visible ^rom all points seaward. Margaretville.— On extremity of Point, S shore. Latitude 45° 3'' 0''' ; longi- tude 65°4''0''''; red fixed light, visible 8 miles in clear weather; square tower, horizontal black and white striped, 30 and 27 feet above high water ; visible from seaward from S E by E | E through N to W by S } 8. Height of building from base to vane, 22 feet. Established 1859. Isle Haute.— On highest point. Latitude 45° 14' 56'' ; longitude 65° 0' 45" ; white light, revolves every minute, visible 20 miles in clear weather ; white, square wooden tower, dwelling attached, almost hidden by trees ; 365 feet above high water. Black i2oc)fc.— South shore. Latitude 45° 10' 15"; longitude 64° 45' 50" ; fixed white light, visible 12 miles ; white square tower 45 feet above high water; light in top of dwelling; visible from all points of approach. Cape U Or. — Fog whistle, on extreme point opposite side of channel from Black Rock. Latitude, 45 ° 17' 25" ; longitude. 64^ 46' 40". Sounds during thick weather for 68 in eveiy 308 ; the whistle should be heard from 5 to 10 miles, according to the state of the wind and atmosphere. King^ort— On Oak Point Pier. Latitude 45° 9' 35" ; longitude 64° 21' 30" ; fixed white light, visible 10 n^iles ; square, white, wood, 27 feet above high water ; visible from all points of approach ; rebuilt in 1891, after having been burnt. Horton. — On bluff west side of Avon River, Latitude 45° 6' 30" ; longitude 64° 13' 20" ; fixed white light, visible 15 miles ; white square tower, 100 feet above high water. White, square wooden dwelling attached. Walton Harbor. — East side of mouth of LaTete river, Basin of Minas. Lati- tude 45° 14' 0" ; longitude 64° 0' 45". Fixed re J light, visible 10 m. ; white squaie tower, 60 ft above high water. B\imt Coat. — Basin of Minas, N W extremit»' of Head, 8 shore. Latitude 45°i8'40"; longitude 63° 48' 30"; fixed white light, visible 13 miles; white square tower, with lantern on dwelling, 75 feet high above high water; visible from all points of approach. Salterns Head.— On shore of Basin of Minas. Lat. 45° 20' 10" N ; Ion. 63® 32' 10" W. Fixed red light ; visible 5 miles in clear weather ; lantern on a inast, with white shed at base ; 60 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 20 feet. Visible from all points of tpproach. MassUiwn or Debert. — On eastern head at entrance to Moss Creek. Lat. 46* 22' 46" N ; Ion. 63° 29' 0" W. Fixed red light; visible 6 mUes in clear weather ; lantern on a mast ; 30 feet above high water mark ; height of build- ing from base to vane, 20 feet. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. LitUe Dyke.— On western head at entrance to Folly River. Lat. 4^ 22' 45'' N ; Ion. 63° 33' 20" W. Fixed red light ; visible 6 miles in clear weather ; lan> T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AGENT FOR GLENASKORFT BLEND SCOTCH WHI8KT. '^!! Advertirement — LioHT Houses — Bay of Fundy. 21 SHOES of aU Kindi at WATERBURT k RISING'S. 61 Klog and 212 Union Sti. WILLIAM KERR. JOHN M. ROBERTSON. KERR & ROBERTSON, WHOLESALE Hafiwus liiebui SI»li:CIALTIES : SHELF HARDWARES; CUTLERY. dock*street, ot.John,N.D. tern on a mast ; 25 Tt. abuve high water ; height of building from base to van*. 20 ft. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. Spencer Point. — On N shore, at mouth of Great Village river. Latitude 45° 23' 30'^ N; longitude GS*' 37' 0'' W ; fixed white light, visible 11 miles in clear weather; in window of a building; 35 feet above high water mark. Height of building 20 feet from base to vane. Lit during navigation. Portapique. — On western head at entrance to Portapique River. Lat. 45** 23' 35" N ; ion. 63° 43' 30" W. Fixed red light ; visible 6 miles in clear weather; lantern on a mast; 30 feet above high water; height of buildiuj; from base to vane, 20 feet. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. Economy. On point of bar running out from N. side of entrance to Economy River. Lat. 45° 22' 45" N ; Ion. 63° 55' 0" W. Fixed red light ; visible 5 miles in clear weather ; lantern on a mast ; 15 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 30 feet. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. Advocate Harbor. — On south side of entrance ; latitude, N, 45° 19' 30" ; lon- gitude, W, 64° 47' 30" ; fixed red light; 36 feet above high water ; visible 7 miles; square wood tower, painted white. Moved to this position in 1888. Parrshoro\ or Partridge Island Liaht. — W side of river; latitude 45° 23' 0"; longitude 64° 19' 5"; fixed white light, visible 9 miles ; white, square tower, with lantern on dwelling, 37 feet above high water. Cape Sharp.— On southern extremity of Cape. Lat. 45° 21' 55" N ; Ion. 64° 23'20"W. Fixed red light ; visible 10 miles in clear weather; white, square, wood lighthouse, with dwelling attached ; 60 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 34 feet. T. L. BOURKE. SOLE AGENT FOR MoDOUOAUi'S RTE DISnLLBRT. >j, 22 Light Houses— Bay of Fundy. SHOES of aU Klndi at WATERBURT k RlSUfO'S, 61 King and 212 UnlOB 8ti. HI } () milcH; IieiKht, 25 feet above liiRh water; ho uare, white, ; red roof; visible arc GHl" N E A N, N W bv W i W. VcHsels bor one liour before high water, giving light berth of 50 feet Anderaon'H Hollow Beacon Light.— On enHtern erd of (lovernnient Breakwater at AnderHon'H IIoUow ; latitude N 45°37' 30^' ; longitude W 64" 49' 45'' ; fixed, red light, viHible -.--.. wooden building ; may run for harbor on port hand. . ^t i • • .ieo Ajyple River— On Cape Capston or Hetty Point, N entrance; latitude 45° 28' 20"; longitude 64° 51' 35"; fixed white light, visible 12 miles; white oblong, wood, mjuare tower, surmounted by octagonal metal lantern rising from roof of dwelling. Fog alarm building, white with brown roof, wood; 64 feet above high water mark ; height of building 45 feet from base to vane Fog alarm immediately E of tower. Steam fog-horn gives blasts of H Beconds, with intervals of 46 seconds. Hillsborough ?KA«)/.— Petitcodiac River; latitude 45° 55' 15" ; longitude 64° 37' 45"; fixed while light, visible 5 miles; open frame; to guide ves- sels going up the river and to the coal and planter wharves. Grindstone.— \V point of Island ; latitude 45° 43' 13" ; longitude 64° 37' 25"; fixed white light, visible 12 miles ; white octagonal tower 60 feet above high water; visible from N E by E, through N to E by 8; in thick weather a trumpet sounds 4 blasts in every minute. Cape Ewaj/e.— Pitch of Cape; latitude 45° 35' 40" ; longitude 64° 47' 0"; fixed white light, visible 15 miles; white square tower, 120 feet above high water ; visible between the bearings of N W round by 8 to N E ; a fog horn operated by steam and compressed air, sounds blasts of 8 seconds, with inter- vals of 20 seconds. WarcCb Point LtV/A<.— Latitude N 45° 43' 45" ; longitude W 64° 29' 40" ; fixed white, dioptric; visible 10 miles; 72 feet high above high water mark ; visible from E N E through N to 8 W J W. Quaco Pier.— On outer end of E breakwater pier. Lat. 45° 21' 20" N ; Ion. 65° 31' 55" W. Fixed red light; visible 6 miles in clear weather; white, square, wood lighthouse; 20 feet above high water mark; height of building from base to vane, 21 feet. Visible between W by N J W and N W ; and between N i E and N E by E. The deepept water in entering the inner harbor is close to the light. Obscured from N i W to \ A E. ^co.— Light on the Pitch of the Cape at West Hea;! ;" latitude N, 45° 19' 30"; longitude W, 65° 32' 10"; revolving white light, 20 seconds, visible 16 miles ; fog horn 70 feet S W of lighthouse ; sounds a blast of 9 seconds, with intervals of 30 seconds. Quaco Bell Buoy. — Off' the reef at west head in 14 fathoms ^ mile 8 S E from light. Black iron buoy surmounted by bell. Bell rings by action of waves. Qwico Ledge Bell Buoy.— In 10 fathoms N W of ledge. Lat. 45° 14' 35" N ; Ion. 65° 22' 40" W. Red iron buoy surmounted by a bell. Bell rung auto- matically by the motion of the buoy on the waves. Fort Folly Point Light. — Junction Petitcodiac and Memramcook River; latitude N 45° 52' 5" ; longitude W 64° 33' 32" ; fixed white light, 77 feet above high water mark ; visible 14 miles. Oape Spencer.— Vitch of Cape; latitude 45° 12' 30"; longitude 65° 54' 0"; alternate red and white light every 45 seconds, visible 20 nailes ; white square building with tower 207 feet above high water, visible between the bearings from E S E round by S to W N W, Partridge Island light bearing by compass N W by WiW, distant 6J miles. 6 J- f Split Rock Automatic Buoy.— Moored in 30 fathoms off Split Rock; lati- T. L. BOURKB, SOLE AOEXT FOR GLENASKOBFT BLEHD SCOTCH WHISKY ADVERTrS»5MEm— LlOHT IIoUHES— IUy OF FuNDY. 23 8H0E8 ot aM Kiiidi at WATERBURT k RISIMG'-S, 61 |Ung and 212 Union 8ti. Ready-made | Made to Orden The Lniffost Stock. T\w Most Faithioiinbli^ Goods. ' AT REASONABLE PRICES. BOYS' CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. S^^/jj^j7j^^ Cor. Market Square _j^a:og2^^r. JOHN, N. B. tude N 45° 7' W^ ; longitude W 66° W W. Iron Buoy, with 10-inch whistle ; location, 8 W by S ^ S from Musquash Light, S ^ W from western head of Musquash, and W S W from Partridge Island. Partridge Island.— St. John Harbor ; latitude 45° W 20^'' ; longitude 66° 3' 20'' ; dioptric fixed white light, visible 17 miles ; tower vertical red and white stripes, 119 feet above high water; in foggy weather a steam whistle sounds for ten seconds every minute ; a bell buoy near E side of Partridge Island reef. St. John Harbor Entrance. — Whistling buoy off Black Point; latitude 45° 11' 30" N ; longitude 66° V 0" W. Sounded by the action of the sea, in 16 fathoms of water off Black Point, at entrance to the harbor of St. John, Bay of Fundy. The buoy is painted black. From the buoy Partridge Island light bears N bv W 3§ miles; Mispec Point N E by E J E, IJ miles. West of Meogenes Island N W by W ^ W 4J miles, and Bell Boat N ^ W. Negro Point. — On end of Government Breakwater, W entrance Port of St. John. Fixed red light, 40 feet high ; visible 8 miles ; lat 46° 14' 25" ; long. 66° 4' 0". St. John iTarfior.— Beacon ; latitude 45° 15' 10" ; longitude 66° 3' 40" ; fixed white light, visible 10 miles ; vertical black and white stripes, 35 feet above high water. ReecPa /hint, on Prince Wm. street, foot of St. James ; latitude N 45° 15' 41" ; longitude W 66° 3' 28" ; fixed rcJ and white, visible 5 miles, 3 branch lamp post, 42 feet above high water, shows red to seaward over an arc of 67^ from N E to N N W. White on other bearings. T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AGENf rOR MoDOUaiLL'g RTE DISTILLERY. l! f ■i § 24 Light Houses— Bay of Fundy. SHOES of all Kinds at WATERBUR7 & WSIWO'S, 61 Ki ng and 212 Union Sta. Musquash, east side of entrance ; latitude 45° 8' 35^' ; longitude 66° W SO''' ; fixed catoptric light, green to seaward, white towards harbor, visible 10 ip'.^es; white square tower, dwelling attached; 112 feet above high water; an a.*.( iiatic signal buoy moored in 30 fathoms, S W by 8 f S from light, S J W from western head of Musquash, and W 8 W frou Partridge Island ; latitude, N 45° T W ; longitude, W 66° 14^ 50^^ Dipper Harbor TAyhL — Lnthude N 45° 5' 30''; longitude W 66° 25' 0". Fixe revolution in 2 minutes, showing 3 white and 3 red flashes at inter- vals of 20 secionds ; 200 feet above high water ; visible 20 miles ; white, square tower ; dwelling attached. Old Proprietor Ledge, to the S E of Grand Manan Ledge. Latitude 44° 33' 10" ; longitude 66° 40' 0" ; visible 8 or 10 miles ; a spindle beacon, painted red ; a cage elevated 31 feet above high water mark. Oannet Bock, on rock, S of Grand Manan. Latitude N 44° 30' 38" ; longitude W 66° 46' 57" ; intermittent white light, 45s ; eclipse 5j8, flash 4is ; eclipse SJs in every 60 seconds ; visible 12 miles ; octagonal tower, vertical black and white stripes, 66 feet above high wat«r ; a gun is fired once every hour to answer sig- nals during fogs and snow storms ; dangerous rocks extend 4 miles eastward of the lighthouse. Machias Seal Island, near middle of Island. Two lights 64 yards from each Importer Teai and Liquors, Agent Celebrated Pdee Wines. fe 26 Light Houses—Gulf of St. Lawkence. i SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURY k RISntO'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sto. other. Latitude W 30' 7^' ; longitude 67" 6' 13'^ ; fixed white lights, visible 12 miles ; white towers 54 and 66 feet above high water ; a fog whistle sounds in thick weather, fogs, and snow storms, 5 seconds in each half minute. New Brunswick — Gulf of St. Lawrence. Belloni's Point Light— Buthnrst Harbor. Latitude N 47° 40' 21''; longi- tude W 65"^ 33' 18"'; fixed white light, dioptric; 30 feet above high water mark; visible 10 miles: on east side entrance, and indicating outside limit of shoal off month of liarbor. Point Peter, on Flat Rock, Gaspe. Latitude 48° 37' 50" ; longitude 64" 9' 0" ; revolving red catoptric, square tower, 77 feet high ; visible 10 miles. Dalhousie, south side of entrance to harbor. Latitude 48° 3' 45" ; longitude 66° 20' 50"; fixed white light, visible 13 miles ; white square tower 49 feet above high water ; seen from all points of approach. Douglas /sknd— Latitude 48° 4' 25" ; longitude 66° 21' 30" ; fixed white catoptric light ; square white tower, 30 ft. above high water mar k ; visible 6 miles. Dalhousie Range Lights.— Front Tower on public wharf; fixed white light; Latitude N 48° 4' 25" ; longitude W 66° 22' 25"; back tower on Montgomery Island ; front tower 30 feet, and back tower 34 feet above high water. Heron Island, Chaleur Bay.— Latitude 48° 0' 0" ; longitude 66° 8' 0" ; fixed white light, visible 15 miles ; white square tower, 66 feet above high water, visible from all points seaward. Petit Bocher, on Elm Tree Point. Latitude 47° 48' 39"; longitude 65° 43' 13"; fixed light, visible 12 miles; white square tower 36 feet above high water mark. Bathurst, on Caron's Point. Latitude 47° 39' 20" ; longitude 65° 36' 40" ; two fixed lights — one red, one white; white visible 10 miles ; red visible 14 miles; white, 33, red 43 feet above high water ; range lights to guide vessels into the harbor. Campbellton Range Lights. Front tower on pier beside railway wharf ; 24 feet above high water ; back tower on Moffat's wharf; fixed white light, 24 feet above high water ; latitude N 48° 0' 50" ; longitude W 66° 39' 55". Caraquet, on Island, Bay of Chaleur. Latitude 47° 49' 30" ; longitude 64** 54' 10" ; fixed white light, visible 14 miles ; white, square tower on dwelling 49 feet above high water. LiUle BeUedune Point. Latitude 47° 55' 10" ; longitude 65° 53' 25" ; a mast 28 feet high, with white shed at base, fixed white dioptric ; visible 11 miles. Goose Lake, west side of Miscou Island. Latittide 47° 55' 40" ; longitude 64° 35' 40" ; revolving white light every minute ; white square tower, 40 feet above high water; visible 10 miles. Shippegan, Alexander Point. Latitude N 47° 43' 30" ; longitude W 64*- 39' 10"; fixed white catoptric light, 32 feet above high water, visible 11 miles; square white tower. Range light discontinued 1888. Shippegan OuUy. — New Lights. — Thei-e are two lights at this station known as Indian Point. Latitude N 47° 43' 40" ; longitude W 64° 40' 20". The front light is a fixed red, 28 feet above high water mark, lantern hoisted on a mast, visible 4 miles. The back light is located 444 feet N 31° 15' W from front one; visible 11 miles. Miscou Island, Birch Point. Lat. 48° 1' 0" ; long. 64° 29ra 25s ; fixed red light, visible 14 miles , white octagonal tower, 79 feet above high water. Miscou Fog ^^j-m.— Steam fog whistle, 107 yards E from lighthouse^ sounds blast 5 seconds every half minute. E. 0. SCOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., Light Houses — Gulf of St. Lawrence. 27 SHOES o! aU Kindi at WATERBURT ft RISINQ'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sts. _ — ^ — _ . Po&moMcAe. — Latitude 47° 40' 10''; longitude 64° 46' 0"; fixed green light, visible 8 miles.; white square tower with dwelling attached, 35 feet above high water. Range to guide to can buoy at passage ovflir bar, Pokemouche Gully.— 270 feet S by W J W from main light. Latitude 47° 40m 10s ; longitude W 64° 46ra Os ; fixed red light, ana buoys ; v'sible5 miles. Tracaxiie. — The tower from which the inner or back range light at Tracadie was exhibited, at the west entrance to Tracadie Bay, on the north or Gulf of St. Lawrence coast of Prince Edward Island, has been replaced by a new tower. Approximate position : Latitude N 46° 25' 35" ; longitude W 63° 2^ 30". The new tower is a square, wooden building, painted white. The upper portion of the tapering building forms the lantern. The height from the ground to the top of the ventilator is 28 feet. The light is a fixed red, catop- tric light. It is elevated 32 feet above high water mark, and should be visible in the line of range and up the coast in a northwesterly direction 8 miles. The tower stands on the gravel beach, near the site of the old one which it replaces, 1,200 feet S S W from the front range light ; but this course and dis- tance is liable to be changed at any time, without notice, to make the align* ment suit the changes in the shifting channel. Petitdegrat Island, C.B. — The fixed red light in Petitdegrat Inlet, southeast of Madame Islana, in the county of Richmond, C. B., has always been des- cribed and shown as being on Big Arrow rock, whereas it is built and ha» always been maintained on Mouse Island, farther up the inlet. Latitude N 45° 29' 54" ; longitude W 60° 57' 24". North Tracadie Qully — The range lights on the south side of North Tracadie Gully, off the northeast coast of New Brunswick, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, having been found ineffective through changes in the bar, the front range ligh has been discontinued, but the back or main light is continued as a coast and beacon light. Two new range lights to lead over the bar and throngh the best channel outside the Gully, have been established on the north side of the Gully. They were put in operation in August, 1894. They stand on the narrow grass beach at the point where tlie Gully enters the Gulf. The front light is fixed white, shown from a lantern hoisted on a pole, having a small shed at its base, painted white. The height from the ground to the light is- 20 feet. The light is elevated 25 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 6 miles. Latitude N 47° 33' 15" ; longitude W 64° 51' 30". The back light stands 55 feet N N W (N 46° 30' W true) from the front one, and is also fixed white, shown from a lantern hoisted on a pole, with a small shed at the base, painted white. Its height from the ground is 30 feet. It is ele- vated 35 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 7 miles. Both lights should be seen in clear weather between the bearings of S W round through N to N N E. Vessels entering the Gully should bring the two lights- in range, and steer N N W until near the third red buoy, or until the main lighthouse tower on the south side of the Gully bears W S W; then head for that light, and after passing it, leaving it on the port hand, they will be in the main channel, inside the south beach, and out of danger. Smdh Tracadie, north side of Gully. Latitude 47° 30' 06" ; longitude 64° 52' 10" ; two lights, back light 166 yards north from front one; fixed lights,, front one white and back one red; visible 8 miles; front building an open white tower, back building square red tower ; 20 and 26 feet above high water. Vessels crossing the Bar from sea should steer north, keeping the lights iu range ; width of bar, two cable lengths. Lower Neguac Range Lights. — The front light stands on the east end of the '•: 1, »■,■-:; Importer Toai and Uqnorf , Agont Celebrated Pelee Wlnei. 28 Ligh4 Houses— Guif of St. Lawrence. :i ii SHOES ol aU Kinds \\ WATE RBURY k RISIHO'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sti. block at the outer end of the Lower Neguac wharf. Latitude 47° 16' W^ N ; longitude 66° 2' W W. The light is shown from a lens lantern hoisted on a mast, having a shed At the base, the whole painted brown ; an oval slatwork is attached to the mast to make it more conspicuous as a day beacon ; the mast is 14 feet from the pier to its top; light is fixed white, elevated 18 feet ing of a cribwork block 25 by 50 feet, in about 8 feet water, connected with the shore by h roadway supported on temporary trestles ; the roadway runs N J E, and is 1060 feet long to high water mark, where it ends near Adams' fish house and store. The back light building stands on the beach, N N W i W (N 40° 50' W true), lOSO feet from the front one; it is a square wooden on- ?rey tower ; fixed white light, visible round entire horizon 14 milea ; on Mount Desert Rock. Maine ; a bell struck by machinery. Bearings— Baker's Islan;! bears N .f E, 18 miles ; Petit Menan light bears N E J E, 23 miles ; Moosepeak bears N E by E\ E, 38 miles; Mitinicus light W ^ S, 33 miles. Vessels l)()und to iSt. John will run E N E straight up between Grand Manan and the American shore. Mount Desert Llqht — New Fog Signal. — Daring thick and foifgv weather a DaboU trumpet will hereafter be sounded at the light station on Mount Desert Rock. The fog signal will consist of blasts of 7 seconds' dti ration, separated by silent intervals of 40 seconds. Burnt Coat Harbor Light ; has recently been changed from two lights, to a single white light, visible 11 miles ; on south end of Swan's Island. To enter harbor, bring the light to bear N E | N, and run for it until quite closie aboard, then haul to E by N about ^ of a mile to anchorage. i ;gemoggin Light; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 9 miles ; on Green Islaud, at entrance to Eggemoggin Reach; also, guic^d to Ellsworth. Saddle-Back Light; tower, upper part, grey ; lower part, white ; on an Islet near S W end of Isle au Haute ; a guide to Isle au Haute Bay, and to East Penobscot Bay ; fixed white light, visible 12 miles; leave on port hand fair berth and steer N ^ W for Eagle Head Light. Mark Island Light, on an Island at the western entrance to Deer Island Thoroughfare, or to Merchants' Row ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 12 miles. This station is in Isle au Haute Bav, bearing about N N E from Saddle-Back 4 miles. To enter Thoroughfare, leave light on starboard hand ; to er*er Merchant's Row, leave it on the port hand. Heron's Neck Light, on the south point of Green Island, the most southern one of the Fox Islands ; a guide to Carver's Harbor and to Hurricane Sound ; white tower, fixed red light; visible 14 miles. Ooose Rocks Light ; On Goose Rocks Ledge, on Northerly side of Main Easterly entrance to Fox Island Thoroughfare, Me. Fixed red with fixed white sectar ; the white can be seen when bearing from N W | W to N W | N. When approaching from the Eastward, the white must be kept in sight until nearly up with, then left on starboard side. Bearings and distances of promi- nent objects from the light as follows: Try pod on Channel Rock S E by E i E, 1 mile ; Bell Buoy on Channel Bock, S E f E, 1 1-16 miles ; Flag Staff on Hospital Widows' Island, S by W, 5-16th of a mile. Eagle Head Light, on Eagle Island, at the head of Isle au Haute Bay ; guide to the N E entrance to Penobscot Bay. Vessels on entering will leave Saddle Back on the port hand and run straight for Eagle Head, leaving it on the port side ; white tower ; fixed white light ; visible 13 miles. Pumpkin Island ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 9 miles ; a guide to Eggemoggin Reach from the west ; leave it on the starboard hand. Di^s Head ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 17 miles ; west side of entrance to Castine Harbor, Maine. Fort Point Light; white tower; fixed white light, on Old Fort Point; left hand side of entrance to Penobscot River. Orindd's Point; white tower; fixed white light, visible 11 miles ; on the north side of entrance to Gilkey's Harbor, on Long Island, Penobscot Bay. Negro Island Light; white tower; fixed white light, visible 12 miles; at south side of entrance to Camden Harbor. !!( Importer Tmu and Uinori, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. 34 Light Houses— Eastport to Boston. . imOES Of aU Kinds tt WATERBURTJk RISINO'8, 61 King and 212 Union 8ti. Indian Island Light ; white tower; fixed red light, visible 12 miles ; east Bide of entrance to Rockport Harbor, Penobscot Bay. BromCs Head Light; white tower, attached to Keeper's dwelling; fixed ■white light, but showing red between the bearings S W by W J W and W by 8 i S visible 11 miles. In entering Fox Island Thoroughfare from the bay, keep in the red light to clear the Fiddler and the Bay Ledges. Situated on western side of Fox Island, and at east side of western entrance to Thorough- fare. It is extinguished when Thoroughfare is closed b^ ice. OwVa Hmd Light; white tower; fixed white light, visible 15 miles; guide to Rockland haroor; also to vessels bound up or down western Penobscot Bay. Fog bell struck by machinery 4 times a minute. White Head Light; latitude 43° 58m 428 N; longitude 69° 7m 288 W ; grey tower, connected with white dwelling; fixed white light, visible 13 miles; at western side of western entrance to Penobscot Bay ; also a steam fog alarm, giving a blast of 4 seconds' duration, followed b^' interval of 26 seconds. South Breaker Bell Boat; painted red; J mile S by W f W. In running for White Head to be left on starboard hand. Matinicus Light. Two fixed white lights, visible 20 miles. Also, a 12 inch steam fog whistle, sounding blasts of o seconds duration with intervals of 25 seconds. Located on Matin icus Rock. Latitude 43° 47' 0'' N ; longitude 58° 51' heigan 18'^ W. Bearings— Mount Desert Rock bears E J^ N, 33 miles; Mon- Llght bears W by N 21 m. Course to Portland Head, W | N, 64 m. Monheiaan Liqht ; latitude 43° 45m 528 N ; longitude 69° 18m 57s W ; gre^ tower; white flash light, visible 19 miles, flashing once a minute; on Monhei- gan Island. Bearings— Matinicus bears E by 8, 21 miles ; Seguin Light bears W I N, 20 miles; White Head Light bears N E } E, 18 miles. Also, on Manancus Island, near Monheigan, a steam fog alarm, giving a blast of 15 seconds' duration, at intervals of 40 seconds. Duck Rock Whistle Buoy ; is N from Manancus fog whistle stations Im., and J of mile N N W from beacon on Duck Rocks. This buoy is a guide to clear Duck Rock in running for White Hd. Leave on starboard hand of Blk. Ft. buoy. Tenant's Harbor Light; white tower ; red flash light, visible 13 miles, flash- ing once every minute : on south west side of entrance to Tenant's Harbor. (Only used by small vessels ) Port Clyde; white and grey tower ; fixed white light, visible 10 miles ; on Marshall's Point, east side of entrance to Herring Gut, St. George, Maine. Franklin Light ; white tower ; fixed white light, varied hy flash ; on Franklin Island ; a guide to vessels entering Thomaston, Me. ; leave it on starboard hand going in. Pemaquid Point; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 14 miles ; west side of entrance to Bristol Bay and east side of entrance to John's Bay. Tmunsend Light ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 13 miles ; on Burnt Island, west side of entrance to Townsend Harbor, Boothbay, Maine. Bantam Ledge. — A whistling buoy, painted red, with the letters " B. L." in black, moored in 18 fathoms. Bantam Ledge bearing N, | of a mile distant. It is a guide past Bantam Ledge and into Boothbay Har. from the southward. jRam Island Light; on Ram Island, at eastern entrance to Townsend Harbor. Fixed white light with a red ray between bearings W J N and W f N, and another between N E by E, and N E. In entering from seaward mariners should keep within the red light to avoid danger. Hipocrite Bell Buoy ; \ of mile off" North end of Hipocrite Ledge, Ram Island Light. Bears fr om buoy W N W f W ^ mile N E, Point White E. 0. SCOVn., 62 UHION STREET, ST. JOHN. N. B., Light Houses — Eastport to Boston. 35 SHOES of aU Kindi at WATERBURT k RUIHO'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sti. Island 8 S E i P] 3 of mile. To be left on port hand running for Ram Island passage to Townsend. The Cuckold's Bell Buoy; painted black; off south end of Cuckold's dry ledgus, } mile from Trypod Beacon on the ledges. To be left on port hand in running from Seguin for TownHend Harbor ; bearings from bell boat, Bam Island Lighthouse, N E by E J E, the Cuckold's Beacon N by E. J?oo< A -Say ^nfrarj-e— Fog signal stations on the Cuckolds. During thick and foggy weather a dayboll trumpet will be sounded at the fog signal station recently erected on the hi^he»t part of the most easterly Cuckolds. The trumpet will sound blasts cf 8 iteconds duration, separated by silent intervals of 17 seconds. Sheepscott Light ; white tower ; white flash light, visible 12 miles, flashing twice a minute ; on Ilendrick's Head, on the east side of Sheepscott Bay, and entrance to Sheepscott River; guide to Southport and Wiscasset. Kennebec Light; on Pond Island, at entrance to the Kennebec River. White lower ; fixed white light, visible 13 miles. Also, a bell struck by machinery 8 times a minute. This light will be left on the port hand by vessels entering the Kennebec River. %MinXioAe; latitude 43° 42m 258 N; longitude 89° 45m Sis W; grev tower ; fixen white light of the first order, visible 24 miles ; on Seguin Islana, off the mouth of the Kennebec River; to enter the river, leave the light on the starboard hand, and run for Pond Island. Also, a steam fog whistle, sound- ing blasts of 8 seconds duration at intervals of 52 seconds. Bearings — Half- way Rock light bears W \ N, 13 miles; Pond Island light bears N, IJ miles; Cape Elizabeth bears W by S, 22 miles; Monheigan light bears E i S, 20 miles. Half' Way Bock Light; L.titude 43° 38m 21s N ; longitude 70° 2m 138 W; grey tower; fixed white light, varied by red flashes, flashing red once a min- ute ; on Half- Way Rock, Cjisco Bay. Bearings — Seguin light bears E, 13 miles ; Portland Head bears W, 8 miles ; Cape Elizabeth bears W S W, 9 miles. Half- Way Book Whistling Buoy ; painted red. Half- Way Rock lighthouse bears N from the buoy one mile. This is a guide in running from Portland from the eastward. Portland Head Light ; lat. 43° 37m 228 N ; Ion. 70° 12m 298 W; white tower; fixed white light, visible 15 m. ; on west side of entrance to Portland Harbor. Also, a Daboll's air trumpet, giving blasts of 8 seconds duration once in 40 seconds. Banges Idand Point ; bell boat, J of mile S J W from Banges Island Point. The buoy sounds by action of the sea. To be left on the starboard hand in running in to Portland Harbor. It guides you clear of Banges Island Point. Portland Head lighthouse bears from the buoy SW i W i mile. Portland Breakwater ; white tower; fixed red light, varied by a red flash every 40 seconds, visible 8 miles. This is a harbor light, and stands on the end of the granite breakwater extending out from the south side of the har- bor ; to be left on the port hand while passing up the harbor. Cape Elizabeth Lights ; latitude 43° 33m 50s N ; longitude 70° 12m 9s W ; two white towers, 900 feet apart, and ranging N E by E and S W by W; easte^\ light, white, fixed ; westerly light, white, varied by flash once a minute, visible 18 miles. Also, a fog trumpet, giving two blasts of 5 seconds each with an inter- val of 8 between them, then a pause of 42 seconds. Bearings — Boon Island Light bears S W } S, 30 miles ; Thatcher's Island bears S W | S, 62 miles. These lights are a warning against dangerous shoals, of which Alden's Rock is mostly to be feared, bearing S E by E 21 miles, on which is 6 feet of water at low Importer Teas and Uqnors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. ii' 36 Light Houses — Eabtport to Boston. SHOES of aU Kinta it WATERBURT k RISINQ'S, 61 King and 212 Union 8ti. water ; the others range from 14 to 18 feet ut low water. To npproach Port- land at night, get Portland Mead Light to bear N N W and run for it, leaving it a fair l)erth on the port hand, then run N by W 1 mile, then N J W till Breakwater light bears N W by W J^W , then run N W 1 mile and anchor. AutomalU', jP M1J ; a whistling buoy of the largest class is placed near Old Anthony Shoal, on which is 18 feet at low tide. In makin^^ this buoy in thick weather and wishing to enter Portland, pass J of a mile inside of jt and run N by E ^ E 4i miles, when Portland Head will bear about N N W, when proceed as bef're. This buoy is often heard six miles. Wood Island Light; latitude 48° 27m 238 N: longitude 70*' 19m 458 W; white tower; r«'3s ; located on the north end of Baker's Island, south side of entrance to Salem and Beverly harbors. In coming from the southward vessels bound to Salam keep the lowest light open to the east of the high light, and run for it ; this guides to the eastward of the Soutli-east Breakers and Searl's Bock. Give Baker's Island a berth of not less than half a mile, leaving it on the port hand, then run for Hospital Point Light, bearing about W by N A N, until Derby Wharf light is in range with Fort Pickering light, when Salem harbor will be to the W S W of you, and Beverly harbor W by N J N. Also, on Baker's Island a bell which strikes two quick blows each half minute. For better information, a lens panel has been placed in "Hospital Point" Light, which makes a more orilliant light in the line of the ships' channel from Baker's Island than on either ijide, and serves to keep vessels from danger on either side. Hospital Point ; grey tower ; fixed white light, visible 13 miles ; on Hospital Point, north side of entrance to Salem and Beverly Harbor. Fort Pickerinr Light ; red tower; fixed white light, visible 10 miles; on Winter Island, north side of entrance to Salem harbor. On entering Salem harbor from near Hospital Point, get Derby Wharf light in range with Fort Pickering light to clear the Haste Shoal ; good anchorage half a mile S W by S from this light, with Derby Wharf light bearing W by S. Derby Wharf lAght ; on the end of Derby Wharf, Salem upper harbor ; red tower, fixed red light, visible 9 miles. Marblehead Light, on Marblehead Neck, south side of entrance to Marble- head, and to Salem South Channel ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 11 miles ; good anchorage half a mile W by S from thb light. To enter h«rbor, bring the light to bear N W, and run for it until within two miles of it, then bring it to bear W N W, and run for it, leaving Marblehead Kock (a high rocky Islet with beacon a. top) 160 yards on your port hand, and when it bears S W run N W |.N until the light bears S by W, then run 8 W | W into the harbor, and anchor between the light aad the town. Egg Book Light ; white tower; fixed red light, visible 12 miles; guide to Swanipscot anchorage and to Broad Sound. Leave it 1 J miles on the starboard hand on entering Broad Sound. Minoes Ledge Light; latitude 42° 16m 9s N; longitude 70° 45m 348 W; entrance to Boston Bay ; granite tower, natural color, 100 feet high ; flashing white, signalling the number 143 every 30 seconds, thuc: 1 flash; eclipse B. 0. SOOVIL, 62 UHION STBBBJ, ST. JOHH. H. B., Light Houses — Eastport to Boston. 8d MILL AND STEAMBOAT REPAIRS, PORTABLE FORGES, ETC. a'oout 3 seconds ; 4 flashes ; eclipse about 3 seconds ; 3 flashes ; eclipse about 15 seconds. Davis' Ledge Buoy bears E by S ; Boston light Iwars N W J W, 7 miles. This course must be kept good, northerly, to pass Rell Boat, off the north side of the Harding's Led^e (about 4| miles from Alinot's Ledge Light). A good mark to clear the Harding's Bell Boat, after passing Minot's light, is to keep Long Island Head light (fixed white) just open to the north of ihe^ Narrows Light, which is a red light. Nix Mate Light Btu>j/.— \ gas buoy, painted black showing a fixed white light, just inside of Nix Mate bell buov, entrance to Boston harbor, Mass. If the ice runs strongly, this and similar Suoys in the entrances to Boston harbor will be taken up. Harding Ledge and Centurion Bocka. — A light buoy, painted black and show- ing a fixed white (gas) light, was placed just insiHe of Harding Ledge bell buoy, entrance to Boston harbor. The light buoy is moored in 48 feet of water, on the following bearings : Minots Ledge lighthouse S 58° 30' E true (S E i E mag) ; Harding Ledge beacon 8 41° W true (S W f W mag) ; Boston lighthouse N 60° W true (N W J W mag). North end of Centurion buoy a light buoy, painted black, numbered 5, and showing a fixed white (gas) light. Boston Light; latitude 24° 19m 39s N ; longitude 70° 53m 253 W ; on Little Brewster Island, north side of entrance to main ship channel to Boston ; white lower; white flash light, flashing once every half minute, visible 17 miles. Also, an air trumpet, giving blasts of 7 seconds, followed by interval of 43 seconds. From Cape Cod liighlands the course for Boston Light is N W by W } W, which well clears Minot's Ledge and the Hardings ; then, when well past Minot's, bring Boston light to bear W by N i N and run for it until within \ of a mile of it or until the Beacon light bears about W by N, then run Wis until the Beacon light bears W N W, then run W by N leaving the Beacon light 100 yards on your starboard hand, then steer N W i W (keeping the middle of the channel ) for the Narrows between Galloups and Lovell's Islands, then about N W J N for the bell buoy off Nix's Mate, which leave on port hand, then run W by N J N for Fort Independence, leaving the lower middle buoy, red can, No. 6, a good berth on your starboard, and State Ledge buoy, red Nun No. 8 close aboard on your starboard ; then run about N W i N for the upper middle buoy, black Nun No. 9, which leave on your port, then the course to Long Wharf or to good anchorage is about N W f W. If making Boston ship channel from Cape Ann, get Thatcher's Island light to bear N N W from 2 to 3 miles, then steer S W i W until Boston light bears W by N J^ N. Then proceed as before given. Narroxm Light; brown house; fixed red light, on the right hand side of Narrows, in Ship Channel entrance to Boston harbor. Deer Idand Light ; on the south extremity of the Spit, making out \ mile to the southward from Deer Island entrance to Boston Harbor ; fixed white, varied by a red flash every 30 seconds ; also a bell struck by machinery every 5 seconds in foggy weather. This light was lit January 25th, 1890. Long Idand Light; on the N E end of Long Island and southern side of entrance to Boston inner harbor : white tower ; fixed white light, visible 16 milen. In coming up ship channel, and after leaving Nix's Mato buoy on the port hand, and Long Island Light bears W by S ^ S, run W by N J W for the south end of the Castle until the Castle North Wharf bears N W Sy W | W, or abreast of the State Ledge Buoy (red. No. 8), then N W i N to the XJpper Middle Buoy (black. No. 9), which leave on port hand, then the course ♦« Lon* Wharf is N W i W. But if approaching Boston from Cape Ann, via Broad laporter Tni vA Uqiran, Agtat Gtlabnted PtlM WiBM. I '■ 'i Ill 40 Light Houses — Advertisement. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Practical Macbinist, 53 Smythe Street, St. John, H. B. Sound, bring Long Island Light to bear S W by W, and run for |t until I)eer ialand Point Beacon bears N W by N ^ N, tliree-eighths of a inile distant, then W by N i N up the harbor. Strangers should bear in mind that in the iniddle of Broad Sound there is but 8 feet of water at low tide ; but by keeping on the southern side of the Sound, leaving the Graves Whistli-^g Buoy i a mile on your port hand and the Devil's Limb Buoy (black can No. 1) i mile on port hand, and running straight to Kam's Head buoy (black can buoy No. 5) about W S W, passing Aldrich's Ledge buoy (black can No. 3) J mile on port, then leaving Kani's head 50 yards distant on port, and run about W } S to clear Deer Island Point Beacon, you can carry 12 feet safely. From the Beacon you will steer W f N for lower middle buoy, then W by Nf N for State Ledge Buoy, when proceed as before given. KANE & CO. : : MANUFACTURERS OF : : Polished Red I Grey Granite i Marble Tablets, Head Stones, Cemete ry EnclosureSi Building Work, etc. WATERLOO STREET, Opposite Cathedral, ST.JOHN,N.B. ' PUBLISHERS OF AND DEALERS IN B. a. SOOVn., 62 union street, ST. JOHN, N. B., m .-*-' Distance — Funnels op Atlantic Ocean Steamers. 41 HILL AND STEAMBOAT REPAIRS, PORTABLE F0ROB&, ETC. m DISTANCE FROM TO MILES. New York Amsterdam 8,425 " Antwerp 3,467 " Bordeaux 3,384 " Bremen 3,570 " Brest 2,962 '• Bristol 3,014 " CapeRace 1,010 '• Cherbourg 8,084 " Christianla 8,700 " Copenhagen 8,800 '• Fastnet 2,790 " Fire Island 63 " Glasgow 2,926 " Hamburg 3,590 " Havre 3,200 «' Hull 3,050 " Lame— Belfast 2,880 *' Liverpool 3,040 " Lizard, The 3,060 " London 3,317 '• Milford Haven 2,929 " Moville— Londonderry.. 2,813 " Newfoundland, Banks.. 980 " Plymouth 8,030 " Queenstown 2,795 " Rotterdam 3,394 " Sandy Hook 18 " Southampton 8,110 Fastnet Queenstown 60 HaUfax " 2,213 " Cape Race 463 " Liverpool 2,530 Lizard Southampton 110 Boston ilalifax 335 " Liverpool 2,890 " Queenstown 2,563 Portland Hai'fax 300 FBOM I TO Baltimore Liverpool Philadelphia.. " Quebec " Queenstown ... " Liverpool London 1IILS3. ....8,360 ....8,180 .,..2,650 .... 253 201 944 69 406 401 London Amsterdam, via Harwich 242 " Antwerp 210 " Berlin, via Harwich 603 " Berlin, via Dover* Calais 732 " Brussels, " " 231 " Cologne, via Harwich 351 " Paris, via Newhaven 244 " " " Folkestone 254 " « " Dover 283 " Rotterdam, via Harwich. 190 " '. Vienna, via Rotterdam... Dublin Holyhead Glassow London Edin"burgh " Folkestone Boulogne 30 Dover Calais 22 " Ostende 68 Newhaven Dieppe 64 Harwich Rotterdam 101 " Antwerp 140 Queensboro'... Flushing..: 110 Paris Cannes 656 " Florence 754 *• Geneva 388 " Genoa 600 " Madrid 800 " Marseilles 5.S6 " Milan 590 " Nice.. 657 " Rome 911 " Venice 755 FUNNELS OF ATLANTIC OCEAN STEAMERS. Allan Line — Red, with White band and Black top. Anchor Line — Black. Beaver Line — Black, with two White bands. Bremen Line — Black. Gunard Line — Red, with Black top. Dominion Line— Red, with Black top. French Line — Red, with Black top. Great Western S. S. Line— Black, with Red band with Blue and While semi- circle, Black top. Guion Line — Black, broad Red band and Black top. Hamburg-American Packet Co. — Black. Inman Line — Black, with White band and Black top. Ley land Line— Pink, Black top. National Line— White, with Black top. North-German Lloyd Line — Cream color. Red Cross Line— White below, with Red cross on it, Black top. Red Star Line— Black, with White band, or which is a Red star. State Line -Light Buff", Red band. Black top. Warren Line— Black. White Cross Line— Black. White Star Line — Cream color, with Black top. Wilson Line — Red, with Black top. The Inman Line is now the American Line. Importer Teai and Uqaori, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. I n% I II nil. I Pill' • •{. mm 42 Advertisement. CHARLES H. JACKSON, ST. JOHH OYSTER HOUSE, Wdi. parks & In, Limited, St. (TaiKisr, IT. B. Cotton Spinners, Bleachers, Dyers, '«■•- AND *■•■* ]>^A.3SrTJFA.aTXJRERS- AND GINGHAMS, SHIRTINGS, TICKINGS, DENIMS, and COTTONADES. Cotton Tarns, Carpet Warps, Ball Knitting Cottons, Beam Warps for Woolen Mills, and Tarns for manufacturers' use. THE OXLT "Water Twist" Yarn Made in CANADA. -A.a-EITr"S : WM. HEWITT, - - - 30 Colborne Street, Toronto, Ont. DAVID KAY, Fraser BuUdingr, Montreal. M. H. MILLER, Winnipeg. JOHN HALLAM, - Toronto, Ont., Special Igeat for Beam Warfs for OBtarie. i HEW BRUR8WIGK COTTON HILLS, \ O4, Tr^."U^ TVT X> I SAINT JOHN COTTON HILLS, . I O U. J OQH, JN . ±S. E. 0. SCOVn, 62 UNIO^ STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B., Movable Feasts, Anniversaries, Etc. 43 No. 5 NORTH SIDE KINO SQUARE, ST. JOHN, N. B. ALMANAC. Calculated for St. John, Latitude 45° 16' N , and Longitude 66° 4' W., from Greenwich ; and will serve with sufficient accuracy for all parts of the Prov- inces of New Brunswick and Prince Edwaird Island. Calculated, reduced and compiled hy B. A. Stamers, Marine School, 8t> John, N. B. Principal Articles of the Calendar for the Tear 1895. Golden Number 15 Epact 4 Solar Cycle 28 Dominical Letter F Roman Indication S Julian Period 660» Holy Thursday • May 23 Birth of Queen Victoria (( 24 Pentecost — Whit Sunday.... .June 2 Trinity Sunday « 9 Corpus Christi t( " 15 Accession of Queen Victoria " 12 Proclamation " " « 21 St. John Baptist — Midsummer Day . June 24 St. Michael- Michaelmas Day . Sept. 29 Birth of Prince of Wales.... . Nov. 9 St. Andrew it 30 1st Sunday in Advent . Dec. 1 St. Thomas « 21 Christmas Day 25 Fixed and Movable Festivals, Anniversaries, Etc. Epiphany Jan. 6 Septuagesima Sunday Feb. 10 Quinquag^simia — ShroveSunday Feb. 24 Ash Wednesday " 27 St. David... Mar. 1 Quadragesima — 1st Sunday in Lent Mar. 3 St. Patrick " 17 Anunciation — Lady Day " 25 Palm Sunday April 7 Good Friday *' 12 Easter Sunday " 14 Low Sunday " 21 St. George " 23 Rogation Sunday May 19 Ascension Day — The year 5656 of the Jewish Era commences on Sept. 19, 1895. Ramadd,n (month of abstinence observed by the Turks) commences Feb. 26, 1895. The year 1313 of the Mohammedan Era begins on June 24, 1895. These and other Feasts, Anniversaries, etc., will be found in the columns of the Calendar. Explanation of Astronomical Symbols and Abbreviations. © The Sun ^ The Moou ^ Mercury 9 Venus © TheEarOi h Hours m Minutes s Seconds i ft Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Degrees A^inutes of Ai<5 Seconds of Arc (/ Conjunction □ Quadrature Opposition Ascending Node Descending Node North ; S south East ; W West Morning ; A Afternoon Gr. Hel. Lat. — Greatest Heliocentric Latitude. I I • i ■!; Importer Teas and Uqnors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. 44 Advertisement — Signs, Seasons and Eclipses. GHARI£S H. JACKSON, ST. JOHN OYSTER HOUSE, R NASI & ^^9 General \ Merchants, 1.»SI'l<^^.«■^t>^«■t«n<>«.«•k<'ll>M•liMti'•,>M<•l,>n4••.»S4•I.Mtl•lal%tM»«|#«|Mtl•l«M•#ki•liMltM••MlM••^#•■i' FERRY LANDING, Indiantown, - - ST. JOHN, N. B. To find the length of the day, substract the time of sunrise from 12 hours, and to the diflierenee add the time of sunset. To find the length of the night, substract the time of sunset from 12 hours, and to the difference add the time of sunrise next morning. Signs and Influences of tbe Zodiac. Spring f I X t"^'' ^^"^ Siens 1 ^ ^ Taurus, neck (. 3 g Gemini, arms er I • 1 Summer Signs arms 4 69 Cancer, breast 5 C5 Leo, heart 6 TyPVirgo, bowels Autumn Signs, Winter Signs. The Seasons. i { 7 ^ Libra, reins 8 ytl Scorpio, secrets d ^ Sagittarius, thighs 10^ Capricomus, knees 11 ^ Aquarius, legs 12 K Pisces, feet The Sun enters T (Spring begins) March 20th, 5h. A. " " ® (Summer begins) June 21st, Ih. A. " ^ (Autumn begins) Sept. 23rd, 3h. M. " ;6 (Winter begins) December 21st, lOh. A. « Eclipses, Etc. In the year 1895 there will be three Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon- A total Eclipse of the Moon, March 10-11. Visible at St. John. First contact with the Penumbra, March 10th, 8h. 34m. A. Middle of the Eclipse, March 10th, llh. 15ra. A. Last contact with the Penumbra. March 11th. Ih. 56m. M. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, March 26th. Visible at St. John, at sunrise. Begins on the Earth generally March 26th, 4h. 14m., in Ion. 39° 35' W. of Greenwich, and lat. 31" 17' N. E. G. SCO¥IL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., Morning and Evening Stars — Explanatory. 45 I No. 5 NORTH SIDE KING SQUARE, ST. JOHN, N. B. Greatest Eclipse, March 26th, 5h. 46m., in Ion. 64° 58'' W. of Greenwich, and lat. 61° 10' N. Ends on the Earth generally March 26th, 7h. 16m. M., in Ion. 161° 38' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 87° 34' N. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, August 20th. Invisible at St. John. Begins on the Earth generally August 20th, 7h. 42ra. M., in Ion. 176° 28' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 77° 36' N. Greatest Eclipse, August 20th, 8h. 45m. M.,in Ion. 97° 54' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 62^ 2' N. Ends on the Earth generally August 20th, 9h. 51m. M., in Ion. 67° 17' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 38° 57' N. A total Eclipse of the Moon, Sept. 3-4. Visible at St. John. First contact with the Penumbra, Sept. 3rd, lOh. 26m. A. Middle of the Eclipse, Sept. 4, Ih. 33m. M. Last contact with the Penumbra, Sept. 4, 4h. 40m. M A partial Eclipse of the Sun, Sept. 18th. Invisible at St. John. Begins on the Earth generally Sept. 18th, 2h. 34m. A., in Ion. 164° 17' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 19° 40' S. Greatest Eclipse, Sept. 18th, 4h. 20m. A., in Ion, 140° 34' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 61° 13' S. Ends on the Earth generally Sept. 18th, 6h. 5m. A., in Ion. 76° 19' W. of Greenwich, and lat. 77° 20' S. Morning and Evening Stars. Venus is an evening sta. until September 15th, then a morning star for the remainder of the year. Mars is an evening star until October 2nd, then a morning star for the re- mainder of the year. Jupiter is an evening star until July 11th, then a morning star for the remainder of the year. Saturn is a morning star until April 23rd, when he is in opposition to the Sun, and an evening star until October 29th ; then a morning star for the remainder of the year. Explanatory. Annular Eclipse — An eclipse of the Sun, in which its whole disk is covered by the Moon, except a bright outer ring. Aphelion — The point of a planet's orbit farthest from the Sun. Apogee — That part of the Moon's orbit farthest from the Earth. Astronomical Day is reckoned from noon to noon through the 24 hours. Thus,. July 21, 9h, is 9h A of July 21, and July 21, 15 h, is 3h m of July 22. Conjunction — A planet directlv between the Earth and the Sun is said to be in Inferior Conjunction with the Sun. A Planet with the Sun directly between :t and the Earth is said to be in Superior Conjunction with the Sun. Planets are said to be in conjunction with each other, or with the Moon, when they are in the same sign and degree. Declination — The distance of a heavenly oody from the Equinoctial, measured north or south, in degrees or minutes, on a Meridian. Ecliptic— The plane of the Earth's orbit, so called because Eclipses can take place only when the Moon is on or near it. Elongation — The distance of a Planet from Ihe Sun as seen from the Earth. Equinoctial — The circle in the heavens traced by the Earth's Equator. Importer Teas and Liqnorg, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. If ¥■ •It 46 Explanatory — Forecasting the Weather. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWBL ET AT A. T. P ATERSG ITS, MAIN STREET. Node — That part of the orbit of a heavenly body which intercepts the Ecliptic. If the body is passing from south to north, it is called the Ascending Node; if from north to south, Descending. Opposition — A planet with the Earth directly between it and the Sun is said to be in opposition to the Sun. Penumbra — That portion of space around the shadow of the Earth, in passing through which the Moon diminishes in brightness in consequence of a part only of the Sun's rays reaching her surface. Perigee — That part of the Moon's orbit nearest to the Earth. Perihelion — That part of the Planet's orbit nearest to the Sun. Quadrature — Two heavenly bodies are said to be in Quadrature when they are distant from each other by one-fourth of the Zodiac, or three signs apart. The Sun's Declination and fast or slow of clock are given for apparent noon or time of passing the Meridian of St. John. The Moon's Southing is given in Astronomical time for the Meridian Passage at St. John ; ana her Declination, when on the Meridian. The Rising and Setting of the Moon are given for every day in the year. TIDES. The Tides in the Calendar are the Morning and Afternoon Tides at St. John and Charlottetown. In the Tide Table (page 47) will be found Constants for finding the time of Higli Water at each of the places given in the table. It will sometimes be found that when a Constant is added to the time of High Water at the port of reference the sun exceeds 12 hours ; in this case substract 12 hours from the sun and the remainder will be the time of High Water at the required port on the succeeding afternoon or morning, according as the Tide at port of reference was a Morning or Afternoon Tide. BXAMPLS. High Water at St. John, Janu&ry 11th llh. 39m. A. Moncton.add 54 12h. 23ui. Subtract 12 High Water at Moncton, January 12th oh. 28mrM. It will sometimes be found that a Constant to be subtracted is greater than the time of High Water at the port of reference ; in this case add 12 hours to the time at the port, subtract the Constant, and the remainder will be time of High Water at the required place for the previous Morning or Afternoon, ac- cording as the Tide at the port of reference was an Afternoon or Morning Tide. BXAUPLB. High Water at Charlottetown, January 3rd 2h. 49m M Add 12 14h 49m ' Newcastle, Beaub^re Island, subtract 4 * 15 ' High Water at Newcastle, Januar7i2nd lOh. 84m7A. FORECASTING THE WEATHER. Men have, from a very early period, studied the weather, on account of its great influence on their pursuits, in order if possible to predict its nature and prevent those losses to the farmer and the sailor which result from violent storms. The earlier students based their predictions on the phases of the moon, but an examination of the Greenwich observations for more than half a century has shown that this theory is entirely unfounded. Weather prophets like E. 0. SC07IL, 62 UNIONSTREET. ST. JOHN, N. B~ Tide Table. 47 Glooki, Watohei and Jtwelry REPAIREO at A. T. PATBRSOITS, Main Strati. Moore, Zadkiel and Vennor claim in their Almanacs to be able to forecast the weather day by day for a whole year ; but meteorological science in the British Isles, and the Signal Service of the United States, with the Weather Bureau of the Dominion, does not claim to forecast, with any certainty, the weather for more than three or four days at the most. If an observer could obtain, at regular and repeated intervals, readinffs of the Barometer at stations distributed over a large area, he would be enabled te trace the march of the storm, for it has been found that the wind always blows towards the place of the lowest barometer reading ; and so. by means of the telegraph, he may warn those places the storm is approaching. Still, mistakes are often made, and the forecasts are not always infallible, so that much remains to be done before meteorology can be ranked among the exact sciences. TIDK TABLE. The time of High Water in the following places will be found approxi- mately by adding to or subtracting from the time of High Water at the given port of reference, as foll(^ws : Sign + add ; Sign — subtract. PORT OF REFERENCE — ST. JOHN, N. B. New England Coast. Boston Light, Salem, Gloucester Harbor, Ipswich, Newbury port, H. M. — 9 — 9 — +0 +0 17 5 1 Ha A* Portsmouth, +0 2 Portland, +0 4 Kennebec R. (Hanniwell's Pt.)— 6 Mount Desert Island, — 9 Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. H. M. I Cape Sable (Clam Point), —2 54 (Clark's Harbor), —2 23 Pubnico, — 1 56 Argyle (Jones Anchorage), — 1 54 Seal Island (Cape Sable) —1 32 Ellenwood's Anchorage, — 1 27 Jebogue, — 1 17 Yarmouth, —1 12 E. Sandy Cove (St.Mary's Bay)— 48 Petite Passage, —0 48 H. M. Grand Passage, — 38 W.Sandy Cove(St.Mary's Bay ),— 34 Digby Gut, Port George, Isle Haute, Black Bock, Spenser's Anchorage, Parrsboro (Minas Basin), Horton Bluff (Minas Basin), Noel Bay, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Machias, Seal Island, — 16 Seal Cove (Grand Manan), —0 27 Grand Harbor (Grand Manan),— 14 Fish Head, —0 5 WestQuoddy, —0 9 Campobello, Welchpool, — St. Andrews, —0 31 L'Etang, —0 2 — 21 — 4 — +0 8 +0 21 +0 56 +1 9 +1 20 H. M. — 3 +0 14 Lepreaux, Quaco, Spicer's Cove, Cape Chignecto,+0 14 Grindstone Island, +0 26 Folly Point, Mouth of Petit- codiac, +0 28 Cumberland Basin,Sackvilie, +0 34 Moncton, +0 54 i ' : Importer Teas and Uqaors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. m M 48 Tide Table. WEDDIHO RINGS HADE TO ORD^ AT A. T. PATRRSOW'g, MAW STREET. 'I liS Atlantic Coast, Nova Scotiu. Negro Harbor, Kugged Island, Port Mouton, Liverpool Bay, Cape La Have, Mahone Bay, Margaret Bay, Sable Island, North side, " South side, Port Hood, Gut of Canso, north, Mabou River, Cape North, St. Anne Bay, H. M. —3 9 —3 22 —3 17 —3 31 —3 33 —3 36 —3 34 —3 51 —4 51 Cape Breton Island. H. M. —2 21 —2 6 —2 21 -3 21 —2 47 Halifax Harbor, Jedore Harbor, Ship Harbor, Liscomb Harbor, Country Harbor, Whitehaven, Canso Harbor, Guysborough, Sydney Harbor, Menr Ion Bay, Louisburg Harbor, St. Peter Bay, Arichat, POET OF REFERENCE — CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I. Northumberland Straits, N. S, Pictou Harbor, Caribou Harbor, Amet Sound, Tatamagouche, H. M. —0 45 —0 45 —0 15 —0 45 Prince Edward Island Wallace Harbor, Pugwash Harbor, Bale Verte, H. M. East Point, —2 15 Boughton Harbor, — 2 5 Cardigan Bay, — 2 05 Cape Bear, — 1 45 Head of Hillsborough River, +0 15 Crapaud, — 45 Bedeque Harbor, — 30 Minemagash, — 7 15 Oulf of St H. M. Shediac Harbor, +2 15 Jouriraain Island, —1 15 Richibucto River, +4 45 Point Escufuinac, +5 25 Beaub^re Island, Miramichi River, 4 15 Sheldrake Island, —4 45 Miscou, +3 45 H. M. —3 32 —3 36 —3 27 —3 21 —3 41 —3 21 —3 33 —3 1 H* M* —3 6 —3 6 —3 21 —3 51 —3 11 ^x» Ax* — 15 —0 15 —0 46 H. M- —7 45 —5 05 4 45 —4 35 —4 5 —3 45 —2 15 Egmont, Cascumpeque Harbor, Richmond Harbor, Cape Turner, Grand Rustico, Tracadie, St. Peter's Harbor, Lawrence. H. M. Caraquette, -f 3 55 Shippegan, +4 57 Bathurst, +4 30 Canripbellton, Restigouche Rir.-I-S 45 Dalhousie Harbor, +4 55 Gasp^ Basin, 4-3 55 Magdalen Islands, — 2 25 St. Paul Island, —2 45 To Find the Latitude of the Meridian Altitude of the Sun. The Sun's Declination in the Calendars of the Month are for the Meridian of St. John, N. B., but will serve with sufficient accuracy to obtain the Latitude E. 0. SCOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOSN, N. B., 'n\m Advertisement — Altitude op the Sun. 49 £ET. H. M. -3 32 -3 36 -3 27 -3 21 -3 41 -3 21 -3 33 -3 1 M- 45 05 45 35 5 45 15 H. M. 30 45 25 45 SPBOTAOLBS and ETE-GLASSES AT A. T. PATERSOlTg, MAIN STREET. by a Meridian Altitude of the Sun on anjr part of the coast of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and on the coatt of Maine and Massachusetts, in the United States. Rule. — At noon note the altitut' > of the Sun by a Sextant or Quadrant ; add 12 miles to that altitude to obtain the true altitude ; subtract the true altitude from 90° 0', and you will have the Sun's Zenith distance, which you will name North, as the Sun will always betir to the South at noon on that coast. Under the Zenith distance place the Sun'3 Declination. If the Declination and Zenith distance are of different names, their difference will be the Latitude ; if they are of the same name, their sum will be the Latitude. Example. — 1895, February 3rd, at noon, ofl' Cape Sable, N. S., the observed altitude of the Sun was 30° 20', bearing South. Eequired the ship's Latitude. Observed Altitude 30° 20' S. Correction + 12 True Altitude SCTs^ 90 00 Zenith distance 59 28' * >1 u Declination 16 28 s. | ^^«^''«"* "^'"^^ ''"^• Latitude 43 00 N. Example 2. — 1895, April 7th, at noon, off Mt. Desert Rock, coast of Maine, U. S., the observed altitude of the Sun was 52° 52', bearing South. Required the ship's Latitude. Observed Altitude 52° 52' S. ' Correction + 12 True Altitude 53 04 90 00 Zenith distance 36 56 N. \ a„^„ „„^„„ „ 1 , Declination ^g^g^^^ | Same names add. Latitude 43 50 N. PRINTING OF ANY KIND, -OE- Please Order Verbally or by Mail from J. & A McMillan, St. John, N. B. Printers, Stationers, etc. ImportMT Teas aad Liquors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. WILLAIID KITOHEN k 00., HOUSEHOLD PURNITURE, BTO., FREPERIOTOH. '' 'a I so JANUARY beginii on Tuesday. iSM. d . h. m. p. 9 Southa h. ra. (f Souths % SouthH h. m. h. m. A Fint Quarter, 4 3 28 M. 3 40 A. 7 2 A. 11 5 A. . H Full Moon 1 1 2 25 M. 7 6 31 A. 10 17 50 A. 59 A. 6 46 A. , 6 31 A. 10 34 A. 10 3 A. m LoHt Quarter,. 1 u* New Mocn 2 5 5 2A Id. 8h. A. 24 1 7 A. ipogee, 26t 6 16 A. 9 32 A. (CP erigee, 1 SUN. \(C^^ I. 2h. A. Ri M OON. Deolia. Rifl's. Sets. Deolin. SlwofOlk. ses. Souths. Sets. iPlaoe h. m.ih. m. o / in. 8. h. m. h. m. o / h. m. 1 Tue. 7 45 4 23 823 3 50 10 45 M 4 17 8 7 12 9 49a K 2 Wd. 7 45 4 24 22 64 4 18 11 4 56 8 1 24 10 52 T 3 Th. 7 44 4 25 22 48 4 46 11 18 5 86 N 4 34 11 54a T 4 Fri. 7 44 4 26 22 42 5 13 11 3() 6 19 10 31 Morn. V 5 Sat. 7 44 4 27 22 36 5 40 11 56 M 7 3 16 12 1 2m ^ 6 Snn. 7 44 4 28 22 29 6 7 21 K 7 53 21 18 2 10 n 7 Mo. 7 44 4 29 22 21 6 33 54 8 48 25 23 3 26 H 8 Tue. 7 44 4 30 22 13 6 59 1 44 9 51 27 55 4 42 9 Wd. 7 43 4 32 22 5 7 24 2 47 10 58 28 24 6 68 ® 10 Th. 7 43 4 33 21 56 7 48 4 4 12 4 26 35 7 9 Q 11 Frl. 7 43 4 35 21 47 8 12 5 32 13 9 22 39 8 4 O 12 Sat. 7 42 4 36 21 37 8 35 6 57 14 8 17 4 8 46 tup 13 Son. 7 42 4 37 21 27 8 58 8 19 15 2 10 30 9 19 ^M 14 Mo. 7 41 4 38 21 16 9 20 9 38 15 52 N 3 29 9 45 inj 15 Tue. 7 40 4 40 21 5 9 41 10 53 \ 16 39 s 3 29 10 6 inj 16 Wd. 7 39 4 42 20 54 10 2 Morn . 17 25 10 4 10 25 ttl 17 Th. 7 38 4 44 20 42 10 22 6 M 18 12 16 10 4. ^ 18 Fri. 7 37 4 45 20 30 10 41 1 19 19 21 11 L i 19 Sat. 7 36 4 46 20 17 10 59 2 30 19 50 24 52 11 30 20 Son. 7 36 4 47 20 5 11 17 3 41 20 42 27 24 11 69m ^ 21 Mo. 7 35 4 48 19 52 11 34 4 47 21 35 28 29 37a ?f> 22 Tue. 7 34 4 50 19 38 11 50 5 46 22 28 28 5 1 24 ;6 23 Wd. 7 33 4 51 19 24 12 6 6 36 23 19 26 10 2 20 tat 24 Th. 7 32 4 52 19 9 12 21 7 17 • • • • • • 3 21 25 Fri. 7 31 4 54 18 55 12 35 7 49 8 23 14 4 27 tsa 26 Sat. 7 30 4 55 18 40 12 48 8 15 ' 53 19 10 6 31 H 27 Snn. 7 29 4 57 18 24 13 8 36 1 36 14 20 6 36 K 28 Mo. 7 28 4 58 18 8 13 12 3 52 2 16 H 57 7 40 T 29 Tu. 7 28 4 59 17 52 13 22 9 8 2 55 8 3 13 8 42 T 30 We. 7 27 5 00 17 36 13 32 9 24 3 35 N 2 42 9 46 T 31 Th. 7 27 5 1 8 17 19 13 42 9 40 M 4 14 8 35 10 48 a ^ J. & A. McMillan, PAPBR RUIvKRS, Printers, Binders, Blank Book Manufacturers, SAIMT JOHM, RT. B. E. 0. SCOTHi, 62 UNION STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B., WUiiRD EITCHBH k Co., Orookery, Ohliu, Olaiiwan, tto. FRBDEBIOTOir. 18M. JANUARY hail Thirty-one D»yi. 81 i & 1 2 3 4 6 A 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 14 15 16 17 18 19 A 21 22 23 24 25 26 A 28 29 30 31 Harper's Periodicals higu water, mean time, at Art) BuppIieU upon receipt of price j By J. & A. McMillan, Saint John, N. B. Oharlottefn, P. B. I. ST. JOHN, N. B. For particulars aee page 88. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Circumcision. New Year's Day 8ii. A. (v) in Perigee. Doiiglan Jerrold born, 1803. [tides. Women first voted in Ont.,1886. Keap 4h. A. cf cT CC- cf 2° 9^ S. Epiphany. Loss of (/iilais, 15")8. 7h. M. V i" Apijelion. 4h. A. % cT CC- 4 '^" lii' W. Penny post introduced, 1840. Sir J. Paget born, 1814. Spring tides Earl of Iddlesleigh died, 1887. lat Sunday after Epiphany. Bishop Berkley died, 1753. British Museum opened, 1759. Battle of Corunna, 1809. St. Anthony. 3h. A. T? b (C- T? 6° 25^ N. James Watts born, 1736. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. St. Agnes. St. Vincent. Wm. Pitt died, 1806. Charles James Fox born, 1749. Conversion of St. Paul. [tides, 6h.A. ^CTC;. ^1°20'N. Spring 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. Paris capitulated, 1871. First Reformed Parliament mei, 18.^3 lOh. A. ? greatest Hel. Latitude S. Charles Edward Stuart died, 1788. [tides. N. ,ip h. m. h. m. h. m. 2 9 2 27 1 33 ; 2 46 3 4 2 9 ' 3 25 3 45 2 49 4 7 4 29 3 31 4 54 6 23 4 18 5 55 6 30 6 ^9 7 G 7 44 6 30 8 21 8 53 7 45 9 26 9 65 k 49 10 21 10 46 9 45 11 13 11 39 10 37 ■ • • • ■ • 3 11 27 28 51 1 17 1 38 41 2 3 2 20 1 27 2 49 3 11 2 13 i 3 32 3 54 2 56 4 17 4 42 3 41 6 9 5 41 4 33 6 18 7 5 42 7 40 8 21 7 4 8 57 9 30 8 21 9 58 10 23 9 22 10 44 11 3 10 8 11 22 11 39 10 46 ! 11 50 • • • • • ■ 11 20 12 28 11 52 44 69 8 1 14 1 29 38 1 45 2 1 1 9 2 17 2 SI 1 41 WARING, WHITE & CO. Deep Water Terminus I. C. R., Lower Cove, ST. JOHN, N. B. ni. 51 28 9 53 47 64 8 8 17 9 19 10 10 11 3 11 62 16 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 50 35 18 6 5 6 24 7 46 8 64 9 47 10 27 11 8 11 36 • • • • • • 23 63 1 26 1 65 Simplex Engines, Marine I Mill Machinery, IRON A]¥D BRASS CASTIIVOS. Prompt Attkntion to Repairs. Correspoxdkxci: Solicitkd. I ( Importer Teas and Liquors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Vines. HoHJQUUAlI'S BDfDERT li ttie MOST COHPLBTE in the MarWaM PhwrlncM. fi m f' 1 59 FEBRDABT begins on F •Iday. 1895. First Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter, New Moon (j: Perigee, d. 1 ... 2 ... 9 ...16 .., 24 9d. 9h. m. 7 52 A. 59 A. 8 45 M. 20 A. D. 98onth8 (^Souths Q|.8outh8 3 10 17 24 h. 1 1 m. 17 A. 22 5V. 27 A. 31 A. M. I (C Apogee. 22d. 3h. A. h. 5 5 5 5 m. 57 44 32 20 A. A. A. A. h. m. 8 50 A. 8 21 A. 7 53 A. 7 26 A. SUN. Ris's. Sets. Declin. SlwofOlk. MOON. Rises. Souths. Declin. Sets. Place 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Fri. Sat. Sun. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Snn. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Son. Mo. Tue. 27|Wd. 28lTh. m. 26 24 23 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 11 10 9 5 m.i 15 59|5 57!5 555 53 51 49 47 45 44 43 2sl7 2 4 16 45 16 28 16 10 15 52 15 33 15 14 14 55 14 35 14 16 13 57 13 37 13 17 12 56 12 36 12 15 11 54 11 33 11 12 10 50 10 29 10 5 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 25 27 29 31 33 35, 36 88 39 41 42 43 s in. 8. 13 49 13 57 14 14 4 9 7 9 45 9 23 9 8 38 8 16 7 53 14 14 14 18 14 22 14 24 14 26 14 26 14 26 14 25 14 24 14 21 14 18 14 15 14 11 14 6 14 13 54 13 47 13 39 13 31 13 22 13 13 13 3 12 53 12 42 h. m. 9 58 m iO 22 10 49 11 29m 25 a 32 54 21 47 11 31 46 3a Morn. 17 m 31 41 42 35 19 52 18 6 41 6 55 15 30 47 6m 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 11 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 b. m. 4 57 5 45 6 35 7 32 8 36 9 40 10 45 11 48 12 45 13 39 14 29 15 16 16 5 16 54 17 45 18 .38 19 31 20 24 21 16 22 4 22 51 23 34 i'5 55 34 14 57 Nl4 17 19 30 23 54 27 5 28 34 27 66 25 6 20 18 14 5 N 7 s 19 7 25 13 54 19 28 23 51 26 53 28 26 28 30 27 6 24 24 20 38 15 69 • • • • • • 10 45 s 5 3 N 52 6 60 12 37 h. m. 11 66 a Morn. 1 8m 2 21 3 35 4 47 5 48 6 36 7 16 7 43 8 7 8 27 8 46 9 7 9 31 9 69 10 35 11 20M 13A 1 13 2 16 3 24 4 27 5 31 6 35 7 38 8 41 9 48a -r #0 jmi^ITOiiEpAM Publishers, Printers, Book-binders, BlanlL Boole ffiannfactiirers, 98 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, ST. jOHisr, 2sr. B. E. a. soovc, S2 mnoH 8TBEbt, 9T. johh, r. s., J. k A. MonLLAM dUPPLT WEDDMO IHVlTAflOlfS Ut UTE8T STYLES. 1895. FEBRUAtlT has Twenty-Eight Days. 53 1 HARPER'S Monthly Magazine. See pages 51 and 88. High Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Oharlott6t'n,P.E.I. Homing Afternoon Morning Afternoon ■ h, m. h. m. b. m. h. m. 1 9h. M. i; 0^ ?. ^ 0°35'N. 2 47 3 5 2 11 2 29 2 Purification B. V. Mary. tides. 3 23 3 42 2 47 3 6 A 4th Snnday after Epiphany. Neap 4 2 4 27 3 26 3 51 4 Pallisa, Artillerist, died 1882. 4 56 5 32 4 20 4 56 5 8h. A. c^ D ©. er 13 6 59 5 37 6 23 6 9h. M. ^ in Q. [1870. 7 47 8 33 7 11 7 57 7 Chas. Dickens b., 1812; d., June 9, 9 13 9 46 8 37 9 10 8 Jules Verne bom, 1828. 10 12 10 39 9 36 30 3 9 Ih. A. § at greatest Elong. 18°10^E. 11 2 11 28 10 26 10 62 A Septuagesima Sunday. Spring tides. Edison born, 1847. 11 52 ♦ • • • • • 11 16 11 39 11 15 37 • • • • • • 1 12 58 1 19 22 43 13 Loi-d Randolph Churchill born, 1849. 1 38 1 59 1 2 1 23 14 Mid. 1? cT (D- 1? 6° 47^ N. 2 18 2 38 1 42 2 2 15 Bishop) Attelbury died, 1732. [tides. 2 58 3 17 2 22 2 41 16 Lindloy Murray, Gram., d., 1826. N. 3 38 3 59 3 2 3 23 A 5th Sunday after Epiphany. Martin Luther died, 1546. 4 24 4 51 3 48 4 15 18 5 29 6 13 4 53 5 37 19 Princess Louise, Duch. of Fife, b.l867. 7 2 7 52 6 26 7 16 20 1 h. M. 2L stationary. CardinarNewman born, 1801. 8 37 9 14 8 1 8 38 21 9 44 10 8 9 8 9 32 22 Washington bor» ' "32. 10 29 10 48 9 53 10 12 23 Sir Josh Reynolds ^.^d, 1792. 11 4 11 20 10 28 10 44 A Quinquages:<>ua — Shrove Sundav. 11 35 11 50 10 59 11 14 25 Sir Chris. V; ren died, 1723. S. tides.! 5 11 29 11 43 26 Moon ? (/ (T. $ 2° 3' S. Ash Wednesday. 19 32 11 56 ••• ••• 1 27 47 1 1 11 25 28 Tichborne trial ended, 1874. 1 1 14 1 28 38 P2 m R. P. & W. F. STARR X. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL DEALERS, AGENTS FOR -^ ■'^.•*t»'^.«'•<'<.»■ DOMINION COAL CO. 's*»^t^%*'^*'*\0^'*mf* /^ -AND A GENERAL MINING ASSOCIATION, 49 SMYTHE STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. ! I-.'-'. Importer Tou and Uqnon, Agent Celel»r«te4 Pelee Wines. ■oHILLAN'8 PEN DEPARTHQIT OOWTAIHS OOOBS FROM ALL MAKBHS. l.« Mi 54 MARCH begins on Friday. 1895. d. h. First Quarter, 4 8 Full Moon, 10 11 Last Quarter, 18 1 New Moon, 20 6 m. 16 M. 14 A. 8M. IM. D. 3 10 17 24 9 Souths (f Souths h. 1 1 1 1 m. 35 A. 391 A. 43 A. 47 A. (£ Perigee, 9d. 9h. A. | (Q Apogee, 22d. 3h. M. h. m. 5 9 A. 4 58 A. 4 48 A. 4 38 A. QiSouths fa. m. 6 59 A. 6 33 A. 6 8 A. 5 43 A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 311 Fri. Sat. Snn. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. San. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Son. SUN. Ri8'8.|Sets.| Declio. SlwofOIk. MOON. Rises. Souths. Declin Sets. Pit' h. ra. h. m. 6 42 5 43 6 41 5 45 6 39 5 46 37 5 47 6 3fi5 48 6 34 5 49 6 32 5 50 6 30 5 51 6 28 5 53 6 27 5 54 6 25 5 55 6 23 5 57 6 21 5 68 6 J9 6 6 17 6 1 6 15 6 2 6 14 6 3 6 12 6 4 6 10 6 6 6 8 6 7 6 6 6 9 6 4 6 10 6 3 6 11 6 1 6 12 5 59 6 13 5 57 6 14 5 55 6 16 5 53 6 17 5 51 6 19 5 49 6 20 5 47 6 21 7 30 7 8 6 45 6 211 5 58l 5 35 5 12 48 25 1 37 14 50 27 3 40 16 m. 8. 12 30 18 6 11 53 !l 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 52 28 s 5 N 19 42 N 6 30 53 17 40 4 27 50 14 11 11 11 10 39 26 11 56 10 41 10 25 10 9 9 53 9 37 9 19 2 45 26 8 51 33 15 6 57 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 38 20 2 44 25 8 50 30 12 h. 8 8 9 10 II 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 m. 26 m 52 27 11 24 m 26 a 49 14 36 59 17 37 54 10 a Morn. 25 m 30 49 16 54 23 46 5 23 40 54 11 32 56 27 10 m 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 h. m. 3 42 4 30 5 24 6 21 7 25 8 27 9 29 10 27 11 21 12 13 13 3 13 53 14 43 15 36 16 28 17 22 18 17 19 10 20 20 48 21 32 22 14 22 55 23 36 ■ • ■ • • • 14 55 1 40 2 28 3 20 4 16 Nl7 59 22 38 26 12 28 28 26 23 17 18 34 48 2 35 10 46 3 i 3 10 17 22 25 28 28 27 25 22 17 12 7 I 1 40 44 45 7 52 4 42 47 30 4 43 39 4 9 N 4 51 10 46 16 21 21 17 25 14 27 48 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 h. m. 10 58 a Morn 8m 21 31 36 28 9 40 6 27 6 49 7 9 7 32 8 8 31 9 14 5 4m 6a 13 18 23 27 32 34 39 8 48 10 11 13a Morn. 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J. & A. McMillan, -EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF- y f M NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND WITH DISPATCH, fi. Q. SOOYIL, en UNION 8TRBET, ST. JOHN, N. B., ALL knmi OF LBQAL PRIRTniO AT J. ft A. HoHIUiArS. 1895. MARCH has Thirty-one Days. 5ft J I HAEPEB'8 ^ WEEKLY. See pages 51 and 88. High Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Horning Afternoon Oharlottet'n, P. E. I. Morning Afternoon 1 2 A 4 5 6 7 8 9 A 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 18 19 20 21 22 23 A 25 26 27 28 2? 30 A St. David. Pope Leo XIII. born, 1810. Quadragesima. Ist Sunday in Lent. John Timbs died, 1875. Neap tides. 7h.M.%(f(C. Qi6°19^S. J. B. Green, historian, died, 1883. St. Pepetua. Kine William III. died, 1702. 9h. M. ^ stationary. 2nd Sunday in Lent. [tides. (^eclipsed. Vis. at St. John. Spring St. Gregory. Fire in Winnipeg, 1882. 8h. M. T? (/ €• 1? 6° 55' N. Lord Melbourne died, 1779. Duchess of Kent died, 1861. 3rd Sunday in Lent. St. Patrick. Neap tides. St. Joseph, spouse B. V. Mary. 5h. A. © enters ^P. Spring begins. St. Benedict. John Liston died, 1846. 6h. A. ^ (/ (D- ^ O** 19' N. 4th Sunday in Lent. Anunciation. Lady Day. [S. tides. (2) eclipsed. Vis. at St. John, sn'rise. John Brown, H. M. servant, d., 1883. 5h. M. $ in O. John Keble died, 1866. British troops enter Paris, 1814. 5th Sunday in Lent. h. m. h. m. h. m. 1 43 1 58 1 7 2 14 2 29 1 38 2 48 3 7 2 12 3 30 3 56 2 54 4 24 5 3 48 5 47 6 40 5 11 7 34 8 22 6 58 9 3 9 35 8 27 10 2 10 25 9 26 10 46 11 8 10 10 11 30 11 52 10 54 • • • at* 12 11 36 32 50 • •• • •• 1 9 1 28 33 1 46 2 6 1 10 2 24 2 44 1 48 3 4 3 27 2 28 3 50 4 19 3 14 4 54 5 40 4 18 6 29 7 18 5 53 8 7 8 45 7 31 9 15 9 40 8 39 9 59 10 18 9 23 10 33 10 48 9 57 11 3 11 17 10 27 11 31 11 44 10 55 11 59 11 23 15 29 11 53 44 69 8 1 15 1 30 39 1 1 49 2 8 1 13 1 ]\[ AVIGATION SCHOOL. h. m. 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 22 53 31 20 24 4 46 8 59 9 49 10 32 11 16 11 56 14 52 1 2 2 3 5 30 8 51 43 4 6 42 8 9 9 4 9 42 10 12 10 41 11 11 8 39 23 54 1 32 <^-^ MASTERS and MATES thoroughly THE oiiLY prepared for examination before Navigration School ,*^«,. ^ ^r^ ^ In Mew Branswiok. the Marine Board of Canada. i : (St I •;i 1. ■-;• For Termi, ete^, Address the Principal, B. A.. SXiklMLSSRS. InportMr Tmb and Uqnon, Agait Celebrated Pelee Wines. EWIOSSnO HEATLT EZECDTEO AT J. ft A. VoULLAirS, ST. JOHir. i. ^:i^ *(« i. : rSl ■T m, 56 APRIL begins on Monday. ISlfo. d. h. m. h. m. h. m. 5 4 A. 3 1 55 A. 4 24 A. 9 19 M. 10 2 OA. 4 15 A. 6 59 A. 17 2 8 A. 4 5 A. 8 47 A. 24 2 15 A. 3 57 A. '(^ Perigee, 7d. Ih. M. |(t: Apogee, 18d. 9h. M. First Quarter, 2 Full Moon 9 Last Quarter, 16 New Moon, 24 D. 9 Souths (^ Souths % Souths 5 4 4 4 m. 8 A. 45 A. 22 A. OA. » SUN. MOON. t Ris's.|Sets.| DecllQ. Slw-Fasi Rises. Souths. Declin. | Sets. Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Son. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Snn. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Snn. Mo. 23|Tne. 24|Wd. 25iTh. 26lFri. 27 Sat. 28 Snn. 291 Mo. 30'Tue. in.ih. 46 44 42 40 39 37|6 35|6 33 6 31 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 10 8 6 5 4 3 1 59 57 56 m. 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 39 N 6 40 6 42 6 43 6 44 6 45 6 46 6 47 6 49 6 50 6 51 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 56 6 57 6 58 37 24 46 9 31 54 16 39 1 23 m. 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 8. 54 36 18 42 25 8 51 34 18 1 8 45 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 n14 7 28 50 U 32 53 14 35 55 15 35 55 15 34 54 12 31 50 46 30 15 T h. m 9 6m 10 12 11 29 m 50a 2 10 3 31 4 50 6 7 7 24 8 43 10 11 1 13 A Morn. 17 m 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 10 53 25 51 11 29 46 1 18 36 1 29 7 6 59 8 3 9 18 m a. m. 5 17 6 18 7 17 8 15 9 8 10 10 50 11 38 12 28 13 20 14 14 15 9 16 6 17 1 17 53 18 42 19 28 20 11 20 52 21 32 22 11 22 52 23 36 • • • • • • 24 1 2 3 4 5 15 10 10 11 12 n28 40 27 37 24 40 20 14 7 N s 7 1 4 14 11 13 52 19 39 24 11 27 12 28 32 28 14 26 27 23 26 19 24 14 35 9 3 2 12 25 35 h. m 22m 28 24 5 40 6 29 50 9 32 67 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 5 8 35 14 21 19 37 23 68 27 3 28 28 27 69 25 35 6 27 7 5 7 66 8 52 9 53 10 69m 5a II 66 18 21 26 I 3 4 5 6 36 7 47 9 1 10 13 11 2lA Morn. 19m I I tta School Books i Reqiiisites ALWAYS IN STOCK. MCMILLAN'S BOOKSTORE, E. G. SOOVIL, 62 UHION STREET, ST. JOHR, N. B., ■oM] UATS B»DBRy li the MOST OOMPLfiTE In the KariUma Provliioei. 1895. APRIIi has Thirty Days. 57 '' B^^^^HI^v)' i HARPER^S ^ ' ^ ^ BAZAR. See pages 51 and 88. High Watbk, Mean Time, at IP*'' ■ f i Saint John, N. B. Qharlottet'n, P. E. I. Morning ^rnoon Morning Afternoon ( '. 1 1 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 1 oh. A. Qt c/ (D. Ql 5° 13' S. 1 2 26 2 48 1 50 2 12 2 Richard Cobden died, 1865. 3 14 3 42 2 38 8 6 3 St. Richard. Neap tides. 4 15 4 65 3 39 4 19 \ 4 St. Ambrose. 5 45 6 36 6 9 6 t 5 Morse, telegrapher, died, 1872. Battle of Shiloh, 1862. 7 26 8 9 6 50 7 33 , 6 8 44 9 14 8 8 8 38 i i ; A Palm Sunday. 9 37 10 9 1 9 24 ! 8 King of Denmark born, 1818. National Gallerv opened, 1838. 10 19 10 39 9 43 10 3 ( 9 11 1 11 22 10 26 10 46 1 1 10 9h. A. T? c/ C- T? 6° 50' N. S. tides. 11 42 • •■ • • • 11 6 11 27 11 American Civil War, 1861. 3 23 11 47 • • • • • ■ 1 ' . 12 Good Friday. 42 1 1 6 25 ' ■ 13 R. C. Relief Bill, 1829. 1 18 1 38 42 1 2 > 1 A Easter Sunday. 1 57 2 18 1 21 1 42 i! 16 Mutiny at Spithead, 1797. 2 40 3 1 2 4 2 25 .^1 16 8h. M. 9 greatest Hel. Lat. S. 3 26 3 54 2 50 3 18 i 17 Ben. Franklin died, 1790. Neap tides. 4 28 5 5 3 62 4 29 18 Liebig, chemist, died, 1873. 5 50 6 34 5 14 6 68 ^ ! .-! 19 Beaconsfield died, 1881. 7 16 7 55 6 40 7 19 20 Abernethy died, 1831. Low Sunday. 8 27 8 52 7 51 8 16 1, , A 9 13 9 32 8 37 8 56 22 9 50 10 7 9 14 9 31 23 St. George. 10 22 10 38 9 46 10 2 24 Ih. U.^cfC' § 4° 52' S. 10 53 11 10 10 17 10 34 25 10h.A.(JcrQi. cJ'l°27'N. S. tides. Cromwell born, 1699. 11 26 11 43 10 50 11 7 , 26 • • • • • • Noon. 11 24 11 41 1 27 Wm. C. Macready, tragedian, d., 1873 17 36 Noon. A , 2nd Sunday after Easter. 55 1 13 19 37 ' 2S )8h.U.(^cf^' c^3°30'S. 1 34 1 55 68 1 19 3C 1 Washington inaugurated, 1789. 2 20 2 46 1 44 2 10 m PUBLISHERS A.ND DEALERS IN low imswiik Seh®®l Sjf^IlTT JCDTUST, 1ST, B. Importer Ttai and Uqnora, Agont Celebrated Pelee Wlnea. s JOB PBIMTINa ARnsnOALLT EXBOUTEP AT J. k A. MoHILLAirS. t 58 MAT begins on Wednesday. d. h. n^ DT? Souths 1805. First Quarter,.. 1 H 20 A. h. m. h. m. Full Moon 8 7 35 A. 3 2 26 A. 3 45 A. Last Quarter,... 16 1 20 A. 10 2 34 A. 3 36 A. New Moon 24 7 22M. 17 2 43 A. 3 27 A. FirstQuarter, 31 4 24M. 24 2 51 A. 3 ISA. ^ Perigee, 4d. 6h. M. | (C Apogee, 16d. 4h. A. | ^ Perigee, 29d cf Souths Q^Souths h. m. 3 31 A. 3 9A. 2 47 A. 2 26 A. 6h. M. ^ ►. ^ SUN. Ris's. Sets. Declin. FstofOlk, MOON. Rises. Souths. Deolin. Sets. Place 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Son. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Snn. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Son, xMo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. h. m.i 55 54 52 50 49 48 46 45 43 41 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 29 28 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 4 21 h. m. 6 59 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 12 18 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 Nlo 8 15 26 15 43 16 1 16 18 16 35 16 52 17 8 17 24 17 40 17 56 18 11 18 26 IS 40 18 55 19 9 19 22 19 36 19 49 20 1 20 14 20 25 20 37 20 48 20 59 21 10 21 20 21 30 21 40 21 48 n21 57 m. 8. h. m. h. m. O 1 ? 1 10 38 m 6 10 n21 30 3 8 11 55 m 7 2 16 4 3 15 1 15 a 7 54 9 43 3 21 2 31 8 42 N 2 48 3 27 3 47 9 30 s 4 12 3 32 5 3 10 18 10 58 3 36 6 13 11 8 15 32 3 40 7 37 12 1 22 11 3 44 8 53 12 36 25 53 3 46 ^0 00 13 55! 28 3 48 10 59 14 4e. 28 24 3 50 11 47 a 15 48 27 12 3 51 Mom. 16 3f. 24 38 3 52 24 m 17 22 20 56 3 52 52 18 6 16 24 3 50 1 15 18 47 11 15 3 49 1 34 19 28 s 5 39 3 47 1 50 20 6 N 13 3 44 2 5 20 47 6 11 3 41 2 22 21 30 12 2 3 38 2 41 22 14 17 32 3 34 3 23 5 22 19 3 29 3 28 23 59 25 58 3 24 4 2 • •• • • • • • • ■ • • 3 18 4 52 1 28 3 S 12 5 52 2 3 28 13 3 5 7 7 3 6 26 23 2 58 8 26 4 4 22 42 2 50 9 45 4 59 17 36 2 42 11 4m 5 51 11 28 2 34 20 a 6 39 N 4 46 LOJ 6 42 7 56 9 8 10 13 11 5 11 42a Morn. 13m 38 BOOK-BINDING AND PRINTING EXECUTED NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. E. 0. SOOVn., 62 UmOH STREET, 8T. JOHN. N. B.. Railroad and ftteamboat PrinUiig a Bpeolal Foatura at J. k A. McHlLLAirg. 189ff. MAY hat Thirty-one Days. fie S? HAKPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, . See pages 51 and 88. HiQH Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Morning Afternoon Oharlottet'n, P. E. I. Morning Afternoon 1 SS. Philip and .fames. [tides. 2 David Livingstime died, 1873. Neap 3 Invention of the Cross. 4 9h. A. § Sup. cT ©. A 3rd Sunday after Easter. 6 Phoenix Park murders, 1882. 7 lOh. A. ]? c/ (C- T? 6° 42' N. 8 The Monarchy restored, 1660. 9 lOh. A. ^ in Perihelion i Spring 10 Sepoy Mutiny began, 1857. [tides. 11 Earl of Chatham died, 1778. A 4th Sunday after Easter. 13 Sir Arthur Sullivan born, 1842. 14 Henry Grattan died, 1820. 15 Daniel O'Connell died, 1847. 16 Felicia Hemans died, 1835. 17 Revised New Testament, 1881. Neap 18 Nqon ^ cf %. ? 2° 5' N. [tides. A Rogation Sunday. 20 John Stuart-Mill born, 1806. 21 Montrose executed, 1650. 22 Confed. B. N. A. proclaimed, 1867. 23 Ascension day. Holy Thursday. 24 Birth of Queen Vic, 1819. Spring 25 Mid, ^ cf(0' ? 2° 44' S. [tides. A Sunday after Ascension. 27 7h. A. 9 cT C- ? 2° 53' S. 28 John Earl Russell died, 1878. 29 King Charles II. restored, 1660. 30 Alexander Pope died, 1744. [tides. 31 Rev. Thos. Chalmers died, 1847. Neap h. m. 3 14 4 19 5 41 7 6 8 13 9 7 9 62 10 34 11 17 11 59 19 56 1 40 2 22 3 7 3 59 4 59 6 8 7 19 8 16 9 9 42 10 19 10 58 11 39 42 1 28 2 21 3 15 4 17 m. 44 57 6 24 7 42 8 41 9 30 10 12 10 56 11 38 "6 39 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 1 43 31 27 33 46 49 8 39 9 22 10 10 38 11 18 Mid. 20 h. 2 3 5 m. 38 43 5 6 29 7 37 8 31 9 16 9 58 10 41 11 23 • • • • • • 20 1 4 46 31 1 1 2 3 4 4 54 48 45 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 23 23 32 43 40 8 24 9 6 9 43 10 22 11 3 11 44 6 52 1 45 2 39 3 41 h. m. 3 8 4 5 7 8 21 48 6 5 8 54 9 36 10 20 11 2 11 43 1 2 2 3 4 3 43 25 7 55 51 57 6 10 7 8 13 3 8 46 9 24 10 2 10 42 11 24 6 28 1 18 2 12 3 9 4 13 A. Chipman Smith. ESTABLISHED 1791 Struam Bobbbtson. ■ (Successor to William O. Smiih), Druggists and Apothecaries, No. 1 City Market Building, Charlotte St, ST. JOHN, N. B. BRANCH STORE AT BATHrRST, X. B. Importer Tmmi And Liquors, Ageat Celebrated Pelee Winei. ' :1 l\ M BMBOSSINO NEATLY EZBOUTED AT J. k A. HoHILLAirS, 8T. JOHN. 60 JUNE begins on Saturday. 1895. 1 < 1. b. m. D. < ? Souths cf Souths % Souths b. m. b. m. h. m. ^ Full Moon, ... 7 6 36 M. 3 3 OA. 3 4 A. 1 56 A. (^ Last Quarter,.. 15 7 4M. 10 3 6 A. 2 66 A. 1 36 A. % New Moon, ... 22 5 27 A. 17 3 IDA. 2 45 A. 1 14 A. 3 First Quarter, 29 7 37 M. 24 3 12 A. 2 35 A. 63 A. (C Apogee, 13d. llh. M. | ^ P( engee,25d.8h. M. \\ SUN. MOON. 1 Ris's. Sets. Declin. Past-Slw. Rises. Soaths. Deolin. Sets. Place II h. m. b. m. o / m. 8. b. m. h. m. o t h. m 1 Sat. 4 21 7 34 n22 5 2 24 1 35a 7 26 8 2 6 58m LQJ 2 Son. 4 21 7 34 22 13 2 16 2 48 8 13 8 49 1 17 inj 3 Mo. 4 21 7 35 22 21 2 6 4 3 9 1 15 1 1 38 TT 4 Tue. 4 21 7 35 22 28 1 56 5 19 9 62 20 23 1 59 5 Wd. 4 20 7 36 22 34 1 46 6 34 10 45 24 33 2 25 6 Th. 4 20 7 36 22 41 1 35 7 46 11 40 27 16 2 56 :^ 7 Fri. 4 20 7 37 22 47 1 24 8 48 12 37 28 20 3 35 ?fi 8 Sat. 4 20 7 37 22 52 1 13 9 38 13 32 27 45 4 26 ^ 9 Sim. 4 20 7 38 23 57 1 2 10 21 14 26 25 41 5 26 tta 10 Mo. 4 19 7 38 23 2 50 10 51 16 14 22 22 6 31 ttz 11 Tue. 4 19 7 38 23 6 38 11 18 16 18 7 7 37 >^ 12 Wd. 4 19 7 39 23 10 26 11 38 16 43 13 10 8 42 13 Th. 4 19 7 40 23 14 14 11 54 a 17 23 7 43 9 48 no 14 Fri. 4 19 7 40 23 17 p 1 Morn. 18 3 8 2 10 62 T 15 Sat. 4 19 7 41 23 20 8 Oil 11 M 18 41 N 3 52 11 55m T 16 Son. 4 19 7 42 23 22 24 25 19 23 9 42 67a X 17 Mo. 4 19 7 43 23 24 37 44 20 5 15 17 2 2 b' 18 Tue. 4 IS 7 43 23 25 50 1 1 20 63 20 22 3 9 ft 19 Wd. 4 18 7 44 23 26 1 3 1 26 21 46 24 32 4 20 b: 20 Th. 5 18 7 45 23 27 1 16 1 56 22 45 27 21 6 34 21 Fri. 4 17 7 46 23 27 1 29 2 40 23 46 28 21 6 60 ^ 22 Sat. 4 17 7 46 23 27 1 43 3 35 • • • • • • 7 57 23 Son. 4 18 7 46 23 27 1 56 4 46 51 27 17 8 56 Q. 24 Mo. 4 18 7 46 23 26 2 9 6 6 1 54 24 11 9 42 25 Tue. 4 19 7 46 23 24 2 21 7 29 2 52 19 23 10 15 TCP 26 Wd. 4 19 7 46 23 22 2 34 8 51 3 46 13 23 10 41 YW 27 Th. 4 20 7 46 23 20 2 47 10 11 4 37 N 6 41 11 3 LOI 28|Fri. 4 20 7 46 23 18 2 59 11 25 m 5 24 8 15 Jl 23 LOJ 29 Sat. 4 20 7 46 23 15 3 11 40 a 6 12 7 5 11 44 a LfU 30 Son. 4 21 7 46 n23 11 3 23 1 54 6 59 13 24 1 Morn. m f J. & A. McMillan, SAINT JOHN, N. B. B. a. soom, 62 uinoH gTiiEsr, st, iQiir, h. b., J. k A. HoHILLAN SUPPLY WBDDINQ IlfVITATIOHS IN LATEST STYLES. 1895. JUNE has Thirty Days. 1 61 WEBSTKR'S High Water, Mean Time, at 1 Inteniatlonal Dictionary Supplied by J. & A. McMILLAN. 911 with Patent Index; $10 without Index. For particulars see inside of back CoTer. Saint John, N.B. Oharlottet'n, P. B. I. Morning Afternoon Morning ' " 1 Afternoon | h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 1 St Nicomede. 5 22 6 55 4 46 5 19 A Pentecost. Whit Sunday. 6 30 7 3 5 54 6 27 3 Prince George Wales born, 1865. 7 36 8 6 7 7 30 4 Battle of Magento, 1859. 8 35 9 2 7 69 8 26 5 6h.M.^ Cf d- 9 0°68'N. 9 27 9 52 8 51 9 16 6 Cavour died, 1861. 10 15 10 38 9 39 10 2 7 Wm. Dwight Whitney died, 1894. S 11 2 11 23 10 26 10 47 8 Andrew Jackson died, 1845. [tides. 11 46 11 10 11 31 ( A Trinity Sunday. 7 26 11 50 • • • • • • 1 10 Crystal Palace opened, 1854. [1832. 47 1 6 11 U 30 11 Massacre of Europeans in Alexandria, 1 24 1 46 48 1 10 12 5h. A. 5 in y. [treal, d. 1894. 2 5 2 25 1 29 1 49 16 Corpus Christi. D. Mclntyre, Mon- 2 45 3 7 2 9 2 31 14 Lord Chief Justice Coleridge d., 1894. 3 29 3 50 2 53 3 14 15 Magna Charta sealed, 1215. N. tides. 4 14 4 37 3 38 4 1 A Ist Sunday after Trinity. 5 4 5 33 4 28 4 57 17 Wm. Walter Phelps died, 1894. 6 3 6 34 5 27 5 68 18 Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 7 5 7 36 6 29 7 19 Rev. C. H. Spurgeon b., 1834. [1877. 8 6 8 34 7 30 7 58 20 Ascension of Queen Via., St. John fire. 9 1 9 26 8 25 8 50 21 ProcPmtn. Ih. A. @enters69. Sum'r 9 49 10 13 9 13 9 37 ] 22 (24)Pre8.Carnota8s'nated,'94. [begins. 10 35 11 9 59 10 24 ' A 2nd Sunday after Trinity. Spg. tides. 11 24 11 47 10 48 11 11 24 St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. • • • • • 13 11 37 • • • ■ • • 25 7h. M. (f (/ (C- d* 1° 50' S. 37 1 1 24 26 1 24 1 51 48 1 15 27 Lord Raglan died, 1855. 2 17 2 42 1 41 2 6 28 Queen Victoria crowned, 1838. 3 8 3 34 2 32 2 58 29 St. Peter, Apostle & Martyr. Np. tides. 3 59 4 26 3 23 3 50 1 A Srd Sunday after Trinity. 1 4 53 5 23 4 17 4 47 1 (Established 1879). DIRECT IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE Wine and Spirit Merchant, 107 CHARLOTTE STREET, and 21 and 99 NORTH WHARF. ■ i * ■ ' i I -1 ■ Importer Teu and Uqnon, Agent Celebrated Pelee Winei. 41^ HcKlLLAirS PEH DEPARTMENT OOMTAIlfS GOODS FROM ALL HAKBH8. •'11' 02 — JULY begins on Monday. ises. d. h. m. D. ' ^ Souths (if Souths h. m. % Souths b. m. h. m. (^ Full Moon 3 7 . 5 A. 4 11 7 A. 2 1 8M. 3 10 17 3 12 A. 3 10 A. 3 6 A. 2 22 A. 2 12 A. 2 2 A. 36 A. 5 A. 11 46 M. OT' Last Quarter.. 1' ti^ New Moon 3 First Quarter. 2 28 4 12 A ^, 24 3 OA. ! 1 61 A. 11 24 M. (C Apogee, lid. 3h. M. 1 (0 Perigee, 23c 1. 9h. M. 1 2a SUN. M OON. Deolin. Ris's. Sets. Declin. |81wof01k. Rises. Souths. 1 Sets. Place h. ni.lh. UQ. / m. s. h. m. h. m. o / h. m. 1 Mo. 4 21 7 46 n23 7 3 35 3 10 A 7 49 8 18 59 4m tn 2 Tue. 4 22 7 46 23 3 3 46 4 30 8 40 23 28 28 ^ 3 Wd. 4 22 7 46 22 58 3 57 5 33 9 33 26 35 67 ^ 4 Th. 4 23 7 46 22 53 4 8 6 38 10 29 28 11 1 33 ?F> 5 Fri. 4 24 7 45 22 47 4 19 7 33 11 24 28 8 2 40 ;5 6 Sat. 4 24 7 45 22 41 4 29 8 18 12 18 26 34 3 15 tSti 7 Snn. 4 26 7 44 22 35 4 39 8 52 13 8 23 40 4 18 OK 8 Mo. 4 26 7 44 22 28 4 48 9 19 13 56 19 42 5 24 K 9 Tue, 4 26 7 43 22 21 4 57 9 40 14 38 14 57 6 31 K 10 Wd. 4 27 7 43 22 14 5 6 9 59 15 20 9 39 7 36 K 11 Th. 4 28 7 42 22 6 6 14 10 15 15 59 s 4 1 8 41 T 12 Fri. 4 29 7 41 21 58 5 22 10 30 16 37 N 1 46 9 43 T 13 Sat. 4 30 7 41 21 49 5 29 10 47 17 17 7 36 10 44 >< 14 Sim. 4 31 7 40 21 40 5 36 11 4 17 58 13 12 11 47m >i 15 Mo. 4 32 7 39 21 31 5 43 11 26 18 44 IS 26 52a ir 16 Tue. 4 33 7 38 21 21 5 48 11 53 a 19 32 22 56 2 2 tr 17 Wd. 4 34 7 38 21 11 5 54 Morn. 20 27 26 20 3 13 18 Th. 4 36 7 37 21 1 5 59 27 m 21 28 28 11 4 27 ® 19 Fri. 4 36 7 36 20 50 6 3 1 18 22 32 28 8 5 38 o 20 Sat. 4 37 7 36 20 39 6 7 2 23 23 36 25 55 6 41 Q. 21 Son. 4 38 7 34 20 27 6 10 3 40 • •• • •• 7 32 22 Mo. 4 39 7 33 20 16 6 13 5 5 38 21 44 8 11 ^ 23 Tue. 4 40 7 32 20 3 6 15 6 28 1 36 16 1 8 42 24 Wd. 4 41 7 31 19 51 6 17 7 51 2 29 9 16 9 7 f! 26 Th. 4 42 7 30 19 38 6 18 9 10 3 19 N 2 11 9 28 26 Fri. 4 43 7 29 19 25 6 18 10 27 4 7 8 4 57 9 47 Lnj i 27 Sat. 4 44 7 28 19 12 6 18 11 43 m 4 56 11 38 10 9 tn 1 28 Sun. 4 45 7 27 18 58 6 17 1 Oa 5 46 17 33 10 32 in 29 Mo. 4 46 7 26 18 44 6 16 2 13 6 36 22 24 10 59 ^ 30 Tu. 4 47 7 25 18 29 6 14 3 26 7 29 25 67 11 32 a ^ 31 We. 4 48 7 24 Nl8 15 6 11 4 32 8 24 27 69 Morn. ?6 ' PRINTING J. & A. MCMILLAN. E. 0. 800YIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., MoULLAirS BOIDBRT li the MOST OOKPLETE ia the Maritime Proylnoei. WARING, WHITE & CO. Deep Water Terminus I. C. R., Lower Cove, ST. JOHN, N. B. EMGIMEIB 1808. JULY hAii Thirty •one Days. es 1 MCMILLAN'S BLIMI B(HIKS Are ttie Best on tbe Market. HioH Watkb, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Oharlott6t'n,P.E.I. Morning Afternoon Horning Afternoon h. m. h. m. h. m. h. III. 1 Mid. © in Apogee. Dominion Day. 5 50 6 23 5 14 6 47 2 Visitation Blessed Virgin Mary. 6 56 7 33 6 20 6 57 3 Battle of Sadowa, 1866. 8 7 8 39 7 31 8- 3 4 Independence U S.. 1776. 4h. M. (j^ in Aphelion. (5) Sir Austin IT. Layard died, 1894. 4th Sunday after Trinity. Spg. tides. 9 11 9 40 8 35 9 4 6 10 6 10 31 9 30 9 .^5 6 10 54 11 16 10 18 10 40 i A 11 36 11 56 11 11 20 i 8 Percy Bysshe Shelley died, 1822. • •• • ■ • 16 11 40 11 57 1 9 Holl:ind united to France, 1810. 33 50 14 10 9h M. '4 cf "£)■ 9h. M. 9 at greatest 45°31'E. 1 9 1 26 33 -)0 11 1 44 2 1 8 1 24 12 Crimea evacuated. 1856. 2 18 2 36 1 42 1 59 !13 Richard Cromwell died, 1712. 2 53 3 11 2 17 2 35 A 5th Sunday after Trinity, 3 30 3 48 2 54 3 12 15 St. Swithin. Neap tides. 4 9 4 32 3 33 3 56 1 16 (17) St. Alban. first English martyr. 4 56 5 26 4 20 4 50 , 17 6h. A. 9 in ^. 5 58 6 35 5 22 5 59 18 Dec. Papal Infall., 1870. George IV. crowned, 1821. 7 11 7 50 6 35 7 14 19 8 25 8 59 7 49 8 23 20 St. Margaret. 9 31 9 59 8 55 9 23 A 6th Sunday after Trinity. 10 25 10 50 9 49 10 14 22 St. Marv Magdalene. Spring tides. 11 16 11 40 10 40 11 4 23 9h. A. t? n ©• • ■ • • • • 5 11 29 11 52 24 Alex. Dumas, novelist, born, 1803. 28 52 • • • • •• 16 26 St. James, Apostle and Martyr. St. Anne, mother Blessed Virgin Mary. 1 15 1 36 39 1 26 2 1 2 22 1 25 1 46 27 French Revolution, 1830. 2 46 3 7 2 10 2 31 A 7th Sunday after Trinity. 3 30 3 51 2 64 3 15 29 Spanish Armadadisper8ed,1588. Neap 4 14 4 39 3 38 4 3 30 Relief of Derry, 1689. [tides. 5 9 5 42 4 33 6 6 31 Ignatius Loyola, Jesuit, died, 1556. 6 20 7 2 5 44 6 26 Simplex Engines, Marine i Mill Machinery, IRON A]VD BRASS CASTIIVGS. Prompt Attention to Repairs. Correspondence Solicited. Importer Teu and Uqaors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. m-&^ Jill'! if' ' "^ - "l « 1. k A. lolILUI PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOES. ^* AUC }U8T be«l n» on Thuriid»y. 1895. m. D. 9 Sou thfl d^SoatblS|SouthB 1 a. &. h. m. h. in. h. m. fi') Full M, V ti Q 1 1 2 C 3 E A 8 5 9 6 T 71 F 1 8!n 9iK 10 S ; A ot 12* T 13l 14 41 151 A 16 G 17 F A K 19 B 90 r? ■\ *. til lIoMILLAN'8 BOfDERT ii the HOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Pravlnoet. 1890. AUGUST hat Thlrtynine Dnya. 65 e I *i 51 6! 7, 8' 9 10; A 12 131 14| 15; 16 17 A 19 20 21 22 23 24 A 26 127 128 129 30 131 SCHOOL BOOKS Pn-scrlbed by tlio Hourd of ICilucatlon, and all othurs iiHed in tho Mirillnu* Provinces, consluntly on huid. WnoLESAr.K AND Kktaii.. J- «Sb -A.- Tvr'JSd:iriXj^:£T ST. JOHN. N. B. HiOH Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. 'oharlottefn, P. B. I. Morning jifternoon, Morning Afternoon h. m. h. m. 1 h. ra. 1 h. m. Ih. A. ? cT %• V 0° 10^ S. 7 46 8 27 ' 7 10 1 7 51 Captniii MaiTviut (lied, 1848. 9 4 9 36 1 8 28 i 9 Earl Aberdeen born, 1847. 10 1 10 25 9 25 9 49 8th Sunday after Trinity. 10 45 11 4 10 9 10 28 9h. A. ^ in Perihelion. Spripg tides. 11 23 11 41 i 10 47 11 5 Triin8%u ration. 11 58 • • • • ■ • 11 22 11 38 First Atlantic cable laid, 1858. 14 30 11 54 Marshal Nev shot, 1815. 44 1 8 24 Earl Sydney Lorn, 1805, 1 14 1 30 38 54 St. Lawrence. 1 45 . 1 59 1 9 1 23 9th Sunday after Trinity. 2 14 2 31 1 38 1 55 Trinity Low Sitiiniis end. 2 48 3 5 2 12 2 29 Old Lammas Day. [tides. 3 24 3 44 2 48 3 8 4h. M. 9 at greatest brilliancy. Neap 4 8 4 34 3 32 3 58 Assumption V>. V. M, 5 6 5 47 4 30 5 11 Gas first used in London streets, 1807. 6 31 7 18 5 55 6 42 Franco-Cierrnan war commenced, '70. 8 5 8 45 7 29 8 9 10th Sunday after Trinity. 9 19 9 48 8 43 9 12 BloomEeld, poet, died, 1§23. 10 15 10 37 9 39 10 1 (v) eclipsed, invis. at St. John. Spring 11 11 24 10 24 10 48 Battle of Virniera, 1808. [tides. 11 48 11 12 11 34 4h. A. 9 c/ (C. ? 4° 4^ S. 10 31 11 55 Treaty of P -ague, 186G. 52 1 13 16 37 St. Bartholomew. 1 33 1 55 57 1 19 Mth Sunday after Trinity. 2 15 ; 2 35 1 39 1 59 Sh. A. $ stfitionary. [tides. 2 56 i 3 17 2 20 2 41 First pub. cable despatch, '58. Neap 3 39 ; 4 5 3 3 3 29 St. Augustine, Bp. Hippo. 4 31 ' 6 7 3 55 4 31 St. John Baptist beheaded. 5 53 6 42 5 17 6 6 Admiral Sir John Ross died, 1856. 7 29 8 15 6 53 7 39 John Bunyan died, 1688. 8 54 i 9 24 8 18 8 48 MANKS &. CO. HATS#FURS, ST" Itingr Sti-oet, St. John, IV. B, All kinds of RAILWAY, SOCIETY and BAND HATS and CAPS made to Order; also, Gold and Silver Badges. WHOLESALE. ::OWEST PEICES. TRY US. I . i| Importer Teas and Llqnors, Agent Gelebrateil Pelee Wines. BBfiOfNURO HBATLT BZEODTBD AT J. k A. HcHILLAN'S, 8T. JOHN. ii la:' 66 SEPTEMBEB begins on Sunday. 189S. d. Full Moon, 4 Last Quarter, 12 New Moon, 18 First Quarter, 26 m. b. m. 1 11 A. 33 A. 11 51 M. 11 9M. Apogee^ 3d. 6ft. A. | ^ Perigee, 18d-. 3h. M. | (C Apogee, SOd. lOh. A 31 M. 27 M. 31 A. 59 A. D. 3 10 17 24 9 Souths (^ Souths 1i. m. 47 A. 36 A. 24 A. 13 A. % Souths h. m. 9 19 M. 8 57 M. 8 36 M. 8 12 M. ^ ►> Q SUN. Ri8's.|Sets. I Declin. IFastofOlk. MOON. Rises. ! Soaths. i Declin. i Sets. I Place. 1 2 8 4 6 '/ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 Sim. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Snn. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. San. Mo. Tae. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Son. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th Fri. Sat. Sun. Mo. h. m. 5 27 m. 33 N 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 51 62 53 64 56 67 58 69 1 2 30 28 6 26l 6 241 6 22| 6 20. 6 31 14 62 30 '8 6 18 6 16' 14 12i 6 46 6 24 6 1 5 38 5 16 53 30 6 11 6 9 7 5 3j ll 59; 57 55i 531N 521 s 501 48' 46 44i 421 40 38 8 4 4 4 3 44 8 21 2 58 2 35 2 12 48 25 2 38 15 8 31 56 1 18 1 42 2 5 2 28 2 52 m. 8. h. m. h. m. o ' h. m 6 5 52a 10 34 sl8 13 2 12m 25 6 12 11 18 13 13 3 16 45 6 27 11 57 7 46 4 24 1 4 6 44 12 36 8 2 1 6 26 1 24 7 13 15 N 3 48 6 28 1 44 7 16 13 54 9 32 7 30 2 4 7 34 14 36 14 59 8 32 2 25 7 57 15 21 19 53 9 38 2 46 8 24 16 10 23 59 10 45 3 6 9 17 3 26 57 11 56m 3 27 9 48 17 59 28 26 1 6a 3 48 10 60 a 19 28 9 2 10 4 9 Morn. 20 25 56 3 JO 4 30 4m 21 21 52 3 56 4 51 1 26 21 67 16 15 4 34 5 33 2 49 22 50 9 29 5 6 5 14 4 12 23 42 N 2 6 5 28 5 5.) 5 34 • • • • • • 5 50 6 16 6 56 34 s 5 22 6 12 6 37 8 16 1 2o 12 25 6 34 6 58 9 36 2 18 18 34 7 7 19 10 66 m 3 13 23 27 7 30 7 40 11 A 4 10 26 46 8 9 8 2 1 18 6 7 28 22 8 56 8 22 2 12 6 3 28 16 9 54 8 43 2 56 6 56 26 37 10 56 a 9 3 3 29 7 46 23 41 Mom. 9 23 3 56 8 33 19 40 3m 9 43 4 16 9 lo 14 57 1 10 10 2 4 35a 9 56 9 38 2 13m LOJ m m I K K K 3f:cM[ILiIjA.TV'» ^ iiirtmiitiil "4 «.rT jomsr, u. b. Importer Teai and Ugnori; Agtnt Celebrated Pelee Winei. • H J. k A. BoHILIiAH PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. 68 OCTOBER begins on TueHday. ISOfi. D. $ Souths ci^Souths QtSouths d. h. m. i h. m. h. m. h. m. © Full Moon,.... ..3 6 23 A . 1 3 10 21 M. Noon 7 42 M. ^ Last Quarter, . ..11 10 10 M. 10 9 53 M. 11 49 M. 7 19 M. A New Moon,.... ..18 1 46 M. 17 9 31 M. 11 89 M. 6 55M \ 3 First Quarter,. .. 25 6 40 M. 24 9 15 M. 11 29 M. 6 30 M. ! (C Perigee 16d. Ih. A. 1 (C Apogee, 28d. N oon. ■:^ : sLSat. 6 85 29 4 48 11 35 6 1 13 19 18 22 7 29 Tir ! 68011. 6 9 5 27 5 11 11 52 6 29 14 7 22 46 8 37 IT 7 Mo. 6 11 5 25 5 34 12 9 7 1 14 58 26 5 9 45 8Tue. 6 12 5 23 5 57 12 26 7 45 15 53 28 3 10 55m w 9 Wd. 6 135 22 6 20 12 43 8 41 16 52 28 21 lA O 10 Th. (5 14 5 20 6 42 12 59 9 49 17 51 26 52 1 3 Q , 11 Fri. 6 15 5 19 7 5 13 14 11 6 A. 18 49 23 37 1 53 ; O 1 12 Sat. 6 16 5 17 7 28 13 29 Morn. 19 44 18 47 2 32 m) i 13 Soil 6 17 5 15 7 50 13 44 25 M 20 37 12 58 3 3 yw ! 141 Mo. 6 19 5 13 8 13 13 58 1 44 21 28 N 5 48 3 20 >A> 15Tue. 6 215 11 8 35 14 11 3 5 22 18 s 1 3r 3 51 Lnj 16 Wd. 6 23 5 9 8 57 14 24 4 24 1 23 9 8 45 4 12 uu 17 Th. 6 25 5 7 9 19 14 36 5 44 1 , ^ 4 .34 18 Fri. 6 26 5 5 9 42 14 48 7 6 2 15 26 4 58 m 19 Sat. 6 27 5 3 10 3 14 59 8 27 56 21 5 5 25 in 20 Son. 6 28 5 2 10 24 15 9 9 46 1 54 25 16 6 2 <-^ 21 Mo. 6 29 5 10 46 ^.-y 19 10 58 .M 2 53 27 44 6 48 7f^ 1 22 Tue. 6 30 4 59 11 7 15 28 2a 3 51 28 22 7 40 7f^ i23;Wd. 6 32 4 57 11 28 15 37 52 4 47 27 18 8 42 /S 24 Th. 6 34 4 56 11 49 15 44 1 2li 5 40 24 46 9 51 26 Fri. 6 35 4 54 12 10 15 51 1 59 6 2S 21 7 10 57A 26 Sat. 6 36 4 53 12 31 15 58 2 22 7 13 16 36 Morn to: 27 8011. 6 37 4 51 12 51 16 3 2 41 7 54 11 29 4m K 28 Mo. 1 29 Tue. 6 39 4 49 13 11 16 8 2 57 8 33 5 58 1 7 6 40 4 48 ]3 31 16 12 3 13 I) 12 8 13 2 9 30 Wd. 6 42 4 46 13 5) 16 15 3 21) 'J 51 ,N 5 36 3 11 31 Th. 6 43 4 45 s M 11 16 17 3 4(; A 10 32 1 11 18 4 13m _^ McMillan's Blank Books ARE IN GREAT DEMAND. The Best in the Market. Correspondence Solicited 98 FKINCJi; WILLIAM STREI/r, .ST. .lOHN, N. B. E. G. 8C0YIL, 62 UNIOH STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., MoHIUUUrS BINDERY is the HOST COMPLETE in the HariUme ProTinoefs. 1805. OCTOBER has Tbirty-one Days. 69 I BLANK BOOKS. Regular Kinds and Sizes al^vays in Stock. Special Patterns promptly B:iade to Order. J. & A. McMillan, st. joim. HiQH Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Gharlottet'n, P.E. L I Morning Afternooi Morning {Afternoon 1 o 3 4 5 A 7 8 9' 10! % 15| 16' 17 18 19 A 21 22 23 24 25 26 A 28 29 30 31 2h. A. ^ at greatc:.4 elong., 25° 35'E. Woolwich Dockyard closed, 1869. Treaty of Limerick, 1691. [tides?. Marquis 1' I fcipon born, 1827. Spring Offenbach, composer, died, 1880. 1 ITih Sunday after Trinity. 1 Edgar Allan Pee, poet, died, 1849. 2h. M. 9 stationary. Oliver Wendall Holmes died, 1894. Father Mathew born, 1790. i 5li. M. -^ c/ ©• "^^'^V tJ'J^*'- ' 1 8t. Wilfred. Pekin taken, i860. 1 18th Sunday alter Trinity. 6h. M. H stationary. [1874. j Prince Alfred of "Edinburgh born. Houses of Parliament burned, 1834. St. Etheldreda. [tides. Ih.M.cff/C (^4°17'N. Spring (20) Jas Anthonv Kroude died, 1.S94. 19th Sunday after Trinity. [1805. Battle of Trafalgar; death of Nelson, Captain Mayne Reid died, 1883. Sir Michael' Hicks-Beach born, W,M . Treaty of Westphalia, 1648. St. Crispin. Neap tides. 6h. M. 9 at greatest brilliancy. 20th Sunday after Trinity. SS. Simon and Jude. Sir Walter Raleigh beheaded, 1618. Honori Mercier, ex-p mier Quebec, 4h. A. % a ©. [died, 1894 h. m. 9 58 10 29 10 59 11 26 11 55 10 4! 1 10 1 45 h. m. 10 14 10 44 ! 11 13 11 41 25 54 2 3 4 6 7 25 17 26 1 35 8 42 9 30 10 11 10 54 11 37 "u 38 1 19 28 4 50 48 13 n. m. 9 22 9 53 10 23 10 50 11 19 11 49 5 34 h. tn. 9 38 10 8 10 37 11 5 11 34 6 50 8 11 9 7 9 52 10 32 11 14 11 57 18 58 1 40 1 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 49 41 50 25 59 6 18 ■ 52 1 28 ! 2 14 ' 3 12 i ' 4 37 6 14 , 7 35 8 54 9 35 10 18 11 1 11 42 2 43 8 31 9 16 9 56 10 38 11 21 b 22 1 4 2 2 24 1 24 2 48 3 14 2 12 , 3 42 4 15 3 6 ' 4 54 5 38 4 IS 6 12 7 4 5 36 ; 7 40 8 10 7 4 : 8 36 8 58 8 j 9 18 9 36 8 42 9 52 10 8 9 16 1 2 3 5 48 38 39 2 6 28 34 22 32 Publi»©, Printers, Book-binders, Blank Book Manufacturers;, 98 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, IiQp3rter Teas and Liquors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. \i t .--^ ,' \\m , -t; i JOB piminiro ARnsncukiiLT bzboqted at j. k a. HouuiArs. 70 NOVBAIBBR beftiiB on Friday. Full Mood 2 LaBt Quarter,... 9 New Moon, IC First Quarter, 24 h. m. 10 54 M. 6 43 A. 48 A. 2 55 M. i). I 3 10! :17l 124^ 9 Southsj cf Souths h. m. I b. m. 9 0M;11 15 M. 8 53 M. 8 49 M. 8 46 M. (^ Perigee, 13d. noon. | ^ Apogee, 25d. 7h. M. 11 6M. 10 57 M. 10 48 M. 1805. QiSouths m. 55 M. 29 M. 2M. 35 M. I" SUN. MOON. RisV h IFri. 2 Sat. 3 Sun. 4Mo. 5Tue. 6Wd. 7Th. 8Fri. 9 Sat. lOSnn.6 11 Mo. 6 12Tue. 13 Wd. 14 Th. 15 Ai. 16 Sat. 17 Son. 1 7 18 Mo. ;7 Sete. 444 4614 fiaolin. iFslofOlk.! Rises. Souths. | Deolin. | Sets. iPlaoe 47|4 19iTue. 20' Wd. 21 Th. 22 Fri. 23 Sat. 24|Siin. 251 Mo. 26Tue. 27; Wd. 28iTh. 29 30 Fri. Sat. 49 60 51 53 54 55 56 58 1 3 4 6|4 7I4 9;4 1014 11|4 124 1414 15l4 164 1714 18;4 20|4 21|4 234 2414 m.| 44! 42' 40! 39i 38; 37; 35 34 33 32 30 29 28 26 25 24 23 22| 22j 21! 20' 19! 191 18 17j 171 16, 15 ]4l 14, 814 30 14 49 16 8 15 27 15 45 16 3 16 20 16 39 16 56 17 12 17 29 17 46 18 1 18 17 18 33 18 48 10 3 19 17 i 19 31 19 45 I 19 58 20 11 20 24 20 36 20 48 20 59 21 10 21 21 21 32 s21 41 m. A. 16 19 16 20 16 20 16 20 16 18 16 16 16 13 b. 4 4 5 5 16 16 9 4 15 58 15 62 15 44 15 .36 16 27 15 17 15 6 14 54 14 42 14 28 14 13 13 58 13 42 13 26 13 9 12 51 12 32 12 12 11 52 11 31 11 9 m. 8 A 31 4 44 6 36 7 41 8 55 10 11 11 30 a Mom. 47 m 3 20 39 59 19 b. 11 12 in. 17 3 :n16 37 2 3 4 5 7 8 35 9 44 10 40 11 25 II 58 m 24 A 44 2 18 33 50 10 12 54 13 49 14 46 15 46 16 44 17 88 18 ol 19 21 20 9 20 68 21 48 22 41 23 37 • * • • • • 35 1 2 21 25 19 2 27 28 28 16 27 18 24 35 20 18 14 48 8 23 1 5 28 36 35 34 3 29 1 1 1 1 2 2 32 3 1 A 20 6 49 30 8 47 8 27 9 10 9 55 10 45 4 5 5 6 7 7 12 23 18 26 23 18 ! 26 36 28 7 27 47 25 61 22 34 18 19 13 22 7 59 s 2 20 N 3 27 9 8 14 36 19 33 23 42 b. m. 5 18m ^ 6 26 H 7 35 n 8 45 9 54 09 10 56 Q 11 5lM 33a Itr 1 6 V 1 32 V 1 55 \hi 2 25 Ult 2 36 n 2 57 n 3 23 n 3 55 4 35 7^ 5 26 ^ 6 28 7 33 ?s 8 42 tOi 9 48 tsu 10 54 « 11 58a Morn. T 58m T 2 1 ^ 3 4 ^ 4 10 H 5 18m K Law Cases, Pactums, Blanks, etc. PROMPTNESS AND ACCURACY GUARANTEED. J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N. B. Printers, Stationers, etc . E. Q. scorn, 92 UmOH STREET, ST. JOHM, N. B., J. Ic A. HonUiAN SUPPLY WEDDDTQ IHVITATZCSS IS iiAfEST 8TTI1B8. 189ff. NOVBMBKR has Thirty Days. IN LATEST STYLES. ST. JOHN, N. B. High Wateb, Mean Time, at '"1 Saint John, N. B. Morning Afternoon Oharlottet'n, P. E. I. Morning Afternoon 1 9h. A. $ in Perihelion. 2 Moon ^ cf ©■ Spring tides. | A 2l8t Sunday after Trinity. i 4 George Peabody died, 1869. 5 Gunpowder Plot, 1605. 6 St. Leonard. 7 9h. A. ? in ,Q. 8 John Milton died, 1674. 9 Birtii of Prince of Wales. [tides. A 22nd Sunday after Trinity. Neap 11 St. Martin, Martinmas. 12 4h. M. ? greatest Hel. Lat. N. 13 St. Brice. [1831. 14 G. W. F. Hegel, philosopher, died, 15 7h. A. J c/ €• d' 5° 1' N. ' ['89. 16 John Bright born, 181 1 ; d. March 26, A 23rd Sunday after Trinity. Spring 18 Last conv'tln'd at Sydney ,'40. [tides. 19 Ferdinand de Lesseps born, 1805. 20 6h. A. ^ (^ T?. ? 0° 29' S. [1840. 21 Empress Frederick of Germany born, 22 St. Cecelia. Justin McCarthy born, 23 St. Clement. Old Martinmas. [1830 A 24th Sunday after Trinity. Neap 25 9h. A. Q|. stationary. [tides. 26 Empress Dagmar fiorn, 1847. 27 Duchess of Teck born, 1833. 28 Washington Irving died, 1859. 29 Cardinal Wolsey died, 1530. 30; St. Andrew, apostle and martyr. h. m. 10 23 10 56 11 26 "6 17 53 h. m. 10 39 11 11 11 43 Noon. 35 34 21 13 20 43 1 8 1 9 47 10 31 11 17 • > * • • • 21 1 1 2 3 5 13 54 46 45 3 6 23 7 37 8 :^6 9 24 10 8 10 55 11 39 1 42 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 46 31 18 11 13 6 25 7 30 8 23 9 9 9 48 23 8 54 44 40 49 6 58 7 58 8 46 9 28 10 7 h. m. 9 47 10 20 10 50 11 24 11 59 17 58 1 45 2 37 3 44 5 7 6 25 7 32 8 25 9 11 9 55 10 41 11 25 ■ • • • • 26 10 55 42 35 37 49 54 47 8 33 9 12 h. in. 10 3 10 35 11 7 11 41 • • • t • ■ 37 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 18 iO 9 :j7 47 1 48 9 32 10 19 11 11 1 2 3 4 5 3 45 6 47 32 18 8 4 13 6 22 7 22 8 10 8 52 8 31 'ttr '-I Regular Kinds and Sizes always in Stock. SPECIAL PATTERNS PROMPTLY HADE TO ORDER. ]. & 1. IclILLir s. 98 Prince William Street, ST. JOHrr, isr. b. ImportM* Tmw and Uqaon , Agent (Mebratcd PMm WinM. ^- t \'Wm^ lUiP MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. ta DECEMBER begins on Sunday. 189S. d. h. m. 2 2 14 M. D. ; ? Souths ! cf Souths I h. m. 1 h. m. Last Quarter 9 2 4o M. '3, 8 46 M.: 10 38 M. New Moon 10 2 6 M. llOl 8 46 M., 10 30 M. First Quarter, 24 57 M. 171 8 48 M., 10 23 M. 31 4 7 A. 24! 8 52 M.; 10 17 M. ^ Perigee, 9d. Ih. A. | (C Apogee, 23d. 4h. M. Full Moon, Full Moon, Q|. Souths h. m. 3 59 M. 3 31 M. 3 2M. 2 32 M. ^ ' SUN ^ iRis'8.|Se ts. Declin. jFast-Sl w, ~! h. lii. h. in.| ° ' llSuil.7 25 4 13is21 51 21 Mo. 7 26 4 13 22 3 Tue 7 27 4 13 22 9 4Wd. 7 28 4 13 22 17 5 Th. 7 29 4 13 22 25 BiFri. 7 30 4 12 22 32 7 Sat. 7 3114 12 22 39 8|8un. 7 32|4 12 22 45 9iMo. 7 83 4 12 22 51 10Tue.l7 34 4 121 22 57 11 Wd.|7 35 4 12 23 2 12iTh. 7 36 4 12 23 6 131 Fri. 7 36!4 13 23 11 HiSat. 7 37 !4 13! 23 14 15|Sim. 7 38|4 13! 23 17 16' Mo. '7 3914 13| 23 20 17iTue.l7 39;4 13l 23 23 il8;Wd.;7 40 4 131 23 24 19!Th. 17 414 is; 23 26 '20jFri. 7 4214 14! 23 27 21|Sat. !7 43'4 14 23 27 22 Sun. 7 43.4 151 23 27 23! Mo. 7 43|4 16! 23 27 24iTue. 7 44!4 16! 23 26 MOON. ID. 8. 10 47 10 24 10 I 9 37 , 9 12 8 47 8 21 7 55 7 28 7 1 1 6 33 1 6 5 ! 1 5 37 1 5 8 4 39 : 4 10 Rises. I Souths. | Declin. | Sets. ; Place. h. m. 3 40a 4 29 5 31 6 43 8 1 9 20 10 .% 11 52 a Morn. 1 8m 2 24 h. in. 11 40 12 37 13 37 14 37 15 34 16 28 17 18 18 6 18 54 19 42 20 31 3 39 I 21 25 22 20 23 20 25'Wd.|7 44 26|Th. 7 45 4 161 23 24 4 17! 2?, 22 ft IK} 3 40 3 11 2 41 2 11 1 41 1 11 40 fO 10 4 57 6 14 7 26 8 26 i 9 17 9 55 1^ 23 10 48 11 6 111 22 11 38 18 1 16 2 9 2 58 3 44 4 25 5 4 5 43 11 54 m. 6 22 ! 11 A 7 2 49 jo 32 1 18 i 59 7 46 8 34 9 26 29!Snil.!7 45|4 20i 23 14 | 2 17 i 2 17 j 10 23 30iMo. '7 45 4 20i 23 10 | 2 46 | 3 16 1 11 24 31'Tu. '7 45'4 21s23 6' 3 15 14 25 a' 12 25 27lFri. !7 45 4 18 23 20 28iSat. '7 4514 19 23 17 I 1 48 | 1 32 n26 39 28 4 27 40 25 25 21 30 16 17 10 8 N 3 26 s 3 27 10 9 16 17 21 30 25 22 27 37 28 "4 26 47 24 20 4 15 19 10 3 8 4 27 N 1 16 j 6 58 12 29 I 17 36 I 22 5 ! 25 34 i 27 40 28 4 ' 26 31 h. m. 6 29m 7 40 8 45 9 43 10 31 11 7 11 36m Noon 20a 40 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 23 53 26 14 10 15 6 23 7 33 8 40 9 44 10 46 11 48a Morn. 50m I 1 53 ! 3 ; 4 9 1 5 20 I 6 29 ! 7 32m 69 Q LOl LQJ m m Q. ?6 tsa K K T T T IX It 69 J. & A. McMillan, PAPER RULERS, ISook-binders, Printers, Publishers, 98 PRINCE WM STREET, B. 0. SGOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., iM^ikmii: J. k A. MoMILLiN HiKE A SPECIALTY OF COLOR PRINTING. 1805. DECEMBER has Thirty-one Days. ■73 programmes lAtest StyleH. Best Quality. J. & A. HcMILLiN, - St John, N. B. HiOH Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Morning Oharlott«t'n, P. B. I. Afternoon I Morning Afternoon A 1st Sunday in Advent. [tides. 2(1) Princess of Wales born, 1844. Sp'g 3 Lord Chief J. Coleridge born, 1821. 4 Carlyle born, 1795. 5 3h. A. ^ in '^. ^ 6 Jefferson Davis died, 1889, 7 Mai-shal Ney shot, 1815. A 2nd Sunday in Advent. 9 J. Milton born, 1608. Neap tides. 10 Sir Henrv Ponsonby born, 1825. ! 11 llh. M. ^ in Perihelion. 1 12 4h. A. ? cT (C- ? 7° 23' N. 1 13 Duke of Rutland born, 1818. 14 Prince Albert died, 1861. A 3rd Sunday in Advent. 16 Geo Scharf born, 1820. Spring tides. 17 First Parl'mnt of Lower Canada met, 18 G. Edmund Street died. 1881. [1792. 19 Battle of Niagara, 1813. 20 Alfred Bunn, dramatist, died, 1860. 21 St. Thomas. @ enters ;$. Winter be- A 4th Sunday in Advent. [gins. 23 Lord Romily died, 1818. 24 Peace of Ghent, 1814. Neap tides. 25 Christmas Day. 26 St. Stephen, first Martyr. 27 St. John, Apostle and Evangelist. 28 Innorauts' Day. A Firti Sunday after Christmas. 30; Marshal Prim died, 1870. 311 4h. A. C fulls. Spring tides. h. m. h. m. h. in. 10 24 10 44 9 48 i: 4 11 23 10 28 11 44 • • • • • • 11 8 4 26 11 50 46 1 -8 10 1 31 1 54 55 2 18 2 45 1 42 3 13 3 39 2 37 4 9 . 4 38 3 33 5 11 5 45 4 35 6 19 6 53 5 43 7 28 8 1 6 52 8 31 9 7 55 9 26 9 52 8 50 10 17 10 42 9 41 11 6 11 29 10 30 11 52 • • • • • • 11 16 13 33 11 57 53 1 12 17 1 32 1 52 56 2 U 2 31 1 35 2 51 3 11 2 15 3 31 3 52 2 55 4 14 4 37 3 38 5 3 5 33 4 27 6 4 6 38 5 28 7 10 7 45 6 34 8 17 8 45 7 41 9 12 9 38 8 36 10 2 10 26 9 26 10 47 11 11 10 11 h. m. 10 8 10 47 11 28 • • • • • • 32 1 2 3 4 5 18 9 3 2 9 6 17 7 25 8 24 9 16 10 6 10 53 il 37 36 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 9 16 55 35 16 1 57 2 9 9 2 50 10 35 Book, Job i Fancy PRINTING r ^.^-^.^"^^^^ -^^ » J Of all kinds executed ntatly and with despatch, at S 9e\ 98 Prince William Street, 9 ST. JOHJsr, :isr. B. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Importer Teas and Uqnors, Agent Celebrated Pelee Wines. G i < . ' '' ',? V ^1 ■ /I 74 Advertisement— The Royal Family. ^THE ST. JOHN BUSIHESS COUBOE AHD SHORT-HAND INSTITUTE JAMES STIRLING (Successor to JOHN ALLINQHAM), 12 •^^^^ KmM), SIT JOHN. U. nmK@Bi HARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER. The Royal Family. Her Majesty Victoria. By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India (in India, Kaisar-iHind), born 24th May 1819; succeeded to the Throne /?Oth June 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV ; crowned 28th June 1838, and married 10th February 1840, to his late Royal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Coburg and Gotha, who was born 26th August, 1819; died 14th December, 1861. Her Majesty has had issue : 1. H. I. M., Victoria, Empress Frederick of Germany, Princess Royal, born Nov. 21, 1840 ; married Jan. 25, 1868, to Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia, afterwards German Emperor (born Oct. 18, 1831, died June 15, 1888), and has had issue — William, reigning German Emperor, born Jan. 27, 1859 ; married Feb. 27, 1881, to Princess Augusta of Schleswig-Holsw^in, and has six sons and a daughter: Charlotte, born July 24, 1860, married I'tb 18,1878, to Hered, Prince of Saxe-Meiningen ; Henry, bom Aug. 14, 1862, married May, 24, 1888, to his cousin, Princess Irene of Hesse ; Sigisimund, born Sept. 15, 1864, died June 18, 1866 ; Victoria, born April 12, 1866, married Nov. 19, 1890, to H. 8. H. Prince Adolphe of Schaumburg-Lippe ; Waldemar, born Feb. 10, 1868, died March 27, 1879 ; Sophia Dorothea, born June 14, 1870, married Oct. 27, 1889, to the Duke of Sparta; and Margaret, born April 22, 1872, mar- ried Jan. 26, 1893, to Prince Frederick of Hesse-Cassel. !!: 2. His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, b. Nov. 9, 1841 ; married March 10, 1863, to the Princess Alexandra (born Dec. 1, 1844), eldest SAINT JOHN DTE WORKS, The Royal Family. 75 IS OHB OF THE OIJIEST BUSINESS COLLEGES IN CANADA. daughter of the King of Denmark, and has had issue — Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, born Jan. 8, 1864, died Jan. 14, 1892 ; George Fred- erick, Duke of York, Captain R. N., born June 3, 1865, married July 6, 1893, to Princess Victoria Mary (" Mav") of Teck (born May 26, 1867) ; Louise, born Feb. 20, 1867, married July 27, 1889, to the Diike of Fyfe— issue, Alexandra, born May 17, 1891, and Maud, born April 3, 1893 ; Victoria, born July 6, 1868 ; Maud, bom Nov. 26, 1869 ; and Alexander, born April 6, died April 7, 1871. 3. Her Boyal Highness Alice Maud Mary, born April 25, 1843 ; married July 1, 1862, to H. R. H. Louis IV., Grand Duke of Hesse (born Sept. 12, 1837, died March 13,1892); died Dec. 14, 1878, her issue being— Victoria Alberta bom April 5, 1863 ^ married April 30, 1884, to Prince Louis of Bat- tenburg, R. N. ; Elizabeth, born Nov. 1, 1864, married June 15, 1884, to the Grand Duke Serge of Russia; Irene, born July 11, 1866; married May 24, 1888, to her cousin, Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of the German Emperor ; Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse, born Nov. 25, 1868 ; Frederick, born Oct. 7, 1870, died June 29, 1873 ; Alix Victoria, born June 6, 1872 ; and Mary, born May 24, 1874, died Nov. 15, 1878. 4. His Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh and Duke of Saxe-Coburc-Gotha, born Aug. 6, 1844 ; Admiral of the Fleet ; married Jan. 23, 1874, to the Graud Duciiess Marie of Russia (born Oct. 17, 1853), and has issue — Alfred, bom Oct. 15, 1874; Marie, born Oct. 29, 1875, married Jan. 10, 1893, to Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Roumania, and has issue— Ca.-ol, born Oct. 15,1893; Victoria Melita, born Nov. 25, 1876; Alexandra, bom Sept. 1, 1878 ; and Beatrice, born April 20, 1884. 5. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25, 1846 ; married July 5, 1866, to Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus, of Schleswig-Holstein (born Jan. 22, 1831), and has had issue — Christian V., Lt. King's Royal Rifles, born April 14, 1867 ; Aloert J., born Feb. 26, 1869; Vic- toria L., born May 3, 1870; Louise A, born August 12, 1872, married July 6, 1891, to Pr. Aribert of Anhalt ; and Harold, born May 12, died May 20, 1876. 6. Her Royal Highness Louise Caroline Alberta, born March 18, 1848 ; married March 21, 1871, to John, Marquis of Lome (born Aug. 6, 1845). 7. His Royal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Con- naught, born May 1, 1850 ; General in command at Aldershot; married March 13, 1879, to Princess Louise Margaret (born July 25, 1860), daughter of the late Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, and has issue — Margaret, born Jan. 15, 1882 ; Arthur, born Jan. 13, 1883; Victoria Patricia, born March 17, 1886. 8. His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, Duke of Albany, born April 7, 1853 ; married April 27, 1882, to Princess Helen (born Feb. 17, 1861), daughter of the late Prince George of Waldeck, died March 28, 1884, his issue being— Alice Mary, born Feb. 25, 1883 ; Leopold Charles Edward G. A., Duke of Albany, born July 19, 1884. 9. Her Royal Highness Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodora, bom April 14, 1857 ; married July 23, 1885, to Prince Henry Maurice of Battenburg (born Oct. 5, 1858), and has issue— Alexander Albert, born Nov. 23, 1886; Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena, born Oct. 24, 1887, and Leopold Arthur Louis, bom May 21, 1889, and Maurice Victor Donald, born Oct. 3, 1891. Royal Princes and Princessea, George William Frederick Charles, vSecond Duke of Cambridge, Field- Marshal, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, born March 26, 1819. Augusta Caroline, born July 19, 1822 ; married June 28, 1843, Frederick, <1 ! ■J ■I'i I ' iili Ml. 1,1 1 ' .,.. i: C. E. BRACKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. ,1 ^ '. ?'] f r 76 The Royal Family— Advertisement. THE ST. JOHH BUSmESS OOLLEOE IND SHORT-HAND DfSTITnTB Grnnd Dukeof Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and has issae— Adolphus Frederick, borw July 22, 1848 ; married, nnd has issue. lilABY Adelaide, born Nov. 27, 1833 ; married June 12, 1866, Francis, Duke of Teck (born Aug, 27, 1837), nnd has issue — Victoria Ma\ , born May 26, 1867, married July 6, 1893, to H. R. II. the Duke of York; Adolphus, born 18th August 1868; Francis, born Jan. 9, 1870; and Alexander (ieorge, born April 14, 1874. H. R. H. Ernest Augustus George, Third Duke of Cumberland, bom Sept. 21, 1845; married Dec. 21, 1878, to Princess Thyra of Denmark; and has issue— Marie Louisa, born Oct. 12, 1879 ; George William, born Oct. 28, 1880; Alexandra, born Sept. 29, 1882; Olga, born July 11, 1884; Christian, born July 4, 1885 ; and Ernest A., born Nov. 17, 1887. His sisters — FrkderiCA, born Jan. 9, 1848 ; married April 24. 1880, Freiherr von Pawel-Uammingeu (issue — Victoria, born March 7, died March 27, 1881); and Maky Ernestine, born Dec. 3, 1849. Her Majeifty'a Near Relatives. Niece and Nephews, by half-siHter, daughter of her late mother the Duchess of Kent, by her first husband, Emich Charles, Prince of Leiningen — 1. Charles Louis, I'-tu October 25, 1829; married morganatically. In the Wurtemburg army, 2. Herman Ernest, Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg, born August 31, 1832 ; Lieut.-General in the Prussian service ; married, and has issue. 3. Adelaide V^ictoire, born July 20, 1835; married Sept. 11, 1856, Prince Frederick of Schleswig-Holslein (died Jar 14, 1880), and has issue. Nephews, by hr.lf-brother, son of the late Dut -ss of Kent — Ernest Leopold, Prince of Leiningen, Admiral R. N , born Nov. 9, 1830 ; married Sept. 11, 1858, Princess Maria of Baden, and has issue ; Edward Frederic, born Jan. 5, 1833, Captain Royal Imperial Guard of Austria. r )t 1 ' . III , ■•th ROYAL HOTEL 41 1 43 KING STREET. North Side. ST.JOHN, N. B. RAYMOND & DOHERTY, Proprietors. DTEIHO AND CLEAHIHQ WEAKIHa AFPABEL, The British Ministry. 77 HAS HO SUPERIOR AMONG OANADIAN BUSOfESS 00LLEOE8. THE BRITISH MINISTRY. The Cabinet. Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary— Marquis of Salisbury. Lord High Chancellor — Lord Ilalsbury. Lord President of Council — Viscount Cranbrook. Lord Privy Seal — Earl Cadogan. Chancellor of the Exchequer — G. J. Goshen. Secretary of State, Home 'epartinent— Henry Matthews, Q.C. Colonial Department — Lord Knutsford, War Department — Hon, E. Stanhope. India Department — Viscount Cross. First Lord of the Admiralty — LordG. F. Hamilton. Treasury— W. H. Smith. Lord Chancellor of Ireland — Lord Ashbourne. Chief Secretary for Ireland — A. J. Balfour. President Board of Trade— Sir M. E. Hicks-Beach, Bt. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster — Duke of Rutland. President of the Local Gov't Board (without office) — Charles T. Ritchie. Not iu the Cabinet. Postmaster General — H. C. Raikes. Vice-President of the Committee of Council— Sir W. Hart-Dyke. Works and Public Buildings — Hon. D. R. Plunkett. Junior Lords of the Treasury— Hon. 8. Herbert, Colonel W. H. Walrond, Sir H. E. Maxwell. Financial Secretary to the Treasury — W. L. Jackson. Political Secretary to the Treasury — A. Akers- Douglas. Paymaster-General — Earl Brownlow. Judge Advocate-General — W. T. Marriott. Lords of the Admiralty— Admiral Sir A. W. A. Hook, Vice-Admiral Sir A. H. Hoskins, Rear-Admiral J. 0. Hopkins, Rear- Admiral C. F. Wot- ham, Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett Secretary to the Admiralty — A. B. Forwood. POLITICAL 8ECBETARIES. Home Office— C. B. Stuart- Wortley. Foreign Office— Sir James Ferguson Colonial Office— Earl Onslow. India Office- Sir John Gorst. War Office— Lord Harris. Board of Trade— Earl Brownlow. Local Government Board — W. H. Long. Surveyor-General of Ordnance — Hon. Sir Staffiird Northcote. Financial Secretary to War Office— Hon. W. St. J. F. Brodrick. Attorney-General— Sir R. E. Webster. Solicitor-General— Sir Ed. Clarke. Scotland. Sec'y and Keeper of Seal— Marquis of Lothian. Lord Justice General— Rt. Hon. John Inglis. Lord Advocate— Rt. Hon. .1. P. B. Robertson. Lord Justice Clerk— Lord Kingsburgh. Lord Clerk Register— Earl of (ilasgow. Solicitor-General— M. T. 8. Darling. Ireland. Lord-Lieutenant— Marquis of Tetland. Chief Secretary- A. J. Balfour. Under-St'c'y— Lt.-Col. Sir J. W. Ridgway. Lord Chancellor— Lord Ashbourne. Attorney-General— Peter O'Brien. Solicitor-General— D. H. Madden, Q.C. G. E. BRAGKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JQHN, N. B. 78 Dominion of Canada. THE ST. JOHH BU8I1IB88 OOLLEGE AND SHOST-HAIID OfSTITUTE DOMINIO N OF CA NADA. GovERNon-liENEBAL— His Kxcellenov the Right Honorable Sir John Camphell HAMiLTON-CionDON, Earl of Aberdeen, etc. Arthur J L fiordon, Esq, C M G, Secretary to Governor-General. Cart B C Urquhart and Capt C P W KincferHJey, Aides-de-Camp. Robert Munro Ferguson, Esq, and David Erakine, Esq, extra Aides-de-Camp. LIEUTENA.^T GOVERNORS. Ontario— His Honor the Hon. George Airey Kirkpatrick, P C, LL D, Q C. Quebec — His Honor the Hon Joseph Adolphe Chupieau, PC, LL D, QC. Nova Scotiii — His Honor the Hon Malachy liowes Daly, QC. New Brunswick — His Honor the Hon John James Fraser, QC. Prince Edward Island — His Honor the Hon George W. Howlan. Manitoba— His Jlonor the Hon John Christian Schultz, M D, F B 8 C. British Columbia— His Honor the Hon ftklgar Dewdney, P C, C E. Northwest Territories — His Honor the Hon Charles H Mackintosh. CABINET MINISTERS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. [According to Precedence.) .Hon Sir John Sparrow David Thompson, K C M G, Q C, LL D. Prime Minister and Minister of Justice. Hon Mackenzie Bowel 1, Minister of Tm; w „^ O" mmerce— William Grannis Parmelee. deputy Minister of Justice — Eiimund Leslie Newcombe, QC. High Commissioner for Canada in London — Hon Sir Cliarles Tupper. Bart, CB. GCMG. Secretary Canadian Government Offices in London — Joseph G Colmer. Assistant Secretary and Accountant— A W Reynolds. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT '.GENTS IN UNITED KINGDOM. Liverpool — John Dyke, 15 Water street. Glasgow — Thomas Grahame, 40 St Enoch Square. Belfast — H Merrick, 35 Victoria Place. Dublin — Thomas Connolly, Northumberland House. Bristol — J W Down, Bath Bridge. MEMBER." OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL NOT NOW HOLDING OFFICE. Hon William MacDougall, C B; Hon William P Howland, C B; Hon Peter Mitchell; Hon James McDonald; Hon LJ K Masson ; Hon Louis J Baby, QC; Hon Theodore Robitaille, M D; Hon Hugh McDonald; Hon Donald A McDonald ; Hon Telesphore Founiier ; Hon James Cox Aikens ; Hon David Laird; Hon William B Vail; Hon Sir Richard J Cartwright; Hon C A Pelletier; Hon David Mills : Plon Riohard W Scott ; Hon Edward Blake, Q C; Hon Wilfred Laurier; Hon Alfred G Jones; Hon SirS L Tilley, C B, K C M G ; Hon G A Kirkpalrick ; Sir David L Macpherson ; Hon C Colbv ; Hon Sir Hector L Lanjjevin, K C M G, (; B, M P ; Hon Sir Charles Tupper, Bart, C B, G C M G, D C L; Hon W Ross; Hon Joseph Adolphe Chai.leau, LL D, Q C ; Hon E Dewdnev. C E ; Hon William Miller, Q C, Senator ; Hon George William Allan, DC L, F R G S, F Z C, Senator. Supremo Court of Canada. The Supreme Court, for the purpose of hearing and determining Appeals, holds three sessions annually at the city of Ottawa, conunencing third Tuesday in Fi'liruary, first Tuesday in May, and first Tuesday in October. (iiief Justice — Sir Samuel Henry Strong, Kt. Jiitlges — Hon Telesphore Fournier, Hon Henri ElzearTiischereau, Hon John [Wellington G Wynne, Hon Robert Sedgwick, Hon George E King. Kcgistrar— Robert Cassels, Q C. Reporter— George Duval, Q C. Exchequer Court. Judge— Hon Geo W Burbidge ; Registrar, L A Audette. AVi' lirunmick Admiralty DiMrid. — Judge, Hon WH Tuck ; Deputy Judge, ;Hon B Lester Peters; Registrar, Robert O Stockton. Board of Exaniiuers for Civil Service. John Thorburn, A D DeCelles, Peter LeSeur. h'l I :■ i 0. E. BRAOKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. 80 Advertisements. THE ST. JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SHORT-HAND INSTITUTE E. & R. McLEOD & EWING, Barristerg, Notaries Public, Etc. RITCHIE'S BUILDING, E. McLEOD, Q. C. F:. McLEOD. W. A. EWINO. illAUI.KS W. WKLIM», l>. f. L., »-land, A R Dickey Digby, E C Bowers Ciuvsboro, D C Fraser Halifax. I TlK""?«E Kenny I John p Stairs Hants, Alfred Putnam Inverness, Dr Cameron Kings, Dr F M Borden Lunenburg, C E Kaulbach Queens, F G Forbes Richmond, J A Gillies Shelburne. K White Victoria, John A McDonald Yarmouth, T B Flint Province of Manitoba. Provencer, A C Lariviere Winnipeg, Joseph Martin Lisgar, A W Ross Selkirk, Hon Thomas M Daly Marquette, N Boyd Province of British Columbia. Cariboo, Frank Barnard New Westminster, G E Corbould Vancouver, J Has'lr.m ! Yale, John A Mara Northwest Territories. East Assiniboia, W V/ McDonald | West Assiniboia, N F Davin Saskatchewan, I) h. Macdowall | Alberta, D W Davis GENT'S CLOiliINO DYED Wn^0!IT BEINO TAKEN APART, Vio.oria{Th--E»rfe Quebec — Ontario — Nova Scotia. 85 IS BEST ADVERTISED BT THE SUGOBSS OF ITS GRADUATES. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Lieutenant-Governor, the lion J A Chapleau, Q C, LL D. Major H C Sheppard, ADC; Alex Clement, Private Secretary. Executive Council. Hon L G Taillon, President of the Council and Premier; Hon Thomas Chase Casgrain, Attorney General ; Hon Louis lieaubien, Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization ; Hon John S Hall, Provincial Treasurer; Hon E J Flynn, Commissioner of Crown I^ands ; Hon G A Nantel, Commissioner of Public Works; Hon Louis P Pelletier, Provincial Secretary ; Plon Thomas Chapais, member of the Government without portfolio. ONTARIO. Lieutenant-Governor, the Hon George A Kirkpatriok. Executive Council. Hon Sir Oliver Mowat, Q C, Premier and Attorney -General ; Hon A S Hardy, Commissioner of Crown Lands ; Hon W Harty, Commissioner of Public Works; Hon J M Gibson, Secretary and Provincial Registrar; Hon R Har- coiirt. Provincial Treasurer ; Hon George W Ross, Minister of Education ; Hon John Drydcii, Minister of Agriculture and Registrar General ; Hon E II Bronson (without portfolio). J R Cartwright, Clerk Executive Council ; J L Capreol, Assistant Clerk ; Cliarles Clarke, Clerk of the House and Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. DEPUTY HEADS OF DEPAKTMKNTS. J R Cartwright, Deputy Attorney-General ; Aubrey White, Asst Commis- sioner Crown Lands ; Wm Edwards, Secretary Public Works; G E Lumsden, Afst Secretary ; , Aest Treasurer ; J Millar, Deputy Minister of Bxliication ; C C James, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture ; R Christie and Dr Chfimberlain, Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities ; J F C Usher, Deputy Registrar; J Dickey, Inspector Division Courts; Col R B Hamilton, Inspector Vital Statistics ; P H Bryce, M D, Secretary Board of Health ; J H Hunter, M A, Inspector of Insurance ; D Spence, Secretary Immigration Department; C H Sproule, Provincial Auditor; A Blue, Director of Mines. NOVA SCOTIA. Lieutenant-Governor, His Honor M B Daly, Private Secretary and Provincial A D C— Lieut-Col IT W Clerke. Provincial Aides-deCamp — Major J Menger, Lieut J D Ritchie. Executive Oouiicil. Hon W 8 Fielding, Premier, Provincial Secretary and Treasurer; Hon C E Church, Commissioner of Public Works and Mines ; Hon J Wilberforce Longlcy, Attorney-General ; Hon Thos Joliniion, Hon C F Mclsaac, Hon G H Murray. Clerk of Executive Council, H ("rosskill. A H MacKay, Superintendent of Eilucation ; George Lawson, Ph D, LLD, Secretary for Agriculture ; Martin Murphy, D S, C E. Provincial Engineer. G. E. BRACKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. 86 P. E. Island — Manitoba — British Columbia. .1 THE 8T. JOHN BU8I1IE88 OOLLEOB AHD SHORT-HAND IN8TITUTB DBPUTY HEADS OF DEPARTMXNT8. Herbert Crosskill, Deputy Provincial Secretary ; Wm K Reynolds, Cashier 5 James H Austin, Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands ; EJdwin Qilpin, jr, A M, M M Inst M £, Deputy Commissiouer of Public Works and Mines and Inspector of Mines. PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. LieMtenant-Governor, the Hon George W Howlan. Private Secretary — Vivian Doran. Provincial Aide-de-Carap— Lieut-Col F 8 Moore. Executive Council. Hon Frederick Peters, President and Attorney-General ; Hon Angus Mc- Millan, Provincial Secretary and Treasurer and Commissioner of Crown Lands ; Hon James R McLean, Commissioner of Public Works. Hon Alex Laird, Hon Donald Forbes, Hon James Richards, Hon D Farquharson and Hon Peter Sinclair. Arthur Newberry, Clerk Executive Council. Donald J McLeod, Chief Superintendent Education. Benjamin Balderston, Provincial Auditor. MANITOBA. Lieutenant-Governor, the Hon John Christian Schultz. Executive Council. Hon Thos Greenwav, Premier, President of Council, Minister of Agriculture and Immigration, antf Railway Commissioner ; Hon D H McMillan, Provin- cial Treasurer ; Hon Cliflbrd Sifton, Attorney Genei al and Land Commissioner ; Hon Robert Watson, Minister Public Works ; Hon J D Cameron, Provincial Srcretary and Municipal Commissioner ; Ch Graburn, Clerk Executive Council ; Wm John Ptolemy, Chief Clerk Treasury Department ; J W Sifton, Chief Clerk Public Works Department; Hugh McKellar, Chief Clerk Department Agriculture and Immigration ; David Philip, Chief Clerk Provincial Secretary's Department, and Queen's Printer; H A McLean, Chief Clerk Attorney Gen- eral's Department; EA Blakely, Chief Clerk Education Department; EG Conklin, Clerk Legislative Assembly; Geo Black, Auditor; J Macdougall, Sergeant-at-Arms ; J P Robertson, Librarian. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Lieutenant-Governor, the Hon Edgar Dewdney. Private Secretary, E A Jacob. Executive Council. Hon Theo Davie, Q C, Premier, and Attorney General; Col Hon James Baker, Provincial Secretary, Minister of Mines,* and Minister of Educati* n and Immigration ; Hon Charles E Pooley, Q C, President of the Executive SUITS CLEANED OR DTED AT SHORT NOTICE, Northwest Territories. 87 Bm been the Hmuii of Helping Hnndredi of Tonog Hen and Women. €onncil; Hon F G Vernon, Chief Coniniiaeioner of Lands and Works; Hon John H Turner, Minister of Finance and Agriculture. Clerk of the Executive Council— Hon Theo Davie, Q C. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Seat of Government — Regina. Lieutenant-Governor, Hon Charles Herbert Mackintosh. Clerk of Legislative Assembly and Secretary — R B Gordon. Executive Committee— Frederick William Gordon Haultain, Jno Byerson Netf, Thomas Tweed, Hillyard Mitchell. Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs and Indian Commissioner — Hayter Reed. .Assistant Indian Commissioner — A E Forget. SENATORS. Hon J A Lougheed, Calgary ; W D Perley, Wohieley. M£MBEKS IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. Assiniboia, Ea^t — W W McDonald, Fleming. Assiniboia, West — Nicholas Flood Davin, Riegina. Alberta— D W Davis, Maeleod. Saskatchewan— D H McDowall, Prince Albert. Legislative Assembly. Banff, R G Brett ; Batoche, C E Boucher ; Battleford, Jas Clinkskill ; Calgary, John Lineham, H PtQCayley; Cannington, Samuel S Page; CHmberlaBd, John F Betts ; Edmonton, Frank Oliver ; Kinistino, Wm h Meyers ; Leth- bridge, Chas A McGrath ; McLeod, F W G Haul tain ; Medicine Hat, Thos Tweed; Mitchell, Hillyard Mitchell; Moosejaw, James H Ross ; Moosomin, John R Neff ; Prince Albert, Thomas McKay; Qu'Appelle, S, Geo S David- son ; Qu'Appelle, N, Wm Sutherland ; Red Ueer, F E Wilkins ; Regina, N, David F Jelly ; Regina, S, Daniel Mowat ; St Albert, Antonio Prince ; Souris, Geo H Knowling ; Wallace, Frederick Robert Insinger ; Whitewood, Joseph Clementson; Wolseley, James P Dill. COUNCIL OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. The members of the Executive Committee and the following appointed members : Rt Rev Bishop of Saskatchewan and Calgary ; A E Forget, Regina ; Rev Father Caron, Regina; A H Smith, B A, Moosomin. Superintendent of Education — D J Coggan, M A, Regina. Secretary — Jas Brown, Regina. NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE. Commissioner— L W Herchmer, Regina. Assistant Commissioner — J H Mclllree, Regina. Adjutant (Acting)— Inspector Cortlandt Starnes, Regina. Paymaster (Acting) — Inspector M Baker, Regina. Quartermaster (Acting) — Inspector M Baker, Regina. C. E. BRACKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. 88 Advertisement. K \ I) <'" II < .'I /■'.'' THE IT. JOHN BU8I1IES8 OOLLEOB AND 8H0RT-HAIID UI8TITUTB Harper's Magazine. The best literary talent, the greatest variety of Reading, and the best Family Magazine. Published Monthly. $4 per Year. Harper's Weekly. Illustrated by the best Artists. Its serial Novels are the best published. All new topics most ably presented. Published Weekly. Price $4 per Year. Harper' Bazar. Pre-eminently a Ladies' Journal. The most recent fashions in Dress and Household Adorn- ment, with admirable Illustrations and Instructions, Bright Sketches and Stories, etc. Published Weekly. Price $4 per Year. Harper's Young People. No family should be without this bright, in- structive, and most attractive Magazine for the younger members of the family. •* The perfection of a Children's Paper." Subscriptions received (and periodicals sent direct from the Publishers) by J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N. B., Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers^ Printers, Etc, CLOTHING SENT BT HAIL OR EXPRESS RECEIVES PROMPT ATTENTION, New Brunswick. 89 OmOULARS SENT TO ANT ADDRESS. KERR k PRINOLE. ST. JOHIf, N. B. PKOVINCE OF NEW BKUNSVVICK. Lieuteniuit-Govcrnor, the Hon John JumcH Frwter. Aide-de-Ciimp — Major Oordon, ISC. Extra Aides-Ue-Caajp -Lieiit-Col Armstrong, N B Artill«ry ; Captain Ilonrjr Montgomery Campbell. Executive Council. Hon Andrew G Blair, Leader and Attorney-' ieneral ; Hon Jame» Mitchell^ Provincial iSecretary ; Hon Lemnel J Tweedie, Survoyor-ljeneral ; Hon Henry R Einmeraon, Chief (Jommissioner Board of Works; Hon Albert T Dunn, Hon Charles H Labillois, Members of Coimcil. F A H Straton, Clerk. Agent General for New Brnnswick in Great Britain, Hon J I FellowB. House of Assembly. County of Albert— Wm J Lewis, M D; Hon H R Emmerson. County of Carleton — Allan Dibblee. County of Charlotte — Hon Jas Mitchell, Jus Russell, Jas O'Brien, George K Hill. ^ County of Gloucester— John Sivewright. County of Kent — James D Phinney, John H Gog^ain. County of Kings — Albert S VV^hite, G H Flewelling, George G Scovil. County of Madawaska— Levite Therianlt. County of Northumberland — John P Buruhill, James Robinson, Hon L J Tweedie, John O'Brien. County of Queens — Hon A G Blair, L P Farris. County of Restigouche — Hon Charles H Labillois, A 8 Mott. City of St John— Silas Alward, A C Smith, Wra Shaw, A A Stockton. County of St John — Albert T Dunn, John McLeo» (1st) When the title to land is brought in question ; or (2) In which the validity of any devise, bequest, or limitation is disputed. Subject to the above exceptions, the County Courts have, by Act 45 Vic, cap9, jurisdiction, and may hold pleas in all personal actions of debt, covenant and assumpsit, when the debt or damages do not exceed the sum of 1400 ; and in all actions of tort, when the damages claimed do not exceed the sum of $200 ; and in actions on bonds given to a Sheriff or' otherwise in any case in a County Court, whatever may be the penalty or amount sought to be recovered. The Act 45 Vic, cap 9, would seem to give the County Courts jurisdiction in same classes of cases which were excepted from its jurisdiction by the Con- solidated Statutes, cap 51, sec 7. Sittings of the County Court. The Courts hold Terms every year in each County, which Terms commence as follows : Albert County— On the fourth Tuesday in June, and on the fourth Tuesday in October. Carleton County — On the second Tuesday in March, .July and December. Charlotte County— On the second Tuesday in June, and the fourth Tuesday in February and October. Gloucester County— On the third Tuesday in March, and second Tuesday in July, and the first Tuesday in November. Kent County— On the third Tuesday in January, the last Tuesday in April, the first Tuesday in July, and fourth Tuesday in October. Kings County— On the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. Madawaska County— On the fourth Wednesday in March, the Tuesday after the fourth Wednesday in June, and the Tuesday after the third Wednesday in November. Northumberland County— On the fourth Tuesday in January, the first Tues- day in April, the fourth Tuesday in July, and the third Tuesday in October, Queens County— On the first Tuesday in June, and on the fourth Tuesday in October. Restigouche County— On the fourth Tuesday in March, the third Tuesday in July, and the second Tuesday in November. St John County— On the fourth Tuesday ia January, April, July and October. DYEING AND CLEANING WEARING APPAREL, New Brunswick — Law — Advertisement. 93 BY THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, IN REGARD TO CLEA N UNEN. Sunbury County — On the third Tuesday in January and June, and on the Wednesday next after the second Tuesday in October. Victoria County— On the Tuesday after the fourth Wednesday in March, the fourth Wednesday in June, and the third Wednesday in November ; aud on the first Tuesday in December, for return of executions only. Westmorland County— On the first Tuesday in March and June, the second Tuesday in September, and the fourth Tuesday in November ; the September Term only for return ol" executions. York County — On t}ie second Tuesday in January, third Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in .June and October. Judges and Clerks of County Courts, JUDGES. COUNTIES. APPOINTED. James G. Stevens,... Charlotte, Carleton, Victoria, and Ma- dawaska, 10th June. 1867. James Steadman,.... William Wilkinson, York, Sunbury and Queen's, Northumberland, Gloucester and Res- tigouche, 10th June, 1881. 8th July, 1882. Oct., 1893. Wm. Wedderburn,... King's and Albert, W. W. Wells Westmorland and Kent, B. Lester Peters Saint John,. 26th Aug., 1891. COUNTIES. CLERKS. APPOINTED. Carleton Josenh H. Dickson 9th Sept., 1889. 10th June. 1867. William M. Connell, Charlotte James G. Stevens, Jr., 14th March, 1867. Gloucester T. DesBrisay 10th June, 1867. Kent, Henrv A. Forster 13th Aug., 1867. 13th Sept., 1886. Kinsr's Ora P. King Madawaska, Northumberland .... Barry R. Plant Samuel Thomson 10th June, 1867. 26th June, 1885. Oueen's James R. Currv. fiestisrouche James S. Morse, 10th June, 1867. fiflint. .TnHn Mont. McDonald 1881. Sunbury ' ... Victoria. F. St. John Bliss W.Fred. Kertson 26th June, 1885. 12th Nov., 1886. • Westmorland William H. Chapman, Jer. II. Barrv 5th Nov., 1887. York 26th June, 1885. •*■"*'*■» ^WW. WUWV., J-V^WW. HINTING. Law Cases, Factums, Blanks. ^ ^ PROMPTNESS AND ACCURACY GUARANTEED. J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N. B. i:'H C. E. BRAGXETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. B'J \ f : " i. ' 94 Advertisements. IF TOU WANT GOOD LAUNDRT WORK. BEND TOU^ PACKAGES TO ESTJ^BLXSHEX) 1828, (J. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors), MANUFACTURERS OF: Bar Iron, Iron and Steel Nail Plate , Ship Knees, Street and Mine Rail s, Car Axles, Shafting # Hammered Shapes ST. CrOHIItT, IN". B. S.R. FOSTER & SON, -MANUFACTURERS OF- STEEXj JL.l>nD IE.OIT onr^' m^kEmmm — AND- \\\l Wt \l '■' Wire Nails, Spikes, Tacks, BRADS, SHOE NAILS, HUNGARIAN NAILS, ETC. SAINT JOHN, N. B. DYEING FEATHERS BLACK A SPECIALTT, / New Brunswick — Post Office. 95 THE AMERICAN LAUNDRY, CHARLOTTE STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Sir Adolphe P Caron, K C M G, Q C, Postm3=2m COMMISSION ON MONEY OKDERS. On Money Orders drawn by any Money Order Office in Canada on any other Money Order Office in the Dominion, is as follows: If not exceeding $ 4 2c Over S!40, not exceeding $ 60 30c Over $ 4, " " 10 00 i " 60, " 80 40c 10, '• " 20 10c ; " 80, " 100 50c " 20, " " 40 20c i No single Money Order, payable in the Dominion of Canada, can be issued for more than $100; but as many of $100 each may be given as the remitter requires. The other Countries and British Colonies upon which Money Orders are granted are distinguished by an Asterisk (*) in the Foreign Postage Table; the rates of commission in all cases being as follows : If not exceeding $10 10c Over $10, " 20 20c " 20, " 30 30o POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK. Business in connection with the opening of accounts, depositing and with- drawing money, will be attended to at Money Order Office, where information can be obtained. Bates of Postage. FIRST CLASS MATTER. Post Cards. — Dominion and United States, Ic; Great Britain and other Postal Union Countries, 2c. Reply Post Cards for use within the Dominion will be issued at 2 cents each. Canadian 1 cent Post Cards can be forwarded to the United Kingdom if a Ic Postage Stamp be affixed. Drop Letters. — City (including districts heretofore known as Carleton, Portland and Indiantown), 2c per ounce. Mail Letters. — From one place in Canada to another, and between Canada and Newfoundland, and Canada and the United States, 3c per ounce ; and between Canada and Great Britain, 5c per half ounce. InsuflBciency paid letters, from one place in Canada to another, on which at KID GLOVES DTED BLACK, Over ^30, not exceeding $40 40c " 40, " 50 50c New Brunswigk — Post Office. 97 IF NOT, GIVE IT A TRIAL, TOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THE RESULT. least a partial prepayment lias been made, are forwarded charged with double the deficient postage. Letters addressed to places in the United States must be prepaid one full rate (3 cents), otherwise they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Leg:al and Coiiunercinr Papers.— The postage on Legal and Commercial Papers for the United States, Great Britain, and all Foreign Postal Union Countries, where the letter rate does not exceed 5 cents per h oz, is 5 cents for the first 10 ounces or less, and one cent for each additional two ounces. For countries where the 10 cent per J oz letter rate rules, the charge is 5 cents for the first 4 ounces, and 2 cents for each additional 2 ounces. These papers, when posted for delivery in Canada, must be prepaid at Letter or Parcel Post rates; but Deeds and Insurance Policies are permitted to be sent at the rate of 1 cent per 2 ounces. SECOND CLASS MATTER. Canadian Newspapers, Etc.— Newspapers and Periodicals, printed and published in Canada, when issued not less frequently than once a month, and posted from the office of publication, or News Agency, to actual Subscribers or News Agents in Canada and in the United State*, resident elsewhere than at the place of publication, are free ; but all specimen copies, as well as all pub- lications issued less frequently than once a month, are required to be prepaid at the rate of 1 cent per lb or fraction of a ft). Local Newspapers and Periodicals, not exceeding one ounce in weight, are eligible for City delivery by Letter Carriers on the prepayment by stamp of J cent each ; when exceeding 1 oz, and less than 4 oz, prepayment by stamp of 1 cent will be necessary. THIRD CLASS MATTER. Transient Newspapers, Etc.— On all Transient Newspapers and Periodi- cals, addressed to places in Canada and United States, the postage rate is one cent per 4 ounces in weight, which must be prepaid bv postage stamp. Newspapers and Periodicals, published not less frequently than once a month, and weighing less than 1 ounce, may be posted singlv ; if prepaid by postage stamp, J cent each. Newspapers for the United Kingdom must be prepaid 1 cent for each 2 oz. Newspapers and Periodicals, published in the United Kingdom, and brought by mail to Canadian Booksellers or News Agents, may be re-mailed by such Booksellers or News Agents, at 1 cent per lb. Miscellaneous and Booli Pacliets.— The rate of postage upon all News- papers and Periodicals posted for destinations in Canada, not otherwise pro- vided for, and on Books, Pamphlets, Occasional Publications, Printed Circu- lars, Prices Current, Handbills, and other matter wholly in print, is 1 cent per 4 ounces or fraction thereof, to be prepaid by postage stamp or stamped post- band or wrapper ; but when posted for destination in the United States, Great Britain, Newfoundland, and all European Countries, the rate is 1 cent per 2 ounces. All communications produced by the Typewriter, or in such a form as to resemble typewriting, are liable to letter rate, if mailed singly ; but if mailed not less than 50 (all being exactly the same), at one time, they will be taken at 1 cent per 2 ounces, and they should be tied together when placed in Post Office. Circulars.— With one becoming liable to a higher rate of postage, may have awiiten date and signature and name of addressee repeated inside. Un- C. E. BRAOKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. I ! i 98 New Brunswick — Post Office. THE FINEST LAUNDRY WORK IN CANADA IS DONE AT THE "I ■: addressed CiroularH, Handbills, etc, for letter-box distribution only, may be prepaid J cent each by postage stamp. Upon all Book and Newsi»aper Manuscript, Printers' Proof Sheets (whether corrected or not). Circulars or Documents produced in simihir terms by means of the hectof,'raph, cyclostyle or electric pen. Maps, Prints. Drawings, En- gravings, Lithographs, Photographs, when not on glass or in cases containing glass; Sheet Music, whether printed or written, and all other miscellaneous matter transmissible by post not otherwise provided for, the rate of jiostage, when posted in open covers and addressed to places in Canada, the United States, Newfoundland, Great Britain, and any European countries, is 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, to be i)aid by postage stamji or stamped post-band or wrapper. School and College Examination Papers, distinctly marked as sucli. Assessment Rolls, Militia, Statute Labi»r and Municipal Re- turns, and Customs Manifests in open covers, are permitted to pass in Canada at the rate of 1 cent per 2 ounces. A book packet may contain a simple invoice of the contents. Blank forms and printed stationery may nass at the Ic per 2 oz rate. No package must exceed 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Limit of weight for Canada, Newfoundland, Great Britain or United States is 5 lbs ; for other Postal Union countries, 4 tbs. Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, Roots and Scions or Grafts can only be sent to the United States as 5th Class Matter ; w^hen posted for delivery in Canada, the postage is 1 cent per 4 oz, and the limit of weight 5 lbs. Cut flowers pass as oth Cliuss at 1 cent per oz. Patterns and Samples. — Bona fide Patterns and Samples of merchandise not exceecHng 24 ounces in weight, when posted in Canada for places wi'-hin Canada, must be prepaid by postage stamp at the rate of one cent per 4 ounces weight, properly labelled, and put up in such a manner as to admit of inspec- tion. Goods sent in execution of an order, however s uall the quantity may be, or articles sent by one private individual to another, not being actually trade patierns or samples, are not admissible as such. Patterns and Samples for the United States, 1 cent per 2 oz, the initial pre- payment being 2 cents. Limit of weight, 8 oz. Packets or Patterns of Samples, addressee to any place in Canada, can be registered on affixing thereto registration stamps of the value of 5 cents, in addition to postage stamps representing ordinary postage rate, provided such packets be presented for registration. The limit of weight to Great Britain is 5 pounds, and to Newfoundland and other Postal Union countries eight ounces — postage, 2 cents for the first 4 ounces, and 1 cent for every additional 2 ounces, except Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Egypt, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Hawaii, when the limit of weight is 12 oz. No article liable to Customs duty can be sent as a sample or pattern to a Postal Union country. FOURTH CLASS MATTER. Parcels. — Closed parcels for places in Canada n-ust be prepaid 6 cents per 4 oz. They must not exceed 5 lbs in weight nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth, and the sender's name should be written on the' lower left hand corner. They may be registered for a fee of 5 cents. ff FIFTH CLASS MATTER Comprises such articles of general merchandise as are not entitled to anv CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY AT A. T. PATERSON'S, MAIN STREET. New Brunswick — Post Office. 99 AMERICAN LAUNDRY, 98, 100 and ^2 CHARLOTTE STREET, ST. JOHN. lower rate of postage. Postage, 1 cent per oz or fraction of an ounce. Limit of weight, 5 Iba; si/e, 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Matter ilaiming to be 6th Class must be open to inspection, and ihere must be no correspondence enclosed. Packages of 5th Class matter may be sent to the United States for the same prepayment as is required within the Dominion, but the contents will be liable to Customs inspection and collection of duty in the United States. Sealed tins, containing fish, lobsters, vegetal)Ies, meats, etc, if put up in a solid manner and labelled in such a way as to fully indi- cate the nature of their contents, may be sent as oth Class matter within the Dominion, but no sealed matter can be forwarded to the United States under this head. Liquids, oils and fatty substances may be sent to places in Canada and the United States as 5th Class if ])ut up in accordance with the ruling referring to such articles in the Canada Postal Guide for 1889, page 15. Electrotype blocks are considered Fifth Class Mail matter. Parcel Post WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM, NEWFOUNDLAND. JAMAICA, BAKU ADOS, JAPAN,. AND CERTAIN OTHER COUNTRIES. Closed parcels may be sent to places in Newfoundland, Jamaica, the United Kingdom, Japan, Barbados, the Leeward Islands, and all other countries and colonies with which the United Kingdom maintains a Parcel Post. No cor- respondence must be enclosed. A Customs Declaration of the contents and value of each parcel must be filled up at the Post Office, or one of the branches, by the sender. Parcels for Newfoundland must be prepaid 15 cents per lb or fraction of a tb, and mnst not exceed 7 lbs in weight nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Parcels for Jamaica and Barbados must be prepaid 20 cents per lb or frac- tion of a ft), and must not exceed 7 ftjs in weight nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Parcels for the United Kingdom must be prepaid 20 cents per lb or fraction of a ft), and 16 cents for each additional pound, and must not exceed 11 tt)s in Aveight nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Parcels for Japan must be prepaid 25 cents per ft) or fraction of a lb, and must not exceed 5 lbs in weight nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Rejiristratiou. All classes of matter addressed to places in Canada, the United States, New- found land,, Great Britain, or anv Postal Union country, may be registered for a fee of 5 cents for each article in addition to the postage; and letters may be registered to most of the countries not included in the Union. Registered articles should be prepaid. Every article intended for registration must be handed in at the wicket, and a receipt obtained therefor ; on no account must it be dropped into a letter box. The registration fee should be paid by stamp. The sender of registered articles addressed to any Postal Union country may entitle himself to a certificate as to the disposal of said article by the Postmaster at the oflSce addressed, on prepayment of an additional fee of & cents. Registration stamps cannot be accepted in prepayment of postage. Re-Directed Letters. — Letters re-directed to places in Canada and the United States, without being taken out of the Pout Office, are not liable to any- additional postage. SPECTACLES and ETE-QLASSES AT A. T. PATERSON'S, MAIN STREET. ^ .: I \i if 100 New Brunswick — Post Office. HOTEL, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAO WORK LAUNDRIED M ■'; II! I'l '' ,'! -r ,■: Letters Rent to or received from a country of the Postal Union, and after- wards re-directed to any place in Canada, or to a ortniit. — A letter once posted becomes the property of the person to whon> it is addressed, and must be forwarded according to its direction. On no application, however urgent, can it be delivered back to the writer, jr to any other person. To enclose writing, intended to serve the purposes of a letter, in a newsppera packet or in a parcel, is an offence punishable by a fine of from $10 to $40. Sale of Postage Stamps. — Any person, other than a Postmaster, who •engages in the sale of Postage Stamps or Stamped Envelopes, without being dd by such deliveries. Letters not bearing the name and number of street, addressed t parties whose address may be known to the Carriers, will be delivered by them, l.t is always best, however, to have name of street and number of house supplied. W. H. THORNS & GO. ^WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.] ^ 42, 44 and 46 Prince Wm. Street, ST. J-QHIIT, ItT. B. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry liEPAIREO at A. T. PATERSON'S, Main Street. r 102 New Brunswick — Post Office. SPECIAL RATES ARE GIVEN FtR FAMILT WASHIlfG AT ii" I' Foreign Postagre Table. Countries not included in the Postal Union are printed in Italics. *& Aden (in Arabia) India Postal Agency. c Africa, West Coast, Native Possessions . *a Algeria a Argentine Republic a Australia ^a " via Brindisi " West, via Brindisi only *a Austria-Hungary *a Baliamas Bechuanaland .., *a Belgium *a Bermuda ' Borneo, North (British) ..... Brazil *a Cape Colony *a Ceylon a Chili China *a Hong-Kong and agencies of Hong-Kong, P.O. at Amoy, Canton, Foo-chow, Hankow, Hoihow, N i ngpo, Shanghai and Swatow a Colombia * Panama (British Postal Agency) *a Cyprus *a Denmark * East Indies (Dutch), etc *. a Java , *a Egypt , * Falkland Islands Faroe Islands a Fiji Islands *a France * Gambia *a Germany *a Gibraltar * Gold Coast *a Great Britain and Ireland b Greece *a Guadur (in Beloochistcn) *a Guiana, British " Dutch and French Honduras * " British (Belize) * Iceland •a India, British *a Italy *a Japan * Lagos a Luxembourg.., , c Madagascar *a Malta. *a Mauritius a Mexico *a Muscat (in Arabia) India Postal Agency *a Natal *a Netherlands Si O 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 {; 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 • 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 o 5 5 5 5 5 5 *» CO OB'S O hi Oh « 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 "2 2 2 2 2 2 o N o i) u 5 5 5 S 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5d 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 "5 n § 5 5d 5 ■•■ Money Orders may be had on these countries, a Parcels may be sent to these countries b Parcels may be sent to the principal places or ports in these countries, c Frepaymeut compulsory. d Only letters can be registered. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY AT A. I. PATERSON'S, MAIN STREET. New Brunswick — Post Office — Advertisement. 103 THE AMERICAN STEAM LAUMDRY, CHARLOTTE STREET, ST. JOHN, W. B. Foreign Postage Table.— Continued. Countries not included in the Postal Union are printed in Italics. S3 N o ^ 00 u V k « 9 Sol's o § ^ *a Newfoundland New Zealand •"a " via Brlndisi *a Norway Orange Free State Persia *a Bander, Aba8,Bu8hire, Jask and Linga (India Postal Agencies) Peru ■"b Portugal, including Azores and Madeira Islands Queensland (Australia) * '• vlaBrindisi *aRoumania Russia, including Finland * St. Helena Sandwich Islands ♦a Seychelles Islands *aSierr» Leone b Spain •a Straits Settlement (Singapore, etc) •a Sweden * Switzerland Tasmania *a " viaBrindisi Transvaal b Turkey, European and Asiatic *a Constantinople and Smyrna (British Postal agendas) *a Bagdad and Basrah (India Postal agencies) * United States of America Venezuela Victoria (Australia) *a " via Brindisi *a Zanzibar (India Postal agency) *a West India Isnlands (British and Danish) 5 5 6 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 G 5 5d 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5^ure is specially agreed on in writing, the weight equivalent to a bushel being as follows : Wheat, 60 lbs ; Indian corn, 56 lbs ; rye, 56 lbs ; peas, beans and clover seed, 60 lbs ; barley, timothy ^eed and buckwheat, 48 lbs ; malt, 36 lbs ; oats, 34 lbs ; flaxseed, 50 tbs ; hempseed, 44 lbs ; blue grass seed, 14 lbs ; castor beana, 40 lbs ; potatoes, turnips, carrots, JOB PRmmra artistioallt ezeoutbd at j. & a. mchiliiAN's. New Brunswick — Dominion Officers. 107 SHIRTS, COLLARS and CUFFS Lanndried Second to Hone in Canada.. parsnips, beets and onions, 60 lbs ; bituminous coal, 70 pounds. Power is also given to the Governor-in-Couneil to specify the weight of other articles equiv- alent to a bushel. Violations of the foregoing provisions subject the offender to a penalty not exceeding $25 for the first offence, and not exceeding |50 for each subsequent offence. ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS. 1. All apples packed in Canada for sale by the barrel shall be packed in good and strong barrels of seasoned wood, made as nearly cylindrical as may be ; the staves of such barrels shall be twenty-seven inches in length from croe to croe, with heads from sixteen and one-half to seventeen inches ic diameter; and such barrels shall be sufficiently hooped with a lining hoop within the chimes, the whole well sectlred by nails. 2. Every person who offers or exposes apples for sale by the barrel, other- wise than in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five cents for each barrel of apples so oflered or exposed for sale. Weigrht^ and Measures Inspection Service. Division of St John — J B Wilmot, Inspector ; E Cowan and George A Bois, Assistant Inspectors ; comprising the city of St John, Counties of St John, Charlotte, Queens, York, Sunbury, Carleton, Madawaska and Victoria. Division of Kings — W B Scovil, Inspector ; David Richard, Assistant In- spector ; comprising the Counties of Albert, Gloucester, Kent, Kings, North- umberland, Restigouche and \ Westmorland. IIS, SIAlill!, 11 i Book-Binding or Printing OF ANY KIND. PLEASE ORDER VERBALLY OR BY MAIL FROM J. & A. McMillan, Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, £to. 98 # 100 Srince ^m. (Street, §t. iohn, (g. §. McHUiAN'S BINDERT is the MOST COHPLETE in the Maritime Provliioes. If ,- < 108 Boards o* Health. THE AMBBICAN LAUMDRT, ST. JOHN, N. B.. IS FATRONISED 1 '■";"■■■' f' "'i^' :% : ly I. ■■ ^ . 1 ■ :. BOARDS OF HEALTH. Provincial Board of Health. William Bavard, M D, Chairman ; Hon Judge Steadman, Hon Jas Holly Geo E CouJthard, B A, M D ; Geo H Coburn, M D ; John Z Currie, B A, Sc B, M D ; John McMillan. Local Boards of Health. District No 1, Fredericton — Chairman, Geo H Coburn, M D; Secretary, Chas W Beckwith. District No 2, Marysville — Chairman, Isaac Clarence Sharp, M D. District No 3, Yofk Co (excluding the City of Fredericton and the Town of Marysville) — Ci airman, O E Morehouse, M D, Keswick. District No 4, St John — Chairman, James Reynolds ; Secretary, Thomas M Burns. District No 7. Moncton — Chairman, Edward 3 Chandler, M D ; Secretary ,^ C E Northrup. District No 8, Westmorland Co (excluding the Town of Moncton) — Chair- man, Donald D McDonald, Petitcodiac. District No 9, Woodstock — Chairman Newton R Colter, M D ; Secretary, C B Foster. District No 10, Carleton Co (excluding the Town of Wo jdstock) — Chairman,. Marcus C Atkinson, M D, Bristol ; Secretary, Joh« R Hagerman, M D. District No 11, St Stephen — Chairman, Frank 1 Blair, M D ; Secretary, J G Stevens, jr. District No 12, Milltown — Chairman, J M Deacon, M D. District No 13, Upper Mills — Chairman, Henry Hacker ; Secretary, C F Towers. District No 14, Graad Manan Island — Chairman, William A Fraser, Wood- ward's Cove ; Secretary, William A Fraser. District No 15 (excluding the Towis of St Stephen, Milltown, Upper Mills and Grand Maa&n Island)— Chairman, S T Gove, M D, St Andrews. District No 16, Victoria Co — Chairman, F N Welling, M D, Andover ; Secretary, G W Day. District No 17, Madawaska Co — Chairman, F A Guy, M D, F'mundston; Secretary, C G Main, M D, Edmundston. District No 18, Sunbury Co— Chairman, Geo R Camp, M D, Upper Sheffield ;. Secretary, A Stanley Clowes, Oromocto. District No 19, Queens Co — No board yet appointed. District No 20, Kings Co— Chairman, W H White, M D, Sussex. Distria No 21, Albert Co— Chairman, Silas Purdy, M D, Albert ; Secretary, F O Talbot, Alma. District No 22, Kent Co— Chairman, Thos J Bourque, M D, Richibucto. District 23, Northumberland Co— Chairman, James McGregor Baxter, M D, Chatham ; Secretary, Robert Nicholson, M D, Newcastle. District No 24, Gloucester Co— Chairman, Gideon Mitchell Duncan, M D, Bathurst ; Secretary, J C Meahan, M D, Bathurst. District No 25, Restigouche Co— Chairman, Wm Gray Disbrow, M D, Parish Dalhousie ; Secretary, H A Johnson, Dalhousie. ^ District No 26, Town of Campbellton— Chairman, V J A Venner, liTD; Secretary, Daniel Murray, M D. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. & A. HcMILLAN'S. Albert County — Census Eeturns. 109 BT THE MOST FASTIDIOnS, Df REQARD TO CLEAN UKBH. COUNTY OF ALBERT. Shiretown — Hopewell. Judge of the County Court — Hon Wm Wedderburn ; Jos Howe Dickson, Clerk. Commissioners Parish Courts — Hon A R McClellan and W O Wright, Hope- well ; W E Bishop and Geo Barnett, Hillsborough ; A W Leeman and Gilbert T Chapman, Coverdale ; Charles W Anderson and W H A Casey, Harvey; W J McKenzie and R Colpitis, Elgin ; David C Cleveland and T J O'Connor, Alma. High Sheriff— William Woodworth ; Samuel Stewart, Deputy Sheriff. Clerk of the Peace, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Circuits — Joseph Howe Dickson. Judge of Probate — W Alder Trueman ' Registrar of Probates — Joseph Howe Dickson. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Alex Rogers ; Deputy Registrar, Sara Rogers. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — Ephraim Leeman. Coroners — W J Lewis, M D, Silas Lynds, Wm A West, S C Murray, M D, Pringle Kelly, Wellington S Hopper, Joshua B Babkirk and Bliss A Marvin. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Hon A R Mc- Clellan, Hopewell ; James M Stevens and W C Anderson, Harvey ; J A M Colpitts, Elgin ; A W Leemar, Coverdale, and the Attorneys residing in the County. Commissioner for taking Special Bail, Supreme Court — Hon A R McClellan. Municipal Council — W A West and Levi Downey, Hopewell ; Jos«ph A Turner and E H Robinson, Harvey ; D D Luturck and Judson A Cleveland, Alma ; D A Mocre and T W Church, Elgin ; A W Leeman and SanfordRyan, Coverdale ; Wm F Taylor, Warden, and Peter Duffy, Hillsborough. Secretary-Treasurer — W O Wright. Revising Officer — Hon Wm Wedderburn ; A W Bray, Clerk. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — G T Chapman, Coverdale ; Joseph A Turner, Harvey ; John Garland, Elgin ; Wm Rommell, Alma ; Wra D Bennett, Hope- well Cape ; Rev M Gross, Surrey, Hillsborough. Collectors of Customs — Hillsborough, John Wallace ; Alma, David C Cleve- land ; Harvey, Gilbert Brewster ; Waterside, Sub-Collector, Chas W Anderson. Commissioners of Sewers, Hopewell — Valentine Smith, T Mark Pearson, Gideon Bray and John M Tingley. -Auctioneers — Samuel Stewart and Ezra P Hoar, Hopewell. County Court Terms —Third Tuesday in June, and fourth Tuesday in October. Circuit Court— Fourth Tuesday in June, and third Tuesday in January. Referees in Equity — W A Trueman and C A Peck. Labor Act Commissioners— R P Colpitts, Elgin ; J E McQuaid, Alma ; Patrick Duffy, Harvey; Wm E Dryden, Coverdale and Hillsboro. Game Warden — ■ • Board of Health— See page 108. - Census Returns, 1891. Alma 1,091 Harvey : 1,614 Coverdale » 1,387 Hillsborough , 2,677 Elgin 2,422 Hopewell 1,780 Total 10,971. i ; J. k A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. -:,i no Carleton County. IF TOU WANT GOOD LAUNDRY WORK. SEND ItmK PAOKAOES TO m. i% COUNTY OF CARLETON. Shiretown — Woodstock. Judge of the County Court — James G Stevens ; Wm M Connell, Clerk ; J C Hartley, Deputy Clerk. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts — Henry M Patterson, Woodctock Geo W Hovey, Northampton ; Ivory Kilburn, Richmond ; Jas Bridges, Peel Jas Good, Wakefield ; Chas B Upton, Simonds ; Jehn Barnett, Brighton Alex G Lindsay, Aberdeen ; , Wilmot ; David S Jones, Kent Mattheur Hutchinson, Wicklow. Clerk of the Circuits— J C Hartley. High Sheriff— Wilmot Balloch ; Deputy Sheriffs, Geo F Foster and John C Gibson. Clerk of the Peace — Wm M Connell. Jud^e of Probate— L P Fisher. Registrar of Probate — John C Winslow. Referee in Equity — S B Appleby. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — John S Leighton ; Deputy, J S Leighton, jr. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — W M Connell, Howard B White, G R Burt, Hugh Miller, Wentworth Winslow, W W Hay, Josiah R Murphy, Horace Dalling, E M Boyer, L N Fletcher, Henry Blakslee, B N Shaw, Charles M Donnelly, George Dixon, Wm Jenett, G W Craig, Stanford Dunn, Fred W Thomas, John Green. Notaries Public — Lewis P Fisher, Geo Connell, John C Winslow, Wm M Connell, LL B, S B Appleby, A B Connell, Williamson Fisher, LL B, J N W Winslow, J R Mui phy, D McLeod Vince, J C Hartley, D B Gallagher, Slason Carvill, Louis Young, Frank B Carvell and Charles Comben. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Lewis P Fisher, George Connell, John C Winslow, Wm M Connell, R K Jones, S B Appleby, A B Connell, Williamson Fisher, Josiah R Murphy, J N W Winslow, D McLeod Vince, Alex G Lindsay. H T Scholey, J C Hartley, D B Gallagher, Slason Carvill, Louis Young, Frank B Carvell and Charles Comben. Police Magistrate — W Dibblee. • Coroners — Geo Stickney, Geo West, Chas R Upton, Wm L Drier, John T Allan, Samuel Watts, Chas P Connell, M D, Theodore H Estey, Richard Port, Nehemiah Tompkins, Richard B Ketchum, Elijah M Shaw, John R Hager- man, M D, Colin King, W H Morehouse, Newton R Colter, M D, G L Cronkite, Wentworth Winslow, Henry Blakslee, LeBaron L Moore, James Keenan and Edwin A Welsh, M D. Game Warden — P Corbett, Johnville. Labor Act Commissioners — John A Shea, Northampton ; A W Estabrooks, Brighton ; A D Hartley, Peel ; C H Thomas, Aberdeen ; , Kent, Johnville ; Joseph Shaw, remainder Kent ; Joshua Hartley, Wicklow ; Isaac S Carvell, Simonds and Wilmot; Thomas Lindsav, Wakefield ; Thomas Watson, Woodstock ; A Kirkpatrick, Richmond. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands — Joseph Lee, Forreston ; John Clancy, Johnville. Crown Land Surveyor— A B Stone, Woodstock. Board of Health— See page 108. * ■cmLLArS BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND HOST DURABLE. Town of Woodstock — Charlotte County. iir THE AKERICAN LAUNDRY, CHARLOTTE STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B. County Council— 1894-05. Warden— P Corbett. , Secretary-Treasurer — Randolph K Jones, LL B. Auditor — Samuel Watts. CoundMora : Town of Woodstock — Donald Munro, John Fisher and W S Saunders. Parish of Woodstock — J Ed Slipp and James Forrest. , » " Parish of Wakefield— L R Harding and John A Lindsay. Parish of Richmond — James Watson and J S Merrithew. Parish of Northampton — D S Gibson and Jerry Bragdon. Parish of Brighton — Gideon Phillips and J F Richardson. Parish of Peel — A D Hartley and George Melville. Parish of Aberdeen — Wm Simpson and — - Crawford. Parish of Kent— E F Shaw and P Corbett. Parish of Wilmot— J F Williams and G H Corbett. , Parish of Wicklow — G L Cronkite .and Andrew Cahlwell. Parish of Simonds — L L Mooers and W N Raymond. Town of Woodstock. Mayor — Uriah Hanson. Councillors: Wellington Ward — John Connor and Samuel Watts. Kings Ward — J E Sutton and J R Murphy. Queens Ward — J S Leighton, jr, and W B Taylor. ^ Town at Large — Chas Churchill, A E Jones and John Fleming. Town Clerk— J C Hartley. Marshal, Town Surveyor and Inspector of Alms House — John C Gibson. Town Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes — Williamson Fisher. Superintendent of Waterworks and Electric Light — Donald Munroe. Superintendent of Streets — John C Gibson. Chief Engineer of Fire Department — F Herbert J Dibblee. > Postmaster — J C Winslow ; Assistant, H W Bourne. Collector of Customs — David F Merritl ; Clerk, Thomas Lynch ; Landing Waiter, George Robinson. School Trustees — L P Fisher, Chairman ; A B Connell, Secretary ; G W Vanwart, Treasurer; John McCormick, Hon H A Connell, James Watts, W S Saunders. R K Jones, Deputy Chairman. Census Returns, 1891. Aberdeen.... 1,326 Peel 1,318 Wicklow 2,241 Brighton 2,385 Richmond 1,85^ Wilmot 1,927 Kent 2,788 Simonds 756 Woodstock 1,767 Northampton 1,110 Wakefield 1,761 Woodstock Town..?.,290 Total 22,523. t , COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE. Shiretown — St. Andrtwa. * Judge of the County Court— James G Stevens ; James G Stevens, jr, Clerk.. Clerk of the Circuits— M N Cockburn. High SherifF— Robert A Stuart, St Andrews ; Deputy Sheriffs, Wm Robinson, St Stephen ; Robt Murray, St George ; Thos A Kendrick, St Andrews ; L Or Chase, St Andrews. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRIHTINa AT J. Ic A. MolULLAN'S. mi ,,'f ■I 112 Charlotte County. HAVE TOU TRIED THE AMERIOAH LAUMDRY, ST. JOHH, R. a? Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — F H Grimmer. Judge of Probates — M N Cockburn. Registrar — J M Stevens. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— G F Hibbard; Deputy Registrar, E B •Coakley. Commissioners for Parish Courts— John W Mann, St James; Dan'l Crilley, St Stej)lien; CEO Hntheway, St Andrews; John Dewar, St George; J B Mark, Dumbarton. Coroners— Samuel T Gove, M D ; Thomas C Justason, Thomas Dick, M D ; Hubert McLauglilan, M D; Laughlan Cameron, H P Reynolds, M D; J A Wade, M D ; H Gove, M D ; R K Ross, M D ; George Dibblee, M D ; J M Deacon, M D. CommiHsioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Abraham Young, Edmund Daggett, Thos Barry,WilHam A Eraser, Isaac Woodward McLaughlin, '(; E O Hatheway, and all Attorneys of the Supreme Court. Issuers of Marriage Licenseb- F H Grimmer, St Andrews; Chas Johnson, St George; Luke Byron, Campobello ; Cyrus Cheney, Grand Manan ; Henry E Hill, St Stephen; G K Wetmore, West Isles; Oscar Hanson, Lepreaux ; Samuel McKay, Pennfield; J A Moore, St David. Charlotte County Agricultural Society — James Mowatt, President; Thomas Hartf, Secretary-Treasurer ; Messrs. John McFarlane, George Mowatt, James McFarlane, ,Iohn Mowatt and J M Emery, Committee of Management. St Croix Agricultural Society — Judge Stevens, President ; J G Stevens, Jr, •Secretary; Hon James Mitchell, Treasurer. St Patrick Central Agricultiiral Society — Patrick McLaughlan, President ; Hugh Monohan, Secretary ; Hon James Mitchell, Treasurer. St George and Penntielll Agricultural Society — James E Lynott, President ; 8 C Irish, Secretary-Treasurer, Vendors of Law Stamps — George F Hibbard and J D Vroom. Game Warden— W F Todd, Milltown. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands — Andrew McClinton, Oak Hill ; Nehemiah Hastey, Baillie. Crown Lauds Surveyors — H M Balkham, Milltown ; Wm Gillespie and R H Lyle. Moore's Mills. Labor jict Commissioners — O Hanson, Samuel Stafford, Lepreaux ; Robt M Grab? m, Clarendon ; Samuel McKay, jr, Peniifield ; Hugh Ludgate, St George ; Thomas Steen, Dumbarton and St Patrick ; J Fitzmaurice, St David ; Andrew McClinton, St Stephen and St James. Board of Health— See page 108. Municipality of Charlotte. ; Warden — John S Maxwell. Secretary-Treasurer — F H Grimmer. Auditor— M N Cockburn. Councillors: St Andrews— J S Maloney and N T Bleakney. St Stephen (Parish)— John 8 Maxwell and Charles Cogan. St Stephen (Town)— John D Chipman. Milltown — John L Ray. Upper Mills . St George— A McGee and James McKay. St Patrick— H Dyer and J W Stevenson. Dumbarton— Neil McDermott and Stinson Perkins. J. h A. HoULLAH SUPPI.T WEDDDTO INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. Charlotte and Gloucester Counties. 113 IF HOT, QITB IT ATRIAL, YOU WILL BE PL EAS BD WITH THE HB80W. Pennfield — J W Mealey and George A Eld ridge, Lepreauz — Robert Mawhinnev and Thos Mulnerrln. Clarendon — R M Graham and A Nixon. St David — George F Beach and Robert Smith. St James — Dr Atkinson and Wm Forsyth. Duiferin — George Hannah and Woodbury McBean. Campobello — G R Batson and L P Simpson. West Isles — C A Lambert and C H Conley. Grand Manan— W E Tatton and P Russell. St Croix — James Russell and D Johnson. Census Returns, 1891. ^ Campobello 1,187 Clarendon.... 177 Dufferin 334 Dumbarton 807 Grand Manan 2,397 Lepreaux , 423 Milltown (Town) 2,146 Pennfield 1,032 St Andrews (Town and Parish)..l,778 Total 23,751. St Croix 674 St David 1,564 St George (Town and Parish)... 2,757 St James 2,266 St Patrick 921 St Stephen 708 St Stephen (Town) 2,680 Upper Mills (Town) 266 West isles (Deer Island) 1,644 COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. Shiretovon — Bathural. .^ Judge of the County Court — Wm Wilkinson. Commissioners for Parish Courts — Perry J Comeau, Beresford; John E O'Brien, Bathurst; Henry A Sormany, Theophile Goguen, Shippegan; Jos Sewell, John A Babin, Inkerman; Wm Archer, Oliver Kobicheau, Saumarez; N R Richey, New Bandon ; J G C Blackball, Ludger Le^ere, Caraquet. Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts— John J Harrington. High Sheriff— Onesseme Blanchard. Clerk of the Pe^oe and Keeper of the Rolls— John J Harrington. Judge of Probates — Narcisse A Landry. Registrar of Probates— J E O'Brien. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— Hon J P' McManus. Deputy— Cassie A McGinley. Stipendiary Magistrate— D G McLaughlin. Stipendiary Magistrate of Caraquet— James G C Blackball. Acting Collector of Customs— David Leahy. - ]'[[--::-:' Preventive Officer — Wm J Melanson. Collector at Caraquet— J G C Blackball ; at Shippegan, Henry A Sormany ; at Traeadie, M E Bourgeois; at New Bandon, Patrick J Foley. Secretary-Treasurer— John Sivewright. Auditor — John E Baldwin. Landing Waiter— David Leahy. Coroners— Josepb Sewell, William Ferguson, J G C Blackball, Gideon M Duncan, M D, Robert Rivers, John C Meahan, E Hutchison, H A Sormany and W P Bishop, M D. McHDiLAirS PEN DEPARTHENT CONTAINS GOODS FROH ALL MAKERS. ! i ■ i .: it 114 Gloucester and Kent Counties. THE FI1IE8T LAURDRT WORK IN OAHADA 18 DOHB AT THB y > V Is IBHUe^of Marriage LicenHes— ('Imrles Bohh. CoraraiHsioner for tuking examinations under 38 Vie — John E O'Brien. Vice-Consul for Sweden and Norway — John Sivewright. ComniiHHioners for taking Affidavits to be rend in the Supreme Court — Hon Robert Young, J as G C Blnekhall, John Young, John Kerr, Henry A Sormany, and tlie Barristers and Attorneys pruetieing in the County. Barristers, Notaries, etc., practising in tiie County — D G Maclauchlan, John J Harrington, Narcisse A Landry and George (iilbert, Bathurst. FisheryOfficers— JasHickson.Bathurst; Joseph Haciie, Caraquet ; Adolphe Hache, Shippegan ; Win Sweeney, Beresford ; Oliver Kobicheau, Saumarez. Crown Land Surveyor — James Buttimer, Hathurst. Labor Act Commissioners— Kras. Allan and John Clancy, Beresford ; Patrick J Foley, New Bandon, and part of Bathurst ; John L Legere, Caraquet ; H A Sormany, Shippegan; John A Ferguson, InkernKvu and Saumarex; Louis Arseneau, 8t Isidore ; Joseph A Porrier, Caraquet and Inkerman. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands — John L Legere, Caraquet ; Jerome Roy, Petit Roche ; Louis J Arseneau, St Isidore ; J D Brune, Miscou. Game Warden — Henry Bishop, Bathurst. Board of Health— See page 108. County Council, 1894-95. Councillora : Parish of Bathurst — Samuel Melanson and M Power. Parish of New Bandon — John J Riordan and Dominick Therinult. Parish of Beresford — Sydney DesBrisay and Hermenegelde G Porrier. Parish of Caraquet — Prosper E Poulin and Jcseph A Porrier. Parish of Inkerman— Edmund Sewell and Francis Duke. Parish of Shippegan — Joseph L Robicheau and Edward Chiasson. Parish of Saumarez — Prosper Savoy and Job n Young. Parish of St Isidore — Louis G Arseneau and Julien Mallais. Census Returns, 1891. Bathurst 4,818 New Bandon 2,457 Beresford 4,301 St Isidore 872 Caraquet 4,630 Saumarez 2,633 Inkerman 2,008 Shippegan 3,182 ToUl 24,901. t;: • S-ifV "'A m KENT COUNTY. Shiretown — Richibwto. Judge of the County Court — Hon W Wilberforce Wells. Clerk— Charles J Sayre. Clerk of tlio Circuits — Robert Hutchinson. Sheriff— Auguste Legere. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— R Hutchinson. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— Frederick S Sayre. Collector of Customs — Basil E Johnson. Tide Waiter — Hazen Russ. Judgtf.of Probate — Henry J James. Registrar of Probates— C Richardson. mOSSING HEATLT EZECUTED AT J. k A. HcHILLAll'S, ST. JOBN. i's r Kent County. 115 A MBMOiH LAUHDIY. M, 100 ani i02 OHAHLOTTK STREET, 8T. JOHM. Issuers of Marriage Lioenses— R HutchiuHon, Richibueto ; Benj S Bailey, Stetson Dunn, Harcourt; H M Forgiison, Kingston. County Treasurer — K B Forbes. County Secretary — (ieorge Mclnerney. County Auditor —Caleb Richardson. Inspector of Weights and Measures— Dosithe Richard. Postmaster — John C Vantour. Fishery Overseers — Frederick Hannay, Richibueto ; Peter L Richard, St Louis; K Hutchinson, Weldford ; Thomas Deprey, Dundas; John Beattie, sr, Kouchibouguac ; Oliver J O LeBlanc, St Marys. Inspector of Schools . Principal of Grammar School — Arthur Colpitts. Staff: Miss Caie, Miss McRoberts, Miss Chrystal. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court — Wra A Black. Referees in Equity — H H James, C Kichardson. Coroners — Isaac W Doherty, M I); Rutino A D'OUifiui, M D; W Johnson,. Daniien Bourgeois, T L Bourque, M I) ; W G King, M D ; CO LeBlanc, M D. Comii issioners of Parish Civil Courts — John Hutchinson, Wellington; Bernar Gorman, St Louis; James F Burns, Weldford ; B Bailey, Harcourt ; J R Li tie, Carleton ; J T Caie, Richibueto ; Louis Leger, Dundus. Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages — R Hutchinson. Inspector of License— John T Caie. Crier of the Court — Allan Hains. Warden of Municipality — L J Wathen. Game Warden — Henry Birche, Buctouche. Crown Land Surveyors — Robert Douglas, Buctouche ; John Stevenson, jr, Richibueto. Labor Act Commissioners- John Stevenson, Harcourt, Haskisson, Carleton,. St Louis, Richibueto, Weldford ; Robert Douglas, Wellington and Dundas ; Luke Johnson, St Marys ; F O Richard, Acadieville. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands — John Stevenson, Richibueto ; Andre J Arseneau, Harcourt ; Luke Johnson, St Pauls ; F O Richard, Acadie- ville. Board of Health — See page 108. Municipal Ooiiucillors. Acadieville — Francis Bo rdage, Syl vain Barrio. Carleton — Maxim Daigle, Thomas McMasters. , Dundas — Richard Porier, Simon Bourgeois. '' Harcourt — Leslie J Wathen, Thomas Atkinson. ^ Richibueto — David McAlmon, Reuban J Richard. St Louis — F M Richard, Basil J Johnson. St Marys— George Coates, Magloire A Girouard. St Paul — Joseph Bernard, Samuel D Bourgeois. Weldford— Robert Murphy, Alexander Murray. • Wellington — Jaddus Leger, Gilbert Richard. ^ Census Returns, 1891. Acadieville 1,105 Carleton 1,186 Dundas 3,294 Harcourt 1,309 Richibueto 3,988 Total St Louis St Marys St Pauls Weldford Wellington 23,858. .2,121 .2,392: .1,040' .3,562 .3,861 J. k i. HcHDOiLiN PUBLISH ARCHER'S SHORT HISTORY OF CANADA. if 116 Kings County. EHBOSSDfO NEATLT EUGUTED AT J. k A. HelOLLAirS, 8T. JOHH. fh[ COUNTY OF KINGS. Shiretotm — Hampton. Judge of the County Court — Wm Wedderburn ; Ora P King, Clerk. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts — George Inch, Greenwich ; John Mclntyre, Kars; John Woodward, Rothesay; J D M Keator, Hampton; Wm J Brittain, Springfield ; Wm Barnes, tfpham ; Weeden Fowler, Ham- mond ; a T Morton, Cardwell ; W L Corey, Havelock ; J A Fenwick, Stud- holm ; C Douglas Fairweather, Kingston. Stipendiary Magistrates — George H Wallace, Sussex; Thomas A Peters, Hampton ; D Beverly Hatfield, Norton ; Albert S Mace, Studholm. Clerk of the Circuits — Robert Morrison. High Sheriff— Samuel N Freeze. Deputy Sheriff r id Jailer — Jas W Sproul. Judge of Probate — Finnemoke E Morton. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — G L Taylor; Deputy, Maggie J Barnes. Registrar of Probates, Secretary-Treasurer and Clerk of the Peace— Georg« -O D Otty. Referees in Equity — R LeB Tweedie and A C Fairweather. Coroners— George Rix Price, Joshua Burnett, m d, Peter Brennan, J ames A Fenwick, D Beverly Hatfield, James A Moore, Peter Campbell, George F Johnson, M D, J H Ryan, m d, Joshua Oldfield, J N Smith, M d, G O Baxter, M D, H E Freeze, W Hatfield White, m d, and O N Price. Commissioners for taking AflSdavits and Bail in the Supreme Court — John •C Price, J W Nowlan, Philo M Ravmond, Nelson Arnold, J A S Keirstead, A S White, F E Morton, Ora P Kii'^g, R LeB Tweedie, Leonard Allison^ G W Fowler, F W Stockton, Robert Morrison, J Arthur Freeze, F E Fair- ^eatherj James P Byrne, W H Parlee and James M Mclntyre. Crown Land Surveyor— Nelson Arnold, Sussex. Labor Act Commissioners— O N Price, Havelock ; J A Fenwick, Studholm ; W H Henderson, Springfield ; John Mclntyre, Kars ; Wm Richards, Green- T»ich; Aaron Kimble, Kingston; James W Smith, Hampton; Wm Barnes, Upham ; James Hughson, Norton ; Jas Douglas, Hammond ; John Wallace, Sussex, Cardwell and Waterford ; George Crawford, Westfield. Vendors of Law Stamps— H J Fowler and S H White. Commissioner under Chapter 38 Consolidated Statutes, Insolvent Confined Debtorb H LeBert Tweedie, Issuers of Marriage Licenses— H J Fowler, Charles M Hunt, JAS Kier- «tead, Robert D Boal, Silas M Freeze, J R Merritt and George S Dryden. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths— Wm H Baxter. Notaries Public resident in the County— See Barristers and Attorneys. Game Warden— O R Arnold, Sussex.' County Council meets third Tuesday in January. Board of Health— See page 108. County Council. Warden— James A Moore. Cardwell— Gideon McLeod and Thomas Moore. Greenwich— W L Belyea and C H Graham. Hammond— Thomas A Kelly and R C Mc^'onagle. Hampton— S H Flewwelling and A J Sproul. Havelock— Thos Qcribner and John W Brown, Kars—George W Palmer and William Helms. JOB PRnmNG ARnsnOALLT EZEOUTED AT J. k A. MoMILLAI'S. i?" I Kings and Madawaska Counties, IIT HoMILLAirS PEN DEPARnENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Kingston — John Dann and S T Holder. Norton — Daniel Robertson and Gilbert W Titus. Rothesay — Wm Maynes and J S Keirstead. Springfield — G Crandall and J W Freeze. Studholm — Alfred I Keirstead and Wm D Fenwick. Sussex — James McCarthy and Fred L Fairweather. Upham — Henry G Fowler and James M Campbell. "Waterford — James A Moore and George H Myers. Westfield— F W C Nase and W H Lingley. Census Returns, 1891. Cardwell... 1,218 Greenwich 819 Hammond 768 Hampton 1,884 Haveloek 2,081 Kars 503 Kingston 1,811 Norton 1,606 Rothesay 1,053 Studholm 2,786 Total 23,094 Springfield 1,865> Sussex 3,205 Upham 1,145 Waterford 1,17^ Westfield 1,172 COUNTY OF MADAWASKA. Shirelown — Edmundston. Judge of County Court — James G Stevens ; Clerk, Barry R Plant. Parish Court Commissioners — Louis Peltier, St Francis ; J W Baker, St Hilaire ; Barry R Plant, Madawaska ; Docite Bosse, St Jacques ; Jas Smith, St Basil : Abram Perron, St Anne ; D O Burgoine, St Leonard. Commissioners for taking AflSdavits to be read in the Supreme Court — A Rainsford Balloch, Barry R Plant, Frederic Laforest, C A David Gagnon. High Sheriff— F J Rice ; Clerk of the Peace, A Rainsford Balloch. Judge of Probate — A Rainsford Balloch. ■ Clerk of Circuits — Barry R Plant. . Registrar of Probates — Hilaire Peltier. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Levite Theriault. Inspector of Schools — E O'Brien. County Secretary — C A David Gagnon. Commissioner for taking Special Bail — T Medley Richards. County Treasurer — Hilaire Peltier. County Auditor — C A David Gagnon. Coroners— John Lynch, S C Hudon, Edwin Akerly, Mathias Nadeau, B R Violet, Hilaire Peltier, H A Couillard, Florent Fournier. Commissioners to Solemnize Marriage — Edwin Akerly, Enoch Baker. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — Thos Emmerson, P O Byran, T Medley Richards. Inspectors of Licenses — Maxime Martin. Registrar of Deaths, etc — Barry R Plant. Labor Act Commissioners—D O Burgoin, St Leonard; Alfred Voisne, P A Thibodeau, St Basil ; Hilaire Peltier, Madawaska ; D Rosseau, St Jacques ; Treffle Sirois, St Hilaire ; T Peltier, St Francis ; Abraham Paron, St Anne ; A E Hanson, whole County, Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands— Basil Boullier, St Leonard ; D Rousseau, St Jacques ; Eras Michaud, St Hilaire. Game Warden — Joseph Martin, Edmundston. Board of Health— See page 108. ' ' HoMILLAN'S BINDERT is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinces. ■• t m. 118 Madat/aska and Northumberland Counties. J. k L, HcMILLAN SUPPLY WEDDINO DIVITATIOlfS DT LATEST STYLES. w4' ' 'f" r T.I' . Lol ¥ ..* County Council. Parish of St Francis — Robert Connors and Mathias Nadeau. Parish of St Hilaire — Raphael Albert and Adolphe Daigle. Parisii of Edmundston—Milton Dayton and Joseph Martin. Parish of St Jacques — Joseph Guimond and Docite Bosse. Parish of St Basil — Victory Martin and Cyrille Thibodeau. Parish of St Anne— Beloni Cyr and Denis E Cyr. Parish of St Leonard — Isaac Bijean and Andrew Levesqae. Census Returns, 1891. Edmundston 1,683 St Hilaire St Anne 973 St Jacques.. St Basil 1,557 St Leonard St Francis 2,040 Total 10,514. . 994 , 874 .2,393 COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Shirelou'ii — NetvcasUe. Judge of the County Court — W Wilkinson ; Clerk, Samuel Thomson ; Deputy Clerk, Chas J Thomson. Commissioners for Parish Court — < m orge B Fraser, Chatham ; Wm Maason, Newcastle; T W Underhill, Blackviile. Stipendiary Magistrate — Chatham. S U McCulley. Police Magistrate — Newcastle, John Niven. Commissioner for taking Bail, etc, in the Supreme Court — William Park. Clerk of the Circuits — Samuel Thomson, Q C ; Deputy Clerk, Charles J Thomson. High Sheriff— John Shirrefl. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Sam'l Thomson, Q C ; Deputy Clerk, Chas J Thomson. Judge of Probate — Samuel Thomson, Q C. Registrar — G B Fraser. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — John Lawlor. • Game Warden — William Wyse. Coroners — Robert B Wasson, Edward Rogers, John 8 Benson, B N T Under- hill, John Fallen, M D; John Pond, John Johnson, Wm P Bishop, Phineas Williston, Alfred C Smith, M D ; John McDonald, M D ; Joseph Chaplain, John McDonald, Alex G Williston, Francis J Desmond, M D, and Hiram A Fish, M D. Issuer of Marriage Licenses —Samuel Thomson, Joseph R Coggin, Daniel McMillan, F L Pedolin, Harvey Doak, John S Pond and Wra H Salter. Revenue Officers — Daniel Ferguson, Collector, Chatham ; W Anderson, Waiter, Searcher and Locker; Wm A Park, Collector, Newcastle; P B Wheeler, Waiter, Searcher and Locker. Labor Act Commissioners — Roraain Savoy, Alnwick ; Denis Ryan, Newcastle ; Neil Gordon, Northesk ; Robert Parks, Southesk ; CalixterCChiasson, Rogers- ville and Glenelg ; Joseph Williston, Hardwick ; Thos Doolan, Nelson ; T W Crocker, Derby ; B N T Underhill, Blackviile ; Samuel Freeze and Burk Archi- bald, Blissfield ; Joseph Sobey, Sugary Settlement. Railroad and Steamboat Prlatlno a Special Feature at J. k A. McHILLAN'S. Northumberland and Queens Counties. 119 ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRIIITIHO AT J. k A. HcHILLAirS. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands — Meleme Chiasson, Pleasant Bidge ; Meleme Maillet, Rogersville ; John LeBlanc, Shediac Settlement and East Rogersville; Alex G Williston, Hardwick; Henry ,^wim, Doaktown;W R McCloskey, Boiestown ; Horatio J Lee, Burnt Church ; Joseph feobey, The Surgery ; John Keys, Derby ; B|N T Underbill, Blaekville. Crown Land Surveyors — W E Fish, Newcastle ; Samuel Freeze, Doaktown. Alms House (Commissioners — Donald McLauchlan, B N T Underbill, Geo Burchill, James Tweedie, Soutbesk ; Patrick Hennessy, Simon Simpson, Alnwick ; Robert Swim, Blissville ; Ambrose Arsenault, Rogersville ; Wm T Connors, Chatham ; Maurice O'J^onnell, Ludlow; John Graham, Derby. Consular Agents — Norwegian, E Hutchinson ; United States, R R Call ; German, Alex Morrison ; French, Hon J B Snowball ; Italy, George Watt. Board of Health — See page 108. County Council, 1894-5. Warden— D G Smith. Secretary -Treasurer — Samuel Thomson. Parish of Ludlow — John S Pond and H H Gunter. , Blissfield— Wm Russell and Edward Mersereau. > ^ Blaekville — David G Schotield and Denis P Sullivan. Iforthesk — Michael Ryan and Wm Jones. Soutbesk — Thomas Johnston and Jared Tozer. Derby — James Robinson and John Betts. Nelson — Thomas W Flett and Ephraim Hayes. Rogersville — Pierre Z Barrieau and Pierre M Vinneau. Newcastle — Donald Morrison and Lawrence Doyle. Chatham — David G Smith and James F Connors. Glenelg — Wm V Ullock and James Cameron. Hardwick — Phineas Willistcm and .Jeremiah Sullivan. Alnwick — Romain Savoy and William Anderson. CenHUS Returns, 1891. Alnwick 2,960 Glenelg 1,382 Newcastle 4,006 Blaekville 2,066 Hardwick 1,170 Northesk 1,586 Blissfield 894 Ludlow 805 Rogersville 1,379 Chatham 5,644 Nelson 1,907 Soutbesk 1,045 Derby 871 Total 25,715 COUNTY OF QUEENS. _ - Shiretown — Gagetovon. Supreme Court— Circuit opens on the third Tuesday in May and the second Tu6B(l&v in October* Commissioner for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court— R T Babbitt. Commissioners for taking Affidavits to be read in the Supreme Court— J R Currey, R T Babbitt, Gagetown ; Tbos Leonard, Petersville ; John Goldfinch, Isaac C Bnrpee, Charles E Langan, Chipman ; , Brunswick ; Samuel L Peters, Hampstead ; James Palmer, Canning; Arthur W Ebbett, Gagetcwn ; Henry Todd, John W Perry, Jas F Roberts and S M Starkey, Johnson. County Court Judge— Hon James Steadman ; Clerk, J R Curry. Terms, fourth Tuesday in May and fourth Tuesday in October. J. k, A. MCMILLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. 1 ''r :! Iv i i h-^,.-. ■1' V i S. 1!^ ,rt."i'f 120 Queens County. HcMILLAirS BLAHK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. Judge Probate Court— A W Ebbett ; Registrar, J R Currey. Commissioners of Parish Courts— H J DuVernet, Qagetown ; W H White^ Cambridge ; Thomas Leonard, Petersville ; B S Palmer, Hampstead ; George J Worden, Wickham; Isaac C Burpee, Chipman ; D Palmer, Canning; Jas F Roberts, Johnston ; George E McLean, Waterborough ; Samuel E Mc- Donald, Brunswick. Jurisdiction $80 in debt, $32 in tort. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — Wm H White, Benj S Palmer, W C King, D M Pearson, John Law, Brunswick H Smith, James F Roberts, Freeman Alw»rd, W S Butler, J A Mott and Robert McMann. Coroners — R T Babbit, S V White, Ambrose Palmer, R D Akerlev, Isaac C Burpee, Malcolm C McDonald, M D, Abraham Wiggins, Thos H Pearson, James G Hetherington, T W Perry, J E Nugent. M D, F J Purdy, Jarvis G Sypher, H J DuVernet, T J Otty Earle, M D, T W Carpenter, Duncan McLean. Auctioneers — David H Ferguson, Jotham P Belyea, Amos S Corey, Wm Cooper, B S Babbit, Gagetown ; John Armstrong, Wm Uawkshaw, Thomas Leonard, Petersville ; James Pearson, T Wra Perry, Wm Somerville, Johnston ; W S Butler, Canning ; Lawrence O'Leary, Chas Keith, Bruns'vick ; Thomas Dykeraan, Cambridge ; I S Vanwart, Hampstead ; L S Vanwart, Wickham. Licensed Vendors under the Canada Temperance Act — L S Vanwart, Wick- ham. ; John W Dickie, Gagetown. High Sheriff— Thomas W Perry ; Deputies, Wm Brander, J P Vanbuskirk. Clerk of the Peace— A W Ebbett. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Robert T Babbit ; Deputy, Ella A Simpson. Divisional Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — Ella A Simpson. Postmaster — Levi Tuck, Gagetown. Crown Land Surveyors— James Kerr, Gagetown ; Duncan McLean, Grand Lake ; S M Starkey, Johnston ; Peter Yeamans, Newcastle. Labor Act Commissioners — Howard Alward, Brunswick ; S M Starkey,. Johnston and Wickham ; Duncan McLean, Cambridge, Canning and Water- boro ; Isaac C Burpee, Chipman ; James Kerr, Petersville. Game Warden — H O Branscombe. Board of Health — See page 108. . • Members of Council. , Warden — Wm Snodgrass. Secretary-Treasurer — R T Babbit. Auditor — C D Dykeman. « Brunswick — R H Corey and Joseph Beach. * Cambridge — Wellington Cox and M O Col well. * Canning — Charles £ Bailey and Daniel Palmer, jr. Chipman — R D Richardson and Wm McAllister. Gagetown — John W Dickie and John F Hobeu. Ham(>stead — Asa Slipp and David Nickerson. Johnston — John Leonard and S C Perry. Petersville— John McKee and Robt Anderson. Waterborough — Wm'Snodgrass and Alonzo F Barton. Wickham — L S Vanwart and J H DeLong. Council meets third Tuesday in January and the first Tuesday in July. Census Returns, 1891. Brunswick 381 Gagetown 1,029 Hampstead 1,130 Johnston 1,588 Petersville 1,914 Cambridge 1,366 Canning 806 Chipman 1,651 Waterborough 1 ,352 Wickham 935 Total 12,152 PAPER RUUNG A SPECIALTY AT MCMILLAN'S BDIDERT, ST. JOHN. Restigouche County, 121 ALL KDXD^ OF LEGAL PRIIITINO AT J. k A. HclOLLAirS. COUNTY OF RESTIGOUCHE. Shiretown — Dalhoune. Judge of the County Cou'*t — Wm Wilkinson ; Clerk, James S Morse. Commissioners for Parish Courts — W S Smith, Dalhousie ; Chas Murray, Addington ; Jo^n McMillan, Colborne. High Sheriff— James E Stewart. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — J S Morse. Judge of Probate — James S Morse. Registrar of Probate — John Barbarie. s • Registrar of Deeds and Wills — John Barbarie. Deputy Crown Land Surveyor-^D McMillan, C E. Referees in Equity — James S Morse and H F McLatchey. Revising Officer — Judge Wilkinson. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — Hatty L Johnson. Issuer of Marriage Licenses— Wm S Smith. Auditor — James S Hafquail. Supervisors of Roads — Patrick Ultegan, Ebenezer McMillan, Peter Lavio- lette, Neil Sh^w, David Graham and John Dawson. Couty Treasurer — Wm Montgomery. . County Secretary — H A Johnson. Commissioaers for taking Bail in the Supreme Court — Charles Murray, Campbellton ; Wra Montgomery, Dalhousie. Ha''bor Master — William S Smith. Revenue Officers — Wm Montgomery, Collector, port of Dalhousie ; Deputy Treasurer, Arch McKenzie, Campbellton. Coroners — James 8 Morse, Allen McKendrick, Wm Disbrow, M D Victor, J A Vernon, M D, W Doherty, M D. Fishery Wardens — Albert Verge, Cross Point ; Donald McLean, Charlo ; James McMillan, Jacquet. Restigouche Agricultural Society — John Barbarie, President ; James Reid and Alex Dickie, Vice-Presidents ; Wm Montgomery, Secretary-Treasurer. Crown Land Surveyors — Daniel McMillan, Charlo Station. Labor Act Commissioners — Daniel McMillan, the whole County ; Murdock Murray, Upper Addington ; Thomas Kerr, Addington ; John Giroux, Colborne; John P Mclntyre, Dalhousie ; Lawrence LaPoint, Durham. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands— D O'Keefe, Colbrooke ; David Hickie, Lome Settlement; Donald Murchie, Sunnyside ; James Noble, Daw- sonville; John G Mclntyre, M Brook, Lawrence Arseneau, Mitchell Settlement. Game Warden — John S Bassett. Board of Health — See page 108. Municipality of Restigouche. Warden — Thos Hayes. Addington — Wm McRae and Jas Millar. Dalhousie — Neil Shaw and A J LeBlanc, Colborne — Wm Mawhinney and Donald Kerr. ' Durham— John Culligan and Thos Hayes. Census Returns, 1891. Addington 2,751 Dalhousie 2,532 Eldon and Res R.. 154 Colborne 901 Durham 1,973 Total 8,311 EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. McMIIiLAN'S. ST. JOHN. 1 I- I: ■ if n ■ > 122 St. John County. IP ■•' I"; ■,;*■■'■ |j: 'I J. k A. HcHILLAH SUPPLY WEDDOIO imnTATIOHS Dl UTE8T STTLES. MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN. County Council, 1804-95. Warden— Patrick McCarthy, Alderman, City of St John. Councillors (ex officio) City of St John — Geo Robertson, Mayor ; Aldermen D J McLaughlin, C Bert Lockhart, John B M Baxter, Geo H Warinv, Stephen G Blizard, John W Daniel, James Kennedy, John H McBobbie, Wm Shaw, Jas Seaton, Thos Millidge, Wm Christie, John McMulkin, John McGoIdrick. Parish of Lancaster — Bobt Catherwood and Charles \rmstrone. Parish of Simonds — John McLeod, Joseph Lee and Daniel lK)rgan. Parish of St Martins — Robt Carson, Alex W Fownes and Geo B McDonough. Parish of Musquash — Joseph A Balcom and Frederick B Dunn. Secretary and Clerk of the Peace — Geo R Vincent. Treasurer — J S Boies DeVeber. Auditor — Richard Whiteside. Marshal — Geo W Stockford. Meetings of Council — Second Tuesday in May ; third Tuesday in July ; first Tuesday in October, and third Tuesday in January. Standing Committees, 1894-95. Finance and Accounts — The Warden, Couns Christie, McMulkin, McLeod> Armstrong, Balcom, McLaughlin, Daniel, Lee, Fownes, Shaw, Baxter,Robert8on- County Buildings — The Warden and Councillors Blizard, Fownes, Armstrong) Christie, Lockhart, Millidge, Dunn, McGoIdrick, Waring, McLaughlin, Carson, Lee, Seaton, McRobbie. Bills for Legislature and By-Laws and Regulations — The Warden and Coun* cillors Baxter, Millidge, Catherwood, McRobbie, Balcom, Kennedy, Horgan, Seaton, McGoIdrick, McDonough, Waring, Robertson, Daniel. Public and School Lands — The Warden and Councillors Shaw, Fownes, Catherwood, Blizard, McLeod, Horgan, McRobbie, Baxter, McMulkin, Dunn, Carson, McDonough, Lockhart. To act with the Sheriff' in regard to the Performance of Hard Labor Sen- tences in Jail — Councillors Millidge, Armstrong, Horgam Dunn, McGoIdrick, Kennedy, Seaton, Waring, Lockhart, Christie, Lee, McMulkin. Relief of Indigent Ratepayers — Couns McGoIdrick, Fownes, Balcom, Blizard, Kennedy, Waring, Catherwood, McRobbie, Dunn, McLeod, Carson, Lockhart. POPULATION— CENSUS OF 1891. Population of New Brunswick 321,294 ST. JOHN CITY. Prince Ward... 4,348 Queens " ... 3,698 Sydney '« ... 3,240 Wellington" . . 3,806 Dufierin " ... 3,964 ST. JOHN COUNTY. Parish of Lancaster 4,211 Parish of St Martins 2,335 Parish of Musquash 783 Parish of Simonds 3,066 Population of City of St John 40,179 Population of County of St John 10,395 Total 10,574 Albert Ward 1,269 Brooks " 1,168 Dukes " 3,055 Guys " 1,838 Kings " 2,762 Lansdowne Ward, 3,629 Lome " 3,112 Stanley " 952 Victoria " 3,338 McMIUiAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS St. John City and County. 123 MeUhLAirS PER DEPABnEHT COHTAHfS GOODS FROH ALL ■AKBBS. CITY AND COUNTY OF ST. JOHN. Sheriff— H Lawrance Sturdee ; Deputy Sheriff and Keeper of Jail, John Bankine. Turnkeys — Samuel Clifford and Wm J Cunningham. Clerk of the Peace— Geo B Vincent. Coroners— D E Berryman, M D ; James Kobinson, J P ; John Jordan, J P ; Joseph D White, M D ; H E Gillraor, M D ; Joshua Knight and George A Hetherington, M D. County Court Judge— B Lester Peters ; Clerk, M McDonald ; Deputy Clerk, Alexander P Bamhill. Judge of Probates — C N Skinner. Registrar of Probates, and Registrar of Deed and Wills — Hon D McLellan ; Depaty Registrar, Vernon McLellan. Parish Court Commissioners — Jos A McNaught, J P, Lancaster; W E Skillen, J P, St Martins ; Jas H Bowes, J P, Simonds ; D H Anderson, J P, Musquash. Revising Officer Electoral Lists— E T C Knowles ; Clerk, G McSorley. Clerk of Circuits— John Willet. Commissioners of Alms House and Work House — G A Knodell, President ; Michael Coll, Isaac O Beatteay, Thomas Furlong, John McLeod, Thomas R Hilyard, Wm Barnhill ; E J Wetmore, Secretary. Commissioners General Public Hospital — Wm Bayard, M D, President ; R WCrookshank, Vice-President; M W Maber, John Berryman, M D; T Walker, M D ; A C Smith, John McGoldrick ; Wm A Christie, Resident Physician and Superintendent ; M F Bruce, M D, and G R A Crawford, M D, Oculists and Aurists. Board of Examiners of Surveyors of Lumber — S K Wilson, W H Rourke, € F Clinch. Commissioners of Slaughter Houses — Thos L Hay, Chairman ; P Gleeson, Uriah Drake, S G blizzard, John Nugent ; Wm Sliaw, Secretary ; C H Bustin, Inspector. Commissioner of Indian Reserves under Act Vic, c 25 — Wm Bayard, M D. Chief Game Commissioner for the Province of New Brunswick — E J Wetmore. Game Warden— Leonard B Knfght, Surveyor of Crown Lands — Wm Murdoch. Labor Act Commissioners — J W Paterson, St Martins; O Hanson, Lan- caster. Issuers of Marriage Licenses— W A Lockhart, St John ; R N Knight, Carleton ; W E Skillen, St Martins ; Wm Glenn Brown, Indiantown. Registrars of Births, Marriages and Deaths— R N Knight, Western District ; John B Jones, Eastern District. Visiting Physician, Port of St John, John E March, M D ; Seizing Officer, Geo H Tapley. For Commissioners to take Affidavits, see end of Roll of Barristers and Attorneys. Board of Health— See page 108. __ __ J. & k. McMillan supply wedding invitations or latest styles. !;■; >■ fi^ •'.!'. m 1 1'. ^ m m tifc 124 St. John City — Advertisement. BMB088UIO H EATLY EIECUTED AT J. k A. MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHW. SAINT JOHN CITY GOVERNMENT, 1894-95. Mayor— George Eobertson. Recorder— I Allen Jack, Q C, D C L. Common Clerk — Herbert JE Wardroper. AMermen-at-Lar|Bf' — Patrick McCarthy and Daniel J McLaughlin. Aldermen, Kings Ward — James Kennedy. Queens Ward — John W Daniel. Dnkefl Ward — Stephen (t Blizard. Sidney Ward— George H Waring. > Guys Ward— C Berton Lockhart. Brooks Ward — John B M Baxter. Wellington Ward — William Shaw. <■., Prince Ward— John H McRobbie. Victoria Ward — Jaiies Seaton. / DuflTerin Ward — Thomas Millidge. Lansdowne Ward — William Christie. Lome Ward — John McMulkin. Stanley Ward — John McGoldrick. ^ Chamberlain — Frederick Sandall. Director of Public Works — A Chipman Smith. Director of Public Safety — Robert Wisely. v City Engineer — Hurd Peters. < Clerk to Major's Office — Clarence Ward. Accountant in Chamberlain's Office — David R Willet. Clerks in Chamber' ain's Office — George F Harding and Duncan G Lingley. Superintendent of Ferries — H Adam Glasgow. Superintendent of Streets — George H Martin. Board of Assessors of Taxes — Wm F Bunting, Chairman ; Uriah Drake, Richard Farmer; Chief Clerk, Arthur W Sharp; Assistant Clerk, Wm E Bowman. Harbor Master — Chas S Taylor. Harbor Inspector — Joseph O'Brien. Chief Engineer Fire Department — John Kerr. High Constable — George W Stc ckford. R. H. Green. R. G. Herbert Green. N & Son. mmmAT^mm j^eppepplale ai f apMe Ppiilep 122 tc 124 GERMAIN STREET, Stencil Plates a Spe cialty. J®- OHen by Hail pronpUi attegM to. ALL KINDg OF LEO&L PROITmO AT J. k A. HcHILLAH'S. St. John City — Fire Depatment. 125 JOB PRIHnifO ARTISnCALLT EZEOUTED AT J. k A. HoULLAITS. Boards of Management. Treasury Department—McLaughlin, Chairman ; Kennedy, Daniel, Blizard» McGoldrick, McRobbie, Millidge, Christie, Lockhart. Public Works Department—Shaw, Chairman; Blizard, Christie, Daniel, McCarthy. McRobbie, Seaton, McMulkin, Baxter. Public Safetjr Department— Seaton, Chairman ; McLaughlin, Waring, Mc- Goldrick, Milhdge, Lockhart, Kennedy, McMulkin, Shaw. Board of Management Department of Public Works— Shaw, Chairman ; McRobbie, Daniel, Seaton, Baxter. Standing: Committees. Ferries— Iiockhart, Chairman ; McMulkin, McGoldrick, McCarthy, Waring, McRoVbie, Baxter. Lan< s and Public Buildings— Millidge, Chairman ; Plizard, McLaughlin, Baxter, McGoldrick, Kennedy, McMulkin. Bills and By-Laws— Baxter, Chairman ; Millidge, McCarthy, Seaton, Daniel, Christie, Waring. Fire Department. Chief Engineer — John Kerr. District Engineers— Geo Blake, No 1 ; Chas F Brown, No 2 ; Wm McLeod, No 3 (West End). Steam Fire Engine No 1— Thomas Logan, Engineman ; George G Drake, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cnrt Teamster; David McDermott, Driver of Engine Hosemen — David Dearness. Foreman ; Jas Manson, Assistant ; Robt Magee, T CLeary, jr, Wm G Kee, jr, Jas Robinson, Roland J Evans, Wm A Watson. Steam Fire Engine No 2— Charles Piercy, Engineman ; Charles Conway, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; Daniel Kyley, Engine Driver. Hosemen — Albert Winchester, Foreman ; Walter S Vaughan, Assistant ; Francis McAfee, John Shaw, Peter McGourty, John H Selfridge, Allan N Nixon, M Reynolds, John LeLacheur, jr. Steam Fire Engine No 3 — John E Wilson, Engineman ; B Corley, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; Wm J Ryan, Engine Driver. Hosemen — E W Barlow, Foreman ; James Thomas, Assistant ; Nerval McLaughlin, Oliver Thompson, Edward E Evans, James Sterling, jr, Thomas G Richardson, Charles Roberts. Steam Fire Engine No 4 — Edward P Leonard, Engineman ; Alex Johnstone, Stoker of Engine and Hose-carl Teamster ; Michael Finnigan, Engine Driver. Hosemen — John Bond, Foreman ; Thos Ogler, Assistant ; David A Speight, Alex Duncan, Wm McLellan, John Coholan, Wm Munroe, John E Kelley. Steam Fire Engine No 5 — John Montague, Engineman ; Joseph Carr, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; Arthur Delaney, Engine Driver. Hose- men — George Kee, Foreman ; Alex Scott, Assistant ; Hazen B Brown, Andrew Ramsay, John Duffy, Robert McKay, Kenneth McKenzie, Michael Ready, George McGee. Steam Fire Engine No 6 — Jas Lemon, Engineman ; Chag W Christopher, Stoker and Hose-cart Teamster; Robt Allan, Engine Driver. Hosemen— J Alfred Ring, Foreman ; Teaac Amos, Assistant ; John Fawcett, Ezekiel Mc- Leod, H Lee, Thomas H Johnstone, Fred Ring, William Harned, Edward Ogler, J Wesley Pike. HoULLAirS BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AMD MOST DURABLE. i li: 126 St. John City — Fire Alarm Telegraph. HeHILIiAirB BIMDERT li the HOST OOMPLBTE in the Maritime PtotIbom. sW Ii " If ' if't ■'Tt * HOOK AMD LADDER COMPANIES. Pioneer No 1 — Wm H Bowman, Captain ; Charles Jackson, Lieutenant > G^o B Barker, Oeo H Chamberlain, Robert H Nichol, Jeremiah McAdoor Wm J Tait, Richard Welsh, John Hamilton ; Lawrence Mahony, Driver. No 2 (West End)— Wm Howard, Captain; George Fawcett, Lieutenant; Wm J Cooe^, James W Peters, Thomas McLeod, James Lord, John P Mc- Andrews ; John Carvlll, Driver. No 3 (North End) — Wm Campbell, Captain ; Robt Lee, Lieutenant ; Wm O'Leary, John Mclntyre, A F Scott, Jos Carson ; Hugh J McElroy, Driver, Driver of Chief's Wagon and H and L Driver — Wm Reed. Superintendent of Fire Alarm — John E Wilson. . *- '' ' City of St. Johu Fire Alarm Telegrraph. SOUTH END. No. Locality of Boxes. 2 No 2 Engine House, King square. 3 No 3 Engine House, Union street. 4 Cor Garden and Sewell streets 5 Cor Mill and Union streets. 6 Parker Bros' Drug store. Market square. 7 Mechanics Institute. 8 Cor Pond and Mill streets. 9 Foot of Union street (East). 12 Cor Peters and Waterloo streets. 13 Cor St Patrick and Union streets. 14 Cor Brussels and Richmond sts. 15 Everitt's Foundry, Brussels street. 16 Cor Brussels and Hanover streets. 17 Cor Erin and Brunswick streets, 18 Cor Union and Carmarthen streets. 19 Cor Courtney and St David streets. 21 Waterloo, opposite Golding street. 23 Cor Germain and Church streets. 24 Cor Princess and Charlotte streets. 25 No 1 Engine House, Charlotte st. 26 City Hall, cor Prince Willirm and Princess streets. No. Locality of Boxes. 27 Breeze's Corner, northwest side King square. Cor Duke and Prince Wm streets. Cor King and Pitt streets. Cor Duke and Sydney streets. Cor Went worth and Princess sts. Queen street, between Gerraaii> and Charlotte. Cor Queen and Carmarthen sts. Cor Sydney and St James stieets. Carmarthen, between Duke and Orange streets. Cor St James and Prince Wm sts. Cor Wentworth and Duke streets. Cor Broad and Carmarthen streets. Cor Britain and Charlotte streets. Cor Pitt and St James streets. 47 Sydney st, near Exhibition Gate, 51 City Road, near Skating Rink. Pond st, near Fleming's Foundry, Exmouth street, near Richmond, General Public Hospital. Cotton Mill, Courtenay Bay. 28 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 41 42 43 45 46 52 53 61 62 NORTH END. 121 Stetson's Mill, Indiantown. 122 Cor Main and Bridge streets. 123 Electric Car Shed, Main street, 124 Cor Adelaide Road and Peel st. 125 No 5 Engine House, Main street. 126 Douglas Road, opposite Tapley's. 132 Hamilton's Mill, Strait Shore. 134 Rolling Mill, Strait Shore. 135 Cor Sheriff st and Strait Shore 142 Cor Camden and Portland streets. 143 Main street. Police Station. 154 Long Wharf. 213 Paradise Row. 231 No 4 Engine House, City Road, 241 Cor Stanley and Winter streets. 253 Schofield's Terrace, Wright street, 312 Rockland rd, op head MilUdge st. 321 Cor Somerset <& High sts, !Ft^ow e 412 Cor City Road and Meadow|street. 421 Marsh Bridge. J. k A. HomUiAM PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. St. John City — Hackney Carriages. 127 Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Featnre at J. 4 A. MolULLAN'S. Police Department. Office: King Street, East (adjoining County Jail). Police Magistrate- Robert J Ritchie ; Sitting Magistrates, Hon TJioraas R Jones and G A Hender.;on; Police Clerk, Geo A Henderson ; Chief of Police, W Walker Clark ; Detective, John Ring ; Assistant Clerk and Janitor, Chas McDonald ; Samuel Wilson, Sergeant, Mavor's Office. Southern Division— Captain) Fmderick W Jenkins ; House Sergeants, John Owens, John Hipwell; Sergeanis, James Covay, George Baxter, Alex Watson ; Acting Sergeants, Thomas Caples, vTames Greer, John Smith, George Corbett ; Officers, Jas McDonald, Avard Anderson, Jas McLaughlin, Patrick Killen, Jas Campbell, Hugh Giison, John Merrick, Lemon t Thome, Patrick Walsh, W H Finlay, Thomas Burchill, Thomas Evans, James McLarren. Northern Division — Captain, Aaron Hastings : Sergeant, Henry Kilpatrick ; Officers, John Myles, Robt Hamilton, Edward Dalton, George A Earle, Chas Amos, Solomon D Hamm, W J McConnell, George Garnett, James Semple, Wm Boyle. Western Division — Sergeant, Jacob Ross ; Officer, James H Gosline, , HACKNEY CARRIAGES.— Districts. First District — To comprise all that portion of the city on the easterly side of the harbor lying to the eastward and southward of a line beginning at the southerly end of the westerly s?de line of Portland street ; thence running northwardly along said line of said street to the northerly line of Main street and Paradise row to Wall street ; thence northerly along Wall street to Winter street : thence eastward ly along Winter street and Celebration street to the L C. Railway ; thence continuing eastwardly along said railway to Gilbert's lane, and thence in a direct line to the Marsh bridge (so called). Second District — To comprise all that portion of the city on the easterly side of the harbor, as aforesaid, lying to the northward of No 1 district, as above defined, and to the southward of a line beginning on the easterly side of the River St. John, at the mouth of Spar Cove creek (so called) ; thence running eastwardly up stream and along the said creek and Newman's brook to the bridge crossing the same at Adelaide street ; thence eastwardly to the soulhwestwardly line of Lily lake, where the westerly line of the Gilbert property strikes the same, and thence southeastwardly along said Gilbert line to the Marsh bridge, aforesaid. Third District — To comprise all that part of the city on the eastern side of the harbor and of the River St John lying to the northward of the second district, as hereinbefore defined. Fourth District— To comprise all that portion of the city lying on the westeru side of the harbor. Rates of Fare. The prices or rates of fares to be taken and recovered Ly and paid to the owner, driver, or •ther person having charge of any licensed Hackney Car- riage, shall be as follows, that is to say : For conveying one passenger to oi; from the I. C. R. station from or to any part of districts Nos. 1 or 2, the sum of 30 cents, and for every additional passenger of the same household the sum of 20 cents ; other passengers not of the same household, each 30 cents. For conveying one passenger to or from any one part of said districts Nos. 1 and 2 PAPER RUUNa A SPEdALTT AT HcKILLAN'S BINSERT, ST. JOHN. ;';--i; 128 Advertisement — Cartage Districth. J. k A. MOOLLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOU. V"M I- W. H. HAYWARD, WHOLESALE-^-'^=H» lY. * QLI JLHTID 85 and 87 princess Street, St. iohn, ^. §. to any other part of the same district, 30 cents, and for every additional pas- senger of the same houseliold, 20 cents ; other passengers not o^ the same household, each 30 cents. For conveying one passenger from any one part of districts Nos. 1, 2 or 4 from or to any one part of an adjoining district, 50 cents, and for each additional passenger of the same household the sum of 40 cents ; other passengers not of the same household 50 cents, and 20 cents ad- ditional for each district passed through. For conveying any passenger or passengers to and from district No. 3 the rate of fare shall be settled by agree- ment of the parties. When detained at any place by any p. .^nger there shall be an additional fare of 50 cents for every half-hour detention. When agreement for hire is made by the hour, the fare shall be the sura of $1 for each hour, and in that proportion for each division by the quarter of the hour. In case any driver shall be required to cro&s the ferry of the harbor to or from Carleton, he shall, in addition to the above fare, receive the ferriage charges for himself, his carriage and horses, both going and returning. Every owner, driver, or person havine charge of any hackney carriage, shall, when requested so to do, carry with each passenger ov.. trunk, and also an additional valise, carpet-bag, portmanteau, bundle, bask'jt, or other article used in travelling, witnout charge or compensation therefor; and for every additional trunk or other article more than is hereinbefore provided, he shall be entitled to dema id and receive the sum of 5 cents. Cartage Districts. ^ For the purpose of regulating the price of cartage within that part of the city of St. John on the easterly side of the harbor, such part of the city shall be divided into ten districts, as follows : First District — To comprise all that part of the city bounded by a line be- ginning' at a point on the southerly boundary of the grounds of the I. C. B. where it strikes the water ; thence eastwardly along the said southerly boun- dary to the easterly side of Mill street ; thence continuing eastwardly along Pond street to a point 100 feet eastwardly of the easterly line of George street ; thence southwardly parallel to George street to the northerly line of R. B. HUHPHRET, HARD and SOFT COAL, 29 Smyth Street. Telephone 250. St. John City— Cartage Districts. 129 ■oMILLAirS BLANK BOOKS ABE THE BEST AHD HOST DUBABLE. Union «treet ; thence eastwardly to a prolongation of the easterly line of Prince William Htrcet; thence southerly along said prolongation and said line to the Bouthe''y line of Queen street ; thence westwurdly along a prolongation of said line .o the harbor ; thence northerly along the harbor front to the place of beginning. Second District— To comprise all that part outside of the first district, of Sewell street to the easterly line of Peel street ; thence southerly along said easterly line to the northerly line of Carleton street ; thence eastwardly along said northerly line to the easterly line of Coburg street ; thence southwardly along the easterly line of Coburg and Charlotte streets to the southerly line oi Queen street ; thence westwardly along said line of Queen street to the boun- dary of the first district. Third District — To comprise all that part outside of the second district, bounded by a line beginning on the southwesterly corner of the Long wharf {so called) ; thence along the westerly line of the said wharf northerly to the northerly side of Main street ; thence eastwardly along the northerly line of Main street and Paradise row to the easterly line of Wall street ; thence southwardly along said easterly line to the easterly line of Dorchester street ; thence southwardly along said easterly line to the northerly line of Hazen street ; thence eastwardly along said northerly line to the easterly end of Garden street; thence southwardly along said e»'^^'.erly line to the northerly line of Paddock street ; thence eastwardly along said northerly line to the easterly line of Waterloo street ; thence southwardly along said easterly line and the easterly line of Sydney street to the southerly line of St. James street ; thence westwardly along said line to the easterly line of the Reed's Point wharf property ; thence southwardly along said profierty line to the water, and thence westwardly and northwardly along the harbor front to the boundary line of the first district. Fourth District — To comprise all that part outside of the third district, bounded by a line beginning at the water's edge on a soutlterly prolongation of the westerly side of Acadia street ; thence northwardly along said westerly side of Acadia street and a prolon;;ation thereof to the southerly side of Rock- land street ; thence ea^t«''4-rdly along said southerly line to the northerly line of Moore street ; thence continuing eastwardly along the said northerly line of Moore street and a prolongation thereof to the easterly side of Millidge street; thence still continuing eastwardly on a line parallel to Paradise row at a distance of 150 feet therefrom to the northerly side line of the street running from Harris street to Wall street ; thence along said northerly line to the northerly side line of W^all street; then along said side line of Wall street to the northerly side of Winter street ; thence easterly along said north- erly line to the easterly line of Factory street ; thence along said easterly line to the I. C. R. ; thence easterly along said railway to the northerly side of Stanley street; thence soutlierly along the said side line to the southerly line of City road ; thence to the southeasterly side of Blair street; then along said line of said street to the easterly line of Rock street ; thence southerly along said line to the Hazen line; thtnce eastwardly at right angles along said Hazen line to the northe.riy end of Hazen street ; thence westwardly along the north- easterly side of liazen street to the northerly side of Coburg street ; thence southwardly along said line to the northerly line of Clifll* street ; thence east- B. B. HUMPHBET, HABD and SOFT COAL, 29 Smytb Street. Telephone 250. 130 St. John City — Cartage Districts. ALL KIHDS OF LEGAL PRmnNO AT J. k A. HcHniJLirS. 1 V f V ^ r T" ' I If, '\^ wardly along said line to the easterly line of Waterloo street ; thence northerly along said line to th'^ northerly line of Richmond street ; thence sastwardly along said line to the easterly line of Brussels street ; thence southerly along said side line and the easterly line of Carmarthen street to the southerly line of Broad street ; thence westwardly along said line and a prolongation thereof to the water's edge ; thence continuing westwardly along the water front to the boundary of the third district. Fifth District — To comprise all that part outside of the fourth district, bounded by a linelWginning at the water's edge at a prolongation of the east- erly line of Siraonds street ; thence northerly along said line to the northerly line of Main street ; thence eastwardly along said line and the northerly line of Rockland road to the northerly line of Burpee avenue ; thence northeasterly to a prolongation of St. Paul street; thence northeasterly to the northerly end of Spring street ; thence to northerly end of Summer street ; thence on a prolongation of line last mentioned to a prolongation of the easterly line of Stanley street ; thence southwardly along said line to I. C. R.; thence easterly along said line to northerly line of Clyde street ; thence southerly along the said line to the easterly line of the City Road ; thence southeasterly along the said line to the southern boundary of the Public Hospital grounds ; thence southerly along said boundary to the easterly line of Waterloo street ; thence northerly along the said line to Middle street (so called) ; thence easterly along the northerly line of Middle street to the easterly line of Brussels street ; thence southerly along said line to the northerly line of Clarence street ; thence eastwardly along said line to the easterly line of Erin street , thence south- wardly along said Une and the easterly line of St. Patrick and Wentworth streets to the southerly line of Sheffield street ; thence westwardly along said line to the westerly line of Charlotte street extension. Sixth District — To comprise all that part outside of the fifth district, bounded by a line beginning at the southerly end of a prolongation of the westerly line of Harrison street; thence northwardly along said line to the northerly line of Main street ; thence along said line westwardly to the westwardly line of St. Luke's church property ; thence northwardly along said property line and a prolongation thereof to a prolongation of the northerly line of Elm street; thence eastwardly along said prolongation and said line to the westerly boun- dary of the fifth district, and thence southwardly by said boundary to the water's edge. Also that portion outside of the fifth district bounded by a line beginning on the southwesterly corner of Erin and Clarence streets ; thence eastwardly along the northerly side line of Clarence street to the easterly line of Albion street ; thence southerly along said line and the easterly line of St. David and Pitt streets to the southerly line of Sheffield street ; thence west- w*.Tdly along said line to the easterly boundary of the fifth district. Seventh District — To comprise all that part outside of the sixth district, bounded by a line beginning on the shore of the River St. John at a point where a prolongation eastwardly of the northerly line of the Hilyard property on Douglas avenue strikes the same; thence westwardly along the said pro- longation and the said Hilyard line to Douglas avenue, aforesaid; thence continuing westwardly along a westerly prolongation of said Hilyard line to the water's edge at Marble Cove ; thence northerly along said water's edge to the westerly line of Harvey street ; thence northerly, along said line to the northerly line of Main street ; thenco crossing said street northerly along the westerly line of Elgin street to the northerly line of Metoalf street; thence easterly along said line to Adelaide streec ; thence crossing the same eastwardly R. B. HUHPHRET, HARD and SOFT COAL, 29 Smyth Street. Telephone 250. St. John City — Cartage Districts. 131 J. k A. McMILLAH SUPPLY WEDDWtt IWYI TATIOHg IN LATEST STYLES. along the northerly line of Elm street to the boundary of the sixth district. Also all part outside of the sixth district bounded by a line beginning at the northerly corner of Stanley and Celebration streets ; thence easterly along the northerly line of Celebration street to the I. C. R., and continuing alon^ said line of railway to Gilbert's lane ; thence southwardly to the easterly line of Marsh street ; thence southwardly along said line and a prolongation thereof to the branch line running to the deep-water terminus, and thence continuing southerly along said branch to the easterly end of Sheffield street ; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the water's edge to the boundary of the sixth district on Charlotte street extension. Eighth District — To comprise all that part outside of the seventh district,, bounded by a line beginning at a point on the line of the River Si. .John 800 feet southwestwardly from where a southeasterly prolongation of the south- westerly line cf Beutley street strikes the said shore ; thence northwardly parallel to Bentley street till it strikes the shore of Marble Cove. Also all that part outside the seventh district bounded by a line beginning on the shore of Marble Cove at the point where the westerly line of Cedar street strikes the same ; thence northerly along said I'ne to the northerly line of Main street ; thence castwardly along said line to the westerly line of Albert street ; thence northerly along said line to the northerly line of Newman street ; thence easterly along aaid line to Adelaide street ; thence continuing eastwardly, crossing said street, to the corner of Parks street and Mount Pleasant avenue ; thence still continuing CKstwardly along the northerly side of Mount Pleasant avenue to a prolongation northerly of the easterly line of Gooderich street ; thence southerly along said prolongation to and along the easterly line of Gooderich street to the northerly line of Seely street ; thence easterly along the line last mentioned and a prolongation thereof to the northerly line of Gilbert's lane ; thence southwardly to the easterl;^ line of the fourth street from the Marsh creek ; thence southerly along said line and crossing the Marsh and Old Westmorland roads to the westerly line of Trinity church burying ground, and thence due south to the easterly boundary of the city. Ninth District— To comprise all that part outside of the eighth dbtrict,. bounded by the River St. John, the division line of Stanley ward, and the easterly boundary of the city. Tenth District — To comprise all Stanley ward. PAPER RUIvERS, Book-binders, Printers, Publisiiers, 98 PRmCE WM. STREET, ST. CTOHISr, liT. B. I"'^ • -ir. It. B. HUMPHREY, HARD and SOFT COAL, 29 Sm|th Street. Telephone 250. 4> 132 St. John City — Cartage Districts. SoULLAirS PEN DEPARTHEHT OONTAIIfS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Table of Bates of Oartagre in the City of St. John. i n (if j/ ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. For a load of wood (quarter of a cord), For a load of coals (half a chaldroD),... For a load containing 1350 lbs. of grain, salt, pota- toes, or any other articles measured at loading or unloading, except coals For a pipe of wine, gin, or brandy, and housing within the door of the first floor For a puncheon of rum, or a tierce of sugar, from 7 to 10cwt.,and housing For a puncheon of molasses, a hogshead of sugar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hhd. of tobacco and housing, For a hogshead or puncheon of cider, or a load of dried fish of 15 cwt., and storing. For a load of shingles, hoop poles, neading, staves, treenails, smoked fish in boxes, salmon in kits, dry goods, or load of any other article not herein mentioned, or a hogshead of limCj or a hogshead or crate of earthenware, or two tierces of earth- enware, a hogshead of dried fish, two tierces of coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., or a load containing six bags of salt, sav about 1350 S)s, or a load containing six barrels flour, or five barrels of sugar, fish, beef, pork, turpen- tine, or cider, or half a ton of iron, or the same quantity of cordage in coil, not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any article not herein men- tioned, For a 64 gallon cask of wine, rum, gin, brandy, molasses, or porter or for a load or sand, gravel, or stones, or a load of 4 barrels of any spiritu- ous liquor or molasses, For cables and cordage, in coils above a cwt., or if to coil, per ton, or if for hay, loose, per ton,... For hay, screwed, per ton, For bricks, per thousand, DISTRICTS. Ist. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. $c. 16 25 17 60 30 40 25 For lumber, per thousand feet, For the carriage of any article or articles not ex- ceeding half a load, 15 20 bo 50 80 60 10 S C. 18 28 20 63 33 43 28 18 23 1 05 54 85 65 18 «c. 20 30 22 65 35 45 30 20 25 10 57 90 70 15 S c. 23 33 25 68 37 48 33 23 28 1 15 60 95 75 18 9 c. 25 35 28 70 40 50 36 $ C. 25 30 1 20 64 1 00 80 20 28 37 30 73 42 53 38 28 33 1 25 67 1 06 85 23 $ C SO 40 33 75 45 65 40 30 35 1 30 70 1 10 90 9 o. 46 85 78 47 68 43 « c. 40 50 40 82 52 63 48 83 88 1 85 78 1 15 96 26> 28 38 43 1 40 78 1 20 1 00 33 All cartage in the Tenth District is to be paid according to agreement, no rates being fixed. For household furniture, without reference to districts, loading and housing: One horse load, 75 cents ; more than one horse : $1. When agreement is by tlie hour : Single team, 50 cents ; double teams, $1 For Pony Carts, Express Carts and Express Wagons, and housing : DISTRICTS. Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th.' 9th. 10c. 12c. 14c. 16c. 18c. 20c. 22c. 24c. 30c. 10th — By agreement. For Hand-Carts and Porters, and housing : 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 6th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10c. lie. 12c. 13c. 14c. 15c. 16c. 17c. 25c. 10th— By agreement. B. B. flUMPHRET, HARD and SOFT OOAL, 29 Smytb Street. Telephone 250- St. John City — Cartage Di8trict9. 13a SKBOSSXNO HBATLT EXECUTED AT J. k A. KcKILLAirS OT. JOHfT. th. 9th. Or 9 c. Is 40 46 50 35 40 78 83 47 52 68 63 43 48 28 38 43 1 40 78 1 20 1 00 33 CARLETON DISTRICTS. The First District to comprise all that part of Carleton lyinj north of Rodney- street and west of Market place. The Second District to comprise that space lying beyond the First District northward of Rodney street, extending west to Ludlow street. The Third District to comprise the space lying beyond the Second District northward of Rodney street, extending west to Watson street. The Fourth District to comprise the space lying beyond the Third District northward of Rodney street, extending west to the City line. The Fifth District to comprise the space lying south of Rodney street, and east of Germain street. The Sixth District to comprise the space lying beyond the Fifth District and beyond the sooth line of Rodney street, and extending west to Ludlow street, and to the noith side of Germain street. The Seventh District to comprise all the space lying beyond the Sixth District. The rates of prices of cartage for loading, carrying, or unloading (and housing, in certain cases), of goods, wares, merchandise, wood, and other articles, on the westerly side of the harbor, from any place within the limits of the First District, there to any place within the said several Districts, shall be as follows i Table of Rates of Cartag^e for Carleton. ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. For a load of wood (quarter of a cord) For a load of coals (naif a cbald{>OA) •••• For a load containip^f 15 bushels of grain, salt, potatoes, or any other artioies measured at loading or unloading, except coals, : For a pipe of wine, gin, or brandy, and bousing within the door of the first floor, For a puncheon of rum, or a tierce of sugar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing, For a punch' on of molasses, a hogshead of sugar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogshead of tobacco, and housing. For a hogsuead or puncheon of cider, or a load of dried fish, of 15 cwt., or a common load of household goods, and storing, For a load of shingles, hoop poles, staves, heading, tree- nails, smoked fish in boxes, salmon in kits, dry goods, or two half-hogsheads lime, or a hogshead or crate of earth- enware, or two tierces of earthenware, a hogshead of dried fish, or two tierces coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., or a load containing 6 barrels flour, or 5 bbls. sugar, fish, beef, pork, tar, pitch, turpentine, or elder, or naif a ton of iron, or the same quantity of cordage in coils, not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any other articles not herein mentioned, ^or a 64 gallon cask of wine, rum, brandy, gin, molasses, or porter, or for a load of sand, gravel, or stones oi a load of 4 barrels of any spirituous liquors, or molasses,.. For cables and cordage, in colls above 4 cwt., or if to coil, per ton, or if for hay, loose, per ton, For hay, screwed, per ton, For bricks, per tiiousand, For lumber, per thousand feet For the cartage of any article or artit . not exceeding half a load DISTRICTS. 1st. 9 c. 13 26 17 60 30 40 26 16 20 1 00 50 80 60 10 2d. 9 c. 15 28 20 63 33 43 3d. 9 c, 18 18 3U 22 65 35 45 30 20 23 1 06 54 57 26 1 10 86 66 13 90 70 16 4th 9 c. 20 33 25 68 38 48 33 23 28 1 16 60 96 76 18 5th $c 23 35 28 70 40 50 35 25 30 1 20 64 1 00 80 20 6th $C. 25 37 80 73 42 53 28 33 1 25 67 1 06 85 23 7th. $ C. 2S 40 3» 7S 45 55^ 40 30 3» 1 30 70 1 10 90 25 R. B. HUMPHRET, HARD and SOFT GOAL, 29 Smyth Street. Telephone 250. .!> f '- . ■Ill U . ' ' \ 1'. S-^'J 134 St. John City — Rates of Pilotage. Kit:'- m~. JOB PEWrniQ ARTISTICALLT EIBOUTBD AT J. k A. HcMILLAW*8. For Hand-Cartmen and Porters for loading and carrying any articles on any hand-cart, and housing according to the following scale : For the First District, 5 cents -- Second District, 6 cents ; Third District, 7 cents : Fourth District, 8 cents ; Fifth District, 9 cents ; Sixth District, 10 cents ; Seventh District, 11 cents. For the cartage or carriage of anj of the before mentioned articles from one place to another within the same district, the rates of cartage shall be the «ame as are hereinbefore provided for the first district above mentioned, and for the cartage or carriage of any of the said articles from any one dbtrict to another district next adjoining, the rates or price of cartage shall be the same as are hereinbefore provided for the second district ; and for the cartage or •carriage of any of the said articles from any one d'strict to another not next adjoining, the rates or prices shall be the same as are hereinbefore provided for the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth or ninth districts, respectively; that is to say, if one district intervenes, the rates or prices for the third ; if two, the rates or prices for the fourth ; if three, the rates or prices for the fifth ; if four, the rates or prices for the sixth ; if five, the rates or prices for the seventh ; if six, the rates or prices for the eighth ; if seven, the rates or prices for the eighth ; if eight, the rates or prices for the ninth. Board of School Trustees for St. John. C W Weldon, Chairman ; D R Jack, W E Vroom, John Connor, T W Peters, W D Baskin, Michael Coll, George A Hetherington, M d, D H Nase. John March, Superintendent ; Edward Manning, Secretary. » Pilot Commissioners. H D Troop, Chairman ; Chas 8 Taylor, Chas McLanchlan, jr, R C Elkin, E Lantalum, Capt Wm Thomas, J WiUard Smith ; J U Thomas, Secretary. Pilots — Thomas Trainor, Edward J Fletcher, Joseph Doherty, John L C Sherrard, Thomas J Stone, Jas Doyle, Henry Spears, John Thomas, Henry Thomas, John Sproul, Richard Scott, Patrick Conlin, James Reed, jr, John Spears, Chas Daly, Wm Lahey, Martin Spears, Richard Cline, James McPart- land, James Bennet, James S Spears, Jas E Mantle, Wm Miller, Wm Quinn, Alfred Cliue, Bartholomew Rogers, Wm Scott, Robert Thomas; John Mc- Anulty for Musquash. Bates of Pilotage. Office of Pilot Commissioners, District of St. John, N. B., 7th April, 1886. JBy-Laws to amend the Pilotage By-Laws of 1875 and the By-Laws amending the same. In the place of Sections 11 and 12 of th'" By-Laws, and By-Laws amending the same, all of which are hereby cancelled, substitute the following : Rates of Pilotage for all Sailing Vessels entering and leaving the Port of St. John, N. B. Jnwards — First District, from Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing N W, per foot draft of water, $1.50. Second District — From Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, N W, per foot draft of water, J1.75. Third District shall be from the outside limit of the Second District to a bound ranging from the North Head of Grand Manan to Liberty Point, bear- ing N W by W, North Channel ; and from Machias Seal Island to Cape Sable Seal Island, bearing S S E, South Channel, per foot draft of water, $2.25. Sailroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k A. MCMILLAN'S. ^.m St. John City — Rates op Pilotage. 135 XoULLAH'S BIHDBRT ii tlie MOST COMPLETE in the MarlUme Pro^lnoM. Ow/word*— From the harbor of the Port of St John, N B, to outside of Par- tridge Island, per foot draft of water, $1,25. Down the Bay of t'undy, when required, shall be two dollars f$2) per foot draft of water, ove: and above the one dollar and twenty-five^cients (f 1.25) harbor pilotage outwards. Trami>orHng — If any Pilot shall be employed in the removal of any ship or vessel within the Port or Harbor of St John from any mooring ground to any wharf, or from an^ wharf to any mooring ground, or from one wharf to another wharf, and such Pilot shall see said vessel properly secured and moored, he shall be entitled to demand and receive for such services as follows : P' ' /ided always, that if, on the arrival of any ship or vessel into the harbor of S' Joh., circumstances prevent such ship or vessel from being placed on the aooring ground or at the berth intended by the master, owner or consiKnee of such Bhip or vessel, it shall be the duty of the Pilot piloting such ship or vessel inward to pilot the same when being removed to such mooring ground or berth, if such removal takes place within twenty-four hours after the arrival of such ship or vessel, as aforesaid, without any extra charge for tbo same. For vessel not over 100 tons ^1 50 Over 100 tons, and not exceeding 200 tons 2 00 "200 " " 300 " 3 00 " 300 " ■* 400 " 4 00 And 25 cents additional for every fifty tons such vessels may measure over 400 tons. All steamers not otherwise exempt by the Pilotage Acts shall pay the fol- lowing rates of pilotage for entering and leaving the port of St John: Inward — First District, from Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing N W, per foot draft of water, $2. Second District, from Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, N W, per foot draft of water, $2.50. Third District shall be from the outside limit of the Second District to a bound ranging from the North Head of Grand Manan to Liberty Point, bear- ing N W by W, North Channel ; and from Machias vSeal Island to Cape Sable Seal Island, bearing S S E, South Channel, per foot draft cf water, $3. Outward — From the harbor of the Port of St John, N B, to the outside of Partridge Island, per foot draft of water, $1.75. Down the Bay of Fundy, when required, shall be two dollars and seventy- five cents ^2.75) per foot draft of water, over and above the one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) harbor pilotage outwards. Transporting — If any pilot shall be employed in the removal of any steamer within the port or harbor of St John, from any mooring ground to any wharf, or from any wharf to any mooring ground, or from one wharf to another wharf, and such pilot shall see the said steamer properly secured and moored, he shall be entitled to demand and receive for such services as follows : Pro- vided always, that if on the arrival of any steamer into the harbor of St John, circumstances prevent such steamer from being placed on the mooring ground or at the berth intended by the mastor, owner or consignee of such steamer, it shall be the duty of the pilot piloting such steamer inwards to pilot the same when being removed to such mooring ground or berth, if such removal takes place within twenty-four hours after the arrival of such steamer as aforesaid, without extra charge for the same. MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. iti j lill "' ! 136 St. John City— ^Harbor Master's Fees. Bailroad and Steamboat Prlntliig a Special Feature at J. k A. HoHOiLAirs. pi-Mi 'vfi m' For all steamers not exceeding 100 Ions $2 00 Over 100 tons, and riot exceeding 200 tons 2 50 " 200 '* " 300 " 3 75 " 300 " " 400 " 5 00 And thirty cents additional for every fifty tons such steamer shall measure over 400 tons. It being understood if a steamer drop two anchors in the harbor on arrival she is considered moored, and any removal is a transportation. , (Signed) J. U. THOMAS, Secretary. Privy Council, Ottawa, 9th June, 1886. I hereby certify that the foregoing By-Laws of the Pilotage Commissioner^ for the District of St John, Province of New Brunswick, amending the Pilot- age By-LawH of 1875, and the By-Laws amending the same, have been ap- proved by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council on this, the 9th day of June, 1886. JOHN J. McGEE, Clerk Privy Council. Harbor Master's Fees. For every vessel (except steamers) plying between St. John and Digby in Nova Scotia and ports in the Bay of Fundy to the eastward of the entrance of the harbor, and woodboats and river craft : For vessels of 30 tons, and under 50 tons $ 60 ForvesHelsof 50 tons, and under 75 tons 75 For vessels of 75 tons, and under 100 tons 1 40 For vessels of 100 tons, and under 150 tons 1 25 For vessels of 150 tons, and under 200 tons 1 50 For vesisels of 200 tons, and under^OO tons 2 00 For vessels of 800 tons, and under 400 tons 2 50 For vessels of 400 tons, and under 500 tons 3 00 For vessel? of 500 tons, aud under 550 tons 3 50 And 25 cents for every 60 tons such vessel may measure over 500 tons. Provided, however, that for all decked vessels under the burthen of one hundred tons, owned and registered in this port, and for all vessels under that tonnage, owned or registered elsewhere when trading within the Bay of Fundy, or trading and arriving from ports to the northwarclof Cape Cod, west of Cape Canso, or from any port in Nova Scotia, there n^av be paid to the Harbor Master, in lieu of the several bums of money mentioned in the scale aforesaid, an an- nual sum, according to the following scale, viz.: For vessels under 80 tons % 75 For vessels of 80 tons, and under 60 tons 1 00 For vessels of 50 tons, and under 75 tons 150 For vessels of 75 tons, and under 100 tons 2 00 in case the master or owner shall elect to make such annual pavment on the first arrival of any such vessel in the said harbor after the 31st day of March in each year, and at the time of making such election shall also pay the same to the Harbor Master. Anchorage. For all decked vessels, not being ships of war or transports, or other vessels emploved in the transportation of troops or munitions of war, or otherwise exclusively for the time being in the employment of Her Majesty's Government ; and except steamers plying between this port and the port of Digby in Nova Scotia, and ports in the Bay of Fundy to the eastward of the entrance to this harbor, which shall arrive, come, or be brought into this harbor of St. John, there shall be paid on demand by tlie owner, master, agent, consignee, or person HoHILLAN'S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Proviiices. Advertisement — Rates op Wharfage. 137 ALL mNDS OF LEOAL PRINTING AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. 15 NORTH MARKET WHARF. Vessels' Ootlts, Skip Gtamilepji i Stores. Hemp and Manilla Cordage, Anchors and Chains, Wire Rigging, Naval Stores, Canvas, Oakum, and Vessels' Stores of every description. All Kinds of FLAGS and BUNTING in Stock. BRITISH, ST. GEORGE, aud CANADIAN ENSIGNS, and FORT and UNION JACKS, Agent ProvidcMce Wasliingrton Insurance Company, Proridence, R. I. in charge of such vessels, respectively, to the use of the city corporation of St. John, as a duty of anchorage for each and every time such vessel may so arrive, come, or be brought, w ether such vessel shall anchor or not, according to the following scale, that is to say : For ^ressels not exceeding 50 tons ...$ 75 For vessels of 50 tons, and under 100 tons 1 00 For vessels of 100 tons, and under 150 tons 1 25 For vessels of 150 tons, and under 200 tons 1 50 For vessels of 200 tons, and under 250 tons 1 75 For vessels of 250 tons, and under 300 tons 2 00 And 25 cents for each 50 tons additional. Rates of Wliarfag-e. For every Decked Vessel of — ^0 tons or under, 40 " " 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200, 22r, 50 t( II 60 II ti 70 II II 80 II II 90 11 K ino •I 1. 120 11 rirklT ti Prescribed by the^Board of Education, and aU others used in the Maritime Provinces, constantly on hand. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. & A.]v. J. & A. McMillan supply wedding invitations in latest styles. 140 St. John City — Sea Signals. EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. k A. HcHndJUT'S, ST. JOHN. lii ' ii The following is a description of the Colors displayed from the Signal Station at the CuHtom UouHe on the arrival of VesHelH in the offing ; Code Signal. Description. For a Ship. C Pennant white, with red spot. Ii Blue and Yellow (four cheeks). J Blue, white, 'blue (horizontal). Bark. C Pennant white, with red spot. K Yellow and blue (vertical). T Red, white and blue (vertical tri-color). F Pennant red, with wnite spot. Brig. C Pennant white, with red spot. H Blue, with white cross from corner to corner. H White and ved (vertical). N Blue and white (sixteen checks). Brigantine. C Pennant white, with red spot. M Blue, with cross from corner to corner. H White and red (vertical). S White, Blue centre. Topsail or three-masted Schooner. O Pennant white, with red spot. M Blue, with white cross from corner to corner. H White and red (vertical). Steamer. c M Code Signal. Description. Onn-Boat. Pennant white, with red spot. Blue, with white cross from corner to corner. D Pennant blue, with white spot. Square-Rigged Vessel. D Pennant blue, with white spot. R Red, with yellow cross (vertical and horizontal). C Pennant white, with red spot. P Blue, with white centre. Man of War. C Pennant while, with red spot. Ii Blue and yellow (four checks). V White, with red cross from corner to corner. In future the letters K R Vfor *»Send a Tug to Me " {or to Vessel in direction pointed out) will be displayed at the Signal Station for Vessels re- quiring a Tug, The letters P N for ** Want a Tug-," when exhibited, to be understood as an urgent danger or distress signal, and in answer to those made by the ■ame, or an Ensign Union down. For further information see International Code, or inquire at Signal Station. J. Drake. D Pennant blue, with white spot. C Pennant white, wUh red spot. O Pennant yellow and blue. J Blue, white and blue (horizontal). Vessel in Tow. F Pennant red, with white spot. B Red swalluw-tail (burgee). , L Blue and yellow (four checks). V White, with red cross from corner to corner. Several Vessels in Sight. C Pennant white, with red spot. S White, with blue centre. H White and red (vertical). Several Sail. C Pennant white, with red spot. Ti Blue and yellow ffour checks). K Yellow and blue (vertical). Want a PUot. M Blue, with white cross from corner to corner. B Red swallow-tail (burgee). H White and red (vertical). Want a Tng. P Blue, with white centre. N Blue and white (sixteen checks). ' Want Assistance. H White and red (vertical). B Red swallow-tail (burgee). In Distress— Want Assistance^ N Blue and white (sixteen checks). C Pennant white, with red spot. Boat in Distress. H White and red (vertical). K Yellow and blue (vertical). Boat Adrift. J Blu''. white, blue (horizontal). D Pennant blue, with white spot. N Blue and white (sixteen checks). ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTINO AT J. & A. McMILLAN'S. St. John City— Stoiim Warnings. 141 JOB PRINTINa ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. k A. HoMnjJlN'S. NIGHT IN? lor 3 CANADIAN STORM WARNINGS. ISSUED FOR (iUEHEC A' D THE MARITIME PROVINCES. Fig. No. 1— This signal indicates "moderate gale is expected at first from an easterly direction." Fig. No. 2 — This signal indicates " moderate gale is expected at first from a westerly direction." Fig. No. 3 — This signal indicates " fresh to heavy gale is expected at first from an easterly direction." Fig. No. 4 — This signal indicates " fresh to heavy gale is expected at first from a westerly direction." The (-one, when hoisted by itself, indicates that is is expf^ned that the wind will attain a velocity of 30 milep an hour, but will not exceed 40 miles ; and it is not intended that an ordinarily well found vessel should stay in port, but simply as a warning to mariners that strong winds are expected from the quarter indicated. The Drum will always be hoisted when the velocity of tlie wind is ex- pected to exceed 40 miles an hour. The night signal corresponding to Nos. 1 and 3. is two white lanterns hanging perpendicularly. Night signal corresponding to Nos. 2 and 4, i« two white lanterns hanging horizontally. NIGHT TN?2or4. Note 1 — Mariners will be able to obtain further information from Storm Signal Agents, or by consulting the daily probabilities. Note 2 — Mariners must always bear in mind that the storm signals are merely cautionary, and^ do not necessarily mean that a storm will occur at the place where the signal is displayed, but that one is expected either there or within sucii a distance that vessels leaving port would be liable to be caught in it. .OF ALL, KINI>S SUPPLIED BY^ J. & A. McMillan, St. John, n. r HcHILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. 142 Advertisement. MoMILLAN'S BINDERY U the HOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinoes. .l*l(««i»*l<'n(H<**iM»^li»H«'«i>«»<'l.>S<')iM)|'li>'ui««M.It<«la«"lUM««i m- 1 '/iilv:' '.'.v.. ■'<'■' It V'v ' .,i ■■J ii i«i PlICI ii»S<'M<.ISi>l«<'li'M*tl«lM«>^^UMktMlMal«H>lk«l|<*«ill|li«iMt#li» 222, 224, 226 I? 228 MAIN STREET, ST. oroiiisr, isr. b. ^ .-^ '^•'•t»M,i»t,'^,«'*d J no 'V Hallet ; St Marys, Alex Heron and Calvin L Estabrooks ; So-ithampton, Jas K Pinder and Patrick Lockhart; Stanley, Donald FuUerton and James Boies ; McAdam, Geo T Baskin and J W Hoyt. Corporation of Fredericton. Mayor, Harry Beckwith ; City Clerk, Chas W Beckwith ; City Auditor, Jas F McMurray ; City Treasurer, John Moore ; Market Clerk, Sarauel Cook ; Wharfinger, Richard A Estey. A Idermen— Wellington V/ ?rd, John McPherson and Wm H Anderson ; St Ann's Ward, George Gillman and Elijah Estabrooks; Carleton Ward, Patrick Farrell and G N Golding ; Kings Ward, Wm Rosborough and Geo N Babbitt ; Queens Ward, L C Macnutt and John Moore. ^ PAPER RULOfO A SPECIALTY AT HcMILLAirS BINDERT, ST. JOHN. ii- .1- uJ 148 York County. XcMILLAirS PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS ttOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. i mi City Marshal — James Roberts. Fire Department — Andrew Lipsett, Chief Engineer , Geo Hatt, jr, Assistant Chief Engineer ; John McLaucklin, Foreman No 1 Hose Company ; George Ross, Foreman No 2 Central Hose Company ; Harry Rntter, Foreman No 4 Hose Company ; Geo Clark, Foreman No 5 Hose Company ; John B Haw- thorne, Foreman Hook and Ladder and J'rotection Company. Alms House Commissioner— Geo Hatt ; Keeper, A D Thomas. Manager-City Hall — Chas W Beckwith. Janitor City Hall — G Sisson ; Collector of Licenses, James Roberts. Road Commissioner — Wm McKay. Assessors — Wm J Crewdson, Principal ; John Richards and David Barker, Assistants. Revisors — Aldermen Anderson, Farrell, Gillman and Moore. Police Department — John L Marsh, Police Magistrate ; John Richards, Sitting Magistrate. Police — Paul Phillips, Sergeant ; C Wright and John O'Neil, Policemen. ^ater Department — Alderman Moore, Chairman ; Aldermen Golding and Estabrooks. Water Superintendent — Alexander Burchill. Engineers of Water Works Engine — John Taylor and Malcolm Ross. School Board — A F Randolph, Chairman ; Dr Coulthard and Julius L Inches (appointed by Government) ; A A Sterling, James T Sharkey, Wesley Van wart and J J Weddall (appointed by City Council) ; Secretary, Chas A Sampson ; Messenger, James Hamilton. Board of Trade— Jas S Neil, President ; W Lemont, J T Clarke, H H Pitts, C F Chestnut, J J Weddall, G W Hodge, A H F Randolph, F E Edgecombe, J W McCready. Game Warden — Frank Bird. Board of Health — See page 108. York County Medical Society. President, D R Moore, M D, Stanley ; Vice-President, G E Coulthard, M D, Frederictoa ; Secretary-Treasurer, G C Vanwart, M D, Fredericton ; Executive Committee, Doctors J C Mott, Prince William ; R McLearn, J Z Currie and G H Coburn, Fredericton ; Audit Committee, Doctors J W Bridges and W C Crocket, Fredericton. This Society meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, in the Consulting Room of Victoria Hospital. Census Returns, 1891. Bright 1,661 New Maryland 409 Canterbury 2,297 North Lake 755 Douglas 2.880 Dumfries 689 Kiigsclear 1,746 Maiiners-Sutttm 1,693 Prince William 1,398 Queensbury 1,540 St Marys 3,354 Southampton. 2,310 Marysville (town) 1,339 , Stanley 2,406 FREDERICTON. CarletonWard 1.621 St. Ann's Ward ..1,588 Kings Ward 1,074 Wellington Ward 832 ■Queens Ward 1,387 Total 6,502 Total 30,979. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. * A. McMILLAH'S. Railways. 149 EHBOSSmO NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. RAILWAYS. Intercolonial Railway— Miles Operated, 1,144. C Schreiber, C M G, Deputy Minister and Chief Engineer of Railways and Canal/, Ottawa, Ont. General Officers, resident at Moncton, N B — D Pottinger, General Manager ; P S Archibald, Chief Engineer ; F R F Brown, Mechanical Superintendent ; Thomas Williams, Chief Accountant and Treasurer ; J J Wallace, General Freight Agent; John M Lyons, General Passenger and Ticket Agent; T V Cooke, General Storekeeper. District. Superintendents — James E Price, Halifax and St John District, Truro, N S ; F D Laurie, Sydney and Oxford District, New Glasgow, N S ; J J Wallace, Moncton and Ste Flavie District, Campbellton, N B ; A R Mc- Donald, Quebec aud Ste Flavie District, Riviere du Loup, P Q. Canadian Pacific Railway. (Atlantic Division.) H P Timmerman, General Superintendent, St John; E Tiffin, General Freight Agent, St John ; C E McPherson, Asst General Passenger Agent, St John ; Alfred Seely, Local Treasurer, St John; J H Van Zile, Superintendent, Brownville Junction, Me ; John Stewart, Superintendent, Wooastock ; J H Barber, Engineer, St John ; M J Spaulding, Acting Master Mechanic, McAdam Junction. Miles operated, 655. New Brunswick Railway Company. (Leased to Canadian Pacific Railway.) Robert Meighen, President ; J Kennedy Tod, Vice-President ; Alfred Seely, Secretary and Treasurer ; W T Whitehead, Land Agent. Directors — Samuel Thorne, John S Kennedy. J Kennedy Tod, Hon H O Northcote, D Willi* James, Sir Donald A Smith, E R Burpee, Charles W Weldon, John McMillan, Robert Meighen, John TurnbuU. Shore Line Railway. St John to St Stephen, 82 miles. Richard J Cross, New York, President;. Hugh H McLean, Vice-President and Managing Director, St John, N B ; Frank J McPeake, Superintendent. Directors— Hon Russell Sage, Richard J Cross, Giles E Taintor, Sidney Shepherd, Horace M Ruggles, Frank Todd, Hugh H McLean. Elgin, Petitcodiac & Havelock Railway. 26^ miles. Hon Thos R Jones, Receiver ; J Gillis Jones, Manager. Prince Edward Island Railway. D Pottinger, General Manager Canadian Government Railways, Moncton, N B ; Alex McDonald, Superintendent ; H W Anderson, Foreman Mechanical Department ; J J Chappelle, Storekeeper and Mechanical Accountant ; H S Coffin, Car Foreman. Head Offices : Charlottetown. Distances : Charlotte- town to Tignish, 117 miles ; Charlottetown to Souris, 60 miles; Charlottetown to Georgetown, 46 miles ; Charlottetown to Cape Traverse, 44 miles. Total mileage, 210. JOB PRINTWa ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. k A. MCMILLAN'S. \r ="!.; ■-1? 160 Railways — Banks. DAVID CONIIBLL, UVERT STABLES. • . and 47 WATEBLOO STREET. The Salisbury and Harvey Railway Company. (Formerly Albert Bail way.) Salisbury to Hillsboro, 24 miles, and to Harvey 48 miles. Connections made with I C B at Salisbury, east and west. A Sherwood, Manager. Caraquet Railway. From Gloucester to Shippegan, 70 miles. Kennedy F Burns, President and Manager ; John Sivewright, Secretary-Treasui er ; K F Burns, G M Duncan, M D, Jacob White, Joseph Poirier, G C Sutherland, Wm Walsh, Thos Ahier, Directors. Canada Eastern Railway. Fredericton to Chatham, 119 miles ; Blackville to Indiantown, 9 miles. Alexander Gibson, General Manager, Gibson. Buctouche & Moncton Railway. < 31 1 uiiles long. E G Evans, Beceiver and Manager. Office, Hampton Station. Dr L G De Bertram, President ; C N Skinner, John C Harris, John McKee, F J Merritt, J F Anderson, C C Barr, Directors. Albert Southern Railway. 17 J miles long. W W Wells, President : W A Trueman, Secretary-Treasurer and Slanager. The road was opened for traffic June 15th, 1892. Kent Northern Railway. Bichibucto, via Kingston, to Keni; Junction, connecting with Intercolonial Bail way. Length of line, 27 miles. Central Railway. Northern Division — Norton to Chipman, 445 miles. Southern Division- Hampton to Quaco, 30 miles. Office, Hampton Station ; E G Evans, Super- intendent and Treasurer. St. John Valley and Riviere Du Loup Railway Co. Directors — Messrs George F Baird, W H Thorne, James Manchester, H D Troop, James Holly. George F Baird, President ; Chas A Palmer, Honorary Secretary ; David Bussell, Secretary. St. Louis Railway. Bichibucto to St Louis. Length of line, 7 miles. Wilmot Brown, Manager. BANKS. Bank Holidays. Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia — New Year's Da}', Good Friday, Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, Labor Day and Christmas Day. Quebec — New Year's Day, Epiphany, Anntmciation, Good Friday, Ascen- sion, Corpus Christi, St Peter's and St Paul's, All Saints, Conception, ('hristnias Day, Queen's Birthday, Labor Day, Dominion Day. Also, throughout the Dominion, any day appointed by proclamation for a general Fast or Thanksgiving Day. HoMILLAN'S BINDERT is tbe MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Proviiices. Banks. 161 HORSE S and 0ABRIAQE8 OH HIRE, DAVH) CONIIELL. WATERLOO STREET. Bank of British North America. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital, £1,000,000 Stg. Reserve Fund. £265,000 Stg. St John Branch — H A Harvey, Manager ; G Bentley Gerrard, Accountant ; Thos Kirkwood, Teller ; G H Winter, TEG Armstrong, J H Mercer, A B Chapman, Jno Macdonald, James J Kaye Allison, Clerks; W Maber, Mes- senger. Fredericton — Jeremy Taylor, Manager ; O H Sharpe, L W Bailey, jr, J Winslow, Clerks. Bauk of Montreal. Capital, $12,000,000. Reserve, $6,000,000. Head Office, Montreal. Sir Donald A Smith, President ; E S Clouston, General Manager ; A Lang, Assistant General Manager. St John Branch — E C Jones, Manager ; M S L Richey, Accountant. Staff' —A Buehan, F H J Ruel, O R Campbell, C A Lawford, P G W H Harvey, F M Maunsell, F J McDonald, ^" B Winslow, W A Boyd, W C Hazen, WK McKean ; J L Wilson, Messenger. Discount Days — Every week day. Branches and Agencies in the Maritime Provinces — Moncton, F J Hunter, Manager ; Chatham, F E Winslow, Manager ; Halifax, N S, F M Cotton, Manager. The Bank of New Brunswick. Capital, $500,000. Rest, $525,000. Directors— Hon J D Lewin, President; W W Turnball, Vice-President ; S Jones, James Manchester and C F Woodman. G A Schofield, Manager ; J Clawson, Cashier ; B C B Boyd, Accountant ; S Girvan, J M Dick and A McDonald, Tellers; G L Robinson and WS Thomas, Ledger Keepers ; C H Lee, Corresponding Clerk ; G W Daniel and W E Foster, Discount Clerks ; R Dole, H E Hall, P G Hall, F B Schofield, R R Fairweather, R E Smith, Clerks; Wm Paltison, Janitor; A S Pattison, Messenger. Directors' Meetings— Tuesdays and Fridays. Bank of Nova Scotia. Incorporated 1832. Capital paid up, $1,500,000. Reserve Fund, $1,200,000. Directors — John Doull, President; Adam Burns, Vice-President; Jarius Hart, John Y Payzant and R B Seeton. Cashier— Thomas Fyshe. Branches in Nova Scotia— Amherst, Bridgetown, Kentville, North Sydney, Annapolis, Digby, Liverpool, Pictou, New Glasgow, Yarmouth, Stellarton, Oxford, WestviUe. Branches in New Brunswick— St John, Moncton, Woodstock, Newcaatle, Chatham, Campbellton, Fredericton, Sussex, St Stephen and St Andrews. Branches in P E Island— Charlottetown and Summerside. » Agency in United States— Chicago. Agency in Montreal, P Q. Agency in West Indies— Kingston, Jamaica. People's Bank of New Brunswick, Fredericton. A F Randolph, President ; A H F Randolph, Vice-President ; J W Spurden, Cashier; D Lee Babbitt, Accountant; W B Coulthard, Teller; A R Tibbits, Discount Clerk ; D Richards, Messenger. JOB PRINTING ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. HcMILLAN'S. UKV ' 152 Banks — Game Laws. BOARDINO, HACK and UVERT STABLES , 45 and 47 W ATERLOO STREET. Halifax BankiDgr Company. EstabliBhed 1825. Incorporated 1872. Paid-up Capital, $500,000. Author- ized Capital, $1,000,000. Reserve Fund, $250,000. Head Office, Halifax, N S. Directors — Robie Uniacke, President ; L J Morton, Vice-President ; C W Anderson, F D Corbett, James Thomson. Agencies in New Brunswick — Sackville and St John. Agencies in Nova Scotia — Amherst, Antigonish, fiarrington, Lockeport, Lunenburg, New Glasgow, Parrsboro, Springhill, Truro, Windsor and Canning. St. Stephen's Bank. Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $40,000. Directors— Frank Todd, President ; J D Chipman, Vice-President ; E H Balkham. J F Grant, Cashier ; J T Whitlock, Accountant ; W L Grant, Teller. GAME LAWS. Summary of the Game Laws of the Province of New Brunswick. MOOSE, CARIBOU OR DEER. . Pasted April. 15, 1893. — No person shall hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy, within this Province, any Moose, Caribou or Deer, between the fifteenth day of January and the thirtieth day of September in each and every year, under a penalty not exceeding $200. No one person shall, during the time hereby allowed for killing, hunting or taking Moose, Caribou or Deer, in any one year or season, kill or take more than two Moose, three Caribou, or three Deer, and no number of persons form- ing a hunting party of three or more, shall, in any one season, kill more than one Moose, two Caribou, or two Deer, for each member of such hunting party, exclusive of guides, under a penalty of from $20 to $40. No person shall at any time or season hereafter, hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy any Cow Moose within this Province, under a penalty of from $100 to $200. No person shall hereafter, at any time or season, hunt, chase, pursue, wound, take, kill or destroy any Moose, Cariboa or Deer, with a dog or dogs, save as may be necessary to expel such Moose, Caribou and Deer from or out of any cultivated fields, under a penalty of $50. It shall be lawful for any person to kill or destroy any dog or dogs found hunting, pursuing, chasing or destroying Moose, Caribou or Deer. MINK, OTTER, FISHER, BEAVER OR SABLE. No person shall take, kill, wound, trap or destroy any Mink, Otter, Fisher, Beaver or Sable, between the first day of May and the first day of September following in any year, under a penalty not exceeding $20. MUSKRAT. No person in the Counties of Sunbury and Queens shall take, kill, wound, trap or destroy any Mu?krat between the tenth day of June and the tenth day of March following in any year, under a penalty of $5. J. & A. McmUiiH PUBUSH ARCHER'S SHORT BISTORT OF CANADA. Game Laws. 15r5: HORSES BOARDED ON REASONABLE TERMS. DAVID OONNELL. PARTRIDGE. No person shall hunt, take, shoot, kill or destroy any Partridge, between' the first day of December and the twentieth day of Septeral)er in the year following ; nor any Woodcock or Snipe between the first day of December and the twentieth day of September in tiie year following, under a penalty of |ilO.. BLACK DUCK, WOOD-DUCK OR TEAL. No person shall at any time, within any of the Counties of this Province bordering upon the Bay of Fundy, and the Counties intersected by the River St. John, between the first day of January and the first day of September in any year, or within any of the other Counties of the Province between the fifteenth day of May and the first day of September, hunt, take, shoot, wound, kill or destroy any Wild Black Duck, Wood-duck or teal, nor destroy the nests or eggs thereof, nor remove the same, under a penalty of $10. It is unlawful for any person to buy or sell, or offer for sale, the carcass, or portion thereof, or the green hide or pelt of any animal or bird, or the nests of eggs thereof, at any time during close season. DUCKS, GEESE, BRANT, OR OTHER WILD FOWL OF THE GAME KIND. To catch with a net, or kill with any device or instrument known as a punt- gun or swivel, any Wild Duck, Wild Goose, Brant or other wild fowl of the game kind ; nor use «ny artificial lights at night for the capture or destruction- of any such birds, under a penalty of $40. Any person who shall set any net for the purpose of catching any of the birds in the nect preceding section mentioned, shall be liable to a penalty of $20» THE KILLING OF ROBINS, SWALLOWS And other small birds of song, and the shooting, wounding, killing or destroy- ing of Sea Gulls, within the Parish of Grand Manan, or the trapping, snaring, or taking alive of any of the birds referred to, or the taking or removing of the nests or eggs of any such bird shall be unlawful ; penalty, $5 for each offence. Birds or animalft may be killed for preservation as specimens of natural^ history or for scientific investigation, a special license first being obtained for that purpose from the Surveyor General. No person shall shoot, hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy any of the birds- or animals referred to in this Act, nor any bird or animal of the game kind,,, on the Sabbath or Lord's day, under a penalty of $50. HOW FINES AND PENALTIES SHALL BE ENFORCED. Fines and penalties shall be paid as follows: One-half to the informer adxcO the other half to the commissioner or warden or deputy warden prosecuting ;. but if the prosecutor be any person other than a commissioner, wardien or deputy warden, then such other or second half shall be paid to the chief game- commissioner. * The warden or his deputy, or either of them, are authorized to seize all carcasses, or any part thereof, all hides, pelts or traps found in the possession of any person contrary to law, and shall forthwith proceed before a justice of the peace, who will deal with the case as prescribed in Section 12, Act 41 Vic, Chap. 45. If the owner of the property seized be not known, the warden or his deputy shall proceed, as directed in section 13 of the same Act, before a justice of the peace. EMBdSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. MdOLLAN'S, ST. JOHN. M (!', ! .lii • 164 Advertisement— Game Laws. HoHILLAN'S PEN DEPARTM EWT OOHTAWg Q0 0D8 FROM ALL MAKERS. The Murphy Gold Cure Institute l^.m u < til ., w. m ST. JOHN. N. B . For the Treatment and Cnre of Dmnkenneii, the Morphine # Tohaooo Habiti. The Murphv iDstitutes are the only establishments of the kind in the world approved and supported by legislative enactment. References to leading physicians and gentlemen in all parts of Canada and the United States. Correspondence strictly conidential. Address: CARROLL RYmH, MANAGER. A search warrant can be obtained on application, under oath, of any stip^n* diary magistrate, police magistrate, justice or justices, whenever any person has reason to suspect, and does suspect, that moose, caribou or deer hides, or any portion of the carcass of a moose, caribou or deer, during the close season, are concealed on the premises of any person, and if found, the same may be seized and dealt with as directed in section 12. Any net set or placed for the purpose of taking or catching any Wild Duck or other game bird may be seized by any person, and the same snail be destroyed, under the conditions of section 18. E. J. WETMORE, Chief Game Commissioner. Game Wardens for New Brunswick. Charles S Turner, Upper NewHorton, Albert County; P Corbett, Johnville, Carleton County; W I^ Todd, Milltown, Charlotte County; Henry Bishop, Bathurst, Gloucester County ; Henry Birchie, Buctouche, ^ent County ; R Arnold, Sussex, Kings County; Joseph Martin, Edmundston, Madawaska County ; William Wyse, Chatham, Northumberland County ; H Branscombe, Cumberland Bay, Queens County ; John S Bassett, River Charlo, Restigouche County; Charles I Burpee, Sheffield, Sunbury County; Martin Stafford, Victoria County ; Charles R Oulton, Little Shemogue, Westmorland County ; Frank Bird, Upper Keswick, York County ; L B Knight, Musquash, St John County. Synopsis of the Fishery Laws of the Dominion of Canada as Regrards Salmon and Trout. Net fishing of any kind is prohibited in public waters, except under leases or license from the Department of Fisheries. The size of nets is regulated so as to prevent the killing of young fish. Nets cannot be set or seines used so aa to bar channels or bays. The netting of trout is prohibited. A general weekly close time is provided, in addition to special close-seasons. Salmon nets must be raised from 6 p. in. on Saturday to 6 a. m. on Monday, and angling for salmon is prohibited iroin 9 p. m. on Saturday to (> a. m. on Monday. Close time for " fly-fishing" for salmon begins 15th August. J. k A. McMillan pubush school books. Game Laws — Hospitals and Asylums. 166 J. k A. MoMniL AW SUPPLY WEDDWO WYITATIOHS IH LATE8T 8TTLB1. The use of explosive or poisonous substances for catching or killing fish is illegal. [Notice has been given that a standard regulation salmon net will be estab- lished and adopted by the Department of FisherieH, to come into use in the year 1891, and therefore no other net will be sanctioned for the capture of salmon an any of the waters of the Bay Chaleur or elsewhere.] TABLE OF OPEN SEASONS FOR FISH IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Kinds (\f fish. Optn Season. Bass, anglinK with hook and line is permitted at all timeB of the year. Speckled Trout {Sal- veltntu /ontinalis) From Apr. 1 to Sept. 15. Kinds of lish. Open Season. Lake Trout, or Land- locked Salmop From May 1 to Sept 15. Salmon, netting From Mar.l to Aug. 15. Salmon, angling From Feb. 1 to Aug. 15. Lobsters From Jan. 1 to July 1. Oysters From Sept. 15 to June 1. Sturgeon From May 1 to Sept. 1. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. General Public HoHpitaL Commissioners— Wm Bayard, M D, President; Robt W Crookshank, Vice- President ; M W Maher, Thos Walker, M D, A Chipman Smith, George A lletherington, M D, W C R Allan, John McGoldrick, John Berryman, M D; I Olive Thomas, Secretary ; W A Christie, M D, Kesident Physician and Superintendent ; Eliza P titegan, Matron. Physicians— Alban F Emery, M D, Murray McLaren, M D, James Christie, M D, Walter W White, M D, Wm Christie, M D, T D Walker, M D. Consulting Physicians— Thomas Walker, M D, J D White, M D. Oculists— M F Bruce, M D, H D Fritz, M D. Pathologist — G A Hetherington, M D. Dentist — Robt J Robertson, D D 8. , Victoria Hospital (Freclericton). (Founded by Lady Tilley, in the Queen's Jubilee Year ) Board of Trustees— Sir Jolin C Allen, President; Hon A F Randolph, Hon Attorney General Blair, Hon Judge Vanwart, the Mayor, Secretary- Treasurer of the County Council, James T Sharkey; Leonard W Johnston, Secretary-Treasurer. ,,_„,r^ »r^ Physicians— G E Coulthard, M D, G H Coburn, M D, R McLearn, M D, W C Crocket, M D, F J Seerey, M D, G Clowes Vanwart, M D, James W Bridges M D. Consulting Physicians— G E Coulthard, M D, G H Coburn, M D, R Mc- Learn, M D, Wm C Crocket, M D. Wiggins' Male Orphan Asylum. Governors— G Sidnev Smith.President; Archdeacon Brigstocke.Hurd Peters, C F Kinnear, Geo E' Fairweather, John M Taylor, Arthur W Adams, Mr Justice Barker, Rev A D Dewdney ; J T Twining Hartt, Secretary-Treasurer ; Rev R Mathers, Principal. '_ McHnJiilN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE B13ST AND MOST DURABLE. / 'I • 'm : w. t w> '^ »- R| ^^^ '■-/V/l 156 Hospitals and Asylums. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRUITDfO AT J. k A. KoMlLLAnL Boys* IndiiHtrial Home. Board of Governors — T W Peters, Chairman; J E Irvine, Hon A F Randolph, Hon A G Blair, R. I Ritchie, Lady Tilley, Elizabeth C Skinner ; J G Downey. Superintendent ; Wilhelniina A Toole, Matron and Teacher. Provincial Lunatic Aysluni. Commissioners — Hon A G Blair. Attorney General ; Jas Mitchell, Provin- cial Secretary ; H R Emmerson, Board of Works ; L J Tweedie, Surveyor General ; A 8 White, Solicitor General ; A T Dunn, C H LaBillois. Secretary- Treasurer, R W Crookshank. Resident Officers — James T Steeves, M D, Medical Superintendent; James A E Steeves, A M, M D, Assistant Physician ; W AQuinton, Steward ; Patrick Tele Clerk ; Miss Kate Murphy, Matron. Visitors (appointed under Sec 7 of Act 5(5 Vic, Chap 4) — Judge Stevens, St Stephen; Joseph S Allison, St John; Edward J Smith, Shediac ; Hon A 1' Randolph, Fredericton ; Edward Sincl-ur, Chatham ; Mrs RChipman Skinner, St John ; Hon Archibald Harrison, Mauperville ; Mrs P A Landry, Dorchester ; Rev G A llartlev, St John ; Dr Buyle Travers, St John ; Stejthen B Applebv, Woodstock ; Dr J S Benson, Chatham ; Mrs W H Todd, St Stephen. St. John Protestant Orphan Asyhini. DirecLorf — W W T'irnbull, President ; John E Irvine, Treasurer ; E L Whittaker, Secretary ; ilev Gee Bruce, B A ; A C Blair, Alex Rankine, T A Rankine, A F Randolph, John M Taylor, Rev J deSoyres, Silas McDiarmi(L James Manchestt^r, Rev Archdeacon Hrigstocke, O V Warwick. Finance Committee — W W Turnbnll, J T. Irvine, T A Rankine. Standing Committee — Rev Geo Bruce, Alex Rankine, O H Warwick. • Building Committee — John M Taylor, Robert Marsh"; I. Auditors — Jol.u !^1 Taylor, A C Bla'r Ladies' Committee —Mrs W W Turnlill, President; Mrs T A Rankine, Mrs D McLellan, Vice-Prt Idents; Mr^ R P S^t:-, Treasurer; Mrs J E B McCready, Secretary; Mrs Geo IvicLcon, Mrs Tar J Kaye, Mrs Jas L Dunn, Mrs G Prescott, Mrs MacLaren, Mrs Chas Johnston, Mrs G R Pugsley, Mrs A L Palmer, Mrs G E King, Mrs Robt Thomson, Miss F Murray. Honorary Members— Mrs J Boyd, Mrs Arthur Everitt, Mrs RW Crookshank, Miss A Hunt, Mrs W Breeze. Standing Committee — Mrs W W Tnrnbull, Mrs Jas J Kaye, Mrs D McLellan. Home for Agred Females. Robt W Crookshank, President ; W K Cra\N ford, H Lawrance Sturdee, John M Taylor, H A Drury, D E Berryraan, M D, J M Robinson, '7 8 Fisher, M^'s J R ^^lmstrong, Mrs Sturdee, Mrs Daniel, Mrs R W Crookshank, Mrs R Thomson, Mrs Prichard, Mrs G M Armstrong, Mrs T'^uipk, Mi. A L^f^uier, Mrs A H Hanington, Mrs J de WoKe Spurr, Mrb Johu B-irpoe, Mrs Gideon Prescott, Miss Crookshank, Mrs J I Dunn, Miss H E Kinnear, Directors; H Lawrance Sturdee, Secretary-Tre-^-iurer. — I l l "^^'^.."^•■■^^^■^^■■■^■■■^^^■■■■■■■HaBaa^B^BUiaMBaHna^i^^BBaiai^iBaaiiiian^iaaK^BiBi^^iH^^^' ^PWOOTi T^ffcOlT^ Prescribed by the Board of EducaiJon, and ull others used '0\JMM.:'jJAJ Jk3\j\ in the Maritime Provinces, constanf-ly on hand. WHOIiESA.L.£ AND RETAIL. J. & JL, M:oMriJL.t.JLiv. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. & .i. UiWUM'S. ECOLESIABTICAL. 157 HoMIIiLAN'S BOIDERT ii the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinoet. ECCLESIASTICAL. Clergy of the Dlocene of Frederictou, 1804-05. III8M(iI>. Tho Right Rev. Hollingworth Tully Klnj2 7, 1886 13, 1890 9, 1867 24, 18t>l 21, 18H4 23, 1872 6, 1887 22, 1878 24, 1848 17, 1889 27, 1888 1, 189i» 24, 187G 1. 1874 16, 1889 Dlbblee, II E, m a Maugerville March Dicker, A ti H St John May Eatough, W St John June FlewelUng, J E Centrevllle, Carleton Co Dec. Forsyth, David, B a (Canon) Chatham March Fullerton, C H Petltcodiao June Gollmer, A J A Cambridge Hackenley, Henry Kichibucto Oct. 6, 1884 Hanford, S Jones, b a I'pham, Kings Co March 15, 1848 Hanlngton, C P, b a Lawson's P O, via Apohaqul March 9, 1884 Hansen, N C, M a Gagetown Feb. 26, 1888 Hansen, N M Nt-w Denmark May 27, 1877 Hooper, E B, a a Moucton June 5, 1887 Hopkins, J R Birch Uidge, Victoria Co Dec. 21, 1890 Hoyt, Leo A, m a St John Dec. 18, 1870 Jalfrey,^ v'm (Retired) St Marys, York Co June 15,1851 Jones, POwen Davenport School, St John June 19, 1883 Ketchum, W Q,dd (Canon) St Andrews Sept. 20, 1846 Little, H W, s A c SuJsex May 23, 1875 Lloyd, George E, m a Rothesay July 31, 1887 Mathers, Richard St John Sept. 28, 1872 Millldge, J W Oak Bay, Charlotte Co Dec. 22, 1878 Montgomery, H, M a Frederlcton June 4, 1882 Morris, H B, m a Dalhousle Sept. 24, 1865 Murray, A B, M a Stanlev, York Co Dec. 23, 1888 McKiel, W LeB, B a Falrville Sept. 24, 1865 Neales, Thomas, M a (Canon) Woodstock Sept. 19, 1809 Neales, Scovll, ma Andover, Victoria Co May 27, 1888 Newnham, O S (Secretary of Synod) St Stephen May 27, 1877 Parkinson, J R S, s ac St Marvs, York Co Sept. 19, 1875 Parlee, H T, b a We.stfteld, Kings Co March 1,1885 Pickett, D W, M A Round Hill, Greenwich Sept. 21, 1&^)6 Raymond, W 0, M A (Secretar: D C S) St .John Dec. 21, 1879 Richards, D, b a Bathurst Roberts, G G, m a (Canon) Frederlcton Sept. 20, 1857 Sampson, W H St John (West side) Dec. 24, 1882 Schofield, George (Retired) St John March 4, 1860 Simonds, R, ba May 30, 1847 Slipper, A A St Martins Dec. 23,1888 Smith, Ranald E, M a St George Dee. 16, 1859 Smithers, A W, B a Waterlord, Kings Co May 24, 1891 .Snow, PG Campbellton Spike, H M, B A Musquash June 13, 1852 ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTING AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. m 1 158 Advertisement — Ecclesiastical. Railroid and Steamboat Printing a Special Featnre at J. k A. HcMILLAN'S, THE MOBLEY LADIES' COLLEGE, eONSESimTORY OF M0SI6 i^ SEHOOL OF IRT (In Union with the London Cstllege of Masio, England), 84 PRINCESS STREET. - - ST JOHN, N. B. Principals. MISS MORLEY, A. Mus. L. C. M. (Representative of the London College of Music ; Silver MediliBt for Puiating). MRS. HAYDON. References kindly permitted to The Hon. Sir Leonard Tilley, C. P., K. C. M. <>., LL. B, (late Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick ; Lady Tilley ; The V«5n. Archdeacon Brigstocke ; Rev. Donald Macrae, D. D.; James F. Robertson, Esq.; J. Morris Robinson, Esq.; Simeon Jones, Esq.; T. W. i eters, Esq. ; Joseph Allison, Esq., etc. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. Thorough English, Litetature, Geography, History (British, Canadian and General)? Mathematics, Science, French (gram'Tiaticalfjr and conversationally), Latin, Theory and History of Music, Freehand and Model Drawing, Class Singing, Musical Drill. Inclusive Fees for the above Full College Course: Seniors, $10.00 per term; Juniors, $7.00 per torni ; Kindergarten, $5.00 per term. A Class for young Gentlemen between the ages of 7 and 12 years, to whom special atten- tion i" <;iven so as to prepare them for College: Fee, $10.00 per term. N. B.— The year is divided into three terms, viz.: Autur n, Winter and Spring. EXTRAS. Pianoforte '. $12 per term of 20 lessons. Voice Culture 15 " " Organ 20 " " Class Singing 5 " " Painting rOils, China or Tapestry) 6 " " Charcoal Drawing 6 " " Drawing, etc 6 " " Elocution 10 " " Sight Reading 2 " " French (in class) 5 " " German 8 " «' Spanish 8 " " Dancing 3 per term of 12 lessons of 2 hours. Drill 3 " 20 lessons. Use of Piano for practice 3 " for 1 hour daily. Use of Organ for practice (including Blower) 5 " for 1 hour daily. Sborthund 4 " of 20 lessons. Evening Classes 3 per term. Name. Address . Street, W H , b a Campobello June Sweet, J H S, s A c Newcastle June Teed, A W, m a Richmond Dec. Wainwrigh*, H S, ba Kingston, Kings Co Dec. Warneford, EA Hampton Village Dec. Warneford, C A S Canterbury Station March Weeks, A H, b a (Retired) Sussex, Kings Co Dec. Wetmore, D Clifton, Kings Co Sept. Whalley, H F E, s a c .Burtt's Corner Dec. Wiffgins. C F, B A Sackville May Wilkinson, Wm J, u a Bay du Vin May DEACONS. Lee, Arthuv, h a Rothesay Simonson, E W, b a Temperance Vale. .July .July Date of Ordination. 19, 1859 29, 1874 23, 1888 23, 186f> 22, ISnO 6, 1887 19, 1847 20, 1867 23, 1885 23, 1875 23, 1880 8 1894 8, 1894 HomLLArS PEN DBPARTMEHT GOHTAUIS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Ecclesiastical. 15»- McHILLAirS BLMfK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND HOST DURABLE. The Diocesan Church Society. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. President, The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Fredericton; Vice-Presi-- dents, The Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, D D, Sir S Leonard Tilley, CB,. K C MG, W M Jarvis, Sir John C Allen, LL D, G A Schofield, Rev Canoa DeVeber, M A , Rev Canon Ketchum, D D, His Honor John J Eraser, Lieut- Governor of the Province; Trejisurer, Geo E Fairweather; Secretary, Rev- W O Raymond, St John ; Auditors, Jas S Beek, G Sidney Smith. Executive Committee— The officers of the society, the clergy dulv qualified,, and the following lay members: T C Allen, A G Beckwith, John Black, Geo Burchill, J Roy Campbell, W K Crawford, John B Fo rater, Judge Haniug- ton, I Allen Jack, C F Kinuear, C A Macdonald, W Michel, John Moore^ Eldon Mullen, Judge Peto-s, Alfred Porter, T B Robinson, A F Street, A A Sterling, H L Sturdee, V W Tippet, C N Vroom, Charles VV Weldon, Judge- Wilkinson. * Board of Home Missions (appointed by the General Committee)— The Right- Rev the Lord Bishop (ex officio), The Venerable the Archdeacon {ex officio),, the Treasurer of the Society [ex officio), the Secretary of the Society {ex offi^no),. R&v Canon Neales, Canon Roberts, C P Haningion, O S Newnham, E B. . Hooper, Messrs G A Schofield, C N Vroom, W M Jarvis, the Lieutenant Governor, Messrs T B Robinson, Jas S Beek, John B Forster. (Appointed by the Rural Deaneries) — Rev Canon Forsvth, H Montgomery, S J Han- ford, W H Street, L A Hoyt, J R Campbell, 'Scovil Neales. Book Depository Committee (appointed by the General Committee) — Rer J deSoyres, A G H Dicker, W Eatoiigh, Messrs C E L Jarvis, C N Vrooin,. J R Campbell, T B Robinson, C F Kinnear, R W Hewson, J P Burchill, to- gether with members of the Parent Society in the Diocese. Committee on Interesting Sunday Schools in Home Missions, and on the Promotion of Sunday Schools (appointed by the General Comnilt«;ee) — Rev W Eatough (convener), E B Hooper, A J Cresswell. A G H Dicker, HMoni- gomery, Canon Roberts, Messrs R W Hewson, Herb't Schofield, R E Coupe. Committee on the Proposed Plan for the Union or Amalgamation of the Synod and Church Society (appointed by the General Committee) — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop, Rev Canon Ketchum, J Roy Campbell, W O Ray- mond, Canon Forsyth, the Lieutenant Governor, Messrs James S Beek, G A Schofield, W M Jarvis. Finance Committee (appointed by the Executive Committee) — W M Jarvis- (chairman), A F Street, J R Campbell, John Black, H L Sturdee, Jas S Beek,, G A Schofield, C F Kinnear, G Sidney Smith, the Treasurer of the Society {ex officio). Committee on the Incapacitated Clergy Fund (appointed by the Executive- Committee)— The Right Rev the Lord Bishop, the Venerable Archdeacoa Brigstocke, Rev O S Newnham, C P Hanington, the Lieutenant Governor^. Messrs W M Jarvis, G A Schofield. The Clergy Widows and Orphans Fund— The Right Rev the Lord Bishop^ the Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev O S Newnham, W O Raymond^. Messrs Geo A Schofield, W M Jarvis, Geo E Fairweather (secretary). Committee on the Fund to Aid in the Education of the Children of Clergy- men (appointed by the Executive Committee)— The Right Rev the Lord Bishop, the Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, Messrs G E Fairweather, W M Jarvis, G A Schofield, T B Robinson, T Barclay Robinson (secretary). J. k A. McMillan supply wedding invitations in latest styles. I im Ecclesiastical. JOB PRINTING ARTISTICALLT EXEOUTED AT J. ft A. HcHILLAN'S. CoinmiKee to Arrange Time and Place for Meetings of Committees of Diocesan Church Society and Synod — Rev W O Raymond, G A Schofield. Diocesan Synod. President — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Fredericton. Addreas — SFredericton, N B. Secretary — The Rev O S Newnham. Address — St Stephen, N B. Treasurer— W M Jarvis. Address — St John, N B. Anditor— H L Sturdee. Address — St John, N B. COMMITTEES OF THE SYNOD. Standing Committee — The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop, Chairman ; The "Venerable the Archdeacon ; Rev Canon Neales, Rev Canon Roberts, Rev O S llfewnhara, Rev J M Davenport, His Honor the Lieut Governor, Geo A Scho- lield, C N Vroom, Mr Justice Hanington. Standing Committee on Sunday-schools — Rev O S Newnham, Convener; Rev E B Hooper, Rev H Montgomery, Rev Canon Forsyth, E J Wetraore, C U Smith, Henry Wilmot. Members of the Board of Management of the Domestic and Foreign Mis- -sionary Society — Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev Canon Forsyth, W M -Jarvis, A P Tippet. Corresponding Committee in connection with the Board of Management of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop; W M Jarvis (Convener) ; Rev Canon Roberts, Rev J R S Parkinson, Rev J M Davenport. R E Coupe, C F Kinnear, W M Jarvis Ctreasurer), Bishop Medley Divinity Scholarship Fund Committee — The Lord Bishop, ^Convener ; Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev A J Cresswell, His Honor the Xieut Governor, the Treasurer of the Synod. Governors of King's College, Windsor— Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Mr •Justice Haningion. Trustee of the Girls' School, Windsor — John B Forster. Lay Members of the Board of Discipline — His Honor the Lieut Governor, 'Mr Justice Hanington, Judge Wilkinson, Judge Peters, Dr C W Weldon, T Carleton Allen, 3eo A Schofield, W M Jarvis, A A Sterling, J R Armstrong, •C N Vroom, E J Wetmore. Delegates to the Provincial Synod — Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev ♦Canon Roberts, O S Newnham, J R Campbell, Canon Neales, ('anon Forsyth, 'Canon Ketchum, W O Raymond, J deSoyres, L A Hoyt, C F Wiggins, Sir -John C Allen, Mr Justice Hanington, Geo A Schofield, C N Vroom, Dr C W "Weldon, Geo E Fairweather, W M J.irvis, Hon Judge Wilkinson, A P Tip- pet, J B Forster, I Allen Jack. Substitutes — Rev H Montgomery, E B Hooper, Geo E Lloyd, A J Cresswell, H W Little, Messrs T Carleton Allen, lcDonald. Widows and Orphans' Fund — Eastern Section — R Laing, convener; Dr Patterson, Dr T Sedgwick. A McLean, A McLean Sinclair, J McLean, James Carruthers, J H Cameron, Ministers ; R Baxter, G Mitchell, Dr A H McKay, J D McGregor. Aged and Infirm Ministers^ Fund — Eastern Section — Anderson Rogers, con- vener ; Dr McKnight, H H McPherson, H B McKay, T G Johnstone, J D McGillivray, A McLean Sinclair, Dr Isaac Murray, J H Chase, Edwd Grant, W Dawson, Dr A W McLeod, G Leek, Jas Sinclair, E S Bayne, Dr Pollok, Ministers; D McDonald, J G Forbes, S Waddell. S'JANDING COMMITTEES — 8YN0DICAL. Sabbath Observance — H H McPherson, convener; T Cumming, J M Robin- son, D Sutherland, A Robertson, D McDonald, Ministers ; Hugh Ross, Hugh McKenzie, John Willet, Geo Cunningham, J G F'orbes, Elder?. Demperance — John Murray, convener; N McKay, G L Gordon, J S Mullen, A L Geggie, G A Leek, J M McLeod, Ministers; T C James, J A Lawson, Harvey Graham, Fred McDonald, J D McKay, Elders. Statistics and Systematic Giving — J A McKenzie, convener ; the Conveners of Committee on Statistics in the Presbyteries, E J Rattee, J Layton, G S Carson; J R Coffin, J A McLean, E D Miller, E S Bayne, J W Crawford, Ministers; H A White, D McDonald (Pictou), W Sedgwick, J D McGregor, Elders. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Ecclesiastical. 167 J. k A. MoMILLAW SUPPLY WBDDIHO IHVITATIOHS W LATEST BTTLES. Public Education and Civil RighUt — J McMillan, convener; Principal Mc» Knight, D M Gordon, President ForrcHt, A Falconer, J D McCiillivrav, W M Fraser, T F Fullerton, T Fowler, A F Thomson, J McG McKay, W Graham, Dr Macrae, B Laing, W Aitken, Dr I Murray, G McMillan, Ministers; Judge Stevens, Hon D Laird, Dr Stewart, Q Mowet, Dr McGillivray, B Murray, Elders. State of Relimon — W M Fraser, convener ; G S Carson, D McMillan, J W McKenzie, J F Dustan, James Sinclair, J Bobbins, D B McLeod, J D Mc- Farlane, D Henderson, Ministers; Dr McKenzie, £ Bowser, T B Putnam, J S Smith, Walter McDonald, Dr M Chisholro, Elders. Sabbath Schools and Religiou* Welfare of the Young — W H Ness, convener ; A Sogers, Wm Dawson, T F Fotheringham, W P Archibald, D Wright, E J Burgess, J A Cairns, George Fisher, F C Simpson, Ministers ; L McKeen, James Forrest, J 8 Smith, Elders. Synod Fund — 8 Bosborough, convener; W Hamilton, James Boss, D S Fraser, A B Dickie, Ministers ; John Boss, Eldridge Smith, Elders. Bills and Overtures — J B Munro, convener ; G S Carson, J H Chase, A McL Sinclair, George Bruce, G McMillan, P M Morrison, with the Clerk of Synod and the Clerks of Presbyteries ex-officio, Ministers ; D McGillivray, F H Bobb, W H Blanchard, Elders. Widows and Orphans' Fund — (Nominations to General Assembly) — B Laing, convener ; Dr Patterson, A McLean, J McLean, Dr Sedgewick, A McLean Sinclair, J A Greenlees, J Carruthers, Ministers ; B Baxter, G Mitchell, Dr A H McKay, J D McGregor, Elders. Hunter Fund — A Simpson, convener; President Forrest, P M Morrison, J McMillan, Ministers; J F Stairs, S Waddell, A G Troop, Elders. THE METHODIST CHURCH. The Ecclesiiwtical Year in the Methodist Church begins with June 1st, and all change in stations and officials take plaee on that date. List of Ministers of the Methodist Conference of New Brunswick and P. E. Island— 1894:-95. Bev. John A. Clark, President, Point de Bute, N. B. Eev. James Crisp, Secretary, Newcastle, Miramichi, N. B. 8T. JOHN DISTRICT. St John (Queen Square), Thos Marshall. Centenary, J J Teasdale; super- numeraries, Henrv Daniel, Henry Pope, d d, F H W Pickles. Exmouth Street, Job Shenton ; supernumerary, B Wilson, Ph D. Portland Street, Wm Penna. Carleton, Chas H Paisley, M A. Carmarthen Street, F 4 Wightman. Courtenay Bay, Wallace H Bryenton, under superintendence of Bro Teasdale. Fairville,' John C Berrie. City Mission, one to be sent under superintendence of Bro Shenton. Hampton. Samuel Howard, b a ; supernumeraries, William Tweedie, Jas A Duke, Edwin Evans, d d. Springfield, Levi J Leard, under superintendence of Bro S Howard. Upham, Matthew B Knight, m a. St Martins, J S Gregg, under superintendence of Bro Knight. Jerusalem, L R McDonald, under superintendence Bro Wass. Welsford, Wm Wass. Kings- ton, Josiah Champion, under superintendence of Bro Penna. Hedley D Marr, Leonard J Wason, Daniel B Bailey, Henry Pierce, W J B uchanan, st udents. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTING AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. 168 Ecclesiastical. MoMILLAN'S BUNK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. Ernest H Gough has leave of ubsence for a year. Charles H PaLiley, m a, chairman; Job Shenton, financial secretary. * FBEDERICTON DISTRICT. Fredericton, Ralph Brecken, dd, Wm Tippett; supernnmerary, George B Payson. Kingsclear, A E LePage. Marysville, W W Lodge. Gibson, Isaat; Howie. Nashwaak, Isaac N Parker. Stanley, H Harrison, b a, under super- intendence of Bro Parker. Boiestown, Edward Boll. Keswif'k, John K King. Sheffield, A D McCully, b a, b d. Grand Lake, Robt W J Clements. Gage- town, Neil McLaughlin. A C Dennis, b a, leave of absence Ralph Brecken, d d, chairman*; I N Parker, financial secretary. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. Woodstock, D Chapman, d d. Richmond, Frank Frizzle. Canterbury, C H Manaton. Jacksonville, T L Williams ; one to be sent. Hartland, H Stanley Young, under superintendence of Bro VV^illiams. Florenceville, Joseph Parkins. Upper K^nt, Geo M Yoijng. Andover, W R Pepper. George A Seller, S A Bailey, students. D Chapman, d d, chairman ; T L Williams, financial secretary. ST. STEPHEN DISTRICT. St Stephen, Howard Sprague, dd. Milltown, S H Rice. St Andrews, Chas Coraben. St David, Thomas Allen. ^' James, A C Bell, 8 TB. Old Ridge, J A Iv38, under superintendence o> Wo Rice. Bocabec, Henry J Clark; address Lawrence Station, Cb.irlotte County, N B. Grand Manan, Deer Island, R A Colpitis, under superintendence Bro Comben. D Comben, chairman ; Thomas Allen, financial secretary. sackville district. Sackville, Wm Harrison ; supernumerary, F W Harrison ; Educational Institutions, Chas Stewart, D D, Dean of Theological Faculty. Point de Bute, John A Clark, M A, President of Conference. Baie Verte, VVallace B Thomas. Bayfield, Chas W Hamilton. Dorchester, Geo F Dawson, B a. President of Conference, chairman ; W Harrison, financial secretary. moncton district. Moncton (Central), W W Brewer; stipernumeraries, John Prince, Stephen T Teed. Moncton (Wesley Memorial), John Read. Sunny Brae, Robt G Fulton, under superintendence of Bro Brewer. Shediac, B II Balderston, b a. Salisbury, Robt S Crisp. Elgin, J B Young. Petitcodiac, Wm C Matthews ; supernumerary, Jos Pascoe. Sussex, Wni Maggs ; A Lucas, leave of absence. Apohaqui, Thos Pierce. Hillsboro, D H Lodge. Albert, W E Johnson, b a. Alma, A E Chapman, B A. John Dystant and John B Howard, students. W W Brewer, chairman ; Thos Pierce, financial secretary. MIRAMICHI district. Chatham, Geo Steel. Newcastle, Jas Crisp, Secretary of Conference ; super- numeraries, Geo Harrison, Levi S Johnson (address Oxford, N S). Derby, Henry Penna. Richibucto, John 8 Allen. Buctouche, Edmund Ramsey. Harcourt, Jas W McConnell, b a. Bathurst, Joseph Seller, m a. Campbell- ton, W A Thomson. Joseph Seller, m a, chairman ; James Crisp, financial secretary. J. & A. McMillan. PUBLISH school books. £cCLE8IA8TieAL. 169 MoHILLAirS BDIDERT in the MOST OOHPLETE in the Maritime Provinoei. C'flABLOTTETOWN DISTRICT. ji.i,ciuiTii, vjeu iTx v^umpueii, u j KA)iitir, leave oi aosence: aadreiw iNew ister, BC. (Upper Prince street), George C P Palmer. Cornwall, R Baker, b a. Llltle York, Silas James. Winsloe, Thos Stebbins ; Winsloe Station. Pownal, E C Turner. V<'rnon River, John (iold- Charlottetown, Geo M Campbell, J J Colter, leave of absence: address New Westminster, B C. Hibbert address Wi smith. MontaKue, Wm Lawson. Murray Harbor, VVm H SparRO. Souris, One to be sent, under superintendence of Bro Howard ; supernumerary, C W Dutcher. Mount Stewart. Wm J Howard, B A ; John B liough, leave of absence for one year. G M Campbell, chairman ; John Goldsmith, financial secretary. suMMr iside district. Summerside, Richard W Weddall, b a. Bedeijue, Wm J Kirby. Tryon, Geo W Fisher. Margate, Richard Opie. Granville and Hunter River, A I> McLeod. Bideford, John F Estey. Alberton, Thomas Hicks. West Cape, Elias Slackford ; address Maddock, Lot 8. Elias Slackford, chairman ; G W Fisher, financial secretary. University of Mount Allison CoUeg^e. Corporation of 1894-95. Board of Regents— The Rev John Lathorn, d d. Chairman; Josiah Wood, D c L, M P, Treasurer; The Rev Cranswitk JoBt, d d. Secretary; Revs C Stewart, d d, W H Heartz, D D, Henry Pope, D D, H Sprague, d d. E Evans, p o, G 8 Mi .ligan, ll d, B C Borden, d d, W C Brown, J Shenton, Messrs D Allison, ll d, Jairus Hart, Alexander Gibson^ Joseph L Black, ilon J S Pitts, W E Dawson, J D Chipmun, J Wesley Smith, Wm Oxley, A A Stockton, ji c l, m p p. Representatives of Alumni Society on Board— R G J Bond, a b, A D Smith, LL D, H A Powell, m p p, S D Scott, b a. Executive Committee — J L Black, Chairman ; D Allison, Secretary; Josiah Wood, M P, C Stewart, d d, B C Borden, d d, H A Powell, m p P, A D Smith LL D, J M Palmer, m a. Faculty of Arts — David Allison, lld. President and Professor of Mental Philosophy and Logic ; Rev Chas Stewart, d d, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity ; Alfred D Smith, ll d, Wood Professor of Classics : Sidney W Hunton. m a. Professor of Mathematics ; Rev W W Andrews, m a, Professor of Chemistry and Experimental Physics ; Rev B C Borden, m a. Professor of Political Science; Wm Morley Tweedie, m a. Pro- fessor of English Language and Literature; A B Tait, ma. Instructor in French Language and Literature ; Prof Smith, ll d. Secretary of tl\( Faculty ; Prof Hunton, m a. Librarian ; Rev Prof Andrews, m a, Curator of the Museum^ Mount Allison Academy and Commercial Oollegre. J M Palmer, M A, Principal, English and Classics; Geo M Blakney (first- class Provincial License), Mathematics ; A B Tait, A M (Ontario Business College), Commercial Department and French; , Shorthand and Typewriting ; W W Costin, Gymnasium ; Rev C Stewart, d d, Chaplain. Mount Allison Laaies* OoUeee, Owen's Art Institution and Conservatory of Miisic, Sackville, N. B. Principal, Rev B C Borden, d o ; Preceptress, Mrs A N Archibald. ladies' college. Board of Instruction — Rev B C Borden, d d. Physics ; Mrs A N Archibald, Latin and Natural Science; Miss Laura Lathern, b a, English Language and Literature ; Raymond C Archibald, n a, Mathematics ; Miss L Jean Landers, ALL KINDS OF LEQAL PRINTING AT J. k A. MCMILLAN'S. N no ECOLERIASTICAL. JOB PRIHTDra ARTISTIOALLT BZBOUTED AT J. ft A. HoHILUri. Elocution and Php^sical Culture; Miss Jeanette £ Thomaa, b ▲, French and English. MiHS Miriam Fullerton, Matron ; Miss Eh^ Je . :e G Trefry, Voice ; Mary Harding Fitch, Violin; Evelina K r***" .), < rym;.; » and Calisthenics. i>o.«kiI -.>f '"'oreign MiHsions. Rev J H Saunders, President ; Rev G O Gates, Vice-President ; Rev J W Manning, Secretary-Treasurer. Members whose term of office expires in 1895— Rev J W Manning, Rev G O Gates, Rev W W Weeks, Rev W E Mclntyre, John McGinty. Members whose term of office expires in l«'9f)— Rev J J Baker, Rev C H Martell, Rev J H Saunders, Rev J D Freeman, M )nt McDonald. Members whose term of oflBce expires in 1897— John March, Chas F Clinch Tho8 8 Simms, D V Roberts, Kev J A Gordon,. Women's Missionary Society. EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTES iT J. & A. HcMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. 172 Ecclesiastical. ■A:.V:f ' «-t '.- 'r 'X ".1 1 ' M ■i'A J. ft A. MgNILLAN PUBU8H SCHOOL BOOKS. C H Martell, Fairville, N B ; Provincial Secretaries, Miss Amy Johnston, Dartmouth, N S ; Mrs Long, Fairville, N B ; Mrs John Miles, Alexandra, P £ 1 ; Auditor, T R Black. Amherst. Board of Home Missions. Chairman, A C Robbins, Yarmouth ; Vice-Chairman, W R Doty, Hebron ; Corresponding Secretary, Rev A Cohoon, M A, Wolfville; Recording Secretary, Rev J B Chao'pion, Chegoggin, N S ; Treasurer, Rev A Cohoon, M A, Wolf- ville; Auditors, Rev G H Wallace, Prof E A Coldwell. Members who^e term of office expires in 1895 — A C Robbins, RevG E Day, D D, Rev A Cohoon, M A, Rev F H Reals. B A, W R Doty. Members whose term of office expires in 1896 — Rev J C Spurr, B A, Rev J H Foshay, Rev Addison F Browne, Rev J E Goucher, M A, Wm Corning, Members whose term of office expires in 1897 — Rev G R White, B A, Rev Frank Beattie, Rev J B Champion, Rev Truman Bishop, B A, Rev Josiah Webb. Board of Ministers' Annuity Fund. For terra expiring 1895 — J C Dumaresq, Wm Davies, Rev E M Saunders* D D, Hon J W Johnstone, E D Shand. For term expiring 189() — A F Randolph, Hon D McN Parker, J Parsons, Rev 8 March, Rev W E Hall. For term expiring 1897 — A Simpson, J W Spurden, Mont McDonald, Rev C H Martell, Rev S B Kempton, D D. Baptist Book and Tract Society. Officers— President, Hon D McN Parker, M D, DCL, Halifax; Vice-Presi- atnts, A P Shand, Windsor ; Rev E J Grant, Sussex ; Rev J C Spurr, Cavendish, P E I ; Rev C H Martell, Upper Canard, N S ; Treasurer, Geo A McDonald, Halifax. Board of Directors — Rev J W Manning, St John ; J C Dumaresq, Halifax ; Rev W E Hall. Halifax ; A L Wood, Halifax ; Rev J E Goucher, Yarmouth ; Rev D A Steele, Amherst ; W L Barss, Halifax ; J Parsons, Halifax ; C B Whidden, Antigonish ; W Davies, Halifax ; Rev J W Bancroft, Aylesford ; Rev 8 B Kempton, Dartmouth, N S ; Rev M P Freeman, Wolfville ; Hon A F Randolph, Fredericton ; Dr H H Read, Halifax ; B H Eaton, Halifax ; Rev D G McDonald, Halifax ; Rev A C Chute, Halifax ; Rev J H Saunders, St John, N B ; Secretary, Geo A McDonald ; Auditor, R M King. Committee of Management — A L Wood, Rev D O McDonald, Wm Davies. The Baptist Institute. President, Rev J C Morse, D D ; Vice-Presidents, Revs C W Corey, G O Gates, G V Raymond ; Sec'y-Treas, Rev B N Nobles. Executive Committee — The President and Secretary, with Revs G J C White, A T Dpkeman, E J Grant. Ministers in New Brunswick and P. £. Island* Milton Addison, Salisbury ; A F Baker, B A, Woodstock ; W H Beckwitli, Fredericton ; B H Bentley,*Summer8ide, P E I ; 8 McC Black, M A, St John ; D Bleakney, Petitcodiac ; J C Bleakney, Woodstock ; W A J Bleakney, New- castle; Wm Bluett, Springfield, Kings; A F Brown, Petitcodiac; Joseph A Cahill, Centreville; W Camp, Hillsboro, Albert; G M W Carey, D D, St John ; Henry Carter, Alberton, P E I; HA Charlton, Centreville, Carleton ; I B Colwell, Dawson Settlement, Albert ; John Coombs, Cumberland Point Queens ; C W Corey, B A, Charlottetown, P E I ; E C Corey, Penohsquis, N B • Sallroad ud Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k A. McHILUJf'S. EcCLEeiASTICAL. 173 mcMILL AirS BPIDZRY to the MOST COMPLETE in the Mari time ProYlnoes. Hebron Y Corey, M A, St John : I W Corey, M A, Fairville, N B ; W G Oorey, vTacksonville, Carleton ; W T Corey, Havelock, Kings ; W W Corev, Boundary Creek, Westmorland ; S H Cornwall, B A, Surrey, Albert ; Calvin Currie, Richmond Corner, Carleton ; F D Davidson, Gibson ; 8 D Ervine, Cumberland Bay, N B; J E Fillmore, Turtle Creek, Albert; Atigustus Free- man, B A, Maugerville, Sunbury; J D Freeman, Fredericton ; E K Ganong, St John ; G O Gates, M A, St John ; J A Gordon, M A, St John ; W C Goucher, M A, St Stephen ; E J Grant, Sussex ; Michael Gross, Surrey, Albert ; J G Harvey, Centreville, Carleton ; A H Hayward, Florenceville, Carleton ; Chas Henderson, A ndover, N B; Edward Hiekson, M A, Carleton, St John; Ezekiel Hopper^ Ga^etown. Queens ; J E Hopper, D D, St John ; George Howard, Hampton Village, Kings; B N Hughes, Hopewell Cape, Albert; John H Hugnes, St John ; Benjamin Jewett, Hartland Station, Carleton ; Elias Keirs- tead, CoUina, Kings; J W Keirstead, Alexandra, Queens; S W Keirstead, Dorchester, N B ; T W Keirstead, Lake View, Queens ; Oswald N Keith, Bayside, Westmorland ; F A Kidso;!, Dundas, P E I ; MP King, Doaktown, N B ; Peter R Knight, Lower French Village, N B ; George A Lawson, Hills- dale, Kings ; Milledge Lewis, Lumsden, Albert ; H E S Maider, St George ; J W Manning, B A, St John ; W D Manzer, St Mary's ; S C Moore, Water- side, Albert; A B Macdonald, Jemseg, Queens; W E Mclniyre, B A, St Martins; M Normandy, McLuuchlan Road, Kent; J A Porter, Blissfield, Northumberland ; David Price, Trvon, P E I ; P O Rees. Zealand Station, York ; C W Sables, Carapbellton ; H H Saunders, B A, Elgin, Albert ; J H Saunders, St .lohnj; H J Shaw, Windsor, Carleton ; J L Shaw, St John ; I R Skinner, B A, Oak Bay, Charlotte ; Solomon Smith, Welford : G W Springer, Jemseg, Queens; J C Spurr, B A, Cavendish, P E I; J C Steadman. Elgin, Albert ; O ESteeves. Keswick Ridge, York ; J EJTiner, Murray River, P E I ; Thomas Todd, Wootlstock, Carleton ; W C ViHcent, Sackville ; W H Warren, M A, Bedeque, P E 1 ; A Washburn, St Martins ; W W Weeks, Moncton ; J D Wetmore, Wickham, Queens ; H D Worden, Lower Newcastle Creek ; F C Wright, Pennfield ; J W S Young, Green Bush, York. Note.— Changes are made at the annual convention in August of each year. FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTISTS. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE AND BOARDS. Ministers' Conference— Rev J Noble, Moderator ; Rev J T Parsons, Corre- sponding Secretary. Execulive— Revs J T Parsons, J Noble, John Perry, E B Gray, J N Barnes. General Conference— Rev G F Curry, Moderator ; Rev G W Fo8ter,A8si8tant Moderator ; Rev B H Nobles, Corresponding Secretary ; D McLeod Vince, Recording Secretary ; Dr J U Burnett, Af^sistant Recording Secretary ; James Patterson, Treasurer ; Hon G E Foster, D C L, M P, Auditor. Conference Executive— Rev G F Currv, D McLeod Vince, Revs G A Hartley, J 8 McLeod, C F Phillips. J W Clark, David Long. Board of Managers— Revs G A Hartley, J W Clark, B S Palmer, A C Smith, MPP, L S Vanwart, G J Worden. Executive Committee of Home Missions- Rev F C Hartley, B A, C>orre^ spondiog Secretarv ; Rev G A Hartley, Treasurer ; Rev G W Foster, Rev J T Parsons, W R Reud, G F Atherton. Foreign Mission Executive— Rev Dr McLeod, Corresponding ^Secretary; MoMILLAN'8 PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. >•-' ' ■) 174 ECCLESTASTICAL. ii. ■oHILLAH'8 BULHK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AMD MOST DURABLE. E W Slipp, Treasurer ; W J Halse, C B Lewis, A McNinteh, T C!onnor, D Long, J vV Long, Wm Peters. Executive of Sabbath Schools — James McCready, Corresponding Secretary ; Revs D Long, T Connor, W J Halse, T L Alexander. Executive of Sick and Disabled Ministers' Society — Gideon McLeod, Trea- surer ; Revs J W Clark, J Perry, J N Barnes, G Irvine. NAMES OF ORDAINED MINISTERS, WITH THEIR POST OFFICE ADDRESSES. Revs Ezekiel Sipprell, Somerville, Carleton Co ; Joseph Noble, Woodstock ; John Perry, Council, Carleton Co; Geo A Hartley, West End, St John ; The* Connor, Woodstock; John G McKenzie, Inchby, Queens Co; JT Parsons, Marysville, York Co ; J N Barnes, Andover, Victoria Co; T S Vanwart, Somerville, Carleton Co T O DeWitt, Beaver Harbor, Charlotte Co ; Joseph McLeod, DD, Fredericton ; Elijah Gray, Centreville, Carleton Co ; C T Phillips, Woodstock ; J S Jones, Caverhill ; T W Carpenter, Carpenter, Queens Co ; J Henderson, Nashwaasis ; W DeWare, Moncton ; J Wesley Clarke, 2t J^^hn ; Henry Hart, Jacksontown ; J J Barnes, Bath ; C F Rideout, Bath ; John H Erb, San Antonio, Texas ; S WSh«w, Hartland ; O N Mott, Big Cove, Queens Co; G W Foster, Hampstead, Queens Co ; G F Currie, Tracy's Mills, Carleton Co . B H Noble8,.Sus8ex ; W H Perry. North Head, Grand Manan ; Gideon Swim, Hartland, Carleton Co ; AH McLeod, Millstreani, Kings Co ; C B Lewis, Hampstead, Queens Co ; Fred C Hartley, A B, Fredericton ; H Allen Bonnell, Central Southampton ; Abner McNinteh, Petitcodiac ; Lemuel A Cosman, Kingston; David Long, Norton, Kings Co; Abraham Perry, Lower Ridge; AG Downey, Victoria Corner, Carleton Co; WJ Halse, St John, North End; Irvine Harvey, White Head Island, Grand Manan; W R Rend, Fredericton Junction, Sunbury Co ; S J Perry, Geary, Stjnbury Co ; A W Currie, Douglas, York Co; J Bolten Daggett, Wilson's Beach, Campobello. GENERAL CON.T?ERENCE LICENTIATE. Frank A Currier, Dalhousie College, Halifax. NAMES OF CLKRKS AND TREASURERS OF DISTRICT MEETINGS, WITH THEIR PO&T OFFICE ADDRESSES. First District — F C Bloodsworth, Clerk, Upper Kent, Carleton Co ; Samuel Barker, Treasurer, Bath, Carleton Co. Second District — Wra J Owens, Clerk, Tracy's Mills, Carleton Co; Amos W Rideotit, Treasurer, Peel, Carleton < o. Third District — Woodbury Sheppard, Clerk, Fredericton ; G F Atherton, Treasurer, Fredericton. Fourth District — James 8 Kinney, Clerk, (^romocto, Sunbury Co; Major Alexander, Treasurer, Fredericton Junction. Fifth Dis- trict — Albert Palmer, Clerk, Hampstead, Queens Co ; G J Worden, Treasurer, Wickham, Queens Co. Sixth District — G W Sharp, Clerk, Midland, Kings Co ; Edward McLeod, Treasurer, Apohaqui, Kings Co. Seventh District— Wra Peters, Clerk, St John ; W Whittaker, Treasure-, St John (North End). Woinau'8 Missionary' Society. Pre>ndent, Mrs A C Smith ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Stephen Barker, Mrs C H Ebbett, Mrs C W Weyraan ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs C W Weyman ; Recording Secretary, Aus J McLeod ; Asst Recording Secretary, Mrs D Mc- Leod Vince ; Home Secretary, Mrs A M McNinteh ; Treasurer, Mrs Jacob Smith ; Asst Treasurer, ; Auditor, Mrs M Fenwick. Board of Managers— Mrs Wm Peters, Mrs G A Hartley, Mrs C B jrtt, Mrs D Long, Mrs D McLeod Vince, Mrs G T Atherton, Mrs J T Parsons, Mrs J W Clark, Miss Jane Weyman, Mrs C T Phillips, Mrs Dr Secord, Mrs T Robinson. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feaknre at J. & A. McMILLAirS. Ecclesiastical — Educational. 175^ J. ft A. MoHILLAN SUPPLY WEDDINO INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. CONGREGATIONAL. Officers of the Ooiigfregrational Union of Nova Scotia and.! New Brunswick. Chairman, Rev John Wood, Truro, N 8 ; Secretary, Rev J W Cox, B A, . Economy, N S ; Treasurer, James \Voodrovir, St John ; Statistical Secretary^ Rev James Shipperley, Maitland, N S. Committee — The Officers, with Revs Simeon Sykes, J D McEwen, J M Austin, G W Ball, J Blesedell, N McKinnon, D W Purdon, Messrs Isaac N Cox, Archibald Barker, Rueben Phillips, J W Jewett, Jas D Horton, Alex Rose, Colin McLfod, A Newcombe Tupper, Andrew Crow, Nathan Tupper. Congreg^Ational Churches in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. St John, Rev Norman McKinnon, Pastor; Sheffield, RevJ M Austin; Keswick Ridge and Douglas, Rev S Sykes; Milltown, Rev W Williams; Yarmouth, N 8, Rev W B Forbush ; Milton, ; Pleasant River and Oliio, Rev J Blesedell ; Liverpool, Rev Geo W I?all ; Brooklyn and Beachnieadows, Rev J D McEwen; Noel, Selmah and Maitland, RevJ Shipperley; Economy, Rev J W Cox ; Kingsport, ; Margaree, ; Manchester, ^ Truro, Rev John Wood ; Chebogue, Rev I) W Purdon. Canada Cong^regrational Missionary Society. President, Chas Cushing ; Secretary, Rev John Wood ; Treasurer, Rev Dr Jackson ; Hon Superintendent for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Rev W Mcintosh. Executive Committee — The above officers, with Rev Messrs )> McCallnm, J G Sanderson, Thos Hall, Dr Cornish, W Revell, Jas Woodrow. Canada Congrregational Foreign Missionary Society. President, Rev D McCallum ; Vice-President, 8 P Leet; Secretary, Rev E M Hill ; Treasurer, Rev W T Gunu. Ladies' H. M. Society of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. President, Mrs Nathan Gardiner ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs C H Whitman, Mrs Maria Perry, Mrs Jas Blesedell ; General Secretary, Miss Ida A H Barker ; Treasurer, Mrs C H Dearborn ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs S W Burns. Congregational College, Montreal. Principal, Rev WM Barbour, D D; Chairman, Rev Dr Cornish ; Treasurer, Rev Thos Moodie ; Secretary, Rev W H Warriner. EDUCATIONAL. Educational Department of New Brunswick. Provincial Board of Education- -The Governor, the members of the Execu- tive Council, the Chancellor of the University of New Brunswick, and the Chief Superintendent of Education, J R Inch, LL D. , „ j- Clerks or Assistants— Thos Nisbet, Miss Mary Thompson, Joseph Furdie. Provincial Normal School-Principal, Ehlon MuUin, A M; Faculty of In«trnction, H C Creed, M A, M Alice Clark, Edward Cadwall ader, B A, John J. k A. McMLLAN PUftLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. 176 Educational. Sailroad and Steamboat Printing a Spaolai Feature at J. k A. McMIMiAN'S. F?'.' Ki ^\ :^ - Brittain, G A Inch, B A, Alphd Belli veau ; Model Department, John F Rogers, Idiases Clara E Bridges, Annie Harvey and Miriam McLeod. Inspectors — Geo W Mersereau, Doaktown ; F B Meagher, A M, Bath ; Geo Smith, A B, Petitcodiac; R P Steeves, M A, Anagance ; W S Carter, A M, St John ; H V B Bridges, PVedericton. Educational Institutions in connection with the Roman Catholic Church. ■See page 163. ^ Educational Institutions in connection with the Methodist Church. See p 1^)9. Educational Institutions in connection with the Baptist Church. S«e p 170. University of New Bruuswick. Visitor on behalf of Her Majesty — His Honor the Hon John James Frasen Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick. Corporation and Members of the Senate — J R Inch, LL D, President ; Thos Harrison, LL D, Chancellor ; Hon Archibald Harrison, His Honor Sir John C Allen. LL D; Ezekiel McLeod, LL B; Boyle Travers, B A, M D; Hon Jas Mitchell, M A ; Geo E Coulthard, B A, M D; J E B McCready, J Douglas Hazen, B A , H C L, M P ; Murray Maclaren, A B, M D ; H V B Bridges, M A. Registrar and Treasurer — Wm Wilson, B A. Academic Faculty — Thos Harrison, M A, LL D, Chancellor of the University and Professor of Mathematics ; Loring W Bailey, M A, Ph D, F R C S, Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Natural Science ; Henry Seahury Bridges, M A, Ph D, Professor of Classical Literature and History ; Wm Frederick Stockley, M A, Professor of English and French ; Cieo M Downing, B Sc, Professor of Mathe- matics, Expfcriniental Physics and Electrical Engineering ; Stephen M Dixon, M A, Civil Engineering and Surveying ; John Davidson, MA, Alumni Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Political Economy. Examiners fur ])es;rees —In Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Professor Harrison, Lju D, and Havelock Coy, M A ; in Classics, Professor Bridges, Ph D, and Rev Goodridge Roberts, MA; in Philosophy, Professor Kieretead, M A ; in Science, Professor Bailey, Ph D ; ^n English, Professor Stockley, M A, and Professor Kierstead, M A ; in French and German, Professor Stockley, M A, and Rev Goodridge Roberts, MA. His Honor Sir John C Allen, LL D, Hon Justice F E Barker, M A, D C L, William Pugsley, M A, D C L, Examiners in Civil Law. H S Bridges, M A, Ph D, Librarian. UNIVERSITY ALUMNI SOCIETY. President, Hon Justice J A Vanwart, M A ; Vice-Presidents, M Maclaren, B A, M D, Rev G G Roberts, J D Hazen, M P ; Sec'y-Treas, J W McCready. Members of Council — Dr Bailey, M A, Ph D, Dr Bridges, M A, J M Palmer, M A, E Mnllin, F St John Bliss, M A, W M McLean, L A Currey, Q C. Representatives in Senate — Hon Jas Mitchell, i^ C, M A, and Dr Pugsley. School Inspectors and Inspectoral Districts. Inspectoral District No 1 — The Counties of Restigouche, Gloucester and Northumberland. Inspector, Geo W Mersereau, A B, Doaktown. Inspectoral District No 2 — The Counties of Kent and Westmorland. In- spector, Geo Smith, A B. Petitcodiac. Inspectoral District No 3 — The Counties of Albert, Kings and ^^ifO", on «astern side of St John river, except Canning. Inspector, R P S'-eevis, ^ M, Anagance, N B. Inspectoral District No 4 — The Counties of St John and CharloUf arm this Province attending the institution. All applications for admission should be addressetl to the Superintendent, C F Eraser, M A. University of King:*s College, Windsor, N. S. [Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1785); Royal Charter granted, 1802.] Patron — His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Board of Governors, WJi-9o—Ex-offido: The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Visitor, and President of the Board ; The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Fredericton. Members elected by the Incorporated Alumni— Rev C Bowman, D D, C Wilcox, the Venerable Archdeacon Kaulbach, M A, J Y Payzant, Rev G Maslam, M A, J C Moodv, M I), Hon Senator Alraon, M D, Clarence H Dimock, J B Forster, Rev C E Willets, D C L, T Shaw and C I>^lwell. Members elected by the Synod of Nova Scotia— Rev Canon Partridge. D D, H Y Hind, D C L. Elected by Synod of Fredericton— Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, D I), Hon Judge Haningtoii, PAPER RUUNQ A SPECIALTY AT McMILLAN'S BINDERY, ST. JOHN. 178 Militia — Advertisement. Wl ■olILLAirS BLANK BOOKS ABB THB BB8T AND MOST DUBABLB. MILITIA. Militia- Active Force— District Staff. Deputy Adjutant General commanding; — Lieut-Col Geo J Maunsell, late Captain H M 15th Foot, Lieut-Colonel, Nov 22, '65. District Paymaster and Storekeeper — Major A J Armstrong, Oct 22, '86. 8t1i Hussars (Princess Louise N. A. Regiment of Cavalry.) Organized G 0, 13th April, '69. Badge and Motto : A "Garter" surmounted by the coronet o( Her Royal Higness the Princess Louise ; within the Garter the number eight in Roman characters. "iZegfi Patrutequi Fidelia." Head- quarters, Rothesay. Lieut-Colonel, James Domville (c c 1st), 2nd July, '81. Majors— Alfred Markham (c c Ist), 2nd July, 81 ; Henry M Campbell (s c i, g s 2), 19th Aug, '92. A Troop, Hampton — Captain, Frederick Ernest Whelpley (rac 2r:d), 3rd Feb, '88; Lieutenant, James Edward Murray (s c Ist B), 22nd April, '92; 2nd Lieutenant, Charles St Clair Skinner (prov), 20th Oct, '92. B Troop, Ossekeag — Captain, ; Lieutenant, Frank Renting Black (r 8 i), 22na April, '92 ; 2nd Lieutenont, Edwin Ketchum Parks (prov), 24th June, 93. C Troop, Apohaqui— Major Campbell (s c 1st, g s 2nd), 2nd July, '92; Lieu- tenant, Douglas H Fairweather (r s c Ist), 22nd Julv, '92 ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, James Todd Kirk (prov), 19th Aug. '92. D Troop, Hammond — Captain, David J Fowler (c c 2, m s2nd), 11th Dec, '87 ; Lieutenant, Alfred John Markham (r s c Ist), 6th July, '88 ; 2nd Lieutenant, Robert Chillis McMonagle (prov). E Troop, Johnston — Captain, Edwarrl L Wedderbnrn (s i Ist, s c 2nd) ; Lieu- tenant, M E Harrington (r8c2nd) ; 2nii Lieutenant, R A March (prov), June, '93. F Troop, Shediac — Captain, Geo F Mauiisell (s c 1st, s i Ist), 22nd Oct, '86 ; Lieutenant, John A McDouga!! (r s c Ist), 17th June, '87 ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, John W S Black (prov), 3rd June, '93. >l'«<'li«>l^«>«*»ri>*S^la(H<«lt>^«'lf>M'i,'-,|i|<,(,|«ttMitl*tl»l(«>»<>l«l*'li*^l'llMil*liMi>>M'«t)'lfMiMlil>«#*»i MERCHANT TAILORS, y N 86 Prince Wm. Street, Con.jtanily on h«ud, all kinds of Qmds uocessary for the Trade. J. k A. McMillan supply wedding invitations in latest sttlbs. Militia. 179 JOB PRnrrme artistioallt bzeouted at j. k a. loULLAiri. G Troop, Springfield— Captain, John H McRobbie (s c 2nd) 30th June, '87 ; Lieutenant, James W Domville (r m c), 5th Sept, '90; 2nd Lieutenant, Arthur F March (r s c Ist), Jnly, '93. Paymaster — Major John Jesse Woodward, 28th Sept, '93. A^utant— Frederick V Wedderburn (s c 1st), 30th July, '86 ; Captain, 18th June, '86. Surgeon— John Edgar March. M D, I^Oth May, '84. Veterinary Surgeon — James H Frink, V S, June, '93. Artillery Field Batteries. Newcastle, N B — Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, Robt R Call, 4th Feb, '85 (appointed to command of Battery 18th Dec, *68) ; Captain, Richard Leigh- ton Ik^ltby ; Lieutenant, Allan A Davidson ; 2nd Lieutenant, Henry Havelock. Johnstone ; Surgeon, F L Pedolin ; Veterinary Surgeon, John Morrissy. Woodstock, N B— Lieutenant-Colonel. F H J Dibblee (g s Ist), 2l8t July, '76 : Captain, C H Emery (g s Ist), 16th Oct, '85 ; Lieutenant, James F Doherty (g 8 3rd), 16th Oct, '85 ; 2nd Lieutenant, William C Good (prov), Slst May, '89; Surgeon, Wra N Hand, M D, 24th June, '92 ; Veterinary Surgeon, Henry Domville, V S, 2nd June, '93. New Brunswick Battalion Garrison Artillery. Organized G O, 28th May, 1869, as a Brigade. Original Muster Roll of first Company dated 4th May, 1793. Lieut-Colonel— John Russeli Armstrong (r s a 1st, c c l8t,c c 2nd, m 8 2nd), 22nd Nov, '85. Major— Geo West Jones (r s a Ist), 28th July, '94. No 1 Batterv, St John fPrince of Wales)— Captain, Stanley Douglas Craw- ford (g s), 3rd June, '87 ; Lieutenant, Gordon Sutherland McLeod (prov), 23rd June, '93 ; 2nd Lieutenant, Beverley Robinson Armstrong (prov), 28th July '94. No 2 Battery, Carleton— Captain, John B M Baxter (r s a Ist), 16th Dec, '92; Lieutenant, Herbert Chipman Tilley (r s a 2nd), 20th Jan, '93; 2nd Lieutenant. Frederick Allan Foster (prov), Oct, '94. No 3 Battery, Sf ' ' '"' ^' ^'^^' ^'— •- (r s a Ist), 22 June, No 4 Battery, S . . (r 8 a 2nd), 28th July, '94; Lieutenant, Frederick Caverhill Jones (r s a 1st), 28th July, '94 ; 2nd Lieutenant, Sherwood Arthur Manning Skinner (prov), 28th July '94. No 5 Battery, Fairville— Captain. Walter Woodworth White (r s a Ist), Ist June, '94; Lieutenant, Frederick Lander Temple (r s a Ist), 4th Oct, '92; 2nd Lieutenant, Edward Walter Bates Scovil (prov), 7th July, '93. Adjutant, Capt Geo Kerr McLeod (r s a Ist), 22nd Jan, '92; Captain, 3lst May '89 Quartermaster— John James Gordon (r s a 1st, m 16th Dec, '92), 28th July,' 94, Surgeon— John Waterhouse Daniel, M D (r s a Ist), 11 Aug, '76. Assistant-Surgeon— Joseph Andrews, M D, 14th Sept, '83. 62nd Battalion— St. John Fusiliers-Infantry. Lieut-Colonel— Joseph J Tucker (v b Ist), 2nd June, '93. Maiors-Hugh H McLean (v b 1st), 2nd Oct, '85 ; Edward T Sturdee (m s 2nd, V b Ist, s i Ist). 7th July, '93. , _ ,. ^^ ,on u . iLf • or»f Ckptains-Wm C Magee (m s 2nd,8 i Ist), 26th Nov,'80, Brevet Major, 26tU Nov, '90; Matthew B Edwards (m s 2nd, s i Jst), 12th June, '86 ; J Benwick HOmiLAirS PBH DEPARTMEHT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL BAKERS. 180 Militia. BaUnNid and Steamboat yrintiiig a Spaolal Ftatnre at J. k A. HoHIUiAH'S. Fraser (v b 2nH), 28th Sept, '88 ; David Churchill (s i Ist), 24th April, '91 ; ^terlin^ B Lordly (b i Ist), 7th April. '93 ; Jas Manning (r s i Ist), 7th July, 93. Lieutenants — Jonn Henry Kaye (r s i 1st), 24th April, '91 ; Qeo A Hether- Ington (r s i 2nd), 24th April, '91 ; William Parks (r s i 2nd), 7th July, '93; Howard Pentreath Wetmore (r s i Ist), Nov, '93. 2nd Lieutenants — Juraes L McAvity (r s i 2nd), 3l8t March, '92; Alex W Macrae (prov), 24th April, 91 ; Harrison A McKeown (prov), 24th April, '91. Adjutant— Frederick H Hartt (v b 2nd, s i 1st), lOlh Dec, '86; Capiain, 19th Jan, '77 ; Brevet Major, 19th Jan, '87. Quartermaster— Henry H Godard (s i Ist), 2nd June, '93; Captain, 28th June, '89. Surgeon— Thomas Walker, M D, 27th June, '84. Assistant Surgeon — Murray Maclaren, M D, 3rd May, '89. 67th Battalion Carleton Light Infantry— Woodstock. Lieutenant-Colonel— J D Baird (ra n Ist), 16th Sept, '87. Majors — Gordon E Bover (s i Ist, m s 2nd), 13th Jan, '88 ; Amos D Hartley G Boyne, Secretary. Meets second Tuesday in each mouth at Masonic Temple, St John. Sussex, No 4 — Meets first Tuesday at Dorchester. Saint Mary's, No 5— Meets first Thursday at St Andrews. Hiram, No 6 — Meets first Thursday in Fredericton. Sussex, No 7— Meets first Tuesday in St Stephen. Carleton Union, No 8— Meets first Thursday in each month at Freemasons' Hall, Carleton. Midian, No 9 — Meets second Tuesday at Clittun, Kings ("ouuty. The Union Lodge of Portland, No 10— J T Twining Hartt, W M; John B Andrews, Secrt;- tary. Meets third Thurbday in each month at Masonic Temple, St John. PAPER RULING A SPECIALTY AT McHILLAN'S BINDERT, 8T. JOHR. Masonic. 183 J.k A. MolOnJiiN WOPFLl WEDDIHO mVITATIONS IH LATEST STTLES. Woodatook Ix>tlRe. No 11— Meetx ttrit Thunwlay at Woodstock. Ht (Jcorgo I/Kl(ir«, No ri-Mootn ftnit Tiuwday at 8t (ieorgt> < harlotte County C'orinlliian IxxlKe, No 18— M«"«tM m-coiuI Wednesday at Hanintoii N H Alley l^odne, No 14-Meots flm Ttiumday at I'pier Mills, 8t Stephen. Howard Lodue, No IB- Meets ttrm Tuesday at HllUlMiro. Lodge 8t Andrew, No 16— Meets Monday on or after lull moon at KIchibuoto. Northumberlan J I..odKi>, No 17— Meets »»tond Tuenday at Newcastle. Mirftmicbl Ixnlge, No 18- Meets third Tuesday at Cliathaui. Hailsburv IxKl«e, No 2(l— Meets first Tuesday at Salisbury. ZloD Lodge, No '^1— Meets first Wedne-nday at Sussex. New Brunswick Ixxlge, No 22— (i»,orge Thompson, W M ; H V Cooper, SecroUry. Meets second Thursday at Masonic Temple, 8t John. Keith Lodge, No 23 -Meets third Wednesday at M«»ncton. Zetland Lodge, No 24— Meots second Wednesdav at Shedlnc. Uestigouohe Lodge, No 2(V— Meets Tuesday on or alter full moon at Diilhousle. Victoria Lodge, No 2fi— Meets second Thursday in each month at Mtlltown. St John Lodge, No 27— Meets first Thursdav at Bathurst. St Martin's Lodge, No 30— Meets first Monday at bt Martins. Itcnjamln FiOdge. No 31— M«!ets first Tuesday at Audorer. Campbellton IxMlge. No 32— Meets first Thursday at Campbellton. Alexandria Lodge, No S3— Meets first Tuesday at St Marys. Albert Lodge, No 34- Meets Tuesday nearest full wuon at Hopewell Corner, Albert County Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Brunswick. John V Ellis, 8t John, Grand High Priest ; Harry Beckwith, Fredericton, Deputy Grand High Priest; Wtu B Wallace, St John, Grand King; HV Cooper, St John, Grand Scribe ; J Henry Leonard, St John (west), Grand Treasurer; Wm A Ewing, St John, Grand Secretary; Anrlrew McNichol, St John, Grand C of H ; Nelson Campbell, Fredericton, Grand R A C ; Fred Sandall, St John, Grand Organist ; George B Hegan, St John, Pursuivant ; G G Boyne, St John, Tyler. Executive Committee — John V Ellis, Harry Beckwith, W B Wallace, J H Leonard, H V Cooper, W A Ewing, F W Wisdom, E J Everett, Robt Marshall, Thos Walker, Peter Campbell. Ritual Committee— John V Ellis, W B Wallace, W A Ewing, J H Leonard, H V Cooper, A Barnhill, Henry Diiflell, John A Watson, A H Hiltz, Robert L Smith. Private Cliapters. Carleton Royal Arch Chapter — Wm B Wallace, H P ; John A Watson, Secretary. Meets third Wednesday in each month at Masonic Temple, St John. New Brunswick Royal Arch Chapter — H V Cooper, H P ; G G Boyne, Secretary. Meets first Thursday in each month at Masonic Temple, St John. Fredericton Chapter — Alexander Burchill, H P; A IfredF Street, Secretary. Meets third Wedijesday in each month at Fredericton. Union Royal Arch Chapter — A W Reed, HP; Henry Littlehale, Secretary. Meets third Tuesday in each month at Freemasons' Hall, Carleton. St Stephen Royal Arch Chapter— Rev O S Newnhani, H P ; Albert D Taylor, Secretary. Meets second Tuesday in each month at St Stephen. Botsford Royal Arch Chapter — James E Masters, H P ; Henry B Fleming, Secretary. Meets third Monday in each month at Moncton. Woodstock Royal Arch Chapter — Donald Munro, H P ; Charles W Jenner, Secretary. Meete^ third Thursday in each month at Woodstock. Grand Council of High Priests. Robert Marshall, President ; John V Ellis, Senior Vice-President ; George Ackman, Junior Vice-President ; J T Whitlock, Chaplain ; John D Short, Treasurer ; Wm A Ewing, Recorder ; John A Watson, Master of Ceremonies ; Wm B Wallace, Conductor ; Peter Campbell, Steward ; Andrew McNichol, Warder. loMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. ///// / * V^^ 1.0 II 1.25 2.5 iiiiii 2.0 1.8 L4 11.6 V] e /2 / /A W W/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 r^^ m s .§^ \ ^^ ■>.''<» o^ ^^ ^ 1% O^ 1 _ 184 Masonic. J. k A. McHnJiAN SUPPL? WEDDIHO INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. i Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters and Appendant Orders of New Brunswick. John V Ellis, M P Grand Master ; Win B Wallace, R P Deputy G M ; Edwin J Everett, R P Grand M ; Wm A Ewing, PGM; Robert Marshall, Grand Recorder ; J Henry Leonard, Grand Treasurer ; Rev John Prince, Grand Chaplain ; John A Watson, Grand Master of Ceremonies ; J E Masters, Grand Captain of Guards ; Geo B Hegan, Grand Conductor ; Andrew Mc- Nichol, Grand Steward ; Fred Sandall, Grand Organist ; G Gordon Boyne, Sentinel. « St. John Council, No. 1. W A Ewing, TIM; John A Watson, R I M ; W B Wallace, I M ; J D Short, Chaplain ; G G Boy ne, Recorder ; Fred Sandall, Trearurer ; A McNichol, M of C ; Robt L Smith, C of G ; Frank L Tufts, C of C ; John Mullin, Or- ganist ; H G Hunt, Steward ; D Scribner, Sentinel. Meets at Masonic Temple, St John, third Monday in February, May, August and November. Carleton Council, No 3 — Meets quarterly, at Freemasons' Hall, Carleton. Moncton Council — Meets quarterly, in Moncton. Carleton Council of Red Cross Knights. John A Watson, King ; Arthur I Trueman, Senior General ; Wm A Ewing, Junior General ; G Gordon Boyne, Secretary; T Amos Godsoe, Treasurer; Fred Sandall, Captain of Guard; Robt L Smith, First Guard; D Millar Olive, Second Guard ; Wm B Wallace, Conductor ; Chas F Harrison, S W ; John Rubins, J W ; Dingee Scribner, Sentinel. Meets at Masonic Temple, St John. Knights Templar. Encampment of St John, No 48, Religious and Military Order of the Temple, Registry of the Chapter General of Scotland. Meets second Wednesday in each month, at the Masonic Temple, St John. John A Watson, Noble and Eminent Commander ; Arthur I Trueman, Lieutenant Commander; Charles McLauchlan, Mareschal ; Fred Sandall, Hospitaller ; Wm B Wallace, Chan- cellor; T Amos Godsoe (P E C), Treasurer ; G Gordon Boyne, Secretary; D Millar Olive, Baucennifer ; O C Diaper, Bearer of Vexillum Belli ; Thomas A Peters, Chaplain ; Charles F Harrison, Chamberlain ; Thos Walker (PEC), Organist ; Wm A Ewing, Warder ; Andrew McNichol, Fred L Hea, Aides- de-Camp ; Dingee Scrilm^jk-, Man -at- Arms. Royal Order of Scotland. Provincial Grand Lodge of New Br inswick. Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. John V Ellis, Provincial Grand Master ; Wm A Ewing, Provincial Grand SecreUiry. Meets at Masonic Temple, St John, on the first Wednesday in Febiuary, May, August and NoAember. McLeod Moore Conclave, No. 13. Masonic and Military Order of Knights of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine, Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and S John ihe Evangelist; Registry of the Grand Imperial Conclave of England. Meets at Masonic Temple, St John, on the second Monday in January, April, July and October. Hon Robert Marshall (33°), Intendant General for the Provinces ; John A Watson, M P Sovereign ; Arthur I Trueman, Viceroy ; Charles McLauchlan, Senior General ; Geo A Hetherington, M D, Junior General ; R W Crookshank, J. It A. MCMILLAN PUBUSE ARCHER'S SHORT BISTORT OF CANADA. Masonic — Orange Institution. 185 MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. High Prelate ; Frank L Tr.fts, Treasurer ; Wm A Ewinj,, Kecorder ; Wm I) AVallace, Prefect; Geo B Hegan, Standard Bearer; Fred Sandall, Herald : Dingee Scribner, Sentinel. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. St John Lodge of Perfection, 14°, on the Re^'istrv of tlie Supreme Council of Canada. Meets at Masonic Temple, St John, on the fourth Fridav in Feb- ruary, May, August and Novcinber. Frank L Tufts, T P G M ; G G Boyne, Secretary. Harrington Chapter of ^Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix, H R D M, 18°— Meets at Masonic Temple, St John, fourth Fridav in March, June, September and December. John V Ellis, M W Sovereign ;""& G Boyne, Secretary. New Brunswick Consistory S P R S, 32°— Meets at Masonic Hall, St John, fourth Friday in October, January, April and July. J S Maclaren, Com- mander-in-Uhief ; G G Boyne, Grand Secretary. LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION. Grand Lodge of New Brunswick. R W Grand Master, James Kelly, St John ; R W S Deputy Grand Mastei-, J A Moore, Waterford, Kings; R W J Deputy Grand Master, Joseph Walker, Fredericton, York ; R W Grand Chaplain, Rev J E Flewelling, Centerville, Carleton ; R W Grand Secretary, J DeVeber Neales, Moncton, Westmorland ; R W Grand Treasurer, R G Magee, St John ; R W Grand Lecturer, E L Morrison, Sussex, Kings ; R W Grand Director of Ceremonies, G S Wiggins, Bristol, Carleton ; R W Deputy Grand Secretary, J B Morgan, Fredericton Junction, Sunbury. W Currie, Fredericton, York ; Robert (Cochrane, Fred- ericton, York ; A L Haining, Fredericton, York ; Geo W Browu, Marysville, York ; T H Colter, Keswick, York ; Wm Grant, St John; Christodier'White, St John ; Robert Maxwell, St John ; A W Macrae, St John ; R ^Goodrich, St John ; Robert Corbett. Armstrong's Corner, Queens ; Jas P Kerr, Summer Hill, Queens ; John Cooper, South Clones, Queens ; John Vincent, OlinvilU', Queens ; James Chittick, South Clones, Queens ; G E Stiles, Elgin, Albert ; Gideon Parsons, Alma, Albert ; Edward Woodworth, Albert Mines, Albert ; Roswell Collier, Hillside, Albert; J H McMann, St Stephen, Charlotte ; Jo^j McCormick, St George, Charlotte ; E A Jacobs, Elmsville, Charlotte ; Alex Bogley, Wilson Baxter, St Stephen, Charlotte ; J N Steeves, A Moore, Petit- codiac, Westmorland; T R Campbell, Salisbury, Westmorland; J Leaman, D H Charters, Moncton, Westmorland ; A W^ Delaney, G A Sears, Campbell- ton, Restigouche ; R D Wilmott, Lincoln, Sunbury ; Jeremiah Tracey, Tracey's Station, Sunbury; D A Duplisea, Fredericton Junction, Sunbury; W D Pat- terson, Patterson Settlement, Sunbury ; C E Duplisea, Enniskillen Station, Sunbury; K F Reid, I C Hill, Newcastle, Northumberland; W A McAfee, W^aterford, Kings ; J M Mclntyre, Sussex, Kings ; C C Patterson, Havelock, Kings ; David McNutt, Jeffrey Corner, Kings ; Samuel Killen, Sussex, Kings ; A F Lockhart, Hartford, Carleton ; C A Lewin, J P, Benton, Carleton ; P A Watson, Woodstock, Carleton ; G H Boyer, Bristol, Carleton ; W W Melville, Lansdowne, Carleton ; Joseph Scribner, A Cooper, Fairville, St John ; George Burns, South Bay, St John ; Samnel Chambers, Fairville, St John ; H N McMQJJkN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS OOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 186 Grange ' Institution. mm'f" J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. it'- I' I' II'- hi'' Spinney, Musqnasli, St John ; Samuel Kingston, Moss Glen, Kings ; A B White," White's Mills, Kings; G Gn.y, Clifton, Kings ; RobtWaddell, Clifton, Kings ; I W Pitt, (Greenwich. Kings ; Revs J S Seller, G H Currie, Isaac Howie, A F Thompson, B H Thomas, G W Foster, W W Lodge, A G Downey, R W Deputy Grand Chaplains. SUBOBDIKATE LODGES— NIGHTS OF MEETING. Vernor, 1, St John,St John Co — First and third Tuesday. Eldon, 2, St John, St John Co— Second and fourth Tuesday. York, 3, St John, St John Co- First and third Thursday. Nerepis Heroes, 4, Petersville Church, Queens— First Tuesday. Guardian, 5, Musquash, St John—First Saturday. Victoria, 6, Golden Grove, St John — Second Wednesday. Gideon, 7, St John, St John— Second and fourth Thursday. WelUneton, 9, Mechanics' Settlement, Kings— First Tuesday. True Blues, 11, Carleton, St John— Third Wednesday. Milburn, 12, Eel River, York. Steeves, 14, I^utz Mountain, Westmorland— Second and fourth Saturday. Boyne, 15, Whitehead, Kin^s— Second Saturday. Invincible, 16, St Martins, St John— First Friday. Queen's Own, 17, St Stephen, Charlotte— First and third Thursday. No Surrender, 18, Gagetowii, Queens— First Tuesday. Baillie, 19, Balllie, Charlotte— First Saturday. Graham, 20, Fredericton, York— First and third Friday. Rossmore. 21, St Mary's, York— Second and fourth Thursday. Rusagornis, 22, Rusagornis, Sunbury— First and third Saturday. Anderson, 23, Upper Keswick, York- 1 'irst Monday. .Tohnston, 24, St John, St John— First and third Monday. Queen's Blues, 25, Newcastle Bridge, Queens— First and third Fridfty. Dominion, 26, Greenwich Hill, Kings -Third Wednesday. Havelock, 27, St John, St John, Second and fourth Wednesday. Metcalt, 28, Olinville, Queens (west)— First Saturday. Mount Purple, 29, Pisarinco, St John— First Saturday. Lincoln, 30, Belmont, Sunbury— Second and fourth Wednesday. British Lion, 31, Glassville, Carleton — First Wednesday. Equal Rights, 32, Fredericton, York— Second Tuesday. Harcourt Reforms, .^3, Baas River, Kent — First Saturday. Oowan, 34, Bairdsville, Victoiia— Second Tuesday. Walker, 35, Fredericton, York— First and Third Tuesday. Star of Boyne, 36, Enniskillen, Sunbury — Second Monday. Apprej^ice Boys, 37, Sea Dog Cove, Kings (west) — First Monday. Woodstock, 38, Woodstock, Carleton— First Tuesday. Armstrong, 39, Moncton, Westmorland— Second and fourth Mondays. Pickard, 40, Marysville, York— First and third Thursday. Albert, 42, Point Wolfe, Albert— First Saturday. Wadman, 43, Weldford, Kent— Last Thursday. Kinnear, 44, Upham Station, Kings— First Thursday. ' Harmony^, Loch Lomond, St John— First Monday. Johnston Blues, 46, Sheba, Queens. No Surrender, 4'^ Newcastle, Northumberland— Third Tuesday. North Lake, 50, t'osterville, York- Second Saturday. Wellington, 51, Kirkland, Carleton — First Tuesday. » Andover, 53, Four Falls, Victoria— Second Thursday. Waldon, 55, Central Hainesville, York— First Thursday. Immanuel, 60, South Bay, St John— Last Friday. St Stephen, 61, St Stephen, Charlotte— First Monday. Moncton, 62, Moncton, Westmorland— Second Friday and fourth Thursday. New Dominion, 63, Cumberland Bay, Queens— Third Wednesday. Heine, 64, Campbellton, Restigouche- First and third Wednesday. Kingston Champions, 65, Clifton, Kings— Fourth Saturday. Benton, 66, Benton, Carleton— First Saturday. Phcenix, 67, Petitcodiac, Westmorland— First Saturday. McLarren, 68, Salisbury, Westmorland— First Wednesday. Willis, 70, Fairville, St John— First and third Tuesday. Pitts, 71, Mouth of Tay, York— Second and fourth Tuesday. Geth, 73, Bear Island, York— Fourth Saturday. Wiggins, 74, East Florenceville, Carleton— Second Saturday. Union, 75, St Martins, fit .lohn— Second Wednesday. JOB PRmnNG ARTISTIOALLT EXECUTED AT J. ^ A. MoHILLArS. Independent Order Odd Fellows. 187 Railroad and St eamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. ft A. McHILLAll'8. Hftckett, 76, Lakevllle, Carleton— Second Wednesday. Beaconsfield, 78, Waterford, Kings-Second Tuesday. Royal Blue, 87, Debec, Carleton— Second Monday. Magundy Volunteers, 88, Magundv, York— Last Friday. Londonderry Heroes, 91, Markhamvilie, Kings— Second Wednesday. Fowler, 92, Havelock, Kings— First Monday. Victoria, 9;^, MoutL of Keswick, York— Second Monday. Clones, 99, Clones, Queens— Second Thursday. Queen's Own, 113, The Range, Queens— First Thursday. King William, 114, Oromocto, Sunbury— Second Saturday. Protection, 119, Southampton, York— Second Saturday. Fowler, 12S, Bathurst, Gloucester— B'irst Thursday. Admiral Nelson, 124, Sussex, Kings- Fourth Friday. Morning Star, 135, Butternut Ridge, Westmorland— Second and fourth Saturday. Morning Star, 136, Tay Mills, York-First Thursday. Union Brothers, 137, Point Wolfe, Albert— Second Saturday. Garibaldi, 138, Lake Road, Albert— F.'rst Monday. Eastern Star, 139, Albert Mines, Albert— Second Saturday. Star of Hope, 140, Elgin Corner, Albert— First Tuesday. Dominion, 141, St John (north), St John— First and third Tuesday. Sunbury, 145, Fredericton Junction, Sunbury— First Monday. Po^Luiock, 147, Lower Poquiock, York— Third Wednesday. Chipman Volunteers, 160, Briggs' Corner, Queens— Third Tuesday. Trinity Preceptory, 507, Royal Black Knights of Ireland. Robert Wills, W P; Samuel Ferguson, D P; David Burgess, Chap; T W Storm, Registrar; John Smith, F S; Wm B Matter, Treasurer; John Rusk, Ist Censor ; John Mowbray, 2nd Censor ; G W Curry, Ist Standard Bearer ; John Vincent, 2nd Standav. Wildey, 27, Chariot tctowu, P E I, Friday. ' Caledonia 28, Hopewell, N S, Wednesday. Siloam, 29, St John, N K, Monday. Union, 30, Springville, N S, Wednesday. Valley, 33, Sussex, N B, Tuesday. Helping Hand, 34, River John, NS, Monday. Ivy, 35, Amherst, N S, Friday. Lome, 36, Economy, N S, Friday. Pesaquid, 38, Windsor, N S, Tuesday. Athlon, 39, Canning, N S, Monday. Amity, 40, Halifax, NS, Tuesday. Carlelon, 41 , Woodstock, N B, Thursday. Jewel, 42, Antigonish, N S, Tuesday. Ridgely, 43, Great Village, N S, Tuesday. Ivanhoe, 44, I'arrsboro, N S, Thursday. Chatham, 45, Chatliam, N B, 1 hursday. Golden Rule, 46, St John, West, Thursday. Edw Tds, 47, Hantsport, N S, Monday. Nor a Star, 48, Canipbellton, N B, Tuesday, Phcenix, 50, Truro, N S, Tuesday. Diamond, 51, Yarmouth, N S, Thursday. Queen, 52, Sydney, C B, Tuesday, Berwick, 53, Herwick, N S, Tuesday. Fidelity, 54, Seubenaeadie, N S, Thursday. St George, 55, Digby, N S, Friday. Miriam, 50, St Stephen, N B, Thursday. Hiawatha, 57, Kentvllle, N S, Friday. Orion, 58, Port Maitland, N S, Monday. Rising Sun, 59, Lunenburg, N S, Monday. Lalliive, 00, Hiidycwater, N S, Friday. Mayflower, 01. Barringion, N S, Fridav. Ves"ta, 02, North Sydney, N S. Thursday. Crescent, 03, Bridgetown, N S, Monday". Sunbeam, 04, S Farmington, N S. Moiiday. Kingston, 65, Kingston Station, NS, Friday. Tokalon, 00, Alberton, P E I, Friday. Chedabucto, 07, Canso, N S, Monday. Aberdeen. 68, Little Glace Bay, N S, Friday. Concord, 09, Dartmouth, N S, Tuesday. Seaside, 70, Clark's Harbor. N S, Saturday, lyiyrtle, 71, Sackville, N B Thursday. G-rand Eliicaiiipiiieiit of the Maritime Provinces. Jesse P Smith, Grand Patriarch, Windsor, N 8; J R McKee, Grand High Priest, Charlottetown, P E I ; Wm Kenney, Grand Senior Warden, Amherst^ ISI S ; J C P Frazee, Grand Scribe, JIalifax, N S ; IE Simth. Grand Treasurer, St John, N B; WE Donald, Grand Junior Warden, Moncton, N B ; John Gnest, Grand Marshal, Yarmouth, N 8; F W Harper, Grand Sentinel, West- ville, N S ; E S Sutherland, Deputy Grand Sentinel, Westville, N S. distrk;t deputy grand patriarchs. District No 1 — Stuart Encampment, No 1, James T Paulin, l^ictou, N S. 2, I ESmith.St Joh», N B. 3, J C P Frazee, Halifax, N S. 4, B Bremner, Charlottetown, P E I, 6, W E Donald, Moncton, N B. 7, John Guest, Yarmouth, N S. 8, Samuel Watts, Woodstock, N B. S\ William Kenney, Amherst, N S. }5' I F W Harper, Westville, N S. 11, J P Edwards, Annapolis, N S. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 2— Milicete 11 3-Halifax II 4— Port la Joie 14 e— Mt. Carniel 11 7— Yarmouth 11 8— Meductic 11 9— Micraac II 10-Cushing 11 Wabeck 11 553 1309 184 429 103 91 1341 154(5 1500 697 1630 1274 71 141 €82 462 800 1485 1501 24 165 94 786 125 121 1117 368 1470 1572 1628 145 190 263 394 485 5(t8 597 721 803 118 325 134 652 Locatim. C. D. C, R. Nhjhtt of Meetingt. Doakiown Otto UllcJebrnnd 2n(l and 4th Frlfliiyo. Dert)y, Northumberland... P M llt-ndersoii .1st TucKday al'tor 15th. Dobec .Iiinction C W Dickenson 2u(l and 4th iSaturdaya. DalhoUHie ThoH A .>cott Dorchester A VV ( liaiiuiau 4th Friday. Elgin R A Smith 2nd and 4th Fridays. Eel River, York Co Elislia Moore 2iid and 1th WedneHdays. East Florencevillc N II Tompkins Ith .Saturday. Edmundston Fred La Forest Fredericton J F Kiehard-s 4th Wednesday. Fairvillo Jer Stout 2nd and 4ili Tuesdays. Grand Manan las VV VV'ooster 3rd Tuesday. GlasavlUe D H Lament 2iul sind Uh Wednesdays. Havelock Rev A F Brown Ist Monday after 15th. Hampton W Crawf.nd 3rd Tiiursday. Hartland Mai (1 E Buyer '2nd and 4lh Mondays. Hillsboro M .1 Smith 4lh Tuesday. Harvey Station J A (Hendenning 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Hopewell Cape 1 A Tingley 2ud and lust Saturdays. Harvey, Albert Co E H Uol»in^on Keswick C E, Tones 4lh Wednesday. Kingston H M I'lrguson Jacksonville Clias I'lummer Moneton Geo H I'ick 3rd Thursday. Marysville Tbos McDowell '.'nd Tuesday. Millville, York Co T L Karle 2nd and 4th Saturdays. McAdam Junction W F VanlUiren 2nd and last Tuesdays. Musquash Geo Bedell, M D 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Moneton W McK Weldon 4th Friday. Mountain Dale J C Kelly 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Norton Station D B Hatfield Alternuto Wednesdays. Newcaalle John S Fleming 4ih Tuesday. Petitcodiac Kd Simpson 2nd and 4th Mondays. Port F^lgin R R Carter 2nd and 4th Fridays. St John Arch Bauer Ist Friday alter 15th. St John (north) W JS Myles 2nd and last Thursdays. St John H H Woodworth 2nd and 4th Mondays. St John T E Smith Last Fridav. St John Frank I'ales First Tuesday. St John (north) W H White 2nd and last Wednesdays. Salmon River FW Cleavland St Marys E Vanwart 1st '1 uesday after 15th. Salisbury AIc.k Leamnn i.ast Monday. Sussex Geo J Wordeu Third Tuesday. Shediac VV A Russell 4th Tuesday. St George Guy H Clinch Last Monday. St Andrews E A Cockburn 2nd and last Mondays. St Stephen ast Monday. Welsford J B Humphrey 3rd Rionday. Woodstock John Tattersall 2nd and 4th Thursdays. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Court Pride of St. John, No. 8086. Meets in Gordon Division Kail, King st, first and third Wednesday in eacli month. John Bennett, C R; F W Marshall, S C R; F Brownhill P C R; Joseph Sprowson, Treas; J W Morrill, S VV; W H Niigent J W; W Ncrth- rup S B- H Rickets, J B; Medical Officer. R G Day, M D; Trustees, Scott E Morrill, T C Brown, F Brownhill; ,T¥ Brown, Sec , 235 Brittain street. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. & A. HcHILLAN'S. t ; K< 7t ^ i i 194 Ancient Order of Hibernians. J. k A. MoMILLAN SUPPLY WEODINQ INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. International Supreme Lodg^e. R W Ct Templar, Dr D H Mann, 200 Clinton street, Brooklyn, New York; R W G Counsellor, Joseph Malins, Bi/minKliani, Eng; R WG V Templar, Mrs S E Bailey, Arlmgton, Va; R W (J S J Temples, Mrs A A Brookhank, Jefferson vi lie, Ind ; R W (r Secretary, B F Parker, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; R W G Treasurer, Geo B Katzenstein, Sacramento, Cal ; P R W G Templar, Dr Oronhyatekha, Toronto, Canada; R VV G Chaplain, Rev Oliver Dryer, Airdrie, Scotland; R W G Marshal, J W Van Vleck, Washington, D C; R W G D Marshal, Mrs W II Collings, Sydney, NSW; R W G A Secretary. Rev W G Davis, Ballylease, Port Stewart, Ireland ; R W G Guard, Mrs W F Poultney, Bloemfontein, () F S, South Africa; R W G Sentinel, T McCarthy, Mogal Seria, N India. The next session of the International Supreme Lodge will be held in the city of Boston, Mass, on tin' last Wednesday in June, 1^95. Grand Lodg-e of New Brunswick. G C T, John Farley, Bristol, Carleton Co ; G Coun, Chas Strong, Cambridge ; G V T, Mrs W W K^illam, Havelock ; G S J T. Calvin Powers, St John ; G Secretary, Rev M Gross, Surrey, Albert Co; G Treas, B E Goodspeed, Nnsh- waak ; I^ G CJT, W D Bask'n, St John (members of Executive) ; G Chap, Rer S H Cornw, 11, Surrey, Albert Co; G Marshal, Newton Jarvis, Fredericton; G G, A V Ayer, North River; G S, G Baldwin, St George; AGS, W C Keating, Albert Mines ; G D M, Miss Maud Thome, Havelock ; G Messenger, Jos Johnson, St John ; D R W G T, W L Waring, St John. The next session will be held with Garfield District Lodge, in St John, between the Ist and llth July, 1895, the exact date to be fixed by the Executive. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. Chambers Lodg^e, No. 1. P M W, E S Hennigar ; M W, E T C Knowles ; Foreman, Wm N DeWitt ; Overseer, H C Martin; Recorder, Wm H Parlee; Receiver, J L Thorne; Financier, L R Morton ; Guide, R W Olive ; Inside Watchman, E W Cassidy ; Outside Watchman, S J Bissett ; Medical Examiners, A F Emery and W vS Morrison ; Trustees, E S Hennigar and A J Stephens. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. B B Smyth, County President. Division No. 1. President, Thus Kickham ; Vice-President. John C Ferguson ; Recording Secretary, J J Ryan ; Financial Secretary, Robt Coleman ; Treasurer, Henry Finigan ; Chairman Standing Committee, J»iin Gallagher. Division No. 2. President, J F Gallagher; Vice-President. Thos Bradley; Recording Sec- retary, Thos F Foley; Financial Secretary, David J Collins; Treasurer, Wm Grannan. HcULLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND HOST DURABLE. p Catholic Mutual Bknefit Association. 195 ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTHIQ AT J. k A. HcHILLUrS. C. M. B. A. OF GRAND COUNCIL OF CANADA, With a Separate Beneficiary^ but formintf part of Supreme of U. S. NAMES AND LOCATION OF BRANCHIX, WITH NAMES OF OFFK'ERS. Nomination for officers last meeting in December; installation first meeting^ in January each year. Sunreme Deputy for State of Maine. U S, and Grand Deputy for New- founaland and Maritime Provinces, P J O'KeefTe. District DeputicH and Organizers for Nova Scotia — Rev E F Murphy, Halifax, for County and City of Halifax; Rev D J Mcintosh. North Sydney, C B, for the Diocese of Antigonish; J C O'MiiUin, Halifax, for the Counties of Halifax, Hants, Kings and Lunenbiirg; G V Cooke, Amherst, for Counties of Colchester and Cumberland; F J G Comeau, for Counties of Digby, Anna- polis, Yarmouth, Shell tirne and Queens. District Deputies and Organizers for New Brunswick — John L Carleton, Barrister, St John, for City of St John, and Counties of St John, Kings, Queens, York, Victoria, Sunbury and Charlotte; L N Bourque, M D, Mouc- ton, for Coimty of Westmorland; Mr Justice Landry, Dorchester, for Albert County; Lucien J Belliveau, M D, for Kent County; J Morrisney, Newcastle, for Counties of Restigouche and Northumberland; James J Power, Bathurst,. for County of Gloucester. Bran wrMne Secretary, R Hickev; Assistia^ *■ Recording Storelary, M Sheahan; Ti-e.^^t er. Rev D J Mcintosh, P P; hi^ancial Secretary, Jan. es D«-mond; Marsliul, Cornelius Gannon; Guard, Jas Council; Chancellor, R F Mia.len TrnsteoH— Rev D J Mcintosh, Joseph McPherson, Wm Haggarty, A F Gann*"i , Dk J«i Gannon. Delegate to Grand Council— A F Gannon. Alterni' -Jaiix* Desmond. Branch No. 132, Halifax, N. S. Spiritual Adviser, Rev Dr Murphy; President, W J Power; Ist \i"^ President, W R Powell; 2nd Vice-President, J D O'Connor; Recording Secretary, Norbert Metzler; Assistant Recording Secretary, D J ReHdy; Financial Secretary, D P Lynagh; Treasurer, W J Phalen; Marshal, .J no Maguire; Guard, Thos Griffin. Trustees— W B Wallace, J F DeVine, Jas A Chisholm, W F Compton, Jno Fleming. Delegate to Grand Council— Jas R Cragg. Meeting first and third Tuesday of each month. Branch No. 133, St. John, N. B. Sl ritual AdT-*r, RevJ J O'Donovan; Chancellor, P J O'Keeffe; Presi- dent V E Scull . 1st Vice-President, Jas Russell; 2nd Vice-President, M A Morrisc y ; Recording Secretary, T L McSorl ey; Assistant Recording Sec re- EMBOSSnCG NEAr.Y EXECUTED AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. ti 196 Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. McMIU^AN'S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinces. i^ > [S% tary, Jas Butler ; Financial Secretary, Jas McCaffrey; Treasurer, Thos Mrr- risey : Marshal, John Ward ; Guard, M Hayes. Trustees — Jaraes McDonald Jaa Gallagher, Chas Russell, Edward McKenna, Delegate to Grand Council — W E Scully. Meets every Wednesday. Brauch No. 134, St. John, N. B. Chancellor, John L Carleton; President, Patrick Tole; 1st Vice-President, Richard J Walsh; 2nd Vice-President, John J Kane; Recording Secretary, John D Burns; Assistant Recording Secretary, J F Gallagher; Financial Secretary, John F Gleeson; Tre>i&urer, Thos Kickham; Marshal, D J DriseoU; Guard, Jas E O'Brien; Trustees, Richard Kirvin, A T Moore, John Ring, Joseph Corkery, Jas Boyle. Meets every Tuesdr.y. Branch No. 160, Halifax, N. S. Spiritual Adviser, Rev Dr Foley; Chancellor, John Flinn; President, Joseph D Murphy; 1st Vice President, John MuUane; 2nd Vice-President, J A F Carr; Recordinj^f Secretary, W .1 Sullivan; Assistant Recording Secretary, A H Flinn: Financial Secretary, M Rooney; Treasurer, Patrick Connolly; Marshal, Joseph Connolly; Guard, John Linloff. Tru.'tees — P J McManu^;, Jas McGill, N Shiue. Delegate to Grand Council — Wm Delaney. Alter- nate — John Flinn. Branch No. 163, Monctoii, N. B. . President, L AV Bourque; 1st Vice-President, F J Sweeney; 2nd Vice- President, A T LeBlanc; Recording Secretary, B A Bourgeois; Financial Secretary, H H Melanson; Treasurer, J J Bourgeois; Assistant Recording Secretary, D J Leger; Guard, R Lavoie; Marshal, M L Bourgeois. Trustees — Jos Joyce, Wm McGowan, Simon Meli'.nson, Allan McDonald, Denis Richard. Delegate to Grand Council — L N Bourque, M D. Branch No. 167, Dorchester, N. B. Chancellors, Hon P A Landry, Wm R Burns; President, Hon A D Richard; 1st Vice-President, Jas A Lane; 2nd Vice-President, Anthony M Gaudet; Recording Secretary, Henry J McGrath; Assistant Recording Secretary, Lorenzo H Chan.bers; Treasurer, Ferdinand A Landry; Financial Secretary, Adolphe A Allain; Marshal, Vital Legere; (yuard, John McDou- gall. Tiustees — Anthony M Gaudet, Angus McDonald, Henry J McGrat^., Joseph T LeBlanc, Jas A Lane. Delegate to Grand Council — William R Burns, A-lternate -Hon A D Richard. Spir Ad— Rev A D Cormier. Branch No. 168, Amherst, N. S. Spiritual Adviser, Rev W J Mihan; President, W W Armour; 1st Vice- President, Jas Donalds; 2nd Vice-President, John Dunn; Recording Secre- tary, Wm J Connolly; Assistant Recording Secretary, D J Burke; Financial Secretary, John Noonan; Treasurer, M O'Hearon; Marshal, John 0*Neil; r D LeBlanc, Jacques F LeBlanc, Maurice D LeBlanc, Theophihis C LeBlanc, Edmund A LeBlanc. Delegate to Grand Council — Rev D F Legere. Branch No. 180, Yarmonth, N. S. Spiritual Adviser, Rev E J McCarlJiy; President. F G J Comeau; Ist Vice- President, J M Edgar; 2nd Vice-President, W H VVheUin; Recording Secre- Uomeau. Meets first and third Thursday in each month. Brapch No. 184, FalrvlUe, N. B. Spiritual Adviser, Rev Chas Collins; President, Edmund O'Connor; 1st Vice-President, Timothv A Hooly; 2nd Vice-Pre.sident, M J Collins; Re- cording Secretary, Jas G'illis; Assistant Recording Secretary, John Delancy; Financial Secretary, David M Delaney ; Treasurer, Con McHugh ; Marshal, Henry Mullaly; Guard, James Fitzgerald. Trustees— C J Driscoll, J F Carrol, J H Morris, P Doyle, J McMurray. Delegate to Grand Council - Patrick Murphy. Meets every Thursday. St. Peter's Branch, No. 185, Caraquet, N. B. Spiritual Adviser, Rev T Allard; Chancellor pro tern, Joseph L Blanchard ; President, Theotime Blanchard; 1st Vice-President, Dr F X Cormeau; 2nd. Vice-President, Hugh P Landry; Recording Secretary, Prosper E Paulin ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Joseph L Blanchard ; Financial Secretary, Aime A Gomet; Treasurer, Charles S Hachy; Guard. Hypolite lhishoIm ; 1st Vice-Pre- sident, A D Chisholm ; 2nd Vice-President, M Donovan ; Recording Secretary, J F Sears; Assistant Recording Secref^ry, Angus McGillivray; Financial Secretary, Eugene Macdonald ; Treasurer, A J Chisholm ; Marshal, D J Grant; Guard, W J Landry. Trustees— Dan T McGillivray, J S O'Brien, Allan Gillis, Daniel McGillivray, M Wilmot. Delegate to Grand Council — D D Chisholm. Meets every Friday. Branch No. lOti, P«tlt Bocher, N. B. Spiritual Adviser, Rev John Carter ; President, J A Langis ; Isi Vice-Pre- sident, Napoleon H Roy ; 2nd Vice-President, Laurent Mateyer ; Recording Secretary, M H Levasseur ; Assistant Recording Secretary, A J Boudreau ; Financial Secretary, Jos F Com mean ; Treasurer, Jerome H Comeau; Mar- shal, Francis X Boudreau ; Guard, Peter P M Douoet. Trustees — Joseph F Commeau, John C Roy, Laurent Mateyer, Francis X Boudreau, Jerome A Doiicet. Delegate to (irand Counil — J A Langis. Meets every Thursday. Branch No. 902, Chathatn, N. B. Spiritual Adviser, Rev John G Knight; President, Wm T Connors; 1st Vice-Prcnident, Roger Flannigan ; 2nd Vice-President, Jas M Knight ; Re- cording Secretary, John M McLaughlan ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Wra J Connors; Financial Secretary, Robt A Murdock; Treasurer, Brian M Moran ; Marshal, Chas A Casaidy ; Guard, Edward Galvin. Trustees— Rev John G Knight, James Flackett, Edw Barry, Roger Flannigan, F P Barden. Delegate to Grand Council — Wm T Connors. Meets every Thursday. » Branch No. S03, Canso, N. S. Spiritsal Adviser and President, Rev D V Phelau ; 1st Vice-President, A McDougall ; 2nd Vice-President, A C Cameron ; Recording Secretary, E H Cunningham ; Assistant Recording Secretary, M Meagher ; Financial Secre- tary, P McKenna ; Treasurer, R Davis ; Marshal, D McNeary ; Guard, T Walsh. Trustees — D A Cameron, J McNeary, Rev D V Phelan, J Sullivan, M Meagher. Delegate to Grand Council — Rev D V Phelan. Meets every Wednesday Branch No. 204, Farrsboro, N. S. Spiritual Adviser, Fr Desmond; President, P J Sullivan; 1st Vice-Presi- dent, Jas D Gillespie; 2nd Vice-President, Henry Tucker; Recording Secre- tary, Chas A E Kelly ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Frank J Gillespie ; Financial Secretary, Wra Gillespie; Treasurer, John Gavin; Marshal, Thos Curley ; Guard, Mark White. Trustees — Henry Tucker, Mark White, Rich'd Quinn, P J Sullivan, Chas Morris. Delegate to Grand Council — Chas A E Kelly. Meets every Monday. St. Peter's Branch, No. 206, West Pubnlco,Yarttiouth Co., N. S. Spiritual Adviser, Rev J J Sullivan ; Chancellor pro tem, Rufus J D'Entre- mont ; President, Dr H C LeBlanc ; Ist Vice-President, L L LeBlanc ; 2nd PAPER RULDfa A SPEdALTT AT HcHILLAN'S BINDERY. ST. JOHN. Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. 199 JOB PRINTma ARTISTIOALLT EXECUTED AT J. & A. HcMILLAirS. m Vice-President, H T D'Entremont; Recording Secretary, H S LeBlanc; Assistant Recording Secretary, Geo D D'Entremont ; Financial Secretary, Albert E Carland ; Treasurer, Luscime D'Entremont; Marshal, Robert D'Entremont ; Guard, Arniand J LeBlanc. Trustees — H S LeBlanc, Hy S D'Entremont, A E Carland, L D'Entremont, L L LeBlanc. Delegate to Grand Council — Rev J J Sullivan. Meets second and last Friday of each B-nnch No. JiOS, Dartmouth, N. S. Spiritual Adviser and President, Rev C Underwood, P P; Ist Vice- President, Andrew Grant ; 2nd Vice-President, Jas M CRegan; Recording Secretary, John Greene ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Joseph W Tierney ; Treasurer, John L Griffin; Financial Secretary, V- m F Brennan; Marshal, Alex Hutchinson ; Guard, Alex Fraser. Trustees— James O'Toole, James M O'Regan, M A McAdam. Delegate to Grand Council, Rev Chas Underwood, P P. Alternate — M A McAdam. Assuniptiou Branch, No. /810, Grand Falls, N. B. Spiritual Adviser, Rev M A O'Keeffe ; President, J B Chouinard, M D ; Ist Vice-President, Achille Ouellet ; 2nd Vice-President, P A McCluskey ; Recording Secretary, Geo D McCluskey; Assistant Recording Secretary, Jas Burgess; Financial Secretary, Rev M A O'Keeffe; Treasurer, Joseph Leclair; Marshal, Jas Carroll : Guard, Charles P McCluskey. Trustees— Jas Burgess, Wm Langan, Michael Harley, James Carroll, P A McCluskey. Delegate to Grand Council— J B Chouinard, M D. Sacred Heart Branch. No. 314, Alberton, P. E. I. Spiritual Adviser and President, Rev A E Burke; 1st Vice-President, J P Brennan ; 2nd Vice-President, J P Cunningham : Recording Secretary, J A Keeffe ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Jas Gavin; Financial Secretary and Medical Examiner, Dr P C Murphy ; Treasurer, John D Cunningham ; Mar- shal, Tho8 Doyle ; Guard, George A Murphy. Trustees— Frr.ak Cahill, J A Keeffe, Rev A E Burke, J P Brennan, J P Cunningham. Delegate to Grand Council- Rev A E Burke. Branch No. 215, Snmmerside. F. K. I. Spiritual Adviser and President, Rev D J G Macdonald ; 1st Vice- President, Dr J H Maclellan ; 2nd Vice-President, Jas A Macneill ; Recording Secretary, John B Strong ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Jas B Dempsey ; Financial Secretary, S M Bent; Treasurer, Capt D Mackinnon ; Marshal, P T Fanning ; Guard, J R Noonan. Trustees— Francb Poirier, Jas A Macneill ; Daniel D Macdonald, J M Noonan, Jos McCuUogh. Delegate to Grand Council— Rev D J G Macdonald. Meets every Tuesday. St. Dunstan'g Branch, No. «16, Charlottetown, P. B. I. Spiritual Adviser, Rev D B Reid; Acting Chancellor, James Mclsaac; President, J B MacDonald ; 1st Vice-President, S Blanchard ; 2nd Vice- President, P McCourt ; Recording Secretary, J M Sullivan ; Assistant Record- ing Secretary, S P Paoli ; Financial Sv-cretary, A J Quirk ; Treasurer, ^neas A McDonald ; Marshal, S P Grant ; Guard, P V O'Reilly. Trustees-Rev D B Reid, Jaa Mclsaac, P P Gillis. S R Jenkins, M D (also examiner), W T Payne. Delegate to Grand Council— James Mclsaac. Meets every Tuesday. Branch No. SS3, Spriughlll, N. S. Spiritual Adviser, Rev Peter Egan ; President, Joseph W Campbell ; Ist Vice-President, William J Hollahan ; 2nd Vice-President, Williana E Cook ; Financial Secretary, Michael Dunn ; Recording Secretary^jJ^ McDon ald, jT &. A. MCMILLAN PDBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. 1 r I'l 200 Knights of Pythias. r JOB PRINTmO ARTISTICia.LT EXECUTED AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. Assistant Recording Secretary, Jude Gould ; Treasurer, Alex McKinnon ; Chancellor, Jas Murphy; Marshal, Daniel McLeod ; Guard, Martin Melong. Trustees — Wm J Hollahan, William E Cook, Jude Goulu, Daniel O Handly, Roderick J McDonald. Delegate to Grand Council — W J Hollahan. Branch No. SS9, Dalhousie, N. B. President, James S Harquail ; 1st Vice-President, P B Troy; 2nd Vice-President, Edward Elsyer ; Recording Secretary, Frank E Delaney ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Peter LeBlanc; Financial Secretary, A J LeBlanc; Treasurer, (ieorge E Mercier; Marshal, John Balfour; Guards Antonie Barthe. Trustees— P B Troy, F E Delaney, Emanuel Albert, Jos Barthe, Wm Savoy. Delegate to Grand Council — James S Harquail ; alter- nate, P B Troy. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Supreme Lodg-e Knights of Pythias of the World. Supreme Chancellor. W B Richie, Lima, Ohio ; Supreme Vice-Chancellor' P T Colgrove, Hastings, Mich ; Supreme Prelate, Albert Steinhart, Green- ville, Ala; Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal, R L C White, Nashville, Tenn ; Supreme Master of Exchequer, Thomas G Sample, Allegheny, Pa ; Supreme Master-at- Arras, A B Gardenier, Chatham, N Y; Supreme Inner Guard, James Moulson, St John, N B ; Supreme Outer Guard, J W Thomp- son, Washington, D C ; Board of Control Endowment Rank, John A Hinsey, President, 37 Commerce Block, Chicago, 111 ; Major-General Uniform Rank, Jas R Carnahan, Indianapolis, Ind. Supreme Lodge meets in Minneapolis,. Minn, fourth Tuesday in August, 189(3. Grand Lodge of the Maritime Provinces. Grand Chancellor, W B Nicholson, Woodstock, N B; Grand Vice- Chancellor, Hedley V Cooper, St John, N B ; Grand Prelate, J M Deacon, Milltown, N B ; Grand Master of Exchequer, H J Logan, Amherst, N S ; Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, John C Henry, Box 282, St Stephen, N B ; Grand Master-at- Arms, K A McLean, Moncton, N B; Grand Inner Guard, John Beamish, St John, N B; Grand Outer Guard, J F Oilroy, Springhill, N S. The next session of the Grand Lodge will be held in the town of Milltown, N B, on the third Tuesday 5n August, 1896. Subordinate Lodges. New Brunsvjick Lodge, No. 1, St. John, N. B. C C, Walter H Scott ; V C, Geo McKee ; P, Percy M Day ; K of R S, John M Jenkins ; M of F, Walter S Vaughn ; M of Ex, Frank S Merritt ; M at A, W E Dumnier; I G, C Henry Smith ; O G, James W Rogers. Union Lodge, No. 2, St. John, N. B. C C, Wm White ; V C, E Barnes ; P, R S Sime ; M at A, Jos I Noble, Jr ; K of R S, H J W Powers ; M of F, F S Estey ; M of E, E C Wilson. Westmorland Lodge, No. 3, Moncton, N. B. C C, F B Wood ; V C, Jos E Bedford ; P, G A Gibson ; M of W, Hugh Wright ; K of R S, A P Tait ; M of F, W R Parker ; M of Ex, J H Wran ; M at A, G L Lachure ; I G, M Somers ; O G, J G Wran. J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. Knights of Pythias. 201 iKinnon ; Melong. I Handly, I. poy ; 2ncl Delaney i ary, A J ; Guards Ibert, Jo& ail ; alter- J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. rid. IhancelloF' rt, Green- Nashville, heny, Pa ; ^nie Inner W Thomp- A. Hinsey^ )rm Rank, inneapolis,. and Viee- \l Deacon, erst, N S; t Stephen, and Inner F Gilroy, eld in the R S, John t ; M at A, Noble, Jr ; ilson. f W, Hugh H Wran ; Frontier Lodge, No. 4, St. Stephen, N. B. C C, J B Polly ; V C, R J Rosborough ; P, V V Vanstone ; M of W, John Robinson ; K of R S, C A Laubman ; M of F, Parker Grimmer ; M of Er, John Ryder ; M at A, Miles Foster ; I G, H A Irvin; O G, Orrin Sawyer. Oumberland Lodge, No. 5, Sprmghill, N. S. C C, Hugh Murray; V C, Joseph Mass; P, C W Black ; M of W, James Simpson ; K of R S, G H Gass ; M of F. R H Cooper ; M of Ex, P M Matin- son ; M at A, Wm Broderick ; I G, Benj Da we ; G, Robert Eraser. Fredericton Lodge, No. 6, Fredericton, N B. C C, Jas Waterman ; V C, T Amos Wilson ; P, Geo W Adams; K of R S, A I Fowlie ; M of F, John Palmer ; M of Ex, C H Thomas ; M at A, James Reid. Ivanhoe Lodge, No. 7, Woodstock, N. B. C C, T A Lindsay ; V C, Geo L Holyoke ; P, Thos A McLean ; K of R S, Geo E Balmain : M of F, Stanley S Street ; M of Ex, John H Lee ; M at A, Robt Hull ; I G, Frank C Foster ; O G, J C Hartley. Border Lodge, No. 8, Milltown, N. B. C C, H Clifton Eye ; V C, W S Robinson : P, Harrison McAllister ; M of W, J M Deacon, M D ; K of R S, A H Robinson ; M of F, A H Robinson ; M of Ex, R W Whitlock ; M at A, Andrew Peterson ; I G, J W Graham ; O G, James S McCrea. Seaside Lodge, No. 9, St. Andrews, N. B. C C, E A Cockburn ; V C, Albert Thompson ; P, Robt Worrell ; K of R 8, P G Hanson ; M of F, J S Maloney ; M of Ex, T R Wren ; M at A, Frank Mowat ; I G, Theodore Holmes ; O G, John Maars. Myrtle Lodge, No. 10, Advocate, N. S. C C, E W Fillimore; V C, Nathan Duff; P, David Loomer; K of R 8, Amos B Elliott ; M of F, Otto Ward , M of Ex, Geo Loomer ; M at A, F W Morris ; I G, S F Knowlton ; O G, Caleb Morris. Chignecio Lodge, No. 11, Amht'rst, N. S. C C, C H Main ; V C, Jno M Currie ; P, Wm A Wainwright; M of W, G N Main ; K of R S, Jno E Loach ; M of F, Jno M CUirrie ; M of Ex, C S Sutherland ; M at A, M Cameron McDonald ; I G, H McClaskey ; G, Thos Humphrey. Kenilworth Lodge, No. 13, Parrsboro, N. S. C C, E Woodworth ; V C, Alfred Nicholls ; P, N B Elderkin ; K of R S, John E Wilkinson; M of F, Andrew Nicholls; M of Ex, R W Mosher; M at A, Alfred Holmes ; I G, Albert E Smith ; O G, S C Moore. Uniform Bank. FIELD AND STAFF. Lt Col, Hedley V Cooper, St John, N B ; Major, W C H Grimmer, St Stephen, N B ; Surgeon, Major J M Deacon, Milltown, N B ; Assistant Sur- geon, Capt O F Best, Debec,*N B; Adjutant, Capt Frank A Godsoe, St John, N B ; Quartermaster, Capt M Fleming, Moncton, N B ; Commissary, Capt G H Gass, Springhill, N S. J. k A. MCMILLAN PUBLISH ARCHER'S SHORT HISTORY OF CANAOA. p 202 KnigiITS of Pythias — Sons of England. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Featnre a! J. ft A. HcMIUiAirS. DIVISIONS. Victoria Division, No. 1, St. John, N. B. Sir Kt Captain, A S Paltison; Sir Kt Lieutenant, W R May; Sir Kt HeraM, T A Crockett; Sir Kt Recorder, F S Merritt; Sir Kt Treasurer, David Bradley, Jr; Sir Kt Guard, Wm McAdoo; Sir Kt Sentinel, 8 McKay. Moulson Division, No. 2, Moncton, N. B. Sir Kt Capta-n, W R Parker; Sii Kt Lieutenant, J P Weir; Sir Kt Herald, J G Wran ; Sir Kt Recorder, W E Sherard ; Sir Kt Treasurer, W Crowlinrst ; Sir Kt Gaard, J McClure ; Sir Kt Sentinel, J LeLaoheure. Fleming Division, No. 3, Springhill, N. S. Sir Kt Captain, L B Donkin ; Sir Kt Lieutenant, E A Potter ; Sir Kt Herald, J G Phelan. Frontier Division, No. 4, St. Stephen, N. B. Sir Kt Captain, H W Broad ; Sir Kt Lieutenant, W E Smith ; Sir Kt Herald, H H B own ; Sir Kt Recorder, A H Robinson ; Sir Kt Treasurer, R W Grimmer ; Sir Kt Guard, M Foster ; Sir K^ Sentinel, J A Lindsay. Cygnet Division, No. 5, St. John, N. B. Sir Kt Captain, LeB Wilson ; Sir Kt Lieutenant, W T Miller ; Sir Kt Herald, Alfred Dodge- Sir Kt Recorder, J M Jenkins; Sir Kt Treasurer, Jas DufFell; Sir Kt Guard, Jas Brickley ; Sir Kt Sentinel, Geo Smith. Fowler Division, No. 6, Fredericlon, N. B. Sir Kt Captain, A J Fowlie; Sir Kt Lieutenant, W S Fisher; Sir Kt Herald, G W Adams ; Sir Kt Recorder, A D Macpherson ; Sir Kt Treasurer, J D Fowler ; Sir Kt Guard, T H Fowler ; Sir Kt Sentinel, T A Wilson. Wilfred Division, No. 7, Woodstock, N. Ji. Sir Kt Captain, W L Carr ; Sir Kt Lieutenant, William C Good ; Sir Kt Herald, J H Wilbur, Jr ; Sir Kt Recorder, J H Lee ; Sir Kt Treasurer, W B Nicholson ; Sir Kt Guard, H V Mooers ; Sir Kt Sentinel, F N Currie. m SONS OF ENGLAND BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Lodg^es ill Maritime Provinces. No. 148— Lodge Eton, Charlottetown, PEL No. 149 — Lodge Kenilworth, New Glasgow, N S. No. 150 — Lodge. Halifax, Halifax, N S. No. 151 — Lodge Islington, Fredericton, N B. No. 160 — Lodge Rose of Stanley, Stanley. N B. No. 192— Lodge Forest of Dean, Westvi'lle, N S. , No. 207— Lodge Marlborough, St John, N B. No. 208— Lodge Shaftesbury, Moncton, N B. CS/^IT/\|^T TiriAirCi Prescribed by the Board of Education, and all others used OVUvr vFXJ XJvVf -11.1^3 in the Maritime Provinces, constantly on hand. wholesale: and bstail. J. &. A. ]M[cM:ILIL.A]V. JOB PRINTINO ARTISTICALLT EXECUTED AT J. & A. HcMILLAlTS. Societies, Clubs, Etc. 203 ILLAH'8. ; Sir Kt Measurer, ; McKay. ; Sir Kt isurer, W ire. ; Sir Kt 1 ; Sir Kt rreasurer, dsay. • ; Sir Kt rreasurei', th. r; Sir Kt rreasurer, ilson. i; Sir Kt a surer, W urrie. rY. I others used Qd. LLAirS. JJk A. MoMlLL AN SUPPLY WEDDDfO IN VITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ETC. Commissioners Free Public I^ibrary. J R Ruel, Chairman; R O'Brien, Secretary; John Montgomery, Eichard O'Brien, Jas R Ruel, Jas Manchester, W Frank Hathewav, Mrs W H Tuck, Miss M Manning Skinner, Mrs F H Foster and Mrs T" W Peters; Miss C Martin, Librarian ; Miss Melick, Assistant Librarian. Farmers and Dairymen's Association of N. B. President — Wm A West, Hopewell Hill; Vice-President— Abram Alward, Fredericton ; Recording Secretary and Treasurei* — Henry Wilmot, Oromocto ; Corresponding Secretary — WW Hubbard, Oromocto ; County Vice- Presidents— St John, Robert McLeod, Black River; Charlotte, Loren Thompson, St Stephen; Kings, Amasa Kennedy, Sussex; Queens, S L Peters, Queenstown ; Sunbury, H E Harrison, Maugerville ; York, A D Thomas, Fredericton ; Carleton, C L S Raymond, W^'jdstock ; Victoria, W W Brayall, Tilley ; Madawaska, Levite Theriault. Edmundston ; Restigou'jhe, John Barbaric, Dalhousie; Gloucester, P J Power, Bathurst Village; North- umberland, Hon L J Tweedie, Chatham ; Kent, Pierre L Richard, St Louis ; Westmorland, J R Taylor, Rockland ; Albert, W H Colpitts, Mapleton. Board of Portwardens. J O Stackhouse; Chairman ; William Thomas, Secretary ; D Coholan, A Adams, J K Dunlop, Wm Dunlavy, Wm Black, J Hamilton, James Knox, W A Cheiley. St. Georg-e's Society, President, A J Markham ; Ist Vice-President, Dr J W Daniel ; 2nd Vice- President, T Barclay Robinson ; Chaplain, Rev Wra Eatcugh ; Secretary, J Twining Hartt; Assistant Secretary, Alfred Porter; Treasurer, C E Mac- niichael ; Charitable Committee, the Preaident, the Chaplain, D Breeze, A Everitt and J H Pullen ; Marshals, Dr Jas Manning, J B Stubbs and A W Lovitt; Investigating Committee, J R Armstrong, T Herbert Street and David S Stewart ; Standard Bearers, W J Dickers, Geo Biddington and John Woodland. St. Andrew's Society. President, Dr Jas Christie; 1st Vice-President, W J Wallace; 2nd Vice- President, Thos White ; Chaplain, Rev W W Rainnie ; Treasurer, John White ; Secretary, John Montgomery ; Marshal, A E Macintyre ; Committee of Charity, David Willet, Geo Robertson and Dr P R Inches. Tlie New Brunswick Historical Society. President, Rev W O Raymond ; Vice-Presidents, Geo A Henderson, A A Stockton ; Corresponding Secretary, Jonas Howe ; Recording Secretary, C Ward ; Treasurer, W K Crawford ; Librarian, Col Cunard ; Council, Hurd Peters, Jas Hannay, G L Robinson, W G MacFa'-lane, S D Scott. St. Jolin Bicycle Club. Captain, F L Temple; President, A P Patterson; 1st Lieutenant, G A Oulton ; 2nd Lieutenant, E W B Scovil ; Secretary, P A Clarke ; Treasurer, W E Bowman ; Managing Committee, F H Tippet, W A Henderson and P B Holman. ALL KINDS QF LEGAL PRINTING AT J. & A. McMILL\N'S. 204 it IV II ;i/ Si ' Societies, Clubs, Etc. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTINO AT J. ft A. McMILLAirS. Commissiouers of 81aii$rliter ilcfises for the Oity aud County of 8t. John. Thos L Hay, Chairman; Patrick Gleeson, Uriah Drake, G S Blizard, John Nugent, D E Berryman, M D, Arthur N Shaw; W H Shaw, Secretary; C H Bustin, Inspector. The board meets on the first Friday in eacli month at 3.30 p ra ; Room 24, Magee Block. The Cauadiau Medical Association. President, Dr Bayard. Vice-Presidents, for Ontario, 8 M Shaw, Hamilton ; Quebec, S M Armstrong, Montreal ; New Brunswick, M MacLaren, St John ; Nova Scotia, RAH MacKeen, (yow Bay ; Manitoba, Blanchard, Winnipeg ; Northwest Territory, C Houltain, Regina; Frince Edward Island, Peter MacLaren; British Columbia, T Edwards, Wellington. General Secretary, F N G Starr. Treasurer, H B Small. Local Secretaries. K N I'enwick, Kingston; Quebec, G Gordon Campbell, Montreal; New Brunswick, O J McCuUy, Moncton ; Nova Scotia, W H Hattie, Halifax ; Manitoba, J Nelson, Winnipeg; Northwest Territories, MacDonald, Calgary; Prince Edward Island, R MacNeill, Stanley ; British Columbia, W A Richardson, Victoria, St. John Medical Society. President, Dr Foster MacB'arlane ; Ist Vice-President, Dr F H Wetmore ; 2nd Vice-President, Dr J H Morrison ; Secretary, Dr R G Day ; Treasurer, Dr J Christie; Corresponding Secretary, Dr G A B Addy ; Librarian, Dr T D Walker. The New Brunswick Alumni Association of Dalhousie College and University. Regular meetings in May, August and December. President, A I Trueman, M A, B C L, St John. Vice-Presidents, Prof R C Weldon, M A, Ph D, M P, Albert ; E W Lewis, B A, Campbellton ; Rev J M Robinson, B A, Moncton ; Rev Willard McDonald, M A, Fredericton ; M C Atkinson, M D, CM, Bristol. Secretary-Treasurer^ John Montgomery, B L, LL B, St John. Ex- ecutive Committee, R A Irving, LL B, Moncton ; W H Trueman, LL B, St John; B S Smith, LL B, St John; J Roy Campbell, LL B, St John; A W Macrae, M A, St John. Auditors, John A Sinclair, LL B, St John ; Murray Macneill (Arts, '96) St John. Representative at Board of Governors, A I Trueman, M A, B C L. Representative on Halifax Alumni Executive, John Montgomery, B L, LL B. New Brunswick Dental Society. President, C A Murray; Secretary-Treasurer, F A Godsoe. Council — A F McAvenney, G J Sproule, C A Murray, appointed by Governor in Coun- cil. J M Magee, L Somers, J W Sangster, F A Godsoe, elected by Dental Society. Officers of Dental Society — President, L Somers ; Vice-President^ H C Wetmore ; Secretary, W P Bonnell. Royal Caledonia Curlingr Club (Maritime Branch). Patron, Sir S L Tilley ; President, A Skinner, St John; 1st Vice-Presi- dent, George Gunn, Truro ; 2nd Vice-President, E Lee Street, Newcastle \ Chaplain, Rev L G Macneill, St John ; Secretary, J Twining Hartt, St John. St. Andrew's Curling Club. Simeon Jones, President ; A O Skinner, Vice-President ; Clarence H Fer- guson, Secretary-Treasurer ; J White, G A Kimball, C E Macmichael, F P C Gregory and A O Skinner, Managing Committee. HcHILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND HOST bURABLE. Societies, Clubs, Etc. 205 MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. f aud rd, John ry ; OH 3onth at a,milton ; h John ; innipeg ; d, Peter ecretary, Fenwick, ck, O J \ Nelson, Edward Victoria, ^Tetmore ; reasurer, m, Dr T Ihousie ?rueman, 1 D, M P, ^oncton ; D, CM, hn. Ex- LL B, St ^n; AW Murray lors, A I ive, John Council r in Coun- ly Dental President^ ). ice-Presi- ^ewcastle f St John. ice H Fer- ae], F P C RABLE. Boys' Brig^ade, St John Battalion Council. Honorary President, Sir S L Tillcy, C B, K C M G; Honorary Vice-Presi- dents, Lieut-Col ilHunsell, DAG, Fredericton; Lieut-Col Blaine, St John; Rev T F Fotherin^hani, President ; J W Cassidy, Secretary ; Rev W H Sampson, Treasurer; Executive Committee, Charles Thompson, VVm J Kyle, Thomas H Johnson, and the officers of the Battalion. Ist St John Co, Capt, Rev T F Fotheringham, connected with St John Presbyterian Church ; 3rd St John Co, Capt, John Kyle, connecied with St Stephen's Presbyterian Church; 4th St John Co, Capt, Jos J Smith, connected with St George's Church, Carleton ; 7th St John Co, Capt, J VV Cassidy, connected with Carmarthen street Methodist Church. Miraniiclii Pilotag^e Commissioners. John C Miller, Chairman, Millerton; Hon Allen Ritchie, Newcastle; Ernest Hutchison, Douglas wn ; VV B Snowball, Chatham ; Edward Sinclair, Bridgetown; R R Call, Newcastle, Secretary and Treasurer to the Com- missioners. Victoria Skating^ Rinlc. President, Thos W Peters ; Vice-President, Lieut-Col J R Armstrong ; Secretary, Frank L Peters ; Directors, Geo K McLeod, SSDeForesi, AW Adams, Edwin Peters, Chas F Harrison, Fred C Jones, Fred Temple, 3 Bently Gerard, H S Daly, Major A Markham, C W Hope Grant, A O Skinner. The New Briinswiclc S. P. C. A. Patron: The Honorable Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley. President, John V Ellis ; Vice-Presidents, James Ready, George E Fenety, (Fredericton), Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev George Bruce, Rev G O Gates, W F Hatheway, W L Hamm, Dr J H Frink, W F Best, T B Robin- son ; Executive Committee, John E Irvine, James H McAvity, George H Miles, T O'Brien, Dr Thomas Walker, D R Jack, H J Thome, Dr D E Berryman, W S Fisher, Rev J M Davenport, Arthur Everitt; Edwin J Wet- more, Secretary ; W H Fairall. Corresponding Secretary; John M Taylor, Treasurer ; Dr A A Stockton, Solicitor. The Society is supported by volun- tary contributions. All persons feeling an interest in this work should sub- scribe. Union Club Company, Dr Fred E Barker, President; Simeon Jones, Vice-President; John Mc- Millan, W H Thome, J R Stone, Dr A F Mc> venney ; A W Adams, Secre- tary-Treasurer. Barristers' Society of New Brunswick. President, Geo F Gregory, Q C ; Vice-President, I Allen Jack, Q C ; Secre- tary, T Carleton Allen. Council— Hon Andrew G Blair, Q C, A G ; Hon Wm Pugsley, Q C; Daniel Jordan, Q C ; James A Vanwart, Q C; James D Phinney, Q C; Hon A S White, Q C, S G ; A I Trueman. The St. John Bridge and Railway Extension Company. President, the Hon Mr Justice Barker ; Vice-President, J H Parks; Direc- tors, Thos Williams, Payson Tucker, W Henry Thorne, C W Weldon, D C L, Thos R Jones ; Secretary-Treasurer, T Barclay Robinson ; Superintendent, T R Jones. _^ Railroad and Stsamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k A. MCMILLAN'S. 206 Societies, Clubs, Etc. ALL KINDS OF LEOAL PRIlfTINO AT J. k A. HoMILLAN'S. t ' li Kingr*s Collegre Law School, St. John, X. B. Faculty — The Hon John James Fraser, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, and Hon Sir John C Allen, Kt, D C L, LL D, Chief Justice of New BrunHwick, Patrons ; Rev C E Willets, M A, D C L, President of King's College; Allen O Earle, D C L, Q C, Dean of the Faculty and Pro- fessor of Real and Personal Property ; Hon Mr Justice Palmer, Equity; Hon Mr Jiistice King, LL D, D C L, International Law; Hon Mr Justice Tuck, D C L, Statutory LwW ; Hon Mr Justice Townshend, B C L, Civil Law ; Hon Mr Justice Hanington, D C L, Procedure and Ecclesiastical Law; Hon A G Blair, Attorney General of N B (subject not announced) ; Hon A S White^ M A, LL B, Solicitor General of N B, Crimes; Hon S L Shannon, D C L, Civil Law ; « 'hai les W Weldon, M A, D C L, Q C, Commercial Law ; Chas N Skinner, Q C. Evidence ; Silas Alward, M A, D C L, Q C, M P P, Bills and Notes and Sales , I Allen Jack, B A, D C L, Q C, Ancient, Roman and Common Law ; Alfred A Stockton, LL D, D C L, Q C, M P P, Admiralty and Shipping and Constitutional Law ; Wm Pugsley, D C L, Q C, Partner- ship and Companies ; Arthur I Trueman, M A, B C L, Procedure ; Walter H Trueman, LL B ; Lemuel A Currey, M A, B C L, Contracts ; Alfred E Mac- intyre, F C S, London and Berlin, Medical Jurisprudence ; Thos D Walker,. B A, M B, C M, Edin, Medical Jurisprudence; J Roy Campbell, LL B^ Secretary and Treasurer to the Faculty. New Brunswick Sunday School Ass()cidtion. President, Rev Neil McKay, Chatham ; Recording Secretary, Rev George Lawson, Hammondvale; corresponding seoretary. Miss Lucas, Sussex; Treasurer, H A White, Sussex; Field Secretary, Rev A Lucas, Sussex. Executive Committee — S J Parsons, Ohairman, W^oodstock ; Rev G M Campbell, W J Parks, Rev G Bruce, Rev T F Fotheringham, Rev J W Clark and J McA Hutchings, St John ; J W Spurden, Fredericton. Vice- Presidents— Albert, W A Trueman, Albert; Carleton, Geo W Hovey, Wood- stock; Charlotte, J K Laflin, St Stephen; Gloucester, Rev A F Thompson^ Bathurst: Kent, Rev William Hamilton, Kingston; Kings, Gideon Mc- Leod, Penobsquis ; Madawaska, Dr Main, Edmundston; Northumberland, I> P MacLachlan, Chatliam ; Queens, Dr M C McDonald, Narrows; Resti- gouche, Geo Haddow, Dalhousie; St ."John, T S Simms, St John ; Sunbury, T L Alexander, Fredericton Junction ; Victoria, Rev H G Estabrooks, An- dover; Westmorland, James F:iei', Shediac; York, Martin Lemont, Fredericton. Salut John Cou»ity Suiiclay School Association. President, Janics E Masters ; 1st Vice-President, Alexander Watson ; 3rd Vice-President, John King; 4th Vice-President, Henry Pratt; 5th Vice- President, J S Titus ; 6th Vice-President, H R Gilbraith ; Treasurer, Wm Lewis; Recording Secretary, W M Kingston; Corresponding Secretary, W C Whittaker ; Executive Committee, T S Simms, W J Parks, Rev A J Mac- Farland, A Malcolm, Rev T F Fotheringham, Rev J W Clark, Rev J> Howie, J McA Hutchings, C J Morrison. OflQcial Stenographers. W H Fry, 1st division of the Courts ; Frank H Risteen, 2nd division ; Frederick DeVine, 3rd division ; Seth H Berry, I. oecial Court Steno- grapher. PAPER RULING A SPECIALTY AT MCMILLAN'S BINDERY, ST. JOHN. Societies, Cluus, Etc. 207 'S. of New Justice of 3sident of and Pro- ity; Hon ice Tuck, law ; Hon Ion A G S White, D C L, aw; Chas P, Bills man and Vdrairalty , Partner- Waiter H d E Mac- ) Walker, 11, LL B, jv George ?, Sussex ; s, Sussex. iev G M Rev J W m. Vice- ey, Wood- riiompson, deon Mc- )erl'ind, D va ; Resti- unbury, T 'ooks, An- Lemont, tson ; 3rd 5th Vice- irer, Wm :ary, W C \. J Mac- i. Rev D division ; rt Steno- JOHN. J. ft i. HoULLAlf PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. The Exhibition Association of tlie City and (bounty of Saint Jolin. Thos W Peters, President; George Robertson, S S Hall, \' ice-Presidents ; James Reynolds, Treasurer ; .J Cecil Mitchell, Secretary. Directors— W H. Thorne, C A Everett, J M Johnson, Wni Shaw, A L Law, Thonms McAvitv, J F Robertson, R B Emerson, M (Joll, Jonns Howe, J Watson, T S Simm's J McA Hutchings, W C Pitfield. W F Burditt. Alex Macaiilav, I)r Thomas' Walker, J C Robertson. James Pender, D W McCormick, VV M Jarvia. J A Estey, W F Hatheway, John Scaly. Neptnne Rowin^jr Chib.— Establisiied 1870. President. T W Peters; Ist Vice-President. Rev John deSovres; 2nd Vice- President, W E Vroom ; Secretary, Heber Vrooni ; Captain, I'eter Clinch ; Deouty Captain, John V Ellis, Jr ; Stewards, John I Robinson, J U Thomas, H H Hansard, Alfred Porter. St. Jolm Kural Cemetery Co. Directors— J R Ruel, President; Robert Thomson. S S Hall, C F Kinnear, J S Giltert, G Sidney Smith, T W Peters, James Manchester, H D McLeod, Thos Gilbert, Dr M Sheffield, J R Stone; Bowyer Smith, Secretary- Treasurer ; Joshua P Clayton, Resident Superintendent. New Brunswiclv Board of Fire Uiitlerwriter.s. C E L Jarvis, Queen Insurance Company and Insurnnce Company of North America; Peters & Clinch, Northern Assurance Company; W >I Jarvis, Liverpool & London A Globe Insurance Company; A C Fairweatln r, Commercial Union Assurance Company, Phoenix Insunuice Company of Brooklyn ; J M & C W Hope Grant, Lancashire Insurance Company, Scot- tish Union & National Insurance Company ; George E Fairweather, London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company ; J Sidney Kayo, Royal Insurance Company; Hall & Fairweather, Phfjenix Assurance Company of London; E L Whittaker, Imperial Fire Insurance Company ; T B (t H B Robinson, Alliance Insurance Company, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society ; R W W Frink, Western Assurance Company and London Assurance Corporation ; H Chubb & Co, Fire Insurance Association and City of London Insurance Company ; F S Whittaker, National Assurance Company ; Hon A G Blair, Atlas Assurance Company ; D R Jack, North Briti'^h and Mercantile Insur- ance Company ; Geo E Fairweather & Son. Jli.tnii Insurance Company, Hartford Fire Insurance Company ; C W Weldon and H H McLean, Guardian Assurance Company; J M Robinson, Eastern Assurance Company ; E McLeod, Connecticut Insur.mce Company ; Cowie v**!: Edwards, Caledonian Insurance Company; Knowlton & Gilchrist, British America & Phoenix of Hartford Insurance Company ; GODOtty, Union Assurance Society; W H White, Manchester Fire Insin-ance Compa'ny. Officers— W H White, Presi- dent ; P Clinch, Secretary. St. Jolin Typograpliical Union. President, James Seaton ; Vice-President, Andrew H Gorman ; Recording and Corresponding Secretary, Richard Walsh ; Financial Secretary, John Law; Treasurer, Robert Kennedy; Sergeant-at-Arms, Robert A Johnston j Trustees, Wm Essington, Robt W McKinney, Arthur King. PAPER RULING A SPECIALTY AT McHILLAN'S BINDJiHY, ST. JOHN. i'" i 1 ki-l /* ill', 208 ;.|i' ^ Societies, Cluijh, Etc. JOB PRINTMO ARTI8TI0ALLT EXEGUTED AT J. * A. MoHILIiAlTS. St. John Yoniiff Mcn*H ChriNtlan AHHoclatlon. PreKulent, W iS Fislier ; Vice-Presidents, II C Tilley, T S Hitnms, George A HenderHoii, (t F BariieH, C K Maemichacl, 8 Kerr, J () Miller; Correspond- ing Hecietjiry, W C Cross; Treasurer, Geor^je Jenkins; Recording Secretary, F Burpee ; Mivnaging Committee, W S Fihher, II C Tilley, T H Sirams, G A HendeiHon, G F Barnes, C K Maomiehael, S Kerr, J O Miller, VV C Cross, 4«eo Jenkins, Francis Bnrpee, 1) Magee, Jr, I Northrnp, L Tilley, W B King, J K Irvine, S LCiorbell, J Clawson, J McA Hiitchings, Frank White, tS H Davis. J M Taylov, Dr II C Wetmore, H C Rankine. A (ilobe, W H Harrison, J Bennett, Dr T D Walker, Jr, A Robb, Daniel Miller, J J Bost- wick, F J G Knowlton ; Board of Trustees — W 8 Fisher, Chairman ; John E Irvine, Treasurer ; E Mcl^eod, George A Henderson, R B Emerson, John 8iewart, T 8 Simms. Building, 34 Charlotte street. Open every week day from .'i.IJU a m till 10 p m. Reading room well supplied with leading news- papers and magazines. Well furnished parlor. Hot and cold water baths, open Saturdays, W^ell equipped Gymnasium. Union S S Teachers' Bible Class every Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Gos})el meeting "for men only," Sunday alternoon at 4 o'clock. Citizens and strangers are most cordially invited to visit the building and become familiar with the work of the Associatidn and the advantages it offers to young men. Full membership fee, including gymnasium, !?5 ; ordinary membership fee, not including gym- nasium, $2 ; Boys' branch membership fee, including gymnasium, !^2. Tlie St, John Women's Christian Temperance Union. President, Mrs W W Turnbull ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Allen, Mrs R W Crookshank, Mrs E Clark, Miss Kimball, Mrs Owen, Mrs Morrell and Mrs Dearborn ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs H L F^verett ; Recording Secre- tary, Mrs A J Davidson; Treasurer, Miss Lockhart; Auditor, Mrs 8 D 8cott. Superintendents of Departments — Gospel Purity, Mrs VV W Turn- bull; Evangelistic, Jail and Prison, Mrs Seymour; Juvenile and 8 8 work, Mrs T Bullock ; Parlor Meetings, Mrs D J McLaughlin ; Press, Mrs 8 D Scott; Coffee Room, Mrs Allen; Scientific Temperance Instruction, Mrs A J McFarland ; Kitchen Garden, Miss Grace Turnbull ; Parliamentary Usage, Mrs Macmichael ; Lumbermen and Raftsmen, Miss Woodburn ; Franchise, Mrs Calhoun ; World's W C T U Mission, Mrs Allen ; Literature, Mrs Sey- mour; Filling Wall Pocket, Mrs Morrow; F'airs, Mrs Everett; Flower Mission, Misses Case and Kimball. New Brunswick AuxiHary Bible Society, President, John E Irvine ; Vice-Presidents, Charles F Kinnear, Robert Cruikshank, Wm Peters, R W Crookshank, T 8 Simms and T B Barker; Treasurer, R Cruikshank ; Secretary, Joshua Clawson ; Committee, J A Estey, W 8 Fisher, Arthur Gilmour, 8 G Kilpatrick, W 8 Morrison, M D, John March. C E Macmichael, Geo F Matthew, H A McKeown, William J Parks, Geo Robertson, Wm Shaw, Arthur P Tippet, Arthur I Trueman, Wm Irvine, A L Law, J R Ruel, John Stewart, Herbert C Tilley. Depository — Orange Hall building, Germain street, opposite Trinity church ; Miss F'anny S Chandler, agent. Thomas M MacKelvie, Rockland, Westmorland County, N B, travelling agent. Ball's Lake Fishing Club. President, Geo McAvity ; Treasurer, Andrew Blair ; Secretary, W A Ewing. EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. McMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. SoeiETIEH, ('LUI18, EtC. 209 iAM*8. George A rcHfJond- it'cretary, ruH, G A (> Cross, ey, VV B White, )e, W H J Bost- John E )n, John 'eek day ig news- baths, rs' Bible in only," cordially of the nbership ng gy na- il ion. IS R W and Mrs g Secre- Irs S D IV Turn- S work, ^Irs S D Mrs A J y Usage, ranehise, Ats Sey- Flower loULLAW'S BLANK BOOKS ABE THE BEST AND MOST DUBABLE. i , Robert Barker ; Be, J A n, M D, 'illiam J lan, Wm isiiory — Fanny S County, y, W A JOHN. Natural History Society of New BrunHwIck. His Honor,! J FruH«r, Patron; (i K Mathew, I) Sc, F R S C, President; George U Hay, Ph B, and H (i Addy, M I), Vice-Presidemts; Alfred Seely, Treasurer ; 8 W Kain, Secretary ; Wm Murdocd, C E, O Stead, C E, Alfred Porter, Curators; Wm M McLean, B A, Librarian; J Roy Campbell, Edwin Fisher, P S Hall, additional members of Council. Rooms and Museum in Market Building; open Tuesday, 8.10 p m ; Saturday, 2.30 to /).30 p m ; entrance. North Market sireet. Relief and Aid Society. President, James Reynolds; Treasurer, (ieo Robert&on ; Executive Com- mittee, Hon Judge Tuck, (Mias A Everett, Dr P R Inches, Jas Reynolds; Board of Directors, James Revnolds, (J A Everett, (ieo Robertson, William Peters, A C Smith, John E Irvine, W A Lockhart, Dr P R Inches, Dr A F McAvenny, A Rowan, Hon Judge Tuck. New BruDHwick Masonic Hail Company. President, Thoa Walker, M D; Vice-President, Edwin J Everett; Secre- tary, G Gordon Boyne; Treasurer, TluMuas A uodsoc ; Directors, William F Bunting, John V Ellis, Henry Duflell, Wm B Wallace, W Watson Allen, John D Short, Ge« Blake, Robert Marshall, Andrew McNichol, William L Prince, Alex R Campbell, J S Boies DeV^eber, Freeman W Wisdom. St. John Council, No. 138, Koyal Arcanum. Regent, Geo A Smith ; Vice-Regent, T H Belyea; Orator, Jas A Belyea; Past Regent, A G Burnham; Secretary, D McNally ; Collector, I C Bow- man; Treasurer, John M Taylor; Chrpiain, F E Craibe ; Guide, H C Martin ; Warden, J H Burley ; Sentry, J Holly Wasson ; Trustees, W Wat- son Allen, O H Warwick, Hon R J Ritchie. St. John Amateur Athletic Club. President, A O Skinner ; 1st Vice-President, W A McLaughlan ; 2nd Vice- President, C E Macmichael ; Secretary, Gordon S McLeod ; Treasurer, Robt N Frith ; Managing Committee. Frank Fairweather, Percy Clarke, W S Barker, H H Hansard and Robt L Johnson. The St. John Oratorio Society. Meets for practice on Monday evenings, at 8 o'clock, in Orange Hall building, Germain street. Board of Management— Rev R Mathers, President; AG Burnham, Vice-President; Chas R Fisher, M B, Conductor, T P Bourne, S D Crawford, Wm Ewing, Lovell Harrison; A M Smith, Librarian ; R W Han- nington, Treasurer ; H H Pickett, Secretary. Ladies' Auxiliary Commiitee— Mrs J R Armstrong, Mrs Wm Eatough, Mr>< C Y Gregory, Mrs Jas Jack, Mrs Alex Miller, Mrs Lawson, Mrs J M Scovil, Misses B S Harbour, Edith Clarke, Annie Farmer, M Lindsay, Violet Macrae, Scott, Lizzie Smith, Emma P Tuck, Jessie Walker. Jennie Young. Address all communications to H. H. Pickett, Palmer's building. Cartmen's Protective Union. President, Michael Donohue; Vice-President, Geo Rhinehart; Recording Secretary, William Grunnan ; Financial Secretary,, Wm Dunlop ; Treasurer, Timothy Dwyer. ________ _______ MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPIRTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 210 Societies, Clubs, Etc. m hi Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k A. HcMILLAirS. ^ , , ' J Clan Mackenzie (Order of Scottish Clans). Meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month, in T O O F Hall, Union street. Chas K Cameron, Chief; Andrew Maleom, Tanist; Rev Jas Burgess, Chaplain; Jos A Murdoch, Recording Secretary; William Cameron, Finan- cial Secretary ; John White, Treasurer ; John J Macdonald, Senior Hench- man; Hugh Crawford, Junior Henchman; R Keltic Jones, Seneschal ; Jas Masson, Warder; W Campbell MacKay, Sentinel; Homer Cruikshank, Piper; Robt Gibson, Standard Bearer; W J Wallace, Alex Watson and Bobt Milligan, Trustees. Touiig- Liberals* Club. President, G W^etraore Merritt ; 1st Vice-President. J Keeffe ; 2nd Vice- President, A P Barnhill ; 8rd Vice-President, C E Macmichael ; Secretary, C H Ferguson ; Treasurer, R J Walsh. Tlie Maritime Commercial Travellers* Association. Head office, Halifax, N S. Edward Stairs, President; Geo E Faulkner, Secretary. St John office, 92 Prince William street ; James Jack, Assistant Secretary. M(?mbership fee $10 a year, which includes travelling privileges, mortuary benefits, and accident insurance. St. John Agricultural Society. President, S T Golding ; Vice Presidents, J B Hamm, H McLean, S Hall, Jas Shaw, A L Law ; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr J H Frink ; Corresponding Secretary, JAS Mott; Executive Committee, Dr Steeves, James Shaw, A C Fairweather, W S Jewett, E LeRoi Willis, S T Golding and J H Frink. St. John Horticultural Association. President, Sir Leonard Tilley ; Vice-Presidents, W W Tiirnbull, Thomas McAvity; Secretary -Treasurer, James Reynolds; Directors, Hon A G Blair, J V Ellis, A H Haning m, W Hawker, J M Taylor, Joseph Allison, Thos Rankine, Geo Robertson. Ship Laborers* Union. President, Jas Alward ; 1st Vice-President, Patrick McManus ; 2nd Vice- President, Michael Hayes; Financial Secretary, William S Daly; Recording Secretary, Thos Killen ; Treasurer, Thomas Ferran ; Committee of Manage- ment, John McAulay, Gilbert Doody, Joseph O'Neill, Michael Quinn, Jas Murphy, George Catherine, Wm Morrison, George Conboy, Michael Clancy, George Wheaton, Thos McCarthy, Frederick Doyle. Master Painters and Decorators* Association. President, E W Paul ; 1st Vice-President, Joseph Craig ; 2nd Vice- President, James Bell ; Treasurer, John Johnston ; Secretary, John H Leah ; Trustees, Jas H Pullen, J Boyd and H McGowan. The Keystone Fire Insurance Company. President, Howard D Troop ; Vice-President, Chas W Weldon ; Managing Director; Thos A Temple ; Secretary, Edward L Temple ; Directors, Hon Sir Leonard Tilley, C B, K C M G, Howard D Troop, James C Robertson, Chas W Weldon, M A, D C L, Q C, Hon A F Randolph, Thomas A Temple, C P Harris, John Berryman, M D. J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. Societies, Clubs, Etc. 211 IILLAN'S. all, Union s Burgess, )n, Finan- )r Hench- ;chal ; Jas riiikshank, ntson and 2nd Vice- Secretary, tioii. Faulkner, :, Assistant privileges, m, S Hall, responding 5haw, A C Frink, 11, Thomas V G Blair, lison, Thos 2nd Vice- Recording f Manage- ^iiinn, Jas lel Clancy, II. 2nd Vice- n H Leah ; Managing ctors, Hon Robertson, A Temple, JOB PRUITINa ARTISTIGALLT EXECUTED AT J. & A. HoULLAirS. St. Malachi's T. A. R. Society. Patrick McMinnamin, President ; John J McManus, Senior Vice-President ; Patrick McHale, Junior Vice-President ; James Lee, J P, Secretary ; John Flaherty, Financial Secretary ; D A McDonald, Treasurer ; D L Rooney, fSergeant-at-Arms. Father Mathew Association, Spiritual Director, Rev T Casey ; President, M J Sliney ; Senior Vice- President, Thos J Owens ; Junior Vice-President, George Dufiy ; Recording Secretary, George Lunney ; Corresponding Secretary, Thos Daley ; Financial Secretary, Wm H Coates ; Treasurer, James H McHugh ; Librarian, Loui» Maguire ; Assistant Librariai., Chas Mitchell ; Sergeant-at-Arms, John Lee ; Trustees, Rev T Casey, John F Gleeson, Thos Kickham. Meets every Monday. St. John the Baptist T. A. Society. John McGonagle, President; J Condon, Senior Vice-President; Chris NichoUs, Junior Vice-President ; T J Cosgrove, Recording Secretary ; Edward Murray, Corresponding Secretary; Wm H Coates, Financial Secretary; M Hanratty, Treasurer; R O'Brien,' jr, Sergeant-at-Arms. Trustees, Very Rev Mgr. Connolly, W J McShane, P G Doody. Meets every Wednesday. St. Joseph's Seuior Society. President, John McLaughlin ; Vice-President, James O'Brien ; Financial Secretary, Michael Cavanaugh ; Recording Secretary, Patrick Hennebery; Treasurer, Jeremiah Carey ; Sergeant-at-Arms, Michael Rooney. Young Men's Society of St. Joseph. President, Thomas Walsh ; Vice-President, John Condon ; Recording Sec- retarv, Frank McCafferty; Financial Secretary, P Fitzpatrick ; Corresponding Secretary, John McMahon ; Librarian, M McCarthy ; Assistant Librarian, M Cavanaugh. Committee of Management, W J Bridgeo, Thos M Burns, M H Danaher. Spiritual Director, Rev F J McMurray. Meets every Monday. St. Patrick's T. A. Society. Spiritual Director, Rev J J O'Donovan ; President, Daniel Fitzgerald ; Vice-President, Edward Rourke ; Recording Secretary, Martin Haley; Financial Secretary, Albert O'Leary ; Treasurer, Geo McGarrigle ; Sergeant- at-Arms, Jas Harrington. St. Peter's Temperance Society. President, J H McHugh; Vice-President, James Morgan; Recording Secretary, Wm Morris; Financial Secretary, Wm Dalton; Treasurer, J B Daly ; Sergeant-at-Arms, J Roberts. St. Joseph's Sr. Society.— St. Peter's Church. President, Thos Burke ; Vice-President, Edward Burke ; Financial Secre- tary, Michael Di/rick ; Recording Secretary, Jas Keenan ; Treasurer, Thos Joyce; Sick Committee, Daniel Doherty, John Moohan, H Cunningham, J Brennan, John Doherty. St. Vincent de Paul Society.— Cathedral Parish. President, John Allen; Vice-President, T B Foley; Recording Secretary, J F Gleeson ; Treasurer, M J Potter. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. & A. MCMILLAN'S* 212 Societies, Clues, Etc. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Irish Literary and Benevolent Society. President, John KeefFe ; Ist Vice-President, William J Kiley ; 2nd Vice- President, M Gallagher ; Recording Secretary, Denis Coholan ; Financial Secretary, Patrick Gleeson; Treasurer, R O'Brien; Sergeant-at-Arnis, John Lenihan ; Librarian, D Murphy ; Assistant Librarian, James Lee ; Trustees, E Haney, E Hayes, J Barry. Junior liiberal-Conservative Association. J Fen Fraser, President ; Dr J H Morrison, 1st Vice-President ; Robert ?laxwell, 2nd Vice-President; C B Lockhart, 3rd Vice-President ; L P D Tillev, Secretary-Treasurer ; W W Allen, J B M Baxter, W W White, James McKinney, A W Macrae, J T T Hartt, Robert Ewing, Executive Committee ; TEG Armstrong, C E Lordly, A Hunter, Audit Committee. Y. M. C. A. Debutingr Club. President, R K Jones ; Vice-President, Edward Henry ; Secretary, Dr H C Wetmore. Committee of Management, W C Clarke, G D Fenwick, F Fair- ■weather ; Committee on Constitution and By-Laws, J V Ellis, jr, H S Keith, S H Davis. Firemen's Mutual Relief Association. W G Kee, President ; Chas F Brown, Vice-President ; W S Vaughn, Sec- retary; John Lelacheur, Treasurer; John Kerr, W H Bowman, Wm Kee, Jas Dinsmore, J as W Manson, E W Barlow, Trustees. Lloyd's Rej^ister of British and Foreig^n Shipping'. Head Office: London, England. Capt Welsh, Lloyd's Surveyor for P E Island ; Office, Charlottetown, PEL ■Capt Hunter, for Nova Scotia ; office, Halifax, N S. Agents, Charles Mc- Lauchlan, St John ; H A Muirhead, Chatham ; Joseph Read, Bale Verte. St. John Mechanics' Institute Company. Directors— Chas A Everett, President ; W H Thorne, Vice-President ; T B Hanington, C Flood. Shipwrights' Union. President, Thos L Bowes ; Vice-President, John Tobin ; Recording Secre- tary, John Murphy ; Financial Secretary, Jas McKenzie ; Treasurer, Robert McDonald ; Sergeant-at-Arms, John Bartlett ; Trustees, Wm Jenkins, Daniel McLaughlin, Bartholmew Horton. St. John Press Club. President, Major Markham; Vice-Presidents, Jas Hannay and John A Bowes; Secretary, Alex H Lindsay; Treasurer, WG McFarlane ; Librarian, ; Trustees, the President, Secretary and Treasurer, J V Ellis, ES Carter. Greenwood Cemetery Company. Directors — Geo H Clark, President; Geo F Harding, Secretary -Treasurer; Jarvis Wilson, R N Knight, D W Clark, John V Ellis, W D Raskin. Oromocto Coal Mining- Company. Parker A Nason, Edward Moore, Luke E M Dewitt, Daniel Dewitt, Wesley D Nason. JOB PRINTING ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. k A. HoMILLAN'S. Societies, Clubs, Etc. 213 [AKER8. Ind Vice- financial ns, John Trustees, ; Robert ; L P D te, James tnmittee ; , DrHC , F Fair- S Keith, ajhn, Sec- Vm Kee, m, PEL »rles Mc- ^erte. ent : T B ig Secre- r, Robert s, Daniel John A abrarian, V Ellis, reasurer ; n. t, Wesley UkN'S. EMBOSSING NE ATLY EXE OUTED A*" J. & A. HcKILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. Jouriieyiaen Tailors* AssociatioD. President, John Gallagher ; Vice-President, Thos L Murphy ; Recording Secretary, Joseph L Maguire; Financial Secretary, J Frank Goodere; Treasurer, John O'Pray ; Sentinel, Patrick Dar.aher ; Trustees, Williard Jones, Horace Brown. Meets first and fourth Wednesday of each month. Shamrock Amateur Athletic Club. President, J Keeffe; Vice-President, W J Mahoney; Secretary, A Gor- man ; Treasurer, P J Gorman ; Managing Committee, D J Gleeson, Edward Haney, J D Bu ns, D McGrath, M T Sweeney. New Brunswick Medical Society.— Organized 1881. President, Dr J C Sharp; 1st Vice-President, Dr M F Bruce; 2nd Vice- President, Dr G F Smith ; Secretary, Dr G A B Addy ; Corresponding Secretary, Dr W C Crocket; Treasurer, Dr J W Kelly; Trustees, Dr J C Mott, J H Morrison, G H Coburn, Dr H G Addy. Annual meeting held on third Tuesday in July. Salvage Corps and Fire Police. C A Clark, Captain ; Clarence H Lugrin, Lieutenant ; Geo C Lawrence, Treasurer ; A H Lindsay, Secretary. Log Cabin Fishing Club. Joseph W Hazelhurst, President ; Chas A Gurney, Vice-President ; E W Paul, Secretary-Treasurer. Committee of Management, J I Noble, J P Hip- well, W S Thomas, R J Armstrong ; Audit Committee, E J Everett, G L Slipp, A G Hamm. Federated Association of Letter Carriers, Branch No. 6^ President, John A Mailmtm ; Vice-President, Henry T Bridgeo ; Secretary, Jas McMonagle; Treasurer, Geo E Withers; Trustees, Robert Hill, GW Plumpton ; Guard, C H Elston. St. John Tax Reduction Association. A O Skinner, President ; Count deBury, 1st Vice-President ; Geo Robertsonr 2nd Vice-President ; Ira Cornwall, Treasurer ; Morley McLaughlin, Secretary Railway Mail Clerks' Association of New Brunswick. Geo H Oulton, President ; H Wathen, Vice-President; S R Jack, Secretary J R G Magee, Treasurer ; G B Caldwell, J R Pidgeon, S R Maxwell, F A Ketchum, H W Belding, Executive Committee. Odd Fellows' Hall Company. Directors— Dr J Christie. Wm J Eraser, A D G Van wart, D Sinclair, B A Stamers, C N Skinner, Alex Rankine, H E Codner ; President, Wm J Fraser ; Vice-President, DA Sinclair; Treasurer, Dr J Christie; Secretary, B A Stamers. New Brunswick Pharmaceutical Society. President, Robt E Coupe ; Vice-President, M V Paddock : Secretary W H Mowatt: Treasurer, Hazen J Dick; Registrar A ^ McCarty ; Membeg of the Council, the above and Struan Robertson, Chas W Parker, Charles H Fairweather, N Berry Smith, C Walter Clarke, Winslow TiUey, George A Moore. . ^MTMiiur « PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 214 Societies, Clubs, Etc. ■oHLLAN'S BINDERT is the HOST GOHPLETE in the Harttime ProYinoei. Trades' and Labor Council. President, James Seaton ; Vice-President, William S Daley ; Secretary- Treasurer, J W Elder; Recording and Corresponding Secretary, George Swetka. Council of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick. President, J W Daniel, M D, M R C S Eng; Treasurer, Thomas Walker, L R C S, M D ; Secretary and Registrar, Geo H Coburn, M D ; A C Smith, M D, C M, Jas Christie, M D, Fos'.er McFarlane, M D, J C Mott, M D, G E Coulthard, B A, M D, Geo H Addy, M D. Union Club. President, Hon D McLellan ; Vice-President, Geo II Trueraan ; Secretary- Treasurer, Robt R Ritchie; Committee, A Chipman Smith, A W Lovitt, il V Cooper, E Sears, S S DeForest, G Wetmore Merritt. Thistle Curling Club. President, R A Courtney ; Vice-President, W W McLauchlin ; Chaplain, Rev W Raymond ; Secretary, H Duffell, Jr ; Treasurer, Andrew Malcolm ; Committee of Management, D R Willet, Jas Malcolm, D McClelland, M G B Henderson. . . Officers of Portland Free Public Library. Directors — Edwin Fisher, President ; Count de Bury, Vice-President; Hon J Holly, Henry U Miller, Richard I'^armer ; , Librarian ; Harry Finch, Janitor ; Richard Farmer, Secretary-Treasurer. St. John Board of Trade. Members of Council for 1894-5: President, W Frank Hatheway; V?ce- President, W K Fisher ; Secretarv-Treasnrer, Ira Cornwall ; John Sealy, T S Sirams, R Cruikshank, John McMillan, VV M .Jar^ns, VV H Thome, G Wet- raore Merritt, John White, C A Everett, Geo Robertson, W C Pitfield, F W Daniel, J Wiilard Smith, Thos Gorman, H C Rankine, Geo A Schofield. PAPER RULERS, Book-binders, Printers, Publishers, 'S**»*'******" 98 PRINCE WM STREET. SAIMT JOHN, N. B. Railroad and Steamboat Prlntiiig a Special Featare at J. & A. McHIUiAll'S. Relative Value of Money. 215 BMBOSSma NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. ft A. MoMILLAll'S, ST. JOHN. Relative Yalne in Canadian Currency of the Coinage of all Nations. standard Coin. Country. ; ' Value Monetary Unit. Standard.!, in Dom'n Austria Florin Silver Belgium I Franc Gold and ' , Silver Bolivia Boliviano Silver Brazil iMilreis 1000 reisi Gold British Possessions in .40,7 ,19,3 8 Guildur, or 20 Francs, Gold 5, 10 and 20 Francs North America Bogota Central America Chili „.. China Cuba Denmark Ecuador Egypt France Dollar Gold Peso do. Dollar Gold Peso Gold and Silver Tael Silver Peso Gold and Silver Crown I Gold Peso I Silver Piaster i Gold Franc Gold and ; Silver Great Britain Pound sterling 1 Gold CiCece Drachma Gold and i Silver Gold Silver German Empire | Mark India ' Rupee of 16 Annas 1 Lira .82,3 Escudo, }4 bolivar .54,6 Sl.OO .96,5 ; .91,8 .91,2 1.35 ,93,2 .26,8 .82,3 .04,9 .19,3 4.86% .19,3 .23,8 .39 Dollar Condor doubloons and Escud ID Mucee and 100 Caudarens Italy Japan Liberia Mexico Netherlands Yen Dollar Dollar Florin Norway j Crown | Peru I Sol Portugal |Milreis,1000rei8 Russia i Rouble of 100 Copecks i Sandwich Islands i Dollar Gold Spain ! Peseta of 100 Gold and i Centimes I Silver Gold and Silver Silver Gold Silver Gold and Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver .19,3 10 and 20 Crowns Dollar 5, 10, 20, and 50 Piasters 5, 10 and 20 Francs 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 Drachma 5, 10 and 20 Marks 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 Lira .88,8 j 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 Yen 1.00 .89,4 .40,2 .26,8 .82,3 1.08 Peso, or Dollar, 5, 10, 25 Florin. 10 Guldens, Gold, $4.01 9-10 10 and 20 Crowns 2, 5-and lOMilreis .65,8 ! \i, \i and Rouble Sweden Switzerland. Tripoli . Turkey United States,. U. S. of Columbia , Venezuela Crown Franc Mahbubof20 j Piasters Piaster Dollar Peso Bolivar Gold Gold and Silver Silver Gold Gold and Silver Silver Gold and Silver 1.00 .19,3 .26,8 .19,3 .74,8 .04,4 1.00 .82.3 .19,3 5, 10, 20.and 100 Peseta 10 and 20 Crowns 5, 10 and 20 Francs 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 Piasters MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. 216 Consuls and Consular Agents. . i" *'. H'M ' EHBOSSmO NEATLY EXE OPTED AT J. k A. Mc MILLAN'8, ST. JOHN. TO THE L EGALTrO FBSION. WE HAVE ESPECIAL FACILITIES FOR PROMPTIT AND ACCU- RATELY PRINTING HWIHI MOTS, M®wm©* AND ALL OTHER LEGAL DOCUMENTS. WE KEEP ALWAYS IN STOCK LEGAL BLANKS I STATIONERY Law Books Promptly Imported to Order. J. & A. McMillan, Publishers, Stationers, Printers, Book -binders, etc., etc. ST. JOBCyr, U. B. CONSULS AND CONSULAR AGENTS. United States Consul at St John— John S Derby ; Deputy and Vice- Consul Allen Derby. U S Consul at St Stephen — Edgar Whidden ; Vice-Consnl, H E Purington. U S Consul at Woodstock — Grenville James ; Vice-Consul, John Graham. - TJ S Commercial Agent — James S Benedict, Moncton. U S Consular Agents — St Andrews, George Harold Stickney ; Newcastle, Robert R Call; McAdam Junction, James W Green; Fredericton, James T Sharkey; Grand Manan, W A Eraser; Bathurst, B C Mullins; Campbellton^ Charles Murray ; Richibucto, George V Mclnerney ; St George, Charles C Ludgate ; Campobello, J J Alexander. German Consuls — Robert Thomson, St John, for Counties of St John, Westmorland, Albert and Charlotte; Alex Morrison, Chatham, for Kent, Northumberland, Gloucester and Restigouche. Norway and Sweden, Vice-Consuls — John H Thomson, St John ; Ernest Hutchinson, Miramichi; Robt Hutchinson, Restigouche; John Sievewright, Bathurst ; Jas Inglis, Shediae ; Joseph Reid. Bale Verte. Consular Agent of France— F E Sayre, St John ; Hon J B Snowball ^ Chatham. Consul, Chili and Peru — J H Scammell. Spanish Vice-Consul — D R Jack, St John. Consular Agents — St Stephen, W B Morris; St George, Samuel Johnson ; Chatham, G B Eraser. Portugal Consul — Frank O Allison. Austro-Hungary Vice-Consul — John H Thomson, St John. Italian Consul— I Olive Thomas, St John ; Geo Watts, Chatham. Hawaiian Consul — A O Crookshank. Denmark — J Roy Campbell, Vice-Consul. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTINO AT J. k A. HcMILLArS. Barristers and Attorneys. 217 HdKLL&H'S BIKDER7 is Uie HOST GOI&FLETE in the Maritime Provincei. ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. Those whose names are marked thus * are either not residing or not pructiiting ia N. fi. T. NAMES. M, Admitted ! Admitted I Attorneys, i Barristers. Richard Carman, * Robert Barry Dickie, * Stephen H Hitchings Francis A H Straton, James Stanley Morse, W Tyng Peters,* Edward H Wilmot, A George Connell, Lewis P Fisher, Q C, Thomas C Chapman, * James Odell, A B, * Samuel B Davidson, * John Henry Phair, George Hare, * James R Curry, Wm Henry Hatheway, * Samuel Thompson, Q C, William H Buckerfield, * Peter Mitchell,* George G Gilbert, A B, Q C, Edward Jack, * Daniel Ferguson, * John C Winslow, R Hutchinson, Q C, Benjamin G Gray, A B, * Lewis J Almon, T> Gustavus Maclauchlan Charles W Weldon, AM, DCL, QC, Alexander Ballentine, Hurd Peters, AM,* William P Dole, A B,* John Lothrop Marsh, A B, Oharles J Sayre, George Frederick Hill, * J R Macshane, * CSiarles E Knapp, C N Skinner, Q C, 6 Sidney Smith, A B, Henry Bartlett Rainsford John' Augustus Wright, A B, * Thomas Gray Merritt, CSiarles A Peck, William M Jarvis, Joseph C Barbaric, 16 Oct'r 7 Feb 18 July 13 Oct 9 Feb 13 June 14 Oct do 18 June 9 Feb i 6 Feb 1 16 Oct I do 5 Feb II June 15 Oct 16 Oct 10 June 14 Oct 14 Oct do 7 Feb do 13 Oct do 13 Oct 1 2 June 12 Oct 7 Feb 10 June do 10 April 13 Feb 13 April 13 Oct 13 Feb 13 June 13 Oct 14 April 13 April 14 June 14 April do 14 Oct do '39 '40 1830 17 Oct '351 7 Feb doil2 0ct 15 Oct 4 Feb 16 June dojl3 0ct del 12 Oct do! 17 .Tune '43' 6 Feb '45 1 5 Feb do 1 14 Oct do: do '46| 3 Feb 13 June 13 Oct 12 Oct do do do '47 do do do '50 do do do do '51 15 Oct 12 Oct 13 June 7 Feb 10 Feb 12 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 10 June do 10 Oct '52 do do '53 '54 do '56 '58 do do '60 '60 do '61 do do 10 Oct 10 June do 13 Oct 10 June 10 Oct 10 Feb 10 June 13 Oct do 13 Oct Oct 12 June 16 April 19 Oct '32 '35 '37 do '41 do '42 '43 do '45 '46 '47 do '48 do do Residence. Chatham, NB Amherst, N S St Stephen Frederictou Restigouchc Kings Co Fredericton Woodstock do Nova Scotia California Fredericton St John Gagetown St Jolm do {Newcastle I Westmorland Montreal St John Fredericton Chatham Woodstock Richibucto Halifax, N S St John Bathurst St John St John. do do Fredericton Richibucto St Stephen Halifax Dorchester St John St John Fredericton Boston St John Hopewell St John Dalhousie '49 '48 '50 '52 '58 '52 '51 '51 '53 '52 'do '53 do '54 '56 '58 '61 '60 '59 '62 '61 '69 '63 do do J. k A. MdULLAN SUPPLY WEDDINa INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. 218 Barristers and Attorneys. ALL KINDS OF LEOAL PRIMTINO AT J . ft A. HcMILLAirS. NAMES. Admitted Attorneys. Admitted Barristers. Residence. Charles II B Fisher, Q C, 14 Oct '61 19 Oct '65 Fredericton John (i Cliflbrd* do '62 14 Oct '64 United States A Ran.. in Bedell, A B, 9 Feb '63 6 Feb do Edmundston Thomas A Welling, William M Connell, LL B, 16 April 12 June do Shediac do 16 June 1865 Woodstock Georji^e F Gregory, Q C, do do do do Fredericton T B Kobinson, A B, do do 16 June '64 St John Caleb Richardson, 19 Oct do 13 Oct '65 Richibucto Pat E Sweeney. * do do do do ' '65 A roostook F E Morton, Q C 13 Oct*'"' .A. A Ai \J V^ Kj mr V^ ^^ A V Sussex Lewis A Mills, do do do do Shediac James F MoManns, do do 9 Feb '66 Bathurst Alfred Henry DeMill, A M, 11 Feb '64 11 Feb '65 St John Henry Lawrance Sturdee, A M, 15 June do 16 June do do Silas Alward, A M, D C L, Q C, 15 Oct do 13 Oct do do Peter Millar, * do do April '67 Ottawa Robert Brooks Peters. * do 17 June do do '67 Australia Edward Byron Winslow. 8 Feb"" Fredericton Robert Cuie, * do do 8 July do Richibucto Andrew George Blair, Q C, 13 April '65 April do '67 St John Alfred F Street, * do do do Fredericton George McSorley, do do do do St Johu Jamfii Gordon Forbes, Q C, do do do do do Arthur Clarence Fairweather 16 June do June '67 do Frederick W Stockton, 13 Oct do 10 June '75 Sussex, K C Walter J Kilner, * do do Oct '67 Ontario Robert J Ritchie, 14 Oct do Oct do St John Robert Mathew, AM,* do do Oct '66 New York Thos Lewis Harrison. A B.* 17 June 16 Oct '67 '68 • United States Stanley Boyd,* A A Peck, England Hopewell 16 April '65 11 Oct* " ''67 Randolph Ketchum Jones, 15 June '66 11 Oct '67 Woodstock Isaac Allen Jack, A B, D C L,QC, 12 Oct do 12 Oct do St John James Hannay,* 15 Oct do 11 Oct do St John John P Hudson.* 15 Oct do '6G '65 "'67 United States Israel S Gross,* 15 Oct do Daniel Jordan, Q C, 15 Feb '67 10 Feb '68 Fredericton Jo«iah Wood,* do do do do Sackville Augustus H Hanington, Q C, 15 June '67 11 June do St John Gilbert R Pugsley, LL B, do ( [lo do do Hampton Alfred A Stockton, LL D, D C L, Q C 15 June do do do St John Michael Adams, Q C, 14 Oct do 14 Oct do Newcastle Charles W Beckwith, 14 Oct '67 14 Oct '68 Fredericton Iteekiel McLeod, LL B, QC, do do 16 Oct do! St John Thomas Milledge, A M, Q C, do do 9 do do do Alexander W Baird, do do 9 do do do G H Steadman, 11 Feb 21 April '69 do *'70 Moncton W C Milner, 15 June Sackville Daniel C Courser, LL B, 19 June do 11 Oct do Woodstock JOB PRINTmO ARTISTIOALLT EXECUTED AT J. & A. McMILLAN'S. Barri8ters and Attorneys.' 219 XoHILLAirS PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS OOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. dence. ricton d States indston lie stock ricton Im bucto itook K ac irst Im 'a alia ;rJcton bucto hn jricton hu X, KC rio hn York id States and swell Istock ihn •hn 3d States io ericton ville )hn pton )hn castle ericton )hn cton ville dstock LAN'S. NAMES. n B Appleby, Charles H Lngrin, A B,* William B McSweeny, * Legh R Harrison, A B,* Charles A Stockton, LL B, James D Fhinney, A B, John Rr.ssell Armstrong, QC, John Kerr, Oeorge H Mullin, LL B, * A Slason Thompson, * Samuel J Baker,* Edw R Gregory, LL B,* Montesquieu McDonald, Thomas W Peters, LL B, James Mitchell, A M, Q C, James G Stevens, jnn, A B, John Willeti, Lemuel J Tweedie Henry Hilyard, LL B, * Robert O Stockton, LL B, Edward T C Knowles Melbourne McMonagle, Barry R Plant, A Rainsford Balloch, Robert A Borden, A B, Wm Pugsley, D C L, Q C, Charles Abner Macdonald, A B, Wm B Wallace, Allen Otty Earle, Q C, Philip Palmer, Leander A White, LL B,* J Arthur Fairweather, LL B, * Wm H Dickson,^ Wesley Vanwart, A M, George F Baird, George A Henderson, Thomas Medley Wetmore,* Allison B Connell, LL B, Henry Turner,* George E Fairweather, James A Belyea, James L Kerr,* George B Fraser, T Carleton Alien, LL B, R Barry Smith, J Howe Dickson, Fred H McKiel, Hugh H McLean, Henry A Forster, Admitted Attorneys. 11 Oct 19 Oct 21 April 21 Oct do do do do do 9 Feb 9 Feb 9 Feb 22 June 22 Oct do do do do 18 Feb do do do do do 22 June do 26 Oct 20 June 25 Oct 20 Feb do 20 Feb 21 June INov 13 Feb 13 Feb do 20 April do 20 June 20 June do do 22 Oct do do do [13 Feb ' do '68 do '69 do do do do do do '70 '70 do Admitted Barristers. Residence. 14 Oct 1 Oct 12 April 11 Oct do 11 Oct do do 11 Oct 8 Feb 13 April 8 Feb dojlS June do! 12 Oct do I do do do do do do 12 Oct 20 Feb 9 April 20 x^eb do do '71 do do do do do do '72 27 June '69; Woodstock 18701 Seattle. 701 Halifax dojBr Columbia. do St John '70|Richibucto do St John dol do 1870^Bo8ton '7llChicago '711 United States '71 do, St John, N do! do do St Stephen do; do dolSt John '71 Chatham dolSt John '72 do do do do I St Stephen dojEdmundston do do '72 do '73 do '73 do do '74 do 24 Oct 28 June 27 Oct 27 June do 27 June 21 June INov 13 Feb '74'13 Feb do! do do 20 April do do '74 do do do do do do do 20 Oct 20 Oct do do 22 Oct do do do '75; 13 Feb do' 10 April B do do '72JMoncton. do St John '73 do '73i do dO' do '74 do do U StatcB '74 California do Salt Lake City do Fredericton '75 St John '75 do do U States do Woodstock do St John do do '75 St John do United States do Chatham do i Fredericton do I Monet on do! Albert do'St John '761 do '84'Richibucto MCMILLAN'S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provincfts. 220 Barristers and Attorneys. J. ft A. MoMIU.Alf SUPPLY WEDDING IllVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. XT * \iri:-__:„* Residence. ' % Richard F Quigley, LL B, Q C, Miles B Dixon, William A Park, E Perley Williston, A B, Michael S Benson, John Black, Humphrey Gilbert, C W Treadwell, A B * William A Russell, John H Cother,* Harvey Atkinson, G O Dixon Otty, W Watfion Allen, Andrew H Johnson, George C Coster, A B, Amon A Wilson, Charles H Masters, A M,* William A Trueman, Fred W Kertson, Henry R Emmerson, Albert 8 White, A B, LL B, J A Hannah, * John D Williams,* Chipman A Steev^s, Charles A Palmer, Q C, Joseph A Harris,* William Wilson, William B Chandler, LL B, Richard A Lawlor, E H McAlpine, A B, Charles O'Donnell,* Alfred E McLeod, Richard P McGivern, jr, AM, Robert McLeod, A B, Edmund G Kaye, Berton S Read, LL B, Dennis B Gallaf^her, Adam A Rankin,* John McAllister, Q C, 1 J Duffy,* George P Thomas, John T Harrington, Uarcisse A Landry, LL B, Q C, Ambrose D Richani, LL ^, Henry A Powell, B A, Q C, George V Mclnerney, LL B, QC, John R Costigan,* Williamson Fisher, LL B,* Henry H James, Admitted Attorneys. 13 Feb 23 April do June June 22 Oct do do do 2 Feb 11 Feb do do do 20 April do do 21 June do 18 Oct do 19 Oct 12 Oct 21 Oct do 21 Oct do do Feb May June do do Oct April 13 Feb April do do^ April 20 June do 23 June do do 18 Oct do do 76 do do do do do do do do '76 do do do do do do do 77 do do do 78 76 do do 76 do do 77 78 do do do 78 79 do do do do do 79 do do do do do 79 do do 13 Feb 23 April do 19 June 14 Oct 24 Oct do do 24 Oct 8 Feb 12 Feb 12 Feb 12 Feb 12 Feb 21 April 21 April do 18 June 12 April 23 Oct 24 Oct 12 Oct 21 Oct do 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Feb May June do do Oct April 15 do do do do do 20 April 76 do do do do do do 77 76 77 77 do 77 77 77 77 do 79 do do 78 77 do do 77 do 78 79 79 do do 79 '80 '80 do do do do '80 24 April 1880 do '80 20 June do 24 do do do do 19 Feb do 23 Oct do 12 Oct '81 St John do Newcastle do Chatham Fredericton Kingscl'rjYO Ottawa Shediac North West Moncton St John do St John do Ottawa Hopewell Co« Grand Falls Dorchester Sussex United StaiM Winnipeg Moncton St John Moncton Fredericton Dorche; 'er Newcastle St John United State» Sussex St John do do Dorchester Woodstock United States- Campbellton United State» Moncton Bathurst Dorchester. Sackville. Richibucto. N W Territ' J Woodstock. Richibucto. BIBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. k A. MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. Barristers and Attorneys. 221 ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRmTIllO AT J. fc A. MoMILLAVE NAMES. Hay^lock Coy, B A, JameH Devlin,* James P Mitchell,* John R MaltUv,* Wm li T Hatheway Arthur I Tri:cman, M A, Geo A Davi?, LIj B, Kichard B Adaris, LL B, Allan A Davidson, Jr, B A, Hiram G Betts,* W C Hazen Grimmer, M A, James Kay, E H Davis, James Straton, Wm D McLeod, B A,* John J Forrest, David I Welch, Abraham B Walker, B A, LL B, Frank H Tuck, * Cliarles E Sumner, Robert Beckwith, Fred'k W Emmerson, A B, LL B, K 8 LeBert 1 veedie, George W Alleu, M A, Warren C Winslow, Robert Murray, jr, Lemuel Allan Currey, M A,Q C, Dougald Stewart Hutchinson,* Spurgeon Wortman,* Clifford B Deacon* Frederick C Rand,* William Murray, Thomas A Kinnear, J DeVeber Neales,* A Louis Belyea,* Josiah R Murphy, LL B, Daniel Mclntyre,* John F Ashe, Albert J Gregory, Daniel MuUin, Jeremiah H Barry, J Douglas Hazen, Q C, Allan Wilmot Chapman, Mariner George Teed^ John L Carleton, Herbert E Wardroper, Isaac H Hallet,* William P Sayre, James T Sharkey, LL B, Admitted Attorneys. 28 Oct 12 Feb do do do 17 June 17 June do 22 June 23 Oct 23 Oct do do 14 Feb do 23 April 16 June do 17 June 23 do 23 June 17 Oct 17 Oct 9 Feb do 15 Feb 17 April do I do I do do 17 April do do do do 18 April do 28 June 28 June 28 June do 29 June do 11 Oct 18 do 18 Oct 18 Oct do Admitted Barrisiers. 79 '80 do do do '80 '80 do do '80 4 Feb 14 Feb do do 20 June 12 Oct 15 April 25 do '25 Oct '80125 Oct do!26 Oct doj23 Feb '81 24 Feb do do '81 do do do do '81 '81 '82 do '82 do do do do do '82 do do do do do do do '82 '83 do do do do do '83 '83 do do 15 June Oct 29 June do 29 June 8 July 26 Oct 22 July do 12 April 26 do 11 Oct 26 April 12 do do do do do 28 June 28 June 28 June .do 12 Jan do 25 Oct 7 Feb du 7 Feb 7 Feb 'SllFrederlew*. Ilalifaz.Ki Winnipeg do St John do do Bathurst. Newcastle. San Francisco St Andrews. Moncton. St George. St John. New York. St John. Moncton. St John. Br. Columbia. Moncton. Dorchester Petitcodiac. Hampton. Fredericton. Chatham. do do do '81 do '82 '81 '81 '81 '82 do do do do '82 '82 do '82 '83 '82 '83 do '83 do St John. United Statei Nova Scotia. Winnipeg C'nwallis.NS Campbelltou. Sackville. Moncton Br Columbia. Woodstock. Winnipeg. St John. Frederictott. St John. 83 1 Fredericton. do St John. Dorchester, do St John do Br. Columbia. Richibucto. Fredericton. '83 '83 do '87 do do do do '82 '82 do '83 '84 do '84 '84 i X « A. acnuiU sOTPiiT wGODnro nmritioHS ni utest smBS. 222 Bauuibters and Attorneys. HoHILLAN'S BINDERT ii the HOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinoec. NAMES. Admitted Attorneys. 18 Oct '83 Admitted Barristers. 7 Feb, '84 Residcnc*. J Norman W Winjlow, Woodstock. A i) Chapman, 20 June do 10 April '84 Dorchester WilHnm H Chapman, do do do do do David Grant, 20 June '83 16 Oct '84 Dorchester. Melville Norman Cockburn, 8 Feb do 21 Feb '84 St Andrew* Bumael Judson Jenkins,* do do do do Ottawa. J. Twining Ilartt, 16 April '83 24 April '84 St. John John Michael O'Brien, BA,* do do Vancouver. Jamen M Knight, do do 16 Oct Moncton. William Alexander Ewing, do do 24 April '84 St John. Edward Gironard, do do 16 Oct '84 Moncton. Frederick V Wedderbum, LL B, do do 24 April '84 Hampton. J Arthur Freeze, 16 April '83 do do Sussex Charles L Kichards,* 18 April do do do Nebraska. Leonard Allison, 14 June do 26 Jan do Sussex. Clarence H Ferj?upon, 13 Oct do 16 Oct do St John. Donald McLeod Vince, 13 Oct '83 16 Oct '84 Woodstock Alexander Straton, do do 16 do do Andover. Chas I Thomson, do do 16 do '8J Newcastle. Robert Rankin Ritchie, do do 18 Oct '84 St John James W McCready, John P Lawrence, B A, 7 Feb '84 16 April '85 Fredericton. 9 Feb '84 •■••••••• Westmorland Joseph G Matthews,* 16 April do 30 April '85 New York John M Stevens, 26 April do 25 June do St Stephen Charles J Coster, 12 Jan do do do St John Jos H Yeomans, 13 Jan Moncton Frank A Bennett, 20 Oct "29 Oct '85 Dalhousie. Francis B Gregory,* 20 Oct do do do Vancouver Robert W Hewson, do do do do Moncton. Allen W Bray, do do 9 Oct '90 Hopewell. Henry H Ayer, Geo W Fowler, do 20 Oct do '84 Moncton. 29 Oct '85 Sussex. Harrison A McKeown, do do do do St John Leonard Tilley Carvill, LL B,* 20 /.pril '8§ 29 April '86 Thos P Regan, 21 do do do do St John Ronald C Grant, do do do do do John Boden.* do 19 Oct do '85 New York James McQueen, 27 Oct '87 Shediac. John Walter Read, B A, do do 28 Oct '86 Fredericton. Stan. Keirstead, A B, LL B,* 19 Oct '85 28 Oct '86 United States Herbert W Moore, A B,* do do Oct '86 do Frank H Grimmer, A B, do do do do St Andrews. Ora P King, do do 12 April '88 Sussex. Albert W Bennett, LL B, do do 27' Oct '87 Sackville. George J Clarke, 29 April '85 23 June '87 St Stephen Joseph A Harris, 19 Oct '85 28 Oct '86 Moncton. Berton C Foster, A B, '86 do do Fredericton. Thomas Lawson, 21 Oct do 27 Oct '87 Andover George R Vincent, ! - do do do do St John J. ft. A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. cnc«. Mter. Irew» Barrihterr and Attorneys. 22.T ■oHUiLiN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE. NAMES. CharlcB E Duffy, Frederick Laforest, Martin G HenderHon, James S Harquail, Milton B Hicks,* Robert Morriuon, Frank A McCuliy, BA, LLB, Fred St J Bliss, CAD Gttjjnon, Wra D Carter, W Woodbury Wells, Q C, Pascal Poirier, Charles Thomas Bailey, Arthur C Brydone Jack,* Walter Harold ('overt,* Finimore McLeod, William A Mott, Henry F McLatcliy, Sidney Stockton Taylor,* Joseph A Russell, Edgar W Thompson, Frederick DeVine, Jas E Cowan, TitUB J Carter, Gerard G Rnel, Ernest L Ford, George H Turner, John Roy Campbell, Arthur N Charters, Francis J Sweeny, Bteph^en B Bustin, John J Porter, Arthur L Robinson, George Gilbert, Ale* cruder Perley Barnhill, Ernest A McKay, J Chipman Hartley, Charles E A Simonds, Alexander W Macrae, A B, John R Dunn, John J Gallagher, A B, Henry C Hanington, A B, Charles W Clifton Tabor, Horton B Hetherington, Harris G Fenety, B A, LL B, Bedford B Teed, M A, Arthur W Ebbett, John B M Baxter, James King Kelly, Admitted Att^irneys. 21 Oct do flo do do do 27 Oct 21 Oct do do 21 Oct 3 Feb do do 9 Feb 19 Oct do do do do do do do 19 Oct 18 Oct do do do do do do do do do do do do do 12 Oct do do do do 16 Oct do do do do do '86 do do do do do '86 do do do '86 '87 do do do '87 do do do do do do do '87 '88 do do do do do do do do do do do do do '89 do do do do '90 do do do do do Admitted BarriHt^'rx, Residence. 27 Oct do 28 Oct 27 Oct do do 27 Oct do 26 Oct 11 Oct II Oct 9 Feb 26 April 25 Oct 17 Oct 26 Oct 25 Oct do do 26 Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 22 Oct 17 Oct do do do 23 Oct do do do 22 Oct do do do do do '87jFre.•■«<»«. •"<»•«•«•« lOi^'X'***"* New Brunswick School Books, y^ ^ BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, BOOK and JOB PRINTERS , BOOK-BINDERS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, ¥*£ Caris. At-Home Caril!!, Bi Programmes, etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Booksellers i Stationers ALL ORDERS ATTENDED TO WITH ESPECIAL CARE. Write for any information required, which shall be promptly replied to. i\ EHBOSSIRG NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. k A. EcHILLAN'8, 8T. JOHM. Medical Register. 229 dnoai. '"»^» •»#"•-♦•» A ERS. etc. »r8 ^hich jomr. MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS ARE TH£ BBST AND MOST DURABLE. THE MEDICAL REGISTER OF NEW BRUNSWICK. OS all persons Appearing on the Register as existing on the first day of January, 189h, printed and published in pursuance of the eighth section of " The New Brunswick Medical Act, '1881." Addy, Henry G, St John Addy, Geo A B, St John Allan, C Arthur, Bayfield, Westmor'd Allison, Lucius Carey, St John Alward, Mark, Brownville, Me (n r) Andrews, Joseph, St John Armstrong, A F, Johnston, Queens Atkinson, Jas G, Oak Hill, Charlotte Aylen, Ernest D, Hillsborough, Alb't Baker, I W N, Centre ville Baxter, Geo O, Barnesville Baxter, James McGregor, Chatham Bayard, William, St John Bearisto, James, Hartland Begg, John W, Dalhousie Bell, D J, Fort Fairfield, Me (n r) Bellivau, Lucien J, Shediac Benson, John Stafford, Chatham Benson, Joseph Black, Chatham Berryman, John, St John Bishop, William P, Bathurst Berryman, Daniel E, St John Black, Chas A, Bale Verte, Westm'd Blair, Frank I, St Stephen Boone, S'W, Presque Isle, Me (n r) Bourque, Louis Napoleon, Moncton Bourque, Thomas J, Richibucto Bridges, Jas Whiteside, Fredericton Broderick, Edward James, St John Brown, Frank M, Centreville, Carleton Burgess, S W.Great Shemogue,W'land Caldwell, Wm M, Fairville Calkin, J O, Sackville Camp, George R, Sheffield Carter, H R, Port Elgin, Westmorland Caswell, James A, Gagetown Chandler, E B, Moncton Christie, James, St John Christie, Wm, Portland Christie, William Alexander, St John Churchill, Esbon, Bristol, Carleton Clarke, Augustus T, Calais, Me (n r) Cobarn, Benjamin, Bright, York Coburn, G Hayward, Fredericton Coburn, A D, Canterbury Station,York Cody, Peter W, Forest City, Me (n r) Colter, Newton Ramsay, Woodstock Coraeau, Francis Xavier, Caraquet Coleman, Henry Hicks, Sackville Coulthard, Geo E, Fredericton Crawford, G ^, J, St John Crocket, W' Ca'.'well, Frederictoa Cruise, Wi'aara, Moncton Currie, John Z, Fredericton Curtis, Isaac IJ, Hartland, Carleton Daniel, John Waterhouse, St John Dajr, Robert G, St John Demstadt, Wm McKay, St Stephen Desmond, Francis John, Newcastle Dibblee, Geo O, Moore's Mills Disbrow, William G, Dalhousie Doherty, Isaac W, Kingston, Kent Doherty, Wm W, Campbellton Duffy, Nathaniel, Lubec, Me (n r) Duncan, Gideon Mitchell, Bathurst Dunlap, Geo H, Moncton Earle, Thos J O, Young's Cove, Queens Emery, Alban F, St John Fairweather, Wm A, Rothesay, Kinga Fish, Hiram A, Newcastle Fitzmaurice, T J, Houlton, Me (n r) Flemming, Geo W, Petitcodiac Fournier, Florent, Edmundston Fritz, Howard Douglas, St John Gaudet, Edward T,St Joseph, W'land Gilchrist, John, Portland Gilchrist, John B, Greenwich, Kings Gillmor, Henry Edward, St Martins Goodwin, Fred, Bayfield, Westmorl'd Gove, Samuel Tilley, St Andrews Gove, Harry, St Andrews Gray, James H, Fairville Gregory, Harry W, Stanley, York Guy, Adolphus G, Edmundston Ha'nington, Jas Peters, St John Hay, Hugh Burns, Chipman, Queen* Hand, Wm Nelson, Woodstock Harrison, Richard, St John Hetherington, Geo A, St john Hetherington, Judson E, St. John Holoham, P A, Newcastle Inches, P Robertson, St John ALL KINDS OF LEOAL PRINTINa AT J. k A. McMILLAN'S. 230 Medical Register. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Jack, DuVerhet, Grand liar, G Manan John3ton, Chas H L, St John Johnson, George F, Sussex Jonah, John M; Eastport, Me (n r) Keirstead, Perley Taylor, Woodstock Keith, Bauraan N, Harvey Stat'n, Y'k Keith, Melbourne F, Harcourt, Kent Kenney, Frank Lincoln, St John Kilburn, F, Presque Isle, Me, (n r) King, Wallace G, Buctouche, Kent Lacrois, Wenceslas, Edmundston Landry, David V, St Joseph, W'land Langis, Joseph A, Petit Rocher Lapham, Annie Alma, Newcastle LeBianc, Clement O, Buctouche, Kent Legers, Jos Alfred, Shediac Limond, Robert, Carapobello Lunan, Henry, Carapbellton Macdonald, M C, Cambridge, Queens Macdonald, Donald D, Petitcodiac Macdonald, John, Chatham Macdonald, M H, Wickham, Queens MacLaren, Murray, St John Main, Chas G, Edmundston March, J Edgar, St John Marvin, Bliss A, Hillsborough Melvin, Geo Girvan, Alma, Albert Moffat, Alex C, Kilburn, Victoria Moore, David R, Stanley Moore, Edmund, Salisbury Morehouse, O E, Upper Keswick, Y'k Morrison, Joseph Hugh, St John Morrison, Wm Somerville, St John Mott, J C, Lower Prince William, Y'k Mullin, Barnet M, St Marys, York Murray, A J, Fredericton Junction Murray, Chas, Studholra, Kings Murray, Daniel, Campbellton Murray, Suther C, Albert, Albert Murray, A, Leonardsville, Deer Isl'd McAlpine, Lemuel A W, St John McCarron, Jas Andrew, St John McCully, Oscar J, Moncton McFarlane, Foster, St John Mclntyre, Jas A, Springfield, Kings Mclnerney, Jas Peterson, St John McLearn, Robt, Fredericton McMorine, Robt Finlay, Carapbellton McNally, Harry G, Millville, York Nicholson, Robert, Newcastle Nugent, J G, Brigg's Corner, Queens Olloqui, Rufino A, King*?ton, Kent j O'Neil, James Edward, Fairville ! Owens, J G, Blackville, Northumb'd Pearson, George N, Sussex. Peake, James Palmer, Oromocto Peck, Alfred Hunt, Petitcodiac Pedolin, Ferdinand L, Newcastle Porter, Martin L, Danforth, Me (n r) Price, Leverett H, Grand Manan Price, Wm H, Butternut Ridge, Kings Purdy, Clinton Tremaine, Moncton Purdy, Silas, Albert, Albert Rankin, Wm Donald, Woodstock Reynolds, Harlan P, Lepreaux Ross, Robert K, St Stephen Ross, Demore W, Peel, Carleton Ruddick, Robert Carter, St Martins Scammell, Jos Henry, St John Seery, Frederick Joseph, Fredericton Secord, Elizabeth, Blissville Sharp, Isaac Clarence, Marysville Sharpe, Ed M, Butternut Ridge, Kings Sheffield, Mason, St John ' Simon, John Alexander, St John , Sirois, Felix G, Fort Kent, Me (n r) ' Smith, Alfred Corbett, Tracadie \ Smith, Gains T, Moncton Smith, Jas R N, Milltown, Me (n r) I Smith, Joshua N, Hampton, Kings Somerville, Alex McL, Springfield fSprague, Thos Farmer, Woodstock Steeves, James Albert E, Fairville Steeves, Edward Omar, Monctoji Swan, Charles E, Calais, Me (n r) Taylor, Henry langster, St George Teed, John Francis, Dorchester Thome, Ammiel J, H^velock, Kings Thome, Bliss 8, Sackville Todd, Wm H, St Stephen Townsend, Geo F, Calais, Me (n r) Travers, John Boyle, St John Upham, Geo C, Caribou, Me (n r) i Vanwart, George Clowes, Fredericton i Vose, Edwin H, Calais, Me (n r) i Wade, John Roger, Grand Falls j Wade, Joseph Armour, St Andrews I Walker, Thomiw, St John Walker, Thomas Dyson, St John Warneford, Percey H, Hampton,Kings Welling, Frederick N, Andover Wetraore, Fred H, Hampton, Kings White, Jacob D, Carleton White, Wm W. 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