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 27th. Geo III. Jhap. 2d. and of the Provincial 
 Statutes 43d. Geo. III. Chap. 1st. 
 and 52d. Geo. Ill Chap. 1st. 
 And for the better Regulation of the 
 By LOUIS LEVESQUE, Esquire, Advocate. 
 ;!' M 
 J; 1. - 
 publis^eti bp ^tutjoritp. 
 1= ^. 
 1 r 
 . > 
 p ^r 
 •If- -' 
 • De h S7e. Geo. III. Chap. 2e. et des St\tut8 
 Provinciaux des 43e. Geo. III. Chap. !"• 
 et 52e. Geo. III. Chap, h'- 
 Et pour mieux r^gler la Mii^ice de cette Province, 
 Par LOUIS LEVESQUE, Ecuyer, Avooat. 
 jpublie' par autorite'* 
 *• ./ 
 , ' - V;" ■' 
 Cmprimb* par p. E. DESBARATS, Imprimeur des Loix db ia rnny 
i ! 
 . JU 
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 To His Excellency Srn GEORGE PREWST, Baronet, 
 Governor General of the Province of Lower Canada, 
 8sc. 8sc. Sgc. 
 . May IT Please Your Excellency, 
 At a moment when every member c^ society oup;Iit to 
 render himself useful, for the pubhc p^ood, I have thouj^ht 
 that I mip^lit in some sort contribute thereto by abridj^inp;, 
 in a succinct manner, the Laws which p^ovcrn the Militia 
 of this Province. 
 This Absti'act I presume to offer to your Excellency as 
 a first tribute of the esteem and profound respect which I 
 bear towards the Government. 
 I venture to flatter myself that this compendium, if it 
 receive your Excellency's approbation, may facilitute to the 
 public the understanding of the Acts andOrclinance of which 
 it is an abridgment. 
 The Canadians, who compose a very large majority of 
 the Militia of this Prov:nce, will, at a glance, perceive the 
 whole extent of their duties and of their rights. They will 
 become convinced that the Legislature, in thus modifying 
 the obedience which they owe to their Sovereign, has sought 
 only to perpetuate their happiness and their prosperity — 
 And that the powers of the King's Representative have no 
 other force than for their defence and protection. 
 Such is the object of this work. I shall be happy if it 
 prove agreeable to your Excellency, and of some utility to 
 my Countrymen. 
 I have the honor to be, with the most profound respect, 
 . Ycur Excellency's most humble 
 and very obedient servant, 
 1 ' 
 •• - ' . 
 les 1 
 ; i 
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 j ' i 
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 '. ^ ■ ' 
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>■♦ K.» 
 ^«on Excellence Sir GEORGE PREVOST, Baronet, 
 Gonverneur General dc la Province du Bas-Canada, 
 8sc. S^e. $sc. 
 Dans un (cmim ou chtujuo menibre de la societe doit a'utili- 
 •or pour It* hien griu'ral, i'uicru que je pourrois y contri- 
 hut'icn qucUiuc sortc, en redip^eant d'uno uiauirre Hucciucte, 
 les loix qui ^ouvenieut les Miliccs de cettc Province, 
 C'est cet Extrait que j'ftsc offrir a voire Excellence, 
 coniine un premier tributde I'estimc etdu respect protbnd 
 que j'ai poMr le Gouvernejnent. 
 J'ose me flatter que ce precis, s'il re^oit I'approbation de 
 voire Excellence, pourra rendre plus facile au public, I'in- 
 telligence des Actes et de i'Ordonnance dont il est I'abrege. 
 Les Canadiens qui composent la tres grande majorite des 
 Miliciens de cette Province, verront d'un cx)up-d'ceil toutc 
 I'etendue de Icnrs devoirs et de leurs dri.its. lis se convain- 
 cront que la Legislature n'a cliercbe qu'a perpetuer leur 
 bonlieur et leur prosperite, en modifiant de la sorte I'obeis- 
 sance qu'ils doivent a leur souverain, et que les pouvoirs du 
 Representant du Roi n'ont de force, que pour let defence 
 et leur protection, 
 Tel est le but de cet ouvmge. Je serai heure s'il 
 peut ^tre agreable a votre Excellence, et de quelque utili- 
 te a mes compatriotes. 
 J'airjionneur d'etre, avec le respect le plus profond^ * 
 De Votre Excellence^ 
 Le tres humble 
 Et tres obeissant serviteur, 
 f - 
 i i 
» I 
 1'l»c two Acts which form the Hubjoct of this Abstract, will be 
 in force until the firHt of July, 1SI4. liut, if at that time the 
 Province should be in a state of war, of invasion or insurrection, 
 they will thence continue in force until the termination of such 
 war, invasion or insurrection. 
 These Acts and the Ordinance contain ninety six Sections. 
 To facilitate the understandiu*; of the contents, I liave divided the 
 work into four Chapters. The tlircj'lirst comprize the powers, the 
 dutit:-. and the ri(^ht^< of the (jrovenior. Lieutenant (rovernor,or 
 Person administerinir the (iovernment, and those of the Othcers, 
 Non-Commissioned Ollicers and Privates. I have respected and 
 followed as closely as possible the text of the law ; because what 
 I Iiave made is an abstract, and not a commentary : but I huve 
 avoided repetitions which, in an abridgment of this JuUure, would 
 have been altogether misplaced. 
 i ; 
 : \ 
ract, will be 
 at time the 
 itioii of such 
 ix Soctionfi. 
 3 divided the 
 • powerH, the 
 the OHicers, 
 cspected aiul 
 because what 
 : but 1 have 
 lature, would 
 A<2i • 
 liPH deux Actts qui font le hu jet de cet extrait, seront en force 
 juHqu'au preuiier jour dejuiUet 1814. Mais Hi la Province 6toit , 
 alors dans un etat de guerre, d'iuvasiion on d'iiiHurrection, ils *^ , 
 continueront d'etre en force juscju'a la Hndela dite guerre, inva- 
 sion ou insurrection. ' 
 Ces Actes et I'Ordonnance contiennent (|uatre-vinfft six Secti- 
 ons. Pour faciliter I'intelligence des niatiOres, j'ai divise cet 
 ouvrajre en quatre Chapitres. lies trois premiers coniprenent lea 
 pouvoirs, h'K devoirs et les droits du (iouverneur, Lieutenant- 
 Gouverneur ou la personne ayant Tadministration du Gouver- 
 nement, et ceux des Ofliciers, Officiers non-Commissionn^s, et 
 des Miliciens. J'ai respect^ et suivi, autant que possible, le texte , 
 de la lol, parceque j en ai fait I'extrait, et non le commentaire; ' * 
 mais je me suis dispense des repetitions qui seroient tout-ti-fait 
 deplac<3es dans un precis de cette nature. 
 V ', 
 ' .. . ... % 
 i: li 
 - m 
 CityiPTER ht. , Of the Power and Duhj of the Gover- 
 nor ...•••• Page 1 
 Chapter 2d. . Of the Poioei^, IJufj/ and Rights of the 
 Officers of Militia 19 
 * . " Section First . . Of the Poiccr, JJutj/ and 
 > . Rights of all' thr Officers of the local 
 and embodied Militia without distinction 
 of Rank ibid» 
 Section Second. . Of the Power, I)uti/and 
 nights of Field Officers of Militia 25 
 Section Third.... O/' the Duty and Rights 
 of Captains and other Ufjicers of in- 
 ferior rank , . » #37 
 C/i AFTER 3d....Vf the Dntj/ and Rights of Serjeants, 
 JS^on-Conmiissioned OJ/icers and Milt' 
 tia-nten, andof exintption from 31 Hi- 
 tiaservice, from quartering of troops 
 and emhodiid Militia, and from the 
 conveyance of effVcts belonging to the 
 King \ 49 
 Section First.... O/' the Duty and Rights 
 of Serjeants ami ^Vow - Commissioned 
 Officers , ibid. 
 Section Second.... O/" //(!(■ Duty and Rights 
 of Militid-nien. ,53 
 Section Third.. ..Oy c.rcy;//;//ow /Vom il/i7/- 
 tin - service, front the quartering of - . . 
 ; , . . ' Troops and embodied Militia, and from -^ 
 , ' j' -. the conveyance of^cj^ccts belonging io the " 
 King * 77 
 Chapter ith....()f the prosecution of Delinquents 83 
 .- . • Section yirM....Of the Jurisdiction of the 
 ' . " Courts of Kino;' s Bench, and of the 
 " ,' jurisdiction and proceedings of Courts 
 3/artial. . ." ibid. 
 '■ Section Second. ...O/' the jurisdiction of 
 ,. • Justices of the Peace, .,.,...,***• 89 
 CovERNon — alwav;; moans Governor, Lieutennnt Governor, or Person administering 
 tlif Goveriinn'iif. 
 ]MiMTiA — (eniploiieflalone) Local Militia. 
 PouNOB and SuiLUNCs— Pounds and Stiilllngs of Proviucial cuireacy, 
 •^ ^.. 
 MarcE— Ce 
 favKst et C 

 ..: ?ii 
 • • Page 1 
 • • • • 
 • • • • 
 . • • • 
 . . .37 
 . . A9 
 » • • • • 
 . ,ibid. 
 1 • • • • 
 ( • • %03 
 , . . .83 
 1 the 
 1 the 
 . , Jbid. 
 Hon adtniuisterins 
 CffAPiTRR \er....Du pouvoirrt du devoir du Gmiter' 
 tnifr. » Page 2 
 Chapitre 2d....Du pouvoir^ du devoir et des droits des 
 Officiers de Alii ice J^ 
 Section premiere.... /^« pouvoir^ du devoir 
 et des droits de, tons Ics O^iriers dcs 
 Milices locale et iticorpor'., sous dis- 
 iinclion de rang ih. 
 Sec'aoii seconde.. .../)« pouvoir^ du devoir 
 et des droits des OJ/icios JMajors, 26 
 Section troisieine.... jD« pouvoir, du devoir 
 • "*;- et des droits des Capitaines etautres ojfi- 
 • ciers de rang iufcrieur .38 
 Chapitre 3e....Du devoir et des droits des Sergents^ 
 , . Offieiers Non-Connnissionnes^ et des 
 • * , Milicieus^ et de I 'ejrcniption du service 
 ■\ ■ _ / de In Milice^ du logement des Troupes 
 ■ ' et des Milices incorporees^ et des tranS' 
 V t ports des ejj'ets du noi 50 
 Section devoir et des droits 
 , -. des Sergerds et Offieiers Non-Commis- 
 - sionnts ih, 
 A Section seconde..../}// devoir ei des droits 
 des Miliciens 56 
 ■ Section troisieme....D<: /'e.rc//?j';//owr/w >9tr- 
 '- vice de la Mi lice y du logement des 
 Troupes et des Miliciens incorporos, 
 et des transports des effets du Hoi .78 
 Chapitre 4e....De lapoursuite des Delinquants 84 
 'Section premiere. . . De la Jurisdiction des 
 Cours du Banc du Roi, et de la Juris- 
 diction et des procedures des Cours Mar- 
 tiales, , . ,ib. 
 > Section Seconde. . . De la Jurisdiction des 
 Juges de Paix, , 90 
 GocTTEiiHEnit— signifierH toujours Gouverneur, Lieutenant Gouverneur ou la penonof 
 a^ant radministratiou du 6ouvernenient, 
 MlLicE — (employe seul) Milice Locale. 
 iavRn et Chblum — Livres et Cbellins du cuun de la Province, 
"» " " 
 i , ■ 
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 J \ 
 I 111 
 48 G«o. in. 
 Sec. 6. 
 / • 
 Section 13. 
 I, TT is lawful for him to form the Mili- 
 lia by Disiric^s or into Battalions or 
 Companies as he shall deem most fit, or 
 to authorize the Staft-officer commanding 
 a District or a Battalion to form it into 
 II, He may order two annual Reviews 
 of the whole Militia or of the Militia of 
 any District, Battalion or Company at 
 such times and places as he may deem 
 most proper, 
 IIL On complaint and application made 
 by the officer commanding a District or 
 a Battalion against an Officer of Militia, 
 he shall give an order under his hand and 
 • / 
 I the Mill' 
 ttalions or 
 ost fit, or 
 in it inio 
 Militia of 
 Tipany at 
 lay deem 
 uion made 
 )istrict or 
 dF Mililia, 
 hand and 
 >• ,' 
 L TL lui est loisible de former la Milice 
 en Districts, Bataillons ou Compa- 
 gnies, comme il le jugera le plus conve- 
 nable, ou d'autoriser TOfficicr de TEtat- 
 Major commandant un District ou Batail- 
 lon, de le former en Compagnies. 
 II. II pent ordonner deux Revues an* 
 nuelles de toute la Milice ou d'aucun Dis«» 
 trict, Bataillon ou Compagnie en tels 
 terns et licux qu*il jugera les plus propres. 
 III. Surplainteet application fiaites par 
 rOfficier Commandant un District ou Ba« 
 taillon, contre un Officier de Milice, il 
 donnera un ordre sous son Seing et Sceau 
 \ .\ A 2 adress6 
 Ac(e43. CttBf 
 in. Sec. 6. 
 Sec, I SI, 
' •. H V 1- 
 le tioB U. 
 Section 13; 
 Section 43. 
 12. G. III. 
 lec, 3. 
 'I- ' 
 jeaL directed to the Commandant of the 
 of the Battalion if he is not 
 inculpated. And if he be so, then, to 
 the Officer next beneath him in Rank, 
 appointing him President of the Coiirt- 
 Martial about to be held, also appointing 
 the members who are to compose it, or 
 giving to the said field-ofhcer power to 
 appoint them, and to fix the time and 
 place of convening the said Court. 
 IV. He shall appoint a person to per- 
 form the function of Judge Advocate in 
 the said Court. 
 V. He shall approve the sentence of 
 the said Court before it is executed. 
 VI. When he shall have approved in 
 the Executive Council the g^^neral state- 
 ment of the necessary expencts incurred 
 by the officers of the Militia and by the 
 Adjutant General in the execution of their 
 duty, he shall issue a warrant under his 
 hand and seal, directed to the Receiver 
 General of the Province, commanding him 
 to make payment to the Adjutant General. 
 VII. It is lawful For him to order out, 
 or cause to be balloted for in each year 
 two thousand unmarried persons of the 
 age of from eighteen to thirty, or any 
 proportion of that number taken in any 
 District^ Division, Battalion or Company, 
nt of the 
 be is not 
 then, to 
 in Rank, 
 le Coiirt- 
 >oseit, or 
 power to 
 time and 
 on to per- 
 Ivocaie in 
 ntence of 
 proved ia 
 eral state- 
 id by the 
 )n of their 
 under his 
 t Geoerai, 
 )rder out, 
 each y ear 
 ms of the 
 % or any 
 en in any 
 adresse au Commandcint du District ou 
 Bataiilon, s'il r/cst p»as inculpt", et s'il Test, 
 cier quj 
 e suit en ran 
 e nom- 
 mant Piesident de la Cour Martiale qui 
 doii ene lenue, et lies Mcmbres qui doi- 
 Veni la composer, ou (ionnant au dit Of- 
 ficier Major pouvoir de les nommer, et de 
 fixer le terns et le lieu de la convocation 
 de la dite Cour. 
 . IV. II nommera une .personhe qui fera 
 les ionctions de Juge-Avocat dans la ditc 
 V. II approuverala Sentence de la dite 
 Cour, avant qu'elle soit ex^cutee* 
 VI. Lorsqu'il aura approuve dans le 
 Conseil Executif I'etat general des depen- 
 ses nfececessaires faites par les Officiers de 
 Milice, et I'Adjudant General, dans I'exe- 
 cution de leur devoir, il emanera un War* 
 rant sous son Seing et Sceau adresse au 
 Receveur General de la Province, lui or- 
 donFjant den faire ie payement a I'Adju- 
 dant General. 
 VII. II lui est loisible de commander 
 ou faire tirer au sort chaque annee, deux 
 niille gar^ons, de I'age de dixhuit a trente 
 ans, ou aucune proportion de ce nonibre, 
 pris dans aucun District, Division, Ba- 
 taiilon ou Compagnie, specifiant dans " 
 A3 ^ 8on 
 Section 14* 
 Section 12 
 Section 42. 
 Acte 52 Geo* 
 111. Sec. 6. 
 Sec. 40. 
 S2. a.m. 
 RCC. 6. 
 Section T 
 S«tion 11. 
 Specifying in bis order what quota each of 
 them shall furnish in propoiiion to the 
 number of ihe Militia which it contains ; 
 and to the total number of the Provincial 
 VIIL He may form them into Battalions 
 or Compunies of which he shall appoint 
 the officers ; and shall cause them to be 
 exercised during ninety days between the 
 . first of May and the fifteenth of August, 
 after which they shall be disbanded, 
 IX. He shall cause them to march to 
 such place as he shall think fit, in order 
 to be exercised and trained : provided 
 that he keep them at the distance of two 
 leagues at least from such Towns, Boroughs 
 or Forts as contain troops, except in case 
 of war, invasion or insurrection. 
 X. In the above mentioned cases or in 
 that of imminent danger of them he muy at 
 his discretion retain the said two thousand 
 Militia men for a greater length of time 
 Ahan that above specified, (No, 8.) 
 .. XL It is lawful for him to accep! and 
 to embody such Volunteers as may offer 
 themselves, exclusive of the said two thou- 
 sand men. He shall form such Volunteers 
 into Battalions, Light companies. Com- 
 panies of Artillery, Squadrons of Cavalry 
 or otherwise : and shall appoint their 
 officers, XII. 
 1 each of 
 [1 to the 
 ontains ; 
 em to be 
 ween the 
 narch to 
 in order 
 :e of two 
 )t in case 
 ises or in 
 .V. inuy at 
 of time 
 :ep! and 
 nay offer 
 wo ihou- 
 s, Com- 
 f Cavalry 
 int their 
 son ordre la quote-part que c^acun d'enx Acte 4SGe«s 
 fonrnira en proportion du noaibre de Mi- '"' *'^- '*^- 
 liciens quVs contiennent, et du notnbre 
 total deo Miliciens de la Province. 
 VIII II pourra les former en Bataillons ^'=*''^''"g** 
 ou Coinpagnies, doni il nommera les Ofh- 
 ciers, et les exerccra quatrevingt-dix jours " ^ . 
 a compter du premier de Mai au quinze 
 dAout, apres quoi ils seront licencies. 
 • ' ^ 
 IX- II les fera marcher a telle placq qu'il 
 jugera convenable pour les exercer et les 
 discipliner, pourvu qu il 'k\s tienne a deux 
 iieues de distance au moins des Villes, 
 Bourgs ou Forts oli il y aura des corps de 
 troupes, a moins que ce ne soit dans des • / 
 cas de gueire, d'lnvasion ou d'insurrec- ' 
 X. Dans les cas susdit?, ou de danger s ctionT. 
 imminent d'lceux, il pourra dans sa dis- 
 cretion, retenir les deux raille Miliciens 
 susdits, plus de terns qu*il n'est specific . 
 dansleN^.8. "! ^ . 
 XI. II lui est loisible d'accepter et incor- 
 porcr les Volontaires q^ui se presenteront, 
 exclusivement des deux mille hommes ci- 
 dessus mentionnes, II formera ces Vo- 
 lontaires en Bataillons, Compagnies le- 
 geres, Compagnies d'Artillerie, Escadrons 
 de Cavalerie ou autrement, et nommera 
 kurs Officiers, 
 A 4 XIL 
 Section 11. 
 i .? 
 I I 
45. a 
 6?. n. 
 XIL He shall give to thf officers, non- 
 commissioned officers and Militia-men of 
 the Battalions or Companies of two thou- 
 sand unmarried persons, and to the afore- 
 said Volunteers the same pay and allow- 
 ances as Hi« Vlajestv's regiments of Infantry 
 have a right to receive — computing from 
 the day of their departure from the rend^^z- 
 vous of their companic «ctual service 
 until they are discharged. He shall grant 
 to the officers for defraying their expenses 
 in going to their usual homes, pay for a 
 number of days, according to the distance 
 at the rate of five leagues per day* But 
 he shall pay the Adjutants, Serjeants Major, 
 Quarter-Master-Serjeants, Drill Serjeants, 
 and Trumpeters after the discharge of the 
 Militia men as if they were still embodied, 
 and shall give to the privates their pay for 
 twenty days after the date of their being 
 is. G. III. 
 XIII. In case of war, invasion, or immi- 
 nent danger thereof, or of insurrection or 
 other urgent circumstances, he may order 
 .out the whole Militia of the Province, or 
 only the whole Militia of any District, 
 Division, Battalion or Company, or a part 
 62. G. III. of .such Militia, and may keep them on 
 sec. 5. f. ..? , ' ^ t ^ 
 too^as long as mc case and circumstances 
 may require. 
?rs, non- 
 i-men of 
 tvo thou- 
 he a fore- 
 id allow- 
 ing from 
 e rendf^z- 
 al service 
 lall grant 
 pay for a 
 ; distance 
 lay* But 
 its Major, 
 rge ot the 
 ir pay for 
 leir being 
 or immi- 
 |-ection or 
 ay order 
 vince, or 
 or a part 
 them on 
 A(Mp5« CiM>i 
 1II.S4C. 7, 9, 
 18 & J7, 
 XII. 11 sera tenu dc donner aux OflFi- Actr 4i nroi 
 ciers, Officirrs non^coinmissionn^s et Mi- ..^* 
 liciens des Bataillons on Compagnies des 
 deux mille gar^ons et cfes Volontaires sus* 
 diis, la meme paye et les memes allouan- 
 ces que les Regiments d'Infanterie de Sa 
 Majeste ont le droit de recevoir, a comp- 
 ter du jour de leur depart du rendezvous 
 de leurs Compagnies pour le service actif, 
 jusqu'ace qu'ils soient decharges. II ac- 
 cordcra aux Officiers nn nombie de jours 
 de paye pour defrayer leurs dc^penses jus- , 
 qu'au lieu de leur dcfmicile ordinaire, sui- 
 vant la distance, a raison de cinq lieues ^ 
 par jour, Mais il sera tenu de payer les 
 Adjudants, !es SergentsMajors, les Ser- - ? 
 gents Quartier-Maitres, les Sergents de 
 drille et les Trompettes, apre'^ la dechar* 
 ge des Miliciens, comme s'ils etoient in- ^ ' *- 
 corpores, et de donner vingt jours de paye , • 
 aux dits Miliciens apres les avoir licen- 
 cies, \! • _• 
 XIII. Dans les cas de guerre, d*inva- ^Jj^g^^^g^®' 
 sion ou de danger imminent d'iceux, d'in- 
 surrection ou autres circonstances urgen- 
 tes, il peut commander toute la Milice de 
 la Province, ou seulement toute la Milice 
 ou partie de la Milice daucun District, in. see. a. 
 Division, Baiaillon ou Compagnie, et la 
 lenir sur pied autant de terns que les cas 
 et circonstances susdiis rendront neces- 
 ■ \ 
 • . 
4s. c. III. 
 XIV. He cannot order out Militia men 
 who are more than firty years ofa^r, mi* 
 less he orders out \he whole of thf* Militia- 
 men of the Battalions to which ihty be- 
 long. He shall form this Militia into 
 Battalions and Companies, sl^.a'l appoint 
 the officers and cause them to march in 
 such manner, and to such place or places 
 as he shall think fit under the circumstan- 
 XV. He car^not cause the Militia to 
 quit the Province except for the succour of 
 UpperCanada, ifthat Province be invaded, 
 in order to intercept the march of the ene- 
 my, to pursue him, to destroy his vessels, 
 magazines and depots, and to attack his 
 fortifications erected with a view to the 
 invasion of the Province. 
 XVI. In case of war, invasion, or im- 
 minent danger thereof, it shall be lawful 
 for him in jider to cause the whole Pro- 
 vince to contribiite to the general defence, 
 and in order to replace with detachments 
 drawn from remote places the whole or 
 such great part of such division or battalion 
 as shall have been ordered out or embodied 
 in manner aforesaid — to order out, or 
 cause to be balloted for, for one year 
 only. Detachments of the Militia of each 
 District, Division or Battalion, specifying 
 in his order to the officer commanding, 
 "whsLi quota each of them shall furnish in 
 , . '. proportion 
A .• 
 lilitia men 
 [he Militia- 
 :h ilicy bt'* 
 liliiia imo 
 aM appoint 
 o rrjcirch in 
 e or places 
 Militia to 
 'succour of 
 be invaded, 
 of \\\c ene- 
 his vessels, 
 3 attack his 
 >/iew to the 
 ion, or im- 
 1 be lawful 
 whole Pro- 
 ral defence, 
 e whole or 
 r battalion 
 I embodied 
 r out, or 
 one year 
 Itia of each 
 |l furnish in 
 XIV. 11 ne pourra commander les Mi- Afif4vf;r«i 
 Iicicns aud(*ssus dc cinqnantp ans, a rnoins 
 qui! ne conunande tous les Miliciens dcs 
 Bataillons auxquels ils nppartienaent. 
 II formera ccttc Milice en Bataillons et 
 Compagnirs, nomniera leurs Ofhcicrs, ct ** 
 les fera r\»archer dt telle nianicre et a tel 
 ou tels licux qu'il jugera convenir aux cir- 
 XV. II ne pourra faire sortir la Milice 
 de la Province, si ce nVst pour I'assistan- 
 cc de la Province du Ilaut Canada, »i elle 
 est envahie, pour prcvenir lennemi dam 
 sa marche, le poursuivre et detruire ses ' - 
 yaisseaux, magazinset depots, et pour at- 
 taquer ses foni(iraii(^ns erig^cs pour Tin- - ' ' 
 vasion de la Prosinc:*. 
 XVI. Dans les cas de guerre, d*inva.sion ;V)*'^*'"^' 
 OU de danger imminent d iceux, il lui se- 
 ra loisible, a fin de faire contribuer toute 
 la Province a la defense generale, et rem- 
 placer par des detachements de lieux ' ' 
 plus eloigoes, toute la Division ©u tout le 
 Bataiilon qui aura ete commande ou in- 
 corpore, ou la giande partic du dit Ba- 
 taiilon ou division qui aura cte commandee 
 et incorporee de la maniere susdite, de 
 commander ou faire tirer au sort pour un 
 an seulement des detachements de la Mili- 
 ce de chaq^ue District, Division ou BaraiU ' 
 Ion, specihant dans son ordre a TOfficier 
 ■ r 
 V^'. / 
 > M 
 I I 
 '.,;-■ ■: ' ■ 11 '\:.. ■ ■ ■■; 
 Proportion to the total number of the 
 Mihtia of the Province,, according to ihe 
 last returns, also the time and place of the 
 general Rendezvous of the Detachments 
 of such District, Division or Battalion. 
 XVIL He shall form these Detachments 
 into Battalions and Companies, shall ap- 
 point the officers, cause them to march 
 whithersoever he shall think proper, uuder 
 the restriction mentioned No. XV. and 
 shall dismiss them at the end of one year, 
 or sooner if possible— unless it be necessa- 
 ry to order out the whole Militia of the 
 Districts, Divisions, Battalions or Compa- 
 nies of the said embodied Detachments. 
 XVIII. It shall be lawful for him in the 
 above cases to order out, or to cause to 
 be balloted for^ Batchelors, in preference 
 to married perfons^-^regard being had to 
 the number of men intended to be embo- 
 died, to the circumstances of the service, 
 and in proportion to the total number of 
 the Militia, according to the last returns, 
 XIX. He shall give such orders as the 
 nature of the exigency may require for the 
 discharge, the succour or the reinforce- 
 ment of the Militia embodied provisionally 
 without orders from him, by field-officers 
 or Captains in case of actual invasion or 
 * * XX* 
 ' ^ ' 
tr of the 
 ing to ihe 
 lace oFihe 
 , shall ap- 
 1 to march 
 )per. uiider 
 K XV. and 
 F one year, 
 be necessa- 
 ilitia of the 
 or Compa- 
 r him in the 
 to cause to 
 1 preference 
 ?ing had to 
 o be embo- 
 ihe service, 
 number of 
 St returns, 
 rders as the 
 luire for the 
 linvasion or 
 Commandant, la quote-part que chacun 
 d enx fournira, en proportion du nombre 
 total des Miliciens de la Province, suivant ' 
 les derniers retours, et le terns et la place 
 dii rendez-vous general des detachements 
 de tel District, Division ou Bataillon. 
 XVII. II formera ces detachements en uifsetST' 
 Bataillons et Compagnies, nommera leurs 
 officiers, les fera marcher ou iljugeraa 
 propos sous la lestriction mentionnee dans 
 Je Numero 15, et les congediera au bout 
 de i'an ou plutot, si faire se peut, a moins 
 qu*il ne soit necessaire de commander toute 
 la Milice des Districts, Divisions ou Ba- ^ 
 tail Ions ou Compagnies des dits detache- . 
 mcnts incorpor6s. -' ' 
 XVIII, II lui sera loisible dans les cas 
 susdits de commander ou de fairetirer au 
 son les garfons, preferablement aux gens 
 manes, eu 6gard au nombre d'hommes 
 qu'il desirera fncorporer, aux circonstan- 
 ces du service et en proportion du nombre 
 total des Miliciens^ suivant les derniers 
 XIX. II donnera tels ordres que la na- 
 ture de Texigence requerra. pour la de- 
 charge, le secours ou le renfort des Mili- 
 ciens incorpores provisoirement sans ses 
 ordres, par les Omciers'Majors ou les ca- 
 pitaines dans les cas d'invasioa ou d'insur- 
 rections actueiie, 
 . - XX, 
 Section SSb 
 1 Uj 
 t s ** ■•■5 
 ' . • »'i -i 
fiec. SO. 
 45. «. III. 
 sec. 32. 
 SS. G. III. 
 * sec. 10. 
 IV I 
 21. G. III. 
 MC. 1. 4. 
 ' ^ :. 13 .■ ■ '' 
 XX. He shall give the officers, noni. 
 commissioned officers and embodied Mi- 
 Jitia men (mentioned No» 13, 16, 18.) the 
 same pay and allowances as are received 
 })y His Majesty's Infantry, computing irom 
 the day on which they shall leave the 
 rendezvous of their companies for actual 
 service until he shall discharge them. He 
 shall moreover allow them a certain num- 
 ber of days-pay to defray their expenses 
 in going to their usual homes, according 
 to the distance, at the rate of five leagues 
 per day, 
 XXI. He shall cause the musquets which 
 shall be delivered to the Militia-men to be 
 distinctly marked. 
 XXII. In case of invasion he may issue 
 a Prcclarnation forbidding all subjects to 
 leave the Province : but it shall be lawful 
 for him to grant to whomsoever he shall 
 please, permission to leave the province — 
 and to authorize a person to grant such 
 permission in his name. 
 XXIILWhen the troops or embodied Mi- 
 litia are on the march, he shall issue orders 
 to quarter them in the country and for the 
 conveyance by land and by water of the 
 ammunition and stores, provisions and 
 baggage of the said troops or embodied 
 - • \ XXIY. 
icers, non^. 
 bodied Mi- 
 6, 18.) the 
 re received 
 >uiing irom 
 leave the 
 J for actual 
 them. He 
 :rtain niim- 
 ir expenses 
 five leagues 
 quets which 
 a-men to be 
 e may issue 
 subjects to 
 1 be lawful 
 ver he shall 
 province — 
 grant such 
 ssue orders 
 and for the 
 crater of the 
 /isions and 
 SecUoB St. 
 XX. II donnera aux officiers, officiers 
 nnn cofnm'ssionnes et Miliciens incorpo- 
 res. mentionnes dans les Numeros 13, 16, 
 et 18, la menie paye ct les memes allou- 
 ances qu'aux troupes d'infanterie de S4 
 Miijeste, a compter du jour qu*ils parti- 
 ront (\u rendez vous de leurs compagnies 
 pour le f»orvice actuel, jusqu'a ce qu'il les 
 ail df chaises. II leur allouera de plus un 
 nombre de jours de paye pour defrayer 
 Ifurs depenses jusqu'au lieu de leur domi- 
 cile ordinaire, suivant la distance^a raison 
 de cinq lieues par jour. 
 XXI. II fera marquer distinctement les Acte4vGM) 
 fubils qui seront delivres aux Miliciens. ^*'' ^^''^ 
 XXII. II pourra dans le cas d'invasion Acte5aeGt»t 
 emaner une Proclamation, defendant a "^- ***=•*•• 
 iuub Sujeis de laisser la Province, mais il 
 lui sera loisible d'accorder a qui bon lui 
 femblera la permission de sortir du Pays, V' 
 et d'autoriser quelqu'un a accorder cette 
 permission en son noin. 
 ■ h 
 XXIII. Lorsque les troupes ou les Mi- _^ 
 lices incorpor^es seront en marche, il don- sTrGe^iii. 
 des ordres pour les loger dans !es ^**^** '*■ 
 campagnes, et pour les transports par ter- 
 re et par eau des munitions de guerre, 
 des vivres et du bagage des dites troupes 
 ou Milices incorpor^es. 
 ""^ : XXIV. 
 ( ■ . 
 - !' 
 ."- '■ 
 Ord. 27 G. Ill 
 sec. 7. 
 B£Ca *< 
 DCC( 9* 
 IS " 
 • XXIV. When troops or embodied Mi- 
 litia in detachment are obliged to take up 
 their quarters upon individuals in the 
 country Parishes, he shall give his orders 
 to the Staff officer charged with this detail. 
 XXV. He shall regulate the quantity ot 
 wood which each inhabitant of the Parish 
 shall furnish to the officers of the troops 
 or embodied Mi'itia, according to the 
 distribution of it which shall be made by 
 the Captain or senior officer of Militia* 
 XXVI. He may exempt whomsoever he 
 shall think fit from the billeting of troops 
 or embodied Militia, and from the duty of 
 XXVII. He shall decide the complaints 
 of persons injured by the troops or em- 
 bodied MiUtia, whether on the march or 
 in winter quarters when the said com- 
 plaints are submitted to him by the Colonel 
 or senior held officer of the District or 
 Battalion of Militia. 
 XXVIII. It is lawful for him to make 
 such regulations as experience may sug- 
 gest, and as are not provided by the or- 
 dinance, as well for the good administra- 
 tion of the troops and embodied Militia 
 whether on the march or in winter-quar- 
 ters, as for the conveyance of effects be- 
 longing to the King. 
odied Mi- 
 Lo take up 
 lis in the 
 his orders 
 this detail. 
 [uantity ot 
 the Parish 
 he troops 
 ig to the 
 e made by 
 nsoever he 
 5 of troops 
 the duty of 
 )ps or em- 
 march or 
 said corn- 
 he Colonel 
 District or 
 Q to make 
 ; may sug- 
 by the or- 
 ed Militia 
 effects be- 
 XXIV, Lorsque les troupe^ oule*? dites ^«''«"*' 
 Miliars incorporees, en detachement, se- 
 ront obligees de prendre leur quarti t chez 
 les particuliers des campagncs, il donnera 
 sesordres k rOffici^r Major charg6 de ce 
 XXV. II reglera la quantite de bbis que 
 chaque habitant de la Paroisse fournira 
 aux Officiers des troupes ou Milices incor- 
 porees, suivant la repartition qu'en fera 
 fe capitaine ou le plus ancien Officier des 
 XXVI. II pourra exempter qui bon lui oHonnanee^r 
 femblera du logerncnt des troupes ou Mi- f.^°' »i.8e«i 
 lices incorporees, et de tous devoirs de ' . 
 XXVII, 11 decidera des plaintes des per- mcumI^ 
 Tonnes lezees par les troupes ou les mi- 
 lices incorporees, foit en marche ou en ' 
 quartier d'hiver, lorfque les ditcs plaintes » - 
 lui fefoni foumifes par le Colonel ou le 
 plus ancien Officier Major du Diftrift ou 
 Bataillon de Milice, - ^ 
 XXVill. II lui eft ioifible de faire tels ••, 
 Reglements que l*experience fugg^rera, 
 et qui ne font point pourvus par 1 Ordoa- 
 nance, tant pour la bonne adminiftration 
 des troupes et des milices incorporees, 
 foit en marche ou en quartier d'hiver, que 
 pour les tranfports des effets du Roi. 
 ( ( 
 ;!;'■. ^r 
 Meet. % 
 is. n. III. 
 sec. 47. 
 fts.r,. iTi. 
 see. lb. 
 48. « TTI. 
 sec. b2. 
 ,' :.' 
 XXIX. He may apply the produce of 
 tlie fines impoled by the ordinance in the 
 manner moll in conformity wiih liiage, 
 and to the fer vices which it requires. 
 XXX. He cannot apply the fums pro- 
 duced by the fine^s and forfeitures impofed 
 by the 43. G 111, to any other purpol'es 
 than thole which relate to the Miliiia# 
 XXXI. It is lawful for him to apply the 
 fum of twelve thoufand pounds, lierling, 
 as follows, viz. one half thereof towards 
 exeicifin^ and difciplining the Militia, 
 and the other half towards the other pur- 
 foles of the Ati 52, G, III. 
 XXXfl. He {hall employ towards the 
 relief of fuch perfons as (hall have luffered 
 loflKs in the defence of the Country during 
 the war the produce of the forfeitures of 
 the property of perfons who fhall have 
 been convitled of having quitted the Pro- 
 vince without his perraiuion, after the ilfu- 
 ingof the Proclamation prohibiting, fuch 
 departure or abfence. 
 XXXIII. In case of war, of invafion, 
 or of imminent danger of them, or of in* 
 furreHion or urgency, he may convoke 
 the Legiflature wnhin fourteen days, if at 
 the tinie it fhould Hand adjourned or pro- 
 rogued for a longer lime. 
 , r- 
 ble a I 
 des an 
 rout n 
 voir, 1 
 ne de J 
 des pe 
 tes dar 
 biens ( 
 part 01 
 d 'in fur 
 iors p( 
)roduce of 
 nee in ihe 
 iili ufage, 
 fums pro- 
 ?.s iinpofed 
 ■ pur poles 
 /liUiia* ' 1 
 i apply the 
 s, lierling, 
 if I o war (is 
 le Militia, 
 other pur- 
 wards the 
 ^'e luffered 
 try during 
 feitures oT 
 (hali have 
 d the Pro- 
 er the ifFu- 
 iting. fuch 
 or of in* 
 / convoke 
 iays, if at 
 :d or pro- 
 MCtion i^ 
 Arte 52 Gen t 
 111. BCC, IS. 
 XXIX. II Uii eft h)irible (fappliquer le 
 produir des amende*- i npofcn-s par Tor. j 
 doiinance, de ia niauiere la plus convena- 
 ble a I'ufage et auX lervices qu'clie re- > 
 quiert. ; • 
 XXX. II ne pourra aopliquer I'argent Arto4fjnooi 
 1 1 n . - /' >H. Sec. 47. 
 des ainendes et conlilcations iinpolces par 
 TActe 4'^, G*o; ;j, qu'aux objets qui au- 
 ront rapport a la Milicc. 
 XXXI. I! lui i{\ loifible d'apphquer !a 
 fomme de douze rnille Livres Sterling, la- 
 voir, inoitie pour I'extrcicc et la diltipli- 
 ne de la Milice, ct I'auire inoitie pour les 
 autres fins de TAtie 52, Geo: III, 
 XXXII. II employra au foulagement 
 des per Tonnes qui auront fouficrt des per- 
 tes dans la detenfe uu pays pendant ia 
 guerre, le produii de la confiTcation des 
 biens des perloiines qui auroai ete con- 
 yamcues d'avoir laifle la Province Tdiis 
 permiit on, apies la Proclamation par lui 
 ernanee pour prohioer et d^tendre tel de- 
 part ou ablence. 
 XXXIIL Dans les cas de guerre, d'in- 
 vafion ou de danger imminent d'lceux, 
 d'infurrection ou d'urgence, il pourra 
 convoquer la Legitlature lous quatorze 
 jours, il elle efl ajournee ou prorogee a« 
 iors pour un plus iong d6lai. 
 secVioii If. 
 . »,-i 
 Arte 43 fie«H 
 Hi. sec. 52. 
 1- 1 ,. I 

 - > ;l 
 •9. (i. TIT. 
 i<».f:. lit. 
 ie«. i:^. 
 . 19 
 CHAI'TRIl TIM'. Sr,(»)ND 
 . .. ♦ 
 Till-; orncijus or militia. 
 SccUon /irsf, 
 N. B It mufl not be forgotten that 'be 
 word " Militia/' wlien ciiojw, means local 
 Of the Poxvei\ Duty and Rights of 
 all the Officers of the local and em- 
 bodied Militia without distinction 
 of Rank. 
 I. Tbe Officers of Militia wbofliall refufe 
 or negleft to appear at Roll-calh and 
 Exercises, or who Ihall abfent tbemfelves 
 from the place of aflembiing without leave, 
 fhall pay a fine of twenty ihiliings for the 
 firil time, and oi forty (hillings in cafe of 
 IL Whoever (hall refufe to attend 
 Courts Martial when called upon, and to 
 take the oath required, who fhall ablent 
 themfelves from Reviews, or refufe to 
 attend except from indi<penfable neceflity, 
 who fhall negk6t their duty, be guilty of 
 partiality or of dilbbedience of the orders 
 ot their lujperior offitcrs, or (hall quarrel 
 with or inlult them by injurious orabufive 
 language, fhall be brought to a Court 
 - » Martial, 
 cnArirnf. rf.cond. 
 DUPorjvoifj, \){n)\:v()]\\ jm)f sf)KoiTS 
 l)ij;.SOi UCIJ'JfS l)E MliJCIJ. 
 Sfclion Premiere, 
 N, B. II ne faiit pns oiiMier que le mot 
 Milicj ieul, ligiiific Milice locale. 
 Du Pouvoir, du Devoir, et des droits • 
 dc tons ks O/ficicr.s des Milice 5 lo^ 
 calc et incorporee, sans distinction 
 de Rang* 
 I, Les OFIIciers de Milice qui rcFuferont ah^ w oe.; 
 ou negligi ront de fe troiivcr anx appcis i". »«»c.4. * 
 et exei cices, ou qui s ablenteront du iieu 
 de rafrt-mblee fans perniilfion, payeront 
 viiigt chellings d'ami^nde pour la premiere 
 fois, et quarante cheliings en cas de re- I, 
 II. Ceux qui refuferont de fe trouver ^.''^ ^^ O*"®* 
 aux Couis Mart Idles, Irrfquils leront ap- 
 pelles, et de preter le Serment requis, qui - 
 sablenteront des revues, ou refufLront de 
 s'y trouv r h moins de necelHte indilpen- * 
 fable, ncgligeront leur devoir, feront cou» 
 pables de partialite, ou dtlobeidance aux 
 ordres de leurs Ofllciers luperieurs, les 
 querclleront ou inlulteront de parolti* in- ^ 
 juneulei ct abuiives, feront tiaduits de- 
 B 3 vant ^ 
 }'■ ■ ' 
 43. G. IT I. 
 •cc. 17. 
 lection 89. 
 •rd. 27 G. Ill 
 Bee. 7. 
 43 Geo: III, 
 Sec. 43. 
 82. G, III. 
 fee, 8. 
 Martial, and fball he liable to be cpnfured 
 or lulpendcd. dt^prived of their commis- 
 fions and degradul from their rank, 
 III. They are bound to apprehend or 
 caufe to be apprehended by (uch number 
 of Militia in«n as they fhaii confider ne- 
 neceflary, Deferteis, whether Soldiers, 
 Militiamen on a61ual fervice, or Seamen, 
 Diforderly perfons, Vagabonds, Foreign 
 enemies, Pnloncrs of war elcaping, and 
 all others fowing diireniion or diflurbing 
 public tranquillity. 
 IV. When they change their domicile 
 and fix their refidence in a new diftrift, 
 divifion or battalion, they ftiall give notice 
 thereof within one month to the Officer 
 commanding, in order that they be pieced 
 in the roll according to their rank. 
 V. They are exempt from the quartering 
 of troops and embodied Militia, and from 
 all tranfport fervice. Ihey have more- 
 over a right to a lervant likewife exempt. 
 VL They have a right to the reimburfe- 
 ment of luch expenles as have been ne- 
 ceflarilv incurred in the execution of their 
 VII. The Officers of the embodied 
 Militia have not a right to take into their 
 iieryiceas afervaot, any Militia-man of the 
22 . . ■: 
 vant line Coiir Martiale, et fujets ^ etre 
 cenfurt's ou I'lilpendus, priv6s de leurs 
 Commiirions ct degrades dc leurs Rangs. 
 III. lis font tenus d'arreter, ou faire A.<f4.irje. 
 arreter par tel noriibre de Miliciens qu'ils 
 trouveront nccedaire, ies Dc(i?rteurs, foit ' 
 Soidats, Miliciens en ferviceactuel ou Ma- 
 tclots, Malfiiiteurs, Vagabons, Ennrmis ' 
 etrangers, Prifonniers de guerre qui s'e- 
 chappent, et tous autres qui sement la 
 diiiention ou troublent latranquiilite pu- 
 blique, . 
 IV. Lorfqu'ils changent de domicile, 
 et leur refidence dans un nouveau 
 Diftri61, Divifion ou Bataillon, ils doivent 
 en donner avis fous un mois a rOfficier 
 Commandant, afin qu'ils foient mis (ur 
 le role fuivant leurs rangs. 
 lec, 2f « 
 'v. lis font exempts du logement des 5,7^,,,^ 
 troupes et des milices incorpo»ees, et de »e<^- t. ' 
 tous fervices detranfports, lis ontde plus 
 le droit d'avoir chacun un domelUque 
 exempt. _» 
 VI. lis ont le droit d'etre rembourfes 
 des depenfes neceflaires qu'ils aurontfaites 
 dons Texecution de leurs devoirs. 
 iro ; 111. 
 III, sec. 43, 
 VII, Les officiers de la milice incorpo* 
 ree ne pourront prendre a leur fervice en 
 qualite dc domeltique, aucun milicien de 
 B 4 la 
 Acte 52 Oe«,| 
 III. sec. 8. 
 \ • . 
 ^ \ 
 fr.r.. in. 
 •cc. t. 
 • ' t 
 i / 
 18. «. III. 
 «ec. 30, 
 4B Geo. III. 
 . Soc. 35. 
 •2. G. I IT. 
 «ec. e.and II. 
 n. G. III. 
 tec. 10« 
 ■« 23 
 fairl embodied Militia, on pain of tci\ 
 pounds f\nc. ' 
 VIII. When the officers of the emborlied 
 Militia (hall be obliged to take np their 
 quarters in the country parishes they fliall 
 have one room, which ihall not be that of 
 the mader of the house, one table, three 
 chairs, and quarter? for their fervant as 
 for one foMier or one embodied Militia- 
 man, they Ihall have the ufe of the fire of 
 the mailer, and leave to drefs their vi6lua^s 
 thereat : And if they choofe to have a 
 feparate fire in iheir own room, wood fliall 
 be furniflied them according to their rank, 
 in conformity with fuch regulation as the 
 Captain General or Cojnraapder in Chie( 
 fhall make. - * 
 IX. The officers ofthe embodied Militia 
 Ihall receive the fame pay and allowances 
 as the officers of His Majeftv's Regiments 
 of Infantry receive during tne whole time 
 fpecifaed in No. 20, of the firft chapter, 
 and fliall be fubje6l to the articles of war 
 heretofore published, under the title of 
 «* Rules and Articles for the better govcrn- 
 " ment of the Militia -^ the Province of 
 " LowerCanada when embodied for fer vice.' 
 X^ Every officer ofthe Militia or ofthe 
 embodied Militia who Ihall be convided 
 in any ofthe Courts of King's Bench, of 
 having quitted the Frovince without thq 
 «' perroiffio* 
' 84 
 la dite miiicc incorporec fous peine de 
 dix Li V res d'amende. 
 VIII. Lorfque les Officiers de la mili- 
 ce incorporee feront obliges de piendre 
 Kur qwariier chiz les particuliers dfS 
 campapnes, lis auront unechambre, mais 
 qui ne lera point celle du maitre, une ta- 
 ble, trois chaifes, et le logement pour 
 leur donitftique co'tjme pour un foldat ou 
 milicien incorpore. lis auront Tufage 
 du feu de I'hote ei la liberie d'y fairrfaire 
 leur ordinaire ; et s'lls veulent avoir un 
 feu particulier dans leur chambre, le bois 
 leur sera fourni suivant leur rang, contor- 
 mement au reglement que fera le Capi- 
 taine General, ou le Commandant eu cheh 
 27... (if.v. 111. 
 Section <. 
 Acic 4S ficoc 
 III. latcc. 30. 
 Acte 43 OfO{ 
 IX. Les Officiers de la Milice incorpo- 
 rec recevront la meme payc et Irs memes 
 alloiiances que re9oivent les Orticiers des 
 Regiments d'infanierie de Sa Majeste, du- 
 rant tout le terns Ipecifi^ dans le Numero 
 20 du premier Chapure, et feront iujets 
 aux Articles de guerre publics ci-devant 
 fous le litre de ** Regies et Articles pour fa s«/S! 
 ** le meilleur gouveniement de la Milice Arte'sV g<-o: 
 ** de la Province du Bas-Canada, lorf- }[»scc. e* 
 ?• qu'elle lera incorporee, 
 X. Tout Officier de Milice, ou de Milice Arte 52.- r,<.«, 
 incorporec, qui fera convaincu dans au- 
 jcune des Cours du Banc du Roi, d'avoir 
 jailFc la Province fans la permillion du 
i j 
 prrmifTion of ihr (io\rrnor, or of the 
 pcrlon aiiiliorileti tograni Inch ppiiuillion 
 alter thr illiiip.g of a i^oil.nnanon prohi- 
 biiin|;iill lubjtcts to quit ihecountiy, n^all 
 iiHur pt'rpttual brtni'hnuMU. and the* tor- 
 Itiiure iA his pro|)erty, wliich llu^ll l»e 
 eniployed in the rtlwi ut perlons who may 
 have liillrred lodes in the iltlcnce ol ihe 
 Province during the war. 
 Sfctton seconcL 
 M. III. 
 %t* 8. 
 OF Tin: i»o\vi:i{, ditv and inciirs of 
 i li. 1. 1).()| I UKUn in MILITIA. 
 I. The Adjutant Getieral liiall annually 
 tianlnut to the ofhrer (ominandini( each 
 Dilliict, Ihvdiou, or Batialion primed 
 forms oi the rolls of Companies foi every 
 Capiam ol his department. 
 II. lit Audi alfo trat>fmii to him printed 
 forms ol Kevu w Returns and Ihall make 
 a repoit ol »ht laid leturus to ihi Governor 
 vhen ht Ihall have received llieni Iroiu the 
 Commanding Olhccf. ,; 
 III. lie (hall diaw up a general Hate* 
 n\ent ol the accompts ol the neccllary ex- 
 penlts made h) thr oilicers ofMiliim in 
 the txccuiiun ui ihcir duty, and oi hia 
 Goiivrrnftjr on (\e la perfonne atitorifeo 
 a .icriiidrr telle* pt*rmiHion, apios unr IVo- 
 cinm tiioi^ finanet* pour (icinuiitt a tons 
 Snjtis (It* loinr (ill l*ay>J. nir.mna un ba* 
 niiictufni perpciufl, vi la lonfilcanon tie 
 its biens, t]ui Irronl tinployts au Itujla^e- 
 inenl (lt*?i ptilounrs iimamoni l(>\ill< ii (it*>i 
 penes dans la (Iclenle de la rrovmcc du- 
 ram la guerre. 
 V . , Section SconJe, 
 Di roi'voiiM>i ni:\()iK,i:Tnr:snRoiT?? 
 j)i:s(>i I i(ii:us M \ \.\ mimck. 
 I. l/Adjudant (General tranlineitra cha- 
 nne annee h I'l )llieier (^(in)inandam thaque 
 DiOru^, Divifion du Hataillon. deji lor- 
 s iinpriiHt-es des Koirs de Crompa- 
 I ptnir chaque Capiiaiiies de iou Dc- 
 II. U lui trandnettra audi dt s formules 
 impiiinees des Ketours de^ Revues, et fe- 
 ra uri rapport des diis Reiours au Gou- 
 verneur, iorrqu'd les aura re9us de i*Olli- 
 cier Commandant, 
 III. II fera un etat general des comptes 
 des depenles necellaires laites par les Ol- 
 ficiers de Milice dans iVxccuiion de leurs 
 ilevoirs, ct de les propres d6bourle?*, prc- 
 \ric 4.1." I 
 III. Kev. 4 
 IM-Iinn t. 
 fUci\»n iS 
 i S'l 
 43. 0, III. 
 sec. 6. 
 Sec.- 4, 
 SestioD 9. 
 S«6liou 4. 
 43. G. III. 
 «ec. 9. 
 Section 8, 
 own difbnrrcments, (hall prefentthat flate- 
 merit to the Governor for approval, and 
 (hall pay every OlLcer of Militia his res- 
 pe€live diiburfements, after having re- 
 ceived the amount from the Receiver 
 IV. The Field. Officer commanding a 
 Difirift, Divihon or Battalion (hall form 
 it into Companies accordmg to the orders 
 of the Governor. 
 V. He (hall tranfmit to every Captain 
 of his department prmted forms' of the 
 roll oi a company. 
 VI. He (hall fix the number of ferjeants 
 to ferve in each company, and (hall give 
 to thole whom he (hall have approved a 
 certificate under his hand and feal. 
 VII. Every Field-Officer who (hall re- 
 ceive from Captains the rolls of their 
 Companies (hall tranfmit the laid rolls to 
 the Commanding Officer whoihall report 
 them to the Governor. 
 VIII. Every Field Officer has a right to 
 appoint an orderly ferjeart for the execu- 
 tion ot his orders, befides the lerjeant- 
 major of the battalion, 
 IX. The officer commanding at Reviews 
 (hail tranfmit the returns within ten days 
 afterward^ to the Officer commanding the 
 It flatco 
 i\, and 
 ^is res- 
 ng re- 
 Ying a 
 I form 
 of the 
 11 give 
 >Yed a 
 all re- 
 )l)s to 
 jht to 
 r the 
 ' /, 
 , 28 
 fentera le dit 6tat general au Gouverheur 
 pour Je faire approuver, et payera a cha- 
 que Officier de Milice (es debourfes rel- 
 peftifs, apres en avoir re^u le rnontant du 
 Keccveur General. 
 IV, L'Officier Major Commandant un 
 Diftrift, Divifion ou Bataillozi., le formera 
 en Compagnics d*apr^s Tordre du Gou- 
 * V. II tranfmettra a chaque Capitaine 
 de fon departement des formules impri- 
 mees de Role de Compagnie. 
 VI. II fixera le nombre de Sergents qui 
 doivent fervir dans chaque Compagnie, 
 ct donnera a ccux qu'il aura approuves, 
 un cenificat fous fon Semg et Sceau. 
 Vil. Chaque Officier.Major qui 
 des Capitaines les Roles de leurs 
 gnies, tranfmettra les dits Roles k fOiii- 
 cier Comm mdant, et celui-ci en fera rap- 
 port au Gouverneur, 
 VIII. Cnaque Officier-Major a droit 
 d'appointer un Sergent d'ordre pour exe- 
 cuter fes ordres, independauimcnt du 
 Sergent-Major du Bataillon. 
 IX, L'Officier Commandant aux Re« 
 vues, en tranfmettra les Retours dix jours 
 apies a i'OHicier Commandant le Batail- 
 Acir -ISe Geo; 
 ill. Sec 6. 
 §cction \ 
 Section 4$ 
 Arte 43< fiefiO 
 HI. Sec. 9. 
 Section ti 
 / » 
 ' ,. * - 
 « * 
 M. G. III. 
 , / 
 Sec. 13. 
 tec, 15. 
 6er. 38. 
 43. G. III. 
 •ec. 2'^. 
 battalion who in. 11 tranfmit fuch returns 
 to the Adjutant General. 
 X. Field-Officers commanding the Bat- 
 talions of Proteftant MDitia, may fiK for 
 the roUcall and exercife of their Militia* 
 men, any days other than Sundays and 
 XI. Any Field Officer on being ordered 
 by the Governor is held to prefide at 
 Courts-Martial, and to appoint the mem- 
 bers thereof, if authority to that cffcti be 
 delegated to him by luch order, 
 XII. He Ihall iffue fummons to compel 
 witneffes to appear. .,:^ 
 XIII. When it is neceffary to tranfmit 
 orders touching Militia dmy from one 
 othcerto another, or from one parilh to 
 another, every field- oRicer has a right to 
 command any Militia-nian of his dis- 
 tri6l or battalion to carry fuch orders, 
 provided that the diilance from the refi- 
 deiice of luch Miliiia-man do not exceed 
 three leagues, and that he do not fo com- 
 mand the lame perlon oftencr than once 
 within fix calendar months. 
 XIV. Every officer commanding a Dis- 
 trict, a Divihon or a Baitalion of Militia, 
 ihall withou: delay execute fuch orders as 
 he Ihail receive from the Governor to 
 he Bat- 
 fiK for 
 ,ys and 
 ordered .. 
 ^fidf at 
 je mem-^ 
 iffcd be 
 om one 
 arilh to 
 right to 
 his dis- 
 he reh- 
 fo com- 
 an once 
 ig a Dis- 
 )rders as 
 :rnor to 
 Ion, et celui-ci tranfinettra ces retours I 
 I'Adjudant General. . . 
 X. Lcs Officiers-Majo^s Commandant Artp52e«c«: 
 les Bataillons des Mihces Protellantes, ^^^•^^'^^*; 
 pourront fixer to'is autres jours que ceux 
 des Dimanches et Fetes pour I'appel et . , 
 Texercice de leurs Miiiciens. 
 XI. Tout Officier-Major, fur Tordre 
 du Gouverneur, eft tenu de prefider a 
 une Cour Martiale, et de nommer les 
 Membres de la dite cour fi cetie autorite 
 lui eft deleguee dans Tordre fufdit. 
 XII. II doit emaner des fommations 
 pour faire paroitre les tcmoins. 
 XIII. Lorfqu'il eft neceflaire de tranf- 
 mettre des ordres touchant le devoir de la 
 Milice, d'un Olhcier a un autre, ou d'une 
 Paroiile a une autre, chaque Officicr-Ma- 
 jor a le droit de comriiander aucun Mili. 
 cien de fon Diftri6l ou Bataillon pour por- 
 ter tels ordres, pourvu que ce ne foit pas 
 a plus de trois lieues de diftance de la de- 
 nieure de tel Milicien, et qu'il ne comman- 
 de pas la merne perlonne plus dune fois 
 dans fix mois de calendrier. 
 XIV. Tout OfFicier commandant un 
 Section 13. 
 Section 15. 
 Sec. 38. 
 Section 39. 
 t i: 
 -' I 
 Arte 4S Gtwt 
 ^ N^ 
 Diftritl, une Divihon ou un Bataillon de iia.s«.^ 
 milice, doit executer fans delai, les ordres 
 qu'il recevra du Gouverneur, pour com- 
 See. 25. 
 ©rder out the whole of the Militia or ii 
 part thereof only, under his rommand, as 
 fpecified in N°. 13, of the ift chapter. 
 XV. He (hall pun61ually and without 
 delay execute the orders which he (hall 
 receive from the Governor for the order- 
 ing out or the balloting of a detachmetit 
 of his Diftrift, Divifion or Battalion. Iii 
 confequence he fhall fend orders to all the 
 Captains or Officers commanding Com pa* 
 nies of Miliiia under his command, ipeci- 
 fying the quota which each company res- 
 pe6lively Ihall turnifh, in a proportion as 
 exa6l as poflible to the ftrength of each 
 company, according to the lail returns—- 
 fixing th^ time, and the place .whither fuch 
 companies (hall repairj to be ordered out 
 or bal lotted, 'e time when and the place 
 whence the Militia-men ordered out or 
 balloted (hall march for the rendei-vous^ 
 and the time and place of rendez-vous. 
 He fhail alio at the place of rendez-vous 
 of the Diftri6t appoint the officers who 
 fhall condu6l the detachment to the place 
 of general Rendez-vous. 
 XVI. He (hall fix the proportion of the 
 number of Bachelors which his Diftrift, 
 Divifion or Battalion ftiall furnifti, upon 
 orders from the Governor^ 
itia or i 
 mand, as 
 he {hall 
 le order- 
 lion. In 
 to all the 
 r Com pa* 
 d, ipeci- 
 pany res- 
 ortion as 
 of each 
 iher fucH 
 lered out 
 he place 
 I out or 
 ers who 
 he place 
 on of the 
 J Diftria, 
 (hf upon 
 mander toute la Milice, ou feulement nar- 
 tie rJe la Mihce fous Ton Coinmandem^'*nt, 
 fuivant re qui eft fpecifie dans le Numero 
 13 du Chapitre premier. 
 XV. II doit execnter ponfluellement et secUonM, 
 fans delai les ordres qu*ii recevra du Gour ^ 
 veirneur pour le comma i. dement ou le 
 tirage au fort d'un detachement de fon 
 Dillritt, de fa Uivifion ou de (on BataiU 
 Ion ; en conlequence, il doit envover fes 
 ordres a tons les Capitaines, ou Officiers 
 Commandants des compagnies de Milice 
 fous fon commandement, fpecifiant la 
 quote. part que chaque Compagnie doit 
 fournir rerpe6livement, en une propor- 
 tion aulh Julie que poHible de la force de 
 chaque compagnie, fuivant les derniers 
 retours, fixant le terns et le lieu oil ces • \ 
 compagnies fe rendront pour etre com- 
 mandees ou tirees au fort, le terns et le 
 lieu d ou les Mihciens commandes ou tires j ; ^ 
 au fort partiront pour le rendez-vous, et 
 le tems et le lieu du rendez-vous. 11 doit 
 auflTi nommer au lieu du rendez-vous du 
 Diftrift, les Officiers qui conduiront le 
 detachement au lieu du rendez vous ge- 
 XVI. tl dt)it fixer la proportion du sections*, 
 nombre df gar9ons que fon Di{tri6l, fa Di- 
 Vifion ou fon Bafillon fournira, lorfquil 
 en recevra i'ordre du Gouverneur, 
 c xvu. 
 I . 
 8«<f. St. 
 u > 
 , ' V 
 Ofd. 27 G. Ill 
 »ec. 1. 
 XVII. in cafe of invafion or aftua! 
 infurre^lion the Staff-Officers who are 
 neareft to the place in immediate danger, 
 when time will not permit them to com- 
 municate with their (iiperiors, (hall caiife 
 the Militia under their command, to march 
 to repel or reprels fuch invafion or infur- 
 re6Hon, without awaiting the orders oftheir 
 fuperior officers to whom thev fliall with- 
 out delay communicate the meafures which 
 they may have taken, 1 he commanding 
 Officers who fhall receive luch information 
 (hail forthwith communicete the? fame to 
 the Governor, and (hall give their provi* 
 fional orders. 
 XVIII. When the embodied Militia ard 
 on a march, the Commandant of the Bat- 
 talion or of the detachment fhall caufe to 
 be prefented to the Captains of Militia, or 
 to the fenior officers of parifhes the ordet 
 of the Captain General, or of the perfon 
 commanding in chief, wherewith he is 
 furnifhed ; and in the extraordinary cafes 
 in which he may be unable to procure fucli 
 order, he fhall addrefs himfelf in writing to 
 the faid Captains or fenior officers, who^ 
 without lofs of time, fhall make a diff ribu- 
 tion of quarters, 
 Th' perfon commanding a Battalioti or 
 Detachment of embodied Militia, may, 
 during the march, require of the Captains 
 of Militia two Carriages for his use, two 
n or a6lua! 
 rj who are 
 iiate danger, 
 lem to com- 
 1, (hall caufe 
 nd, to march 
 on or infur- 
 f fliall with- 
 afu res which 
 the? fame to 
 their provi* 
 I Militia are 
 of the Bat- 
 all caufe to 
 Militia, or 
 s the order' 
 the perfon 
 with he is 
 inary cafes 
 writing to 
 cers, who^ 
 a difhibu- 
 fittalioti or 
 itia, may, 
 2 Captains 
 B use. 
 XVlt. Dans les cas d'invafion ou d*in* section 8t. 
 furre6ii'in aftuJle, ies OlHciers de I'Etat- 
 Major les plus voifins de la place en dan- 
 ger imniediat, lorfque le terns ne permet- 
 tra pas de cornmuniquer avec Icirs fiipe* 
 rieurs, f ront marcher la Milice fous leur^ 
 commandiL^meTt pour repoulfer ou reprimer 
 telle invalioii ou infurrettion,fans altcndre 
 les ordres de leurs Ofhciers fuperieurs, sk ' * 
 qui lis communiqueront fans delai les 
 mefures qu'ils auront priles. Les Ofhciers 
 Commandants (jui leccvront ces informa- '. • -^^ 
 tions les communiqueront incontinent au 
 Gouverneur, et donneront leurs ordres ' 
 XVIII. Lorfque les Milices incorpore^s dHonuanwit 
 feront en raarche, le Commandant du Ba- ^(^*''- *""^ 
 taillon ou du Detachemeit, fera prelenter 
 aux Capitaines des Milices, ou aux plus 
 anciens Otiiciers dcs ParoiHes, i\Jrdrc da 
 Capitaine General ou du Commandant en 
 chef, dont il (era muni; et dans des cas 
 extraordinaires ou il ne pourroit fe pro- , • 
 curer un tcl ordre, il sadredera par ^crit ? 
 aux dits capitaines^ ou plus anciens Offt- 
 ciers, qui fans perte de terns feront la dif* 
 tribution des logements* ' 
 Le commandant du ftataillon ou fieta- 
 chement de Milice incorporee pourra , 
 pendant la marche, exiger des capitaines ^ ' 
 des Milices deux voitures a fon ufage, 
 C a «leux 
 '' t 
 ' i 
Section «. 
 »fC. «, 
 Section % 
 for the Staff, and four for each company 
 of fifty men. 
 XIX. When the Militia embodied in 
 detachments (hall be obliged to take up 
 their (juarters in tlie country pariflies, ihe 
 StaifO;l.ctT charged with this detail,. fhall, 
 by order of the Captain General or Com- 
 mander i'l Chief, make a diflribution of the 
 number to be quartered in each parilh, 
 and Ihall in confcquence fend orders to 
 the Captains of Militia. 
 XX. When the perfons commanding 
 corps of embodied Miliiia, have occafion 
 for carriages for lervice, they fhall demand 
 them in writing of the Captains of Militia. 
 XXI. The Colonel or fenior Staff-officer 
 of the Dillri6l of Militia ihall lay before 
 the Captain General, or in his abfence, 
 before the Commander in Chief, the com- 
 plaints of perfons who being injured by 
 the troops or embodied Militia on the 
 march or in quarters, may have been un- 
 able to obtain juftice, either of the officer 
 commanding the troops or embodied 
 Militia in the Parifh, orof the'perfon com- 
 manding the principal neareil poll:. 
 deux pour TEtat Major, et v-juatre par 
 compagiiie de cinquaiuchommes. 
 XIX. Lorfque les Milices incorporees 
 en flctacheineius, fercnit obligt^es de pren- 
 dre K ur quartier chez los particuliers des 
 c.nnpagnes, I'Officier-Major charge de ce 
 detail, par Tordre du caf)iraine General 
 on du commandant en chef, fera une re- 
 purtuion du nomhre que ciiaque paro'fle 
 logera, et cnvcrra les ordres en coni(6» 
 quence aux capitaines des Milices. 
 XX. Lorfque les commandants des oninnnanoe 
 corps des Milices incorporees auront be- section* 
 foin de voiiuies pour le fervice, il*? en fe« 
 ront la demande par ecrit aux capitaines 
 des Miiiccs. 
 !XI. Le colonel ou le plus ancien of- 
 ficier-major du Dillri^l de Milice mettra 
 devant le capitaine General, ou en fon 
 abfence devant le commandant en chef, la 
 piainie des perlonnes qui, etant lezces par 
 les troupes ou les mihces incorporees lur 
 la marche ou en quartier, n'auront pu 
 obtenir jullice de I'Oihcier commandant 
 les troupes ou milices incorporees dans la 
 Paroille, ni du commandant du polle pria- 
 ppal le plus voifin. 
 Section ^ 
AclSS.G. in 
 •ec, ii. 
 Section third. 
 AND OTIIJIII ()FFI('[':i{.S ()!• INJ'JJIilOJi 
 I, Evf ry Captain or ofTicer commanding 
 a Company flif>ll every Sundav in the 
 month of April, puhlifh or pod at the door 
 of the Church or other place, being the 
 mofl public in the Parilh, Seigneury, or 
 Townfliip wherein the company is rtfident, 
 an Adveriircmentofthe obligation oi every 
 Militia man to enroll himfelf, 
 II, He {hall receive from the perfon 
 commanding the Battalion piinied forms 
 of the Roll he is to keep of his conipany : 
 and fhall infcribe on the faid Roll the 
 number of officers and Militia-men capa- 
 ble of ferving in his company, the names 
 of all the peifons refident in his quarter, 
 diflinguifliing thofe married and thole un- 
 married, the infirm and ihofe above fixty 
 years of age. 
 nil. He fhall appoint the ferjeants of 
 his company — fubje6l to the approval or 
 reje6lion of ihe officer commanding the 
 IV. He {hall take an account of the Fire- 
 arms in the poffeffion of each Militia man 
 of his company, when f^e makes his Roil, 
 or on Review dayst 
 Hav in the 
 at thf door 
 being ihe 
 igneury, or 
 ^'is rtfident, 
 ion oFevery 
 the perfon 
 nted forms 
 ; company : 
 d Roll the 
 i-rnen capa- 
 the names 
 his quarter, 
 id thole un- 
 ci bo ve fixty 
 ferjeants of 
 ipproval or 
 nanding the 
 t of the Fire- 
 Militia man 
 Les his Roll, 
 SrElion Troincme. 
 j)v nrvoiR i:t i)r:s DnorTs des capi- 
 'r.\i\i:s i:r \i 'I'ltEs ojricJKRs ue 
 I. Tout capitaine ou Officier comman- 
 dant unc compagnie, fera chaque Dimanj 
 che du inois d*Avri|, publier ou adicher a 
 la porte de TEglife ou au lien Ic plus pu- 
 blic i\t la Paroifle, Seigneurie ou Town- 
 fhip de la refidence de lia compagnie, un 
 Avertillement de I'obligation de chaque 
 milicien de s enroler. 
 II. II recevra du commandant du Ba- 
 taillon, des tormules imprimees du Role 
 qu'il doit faire de fa compagnie, et infcri- 
 ra lur le dit Role le nombre des Orliciers 
 et miliciens capable de fervir dans fa com- 
 pagnie, les noms de tous les particuliers 
 qui refident dans Ion quarlier, diftinguant 
 les hommes mari^s, les gar^ons, les in« 
 firmes et ceux audelFus de foixante ans. 
 III. II nommera les Sergents de fa 
 compagnie, lelquels feront lujets a etre 
 approuves pu rejett^s par TOiftcier cqn^, 
 niandant du Bataillon. 
 IV. II prcndra un compte de^ sarnies ^ 
 feu qui feront en la pofleflion de chaque 
 Milicien de fa compagnie, lorlqu'il fera 
 fon Role, ou les jours de levue, 
 C4 Y. 
 1 1 1. Sec. Vf, 
 ^crtion <|k 
 ^ctk^fl ^ 
M, fJ. 111. 
 •ft-. 4, 
 in Hrn. III. 
 Wfr. 17. 
 V. Ilr OkiU rvrry vrnr nirfmhlc lulf the 
 Miliiiainrn (/T his company Ixtwrrri the. 
 »gcs (.)f lixircn and hliy yr.uK, on lour 
 Sund.iys or /r^f ^/*<;//'/^{v;/;r»// in June, and 
 thr rrn»ainin;r hall i)ti joiir lollowni^ Siiii- 
 diiys or fcUw iCifbhifrulnfn, to <*all the toll 
 ol ihr laid Mihnainrn, and to rxc relic 
 then) on c.u h oi thnlcclavs, lor not more 
 thun tlncr hour:i at a time. 
 Tht offirrrs rommandin^ rompanirs of 
 Militia in ihr C'onnty ol (ialjM' may lix 
 fighl days lor the roll-tailing and rxrrcis- 
 ing oF tlu ir Miliiiainrn arcording to the 
 (imclis ol the luculiiy ol the couniiy. 
 V! Thf^ raptalns ol Mditia (hall canfo 
 to he coi iduHcd by a In jrant and a num* 
 bci ol Milma mm to ihc tuart II jnllicr of 
 the IVarr, Drlcrtrrs, whrihcr Soldiers, 
 Militiamen on Irrvicr, or Sramrn, uil 
 dilordcrly IVrlons, Vagabond;, foreign 
 cnrndcs, Pnloncrs trcapmgand all oihrrs 
 fowjy^g (liilcniii)n or diilurbing public 
 They ihdl in iho fume manner canfe 
 prrlons of" the above delcripiion, viz. 
 jjeleriers, il Soldiers or Militia men, to 
 be condufcied to their corps ol troops or 
 cnibodied Militia — ilTailors, to their Hup 
 or vcllel — il uHuiders ol the rrmairnng 
 defcripuons, to the prilon ol the Dillntt, m 
 obedience lo ihc order or warrant oi tlie 
 [wrrti the 
 i, on lour 
 June, iwui 
 win^ Smi- 
 II thr toll 
 o rxrrnlc 
 nut mure 
 ipanir^ of 
 miy (ix 
 fl rxrrci.s- 
 n^ to the 
 Iiall catife 
 (1 a fuim* 
 jullicr of 
 HUM), all 
 ill oihrrs 
 ^ public 
 or canfe 
 )n, viz. 
 nun, lo 
 oops or 
 i( ir (hip 
 iiriti, m 
 t ui i\\e 
 V. II .jfTcrnhlrra rh^rpic nnnrc moiti^ Ar.^ ai t^*. 
 dri^ nnlinntii '\r. |,i i:oin{)a^nif! dr IVi^c dc "' **' * 
 frizf* h oinfpunle! arn, I s (piatrc Dimari- 
 cfu* ou Iri' !j d'oblijt^alion en Jntn, ri I'au- • 
 ire nwMtic In tpintrr dimaticfirs on Iriri 
 d'ol)lig ;tit>n rnftiivanis, pour fairr Tap. 
 pri iJcH .'lii.H mihcirni, rt jfs rxrrrrr rha- 
 Cnn (\r* ccH jours nn clpace dc ifmn qui 
 nVxcrdcia pas trois hcarc«. 
 n I 
 Lrs Oiiicirrs rornmandanti Irs rompa- 
 gnic'.H dc rndicc d.uis Ic Cloml^ lir Ga(j»c, 
 ->c)iirror.t llxrr lunt jonr< p')iir I'apprI ct 
 cxrfCi'T Kic IcMjrs njihcir^is, fijiv.iiit la 
 Con\cnajicc dc la localiir. duCtJihtc. 
 VI. Lrs Capitainn dc rnilicr fcront 
 conduirr par un .Srrg'''nt ci un notnbrr dp 
 nulu j( tis cbrz Ic [u^f a I'aiK !«• plus a 
 prnxiinur, \cs dcl'ciiciirs, (oit Si^ldati, 
 Milu trijs en Irrvicr, ou Matrlot.i, toui 
 Mallaitrurs, Vagabonds, KnnctiiH cirrtu- 
 gcf'i, l*n(onnirrs qui k*cchapprnr, ct toui 
 ccux qni Icmrnt la diilcntiouuM iroublent 
 la tranquilliie publique. 
 lis fcront condujrr do la rn^mc manirre 
 Ics porlonnt 's de la d( fcnpiion (iifdiic, fa- 
 voir, les deli ficurs 'd lour corps dc irou« 
 pes ou de niilice incorporcr, ♦ ds lont loU 
 dats ou niiliticns, et a lour navire ou vaiU 
 Icau, s lis lunt maiclots ci les autrcs con- 
 trevenanu k la prilou du DiUiut, en 
 III, H^r. n. 
m. G. III. 
 tec. ^8. 
 faid Juftice of the Peace. The Parties fo 
 conducing perfons ofthe defcrjpiion afore- 
 faid (hall be relieved from captain to 
 VII. Every Captain or officer of inferior 
 rank has the fame power as a Field-officer, 
 for the tranfmiffion of orders relating to 
 the Militia duty, mentioned in No. 13,. of 
 the 2d fe6lion of this chapter, 
 VIII. Every Captain or officer com- 
 manding a company of Militia, on the 
 order which he fhall receive from the 
 officer commanding his Dillri6l or Batta- 
 lion, as in No, 15, of the 2d feftion of 
 this chapter, fhall caufe warning to be 
 given by a lerjeant to the Militia-men of 
 his company between the ages of eighteen 
 and fifty, to repair at the time and to the 
 place indicated in the aforefaid order, for 
 the purpofe of being ordered out or ballot- 
 ed for : and then and there, in prefence of 
 a Jullice of the Peace, or in his abfence 
 in that of two noiable inhabitants of the' 
 Pariffi, of greater age than lixty ye^rs, he 
 fball order out or ballot for the laid Militia- 
 men. If any be abient or refufe to draw 
 the lot, he fhall caule it to be drawn by 
 fome difcreet perlbn, which fliall be as 
 valid as if the Militia-man }ii"ifelf had 
 drawn it. He Ihall immediately afterwards 
 warn thofe prefent, and caufe thoie abient 
 to be warned by a ierjeant^ of the time 
arties fo 
 on afore- 
 ptain to 
 f inferior 
 lating to 
 o. 13, of 
 er com- 
 on the 
 rom the 
 }r Batta- 
 €lion of 
 g to be 
 men of 
 id to the 
 •rder, for 
 )r ballot- 
 efence of 
 ts of the' 
 years, he 
 1 Militia. 
 to draw 
 rawn by 
 ill be as 
 felf had 
 ter wards 
 [e abient 
 the time 
 obeifTance k I'Ordre ou Warrant du dit 
 J[vige de Paix. Les partis qui conduiront 
 es perfonnes de la defcripiion fufdites 
 feront releves de Capitaine en Capitaine. 
 VII. Tout Capitaine ou Officier de rang 
 inferieur a le meme pouvoir que les Offi- 
 ciers-Majors pour la tranfmifFion des Or- 
 dres qui regardent le devoir de la Milice, 
 meniionne dans le No. 13, de la Section 
 feconde de ce chapitre. 
 VIII. Tout Capitaine ou Officier Com- 
 mandant une Corripagnie de Milice, fur 
 I'ordre qu'il recevra de rOfflcier comman- 
 dant fon Dillri6l ou Bataillon, ainfi que 
 1 on voit dans le No^ i^^ de la Seftion fe- 
 conde de ce chapitre, Tera avertir par un 
 Sergent, les Miliciens de la compagnie 
 de I'age de dix-huit a cinquante ans, de 
 fe irouver au terns et au lieu indiques dans 
 Tordre lufdit pour ^tre commandes ou 
 tir6s au lort : et la et alors, en prelence d'un 
 Juge de Paix,et en fon abfence, en prefence 
 de deux notables habitants de la Paroifle, 
 ages de plus de foixante ans, il comman- 
 dera u fera tirer au Sort les dits Miliciens, 
 S'il s'en trouve d'abfent, ou quequelqu'un 
 d'eux refufe de tirer au Sort, ii pourra le 
 faire faire par quelque perfonne difcr^te, 
 ce qui fera auUi valide que h le Milicien 
 eut tire lui-meme. 11 notifiera aulfitot 
 apres aux prelents, et fera notifier par un 
 Sergent aux abfents, le terns et Ic lieu 
 Arte 4S Gem, 
 III. Sec. Sd. 
 •ection 9lk 
 43. G. III. 
 •ec. ii7. 
 f w, 
 0ection 28. 
 and place fpecified in the faid order for 
 their afl'embling and for their departure 
 for rhe Rendezvous of the Diftridl: or Bat- 
 talion. If the time and place of fuch 
 afiembling and departure are not fpecified 
 in the order, he (hall warn the .aid Militia- 
 men to hold themfelvesm readiness to fet 
 off at a moment's notice— -and when the 
 time is known, he Ihall caufe them to be 
 conduced by an officer or a ferjeant of 
 'the con)pany to the Rendezvous of the 
 IX. In the cafes of aftual invafion or 
 infurreftion, the Captain of Militia neareft 
 to the place in immediate danger ha^ the 
 iame powers as the officers of the Staff 
 have, and ffiall ufe them in the manner 
 fpecified in No. 17, of the 2d fedion of 
 this chapter. 
 X Every officer of Militia is bound to 
 apprehend or caufe to be apprehended as 
 a deferter, and to bring before the neareft 
 Juftice of the Peace, every Militia-man who 
 after having been ordered out or balloted, 
 and who not being afBitled v/ith any in- 
 firmity which renders him incapable of 
 ferving, fhall abfcond or negle6l to appear 
 at the time and place of rendezvous, faxed 
 for the afiembling and the departure of 
 the Company or Detachment wherein he 
 is enrolled, after having been warned by 
 the ferjeant, or who fhall defert after hav- 
 •der for 
 part lire 
 or Bat- 
 ?f fuch 
 s to fet 
 len the 
 I to be 
 2ant of 
 of the 
 [ion or 
 la^ the 
 I Staff 
 on of 
 md to 
 ied as 
 n who 
 ly in- 
 >le of 
 re of 
 in he 
 :d by 
 fpecifies dans I'ordre fufdit pour leur rafl 
 iemblement, et leur depart pourle rende?:- 
 Vous du Dilbivftou Rataillon. Si le terns 
 ct le lieu des dits rad'emblement et depart 
 ne font point (pt^cifics dans I'ordre, il aver* 
 iira les dits Miliciens dt^ fe tenir prets ^ 
 pariir au premier avis, et iorfque le tems 
 fera connu, il les fera condiiire par un 
 Oflicier ou Sergent de la compagnie aa 
 rcndez-vous du diftrift, 
 IX. Dans les cas d'invafion ou d mfur- 
 re6lion aftuelle, !e Capiiv^ine de Milice 
 le plus voiliii de la place en danger im- 
 inediat, a le nieme pouvoir que les Ofli- 
 ciers de TEtat-Major, et doir en ufer de 
 la mani^re (pecifit^e dans le No. 17, de la 
 Section (econde de ce chapitre, 
 X, Chaque Officier de Milice efl: tenu 
 d arreter ou fairearretercomme defetteur, 
 et de conduire chez le Juge de Paix le 
 plus a proximite, tout Milicien qui, apres 
 avoir et^ command^ ou tire au fort, et 
 netant afflige d*aucune infirniite qui le 
 rende incapable de fervir, fe cachera ou 
 negligera de pacoitre au tems et au lieu 
 du rendezvous fixe pour le raflemble- 
 ment et le depart de la compagnie ou du 
 detachement dans lequel il eR enrole, a- 
 pres en avoir etc averti par le Sergent, ou 
 qui deiertera apres y avoir paru, avant 
 A etc 4*? Gfo, 
 lU. sec. 27. 
 Section 23. 
 ' If 
 I ! 
 sec. 1,3, 4. 
 mCCi '• 
 ihg there appeared before the conl!iahy 
 or detachment has joined the Bat alion 
 wherein he may be embodied, fuch de- 
 i'erter fhall be conduced from Captain to 
 Captain to the faid Juftice of the Peace, 
 and thence to the Battalion, Detachment 
 or Company, whence he may have de- 
 . XI, The captains or eldeft Militia officers 
 in the Parifhes are obliged to regulate and 
 to make the dillribution of quarters for 
 the troops and embodied Militia, whether 
 on the march or in quarters, and to order 
 out the carriages required by the pejrfons 
 commanding battalions or detachments in 
 the manner prefcribed in No. 18, 19 & 20 
 of the 2d fedion of this chapter. 
 XII. They are bound to obey fuch 
 orders as may be fent to them by the Com- 
 miflary of the Diftrift ior the diredion of 
 the conveyances, and to order out thei 
 number of carriages that fhall be demand- 
 ed of them. When the conveyances are 
 by water they fhall caufe the boat-men 
 whom they {hall have ordered out to be 
 conduced by an ofHeer or a ferjeant to 
 the place indicated in the X)rders received 
 from the Commiffary of the Diitrift, but 
 they fhall allow two days tor fuch boat* 
 men to get ready* 
 en ( 
 du . 
 ies t] 
 nch (ie- 
 ptain to 
 p Peace, 
 have de- 
 la officers 
 ulate and 
 arters for 
 J whether 
 i to order 
 ie perfons 
 hments in 
 3, 19 & 20 
 obey fuch 
 ^ ihe Com- 
 irefclion of 
 -r out th6 
 le deinand- 
 yances are 
 . out to be 
 ferjeant to 
 :rs received 
 ►iltria, but 
 iuch boat* 
 qiie la compagnie ou le detachement ait 
 joint le Batailion dans lequel il pourra 
 etre incorpore. Tel deferteur doit etre 
 conduit de capitaine en capitaine chez le 
 dit Juge de Paix, et dela au Batailion, 
 dctachement ou cornpagnie dont ii aura 
 XI, Les Capitaines ou les plus anciens 
 Officiers des Milices dans les ParoilFes, 
 font obliges de regler, et faire la diftribu- 
 tion des logemens des troupes, et des 
 Milices incorporees, loit en marche ou 
 en quartier, et de commander les voitures 
 requifes par les Commandants des bataiU 
 Ions ou detachements, de la maniere pret- 
 erite dans les No. 18, 19, et 20, de la 
 Sedion fcconde de ce chapitre. 
 XII. lis font ten us d'obeir aux ordres 
 qui leur feront envoyes par le Commiflaire 
 du Diihift pour la diredion des tranf- 
 ports, et de commander le nombre de 
 voitures qui leur lera demand^. Lorsque 
 Jes transports se feront par eau, ils feront 
 conduire par un OrFicier ou par un Ser- 
 gent, les bateliers qu*ils auront comman- 
 des, h I'endroit indique dans les ordres 
 re^us du Commiflaire du Diftri6l, mais ils 
 accorderont deux jours aux dits bateliers 
 pour se preparer^ 
 27 Geo i III. 
 iec. 1. a. 4. 
 Sectiaa 4. 
 Sec. 5. 
 Sec. 6. 
 43r;<'o: III. 
 Sec 48. 
 82. G. III. 
 lec. 9. 
 XIII. They (hall regularly firnd to the 
 faid Curnminary of the Pillri^t by ihfe 
 oHicer or ferjeanr condnBinij a Brigade, 
 a Roll of the laid Bi igade^ wu!i the names 
 of thole who fhall have mifred (heir turn, 
 explaining whetherii is by ablence, malady 
 or what other motive. 
 XIV. If they be convi61cd of having 
 afted with partiality, of having exempted 
 any per fon without authority therefor, of 
 having ordered out others out of their 
 turn, or of having milufed tJieir authority, 
 they incur a fine of forty Ihillings, and of 
 five pounds for the fecond time, but whert 
 the tine exceeds forty (hillings they have 
 an appeal to the (Governor in Council, 
 XV. Adjutants or Aides-Mftjor (hall 
 profecute delinquents againll the Ad 43. 
 G. III. upon orders received from the 
 commanding officer, and (hall be reim- 
 burfed the advances and rcalbnable ex- 
 Denies which they (liall have made on the 
 laid profecutions. 
 XVI. The Adjutants of the Battalions of 
 the two thoufand embodied Bachelors 
 (hall continue to receive pay after the 
 disbanding of the faid Battalions* 
48 , 
 XIII. lis enverront rcgnWcremcnt au 
 dii roiiimiiraire du Diitri6l par i'Oflicier 
 bu Sergcru qui cond nra une brigade, un 
 Role (kit la diu* Briir ide. avec les noms de 
 ceux qui jAtiront tnanqae leur tour, expii- 
 quant ft c\-ii par able ice, ingladie, ou par 
 quelqu'autie moilf. 
 XIV. S*ils font convaincus d'avoir agi 
 avec partialite, d'avoir ("xempte quelqu*uri 
 fans y etre j^utoriles, d'en avoir conmnan- 
 de d'auirts hors de !eur tour, ou d'avoir 
 ni61u{e de leur autorite, ils payeront une 
 anic nde de Quarante Chelliiig'^, et pour- 
 rom etre condamnes a Cinq Livres pour 
 tine feconde fois, mais fi I'amende exc^de 
 quarante chelings, ils pourront en appeler 
 au Gouverneur et Conieil. 
 Sectioa i, 
 t 11 
 XV. Les Adjudants ou Aides-Majors Acte 4S g^o. 
 pou'ruivront les delinquants contre TAtte *^*' sec.4». 
 43 Geo. Ill, lur Irs ordrcs qu'ils en rece- 
 vronf de rOiIicier Commandant, et feront 
 rembourl^s des avances e^ des frais raiio- 
 nables qu'ils auront iaits pour les ditei 
 XVI, Les Adjudants des Bataillons des ac.c 52 g«.. 
 J • 1 1 • ^ • III sec 9 
 deux mille garyjns iticorpores coniinuc- ' ' 
 ront de recevoir leur paye apr^s ie iicciJl- 
 cieuieut des dits Batailions. 
 43. G. in. 
 tec. 9. 
 4J. G. Til. 
 nee. 9. 
 Of the Duty and Rights of Serjeants^ 
 Non - Commissioned Officers and 
 Militia-men, and of exemption 
 from Mditia service, from quar- 
 tering of Troops and embodied 
 Militia, and from, the conveyance 
 - of effects belonging to the King. 
 Section firsts 
 I. Serjeants- Major and orderly Serjeants 
 are bound to obey the orders of Field- 
 , Officers. Serjeants-Major areexempt from 
 ferving as Jurors, or as Conftables, during 
 the exercile of their charge. 
 II. The Serjeants of Companies are 
 appointed by the Captains, but may be 
 rejefted by the commanding Officer, who, 
 if he approve them Ihall give them certifi- 
 III. Every Serjeant appointed by the 
 commanding Officer or Field-Officer who 
 fliall refufe to accept the charge, Ihall incur 
 a fine which (hail not exceed iorty {hillings, 
 I. I 
 cife d( 
 etre \ 
 <}ui do 
 cier C( 
 ra une 
 ficers and 
 rom cjuar- 
 I embodied 
 le King. 
 rly Serjeants 
 »rs of Field- 
 exempt from 
 ibles, during 
 mpanies are 
 but may be 
 Officer, who, 
 them certifi- 
 nted by the 
 •Officer who 
 re, Ihall incur 
 arty ftiillingSf 
 ^ but 
 Dti devoir et des Droits des Ser{^erftSf 
 0/ficlrrs non^commissionnes et Mi* 
 liciens, et de texeinjjtion du servu 
 ce de la Milice^ du lo^ement des 
 Troupes et des Milices incorporees^ 
 et des transports des effets du Roim 
 Section Premiere, 
 1. Les Sergents Majors et les Sergents Art ii Ge». 
 d'Ordre font tenus d'obcir aux ordres des "^••"•^ ^* 
 Otiiciers Majors. Les Sergents-Majors 
 Ibnt exempts de fervir comme Jures, 
 f Juries) ou Connetabies, durant ?exer- 
 cile de leur charge. 
 V • 
 li. Les Sergents des Compagnies font 
 nomm^s par les Capitaines, mais peuvent 
 etre rejettes par TOfficier Corr^mandant 
 qui doit leur donner un certificat, s*il les 
 IlL Tout Sergent appoint6 par TOffi- 
 ,cier Commandant ou TOliicier Major, qui 
 refafera d'accepter cette charge, encour- 
 ra une amende qui n'excedera pas qua« 
 D 2 ranie 
 lec. 9, 
4s. n. II 
 •ec. 17. 
 .' / 
 Sec. 28. 
 Ord. 97 n. Ill 
 sec. 4. 
 bnt fhrl! not bf bnur.rl to fcrvr in tliat 
 quality niorr thr'ri three years, noroficner 
 than once wiih(jui his own confcnt. 
 IV. Fvery Serjeant is hound to obey 
 the orders of his Captain, touching the 
 apprehending a!id ronchi^'ling of dclertc rs, 
 vagaboruN and others, mentioned in K°. 6 
 9f the 3d lection of the 2ci chapter. 
 V. He IS likewife bound to execute his 
 Captain's orders when it is neccH iry to or- 
 der out orro balloi U r Vliliiia n en, as well 
 in thir.gvS r( latii g to ih." warnirgs or no- 
 tices to be gi\ en to the laid Miiitia-men, 
 as m coiKln8ing the detarhmert to the 
 Rend' zvous of the Di{lri6l, as detailed in 
 h*^, b if^ the 3d ledion cf the 2d chapter. 
 VL He has the fame power as Officers 
 of Militia have for apprehending deferted 
 Mili'ia-men who have been ordered out or 
 bailoited, and who abfcond or defert, in 
 the manner detailed N*^ 10. lee. 3, chap 2. 
 Vi'I, He is bound to conduft the Boat- 
 n.en ordered out by the C aptain for the 
 corivv)anee, by (vater, of tffetts belonging 
 to I he King, to the place indicated in the 
 order nansniitted by the lommifTary of 
 the Dili I id for the diietlion of the con- 
 rante cheling^, Mais il nVft point tcnii d« 
 fervir en eerie qualite plus rlf* tuas aris.ou 
 plus d'une tois, lans (on conlenicmeiu. 
 IV. Tout Sergent e(l tenu d'obeir aux A.»r ii cto, 
 ordes de (on Capitaii'.e rouchant I .irres- ***•*'*''•*'• 
 tation et la condiitc des dc( ricurs. vaga- 
 bonds et auties inentionncs dans le N'' 6, 
 dc la Sedion troKieme du clupiire second. 
 ' i I 
 V. II e(l tenu egaletnent d'executer les 
 ordres ue fon Capitaine, lor('^u'il ell ne- 
 Ccd-ire de com'nander ou de faire tirer au 
 fore Ics Miliciens, lant po ir ce qui rcgnrde 
 les noiificatio'is ou averu(rLMncnts a faire 
 aux djis Miliciens, que pour la conduite 
 dii detacherncnt au rendezvous du Dis- 
 trict, ainfi qu'ii ell detaille dans le N"*. 8, 
 de la Seftion troifierne du chapiire (econd. 
 VI. H a le mSme pouyoir que les Offi- 
 ciers de Milice, d'arreter les deferieurs 
 Miliciens, qui ont tte commandes, ou tu 
 res au (brt, et qui (e cachent ou deierient 
 de la inanicre detaillee dans le N^. lo de 
 la Se£lion troifierTpe du chapitre Tecond. 
 VIL II eft tenu de conduire les bateliers 
 commandes par le Capitaine, pour le 
 tranfport par eau des elfecs du Roi, au lieu 
 indique dans I'ordre tranlmis par le Corn- 
 vnilfaire du Diilridi pour la direciion des 
 D3 VIII. 
 Section 2% 
 8«ct!on 28, 
 27.'. ;<•••: IIL 
 Sectiou 4 
 4!inrni in. 
 ttot.CH, 411. 
 Onl.97f:. Ill 
 M. III. 
 wi. 4. 
 4a. a. III. 
 •ri. «. 
 49 rsro. III. 
 59. M. III. 
 49. (i. III. 
 nee. aa. 
 19. (J. III. 
 Mi*. 0& U. 
 VTTT. Tie in honnH to rxprutr ihr wir- 
 rnpK .'Hidr^Hrd loliim nndrr thv^ h md inui 
 fral of c^Mf ^>r wore |iillirr«j of (he* IV^irr^ 
 for Irvyipg lines aiul uppiehrndiug dclui- 
 IX. lie is rxrmpt fioin the* qnaMrrlng 
 of tro(*|)S i\\\(\ (*inI)odicd Miliiia^ ami Iroiu 
 all fcrvicc oiConvryancc. 
 X. Sf*ri**niits and Non.romfniUionrd 
 Ollirers rrhdin^'j or nri?lrHin;j to apprar 
 at ilu Roll-ralls niid Kxrii ilc*;, hIut h jvin^; 
 brt-n ordered out, or wIk» iha'l al>lriu 
 tJu miclves from the place o\ allniihlin^ 
 wiilioul leave, Ihall pay .> fii»e wlueh (hall 
 not txcfed Hvc lliillinj»;s lor ilie liili time, 
 nor ten (hillings for the (tc >nd. 
 XI. If they iiblent thrndirlvcs from 
 Revicw.s, reliJe to repair to ihem, or quit 
 the place ol allemblin^ wiihoui leave from 
 the perfon comMiandin)^^, they (hall be 
 fubjc6i to the lame penalties as aloiclaid. 
 XII. The Serjeants and non commilli(in- 
 fd Olhcers of the embodied Miliiia on 
 actual lervice, Ihall receive the lame pay 
 and allowances as the Serjeants ol flis 
 Majelly's Inlantry R( giinents, during the 
 whoir time Ipecined in N^ 20, ol chap, i, 
 and fhall be Iubje6t to the *• Rules and 
 •• Atticlts for I lie belter Government of 
 " the iVnIitia ol the Province ol Lower 
 *• CuuadUf when embodied for leivice." 
itr thr HMr- 
 ir li »n<l inul 
 a^ umU iroin 
 !^ to apprar 
 ulirr h iving 
 Ikj'I al>lrnt 
 which (hail 
 e III it liinCy 
 irlvrs from 
 t ni, or quit 
 Ifiivt' from 
 y Ihall be 
 s uloicfaid. 
 Militia on 
 p (amr pay 
 Ills of His 
 during the 
 of chap. 1, 
 Kul(*s and 
 trnmciu of 
 of LoWtT 
 iei vicf*.** 
 VIII. II cd irnu (^Vx^( tifrr Irs Warrants 
 q\ii \[i\ lone .kJk Urn lotjn Jr S«Mn^ rl Sirau 
 (I'uii ou dc pJiiliciirH Ju^fi (h- paix pour 
 l<v( r IfH aiiK ndcs, ci urreici Ics dclni- 
 quanu. « 
 IX. II ( W rxf*iMpl dii logriurut drs troii. 
 }H.s ri lU'fi imhcrs incorpoirc.s, ri (fc lous 
 if 'Vices df- iranfi)ori. 
 X. Les Sergcdis el Ortlcicrji hod com- 
 iT)il[ioniic.s qui rclulcroni ou nfgligeroni 
 de iv irouvcr aux appcLs ci exercicr-* aprc< 
 avoir etc coininaudr-s, ou qui s'ahfcuirrout 
 du liru dc I'ailriiibiec faiiA periudiioii^ 
 paynont uue auicnde qui nVxccdrra pa.i 
 t'inu chc-liugH pour la premiere fois ni dix 
 ch( hug'i pour la Iccondc. 
 XI. S'ilss'abrenicnt des revues, refufeut 
 dc H*y iiouver, ou lailh-nt le lieu dc \*a^- 
 (eniblec lau» pcrmiiiiou du Conunandaut, 
 iU Irroni (ujcis aux memes penaliies i^uo 
 ci dellus, 
 XII. Les Serpents etOfricirrs non-com- 
 nnlhounei de lu Milice incorpoiee, en irr- 
 viee aiUf, leccvroul la nicme paye ei Ich 
 niemtJi ailouanccs que les Srrgrnts dcA 
 regiineais d udanieric de Sa MajcfU, du- 
 rjini tout Ic tempi ipecifir. dan** Ic N^. 20 
 \fn> 4v run. 
 1(1. .H«H. i$i 
 'f)rili>nni(i( • 
 •^1.(.r.. III. 
 \,tr V» 'if ft, 
 111. WvtIWM i. 
 111. •M-tiiin t' 
 du tliapiirc premier, et leron 
 t lujets 
 Regies et Articlcii pour Ic meiileur gou- 
 •• veiucmcntdc la Milice dclalVovincedu 
 ** Uu:»^C(in<idayIoi Iqucilcicrii lucurporee 
 III. trt. N>. 
 • • • • 
 HI. »»(.7.l«. 41 rW«| 
 111. llc(.3X 
 Ah W. Ota. 
 ■ it, 
4«. C. ITT. 
 BCC, SI. 
 12. G. III. 
 tec. 9. 
 SecticB 10. 
 is. G. Til. 
 8CC. S, 
 XIIT. If a Serjeant or non-commifTioned 
 Officer be wounded or difabled in an en- 
 gagement with the enemy, fo as to he ren- 
 dered incapable of earnmg his livelihood, 
 he (hafl receive an annual penfion ot nine 
 pounds during fuch incapacity — And if 
 he be killed and leave a widow with one 
 child or more, born in lawful wedlock, 
 fuch widow, and at her deceafe, theeideft 
 of her children, or their tutor, (hall receive 
 for their ufe an annual penfion of feven 
 pounds ten {hillings, 
 XIV. The Serjeants Major, Quarter- 
 Mafter-Serjeants and Drill-Serjeants of 
 the Battalions of two thoufand Bachelors 
 of the age cf from eighteen to thirty, fhall 
 continue to receive their pay after the 
 difcharge of the faid Militia-men. 
 XV. Every Serjeant and non-commis- 
 fioned Officer is fubjeft to perpetual ban- 
 ilhment arid to the confifcation of his pro- 
 perty, in the cafe fpecified in No lo, fee. i, 
 chap, 2« ' 
 Section seconds 
 Of the Duty and Rights of Militia-Men. 
 I Every man of whatever age, between 
 that of fixteen and that of lixty, who 
 reiides or (hall come to refide in tnis Pro- 
 vince^ is declared to be a Miiitia^man, 
 in an en- 
 to he ren- 
 5n of nine 
 — And if 
 with one 
 all receive 
 of feven 
 ■jeants of 
 irty, fhall 
 after the 
 Xni. Si un Sergent ou Officier non- Act«4.i. Gf. 
 po ! nnluonne elt bleli^ OU estropie dans un 
 engagement avec I'ennemi, de maniere k 
 le fcndre incapable de gagner fa vie, il 
 recevrii une rente annuelle de neuf Livres, 
 tant que telle incapacite darera, et s'il eft 
 tue, et laifle une veuve avec un ou plufieurs 
 cnfants n6s de mariage legitime, cette 
 veuve, et a fa mort I'aine des enfants, ou 
 leur tuteur, recevra pour leur ufage une 
 rente annuelle de fept hvres dix chc:lins« 
 XIV. Les Sergents-Majors, Sergents- ^^^^^^ g*.. 
 Quaraer-Maitres et Sergents de drille des i"- s«ii«"»». 
 Batai lions des deux miile gar9ons de 1 age 
 de dixhuit a irente ans, contmucront de 
 recevoir leur paye apr^s la decharge dej 
 dits Miliciens, 
 • it 
 'tual ban- 
 f his pro- 
 lo, fee. 1, 
 XV. Tout Sergent et Officier non-com- 
 mifJionne eH fujct au baniifement perpc- 
 tuel et a la confifcation de fes biens dans 
 |e cas fpecifie dans le Numero lo. Section 
 premiere, Chapitre fecond. 
 Section in 
 i 11' . 
 ty, who 
 this Pro- 
 ' SeSiion Seconde. 
 I. Tout homme dcpuis lage de feize ^^^^^ ^^^ 
 jufqu'a foixante ans, qui reiidc ou qui ui. aectioa^ 
 yiendra refider dans cette Province, ell 
 declare Milicien, 
43. G, ITI. 
 sec. 2. 
 6«. CJ. Ill; 
 sec. a. 
 43. O. III. 
 sec. 8. 
 II. Every man refidinir in this Province 
 fhall pay a fine oi' ten {hillings if he does 
 not prefent himfelf every year in the month 
 of April, to be enrolled. 
 III. Every man who, having completed 
 his fixteenth year, (hall not caufe himfelf 
 to fee enrolled wiihin one month thereafter, 
 fl^iaJJ pay a fine which fliall not exceed ten 
 IV. Whoever (hall come into this Pro- 
 vince to refide (hall pay ten (hillings, if he 
 does not caufe himfelf to be enrolled with- 
 in thiee months from his arrival. 
 Every Miliiia-man who (hall pafs the 
 limits of the company wherein he is en- 
 rolled, or is to be enrolled (hall pay a fine 
 of ten (hillings, unlefs he caufes himfelf to 
 be inlcribed wiihin ten days in the roll ofihc 
 Captain of the quarter of his new domicile. 
 V. Ifa Militia-man intends to avail him- 
 felf of the benefit of his age the proof refts 
 with him. 
 •2. n. m. 
 sec. 4, 
 VI. Every Militia- man is fubjeft to the 
 fame penalties as the lerjeants, as to what 
 43.G. III. regards the Roll-calls, Excrcifes and Re- 
 views, mentioned in N® lO and ii of the 
 iff lee, of this chapter. 
 43. n. 111. 
 •ec. 7. 
 VII, If he refufe to give his Captain a 
 f he (Joes 
 he month 
 ceed ten 
 this Pro- 
 "ig^, if he 
 led with- 
 pafs the 
 he is en- 
 ay a fine 
 iriiejf to 
 oil of the 
 ^aii him- 
 oof rells 
 il to the 
 to what 
 and Re- 
 1 of the 
 iptam a 
 . 68 
 II. Tont homme C4Ui refiHe dans cettc Act4s.r!.iTi 
 Province, payera Dix ch^lings d'aniende, Artc'^w (ico: 
 s'il ne fe prefente prirjt dans Ic mois d'A- i"*^*-'*^ 
 vril de chaque annee pour fe faire enro- 
 Icr. , 
 III. Tout homme qui aura complete fa 
 feizieme annee, ft qui ne fe rera pas euro- 
 }er dans I'f fpace d*un mois apres, payera 
 une amende qui n'excedcra pas Dix che- 
 lins. • 
 IV. Celui quiviendra refid^r dan« cette 
 Province, payera Dix chelins, s'il ne fe 
 fait pas enioier dans Tespace de trois mois 
 apres fon arrivee. 
 Tout Milicien qui fortira des limites de 
 la compajxnie t^ans laquelle il eft ou doit 
 etre enrole, payera Dix chelins d'amende 
 s'll nefe fait pas infcrire fous dix jours, fur 
 ]e Role du Capitaine du quartier de ioa 
 noi veau domicile. 
 V. Si un Milicien veut fe pre^aloir du Actr43G:iii 
 benifice de fon age, c eft a lui den faire '"'""'' 
 la preuve. 
 VI. Tout Milicien eft fujet aux memes Arte s?. Geo i 
 penalites que les Sergents pour ce qui re- •"•|'^^'*' 
 gcirde ies Appels, Exercices et les Revues iil''^^^^^^^* 
 dont il efl parl6 dans les Numeros 10 et 1 1, 
 de la Sedion premiere de ce chapiire, 
 VII. S'il refuie de donner a fon capi- ^d" ^^- <:««»» 
 • 111. Sec. T. 
 * 1 
 true and faithful account of rhr nre-arms 
 in his pofleflioii or at his difpoiai he fliail 
 incur a fine of five (hillings. 
 Ptctitn M. 
 VIIL If he rcfufe to carry the ordres 
 touching Militia lervice. after being order- 
 ed fo to do by an OHicer of Miluia. as 
 fpecified N® 13, fee. 1, chap. 2, he (hall 
 incur a penalty often (hillings for each 
 refufal. But he caa only thus be ordered 
 Section 39. once in fix calendar months. 
 jkction 17. IX. If he favor or harbour Deferters, 
 whether Soldiers, Militia-men on fervice, 
 or Seamen, diforderly Perfons,^Vagabonds, 
 foreign enemies, Prifoners ofwarefcaping, 
 and all others (owing difTemion or dilturb- 
 ing public tranquillity, knowing them to 
 be fuch, without immediately notifying 
 ' thcCaptainorother Officer of the company, 
 he (hall incur a fine, not to exceed five 
 pounds for the (irft. time, nor ten pounds 
 for each fubfequent repetition, whereof 
 Section 18. jhc informcr (hall receive one half. 
 41. G. 
 "». X. Every Militia-man who (hall give 
 evidence at a Court-Martial, has a right to 
 receive from the perfon who fummoned 
 hirn thhher, one (hilling per league for 
 going and returning, with toll money and 
 piy, which (hall not be iefs than two 
 Ihillings and fix pcnce^ nor more than ten 
I rearms 
 he {hall 
 |ff order- 
 iitia. as 
 he fhall 
 lor each 
 hern to 
 ?d five 
 pounds ^ 
 I give 
 ght to 
 le for 
 y and 
 I two 
 n ten 
 Sec. S9. 
 Sec. 17 
 taine u i compte vrai et fi-^^Ie des armei 
 a feu qu'il a en fa pofTelfion ou ^ fa dil'po- 
 fition, il payera Cinq chellins damende, 
 Vni. S'il refufe de porter des ordres 
 toiichant le fervice de \a Milice, apres a- 
 avoir ete commande par un O ficier de 
 Milice, ainfi qu'il eii fpscifie dans le Nu- 
 mero 13 de la vSedion premiere du cha- 
 pitre fecond, il encourra une pt^nalite de 
 dix chellins pour chaque refus ; mais il 
 nepeutetre commande qu'une fois dans 
 fix mois de Calendrier, 
 IX. S'i! favc-ire ou loge des deferteurs, 
 foil SoMats, Miliciens en fervice, ou Ma- 
 telots, des MalFaiteurs, Vagabonds, enne- 
 mis etrangeis, prifoniers de guerre qui 
 s'echappent, et tous autres qui fement la 
 diliention ou trouhlent la tranquillite pu- 
 bliqne, les connoillant pour tels, fans en 
 av( rtir imm'^diatement le Capitaine ou 
 autre Officier de la compagnie, il encoMr- 
 ra une amende qui n'exced<"ra pas cinq 
 livres pour la premiere fois, ni dix li- 
 vres pour chaq^iie recidive, dont le denon- 
 ciateur recevra une moitie. 
 X. Tout Milicien qui rendra temoigna- iii?»fc.^SJ* 
 ge dans une Cour martiale, aura le droit 
 de recevoir de celui qui I'aura fait fommer 
 un chelin par lieue pour aJler et revenir, 
 avcc les droits de p6ag<=^, et un falaire qui 
 ne fera pas moins de deux chelins et fix 
 Sec. IS, 
 (hillings per day — the wliole to be taxed 
 by the Court, 
 8*fii.m 15. XI, If he rc'fiife to apprar and ^ive 
 evidence upon hnmr I'dninnmrd lo lo (io 
 by tt revjfanr, he (hall incur a li^e, winch, 
 for the lirll tune, iliall not exceed fo'iy 
 fliilhjigs, ari(i for^ch rep^tino^ (hall luflVr 
 an iniprilonment winch ihall not exceed 
 thirty days. 
 secifonio.m XII. Every Militia-man who (hall refufe 
 t( '^jey (he lawful commands of his fu*. 
 pc» ri>«icer, when employed on ^iilllia 
 ^ rervicc, o; an ho Ihall ihall quarrel with any 
 oHicer or non conimirhonrd oHicer in \Yn* 
 execution of his duty, or who ihall inlVdt 
 him, fhall incur a hne which li.all not be 
 leib than ten ihiilmgs, nor more than hve 
 fjoiinds. If tl'c hneexccrd forty (inllin':iS 
 and IS not pai 1 within eight days, he ihall 
 be committed to the common gaol, or to 
 the H(nde of Correction for a lime not 
 exceeding ten days, and for every iuble- 
 quent contravention he ihall pay four 
 pounds, and it he fail herein lor eight days 
 after tlie judgment rendi red againli him^ 
 he (hall be committed to the common gaol 
 or rioule of Corrediion in the Diltntl 
 wherein the offence was committed. 
 pa I 
 Section 17. XIII, He is bouod to apprehend, undcF 
 orders from any of his Uthcers, the De- 
 leiicrs, Vagabonds, and other delinquents 
 ^ . mentioned 
be raxed 
 inrl give 
 (o to (Id 
 -, winch, 
 ('(1 foMy 
 all liiffVr 
 ill refufc 
 if his (u*. 
 ) ^Jilllia 
 vith nny 
 *r in th<? 
 II inl'ult 
 I not be 
 han Hve 
 lie Ihall 
 I, or to 
 me not 
 y luble- 
 iy four 
 (hi days 
 ill hiiij^ 
 on gaol 
 , under 
 he De. 
 pence, ni plus de Hix chelins par jour, le 
 tout iuivant la taxc de la cour, 
 XI. S'il refufe de venir rendre temoi- Sornonii. 
 gnige. .ipth'i avoir I'te lomuK! dc k taire 
 par un Serg^nt, il encourra pour la pre- 
 miere ibis une amende qui n'excedera pas 
 quaraiite chelins, et lubira un emprilon- 
 nement qui n'excedera pas tienie jours 
 pour chaque recKiive. * 
 XII. Tout Milicion qui rcfufera d'obe- wr. 10-20. 
 ir aux ordres legaux de (on Oflicier fupe- 
 rieur, iorrrju'il elt employe au lervicc de 
 la milice, ou (c quereliera avec aucuii C)f- 
 ficier, ou Ollicier non-coiimifrionne, da? 
 I'execution de Ton devoir, ou i'inlultera, 
 encouria une amende qui ne fc-ra pas moi.n 
 da dix chelins, ni au-dellus de cinq li- 
 vres. Si i'amende excede quarante cbelius 
 et n'ell pas payee lous huit jours, il .'era 
 com mis a la Prifon Commune, ou Maifon 
 de correction, pour un tems qui n'exce- 
 dera pas dix jours, et pour chaque con- 
 travention fublequente, il payera quatre 
 livres, et s'il y manque ious huit jours 
 aprcs le jugenient prononce contre lui, 
 il (era comiiiis a la Prilon Commune ou 
 Maifon de Correction dans le Dilln6t ou 
 roffenfc aura 6te commife, 
 • ■ 'i 
 XIII. II ell tonu d'arreter, fous les or- s«c.ii7, 
 dres d'aucun de fes oiHciers, ies del'erteurs, 
 vagabonds et autres deiinquants mcntionncs 
 ; , I J 
43. G. 111. 
 sec. '&i. 
 h^iXon SS. 
 mentioned N^. 6, fee. 3, chap. 2% ana 
 to condnft them in the mnnner pre- 
 fcribed, under the conunand of a ferjeant, 
 to the corps of troops or embodied Militia, 
 or to the veffel whence they (hall have 
 deferted, if deierters- or to the Prilon of 
 the Di{lri6l if delinquents of fome other 
 kind. They are exempt, while in the 
 execution of their duty, from paying toll- 
 money. Ferry men who (hall require any 
 fare of the faid Militia men cr ot the pri- 
 foners, fhall pay a fine whi( h fhall not 
 exceed twenty (hillings for the firil time, 
 iior forty (hillings for every repetition; 
 whereof half to the informer. 
 XIV. Every Militia man in cafe of war, 
 invafion, infurretlion or imminent danger, 
 is liable to be ordered out and emb<.^di^d^ 
 to ferve fo long as the caie (hall require. 
 He (hall not be bound to ferve, if more 
 than litty years of age, unlefs the whole 
 Militia of his Diltrid be ordered out 6r 
 He fhall not be bound to quit the Pro- 
 vince except in the cafes mentioned in 
 N^ 15, of the firfl chapter, 
 XV. Every Militia man between the 
 ages of fixteen and fifty is liable to be 
 ordered out or balloted for under the cir- 
 €umiiances mentioned N? i6> cap, 1. He 
 ^ , ; ihaU 
K 2* and 
 rier pre- 
 r] Miiilia, 
 lall have 
 Prilbn of 
 me other 
 ie in the 
 ying loll- 
 qiiire any 
 f the pri- 
 (hall not 
 firil time, 
 feof war, 
 Jt danger, 
 ?, if more 
 he whole 
 ;d out 6t 
 the Prd- 
 ioned in 
 veen the 
 Ie to be 
 r the cir* 
 p. 1. He 
 ; fhali 
 Hans Ie Numern 6. ^(" la Section trnid^mi 
 dn rhapitre feconl, <*i He les confliiirr dc 
 I'd maniere prrfi:rite, I )iis Ie co-nmande- 
 n»t nt d'lHi St^rijeiit, au corps de troupes 
 on de Milices incorporees, on au vaifTeau 
 dont ils auro It fle('-rip, {] ce font dcs de- 
 ferteurs, oa r. la prifon du niflricl, s'ils 
 font des delii^quants d'une autre efp^ce. 
 Ils font exempts lorfqu'ils font dans 
 IVxecution de ce devoir, aes droits de pc- 
 age. Les pafla^crs on traverfiers qui en 
 ^xigeront des dits Milicicns, ou des pri- 
 fonniers, payeroui une amende qui n'ex- 
 cedera pas vingt chelins pour la premiere 
 fois, ni quaranie chelins pour chaque re- 
 didive, dont leS denonciateuirs recevroni 
 une moitie, 
 XIV Tout Milicien, dans des cas de ^^V?J^'' 
 guerre, dmvallon, d inlurrc cliou ou de 
 danger inimintnt, til lujet a 6ire coinmijn*- 
 d6 et incorpore, pour lervir autant de 
 tems que Its cas luldits rendront neccifaire, , 
 1) ne fera point tenu do fervir, ^il a plus 
 de cinquante ans, a moins que toute U 
 Milice de fon Dillri6l ne foit commanded 
 Ou incorporee, 
 11 ne fera oblige de fortir de la Province* 
 que dans les cas meniionnes dan3 Ie Nu-» 
 niero 15 du chapitre premier. 
 XV. Tout Milicien de Tage de feize k 
 cinquante ans elt fujrt a etre commande 
 ou tir^ au fort dans les circoullances men* 
 tionuees dans Ic Numero 16 du chapitre 
 iL premier 
 S^cllon UB> 
Icclittn <.M. 
 le«Uan S5. 
 g«clion 26. 
 St. G. III. 
 ■ec. H. 
 4S. G. III. 
 KC. 87. 
 *S. G. III. 
 fhall have fix davs at leafl to prepare him- 
 f( If, reckoninjy from the orclctin;^ out or 
 balloting. He Ihall fcrve only one year, 
 and fhall not be ordered, out or brillt)tcd 
 anf w,nntil all the NJiliiia-men ot the iifore- 
 faid age have had their turn ot fervice, 
 unlefs the whole Militia of the Dillritl or 
 Battalion be oideied out. 
 XVI. Bachelors of any age from eighteen 
 to fifty may be ordered out or balloted 
 for, in preference to married perions in 
 the cafes mentioned in the prececding 
 XVIL When two or more bachelors 
 (hall have lived wuh their father or mother 
 during a year, before the ordering out or 
 balloting, only one half of fuch number 
 of bachelors fhall be bound to ferve. 
 An only fon, or an only grandfon who 
 fhall have lived during the fame fpace of 
 time with his mother, being a widow, 
 cultivating her own land, or with an aged 
 relative more than fixty years old, fhall 
 be exempt from fervice, 
 XVIII. Every Militia- man ordered out 
 or balloted fhall ferve in perfon and not 
 by fubftitute : And he fhall obey the orders 
 of his officers in the cafes fpecihed in N* 
 l8, fee. 2, chap. 2. 
 XIX« Every Militia-man who fliall con- 
 fe prrp 
 ou tir.ii 
 ct nc f! 
 de lagc 
 fon Dili 
 >Li tir^sj 
 ;ons aur 
 efpace d 
 u le tira 
 e nombi 
 u le mer 
 "uve, et 
 vec un y 
 ra exen: 
 e au io 
 m par fi 
 es de fe; 
 XIX, 1 
)arc him- 
 r out or 
 one year, 
 • balit)tcd 
 ihc iifore- 
 r fcrvice, 
 )illnd or 
 n eighteen 
 r balloted 
 )erions in 
 or mother 
 ing out or 
 h number 
 dfon who 
 le {pace of 
 a widow, 
 ith an aged 
 old, (hall 
 rdered out 
 In and not 
 the orders 
 ihed in N* 
 {hall con- 
 premi^»'. II aura fix jours an moins pout* 
 fe prrpartr, a compter du commandf ment 
 ou nr.i<;e an (on, 11 ne fcrvira qu'un an, 
 ct no fcra commands ou tir6 an fort de 
 noMvean, que lorfque tous Irs Miliciens 
 de i'age (ufdit, aiiront fait leur tour de 
 fervice, a moins que touie la Milice de 
 Um Uillrid ou Bataillon ne (bit coinman- 
 XVI. Lesgarfons de I'age de dixhuit a 
 inquante ans pourront etre commandes 
 )U tir6sau (ort, preferablement aux gens 
 aries, dans les cas meniionnes dans le 
 umero precedent, , 
 XVir, Lorfcj'ie deux ou plufieurs gar- 
 ons auront vecu avec leur pere ou m^re 
 elpaced'un an avant le commandement 
 u le tirage au fort, moitie leulement de 
 e nombre fera tenue de feivir, 
 Le fils ou petit fils unique qui aura v6- 
 u le meme efpace de tems avec fa niere^ 
 ;uve, et cultivant fa propre terre, oU 
 vec un vieux parent age de loixante ans^ 
 ra exempt du fervice. 
 8«ctloD 14. 
 tectiod 8K 
 Settion Sl« 
 Acte53. G4$} 
 111. KCt, 14. 
 XVIII. Tout Milicien cortitilandc ou 
 [e au Ibrt, doit (ervir en perfbnne, et 
 m par fubllitut, et il doit obeir aux or- 
 |es de fes ofiiciers dans les cas fpecifies Acte 43 n«u» 
 Numero ij, Section 2, chapitre 2. m, 
 XIX, Tout Milicien qui fe cachera ou /'V*^'- ^••» 
 2 Qtgligeia 
 cea! himfeir or flia'! ne,iT|r£l tr> repair at 
 the time and lo the T)larc of Rendezvous 
 fixer! for the alletnbling and tlic d^^parture 
 of hh company or detachinfnr, after 
 having been tlierer)f warned by a ferjeant, 
 or who (lid! heron. e oruilty in manner, as 
 mentioned in No lo, lee. 3, chap> •, (hall 
 be apprehended as a d( ferter, brought 
 before a Jufiiceof the Pvace, thence to 1 he 
 company, detachment or baitahon whence 
 he deferted, and fhall pay a fin(^ which 
 fhall not e.vceed five pounrls. If he has 
 not goods and chattels fuHicient for levy, 
 ing ine fine with coifs, h. fhall be liable 1 
 to ferve fix months beyonrl the linu for 
 which he had before been ordered out or I 
 4S. G. TII. 
 tec, Si, 
 XX. Every Miliiia-inan who fhall fell, 
 pawn or lofe his Arms or ^ccoutrelnenls,( 
 or fhall lefufe to reltore them to the oiHcerl 
 charged 10 receive them, on his hemg dis. 
 ch-irged, fhall incur, unless he prove fomcl 
 inevitable accident, a fine not exceeding 
 i^ve pounds, and if he do not pay it in{ 
 ftantly hefiiall be fent to the prifon neareft 
 to the place for a fpace of time not ex*| 
 ceeding a month, or until he fhall hav^ 
 paid the fine aforefaid. 
 XXL Whoever (hall purchafe, take iiJ 
 exchange or conceal Arms or Accoutre] 
t tr> repair at 
 'hf* departure 
 hmtnt, aFier 
 by a IVrjeant, 
 in manner, as 
 chap. ', iliall 
 rter, brought 
 thence toihe 
 taliofi whtnce 
 a Bne which 
 Is. If he has 
 :ient for levv- 
 Ihall be liable 
 1 the liiTu for 
 rdered out or 
 who (hall feji, 
 n lo ih»' oiHcer 
 his being dis- 
 he prove fomc 
 not exceeding 
 not pay it in- 
 : prilon nearcll 
 lime not ex* 
 he ihall have 
 chafe, take in 
 s or Accoutrc-I 
 nepligera dc fe rendre au terns et an lieu 
 de fendcz-vous fixes pour le rafl.inble- 
 mcnt ft Ic dcpari dc fa Cotnpagnie ou de 
 ion dcucheineiu, iH)ics en avoir ete aver- 
 ti par un Scrcr'^nt, ou qui T? rendra cou- 
 pable de la in iniere mentionnee dans le 
 Numero lo, de la Se6lion troifienfij du 
 Chapitre f'econd, fcra ai:eic comme de* 
 feruur, conduit devant un Juge de Paix, 
 de!a ^ la Conipagnie, Dctachement ou 
 Bataillon dotit il ell delerteur, ct payera 
 une amende qui n'excedera pas cinq li- 
 vres, S il 11 a pas de nieubles fuftifants 
 pour prelever I'atnende ct les frais, il (era » 
 iujet a (ervir fix niois de plus que le terns 
 pour leqnel il avoit ete premierernent 
 commande ou lire au Ibrt, 
 XX Tout Milicien qui vendra, cnga- ^'V*' ^^ ^''* 
 gera ou perdra les amies ou accoutfe- 
 nKnij*, ou qui refufiera de les rendre ^ 
 rOfiicier charge de les rccevojr, lorlqu'il 
 lera licencic, encourra, s'il ne prouve qucl- 
 qu'accident inevitable, unc amende qui 
 n'excedera pas cinq livres, et s*il ne la 
 paye immediaicment, il I'era envoye ^ la 
 rrifon la plus voifine du lieu, pour un 
 efpace cic terns qui n'excedera pas un mois, 
 ou jufqu k ce qu'il ait paye Tamende luU 
 XXI, Quiconque achetera, prcndra en 
 ^change ou cachera des armes ou accou- 
 )L 3 irements 
 Sec. M. 

 62 Oeo. Ill 
 nicnts ifTiied out of the King's Stores tQ 
 any Militia man. (liall be bound to reftore 
 them and to pay a fine of fiv^ ponnds, 
 and fhail be imprifoned during a month 
 without bail, if he do not conform to the 
 fentence pronounced againll him. 
 XXII. The informer in the above cafe 
 fliall receive half the fine. 
 XXXIII. Bachelors of from eighteen to 
 thirty years of age, who arc ordered out or 
 balloted, to form the two thoufand men, 
 or a part of that number, fhall be liable 
 to ferve in the manner prefcribed in N^s, 
 7. 8, 9, lo, of the ill chapter. 
 lection 11. 
 Ord. 81 Geoi 
 1 1 » 
 ICC. S5. 
 XXIV. Volunteers are bound to krvc 
 in the battalions, companies or fquadrons 
 in which they are embodied, but they are 
 not exempt from being ordered out or 
 fcalloted fur to ferve in the corps of two 
 thoufand bachelors, unlefs exempted by 
 a^e or piofclfion, 
 XXV. The Militia-mer. of the embodied 
 Militia, when quartered in the country 
 pariihe?, (hall be quartered two together — 
 but, one only in the houfes of perfons in 
 Darrow circumilances. A bed for two, 
 with a ftraw matnafs, coverlets, and one 
 pair of Iheets, >yhicii Ihall be changed 
Stores tQ 
 I to reft ore 
 'e pounds, 
 r a month 
 brm to the 
 ibove cafe 
 eighteen to 
 ered out or 
 ufand men, 
 1 be liable 
 ►ed in N^s. 
 id to ferve 
 jt they are 
 ed out or 
 ►rps of two 
 enipted by 
 ogc'thtr — 
 perlons in 
 for two, 
 and one 
 trements delivres dcs magazins du Roi a 
 auc'in Milicicn, (era tenn de les reftiiuer, 
 et de payer cinq Ijvres d*amende, et fera 
 emprir)nnc Telpace d*un mois, ians pou- 
 v< ir etrt' cautionne, s'il ne le conforme 
 pas a la fcntence prononcee contre lai. 
 XXII. Le denonciateur, dans le cas fuf- 
 dit. recf-'vra une moitie de I'amende, 
 sec. Si. 
 XXIII. Les gar^ons delage de dixhuit a.icss, r;*-.. 
 li trente ans qui feront commandtfs ou ti- *i* '*<=^- ^ "^ ^ 
 res au fort pour former les deux milie 
 hommes, ou ieulement partie de ce nom- 
 ^ j'e, feront lujets a iervir de la maniere 
 prefcrite dans ies Numcros 7, 8, 9, lo du 
 Chapitis? premier. 
 XXIV. Les volontaires feront tenus de 
 fervir dans les Bataillons, Compagnies ou 
 E(cadron.s danslefquels ils feront mcorpo- 
 res, mais ils ne font point exempts d'etre 
 comniandes ou tires au fort pour krvir 
 dans ies corps des deux mill^ gar^onSjS'ils 
 n'en font point difpenles par leur age ou 
 leur eiat, 
 XXV. Les Miliciens de la milice incor- 
 poree, lorfcju'ils feront en quartier chez 
 les pa-ticuliers des'campagnes, leront lo- 
 ges pc deux, et un leui dans les maifons 
 peu ail^es. II leur fera fourni un li: pour 
 deux avec une paillalfe, couyertures et 
 une paire de draps qui lera changee tous 
 L 4 les 
 Sec. 11. 
 27 e. (ie.i: III. 
 . I 
 Sffttion 1. 
 Or.1. 27 Geo. 
 m. yec. b. 
 fvery month, fh.'.ll be Ftirninied th'-nri. and 
 ihty may ufe the fire place ot tht* mall t, 
 and be allowed lo cireis it h v-:ijal3 
 XXVI. All houfe-hold^rs in theco»?r»iry 
 are obliged, on the recjuifition of ihe Cap- 
 tains ot Mihtia, to quartv'^rthc troops and 
 embodied Militia which are on the marcii, 
 and to furniHi carnages which (hail be 
 relif V ed from parifh to parilh, uiilels it oe 
 ii?entioned in the order that they (IkiII ac- 
 company the troops or embodied Militia 
 to the end of the day's march. For refid'^l 
 in this cafe ihey (liall incui a fine of fwnity 
 fliiliiiigs, and of five pounds, or fifteen 
 days imprilonment for each repetuion, 
 XXVII. They fhall lodge the troops 
 and embodied Militia in detachment v^h^n 
 they take up their quarters lu the pariflies, 
 in the manner prefcribed by the Captains 
 of Militia, fliali furniih wood to thecificers 
 according to the diilribuiian theicot made 
 by the laid Captains, and carriages to the 
 perfops comma' '^mg. If they refufe to 
 execute ihtfe r ■ irs, they fliall pay ten 
 fhillings for the firit time, and twenty 
 ihillings for each fubleqiient contra veniioa. 
 XXVIII. All proprietors of land, far- 
 mers and houfeholders in the country, 
 alio ihe carters of the towns and iuburbs 
 fhall be bound each in his turn to furnish, 
tb'nri. and 
 Sic mall T, 
 le coi^riiry 
 I the Cap. 
 troops and 
 he march, 
 i (hall be 
 iilefs it ne 
 'y fh;ill ac- 
 ied Militia 
 For rcfuf-il 
 of ?w-nty 
 or iifteen 
 the troops 
 Tien I v'h.fn 
 it" pariflies, 
 e Captains 
 the ('.(Iicers 
 ^leot made 
 iges to the 
 ' refufe tp 
 til pay ten 
 id twenty 
 land, far- 
 d fuburbs 
 o furnish, 
 les mois, et U pla»"r au feu de Thote avce 
 ^ih-pr^di (i'y faire leur ordinaire, 
 XXVI. Tons particuliers tenant feu tt 
 lieu dans les can^i'dorns iom oblige*', fni 
 la reqviifnion dts Capnaiii^s dtsMilices, de 
 lot^er les troupes et les niilices incorporees 
 Stc, I 
 ^qni feront en niarche, ^t de fotirnir des 
 voitures (]ui feront relfv^es de Paroiffe en 
 Paroifle, a rnoins qu'il ne lo;t mentionnc 
 dans I ordre, qu'elles acconjpagneront les 
 troupes ou les rnilices incorporees jufqu'a 
 la fin de la marche du jour: ilsencourront 
 pour refus en pareil cas, une amende de 
 vingt chellins, et cinq livres, ou quinsre 
 jours d'emprifonnement ' pour chaque rc- 
 XXVII. lis logeront les troupes et mi» 
 lices nicorporees, en detachemeni, lorl- 
 qu elites prendfont leur quartier dans les 
 ParoifTes, de lanianiere prelcrite par les 
 Capiiaines des miiices, fourniront le bois 
 aux oihciers de ces corps, (uivant la re- 
 partition qu'en auront faite Ics dits Capi- 
 tanies, et des voitures aux Commandants, 
 S'lls refufent dexecuter ces ordres, ils 
 payeront dix chellins pour la premiere 
 Fois, et vingt chellins pour chaque con- 
 travention lubl^quente. 
 XXVIII, Tous proprietaires de terrcs, s^^STu! 
 fermiers, et autres ienant feu et lieu en «^^''"»^. 
 campagne, et les charetiers des villes et 
 des fa^^xbourgs, fon: tenus de fouimr fur 
; I 
 on the order of Government, and at the 
 reqiiilition of Captains of Militia, carried ges 
 for the conveyance of provifions, warlike 
 llores, baggage of troops and embodied 
 Militia, and other efiects, and to coiidu6l 
 the batteaux for the water-conveyance* 
 They {hall conform to what is prcfcribed 
 in N^ 12, of the 3d fee. of the 2d chapter. 
 And if they are difobedient or quit the 
 fervice without being duly difcharged, 
 they fhall pay forty (hillings for the firil 
 offence, and for the fecond five pounds, 
 ^nd be imprifoned for a month* 
 ,^ .. - * XXIX. They who {hall be condemned 
 to pa^ more than lorty Ihilhngs, or to 
 more than eight days iinprifonment for 
 contravention of the ordinance, nlay ap- 
 peal to the Governor ia Council, 
 j2. a III. XXX. No Militia-man, keeping a houfe 
 of public entertainment or Jelling by retail 
 fl'rong beer, brandy, or itrong- liquors can 
 be a Serjeant, corporal or drummer in the 
 embodied Miliiia. 
 Sec. 3f . 
 Every embodied Militia-man, whatever 
 may uo. his corps or denomination, fhall 
 itccu nne fame pay and allowances as the 
 •ec.7,i2&i7. foi^cid of his Majeily's Regiments of 
 59. c. Hi. 
 1 at the 
 luit the 
 he firil 
 , or to 
 pnt lor 
 ay ap- 
 I houfe 
 y retail 
 )rs can 
 in the 
 , fhall 
 as the 
 ms of 
 Ics ordres du Goiwernf ment, et a la re- 
 cjuihiion des Capitaines de Milices, cha- 
 cun a leu r tour, des voiturcs pour lestranf- 
 poris de vivres, inunitions de guerre, ba- 
 gages des troupes et des milices incorpo* 
 rees, et auires tfFets, et de conduire les 
 bateaux pour les tranfports par eau. lis 
 ie coufornieront a ce qui ell prel'crit dans 
 le Nuinero 12, de la Sedion troiheme du 
 Chapitrc fecond, et s ils d6fobeillent ou 
 quittentle iervice, fans etre duemcnt con- 
 gedics, ils payeront quarante cht^llins 
 pour [-4 premiere offenie, et pour la fe- 
 conde ils payeront cinq livres,et fcrontern- 
 prifonnes lefpace d*un mois. 
 XXIX, Ceux qui feront condamnes a 
 plus de quarante chcllins, ou a plus de 
 huit jours d'emprifonnement pour contra- 
 vention a rOrdonnance, pourront en ap- 
 ptiier au Gouverneur et Conieil. 
 XXX. Tout Milicien qui tiendra une 
 maifon de traitement public, ou qui ven- 
 dra er^ detail de la grolle bierre, de 1 eau- 
 de-vie ou des liqueurs fortes, ne pourra 
 etre Serg-nt, Caporai ou Tambour, dans 
 la Milice incorporee. 
 Tout milicien incorpore, de quelque 
 corps ou denommation qu'il puifle etre, 
 recevra la meme paye et les memes allou- 
 ^aces que Ics loldats des regunents d'lufan- 
 Sec. •. 
 Arte 52, fSpn 
 lli.iectioa IS. 
 Arte 43 C,t; 
 111 sec. aO. 
 Actr.V2'; III, 
 V J 
4s. n. Tti. 
 fee. .S,' . 
 »?. (}. iir. 
 •ec. 6 & 11. 
 45. G. Ill 
 Mc. SI. 
 it. G. IIU 
 tec. 16. 
 Infantry receive. But the Milifia men of 
 the corps of two ihc^ufanH embodied ba- 
 chelors, and the vol'inteers fliall receive 
 twt^niy days pav after their diiiharge, as 
 mentioned in,N^ 12 and 20 of the firll 
 XXXI. The " Rules & Articles for the 
 '* better Government of the Militia of the 
 ** Province of Lower Canada when ein- 
 •* bodied for fervicc" (hall be common to 
 all the embodied Militia-men, 
 XXXII. When a Miliiia-man (hall be 
 wounded or dilabled in an engagement 
 with the enemy, fo as to render him in- 
 capable of earning his livelihood, he (hall 
 receive an annual penfion of nine pounds 
 while the incapacity lalls— and, if he be 
 killed, his children (hall receive the fame 
 penfion as the children of (erjeants killed 
 are in the fame cafe entitled to. 
 XXXIII. Every Militia-man ordered out 
 or balloted, who, being in atlual lervice, 
 fliall enroll himfelf in a corps of troops or 
 embodied Militia, Ihall be conhned in 
 prifon, without bail, during a fpace of 
 time not to exceed one month, and his 
 enlillment Ihall be null. I'he officer, (er- 
 jeant or other perion who fliall enroll him, 
 knowing him to belong to the embodied . 
 Miluia, or not enquiring of him whether 
If n of 
 jf] ba* 
 [or the 
 of the 
 II ein- 
 hon to 
 all be 
 im in- 
 he be 
 ? lame 
 )ps or 
 ed in 
 ce of 
 id his 
 i him, 
 Art. 62 C>en. 
 lU.Sfc. (J.II. 
 76 ' 
 tcie de Sa Majeflt". mais les miliciens des 
 corps d(\s d( iix mille gar9ons incorpores, 
 ct Ie> volontaires reccvront vingt jours de 
 puye apres leur decharge, ainli qiJ*il f (I 
 dit dans lesNumeros 12 et 20, du Chapi- 
 tre premier. 
 XXXT. Les " Regies et Articles pour le fitJcM?*' 
 •* meilleur gouvernement de la Milice de 
 *• la Province (iu, Bas-Canada, lorlqu*e!le 
 •* fera incorporee,*' feront conimuns k 
 tous les miliciens incorpores. 
 XXXII. Lorfqu'un milicien fera blefTfe ntstls?* 
 Oil eliropie dans un engagement avec Ten- 
 nemi, de maniere a le rendre incapable de 
 gagner ia vie, il recevra une rente anr.uelle 
 de neuf livres, tant que cette incapacite 
 durera; et s'il ell tue, les enfants rrcevront 
 la meme rente, qu'oiit droit de recevoir 
 les enfants des S( rgents tues dans le meme 
 XXXIII. Tout milicien commande ou Acte 52, Geo. 
 tire au fort, en fervjce atlif, qui s'enrolera "*••"""-"' 
 dans un corps de troupes ou de Milices 
 incorporees, fera confi le en prifon, fans 
 cauiionnement, pendant un terns qui n ex- , 
 c^dera pas un mois, et (on engagement 
 lera nul, L'OfFicier, Je Sergent ou tout 
 autre qui I'enrolera, fachant qu'il appar- 
 tient a la milice incorporee, ou fans lui 
 demander s'il a appartenu a la dite milice 
flection Id, 
 ^ 77 
 he have belonged to the faid Militia, or 
 have not been ordered out oi balloted, and 
 be on a6tual fervice in the embodied 
 Militia, Ihail pay a fine of Twenty- hvc 
 XXXIV, Every Militia-man of whatso- 
 ever denomination, who fhcdl quit the 
 Province, in the cafe mentioned N'^ lo, 
 fee. 1, chap 2, (hall be liable to the pun« 
 iihment ii^ luch cafe iiiflidied. 
 49. G. 
 •cc. 11 
 Section third. 
 Of exemption from Militia service^ 
 from the quartering of troops and 
 embodied Militia^ and from the 
 conveyance of effects beloyiging to 
 the King. 
 I, The Members of the Legiflative 
 Council, and of the Houfe of Aifembly, 
 the Members of the Executive Council, 
 the Clergy, the Judices ot the civil and 
 criminal Courts ot this Province, the Jus- 
 tices of the Peace who have taken the oath 
 of office, the Attorney and Solicitor Gen- 
 erals, the Secretary of the Province, the 
 ou s*il n*a pas ete commande ou tire an 
 fort, et en fervice a6tuel dans la milice 
 incorporee, payera vingt cinq livres d'a- 
 XXXIV, Tout milicien de qtielque de- 
 nomination qu'il f'oit, qui laiflera la Pro- 
 vince dans le cas nientionno dans le Nu- 
 mero lo de la Section premiere du Chapi- 
 tre I'econd, (era fujei a la punitioa qui eil 
 infligee en pareiile occafion. 
 lec. \§, 
 I'll I 
 I >'] 
 \ ,1 
 SeSlion Troificme* 
 De f exemption du service de la Mi-' 
 lice, du logeinent des troupes et des 
 milices incorporees, et des trans* 
 ports des cffets du Roi. 
 I, Les Membres du Confeil Legiflatifet ««a«nt 4S f!e«» 
 de rAffemblee, les Membres du Confeil J^»«"-^»-^ 
 Executif, le Clerge, les Juges des Cours Actc52, o^ot 
 Civiles et Criminelles de cette Province, »"• **«-**♦ 
 les Juges ^ Paix qui auront prete le fer- 
 ment d*office, le Procureur et Solliciteur 
 General, le Secretaire de la Province, le 
 Depute Diredeur General des Folks et les 
 ' iTin 
 ' t i 
 ^V. "^^ -^-^ 
 IM U2.5 
 ■ 50 
 KS ..„ Hill 2.0 
 1.25 ||U 1.6 
 A. WnS 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 4S. G. 111. 
 nee. .87. 
 Deputy Poft-TTianp'' General anrl hi< Depu- 
 ti(?.>. the Grand Vnyer, tlie Clefk of the 
 Terrier, or Lardre^iRer of His Majeilv s 
 Domains, the Infrcctors cf Police, >Iair. 
 pav OiTuers, Captains and other Officers 
 of Mihtia' who have ohtained leave to 
 mite, officers of the Cuiloms, Sheriffs and 
 Coroners, the Clerks and Con^m'ilhoned 
 Officer^; of the Executive Council and of 
 the Leg'liature, the Cierks of the Courts, 
 Notaries, Gaolers, Huiffiers, Audienciers 
 of the Courts, Conllahles during the ir y^ar 
 of office. School Malters approved hy the 
 Governor, School MaRers ot the Towns 
 of Quebec, Montreal and Three Rivers, 
 thofe in the' Pariffies approved by the 
 Cur^s and Church Wardens in office, one 
 Poft-mafter and one Aide at each polt^ 
 licenced Ferrymen, one inaRer Miller at 
 each Mill, the Students in the Seminaries 
 or Colleges of Quebec, xMontreal, and 
 Nicolet, licenced Phyficians, Surgeons 
 and Apothecaries, and one Steward tor 
 every Religious Community of i'emales^ 
 are not liable to ferve in the Militia con- 
 formably with the direftions of this Aft* 
 But they are obliged to lerve when the 
 County wherein they relide is invaded— 
 The Clergy alone are excepted. 
 II. Quakers enjoy the privileges confer* 
 red on them by the Aft 33, G. III. chap, 4, 
 intuuled ** An Aa lor granting Indulgen* 
 «« cies to the people called Quakers." ; 
 \ I 
 i Depii- 
 i of. the 
 ^ m\^' 
 eave to 
 riffs and 
 I and of 
 hf if ypar 
 -ri by the 
 le Towns 
 5 RiverSj 
 [1 by the 
 iBke, one 
 sach poftj 
 Miller at 
 ;real, and 
 eward tor 
 ilitia con* 
 f this Aa. 
 when the 
 Iges confer* 
 lL chap, 4, 
 Deputes, les Grands Voyers, le Greffier 
 du Terrier des Domaines de Sa Maje(t6, 
 les Infpedeurs de Police, les OfFiciers a 
 demie-payc; les Capitaines et autres ofFi- 
 ciers de mi'ice ayant obtenu leur retraite, 
 les Officiers de la Douane, les Sheriffs et 
 Coroners, les Greffiers et Officiers com- / 
 miffionnes du Confeil Executifet de la Lc« 
 giflature, les Greffiers des Cours, les No- 
 tairres, les Geoliers, les Huiffiers Audien- 
 ciers des Cours, les Connetables durant 
 Tan de leur charge, les Maitres d*£cole 
 approuves par le Gouverneur, les Mai- 
 tres d'Ecoie des Villes de Quebec, Mon* 
 treal et des I'rois Rivieres, ceux qui font 
 approuves dans les Paroiffes par le Cure 
 et les Marguilliers en exercice, un Maitre 
 et un Aide a chaque poile, les Paflagers 
 avec licence, un iMaitre-Meunier a chaque 
 moulin, les Etudiants des ^eminaires ou 
 Colleges de Quebec, Montreal et Nicolet, 
 les iVi^decins, Chirurgiens, et Apoihicai- 
 res licencies, et un Coiitrt maitre pour cha** 
 que Communaute Religieufe de Filles, ne 
 font point fujets a (ervir dans la Milice, 
 conformement aux diredtions de cet Atle : 
 mais lis iont obliges de fervir, lorfque le 
 Comte dans lequel ils resident peut etre 
 envahi, le Clerge leul excepte. 
 II. Les Quakers jouiifent des privileges 
 qui leur font accordes par un Afte 3^e. 
 Geo. III. chap. 4, intitule, •* A6le pour 
 " faciliter les gens appelics Quakers. 
 4S. 6e«. 
 sect, 37. 
 >;t '., 
 I 1 
Ord.27 0.III 
 •w. 7. 
 III. Thv Members of His Majeftv'g 
 Council, the J'^Hges, the Corpmididrf ra 
 of the Peace, the Seigneurs vjho ^it* SrU 
 gv. ur^ pr^mifjfst, the Nohlefle,' Half pay 
 Officers, the Religions (Communities, the 
 Colleges of Quebec and Montreal, the 
 Clergy in general, Captains of Mihtia who 
 have retired, are exempt frotn quartering, 
 from furnifhing carriages and marching on 
 the Batteau fervice, and may ajfo each 
 have a Servant exempt. Prft Mafterswtth 
 two fervants each, the MilFionary Si Tiers 
 of the Congregation with one fervant, arc 
 alike exempt ; Notaries, Phyficians, A- 
 pothecaries and Surgeons duly authorized, 
 School-Maflers alfo duly authorifed, one 
 Aide-de Polie, and one Beadle in each 
 parifh. Millers with one iervant, are alfo 
 exempt. Widows of Captain^ of Mihtia, 
 durirg their widowhood only, {hall enjoy 
 the fame exemptions as Captains, and alfo 
 all they whom the Governor has already 
 exefiipied or may hereafter exempt. 
^ aT(* 'Sri- 
 Half pay 
 ittesi the 
 real, the 
 ilitia \vho 
 rchtng on 
 a! To each 
 iry Siders 
 rvant, arc 
 cians, A- 
 rifed, one 
 e in each 
 t-, are alfo 
 of Mihtia, 
 hall enjoy 
 s, and alfo 
 as already 
 tit. Les Membrps du ConTeil de Sa Ma- 
 ieil-r, If'S Jwg-s, les CornmifIairf*s de Paix, STe.^jnlTiL 
 fs Seigneurs primlrifs, la Nojlede, les '*"'''"'^- 
 Oificu^rs a demic-payt*, les Co!i)inunaute<; 
 Rf-iigicnfr^s, les I olli^ges de Q.jebec ct de / 
 Moiun-al, le Cierge en general, les Ca- 
 pitis iivvs ds .VI i lice qui ont leur retraite, 
 font rx^-mpis de loger, de fournir des voi» 
 tures et de marcher poXir ie fervice des 
 bateanx, et pourront audi avoir chacun 
 nn domediqiie exempt. Les Maitres de 
 Pode avec charun (ieux domedi jues^ les 
 Sltuts i\iiirion:iaires de la Congregaiion 
 avec iin dcmedique, en font egalement 
 exempts. Les Notaires, Mededins, Apo. . 
 ticaires et Chirurgiens duement autoriles, 
 les Maitres d'EcoIe^ auifi duement anto- 
 tifcsj un Aide^de-pode et un Bedeau dans 
 chaque Paroiffe, ies Meuniers avec un 
 domedique en font auffi exempts. Les 
 veuves des Capitaines des Milices^pendant 
 leur veuvage fculcnH nt, jonront des mo- 
 nies exemptions que ies capiiaines, etauf* 
 fi toiis ceux que le Gouverneur a dej4 
 <excmptes OLi pourra exempier a l*avenir% 
 W. G. TU, 
 M0. UO. 
 iS. G. III. 
 Section Jirst^ 
 Of the jurisdiction of the Courts of 
 King^s tiench, and of the Juris--- 
 diction and proceedings of Courts 
 T. The Courts of King's Bench have 
 cognizance of the offence of perfons quitr 
 x'vg the Province in the cafe mentioned 
 N^ ID, fee. 1, chap. 2, N^ 15, feci, chap. 5 
 an(J N^ 21, fee. 2, chap. 3, 
 II. Courts Martial for the local Militia 
 have cognizance only of offences commitr 
 ted by officers. 7 hefe offences are dep 
 tailed in N^ 2, fee. 1, chap. 2. 
 A Court Martial fhall be compofed of 
 one Field- Officf^r, who IhaJI be piefident 
 thereof, and ' of eight othecrji at leaft, of 
 the Diftritt or Battalion. 
 in. When an officer of Militia is brought 
 jto a Court iVlartial, he may, previoufly 
 to all proceedmgs, recufe any Member of 
 ithe Court, if he be intercited in the com- 
 plaint brptfht ^againil hini. 
 urts of 
 :h have 
 ms quit- 
 , chap. 3 
 ^\ Militia 
 1 are dep 
 ipofed of 
 leaft, of 
 5 brought 
 ember of 
 the com- 
 84 ~ 
 » * 
 Section Premiere. 
 De la Jurisdiction des Cours du Bine 
 du Roi, et de la Jurisdiction et des 
 Procedures des Cours Martiales. 
 I. Les Cours du Banc du Roi doivent ^^}^J^^ 
 111 Sec t'0 
 connoitre du ddlit des perfonnes qui laif- ' 
 fent la Province dans le cas menrionne 
 dans les Numeros lo, Se£lion premiere, 
 chapitre fecond, Numero 15, Section pre- 
 miere, chapitre troiiieme, et Numero 2 ly ^ 
 Se6lion feconde, chapitre troifieme. 
 II. Les Cours Martiales pour la milice Acte«.o«»j 
 locale ne connoiflent que des ofFences ^*'* •^' *^ 
 commiies par les Otficiers. Ces offcnfes 
 font deiaillces dans le Numero 2, de la 
 Se6lion premiere du chapitre fecond. 
 Une Cour Martiale doii etre compofee 
 d'un Officier-Major qui en fera le Prefi- 
 dent, et de huit OfRciers au moins du 
 Di(lri6i ou Bataillon» 
 III. Lorfqu'un OffTcier de Milice eft 
 traduii devant une Cour Martiale, il peut, 
 avant toute procedure, lecuier aucun des 
 Membies de ia Cour, s'll eft interefle dans 
 la plainte portee contre lqi» 
 F3 , IV. 
 ! 'A 
 I ' 
 fdcUea 14. 
 IV. The perfon doing the Hiity of Judge 
 Advocate, (lirill, bei'oie proc<^e<iing, cL.Je 
 to be adnunifiered to each Member, the 
 followintioath upon ihelloly EvnngeliRs: 
 V I, A, B. dofwear that 1 will duly' ad- 
 ninifler juflice to the bed of rny under- 
 ftanding on the nnatter now before me, 
 according to the evidence and the Militia 
 Jaws now in f orcein this Province, without 
 partiality, favor or aB(6tion ; and 1 further 
 iwear that I will nf t divulge the lenience 
 of the Court, until it {hall be approved 
 by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, 
 or Peifon adminiftering the Government, 
 neither will I, upon any account at any 
 time whatfoever, difclofe or dilcover the 
 vote or opinion of any particular member 
 of the Court Martial, unless required to 
 give evidence thereof as ^ witnefs by a 
 Court of Juflice in ^ (Jmc courfe of law. 
 Sq help me God." 
 4s. e. 
 V. Immediately aftef tlie taking of the 
 ,aforefaid oath by the refpeflive rnerpbers 
 of the Court, the Prefidpni fliall caufe to 
 be adminiflered to the peffon performing 
 the duty ot Judge Adyoc^te. an oath in 
 the following words, ** |, A. p. do fwear 
 that I will not, upon i^ny a<'COiipt, difclofe ; 
 or difcovei the vote or opinion of any 
 particular member of ^(le tpurt Martial, 
 iinlels required to giye evidence thereof as 
 a witnefs, by a Co\ii% pf Juiiice, in a 
r judge 
 ?r, the 
 ilv' ad- 
 nfe me. 
 at any 
 over the 
 uired to 
 ils by a 
 ; of law. 
 jg of the 
 cauie to 
 1 oath in 
 do fwear 
 , difciofe 
 1 of any 
 bereot as 
 cc, in a 
 IV. La perf >nne qui fait la fon£lion de 
 Jiii^e A' ocat doit, avant dt proceder, faire 
 prcter \c Scrtneni luivant a chacun dcs 
 Me ml>res, lur les faints Kvangiies. ** Moi 
 A. H.Je jute que j'iiLniinillr' i\n duement 
 la Jallice, au meiileur de mon entende- 
 mcjit, (ur la maiiere mamtenant devant 
 jnoi, fjivant lev ictence ei ie. loix de Mi- 
 lices miintciiant en forcf en cette Provin- 
 ce, fans partiality, taveur ou affection: 
 et je jure de pins, que j( ne prblierai p( mt 
 )a lenience de la Cour jufqu'a ce qu'elle 
 foit approuv^e par le Gouverneur, ie Lieu- 
 tenant Gouverncur, oa la pei lonne ayant 
 Tadniiniliration du Gouveinement ; et 
 HuHi lous aucun preiex-e, en aucun tcms 
 quelconque, je ne revelerai ou ne decouvri- 
 rai point le vote ou Topinion d'aucun mem- 
 bre particulier de la Coiir Martial, a moins 
 que je ne fbis requis juridiquement d'en 
 rendre temoignage.comme temoin, par 
 une Cour de Jullice, Ainli Ditu me ioit 
 en aide," 
 V, Auflitot apres la preftation du Ser- 
 jTient lufdit par les Membres refpe^tifs de 
 de la Cour, le Prefident doit fair preter a 
 )a peifonne failant la fon6tion de Juge- 
 Avocat un ferment dans les mots luivanis, 
 •• Moi, A. B, je-jure que (bus aucun pre- 
 textejene icvelerai ou ne d6couvnrai point 
 le vote ou Topmion d'aucuA men^bre par- 
 ticulier de la Cour Martiale, amoins que 
 je ne fois juridiqu^^ment requis d en rendre 
 1? 4 temoigna^je 
 Sectioa l^. 
 Acte 43. Gto: 
 III. Sec. 14; 
 I I 
 i 1 
 due courfe of law. So help me God." 
 •e*tioni5, yi ii^g Prefident of the Court (hall 
 iflfue fummons for compelling the attend- 
 ance of witneHes, andfuch fummons fhall 
 be ferved by a ferjeant. 1 he per{on doing 
 the duty of Judge Advocate mail caufe to 
 be adminittrred to the witnefTes this oath 
 to tell the truth *• 1 he evidence you fhall 
 give to this Court Martial on the trial of 
 A. B. (ha'l be the truth, the whole truth, 
 and nothing but the truth. So help you 
 seotion 12. VII. Thc fentencc of the Court can only 
 extend to cenfure or fufpenfion, depriva- 
 tion of the commiflion, and degradation 
 from rank. 
 «fc. 13. VIII. The fentence is not valid without 
 the concurrence of at leaft two thirds of 
 the number of officers prefent, and (hall 
 not be executed until aiter its approval by 
 the Governor. 
 fcctioBie. The Court Martial fhall tax the ex- 
 penfes and pay of the witnefTes. 
 The fines and punifhnjents impofed by 
 the Aft 52, G. III. concerning the Miliiia 
 embodied for attual fervice, fiiall be fued 
 for before a general or regimental Court 
 Martial, according to the " Rulei and 
 •* Articles for the better Government of 
 *• thc Militia of the Province of Lower 
 ** Canada, when embodied for fervrcc." 
 62. G. III. 
 Bee, 19, 
 t (hall 
 is (hall 
 I doing 
 aufe to 
 is oath 
 u (hall 
 trial of 
 Ip you 
 m only 
 lirds of 
 id (hall 
 3val by 
 he ex- 
 ){ed by 
 )e fued 
 ei and 
 nent of 
 temoignage par une Cour dc Juftice, Ainfi 
 Dieu me (oil en aide." 
 VI. Le Pr6fident de la Cour doit ^maner see.w. 
 les ordres pour requerir la prefence des 
 t6moins, et ces ordres doivent etre (ignifies 
 par un fergent. La perfonneen fon6lion 
 de Juge-Avocat doit rair prater au temoin 
 le ferment de dire la veritc, "Le temoigna- 
 ge que vous allez rendre a cette Cour Mar- 
 tiale fur le proems de A. B. fera la vcrite, et 
 rien que la verite. Ainfi que Dieu vous 
 ioit en aide." ' 
 VII. La fentence de la Cour ne pourra uctu 
 s'^tendre qu'k la cenfure ou fufpenfion, 
 privation de commiilion, et degradation 
 de rang. 
 VIII. Elle ne fera valide qu*avec le con- section si. 
 cours des deux tiers au moins des officien 
 pr^fents, et ne fera executee qu'apr^s Tap- 
 probation du Gouverneur. 
 La Cour Martiale taxera les frais et 
 falaires des temoins. 
 Les amendes et punitions impofees par 
 rA6le 52, G, 3, concernant la Milice in- iiV 
 corporce pour le fervice aftuel feront 
 pourfuivies devant une Cour Martiale 
 generale ou r6gimeniale, fuivant les " Re- 
 •*gles et Articles pour le meilleur gou- 
 *• vernement de la Milice de la Province 
 *' du Bas Canada, lorlqu'elle fera incor- 
 •* poree," Section 
 ^ I'- 
 aei •% 
 53 Gf, 
 sec. 19. 
 . -^j 
 41Gfo: IH. 
 Scf. 4(i. 
 ^.G. III. 
 lec. 10. 
 43. n. III. 
 ■ec. 32. 3S. 
 43. G. ITI. 
 sec. A6. 
 »V O. III. 
 s«c. 19. 
 43. G, III. 
 lec. 48. 
 Section srcond, 
 I. Ju dices oFilie Pence have cognizance 
 of all luth infratiiors ol the J\tU and 
 Ordinance as Courts of K)ng*s Bench and 
 Couiis Martial have not ci^griizance of. 
 n. A firgle Jiidice of the Peace has 
 cogiiizunce of C(^ntraventions commiited 
 by any oflicer, non-coinn.illioned ollicef 
 and \iilitia-n»an, againll either a^l, when 
 lh( hne inipolid does not exceed twenty 
 III. He has cognizance alfo of the of- 
 fence comnntted by Miliiiamen who fell, 
 pawn or loic iheir arms, or accoutrenienis. 
 Likewife of that of perlbns puichafing, 
 receiving in exchange, or concealing fuch 
 arms and accoutrements. 
 IV* Two Ji dices of 'he Peace have 
 cognizance of contraventions of ihefe /i6ts 
 when a Hne exceeding twenty Ihillings, or 
 imprifonment, is the punilhirient. The 
 oath of a fiiigle witneis worthy of belief, 
 othei than the intormeror the proiecutor, 
 fhali be fi fhcitnt in this cafe and in that 
 1\®3. Any perfon may be an informer,^ 
 and the Adjutant or Aide Major of each 
 Divihon or battalion (hall be bound to 
 prolccutethe (lelinquehts on orders there- 
 tor received from the commanding ofhcer« 
 V • 
 feul tl 
 et Vi 
 en re< 
 .'\tU and 
 cnch and 
 ince of. 
 'eace has 
 td ollicef 
 i6l, when 
 ed twenty 
 5f the of- 
 i who ff II, 
 laling iuch 
 eace have 
 fiheCe /i6ls 
 killings, or 
 ent. The 
 y of behef, 
 ind in that 
 L iniormcTj^ 
 for of each 
 : bound to 
 ders there- 
 ling officer. 
 Ill kcc to. 
 St B ion seconds, 
 I. Les J'iges de I'aix connoiift^nt dc 
 to'.jtes les inirarHiip*? fVufn anx A^t< s et ^ 
 I'C )r(lonn;jnCf, dont les Tours du Banc du 
 Roi et les CoLi;s Matiaks ne peuvent 
 prendre connoiliaiice. 
 II. Un (eu! J"gc de Paix pent connoitre 
 des c(>ntravMitr>nj> couinnfes par nn ofh- 
 cier, oiKcier nun coni:niiri nine ei Milicien, iiVliiiioniS! 
 contre les deux Aties, lorfqne laniende 
 impolee n'excede pas viiigi thcliings, 
 III. li pent connoitre audi de I offence ^*'."' ^^ "•?. 
 ,. • , Kit ■ I lli.sec.J8.SJ 
 coinmile par les Mdiciens qui vendent, 
 ergageni, ou ptident leurs armes qu leurs 
 accoutrements, et de celle dcs perfonnes 
 qui achetent, prennent en echange, ou 
 cachent tels amies et accoutrements. 
 IV. Deux Juges de Paix doivent con- 
 noitre des contraventions commifes contre ^^,^ .^(Jeo 
 ces A^.les, lorfqu'une amende excedant iu.scc.i». ' 
 vingt chellins, qu I'emprilonnement, doi- 
 vent en etie ia punition. Le ferment d'un 
 feul temoin digne de foi, autre que le de- 
 nonciateur ou le pourfuivani, lera fuihfant 
 dans ce cas et dans celui du n.umero 3. 
 1 oute perfonne pourra etre denonciateur, 
 et I'Adjudant ou Aide-N^ajor do chaque 
 divilion ou bataillon fera tenu de pour- 
 fuivre Jes delinquants, fur ies ordres qu'il 
 en receyra de I'oihcer commaadaut. 
 Arte 43 Geo. 
 m. Sec. 10. 
 Ar(c 43. Geo ; 
 111. Sec, 4«. 
 f t 
 4a. a 
 ' I 
 •ec. 49. 
 Section 47* 
 V. In the caTe N^ 3, on«* Juftic<» of ihe 
 Peace, and in ihe cafti of N^ 4, the Juttices 
 of the Peace (hall caufe fines tn he levied 
 bv feizure and fale of the effefts of the 
 offender, under a ivarrant or order, under 
 his or their hand and feal, directed to a 
 Peace officer or ferjeant o\ Militia. The 
 reafbnable cods ot the icizure and fale (hall 
 be taxed s^nd be levied N\ith the fine, and 
 the furplus ffiall be re-imburfed to the 
 proprietor, who may appeal from this 
 judgment to the fiiff Quarter Seffions of 
 Peace for the Diftri6t, when the fine ex- 
 ceeds forty fhillings, on depofiiing this 
 fine in the hands ot one of the Jufhces of 
 the Teace who cor;demned him. This fum 
 fhall be re imburfed if the judgment be 
 leverfed, but if confirmed or if the appel- 
 lant be condemned to pay a greater fum, 
 then the proiecuior Ihall be re-imburied 
 his colts of appeal, which (hall be taxed 
 by the laid Jiitici s in their Quarter Seffions, 
 and (hall be ievKU in manner aforefaid, 
 VI J. n ices of the Peace (hall keep a 
 r giltei ot all luch p^ofecutions, in which 
 (hall be inlcribed the names of the proie- 
 cuiors and o( the defendants, and their 
 ordinary domiciles, the names of the wit- 
 ntflts and their tellimony, the judgment 
 rendered, and the amounts of the fines. 
 VII. 1 he faid Jufticts and Clerks of the 
 Peace rtipettwely Ihail tranfmit, once a 
Kf of the 
 le Jufliccs 
 be levied 
 6ts of the 
 ler, under 
 efted to a 
 tis. The 
 i falc {hall 
 fine, and 
 ;d to the 
 from this 
 Jelfions of 
 le fine ex- 
 iling this 
 |u(hces of 
 This fum 
 igment be 
 the appel- 
 late r fum, 
 be taxed 
 ir Seflions, 
 ill keep a 
 in which 
 the prole- 
 and their 
 )f the wit- 
 e fines. 
 erks of the 
 t, once a 
 V, Le TuT^ f^P Pa'x dans ]^s ras du ^^^^ ^^ ^ 
 Nnmero 3, et les Jugcs de Paix dans les iii.scc^. 
 cas du NumtTo 4, teront » prelt ver les a« 
 mendes par laifie et venie des cfFrts du 
 contrevenait Inr un warrant ou ordre 
 iows leur feingct fceau adrefle a un officier 
 de la r^aix ou lergeiu de Mdice. L frais 
 raifonal'les de la faifie tx vente fcront taxes 
 ^t prelcves avec I'aniende, et le furplus fera 
 jennbourfe au proprietaire qui pourra ap^ 
 peller de ce jugeinent aux premieres Ses- 
 sions de Quariier de la Paix du DillriB, 
 Jorlque Tamende exccdera quarante chel- v . 
 lins, en depolant cetie amende entre les 
 mains d'l'n des Juges de Paix, qui Tauront 
 condamne. Cetie lomme lui fera rem- 
 bourfte.ft le jugement ell infirme, mais s*il 
 ell confirm^, ou fi le dit appellant eft con- 
 damn^ a payer une lomme plus forte, alors 
 le pourfuivant fera rembourfe des frais . , 
 d'Appel, les quels ferom taxes par les dits 
 Juges de Paix dans leurs Scilions de Quar-^ 
 iicr, ct feront pr61eves dela maniere fusdiie^ 
 VI. Les Juges de Paix tiendront un 
 rfgiUre detoutes les pourfuites, dans lequel 
 feront infcrits les noms des pourfuivantset 
 des Defendeurs, et leurs domiciles ordi- 
 naires ; les noms des temoins et leurs te- 
 moignages, le jugepient prononce, ti le 
 pontant des amendes. 
 VIL Les dits Juges ou Greffiers de la Paix 
 ^elue6live>nej[it| trajiifmettipnt ujOf; fois cha- 
 V, : 
 Section 47. 
 45. C. ltl| 
 sec. 44. 
 ft2. G. III. 
 sec. 20. 
 4S.G. III. 
 sec. 45. 
 K. n. III. 
 sec. 21. 
 / ■■ 
 »rd. 27 G. HI 
 sec. 6. 
 to ttie ftecf-iver General of tliijr 
 province, the m<»nies by them received 
 as the orodure of the fa id fines and forfeit- 
 ures, with a liftof luch fines and forfeitures^ 
 VIII. No perfon fhjll be profecuted for 
 contravenMonofthefe A6ls after fix month? 
 have elapfed from th'* commillion ot the 
 aft. Rut deferters, whoever fliall harbour, 
 conceal or afiifl, or inanvniaDner aid them^ 
 and all perfons who (hall purchafe, ex- 
 change ( r conceal th^^ arms or accoutre- 
 ments iffued to the Militia, are excluded 
 from the benefit of Picfcription. 
 IX. The prefcription is the fanieagainft 
 every action which can be bi ought for any 
 thing done under thefe A61s. Th^. de- 
 fendants may plead the general iffue, and 
 may give itih At\ and the fpecial matter 
 in evidence. And if the judgment be ren- 
 dered in their favor, or if they appear and 
 the profecutor fail in or difcontinue his 
 aftion, they ihall have triple coils. 
 X. A fingle Juflice of the Peace has 
 cognizance of contraventions of the Or-* 
 dinances when the fine incurred does qot 
 exceed ten (hillrngs. But three Commis- 
 fioners of the Peace Ihall have cogniaSance 
 of thofe which fubjed the delinquent to a 
 fine exceeding ten fiiil lings, or to imprifon- 
 nient4 In theie cales the fine fliali be 
 que ; 
 ceux < 
 -"t ton 
 ou re< 
 ^ de la 
 les a6l 
 des cc 
 of tilts' 
 i\ forf>it- 
 :uted fot 
 c month? 
 m ot the 
 ^id thenrijL 
 bafe, ex- 
 iccoui re- 
 it for any 
 Thi de- 
 (Tue, and 
 al matter 
 It be ren- 
 pear and 
 itinue his 
 eace has 
 the Or-* 
 does qot 
 uent to a 
 Ihall be 
 que nnnee au Rrceveur General He cette 
 Province, les romrnes d'artrent q'ii*h auront 
 replies du prodiiit de'i amend'^s, avec uie 
 lifte des dites ainendes et confircations, 
 VIII. Oui uece foit ne fera pourfinvi pour ,V^ ^^' /!*"' 
 <* . . ' ^ r . Ill sec 44. 
 contravention aux neux Aries, ux mo!"J ^,.,g y, ^.^^ 
 apres le fait conimis. Mais les deferteurs, iii.sectionao, 
 ceux qui les lecevront, les cacheront, les 
 afTideront on aiierant en aucnne maniere, 
 et tons ce'ix qui acheteront, echarigeront 
 oa receleront des armes ou accoutrements 
 delivres a la Mjlice, foftt excius du benefice 
 / de la prefcription. 
 IX La pf'scription ed la meme contrc ^^^^43^ ae*. 
 les a61ions qu'on pourroitinteuter pour au- in. sec. 15. * 
 cune cho(e faite en conformite de ccs Actcj^ciir, 
 a6les. Les defendeurs pourront plaider 
 I'ifrue generate, et donner cet a6le ct la 
 matiere fpeciale en evidence. Et fi juge- 
 ment eft rendu en leur faveur, ou s'ils 
 com parol (Tent , et que le pburfuivant foit ' 
 deboute, ou difcontinue fon adiion, ils 
 auront triple depens. 
 X. Un feul Juge dePaix peut connoitre 
 des contraventions commifes contre I'Or- 
 donnance lorfque I'amende encouruen*ex- 
 cedera pas dix chellings. Mais trois Com- 
 miffaires de Paix connoitront de celles qui 
 affujetiront le delinquant a plus de dix 
 chelHnsd'ainende, ou a 1 empnfonnement ; 
 dans ces difierenis cas 1 amende (era preie vee 
 sec. 31, 
 27 Geo: III, 
 sectiou 6< 
 levied bjr a writ of feizure, under the hand 
 and feal of the faid Juftice of the Peace, 
 with the cods of fuit, and the travelling 
 expenfes of the profecutor. The produce 
 of the fine {hall be remitted to the Receiver 
 General. When the fine exceeds forty 
 {hillings, and the imprifonment is for more 
 than eight days, the defendant may appeal 
 to the Governor in Council, whereof five 
 members with the Governor^ Lieutenant 
 Governor and Chief Juflice fhall conftitute 
 a Coiirt of Appeal in this behalf » of which 
 the Judgment (hall be final. 
 par I 
 re mis 
 huit jc 
 de ct 
 le Lieu 
 Chef c 
 « I 
 \ # 
 s forty 
 •of five 
 u tenant 
 [ vvhich 
 par un ordre de fa i fie fous les feings et 
 iceaux de:> dits Jugf.s de Paix, avec les 
 frais de poaifuite et de voyage du pour- 
 fuivant, et le produit de Tamende (era 
 remis au Receveur General, Lorfque 
 TamenHe excedera quarante chellings, et 
 que I'emprifonneinent fera pour plus de 
 huit jours, le difendeur pourra appellcr 
 de ct jugem^rit au Gouverneur et Conleil, 
 dont cinq Membres avec le Gouverneur, 
 le Lieutenant Gouverneur et le Juge en 
 Chef conditueront une Cour d'Appel a cet 
 ^gard, quijugcra defiuitivemenu 
*^ 4^'