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Las diagrammtis suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 (' VOTEI?.S' XjXST 133*7 MUNICIPALITY OF -THJ TOWN OF PICTON 4.—" The Sheriff shall, immediately upon the receipt of his copies, cause one of them to be posted up in a conspicuous place in the Court House; the Clerk of the Peace, uoon the receipt of his copies, shall cause one of them to be posted up in a conspicuous place in his office ; every Public or Separate School Head Master or Mistress shall in like manner post up one of his or her copies on the door of the School House ; and every Postmaster ohah post up one of his copies in his Post Office."— 37 V.,c. 4, s. 3; Sub-sec. 2, " Act Respecting Voters' Lists." PICTON : Printed at the Times Printing Hous^, Main Street. 1887. ( Kino^fy VOTERS' LIST, 1887. icipality ot tlie Town of Picton, POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 1. Comprising that portion of the Town of Picton in HallowcU Ward described as folFows :— Connnencing at the intersection of the Westerly Limit of Wasliburn Street with the Northerly Limit of the Corporation ; thence South-Easterly along the said Westerly Limit of Washburn Street to Main Street ; thence Westerly along the Northerly Limit of Main Street to the intersection thereof with the Westerly Limit of Catharine Street produced ; thence Southerly along the Westerly Limit of Catharine Street to Mary Street ; thence along the Northerly Limit of iMary Street to the intersection thereof with the Westerly Limit of Spri) • Street produced ; thence along the Westerly Limit of Spring Str( . . and on the same course to the Southerly Limit of the Corpor- ation ; thence following the Westerly and Northerly Limits of the Corporatio i to the place of beginning. Part L— List of Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. No. on j j j j j J j NAME. STREET. Roll. 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 13 U 15 Anning James ... iVdams Henry . . . . Adams Frederick W . . Allison Charles B . . Anderson George H . . Ackerman Leslie Blakely John P . . , Baldwin TIenry . liuchanan Andrew M... Buttormore John Mary Lake Main Main Agnes Main Mary Washburn Mary Lake owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner -ji^.w^wniiPipip POLLING SUB. DIVISION NO. 1. No. on , g Roll. I S t-s 16 18 20 22 23 25 27 28 31 32 35 17 70 139 NAME. Brisbin Angus ... Brisbin Cliarles \V. Brisbin Daniel .... Boulter Wellington Brisbin Finlay . . . J 38 39 40 42 44 46 50 51 53 55 57 115 109 9,59 9,59 Cole Charles M . . . . Crandall James . . . . J Crandall Webster T Conger John \Y... Conger Stephen M . . Croft Saiuuel Collier James Chadd Henry J Colliton Thomas . . 63 68 69 71 72 73 75 77 Dayton William H Dingman Jasper . . Dewitta Willet ... Dancey Thomas H. Davis Richard R . . . Davis Evan ... . Dougail William R Despard William P. , Doxseo John Davis Peter J Denike James L . . Dulmage Almon C . . Eggleston Edwin L., Evershed Edward A Fralick James L . Gilbert John N ... (jrraydon John H Gray Charles Gordon William .... Gilbert Charles W . [ Gordon Washington . . Gorman William E . . , Gilbert Nicholas D . . . STREET. ^^lin Main Main Mary Main Main Main Main Agnes Agues Main A'ain Main Lake Main A'ain Talbot Amelia Main ^lary Talbot Catlierine Main ]\Iain Main Mary ^lain Main Main Main INlain Main Main Main Main Main Main tenant tenant tenant owner tenant owner tenant owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant tenant tenant owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner tenant tenant owner on loll. ■I H ' i 78 33 43 J. 79 81 83 84 86 89 90 91 66 92 96 98 99 lOll 102 103 7 65 104 105 106 108 no 112 116 45 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 1. 8 fc). On iioU. J. NAME. J J 78 33 43 79 81 83 84 86 89 90 91 G6 92 96 98 99 lOll 102 103 7 65 104 105 106 108 no 112 116 45 193 118 119 120 125 125 126 127 129 130 Grimm Jay H . . . Gordon Nathaniel Gcrow Wilbov F . . T.amb Jolin . . . • Lavalco Minic... Lynch Patrick Logan David . . Lent Herbert B . I Lent David J • Lent James E . • Low Philip . . • • Lighthall Angus Meyers Augustus M Miller Archibald C . Miller George Mastin Reuben B . . May James Morton George . . . • . Moftatt William . • Miller Frederick C J J J Hare Wallace Humphrey Kichard .. Hoover Archibald - . ■ iiammell Thomas . • Horrigan Fitzpatrick . Hart William D j Hinckley Augustus R i Harrison Edward I . . . Hubbs Obadiah C McGillvray James B. McDonald Donald . , McGivern John McEvoy Bernard . . . . McMullen Harvard C McMullen James B . McLean John McLean John W McBurney Hugh . - . McDonnell John STREET- Main Agnes Amelia Main Main Main Washburn Washburn Washburn Main ;Main Main Spring Spring Lake Main Main Main Main Af^nes Main Agui • Agnes Agnes Main Washburn Main Main Main Main Catherine Lake Lake Main Main Main Main Lake Main owner owner owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant owner tenant owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner tenant tenant owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant ' ';enaut owner owner wimim mmmkujmkimmmm.-. . rOLLINO SUB-DIVISION NO. 1. No. on Roll. 9, 59 114 131 52 132 134 134 13.-) 137 138 140 141 144 147 148 150 151 153 154 156 158 159 161 162 163 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 21 NAME. McKiiiloy Samuel. McAuIcy David North Sam no 1 M ()'Bri(!n Goorgo Piatt Gilbert I) Piatt (-i(!orgo . . Piatt David 11 Palmer Davi<l . Reynolds William Ryan l^ldward F . Ringer Richard .... Ringer AVilliam A Ringer JIerl)ort J . Rorke James II Sheriff John B Southard 7\bram . . . Southard Archeiaus Stafford John H . . . Stiekney Caleb B. . Sinden William . . . . Scott David Spatford Marshall . . Terwillegar Frank W Terwillegar Jeremiah Tooke Francis. Thomas John Terrill John Terrill Alfred M Terrill Archeiaus S... Terrill David S ... Terrill William ... . Thompson Charles G Tierney Daniel Talcott Elisha W ^Fain iMary Main Catherine Main Main Main Main Washburn Lake Mary I\Iaiy Mary Lake Amelia i^fain Talbot Main Main Washburn Lake Lake jMain ^Liin Main Talbot Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Main Washburn Main owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant ()wn<M' income incunie owner tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner Wo. on R. .11. 1 173 174 Pt nf) i 177 178 179 (-1 .1 J J tS3, 185 83,185 |83, 185 1 186 1 187 1 189 192 194; 1951 ^ 197 I 198 I 199 I 201 .:; 4 I 70, 100 203 *ART II - ____ . No. on Roll. 19 36 49 6C I8i 1>ULLING bUD-WVISiON NO. owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant owneM' income income owner tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant NAME. STREET. 1951 Vincent William W^ . . ViUubiHtMi (ieor^'c K ■■ Vanblaricom Alh^n B.. Welsh William H .. • Welsh Robert . . • • Wycott Francis li Way Clarence M ... Way Wellington A Way Daniel S Wel«h John Wood William . . . • Weeks Peter L Williamson James W Welsh Richard \V(dsh Thomas, jr' Woodrow W illiam. . Welsh John Werdon lM'ed(>rick . Watson William Wycott Andrew Wycott Alexander... Young Henry Talbot Main ^!ain Lake Talbot Talbot Main Main Main Lake Main Main Main Washb\irn IFashburn Main Spring Main Talbot Main Main Lake owner owner tenant owner owntir owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner owner owner *ART II List of Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. INo. on Roll. NAME. STREET. 19 36 49 GO 188i jCunningham Deborah . 'Crumlin Margaret Denton l)orcas i Ferguson Catherine . . . Green Elizabeth Main Main Main Mary Main owner owner owner owner owner 1 1, ■■I 6 POTJJNO flUB-DI VISION NO. 1. No. on Roll. 88 9U, 157 91 J, 157 111 121 123 124 134 134 180 181 184 76, 100 176 196 NAME. Hart Annio . . Hart Oeo»'gina Hart Ketta R. Maybco Isabella McCart!iey Elizabeth McCulloch Btirl)ara . . Mc Mullen Eliza B . . Piatt Melissa . Piatt Orinila . STREET. Washburn Washburn Washburn Main Welbanks Mary Wilson Jane . . . Way Sallie .. Wycott Evalina Way Eliza . . . . Wait Mary J . . . 204 Youmans Abigail Lake Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Washburn Main tenant owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner (-wner owner owner PC \prising t ^ cribed a I part of t ■ Sub-Div f r^-" ""■"■^ ■r I. Lu ■ Kloctioij ^ ^'^ O t^H. ^ w W '-5 Part III. — List of Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legis- lative Assembly only. 1 9 14 15 20 22 77 13 No. on Roll. S ►-5 NAME. STREET. 11 Beringer Georgo Lake tenant 94 Lamb Thomas Lake tenant 145 Rightmeyer Manly Spring tenant Total number of Jurors, 68. 23 '24 25 28 29 34 35 38 42 44 63 46 47 97 Pliant wiier wuov vvner vvnor .Muint wner wncr wner Miaiit wncr '.vnur wner wner POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. iiprisii.K that portion of tho Town of Picton in Halloweil Wani cles- J cribed as f.Alows :— This Suh-Diviflion shall be composea of all that ' part of the present TlallowoU ward not included in the bounds of Sub-Division No. 1. I.— List of Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Aasembly on Boll. I 3 to the Legis- f iiiant mant jnant 9 14 15 20 22 77 113 23 '24 25 28 29 34 35 38 42 44 63 46 47 97 NAME. Ackerman William H. Ackernum (loorge . . . Allison iWalcolm R.. Allison ^^illiatn H. K. Branscombe Henry Best William Burns John Bowles Charles . . Babbitt Daniel Boulton Joseph... Boulton Herbert; . W ) J Carr Alexander Carter John Cuiry IFilliam — Case Franklin H. Clark ^3farshall • Corbett John . . . Chadd PValter... Clapp Robert C . Chestnut William Dingman William R. Dingman Jasper Doherty Patrick .. . . Drewry John C... Duhnagf Almon C . STREET. Main Main Prospect (rrove owner tenant owner owner Mary owner Spring owner Ferguson owner F'erguson tenant Ontario owner Ferguson owner Ferguson owner Prospect owner Main owner Main owner Main owner Chapel tenant Ferguson owner F'erguson tenant Grove tenant F^erguson tenant Mary owner (irove ownf;r (jntario tenant Ontario owner F'crgusoij owner POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. ,V.^.r-..' I t ! i ! ! No. on I g Roll. S 19 51 54 53 55 57 62 j 3 MG 139 137 65 68 70 97 NAME. Eggleston Edwin L . . Frederick John Fairbairn Rol)ert Gilles William J.. . Goodwiji Thomas . Oreenfield William T[, Gibson Thomas J ... (Joldsmith David Goodwin Henry . . 91 73 76 78 79 81 97 85 87 89 86 86 86 86 Hicks Calvin Harrison Edward , , Hadden Richard . . Hess Thomas Y Hubbs Obadiah C .. Hepburn Arthur W Ingram Charles M Jcffry George Kelly Richard Lighthall Angus Leavens Noah B Larue Paul ..... . Millar Archibald C, .1 inakcr I'eter A . . . J/aracle Saltern . . . il/urdiff Henrv . . . , ilf cDonald Lafayette . McDonald William H McDonald Daniel D. McDonald Henry B . . STREET. Chattel Main ( I rove Grove Catherine Ontario ( -love r ain (Jrove Bowery Mary l^'erguson Grove Mary Fertnison Spring Ferguson Ferguson owner tenant owner tenant tenant ownei' tenant owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner I owner tenant tenant Mary Main owner tenant Ferguson • tenant Ferguson Mary Chapel Prospect owner tenant tenant owner ]\Tary Mary owner owner Mary Mary owner owner t* 121 130 132 136 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2 9 owner tenant owner tenant tenant owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner tenant tenant owner tenant tenant owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner owner J .1 90 9l 93 97 97 99 21 101 103 10(i 107 108 109 11-? Ill 115 116 117 118 119 32 102 121 122 124 1 25 126 127 128 56 130 NAME McVene David ^McKihboi; TIn<:h S JMcKibbon Robert 11 MoAuley David . . . McIIenry Nelson . . . Mcllenry William McCuaig James 8 . . Norinan William E North James C . • Powers Walter Powers James, Pope William Pope Henry R Rose Andrew . . . . Roblin John W . Roblin Elmer . . . . Reddick Henry . . Ringer Charles E . Re id John Roraback Edgar H Rowland Edward Ruttan John 11 ■ ■ Sawyer Rufus . . Sullivan Dennis. . Siudon Zebulon , Stinson Henry B.. Scott Simu(d IT Spallord Alonzo... J Stapleton Greer . Sullivan Timothy Thorn Samuel 132 i iTobey Uriel 1 36| j Tully Charles spring Spring Main Ferguson Ferguson Fisrguson Ferguson Ontario ]\Iary Ferguson Ferguson ]\liiin Main tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant owner tenant owner owner tenant Ferguson tenant Ontario owner O'.tario owner Ontario owner Mary owner Grove owner Ferguson owner Chapel owner Ontario owner Main Main owner tenant Bowery owner ^fary Spring O'tario Chapel Catherine owner owner ovner tenant owner Catherine Ferguson Mary tenant 1 ten ant ;tenant 10 TOLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. No. on ly Roll. " pi 138 140 Ul 143 145 147 148 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 165 NAME. Vandervoort James S . . Vaublaricoiu Benjamin Vandusen David^ Vanhorn John F Vallette Albert Wilson Samuel P Wintert Daniel II . Wait Isaac N ... Williams James C Waldron Richard Wicher Benjamin Welsh George Welsh William J . . Welsh Samuel ... Welsh Nixon ... Wilcox Thornton.. Wilson Charles S STREET- Bowery Main Alain Ferguson Grove liowery Bowery Spring Ontario Ontario Catherine Prospect Prospect Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson F'erguson No. on Roll. I Itenant lowner vner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner Part Il.-Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 8 16 Part II latiA 31 37 40 50 59 131 64 71 83 Case Belle Carson Clarissa . Caldwell Mary . . Ferguson Catherine Graydon Mary J Hart Annie ... Harris Hester A . . Hawley Margaret Loavcns Margaret, Chapel Mary Main Ferguson Main Catherine Ferguson Chapel Ferf^uson tenant owner tenant ovrner tenant owner owner tenant tenant / POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. 11 No. on EoU. i 1 94 123 111 1 120 1 1 1 NAME. 134 149 158 160 161 80 168 McDonald Jane O'Brien Mary . . Palen Gertrude Rolston Sarah Tobey Barbara Walmsley Phoebe Welsh Matilda . . . Wilcox Maria . • Walmslev Isabella Yarwood Lucy . . Yarwood Eliza A Ontario Ontario Spring Ferguson Ferguson Ontario Main Main STREET. Main tenant Main owner « Ontario owner owner owner I owner owner owner owner tenant owner Part III.— List of persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legis- lative Assembly only. NONE. Total number of Jurors, 44. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO 3 Comprising that portion of tlio Town of Picton in Brock Wnr<l dcscrilDed as follows : Coninioncing at the intersection of the Northerly Limit of Main Street witli th<' Westerly Limit of Elizabeth Street ; thence Northerly along the We.st(!rly Limit of Elizabeth Stnn't to the North- erly Limit of Queen Street ; thence Easterly along the said Northerly Limit of Queen Street to the Westerly Limit of Paul Street; thence along the Westerly Limit of Paul Street to the Northerly Limit of the Corporation ; thence South-Westerly along tlu; Limit of the Cor- poration to Washburn Street ; thence following Washburn an.d JNlain Streets to the place of beginning. Part L — List of Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections aiul Elections to the Legislative Assembly. No. on g NAME. bTREET. Koll. ^ 1 Allison William H R... Main owner 2 .1 Allison Henry J (^ucen owner 3 J Aylsworth lienjamin P Queen owner 4 J Anderson James W .. . Elisabeth tenant 5,6 Andrews David Elisabeth owner 5,6 Andrews Donald Elisabeth owner 5,6 Andrews David, sr . . . Elisabeth owner 81 Anning .lames Queen owner 7 Boyle Robert Main owner 8 .] Bongavd ,Iohn N Main owner 10 J Burke Thomas Centre owner 11 J Bigg I )avid Qu(>en owiu^r 12 j Butler Otis F Mp-n tenant 16 I' ngard David L King tenant 18 iinckett William Washburn owner 20 Bowerman Albert C . . . Main tenant 22 j Barnwell John . . Main tenant 69 Browne John King owner ruLLTNG SUB-DIVISION NO. 3. 13 No. on 2 NAME. STREET. R(^ll. ■^ 71 Bedboroufjh Jaincs Washburn owner 99 13rauscoinb(; IToiiry \V • Centre owner 114 Barker David .1 ... Barker )wner 114 Barker James W Barker owner 173 Bongard William W Washburn owner 25 ,i Cardwell Samuel Elisabeth owner 30 1 Chadd (Jeorge J Main owner 30 Chadd Richard E Main owner 30 j Chadd Henry J Main owner 31 Coucli Richard Washburn owner 32 Couch Frederick J IFashburn owner 35 Casey John Queen owner 37 j Congcu' John W Main tenant 38 Conj^er Stephen M' . . Main owner 39 Clark James () INIain owner 40 Chadd Walter Main tenant 43 Collins Patrick Main tenant 46 Collins James Main income 47 1 )obson Robert Barker owner 48 J Davidson Andrew Paul owner 49 Daiicey Thomas II . . . . Main tenant 51 j 1 )orland Robert J .... King tenant 53 j 1 *enike James L Centre tenant 21 i owns John Main owner 28 I )alv Benson Main owner 56 j Earle Thomas .• . King tenant 15 Elliott William Main owner 15 Elliott Robert Main ov/ner 15 ' Elliott John Main owner 59 j Forshay Samitcl D . . Washburn owner GO Frederick Alva Main tenant 86 Fauglinan Thomas . . . . Centre owner 64 Gorman Timothy . King owner 66 j Garbutt Edward C . . . . Barker owner 67 j (iarbutt Thomas A. . . . Barker owner 68 Grcenlecs Robert F Washburn tenant 7-2 ( iarvey William . . . . . King owner 14 POLLING SUB- DIVISION NO. 3. 104 106 73 75 76 78 79 80 82 83 85 13 17 27 Gillespie James . Gillespie James F 89|j 921 95; j 88 Hyatt CI arles Hooper James Hart George H Hart Charles Hart Albert Hewlett Thomas Hollingsworth William S Hare G(>orge R Hazard William E... . Hailden Richard ... . Hart James Hicks Peter F Johnson Jacob , Jenner J. Fade, Jeffry Charles . . 97 98 101 103 109 110 112 113 117 121 122 123 125 126 128 129 JKearse Michael.. Love Herbert Leavett John H. W . Lynn William . . . Murray James D , Mastin John M . . Mastin Reuben B, Moore John Marshall John Martin James McDonald John , Me liullen Harvard C. A/cMillen James B il/cKenzie Kenneth iV/cKibbon Robert H.., il/cLoud James McKc IlUil Richard H, Main Bowery owner owner Washburn itenant Wiishburn lowuer Washburn owne^' \Vashburn tenant ^^'asllburn owner Queen tenant Main owner Main tenant Centre tenant ISlain owner King owner Main tenant Main tenant Centre owner Main tenant Centre ! owner Centre owner Centre tenant Washburn owner Main tenaiit King owner King tenant Washburn owner Barker tenant Elisabeth tenant ]\Tain owner Bowery owner Bowerv owner Queen owner Main tenant Main )wner Main ( jwner POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 3. 16 No. on Roll. 131 134 13.') 136 o 141 142 144 I4r^ 147 148 151 1.53 155 157 159 133 163 165 167 170 172 176 178 179 180 181 NAME. Petti ngall Samuel W Piatt John M Pearsoll James Pulver Peter M Reynolds John (} .. Reynolds Joseph T Ruttan Abram .... Rowo William J . , Rowe Benjamin . . . Ruttan William A Sawyer Sylvester P . SpalFord Alonzo Stanton Henry Shannon Thomas... . Sanderson William J. Spraj^'ue Nostrand . . . Thorn James P Toboy Uriel Tully Walter . . Usher Frank... Vance John Wait Isaac N Walters John. Welch Thomas Wright John A Way George C • • » • • STREET. King Main Queen il/ain Main Elisabeth King King King Main 3/ain ^V/ain King King Main King il/ain Main Queen King Washburn owner owner owner tenant owner tenant owner tenant owner tenant income tenant tenant owner tenant owner King owner Elisabeth owner Centre owner Centre owner Main tenant tenant tenant owner tenant tenant u TOLLING aUJ3.mV1810N NO. 3. I Part TI— List of Per; sons outitloil t<. Vol,! Ht Muiiicipiil Elections only. No. on Roll. 146 29 33 34 NAME. 58 171 63 70 71 87 102 116 116 116 156 143 158 161 162 174 Brisl)in Diadaniii Cliadil Jdininia Congor Anna. . . . Conger \ina Elliott Jan(! Edwards Caroline Coodwin Martha (rillespic Julia M Gillespie Alniira. . Knox Sarah E Leavong Rebecca Moore Eleanor . . Moore Emily . . . Moore Catherine Stanton Mary . Striker Eliza . Sullivan Mary Thorn Mary B . Thorn Annie C VanKoughnet Anna STREET. King Main Queen l^hieen Main King King Main ■ lain Queen King Elisabeth Elisabc*"» Elisabeth King Elisabeth Queen King King Elisabeth 183 lYoumans Lotitia ' King owner tenant tenant OVVIUU" owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner t(!nant 'owner roi.LINU SUIM)1 VISION NO. 3. 17 ns only. PaktIII.— Li8t of Persons entitle.l to vote at Ebctions to the Letris- lativo Assembly only. No. on Roll. 2 NAME. STliEET. 42 52 Christie Dnnean .. . ... Chapman C'harled A . 3/ary Kin«- income owner 65 Corman William K Kin^^ owner 93 94 Janiicson .lanics H ... .Jauiicsoii John . Centre Centre owner owner 119, Miiilel Sydney Wash])nrn tenant j^ ! 1 24' 52 1 McCtiaig nerl\^rt ... .Ueivcnzif Walter .... Main income jwner • 140 Reynolds Ys^'lliuni 1 • Washlnn-n owner 168 • t ■ 1 . Taylor James Queen benant " — Total number of Jurors, 40. N I No R I POLLING SUB-DIVrsION NO. 4. No. on Roll. NAME. 13 13 14 15 17 19 SI 22 J 25 28 29 11 30 31 32 ?5 36i 3?| 39 40' J J Allison William II R.. Allison Charles B , Alcorn Georf,'e . . . . lAckcrman Henry...'/. Barker David J Barker James W Belch Edward Blakely Willet D . . ' Branscombe Henry VV Bunl)ury Hu^^di M Babbitt Horatio N Brown Hiram Brown J Roland Burkell V\'iiiiain . . Bus ue 11 John Bongard John N '.'...' J J Carson Alva S . . Carson William A Crandall Webster T Clapp Allen Colton William W |Carter James N . . . . jClapp Joseph M. . . C'la])p Robert . Main Main Paul Main Main Main INIain Main Main Main Kinrr Paul Main Queen Queen Main Main ■ Paul Main Centre Main King Main Main tenant tenant tenant tenant owner* 'owner owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner tenant owner owner owner Imcomo owner tenant owjier owner owner owner owner POLL I NO SUH,DIVISION NO. 4. 19 described at part of m No. 3. ions and No. on JH - -- - — - ■- ^^■- ' " Roll. 2 namp:. STREET. ' ^ . 41 Cronk Jacob S King owner 43 Congor 8t(!i>lii!ii M . . King owner 44 Corkindalo Allon I . .Main tenant 48 Cook Willct A Paul owner 49 Carson Daniel Jano owner 51 Carson Robort Queen owner 52 Cadarctt(3 Frank E , , . . Main tenant 3 Chapman Charles A . . . Main owner 5 Clark Jnnios Main tenant 73 [ Carson Henry V Queen owner 175 Carr Alexander Main tenant 10 j Diilmngt! Jolm. ..... Main tenant 87 Dingnian f William R.. King tenant 56 61 j Eggleston Edwin L . . . Evans Henrv B King Centre tenant owner 109 Ellis W:iliam Jane owner 65 j" Eraser (Tcorge E . . . . Main owner 671 j Fralick Oliver 13 Main tenant 69' j Fralick James L King owner 70 Eralick Jacob J King owner 71 j Foster IFillicm J Centre owner 72 Gilbert Nehemiah Queen tenant 76 Gillespie James ¥ Main owner 77 Gilbert John N ' Main tenant 81 j Getman Frederick M . . King tenant 83 Gillespie Benjarain .... Main owner 84 j Goodwin Michael Paul owner 85 j Geddes James Paul owner 89 Garb'- ' Anson Main tenant 91 Hairisoi .ildward Paul owner 92 • Huff Peter Paul owner 93 j Hoover Charles Main owner 94 j Hill William Johnson owner 95 Hart James ... . . . . Main owner 96 j Hart George I) Main tenant 98 j Eandley George H . . Johnson owner 101 Hartgrove William H. . Jane owner 20 No. on RoJJ. VOLLim SUB.DI.VISION NO. 4. 102 106 79 233 Huhhs Oha.lial, C. iHoiulcr-soii ,/.,lii, King Main Main jti'P.ant t(3iini)t No K ^^71 Irviii^r And row Kiii.,r t-'entro owner owner 108 j jJoiuis (ioor•^^, H ||2 J Jainioson -luincs H IIJ j Janiioson John ))fl . Ka"i'''«'>ii Tli.Mim.s JJ«jJ Johns,.!, Kohert ^IJj j Johns..n VViJIiani F -riUK! Main Main Main King Main t«!nant tenant jtc-nant jowncr owner tenant 121 1 (Kelly 8anmol ^r Min 122 123 125 126 127 128 130 131 78 117 133 134 137 139 140 142 142; 143 145 j 65 j iLako William H. n . 'Londen John S . u ' J! Love James.. ■"• fJ^"^ Love Thomas .. iV"- Love Samuel B r '" '^ j iLosee Marcus C r ' LowPhiiii ".'. "■ r"" Lafontaine William aV'-'" Lighthall Angus .. ■■ , ''!" Lake Sam uelK " ,! ■" ^ 'iin.v, Morden Ransler B \ p , Moxon John ... ""I :,;'."\ , Musgrove James. I'^aheth ^finaker Isaac. ■" f^''" Mottashed Jonathan' .'.I pV^f Morden Edwy A . (. • Morden Roger R "■" ^'l^ ^^astin Reu],en B m-'' ' '^astin Arnoldi . ' '■ 1 f'""' Miller Archibald c' .'.V j^"? owner jOwnor (tenant ['owner owner (owner jowner owner I tenant Itenant owner owner 'tenimt ,'tenant jowner jowner owner jowner Itenant jowner 'owner "t, ruLMNli mi;b.I)ivihu>n no. 4. 21 No. on Roll. loO IT)! 152 ir)3 mt; me, 2| 178; NAMK. Mc(invvan William . , . Mcdowiin Angus McCornocIc (»ourg<* . , . McC^ornock William J jMcStc'ithcn William . . .) M-dillvray Alexander j jMcAiilcy David j |M(;^^llll(.>n (icorgc W.. |^IcNoe Peter C ^^'iKonzio Walter iMcCready Washburn.. STREKT. Paul Paul Jane Jane Paul Jane Centre Main Main •N'ain Centre .tonttiit jowner tenant owner owntr owner owner jowner j tenant iowner I owner 101 North .lames C . . 45 J Xcwbery (Jc'orge 15 ^lain Mam tenant tenant 163 j Ostrandei William. 165 j ; Phelps William . . 167 iPalniov AVailacr L 17" j ip^rte Wiiliam ,1 . 173 Porte James II . . , 174 j ; Powers Henry A . 177 j Porte Robert' J . . 142 I'owcrs Walter . . Main Jane .Main Centre Centre Main Centre Main tenant tenant tenant owner I income tenant tenant owner 179 180 j 182 184 j 185 185 186 j 188 j 192 j 194: j 195 198 103 (Redmond Joseph . , jRedmond Ilugli.. Reynolds Joseph T |Richards John jRichards Herbert . . jRichards Judson . . . |Koss Uonald |Iiaw£/)n .lohn A . . . jReid Thomas jRuttau Wi'liam . RuLtan George H ., . Ross AValter Ruttan Jos-^ph B . . iMain owner Main income Main tenant J>"'g itenant King owner King jowner King j ten ant Main itenant Main ; owner Jane iowner tj>ueen Iowner IMain owner King owner POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. NAME. J Snioaon William Setli Willfi-ni H •Slitven Fivderick 'Sullivan I)a;)i..l .. j I'Soby Joliii So])_v Isaac J . . Saoy Caleb G 'S'irliiio- James A. . Statlbnl John H. . Shannon Tlunnas Tnlly Frederick Taylor Fi-ancis .... T\vio;i,^ John... ... Thompson John A. Tnbbs John R .... VanVIack William Vanborn John F iVanCleaf IJenjaniin Vance John Vandervoort James S... :VanP>lari(!om Allen B VanBlaricom Geor<fo C. Wilcocks riorace S Word Patrick.. Welbanks Hiram., ... Williamson Richard R Williamson William H.. I '^. ilson Stewart Wri^dit Frmk T . " ." Walker Stinson Wadforth Robert ..!, White Robert I) . . Widditield Charles H. VVood Charles N Wilson Thomas. Welch John. STREET. INfain I'aul Paul CVntro Main Jane iMain King Paul Afain Elisabeth Main Afain Paul King Johnson King Cenr.re Johnson Ross Jane King i^f<^ 'n King A fa''! Fii.'^abeth income owner tenant owner owner owner tenant tenant owner owner tenant owner tenant owner owner |t(!nant jowner owner tenant owner owner tenant owner owner owner tenant owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. 23 Part H— List of Persons .Mititled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. 47 54 129 141 148 157 204 ]iai'ker Mary A Carter Cath(?rine David Jennie Losee Clarissa .... J/ordcni i1/atil(la M McQuoid .1/ary McCartney Eliza.... McCartn.'y Hannah 81aven Eliza. Washourn Rebecca ... West Jemima 244 Younj:' Ann, Main Centrt Paul Queen Main Main Paul Paul Paul Main King King tenant owner tenant owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner owner tenant tenant Part [[[.-List of persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legis- lative Assembly only. ^ No. on Roll. 188 NAME. Redmond Joseph, jr ., 206 Seeds Stephen N STREET. Main Jane income owner Total number of Jurors, Gi. M POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO 5 No, on j f4 Roll. 1 2^ ^MME. STREET. 3{ j jAlIen JoJui Jf T," . J J A]Jjsoji John t' ' ■■' ,T?" JOf lAndcrson Jam,.. " " ^f'^!» 3' 5: running James.. ^J."}"' I j - >> ilJiam 9! .j JBog Thomas ... ' „., J2; J .EristoJ Hazard B ^ ^'!'-^ 14j lliri.stol .Aimon... }^}'' 17 j 'Black 4,r'^ i ;^'»'» 19 j Wakdey John p • : ll'^y ^ 25 JiBrown W illi,,„ | -^ npJe Av -'9!. TrownJ. Koiau.l,. i ?^"^' J3;j|Bovay WilJiam. Jolm.soi, 35, IJradonFmnci..: ' b?'!^'' '9, Bonson MattiicM' ""l ^^''^^ 360) i Brown J. K^Jand i H^"*'' I ■■■; -Main owner 'tenant owner 39 46 ICart tor Jame.s N . . J CJapp Anson. fJjjChadd Honrv,/.'. " 'Conger .Marshall Conner .Stephen M ' ' Conger JoJm ^y . Carson William A..'. " ^''^ J 'Crane Josiah 49 5i 51 52 -^lain ''hidstone •1/ain -1/ain ■Vain Main •/fihn.son tenant tenant owner itejiant 'tenant enue oA\-ncr en ne owner tenant ,'owner owner itenant tenant owner tenant owner owner jtenant jteiiant 'owiier jOwneT jowner lownev i POLLING SUB-DIVIBTON NO. 5. No. (Ill Roll. o I- XAME. STREET. 26 . 5. Quinto Ward. Kloct 'ons and 57 58 62 6^1 65 1 67 09 71 77 1501 202! iCorkindnle Allini T :Ca.s(' Eilmund W . . j Curry Ccor^M' C . j Carson Henry V iCadavetto Frank E iCarter FTonrv A . . j iCartor AViUiain J... iCollicr James Crond)i(' Robert .f B Clark Manshall .... CartorJohn CardwpU Samuel . , Carrin^'ton John . Main ^lain Main Mary Mai^ Main Main Mary ^lain Mnin Main Elisabeth Bridge tenant tenant own or owner owner :owner tenant tenant tenant tenant owner owner owner or It 'r 76 iDine Filbert ... 78j 'Deryaw Cliauiu^y 83; l^o^vnoy David 84 j Dnnlap Janie.s . 87 Doherty Edward 91 j Dyer Barret 93 j Donike Isaac X Downs John . . . 95 j P:nrrlish William H 97 Evre Robert H . . . 101 1 j Fralick (Jeorge C . 104i jFrederick Josepli . 107 'Franer Ceorge E 109: Ford Edward T . 14"2|j jFarrington Ceorgo 111 j (learing Colin . . . 112 j (ierow Seth T.. .. 114 j( iray George R . . . . 115: liiile.spie Benjamin 116 Coldsmith David , 117! (tibson John ..*. . . . 118' Gaw Hugh... .. 119| Greely Nicholas ... 358, (jliilespie Janie.s ... Main Clute Hill Wider Main Mary Clute Mary tenant tenant owner owner tenant tenant tenant lowner Main tenant William owner Main tenant 3/ary tenant Main tenant Hill tenant Main tenant Ferguson income \v illiam tenant Hill owner Main owner Main owner Main owner Mary owner Mary tenant iVain owner I Knw ii "^;^"B.mvisioi, m. 5. NAViJj. Hadden Ku,J,anJ 1.39 J 47, IT)! 231 ^'^S, Irving A„clrc.;v Ififi' -^ r'^'"«<'n Jacob .S ^6«'j ivervanJanios . Mortimer Ma/n IfiJ/ CJiite V/ain Mary iUary 'Vain M.iin ^Vaj/i Ccjitro iJi'idgu ownor Jtoiiant |ou'nor Jovvjier /t(>nanf, •owiior (tt'jiant !o\vi)or |^'<'iianf, oWiior MnvY Chit,, SUvy Main j\faiji I>OH'('ry M'ftnant ("^M'ii.r |f>wj}or ifiM-iier lowiior 'tenant 'HviKr tenant HfJI ( 'A't,et' (.loortr,^ '»iani ^1 M:un IS7' L^^'^--*"'? 'M,n ■• •'^'«M. ml ^^"''^^ J''<J"'ard. ^''"t. 19fi L^"°^«J'>^m •••■ Mary IMusgrove jj^jp^ •' Main ' ^Vary Itf^nant «»\vnor f<'nant jOwnrr j'«nant lowiior 'owner j tenant ownor 'owner [owner tonant tenant [owner POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 5. 27 No. on ' ^ Roll. 1 5 IT NAME. 199 j .V/inaker Goorge 201 j Myers Frederick K." 102, A/artin James . , 271! Morden Jaine« X. . 370 Miller Archibald C. . 20') McLean John W .... | 207 A/eCnaig .\ugu.stii.s F...i 209 McKenzie v^'altcr j 210 3/cCarron Peter 213 McDonald James 21 t j Mc(;rcgor John 2l;Vj .l/c(^,regor Hugh .... 210 j McCaw Leslie 221 j jy:c\rnllen Daniel Y.. 222 ^ McTnnes Isaac •'">'' Xewbery (Jeorge D. , 225 j jXorman Robert A., jr 229 j Osborne .Samuel J 232 j Osborne Philip .... 231 236 238 239 242 243 245 240 81 248| j iRoblin Edmund 249; J 25L 256 258' j 261 ' 263 266 268 • Rolston Jaine.s, jr. Roas AValter T.'. . , Richards .fohn Reynolds William Roraback Kdgar H .. Rut tan AV alter Rightmeyer Manly. . Rand James. . . P ;]'ost Peter W •Porter James Porter William J , Patterson James E, :Pulver Peter M ., Pulver Walter i Piatt David H . . ; Patterson Charles ;I*ierson James C STREET. Mary itenant Bridge tenant -Alain ;Owner .Vra[)le lowner William -owner Main Itenant Main tenant Main iowncr Mary owner Hill owner ^•iiiii tenant Main owner Mary 'owner Johnson owner Bridge it(!nant Main tenant Main tenant Main owner Main lowner 1 1 i Main tenant Elisabeth owner Main owner Bridge owner Mary tenant Mary tenant Main owner Bridge 'tenant Mary owner Main owner Bridge jtenant Main lowner Main tt^nant Main tenant Main tenant Hill owner Bowery tenant Bridge tenant If c ; J^^'th jci/s],, ,/'••• •' I r ''^'"^^'' Ji... '^o^ Isaac J."" •• ,'tf«"ton Joh/'"•••■ ;^^^^ner8amueJ.■. ,;; STREET. i^fy^r Fraud,. ;^^^7i'«''n John 'a' ■-^""JllpsoM /"). 1 :^"% Va;.''"^'^- 1 i • ••• 3261 'vnnpi . ■ ; -^'I'ajn Map/o *Va;i, Vain ; •Vaj;i •^/aiM ; A/arv •Vain -Vain -■Vfa/n Aia/n •^^.^n iVlain Hi7/ -^ra/i] ■^/a/n Mniy / tojiant ^<'iiant owner ■o'^vin-r tenant t«nanfc tenant lownor /owner 'o«'ner ownf'i' /owner 'owner O'M'iier owncj tenant OW;i,r tenant i incunio 'owiier /owner /o"'ncr own(>r OM'jier Mmn ^/«a?)eth 'Spe/icer ^^'li/fam Main Main Mary •Vain CJute Maiii Main tenant owner OM'ner ;owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant owner tenant owner oivner owner Ma 1 2] Bowery Howerv ''ncoiiie tenant tenanf No. on »J Boll. , ^•(>UJNO SUB-DivisiON NO. 6. J iWripfhtJohn A "'liito Robert D " ' White Aloxfind tH ■ ff elbanks Hiram Woods Frjuici^... .'." '*\ ilcocks Horaco 8 I Wilson Samuel p I Wilson William I Williams Orrin Wilson Daniel Wi(lclifiel,l Charles' H Welch Charles. j Wricrjit ,''ose]jh B [Wright Frank T... Williams Peter A Wright ^^ illiam li" ' Welch Robert STREET, :z^z— ^^-^' JT"""A' Oswald 0... Main J^ridge Bridge Main IMain Main Mary Marv Hilf Main Main William Ih'idge Main Bridge ^^' illiam Main ^^'ilh'ani tenant tenant owner owner tenant tenant owner tenant tenant tenant tenant [owner tenant owner owner tenant owner No. on Roll. 23 30 31 38 42 46 80 NAME. 'Browne Clara iHarker Mary A* '. 'Ii"ylo Berta Haker Delia. . [Conghlin Ellen ■Church Pha3be Doyle Ann STREET. Main Main I^fary Bowery Bridge Main 122j riill Hannah . 149; Hobson Hannah Ma ry ]92: iMitchell Mary 195 Mnrney Melissa Main Elisabeth Elisabeth Bowery ^tenant (owner [tenant tenant (tenant lowner tenant owner tenant owner owjier ,'i I : I lis III" 1 , \r SI ! !lil i 30 POLIJNG SUB-DIvrSiON NO. f,. 203 Nl/cLauol.lin KlisHbeth 211 |McI)„i,ul,| Wary ' 216' jMcDonaM Anna .■:::: m! MiiLauKhlin Klisaboth 217 230 161 33 40 143 I 252l WiJJiani in Main Mary Owens Haruah 233 |]>hilli,,,s A/ary J 2'H)I IPorte ;l/ary ... Pliillips Louisa . Roblin Rstlior 286 SiJls Anna E 288: Stotz Cathori no ..'.". Brid^rc Main Main I>ri(l;4o Maiji H ridge Main Mail ^Oif [Spencer MatiJ( 1 u [tenant tenant o\vn(M' 'tenant owner owner Itenant 'owner tenant owner owner ownei' owner 349, I Wilson Esther.. 350 I Wilson Hester K ,^^^^^72 __^fFalJaoe Ellon.. Mary Mary Main owi er jownor tenant """''L'ti^JijiTrrir ■'"""'' '" -'-' '■:i»ctio„s .. u. u,^.. No. on Roll. O Si NAME. STREET. 189! I Alcorn Georgi; O, 37 Brooks Edwin 891 Doran Michael , Main •j Clute Water 99! 'Frederick Jaiucs John son tenant owner tenant i.enant POLLING SUn-DI VISION NO. 5. .11 No. on I g Roll. I 5 NAME. 121; Gibson Robort 125 329; Vance Robert 365 iWindate William ... 126' 'Williamson William H, STREET. Hill Main Hazard William E . . . j I 2191 McKissock James | Bridge r I 322; Twaddell James M^vy Bridge Main Main Total number of Jurors, 65. owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant 'tenant i:,h im jxr j^ ^^ portion of thn T Ward. "^ ""^ ^"0 Town of pfcton t. •«ton known as Tecum.soth NO a a;;;;,!',;' ^°"' m-"-->i Eio»ti„„3 , and N'AME. STREET. 2' AtkinJamua ' - ^f-'it Jand ' JV/aitJand ^^ J j/iaker Amos H ■R<''Hnson 7 Q J Ij^eringer Jacob F J!"'"'^" ^y M^rovvn Andr«3w ?/"'"» oi jS^.'^^'''^ohnS.. ■■■ •• J^.'''''ko it iS"«'^'n Israel.. S'^'-^-'-Jj .,^ . M^'^'l Peter York 30r p''''^7 ^YiliianV. , {V^!^ jy wooksJaniea '"I -^^'titJand ?^ 5"rn.s Samuel '■■ "-i ^l^^'^ ^^1 Burns Thomas . ." Y.^^^ou ^4|J Batton VViiJiam .. ' " ,V"'^>" ^61 iBuchanan UiJifam " ']! I tenant (Owncr tenant ,'tonant (owner (tenant ('tenant owner tenant owner owner tenant own«fr tenant owner owner f? iCaig WiJhaa, . . 46 P"!«r<'Oor.^^ ;f^.^ 49 ?''^lf '^" Jo^^n . . . ■■' ri"-''" rn' . r^^^ '^iu-mon. "l ^"'<"» ^^( J jCase Henrv M ^^^nion ^i . jC'ase Albert ^'^^^^n ^2 J Conley Edwin " ' I ^"'"'^n ?J |^,"»% i^obert S I }J'»on Cbristie Archibald* ■" JI'.V''" Mill tenant t.inant owner tenant tenant owner owner income ejiaiit :>- 6. «« Tecumsoth Elections and nt No. on ^i Roll. 1 2 POMJNO aun-DIVISION NO. (J. 35| jDowns John 66 j Dovcrs James. 671 J)riuinn..n(] Abrani ii^^ IDenvcr James . (iSl jFostf'r Stuart 69 . FoHtcr Richard A 701 J iFralick Jared A I]lsej John Jamieson William Jiiby William J. 'Jamieson Robort Kelly Patrick Kyle Oeor^'e C Kojls Josepli (;; I Kerr Andrew A 1 Michaftl . . Orimmon Ellis (iibson Andrew. . Griffin -Jamos Oeariiif,' Sydney B, . . (iourliiy R(<ri,ia!d . ". Haskell J'hilij, Hopkins Robert ....." Hopkins James ...."." Herrington Richard... ".' Haddcn ( Jt'orgc Hepburn Arthur W . Haskell (Jernian 94 j Howard Reuben , '.' 95 Harris Ezekiel 99 j Jlarrison Walter R " I STREET. Eyr(' York Waitland Ixtw (Keogl 1^'idge Briflgo Eyre York I\[ill Union Church Bridge Church Union Union Union Bridge Bridge Queen Maitland York Union Union Union Pitt Church Union Bridge Union Bridge Portland owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant tenant 'owner & tenant owner owner owner tenant tejiant [owner 34 rOM.ING HUB-DIVIWON NO. «. No. on Koll. 2 12ft 127 130 132 137 138 140 146 148, 149 151 253 278 154 156 158 160 164 166 168 171 17 175 178 183 184 32 196 266 199 201 203 204 205 207 210 J NAME. STREET. Lopper Miixwtill Low Pliilip • . Laird Joliu LouckH Edwin... MulhoUand .lames... . Vlilloy I'ftor Morrill I'erry Mastin RcuIkmi Morrison William E. A/iiiak(!r Cliarl(!8 Miller Andrew Murray James U McManus Francis.. . McCuaiK PhuI K McKoe James AlcDonnell Charles A. McBurney David McLoud Kol)(M't .... McCormack Hugh. . . Nettleton William . . Owens Thomas E. Owens Robert . . . Owens \\ illiani M O'Hagan 1 )avid • . O'Hagan Daniel... O'Hagan Robert . . Patterson William E. Post Peter W Rae James Ro^s Walter . Rolston James Redmond W illiani . . Redmond Joseph J. Redmond Joseph... . Roblin Mfclancthon. Hridge Hridgf IJridge Church Union iiridge Union Bridge Union Low ( )wens Low Maitland B)ridge Union Union (Jhurch Union li ridge Bridge L^nion John Bridge Union Union Union Union Union ^>ridgo Bridge Pitt Head Owens Union Bridge tenant owner [owner tenant owner owner tenant tenant tenant (^ owner tenant owner owner owner tenant OWIK-r [owiifir [tenant tenant tenant owner tenant owner owner tenant owner owner income owner owner tenant owner owner o'yner owner tenant No. Rol 174, TOLLING HUM)IVISION NO. (J. 35 No. on Roll. 174, 212 21.') 216 217 220 221 223 225 226 228 2:jo 232 233 234 23.') 237 239 2 1 1 243 2 ir)| j 247 249 251 252 NAME. Rt'it) Tlob(M-t , Hiithlmn E.lward W Rfitlil)Uii Ficdc'i'ick S. j Korkr .Iaiiit'8 H j Ryan Keran J J J Swoony Donuis Smith Liitlicr . Smith William . . Skillon William . Shaw William Sullivan John Sluii'an Hm^'Ii . . . Shoran Hcuiry . . S'lllivati Robert St IVtfr John iSullivan Daniel.. Sindon Janiog . . . Snider -lohn . , , , Shannon .fohn . Skillcn Richard Shaw 'r'homa.s E. Smith Kredorick Stormfl Joim . . . STREET. \Sindon (Joorgo. 256 2.58 259 260 261 263 269 271 272 273 274 276 279' TuTner Williatu . . . Thompson .lamoa N . . Tiiompsfln Thomas.. VanPattoii Peter J Van Patten Edward Vance Eliphalet . . . Welch .ToHppli . . . . Wriffht Ephraim Williams Oalel).. Williams Peter A, Wilson Finlay . . . Watson Etlward . White Fve-'erick Mill Hridge IJiidge York Church Maitland Tnion Bridf;? Union Owens . Owens Church Church I^nion Mill Pitt Head Union Union Eyrc! Robinson Union Union Owens Mill Union Union Pitt Pitt Bridge owner owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant owner tenant owner f)wner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant owner tenant tenant tenant own»ir owner tenant owner Owens owner Union owner Mill owner Union owner Yorlc tenant Church owner Portland 'tenant 36 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. fi. Part II. — List of Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. No. on Eoll. 12 25 45 60 129 69 109 111 128 139 42 142 159 170 179 180 18 157 190 194 244 206 NAME. Allen Eliza Brown Sarah A Bigelow Hebocca. Cockell Olivia S Colborno .huie Cameron Rosa . . Foster Hannah M Jamieson Ann . . . , Janiiesou Eliaabe*^^h Low Maria . Mordon Eli/,a . . . . jMuliioilaiul Mary Moran Eliza McCaw Rosa ... M<;I)onal(l Hannah Owens Ella Owens Elisabeth .. Owens Eliza Pruyn Georgina . Post Lavina . . . . Pake Charity . . . . Parsons Harriet . . , Redmond Mary . . STREET. Union Pobinson Bridge Uiuon Bridge; Bridge Bridge Mill Tl^nlon Bridge York I Til ion Union Bridge UnioM Bridge Bridge Union Bridge TAiion Owens 6'nion f^nion tenant owner tenant tenant tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner tenant ownei owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner tenant .0. o„ 1-:;^-^^^ .0. e. .a_ ^____ I STREET. 248 &'^'^«»Mary' York H'^r l^^^tt^'-y Catherine ' ' ^o^nson f''''"' - •• Church r"«r ilU^^tSn ^yT K —-J:!. __ * / STREET. ^ Chua'h VriJiiai, ■ •••• Head u ^ n ponder Charles •• Bridge T"^"* / " • ■ ■ Chur'ch P^"t «n L tenant TnJ ' / tenant ^^^ |^««iey Daniel ' ■■' ^^"'^^^ [tenant ^2^' JKeliy Edward ... , , " ^® /tenant j tenant ^^^' f^offatt Joseph , ' ' Church L tenant ^''^l INowmaN Samnnl " ' Mill I, tonant .88 rOLLINO SUB- DIVISION NO. (>. No. on Roll. C 3 NAME. STREET. ■ tenant tenant tenant tenant tenant owner tenant 185 188 192 197 264 265 267 Plnmpton Daniel Parsons John Pieutice Donald Rowe Archelans Vesterfelt William . . Vesterfelt Eli . Vesterfelt Henry Tnion Tnioii Church r'^nion I 'nion fhunn Head Total number of Jurors, 45. Tc . number of Juror R on list, 323. I, JOHN TWICrO, Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of Picton, in the County of Prince E<lward, do hereby certify that parts one and three of the' within list constitute a correct list for the year 1887 of all persons appearin,t( by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at Elections for Members of the Legis- lative Assembly ; and that parts one and two constitute a correct list for the said year of all persons appearing by the said roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality ; and I hereby call upon all electors to examine said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 25th day of July, 1887. JOHN TWIGG, Clerk of the Municipality of Town of Picton. t t ist, 323. of Pictoi), ts ono and year 1887 of the said tlie Lcj^'is- list for the to vote at I upon all ' errors are said errors I Picton. ,/