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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bonom, as many frames ss required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Un des symboles suivsnts apparaitra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols ^^ signifie "A SUIVRE '. le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartas, planches, tableeux, etc., peuvent itre filmis A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour itrs reproduit en un seul clichi, il est filmi i partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut an bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrsnt la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 LABORATORY or THE INLAND REVENDE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BUr.LTSTIN No. 88 PARIS GREEN, 1902-3 IH U h > ! -i» LABORATORY or THE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN No. 88 PARTS GREEN, 1902-3. W. J. Okrald, E«q., (iTTAViA, July 31, 1903. Deputy MiniHt«'r of Inland Revenue. follow! :_ '"""^*"'""> **•« ""•"»»«' o* '«"'Pl«« "ubmittod to exan.ination wa. a. In Prince Kdward Island „ Nova Scotia ... ' ' ° New BruHHwick ......... i j 'St. Hyacinthp Dintrict ' ,„ Montreal „ i^ Kingston „ .... \° Toronto „ ;;; ^ Ixindon „ |„ Manitoba and N. W. Territ^rieH . !'....'... on Bntish Columbia. ' ' ' T^ Total ] gn othorli^rlt'fXi:: :' "'"'*'" P'"""""'"' *« headultorate;i; or challenge.1 for From Prince Ed wani Island Adul^rated. Ch.Jta„g«l. Ht. Hyacinthe District | i Montreal District 1 q Toronto ., q , .43 ~.^„»"*""^i"* *"•*''*. '*'"P'"* *" *'""*■ "bjectionhas lieen Uken (7 out of 169Uhe percentageof genuine is 95 8. From this 'result it seems that an improvemen h« been taking place during the last ten years in the quality of Paris gr^nJTdlnth^ tt fXLgrerrSm"^^^ ™"""- *" ''^ ^^^ "'•-«»- iXirt 1894 70 o • 1895... II -P-c- genuine 1902-3.. u- l^"- " !••) ■ 8 p.c. II I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant, THOMAS MACFARLANE, Chief Attai} St. Rnotn of nxMnining 169 fi«mplM of •luly 31 31 Auk. Jiii) i I NiuiM- ■ml XiiitreiK nf Vradiir. Uiiaa Uty. IhHrirt <^ Batiftut. 4311 Finnoll and Chuullfr, Ctukrkittolnwii, »*.K.I 4313 (^awi'll Hnw., Chwlutt^iwn, IMCI. . . . • ct>. aosaii 20S31 17H44 iriMIS 23X11 I 'ixxr 21. '.•2 2122:« 212.'7 212 iH 22IIS3 22a'MI 1742:«i 174ift 2iaHe 21)iHl »)■••■ cial. T. P. Collin., Kentvill,., N.S .1. K. fUwh<y. H»lif», N.H A.C. Smith * Co., .Ht .luhn, N. B. (ixoTKv A. Muurv, Ht. John, N.B •I. K. .Mamaii H Kr^rv, I<k Mi<gMitic, t^u»»liiH: S. BouiyvoiH, St. Hyacinthr, t^ue. .. . I'alaM'io Horilwarx r.,., ItMl, Notn- l>iu!if St, Montiv*!. U Idilk-ur, V.»l Notre Duw St., M<ia- tmtl •lolin Corlictt, Frinorna St., KinoKioii. . . W. A. Mitchrll. Priiiow St., KinRnUm C. K. N'Hiiniilh, S' itfonl, Ont W. 1). Kiiiiooiv, t . <lericli, (hit W. Wyatt, Win:ii|ir|f, Man f'amiilifll ft Son, •. C NVIhoii, VancKUvrr, B.C K. ,S. Knowlttm, Vanomvir, B.C Cawell Bn)»., Charlo(t«<town, H.K.I leos April 16 ., 30 .. 21 „ 21 „ 22 ,. •» M 28 .. 28 „ 30; .. 30 .. .W .. .10 }S 11 April 20i 20241 202<>2 9)2I» 203lin DMricl of Balifai. May 4 aosiii 2iam 2I«20 nan 20333 20320 2in2» aittti 2033:2 an3:<4 432!) 4330 C. C. RichardH, YaniMmth, N.S.. R. B. Dakin, Wind»or, N.S Duriock ft Armiitrunir. Wiudwir . . Wiloox Bn».., Winilo.r, N.S nniwr Br.1... Tnin>, N..S Il»tti<-ft Mvlina, Halifax, N.S... Black Bpm.; Halifax A. M. Bell, Halifax Cniwell Btoa., Halifax C. R. Hunrinn, Halifax.. R. McKatndge, Halifax W. H. Steveun, Dartmouth Jan. .SiniinondH ft Co., l)artmouth. <; H. Colw.ll, Halifax H. A. Taylor, Halfax SimKiii Bmm., Halifax R. I. Holmun, Suninieraide F. W. StronK, Suuimernide hota. lb.... Namo and Addmaa Cuat. ' of Manufacturrr or jSimialm M (tivvn by Vmdur. Canada Paint Ca , Montreal, Ifam. A. B. Anatiaohvr, New York I. Pr«iir»r, N»w York, N. Y Canada Paint Co., MuDtnwL TiTwia Brrxar ft Anna. Lion Brand ". . . . Lrwii Ke.'-xtrft Huoi, Luadoa,Kac Canada Paint Co., Montreal A. & Anafaacher, New York. L. Pfnirrr. New York Canada Paint 0>., Montraal . 8aund«ii ft Pearcy, Toronto. . John LocaaftCu, N«w Ymk, P. B. IKidd ft 0>., Montreal. A. B. Anafaaobw, New York. J. Weitler, New York Sent by Vendor* I'lfT*. I 46 Canada Paint Oa, Montreal 28 I „ „ 20 Lewiabergvr ft Sona, London, Eng I) 2& 25 30 Canada Paint Co., Montrval 30 I ao A. B. Anabachei ft Ca, Chicago. 20 i SO Siuiaon Bn»., Halifax 25 Cauaila Paint Co., Montreal SO Hattie ft Mylina, Halifax 25 Canada Paint Co., Mon real 40 Bnwn ft Webb, Halifax U 30 Canada Paint Co., Montreal 21 i3£\S. W Crabbe, Charlottetown 3 22j 4.13.">; D. Gordon, (ieorgetown 3 22 4:J37 John Knight, < ieorgetown 3 13 DMriel of ]feh< Bruntwiek. 178C4 P. Xaae ft .Son, Main St., St. John . 025 00 060 54 066 60 1 ! 13! 17HC5| McMuikin ft Jonlan. Main St., St John 14 17l«ICCeon{e A. Moore, lOU Kruaael St., St I ' John. 3 cana. i 75 Canada Paint Co., Montraal 75 J. Pfeiffer, New York. 76 i ., „ , •■«; Pkri" OrMn M 'Jd in 1902-S. 4 RUVLTI <tf MuimininK 169 H«mpkm ol IMS. A|iril 15 M in M»y Diilrint ^ Ktv Brunnriek—dia. W. H. TlHinuf Cu, Ltd., Ht. John. . 17874 T. a Bwkvr ft »t.>tw, 57MI LHwk 8t..i ? .. Ht. .fohu. I 16 ITKTT W. B. .MncKay k Co., Mkin 8t., Sumcx 8 llij 17H(tl .SiuM-x Mnmotil* Co., MkiBHt., StiMwx 3 .. 17 17880 Thf SiimiM-r Ca, Mmii uxt Wwky HU., '. 3 ., Mooctoa. I 17 17M»;K..bvrt«<m k (iivan, Main and Ihike 3 ,. Su., Monctuii. IH 178M Winter ft CV, 382 Mnin St., Mnoctaa. . 8 .. 21 \Tim Knot. K. Hum-, Kimr Mt., Ht. Ht«>h<-n. . •a 17'««il)e\V..lfr Hardware (,V, Kinff St., St. I Mt«phfn. as! Ktwn A. E. -lunra, Kinir St., WnnUtoek . . . 23 17906 W. F. DiU«) ft Son, Main St., Wind atoek. 28 17917 (ieo. Y. UHtUr. <Miwn St., Kr«d«riotiia 26. 17919 Twwdalv ft Co., (^iH>n St., Fndrricton DuMct of St. BiOciAtht. 17' 23341 Raymond K tVrt-a, St Hyaciuthe. . M 23SI7|Victor Trudraii, St. Lauibvrt 4B CumU I'aint Ca, MoatraU 60 ' .. „ i 7A K.J. iUrTr,18niffSt.,N*wY<.rk »4 Canada Paint Co., .M.mtn*! 75 J. PfeUTer, N.w York m 75 75 tn 60 60 Canada Paint Ca, Montrfsl. Lvwia BarKrr ft Smw, Londoa, Ens. J. Pfi-iffvr, New York Canada Paint Co., Montraal .... 7.^ Lvwis BvrRrr ft .Scnu, Kng 75 .1 PfnfltY, Now York lUlM. iil 30 10 Vendun. 21; 33S51 A. Bi-rgrruD. Diervilli', Ijuti . 21 . 23351 Cotv et Fr^rrn, St. .lobiu, i^ie 23 23361 |W. Campbell, Uvullr. 22i 23365 .lohn Hunter. LaooUr 28 233<»iH. K. Thomioon. I'lvrrton 28 23367 A. Allard, I^liine li 23389:Thii*. Laiuintr, Terrfbonne 131 ^3390 Simeon Papillan, Notn- I>ani«- de St. j Hyai'intlif. 23392: Victor Girvala, St. Hyacinthe 23396lJa«. U-^uv, St. Hyacinthe 23S97P.C. Lrnwiii.', S.«fl 2M)0 23K03 8: 21255 J. O. Kagunii, Siirrl. A. C. Trempe, Sorel J. B. St. Pieriv, St Hyacinthe. DtUrirt of tloatmU. A. K Kreyent I78)i St Catherine* St. 8 2i;'atii(' Roiiiwin, 1719 St. Catherine« St . . . 3 2125; 1 8; 212S8 8< 21259 9 212bO lib 1 M . 2 lb-. 1 .. lib. 12oa. lib. 1 .. . 1 .. . 1 .. . 1 " . 20 Uwi> Brrf(er ft Sons, Kni; 25 iCanada Paint Co., Montreal 40 iHowden Starke ft Ca, Montreal. A. Ramaay ft Son 20 Canada Paint Co., Montreal 15 IKavanagh ft Co., Montreal. . 20 Canada Paint Co., Montreal. 25 Lewia Berger ft Son*, KnK ■ . 2pkg>. 25 Canada Paint Oi., Montreal. 25 Lawia Bvix«r ft S<«a, Kug . . 026 U 25 A. B, Aniibacher ft Co U 20 Canada Paint Co., Montreal. 26 li. B. Hibert, Montreal 30 L. Berger ft Sons, Eng . Wilson, Koiuaeau ft Co., 167 St Law rence St. E. I). Collaret ft Co., 2)> St Lawrence >St^ 1 X. Reauduin, St Lawrence St., Montreal' 1 Dr. ( J. I (emcr, 2185 Notre Dame St . . . lib. 1 .. . .1 25 Canada Paint Ca, Montreal. . ; 25 I „ „ ' . 12; 2126f L. A. Lambert, 218 St Paul St, Mont- ' real. 25 25 B. Aniibacher ft Co . 080 i 18 Lewia Bergir ft Son*, Eng 1 1 ,1 Pww QrMii M wld in UK)3-3— CWrini««rf. Cuprio Otid«. Anr.i- OM And. |>.C. JI.C. .«» ej-7« »70 S3» 2a ao aoM « 10 U07 flOTO Mas ^ Undcter. I UodvMr- <Caa>|ibto miBMt. minwi, 81 « 31 70 3100 30 70 •^- M » 70 I ao 10 aO'W 30 30 l»0« fiS'M MM M as 58M &3 90 S8 ao S3 80 08 70 SS-06 81 40 MU 30 80 64 77 I 11 70 I 41'4S 31 00 30 00 S8 87 86 17 20 W) 3170 30 UO 30 60 31 «> 29 30 29 ao 30 30 32 88 32 07 82 07 31 W 31 38 21 00 84 08 86 87 54 88 84 14 68 18 b3 aa 88 03 84 81 86 OB 63 90 65 86 68 80 64 90 26-79 Notdetrr- mined. 31 00 64-88 f. Slifht raidaa] '. '. ,Mi« K. IMvUmmi ..lOuoptH* iAIfib. Lfinoini Slight mulw . lAlph. Lwncrfiiei un«dultM»t«J. but mixij with •nwll oalcM ol a mixture of uirii fprrn Mid oxid* ot iron, the Utt«r •videntljr denred from n previuui con- taining v«ew I. «i*i K. Lhividix n ; genuine i^Iight wdinient . Oimiiletf 20 70 nc. iHi- inent. Sligh wdiment . Con- Mm inirnt . CJom Alph. l^muinv ; adulterated with hmryieii. Miw E. Uavidaain ; genuine Alph. Lemoine ; unadaltenitad ! 17880 17894 17888 17000 171106 17908 17917 17919 28841 38847 38861 23864 88861 38387 " * '^e'r"'' '^" ^- •'• '■• "°"»'''' Mont««l, genuine... 7« ' 0-79 I 0-60 001 8-87 88897 88400 38803 78 hUii!''^ •i>«>l"-iD'- J- T. Donald; oonuinn 10 84 ua bteinamm.«,». Uryt*., .!« t^rra alba or pUwter S f^\~ '^f* P-9-' »<*»Iterated with p~..i_ii„ ~. L- ?*2'" M** <n>lpl»te of lime. IW«U)y oom-JDr. J. t Donald i genuine. " ca,, 31386 au8» 31367 31366 31369 31360 ll RK8ULT8 of Examining 169 Samples of liWS. May H 2iai2 Diltrict of Afonlrtal—Coa. A. A. JVil»on, 219 St. Paul St.. . Name and Add rem of Manufacturer or Furniiiher as given by Vendor. fi 2136.1, Kwldy * Kenny. Heuiiningford, (Jue j 1 fl, 21264 lohn -McFee, Heuiniingford | 1 li 212B5i.T. V. Aniyrauld, HemniiuRford 1 212fi« C. Bin-on. St. Vincent de Paul ! 1 212ii: 21268 21269 21270 V. Auclair. St. Vincent de Paul W. P. Rrennan, St. There»e. . (J. L. Meikle * Co., Lacliute. H. Tracer, jr., Larhute lib 1 M 1 .. 1 „ 20 I^ewis Rerger A Sons, t'.ng 20 jCanada Paint Co., Montreal . , . ^25 Howden, Starke 4 Co 20 Sherwin - Williama Paint Co., Montreal. 25 ,A. KanwayASon 20 I 25 i 25 ;E. .1. Barry, New York. Diitrwt of Kiwjttoii. A_ rll 21 23173 A. C. Miller, King St., Hrockville ' lib . . . 20 M 21 23174 R. .. 21 2:n75 .1. .. 21 23176 F. M 21 23177 V. .. 22 2317« R. . 22 23179 A. . 21 23167 A. . 21 2316K \V . 21 23169 G. . 21 23170 H. . 21 23171 H i 21 23172 E. . 30 231H0C. . .W 23181 E. . :w 231«2 H. H. Stuart, King St., Br<ick\ ille Williams, Brockville R. Curr>-, Kinjf St., Brockville . T. Kincard, Kmg.St.. Bnickville. . . W. Rows A Co., Prescott. Out A. Harding, Prescott, Ont Straclian, Princess St., Kingston . . . a! ton A .Strange, Princess .St. , K ingston W. Mahuod, Priuceu St., Kingston. . B^ Taylor, Kingston ^yade, King St., Kingston Ebells, King St., Kingston A. McHaffer, Cornwall, Out.. H. Bniwn, Cornwall, Ont ' . Pitts, Cornwall, fhit Diilriet of Toronto. 1 .. ... 1 1 1 .. ... 1 .. ... 1 .. ... 1 .. ... ] .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 I -i* .. 18 ! 1 18 April 16 23451' Win. Crossland, Barrie. t)nt 1 lb 16 -.nU.VJH. G. Robertson, Bame, Ont 1 .. . 17 2.'i453 Thomas Ramsay. Hamilton 1 „ 17 23454, Parke A Parke, Hamilton 1 „ '. 17 23465 H. K. Hawkins, King St., Hamilton. . . 1 ,. 17 234.'5« ,Tolin Mack, .Fames St., Hamilton ... 1 17 23457 J. A. Zimmerman, King St., Hamilton. 1 ., . . . 234.58 Wood, Valance A Co., Hamilton 3 nkes. 2;M.5» „ „ „ 3 ,, 234»»(;. W.S|«K;knian,Market.S(i., Hamilton 8 ., 23461 A. .Stewart, Guelph, Ont ' 1 lb 23162 W. Herod, Guelph, Ont 1,, .SO 25 25 038 20 2S 25 25 35 30 SH 25 035 25 25 25 25 20 20 ,Tno. Lucas &. Son . }'. I). Woods A Co Canada Paint Co., Montreal Lewis Berger A Sons, England . Lyman, Sons A Co .Ii Lucas A Son Caj. la Paint Co., Montreal. . . . Jno. Lucas A Son Canada Paint Co., Montreal jSherwin- Williams Paint Co iLyman, Sons A Co., Montreal.. . I Canada Paint Co., Montreal Nobbs Hardware Co. 20 Dominion Drug Co . 25 30 30 .John Lucas A Co 25 L. Berger A Sons, England . 20 80 18 23463 A. K. Petrie, St. Catharines 18 23106 P. Dwyer, (Juelijh, Ont 18, 23107 McEdward A ^Ioon, Guelph, Ont. . . 18 231IJ6 H. Southcott, Guelph, Ont 1 . 1 1 |1' .1 20 .1 25 . i 25 ' . i 25 John Lucas A Son. j I Diltrict of Lomlon. April 16 22087'Peter Hymman, Beriin, Ont .. 17 22071 HJies Wolfhard A Co., Berlin. .. 17 22072 Theron Buchanan, Gait, Ont . 1 lb . . 25 Canada Paint Co., Montreal. 26 30 Vendors Steele A Wood, Toronto. P^ris Oreen u sold in I902-A.—Coniinuad. RbVLTH or ANALYHI0. Cupric Oxide. p. c. 31 88 31 30 3051 30 78 30 6» 29 36 30 95 32 (ff 31 04 Anwni- uiu Acid. p. c. rA'2» M61 53 »7 5J 99 54 H 53 a(» 53 93 53 6H 53 U» tt'^-f"*--! "^^^ p. c. Not drter- mined. Name of Amilyat and Remark*. p. c. GN 95 1 0«> 1 20 U 88 1 02 1 15 147 83 0'25 p.c. insolu- bli> in ammonia. Practically com- pint*". PracticiUly com' I'letf. i I)r. .1. T. Donald : genuiBe. I "8 4 3030 I 53-52 31 31 31 30 31 .% 30 30 30 40 I 60 50 60 :« i 10 20 31 M> 31 00 29 20 30 00 30 no 3110 ."W^O 30.04 2« 18 3026 27-28 .30 40 30 .'a 32.17 30 28 30 54 3152 31 29 27 !t6 .'«;-58 30 46 31 49 31 28 31 10 31 GO i 31 00 I 54 63 55 20 66 74 ^>4 14 55 81 53 77 54 3!l 54 94 66 94 54 H6 64 32 .55 32 5r> lil 54 51 55 06 55 52 51 28 51-96 51-77 54 01 no 66 52 79 52 63 52 38 53.25 52 85 58 16 53 79 52 58 62 73 52 86 , Undeter- Undeter- Complete mmed. i mined. 9-71 971 994 8 36 904 9 2(i 9 15 h:i7 9 16 8 70 937 9-04 992 9 15 9 83 949 Alph. Lemuine ; unadulterated. 21262 21363 2U64 »a6S 21266 21267 21268 21269 21270 23173 ' 23174 ! 23176 I 23176 I 28177 { 23178 ' 23179 i 23167 ; 23168 i 23160 I 23170 I 23171 [ 28172 23180 23181 23182 95 0>mp|pte.. 93 ,; 0-88 0-54 Trace inxoluble! ! Dr. W. H. EllUi unadulterated., Dr. Dr. 0-66 Complete . 0-80 .; 07 3-40|fcc. innoiubie 68 Complete.. 81 ,1 81 Trace initoluble. 0-82 82 „ :;Dr. 0;90 Complete Dr. W. H. Klli«; oonuing too little copper; and too miich ameniuwi acid : conUini' free arsenious acid. W. H. Ellis ; unadulterated 23461 234B2 23463 234&4- 64 72 90 5501 Undeter- Undeter- I mmed. I mined. 56-32; „ .. 54-<» ' M .. •)'28|i.c. inaoluUe Tiace inaoluble. Complete. W. H. EIIm ; oumpowd of paris green *>"> «xw^ of ar«eniouaaeid. w . H. l!,|||B ; unadulterated Alph. Lemoine ; gennine.. 23465 23460 2S4r7 23458 28469 28460 23461 23462 23463 23106 2:U07 23108 22067 22071 22072 '•'I 10 Rkhui.ts of oxamining 1f>9 Samples of § 1 3 1 4 1 NpiTH' and Aildms r)f Vendor. •^ ii*o:i. Jhtlrirl (if LnndoH—Cim. tity. r<wt. Naini* and Addrttut >f Manufacturer or KurniMher i given by Vendor. 21 22081|.Ianira Wil>Km& Knw., Windinr, Ont. .| 1 31 cts- 26 jCanatla Paint Co., Montreal. .. 21 22<»K2i|). L. Wigle & Son, Windn.r, Ont. . . 1. 21 220m VVorlH'nt, Clinton* Batter, Wlndiwr. I April 22 22(W«We«tniaii BniB., Chatliain. Ont M 22 2aiW!».A. H. I'atterwm ,. .. 22 220it.' I). Maclilan, Clencoe, Ont .. 23 »2094 A. Westnian, Ixmdon, Ont .. 24 22101 T.W. Dunn, IniferBoll, Ont .. 24 22102 Kobi-itwin ft >{cKay, Ingerxoll, Ont.. 24 22I0:< .lanieH Cown, I.,ondon, Ont .. 24 22104 .lames Keid a 24 22107.1. C. (iref in, St. Mary V I Distrkt of Winniprg. Ulba.. 38 :\ tins. . l.^i 1 lb... '£> 3 oii|w 15 1 lb. . 20 3cu|i«. 15 3 IKlU. 40 Ulbs.. 30 1 lb.. 2fi U IIm. 3S r lb.. 2.5 1 .. . •>() U llM. ;«) |D. H. Howden, London, Ont J Vendor! 1 Ti.ronto I*a<i * Colour Co, ( l>avid liowden, I,ondon .1. Pfeiffer, New York Canada Faint Co., Montreal Levtix Berber ft Sohb, Kng ■Tolin LucuH ft Co., I*hila<rel|ihia . Vendt)r. . . . . Caniuiu Paint Co., Montreal May 21 1741(i!.I. B. Cain, Virden U 24 174.">4jBrown ft .Mitchell, Brandon.. 1 (i 174611 Andci-Bon .t Thoiuan, \V'inni|»v 1 li 174«2;C. A. Ba.-.ker\illH ft Co., \Vinni|»i{ 1 li 174631.1. H. AhIhIowu ft Co., „ ... 1 li 1747(1 X. H. .liM'kwm, Winniiieg i 1 •i 17473 \V. K. Innian .. jl I! 17474 Payntz ft Co. ., jl li 1747.5 Oralium ft Kobston, Winni|peg ' 1 li 17476,W. A. Tenipleton .. jl lb. DittriH (if Manitdltii. I .\pril 26 21731 Cawker ft Son, Medicine Hat 1 .. 27 2l73)iK. Niiliol, I>-thbrid(re 1 27 21735, Hiftinliotliani, I.,etlibridKe, Man 1 2i 21735, HiRin 2H 21737 A. YounK* Co., M.I^iid, Man 2!! 21740'C. Wallai*, Calgary 2!l 21741 W. Mol^n L".! 21742 Owen Moth 2!l 21743 .lauiex Knidley .. il Ditlru-t of BrUi»h Cntuiahia. 16 21689 Cindter A Berrv, I-autfley, B.C 16, 216U2 H. Alder, Mt. "liehman, B.C 17 216!tK H. C. Henderson, Chilliwack, B.C 17, 217001;. R. Ahhwell ft Souk, Chilliwack, B.C. 17 2;i"i0ll Baiker ft Henderson I II 60 Canada Paint Co., Montreal. :« 30 (1. F. Stevens ft Co., Winniiieg ,"C» Canada Paint Co., Montreal. . . II :« I ,. „ .... |0 'IXnniuion DruK Co., Hamilton 35 ICanada Paint Co., Montreal ."ill Bole Drug Co., Winnipeg.. II ;*) Canada Paint Co., Montreal. 25 A. Ramsay ft Son., Montreal. II liO W. (ill 50 75 40 65 .tO li .. .0 14o7.s .! 3S 1.^ lbs..! 60 18 IS 1« 18 18 18 18 27 27i 28; 281 23r>l3 .1. Plumridge, .Mission, B.C 23.524 Marshall Smith, tiadner's T^inding. 2,%52li K. .1. .VIcKenzie 23.5,S2;Hall ft Co., Victoria. B.C 2:i533' I>ean ft HiKocks .. 2:i5;«|C. H. Bow 2;i5;i5!Davie» Bros. •• 2:1543 C. Nelson, Vancouver, B.C 2;i544 C. Winslnian ., 2;«.547 ti. T. Burnett, New Wmt ninster 2:i5au H. Kyall, New Westminster. .. . 11;: 55 ,50 45 45 75 1 50 76 1 00 75 1 .50 Ml 75 60 MaitinBoleft W.ynne, Winnipeg Canada Paint Co., Moutn'al Bole Drug Co., Winniiieg B. AnslHtcherft Co., New York . Kvans ft Co., Montreal Martin Bole ft Wynne, Winni[ieg Lyman .Sons ft Co., Montreal ; Henderson Bros., Vancouver. . . . McDonnell, Aitken, Watson Co., Vancouver. '.Henderson Bros., Vancouver {Nelson, McPherson, Sutherland Drug Co. , Wosi's, Idkdner's Landing J. H. Winer, Hamilton Henderson Brtw., Vanc^ouver . . . . Canada Paint Co., Montreal. . . . Henderson Bros A. B. Au.<lia<-her & Co., New York. Henderson Broa., Vancouver, 11 Paris Green as Hold in 1902-3— V..../,,,,,.,/, RksIITB of ASAIVMS, (yiipiic OxW... I', c. 30'HO ' ZU'OO ! 30 10 I 81 00 3010 29 40 31 20 29-30 30 60 31 10 28 30 at !K' 3177 28(« 31 94 31- 85 32 11 28 43 32 17 31 »S 31-61 I 31 73 i 32 24 31 00 32 00 31 87 30 33 30 (w 30 tW 31-16 29 12 28-8») 28-80 2!t 12 28 86 29 12 28 52 28 Si 27 56 28 <I8 27 82 28 08 28 52 28-52 28 86 28 52 Aweni- inu Acid. I', c. 54-82 84-78 MSB AwticAn hyjridt). |i.U. 87 6;{ 57-73 57-50 1 57 -ft-. 5694 56 90 5,68 , 56-S6 87 47 ! ri«-«6 57 02 58 40 58 10 68 10 67-80 88 10 66 !» 87 70 68 10 57 40 5690 56 60 56 40 66-40 66 40 66 40 56-60 54-82 „ 6S-89 54 44 86-56 63 89 64 14 66 50 M2r M 2ti 57 60 56-99 ">7-77 .. , : 67-58 57 HI 6162 57-74 .. ..1 VIui,ture. -nl""'ility in Ainniunia, Name of Analyst and Remarki. !>. c, Undeter- | Undeter- mined, mened. Co'npl*** Alph. Lomoino ; genuine,. I M 1 56 1 15 1 :I9 1 12 1-39 113 1 14 75 1 11 114 1 26 1 16 1 16 1 34 0-90 : 1 17 ' 1-25 I 4 I 1! I .i 3a>)8i ..: 23083 83084 . S9086 Pruf. K. B. Kenrick, Wiiiniiwg ; genuine. 14 14 11 1 38 1 08 1 44 I 1 36 I 1 44 1 12 ! 1 32 I 1 30 : 1 14 I 1 30 > 1 30 1 46 1 26 Traces inauluble. Nune innuluble.. 39080 aaon »»4 22101 22103 32103 22104 33107 17446 17454 17461 17462 17463 17470 17473 17474 17476 17476 21731 21734 21735 21797 21740 21741 21742 21743 Vr. V. J. Fagan, Victoria. B.C.( genuine. . 21689 31692 ^1698 217U0 23606 23813 23624 23632 24633 23534 I 23535 I 24543 I 3S644 3S547 33680