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 SCIENCE PRIMERS, edited by 
 Professors Huxley, Roscoe, and 
 Balfour Stewart. 
Sitmu frimers. 
 M. FOSTER, M.A., M.D.. F.R.S., 
^- +« *\.c. Apt of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one 
 TsonT in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. 
 This Primer is an attempt to explain in the most 
 simple manner possible some of the most important 
 and most general facts of Physiology, and may be 
 looked upon as an introduction to the Elementary 
 Lessons of Professor Huxley. 
 In my descriptions and explanations I have sup- 
 posed the reader to be willing to handle and examine 
 such things as a dead rabbit and a sheep's hearty 
 and written accordingly. I have done this purposely, 
 from an increasing conviction that actual observation 
 of structures is as necessary for the sound learning 
 of even elementary physiology, as are actual experi- 
 ments for chemistry. At the same time I have 
 tried to make my text intelligible to those who think 
 reading verbal descriptions less tiresome than observ- 
 ing things for themselves. 
 It seemed more desirable in so elementary a work 
 to insist, even with repetition, on some few funda- 
 mental truths, than to attempt to skim over the whole 
 wide field of Physiology. I have therefore omitted 
 all that relates to the Senses and to the functions of 
 the Nervous System, merely just referring to them in 
 the concluding article. These the reader must study 
 in the " Elementary Lessons." 
 \ ■■■'■-■ 
 M. Foster, 
 1. ,, What Physiology is i 
 2. ,, Animals move of their own accord . . i 
 3. ,, Animals are warm 3 
 4. ,, Why animals are warm and move about — 
 they burn 4 
 5. ,, The need of Oxygen 5 
 6. „ The waste matters . . , . . 5 
 The Tissues 7 
 The cavities of the Thorax and Abdomen . 9 
 The Vertebral Column 12 
 Head and Neck 15 
 Nerves 18 
 General arrangement of all these parts . . 19 
 13. ,, The Bones of the Arm 21 
 14. ,, The structure of the Elbow Joint ... 23 
 15. ,, Other joints in the body .... 25 
 16. ,, The arm is bent by the contraction of the 
 Biceps Muscle 26 
 17. ,, How the will makes the Biceps Muscle con- 
 tract 32 
 18. ,, The power of a muscle to contract depends 
 on its being supplied with blood . . 35 
 •• \ 
 III. It is the food in the blood which gives the 
 muscle strength yj 
 The continual need of food . . . . 38 
 The Blood in the Capillaries 
 The Corpuscles of the Blood 
 The clotting of Blood . 
 The substances present in Serum 
 The minerals in Blood . 
 The Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins 
 The Sheep's Heart .... 
 The Course of the Circulation 
 Why the blood moves in one direction only 
 the Valves of the Veins 
 The Tricuspid Valves of the Heart 
 The pulmonary Semilunar Valves 
 The left side of the Heart 
 What makes the blood nvove at all : The 
 beat of the Heart .... 
 The action of the Heart as a whole 
 The Capillaries and the Tissues . 
 Venous and Arterial Blood .... 
 The change from Arterial to Venous, and 
 from Venous to Arterial Blood . 
 The Lungs 
 The renewal of Air in the Lungs. How the 
 descent of the Diaphragm expands the 
 40. VI. The natural distension of the Lungs. Inspi- 
 ration. Expiration 91 
 41. ,, How the Diaphragm descends . . . 96 
 42. ,, The Chest is also enlarged by the movements 
 of the Ribs and Sternum .... 98 
 43. ,, Breathing an involuntary act . . . . .100 
 44. „ Tidal air ; stationary air . . . .101 
 45- »> Why the inside of the mouth is always red and 
 46. „ Why the Skin is sometimes moist. Sweat 
 Glands 106 
 47. „ The Mucous Membrane of the Alimentary 
 Canal and its Glands . . . .109 
 48. „ The Salivary Glands, Pancreas and Liver . 11 1 
 49. ,, Food-stuffs 113 
 50. ,, How proteids and starch are changed . . 115 
 51. ,, Lacteals and Lymphatics . . . .117 
 52. ,, What becomes of the Food-stuffs . . .120 
 53. „ The need of getting rid of Waste Matters . 123 
 54. ,, The Kidneys get rid of Ammonia in the 
 form of Urea 125 
 TOLD. 127 
 56. X. ^ HOW WE FEEL AND WILL 13a 
 I. Did you ever on a winter^s day, when the ground 
 was as hard as a stone, the ponds all frozen, and every- 
 thing cold and still, stop for a moment, as you were 
 running in play along the road or skating over the ice, 
 to wonder at yourself and ask these two questions : 
 "Why am I so warm when all things around me, the 
 ground, the trees, the water, and tlie air, are so cold ? 
 How is it that I am moving about, running, walking, 
 jumping, when nothing else that I can see is stirring 
 at all, except perhaps a stray bird seeking in vain for 
 food ? " 
 These two questions neither you nor anyone else 
 can answer fully ; but we may answer them in part, 
 and the knowledge which helps us to the answer is 
 called Physiology. 
 2. You can move of your own accord. You 
 do not need to wait, like the boughs or the leaves, till 
 the wind blows upon you, or, like the stones, till 
 somebody stirs you. . The bird, too, can move of its 
 ■ > ' .■■■ I.I ■ ■ , I 
 own accord, so can a dog, so can any animal as long 
 as it is alive. If you leave a stone in any particular 
 spot, you expect to find the stone there when you 
 come to it again a long time afterwards ; if you do 
 not, you say somebody or something has moved 
 it. But if you put a sparrow or mouse on the grass 
 plot, you know that directly your back is turned it 
 will be off. 
 All animals move of themselves. But only so long 
 as they are alive. When you find the body of a 
 snake on the road, the first thing you do is to stir it 
 with a stick. If it moves only as you move it, and 
 as far as you move it, just as a bit of rope might do, 
 you say it is dead. But if, when you touch it, it stirs 
 of itself, wriggles about, and perhaps at last glides 
 away, you know it is alive. Every living animal, of 
 whatever kind, from yourself down to the tiniest 
 creature that sw^'ms about in a little pool of water 
 and cannot be seen without a microscope, mc^es of 
 itself. Left to itself, it moves and rests, rests and 
 moves; stirred by anything, away it goes, running, 
 flying, creeping, crawling, or swimming. 
 Something of the kmd sometimes happens with 
 lifeless things. When a stone is carefully balanced 
 on the top of a high wall, a mere touch will send it 
 toppling down to the ground. But when it has 
 reached the ground it stops there, and if you want to 
 repeat the trick you must carry the stone up to the 
 top of the wall again. You know the toy made like 
 a mouse, which, when you touch it in a particular 
 place, runs away apparently of its own accord, as if 
 it were alive. But it soon stops, and when it has 
 Stopped you may touch Jt again and again without 
 making it go on. Not until you have wound it up 
 will it go on again as it did before. And every time 
 you want it to run you must wind it up afresh. 
 Living animals move again and again, and yet need 
 no winding up, for they are always winding themselves 
 up. Indeed, as we go on in our studies we shall 
 come to look upon our own bodies and those of all 
 animals as pieces of delicate ntiachinery with all 
 manner of springs, which are always running down 
 but always winding themselves up again. 
 3. You are warm ; beautifully warm, even on 
 the coldest winter day, if you have been running hard ; 
 very warm if you are well wrapped up with cloth- 
 ing, which, as you say, keeps the cold out, but really 
 keeps the warmth in. The bed you go to at night 
 may be cold, but it is warm when you leave it in the 
 morning. Your body is as good as a fire, warming 
 itself and everything near it. 
 The bird too is v^arm, so is the dog and the horse, 
 and every four-footed beast you know. Some animals 
 however, such as reptiles, frogs, fish, snails, insects, and 
 the like do not seem warm when you touch them. 
 Yet really they are always a little warm, and some 
 times they get quite warm. If you were to put a 
 thermometer into a hive of bees when they are busy 
 you would find that they are very warm indeed. All 
 animals are more or less warm as long as they are 
 alive, some of them, such as birds and four-footed 
 beasts, being very warm. But only so long as they 
 are alive; after death they quickly become cold. 
 When you find a bird lying on the grass quite 
 still, not stirring when it is touched, to make quite 
 sure of its being dead you feel it. If it is quite 
 B 2 
 cold, you say it has been dead some time ; if it is 
 still warm, you say it is only just dead— perhaps 
 hardly dead, and may yet revive. 
 4. You are warm, and you move about of 
 yourself. You are able to move because 
 you are warm ; you are warm in order that 
 you may move. How does this come about ? 
 Just think for a moment of something which is not an 
 animal, but which is warm and moves about, which 
 only moves when it is warm, and which is wann 
 in order that it may move. 1 mean a locomotive 
 steam-engine. What makes the engine move? The 
 burning coke or coal, whose heat turns the water 
 into steam, and so works the piston, while at the 
 same time the whole engine becomes warm. You 
 know that for the engine to do so much work, to run 
 so many miles, so much coal must be burnt; to 
 keep it working it must be " stoked " with fresh 
 coal, and. all the while it is working it is warm : 
 when its stock of coal is burnt out it stops, and, like 
 a dead animal, grows cold. 
 Well, your body too, just like the steam-engine, 
 moves about and is warm, because a fire is always 
 burning in your body. That fire, like the furnace of 
 the engine, needs fresh fuel from time to time, only 
 your fuel is not coal, but food. In three points 
 your body differs from the steam-engine. In the 
 first place, you do not use your fire to change water 
 into steam, but in quite a different way, as we 
 shall see further on. Secondly^ your fire is a burning 
 not of dry coal, but of wet food, a burning which 
 although an oxidation (Chemistry Primer, Ait. 5) takes 
 place in the midst of water^ and goes on without any 
 light being given out. Thirdly, the food you take 
 is not burnt in a separate part of your body, in a 
 furnace like that of the engine set apart for the 
 purpose. The food becomes part and parcel of your 
 body, and it is your whole body which is burnt, bit by 
 Thus it is the food burning or being oxidized within 
 your body, or as part of your body, which enables you 
 to move and keeps you warm. If you try to do 
 without food, you grow chilly and cold, feeble, faint, 
 and too weak to move. If you take the right quantity 
 of proper food, you will be able to get the best work 
 out of the engine, your body \ and if you work your 
 body aright, you can ke*^p yourself warm on the 
 coldest winter day, without any need of artificial 
 fire. ' ■"''.'-■' ■■■ ::'■' ■■\.:\, 
 5. But if this be so, in order to oxidize your food, 
 you have need of oxygen. The fire of the engine 
 goes out if it is not fed with air as well as fuel. So will 
 your fire too. If you were shut up in an air-tight room, 
 the oxygen in the room would get less and less, from 
 the moment you entered the room, being used up 
 by you; the oxidation of your body would after 
 a while flag, and you would soon die for want of 
 fresh oxygen (see Chemistry Primer, p. 14). 
 You have, throughout your whole life, a need of 
 fresh oxygen, you must always be breathing fresh air 
 to cairy on in your body the oxidation which gives 
 you strength and warmth. 
 6. When a candle is burnt (Chemistry Primer, p. 6) 
 it turns into carbonic acid, and water. When wood 
 or coal is burnt, we get ashes as well. If you were to 
 take all your daily food and dry it, it too would burn 
 into ashes, carbonic acid, and water (with one or 
 two other things of which we shall speak afterwards). ^ 
 Your body is always giving out carbonic acid , ^ 
 (Chemistry Primer, Exp. 7). Your body is always 
 giving out water by the lungs, as seen when you 
 breathe on a glass, by the skin, and by the kidneys ; 
 and we shall see that we always give out more 
 water than we take in as food or drink. Your body 
 too is daily giving out by the kidneys and bowels, 
 matters which are not exactly ashes, but very like 
 them. We do not oxidize our food quite into ashes, 
 but very nearly; we burii it into substances which 
 are no longer useful for oxidation in the body, and 
 which, being useless, are cast out of the body as 
 waste matters. 
 The tale then is complete. By the help of the 
 oxygen of the air which you take in as you breathe, 
 you oxidize the food which is in your body. You get 
 rid of the water, the carbonic acid, and other waste 
 matters which are left after the oxidation, and out of 
 the oxidation you get the heat which keeps you warm 
 and the power which enables you to move. 
 Thus all your life long you are in constant need of 
 oxygen and food. The oxygen you take in at every 
 breath, the food at every meal. How you get rid of 
 the waste matters we shall see further on. 
 If you were to live, as one philosopher of old 
 did, in a large pair of delicate scales, you would find 
 that the scale in which you were would sink down at 
 every meal, and gradually rise between as you got 
 lighter and hungry. If the food you took were more 
 than you wanted, so that it could not all be oxidized, it 
 would remain in your body as part of your flesh, and 
 you would grow heavier and stouter from day to day ; 
 if it were less, you would grow thinner and lighter ; if 
 it were just as much as and no more than you needed, 
 you would remain day after day of exactly the same 
 weight, the scale in which you sat rising as much 
 between meals as it sank at the meal time. 
 . What we have to learn in this Primer is — How the 
 food becomes part and parcel of your body ; how it 
 gets oxidized ; how the oxidation gives you power to 
 move; how it is that you are able to move in all 
 manner of ways, when you like, how you like, and as 
 much as you like. * 
 ^ First of all we must learn something about the 
 build of your body, of what parts it is made, and how 
 the parts are put together. 
 UP. § II. 
 7. When you want to make a snow man, you take 
 one great roll of snow to make the body or trunk. This 
 you rest on two thinner rolls which serve as legs, 
 year the top of the trunk you stick in another thin 
 roll on either side — these you call the two arms : and 
 lastly, on quite the top of the trunk you place a round 
 ball for a head. Head, trunk, and limbs, Le, legs and 
 arms — these together make up a complete body. 
 In your snow man these are all alike, all balls 
 of snow differing only in size and form ; but in your 
 own body, head, trunk, and limbs are quite unlike, as 
 you might easily tell on taking them to pieces. Now 
 you cannot very well take your own body to pieces, 
 but you easily can that of a dead rabbit. Suppose you 
 take one of the limbs, say a leg, to begin with. 
 First of all there is the skin with the hair on the 
 outside. If you carefully cut this through with a 
 knife or pair of scissors and strip it off, you will find 
 it smooth and shiny inside. Underneath the skin you 
 see what you call flesh, rather paler, not so red as the 
 flesh of beef or mutton, but still quite like it. Cover- 
 ing the flesh there may be a little fat. In a sheep's leg 
 as you see it at the butcher's there is a good deal of 
 fat, in the rabbit's there is very little. 
 This reddish flesh you must henceforward learn to 
 speak of as muscle. If you pull it about a little, you 
 will find that you can separate it easily into parcels or 
 slips running lengthways down the leg, each slip being 
 fastened tight at either end, but loose between. Each 
 slip is what is called a muscle. You will notice that 
 many of these muscles are joined, sometimes at one 
 end only, som ^times at both, to white or bluish white 
 glistening cordb ^r bands, made evidently of diflisrent 
 material from the muscle itself. They are not soft and 
 fleshy like the muscle, but firm and stiff". These are 
 tendons. Sometimes they are broad and short, 
 sometimes thin and long. % 
 As you are separating these muscles from each other 
 you will see (running down the leg between them) 
 little white soft threads, very often branching out and 
 getting too small to be seen. These are nerves. 
 Between the muscles too are other little cords, red, 
 or reddish black, and if you prick them, a drop or 
 several drops of blood will ooze out. These are veins, 
 and are not really cords or threads, but hollow tubes, 
 filled with blood. Lying alongside the veins are 
 similar small tubes, containing very little blood, or 
 none at all. These are arteries. The veins and 
 arteries together are called blood-vessels, and it 
 will be easy for you to make out that the larger ones 
 you see are really hollow tubes. Lastly, if you sepa- 
 rate the muscles still more, you will come upon the 
 hard bone in the middle of the leg, and if you look 
 closely you will find that many of the muscles are 
 fastened to this bone. 
 Now try to put back everything in its place, and you 
 will find that though you have neither cut nor torn nor 
 broken either muscle or blood-vessel or bone, you can- 
 not get things back into their place again. Everything 
 looks "messy." This is partly because, though you 
 have torn neither muscle nor blood-vessel, you have 
 torn something which binds skin and muscle and fat 
 and blood-vessels and bone all together; and if you 
 look again you will see that between them there is 
 a delicate stringy substance which binds and packs 
 them all together, just as cotton-wool is used to pack 
 up delicate toys and instruments. This stringy pack- 
 ing material which you have torn and spoilt is called 
 connective because it connects all the parts together. 
 Well, then, in the leg (and it is just the same in the 
 arm) we have skin, fat, muscle, tendons, blood-vessels, 
 nerves, and bone all packed together with connec- 
 tive and covered with skia These together form the 
 solid leg. We may speak of them as the tissues 
 of the leg. 
 8. If now you turn to the trunk and cut through 
 the skin of the belly, you will first of all see muscles 
 again, with nerves and blood-vessels as before. But 
 when you carefully cut through the muscles (for you 
 cannot easily separate, them from each other here), 
 you come upon something which you did not find in 
 Fig. I. — The Viscera of a Rabbit as seen upon simply opening thi 
 Cavities of the Thorax and Abdomen without any further Dissection. 
 Ay cavity of the thorax, pleural cavity, of either side; B, diaphragm; 
 C, ventricles of the heart ; /?, auricles ; Ey pulmonary artery ; F^ aorta; 
 the leg, a great cavity. This is something quite new 
 — there is nothing like it in the leg — a great cavity, quite 
 filled with something, but still a great cavity ; and if 
 you slit the rabbit right up the front of its trunk and 
 turn down or cut away the sides as has been done in 
 Fig. I, you will see that the whole trunk is hollow 
 from top to bottom, from the neck to the legs. 
 If you look carefully you will see that the cavity is 
 divided into two by a cross partition (Fig. i, B) called 
 the diaphragm. The part below the diaphragm is 
 the larger of the two, and is called the abdomen or 
 belly ; in it you will see a large dark red mass, which is 
 the liver (Z). Near the liver is the smooth pale 
 stomach {M)^ and filHng up the rest of the abdomen 
 you will see the coils of the intestine or bowel, very 
 narrow in some parts ((9), very broad (P 0, broader 
 even than the stomach, in others. If you pull the bowels 
 on one side as you easily can do, you will find lying 
 underneath them two small brownish red lumps, one 
 on each side. These are the kidneys. 
 In the smaller cavity above the diaphragm, called 
 the thorax or chest, you will see in the middle • 
 the heart ((7), and on each side of the heart two 
 pink bodies, which when you squeeze them feel 
 spongy. These are the two lungs (G), You will 
 notice that the heart and lungs do not fill up the 
 cavity of the chest nearly so much as the liver^ stomach, 
 bowels, &c. fill up the cavity of the belly. In fact, 
 G, lungs, collapsed, and occupying only the back part of the chest ; H, lateral ^ 
 portions of pleural membranes ; /, cartilage at the end of sternum ; K^ por- 
 tion of the wall of body left between thorax and abdomen ; «, cut ends of the 
 ribs ; L, the liver, in this case lying mor to the left than the right of the 
 body ; M, the stomach ; iV, duodenum ; cy, small intestine ; /*, the caecum, 
 so largely developed in this and, other herbivorous animals ; Q, the large 
 in the chest there seems to be a large empty space. 
 But as we shall see further on, the lungs did quite fill 
 the chest before you opened it, but shrark up very 
 much directly you cut into it, and so left thr great 
 bpace you sec. 
 9. The trunk then is really a great chamber contain- 
 ing what are callea the viscera, and divided into an 
 upper and lo\/er half, the upper half being filled with 
 the heart and lungs, the lower with the liver, stomach, 
 bowels, and some other organs. In front the abdomen 
 is covered by skin and Muscle only. But if all the 
 sides of the trunk were made of such soft material 
 it would be then a mei'e bag which could never keep 
 its shape unless it were stuffed quite full. Some part 
 of it must be strengthened and stiffened. And indeed 
 the trunk is not a bag with soft yielding sides, but a 
 box with walls which are in part firm and hard. You 
 noticed that when you were cutting through the front of 
 the chest you had to cut through several hard places. 
 These were the ribs (Fig. i, a)^ made either of hard 
 bone or of a softer gristly substance called cartilage. 
 And if you take away all the viscera from the cavity 
 of the trunk and pass your finger along the back of 
 the cavity, you will feel all the way down from the 
 neck to the legs a hard part. This is the backbone 
 or vertebral column. When you want to make a 
 straw man stand upright you mn a pole right through 
 him to give him support. Such a support is the back- 
 bone to your own body, keeping the trunk from 
 falling together. 
 In the abdomen nothing more is wanted than this 
 backbone, the sides and front of the cavity being 
 covered in with skin and muscle only. In the chest 
 the sides are strengthened by the ribs, long thin hoops 
 of bone which are fastened to the backbone behind 
 and meet in front in a firm hard part, partly bone, partly 
 cartilage, called the sternum. 
 But this backbone is not made of one long straight 
 piece of bonc« If it were you would never be able 
 to bend your body. To eftable you to do this it is 
 made up of ever so many little flat round pieces of 
 bone, laid one a-top of the other, with their flat sides 
 carefully joined togethejr, like so many bungs stuck 
 together. Each of these little round flat pieces of 
 the backbone is called a vertebra, and is of a very 
 peculiar shape. Suppose you took a bung of bone, 
 and fastened on to one side of its edge a ring 
 of bone. That would represent a vertebra. The 
 solid bung is what is called the body^ and the hollow 
 ring is what is called the arch of the vertebra. ITow 
 if you put a number of these bodies together one 
 upon the top of the other, so that the bodies all came 
 together and the rings all came together, you would 
 have something very like the vertebral column (see 
 Frontispiece, also Fig. 2). The bungs or bodies 
 would make a solid jointed pillar, and the rings or 
 arches would make together a tunnel or canal. And 
 that is really what you have in the backbone. Only 
 each vertebra is not exactly shaped like a bung and 
 a ring ; the body is very like a bung, but the arch is 
 rough and jagged, and the bodies are joined together 
 in a particular way. Still we have all the bodies of 
 the vertebrae forming together a solid pillar which 
 gives support to the trunk \ and the arches forming 
 together a tunnel or canal which is called the spinal 
 canal, (Fig. 2, C,S^ the use of which we shall see 
 directly. The round flat body of each vertebra is 
 .\ I » 
 Fig. 2. 
 A, a diagrammatic view of the human body cut in half lengthways. 
 C.S. the cavity of the brain and spinal cord ; iV, that of the nose ; M^ that 
 of the mouth ; Al. Al. the alimentary canal represented as a simple straight 
 tube ; //, the heart ; Z>, the diaphragm. 
 B, a transverse vertical section of the head taken along the line ab ; 
 letters as before. 
 C, a transverse sectioa taken along the line c d; letters as before. 
 turned to the front towards the cavity of the trunk, 
 and it is the row of vertebral bodies which you feel 
 as a hard ridge when you pass your fingers down 
 the back of the abdomen. The arches are at the 
 back of the bodies, so you cannot feel them in the 
 abdomen; but if you turn the rabbit on its belly 
 and pass your finger down its back, you will feel 
 through the skin (and you can feel the same on 
 your owrn body) a sharp edge, formed by what 
 are called the spines, i.e. the uneven tips of the 
 arches of the vertebrae (Fig. 2) all the way down 
 the baclc. 
 So that what we really have in the trunk is this. 
 In front a large cavity, containing the viscera, and 
 surrounded in the upper part or thorax by hoops 
 of bonej but not (or only slightly) in the lower part 
 or abdomen; behind, a much smaller long narrow 
 cavity 01 canal formed by the arches of the vertebrae, 
 and theiefore surrounded by bone all the way along, 
 and coEtaining we shall presently see what ; and 
 between these two cavities, separating the one from 
 the other, a solid pillar formed by the bodies of the 
 vertebrae. So that if you were to take a cross slice, 
 or transverse section as it is called, of the rabbit 
 across the chest, you would get something Hke what 
 is represented in Fig. 2, C, where C.S. is the narrow 
 canal of the arches and where the broad cavity of the 
 ch^t containing the heart H is enclosed in the ribs 
 re^hing from the vertebra behind to the sternum 
 in. front. Both cavities are covered up on the out- 
 side with muscles, blood-vessels, nerves, connective, 
 aiki skin, just as in the leg. 
 10. We have now to consider the head and neck. 
 If you cut through the skin of the neck of the rabbit, 
 you will see, first of all, muscles and nerves, and 
 several large blood-vessels ; but you will find no large 
 cavity like that in the trunk So far the neck is just 
 like the leg. But if you look carefully you will see 
 two tubes which are not blood-vessels, and the like of 
 which "ou saw nowhere in the leg. One of these 
 tubes is firm, with hardish rings in it ; it is the wind- 
 pipe or trachea ; the other is soft, and its sides fall 
 flat together ; this is the gullet or cesophagus, lead- 
 ing from the mouth to the stomach. Behind these 
 and the muscles in which they run you will find, just 
 as in the trunk, a vertebral column, without ribs, but 
 composed of bodies, and behind the bodies there is 
 a vertebral canal. This vertebral column and verte- 
 bral canal in the neck are simply continuations of 
 the vertebral column and canal of the trunk. | 
 The neck, then, differs from the leg in 
 having a vertebral column and canal ivith a 
 trachea and oesophagus, and differs frcm the 
 trunk in having no cavity and no ribs. 
 The head, again, is unlike all these. Indep(^ you 
 will not understand how the head is made unlbss you 
 take a rabbits skull and place it side by siie with 
 the rabbit's head. If you do this, you will at once 
 see how the mouth and throat are formed. You will 
 notice that the skull is all in one piece, except a 
 bone which you will at once recognize as the jawbone, 
 or, to speak more correctly, the lower jawbone ; Ux 
 there are two jawbones. Both these carry teeth, bit 
 the upper one is simply part of the skull, and does 
 not move ; the lower one does movt , it can be mad| 
 to shut close on the upper jaw, or can be separated \ 
 good way from it. The opening between the two jaws 
 is the gap or gape of the mouth, which as you know 
 can be opened or shut at pleasure. If you try it on 
 yourself you will find that, as in the rabbit, it is the 
 lower jaw which moves when you open or shut your 
 mouth. The upper jaw does not move at all except 
 when your whole head moves. Underneath the skull 
 at the top of the neck the mouth narrows into the 
 thtoat, into the upper part of which the cavity of the 
 nose opens. So that there are two ways into the 
 throat, one through the mouth and the other through 
 the nose (Fig. 2). 
 At the back of the skull you will see a rounded 
 opening, and if you put a bodkin through this opening 
 you will find it leads into a large hollow space in the 
 inside of the skull. In the living rabbit this hollow 
 space is filled up with the brain. The skull, in fact, 
 is a box of bone to hold the brain, a bony brain-case. 
 This bony case fits on to the top of the vertebrae of the 
 neck in such a way that the round :^d opening we 
 spoke of just now is placed exactly over the top of 
 the tunnel or canal formed by the rings or arches of 
 the vertebrae. If you were to put a wire through the 
 arch of the lowest vertebra, you might push it up 
 through the canal formed by the arches of all the 
 vertebrae, right into the brain cavity. In fact the 
 brain-case and the row of arches of tlie vertebrae 
 form together one canal, which is a narrow tube in the 
 back and in the neck, but swells out in the head into 
 a wide rounded space (Fig. 2, A and B, (7.5.) During 
 life this canal is filled with a peculiar white delicate 
 material, which is called nervous matter. The 
 rounded mass of this material which fills up the cavity 
 of the skull is called the brain ; the narrower, rod-like, 
 or band-like mass which runs down ^^e vertebral canal 
 in the neck and back is called the spinal cord. 
 They have separate names, but they are quite joined 
 together, and the rounded brain tapers off into the 
 band-like cord in such a way that it is difficult to say 
 where the one begins and the other ends. 
 II. In the skull, besides the larger openings we have 
 spoken of, you will find several small holes leading from 
 the outside of the skull into the inside of the brain- 
 case. Some of these holes are filled up during life by 
 blood-vessels, but in others run those delicate white 
 threads or cords which you have already learnt to call 
 nerves. Nerves are in fact branches of nervous 
 material running out from the brain dr spinal 
 cord. Those from the brain pass through holes in the 
 skull, and at first sight seem to spread out very irregu- 
 larly. Those which branch off from the spinal cord are 
 far more regular. A nerve runs out on each side be- 
 tween every two vertebrae, little rounded gaps being left 
 for that purpose where the vertebrae fit together, so that 
 when you look at a spinal cord with portions of the 
 nerves ^till connected with it, it seems not unlike a 
 double comb with a row of teeth on either side. The 
 nerves which spring in this way from the spinal cord 
 are called spinal nerves, and soon after thv^y leave 
 the vertebral canal they divide into branches, and so 
 are spread nearly all over the body. In any piece of 
 skin or flesh you examine, never mind in what part of 
 the body, you will find nerves and blood-vessels. If 
 you trace the nerves out in one direction, you will find 
 them joining together to form larger nerves, and these 
 again joining others, till at last all end in either the 
 spinal cord or the brain. If you try to trace the 
 same nerves in the other direction, you will find them 
 branching into smaller and smaller nerves, until they 
 become too small to be seen. If you take a micro- 
 scope you will find they get still smaller and smallei 
 until they become the very finest possible threads. 
 The blood-vessels in a similar way join together 
 into larger and larger tubes, which last all end, as we. 
 shall see, in the heart. Every part of the body, 
 with some few exceptions, is crowded with 
 nerves and blood-vessels. The nerves all 
 come from the brain or spinal cord — the 
 vessels from the heart. So that every part 
 of the body is governed by two centres, the 
 heart, and the brain ^- -rp'^^^l cord. You will 
 see how important ic is to remember Jiis when we 
 get on a little further in our studies. 
 12. Well, then, the body is made up in this way. First 
 there is the head. In this is the skull covered with 
 skin and flesh, and containing the brain. The skull 
 rests on the top of the backbone, where the head 
 joins the neck. In the upper par; of the neck, the 
 throat divides into two pipes or tubes — one the wind- 
 pipe, the other the gullet. These running down the 
 neck m front of the vertebral column, covered up 
 by many muscles, when they get about as far down as 
 the level of the shoulders, pass into the great cavity 
 of the body, and first into the upper part of it, or 
 Here the windpipe ends in the lungs, but the gullet 
 runs straight through the chest, lying close at the 
 back on the backbone, and passes through a hole in 
 the diaphragm into the abdomen, where it swells out 
 c 2 
 into the stomach. Then it narrows again into the 
 intestine, and after winding about inside the cavity of 
 the abdomen a good deal, finally leaves it. 
 You see the alimentary canal (for that is the name 
 given to this long tube made up of gullet, stomach, 
 intestine, &c.) o;oes right through the cavity of 
 the body without opening into it — very much 
 as the tall narrow glass of a lamp passes through the 
 large globe glass. You might pour anything down the 
 narrow glass without its going into the globe glass, 
 and you might fill the globe glass and yet leave the 
 narrow glass quite empty. If you imagine both 
 glasses soft and flexible instead of hard and stiff, zx^^ 
 suppose the narrow glass to be very long and twist ' 
 about so as to all but fill the globe, you will have a 
 very fair idea of how the alimentary canal is placed in 
 the cavity of the body. 
 Besides the alimentary canal, there is in the chest, 
 in addition to the windpipe and lungs, the heart with 
 its great tubes, and in the abdomen there are the 
 liver, the kidneys, and other organs. 
 These two great cavities, with all that is inside the n, 
 together with wrappings of flesh and skin which make 
 up the walls of the cavities, form the trunk, and on 
 to the trunk are fastened the jointed legs and arms. 
 These have no large cavities, and the alimentary canal 
 goes nowhere near them. 
 One more thing you have to note. There is only 
 one alimentary canal, one liver, one heart — but there 
 are two kidneys and two lungs, the one on one side, the 
 other on the other, and the one very much like the other. 
 There are two arms and two legs, the one almost 
 exactly like the other. There is only one head, but 
 one side of the head is almost exactly like the other. 
 One side of the vertebral column is exactly like the 
 other — as are also the two halves of the brain and the 
 two halves of the spinal cord. ^ . , 
 In fact, if you were to cut your rabbit in half from 
 his nose to his tail, you would find that except for 
 his alimentary canal, his heart, and his liver, one half 
 was almost exactly the counterpart of the other. 
 Such is the structure of a rabbit, and your own 
 body, in all the points I have mentioned, is made up 
 exactly in the same way. 
 13. Let us now go back to the question. How is it 
 that we can move about as we do ? And first 
 of all let us take one particular movement and see if 
 we can understand that. 
 • For instance, you can bend your arm. You 
 know that when your arm is lying flat on the table, 
 you can, if you like, bend the lower part of your arm 
 (the fore-arm as it is called, reaching from the elbow to 
 the hand) on the upper arm until your fingers touch 
 your shoulder. How do you manage to do that ? 
 Look at the bones of the arm in a skeleton. 
 (Frontispiece ; also Fig. 3.) You will see that in the 
 upper arm there is one rather large bone {H) reaching 
 from the shoulder to the elbow, while in the fore-arm 
 there are two, one (Z7). being wiler and stouter than 
 the other {Rd) at the elbow, but smaller and more 
 slender at the wrist The bone in the upper arm is 
 called the humerus ; the bone in the fore-arm, which 
 is stoutest at the elbow, is called the ulna \ the one 
 [§ HI. 
 v;hich is stoutest at the wrist is called the radius. If 
 you look carefully you will see that the end of the 
 humerus at the elbow is curiously rounded, and the 
 end of the ulna at the elbow curiously scooped out, 
 in such a way that the one fits loosely into the 
 other. ' ■ ' 
 F1G3.— /"-^^ Bottes of the Upper Extremity with the Biceps Muscle, 
 The two tendons by which this muscle is attached to the scapula, or 
 shoulder-blade, are seen at a. P indicates the attachment of the muscle 
 to the radius, and hence the point of action of the power ; F, the ful- 
 crum, the lower end of the humerus on which the upper end of the 
 radius (together with the ulna) moves; W, the weight (of the hand). 
 If you try to move them about one on the other, you 
 will find that you can easily double the ulna very 
 closely on the humerus without their ends coming 
 apart, and if you notice you will see that as you move 
 the ulna up and down, its end and the end of the 
 humerus slide over each other. But they will only 
 slide one way, what we may call up and down. IS 
 you try to slide them from side to side, you will find 
 that they get locked. They have only one movement, 
 like that of a door on its hinge, and that movement is 
 of such a kind as to double the ulna on the humerus. 
 Moreover, if you look a little more carefully you will 
 find that, though you can easily double the ulna on the 
 front of the humerus, and then pull it back again until 
 the two are in a straight line, you cannot bend the 
 ulna on the back of the humerus. On examining the 
 end of the ulna you will find at the back of it a beak- 
 like projection (Fig. 3, also Frontispiece), which when 
 the bones are straightened out locks into the end of 
 the humerus, and so prevents the ulna being bent any 
 further back. This is the reason why you can only bend 
 your arm one way. As you very well know, you can 
 bend your arm so as to touch the top of your shoulder 
 with your fingers, but you can't bend it the other way 
 so as to touch the jack of your shoulder ; you can^t 
 bring it any further back than the straight line. 
 14. Well, then, at the elbow the two bones, the 
 humerus and ulna, are so shaped and so fit into each 
 other that the arm may be straightened or bent. In the 
 skeleton the two bones are quite separate, i.e. they have 
 to be fastened together by something, else they would 
 fall apart. Most probably in the skeleton you have been 
 examining they are fastened together by wires or slips 
 of brass. But they would hold together if you took 
 away the wire or brass slips and bound some tape 
 round the two ends, tight enough to keep them 
 to xhing each other, but loose enough to allow them 
 to move on each other. You might easily manage 
 it if you took short slips of tape, or, better still, of 
 india-rubber, and placed them all round the elbow, 
 back, front, and sides, fastening one end of each slip 
 to the humerus and the other to the ulna. If you 
 did this you would be imitating very closely the 
 manner in which the bones at the elbo>v are kept 
 together in your own arm. Only the slips are not made 
 of india-rubber, but are flat bands of that stringy, \ 
 or as we may now call it fibrous stuff, \vhich in the 
 preceding lessons you learnt to call connective 
 tissue. These flat bands have a special name, and 
 are called ligaments. 
 At the elbow the two ends of the ulna and humei*us 
 are kept in place by ligaments or flat bands of con- { 
 nective tissue. I 
 In the skeleton, the surfaces of the two bones at ( 
 the elbow where they rub against each other, though 
 somewhat smooth, are dry. If you ever looked at the 
 knuckle of a leg of mutton before it was cooked, you 
 will have noticed that you have there two bones 
 slipping over each other somewhat as they do at the 
 elbow, and will remember that where the bones meet 
 they are wonderfully smooth, and very moist, so as to 
 be quite slipper}-. It is just the same in your own 
 elbow ; the end of the ulna and the end of the 
 humerus are beautifully smooth and quite moist, so 
 that they slip over each other as easily as possible. 
 You know that your eye is always moist. It is kept 
 moist by tears, though you don't speak of tears until 
 your eyes overflow with moisture ; but in reality you 
 are always crying a little. Well, there are, so to 
 speak, tears always being shed inside the wrapping 
 of ligaments around the elbow, and they keep the two 
 surfaces of the bones continually moist. 
 The ends of bones where they touch each other 
 are also smooth, because they are coated over with 
 what is called gristle or cartilage. Bone is very hard 
 and very solid ; there is not much water in it. Bones 
 dry up very little. Cartilage is not nearly so hard as 
 bone ; there is very much more water in it. When it 
 is quite fresh it is very smooth, but because it has a 
 good deal of water in it, it shrinks very much when 
 it dries up, and when dried is not nearly so smooth as 
 when it is fresh. You can see the dried-up cartilage on 
 the ends of the bones in the skeleton — it is somewhat 
 smooth still, but you can form no idea of how smooth 
 it is in the living body by simply seeing it on the 
 dried skeleton. 
 At the elbow, then, we have the ends 
 of two bones fitting into each other, so 
 that they will move in a certain direction ; 
 these ends are smoothed with cartilage, 
 kept moist with a fluid, and held in place 
 by ligaments. All this is a called a joint. 
 15. There are a great many other joints in the body 
 besides the elbow-joint : there is the shoulder-joint, 
 the knee-joint, the hip-joint, and so on. These differ 
 from the elbow-join*: in the shape of the ends of the 
 bone, in the way the bones move on each other, and 
 in several other particulars, but we must not go into 
 these differences now. They are all like the elbow, 
 since in each case one bone fits into another, the 
 surfaces are coated with cartilage, are kept moist 
 with fluid (what the grooms call joint-oil, though it 
 is not an oil at all), and are held in place by ligaments. 
 I dare say you will have noticed that though I have 
 been speaking only of the humerus and ulna at the 
 elbow, the other bone of the fore-arm — the radius — has 
 something to do with the elbow too. I left it out in 
 order to simplify matters, but it is nevertheless quite 
 trae that the end of the humerus moves over the end of 
 the radius as well as over the end of the ulna, and that 
 the end of the radius is also coated with cartilage and 
 is included in the wrapping of the ligaments. I 
 might add that the radius also moves independently 
 on the ulna, but I don't want to trouble you with this 
 just now. What I wanted to show you was that the 
 elbow is a joint, a joint so constructed that it allows 
 the fore-arm to be bent on the upper arm. "-■ 
 i6. In order that the arm may be bent, 
 some force must be used. The ulna or radius — 
 for the two move together — must be pushed or pulled 
 towards the humerus, or the humerus must be pushed 
 or pulled towards the radius and ulna. How is this 
 done in your own arm ? 
 Take the bones of the arm ; fix the top end of the 
 humerus ; tie it to something so that it cannot move. 
 Fasten a piece of string to either the radius or ulna 
 (it doesn't mutter which), rather near the elbow. 
 Bore a hole through the top of the humerus and pass 
 the string through it. Your ^ring must be long 
 enough to let the arm be quite straight without any 
 strain on the string. Now, taking hold of the 
 string where it comes out through the humerus, 
 pull it. The fore-arm will be bent on the arm. 
 Why? Because you have been working a 
 lever of the third order. 
 The radius and ulna form the lever ; its fulcrum is 
 the end of the humerus in the elbow (Fig, 3, F) ; the 
 weight to be moved is the weight of the radius and 
 ulna (with that of the bones of the hand if present), and 
 this may be represented by a weight applied at about 
 the middle of the fore-arm ; the power is the pull 
 you give the string, and that is brought to bear on 
 your lever at the point where the string is fastened to 
 the radius, ue, nearer the fulcrum than the point 
 where the weight is applied ; and you know that when 
 you have the fulcrum at one end and the power 
 ^between the fulcrum and the weight, you have a lever 
 )f the third order. 
 Now, in order to make the thing a little more like 
 rhat takes place in your own arm, instead of boring 
 fa hole through the humerus, let the string glide in a 
 [groove which you will see at the top of the humerus, 
 and fasten the end of it to the shoulder-blade or any- 
 thing you like above the humerus, and let the string 
 [be jusflong enough to let the arm be quite straight- 
 jned out, but no longer, so that when the arm is 
 rtraigbt the string is just about tight, or at least not 
 Now shorten the string by pinching it up into a. 
 [loop. Whenever you do this you will bend the fore- 
 arm on the arm. Suppose you used a string which 
 [you had not to pinch up, but which, when you pleased, 
 [you could make to shorten itself. Every time 
 |it shortened itself it would pull the fore- 
 farm up and would bend the arm — and every 
 time it slackened again, the arm would fall 
 back into the straight position. 
 In your arm there is not a string, but a body, placed 
 I very much as our string is placed, and which has the 
 power of shortening itself when required. Every time 
 it shortens itself it bends the arm, and when it has 
 done shortening and lengthens again, the arm falls back 
 into its straight position. This body which thus can 
 shorten and lengthen itself is called a muscle. 
 If you put one hand on the front of your other 
 upper arm, about half-way between your shoulder and 
 elbow, and then bend that arm, you will feel something 
 rising up under your hand. This is the muscle, which 
 bends the arm, shortening, or, as we shall learn to call 
 it, contracting. 
 In your own arm, as in the limb of the rabbit 
 which you studied in your last lesson, the flesh is 
 arranged in masses or bundles of various sizes and 
 shapes, and each mass or bundle is called a muscle. 
 There are several muscles in the arm, but there is in 
 particular a large one occupying the front of the arm, 
 called the biceps. It is a rounded mass of red flesh, 
 considerably longer than it is broad or thick, and taper- 
 ing away at either end. It is represented in Fig. 3. 
 You may remember that while examining the leg of 
 the rabbit you noticed that in many of the muscles, 
 the soft flesh, which made up the greater part of the 
 muscle, at one or both ends of the tnuscle suddenly 
 left off", and changed into much firmer material which 
 was white and glistening. This firmer white part you \v 
 were told was called the tendon of the muscle. The \ 
 rest of the muscle, generally called "the belly," is 
 made up of what you ?" accustomed to tall flesh, or 
 lean meat, but which you must now learn to speak of 
 as muscular substance. Every muscle, in fact, 
 consists in the first place of a mass of muscular sub- 
 stance. This muscular substance is made up 
 of an immense number of soft strings or 
 fibres, all running in one direction and done 
 up into large and small bundles. At either end 
 of the muscle these soft muscular fibres are joined 
 on to firmer but thinner fibres of connective or fibrous 
 tissue. And these thinner but firmer fibres make 
 up the cord or band of tendon with which the 
 muscle finishes off at either end. 
 It is by these tendons that the soft muscles 
 are joined on to the hard bones, or to some 
 of the other firm textures of the body. The 
 tendons are sometimes round and cord-Hke, some- 
 times flat and spread out. Sometimes they are very 
 long, sometimes very short, so as to be scarcely visible. 
 But always you have some amount of the firmer fibres 
 of connective tissue joining the soft muscular fibres 
 on to the bones, and generally the tendons are not 
 only firmer but much thinner and more slender than 
 the belly of the muscle. 
 The muscular belly of the biceps is placed in the 
 front of the upper arm. Some little way above the 
 elbow-joint it ends in a small round strong tendon 
 which slips over tht ^ront of the elbow and is fastened 
 to, Le. grows on to, the radius at some little distance 
 below the joint (Fig. 3, P). The upper part of the 
 muscular belly ends a little below the shoulder, not 
 in one tendon but in two ^ tendons (Fig. 3, d)^ which 
 gliding over the end of the humerus are fastened to 
 the shoulder-blade (or scapula as it is called), into 
 which the hum.erus fits with a joint. 
 We have then in the biceps a thick fleshy muscular 
 belly placed in the front of the arm and fastened by 
 tendons, at one end to the shoulder-blade, and at the 
 other to the fore-arm. What would happen if when 
 the arm is straight and the shoulder-blade fixed, the 
 biceps were suddenly to grow very much shorter than 
 ' It is unusual for muscles to have two tendons at the same end 
 Hence the name biceps, or " two-headed." 
 it was? Evidently the same thing that happened 
 when yc u pinched up and shortened the string which, 
 if you look back you will see, we supposed to be 
 placed very much as the biceps with its tendons is 
 placed. The radius and ulna would be pulled 
 up, the fore-arm would be bent on the arm. 
 Now tendons have no power of shortening them- 
 selves, but muscular substance does possess this re* 
 markable power of suddenly shortening itself. Under 
 certain circumstances each soft muscular fibre of 
 which the muscle is made will suddenly become 
 shorter, and thus the whole muscle becomes shorter, 
 and so pulls its two tendinous ends closer together, 
 and if one end be fastened to something fixed, and 
 the other to something moveable, the moveable thing 
 will be moved. 
 This way that a muscle or a muscular fibre has 
 of suddenly shortening itself is called a muscular 
 contraction. All muscled, all muscular 
 fibres, have the power of contracting. Now 
 a mass of substance like the biceps might grow 
 shorter in two ways. It might squeeze itself together 
 and become smaller altogether, it might squeeze itself 
 as you would squeeze a sponge into a smaller bulk. 
 Or it might change ks form and not its bulk, becoming 
 thicker as it became shorter, just as you might by 
 pressing the two ends together squeeze a long thin 
 roll of soft wax into a short thick one. It might get 
 shorter in either of these two ways, but it does actually 
 do so in the latter way ; it gets thicker at the same time 
 that it gets shorter, and gets nearly as much thicker 
 as it gets shorter. And that is why, when you put 
 your hand on the arm which is being bent, you feel 
 something rise up. You feci the biceps getting 
 thicker as !^ is getting shorter in order to 
 bend the arm. 
 The shortening does not last for ever. Sooner or 
 later the muscle lengthens again, getting thinner once 
 more, and so returns to its former state. The lengthened 
 condition of the muscle is the natural condition, the 
 condition of rest. The shortening or contraction 
 is aij effort which can only be continued for a certain 
 time. The contraction bends the arm, and as long 
 as the muscle remains shortened the arm keeps 
 bent ; but as the muscle lengthens, the weight of the 
 hand and fore-arm, if there is nothing to prevent, 
 straightens the arm out again. 
 It is in the muscle alone, in the belly made 
 up of muscular fibres, that the shortening 
 takes place. The tendons do not shorten at all. 
 On the contrary, if anything they lengthen a little, 
 but only a very little, when the muscle pulls upon 
 them. Their purpose is to convey to the bone 
 the pull of the muscle. They are not necessary, 
 only convenient. It would be possible but awkward 
 to do without them. Suppose the fleshy fibres 
 of the biceps reached from the shoulder-blade to 
 the /ore-arm : you could bend your arm as before, 
 but it would be very tiresome to have the muscle 
 swelling up in the inside of the elbow, or on the top 
 of the shoulder : in either place it would be very much 
 in the way. By keeping the fleshy, the real contracting 
 muscle, in the arm, and carrying the thin tendons to 
 the arm and to the shoulder, you are enabled to do 
 the work much more easily and conveniently. 
 Well, then, we have got thus far in understanding 
 l§ HI. 
 how the arm is bent. The biceps muscle contracts 
 and shortens, tries to bring its two tendinous ends 
 together. The upper tendons, being fastened to the 
 fixed shoulder-blade, cannot move; but the lower 
 tendon is fixed to the radius \ the radius, with the 
 ulna to which it is fastened, readily moves up and 
 down on the elbow-joint — the shape of bones in the 
 joint and all the arrangements of the joint, as we have 
 seen, readily permitting this. When the muscle, then, 
 pulls on its lower tendon, its pulls on the radius at 
 the point where the tendon is fastened on to the bone. 
 The radius thus pulled on forms with the ulna a 
 lever of the third order, working on the end of the 
 humerus as a fulcrum ; and thus as the tendon is 
 pulled the fore-arm is bent 
 17, But now comes the question. What makes the 
 muscle shorten or contract? You willed to move 
 your arm, and moved it, as we have seen, by making 
 the biceps contract ; but how did your will make 
 the biceps contract ? 
 If you could examine your arm as you did the leg 
 01 the rabbit, you would find running into your 
 biceps muscle, one or more of those soft white threads 
 or cords, which you have already learnt to recognize 
 as nerves. 
 These nerves seem to grow in.^ and be lost in the 
 biceps muscle. We need not follow them any 
 further in that direction, but if we were to trace them 
 in the other direction, up the arm, we should find 
 that they soon meet with other similar nerves, and that 
 the several nerves joining together form stouter and 
 thicker nerve-cords. These again join others, and 
 so we should proceed until we came to quite stoutish 
 white nerve-trunks as they are called, which we should 
 find passed at last between the vertebrae, somewhere 
 in the neck, into the inside of the vertebral canal, 
 where they became mixed up with the mass of nervous 
 material we have already spoken of as the spinal cord. 
 What ha\ e these nerves to do with the bending of 
 the arm ? Why simply this. Suppose you were able 
 without much trouble to cut across the delicate 
 nerves going to your biceps, and did so : what would 
 happen? You would find that you had lost all 
 , power of bending your arm; however much you 
 willed it, there would be no swelling rise up in 
 your arm. Your biceps would remain perfectly quiet, 
 and would not shorten at all, would not contract in 
 obedience to your will. ♦ 
 What does this show? I*: proves that when you 
 will to bend your arm, something passes along the 
 nerves going to the biceps muscle, which something 
 causes that musclp to contract? The nerve, then, is 
 a bridge between your will and the muscle — so that 
 when the bridge is broken or cut away, the will 
 cannot gef to the muscle. 
 If anywhere between the muscle and the spinal 
 cord you cut the nerve which goes, or branches from 
 which go, to the muscle, you destroy the communica- 
 tion between the will an ! the muscle. 
 The spinal cord, as we have seen, is a mass of 
 nervous substance continuous with the brain; from 
 the spinal cord nearly all the nerves of the body are 
 given off ; those nerves whose branches go to the 
 , biceps muscle in the arm leave the spinal cord some- 
 where in the neck. 
 If you had the misfortune to have your spinal 
34 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ iii. 
 cord cut across or injured in your neck, you might 
 still live, but you would be paralysed. You might 
 will to bend the arm, but you could not do it. You 
 would know you were willing^ you would feel you 
 were making an effort, but the effort would be unvail- 
 ing. The spinal cord is part of the bridge between 
 the will and the muscle. 
 When you bend your arm, then, this is what takes 
 place. By the exercise of your will a some- 
 thing is started in your brain. That some- 
 thing — we will not stop now to ask what that 
 something is — passes from your brain to the 
 spinal cord, leaves the spinal cord and travels 
 along certain' nerves, picking its way among 
 the intricate bundles of delicate nervous 
 threads which run from the upper part of 
 the spinal cord to the arm until it reaches 
 the biceps muscle. The muscle, directly that 
 '^something" comes to it along its nerves, 
 contracts, shortens, and grows thick ; it rises 
 up in the arm ; its lower tendon pulls at 
 the radius ; the radius with the ulna moves 
 on the fulcrum of the humerus at the elbow- 
 joint, and the arm is bent. 
 You wish to leave off bending the arm. Your will 
 ceases to act. The something to which your will 
 had given rise dies away in the brain, dies away in 
 the spinal cord, dies away in the nerves, even in the 
 finest twigs. The muscle, no longer excited by that 
 something, ceases to contract, ceases to swell up, 
 ceases to pull at the radius, and the fore-arm by its 
 own weight falls into its former straightness, stretch- 
 ing, as it falls, the muscle to its natural length. 
 i8. So far I hope you have followed me, but we are 
 still very far from being at the bottom of the matter. 
 Why does the muscle contract when that something 
 'reaches it through the nerves? We must content 
 ourselves by saying that it is the property of the 
 muscle to do so. Does the muscle always possess 
 this property ? No, not always. 
 Suppose you were to tie a cord very tightly round 
 the top of your arm, close to the shoulder. What 
 would happen ? If you tied it tight enough (I don't 
 ask you to do it, for you might hurt yourself) the 
 arm would become pale, and very soon would begin 
 to grow cold. It would get numbed, and would 
 gradually seem to grow very heavy and clumsy ; your 
 feeling in it would be blunted, and after a while be 
 altogether lost. When you tried to bend your 
 arm you would find great difficulty in doing so. 
 Though you tried ever so much, you could not 
 easily make the biceps contract, .and at last you 
 would not be able to do so at all. You would 
 discover that you had lost all power of bending 
 your arm. And then if you undid the cord you 
 would find that after some very uncomfortable sensa- 
 tions, little by little the power would come back to 
 you j the arm would grow warm again, the heaviness 
 and clumsiness would pass' away, the feeling in it 
 would return, you would be able to bend it, and at 
 last all would be as it was before. 
 What did you do when you tied the cord tight? 
 The chief thing you did was to press on the blood- 
 vessels in the arm and so stop the blood from moving 
 in them. If instead of tying the cord round the 
 whole arm you h^d tied a finer thread round the blood- 
36 . SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ in. 
 vessels only, you would have brought about very 
 nearly the same effect. We saw in the last lesson 
 how all parts of the body are supplied with blood- 
 vessels, with veins, and arteries. In the arm there 
 is a very large artery, branches from which go all over 
 the arm. Some of these branches go to the biceps 
 muscle. What would happen if you tied these 
 branches only, tying them so tight as to stop all the 
 blood in them, but not interfering with the bluod-vessels 
 in the rest of your arm ? The arm as a whole would 
 grow neither pale nor cold, it would not become clumsy 
 or heavy, you would not lose your feeling in it, but 
 nevertheless if you tried to bend your arm you would 
 find you could not do it. You could not make the 
 biceps contract, though all the rest of the arm might 
 seem to be quite right. 
 Wliat does this teach us ? It teaches us that 
 the power which a muscle has of contracting 
 when called upon to do so, may be lost and 
 regained, and that it is lost when the blood 
 is prevented from getting to it. When a cord 
 is tied round the whole arm, the power of the whole 
 arm is lost. This loss of power is the beginning 
 of dejith, and indeed if the cord were not unloosed 
 the arm would quite die — ^would mortify, as it is 
 said. When only those blood-vessels which go to 
 the biceps are tied, the biceps alone begins to die, all 
 the rest of the arm remaining alive, and the first sign 
 s of death in the biceps is the loss of the power to 
 contract when called upon to do so. 
 5 In order that you may bend your arm, then, 
 ^^ you must not only have a biceps muscle with its 
 nerves, its tendons, and all its arrangements of bones 
 and joints, but the muscle must be supplied with 
 19. We can now go a step further and ask the ques- 
 tion, What is there in the blood that thus gives 
 to the muscle the power of contracting, that 
 in other words keeps the muscle alive ? The 
 answer is very easily found. What is the name 
 commonly given to this power of a muscle to con- . 
 tract? We generally call it strength. Lay your 
 arm straight out on the table, put a heavy weight 
 in your hand, and try to bend your arm. If you 
 could do it, one would say you were strong ; if you 
 could not, one would say you were weak — all the 
 stronger or weaker, the heavier or lighter the weight. 
 In the one case your biceps had great power of con- 
 tracting ; in the other, little power. Try and find out 
 the heaviest weight you can raise in this way by bend- 
 ing your arm, some morning, not too long after break- 
 fast, when you are fresh and in good condition. Go 
 without any dinner, and in the afternoon or evening, 
 when you are tired and hungry, try to raise the same 
 weight in the same way. You will not be able to do 
 it. Your biceps will have lost some of its power of 
 contracting, will be weaker than it was in the morning. 
 What makes it weak ? The want of food. But how 
 can the food affect the muscle ? You do not place the 
 food in the muscle ; you put it into your mouth, and 
 from thence it goes into your stomach and into the 
 rest of your alimentary canal, and there seems to 
 disappear. How does the food get at the muscle? 
 By means of the blood. The food becomes blood. 
 The things which you eat as food become 
 changed into other things which form part 
 of the blood. Those things going to the 
 muscle give it strength and enable it to 
 contract. And that is why food makes you strong. 
 20. But you are always wanting food day by day, from 
 time to time. Why is that ? Because the muscle in 
 getting strength out of the food changes it, uses it 
 up, and so is always wanting fresh blood and new food. 
 We have seen in Art. i that food is fuel. We have 
 also seen that muscle (and other parts of the body 
 do the same) is always burning, burning without flame 
 but with heat, burning slowly but burning all the same, 
 and doing the more work the more it bums. The 
 fuel it bums is not dry wood or coal, but wet, watery 
 blood, a special kind of fuel prepared for its private use, 
 in the workshop of the stomach or elsewhere, out of 
 the food eaten by the mouth. This it is always using 
 up ; of this it must always have a proper supply, if 
 it is to go on working. Hence there must always be 
 fresh blood preparing ; hence there must from time to 
 time be fresh supplies of food out of which to manu- 
 facture fresh blood. 
 To understand then fully what happens when you 
 bend your arm, we have to learn not only what we 
 have learnt about the bones and the joint and the 
 muscle and the nerves, about the machinery and the 
 engine, we have to study also how the food is changed 
 Into blood, how the blood is brought to the muscle, 
 what it is in the blood on which the muscle lives, what 
 it' is which the muscle bums, and how the things 
 which result from the burning, the ashes and the 
 smoke or carbonic acid and the rest of them, are 
 carried away from the muscle and out of the body. 
 Meanwhile let me remind you that for the sake of 
 being simple I have been all this while speaking of 
 one muscle only, the biceps in the arm. But there 
 are a multitude of muscles in the body besides the 
 biceps, as there are many bones besides those of the 
 arm, and many joints besides the elbow. But what I 
 have said of the one is in a general way true of all the 
 rest. The muscles have various forms, they pull upon 
 the bones in various ways, they work on levers of 
 various kinds. The joints differ much in the way in 
 which they work. All manner of movements are pro- 
 duced by muscles pulling sometimes with and some- 
 times against each other. But you will find when you 
 come to examine them that all the movements of 
 which your body is capable depend at bottom on this — 
 that certain muscular fibres, in obedience to 
 a something reaching them through their 
 nerves, contract, shorten, and grow thick, 
 and so pull their one end towards the other, 
 and that to do this they must be continually 
 ^ supplied with pure blood. 
 Moreover, what I have said of the relations of 
 muscle to blood is also true of all other parts of the 
 body. Just as the muscle cannot work without a due 
 supply of blood, so also the brain and the spinal cord 
 and the nerves have even a more pressing need of 
 pure blood. The weakness and faintness which we 
 feel from want of food is quite as much a weak- 
 ness of the brain and of the nerves as of the muscles, 
 — perhaps rather more so. And other parts of the 
 body of which we shall ha^'e to speak later on need 
 blood too. L^-i^t^^ '^ -^ 
 The whole history of our daily life is shortly this. 
 The food we eat becomes blood, the blood is carried 
 all over the body, round and round in the torrent of the 
 circulation ; as it sweeps past them, or rather through 
 them, the muscle, the brain, the nerve, the skin pick out 
 new food for their work and give back the things they 
 have used or no longer want. As they all have dif- 
 ferent works, some use up what others have thrown 
 away. There are, besides, scavengers and cleaners 
 to pick up things no longer wanted anywhere and to 
 throw them out of the body. Thus the blood is kept 
 pure as well as fresh. Through the blood thus ever 
 brought to them, each part does its work : the muscle 
 contracts, the brain feels and wills, the nerves carry 
 the feeling and the willing, and the other organs of 
 the body do their work too, and thus the whole body 
 is kept alive and well. r • 
 ■■,■_■■'■' , ■ . \ ' 
 21. What, then, is this blood which does 
 so much? , 
 Did you ever look through a good microscope at 
 the thin transparent web of a frog's foot, and watch 
 the red blood coursing along its narrow channels? 
 If not, go and look at it at once; you will never 
 understand any physiology till you have done so. 
 There you will see a network of delicate passages far 
 finer than any of your own hairs, and through those 
 passages a tumbling crowd of tiny oval yellow 
 globules hurrying and jostling along. Some of the 
 passages are wider than others, and through some of 
 the wider ones you will see a thick stream of globules 
 rushing onwards towards the smaller channels, and 
 spreading out among them. The globules which 
 you see are floating in a fluid so clear that yon 
 cannot see it. Some of the smaller channels are 
 so narrow that only one globule or corpuscle, 
 as we may call it, can pass through at a time, 
 and very frequently you may see them passing in 
 single file. Watching them as they glide along 
 these narrow paths, you will note that at last they 
 tumble again into wider passages, somewhat like those 
 from which they came, except that the stream runs 
 away from instead of towards the narrower channels ; 
 and in the stream the corpuscle you are watching 
 shoots out of sight. The finest passages are called 
 capillaries ; they are guarded by delicate walls 
 which you can hardly see ; they seem to you passages 
 only, and how fine and small they are will come 
 home to you when you recollect that all you are 
 looking at is going on in the depths of a skin which 
 is so thin that perhaps you would be inclined to say 
 it has no thickness at all. 
 The larger channels which are bringing the blood 
 down to the capillaries are the ends of vessels like 
 those which in the rabbit you learnt to call arteries, 
 and the other larger channels through which the 
 blood is rushing away from the capillaries are the 
 beginnings of veins. 
 When you hav€i watched this frog's foot for some 
 little time, turn away and reflect that in almost every 
 part of your own body, in every square inch, in 
 almost every square line, something very similar 
 might be seen could the microscope be brought to 
 bear upon it, only the corpuscles are smaller and 
 round, the capillaries narrower and for the most 
 part more thick-set, and the race a swifter one. In 
 the muscle of which we were speaking in the last 
 lesson, each of the soft long fibres of which the 
 muscle is composed is wrapped round with a close 
 network of these tiny capillaries, through which, as 
 long as life lasts, for ever rushes a swift stream of 
 blood, reddened by countless numbers of tiny cor- 
 In every part of your flesh, in your brain and 
 spinal coid, in your skin, your bones, your lungs, in all 
 organs and in nearly every part of your body, there 
 is the same hurrying rush through narrow tubes of 
 red corpuscles and of the clear fluid in which these 
 swim. . • 
 If you prick your finger it bleeds. Almost any part 
 of your body would bleed were you to prick it. So 
 thick-set are the little blood-vessels, that wherever y^u 
 thrust a needle, be it as fine a needle as you please, 
 you will be sure to pierce and tear some little blood 
 channel, either artery or capillary or vein, and out will 
 come the ruddy drop. . 
 22. What is blood ? It is a fluid ; it runs about 
 like water : yet it is thicker than water, thicker for two 
 reasons. In the first place, water, that is pure 
 water, is all one substance. If you were to look 
 at it with ever so powerful a microscope, you would 
 see nothing in it. It is exceedingly transparent — 
 you can see very well through ever such a thick- 
 ness of clean water. But if you were to try and look 
 through even a very thin sheet of blood spread out 
 between two glass plates, you would find that you 
 could see very little; blood is very opaque. If 
 again you examine a drop of your blood with a micro- 
 scope, what do you see? A number of little 
 round bodies, the blood discs or blood cor- 
 puscles (Fig. 4, A), If you look carefully you will 
 notice that most of them ar^. round, as B ; but every 
 Fig. 4. — Red and JVhiie Corpuscles of the Blood magnified. 
 A. Moderately magnified. The red corpuscles are seen lying in rows like 
 rolls of coins ; at a and a are seen two white corpuscles. 
 B. Red corpuscles much more highly magnified, seen in face ; C. ditto, 
 seen in profile; D. ditto, in rows, rather more highly magnified; E. a 
 red corpuscle swollen into a sphere by imbibition of water. 
 F. A white corpuscle magnified same as B. \ G. ditto, throwing out some 
 blunt processes ; K. ditto, treated with acetic acid, and showing nucleus, 
 magnified same as D. 
 H. Red corpuscles puckered or crenate all over. 
 /. Ditto, at the edge only. 
 now and then you see something like C That is one 
 of the round ones seen sideways; for they are not 
 round or spherical like a ball, but circular and 
 dimpled in the middle, something like certain kinds 
 of biscuit. When you see one by itself it looks a 
 little yellow in colour, that is all ; but when you see 
 them in a lump, the lump is clearly red. Remember 
 how small they are : three thousand of them put flat 
 in a line, edge to edge, like a row of draughts, would 
 just about stretch across one inch. All the redness 
 there is in blood belongs to them. When you see 
 one of them, you see so little of the redness that it 
 seems yellow. If you were to put a drop of blood 
 into a tumbler of water, the water would not be 
 stained red, but only just turned of a yellowish tint, 
 so little redness would be given to it by the drop of 
 blood. In the same way a very very thin slice of 
 cuixant jelly would look yellowish, not red. 
 These red corpuscles are not hard solid things, but 
 delicate and soft, very tender, very easily broken to 
 pieces, more like the tiniest lumps of red jelly than 
 anything else, and yet made so as to bear all the 
 squeezing which they get as they are driven round 
 and round the body. 
 Besides these red corpuscles, you may see if you 
 ^ ittentively other little bodies, just a little 
 ^ger than the red corpuscles, not coloured at 
 all, and not circular and flat, but quite round 
 like a ball (Fig. 4, a, F, G). That is to say, these are 
 very often quite round, only they have a curious trick 
 of changing their form. Imagine you were looking 
 at a suet dumpling so small that about two thousand 
 five hundred of them could be placed side by side in 
 the length of one inch — and suppose the round dump- 
 ling while you were looking at it gradually changed 
 into the shape of a three-cornered tart, and then into 
 a rounded square, and then into the shape of a pear, 
 and then into a thing that had no shape at all, and 
 then back again into a round ball, and kept doing 
 this apparently all of its own accord while you were 
 looking at it — wouldn't you think it very curious? 
 Well, one of these little bodies in the blood of which 
 we are speaking, and which are called white corpuscles, 
 may be seen, when a drop of blood is watched under 
 the microscope, to go on in this way, continually 
 changing its shape. But of these white corpuscles 
 of the blood, and of their wonderful movements, you 
 will learn more as you go on in your physiologica! 
 23. Besides these red and white corpuscles there is 
 nothing else very important in the blood that you can 
 see with the microscope ; but their being in the 
 blood is one reason why blood is thicker than water. 
 Did you ever see a pig or sheep killed ? If so, you 
 would be sure to notice that the blood ran quite fluid 
 from the blood-vessels in the neck, ran and was spilt 
 like so much water — ^but that very soon the blood 
 caught in |the pail or spilt on the stones became quite 
 solid, so that you could pick it up in lumps. When- 
 ever blood is shed from the living body, within a short 
 time it becomes solid. This becoming solid is called 
 the clotting or coagulation of blood. 
 What makes it clot ? Suppose while the blood was 
 running from the pig's neck into the butcher's pail, and 
 while it was still quite fluid, you were to take a bunch 
 of twigs and keep slowly stirring the blood round and 
 round in the pail. You would naturally expect that 
 the blood would soon begin to clot, would get thicker 
 and thicker and more and more difficult to stir. But 
 [8 IV. 
 it does not ; and if you keep on stirring long enough 
 you will find that it never clots at all. By conti- 
 nually stirring it you will prevent its clot- 
 ting. Now take out your bundle of twigs : you will 
 find it covered all over with a thick reddish mass of 
 some soft sticky substance ; and if you pump on the 
 red mass you will be able to wash away all its red 
 colour, and will have nothing left but a quantity of 
 white, soft, sticky, stringy material, all entangled and 
 matted together among the twigs of your bundle. 
 This stringy material is in reality made up of a number 
 of fine, delicate, soft, elastic threads or fibres, and is 
 called fibrin. 
 You see, by stirring, or, as it is frequently 
 called, whipping the blood with the bundle 
 of twigs, you have taken the fibrin out of 
 the blood, and so prevented its clotting. 
 If you were to take one of the clotted lumps of 
 blood that were spilt on the ground or a bit of the clot 
 from a pail in which the blood had not been whipped, 
 and wash it long enough, you would find at last that 
 all the colour went away from the lump, and you had 
 nothing left but a small quantity of white stringy sub- 
 stance. This white stringy substance is fibrin — exactly 
 the same thing you got on your bundle of twigs. 
 If the blood is carefully caught in a pail, and after 
 wards not disturbed at all, it clots into a solid mass. 
 The whole of the blood seems to have changed into 
 a complete jelly ; and if you turn it out of the pail, as 
 you may do, it keeps its shape, and gives you quite a 
 mould of the pail, a great trembling red jelly just the 
 shape of the inside of the pail. 
 But if you were to leave the blood in the pail for 
 a few hours or for a day, you would find, instead of 
 the large jelly quite filling the pail, a smaller but 
 firmer jelly covv^red by or floating in a colourless or 
 very pale yellow liquid. This smaller, firmer jelly, 
 which in the course of a day or so would get still 
 firmer and mailer, would in fact go on shrinking in 
 size, you may still call the clot ; the clear fluid in 
 which it is floating is called serum. 
 What has taken place is as follows. Soon after 
 blood is shed there is formed in it a something which 
 was not present in it before. This something, which 
 we call fibrin, starts as a multitude of fine tender 
 threads which run in all directions through the mass 
 of blood, forming a close network everywhere. So 
 the blood is shut up in an immense number of little 
 chambers formed by the meshes of the fibrin ; and 
 it is this which makes it sc?m a jelly. But each th. ^d 
 of fibrin as soon as it is formed begins to shrink, and 
 the blood in each of these little chambers is squeezed 
 by the shrinking of its walls of fibrin, and tries to 
 make its way out. The corpuscles get caught in the 
 meshes, but all the rest of the blood passes between 
 the threads and comes out on the top and sides of 
 the pail. And this goes on until you have left in the 
 clot very little besides corpuscles entangled in a net- 
 work of fibrin, and all the rest of the blood has been 
 squeezed outside the clot, and is then called serum. 
 Serum, then, is blood out of which the cor- 
 puscles have been strained by the process 
 of clotting. - V ' 
 Now I dare say you are ready to ask the question, 
 If blood clots so readily when it is shed, why does it 
 not clot inside the body? Why is our blood ever 
 fluid ? This is rather a difficult question to answer. 
 When blood is shed from the warm body it soon 
 gets cool. But it does not clot and become solid 
 because it gets cool, as ordinary jelly does. If you 
 keep it from getting cool it clots all the same, in fact 
 quicker, and if kept cold enough will not clot at all. 
 Nor does it clot when shed, because it has become 
 st;ll, and is no longer rushing round through the 
 blood-vessels. Nor is it because it is exposed to 
 the air. Perhaps we don't know exactly why it is, 
 and you will have much to learn hereafter about 
 the coagulation of blood. All I will say at present 
 is that as long as the blood is in the body there 
 is something at work to keep it from clotting. It 
 does clot sometimes in the body, and blood-vessels 
 get plugged with the clots; but that constitutes a 
 very dangerous disease. 
 24. Well, blood is thicker than water because it 
 contains solid corpuscles and fibrin. But even the 
 serum, ue, blood out of which both fibrin and cor- 
 puscles have been taken, is thicker than water. 
 You know that if you were to take a basinful of 
 pure water and boil it, it would boil away to nothing. 
 i| It would all go off in steam. But if you were to try 
 f to boil a basinfiil of serum, you would find several 
 curious things happen. 
 In the first place you would not be able to boil it 
 at all. Before you got it as hot as boiling water, your 
 I serum, which before seemed quite as liquid as water, 
 only feeling a little sticky if you put your finger in it, 
 I would all become quite solid. You know the differ- 
 ence between a raw and a boiled egg. The white of 
 the raw egg, though very sticky and ropy, or viscid as 
 it is called, is still liquid ; you will find it hard work if 
 you try to cut it with a knife. The white of the hard 
 boiled tgg^ on the other hand, is quite solid, and you 
 can cut it into ever so .thin slices. It has been " set " 
 by boiling. Well, the serum of blood is in this respect 
 very like white of egg. In fact they both contain the 
 same substance, called albumin, which has this 
 property of " setting " or becoming solid when heated 
 nearly to boiUng-point. Both the serum of blood 
 and white of ^%g even when " set '' are wet, Le. contain 
 a great deal of water. You may dry them in the 
 proper manner into a transparent horny substance. 
 When quite dry they will readily burn. They are 
 therefore things which can be oxidized. When burnt 
 they give off carbonic acid, water, and ammonia ; the 
 latter you might easily recognize by its effect on your 
 nose if you were to burn a piece of dried blood in a 
 flame. Now, when I say that albumin in burning 
 gives off carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, you 
 know from your Chemistry that it must contain car- 
 bon to form the carbonic acid, hydrogen to form 
 water, and nitrogen to form ammonia. It need not 
 contain oxygen, for as you know it could get all the 
 oxygen it wanted from the air; still it does contain 
 some oxygen. Albumin, then, is an oxidizable 
 or combustible body made up of nitrogen, 
 carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is important 
 you should remember this ; but I will not bother you 
 with how much of each — it is a very complex, sub- 
 stance, built up in a wonderful way, far more complex 
 than any of the things you had to learn about in your 
 Chemistry Primer. And this albumin, dissolved in 
 a great deal of water, forms the serum of blood. 
 P 31 .,.- 
 I did mot say anything about what fibrin was made 
 of \ but it, like albumin, is made up of nitrogen, carbon, 
 hydrogen, and oxygen. It is not quite the same thing 
 as albumin, but first cousin to it. There is another first 
 cousin to both of them, also containing nitrogen, carbon, 
 hydrogen, and oxygen, which together with a great deal 
 of water forms muscle ; another forms a great part of 
 the red corpuscles ; and scattered all over the body in 
 various places, there are first cousins to albumin, all 
 containing nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, all 
 combustible, and all when burnt giving off carbonic 
 acid, water, and ammonia. All these first cousins go 
 under one name; they are all called proteids. 
 25. Well, then, blood is thicker than water by 
 reason of the proteids in the corpuscles, in the fibrin, 
 and in the serum, but there is something else besides. 
 I will not trouble you with the crowd of things of 
 which there are perhaps just a few grains in a gallon 
 of blood, like the little pinches of things a cook puts 
 into a savoury dish; though, as you go on in your 
 studies, you will find that these, like many other little 
 things in the world, are of great importance. 
 But I will ask you to remember this. If you take 
 some dried blood and burn it, though you may burn all 
 the proteids (and some other of the trifles I spoke of just 
 now) away, you will not be able to bum the whole blood 
 away. Bum as long as you like, you will always have left 
 a quantity of what you have leamt from your Chemistry 
 to call ash, and if you were to examine this 
 ash you would find it contained ever so many 
 elements ; sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, 
 potassium, sodium, calcium, and iron, being 
 the most abundant and most important. 
 Blood, then, is a very wonderful fluid : wonderful for 
 being made up of coloured corpuscles and colourless 
 fluid, wonderful for its fibrin and power of clotting, 
 wonderful for the many substances, for the proteids, 
 for the ashes or minerals, for the rest of the things 
 which are locked up in the corpuscles and in the 
 But you will not wonder at it when you come to 
 see that the blood is the great circulating market of 
 the body, in which all the things that are wanted by 
 all parts, by the muscles, by the brain, by the skin, by 
 the lungs, liver, and kidney, are bought and sold. 
 What the muscle wants, it, as we have seen, buys from 
 the blood ; what it has done with it sells back to the 
 blood ; and so with every other organ and part. As 
 long as life lasts this buying and selling is for ever 
 going on, and this is why the blood is for ever on the 
 move, sweeping restlessly from place to place, bringing 
 to each part the things it wants, and carrying away 
 those with which it has done. When the blood ceases 
 to move, the market is blocked, the bupng and selling 
 cease, and all the organs die, starved for the lack of 
 the things which they want, choked by the abundance 
 of things for which they have no longer any need. 
 We have now to learn how the blood is thus kept 
 continually on the move. 
 26. You have already learnt to recognize the 
 blood-vessels of the rabbit, and to distinguish two 
 kinds of blood-vessels — the arteries, which in a dead 
 animal generally contain little or no blood, and have 
 • * E • 2 
 rather firm stout walls; and the veins, which are 
 generally full of blood, and have thinner and fiabby 
 walls. The arteries when you cut them generally 
 gape and remain open ; the veins fall together and 
 collapse. The larger the arteries, the stouter and 
 firmer they are, and the greater the difference between 
 them and the veins. 
 You have also studied the capillaries in the frog's 
 foot ; you have seen that they are minute channels, 
 with the thinnest and tenderest walls, forming a close 
 network in which the smallest arteries end, and from 
 which the smallest veins begin. 
 You have moreover been told that all over your 
 own body, in every part, there are, though you cannot 
 see them, networks of capillaries like those in the 
 frog's foot which you can see ; that all the arteries of 
 your body end in capillaries, and all the veins begin 
 in capillaries. Let me repeat that, one or two 
 structures excepted, fehere is no pare of your "•body 
 in which, could you put it under a microscope, 
 you would not see a small artery branching out and 
 losing itself in a network of capillaries, out of which, 
 as out of so many roots, a small vein gathers itself 
 together again. 
 In some places the network is very close, the capil- 
 laries lying closer together than even in the frog's foot; 
 in others the network is more open, and the capillaries 
 wider apart; but everywhere, with a few exceptions 
 which you will learn by and' by, there are capillaries, 
 arteries, and veins. ^; / :t^ 
 Suppose you were a little lone red corpuscle, all by 
 yourself in the quite empty blood-vessels of a dead 
 body, squeezed in the narrow pathway of a capillary, say 
 of the biceps muscle of the arm, able to walk about, 
 and anxious to explore the country in which you 
 found yourself. There would be two ways in which 
 you might go. Let us first imagine that you set out 
 in the way which we will call backwards. Squeezing 
 your way along the narrow passage of the capillary 
 in which you had hardly room to move, you would 
 at every few steps pass, on your right hand and on 
 your left, the openings into other capillary channels 
 as small as the one in which you were. Passing 
 by these you would presently find the passage widen- 
 ing, you would have more room to move, and the 
 more openings you passed, the wider and higher 
 would grow the tunnel in which you were groping 
 your way. The walls of the tunnel would grow 
 thicker at every step, and their thickness and stout- 
 ness would tell you that you were already in an artery, 
 but the inside would be delightfully smooth. As you 
 went on yoii would keep passing the openings into 
 similar tunnels, but the further you went on, the fewer 
 they would be. Sometimes the tunnels into which these 
 openings led would be smaller, sometimes bigger, 
 sometimes of the same size as the one in which you 
 were. Sometimes one would be so much bigger, that 
 it would seem absurd to say that it opened into your 
 tunnel. On the contrary, it would appear to you that 
 you were passing out of a narrow side passage into 
 a great wide thoroughfare. I dare say you would 
 notice that every time one passage opened into 
 another the way suddenly grew wider, and then 
 kept about the same size until it joined the next. 
 Travelling onwards in this way, you would after a 
 while find yourself in a great wide tunnel, so big that 
 you, poor little corpuscle, would seem quite lost in 
 it. Had you anyone to ask, they would tell you it was 
 the main artery of the arm. Toiling onwards through 
 this, and passing a few but for the most part large 
 openings, you would suddenly tumble into a space 
 so vast that at first you would hardly be able to 
 realize that it was the tunnel of an artery like those 
 in which you had been joume)dng. This you would 
 learn to be the aorta, the great artery of all ; and 
 a little further on you would be in the heart. 
 Suppose now you retraced your steps, suppose you 
 returned from the aorta to the main artery of the 
 arm, and thus back through narrower and narrower 
 tunnels till you came again to the spot from which 
 you started, and then tried the other end of the 
 capillary. You would find that that led you also, 
 in a very similar way, inio wider and wider passages. 
 Only you could not help noticing that though the 
 inside of all the passages was as smooth as before, 
 the walls were not nearly so thick and stout. You 
 would learn from this that you were in the veins, and 
 not in the arteries. You would meet too with some- 
 thing, the like of which you did not see in the arteries 
 (except perhaps just close to the heart). Every now 
 and then you would come upon what for all the world 
 looked like one of those watch-pockets that some- 
 times are hung at the head of a bedstead, a watch- 
 pocket with its opening turned the way you were 
 going. This you would find was called a valve, and 
 was made of thin but strong membrane or skin. 
 Sometimes in the smaller veins you would meet with 
 one watch-pocket by itself, sometimes with two or 
 even three abreast, and I dare say you would notice 
 that very frequently, directly you had passed one of 
 these valves, you came to a spot where one vein 
 joined another. 
 Well, but for these differences, your journey along 
 the veins would be very like your journey along the 
 arteries, and at last you would find yourself in a great 
 vein, whose name you would learn to be the vena 
 cava, or hollow vein (and because, though there is 
 but one aorta, there are two great "hollow veins," 
 the superior vena cava or upper hollow vein), 
 and from thence your next tep would be into the 
 heart again. So you see, starting fi*om the capillary 
 (you started from a capillary in the arm, but you 
 might have started from any capillary anywhere), 
 whether you go along the arteries or whether you 
 go along the veins, you at last come to the heart 
 Before we go on any further we must learn some- 
 thing about the heart. 
 27. Go and ask the butcher for a sheep's pluck. 
 There will most probably be one hanging up in his 
 shop. Look at it before he takes it down. The hook 
 on which it is hanging has been thrust through the 
 windpipe. You will see that the sheep's windpipe is, 
 like the rabbit's, all banded with rings of cartilage, only 
 very much larger and coarser. Below the windpipe 
 come the spongy lungs, and between them lies the 
 heart, which perhaps is covered up with a skin and so 
 not easily seen. Hanging to the heart and lungs is 
 the great mass of the liver. When you have got the 
 pluck home, cut away the liver, cut away the skin 
 (pericardium, it is called) which is covering the heart, 
 if it has not been cut away already, and lay the 
 ixings out on a table with the heart between them. 
 You will then have something very much like what 
 Fig. s. — Heart of Sheep, as seen after Removal from the Body^ lying ufon 
 the Two Lungs. The Pericardimn has been cut away^ but no other 
 Dissection made. 
 R.A. Auricular appendage of right auricle \ L.A. auricular appendage of 
 left auricle; /?.K right ventricle; L.V. left ventricle; S,V,C. superior 
 vena cava ; /. V.C. inferior vena cava : P;A- pulmonary artery ; Ao^ aorta; 
 A'o\ innominate branch from aorta dividing into subclavian and carotid , 
 arteries ; L. lung ; Tr. trachea, i, solid cord often present, the remnant of '^ 
 a once open communication between the pulmonary artery and aorta. 2, 1 
 masses of fat at the bases of the ventricle hiding from view the greater 
 part of the auricles. 3, line of fat markintj the division between the two < 
 ventricles. 4, mass of fat covering the trachea. 
 is represented in Fig. 5. If you could look through 1 
 the front of your own chest, and see your own heart \ 
 and lungs in place, you would see something not so )^ 
 very very different. ^ 
 If now you handle the heart — and if you want to 
 learn physiology you must handle things — you will have 
 no great difficulty in finding the great yellowish tubes ' 
 marked Ao and A'o' in the figure. Your butcher 
 perhaps may not have cut them across exactly where 
 mine has done, but that will not prevent your recogni- ! 
 zing them. You will notice what thick stout walls they 1 
 have, and how they gape where they are cut. Ao 
 is the aorta, and A'd is a great branch of the aorta, 
 going to the head and neck of one side, perhaps the 
 branch along which we imagined just now that you, a 
 poor little red blood-corpuscle, were travelling. If you 
 were to put a wire through A'd you would be able to 
 bring it out through Ao, or vice versct. But what is 
 P. A. which looks so much like the aorta, though you 
 will find that it has no connection with it 1 You 
 cannot pass a wire from the aorta into it. It also is 
 an artery, the pulmonary' artery. We shall have 
 more to say about it directly. 
 Now try and find what are marked in the figure 
 as S. V. C. and /. V. C. You will perhaps have a little 
 difficulty in this; and when you have found them 
 you will understand why. They are the great veins ,. 
 * From j^ulmo, Ivais : the artery of the lung. 
 of the body. S, F.C, is the superior vena cava, to 
 form which all the veins from the head and neck and 
 arms join, the vein in which you were journeying a 
 hitie Willie ago. / V.C. is the inferior vena cava, 
 made out of all the veins from the trunk and the legs. 
 Being veins, they have thin flabby walls; and their 
 sides fall flat together, so th?.t they seem nothing more 
 than little folds of skin, and it becomes very hard to 
 find the passage inside them. But when you have 
 found the opening into them, you will see that you 
 can stretch them out into quite wide tubes, and that 
 their walls, though very much thinner than those of 
 the aorta, so thin indeed that they are almost trans- 
 parent, are still after a fashion strong. If you put a 
 penholder or thin rod through either you will find 
 that they both seem to lead right into the middle of the 
 heart. With a little care you can pass a rod up /. V. C. 
 and bring the end of it out at the top of S. V. C. Of 
 course you will understand that both of these veins 
 have been cut off" short 
 28. Before we go on any further with the sheep^s 
 heart, let me tell you something about it, by help of 
 the diagram in Fig. 6, which is meant to represent 
 the whole circulation. You must remember that this 
 figure is a diagram, and not a picture ; it does not 
 represent the way the blood-vessels are really arranged 
 in your own body. If you had no arms and no legs, 
 and if you only had a few capillaries at the top of 
 your head and at the bottom of your body, it might 
 be more like than it is. 
 In the centre of the figure is the heart. This you 
 will see is completely divided by an upright partition 
 into two halves, a right half and a left half Each half 
 is further marked off, but not completely divided, into 
 Fig. ^.-'Diagram of the Heart and Vessels, -with the Course of the Circu- 
 lations viewed from behind so that the proper left of the Observer corre- 
 sponds with the left side of the Heart- in the Diag^-am. 
 L.A. left auricle ; L. V. left ventricle ; Ao. aorta ; A^. arteries to the upper 
1 1 
 Ipart of the body ; A^. arteries to the lower part of the body : H.A. hepatic 
 artery, which supplies the liver with part of its blood ; V^. veins of the upper 
 part of the body; V^. veins of the lower part of the body; V.P. "ena 
 jportae; ./". r". hepatic vein ; V.C.I, inferior vena cava ; V.C.S. superior vena 
 cava; R A. right auricle ; R.V. right ventricle ; P. A. pulmonary artery ; 
 1 Lg. lung ; P. V. pulmonary vein ; Let. lacteals ; Ly. lymphatics ; Th.D. 
 i thoracic duct ; Al. alimentary canal; Lr. liver. The arrows indicate the 
 1 course of the blood, lymph, and chyle. The vessels which contain arterial 
 blood have dark contours, while those which carry venous blood have light 
 - two chambers, an upper chamber and a lower cham- 
 ber ; so that altogether we have four chambers, — two 
 upper chambers, one on each side, marked R,A, and 
 L.A,, these are called the right and left auricles ; 
 and two lower chambers, one on each side, marked 
 R, K and Z. V., these are called the right and left 
 ventricles. The right auricle, R.A., opens in the 
 direction of the arrow into the right ventricle, R. V., 
 the opening being guarded, as we shall see, by a 
 valve. The left auricle, Z.A,, opens into the left ven- 
 tricle, Z. v., the opening being likewise guarded by a 
 valve ; but you have to go quite a roundabout way to 
 get from either the right auricle or ventricle to the 
 left auricle or ventricle. Let us see how we can gel 
 round the figure. Suppose we begin with the two tubes 
 marked V.C.S. and V.C.I., the wall; of which are 
 drawn with thin lines. These both open into the right 
 auricle. They are the vena cava superior and inferior, 
 which you have just made out in the sheep's heart. 
 From the right auricle you pass easily into the right ven- 
 tricle ; thence, following the arrow, the way is straight 
 * into the tube marked P. A. This is the pulmonary artery, 
 the outside of which you saw in the sheep's heart (Fig. 
 ' S, F.A.) Travelling along this pulmonary artery, you 
 come to the lungs, and after passing through branches 
 ' not represented in the figure, picking your way through 
 arteries which continually get smaller and smaller, 
 you find yourself at last in the capillaries of the lungs. 
 Squeezing your way through these, you come out into 
 veins, and gradually advancing through larger and 
 larger veins, you, still following the arrow, find your- 
 self in one of four large veins (only one of them 
 is represented in the diagram) which land you in 
 the left auricle. From the left auricle it is but a 
 jump into the left ventricle. From the left ventricle 
 the way is open, as indicated by the arrow, into the 
 tube marked Ao. This is intended to represent the' 
 aorta, which you have already seen in the sheep's 
 heart (Fig. 5, Ad), It is here drawn for simplicity'^ 
 sake as dividing into two branches, but you have 
 already been told, and must bear in mind, that it does 
 not in reality divide in this way, but gives off a good 
 many branches of various sizes. However, taking 
 the figure as it stands, suppose we travel along A^, 
 Following the arrow, and shooting through arteries 
 which continually get smaller and smaller, we come 
 at last to capillaries somewhere, in the skin or in some 
 muscle, or in a bone, or in the brain, or almost any- 
 where, in fact, in the upper part of the body. Oul 
 of the capillaries we pass into veins, which, joining 
 together and so forming larger and larger trunks, 
 bring us at last to the point from which we started, 
 the superior vena cava, V.C.S, If we had taker 
 the other road, A"", we should have passed through 
 capillaries somewhere in the lower part of the bod> 
 instead of the upper, and come back by the vens 
 cava ii. ' rior, F.C/., instead of the vena cava supe 
 rior. Starting from the right auricle, which 
 ever way we took we should always come 
 back to the right auricle again, and in out 
 ourney should always pas«=* through the 
 jbllowing things in the following order ; 
 ight auricle, right ventricle, pulmonary 
 [^rtery, arteries, capillaries, and veins of the 
 tings, pulmonary vein, left auricle, left ven- 
 tricle, aorta, arteries, capillaries, and veins 
 iomewhere in the body, and either superior 
 >r inferior vena cava. That is the course of the 
 circulation. But there is something still to be added, 
 f^ong the many large branches, not drawn in the 
 liagram, given off by the aorta to the lower part of 
 he body, there are two branches which are drawn 
 ,nd which deserve special notice. 
 One is a large branch carrying blood to the tube 
 .Z., which is meant in the diagram to stand for 
 ihe stomach, intestines, and some other organs. This 
 •branch, like all other branches of the aorta, divides into 
 mall arteries, and these into capillaries, which again 
 re gathered up into veins, forming at last a large vein 
 inarked in the diagram V.P. and called the vena 
 )ortae or portal vein. Now the remarkable thing 
 s that this vein does not, like all the other veins, 
 /o straight to join the vena cava, but makes for 
 ;he liver, where it divides into smaller and smaller 
 Veins, until at last it breaks completely up in the liver 
 3nto a set of capillaries again. These capillaries gather 
 ibnce more into veins, farming at last the large trunk, 
 palled the hepatic^ vein, ZT. F!, which does what 
 ihe portal vein ought to have done but did not ; it 
 opens straight into the vena cava. 
 The other branch of the aorta of which we are 
 ^peaking goes straight to the liver, and is called the 
 •| I From ^/ar, liver J the vein of the liver. 
 hepatic artery, H.A. : there it breaks up in the 
 liver into small arteries, and then into capillaries, 
 which mingle with the capillaries of the portal vein, 
 and form one system, out of which the hepatic veins 
 spring. So you see it makes a great difference to a 
 red corpuscle which is travelling along the lower part 
 of the aorta A^, whether it takes a turn into the 
 branch going to the alimentary canal, or whether 
 it goes straight on into, for instance, a branch going 
 to some part of the leg. In the latter case, having 
 got through a set of capillaries, it is soon back into 
 the vena cava and on its road to the heart. But if 
 it takes the turn to the alimentary canal, it finds after 
 it has passed through the capillaries and got into the 
 portal vein, that it has still to go through another set 
 of capillaries in the liver before it can pass through 
 the hepatic vein into the vena cava. 
 This then is the course of the circulation. Right 
 side of the heart, pulmonary artery, capillaries of the 
 lungs, pulmonary vein, left side of the heart, aorta, 
 capillaries somewhere, sometimes two sets, sometinies 
 one, vena cava, right side of the heart again. A 
 little corpuscle cannot get from the right to the left !! 
 side of the heart without going through the capillaries , 
 of the lungs. It cannot get from the left side of the || 
 heart to the right without going through some capil- 
 laries somewhere in the body, and if it should happen 
 to take the turn to the stomach, it has to go through 
 two sets of capillaries instead of one. 
 You see, you really have two circulations, and you || 
 have two hearts joined together into one. If you 
 were very skilful you might split the heart in half and 
 pull the two sides asunder, and then you would have 
 one heart receiving all the veins from the body and 
 sending its arteries (branches of the pulmonary artery) 
 all to the lungs, and another heart receiving all the 
 veins from the lungs and sending its arteries (branches 
 ci the aorta) all over the body. And you would have 
 wo circulations, one through the lungs, and another 
 through the rest of the body, both joining each other. 
 Very often two circulations are spoken of, and because 
 the lungs are so much smaller than the rest of the 
 body, the circulation through the lungs is called the 
 lesser circulation, that through the rest of the body 
 the greater circulation. ' 
 29. I have described the circulation as if the blood 
 always went in one direction from the right side of 
 the heart to the left, from arteries to veins, the way 
 the arrows point in the diagram. And so it does. 
 It cannot go the other way round. Why does it 
 go that way ? Why cannot it go the other 
 way round ? 
 The reasons are to be found partly in the heart, 
 partly in the veins. 
 In the veins the blood will only pass from 
 the capillaries to the heart. Why not from the 
 heart to the capillaries ? You remember the little 
 watch-pocket-like valves, here and there, sometimes 
 singly, sometimes two or three abreast. You re- 
 member that the mouths of the watch- 
 pockets were always turned towards the 
 heart. Now suppose a crowd of little corpuscles 
 hurrying along a vein towards the heart. When 
 they came to one of thesj watch-pocket valves 
 they would simply trample it down flat, and so 
 pass over it without hardly knowing it was there, 
 and go on their way as if nothing had happened. 
 But suppose they were journeying the other way, 
 from the heart to the capii^tries. When they came 
 to the open mouth of a watch-pocket valve, some 
 of them would be sure to run into the pocket, and 
 then the pocket would bulge out, and the more it 
 bulged out the more blood would run into it, until 
 at last it would be so firil of blood that it would 
 press close against the top of the vein, as is shown 
 in Fig. 7 (or, if there were two or three, they 
 1 ■ r • I 
 I : C 
 H " 
 ♦ " 
 Fig. t .~-Diagrainntatic Sections of Vehis with Valves, 
 In the upper, the blood is supposed to be flowing in the direction of the 
 arrow, towards the heart ; in the lower, the reverse w.iy. C, capillary side ; 
 H, heart side. 
 would all meet together) and so quite block the vein 
 up. If you doubt this, make a watch-pocket out of a 
 piece of silk or cotton, fasten it on to a piece of 
 brown paper, and roll the paper up into a tube, so 
 that the valve is nicely inside the tube. If you 
 pour some peas down the tube with the mouth of the 
 valve looking away from you, they will run through 
 at once ; but if you try to pour them the other way, 
 your tube will soon be choked, and if you carefully 
 unroll the tube you will find the watch-pocket 
 crammed full of peas, - 
 The valves in the veins, then, let the 
 hlood pass easily from the capillaries to the 
 heart, but won*t let it go the other way. 
 If you bare your arm you may see some of the 
 veins in the skin, in which the blood is running up 
 from the hand towards the shoulder. If with your 
 finger you press one of these veins back towards the 
 hand it will swell up, and if you look carefully you 
 may see little knots here and there caused by the 
 bulging out of the watch-pocket valves. If you press 
 it the other way, towards the elbow, you will empty 
 it easily, and if with another finger you prevent the 
 blood getting into it from behind, that is from the 
 hand, the vein will remain empty a very long time. 
 The presence of valves in the veins, then, is one 
 reason why the blood moves in one direction, but 
 other reasons, and these the chief ones, are to be 
 found in the heart. 
 Let us now go back to the sheep's heart 
 30. You know from the diagram that the two great 
 veins, the superior and inferior vena cava, open into 
 the right auricle. If you slit up these two veins in 
 the sheep's heart, you will find that they end by 
 separate openings in a small cavity, the inside of 
 which is for the most part smooth, and the walls of 
 which, made, as you will at once see, of muscle, are 
 not very thick. This small cavity is the right auricle, 
 shown in Fig. 8, R.A.^ where the great veins have not 
 been slit up, but the front of the auricle has been cut 
 away. In this auricle, beside the openings into the two 
 great veins and another one which belongs to a vein 
 coming from the heart itself (Fig. 8, b) there is quite a 
 large one^ leading straight downwards, intp which you 
 can put your three fingers. This is the opening into 
 Fig. 8. — Right Side of the Heart of a Sheep. 
 R.A. cavity of right auricle ; ^S". V.C. superior vena cava, /. V.C. inferior 
 vena cava ; (a piece of whalebone has been passed through each of these ;) 
 a^ a piece of whalebone passed from the auricle to the ventiicle through the 
 auriculo-ventricular orifice ; b, a piece of whalebone passed into the coro- 
 nary vein. 
 R. V. cavity of right ventricle ; iv, tv, two flaps of the tricuspid valve : 
 the third is dimly seen behind them, the a, piece of whalebone, passing 
 between the three. Between the two flaps, and attached to them by chordep 
 tendineie, is seen a papillary muscle, PP, cut away from its attachment to that 
 portion of the wall of the ventricle which has been removed. Above, the ven- 
 tricle terminates somewhat like a funnel in the pulmonary artery, P. A . One of 
 the pockets of the semilunar valve, sv, is seen in its entirety, another partially. 
 I, the wall of the ventricle cut across ; 2, the position of the auriculo- 
 ventricular ring ; 3, the wall of the auricle ; 4, masses of fat lodged betweex) 
 the auricle and pulmonary artery. 
 F 2 
6i 68 
 ' the right ventricle ; and you will have no difficulty in 
 \ putting your fingers from the auricle into the ventricle 
 \ and bringing them out again. 
 J But hold the heart in one hand with the auricle 
 ^ upwards, and try to pour some water into the ventricle. 
 f The first few spoonfuls will go in all right, and then 
 f you will see some thin white skin or membrane come 
 1 floating up into the opening and quite block up the 
 ] entrance from the auricle into the ventricle; the 
 Fig. ^.—The Orifices of the Heart seen from above, the Auricles and 
 Great Vessels being cut away. 
 P. A. pulmonary artery, with its semilunar valves ; Ao. aorta, do. 
 R.A.V. right auriculo-ventricular orifice with the three flaps {Iv. i, 2, 3) of 
 tricuspid valve. 
 L.A.V. left auriculo-ventricular orifice, with m.v. 1 and 2, flaps of mitral 
 valve ; b, piece of whalebone passed into coronary vein. On the left part of 
 L.A.V. the section of the auricle is carried through the auricular appendage ; 
 hence the toothed appearance due to the portions in relief cut across,. 
 water will immediately fill the auricle and run over. 
 If you look at the membrane carefully as it comes 
 bulging up, you will notice that it is made up of three 
 pieces joined together as is shown in Fig. 9 (Iv, i, 
 Iv, 2, Iv, 3). These three pieces form the valve 
 between the right auricle and ventricle, called the 
 tricuspid; or three-peaked valve. Why it is so 
 Fig. 10,— View 0/ the Orifices of the Heart front below, the whole of the 
 Ventricles having been cut away. 
 R.A.V. right auriculo-ventricular orifice surrounded by the three flaps, 
 t.v.\, t.v. 2, ^.z/. 3, of the tricuspid valve ; these are stretched by weights 
 attached to the chorcUe tendineee. 
 L.A.V. left auriculo-ventriculv orifice surrounded m same way by the 
 two flaps, m.v. i, m.v. 2, of mitral valve ; P. A. the orifice of pulmonary 
 arter- the semilunar valves having met and closed together ; Ao. the orifice 
 of the aorta with its semilunar valves. The shaded portion, leading from 
 R.A.V. to P. A,, represents the funnel seen in Fig. 8. 
 called you will understand if you lay open the right 
 ventricle by cutting with a pair of scissors from the 
 auricle into the ventricle along the side of the heart, 
 or by cutting away the front of the ventricle as has 
 been done in Fig. 8. You will then see that the 
 valve is made up of three little triangular flaps, which 
 grow together round the opening with their points 
 hanging down into the cavity of the ventricle (Fig. 
 10, /. V.) They do not, however, hang quite loosely. 
 You will notice fastened to the sides of the flaps, thin 
 delicate threads, the other ends of which are fastened 
 to the sides of the ventricle, and often to little fleshy 
 projections called papillary muscles (Fig. 8, i^.-P.) 
 How do these valves act? In this way. When 
 the ventricle is empty, and blood or water or any 
 other fluid is poured into it from the auricle, the 
 valves are pushed on one side against the walls of 
 the ventricle, and thus there is a great wide opening 
 from the auricle into the ventricle. But as the ven- 
 tricle fills, the blood or water gets behind the flaps 
 and floats them up towards the auricle. The more 
 fluid in the ventricle the higher they float, until 
 when the ventricle is quite full they all meet to- 
 gether in the middle of the opening between the 
 auricle and ventricle and completely block it up. 
 But why do they not turn right over into the auricle, 
 and so open up again the wrong way? Because of 
 those little threads (the cordae tendinese, as they 
 are called) which fasten them to the walls of the 
 ventricle. The flaps float back until these threads are 
 stretched quite tight, and the threads are just long 
 enough to let the flaps reach to the middle of the 
 opening, but no further. The tighter the threads are 
 stretched the closer the flaps fit together, and the 
 more completely do they block the way from the 
 ventricle back into the auricle. 
 The tricuspid valve, then, lets blood flow 
 easily from the right auricle Into the right 
 ventricle, but prevents it flowing from the 
 ventricle into the auricle. 
 31. Now look at the cavity of the ventricle. Its 
 walls are fleshy, that is muscular, and you will notice 
 that they are much stouter and thicker than those of 
 the auricle. Besides the opening from the auricle 
 there is but one other, which is at the top of the ven- 
 tricle, side by side with the former. If you put a 
 penholder or your finger through this second opening, 
 you will find that it leads into the large vessel which 
 you have already learnt to recognize as the pulmonary 
 artery (Fig. 5, P. A.) 
 Slit up the pulmonary artery from the ventricle with 
 a pair of scissois, as has been done in Fig. 8, P.A. 
 You will notice at once the line where the red soft flesh 
 of the muscular ventricle leaves off, and the yellow 
 firmer material of which the artery is made begins. 
 Just at that line you will see. a row of three (perhaps 
 you may have cut one of the three with your scissors) 
 most beautiful, watch-pocket valves, made on just the 
 same principle as those in the veins, only larger, and 
 more exquisitely finished. These are called semi- 
 lunar valves, because each pocket is of the shape 
 of a half-moon. Lift them up carefully f.nd see how 
 tender and yet how strong they are. There is no 
 need to tell you the use of these. You know it at 
 once. They are to let the blood flow from 
 the ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and 
 to prevent the blood going back from the 
 artery into the ventricle. 
 On the right side of the heart we have, then, two 
 great valves, the triscuspid valve between the auricle 
 and the ventricle, and the semilunar valve between 
 the ventricle and the pulmonary artery. These let 
 the blood flow easily one way, but not the other. If you 
 doubt this, try it. Put a tube into either the superior 
 or inferior vena cava of a fresh heart, tying the other 
 vena cava and another tube into the pulmonary artery. 
 If with a funnel you pour water into the tube in the 
 vein, it will run through auricle and ventricle and out 
 through the tube of the pulmonary artery as easily as 
 possible ; but if you try to pour water the other way 
 down the pulmonary artery, you will find you cannot 
 do it ; the tube gets blocked directly, and only a few 
 drops come back through the heart into the vein. 
 Now slit up the pulmonary artery as far as you can, , 
 and note when you cut it how stout and firm are its 
 walls. You will find that it soon divides into two 
 branches, one for the right lung, one for the left. 
 Each of these, when it gets to the lung, divides into 
 branches, and these again into others, as far as you 
 can follow them. You know from what you have 
 learnt already that these branches end in capillaries 
 all over the lungs. _ ^^ 
 32. Not far from the two main branches of the pul- 
 monary arterj' you will find, covered up perhaps with fat 
 and other matters, some tubes which you will at once 
 recognize as veins, and if you open any one of these 
 you will find that you can put a thin rod into it, and 
 that it leads in one direction to the lungs, and in the 
 other into the left side of the heart. These are the 
 pulmonary veins, and if you slit them right up you 
 will find they open (by four openings) into a cavity on 
 the left side of the heart, almost exactly like that 
 cavity on the right side which we called the right 
 auricle (Fig. ii). This cavity is, in fact, the left 
 auricle ; out of it there is an opening into the left 
 ventricle, very like the opening from the right auricle 
 into the right ventricle. It too is guarded by flap 
 valves, exactly like the tricuspid valve, only there are 
 but two flaps instead of three (Fig. 9, m.v. i, m,v. 2). 
 Hence this valve is called the bicuspid, or more 
 frequently the mitral valve. Its flaps have little 
 threads by which they are fastened to the walls of the 
 ventricle, and in fact, except for there being two flaps 
 instead of three, the mitral valve is exactly like the 
 tricuspid valve, and acts exactly the same way. 
 If you cut with a pair of scissors from the auricle 
 into the ventricle, you will find the left ventricle (Fig. 
 1 1 ) very much like the right ventricle, only its walls are 
 very much thicker, so much thicker that the left ven- 
 tricle takes up the greater part of the heart. You will 
 see this if you now look at the outside of a fresh heart. 
 The auricles are so small and so covered up by fat 
 that from the outside you can hardl)' see them at all. 
 What you chiefly see are two little fleshy corners, one 
 of each auricle (Fig. 5, R.A. L.A.\ often called **the 
 auricular appendages." By far the greater part is 
 taken up by the ventricles — and if you look you will 
 see a band of fat slanting across the heart (Fig. 5, 3). 
 This marks the line of the fleshy division, or septum 
 as it is called, between the two ventricles. You will 
 notice that the point or apex of the heart belongs 
 altogether to the left ventricle. 
 Fig. II. — Left Side of the Heart of a Sheep (laid open). 
 P. V. pulmonary veins opening into the left auricle by four openings, as 
 shown by the styles or pieces of whalebone placed in them : a, a style passed 
 from auricle Into ventricle through the auriculo-ventricular orifice ; b, a style 
 passed irto tne coionary /ein, ^«; ich, though it haf no connection with the 
 left auricle, is, from its pos'ti^n, recessarily cut across in thus laying open the 
 M.V. the two ilaps of the mitral valve (drawn somewhat Jiagrammati- 
 cally) : pp. papillary muscle?, be'onging as before to the part of the ventricle 
 cut away ; c, a style passed from ventricle in Ao. aorta ; Ao^. branch of 
 aorta (see Fig. 5, A' d , ', P,A. pulmonary artery; S.V.C superior vena 
 T, wall of ventricle cut across; 2, wall of auricle cut .. -vay "around auriculo- 
 ventri' ular o-ifice ; 3, other portions of auricular wall cut across ; 4, mass of 
 fat around base of ventricle (see Fig. 5, 2). 
 ■ To return to the inside of the left ventricle. Up 
 at the top of the ventiicle, close to the opening from 
 the auricle, there is one other opening, and only one. 
 If you put your finger into this, you will find that it 
 leads into a tube which first of all dips under or be- 
 hind the pulmonary artery and then comes up and to 
 the front again. This tube is what you already know 
 as the aorta. If you slit it up from the ventricle (and 
 to do this you must cut through the pulmonary artery), 
 you will find that on the left side, as on the right, the 
 red fleshy wall of the ventrick suddenly changes into 
 the yellow firm wall of the artery, and that just at this 
 line there are three semilunar valves exactly like those 
 in the pulmonary artery. ■ ' * '^ , 
 On the left side of the heart, then, we have f 
 also two valves, the mitral between the 
 auricle and the ventricle, and the semilunar 
 between the ventricle and the aorta. These \ 
 let the blood pass one way and not the other. : 
 You can easily drive fluid from the pul- 
 monary veins through auricle and ventricle 
 into the aorta, but you cannot send it back 
 the other way from the aorta. 
 These then are the reasons why the blood will only 
 pass one way, the way I said it did. There are sets | 
 of valves opening one way and shutting the other. | 
 These valves are the tricuspid between the right 
 auricle and right ventricle, the pulmonary semilunar 
 valves between the right ventricle and the pulmonary 
 artery, the mitral valve between tlie left auricle and the | 
 left ventricle, the aortic semilunar valves between the 
 left ventricle and the aorta, and the valves '.yhich are 
 scattered among the veins of the body. Of these by 
 far the most important are the valves in the heart : 
 they do the chief work ; those in the veins do little 
 more than help. ' 
 33. Wei], then, we understand now, do we not ? why 
 I the blood, if it moves at all, moves in the one way 
 only. There still remains the question. Why does 
 the blood move at all ? 
 I You know that during life it does keep moving. 
 . You have seen it moving in the web of a frog's foot^ — 
 land whenever any part of the body can be brought 
 i under the microscope, the same rush of red corpuscles 
 ' through narrow channels may be seen. You know it 
 ! ■ moves because when you cut a blood-vessel the blood 
 runs out. If you cut an artery across, the blood 
 gushes out from the end which is nearest the heart ; if 
 you cut a vein across, the blood comes most from the 
 end nearest the capillaries. If you want to stop an 
 {artery bleeding, you tie it between the cut and the 
 heart ; if you want to stop a vein bleeding, you tie it 
 between the cut and the capillaries. You understand 
 now why there is this difference between a cut artery 
 and a cut vein. And you see that this is by itbelf a 
 proof that the blood moves in the arteries from the 
 heart to the capillaries, and in the veins from the 
 j caDillaries to the heart. ,.., ; , <, 
 I The blood is not only always moving, but moves 
 very fast. It flies along the great arteries at perhaps 
 ten inches in a second. Through the little bit of 
 capillaries along which it has to pass it creeps slowly, 
 but manages sometimes to go all the way round from 
 vein to vein again in about half a minute. 
 It is always moving at this rapid rate, and when it 
 ceases to move, you die. ri . -. 1 -: i ; .;. 
 ' -., 
 Wh?at makes it move ? 
 Suppose you had a long thin muscle, fastened at 
 one end to something firm, and with a weight hanging ' 
 at the other end. You know that every time the 
 muscle contracted it would pull on the weight and 
 draw it up. But suppose, instead of hanging a weight 
 on to the muscle, you wrapped the muscle round a 
 bladder full of water. What would happen then each 
 time the muscle contracted ? Why, evidently it would 
 squeeze the bladder, and if there were a hole in the 
 bladder some of the water would be squeezed out. 
 That is just what takes place in the heart. You have 
 already learnt that the heart is muscuj^. Each cavity 
 of the heart, each auricle, and each ventricle is, so to 
 speak, a thin bag with a number of muscles wrapped 
 round it. In an ordinary muscle of the body, the 
 bundles of fibres of which the muscle is made up are |j 
 placed carefully and regularly side by side. You can Ij 
 see this very well in a round of boiled beef, which is 
 little more than a mass of great muscles running in 
 different directions. You know that if you try to cut 
 a thin slice right across the round, at one part your 
 carving-knife will go " with the grain " of the meat, ]{ 
 i.e. you will cut the fibres lengthways ; at another part 
 it will go " against the grain," />. you will cut the 
 fibres crossways. In both parts, the bundles of fibres 
 will run very regularly. But in the heart the bundles 
 are interlaced with each other in a very wonderful 
 fashion, so that it is very difficult to make out the 
 grain. They are so arranged in order that the mus- 
 cular fibres may squeeze all parts of each bag at the 
 same time. ' ■ 
 Each cavity of the heart, then, auricle or ventricle, 
 I lis a thin bag with a network of muscles wrapped 
 i I round it, and each time the muscles contract they 
 i ) squeeze the bag and try to drive out whatever is in it. 
 j jThere are more muscles in the ventricles than in the 
 liauricles, and more in the left ventricle than In the 
 I bright, for we have already seen how much thicker the 
 Iventricles are than the auricles, and the left ventricle 
 than the right ; and the thickness is all muscle. 
 ] And now comes the wonderful fact. These muscles 
 lof the auricles and ventricles are always at work con- 
 ttracting and relaxing, shortening and lengthening, of 
 ! i ttheir own accord, as long as the heart is alive. The 
 I I Ibiceps in your ajm contracts only when you make it 
 ^contract. If you keep quiet, your arm keeps quiet 
 jand your biceps keeps quiet. But your heart never 
 3keeps quiet. Whether you are awake or whether you 
 <are asleep, whether you are running about or lying 
 <down quite still, whatever you are doing or not doing, 
 ; las long as you are alive your heart keeps on steadily 
 lat work. Every second, or rather oftener, there comes 
 ' la short sharp squeeze from the auricles, from both 
 ^exactly at the same time, and just as the auricles 
 jlhave finished their squeeze, there comes a great hug 
 I / Ifrom the ventricles, from both at the same time, but a 
 i ■ 
 I <much stronger hug from the left than from the right ; 
 I ; and then for a brief space there is perfect quiet. But 
 ^before the second has quite passed away, the auricles 
 I ! ■ thave begun again, and after them the ventricles once 
 (more, and thus the contracting and relaxing of the 
 Iwalls of the heart's cavities, this beat of the heart as 
 lit is called, this short snap of the two auricles, this 
 longer, steadier pull of the two ventricles, have gone on 
 nn your own body since before you were born, and will 
 go on until the moment comes when friends gathering 
 round your bedside will say that you are " gone/' 
 34. But how does this beat of the heart 
 make the blood move ? Let us see. 
 Remember that you have, or when you are grown 
 up will have, bottled up in the closed blood-vessels of 
 your body about 1 2 lbs. of blood. You have seen 
 that the heart and the blood-vessels form a system of 
 closed tubes; the walls are in some places, in the 
 capillaries for instance, very thin, but they are sound 
 and whole — and though the road is quite open from 
 the capillaries through the veins, heart, and arteries to 
 the capillaries again, there is no way out of the tubes 
 except by making a breach somewhere in the walls. 
 This closed system of heart and tubes is pretty well 
 filled by the 1 2 lbs. of blood. 
 What then must happen each time the heart con- 
 Let us begin with the right ventricle. Suppose it is 
 full of blood. It contracts. The blood in it, squeezed 
 on all sides, tries to go back into the right auricle, but 
 the tricuspid flaps have been driven back and block 
 the way. The more the blood presses on them, the 
 tighter they become, and the more completely t^ey 
 shut out all possibility of getting into the auricle. 
 The way into the pulmonary artery is open, the 
 blood can go there. But stay, the artery is already 
 full of blood, and so are the capillaries and veins in 
 the lung. Yes, but the artery will stretch ever so 
 much. Take a piece of pulmonary artery, ^>tA 
 having tied one end, pump or pour water into the 
 other ; you will see how much it will stretch. Into 
 the pulmonary artery, then, goes the blood, stretching 
||j|!| 80 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ v. 
 1', 1 . 
 i it in order to find room. As the ventricle squeezes 
 i and squeezes, until its walls meet in the middle, 
 8 all the blood that was in it finds its way out into the 
 \ artery. But the beat of the ventricle soon ceases, 
 ^ the squeeze is over and gone, and back tumbles the 
 I blood into the ventricle, or would tumble, only the 
 ^ first few drops that shoot backwards are caught by 
 \ the watch-pocket semilunar valves. Back fly these 
 valves with a sharp click (for the things of which we 
 are speaking happen in a fraction of a second), and 
 t all further return is cut off. The blood has been 
 \ squeezed out of the ventricle, and is safely lodged 
 in the pulmonary artery. ' ^^ » 
 But the pulmonary artery is ever so much on the 
 stretch. It was fairly full before it received this fresh 
 % lot of blood ; now it is over-full — at least that part of 
 it which is nearest to the heart is over-full. What 
 happens next? What happens when you stretch a 
 \ piece of india-rubber and then let it go ? It returns 
 \- to its former size. The ventricle has stretched the 
 piece of pulmonary artery near it, beyond the natural 
 size, and then (when it ceased to contract) has let it 
 Igo. Accordingly the piece of pulmonary artery tries 
 to Return to its former size, and since it cannot send 
 i the blood back to the ventricle, squeezes it on to the 
 i next piece of the artery nearer the capillaries, stretch- 
 I ing that in turn. 
 1 This again in turn sends it on the next piece — and 
 I so on right to the capillaries. The over-full pulmonary 
 \ artery, stretched to hold more than it fairly can, 
 i empties itself through the capillaries into the pul- 
 1 monary veins until it is not more than comfortably full. 
 1 But the pulmonary veins also are already full, — what 
 ;, t 
 are they to do ? To empty the surplus into the left 
 auricle. Oftener than every second there will come a 
 time when they can do so. 
 For at the same time that the right ventricle 
 pumped a quantity of blood into the pulmonary artery 
 and safely lodged it there, the left ventricle pumped a 
 like quantity into the aorta, safely lodged it there, and 
 was left empty itself. But just at that moment the 
 left auricle began to contract and to squeeze the blood 
 that was in it. 
 Where could that blood go ? It could not go back 
 into the pulmonary veins, for they were already full, 
 and the blood in them was being pressed behind by the 
 over-full pulmonary arteries. But it could pass easily 
 into the empty ventricle — and in it tumbled, the mitral 
 flaps readily flying back and opening up a wide way. 
 And so the auricle emptied itself into the ventricle. 
 But now the auricle ceases to contract — its walls no 
 longer squeeze — it is empty and wants filling, and so 
 comes the moment when the pulmonary veins can 
 pour into it the blood which has been driven into 
 them by the over-full pulmonary artery. 
 Thus the right ventricle drives the blood into tl^ 
 over-full pulmonary artery, the pulmonary artery over- 
 flows into the pulmonary veins, the pulmonary veins 
 carry the surplus to the empty left auricle, the left 
 auricle presses it into the empty left ventricle, the left 
 ventricle pumps it into the aorta — (the stretching of the 
 aorta and of its branches is what we call the pulse) — • 
 the over-full aorta overflows just as did the pulmonary 
 artery, through the capillaries of the body into the 
 great venae cavae — through these the blood falls into 
 the empty right auricle, the right auricle drives it into 
 o * 
 the empty right ventricle, and the full right ventricle is 
 the point at which we began. 
 Thus the alternate contractions of auricles 
 and ventricles, thanks to the valves in the 
 heart and in the veins, pump the blood,* 
 stroke by stroke, through the wide system 
 of tubes; and thus in every capillary all 
 over the body we find blood pressed upon 
 behind by over-full arteries, with a way 
 open to it in front, thanks to the auricles, 
 which are, once a second or oftener, empty 
 and ready to take up a fresh supply from the 
 veins. Thus it comes to pass that every little frag- 
 ment of your body is bathed by blood, which a few 
 moments ago was in your heart, and a few moments 
 before that was in some other part of your frame. 
 Thus it is that no part of your body can keep itself 
 to itself; the blood makes all things common as it flies 
 from spot to spot. The red corpuscle that a minute ago 
 was in your brain, is now perhaps in your liver, and in 
 another minute may be in a muscle of your arm or in 
 a bone of your leg : wherever it goes it has something 
 to bring, and something to fetch. A restless heart 
 fc for ever driving a busy blood, which wherever it 
 goes buys and sells, making perhaps an occasional 
 bargain as it shoots along the great arteries and great 
 veins, but busiest of all as it lingers in the narrow 
 pathways of the capillaries. 
 35. When you look down upon a great city from a 
 high place, as upon London from St. Paul's, you see 
 stretching below you a network of streets, the meshes 
 of which are filled with blocks of houses. You can 
 watch tlie crowds of men and carts jostling through 
 the streets, but the work within the houses is hidden 
 from your view. Yet you know that, busy as seems 
 the street, the turmoil and press which you see there 
 are but tokens of the real business which is being 
 carried on in the house. 
 So is it with any piece of the body upon which you 
 look through the microscope. You can watch the 
 red blood jostling through the network of capillary 
 streets. But each mesh bounded b; red lines is filled 
 with living fliesh, is a block of tiny houses, built of 
 muscle, or of skin, or of brain, as the case may be. 
 You cannot see much going on there, however strong 
 your microscope ; yet that is where the chief work 
 goes on. In the city the raw material is carried 
 through the street to the factciy, and the manufac- 
 tured article may be brought out again into the street, 
 but the din of the labour is within the factory gates. 
 In the body the blood within the capillary is a stream 
 of raw material about to be made muscle, or bone, or 
 brain, and of stuff which, having been muscle, or bone, 
 or brain, is no longer of any use, and is on its way to 
 be cast out. The actual making of muscle, or of bone, 
 or of brain, is carried on, and the work of each is done, 
 outside the blood, in the little plots of tissue into which 
 no red corpuscle comes. ^^.^ -^^..v^-.:. 
 The capillaries are closed tubes ; they keep the red 
 corpuscles in their place. But their walls are so thin 
 and delicate that they let the watery plasma of the 
 blood, the colourless fluid in which the corpuscles 
 float, soak through them into the parts inside the 
 mesh. You probably know that many things will 
 pass, through thin skins and membranes in which no 
 holes can be found even after the most careful search. 
 G 2 
 If you put peas into a bladder and tie the neck, the 
 peas will not get out until the bladder is untied or 
 torn. But if you were* to put a solution of sugar or 
 of salt into the bladder, and place the bladder with 
 its neck tied ever so tightly in a basin of pure water, 
 you would find that very soon the water in the basin 
 would begin to taste of sugar or salt — and that 
 without your being able to discover any hole, however 
 small, in the bladder. By putting various substances 
 in the bladder, you will find that soHd particles 
 and things which will not dissolve in water keep 
 inside the bladder, whereas sugar and salt, and many 
 other things which dissolve in water, will make their 
 way through the bladder into the water outside, 
 and will keep on passing until the water in the basin 
 is as strong of sugar or salt as the water in the 
 bladder. This property which membranes such as 
 a bladder have of letting certain substances pass 
 through them is called osmosis. You will at 
 once see how important a part it plays in your 
 own body. It is by osmosis chiefly that the raw 
 nourishing material in the blood gets into the little 
 islets of flesh lying, as we have seen, in the meshwork 
 of the capillaries. It is by osmosis chiefly that the 
 worn-out stuff from the same islets gets back into the 
 blood. It is by osmosis chiefly that food gets out of 
 the stomach into the blood. It is by osmosis chiefly 
 that the waste, worn-out matters are drained away 
 from the blood, and so cast out of the body altogether. 
 By osmosis the blood nourishes and purifies the flesh. 
 By osmosis the blood is itself nourished and kept 
 There are two chief things by which the blood, and 
 through the blood the body, is nourished. These are 
 food and air. The air we have always with us, we 
 have no need to buy it or toil for it \ hence we take it 
 as we want it, a little at a time, and often. We gather 
 up no store of it ; and cannot bear the lack of it for 
 more than a few moments. . \ . . ,.v 
 For our food we have to labour ; we store it up in 
 our bodies from time to time, at intervals of hours, 
 in what we call meals, and can go hours or even days 
 without a fresh supply. 
 Let us first of all see how the blood, and, through 
 the blood, the body, is nourished by air. 
 36. I have already said, perhaps more than once, that 
 our muscles burn, burn in a wet way without giving 
 light. And when I say our muscles, I might say our 
 whole body, some parts burning more fiercely than 
 others. , 
 You have learnt from your Chemistry Primer (Art. 
 2, p. 2) what happens when a candle is placed in a 
 closed jar of pure air. The oxygen gets less, carbonic 
 acid comes in its place, and after a while the candle 
 goes out for want of oxygen to carry on that oxida- 
 tion which is the essence of burning. You also 
 know that exactly the same thing would happen if 
 you were (only you need not do it) to put a bird or a 
 mouse in the jar instead of a candle. The oxygen 
 would* go, carbonic acid would come, and the little 
 flame of hfe in the mouse would flicker and go out, 
 and after a while its body would be cold. 
 But suppose you were to nut a fish or a snail in a 
 ■'" '..4* 
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 (716) 872-4503 
86 ^ SCIENCE PRIMERS. ! [8 vi. 
 jar of pure fresh water, and cork the jar tight. There 
 seems at first sight to be no air in the jar. But there 
 is. If you were to take that fresh water, and put it 
 under an air-pump, you could pump bubbles of air 
 out of it ; and if you were to examine these bubbles 
 you would' find them to contain oxygen and nitrogen, 
 with very little carbonic acid. The water contains 
 dissolved air. After the fish or the snail had been 
 some time in the jar, you would see its flame of life 
 flicker and die out, just like that of the bird in air ; 
 and if you then pumped the air out of the water you 
 would find that the oxygen was nearly gone and that 
 carbonic acid had come in its place. 
 You see, then, that air can be breathed, as we call 
 it, even when it is dissolved in water. 
 Now to return to our muscle. When you were 
 watching the circulation in the frog's foot, you could 
 tell the artery from the vein, because in the artery the 
 blood was flowing to tlie capillaries, and in the vein 
 from them. Both artery and vein were rather red, 
 and of about the same tint of colour. But if you could 
 see in your own body a large artery going to your 
 biceps muscle, and a large vein coming away from it, 
 you would be struck at once with the difference of 
 colour between them. The artery would look bright 
 scarlet, the vein a dark purple ; and if you were to 
 prick both, the blood would gush from the artery in a 
 bright scarlet jet, and bubble from the vein in a dark 
 purple stream. * And wherever you found an artery 
 and a vein (with a great exception of which I shall 
 have to speak directly), the blood in the artery v/ould 
 be bright scarlet, and that in the vein dark purple. 
 Hence we call the bright scarlet blood which is found 
 in the arteries arterial blood, and the dark purple 
 blood which is found in the veins venous blood. 
 What is the difference between the two? If you 
 were to pump away at some arterial blood, as you did 
 at the water in which you put your fish, you would be 
 able to obtain from it some air, or, more correctly, some 
 gas ; a great deal more gas, in fact, than you did from 
 the water. A pint of blood would 5deld you half a pint 
 of gas. This gas you would find on examination not 
 to be air, i.e. not made up of a great deal of nitrogen 
 and the rest oxygen. (Chemical Primer, Art 9.) There 
 would be very little nitrogen, but a good deal of 
 oxygen, and still more carbonic acid. 
 If you were to pump away at some venous blood 
 you would get about as much gas, but it would be 
 very different in composition. The little nitrogen 
 would remain about the same, but the oxygen would 
 be about half gone, while the carbonic acid would be 
 much increased. 
 This, then, is one great difference (for there are 
 others) between venous and arterial blood, that while 
 both contain, dissolved in them, oxygen, 
 nitrogen, and carbonic acid, venous blood 
 contains less oxygen and more carbonic acid 
 than arterial blood. ^ 
 37. In passing through the capillaries on its 
 way to the vein, the blood in the artery has 
 lost oxygen and gained carbonic acid. Where 
 has the oxygen gone to ? Whence comes the carbonic 
 acid? To and from the islets of flesh between the 
 capillaries, to the bloodless muscular fibre or bit of 
 nerve or skin which the blood-holding capillaries 
 wrap round. The oxygen has passed from the 
88 SCIENCE PRIMERS, ^ [§ vi. 
 blood within the capillaries to the flesh outside; 
 from the flesh outside the carbonic acid has passed to 
 the blood within the capillaries. And this goes on all 
 over the body. Everywhere the flesh is breathing 
 blood, is breathing gas dissolved in the blood, just as 
 a fish breathes water, i,e. breathes the air dissolved in 
 the water. ; , 
 Goes on everywhere with one great exception. 
 There is one great artery, >yith its branches, in which 
 blood is not bright, scarlet, arterial, but dark, purple, 
 venous. There are certain great veins in which the 
 blood is not dark, purple, venous, but bright, scarlet, 
 arterial. You know which they are. The pulmonary 
 artery and the pulmonary veins. The blood in the 
 pulmonary veins contains more oxygen and less 
 carbonic acid than the blood in the pulmonary artery. ' 
 It has lost carbonic acid and gained oxygen, 
 as it passed through the capillaries of the 
 38. What are the lungs? As you saw them in the 
 rabbit, or as you may see them in the sheep, they are 
 shrunk and collapsed. We shall presently iearn why. 
 But if you blow into them through the windpipe, 
 which divides into branches, one for either lung, you 
 can blow them out ever so much bigger. They are 
 in reality bladders which can be filled with air, but 
 which, left to themselves, at once empty themselves 
 again. , ' '^ 'j 
 They are bladders of a peculiar constmction. 
 Imagine a thick short bush or tree crowded with 
 leaves; imagine the trunk and the branches, small 
 and great, down to the veriest twigs, all hollow ; 
 imagine further that the leaves themselves were little 
 hollow bladders, stuck on to the smallest hollow 
 twigs, and made of some delicate, but strong and 
 exceedingly elastic, substance. If you blew down 
 the trunk you might stretch and swell out all the 
 hollow leaves ; when you left off blowing they would 
 all fall together, and shrink up again. 
 Around such a framework of hollow branches 
 called bronchial-tubes, and hollow elastic bladders 
 called air-cells, is wrapped the intricate network of 
 pulmonary arteries, veins, and capillaries, in such a 
 way that each air-cell, each little bladder, is covered 
 by the finest and most close-set network of capillaries, 
 very much as a child's india-rubber ball is covered 
 round with a network of string. Very thin are the 
 walls of the air-cell, so thin that the blood in the 
 capillary is separated from the air in the air-cell by 
 the thinnest possible sheet of finest membrane. As 
 the dark purple blood rushes through the crowded 
 network, its carbonic acid escapes through this thin 
 membrane, from the blood into the air, and oxygen 
 slips from the air into the blood. 
 Thus the dark purple venous blood coming along 
 the pulmonary artery, as it glides ii> the pulmonary 
 capillaries along the outside of the inflated air-cells, 
 by loss of carbonic acid and gai% of oxygen is changed 
 into the bright scarlet blood of the pulmonary 
 veins. ^ ^ . . ; 
 This then is the mystery of our constant need of air. 
 The flesh of the body of whatever kind, 
 everywhere all over the body, breathes 
 blood, making pure arterial blood venous 
 and impure, all over the body except in the 
 lungs, where the blood itself breathes air, 
 and changes from impure and venous to 
 pure and arterial. 
 39. Through the capillaries of the muscle a stream 
 of blood is ever flowing so long as life lasts and the 
 heart has power to beat ; every instant a fresh supply 
 of bright, pure, arterial blood comes to take the place 
 of that which has become dark, venous, and impure. 
 Without this constant renewal of its blood the muscle 
 would be choked, and its vital flame would flicker and 
 die out. 
 In the lungs, the air filling the air-cells would if 
 left to itself soon lose all its oxygen and become 
 loaded with carbonic acid ; and the blood in the 
 capillaries of the lungs would no longer be changed 
 from venous to arterial, but would travel on to the 
 pulmonary vein as dark and impure as in the pulmo- 
 nary artery. Just as the blood in the muscle 
 must be constantly renewed, so must the air 
 in the lungs be continually changed. 
 How is this renewal of the air in the lungs brought 
 In the dead rabbit you saw the lungs, shrunk, 
 collapsed, emptied of much of their air, and lying 
 almost hidden at the back of the chest (Fig. i, G.G,) 
 The cavity of thqf chest seemed to be a great 
 empty space, hardly half filled by the lungs and 
 heart. Bat this is quite an unnatural condition of the 
 lungs. Take another rabbit, and before you touch 
 the chest at all, open the abdomen and remove all its 
 contents — stomach, liver, intestines, &c. You will then 
 get a capital view of the diaphragm, which as you 
 already know forms a complete partition between the 
 chest and the belly. You will notice that it is arched 
 up towards the chest, so that the under surface at 
 which you are looking is quite hollow. If you hold 
 the rabbit up by its hind legs with its head hanging 
 down, and pour some water into the abdomen, quite 
 a little pool will gather in the shallow cup of the 
 In the rabbit the diaphragm is very transparent ; 
 you can see right through it into the chest, and you 
 will have no difficulty in recognizing the pink lungs 
 shining through it. You will notice that they 
 cover almost all the diaphragm — in fact they 
 fill up the whole of the cavity of the chest 
 that is not occupied by the heart. 
 If you seize the diaphragm carefully in the middle 
 with a pair of forceps, and pull it down towards 
 the abdomen, you will find that you cannot create 
 a space between the lUngs and the diaphragm, but 
 that the lungs follow the diaphragm, and are quite as 
 close to it when it is pulled down as when it is 
 drawn up. . * 
 In other words, when the diaphragm is 
 arched up as you find it on opening the abdo- 
 men, the lungs quite fill the chest ; and when 
 the diaphragm is drawn down ^nd the cavity 
 of the chest made biggei^ the lungs swell 
 out so that they still fill up the chest. 
 40. How do they swell out? By drawing air in 
 through the windpipe. If you listen, you will perhaps 
 hear the air rush in as you pull the diaphragm down — 
 and if you tie the windpipe, or quite close up the nose 
 and mouth, you will find it much harder to pull down 
 the diaphragm, because no fresh air can get into the 
 lungs. -v.^ -;-..■::,-?.,. ;-.^ -■..■■ ■ _.,.•■•-.-,„; 
 Now prick a hole through the diaphragm into the 
 cavity of the chest, without wounding the lungs. You 
 will hear a sudden rush of air, and the lungs will 
 shrink up almost out of sight. They are no longer 
 close against the diaphragm as they were before ; and 
 if you open the chest you will find that they have 
 sh/unk to the back of the thorax as you saw them in 
 the first rabbit. The rush of air is partly a rush of 
 air out of the lungs, and partly a rush of air into the 
 chest between the chest walls and the outside of the 
 But before you lay open the chest, pull the dia- 
 phragm up and down as you did before you made the 
 hole in the diaphragm. You will find that you have 
 no effect whatever on the lungs. They remain per- 
 fectly quiet, and do not swell up at all. By working 
 the diaphragm up and down, you only drive air through 
 the hole you have made, in and out of the cavity 
 of the chest, not in and out of the lungs as 
 you did before. 
 We see then that the chest is an air-tight 
 chamber, and that the lungs, when the chest walls 
 are whole, are always on the stretch, are on the 
 stretch even when the diaphragm is arched up as high 
 as it can go. # ' 
 Why is it that the lungs are thus always on the 
 stretch ? Because the chest is air-tight, so that no air 
 can get in between the outside of the lungs and the 
 inside of the chest wall. You know from your 
 Physics Primer (Art. 29, p. 34) that the atmosphere 
 is always pressing on everything. It is pressing 
 on all parts of the rabbit ; it presses on the inside 
 of the windpipe and on the inside of the lungs. 
 It presses on the outside of the abdomen, and so 
 presses on the under surface of the diaphragm, and 
 drives it up into the chest as far as it will go. But it 
 will not go very far, because its edges are fastened 
 to the firm walls of the chest. The air also presses 
 on the outside of the chest, but cannot squeeze that 
 much, because its walls are stout. 
 If the walls of the chest were soft and flabby, the 
 atmosphere would squeeze them right up, and so 
 through them press on the outside of the lungs ; since 
 they are firm it cannot. 1 . ^e chest walls keep the pres- 
 sure of the atmosphere off the outside of the lungs. 
 The lungs then are pressed by the atmosphere on 
 their insides and not on their outsides ; and it is this 
 inside pressure which keeps them on the stretch or 
 expanded. When you blow into a bladder, you put 
 it on the stretch and expand it because the pressure of 
 your breath inside the bladder is greater than the pres- 
 sure of the atmosphere outside the bhdder. If, instead 
 of making the pressure inside greater than that outside, 
 you were to make the pressure outside less than that 
 inside, as by putting the bladder under an air-pump, 
 you would get just the same effect ; you would expand 
 the bladder. That is just what the chest walls do ; 
 they keep the pressure outside the lungs less than 
 that inside the lungs, and that is why the lungs, as 
 long as the chest walls are sound, are always expanded 
 and on the stretch. 
 When you make a hole into the chest, and let the 
 air in between the outside of the lungs and the chest 
 wall, the pressure of the atmosphere gets at the out- 
 side of the lungs ; there is then the same atmospheric 
 pressure outside as inside the lungs ; there is nothing 
 -■ -- - — - - I 
 to keep them on the stretch, and so they shrink up to 
 their natural size, just as does the bladder when you 
 leave off blowing into it, or when you take it out of 
 the air-pump. 
 When before you made the hole in the diaphragm 
 you pulled the diaphragm down, you still further 
 lessened the pressure on the outside of the 
 lungs ; hence the pressure inside the lungs caused 
 them to swell up and follow the diaphragm. But 
 this put the lungs still more on the stretch, so that 
 when you let go the diaphragm and ceased to pull on 
 it, the lungs went back again to their former size, 
 emptying themselves of part of their air and pulling 
 the diaphragm up with them. When there is a hole in 
 the chest wall, pulling the diaphragm down does not 
 make any difference to the pressure outside the lungs. 
 They are then always pressed upon by the same at- 
 mospheric pressure inside and outside, and so remain 
 perfectly quiet. 
 When in an air-tight chest the diaphragm 
 is pulled down, the pressure of the atmo- 
 sphere drives air into th'e lungs through the 
 windpipe and swells them up. When the 
 diaphragm is let go, the stretched lungs 
 return to their former size, emptying them- 
 selves of the extra quantity of air which they 
 had received. 
 Suppose now the diaphragm were pulled down and 
 let go again regularly every few seconds : what would 
 happen ? Why, every time the diaphragm went down 
 a certain quantity of air would enter into the lungs, 
 and every tinie it was let go that quantity of air would 
 come out of the lungs again. 
 This is what does take place in breathing or respira- 
 tion. Every few seconds, about seventeen times a 
 « minute, the diaphragm does descend, and a quantity of 
 \ air rushes into the lungs through the windpipe. This 
 is called inspiration. As soon as that has taken 
 place, the diaphragm ceases to pull downwards, the 
 Fig, 12. — The Diaphragm of a Dog viewed from the Lower or 
 Abdominal Side, 
 y.C.f. the vena cava inferior; O, the oesophagus; Ao. the aorta j, tLe 
 broad white tendinous middle (B) is easily distinguished from the radiating 
 muscular fibres (A) which pass down to the ribs and into the pillars (C D) in 
 front of the vertebrae. 
96 SCIENCE PRIMERS, * [§ vi. 
 Stretched lungs return to their former size, carrying 
 the diaphragm up with them, and squeeze out the 
 extra quantity of air. This is called expiration. ' 
 As the diaphragm descends it presses down on the 
 abdomen \ when it ceases to descend, the contents of 
 the abdomen help to press it up. If you place your 
 hand on your stomach, you can feel the abdomen 
 bulging out each time the diaphragm descends in 
 inspiration, and going in again each time the dia- 
 phragm returns to its place in expiration. 
 41. But what causes the diaphragm to descend ? 
 If you look at the diaphragm of the rabbit (or of any 
 other animal) a little carefully, you will see that it is in 
 reality a flat thin muscle, rather curiously arranged ; 
 for the red fleshy muscular fibres are on the outside all 
 round the edge (Fig. 12, ^ and C), while the centre B 
 is composed of a whitish transparent tendon. These 
 muscular fibres, like all other muscular fibres, have the 
 power of contracting. What must happen when they 
 contract and become shortened ? 
 When these muscular fibres are at rest, as in the 
 dead rabbit, the whole diaphragm is arched up, as we 
 have seen, towards the thorax, somewhat as is shown 
 in Fig. 13, B, It is partly pushed up by all the 
 contents of the abdomen (for the cavity of the abdo- 
 men, you will remember, is quite filled by the liver, 
 stomach, intestines, and other organs), partly pulled ap 
 by the lungs, which, as we know, are always on the 
 stretch. When the muscular fibres contract, they pull 
 at the central tendon (just as the biceps pulls at its 
 lower tendon), and pull the diaphragm flat ; and 
 some of the fibres, such as those at C. Fig. 12, also 
 pull it down. The diaphragm during its con- 
 traction is flattened and descends, somewhat 
 as is shown in Fig. 13, -^. 
 Fig. 13. — Diagrammatic Sections of the Body in 
 A. inspiration; B. expiration. Tr. trachea; St. sternum; D, diaphragm; 
 Ab. abdominal walls. The shading roughly indicates the stationary air. 
 The unshaded portion at the top of A is the tidal air. 
 The descent of the diaphragm in inspiration 
 is caused by a contraction of its muscular 
 fibres. During expiration the diaphragm is 
 at rest ; its muscular fibres relax ; and it 
 goes up because it is partly drawn up by the 
 lungs, partly pushed up by the contents of 
 the abdomen, 
 42. Other structures besides the diaphragm assist in 
 pumping air in and out of the lungs. By the action 
 of the diaphragm the chest is alternately lengthened 
 and shortened. But if you watch anyone, and espe- 
 cially a woman, breathing, you will notice that with 
 every breath the chest rises aiid falls; the front of 
 the chest, the sternum, as you have learnt to call it, 
 comes forward and goes back ; and a little attention 
 will convince you that it comes forward during in- 
 spiration, />. while the diaphragm is descending, and 
 falls back during expiration. But this coming for- 
 ward of the sternum means a widening of the chest 
 from back to front, and the falling back of the ster- 
 num means a corresponding narrowing. So that 
 while the chest is being lengthened by the descent 
 of the diaphragm, it is also being widened by the 
 coming forward of the sternum. In inspiration the 
 lungs are expanded not only downwards, by the move- 
 ment of the diaphragm, but also outwards, by the 
 movement of the walls of the chest. 
 What thrusts forward the sternum? If you were 
 to watch closely the sides of the chest of a very 
 thin person, you would be able to notice that at every 
 breathing in, at every inspiration, the ribs are pulled 
 up a little way. Now, each rib is connected with the 
 backbone behind by a joint, and is firmly fastened 
 to the sternum in front by cartilage (see Frontis- 
 piece). If you were to fasten a piece of string to 
 the middle of one of the ribs and to pull it, you 
 would find you were working on a lever, with the 
 fulcrum at the backbone, with the weight acting at 
 the sternum, and the power at the point where your 
 string was tied. Every time you pulled the string the 
 rib would move on its fulcrum at the backbone, in 
 such a way that the front end of the rib would rise 
 up, and the sternum would be thrust out a little. 
 When you left off pulling, the sternum, which in 
 being thrust forward had been put on the stretch, 
 Fig. 14. — View of Four Ribs of the Dog with the Intercostal Muscles. 
 a. The bony rib ; b, the cartilage ; tf, the junction of bone and cartilage ; 
 d, unossified, ^, ossified, portions of the sternum, yl. External intercostal 
 muscle. B. Internal intercostal muscle. In the middle interspace, the 
 external intercostal has been removed to show the internal intercostal 
 beneath it. 
 would sink back, and the rib would fall down to its 
 previous position. 
 Between the ribs are certain muscles called inter- 
 costal muscles (Fig. i). The exact action of these 
 you will learn at some future time. Meanwhile it 
 H z 
loo SCIENCE PRIMERS, [§ vi. 
 will be enough to say that they act like the piece 
 of string we are speaking of. When they con- 
 tract, they pull up the ribs and thrust out the 
 sternum ; when they leave off contracting, 
 the ribs and sternum fall back to their pre- 
 vious position. 
 There are many other muscles which help in 
 breathing, especially in hard or deep breathing, but 
 it will be sufficient for you to remember that in ordi- 
 nary breathing there are two chief movements taking 
 place exactly at the same time, by means of which 
 air is drawn into the chest, both movements being 
 caused by the contraction of muscles. First, the dia- 
 phragm contracts and flattens itself, making the chest 
 deeper or longer ; secondly, at the same time the ribs 
 are raised and the sternum thrust out by the contrac- 
 tion of the intercostal muscles, making the chest 
 wider. But as the chest becomes wider and longer, 
 the lungs become wider and longer too. In order 
 to fill up the extra room thus made in the lungs, 
 air enters into them through the windpipe. This is 
 inspiration. But soon the diaphragm and the inter- 
 costal muscles cease to contract; the diaphragm re- 
 turns to its arched condition, the ribs sink down, the 
 stemum falls back, and the extra air rushes back 
 again out of the lungs through the windpipe. This 
 is expiration. An inspiration and an expiration 
 make up a whole breath ; and thus we breathe some 
 seventeen times in every minute of our lives. 
 43. But what makes the diaphragm and intercostal 
 muscles contract and rest in so beautifully regular a 
 fashion ? The biceps of the arm, we saw, was made 
 to contract by our will. It is not our will, however, 

 which makes us breathe. We breathe often without 
 knowing it; we breathe in our sleep when our will 
 is dead ; we breathe whether we will or no, because 
 we cannot help it. We can quicken our breathing, 
 we can take a short or deep breath as we please, 
 we can change our breathing by the force of our 
 will ; but the breathing itself goes on without,' and in 
 spite of, our will. It is an involuntary act. 
 Though breathing is not an effort of the will, it 
 is an effort of the brain ; an effort, too, of one par- 
 ticular part of the brain, that part where the brain 
 joins on to the spinal cord. Nerves run from the 
 diaphragm and the intercostal and other muscles 
 through the spinal cord) to this part of the brain. 
 And seventeen times a minute a message comes dowr 
 along these nerves, from the brain, bidding them con- 
 tract ; they obey, and you breathe. Why and how 
 that message comes, you will learn at some future 
 time. When your head is cut off, or when that part 
 of the brain which joins on to the spinal cord is 
 injured by accident or made powerless by disease, 
 the message ceases to be sent, and you cease to 
 44. At every breath, then, a certain quantity of air 
 goes in and out of the chest; but only a small quantity. 
 You must not think the lungs are quite 
 emptied and quite filled at each breath. On 
 the contrary, you only take in each time a mere hand- 
 ful of air, which reaches about as far as the large 
 branches of the windpipe, and does not itself go into | 
 the air-cells at all. This is often called tidal air; \ 
 and the rest of the air in the lungs, which does not j 
 move, is often called the stationary air (see Fig. 13). | 
 How then does the carbonic acid at the bottom of 
 the lungs get out? How do the capillaries in the 
 air-cells get their fresh oxygen ? 
 The stationary air mingles with the tidal air at every 
 breath. If you want to ventilate a room, you are not 
 obliged to take a pair of bellows and drive out every 
 bit of the old air in the room, and supply its place with 
 new air : it will be enough if you open a window or a 
 door and let in a draught of pure air across one corner, 
 say, of the room. That current of pure air flowing 
 across the comer will mingle with all the rest of the air 
 until the whole air in the room becomes pure; and 
 the mingling will take place very quickly. So it is 
 in the lungs. The tidal air comes in with each inspi- 
 ration as pure air from without ; but before it comes 
 out at the next expiration it gives up some of its 
 oxygen to the stationary air, a. ^ robs the stationary 
 air of some of its carbonic acid. For each breath of 
 tidal air the stationary air is so much the better, 
 having lost some of its carbonic acid and gained some 
 fresh oxygen. ' The tidal air rapidly purifies the 
 stationary air, and the stationary air purifies the blood. 
 Thus it comes to pass that the tidal air, which at 
 each pull of the diaphragm and push of the sternum 
 goes into the chest as pure air with twenty-one parts 
 oxygen to seventy-nine parts nitrogen in every hundred 
 parts, comes out, when the diaphragm goes up and 
 the sternum falls back, as impure air with only sixteen 
 parts oxygen, but with five parts carbonic acid to 
 seventy-nine of nitrogen. That ioFt oxygen is carried 
 through the stationary air to the blood in the capil- 
 laries, and the gained carbonic acid came through the 
 Stationary air from the blood in the capillaries. So 
 each breath helps to purify the blood, and the pump- 
 ing of air in and out of the chest changes the impure, 
 hurtful, venous, to pure, refreshing, arterial blood ; tlje 
 blood breathes air in the lungs, that all the body may 
 may in turn breathe blood. 
 45. The blood is not only purified by air, it is also 
 renewed and made good by food. The food we eat 
 becomes blood. But our food, though frequently moist, 
 is for the most part solid. We cut it into small pieces 
 on the plate, and with our teeth we crush and tear it into 
 still smaller morsels in our mouth. Still, however well 
 chewed, a great deal of it, most of it in fact, is swal- 
 lowed solid. In order to become blood it must first be 
 dissolved. It is dissolved in the alimentary canal, 
 and we call the dissolving digestion. Let us see how 
 digestion is carried on. 
 Your skin, though sometimes quite moist with per- 
 spiration, is as frequently quite dry. The inside of 
 your mouth is always moist — very frequently quite 
 filled with fluid ; and even when you speak of it as 
 being dry, it is still very moist. Why is this ? The 
 inside of your mouth is also very much redder than 
 your skin. The redness and the moisture go together. 
 In speaking of the capillaries, I said that almost 
 all parts of the body were completely riddled with 
 them, but not quite all. A certain part of the skin, 
 for instance, has no capillaries or blood-vessels at all. 
 You know that where your skin is thick, you can shave 
 off pieces of skin without " fetching blood ; " if your 
 Fig. JS.-Section of Skin, highly magnified. 
 a, homy epidermis ; 3, softer layer, c, dermis ; d, lowermost vertical layer of 
 epidermic cells ; e, cells lining the sweat duct continuous with epidermic 
 cells ;^ h, corkscrew canal of sweat duct. To the right of the sweat duct the 
 dermis is raised into a papilla, in which the small artery, /, breaks up into 
 capillaries, ultimately forming the veins, g. 
 knife were very sharp and you very skilful, you might 
 do the same in every part of your skin. If you were 
 to put some of the skin you had thus cut off under 
 the microscope, you would find that it was made up 
 of little scales. And if you were to take a very thin 
 upright slice running through the whole thickness of 
 the skin, and ^examine that under a high power of the 
 microscope, you would find that the skin was made 
 up of two quite different parts or layers, as shown in 
 Fig. te;. The upper layer, ^, ^, is nothing but a mass 
 of little bodies packed closely together. At the top 
 they are pressed fiat into scales, but lower down they 
 are round or oval, and at the same time soft. They 
 are called cells. As you advance in your study of 
 Physiology you will hear more and more about cells. 
 This' layer of cellSj either soft and round, or flattened 
 and dried into scales, is called the epidermis. No 
 blood-vessel is ever found in the epidermis, and hence, 
 when you cut it, it never bleeds. As long as you live 
 it is always growing. The top scales are always being 
 rubbed off. Whenever you wash your hands, especially 
 with soap, you wash off some of the top scales ; and 
 you would soon wash your skin away, were it not that 
 new round cells are always being formed at the bottom 
 of the epidermis, along the line at d (Fig. 15), and 
 always moving up to the top, where they become dried 
 into scales. Thus the skin, or more strictly the 
 epidermis, is always being renewed. Sometimes, as 
 after scarlet fever, the new skin grows quickly, and 
 the old skin comes away in great flakes or patches. 
 The lower layer below the epidermis aS what is 
 called the dermis, or true skin. This is full of 
 capillaries and blood-vessels, and when the knife or 
1 N 
 lo6 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ vii. 
 razor gets down to this, you bleed. It is not made up 
 of cells like the epidermis, bvt of thai fibrous sub- 
 stance which you early learnt to call connective tissue 
 (see p. 9). Its top is rarely level, but generally 
 raised irto little hillocks, called papillae, as in tlie 
 figure; the epidermis forming a thick cap over each 
 papillae, and filling up the hollows ^between them. 
 Most of the papillae are full of blood-vessels. 
 Now, then, I think you will understand why your 
 skin is not red, but flesh-coloured, and why it is gene- 
 rally dry. The true skin under the epidermis is always 
 moist, because of the blood-vessels there \ the waste 
 and fluid parts of the blood pass readily through the 
 wails of the capillaries, as you have learnt, by osmosis, 
 and so keep everything round them moist. But this 
 moisture is not enough to soak through the' thick 
 coating of epidermis, and so the top part of the 
 epidermis remains dry and scaly. 
 The true skin underneath the epidermis is always 
 red ; you know that if you shave off the surface of your 
 skin anywhere, it gets redder and redder the deeper you 
 go down, even though you do not fetch blood. It is 
 red because of the immense number of capillaries, all 
 full of red blood, which are crowded into it. When 
 you look at these capillaries through a great thickness 
 of epidermis, the redness is partly hidden from you, 
 as when you put a sheet of thin white paper over a 
 red cloth, and the skin seems pink or flesh-coloured ; 
 and where the epidermis is very thick, as at the heel, 
 the skin is not even pink, but white or yellow, more 
 or less dirty according to circumstances. 
 46. But if the moist true skin is thus everywhere 
 covered by a thick coat of epidermis, which keeps the 
 moisture in, how is it that the skin is nevertheless 
 sometimes quito moist, as v^hen we perspire ? 
 If you I'^ok at Fig. 15, you will see that the epi- 
 dermis is a one point pierced by a canal (h) running 
 right through it. You will notice that this canal is not 
 closed at the bottom of ihe epidermis, but runs right 
 into the dermis or true skin, where the canal becomes 
 Fig. 16. — Coiled end of a Sweat Gland, Epithelium not sJunun. 
 . ^e coil ; b, the duct ; c, network of capillaries, inside which the duct 
 gland lies. 
 M tube, with just one layer (e) of cells, like the cells 
 of the epidermis, for its walls. There is no room in 
 x^ig. 15 to show what becomes of this tube, but it 
 runs some way down under the skin all among the 
 blood-vessels, and then twisting itself up into a knot, 
 ,ends blindly, as is shown in Fig. i^, where b is 
io8 SCIENCE PRIMERS, [§ vii. 
 a continuation on a smaller scale of the same tube 
 which is seen in Fig. 15. This knot is covered by 
 a close network of capillaries, which at c are supposed 
 to be unravdled and taken away from the knotted 
 tube in order to show them. The capillaries, you 
 will understand, though inside the knot, are always out- 
 side the tube. If you were to drop a very diminutive 
 marble in at h (Fig. 15), it would rattle down the 
 corkscrew passage through the thick epidermis, shoot 
 down the straight tube b (Fig. 16), and roll through the 
 knot ^, until it came to rest at the blind end of the 
 tube. Along its whole course it would touch nothing 
 but cells, like the cells of the epidermis, a single layer 
 of which forms the walls of the tube where it runs 
 below the epidermis. If it got lodged at h (Fig. 1 5 ), or 
 got lodged in the knot at a (Fig. 16), it would in both 
 cases be touching epidermic cells. But there would 
 be this great difference. At h it would be ever so 
 far removed from any blood capillary ; at « it would 
 only have to make its way through a thin layer of 
 single cells, and it would be touching a capillary 
 directly. At h it might remain dry for some tune ; 
 at a it would get wet directly, for there is nothing to 
 prevent the fluid parts of the blood oozing out 
 through the thin wall of the capillaries, and so 
 through the thin wall of tlie tube into the canal of 
 the tube, on to the marble. 
 In fact, the inside of the knot is always moist and 
 filled with fluid. When the capillaries round the 
 knot get over-full of blood, as they often do, a great 
 deal of colourless watery fluid passes from them into 
 the tube. The tube gets full, the fluid wells up right 
 into the corkscrew portion in the thickness of the 
 epidermis, and at last overflows at the mouth of the 
 tube over the skin. We call this fluid sweat or 
 perspiration. We call the tube with its knotted end 
 a gland ; and we call the act by which the colourless 
 fluid passes out of the blood capillaries into the canal 
 of the tube, secretion. We speak of the sweat 
 gland secreting sweat out of the blood brought 
 by the capillaries which are wrapped round 
 the gland. 
 47. Now we can understand why the inside of the 
 mouth is red and moist. The mouth has a skin just 
 like the skin of the hand. There is an outside epi- 
 dermis, made up of cells and free from capillaries, 
 and beneath that a dermis or true skin crowded with 
 capillaries. Only the epidermis of the mouth is ever 
 so much thinner than that of the hand. The red 
 capillaries easily shine through it, and their moisture 
 can make its way through. Hence the mouth is red 
 and moist. Besides there are many glands in it, some- 
 thing like the sweat gland, but differing in shape; 
 these especially help to keep it moist. 
 Because it is always red and moist and soft, the 
 skin of the inside of the mouth is generally not 
 called a skin at all, but mucous membrane, and the 
 upper layer is not called epidermis, but epithelium. 
 You will remember, however, that a mucous membrane 
 is in reality a skin in which the epidermis is thin and 
 soft, and is called epithelium. 
 The mouth is the beginning of the alimentary canal. 
 Throughout its whole length the alimentary canal is 
 lined by a skin or mucous membrane like that of the 
 mouth, only over the greater part of it the epithelium is 
 still thinner than in the mouth, and indeed is made up 
 of a single layer only of cells. The whole of the inside 
 of the canal is therefore red and moist, and whatever 
 lies in the canal is separated by a very thin artition 
 only from the blood in the capillaries, which are found 
 in immense numbers in the walls of the canal. The 
 alimentary canal is, as yci know, a long tube, wide at 
 the stomach but narrow elsewhere. In all parts of its 
 length the tube is made up of mucous membrane on 
 the inside, and on the outside of muscles, differing 
 somewhat from the muscles of the body and of the 
 heart, but having the same power of contracting, and 
 by contracting of squeezing the contents of the tube, 
 just as the muscles of the heart squeeze the blood 
 in its cavities. The muscles, and especially the mucous 
 membrane, are crowded with blood-vessels. 
 Though the epithelium of the mucous membrane 
 is very thin, the mucous membrane itself is thick, in 
 some places quite as thick as the skin of the body. 
 This thickness is caused by its being crowded with 
 glands. In the skin the sweat glands are generally 
 some little distance apart, but in the mucous mem- 
 brane of the stomach and of the intestines Ihey are 
 packed so close together, that the membrane seems 
 to be wholly made up of glands. 
 These glands vary in shape in different parts. No- 
 where are they exactly like the sweat glands, because 
 none of them are long thin tubes coiled up at the 
 end in a knot, and none of them have a great thick- 
 ness of epidermis to pass through. Most of them are 
 short, rather wide tubes ; some of them are branched 
 at the deep end. They all, however, resemble the 
 sweat glands in being tubes or pouches closed at the 
 bottom but open at top, lined by a single layer of 
 cells, and wrapped round with blood capillaries. From 
 these capillaries, a watery fluid passes into the tubes, 
 and from the tubes into thq alimentary canal. This 
 watery fluid is, however, of a difl*erent nature from 
 sweat, and is not the same in all parts of the canal. 
 The fluid which is, as we say, secreted by the glands 
 in the walls of the stomach is an acid fluid, and is 
 called gastric juice ; that by the glands in the walls 
 of he intestines is an alkaline fluid, and is called 
 iii;Ustinal juice. 
 48. But besides these glands in the mucous mem- 
 brane of the mouth, the stomach, and the intestines, 
 there are other glands, which seem at first sight to 
 have nothing to do with the mucous membrane. 
 Beneath the skin, underneath each ear, just be- 
 hind the jaw, is a soft body, which ordinarily you 
 cannot feel, but which, when inflamed by what is 
 called "the mumps," swells up into a great lump. 
 In a sheep's head you would find just the s^,me 
 body, and if you were to examine it you would 
 notice fastened to it a fleshy cord running underneath 
 the skin across the cheek towards the mouth. By 
 cutting the cord across you would discover that what 
 seemed a cord was in reality a narrow tube coming 
 from the soft body we are speakhig of and opening 
 into the mouth. Just close to the soft body this tube 
 divides into two smaller tubes, these divide again into 
 still smaller ones, or give off small branches ; all these 
 once more divide and branch like the boughs of a tiity 
 tree ; and so they go on branching and dividing, getting 
 smaller and smaller, until they end in fine tubes with 
 blind swollen ends. All the tubes, great and small, 
 are lined with epithelium and wrapped round with 
% • 
 112 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ Vll. 
 blood-vessels, and being packed close together with 
 connective tissue, make up the soft body we are 
 speaking of. This bo4y is in fact a gland, and 
 is called a salivary gland ; as you see it is not a 
 simple gland like a sweat gland, but is made up of a 
 host of tube-like glands all joined together, and 
 hence is called a compound gland. Being placed 
 far away from the mouth, it has to be connected with 
 the cavity of the mouth by a long tube, which is 
 called its duct. You cannot fail to notice how like 
 such a gland is, in its structure, to a lung. The lung 
 is in fact a gland secreting carbonic acid : and the 
 duct of the two lungs is called the trachea. The 
 salivary gland beneath the ear is called the parotid 
 gland ; there is another very similar one underneath 
 the corner of the jaw on either side, called the 
 submaxillary gland. By each of them a watery 
 fluid is secreted, which, flowing along their ducts 
 into the mouth and being there mixed with the 
 moisture secreted by the other glands in the mouth, 
 is called saliva. 
 In the cavity of the abdomen lying just below the 
 stomach is a much larger but altogether similar com- 
 pound gland called the pancreas, which pours its 
 secretion called pancreatic juice into the alimentary 
 canal just where the small intestine begins (Fig. 17,^.) 
 That large organ the liver, though the plan of its 
 construction is not quite the same as that of the pan- 
 creas or salivary glands, as you will by and by learn, 
 is nevertheless a huge gland, secreting from the blood 
 capillaries into which the portal vein (see p. 62) breaks 
 up, a fluid called bile or gall, which by a duct, the 
 gall duct, is poured into the top of the intestine (Fig. 
 17, e). When bile is not wanted, as when we are 
 fasting, it turns off by a side passage from the duct 
 into the gall-bladder (Fig. 17, /), to be stored up 
 there till needed. 
 ' 49. What are the uses of all these juices and 
 secretions ? To dissolve the food we eat. 
 Fig. 17. — The Stomach laid open behind. 
 tf, the oesophagus or gullet ; b, one end of the stomach ; rf, the other end 
 joining the intestine ; ^, gall duct \/, the gall-bladder ; gy the pancreatic 
 duct; hy i, the small intestine. 
 We eat all manner of dishes, but in all of them that 
 are worth eating we find the same kind of things, 
 which we call food- stuffs. v 
 We eat various kinds of meat ; but all meats are 
 made up chiefly of two things : the substance of the 
 muscular fibre, which you have already learnt is a 
 proteid matter containing nitrogen, and the fat which 
114 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ vil. 
 wraps round the lean muscular flesh. Now, proteids 
 are, when cooked, insoluble in water (see p. 49) ; and 
 fat, you know, will not mingle with water. Both these 
 parts of meat, both these food-stuffs, must be acted 
 upon before they can pass fr-^m the inside of the 
 alimentary canal, through the epithelium of the mucous 
 membrane, into the blood capillaries. > . ^ 
 Besides meat we eat bread. Bread is chiefly com- 
 posed of starch ; but besides starch we find in it a 
 substance containing nitrogen, exceedingly like the 
 proteid matter of muscle or of blood. 
 Potatoes contain a very great deal of starch with a 
 very small quantity of proteid matter ; and nearly all 
 the vegetables we eat contain starch, with more or less 
 proteid matter. 
 Then we generally eat more or less sugar, either as 
 such or in the form of sweet fruits. We also take salt 
 with our meals, and in almost everything we eat, 
 animal or vegetable, meat, bread, potatoes or fruit, we 
 swallow a quantity of mineral substances, that is, 
 various kinds of salts, such as potash, lim6, magnesia, 
 iron, with sulphuric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, and other 
 In everything on which we live we find 
 one or more of the following food-stuffs : — 
 Proteid matter, starch or sugar, and fat, 
 together with certain minerals and water. 
 It is on these we live: any article which 
 contains either proteid matter, or starch, or 
 fat, is useful for food. Any article which 
 contains none of them is useless for food, 
 unless it be for the sake of the minerals or 
 water it holds. 
 We are not obliged to eat all these food-stuffs. 
 Proteid matter we must have always. It is the only 
 food-stuff which contains nitrogen. It is the only 
 substance which can renew the nitrogenous proteid 
 matter of the blood and so the nitrogenous proteid 
 matter of the body. 
 We might indeed manage to live on proteid matter 
 alone, for it contains not only nitrogen but also carbon 
 and hydrogen, and out of it, with the help of a few 
 minerals, we might renew the whole blood and build 
 up any and every part of the body. But, as you will 
 V Ti hereafter, it would be uneconomical and unwise 
 tv do so. Starch, sugar, and fats, contain carbon and 
 hydrogen without nitrogen ; and hence, if we are to 
 live on these we must add some proteid matter to 
 50. Of these food-stuffs, putting on one side the mine- 
 rals, sugar (of which, as you know, there are several 
 kinds, cane sugar, grape sugar, and the like) is the only 
 one which is really soluble, and will pass readily by os- 
 nosis through thin membranes (see p. 84). If you take 
 a quantity of white of tgg^ cr blood serum, or meat, or 
 fibrin,' or a quantity of starch boiled or unboiled, or a 
 quantity of oil or fat, place it in a bladder, and im- 
 merse the bladder in pure water, you will find that none 
 of it passes through the bladder into the water outside, 
 as sugar or salt would do. In the same way a quantity 
 of meat, or of starch, or of fat, placed in your alimen- 
 tary cp" al, would never get through the membrane 
 which separates the inside of the canal from the inside 
 of the capillaries, and so would remain perfectly useless 
 as food unless something were done to it. While the 
 food is simply inside tae alimentary canal, it is really 
 I 2 
 outside your body. It can only be said to be inside 
 your body when it gets into your blood. 
 In the things we eat, moreover, these food-stuffs are 
 mixed up with a great many things that are not food- 
 stuffs at all ; they are packed away in all manner of 
 little cases, which are for the most part no more good 
 for eating than the boxes or paper in which the sweet- 
 meats you buy are wrapped up. The food-stuffs have 
 to be dissolved out of these boxes and packing. 
 The juices secreted by the glands of which 
 we have been speaking, dissolve the food-stuffs out of 
 their wrappings, act upon them so as to make them 
 fit to pass into the blood, and leave all the wrappings 
 as useless stuff which passes out of the alimentary 
 canal without entering into the blood, and therefore 
 without really forming part of the body at all. 
 This preparation and dissolving of food-stuffs is 
 called digestion. * 
 Different food-stuffs are acted upon in different 
 psirts of the alimentary canal. 
 The saliva of the mouth has a wonderful power of 
 changing starch into sugar. If you take a mouthful 
 of boiled starch, which is thick, sticky, pasty, and 
 tasteless, and hold it in your mouth for a few moments, 
 it will become thin and watery, and will taste quite 
 sweet, because the starch has been changed into sugar. 
 Now sugar, as you know, will readily pass through 
 membranes, though starch will not. 
 The gastric juice in the stomach does not act 
 much on starch, but it rapidly dissolves all 
 proteid matters. 
 If you take a piece of boiled meat, put it in some 
 gastric juice and keep the mixture warm, in a very 
 short time the meat wll gradually disappear. All the 
 proteid matter will be dissolved, and only the wrap- 
 pings of the muscular fibre and the fat be left. You 
 will have a solution of meat — a solution, moreover 
 which, strange to say, will easily pass through mem- 
 branes, and is therefore ready to get into the blood. 
 The pancreatic juice and the juice secreted by the 
 intestine act both on starch as saliva does, and on 
 proteids very much as gastric juice does. 
 51. The bile and the pancreatic juice together act 
 upon all fats in a very curious way. 
 You know that if you shake up oil and water to- 
 gether, though by violent shaking you may mix them 
 a good deal, directly you leave off they separate 
 again, and all the oil is seen floating on the top of 
 the water. If, however, you shake up oil with pan- 
 creatic juice and bile, the oil does not separate. You 
 get a sort of creamy mixture, and will have to wait 
 a very long time before the oil floats to the top. 
 Milk, you know, contains fat, the fat which is gene- 
 rally called butter. If you examine milk under the 
 microscope, you will find that the fat is all separated 
 into the tiniest possible drops. So also, when you 
 shake up oil or butter, or any other fat, with bile 
 and pancreatic juice, you will find on examination 
 that the fat or oil is all separated into the tiniest 
 possible drops. What is the purpose of this ? 
 If you look at the inside of the small intestine 
 of any animal, you will find that it is not smooth and 
 shiny like the outside of the intestine, but shaggy, 
 or, rather, velvety. This is because the mucous 
 membrane is crowded all over with little tags, like 
 very little tongues, hanging down into the inside of 
 t§ VII. 
 SCIENCE t^i^u^^— . 
 iiS , — — 
 — ' n ^A ^/lUi • thev are not 
 the intestine. .'^^'^^'^^.^Xv^'^ yousuppose 
 unlike thepapilte "f *^ f^^^p? the bottom row of 
 all the epide^js stnpped «cep ^^^ ^ ^^^^ 
 cells (4 and *« P?^^ ? Ulustrate the structure 
 deal. Fig. i8 « a sketch '/M .^ ^^^^ up 
 of a villus. The eP'J^XShV epithelium, just 
 of a single row of cell^ f^^^^^ network of blood 
 S^S:^.t^^::ience> the ri^tW 
 ^ , . :.u.i;„m. of wWch some cells aic 
 '^^ ,, -Joe ty,e blood capillaries, there 
 viUus only. But besides die btood^ P ^^ ^^^ 
 is in each vUlus, what Aere is no ^JJ^^^^^ -^ the 
 skin, another <^P^llfYi*°h doe not contain blood, 
 left-hand villus only) 'f"?' '^^ery or with any 
 which is not connected ^* any^ery ^^ .^ ^ 
 Ser f^eS^nlii^rLse at present 
 In most parts of the body we find, besides blood 
 capillaries, fine passages very much like capillaries, 
 except that they contain a colourless fluid instead of 
 blood, and do not branch off from any larger vessels 
 like arteries. They seem to start out of the part in 
 which they are found, like the roots of a plant in 
 the soil. But though unlike blood capillaries in not 
 branching off from larger trunks, they resemble capil- 
 laries in joining together to form larger trunks corre- 
 sponding to veins, and the colourless fluid flows from 
 the fine capillary channels towards these larger trunks. 
 This colourless fluid is called lymph ; it is very much 
 like blood without the red corpuscles, and the chan- 
 nels in which it flows are called lymphatics. 
 The lymphatics from nearly all parts of the body 
 join at last into a great trunk called the thoracic 
 duct, which empties itself into the great veins of the 
 neck, as is shown in the diagram. Fig. 6, Z^., Zj., 
 Th, D, 
 Now, many of the lymphatics start from the innu- 
 merable villi of the intestine, and are there called 
 lacteals (Fig. 6, Let,) \ so that lacteals may be said 
 to be those lymphatics which have their roots in the 
 villi of the intestine. 
 But what has all this to do with the digestion of 
 fat? Lacteal means milky, and the lymphatics 
 coming from the villi are called lacteals because, when 
 digestion is going on, the fluid in them, instead of 
 being transparent as in the rest of the lymphatics, 
 is white and milky. Why is it thus white and 
 milky? Because it is crowded with minute particles 
 of fat, and those minute particles of fat come from 
 the inside of the intestine. They are the same 
 minute particles into which the bile and pancreatic 
 juice have divided the fat taken as food. We know 
 this because when no fat is eaten the lacteals do not 
 get milky ; and when for any reason bile and pancre- 
 atic juice are prevented from getting into the intes- 
 tine, though ever so much fat be eaten, it does not 
 get into the lacteals at all, it remains in the intestine 
 in great pieces, and is finally cast out as useless. 
 52. This, then, is what becomes of the food-stuffs : — 
 The fats are broken up by the bile and pancreatic 
 juice into minute particles. These minute particles, we 
 do not exactly know how, pass through the epitheUum 
 of the villus into the lacteal vessels, from the lac- 
 teals into the thoracic duct, and from the thoracic 
 duct into the vena cava. Thus the fats we eat get 
 into the blood. 
 The starch is changed into sugar in the mouth by 
 saliva, and in the intestine by the pancreatic juice ; 
 but sugar passes readily through membranes, and so 
 slips into the blood capillaries of the walls of the 
 alimentary canal. Thus all the sugar we eat, and 
 all the goodness of the starch we eat, pass into 
 the blood. 
 The proteids are dissolved in the stomach by the 
 gastric juice, and what passes the stomach is dis- 
 solved in the intestine, dissolved in such a way that 
 it can pass through membranes; and thus proteids 
 pass into the blood. 
 Probably some of the sugar and proteids pass into 
 the lacteals as well. % 
 The minerals are dissolved either in the mouth, 
 or :n the stomach, or in the intestine, and pass into 
 the blood. 
 And water passes into the blood everywhere along 
 the whole length of the canal. 
 When we eat a piece of bread, while we are chew- 
 ing it in our mouth it is getting moistened and mixed 
 with saliva. Part of its starch is thereby changed 
 into sugar, and all of it is softened and loosened. 
 Passing into the stomach, some of the proteids are 
 dissolved out by the gastric juice, and pass into the 
 blood, and all the rest of the bread breaks up into 
 a pulpy mass. Passing then into the intestine, what 
 is left of the starch is changed by the pancreatic 
 juice into sugar, and is at once drained off either 
 into the lacteals or straight into the blood. Iti 
 the intestine what remains of the proteids is dis- 
 solved, till nothing is left but the shells of the tiny 
 chambers in which the starch and proteids were stored 
 up by the wheat-plant as it grew. 
 When we eat a piece of meat, it is torn into mor- 
 sels by the teeth and well moistened by saliva, but 
 suffers else little change in the mouth. In the stomach, 
 however, the proteids rapidly vanish under the action 
 of the gastric juice. The morsels soften, the fibres 
 of the muscle break short off and come asunder ; 
 the fat is set free from the chambers in which it was 
 stored up by the living ox or sheep, and, melted by 
 the warmth of the stomach, floats in great drops on 
 the top of the softened pulpy mass of the half-digested 
 food. Rolled about in the stomach for some time 
 by the contraction of the muscles which help to form 
 the stomach walls, losing much of its proteids all the 
 while to the hungry blood, the much-changed meat 
 is siqueezed into the intestine. Here the bile and 
 the pancreatic juice, breaking up the fat into tiny 
122 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ vil 
 particles, mix fat, and broken meat, and empty wrap- 
 pings, and salts, and water, all together into a thick, 
 dirty, yellowish creamt Squeezed along the intestine 
 by the contraction of the muscular walls, the goodness 
 of this cream is little by little sucked up. The fat 
 goes drop by drop, particle by particle, into the 
 lacteals, and so away into the blood. The proteids, 
 anore and more dissolved the further they travel along 
 the canal, soak away into blood-vessel or into lacteal. 
 The salts and the water go the same way, until at 
 last the digested meat, with all its goodness gone, 
 with nothing left but indigestible wrappings, or perhaps 
 as well some broken bits of fibre or of fat, is cast 
 aside as no longer of any use. 
 Thus all food-stuffs, not much altered, with 
 all their goodness unchanged, pass either at 
 once into the blood, or !irst into the lacteals 
 and then into the blood, and the useless 
 wrappings of the food-stuffs are cast away. 
 While we are digesting, the blood is for ever rushing 
 along the branches of the aorta, through the small 
 arteries and capillaries of the stomach and intestine, 
 along the branches of the portal vein, and so through 
 the liver back to the heart ; and during .xie few seconds 
 it tarries in the intestine, it loads itself with food-stuffs 
 from the alimentary canal, becoming richer and richer 
 at every round. While we are digesting, the thoracic 
 duct is pouring, drop by drop, into the great veins of 
 the neck the rich milky fluid brought to it by the 
 lacteals from the intestine, and as the blood sweeps 
 by the opening of the thoracic duct on its way down 
 from the neck to the heart, it carries that rich milky fluid 
 with it, and the heart scatters it again all over the body. 
 Thus the blood feeds on the food we eat, 
 and the body feeds on the blood. 
 53. But if the blood is thus continually being made 
 rich by things, it must also as continually be getting rid 
 of things. The things with which it parts are not, 
 however, the same as those which it takes. The 
 blood, as we have said, is fuel for the muscles, for the 
 brain, and for other parts of the body. These burn 
 the blood, bum it with heat but without light. But, 
 as you have learnt from your Chemistry Primer, Art. 
 4, burning is only change, not destruction ; in burn- 
 ing nothing is lost. If the muscle burns blood, it 
 bums it into something ; that something, being already 
 bumt, cannot be butnt again, and must be got rid of 
 Into what things does the body bum itself while it 
 is alive ? 
 I have already said that if you were to take a piece of 
 meat or some blood, and dry it and burn it, you would 
 find that it was turned into four things — water, carbonic 
 acid, ammonia, and ashes. The body is made up of 
 nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with sulphur, 
 phosphoms, and some other elements. The nitrogen 
 and hydrogen go to form ammonia; the hydrogen, 
 with the oxygen of combustion, forms water; the 
 carbon, carbonic acid ; the phosphorus, sulphur, and 
 other elements go to form phosphates, sulphates, and 
 other salts. 
 In whatever way the body be oxidized, 
 whether it be rapidly burnt in a furnace, 
 whether it be slowly oxidized after death, as 
134 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ viii. 
 when it moulders away either above ground 
 or in the soil, whether it be quickly oxidized 
 by living arterial blood while still alive — in 
 all these several ways the things into which 
 it is burnt, into which it is oxidized, are the 
 same. Whatever be the steps, the end is 
 always water, carbonic acid, ammonia, and 
 These are the things which are always being formed 
 in the blood through the oxidation of the body, these 
 are the things of which the body has always to be 
 getting rid. 
 In addition to the water which comes from the 
 oxidation of the solids of the body, we are always 
 taking in an immense quantity of water; partly because 
 it is absolutely necessary that our bodies within should 
 be kept continually moist, partly because food can- 
 not pass into the blood except when dissolved in 
 water, and partly because we need washing inside 
 quite as much as outside; if we had not, so to 
 speak", a stream of water continually passing through 
 our bodies to wash away all impurities, we should 
 soon be choked, just as an engine is choked with soot 
 and ashes if it be not properly cleaned. We have, 
 then, to get rid daily of a large quantity of washing 
 water over and above that which comes from the 
 burning of the hydrogen of our food. 
 We have already seen that a great deal of the car- 
 bonic acid goes out by the lungs at the same time, 
 that the oxygen comes in. A large quantity of water 
 escapes by the same channel. You very well know 
 that however dry the air you breathe, it comes out of 
 your body quite wet with water. 
 We have also already seen how the blood secretes 
 sweat into the sweat-glands, and so on to the skin. 
 \ Perspiration is little more than water with a little salt 
 in it. The skin, therefore, helps to purify the blood 
 through the sweat-glands, by getting rid of water with 
 a little salt. You must remember that a great deal of 
 water passes away from your skin without your know- 
 ing it. Instead of settling on the skin in drops of 
 sweat, it passes off at once as vapour or steam. Some 
 carbonic acid also makes its way from the blood 
 through the skin. 
 ^ 54. It only remains for us to inquire, In what way 
 does iX\t blood get rid of the ammonia and the rest 
 of the saline matters that do not pass through the 
 skin ? 
 These are secreted from the blood by the kidney, 
 dissolved in a large quantity of water in the form of 
 • urine. 
 What is the kidney? You will learn more about 
 this organ by and by. Meanwhile it will for our 
 present purpose be sufficient to say that a kidney is a 
 bundle of long tubular glands, not so very unlike 
 sweat-glands, all bound together into the rounded mass 
 whose appearance is familiar to you. Into these 
 glands the blood secretes urine just as it 
 secretes sweat into the sweat-glands. The 
 glands themselves unite into a common tube or duct 
 which carries the urine into the receptacle called the 
 urinary bladder, from whence it is cast put when 
 What is urine ? Urine is in reality water holding 
 ^ in solution several salts, and in particular containing 
 a quantity of ammonia. The ammonia in urine is 
 . jLV^M ** V.l.«A ^ 
126 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ viii. 
 generally in a particular condition, being combined 
 ivith a little carbonic acid, in the form of what is 
 called urea. If urea is not actually ammonia, it is at 
 least next door to it. 
 The three great channels, then, by which the blood 
 purifies itself, by which it gets rid of its waste, are the 
 lungs, the kidneys, and the skin. Through the lungs, 
 carbonic acid and water escape ; through the kidneys, 
 water, ammonia in the shape of urea, and various salts ; 
 through the skin, water and a few salts. As the blood 
 passes through lung, kidney, and skin, it throws off 
 little by little the impurities which clog it, one at 
 one place, another at another, and returns from each 
 purer and fresher. The need to get rid of carbonic 
 acid and' to gain a fresh supply of oxygen is more 
 pressing than the need to get rid of either ammonia 
 or salts. Hence, while all the blood which leaves the 
 left ventricle has to pass through the lungs before it 
 returns to the left ventricle again, only a small part of 
 it passes through the kidneys, just enough to fill at 
 each stroke the small arteries leading to those organs. 
 The blood craves for great draughts of oxygen, and 
 breathes out great mouthfuls of carbonic acid, but is 
 quite content to part with its ammonia an-^ salts in 
 llctle driblets, bit by bit. 
 The three channels manage between them to keep 
 the blood pure and fresh, working hard and clearing 
 off much when much food or water is taken or much 
 work is done, and taking their ease and working slow 
 when little food is eaten or when the body is at rist. 
 55. And now you ought to be able to understand 
 how it is that we live on the food we eat. 
 Food, inasmuch as it can be burnt, is a source of 
 power. In burning it gives forth heat, and heat is 
 power. If we so pleased, we might burn in a furnace 
 the things which we eat as food, and with them drive 
 a locomotive or work a mill ; if we so pleased, wc 
 might convert them into gunpowder, and with them 
 fire cannon or blast rocks. Instead of doing so, we 
 burn them in our own bodies, and use their power in 
 Food passing into the alimentary canal is there 
 digested ; the nourishing food-stuffs are with very little 
 change dissolved out from the innutritions refuse ; 
 they pass into and become part and parcel of the 
 The blood, driven by the unresting stroke of the 
 heart's pump, courses throughout the whole body, and 
 in the narrow capillar! is bathes every smallest bit of 
 almost every part. Kept continually rich in combus- 
 tible material by frequent supplies of food, the blood 
 as well at every round sucks up oxygen from the air 
 of the lungs ; and thus arterial blood is ever carrying 
 to all parts of the body, to muscle, brain, bone, nerve, 
 skin, and gland, stufif to burn and oxygen to burn it 
 Everywhere oxidation, burning, is going on, in some 
 spots or at some times fiercely, in other spots or at 
 other times faintly, changing the arterial blood rich in 
 oxygen to venous blood poor in oxygen. From most 
 places where oxidation is going on, the venous blood 
i28 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [§ ix. 
 goes away hotter than the arterial which came ; and 
 all the hot blood mingling together and rushing over 
 the whole body keeps the whole body warm. Sweep- 
 ing as it continually does through innutnerable 
 little furnaces, the blood must needs be warm. This 
 is why we are warm. But from some places, as 
 from the skin, the venous blood goes away cooler than 
 the arterial which came, because while journeying 
 through the capillaries of the skin it has given up 
 much of its heat to whatever is touching the skin, 
 and has also lost much heat in turning liquid perspira- 
 tion into vapour. This is why so long as we are 
 in health we never get hotter than a certain degree 
 of temperature, the so-called blood-heat, 98° Fahr., 
 and why we make warm the clothes which we wear 
 and the bed in which we sleep. ^ '' • 
 Everywhere oxidation is going on, oxidation either 
 of the blood itstflf or of the structures which it bathes, 
 and whose losses it has to make good. Everywhere 
 change is going on. Little by little, bit by bit, every 
 part .^f the body, here quickly, there slowly, is con- 
 tinually mouldering away and as continually being 
 made anew by the blood. Made anew according 
 to itF ovTi nature. Though it is the same blood 
 which is rushing through all the capillaries, it makes 
 different things in different parts. In the muscle 
 it makes muscle ; in the nerve, nerve ; in the bone, 
 bone ; in the glands, juice. Though it is the same 
 blood, it gives different qualities to different parts: 
 out of it one gland makes saliva, another gastr.'^ 
 juice : out of it the bone gets strength, the brain 
 power to feel, the muscle power to contract. 
 When the biceps muscle contracts and raises the 
 •• -31 
 arm, it does work. The power to do that work, the 
 muscle got from the blood, and the blood from the 
 food. All the work of which we are capable comes, 
 then, from our food, from the oxidation of our food-, 
 just as the power of the steam-engine comes from the 
 oxidation of its fuel. But you know that in the steam- 
 engine only a very small part of the power, or energy, 
 as it is called, of the fuel goes to move the wheel. 
 Bv far the greater part is lost in heat. So it is with 
 our bodies : all the force we can exert with our bodies 
 is but a small part of the power of our food ; all the 
 rest goes to keep us warm. ..^ * 
 Visiting all parts of the body, rebuilding and re- 
 freshing every spot it touches, the blood current also 
 carries away from each organ the waste matters of 
 which that organ has no longer any usei Just as each 
 part or organ has different properties and different 
 work, so also is the waste of each not exactly the 
 same, though all are alike inasmuch as they are all 
 the results of oxidation. The waste of the muscle 
 is not exactly the same as the waste of the brain or 
 of the liver. Possibly the waste things which the 
 blood bears from one organ may be useful to another, 
 and so be made to do double work, just as the tar 
 which the gasworks thr«w away makes the fortune of 
 the colour manufacturer. 
 Be this as it may, the waste products of all parts, 
 travelling hither and thither in the body, come at 
 last to be brought down to very simple things, with all 
 their virtue gone out of them, with all, or all but all, 
 their power of burning lost, fit for nothing but to be 
 cast away, come at last to be urea or ammonia, car- 
 bonic acid, and salts. In this shape, the food, after a 
130 SCIENCE PRIMERS. ' [§ x. 
 longer or shorter sojourn in the body, having done its 
 work, having built up this or that part, having helped 
 the muscle to contract or the liver to secrete, having 
 by its burning given rise to work or to heat, goes back 
 powerless to the earth and air from which it caro'^. 
 And so the tale is told. 
 56. One other matter we have to note before we 
 have given the full answer to the question why we 
 We have seen that we move by reason of our 
 muscles contracting, and that in a general way a 
 muscle contracts because a something started in the 
 brain by our will passes down from the brain through 
 more or less of the spinal cord, along certain nerves 
 till it reaches the muscle. It is this something, which 
 we may call a nervous impulse, which causes the 
 muscle to contract. 
 But what leads us to exercise our wills ? What 
 starts the nervous impulse ? 
 All the nerves in the body do not end in muscles. 
 Many of them end, for instance, in the skin, in those 
 papillae of which I spoke a little while ago. These 
 nerves cannot be used for carrying nervous impulses 
 from the brain to the skin. By an effort of the will 
 you can mal ^ your muscles contract ; but try as much 
 as you can, you cannot produce any change in your 
 What purpose do these nerves serve, then ? If you 
 pricfc or touch your finger, you feel the prick or touch ; 
 you say you have sensation in your finger. Suppose 
 you were to cut across the nervos which lead from the 
 skin of your finger along your arm up to your brain. 
 What would happen? If you pricked or touched 
 your finger, you would not feel either prick or touch. 
 You would say you had lost all sensation in your 
 finger. These nerves ending in the finger then, have 
 a different use from those ending in the muscle. 
 The latter carry impulses from the brain to 
 the muscle, and so, being instruments for 
 J , \, causing movements, are called motor nerves. 
 The former, carrying impulses from the skin 
 to the brain, and being instruments for 
 bringing about sensations, are called sensory 
 nerves. All parts of the skin are provided with 
 these sensory nerves, but not to the same extent. 
 The parts where they abound, as the fingers, are 
 said to be very sensitive ; the parts where they are 
 scanty, as the back of the trunk, are said to be less 
 sensitive. Other parts besides the skin have also 
 sensory nerves. 
 Motor nerves are of one kind only ; they all have 
 one kind of work to do — to make a muscle contract. 
 But there are several kinds of sensory nerves, each 
 kind having a special work to do. The several works 
 which these different kinds of sensory nerves have to 
 do are called the senses. 
 The work of the nerves of the skin, all over the 
 body, is called the sense of touch. By touch you 
 can learn whether a body is rough or smooth, wet or 
 dry, hot or cold, and so on. 
 You cannot, however, by touch distinguish between 
 salt and sugar. Yet directly you place either salt or 
 sugar on your tongue you can recognize it, because 
 you then employ sensory nerves of another kind, the 
 nerves which give us the sense of taste. So also 
 we have nerves of smell, nerves of hearing, and 
 nerves of sight. 
 The nerves of touch, where they end, or rather 
 where they begin in the skin, sometimes have and 
 sometimes have not, little peculiar structures attached 
 to them, little organs of touch. So also the nerves 
 of taste, and smell, end or rather begin in a peculiar 
 way. When we come to the nerves of hearing and 
 of seeing, we find these beginning in most elaborate 
 and complicated organs, the ear and the eye. * 
 Of all these organs of the senses you will 
 learn more hereafter ; meanwhile, 1 want you to 
 understand that by means of these various sensory 
 nerves, we are, so long as we are alive and awake, 
 receiving impressions from the external world, sensa- 
 tions of touch, sensations of roughness and smooth- 
 ness, of heat and cold, sensations of goo^ and bad 
 odours, sensations of tastes of various kinds, sensa- 
 tions of all manner of sounds, sensations of the 
 colours and forms of things. 
 By our skin, by our nose, by our tongue and palate, 
 by our ears, and above all by our eyes, impressions 
 caused by the external world are for ever travelling up 
 sensory nerves to the brain ; thither come also impres- 
 sions from within ourselves, telling us where our limbs 
 are and what our muscles are doing. Within the 
 brain these impressions become sensations. They 
 stir the brain to action ; and the brain, working on 
 them and by them, through ways we know not of, 
 governs the body as a conscious intelligent will. 
 J *