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 Jtfortital mtiut 
 ral |(a$iiital 
 St. Nicholas Stheet. 
 Granted 30th January, 1823. 
 BALTIOUSIR, Governor. 
 GEORGE the FOURTH by the Grace of God of the 
 United KitKjdam of Great Britain and Ireland, King, 
 Defender of the Faith. 
 To all to whom those Presents shall come, Greeting : 
 WHEREAS our loving subjects, John Hichardson, Petition <rf 
 William McGillivray, and Samuel Gemard,'on."wima'S'' 
 Esquires, of our City of Montreal, by their humble Kel'J^^*;^'' 
 Petition presented to our Right Trusty and Right ^'**"''""' 
 Well Beloved Cousin, George, Earl of Dalhousie. our 
 / Captain-General and Governor in-chief in and over 
 Our Province of Lower Canada, and road in Council 
 for the said Province, on the ninth day of April, in 
 the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 
 twenty-two, &\C , among other things in substance set 
 forth that th>jre had been a subscription set on foot 
 h} them for the purpose of erecting a General Hospi- 
 tal in our said City of Montreal; and that sundry 
 public spirited persons, influenced by principles of 
 benevolence, have liberally subscribed towards the 
 same; that, from the manifest utility of such an 
 Hospital, further contributions and donations may be 
 expected, if there be an assurance of permanency to 
 the Institution, and meiais provided for the manage- 

 incTit (A its (•onccrtis ; that very (■onsidoral»Io 
 ])r()^ress has been made towards tlio ohjoct in coii- 
 loniplation, \)y tlio pui'cdiaso of a spacious lot of 
 ground in a central situation, in the Saint Lawronco 
 Sul'urhs of the said City, vvhei'con is orocttHl a hir^o 
 buiidin*^, for the body or centre ])art of the said 
 Hospital, and auscoptiblo of extension iiereafter 
 by win/jjs upon a reg'ular j)hin, which buildin;^ 
 is now in a ^tate of advancement towards com- 
 pletion, that promises eventual success if a (Charter 
 of Incor[)oration be ol)tained ; and, therefore, the 
 I'eiitioner.s humbly prayed for Our Letters Patent 
 fortning a ('orj)oration for the purposes aforesaid: 
 Whirhin NOVV VVK taking into our Jioyal consideration, the 
 coiiHiiicnitioii ..J, i- • I 4 I f 1 \ i, .• wi • 
 of its innutuiai benelicial tcnuoncy ot sucli an Institution, within our 
 "" ""*" '** said (/ity, calculated tor relieving the distresses of the 
 indigent, and preserving the lives of many useful 
 members of the community, arc graciously pleased 
 to grant the said humble re(juest of our said loving 
 subjects: KNOW YJ^], therefore, that We, of our 
 especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, 
 granted. have willed, given, granted, ordained, constituted and 
 apj)ointed, and, i^y these presents, for Us, our Heirs 
 and Successors, do will, give, grant, ordain, constitute, 
 and a[)point, that Thomas Nsiters, John Molson, John 
 Eichardson, William McGillivvay, Samuel Gerrard, 
 John Forsyth, Frederick William li^rinatinger, David 
 Eoss, Thomas Phillips, Thomas Torrance, John Try, 
 Geoi-go Garden, Georg ■ Auldjo, Thomas Thain, 
 Robert Gillespie, Benaiah Gibb, John Molson the 
 younger, Thomas Molson, William Molson, Isaac 
 Winslow Clarke, William Hutchinson, Daniel Fisher, 
 Henry McKenzie, Charles William Grant, James 
 Millar, Archibald Norman McLeod, Alexander Skakel, 
 John Torrance, Joseph Chapman, Thomas McCord, 
 Angus Shaw, James Leslie, Geoi-go Motfat, James 
}\o\(\, Rol)i>rt Kronh', William M. Porter, Cliarl«»s 
 Brooke, Rtn'orcnd .i-thii Betliiiiio, Duvid David, Jolui 
 Floiniiii^, Saniuol (JaNs Itichanl McdinniH, Janios 
 Stuart, AloxandcM" Tliaiii, Cliarlcs II. (^ijdiMi, Thomas 
 JJiisliy, Ai)iior Bat;^'. ('harlos F. Han croft, John Hlaiii, 
 Jox'ph Hecktit, William Caldwi-ll, lloiiry ('orso, Jacoh 
 J)eWitt, .laho/ Do Wit, Rovi'iviid Ilonry Esson, IIoi-- 
 alio dates, Frederick (Jonncnnan, John Jones, Wil- 
 liam Jvajes, Adam L. McXidcr, .James B. Prime, 
 Aiidi'ew Shaw, Isaac Shay, John Wra^-<jf, James Wool- 
 rich, Zaitdiol Thayer, William Slemm, James Dunn, 
 J(din (i. Beek, Alexander Henry, Francis Metzler, 
 AVilliam Lunn, Chai'les Willard, Peter Mctrill, Ken. 
 iieth Dowie, James Lo^an, lleverend James Somer- 
 ville, David Ilandyside, Joseph SImter, Henry Loedel, 
 Levy B. Boriick, lloyes Lloyd, Nahiim .Mowei*, Peter 
 Mcintosh, Alexander Mahlait, Andrew Malcolm, 
 liobert McCiinnis, John McKenzie, Joseph Xickless 
 Cornelius (Jakes, Jason 0. I'! .'rce, Geoi'^e Pyko, 
 Donald Eobci'tson, Michael Scott, Stephen Sewel, 
 John Sprui^g, William Spraufi^, F. D. Strothers, Luther 
 Sawtell, Henry Solomon, John Simmons, Herman 
 Soavcrs, Jtalph Taylor, John Jetfrey, Arthur Webster, 
 Albert Ware, George Wurtele, Oliver Wait, Andrew 
 White, Charles Wagener, Guy Warwick, Edward 
 Woolrich, Benjamin S. Solomon, T. R Willard, Ken- 
 neth Walker, Andrew Allan, Itobert Armour, William 
 Annesley, Thomas Blackwood, John Brown, James 
 Brown, Staidey Bagg, Abraham Bunbury, William 
 Bin ley, William Bent, J. T. Barrett, James Clark, 
 John Clarke, James E. Campbell, James Carsuel, 
 Benjamin Clamp, James A. Dwight, George Da vies, 
 Peter W. Dease, Robert Drummond, John Fellows, 
 John Finley, Thomas French, Archibald Ferguson, 
 James Forster, William Forbes, James C. Grant, 
 William Gray, Christian C. Gunlack, Henry Griffin, 
\Miiit cnntrl- 
 bution hhall 
 roiistitutt' a 
 Aiid incorpor- 
 To have 
 Cai)ablo to sue 
 ivtid be Hue<l. 
 To liiild estates, 
 Nullum ITiiU, Hetijamiii irart, Aloxandor Tlanlio, 
 J{()l)ort Iliirwood, .lolm Ilarwood, JamoM Iloiiry, 
 liiikurvl llunl, .lamos IIii<,flM*s, .lolni P. I foi^^i^. Charles 
 lIoofstottcM', Hoiijaiiun Ifall, Isaac Joiios, Natliauiol 
 JonoH, Nicholas Iviirczyii, and all Huch other persons 
 who have contril)Utt«l, or shall hereafter cotitrihiito 
 to the rnstitntion, by a donation, respectively of five 
 pounds curi'ent money of the Province of Lower 
 (/aruida, or upwar()s of (Ivo j)onnds, and who sliall 
 regularly continue to pay annually towards its sup- 
 poi't not less than one ])oun(l of such money, shall ho 
 and become members of the Society and (corporation 
 hei'eby erected, and forever hereafter shall, l)y virtue 
 of these presents, bo one liody Politic and Corporate, 
 in deed, fact and name forever; and We will, give, 
 grunt and ordain, that they anil their successors, 
 "The Society of tho Montreal (leneral Hospital," by 
 the same name shall and may have perpetual succes- 
 sion, and shall and may, by the same name, be per- 
 sons capable in the law to sue and be sued, implead 
 and be impleaded, answer and l)e answered unto, de- 
 fend and be defended, in all Courts and elsewhere, in 
 all manner of actions, suits, complaints, j)leas, causes, 
 matters and demand whatsoever, as fully and amply 
 as any other of Our liege Subjects of Our Province of 
 Lower Canada, may or can do by any lawful ways 
 and means whatsoever ; and that they and their 
 successors, by the same name, shall forever hereafter 
 be persons capable and able in tho law to purchase, 
 take, hold, receive and enjoy to them and their 
 successors any messuages, tenements and real estate, 
 whatsoever, and all other hereditaments of whatso- 
 ever quality they may be, in fee simple, for term of 
 life or lives, or in any other manner howsoever ; and 
 also any goods, chattels and personal estate whatso- 
 ever; provided always, that the clear yearly value 
 of H 
 of the said real ostato doth not, at nnj' time, oxcood prnvi.iod th« 
 ., /I i 1 I 1 I /> I e> rlriir yearly 
 tlio Slim of ono thoiiHUnd pounds lawful money of our vaiiio(i,.o^ not 
 Province of Lower (.iinada.anovc all out^oin^H, and ro- currency. 
 priM>, and that tlieyand their HuccesHors, by the same 
 name, nhall have full power and authority to ^(ive, 
 grant, sell, loaHe.demiHO and dispose of the said real To i.«a« and iwU 
 eHtate and hercditamonts whatsoever, for life or livew, 
 or years, or forever; and also all goods, chattels and 
 personal estate whatHOovcr, at their will and pleasure, 
 aw they shall judge to be most henetieial and advanta- 
 geous for the good and eharitahhi ends and purposes 
 above mentioned; and that it shall and maybe law- 
 ful for them and their suecessors, forever hereafter, 
 to have a common 8eal to serve for the cauHes andToimvoascRi. 
 business of them and their ciiccessorH ; and the same 
 seal to change, alter, break, and make new, from time 
 to time, at their will and pleasure; and our Royal 
 Will and pleasure is, that when our said Corporation 
 hereby erected, shall, by the general donations of 
 the benevolent, or otherwise, have sufficient funds, tJio corporation 
 ' ' ^ ' shall complete 
 they shall complete the present building and offices, t'>' present 
 erecting in the said Saint Lawrence Suburbs for the 
 said IloHpital, and shall extend the same by wings, 
 or otherwise, so as to render the said General Hospi- 
 tal in all respects as perfect as may be, for the pur- 
 poses of the Institution which wo Will shall forever which win b« 
 hereafter be called "The Montreal General Hospi-MontroaiGen- 
 tal;" and that it shall and may be lawful for our """^ ""'p'^'" 
 said Corporation, from time to time, and at all times 
 hereafter, to erect, for their use and convenience, any 
 other house, houses or buildings whatsoever ; but not 
 for other purposes than those of the said Hospital ; 
 and for the better carrying into execution the par- 
 poses aforesaid, our Royal Will and pleasure is, and 
 We do hereby for Us, our Heirs and Successors, give 
 and grant to "The Society of the Montreal General 
 Govemfirfi for 
 life, tlioHL- who 
 contributf! Jt'-'."i 
 or more, and jjiiy 
 (iiinnally -£1) or 
 clpctcil. tliope 
 who rontritmte 
 less thr.ii jE'J'), 
 find not under 
 £10, 1111(1 pay 
 annually £'2, or 
 A President ^nd 
 A Treasurer and 
 First Governors 
 of tho Corpora- 
 Hospital," and their .SuceoRSors forever, that there 
 sliall be forever hereafter, belonging to our said Cor- 
 ])()ration, as man}' Governors for h'fo of tho said lios- 
 ])ital, art there shall be persons who have contributed, 
 or shall contribute thereto, by donation res])ectively, 
 twenty-five pounds, or upwards, lawful monev df our 
 said Pi'ovince with an annual payment each of three 
 pounds, or more, like money; and there shall be 
 thirteen otner Governors thereof, who shall be annu- 
 ally elected, in manner hereinafter prescribed, from 
 ai on/^ those persons who have contributed, or shall 
 contribute to the Institution, under twenty-five 
 pounds, money above said, and not less than ten 
 pounds, with an annual payment thereto of two 
 pounds, or more, like money, which persons so con- 
 tributing, and paying, are hereby declared qualified 
 to be elected (Jovernors ; which Governors for life> 
 and so elected .diall appoint, out of their num. 
 ber, one President and one Vice-President ; and also 
 out of their number, or otherwise, one Treasurer and 
 one Secretary, and shall conduct and manage the 
 attairs and business of +!ie said Tlospital and Corpo- 
 ration for the ensuing year, in manner as hereafter is 
 declared and appointed ; and for the more ii^-iied lately 
 carrying into execution our .t?oyal Will and pleasure 
 herein, We do hereby assign, constitute and appoint 
 the aforesaid Thomas Naters, John Molson, John 
 Eichardson, William McGillivray, Samuo' Gcrrard, 
 John Forsyth, Frederick William Ermatingor, David 
 Ross, Thomas Phillips, Thomas Torrance, John Try, 
 Geoige Garden, George Auldjo, Thomas Thain, Robert 
 Gillespie, Benaiah Gibb, John Molson the younger, 
 Thomas Molson, William Molson, Isaac W. Clark, 
 Alexander Skakel, Daniel Fisher, Henry McKenzie, 
 Charles W. Grant, Archibald N. McLcod, John Tor- 
 rance, Joseph Chapman, Thomas McCord, James Reid, 
 Jilt there 
 said Cor- 
 al d Ifos- 
 ey of our 
 of three 
 shall be 
 )Q annu- 
 od, from 
 or .shall 
 tliaii ten 
 of two 
 s HO con- 
 for life, 
 3ir num. 
 and also 
 iirer and 
 lage the 
 1 Corpo- 
 •eafter is 
 ti, John 
 r, David 
 hn Try, 
 , -Robert 
 . Clark, 
 lin Tor- 
 es JReid, 
 An/i;us Shaw, Jarae8 Leslie and Georcje Moflf'att to bo 
 the present Governors of the said Hospital and Corpor- 
 ation, whereof the aforesaid John Richardson to be the 
 President, and the aforesaid John Molson to be the pre- pirst rresiMont, 
 sent \M('e-President, the aforesaid Samuel Gerrai-d to xnfislm-r nmi*' 
 be the pi-esent Treasurer, and the afo'-"said Alexander il'ii„H"!i'wii,. 
 Skakel to be the proent Secretary ot >)ur said Corpora- [;;;'^\f ' '" "™'^° 
 tion hereb}-^ erected ; which said President, Vice-Presi- 
 dent, Governors, Treasurer and Secretary shall hold, 
 possess and enjoy their said respective offices, until the 
 first Tuesday in May next, ensuini^, when the same the 1st Tuprniay 
 shall cease and determine, as to this appointment ; but 
 continue, as to those aforesaid, who are created Gover- 
 nors for life; and for keepini'* up the succession in the And for kopping 
 said offices, our Royal Will and iileiisure is, and We do, tho sorioty in to 
 , Tr • 1 !• 1 meet for tlipcloc- 
 hereby, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, establish, tion of omours, 
 , , , . . , . , , J 1 . , on tlin tir.-t 
 direct, and require of, and give and grant to tiie said Tucsdav in May 
 Society of tho Montreal General Hospital, and their"'"""* ^' 
 Successors forever, that on the said ihvjt Tuesday in 
 May now next ensuing, and yearly, and every year for- 
 ever thereafter, on the same day, (whereof public 
 notice of the hour, and place of meeting shall be given of whit h notice 
 in one or more of the JNewspapers published in Mont- nowspapors 
 treal at least seven days before,) they and their success- 
 ors, the Members of the said Hospital and Corporation, 
 contril)Uting and paying as afoi-esaid, shall meet at 
 the said Hospital, or at some other convenient place, 
 in our said City of Montreal, to be fixed, and ascer- 
 tained by some of tho By-laws or Regulations of our 
 said Corporation, and there by the majority of such of 
 them as shall so meet, reckoning their votes in the the votes to be 
 ratio of the contributions actually paid ; but so as that "/„. ,',ntri'i"ii" 
 no member of the Society or Corporation shall have or otiu-nv'i'il'f to 
 more than ten votes, shall by ballot, or in such other Ij',','^^ 
 manner and form as shall be directed by any of the 
 By-laws or Regulations yf our said Corporation elect 
 , elect tliirteon 
 Thf nnmhrr of 
 (rovcrnnr-;, iri- 
 cliKliiiu'tho^' for 
 lifi'. iiotto hf !('-< 
 than t',vi'iity-'<ix. 
 Out of the (".(.v- 
 ernor^j, ii Tn'si- 
 (Icrit iiiiii Vicp- 
 Pri'sidoiit to bi; 
 The Governors 
 to '>nti'r n[)(in 
 their niriics ini' 
 ni'>(liat(.'ly, and 
 reniain in oflicc 
 for one v<'ar, or 
 till others bn 
 chosen in tbeir 
 In case of the 
 death, removal, 
 refusal, or ne- 
 glect of officers 
 others to ho 
 chosen in their 
 stead hy the 
 within thirty 
 days aft<!r such 
 and choose thirteen of their mcmhcrs, qualified as 
 aforesaid, to be (rovernors, or whensoever the niimher 
 of Governors for life, then resident at Montreal, shall 
 be inider thirteen, then such an addition shall be made 
 to the number so to be elected Governors, as to make 
 the whole number thereof (those so resident inclusive) 
 tvvent^'-six, which Members of the Society and Corpo- 
 ration, so qualified and elected, shall be Governors 
 of our said Hospital and Corporation for tbe ensuing 
 year, and with the President and Vice-President, by 
 them appointed, shall immediately enter upon their 
 re>pective offices and duties, and hold, exei-cise, and 
 enjoy the same respectively, from the time of such 
 elections and appointments, for and durin*;- the space 
 of one year, and until other fit persons shall be elect- 
 ed and appointed in their respective places according 
 to the Laws and Regulations aforesaid; and in case 
 any of the said persons so elected, and appointed to 
 the respective offices above said, or who shall be here- 
 after elected and appointed thereto, shall die, or be 
 removed from such offices respectively before the time 
 of their respective services shall be expired, or refuse 
 or neglect to act in and execute the office for which 
 he or they shall be so elected and appointed, then our 
 Jioyal will and pleasure is, and We do hereby, direct, 
 ordain and require, that the other Governors of our 
 said Corporation shall appoint a member or members 
 thereof, duly qualified, in the place and stead of him 
 or them so dying, removed or refusing or neglecting 
 to act, within thirty days next after such contingency, 
 who shall serve until the first Tuesday in May next 
 following: and we do hereby will and direct, that this 
 method shall for ever after be used for filling up all 
 vacancies in the said offices between the atinual elec- 
 tions above directed ; and our will and pleasure is, 
 and we do hereby, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, 
 fiod as 
 ,1, Hhall 
 1 make 
 direct, ordain and require that every President, Vice- Kvorj- offlf-er, 
 P. 1 , /-I m 1 o i. /^ bi'fore he can 
 resident, iTOvernor, Ireasuror and Secretary of our ft<-t. inu-t take 
 said Coi'poration, to be elected and appointed by virtue faithful dls- '" 
 of these presents, shall, l»etore they act in their res- .lutij;, 
 peotive offices take an oath, to lie to them administered 
 by the President or Vice-President of our said Corpo- 
 ration for the time being or of the preceding year 
 (who are hereby severally authorized to administer 
 the same), for the faithful and due execution of their 
 respective offices during their continuance in the same 
 respectively ; and further, our lioyal will and pleasure 
 is, and We do hereby for Us, our Heirs and Successors, 
 ordain and appoint, and give and grant to the said 
 Society of the Montreal General lIos])ital, that the The Presidpnt 
 President for the said Corporation for the time being;','; J vK*^'*"''' 
 and ill case of a vacancy in the said office, or in case ^[',1f^'|,*;"*i,^"'^ 
 of his sickness or absence, the Vice-President shall, [1^"^^™°'^'* "^^ 
 and may from time to time, as occasion may i-equire, 
 summon, and call together, at such places, within our 
 said City of Montreal, as by any ]^y-law shall be ap- 
 pointed for such meetings, and on such day and hours 
 as the President or Vice-President shall respectively 
 think proper, the Governors of the said Corporation 
 and Hospital for the time being, giving them at the 
 least one day's notice thereof; and We do hereby re- givinir ;it leart 
 , ^ 1 • 1 I • one daj 's notico. 
 quire them to meet accordingly, and give, grant, 
 ordain that any seven, or more, of the Governors of sovon of the 
 our said Corporation, being so convened together, of whom the 
 oni the President, or in case of a vacancy in the vue-Prcsident 
 said office, or the sickness or absence of the President, onol'shaUconsti- 
 the Vice-President for the time being shall always be*"'"'" '^'^"'""'^ 
 one, shall, for ever hereafter, be a legal meeting of 
 the said Corporation, and they, or the major part of 
 them so met, shall have full power and authority to have power 
 adjourn from day to day, or for any other time, asmnsact the 
 the business of our said Corporation may require ; and ooJ|JJ,v!ftion!^'' 
 pxcopt tho 
 choosintf (if 
 nnloss fipon 
 KPncral elec- 
 tions and 
 lands, &c. , 
 for a longer 
 term than one 
 to do, execute, transact, manage, and perform in the 
 name of our said Corporation, all ;;nd ever}' act and 
 thin/j^ vvliatsoevor, which our .said Corporation arc, or 
 nhall, by virtue of these our Letters Patent, be author- 
 ized to do, transact, nninai^e, and perfoi-m, in as i'ull 
 and ample manner, as if all and eveiy tlic Governors 
 and Members of the said Corporation wore present 
 and consentin/ij thereto, navini^ and exceptiniif always, 
 the electing!; of (xovernors, unless upon vacancies, as 
 aforesaid, liappening in tho interinodiate period 
 between general elections; atid also saving and except- 
 ing the giving, granii ng, selling, or otherwise aliening 
 any of tho estate, real or personal, of our said Cor])0- 
 ration, and the leasing, demising, or disposing of any 
 year None. )f qj' {1,^ I'mds, tenements, hereditaments, real or mixed 
 the estate of the ' ' ' 
 Corporation to estato, of our said Coi'poration, for any longer time 
 be ilisjiosod of ' !'./(-> 
 buti).vthe than one year; our Royal will and pleasure beini;, 
 consent of the J ' ./ 1 -< n} 
 majority of all that no part thereof be so sold, leased, or in any wise 
 the Governors. , . , %, • i' i 
 aliened for any longer term or time, but by and with 
 the concurrence and approbation of the majority of 
 the whole number of the Governors of our said Cor])o- 
 ration, for the time being, first obtained at any legal 
 TheOovemors meeting of the same ; and further, We do, hereby, for 
 in le''al meeting tt tt • i o i • i • ^ 
 may; <Js, our iicirs, and Successors, ordain and apj)oint- 
 and give, and grant, to the said " Society of the Mon- 
 treal General Hospital," that at any such legal meet- 
 ing of any seven or more of the Governors of our 
 said Corporation, of whom the President or Vice- 
 President, for the time being, shall always be one, it 
 shall and may be lawful for them, in writing under 
 under ths mil the commou Seal of our said Corporation to make, 
 '*"^"'^'^" establish, and ordain, from time to time, and at all 
 times hereafter, such By-Laws, Regulations, and Sta- 
 tutes, for tho better government of the Officers, Mem- 
 bers, and Servants of the said Corporation, and of 
 the Patients, from time to time, admitted into the 
 tion, make 
^orm ill the 
 TV act and 
 ion uro, or 
 bo autlior- 
 1, in as ill II 
 ro present 
 n,i^ aiway.s, 
 cancios, as 
 ite period 
 ind except- 
 se aliening 
 ^aid Corpo- 
 \ng of any 
 -1 or mixed 
 nger time 
 ure being, 
 1 any wise 
 'i and with 
 lajority of 
 laid Corj)o- 
 ' any legal 
 lereby, for 
 i appoint- 
 P the xVlon- 
 ogal meet> 
 )r.s of our 
 : or Vice- 
 bo one, it 
 ing under 
 to make, 
 and at all 
 i, and Sta- 
 ers, Mem- 
 n, and of 
 into the 
 said Hospital; for fixing and ascertaitiing the place and for nxing 
 /. ,. n • 1 rV i- ii I 1 the place and 
 or meeting or oar said Corporation, on the days and times of meet- 
 times of election above mentioned; and f<)iu'egulatiiiga\Ki fo/regu-"^*' 
 the mode and manner of making such elections, thelJ^f^Vmerrthe 
 management and disposition of the funds and tdiari-",'"7undr"*^ "^ 
 ties, and all other the business and affairs of our said 
 Corporation, as they, or the majoi* part of them, so 
 legally met sluill judge best for the general good of 
 the said Corporation, and pi'ofitable for ])i'omoting 
 the charitable and beneficial designs of the said Cor- 
 poration ; and the same oi" any of them, to alter) to alter and 
 amend, or repeal, from time to time, as they, or the ['yl^aws, pro- 
 major part of them, so met as aforesaid, shall ju(lge u^\''\'lot''".'fmtr?^^^^ 
 most conducive to the benefit of the said ('hin-ity ; f;^th|;{j^'^('g%'■• 
 provide:l such Laws, Regulations, and Statutes, be "'^ ^""'"'''*'- 
 not repugnant hereto, or to the laws of this our Pro- 
 vince of Lower Canada; and Wo do further will, and 
 grant that the said Governors for the time being, or * 
 any seven or more of them legally met as atbresaiil, 
 of whom the President, or Vice-President for the time 
 shall always be one, shall have the full and sole power 
 and authority for ever after, by the majority of their 
 voices, from time to time, yearly, and every year, to To nominate 
 , , , i^, • • n Physicians, Sur- 
 nominate such and so many Physicians, burgeons, geom, Apothu- 
 and A})Othecai'ies, as they shall judge necessary to 
 attend to the said Hospital, and the sick and diseased 
 patients, from time to time, admitteil therein ; and to 
 appoint and designate the respective powers, author!- to ppoint their 
 ties, business, trusts, and attendances of the said Pliy- '^""''"■'' 
 sicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries ; and also to 
 appoint a Steward, a Matron, a Nurse, or Nurses, ana to appoint a 
 all other servants and attendants upon the said Hos. Matron,' and 
 ., 1 . 1 J.1 ■ i- i-i -i' u • other servantB, 
 pitai, with their respective powers, authorities, bus i- and their wages; 
 iiess, trusts, and attendances, with the allowances that 
 shall be found necessary from time to time, to be made 
 and paid to any of the persons above said for their 
 steward, Ma- 
 tron, or other 
 attendance and services respectively in the said Hoh- 
 Todis lace the ^'^^^' ^"^ ^^ displace and discharge any Steward, 
 iviatron, Nurse, servant, and attendant, from the ser- 
 vice thereof, and to nominate and appoint other, or 
 others, in their places or stead : and We do further 
 grant and ordain, that when, and as often, as a:iy 
 The President, President, Vice-President, Governor, Treasurer, Se- 
 Vice-Presidint, , nv • • o * , i n . , 
 Governor, cretary, Physician, burgeon, or Apothecary, of the 
 Sficretery.' said Corporation, shall become unfit or incapable to 
 suorTOir."or cxocutc their said offices respectively, or shall mis- 
 u'romkig'^'unfit demean themselves in their said offices respectively, 
 himSr"*"'"* contrary to their duty, and to any of the By-Laws and 
 Eegulations of our said Corporation, or refuse or neg- 
 lect the execution thereof, and thereupon a charge 
 or complaint in writing shall be exhibited against 
 him, or them, by any member of our said Corporation, 
 at any legal meeting of the Governors thereof, as 
 aforesaid, that it shall, and may be lawful for the 
 President, or Vice-President '..uv' ' Governors, or the 
 major part of them then met, or a;, uny other Legal 
 meeting of the said Corporation, from time to time, 
 and upon examination and sufficient proof, lo suspend 
 or discharge such President, Vice-President, Governor, 
 Treasurer, Secretary, Physician, Surgeon, or Apothe- 
 cary, from their officcb respectively, although the 
 yearly, or other time of their respective services shall 
 not be expired, anything in the.^e presents before 
 contained to the contrary in an}'' wise notwithstan- 
 ding ; provided always, tha^. none of the said Officers 
 so complained against bo suspended or discharged at 
 thec°on*i(ent*of°a''^"3' meeting, without the concurrence and approba- 
 maiority of au i\qj^ of the majoritv of the whole number cf the 
 the Governors, '' " 
 and having a Govcrnors of the said Corporation, nor without having 
 copy of the , ' , '^ 
 charge six days, a copv of the Complaint or charge against him at least 
 and being heard ^f , ^ ^ , . . , 
 in his defence. SIX days before such examination, and an oppor- 
 tunity to be fully heard in his defence. And fiur will 
 may, npon 
 Buflftcient proof, 
 be discharged 
 from his office, 
 said IIos- 
 m the .sei- 
 t other, or 
 do fiirtlior 
 5n, as a;iy 
 Lsurer, So- 
 ny, of the 
 capable to 
 shall mis- 
 -LawH and 
 use or neiT- 
 n a charge 
 ed against 
 hereof, a8 
 ul for the 
 ors, or the 
 ther Legal 
 le to time, 
 10 suspend 
 3r Apothe- 
 lough the 
 vices shall 
 Its before 
 id Officers 
 iharged at 
 I appro ba- 
 er of the 
 ►ut having 
 m at least 
 an oppor- 
 id our will 
 and pleasure further is, that the said CT0Vcrn(»rs of the 
 said Corporation and Hospital shall, from time to 
 time, when thereunto required by the Governor, Lieu- \viion roquinxi 
 tenant-Governor, or Person administering the Govern- Jjor'''Xi'.'''\^%he 
 ment of our Province of Lower Canada, give an ac- oovy^nn^^^^^^ 
 count, in writing, of the several sums of money by^''g;,'"|Ji'|,/'",,o 
 them received and expended, by virtue of these pi'«- "}id'eri>!indi!df* 
 Bcnts or any authority liereby given, and of the 
 management, application, and disposition of the re- 
 ven.ies, donations and charities aforesaid, to sach 
 person or persons as the said Governor, Lieutenant- 
 Governor, or Person Administering the Government, 
 Bhall from time to time, appoint to receive and audit 
 the said accounts : And further. We do, by these 
 presents, for Us, our Heirs or Successors, give and 
 grant unto the said " Society of the Montreal General 
 Hospital," and their Successors for ever, that this our 
 present Charter shall be deemed, adjudged and con- xheChartorto 
 slrued, in all cases, favorably, and for the benefit and il°favorTtho 
 advantage of our said Corporation, and for promoting ^''''"^'^>' ^ 
 the good of this charitable Institution ; and this our 
 present grant being entered on Record, as is herein- and on being 
 after expressed, shall be for ever hereafter, good and R«Jord, "shaii be 
 effectual in the Law, according to our Royal intent '"^""'*'^^ '" ^''^' 
 and meaning hereinbefore declared, and without any 
 oth'jr license, grant or information from Us, our Heirs 
 or Successors, hereinafter by the said Corporation to 
 be had or obtained, notwithstanding any misrecitals, 
 not naming or misnaming, of any of the aforesaid 
 Offices, Franchises, Privileges, Immunities, or other 
 the Premises, or any of them ; and although no writ 
 of ad quod damnum, or other writs, inquisitions, or 
 precepts, has been, upon this occasion, had, made, 
 issued or prosecuted, any statute act, ordinance 
 or provision, or other matter and thing, to the 
 contrary thereof notwithstanding: provided further, 
 May bo altered 
 and aiiioiuled, 
 an till' Uover 
 of the Exf'cutivo 
 Council, shall 
 judt-'c for th(! 
 good of thu 
 and Our will and pleasure \h, that the said S'^ci^'t^^ and 
 Corporation of Ibo Montreal General Ilonpital as here- 
 by coiistituteii, made, erected and created witli thoex- 
 presH reservation and condition that our Letters 
 I'atent rohiting ttiereunto may be hereafter altered 
 and amended in Huch manner and Torm, and with Huch 
 witii tiw* 'advice additions, diminutions, extensions and explanations 
 as our Governor, Lieutenant-Govornor, or Person 
 administering the Government of our Province of 
 Lower Canada, by and with the advice and co>-sontof 
 our Executive Council of our said Province, shall 
 judge best for the general good of the said Corporation, 
 and for the more ert'ectually promoting the cluiritable 
 and b'jneticial designs of the said Society, according 
 to the true Intent and meaning of the contributors 
 In testimony whereof. We have caused these 
 our Letters to be made Patent, and the 
 Great Seal of our Province to be hereunto 
 atfixed, and the same to be entered of record 
 in our Secretary's Office for our said Province 
 of Lower Canada, in one of the books of 
 Patents there remaining. 
 Witness our Right Trusty, and Well Beloved 
 Cousin, George, Earl of Dalhousie, our Cap- 
 tain-General and Governor-in Chief in and 
 over our said Province of Lower Canada, at 
 our Castle of St. Lewis, in our City of Qu9- 
 bec, by and with the advice and consent of 
 our Executive Council for our said Province 
 of LoAser Canada, the thirtieth day of Janu- 
 ary, in the year of Our Lord one thousand 
 eight hundred and twenty-three, and of our 
 Reign the Fourth. 
 (Signed,) Ls. Montizambert, D., 
 Acting Provincial Sec. Q. 
oc iffy and 
 (al us horo- 
 ath thoex- 
 ir Letters 
 or altered 
 vvitli buch 
 or Pernon 
 rovinco of 
 CO. .sent of 
 iiice, (shall 
 UHcd those 
 t, and the 
 d of record 
 id Province 
 le books of 
 $11 Beloved 
 e, our Cap- 
 lief in and 
 Canada, at 
 ity of Qiie- 
 consent of 
 d Province 
 \iy of Janu- 
 e thousand 
 and of our 
 22 VICT. CxVP. IIG. 
 *' All Act to juncud tlio Cliurter of tlio So- 
 ciety of the Montroiil G<.Mi(n*al FLjspital." 
 Assented to 4tli May, 1851). 
 IIKUKAS lh(^ Society of tlio Montreal ( Jcncrul rn"!imi,io. 
 llusjutal liy llu-ir petition to tho LiC^-isla- .lunuary, I'ii. 
 turOj have s(^t forth, that on the thirtieth day of 
 Januar}', in ihc yoai' of our Tjonl one thousand (,'i<;ht 
 hundrcii and hvent\'-thrco, tlicy wore duly constituted 
 a body politic and coi-porato, under and by virtue of 
 certain Letters Patent of IPs late Majesty Kinii; Geor^'o 
 the Fourth, duly issued on that day at the Castle 
 of St. Lewis in the Cit}' of Quelx'c, under the great 
 seal of tho then P)'ovinco of Lower Canada, and have 
 ever since acted and still act a^' such thereunder ; that 
 certain of tlie provisions of the said Letters Patent, 
 more especially in reference to the (|ualification of tho 
 members of the said Corjioi'ation ; — its powei's in 
 respect of the holdinsji; and alienating of property, 
 — the number, choice, and qualilication of the (jovor- 
 nors thereof, — tho quorum of Governors lor tho 
 transaction of business and extent of tlioir powers 
 of administration, are found in practice to be highly 
 inconvenient ; and that they therefore pray for amend- 
 ment of their said Charter; ami whereas it is expe- 
 dient to grant their said pj-ayer : Therefore Her 
 Who Mmll bp 
 menitiirs nt'tho 
 What ronl 
 eHtatf tli(! 
 may aciiuirc 
 and hold. 
 Wlio shall bp 
 life Goveruors. 
 MaJGHly, by and with tlie advice and eonnont of tho 
 Legislative Council and As,sctni»Iy of Canada, enacts 
 us follows: 
 1. The Present Govt "h of the said Hospital, and 
 all other persons who, du. the yeai* to expire on the 
 Mrst Tiies<lj'.y of May, in the year oiio thousand ei^Mit 
 iiundred and tifty-nine, shall have contributed to its 
 i'unds rive dollarn or more, are hereby declared to bo 
 memberHof tho Haid Corporation: and hereafter, all 
 persons wiio, during the current or last expired hnan- 
 cial year thereof, shall have contributed to its i'unds 
 live dollars or more shall be such nieiiii>erH thereof, — 
 I'rovided always, that no person shall be entitled 
 to vote as such rneinbo]-,who shall not have actually 
 paid uj) such contribution for the then current 
 financial year. 
 2 The said Corporation may ac([uiro and hold, by 
 an;, le^al title whatsoever, real estate of a yeaily 
 value not cxceedin*^ four thou>and dollars, as by tho 
 said Charter allowed, besides what they may require 
 for the actual occupation of their Hospital; and they 
 may acquire any other real estate, or interest therein, 
 by gift, devise or bequest, if made six months or 
 upwards before tho death of the party making tho 
 same, and may hold the same f(jr a pei-iod of not more 
 than five years; but tho same, or any part thereof, or 
 interest therein, which may not within tho said period 
 have been alienated, shall revert to the party from 
 whom the same was acquired, his heirs or other 
 3. The present life Governors of the said Hospital 
 shall continue so to be, subject only to the condition 
 of their continuing to contribute to its funds tho 
 yearly sum of twelve dollars or more, as hereto- 
 fore, — but may be declared by vote of tho Board of 
 Governors to have ceased so to be, if at any time two 
 sent of tho 
 adu, enuets 
 ospital, and 
 cpiro (»n tho 
 iirtivnd eight 
 hiilod to its 
 •hired to bo 
 LM-eaftoi", all 
 ])iro<l tinau- 
 lo its i'uiids 
 8 thereof, — 
 bo en tilled 
 ive actually 
 len current 
 .lul hold, by 
 of a yeaily 
 irs, as by tho 
 may requiro 
 lal ; and they 
 ercst therein, 
 X monthH or 
 ■ making the 
 1 of not moro 
 irt thereof, or 
 he said period 
 le party from 
 eirs or other 
 said Hospital 
 the condition 
 its funds tho 
 re, as hereto- 
 [' the Board of 
 i any time two 
 years in nrrcar for such contribution ; and any other 
 porsons who sliall have contril^uted by doruition to 
 its funds OIK' hundred tloUars or more, may be cousti- 
 tuted such like (Jovernors by vote of tho said Board, 
 Bul)Ject to the like condition of contributing such 
 yearly sum ol' twelve ddllars or more, — and may 
 in like manner, be <Iechir('<l by vote of tiio said Board 
 to have «'eased so to be, if at any timo two years in 
 urrear for such fui'ther cotitribution. 
 4. The present eiccJed (jovernors of tho said rio^pita! l^\':''\'''^ <'0*-f'- 
 shall also continue so to be initil the timo of tiio next 
 annual election of (rovernois, to bo hcM under tho 
 said Charier, after the passing of this Act, and shall 
 floverally he eligible for re-election thei-eat, if other- 
 wise (|ualitied; and at such next annual election there 
 shall be chosen by the members of tho (.'orjtoratioUj 
 qualitied to vote, such number oi' elected (iovernors 
 not exceeding six as may bo deemed expedient, to 
 servo for I ho term of one year aii<l until their succes- 
 sors shall be elected, and a like further number to 
 serve for tho term of two years and until their succcs. 
 sora shall be electe<l ; and at evei-y annual election 
 thoroaftei-, a Mko number of not more than six elected 
 Governors .shall in like manner be chosen for tho like 
 term (»f two years and until their successors shall bo 
 elected to supply the place of those retiring, who, 
 however, shall always be eligible for re-election, if 
 otherwise qutditied; and all persons, donors of forty 
 dollars or more, if also contributors of eight dollars or 
 moro yearly, to tho Funds of the said Hospital, and 
 also all contributors of twelve dollars or more yearly 
 to its funds, shall be held qualitied for election as 
 such Governors. 
 5. In case of tho death, resignation cr disqualifica- vacancips 
 tion of any elected Governor, it shall bo in the discre-Govefno'ra!*^'^ 
 tion of tho Board of Governors to name another 
 ol (JUici'. &c. 
 Viiciiiicii's In 
 (|U!iI!l'u'(l nionilt(>r of tlio said C'orporation, to sorvo In 
 his Htcad i'or the iiiu'NpiriMl retnaiii(U'r ot'tlio Umtu for 
 wliicli ho was olocti-'d. 
 I'rosifiont ntid '»■ Tlioro sliall c'otitinuo to 1)0 oloctod l»y (ho Hoard 
 ri.rn.!iT'oriIrni'*f' ^^^'^'^''''''''■'^> ^'*'"" '>'iioii^ thonis(!lvos, as soon as 
 "' ° convoniontly may l»o at'tor oach annual oloction of (Jo- 
 voriiors, a I'rosidont, and Vico-I'ivsidont of tho said 
 ror])oration, who shall havo such jiowors and dis- 
 cliarjjjo siK'h ilutics as h^ Hy-iaw in that hcliaJI' may 
 ho ordainod, and shall soi-vo lor tho torni ol ono yoar 
 and until tlu'ir suooosHors shall liooUv'lo(|; and in case 
 of (ho death, rosiLjnation, or dis([ualili('alion oi' such 
 I'rosidont or \'i('o-l*rosidont, tho said Board, as soon 
 as oonvoni(!ntly may ho thoi'oaftor, shall oloct another 
 of thomsi'lvos to sorvo as suoh ibi' tho uin'\"|)irod i*o- 
 (invf-riiors iMiiy inaindo-r of his toi'in of olIioL' ; and tho said Hoai'd may, 
 HppDiiit iiml ,1 -III • -111 
 rcniovf niiic. ix liirtlioi' as oooasion shall ro([Uii'o, appoint all such 
 and srrvaiiis of ,, ,,. i , n i , .• 
 tiic C'(>ri)oiu- otlu'i' otucors, an<l ojuploy all suoh .servants ot ovory 
 tion, &c. 1 ... •!/('<• 1 , 
 yr;i(lo, ol ilu> said ( 'Oi'jioralion, on such lorms, in 
 rosjioot of duty, oiiioiiiinont and othorwiso, as hy By- 
 la'.v ill ihat hohalf may ho ordainod, and may romovo 
 all such ollirors and all such .sorvaiils, in thoir dis- 
 cretion, suhjoct only to such I'oslricLions as hy l>y-ia\v 
 in that hohalf may ho ordaiiidl. 
 i»..:iHot(;ov. r- '. '^Flio said Hoard of (iovornors shall in all otlior 
 ly.;.'^,';!",!'").''''^^^ havotull power lo adminisLer tho alfairs of 
 UioCo.> ,|,^. ^.^j^| Corporation, suhject only to such restrictions 
 as its I'ydaws may ordain, and in particular, may 
 sell in' in any other way dispose of any estate, real or 
 poi'sonal of the said ('oi'poration, as they may doom 
 advisahlo for the interests of the said Cor])oration; 
 p ovi.>io- as to ^^''^^''^'^'^^ always, that all moneys from time to time 
 iiiviNtniciit ni [^^ [,^j received from them on account of ])urchaso 
 proiJL'il:' bold. i 
 money of any real estate by theui alienated or to bo 
 , alienated, or on account of tho cajjital of any ground 
 rent, or otherwise than by way of contribution not 
 It sorvo m 
 c U'rni for 
 (li(( Mojird 
 i soon art 
 ion of (to- 
 1" tlu! Hiiid 
 s and dis- 
 ehair may 
 Olio year 
 II II I 111 
 ion of such 
 in I, as soon 
 c'lt aiiotlior 
 t'Xpirod ro- 
 Hoard may, 
 lit all such 
 it>; of every 
 li h.'i'ms, in 
 k', as by By- 
 may remove 
 ill their dis- 
 is l)y Jiy-law 
 in all other 
 he all'aii'H of 
 1 reslrietions 
 ■Ueular, may 
 stale, real or 
 y may deem 
 time to time 
 of purchase 
 ated or to be 
 if any ground 
 tribution not 
 made for investment, shall be dealt with as caitifal 
 only, ami not ax incotiu', and Nhall be proniplly 
 invested eitln-r in buildin^^s. or other real estati' lor 
 the oreiipatioii of the said IIo>pital, or in pi'odiictivc 
 I'eal tsstale, or upon i»('curiiy thereof, oi- in public 
 Beeuritiis of the I'l-ovineo. 
 8. So nui(di of the said TMiarter as provides that i'r..hiii.'iit, &n , 
 I) ■ 1 . AT- i> • I . r< rn ""• to tiil<i' an 
 every rrcsident. VM'e-I'ri'>iilent, doveriior, Ireasurer, .miiioioiiicf. 
 and Secretary of the said Corporation ^liall taUe an 
 oath of otllee, is hereby repealed. 
 9. The (Quorum of the Hoard of (iovernors for Ibf ,,|„,r,„„ of 
 transaction of all business, Is hereiy reduced to y//'- ; J/,!),* ''""""" 
 and the presence of (ho Pi-esidenl or \' ice-President 
 nhall no! Ik- necessary (<» constitute such (^iioriini. 
 10. 1'lic present Hydaws of the said (.'or]>oration, ivi-^cni By-iu«g 
 in so tar as tlicy may not l»e contrary to aii}' ]uo- 
 vision of Ihi! saiil (Miartiu' as hereby aiuendi'il, ov to 
 hiw, shall rt'iuain in force iiiilil duly ri'jiealed or 
 11. The said iioai'd of (lovertioi's shall have power r...nrii ofonvcr. 
 , ,. • ) I It 1 !• • • iiiir> iiiav make 
 hcrealtiu" to ])rovi(le l)y In'-iaw, troni lime to tinie, liy-Uiws tor 
 /• 1 1-111 I 1- 1 ci'itiiiii iiiir- 
 lor any changes which may be deeiued exjK'dieiif as ,„,<,.<. umi mny 
 , .1 .■ •! I I ii • I / II 1 i" 111' ri'iM'iiI or unicud 
 to the time ])roscri lied by tliesaid (barter tor iioldinu ^^^\.^^^_ 
 tlie annual meetings of the said (corporation, or as to 
 the notice thereby re(|uired to be given tin- such 
 meetings, or as to the rule of voting at such meetings 
 therelty prescribed, or as to the mode therein indicated 
 for the summoning of meetings of the said Board 
 of (Jovernoi's, as also for any lowering of the ([iialiti- 
 catioii hereinbefore set forth of elected CJovei'iiors, 
 which may be deemed expedient, or for the roipiiring 
 of any larger Quorum of the said J3oard of (iovei'iiors 
 than is hereinbefore set forth, whether for transaction 
 of business generally or of any particular description 
 of business, as may be deemed expetlieiit, and gene- 
 rally for all other matters and things whatsoever 
 appertaining to the affairs ot the said Corporation; 
 and they may repeal or amend all such By-laws : 
 Proviso, Provided £(lwayb, that no By-law, and no repeal or 
 amendment of any By-law, shall take effect until after 
 a])proval thereof by vote of the members of the said 
 Corporation, at an Annual or Special Meeting of tho 
 Corporation duly called. 
 rorporation to 12. The said Corporation shall at all times, when 
 makp returns to ^ ' 
 the Legislature, thereunto required by the Governor or by either 
 branch of the Legislature, make a full return of its 
 pro})erty, real atil personal, and of its receipts and 
 expenditure, for such period and with such details 
 and othei information, as the Governor or either 
 branch of the Legislature mav require. 
 Public Act. 13. Th s Act shall be deemed a Public Act. 
Di'poration ; 
 ^'-laws : 
 10 repeal or 
 t until after 
 of the said 
 iting of the 
 mes, when 
 by either 
 etiirn of its 
 •eceipts and 
 such details 
 )v or either 
 ^ontrtal ^cnenil '^oBpitnL 
 1. Notice of Ihe hour and j)lace of meeting, I'or the election 
 of (xovei'nors, shall be given by the Secretary in one or more 
 of the newspapers i)ublished in Montreal, at least seven days 
 previous to such meetiiig. 
 2. The votes shall be given in the ratio of the annual 
 contributions ; that is, one vote for every five dollars contri- 
 buted. The Life and elected governors shall have live votes 
 in addition to those the}' are entitled to by their annual 
 contribution, but in no case shall the votes exceed ten. 
 3. The annual meeting of the Corporation for the election 
 of Governors and other business shall l)e hold on the third 
 Tuesday of May, in each and every year, in the Governor's 
 JRoom of the Hospital, at three o'clock P M., and continued 
 until four o'clock P.M. of the same day; at which two 
 Governors for the preceding year shall be ap]>ointed to 
 inspect the ballots; and every person voting at said election 
•- 1 T^'Wi'TS" 
 slifill personally and llicn and there appear and deliver to 
 the aforesaid Inspectors a ballol containinii^ the narne.s ofsix 
 persons, as Governors for the ensuing two years ; and the 
 Inspectors shall deposit in a baii; all l)alhits so delivered, and 
 shall insert the names of the persons so votini^ in a poll-list 
 kt'})t hy them for the purp(..>e : and when the poll of such 
 election shall he closed, the Inspectors shall open and count 
 the said ballots, and shall openly dec^hu'c to the meotin/^ the 
 names of the persons who shall be found to liave been elected 
 by the majority of the votes, and shall deliver a certiticato 
 thereof to the Secretary, who shall forthwith communicate 
 the same to the persons so elected. 
 4. The Secretary shall immediately after the election, give 
 notice in writing to the (lovernors elected, and to the 
 Governors for life, requiring them to meet on the Thursday 
 next ensuing at 8 o'clock P.M. to choose a Pi-esident, a Vice- 
 President, a Secretar}'. a Treasurer, a Committee of Manage- 
 ment, and Medical Oliicers, for the ensuing ^-ear. 
 1. A quarterly meeting of the Governors shall be held in 
 the ( Jovernor's Pooni of the Hospital, or such other place as 
 may be a])pointed by the Governors, on the second Wednes- 
 day in August; on the second Wednesday in November; 
 on the second Wednesday in February; and on the second 
 Wednesday in May, — in each and every year, at three 
 o'clock P.M. 
 2. The Governors for life, together with those elected, 
 shall choose by ballot, out of their number, on the first 
 Thursday after the animal meeting, in each and every year, 
 one President and one Vice-Pi-esident; and, out of their 
 number or otherwise, one Secretary and one Treasurer ; and 
 also, out of their number, they shall nominate and appoint 
 Oliver to 
 les of six 
 and the 
 3i'od, juid 
 of such 
 iid count 
 itinijj the 
 n elected 
 •lion, give 
 1(1 to the 
 t, a Vice- 
 f Manago- 
 bc held in 
 er place as 
 d ^Yednes- 
 ^ovember ; 
 the second 
 , at three 
 se elected, 
 n the first 
 very year, 
 It of their 
 surer ; and 
 :id appoint 
 b}' ballot, a Committee of ^ranngemcnt, consisting of (en in 
 addition to the President, Vice-Pi-esident and Ticasurcr, who 
 shall be members ox oflicio. Three members of the Com- 
 mittee of .Management shall form a quoruni. 
 3. The Covernors, at their meeting tm the fu'st Thiirsdaj- 
 afier the annual meeting in each and every yetir, shall elect 
 (by vot(>aiid not by ballot) eight ]\redical Officers, to be theat- 
 tending TMiysicians and Surgeons foj- the yeai-, and four oiU- 
 dooi' I*h3'sicians .'ind Surgeons, to attend to the oul-door 
 patients, and a s])ecialist to act as ocidist and auri.-t. Xo 
 ])Orson shall be eligible as a nuMul>er of the Medical Ijoard 
 uidess he shall have Itccn nominaled by a "•()vi'rnor and 
 secoudetl by another governor; such nomination to be posted 
 in the (lovernoi-'s Hall at least two whole days before the day 
 of I'lection. 
 4. If any vacancy occur in the Medical Eoard it shall be 
 filled up at the ensuing quarterly meeting of the (rovernors, 
 or at a special meeting of the (rovernors called for that 
 purpose, after ten days' notice sluUl have been give to the 
 Governors in the usual way. 
 5. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President 
 may, or at the request of seven Covernors, shall summon 
 and call toji-other in the usual way (he Governors of the 
 Corporation for the time being; giving them (except in 
 the case specified in the foregoing rule) at least three 
 days' notice thereof, and intiniating the purposes of the 
 6. Five or nioro Governors, convened according to the 
 By-Laws of tlie Corporation, shall constitute a legid meeting 
 of said Cor])oration, and shall be com]>ctent to transact all 
 business relative to the said Corporation, in as far as they 
 are authorized by the charter. 
 7. Two of the Governors shall, in rotation, visit the Hos- 
 pital at least twice a week; and shall enter their names in a 
 book, with such of^servations relating to the Institution as 
 they shall think necessary. 

 1. Tlic President, or in his ab-^enco the Vice-President, 
 shall preside at all meetiii<^s of the (lovernors of the Cor- 
 poration ; and in the absence of l)oth the President and Vice- 
 Presi<lent a Chairman j^ro tempore shall be a])pointed by tho 
 2. At all meetings of the Governors, every person shall, 
 in speaking, address himself to the Chairman, who shall 
 I)roj)ose all questions; and if a ditlerence of oi)inion shall 
 arise on any (question, such question shall be fairly stated by 
 the Chairman, and shall than be detei'mined by ballot (if 
 two of the Crovernors require it) ; and if in any case the 
 votes be equal, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. 
 3. In selling or acquiring real Estate, and in accepting 
 and discharging mortgages on real Estate, the President, or 
 in liis absence the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the 
 Secretary shall togctlier act in behalf of the Corporation as 
 its legal re])resentatives. 
 4. The Preiiident, or in his absence the Vice-President, 
 together with the Treasurer shall have custody of all bonds 
 and securities, title-deeds and other papers relating to tho 
 property of the Corporation. 
 1 The Treasurer shall give such security as may be re- 
 quired by the Governors for the due accounting for and 
 payment of the monies which he shall from tinie to time re- 
 ceive for the use of the Hospital. 
 2. lie siiall also receive all monies belonging to the Cor- 
 poration, and deposit the same in one ol' the chartered banks 
 tlie Cor- 
 tmd Y ice- 
 tod by the 
 on shall, 
 who shall 
 luon shall 
 ' stated by 
 baUot (if 
 r case the 
 ua; vote, 
 esidciit, or 
 er and the 
 povation as 
 »t' all bonds 
 ting to the 
 may be re- 
 ig for and 
 to time re- 
 to the Cor- 
 :ored banks 
 of the city; and all payments shall bo made by cheque to 
 be signed by the Chairman of the Committee of Manage- 
 ment, and countersigned by the Treasurer. 
 3. He shall deliver to the Secretary, three days at least 
 previous to the General Annual Meeting in each and every 
 year, a full statement of all his accounts signed by the 
 Auditors, to be laid before the said meeting. 
 1. The Secretary shall attend atall meetings of the Gover- 
 nors, take minutes of the proceedings of each meeting, and* 
 transcribe the same into a book. 
 2. lie shall at each meeting of the Governors read the 
 proceedings of tlie last meeting. 
 3. Through him all communications, of whatsoever nature, 
 shall be made to the Governors, and by him from the said 
 Governors to the public, or any department of the Hospital, 
 except in respect of such communications as may be more 
 properly signed by the President. 
 4. He shall, immediately after the election of the Gover- 
 nors or other officer^ of the Hospital, give notice thereof in 
 writing to the different persons so elected. 
 5. At least one day previous to each and every meeting 
 of the Governors, it shall be his duty to send notice of the 
 time and place of such meeting to each Governor, stating 
 the purpose of the meeting. 
 6. He shall, seven days before any election of Governors, 
 hang up a notice in the Committee Room of the Hospital, 
 and shall state therein the names of the persons qualified to 
 be elected, as well as those who are qualified to be the elec- 
 tors: those qualified being in the former case, donors of forty 
 dollars or more and annual contributors of eight dollars or 
 I loro, or annual ctjritributors of twelve dollars and upwards?, 
 and in the latter case contributors of five dollars and up- 
 wards for the last expired financial year. 
 7. He shall keep the necessary books for entering all the 
 transactions of the Governors, and furnish such reports as 
 they may require. 
 3. The Secretary shall lay on the table, in the Committee 
 Room, at every meeting of the Governoi-s, the journal or 
 minutes of their proceedings ; the case-books of the Medical 
 Board; the book containing the minutes of the visiting 
 Governors ; and any other document relating to the affairs 
 of the Corporation which they may require. 
 1. They shall, at their first meeting after their appoint- 
 ment, elect, by vote, a Chairman and a Secretary. 
 2. The Committee of Management shall meet at the 
 Hospital at least once a week ; and shall have power, and i,t 
 shall be their dut}-, to inquire strictly into the domestic 
 economy of the house ; to order all things necessary for the 
 same ; to inquire into the conduct of the Officers, Matrons, 
 Stewards, and Servants, of the Hospital ; to order all repairs ; 
 to oversee and control everything connected with the man- 
 agement of the Hospital ; to audit, inspect and approve all 
 accounts, and to order payment of the same ; and to re- 
 port, through the Secretary of the Corporation, a statement 
 of all their transactions, to each quarterly meeting of the 
 3. They shall have the general charge and care of the pro- 
 perty of the Corporation, and shall enforce all necessary 
 attention to economy, cleanliness and good conduct. 
 4. They shall at their meetings make minutes of their 
and upwards, 
 liars and up- 
 tering all the 
 ih reports as 
 le Committee 
 le journal or 
 the Medical 
 the visiting 
 to the affairs 
 their appoint- 
 meet at the 
 power, and i,t 
 the domestic 
 lessary for the 
 cers, Matrons, 
 er all repairs; 
 with the man- 
 d approve all 
 5 ; and to re- 
 1, a statement 
 eeting of the 
 ire of the pro- 
 all necessary 
 utes of their 
 procccdingr4, which they shall forthwith cause thoir .Secre- 
 tary to transci'ilio into a hook. 
 5. They shall have the power ami ii shal' ho their dniy to 
 cngai;e and discharge and jjrcsci-iho and regulate the duties 
 of all Sc-'rvants of the Jlospilal, aiid tix their waives. 
 6. The Commilteeol'JMauai^oMiL'iit shall, at each (juartcrly 
 mcctinii; of the (Jove-nors, repoi I the state of the Hospital, 
 and the state and iniinljcr of ]>alients admitted and dis- 
 charged during the ])recodiiig quarter. 
 7. 'J'lu'V shall inxft or (■au>t' to ho inscrf<'d in a liook-, tc 
 be ])i'ovid('d U)V the pm'|>()s(>. ;i|| ordcis to the .Steward for 
 the piirciia>c' of the stoi'cs, ^vlli(•ll orders iiiu 't lu) signed b 
 a meiulK'i" of t lie ('(«tiiiiiit le(\ 
 H. They shall lay on the taMe, at every meetiiii:- of the 
 (Joveriiors, the hook eontaininu- the tniiiiites of the j)ro('eed- 
 1). When a vaojincy occurs in the Committee of Manage- 
 ment the remaining memhei's of the Committee may ehu't 
 iVom the Hoard of (ioveriu)rs a person to fill the vacancy for 
 the unexi.irod term. 
 CJiAPTKli Yir. 
 1. The Medical I'oard of the Montreal (Jeiieral Hospital 
 .shall consist of the consulting and attending J'hy^ieians and 
 Surgeons, anil of the out-door Physician,-^ and Surgeons. 
 '2. T\\() number of the attending Medical Olticers shall bo 
 eii-'ht, who shall make siieli arraiiij-ements amouii- themselves 
 that the Hospital be visited once every day ;it least by two 
 of them, and there shall be Join- out-door Physicians and 
 Surgeons, one or more of whom shall attend daily and 
 prescribe for the out-door }>atients. 
 3. No ])erson shall be eligible to the office of attending 
 riiysioiun or Surgeon, or of out-door Physician or Snrgoon, 
 who is not ii _ii;riuluato of n Uiiivorsity or ('ollei;o iji the 
 British nonunions, or Ji liccnliuto or member of a Colle<ro 
 of Physicians or Siirijeons of Cii-eat Bi-iiain and Ireland, or 
 other in the British .IV>minions, of at least tliree years stand- 
 ing, and who is, moreover, not licensed to practice in this 
 4. Any attending Piiysician or Surgeon may, after having 
 acted ill that capacity for twelve years, become a consulting 
 Physician or Surgeon of the Institution. 
 5. The visiting hours for the Medical Officers attending 
 the wards shall he twelve o'clock (noon) of each and every 
 day, Sun(la}'s exce])led. 
 6. Should any one of the attending Physicians and Sur- 
 geons, oi' of the outdoor Physicians and Su)'ge»)ns, be unal)lo, 
 from illness or intended absence from town, to fulfil tho 
 duties of his olfico, such attending Physician and Surgeon 
 shall oldaiii the assistance of some other of the attending 
 Physicians and Surgeons foi" the time being, and such out- 
 doo)' IMiysician and Surgeon shall obtain the assistance of 
 some other of the out-door Physicians and Surgeons for the 
 time being. 
 7. In all surgi(!al cases requiring o])eiationH (exce|)t in 
 emergencies where delay might be dangerous), and in 
 medical cases when desired, a consultation of the whole 
 Medical Board of the Hospital shall be summoned. 
 8. 1 he Medical Board shall have full power, at all times, 
 to visit ami examine the Apothecary's shop. 
 9. It shall be iho duty of the Medical Board to examine 
 all Candidates for the situation of House Surgeon, assistant 
 House Sui-geon and A]iothecary. 
 10. The Medical Board shall communicate to the Com- 
 mittee of Management, in writing, through their Secretary 
 their o[>inion of the candidates. 
 11. The attending Physicians and Surgeons shall alone have 
 the power to admit and discharge any patient, except in 
:o in tlio 
 cliuul, or 
 rs f^tiind- 
 in llii.s 
 !r liaviiijL;" 
 lid every 
 i and Siir- 
 be unal)lo, 
 fiilHl tlio 
 i Siii-<i;oon 
 such oiit- 
 listiiiu'O of 
 ms for the 
 (exc'C])t ill 
 ), and ill 
 the whole 
 , all times, 
 1, assistant 
 the Corn- 
 alone have 
 except in 
 cap>es of severe injuries, where the House Surgeon shall admit 
 at any liour of the day or night, without recommendatory 
 12. The Medical Board shall i-egulate the diet of the 
 13. The attending Physicians and Surgeons and the out- 
 door Physicians and Surgeons shall have the power to name 
 and appoint their own Dressers and Clerks from among the 
 14. For the purpose of Pathological investigation, the 
 attending Medical Officers of the Hospital shall h..\'e the 
 power of examining, post mortem, the hodles of patients 
 deceased within it, at their discretion ; and such examina- 
 tion shall only be made in the presence or by the order of 
 the Haine. 
 15. The Medical Board shall make suitable arrangements 
 amongst themselves concerning the service of the out-door 
 16. All minor surgical operations not requiring admission 
 to the wards may be performed by the out-door Physicians 
 and Surgeons; when admission to a ward is requii-ed by the 
 patient or case, it will be the duty of the attending Physician 
 and Surgeon to take charge of the patient and perform the 
 necessary operations. 
 1. The Oculist and Aurist shall attend the out-door room 
 on such days and at such times as shall be determined by the 
 Medical Board. 
 2. He shall have the right to admit to two beds in tlie 
 male public and two in the female public wards, patients 
 suffering from ophthalmic or aural complaints. 
 3. He shall have the privilege of admitting to one private 
 ward when the same happens to bo vacant, but he Hhnll at 
 no time chura the use of more than one private ward. 
 4. Ho shttil keep a rcgiator and case-book, including all 
 cases coming under his department. 
 6. Ho shall not be ex-officio a member of the Medical 
 1. No person shall be eligible as House Surgeon or Assist- 
 ant House Surgeon unless he bo a Graduate or Licentiate of 
 some University or College in the British Dominions and a 
 Licentiate of this Province; and, further, unless he submit to 
 the Committee of Management satisfactory testimonials of 
 his moral character, and of his having been approved of by 
 the Medical Board, and having attained the age of 21 years. 
 2. The House Surgeon iihall visit all the occupied wards 
 in the Hospital at least once every morning and evening, 
 and oftener when required so to do by the attending Medical 
 Officer, and shall examine all cases of serious disease or 
 accident admitted after the visit of the attending Medical 
 Officers, and take charge thereof until the next visit 
 of those officer'^' ; he shall also be prepared to report to 
 the attending Medical Officers the state of the patients since 
 the last visit. 
 3. In any case of an urgent nature, the House Surgeon 
 shall immediately summon the attending Medical Officer ; 
 and if he cannot be found, he shall call upon the nearest 
 memberof the Medical Board. 
 4. The House Surgeon and Assistant House Surgeon shall 
 not absent themselves from the Hospital during the visits 
 of the attending Medical Officers ; and when at any time 
 either goes out, he must notify his colleague, so that either 
 the House Surgeon or Assistant House Surgeon may be 
 always present in the Hospital. 
 6. Thoy must always bo in tlio H()S)»itnl nt a sen^onaF le 
 hour in tho cvoiiini^'; and never sloep out of the ImiMin/,' un- 
 less witli tlio permission of one of the attending Physiciann. 
 6. Tho House Siiri^oon and Assistant House Surgeon shall 
 record in tho case-hooUs, to bo kept for that ])urp08u, tlio 
 history, symptoms, treahnont, ami roNults of treatment, of 
 all patients admitted to their respective wards, as well i\» 
 the details of the morbid appearances revealed by the post 
 mortem examinations conducted by the attending })hysiciana. 
 7. Tho House Surgeonand Assistant House Surgeon may, 
 and in the absence of the ajtothecary shall personally super- 
 vise the compounding of all prescriptions ordered for 
 8. The House Surgeon shall have charge of all the surgi- 
 cal instruments belonging to the Hospital, and shall bo res. 
 ponsiblo for the same ; and he shall enter in the register of 
 patients the name of tho person by whom the patient has 
 been i-ccommended, and whether an ordinary or a pay- 
 patient, and tho rate per weelc ; and tho time and tho manner 
 in which every patient loaves the Hospital. 
 0. It shall bo tho JEouse SiirgtMMi's duty to notify the 
 members of the Medical JJourd whenever a consultation is 
 required , 
 10. Tho IIouso Surgeon shall draw u]) a quarterly and an 
 annual report of tho state and niiinbcr of patients admitted 
 and discharged previously to tho quarterly meetings of tho 
 Governors, and tho Committee of Management, and tho 
 annual meeting of the Corporation. 
 11. The IIouso Surgeon shall notify the Steward of tho 
 dismissal of all pntients. 
 12. In all cases when it becomes necessary to notify tho 
 Coroner of tho sudden death of any individual within tho 
 precincts of the Hospital, it shall bo the duty of the IIouso 
 Surgeon to give such notice; and on the betiding of the in- 
 quest, he shall l^e the Medical Officer rcfei-red to for informa- 
 tion by that fututioniiry and the Jury siuninonod hy him 
 and shall he ontitlod to Iho feos paid hy the Coroner in such 
 13. The AssiNtani TFotiso Riiri,'oon nliall take charge of 
 Hindi wards as are assi^^nod fo him hy the attending Medical 
 OtTlcor, and shall visit (hose at least oiico every morning \\\d 
 evening, and oftencr when I'eqtiircd so to do by the attend- 
 ing Medical Oflicor ; and in the event of \\\h observing any 
 great or sudden change in any of the patients in his wards, 
 ho shall immediately notify the House Surgeon to that 
 14. Ncithc ' Ihe JFouso Surgeon nor his assistaiits shall he 
 at liberly to take outside practice; but must devote their 
 time wholly to the interests of the Institution. 
 ciJArTia? X. 
 1. No person shall he eligible as A])othecar\' until he 
 shall have laid before the Committee of Munngemcnt sj)tis- 
 I'acLory ])roofs of moral character, and of his having been 
 examined and approvotl of hy the Medical Board. He shall 
 reside in the JIosj)ital. 
 2. lie shall compound, juake u[), and tlispcnse all the 
 medicines required for the j)urposes of the Institution. 
 3. He shall regularly attend the apothecary shop, of 
 which he shall liave charge; keep eveiything belonging 
 thereto clean and in proper order ; and never absent himself 
 from the Hospital without the knowledge of the House Sur- 
 4. He shall deliver to the nurses of the wards the different 
 medicines, &e., ordered for the ])atients of each ; the directions 
 for which shall be legibly wrilliMi or printed, Jind afHxed to 
 each phial, box, or ])arcel. 
 5. Jle shall be permittt'd to insli'm-l in pharmacy thf 
 pupils attending the Hosjiilal. 
nrAi'TKi: \i. 
 OP TtTK .111 DKNTS arrKNIUNi: TIIK li'im'lTA!,. 
 T. No HtiulonL wlio has not |)rcvi() lnI<on a tickot fur 
 .'itloiidaiico ill the llonpital fsliull, on any prolonco wlialovor. 
 I »o allowed to witness any opt'r.itiuii ordis.-si'clion. or lo attond 
 the Clinical Lectures. 
 2. I'ho fee Ibr a SludeiiL's aiiniiul tick.-t sliall l»e.. ..$12.0i» 
 Six niontlH , .. 8.(10 
 Porjjetual ifpaid in oiu; ;iini on onlianco 20.00 
 If 24.00 
 .'5. .Students followiiiL!: tlio attondini; Modioal onicer.s dur- 
 ii»^ the visits are to behave with ileeeney and propriety, 
 Icoepini^ their hats off at all times; and tlu-y must avoid 
 iloin^ anything' tliat may tend to distui'h any otiieial or 
 4. Every Student must ke'e[) otl' hi.s hat while he is in the 
 operating theatre, both tliat lie may notoh.struet the view of 
 otliersantl as a mark ofre.spect ; ami all noises and changes of 
 iseats must bo avoided, a'^ unpleasuiit to the operator and 
 hurtful to tlie patient. 
 5. Students when visiting the ward,, arc on no account t(; 
 oiler any advice, or express any ojdnions, unless wdien i-e- 
 quested bo to do by the attending Medical Oflicer. 
 G. No Stude-.t shall enter the wards at any time e.xcc])t 
 the visiting hour, unless by ])cnnission of the attending 
 Medical Officer. 
 7. Any Student infringing any of the above regulatit)ns 
 shall forfeit the bonctit of his ticket and the pi'ivilcge ot 
 attending the Hospital. 
 1. Every Governor and Member of the .Medical Eoard of 
 the Hospital, may recommend ]>atients to be admitted into 
 tlio IIoHpilnl ill the inamicr and form lioroiiiaftcr proscribed ; 
 but it shall be the exclusive prerogative of the attending 
 Physician or Surgeon, as the case may be, to judge if the 
 person so recommended be laboring under such disease as 
 is admissible '.nto the JfospiLal, according to the By-Laws 
 of the Corporation. Provided that should any patient re- 
 commended by a Governor be refused admission, the 
 Medical Officer so refusing shall record his reasons for so 
 doing with the Steward, who shall communicate the same to 
 the Governor by whom the applicant was recommended. 
 2. In any urgent case, when delay may be dangerous, 
 the House Physician or Surgeon shall have power to admit 
 patients; and he sliall immediately give information of the 
 same to the Attending Physiciau or Surgeon, as tlio case 
 may be, or, if he cannct be found, to any other of the 
 Medical Board ofthe llospital, 
 3. No patient sliall bo admitted into the Hospital whose 
 case shall be considered incurable, or who is insane, or 
 whoso case does not require the particular benefit of an in- 
 door practice. 
 4. No woman in advanced pregnancy shall be admitted as 
 n.n in-door jiatient unless she is the subject of serious accident 
 or some disease dangerous to her life, and requiring im- 
 mediate care and treatment. 
 5. No children under two years cf age, except in cases 
 requiring special treatment, shall be admitted into the 
 6. Such patients as are unable to pay for their mainte- 
 nance shall be received as " ordinary " patients. Such as are 
 able to pay, shall be admitted into the Hospital as " pay" 
 patients, and none of these at less than one dollar and a half 
 per week; for the payment of which the person recommend- 
 ing such patient shall be responsible. 
 7. The person recommending any patient shall mention, 
 << 1 
 in the certificate for admission, if tlio jiaticnt lie iiii 
 " ordinary " or " pay " patient. 
 8. No patient shall be admitted into iho Hospital as an 
 "ordinary" patient, exceptin<i^ immigrants, avIio does not 
 reside in the city or parish of ^[ontreal ; and the person oi- 
 persons who shall recommend any patient who docs not 
 reside in the city or parish librcsaid, shall become respon- 
 sible for the payment of the Hospital dues of such patient, 
 which shall not be less than one dollar and ahalf })er week ; 
 and in case of his or her death, he shall also be bound to 
 defray the expenses of the funeral, which shall not exceed 
 tive dollars. But, as special cases may occur when a devia- 
 tion from this By-Law may be necessary, the Committee of 
 Management are authorized to dispense with it in such 
 cases, and shall report the same to the Governors at their 
 next meeting. 
 9. All persons thesubjectof venereal disease, apjdyingfor 
 admission shall be called "Lock-ward" patients, and shall 
 pay at least two dollars per week, and if it bo not speciHod 
 on the ticket of admission that he or she is a Lock- ward 
 patient, then tlie attending Medical Ofliccr shall send back 
 such patients to the person recommending, with the words 
 "Lock-ward" written on the ticket; and if the person 
 recommending shall renew his recommendation, he shall then 
 be responsible for the payment of the Hospital dues for such 
 patients. All femivle Lock-ward patients shall be admitted 
 only into a ward devoted to such cases, to bo called the 
 " Lock-ward." 
 The above rule is not ai)plicable to persons entering the 
 " private " wards. 
 10. Two beds (one in the men's and one in the women's 
 Avards) shall be kept in reserve to receive such patients as 
 may, from sudden accident, be in need of immediate relief. 
 11. The applicants for admission shall attend at the placo 
 appointed for that purpose, in the Hospital, at any time 
 from eleven o'clock A.M. till one o'clock P.M., and shall 
 ])rescnt the followini,' certificate to the attendini^ Medical 
 Officer :— 
 Fann of Ci'rf'Jicitfc of the Hihui^sion of " Ordinari/"' Patients. 
 MoN'TKEAi., (lay of ,187 
 Sir, — I rocoinmend arcsident of this 
 City, to be admitted into the 
 Montreal General Hospital as an "Ordinary" Patient if 
 be thoiii^'ht a fit object for admission. 
 To the attending Medical OlHeer of the 
 Montreal General ITosnilMl. 
 Form itf Ce/iifiratc for theadinisaion of Fmj J\ili<'nts. 
 Montreal, day of ,187 
 Sir, — 1 recommend , who lias resided in 
 the parish of for to be admitted into the 
 Montreal General Hospital as a pay-patient, if be thought 
 a fit object for admission, and I undertake personally to pay 
 to the Hospital the sum or sums which shall become due on 
 such admission. 
 To the attendintc Medical Officer of the 
 Montreal GcTieral Hospital. 
 1st. The object of admitting patients into the Hospital 
 being their relief from bodily ailment, the first consideration 
 must bo to treat them medically, and to avoid therefore all 
 needless excitement as detrimental to their cure. 
 2nd. That every patient admitted shall be requested to 
 state his or her name, sex, age, religion, birthplace, resi- 
 dence and disease. 
 3rd. It shall be the duty of the House Surgeon to obtain 
 these particulars, and to have them properly entered upon 
 the usual card and have it affixed to the head of the hed in 
 which the patient is placed. 
 This record to be treated as conclusive unless and until the 
 patient voluntarily requests the House Surgeon to make any 
 changes in the card, such request to be made in the presence 
 of at least one other resident ofTicial of the Hospital, as a 
 Avitness thereto. 
 The record of the religion on the card to be an invitation 
 to clergymen of the same denomination as the patient to 
 attend on him ; and the officials of the Hospital are for- 
 bidden to permit any interference with the conditions 
 recorded on the card for the time being. 
 4th. A daily list of the patients in the Hospital, contain- 
 ing the records in clause two, to be exhibited in the hall for 
 the information of clergymen of different denominations, 
 visiting the Hospital. 
 5th. Visitors to be admitted to see patients under such regu- 
 lations as may be made from time to time by the Committee 
 of Management, and whilst there to attend to the directions 
 of the House Surgeon, who will bo held responsible that no 
 conduct is permitted on the part of visitors detrimental to 
 the patients, or to interfere with their proper medical treat- 
 ment and care. 
 6th. The names of all visitors to be entered in a book to 
 be kept for that purpose in the entrance hall. 
 1. On any of the days appointed by the Medical Board for 
 vaccinating the jioor, gratis, any person or persons, without 
 the recommendation required for the admission of patients 
 to the Hospital, may present their children for vaccination. 
 2. The person or persons who shall vaccinate any children 
 or other persons, on any of the above stated days, shall 
 roi,n8ter in a book belonging to" the Hospital, kept for that, thejnamo, age, sex, and religion of each and every 
 individual so vaccinated ; the part of the body on which the 
 vaccination has j been performed; the date, progress, and 
 Icrmination of each and every case. 
 1. No Governor, officer, or other person connected with 
 the Montreal General Hospital, shall at any time presume, 
 under any pretence whatever, on pain of expulsion, to give 
 to, or take from any tradesman, patient, servant, or any 
 other person or persons, any fee, reward or gratuity of what- 
 ever kind, directly or indirectly, for any services done or to 
 he done, or proposed to be done, on account of or relative to 
 tiio said .Hospital, except in the case of Physicians to the 
 Institution, who, for the accommodation of their private 
 patients, may bring them into the private wards when it 
 docs not interfere Vk'iih the objects of the Institution. 
 When ail ordinary pjitient dies in the Hospital (if the body 
 is to be interred), the Steward shall give notice thereof to 
 the clergyman to wliose congregation or church he or she 
 may belong; and the Porter shall, if necessary, assist the 
 Sexton at the interment. Imtnigrant paupers of less than 
 twelve months" residence in the country, who die in the 
 Hospital, shall have their funerals defrayed from the money 
 received from the Immigrant funds. With regard to other 
 ordinary patients, the Committee of Management are author- 
 ised to request the ditt'oient religious communities to which 
 they may have belonged, to provide for the funerals of such 
 unless the hodiew are otherwise disposed of by law. 
 No additional By-Law shall hereafter be made, nor ahall 
 any of those already existing bo in any way altered or re- 
 pealed except a special motion for such alteration, r*»peal, 
 ttc, be made and received at one of the quarterly meetings 
 of the Governors, and passed at the nextquar'.erly meeting, 
 before being submitted to the Corporation. 
 1. PjitiontH in the Public AViii-eLs will Ic allowed to hoc 
 their friends on Tiicsdiiy, Tlnir.sday and Saturday, lictweon 
 H and 4 o'clock, p.m. — huhjoot to i-estrictions liy llie House 
 Surgeon as to number an<l di^n-ation of visits. 
 The Surgeon ha.s di.scretioiK'.r}- jxnver {o admit 
 visitors to any patient at any time ( p. sj)ecial ])a.sso.s to be 
 issued by him or, in hi« absence, by the Assistant 
 2. Ministers of lleligion and other jiersons, visiting the 
 .HMS])it!il with the sanction of the Committee of Management, 
 ibr the purpose of religious min'strations, will ' o admitted 
 every dny between 2 and 5.30 p.m. In cases of urgency the 
 House Surgeon may send for a Clergyman at any liour, 
 when requested by a patient. 
 3. Tlio House Surgeon or, in his absence, the Assistant 
 House Surgeon, sliall have the power to ])revent visitors 
 from liaving access to any patient, even during the hours 
 hereby fixed for that purpose, when special circumstances 
 render it expedient so to do. But in such cases ho shall 
 rejiort his action to the next meeting of the Committee. 
 4. Patients in Private "Wards may bo visited by their 
 friends at any suitable hour in the day time, with the per- 
 mission of the House Surgeon or Lady Superintendent, and 
 not otherwise. No visitor to remain after 8 p.m. 
 5. All visitors will bo required to enter their Names on 
 the occasion of every visit. 
 By order of the Committee of Management. 
 MoNTUKAL, April 10, 1ST6. 
 CON T K N T S . 
 The Original (.'harlfr 3 
 The Amendcil Charter — l-'ieumble, 
 Who shall be members of Corpoiation, 
 Whfit Real Kstute the Corporation may acquire, 
 ^\ ho shall bo Life Governors, 
 Who .-^liall be elected {}()vorii!)rs, ami of vacancies among tliem, 
 Election of President ami Vice-l're.-ident, term i«f oflice, <itc, 
 Vacancies in Ofiice, 
 (iovernori may apjioint OfTicer^, administer ad'airs of Corporation, 
 Proviso, as to investment of i)ni|)erty sold, 
 J'residont, &c., not to lake an Oath of Oflice, 
 (Quorum of (tovernors, 
 Present lly-Laws continued, 
 (Governors may make By-Laws, repeal, or amend them, 
 Corporation to make Returns to the Legislature, 
 The Hv-Laws, 
 Ot the Election of Governor?, 
 Of the Governors, 
 Of the President and Vice-President, 
 Of the Treasurer, 
 Of the Secretary, 
 Of the Committee of Management, 
 Of the MedicalBoard, 29- 
 Of the Oculist and Aurists, 31' 
 Of the Resident Medical Olficers, 32. 
 Of the Apothecary, 
 Of the Students attending the Hospital, 
 Of the Admission of Patients, 35- 
 Form of Certificate for the Admission of Ordinary Patients, 
 Form of Certificate for the Admission of Pay-Patients, 
 Of Patients and Visitors, 38 
 Of Vaccination, 39- 
 Of the Penalty of receiving any Fee or Reward, 
 Of the Interment of Ordinary Patients and Immigrants, 40- 
 Of Altering and Repealing By-Laws, 
 Regulations concerning Visitors 
 2 4. 