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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte 6 des taux de rMuction diff6rents. korsque le document est trop grand poUr §tre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est filmA A partir de rangle sup^rieur gauche., de gauche 6 droite, et de haut en bas, en ptenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 6 ■^ /^ V Ox «~ s • . F ^ • y r - , «• ^ 1 , .; ** - • k* • * rV;; ■ ' -t^A •,;■'. - .■ - > . '.-- -j.-itti . - ^cM VII. 0-. V '-r 7 ^ .*»*. CANADA. AN ESTIMATE Of the Sum which will be required in the Year 1828, for improving the Water Communicatioif between Montreal and the Ottawa, from the Ottawa to Kingston, and^ifrom Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. One Hundred and Thirty-five Thousand Pounds; clear of Fees and ^1 other Deductions. Ob Account of the Grenville Canal, now carrying on by the Royal Staff Corps ..--...- 11 f } 15.000 On .Account of the Rideau Communication between the Ottawa\ mAKingst^. - - - - - - - J "°'T X- 135,000 Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 1 35th June 1838. J GEO. R. DAWSON. ii > ■ ? 475. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Prmttd, 25 June 1838. VII.-rESTIMATE FOR IMPROVING THE SIR, Downing-street, 9thAptil 1828. I AM directed by Mr. Secretary Huihsson to transmft'to you ai^ extract of a letter from the Master ■ I ; I G. R. Dawson, Esq. ^,i8cc .^c. &c. I am, &c. (sig^) R. W, Hay. • \ ' ■ • \ • ■ ' ■ " ■ - ( - \ % \ K ■ ^ f f \ \ \ V » ■1 2 b: • -_' ■ \ , ' ■f- „^,*^„ : „ •_ t '■ . . • ff ■J * - •> . ^- 1 ".; WATER COMMUNICATION IN CANADA. 4 Extract of a Letter from Lord Beresford to tlie Right Honourable rVilliam Huskisson, respecting the Rideau Cnnal ; dated 17th March 1828. ADVERTING to that part of your letter which limits tlie Expenditure on the constructirfn of the Rideau Canal to the same amount as was voted by Parlia- ment for the last yeaf, I beg to call your attention to a Report from Lieutenant Colonel By, which has come to me since I received your letter, and which I annex hereto. By this you will see, that Lieutenant Colonel By could not have been made acquainted with the intended limitation of expenditure for this year, in sufficient time to prevent his making the contracts he therein communicates to hqive I been completed. Those contracts having been made, and the contractors in all probability having made their arrangements, and even commenced operations, wc can only be liberated from those engagements ( I speak of those made 1 st February last) by very onerous concessions, which would be a dead loss ; and you will see that the contracts formerly made are in full execution, and that on these the ex- penses from the 1st November 1827 to-22d January 1 828 (less than three months) is £. 28,614. 7*. 2rf. and these apparently not the best months for working; the expenses on the new contracts mustbe added to this, when you will se^ how little way the X-41,000 you propose this year-will go towards defraying the now inevi- tai)le expenses, whatevertaay be determined On, that is, whether you stop those contracts, or" go on-with Ihem. In. short, it is obvious that Lieutenant Colonel By has laid down work fd^ this year that will take about a third of the sum he into consideration what has Le the wh6le in three years estimated for the whole, ok about (,. 140,000 (takj been already expended), as ihc; contracts go to co from January last." >-f\ II \ ' / \. ^.^' ';^, :'^. ■^ ,,«.!> r*' ^