fMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I t m 12.0 12.2 St." 18 // CONDUCTKD BY ■I MR, T. G. CHESNUT, AS -Ci^ BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Iv r,'. KOW REMOVED TO THE NEW SCHOOL BUILDINOS, ERECTED FOR THE PURPOSE IN THE U ^mx ^mM ^tmt;' ^nllt^t %%m)xt. ^ ). TORONTO : PRINTED AT THE'GLOBE STEAM JOB PKIi£S, 25 KING STREET WEST. 18G2. s >-' ce JbJ c q: f of a given, number of pupils most efficiently to discharge the subsequent duties of life, or to take and maintain the highest places in their svbsequeM career as students, has most nearly approached the standard of absolute perfection, awl by whatever name called is the tuue model. T. G. Chesnut. I I >, yi THE rOUOXTO TRAIXlNi; SCIIOOI., roxprcnn ht V I 1 t MB. 'l^ (;• OHEJSISI-IJT, UEMOVKD TOTHR NEW BUILDISUS, KUECTKD Fni! TII!^ I TttPiiSE, Caer ||ofotU ^robe, o'oUcqr '^^iuintc. <^>» »■ ' : iM hiya jU'opfV luiiiuhiiion. l-y impiiriiim snital.l." kiiowltnlpo an«l mtviUil tr;uiili% for H .suUso<|U.M»t <'ollott' oxiiiiiiimtioiis; luivi- I'Utvivtl ivLiiilai'lv (»u tlu'ir <'(»ll('uv i'ours«« : and a rtjft'iH'tin' to tlie i'i-<,jH.|' ivnmls iv^tal.lishfH the fact, that i\w impils of the Tofoilo Truiaithj .>VA iir»'p;vro bovti for those Institutions,^ The jHipilj* are divided into three classes, and the"e:?iu-sc of mstruction arnue'tul with a special view to the jrvadual develdijhient and viirorous us« olthe mental powers. At first, the attention of 'the pupil is on- finetl chiefly to some one ;!enera! subject, sudi, for instance, as tin llenerfd Principlea o/hmyioufc .- every jirinciple im:(eh,ced is at ontv apidied, and the exercise continned in faniiliar conveAfitions actoli.- iiamed with illustrations on the black-board until the i)upil is (|uile expert In constructing' hi.-? own illu-strations. These j-etieral ]n-iiiciples are then e.xpanded and receive their speciul application by takin- up the study uf Latin and KnjilisU a'dernately. When the clwel dilhculties, 2 on.- l.s one, hav.. tlm^ U.m. n,;,>iMV,l, ;um1 interest aWaketiea In the subject wl.icli luiH SM inv .^rcnpi.Ml ahiiost ..x.-liisive attontioTi. it m ullowLMl t(, (iroi. ii littl." into ilK" l.uck-rounil, whil.' n new subject is l.ruu.t;M lironiinently t..nviml and pushed wiili eam(>stiHss mi the attention of the Upil, till he sees his way clear and feels Ih.. .;uii.- confidence as In'torr. in the success of his effort:^. Thu^ tlie yuan- inijiil is accompannMl ;,n.i eneourao'ed by tiie teacher at evtry step, and is never touud pTapi.lniir wi^li tlie diiTiculties of more than one new subject at a time. <.reut caro '8 taken that, wliile the dei.iand made on the ])npil sliall not he l.evt)mi the reach of his capacity, yet that it shall lead him thoroughly to exercise his own mental powers. A large proportKUi ot the time o! eacli pupil is employed in attempts at wnting out. or expressing orally inn>< neat, readv, and bnef a manner as possible the various steps l.y wlnrli he arrives' at his conclusions. 'I'hus, the habit of guessing, ot snperticuU thinking, and of improper speaking, and erroneous methods of reasoning are at once detected, and steady progress made, troin the \eiy outset in the art of combining and properly expressing the ideas suggested tu ih« mind. , , ,. , i i A daily record is kept of the conduct and standing ut each pnpil. on the principle at present adopted in Upi>er Canada College, and a monthly report sent to each parent for inspection. 'Hie pupils are examined in all the work of the previous week every Fruhiif, ami on the work of the previous month on the tai^t hoo dai/s of the nionthj ami publicly, on the whole work of the term on the last /on)' (hn/s ut th« term ; the examination at Christmas being on the work of th;^ prcviouA six months, and that at midsummer on the whole work ot the year, wiiich it closes. The promotion of each pupil is determined by tm as-erage result of these various examinations taken in connection %vit!i tin' average of tlie daily record. The Scriptures are read every morning, and from ten to twenty vetw.s assigned at the close of each week to be committed for the tollowjnf» Monday morning. M oral influences, together with impositions of various kinds, and suspension from privileges, are relied on entirely as the ineati.M of enforcing discipline and application to study. The number oj pupil'* under one teacher is limited to twenty-five. The number of assi.stiuits employed, therefore, will depend upon the number of pupiU. • • '.• • TERMS. The year is difvhl^d into four equal terms of seventy school dayrt each, and commences \Vil,]i the Autumn term. J. The A^(fumn Term begins Sept. 10 and ends Xov. 19. il. " Whiter Term " Nov. 20 " Feb. 14. TIT. " '^ring Term " Feb. 1.^ ** April :iO. IV. 'i. ''Mourner Term *' May 1 '' July 10. • •• VACATIONS. At Christmas, two weeks July 10 till September 10. at Faster, one w Nov'r s Hi idsuminer. from FEES. f FOK DAY PI'MLK, PER TBRM. OnftPHpU *l<* FOR BOAHDRRS, PBR TKRM. Ow i'llpil !>**> Two Brothew.. 9 'J v • 1 ii othow.. ., 4H Thrw " • • • • ** • '11'"'' " *** Frwucli, Drawinjf, ami IJymuastic*. eJf'tnt. Th'rc is It ./nuior Ih'ptii'tment /or rhil:»f. Tff /-Vs. in this Vfpm'tnwuU are ^'^ per term. N.H. AH f«'«s aro pavahin !*trictlv in iwlvamt*. Pupils laii . iit«»r at any timt*. and il' IhfV «'iitVr iitler tlie fourtti week of u term. ar« cliarg««l only for tho nm-xpinvi portion •»r tin* t.M-n). Rnanlp •.> aiv riMjUinHl to supply tlM'ir own JMtl.iinu'. loweU, Ac. Ix r»'.«''-«rM!lv ^nt.iiiittiiiir tlif follovvint:- 'r.'stiiu(>niitl,>. Mr. < 'ii !•:.■< st't wouM <]i-a\v attciiiidii tn uii iiiMxirtiiiit I'catmv coiinoctcd with tlu-in. iVom which thev «hM'iv«* jMH-tjIiar vahH» and (-io-nificunco, viz.: that, they trc mit inon.\i.i» .tl.u;DONAL», M. h. C, and others. TouosTo, 15th Jan., 18(>2. llavhiL' had our sons prepared fi^r the higher schools by Mr. Chesnut, in the roront<» Tnuniug School, we have great pleasure in stating how highlv uratUhHl we have t)een with their thorough training and rapid progress, and fi'el it duo to Mr. Chesnut, in his effort to render the School still more efhcient thus paVdicly to express our entire satisfaetiou with the result. /Signed,) JOHN' IlilXYAUD CAMERON. KMILirS IRVING. (Hamilton, Solicitor Great Western.) i^THFHKX RICIIABDS (Q,C.) nONALD MACDONALD. s- li. harman; W.B. RICHARDS. From the, Hkv. Wii i i wi t »i,mi»tox, D. D., IiuMettM-nf Gmmmvr SAoola»and iaU M»themutical Mtuter, i\ X &, 0. W, l[\Mii,To.\% April 2, I85K. T fiiivc brcii intimately ac(|iriint(Ml willi Mu. Thomas G. Chksxit for thi» Jast twclvo years, an. I lia\ c liad every ..pportuiiitv of indKnnir of bis .iiiiinfi- mtioiifi and ability m^ ,i IVaciicr. n<" lias, at dilfeVciil times, pursued \^ Iminches of study, iiiider my own iiiiiidii. I...1I1 at \"idwia Colleii'. mi,! i,, ||,,. SdrniHl School, About ten ycar.s ii«/ j/„s/», I'luvhuiul A'..iw.»/ >rA,i»/. ,, ,, N'HSMAI. .-'riiiMiL. A111H2I. 1K>. Mv I>K.ut, mi:; ' '\'\\^'_ trentliMiiau tu wh.mi I first jjavr a HT.»umKMi»lati«.u for i\w V\\\ Schuul >up.;rinteniteiic»' as a in-ue<-{i«»n of Couiim.a S«diooN whore I iiad oecasionally U% oruaniz»* schools nuniheriiis; .m'v^mi lumdir-il children, I am woll awan- that iuuh- hut a practical toaclu-r < an |»os.«iliIv ._t.flici.'ntty thedntioM 1 f such an otlicv. In this j^oiiit of vu-w 7 r^mill I h,oiv of yo\u hcM <«.s refonh h>tra»<'»i (.erman protossor. under whoso training I si)ont nianV years of uiv «-arlv Uti* hf)tJi as i)ui)ii and toachor, I am imiirosst'd with a stronj? cimvictiou if th*^ necessity ot a knowled<;o of Ky.sti m and skill in toachiiif; on the uart of a fcchord Inspector, without which no such officer can possiblif uiMse tmchfrs on aitncnlt points of ort/anizotion. or emniine the dasf>es in nU (he ihffereM tminches, mth a vie w to the intrveludion of^ (he best modes of teadnmj. I have a.tJ'."'l'o"'^ Vn" f"''^;j^'i"« ^'.-^'iniofiiats. l iiiv, very truly yours. TIIOS. J. l{n|;i.;RT.S()N, ALA.. Mi., i ut>.'^. Lt. cHKriMT, Toronto. I' S. ^ . _ siipiMWi. ImImmiUI uHujrl/t. f„r III,. ii,ir,MiiH.|l ,1 a h'ttiT. hut i couM n..t r.T.,nim.>rHl yon u.s i wwlu-.|. uii hn ot my own vu-ws* iiml ihrir nii-in. f "wif '' in wich III -'niMc niciition T. J. U. % i = li I li;iVO iilidi'iicc From 3ms Hkatv. M. D., /.ife iV,/«.wr o/ Xatuml fk'iena:, I'Uioria iUW,je, niav*.lK.,.,iatu,ualnU.,l «hJ, Mr. T.ios. CJ. Chksm r. fcr many ytuirH, untirvh.- Jn t-v.-ry rt'Jatioa in v,l>i, known Wr. L\wm\i\. he Ir- • v.. ^uujsilf worthy ot the highest ic and esteem. "" " .l.In 't'T^'M'"''"'"^' r ' •' ' •.raeticul application as a Teadw , . I int«"ih',.t '''^ *'*'' "" ^'"''""^ ""^^ Micce..n,l .^uper- (•..m^'lf !f"; ''r"l ';• T' ^''•- ^''"'"'""* »« .^"IH-Hntendei.} of tliri>tian gentleman, and earnest. laiuuul ann.,nv^ufi..ri of GomM Mreet ; an«l was.^ diirmjr »hive .\muiul h't-ssinns, a SHi.leui jti Divinity nniter iny ehuj-Ke He im aciuaintva with the l.utih and <;r.'.k lan^iaj^rs. a«a has htW(!u'.I Matheiijiities. I.i);,mc, a»«t Af„n,l I'hilosof.hv. I toiisidvr hiia a verv ae.ite and jnffHi,,,,,^ iH>rs(»fi, ajt.l j.oss«'ss,.,l „f jr,vj»t ViMT'rv of character. He ImK hail eoi«sul(Mal»leex{M'neMce in tcachi.ig, aiul | nu.lerstaml ii:is lieen verv HHces^fa m that rapacity. I U.i.ik him we» liuaiilied for the oflice of .siiHermteiident of Public School."*. JOHN TAYLOR, M. D., (tdjn..) Professor of Divinity to the United Presbyterian Church. I 6 tVom iht Rkv. RiiPRBT II. Thoknton. D.D., (halrmw Ci>un1y BoanI PnWe hmirnrthn, (MiiAWA. ritli Mnrih. I8.>a 1 hare lM'4*n aci(iiaint«>(l with Mr. T. G. Ch>>>ntit for M'vcral yi'ui'H: ami. in r«>Kanl to iiis HtiitiiH an a tfaciiiT of )oiitli. I buvc oftiMi mxul tluit !)<> Ih among thi* nui.Ht <i(Mit I havi> (>v**r known. l>«irin}f alioitt Kixtc(>n v«>arK' cxpcrU'n!'!* AH H iStifx'rintt'udfiit. I liaw ncviT foiunl impUs xo thot*ou}(lirv ('onv('rf* H-ilh priiiHpN'f* as his. Tin* mosi of ihosi* !«• lj>fi in (Khawii, \vIm> arc not yH «»t of f*(}it; >»oiiiul lo iiriutln'r with. till' 5«auH' vi«'w), I biivf no JH»sit;iflnii in s^utinjr ni* opinion wImtc I liav«» jcroun'l to do fjo. aiifl wIuti' j^rrat iud-rrsti^ ro»un't't«'«i with 1ln» yoiin,i; nr« at Make : him I can n!o.>it coniiiilly and cariH'stly r"('on)iu<*n«l u/ oiir whom I conot'ivt* wo«il(l till it with niuvh skill and ••rtiiioncy. Whih* his manly IndfjM'n lanci' and r«'S(dnt«'n«-ss of rliararhT will not ;diow him to make th»' h'ast roiiipronMM' wiMi aiiy!hineen engaged in teaching nearly the entire time since lir lili Victoria College, a!id 1 have unUoinily heard that he lias been di>tiuguislied in every place for the same nntiringdevotcuiiess to his duties, and for success, as a ptjblic instructor. His thorough knowledge of ull tlie l)raiiclirs taiiglii in our best common schools, his long experience us teacher, his intimate acquaintance with tiie m«nage»'i"nt ait'l discipline of schools, as well us his mitiring zeal and a siduity, mvst emirently (lualiiy liiin jof tlie ctlicient dis- cliarge of (he important duties connected with the iirojier siiiHTintemlcncr of Cummou .ScJiuols in the City of Toronto, or elsewhere in Upper Cauaiiu, W. KINGSTON, Prof, of Mathematics, Vic. College I fhm M.C. Hawe, LL. D., {Trinity Oollegtt DuMtfi,) f&ad Maskr Tbmth iinvamnr Srhonl ToBoxTo, April 12(b, 1858. Mr T. G. Chrwnnt bonltf^Ti > ihl .t«1 «w Kn}rU»h MaHt«T In theTorontt Grammar School for immi'wiuu ni mmm of jii4l{(ing of hi>» cupabilitU'H a* a Scholar anrni!J«'thoih ofiniinii'tia^^ hist; 111 linn. I think he woiilil make an t>fl]cieDt i::upnin^cmkni of the City Si-'houtii. M. C. IIOWK A.n.. Kt. Sch., Trinih' C'i»U«.|?«, Diiblio, Head MaKtt'r of the ToroiUo Griimmnr School. I t thm Jobs Wiij^on. M. A., ( Trl*^. Cott., DuWn,) (laaaienl J^n^tsanr Viriwia CuBui-BU, April 10,1 HA8. Mr. T. G. C'liininiit attond
    _s,inctly rc<'olh'ct ili- mi'iilal ucciimcu uiid vi;;or which he t'xliihitcd in bi» daily recitations. Ili.-i suljsoqiK'nt career as a tcachor has been oharactfr- Izcd. as I hav« repcat«'dly icartKMl, hygieat ability and entltUNiastic d»nj)tir)n t J tho duti«>H of his protV'ssion. If appointed to the tifflce of Sifpcrintciidcnt of Common Schools for the City of Toronto, I doubt not that Jh* will prnvf n liiebly rflicf('nt ;itTic«»r. ,ii)ilN WiJ,.S(>.\. Class. Prof. Victoria College. i y ■■1,1 TmntAS N. GiHiiH, Rsq., ff Oshni'-'i. tliri'c nf wliosc s(>ii> liave since lu'i-n |vrf^»ari'd for the Colb'R'o iu the Tui'tdUu Ti'uiuin.u' S''lii)ol. OsHAWA, 24th Ai)iii, 1858. To the Chairman of the Btxirrfof .VA'.,/ Ti''fsfoi' the HUf of loronio. ftKXVLKMKS:.— IlavinjCf seen by the public })nnls that yon I'CMiuiro a Supcrin- iriirlriit for your Coiiiinon Schools, and h'aruins also that Mr. 1\ G. Chcsiml. tnriiici'ly of this town, is an applicant for the post, I hei'' to say in his Ixdialt that J have known him hu' many years, an ' l»eli(' e lie v> eld, if appointed, make an active and energetic otHcer. Ho posse-sses. in an eminent degree, most, if not all, the qualities necessary to make an etlicient Superintendent. His thorough knowledge of, and long acquaintance v.ith. our systeju of Com- mon School teaching, together with business habits and indonutable ])ersever- ance in the midst of ditliculties. have conunendeil him to me as oiu' who would be likely to Jiil the oHice of superintendent of your schools with credit to himself ami satisfaction to your Jloard. .Mi'. ('. taught in Oshawa for some ^ cars, and during liiat period did much to raise tiie character of our scho(ds, although in the midi;t of an active and long-continued opposition, llefoie leaving Oshawa Mr, Cl'-e-^n',!! init (iid.v (luiete!! the ojsjHisitiop. hi uliii'li lu' wa^* subjectci, but loft with tho ff<^Mi u-isiH.B of nmnv of thnso ;v|;o jj;^;; •;' ;^';;; time most oppose,! to him. His su(;c.-ss m .'aeh.n,^ is ' ^^^ . ^ '' lively satisfaction 1)V the people oflhe m-i.-hbomh.)...!. and paiticulailj by those who atteiuled as students uiider him. i ..nnvl...n,k Shonhl he be lo.tnnate enonj^h to receive Ihe a,,p,mn> nie,. u no u h, . I have no hesitancy in .staling that 1 l^ehev.. you will l.nd hnn ll.c n,.l.l man" for the i)la('»'. ^■"'"" '■'"''"■"""^'' Tiios. N. (;ii;i5S. Mr. Chcsnut wiUbe assisted, lor the present, by I\lr. Willia.m CiiANVFORD, B. A., {(nm^ladSiUer Medal ;.t:) Toronto University. Mr. Crawford will devote a portion of his time to ]yrlratv tultlom on his own account, and will be happy to enter into engagements with persons wishing to prepare for the Unh-erutu, Law, Mcchcal, or other examinations. Mr. Crawford can be seen either at his rooms, in the School Buildings. - Caer TIowcU CIrove." or at No. f.O Richmond Street. For Course of Instruction, Ust of Text Boohs, Dally Lessons, ami lioardUuj House Eules, see Monthly Report and Time Tabic, dr. m^ Mr. diesnut loUl he happy to enUr into emf nemonls for private Iniliu, rcith indiridaals.fanu'^s. or dasses. n-hn. huars in n-hid. h. is nut already emiiujed ran tie aiireed "pon. V \\ I