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Catalogue - - J 900 rf»^p^^fcW?*s?^T«aJ5Sf?!^pw^w«'^^pwt:-'S'»^ Royal Canadian Academy of Arts* ^ Catalogue 1900 Twenty-first Annual Exhibition opened on the 15th February, 1900 in the National Gallery, Ottawa. ?'>-3tXl'V' ■^:/f\-^'f^VW' Royal Canadian Academy of Arts jf^ \ 899 ^ jfounDcrs TIIK MOST IIOXOKAMI.K THK MARgi'IS OV LOKNK. HKR KOVAL IIKIHNKSS PRIXCKSS I.OIMSK. Ipatron HIS EXCKLLKNCV THK KARI. OV MINTO, (lOvernor-Genenil i.y'i Canada. Ibonoran: IPatron TUK MARgUIS OF LANSDOWXK. President, I'tce/^residtnt, Secretary- 'I icasiirci., ©tncers ROHKRT HARRIS A. C. HirrCHISOX lAMKS SMITH MONTRKAI, tt Toronto. Council for 1899 ant) 1900 ONE YEAR J. C. PiNHEV Montreal . J. Ham.moni) " n. B. Dick Toronto. L. R. O'Brien (died wliile servinic) " T. M. Martin Wm. Criukshank " rWO YEARS C. K. Moss Ottawa. F. M. Knowi.ks ...Toronto. K. \V. Grikk " Homer \Va ison Doon. M. Matthews Toronto. J. Hopkins Montreal, .1 BuMtor<j IIknrv L.\n<;i.i;> .\s\> D. H. Duk. llDouoiaiv IRctirc^ Ilca&cnUcian0 N. Hoi KAssA, MoMtf Mi>lli>. Zlca^cmictnn^ I I \t ill 1 1' IS V. HuinxNKi.i Onaw.i. \V. |{kv.m.\i;k Moiilivjil. W. CUirKSII \NK 'I'uiDiili). l'\>Ks/r\\\ l>\v Kiitusimi. v.. W. (ii<ii;u ... ... Toioiiin. Roui.K I II AKUis iMi)iiltval. O. U. J Aioiti Toronto. .M. M \ I I iiKW.s " T. .M. .Maki IN " .\. I). I'm I I'KsoN " l"«ll>. .\. islll) " !•". .M. Hi-i.i. S.Mi III II. K. W'a iso.v Dooii. J. IIa.mmom) Moiilival. j. (.'. I'l.NIIKV " C". ,1. WW f. !■:. .Moss Oliawa. V. .M . K.vmvi.KS Toronto. All liiliils .\. !•". Hi NH>i' . J. W. lli>ri\iNs .\. I". Ill ll'IIISOV lllNUV I.ANill.KV . . . j \.Mi:s S.Mirii . . . . . .\. r. r.wi.oR n. M. DiiK iMontival . .Toronto. Moniri'.il. . Ttnonlo. . luxiiiinii iiiiis lilid .S. II. CAIM'KR I*". S. Cm \i.i.i;.\ii< Siulplor li.\.MII.roN .MArC'ARTIIV /^r six III' IS \. 11. limVAKI) J. w. n. vv.vTT.s Monlri'al 'I'oriinio. Toronto. Toronto. Ottawa. ■; ■ .1. IRon^lResi^ent Hca&emtcians C. S. Mii.i.AKi). Clu'ltiMiliain, Kni,'- Hy. Sa.ndiiam Boston, I'.S. P. V. WooDi in K , J. C FOKHKS. . . New N'ork. aca&emicians H>ccca0c^ * VV. X. Ckkswki.i .Ai.i.AN Kdso.v Paii. Pkki .An loi.vK Pj.a.monddn . J. Ci. lloU-.\KI> J. A. Fraskr H. I'krrk Si-al\.rlli. . . .Monlrt'.il . . . Lon.liin. Cj}iu'l)i'i'. . . Tor(»nt(i. Now ^'ork. Toronli>. W. fi. Storm Toronto. I). Kowi.KR .Anilu-rst Is! Thomas .Si on. Ottawa. Ja.mks C'iRiiTi I lis London. Thomas Im I.I. i:r Ottawa. I,. R. 0'Brii:n Toronto. Hddoctntcd I'llAKI.KS Al.KXANDI'.K. . . . . . . . I.oiuloii. Mai KK K Ci l.l.KN Mi>iili'i*al . W. K. AlKINSON . . . .'loioiito. I.Ai RA Mini/. 'I'oronto. A. Cox I« I'iKi'RdK HaKVKY ilalit'ax. 1 j. W. L KORSTKR II IIKNRV Mak MN 'ri>ionlo. 'i^rk. K. K. llAHKN " W. Hoi'K Monlrfal. J. C. iMil.KS Si, J.>lm, \.H. HaRRIKT I'\>Rn lomilU). SVRAII IIOI.DKN MDIIIl't-al. J. L. (.iRAIIAM " Mrs. II. M. Kkid Thidiiid. \Vm. Kkvki.i J. T. Koi.i'ii A. C. Williamson. ..... " CiKRTKl l)K Si'l RR " j. Arch Urownk. " i\. MRI KNKlll . . " C. M. Mani.v. V.C. WUKSON Paris, Out. IC.M.MA S. WlNMKAT Toioilli). \V. .\. .Siii;r\voi>I) " Caki. Aiirkns " Svunkv 'li i.i.v .... " K. HvoNNKi' Montival I'". .A. V'krnkr Li>tKlon, Marcarkt lIoiciiioN ... .M»Miiival. l'"l.l>RKNl'K CaRI.VI.K WnDllstDck. Kn.MiNO .Morris Toronto. Ja.mks MalI'-oi r JAMKS .\i:i,SON . John Uk.mmki.i,. associate X-lvchitects llamilion. W. C Harris. CliarloiU'imvii, P.K.I. . . . MkMitroal . i JosKiMi \V. PoWKR Kinj^sloii. , . Toronto. I S. li. Townsknd Toronto. nl(>. I Isl. vva. on. .va. ito. 4'-'S m 1 ff '!«■ s IMS- 1 J, 1 1 \ ii' ft'- 'A m in 'i^^Hj h ' Wt ■ BB BR BEj BR( BEI C03 Info: ,***?;--:'.«mr-"<!'^ra"re0 Oil Paintindi BROWNELL, (Franklin), R.C A Ottawa 1 — Day ia June. 2— A Trout Pool. 3 — Midsummer, Quebec. 8— (a) The Man in Giey, BRYMNER, (WM.,) R.C. A Montreal 4 — Early Moonrise in September. BELLSMITH, (P.M.) R.C A Montreal 5 — Hyde Park Corner, Evening after Rain. G— Farm in the Pitt Valley. "The Golden Ears in the Distance." 7 — Morning. Milking. Holland. 8— Piccadilly. BROWN, (J. Arch.) A.R.CA Toronto 9 — Sundown. 10 — Evening. BELL, (Miss M. A.) Montreal 11— When Spring Rides Through the Woods. COX, (Arthur), A.R.O. A Toronto 12— The Erook'8 Song to the Sunset. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk. I '■f 10 Eoynl Conndinn Academ;/ of Arts. CULLEN, (Maurice), A. R .0. A Montreal 13 — A September Day. 14 — Cap Tourmente. CRUIKSHANK, (Wm ), R.CA Toronto 15 — Ploughing. CHALLENER, (Frederick S ), R C A Toronto^ IG — In a Nazareth (.zarden. 17— Ida. Loaned by S. M. Wicketb, Es.]. 18 — A Singing Lesson. 9— Where the Lake and Rivr Meet. CARLYLE, (Florence), A R.CA Woodstock 20— Portrait. 21_"We Beseech Thee to Hear us, O Lord." 22 — The Garden. 23 — June. DIGNAM, (Mary E ) Toronto 24 — Roses and Bhiebells. DAY, (Forshaw), R.CA Kingston 25- On the Bow River, N.W.T. DYONNET, (E.), A.R C A Montreal 26— Portrait H.S. de Lotbinere Horwood, M.P. 27— Portrait A.J. H. St. Dennis, Esq. 28 — Portrait Arthur Henshaw, Esq. 29 — Returning Home. 30 — Landscape in France. 31— The "Laurentides. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk. P^- :~»i»-i'»»-OT»s;"-^r*vi?»i-V' Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. H DOUGLASS, (Eleanor) Toronto 32 — Midsummer Moon. 33-By the Eiver. y4_The Creek. DENNIS, (W.C) Montrea 85_Tlie Dairy. PORSTER, (J.WL), A.R C.A Toronto 37_portrait, A. A. McDonell, B.A. .38— Portrait, Theodore Harding Rand, D.C.L. FRANCHERE, (JO.) Montreal 39— Thinking. 40— Study of a Head. POSBERRY, (Ernest) Ottawa 41 — Foggy Day. 42- -A AVind Swept Point. 43-Tiie Pond. 44 — Bee Hives. PARNCOMB, (Caroline) London, Ont 45 — Landscape. 46— Fruit Piece 47 — Letters, 48 — Some More, Please. GRIER, (E. Wyly), R.C A Toronto- 49— Portrait, E. F. B. Johnston, Q.C. Jnlormation regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk. iT^iswmp^ 12 Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. I ■u f HARRIS; (Robert), P. RCA. 50— Portrait of Hon. W. H Tuck, Chief Justice of New Brunswick. 51— Young Canada. 52— The Love Letter. 53— Portrait Study. HOUGHTEN, (Margaret) Montreal .54 — Last Rays, A Study of Sunlight. 55 —In a Capri Crarden. 56 — Spring in Capri. 57— Frost Effect in Brittany. HEAVEN. (Ethel R.) Toronto 58— Study of aa Indian (Pastel.) 59 — E vangeli ne. GO— Portrait Study. Gl — "Kathleen Mavouiuine." HAGARTY, (Clara S) 2— In Old Madrid 63 — Field Flowers, Norfolk, England. 64 — Interior, Lower Canada. JACK. (Patti) 65 — Highland Interior. 66— Tinkers' Tents on a Fife Moore. 67— The Old Basket Maker. • Toronto Ot'awa Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk. Ttitjal Canadhv. Academy of Arl3, 1'.3 IRWIN, (J.D.) Ottawa 68 — Eostrevor Old Bridge, Ireland. LEDUC, (0.) St Hilairc 69— Still Life. MEAGRE, (G.A.) IMontroal TO — Gaiiauoque by xMoonlight. MOSS, (Chas. E ), RCA i ttawa 7."} — Sir Sandford Fleming, Chancellor Queen's University 71— With the Flag. 72 — An Auld Lichi. MORRICE, (J.W) Montreal 74 — At Charenter, France, Washing Day. MARTIN, (T. Mower), RCA Toronto 7.') — The Asulkan Glacier. 70 — Clouds resting on Burravd Inlet, Vancouver. 77— Mount IJaker, Victoria, B.C. MORRIS, (Edmund), ARC. A . Toronto 7S Ltindscapp, Co, Montmorency. 71) — A Habitant Home. MANLY, (C McDonald). A. R,C. A... Toronto 80— The River Koad. MUNTZ, (Laura), A.R.CA , Toronto 81 — Child, with Roses. 82— Eventide, 83— Feednig the Coat. 84— By the River. Jiifornialii n reyanliiig the works for sale ciin be obtained at tiie dealc. W '.* ': \ ' " :l a I: I- I 14 Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. O'BRIEN, (L.R.) R.CA. Deceased, Toronto 85 — Marine. 8G— The Liindiag Cove, "Gi-and Manan." 87— Marine. SB — Daikeninjr, 89 — Dahliay and Suntlowers. 90— In tlie Haibor at St. John, N. 8. PINHEY, (J.C.)R.O.A Hudson, P.Q. 91 — Portrait of John Christie, lisq. PATRICK, iMariha A.).... Ottawa 92 — Portrait of a Lady. 93 — Study of a Head. PATTERSON ,(A. Dickson), RCA Toronto 93 — (a) Portrait of the Late Sir George A Kiikpatrick, K.C.M.Ct , Loaned from Gov't. House, Toronto. REID, (G A.). R CA .Toronto 94 .. Decorative Panel, "Music." 95— Reading. (Pastel). 96— The Cloud. 97— Nightfall. REID, (Mary H.) A.R.C.A 1 oronto 98— Roses. "Lady Dorothea." 99 — A Poppy Garden. i,;0 — A Verandah. 101— Full Moon, "July." 102 —Looking East. 103 — Chrysanthemums. 104 — Interior. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at tiie desk. Eoyal Oanadim Acadeini/ of Arts. l^ STAPLES, (Own P.) ^^'^^"^^ 105— The Smithy. SPURR. (Gertrude E.) A.R.C.A Toronto 108— Scarboro. "Old Town." 107— Betoh worth, "Surrey." 108— ReigaLe Heath, Surrey. 109— Drag Creek, "Haliburton." SHERWOOD, (W.A.) A.R.C.A Toronto no— Portrait of Miss D., " Los Angelos, Cal." TULLY. (S. Strickland), A.R.C.A Toronto 110— (a) Poplars. Afternoon effect, (h) Evening. Decorative Panel. (c) French Canadian Interior. (d) Niagara Fprry. (e) At the Loom. (f) Monday Morning. WATSON, (Homer), R.C. A ^o^" 1 1 1 — November in the Clearing. 112— Over the Hill. 113 The Dry Watercourse. WATSON, (Alexander) St. John, N.B. 114_An Evening Sky. 1 l5_Waiting for the Tea to Draw. (Not for Sale.) 116 — Landscape. Information rcgardhig the works for sale can be obtained at the desk. 16 Boyal Canadian Academy of Arts. (Uater Colours. BRYMNER, (Wm) R.C A Montreal 117— The Picture Bock. 118— The Black Scliooiior. 119 — Cap Tonrmeut. 120— An Old Orchard. 121 — A Corner in Oats. 1 £2— Wheat Stocks. BELLSMITH, (F. M.) R.C. A Toronto l'J3— llaiuy Day in the Selkiiks, B, C. 124 — Above the Clouds, (View from Summit Av.ilande Selkirks. 125— A Cloud Girt Peak in the Selkirks, Mt. McDonald. 12G— The Hermit Range, 127 — Smoky Weaiher on the Frascr, near Yale, B. C. BLATCHLEY, (W. D) Toronto 128— A Breezy Day. 129— The Turkeys. 130 — A Canadian Pastoral. CHALLENER (Frederick S) R.C A. 131 — On a Country lload. Toronto Information regarding the works for .sale can be obtained at the desk. Royul Canadian Acadetny of Arts, 17 eal to le o DIGKIN&ON, (Edgar A ) Ottawa 132 — View near Bath, England DAY Forshaw, R.C A Kingston 1.33-Oa the Bow River, N.W.T. 134 — Near Gananociue, Out, 135— Bray Head, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. EDWARDS, (Mrs. 0. E) Montreal 130^ — ^OneCiise of Miniatures Water C'oIourM, on Ivory, and jNlinerul Paints on Poiceluin. GAGEN, (Robt. F.) A.R,C.A 'I-ronto 137 — When the blowinii; Tide conieH in, IHS — A Lohs'or Catelier 13'J— A Sheltered Cove. 140 — A New I'^nghmd Fishennun'ti lloMir», 141 — Siui.set liock. Eastern Point, (iloiieeHter, Mas-i, 142 — A Colour Study, Gloucester llarliour, 143 — A Cloudy Summer Day, 144_The Willow Road. JACK (Patli) Ottawa 145_Bass Hock from Elies, " Viie, Seotland." 146 — A Canadian Studv. KNOWLES (F. McGillivary,) RCA . . • 147 — Iteturn of the Fishers, Cancalo, 148— By the Uiver Side. 149_St,. Paul's, from Fleet St., London. 150 — Newlyn, Cornwall. , Toronto Information regarding the works tor sale can hv. obtained at the desk. h ■f Ij 1 ij 1 8 Royal Canadian Academy of A rla. LEE, (P.W.) Montreal 151 — A Sunny Silence, Qu'Appelle Lakes. MUNTZ (Laura) A.R.aA Toronto 152 — The Handmaiden. MANLY, (C. Macdonald,) A RCA Toronto 153 — A Heavy Rain. 154— St. David's Pool. 155— Sunlit Meads, Wiltshire. 156— The Hills of Glancar. 157 — A Moorland Cleeve. MARTIN, (E. May.) Toronto 158— A Quiet Nook McKENZIE, (Tait M. D) Montreal 159 -An Old Willow, Early Spring. 1€0 — Apple Blossoms. 161 — Craig Street, November. MOSS, (Chas. E.) R CA ^ Ottawa 162 — Montreal Harbour. 163 — Mending the Net. 164 — Unloading a Schooner at Low Tide. 165— A Veteran. Information regarding the works tor saJe can be obtained at the desk. MA MO] MAI OBI FEB POV ROL SPU Infori lioynl Canadian Acndemy of Artt. 19 MARTIN, (T. Mower) Toronto 106 — Emly Spring at S[)ringfu!lil, on the Credit. 167 — Mountains iit Laggan, 168— Balrt, The Portage. MORRIS (Edmund) A-R CA 'loronto 169— St. Fereol Fails, P. Q. nO— Str<et Scene, York, England. 171 — Landscapt!, near Alknaar, Holland. MARTIN, (Henry) A.R.O. A Toronto 172— A Bit of the Maine Coast. O'BRIEN, (L. R ) R.C. A. Deceased '\ oronto 173— The Heart of Mnskoka. 174— The Shortest Day. 175— The Valley of the Don. 176 — On the Eeservoir Creek, Don Valley. PEEEIRA, (Swynfen.) , , Ottawa 177_«'The Red Bridge" POWER, (Edith A.) Kingston 178 — Macdocald Park, by Moonlight. BOLPH, (J. T.) A.R C A roronto 179 — Old Willows, Cnpe Ann. Gloucester, Maes. 180 — Willows, Centre Island, Toronto. SPURR, (Gertrude E ) A.R.C A Toronto 181— The Touch of Autumn. Information regaiding the works tor sale tan be obtained at the desk. 20 Itoyal Canadian Academy oj Arli. i y ••■••* .... London, Tni; VERNER, (F. A ) A R OA. .. 18- — Ktuly IMorning, Paiiy Sound. 188— Kiirly Autu:iin. 181 — Dutch Miiid. WAY, (Chas J) RCA Monirc^l 185— Tilt" Noonday (iun at (^ut-liec. l,vG— The Kails of St. Ai.n. 187 — Hiuuiuer Evcniii;,', ('up ii TAi^lc', 188 — Tlu! (Justoui lloUHK, (^uel)Oc. WATSON, (Alexander) St. John \. I!. 189 — Heading tlio Storey. WATTS, (J.W H.) RCA Ottawa l!J() — Mihty Morning, Audit rst I.hUuuI. U>1 Autumn. I Inlormation regarding the works loi- sale can be ob'aineil at the desk. Uoyixl Canadim AraJmit/ of Arts 21 Jlrcbiteciure* HARRIS, (W. C.) A.RC.A Charlottctown, ' K. Is), id 15)2- rrc'shytprian Cliunjli, Windsor, N, H. l!('l~iM!Hidfnce Wm, (Jartor Es((., (JliHrlottotown, iD4 — DcHigti for an Academy, at Pictou, N. 8, l'.)5 — Design for MtMiioiial Library, Auburn, N.Y. 19G — Design for Holy Trinity Church, Winnipeg. 197 — Design for St. Dunston Cathedral, Cliarlottetown, P. E. I. Sculpture. MacC ARTHY, (Hamilton) RCA 198— His Excellency The Earl of Minto. 199 — The Countess of Aberdeen. MacCARTHY, (CoBur de Lion) 200— Sir Wilfrid Laurier. 201— Gen»r.*l Wolfe. Ottawa Ottawa Information legarding tlie works tor sale can be obtained at the desk. 22 Jloijal Canndiav ArcuJemy of Arts. i EXHIBITORS' ADDRESSES. •It ' f ■ i' , 1-, : i: Uell. :Miss M. A., Seott & Co., Alontrcal. lull Smitli, V. :M., (H.C.A.,) 33G Jarvis St., Toioiito. 15!alclilc,v, W. I)., A.R.C.A., Brook Cottago, Domaslor. IhynuicT, AVni., (iJ.CI.A.,) Art Association, Mc.iitieal. r.rown, J. Arch., (A.ll.A.C.,) Art As-ocialion, .Montreal. Brouncll, F. 1\. C. A., 177 Sparks St., Ottawa. Cox, Arthur, (A.T5.C.A.) iruntlcy St., 'J'oronto. ChalkiKT, F. S., (JI.C.A.,) 87 (iaidiier A\t'.j Toronto. Criiikshank, A\'mi., (K.C.A.) Yoiiiro St. Aicailo, Toronto. Crllcii, :Mauri(.c, (A. JI.C.A.) !t(i St. iMaiu-oit; Xavior St. Montreal. Dignian, :Mrs. E., 248 St. (k-orfro St., Toronto. Day, Forshaw, (H.C.A.,) 184 Queen St., Kingi^ton. Dennis, C. W., 08 Hypolite St., .Montreal. Dyonnet, E., (A.K.C.A., !) University St., Montreal. DouglTJ, ]\liss ]']leanor, Toronto. Dickinson, Jv A., Ottawa. Edwards, iMrs. O. E., ^[ontreal. Farnconil), ;Mis.s Caroline, 374 Central A\e., London Forester. J. W . E., (A. H.C.A., 25 Iving St., Toronto. FcsLerry, E., 4TJ Cooper St., Ottawa. FtanLhere, J. C, 376 Ligauchietere St., ^Montreal. Gagen, Pvobt., (A.R.C.A.,) 90 Yongc St. Toronto. Hoiigliton, jNIiss M. Scott and Son, .Montreal. Heaven, Miss E. Jl., York Chambers, Toronto. Ilagarty, Miss Clara S., York Chambers, Toronto. Harri.s, Kobert, President, (1\.C.A.,) Art Association Gallery, Montreal. Irwin, J. P., 17U Cooper Street, Ottawa. Jack, Miss Pattie, 206 O'Connor St., Ottav.a. Knowles, McOillivary, (F.K.C.A.,) Confederation Life, Toronto. Leduc, O., St. Hillaires, P. Q. MacCarthy, Hamilton, 177 Sparks St., Ottawa. ■ 1 oiitreal. Ji'oyal Cnnrdian Academy of Arts, 2-i MacCartliy, C.L., 177 Sparks St., Ottawa. McKcn/Je, 11. Tait, 56 Metcalfe St., Montical. Meagher, C A., Montreal Art CJallery. Manly, C. ^Macdonald, York Chainbers, IVronto. Martin, T. INlowor, (R.C.A.) 110 Crescent Uoad. Toronto. Martin, Henry, (A.K.C.A.,) 50 CJioiu'ester Hi., Toronto. Morris, Ivlinuiid, (A.K.C.A.,) 32 Adelaide St., Toronto. Morrice, J. W., Montreal. MoHs. diaries E., (R. C. A..) 445 Daly Ave., Ottawa. Mi.ntz, Miss L'lnra. (A.R.C.A., Kiisholni Rdad, Toronto 0'13ricn, L. R., (R.C.A.,) "deceased" Toronto. J'atrick, .Miss M. A., "J!) Victoria Ave., Ottawa. Power, Miss Editli, 72 Sydenl>'^::i St., Kingston. Pinliey, J. ('., (R.C.A.,) Hudson, V. Q. Reid, Mrs. H. ]\I., (R.C.A.,) Vonse St., Arcade, Toronto. Paid, (i. A., (H.C.A., Yongc St., Arcade, Toionto. Rolpli, J. T., (A.R.C.A.,) 158 George St., Toronto. Slifiwood, W.A., (A.R.C.A.,) Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. Spurr, :\Iiss (!(>rtrude, (A.R.C.A.,) 248Gcrrard St., Toronto. Staphs, 0>ven P., 7 Maitiand Place, Toronto. Tully, IMiss Sydney, (A.R.C.A,) 176 Roxborough Ave. Toronto. Vomer, V. A., (A.R.C.A.,) 39 Palace 'J'cnace, PuDhani, Londoa. Eng. Watson, Ilonicr, (R.C.A.,) Doon, Ont. Way, Charles d., (R.C.A..) 9 University St., Montreal. Watson, Alexander, 5 King St, St. John, N.R. Watts, J. W. II., (R.C.A.,) Ottawa. ery,