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'v # mm *. »"-«l iM,*fcf^ J»H m :-*l * ■Mr^^ mil *' ^ I V ,. ..t > ^K Vi .* {' ?• .. 1 *'■., :.**•- _.,_v!.:: :ir>'- . \ SABBATH-SeHOOL ... • 1 . . . ■ . . ; HYMJSTBOOK. COMPILED PROM VABIOtra S00RCE8, BT AB-SOiy OKEEN, D.D. i^'' Rinsing .nd m.ki„j melody io j^r heart to- ' tUe Lord." *t* ^^' ■ SToranto: i Bpiionia., Kino Stmbt. .««»tw »V SAMUEI. ROSE.* 1806. Wr X d V»*s -\- \ ■^. '^ it V PEEFACE. Desiiwis of ffoTidlng a fuitable Connfxlonal Sabbath-Bchool Hymn Book, principally for the ofe of Wesleyan InstituUons in Canada, the Book Committer have autfaoriiied the publlcatiOD of the following (PoU lection of Saoi^ Poerau, designed to assist in Devo- tional £xerc(4^ifher in the Sunday-school or the social circle. <^ided by catholicity of spirit, those upon irhom hw derolved the pleasurable duty of selection, have not been restrained by any denomi- nattoaal tendency, but wherever religious sentiment dnd poetry have been fcund, the productions of sanc^ tified genius have been >yfbny united, regardless of names or forma. The compiler is, therefore, not xi'ithout hope he may have been assisting the labouiv of evangelical organi2atio|is, engaged In the culture Of youthful minds, who may use this collection of Sacred Hymns; they being free from lontroversial Lr, L*^""^^- ^^« "«««*'*« of the undivided J^d Holy Trinity ie devoutly Implored to Wet Bp(« tW« unpretending offering. ^* ENOCH WOOD, •»^«o,>prfl, ^^^^^"^ y ■ .■ :\- CONTENTS. MM, AnniTemriei 1^» W6 Closlog - — ^ Death, Judirment Heaven and Hell .«..«•«....•. 128 Early Piety.,....'.— ••—--— --••—•--•*•*--•-.•" ^^ Infant Classes and Young Children.. 217 Missionary .,..Zr..»——-*— •-— --*"•» ^**»*' -3foming and Evening ,.*.... .-.• ' 4 He speaks,— and listening to his voicfl. New life the dead iWvej _^ \. u "■" :§:; • il' '' ■' mJJ-S :■ , 'K* _,#i:-- ^: r***-**^* w >-^' '■A • 6 'J PBRFISCTIOXS AND *; The mournful, broken hearte rcjoico; The humble poor believe. ' '5 Look unto him, ye nations; own . Your God, ye fallen racef Look, and be saved through faith alone, Be justified by grace. G.M. Watts. 'I Th '1 ^ r SINGr th' Almighty power of God, That made the mountajlisjise; at spread the flowing seas abroad^ And built the lofty skies I 1 2 I sing the wisdom that ordain'd The sun to rule the dav; The moon shines full at his command, And all ilie stars obey. 3 I sing the goodness of the Lord, That fiird the e^rth with food; He form'd the creatiOres with his word, And then pronounced them "' good." 4 Lori, how thy wonders are display 'd| Wherp'er I turn my eye ! If I 8uj?v«y the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky I . i ■^ FEOVIDIXCB or OOp. 5 Creatnros (as niimorous as thej be) Ave subject to thy cane; There's not a place where we can flee, But God is present there. 6 His hand is my perpetual guard; He keeps me with his eye: Why should I then.forget the Lord, Who is for ever nigh I Li. aim •pj^-i AMiaox 1 rjlHE spacious flrmiEtnieiit on high, J. With alJ the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavena a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. > 2 Th* unwearied sun, from day to day, ) Does his Creator's power display: i And publishes to ^very land. The work of an Almighty hand. 3 Soon as the evening shades prevail. The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly, to the lisf^g earth, ^ Rei)eatp the story of her birth. 4 Whilst all the stars that round her bum, Ajid all the planets in th^ tonn, ■^ f :;«fc'V-. - :■ ■ r ( 1 . \-i ^' ^ .PERFECTIONS AND g ■ Conflnn the tidings as they roll, I And spread the truth from pole to pole, * ■ S What though in solemn silence oil Move round this dark terrestrial ball;^^ What though no real voice or sound ! Amidst their radiant orb«| be found; € In reason's oar4i*iey all rejoice, And utter &rthr a glorious voice; I For ever singing as they shine, I ^* The hand that made us is divine." t-" X. H. DODDSIDGS* 1 ri OD is a Spirit none can see, \J .H€f ever was, and e'er shall be: . Present where'er his creatures dwell Through eaxih and sea, through heaven and .■11 2 His/iy^ with infinite survey, Yi^^ all the realms in full display; Wh^t has been, is, or shall be done, Or here or there, to Him is known. Z The bounty of his gracious hands. Wide as the world he made extends, 1 54 >S;f* f I ■;\ V^ PROVIDENCE OP GOD. - And though himself completely blessU With pity looks on the distiessU ■ /■' * ■'' :.- ■■■•■'■' ■ ■ '■■ ■ 4 All that is glorious, good, and great, Does in the Loi"4 Jehovah meet: Then to his name be glory given, By all on earth, and aU in heaveiL ■:■■■'.«.;..- ^ ■■ ^ .; 9 iV'-' -I 9sftndTi WSSLBT. ''^^ I ''^ '/S- 1 TTAPPY child whom God doth aid I JJL God our souls and bodies made: God on us, in gracious showei-s, Blessings every moment pours: Compasses with angel bands, f Bids them bear us in their hands: . Parents, friends, 'twas God bestowed; Life and all descend from God. ^ He this^c^spry car|)et spread, Made the earth on Which we treiid • God refreshes in il^k air, ' Covers with the clothes we wear: Feeds us with th^ood we eat, Cheers us by his ifeht and heat, "fakes his sun on ns to shine: ^' our blessings are divine. 10 pbepkctxons and Apdiboh 3 Manweforhiskmaiieaslove, How much more our God above! Give him then, and ever give, Thanks for all that we receive; Worthy thou, our heavenly Loro, To be honoured and adored; God of all-creaang grace, Take the Everlasting praise. 1 -tTTHEN all thy mercies, O'my God, VV My rising soiil surveys, , ^ Transported with the view, I m lost, In wonder, love, and praise. >>. 2 Thy nrovidence my life sustain'd, An^ all my wantsjredre^'d. When I, a helpless infant, hung Upon my mother'6 breast 3 to all my weak complaints and cries, Thv mercy lent an ear, ^ Ere /et my feeble thoughts had learn d To form themselves ia jrayer. 4 Unnumbered comforts on my soul Thy tender care bestow d, >\^ / r^^rr^ •:./.■ PROVIDENCE OF GOD. JJ Before my infant heart conceived, From whom those comforts fiow'cL '■ -. ^ 6 When in the sligipeiy paths of youth, With heedless^eps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me 8afe| And led me up to man. *(■■■■•■ Through hidden d{kngel», ioils and deathfl^ It gently clear'd my way; And -through the pleasing snares of vic^ More to be fear'd than they; •• 7 through all eternity, to thee V A grateful song ril raise; ^^ But O, eternity's too short Pi3^-- To utter all thy praisctl. — CM. ■*t.. WATtfl. 1 TTOW glorious is our heavenly Eiug^ JjL Who reigns above the sky! ' How shall ai^hild presume to dng His dreadftll Majesty? 2 How great his power is, none can tell, Nor think how large his grace; Not men below, nor saints tha>t dwell ^ On high before his ftwe. ^ 4 li '. PBBFECTI0N8 AND a Not angels that stand wWd the Lora ^'tt L^ his praises BtilL ThtlZl God will not disdaia To hear an infant sing. R My heart resolves, my. t?ng«e "^y^ To hear their mighty MaKer 8 pi * So^d from a feeble voice. X. M. 8 Watts. , -r^TSfeAl. Po^«. whose high abode ^ E^^^" ^^'^^raBdenr on^G^' -H^te lengths ^y^-^^Ke rounds, iere stars revolve taeir "«. 4ee,4neftefiM«^«^^ a^^H'^MninSrSneraround ^ And ranks of s"*"™^"'"' ad the ground. Fan worshipping, and spread me b ^ PROVIDE!^CS QF GOD. IB From sin and diiat to Thee we cry. The Great, the Holy, and the High ! 4 Earth from afar hath heard thy fame, And worms have learned to lisp thy name: But O ! the glories of thj' mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind. 6 God is in heaven, and men below; \ Be short our tunes, our words be few ! A solemn reverence-checks our songs, - And praise sits silent on our tongues. ^ \ S^s and Ta. BoBiivaoir* and. 1 1i /TIGHT Y God, while angels bless thee, JjlL May an infant lisp thy name ? Lord of men as well as angels, Thou art every creature^s theme. > Hallelujah, HallelujalL Ameiu » 2 Lbrd of eveij land^and nation,^. ^allthypr^seunuttei^fUe^;, hall tny pra"" T«.iUv Bilence, TTVe mv tongue snch g«»"y "'X i SngtheLordwliocMixetodiel 6 Did ^ba«f l8dt>g *y^°'S^^ Wat Did the Bhepherds »*^ '"^teflil, To the ?f<^.^^,ittv captives, ' Ta 10 IfBStllf M *f ISlveaad never oeaae, Bto^ 1^1-:% ' ^- iV ,^ -1-, > .? '4"'.-^!':Jt^.XRl:N. k. PROVIDENCE Of OOD. 2 Born for this intent we aro, Our Creator to declare, God to love, and serve and prdafj Qodio h6nour all our days. 5 Lift we then our heart* to God,\^ Like the Church above employed} Day and night the angels «lng Praises to their heavenly King. 4 Him that sltteth on the throne, Him that died for men t* atone, God and the triumphant Lamb, They etemidly proclaim: '':^ 6 Holy, holy, holy,liord, -;t Like by heaven and eartUK adored, Fill'd with thee, let all things cry, \. Glory be to God Most High. asc. IX WAtTS 1 TTTHENE'ER I take my walks abroad, VV How many poor I see I What shall I render to my God, For all his gifts to mo 1 2 Not more than «>th0]!s I deserve, Yet God hulh ^von me more} ;-#*■ V I t ■ ! I ■ ,i:.iv r I,- iri w PBBPRCTIOSS AST) ir«r T have food whUe othetB Btarve, %;b^ from door to door. *-i%&4I^^' head to feet, And rest upon my wo. 6 Whae others esjr^mto^?"' f.M. la HOWTflOlB^*' W ■\ PROYIDBXCB OF OOD. 2 In every stream his bounty flows, Diffusing joy and wealth; In every breeze his Spirit blows, l^he breath of life and health] t7 a OOXI&C- 3 His blessings fall in plenteous showers^ Upon the lap of earth, That teems with foliage, ihiit and flowei% And rings with in&nt mirth, i 4 If God hath made this world so iUr, Where sin and death abound; ^ How beautiful beyond comjiarei , Will paradise be found. ^ i 13 ViSLim HAIL I Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God in persons three: Of thee we make our joyftil boast, Our songs we m^ke of thee. ^i Thou neither canst be felt nor aeon: « Thou#rt a spirit piire, Who from eternity hast been. And always shall enduroi 3 In wisdom infinite lliou ar^ Thine eye doth ail thiags see^ ^ B - ^ ^— y -n '» PBBrtCTIONS AND And every thought Of every heart, s. Whate'er thou witt thou dost below, * And ta the worid above ; But chiefly we rejoice to know ? Th' Almighty God Is love. , „;i inT«« and endlenB gr«c«» ^'rhjfe/ourite creature-man. K . : WATTS. ^^^tUnAL Wisdom, thee we i^tdBe, 1^ Tr^'i^.^o creation slngs .., __^ ,v. M» /:' ^■Ti >- PROTTDEXCE OF OOD. 1 A 3 Thy glories blaze all nature round, And strike the wond'ring sight, cy Through skies, and seas, aud solid fffound. With terror and deiight 4 Infinite strength and equal skill, - Shine through the worid abroad, Our souls with vast amazement fllL And speak the builder God. 5 But the mild glories of thy grace, Our softer passions move; Pity divine in Jesus' face, We see, adore and love. CM. 15 "Watts. IB©, mdeea^ WATV& 1 T^ATHER, how wide thy glory shiaes I r How high thy wonders rise I Known through the earth by thousand rfgns. By thousands through the skies. 2 Those mightjr orbs proclaim thy power; Their motions speak thy kkill: \ And on the wings of every hour, /y We read thy patience stilL 3 Part of thy riiemie divinely fihds, I On all Ay creatures writ; -^^-m $0 JEBFECfnOSS JlKD They Bhow the labour of thy hands, Or topr««8 «>^ ^y ^"'''• But when we view thy strange dorfgn, ."to wvve robelUous worms. Where vengeance and compasiiiuu j^ -, in loir divineBt forms; 5 Here the whole Deity is known, 4 The juiijta^« K'**^*'. ^4 iv^'HW^Jwpa of tne Lamb, ^ ^TdJrSrSenly plains, ^^ BriKht chenibs learn Immanuels name. And try their choicest strains. , T O may I bear some humble part . Tnthat Immortal song! '■>'.._« Wonder and joy shall t,ine my heart, ": ^Sa love wmmand my tongue. ^P^. 16 Watts. 1 T ET every tongjie thy goodness speak, ^y str«ngt»eni»g;h^nds iipn ^y 8tretifeKi#«>"* >- p - ',. fall And rwse, tie poor that^fall. /■ . ¥'. *'/ - -a V -mat* ':'r^- PHOTIDEXCE OF QOn, 2 When Borrow bows tho spirit do Or virtue ilm distrossVl, mf*^*^ the proiid oppressor's frowa lliou giv'at the mourner rest - - --— - — ^^—- — ~-'-^- — ^ '^f h^^ fltipporfe our infant days, And guides our giddy youth; Holy and just ai-e all thy ways, And all.tliy words are truth. 4 Thou know'st th« pains thy servants feel Thou hear'st thy cilldren cry: ' \ And their best wishes to fulfil, Thy grace is ever aigh. n / 5 Thy mercy never shall remove i^rom men of heart lincere* , Thou sav'st the soul wliose humble love Is joined with holy %ar. « My lips shall dwell upon thy praise*^ -^Y . S ®r'*^^^ ^^y ^ame abroad: ^^ ■L®^ a" tie sons of Adam raise % The honours of their God I « •|-| ^47 Watts, JU. Jehovah la his uume; '^ - t r. .r- .-;, ■• '".az^ .; * . .- ■ ■ ■ ■ V. f' > ■- „ ■*i, - ■ ■' ■ ' /-■■■■." Sv, \» 22 PERFECTIONS AND In pastures fresh he. m*^^ "»> ^^ Be^de >he Uving stream. 2 He bringi my ^^^ZlT - "when I forsake hw ways.. And leads me for his mer^^Wte, In paths of truth and grfce. -^^i^- «^7%-- 3 When I wane th^*^-^"^^ •&aaiyfo'«8«f'^- ■ A. Thv hand in spite of all m/.f*^ * nothstill my tabic spread; M?c«.wh blessings ovei-flows, ?*ffle oU anoints my bead. 5 The sure provisions of my God, Attend me all my days, . n ma^ thy house be mine abode, ' ® AnaaAf my work be pi^^ise. :-»*»■: S.M. 18 "Watts. ^1 i T MIGHTY Maker, God, ^ \ ^ Hmv^^^^^ is *by name 1 — TlA i' OUgl^ the criiatiQii 8 frame I '^':t n eatbf -^ k>.. "Watts. PROVIDENCE OF QOD. 2 Nature in every ^ress. Her humble homage pays, Aud finds a thousand ways t* express T)iine undissembled praise. 3 My soul would rise and sing _ ^ To her Creator too; Fain would my tongue adore my King^ And pay the W9r8hip due. ' 4 Let joy and worship spend The remnant of my days; And to my God my soul ascend/ In sweet peifumes of praise. L,M, 19 WATWk 1 "DEFORB Jehovah's awful throne, Jj Ye nations .bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create and he destnnr. 2 His sovereign power, without bur aid. Made us of cla^, and form'd us men: And when like wand'ring sheep we sta^y-d He brought us to his fold agidn. 3 We'll crowd thy gated with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise; >^i ar A JPPBRFBCTIOKS AOT PEOVtDSKCB OF OOP. And earth with her ten *o«s»nartonguM, "^aS fiJl thy courts with sou^ng^praiw. Wide as the m6M fe l^y ^w#i#" Vast as eternity thy ^J>ve; „ . , TTtumaa a rock ^y tmth shall stand, ^'Wi^ rS y^ »W1 cease to move. 1 -nOOR and needy tbonghi be, V God my Maker cares for me, Olves me clothing, shelter, food, Gives me aU I have of good. « He-wffl listen when I pn^^ ■ He is with me night and d^, ' When I sleep, ^^^^"".l^f^ I Keeps me Bafe for Jesua' sake. 4 He who reigns above thesky, Once became as poor as 1: ^^^ fi He vhose blood for me was shed, HadW whore to lay his bead. * Thoneh I tobour here otMK He wSl bless me with his smile: ^^ „ ^'^ " , xus« .JK^^f life la r\asL 'Waits. r He wlU Diess me wiwt ««',*'— —- 5nd when this short kfe is pasl^ lahall rest with bim at last, s i 25 v> M« SECTION n. THB SCftlPTUBBS. SfSBtl. 1 T7IATHER of mercies in thy word Jj What endless glory shines! For ever be thy name adored ^ For these celestial lines. 2 Here may the wretched sons of want, Exhaustless riches find; Riches above what earth can gran^ And lasting as the mind. 3 Here the fair tree of knowledge grows^ 'And yields a free repast, Sublimer sweets than nature knowi3|'^ Invite the longing taste. 4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace aroundf And life and everlasting joys, Attend the blissful sound, 6 may these heavenly pages bo My ever dear delight; i^*^. A i-% ^i! S;> L !! lli !\ i! I '"i:!!. I 2^ THE SCRIPTURES. And still new beauties may I see, And slill increasing light ! 6 Divine Instructor, graciout Lord, Be thou forever near; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. c. M. 82 RlFPOX. 1 TTO'W precious is the book divine, JlX By inspiration given ! _ Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts III this dark vale of tears, Life, light, and joy it still imparts, And quells our rising (ears. S This lamp through all the tedious night Of life shall guide our way; Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. 0*8 and Ts. 23 Weslst. 1 A THAT I, like Timothy, \J Might the Holy Scriptures know, ■ f jW^ i W ^*y Wr.^ .."'V Till: SCRIPTURES. From mine early infancy, Till for God mature I ^w I Made unto salvation wise! Ready for the glorious prijBe. f 2 Jesus, all-redeeming Lord, " Full of tnith, aud ftiU of grftce^ Make me undei*stand thy word; Teach me in my youthful dayg* Wonders m thy word to see, Wise through faith which is in thee. 3 Open thou mine eyes of faith; Open now the Book of God; Show me here the sacred path ^ Loading to thy blessed abode; Wisdom from above impart, Speak the meaning to my heart 2T L K. 24 TaTLOR. 1 T'HIS is a precious book indeed r JL Happy the child who loves to read I Tis God's own word which he has given To show our souls the wa^ to heaven I U' 2 It tells us how the world was made, And how good men the Lord obey'd; .\ ill! 28 THE BCRIPTURlifl. A"v Here Ws commands are written t©o, To teach us what we ought to dO- 3 It bids us all from sin to fly, Because our souls can never dje, Kvof heaven, where angels dwell, And warns us tp escape from helL > * ■■,■■■■ ' ■ , ,1 4 But what isinor^ttian ftl\^^^^ The Bible tells us, •Jesus.died; This is its best its chief intent. >, To lead poor sinners to repent., 5 Let us be thankful that we may, Read this good Bible eveiqr day v , »TiH (>od*s own word which he has given, ^^ our souls the way t» heaven. I &M 25 •Wattil 1 llEHOLD the morning sun n Be 6 My gracious God I how plain Are thy directions given I O may I never read in vain, But learn my way to heaven I S.M. 26 WArr^ 1 rpHE praises of my tongue X I offer to the Loi-d, That I was kindlv taught so younff To i-ead his holy word. 'Ml. ^■•v.., 2 That I arm brought to know The danger I was iih By natuj-e, and by practice, too, A wret^'hed slave to sin. 3 That I am^d to see lean do n^hing well: '•^"X '/^■' ■ I il' 30 THE BCRIPTCBES. • ■ ■■ - <. ^' And Whither may a smner flcej To save himself from hell. 4 Great God, this book t)f thine Informs me where to go . For grace to pardon all my sin, And make me holy too. 6 Here I can read and lea™^ , How Christ, the Son of God, . Did Undt^rtake our gf a^,<^^f «"^•• Our ransom cost his blood. 6 may hia spirit teach, . , And aU thy swnts believe. CM. 27 19SSLK\'. 1 T^ATHER of all in whom f?^^. h We live, and move, and breathe, i'tie St celes^al ray dart d^^^^ JUd dieer thy sons beneath. 2Wl^ileinihy;woi^wo8^ r We search with trembling awe .; ?^ I- life i^?U»i/ •«» "»-* ""^'^ ^"^'^ •' IU-.-JOII- ^ . ^ 1 in RE AT G^^^^ *"^ ^^^^ ^^^ It Oil all thy works 1 look; Biit «tiU tby wisdom, power, aud grace, ShlDe brighteat in thy book. 2 The Btars, that In their conrRCS roll, Have much instruction given; But thy good word Informs my soul How 1 may climb to heaven. 3 The fields provide me food, and show The goodness of the Lot*\i But fmits of life and glory grow In thy most holy word. i Lord, make me understana thy law, Show %Yhat my faults have ^)een; And, fi-om thy gospel, let me draw ^ Fardon for all my sin. 4 Here would I learn how Chrtet batli died, To save my soul from hell; ynt all the books on earth besidil ' Such hesvenly wonaerfl wii. # . "V THE SCRIPTURBS, Ogj VV A flery pillar went before, To guide them through the dreary waste. ' And leasea the fatiguea tliey.bore; ^ ?n|?,^^'" ^y glorious word, God, tT u^^i" o^r %ht and guidance given; It sheds a lustre alh abroad, And points the path to bliss and heftvcH, 3 Tt fills the soul with sweet deliirht And quickens its inactive powew; Displays thy love and kindles oum * Vt ?">"*^es re}ofce ouriiearts, ^ Ks doctrines are divinely true- Knowledge and pleasure it imparts. It coaiforts and iLstructs us toa :• .•' 'V'%. A w^ ■■^w^- ■-.l!SSi ift I • #/• u L. M SECTION lit ^THB SABBATH. S8 STKKXKTf. 1 A NOTHER six days' work Is done, A Another Sabbath is begun; Ke^iirn, mv soul, enJoy the rest - Improve the day thy God has blessed. 2 O may our prayers and praises rise, As ffi-ateful incense to the skies; tJiKw fi-om Heaven that sweet repose, wKonel>iit h^wbofeels^ 3 Thisheavenly calm, within the breast, Preparda for that eternal rest, ^ Which for the sons of God remains, ^ The end of cares, the end ot pams. <^' y*-. ■ + 4 In holy duties let the day In ho!y pleasures pass away; How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend, j In hope of one ithat ne'er shall end. . C. M. M S; WEStKT. J IHB Lord of Sabbath, let us prftise^ In concert with the bless'd sr THE sabbath; Who, joyful ia harmonious lay& Employ ai^ endless rest 2 Thus, Lord, while we remember thee^-^ W^ blest and pious grow; Byhymns of praise #e learn to be Tnumphant hem Jbelom • ' '■ • ■ ' ■ ^ ■■'■■■'■"."■%- 3 On ttii» glad day a brighter s^ne « Of glory was displayed ByGpd th' eternal Word, ttian wheif iius universe was made. 4 He rises, who mankind hath bought ^ mth gnef and pain extreme: Tj^as great t» speak the world from nauifht. 'Twas greater to redeem. "**"«a4 k.M. 35 Watts, 1 npHIS IS the day when Christ am '^^^^^1^^^ «>y ?yelids closed, Ana waste my hours in bed ? Tills is Jlie day when Jesus bmke .:nie power of death and hell; Andi^lmll I still w e ar Sa U iuVyoke, And Invp rear hKt^c c^ II ^y ^^f And lore my fiin^ qq ^y^n ^^ 38 TBS 8ABBAT& 3 TiKlay witb pleasure Cbristians w^ To pray and hear thy word; And I would go with cheerfiil feet To learn thy will, Lord. w ■ • ■ - 4 ni leave «y sport to read and pray. And so prepare for beaven; O may I love this blessed day The best of aU the seven. Ill C. H. 86 J^TTB, .* 1 mHIS is the day the Lord bath mado, I He calls the hours his own: ^,^/ Let heaven rejowe, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. 2 To-day he rose and left the diead And Satan's empire fell; To-day the saints his triumphs spread, And all his won^^rs teli - 3 Hosannah to jthe anointed Kin© To David's holy son; ^^ , ^.^ ^ Help us, O Lord; descend, and bring ^vaflon from thy thronfe, Vw THE SABBATH. Hoaannah ] in the highest strains The church on earth can raise; The highest heavens in which he reigns, Shall give him nobler praise. 39 o. L. M. we wiH TCjoIc* 87 Tatm>b* 1 'pHIS day belongs to God alone, JL He chose the Sabbath for his pwn; And we must neither work nor play, Because it is God's holy da^. 2 ^is well to have one day in seven, That we may learn the way to heaven: Then let us spend it as we should, . Xn serving God and growing good. 3 We ought, to-day, to learn and seek. What we may think of all the week; And he the better every day, ' \, For what we hear our teacher say; 4 And every\Sabbath should be pa^ As if we knew it were our last: What would the dying sinner g iye To hare one Sabbath more to Uve I sr 40 THE SABBATH. r 38 1 rTHUS far we're spared again to meet 1 Belbre Jehovah s mercy seat; ^ ' 1^ st?ek his faQe, lo praise and pray, And hail another Sabbath day. 2 Let every tongne its silence ^reak, ^ - Let every tongue his goodness speak, Who deigns his glory to display On each returning Sabbath day. N T«. . ■'"^.^- •39.. ':: ' . . . * ■ ■ ■ ' _ ■ * • ' , Badfeetttng the tlm«. .-Ei»HMiA»a ▼. l«. 1 O^B, another week is gone 1^ . _ J^ Quickly have the miniit^assed; That we enter now upon J May to some here prove ttieir last; Mercy hitherto has spared, ^ ^ Biit have merqies been improved T Let us ask, are we prepared, Should we be this week removed? 2 If from guilt and sin iset^e^ v By the knowledge of thy grace, Welc6m€i then the call will be, aTo depart and see thy face. ^' TBB SABBATK. 41 To thy saints while here below, With new days, new mercies cOme, But the happiest day they know. Is thek last, which leads them home. -■ ■ ■■ ■■.'"'.,'■'■. ■ •, '■■,,■, •» ' ^' M7 TolM Shalt thon hear in this morning, O Lord.-^FBA].ii ▼. S. 1 A SSEMBLEp in Oiir school once more, J\ Lord, thy blessing we Implore; We meet to read, and sing and pray— -^^^ Be with us then, throughout this day. { 2- pur fervent prayer to thee ^iscends, ' For parents, teachers, foes and friends; ; And when we In thy hou^e appear, " Help us to worship in thy fear; 3 When we on eai*th si :a!l meetno more, I, Mfiy we above to glory soar, ^ ; And praise thee in moi-e lofty strains, ' Where one eternal Sabbath reigns. ' . " - ■ J I ' X ' . ■ ■ .■■■.. ■ ^ I** ^V pla«M where I record my name. I will eome onto tW |in4 IwlU blew thee.-fKxoDua xx. 12.*^^ ^ we nnio ii^oe, 1 TTOj:iY Saviour ! thou bast told us, Xx When we meet to hear of thee, •* . A- /■ h h\ 42 rr pccLic WORSHIP. .In thy love thou wilt behold us, ^ Aud amonj^st us thou wilt bo. 2 Lord of hosts I to seek thy blessing, We are gathered here to-day; , Help US; all our sins confessing; ^ Saviour teach^iis now to pray. 3 May the words we heat, direct us How to learn and do thy will; May the Spirit's aid protect us, And with faith our bosoms fill ! '■.... ■ • . 4 Grant that^we may love each other, ^^ Mindful of thy holy word, — Hi? tiiat loveth not his bi'other ' Surely cannot love the iiord. i II L. M. SECTIONS^ PUB LXXt W O R ^ H tP. ^ ^ ■;.;■■. Watwl 1 T ORD, how delightful nis to see \ l A whole assembly worship thee ! At once they 'sing, at once they pray; "'A. They hear of heaven and learn the way. » ■» .--..■"■;'■■-:■:■■. r\" 43 PDBLIC TTOBSniP. . - ( ■ < . ■ - -'■'■- ' ■■ ' "» ■ ■.-".■ ■ ' ■- . 2 I have been there, and still would go, *Ti8 like a little heaven below; Not all my pleasures and my play Shall tempt me to forget this day* .■■ -^ ■'■-.- ' '■ 3' write upon my memory, Lord, The texts and doctrines of thy word; That I mav break thy laWs no more, But love thee better than before. 4 With thoughts of Christ, and things divine, Fill up this foolish heart of mine; , . That, hoping pardon through his blood, ^ I may lie down and wake with God. L.M. 43 DaODRIDGV 1 T ORD of the Sabbath ! hear us pray, JLi in this thy house on this thy dayj Accept as grateful sacrifice, The songs which from thy servants rise. •4 2 Thine earthly Sabbaths* Lord,.we love; .» But there's a nobler rest al)ove; \^0 that we might tha^ rest attain. From sin, from sorrow, and from pidnt S In thy blesa^d Mngdom we shall be From every mortfl trouble free I -='' ' ' * ■ 4 No nide alarms of raging foes; No cares to break the long i-enose; No midnight shade, no cloudett sun; But sacred, high, eternal noon. • ■ y/- .: . ■'■ . ■:■': 5 Long-expected day, b^gln ! Dawn 6n these realms of woe and sin; So sh^ll we leave this weary road, P , To sl^ep in death, and rost with God. L.M. 44 V ,■ iJSS. 1 A W AkE, my soiir, and with the sun, ^XjL T^^ daily stage of duty run; Shake off dull sloth, and early ri^ To pay thy mo/ning Bacrifice. ■■ ' ■ / ■ ■ ■-".■"'■ / ■ ■ ■ ^ 2 Redeem thy Misspent moments pasl^ And live this day as if thy last; Thy talents to improve take care, And for thy last account prepare 3 Let all thy converse be sincere. Thy conscience as the noon-day cl^ar; For God's all-seeing eye sarviijs/ Thy secret thought^ thy words, And waya. • f \- A/- V-^'O rUBLtC TTORSlirF. 45 4 Liir 5 While % ministers proclaim Peace and pardon in thy naine, Through thy voice, by faith may I Hear ^hee speaking ft:om on higlu I^FiNonvthy hduae^whenl feiiihi. i'' May my heart within ne bttraT And at evening let me say, I navo WBlkJBj^ with God to>jy. 4r /v -aT; - „: «, / -,*• 43 4-6'a and SpS'ii 48 ^gSlMX, -^-- O happy m0njhatpa:^ , Their constant »em jj^gy They pmfJ^'««^;"io Zioa'B hill. 8 They go 'w"?,f ^*X vale of teats, Through this d^«y»^b _ Till eftch o'ercomes at ^«^^. ^_ — * Till each in hf "f*^ 'g^ our Kiofe 's:^ ' H e sbaU Xad^oryto^ Bis saving grace, PUBUC WORaUIP. Tho Lonl his people lores; His hand no good withholds 1' rom those his heart ajii.roves^ ' irom holy, humble souls: Thnce happy he, O Lord of hosfjL \\ hose spirit trusts alone in thee I 49 .0 h. K ^ fr'* vlTn^^T'-M"'- ^^^ ^^ condescend. \J ^ <""iK cLildren ill tliino arms to take i^till proviHUys,.lf tl,e children's Mend ' And aav« us for tby weroy sal^e: ' 2 'Tw by the gnidance of thy hand! That we within thy hoiire appear- Now in thine awft.l presence Z^' * To hear thy word acq join in pr^en h 3 Like precions seed in fmitflil groiind, wtf^^^ "nstructions we receive, "' TVith fniits of righteousness abound. And make us to th^gloiy live. ■. !^ Then, through the slippery paths of TOiitb \ Ite thou our guardiiti and o^g^g*''' tk .n •■'">; 60 PUBLIC WORSHIP. r That we, directed by the truth, \^ May never from thy precepts sliae. 5 To read thy word our hearts incUne, To understand it, light impartj Great Saviour, may we all be thm^ Take fiill possession of each heart r " CM. -./• 50 But M tor m«. lirm come Into thy howe In tlw jnulUtiMJf ot thy mercy.— PsAi^ V. 7. 1 r\UR feeble voices, Lordi, we raise, 11 BefereTthy gracious throne; Oh tune oun hearts to sing thy praise, For all thy mercies shown. ^ t Thy watchful eye, thy guardian hand, Support us every hour; : And in thy house this day we stand, ihy goodnesi to adore. 3 Incline our hearts to seek thy face, The Saviour's name to love; And form us, by Almighty grace^ *- For nobler praise jabove. ^ S, U., rUBUC WORSHIP. I nOMEf sound Ms praise abroad, Xj And hymns of glory sing: J ehovah is the sovereign God, The universal ^'— ' 2 He form'd the deeps unknown: He gave the seas their bound; . The watery worlds are all his own, ■■:^ And all the solid ground. 3 Come, worship at his throne: .^ Come, bow before the Lord: We are his works and not our own; He form'd us by Ma word. ** ■--■■■ ■ . ■ .r -■ V 4 To-day attend Ms voice, Nor dare provoke his rod; Come, as the people of his choice, And own your gracious God. P: ^s and ffs. M 62 .%: Weslet, 1 T OpI>> help my youthful hearf to raise ' i!v T!?^°g ^"g ^^ grateful piaLse, For all thy guardian care, •-*^ 52 PUBLIC WORSHIP^ Whicb Kept me safe Uvrougb every lioor^ Protecud by Almighty power, From death, distresa and fear^ ■ , •»» . .. ■' ■. . 2 Thy b<>undle«8 love has led my way, And brought me to this »aered day, The Sabbath of my Lord: ^ To his blest cqwrts I now repair, Tlie bouse of God, of praise, aoA prayer,. Tohewr His holy word. S Impress my mind with solemn awe, And on it write thy heavenly law, Andsbed thy loye abroad; ^ ,Convineed by gr^e of aU mysin^ Pai-don and make me pure witnini, My Saviour and my God^, \f - ♦-Ts mid 2-8^8; ># 64 WS3LEV: XT ET earth and heaven f^ee/ - jy Angels and men be :joi^'a, Uo celebi;||e with me^ The Saviour of mankind; T* adore the all-atoningXamby ■ And bleiB the sound of JesW name* Vi.: I/:' ^ JeftuB t tnmsporiing sound t Thejoy of earth and heaven: Ko other help isfound, < i No otheuiame is given, By which we can salvation havo; But Jesus came the world to save* -■■ "-^ 3 Jesus ! harraoiiious name It cltanns the hosts above* They v vermore proclaim,* And' wonder at his love; ♦Tis a 1 their hap| ho purcliased solvation for lis to recetve. ' ■ '<' I- ■ ■ . . ■ " ^ ^ 2 Themeektjimbof God from he^^^ ; . To mnsoiiWith i3ood;and mate lis his own: Me patiently suffered, our souls to redeem- ,'. Let song's then be oS'er'd to Jesus' name ' '^W? ,4" ••/ y^- » .". ■• \ ^=.- '■, 1 56 OUR PA.LL IN ADAM, 3 To lilm let ns give our earliest days, Aud thankfully live to publish his praise f Our lives shall confess him who came from above; Our tongues ever bless himj and tell of his lOve • ■■; CM. 67 Watts, 1 \ LAS ! and did my Saviour bleed; jfX And did my i^overeign die ? ^ Would be devote that sacred head For such «*^jKg^^ as 1 1 2 Was it for crimes that I had done, He groan'd upon the tree ! Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond di0grele. '«■■ ■ .^ . d Well might the snn in darkness hid^ And shut his glories in. When Christ th? mighty Maker, died For mki the/creature's sinr~~^^ f^ 4 Tbn8nflghtxiiidemy"w^ While His dear cross a^peara; Dissolve my h(^ a rtii / . And melt mine eyes to tears. i -»». -l-v. A\^ 6 But drops of gmf can ne'er repay . The 4^bt of love I owe: , HtJio, Lord, I give myself to tliee :. 'Tis a|l tbat I can do. 1^ /^-^ ' ^ ^z^- CM. • V w« rl. 58 Duxcix *-'■■■•■' ■ ■ ' 1 71 LL liail the power of Jesus* name ! ^£1* Let ungels prostiiate fall; lii'iixg forth the royal diadem, And crowa hiin Lord of alL : 2 Ye. chosen peed of Israers irace, - I ^ifc* ^ A remnant weak and small I '^ " Hail him who feaVes yon by his grace, And crown hini: Lord of alL , 3 ye Gentile sinners, ne'er forget Thawormwoodl and the gall; -^ ^ Go Jfcread jpurHrophies at his feet, Aifl crowii him Lord of alL ^Children and sires, who know his love, ' Who feel your sin and thrall, Now join with all the hosts above, • And, crown h|m Ldrd of alL > « ■ ■■,.'■', < ;■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ;,,..* ■--,■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ - 6 Let every kindred, evVy tribe, On this teiTeatiitd ballj .>"'«■ .-t- I: '■ '>^-^- *.v :■-. ,1 ' • ■ n. 68 OPB FALL IX ADAM, To Ilim airmajesty ascribe, Aud crown bim Lord of alL ■■"si.^ 6 tliaf with yonder sacred throngf We at His feet may fallj IWII join the everkisUng songy . And ci-own him Loifi qf alL - w '' : » C. JL 68 Wcsunr. 1 TEStXS, the ftame high over all/ O In hell, or earth, or sky; Angels aftd men before ft laU, And devils fear and fly. ' ■ , ■ ■ ' .-t ' ; ■' '/ 2 Jesiis the name to sinners dear^ Tha^me to. sinnera given; It scattei^Ehajrtheir guilty fear; It turns theiisJ^i to beavetn. ^ 3 Jesus the.ptisoner^ fetters breakai And bruises Satan's head; Fwirer into helpless souls he speiikflu And life unto the dead. 4 p that the world might taste and see The riches of His gracef ^ ^^ ar ms ef love that compass mi^ >' - Would all mankind emtekc^. ■, f-. '•. ,* '-; •> , ■ ^, . ' ^ a • -SI •■ «' * ■■ :t '. ■ / /, .-. ri. Ayi> REPKMFTIOX IN CHRIST. 5^ 60 WXILBV • 1 pLORY be to Goa on high, VT God, who'se glory fills the skyj - -, Peace on earth, to man fowfiven,- • Mun, the well-fodoved oMeaveik 2 Sovereign, Father, heavmily King] Thee We now presume to eing^ Glad thine attributes confess, Glorious all, and numberless. 3 Hail, by all thy works adored I . Hail, the everlasting Lord I J Thee with thankfiil hearts we prote; God of pow^o^nd God of love. A Clirifit ouir liOrd and Go8 we J '■- -.■ • ^ ■ ■■ t .; ■ • . ^ \''' 6 Bow thine ear in mercy bow, ' llear the word's atonement, thou ^ Jesus, in thy name we pray, . *' Take, O take our sins away l cir. m IfBMsri. 1 l/rORTALS, awake, with angels iob, ijj, , And chant th e solemn lay t \ a*. -W [ ^ ■t .■» ffO . > OUR FALL IX ABAll^ ' Joy, lovo, and gratlttido combine Toi^hail the mispicious dajr« , « ^- . . " 2 Hark! the clienib armfcB 8hout|_ And glory leads the song: / Good will and peace ai-e heard tnroughout . The Kaimonious heavenly throng. repeat. 8 With joythechoms we^lre ** Glory to (xQd,9n high;" ^* Good-will and peace" aie now complete Jesus waa born to. die. '■ ■■ / ■ ■' ■■■"'■■ ■■■ 4 Hail, Prfnce of Life! for ever hail, Redeemer, brother. Friend ! Though earth and time, and life should failt Thy praise shall never end. V CJt 62 Watts. 1 TTO W sad our state by nature is I XX ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ deep it stains ! And Satan binds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. V . ■ •■ . » ■ * - . ■• ■ '■:'■'. ^ 2 But there's a voice of sovereign grace Sounds fi-om the sacred word, ^^IIo I -.ye despairing sinners come, And trust upon the Lord.'' ' v u I . % AND AEDEMPTIOX IX CBSI8T. 3 My soul obeys th* Almighty^s call, And runs to this relief: 1 would beliete thy proocdsei Lord — help my unbeliefc V v // 4 A guilty, weak, and helple^ wox% Intb thine arm's I fall; * 'll \ Be thou my strength and righteousness^ My Jesus, and my AIL t."l^ ■■:■". . A 63ts ./ ^ Watto. ,.■„". ■ ■- ;:■■■: ■• ■: ^m ::. 'y-p\ ■/ '■ -j;^-- - .■ Tor I •clcno'w^edgv mj tnuugreMtona, Mai mj sin I« erer Im» tNre me.— FsAJ^ ii. S. # 1 T ORD, we are vile, eoiiceived in sin, JLi And born unholy and unclean; Sprung from the man whose guilty fall Corrupts the race, and taints us all. ^ 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath, The seeds of sin gpow up for death; Thy law demlmds a perfect heart; But we're defiled in every part w 3 B^old #efal)rbelbr^ thy fice; Our only refuge is thy grace ; No outward forms can mak e us clean, Tte lepro^ lies deep witMn. _^ _(- ';^' ■». «. 'i ''J :: ',■ 62 OUR WUJL IK JU>B^ ■/ * 4 When guilt disturbs and breaks our peooei Nor flesh, nor aouI, hath i-ost or ease; Lord, let us hear thy pardoning voice, And bid our mournfttl liearti r^oice. - — — 'W' ^J^ •- 64 Witts, 1 rfOME, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, \j With all thy quick'ning powers I Kindle a flame of sacred love, / _ In theise cold heai'ts of ours. • : i 2 In xaln we. tune our formal $ongs, in Vftin wo strive to rise/ Hosannas languish on our tongueS| And our devotion dies. .•.■• % ■■•' ■. - • v.; -. 3 Great God ! «iid shall we ever live, At this poor dying rate; Our love «o faint, so cold to thee, And thiii,e to u%Jio gi^t 4 Come, Hoi/ Sp&ft, AnKvenly Dove, AVith all thy qmck*niiig powers ! Gome^ shed ab r oad a Sai v iour's Ip v e, r And that shall kindle onxsi ■,-f. '.. ./ CM, r- REDEMPTIOX IN CHRIST. Q^ tiaiidi upon thca ' Aii<1ii« t«ok theid u'p% tits araif, p«t% 1 QEE, InraeVs gentle Shepherd stiuida O With all origaging charina; i llark, how ho calls the tender lamba^ And folds them ia hlb aruub . .«-; 2 "Permit them fo approach," he criea^ ^ '. Nor ficorn theijymmble name; ^ For I was to bledRpch souls as these - .. The Lord of ari^ls came. ; . *' 3 Ile'll lead iis to the heavenly streams, * Where living waters flow; • * And guide us to the fruitful fields, AVhere trees of knowledge grotr. 4 The feehleht lamb amidst the flock^ Shall be its Shepherd's care; While folded in the S.aviour*s anus^ We're safe from every snaieu %*' ^^ -> ■ t * CM ~;'- m irr: WlfTiL e OMB, let us j oiii onr cheerful songs, ^ With angels round the thi^ne; _ M '_ V ; .aq,i vfr; 9 y- ■■;^' 61 OUR FALL IN ADAM, Ten 'liousand thousand aw their tongues^ But all their joys are one. 2 Worthy the tamb that died, they cry, to be exalted thus: Worthy the Lamb ! our hearts reply> For he was slain for us, . 8 Jesus is worthy to receive H onoHr and power divine ! And blSssingps more than we CQii giv^ Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4 The whole creation join in one To Wess the sacr^ name ^ Of him that sits updn the throne^ ^ And to adore the Lamb. L H. Wbslet. Who is this King of eUMyt l&e Lordof lioitf, ItoStf^Klng of Glory.— PsiLM xxiv.lO.,: ?y>«^<> i^Ml|)i^X'->> ■-'' -'■rt^'fv. ' -'. a«^H.iA:<>>l->. -'>. . ,.t :¥. >4^ " AND REDEMPTION IN CHRIST. ^ * Lift up your beads, ye heavenly gatee^ Ye everlasting doors give wajr I" 3 Loose all your bars of massy ligh^ And wide unfold the radiant scene; He claims those mansions as his right; Receive the King of Glory in. 4 « Who is the King of Glory ? " : Who ? . t The Lord, that all his^oes o-ercame; ' The world, sin, death, and hell o'erthrewj And Jesua is the conqueror^s name. "■■.', . ■ - ' ' .* ■ ■>,■*■..' ' * 5 Lof his trltimpbal chariot T^ts, ^^ ^ And angels chant the solemn lay,— "Lift up your heads, ye h**avenly gates, Ye everlasting doors give way." 6 *-lir.ho is the Einj o( Glory?" Who ? ' The Lord, of boundless power posse The King of saints and angels, too, ; Godj over all for ever blessed* afs and Ta 68 ROBIXSOXr By, tot gra^c of God, 1 am triat'l am-icoB. xr.i(K 1 nOl^thou Fount^f ^veij^bleiteilift^^ Tune my lieattii^ng J^ grace/ .: '«•■'" ' y_- -.( ;,.;^;r' V- aUR FALL IN ADAM, Streams of mercy never ceasing, v Gall for songs of loudest praise. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. p.'. 2 ! to grace how gm^i a debtor, Daily Pm constr^l^d to be ! Let that grace. Lord, lik6 a fetter. Bind my wd-ndei^g heart to thee^ Frbno to wander. Lord, I feel it; / Prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it^ Seal it for thy courts above. , Tn, 69 %- Robinson. He maketh me to lie down in green pastnre*^; li»lm4e|b Me lieiiide tke atlU waters.— TsAtM xxxiii. 2. 1 QHEPHERD of thy little flock, 1^ Lead me to the shadowing rock^ ,, Where the richest pastures grow. Where the Mving waters flow. i By that pnre al^jjaUent stream, Sheltered ikom &e scorching beaiaQi T:--m:> •■'•■.'#'■■ " ■■ -.■■■. 1 i H . # /^■"' ■#■ « AND REDEMrTIOX IX CHRIST. -fe 67 Shepberd,«Saviour, Gfuardian, Guide, V Keep me ever near thy side I CM. 70 ^' 1 #J SUN of Righteousness, arise, > \J With healing in thy wing ! ^ my diseased, mj^ fainting spul, Life and salvatfon bring. •■ ■ ■ : I , /fk 2 These clouds of pride and sin dispel, By tiiy all-piereing lH>am; ,Li«2fhteuj|iine ey^s with faith, my li< ■'-. With »ly hope inflame. ■ ..r.. ;. . . . >•.:, •. ■■ - , * 3 My mind, 1^ thy all quickening power. From low desires set free; * Unite my iigatter'd thoughts, and fix Myrloye entire on thee. -•■ v\ ^- , .■■::■■.■.■■■ *■ '" • 4 Father, thy longjostson refoive; Saviour, thy purchase owp; BlessM comforter with peace an«^. joy , Thy ne\v-madi5 creature cro^#ll- A 5 Eternal, undiridecyLord, \ V Co-equalone andibreefv ' ^ ■ On thee all faitl!^ all fiopo be pIaco4 t; All love be paid to |htee I ^ ,. ^ *4 ■€*?.■■■ m ■>*-» ^SECTION VL REFENTAXCB AND FAITH. s. u^ 71* Wmlbt. 1 f\ THAT I could repent; ' \J With all my idols part, And to thy graciotis eye present An humble, contrite heart t * A ^eai-t with gFief oppressed , tor having griev^ my God; * A troubled heart that cannot re^t^ Till sprinkled with thy blood. • 2^esus on merbestow ' ^ The penitent desire; IVith true sincerity of wo, ' My aching breast inspire: With softening pity look, . • And melt my hardness down; Strike with thy love's resistless stroke- And break this heart of stone I C.lt 72 Weslbi: 1 f\ FOR that tendemess of h^rt \J Which bows before the Lord, ..J *-. ipi^n^ v^^ V " ^^ /c KEPENTAKCB AND PAITH. 69 Acknowledging how just thou art^ And trembling at thy wordl for those humble, contrite tears, Which from repentance flow; That consciousness of guilt which fears The lon|p-^uspende(i blow - ' 2 Saviour^ to me in pity ^^ >, The senisible distress; ' "*^ > The pledge thou wilt {^t last receive^ # V .And bid me die in peace: * Wi4t from the dtea^ful day removej ! .Before the evij coHi; J ^|fy spirit hide with ^ts abpve, ; My body in the tomb. \ ' /--A"-- r\ ■ . . ■ X ; ■ ... ■ i! 1 - - ■ /■ \i C;l^ 73 Wei 1 A TfflT I coiild^y Lord receiv^: \J W ha did the world redeem; Who gave his life that I might^live, A life concealed in him. # And in his ai-ins expire I %sii ^1 ''m ^ I P^^^S^Pr^yl a^k t6;s<;al^^y peace, ft l^f^-^i 7 '^^^^ kept by mejffir's ppwer, 'i4 ' " Ifeay from ev#y emcease, Attd never grieve«mee more. 4< la answer to ten tWnftd prajers, \' ' v; !rhou,parck)ningGo BEPEXTi.XCE AND FAITH. ■''!'* ,,S. Sins tLat cniclfied my God, Si>ilt again thy precious blood. 3 Might I in thy sight appear^ i As tUjB publican distress'd; »; istand, not dariqg to draw near; '• Smito- on' my. unworthy breast; . Groan the sinner's only plea, ^ ^'God be merciful to met" /^ . , 4 y remember me for good, " '\ TNl^assing through th^ piortal VJ^I6| '^ Show mo the atoning blood, j. When my strength and spirit fail: Give my gasping soul to oee ,, .^Jesuscruciliedforme. 8*s and &i^ \ \' \'«>' 7t fS • iA WSSLST. m- ^ % ^ 1 A ^trTH6R.;of faithi to thee Very, . ^ ^ J^ To tHfee, Vlio would'st nojt'ha^fe me die^ . /, Butifcnowth^truth'^attdliviB; ," Open gpiij^A^yef to^see 'thv poefh^^:- Work in m^te%jb4he Mik grace, » , The life •4?ternal glye..^ - 2 Shgt tip in unbelief, I ^oan, " And blindly serve, ft God unkaowi \^ ,■«»!;■ f 5'2 ^ . HEPEXTAJfCK AND FAim ■I '^"" Till tbou the veil remove; The gift unspeakable impart^ : And wrlto thy name upon my hearty Aad manifest thy 1<>y0.' 3 Thou bid'irt us knock aiid enter in, ^ Come ynto^tbee and xest from sin, ' * The blesskig seek and find:. Thou bid'st us ask thy graces an^ have; Thou^can'st, th6u would'sftWiis mc Both me an<} akU m'aukiAcL ^ ojueiitjsav^ I Be it according to thy word; Now let 'me find my pard'ning Lord; Let wh^t I ask be given; , The bar of unbelief remove. Open the door of faith and lov^ And take me into heaven. . • tj m. C.3L 76 * \. ''■\ '^ 1 pOME, let us who in CbristMieve, Xj Our common Saviour praise; Tro him with joyful voices ^ve» The glory of his grace. •^^ '■ 2 He now stands I^nbcking at the door Of every si nner s he a rt; v-v: ■■#?¥>- ' ftEPSNTAXCS AND J'MTH. 78 * * The worst, need keep him out no morOi . Or fijrcfe him to depart , ^ 3 Through grace we hearkeii^4p thy 'y6iw> . - Yield to be saved from s^l^ . ; In siire'andlBertain hope rejoic ^ That thoii wilt enl^ in. a 4 Come quickly in, thou heavenly Guest) Nor ever hen^e remove; But stip with us, and let thefeaet Be everlasting love. •'" V S.M. 77 ..-..■t. \ \ Weslkt IP*% 1 /^ THAT I could repent; \J O that I could believe I Thou by thy voice the marble rent The rock in sunder cleave; Thou by thy two-edge sword, My soul and spirit part; V Strike with the hammer of thy word||^ And break my stubborn heart 1 ■■■■'. ■'. #«■- . . .. ' '">..■■■ 2' Saviour, Sd,p|kceof^Pe^ " -J * ^ The il#IiMc Unloose w Band* tow; lok^iditesiy 74 jV *. mA^tStflM FAIYir. ' * Grant in« lajritna to feel, ^/ And then the load remove^ U''. * Wound, and pour in, my wounds tq 1ml, ^ That I should holy be, ^ Striould |et my sin this moment (pf This ntomeni tuxn to thee; ' rfat }'i|pw enibrace -^ r ii]l-AiBcien#|)ower^ , . ^*„^ never more to sin g^ve pla^, ^ ^,^^pd n6verffiieve.fiTO ^ . ';'"■ • . 'v.. '*f S*^ ■ / ^ -4 ',■,.• WSBLIX 'f- V t4JjPmi*Wf^tb;c6med6wn;^^ 4"^ O Eeveal the things of Qod; *^ *, And make to us 'the Godhead kHoWa, • And witoess with the blood: -* . ?Ti& thine tlie blood f ajjply^ & / And give us %eS to see, Who did for every sinner die. . Hath surely died for me* - ^ :, -^^, ,i^ .-"._■ ' .1,:; /:^-,_i„.' -J ..^,_.:' ,. .,._.■ ..,1. :_..•■ ■,.-.."■ • " . '. 2 Inspire the living-fkith, Wtech who8oe!er receive^ ..iMiai % ■K S- '■Mmj^ iS „,' /--:■;. ■:-■ 2 We have no outward righteousnese, >io merits or good works to pQ; We only can be saved by grace: . Thy grace wi|i he«j be fiee indeed. ^ ^I%"f,M^«'*^«»ngl> faith alone, A ts.?^ .•.*x°" n»"st thyself impart; >-I%*, *''?' '^""W by works be sho'wn. . Afgth that puiiflea the heart V* Wf ai ^ th a t ahowg our aim forgiven^ — >H- THE hoVt SPIBIT^S tSttXtSCt. 7^ A faith that sweetly works by h)ve, V And ascertains our claim to hcavca, - o This Is the fUith wo httmbly seek. The faith in all thy cleansing blood: That blood which doth fbr sinners sneak: let it speak us up to God 1 '•■■iw i»« SECTION fit TM HCtLY srmiT'B 4KFLUEXCES. TERNAL Spirit, we confess .,5^ And sidg the wonders of thy irracc; Ihy power conveys our blessings down; From God the Fathej- and the^n. ,ev "I---. 2 EnHghtenefbythe heavenly ray, 0|ir shades and darkness turn to day t< Thine inward teachings make us know Uur danger ond our teAige too. 3 Thy power and glory l^rk ^t.ui«, -And {jreak the chains of reigning sfni' Now our i mperious will sttbdtte. — -^ And form our sinfUl hearts anem •...,i- ■v.- Wf- •^.-mH^ ■ "^F 1^7^ j"^/" *. 78. THE HOLY SPIHIT's^XPLUIBXCB/ 4 The trq^ibled conscience knows thy voice. Thy; cheering woj? . ' m' i> \ 2 Sp^^ak thy pardoning grace to nie, Set the. burdened sinner free;- .: Lead me to the Lamb'of Cfod, # , Wash me in his precio«s blood. -•■■: >«S» ■<. ^ 3 Life and peace to fne impart; Seal salvation on my heart; breathe thyself iiftto toy^breas^ Eaivest of immort^^^ f* -4 Let me never fHP^^ee stwiyj*^* - ,, Keep me in th^ iffljbw waj;^^ Fill toy soul tvithj^dlvinv^' ^'^'^^pie. Lord, for ev^ thm«j»! \ ••: :t* ,v-'. '.4d' '€ % ■^. ■• *^ *-■ / ■^■' M> ■4 V P.M. THE HOLT Spirit's Iwi^l^e r m 83 ITTOLlr Ghost, dispel our ^^ Pierce the Clouds of nature's niirlrt: U>me, thou source of joy and gladness, Breathe thy life, and spread thy lights fJ Hear, hear, our subplication, ^ > Loving Spirit; Gpd of peace ! /," ^\! «' f-' Kest upon this congregation, Great distiibutor of grac^l --f^i; :t* ■ "C^V ■ '€ ■■& ■^ ^' ■• *^ > ."!> / 3 Authpr of bur ijew creation, Bid us Ml thine influence prove : Make our souls thy habitation. §^4i ^broad the SaviqurV love. ^.M V- 84 Watt». 1 pOME, Holy Sp!riV&m# i y L^ % Mghfbeam^ arfse; I)|spel the sorrow from our minds. - The darkness Irom our eyes. % S Convince us of our fiin, .Then l«ad to Jesus*^Iood; .\ « % ( IV,', #■ AV, •'.:.^^; ^■ go TH« HOLY gPtlllf S iyJ-lATiBKC* And to our wbncfeHng vww^ meftl The secret love of God. \?= •" Jrr If • ■ i.4' !*. : ■ ► • 1 f S »Tis thine to cleanse the l|€arV„. To sanctify the soul, ^ To pour fresh life in every pw^ Aa^ iiew-create the whole. 1 Dwell therefore ift ourhearfe? Our minds ft'om bondage free. ^ . Then shall we know, and praise, and lov0 The Father, Son, and Thee. ■ .: . *« • 'S£> Watts ,'^- •*•■■■ • • ?' ^, |f- " ' ' - 1 . - , '* i_ I -n- . - (OME, graciouB ^pinl; source of lo^, : I j With light and comfort from above; g^ thou our guardian, thou our guide^ O'er eVfery thought and step preside. , f turn us with a Other's care, From every sin and hurtfUl snare; ^ Lead to thy word, that rules must give^ Attfl teach us lessons how to live. , . 3 The light of truth to us display, ^ And make u^lmow aiid chooefe fl^rwaj^f^ ■ J-'-,-' '■'. il ■ " " » .» ■':i •■■ Ji:: '-«".. v>' ■ :^' !Q t. THE notY spirit's influ^nck' i. Plant holy i^ar in every heart, That we irom God may ae'eir depart. ■.■■■, ■ * ■ . 1 ■ ■ ■■ •' f'"' 4 jLead ns to hoffness, ttie rbatf That Weanust take to dwell wftli (Jodj Lead us to Christ, the living way, * • Nor let ds from his pasture stray, b; "^^^^^^sio God, OHT final rest»^^ . -■;^M\ i^--;';;..: 'In-hrs enjoyment tb'^be blest; ^ -^^^ -^Mti^ I ; ; Lead u|to ht^ven, the seat of biis^ "-' ' Where 3pleasi4*e in perfection i^ '..%f/" ■" '-'ae , '' Wait* .h*i??lt5J**^ *^w*t •'^^**"' *^ ''**he»' ^"» "cad ill my ntfiie ha •hall teach jou all Jhings.- John jtiv. 26. '^ ' ^ ^ 1 . 1 rriHE Spirit breathes upon the wofS, ' . ^ J And brings the truth to sight: ^ rrecepts and promises afford . ' A sanc%mg light'' Jt A glory gildsf the sacred page, Majestic, like the sun; ;\ ;It gives a iight to every age,-^ " ' It gives, but borrows nooe. 3 The land that gave it stilLBuppjlej fhe gracious light and heat;. . "V J ■■■■^■i«.. ■> ■• ■ ■ r.' IB O "^ X I 1 M « ,,,'*■»' 34 I ,, iw " ^ '*'* ••k K «2 THE HOLT spirit's INFLITEXCB. . Its triith ^pon the.nations rise^— ; r They dse but never set. \ V •■> X' '// ■ li 6» 4 L^ everlasting thanks be Thme^ For such a bright display As ipakes the world of darkness shine . With beams ol* heavenly day. ^ i ^'i o* /' '<" 87 / :/S©w mtioli moi* shall your Heavenly Father give the Hely ,4n^it to tliem that ask him ? — Lokk xi. 1». S§'/1REM God, behold befbr« Af throne m Ijf A band of children lowly bend; Thy face we seek, thy name we own, And pru-y thM thou woMi^t be im friend. ^2 tiiy Holy Spirif s aid^impart, That he may teach us how to pray; Make us sincere, and let each beart >]Jelighi|i to U*ead in wisclom'a wAy. ' ^S O, let thy ^mse ouT;^00tel8 re^^eir^^ "And seal a sens4of pardon there; ^ tfia,cb us thy will to ktSioW and do, ittd lit us all thiue ima^e- bear: /i? "J, V r Sj s »t» / if *.J J'' ill' .a tOl •i>' - » f • •f*. / '^^ ':[ ^ «« t^y^Jir^^^ shed h :'•':'. s*"€3i„^^%i^i»dble^in^sj6iiour»headi ' :*:::.^%.p^-¥t^9*r. youth and liper days: \ .. ::j^; l^e all devoted to his prai3e/ fVP* \ -I ■01 . ■ ' "** ^ \ 84 CM. THE mPO^^XCK Of W WEdLltT, 1 pOME, let Wjoln the hositsi above, \J Now in our youngest day»| , . Kemeraber our Cieutor's love, > And lisp our Father's praise* ,-^^ _ :. 2 His Majesty will not despisei:^ The day of leeblo tbingsf • ' Grateful the songs of children lise, V:i And p^ase the King of kings*^ 3 He loves to be remembered thus, And honoured forf bis grace; , Out of tha mouths of babes like us^ .^ i His wisdom perfects praise. , 4 feiory to God, and piraise, and power, f » Honour and thanks be given! Children and cherubim adore ^ The Lord of earth and heaven. * * •m C< VL. -^^ Wait* 1 TTTHAT blest examples do T find VV Writ in the word of tratlk Of children that began to n\ind Religion in their youth. .-■*• - ■ ■I'''.' ■■ ^^ ■■■,; EAilLY ' PIETY.' ^^ ■■■■..."•.; ■ - ■ -. " *' . 2 Jesus, whorci^»d blessed their Saviour's name; ' /Th'ey gave him honoi«-,.-..:A>".r"" . • xi ^v •^ CM. • V-^ ^W A, rAPl^ /' . o " f . WAt«| I. / ': XL Receive instruction well;. ..^^ I'' n . 'A -1 111 ---ft 1^ '* n J -■rf ) • ■^, l/.fy. • .,' I ■. I 86 THE IMPORTAXCJJ 01^ I Who hates the sfnner^s path, attl fefirt The roud that leads to hell. '{i,t,r 2 When we devote our ywith to GbA, , 'Tis pleasfng in his eyes; A flower, wheii offered in the bud, in m vain 8a,crilice. . . Z Twill Bove us from ft thousand suarea To mind religion foungf [ * Grace will preserve our fV^llowina years ikud make our virtue strong, * i To thee, Almyrhty G«d* to thcej ^ ,. /6ur 'Childhood we resigi|| * - ^ Twill ploase ns to look back and see y f hat pur whole lives were thine. * 5"I!iet,the 8weet work of prayer Jind praise •^^Eijflploy our younjjfest breatli; ? . *rhus we're prepared for loiigerf days, :\' jQr tit for early death, \ \ ^* n.^T -'^i .•» ■ I \ r ■*> \- SftWf mtt;* V 'iff Happy child, who gained a pl - h'- ';—.*- 'v.; ::: ji ■ ^ ■■■ -l ¥■■ -■ ' ■•, ■ ■'■ ■' "i I 1 ■ ■ . ■ i ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■.■•■■' 1 ' ; * ■. 1 ■ : " . .,;," ....,:; 1 ' .' ■ -.':k-.-r- ,i Mak#4[ie thine, and thine alone; "' Thine, tJ^Lord, I surely am, Butio me unknown thou ai^; . Come, and call me by my name. Whisper to my listening heart ^ "8 Stir m#Tip to seek thy face. Claim me in my tender years; Manifest the word, of grace, ^ SpeaJi/or now thy sc^rvant kears. Now thy gracious self reveal. Speak in power and peace divine; pardon on my conicience seal, gfeftl thy child forever thine. I TtTE %iMp with yotifhfiil vigour wanB, X IniKiling crowds draw near; And turnirom every mortal chanm The Saviour's voice to hear; Wirrfc Mjr^ "W^ «* <, 88 THE IMf:aBTAN,Ca Of ■ ): t The Lqi^ of all the worlds on high Sfoopa to converse with yoii: And lays his radiant glories by, your friendship to pursue. , " ' . " '■.■' ■ ■< '■ 3 "The soul that longs to see niy fkce, Is sure mv love to gaiii; ' And those that earlv seek my grace Shall never seek m vain." 4 What object, Lord, my soul should move, If once compared with fhee ? What beauty should command my love I^e what in Christ I see ? 6 Away, ye false, delusive joys,' Vain tempters of the mind; *Ti8 here I fix my lasting choice, For here true bliss I find. •.■;;\vl Jj. M. 94 ^ ^ Jl^ET with snares on every hand, ^f Xl; In life's uncertain path I stand: ' Saviour divine ! difi'use thy light, / T<> guide my youthful steps ari^ ^ r 2 SJ^^ *^^® frail and wavering heart > ^^^ ^ chopse |he belter part; T ^:^ ■■■■:■), ■■'I >»•. ■-!?^;./v-i^^K ^ • «. ■> ■'II. Ii'- ^ I » " '■ v - "F.'M't ". '.„'5f To 3Com the trifles of a day, '■■■'• ^•iit'' I. 'f, 1 _ ^h i ( ' Wil ■■vV| -i 3 Then let the wildest stormB aris^ i :^^ Let tempestfi raingltji earth and 6||lei|. ;No fatal shipwreck 8haH X fear^ ' ! ' | ■ " 'x^'But all m^ ti-eaeures with me ^ " ^^v' lili^J ■►.,,;...! I- J-: ■■-1., '''■::'■■ "'i . ':$,;:■-; ■■•'■ 'f- '- ./■■ pri I' ':i:',4i till' '■■ ' I ,,.. I.-' ' 1),, l>!] >'} ,f Jy'-* i.If thou, tny Katljer. still be^gb, /;j* - Qheertiil I live, anil peaceful aie|; :|f ^ . Secure when mortal comforts fle«^ j To find eternal bliss in thee. I > • -.v ■' '•■■.■■„ -X'^-'- ,^' ••■•■"''■';;;-■ ' ' - ,. . ■' -'.V ' -VV - . .. .■ -, ■' , , ■■ ■; .■ .■ /' «;■** «»«. •-, «' .V" r.:^;- .-:',■, 'iii'-.:. ^...-ssf •.. I rPHOITft H chiidcen in 'jJtatnre and yearsj ' '- X- .i^^^^'o^oQ is needfiil for you; If :£ V / Since children, it surely appears, ^ v , Must answer for all that they do. • v'Tis nfeedful tor you that afe younjy,v; ■ . To cleave t6 your heavenly Frien^ i( 5 3 Topraise him with heart and with tongue| And still on his service attend. , ' ■ .. .V \- :- ■ - . . '.•• ■ ■■ 2 (Jo, give him, with Mary, your heart, And learn without further delay; He'll teach you to choose the good part, Which ne'er shall be taken away; ■ ■''M m i if -Pi -« <% .Jl?sassg^iiS' ■:^'^BtBlm I-. .._ ■■: l^ ^^•-. .!s iP^'^H ^ 1 ;.:,P '" ■ • '*:■ m i ''■■- '■ ■";■-'■', ." ■< ^^/.^ »■ ■- ,»>■- - fef. % «» - « t ■ y map A wet iv W9^ ■T-- S tetlMBA tlMM^M^t^b^ begone; And when; J Mfjflr e%g, . ^>- ..V. •».;■/;■• •-•■ / / / . ^ 1*-. ■ m T. • ^4; ♦ ■ ■i t lift c^ ■■».;^,. N If- .SK. r»^ I ■ • ; . BxjlDgraphic _l&ClGnCGS Corporatoi 93 WHT MAM STRHT WIKTM,N.Y. I4SM (71*)i7a-4S03 4^ 41^ ^ . i ■ S,. -' ^•^4. What none are good witboul^--- " j X:^ '.That temWftjf^-mewaiitlo^ 7,^ ■ *'-i.|- ■■ .7 :/.::. -^.v: :^^ ^ mottmi ol^^ a hildeQ ^re, fiiBiiif^^^ tear; ->-/ ^t- :-:Jti ' ■ "• h iVi"i . . ..« "^-.y rW^f Tbd titel% tfi pmyiTi Mp«^ ifl^oofl^ ^a word, aod deed^ iaa nrindy bile, with H^ Filler imH the Son, gweellUlowsltip^liiey find, ■ ts- ?^# Sy #bom we edme to ISiOcly Lol ^ft^' ^ — r~ wn||^ilf*j«iify|f#iifffpif^iilVX|iy|l^ _ ■-V,'' ; Its iuBuneiiM le die lombl \ll;?-'./^ •'! • » ; r» • , ■•',»■ t Rememtief fty^Siiitor,.Gk)tt\ For him thy hours employ; Make him thy fear, thy love, thy hope, ^1 Thy confidence, thy jo^ ^ y^ihAH de(;Md, Mi^^^ "^Through lUWiiilioertiaii lea; , ^ fill thon art landed on the ahttMIl ,V ■ ,t^ Of blflii^*«lenilty,u «..i r.-iMm m^.*. d Then m* the Iioid be to? God kiMaelf iMH not itefti0(|,^i 4cA f he offering of tti j yottl|» € "i, f . ■* V/vuAV \;^wntm^j ji»vii« v^Birvw • Write thj neir nasif i^iKm iny li||ia% '.«■-• a s it Thy new best namtf^ of Im^ % ^5-:t IM ^ 1 TiniTH Im^^ tiil. Great d to tiiee fpe ^"7^ 2 Sfoif «i«He^«ii^«ft^ t««i^ 118 ihy will to Imov; "frVi' <^| .':^fe -. '''Kii •^ ■ ■ ■ ■ — ■ ■ ■— " ^ ' — l W ^^i—| p — »— ■■ TeacM my joiithftil mind the waj: § With a tender awe Inq^rei ' '«-#^^f » r «' Let ue not waste oar ^ovthftU da^ff hiIi i la faia.aB4 IMhrii aoogm ^ *^<^f 1 Too •iMl^im'M^ eaf Mm Hw iieM, . Kor love his name too dear; - *' Nor priae too much his preciooa word, v Nbrkaratooso^iai^lMiivv ^-' [.t^r ■::.■¥ ■i : ■■■■;^i'5; ■V, t m.- aUtA M, ftimi art mj irm fr«nP7 7«illu~PiMiai U* % ^ ■ •• - V ■-» . ■..> . i, - . •, -1. ■- ■ t 1 /^OTDErfouryottth! totheewecir: Oiir infiida JUisibFuct, oiur leairts conreii I: 1 .'- SiSyStf To 4m^mthma^^ a •■-*'-^-'-^-j:v;^ i:;MH4:' --'^ ^f !'#>«> «iiteeiiiNiiiiii.oiii ■;: '^ 2 lui^uSL^i^iiiL^ -nv'Bi ■ ( 1:-,, ■ t <■■ 2 ThougD chtldreii in stature and yearS) *^ SaHraMon ia seeded by joiifMfi ? t*i ' * For children it iilalnlr appeara^ ^ ; ^^^vU^isi answer tb^r^^t^ 3 Then give to the Saviour, your hearty i^.% '• f And ieani witbouifort^ier delay; Hell teach you to choose the good pfti^ ' Whidi neer shaii betaken a#a^#j ""i^ U 4 His haadjiliaU sappty all yowrvru^*iy I Though ever io many uor greate im^ mi His loT* shall redress your complainti^ AM render your portion Comiileta •^< T ■W#" A. ■T'-- r .1 v.', «;;. i ^ u UhBk * * - lirb|> x Be taiMn^eiii^ wula^iaiid feeds us alL i'«p(. 1(8 ways are weyi of j)leafiantn€i8, ^Ipd ell ita patbn are joy and peaco, . And heaven on earth begun. .'./ iit - BMton to the« tUne own, '■^ ' '<^^ '^'^ iAd IroBi IWa liMiBMit Hve ordit'"*^^ "'^ ' ' To MTVt ov God MlOiM. . ''^^^vm A ./ i 4 " * % 6 :. ' A ■,'.V' 6 . _ - yr ■ - • '■■ ■•■4 -'■■■. *l ■;"'#:• ,iii^. tAV- \ £. c- ...Td keefilb iileMd day r ^ *^' 4 ttifi^m »dz« Nor let Otm h&^^^i Tmch bttbes and cnekHom, Lord, i» laiM Tbeir songB to tlMB'ag&. :r'- . *> 'fe.. "TW gaiiit. ,-' *" ~ • Wisdom dlvip^Who tella the priol/ . Of wiadomV co^Uj merchaadigfl Wiftdom to silirw we prefer, ^"^^ ^ *^^^ * ^ And gold ii iiom oompared t^jMr. 4 Her hands are lUFd wllh Jdogtli tipyiQl^^ True riches and iannoirtal ptmls^f f^iJi fWii Riches of Chrim im ftt beiiow'd^ i l^,i^|L And hoiu^ur ihgt4iiP«Bdf from Qod 5 Toporsit Jojw she aUtevHei^ -^*'/^^ ?*^ I Chaste, holy, spWtualleM^if/^ I «* , i Her ways are ways of j)hSi»ii««'*i^'*^ ^* AM sil ber^^f^ fMMhi Of •"'■m fi Happy child lAo „ _ Thrioe happy who bteignial nti^iui; ]|tecmiis^i]iid^l1te<«i9sr#w% .?t ;7, ^ ■llk fit t ' i ■ h.' %_ 2 F^r vaewim f rMimflly gfiiiii|p ihm eM4 pr w#st unMd ; And ber rewltroii more precloua ari 3 Ia her rlg^t band sbe bolds to rkw A^ tooffth of Mmr 7««t«;^^ 4lid in ber Idl the priM of ikm«, f » n: AmA boiM>«r mow npffMiHtr j /. 1'. 7< Hir wiM'«M mqni cf | ^ l iM*i >t n -.1 i •tvr'. TbroQgh 8 will ;*f. * 4 WaVndt -.IS 3!i * vWv;- fM2 5 c» • « 2 Shoiiia tbej be etrlT lienee imiof«4 Ue will their touui rM|i?«| »^^^ ' With him 12001 «Ter Ufib M Shall wipe their lMur»»iraj: 3 No .Ight of darkiiefli ihil} be thtwkff,,^, ButoaeetemiadVt Mrr^,^^* 4 May we wltb fliote lo bU«, O LortL Forever numbel«4 beT^ To live alone to thee. -^ :* f ♦* -^ -*^ ; ,'' t ^*-' '«:;t»: , =^» ,fc ^, ,•' r^. .■ " * 'I '''lU •«^i4£». r 4''- ♦. "^ ►1. ■fkj- ■■ 1 till Vm \ ^/gjjerf ^^ i BotjMl nif iW>l« itepi •^KwM did*! Or warnl^r from tlie w^, ^ ^ind I ilmll MWr rtnj) . u • / .1 Beneath flrr eiitt*»»**« ««?? ^ And •»!►« g«l^ ^^^HJMWi In Ttow, ^ Till I ihall cAler MMH^ ' ; l^li# ereign King^ |||^thfWl6QflOT%»t. diioloKed / It'iff Ji'ruihiia' \ wo ovtivw. is%jf^ my JumCf •Vh Let ma ill .Lot m e jrlov « . ifc- .^Aull ■ImM^-'-^'"^-^ ^JlW.:..^at; 4 Tb^Ir cofif«nailtoii tod tMrpiifim^f <) I Are mufllo In hit maut t^^ i'l lib uBiltft dlipol tk«^ flUMij cti«%* « A t f |tod di««i|iiU« titir iNHiL >• #«i^ ti'i £ 4^ Ob! did tlMyELTGlONtstlieolihr jLi Of mortalt tera twl '^**Vl ,_*«^ ■t.',T^t7 110 4 .\ •:ii ,1 ■ •f w% 1 TTOW yhtntt^t »dM to rfpr , Tte of lis Qod and Klai^ .it M^ ■*--..-. .JrW **^. ^ To if l»-«fK7 J: ^rtr ^ K . tM '^^ LIL # *■ SECTION EL^f^ , .'ii»^ W » .^f #• Nor tol ■» iHth n j UfMi dfitw iitgk» : * •• % ^ I- . But what with all mj aoid J bwhiQ - / Or Ue Id tb«e, tbou gtotfoof Loi^.^ j^it By whom nif erMj tbtajiit it aalft. 8lkmld I mpproach thj glorlom'ttan^l; 4kf How aifi I lk>fNi W woH« to |rt«M^ <^ T . I To p]0QM m Goff I kftTO not kwnk lU. h' . -,ii .^mr i '^ . o* ¥ !fo^ ,,>,?! ,\ , ^^ iV inIo% ir v Ai iMly eblMMt 40, ^^ ^ Tben, wHIe I eeek Ite wMi tty ToiMl , ax. 'itw*' ^.«Haj^ *i-. 4. r ■^•'■•^^^iUi 1 fOBD^MBkAliBlUciiU topnoFV ^^ I *K, 7- %■ r I 3 Jealii;*** ***--'" Look ia wmter, ^H«lf«arWo ^ . • ■ ' ^ '"ill ■'fmi ^^^mmb, 'tli^^^s -■- ■ -.:f4^p^#;£-tei^4'-^--%'«K *iit ^■■'^'^'**''^" ...;^;^,j^|:.;- rTl .^: ■ ■ . ■ .r ■ } ; - lion .-r ^ ■/ ^ tn. \y ■"^^SiS-, ^l- m 2 1fy «.'^#» jr •;'»■ '■;^%.|,.H 4 And mfty T if6k until I And, What none are ffood without,— * That bamble, meek aBd lowly iiiiad|» '^m'T 1* / . **.'■'' • Tb«^ tfMaal fcmal pnijvr «f a r(g1iteoat iiioh.-iil»aiy»Jii> BR » the ipufii slnbere deslrei tteredornnexprewed;^ 5^. , I ' ■ e motion of a hidden firo, 1^ ' > \ ^H TIlit trembles in tli^breast^ . ■ ^t ^ >• ^^IplP^ngferfi^^ of • dg^ V ; The fklling of a tear; . Tto nj^MTMlflMMdiic of «a eye^ M > i i v ^ 2,^ h««».l«kCWJ.na«. !A if * •» ^^f' - / r • ..? 'f§l^i?f^.riwS^":'«' «5';*'^«^-»^ «, S O itad tb '<i 1 /ITTITH hamUe haarti ifi4 tongue^ I ,T' YY Great God to thee pre pray; *0|pay. we learn, while we iM yoiiDjfe t ^ ^ walk in wiadrai'a fiey* * t NoiC^ Jo ear ear^ 4iqni ^ Teach IIS thy wQl to know; Ga|^>^ "TTOsrs LCMldBen, raise wur sweetest 8ta»^ . , ^ . Be mb «: &j ^ r^nleeosl, - '■Mti- :- ' AM mni ynpBTiiflrf ^hi From rfilBMH, Mfai, and fri^ , On Urn fardi^jr 6fMd we oall; 4r .« t lie iD^MTOOW wMili^ and Ibeds us aIL S But •lli ftiNBi 1^ nloiie -i* -*4^ it"^'-' Our jpp^iMr ttiaroiet fkmf^f-'*' '';' Bto Mfli^itti of stone ^ *^ '^'l -"^ '^ tato«r|H»£3f' ; mkjoj nn4>iM% .* ■ .. I ». ' <»♦/ ''"?sm "w^i (V i0 gn?0» n\Tf ni^'"-' ^-vm^ Hln' miff ^ "^ 4 ■?^ 3 Wo blM Me itoM, tiMl w9 ii^lMi^t'^ . Td keep Ui MMMd day ; ^ Teach babes and euckHiiA Lord^ Id fibt Their loiiga to nnA J agiiii. li^l' Otftal i I • f * r i , ■ > #/ / ^kyaoiL ^■§f'-* XV' «u '^^^*:mn '" v^vV' \:\ im. uiu - flnr «,*■ t-^mtt -. 'w^-«^ Townal /t •04 CM pitHdabii, if_ _, , wfV\W*'T r'f«u ku.^> r. v/ t ■: ' : D let these, nevr:irittii|^m«:tm towb^ With lustra Mghler fior shall nbim^ tievive wMl m^if^lllm I ' Saf e f lom di8e8809 luia deeliM r^i JjOL a short, 111 And If I It soon -TT— t — ' I — r? — '> i * d time AIm % H,1S^ ti .And death mdii^ dCi^ ■j- '^i )m:mi fW' ' * ■: /. ■■■,.. '■'■( '"■"'■"■ t^Ui^i^i^at^^^dUbillia * H,* Miml 11 . ■ »' 4' V/' mIm all tialuri tlan^ £ •# Oiiiti Hfliit 4W< .1 -t^lR^ *'', ^ hop Qod Iba 8cm ^'-AAUk-fliifA^ camfl dowfV iiiif oiif floody MM» ^VM V ■UfliV .f» \ %* \J And cast* i^id^#jr«^^ n oT , To GftniM|Q;a M^ft^l^^ ha/^ 2 iUI I^^IQSe W^^ ^ ,.v CM In 3mm VMOlNlt^ A poor proOigal, reod?i nil - firit • Ai UiiQt o^fl i4apl«d oUb; , r IM 1 T>B iroyr i##fctonj^ JJ To ianrd l&o Uortt with flllal wlUi ioTing miitude: SupMior tont^ iii|r MHlriar; And wMmg Itt ihi fooc *--»• »* # fr ^^^ ^ ». • ♦-^.|»PFi**l V I ^ * " » * ♦' • W^' * ' n ftmM| 1 fTHIS mimillig, lift, wi AkA Ami fhfliMottf tlrr5iii ftiliif P ifon ^m Pi 1 1 •nNNtf. ••»««??«•. fi>i 4 To cWlNllb<< HMtyi I** m « ^^ •W4 ^4 ■' V r 4 Tba Toloa or JUS Mffpng W^ May eviiT hearl ohif; ^AHfr Nor be tbe AMMilli IMH^ V Which oalb t(> waldi iM piii^ 1 i0fiiiflrtR|Bit inn ftHllL lli fhi -:|iilb'AlH4gM^Mai«imrafili:: j l» -' ^. r ..- . -■^^:-1 With fiMi^al To JdA th# Which mhm^Nk '-i»it Vf I i^^il i ii^ o /, '*, >ytl(.. n '££L'*r^; I f^'i# \4 fKant T li ■ sir , . i f# • . J^ ^ ^"■♦'^.^ Turni ill. tttWm^ W^^ » A. ^ ^%! •^f'?* wwJw "Mwr,^ « Oa Oj^ tuooa of i^oty sealed, 'k\^, I ■:^:a. / ». A ft f,'f, 2 J '^II*' jLook ia ««^^Jia'ij^Td«ay I \ ' ,'' ' > ) '* ■ .^^. 'f' ' llf lM| 9v 'WMM AMI. w #.« / ' it J .» '4^ "S!: !"^-^ «' ^^^ ^.a. Mm \ r-v ■Xf JJ K 1 until iliTOur%iwii» y^ my wliolft life ^Ail iP^k OiT prate j^ ;^:..fr4^ I T*r- ■!-! ' f ":■•■■ \ ^?i5^.' .5. y^ \'-' V. Mt.. .<■?*' 1 Y 0R»( y/^wUdv^ fh^KHMtiiilipllii^sl O hear vM wheti^^ir« i^#tlMlii I From sloth tMlfoUy fti^ : v I II ^W :^ Give us a dMmfullleiifft^ liUAttellt ii#h Our mimkil^tb Wtodpit^i^^ And Btill, I#^ffc|»«ll)li^m Wt kwmktuyi 5f iTTE4 / , la lie#nl i]i| 4««tniiffm(^ *'fv^'l: I And tttipr4d'i6di1^%«f ^^s^ ., V ^ .V. Jim*' \ i!w.tr ■\ »*¥■ .'ISO .■ './■''. -s-., ;.■,'.•/'« •'^^ +'''. »:^,«^vi^* ''^^^^'^^ 1:TH X ■fKk, l.TU 6^9 own house for tne to ^flt^^ l Vf}vm dMrMiaivf meet to ke«»4lid tfakjf Bro(liiie,UB IioIt plaoe« 1 114 ii o AodiBOdttiieAbii^ J) Shall pthftoa ivnrr, and I appaart^ ^i^-'P^)- ^ As if I had no God to fear t «^ nfe^*^ -I < Or Shalt lam reftwe to praise, f%v : r For mercies shown mp ay iB(]F dajft ^ I .^. ■-'?.;,-TTT Malw m* ittontl^e to tlgr Wortf^^K ^^'^t Nor ftrtine be neglsotlul lcrtin^^^j« ^*|| ■ Wbefe grace atfd imttj sa afoputid. M' ,^^ *» \^-. -• :■?^^1--^. f$%jPfi^i .',. I' ■•>.. uui-'M msi '^ • ■< *r-: :ri^ JP Thy oamyi^t WlpwNJ hcre|^( .| ' Asini.thdfie>r^|il^ Where siiipyta that mme wm^U^^^it^^ 1 fhjr Uq^ 0OM tliF will, akwiii i.,^t^ ^ Be'don^ bjrman Mon^; f j uiv Aa spirils r^ii^ %j #)|k^^ vi >F. \ -^ ■ u-,f I'- f t Y-:y *Hrt' - / / nuTBB MssD vuumk 'iSi \ ; \ ^•'^^^Ism^si^- >.; '«f!l 8 Give u« thii d*y our diily hmdi * ' . ##: .^jr . Not merely outHm) ftioi, iv^. »i^uVi * But that whereon the soul la fed, v V 4 Foi^ve J ^"V I , FoplM^«ieiPow«n ite Idfailiitf d^3 / The {^17 e?emoim ^f»t t • . •."7»W*k-t*»l»«»|#r|»;|(|^glM^«,ta.|fc4. / IJ To bo mv Father aod my tripni, I a poor child, wid thqn ao Ibwu , ' . .; The Lord of eatfll, 'l^ ^iai|j .|£f rtfy.^*% 5 ' : . To he«^ M^iiittMrfaitiMriMtei i^r^^tor f t Or wilt thou listeii to the pmiae ■ '•T-Wrnvjifl^"', to*'/-; MMB JLKD TMAXWm And onlifiiilili to do mnd b^i^ Wbatev|Nr aoiiri^ai good to tkeet ,iU -a:, ^'fr )•■< .¥ J.-Jlrfl fUS^W W 4 4 Art ihoii iy^ladM t Then, at li Whoa til mj dayd on earth are pa»^> .^ ^ Send down 1m ttk»1tti In thj Iot J^^'/ ^ ' To bo Ihy botterwd above. "^^ " , 1 n LORY to tbe iiMlior i^ .vi>f i \T^ft)«rtoyb^ CMM^'tpmyerabedi^ftf^^iittiV '- CllUdIoa'• aongs delight his eoKi' t Glonr to the Son we bring, ^ ^ ; • Chlm'^kt Proptaclt^ Priest, and Ring I ' •f f "»; „..^ ^mimm^-^mt^M ^f m .nA¥^'fp(^P*fMi BEOTIuN X .».* I :'■■•■; ^^■./ ,4pi?/}' » '*'<'h c. It *;raii9t# • 2«u:;o>. liti •■i,;tij:„ t s ^. ■ ^■' llj|4l«t» .*..! ■i: Howfeebtokoinriaoirlil^ikilM^ .';^I Willi dyiBg" womv^iM^ Ii4. # «^a ,. •!%.;'■■• y-^- V ■ And erenr' l^iW^iiM w*'«»l^^ T *^^' 3 Theye^^^Siii^.*^^ '' •*». "T ".■' I MO Watt* U Is- 1 -tTTHY ohonM I mj, "'ThiTet too Boon, /AwirS?iaibSfe«'a.noon, . ^ *«. And I thh 4»y BiV »<»• "V »>»^ ''^ ' DMptoe )*• inwfcwi •^ of H^'*^, I may bo ^I^WWlto "V^**^ j.«,^i"^ Thai WU'MlilW ti> w4 W epv i«i^'i f n / ft Then 'tidU «»1W2;:*^ IjS'ti^ , l i To cry forj^^^ . »» 141 .::--■::,' wwMMTi, I*» *••. :., ,^, . ■jaijL ., • , ; *' O ■ ii'" *.^' i<' ■*» .,/ .«(!■■ 1 .4 nMkim4mfm»m ^H^uAt Parched bj tbe taiiU ditectdr ni|V ^' The momeoUurj fflorii* ifrMtty %«M 8. SoUoomi tbe bnman flioe divioe, n WbeQ youth itM prtde of bean^ Aoi^ And 8w«etOT UMia thefviifbi itM^ i Or worn by slowhr^rriUnf yeir% , i Or broke by ricKnees in a day, —The fading pory^kH^^ ^..^ The Bhon4it6d bemlifls dk t 'If.. . 6 Yet these, new. vidbig Jron Umi iMribv With huitre brighter &r shall thini^. \ Revive wjth eveiniiuiiig UdMH ; :< H T j; ' * ait ♦, J-.- '^' i\';. * <■> , ' lle>,''f ■ \-fJ. y']WW 'M'"'^ u(ir/^H^jP IVX A ahoit, und^rtefo diaji; r, ^ ., y And If I r«aiA t|i^ ig«>Qf W^^ TU» hoiir &a miiilbM 1^ ■'fH. i/ 4t_^'„,. : /::/: /^/. '>/ i.V*. i^ ,1.'- rp. a Tetcli«e,iriti«ll«iylH«t, 7^#!?^ ■** II To rat iilliWNi^bgF^ ««|^»"v*« • For now U the accepted tiiMl» / . ; .. Ttf4noiafwrv««V^*te-Nr-fHi^'W-' * Tli« longer wo nefflool to pi«y, , TliotaimlMiiMdiiiod. % < ^ S Tot slnnenitiMW, f oong tnd oia, f»f^ I tJiitntlMbtdyiiig4tiV: / Thon they would give a world of goM : To hftve m hour IK pnjit^ ■jf tor tfme wfll won^ p»* ^*«* «>.^ ♦! . £ And death mirttfte our |tat«,^ ^^r ^' t f 1 .A^i-'^'^^^-^i^*'»^*»'' * T&!^^iSSiSs. IV-, '* . t4 ' 'f *■»• •■♦ . Ar« caiWa bj a«ath lo bear tbolr do^fc j S L«t me improTiD tke houni I Uva^ 4i iL, , v Befepe the imy of gmee te fled; Ug^ There's no repentance la the grmve,^ Nor pardon ofttred to tli» dead. t? 3 Juit ai a tree out down, tkai Ml : » 1 To north or nalh ward, them it Um{J| • So man departs to heaven or hell. ^ ; ^ Fli'fU&ibiiialaWhacdiih«4ksL ^.t 'p' ■■ Clf. LI »» hV*i " ij#*!.'* / Arid oast a wWM Wf«' . ; t^lT^ ' ToGanaM>Mriu^lAm^^]^ jlHi; Whert> inj p ow^j w rtg aa Be. *^ , ,.imA ._A-^^ n g?er Iboee vide •eicteiidtod pkdna ^ # J Shines pne eletnal day; tH h^ Gpd (hai^ ScA foioiier teiga%' ^- 'And scatters i||g|t iwi^. * ■ »j 1 aiRfiinr ii kiyia or pun deOgbt, *'^ . ^ And iMir«r-wln«rlog1lowera| , - T|i^bMnHlirlndfrMiourtk'!0iT'HT ^, ' 0t.tti i ?t *». Bund dr«iM in liTing granQ ; > So to the Jowt old Oadmo itoodi mtfk Jordan rolMbelweeii^ I Bat iiWfOiia motlib «6ut ttiJd To oroM tlie Mmm ma; iM* / 1 '. * r And llngkr lUvtiM on tba.krfnk,"^ P,!' fl ■ : Andlter i OoouUiii|BfllttoiirdfiAlii«iMn%p^ ^ TlioM)riooR9jdNMillMitriio» ^^:^^^^ Wltb nnbodoidii i^ '»,., '\. Jr". M •*■'* M '/:. >.*^_^ M » V m en. Our iMitfli Ikt ■wfmM . WbMiflltir S White VIA I ' BbUini i Tbe ToiM of lUi dimlag MM ^ Msy •ttrr k«9fl ▼*«». ' >" ^J iKl. ■^4 • JiUiBCpi '''^aBs:s.%%'^ = - N «. tr ( •• > i If 4tTir # ' ^* ' -.A. -#■ - «? H * ^ ><«b *i El -. i .-I V'. ft ' * ."S -T^ g-.-*-^" fe*^~4ii' J't'. Ili^pw^iiMHRHI N f * « IT' . * ^ ?•» Kf F*T* I'' <' »''. « -l -^f, immvti t ^"*» 4jid.i|p«ft-■/ iMmi'Iupo :tofO j||ii||li|iftiio^ 4 M0roy MiMilo Lot m amAc^ ^lAtm t I # ■ m '/ iy ^uV It. *-^% s-Vf ';?if(<,SW«' ■ .^: -^ m iirimwolmamt' ■* .'■■ And kytond the rramaai to Hiy prate ^ /•■;--'. 2 Iiy da;^ are iboHarma & upwri, ' ' ^v A little point my lifo appears; V Bow frail, at besti is dgrin^man,; ^ ilow vHiff are w his- hopes a^d feaiis*- Yabi are the (arae^ir&Mi raek his ndnfl^ He heftps up MisttMs infitM witii woei ^4nd dies and leiives thein aU \ : 'V..- 4 O "be • |i«pir tN»rttoit ttdwi t ' ^ ^Bitftlli^ fiei^^ I reelgni ' 4jmI fix my hopes on thee alom^^ rs. 158 *v-*|-l-- BoiDimi^^i, "^'<' -v«^ — •- " t- s 1 13f ARE;^!^ JrlMIpe ^ ith^liiEim^ ^j 'V.. .> •■ .•«•: ■:f ?\.';? . I ', ~ 1- w TIMU AND SIASOVC m Bom tbil mm ho mofe might ^f'^ '^ Bom to raifio the ions of earth. r Bom tp give thmUffleeottdbirau ^' ^'' ^ .i*'*! 4 Gome, Desire Of natioitiyoom^, rf^ii^i^ *" ill liilihjtaimlile home; . *. 1 j*"_*^'h3i IBbe, the womaii*e promised See^ Bmiae ia m the serpeaTe head. J ■ -?s li^'ll b 6Ior7totheiieir**bom]aiigl * Let us aU the anthem aii% Peace on eardi and meroy mttdy ^ Cfod and rfmMn leooodl^d* 1' i^r/^- i l>BIGaTEST of the aons .. *: 3^ i|f«^ j^ in 008% ^isi¥mm, tgi mim e ; . )>>' i> ^■^PHB^^^^^^^' ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ■i !iV ■i^: ;:■■■'.' ▼alnlj, with foMt ^»« It th^liMri'ii adonitkm, '^. >- »•■ ' ■ f ■ • ■' .: . " - * 1 T E¥ diilNNii Um the SaTtont^s nSQie, Li And ibig lri« wpiffiww grw} ^ ^ 1p& IWmi Ih0 iMois cT |(^ 1^ Have our rrinflil nice. ^ ^ • \ I Though he witiMilii he«reki abbve, FrviQi all ^end^, Be left hie greatneM out of lof^ S Hie fiooieet ditlfl fai aearoo ao poor^ Ae Jeaua C%tiA became: .lOeiiiMprialfAllQiiitopfpenf^ . . ni h«p iMur ilpi tl4 ^. ■N,. .\' r*>."jN « IliWIIPAiO i MI ; But wImi in h^Mm w« tee tby flM% mi ■v«- ^¥ Oar • thMiaqn^ rn -i., > 1 T. Ef 08 diMit tte •ommi Uj^ " Jj Lei 110 eetobnitif tho 4af^ ^^ ^^ Hail with jogr tlm ftiig|Moiis on iriNm tb» 6m of maa wmhmik ';^;/-C 2 Ba1)e of IMUi'm kurly liddl Angela liorer itHpd fliy bed. Paining o'er tiie tunefbl ^rr% As tbegr wonder and i| 1^^ ^ of I«rii^ ! ii^bIoow aoa«*-» Bfify tribe to thee ahaV imr; •^f ^ > 4^ ^••^ « ♦ ziie jraaiiffvefioii <|f^ MfiiCl I / iM ramr m" Vim tMliraMb 1|Mtf^0Mial4r, ;;.: WMA fliiBSiiiiilWliriitr -' ' *"'" 1^.. • • Wl* Joy BWm Ml . ••■..•■■• '•■■'•■'lilt'".'' i4 ,AMP(1A # WjMUnL ?l ( f ■^ . r t* taaa ATU numnn. 141 ff' Det* te Tilii taMii hit riM, ■- ^vnwraT^ IJMdvwafinr O^r MOg t^:^ ^ OBoeke4i«d,imlMMil|to.Mnr«i . Whei^a Ikr tMoir, JMiiiaf gtivrati n. v^lk' ''1 .#" V : r ' > 1A« l^ldMd l|M|i«i# iMil «jwX S > ^ S'S » ' n^^'^P'* "••^^ ^iMutfiit ^*<<) ApltlMt ^ •' ■• ^'13 ^ 4'.' •v^' '«i- l» •.>l-^ fptl .w 'kO [' ^y >.-A- •^•HJ^^ii-t^if --*ia«j >4-Tf '* -■-,, ■■■ >»-■= ■-■>'t (*fe .•..4'-#r ^^P^ ■^■.-■■i*» ^ '.<•• >* '» , J f^f. tim^^ ^- . K i i. ' , ^)iy^„^ 5_^ 'I' • I I ♦• 1 ■ .** ■ . . '•*, ." v"^^""^ 1 1 *^' •^_ vfttii iiH> tm Bat to tiiy llpii vUt 1 mor^ To tiiato Hp iMNvhw tbtMi wiU ft ii m# lto h i| p if ^ > 1 I i 'fr-' t^j^^mP^^^.: '^^i^ippjl ^^^ 1^ , « f ™'CHV' ^•■, »l St, 1^. i V«r 4w&:i»m««««ib0l»i«M, , j» V '»'. ,> » •%" ' i >. • - f * •.')*•■)< •» SWfllMTXIL V^rt-^ li<^ * ?iu an. '/kt ^ A>i. 1 riBBAT G^4^llifi^% MffUl ttiwt 3J A yoiidMft JnWFiW € MptaififdMm telbf IliiOlit diniK I 'tis thfaie hteHi B iii ompHikmg$ ^ Out trmataif^^k^i Of OTMlHilh Wm 'wriliit'' ' I WhftlntbiibnfiifNlinrtel^^toiir^ •- .^ To H^yKMi '«*«• ■ 1" ^# t f aM^ AlfKIT|9tl^1'< i T^ we «d mmmp^- *w^^f|fl Wr ifWtWp^^^^ AiKlMl<«M>i *WI*>^ 1 -"f ? tt»ijlt I -.J I'' <*i I ■»*% 4 * '■■ ■•^ '^-'^''■■■r^HHM. \ \ ■ 1^*; ^-' - mi f ifM iiiif; '<^ \ jliiil iwiiiilliftii Kliitinilitnl O'er Tminom < The dly- Wi o i wH qptdil #h Lei ledb fifllriMiiniiiMm- tH ' " AndOiitliili ■■iiUfiiwIi «b'«|i l||j|^ >f '^'•V,*'^? IJl' / , w ilK^ -K m^ V Ti ,#t'|i!§^4ii^,..ir ^ I ^ Miprfir* -r^.. ^tUfl^^^^^^0li T'W^ \ ' Of ^tmkv§ nAonuMf ■rtiiwi*' ^Pi|lk,^¥^Ww»pW^|- ^ < /»*! ^iS * ^.AktLTtkS WW jmip»i^w^jp t**#. ifr, '3 ;u^4?. h JMiMk " * \ - , * » '■^'1 -» • ••• «u< spOtlOMXIlt »l- ^v lifc < ii — xncmofli^: 5t' -. .,_■ , — ,- ,vi • tgl "to :-. *■ ..;■ ^ ■ /•'.^:'M ;^::;&^-' 1 . 1 .** 11 ; .. y Xfaommmi^^ mmM m nUi ■■tm '^'aV .*^r( .,|i;>.|^:i,/|: ^^■•■iiipw* l<-l. XG£PT>'«lil iilWl «MiBflt «|r«ig||rft>r>M#l»| lhMlM:«MM|^ J » 'iber ma.mvmMm^ J]-\* . i J, V ^ ;?/|t i'** *,? Loi«, If thoB didtt thyMif tanilM A| C'i. ■».,i fe^r>M4i?*\i^a>iv^iJ«.,^vt,W-£j;^^ fSX-Lii:- ^ ■%mm -^ Hi *• % jmimwA^mtkmimtat^lKrmm r -I'^^a Hili /I j.^ * , -'' ,^, 18t .< .. To woh * wMk lliipL i > » » > ' y •*,: i .<• ♦ .3 White lri(6lMft;iHNlilAnil§'r'> 4 ■ i rrb ouri to lAtoir OiM wilaitf W«», ,^, Amd km BHr licii 4|^^«|| 9W^. «W« . ■Ill 'IH^^ •*( ''U^' ait 1 .^»ii^ !(,' {'^1 iMk. <#« ■* ■ €• ppr 'f^-'f^ "■^m»^ f f .» I •4 .■■■I !2!^.:i.j - 1 ■H M tej^ --^^ ■.#■ M '• ^^ 1* .ij' at to ivnfir liv pMiliMr j«>«\j*i!/ Wlm kidii iil^ltll ImA ^^ .JIitfh#Mi|a^^ 3 buM l^fUlt :-a <^ pp^*%, r^ t IJ>1 A ^^■. j^'^iit" ^ ^f^ TH' 'M 5s J ^' 3 The f^aa^mMbm «liq>l«e«d'« loi»* ^^ AndadM »ljS% ean{ 4 Then let oar muHm 9i»m <« fltpr, ~ * God hM nMMlHi«m»t Bat let oar hewtc |h«Vtt| woe. > C» ll» .\-. 'sa 1 t\EAT9 liWh0MihfiMM»a>aiiiia*it»j ugtintheiMiraiai^r \^]roa^j|l i '(ki Vr J^t i I biveze; lavdl(r# .:!^l^ 't n '•■ 1 -t '/► Be oBoi liSlvikwmam ML * i 4V K> ^ 1} 4T«i Ibstt ijfc Wbeie ?toI wBp. I S lis J,* CIC ^" jiii^i|i^|NII 7e - Sk Aa4a«rar«tolMM«lNE, <. » ^ nyr. ': • 1 ' K ■ • - , 't '■if 1 _- . I* > rf . • 4 *^,;^j«u*' VJH- ^*t )^ 'O'i, 'J V H ^>i Ttr^i T ''Jill _j.*^. »rv ^ '^.v 1.^ ^-'N' % ^s .i:^*J i^mt^-m^mi f* •^' -' .* i''' t» ■ i \ f' ;r -.< •; itfiMHtdUNMilK \ # 1^ ■ '1 1 . e Iff- . ;.•/ \ .J^ . ^-' "Tjn- - « L-r - Ifc^- •f«li^ ^ *» Jl ■\ ^ V ' WliQe ^- — i-^u - ni^ lin^" . • , mUm Oiir|i0irfei .^s. \ np:«W' ■^\% -jt* i^' ^ fttfalH^^ ^';Wr .'• ^ IT » 1 1 1 ■ ■ u- ; * \ \ \ ' ^ \ I ,3f -^ Jt 165 I T THANK thee, 1 F^dbtlMftiiii^ »," for, ,'-tt|'-- - F^Migtyf me all iMPipi^i|(ti^ 2 Andiioirlliijin^^bQ^ 8 And wbMi iST di9»^in|f|j Wheralmt^dw'j^' ^-And tB who lov« (>''./• • 4' 0!W«w f^ CK fitJ $d , J 1 , iir>» mm^t9$, /. < i . >-■ ■- ,.v .<•-». '-^B ■\r:- Ill- n-t . ^ ... 1 '.^ir .. . 1 r ■■ •■ '.; : ' ^r^.^^^l ' ■-■ « ..'' :.^;.H ■',, ..;;,;^o:.,, ;;., ^y^^^m all '^ %ii»?if.^^!^|IM( w 0^ > '*.j''^t \ V, -\ \ \ i 9 ..-Xf 'J. ■ N jiMc»iX4iifgmni € m "^m w F'-'- '■ - ■ " mfmm^mf'^Mm ^ip" .' '?" ,^»^p^ '^r ■■ISHW^Mft*' '-' / ■ ■ Tl l^^X.^. „ lt%«riUII^M ■ If ^|_^^^^^ ■Mil '■':% - : I ■ " ■■■ .^ " * . ■ <^ '. " ■ '• '■» - ■ ff ' <»''■■- 1 ■ • ' " ■^' ";;■;:».: ;■ ^ '■'.-■■ "1 ■■ ■ , ' " ,,. ■ ■, ■■'1 m^p:^ feka^a^^M.^. ■;'''J i^iP^ ■ ''t^^mMII *■ .' '". ,A-* 1 ••Mil ipilWW'. W< y^/H^ fte tiiMd ol^ Stf^^P .T^f,-^^* ,Tk0Cmiik < « ♦? ** .?>> v*r 't4Ji 1 PBEAT CI«ft»'Mtall«1o- ■■^.¥ %^i J Hoili or dilMt* Miiiitte^ Uwb-. i| Wonld jtm know Inm wmiim tliey oMMt .;> l^J..V *' ■ ', ■' ' t 'i ■■■-' im * '"'■yrv' ,,-;'. ..f iip]l|OII.&i^^ ■■V. ■> < '''■■(Hfi-. B Some are them^fh>n%11itdlii?8 struictl Some froU^ this $tur IbioiiT^d land t 8omeih)m -Aitte^j^^ Sm^ from aiee|dp$l!k^^^ »" i ■/' '' " ■ ' 4 ScHBe Bxe 4Iiei^ wli& |^ -7S nr Bound tfiiai thro?* iSfOM ,.„j._«, Hear jiiim^miAtjm^Ot^m^ IAS once {beSatdo(irt(x>k)48Mat--^ "^ She iKipi^i^ ooBfly^^^ i^ ^ .-.■v.- wipeiafttai^^ .•■^" •:■: '■ '-■■.'. ■ *.■■ ' ■■: A: •'>; ' *" " ■ , H, ■ . . ^ ■ ' ■■■J * ■■r -v./- ^ • ■ r ■ ■.''- ' •■■. - . X t •" -. " " .-*' ' • " ■ /*' ■'■< . ■f-- *-, .. |y ■■^'■ 'Awg^' :^: ^' ■^•'' ■V ' • ■ > ■ "" 'M-* L ,. _ -^ ... ■¥ A .^■-'1 » i -♦*. -"* ' ■*. ,t"-#f ■" ''%'■■■.'. cr •/. .." 4i7'.. 4 f*I)ep«rt^te **Tliy tfw are ali fbigji^ f The t^»i^fiBly(^ dime^ridiieaili^^^^l^ /■ »■-■■ „' -»',..■ *. ■ ,V-- 6. ■■■ ■('."•■a"' ;-^:.-':''t^ raDMIIVf % '" 08 o o 1 . - . ■* . • ■ ■' -■ - - ■ V' -■ . . „• -'1 1 Ht-:' imW^' m/oma^mvm '% m0^ SOS » A. .'. t,i' jyi^t iliiiil it «>^is wttititii '" Ym use BO other IHeii4 |K) Tori WW***' XiOil p 4 T«tinGi%lwol iV ^v L It * *.■.■■ ■?■ ■ " ■ ^ ■ > *■ ■ ■ ; ■ .-J ■ ■ *^f ; . \ % 1 ':'•/■. Btiniipi) M«Qllw«al9]fi.' ■•& That Wi iiiiMi bid iMn ttiiP«m iHoaai tn^ That I JB^ bMr« fMtt lii^^^^^^ ..-•^j '^•••-,> And aldriw And if im 4 XnfliilbMiiiAM For a& irtia af6^ And manir Ammt «For w 49fiifii« Itadpr. ^ ", . ^1 ' A */- • Vt» ^M^^^fi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V • •'*'#; ■;■ H Sinaet^ tan^ irhy ^ ye *• t God, your Saviour, •<*• you why: iGod4 who did yoUrtjiMiimmoTti Dtod bimflcl^ &at |« B^^ Wm Tou let bim die in Vfdii t Crucify ydiir Lord iiito t Why, ye ransom'd sini^n, wmr Will yiB slight h%f|3«p tnd dtet ■-■*.| ■ ' ■■-* I a Sfamew, tarti,ii*y wlft^i^t God. 010 St^rit, aduiT^ ^^1^ He who A>nir llvee hi^ *we, Woo'd you to emlwaoe hb k>ve: WUr^fe «aH wAmw to ttre t Why, yoii kof^iiWi^jJ^^ W»^ro»lfifcfe y«r CWI, and die t /•■ y .ykt ^^: t.p ■A&: 3UI The CIMml9 JHeM- 1' npHOXr Ouaidiaa of oar yeodfcl dayi X to t>^ <«pr pwpMF»eeceift; r ^ To tiiee we$ jimpiowr aiffii of pmm f jeflnst tb^ €»dlfep#i RiM** '." '^ -■•'... - - . ■»' „'■■ * ;' . " r, «■ -* ■ j^y w ?; .»•. rtKTmmmmmmmK :4^*: 1(1 »- r - 1 ' ',p ■ •• , * »^ " I 1 ■f :• ^' " J." " -.. ^ • 1> " ' 1 **, ^■;/" M * ' 1 , """t '*', (I ■ I'-Vi!;^';'::"'''' liiiiixAKi ■'■ rr\} '■'i^'^ ai* -te. '"^. •« •>* ■^. f mil bleiriiig t» enti^t ; W Andi mav bumwy 4o the swner Befote blfl roeicy seat - / I i For when thefr feeWe Iwtods were ipre^ And b^t^ach int^*?^ , • \ IV)i«d them not,'' *e8|v^ \ ,^d8oh0^^^l^ \ i Well pleased these Htfle ones to seOi The dear JMe^ma^ smiled; / Oh, thenf, he wfll not ftown on me^ . A j^rniiirorttf ciiilo. ilr 1>ab^ 80 nplaiy y«MW •««> His tender pMy drew, He wifl not smely let me go Wifhoat a blesring, toa 5 Th«i)^hlle,«i«rfc^«tt^ Ify yonihibl bands are ^piea^ Bo4m^ MMsr^d bleitf^ '''i>4- y '"mm If r -f,- MISCBLL4NK0U8. 'V* sV\ ", fi and r«. ** Saftt nttk e^ddnm to eonu onto ni, and t»lM ikiMjMU'* J . TBStTS Christ loves litOe chlldreDjX J And be waits to do them good; Shduld' not children then love lesua! Yes, indeed, they always OiovHA. 9 Ifhem they sing a hymn to praise Unit He delights that hymn to hear; When they kneel to pray unto hlnk He attends, for he is near. tf^ 8 He can keep thein safe from danger. , / Guide them all the time they live: Then let children come to Jesus, ^Vnio has so(tnuoh gpod to give. V .,t7^^ "I •,w^ CIM. 1 915 OW happy every child of ffrio% Wl|o knows his dns foi|^w |. Barth, he criecls Qtot my fUniL . T jeiik my place in heaven: \^ IS 8 A country fkr fhim mortal sighi , Yet^ 0! iJyf^iiJhlsee ,, The land of rcst^ ^ safntef M^ht The heaven prepjeu^jEnr ma V 1^ J \' A Av „>. ^x i\ '^ J: ii - t'/' iVSl , <\ K» ff^^- 7 1. ISO ■A MOKMh 'A ■ , " I ■ _ /'I .•.•-* ■ ■ ,"1. , ■r^ '* in the world betopl i oOmly sqjoara bere; Her oMd Hi bappiii«« or woe^ Piovoke my nopo or fowi ^ ^| ^ It! «▼«« in • momwit end: ^ j Its joyi 88 ■WMi are PMeed| ^ ^Hat 1 the bltei to wMdi I two, BtonMOIy shiU la^ ^ iiit- '^W # t %^.--..i '< ■ „, je it to «ir mm, I • And not to chance, aa otheniMr -> tdtl Aiidnci bcM of Cfcfiatian ra|||| ^ ahealheaorailaw. W t What mM the andent Jewtt VioffH And Jewish prophet* once hare given, Ckaad tfc«y hare heaid tiioie gloHous things ■ ii>»'' V. -«» ^^' -W' t^Bow tlad »e heaflien wouM havk feeeii, ^ th&/w:- V -'J /j / \ ^' / « ^ '••••, n*iL MUCBLLUmOim. ■■•if '-• ,"1 •». ' i '> 1^ - J tcould noi LIm Alwap, Y ^OULD not live alway: I Mk not lo llig^ . • w ' X Where Btorm after stonn liiei da|^ lr% the way; The fhw larid mornings that dawn dn ns hef«» 4na enong h for fife^a woiii tuSJ enough for ita 2 TwouMnotliTeaIwa7;no,welcoDiethet{nnb, Rinoe Jesuftbiftth lain Mtere J dread notitagloony There Bweet be m j nw till he bida mo arise, To hail him in triuotpli descending the skiea * ir Who, who wimld liye alway, awa7fh>m Ui God, 4^ Awiiy from yon heaiN»n, liial Iblissfiil aboie, Where rivers of pleasnie flow o*er the Mgl|t plains, And the noon*tide ol^|^»rj etemldly rdlgnat 4 There saints of all ag(» in harmofiy Bi60i, Their Saviour aad brethrea lranq[K>rted la greet::, ^.■■■- 7/ '■ Whllo anthems jBlpttire taoeasingl y nA, And the smilQ ofi|P^ is ftei^ ■/ w .M: the soul } fVTR Saviour bids^e Chfi^en oolii^ \J He bids us come to him; ^ •i^^-: K Z' i- t< ,.•; „ "i I ■V 1. *■.' ■^m .<'■■ liri. 182 magiLi^xBQuat , Alia a» In other days, he spreads His arms to tato us^ •>• lorerer blessed be his name; No earthly love like his ! . inay It draw f 290 " •' *'■ B-. '»l| ii.JO^il.. r«' r- i' 'i' ;r 'II t I / ■J I ' I' ^/ 1 ipfEKE %e Buffet »Mt $iki patii» ij Here we meet to jbart again; 4 In h^iftven we paii ilo more. Cftortit^—0 that will be joyful I Wheot w0 meet to part ho moret f V. .2 AH who love the Lor^ below. . , When they die ^ heaWu will gO| . And sing with aainta^ttboTe* u ^ Othatwmbejpjld|4e-/', ^1 I ) '< J 3 Holy children will b^ tiiere, r 4, '^ Who have sought the Lord by prayer, /Froflii every SundayHsqhooL, .OthatwlUbejoyihli^J I Teacher^, too, shall meet Wve^ And pur pastors, whom we love, Shall mec^ to part no more. OthalwittbejoyHI^ 4--- . ■■.. '' ■ ■. • . -^^ "• ' • ^.' ^ 1. ■. ■ - , ' -•■.. 'f,- - .:.■..-■. \ /h • .,■" ': ■ \ .^^ . ;.- \ ■'■■.■ .' •',^_^; .:- ^... .. ;, ., ■ ^ ■■■ .■;:■/•; -'-■ ■■■."•. "**"'. Sl 1' ■' ■• -■ '-■•*• ■' .-■ ' ' ■■■* ' ' '■' ■ '' ->v ^:"' ^-^ . .., % ' ^ - .-- , .;.••'•;.: . '■ -'-.■■ ■- ■■."•.' .■ ...■■--^■■'' ■■•' •■ • . ,, V ■ .'. "^ -' ' ■■ ■' ■ ■ ■ '., -''■' ■ ■ •' ■. ■' ■■ : ■' " ' ' ' . ■ . ■ ' ' ■ '. '■,'■..■ » ,-."■. ■..',.*, ' • ' ' ' , •■ •• . ' ■ - '•■ t .•-••'• :■..;■ '- ■• • ■ • ,■ . ■ '•%. ■■. ■ ■.■■ ' ■ . . •■ • ■. .- ■ ." ■■•. *•.'- .. ■.■ ■• • .' ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -... ,'■,•■-,■■ ■ ■ . . ■•. .,. ■' !-'■ ■ - .'■'.;. . ■■.! ,■ " ' " ■ t ■ . . ....... -• , . ■ ' ♦ ■ . - *,■ . . .. ■ ■%■>. ■• ■ •■ ■ ..'.- - ■ . • ■ . . • % ... ; " ..■ v-..^'-/ ," .'■']' ''^vr:':' ,.'■''.. ■' • . ■ • .'•• : . ■ .'■... ■■ ■ ;. ; -:/'-':^-y-^'---^^^ ■:•'■■•.■■■;■.■■>■• ■■'^ -■-..■ •■■-■v ■ . ..•/■-. -■■•';■' ■•.....-. ... ./■■>-■ ■-■ -: ■■ o' ••'°■■■'^..'■■■^•■ •■:-■.■ '■■..;;' . •''■■.■■...■■.■■*■■■■' ; . ■. ■.-'■•:' -. '. . ..■; .■■■■.■'■•- >-^\ - ' ' = . ■■:.■■'■'. V ..-■..■ . ■■■ r ■ ■- ■■ ■■■ ■ '■■■■ ' - ■ • ■ ■ ■ -••■ . /\ ■ ■ .-* ■ ■.■■ ..'.•• ■.,-■':■- -{-^ .■-.•■.-.-■■.:■.■,. ■ • ' ■ .■ ■■:■ - ■■■■^- - -■- 1 ..■---\.,^^^'-r--:--^ ■':■'■:- :■ ■"■■::: - :. . ^ , >^ • ^ . ■ ■ :■.■■■■-■■ : • v- ••■■• ■ ■■-''. ' ■ ■ . ■■•'•■;.■... .- .■■■...- "■; ■■ ■.■■:■ .1- :■.;■ ■.:■■■■■ ^^r..■,.^-^° v.... -v^.v:-. ,". ■ ,. ,k •.,.,1--,.. ■ .,-• .,•■.- ^^■^^-j^r^,, ; ^^^^^^ ■■■-■,■ ^■: ■■■.J : ■''{'■'■■ ■:'■ ■.-■'.. V' \ .■'■:■. "\ ■■. L'v •: ■■;.■■■.■■:. ."••'■ ' ':■'■• '. ■:'.'■.•■ ;■• •■.' %■ ^■.:''.i''-/ '. V-: - ^^^^^^Hr ^^^^/' W ^V ■■■ ' ' 't ■....".■■■/_•■.■■.;• ';; ■ ";'■■., '. ';.•■.; ■'■■ - '; .-■, / ..^ '-■ ; '■ .^ ..- ■{■■•. ■ ■ ■' -L '■ . <■ ■■ ■■ ' ' • ' ■■ ■' ' -•. ' . '• '.•••-. . -Li ir\}Z;yi-y ''■■'■\ ^-' ^ ■•::: \' '''■'-- '■■-^''^.'.^ . ■" '■'■-.■ $■■?.. '.-'■'■'.' y- ^ .* ■■^■^■ '■• ■"■^^•'^:•■•■•■' ■■- '^-^ "''■'■■' ■'■-^^V..^,^ ■ ..;v '■■ '.■■"•'■ ■"■'■■.■■•■.■■■■-. .;'.■." y'' '-■ ■' ' :'■:. ' ." ■.^'* ■'■ ■■' '■''■^' ':■'■''■ ' .. .•■ ■ :.-i--- ■•■■^:!'t'- ",: ■• ]■' m ■ ■'--'■' I-'. ., ", •■ ■■ »" . 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V •/ .-..'M ' ■ • ■ "I. ■ ■:i- ' ." . ■ - ■'!t : ■■ -.tf*. ^- "■-'- • ".' • : •- '■' ■ ♦ ' , ' \ '' - r " n' ' ■■ , ■. ^ - \' ■-■ - , • '■■■'. ', ■ /■ - .> ■ ■y9 ■* ' .... * ' ' " » ■ ■. \ ■■..*: ^ 7"--'" ..'...,: ■.-^-^ - ■ ■ - ■ -^-5-; - '■ -• • ■ .- ..--j.^-.,.^. ^_- .,-. 7 — " -':■ •6^^ " ■ » ' ■ ■ ■■ '♦:".■■ ■i • ■.■'-.'- ■ . ^ ; f' '■' " " ii . ■» >• ■ ■ > ■ . . * (I L. ... .. , r ., ., ...^.,; . * * .__ 4 ^ — — ■:1^ ;■■■•■ -',■■■ ■"i;*''' ->i.. I • ■". -' - 1 ' ■/■'■* ■"; f. #-.. 1-;^ i»«. « n«n w»an dMll rfnciriai joy, ABdetorni^ naploy,: «• Itt snMiiff Chilli IM Lttd. ■ #t;j S" >■': "■'M •^ ^ 1 1< i'\ ua. SSI BvmmtMm Uii IB MiMiit tei^^l^^ ^. ^iblMf^ll^^ ^ Vktte FittM^ Soi^ wid Holy fi»M»| Ail irttl i W ti l iiii!^^ / •.Vt'4.i».' t i ' ' m 1 ^ i^: ■' Hi: -' - 'A«'>-3.r '.. A- X o • riMMiri. AM ■ A-'*^* Sm ■t .'■v. AY die fgnobA our 4; JXMWtQM, _ And tlie Fatliev'a boundleBB 1ot«i Itti the Holy MilAi ftvoor^ - Beit upoa us flrom alNiTe. I Than nuqr we f. T3ATHER, As V ^ eelMlStt Praiae bj all 10 $^ pIMORTAJ^ I Attontf td* A WholbrfiMi AiidoQaal Blonioi Comferler, ,, i>*.' '■t •'::i'-^:*''-^y HYMN& '^ft .r, ANNIVEBS^^ <, ^•t: ' \ f ^i^^mm^'tc^sra i . A,- ■ *^^ A Time JwiMy ipeecte lOongr Weoonie Wjpixi to pralae and i^aj^^ - And fling our gieedug tong. , We oome^ ve oom% we come wm i^ n ^,':l:greetyou,:.;:;:...>|-.,:,: We oome, we tm^'W^wm ■■,.->■)'>'.*/ 2 Ire eetne, flii Sttvioor^ xmik^iaimt To dig ilie wondrous lore Of him who guards us all otir da7% And guides to heaven above. We ''e oome, fta Vi- ■ ' ■ S Weni ring of meiel0S daily giveiij ; Through evwy wsilngyw, Wemslng the pf05»bes<^ heaven, ^^ Wifli voices loud end wur. V K i ■ 1 »"( J *^* ** vvKI ^' >. . >v.?:ii2j'^V'f *ii&S"^ t- '■mv' iimiTlMULBUS. m ,«!«;■ J»\ i:'-..'*'*' ;;'-'■'■*.■•-, 1 A GOME, l0t HI ring! \J Onr youtbfU betrii now iwdliili^ To God abore^ a God of Unfe ^ » a ; ]^ O oom^lel m aliig I -i Our JOTftil spMto, glad apd fteo^ r— - I WUh Ugh emotioiit ri«e to thee ' ^ In hea^eidy nwJody — ^ - ' .0 oome^ lolltalaliigl ^ '■ ■ .'A ') •*' -.^ •y;-. S ' The fhB nolea pitdottg Our fettal celebration: 'r].2:^l:r^,:^ We hafl Ihe ^ irift e|peerAillq^^> AndlW nofee i^ong^ v' But cheerftal youth ind tUyery age^ And (Oiildhood pore, the gay, t|^ aage^ These thfUling 8eene($ engage ^ * » 'As* > W- J « :»i « ^Foll notes tp l^^^^ff^ 6 iiiND^ ewell fbe leiiA Qip Son he gate our foils to O swelL sw^ flie song 1 • k The hnmtrie hMuf s deiotion brfnf^ ^ inienoe i^i^a^^ do wfiO^ WMi s i r ee »iweM ng soiiit .'F . V yV'SHi jk^(;mMwmwmt Our e*lK^)lftnt» cham^Ufl pnd9e«« rtv Btndot mm b^ndlnff: m % aW chMit^ obiait his praise. Our Sivloun PrliM^ imi^«i«lted# |/ And bo#'4 Mi kMl Ml ' ■ 'iSMC"' ' '-1^ ■-^■i. :•/ ,'^f ^WhOr olir glad Waoe Unit oomblne, OiJpuiQli our heartf witb'gnMs^ itivMiP^ iinMiir ^ (hirliMpf «^|iiii^4^^ Whold • - . Y/ What lann and ^l^oiii nMn of old Deiiiad in Tahi^ii^; > ^ / ttill dnmr all flMor Ihingil^ V ofkUint \ 4^ lord jMft letJM^ (tWM noo Beooiae Ak d|iiMi0» of tty fraoe^ To r^gfiivlai 4i(^|ii»#o| Inlolb^ Ibld^o iraiir^ /^ fli wonders rf Ifcy lov* 'ft i Im 96$ t^iUm mi Chtilt. tbo*wivid |OQf .4wi#iiiHt iolii iMttuian ? ^'Hi Iho i.wiMii ima lif jjiHiiii toviH «' Aad now ttiy ^hwfeiip>Ji>^ii i> t wn i i . "> .^' u : '» •''/■::*■(». ^'t.^ ■■'aCL *l'"* ■";"■ '^€*4*i^r .ft t O^ 1N^ nii^ liope witii them to be^' ^ And joioi mk tcmet of htmioiijf^ f i Who can empe fWmi earth and ataL, I And poro and bolj be irfihin ! v ;' i In strmrtt dbine the joangeit m w^ ^ / % Thioajsh him that Ibved ns, hopea remain, That none than se«k the Lord In yain. T%e be the remnant of 01^ day%^,|v;f AweDr^ breath be kive and pj F.E. \ 980 'Alli^ IBOftt lOreaioTi ^itoe ¥0 me our aongiiire hdae: rpiie, tbtongball her Taiioai ioen6% rajTi of fhaeiw l^i^ E Tii Mif ll&-'lte'liilaillii^'1fil% MMtBa na to fliy |mfa^ «:■>- :i- ,;t i-TiT ;ii « '<'i.*' il-U- \ n t. T-.; / ... »■; ^ ,* ^xrriBSAUiii •■»;::- 4 Great God of nvtiimt M^f fliaae soenoi f Our lerkNit thonftMi twago: Stfll m%y^cm fraldU he^iii ponsoll -^ TIgr worikif lopMeltiri j^ifs. »^ |i ' 6 And whfle in ill titoiH^mtomif i^lf Tby Tftri^ lon» ir» aiOi _ nia J our Marti, greal Go4« be led ^ ^ . T^^ aU ttiy :irfrks to thee I ^ ^ .^^i . ax. > '» 1 T O&D, ii#«e iMfad inaift to aaeel ): '^•j li OAtUa ii (pow Denira f jpntiio Ihii <'.> ' 9 IIii]Viitt#4Mit 11% Haire iMiifdi iifasrflkii floarML; ^""^ ■■■'..< To Jena Onliiiiitti'' /--. I- / ■i. •")■ > J'".* !" . , -■ ■ \r\ ■<■ >• , ' T ' ^ ^ .-,.*r ' ■ '^'p: .'-. *;*!■: * - , ■.^'■'■ ^-^j^ajl iktyiiMh^^.i^.ii..AXi&£ilS&^libjl£^^<^^,X/^ . .:!«'" i-iijAiiM I plM«»f |hi*i>r«Mh htm, «Urd,to HPPPr W^^ft ?*^y W' Mk mir tiMar wie *PWi» /.\ '•If*! #-»,^, -> tiAliiML Po«t' 1" mm mum ft 4iSk w:&tJ^'-^-'i'i " • 1 >^ 1 *■■■ * ' ■ ■^- . .. . * * i»* !• i^' 4 'hm^ ' .i :■/ I Oo(t ifetfl Ae fforfoot inn to bMTfiL ^ ^ V Bt day to ght tit ll|dlt: , f?i i ^ And draws the vtMnyfliaM of tfim ' Around us every night ^■ 8 Ais (ir !l ^ptm id imnir«ye4 ^*^^^^^^^ His ineroy nOfer llifii{ ' ^ ^^nd we rtty dug Mi iminr c For still Idi lore prafiQi ^'^ *^ ^ " '- C■^'^;.r!l '>i'' iln I hM nfi^Mmtthlhl hearts riej^ And halWtUih s)m; /K^Sttv^lt > WhUe itiea ^ iiklgftft ift it«r fteir f ^^ To bleiir^^ Qod and Kb]|f . -v^ :'^^'^ " . < ' /^■-•. -V AiMaa.Jfofnin^. '■^. ^^■ 1' 1 QAKBLt ilirotuA «iiotb«r iis kiiiiiiajioiir, With boly 10T« «iiua ■fflMMiiter-'V m^ ... pfag|Wi U -T- 1. t f M «. TiOl t6W% DAT, n9 r. .1 ' «.wM'- * ;:■ |N this holr SMtbfttt mominfl^ We Agauf togeUi0r me^^t - Qlrfte our IkMli and rol^ f And ai^rotcb tte stonqr^flefti .'«• *:« In iMMOMlto^^tHh 1^ I r Tbttl ti^pr iMme be ai^ead wtijroacl $ Bere illSotti lo iM^^ Soriptarefli; Here onr oUTringi^ too, we biiiii^ Th(M; t^ iHMeiiiini ini^ bldetom^ An#t|be ifeterl places slog. . %ligbi'dlTlfie; I fii Ito br%li(ni !d earOi ta»|^ flhiJie^ s? ?^'J i ■ f\ M. iC» <^' *>-..: 1 A F A"'' V f/ I GiTMitiiitvii to^lnri^^ I A ::^f ■ ■- rTW-TVwi r-Twi'fiqiiMf "^y ■"t^P^r;]! tWw^"'^ >^^^ 4jiid iim 4h0 hiiljNmllMbir -f^ % laot||irwM*tAipfMMa««ajtf. .,.t Tewpif S Mm owr CM IM iw aWMv -aA 4biittliil% •IMK- ■■;it' "^' 'i€ L0I tv«i7 laie« biluii Ma k^ SLetmur In M«gB of piiteto '' Pfo Mm -trim "^ » lys kHi*li^-4ituV# «fa ^'■1 ^H xMmm IH , , ■ ToM m '^^^Vi^l MoMi kFv^^^K^I Theti «f wk ^^^^^^H Tfarou Ki^i'^^^vH Worthy.i ^mm^^9^■ \'' \ ■ (jRl .ii< ^\ iM \- ^ m-'^ffkm- ■">■'■ iv .^1- ^1^; M':?^ i- hn'' K ^ ♦.■-■•^ K. ' ^^^^^^ I #hftU :'\^--'-- iT'^" '! ':4 'm:#.' .v'l ^)S^' •-■■-.-< ■ ■■/ ■- : «n:;-.-'"-^; ' W:?' p--; ^f-- .tii^li-' Yr-.; ,y^4j;;> :•■■;, frVf •■•■■ ^: « 4 Abome We'U fUntfl mtftrVDAT-MSOOU .1- swe. w W BAILT PIBI^ •h >. 1 tnais iM> u bat • tUMi^ dfty ':■'' 1- brl|fctBi»taBb«i*iiw»;Ww' >£^ And fouth to Mfil^^l ■ , »!i<.«.Ml.**«l»**'r» »• li . ft« ijLiClr'Vnnrf. i And ifthto holy WoiHl read, . That tlwse wbo w|k in 70wi>. c A»iMA**o«M«w»todieI ^ "With MtiTO »*l I •''O'^* "^"^ ' w. , WhUe yonUi'a W*^" spring i« Wg^j ,^re thy cftrrt «•»«•*":♦' Befton come* JH»X»**'' it,;. ' While rtsw J*e «m«M" c^'» WMtoBfeto^l^reflfliee* '*'^wm» if. 1 73v «Kft»»tiri« T0 AndliCi'k <¥ '#*'»^' )*^, kr ■*. » fh»«tiillt«lil|_ He eriM «!• JMi 1 ,^ » < '^ O' *5 ■ 'h. \. CM. Hf :i I? ;u'ln .^fl^'^^J; ^if^ AV. '^ >t.; If.? 11 .» .f *-. v4 » ' «"• 'i. f.Hm) rj i^r n I- ^, ^t I^ » chMphiiwmi; iSiiy >C. Iiii) •';-J>rv,...A' :1 r..* Its ■^ < t .' '< 4 d ttMMte IW^ViiiiiiM . . ' J^iaifi. ,^t' J n* ■Vrt- i\'i ^u < > I ' » "> I i1 0^mw l|f%#|^>. ■ i^^w r'- ' 9 X. SOU %sm ^Hh-"^ '-^4 F-^.' t ., m MmSm^ tn\ ,.r«^ ir^%' V,i |j>filf 1 AUR •WI netikNiiiMAte ^f > «i At iiiBi mm tthlc mm wklmi1U»ti 'mi^ TlMitimotiMilnikil4eiiii^.'- /^m^^ II l^iidt to Am« tad iron; And tie who liMdpn(|»^MM^jiii% A dmii^a dooiii ittiill ktt0w. y& I ■"^r,. ^5 (J I'm'^l ;;J^-.V^^*S;;%'. flPOTI*:* » i»M «^ «^ *• iwy« ** ^^^^^ "* • <4<^W 4? ' ^4 " , ' .4- Mm ^W^; M9 iir«^BfKit^iif « V /.'^I^,l. & -«B» ' Sf 1 WsaggesaifAte i 9f r'J , i^0l WVtt never, nev&parit CIL 4 rpa .^t, '•. I, ;*.%. IS iMtbl b all iitf • Ml «• Bov} T^M8trmiiiim»inttit~ ! - < .. '>1 'j.ivniHiafiMiJiiiiiiwiiM***-'^*'*''^ 7T ys^* '\'. rtatwmm. mM*^ FOTlB«^rfM«^llt(wlfw■^ ^w"- ■' [^m^^ 4 ■^^''■- -fl-i*. , ^"^A^ ■. 'i'i . 1- ■! ■-HjSi ,« Wbo lomid Htm iMMMrtlnrtont Ui0d ta dfp .After Ibe eveoimj^ m^^r, ^ And i^ of wliifibei© nidrT* to lm0 m^^'S^^h.^ m^iA they uro with tka ■Uettidi*i%, Bere titoy ue ttring ttUL Bow Mttn yrn PJ poor !!»*«• »«»» ^ wit™o*'lea*8 word to ke^ «, , .^ WMf tbtbitfciog mem'ncB come ! I rf,">s ■B^t t. ' <1^ 1 WitUn tlie haliii of liome. M i^on tmiMil WPpt ill theeMI^ Myeottiyin^wigtiiaer 1 , v .^ tSTfirt dUiM»tftf'IM^f^K»^ CVILDllEN. 21 / ,y / Tlmt could thki ndnne taiy; J . . ' ". ' It tung^f ne li«» to «iflK ' \;% ■'.'■■4 ■ Ji « r««i«rik CLASSY akd toung CHILDREN. MS n*«lbii0itkk ,r . ".4 = ff*"* 1 nlXtLDBl^ of J^xoMm 1/ Sang the prite of ilMii' tttnie; Jt^a to riiMT ^iSttvkmf^s ^fijimx :^ flack I wbue infioit Toioes liiig Loud bOBIUlIlftftl^ *'^ .^ i.';. .^M-mMi^MAtdymmmm"'''*^'" M All unite to iwell tlie Mog: i ^> ;; ; t Hkdier, «ii4 jet U((iier riiMiy w;m. ^^ TfflhoMnnM leiKOli tfce Ata: TJ^^^p^i . f HMk ! while intet iioioes dng Load hoMimatt lo wr KingJI^ /; ^: --(**- .♦J«*i>" • > * .f'?-!*, ^^ ^v^y 4^ ITTLX lOiBAi do yoa lore Joiiiil I^TVoa wish to go to heATon ? Cmi, how lie lovetl ^* mI nnt of all. afllt iiis ibrgtveneiB / Unth your heert althoT quite hdpbMiC |e(nui litde eMUbren MeaM: / , Oh, howhe l^T^I bow he loqreil How h# lovos I how helomt ';a ' "^" 4' -* ./•■ i He win Usteu to ycAi? i^rftji Oh, how he loveel , / Feed you bar mi tepder emeei^yaHp •. Oh, howjbfi>,#\re8r ' ;,/•, . .,*^->r.'i ^yni ^-^ .'*. He beeame J ol^ld jual Uke youi ^^ . # H^ he auimd p tedeela jw; i¥?T Aild at lasl|^4m ^fif« ]r r^mj '.5 ri" r- ./■, :' Vt ■• '^ Anj[OVwf opnupm. •t,.'" S loiftr M aile d W Mi aam^} HoiwrtMjrknrenkiilital nar iJ" 4iMr our kiirti Id 1 Aadta r^-i Etii»' Uk vorid of Utaii Itt noblp|.j|l' y Befcra our f^fttlMMr^i flmu «tlukt»ilag I fftadlTkk I irORN amMtlMlMiiateltt^ ^ ' ^'^ : M UwlyioWtwl^ / *X # Miii«ur.^6od^kiaaod« • •^ vif/4iT-»^< ; » Wow tte i4!°>^ ]fi^^ .• ,v''" V I^mra « ffoUkn flooi: , ^ Daepeit Talea «wiktii||^ V Eeho— GodiifOoC . / t ffiriimi of jififaw am 4^)llMk%a&d^ ■V, ri): I . j± '.« *»#■; ■ # ,1 *'f •J" El'J s- -«.,«. -tmt'tim^ til-' '■ r^. ;,4- w • ^; A* aH OMMi In^Mre w* AlitMr J i*\' ml il/ And lest wt i^oiild b« erer led Throagli ilii (il palH^ *^7f We irottid «l n }0» b«fiii to tread In wied9iii*l ptoiiiiilirer, .^fi^^| r f k We never OM ibfttell; iW4i? But if the Loid liU be our friend* We know ell liU lie iv^lL »,* 4- ■'^' iCMlNlfJ^pplfefllbifL ?, *>' . 1 A1JR Ather, bMlew^ be fliy \/ The eweeieit inflait lipe ee^ We Mmirmyir,^ liie$i DothmtheB^^)^ Otnr gittu#HV glidll :.^ ^ (? .t*i »^V !■ ' — ^M 'f 14. :m 'f^ "^rt_ ";' / ,.f%'M^sm f *.-,.." ■* •-'# I Protect and leal onr trring yauOi ^ ;$5 ^ In paths of piei^ aud tni% Nor over lot n • itlray; Bu^ tbrougb the Saviour^a dyinf Bring ua to dwol / with thio albofo « -■ 1 ! '• t? ►i •/ •i T.'', '^jj'-»'»'<^.\f», where saintu in fiorj Bright^ br^i miwfl * '-^ U > / aw ^Tt"** re saintA in fforr alandi jhiwdMrl Oh how they «ii eelly fihig,«-* v ;i \#>, l Worthy is onr d irkNir King: 1-*^ /mi^^?"^?!^ Loud let his prafsea ling • > v^^^^^^ ^^'"^ ■ FOrevermomi # :^:^i';i^r'-_^- 1 C01119 16 d3s haf«|qr hiiit' '--^ Come, oome i^ii^ay; Why will ye d<^ bting stand f Why stiU dela;r T wo shMlh*#y bOt ^ ',,,; ;' ■ • , Wheoy ffolft sni and siifhyw free^ ^'^-f ^^-j^^*^ with thee^ ~ Bleat evernoni,.' ' '» »M m-y t -♦ -;- ::\.« ii^ n lUt|t. Mim^>,it*imm>Ah*m>'>''**'i»*^''»» ts ' mpAinpisiJM^ 8 irigtit in thiit hmn i'^ Kept by ik^Pm^n M^^s Lot tf wii|ot 0^ , . . Be a oioirii i»4 Ww^ ^W' 1..- ♦ \ Ana briglii iAo?e the ■»% - Bi^ erenaoii . ^P*;' i,4Mp(V ":^. * ■♦ ' XnmGl ^iiKlrii were ioJmu bioaglit, Mi tlMrfnn to olrtiiii; • .j^. Apd now wmS* M^iteaoBglik By oM or Toabi te «|ia^ • iriMMwHtitit oiw »w. ', ' ■• , • "^ ABdkiiiairiw4»tta»iii9^ ^<' ■*■» . i. t *'tM UtO* diiMENii «»• to m^ » f ■. ,♦ * -.XSft' 14^ «M i^Tciti t^oMA. m M.1L iM-'-^t I H 'Ap '^'%^'^ y'' ff . %> ^1 K . '4' tf -^ -^MttoAiiit: 1 rif03it''4a«i«'iiOTqriiist^^«''^»^^^fv^^ / \j Gone to Ih^ pme of fniivtr; r . O^ne^ little cMMitei; to Sii fbol^ t Come to year Ood in prajer-** JtotkwgiChlfMyoitrl^loir. d 8 OiNMifaiiiieiniiiiofltBiiii Who all your MMtows hot^ And wm to ioii|iit (b;r fil9«^ X ^ t'vi^ J' I ) ^ 'N *Hi4C^ „■ Joj "»* >»t^-^ How ewtoe thoae dilldron there, ; Singing gloiy, glory, «lpryT\ '■ -' ,■1" ■o^';f;- 8 Becwirt tte 8«rlwir Aed W*^»^ . •Poiwaali «w«y tWr "In} ^ -"^ Bathed In thai puie and pi«cl0aB flooa, Behold them white and clean— , ^^ Kngjtog 1*0^, glory, gl«ty* N: 4 On eailh tlie^ atmght ihrfr Savlouf'a ^1^ On earth tS^ hmsd hlsiiMiie^^^^^^^^^ i « ito now they eeehls Me«^^»f^ And stand hefere the Lamb — Staging glory, glory, glory. F.IL 274 Tie Xonil qf Be* \ V- I n^tmPmiUh l^Iliei« 18 i home ftir xmrf^aig ^f 1^ iod sorrow Mt^ * And a7ui driir tel Iwiyim^'^^^ The mniiig ahii^we qnlckljrVi And all mene li^lteToiL .>< X \_ I # 4 TbereftigrMtgow^ii^^ And |»7B sapiMi^ ii^ MvOTiI' ^ AppoMs m d«mi of liiftfii; ml ^> **r^ I li'V iMMd, 1 AHAPPTJttMrO .■«" #. 'I w .»» ■/ .,t0^U ;;fMk,'iM0tti' «»rt-««ti»««i**«.- io Bat .CLK 4 1 • < 'nl #i II B V ^ • • •, . pMt,hittm*j—tit,$m «»*f J ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ But llMMwlio. iBMl 111 atm dvrkmni urtii; Venn hCMMi I * ^ » ,v J ■ v-' ^1 1 TI16M fMHrfnt^littd of iM| TMie myjB|«>hmr*i gone befim itt% #,# ,^ "%. i„. ^ MnyjB f o ftilQl nqr MuFf «? thM ii nil *i WMimOf Yhmi it raillbr TOO. t>a Ijte dth^r «liW Jindiiii pi 1 ^ ' ' ^ ^4|i -:.. ■ J r* it'- ■ '■ ■:>.' '■ ■ -. -V 1 - ■ • > ••?.. ppYiqip wwu|^ HA ^^Sli^4^'^^- l«SWtt!e itelng mom. oj^a for yooy .v> J«S^M ■1 » ^'. . > 28f4 1 ' /: ,> The glbriiiailllaid of v«uwNir % '<• 'fir ■ •<\ Ti- '','^ /}:%"»^i * ,Coiiiii,l«ti»fPtolJuii|^ S Whim I ili«n jobi tililtbliiiid^ti^^ ___ In the glorious iMid of €«iilifiil TU ring the great Hn^flitemm^B aongi ;r^,>< 4 vt With happy aalBta^ot Canaan* ^ r i -M: There Jesus sitii upon |Us thiaoeir, >j ^^^^^^ Cnttaan^4n. ' ^ JVb ^%JU sfcoO be fo JQeoveik Vro night sipall be In liiearetil no gathering 8hall o'er uiat glorious Miidscape ever oomet. No teaiii shall fell in sadn^ o'er those flow'ii That hreathe their fragranoe thro* oeleaOal ^ v>(^*-'.! ';v''- r» V t No nighi Shalt be In hiaren! no 4lteaaM hour « Or mental daricness^or tija twairtertjpiwert Across those skies nO ^fiVlous turn WKIoIl t<>.aim tha sttn%ht of thef lif titfed ,„--' » r Si^^i-a^ t'if^f T ^ T -w \^ \: PEiTATM Axp noeikU, w ■ oaaiOMrttiW'litoaraAil vteltekwp!^^ tgf'f ' . ' ■■■' ■ ■ I' / ■' • luiilMdad ok eteiiM! day;| ^ ^ Mo aUyeiliitttttii^ 119 bwroing wrec tiwM.^ Mo Nori eSpMb BO wiBt0rC^«N^ j| Mo i^t flliiit 1^ te haaren-^bilt Mileet ■' "- nooii* '• ■' -''^ , ■^•.•"'' Ho f!Mrt^4eciyDgfli% acHr wtetog moon; . ^ ; Bitt flioi^ tbet4iJfB dbail yield peipetual^ 1^^ Ifidpttftaies gv^^ ft||| |raton ever bright y^K 1 t " /., ^vK d >ffKnrATB AOT) SOCIAI- M' 0. Hs[Cf)i^» '-■" j^/f ''1*' '"'' tOYI! to 8lMl *whQe awAf v Vrom evety ckiiiViliif otre, gnteflil pni;]ret* 'r if/'',*/' .'< ^ -J-' te«te^ .» r ^H * / *jntu>i' '^'H ' &itr* M %. ^^H^ft^ / ■ . » . * J" i«i m,^—,^ i|MMtiari^iiMmf>d 'nV;. ■ I " ■ .■:-.. ^fe^sli&i'ft , , , -: .S'^.ir t-r\ \ . 4.- • ' ■ / t.. »' ■ / V f* ■■( :l rStTATI AKD BlIpUIi. 11 i^nds fondly die^ bitTe pMi*d "^Ingi with the birmo^f bearon's Ugh 40]nv kmoiiy ] ;.*•//; 3 Defttb/wittt tby wwiptMW of war %»«•<> w; Strttiv Wng fcBiri>«Wa»li!|p|i| tail mtm^MM, J^il»«t.«Ailil<«l:W«KlM \*t'- t -'A- rr- ■*■• ■ ■• 5« 0^ ^ ■:^ liini0iiii^ I Wn^ ai«^«UNViJinfifl|Mifit/«li M it roMiy We*r0 |MMBirwpt4-boiiQd. hoipewArd-boaiiS Look t^T^wiMttUfi iii^ Mpit k^nfMlj ^^^^m mnAy, pUoft ilMid fbnkU Oe whetk SMMidjr. wo 8oon ibilt ■ .4-1« ;«. ' ',•'.' -t : ^t i' iin Mm:i^ii •■ ■ -ij^ m ^utu^m^ ^ ^"wwii '»'' » i ^* r-/^ tte 4«i** IWi i Tke UBbiit/Wlliif ^i'f*'? Ttetongi f •!! I iM fkl«i^'4«iPVM''«|^«MliT "■^, y c n.m. :»i* •|'- •|^k^ ■*./ -.( 9^^mww ,*w^w^^^lP ^Ww »^'^^^^^,^^j •w-'.- 1 now iBtttiMnianrwid} At •▼• hold ii«l tl7 luMifk . . doiiHMiftNitglf»tho«iobM,-p^ |f S Thaa JMt wMiih liril tttlftr TlMilitleoretrljtawii, WlM and wtMsrermr ttftink M^' f And OwMUMm tiJMiga. CM, hort, Mi l »nH wi ^« Stall Jbittr aoi aatu* flw gnbi fWiiiiiMjittriliy. .f.. ■Wi «iMirK • ♦- L ■ .*•■■ '>* lliafio;fii. t So the dew-dropt g«Aer*d iere, . Mites frotn wuUii|Ci!blWhupa:« hw4| Shall th<3tt rtA-sAiil^ l^wii^y cb«?er. ^ That wit-cM- . .r jfi, *i - '^>i '"' V'^'' "«flfPnM|.M* ^€rt jpy. f 4 Betook iny l>^g^^ JP7/ 1 priie her heayenlj wW} Her ftiireei eomnijaiiioii^ meom TmNl >. — ^ ••! I 1- * t J ». "X 1 T>LEST betiieliefiiMUiodt , .• t "" Our hearfii in GkriidM low; ^ 'fhe fellowship of kindred miods Is like to that a)K>ve. 1 Before our Father%.%rone # ! \ We pour oar mtdtnt pray^cii; Our fears, c^nr lK»^ our. alms are oae,-%r Our oomlorts and ■^i;^,r--T ,i 8 W4 iliarb dar'miitiial woesf Our mutual bmipui bearf JMid often flMf eabi iOOer iNra The sjmpaOiliEl^pltii^ 4 From aorrov, tijR "Thie^ ill etimi^ ^.. V,, f',.^ , T ♦ no I t » €LOitM« ft MIA 7*% ■,t. '.y EAVENLY Fmtlier, gi»nt thy btwdng On the teacffi^ «f t hii diy r * May from iili beiiini^ /•-;'•- *6 t Hweiwwindwf'df OWirfvens; . Have ii« irish'd from tr itii to row T Turn, a#M W •»* ««»*»* «% •fl t. [ . ( .* i •' t'' ^ UM. ,-",^i'K* 'f^%, -»H* .%'f ?? ^i^iommik '.4 f ,'") 1 HITBRNAI. StAimetAtt&uMt rj Who dmttMt te tUs bely ptae^ ' Ana Mad ua ii(4«)#Mt singrl A 4. i^ t Look \ *'t ■ '. '. '' . . ^ ;,'■■-,," '^K-''^*" ' ■ ' ■ 4 ^ ■', . ' • . . ' > '^ * » i^Ks "^ ' ^ ■% 1 * A T " pr * ^ ,l* ^v ^* ' I ^ . ^ ji / ' . . l' • ;'■'":' - '■'»? ■•■•'• ^, '■'■'•' W :.■* 1 ■ 'i*^^ •' "' ■ ■ '. - --»'"%'"■' '"\ **»•■ . •' ', ■ ■■ « ' •' "• ' ' ." <-''V ' 1 ' : ' " » * • 1 B , • ^ . . » t , ' i' , ^ • • '"' I ,t f l» . U^i * m^ ^^ ,' ^ / . • . > > m » ^ . '' ■ ■ . - - 1 ' * "^^ ^- ■ < , ' *. \ 1 -J* " '• •' " ^ ♦ " ' , 4 <» < . ■• ' '?.'■, i ".^ . 1 /'..■' \ ^ ■• ' . > ■ • * ■ • ' *> >. 1 , i , •• J ) > - "^ • f. ' ' . ^ * "* * . ' ' p* ' # ^ * » ; *•■ i , , -* ■ H-' ■^m ■t ft ' >•,' • ' ^ , ' » ' • < "'^ , / <*;> «. i|< KimiilJMrtI, we * W itelher of mm;k^lMm0^^ •^ -v'"^ IMior, 3om M4 Biiv-Sliool^ *v.«< ,r . illM^ tor 1^ foiiOii o^M lofiri : • • > ,^ . Mt . ' .' '••' J*. , ,""'*"■ * I VI ' , i , ." 1 ' • ••[' QMgijf to ilif jtiUlM*Mvf \» ♦ • u ;# • 11* , Qlont(^tHi^m|^49PL.Ibbk^^ * • «^l4ft fMiiiiiili^riii^oiiiinoMNit • «r>. .Stt d^ of iflgr li% lUmii^ i^ •]? 4ta|ftf J m t', .4. I #1 ISffMi CMt Mi wttt ^UmmI ooiidei>efiifl . Chiti tiod.tehMl4# lowly Uinil. . ^ iMim OtNl^ our tiifim tokM till* . Cfa w lGod. wiUi woirtni^^Mirt wMi pnte cliifiilteirtiMifft wilOt#^ • iliiyt of oitr yotttlii III ibvo 1VO #17 Giikto or our yoititi, to tiipoimjr . 111 146 iro 110 M 40 .100 24S ■v.V '. 'Ua • • •*''■■*• It 190 Ml 116 :*'^'n*;.-'!*^">- RiAyTillken Son, iod Hol|' Gkost • « . Hill, mai Onwlo^ lifai^ iiii good *^ v &«4ay tliotiraiililiifliO . I llie hml4 oMibiitofr' ^ : ^ bc^roficl denei^tkni w v ^lld whoorCMioclioM . ^ |i»ittn^ toWoeoa ^ * **•••• tto iMU^iilP ii^4oir ]r#^ ^ tiM obM "mliMrihi^tlM gvMo ; • f5 ^.'V:^*^ ■. ■ '•'j-. «; ' ^ ■•• mix. '^ KfloitNiili Mv BMMitthr Kliit • • • « 'NMi • • • It ITt M t tomr Itat 1 Hi iM *«litia^. f ttJMm lliii Jtoht^ill^Mlllnrtf ~ I torn fty-lhiil>i»riirti». I ibit ttii eliii^^ I ir^piM wKiiipl^ ihqr Ul lillto<%iiiil|iiM^I^^ -2:^ 3«iiii CKiM ll^ • • * •■1^ .t • • *"'-!*«|«W»'-''»'Ji • 'M ■ •* t . '^» M^lapMUiAfem . . ; ; . .H^ L«lcMMrwMt«iiitJs?iMr*siuMii« i iSB IiWIi nMmiNi *il the riU . « > » . Wf LiiJt 4t wi J iiat wtOilte ttwtnt . . U% LeiA 1m^ 1ST jmtlAd iMtK to • 51 l^fwd, hem dm^ . ^f» 42 I«it>f«^ I n^erftetl fo tfnr gmot » i i^ » IBO l,9iiL ki the montfoi WMi AllI heii- . 142 l40rd, in tlie iCmif llLof irn^ * • ^ > ^ liCnfd, fc>l our pHif #f»rlii tliBO iioend • • 156 l^ftiiof die8«HM €«i#ci^rffd;^lii rin « «» • 5t l»* lltai i*iii|p moB . j4 y 151 llilNty Oo4 ^1^^^^ ^ 13 S^^ . s. > . .221 lii^Ai lMmh% iHtti Mftte >o4ii / ^ ^ 5d .m: mm %'sr^yW!'^" '\-i mm if God, ibj m Mj MhuplMrd w • nigM duOl be inimrw « • Siftl out ja|iriMi7:i iw^ tiq;w come, let us ling . for a heiMril^ jiiiN IWr 0^ Otati iboiimttfl topgmiii Jo m$ frr Ikil iQiidoniew of^liiMt .w. Ob! hAppr uuiii Wi togMId • • • * • . 187 m i . lit Oh I wliafhM J6i4idoMJ^ji|i» ^ • »IP^ Oooe to tlio iUoiM)o 4»r llMiJri#i| » •: v ' Qao woro mpii>ilii| #ft to #»u . • ^ Oo JonliiQ*smcm7 Mii;ifi^ • • CM this Attiiplcio^iirliii^ « » • r m Qaiiito fKdj $11^ ^ • i» tor ft itiioot j^ |m^ 4«to. ♦ r -• * 3# • ifP^ Oiiia of JSmimiiQiwitw • ,^ i| O ttftt I omftim t^itooh^ • . « ># O Ihftk I ooiiU i^^mil, 4urtl ^ h ^ ib€»'Loi4i^i^^ ''' ft follt «Bd Ik OPIIMI t*. ^ > * 4 *i3p X. •---■•i^«twr:.»swT?W«.t^«if?<"?tT»fT /* . \ Ht tHWtXt FlitlM^ltaU«rmM. V i 179 fteMcfvleM, KM, winrfiM . 4. «t Ow|iagNidbM^ftwhtliSi|irttf'''^.'-;v^ . ^Afr^ d«»Ji«lour Ms tte flkiUtWi dow* . .- 181 :V-> <,- ;■> ■•■'- ■■«■., ■f'- ■ ^ » , . -« : MiigBd kft:|iiir '(^^Mfk iUii9i&r:'#>':- :./.:■':;'■*■»; 53 U MM»€Mllro«iHAgBMt^^ 184 Fiiiinr b tlwt«al^ il|eai«iMb«^i'^:v <^'l^ 9iKiib9r thy <3fmi»r '^'■^. '■^,' f'. ■ » I f- »"*' ■?w«W!^BRWWT«fH!»« mmmmmm "•»«■, , •-■M-JV; 'A «r •■■fi ,■■■■■-■,-■ ■ -■ "'r- ■•■■:■ ■■. ...\ -. ■- ■. •..■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■-■ ■ • ..' ^ J' «■■■ ' -• ■ ' -.i" " -^k .' ' . ■ ■ ' ■ "r ■ " . .*Swe4iailgMBP| Pi:. .;» ■■^. : »v. -?- . .• .;:»,,*, .ilm h ft liplM mI*:# Qii Tito IwitlNn ft^iVvnira^li|r.^.<. ..• .:«.:> Jndtt filMMMMviMPlMIMBlMlii #' '• /(■. ■ %. • ■ ■ . ' ■ ■■■ . *"" •■/, = ; ■"■■■ Ml I mil »JJ|«J,fl' ' /* .1: b ■ (■ .^^ V- «flt nUrion tint Ma dT« . '4 108 162 ^roild wlieire «li«i *a. > . »» Sftfliiir * ■ ; ••: . t «l I* a' It I' Jl»-»' 'i ' , V "^1 ^■'?t- mmi'-mm ^^•"iPtWlNWi #••1 i^ /■ 'm fs ^ yn ' . i . ' ■ w "if«tr. '■W X y-* m .•I '.'# ^ ■ ^, vj- .•■^■• «i. •^ -.0 /m M^ *««! j;-:'^-^^. ■:t-''-m>- e- ^ ^g,:M^ a>:- '* . « tv!;--- *" « J *•&' '^ ■ -I ., vi^ - » . ■'.*■•■ — tt- - mO • * " * . . :■■ .-tf f ■ » '■' t 1 4 a- m^ ■ . ?' ,»■ #' #■- '*; O ^V .u#^ r' .'■ .' ■ ■ . -._,.-,. '.■■ ' •V'-!^..-^; -.y'' '...., '..Z'- '. ."-i ■■■■ ■* ■4 ■ ■■'.', . ' ■•-: ■-'■■:■ •» .■.':•■', ''■'■■ - • ■ - ■ ' ■ k. ■■'. . '•■ '- '--■-'■ «■■,,., '■:>■ ■• • • .■.■,■; -'*,'••■'■",.■;•■..■■ " " ■ '■'■■:: :■ ''''.' ■■«■■;■■ '■ ■'■■,■ ■: ■ /* .-^^y;.""'; ; ■ " ■■'^^^' ■ 'k \ .■■■ *■ /'^•: ", ■ .: ■ "' ■■■- ■■■;.. -J- :■;:.:■:'■-.. /::■■'-['' X^-;---,/^-.:' •'•■'"■■:"'■•■'* ii-y^'-- ■'■''': -'^''^^^