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' F^^^^l TORONTO: II WILLIAM BRIGGS 1 1 J l\ J F5 5r^^7-i/if'r/:5 i / KiWiL^ (?«. ■J-^-ikiiimi>-,-<--^^i«S!imSIBm / If ZTbe Kella of Cbridtmas in in(j tbe bells ot Cbristmas, "^ 1bcre it ts aoain I IRina tbcm out wttb ola^ new Jop— peace, ooob^will to men ! "Ring tbe bells ot Cbristmas ! ' xrell tbe stori? o'er— Qt tbe Cbrlst wbo loreb mandinb, ©penina beaven's boor. IRtna tbe bells ot Cbristmas ! IRino its jog, ob, Bartb ; •Rina its joi?, se bearens above— %Qf^ at Sesus* birtb. m m^mmmmiWf^^tit^iim!§mM^m^^ \ f 66101 ^( 3 i.< '« Xove fixpreeeeb 59 trutb lost in tbc wor&s tbat (t proclaim? XTo breatbe tbe rose's fragrance, is't a bliabt? 5s GOlb less aolb wben fasbione^ b^ tbe flame ? Qx boes tbe sun grow taint wben men see ligbt? IRap, tbe wells'teb sun beligbts to pour bis ra^^s anb fill witb ligbt tbe little e)?es of men ; XTbe yellow golb woulb tip a pin anb blase Mitb equal grace as on a biabem; Ube bapp^ rose is proub to give its sweets anb fill tbe breese witb balmi? airs of beaven; TObile trutb, tbat witb eternal sweep completes Ube circle of all tbings, to worbs is leaven. /IDetbinfts 5 also mai? rrvs love express, •Wor bave it spoileb bp giving it a bress. ^mmm^^sitmtmmmc^mmm^mm^ SM^( X ^K!( Zbc ©ietera ^ But) ftnows ber conquests well; 3But tneeftl^ sai?s: '*/lDi? tacts are but small stones Ubat plai? beside tbe ocean swell; Mblle jfattb, witb bet transcendent wings, Sweeps o'er tbe ocean broab ; Hub bears tbe bumblest cbtlb of trust, TUP to tbe bosom of tts (Bob/' ***Zis true, 5, jfaitb, sweep oceans broab. Hub basft wbere vision fails ; But hnowlebge, sister is, anb from ber stones 3 mount anb spreab m^ conquering sails. Xlbe twinftlina stars men see, h^ jfaitb 6row into planets broab ; jfrom worbs of love anb beebs of ligbt, 5 bear souls up to (3ob." (^fnLCiiN^ ^nK.(9fnC(fiNL^lNL^nL(3iNi.(9lraL(^Nl(^iNL('^NiC^Ni.i^^ f1 "^^^fe.' 1 \\ inature'0 Sono TTbc bills bave voices, tbe trees bave tonoues, ^ Hn^ e'en on tbe lonelis stream, Time bear tbe calls of jo^ an^ tear, Xtfte cbtlOren in a ^ream♦ Botb bigb ant) sweet is tbe song of bope, Ent) sa& is tbe cv^ of tear ; 3But firm an^ full is tbe note of faitb, UbouGb tbe win&s are flcftle mt> Orear* xrben sailina along, we bear nature's song If rom forest anl) fiel& mt> bws ; But tbe greatest an^ best, for tbe beart's sweet rest, 5s love's olb rount)elas^ f .7 'h m^m^^^jsim^3^ff^^m^mi^^m ''m I I mc act tbe aoo^ prtesrs part. Enter tbou Into tbe boUes, Claim tbp part ot all m^ soul ; Sanctifis, witb tbine own love, tbe offering. Hub all its blemisbes will tben be wbole* mm^mmm^Mmmmmmm^mm Hi m