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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. rrata to pelure, 1 d I! 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 L SABBATH EEFOliMAllUiM SOCIETY. yv).«, 1^)7 The Anniversary Meeting of the Sabbalb Refurmation Society wai held in the City fiali, Kingston, on the evening of Tuesday the 19th January, 1868, the Rer. R. V. Rogers, President, in the chair. Prayer was offered by the Rev. K M. Fenwick. The Re- gort WHS read by Dr Mair, Corresponding ecrelary. MoTed by the Rev. F. W. Dobbi, seconded by the Rev. Mr Henderson, and Ritohid — That the Report now read be adopted, printed, and circulated under the di- rection of the Committee ; and that the follow- ing be the Board of Management for the ensu- ing year t— President, Rev. R. V. Rogeri ; Vice- President, Thomas Askew, Esq ; Treasurer, Wm. Ferguson, Esq. ; Secretary, Dr Mair. Committee, Captain Moffna, Dr Clarke, Messrs. Kirk); 'rick, llopkirk, Paton, Neil Macleod, Qeorge Hardy, Jstmes Stewart, Wm. Haseie, A. Macaliator, Uriffith Davies, ThumHS Massou, Robert McFaul, A. .'. O'Loughlin, Wm. Denn, David Linton, with all Ministers of the Oospel who are duly qualiBed. Moved by the Rev. Dr George, seconded by the Rev. K. M. Fenwick, and Jttiolvea — That a religion Is essential to the well being of a nation, and the general obser- vance of the Sabbath to its religion. Moved b;- the Re". Professor Weir, seconded by the Rev. Smart, and iic«o/i>ed— That the glaring encroachments upon the Lord's Day in this Province, by labor In the Post-office, Canal and Railway depart- ments, call imperatively for the united, earnest and persevering prayers and efforts of all Christians for their immediate extinction. Moved by Dr Mair, seconded by Mr Askew, ■nd Iteiolvtd — That this meeting sironidy urges npon the executive committee the necessity of eniering into a correspondence with the known friends of the Sabbath in the cities and chief towns of the Province, as to the organization of • Sabbath Alliance (agreeable to the design of the Society, as expressed in section VIII , paragraph 6, of tbeConstilution), and if deemed expedient, of co-operating with theni in the work. Eighth Beport Canada prospers not, because she ontrages the Loid'a Day. This proposition may not ap- ply in the strictest sense tomaltrial prosperity, for it may be argued that she progresses in her agriculture, commerce and manufactures, and facts and figures may seem to bear out this as- sertion. Novcrtlieless,tlie axiom still holds good, that she hits not moral or religious prosiierity, because she, by her Government, has broken the Fourth Commandment by the syotcmatio dese- cration of the Sabbath in her post-office, canal and railway departments — the chief channels through which her wealth flows. Dispute it who may, it is " righteousness, ari righteousness nione,* which exalteth a nation, but sin spatched ; and that the canals shall bu closed from midnight of Saturday nntil midnight on Sutday. He stated that on two previous occasion.') he hau been within one vote of carrying the bill for closing the post-offices and preventing the running of mtlls on the Sabbath; that in 185:' 3 twenty-flve thousand names had been subscribed to petifioos in favor of these objects ; that in these years there were two thousand five hundrc.l persons compelled to labor in the post-offices t>Q the Sabbath, and thus unjustly deprived of tiieir right of one- seventh part of the time which the Lord had given them for his sole service ; that there were at the present period no fewer than four thousand persons similarly circuirstanced in connexion with this department of the public service, all of them, therefore, deeply Interested in the passing of this bill. It encountered vex- atious opposilion from the Government; un- handsome means were used to strangle it al- though it came to its third reading, when it was lost by the casting vole of the Speaker, who turned the scale against it, there being previously an equal number of voles. The thanks of this Society and uf the religions com- munity are especially due to Geurgp Brown, Esq., who with the utmost xeni and perseve- rance has devoted !>i8 time and talents to Ihe furtherance of this great work, and has taken the lead In Ihe Parliamentary agitation of it. The battle has again been lost, but a deci- sive victory must soon be won if patriotic and christian men light this good fight of faith with resoluteness and vigor, if they allow of no comprotuise — no half measures — if they perse- vere by petition and other constitutional means to demand a Sabbath free from sacrilegious in- trusion of any kind by the public depariments, and if they furbish their blades and temper them for the combat with the sacred fire of prayer for the Divine blessing, not trusting to the arm of flesh in using the vword of the Spir- it, but to the grace and power of Him who is the Lord of the Sabbath, for a bloodless tri- umph I Our notices of kindred Societies In the Fath- erland must be very niengre. The L' rd's-Day Observance Society of London still holds on its way in defence of the Sabbath. Its chief efforts laiterly seem to have been ''.ected to the suppression of Sabbath mobs and private bands of music in the public resorts uf the Pro- vincial cities ; and it is matter of congratula- tion and thankfulness to the Lord of tiie Sab- bath that the injurious attempta of anti-Sab- bath Leagues, and other cuiiiliiiiatiuns of men, to open tlie Crystal Palace, NutionnI Museums, pictiire-gnllprics, &c , upon the Sabbath, have been frustrated.* It is to be regretted that sinte Romanist ag- * Since wriiing ihe above wc have been gricv. ed to leorn that the directors of the Company have resolved upon throwing open the Crystal Palace uiion the Subbaih. We trust that llic friends of Ilic cause in llie nKjilirr ciiunt.y will buckle on iheir iirinnr iilVcsli. There ciiii be nii qiicsliun ih'it lliia will be the first uf a series of similar iiggreasiuns. grcssion became so formidable In Scotland, tba sword seems to have been sheathed, which wai formerly powerfully wielded against • foe not less opposed to the welfare of human society — Sabbath profanation ; and there tne Sabbath Alliance no longer brings her powerful artillery to bear against this other stronghold of Satan'i kingdcm, but slumbers in inglorious ease Hay she speedily be awakened from her dacgeront torpor, and resume her bold front of deflano* with renovated vigor I Oue word about the Desjardin Bridge eataa- trophe, by which sixty souls were hurried Into the presence of their aufust and impartial Judge without a note of preparation, causing lamentation and woe to hundreds of Miserable relatives, and striking consternation into the hearts of thousands. Previous to this frightful disaster, and close to the scene of It, while the road was being constructed, men were kept em- ployed every Sabbath at excavating until some twelve or fifteen men were killed in the most sudden and awful manner by the falling of the embankments upon them. " But a few weeki since" — your committee transcribe from an ar- ticle copied into the Echo of April 19th from the Canada Christian Advocate^" as we have been informed, the Rev. R. Irvine, Pastor of Knox's Church in this city (Hamilton), wai greatly surprised and pained to find a largo number of men, over twenty, if we mistake not, employed in repairing tliis fatal bridge, and theveryjjor/ionof it, too, which gave way and precipitated a whole train, with htfttrUu th- ing freight, into the awful abyss below. He was so deeply pained at this unblushing profa- nation of the Lord's Day that he took the first opportunity to acquaint the President of the Board of Directoro with the fact, and to entreat him to have means adopted to put a stop to such gross iromornlity, with what success sub- sequent proceedings will show." • * "As if this was not enough, having completed the new structure, the last Sabbath was employed in testing its strength, and we are informed that no less than fourteen heavy trains were run over the bridge for that purpose." Comment upon this transaction were suiierfluous. Hear, wonder, and abhor ! But let us not sto,> with an expression of righteous indignation against such God-defying acts. Letusbeup t, . ,v ing. Let iia come " to the help of the Lord against the mighty," lest sudden destruction come upon us " as travail upon a woman with child and we shall not escape." To conclude, a few practical hints may be offered for the consideration of the friends of the Sabbath at this important crisis. 1. Distinct .ganizalions should befonnedin all the cities, towns and principal villages, for the purpose of exciting and maintaining a warmer interest in the Sabbath question. 2. A Subbaih Alliance should be instltui d for guiding public opinion upon this vital su - ject, and fur collecting, systematizing and con- cntrating the labors of the various Societies, and making them accessible to the public. 3. Ministers uf Ihe (iospel, and other com- (letent persons, should bring right views on the Sabbath prominently befure the public, depict- ing the evils uf Sabbath desecration, and the blessings nf Sabbath observance in their true colors, in shor>, pithy articles in the political and religious journals. 4. All Christian men, women and children should carefully abstain from anything to do with the post-offices, railways or canals on the Lord's Day, and set their faces like a flint against every form of Sabbath desecration, however fashionable or popular. 5. It is uf paramount impoitance that all Christians should feel it to be their duty and priv lege, as ■ the Lord's-rcniembrancers,' 1st, to plead earnestly and perseveringly at the Throne uf Grace that Gud would be pleased to infln- ence the minds uf men in authority to abolish alt post-office, canal and railway labor on the Sab- bath ; and, 2nd, tint: He would cause all magis- trates, and the public generally, to see to it that violations nf Sabbath laws do nut go unpunished (J. Let all be alive to the proceedings of the Legislature, and exercise the elective fran- chise conscientiously, so that if possiule God- feaiing, sin-hating, Sabbath-loving men may be returned to represent tiie various constitu- encies in the Councils of the Province, and that there may be ho|>e of the ri^'ht men filling the right places in all public ikp; riments. 7 Lei correct statistics of acoiants and of- ft'icos occurring on railways, canals, kc , from ri.ii.bnth di'accrniion, be ubtaliiej, pubtiiilied, und cummenied upon, sous to open the eyes of ihe blind tu ;iio curse uf Siibbuth-breaking. 8 Let petiiiuus, strongly worded and nu- merously niirned, tlirong tlie tublca of the Le- giH'.uiive hulls 1:3 ofien ns Pnriiiinicnt meets, till the just and reusonnhli' cluims uf Canada lur uu uudesecrated Subbaih are grunted.