CIHM Microfiche Series (■Monographs) ICIMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) ■■n •a J a Canadian Inttitiit* for Historical Mieroraproductlont / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductions historiquas Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibllographlques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available (or filming. Features of this copy which may be bibliographically unique, which may alter any of the images in the reproduction, or which may significantly change the usual method of filming are checked below. 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LAYIXd AND INCUBATION.—Whcn the goose walks around, holding straws or bits of wood in her beak, it is a sign that laying time is near. It is best then to provide her with a pile of soft straw in which she may dig and hide her eggs. The eggs should be removed as soon as laid so as to avoid chilling, but, one or two dunyny eggs should always be left in the nest so that the goose may not see that the eggs are being taken away, as she would then go elsewhere. When ready to set some ten to fifteen eggs should be put in the nest which should be almost flat, placed on the ground and spacious, so that the sitter may be quite comfortable, and in a secluded place where she v.ill not be disturbed by any one. It is also better to keep the gander away during sitting time as hemight disturb the goose and annoy the person in charge. While sitting, the goose should be given pure water, grain and green food. Some breeders, during the first few days, carefully lift the goose from the nest to make her eat; in doing so care shouhl be taken to see that no egg is retained under the wings. When she leaves her nest to feed, etc., she covers the eggs with down, feathers or with hits of straw. , • ■ Hatching takes about fortv-eight hours. Experience has shown that it is best to let the goslings break through th< shells unaided. By helping them there is danger of fatally injuring them; througli the membranes being prematurely ruptured, bleeding to death may easily take place. fff/l/f/A'f;.— Goslings should be removed one by one, as they hatch, so as to prevent the mother from leaving the ne«t before the hatch is over. They should be placed in a basket, lined with cotton or wool, or i. ' '"'^ °^ *^« fattening period of g<>ose. '"' ""^ ■* '« n"t absolutely necessary for the finishing .har,f knl';!'^-^*^!^-^ --oof of the mouth with a Pluck with care to avoid tearing the ,tin f » .^^^"^P^^ and penetrating the brain and offers little resistance. ^ *"" ''^'''^' "^ '^ ^^O" fat bird, is very tender is ver^^flSJef'--''*" ^™'^"^*'^ ^^^ *^« A-h- the feathers and the down which r^^^^^'''^::^SZ^,^-^^ f P'-'^-^ their geese and plucking should be done in time To that he fefte„^i,'?'^"'^''»8 t'"^«- The lasl '<'1< wmter comes. The feathers are rennt f-^ k ,™?^' ?'"°^' ««'"" before the jHsily. If not picked at t hat tiiM Ley wSd dron S'^'hI ^^" '^'^ '"""^^ «ff •I ,-J. 3?: fi- ■i ■ ^ ) I? Goslings should not be plucked before they have passed the critical period of their youth, that is, before the wings fold over each other on the rump. Geese which have just been stripped of their feathers should be protected from cold. Keep them under shelter when it rains and do not let them go to the water. SEXES. — When hatched, goslings of the Embden breed are gray or bright yellow on the back; the former are generally females, the latter males. It is fairly easy to tell the sexes in adult birds of .ill breeds; the male is a little larger than the female and his cry is shrill while that of the female is harsh; the neck is a little longer and a little thinner in the male than in the female; the cheeks (between the eye and the jaw) are less prominent but the . posterior part of the upper mandible, which is generally of orange colour, up to the skull, is more prominent than in the female. As two indications are better than one, it is best to inspect the sexual organs which furnish absolute proof. In the female the sphincter or muscular tissue closing the anus, is folded and ■inuous when stretched with the fingers; in the male, on exerting a light pressure over the same place, the penis soon appears. It protrudes more quickly in warm weather, and in a mature male. DISEASES. — Geese are like ducks, subject to certain diseases, most of which, however, can be avoided by proper handling and clean surroundings. VERTIGO. — The bird drags his wings, turns in a circle, falls to the ground, throws his head back and has convulsive motions. Bleed at the vein under th* wing or on the membrane of the toes. Throw cold water over the head; put on half diet; give herbaceous food or bran moistened with milk. POISON.-^-Geeae are sometimes poisoned by eating henbane or water hemlock hi which case they fall flat upon the g;round. Give twenty centigrami of lime in a half tumbler of warm water. 'If Issued by direction of the Honourable Martin Burrell, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. t'i;'