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The (>l)jcct of the Hospital shall l»o to fnriiisli ino(li(;al and surjrieal advicr and trcahiuMit upnu tlu; principles of 1 loiiid'opaf hy to all dt'scrvin)^ applicants, and also ci'tal>U! acconiniodatioiis for sncdi patients as may re(iniri' hospital rc^sidiMice dnring such trt'atniont. articlp: iir. M WAOEMKNT. The aH'airs of the Hospital shall he inana<,'ed by a Board consisting of snch i)ersoiis as who may from tinut to tiini' Ix'come or he consti- tnte 1 Life (lovernors to^H!t her with twenty ehvctiv(; (lovernors, ten of wlutm shall he elected at each ammal nu'ctin^ of the Corpnra- tion, for a ix'riod of two vears. 'idie first twenty elective (rovernors of th(i Hospital shall l»e ekv-tc^ I at a siK'cial nu'etinjrof tlu; Corpora- tion to he held on the 4th >htnday of April, ISS)4. The ton of these (iovernors who shall reci'ive the highest vote at the said meetinjx in April shall serve till their successors have been electe sum of lifty dollars to tbe funds of the Hospital at one time and ten dollars a year for six consecutive years thereatler shall become a Life Governor. Any person contrihutin-: the sum of ten dollars a year to the funds ot tbe Hospital for twelve consecutive years shall thereby be- come a Liie Governor. Only tho^-e who are members of the ^Montreal HomixHipathic Association aad who tiave contributed not less than ten dollars to the funds far, at three ()'(dock p.m, A rejiular meetiu).; «tf the hoard shall also he held on the second Thursday in No\ t-mher in each year at three o'clot'k p.m. at \\ hich the otiici-rs of t he ho'.Jid shall i)resent tor the approval ot the Hoard of ( liivernors a report of the operations and finances of the Hospital ffir the year pa.ssed ending: the 'Mnt day (jf Oetoher, such report after receiving: the action of the Hoard to he forwarded to the Secietary (»f the Moutn-al llomodpat hie Association not later than three days thereafter. Sj»ecial meetin^'.'i of the (Jovernors may he | calh'il hy the I'resideut at any time; or ni)on the reijuest in writinjjj * of live (io\ernors. The Life (Jovernor" together with those elected, shall choose hy hallot, from their mil vT, on the second Thursday after the animal election ol iin'iiilx'r.-; (X-cdllcio ol' tins ( '(Hiimiltcc. ( * m »» w i r m l M i iiF t4i»' M f'ili i . i MW ii»|ii| , live mciii- hcrs sllilll coiisl ilnti' a iHKiniiii. The V tii\ criiors at tlu'ir iiirctiii;,' on t lie s(!c(>n(l 'I'lmrsday after tlio Jiiinual iiH'citiiijr in o,kU'.\\ year shall elect tor the term of one year hy hallot live physicians and a snr^eon, w ho sliaii he nienihers in ;_'o()(l slandiri;; of t he " ( olle^'e ol' I Ion lo o pat hie I'hysicians and Su r;_M'onH el' Montreal" and w iio shall constitnte the Aledieal r>oard of the Hospital. All cand ilates for election to t he Meilical i'oard shall oidy he elijiihle for election u hen nominated hy a < r(»vt'rnor and seconded l)y another ( iovernor. »Sn(di nomination to ho posted in the (iost;r- llors' Hall of the IIos[)italat least two whole days hefae t he day ol t he elect ion. Should any vacaiiey occnr in the Medical P.oard it shall he filled at the next ensniii;: ijnarterly nn'i't in;i of tin; P.oard of < joveriiors or at a HiH'i'ial nuH'ting (»f tilt; Hoard of ( iovernor.s le^'ally calhid for the piirpos<'. Ten (iovernons shall constitnte a (pionini lor meetiiifis ofthu Jioard of ( ioveriiurs. AltTKl.E Vm. rUESIDEN'T AND V ICK-rUKSIDICN'TS. Tlu^ President or in his ahsence one of the Vice-rresidents shall |)reside at all nieetins/s of the i?oard of ( Jovernors. In the ai)sen('eof hoth of these ollieers a chairman pro-tempore shall he appointed by the meeting. AKTICl.E IX. TREAsrrtuu. TMie Treasurer shall <;ive such security as the Txtard of Governors may recpiire for thedne accoiintmir for the funds which luMiiay from time to tinu^ receive for the use of the llosijital. He shall re(H!ive all moneys desi;.'neil for the maintenance of the Hospital and deposit the same in one of the chartered hanks of Montreal. All payments shall be made by tdieipu>s on said bank whiidi shall be simieil by the chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment and Counter-signed by the Treasurer. ARTICLE X. TllJi SErUETAKY. The St'cretary shall ket'p reirnlar minutes of the proceedings of the Hoanl of (rovernors, and shall eon(bu't all correspondence relating to the I'oard of ( iovernors and notify the (Jovernors in writing, of all mei'tings of the i'loard and sliall in consort with the other otliei'rs of the lioard prejjare the annual rejjort of tlie affairs of the Hospital to be submitted to the Montreal lIom(eo])athie Assoeiatiou. AKTICLK XL rOMMITTRE OF MANAGEMENT. At the first meeting of the Committee of Management after it election it shall organize by electing a chairman to preside at it' f I M*" f nioctiniTH, aiwi it sluill iippoiut a Ht'crotary or clfrk wlm sliall kcop inimitcs (tf its prncct' liii'_'s in a UomU |hm\ic|»'1 lor t In* puriMHc, ami also prt'part' Jtir I III' ( 'uiimiitic a mMiiiiily summary oI'iIm' wurk (•(* till' Hospital l)as«'.l Mpmi tin' ri'tiinis auil dI' tlir .M«' lical Jiiianl ainl tin* Siipcriiiti'iiilcnt. At its lirst mct'tiii^.' I In* Commitlt't' shall also appoint l'r>m its incmlHTs live la lies w lio shall, with sm-h (ithci ass (riatt'S as tiicy may cIumisi', form the Mit-fiitivo ot' the Woiirin's Auxiliary ; |)ro- viih'il always that such associates shall In- mm imImts oithc \\'omai\'H A\i\iliary, an^l that tlu'ir naiiu's shall lirst Im- siltmillcl to aii_' fnn tor t h«' same. The < 'ommittee of .Manau'emeiu shall mike a n the allairs of the Hospital to l>e pn'sente I at the ipiaiterly meeliiiu'S ofthe lioard of ( Jovernors. Airrii Id". Ml, WoM \N s \I\II I \KY. Till' Woman's Auxiliary shall ha\ep)\\er. suhjert to the approval of the ("ommittee of .Maiia.rement, to enact hydaws for its own ;j;ov- ernment and for the management of the ilomestic alTairs i.f I lie Hos- I)ital, not inconsistent with thest; hydaws. It shall, srdije-t to the a[)proval of the Committee of .Manaijement, also have power to apiiointthe Lady Snperintf:i lent, nurses and servants of the Hospi- tal, and shall alsn take charge ot" the tr.iiiiiu'^ S(dioo| liir nurses. It shall maki' throu^di its exc-utive a monthly report of its receipts an I expenditures and the condition of the Hosi»ital, and an rei>ort durin;: the lirst week in Xovemher, coverin;,' the month.s euil- ing 'MhI day of Octoher in each year. AKTKIJ-: XIII, TlIF, MKDICAl liOAUK. Tlie Medical Hoard (»f the Hospital shall ofthe whole ho jy of attendinj.' and consulting: j)hysicians. It .shall he the duty of the Hoard to advise the ( 'ommitt(H> of .Man- agement, through their .secretary, on all matters relating to tin; inter- ests ofthe Hospital an.l the welfare of its inmates. 'idiey shall prescrihe and arrange the duties of the .Vttendiiig Staff and ot the House Staff, an('cn'tary nftlic r.oard shall ]tc clcctcil. Tin' Mt'ijicai lioanl siiall a[>i)nin( (•oiimiitti'i'M us (olldWH : — I. Ivt- aiiiinat ic elected for the term of oiu! year hv the Imar I or(Joveniors, lie sliall visit th(! Hospital daily, and ijorsoiially suj)CTvise the House Stalf and all employees. Heshallhave full i)ower to diretit tiiem in the dischari^'e ul'tlieir duties and of enforcing' discipliiu> and ^;o()d order. He may suspend any memher of the House Stall or i'm|)loyee fnp ne^dect of duty o any act prejudicial to the welfare of tln' Hospital, ri![)ortinu' his ai'tions immeliaiely to the (.'oinmittee of Manairenu'iit tor approval. He shall visit all parts nf the Hospital once a day and satisfy himself thatcondilions fa\i>ralile tn the health and comfort of the patients ausit is ohtained with ea»di urivati; patient. He shall place all monies and \aluahles Itelonj^iujj; to patients in the Hosi)ital safe and u'ive a receipt for same. On deceas(^ of patients he shall re;^'ister name, time of death, and other i)artieulars to he entered in the Hospital Uojiiister, and see that the hody is properly disposed (»f. He shall also see that the friends he notilied at once. He shall sij^n all .^[edical Certilicates ttf death or otherwise. T!u' Medical I'oai'd shall appoint an actin^r Medical SuperinteuiUMit, w lien tlu' Mivlical Su[)erintendent is incapacitated from attending to his duties throuj^h illness or o' herwiso, or when ahsent from the eity. AKTICLK XV. eOMMITTEK OF IXSIMX TION' AND MKDICAL SUITLIES. Thisrommittee shall me«'t at least oncea month, make a thorough inspection of the Hospital and its contents and re^jort to the Medical f fll it hojinl ajiytliiiii: iIclrinnMifal In llio iiil»>r<'H|M »»f ilu' Iluspititl nr \]\o \\riraiT I'f its iiiiiiatrs. l\i'i|Mi.siti»»ii8 for .Medical or Smvit'al supplies must licar tlif -si^rna- liiiTs «>t' t In* « 'liainnHii ..t' t lie Mt'.lical I'Miar.l aiiil utic (ttlitT tuniilifr ((fllu' ( Miiiinittrc. In tlitM'Vfiit uf two iik'UiImts tiftlif ( '(iiiiniilttc iict attoiidiii).' to tlicir (liitii's, tin- iiMiiaiiiiiii: mumhIu'i- may ad li'i- the ( ummittri!, ami tlit'V shall he hi'l 1 ITS|»'»ii! rtvpiircd to possess the license and lu- tu'-mlMTs ot" the .Mmtrisal Colh'^'t* of llomn'opithic i'liysieiaiis an 1 Sur.'eo is. The .M«' lii-al lioird shall divide tin' • into Herviee.s and appoint the meuilKTs of tin' StaiT. .\ re;^ister shall he kept hy a responsihle servant of tlu' IIos[)ital, in which shall he daily re^dstered tie' names of the .\tfeii(lini: .-lalT, and w Inch siiall daily he siji.ed hy them with the exact hours of t heir arrival and dejKirture. 'idiis re;:isti'r shall l)e examined hy the ( 'ommittee of .Mana_'eiiicnt e.ich mont h. Ivicli niemherof ilie .Vttendiiiir Stall'shall, durin;^ his term of ser- service, atteinl the Hospital dailv or jjrovide a sulistituto apjirovtMl l.y the .Melical Koard. In the event of any memher of the Attendincrs ot't he .\ttenilim.' .""^talf shall sij_'n all Sjiecial re(piisit ions for liipiors or e\tra diet, ddds reijuisitioii sliall he c(»uiitersijined hy the .Me lical Snperintend(;nt as far as ttn^ facilities of the IIosi)ital sliall permit. Nosur;.'ical operation of ^^'ravi- naturi^ sliall he performe 1 without t he eatire .Mtendin^' Stair hein^' snmmoiuMl to consultation. On no ace Hint mav any operation he perlormel w it hout t he w ritttMi cfui-^eiit of the p iiieiil. or if the nature of the casi; rtJiiders this impossihle, of the nearest ndate 1 person. If operation should h<' tleemed necessary to save litV'. and the patient (»r friends decline, the Hospital may ro- tuse further responsihility and dis(diar;.'e the patient. AKTK LK W II. irorsK srvFi'. For each tliirty I'M)) hels the lioard of (lovernors may (dect, onthe nomination of the Medical Ijoard, (jne house ollicer and one a.ssistant if necessarv. TlnM'xatniniition hIijiII Ito cotniH'titivo, and tin" oard, suhjiict to tln^ a[)i)n»\al ortlu! i'mard ol (Jovernorw. AKTICId; Win. I M>V Ml IKUIMKNUIONT. Tin* l.ady Sn|»t'rint('ndcnl shall have complete control oft he niirsefl and eniployei's of the Hospital, siihject only to the Medical Superin- tendent and ( "oniinitteeof Mana;.M'inent. Slu' shall he a reu'iilar ^^raduate of an ajiproved I lo.'- :)ital 'rraininjr S(diool, and shall satisfy tin; .Meilical I'.oard of her capacity to super- intend the ecoiioiny oftlu^ Hospital, and to suitahly and ellicicaitly instruct the pupil-nurses in all the hraiudies of t heir work. She shall present a weekly rep(»rt to the Mediral Superint(Mident of Hospital rc(piirenients. she shall have pcirsonal char^re of all Htores, and shall personally set; trvants and employees of the Hospital, in cttnjunctioti witii tin; Medical Stall'; it sliall also have (;harj.(e c' the 'rraininj.c School for Nurses. It shall mak(! to tlu' ("ommitt(M^ of Manaireiueiit a monthly report of its receipts and t;xi)(Mises, ami the condition of the Hosjjital, aud also an annual report. The ollicers of the .Auxiliary shall be a IVesident,. two Vice-Presi- dents, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected at the amiual meetintj;of th.e Woman's Auxiliary, aud who shall hold their otlices until their succ(>ssiirs are (!lei't(>d. TIh' persons reci'ivin^ tlu* highest number of votes shall ho declared to be elected for the ollice voted t iiir f ^ tor. Varjiiifii's ucciirin^ i:t tlit'si- uHiccM u\,\\ |»o lillnl at any roiruhir liMM'till^', til it ii't' I if Mir 1 1 lllttMnlrtl art ion liavill;.' I)('«MI ^iviMi ill \\\v oull for I Im' iiifi'tiii).'. Mt'iiilii'r.s shall pas aiiaiiinial l\'i' nfSi'.on to t lie AiiNiliary, Mniild'rH wisliiii;: lo withdraw I'imiii iIic Au \iliury Mhull Motify tho Scirt'lary ot'sMi'h iiitciitioii. I'lic rr«'siiiry of th«^ Auviliary; k»'cp an afconnt of the .same, pay all aut liontiiMtt' I hills, ki-i-p a list of suhsi'rilM'rs, the account.H of 4'a«'h iiii'MiIht with the Auxiliary, and make a rep>..t of all rereiplsand e\ pcnditures at e.u'li re'_Milar meet in;.'. She shall, an Treasurer of the Womin's .\u\iliary, keep a r(."-i»rl of all the money received from the ( "omm it tee of Mana;.M'mi^nt, and pay all salaries aiiil wa^i's on apjiroN al of the l-Aecut i\ e ( ommittee. The Kxei'Uii\e Committee siiall consist of the ollicers of the Auxiliary, t he < hairmen of the standing.' committees and two mem- lu'rs ciiosen from the Auxiliary, siihjei t to the approval of the Coiu- mitte»> of .Manau'cmeiit. 'I'his ( oininittee may he calU'd to^M-ther i»y the l're.sid«'iit at any time to transact such husines.s as cannot he deferred until tin' re^Milar meet in;,'(»f the Auxiliary. The President and St^cretary of the Auxiliary shall conduct the nieetintrsof the Execu- tive. Tlie regular iiieetin;.' ot t his ( onimitti'e shall he held on the third Monday of eaeii month, and live memhers shall constitute a ri)f' liiiHitutHH lit all nt^iihir ineut* itiu'H of tli(> Avixiliury : I. (>|MMiiiijr I'niycr l>y tlio pn'siiliii^r ulliccr. 1 1. Heading «>! iiiimitcH of pn.'vioiiH m('<'tiii>.'. III. rnliMiHlicil IniMiiicHH. 1 \'. Uni(liii<.M»rr('iKirt «»l I-Accutiv*' ('<>niiiiitt('i'. V. Itcport <»t"S«'(T«'tiiry. V I. lv<'|M»rf of'I'rciiMiin'r. \'II. H«'p(»rt »»rsi;ui(liii^ ( (»nimitt»'«'H. VIII, Kcpnrt «»f Special ( 'niiii:iitttM's. I X. I'llrctiun nC M»'iiilicr.s. \. MisccJIancniiM liJiHin'SH. XI. K(.ll (all. .\i/ri-:K.\ri()Ns ou .\Mi:Ni)MKArs. \,'iv(5n in writiii^f at a i)revioiKs • lUai'ttTly nieetiii;:. Such alteration shall have etTect only till the ne.Kt. occurring animal meeting' of the ('orp(»ration at which it bo reporte;! for coiillriiiatioii.