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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. TIte following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent fttre fiimis d des taux de r6ductioi< diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, 11 est f ilm6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 J.^V 6oob Jfri^^^i^ Hearken, all ye peojjle ! yo nations strong, That wage fierce war, from sense of fancied wrong. And devastate fair earth I ye pure and meek I Ye scoffing jesttis, who vain pleasures seek ! Ye prond, who foHow gold from night till morn, Am! crush poor tnistirig hearts with bitter scorn 1 Ye sick and poor, who faint with daily toil, Scarce e'er can i)ray amid the world's turmoil 1 Ye little chihlron, who are hardly taught fn innocence to give one solemn thought 1 Yo maim and old 1 ye siiniers, who despair And fear to turn to Ood with earnest prayer I *>h .ill, give heed ! .away with cares ,ind strife. This day tlie Kternal Sim l.aiil down his life ; Kor us, He left His Father's throne ahove. For ns. He gave up seraph's pr.aise and love ; And sinless, clad in our frail flesh did deign, 'I'o share our sorrows and to suH'er )).ain. I'l'ludd what agony He meekly Ixirci When tears in anguish ilown His f.aee ilid pourl .So great the, tliat e'en to him appears An angel, stri'ngtli'ning, sent to calm Jlis fe.irs. Heholil His patieniM when <o judgment leil. And fnnu Him those He loveil like tr.aitors fled. He, who could h.ave called His sons of light. And crushed the worhl with His stupendous might. Spit at ! mocked ! insulted ! scourged ! Yet answer not ! tli ugh cruelly urged. ~ '"■'.n man <ipiirii m.vii, when t. • ml of tinu' ;' .; j; 'I'liere Btamls WiM act of geiitlouc^s subliui«? ■ ■ "1"'" - Will, uiiiniit w't rt, .Ilia riirle hra nea<t w^uii jii«tnff"~*" At thoughts of this, to Hmi, so free from blanm? ■. Who will not love Him, when a p.ii ■> \'\ ■- ti:ii paid for sinful man's immortal bliss? Behidd Him nailed to th' accursed tree! What tortures ere His Holy soul was free! His thirst! His death! His agonizing cry ! The world attrighted from its course di<l fly. All nature groaned, .and in its wild dismay. The sun refused its light on this sad day. In darkness veiled, the rocks were rent in tw.ain. And earth did (juake to see Him suffer pain. K'en saints, in sorrow from their graves did rise, To show their pity, anger, and surprise. Angels ceased their hymns of .above, And silent stood, in majesty and love. .\ll hell amazed, from its b.asenient shook. And devils trembling, did not dare to look. " It is tiuished 1 " at th' expectant cry. Like lightning through the skj'. The list'ning angels wing their anxious way, And round their Lord in thronging bright .array. With soliiun ch.ant, they strike their harps and sing (ilory be to Thee, our Heavenly King! Lift u]) your gates, celestial parailise ! Blest .fesus comes, sin's spotless saeritiee. " It is finished ! " Lov'd ones heard and wej)t, Who rou)i I His cross their silent w.atch had kept, .-Vnd s.adly they, with gentle hands resign, His sutf 'ring body to rtt marble shrine ; There watch'd unseen His warlike angels, till Their risen Lord with light the earth shmild till. E. vy. F. •» Toronto, 1871