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Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd d partir de i'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent ia m6thode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] m- PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. ITS POSITION IN CONFEDERATION. SI=EEOS: ON BUDGET DEBATE, BY JVIR. GREENWAY, M. P. P., LKADEli OF THE (,)PP0SITI()N IN THE LOCAL LE(iISLATUKE, ON APRIL 23rd, d884. i*:' I'wn ixn; (i|- m.witoiu. TS I'DSITIdN l.\ i,.AH-:ii|.:k,vi'|n\ 3P E H] C II (>\ BI'1)(;ET DHllVTE \\\ JVIR. GREENWAY, M. P. P., i.KADKi; OK Tin-, oi'i'osrriox i,\ rm,; i.<»c.\i. kkcislatiim;. ON APRIL 23rd, ^88 /, .A j mm m budset debate E-2- MR. CKI'I^XW.W, M. I'. 1'., Lciuhr of Ihc OjipoKiltoH 'nt tin' Lnrnl Lt'in-^lohnw, Mr. (Mvcnwav. wIk., on iLsin^' was loiidlv apphimlcd, said : I feci thai, oil tliis occasion I d(» not lisc to addics> tlic House imder ordinary circiinistances. 'Vhv Premier i)i niakin- the motion to go int(» Committee of Snj>|»ly, e.xpriis.sed tlie opinion that the discussion won M i»i-ol)al)lvcovei' a wide lan'-'e ; and it IS, I may say, customary on these occasions to r«;view the actions of the ( ioxeiiunent of the <h'iy, and iii (hting so members are aihtwed tlie widest jiossihli' hititu(h' ol" di.scu.ssion. 'Jioar.; To any one ]i.stening to the leach'r of the (rovernmeiit • hiring tlie two lioui-s he spitke on tliis (juestion, it must he evi(h'nt tliat the ()])|tosition were, metaphorically speaking, supposed to be left without a garment. (Hear and laughter.) But I can stand here to-day and .say conscii-ntiously that 1 am more than gratified to find that my hon. friend did on an oc- casion of this kind make the sjteech he did. (Cheers.) It is certainly gratifying to me, us taking a great deal of interest in Manitoba ])olitics foi- some time ]»ast. to fin<l the k'ader of tli(> (iovernment standing up, and with tlu; authority of his jiositioii — and he necessarily speaks with authority -enunciate views which I have entertained all along in reference to the Lr»<'at ((ue.stions agitating tin; public mind to which he alluded. fJ-fear, hear.) ( "ertainly the present position of affairs in our Province is deplorable. (Hear, hear.) W(> are called on now to consider the linancial }tosition ol the Province, a siil'ject on \\ liicli iiiiy niM' ill t.lic iluii^tv or itiitsidc it, at ull well an|(iaiiite(l with Pniviiuial aflairs, cauiutt lia\<' any tl(iul>t. We raimnt ovcrtakr t»iir liiil»iliti -s thus miicli is al)Uii<lantly evidi'iit. Wf liavT ail amuial siihsidy iiiadu ii|) in tliis way : — •Kor lt\!j;is- lation ami i^ovcrnniciit, S.')<»,(M)() ; tlir sn ,'(.nt,s per head ul" lMt|.iil!iti<.n,SlL>(),()()() ; ill lien iA' land. SI.;).(Kmi ; interest on the l.alaiiee of capital at our credit. S| l>, |:):{.2|. ; total, *227. 1 ').'). l' k No oiic conversant with onr re(|uireinent.s as a I'roviuce will inidcitaUc lo sa_\ that this is a sutrieieiit siini, on whicli to I'on- diiet the ali'aiis of the l'ro\ incc. Ivepresentatioiis have Ween, as we know. fVe<|iiently ina<le at Ottawa, to ciiani^c this state of Jiriairs, hill Ntill they want reniedyiiin'. No siil)stantial, lastin;;', satisfactory readjiistiiient lias ever heeii arrivt'd at. Hear, hear.; We liave, of course, that celehrated Ottawa desjiaich of .Vpril 2ud : hut neither does that apply a reiiie(|y, ( llejir, iiear.) It seems to nie ine.xpliciahle that in the face ot" repeated representations and remonstrances iiiailc !»y dele'^ates from time to time, so little should liavc been criected tli.'it our ))osition il^ionss woi-sv' instead of inijirovinL;'. ( Hear, hea!'. Some months aeo. in addition to all previous ivpresentatioiis made to Ottawa, wo made out a stroiiir case in favor of the extension of the i'rovincial hounds, so that we would he enahled to aitl and control tlie projected Hudson's r»ay llailwiiA a road wliieli the jieople unanimoii.sly desireij, and wliieh was of the utmost con.seipieiiee to the ]U'os])erity ol' the Province. The res|»oiise made from Ottawa, as contained in this celehrated des)»atcli, was that the (lovernment pro[)osed to a/id the railway to a material extent, and to provide that tlie interests of .Manitolta should be protected. I am not aware that we have the sliohtest inkling as to how oui' interests arc lo he protected. Hear, luiar. Whatever they may do, is, I sup- pose, to be taken as a protection of our inti'i'ests. ( J^au'diter.) This is a way they have at Ottawa. Hear, hear.) And! must complain her*; that there has been a disposition to trifle with these important matters Perhaps. Mr. Speaker, it might not be out of place foi' me to e.\|.ivss a fear which I have riitiMtaiiicd for soiiii- tiiiu-, that in i\\\> iiii|M)rtaiit iiiatt<M'. ton oiii' intL'ie.stH liavc not Ihm'Ii huhh1<'«I so closrly us tlit-y niij^lit liavi- l)(.'(»ii --it is poni.silile tluit it may tuiii out tliut what has ln'cn (l<»n(' ill coiiucrtioii with the llmlsoiis Hay Kail way may h.avo hcoii iiion; with tlio olijcct of drhiyiiii; rather than cxpc- ditiii;;" the coMstruction of that roa«l, whit;h is to <lo so mncli lor this count! v. When this liCiiishitiiri' asM-mliinl in March hist I think* that the ( iovcinmcnts of Ottawji an<l .Maiiitol»a iiiKhTstood then the |»(jsition of affairs hnc as well as they do now. (Hear hear, ( Ihit t he one i;o\eiinnent su<^''este<l further delas' and the other very obi iy;ininly took the hint in the resohitions and ai^reed to the a|t|>()intment of a eonnnitt-ee as a i-apital wa\ ol shelving the difficulty till a more convenient season ^Hear liear.j The comjilaint here all aloni;- has lieen not that the gentlemen at < )ttawa did not understand the position of affairs ill Manitoha — for tliey ha\e luul full infonuation-- -the I'rem- ier's own clear and exhansti\(' stati^nieiit su|»|)lemcnting all tlie rest -altliough it must he adde(l they do not seem t«» liaxc made tin' hest use of" that infurmation. In their despatch thoy sliovv an utter disrc^^ard of facts, which is astonishing In see. 2 of the desj)atch, referring to the financial position, they say that the hasis in which we icceiM' the SO cents n head is on l:iO,(HK) souls, whereas they suggested when the last arrang(!ment was made' that for that purpose the [lopulation of our l^rovince sliould he assumed to he j. '>(),( )i)() sou Is -and upon that hasis was tlie .Sf 2(),<M)ii, or SO cents |)er head, granted. From tliis it appears (piite eleai' that u]»on this occasion at least they have not gi\en tlu- siihject the most oidinary c<-'n sideration. In the next clause, referi ing to tlie finaiiciKl position, I tliink we have tlie key to the whole situation. It is at least one with which memhers on the ( )pposition sidi- would, oil gen- eral principles, agree, 'i'hey announce |»lainly enough that they have no contidt'iice in the CI((Verninent of Manitoha. (Cheers and laughter.; Still, I protest, in the interests of this rn.\ incf. u^'iiinst hniniiiioii intt rten.'iu'c in Mur jiiraiiN. I say tliat the |H'((|)lc lii'ic luivr a lii^'lit to «Uit/<;niiiii(^ who shall |,'ov- (!rn tlicin. ('hcfrsj And solctnir as tlif I'lciiiici' sits tlusn; — aii<l can 1»\ hiin' tactii's In- mav use k<M'|) himself tluTc — (lanijjh- tcr;— ln' has a ri;^'ht to the ('onlidcncc of the |m'oj»Ic of Maiii- toha. I Ileal- and fluM'is. ) 'riiuse ;^^('ntli'nK'n at nttawa, cjis- ciissing oiii' i"|)rt'Hontations, say tliat they have Ikmmi j^ivrn a sacivd trust in regard to our school lands, and do not projxKse to liand thein over to us. (Hear, hoar.) That is to say -the |>eo|de of Manitolia cannot he trusted to do tiie for them- selves in tliis particular. Hear and laughfer. i I hai'dly (hink it is necessary to discuss the (|uesti<»ii as to whether these lands could he hest adniinistei'ed hero or at Ottawa., if tlieir general mana^icmtint of the lands in this conntrv is to be or? « taken as a <M'itorion of the nwinner in which tlie School Lands of this Province would he managed from those, then we aic safe in saying that we oh- ject to its Ixung done from tlu; Domiidon ('a|»ital. (Ilojir. hear.) We are certainly in a nuich hotter ))osition to a<lminister them liere tlian tliey ai'o at < )ttawa, whore they neithei- understand our position noi undertake t«» aoquaijit thoniHolvos fully with it. (Choors.; As to our ))ul)Ii" lands, we are to ask not only for what romainH, but also to require conijiensation for sueh as have boon sold. On this point, I still hold to m\- view as iteiiiL; the corroot one, viz., that as so muoli of oui' land has been alienated, we should undertake to devise some way by which an e(juivalont for that and for the lands still held should be i-ooeivod and added to oni- capital account. (V\ oar. Ileal'.) That would, it seems to me, bo the best way of dis|>osingof the (juestion. The absurdity of the position takcMi by the gentlemen at ( )ttawa is well illustrated i»y thocomjiari- sou they draw hotwoen this Province and Prince Kdwaril Island. Because the laii'ls (»f Manitoba wei'e purchased and Pi'inoo Kdward Island had none to purchase, therefore, they say Maintoba should be j)laeed in the same jiosition as her sister Prov'inco by the Atlantic, and get an allowance. On the strength of this oomi>arisoii thoy take the ground that i^DOO,- ()iM) should l»e added to oiir capital aootiunt. as representing the 4 Ill In, !•(' ill ell ist' lit. '•r en ui- 11(1 niid ailiouilt^ \Vi' lU'c t'lltitlril to |i'rt>i\'r in lirll III' |)ilMir laii<l.>. ''Hear, lit'ar.j Tltr I'n'inii'r took fxcciition lu tlir statfint'iit thai till' S4.').()(M> aiimiallv uiaiitcd was in lifii of mir liLrlil to our |)iil)lic lands. I can only ivply tliaf in this drs|»at(!li tlicv roprcst'iit that the s4.'».(M>n is j^ivcn in lien ot'oui piiMic lands. And tlic position I took wns tiial wc should not acct^pt it as sllrli. Hon, .Mr. Nof(|nMy- Ami I ik'nci cnnscntt'd, on the |i)irt of the ( Jovcinnicnt, to |init with oui' ri^ht to oiir lands for tin- Sl.r).()()0 — no) did any imndM-r oC the ( loviTnnu'nt (Hear, hear. I Prince Kdwaid Island wlr h was cited as an analo- ^'oiis case, had not an acre, in Manitoha. wheie the |n()|ile liad their ( Vown lands, they were in a very diHerent position IVoni Prince l-ldward Island. Hear, hear). Mr. (iieenway -The position they took at ( Mtawa was that it was in lien of onr lands \ve yot the Traill. ili'ar, hear.^ The other point in this connection as to tin- ten vi-ais' settle- ment is one which I look iVolii a s|»eech in the House ol' ('oiu- nioiis on that (piestion It washy the I'inance .Minister of the Dominion-- who (»uir|it to know. l)Ut it apjicais that lion. U'enthnnan was wioni"' ; and ihioimh his misstatement I was misled. No one (toiild he more happy than I am to acknow- lede-e the misujiderstandin^' -which, perlia])s, may prove a heiH'tit to us in the end. Hear, hear.; We have heen all alontjf anxiou.sly lookiiiL,^ tor relief' from our present ditticnlti(!s: and we have heen led to helieve, all through this session, hy the oroan of the l)omini(»n ( ioveiiinien*. in this (Mty— tlirou«,di its teley;rams — that the question of Manititha s interests was to he considered to-mon'ow -or ue.\t wec^k-or on a certain day — it was always u'iuiil;- to he done, hut it neser was done : and so the position remains to this day. Cheers and laui^terO Our conttiiition on this side of the House is that the (!ov- ernnient of Manitoha takes to-(Lav a step that it ou<jjht tohav*- taken long since. (Hear, hear.; Tliey .should long hefore this have slutwn the Ottawa aiitlioritie< tliat they could not with im])nnity ti'itle with our hest interests. (Cheers.' Th(u-e 1 — S — setiiiied to lu' at Ottawa a stinlictl deteniiiiiatiou to ij^nure the ri'priiscntatioii.s of tliis Province How (^Isc doos it ]ia))poii that a manifesto siicli as tlic Pivmicr |»ivs(Mit<><l there, wliicli was ill jtsrlf i|iiit(' siifhciciit to |M)inr to the necessity t'oi" |)roni|)t a<ition, while jit the same time ilisahusinfj their minds <>(" the idea tliat Manitoha was draining away Kastern resonr- c.t^s- -liow (h)cs it happen thftt with sncli an aiithoi-itative statement issued at the ( "apital, they still clifiij;' to their nn- t'oniKh'd notions as to .Manit(»l)a heini;' a hui'deii to them '. So niucli is this the case that one of the nieml>ers su]>posed to lie hest informed —who is, it is l»(die\((l, to hecome a memV)er of t h(> ( roveriinient — hesitates not to commit himself to the stupid assertion that we are a pampered people spoon-fed lot. Laughter.) Kvidently tliey take little pains ro accpiaint tlienisel\-es with the position of this l^roviiice. Hear, lieai'. Ler us for ;i moment cnih-avor to <j:i\c a coirect statement of our position in (Confederation. And. in order that there sjiould he no misuiideistandini;, I will take the jniijlic accounts of the l)(»mini(jii as my o-nide. We find on pajM'sl42and 148, in the I'uldic Works report for 1 (SS:>. some tigures hearintj on this point, I ]iav<' hccii desirous, for instance, to asccM'tain wimt amount of the cost of construction the( '. W W. is reallv cliargfc- ahl(> to tliis I'rosincc, for it must i>e rcmemhered that one of the stateiiKiiits tlie\ tliii^' in our face is that the\' are I nildinfj tlie('. P. 11. for us. Hear, liea).' Well, I tind on lookinsf into the tii;ures. that the |»roportion which they say theinsol- \es out;ht to he chai'u'ed to this l^-oxince on account of the ('. P. R.~-S.').(H1.1S1 S.") or. countinu,- from the time wc entiM* e(l ( 'onfederation, t(j the yL'ar l(SS*2. there is cluirsjeable to us, acoordino; to their own ^I'owiiio- for all jmrjioses- — a total of S(i,S()2,()*i(i.lS What do we see lio'lit aloiiLTside these fiu'ui'es ? That in the same time ()ntario recei\-ed from Dominion .sources ami is ciiari,^eal»le with l)i58!).l!»().()77.40 : and t»)uehec S2r..SoO,:J;M-.:}7. And w<' should not forget. Sir, that neither ( )ntario nor (^Miebec ( ontrilmted an acre of land towards tlie constructtion of the ( '. P. Pv. Besides all this, we saw the other day that that same Province !) Ins at re- of ing ing ^ol- lir '1' - lis, of 'S? ioi\ ind l?et, an R. let' of (^)ii<'li('c got. ill tlic gciK'f.'il l;i;i1i made on Mic Doiniiiioii S7,- n()(i,(i(M) more, fl leaf, hear. Wliat can Isc >ai(l of a t 'onfrdn- iitioii, so ill-coiistnicted, or niaiuig('«l that it allows of tlic ]n'r- jM'tratioii of siieli aets:' (Ffcai', lu-ar. i The schenio was dt'visi'd tol.iiild U|» a great now iiati'tn on tins continent. — and the ('. I*. It. vas to pcove a [toteiit l>i>nd nf union KetwccMi the seat- tei'efl Provinces — in dui innocence we regarded it as a grt.'at national undertaking in the iriterest of llritish ('olund»ia, as well as of ou)se|\ cs and the other l'ro\ i)ii-es - hut soinethinL' nioie than the railway is n(M-ded to Kind us together ; and, numifostly. if ever we aic to Weconie i\ great iieo]»le. it can only he l>y dis|iensing e\ cn-handcd justice to all the Piovinces con- federated. ( "heers. I low can the houiinion piospei' and hold together when such unrighteous acts as giving away S5),- (XiO.diiO are perpetrated fof the reasons assigned .' (^)uehe(' must he |)laced ill a siiuilai jtositioii tit ( )iitario : and so wo tind the Federal authorities actually Notingaway millions of dollars to suhsidi/e railways in (^)ueliee, which railways had Ik en already in part sold oy that l'ro\ince ! So that (^>ueliee actu- ally got |)aymeiit for that portion of t hem twice over. Hear. Ilea,".'; With such facts h'fore them, the wise ukmi in the hiast, still speak disparagingly of this l'io\ince. In further retuta- tatiiMi of this charge I will (|Uot<' no les.N an authority than the Premier of the Dominion himst'il. As hoii. gentlemen are awai'e the intention in reference to the eastern termimis of lh(> ( ". P. P. for some time was. that if should he at ('allanler, l>nt afterwards on account of the policy of assistance adopted hy the then hominion ( icsvei iimeiit towards the ( 'anada ' 'ditial llailwa\', it was ju'actically extended eastward a:- iar as Ottawa. Now this is the position taken h\' the leader of the <lo\'- ernmeiit at ( )tra wa during tiie ilehate on t he cejehrated rail- wax iesolution>, to whicii I ha\<' referred. Here the memher j'or Mountain read from Sir .lohn .Macdonalds speech an ex- tracl, in which it was pointecl out that until the easterly houndar\' of Maiiitoha was reached the whole of the ('. P. II. ran through < )ntario ; that ity suhsidising that portion oi" the line nnining round the north shore of I^ake Superior, the 10 — \\'lli»l(' colintlT there WduM lie (levelojted : tliat tlie ll'.OOO (1(»1- Inrs per mile for tliis secti()i\ and the n'raiit t.u tli<' ('. 1'. |{. sank int<» insioiiififance, so tar as Ontario was concernod, on accoinit (»f tlie etioinious advantagt; slie nuist ^ain in tlie open- ing' nil ot" that teiM'itoiN', \Nliirli. undonhtedlw wonM liivatlv enricli that Pi'o\-inee from the mineral, timlier and other i-e- s()Ui"(.'es of the Country al)ont ti) l»e o)>ene(l up -and that, there- lore, as ( )ntario would he sn much the L;'ainer. it wonid he oidx" fail' that (^)nel)e(' shonld i;'et an ei[uivalent ^rant from tlie pnh- lie pui'se. That was the |)(isitioii taken hy the leader of the l)o)iiiiii(»n ( 'ONi'i'nnient . atid we eonrend that until tlie ('.[*. |\. reaehes tlie i'roNinee line til the eastward, the Doniinion has no ritilit to sav to Maintoha we built ojie foot of load for you. (Hear, liear. In referenei' to the <|uestiou of Pro\ incial hinds I lia\'i' some figures, taken from the i>lue books of tlu; Domin- ion, L;i\in^ as near as may l»e a collect return of tlie lands disj»ose(| of iri Manitolia l»y tlie Dominion, from is.Sd till the end of l,S(S.'i. riiis is till! statoiiKMit : Theie were liomesteaded during' the four yeai's 1^,748,4(10 acres, dn which the fees ))aid aiiioiinted to S:2n!t,74.'); tiiere were pre-empted duiiiii;- the same period •2.:i!»!i,0.')lac,i'es.on which the pa \'iiientswei'<'>^l .'>!),(i7">:tliere weir cash sales, including;' scri]» and wairant lands, to the ex- tent of *J. 02"), 7")N acres, on which the fees paid were Si .!>(»(), - !in:i.")0. This -ives a total of s4,lo:V-')N4.r)2, It must he taken tor o-i-aiite(| that there i> a lai'i;'e amount due the Dominion < lo\-ernment for lands sold in Manitoba. On the ist of Ani;'- ust. Is7!>, it will be remembered, the land regulations dividing the eountiy into belts, came into force. Many of these lfin<ls were sold tor oiie-tentli down, with ten \»ars to pay the oal- anee, and no doubt much of the amount i> o\'ei'due. I know of many instances where the tir^t, payment dt" one-tenth is all that has been paid The proportion now due .Manitoba on that branch of the account would be So^dJ-')! — makinga total of S4.7( 10,38.").') L*. This is, let me say. alow estimate of the amounts iecei\-ed by the |)(tminion from the sale of lands in this j'rovinee — and it is one which 1 know, falls far short of some of the (Estimates made by soin- niemlK'is of the ilouse of II. ),- 'II 1)1) 1 1'_ . — 1 |,n- Is ill — II — C'oiiiiJKjns wluni uiidcitakiiiy tn sIkiw tliut tlif ( '. I'. IJ. whs not yoiiin' ^" ^'"^t Kastcni |ic()|ilc aiiytiiiiii; in tlic long run. (Hcai', hear.) To sliow tiic total aiiiouiit of IjiikI alienate*! tVom tliis Pntvinee, iii_\' statement will liasc to lie nioii- eoinprelieiisixe. I liave shown tliat lioinrstcads ('o\(;rc(! :>.7 l-'>.4'(i() acres; j»re- ciiiptioiis 2, •J!HI, .*}')! aeres ; f'oi- casli and scri]* and warrant lands 2,02."),7-"S aeri!s ; l»nt tlicrc arc hcsidcs tlie Hudson IJay lands, 1, (>.')!, (iOO acres: the lialf-hreed lands I ,i(Ki,()(»0 aer(,'s : an 1 flie (". 1'. U. -rant I, :)(•( ),()(►(» arr.vs.-.-,.r a ^rand n.tal oi' I :i.(;()!),,S(iI) acres, — iiKjre than (Mjual to the area of the old I'l-oxinee of .Manitolia. Hear, lieai.) In tact, tliis would inehide tlie wliole country from a little (tast of licd lliser as I'ar as tlie western houn<h'iry of the Province, and Lt'oinu as far iiortli as townshij)s 1(> or 17. including- the l>est j)oiii()n ot the Province, — over an area to that extent the Pro\incial lands ha\'e Ikhii all alienati^l. Hear, liear. I lia\c not, it will Ik; ohser\c<l, included our school lands in linuics i^ixcii. They are(»urs and cavmot he parted with . Itut for the icst I think an e(jui\alenl miijfht he taken. We ha\e heen al\\a\s told from ( >ttawa that the amount given u> was so much to help us,- a sort of gift as it were, to (.'uahle us to pull through. IJut in no principle ol' justice can any such position l)e taken. ( 'heers. In every instance the amount gixen us was charged to ea.|»ital account W'.' were, in realitw ^'ettiini' a portion of our own iiione\. (Hear, hear.) And wdiat should lia\'e heen done was not to charge us with the amo\ints so a,dde(l tit capital, hut oiil\' our proportion of the interest accdniit. Hear. The f'edi ral authorities, in makiiiu up their statement, ^o on to chaigc thi> ProN'ince with cei'tain --ums, such a> theaiiHmnt,^ for (io\ci'n- meiit pui'poses, for piihlic roads, for the e\.]»e(litioiiary force, and for jiuhlic wurks and hiuldings. In legaid to tliese oidy a certain pro]ioition can he i'easniial>ly chai'^ed to Manitoha, (Hear, hear.) H*, as they say, they hoii^ht us, and ]»aid f»r us, we certainly cannot he cllar^callle with the lump sums paid out. The ,s| .')()Oj)()n. {'m cxainplc, was paid for the e.xtinguish- iii" oj' the claims of the Hudson s llav i 'ompan\', not meicK in ?.l — lli — till.' ri(»\ iiicc. Itiituvcr (lie wIk'Ic ol'tlic Northwest; ;in<l il'tlic |ir))in'i iti'cji (»(' tliis I'ldviiicc were (•(iiii|>jirt'il witli IIm- Noitli- ■st. soiiiutliiiiiL;" like our |iid|toitioii of t lie cost uttlif iturdiasc iild 1)(' asccrtainod. It woiiM Itc nl)i>iit. oiic-t vvelftli. Now. U( CO it" W(! take tlie ditrei't'iil items speeilietl in the Doiiiiiiiou repoiis and add ihi'iii iij), it will l>e louiid that we eaiiiiot. in ii^asoii lie ciiarire<l with more tlutn SS, (!(>", 'J^i 24. It is a \r\y diller- cut sum, indeed, from tlu: s1-.").0()(i,(hi(i wjili which some eastern lo_i;'islator i;'i'a\cly |ii'oj»o.stvs to rharn'e us. Hear, he-ar.) Now look at the credit side of (he accmint and let us see how it will come out Tile Federal lialance .^heet down to ISS.*>. shows the amount to the credit of .Manitoba from lands, customs, (,'.\cise, jiost-(/tfice, and some smaller items, which, with tlie Italance due on lands, makes a ^rand total of S!».:)()(i, I-4I . 10. I )t!duct tile subsidy, and adding;' the amount due (<■: salesol' land in the l*ro\ ince, and the actual halance m faxor of .Manitoba will he 7')".. >.).)..) I'j-. ->•> H ear, liear, They ha\c of couinc a riLihl to cliai'i;'!.' us with interest on oil)' share of the expenditures tic SS.i;(i7,-i:i !..•_' 1- of which I s|ioke. The annual interest woidd l)e sMM .17<>. <>r. down lo the |)r(>se)it time, a litth- ovvt S|n:i 1 ,7(i."i. DuritiLi" that periiMJ we were entitled to a credit of SS,.")S7.:^*J4. 1-'), and dediictiiin' iVom this the amount due for interest, w ith t he eosts of adiiiin- istratJoii of justice and eoiicction of re\'enue, W'' lia\e the bal- ance I lia\c mentioned in ta\or uf Manitoba, vi/.: -S4,7(!(), - '>.S.").."):i — wjiich am(»unt, capitali/ed at IInc |u'r cent., woidd Liive us annually S2:»N,()| ().77. Hear. Kroiii the statistics I iia\(' (|Uot(,'»| it i.s plain that we are a lai'ue contributor t(» the Dominion. ( 'lieers.) Si\o'.-|(ick liasiii:^ struek.tlu ijebate was a.diouriie(b Mr. ( '«reenwa\' lia\ in the tl oor. i:\KNl.V(i SKSSIo.N, il< The Speakei' ha\ ing taken the chair. Mr. ( Ireenwn.y resunieil his speech, saving- —When t he oiise adjourned I was abmii eoncludinn- soiiie remarks on — i:j — li'^'iii-.'s wliicli I lijul i-.\t railed iVciii talmhitiil ^talciiiciil> mn- laiiicil ill liliic IxKiks issued liy till' h"c(li'ial < inxcriniiciit. and I think I had shnwti jiri'ttv i-onchisiN rly tVuui tlicsc lliat. iiistca*! nl" Manitoha ln-inoa (h?iin ii|pun the icsinirccs of tln' I )(»nnninii, as eastern |M'(i|»h' ^cnci'ally assipiH' it is, wr ha\f l\ in^' at nnr i-iT(lit, when We ha\r hern chai-n-rd with all tliat can possihU' Ix" (•Jiari;('d til Us, and i-i'cditcd witli these ^unis to uhicii \\r ha\e a, I'iu'ht, a sum whii-h woidd yield wdien caiiitaii/cd at ti\(' |)<'r(ent. niiifc than the ie\enut' wr (jerixc tVoui tlie Dn- niiniuu t<»-day. When \\f read such tads as these tVoni the accounts of the dominion theius(d\es it ^Iioas cleai'lv that t hose i;'entleuien who undertake to CoUsidef oui' case, oi- more |>rojier!y. do not umleilake to consi(h"- it, have not looked into the facts ot' the case when tliey assume such [tositions. Tosa\' that W(; liave a. rii;iit to he charn'cd foi all the undeftakinus winch they enumerate, and which amounts haAc heeu adde(l til the dc^lit nl" the l)ominii»n -is U> take a |tosition, that the merest noxice, in matteis of finance, would see at a L;lauce, was ahsurd. As Well uML;iit those jieo|»|e ehai'L;'e ( )ntai'io with the amiiunt of near!}' S-JO. 000. OOO added to the capital del.i of the Dominion of ( 'anada for siihsidies tothc < Siaiid Truid< Kailway wiiicli was at the time the\' were L;ian led consideicil a national undertaking', of with S7,0i'0,000 sulisidies ^ranted to Noxa Scotia, oi-s:),0(MK000to\i'W Ihiinsw ick, or srj.oOO.OOO lo I'riiu-e Kdward Island, These are su.nis added to the cajtital of the DomiiMon, and we iiayiuu, as we all know, fVoiu tiuuriw ;j,i\ en time and auain. more than our just shai'cof the inteiest of these amounts. It would he ei|ually fair to -•harue (^Mieln'c, New Ih'unswickaiid Nova Scotia with nearly S.'JO, 00' ",000 that it took to cunsti'Uct the Intercolonial Hail way, so that I do not thi)d< these |ieo|)le lia\ e an ai'n'umeiit in tlieii- ta\ m' when they assume such j)ositions as they ha\e dout ; in a,ny cas»; the ligures ai'ca^aiirst tlieiir Sui'cly they cannot say they will not he li'iiidcd h\' the tiu'nres which the\' iiuhlished. and we luive a, rii^ht t>o assuuK^ that these li^-ui'cs ai'e coi cect. They clearly sliow that while the l)omiiiiiin ( !o\crumenl continue tlieii' act- — 14 of'iiiiacv t(>\vju"<ls ihis PioviiicM! tlirv aic assimiiiiL!' a most !iii- tciialth' position. VV^• luivc iM'torc (Hii- considei'aiidii t.lic ic- soliitioiis wjiirli have lu'cii a»l(>]>t('(l for tlic gni<laiic(' oi' tlu! (lcl('H-at('s w'lio aro to j»rocec'(l to Ottawa. This is not tlic Hist time that the riCgisIatiirc of Ma!iitol»a lias luidertakuii to niv(.. iiistiuctions to L;'ciitl(!muii nitnisti^d witli sucii a position, rp"" fiiiothcr occasion the hon. ^-enticman wlio movc(l the lesohitions yesterday move(l similai' resohitioiis. l»ut we have had occasion to com]>lain nioie than once that they did not enter into his considci'ation wlieii he nndcirtook to represent our case at Ottawa, (»r tliatlie did Tiot[)ress tiiem to their ligiti- mate i-esnh, else we wouM not liave l»een in tlie beggarly posi- tion w'c are in to-day. I lefo' to tliis, not so mncli to lind fault at tliis time with that, hon L-'cnth'man as t(» warn the gentlemen who are nntei'taking tlio task of ropi'esenting Mani- toba s claims at tlii> moment aiiainst anvthinL;' like avoidiiiii' the i)r>>trncti(»)i given (»n thi^ occasion. Tliese in.structions. from the spii-it in wliich the_\ have lieen considered, are snp- j»oscd to contain Manitoba s ultimatum to the l''e(l(M"al authcn'- it/ies, Floii. Mr. .Millei- — hear. heai'. ) Tliat fact should not be lost Mglit of. I inidertake t(»say. as one who assisted in tbiniu- lating these demands, that the representatives should consider that these resolutions do so contain the peoples ultimatum. I tliiid<. Sif. it ha- been clearly ~<hM\\n that we ha\'e at tlie pi'e- seiit time t"ioMi oui' present .^oui'co of re\-.'inie. about one-liall" the aniotiiit necessary to meet nui- fair demands ; and I tlinds that I may he allowed t<i >ay that the estimate to whicli I sliall refer UKire particulai'ly at a >ul>se(|Uent time, is not an exoi'bit- ant one for tiie reiiuiretiient- ot" thi- Prox'ince at the present time. We mi;4'ht take, for instance, the estimates recentlvsub- mitted to the Nova Scotia lit'^islaturt'. It is true tlie\- ha\e a largei- popidatiim. but being a com- l>arati\-ely nld |'r(i\ince. they have not the same demauiU upon tl leir i'esouree>. In this "ouiitr\- e\'er\ thinu" i.^ to be.l one kinds n\ 'ill ic u. ll Lil'Kl'ie^, mads, etc.,ha\eto In construct- ed: aid has to be ^iveii tbi- the |)urpMse of organizing the dif- ferent mullieipalille.-^ throunlidiit the i-ountr\-. All that wa.^ — 1 done in tlic I'i'nv iiu'c icfcncil tn years jin'o; \it tlirif t'stiinatcs .•UMollllI III S:):;(;,()(M>, ol- u little ahovc the rstilililtt'S We lia\r ;il this tiiiK' iM'lorc US. Kiirthi'f than that, the time is vvx near in tlic histniN of Manitulm whoi we slia II Iriilliri' (|(Hl )>l(' th amount \vc rtM|uiit' to-day. I tirnik. in onlcr Im (Icvrloiic pro- |KM-ly this cduntry, aixi uiidfilnisc sucli \vnik>jis will he neces- sary, we shall iv((uiie at least S| ,(>()(), 00(t re\enue in a \('r\' siioi't time. We have at present jusf Mh<'-t(Mirtli nl' that amount, hence it nuist he (|iiite clear that we a,i'e in a |tnoi- position ; hut il'oui' claims are eonsideied at all in a iair light, we need not I'cmain so long. Take toi' nistanee tlie Domitiion ( {overnm(!nt s own assumptinn that we have at the present time l.")(),()00 souls in Maniioha ; it' we ea,i')'\' this out to the [)ropei' eoiielusion they should he willing to add to our capital (at i5"i2.4o ])er head . giving Sl-,S(i4, •')(»(». Deducting the am(»unt we were entit led to at the first adjustment, S.V)! , 1- 1-7, this, cap- italized at ti\'e j)t.'r cent., would gi\c additional interest of .^^l."),?-")-.*!'), or a total income iSvlien added to theauKtiint now annually i-eceived; of S 1-12. !)()■'). S!). and with other icsources we nnght reasonahly add, we would he placeil in a position to o\'ertake the estinuites hofore us. If the revenue fi'om smaller sources, sucli as the sale of stamps and a few things of that kind wei'e added to tliis amoiuit, it would c(j\er half a million dollars. Hut we should calculate at this tin\e so as not to re- rt)(jnire to enter into tlie consideratiiui of this suhjoet again \('r\' soon. It is not too nuicli to sa\' takii It"' into account the amount of lands in Manitoha still uns(jld. and the amount sold id applied to I^'edeial |tui'i»oses, that we ai'e entitled to capit- al ilizo on that acc( )unt S!(),(>()o,()()(),oihalf the anio\nit estimated 1)\' some ol" my hoiiorahie fiiends oppositt,'. It does appear straiiiTO that after all the efforts made from INNO to toe pres- out time it sli'juld he iiecessaiy t(» discuss this (piestion at such longtii to con\ince those jjeople <if our just claims : yet, from the despatch hefoie us. from former considerations of this suh- joot, from all tlu; delays tiiat have heen made and tlu' |>romises we liave had that, our (daim wouM he taken nito serious con- siilei'ation, it does appear a most •liflicult task to estahlish it k; i llpnll tllc lllillds of liic |ir(;|i!(> ;it ()ttjl\\il tll.'lt We li;i\(' .'I jllst clnilll il|i<ill tlli'lll r<iV ;ill Mllli'llUt -^lltHricllt tn lllt'i'l oiir r('S)Ki||- siliilitics. \Vr coiitcMtl tliMt, if" the pivsnit pulicv is to lie |)iir- siM'd, the liiiiuls of ( '(iiircilciati'tii must lie liiirst asimiitT. I»iit \\f iiiiiA' tJikc the ol licr sii'W , that it' tliry art' L("in_if U* piirsiic tlirir policy n)' ^laifiital ran- o\rr lis, \\r imist lici\<' a li\iii!4", and can tnstly claim t liat \vr ai'c entitled to a siillicicnt iinutii lit ti> meet oiir l)ju'e necMssities, at least. I iiope that my honoi'.ilije iVii-nds opjiosite ai'e siitfioicntly impressed with tic* impoi-tance ot'thi-^ snliieet, and as we ai"<' alMMit. ilia lew da\'N. to adjoiii'ii tor thi- piirp(»soor iia\'in,e' oiir i-epre^entat inns iirij'eil in the proper (|ua.iter, I hope that it will 1.1' lifted in an eiiiphalie manner a-- the tiiial demand.s made upon t he pe iple a1 0( ta wa, in order to -secure for us the amount neeessiU'y to maintain our existence a-- a niemlier ot' ( 'ont'tMJ (■ration. Hear, hear. Tin-- i-^ the only spirit in which it should he MrL;ed. I only niak" the sii^'^vstion and warn oiir friends that no such tritlin^ ami dilly ilallyini;' as has heeii manifested upon this sul/)eet up to the present time will lie Inline hy the people of Manitoha (cries of (jncsiioii ipiestinn. from iJie (!o\-crnment hencdies. We (|o not Jiropose tn he treatcil as children ; 1 think that it is :he feeliiiL;' of the people i»f Manito'oa, and I think tliere are mature nn-n in Maiiitoha who are capalije of lookine' alter their own interests ami mean In do it. ll'tlie peopl.' at ()ttawa do not look after our intei'- est s the conseipienci's will he feart'ul to ('(intemplate so fai as one l'ro\ini'e of ( 'onfederation i- concerned. What do we see ' i)urin^' the iccent session of the hoiiiinion Parliament, in which we have heeii told from day to day that Manitoha's claims Would he coiisidei'ed ainl her just rii^'hts acceded ti', we see the I-'ederal < lo\ernmi'nt vntine' in >.iie short session of three months SSO.OuOOOd. That means Sl>,7()0.()0() as oiir pro- portion addetl to the capital aecoiintof the honiinion orSl.'i.'),- 0(MI per year wlieii (-apitalised at .'> per cent. Are these not serioiis <'onse(pienc( s that strike one ver\' h>rcil>l\ at this m,oni- eiit. when a deht is pileil upon our population of S|S per head in the-^hort peiiod of' three niotiths' As a <''eiitleman 1 roinai'U'c I id- hiy in cdiUi'iMtinn. tli" I ).iiiiiiii..ii ( luNciiniifiit may sjiy svlim diii' ir|iiv^iiii;it isc-, ^n p. ()m.iuji Io ii>f .m lioss-Tu (lisiii), ' W'iiat ;in'yuii L;i'iii'4 ti' il'> aliuut it '" W'fll, it ilot's ;i|)|)('(ir to nil' US it' t'iiy Iiiim' jll^t t;ikfii tlint position iii'Ui] ;ill tluj r(^|)r('si!iitat.ioiis tli;it 1i;i\cImm'1i niaili- t<» tlifin After the Ioiil;' (l('s|(atcli ul" Miin-li, |,s,s:{. ii.uliicli no niiswcr was ;L;'iN'uii, and that of .laiiiiar\ , jiisl almiit the time tin' I >niii- inioii House nmt, tii-day that iUfcidUN >tati' |(a|ier (hnvs not ]»i'o|»ose the n'raiit lit" an addil iMii;il didlar to Maiiitolta. W'itli tJiese tacts hi'l'orc us, \\c sec tliiiii \ ( tt i 1114 a \s ;l\ inillion^ <d dolhirs to othei' l'ro\ii)i'c> ahcadx too hi;;'hl\ led, and we aie ealh-fl upon to pa,y our shan-. auil more than our ju-^t piopor- tioii. When the l.i'^ishit uir luet and \vr saw the manner in wliieli oui' ehiims wrre hein^- treated, my idea was thai we slioidd at onee apjteal to the hujierial l'ri\\ ( 'ouneil I *]<> not Ixdieve hat we sh^ll appeal there in \ain il" this tieat- ineiit l»e still persisteil in j tliiid< we cin (a->ily show that we liave Keen treated in >ueli a manner that il would he tai hetter. it" the tl'eatmellt ispe)^i>ted in. that We slmuld eease to he a. meinliei- of ( "iint"e(|erat ion. I do not, want I 1 say, and I shall not say tiiat tiiei'e is a sentiment in Maintoha in laxor <d" annexation to the cduntry ->iiutli of iis ; I do not heiie\e that any siudi exists extensively. I heliesc theic are just as loyal lieart-^ in this l'r(.\ince a> heiicath the shades of St. .lames' Talaee. liut there is a loynlt\ that comes home, a loyalty to ourselves and the institutions under which we li\-e There is nothing' in Dritish institutions tocomptd people to sit sili-ntly under such treatment as tliis. I tliouglit the time luul arri\ed when we should make an ap- peal l)e\'ond tine-e pei»|i|cat <)ttawa and that we should lay our ease t"ull\' at the fool i'\' the tlii'oni-and ^ee if jlritish iii- stltUtJons reipMled of Un to ^il silently uuder sucll a >tate of things: and I lie|ie\c now and >ay uiihout hesitation that we can u'et aloii^ lietter without the people of the east than they can witlmut u>. \\li;it would this I )ominioii 1m' without Man- it'iha and the Noitliwe>t I can understand tlie nioti\es which nui)elled those ineu wlio tVaiued the coU'-t i t u t ioii that under il _ IH mi^^lit !•(• ili'jilt iiiit to Jill till- incnilifrs fiiii pliiy: and tlint imdci' it iiii^'lit lie lioiiiid toLidlirr ((lie ^•I•('at nniinii cxl'iitlinu" IVoiii tlic sliMivs <.r llic Atlantic to tlir racific I can njxlccstainl that sentiment, ImiI Iiow can it l>c succrssfiil if tlic majority arc (Ictci mined tu ^rind d»»s\n tlie minority, is tlieie any rea- son wliy sve slumld I'c cumiielled to sit (piietl* nndei' it. ! will illustrate the position Manitoha would (M'(Mi|»y as a, crown col- nn\', li\' iit'erence to the taiifV that we pay into the Oominioii tri'asui'y ciKtoms ilut ies npitu i^'ocmIs anionntinij,' to >^ I ,'»'•(),( Kin amnially. Some will tell us that \\r siiould not take this as a ciirreet an II Hill estimate, tliat it is ton hi^h, l»eeausi' they say tiiat in the \ear I haxc selected, the ( ', V II. paiil a lari^'c pm- tion ol" tlii> amount . Imt. sir. I maintain that instead ol' il> heinu" toniriMli. tn .>li<i\\ the aniounl actually jiaid l»y our peo- ple, it is l)i|(iw the marls Coi' the reason that we pay at least lli'ty pi'i- cent, moll' on o-omls which we consume which are taken out of liond in < >ntai'ioaiid (^)ueliee Thi> will t'ai' more than countei'halance anythiiiL: I'aid 1>y the ( '. I*. K., and of coiiise does not ap|)ear in our fa\oi-, Imt it is creilited to tlu' two provitiees named. Now what doe>> thi^ show ' Assuming that the Sinn I ha\e uicutioueil is paid upon an a\era,n'e duty of twenty-li\c per cent. Wliat do wc find. >ir. with tlie esti- mates liefoic us ' That We could relieve the people from tWo- tlnrijs of the ta.\e,^ paid Wy way of coutriliution to the Domin- iiiion rreasiiiy. and iini the atiairs of the I'roxinee on the re- maiiMU^ third ; or in otjier word'> l»\ ie\ siiw' a dui\ of eiidit per cent . instead ot' twenty-H\i', w^e ould derive fiomthis •source alone ji sntlicient >um to nu'ct our present necessities. Again, sir. will any per.^on tell me, that with a liheral railway policy a few yeai'> aLj;'o. when capital was more easily obtained than at j»resent. if then we iiad Iteen allowed th<' free exereiNC of oiM' privilege to chartei' lines in \ario\i^ direction.-, and had oecu alloweil the u>e of re>ouri'es which Were naturalK' ours for the piM'pose of .•>ul isiili/jnu :,ueh liue^,. that we Would not ha\e had to-(ha\' a I'erfV'ct network of railways tln'oiediout the Proxince. and inii^ht .-<o(in have Jimud ourseKes in a similai' posiii,,M to oiir frii'uds to the south of us. The state of Min- II- Us 1st' ll> III' — 10 — iM's(»tji. with licr extensive iMilwuy system, if ue IdiiI HUo|ilei| tlieii' system ol' tnxiiiii' iJiilwaAs, we mi'-lit imw he i|eii\ iiiu m \ii\'^i\ leNcmie fVnm tilut ^kiiici-, In iliut slate ii|Hiii a tax ••!' .*) |i((r eeiii. ii|)i)ii railway e)ii'iiinn> tiny leeeive aiimiully ><>iiie S(i()0,(M)(l. We are ile|»ii\ei| n\' mn resdiiice^ ,-iiiil tul»| tliat f'cfroiun ea|»ital shall n(»t eoine in ti> hiiiltl the line«^ uf lailuuy we Sn nnich neeil. The^e Jill' >i>mi' nj'thi' llildlt e.N W e ale |»aS' ini; tt> I he Lii'anW scheme of ( 'i»nle(|eiati(iii. Il it i> tn l>e a >-iie cess tliele milst he ninic thaii sentiment It' liind it In^etheiaiKJ Ituihl il ii|»; there must he a^ well, sir, unity (»f intcri'st.s. ^'et We are tnM hy s(inie that we nIidiiIiI nitt cuniiilnin ; hilt I am L^lail t(» tind they are hut lew, and that the |ieii|(Ie and their r(!|iresentati\('s ha\ e at last heeome iiniteil ii|ii)ii a ediimiiin demand wiiieh they jn'opitse fn make in the interests (tithe eiiiMitry. I WKiild speak with a \uiee id" thmidef if I could as a wan;iiiL;tit the anthniities that they j^ro nut luo far. a-iid 1)1' what will ha|»|ten il tiny resist a iinite(| jieiiple siieli as liaxfin Manitnha tn-da\. ( A|>|>laiise.) We are told h\ we le ''1 'o< I old I la\ 111 sdiiK.' to Lj;'n s|(»w, and we are reinindt'd ol" tl ( )ntari(», w hen uiir latlier> wi'iit iiitn the tnrests, and lieL^an with litM! and axe, and thi'inseKi's humes ; wi' are tnid that they were in the tiii>li, and worked anmn^' the' -~liiiii|is tor '2'^ years withont a railway. We will tell those iieople that we lia\'e acoiintry more easily de\elo|ie(|, and oiie that I'or that reason re<|llires niol'e at the ^tait to (le\e|(>|ie it. We do not |»i'oj»ose to i;o sluw ly We did not ei me away from ()iitar!o lor the ]inr|>ose ol !^'oiii^ slow, nor with any idia ol'^oin^ haek a half a century in the march of civili/ation and ucneral adxaiiceiiient. that has heeii made since the days of <>\iv lioy hood. We came ht.'re with a riill eoii\iction that life is short, and we want to accoiii|ilisli as much as we can ami take ad\aiit - i^'c ot all the impioN (•nieiits made sim . \> to de\'eio|»e Manitolia as rajiidly as we can and make it the first I'idvince (d'the Dominion. If we ^Ct the resources we olie'ht to Iia\(', wc will set such an exaniph' of progress hefore the otlier Pro\- iiicc's as will [istonish tiieiii I repeal (hat iii\ policy \sas to "•o to the foot lif the throne, hut as we lia\f in the despatch — '20 W uiinllici' iinlirati'Mi iliiit llii> luatli!' will I'" liikni iiiMltr tlir sfiimis coiisifii'iariiiii ul ;i cniniuissinii, I iiin wiHiiii^Mluil iIm'V sliuiiM Imvi' aiiMtJiiT it|»|( irliiiiity : I'lit I iIumw ^nt tlir^r itjnis t.tsliuw llial \si' \\H\r Moiiit'tliiiiu' w<' can ;u'.(iiii|»lisli in aiiMtlirr «|iiai'lcr if tlial cM ninr inn^t he ailMptcil Tlir .•>! imalfs Itcloic Us iiHJicatc tlint tlir lAiMiiilil iiiv dl iJir l*i ..\iiicM must ncrcs- sarilv iiHTcasr. If we cunipair i» with that <A' last yrai' «>f tlic \i'ai' hctniv, \\r shall tiinl tin- i'>;iH'iisr cuMf iiniall v iiicfi'asiii:;, ami it is l.iit i.atiii'al that it shonM l.r s.. r..r a (iiiK-, as \\.>iks Mr\aii<»iis kiiiijs lia\c \n he iiii'lcitakni A <(»iiii>afati\t' stalf- lllt'llt nt'llir |VC.i|its ailii r\|i(||(|ltlll(- Im| |S.SJ-:> W i 1 1 sl|(»W ill what latin ihr "lilfcifiii lica'l^ lia\r iiirivasiMJ : licni>la,ti<tii i.ssi>. ><i';{,s7(i .')•; ; ls.s:{ srio.ini.iiii ; iii.-i.-as.v s(i,2l.'M:{, of iirailv •><» I Ml Cl ■lit « '|V|| (iuvrnilllrlit, ISS-_V S2!»,S(i!).i:) ISS.'^, s:)l.,lUS.i>!> ; iiiciN-a>f, S-J-VO l-S.S I-, l.cin;^ in'ariy '.Miimt i-riit. A.liiiiiiistratioii of jusficr, ISS2. s-J,S.2()(;,.'>(i ; Inn:;, Sdi',- IT-S.OS; iiii'ivasr, S.S.").!)| I .')!], (.r I2(» yn rfnt. Kilucation. ISS-J, S:)o,(i+.').<;L': ISN.S, S.")l,:{:)4.;ls ; iucf vsc, Sl7.7«>s.7(i. nr (ivcr .■)() |MM' ii'iii I )iiiiiutL't,' increase I'! |itr rr\\\. ( Ion cniiiifiil aiil, Issl', s|(i,i;{(i,7s ; isn:;, s.h.o^l'. 4:i ; incivas.'. s:;,s,ii( ».').( ;K "i i'2.*) |..T .Tilt. T..tal, ISM. SL'4-:{,<i;;:) ; is.sii, ^:{s:i,-J7(> ; iHs:;, s.')(k;. :{!>!) M\ Iimm. IVifii.i thinks that the t'stiiiiatcs have imw art' lal ixt'il at a statiuiiarv aiiiniint . init Iain alVai'l he tides nitl <(■ cxftct l\ t hi- I'onci-t |Mi,siti<iii. I am aJVaiil tiial as in t he hislnrx DUi I'tlicr countries they will cMiit iiiiie to ineivase a^ the want> ami iiuiiiIkts ol" (he jteople increase. As the Premier has stated to L;'el a ^Teal increase ol' |)n|)ulat ii»ii under existinu' eircumstances is nut desirahlc. Still, tho ( i<»\eriunent in its |iaternal care over Us ice continues issuing |»am|»lilets and di»inu w hat it can to indii |iiMi|)|e tn cuiiM,' here. I llDpe tli<' (ioNeriiniellt will de\'ise some ihcaiis hy w hich jn'oiile eomiiiL: here may, at least a ])ortion ol them, lie retained within t he liiuits of t he l'lo\iiiee. The*'. V. II. has heeii huilt so last that w<' find people taking tho raiU wa,y ami going to the west of us. so that we are imt derising the lieiielit W {' sholl Id gel When We g(M sullicicnl resoll I'Cf.'S the ( io,eriimeiit should :ii|o|it means to ii'taiii a certain per- — •2\ <w M"-. Ill ll> (•(' IK' 111 LI ■cs I'clltU^t' nriliiisc wild ruliir, 11^ \\ , li;i\f a lai^v aiil'Mlil i>\ \ a< iiii( laiKh, uinl a> ^iuMMilatoi^ aif w illiiii^ !<• sell | ;iiii |ti<Mii| n\' tliis lilt iiiiati nil. lircaiiM- il oiiilinii^ sfiil iintiits w lii li | |ia\ "• i'ii((<i'taiti*-)i lui' a liiii^tiiiH'. linn |iiiiii(| w r Imvc |iiit it !i> one of t lir rii^'liis mI' ilir I'liiviiM f lit Maiiit'ilia tn cliaitrr rmr-i.l railway tVnin iiiiv <>\\i- yu\\\\ Id Miiotlicr [Hiini i\r(|ti a> liinilid l»V till' Art (it'lssj I am l;I.i'I llic ( lo\rriiiiifiit lia^ |ii'n|Mi>ii| Id rail at trill idii Id tin I'art dl llic lii^li iliitii-s lirini;' |iirjinli('ia| Id the ililrrcsl.s d(" t lie |Hd|i|r dftliis I'lUNilicc It is a vicldiA I'dl- I lie |icd|i|i' d|' Maililnltil ln'Ciillsc tlirrt' i> l|d mistak ilii; I jjcii sfiiliiiiciits tliiil tiiry, tliidn;_:li llicii |)i.i|Mily i|iialili<'(| ir|in'- sciitati\<'s. lias (• r\|iirsM'i| I liciiiM'K r> iniaiiiiiidiisly, witlidiu a dissnitiiin \(ii<T, in liisdi- ol' tlir iiriiifi|i|(-> (•iiinicja.tcil in ihr Hill III" |{iLClit>'. Willi lliCNc a<rdi(lt<il Id ii.s, as tin y iniist Im' acciinhd, \* »' vsill >lnt\v licic a l'rd\iiii-t' di \ rld|pt'il a> iid diln i IMdsiiicc lias 'lex cldpcil. A-^ liisidiy has rr|ifati.'<| itsril", sd wc shall liaN'c a pc i|ilc raisctl ii|i that l>\(; ami \>\r mas |M'rlia)'s Veil ii[ui.sli their iiiort' sdiilhcni tncs. I'liildiinctl applair Icr- •;•) I i X 7^ ,a * H r y. 3; lO '•to 4^ — 5 4- i;i W 1^ i^ ^ tj 4- w' iO *^ 35 >.0 T .7; C' ~. r :,' p\z p p -s: ii / "/ VD I-' 'c Oi :/ ~- i : c. — -I- Z C' ■— -' -z >fc- - — J- iU "• 4- O C " — ■ " C 4- i» li I— i: <w v' M-k v^ -^JWO 9i;pW^;3;OWp- 7 =^§'^^' w Vt ..7 r-£ ^ '':=; ;="' Z- ■^ ?r ?• ^ r'h p r Zli "1 -r ■/- c' -- rD 1- to : I i |no titi li X y. X X A -! - ~ >^ * ~l . 4- li. li M -' ■::J ~; C / I -:. C". - i / 4- /. it* •. C. 4- -C / C X InU !>.'{ — 'I -r t f^i - i~ •"= ':-- 7t »« V. ^ •-> — ri ■— / -^ _h _> •- A .- ■• 1 -' ■;(. O: -f c — '— — ' 1 ' *3 y •* iTl -t ^ : li f I \ i f: I: / 4 X 4,1 r o - _ -■3 Z y. 4^ b •ft s-V r = ?= ^ ^ " ? ^ ■ 5 =' — y. _ J- •J I- /: xi -/ r i-: li >- r III/ r / / / :- 14; — c / / / / / r I / w li. — r r / / / r / r r Ul *A --' fi; •x /' *y. li I- II :.' [L, X- H- _C ? TJ .^ -"• 7 5 ~ i- I »- r c I4, ':.i ^ _ _ i> / -1 4- ~ - 1 wi o: li c i.' ^1 ^ li r: y