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The apportionment of the Grant to the several Municipalities is based upon the latest Returns of Population for the year 1885, and the division Vatween the Public and Separate Schools on the average attendance of .that year, as reported by the Inspectors, Public School Boards, and Separate School Trustees respectively. While the Separate Schools will receive their portion of the Grant direct from the Department, that of the Public Schools will be paid, according to this Schedule, through the respective County, City, Town and Village Treasurers. The County Councils— whose duty it is to raise from the several Townships in their Counties a sum at least equal to the amounts respectively apportioned to each County- are reminded that all the supporters of Roman Catholic Separate Schools are exempt from any rate to be levied for this purpose. Education Department, Toronto, May, 1886. Public School Apportionment to Counties for 188R, for which an Assessment is to be made by the County Council, in the several Townships in each County, suflBcient to raise an amount at least equal to the amount apportioned to each County. All Roman Catholic Separate School supporters are exempted from any rate for such purpose. 1. COUNTY OF BRANT. Municipalities, Apportionment. Brantf ord -^804 00 Burford <>-'> 00 Dumfries, South 440 00 Oakland.. W 00 Onondaga 173 00 Total 821.50 00 2. COUNTY OF BRUCE. Albemarle •'^ISS 00 Amabel 267 00 Arran 373 00 Brant «!! ^2 Bnioe 49300 Carrick "10 00 Culross 108 00 Eastnor ^^ -^ 55 Elderslie 400 00 Greenock 386 00 Huron 517 00 COUNTY OF BRUCE-Con«fHMf(/. Municipalities. Apportionincnt. Kincardine 480 00 KInloss 3-28 00 Lindsay and ct. Edmunds <iG 00 Saugeen 251 00 Total te: 00 3. COUNTY OF C.\RLETOX. Fitzroy S2H3 0(/ Gloucester «■»!> 00 Goulbourn rsfifi OO Gower, North 380 00 Huntley :;13 00 March." 10!» 00 Marlboi-nagh 234 00 Nepean 742 00 Osgoode 540 00 Torbf)ltoii 150 00 Total .WflO 00 4. COUNTY OF DUFFERIN. ManicipalitiiK. Apportionment. Amaranth $426 00 Garafraxa, East 359 00 Luther, East 249 00 Mehuicthon 4:59 00 Mono 584 00 Mnhnur G40 00 Total. .$2097 00 5. COUNTY OF ELniN. Aldborough $«02 00 Bayham 480 00 Dorchester, South 213 00 Dunvvich 480 00 Malahide 519 00 Houthwold 5.57 00 Yarmouth 600 00 Total $3451 00 8. COUNTY OF GREY. Mil nicipuHties. Apportionmmt. Artemesia $476 00 Bentinck 598 00 Collingwood 529 (i"> Derby 251 00 Egremont 453 00 Euphrasia 898 00 (Jlenelg 433 00 Holland 563 00 Keppel 413 00 Normanby 583 00 Osprey 466 00 Proton 370 00 Sarawak 130 00 St. Vincent 466 00 Sullivan 449 00 Sydenham 473 00 Total $7051 00 6. COU.NTY OF ESSEX. An<lerdi)u $237 00 Colchester, North 163 00 Colchester, South 319 00 Gasfield 455 00 Maidstone 341 00 Maiden, i.ichiding new R. C. 3, B. Maiden 130 00 Mersea 455 00 Rochester 269 00 Sandwich, East 569 00 West 323 00 Tilbury, West 390 00 Total >^3651 00 7. COUNTY OF FRONTENAC. Barrie $ 62 00 Bedford 178 00 Clarendon and Miller 115 00 Hincliinln-ooke 161 00 Howe Island 53 00 Kennebec 139 00 Kingston 366 00 Loughborough 252 00 Olden Ill 00 Oso 102 00 Palmerston and Canonto 94 00 Pittsburg 333 00 Portland 298 00 Storrington 272 00 Wolfe island 157 00 9. COUNTY OF HALDIMAND. Canborough $134 00 Cayuga, North 229 00 South 109 00 Dunn 108 00 Moulton 226 00 Oneida 267 00 Rainhara 239 00 Seneca 306 00 Sherbrooke 54 00 Walpole 538 00 Total $2210 00 Total. $2693 00 10. COUNTY OF HALIBURTON. Anson and Hindon $ 34 00 Cardiff. 69 00 Clyde, Bruton, Dudley, Dysart, Harcourt, Harburn, Eyre, Guil- ford, Havelock, etc 121 00 trlamorgan 54 00 Lutterworth 51 00 Mindeu 14& 00 Monmouth 42 00 Snowdon , 99 00 Stanhope, Sherbourne and McClin- tock 63 00 Total $676 00 f; 11. COUNTY OF HALTON. Mit n icipalities. Apportiunment. Esquesing S570 00 Nassagaweya 358 00 Nelson 420 00 Trafalgar 527 00 r-4 Total 81875 00 1-2. COUNTY OF HASTINGS. Carluw and Mayo ^113 00 Elzevir and Orimsthorpe 150 0* Faraday and Dungannon 142 00 Hungerford 519 00 Huntingdon 297 00 McClure, Wicklow and Bangor. . . 83 00 Herschel and Monteagle 157 00 Madoc 351 00 Marmora and Lake 252 00 Rawdon 383 00 Sidney 512 00 ThurUjw 582 00 Tudor, Limerick and Cashel 173 00 Wollaston 84 00 Tyendinaga 573 00 Total .S4371 00 18. COUNTY OF HURON. Ashtield 8467 00 Colborne 306 00 Goderich 346 00 Orey 501 00 Hay 446 00 How-ok 652 00 HuUett 375 00 McKillop 425 00 Morvis 411 00 Stanley 315 00 Stephen 442 00 Tucketsmith 386 00 Turnberry 344 00 Usborue." 329 00 \Va\van<i,sh, East 276 00 " West 267 00 Total $6288 00 14. COUNTY OF KENT. Camden $34^- 00 Chatham 613 00 14. COUNTY OF KE^T-Continued. Ma nicipalitieg. Apiiortionment. iJover 448 00 Harwich 609 00 Howard 453 00 Orford 383 00 Riileigh 487 00 Romney 133 00 Tilbury, East 3.56 00 X«>"t' 1.59 00 Total $3987 00 15. COUNTY OF LAMBTON. Bosanquet $358 00 Brooke 386 00 Dawn 251 00 Enniskillen 319 OO Euphemia 317 00 Moore 574 00 Plympton 516 00 Sarnia 267 00 Sombra 351 00 Warwick 453 00 Total §3792 00 16. COUNTY OF LANARK. * Batlnirst ,f333 00 Beckwith 215 00 Burgest,, North 118 00 Dalhousie and Sherbrooke, North 268 00 Darling 82 OC Druinmond 285 00 Elmsley, North 139 00 Lanark 236 00 Lavant 78 00 Montague 291 00 Pakenham 234 00 Ramsay 327 00 Sherbrooke. South 112 00 Total $2718 00 17. COUNTY OF LEEDS. Bastard and Burgess, South $408 00 Crosb' North 195 00 Ci >sby, Souih 234 00 Klizabethtown 667 00 Elmsley, South 110 00 Escott, Front 152 00 17. COUNTY OF hllFAiS—ContinHrd. Municipal Hies. Apport io/i i,u nt. Kitley ^275 00 LwdK and Lansdowne, 1 ront 414 uu " " Rear 307 00 Yonge and Escott, Rear ?^I ^ Yonge, Front 181 00 Total $3200 00 17i. COUNTY OF GRENVILLK. Augusta B»515 00 hldwardsburg 1 1 V nr! (iower, South ^}l *^r, (Jxford Rideau -l^O 00 Wolford 2o4 00 Total «1913 00 18. COUNTY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. Adoli)lmHtown ^ ^^ ^ Amherst Island 130 00 \nglesea, Effington and Kaladar 124 00 Camden, East '^^'^ ^ Denbigh, Abinger, and Ashby 83 00 Ernestown 501 00 Fredericksburg, North 209 00 South 169 00 Richmond 328 00 Shertieia...." 264 00 Total *2542 ©0 19. COUNTY OF LINCOLN. flaistor ^-^-^ 00 Clinton 267 00 Gainsborough 346 00 Granthmn 267 00 (irimsby. North 119 00 " ' South 184 00 Louth 224 00 Niagara 226 00 Total *1887 00 20. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. MnnicipaUticH. Apportionmmt. Adelaide •*'388 OOi Biddulph u 307 00 Caradoc 638 00 i Delaware wgL. 214 OOl Dorchester, North V. 468 DO.;. Ekfrid 348 OOA^ Lobo -V* 347 00 t^ London 1093 OO^^k MeGillivray 49); 00^ Metcalfe Vl . . L'27 00 ^ Mosa 3280O»X, Nissouri, West 453 00 V\ Westminster 995 OO^T^ Williams, East 293 00*^ We^»t 199 Oa»'^ Total *«6794 00 21. COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Charlotteville >''478 00 Houghton 241 00 Middleton 428 00 Tovvnsend >'o7 00 VValsingham <'»29 00 Windham 515 00 Woodhouse 319 00 Total ^3167 00 22. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBER- LAND. Alnwick >=139 00 Brighton 379 00 Crauiahe 389 00 Haldimand 'iOl 00 Hamilton 552 00 Monaghan, South 133 00 Murray 387 00 Percy 390 OO Seymour 413 00 Total -^3383 00 22h. COUNTY OF DURHAM. Cartwrighfc §282 00 Cavan 421 00 Clarke 607 00 Darlington 617 00 Hope 559 00 Manvers 423 00 Total .^2909 00 5 •^ « 23. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Municipalities. Apportionment. Brock S542 00 Mara 330 00 Pickering 869 00 Rama 131 00 Reach 576 00 Scott . A^ 293 00 Scugog Island 71 00 Thorah 196 00 Uxbridge 490 00 Whitby, East 400 00 Whitby 373 00 Total «4261 00 I 24. COUNTY OF OXFORD. Blandford .f224 00 Blenheim 665 00 Dereham 489 00 Nissouri, East 333 00 Norwich, North ^ 280 00 South W. 359 00 Oxford, North ..i'. 173 00 '- East d 25100 " West JT 304 00 Zorra, East f?. 4f;8 00 " West >:r 343 00 ij Total S3889 00 25. COUNTY OF TKEL. Albion *418 00 Caledon 508 00 Chinguacousy 637 00 Gore of Toronto 144 00 Toronto 082 00 Total S2389 00 26. COUNTY OF PERTH. Blanchard S384 00 Downie 463 00 Easthope, North 318 00 South 225 00 Ellice 335 00 Elma 493 00 FuUarton 320 00 Hibbert 360 00 Logan 373 00 Mornington 400 00 Wallace 410 00 I Total $4081 00 27. COUNTY OF PETERBOROUGH. Municipalities. Apportionment. Asphodel 8206 00 Belmont and Methuen 230 00 Burleigh, Anstruther and ChandoiS 145 00 Douro 266 00 Dunmier 267 00 Ennismore 122 00 Galway and Cavendish 95 00 Harvey 134 00 Monaghan, North 101 00 Otonabee 461 00 Smith 361 00 Total $2388 00 28. COUNTY OF PRESCOTT. Alfred $309 00 Caledonia 171 00 Havvkesbury, East 317 00 Havvkesbury, West ($31 Arrears). . 259 00 Longueuil 142 00 Plantagenet, North 453 00 Plantagenet, South, including R. C, No.7 332 00 Total $1983 00 284. COUNTY OF RUSSELL. Cambridge $166 00 Cla.cMcs 642 00 Cumberland 459 00 Russell 38100 Total $1648 00 29. COUNTY OF PRINCE EDWARD. Ameliasburg $396 00 Athol 172 00 Hallowell 404 00 HiUier 232 00 Marysburg, North 190 00 South 259 00 Sophiasburg 362 00 Total $2015 00 30. COUNTY OF RENFREW. Admaston $282 00 Algona, South 94 00 Alice and Eraser 210 00 6 30. COUNTY or RENFREW— Continued, Mu n ic ipa lit ies. Apport ionmcnt . Bagot and Blithfield §121 00 Brougham 58 00 Bromley 210 00 Brudenell and Lynedoch 145 00 (^rattan 140 00 Griffith and Matawatchan 78 00 Hagarcy, Jones, Sherwood, Richards and Burns 206 00 Head, Clara and Maria 40 00 Horton 161 00 McNab 438 00 Pembroke 92 00 Petawawa and McKay 52 00 Radcliffe and Raglan 94 00 Roli)h, Wylie and Buchanan 89 00 RoHs 306 00 Sebastopol 79 00 Stafford 104 00 Westmeath 373 00 Wilberforce and Algona, North . . . 269 00 Total $3647 00 31. COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Adjali' .1ii245 00 Cardwell 53 00 Essa 522 00 Flos 368 00 Gwillinibury, West 353 00 Humphrey 44 50 Innisfil 700 00 Medonte 352 00 Monck 79 00 Morrison 86 00 Miiskoka 121 00 Nottawasaga 756 00 Orillia and Matchedash 414 00 Oro 514 00 Sunnidale 346 00 Tay 324 00 Tiny ($133 Arrears) including R. C. 2, Tiny 540 00 Tec'imseth C27 00 Tossorontio 146 00 VespT-a 357 00 Watt 106 00 Wood and Medora 97 00 Total $7150 00 32. COUNTY OF STORMONT. Cornwall $433 00 Finch 340 00 Osnabruck 658 00 Roxborough 497 00 Total $1928 00 32i. COUNTY OF DUNDAS. Municipdlitics. Apportionmrut. Matilda ^551 00 Mountain 390 00 Williamsburg 318 00 Winchester 537 00 Total -^1996 00 32|. COUNTY OF GLEN(4ARRY. Charlottenburg >!675 00 Kenyon 624 00 Lancaster 504 00 Lochiel 478 00 Total !*2281 00 33. COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Bexley § 96 00 Garden and Dalton 155 00 Draper and Oakley 168 00 Eldon 374 00 Emily 333 00 Fenelon 357 00 Laxton, Digby, and Longford 109 00 Macaulay 108 00 McLean and Ridout 90 00 Mariposa 622 00 Ops 401 00 Ryde 85 00 Somerville 168 00 Stephenson 107 00 Verulam 270 00 Total $3443 00 34. COUNTY OF WATERLOO. Dumfries, North !S338 00 Waterloo 841 00 Wellesley 551 00 Wilmot 605 00 Woolwich 677 00 Total $3012 00 35. COUNTY OF WELLAND. Bertie *506 00 Crowland 159 00 Humberstone 348 00 35. COUNTY OF WP]LLAND- Continaeil, Mu n icipaHties, Apportion merit. Pelham 294 00 Stamford 243 00 Thorold 266 00 Wainfleet 388 00 Willoughby 133 00 Total §2337 00 36. COUNTY OF WELLIN(iTON. Arthur .S40U 00 Eramosa 41 3 00 Erin 519 00 (iaraf raxa, West 413 00 Guelph 317 00 Luther, West 226 00 Maryborough 440 00 Minto 463 00 Nichol 257 00 Peel 468 00 Pilkington 227 00 Puslinch 427 00 Total .S4579 00 37. COUNTY OF WENTWORTH. Ancaster .*i^559 00 Barton 533 00 Beverley 626 00 Binbrook 213 00 37. COUNTY OF WENTWORTH- t'oniiniied. Mun icipaliticH. Apportionment. Flamborough, Kast 321 00 West .383 00 Glanford 226 00 Saltfleot 318 00 Total «3179 00 38. COUNTY OF YORK. Etobicoke >!390 00 (Jeorgina 308 00 Gwillimbury, East 460 00 North 25100 King 759 00 Markham 694 00 Scarborough 507 00 Vaughan 671 00 Whitchurch 531 00 York 1171 00 Total *o742 00 39. DISTRICTS. Algoma, exclusive of Port Arthur and Rat Portage, but includ- ing Roman Catholic Separate Schools §1500 00 Nipissing, including R.C.S. Schools 500 00 Parry Sound, " " " 1000 00 Total $3000 00 8 APPORTIONMENT TO ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLb FOR 1886. PAYABLE THROUGH THia DEPARTMENT. School Section:*. Apimrtionment. Adjala 10 *36 00 Alfred 3 12 00 " 7 (with 8, Plantagenet, South) 23 00 •' .. 7 30 00 Aiiderdon 3 & 4 30 00 Artemesia, 6 (1) with 7, Glenelg <> 00 '« 6(2) 9 00 Arthur 6 42 00 Asphcxiel 4 24 00 Biddulph 6 30 00 9 (with 1, McGillivray) .... 9 00 Bonfitld 1, (included in grant to Nipissing District). Brighton 1(15) 9 00 BurgeHrt, North .... 6 900 Cambridge 6&7 48 00 Caledonia 3, 4, & 10 37 00 Carrick 1 34 00 " . 2 22 00 " 14 72 00 Charlottenburg .... 15 25 00 Cnlcheater, North. . 7 37 00 Cornwall 1 21 00 16 73 00 Crosby, North 4 3100 Downie 9 26 00 Edwardsburg 2 19 00 Ellice 7 24 00 Finch 5 55 00 Jb'lamborough, West 2 '20 00 (ilenel- 5 20 00 " 7, (with 6, Artemesip, (1) 6 00 Gloucester 4. 5, & 12 13 00 «' 14 50 00 Grattan, etc 1 80 00 Haldimand 2L 21 00 Harwich 9 29 00 Hawkeabury, East. 2 44 00 •• " . 4 16 00 " " . 7 79 00 «• " . 10 [[ 22 00 •• " . 12 6 00 " " . 15 24 00 " " . 16 17 00 Holland 3 23 00 Hullett 2 11 00 Innisfil 12, (with town of Barrie) 11 00 Kingston 8 17 00 Kitley 7 100 Lancaster 14 34 00 Lochiel 12 15 00 Maidstone 4, (with 2, Rochester). . . . 29 00 Maiden A 3 70 00 '' B 3, included in grant to Tp Mara 3 March 3 6800 Mattawa, 1 (included in Grant to 25 00 District of Nipissing). School Sections. ApportionuieiU. Moore 3, 4, & 5 18 00 Mornington 4 22 00 Mc{;illivray 1, (with 9, Biddulph) . . 10 00 McKillop.: 1 28 00 Nepean 7 3400 15 21100 Nichol 1 33 00 Nipissing R. C. S. S. (included in grant to District of Parry Sound) Nornianby 5 . . 34 00 " 10 30 00 Osgoode 1 26 00 •^•^ 15 8 00 Otonabee . 10 20 00 Peel 8- 500 12 32 00 Percy 5 18 00 Percy, 12 (with 12 Seymour) ♦> 00 Plantagenet, North 9 30 00 " Soiith 7, included in grant to Township. South, 8 (with 7 Alfred) 10 00 Proton 6 38 00 Raleigh 4 48 00 6 17 00 6 48 00 Richmond .V 10&17 9 00 Rochester, 2 (with 4 Maidstone) .... 25 00 Roxboro- 12 48 00 Seymour, ^2 (with 12 Percy) 8 00 Sheffield 5 28 00 Sumbra 5 . 35 00 Springer, 1 (included in grant to Di^ trict of Nipissing). Stafford 2 35 00 Stephen 6 46 00 Sydenham 7 20 00 «' .14(2) 19 00 Tilbury, West! (with 1 Tilbury Bast) 23 00 " East, 1 (with 1 Tilbury West) 42 00 Tiny 2, included in grant to Tp. . . . Toronto Gore 6 15 00 Vespra 7 . 13 00 Waterloo 13 85 00 Wawanosh, West . . 1 26 00 Wellesley 5 20 00 9&10 28 00 " 11 .... 61 00 ;;;;;;;■.. 12 is 00 Westminster 13 18 00 Williams. West. ... 10 30 00 Wilmot 15i 34 00 Windham 8 21 00 Wolfe Island 1 16 00 2 .... 28 00 ;;;;.; 4 45 00 Yonge and Escott R 4 5 00 York 1 53 00 V,' 9 APPORTIO: VENT TO CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES FOR 1888. Public Schools. Separate Schools. Total. CITIKS. Belleville .81085 00 1441 00 1125 00 4519 00 1405 00 2994 00 1997 OU 998 00 1311 00 952 00 12640 00 iS270 00 179 00 234 00 814 00 474 00 479 00 2374 00 319 00 158 00 r 7 00 2266 00 «1355 00 1620 00 Brantford Guelph T 13.59 00 Hamilton 5333 00 Kingston 1879 00 London 3473 00 Ottawa 4371 00 St. Catharines 1317 00 St. Thomas 1469 00 Stratford 1169 00 Toronto 1490(5 00 Total $30407 00 $7784 00 S38251 00 TOWNS. Almonte .1290 00 156 00 488 00 550 00 194 00 132 00 478 00 435 00 868 00 912 00 353 00 497 00 718 00 337 00 243 00 342 00 139 00 726 00 476 00 252 00 497 00 365 00 435 00 359 00 600 00 254 00 312 00 169 00 $ 91 00 164 00 94 00 102 00 5S 381 00 Amherstburg 320 00 Barrie 582 00 Berlin 652 00 Blenheim • 194 00 Bothwell 132 00 Bowmanville 478 00 Brampton Brockville '. . Ohatham "256 '66' 173 00 435 00 1124 00 1085 00 Clinton 353 00 Cobourg 170 00 667 00 Collingwood 718 00 Cornwall 382 00 719 00 Dresden 243 00 Dundas 155 00 497 00 Durham 139 00 Gait Goderich 74 00 59 00 800 00 535 00 Harriston 252 00 IngerMoll 67 00 564 00 Kincardine 365 00 Lindsay 263 00 698 00 Listowel 359 00 London. East 600 00 Meaford 254 00 Mitchell 312 00 Milton 169 00 10 Public Schools, Separate Schools. TOIAL. TOWNS -Cottimucd. M'juiJt Forest Xapanee XewTuarket . . . Niagara Niagara Falls . Oakville Orangeville. . . Orillia Oshawa Owen Sound . . Palmersuon . . Parkhill Paris Pembroke PenetangUi'shene . Perth Peterborough. . . . . Petrolea Picton Port Arthur Port Hope Prescott . Rat Portage Ridgetown Sandwich Sarnia Seaforth Simcoe Smith's Palis St. Mary's Strath roy Thorold Tilsonburg Trenton Uxbridge Walkerton Waterloo Welland Whitby Windsor Winghan Woodfit»)ck Total . INCORPORATED VILLAGES. Acton Ailsa Craig. Alexandria Alliston . . . . A]viiiHt(in §278 00 443 00 211 00 185 (yj 219 00 190 00 415 00 410 00 497 00 582 00 22() 00 173 00 376 00 239 CO 231 00 390 00 6()2 CO 384 00 315 00 503 00 723 00 240 00 4' 00 20v 00 152 00 641 00 338 00 349 00 297 00 401 00 482 00 25() 00 2(58 00 386 00 267 CO 376 00 32S 00 286 00 337 00 978 00 263 00 841 00 $26957 00 $i24 00 97 >-) 17 00 215 00 41 00 70 00 35 00 96 00 i 76 00 35 00 33 00 68 00 201 00 'io2'o6' 418 00 51 00 273 00 135 00 19 00 103 00 52 00 94 00 2i4 '66' 45 00 $4211 00 *278 00 443 00 252 00 185 00 289 00 225 00 415 00 506 00 573 00 617 00 226 00 206 00 444 00 440 00 231 00 492 00 1080 00 384 00 366 00 776 00 723 06 375 00 60 00 200 00 152 00 744 00 3:^8 00 349 00 297 00 453 00 482 00 350 00- 268 00 600 oa 267 00 376 00 329 00 286 00 382 00 978 00 263 00 841 00 112 00 U168 00 *124 00 97 00 129 00 216 00 123 00 11 * i Public Schools. Separate Schools. Total. INCORPORATED yiLLAGES-Continued. Arkona $7& 00 195 00 97 00 135 00 186 00 245 00 252 00 70 00 76 00 92 00 124 00 96 00 96 00 119 00 111 00 95 00 185 00 124 00 242 00 170 00 140 GO 120 00 226 00 128 00 84 00 391 00 106 00 173 00 84 00 80 00 119 00 294 00 105 00 221 00 144 00 71 00 72 00 158 00 230 00 175 00 206 00 202 00 101 00 386 00 64 00 209 00 107 00 152 00 96 00 67 00 194 00 143 00 61 00 «76 00 Arnprior 114 00 60 00 309 00 Arthur 157 00 Ayr 135 00 Ashburnham 186 00 Aurora 245 0(t Aylmer 252 00 Bath 70 00 Bayfield " .' 76 00 Beani.sville 92 00 Beaverton 124 00 Beeton 96 00 Belle River 96 00 Blvth 119 00 Bobcaygeon 111 00 Bolton 95 00 Bracebridge 185 00 Bradford 124 00 Brighton 242 00 Brussels 170 00 Burlington 140 00 Caledonia 120 00 Campbellford 226 00 Cannington 128 00 Cardinal 84 00 Carleton Place .391 00 Cayuga 106 00 Cliesley 173 00 Chippewa 84 00 Clifford 80 00 119 00 Deseronto 294 00 Drayton 105 00 Dunnville 221 00 Elora 44 00 188 00 Erabro 71 00 Erin 72 00 Essex Centre 158 00 Exeter 230 00 Fenelon Falls .' . ' .' 175 00 Fergus 14 00 220 00 Forest .' 202 00 Fort Erie 101 00 Gananoque 386 00 (iarden Island 64 00 (Georgetown 209 00 Glencoe 107 00 Gravenhurst . 152 oa Grimsby 96 00 Hastings 39 00 106 00 194 00 He8i)eler 143 00 '"•1 arifi Landiiig Gi 00 12 INCO RPORATED VILLAGES- Continued. Iroquois Kemptville . Kingsville Lakefield Lanark Leamington L'Orignal London West Liican Lucknow Madoc Markham Merrickville Merritton Midland Millbrook Milverton M(irri«burg . . . Newboro' NeAv'bnrgh Newbury Newcastle New Edinburg New Hamburg Niagara Falls South Norwich Norwood ; . , . Oilsprings Omemee Paisley Parkdale Pelee Island Point J]dward Portsmouth Port Colborne Port Dalhousie Port Dover Port Elgin Port Perry Port Stanley Preston Renfrew . Richmond Richmond Hill . . . Sault Ste. Marie Shelburne Southampton ....... Springfield Stayner Stirling Stouffville Streets vi He Public Schools. $133 00 150 00 128 00 144 00 95 00 173 00 105 00 219 00 127 00 181 00 136 00 135 00 111 00 175 00 213 00 144 00 91 00 241 00 47 00 94 00 66 00 119 00 155 00 174 00 125 00 174 00 119 00 81 00 90 00 143 00 394 00 40 00 206 00 71 00 126 00 102 00 136 00 227 00 244 00 I 70 00 204 00 146 00 53 00 119 00 ' 249 00 : 142 00 I 148 00 I 61 00 ! 136 00 , 110 00 i 126 00 I 102 00 I Separate Scliools. roTAL. 52 00 35 00 39 00 31 00 86 00 |;133 00 150 00 128 00 144 00 95 00 173 00 105 00 219 00 127 00 181 00 136 00 135 00 111 00 227 00 213 00 144 00 91 00 241 00 47 00 94 00 66 00 119 00 155 00 174 00 125 00 174 00 119 09 81 00 90 00 143 00 394 00 40 00 20() 00 106 00 165 00 133 00 136 00 227 00 244 00 70 00 204 00 232 00 53 00 119 00 249 00 142 00 148 00 61 00 13() 00 110 00 126 00 102 00 13 3 00 00 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 INC( )RPORATED yiJaLAGES-Contirtued. Taia Teeswater . . . Thamesville . Th<-Llf(.rd . . . . Tiverton . . . . Tiittenham . Vienna Wallaceburg Wardsville . . Waterdown . Watevf ord . . . Watford Wellington , Weston . . . . . Wiarton Woodbridge . Woodville . . . Wyoming . . . Wriix»-'ter . . . Public Schools. $8;t 00 142 00 94 00 !)8 00 85 00 72 00 m 00 174 00 57 00 94 00 1«0 00 146 00 74 00 i)!) 00 167 00 142 00 69 00 97 00 59 00 Separate Scnools. Total. 36 00 34 00 Total §17745 00 i §696 00 *89 00 142 00 94 00 98 00 85 00 72 00 56 00 210 00 57 00 94 00 1(50 00 146 00 74 GO 133 00 167 00 142 00 69 00 97 00 .59 00 $18441 00 14 Summary of Apportionment for 1886. COUNTIES. Brant Bruce Carletou Dufferin .... Elgin Essex Frontenac Grey Haldimand Hali burton Halton Hastings Huron Kent , Laniljton Lanark Leeds Grenville Lennox and Addington. Lincoln Middlesex N(.rfolk I Xorthuniberland I 1 )urhani Ontario O.'cford Peel Perth .' Peterb( )rough I Presoott 1 Russell Prince Edward Renfrew Simcoe ( Stfjnnoiit 32. < Dundas { Glengarrv 33. Victoria' 34. Waterloo 36. Welland 30. Wellingt(tn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. n.{ 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2(). 27 28. 29. 30. 31. Public Schools. 5^2150 00 5357 00 37(;H 00 2097 00 3451 00 3651 00 2693 00 7051 00 2210 00 676 00 1875 00 4371 00 6288 00 3987 00 3792 00 2718 00 3200 00 1913 00 2542 00 1887 00 6794 00 3167 00 3383 00 290!l 00 4261 00 3889 00 2389 00 4081 00 2388 00 1983 00 1648 00 2015 00 3(i47 00 7150 00 1928 00 1996 00 2281 00 3443 00 3012 00 2337 00 4579 00 Separate Schools. 8128 00 367 00 214 00 106 00 205 00 HI 00 184 00 53 00 9 00 37 00 19 00 37 00 97 '66 21 00 62 00 68 00 15 00 72 00 44 00 350 00 48 CO ii5'66' 60 00 197 00 74 00 245 00 ii'ioo" Total. .^2150 00 5485 00 41.33 00 2697 00 3451 00 3865 00 2799 00 7256 00 2210 00 676 00 1875 00 4371 00 6399 00 4171 00 3845 00 2727 00 3237 00 1932 00 2579 00 1887 00 689] 00 3188 00 3445 00 2909 00 43l'9 00 3889 00 2404 00 4153 00 2432 00 2333 00 16!)6 00 2015 00 3762 00 7210 00 2125 00 1996 00 2355 00 3443 00 3257 00 2337 00 46!)1 00 •vV 15 COUNTIES -Continued. 3,1. Wentworth 38. York 39. Districts— {a) Algoma. , (6) Nipissing (o) Parry Sound d...j ... tal $3000. Totiil (iEAND TOTALS. Public Sctiools. $3179 00 5742 (0 15i<) O 500 00 1000 00 S117476 00 $147476 00 Counties and Distbict.s TowS; ■ ' 30467 CD 17745 0-0 '^^^^ $222645 00 '$15814 00 Sep..rate Schools. $20 00 53 00 $3123 00 $3123 00 7784 C3 4211 CO 696 00 l(vr/ \r.. $3199 00 5795 00 1500 00 500 00 1000 00 $1505!)9 00 $150599 00 38251 00 31168 00 18441 00 $238459 00 250—