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Toua laa autras axamplairaa originaux sont filmia an commanpant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una omprainta d'impraaaion ou d'illuatration at 9n tarminant par la darniAra paga qui comporta una talla amprajnta. Un daa symbolaa suivants apparaitra sur la damiAra imaga da cha^^ua mieroficha. salon la caa: la symbols -^ signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbola V signifia "FiN". Maps, plataa, charts, atc.ir may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thosa too largo to ba antiraly includad in one axpoaura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand comar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha r«rOBItOMI.. Town of Cornwall . DCNDAS.. I'KBSCOTT , Kl'SSEIX Cabllton Town of Bttown Ugsfbew . Lanark , CillENTlLLB .bbliS . Town of Brockville. Fkohtenac Cbarlottenburg Kenyon Locbiel Lancaster ........ Indiaii Keaerve , Finch Osnabruck ,., Roxborough . Cornwall Matilda ..„ Mountain Williamsburgh , Winchester Alfred Caledonia Uawkesbury, East.., Do. West.. Longueuil Plantngenet, North., Do. South , Clarence Cumberland , Cambridge... Bussell , Fitzroy. Goulbourn Gower, North Gloucester Huntley March Marlborough Nepean Osgoode Torbolton Itichmond Village.. Admaston .... Blitbefield ... Bagot Bromley Horton Levant Darling McNab Pembroke .... Ross Stafford Westmeath .. Packenham*. Montague Elmsley, North Burgess, North Sherbrooke, North .... Do. South Bathurst Drummond Beckwith Dalhousie Lanark , Ramsay Perth-Town Smith's Falls Village.. Carlton Place Edwardsburgh . Wolford Gower South.... Augusta Oxford Prescott Town,. Crosby, North.. Du. South . Burgess, South . Bastard Elmsley, South.. Kitley L"cd3 Lansdowne Escott Yonge Elizabethtown... Wolfe Island Garden Island Horse Shoo Island., Mud Island Clarendon Barrio -i- 65,600 66,600 68,400 67,200 30,280 4783 3569 3833 3735 51,600 62,800 70,200 65,600 1223 42U6 1704 3897 63,200 57,600 62,800 57,600 3534 2437 3698 2070 45.400 46,700 47,860 40,940 23,620 51,500 49,600 411 956 2517 2644 1345 1111 503 69,000 881 72,200 915 60,000 162 41,200 389 62,400 66,200 34,320 76,800 62,600 28,200 64,000 65,000 91,200 23,800 78,000 30,750 70,000 48.900 41,600 55,800 62,600 66,600 8,600 53,900 21,650 70,000 62,600 64,800 34,000 39,200 16,400 44,000 62,600 62,600 62,600 62,600 62,600 62,000 2557 2426 1743 2475 2127 967 1480 2819 2733 403 422 288,080 250,200 15,920 11,030 1,506 241,200 11,739 305,620 242,400 9,487 1,847 574,520 20,152 6,616 561 Itl 670 640 1648 78 511 1653 420 575 241 963 1694 67,000 49,200 21,080 74,000 58,00u 50,200 50,200 13,000 55,200 26,000 50,400 48,000 5'J,00U 25,300 59,900 78,200 30,000 65 100 120 67,200 3022 1126 957 343 454 2560 2374 20S6 1478 2623 3223 1581 674 430 671,000 3747 2884 722 4296 3759 1828 1282 1255 3143 1388 3369 44r? 1162 3542 4873 2330 •3 a 574,000 269,280 NOBTBUMBBBLAKD . DCBCAM , irETEBBOBGDOH , ViCIOBIA . SiMCOB . 9.975 22,901 17,236 YOKK . Peel . 515,400 24,446 2,757 Ontario . CiTT OP Toronto . Haltum Waterloo , BUANT , Murray «, Cramah£ Haldimand. Hamilton ., , Seymour Percy Alnwick Mohaghan, Sojth , Cobourg-Town Hope Clark Cavan Darlington Manvers Csrtwrightf , Port Hope Town. s Belinont Methuen Burleigh Dummer Harvey Douro Smith Monaghan, North.., Asphwlel Ennismore Otonabee Peterborough Line,, Mariposa Ops Emily Eldon Fenelon Bexley Verulum Sommerville,, Orillia Matchedash Tay , Medonte , Oro , Vespra , Flos Tiny Sunnidale Nottawasaga GuilUmbury, West , Essa >... Tecumseth Adjala Tosorontio Mulmur Mono Innisfil Etobicoke .... Vaugban Markham Scarborough , York King Albion Caledon Chinguacousy.... Toronto Toronto (Gore). Whitby Pickering Uxbridge Reach Brock Thorah Mara Rama ScugogI; Oshawa Town... Whitchurch GuilUmbury, East.,.! Do. North .. Georgina Scott Esquising.. .. Trafalgar Nnssagawoya . Nelson Dumfries, Nortb|| , Waterloo Wilmot Woolwich Wellesley Gait Village Brantford Lansdowne , 89,000 llALTOjiTT I Esquisine. ewiug the Contents of each Township in Acres, and the Population, in each, by the Census of 1850. TownmFa, Murray , >ainah£ ,.., [laldiinand.., [Hamilton...., Seymour fercy Mnwick Monaghan, Sojth , ^obourg-Town Elope 2\a,Tk !7avan Darlington Manvers ;^»rtwrightt Poit Hope Town. s Selmoiit Methnen Surlcigh Dummer Harvey Doiiro smith Monaghan, North.,, Asphodel , Bnnismore Otonabee , Peterborough Line,, Mariposa Dps Emily Eldon B'enelon Bexley Verulum SommerTille,. Orillia Matchedash lay , Medonte , Oro Vespra Flos Tiny Sunnidale Nottuwasaga GuilUmbury, West , Essa Tecumseth Adjala Tosorontio Mulmur Munu Innisfil Etobicoke .,.. Vaughan Markham Scarborough , York , King Albion Caledon Chinguacousy Toronto Toronto (Gore) Whitby Pickering Uxbridge Reach Brock Thorah , Mara Rama < ScugogI; Osbawa Town , Whitchurch GuilUmbury, East.,,, Do. North ,. Georgina Scott , I Esquising.. .. Trafalgar Nnsisagawoya , Nelson Dumfries, North|| , Waterloo Wilmot Woolwich Wellesley Gait Village nranlforJ Acres, Popula- tion, 86.300 68,G00 77,000 68,000 74,000 55,000 20,000 18,700 67,000 72,000 64,400 73,400 70,000 49,800 70,000 72,000 74,400 73,000 107,200 41,000 61.200 15,300 39,600 ls>,600 70,000 72,800 60,000 64,000 66,800 68,600 26,600 «o,ooo 57,400 74,200 47,400 50,400 66,300 74,600 66,400 64,400 81.000 55,200 100,000 33,600 68,000 67,200 46,200 44,800 70,400 70,400 69,000 8002 4389 4177 4502 2117 2162 518 942 3374 4624 5469 4198 7289 2030 1558 2082 46 1148 150 1371 2076 675 1511 523 3289 1800 2863 2233 2461 1189 4.33 64 500 Totals. Acres. 28,000 68,000 69,500 4 0,000 61,000 78,400 56,200 69,000 81,600 67,200 19,200 69,000 73,200 51,800 65,800 67,200 39,400 64,200 12,800 10,800 63,000 73,000 31,200 41,000 49,400 546 7 274 993 1759 1254 405 683 154 1411 3816 1223 3612 1754 436 644 2276 1887 2914 6255 6868 3821 8372 5574 3957 2744 5489 6203 1602 6900 6385 1680 2482 3174 lo62 974 1106 70,400 69,000 44,600 48,000 47,000 94,000 62,600 58,000 66,863 78,400 4842 2616 1172 947 792 5731 5467 1868 3792 3708 7759 4863 3501 3396 1720 467,500 396,600 643,300 Popula- tion. 87,183 27,250 12,589 478,200 1,150,000 349,90') 293,200 9,743 ComiTiu. HUBOI , Fertb . LiMBTOH.. 6174 454,200 257,600 232,000 328,463 23,134 34,304 19,995 23,773 10,369 25,166 16,858 24,947 Kent,, Essex , Elgin . Middlesex , NOBFOLK . OXFOBB., TowHsaiFB. Hay ..... Stephen McGillivray Biddulph Usborne Howiok M.Killop Grey Morris Tumbery , Ashfield Wawanosh Colbome < Hullett Tuckersmith Stanley Godench Goderioh-Town .. Blanchard Hibbert Fullarton Downie Gore of Downie Logan Ellice Easthope, North.. Do. South,. Elma Wallace Momington Bosanquet riympton Warwick Sarnia Moore EnniskiUen Brooke Sorobra Dawn Euphemea. Islands Camden Zone Orford Howard Chatham Harwich Dover, East ) Do. West J Raleigh Tilbury, East .. Do. West . Romney Mersoa Gosfield Colchester Rochester Maidstone Maiden Anderdon Sandwich Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahidc Delaware, South Westminster, South , Bayham Dorchester, South,... Mosa Ecfrid , Carradoc Metcalf Adelaide Williams Lobo , Nissouri, West Dorchester, North... Delaware, North Westminster, West . London , Town of London., Houghton Middleton Charlotte vilie Windham Totviiscnd Woodhouse Long Point Rrerson's Island.. Walsingham... Zorra, East Do. West Oxford, North .... Do. East Do. West Acres. 53,448 53,844 64,016 39,899 43,373 59,979 44,490 64,680 55,747 34,646 64,800 84,000 33,740 53,822 41,436 45,251 55,698 49,259 41,476 41,057 40,995 17,500 17,500 ^3,691 24,683 66,070 53,773 50,724 72,626 76,400 74,800 33,000 72,400 86,600 74,600 91,200 79,200 39,000 Popula- tion. 764 498 1328 1631 874 696 150 682 422 847 534 1400 1489 2494 1191 2562 852 1400 2395 603 1319 2080 1450 ? No Re C turns. Totals. Acres, 892,769 26,800 29,000 53,000 58,600 67,800 88,400 81,000 72,400 52,600 49,600 27,400 59,400 59,600 63,600 35,200 47,400 22,000 23,500 73,000 571 1097 1594 1030 1247 154 347 971 429 1180 1274 1295 8465 1304 1902 1598 1884 657 515 173 78,000 70,000 68,600 71,000 59,400 14,600 26,400 60,000 43,200 49,600 50,150 76,400 36,000 43,000 77,648 '48,600 49,500 39,000 13,000 36,600 105,200 38,800 45,400 66,600 66,400 6fi,400 34,200 NotsurJ veyed. J 75,400 1014 1150 2248 619 761 1552 774 4174 446,728 Popula- tion. 15,48« 12,061 699,826 997 1652 4443 5748 6034 589 2263 4030 1587 606,600 383,700 ^,620 13,067 1775 1091 2390 953 1615 1748 2161 1689 1588 .588 2262 6034 1351 974 2547 2748 409.1 3647 about 60 2449 55,200 56,400 14,600 32,200 23,800 491,200 650,698 2785 3009 802 2715 2536 383,200 12,292 27,343 23,894 5124 17,869 Esquising I 70.400 25,166 lleton . 45,400 974 Toiv.< OF Dbockvillb. I'llOtlTEJIAC AUOIMOTON , JjliNNOX.. Cl'ir 07 KlNOSTOM.. ruiMCR Edward.... II.iSiTINGS,, J>un3downe , Escott Yonge Elizabeth town- Wolfe Island Garden Island , Horse Shoe Island., Mud Island CInreudun Barrie Palmerston Kennebec, Olden Oro , Hinchinbrooke , Bedford Portland Loughborough Storrington Pittsburg Howe Island Amherst Island Kingston , Camden Earnesttown., Kaladar Anglesea Sheffield Adolphustown Fredericksburg Do, Additional . Bichmond Athol Ameliasburg., Hillier Hallowell Marysburg..., Sophiasburg „ Picton-Town , Lake Tudor Grimsthorpe Marmora Madoc Elzevir Uawdon Sidney Hungerfod Huntingdon. Thurlow Tyendenaga Belleville-Town. ."j'j.nno 25,300 59,900 78,200 30,000 65 100 120 67,200 68,C0O 67,200 68,600 67,200 47,800 73,500 85,700 57,000 55,300 60,800 46,500 8,460 1 6,500 63,800 74,000 62,800 67,200 67,200 81,000 10,800 46,000 51,200 20,600 38,800 30,000 40,850 41,200 42,450 68,200 68,200 68,200 68,200 68,200 68,200 67,400 70,200 94,200 55,000 59,000 92,800 1162 3S42 4873 2330 ^ 236 907 1728 1611 1940 2426 1213 4523 5111 4813 No Re. ' turns. 1896 690 2498 3224 1879 2881 2595 3271 3405 3014 1532 534 2021 2345 3380 2522 20S8 3237 .3991 3326 515,400 875,440 352,200 108,000 213,900 847,800 24,446 2,757 16,914 11,820 6,412 10,097 18,577 23,454 Watcbloo , Bbamt , VVellinoton . Cbbt. Bruce . Esquising Trafalgar ,.,, N&tiiagaweya m, Nelson Dumfries, North|| Waterloo Wilmot Woolwich Wellesley Gait Village Brentford Onondaga...., , Tuscarora .., Oakland , Dumfries, Sou th ....„„ Burford Brantford-Town ; Paris Village , Erin , Puslinch , Guelph Nicbol , Garrafraxra Eramosa Peel Maryborough Minto Arthur Luther Amaranth Pilkington§ Derby Sydenham St. Vincent Sullivan Holland Euphrasia Collingwood BenticK Qlenelg Artemesia ,., Osprey »; Normanby Egremont Proton Melancthon Peninsula and Islands , Huron Kinloss. Culross Cirrick Kincardine Grcnock Brant Bruce Saiigeen Ekiersley Arran • To this County Ims to be niWed a large tract of land containing about 921,(XX) acres as yet unsettled, not being subdivided iWo Townships, t Part of Cartwright is attached to the new Township of Scugog. t Tliis Township ia to include parts of Reach and Cartwright. RECAPITULATK COCKTIES. Cities of Toronto..., Hamilton . Kingston.. Towns of Brockville, Bytown..., Cornwall.. Londnn .... Niagara .. Glengarry Stormont Prescott Russell Carleton Lanark jKenfrew, i Lanark , Dundas Grenville Leeds CONTEKTS. PoprxAtioN. In York Barton Kingston ^ Elizabethtown ... i Nepean ' Cornwall London Niagara 288,080 250,200 305,620 242,400 574,520 671,000 574,000 241,200 269,280 515,400 25,166 10,312 10,097 2,757 6,616 1,506 5,124 3,282 15,920 1 1,030 9,487 1,847 20,152 9,975 22,901 11,739 17,236 24,446 COCMTIBS. Frontenao. ;,„ {Lennox ( Addington „., Prince Bdward Hastings Northumberland Durham Perterborough j^frr.^^;, Simcoe York Peel.. Ontario Halton . "" f Waterloo , Waterloo -J Wellington , (Grey The Contents of the several Townships arc from the Records of the Crown Lands Department. - J. H. PRICE, Commissioner of Cmcn Lands. CONI 871 101 351 2i; 84; 46: 39( 64; 47f 1,15( 34! 291 45' 25; 231 321 79 l,48i Crovvm Lands Departmknt, 5th June, 1851. The KsquUing Trafalgar Nuiitagawojra , Nelson th. Dumfries, Nortb|| , Waterloo Wilmot Woolwich , Wellesley ,..„ Gait Village Brantford , Onondaga...,, Tuscarora Oakland Dumfries, S< Burford Brantf(ird-Town Paris Village .... Erin Puslinoh Guelph Nicbol Garrafraxra .,.,, Eramosa Peel Maryborough..., Minto Arthur Luther Amaranth Filkington§ Derby Sydenham St Vincent Sullivan Holland Euphrasia Colling wood BenticK Ulonrig ,.„ Artemesia „, Osprey »; Normanby Egremont Proton Melancthon Peninsula and Islands , Huron , Kinloss. ,..,. Culross Carrick Kincardine Grcnock Brant Bruce , Saiigeen Eklersley Arran nto Townships. 70,400 69,000 44,600 48,000 47,000 94,000 63,600 S8,000 66,861 78,400 22,282 40,322 10,800 47,000 67,200 70,400 .19,800 42,000 28,009 94,000 44,600 74,890 56,771 74,000 65,943 90,000 63,200 28,000 37,878 78,569 65,000 73,791 77,347 72,000 68,200 76,662 68,969 70,000 70,677 69,120 76,292 76,800 76,800 428,800 68,201 44,583 58,095 59,525 60,556 58,686 70,900 67,176 46,434 55,775 54,833 5731 5467 1868 3792 3708 7759 4863 3501 3396 1720 6174 1677 1311 721 3708 3536 2563 1864 3035 3361 4399 2098 1661 2150 1966 586 150 1449 150 335 787 1478 1246 436 683 474 365 924 622 60 55 400 594 200 114 262 232,000 328,463 266,004 791,604 1,485,905 634,764 25,166 16,858 24,947 21,554 21,341 8,324 OxroBB., HALDIHAin) , Wblland . LiKCOLN . Town op Niagaba . Wektworih 376 CiTT OF Hauilton., Mlilillcton Clmrlottoville Windham , Tiinrnscnd , Woodhoase Long Point ,. Ilyeraon's Island.. Walsingham Zorra, East Do. West Oxford, North Do. East Do. West Dereham Norwich Blenheim , Blandford , , Nissouri, East Woodstock Village . South . Canboro . Cayuga, North,, Do, ' Dunn , MoultoD Oneida , Rainham..,.. Sherbrooke , Seneca , VValpole .... Felham Thorold Thorold Village., Stamford Crowland Willoughby Wainfleet , Ilumberston Bertie Chippewa Grimsby Clinton Louth Grantham , Caistor Gainsborough., Niagara, St. Catherines., 45,400 56,600 66,400 6(j,400 34,200 Nottar) veyed. J 75,400 Beverly FlamboTOugh, East .. Do. West , Ancaster Glandford , Binbrook , Saltfleet , Barton , Dundas-Town , II (Dumfries North) having been divided we lake one half the population as the number,— Gult is in North Dumfries. S (Pilkington) a new Township being part of Woolwich. 974 2.547 2748 40B:i 3647 about 60 2449 55,200 56,400 14,600 32,200 23,800 67,200 66,200 66,400 29,200 46,400 21,000 50,500 18,000 31,000 37,550 26,600 4,000 37,674 67,200 29,000 25,200 22,000 18,000 16.000 50,200 31,200 36,400 32,500 25,200 19,600 23,400 34,400 38,000 22,600 70,200 33,800 31,200 44,000 23,000 28,000 28,000 14,800 2785 3009 802 2715 2536 2839 4483 4323 1203 1689 994 696 1534 732 741 1507 2087 1392 3272 2788 22S3 3695 2484 1272 970 1514 2370 1053 862 2275 2652 1771 2887 1134 2123 2145 3538 4983 2419 5224 4082 2563 1496 2710 1536 2311 383,200 457,600 293,524 228,000 195,700 273,000 17,869 27,378 14,749 16,473 18,525 3,282 27,324 10,312 RECAPITULATION. COUNTIBS. Contents. Population. CODNTIES. Contents. Population, ***• •»••.•••.•••••,,•*••*••«••, 875,440 108,000 352,200 213,900 847,800 467,500 396,600 643,300 478,200 1,150,000 349,900 293,200 454,200 257,600 232,000 328,463 791,604 1,485,905 16,914 6,412 11,820 18,577 23,454 27,183 27,250 12,589 1 9,743 1 23,134 i 34,304 1 19,995 23,773 1 10,369 16,858 24,947 21,341 8,324 1 ^rr .. CWentwo''th 373,000 266,004 892,769 634,764 446,728 699,826 606,600 383,700 650,698 491,200 383,200 457,600 293,524 228,000 195,700 27,234 21,554 15,488 376 12,061 8,620 13,067 12,292 23,894 27,343 17,869 27,378 14,749 16,473 18,525 VLennox „ t Addington , Wentworth \^;^^^° ^^ Sdward Huron -'Rnirp 3 (Perth abcrland ^^^"MKent '-s'' Jvirr.^':.-;;;;::: Essex , Middlesex ] Elein Norfolk Oxford - Welland f Waterloo , •< Wellineton ^Grey.f. ::;:::::....::: lissioner of Crmn Lands. The numbers are taken from the Census Rolls of the several Townships. W. C. CROFTON, Secretary, Registration.