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He could not give you the permission <*y, the power to break them, by ordering you, as you pretend he did, to make an engraven wafer, change it into your God, and bow your- self down before it. For this is idolatry ! Rank,— shameful idolatry ! I am ready to meet you, or any of your priests in any public or private discussion, to show you, with the help of God, that, when Christ told you to eat his body and drink hia blood, he was speaking with the same figure as when he said he would eat ^l^e passover. Though Christ salJ:— *^x 10 to will eat the passover," he was not able eat the passover, for the simple reason that the passage of the exterminating angel over Egypt could not bo eaten, but the lamb which was eaten in remembrance of the *' passover." By the same fipcure of speech, the body and blood of Christ could not be eaten, but the bread, which represented that body, could be eaten, and the bread had then to be called that body by the same reason, and by the same rule of language that the lamb was called the passover. Just in the same way and by the same rule of language, that when we look at the marble statue of Monseigneur Bourget, we gay :— '"J'his is Monseigneur Bourget, though it is not Monseigneur Bourget at all.'' . 3rd. I will never be a Roman Catholic, because every Steman Catholic bishop and priest is forced to perjure himself every time he explains a text of the Holy Scriptures. Ye8,my Lord, though it is a very big and hard 11 word, it is the truth, from the day that you have sworn, when you were ordained a priest, to interpret the Holy Scriptures, only according to the unanimous consent of the Holy Fathers, you have seldom preached on a text of the Scriptures without being guilty of perjury. For, after studying the Holy Fathers, with some attention, I am ready to prove to you that the Holy Fathers have been unanimous, almost in only one thing, ;