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Las diagrammes suivants iiluscrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 ILaw Societ^^ SPECIAL LEGAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE. llcsolutions to l»o discussed and considered at an ad- journed luectinj,' of tlie Coininittce, and of the Delegates from the County Law Associations to lie held at Osooode Hall on Gth day of June, 1888, at 11 a.m. (1) That it is not at ]iresent desirable to enter into any arrangement with any University for the joint education of students, nor to shorten in any way the period of study or service of students. (2) That it is expedient to continue and re-organize the Law School and to appoint a President, who shall have the supervision and general dii-ectior of the School. (3) An improved system of legal education for Students- -at-Law, and Articled Clerks shall he provided for by the delivery of Lectures and otherwise in Toronto and such other cities as may be directed by C(mvocation. (4) That one of the first duties of the President of the Law School should be the submission to Convocation (for its consideration and approval) of a complete scheme of the machinery for such pi'oposed legal education, and any such scheme should embrace : " (L) The ajipointment of a sufficient staff of Lecturers. "(IL) The deliveiW^t of a course of Lectures in each year in Toronto and such other cities as may be deemed adviseable. " (in.) The fees, if any, to be paid in respect of such lectures. " (IV.) The compulsory attendance at such Lectures of Studcnts-at-Law and Articled Clerks resident in the cities where the same are delivered. "(V.) The passing of special examinations by all Students and Clerks upon whom attendance at such Lectures may be made compulsory." 5. That the President of the Law School should be a Barrister-at-Law of at least seven years' standing, and that his yearly salary should be not less than three thousand dollars, 6. That the compulsory attendance shall be for the courses of Lectures delivered during the period of at least three years unless the Student or Clerk is only resident in the city where Lectures are delivered for a period of less than three years, and in any such last mentioned case the com- pulsory attendance at Lectures shall be obligatory only as to such Lectures as may be delivered during the actual period of residence. 7. That in the event of the proposed reorganization of the Law School, the Primary, Intermediate, and Final Examinations of the Law Society shall be held twice during each year instead of four times as at present ; that is to say, in the month of May and the month of November in each year. Notice has been given that che following points will also be considered : 1. The general scheme for improved legal education. 2. The question of the compulsory attendance by every student at the Lectures and other methods of instruction to be adopted, without reference to his residence. 3. «hall there be one school established in Toronto, or shall there be branch schools, and if so, in what places ? 4. Should a Sub-Committee be sent to the Law Schools at Harvard, Ann Arbor, and other centres before any scheme is adopted ? 5. The question of the fusion of tl:'i Professions of Bar- rister and Solicitor, and the t 'ablishment of a uniform standard of education and service for admission to the practice of law in both branches. 6. Shall there be any change in the present system ? Osgood E Hall, Toronto, 22nd May, 1888. Sir, — The above resolutions are to be discussed and considered at a joint meeting of the Committee of Benchers and of Delegates from the County Law Associations, to be held on 6th day of June, 1888, at 11 o'clock a.m. The Committee will recognize any officer or trustee of any County Law Association as a Delegate, unless they receive notice of the election of special Delegates from such Association. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, J. H. ESTEN, Secretary Law Sockty.