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 1 2 3 
 Leeds and Crexiville. 
 Brockville January, 1873. 

 . .J?*»J" 
 (tmml oi the (JJoriJoration ai the Suited (Kaunties 
 Brockville, 28th January, 1873. 
 The Clerk took the Chair at 2 o'clock p.m. 
 The following Reeves and Deputy lleeves filed the Certificates of 
 their Election, and took their fesats at the table. 
 John Adams, first Deputy Reeve of Edwardsburgh. 
 Robert Barlow, fii'st Deputy Reeve of Elizabeth town. 
 Benjamin F. Beach, Reeve of South Gower. 
 William Bell, Deputy Reeve of Kitley. 
 James Bissell, second Deputy Reeve of Augns+a. 
 James Birmingham, Deputy Reeve of Front t Leeds and Lans- 
 Joseph Carley, Deputy Reeve of Wolfoid. 
 Thomiis Cornett, Reeve of Front of Leeds and Lansdowne. 
 Reuben Fields, Reeve of F/ort of Escott. 
 James Hourigan, Reeve of Elmsley. 
 David Ford Jones, Reeve of Gananoque. 
 Robert Kernahan, Reeve of Oxford. 
 James Keeler, second Deputy Reeve of Edwardsbux-gh. 
 William Lambert, Reeve of Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne. 
 Hiram McCrea, Reeve of Kitley. 
 Stafford McBratney, Reeve of Elizabethtown. 
 James Mijlar, Reeve of Edwardsburgh. 
Charles Mui-phy, first Deputy Ree^ e ot Atij,ii8tB. 
 James Porter, Reeve of KemptvUle. 
 Richard Preston, Reeve of South Cioshy. 
 Andrew Rathwell, Reeve of Wolfonl. 
 James K. Read, Deputy Reeve of ( )xf >rd. 
 Samuel S. Scovil, Deputy Reeve of Bastard and 
 William Stafford, second Deputy Reeve of Elizabethtown. 
 William C Stevens, Reeve of Bastard and Burgess. 
 Sidney A. Taplin, Reeve of Rear of Yonge and Escott. 
 George Tennant, Reeve of Front of Yonge. 
 John H. Whelan, Reeve of North Crosby. 
 Eleazer H. Whitmarsh, Reeve of Merrickville. 
 Andrew Wilson, Reeve of Augusta. ^ ' „• vr 
 Mr McBratney moved, seconde<l by Mr. Read, that Hiram Mc 
 Crea Esq be Warden of these United Counties for the cun-ent year. 
 Mr. Fields moved, seconded by Mr. Millar, that Andrew W ilson 
 be appointed Warden for the cuiTent year. 
 Thrquestion being put on Mr. McBratney's motion the Council 
 divided, and the names being called for, they were taken down as 
 *" yLV— Messi-s. Barlow, Bell, Birmingham, Carley, Cornett, Jones, 
 Lambert, McCrea, McBratney, Porter, Preston, Puithwell, Read, 
 Stafford, Whelan and Whitmarsh. „ ^. , , „ . ^..1.^ 
 NAYS-Messrs. Adams. Beach, Biseell, Fields, Houngan, Keeler, 
 Millar, Murphy, Scovil, Stevens, Taplin, Tennant and Wilson. 
 Motion carried bv a majority of three. , , j , .• c 
 The Warden elect took the Chair, and made the declaration ot 
 office reauired by the statute. . ^ , • * 
 The Warden appointed Nicholas E. Brown, of the Township of 
 Elizabethtown, as one of the Auditors for the cun;ent year 
 Mr Murphy moved, seconded by Mr. Taplin, that Isaiah Wright, 
 Esq., of the Tov , ihip of Augusta, be appointed County Auditor tor 
 ^'n^RatWl' moved, seconded by Mr. Carley, that H^^*" Mc- 
 Crea, of the Township of Wolford, be appointed one of the Auditors 
 for the current year. ., . mu 
 Mr. Fields moved, seconded by Mr. Tennant that Thoma^s 
 Kavanagh, of the Township of Escott, be appointed County Auditor 
 for the current year. , ^^ ^ m. 
 Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Keeler, that Charles Chap- 
 man, Esq., of Edwardsburgh, be appointed County Auditor for the 
 ''"Mr"*Coraett moved, seconded by Mr. Poi-ter, that Samuel Mc- 
 Cammon, Esq., be re-appointed County Auditor for the present 
 ^^The question being put on Mr. Murphys motion, it passed in the 
Tlie question being tln'ii put on Mr. Rath well's motion, it passed 
 in tli<' Jn;jiitivi\ 
 Til ■ qi •'stjon hoing tlitu put on Mr. Fields' motion, it |,a3aed in 
 the iH'j^ative. 
 The qv'stion tlieu put on Mr. Millar's motion, it passed in 
 the negative 
 The question being then put on IMr. Oornett's motion, it passed in 
 the affiraiative. 
 Mr. Read moved,, seconded by Mr. Porter, that a special com- 
 tuittee be aj)pointed to select standing committees of live, consisting 
 of Messrs. Jones Whitmarsh, McBratney, Porter and the mover, and 
 that the 39th nde be suspended for that purpose only. 
 Mr. Fields, in amendment moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that a 
 special committer? be appointed, to consist of Messrs. McBratney, 
 Kornahan, Keeler, Taplin and the mover, to select the standing 
 committees for the current year, and to re)X)rt to this Council 
 forthwith. Lost. 
 Tlie original motion was then adopted. 
 Mr. Stafford moved, seconded by Mr. Porter, that the Council do 
 now adjourn until ten o'clock to-morrow morning. Carried. 
 The Council adjourned. 
 Wednesday, 29th January, 1873. 
 The Council met at 10 o'clock a.m. 
 The Warden in the Chair. 
 Members present, — Messrs. AdaPAs Beach, Bell, Bis.sell, Birming- 
 ham, Carley, Cornett, Fields, Hourigan, Jones, Kernahan, Lambert, 
 Millar, Murphy, Porter, Preston, Rathwell, Read, Scovil, Stafloid, 
 Stevens, Taplin. Tennant, Whelan, Whitmarsh and Wilson. 
 The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. 
 The W^arden laid on the table, 
 1 — Letter of the County Clerk of Lincoln, with petition to the 
 Legislature respecting the destruction of the forests of this Province. 
 2 — Letter of Provincial Secretary respecting the Normal School. 
 3 — Letter of County Clerk of Middlesex, i*elatiug to Registry 
 4 — Letter of Provincial Secretary respecting petition for amend- 
 ment of law relating to Joint Stock Road Companies. 
 5 — Letter of H. S. McDonald, Esquire, with copy of bill respect- 
 ing drainage. 
 6 — Letter of Inspector of Registry Offices relating to new office for 
 the County of Leeds. 
 7 — Copy of resolution of County of Elgin respecting gaol fund. 
 8 — Plans and specifications for Registry Office for Crenville. 
 9 — Report of committee on By-law No. 143 of Kitley, relating to 
 School Section No. 20 of Kitley, and No. 26 of Elizabethtown. 
.v^ * , ■*-. 
 10— Letter of H. S. McDonald, Es.iuire, with copy of now Mimi- 
 *'^^n_School official regulations and decisions of the superior courts. 
 12_Two letters of the Provincial Secretary relating to new 
 Registry Office of the County of GrenviUe. , „ ^., . , 
 Mr. Stevens brought up the petition o> Samuel H. Sh.pman, and 
 others, relating to the town line road between \ong.! and Ehzaoeth- 
 °The Chairman of the 8i)ecial committee to select the standing 
 committees for tiie current year, brouglit up tlieir report. 
 The Cliainnan of tlie special committee appomte.l to purcliaae a 
 site for the new Registry Office for the County of Grenville, brought 
 "^Mr'^'jones moved, secon.led by Ivlr. Preston, that the report of the 
 special committee on the appointment of the standing committees for 
 the current year, be referred to a committee of the whole Councd. 
 The Council in committee. 
 Jlr. Jones in the Chair. 
 The Council i-esuraed. _ , , . j i^^x„ i 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had nsen and adopted 
 the report with certain amendments. 
 Report received. . , ^i . .1 
 l^lr McBratnev moved, seconded by .Air. W lutmarsh, that the re- 
 l)ort as amended be concurred in by the Council. C arned. 
 ^ Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Wdson that the report of he 
 special committee to purchase a site for new Registry Office for the 
 County of Grenville, be referred to a committee of the whole Council 
 forthwith. Carned. 
 The Council in committee. 
 Mr. Wilson in the Chair. 
 The Council resumed. , , . 1 j 1 ^ 1 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had nsen.and adopted 
 the report. 
 Mn McBmtney"moved, seconded by Mr. Fields, that the report of 
 the committee of the whole be concurred in by the C ounnl. Carned 
 Mr Carley moved, seconded by Mr. Preston, that all papers and 
 docnments now in the Clerk's hands, or that may come mto his 
 hands duriu,^ the session of this Council, be re erred to the several 
 committees to which they respectively belong. Carried. 
 m Jones moved, seconded by Mr. Rath well, that leave be given 
 to introduce a By-law to appoint Auditors. Carried. 
 The Bv-law was read a iirst time. , , ,, • , 
 Mr Rathwell moved, seconded by Mr, Whitmarsh, that the said 
 By-hiw be read a second time forthwith. Carned. 
 The By-law was read a second time. 
 Mr. Porter moved, scconflcd by Mr. Fields, that the said By- 
 law ho now referred to a oonitiiittee of the whole Council. Carried. 
 The Couneil in cointnittee. 
 ]\[r. Whitniarsh in the chair. 
 The Couniil rt'sunied. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and 
 adopted the Hy-law without amendment. 
 Report reeeived. 
 Mr. Carley moved, seconded by Mr. Hell, that the report of the 
 committee ot the whole upon the said By-law be concurred in by 
 the Council. Carried. 
 Mr. Birmintjham moved, seconded by Mr. llea'^, that the said 
 By-law be read a third time forthwith. Carried. 
 The By-law was read a third time. 
 INIr. Head moved, seconded by Mr. L:iml)ert, thai tht said By- 
 law do now i)ass and be intituled " By-law to appoint Auditors." 
 Tlie Hy-law was passed and sitjned by the tVarden and Clerk. 
 Mr. M<'Bratney moved, seconded by Mr. Fields, that William 
 Stafford and James Breakenridfje, Esquires, be re-appointed 
 members of the Board of Audit for the curreiit year, under the 
 provisions of the law establishing a Board of Auilit within these 
 Cotmties, and the Clerk prepare a By-law for that purpose. 
 INIr. Read moved, secoaded by Mr, Birmingham, that the 
 Council adjourn until three o'clock p.m. Carried, 
 The Council a'^^journed. 
 The Council met at three o'clock p.m. 
 Mr, Scovil moved, seconded by Mr, Hourigan, that leave be 
 given to introduce a By-law to appoint Auditors for the purpose 
 mentioned in By-law No. .349, and the Act therein recited. 
 Carried. ' , 
 The By-law was read a first time. 
 ]Mr. Hourigan moved, seconded by Mr. Birmingham, that the 
 said By-law be read a second time forthwi-h. Carried. 
 The By-law was read a second time, 
 Mr, Scovil moved, seconded by Mr, Taplin, that the said Bur- 
 law be now referred to a committee of the whole Council, 
 The Council in committee. 
 Mr, Bell in the Chair. 
 The Comcil resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and 
 adopted the By-law. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Hourigan moved, seconded by Mr, Carley, that the report 
of the committ<>e of the whole upon the sai.l Hy-hiw be ooiu'um.l 
 in by tin* Coiuicil. Carried . j « 
 Mr. Scovil movo.l, secoM.liMl l.y Mr CoriK't, thai the said Hy 
 law be read a third time ft»r{iiwilh. Carric.l. 
 The Hv-hiw was read a third time. 
 Mr Scovil moved, si.oi.ded by Mr. '.lonriiran, that the sai.l 
 15y-law do now pass, aud be intituled " My-lnv to :.l.iM.u.t A-ulitors 
 for the ,.ur|,ose mei.tioMe.l in Uvdaw No. :U0 at.d the A.t therein 
 recited." Car. led. , , . tir i i ri^vi 
 The Hvda-.' was passed and signed by the Warden an<l Clerk. 
 The Chairman (dlhe standinir committee on Kdiieation bronghl 
 UT» th'.'ir Hrst report. , ^ , , ^ ^ 
 Mr Tai)lin moved, seconded by Mr. .\dams, that the hrst re- 
 p<.rt of I lie standinu committee on Eilucation be fiubniitted to the 
 committ(!e of the whole Council. Carried. 
 The Council ii. committee. 
 Mr. Porter in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. , j • i 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen ami 
 adopted the report. 
 Report received. ,,,, , , j * 
 Mr! Conict, moved, sec. .tided by^ IMr. ^^ ht'an, that said report 
 he concurred in bv thv- Council. Carried. ^ _. . , _ -,, 
 The VVarden hud oi; the table, statement of 1). b. .Jones, fi^sq., 
 resuectinff the grants of money to the Gananoque IIi{rn School. 
 Mr. Jones moved, seconded by Mr Preston, that the petition 
 of the County Council of Lincoln respecting the torests ot the 
 Province be referred to a special committee comi-osed ot Messrs. 
 Preston, Keeler, Cornett and the mover. Carried. 
 Mr. McBratnev moved, seconded by M.-. Bell, that the Covmcil 
 do now adjourn" until to-morrow inornmg at ten o clock a.m. 
 The Council adjourned. 
 Thursday, 30th January, 1873. 
 The Council met at ten o'clock a.m. 
 The Warden in the Chair. , „ „ n- n 
 Members present— Messrs. Adams, Barlow, Beach Bell, Biesell, 
 Carley, Cornett, Fields, Hourigan, Jones, Kernahan Keeleij, 
 Lambert, McBratney, Millar, Murphy, Porter, Preston, Kathwell, 
 Scovil, Stafford, Stevens, Taplin, Tennant, Whitmarsh ana 
 Wilson. , 
 The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. 
 Mr. Murphy brought up the petition of William Hall and 
 others, relating to a road in Augusta. 
 The Chairman of the standing committee on Finance brought 
 up their first report. 
The Chairman of the standing committee on Education brought up 
 their second report. 
 The Chairman of the standiny committee on Agriculture brought 
 up their tirst report. 
 Mr. Stafford moved, sccondod by Mr. Porter, that the firut report 
 of the standing committee o finance be referred to a committee of 
 the wljole Council forthvitli. Carried. 
 The Council in committee. 
 Mr. Whitmarsii in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman re^iorted that the committee had risen and adopted 
 certain resolutions. 
 Reported received. 
 Mr. Tennano moved, seconded by Mr. Scovil, that the said 
 rertoli'.tious be concurred in separately. Carried. 
 The resolutions were read and concu.-red in as follows : 
 Resolved, that the fir'st item in the report be adojtted. 
 Resolved, that the second clause of the rejjort be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the third cla\i3e of the report be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the fourth clause of the rej'ort be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the fifth chiuse of the report be not adopted, but 
 that the report be referred back to the committee on Finance for the 
 purpose of amending said clause by striking out that portion of the 
 clause that refers to the appointment of a special committee. 
 Mr. Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. Carley, that the Council do 
 uov adjourn till two of the clock p.m. Carried. 
 The Council adjourned. 
 The Council met at two o'clock p.m. 
 The Warden laid on the table, latter of Treasurer, with abstracts 
 of his accounts. 
 j\Ir. Adams moved, seconded by Mr. Taplin, that the second report 
 of the .standing committee on Education be referred to a committee 
 of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. 
 The Council in committee. 
 jNIr. Porter in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had '-isen and adopted 
 certain resolutions. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Porter moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the resolutions 
 of the committee of the whole be concurred in separately by the 
 Council. Carried. 
 The resolutions were read and concurred in as 'oUo^./s . 
 Resolved, that the first clause of the report be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the second clause of the report be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the third clause of the repoi-t be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the fourth clause of the repoi-t be adopted- 
 Resolved, that the hfth clause of the report be uot adopted. 
 The Chairman of the standing committee again presented the first 
 report of the standing conmiittee on Finance, as amended by order of 
 the Council. i ^ j. i. r 
 Mr. Scovil moved, seconded by Mr. Barlow, that the hrst report ot 
 the standing committee on Agricidtur-e be referred to a committee of 
 the whole Council forthwith. Camed. 
 The Couricil in committee. 
 Mr. Scovil in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopted 
 the report. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. Binningham, that said report 
 be concurred in bv the Council. Carried. 
 Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Scovil, that leave be given to 
 introduce a Bylaw to appoint Trustees for the County High Schools. 
 The By-law was read a first time. 
 Mr. Scovil moved, seconded by Mr. Hourigan, that the said By-law- 
 be read a second time forthwith. Carried. 
 The By-law was read a second time. 
 Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Bell, that the said By-law be 
 now referred to a committee of the whole Couiicil. Carried. 
 The Council in committee. 
 Mr. Millar in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopted 
 the By-law without amendment. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Porter, that the report of tlie 
 committee of the whole upon the said By-law be concurred in by the 
 Council. Carried. . , t> , i 
 Mr. Porter moved, seconded by Mr. Bell, that the said By-law be 
 read a third time forthwith. Carried. 
 The By-law was read a third time. 
 Mr. Millar moved; seconded by Mr. Beach, that the said By-laAV 
 do now pass, and be intituled " By-law to appoint Tiiistees for the 
 County High Schools." Ca-riod. 
 The By-law was passed and signed by the Warden and Clerk. 
 Mr. Read moved, seconded by Mr. Lambert, that leave be given to 
 introduce a By-law to provide for the printing and advertising of the 
 Council. Carr'ed. 
 The By-law was read a first time. 
 Mr. Rathwell moved, .seconded by Mr. Carley, that the said 
 By-law be read a second time forthwith. Carried. 
 Tlie By-law was read a sccoikI time. 
 Mr. McBratiiey moved, seconded by ]\Ir. Ratlnvell, that die said 
 By-law be now referred tc a committee of the whole Conucil. 
 The CouncU in coniniittee. 
 Mr. Jones in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopted 
 the By-law without amendment. 
 Report i-eceived. 
 Mr. Read moved, seconded by Mr. Cornett, that the re])ort of the 
 committee of the whole upon the said By-law be concurred in by the 
 Couricil. CaiTied. 
 Mr. Carley moved, seconded by Mr. Cornett, that the said By-law 
 be read a third time forthwitii. Carried. 
 The By-law was read a third time. 
 Mr. Read moved, seconded by ]Mr. Barlow, that the said By-law do 
 now ]), and be intituled " By-law to provide for t)ie printing and 
 advertisinij of the Co\nicil." Carried. 
 The By-law was passed and signed Vjy the Warden and Clerk. 
 Mr. Scovil moved, seconded bv Mr. Houriran, that the Council do 
 now adjourn until to-morrow morning at ten o'clock a.m. Carried. 
 The Council adjourned. 
 Friday, Sl^t January, 1873. 
 The Council met at ten o'clock a.m. 
 The Warden in the Chair. 
 Members present — Messrs, Adams, Barlow, Beach, Bell, Bissell, 
 Birmingham, Cornett, Fields, Hourigan, Kernahan, Keeler, Lambert, 
 McBratney, Millar, Murphy, Porter, Preston, Scovil, Stafford, 
 Stevens, Taplin, Tennant, Whitmarsh and Wilson. 
 The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. 
 The Chairman of the standing committee on Roads and Bridges 
 brought up their first report. 
 Mr. Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. Lambert, that the fii"st report 
 of the standing committee on Roads and Bridges be referred to a 
 committee of the whole Council. Cairied. 
 The Council in committee. 
 Mr. Lambert in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that tlie committee had risen and adopted 
 the report. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the said report 
 be concurred in by the Council. Carried. 
 Mr. Jones moved, seconded by ?lr. McBratney, that the special 
 committee to take measure3 for the erection of the Grenville Registrj- 
 Office be compobed of the following gentlemen, Messrs. J. K. Read, 
 Andrew Wilson and Wm. Stafford ; that it be the instruction of this 
 Council to saif' committee, 
 1st— That a tiiorough investigation as to the soundness of the title 
 to the land be made by the County Solicitor or other competent 
 ^ 2nd— That the deed from Mrs. Boyd be submitted to the County 
 Solicitor or other competent person for approval. 
 3rd That the contract when made be also submitted to the County 
 Solicitor. , , , „ Vi. j. 
 4th— Tliat a master builder be employed by the committee to 
 superintend the erection of the building, remuneration by percentage 
 or otherwise to be paid as they may see tit. i.t t^ i ^u *• 
 Mr Tennant, in amendment, moved, seconded by Mr. Keeler, that 
 Andrew Wilson, Esq., E. H. Whitmai-sh, Esq., and Jas. Millar, Esq., 
 be the committee. 
 The Council divided on the amendment, and the names being called 
 for, they were taken down as follows : 
 Yeas— Messrs. Adams, Beach, Bissell, Fields, Houngan, i^ernahan, 
 Keeler, Millar, Murphy, Scovil, Stevens, Taplin, Tennant, Whitmarsh 
 and Wilson. ^ , ^ ^^ ^ 
 Nays— Messrs. Barlow, Bell, Birmingham, Carley, Comett, Jones, 
 Lambert, McCrea, McBratney, Porter, Preston, Rathwell, Read, 
 Stafford and Whelan. 
 Amendment negatived by a tie. .,,••] i i 
 The original motion was then put, and the Council divided, anil 
 the names'being called for, they were taken down as follows : 
 Yea^— Messrs. Barlow, Bell, Birmingham, Carley, Cornett, Jones 
 Lambert, McBratney, Porter, Preston, Rathwell, Read, Stafford cud 
 Whelan. ^. , , ,t • t^ v 
 Nays— Me-ssra. Adams, Beach Bissell, Fields, Hopngan, Kernahan, 
 Keeler, Millar, Murphy, Scovil, Stevens, TaplLn, Tennant, Whit- 
 marsh and Wilson. 
 Motion negatived by a majority of one. , 
 Mr. Porter moved, seconded by Mr. Kernahan, that leave be given 
 to introduce a By-law to appoint a special committee for building a 
 new Registry Office for the County of Grenville. Carried. 
 The By-law was read a first time. . , t> i 
 Mr. Porter moved, seconded by Mr. K<^eler, that the said By-law 
 be read a second time forthwith. Carried. 
 rhe Bv-law was read a second time. , -d i 
 Mr. Read moved, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the said By-law be 
 now referred to a committee of the whole Council. Carried. 
 The Council in committee. 
 Mr. Tennant in the chair. 
 The Council i-esumed. 
 The Chairman reported ')at the committee had risen and adopt- 
 ed the By-law with certain amendments. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Porter moved, seconded by Mr. Kernahan, thatTthe Roi-ort 
 of the Committee of the Whole upon the said By-law, be concur- 
 red in by the Council. Carried. 
 Mr. Porter moved, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the said By- 
 law be engrossed and read a third time this day. Carried. 
 Mr. llathwell moved, seconded by Mr. Hourigan, that the 
 Council do adjourn until 2 of the Clock, \.m. Carried. 
 The Council adjourned. 
 The Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. 
 Mr. Porter moved, seconded by Mr. Beach, that the Engrossed 
 By-law to appoint a Special Committee for building a new Registry 
 Office for the County of Grenville be read a third time forthwith. 
 Mr. Tennant, in amendment moved, seconded by Mr. Taplin, 
 that the By-law be read a iliird time this day six months. Lost. 
 The original motion was then put and adopted. 
 The By-law was read a third time. 
 Mr. Larjbert moved, seconded by Mr. Porter, that the said By- 
 law do now pass and be entituled "By-law to appoint a Special 
 Committee for building a new Registry Office for the County of 
 Grenville." Carried. 
 The By-law was passed and signed by the Warden and Clerk. 
 Mr. Read moved, seconded by Mr. Porter, that the Council do 
 empower the County Treasurer to borrow $6000 from Molson's 
 Bank for the purpose of paying for the lot and new Registry Office 
 in Prescott, County of Grenville, until the Assessment of 1873 
 becomes available, and that the Clerk do draw a By-law for the 
 sauxC forthwith. Carried. 
 Mr. Cornell moved, seconded by Mr. Lambert, that during the 
 holidays of the several Courts within these United Counties, the 
 seats reserved for the Grand and Petty Jurymen have not been 
 reserved by the officers of the Court for their accommodation, 
 but have been taken i •> by spectators. That this Council request 
 the attention of the .sheriff and his officers to the same, that 
 a remedy may be made. Carried. 
 Mr. Tennant moved, seconded by Mr. Staftbrd, that the Trustees 
 of the District High Schools do furnish to this Council at its June 
 Session, "an account in detail of the expenses fjr which they have 
 billed the different Municipalities, during the time the Counties 
 were divided into High School Districts, and that the Clerk notify 
 tb^ Trustees accordingly. Cari-ied. 
 The Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance brought 
 up their second report. 
 Mr. Staffiard moved, seconded by Mr. Fields, th&t the second 
 report of the Standin;? Committee on Finance he referred to 
 a Committee of the whole Council forthwith. Cavned. 
 The Count'il in Committee. 
 Mr. Preston in the Chair. 
 The Council resumed. , i • i 
 The Chairman reported that the Committee had risen and 
 adopted certain resolutions. 
 Report received. . 
 Mr. Fields moved, seconded hy Mr. Whitmarsh, that said 
 resolutions be concurred in Keparntely by the Council. Carried. 
 The resolutions were read and concurred in as follows : 
 Resolved, that the first clause in the report be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the second clause in the report be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the third clause in the r(?i)ort bo adopted 
 Resolved, that the fourth clause in the report be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the fifth clause in the report be adopted. 
 Resolved, that the sixth clause in the report bo adopted. 
 Resolved, th... the seventh clause in th.> report be amended bv 
 strikincr out the name of County Solicitor 11. S. xMcDonald, and 
 inserting the names of Fraser & Moouey, and that the clause as 
 amended be adopted. ,,7^1 1 i 
 Mr. Birmingham moved, seconded by Mr. barlow, tliat the 
 Council do now adjourn until ten o'clock to-morrow mornnij^. 
 The Council adjourned. 
 Saturday, 1st February, 1873. 
 The Council met at ten o'clock a.m. 
 The Warden in the Chair. ,„„,,• „ 
 Members present.— Messrs. Adams, Barlow, l^each, bell, J>isscll, 
 Birmingham, Carley, Cornctt, Fields, Ilourigan, Jones, Kernahan, 
 Keeler, Lambert, :McBratney, Miller, Porter, Preston, Rath wel, 
 Read, ScoTill, Stafford, Stevens, Tennant, Whelan, W hitmarsh 
 and "Wilson. 
 The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. 
 The Chairman of the Standing Committee on County Property 
 brought up their first report. 1 ^ * 
 Mr Ilourigan moved, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the tirst 
 report of the Committee on County Property be refenred to a 
 Committee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. 
 The Council in Committee. 
 Mr. Rath well in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. , i • ;i 
 The Chairman reported that the committer had risen and 
 adopted the report with a certain amendment. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Ilourigan mov 
 adopted as ameiuled. 
 31 1-. Jones moved 
 ed, seconded l)y Mr. Read, that the report be 
 seconded by Mr. Stevens, that leave bg 
 i,iveti lO introduce a Hv-law to authorize a loa-i of 
 ]N[olson'H liank. Carried. 
 Tlie By-law was read a first time. 
 .Mr. l^ead moved, seconded by Mr. Birmingham, that the said 
 By-law be read a second time forthwith. Carried. 
 The liy-law was read a second time. 
 Mr. Ilourigan moved, seconded by Mr. Rathwell, that the said 
 By l;iH^ be now referred to a committee of the whole Council. 
 The Council in Committee. 
 ilr. ^Miliar in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and 
 adopted the by-law. ■ 
 Report received. 
 Ml'. Barlow moved, seconded by Mr. McBratney, that the 
 report of the cpmmittee of the whole upon the said by-law be 
 concurred in by the C-.-iincil. Carried. 
 Mr. Ilourigan moved, seconded by Mr. Stevens, that the said 
 by-law be read a third time forthwith. Carried. 
 The by-law was read a third time. 
 Mr. McBratney moved, seconded by Mr. Barlow, that the said 
 by-law do now pass and be entituled "By-law to authorize a loan 
 of money from Molson's Bank." Carried. 
 The by-law was passed and signed by the Warden and Clerk. 
 Mr. Whitmai'sh moved, seconded by 31 r. Birmingham, that leave 
 be given to intro.luce a by-law to authorize the payment of 
 certain sums of money. Carried. 
 The by-law was read a first time. 
 Mr. Katliwell moved, seconded by Mr. Whitmarsh, that the said 
 by-law be read a s"cond time forthwith.. Carried. 
 The by-law was read a second time. 
 Mr. McBratney moved, seconded by Mr. Barlow, that the said 
 by-law be now referred to a committee of the whole Council. 
 The Council in committee. 
 Mr. Keelcr in the chair. 
 The Council resumed. 
 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopt- 
 ed the by-law with a certain amendment. 
 Report received. 
 Mr. Whitmarsh moved, seconded by Mr. Scovil, that the report 
 of the committee of the whole upon the said by-law be concurred 
 in by the Council. Carried. 
Mr. Beach moved, seconded by Mr. Birmingham, that the said 
 hy-law be read a third time forthwith. Carried. 
 The by-law was read a third time. 
 Mr. Whitraarsh moved, seconded by Mr. Read, that the said 
 by-law do now pass and be entituled "By-law to authorize the 
 payment cf certain sums of money." Carried. 
 The by-law was passed and signed by the Warden and Clerk. 
 Mr. McBratncy moved, seconded by Mr. Bell, that the Minutes 
 of this day's meeting be now read, and if found correct be ap- 
 proved of Carried. 
 The minutes were read and approved, 
 Mr. Rathwell moved, seconded by Mr. Carley, that the Council 
 do now adjourn. Carried. 
 The Council adjourned. 
 rSignedl HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 The Select Committee apiiointed to name the Standing Com- 
 mittees for the current year, 1-eg to make the following, report. 
 l8t. Committee on Finance :— E. H. Whitmarsh, Wm. Stafford, 
 Geo. Tennant, R. Preston, 11. Fields. 
 9n^. Committee on Assessments :— D. F. Jones, J. H. Whelan, 
 J, K. Read, Andrew Wilson, Stafford McBratney. 
 3rd. Committee on Education:— J amcH Porter, S TapUn, R. 
 Kernahan, John Adams, Jas. Birmingham. 
 4th. Committee on Boads and Bridges :— W. Lambert, Thos. 
 Cornett, A. WHson, Wra. Bell, Jas. Miller. 
 5th. Committee on County Property.— K Rathwell,Jas. Keeler, 
 Jas. Houvigan, J. Carley, J. H. Whebn. 
 6th Committee on Agriculture : — S. S. Scovil, 11. Barlow, W. C. 
 Stevens, C. Murphy, S. Beach. 
 All of which is respectfully suhmitte'l. 
 [Signed,] D. FORD JONES, Chairman. 
 E. 11. WrilTMARSlI, 
 J. K. READ. 
 The special cominittee a])pointed at the last session of the 
 Council to purchase a site for a new Re<;istry Offi(;e for the County 
 ofGrenville, and to proc\ire plans and specifications for the said 
 Offict", beg leave to report as follows : — 
 Your committee, aft'jr a diligent search and enquiry for a suit- 
 able sitt , finally conditionally accepted of a lot offered by Maria 
 Boyd in the Town of Prescott, situated on Centre and James 
 streets, said lot being 60 feet on Centre street, and 70 feet on 
 James street. 
 Your conunittee entered into a written agreem'ent, which was 
 signed and sealed at Prescott on the 7th day of December 'ast by 
 the said Maria Boyd and the members of your committee, making 
 a conditional purchase of the above described lot, agreeing to pay 
 for the same the sum of seven hundred dollars, subject to the ap- 
 proval of the Governor in Council. Your committee at once sub- 
 mitted the said lot for the approval of the Government, which has 
 been accepted and approved, as the hereunto attached copy of an 
 Order in Conned will show. 
 A copy of the agreement made between Maria Boyd of the 
 Town of Prescoit and your committee is also hereunto attached. 
 Your committee have procured plans and specifications for the 
 new Office from the Hon. the- Inspector of Registry Offices, which 
 will be laid before the Council. 
 Your committee would most respec' fully request the Council to 
 authorize them by By-law to complete the purchase of the site, 
 and give them all necessary authority to make contracts for the 
 erection of the said Registry Office. 
 All of which is most respectfully submitted. 
 [Signed,] ANDREW WILSON, Chairman. 
 Committe Room, Brockvillo, 2Sth January, 1873. 
 The standing committee on Education beer leave to make this 
 their first report. 
 Your committee beg leave to recommend the re-appointment of 
 the following gentlemen as High School Trustees : 
 1st. For High School District number one — Rev. J. Carroll and 
 Robert Brough. 
For High School District number two—Messrs. Arza Parish and 
 David Mansell. , ^ , _ .. , 
 For High School District nmnbcr three— Robert Leslie and 
 Dr. E. B. Sparham. 
 2ncl. We have before us the report of the members of committee 
 appointed to investii^ate the appeal of certain inhabitants ol 
 Ehzabethtown and Kitley aijainst a certain By-law, to^rether with 
 an account for the sum of 86.75 for their services, which account 
 we recommend to be referred to the Finance committee. 
 Ail of which is respectfully submitted. 
 rSiffnedl JAMES POKTEK, Chairman. 
 * The standing committee on Finance beg leave to make their 
 first report as follows : /. i r. ;i 
 1st. They have carefully examined the accounts ot tiie board 
 of Examiners for Leeds and Grenville, as per statements hc'rewith 
 for Dcember and January, 1873, amounting to the sum of $160.32 
 which your committee recommend to be paid. 
 2nd. They have also" had before them the account of John 
 McMullen, for stationery, amounting to the sum of $1 7.46, which 
 your committee recommend to be paid. 
 3rd Your committee have also had before tliem a resolution 
 from the County Council of the County of Elgin, praying the 
 Ontario Government to pass a ge.ieral act to indemnify the 
 several Counties' Councils who have been obliged to make alter- 
 ations or additions to their Gaols since the Act was repealed in 
 1868, to the extent of one-half of such expense, when incurred at 
 the instance of the Government. 
 Your committee would therefore most respecttully recommend 
 this Council to supplement the efforts making by other Counties 
 Council, and petition the Lieutenan..,-Governor in Council and 
 Let'islature for a general measure of relief, and that the Counties 
 incurring expenditure of the nature referred to, be placed on a par 
 with those Counties which made alterations prior to 1868. 
 4th Your committee have had before them the account of 
 Judge Steele, W. R Bigg and Wm. Statford, amounting to $6.75, 
 expenses incurred in the appeal of certain inhabitants of Elizabeth- 
 town at-d Kitley, which they cannot recommend to be paid. 
 5th. Your committee have also examined the report of the 
 special committee appointed to procure a site for the intended new 
 Registry Office in the Town of Prc.^cott in the County of Grenville 
 and your committee most respectfully recommend that the Council 
 approve of the site so purchased, and that the sum of seven 
 hundred dollars be paid to Mrs. Maria S. Boyd for the same, as 
 per agreement wUh her, so soon as the Counties' Solicitor can pre- 
 pare the deeds, and is satisfied that Mrs. Boyd can give a good 
 All of which is most respectfully submitted. 
 [Sijinad,! E. II. WlilTMARSH, Chairman. 
 Council Chamber, Brockville, 30th January, 1873. . ,.,-, 
 The standint; committee on Education hea; to make their second 
 We have before us a statement from D. F. Jones, uf reference 
 to the grants to tlie Gananocjue High School. After examining 
 the statutes relating to the amended School Law, we find from 
 some oversight the High Schools of Ganano<iue, Farmersville and 
 Kemptvill'j have not rct-eived for 1871 an amount equalling one- 
 half of the Govennnent Grant, which they were by law entitled 
 to. We find that Gananoque School is entitled to the sum of one 
 hundred and twenty-two dollars and thirty cents. 
 We find that the Farmersville School is entitled to the further 
 sum of one hundred and eight dollars, and we find that the 
 Kemptville School is entitled to the further sum f>f fifty dollars, 
 which sums respectively are reipiired to make the County Grant 
 equal to one-half of the Government Grant, as required by law. 
 2. In reference to the special grant made in June last of $300 to 
 each of the above mentioned Schools, we are of the opinion that, 
 said grant was made independent and in addition to the County 
 Grant as required by law. 
 3. We would also recommend that the By-law passed in 
 January, 1871, granting $150 to each of the County Grammar 
 Schools yearly, be repealed. 
 4. We would recommend the re-appointment of Mr. Bigg, Mr. 
 Kinney and Mr. Blair, the present County Inspectors, as a Board 
 of Examiners for teachers. * 
 5. We, your committee, would, in view of the importance of sus- 
 taining the High Schools in these Counties, recommend a grant of 
 three hundred dollars to each of the High Schools for the first 
 half of the present year, said grant to be in addition to the 
 County Grant. 
 All of which is respectfully subinittea. 
 [Si^rfed,] JAMES PORTER, Chairman. 
 Council Room, 30th January, 1373. 
 The standing committee on Agriculture beg leave to makeitheir 
 first report. 
 They have hi.<l before them a h.ttor from H. S. McDonaUl, 
 M. P. P., dated 22nd January, 1873, directed to the Clerk of the 
 Counties' Council, calling the attention of the Counties' Council 
 to an act introduced by the Government respecting drainage, 
 which Bill passed its first reading on the 17th January, 1H73. 
 Your committee would not think it advisable to take any steps 
 at the present time to carry out the provisions mentioned in the 
 Municipal Drainage Act, as it appears to us that the Act is 
 calculated to apply to the various municipalities interested therein, 
 and not to this Council. 
 All of which is respectfully submitted. 
 S. S. SCOVIL, Chairman. 
 B. F. BEACH, 
 Committee Room, 30th January, 1873. 
 The standing committee on Roads and Bridges b'eg leave to 
 uiake their first report. 
 Ist. Your committee have had before them a letter from the 
 Provincial Secretary, acknowledging the receipt of a petition from 
 these United Counties, prajing for an amendment to the Act re- 
 lating to Joint Stoek Road Companies, and that it will receive 
 immediate consideration, also a copy of the Bill relating to the 
 same. . . 
 2nd. Your committee have also had before them a petition from 
 Samuel H. Shipman, and others, from the ratepayers of the Town- 
 ship of Elizabethtown and the Township of Front of Yonge, re- 
 lative to a road between the said Townships, praying the Council 
 to take action to enforce said road to be opened. Your committee 
 have consulted the Reeves of said Townships, who have agreed to 
 take immediate action in the matter. 
 3rd. Your committee have *,lso had before them a petition of 
 Wm. Hall, and others, ratepayers of the Township of Augusta, 
 praying for aid to improve a certain road in said Township, which 
 your committee cannot recommend. 
 All of which is respectfully submitted. 
 WM. LAMBERT, Chairman. 
 Council Room, Brockville, 3 1st January; 1873. 
The standing committco on Finance beg leave to make their 
 second report. 
 1st. Your committee have had before thom abstract statements 
 of the County Treasurer's account, containing the different sums 
 recived by him during the ye »r and up to the 28th of January, 
 1873, amounting m all to the sum of ?5a,297 ; the disburnements 
 paid out during the same time amounts to the sum of ?48,9»0.48, 
 leaving a balance now in the Treasurer's hands of $4,306.52, and 
 a further sum of about 87,000 in the hands of some of the Collect- 
 ors ; when this amount is paid in there will be a very nice sum to 
 the credit of the Counties to commence the new year'with. Your 
 committee, therefore, have pleasure in reporting that the 
 Treasurer's account appears quite satisfactory. 
 2nd. Your conunittee have had under their consideration the 
 account of Dr. Moore, for the sum of #8, which they rec mraend 
 to be paid. 
 3rd. Your committee have also had the account of Dr. Vaux, 
 for |;8, under their consideration, which they recommend to be 
 4th. Your committee have also had under their consideration 
 the statement of ^6.75, the pxi)enses incurred in the appeal of 
 certain inhabitants of Elizabethtowu and Kitley, which they re- 
 commend to be paid. 
 5th. — Your committee have examined the account of John 
 White for certain suras paid out by him, as per his account here- 
 with, for the sum of $7.80, which your committee recommend to 
 be paid. 
 6th. Your committee have also examined the accounts of James 
 Millar, for |8 ; James Keeler, for the sum of $8 ; and Andrew 
 Wilson, for the sum of 88.77, amounting to the sum of $24.77, 
 which your committee recommend to be paid. 
 7th. Your committee have also had the account of the Counties' 
 Solicitor, H. S. McDonald, for the sum of $3, which your cc:..- 
 raittee recommend to be paid. 
 All of which is most respectfully submitted. 
 E. H. WIIITMARSH, Chairma?i. 
 The committee on County Property beg leave to make this 
 their first report. 
 1st. Your committee having visited the Gaol, find seventeen 
 prisoners, eleven males and six females, nine sentenced and five 
 awaiting trial, and three insane , and having made enquiry, there 

 was no <'6mpkiut from any of the prisoners, and we find the H^ol 
 clean and in good on'.er. 
 2nd They have also had th- letter of Ormond Jones, hsq., 
 nskinR to have the new Registry Office furnished w'th the mves- 
 sar- fi rnittire, in order that he may move ) .to paid Office in the 
 Spring. Your committee would recoramend that some perwon 
 he authorized to purchase the ne<-er,Hary furniture. 
 All of which is resjiectfully submitted. 
 rSiffued,! ANDREW RATIIWELL, Chairmn». 
 JAMEJ^ nor RIG AN, 
 J. H. W II ELAN. 
 Comi iittee Room, Brockville, January 31, ISTS. 
 To His Sxcellcm!f,the Honorabfe William P. IIinvland,C.B.,Lieutena7it 
 Governor of the Fravince of Ontario, in Council : 
 The petition of the Council of the Cori.oration of the United 
 Counties of Leeds and Grenville humbly sheweth, 
 That inasmuch as under the consolidated Statutes of Canada> 
 Chapter 110, the Governor in Council was authorized to pay to 
 the Treasurer of Counties makinj; alterations or additions to their 
 Jails, a sum not exceeding one^half of the expense of the same, 
 and not exceeding in any one case fCOOO, and inasmuch :is the 
 said Statute was repoaUd in 1868, after several Counties had 
 received appropriations u'.de,- it, and ♦he Uncled Counties ot Leeds 
 and Grenville havi : i:;Tcly h-.jn compelled to make alterations 
 and additions to thgir „aol at the in tance of the Government at a 
 larcre expense, your petitioners respectfully submit that a general 
 measure of relief may be passed, and that the C-unti.-B now mcur- 
 rincr expenditure of the nature above stated, or winch have incurred 
 it smce the repeal of the said Statute, may be placed on a par with- 
 the Counties which made such alterations or additions prior to 
 1868, and ..dpectfully pray that your Excellency may be pleased 
 to pass an Act for that purpose. 
 And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. 
 Done in open Council at the Town of Brockville the thirtieth 
 day of January, A. D., 1873. 
 fSienedl HIRAM McCREA, Wardev. 
 « JAMES JESSUP, Clerk. 
 (A similar petition was addressed to the Legislative Assembly.) 
 No. 393. 
 By-law to appoint Auditors. 
 Pashkd 29th January, 1873. 
 Be it enacted by the Council of the Cnrporation of the United Counties of 
 Leeds and (Irenville, and it is herehy enacted as f(illi)W» : 
 1. That Nicholas E. Brown of th'j Township of Er.'.abethtown, having heeiv 
 nominated by tlie \Vard<,'n, be appointed one of tin Auditors for the current 
 2. That Hamuel Mc(J?mnion ot the Village of Gananoque be appointed the 
 other Auditor f( r the current year. 
 3. That the saia N^ioludas E. Brown and Samuel McCammon be also ap- 
 pointed Auditors of School accoi.nts for the current year, pursuant to the 
 Public Schools Act of this Province. 
 HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 JAMES .'ESSUP, Clerk. 
 IVo. 394. 
 By-l >o to a/>poinl Auditors for the purpose mentioned in By-law No. 34^ and 
 the Act therein recited. 
 Passed 29th January, 1873. 
 Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of 
 Leeds and (irenville, and it is hereby enacted, that William Stafford of the 
 Township of Elizabuthtown, Eacjuire, (being i member of this Council) and 
 James Breakeuridge of the Township of Elizatethtown, E^squire, be and they 
 are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit for the current yeiir, 
 established under the provisions of the said recited Act and By-law, and that 
 they be paid the sum of two dcdlars each for their attendance at every Audit, as 
 provided frocj the Second Section of the said By-law. 
 HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 JA24LS JE8SUP, Clerk. 
 Xo. 391. 
 By-law to appoint Trustees for the County High Schools. 
 Passed 30th January, 1873. 
 Be it enacted by the Council of the Ccrporatir.n of the United Counties Oj. 
 Lp>'ds and Grenville, and it is hereby enacted, that the person-^ hercinafta 
 mentioned be appointed Trustees of the three High Schools in the said 
 Counties in the place of those who retire this year, as they are respectively 
 assigned t > each of such Schools, as follows : 
 District number one High School, Gananofjue, Rev. John Carroll and 
 Robert Brough. 
 District number two High School, Farmersyille, Azra Parish and David 
 District lumber three High School, Kemptville, Robert Leslie and Dr. E. B. 
 Sp?.rham ; and that the said several appoiutmei ts take effect on the thirty 
 first day of January instant. 
 (Signed,) HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 IVo. 396. 
 By-law to provide for the Printing a7\d Advertiiny of the Council. 
 Passed 30th January, 1873. 
 B3 it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of 
 Leeds and Grenville, and it is hereby enacted as follows :— 
 1 That the printing and advertising of the Council for the year commenc- 
 ing on the third Monday in the month of June next, and ending on the same 
 day in the month of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred 
 and seventy four, be given out upon Tenders to the lowest bidder, subject to 
 the provisions hereinafter mentioned. , , ^,, i 
 2 That Tenders be received by the Clerk until twelve of the Clock noon on 
 the fourteenth day of June next for the said printing and a^lvertising, and that 
 such Tenders shall state a sum total for the whole work mentuned in the 
 specification. , ^ , -^t .-.^r. i ai, 
 3 That all and every the other provisions of By-law No. 366 passed on the 
 twenty-seventh day of January, A.D., 1871, and entituled "By-law to provide 
 for the Printinc and Advertising of the Council." be extended to the present 
 year, commencing and ending as aforesaid, as fully and effectually to all 
 intents and purposes as if they were severally and specially embodied in this 
 ^y-^^^- (Signed,) HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 [LS] " JAMES JESSUP, Cferi. 
 Xo 397. ^ , 
 By-law to appoint a Special Committee for building a neio Reijiatrj OJicefor the 
 County of Grenville. 
 " '' Passed SIst .January, 1873. 
 Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties 
 of L«ed8 and Grenville, ana it is hereby enacted as follows : t, .. 
 1 That a Special Committee be api>ointed for building a new Registry 
 office for the County of Grenville on the lot or site in the Town of Prescott 
 approved of by order of the Governor in Council bearing date the nineteenth 
 day of December last, and that Andrew Wilson, James Millar and .ames 
 Keeler, members of this Council, do compose the said Committee. 
 2 That the said Committee shall first complet'^ the purchase of the said lot 
 or site with Maria Smallman Boyd, widow of the Reverend Robert Boyd, 
 deceased, according to the terms of the written agreement made with her in 
 procuring from her the execution ?f a good and sufficient deed in fee simple 
 for the said lot or site in the name of the Corporation of the said Uniteu 
 Counties, the title and deed of the said Maria Smallman Boyd to be subject 
 to the approTal of the Solicitor of these Counties, and in his absence, such 
 other Solicitor as the said Committee may think proper to employ. 
 3 That after such purchase shall be completed as aforesaid, the said Com- 
 mittee shaU have power to call for tenders, make contracts and do all such 
 other acts, matters and things as may be necessary for building the said 
 Registry office according to the plans and specitications approved of by the 
 GoTemment, and that the said Committee be instructed to employ an 
 Architect or Master BuUder to Superintend the erection of said Registry 
 office, to be remunerated by percentage on the cost, such percentage not to 
 exceed five per cent. , . , i i * 
 4 That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized and empowered to 
 sign and countersign the said deed of conveyance of the said lot or site from 
 the said Maria Smallman Boyd, to the Corporation of the said L nited 
 Counties, and also any contract or contracts, agreement or agreemcxits on 
 behalf of the said Corporation which the said Committee may make with any 
 person or persons for the building of the said Registry office, and to affix tne 
. 25 
 8eal of the Corporation thereto, wheuever requested by the said Committee 
 and the Solicitor of the said Corporation, and in his absence such other 
 Solicitor as the said Committee may think proper to employ. 
 (Signed,) HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 [L.S.] " JAMES JESSUP, C&ri. 
 No. 398. 
 By-law to authorize a loan of money from Mohon's Bank. 
 Passed 1st Februabv, 1873. 
 Wnereaa it is necessary to provide funds for the erection of a new Registry 
 office for the County jf Grenville, and to purchase the lot or site for the 
 same, before the ra>:. and assessments for that purpose can be levied for the 
 present year by the several Muuicipalities of the United Counties of Leeds 
 and Grenville ; and whereas Molson's Bank has agreed to advance to thfi 
 Corporation of the said United Counties from time to time, until the said 
 rates and Assessments can be raised and collected as aforesaid, a sum of 
 money not exceeding in the whole the sum of six thousand dollars, to be re- 
 paid to the said Bank on the second Monday in January next, with interi st at 
 seven per cent, per annum, payable on the last day of November next, and on 
 the second Monday in January next, be it therefore enacted by the Council of 
 the Corporation of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, and it is here- 
 by enacted, that the Treasurer of the said United Counties may, and he is 
 hoieby authorized to raise by way of loan from the said Bank, from time to 
 time, sums of money not exceeding in the wb^'e the sum of six thousand 
 dollars for the purpose aforesaid, and that all notes drawn by the said 
 Trec".surer for any loan of money riised under the provisions of this By-law, 
 shall be drawn to the order of, and indorsed by the Warden. 
 2. That the interest shall be paid upon the said loan at the rate of seven 
 per cent, per annum, on the last day of November next, and the second 
 Monday of January next, and the said loan shall be repaid to the said Bank, 
 on tlie said second Monday in January next. 
 3. That the bond of the said Corporation, signed by the Warden, of the 
 said United Counties, and countersigned by the Clerk thereof, and sealed with 
 the seal of the said Corporotion in the penal sum of twelve thousand dollars, 
 shall be given to the said Bank, with a condition thereunto written for 
 tha payment of any sum or sums of money, so to be advanced, with 
 interest as aforesaid, upon the days and times above specified. 
 (Signed, HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 [L.S.] " JAMES JESSUP, Clerk. 
 ]¥o. 399. 
 By-law to authorize the payment of certain mms of money. 
 Passed 1st Febrcahy, 1873. 
 Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of 
 Leeds and Grenville, and it is hereby enacted, that the several sums of money 
 hereinafter mentioned shall be pdd by the Treasurer to the parties respective- 
 ly entitled to the same, out of any moneys in his hands applicable to such 
 2. The sum of one hundred and sixty-six dollars and eighty-two cents to 
 the County School Board of Examiners, for attt) dance of members and in- 
 cidental expenses. 
 3. The sum of seventeen dollars and forty-six cents to John McMullen 
 & Co., for stationery. 
 4. The sum of seven hundred dollars to Maria Smallman Boyd for the lot 
 or sita in the Town of Prescott for a new Registry Othce for the County of 
 Grenville, to be paid to her on the completion of the title for the same to the 
satisfaction of the special committee appointed for building the said Registry 
 ^?*'The sum of one hundred and tweuty-two dollars and thirty cents to the 
 High School of Gananoque, to make up the a^iount eciual to one-half of the 
 flnvortment Grant for the year 1871. , ,r- • c. i. i c 
 6 The sum of one hundred and eight dollars to the High ."school o 
 FarmarsviUe, to make up the amount equal to one-half of the GoA-ernment 
 ^T*"um^oTr\?ty dollars to the High School of KemptviUe, to ^ake up 
 the' amount equal to one-half of the Goveinwent Grant for the year 18.1. 
 8. The sum of eight dollars to Dr. Moore for medical exammation of t%vo 
 lunatics^^ sum of eight dollars to Dr. Vaux for medical examination of two 
 ^"i?'*" The sum of six dollars and seventy-five cents to the specia,l committee 
 ^BDointed by the Council for trying the appeal of certain nihabitants ot 
 SSbethtown and Kitley relating to union School Section ^o. 20 of Kitley, 
 and No. 26 of Elizabethtown. . 
 11 The sum of seven dollars and eighty ce^t. to John White for certain 
 sums paid out by him in cleaning the Court House, chimmes and cartage. 
 ?> ^ The sum of eight dollars to Ja-nes Millar for services on the special 
 committee to purchase site for Registry Office of the County of Grenville. 
 Ts The sum of eight dollars to James Keeler for services on the special 
 committee to purchase site for Registry Office of the County of,<-f "^'"«;. , ^^ 
 14 The sum of eight dollars and seventy-seven cents to Andrew \\ilson 
 for stationery, postages and services on the special committee to purchase site 
 for RedstryOffice.of the County of Grenville. . 
 15. The sum of three dollars to Fraser & Mooney for services as solicitors 
 rendered to the special committee. ^ . ■, v it 
 16 The sum of ten dollars and twenty-hve cents to J^mes Kinciid for 
 services as Messenger, and stationery furnished. 
 (SiKned.) HIRAM McCREA, Warden. 
 „gi " JAMES JESSUP, CTeri.