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Evening: Prayer. litrl. ll -""u '^ ^'''r''i '^^''"' '^' "■°"^^'-"''"' ^"^^ ^^'^•'"^- P"^"^g^' "f" teaching vour little ones a heavenlv I'athcr s care. ^ ■ ,H.. J,':. :i'l:[tt:T: "^''" ' '"' ""' '"^■" '° '•-"P" ^''"^'^^ ■" --^^ ^ave been .R. .,1,3,,-. r., ,.r:r,g:ng hw!:r.- many a proui^ai mjii and daughrer. PERFECT WOMANHOOD KOH MAIDENS, WIVES, MOTHERS A Book Givixo Full ^nfobmatiox on all the MYSTEHIOUS AM) C'OMIM.KX MATfEHS Pehtaimxg to Women Creative Science; Bearing, Nursing and Rearing Children; Hints on Courtship and Marriage; Regulating Number of Offspring; Health, Mental and Physical Beauty, etc., etc. INCLl'DINO DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN THEIR TREATMENT AND CURE A COMPLETE MEDICAL GUIDE FOR WOMEN BY MARY R. MELENDY, M. D.. Ph. D.. Of Rush Medical College, Chicago; Clinic, Cook County Hospital; Lecturer ON Diseases of Women and Children in the American Health University, etc., etc. The Work also Incixdes an Important Article on tuk Natcbe Atm Kkkkct or Alcohol, By dr. 1j. E. FORTIER, demonstrator of anatomy. laval itniversity, montreal WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY GUELPH, Conrpi'SHT 19C1 BY K T BOLANU All Riohts HESER\-gD PREFACE ' ' M ^:^ "'^y ••"'« '^^ '^'^' l^ut women govern its destiny." is a say i Y 1 '"g that grows stronger with eaci, advancing ,Iecac!e. Woman s labors and successes, in the various fields and itHir, of hfe. are calling daily for more and more attention. XVl^^^^l her m her new role, her efforts toward success in society. He at e sc. nee pohfcs, and the arts, we must not lose sight of her mo t ivine' and sublm^e mission in life-womanhood and n.oth'rhood. The hand that rocks the cradle, the mother of the coming man is too .mportant a factor to be disregarded even in the slightest deTr; and at ai:m ! \';" ^^''" ^° ^^'^"'^"'^ ^^^^^"^' actomp.ishm en i a.d h r Uh ten .""'^^ '"' ^''"'"^ '" '''' ^'^"^"^ '^''^ "^ --^-^ting keenly on the alert to keep up a corresponding development in the menta and spiritual elements that go to make 'p her being ::ct:r h:: ^y itr """°" ^" ''- - ^"^ --- — ■^' ind.?uh T r^ f u'""" ^''' '""^ *'^^''- '"^*y '^^^'^ ^"d ta'ents. and indeed the whole of their success, to their mothers. A mother's influ nee both on body and mind, and her powers of transm.ssion of habits, good or' bad are many times stronger than are those of the father. So delicate are such mfluences so subtile the life-giving power and the stamp of individ uahty^ that, wh.le she lays the foundation for the offspring, she'stamps al A mdehbly upon the chdd the surroundings, influences, her condition of body, and her thoughts m such a way as to affect the child all through its entire existence. ^ To every woman in the tand. then, we would say: This is a subiect worthy of your highest thought and closest stndy. as well as your mo prayerful effor.. Inform yourself on the natural laws governing 1^ 8 I'REl-ACE Iioo,I. uifcl.ood and n.othcrhooci, and tl.en teaci, others whom you see «trujf,.I,„K. .-.l....,^ in grievous suffering and anxiety h.w to conquer also these ill ctjuditions. ■'VV\- ri>e by things that ai under our feet; By what wc have mastered of good and gain ; By the pride deposed and the passion slam. And tlie vancjuished ills that wc hourly meet." THE PUBLISHERS. ^f^k CONTENTS. PART !. THE HUMAN BODY. CHA1»'I lik I. The Body THE Te'tlk or TiiK SoL-L. Man's Body, the Home of Thought— Man's Endeavor, the Mystery of Mind— Man's Hand, the Masti of Detail— Man's Eye, the RttUctor and Discoverer- Man's Veins, the Canals of Commerce— Man's |kart, the F'liNo lUat of Life— A Perfect Man. the Noblest Work of uod— We Hear no Sound of Hammer, but the Building Never Ceases 2_, CHAPTER II. The Unfolding oi- Womanhood. Nature's Myste-'es— How to AvoiJ Transgressing the Laws of Being— "Know Thy- self—What Beauty Depends Upon— Result of III Health— The Highest Ideal— The Mothers Influence— The Creative Trinciple- How to Avoid Base Thoughts —Nature Has no Secrets— The Mother as Companion to the Daughter— The Organs of Creative Life— The Ovaries— Fallopian Tubes— The Uterus— Vagina- Mammary Glands— The Age of Puberty— Menstruation— Sexual Organs, the Pur- pose for Which They Were Made— Evil Effects of Tight Lacing— How to Deveb.p the Figure— liow to Correct Deformity— First Element of Good Looks— How tn Become Noble, Grand and Beautiful— Law of Proportion— The Destroyer of Health— The Danger that Besets Girls— A Daughter's Sweetest Joy 26 CHAPTER HI. Our Boys — the Fathers of the Xe.xt Generation. Boyhood, Its Joys and Trials— C )od Seed Brings Forth Good Fruit— As We Sow We Reap— The Laws of Life in Man— Every Organ Performs a Certain Work- Duties of Motl ers in Instructing Sf .s— Importance of Cleanliness—The Founda- tion of Success— Earnest and Living- Truths— Self-Abuse— Its Horrors and Cure — Circumcision— Evil Companions— Best Medicine for a Boy— Hours of Sleep — Choice of Profession or Trade — Manly Boys— tl elf Sacrifice — Daily Development ~God's Greatest Gift 35 lO COXUiXTS. PART II. LOVE. COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. CMAl'TKK I\'. QUALrFICATIONS FOR Markiei) Lnr CIUI'TER V. Advice to thk Uxmarried S„luri-Donu.,tic Hapni,Kss-\ n^ •' U .fc-MarryinK Out of One's Natural ^.f a G..0.1 Husha d-S ,„r 7 ;:.S^ Hnlar«cn,c.,t of the Affcc- ^s-tL O ^'""^ Parcntagc-Thc Mother Than W.fc-Inddib Lp c ion -kM.rc'-s T I "'""r^-^"" - •-• and Nurse I, for Mo and I Will llyZ. Wa«es" Zr'"' L'""' '^'''' ^''"'» ccption. Lawful Pride in Fine Ortsjring -'^PP^^Pfate Season for Con- 55 CHAPTER VI. The Marriage Relation- l>...i» ,„d Pka.,.,,, „| Ma St "? iJ l^h'^J-RcmcJ, for Di.cor,!,- CHAPTER MI. ^^''"'"""'' ■'■'^■'' ""^' '"^ ^^■''' "E Overcome. WdJSi; ;.^:S;;r^;.°;5^^^^^-""^^^-/^--^-Ti.^ Umversc Tends .Surroundings - Tl [ r ; ', u ",h f^ r ''", ^^'^P-'-'-'ity-Environ.nent or Physical Iltlpcd InX M ,Ip ;;;" J'^'"' " ^'r^"' Conversation - The Great Thi„gs-In,pro.enK„ for th/ R ce_Horto7) ""' ^""f^''— E'^Pect acteristics Kace— How to Overcome Hereditary Char- 66 Mary. The Perfect Mother and the Christ Child .Wn„-,,h,-„:,n.,„,„,l„ ..l.'.--.M..,,l,i,M-l.,,„„., Ml,,,, . „r„l,„. , -ul n.u a» He went -„ -Lep „p.,n ,t. ,he mu,t ha,,- mm,. •,. Finn ,„„.. ,uch onK a' she learned in leave"!- .„,,.;. '• "S '"' " 'Jniy as rniijii . CONTEiYTS. PART III. THE ORGANS OF GENERATION. CHAPTER VIII. The Human Pelvis Part of the Body-The Ovarie -V?he ' s'ltTcl Rew" '^o'"^' '^'"^'''^•^ Human System-When Conception Takes Phce-V^a^P "^ "/ ?'T'' '" ""^ opnicnt of the Embryo-Growth of tl,r Vi. , n ^-^^ '"' °^ "''^ Egg-Dcvel- Placenta-The Umbifical Cord-Tie BreaS F^fT V'"/^;^.^' *'" ^""'^-The Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth ^^^'^'-f';^'- Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth. Circulation-H^w tht Unb"or„ Cht iflJo^^riled "'^^^"'^ Deve.opmem-Foetai 71 CHAPTER IX. Menstruation. A Subject of Great Importance— Every Living Thin„ r and Animal Kingdom Compared-!^ e feat 7 I r'n'°'" '" ^««-V^«^'^'''«^ Fluid of the Male-Duration of the MnntW i-'^^-Ong-n of Germ-Seminal Reception of the Ovum C "hf Jterus R \ T?'''~^""^''°" «' '^I-^^- Early Marriages-Duties Dur g MenstrTat'-W L ^^^""^''""- «^ ^- -Symptoms of Menstruation-Nature of Z V "^'f "f*^"^""" Commences Irregularities-Poverty of the BlVod-Rffectl f rv" "'•' Dischargc-M.nstrual Me„ses-An Inordinate F ow-^Pa^ful Melstr. ^^'^^'P^^'^^-SuPPression of the pressed by Pregnancy-Effects of ^t:ing-;irnVwr„\ .'^^""'.^^^^^ CHAPTER X. Pregnancy. ''^S^tr"^orL^T;"rm;;for:rB °^ ^'-?^-— order of Growth- -Pains in tl.e Breast-QuicSne fI r '"f Muscle-Morning Sickness Increase in Size-Morbid^ Long n|7-H::;r'°Brn pf''^ °^ ^'^ ''''''^'- Proper Dress-Air and Exercise-DrinkinJ w ^ ,^u'"''""-^'"'-'P'^^^"«s- CHAPTER XI. A w . ^^•''^°-^'^««^« OF Pregnancy and How Overcome. ^'^l^t;t^Tl,:t''''^''^rT-^^^- "■ ^'^ Abdomen- Skin of the AbdoLn-Trothache h\^7'^^''"~?7''^" Legs-Stretching of the of the Heart-Cramps-Leucorrhoe^or S ,?' ^-pples-Fainting-Palpitation Thrush of the Vagina-False Labor P '^ ~ ^^ ^"^ °' '^^ ^'""""' P^^'^" Table .!..... P3'"s-Penod of Gestation-A Pregnancy Ill ^"^ COXTEXTS. CHAPTER XII. Pre-Xatal Cllture. Mystery of Life— Culture Before Birth— Perfect Phllrlr^n p -i,! ^. „ Father Xee.l Not he ^•isited Upon thrC.nTdrSlI len e"of t^cM f " °' V'= Lnborn-An Atmosphere of Tenderness-How to Give a Child ,1 1 / n " '*'•' ful Form-How to Produce a Po.-t r,r .. p, , '" ^ ^'"''^ ^^^=»''ty-A Beauti- Matter-Parents- ChaVac eH ti s- o^ the F ""'r^Ml"''"^"^/ f""" ^^'^^ -First. Second. Third. Fourth and F^it. Sta^^ o Prt NaTarCuh^: T'"""'^ be Avoided During Pregnarcy Culture-Thmgs to 136 CHAPTER XIII. * CHiLDniRTH AXD How Made Painless. Painless Childbirth Po'ssible-Labor a Natural Process \ R^l * i,r Do When ,h. D,„o. i, A,„c„tsu^;,'™r„ Nu„; ". ':°°'~r ■:"■ ,s CHAI'TER XIV. MlS(ARRI.\Gi; ,\XD AlIORTION CHAPTER XV. D.SKASES PECfLIAR TO WcntEX AXD TlIEIR CuRE Excitement-Profuse Menstrua oLExerdsrt~S" \ '"'"" ^leep-Sexual Treatment-Baths and Inj Zs-Fa-l n^c f H, u"^ k'\''^ Womb-Local Womb-Retroversion of the Womb r! rnfl • ,^\"'"b-Anteversion of the Womb-Polypus of the V^tm^Tcto'rre!^:r;^^^^ CHAPTER XVI. "Chaxge of Life " Suggestion-Nature's W.v IrRLn ^ n^ ' ^°* '° ''' Dreaded-Helpful Veins-Healthy at Fifty as it FiTte n"^ f "'"?"r°''=' ^"'^ Baths-Varicose Life in Man ............ '"~°° ^'"^"^^ ^^^^'0"^ CeaseP-Change of 200 CONTENTS. PART IV. IS -I CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN CHAPTER XVII. Infants and How to C\re for Tui-m. A Child the Precious Gift of God— Olive Oil Bath_rnr» ^f fi, m it. Navel-Bathing the Infant-Groin Rupt rf-Hvgl c D ess^H^t'^r VJ * M be Fastened-A Word to Young AIothers-Tr^atmm o Chafinr nln ." 1 Health-Warmth a Rcquisite-When to Put on SlTort D efses D^t f T? '"'^ Relaxed Bowels-Hand Fed Childrcn-The Te nid Bath fi ? \, , ^" ^^'"'~ Foods-The Food of Foods-Dentition and It Dangt-C^ugh D^ L o't' T'h°r£-sr°"p ^''''' % OP-'«-Dnbbling Bibs-Tonvu, fo .-rcLg^" tL: Thumb— Skin Eruptions-Fresh Air— Miscellaneous Sui^ifp.tinnc p """"^ '"- Infants-Wind on the Stomach-Hiccough and UrTreatm^" -S^oTe'a"^Xt m and Its Cure-H.ves-D.arrhoea and Its Remedy-Thrush-Baby's FirsI Steps ^ CHAPTER XVIII. ■ ■ Nursing. Mothers Should Nurse Their Own Children-Poor Supply of Milk-A Pr.v.n. , Pregnancy-First Food for the Infant-Both Breast^l bf Drtn A ik^Too' Frequent N«rs,ng-Milk Fever-Prevention of Gathered Brcast-Clo bin. f r Nurs.„g Mother-Diet wh.le Nursmg-Attacks of Depresfion-Occui o'n oi Mother-Small and Retracted Nipples-Treatmem of Sore Nipples-Crack d and NuJses. ..'.'. '.'r.'"^ Spells-Enemas-Use of Tea 'and Coffee-VVct CHAPTER XIX. ''^ Weaning. Eflfects of Prolonged Nursing-Best Time for Weaning-Rickety Children-How to Wean an Infant-Best Food Substitute for Milk-The Necessity of Wean^ng^ How to Dry Up the M,lk-Water on the Brain-Return of Menses Af^r Wean- mg— Stimulants to be Avoided. 242 CHAPTER XX. Children and Their Diseases. ^ "ch'ifdren" H?~7'^'''r ^^^'^"-N-tured in Love-Be a Child Among Your Children-How to Spoil a Good Temper-Teach by Example-Bathing for Chil- dren-Dress-Ev.1 Effects o, Garters-Nourishing Food-Eating Between Meals -Vegetables rather Than Meat-Child's Antipathy for Food-Bowed Legs- Garden Culture-Sundays-Good Books-The Kindergarten-Good and Bad Hab.ts-Pos.t.on to Assume When Sleeping-Second Dentition-Croup-Child of the Lungs-Bronchitis-Diphtheria-Measlcs-Scarlet to a'I;;;^°'wJ^ w^ " *° P--^^-^"' Contaglon-Whooplng Cough-Position to Assume When Whooping-Mumps-Boils-Gathered Ear-Large Bowels How Cured-Scrofula-Wetting the Bed-Chilblains-Worms, their 'Treatmen; and Extermination— Milk Crust 24s i6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXI. Constipation. Sluggisli State of the Bowels-Common Disnr.l.T <;i„ d • of Urine Most Unh a ti ^^l n" ^"^^""'"8-Causes of Con- -Fashionablc Drcss-A True Diet-Fntir! n P n ^'"'' °^ ^^°'"'' trouble Should We Drink at .Meal ? me^En^m ? M ^''"^ ' "^^'"' P^oducer- stipation-Exercse for Healtr ^"^'"^^-^'^^^^«e^-How to Overcome Con- 287 PART V. HELPFUL HINTS TO MOTHERS. CHAPTER XXH. Limitation of Offspring Compulsory Chiid-Bcaring-Why Best for Ton. .• ' . Too Frequent Child-Beari g on CMdr^n p' i"" l\^' Prevented-Eflfeets of Idiotic Ch.-,dren-Over-Bur?encd Wit^ CarTs-Whe^n ^ ^'''' P-«-"cies- Chastity the Ideal Procedure-Otl^r \r .n= R . V^°""''"°" ^^^^' P'^ce- Prevcnt Pregnancy-PrevemTve No Pr" .if Chastity-Simple Means to Nature as an Example. ....;. ~^'';'""^'^ ^°- ^-Determining the Sex- CHAPTER XXHI. ^^ Colds - Catarrh - Colic _ Corns - Comrh ^^"'"^ ^hoIera-St. Vitus Dance- - Epilepsy - Erysipelas - Fore gn BoisluZT~'''.°'''~''''^'^''^^ Goitre-Gout-Hay Fever-Headirh. P . . ^^" " P^'"" - Gravel - tcria-lnflammatio:; of the "Sad Zp": n';" ;;;r ^ ''' "-^'-^-'ing-Hys- Bra,n-Inflammation of the Breasts-Earlc e 'fl" ^'"^""'~^°^''"'"« °f t^e d.ce-Neuralgia-Nervousness-The Nose ^^t rrn"" °' ''" ^hroat-Jaun- >n the Stomach-Gum Boil-Early Sta^s of f- ^"<^'"tes-Heart Burn-Gas Grippe . Consumption-Sure Cure for La CHAPTER XXIV. ^°^ Accidents and Their Trf xtmevtc ing Count of the Pulse nuaotes— lo Make a Bread Poultice— Tak- CHAPTER XXV. ^^° D , „ The Sick Room. Perfect Ventilation-Cut Flowers in a t; ^ d CONTENTS. 17 Nurse— A Croaker— A Sunshiny Disposition— When to Engage a Nurse-How to Sweep the Room of the Sick 340 CHAPTER XXVI. Dishes for Invalids. Boiled Rice-What Fruits and How Eaten-Good Gruel-Toast Water-Barley Coffee -Oatmeal Coffee-Milk Porridge-Barley Grucl-Indian Meal Gruel-Oatmeal Gruel-Farma Gruel-Cracker Gruel-Egg Gruel-Arrow Root Grucl-Panada- Oatmeal Mush- Indian Meal Mush-Entire Wheat Mush-Brain Food-Rice Jelly -Tapioca Jelly-Restorative Jelly-Gum Water-Crust Coffee-Rice Coffee- Slippery Elm Tea-Acid Food Dnnks-Apple Tea-Jelly and Rice-Tamarind ^\ater-Lemonade-Flaxseed Lemonade-Wine Whey-Herb Teas-Burdock Root Tea-Beef Tea-Mutton Broth-Barley Soup-Chicken Broth-Health Bread 343 PART VI. FEMALE BEAUTY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT. CHAPTER XXVII. Bathing for Health and Beauty. Impurities Removed by Bathi. g-When to Bathe-General Rules in Bathing-Oil Bath ^' *he Sk.n-Sponge Bath-Air Bath-Wet Sheet Pack-Vapor Bath-Cabinet Bath-Shallow Bath-Plunge Bath-Foot Bath-Ey'e and Ear Ba h- XMose Bath — Wet Compress CHAPTER XXVIII. Personal Beauty— How Attained. Public Appearance-A Good Carriage-Symmetrical Features-Kindly Spirit-How to Overcome Imperfections of the Body-Influence of Beauty and Happiness- Physical Deformity-True Basis of Personal Beauty-Healthful Dress-Learning the Greek Law-How to Cure Sallow Faces-The Corset Crime-Clumsiness- The Elixirs of Life-Osteopathic Treatment to Reduce Flesh-Massage to Prevent Wrmkles-Cure for Lean and Nervous People-Facial Eruptions. How Cured- Pimples-Expression and Brilliancy of the Eyes-Beautifying the Eyebrows- Beautiful Hands-The Care of the Teeth-Redness. How Overcome-Chapped Hands, How Cured . CHAPTER XXIX. Ideal Face and Features. Regularity of Features-Good Forehead-The Nose-The Complexion-Layers of bkm-Skin Structure-Lotions for the Skin-Exposures-How Sunlight Affects the Complexion-What the Word Joy will Do-Pure Food-Oil for the Skin-Air Baths— A Great Beautiiier 377 i8 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXX —•Washing the Hnir T,- • "" ^«<=ominKlv~.\vr.;,i h-l- the Scalpicold U^ ~^ T"A"'^ "■'^ ^"''^ «•" t'le Hair ( ^'"'"^ °' ^^^'''o" CHAPTER XXXI. * PARTVH. ^^ A DOCTOR IN THE HOME. CHAPTER XXXH. Admh,;.sterin^ RenS'af'H '''''' ^"''^ "^^ ^° ^SE Them Belladonna. B^onia fj^^^^,. » ^Z^^' Suppressio'n o?' thf x}""^'""^' P'-o^PhoTus Ofcnsiv. Br,a"h-Q„i™'''?;^?'!» HeadacbV- EaJaTh, ''?"™ <>' Blood to he , CHAPTER XXXm '"'''"""' "'"''-• -39. -C,a„p._DilIic„„ uSio^':'S"~''-D«pep.ia D„S"g "Sir,„?""E? f '4 _^_ «"'*"cy— Headache g CHAPTER XXXIV 45i INTRODUCTION MAIDENHOOD, wifehood an.> orre,„„,ely responsi I' ^ ™ j™7:," '" """' ■"--' ""^ -e »» those of their children, and ho„ ,h' , °"" ""'"'''«'• '^ "=" '-;e a „.i„e ci™„„ and rei „™ ^ ;,"rj':, ^Y'^''- ^ha. i. „ay IS the sincere wish of ^ ° "*" "'^^ Peruse its pages TH£ AUTHOR. OUR GIRL "O, thou child of many prayers Life !iath tjuicksands. life hath sna A" and care come unawares. ares. — Longfellow. PERFECT WOMANHOOD PART I THE HUMAN BODY CHAPTER I THE BO. or THE TEMPLE OF THE SOUL ONE of the most signincant sayings of the Bible is tlie following: "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord." Let us think about this candle: We place it on a tal)lc. It IS not yet hghted. We do not know just what amount of circle it will reclaim from darkness. We ai ply the match. It is soon settled. We now know how much it will do for a dark room. That light represents man's spirit— his sphere of influence. \s the candle burns down the quality of the elements are brought into view If pure, the light shines steadily, without noise or agitation. If by chance foreign substance gets into the wick or tallow the light grows dim. splut- ters, and finally goes out. No impurities arc allowed if the light is to shine. The candle is a symbol of life— it is the soul. THE HUMAN BODY The temple of the soul is the body— it is the home of music, of high thought, of kindly deed and noble example. Sunlight falls on its roof and wmdows; storms beat on its transept and nave, and yet it stands. No human architect, however famous, can build a temple, even though of gold and precious stones, which can for a moment equal in mechanism one tiny human body. No hinges o, ■ .f bronze or Irlas^ *4 ////, nony mu TUMrui or run ^nvt. n.ul eternal en.lcavor ''^^''""" '''^''''^ "' ''""^a„ plan Kics the knotted uel.. Sec the eye l"Hvit 'ecomesannrrorinitspower ««'scernan,lrctk-ct. See tlic veins »">\v l>ke canais they hcco-nc; how tlH' arteries appear like streams each having |„cks and dams which l>ft an.l hold hack the mysterious fleets and fluids of life. The heart, too. so little that it can easily be held in your hand, vet "•.1,'ln and day. by moment and by years, you hear it beating, as if an anny was always on the move Somctunes the beat falters. It is as if one of the soldiers had stumbled over something i„ the dark. That stumbling, the out -' step, is a U )/ (/ 1''"''''''' ''"'"'"^ *''^" 3 sentinel's ^Mi '^'^^"'^nse-Who goes there? In its n.nrernKc- in Form of Ma,, and Woman. '"t"^'''» ies and its delicacy we might tl.o mystery i^that so beautiful a stn,' ;""''" ','?' "' ''^'^ '' ^"' >'^^ -n- Oeeks are said to ha pL e e "" "" ' "'" '" ''^^^^«>-'- e or and the |)lan t of tan- ?ye. Acr ins. o\v lis, ich •us THE BODY THE TEMPLE ()!• THE SOCL »% common m Athens as ,.eh!,les in her streets. A so.n,.l miml in a Houn.I botly was the nispiration which totuhed tiieir lives. It is not an idle fancy to say that as the far.ner Roes down dotp int., the well for cool water, tin mind should k<, ,l„wn deep m.k, the resources of life for strctiRth. Life comes from breath. The air contains elements of things which we eat an.l is i.nme.liatelv„Rl„ i„,„ the current of the blood. Let us learn to breathe deeper-breatlie n. • freely-study nature-thitik purer thoughts-practice culture of the body and thus make the temple indee.l a tit dwelling place for the sonl. \\c hear no sound of hammer, but the building ive\ er ceases. It et >y \n e. ts d It a s s t CHAPTER II L THE UNFOLDING OF WOMANHOOD OXGFKLI.OW'S ixjcni. entitled "Maidenliood," begins like this: • "Standing with reluctant feet, \\ liLMf the brook and river meet, Womanhood and childhood fleet!" These are beatitifiil words, hut later on it says: "O, thou child of many prayers, Life hath quicksands — Life hath snares. Care and age come unawares." "Xature gives to every person and season some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, is but a sucession of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress." Very few children can be left to "jus* grow" as Topsy did. Their path- way must be illuminated by love and wisdom, that they may conform to, and not transgress the laws of being. "Know thy.self" is a true maxim, and especially is it important for girls. They ever want to grow up attractive and beautiful. Son e girls, however, think that bright eyes, pretty hair and fine clothes, alone, make them' beautiful. This is a mistake; real beauty depends upon good health, good manners and a !)ure mind. In this living, moving world, it behooves us to plan an active, happy life and then look forward with hope and pleasure to its realization. Should health be blighted there would be nothing in the future but trials and discouragements. As the happiness of our girls depends mainly upon their health, it behooves us all to guide them in such a way as to enable them to realize the highest ideal. There is no one who stands so near the girl as the Mother. From early childhood she occupies the first place in the little one's confidence— 86 THE UNFOLDIXG 01- llOMAXHOOD 27 she laughs, plays, and corrects, when necessary, the faults of her darling. She should be eciually ready to guide in the inii)ortant laws of life ami health upon which rest her future. She should teach tlic daughters that in all things the "creative principle" has its source in life itself: that it originates from Divine life, and that it may be consecrated to wise and useful purposes. With this knowledge they are apt never to grow u]) with base thoughts or with bad habits. Their lives, on the contrary, become a happir..iss to themselves and a blessing to humanity. ALL LIFE ORIGLXATKS FROM .\ SKICD Teach the daughters that all life originates from a seed — a germ. Knowing this law, you need have no fears that base or un worthy thoughts of the reproductive function can ever enter their mimls. The growth, development and rij)eiiing of human seed becomes a beautiful and sacred mystery. The tree, the rose and all plant-life are ecjually as mysterious and l)eau- tiful in their reproductive life. Docs not this alone i)rove to us, conclusively, that there is a Divinity in the back- vital CcntiT of ground, governing, controlling and influencing our lives? Ovum. Nature has no secrets, and why should we? None at all. The only care we should experience is in teaching wisely. Yes — lead them wisely — teach them that the seed, the germ of a new life, is maturing within them. Teach them that between the ages of fleven and fourteen this maturing process has certain i)hysical signs. The breasts grow round and filll, the whole body, and even the voice, under- goes a change. It is right that they should be taught the natural law of life in reproduction and the physiological structure of their being. Again, we repeat that these lessons should be taught by the mother, and in a tender, delicate and confidential way. Become, oh, mother, vour daughter's companion, and she will not go elsewhere for this knowledge — which must come to all in time, but possibly too late and through sources that would prove more than harmful. ^ THE UXPOLDIXG OF HOMASHOOD THE ORGANS OF CREATIVE LIFE --I compac, CO ,i..i," 'X '"' •'"'. ^■'^«- ■■' •*"«"- tlK'.v are firm vessels. *• "' " "''""^ '-'"^' ^"'Ply Provuled will, M„o,l ' lie Fallopian tubes arp ahr,,,* t • . ne.e are \ ery minute canals, widening gradually into a funnel-shaped C'Kl. t'u edges of which are sur- ';o""■■ '■ Broad THE UXFOLDIXC 01' IVOMAMIOOD 29 The Vagina is a nienihraneous canal, wliicli joins the internal outlet with the woml), which projects slightly into it. The oi)ening into the vagina is nearly oval, and in those who have never imlulgetl in sexnal intercourse or in handling the sexual organs is more or less closed hy a membrane termed the Hymen. The i)resence of this membrane was for- merly considered as undoubted evidence of virginity, its absence a lack of chastity. The Mammary Glands arc accessory to the generative organ. They secrete milk wliich the All-Wise Father provided for the nourishment of the child after birth. ANTERIOR VIEW OF THE UTERUS AND ITS APPENDAGE'. a. Fundus, h, body, and f, cervix or neck of the uterus, c. Front of the upper part of the vagina, n. 11. Round ligaments of the uterus, r. r. Broad ligaments, s. s. Fallopian tubci. /. Fimbriated extremity, u. Ostium abdominal The position of the ovaries is shown along the lower border of the broad ligaments and across the uterus. Menstruation, which appears about the age of thirteen years, is the llow from the uterus that occurs every month as the seed germ ripens in !.e ovaries. God made the sexual organs so that the race should not die out. He gave them to us so that we reproduce life and thus fdl the high- est position in the created universe. The purpose for which they were made is high and holy and honorable, and if they are used only for this purpose — and they must not be used at all until they are fully matured — they will be a source of greatest blessings to us all. JO THE aXfOLDIXC OP H'OMAXHOOD »» -I .irfu ,an,„, ,„ ,^,,U ':^ "''>• ' °""l "ever .„,„„■, ,„ Z_ "■^ 'l-„„,v of ,he „orM i„ con,i„„ i ' ? TIT'""'' "'""' ""='" '> "«« ^'-" "'.=. is ri„« a„,l „.ha. ' ™' ;,""'" "" '" "'""^ '" •"-•>- "■ -;;"■'" Cass ,„a„ ,Kose „, ;,r;X: 'j '; °'" '"■^'- '.vpe a„„ ,.,,„„, ;;7o=r;r:::::r<:r;-:r->-'o--e.a„., I .e %„re. Tl,e firs, step ,„ ,o„,| „oL '"' '■""' """^'"l' '"'"'' "' *n.e,Ucr,„a,,,nsclca„,L,/Cde;n' ^7 "™""' »-' 'Le firs. anJ able-bodied, and only by be,W ,o„ ,' "'"'"' ™-™" •<> lx= strong "".-.n. happiness .o Che's f iTon:. ', " "■"""• """ '"'-'"= "' "•a. .hey can be perfect in .heir ex ,al 1 '' " '"""^ "•" I'^^lthv Perfec, in ,bis par, ., .fceir being , ha" 1 'T^ ="'" " '^ ""» V '-ing beainifnl woman. ^ ' *°" "" ''""me a noble, grand and THE AGE OF PUBERTY -«>PZ nfe atm'he sLme"!', ''illr:,"","" "■^"■™"->- ™-'- "■'P^ a tnfle the broades,. " ""''■ "'^ shonl.lers being, perhaps. THE UXI-OLDIXG OP WOMANHOOD 31 THE GROWTH OV THK SEXUAL ORGAN'S Up to this time the sexual <.r.^ans have grown hut httle. Xow they take a su.ldeu start and nce.I more rooiu. Nature aids the girl; the tissues and muscles increase in size an■ '-'■ •".• .-...o ,.. , ,,„„„„ l'"r, „„r oars are w , , " " r" " "" "'" '>''■ '' « ""' >" "»e „f all „„r or,.," "" ""■ '" '••"■'■ "•■""- "■-■l'" «« .l.e „ro„or GO TRACII vol R nov I say to vo„. mntlicr. an.l oh. s„ carncMlv -r,, , i 'iim speciallv a l,<,y •■ " """^ '"■«•■<'" lli»l mako .vcarll"™:" '"•■" "'::Z; "^ "7: -^ -^ -- - "- '- n.a.„rer In.pre»., upon I,. , I ,,'•"""•' '"" '" """- """ '"•"' «- '"-ver. I n,i„ upon I ,';,:':,:; , ■^"--'-.v "ill .,n„«„«ase If he has ever lean.e.l to his oreins or ,„ , , , .-.ny way except ,o keep then, clea,,. „ot to ,1 iao in ,M ,' ,'"" '" '"'t Krow „p happy, healthy a.„l strong. *" '" '''"'■ '« ""' Teach him that uhni he hnnrll^c .... „ •. "'.he l,o,ly snffer. I.ecanse l^tZ^I^^T; '^^""\'"^'"'- '» Par-s ont the systen,. this is „l,v it'is rt • "''' """ "'" 'I'™"*."- OUR BOYS 27 fact, worse than lyitip c.r stealing! For. alth.n.^I, ,la-sc arc wicked an.l will ru.n the.r soul, yet this habit of sclf-al.nsc will rnin lu„l, sui.l and If the sexual organs arc it hrin^s ,u„ uukI, blood tu these parts, and this produces a diseased condition; it also causes disease in « organs of the lunly. because they are left with a less a,nou„t of bloo.l than they ought to have. The sexual organs, too. are very closelv con- nected the spine an,l the brain by n.eans of the nerves, and if th'ey are iano leave the o»Te uiinji cause hehin.l. -'vt ine i hnf you keep up this hahit of -self-ahuse' that a hrown spot will come on your ah,lon,en. Ii.,ht hrown at hrst. an.l grow .larker each week , unt^. eats a sore n,ht into your systen. an.l if it keeps on. will eventuali; After Charlie ha.l .c^one to sleep, an.l,,^ ,„•,, ,,a„cis nc^ain on the sexual organs, to prove to hi.n the truth of her argnment. she took i hott e of" an.l. the crk. put on the ahdomen a .^ cent to gue ,t a hght-hrown color, an.l ahout the size of a pea " Next n.ght. n. hathmg him. she discovered the spot, an.l sai.I. '"Look' 'alrcdy mot[ii:k_thk most sacrkd word i\ tkk KXGI.ISIl LANGUACr: The Victor Hugo. OUR BOYS i. >-c„„,er' The bo, cri-. „„, i„ ,„y ,ear, .„U pro„,i.a no. to .pel" .i-ctt"::;; it;':, ':'::;,'■■" "" ^t'' ^'■'*"-^'' "^'■' -^ "0,1 er was never again obliged ,o use ,he "Iodine.- Of eonrse si e. old She a^so took ,he prccant.on o( letting bin, go ,o bed „,th a doll, a s nlfed helher ihis mother was «,se ive ivonld bardlv want to sav In b,.r case ,, was. perhaps, a bright tl.onght. ,„,t i, the 'child, t™^h o shot Id have know,, ol bis tnotber's false method to e„re he ev 1 luC; ;:;.:::::" ',:'■ r ^ '"""" "- "■°'"" '-- "- ""^ ^^ '-'''-- , • , ' ^"ui'h'i. II cured (n iln^ simple remc( v. he would tlrmt Ik-s mother to the bottom of his heart. Wgin l,ere ue want to emphasize tiie importance of cleanliness We n.v heheve that oftentimes these habits originate in a burninra d i! i tatn.g sensafon about the organs, caused by a want of thorotiglf wl^Lng. CIRCUMCISIOM It is worthy of note that many eminent physicians now advocate the en torn o c,rc„n,e,sion, that the re.noval of a little of t e o esW, "Ulnces cleanliness, thus preventing the irritation and e.xci" en wbi come fro,n ,he ga.berin, of the whi,ish n.atter un.ler the f„ k .eg,n„,„g o, the glands. This irritation being removed, the bo; i c « to tamper w,tb Ins se.xnal organs. The argn.nen, seems a g„o< on esn -ll.v when „c call to ,nin,' the high physical state of those peop e Tho liave practiced the custom. P«-opie who Happy is the mother who can feel she has done her dutv. in this direc- tion, while her boy is still a child. ' For those mothers, though, whose little boys have now grown to- bov hood with the ev still upon them, and you, through ignorance, pe mi ^d It, we would say, "Begin at once-it is never too late.'' P^""'"ed 4^ OUR BOYS If he lias not lost all will-power he can be saved. Let him go in con- fidence to a reputable physician and follow his advice. Simple diet, plenti- ful exercise in open air. and congenial employment will do much. Do not let the mind dwell upon evil thoughts, shun evil companions, avoid vulgar stories, sensational novels, and keep the thoughts pure. Let him interest himself in social and benevolent affairs, participate in Sunday School work, farmers' clubs, or any organizations which tend to elevate and inspire noble sentiment. Let us remember that "a perfect man is the noblest work of God." God has given us a life which is to last forever, and the little time we spend on earth is as nothing to the ages which we are to spend in the world beyond; so our earthly life is a very important part of our existence, for it is here that the foundation is laid for either hapi)iness or misery in the future. It is here that we decide our destiny, and our efforts to know and obey God's laws in our bodies as well as in our souls will not only bring blessings to us in this life, but never-ending happiness througliout eternity. THE VERY BEST MEDICINE FOR A BOY If a bedroom is close, the sleep, instead of being calm and refreshing, is broken and disturbed: when the boy awakes in the morning he feels more fatigued than when he retired to rest. If sleep is to be refreshing the air must be pure and free from carbonic acid gas, which is constantly l)eing evolved from the lungs. If the sleep is to be health-giving, the lungs ought to have oxygen— their proper food— and not to be cheated by giv- ing them instead a poison — carl)onic acid gas. It would be well for each person to have a separate room. If two boys are obliged to sleep in one room, or if two girls are compelled to occupy the same chamber, by all means let each have a separate bed, as it is much more healthy and expedient for both boy and girl to sleep alone. Plants and flowers ought not to be allowed to remain in a chamber at night. Experiments have proved that plants and flowers in the daytime take up carbonic acid gas (the refuse of respiration), and give off oxygen OUR BOYS 43 0^1x^:7 '"' '""'""' '" '''""■ ""' «'- °'" « "i"-"" " pois- EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE in. Z 'P'"'' '''" '"'■'>■ I^^"-^ °^ the nioruins in bed breath IS commenced in childhood it becomes a habit .nd '' """^ life. A bov ou^ht on no o '^'^°"',^' "^ ''^'^'t- and will contmue through t.ZlT ' ' "'■ ""P "'""^«' ""I 'I^P'^-l "Pon ^l.e exercise he takes, b„., „n an average, „e sl,o>,W have a, leas, eigh.'hcrs e,:;::;,': CHOICE OF PROFESSION OR TRADE It a youth is delieate i, is a common practice among parents either to put h.m to some light indoor trade, or if it can be affofded , , , earned professions. Such a practice is ahsr/'alw 1 ;•„;:: " T : close confinement of an indoor trade is highly prejudicial to hcall ' Tl ' ha d readtng requisite to fit a man to fill, for instance, the s cr d olfi only mcreases any delicacy of constitution. The stoonintr at ■, it attorney's office, is most trying to the ches, TTeh ' '" "" turbed nights, interrupted m'lal, aud ime s.ul nersLTot ^ ''" or the medical profession is still more dangerous t^ L at fa "ei L, r divmity. or any mdoor trade. If a boy is delicate or nf , ' an outdoor calling should be advised,^s„ehtTat7: JrraTnn;"', 44 OUR BOYS land surveyor or a butcher. Tanners and butchers are seldom known to (lie of consumption. I cannot refrain from reprobating the too common practice among parents of bringing up their boys to the professions. The anxieties and the heartaches which tliey undergo if they do not succeed materially injure the health. In clo.Mng this chapter T can only add the following words in behalf of the friendless boys— those who have no mother to teach them: "When you see a r.igged urchin Standing wistful in the street. With 'orn hat and knceless trousers, Dirty face and bare red feet ; Pass not hy the child unheeding. Smile upon him. Mark me, when He's grown he'll not forget it, For, remember, boys make men. PART II LOVE, COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE CHAPTER IV SALIFICATIONS FOR MARRIED LIFE < 4 A LL mankind loves a lover," says Emerson; and it would be diffi- /"Y cult to name three subjects more generally thought about and speculated upon than Courtship. Love and Wedlock. Like the three-leaf clover, they spring from a single stem. and. like the clover should bring forth blossom and fruit. With Tenn vson we mav say • "•T.s better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at 'all." LOVE AND MARRIAGE NATURAL "God created male and female. Male and female created he them " 1 he double clause is too significant to be overlooked. Each is a counter- part of the other-something not complete without the two. Anything so divmely appointed as marriage coming to us from Eden should be looked upon as one of the most sacred things of earth. Love blends young hearts in blissful unily. and. for the time, so ignores past ties and affections, as to make willing separation of the son from his fathers house, and the daughter from all the sweet endearments of her childhood s home, to go out together, ami rear for themselves an altar around which shall cluster all the cares and delights, the anxieties and sympathies of the family relationship: this love, if pure, unse'fish and dis- creet constitutes the chief usefulness and happiness of human life With- out It there would be no organized househokls. and. consequcntiv none of that earnest endeavor for competence and respectabilitv which is'the main spring to human effort; none of th5se sweet, softening, restraining an'd elevating influences of domestic life which can alone fill the earth with glory. 4S 46 QUAUI-ICATIONS FOR MARRIED LIFE 1-ove IS the sun of life; most beautiful in morning and evening but warmest and steadiest at noon. Misery, some say, grows out of married •fe. so does the deepest joy. The misery is not against marriage itself bu agan,st wrong, foolish marriages. These every parent should guard agamst. As the laws of reproduction are unchangeable, and as perfection IS only „, proportion to obedience to these laws, it is necessary that we comply with these requirements of nature. WOMAN'S LOVE STRONGER THAN DEATH Woman's love is stronger than death; it rises superior to adversity anu towers m suMime beauty above the niggardly selfishness of the world Misfortune cannot suppress it; enmity cannot alienate it; temptation cannot enslave it. It is the guardian angel of the nursery 'and LZ bed. It gives an atTectionate concord to the partnership of life and inter- est; circumstances ca^mot modify it; it ever remains the same to sweeten existence, to purify the cup of life on the rugged pathway to the grave and n.elt to moral pliability the brittle nature of man. It is the minister-' ing spint of home, hovering in soothing caresses over the cradle, and the death-bed of the household, and filling up the urn of all its sacred memo! REQUISITES NECESSARY FOR COMPANIONSHIP You ask what is meant by a companion ? We reply, a congenial spirit one possessed of an interior constitution of soul similar to our own or similar age, opinions, tastes, habits, modes of thought and feeling A con- genia sp.nt is one who, under any given combination of circumstances wou be affected, and feel and act as we ourselves would. It is one w J .Old enjoy what we would enjoy, dislike what we would dislike, approve what we woucl approve, and condemn what we would condemn, not for the purpose of agreeing with us, but of his or her own free will This is a companion; one who is kindred in soul with us; who is already united to us by the ties of spiritual harmony; which union it is the object of courtship to discover. Courtship, then, is a voyage of discovery; to see wherein and to what extent there is a hartnony existing. If in all these they hone tly QUALinCATIOXS FOR MARRIED LIFE 47 and inniostly agree, and find a deep and thrilling pleasure in their agree- ment, find their union of sentiment to give a charm to their social inter- course; if now they feel that their hearts are bound as well as their senti- ments m a holy union, and tliat for each other thev would live, it is their pnvdegc, yes, their duty, to form a matrimonial alliance. DESIR.\BLE TR.MTS OF CHARACTER I\ WOMAN Marriage has in it less of beauty, but more of safetv, than the single hfe: It hath no more ease, but less .langer; it is more nierrv and more sad; ,t IS fuller of sorrows and fuller of joys; it lies under more burdens but It IS supported by all the strengths of love and charitv. and those bur- dens are delightful. Marriage is the mother of the world, and preserves kingdoms, and fills cities and churches, and heaven itself. Earth presents no higher object of attainment. To be a wife in the truest and highest sense of the word is to be the best thing beneath the sk-ies. To be a woman is something more than to live eightee-i or twenty years; something more than to wear flounces and sport jewelry. \ Avoman is to be estimaterl by the real goodness of her heart, greatness of her soul and the purity and sweetness of her character. A woman with a kindly disposition and well-balanced temper is both lovelv and attractive', be her face ever so plain and her figure ever so homely; she makes the best of wives qnd the truest of mothers. W omen should be gentle— not weak, but gentle, and kind, and affec- tionate. Whatever a woman is. there shou.ld be a sweet, sulxluing and harmonizing influence of purity. an- ^"'-"'^'^'l ^^ ''>s- condition. o?iife "' "'"'"" '""^ '^°"™" «"«■ ""n an>- o.l.or ••IT IS A MYSTERV-THIS LOVE." soon ,o sweep throughShe soul! to purllt or ,o dertrr^*""'*' *" '^'' "'"I "h-'; '^ so THE LOVERS. ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED. ViijiyrlKlii ISM l,v Aliiif Dutioiu, Tlii: BRIDK QVAUFii.nioss roR m.wrikp im-f. „ ^ _^_^^.. I.(c. / he ,l.,a,ls ,„ ,„n, ..,l„.,„i„„ „i„ ,„ ,„,„„, „„ , ,^„ ,„,^ ii n^.r';!:;t."';:^:;;;' ;"™'"- '"" ^ ^ "™"'" "•' '^ ^ --"»- '-«• "ill ecu. ,„ ,1,0 JXe! ' ""'°"' '""'■""^■"' "'"' «""" -■"- I'RI:r,\RAT10XS ].UR MAKRIl 1, r.lFF I I ^"^^- ^" '"<- •111(1 hi-auv of charactor T, . fi,;.. result as mil l,e a source ot mutual jov forever Helpful as is matrunony i„ .leveiopi,,^ a maid into a su,unn vet it ' ^.no or a tuotnent he cou.pare.l uitl. the effect of mater.t i,^ . tor supphes a ,ieu- ohject and a new tenderness. A woman , , We are told that the uon,en of ancie.U Sparta exercised in .vmn. utms u, order to attain the highest ho.lil, vi.or. preparatory trtl^Z-" nj vou That practice, or its ec.uivalent. mav well he revive.l o be ter sfl , women fron. chihlhood shoul.l he taught to practice s u-h phv ' cal exerases as will develop and preserve the hest hodilv heal a ^ vf ^£:Zur'"'T' '"* ^""■"•^^^ occupations/even of the more Tnl) 'T"' ' ' ^""^ "' '''' "^"^^'^^ ^^ ''^' ''-'- The whole should be brought mto frequent action for the fullest vigor ' But the physical robustness and power of endurance for which the 54 QUALIFICATIONS FOR MARRIED LIFE litii Spartans were noted are by no means all tliat is desirable in our day A un.versal culture is now demanded. The mental, moral. a.stl"tical "and sp.ntual departments of o.r being require no less developme:!^ nd fu 1 nesso expression m us. if we would do our noblest work and discharge, our full duty toward our children. uiscnarge i SELF-CULTURE AND DISCIPLINE But the self-culture from which these result is not the work of a day pen^'in' T. /" '"^' ''' ^^'"^^ ''' °^ ^'^''^-^ '^ -- too long'a' penod m to prepare for so serious an undertaking. The earlier therefore, te young of both sexes can be intelligently insfructed in these matters and impressed with the importance of living for those who mav :^^i: iViif? ;^ '^"^ "^'^ ''-^ '---- «"-• ^- ^^^ ^^^.^^zz Dec the! 't n 'T^ P"'°"^ "'''''' ^^'^" ^^'^h the fairest pros- pects they should never- forget that infirmity is inseparably bound up fulfill n Z7 I'T' "' '''*• " '^"'"^ °"^ ^"^ther's burdens, they fulfill one of the highest duties of the union. Love in marriage cannot Hve nor subsist unless it be mutual; and where love cannot be'ther can b left of wedlock nothmg but the empty husk of an outside matrimony as undehghtful and unpleasing to God as any other kind of hypocriry Some persons have imagined that because the impregnating germ contnbuted by the male parent is of microscopic dimensions, it mal e" ttle what the ather's character or qualities may be. But this opinion ..contrary to a 1 evidence, and to the analogies of the animal and vegeta" ble worlds. The potency of spiritual elements or forces is by no means determmed by the physical dimensions of their vehicle. VvJle the ^ does much by appropriate management toward modifving and counter- balancmg „, manifestation the traits, good or bad. of 'the father, neve- I'lTi. ,"« r-^''-"'' '""'^'" ' ''''' °^ ^"'^^^-^"- -f character u h ch ,s difficult. If not impossible, of entire eradication. Hence, in human culture, as m agriculture, good seed is of no less importance than good 1 CHAPTER V ADFICE TO THE UNMARRIED EVERY one is planning to some day have a home of his or her oun 1 he old home may be good, but a home of one's own buildLTnd Thus the T ""^ "^^ ^'"^^'"^^ '^ ^"^ ^--" ^^ -ery young e Thus he sayu,g becomes true that "upon the home rests the fu ure of the world. Its mner temple, real or ideal, is the shrine at which al e„t " ened mankmd worships, and its altar is the Mecca of the hea Pn have written of it-minstrels have made it the subiect of ' . the world it has been an inspiWng theme an;;;::^;;::;;:^:;^^ " "' "A home must be 'Home.' for no words can express it- Unless you have known it, you never can guess if Tis ,n vam to describe what it means to a heart ' Which can live out its life on the bubbles of art It may be a palace, it may be a cot It matters not which nd it matters' not what • T.s a dwelling pert , ed with the incense of love A beautiful type of the home that's above." song, Home, Sneet Home," ,s not in any special excellence of meter „r even ong,na>ity of .ho„gl„. it is the „t,e. absence of 0™,; ha makes ,t „n,versal. I, n,erely voices i„ simple strain the n X/y of eyery human heart sntcc the firs, home was built on earth till now. THE HUSBANDS AND WIFE'S PART IN THE HOME. If it he the man's part to Lay the foundations an,l erect the buildiuT i, s woman's to beautify and enshrine music and the kindly arts within h I. .s h., .0 build and hers to beautif. I. is woman .^^^^ZZ Lome 55 s« ADVICE TO THE UNMARRIED »ith light and life. Her hand it is that deeorates and adorns that cnll, .... rr li- 1^^^^^^ even sweeter in the role of motherhood than you have b en as Ive ■want, V ho, as yet, can neither speak nor ehoose his future lot rememher a you love your own soul, that upon you, and not on d ;uZates d ends n,an,ly the awfnl issue of what .t shall be and wha taT eeoTe' s^va^; ;;ritsr?.;:;:rhiarS:r;':^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ..pon you whether your sons shall be as "plants grown up in their youth " Of a palace. The wh„e unwr.tten page of your child's life and character sopen foryou to wnte upon. The intpressions „,ade upon i. by yo , a„d .he father are uKlehble. The firs, .sights and sounds L, are refl cted upon a child's remembrance are ineffaceable. "fleeted LET NATURE TEACH YOU Nature will assist you in this work, but she will not do it for you She gives the material foryou to work upon. Vou might as well expect !he grass and plants to grow without moisture as the .„„l , "^ culture. Na,ure provides the limbs, bii Ter se deve, ' "h'^''"" 7°"' .hem .,. , and symme.ry. Vet many pa^rsTe r.': ^ Z ^X children will love the beautiful and do the good bv m-r. . .hat the tiiere process of living w sure .heir'hvtg ig" l^arrr^'thlL One might as well expect reading and writing .» Im'e ty natr B n't" "Take .his child and nurse it for me, and I ::^ ^Z^^ 'J- '^^ AVriCE TO THE UNMARRIED ST and de|;ada,lt ""'""^ '"" """"'^ "" "^^"^ "-" "'-^^ MAKE YOURSELF WORTHY OF A GOOD MATE. avail llT J """''" '" '""' '' = """i"" '™« of more ava,l, as secunng domestic happiness, than the beautiful in r«rso„ Th, »ho marry (or physical characteristics or externa, co LeraTns ^viU aU or domeTr '" "'" '™"- ^' "'^ ^"°"''' ->- '° «om n ^i: I ' for domesttc happmess. never mar^- a pleasure-seeker, an idle man o we would say to men, never marry any bu, an intelligent woman for after :: :;""" i's''::eTe«"Vd""^'"'r'"' ^^-^ "'^^" -^'^^^ .gence. It .s the best of downes. There is no burden on earth like a foohsh woman t,ed to a competent man. with the one e.ceptiorof a fl cTTh : "^T"- "° =™'"^=^' "" --"P--^ o tr bs „c o clear thought and quick comprehension. So also studying to make yourself worthy of a rood husband I, • now to cultivate all those graces that make I home^comp et i fo" so much the arts and accomplishments as it is the chara , tha t^k: h„r 7'!. "' ;" """'"«^ ' ""*='"<'■ -' '<> " »"' you choo e a husband w, h not only the ability to provide a home, but one of honor and pnncp,.; see ,o it that he has a heart_a great, noble, true self sacnficmg heart-one tha, will love through sickness and adver Itv as 5d ADVICE TO THE UNMARRIED well as prosperity. When you have found such a one then give him all you ha^e to give-love, confidence, good will. ^ J f ADAPTATION OF HUSBAND AND WIFE for hopinf tht'' """' '"''""^ ""'"^' '''' '''''' •■^^^-^l'^^ g-"-Js perfect' nf.. I '""'' '" ^""''' ^'^'^'^^">^ ^^'^^^-^ ^^ -°-"y '- attl to '. ' "' '""" °' "''■"''^""' °'- «^ «P-^-^ regeneration attam to such a state so that they shall not transmit physical diseases or moral to their offspring? Can the sexual appetite, for rxample whose .mpenous demands are the chief obstacle to s^ch prepara ory c^ .' the?? 'r r"'"'"' ^"S«^^^^'«"^- ^"d ^Jeserve consideration. In tl^ past so httle regard has been paid to the finer laws of adaptation,ly, mentally and spiritually, of persons entering the marriag e;.' •on-so seldom has the sacred right of the mother to choose the time and the crcumstances under which she would assume the maternal fun t on -so often, mdeed, has she been compelled, or made to believe it "r rehg.ous duty to accept this function at the husband's wish, even again the pro est of soul and body on her part, that the common esults ur "h very l.ttle of what might be. and what will be when greater hght and wsdom shall have become prevalent on these matters ^ Especally should the husband refrain from ever intruding, by either demand or sohctat.on. against the intuitions of the wife. All uch ntru s.ons are outrages of the most flagrant character, the same in essenc s' pos,t,ve phys,cal volence, whether within or wn'thout the legal marrTage relafon. Offspnng begotten when any degree of reluctanc! or waZf prcparat.on ex.sts on the part of the mother, are robbed of a portion o the,r b.rthnght, and to that degree unfitted for the full enjoymenrof ex istence. That birthright includes a full and loving welcom to the wL d" For further suggestions see chapter on "How to Overcome Heredity » ADVICE TO THE UXMARRIED j, APPROPRIATE SEASON FOR CON-CEPTION ,,„, '" '° ™P°"="" an undertaking as tl,e im.iation of an immortal beinir doubt ess .t ,s well to have due regard ,o and seasons. T," ' ,"^' XV or :i:::e t^n:::"'- rr --"' "^ ^-^ as a genera, rule, ins::: Ls"; e"",:^ i ^ I' '^ T"' "T springtime, or in early summer Tl,„ , ^ '"^ '" ""= orderly time for ,„. L:^"^ J^ ^^^ ^i, "' "^^^'^ ^"°-n and human beings may .e„ giye^,eed to^, ::i:ati:n"rr:;g,:r •"" ONLY A BABY Soi,!^.r''''/r''°," ^''°'^"^^' ■■" brotherhood.) to hve for came to the place ijomething to die for, maybe- Something to give even sorrow' a grace- And yet it was only a baby! Cooing and laughter and gurgles and cries Dimples for tendercst kisses- Chaos of hopes and of raptures and sighs Lhaos of fears and of blisses. Last year, like all years, the rose and the thorn- This year a wilderness, maybe- But heaven stooped under the roof on the morn 1 hat It brought there only a baby. 1 CHAPTER VI THE MARRIAGE RELATION N a little poem by Adelaide Proctor we find the following words: "A loving woman finds heaven or hell On the day she is made a bride." This may be putting it strong, and yet, it has often occurred that when a pure, sweet girl finds she has been married to an inconsiderate selfish man, that her whole life is worse than a blank. It hn. often been said "Any fool can get married, but it takes a man of some sense to resist the temptation until he can afford such luxuries " bnder the prevailing conditions of things this expression contains some grams of truth; yet it should not be so, for while the husband works for the home and the family, the wife as a help-mate should see that the ex- penses do not surpass the income. It requires love and common sense to enable her to adjust things successfully to the conditions of a new home. HOW TO CHOOSE A HELP-MATE "Marriage is a lottery," the saying goes, and there are some who be- heve It, and judge accordingly. It is well for such that they do no worse than draw a blank. Marriage is not necessarilv a lottery either in the m.tial choice or in the months and years following the marriage day. One can shut his eyes and draw, or one can open them and choose One can choose with the outward eye alone, or with the eye of intellect and conscience. No person until he has had experience can understand the possibilities or tnals of the marriage relation even though he mav have read all the best that has been written on the subject. It mav be likened to reading of the glories of a far off country. One may be impressed by the reading but can never have a realizing sense of the life until within the borders' The first glimpse is deceptive, for the scenery may or may not present 60 PEXEI.OPE-THE MODEL WIFE. As a fitting icprcscntativp nf t!ic inrimt Pr i been well selected. Her wifely de ,e-mnr h ^ mother. Penelope has "ver^.ns faith. luT ardent love, I e^.S,] ed ho'; f^'r' '"^'''■"''■- ''^ "! .".e HuhHtry cnmn^end her to our 'nvn daya^ VZlel oriu.'''sex''" ""'''■ A HAPPY MOTHER THE MARRIAGE RELATION 63 •ts best appearance; but daily association brings forth ei,l,er n 1. LOVE NOT FOUND IN PHYSICAL UNION ;:;;'- '^ ■ —».-—:.■ .sr.r-: DOMESTIC ENJOYMENT DESTROYED ,„/" ''°,',I' '""'"'"' '"'' ''"' "■' ''''■ P'-""--^ » =•"" guard over vo„r o wel . and w„„ .„ p^per preparation, ™„s, be lived well or . "ni "« keep .he track. I, w,ll turn off a. every and fly off a, eve y, urn r'ri ^ THE MARRIAGE RELATION or impediment. Good watch must be kept for breakers ahead. The fires sk i or?.'' "' \" T'^""' "'"'"" ^^ ^^^ ^-' °^ ^ff-^'-- It require pered u ith forbearance, charity, and integrity It is a great thing for two frail natures to live as one for life long Two haps are not easdy kept always in tune, and what shall we expecfof ivTo harps each o a thousan.l strings? What human will or wisdom cannot who d" "m ' "' "" P""'^"" '^ ""'^'"^ -- --e intimatTly OS who devoutly try to do the work of life and enjoy its goods together MARRIED LIFE-ITS DUTIES AND PLEASURES wife^ln?/" '° ' ""?'" ^"^''' ''' '' "^"^^^"-y ^° *"^ he^'th of a young w.fe and every one else, as the sun is to the earth-to warm, to cheer and iTt Z the «;•'!"'"'■ '''"'' '" '"' '"'"■'" °' '" "'"''= uitners the plant. Pleasures, kept within due bounds, are good but in a wh rl of pleasure and excitement is frequently sickl- and nervous and uterly unfitted for her duties and responsibilities; and the misfor u^e of «t .s. the more pleasure she takes, the more she craves .nH^rtr''"^' i' ""'''' "P °^ ''"'" P'^^^"'-^^' °^ ''«le tasks, of little cares and httle but which, when added together, r ake a grand to a o; human happmess; she is not expected to do any arduous work her prov nee es ,n gentleness, in cheerfulness, in contentment, in hou';' fery I care and management of her children, in sweetening her home The " :;;rry' "^"^ a heritage, her jewels, which help to'make up her crotn The quiet retirement of her own ome ought to be her greatest pleasure and her most precious privilege. greatest HOME THE KINGDOM OF WOMAN tate^Tf' \V^" ^'"'^1°'" °^ ^°'"'"' '"^ '^' ^^°"'d be the reigning poten- tate. A father, a mother, children, a house and its belonging! co'nsCte THE MARRIAGE RELATION: «h. fin«, m.dici„Tir.tToridT" '"'° r •'°"" °"" Co„,en,™e„, L, b"., if disease is pre e„ i. « f ' • '"" '""^' "'"""'"^ P'"-' '""ase, I, scarcely 'e d b faM h ar.hT"", ""° "" " ^""^'''-'^ »•■*-"' production of „ob,e an':! TZt" 1^^! °"'-'. '" ™- --„, .he his own antecedent'L 7 ^' "^ «'"" ''"' =""'i<>n to proper deve,opn,e:Xr;:;Z ?:.'rr""' '""«'" •'•' assist the wife to some extent at east ^1 • "" =«°n'Pany and to the successive stages ofits unWd I' ?"""' '^■''"''«^ appropriate for, so far as Prac.ic^ble^rt' VnT^^trr^ 'T""" '""'■ ment at every step, euardinir h./ s>mpathy and encourage- influences, and' Jl. ^^^^ '1^:1^ V""7-^' --'^^- 'or spiritual perfection. And can anv til 'f f ''^'P''"^' ^"^^ "^oral and work? ^" ^"^ ^""^ '" J'^e l,e too early to begin this BLIND PASSION Air should remember that chilHrpn u^ ■ t. these is the right to be well born "*'"• """ """>"« "■"= «-. of accident. I. should not be fastt o o'f^ "° rt"""'' "'^'^^ "> =''"■'« °r passion or ntere ..eru^t^:; l^t ''^■^tr " '"f °' "'"'' responsibih-ties involved, both parent, 1 Z '^"'"'"S the august thought, ntaking the best prepara,b:;otrbll "' ''"'' '"""'^™' '"'" ' CHAPTER VII HEREDirr AND HOiy IT MAY BE OVERCOME NOTWITIISTAXDLNG .11 the sad experience of con.n,o„ life, in u^er„„ the >lls entailed upon ns b, our progenitors and in entai- .ng tlje .an,e upon our offspring, there are reasons for the convic- ■on that prov.s.on exists in the overcoming of l.oreditary so fTat an nUcMhed form. I here us help at hand to aid us in this work if we suKerely seek and intelligently appiv the agencies within our rlad'' I-.rst. u seen,s evident, that the great forces of nature, the life-eurrents of he unu erse. tend to health rather than to disease-to phvsicaln m and moral soundness, r., Vt than to their opposites ^ ativJ'Lr'T'rf ■"'?"■ ""' "''""" "' '"'-''*" '-^ ^'-^^ -^" '" the recuper. lenus at once to heal every wound and to cure everv .lisei.e ^n i „ . • i accomplishes ,„„o resuHs „„c„ no. .h„.a.,e., „, oZ^ZX:^^ overcame , ,r„gs a„,l ,„,i.,„s „ever heah .he n,„s. ,hey do is .o a i iul .he opera.,ons of ihis inhere, recpera.ive force. A GREATER FORCE THAN HEREDITY here''.'iu'!:::,T;" ■'"''■ " '"'"' '°''' "™ ""^'«'^. " ™"«<- 'h- be mean , ,Zl I '""'"""""' "' ^"rroun.hng. By s„rro„ndi„g we mean all .ho^e ,„lh,ences «l„cl, hear upon and affec. hnmani.v This cz:zz^ -' '-'•'"' '- " -« - -4-do": *o.,gh. .ha. .,e disease is hercdi.ary and .1.:; -.t'lisTo" hi:^ /"ov^ commg ,.. Now. it yo„ „ ill lake one of the children who H.e,y .0 develop .he di.sease and re.nove hina .:': p^^e trre"-' HEUEony MO nun- it iuy be o^-bkcomi. <>7 !r„"« r Iff "T"'' """'■ ""■ -""""■l'"«» ••.« • --erful a,„l „ U„. he . ^. '^"" 0'' THE HUMAN THORAX. A— Clavicula (Collar-bonc), D_Tr„. p-. B-Sternum (Breast-bone) pi'''' ^'^'j, . „ C-Vertebr. (Spinal Colun.nj. fI,, " "^ '"""'' f"^^". r « ■ ,c-, """"^"'^ "Upper Arm-bone) O— Scapula (Shouldcr-bladc) A„.:,,,,„.„;i:z;,t:::. :,:,;::;r;r„'' neighbor sa,C. r- ' T "" '''°°" "' '■" ^■"""'-•''^^ The a„o„,e,l .I.C ,cc „ r""^ ""' '''"'■ ' »''°"''' !'''='"■ °' ™"«. I>a. me training bestowed upon .ler. The picture of Little L„„l Tauntlerov is not overdrawn y„„ „ill rententher that the hoy',, ^rantlfather is ahar.I, „ns,n,pa, tetie „,an ".glecte-l h,s tenants, and they were afraid of him. He h ^ ,„ sLe o l.e stewardship of wealth and position. ^•„„ „.„, rome, , r Z tl^e everytlnng, if not everything. vcrtonie almost THOUGHT IS FORCK In like manner, if we shall snv a ,'i,,i,i .-^ i i i -n,e apt to «nd had ^::' i^^i'z'i^^t^xi::^: If a mother will sit hy the bed of a chil.l when it is asleep and will nil, to ,t m a low, gentle tone, the child will hear an,l vet noMvaken f H e chdd ,s backwar.1 mentally, „,orally. phvsieally telf ,l„ 1 M ;. .o stand well i„ its class, to he p^nr'e am:' "„:::: 'tn^f:; t^L T"°" ","' '°"'^ "" ^"^'^ ^"'^^ "" "'= i" >ho d icft :am:Z:„er ""''^ "'° '"" '*^ ''*"^'-- »"" «' "eaknesses, ,„ the If you go into a school roon,, and hear many coughing vou will find what m,„d means when you give a strong cheery wfrd to tC chihlre", I HEREDfTV JXO Iioir IT MAY BE OVERCOME 69 here,l„> . no ba.l,,. s,,e„k „„ ,,.,„,, „„„,'.. ^ HEALTM rs NATURAL-11,1. .lEALTIl. IXSATURAL n. ™ ' " 7"" "7 '"' "'™^'™' "' •™"— n ,l,a„ .„ nor- .ml one. I l,c tendency of nalnre's forces is to n.aintain the tvoe lliesaniela\v(btil)tlessol>tnin«i„ tT, i o"- nornui tjpe. I>c?ets like- is ,1, . ! ? '""" '''"■■'"■ TIK law that "like ^.n..eal.hfnl in.;:-::.,;— ^^^^ How. then. „,a, tins he .,„ne? The answer is: Fi„., ,,v r^ntt ^P.e..shes.a,,.al,.he„J.,,ah;„ti:^^^^^^^^^^^^ en. ^^e must abstain from swine's flesh tint nroHr, • ^'^ ^ook -c Which. :^:^:^::::^:::!:zz:z:::::::z lower tnp trmt^ r^( tu„ ., '^ '"■!> wtciKcn and .no. ::.h::::: e' ;:r::n::r„n:7:h7 v"-^"" ' -" -" to imagine then, "necessaries of rt" V "'\T '" """" """'' kingdom (mducLng. o, course, tlie cereals, fruits and nuts), which experi- 70 HBRBDITY AND HOW IT MAY BE Ol'ERCOME m,,. I '" "" °P^" "''•• ^^""^ 'l"lv all parts of the nu cuhr systen,; „res. rationally instead of fashionably;' l.athe o fen a'd tCa I „«^ « ""on .n the pores of the skin; and, in short, must prac it<;t::'eretr':L.^'' ■"""• =• '^-^ "- ----" ^-■' - of heluh's'tanT- '" r",2" °"' "'" ""''"">' '^S"* "-<= conditions e^ard o ,t ' ""Tf" "■°™ '"" °«"Pi«' ">' one who. through a dis- regard of these eondtt.ons, is constantly thwarting the recuperative ten denotes of nature, and is nourishing and adding tofhe '"""'""' '""" IMPROVEMENT FOR THE RACE If the foregoing suggestions are well founded, then there is hope for ual and or the race ,s possible, and that without lintit. The grand ener of the untverse are in its favor. In our ills and weakn sses ot o, ' SC.OUS basenesses and evil proclivities, inherited though thev t'tn haTe been rom a long line of ancestry, we need no. lie prone and I Ip less ' 1 no alternattve bu, either to transmit these hateful qualities o our off sprmg, or to refrain from the supreme joy of reprodu ing our e ves chapter' tptSc'T^ '7 "''"'-'' '' ""' ^"-"S^-tetUn the ver;i° b":H'arer:::^t~d " ' ^-""^ "■=• --"^ °' - PART III THE ORGANS OF GENERATION CHAPTER VIII THE HUMAN PELVIS AS THE genital organs of the male effect fewer functions than those of the female, we will here mainly describe the latter. The female organs of generation are divide.l into external and internal The external organs are included under the general name of vulva They THE FEMALE PELVIS. J: :Toi ;r; "Sj^S^i:::,^^:^ l - ^ '-- ^- '"-Pcd between .^e The . .v.e. .. conven^r^f ^X^^r^J^H^ r"rSi^"'^- consist in front of the mens Veneris, a fatty cushion covered in the female at the age of puberty with hairs, and extending back from this on each SKle, two hps or folds of the skin-the outer ones which are partially cov- 7a THE HUMAN PELVIS "hiihie T:; "n"' ''" 'f "■^""'""• - '-S^- in- »"-• .l.e innc. ones allcU 1 ,e d,.or,s. ri„s ,s „s„ally ,-,l,o„t one fonrtl, of an inch lone but o ,c„„,es l,econ,e. grea.l, enlarge,! so as ,o „e an inch or oj length. The ch.or.s . ,he seat of special sensation, an.l l,eco„,es son,"- what enlarged and hard- t'lied when the pa.ssions are e.Ncited. About one inch hack from the ch'- toris IS the opening of the urethra, or outlet of the bladder. Immedi- ately back of this is the opening of the vagina which is the entrance to the internal generative organs. THE V.VGINA The vagina is the STRUCTURE OF THE EXTERNAL ORG.XNS OF GENER.-.TIO.V (frg.xt view). ..Bull,,,, ,„,ii,„n. ,, s„l,i„„or ,.agi„,« „,„„1,, „ ratorxcin. "c outu- ^j^g yulva, or external T* • f , oi)ening. to the womb. a k„a„l n, a somewhat cnrved .lireetion, an,l. owing ,„ ,h s cnrving s a on, an n,oh longe, on the posterior side than on the ant': rior. Is walls are tinck. an,l capable of ,lila,i„g or contracting ,o a con- derablc ex,e,„. I, is Une.l will, a nmcons .nenibrane throngboru ll he uterns. a,„l in virgins ,s n.arkcl with a nber of folds. „t Ig J ua.,y disappear alier connecion. an,l especially after .lelivcrv. The omie, of the vagina ,s kept close.l by means of a circular, or constrictor. m„ le THE HUMAN PEW IS 73 This muscle also tends to draw the walls of tlie vaj,Hna together, making them more firm, tints enabling it in a great measure to support the womb above. THE UTERUS The uterus, or woml>. was formerly thought to be the most essential of the generative organs, but it is now known to be but the receptacle into THE TRUE PELVIS. i>./SV,!r^ " "If '' '''°'' "'' '^'^""-■''••'•^ «f t"e true pelvis. It is smaller than the false must pass the fatus or unborn child. which the ripe egg is discharged from the Fallopian tubes. If conceptio. takes place it remains and develops into a r.:^^ being, otherwise, after a short stay, it passes off. The form of the womb is nearly that of a pear, the larger end being at the top. Tho length is about two inches an.l a half, and its breadth at the top about one and a half inches, while at the lower en.l it is something less than an inch. Its thickness is also about one inch. It is not round but flattened, and is slightly curved, or bent, the curved ,,a.t being toward the back bone, the lower part, or neck, projc ts into the vagina, the walls of which are attached to the exterior some distance above. The walls being very thick the cavity is necessarily verv small, and is different iti 74 THE fir. MAX PELVIS part it is continL.. dow.nva ^ ^^ r:;,:;;'^ ^^'^^ "V'^ '^^^^^ uten. or mouth of the uo.nh. into the vagina. '''' "' Tlie womb is kept in position I.v two round rnr,Ic attached, one on citlier side, to the won T ' "' ^^'"''"''' lu ine womb. These are about five inches This h ™^ LTERUS (womb). and fim.Sticr:xt;'LS!^n;;:lf S;::;:;""' °''"7 '" *■" '^^^^^ >i«aments; oviducts the wo„.b and the folds i„ the ZiotZX^J'^' '"' '^^"' ^'^'^^^''"^ '^^ •"-'»' °^ THE HUMAN PELVIS ^j length down, inclosing the rot.n.l hganicnts. tuhcs. a,ul ovarian Hgaments .n the.r substance. They grow fast to the pelvis and in maintaining he uterns. ovaries an.l tubes in their ,.ro,,er situation. There are also two hgaments that connect the uon,h to the hla.l.ler in front, calle.l the antenor ligaments, and two others which connect it with the rectum behmd called the posterior ligaments. All these, however, do hut little toward actually supporting the womb, which is reallv kept in its place more by the firmness and density of its own substance, and that of the Tt,» i:_» L J J , . """"E FALSE PELVIS. The mes and c f. show the relative- of the false or upper pelvis Thi - Stiora=/:.r :;^r;i;r'^ -^'- - - tra„. jts:. :^ vagina below, and by tension of the muscles in the perineum than by anv- hmg else. When these ,)arts bccouie weak from debilitv or disease the hgaments stretch, the perineal muscles relax, and the walls of the womb arjd vagina soften till all fall down together, causing prolapsus uteri, or fallmg of the \vomb. The substance of the uterus is muscular, and is capable, in its con- tractions, of exerting great force. The inrre.nse in size which it under- THE HUMAX PELVIS organ in il,e l,„,|v cvc *■'«>'";">"><•. Indeed ihcrc is no oth„ "-S. „. ,„a, i:ii,.; r ,:;:^r,; :;„'■"%?■"■ -r-'^^ '^■'"""■ altogether ,,epe„,len, „„„„ ,|,e „ i™" ', .""";'"'• "°"""- '■' (nnctional .l.iliu- If ,|,ere -,re n„ •■ •hey play in ,he gran.l process of ropr. .--^ "til "^T "". '^' ''''" ova. from whieh all living „ei„g, oriii^,; "'■°*'"" '"^ "^^^^ "^ Each ovary contains, emhedded in its mediae i . ""'e vesieW. or ee„s. a,.o,„ .e si.e o, rC. r*: l^cLr 1^ THE HVMAX PELVIS n liclcs. These are filled with a whitish nuul. „. the of which is seen ""cgjr. orovum, aioiil ilii'li the naked ev. , ' ' ' "' " I""' '" ^"""^^ 'fecemible follicles v"s tea on-, ■ ■; "" "^' """" '''""'' '" "■"•'•> "' "-- »^er ,t >s impossible to know. l,ut in f P'-ol^ability. there are m^nv more than are usually suspected, and 'there is good reason for supposing that none 's formed in adult life, but that the germs of all are contained in the ovar- ies from the very first formation of these organs. Neither the follicles nor the in- cluded eggs are all equallv matured when we see them, but some are more perfect than the others. an- "^ sexual excite- won^en. both n^ n:;,^^ ^^ ^ ^l^lj^rf ^ ;>ay^ i" all healthy 'i^ic. aiitr tne age of puberty. CRA.\FI.\.\ FOLLICLES. 1, ovum; 2. 3. membranes of the follicle, 4, ns ve>.el.s; 6, cavhy con- ••-"".ng ,I„,d i„ ,,,,ich is suspended the o'wn; ;, external covering of the ovary. ■ "^ VvHEN COXCEPTIO.V TAKES PLACE Place oT/er ::::*;, '" 1' "°™"' "-'■ -->"- - .axe tl.e ovaries, or^^^i^Zl'T "'"■'""" "' ""• "'"''" "^ '-"' .he ova „as left ,he l^ he ' „ w"™'"'' "°" ".°' °'"'^ "'"" ="- of another period. ° ""Presnalion until the return The manner in which the crs is exnell»,i :. umlerstood. explains manv nf tlfc a , , T* ' '"' '""°'"' ="" "■"- . "le atltnl.ini ilieiititncna. If the ovarv is ;8 THE HUMAN PELVIS init about a week later one of tlicm becitis to »M,l-,r„, . increase in siVp -.t .1, ^ eiil.irffc and continues to increase ni size, at tlie same time coniinjr nearer the snrhrp of ^t, AS ,h„. are ,„o of .1,. ovar,« ,. is prol„Wc .l,a, .hcy mature ova alter- OVARV AND FALLOPIAN TUBE. .""l.r;;r°:sC, ti °"",; ■"' ""•• "'~'^'' '- «- °- -ar, tions of both ' ""^ "'" "" "«"'='•'>' ="■' P"'"'" Ihe tunc- THE FALLOPIAN TUBES row along the inner half of the tube the , ,W 1 """ "'",i.., the margins of .hieh are^rUX'Tj^Cr PLAYING HORSE. MW THE in-M.IX PI- WIS g, processes termed ( >„,. ., ...ese prooessc, is conneo.c.I M. .ho M.tcr o,uI of the ..v.-.ry. As the (iraaf.a,, folhdc l.nrst. this f.n. ... , .mpul..rcachcs over and «n.„. ,hc ovary.thus seeunn. the 1:^^ ^^ TMB OVL'M INTEIIINQ THI rAM.OPrAM TIBE. rALLOPIAN T'TK, " """ ''> S"''"'ssivi- c-„iiir.uii,,iis (muts il „,i.. I',. ,..„;, , ,, Where, as hefo. state.,, it is either^a.:. L ^2.;:^: :Z:^\ or passes mto the vagina and th„s out of the body. ' CONCEPTION ^.■nes ,he „ .iry. The ov.i re,|„ires about two ,l,-,vs to |,„,s ,l,r,„„.l, ,1,.. OVUM WELL ADVANCED IN THR FALLOPIAhf TCBB. THE OVUM AT TUB LOWKII END OF FALLOPIAN TUBE. vWlJ '" ""' " " "'"""' '"■■ ^"•""' "=>■' <"»-"y ="»"' eight). »h.Ie ,„ others „ off al.t.os. intn.ediatel,. Those „™,en who ar 82 THE HUMAN PELVIS ■^ OVUM AND EMBRYO. The term embryo is applied to the product of conception up to the third month, after which time the term foetus should be substituted. Ije seen upon the clothing. Impregnation takes place by the union of the male sperm with the female ova. Usually this takes place in the womb, but there is no reason why the niale germ, once within the cavity of the uterus, should not pass into the Fallopian tubes and there meet the unimpregnated ova. Usually but one ova is discharged from the ovaries at a time, but occasion- ally both ovaries will discharge an tgg into the womb, or one follicle may con- tain two eggs. In either case both may -...-..v.. be impregnated, and thus produce twins. In those rare cases where three or even four are produced at one birth, it is probable that, f .^ some unex- plamable reason, a like number of eggs have been producea , , the ovaries. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO The ovum in passing through the Fal- lopian tube increases in size from one one-hundred and twenty-fifth of an inch to one-fiftieth or one twenty-fifth of an inch by absorption or yolk nutrition. As the ^gg is small it can furnish nutri- ment for but a short time! About six days after conception takes place, a membrane forms around the ovum ^'^"^'^ ^''^ 'Chorion. This serves to anchor _, ^ the ovum to the walls to the uterus From the chorion minute hollow tubes ramify in all directions ' and commg m contact with the walls of the uterus draw nourishment from the The human pelvis «3 mucous membranes which line that orean Ti,- mitted to the embryo by means of an L "°""shment is trans- and called the ailantois Z^IZ'^^^^^^^^^^^ '^ ^^^ the chorion, cord, the vilH of the chorio d i ^ ZT^.T""'' ■"" ''' '''^'''^^' the junction of the ailantois with t h e c h n '' ^'" "'''iterated, save at and this portion at the end ofT he se ond n'";, ^ ^'^^ ''^'''^ -'-^-' from which nutriment is furnil^erto thlZs '' '"^° *'^ '''''^'^' The placenta is a soft, spongy mass nearlv '.■ , • ^ '' "'^''^ '^"■•^"'a'- ■" form, measuring "ER.NK SURir.CE OF THE PLACENTA. the placenta performs offices L , "■ ''"""'^ intra-u.erine life »♦ THE HUMAN PELVIS by exhalation the excrementitious matters originating in the process of ^tal nntntK.n. The un.biHcal cord consists of a sheati, incIosLg "1 aunons mass surrounding two umbilical arteries and one vein. Throt^h he of the umbilical cord, as before stated, the foetus is nourished and the excesses discharged. THE BREASTS The breas,,, are accessory ,o the generative organs, and by many anato- m ts are classed among them. Their development and ftmc.ions L L u . eo„s, a„,l the sympathy between .hem is so marked that one can hardly be affected wnhout the other. They are hemispherical in shap glandnlar ,n t.ssue and the left one is usually slightly larger than the other .p«...»c. „ r„. »„„„ .„„„ „„ „„„ „ ,^, «.»„.„,„ „„. On the outer surface, and just below the center, is a small conical prom,„c,,cc. called the nipple, which is of darker color than the re^o he breast and ,s surrounded by a circle called .he areola, having a deepe tmt t an the surrounding skin. In blondes the color of the ar«,la is o, a rosy hue, n, brunettes it is much darker. This color is of im o anc n-asmucb as .t ,s affected by pregnancy, prov g a reliable sign l^ Web the ,,hys,c,an may determine whether a ,von,an is in a state o' pregnancy The growth of the embryo after fecundation is very rapid. On the THE HUMAN PELVIS 85 THE OVUM AT THE EIGHTH WEEK. tvve fth , '"'r""^^ °' ^ semi-transparent, ^revish flake. On oUhich .s an opaque spot, presenting the first appearance of an embryo which may be clearly seen as an oblong or ^ curved body and is plainly visible to the naked eye on the fourteenth dav. The twenty-first day the embryo resembles an ant or a lettuce seed; its length is from fou- to five hnes and its weight from three to four grains. Many of its parts now begin to show themselves, especially the cartilagi- nous beginnings of the spinal column, the heart, etc. Ti.c thirtieth day the embryo is as large as a horse fly, and resembles a worm bent together. There are yet no limbs, and the - - » head is larger than the body. When stretched out it is nearly half an inch long. Toward the fifth weeK the head increases greatly in ^ropo;;;;: .0 the remamder of the body, and the rudi- mentary eyes are indicated by two black spots turned toward the sides, and the heart exhibits its external form, bearing a close resemblance to that in the adult. In the seventh week bone begins to form in the lower jaw and clavicle. Nar- row streaks on each side of the vertebral column show the beginning of the ribs The heart is perfecting its form, the brain enlarging and the eyes a.,,1 ears growing trachea .s a delicate thread, but the liver is ver^■ hr^e TI THE OVUM IN THE SECOND MONTH. 86 THE HLMAX I'HLVIS .... ...e .,. „„ „o. cove. „.,.,.. "r'noJe^Lr a?„;;:::;r ' ne,.c.. The nos.nis arc r„„„,le,l an.l separated. The ...ou.h's^pr; THE OVUM AT THE FIFTH MONTH. M .1.0 en,l of ,hrco mon.hs ,he are Iace. I'-rcnanges with After being thus renovated and recharged with oxvgen. it collects M.t.n the umbilical vein and passes back to the fetal liven Here a p o a cremates through this organ. wiHle the rest passes direct throng he ductus venosus into the inferior vena cava, where it again meets h blooc brought from the liver by the hepatic vein, and t'e two Ux ng ^..h that re urmng fron, the lower extrenmics and viscera of the abdo iTal'^lV ;■''"• ";''^^- ^"'' '' ''' ^^""-•'"^" ^•'''■- P-^ '"tote le t auricle, where .t becomes mixed with a small quantity of blood returning from the lungs by the pulmonary veins From the left auricle it passes into the left ventricle, from here into the aor a. from whence it is distributed almost entirely to the upper extrem,t,es Descending by the superior vena cava it enters the Zl auncle, and from here into the right ventricle, and thus completes U.e circuit. ' ifft; U it CHAPTER IX MENSTRUATION THERE is probably no function of woman which is so httle under- stood by woman herself, as menstruation. She can tel you that ap4rsr:;rL:ru:r-:z;^;:'r^ not be wondered at when we co„si from he age of fifteen to that of forty-five. This function is sSspenl^ i only dunng pregnancy and nursing, hut sometimes not even then D . "ana or'tulr'r;' '•"■"'""• "^' ''"'"''^^""^' "^ ^'^ -"- >"'" the canal or tube conveys it into the womb, the generative organs rrr? '^r' ^""^'"'^"- '••"^■•"^ -^""'^^^ ^^ -^ •""--"• ^hi rge :. t on at last reaches such a height, that it overflows, as it were. an.; ,„e .I,e ne... nei,l,l.or ,„ ,l,e'„„ "si rl: " the g neral derangement, cansing frc<,„en, an,l ,Hffic„l, nrina Z Tins cond,„on finally invell ventilalell r:'o,:' Tho"^^ :.":;;:,";;."°""' ^'7" "" " "'- heing stim„la,i„j;. I, js in„,orf,n, I,,, l ? ""."•■-hinR witho,,! ...e -I , „;„,, i;r;i:;t::er:::::r,;:' ''^""- -<■ .hem::!'::;™';' '^ t-t"- "-^ ""^■^- -- - exiseenee of .he na'iem If , •^."'"''!""^ •^''""■''^ ""■^> he ,m.le in „,e '.e .emoveu, if^rr;:;- ,::;■: — ;'r r "' '"'°°', ^"^ ■^'-'" co..n,r.v. Pie.„re .l,e danger ,,v ,l,e co,,; nle rr: J™' '" '? '"' of outdoor exercise. Tl,e mental and moral eau es 1 .", ^"'^ ""'^ to remove, but a change of scenery an.l ne v .^^1 '^1 ' "'"I ""'™" ... For those .ho are shut up in fa^ories, or lo t: '1 ^k:"" •"""'' ■ng pos,.,on, a change of en.plovmen, mns, he nJe T '/""''" water in the morning followed l,y a brisk ring" „ h^ , ' V' T"'" ..ot convenient to take the water hath then an I h, " ''.'"f't ■ " .s ntos, excellent. During menstruation all ann i a l^nf "' * be omitted. applications of water should Tinct. of Iodide of Iron . Tinct. of Nux Vomica .'..".'.'.' 3 drops. T.nct. of Viburnum Opulus. . 2 drops. Tinct. of Veratrum Veride.. 6 drops. Mixed in a ,ull glass of water. Do;;:;;;o-tea;poonfuIs-e;e;y-hour.-' '""''■ 100 MENSTRUATION PROFUSE MENSTRUATION There is no fixed amount of blood which is lost at the menstrual penod. but ,t vanes in different women. It will average, however, from lour to eiglit ounces. Causes—Some women are predisposed to uterine hemorrhages from a relaxed or flabby state of the texture of the uterus. Frequent child- induce flooding. Among the exciting causes we may mention ov^r-ex" erfon. dancmg. falls, lifting heavy weights, cold, and mental excitements An mordmate flow occurs generally in women of sanguine tempera^ ment, whose pulse is strong, and whose circulation is free; again where the pass.ons are strong and exposed to over-excitation, reflex acdon m ght determme blood to the generative organs and induce congestions hat nature reheves by profuse menstruation. The disease is also common among women of nervous, irritable temper; in those who are corpulent .ml of mdolent hab.ts, and those who live i. hot climates or occnpyToom having a temperature. It is also an hereditary predispositL, and r seZ. """ ' "''' ' '' '^"^^^"^" ''^''''''' '^^^^ ^'^ -- Symptoms.-Exhaustion of the bodily powers, weakness and pain in he back, extendmg to the hips, and across the loins; sallow and sunken iTh n' '; ""' '''°'''"^ "' ^'^ *^"P^"' P^'" •" the left side, stomach and bowels; sometimes diarrhoea, with great nervous debility irnlZTT'r^^V"''"''' '""'* ''" ^°^^" °" ' ^''^ b«d' «"d abstain r,H I ;T r""^ "' '"' '""'^ ^'^ ••^^"^ ^^omd be cool. and she should be hghtly covered with bedclothes. If the feet are cold nut them m^hot^water for thirty minutes. The hips must be elevated higher than Flooding, proceeding from any canse. should be treated promptly as senous consequences may follow its continuance. If flooding is severe use hot water vaginal injections-hot as can be bome-once or twice a day. Take on alternate days the following remedies: MENSTRUATION Tinct. of Iron One full glass of waicr " d:^: iwo'tVaspo^niuU cW^: 'houV ' *'^°'"- On the second day take of Tinct. of Viburn -n Opulus Tinct. of Belladonna 6 drops. Peruvian Bark ^ drops. Mix in full glass of urat^r n^.J ^ drops. « oi water. Dose, two teaspoonfuls every hour. PAINFUL MENSTRUATION hej^ "" '"°'''" ""'' P">-^'"' f™"- »l.ich woman comes on, a Sler "w ""' T"'" ^'^^* °' «"" -" ='»«-' Wool n„ Jr T r " "' " ^nguinous tcmnerament should make fre hree or four days ,us, preceding .he menses .he body should be kep. a before re.,nng Vagmal mjecions of ho. will afford relief If ,h^ bowels are not free, (hey should be reHfv.^ K, "',orve.7cold^rinto:„Tk.^d •:uul"rr°'*''^^- '"' before or during mens.rua.ion.. a m'o.'rh?„l lid Vatrh^rml;'' .ns.ances brough. back all the pains .ha. have been";;;;™:^ UENSTRVATW rec,.mmen,I«l by mor. phy.ician, than any o.hc reuara.inn i. „„ r'r :"" ";r '"'"" '"-'"■ " •' "^^ -o r p *"«; for a 1.V ""•■>«"« by taking teaspoon(.,l dose, every nieht i:.° Cd i:rat'r;Totr;„d ?: "- --"T" °' '^' "- not contain any narcotics whate er nn^V T'. ^'^^ ^°"^P°""d does . n.y be . J::;!^-:::.^^^^^ CHAPTER X PREGNANCr A HEALTHY married woman, during ,l.e p„iod of chiM-bearine ^' main LT7' '° """'™"' " "' '"'" "'""^ "'"■«' = '"" '' But as failure to mer.struate may proceed from other causes than that o pregnancy-such as disease or disorder of the womb, or of othe org n of the body-espeoally of the lung^it is not by itself alone entirely to be depended upon; although, as a cmireiy to be single sign, it is— especially if the ^ v ^fff.^ ' patient is healthy— the most reliable ' '"'''' ' '" of all the other signs of pregnancy. SECOND SYMPTOM Morning-sickness is one of tl.2 earliest symptoms of pregnancy; as it sometimes occurs a few da; s, and ^^^cr==:^»^'- indeed generally not later than two ■" ' "*'^' or three weeks, after conception. °"**"*'' '^"''■" «'"*""''° ""«*" ovo.. This s''gn usually disappears after the first two or three months. Morning-sickness, then, if it does not arise from a disordered - -.»........«, .poi ~cr;iirnr:::^^^^ day cmir.1, free from the feeling „, sickness ' "' '"' °' ">' I. Stroma of the tissue of the ovary 2. External tunics of the Graafian vesi- cle. 3. Intirnal tunics of the Graafian vesicle. 4. Cavity of the vesicle. 5 Yo k-sac. 6. The yolk. 7. The germ- inal vesicle, 8. The germinal spot 104 PREGNANCY i THIRD SYMPTOM is shoofinp. thrnl.hing and latuinatinK pains. and enlarKcmcm of the breast, witli soreness of the nipples, occurring al.out the second month- and. in sonic instances, after the first few months, a small quat.tity of watery flui.l. or a little milk, may I,e s(,neezealluw ski,,. ,ha„ i„ ,h,.sc of fair ha.r. hKht-co!ore.l eyes a,i.I .Idicatc .o.upk.xio,,. The .-.rea of this circle vanes ,„ d,a..,eter fro,,, a„ inch t.. a„ i„ch a„.l a I,alf. a„.l increases in most persons, as pren-.ancy advances, as does also the depth o,- color." Ihe ni is qnickeninK- This generally occurs about the complet.on of the fal,ili,y of the btaclcler which is. sometimes, one of the earlv si^ns of pregnnncy. I. i. likewise. fre„„e„„y one of ,he early syn,,,..,.': «rv ;,i,l '""'"' °' "" '''""•'"■ '■" '"^'^ P-Snaney. is o!,en,in,es ery • 'H.t a few drops at a t,me. Tim symptom nsually leaves her as soon as she has qtuckenedMo return again-usually without pain-just before the co" mencement of labor. There is very little to be done in such cases, in the wav of relief. One of the best remedies is.-a small teaspoonful of Sweet Spirits of Nitre m a wme-glass full of water, taken at bed-time. Drinking plentifully as a be erage. of barley water with best gum arabic-half an otnlce of gum to every pmt of barley water-the gum arabic being dissolved in the PREGNANCY um,Uhe g„™ ,s d,ssolved. This beverage ,„ay be sweetened according ADDITIONAL SYMPTOMS Sleepiness often accompanies pregnancy, the patient being able to sleep ui season and ont of season. " '" ' • '"'f "^'"■" ■' =-"«">■ i^^ bnt hcartbnrn. as a rnle, altbongh eo disagreeable. ,s rather a sign that the patient will go her time Heart- bnrn ,s very amenaWe to ,reatn,ent. a prescription for which will be fonnd ". the cha|,ter on "Diseases of Women an.l Children '• Increased How of saliva is a symptom of pregnancy amo„n,n,g. „, rare cases, to regnlar .,alivation-tl,e patient beL „; fo weeu" ' '"!" '''"""'°"- " "^" "^"^">' '- "■»«^ -ntetimes even for w eeks. ans the shghtest danger or risk of drain contaminatiol v ^never U luiiy rectified. When it is impracticable to have the drain taken ud and examined, then always boil the water before using. ^ :iMf -\ ; CHAPTER XI DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCT 'Y ™ Creator never intended that pregnancy should be a source of A WORD TO HUSBANDS .n,J°^'°"' '',""""''■'■ ' '"'■■ '■"'"^' "P°" "» '"""i'"''' inconveniences and annoyances ,ha, your wife nn.s, labor under while VKsnjrTh'u wh,ch you gave her before .be i, now. TC kof .he uto patern,.y I, doublnig your a..en.ions, in an.icipating her desires in cainn,,g her fear,,, in soo.hing her irrita.ions, von do o "t. dVv houg , „ should also be y„„r higbe.s. pleasure. Do i. cheerful ye,' your d«™,on spring from a manly bear., from .he hear, of a "ue hus band. What was a molehill .o vo.rr wife before „„=, k now. Smoo.h her rugged pa.b. sha ,e „ T^l'.^T"'"''" me„.al agi,a„^„. encourage her, inspire h. wUh p Td^tr.: me comes .ha, she lies pros.ra.ed. her face beaming wi.h h ppines a. .be sound of her brs.-born. .bank God .ha, you have been kind ''her! MENTAL WORRIES Such are undefined fear of pending evil, anxie.y abou, ,he fu.ure and fear of dymg. forebodings and gloom, even .o despair, of.en o'"^^^ her. These d,s.urbances, al.bougb .bey may have no, are serbu III 112 DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY in the extreme. It is important to a mother's well being, and to a happy termmation of her pregnancy, that these illusions should be conquered Serious consequences have been produced by an over-wrought imagina- tion This dark phantom that hangs over the reason of the sick one should be chased away. This must be done without an effort or apparent purpose else the object may be defeated by making her aware that care and kind- ness are induced by solicitude. Bring home a good book, a .avorite fruit, or a mutual friend, with whom you may enter into an innocent conspiracy for her good. Invite her to take a walk, and then do not rush her through an unfeeling crowd, but walk leisurely in a favorite place, call her atten- tion to objects of interest, and even to trifles that may have amused her before. Have some congenial friends zt home, a bit of music, or any sort of innocent game and moderate gaiety, a little surprise party of dropping- in triends-some genial, happy faces. If it is necessary, an innocent plot with your friends may be formed to get her out some evening to a social meeting, a lecture, a concert, or a lively, pleasing drama. If the rooms or halls are too hot or crowded, you may show solicitude enough to take her home. Cheerful fireside, unstinted sacrifices, loving sympathy, will rob the mind of many a dark shadow. Change of scene, short, easy journeys to favorite cities or spots, is a source of pleasant and healthy excitement that will invigorate body and mind. Be never weary, and success and happiness will crown your noble efforts. MUSCULAR PAINS OF THE ABDOMEN The best remedy is an abdominal belt, constructed for pregnancy, and adjusted to f^t the abdomen. It is made with straps and buckles to accom- modate the gradually increasing size of the abdomen. This plan often affords great comfort and relief; indeed, in some severe cases, such bells are indispensable. DIARRHCEA Although the bowels in pregnancy are generally costive, they are sometimes in an opposite state, and are relaxed. This relaxation is DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY ,,3 frequently due to continual constipation, and nature is trying Xu relieve Itself by purging. Such being the case, the patient ough't to be careful Of astnn^cnts as they interfere with relaxation. Sometimes nature succeeds: at other times it is advisable to give a mild aperient, such as ohve od tmcture of rhubarb, or rhubarb and magnesia. If olive oil a teaspoonful swimming on a little new milk, will generally answer the purpose. If tincture of rhubarb, a tablespoonful in two of water. The diet should be simple, plain and nourishing and should consist of beef tea, of chicken broth, of arrowroot, and of well-made and well-boiled oatmeal gruel. Meat ought not to be eaten; and stimulants of all kinds must be avoided. If the diarrhoea is attended with pain in the bowels, a flannel bag filled with hot table salt, and applied to the part affected, will afford great relief A hot water bag. in a case of this kind, is a great comfort. The patient should as soon as the diarrhoea has disappeared, gra.lua'ly return to her usua diet, which ought to be plam. wholesome and nourishing. She should pay particular attention to keeping her feet warm and dry; and if subject to diarrhoea, she should wear around her bowels, and next the skm, a broad flannel band. SLEEPLESSNESS Pregnant women of nervous tempe: -n-nt are often kept awake night after night without apparent cause. This is produced by the slighest mental excitement, or by the motions of the child; again by eating or indulging in a cup of tea or coffee before retiring. Close confinement to one's room and want of exercise may also be the cause. This may be borne without inconvenience, in case the patient gets some few hours of sleep, and awakes refreshed in the morning But in some instances the patient suffers severely; does not si.ep a minute- becomes feverish, restless and agitated; she loses her appetite, and becomes weak and prostrated, her mind begins to suffer, and she becomes fretful, whimsical, and even irrational. The treatment consists in sleeping in a well-ventilated apartment, on 114 DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY a l.air mattress, taking care that the bed is not overloar'.^d u. h clothes- a thorough bath every morning, and a good washing with cold water of tace. neck, chest, arms and hands every night: shunning hot and close rooms; taking plenty of outdoor exercise; living on a bland, nourishing, but not rich; avoiding meat suppers, and substituting, in lieu thereof, either a cupful of arrowroot, made with milk, or of well-boiled oatmeal gruel; avoiding stimulant, of all kinds; drinking morning and evening cocoa, mstead of tea or coflfee. An attack of the fidgets during the night may be relieved by taking a short walk up and down the room; drinking half a glass of cold water- emptymg the bladder and turning the pillow, so as t have the cold side' next the head, and then lie down again. The chances are that the patient wdl now fall asleep. During the day a ride in an open carriage; a stroll in the garden, or m the field; or a little housewifery, will do her good. There is nothing Jike fresh air, exercise, and occupation, to drive away the fidgets It is generally those that have nothing to do who are thus aflFected. The poor woman who has to work for her daily bread does not know what the fidgets meaii. Here again we see the value of occupa:ion^f having plenty to do! Idleness is criminal, and deserves punishment. It assuredly is, and always will be punished ! HEARTBURN AND WATER-BRASH are common and often distressing symptoms of pregnancy The acid producing these is frequently much increased by an overloaded stomach The patient labors under the mistaken notion that, as she has two to • sustain, she requires more food during this than any other time- she consequently is induced to cake more than her appetite demands,' and more than her stomach can digest; hence heartburn, indigestion etc are caused, and her unborn babe, as well as herself, is thereby weakened' For remedy, see "Diseases of Women and Children." A wholesome diet ought to be strictly observed. Great attention should be paid to the quality of the food; greens, pastry, hot-buttered tni Ma -MARV, THE MOTHER UF JFSUS "But Mary kept all t,u-s. t,u,„s, an, ,or.,ard tlu;., „, /,.. /....,■■ ,„,, „■ ,^_ iry. .he knows Ik belongs at'', ,o hum' , it ' '"'■^'' •"''"'"' ';V"''"'< ^^ was ' •'■ Ciunsaulus. EXERCISES I\ PHYSICAL CULTURE. Aim at perfection in ■'come much nearer to it Vhan""ih«se whTKlve thev w.,;;- aim- Vti;:" ^nd ;!;:?^Ve^/;i ■[; t;;;e"ir J ':i:i?ii' l' -^V-nable. However. ft up as unattainable. Chesterfield. \i DiscoMroHis or /Vvv- (;.v. /at>- 'rrinr::;!,;:;''"- """ '"" " •"- '^ ^^'" ■•-" «-- > k> Z GAS I.V THK STOMACH A\I> HOWFI S case to ^rivc medicines v.i„.„ • ■ /-"^^'^''-nt. It i.^ folly n cither proper r..,,,.,,, " , ^ : •';,;;': ""^ " "7 -- ■» •'■'■ .V ri«l„ ,„„. wouM ra,hcr ,ako a piU-i, is less .r,,ul, 1 ,:.:'' "^ '',",' ""• "^^ prefer a hearlv meat supner lo <>,,.« . i , ''' ""'>■ '™"''l - -.V .«« so„,e pZ :'■;:: :t:":;f. 'rr ''""• "•"• .-.e cr,,„, evils o, .l,e .a. Ke,„e.,; Z^Z:^TZZ^'- """ PILES are a common attendant upon nrccmncv Ti,« "' quick as in relievintr the L , , J ""'"" •"«'" "> ''^ as one moment longer .hr.'^LtjT'- "" '"'""' "°' ^' ^"^h '™« ^i< 'an,r:::;;:r:-i---~;™-»„^ it ■"- no, scratch the 1 o « th", he T"" ' '^''"^ ""' '" "^''^ "'« 'O ^ w'; ; „ ^; ,™' Pf'"'. '^^>- o..«M. hv m'eans of a sponge three „mes a day. and for half an hour each time, ih lit DISCO. yf FORTS OP PREGSANCY hot camomile and poppyhcad tea. Take four poppyhcads and four ounces of camomile blowa, and boil them in four pints of water for half an hour, to make the fomentation, which should then be strained, and made quite hot in a saucepan when required. Every time after and before the patient has a motion, it is well to anomt the piles and the fundament with witch hazel. The bowels ought to be kept gently and regularly opened. An electuary, composed of chopped figs, raisins, and senna, in a case of piles, IS another admirable remedy for opening the bowels. the ™L;„ir/:J TidtiL.''^ "" '^ " ""■"'•• °' '^•' *° '^ "'" '""" -» '" Magnesia and milk of sulphur is an excellent remedy for the piles: Carbonate of Magnesia,) Milk of Sulphur. J °^ '"'' *'''« *•>■"""• in ha'ii'^Tupfuroftnr'""'- ^"'" °"' ""^ '^"^ °' '^''^ °^^" --•"«• -«'J Remember, in these cases, it is necessary to keep the motions in a soft- ened state, as hard lumps of stool would, in passing, give intense pain. In piles, if they are not much inflamed, and there is constipation, a pint of tepid water, administered c -ly every morning as an enema, will be found serviceable. Care and gentleness ought to be observed in intro- ducing the enema-pipe, in order not to press unduly on the surrounding piles. ^ The patient ought to lie down frequently in the day. She will derive gwat comfort from sitting on an air-cushion placed on the chair In piles, the patient ought to live on a plain, nourishing, simple diet, but should avoid all stimulants; any food or beverage that will inflame the blood will likewise inflame he piles. Piles in pregnancy are frequently troublesome, and sometimes resist all treatment until the patient is confined, when th^y generally get well DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY ,,5 of thems^lvc. but still the remedies recommended above will even if thev tlo not effect a cure, usually afford Rreat relief. ^ SWOLLEN LEGS (VARICOSE VEINS) n«. .0 .h. skin. ,„,, ,„. .U,„c';,„cki' o r h ZZ ' """ ''^""'' can then, from time lo .im. I,, wall,,,, t? ' *'''"'" """'""S ing a flan„„ or ga-zc ban.lage i, very goo!^ ' """''^'''" """'• plaster., and then rolled. ^ """' '""'"?"' '" '»"<" STRtTCHHG OF THE SKIN OF THE ABDOMEN ne«7.rir^d; 'ri!r '"r7' ""'-"''■ '"" "" -«• J.rrx\"jtr d^ r;a:r^^^^ -- - -on,j^g, „,H e,„al par., of .i^^Vlra ^ * riririi"' together, spread on lint. ' ^" '"'^^^ sevelr;7o"r,rso"i':r '""^ " """ "■-" ""--""^ '^^^^ -«- venience mo™ abou.Tht' """"'• "'1'°"' '''^'-"""S g"-< incon- had a large Zi,; of 01,11^:: '" "" ''' " ^'°"'' "" »''- »"= "« .he abdomen, become a suppot ' "'"■°"' '""" P"^™^ ^ *. 120 DiSCOMiORTS OF PREGNANCY TOOTHACHE is a frequent complaint of pregnancy, and yet I wish to caution my reader agamst having a tooth extracted while pregnant. Miscarriage or prema- ture labor has frequently followed the extraction of a tooth It is neces- sary that this advice should be borne in mind, as the pain is sometimes so excruc.atmg as to cause the sufiferer to seek, at all hazards, speedy relief by extraction. If the tooth is decayed, the hollow ought to be filled with absorbent cotton, soaked either in oil of cloves, or in equal parts of oil of cloves and o chloroform, and be frequently renewed. Another excellent remedy is a httle alum dissolved in chloroform: Ten grains of powdered alum to half an ounce of chloroform. Another excellent remedy is the hot water bag or hot b.rch. A bit of cotton placed in the ear of the affected side win otentmies relieve the toothache arising from a decayed tooth. This sim- ple remedy ought always to be tried before resorting to more active treat- ment. If the above remedies do not relieve, soak a small ball of cotton in chloroform, and insert in the ear. and let it remain until the pain is reheved; let it be renewed from time to time. I have frequently found the above plan in toothache most efficacious, and to afford relief when other means have failed. Creasote (spirits of tar) is sometimes applied, but of all remedies it is the worst for the purpose. I have known it, when thus used, to severely mjure and decay the whole of the remaining teeth. MORNING SICKNESS It is sai,l to be "morning." as in these cases, unless the stomach is dis- ordered, It seldom occurs during any other part of the day. Morning sickness may be distinguished from the sickness of a disordered stomach by ihe former occurring only early in the morning, on the first sitting up m bed, the patient, during the remainder of the day, feeling quite free rom sickness, and generally being able to eat and relish her food, as though nothmg ailed her. Morning sickness begins early in the morning, with a sensation of DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY 121 nausea, and as soon as she rises from l,e,l she feels sick and retches- ind .ems of"" ' ';'! '" """ """">• ^' -PP" "« "isht before, ,he con- tents of the s omaeh are ejected. She then feels all right acain an,l is usnally ready for her breakfast, .hid, she eats with her „lal el ' ,1 7z I-::: "'" ^""""^ " « -'''^""-•>- "-• - -> o"-' penou The sickness of a disordered stomach unaccompanied with precntncv may be,nguished from morning sickness by the cc^^ti i g pas ed, by a disagreeable taste in the mouth, and by the tongue being generally coated. In such cases there is „.,ually ntuch flatule,! T« pattern not only feels, but looks, bilious. If the .stomach is disonlered .luring pregnancy, there will be a com- pltcatton of the syn,pto„,s. and the tnorning sickness „,av 3, day nd n,ght stckness. Proper means should the,, be cnployed to rect" y he dtsordered stomach, and the patient will soon have „ ly the n,,^ ,g s,ckness to conten.l against; which latter, after she has „uickeu d w n generally leave of its own accord. imckeneu. will A good way to relieve it is by taking, before rising in the morning a cup of hot water. If this should not have the .lesire.f effect. tZ tike a lump of magnesia the size of a hickcrv nuf. Sometimes one had best drink pi;ntif„lly of hot water The monung sickness, cluring the early months, is caused bv svn, can^« 1 ° '^'^" ''"' "' "'^ >™""' "K"'"^' 'l>e ='on,acl,. ,\s we he ,cl rTh : 7T""' ="" '"= ''''^""- - -"- "'->-^ reliev The ho "'^ P^'"^"' - sometimes obliged to hear with the annoyance ' The bowels ought to be kept well regulated <,uan°tiratr-"°", *°"'" '" ""'" '" "" '""^ " '"""'" '- -'"a.e in — to be allowed. If an^thi^;: t ^r r-r^.re ir.,:,.:::^ 123 DlSCOMrORTS OF PKEGX.iXCV better than either a teacupful of nicely made and well-boiled oatmeal gruel, or of arrowroot with plenty of fruit. Either of the above may be made with water, or with new milk, or with cream and water. It is an old saying, and I believe, as a rule, a true one, "that sick pregnancies are safe," more especially if the sickness leaves, which it gen- erally does, after quickening. The above remarks do not include obsti- nate, inveterate vomiting, occasionally occurring in the latter period of pregnancy, and which not only takes place in the morning, but during the whole of the day and of the night, and for weeks together, sometimes bringing a pati«nt to the brink of the grave. Such a case, fortun-'^ely, is extremely rare. Another old and generally true saying is, "that women who have sick pregnancies seldom miscarry." There is another consola- tion for those who sufTer from morning sickness, fror eartburn. and the numerous other discomforts of pregnancy, namely, they frequently have kinder labors, more lively children, and more comfortable recoveries than those who, at such times, do not suffer at all. Compensation here, as in almost everything else in this world, is found to prevail. TO HARDEN THE NIPPLES A mother sometimes suffers severely from sore nipples. Especially is this true with the first child. Such suffering may frequently be prevented, if for six weeks or two months before confinement, the nipples are bathed for five minutes every night and morning, either with merigold ointment nr with equal parts of brandy and water. A soft piece of fine old linen mull should be used for the purpose of bathing. All pressure ought to be taken from the nipples. If the stays unduly press them, either let them be enlarged or, better still, entirely removed. The nipples themselves ought to be covered w ith soft linen, as the friction of a flannel vest would be apt to irritate them. Let me recommend every pregnant woman, more especially in a first pregnancy, to adopt either one or the other of the above plans to harden the nipples. It may avert much misery, as sore nipples are painful and distressing. Prevention at all times is better than cure. DISCOMFORTS OF PRFGNANCY ,23 The breasts are. at times, during pregnancy, much swollen and very pamful; and occasionally cause the patient great uneasiness. She fancies tliat she IS going to have either a tumor or a gathering of the hreast There need, m such cases, he no apprehension. The swelling and the pain are the consequence of pregnancy, and will, i„ due time, subside without any unpleasant result. The fact is, great changes are taking place in the breasts; they are developing and are i)reparing for the im- portant functions they will soon have to perform. Treatment. — Every night and morning rub them well with equal parts of eau de Cologne and of olive oil, and wear a piece of new flannel over them, taking care to cover the nipples with soft li-:-!. The liniment encourages a lit- tle milky fluid to ooze out of the nipple, which afifords relief. MAMMARY GLAND. IRRITABILITY OF THE BLADDER a. nipple, the central portion of which is retracted- b, are.>Ia; c. c, c. c, c. lobules of the gland; i, sinus or The patient during preg- " ' '' ^"'"""'" °' "" ""■'" '^"^'• nancy is liable to various affections of the bladder. There is some- nne, uhde n. a tlurd case, more especially toward the end of pregnancy ^^r^Z ' - 'T^^^^'-^^ ^"^^^test bodily exertic!:, l^l: vvalkmg, stoopmg, eoughmg. sneezing, etc. cau,ses it to pass involuntarily; 124 DISCOMl'ORTS OF PREGNA\XY and even in some cases, where the patient is perfectly quiet, it passes with- out her having the power to prevent it. A shiggish state of the bladder is best remedied by gentle exercise, and by the patient attempting to make water at least every four hours. For the relief of the above trouble mix 6 drops of gelsemium in glass of water and take tablespoonful every hour. The bowels ought to be kept gently open and the patient should live on a mild, bland, nourishing diet. FAINTING A delicate, in pregnancy is apt to feel faint, or does actually faint away. When we consider the enor- mous changes that take place during pregnancy, and the great pressure there is upon the nerves and the bloodvessels, it is not at all surprising that this is true. Fainting at such times is disagreeable, but not at all dangerous, unless the patient is sub- ject to heart disease. The first thing to be done in fainting, is to lay the patient flat on the bed with the head even or lower than the rest of the body. The stays and any tight articles of dress ought to be loosened; the windows should be thrown wide open; water ought to be sprinkled on her face; aqua ammo- nia held to the nostrils, or a glass of wine can with good effect be admin- istered. The attendants should not crowd around her, as she ought to have plenty of fresh air. She must, in the intervals, live on good, light, generous diet, keep early hours, and sleep in a well-ventilated apartment. The following strengthening tonic wiu be found serviceable. THE BLADDER. DISCOMFORTS OF PRFGNANCY 1^5 Tinct. of Peruvian Bark Tinct. of Nux Vomica Mix in full glass of water. Continue ten days. 6 to 10 drops. ■ ■■ 2 drops. Dose, two tca.spoonfuls three times a day. PALPIT.VTION OF THE HEART A nervous patient during this period is subject to palpitation of the heart. This palpitation, provided it occur only during pregnancy, is not dangerous, and need not cause alarm. It is occasioned by the pressure of the womb upon the large bloodvessels, which induces a temporary de- rangement of the heart's action. This palpitation is generally worse at night, when the patient is lying down. When lying down, the midriff, because of the increased size of the abdomen, is pressed upward, and for this reason the heart has not its accustomed room in which to work, and palpitation is the result. A small towel wrung out in very hot water u _ .ed over the heart and over this a dry towel will afYord immediate relief! ^f the feet are cold a hot water bag will prove helpful. CRAMPS Cramps of the legs and thighs are apt to attend pregnancv. especially at night and during the latter months; they are caused by pressure of the womb upon the nerves which extend to the lower extremities. Treat- ment.-Tightly tie a folded handkerchief round the limb a little above the part affected, and let it remain for a few minutes. Friction by means of the hand is most excellent; so also is a few drops of gelsemium rubbed upon the afflicted part. Cramps sometimes attack 'either the bowels or the back of a pregnant woman; when such is the case, let a bag of hot salt, or a hot water bottle, be applied over the part affected; and let a bottle of hot water or a hot brick, encased in flannel, be placed to the soles of the feet. If of the bowels, the back, or the thighs are very severe, the following mixture will be serviceable: LEUCORRHCEA OR WHITES The Whites, especially during the latter months, and particularly if the patient has borne many children, are troublesome, and are. in a measure. 126 DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY owmg to the pressure uf the womb on the parts below, causing irritation. Ihe best way to obviate such pressure is for the patient to He clown a great part of each day. She ought to retire early, sleep on a hair mat- tress, and m a well ventilated apartment. A thick, heavy quilt at these times, and mdeed at all times, is particularly objectionable; the perspira-' t.on cannot pass readily through it as through blankets, or eider down comfortables. The bowels ought to be gently opened. ^ The best application is to bathe the parts with a teaspoonful of pow- oered borax m a quart of warm water. The internal parts ought, nifrht and mornmg. to be syringed with it. Cleanliness, in these cases, cannot be too strongly urged Indeed every woman, either married or single, ought, unless special circumstances forbid, to use a douche of warm water at least once a week. IRRITATION AND ITCHING OF THE EXTERNAL PARTS This is a most troublesome affection, and may occur at any time but more especially during the latter period of pregnancy. It is a subject upon which a woman is too delicate and too sensitive to consult a physi- can and the misery it entails, if not relieved, is almost past endurance In the first place, the diet should be simple and nourishing: avoiding stimulants of all kinds. In the next place, use a tepid salt and water sitz bath. Put a large handful of table salt into the sitz-bath. then add cold water to the depth of three or four inches, and sufficient hot water to make the water tepid or lukewarm. One should sit in the bath only a few seconds. People generally derive great comfort and benefit from these salt and water sitz-baths. It is an important item of treatment. If the Itching continues, the following lotion ought to be used: THRUSH The external parts, and the passage to the womb (the vagina) are not only irntable and itching, but are sometimes hot and inflamed, and DISCOMVORTS 01- PRECSASCY 137 are covered cither with .sn\i!l pimples, or with a whitish exudation of the nature of aphtha (thrush), somewliat similar to the thrush on the mouth of an infant. For an injection use powdered Ijoracic acid, one teaspoonful to a .juart of hot water. Or the following may he used as an injection: Dried white oak bark, one-half pound; Water. si.x quarts; Boil down to one gallon and strain. Reduce one-half with hot water, and use with tountaiR syringe. FALSE LABOR PAINS False labor pains, especially in a first pregnancy, are sometimes trouble- some. These pains usually come on at night, and are frequently owMig to a disordered stomach. They affect the abdomen, the back and le loins; and occasionally they e.xtend down the hips and the thighs. They attack f^rst one place and then another; they come on at irregular inter- vals; at one time they are violent, at another they arc feeble. The pains, instead of being grinding or bearing down, are more of a colicky nature. As these false pains more frequently occur in a first pregnancy, and as they are often more violent two or three weeks toward the completion of the full time, and as they usually come on either at night or in the night, it behooves one to be cognizant of the fact, in order that they may not make a false alarm, and summon the doctor before he is really wanted, and when he cannot be of the slightest benefit to the patient. It is sometimes stated that a woman has been in labor two- or three weeks before the child was born! Such is not the fact. The case in question is one probably of false pains ending in true pains. How, then, is the patient to know that the pains are false and not true labor pains? False labor pains come on three or four weeks before the full time; true labor pains at the completion of the full time; false pains are unattended with "show;" true pains generally commence the labor with "show;" false pains are generally migratory— changing from place to plac^-f^rst attacking the loins, then the hips, then the lower portions, and even other portions of the abdomen— f^rst one part, then another; true pains generally begin in the back; false pains commence as spasmodic 128 DISCOMFORTS OF FRFGNAXCV 1 i pains; true pains as grinding pains; false pains come on at uncertain periods, at one time a quarter of an hour elapsing, at others, an hour or two hours between each pai,>-at one time the pain is sharp, at another tnflmg; true pams come on with tolerable reg.-iarity. and gradually in' crease m severity. But remember-the most valuable distinguishing symptom is the ab- sence of show in false labor pains, and the presence of it i,i true labor pains . It m.ght be said that show does not always usher in the commencement of labor. Granted; but such cases are exceedingly rare, and may be con- sidered as the exception and not the rule. The patient ought to abstain for a .lay or two from all stimulants Either hot salt, in a flannel bag. or a hot water bottle applied every night at bedtime to the abdomen, frequently affords great relief. Tinct. of Hclonine One fnll glass of water. Dose, two teaspoon'fuli every hour; " This is higWy beneficial whether the labor pains are true or false. PERIOD OF CESTATION is usually two hundred and eighty days-forty weeks-ten lunar or nine calendar months. It will be well to commence the estimate about three days after the last day of menstruation. A good plan is as follows: Let forty weeks and a few days, from the time specified above, be marked on a calendar, and the date will seldom be far from correct. Suppose, for instance, the last day of menstruation was on January the 15th, the patient may expect to be confined on or about October the 25th. I may in passing, just point out the great importance of a wife making every time, a note of the last day of her periods; by doing so it may save her a great deal of inconvenience, uncertainty, and anxiety. WHEN WILL CONFINEMENT TAKE PLACE The following table, showing the Drobable commencement, duration and completion of pregnancy, and inc Hng the date on or about which day the labor might occur, will, I trust, be found very useful. This table • •I DISCOilt-OKTS or I'KliUSASCV , allows ,l,rcc ,lay-, nv.r ,l,c .-So .i,-,ys-,„aki,„. ..«, „.,,,: „,,„ i, „„ coun, ^a^^„'n,r'""',""■""^"'"' ""• ' ••■"" '"'• '■■'^' ''»>■ •■' ■-"»• 'iu, Th reason 1 have chosen the third d-iv i .i,.>» . .• ■ • » nc ♦oL I , -^ '"'• "'■'^ concei)tion is more likelv tn A PRKGN.WCY TABLF. Last day nf the Periods. Jan. I 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 9 " 10 " II " 12 " 13 " 14 " 15 " i6 " 17 " i8 " 19 " 20 " 21 " 22 " 23 •* 24 " 25 " 26 " 27 " 28 " 29 " 30 '■ 31 Feb. I 2 " 3 ." I-abor (3n i)r about. Oct. 11 " 12 .Xr 13 14 >S If) •7 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 j I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! 10 ! " I 12 j 13 1 I-a>t (lav of the Period, Feb. 4- 5- 6. 7. 8. 9 10. ir. 12. . 13.. 14.. '5.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20. . 21. . Mar. 23- 24 25- 26. 27- 28. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- . 6., 7.. 8.. 9.. Labor On or about. Nov. 14 " IS " 16 " 17 " 18 " 19 " 20 " 21 " 22 •' 23 " 24 " as " 26 " 27 •' 28 " *9 30 I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 .Dec. I.ast (lay of tlic IVnod.s. DISCOMFORTS OP PRF.GX.tS'CV • •" I " M ■■ i2 " M " 14 " 15 " It) " 17 " iH " 10 " 20 '• 21 " 22 " 2J " 24 In 25 •' 26 " 27.... "28 " 29 " JO " 31 ,, April I " 2 it " 3 11 " 4 " S It " 6 " 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 " 11 " 12 ,, " 13 " 14 " 15 " 16 " 17 " i« " 19.... " 20 " 21 " 22 I.ahor On or abdut. "cc. 18 19 20 21 22 33 M 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I. I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 "3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 _>s 29 30 May June F.asf (lay nf the F'cnods. April 2i '■ ■'4 ■■ 25 •• 26 " 37 •' 28 " 29 30 I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 j8 29 30 4' I 2 3 4 5 I.ahnr On or about Jan Feb. .Ma .11 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 '4 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33 24 25 26 27 28 I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 D/scoMroRTs or I' l.aM (lay S i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I.a " 27 " 28 29 '■ 30 M I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 '5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 .Sept. Hot and Cold Water Treatment for Health and Beautv "'■ ' ^""' '■'"■' '*•""■ Fi.. 4. C-„,,, W.t..r 15.,,,^:,.. fi^. I Spinr Ccimjirejs. FIl'. 5. Sit/ Bjtli rig. ^. Buivi-I (.unicri-,. •■''!■'■ 6.!i. DISCOMFORTS OF PREGXAXCY Last day of the Periods. Nov. 2g " 30 bcr I Labor On or alioiit. Sept. 8 " 9 3- 4-. S-- 6.. 7-- 8.. 9-. 10. . II. . 12. . 13- • 14.. IS.. 10 1 1 ij I,? 14 i.i If) '7 18 19 _>o J I 24 I Last (lay of the IVnods. Dec. 16 ■■ 17 '• 18 " '9 ■' JO 21 '■ 22 " -'3 " -'4 '■ 2=, • 26 "' -7 •• 28 " -'9 " 30 " 31 Labor On or about. Sept. 25 " 26 .Oet. -7 2^ -'9 30 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This pregnancy table may. as a rule, be safely relied upon Many of my patients have fur years, from these estimates, been often confined on the very day specified. I say often as it is utterly impossible to fix upon tlie exact day-the approximate day can only be specified-some women being at their full time as early as the thirty-seventh week; while others although but very rarely, are not at their full time until the forty-fifth week— hence the uncertainty in some cases of such calculations A Nvoman may, by becoming pregnant while nursing, be put out of her reckoning. Xot being unwell at such a time, she consequently does not know how to count. She ought in this case to take the time of quick- ening as a starting point, from which time, count ahead one hundred and fifty-six days. It must be borne in mind, however, that so correct an esumate can never be made, quickening taking place at a date varying in Lfferen individuals. Occasionally a wrong estimate may be made. ou^n. to the fact that some women have a slight menstruation the first and even succeeding months after conception has taken place. These cases beVakeVT"'"; ".' T'"^ ''"^' '° '''''' *'" '^^^ "-"^^^ P^-^" should be taken, from which the estimate should be made. • CHAPTER XII PRE-NATAL INFLUENCE AND CULTURE To WHAT graiuler achievement can either woman or man aspire than to be an artist in that noblest of arts, the moulding and rearing of immortal beings? The mystery of that which we designate life will always remain a mys- tery, and yet there are connected with its development facts so indisputa- ble, so continually proven in the examples all about us, that they are worthy of more than the passing thought usually bestowed upon them. For various reasons this subject is avoided; sometimes by reason of ignorance of its importance; by some because of their indifiference, and by a still greater number because of improper teaching and false modesty. It should be handled delicately and tenderly, because of its sacredness. but it should be written of. talked about and taught. The faithfii' mother exercises the utmost care that her little one is protected from extreme teniperatures: that it is kept from exposure to infectious and contagious disease; that all possible safeguards are thrown about life and limb anfl she early begins mental and moral discipline. The signs of vicious temper, of cruelty to animals, or to it., playfellows, are met with gentle firnmess; the tendency to secretiveness and deceitfulness is discouraged, while by precept and example the child is guided aright. PERFECT CHILDREN POSSIBLE. Every mother has an ideal career for her offspring, and as the tastes and capacity of the child develop if they indicate capability in the desired direction, encouragement and aid in the way. perhaps, of toys, pictures and l)Ooks are afforded: if the childish inclinations seem contrary to the hopes and wishes of the parents, counteracting influences are brought into requisition. This is the beginning of what is termed excellent training or "bringing 136 PRE-NATAL IXrUl-XCE ASD CLLTURE 137 up." and it may he followed witli necessary moditk-ati..iis until the child attani to maturity, and yet the man or woman hecmcs a lihertine or an outcast. The mother dies of a hroken heart, feeling. l-erhaps, that Provi- dence ,s unjust and unkind in its .leahng with her. hut not once question- ing the fact that her whole (hity has heen done. Under precisely the conditions I have mentioned I heard a mother complam of God and justify herself, saying, "l hc^an his moral training when he was a hahy. and as soon as he could walk and talk he was taught to pray." She could not realize that she had begun too late the process of and morals building. I wish I might impress all prospective mothers with a sense of the at their command. I do not believe that because .Adam and Eve abused their privileges, and were turne.l out of Eden, every child is born into the world desperately wicked. To err is human, ami althou-h I admit the susceptilnlity of the heart to temptati.m. I believe it as poss"iI,le for the prospective mother by the exercise of clean thoughts pure de- sires and right purposes to lay a foundation which will develop the same ni the nature forming under her tutorage, as bv the use of proper foods physical exercise and pure air to assure her offspring a strong healthy physupie. Science and culture have produced wonderful residts in the floral and horticultural world, and may be as flttinglv applied to the de- velopment and perfecting of the true as the beautiful. It is as possible for a child to come into the world possessed of the germs or honor sobrietv truth and uprightness, as with a beautiful face and well developed bodv' Even the edict that "The sins of the father shall be visited upon the children" may be robbed of its terrors, for inherent vice mav be overcome by especial care on the part of the mother in that direction.' HOW TO OVERCOME THE SI\S OF PARENTS _ The true artist has his ideal constantly in mind by day; he dreams of It at night, and it is his inspiration: but for which his work when complete would be meaningless, cold. How much more does she who is to give to 138 PRE-NATAL INFLUENCE AND CULTURE the world a life that shall make or mar the happiness of others, a soul that must be immortal, need the inspiration of an ideal, good and pure as well as beautiful! 1 hat mothers-to-be should dwell in an atmosphere of tenderness and love has long been conceded; but the prevalent idea that they should be mdulged and thus encouraged in outbursts of temper, fits of jealousy, envy, covetousness, and other undesirable qualities which often assert themselves to an unusual degree under such conditions, is wrong. This IS the time of all times when such sentiments should ])e overcome. I have no doubt that the greater number of the world's professional thieves might truthfully assign their evil propensity to abnormal covetousness on the part of their mother before their birth, rather than to thieving ancestors ! I be- lieve, too, that were it possible to trace the worst cases of hopeless insanity to first causes they would be found in ungcverned rather than ungovern- able temper in the mother. There is no limit to the evil a mother may entail upon her unicorn child; while on the other hand it is impossible to picture the happy results her efforts may accomplish. That a mother may. during the period of gestation, exercise great influence, by her own mental and physical action, either unwittingly or purposely in such a way as to determine the traits and tendencies of her offspring, is now a common belief among all intelligent people. Few, however, have any definite understanding of the process by which such results are effected, or conception of the extent to which this process may I>e controlled. The assertion has been made that "it is for the mother, by the use of appropriate means to produce a poet, a thinker, an artist, an inventor, a philanthropist, or any other type of manhood or womanhood, desirable or undesirable, as she will." An author. Dr. Brittan, who has given much study to the occult prob- lems of human life, gives the following facts: "A woman, who, during the period of gestation, was chiefly employed in reading the poets and in giving form to her day-dreams of the ideal PRE-NATAL IXFLCEXCE AND CULTURE 139 world, at the same time gave to her chil.l large ideaiitv, aiul a highly imaL- inative turn of mind." Some time since we met with a youth who had fmelv molded limhs and a symmetrical form throughout. His mother has a large lean atten- uated frame, that does not offer so much as a single suggestion of the beautiful. The hoy is doubtless indehte.l for his fme form to the presence o a beautiful French lithograph in his mother's sleeping apartment, and which presented for her contemplation the faultless form of a nake.I child. HOW TO I'KODUCK A POET OK A I'lIILAXTllROPIST A striking fact, in further illustration of the same law, is given l.y the author of a valuable book entitled "Husband and Wife." It is to this effect: A teacher in a western state had under her instruc- tion five children belonging to one familv. The two eldest were du'l inert, and slow to learn; while the third, a girl ab-.a twelve vears of a-^e' was remarkably bright, sensitive and talented. Not onlv apt and cpik-k at her lessons, she possessed a tine poetic temperament, accompanied by a keen appreciation of the beauties of nature: she coul.l also write a theme in prose or verse with ease and facility. The children younger than this one were'both phvsicallv and mentally superior to the two eldest, but far inferior to her in talent and refinement of manners. These differences were so marked that the teacher's curiosity was excited to learn the cause. Becoming intimately acquainted with the mother (who at first could assign no reason for the diversity), the teacher at length ascertained the following facts: Some months prior to the birth of the favored child the mother (who. though reared in an eastern state, in the enjoyment of fair advantages, hay rote, she used to sing the songs to the ohild when ,an infant, and afterward to repeat the stories to her when a Httle girl. Here, no doubt, was the source of the superior intelhgence. refinement and poetic ten- dencies of the child. Kvery observant teacher could doubtless bear witness to the same gen- eral facts, and it would be easy to fill a volume with testimonies from vari- ous sources illustrative and confirmatory of the law under discussion. Such facts seem to estal)lish beyond question the conviction that the mother has it largely in her power, by the use of suitable means, to confer on her child such a tendency of mind aufl conformation of brain as shall not only facilitate the accpiisition of knowledge in any specific direction, but make it morallv certain that such knowledge will be sought and acquired. And if this is true in respect to ordinary intellectual abilities and phys- ical features, it nuist be ecpially true in regard to extraordinary mental gifts — the (|ualities of genius of every type — and of all moral dispositions and spiritual tendencies as well. But it will l)e noted that in the cases thus far narrated, the moulding power appears to have been exercised merely by accident or chance; that is. without any intelligent purpose on the part of mothers to produce the results that have followed. HOW TO MOLD THE UNBORN CHILD Can there be any doubt that the same or similar means, if purposely and wisely adopted, and applied with the greater care and precision which enlightened intention wotdd secure, would produce under the same law, even more perfect results, and is it not true that an intentional direction of the vital or mental forces to any particular portion of the brain will cause a development and activity in the corresponding portion of the brain in the oflfspring? rRi:-.\.n.iL iMUhxcn .ixn ciltlri: ,4, If wc accept the tlicry of ni.Mlern phren..l..-v. an.l re<,rar.l the hrain as made up of a coiiK^eiies ..f organs, uliich are the in>trunient> ..f -listinct facnhies of the niin.l or soul, it follows that if the inmher .luriuf; jrestalioii niaiutains a special activity of auy ouv orj^an. .,r ^roup of .,r-aus. iu her l)raiu. she therein- causes a more full .levelopuieut of tlie correspon.lin- organ or group in the hraiu of the f.etus. an-l thus -letermines a teu.iency to special activity of the faculties of whicli .uch organs are the iustru'- nients. in the child. Further, it is plain that if auv one ..rgan o^ faculty may he thus cultivated hefore hirth. and its activitv enhance.l for life, so may any other or all. POWF.R OF Mixn OVKR MATTI'R It then is clearly within the hounds of possibility that a mother, l.y pursumg a systematic and comprehensive method, uiav give a well- rounded and harmoniously .levelopcd organism to her child— and this, notwithstanding even her own defects. In this way may ancestral defects and undesirahle hereditarv traits, of whatever nature, or however strong, he f.vcrcome. .m" in a good degree counterbalanced by giving greater activity to counteraccing tendencies; and in this way, too. can the coveted gifts of genius be conferred. CULTURE BF.FORF, BIRTH And since it is on the activity, or the lack of it. of the several faculties and propensities of our nature that the characters of in.lividuals depend— their loveliness or deformity, their morality or immoralitv, their succe:;s or failure in life, their hai)piness (.r wretchedness here and' hereafter— and since the welfare and progress of humanity as a whole is determined by the characters of individuals— and since, again, the tendencies for good or evil inwoven into the very woof and texture of the embryo evidently have greater power in shaping the characters and acts of individuals than all the training and discipline of childhoo.l and youth— this matter of culture before birtV. assumes an imj.ortance far al,ove that which pertains to any and all other departments of education. '4-2 PRE-X.ITJL JXJLLEXCE JXD CULTURE LIKK BJXiKTS I. IKK Every diic cati readily uiidci stand that any oft- oncatcd exercise of tmiscle or of mental faculty (unless over-done) t.-n-.s lo develop and strengthen such muscle or faculty. It does this in the tnotlier. and. if the law of fu.'tal mouliUng has been correctly stated in the foregcjing pages, it must have the same effect through the mother uihju tiie emhrvo. J' or exam])!e. if the nu)ther (at tlie proper stage in pregnancy) takes care to exercise her own muscles freely hy walking, light gynuiastics. hatli- ing. etc.. the probabilities are, other things being favorable, that she will thereby not only imjjrove her own health, but at the same time confer upon her child a \ igorous muscular system. If she, at the proper time, exercises her mind somewhat persistently, for example, in reckoning or calculating numbers, she will thereby increase her own arithmetical fac- ulty, and simultaneously increase the molecular deposits in that part of the fa-tal brain which is the organ of calculation, according to modern phrenology— at all events will be likely to confer upon her child the power to become a good arithmetician. If the mother spends any considerable portion of her time in philo- sophic study or thought, in efforts to understand the "whys and where- fores of things," she thereby exercises and expands her own cause-dis- cerning faculty (Causality), and insures its activity in her oflfspring. So, if she practices thoughtful and unseltish kindness toward those about her, and is benevolent to the needy and suffering, she enstamps the same noble trait (Benevolence) upon the unborn; and if she at all times firmly adheres to the right because it is right, she keeps her own conscience ever clear, and imparts to the coming one that priceless quality. Conscientiousness. So of all the other faculties. IMPARTING THE PARENTS' CHARACTERISTICS Wherr any one faculty or tendency is in excess of a well-balanced char- acter, in either of the parents, and deficient in the other, it may reason- ably be .'xpected that the excess on the one side may be counterbalanced PRE-X.tT.lL IM^U-HXCE JXD CLLTUKE ,43 l>y the lack on the uhen. ;. i. so.ncuno the case .ne iwent overwhelmingly ,>re.l..„,i„atc. ..vcr ,l,o otla-r ,„ u.^ the c ..actenst.cs of the ch,M-. ,...,t ...e. ,,crl,a,.. t. th. pLessL oi greater physical ..r mental vi^^or at the time of nuvp>,on \\ here the same facnltics or tendencies are n, excess in hoth parents, he prohalnlmes are that the excels will ). increa .1 in the o.Tsprin, t. the ex ent. perhaps, of oreatin.^ a deformity, or an undenrahle o.'c-side.I- ness of character. Jn such a case, the propriety of restraint, instead uf culture, would seem to he apparent. But it is suggested that such restraint may hest he sought in.lirectlv that ,s. hy special efforts to cultivate and exercise the opposite or counter- - ha anc,ng rather than to atten,.t repression hy direct exercise of tie W.11 on the tendency. For exan,ple. should the sellish pro- chv.ties or passions tend to inordinate activity, e.uler, or to cultivate and exerase more fully the faculties classed as Directive and Re,n,lativ;_ that .s the Reasoning powers, the Conscience and Benevolence This -.11 be levelmg u,, instea.l of ,Mire may he cho>en. to be copied by the mother's wonderful clectrotyitiuK' l>ouer in her living work of art; but care should be taken that it be one in which jroodness as well as physical beauty is bodied forth. In this is to be found one of the noblest uses of art: and there can be no doubt that the works of the Rreat masters have ha.,„;..,. ■„,„„;; ;::,:::,;•: '^■"^■■' '"'■ "'• ^■^-"••" — '-•i".«. ^.n,,.. „. , ,..:: ».WM, ,„a, ,„■„,,,„, c.„„„„nKv al„„„ ,1,. ,l„r,l „,„; a,„l i, ,, r ,K.a e ,„a, ,„,,a, a,,.,,, , ,., ,,„,„ ,., „„„^. „,„^,, ^^ ; i:;:';;::::.::'^''-''' '"'''-■''•'"■''-'""-"-■--'- "•''-,,„ „..';; in ,l,c- systcmnlio cllnro ..f ,l,csc facl.ic, ,„av ,lo„I,llo„ l,e : ■■'7'' '7';' ";'"'-■ '■'-"-->■ -^^ -." ..i.icc. ,c.u.i,i„g ,,./ ,1; ^c ....I. an,l k,„,le,«a,„ „s^ TIk- ,ln>c„ o( .,.1, „,„,.,. „r t.erhaL T^r n..rc a,,se,u.o, „,a, l,c rca.l,,, „„,,„„, ,„ „,„„,,„„ ,„„,„^,^ ^ ^ o.K-e ,„„kTs,a„.l ,l,c ll,i„K ,„ l,e ,i„„,. a,„l i,s importance. FOCirril STAGIC OP P'RI;-.\AT,\L CITTL- RE Tl,c next ffro,,;, „f fa,.„|,i„. in „r,lor of ,le>clopn,on, in life en,l,race. „ a, have l.ocn ,ern,o,l „,o ..o„s,rn.,ive an,, ,,en„,ifw„, „" v ' on,e„„,e, „es,,„a,e., a. ,„e sc„,„ec.„a, ,.o„p. These in phZl ;: ■ca parlance are na,„e,l: ,. Cnn^.nK.ivcne^. nr inffen,„-,v (.1 e I,„il, I and n,eehan,ca, facnl.y); .,, Meal,,,, love „, ,,,, y^^^M^ and h,^ Z -'»!>•--- 148 PRE-NATAL INFLUENCE AND CULTURE poetical faculty); 3. Sublimity, sense of the grand and sublime; 4, Mirth- fulness, or love of pleasantry, wit. Under the same general division may be classed: 5, Imitation, or the power to copy, represent, mimic; and 6, Suavity, or agreeableness, blandness. Closely associated with this group are also the Reasoning and Reflect- ive, and the .Moral and Regulative faculties, all of which may be classed together as the Directive and Regulative group. These include what are phrenologically termed: i. Causality, or power to apprehend first prin- ciples, to trace causes, etc.; 2. Comparison, or power to analyze, classify, and generalize; 3, Human Nature, or sagacity in discernment of character; 4. Cautiousness, or prudence; 5. Continuity, power of consecutiveness or application; 6, Approbativeness, regard for the good opinion of others, ambition; 7, Self-Esteem, or self-respect; 8, Conscientiousness, love of right and abhorrence of wrong; and 9, Firmness, or perseverance. Nothing need be said, to any intelligent reader, as to the importance of each and every one of these faculties, in due exercise, to the formation of a well balanced or perfect character; and the proper methods of their culture, respectively, are to some extent suggested by the names given them. Special exercises for the development in the foetus of the brain organs through which these faculties may manifest themselves, would seem to be in order after those adapted to the preceding group — say about from the fifth to the seventh month. FIFTH STAGE OF PRE-NATAL CULTURE In the last and highest group of human faculties — last and highest whether considered with reference to their value in human character, or the period at which they ordinarily arrive at maturity in the individual and in the race — we find what may be classed as the Humanitarian or Benefi- cent, the Religious or Worshipful, and the Aspirational, Spiritual, or Upward-Looking powers. These are designated as: i. Benevolence, philanthropy, or universal love; 2, Veneration, reverence or worship; 3. Hope, or cheerful expectancy; 4. Spirituality, aspiration, prescience, faith, PRE.NATM. ixrur.ycn .ixn cruvRn ,^ nlv r, T / ? ' ""''°™ '"""'' "'"■■ '""^■^ '^••'■•"esl effort, to sun. s e a ,' r" '• ""T"'"= "''"'' "^ ''""■ Tl« ..efini,io„s "rfo sev eral laculties as given above will sufrgcst tlie iiattire ..f ti,« • V which such culture may be attained ' '""'''-'^^ '^^ While the faculties of this group should unquestionablv be at all times -say (ron, .he seven,,, ,„ .„e „1 „,o,«l; iLt- l' "" '"''''"'' "=™" THINGS TO BE AVOIDED DURING PREGNANCY anxious, foreboding, painaniy-carefnl disposition, tl,„„ lui2 HZ 1 «.th a cheerfnl delight, hecause its purpose is to confer hiessins, on an o ,ect of t e tenderest affection, and it should he tlone >vi,h a oy„ o„ fid nee as to the result. No greater Messing can he conferred" , T, u on o r r: ■ '"■*" "'^''""■''°"- •""' "'"'^"" ■•" l-towing Voo pon others, and tha, meets all the vicissitudes of life with a calm tr^s fulness. And there can he no doul,. that such characteristics ed™. mine,, ,n a large degree by the mother's state during gestation. It hardly seems necessary in this connection to advert to the imnor- ance of avoiding.all exercise of malevolent feelings, s.ich as anger envy jealousy, hatred, revenge, covetousness, or wrong desire of anv naTre' since al, readers of the foregoing pages must understand the ng ,1; 150 PRE-NATAL INFLUENCE AND CULTURE such emotions, if indulged, may implant in the embryo the subtle germs, from which will grow in after years the bitterest fruits. Another thing important to be avoided, as far as practicable, by the mother, is the presence of disagreeable and unprofitable associates of either sex. The untoward mental and moral influence that may be excited through the mother upon the forming child, by the frivolous and unseemly conversation of persons unappreciative of the nobility and grandeur of the work which occupies her. Fadeless renown has crowned the efforts of gifted sculptors to portray the per*" jct ideal of the "human form divine." That field of high art is open to comparatively few competitors — those fortunately endowed with rare genius. But there is a field of higher art. worthy of still greater honor — as much greater as the living perfect man is better than a senseless image. And this field is open to almost every one. even the humblest, through the means set forth in the foregoing chapter. Yes! the god-like privilege is brought within the reach of the great mas.v of those now enter- ing the prime of manhood and womanhood, as well as of those who have not yet passed its noon-time, of endowing with the noble gifts of genius their own sons and daughters, hov.ever lowly born. Figure j. ! ' >*» FiKure 6. Water Treatment for Health and Beauty. Fig. I. Shallow Foot Bjth. Fig. 4. Na-jl Bath. F:.-- ;. H>,r \V.i:,i r-a.k. Fig.;. A(.,l, nimal Conu.ress. Flj;. ; .Spr.iy l!,. Fig. U. Cold \V.,trr Pjck, CHAPTER x:il CHILDBIRTH AND HOW MADE PAINLESS PAIN-LnSS childbirth i,, „„ establishcl fact. It was prophcie.l fiftv jear. ago l,y e,™„e„. physicians, that the ,i,„c wa' co, J v',^^ motherhood is gra,,.. a,,., that eet,t,.te:;::ux:r re.ur„ in a short tinte. hearing „,,h then, the nl :;„:: c il, wL" abs„r- «™i" fl«hy. she should reduce some, 1^ la«,i™ " ' " ' """"" '^ -O' "o. usntg much sweet food, eating creftr? " ' '"' "'"'"'''"' '"«• A very (hin person should eaW»r * '" '""" n"»n,i,ies. '"■"s and nuts, avoiding at .f'",rh::';'°°" f"" '--• "^"^hles, that sweet food makes fat. The sweet cl , " "'°"«'" '""' 'ome produces an aci.l state of the hlood w , ll, "' °' ""= ^'""'^l' ■ ""» muscle. Pastry, cake, and called fniw.rT"'' "" ''"""'= °' '« -'" sugar, should be avoided by the preena,, , """J" ' ''"'^' ^'"°""' of and should be eaten at .he^egin^S':"'.;::::,. '°"'" "' '■'^' «-". ISO CHILDBIRTH AXD HOIV MADE I'AIXLESS Some \v(jnicn. when prcfrnant. have excessive appetites, eating as much at one meal as formerly accustomed to eat in two. Such women have large children, often weighing from twelve to fourteen pounds at NERVES OF THE UTERUS. I. sacrum: 2. rectum; 3. bladder; 4. uterus; 5, ovary; 6. extremity of fallopian tube, birth. These excessive appetites should be controlled. Leave the table a little hungry, and in less than twenty minutes the craving for food will cease, and the general feeling will be much improved: as a result, the ciiiLDmRTU Axn Hoir mmh-: r.uxusss cnild will not he 'm l-inr,. ti «mor, since n„ ol elXrt 'T"'"" "'"""" '■••"""■' '"""^ '"" """" ^cstifshccno ,;''';','; t";'"""' '■•' •"^' '•'"'■"■^ '- ->-■ - wi,l, saliv, • ' """' '•""' ^""""' '"•• "'I' "'-'i"-l an,! n.ixc.l l"KH-al trull,, il,.-,, ,l,c -lir „c I ,T, '""*' '•''"■■"'''• l'''>**"- '"renK.hc, ,l,c n,„sclc, A J ^,1, T '" '"' "'"■"-■ ""' ' ■""' use oils- anv of th,. ,. , i . •. ^ '^ ' ''^■'•^■''>«^' Pc^rson must *n. .^./;a.:i';Lr; :,,::;:'';,::,,:;'■ "r' -", -f "- skin is cirv an.I soft This ,mko " ""' "''' '""" '^''^ rule applies to . 'r;";';^ 7;^^^'" ^^^ ^^-"^ -'' vi,^^^^^ Tins ""• "^'^ ""^ ^''""'•' '- --' twico a week before childbirlh. ' "" '"""'^ ' ''''^' ^"'^ ^-o months I am acquainted with a number of ladies who used the Turl' , ha.H ..en .He c„„„ .ix:^::: z ri:-::- ': - ph.vs,c,an,o arrive in ,in,e. She was „,c „,o,l,er", ^ H,-, " :^"\ or Ho. „.a.e. .„e„ ,n.o coi. repr ;r ;::;;;r ;x;::c;;;:,- ■58 CHILDBIRTH AND UOIV MADE PAINLESS permanently warm another and not feel tned." Others, who in previous confinements have been ruptured and lacerated, and cautioned not to become pregnant again, afterwards pass through their confinements as safely as though former accidents had not occurred. The harmful tension at birth is caused ^y lack of right knowledge on the part of the patient I his injurious tension we remove. The relaxation of the nervous and muscul; system is in perfect harmony w ith nature. In i8— the idea of painless parturition was first advanced, in a small pamphlet, published I)y a Mr. Brown— a chemist, of London. His wife in two previous confinements, had been a great suflferer, and he feared she would not survive the third. "She had, within three years, given birth to two children, and not only CHILDBIRrU .LSD IWlr M.-WU r.UXLESS ,„ .ott::;:::: •,:;,";;::,;;""■"""• "•"":. '"- - "•- ""-"■» ■■-'- be applied 2l'f ' , T''"'"' ""■'' ' ^■^"»*""l'l"' '■•■"•■l"«^'» i.a.l ,., husband's carnct instmcc- 1,..,- l 7"'-"^'^'' »''^ expcrnncnt at her THE FRllT DIET ■•Slic Legan the ex,,crin,c„l i,i lla- first week of Jnnuan- ,A_ c, , con„„e„ce,: l,v eati,,,- a„ apple a,„l an „ra„ge the n "th t";,, H -hen she touk j„st he(<„e hreakfast, in a ti«„ to the a„„ e L.I r 2 n.;cc of a ,e,„„„ ,„i.e., with s„,ar. a„„ at htelk „" LrZe' roast ,1 apples, takn.g a ver, s.nall „„a,„ity of her „s„al f„o I vheate,, hrea,l an.l l,„tter. D„ri„, the forenoon she took an o L or' .wo, an,l an apple. F„r .linner she took .Ish or „esh in a s.nall n itv and potatoes, greens an.l apples: the apples somethnes pee I et,' nito pieces; s.nnetimes hoile.l whole whh tl„. „ , , roaste.l hefore .he Ine. an.l afterwar.l"! .. ,, n^r l^.^e:;.""""" she sncke,l an orange or a.e an apple or son.e 2^. ' I 1 "','T some lemon jnice ,ni.,e,l will, snj or svrnp CfL , " ""''' strongly on the ston.ach an,l intes.ines , .hi; ' ?"" '""' conk, take several lemons withonti-ternveltn'!. ''"'"' """ '"' "For «.pper she ha.l a^ain roasted apples or a few oranges, and rice or go hotled ,n n„ k; son.eti.nes ,he apples, peeled and cored, wr ode" :r;fs::r^is,r;3th 2:-f.:~£:-\ '-- ... ...w.. .o.,h„. Two or thre. .L . ^Tfh^^^ rlrpS i6o LUlLDblRTll ASD llOli' MADE I'AIXLESS of a mixture ma.le of the juice of two oranges, one lemon, l.alf a pound of grapes, and a cpiarter of a pound of sugar. '•She continued in this course for six weeks, when, to her surprise and satisfaction, tlie swollen and pri)niincnt state of the %'eins, which existed before she I.egan. had entirely; her legs an.! feet, which were also swollen omsi.lerahly. had returned to their former state; and she became so light and active she could run up and n,e,l,.,<.:y takon, („|l,nvo,l l,v a brisk ,l,v „( ,l,e , „ , c ean c, In .c,„.l ,:„„c|,. ,,„„». ,„„l i,, ,l,e l,,s, ,,av, „f prlnancv both Uke„2 '"• '■ '""' •^"" '■"« ^' '■^"°- '"'•> ^" "'« factor as ,1, ■ ,1,., a,.,l ,1,.. 1. ,i |„ plea.,,,, „.ca,l,er t-ntlc „a ks in ,l,e 0|H.„ a,ra„„ s,„„i,HM sl,„„M 1 ,- ..ken. Care ,„„s, l,o .Ll .ha , c . e , . .lekoaje. ,,c ,„., faUR,..,, , „„r„„,„ ,rai ,,, „„,vevcr i e " ; mc >v„l ,„akc ,1,0 ,leli.a„. „„„„„ .,.,„. a,„l ,„e excrnsc v before a„ etfor. „,„ „,„„ „,co,„e eas, .. , a ,„oas„re: ,l,o „r „ ,, rec|,„re.l he h,„ a ,„he „f .ha. p„sse,se,k L,„„ ,,ar,:o„i„g canno, ; ! h.Khly reco„,,„c,„R.,l. a,„| „herc possihle. is v.rv hcoficial. ,,™ ! vork a. „„s ,„„. also o„,„es i„ for a ,oo,, share of a„e„,ion, a,,., „, . no .o he neKlene.l. ( are sho„l,I he ,ak. n in ,l,is, as i„ all cvernsc and work. ,l,a. , here is „. s.rainin^ or hea v,, „„ r,n,„i„. p ^ down stairs, no shocks, fatigue, or over-exert.on fc.' •■ •i:'i' ■n i62 CHILDBIRTH AND HOW MADE PAINLESS A PERIOD OF HOME-MAKING This is eminently a period of home-makin^,^ or nest building, and a woman s heart should never be ligliter than when attending to the little wants that go to make home happy and a place of contentment and rest . bhe should see that .the ventilation is perfect, that the whole house is well aired, and especial care should be taken to banish all mustiness, damp- ness and impurities from the sleeping room. The air should be cool and pure; the sleep sweet and invigorating. The patient should retire early to bed and rest during the day when so inclined. The dress should be loose and the clothing hung from the shoulders. All pressure should be removed and the utmost freedom of action, both of body and limb be secured. ' HOW TO BREATHE PROPERLY Exercise in deep breathing should be taken. Full breathing is neces- sary to thoroughly oxygenize the blood. "To learn deep breathing be as passive as possible; that is. assume a position in which all the voluntary motor muscles are inactive. Lie flat on the back, perfectly horizontal, without even an elevation of the head. Shut the mouth and draw the air m through the channel provided by nature, the nose. As a result of bad habits most persons will raise the upper ribs; yet this expansion will soon yield ta the movement of the lower ribs, and this again will gradually cease by continual practice, as will also every distension of the ribs All these faulty movements will be superseded by a bulging out of the abdo- men, whose outward swelling will be proportional to the amount of air inhaled. "Look at that quietly sleeping cat upon the rug. Its sole indication of vitality IS the bellows-like motion of its hodv in breathing You must also have observed, that in all domestic animals, at each respiration an undulating motion extends quite through the whole trunk, and that this motion terminates only at the hindermost limbs. This is natural respira- tion as It 13 performed throughout quadruped existence. "Have you a perfectly healthy lady friend? Lay your hand upon her CHILDBIRTH AND HOW MADE PAINLESS ,63 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES >et but a young g,r|. I.ving i„ ,he co.mtry where there wa, „n nf ■n^ *e neighhorhooC, I ha. sonte e.periLee, a p'::!":; ^.^rf::;; :::.". her'z".:^; t ^ '"" °' ""■■" --""■r.^l^r'^, assured her that she had no trouble to apnrehene child was ^"°""' ^= THE GRE..\T SECRET OF EASY CONFmEMENTS ^inl:!':;:'^;,,:!:':": ''^^' '•"«= «*- "-- -. a c„p ever, te„ .He room .a J,":,rp,:n L?;^ TZJ'T ''"r''°''- "="- them warm. Pay attention ,o J .T "'' '° "'^ '=" ""■• are prevented or cured This win '"""^ """" Hemorrhages >vould be pain, and , cannott ; sT:o?:^T' """^ ""'"'^ ''"' Many suppose that perspinLnV "^ ^ "P"" ™"'' """*■ .o the contrary. Free pers pira Hon "^'^ ""^"""' '''' P^^^n unpleasant symptoms genera X't'.f "'' °' '"'" '"^ "'h- generally attendmg chddbirth. The child and pla- CHILDBIRTH AM, 1,011 ■ MADE PAINLESS ,5 centa are ,lelivcrc lo give expul- DRESS TOR COXFI.VEMCNT on a „ar:4Ter":;T:,:::i;::^ •-•- -."■• ^" ^""■<' -■ nigiugou n. I lannel is a non-conductor -*,**^ i68 CHILDBIRTH AXD HOW MADE PAINLESS of heat, and as the object of the treatment is to remove all tension of the nervous and muscular tissues, the retention of the heat becomes an assist- ant, an.l also aids in dilating the os-uteri and surrounding tissues. KEEPING CONTROL OF ONE'S SELF _ She need not lie down to have her offsi>ring. unless verv strongly mchned so to do. One does not lie down to work. A kneeling position IS most desirable for some women, holding for support to something in front of them: with others the sitting posture is easiest: move around and hnd the position that seems most comfortable. Manv a mother has been sacnhced through the feeling that she must go to bed for the birth of her child. Nature at that time all the energy and assistance an •ntelligent mother can give. Do everything possible to assist: breathe deeply, hold a full breath, and by thus expanding the lungs, assist nature to bring forth her young. After the child is born, the mother should lie down and have some gruel, broth, or a cup of tea. If the after-birth immediately follows the birth of the child, nothing more is required at the time. If it is retainc.l and when the mother is rested, the attenrling phvsician can remove if this can easily be accomplished by an injection, into the vagina and rectum of slippery elm infusion and pure soa,). thus relaxing and loosening the parts and causing a natural and easy delivery. Keeping warm and pay- mg attention to the breathing will prevent any unusual .lischarge of blood. The patient must possess perfect control of herself, realizing that It is natural to berr children. THE CHILD'S CRY A RELIEF After the expulsion of the child, it is better to turn its back to its mother, and let her covering fall between herself and the child, thus bring- ing It into full view, and completely protecting the mother from cold or exposure. A soft napkin should now be used to wipe the child's face, eyes and mouth. The child usually cries lustily as soon as it is born. The sudden contact with the air is exciting, and more or less irritating to the SWEET -MOTHERHOOD. NATURE'S MIRROR. A beautiful and chaste w-oman is the perfect workmanship of God the true "'orv rf angels, and the dehght of the world. ' vr ' ^ *^' Merrnes. cwtDB,„T„ ,,-0 „on- .^uon pmxlbss ,„ exceedingly sc.isiiiv e iiifani • ilic ,ni,.r-,l rv ^-notion of ,.eaU,in,. .c' l!: ^ ": H; '-r'"'-^"^ ''^ "^^^• external life, tlic sceminrrK . • ''"' '•'an-icsiatiou „f -uUI give .nuch Lr. :.:: Z^n; '"''' ^"^ "'^' ^"'•^^'"-' ^' "-se is .^ir.^;:.;!:;:i!:^ r^^r;-' ^- -- ^- -^i-nues. o. .,„.: ,.eat,.in, to pulsate up to witl^ "u ' '"T """^' "^' ^•"^•' -" '^-^ --sod then be cut about th i Z r^'TV" ''^ ^'"'"'^ '-^'>- '^ ^"oul. of blood fron, the conl wil " 'T '^ '""^ " ^" -- '--te tl.e Hon coarse silk or tlu.a.l. about "" ^''*^ ^"^•' ^'""'•' '-'-''• -tl^ two inclic.sfromtbe abdomen Should the conl seetn Iar«e a"«l tapering from the alxlo- nien. it may be because a por- tion of the intestine is within 't- In such case cut the cord beyond the e.xtendcil nitestine. return the intestine into the abdomen, and retain it there by a i)ellyb.lnd. \\'hen a lady marries late in life— for instance, after she has passed the age of thirty— her first labor is usually" much more linc^erin^ and t. r , "')? =5 great stock of nati.-n.-. ( '" ^ tedious, demand- a'..l fro.n, the friends Ltw! "'" / " '"'""'"^- ^^•"" »'-' *'-tor. e.-a!ly do remarkab v iv iT S n^ ' i '"'^ '" ^"" ''' "'^'- ^-n- the first confinen.ent I is 'LI" ha' T' 7^'"' '''' '" '''' '^ '^ ^'^ a.e as easy as though she i:! r^Ju'lrt^r"" '"' '''' '"^°^^ PREPARATIONS FOR LABOR sJ^:::^:z:, ■:•:":: r* •- ""' ""->"■'"« -"--.-. skein of ,I,.end. And s e o„rf„ , ,'"" " ''""" '"' "' "■-<- ••"•■! ^ ought ,o have n, the house a small bottle of 17* CHILDBIRTH Am HOW MADE PAINLESS olive oil. and a cake of Castile soap, that they may l.e at hand in case hey are wanted. Let everything necessary, both for herself and th h , «;e well and ready for immediate use. and be placed in such or ti.t^a.i things may be found, without hurry or ii:!:;:'^':':::::::::^ The bed should contain a mattress and over this shn,,!,! » « . . rubber sheet. Over the rubber sheet should eed 'ones"" Th! patient can then use the bed if she chooses ^''' Many attendants are not only unnecessary but injurious. They excite and flurry he pat.ent they cause noise and confusion! and rob tl air o needed. ^^ '"'' '"''" '''' '°^^°^ '"' ^'^ — • - aH that L CHLOROFORM IN HARD AND LINGERING LABOR Mothers and doctors are indebted to Sir James Simpson for the introduction of chloroform, a great and valuahi; discovery The inhalation of chloroform, according to tJie will of the operator ITZ :T r'^' " r''''' unconsciousness, and. either f:r o gX' or for a shorter, freedom from pain. I„ other words the effecr m.ght. wuh perfect safety, be continued, either for a few mi nit or from .me to for several hours; indeed, if given in proper si;: ly judicious doctor, with perfect safety. ^ Chloroform is useful in a labor when the throes are very severe and when^notvvithstandmg the pain, the labor is making but little prog" . Chloroform ought never to be administered, either to a pat ent in labor tion And chloroform should never be given unless in a lingering or a hard labor. As I have before advised, in a natural and easy labo XaLe course. Patience, gentleness, and non-interference are the best and the chief requisites m the majority of cases. BRING LIFE TO A STILL-BORN BABE If the babe should be born apparently dead, a few smart blows must be given on the thighs and on the back: a smelling bottle ought trje CHILDBIRTH AXD HOW SunB PAISLESS ,7, on the thighs, in an apparcntlv stilllrn , .T ! ' " ''°"'' '"'''^'"'^ «"<« ready remeclv. VLt a .is T '^ '^'' '""^' ''•''"''>- ^l"i^-><. l^y this .sin,p,e re;ncdv rn <: r r?'- ■^'"■''"" ^•'"'•'-" ''--• once .ake an apparentlv ZZ:'^ ''^^"^"^" ••-"•• ^^ >- -n crj^aml cry he nn,st-he is. as a rule. safe. The navel string, as long as there " .''"'sation in it. ought not to he tie.l. BANDAGR AFTFR LABOR While «e do not in this enhghtened ase consider it t,ecessary to use a hand- age after labor, yet there are those who prefer to do so. and in that case it should '>e made of thick linen, similar to sheet- »"g, about a yard and a half I,)ng. and sufficiently broad to comfortably sup- port the abdomen. Two or three folded diapers-folded in a triangular shape- should be first applied over the region of the womb, and then the bandage should be neatly and smoothly applied around the lower portion of tlie .-. „ men to keep the diapers fim,ly fixed in their position. The bandage ou^ht Women who go about too soon after thoir confinements nancy, a„d perfect rest for a few days after labor, cannot be too sfrongfy "rZniAL VBSSILS IN UTERUS TEN I'AVS AFTER DELIVERY. 174 CHILDBIRTH AND HOW MADE PAINLESS DIET AFTER LABOR For tl,c fir,, ,|ay the m,cr. „r ,„a,, a,„, ,,„.,cr: taking care „.., .„ ovcr,.„, ;et7o™ ui h .o., n,„ch m,nl. A c„„f„, „r food sl,.„„,, „„, ,, evcccl. oti^ r v.»e ,l,c p=..e„, „il, ,cc, „p„„«cd; .,„o „i|, ,,e ,ia,.,. ,o v ol" is lira "on. and there will l,e a loo abnndan, secretion of n.ilk ' -"^:z'^:^''l::;:;i:^:^ -^ "••"". or wead poutoe. and l.rcad. Snpper.-a"::ak,at: . ^ 'o,:e:j:Ta,:t;;' CHAPTER XIV MISCARRUGE AND ABORTION Al'l< »-^j^IATUKI-: expulsion of the f,xti,s before ti.e c,k1 of the sixth ->"" .s ca cd ether a .niscarnage or an aI,ortio„; after t i.^e ^^ ^^ ^^^^u heforc the full period of „i„e n,o,nhs. it i. ....„ ^:r;:: A ,1 ,.,rarriagr f. .. serious cala.nity. and should be considered in th.f ^; : n.t C.K t. the .other herself, whose constitution f! " " : ':v :te:!r:;;;M '"'^T' t '^-^ ' --^ -' '- "^^ deli.d,t n ^ privileges, the inestimable pleasure and for .h. firs, n,iscarria,e is ,„c o„e .l,af f , ,...:;:; .Z . ^lo I^^^ '''^ CAUSES OF Al KK;-,'i! f' -f the child from of liic ftctus; hence A slight catise will frequently occa.ion ,;,.• , ., ,- , ate al ,„gl ,. ,„o frequen, sexual intercourse. The excitemcut incident o parttes, balls and concerts; al, violent entotions of ,„e nl 2 ' .Bl.t etc.: fattgue; over-reachiug; sudden shocks or falls; taking a JZ step either n, ascending or in descending stairs; falling down flair if iof-'iLrvf,?^ 'T ■'""'' '•""'''■''■■ -'°-.;'oi,sti::ter ;,i : r,;en,ems 1"" ,"''°r ^°"'"'"'"'- '"''i' <" l^o'D': fashiona lie e^ eo thmg that injuriously affects either the min.l or the l,„dv A woman threatened ,vi,h miscarriage usually experiences a feeling 176 MISCARRIAGE AND ABORTION of lassitude, of debility and depression of spirits; she feels as though the menses nere coming on and complains of weakness and uneasiness about the Ion,s. the the thighs, and the lower part of the abdomen ^ .s an ,mportant stage of the case, and one in which judicious treatment VN .11 almost to a certainty prevent a miscarriage. SYMPTOMS OF MISCARRIAGE If the above symptoms are allowed to proceed, unchecked and unat- nded. after a day or two there will be a slight show of blood. This how soon uKreases to flooding, and shortly becomes clotted. There may trea nicnt, be even now warded off. .\t all events, if the miscarriage can "ot be prevented, the ill effects n,ay. with care, be palliated, and means may be used to prevent a future miscarriage If the miscarriage is allowed to proceed, a new train of symptoms develop, pams begn, to come on. at fnst slight, irregular, and of a g ind "g nature, but which soon become n.ore severe, regular, and of a bear- " g--n nature. I„dcc. •: .• case is now a labor in miniature, and the patient is sure to miscarry. There are two stages of miscarriage-f^rst, the separation of the ovum from he womb: and second, the expulsion of the ovum from the womb. The former, from the rupture of vessels, is necessarily attended with more or less of floodmg. The latter, in addition to the flooding, from the contraction o the womb, with more or less of pain. If there is separation here must follow expulsion, as Nature is doing all she can to get rid o he separated ovum, which has now become a foreign body; and if there ;s expulsion, there must, of necessity, be pain, as contraction of the womb mvana ly causes pain; bene, .here is. in every miscarriage, more or 1 ss of floodmg and o pain; indeed you cannot have a miscarriage withou both the one and the other. "unoui TIME OF MISCARRIAGE the twelfth week. It is not confined to this period, as during the whole WH: MISCARRIAGE AND ABORTION ,77 time of pregnancy there is a chance of premature expulsion of the con- tents of the won.h. A nnscarriage before the fourth n,onth is at the time the constitution. A nmcarnage sometimes begins and ends in a few days -five or s.x; ,t at other times continues two. and even three weeks. TREATMF.XT OF MISCARRIAGE If the patient has the shghtest sliow. she should immediifelv .nnfi herself to the bed and Keep perfect., ,uiet. A soft Lat^e '"/n ust hi voK ed: ,t both enervates the body and pre.lisposes to miscarriage Te seZte bed Th"" ' ""'"'= '"''' "'' ^'^ ^''^'''' ^'^^^ ^° have a separate bed. This is most important advice The patient should be put on low diet, such as arrowroot, tapioca saeo gruel, chicken broth, tea. toast and water, and lemonade: an "ha fe" he drinks ought to be cold. (>apes at these times are cooling and refresh- mer th ''"^"'''^"^ °^ ^ '-^^--" ^''ould be kept cool; and if in sum- mer, the window ought to be thrown open. Laxative medicines must be avoided; and if the flooding is violent, cold compresses can be applied externally to the parts. If this ,s not effective use one gallon of hot u^ter as an injection into which has been added one teaspoonful of powdered golden seal. CARE OF A PATIENT AFTER MISCARRIAGE ^ The same care is required after miscarriage as after a confinement- indeed, a patient rec,uires to be treated much in the same manner She' ought to keep her bed for a few days, and should live upon the diet recom- mended alter a confinement, avoiding for the first few days stimulants of all kinds. Many woman date their state of ill health to a neglected mis- carnage; and It behooves every woman to guard against such a misfor- tune. PREVENTION OF MISCARRIAGE A patient prone to sterility or miscarriage even ought to use every means to brace and strengthen the system. The best plan is to leave the ie^miBBewmK!^: wcraKf 178 MISCARRIAGE AND ABORTION husband for several months, and go to some healthy spot; neither to a fashionable watering-place, nor to a friencj-s house where company is entertained, but to some quiet country p!ace-if to a healthy farmhouse so imich ii,e better. A few summer months spent in the pine woods of M.clngan has m frequent cases been the means of bringing about conceo- tion. *^ Early hours are quite indispensable. One should lie on a hair mat- tress, and have but scant clothing on the bed. The diet should be light and nourishing. Gentle exercise ought to be taken, alternating with fre- quent rest. Cold baths ought to be taken every morning, and the bodv should afterward be dried with coarse towels. If in winter let the water be made tepid, and its temperature gradually lowered until used quite cold \ shower bath is in these cases serviceable; it braces and invigorates the system, and is one of the best tonics possible. .\ person prone to miscarry ought, as soon as she is pregnant, to lie down a great part of every day; she should keep her mind calm and unruffled, live on a plain diet, retire early, and have a separate sleeping apartment from her husband. She ought to abstain from taking laxativ ,e medicine. Constipation should be avoided or treated bv following the suggestions in the chapter on constipation. Gentle walking exercise daily is desirable; long walks and horseback riding being avoided. As the usual period for miscarrying approaches (for it frequently comes on at one particular time), let the patient be more than usually careful; let her lie ; MISCARRIAGE AXD ABORTION ,79 sem for. as he may. at an early period, be able to ward off the threatened NO APOLOGY FOR ABORTION Children have a right to be born! Alas, that this God-given privilege shotdd ever be called in question! That it is so. however, the testin o from he pt,l,),t. the remonstrances of philanth.opists. and the forebodin-^s of phdosophers, abundantly prove. If wc examine the history of abortion, we shall find that this crime so commonly practical as to demane a fa,nt apology for silence, btu with shame for the wives Li mothers of our land, who are the chief offenders. This statement may seen, strange to the ears ot many a devoted wife and mother, but to the physician who ,s generally a receiver of family secrets, it is a well-known fact ABORTION A MURDER Imcn.ional abortion i, ,o nil purposes a m„r,Ier. is „o,v conceded by all ,vl,o are „, orn.ed „po„ .l,e snl.jec. An,o„. .I,e ancien.s ,I,e ' '^ o he a fact, i, f„„o„,. ,hen. ,ha, ,his crin.e is c,,,allv as ,,,cv 'n^pnsonn,ent. and in son,e cases even with' death. i8o MISCARRIAGE AND ABORTION DANGER ATTENDING ABORTION Aside from tl,e crime, however, the maternal mstinct of the mother and a sufTiaent regard for her own health should prevent any and all attempts of this character. The amount of physical sufTering that may follow cannot be estimated. Inflammations of the womb and kindred disonlers of the generative organs are almost sure to result, and frequently w. 1 res,st the most skilled treatment. At other times blood poisoning ma'v follow the retention of the placenta and membranes of the fci^tus' lh,s may produce inmiediate death, and at best can but end in broken health and lifelong suffering. '-^-^J ^,^^-:'^ CHAPTER XV DISEASES PECULIAR TO IVQMEN AND THEIR CURE INFLAMxMATION OF TIE WOMB inllan,n,«;„ , "°-' '"■■'■'"■ '" "">■ «""« uf life. This o ca" T r T' ?■"""= " ""■l'«--l- I"" a vas, „,a,„ri,v o m, ; 1 """"="■"'■■ "•••- "- -Si" i" -„,c inflamn a.i, „ o or.h:ct« """ ""^'^ '"'^ '"^ ^"^"■- '""" ^y "- i-sis.c,;e Tlicre are many varieties of tl,c .lisease. an,l eaci, receives its ,nme accor , ,., .,„ ,„, „,^^,^,, _„^_^^ ,„„a„,„,a.i„„ o. .I,e «. „ I «on,l,; I„fla,„,„a„„„ „, „„. H„i„„ „,en,|„,,„ „, ,i,^. |,„,^. > "^^'^ nfla„,n,a„„n o( ,l,e n,eml,rane Ii,„„,, and covering necli „f , e I : irorrrr "'"- °' -^^ --^ °' "-^ --^ uiceraii::;:,;: Often an intlannnati.,,, „f the neek of tl,e womb may exist for a period ^ZTr "frT"- "■■"»- giving anV great discoX! i8t I83 DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN As the mflan,n,at,o„ progresses the feeling of weight and heaviness mcreases .,11 the pain extends down the li„,b. and thfongh the bo veU Physical exertton ,s painfnl, and at titnes ahnost in.possible In chron,c inllammation of the body as well as of the neck of the womb the nienstrual How is nsnally somewhat impaired ' The ovaries are snpplie.l by the same syslen, of blood vessels a,.d eaddy ndlante when there is an increased action of the utern O vari ut ors are often the resnlt of a prolonged in,lan,n,atio„ of the wZ Catannal dtscharges fron, the bowels, and piles or hen,„rrl,oi,ls „,ay foi: ow n,na,n,nat,o„ of the womb, especially when there is retroversion or a falhng hackwar.1 of the body of the won.b. It is apparent that the cause helh f"T"" '"'"" "" "'""^^ "■'" "■■-"'-' n- restora i„, to ClIROXIC INFLAMMATION OF THE WO.MB Chronic inflannnation of the womb, when of long stan.ling, greatly impatrs ,f not wholly destroys the general health. The circu a«on s slnggtsh, the hands and fee, are cold, the face wears an anxio ,s exp e ston, the mnseles become weak and easily tire with only modlte t " TlH- dtspostt.on becomes irritable an.l nervo„s-a slight provocation big snfficent to brmg on an attack of hysteria. The whole temperament ^d hspos,„o„ seems changed. Friends are regarded with distrT, , a"d herefore avo.ded. The patient becomes tnorbidly sensitive, and always looks upon the dark side of life. aiua>s The causes which may lead to the development of uterine disorders are man>^such as a sudden checking of the menses from exposure to old " an m;ect.on of cold water when in an over-heated condition-Hf^i,, oo heavy we.ght^falls and blows across the abdomen-any of these mav be the excting causes of serious uterine derangement ^ Another fruitful source of uterine disorder is wearing improper cloth- It .1 ?""'^'"" '' ''' ''^' '''^'-^' ^^- ^^'3' Is imped:lr by t.ght lacing, and congestion of the organs of the pelvis follow as a result. mhrmism^^^mm s&sM-y^Jt DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEX tH Any cause that produces stn^nation of the hloo.I. develons in u^^^^ .n t.on and relaxation. I\.r cxamn'e-fasteu -. ml f ^^'" on.. .oderateK- and in I l^^Z TZ^:^::^:^ '''r\ con^ h. reason of the inahiht, of the veins to:u.^ ^ I ll^ :;; artenpcr.ous results u ,11 follow if the congestion is prolonged. An; cause which leads to a general weakness of the muscles of th. an 1 bowd ''T'" • ' "'"""''^ ''''' "^""^^"^^^ ^^'PP-^-g the womb o u "1 'T :'' "' "" ^"""' ''^'^"'^> • I^-I"acen'ents easily oceur „ elaxed concht.ons of the abdominal nu.scles. Displacements a e reasonably sure to be followed by in.lannnations and congeLoI MORE IMPORT.VXT TH.\X KLECTIVF. FRANXHISF le« o„n,c„., as well as ,„o n.eans of ,l,cir prevention. I o 1 I Z ine> need the elective franchise, we nught then develon -i mr. ^f who would be gladly ad„,itted to le-WsLative haHs ll ''""''" •he on>, sensible shoes fo! I ':!l:TZr. "'"""°" '^"^' ^"°"'' ^'^ NEAT, HEALTHFUL DRESS Women who cannot decide to abandon the corset altogether should accordance the motions of the bod.y. Tl,i. crsct should be pro- 184 DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMES* Btu o„s should he seucd upon tl,e corset at the waist hue. to which t^e k.rts n,ay be attached by n.eans of buttonholes in the bands A v" onven.ent ur^er-waist may be made of silesia or drilling. Th front a, , be - are cut hke any dress-waist, only very loose fitting^cut om Zt n r of he front covering the bust and replace by a gathered nuf^^alfom cglneen niches long and the depth of the piece rLoved it sl|cn,ld be finished at the bottom with a ,JZ ^ wide'n 1 S ^uth !.ea^y so as to be strong enough to bear the wellu o h sk>rts suspended to it by means of buttons. It will be seen tha tl L w ful we I ^ r suspenders. The effect of this waist is to give a ful well developed bust. Under vests made of "Jersey cloth" arell -lly comfortable, as they cling closely to the bod/anc ye 1 not mo ; the n,ovements of the body or impede the circulation. '"' FRESH AIR TONIC BETTER THAN MEDICINE Too much cannot be said of the benefits derived from exercise in open pure a.r and deep breathing. As a tonic, it is better than ml cine h ^ rn'it ^i;rf'Y''''''- and lends vigor to both mi^d an 'od). Imalds uho suffer from nervous prostration or from uterine eases should hve much i„ the open sunshine. Outdoor lifeTei 0"" the strength, mcreases the appetite, repairs the blood, quiets the nerve and gues new hfe and health to the body. The grea est p y c an I " ' good water, sunhght. deep breathing and exercise in pure air The tendency of uterine disease is to reduce the qualitv of the blood and produce weakness and debility. Therefore the fiod should be L^n rr cr!:r rj ^^ - "-'' ^^^^^^^^ ^"— • -^" -- Highi; 2:0 : e tre raTbre^'"'^'' ^'"". P°"'^^>'- "^""^ ^'^P^' ^sh, oatmeal and wheat bread are most suitable for a diet irJ^lr^tVr' ■" """"" '"' '°"8. if tl.e patient can be mdnced to trj- the benefit, of out.ioor life and moderate exercise. Take DISEASES PECULIAR TO U'0\ir.\ g In most cases of mnanimalicn of ,l,c „o„l, ,1,.,, . ' ••, constipation of ilielwwfk „l„-.i ' ' "• '' ii"'I<.'ikv t,. « a perfect cure o 1 ,;e „: '"""" "" "'" ''" '"■""'"'•'' '" '""-'-■ constipation exists S.att ,'""""'"" :'•■■'""" '"' -•""'Pli-I.c:! „„i,e i. .he Chapter trea,in'':;:,',C:;:;;;r^' '- "»■" •" "■« ™- 'a,„ ao.n HOW TO ixDicK sLi:r:p ^nc^:te;uZ;^e'::;;:;"i::"fT' ~ "^'-"^"•^. of.e„ to 'ion to hjgienic tneasure , ""''"'"'''' '" ^'"'''- ■^•"■•■>• exercise ill aV ero s „, T ''";';" ";""•'""" "' "" ^'"■'""S — "■ "ee.,s to sec„re't„e rs,"'X i Z t,:" 'f'T "' "" 'T '"^- "•"'™' *ep is persistent after fai,„f„„, „,;, ^ J ,„^-;::","' ."'^■. '^ '•> '" relaxing medicines must l,c resorte.l ,„ Z\ -""'""•' "'"'""■"• This should consist of a towel tl n, : " ' ° '"■""'■'*•"■ "' ™''' "••«"■ and wrapped around the l,„,l. *■'' ""'"S '"" "' "W "atcr icing i, ass down o 1^,-Sr^'T\ """" '"^ ""'^ ="" equal length of canton flannel. This is n^sV „"'"'"" ™'"'"' =" acts a, the san.e time upon the l.„ c ! "" '" '"""" *'«!' •™'> AVOID SEXUAL KXCITF.MliX , In all cases of acute inllan.mation of the uterus il, .1 , , , itinence of mar^f,! „!...■„_ ^. . . ""- "'erus the. ■ shou!' 1 total • bstnence of marital relations. Ti-l' ^ZZ^ 1 ''""' '-, ew husbands understand the neccssitv for suci c„ ,r ' TT ' ' "' tends to attract the blood to the „<,„,„ will nrense the l" '"^ """" mflammation; therefore sev,,-,! ,■„. mcrease tlie 00 -o-e.,,,.,, j„j .0 arouse the passionsi::',' L' z^r;:;:':,:"? r -"^^^ ="'"= of scenery are often ver, henefcial. ,r„, , ^ '-.hI"::' ="'' '•' ^■' ■'■'--' can be secured, and the thoughts will he di. r , ! .' , 7^" v1 - •••"•' t"C disease, whicii i66 DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMES . of mcalculable value to the patient. Constantly dwelling „pon any disease most surely fastens its hold upon the patie.U. It should, therefore he the au,. of friends to divert the mind into any healthy channel. EXKRCISES TO STRENGTHEN TllK WO.MB A weakened condition of the abdominal muscles is the cause of mis- placements and congestions. Then, in order to effect a cure of the diseased organs exercise tending to strengtlu-n these muscles must be resorted to. \\ hen any muscle or set of muscles is exercised n>ore bloc I •s carried to the part, from which it receives strength and nourishmen . Muscles unused become weak and powerless, and vice v.rsa When a patjent .s too weak to exercise his muscles, an assistant may do it for him -thus a person confined to his bed for weeks, with tvphoid fever, loses all muscular power. By having the muscles rubbed and'stretched thoroughly for hours each day he will regain his strength rapidly. The Swedish movement ,s founded upon this principle of localized . -ercise, and has much m It to commend itself to the public mind. So is osteopathy. EXERCISE NO. i 'The woman lies upon her back, upon a f^rm bed or couch, her hands .ghtly clasped over her head, and her feet drawn np to her body, with her knees strongly bent. Then with a moderate effort she slowly raises her hips several inches from the couch, holds them there for about half a mmute and allows them slowly to return to the couch. This movement may be repeated, with short intervals of rest, f^ve or six times. "If the strength of the patient is not sufficient to perform these move- ments without too much fatigue, an assistant may ai— ' -^houM be sought, as the recoverv will fron, weak vaginal walls, copperas can be a, 1 ' ''T "" """"' onedranUoeaehquartcfwaLr Incas of o , ,'" '"'' ■'"'"""''■ .ion.„ excel,™, .e.e.. Is ,o„„. 1:^1^:^;:: ■:;:"""- Golden seal, ,o grains ; , teaspoonfnl boracic aci, i„ , ', „, , as hot as can be borne. Inject each night on retirin., \' T .his purpose is "The Fountain Syringe i? Its of? ''""";!'" -ag capable o, hol.iing several ,„ar,s o' water tZic ,:', , Z sT I fee. of rubber tubing, a, one en.l of which is attache „ " T i , " suspended six or seven feet from the fl„„r i ■, '"'""■ "'e bag is slop jar, placed upon the floor The wa^; ", '■"'""' ''" °"^ " vessel, and the force of the str^nu:: ^ i^r ,;:: ''^r^'l .s regulated b, the height a. which the bag is' laced lor.:; r '"'^" As before stated, .njections ntust be persevering,,- used if bLficia, ■X 190 DISEASES PECULIAR TO IVOMES They should be continued from ten to twenty minutes, at one time, accord- ing to the severity of tlie inflammation The temperature of the injections should be regulated by the condition of the patient and its effect upon her. Hot water is usually most desirable in acute inflammation, the symptoms of which are an internal burning sensation, which is greatly aggravated by exertion. Another remedy for acute inflammation of the womb, in praise of which too much cannot be said, is the following: Take of— Permanganate of Potash, six grains; Glycerine, two ounces. Mix.— Apply on cctton, and insert in.o the vagina on retiring. The best method of using the cotton is to cut a four-inch square piece of snow-flake batting, fasten the four corners together with a soft twine; it will make a ball-shaped pledget, over the top of which is poured a little of the mixture. Press the pledget into the va- gina as far as possible, while upon the back in bed. The twine remains between the limbs and furnishes a ready means to remove the cotton the next morning. The amount of dis- charge following the removal of the pledget will be truly surpris- ing. The permanganate of pot- ash should be dissolved in a little water before adding the glyce- rine. Patients who have been un- able to sleep from pain in the back, limbs and pelvis, will often rest quietly after a warm hip bath, or a copious vaginal injection of hot water, THE UTERUS LAID OPEN. a. The os uteri, b. The cervix, c. c. Ex- tremities of the Fallopian tubes. DISEASES PECULIAR TO iroMEX FALLING OF WOMB (UTERUS) 191 .>.e nuestines and above .he va^^', ,, n "'"" """'"• ''^-"-'l' ■gaments co„.ril„„e .a i,3 si o , ' ^""^ ■'•'■' """ -'^ igamen,, ex.en.l from ,he .>or.l r hi, "" ""' ''"'■ ''""^ '""'i >"v.-ng .he „.e™. ..pen.e. im":hr"^T;;e":::;;'rv"' •"' "*- '^ romul ligaments are PROLAPSUS UTBR., OR K.X.UKO OK THB WOMB, ■ ''^ "^"j' chs- natural supports are slin. ,0 „, , •'° ' ~"^'''"»'>1= -^'en,. These '■•ons of health. If, ho.t^ , e C *", "' "T"" "°^'"°" '" -"*■ and held in this position by .« hea:^ , " " "°"''«' ''°"""-''. being, the wontb wiU alsoLole d ip C ' aJ'r"'' f""""^' °' ''»'" me a.spiaced and diseased. The displace- 192 DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN ments may be either forward, backward or latt ,y Wlien the womb is tipped forward it is called anteversion, when turned backward it is named retroversion. Displacements are rare laterally, though very troublesome when they do occur. Prolapsus or falling of the womb is very common, and the result of complex causes. When the prolapsus is only partial the uterus descends somewhat into the vagina. When complete, it passes down through the vagina and protrudes through the labia. Causes : There are many causes that lead to prolapsus, among which may be mentioned excessive we-'ght of the womb from tumors; dropsy of the bowels; falling heavily upon the nates; weakening of the uterine ligaments, and the relaxing of the vaginal walls. The vaginal walls may become relaxed by too frequent child-bearing, a persistent leucorrhceal discharge, habitual constipation, excessive sexual intercourse and a lacerated perineum. There is an inherent tendency in muscular fiber to contract, therefore uterine displacements, in their early stages, will recover readily upon the removal of the cause. It is different, however, when by inflammation, congestion, or tumors, the uterus has become badly diseased. It frequently occurs, after child-birth, that the uterus is very much prolapsed, but if the patient lies in bed a proper length of time, there is rarely any ill effects from it afterwards, as Die tendency of all disca:,e is to recovery, under proper management. Cures are only effected by restoring the proper tone to the uterine ligaments and the abdominal muscles. A good fitting bandage, made of drilling, similar to one worn after child-birth, is often very useful in sup- porting the bowels. ANTEVERSION OF THE WOMB The womb in its natural position inclines considerably forward. The inclination of the uterus is such that it coincides with the axis of the pelvic cavity. In anteversion the womb falls still farther forward, some- times to such a degree that it lies almost horizontally across the pelvis. During the period of development the womb is always anteverted, but DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN after puberty it disappears usually, l-ibroici tumors situated o„ ,i, a tenor base of the uterus wii. produce anteversions bv n^," t org n forward, pregnancy i„ tbe early stages. t<,o great disten ic^ of to bladder, uearn.g stays winch press upon the bodv of the womb n 1 gesfon of the uterus will cause anteversion ' ' "^ '""• narr'^rhrr/p^^i!^: '''''' °^ ^'^ "^^"^ ^'^"--^ "P- ^'^ ^'adder and .ts capacity to retau) uruie. thereby causing a .lesire to pass water ANTEVERSION OF THE WOMB frequently. If .here is much inflammation atlcn.ling the antevorsior, ,| „. a th ck sediment The patient finds the most discomfort in the uprirf,. position, and ,s therefore adverse to any activity "^ ^ Treatment.-If there are any complications, as inflammation con.e,. tion or ulceration of the .vomh. they should be removed, as the re fre quently the cause, and until they are partially removed, a tive measures to r£cL"irrh;;:rtr?:::r^- '^-in-'^^^^ ~a,po„iticem:de::TotJ°re;;r:c:riT^^^^^^^^^^ 194 DISEASES PECULIAR TO HOMES fills red i.epper. i tablespoonful mustard; make a little thin and apply between two cloths. This does not blister. Or flannels wrung out of a strong decoction of hops anil vinegar. RETROVERSION OF THE WOMB This disease is not frequent in women who have not borne children. The body of the womb falls backward upon the rectum, while the neck presses upon the bladder. It is the result often of a tumor, or an engorge- ment of the body of the womb, when sudden muscular efforts are sufficient RETROVERSION OF THE WOMB. to throw the uterus backward. Retroversion frequently follows labor, by the patient being compelled to He upon the back for days. The uterus is then large and exhausted, and readily falls into the hollow of the sacrum, from which position it cannot easily rise. The obstetric bandage is another cause of retroversion. After an exhausting labor the uterus is too weak and too heavy to rise into the pelvic cavitv properly— the bandage is applied to save the contour of the figure, at the expense of the i>isn.m-:s rnau.iK to ,roMn\ ,,, Trea.„,c„,._Ue„,ove .1,0 cause i„ ,he fir., i ™,io„. Subdue ,l,e RETROFLEXION OK THE WOMB inflammation l,y poultices and hot applications over the bowels .ive cool rTnZitr "^ '"'"^"' '""■" - "= »™--^ -""-t RETROFLEXION OF THE WOMB .uJ^VTJ '■.'''■°'^^-"'"" ^-' retroversion are used almost synonymously although chffenng slightly in detail. In retroflexion the neck o^^LT V n^mt.. its proper position, .hile the hod. falls hail^^f ^^^^l^ t Diseased conditions of the ,yomb are the provoking causes of flexions The d.stmgu.shmg difference between retroflexi o'n and retroversion 196 DISEASES PECULIAR TO HOMES is ill liic greater tendency to painful menstruation in the former, together with sterility. Treatment.— The treatment is practically the same as for anteversion and retroversion. So far as possible remove the cause. Often it is of great value for the patient to travel, and form new acquaintances, visit new scenes; anything th' will serve to take the patient's mind from a contemplation of licr cnn.Iition will he of incalculable benefit. The min.l has more to do uith binrling our diseases to us than we can possibly realize, unless we watch the effect of mind over matter for ourselves. A careful study of this subject will repay the effort. TUMORS OF THE WOMB There are three varieties of, tumors which are found frequently in the uterus, viz.: Fibrous, polypus and cancer. The two former are not usually fatal, while the latter is regarded always with grave apprehensions, from being of malignant character. Fibroid Tumor —The similarity of the muscular fibers of the womb with thai of fibrous tumors is fully established. Tumcrs may develop in any part of the womb, but they are most frequent in the body. They vary much in size and numbers, over thirty having been found in .ne patient. The majority of these tumors however, are single, and may attain great size. Little is absolutely known in regard to the causes 'eading to their development, but among the predisposing causes are menstrual disorders, sterility, age and race. The colored people are j"ost liable to tumors. Tumors seldom appear after menstruation ceases, nor before puberty. The time of life most liable to their de.-elopmcnt is during the period when the generative organs exhibit the greatest activity. Symptoms.— The patient often has profuse 1 emorrhages, pains in the pelvic cavity, irritation of the bladder and rec;um, profuse leucorrhoeal discharge, and frequent watery discharges from the uterus: this watery discharge may be considered diagnostic of fibroid tumor. As the tumor enlarges it can be distinctly felt through the abdominal walls. DISEASLS PECULIAR TO irOMEX ,^7 Treatmcnt.-Thc action of nn-dicine i„ promotinR ah.orption of I.I.roul tumors .s far less cTcctive than .Icsiml.lo Tonics arc u cfnl in n .a-neral way to UuM up th. I.alth if i„,pairc.l. Io.,i.,e of pota.i „ . ccn ,,ven . two-«.ai„ doses, three :„.s a da,. . iti. ,ood rL.Us. K< u of .oduK. and givcerme applied treelv over the ahdon.en. wit a md s h.„r hrush. mornings, s.enus to ex.rt a favorahle inlluence in chccj- -"^^--t svmp- tom especally .f the polypus lies in the neck .,f the won,h or vagina' and s subject to constant irritation. Consult in this case a good phyrician. CANCER OF THE WOMB The breast an.l womb arc tl,c organs in which malisnant umor., ,no„ frequently .Icvelop. Aceor.Hns to Ma.isties eanccr : "s an established fact that inflammation of the uterus is not a provoking cause of cancer U)H DISEASES r ECU LIAR TO HO St EN This frequently makes considerable advancement without attractniK^ much attention. When the tumur begins to slougb away hemorrhages appear. an.I offensive .Uscharges which pro(hice abrasions in the vagma-the complexion assumes a waxy hue and the general healtl. fails. Somctunes cancer is attended with sharp, lancinating pains Trcatment.-Ih.t little can be done to arrest the progress of the disease. The m.lications are to control the hemorrhages, relieve the pain and the offensiveness of the discharges-for the latter purpose a solution o permanganate of potash, in the proportion of ten grains to the quart of waer or twenty drops of carbolic acid to the same amount of water, will be found u ,eful to inject several times a day. The pain may be controlled hy opumi or morphine. No other remedy will afford such relief. The gen- eral heaiti, must be supports by a very .uUritious diet-as rare beef cream, soft eggs, pure wine. etc. If the appetite is poor, give tonics. LEUCORRIKHA. OR '■WHITES" The term implies the presence of a non-sanguineous discharge from the female generative passages. It is a very common disorder among women, and no age is exempt from it. It sometimes appears catarrhal in Its nature and ,s easily arrested by rest and injections of cold or tepid charge .I'lTTT ''"■"'• •' "'"•'^">' ^'•^^"^^'*^^ ''>' ^ 'eucorrhcal dis- charge, as a result of temporary congestion, and passes away shortly dter the menses cease. When leucorrhcra is constant and provinces an itching of the external parts or a burning sensation in the vagina, it is an indica t.on of utenne disorder, and should be arrested at once. There are several varieties of discharges from the generative organs which are called leu- Z f7"V "T^' ■' ''"''^ ""' '" '"^•■^^^^^ ^^"^^•°" °^ the mucus lining of the afi'ected part. General weakness and debility may produce leucorrhcra; this general weakness may be associated with son e derangement of the liver, lungs or h!' k" . 7 V"'* ^""^"^ ^ ^^""^^ '°^^-^""g °f the vitality or nutrition of the body which constitutes the first siiges of consumption. Local causes are any foreign growth in the womb; flexions, polypi in the uterus; con- - 0. DlSLASliS riiCULlAK TO HOMES „^, ge tions ami prolapsus of the uterus. Loucurrh a is often p-o.I„cnl in dndrcn I, y seat worms in the rectum, in v ' ich case there ,s more or V ^s 'tchmg m the vagina ; or it may ccur from MUipie .lel.ility. CLRE FDR LElCOKKUdA The first earc should l,e to ren.ove the cause. If leucorrhuv, is caused > physical weakness, toni.s should he ,Mvcn. an-' ..rcful In ^ienic n.eas- "res adopted, such as baths, friction of the skin. ou,d....r lif:. .,,.,„;' "f scene, exercise, proper attention t., the ,liet. All hal.its of a knuwn'pcr- n.c,ous tendency he avoi.1.1. Inioctions arc of ,reat val n , a dl '" ^'^^ ■'^— «••-'<'"-■ tepid. For an injection: Tinct. of calendula one ounce; , pint of glycerine: lo drops carbolic acid- use an ot.nce o th,s m a quart of hot water. Take, intern.-dlv. sepia (powde compound ,s also an excellent internal Dose- One-half t-a spoonful tw.ce each day in water. If the leucorrh.ea discharge ari ; from congestion of the body or neck of the womb, injections of icKli.,: " ! seful. rn .he proportion of tuenty drops to the pint of water. oZ treatment .s often the only real curative for leucorrhcx^a. CHAPTER XVI CHANGE OF LIFE THE object of this chapter is to teach woman how to preserve her hcaUh and strengtli through the critical period termed "cliange of hfe." This change is perfectly normal, as much so as the one occurring between the ages of ten and sixteen, and should be so regarded. A few simple rules will apply to all cases, of whatever temperament. Nature is primitive in her operations, our aches and pains being simply her voice calling upon the intelligent forces, our thoughts, for assistance. It usually takes place between the ages of forty and fifty, althoiigh in some cases it may occur as early as thirtv, and in others not until sixty; how- ever, we can expect the change about the forty-fifth year. "At puberty the ovary enlarges until it attains its full development, and begins its work of casting off each month a perfected ovule. When the forty-fifth year of a woman's life is reached the reverse process begins. The ovary begins to shrivel, soon reaching the size and acquiring much the appearance of a peachst )ne. A few months later it is still more shrunken, and after the cessation of the menses it often becomes so shrunken as to be scarcely recognizable. .\t the same time that the ovaries are undergoing this remarkable degenerative change, a similar change is taking place in the other organs of generation. The uterus also diminishes in size, as does also the vagina. The mouth of the womb becomes contracted, and after a time entirely closes. The upper part of the vagina is often contracted to such a degree as to produce folds closely resembling those which result from serious inflammations about the uterus. The breasts are diminished in size. These changes indicate unmistakably the decline of the function of repro'duction, preparatory to its entire suspension." SYMPTOMS OF CH.\N'GE OF LIFE The symptoms will vary according to the constitution of the woman; in some the change occurs by the discharge gradually diminishing in quan- 200 CHAXCE or LIFE 20I tity, in others by the intervals between the periods being leiigtliened. The woman may pas^ this period witiiout Iiaving any more unpleasant symp- toms than an occasional rush of blocd to the head, or a headache. Others, however, may have very severe symptoms. Headache, dizziness; biliousness, sour stomach, indigestion. diarrha?a, costiveness. piles; itching of the private parts; cramps and colic in the bowels; palpitation of the heart; swelling of the limbs and abdomen; pams in the back and loins; paleness and general weakness. The neuralgias, nervousness, fidgets and hysterias which atllict some women at this period are such as to make life nnserable. Flushings are also a frequent nervous disorder, caused by the rushing of the blood to any part of the body. Sometimes the ilusliing is accompanied by excessive heat or by violent throbbing. Sometimes nausea and vomiting accom- pany the nushing, or the patient may be thrown into a profuse perspira- tion, while at other times the mind becomes so excited that it amounts to actual delirium. These perspirations are sometimes so profuse as to saturate the bed-clothing. They may follow the Hushing or occur inde- pendently. Usually they occur during sleep. They also attend mental excitement of anv kind. "CHANGE OF LIFE" NOT TO BE DREADED Most women look forward to "change of life" with serious apprehen- sion, and the prevailing opinion is that it is a period of great risk to health and even to life. This is a mistaken notion, however, and recent investiga- tion proves that there i> less mortality among \vomen at this period than among men of the same age, and also that there is less mortality among women during this decade than during any other decade after' the age of puberty. Women who safely pass this period have also a better chance of living to a ripe old age than have men. The woman who comes to this period with a constitution unimpaired by fashionable dress, by dissipation, or by excesses of any kind, has little or nothing to fear, and will almost invariably pass it quickly, and with safety. To the woman with feeble health and a broken constitution, however, this may prove indeed a critical 302 CHANCE OP LIFE (oreboJ.ngs. A proper preparation will do much to tnitigate the sufferings o( tins age and ■. ,s well, indeed, if being foreuarned i! ti„,e, si begta to correet the of the past in tua.ters per.a.ning to dress, diet a!,d ex" HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS. \Vith the appearance of the first begin treatment which growths, such as tumors, polyp, cancers, flooding, and many other con ^m'::, tSeZ'tT "" ''";':■ "'''-' "■■" -™ ^-'serous to man; tlnr vent ( , V °' '•'"""'■ '"" ''">' '""^^ P'°P" P^-ntions to prevent future suffern.g. Many women, when contemplating this perfect health w,ll never be re-established. The reason so much snfferin.^ .s e.vper,cnced during this period is that women do not understand ho" o P^per ly prepare the system to undergo it with nndi.ninishe l ," t Mature s laws are no, violated, there will he no trouble whatever Mature has four ways of removing obstructions; namely the lun»s ahmeutary canal, kidneys, and the several tuillion pores of the kin Wh ,' ear'Tl": LTT"'';! "'", ™™^^-™' °' "-^ "«^-. - -e ,!e rfi, „ , , '' ™"'°"" '° ""^ '='« "' °" l-eing.-constrneted V pro'rr ';,""' '"" ,"" """ "" ''^'^^- °""°P *^ nmscular s™ m oy proper breathing and exercise. NATURE'S WAY OF REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS Change of life is one of Nature's requirements, hence the necessity of b> nutr t.ous food, and by keeping the skin clean and free for the perfect el.nnnat.on o all superfluous secretions. Women at this period should take enemas, both by means of the rectum and the vagina Man "n pose that these weake-^ the system; on the contrary they rende it hca thy. washmg away all eliminations of the mucous tissues This is as neces^ary as cleansing the skin. Very warm water should be injected if CHANGE OF LIFE troubled with gases; a li.tle borax or bi-carbona.e of dissolve,! i„ vater wll neutralize acidity aud overcome condition. If sore or irri- a ed, tjse slippery eln, injections, making then, enougb to pass easily througb the syrtnge. Fountain svringes are l,est ^ In cases of hot flashes, heartburn, an.l sleeplessness, a ,lisor,lere,l tontach ,s generally found ,„ be the canse. .\ rest fr„„, eating for urn (o- r hours, wtth a one-grain dose of nu.x vo.nica. taken two „f ,h ee , s durtng the day, will overcome these .lifKcnlties. If o' r o, DIET AND BATHING DURING "CHANGE OF LIFE" lulls tcl^^^^^^^^^^^ '-^'^ ^-'^^ -.1 nuts. Mea s, except .vild game, should be avoided, as a rule thoueh their .ndu gence produces a tonic action, causing n p e to o other th.ngs; when this results, their use is beneficial. The mine hould not contmually dwell upon self, but should be diverted with nlsan com final. Elevate the sp.nt, and the body will grow strong. Alwavs dress circulation of the blood. Try to maintain regularitv of the bowels by eat- ing properly, and not by dependence upon medi'cines only ThtuTar exercise and deep breathing are also essential. ^ " AS HEALTHY AT FIFTY AS AT FIFTEEN ""''^'"5 "'' " '"'"''''' '' ''''' P^"°^- Turkish, vapor and hot tlrltu) Z\ "/'"''V^'^ '•°°'^' "-"'^'^'ng the skin thoroughlv with a turkish bath towel or flannel. Fleshy people can use water freelv I u t ^.n weak people should rub oils well into the skin after taking ot b Bathmg twice a week is necessary. We also wish to impress ,' 204 CHANGE OF LIFE minds that you can be as healthy at fifty as at fifteen years of age. with an improved mental olucation. experience and culture, which should add to your attractions. During the period marked by change of life, there should be as little mdulgence in the sexual relation as possible, none at all being preferable. It IS better to invite menstruation as long as possible. By doing this you exercise a most excellent safeguard against congestions. inHammations and developments of uterine tumors and cancers. Injections should always be used after a discharge from the vagina, whether of the menstrual or leucorrhoeal character. These injections will prevent the great amount of itchmg, pani and smarting from which most women suffer so much dunng this period. Do not fear to use water freely; a gallon at a time will not be too much, using, if possible, a fountain syringe, it being the most convenient means for injections. Commenr ? with water comfortabl v warm, gradually increasing the temperature until quite hot. Have no fear that the douche will induce hemorrhage, for there is no means known to the medical profession so prompt in checking uterine hemorrhage as copious injections of hot water. When change of life is so far .advanced that the secretions from the womb and vagina are sharp and acrid, causing increased soreness and inflammation, add to the water a little borax or bi-carbonate of soda Use this treatment every other day, wearing a wet towel over the sore parts at night, which may be wet in either hot or cold water, as is most agreeable. In connection with bathing and injections, use the third trituration of vi'.urnum opulus, also of Pulsatilla, one grain at a dose the viburnum to be taken at night, and the Pulsatilla in the morning These medicines come prepared in any homeopathic pharmacy, and should be taken during one week of each month. If excessive thirst is experienced, cold water (without ice), acidulated with a few drops of phosphoric acid, and sweetened with a little sugar, may be drank freely. This makes a pleasant, healthful drink. To relieve pain at the base of the brain, and along the spine, bathe treely in alcohol diluted one-third with water, producing gentle friction. THE FACE OF GOODXESS. (From a painting of Jenny Linrl.) LITITIA BONAPARTE-MOTHER OF NAPOLEON. ,„^ Til'^ ^^? °^ ^ '^^'''''^- ' '^'*' ^'aPoleon, is always the work of his mother," and this extraordinary man took pleasure in repeating, that to his mother he owed his elevation. " CHAXGE OF LIFE .trr^:^:,rffr:r"\i::''' t--;— -<> even, DO SEXUAL PASSIONS CEASE increase in in.ensi 'v a" ": "''''°"" '' ""^ '^■•"'' ••""I "" P--'«.^i....s «.'eertra::t;:tv;,ti::,'';:i;:v7'' -.,'■" --■ "'^ — her. At puberty , c h„ ' " """'"' '°- "'"' «cnrring in Prineip,e,'an,r^^e ; r, Ze :,: ",r '" '""'" "^ "«'• "'"■'" i^ «- ™le Correspondingly, S^^^^^t^ ^.r™' "'"'■'■■» "« 'en.ale principle. fifty or fifty-five. He suffer ^hrn J ' "' ""= "«' °' '^^ '°«y '° •he base of the brain tndencMo ""™"™r'- »'«P'«sness, pain a. Suicides are a,so more'colra™ g ri"?. :,' ai:';:" T '"^"f^' weaj. ToaJ:X::.ra'rin ::"""'"?"." •""■^ "•"-■°- «™>' ~ importance, and as ^^7r:^;::^::tj:^t;i::: i ■.fc CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. (See Plate i.) I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7. & 9- 10. II. 13. 13. 14- 15- 16. 17- 18. »9. 20. 31. 22. 23. 24- 25. 26. 27. 28. 29- 30. 31. 32- 33. 34- 3S- 36. 37. Carotid arteriei, or the arteries of the head. Innominate artery, or the artery without a name. Sub-clavian arteries, or the arteries beneath the collar bone. The great artery leading from the heart. Pulmonary arteries, or the arteries of the lungs. Thoracic aorta, or the artery of the chest. Gastric artery, or artery of the stomac^.. Hepatic artery, or artery of the liver. Splenic artery, or artery of the spleen. Artery of the lower body. Mesenteric arteries, or arteries of the bowels (upper and lower). Renal arteries, or arteries of the kidneys. Ascending vena cava or the great vein coming down to the heart Innommate vein, the unnak...-d vein. Sub-clavian vein, the vein beneath the collar bone. Jugular, the large veins of the neck. Pulmonary, veins of the lungs. Ascending vena cava, the great vein leading up to the heart. Hepatic vein, vein of the liver. Gastric vein, vein c' the stomach. Sp! nic vein, vein of the spleen. Mesenteric vein, vein of the bowels. Portal vein, the great veins of the bowel, stomach and spleen leading to the liver. Renal vein, vem of the kidney. Right auricle, the right upper chamber of the heart. Left auricle, the left upper chamber of the heart. Right ventricle, the right lower chamber of the heart. Left ventricle, the left lower chamber of the heart. Thoracic duct, the big duct carrying milky fluid from the intestines to the lef* vein under the collar bone. The stomach. The spleen. The liver. The kidney. Duodenur the bowel leading from the stomach. Ascending colon, the first part of the large bowel. Descending colon, the large bowel going down to the rectum. Lymphatic glands of the mesentery, glands of the bowels. 208 PART IV CARE AND MANACit-MENT OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN CHAPTER XVII INFANTS— AND HOIV TO CARE FOR THEM "A pebble in the streamlet scant Has turned the course of many a river. A dewdrop on the infant plant Has warped the girnt oaK forever." THE proper management of infants is a vital question-a mother's quest.on.-and the most important that c,>n be brought tmder the cons.derat.on of a parent. Strange to say. it is one that has been great.y neglected. Mothers too frequently undertake the responsible management of children without previous instruction, or without for^^ thought; they undertake it as though it could be learned either by intui- |on by mst.nct. or by aflfection. The consequence is. that frequently hey are .n a sea of trouble and uncertainty, tossing about without e Je rience or compass. ^ How many celebrated men have owed their greatness and their good- ness to a mother's training? "The fate of a child." said Napo eont always the work of his mother." and this extraordinary man took pTea'sue •n that to his mother he owed his elevation. The character of the mother .nfluences the children more than that of the father, because she .s more exposed to their daily, yea, hourly observation A ch.ld .s the precious gift of God, the source of a mother's purest enjoyment and the strongest bond of affection between her and the hus- 309 no INFANTS^AND HOW TO CARE FOR THEM BABYS FIRST NEED If the following pages insist on the importance of a mother's one duty more than another, it is this.-that she herself look well into everything pertammg to the management of her child. Blessed is that mother amone "lothers. of whom it can be said, she hath done what she could for her child— for his welfare, his happiness, and his health. The first need of the little one as he enters this world is to be iiade comfortable. VNhat is better than to immediately anoint the entire body m ohve od or pure sweet lard. then, after wiping him with a soft cloth, roll h.m up m soft blankets, head and all. and put him away to ^leep or a space of three hours. The reason for this oiling is threefold- U nourishes the body, removes the paste-like substance found on every n w-born cluld and removes the soreness and tenderness experienced by into'thrworld ' ''' """' '"'" °' '°"^"^^'°" ^•^^^"^'^ '^^ P^^-s' CARE OF THE KAVEL unit r'\ ''"""^ '''?"^ '' '''^' '"'• ''''''^''^ '" ' P'^'^^ °^ fi"^ °'d "nen, unsii ged: when smged it often irritates the infant's skin. Take a piece of so f linen, about three inches wide and four inches long, wrap it neatly round the navd string, in the same manner you would around a cut finger, and then tie it with a few rounds of white thread. The navel string thus covered should, pointing upward, be placed on the belly of the child be secured m by means of a flannel belly-band. If after the navel string has been secured, bleeding should occur, the a^d sTr 1^" T ""f ''^'^ ^° "^'^ '' ''' ^°^-^""^ -'• ^>^^^^^y -tie the nave string. To make assurance doubly sure, after once tying it she should pass the threads a second time around the navel string, ^.d ii i again. Af er carefully ascertaining that it no longer bleeds, fasten it up a be ore. Bleeding of the navel string rarely occurs, yet in case it shouH :f the above directions are not adopted, the child's after he.'.U. o even his life, may be endangered. ^" The nave! string generally separates from the child from three to H - INFANTS^AND HOIV TO CARE FOR THEM jn days after birth. If the navel string does not come away at .l,c cn.l of a week nothn^g should be done to cause the s ^ration-it ough jl le allowed to ' -*=<• wet aTnllT- Vr °" P'"""S Hm in the hath, shonW be ::hru::::atrpr\"^'^'^"^^"^ back and lo. s. Follou ,h,s advice and you will find the pl,n n,„„ 21J INFANTS^AND HOl^ TO CARE FOR THEM strcngihcning to the child. After every bath, the skin must be thoroughly Init quickly dried with warm. dry. soft towels. »noroughIy The ears must be carefully and well dried with a soft, dry nankin- na tenfon to this advice has sometimes cau.ed a gathering i.' the "' dncd ail the parts that are at all likely to be chafed ougl;. to be well poJ jered: after c is well dned and powdered, the chcst'back. bo^e s'a.:; hmbs should be gently , .d. taking care not to expose him unnec ! sarily dunng such friction. EVENfING BATH FOR INFANTS It is restful to them to partially wash them each evening. It may be necessary dso to use .n spo.ige and warm water during the (hv each tin,! a er the bowels ha.e been relieved. Cleanliness is o.^ ^^^:^. fves to health, and therefore cannot be too strongly advised is Iv T" '"/''' '''"" "^ ■'"""" "'''^ "'"■'■'»' »° ^"«t «" 'i"fant. there lT7uT : '"""'' " ' ^'"" ^^^^^''^-^'- old-fashioned tarJh HKule of wheaten flour-reduced y means of a pestle and mortar to a fine powder; or v.ola powder, .hich is nothing more than finely poV dere starch scented, and which may be procured of any druggist' ' wat :.sM i^b ;'•' '" T"'" r ''''''' ''''' ^P°"^'"^ ^'-' -^'' -in R 1 " ' ""' "^ """'■■" ' "' ^''^" ^^"tly pat t'.e parts with it totheTamoHn^'^r"/'""-^ T '''''''''' °^^""^ '^ ^^^ -"* °^ -ter- to the uant of an abundance of water. An infant who is well bathed everv -ommg seldom sufTers from any of the numerous skin diseased ^ TREATMENT OF A GROIN RUPTURE A groin rupture can also be permanently cured, if properly attended to w rm : : tiraTh' " 'T ''' '°^^" ''-' '""^^ ''' aLmrandln 1 n T ''"'" ^''''" ""^' P'*'^'^^ ^^^'^ the rupture. Bandaee down well. Continue treatment until rupture is well healed. ^ iNF^xrs-.txD now to care t-on them HYGIK.VIC URESS FOR AN INFANT «3 old^hT! n"^"''",'^ ""f''' '" ""' ^^^•■" ""♦" ''^'^ •^'"'^J '^ "Tce month- old t should be moderately. I.ut not tightly apphcU. If ,i,.ht it in.crfc s with the necessary movement of the bowels ""tritrts flanlerisT^'beTr"; """" '" ""'^ "' "'^^ ''''' Roods-Canton nannei . the be.t we have at prcsrnt-ct.t princess, reaching from the ne k to ten „Khes (twenty-five in.hes long) below the feet, "ith see to the wnsts. and having all the sean.s smooth, and the hen. at tie 7^^^^ wnst and botton, upon tl,e outside- the latter turne.l over once a m^ f e i or tie and button behind. Here you have fleec...,e,| garment, comfortable and healthy, and o.;e that can be washed the n ck to twelve o. fourteen inches below the feet-to cover the other -w, h generous armholes pinked or scalloped, bt.t not boun.l. and with ^vo uttons behind at the neck, and may 1. at p" III The dress cut pnncess to match the other garments is preferable sleev ""nd'tr"'' ''"'" 'V'"^ '^^"^'" '"^°^^ dressing-sleeve within slee^e-and hen put over the little one's head at once and buttoned be md. an the babj is dressed, there being but one pin-, diaper .i- n baby s dress mstead of fifteen. Ko shoulder blanket should be used because u . sometimes over the head, sometimes about the should::!; and neck, and sometimes oflf entirely, and these changes are exposures Accustom the little one from the first to go without it ^■^P^^"'-^^- At mght the dress should be simply a Canton flannel nightdress and cbaper and a belly-band-the dress being not unlike the under garmenn the suit, only a little longer. i,«*rmeni m A WORD TO YOUNG MOTHERS nlinl f " ." '" '"^' ^"" '^"^ ^"^' ^°° cumbersome. It is really pamful to see how some poor little babies are weighted down with a weight 214 INFANTS-AND HOW TO CARE FOR THEM 5' of clothes. They may he said to bear the burden, and that a heavy one fron, the very commencement of their lives. The clothing should be warm, wuhout being ,00 warn,. The parts that ought to l.e k ".varrn are the chest, bowels, and feet. If the infant is delicate es, ecial Iv i , ject to inflan,ma.ion of the lungs, he ought to t! „" ^^ .^ j h,rt, winch should be changed frequently. The dress sLdd b loose, so as to prevent any pressure upon the bloodvessels, which votdd the parts It ought to be loose about the chest and wais, so that the ungs and heart may have free play It should be loose about he stomac' o that d,gcs„on may no. be impeded; it ought ,0 be loose about the Lt "., , ''f"f "« ""Portance of putting on a bandage modera.elv without hmdrance. through the arteries and veins- it ourh, .„ 1 ? everywhere, for nature delights in freedom from r«tr n.^ ^^^^ sooner or later, any interference. Oh, that a mother would tak ommon many a httle suffere- to be throw „ into convulsions. W hen an mfant is sent out for exercise in the winter time, be sure that ck-Tn rr th'^""*"' " "'"' ""'" '"= '""'' =■ ■="'"=<' ™-* d from' his talLrlr,'' " T'' ~'''' =" ^'""' °^" ="■ "^ "'" *=" come from Ins walk refreshed and strengthened, for cold air is an invigorating WHEN TO PUT INFANTS IN SHORT DRESSES is a,'';h'!'e„T„rr "" "^I" '™' "'°'' *°"'="'"« = "^^'" ^^ ^ - ^aned, .s at he end of two months: in the winter, at the end of three months tn I'ti ':,::fof'; ™ '"t '"""" '° '- '- •"= ^p-'-^- ■- '• "^ "^"-<. nd some til i '\"V""^ " "'"'">' '"^ ">'"« -'' treacherous; INFANTS-.IXD HOW TO CARE FOR THEM 215 DIET OF AX IXFAMT "a e Dccn intended hy nature to cleanse the system of the h-iI,o I „. V. .n. ...ere i., ,,0 „a, ,„i,, a, n... .„c ve,v L „, .t'!;:;' o. o ', I: require artihc al food for nt ]on' '"'^"'"= y pamy tnere is m the nervous system, and how suscentihle th. ,.^ are to pain, no surprise can be lelt ^f thl ■ ^iisceptible the young ness, flatulence acidi.v etc • .he 1,0.^,1 , ' """"« ''""■ costiveness and a. ano I, .i' J , ! *' .'"f'^;"^ ^"^!''^' ^' -= '-e cr lime purging, the skin, causing eruptions. HELPS FOR DENTITION taJlrinr .he'l" ^r' "', ■'" '""''' ™* '™" '"'"i-S' -.-e,ieWn.X...J:— ---^--.^.en 220 INFANTS— AND HOIV TO CARE fOR THEM deaths in cities from teething is large, in the country it is comparativelv trifling. ' Should an infant be purged during teething, or any other time, I should look upon the relaxation as an effort of nature to relieve itself. A child is never purged without a cause; that cause, in most instances, is the pres- ence of some undigested food, acidity, or depraved motions, and no astrin- gent medicine should be given. The better plan is to give laxatives such as either olive oil, and thus work it off; apply also to the abdomen. If we lock up the bowels, we confine the enemy, and thus produce mischief. If he is purged more than usual, attention should be paid to the diet and care must be taken not to overload the stomach. A child is subject to a slight cough during dentition, which is an effort of nature to bring up any secretion from the lining membrane of the lungs, or from the bronchial tubes, hence it ought not to be interfered with. DRIBBLINC BIBS A child who is teething dribbles, and thereby wets his chest, which fre- quently cauces him to catch cold. The best remedy is to have in readiness several flannel dribbling bibs, so that they may be changed as often as they become wet; or, if he dribbtes very much, the oiled silk bibs may be used, instead of the flannel ones. A child, during teething, should have little fruit, unless it is a roasted apple, the juice of five or six grapes— taking care that he does not swallow either the seeds or the skin— the inside of ripe gooseberries, or an orange. Such fruits, if the bowels are in a costive state, will be particularly useful. TREATMENT FOR CONVULSIONS If teething causes convulsions, the first thing to be done is to freely dash water upon the face, and sponge the head with cold water. As soon as warm water can be procured, put the child into a warm bath of 98 degrees Fahrenheit. If a thermometer is not at hand, plunge your elbow into the water; a comfortable heat for your elbow will be a proper heat for the infant. He must remain in the bath for a quarter of an hour, or until INFANTS-AXD HOW TO CARE FOR THEM 22 1 the fit is at an end. The body must be wiped with uarn,. ,Irv coarse g e h.m the following: A tea .nade of camomile blos.un.s steeped in a httle water, stra.ned and sweetened. Dose. . teaspoonfuls everv 3L mi utes or more .f he craves it. Cold water .should be Applied to the' lid. vuls.ons ,s perfectly msensible to all pain whatever; indeed, a return to consciousness speedily puts convulsions to the rout. THE BABES BEST GIM STICK hi. tY^"! ' ^n^'^' u '""'"^ ''■' ''''^' '^'''' '' "" "'^J^'^ti"" to his sucking h.s thumb. The thumb is the best gum-stick in the world: it is conven tent; .t .s handy (in every sense of the w„nl): it is of the right size, and of ^he proper consistence, neither too hard nor to<. soft: there is no danger as of some artificial gum-sticks, of its being swallowe'- ^"^ ^'- ^'- ^'^i" ^'-t mottled ZZIZ^ " '° characteristic of health. He must, of course, be I must express my disapprobation of smothering an infant's face with a ve.1, or any other covering when taken into the air. If his face is so muffled up, he may as well remain at home. It is impossible for him to receive any benefit from the invigorating effects of the fresh air 00,.."""''^ encouraged to use muscular exertion; and for this pur- pose, he ought to be frequently laid upon a rug. or carpet, or the floor where he can stretch his limbs and kick about with perfect glee He crows dehght. and thoroughly enjoys himself; it strengthens his back i enables lum to stretch his limbs, and to use his muscles, and is one of ihe best kmds of exercise a very young child can take. \\'hile going through tins h,s diaper should be unfastened, in order that he may be untrammeled. By adopting the above plan the babe quietlv enjovs him- self-h,s bram .s not over excited by it. This is an important considera- tion for both mothers and nurses are apt to rouse an.l excite very youn^ children to their manifest detriment. A babe requires rest, and not excite ment. In the early period of his existence his time ought to be almost entirely spent in sleeping and in nursing! Some mothers or nurses amuse their children by tossing them. Can LITTLK ONES WHOM THE AUTHOR ATTEXDED AT BIRTH The above happy group Natal Cult., lendy's babi re and Painless Farturit ■ are all health presents tho results ion as set forth y and happy. The mothers e.,| s accuniptished bv "Fre- in this book. Dr. Me- IXRIXTS-.iXD now TO CARE rOR THliM ^5 anything l,c- ,norc cruel or al,s.,r.|' \i.,l,„, , ..f a snnu^ 1,,... OUK.U never .0 ,.e alio..,: iH.s ..cen .noun t.. ..ri.!; on;C!;.r WARMTH RI'QIIRKD BY A\ INFANT warm "ntT'll '""","'"•"" '" '"' ''"' "■""""»•">■ "rn,. I„„ ,„„ v„v xj':^:;!;;;';:rr:;;::;':;;rr;:!:.:;7> -""■' An unvonflatcl room so,,,, l,eco„,.s f„„| „,„, „„|,e-,|, ,v , """'""'■ ..- «oH... ..o.„ .„■„„.„ „„ ,„„„, „,„ ,.,,,„,,::';;:;;;';•;,,;: ;;-;-;,; A bahc ought not to sleep alone from the f.rst snv fnr ... r r niflammation of the eves In -nn.L • '«'"• '^ '" M^nu-tunes l.nngs on I "II ui Wit tjes. In speaknirr tf), anc 11 notii-in.r ., 1 1 CH^„otLu.nunjrr MISCELLANEOUS SUGGESTION'S FOR CARE OF INTAXTS I do not approve of rocking an infant to sleen it ti, , are observed, he .ill .eep so.l,|, and LIUk :it,' :: :;: ^^ are not. the rocking might cause him to fall into a feverish I i m ^ " '' or. but not into a refreshing, calm sleep. Besides :^.:;: ^ i;;;' he will not go to sleep without it. ' ^ '''"^• If the head of the crib is covered, the babe cannot breathe fr..l .. ™- Have .He ,„„ He,.fi, o, .„. H „, .."e'^^::" LV,;, •';„;:,: :; 226 WFASTS^AXD llOll' TO CAKli lOU THLXt luo ought to be frequently left slightly open, so that the air of the apart- •Iraugh*. If the annoy him while he is asleep. let a net veil be thrown ;;:::.J::cl::r " "^ "- ''-''' ''-''- ^^--^^ -^- ^- - ^-^^^ h.iBITS OF NEATNESS A babe of three months a.ul t.,.war.l. ought to be taught to use the chamber and not the napkin for the purpose of moving the bowe e oug to be held over one at least six tin,es during the fwentvfo Lu^ cleinha itt^ Tl ^ ^'^^"'^"^"'"-a.ul be would be inducted into clean hab,ts^-a blessmg to himself, a comfort to all around, and a great sav mg of dresses and of furniture. Teach the chihlren to be clean Vn unclean ch.ld is the mother's disgrace. Napkins should brted each .me after .he babe has urinated upon them. They a e eal er anl sweeter m every way. It generally pr^ts chafing. ^ TREATMENT FOR CHAFING au^r «x:;:^rir • "" "■=" -"-^ ""■■ — ->' ENEMAS FOR INFANTS If an infant's bowels are habitually costive trv the eff^rfc «f .«.er en^a. Le. three or four, or eten ™ore .II, pVo" t^dC r„ei^: f' ? '"'"" "' "■'™ "•='" ^^ a,imi„iLred. I, helm enema doe, no, have the desired effect, let a second, a third, or even mo l.e used as no harm can ,«ssibl.v arise from so simple a remedT Z efrec, of an enema ,s simply to wash qnt the l.o,vels-to remove any offend '", mot,on pent „p therein, and it does not at all interfere ethe/Uth^e =::::.:::;i:;;;;r::r-'- »nn.i,„ „ J,:: :;i ^^:';:;;;;''; ^ >-'f;-^ ;--.vo bo,„.„. f.o„,c,„ n l,al.. „„.akc,, i„ .l.c,™ „'"'"' "' ''"''' -"" '"= .ncreasi„K ,|,e ,|„anti,v a, he J n ""' '"""""K "' '"^ '''•■■■ FLAnXKXCK OR WIN,, ,,v tiir .sTOXUCfr 'ooIt;;:™:^;:rr:;;-::^r';::'''Tr^: —wia, '- .iatulcce i, Sa|.voia.i, J.1 :, ' T' l''^' '"■' ■"'■' -"'■-< -...cli., •ITCO ounces of „ Or a , ,' ' ,i, /' T""" "' "'"^ '"^"' >" foo ''>■ "'I'M ™y he hoiW L ten l,«e; nTteZT:, f "' ''""'" '••'""•'>■ --'» Oneor,„o.easpoo„fnlsof thecara,', "'■""■ ""' ""■■" ^'"""••'l- of Lis foo.l, or a .lose of rh 'arh Tn^ ' ' '" ""^^ '" """''' '" »'" 'I'-i.v nteans o, ,He .arm hand, over , he ,:;,'"> r ''''";'" ' """■■• ">• rurn„,g the child over on his bowels so! . , '^"l"™tly give relief. lap, will ofen afford great c I *' .^^ '^ "''' "T "" "' --■» ate ease in flatulence: it acts as a 1.1 . •''"""">' «"" """•<=■"■ Anothe. cxcellen remedy ,^^ZT '" "" '"""''■ •nel. folded into two or three L:.' I ' ' ..r.?;"^- '"'" ' "-- <" "an- tlry, and apply as hot • thicknesses, in warm as the child can comfortably bea water; wring it tolerably r It to the bowels. ^^^, 228 INFAXTS-AND HOIV TO CARE FOR THEM then wrap him in a warm, dry blanket, and keep liim. for at least half an lour, enveloped in it. Under the above treatment he will generally soon tall mto a sweet sleep, and awake quite refreshed. HICCOUGHS Hiccough is of such a trifling nature as hardlv to require interference It may generally be traced ^o over-feeding. Should it be severe a tea- spoonful of water with a little sugar are all that will be necessary. INFANTILE DI.-\RRHa^.A, OR CHOLERA INFANTUM is one of the most frequent an,e„ s„c is' pregutu ' O .j t^ ^- HIVKS OR NETTLE RASH AM) ITS CrRF and many time on es a d '""""""" ""' " "">• "^"'^ ■••' "" ■«-' Place 1, „,„ ^ ■ '■=""""'"R o'l'y a short time in a j.^o,_.mes.osur;^re:r':::.rf:::;;s;r:^:: r;io::,;T;:rd:z;^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and'"a:.:::ot;:'dt" 'Tr-""" t" '-" "■■^•^- ^ -^ ■""'' •^'•"-•■ ofpowdered bor« " *' '"'° ""'"' ''" '='" *'"™ ^ "^'-P-""' 230 1M'\L\TS-AXD HOW TO CARE FOR THEM Stuffiness of the nose in a new-born babe may be prevented by rubbing a little tallow on the bridge of the nose. This is the old-fashioned remedy and answers the purpose. It ought to be applied every evening just before . puttnig hun to bed. If the stuffing is severe, dip a sponge in hot water as hot as he can comfortably bear; ascertain that it is not too hof then put It for a few minutes to the bridge of his nose. As soon as the hard mucus IS within reach, it should be carefully removed. THRUSH AND HOW TO CURE IT The thrush is a frequent disease in infancy, and is often brought on either by stuffing or by giving improper food. A child brought up entirely, for the f^rst three or four months, on the breast, seldom suffers from this complaint. The thrush consists of several irregular, roundish, white specks on the lips, the tongue, the inside, and the angles of the mouth, giving the parts affected the appearance of curds and whey having been smeared upon them. The mouth is hot and painful, and he is afraid to nurse; the moment the nipple is put in his mouth he uegins to cry. The thrush sometimes, though rarely, runs through the whole of the alimentary canal. It should be borne in mind that nearly every child, who is nursing, has the thrush at some time. It may be mild or very severe. Thrush is generally due to improper food. If the child is at the breast, keep him, for a time, entirely to it. Do not let him nurse continually, as that will not only fret his mouth but irritate and make sore the mother's nipple. If he is not at the breast, but has been weaned, then keep him for a few days entirely on a milk diet-the milk of one cow— either boiled, if it is hot weather, to keep it sweet, or unboiled in cool weather— fresh as it comes from the cow, mixed with lime water in the proportion of two parts of milk to one of lime water. The best medicine is the old-fashioned one of borax, a combination of powdered lump sugar and borax being a good one for the purpose; the powdered loaf sugar increases the efficacy and the cleansing properties of IXFAXrs-AXD HOir TO C.^RE fOR THEM ,„ The best lo.,l rcmcly is hontv ami borax, ivbich ourh. m I,. BABY'S FIRST STEPS -a sa:, a,K,, ^Z^^^M^Z^^^TT '"" ■""^- "'"■ waler. ,l,e„ lo, ,|,c,n bo .Irie.l '' '" " ''™" °' "'" tilings esscntiilK n.^ ' ^ '"^ '° '■*-^'"''"''^- '^'^'^ "^'^ f^"-" for his skin- nicmv of^fr^ 1 ' " " ' ''"'"'■'■ """"■■'>■ I''""-'' °' ™'' (giving hi,„ o •, '""'T:"'"' """< ""«'' "i"' " for his s,o,„ach n»n,h"; is i ™"J7"','' """"=: "- fi- ^■■- eight, or niAe dan eoo,e "an f^"''V"'" ■""'"' ^"™'^'^^>"''^^^^^ else beside tZITI ' ?■ '"'' '"°" '" ''' eo>«ed than angl,, .eatnin^eeX:;:::,; rahhitr *' ^" *^ ""'-- ■- •"' CHAPTER XVIII NURSING OF INFANTS AS MOTHERHOOD is the sweetest tliin- i„ tl,'e world, a mother l>lcsse(l with Iiealth and strength, an.l a good hreast of milk, would be most unnatural and cruel if she did not nurse her own child Those mothers who nurse and cherish their own offspring are not only more truly mothers, but they have a double reward in that, while thei'r children thrive and thus gladden their hearts, thev themselves are also very materially benefited. A mother, too. who dues not nurse her child is very hkely soon to be in the family way again. This is an important consideration, as frequent child-bearing is much more weakening to the constitution than is the nursing of children. Indeed, nursing, as a rule mstead of weakening, strengthens the mother's frame exceedinglv, and assists her muscular development. THE BREAST As soon as the patient lias recovered from the fatigue of labor— say, m about four to -six hour^attention ought, especially in a f^rst confine- ment, to be paid to the breasts. In the first confinement there is, until the third day. but very little milk; although there is usually on that day and for two or three days after^yard. a great deal of swelling, hardness, distension, and uneasiness of the breasts: in consequence of which, both care and attention are needed. Not only this, but there is frequently a degree of feverishness. which, in some cases, is rather severe, amounting even to .vhat is called milk fever. If there is milk in the breast, which may be readily ascertained bv squeezing the nipple between the finger and the thumb, the infant should at first be applied, not frequently, but at considerable intervals, sav until the milk is properly secreted, every four hours. When the milk Hows, the child ought to be applied more frequently, but still at stated times. 232 NURsixG or /.\7-. /.vr.9 -^^ _ To wash away any viscid mucus from the nipple, or anv stale perspira- tion. the breasts an.l nipples shoul.l he sponged with a ..ttic warm water and dried with a warm, soft napkin. Some infants are .so particular, tliat' imless the l.reasts are perfectly free from stale i.erspiration. and the nipples' from dned-up milk, they will not nurse. If after the cle-, process, there is any difliculty in making him nurse, smear a li.tle crean^i on the nipple, and then inmiedialcly apply him to it. MILK-DL-CTS IN THE HUMA.N .MAMMA. If the hreasts are full. hard, knotty, and painful, which they generally are two or three days after a first confinement, let them be well but ten- derly rubbed every four liours. with the best olive oil or witli equal parts of olive oil an ologne, which should be well shaken in a bottle everv time before usine. 234 NURSING OF INFANTS MILK FEVER =r. ?„"! !'","''''' ''''■• """' ''^"'"'y '"" = •"•'' confinemenl, the breasts P .w ce da'r T, "'"T" "' ' ""' "'''' '° "=« '"''" """n once Stores ■ ' "■' ''" """"'P' '" ""^ P"P°'' '°""d ^' =" drug If the breasts are more than usually large and painful in addition o ass, ,sK. i„ ,„ ,,„„ „,^,„ ^__„;,^ ,„^ Lsts:i: thetr >, J ou„5 cabbage leaves, „l,icl, shoul.l be renewed after each rubbing Before a„p,png .„e„,, the veins „f the leaves' should with a sharp k"fe the b east ought to be covered. The cabbage leaves will be found both cooling and comforting. While the breasts are full and uncomfortable the patient ought not to dnnk much fluul. as it encourages a larger secretion of milk. XX'hen the secretion of is at its height, she ought, during the day. to take: Tinct of acomte. 4 drops, in full glass of water. Dose. . teaspoonfuls every hour' The size of the breasts under the above management v ill soon de-' crease, all pain will cease, and the infant will, with ease and comfort, take the breast. SECOND AND SUCCEEDING CONFINEMENTS If the breasts are comfortable (which in the second and in succeeding confinements they probably will be), let nothing be done, except as soon as the cohies. at regular intervals, apply the child alternately to each of them. The child will, as a rule, be the best and the only doctor the bosoms require. ST.\TED TLME FOR NURSING After the babe has been oiled, he generally falls asleep, and sleeps for several hours. It is not necessary to arouse him from his slumber to give him sustenance-certainly not; the mother's milk is not always ready for him; but as soon as it is, he instinctively awakes, and becomes imporf,- nate, and ones until able to obtain it. Nature-beneficent Nature-if we NCRSJXG Of IMAMS 235 will^ but fisten to her voice, will usually tell us what to do and what not A mother ought to nurse her babe at stated times. It is a bad habit to give the breast every time a c'.dd cries, regardless of the cau.e; for be u r nan ""r-";,T.'^'^^'">^- ^-'l^ing. -ind. or aculity-the breast is not too often-havmg hun almost constantly at the breast. This practice is mjunous both to parent and to child. During the first n.onth. tl,e child hould be nursed ai,out every hour and a half; the second month everv wo hours; gradually increasing, as he becomes older, the distance of tin>e between, until at length he has the breast about everv four hours If sTtCfilr '"'''"^ ^''""'''' ''' '"" ""'' '"""^ ^"^ '' '^ '^''''' ''"'''• ^"'' '>^ A mother frequently allows her babe to nurse a great part of everv night This plan ,s hurtful both to herself and the child; it weakens her' and thus enfeebles him; it robs them both of their sleep, and' bad habus. will be difficult to break; it often gives the rnother a sore n.pple and the child a sore mcuth; it sometinies causes the mother to have a gathered breast, and fills the child with wind. It is surprisin<^ how soon an uifant may. by judicious management, be brought into'^good habits; It only requires, at first, a little determination and perseverance A mother should not. directly after taking a long walk, and while "in a state of violent perspiration, give her babe the breast; the milk beinjr at that time in a heated state, will disorder the chikrs bowels or it mav originate some skin disease, and one difficult to cure. She ought before givmg h.m the breast, to wait until the surface of her body be moderately cool, but not cold. Let her be careful not to sit in draughts. CLOTHING FOR NURSING MOTHER A nursing mother ought to have her dress ma .,:,. „,.,„er to atten.l to her househoM cratcl, occt p.ecl son,ethin,. useful. She never looks so eharminr s '■cillln cluWrc, „f „,„ ,l,i„ff „i,|,i„ „„■ k„„„k.,lgo The \l„,irf„v k n respecter „r „er.,„s. , ,. ,„,, ,,„., ,„„, „,„^,^,„^„ ' ' '^ '^ " n '. wo.„a„ .„„l M is a ,„esse„ ,„i„, .., ,„ „„,,,., ,„ „,„,"',',; e>er jiese. „,a„Mn,l. .\„,„r, l,:,s „,„,ic oecipatio,, ,-, neeessi.v socie.v makes ,. a ,l„ly: lu,l,it may n.ake it a pleasure.' ' ^ TREATMnxT OF SMALL A.VD RETRACTE.) XIPpLES .I,eI!™,'r''V,"""\"' """' '■ "" ""'" «""' '""""^ »'-'''■ I'l^'cecl over le nipple. I l.ave known many niotl.ors able ,o nnrse .heir cl iWren will, ns nnen.,on. wl,„ chemise „onl,l have l,ee„ ol.lised .o h a„ .hem. or ,„ have procnre.l .he assis.anee of a we. n„L. Tl ^1^ "i ... .he general .y „f ins.ances. „ill enahic .he infan. ,o „„r Uea ' Af. r ,h,s has heen used f.,r a ,i„,e, ,l,e nipples will he so hnprovcd as .o render llie continuance of i. nnnecessarv. Another simple way of .Irawing on.'the nipple is .o hold .he howl of a common clay p,pe ,„ew) over the nipple and .hen another person by nently develop the nipple. The following is an excellent remedy for retracted nipples- .\nnlv a zone of collodio,. an inch or two wide around the nipple_at the distance of half an nich. Tins has been found a very efficient remedy. The appHca- 238 M'RSIXG OP IXPANTS ti<'M .nay he made with a earners I,air hrnsh or with the finger. Collodion ..s harmless i„ its cfTcct. a.ul can be applic.l often, till ,lcsirce .hspensed with. When the infant is not at the breast a metallic shield should be worn. Small, bad and sore nipples have, by wearing these •shields, frequently been .Irawn out an.l ma.le g.K.,I ones; the dress will suffice to keep them in their places. These shieMs are very cooling an.l healing: and serve to keep ofT ail pressure from the clothes;' they will fre- quently cure sore nipples when r.ther remedies have failed. T .T.MK.VT OF SOKK XIPI'LKS If a wx,man. during the latter months of ,,regnancy. were to adopt means to hanlen the nipples, sore nipples during nursing would not be so prevalent as they now are. .\ frecpient cat - of a sore nipple is a result of the babe having the thrush. It is foil, r .ttempt to cure the nipple without at the same time, curing the mouth of the infant. One of the best reme.Iies for a sore nipple is the following: Borax, one dram; pow- dered starch, seven herc(l in with a severe chill; the more severe the gathering, the longer the chill lasts. Let this fact be impressed deeply upon the mother's mind, as it ailinits of no exception. I his shivering is either accompanied or followed by sharp, lancinating pains. The breast now greatly enlarges, becomes hot. and is very painful. The milk in the affccte.l breast either lessens or entirely disappears. If the child is api)lieil to the breast (which ought not to be), it gives the mother intense pain. She is feverish and ill, she is hot one minute, and cold the ne.xt — feeling as though cold water were circulating with the blood in her veins; she loses her strength and appetite, and is very thirsty; she is, in fact. ill. If a doctor is suinmoncd at the very onset of the chill, he will probably be able to prevent a gathered breast. If twelve hours elapse after the chill has taken place, the chances are that the gathering caimot be prevented; although, even then, it may, by judicious treatment, be materially lessened. When once a woman has had the severe form of gathered breast, she ought, in all subsequent confinements, before nursing her babe, to obtain the express permission of the doctor to do so, or she may have a return of the gathered breast, and the concomitant i)ain, misery and annoyance. The reason of the above is obvious — the function of the breast, in a severe gathering, might be irrep.irably injured; so that, in all subsequent con- finements, the very attempt of nursing may, instead of inducing secretion of milk, set up inflammatory action, terminating in gathering of the breast again. TRE.\TMENT OF F.AINTING WHILE NURSING When a nursing mother feels faint, she ought immediately to lie down and take a little nourishment; a cup of beef tea with the yolk of an egg beaten in it, will answer the purpose extremely well. She is sometimes If (aim from nursing her chiUi of.ouT than f„„r h„„r, \ i a m,r,in„ n,.„h..r L "„ ^ ""'■'' ",' '""" '""" '■"""■"»• \Vha, ..vchin,,lf«.,,,„r wean h,m ;;,;;;;,,';' '"'"■ ""' -'"■ »' The Ics, laxative mc.linnc a nur.uii; „„„h,.r r,l:,- ,1 i be for herself a„.l her infa,,,, I, the h,™els , :, ' "'" "'" '' far the host ren, v<.„ ean never ,l„ ,„ , ■'" "■"'•"'■' '' '•> .o th. babe. .,. the a,hnin.trati:, :,':,; ;;;;.„';;;""' '•"" "•' '"- - CHAPTER XIX WEANING THERE is an old saying, "That a woman should carry her child nine months, and should nurse him nine months." It is well known that the first part of the old adage is correct, and experience has proved the latter to be equally so. If a babe is weaned before he is nine months old he loses that muscular strength which the breast milk alone can give; if he is nursed after he is nine months, he becomes pallid, Jlabby, weak and deli- cate. It is generally recognized that the healthiest children are those weaned at nine months complete. Prolonged nursing hurts both child and mother; in the child, causing a tendency to brain disease, probably through disordered digestion and nutrition; in the mother, causing a strong tendency to deafness and blindness. TIME FOR WE.ANIXG The time when an infant should be weaned must depend upon the strength of the child, and upon the health of the mother; nine months on an average being the proper time. If the mother is delicate, it may be found necessary to wean him at six months: or if he is weak, or laboring under any disease, it may be well to continue nursing him for twelve months; but after that time the breast will do him more harm than good, and will injure the mother's health. If nursed after he is twelve months old, he is generally pale, flabby, unhealthy, and rickety: and the mother is usually nervous, emaciated, and hysterical. A child who is nursed beyond the proper time, more especially if there is any predisposition, sometimes dies either of water on the brain, of consumption, or of mesen- teric disease. HOW TO WE.AN AN INFANT The mother must, as the word signifies, wean the child gradually— that is, she should by degrees give him less and less of the breast, and more 242 IVEAXIXG 243 a l...le powdered aloes „i,h a few drops of la , „V ,,° """"^^ of Pas,c_a„d smeara little of it on the nipple eelitt f"""" tmg l,im ,0 the breast; this will be q.,ite eno.'l, , ' " """ applications to the nipple will ntake h„ a a di , 't:;;:: '"" ""'; .hns the weaning will be accomplished. A ,no h 1 | " 1 f" I T .he aloes will i„j„re her babe; the tninnte ,„a„ti , wi 1 ,: tdl ^ no harn,; for the moment he taster it. the aloes being .x re I- b iter" he will sputter it out of his mouth. cMremelj bitter. The best >vay of drjing up the milk gradually is to applv with th. hand a weak solution of camphor. "^ ^ "' "" SYMPTOMS DENOTIXG THE KECESSITY OF WE.ANING A mother sometimes cannot nurse her rhil,l .11,.,.. a train of symptoms somewhat sin, it ^ 'fo llol ' !' """ 7 ears: dimness of sight, aching C the eyeballs, tltltg^re'lild'' n' 7 vousness. hystencs, tremblings, faintness, loss of appetite dil, utterir^and palpitation of the heart, feelings of great'e'^hL Z , d ^ ! tion, costiveness. sinking sensations of the stomach, pains in the ef f f great weakness and dragging pains of the loins, „ ,i e , a v , ' creased whenever the infant is put to the breast; pallor of the on" shortness of breath, swelling of the ankles. "untcnance, 344 WEANING ^ Every mother who is suflfering from nursing does not have the whole o the above long catalogue of symptoms! But if she has three or four of the more serious of them, she ought not to disobey the warnings, but should discontinue nursing; although it may be necessary, if the babe is not strong enough to wean, to obtain a healthy wet nurse to take her place or give him from the bottle cow's milk sterilized. If there is during any period of nursing a sudden and great diminu- tion of milk in the breasts, the chances are that the mother is again enciente; the child should be weaned. It is most injurious both to parent and to child, for a mother, when she is pregnant to continue nursing. RETURN OF MENSES AFTER NURSING Soon after nine months' nursing the monthly periods generally return. This is another warning that the babe ought immediately to be weaned, as the milk will lessen both in quantity and in nourishment, and the child in consequence will become delicate and puny, and every day he is nursed will lose, instead of gain, ground. CHAPTER XX CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES LET a child's home be the happiest house to him in the world It is sad enough to see dismal, doleful men and women, but it is t u ly and as uToT' ^° "^-^ '°'^^"' ^'•''- ^""^ ^^""^ ^'^^'^ ^° '^ - >^ " in after years for sorrow and for sadness. Bright colors, plenty of light, clean windows, an abunc' nee of good o or d ^_^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ a.nishings'of m ^" . ?''^ ''^^■' '^^ '''^- "'""' ^^"« >'°" vvhat it ought to be- e ho of ch.ldhood-the most important room in the hou?e-a rol^ The , T ''""'" "' ^^^'^ ^»"^^^ ^°^ ^he remainder of his life take rr f ' '; '" '^^' ""^^^' ^" ^''^^ '^ -^^--^' '^ -"- one to take he drudgery off her hands. A nurse girl should be steady, lively truthful, and good tempered; she should be free from any natural imper-' reattl^elat^h ''"r,!?' ^^'""""^' '°^ ' ^^"^ '^ ^^^ - -'^^'-e natural. Ch Idren. hke babies, are quick at taking notice. What they see they mark, and what they mark they are very prone to copy. Never shou d the nurse be permitted to tell her little charge frightful stories of ghosts and hobgoblms; if this is allowed, the child's disposition will become t.m,d and wavering, and may continue so for the remainder of If children were not terrified by such stories, darkness would not fnghten them more than the light. The mind, thus filled with fear acts upon the body, and injures the health. A child should never be placed in a dark cellar, nor frightened by tales of rats. etc. Instances are related of fear thus mduced impairing the intellect for life, and there are numerous examples of sudden fright causing a dangerous and even fatal illness 24S 2^ CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES It is the little pleasures of a child that constitute his happiness. Great pleasures come Lit seldom, and are the exception, and nr/ the rule. NURTURED IN LOVE Let a child be nurtured in love. "It will be seen." says the author of John Halifax, "that I hold tins law of kindness as the Alpha and Omega of education. I once asked one. in his own house, a father in everything but the name, his authority unquestioned, his least word held in reverence, his smallest wish obeyed — 'How did you ever manage to bring up these chil- dren?' He said. 'By love.' " Let every word and action prove that you love your children. Enter into all their little pursuits and pleasures. Join them in their play, and be a chdd again. If they are cuv- us. do not check their curio.sity, but rather encourage it; for they have ,-. great deal— as we all have— to learn, and how can they kiiow if they are not taught? Does not almost everybody remember some kintl-heartcd man who showed him or her a kindness in the dulcet days of childhood? The writer of this recollects, at this moment, a barefooted girl, standing at the wooden fence of a poor little garden in his native village, while, with longing eyes, she gazed on the flowers which were blooming quietly in the brightness of the Sabbath morning. The jwssessor came from his little cottage. He was a wood-cutter by trade, and spent the whole week at work in the woods. He had come into the garden to gather flowers to stick in his coat for church. He saw the child, and breaking off the most beautiful of his carnations, gave it to her. Neither the giver nor the receiver spoke a word, and with bounding steps she ran home. And now here, at a vast distance from that home, after so many events of so many years, the feel- ing of gratitude which agitated the breast of that girl, expresses itself on paper. The carnation has long since faded, but it now bloometh afresh. Never allow a child to l>e teased: it spoils his temper. If he is in a cross humor take no notice of it, but divert his attention to some pleasing object. This may be done without spoiling him. Do not combat bad temper with bad temper—noise with noise. Be firm, be kind, be gentle. CHILDREX AND THEIR DISEASES 247 be loving, speak quietly, smile tenderly, and embrace him fondlv but insist upon implicit obedience, and you will have, with God's blcsMug a nappy child. **' Speak gently to a child; speak gently to all; but more especiallv speak gently to a child. There must be neither snarling, nor snapping, no'r snub- bmg nor loud contention toward him. If there is it will ruin his temper and disposition, and will make him hard, harsh, morose and disagreeable. TEACH BY EXAMPLE Do not tell yon. child how wicked he is; what a naughtv boy he is; that God will never love him. and all the rest of such twaddle. 'Such conversa- tion, hke constant droppings of water, will make an impression, and will cause him to feel that it is no use to try to be good-that he is hopelessly wicked. Instead of such language, give him confidence in himself: rather find out his good points and dwell upon them; praise him where and when- ever you can; and make him feel that, by perseverance and by God's bless- ing, he will make a good man. Speak truthfully to your child; if you once deceive him. he will not believe you for the future. Have no favorites, show no p'artiality; for the young are very jealous sharp-sighted and quick-witted, and take a dislike to the petted one Do not rouse the old Adam in them. Let children be taught to be "kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love;" let them be encouraged to share each other's toys and playthings, and to banish selfishness. BATH FOR CHILDREN A child ought not be bathed when in a state of perspiration, nor while he IS perspiring violently, ill consequences are apt to ensue. The blood would be sent from the skin to some internal vital part, and thus be hkely to light up innammation— probably of the lungs. As the summer advances, less and less warm water is required, so that at length none is needed. If a child is delicate, either a handful of table salt, or a half handful of sea salt, added to the water will prove strengthening. y 248 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES Two warm batlis per week are quite sufficient for cleanliness. Tliese batlis should take place just before retiring. A cold sponge bath in the mornnig on arising is ahvays to be recommended. DRESS FOR CHILDREN Children, boys and girls, especially if they are delicate, ought always to wear h,gh dresses up to their neck. The exposure of the upper part o the chest IS dangerous. It is in the upper part of the lungs, in the region of the collar bones, that consumption f^rst shows itself. The clothing of the child, especially about the chest, should be large and full in every part, and free fron, tight strings, so that the circulation of the blood may not be unpeded, and that there may be plenty of room for the full develop- ment of the rapidly-growing body. The frock ought to be of woolen material— warm, light and porous m order that the perspiration may rapidly evaporate. The practice of some mothers in allowing their children to wear tight bands around their waists, and tight clothes, is truly reprehensible. Tight bands or tight belts around the waist of a c'-' *, are very injurious to health; they compress the chest, and thus interfere with the rising and falling of the ribs— so essential to the breathing. The chest, bowels and feet should be kept comfortably warm. We must guard against an opposite extreme, and not keep them too hot. It is a poor practice to cover over a child's head either with beaver, felt, or any thick impervious material. It is a well ascertained fact that both beaver and silk hats cause men to suffer from headache, and to lose their hair— the reason being that the perspiration cannot possibly escape through them. It IS a poor plan to lightly clad a child in order that he may be hard- ened. Instead of hardening, it would be likely to produce a contrary effect. It is an ascertained fact that more children of the poor, who are thus lightly clad, die, than of those who are properly defended from the cold. Again, what holds good with a young plant is equally applicable to a young child; and we all know that it is ridiculous to think of unneccs- m CORNELIA.-THE MODEL MOTHER. from school; and T 'se " s. d h. '.r """^"^''V"-*.' "" ''^"^ ^""^ returned .nother-s greatest orna^^eius are he/ chllr^' \vd^di,/ r" "'.''"•'^""^' '"^'^ =' the cu ture which uac h^«:t,„. ^ >.niiar<.n. Well did Coriicha s sons renav Hhere he fouJd^'' hf h' 'p . ,lr",;^^ev refl';"; ","'""' i^'"'^^'" ^-""'^ "'^- mother. j^"""*- «. retlectcd trreat honor ijnon their THE BABY IN THE HOME, the fountains at which the angels drink '^ ^""^ ' Eirhu'B''urritt*'''^" CUILDREX AXD THEIR DISEASES ^53 BAD EFFECT OF GARTERS During the winter he ought to wear woolen stockings that will reach above the knees. an.I thick drawers that will reach to th" shoe top ^^a^n. Garters ought not to be worn, as they in,pe.Ie the circulation waste the muscles, and interfere with walkinr. %,/ . • ^"^<-"'''i'o». far better. \\'in walknig. Stockuig supporters are Shoes ought to be made acconling to the shape of the feet-rights an.I cus are therefore desirable. The toe part of the shoe must be mad broad, so as to allow plenty of room for the toes to expand, and that one oe cannot overlap another. This prevents corns and bunions, uhich annoy one all their lives. FOOD FOR CHILDREN As soon as a child has cut the whole of his first set of teeth, he can hav-e nothmg better than scalding hot new milk poured on sliced bread with a shce or two of bread and butter to eat with it. Butter, in modera- tion. ,s nounshing. fattening, wholesome, and tends to keep the bowels regular These facts should be borne in mind, as some mothers foolishly keep their children from butter, declaring it to be too rich for their chddren s stomachs. x\ew milk should be usesten, and thus weakens their uhole fran.e. If n.ilk does n.t .-•gree give a cup of cocoa or '•cambric" tea and cofYec. RESPFXT A CHILOS AXTIPATHV FOR FOOD A child's antipathy to certain articles of diet should he reMncted- n .s a M„ and a to force hin. to eat what he has a great di to" ch. Id sonjetnnes dislikes the fat of underdone meat, the skm 'o bo ed and off rice pudding. XNhy should he not have his „ke, a,u cl.shkes as well as "chihlren of a larger grou.h".' Besides, there is an uhosyncrasy-a peculiarity of the constitution in son,e chil,lre.,-and .Nature pomts out what is good and what is bad fur them in.hvi.luallv an.l we are not to fly in the face of Nature. If a child is forced to eat' what he d.shkes ,t W.11 most likely disorder his stomach and bowels; food ,f it •s really to do hnn good, must be eaten by bin, with a reh-.b. and nn/uuh disgust or aversion. A child ought to commence to dine with his parents as soon as be , old enough to sit at the table, providing the father an.l mother ,In,e in th. nuddle of the day. It makes them little gentlemen and gentlewomen in a manner that nothing else will. AVOID bo\vf:d i,i;(;s A child ought not be encouraged to walk too earlv; let bin, barn to walk h,mself. It will be found that when he is strot^g enough, b. will ho Id by a cba.r and stand alone. When he can do so, and attempt, to ^^alk, he should then be supported, lie will have the inclination as oon as he ,s strong enough, to walk. When he has the inclimtion .nd strength it will be folly to restrain bim: if '"^'-nafon and be has neither th^ mciination 256 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES nor the strength, it will be absurd to urge him on. Rely, therefore to a certain extent, upon the inclination of the child himself. Self-reliance cannot be too early taught him. In the generality of instances, however a child is put on his feet too soon, and the bones at that tender age being flexible, bend, causing bowed and bandy-legs; and the knees, being weak approximate too closely together, and thus they become knock-kneed. GARDEN CULTURE FOR CHILDREN Let the amusements of a child be as much as possible out of doors- let him spend the greater part of every day in the open air; let him exert' himself as much as he pleases, his feelings will tell him when to rest and when to begin again; let him be what Nature intended him to be-a happy, laughing, joyous child. Do not let him be alwavs poring over books. He ought to be encouraged to engage in those sports wherein the greatest number of muscles are brought into play. For instance to play at ball, or hoop, or football; to play at horses, to run to certain dis- tances and back, and if a girl, to amuse herself with skipping rope, such being excellent exercise. Every child, where practicable, should have a small plot of ground to cultivate, in which he may dig and delve, and make dirt pies. Let a child be natural— let him. as far as possible, choose his own sports. Remem- ber, what may be amusing to you may be distasteful to him. When he is in the nursery or the playground let him shout and riot and romp about as much as he pleases. His lungs and his muscles want developing, and his nerves require strengthening; and how can such be accomplished unless you allow them to be developed and strengthened by natural means? The nursery is a child's own -domain; it is his castle and he should be Lord Paramount therein. If he chooses to blow a whistle, to spring a rattle, or to make any other hideous noise, which to him is sweet music, he should be allowed to do so. If anv members of the family have weak nerves, let them keep at a respectful distance. A boy not partial to mischief, innocent mischief, and p'av. is unnatural; CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES ^57 he is a man before his time. The want of proper exercise ruins the com- plexion, and their faces become of the color of a tallow candle. SUNDAY BEST DAY OF THE WEEK Of luT' f"" '"f ' ^""''''>' ' ''''' °^ S'^^'"^ ^° ^his I n,t,st object Of all the days .n the week. Sunday should be the most cheerful and pleasant. It .s considered by the church a festival; and a glorious feth a • ought to be made, and one on which our Ileavenlv Father wi' s to see all H.S children happy and full of innocent joy Lt Sundl ., u l^acle . eheerful. joyous, innocently happy d;:and not '?. luy^ he most m.serable and dismal in the week. It is my firm con'v ct on Vn„ ., compelled, as cliiklren, to spend their Sundays can mat" H" "" ', ' '"'"' '''''"" '>' «'°°™>- -«'-'-• '»=„ you can make people good by an act of Congress There are now beautiful books for children-Bible stories that are ms rucve and interesting. Among these are -Easy St ps For Litt Fee,^ which w.ll prove a boon to mothers when the little folks are^Sred There is so much talk nowadays about useful knowledge that th. .mporjance of play and playgrounds is likely to be forgo en canno seems to be found out that in our zeal for useful knowledge that know^ edge ,s found to be not the least useful which treats boys as!c ive sHrr^J aspinng, and ready." ^ ^' 5^"^""&' THE KINDERGARTEN I heartily approve of Kindergarten Let the tinv .J,;i i u for on,, thtee ot ,o„t Hon. a da^-. and ,et :'Har,S the M^ ITaS as an amusement rather than as a labor ^ .0 ™a.e ,.o„r cKi,d a Cever c.,d ano^Tc:?,: ^o" 11^":^:: from th,s adv.ce, Bn.ld np a strong, healthy body, and in due tirthe 258 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES brain will bear a moderate amount of intellectual labor. As I have given the mother so much advice, permit me, for one moment, to address a word to the father of the child: A child should be taught singing. I consider singing a part of his education. Singing expands the walls of the chest, strengthens and invigorates his lungs, gives sweetness to his voice, improves his pronun- ciation, and is a great pleasure and amusement to him. Besides, singing helps to develop the finer sensibilities, such as sympathy, love and all spiritual tendencies. GOOD AND BAD HABITS A young child ought to be put to bed in the evening, at six in the winter, and at seven o'clock in the summer. Regularity ought to be observed, as regularity is very conducive to health. It is a reprehensible practice to keep a child up until nine or ten o'clock at night. If this is done he will become old before his time, and the seeds of disease will be sown. As soon as he can run, let him be encouraged, for haif an hour before he goes to bed, to race either about the hall, or the landing, or a large room, which will be the best means of warming his feet, of preventing chilblains, and of making him sleep soundly. If a child sleeps alone, place him fairly on his back in the middle of the bed. A sweet little prayer, a good night kiss and a smile will send him off into dreamland with love for God and all the world. Why shouldn't his sleep be sweet? A bedroom ought to be darkened at night; a child sleeps sounder and sweeter in a dark than in a light room. There is nothing better for the purpose of darkening a bedroom than Venetian blinds. Remember, a well-ventilated, but a darkened, chamber at night. The cot or the crib ought not to face the window, as the light is best behind. POSITION WHEN ASLEEP The best position for a child when sleeping is on his side; he ought to be accustomed to change about on the right side one night, on the left CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES another, and occasionally l,e should lie on his hack l!v -,,1 , ,■ , plan. >ou wil, no. only in.pcove his fi.nrc. h.„ ,i. ^i t hi",: "'ui'r n.g after n,gi„ i„ one position, is ap. ,0 n.aUe hin, cr'" Jl: '•""-'■ It a cold stable makes a healthy horse [ -.m .„.;. a.el.c.dand n-ventilatedhedrionXlplZ^^^^^^ ..on .0, ^ readily pass .hro,„h a hlanke. ,l,a:!:r::i, "" ""''"- \ Child should be washed and dressed as .oon is I,p n i • . n>orni„,. , he .vakes in any.hi.,, ,ike rcasonahr.L:. l^Z^Z should be up every as soou as i. i. Ugh,. „ he i. ,,,1„ , early .. will make hi,n an early riser for life, .aud will .c, < " M , " long both his existence an.l his happiness. '' ' '" I'™' SECO-N'D DEN'TITIOM A child commences to cu. his sccon.l se. of .ecth eeneriMv , I about seven years old. He begins to cut them at abo ^'^ ^^ should be borne .n mind .hat the second crop of .ecib ,• , acnally bred and formed from the very co,Z,:e , ^ tf 1 s^l Tnde': Ihe fir.. .,er of .eeth, but which remain in al.evance for vear an 1 d come mto play until the first teeth, having done tl d I , " ° 'all out, and .bus make room for .he more uumero, larg Z;. oZ :n"d n»re permanen. .ee.h. winch have .0 las, for .he rcmain.le'rtf if :; ' ence. The first se. ,s sometimes cut with a great deal of .lifiicultv a 1 produce., vanous diseases; the second con.e easily, a„,l are .ml'com pan,ed w,t any disorder; yet for the sake of good, soun.l .eeth, wl i e .Z are be,ng formed the chil.l should be fed on entire wheat bred craktrrr -'^ <" - ^-'- - - -- -■ .iroS I w-ould recommend you .0 pay particular attention to the teeth of our chtldren; or, besides .heir being, .heir regu a i v am soundness are of grea. impor.ance .0 heal.h. If .here is a„v' reg„ a rty 26o CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES in the appearance of the second set, lose no time in consulting an experi- enced and rehable dentist. '^ In all the prescriptions given below for child diseases I have endeav- ored to rnake them as simple as possible, and have avoided reco ., n i" powe^u drugs. Complicated prescriptions and powerful medicines oug u to be seldom guen and when they are. should only be administered by a ud.aous doctor. A child requires much more care and gentleness in hi reatment than an adult; indeed. I often think it would be better to leav a chdd to nature rather than to give him large doses of medicine. WATER ON THE BRAIN-SYMPTOMS AND CURE vearYolcrir '"' '"'" " ? '""'" °' '''^''^°°'= ''''' ' ^»^''^ - -ven Jhh '^^•V°"'P"''"''"^'y '^''- ^' "^^"-^ f'-equently attacks delicate chddren-chddren who have been dry-nursed (especially if they have bee improperly fed), or have been nursed too long, or have had consumpt mothers, or have suffered severely from teething, or are naturally of a nflammar''"?". )'^'^" °" ^'^ '"'" ^^'"^^""^^^ ^°"°- - ^"ack of mflammat,on of the lungs, more especially if depressing measures have been adopted. It occas.onally follows in the train of contagious eruptive of uater on he bram mto two stages. The first-the premonitory stage- wh,ch lasts four or five days, in which medical aid can be of great avail- death'" ' '''^' '' '""""'" "' °' coma-which usually ends in If the child is feverish and irritable, if his stomach is disordered if he' has urgent vomitings, or a foul breath, if his appetite is capricious and . bad >f h,s n,ghts are disturbed (screaming out in his sleep), if his bowels are disordered more especially if they are constipated, if he is more than usual y excted, ,f his eyes gleam with unusual brilliancv. if his tongue runs faste: than it is wont, if his cheek is <^ushed and hi's head hot, and .f he IS constantly putting his hand to his head there is cause for suspicion If to these symptoms is added a more than usual carelessness in tumbling about, m hitching his foot in the carpet, or in dragging one foot after the For Treatment of Above See Chapter ..Ch.ldren a„U Th n Fic. ; C'fii, k>-n ('.,, '■' ")• Si-.irlct F,-ifr ••'i:. 4. Milk (■-.,,, ClIILDRliS AXD THEIR DISEASES 263 other; .f he has compIainc« replaced l,v a fresh L",! " ""'''"'• " " ''-'■ ^'"'1 ""kL. .0 CHILD-CROWLVG Child-crouinjr. or spurious crou.) as it ;. s.onally n^istaken for ^nnine crou r. "T""" """'• ''^ "^'-- tHe latter. an.I rec,uire^ a differen I / ' '""' ^''""'"^^ '''■^"^•'" »'^^"- disease that abiroccur!"! '" r^'""'"" Chil.l-crouin,. is a •-ieed. painfu, dentit ou tl u He 'T '""' "'' ' '"'^^^ "-•'•- = But, if a child laboring under i^ V ''^^ ^' ''"''-°^ chiM-crowi,,^.. --;cutthe.ho,e:fj:t:e:::;::r^^^ --t=— ^^^^ - h:U:. , duriu. the "•e dangero,,,, „al„re of .h/d ''"" "I'l^''" I'^'-f^^'-Hy "ell; I.ence, 'hough, of. „„,i, ZuLTJ '" ""'" '"■"■'"ol'-l- - is liglHly and .he liule „;r o^ ZZ^r'' """ "'"""''" '"^- nice! chiM"s:d:r„ri:::,°',:i':;';;77''v": '-'■"""°"'= -^ - '<"--■ ^..e noise very m ch to a. """'• "'" '" ""'"» '"■ ■"="^« => T..e face^Hng ^He^tl ^Z^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -;'■"","" case, after a fri-htful str.,oc.i« ♦ , , '• ^" '"^ favorable pe*c.i,.e,M,;,!;:i:;:^,t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ■n>per par, of ,he >vin'^'''<: case. ,he lose,l. and the child, no bei, ' aWe ,0 7"T"", '°' " """'"^ °' "™ nurse's arms. .Mn„y hildren ho '".^™'"'- "'^"P'- » ™rpse. in his 'lied of child.cro,ving "" "'" '° ""'^ "-' °' <"»■ "ave really Trea,nien,. same as "Water on ,he Brain " the tongue forward opens the tongue forward. This plan of pulling epiglottis (the lid of the glottis), adm its a66 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES air into the lungs, and thus staves off impending suffocation. If tliis plan were generally known and adopted, many precious lives might be savetl. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS— HOW TREATED If the child has had a shivering fit; if his skin is very hot and dry, if his lips are parched, if there is great thirst, if his cheeks arc flushed, and he is dull and heavy, wishing to be quiet in his crib; his appetite diminished, his tongue furred, his mouth burning hot and dry, his urine scanty and high-coloretl, staining the napkin or the linen; his breathing short, pant- ing, hurried and oppressed, with a hard dry cough, and if his skin is burn- ing hot; — then there is no doubt that inflammation of the lungs has taken place. If inflammation of the lungs were properly treated at the onset, a child would scarcely ever be lost by that disease. I say this advis'^ Jly. for in my own practice, providing I am called in early, and my plans are strictly carried out, I scarcely ever lose a child from inflammation of the lungs. You may ask, — What are your plans? I will tell you in case you cannot promptly obtain medical advice, as delay might be death. Keep the child to one room, to his bedroom, and to his bed. Let the chamber be properly ventilated. If the weather is cool, build a small fire in the grate; otherwise he is better without a fire. Let him live on low diet, such as weak black tea, milk and water (in equal quantities), and toast and water, thin oatmeal gruel, arrowroot, and such like simple bev- erages, and give him the following mixture: Tinct. of Ignatia 2 drops. Tinct. of Aconite 2 drops. One full glass of water. Dose, teaspoonful every 10 or 15 minutes. Put a hot water bottle to the feet. BRONCHITIS— HOW CURED Bronchitis is a much more frequent disease than inflammation of the lungs; indeed, it is one of the most common complaints both of infants and of children, while inflammation of the lungs is comparatively a rare disease. CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES 267 The child for the first few days lahors under s) mpton,. of a heavy cod: he has not his usual spirits. In two or three days, instead ..{ the cold Icavn.jr him, it l,econies more confirmed; he is now rcallv sick fret- ful, and feverish; his l^reathnig becomes rather hurried and oppressci- his cough .s hard, dry and lou.l; he whec/es. and if urn pt,t vour ear to' iu^ naked back, between his shouMer blades, you will hear the uhcczing more distinctly. If at the breast, he does not nurse with his usual avidity the cough, notwithstanding the breast is a great comfort to him. compels* him frequently to loose the nipple; his urine is scanty an.l rather high colored stauung the napkin, and smelling strongly. He is generally worse at night. Confine the child to his bedroom, and if very ill. to his bed If it is winter, have a little fire in the grate, bu be sure that the temperature of the chamber is comfortable, and let the room be properly ventilated which may be eflfected by occasionally leaving the door a little ajar If he will not lie on the bed. let him rest on a pillow placed on the lap: the pillow will cause him to lie cooler, an.l will more coinfortahiv rest his wearied body. If he is at the breast, keep him to it. and give no an,- ficial food, unless a little toast and water if he is thirsty. If he is weanc.l let him have either milk and water, toast and water, barley water, or weak black tea, with plenty of new milk in it. etc.. but. until the intlanmiation has subsided, neither broth nor beef tea. In mild cases but little medicine is needed. When the fever comes on m the after part of the day. it is well to give the following- Tinct. of Aconite One full glass of water. Dosr, tcaspoonfu'l'everv is'minutcs ' '''°'"'' For external application, take a strip of ol.l mnslin. wet in kerosene and wrap around the neck; cover witi, dry cloth. Leave on until the skin is red ^ When the bronchitis has disappeared, the diet ought gradnallv to be unproved-rice. sago, tapioca, light batter-pudding, etc.. and. in a few days, either a little chicken or a mutton chop, mixed with a well-masherl potato and crumb of bread should be given. But let the improvement in his diet be gradual, or the inflammation may return. a68 cniLDHns AM) TnniR diseases DIPHTHERIA This tcrriMe disease. althouRh by many consi.lercl a new complaint IS of very ancient origin. Tlic little patient, before the .Hsease really shows itself, feels poorly an.! ,s om of sorts. A shivering Ht. though not severe. n,av generally he' not.cecK 1 here is heaviness, an.l slight headache, principallv over the eyes. S.nnetnnes. hnt not always, there is a mild attack of delirium at night. The next .lay he complains .)f slight .liflT.cultv of swallowing If old enough, he will complain of onstriction about the throat. On exam- the throat the tonsils will be f.,un.l to be swollen and more re „.,t in licl ;""' "" "^'" ""'^^- ^^ ""' ''-'- -«- -'^f-tive or .ho Ct ;,;;;; r'"'r' ■" -^""^ ^•'"■''' ^^'" '-^ ^— '•• * f-' -..1 f..sterH. Keen 1 ' ' :"'" "'" ^'"■""' '" > '""• ^^"-'- "' ^-""'1 V..U. three ;':,:, , 'l '" ''^"'"""' '""' ^" '"^ '-'• ' ^ "-' ''-t two or • ree ,l.ns. ulnlc tl.e fever runs In,M,. put hin, on , 1.,^ .!ie.. such as n.ill, arrowroot, etc. Appiv to his everv f.. „■ • ' ' " *' """^• '•atmeal pouhice. Keep the feet w n n ' ,^ ^T " ""■"' ''"' ^'"'' aua.luit: M tiit kct uarm. L se -m, |<,i wwui^ K'-Tfl- i'or Take ec,ual parts of alcohol an.l water. Carole .... v i ,.„r .,r of.cner For a ch, I use less alcohol. A ,,ar,We of listeru.c i^ , '.. e. clkn Take of the following medicine: Tinct. of Uclladonna Tinct. of .Aconite. . MEASLES AND HOW TO TREAT THKM Measles c„n„„on«s with sy„,p,u„,s of a co„„„u„ cl.h the „a,icnl . =. firs, clnlly, tl,™ ho, a,,.! fcvcrisl,: he has a r„n„i„,, a, ,h ,"0 -co.,„s „,.„,„«. a„,: rclnoss of ,ho eyes, hca.lache, .lro„ s^kss a 1, o se ays a„,l ,hon ,hsa,,pears. las,i„K ahoRcthcr fron, ,l,e co„„„e„ccmc„, o the sy„,p,o,„s of cold ,0 ,l,c ,locIi„e of the cr,„,.io„. seven ,Iavs 1 l ■mportant ,0 bear in n,ind ,ha, .he ernp.ion eonsis.s of ores e ^sl, no pa,cl,es; ,ha, ,hey nsnally appear firs, al.on, ,l,e face and ne ki , places „,ey are ,he hes, n,arUed; ,hen o e l,o,ly and on ,he arm, ^ the sk,„. The face ,s swollen, more especially .he eyelids, which are ■ 2 drops. ■ i drops. 270 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES sometimes closed for a few days. Running at the nose, sneezing, a pecu- liar hoarse cough, and half-moon-shaped patches, are the leading features of the disease, and point out for a certainty that it is measles. The principal danger in measles arises from the affection of the chest. The mucus or lining membrane of the bronchial tubes is always more or less inflamed, and the lungs are sometimes affected. The only way to throw out the eruption, is to keep the body comfort- ably warm, and to give the following treatment : The child ought, first of all, to be placed ten minutes in a hot bath in which has been placed a tablespoonful of baking soda. Rub well but quickly and then put to bed in a room kept comfortably warm. If it is winter time, there should be a small fire in the room; in tlie summer time the fire would be improijcr. Take the following Jiiedicine: Tinct. of bella- donna. 2 drops; one full glass of water. Dose: Teaspoonful every 30 min- utes until the eruptions come to the surface. The child must not be exposed to draughts; though from time to time, the door ought to be left a little ajar in order to change the air of tho apartment. Keep th? child, for the first few days, on a low diet, such as milk and water, at. .root, bread and butter, etc. SCARLET FEVER The patient is generally chilly, languid, drowsy, feverish and poorly 'or two days before the eruption appears. At the end of the second, the characteristic bright scarlet efflorescence, somewhat similar to the color of a boiled lobster, usually first shows itself. The scarlet appearance is not confined to the skin, but the tongue, throat and whites of the eyes put on the same appearance, with only this difference, that on the tongue and on the throat the scarlet is much darker. The eruption usually declines on the fifth, and is generally indistinct on the sixth day; on the seventh it has completely faded away. After the first few days there is usually great itching on the surface of the body. At the end of the week the skin begins to peel and to dust off, making it look as though meal had been sprinkled upon it. There are three forms of scarlet fever — the one where the throat is CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES 271 little if at all. affected, and this is a mild form of the disease: the secon.l uinch at mght .s generally attended with delirium, wliere the ihroat is much affected. i)einc often greatly inflamed and ulcerated, and the thinl (which ,s, except in certain unhealthy districts, comparatively rare, and which IS very dangerous), the malignant form. Serious stages of scarlet fever can l>e averted by keeping the eruptions on the surface. This can be done by free doses of the following: Tinct of acomte. 2 drops; one full glass of water. Dose: _• teaspoonfuls everv hour Wash the entire body-portions at a time so as not to expose it-with hot water and boracic acid, in the proportion of a teaspoonful in a quart of water or alcohol and water. The principal danger in scarlet fever arises from the afTection of the throat, the administration of aperients during the first ten davs Jm.l a peculiar disease of the kidneys ending in .Iropsv: on which account the doctor ought, when practicable, to be sent for at the onset, that no time may be lost in applying projjcr remedies. HOW TO DISTIXGUISH SCARLET ITIVER FROM OTHER DISEASES There is an excellent method of determining, for a certaintv whether the eruption is that of scariatina or otherwise. I have in several instances ascertained the truth of it: "For several years M. Bouchut has remarked in the eruptions of scariatina a curious phenomenon, which serves to dis- tinguish this eruption from that of measles. The phenomenon in (luestion IS a white line, which can be produced at pleasure by drawing the back of the nail along the skin where the eruption is situated. On drawin.. the nail, or the extremity of a hard body (such as a pcnhoMer). alo,,.'^ the eruption, the skin is observed to grow pale, and to present a white which remains for one or two minutes, or longer, and then disappears. In' this way the diagnosis of the disease may be very distinctlv written on 1 la- skin; the word 'scarlatina' disappears as the eruption regains its uniform tint." TREATMEN'T OF THROAT The f^rst thing to be done is to send the child to bed. Fresh air. and plenty of it, in scarlet fe\-er is the best doctor a child can have. 272 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES Now for the throat. The best external application is a bran and oat- meal poultice. Put half a teacupful of bran into a .saucepan, put it on the fire to boil; as soon as it bcils. take it ofY the fire, and stir oatmeal into It, until It is of the consistence of a nice soft poultice; then place it on a^ rag, and apply it to the throat ; carefully fasten it on with a bandage, two or three turns of the bandage going around the throat, and two or three over the crown of the head, so as nicely to apply the poultice where it is wanted— that is, to cover the tonsils. Tack the bandage; do not pin it. Change the poultice three times a day. Take the following: Tinct. of belladonna, 2 drops; one full glass of water. Dose: Teaspoon- ful every hour. .Alternate with this tinct. aconite. 2 drops; one full glass of water. Dose: Teaspoonful every hour. For gargle, use listerine in water. If the child is at the breast, keep him entirely to it. If he is weaned, and under two years of age, give him milk and water, and cold water to drink. If he is older give him toast and water, and plain water from the pump, as much as he; let it be quite cold— the colder the better. Weak black tea, or thin gruel, may be given, but not caring, unless an infant at the breast, if he takes nothing but cold water. If the child is two years old and upward, roasted apples wiih sugar and grapes, will be very refreshing, and will tend to cleanse both the mouth and the throat. Avoid broths and stimulants. When the appetite returns you may consider the patient safe. The diet ought now to be gradually improved. Bread and butter, milk and water, and arrowroot should be given for the first two or three days. Then a light batter or rice pudding may be added, and in a few days, either a little chicken or mutton broth. C.\RE TO BK USED ON RECOVERY OF SCARLET FEVER Now comes very important advice. After the first few days, probably five or six, sometimes as early as the fourth day— watch carefully and warily, and note the time, the skin will suddenly become cool, the child will say that he feels chilly; then is the time you must change your tactics CHILDREN AXD THEIR DISE.ISES i."rbe"i"' * a„'„": "■■';""" '"' '■"' '■■"" '■''"""'^'' '•' '-'-k« "•• •«". - In =;.,," >, ""'^°"," '^"°""'' •""'' *"' ■'"••"'' *■■' "- l'""<^ f. 1.0 Urmks must no« lie Kivcn with the chill o/T- he oiii-hi ,„ r„, . of tea. a,„l gra.h.allv his .lie, she,,,, ,,e intpro:;,, ' ' '' ""'" "'" The body, includiiicr the scain nf n c,-nri^» r be verj agreeable to the patient's feelings as there ,\ .,.,,.,11 • *• » • , . •>.>-i.n^.-i, ng the dead skin, which is highly infectious nn.l vvl,i -i, IJ*-^^'" ;„ a 1 , -^ iiiitLiious. and wliicli conies ott D-irtIv Tersot" "" """'-'• "°"'^ """"' '"^ »'-^ ■" "-• '-" ".'-.i.'« :Z ari^sToi':;:^::^;,::;";';,;/^"'''- ^ '-"■"•^'"^ "--c- ^-0.,,,,. me carelessness, tlie isnorance. ami the thoiii-htlcssmss ,.t parents ,n allowing a d,il,l to leave the house before ,„e ne. ' ki „ crly formed and hardened. IVcven.ion is better than cure. ' HOW TO PREVii.VT CO.VT.ACIOX Thus far with resanl to the ,lan„er to the child hin.self. .Vow Ic. ,ne show you the nsk of contagion that vou inflict nnon fn„,in,. -,",1 lo .vour c ild to „i,. with others heforea ,„„n,h at east la l:.^ n,.„ , a case is ,uite as contagious while the skin is „e v ^ «as before. Thus, in ten days „r two weeks, there is as ,„,;i i* ,,o„ as at the beginning „, the .lisease. and ■„ ,he fj! 'i '> . At the conclusion of the tnonth. the .,.d skin has „cner-,llv ■ M peeled off. and the new skin has taken its ,.lace: con.scucuv ! . \: be le s ear of contagion to others, liut the contagion of scarlet le , ' xacTume" r T"""" '" '" ""™'°"' '""' " '^ """-'■""^ '° <^- "- exact time when it ceases. To purify a house clothes. an,l (nrniture. fro.u the contagion of .c.rlet .e^er. let every room ,„ .he house, together with its contents: and clothing 274 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES and dresses that cannot be washed, he well fumigated with sulphur — taking care to close both windows and doors while disinfecting the house; let every room be lime-wasned and then white-washed; if the conta},non has been virulent, let every bedroom be freshly papered (the walls havmg been previously stripped of the old paper and then lime-washed); let the bed, the bolsters, the pillows, and the mattresses be cleaned and purified; let the blankets and coverlids be thoroughly waslied, and then let them be exposed to the open air — if taken into a field so much the better; let the rooms be well scoured; let the windows, top and bottom, be thrown open; let the drains be cleansed with lime. CHICKEN-POX Chicken-pox is occasionally, but not always, ushered in with a slight shivering fit; the eruption shows itself in about twenty-four hours from the child first appearing poorly. The eruption comes out in the form of small pimples, and principally attacks the scalp, the neck, the back, the chest and the shoulders, but rarely the face, while in small-pox the face is generally the part most affected. The next day these pimples fill with water, and thus become vesicles; on the third day they are at maturity. The vesicles are quite separate and distinct from each other. There is a slight redness around each of them. Fresh ones make their appearance V hile the others are dying away. Chicken-pox is usually attended with a slight itching of the skin; when the vesicles are scratched the fluid escapes, and leaves hard, pearl-like sul)Stances, which, in a few days. disappear. Chicken-pox never leaves pit marks behind. It is a child's complaint; adults scarcely ever have it. It is not at all dangerous, but, on the contrary, a trivial complaint. It lasts only a few days, and requires but little medicine. The patient ought to keeo the house for three or four days, and should abstain from animal food. Give tinct. of aconite, 2 drops; one glass of water. Dose: 2 tea- spoonfuls every hour. CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES j^ VVHOOPINT. COUGH Whoopingf-cough is emphatically a disease of the young: it is rare for adults to have it; if they do. they usually ^uffer more severely than chddren. A child seldom has it but once in his life. It is highly conta- gious, and therefore frequently runs through a whole family of children, giving much annoyance, anxiety and trouble to the -Jiotlier and the nurses; hence whooping-cough is much dreaded by them. It is amenable to treat- ment. Spring and summer are the best seasons of the year for the disease to occur. This complaint usually lasts from six to twelve weeks— some- times for a nmch longer period, more especially if proper means are not eroployed to relieve it. W hooping-cough commences as a common cold and cough. The cough, for ten days or a fortnight, increases m intensity: at about which time it puts on the characteristic "whoop." The attack of cough comes on in paroxysms. In a paroxysm, the child coughs so long and so vio- lently, and expires so much air from the lungs without inspiring any, that at times he appears nearly suffocated and exhausted; the veins of his neck swell: his eyes, with the tremendous exertions, almost seem to start from their sockets; at length there is a sudden inspiration of air through the contracted chink of the upper part oi the windpipe— the glottis— caus- ing the peculiar "whoop:" and after a little more cfuighing he brings up some glairy mucus from the chest; and sometimes food from the stomach by vomiting. This relieves him until the next paroxysm occurs, when the same process is repeated, the child during the intorv.ils appearing quite well, and after the cough is over instantly returnmg either to his play or to his food. TREATMENT OF WHOOPING COUGH A new-born babe — an infant of one or two months old — commonly escapes the infection; but if he catches whooping-cough at that tender age unfortunately it is likely to fare harden with him than if he were older — the younger the child the greater the risk. Still, in siirh a case, do 276 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES not despair; I have known numerous instances of new-born infants, with ju(Ucious care, recovering perfectly from the attack, and thriving after it as though nothing of the kind had ever happened. I* or the first ten days give the following prescription: Tinct. of bella- donna, 2 drops; one full glass of water. D. «e: 2 teaspoonfuls every hour. If the child is not weaned, keep him entirely to the breast; if he is weaned, to a milk and farinaceous diet. Confine him for the first ten days to the house, more especially if the whoopinjf-cough is attended, as it usually is, with more or less bronchitis. Ikit take care that the rooms are well ventilated, for guotl air is essential to the cure. When the spasms come on give each time a dose of the following: Juice of 3 lemons; strained honey, 2 oz. ; Jamaica rum, 2 oz. Mix thor- oughly. Dose: i teaspoonful. Let him wear a broad band of new flannel, which should extend around from his chest to his back, and which ought to be changed every night and morning, in order that it may be dried before putting on again. To keep it in its place it should be fastened by means of tapes and shoulder straps. The diet ought now to be improved — he should gradually return to his usual food; and. weather pernr'.ting, should almost live in the open air — fresh air being one of the fin. -t medicines. BEST POSITION TO ASSUME WHEN WHOOPING During a paroxysm of whooping-cough, if the child is old enough, let him stand up; but if he is either too young or too feeble, raise his head, and bend his body a little forward; then support his back with one hand. I nd the forehead with the other. Let the mucus be wiped out of his mouth with a soft handkerchief the moment it is within reach. A chill is to be looked upon as an important symjitom. Nearly all serious illness commences with a chill; severe colds, influenza, inflamma- tions of dififerent organs, scarlet fever, measles, small-pox and very many other diseases, begin in this way. If your child should ever have a chill, instantly send for a doctor, as delay might be dangerous. A few hours of CHILDREX ASD THEIR nixrisrs „. molet'LlH"'"","'- "' 'I" """"-—■" "' - i".H>s, is ,ro„„e,„lv „i ami «e luve pcrluips only a sligl,, cl.ill ,„ ,,11 ,„ „f i,s, bed Apply a, once a.l,o, water l.utlle or a hu, brick, wrapped in lla,n,cl to .he sole, o, l,i, fee,. P„, an extra blankc, on In. bed. d «ive i , a :;l '", ""■ :' ■'"°" - ""-■ ^"'-""^ ^^ -er, an.l l,e „a. bee l,o gr dnally lessen ,l,e e.xtra .mantily „i clothes on his bed. and take .,„.,v the hot bottle or hot brick front his feet. ■ I ML'MPS n a hght fevensh attack. After a short time, a swelli,.. of tony hardness is noticed before and under the ear. which sudlinl and contmues painful and swollen for four or five davs. at the end o which t.n.e .t gradually disappears, leaving not a trace hehin.l. The v i^' mumps never gathers. It may alYect one or both sides of the fa seldom occurs but once in a lifetime. It i.. contagious, and ha. bee knc^. to run through a whole family or scl.ol; bnt it is not dan,^!:: to the head, the breast, or testicles. Foment the swelling, four or five tiuK-s a day. with a danncl urun-. ou of hot camom.le and hops in equal parts, and applv everv ni-du a bran and oatmeal poultice to the swollen gland or glands, and keep o^ a da m ciunng the day Debar the little patient from taking meat L b-oth o a few days, and let hun live on bread and milk, light puddings, and arrow- root. Keep huB m a warm and well ventilated room, and shut him out fron, the company of h,s brothers, his sisters and young companions. Ciive hin, a httle mdd apenent me.licine. Of course, if there is the slightest svmn- tom of migration to any other part or parts, instantlv call in a doctor .i>y*yi.: c»'i^"~T?i«frv7v^:3!fl«. '^^r^iAJimm.JSi 278 CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES BOIL— TREATMENT OF One of the best applications i'-. a Burgundy-pitch plaster spread on a soft piece of wash-leather. Let a druggist spread a plaster, about the size of the hand; and from this piece cut small plasters, the size of a twenty- five cent piece or larger (according to the dimensions of the boil), which snip around and apply to the part. Put a fresh one on daily. This plaster will soon cause the boil to break; when it does break squeeze out the con- tents and apply one of the plasters as befort. which renew every day, until the boil is well. The old-fashioned remedy for a boil — common yellow soap and brown sugar— is a capital one for the purpose. It is made with equal parts of brown sugar and shredded yellow soap, mixed by means of a table knife on a plate, with a few drops of water, until it is all well blended together, and of the consistence of thick paste; it should then be spread on a piece of wash-leather, or on thick linen, and applied to the boil, and kept in its place by means of a bandage or a folded handkerchief, and should be renewed once or twice a day. Thfs is an excellent application for a boil- soothing, comforting, and drawing — and will soon effect a cure. A paste of honey and flour, spread on linen, is another popular and good applica- tion for a boil. If the boil should arise from a delicate state of health, give the child Scott's cod-liver oil, and an abundance of milk and farinaceous food. Let him have plenty of fresh air, exercise, and play. GATHERED EAR A young child screaming shrilly, violently, and continuously, is often- times owing to earache; carefully examine each ear, and ascertain if there is any discharge; if there is. the mystery is explained. Apply to the ear a hot water bottle — as hot as can be comfortably borne, or foment the ear with a flannel wrung out with a decoction of hot camo- mile and hops. A roasted onion, inclosed in muslin applied to the ear. is an old fashioned and favorite remedy. Put into the ear, bat not very tar, FlKur* FiKurr 3. Figure 4. Fiijure ?. ritture 5. For Treatment of Perfect Breasts See Chapter XVIll. I-Ij;. 1. Bicajl ,.| \V..:a.iii li.iji: wvw,. Fii:. ;. Brt-.i-t .■! \\ nun 1 Mdr virw 1 , Ki).'. 2. B'-.i-t ut' \V •lun l..ii,i <)i>i-Ti, ^'ii.■ + Milk D'l.'. in Dcrjil, Fie. ;. ' night. WORMS— THEIR TREATMENT AND EXTERMINATION. The dififerent varieties of worms that infest a child's bowels are the tape-worm, the long round-worm, and the most frequent of all, the com- mon thread or maw-worm. The tape-worm infests the whole course of the bowels, both small and large; the long round-worm, principally the small bowels, occasionally the stomach; it sometimes crawls out of the child's CHILDREN AND THEIR DISEASES 285 mouth, causing alarm to the mother; there is no clanger in its doing so- the common thread-worm or maw-worm infests the rectum or fundamc ,' The causes of worms are: Weak bowels, bad and improper food such as unnpe, unsound, or uncooked fruit, and much green vegetal ks pork espeaall, underdone pork; and abundance of sweats; the^^n orsaTL' SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. The symptoms of worms ar^emaciation; itching and picking of the nose; a dark mark under the eyes; grating of the teeth 'during sL , m the sleep; foul breath; furred tongue; uncertain ap^etite-!^ sometimes vorac.ous. at other times bad, the little patient sitting ,lown pnethr'^-'h '^ f"""' ^"' '^^^^^ -^'^^'^ ^-^'"^^ ^ -"thTul. appetue van.shmg; large bowels; col .y pains of the bowels slimy motions; itchmg of the fundament. ^ Tape-worm and round-worm, more especially the former, are apt to and usually cause great emanation and general ill health. Drink plenty o shppery elm tea. This is excellent and harmless. For the lon^ wofn^ the old-fashioned worm seed tea found at al, drug stores V rtT Tnd vvatr"' "^' ''' "^'"" "'' "^^ ^"'^ ''■'''' ^"^ ^^""'^ --•< -'t Worms generally infest weak bowels, hence the moment a child becomes stroner. worms cease to exist. SCABBY ERUPTIONS AT MOUTH DUE TO WORMS If a child has a scabby eruption about the mouth, in all probability it omes from worms. Apply vaseline-nothing else. Do not o ny account, use any local application to heal it; if you do. you mav prod e -njury; you may either bring on an attack of inflamma'tion.r vou t^ throw h.m mto convulsions. This breaking out is frequentlv a safet W "^ and must not be needlessly interfered with. Should the i., ^ 286 CHILDREN AND THEIR -^ISEASES severe, reduce the child's diet, keep him from butter, from gravy, and from fat meat, or from meat aUogether for a few days, and give him mild aperient medicine. MILK CRUST Milk crust is a complaint of very young children — of those who are cutting their teeth. It is a nasty looking complaint, and frequently gives a mother a great deal of trouble. It is well to know its symptoms, its causes, and its probable duration. Whe a child is about nine months or a year old, small pimples are apt to break out around the ears, on the forehead, and on the head. These pimple*- at length become vesicles (that is they contain water), which run into one large one, break, and form a nasty, dirty-looking, yel- lowish, and sometimes greenish, scab, which scab is moist, or sometimes quite wet, and gives out a disagreeable odor, and which is sometimes so large on the head as actually to form a skull cap, and so extensive on the face as to form a mask. These, I am happy to say, are rare cases. The child's beauty is for a time completely destroyed, and not only his beauty, but his good temper, for as the erupiion causes great irritation and itching, he is constantly clawing himself, and crying with annoyance the great part of the day, and sometimes of the night — the eruption preventing him from sleeping. It is not contagious, and soon after he has cut the whole of his first set of teeth it will get well, providing it has not been improperly interfered with. The cause of milk crust is from the nervous irritation of teething. It is a lack of the bone-making material in the child. Take of the following: Phosphate of lime (homoeopathic jjreparation). Dose: As much as can be put on a five-cent piece, 3 times a ciay. External application: One ounce of vaseline mixed with two grains of golden seal powder. Apply every night. CHAPTER XXI CONSTIPATION BY CONSTIPATION is meant a sluggish state of the bowt(s, by reason of which the faeces are retained in the body a longer time than is warranted in a state of health. The discharges are hard and dry, in small quantities, and evacuated with difficulty. This is one of the most common disorders to which mankind is subject, and the results are far more serious than are generally supposed. RETAINED EXCREMENT-A SLOW POISON The retained excrement is, to a certain extent, absorbed into the sys- tem and acts as so much poison, the eliminating of which the other organs are overtaxed, causing debility of the whole system. It has been asserted that there is not a disease of the human system which cannot be traced to this one trouble. The nutriment derived from the food is taken into the blood from the stomach and small intestines, while the residuum— comprising the larger part of all the food— passes into the large intestine, called the colon. Begin- ning on the right side of the body just above the pelvis, the colon passes upward to the lower border of the ribs, then crosses the body and f'escends on the left side, and inward to the spinal column, where it merges the rectum. The bowels possess what is termed peristaltic action, that is, each por- tion alternately relaxes and contracts, thus forcing the food through them. The passage of the food is more rapid through the small intestines than through the colon, which, by its large size and slow motion, allows the greater part of the waste material, or fcxcal matter, to accumulate in it. While this remains in the colon it occasions no inconvenience, but as soon as it passes into the rectum it causes a desire to ev...-uate the bowels. The time of passage from the colon to the rectum varies in different 387 -ii 288 CONSTIPATION mdivuluals— some requiring two evacuations daily to a perfect state of health, others require but one. In detcrniininj,' whether the bowels are costive the state of the evacuafons, as well as the frequency, should be taken into consideration. If they are scanty, dry, hard, and attended with pain, constipation is present, even though the evacuations are of daily occurrence. As a rule it may be stated that there should be a full, free, soluble and satisfactory evacuation of the bowels daily, and not for one day should this rule be broken, or constipation allowed CAUSES OF CONSTIPATION Causes. — Sedentary habits, particularly where the mind is closely applied to any subject; the continued use of laxative medicines; the habit- ual neglect of the bowels, so common among women; the mechanical pressure which the womb in the case of a pregnant woman, in its enlarged condition, exerts upon the rectum; errors in diet, and especially errors in dress. In nearly all forms of constipation there is a lack of contractile power in the colon and the rectum. This is due largely to want of proper exercise. Can it be wondered that in such cases constipation should be the result? Exercise in the open air, occupation and household duties are the best medicines known for constipation. Every step taken in walking, and every bending or twisting motion of the body by jarring and crowding the intestines, assists them in their work. Intense mental application should be avoided. Any continued strain upon the nervous organization takes away the nerve stimulant, essential to digestion and assimilation. LAXATIVE MEDICINES— THEIR EFFECT ON THE SYSTEM Laxative medicines should be avoided when possible. Sometimes it becomes necessary to give a laxative, but when this is the case the mildes should be chosen. Strong purgatives are highly improper, and often dan- gerous. Especially is this the case in pregnancy, when the patient is liable to miscarry. Cathartic drugs d'^pend for eflFect upon the quality they possess of CONSTIPATIOX 289 excumg secretion and peristaltic activity. They do tl-^ througl, the nervous system, feu of them heinj, mechanical in their action, hence accon>- Pl.^ the.r results by stimulating the nervous svstem to extra effort n don,g tins they necessarily exhaust the source ^f supplv. for the ten-' c y of all stnnulation is to in ic resu U ,s t ,a, ,|,c ,ve,g|„ of ,l,c nialtcr thus acc„„„,Ialc,l prcs«c-« „,„.„ he womb a„,l .cml, .„ „rag i. .,„„,. ,„ ,„,„ ,„,^.^ ^,„ ^,^^.',. • ^ has the same tendency, and should be oarefull, av.mled The quahty and quantity „( ,he too,l taken has mu.l, to ,|., „ilh •. healthy state of the l>o«ols. They ,„ay b.„,n,e inactive tr„ , n e „ very nutr.fous food. The concentrated <.,rn,s of ,o„.l. s„ch as „ e \n .he vanons preparations of fine ,l„„r. which have little waste l,.,t 11 emtrely ,o t he blood, g-e the bowels but little to ,lo an,l t Itbe should not be eaten. Cakes, con,lin>ents, rich pies and all confections tre .00 concentrated. Fat meats, dried and sal, n.eats, veal, game, 1 otl gross meats are constipating. ^ Fashionable dress is also one of the seri.ns causes of constipation he «, but by the of the clotlnng worn. The dress of the l^alf, and the puttnig on of an e.xtra skirt .Ices Httle to increase the warmth The cold a.r must necessarily get under the skirts, and the warmer tho body t.e quicker the air will rush up. In this way the temperature of the body from the down is kept several degrees lower than from the waist up. nrn^77uZ ^T' '^"' '"''' '''"'''''' '^'' '^'"^ ^'^'"^ ^"^ ^^tcries, and propels the blood trom the surface. Put your hand in ice water for a few moments and you will see it sh ,nk and colorless; the blood has been driven from it. This process is going on all the time where the dc.s is ess in one part of the body than in anotl .-r. In the coldest part the circt,- lation becomes slower as the blood is driven away. Worse still, the blood IS driven to other parts of the body where it is not 'v anted, where it clo-^s up and causes passive congestion. *' The bowels, like the stomach, have their function to perform in diges- tion; they require the same amount of animal heat, they also require unob- 202 CONSTIPATIOS struoted circulation. To expose the surface of the a»»lomcn. cau<»cs preat ex aporation of necdc.l heat; the diKcstion. robbed of its heat, its operation IS interfeced witli. becomes slower, all its functions slower and - '" '"""»'• wwohisu,:d Xeiy ; s tZ .t;,:; ""vr - ■ •^'- '■«»"«• ^ecetions of the intestines, while th^ •„,?:::, : e! .r, e ' i: di^^Z: tt bo«els, tncrease their peristaltic action, \-cry aci.l frnit ^ * , oran^e^produce their effect only on account l,:!!::^^;::^ Z'hH;;. '" "^"'''" "■ '" -- °' -'•" «'»- -ols are dry! hard lero7;L°f"T '"«S""°"' '^='""°> '« '°o faithfully follotved. The charac f "1 „ :: ^7^;;^--™"-'f>- .-at-intluence upon tl^ aZ me uo.\els. I uoul.l recommend one, wliether sic' nr uoli ♦ n«ly of fruits of all kinds. Make fruit a part of t^e eTervt ay oUar rnror^aiLr"-^ "^""- -" --"-- -' -'- -- It ,s important also that the food eaten should he hulky in its nature The stomach and tntestines are like rubber and contract o„ themselves.' 294 CONSTIPATION The stomach is full whether little or much food has been taken, and the same is true of the intestines. If the food is too concentrated, it is largely absorbed and there is not enough remaining to require a vigorous action of the bowels. The residue is also compact, dry and hard. A diet com- posed largely of fruits and vegetables seems to meet the wants of all those of costive habits. Among the vegetables, lentils, greens, turnips, squash, tomatoes, peas, spinach, asparagus, lettuce, rhubarb, green corn and cauli- flower may especially be used to advantage. ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD A HEALTH PRODUCER Nothing is so important as the bread that is eaten. With many this one item forms a large proportion of all the food that is taken. It is imper- ative then that it should be such as will not cause constipation. Bakers' bread should not be eaten, as it is almost sure to have an astringent effect. Tlie same is true of the bread made from the fine white flour in common use. Bread made from graham flour has been highly recommended, but on account of its coarseness, is not easily digested; it is far preferable, however, to white bread. When it can be obtained, flour made from the entTe wheat should be used. In the entire wheat flour, the gluten is pre- served; this makes bone and muscle, cures constipation, and is much richer in flavor than the ordinary white flour. Cake and pies made from this flour — if they must be had — are much more wholesome. This flour is now made in different parts of the country and can usually be easily obtained. Rye and Indian meal also make a deli- cious and wholesome bread. Oatmeal and cracked wheat may also be prepared in various ways which make them loosening to the bowels, and valuable articles of food. SHOULD WE DRL\K AT MEAL TIME? Regularity in the matter of eating should be observed, and the meals must not be taken in a hurried manner. If the food is not mixed with saliva, but swallowed with tea or coffee to wash it down, digestion is retarded. And if the food is eaten too rapidly, more is taken than is suffi- cient for nutriment. As a result, indigestion and constipation follow. CONSTIPATION on I^tAt^o;:sr ' ", ""^'' '"^■" "" ^-^"'^ '•"- -= "'-"^ drinks. Tea" likclwo h , , "°"" "'" '""' '""" '' "'■'"'^--J ^^ place by a strip of ,lry Z e 1. 1, T. "''°" t''°""" ""'' '"■''■' '" going to .e., I, suU ret:':! j^^^:;';^-^ ^"°""' "^ "p-^"'" - ENEMAS AND MASSAGES Tlie enema is another method which may be emnloved tn n . . where an immediate action of the bowels i. desired A f ? ^^ ^ ^^" bowels slowly and should be retained fifteen or, e '^t/ l' ! 11 cc evacuation is almost sure to fnllnu- \\n • • . ■ «-e ree.„™ is tbe cause of constipation, i, el::!::- ofi r:;;:;;':^,:: «.ll tone to that organ and prove of great benefit After, r over, the injeetions lose much of their efficien v „ d',;' tt much dependence should not be placed upo n ^n Sho ri.T" '" :rr:ra::::nhr i-i-"^ - ^^^^ .-: —1 or pur! oiiri:; 'c =d rbre,rt::tre: 296 CONSTIPATION should be kept free by the use of hygienic measures recommended in this chapter. HOW TO OVERCOME CONSTIPATION Exercise will not only prevent constipation, hut is one of the very best means of treating the same. It is preferable that outdoor exercise be taken where possible, but special indoor exercise may be made to answer the same purpose. To some it may seem that such simple means can be of little value in treating an obstinate disease, but simple as these means are, if patiently and thoroughly carried out, they cannot fail to alleviate, if not completely cure, the most obstinate cases. At the same time, they strengthen the whole body and thus prepare it to the more easily resist all other diseases. Such exercise should be taken as tends to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, give tone and vigor to the mus- cular tissue of the bowels, and develop the diaphragm and other respira- tory organs. Is it not reasonable to suppose that if the arm of the blacksmith becomes strong by exercise, that any of the muscles of the body may in like manner be strengthened? Exercise quickens the circulation of the blood, the lungs, responding to the rapid flow, require a greater amount of air for oxygenation, and respiration is quickened to obtain this supplv. Every full breath taken imparts strong motion to the diaphragm, which in turn gives action to the contents of the abdomen. Hence the value of full and deep breathing and the corresponding necessity for free, untram- meled dress. It is by such exercises as climbing, rolling, crawling, jumping and play- ing generally that these contents are most disturbed. We are convinced « that these are the means that nature prescribes to secure healthful devel- opment and pow-r in these most essential parts of the body. As if to insure these healthful effects, nature has ordained that by respiration, as an efificient and constant means, these motions shall be secured to the alimen- tary canal. The abdominal contents may be considered as being located between two great muscular organs, the diaphragm and abdominal walls. These muscles act conjointly and simultaneously and upon all the A MOTHER'S LOVE If there be one thing pure Where all beside is «ti!licd,' That can endure. When all else passes away If there be aught Surpassing human deed or word, or thought It IS a mother s love. BECKONING HEAVENWARD. "Thrice happy world, where gilded toys No more disiurb our thoughts, no more pollute our joyi" CONSTIPATION 299 included parts, causing them to play incessantly upon each, and suhjcctin;r them to a constant and gentle pressure. One prime effect of exercise is the increase of the suhstance and the contractility of the abdominal muscular coverings. The walls of the abdo- men become, in the absence of proper exercise, weak, flabby, and unnat- urally distended when this occurs, the abdominal contents necessarily obey the laws of gravity, become dislocated and their fur^ions conse- quently impaired. Well directed movements restore the power of these walls, the smkmg organs are reinstated in their original position, and their function IS recovered. A great variety of motions may be given to one's own .ligcstive or^n-ms suited to different constitutions, conditions of disease. • ^ -P-ted EXERCISE NO. 9 Kneel upon the floor. s„ppor,n,g ,I,e knees „i,l, a cushion upon ,vh,ch . e knees should he placed as far apar, as possible. K e, 2 t unk perpend,c„lar, and place the hands upon the hips. Dend the , ' k above the lups as far to one si,le as possible. ..\|iovv it ,o rcn , as far to the other side. The nto.,:, should be soJe ha d : Z the n, nentu™ may be felt upon the convex side. This acton n,av b repeated ten or .velve times. TI,e movement acts upon m„s le of eUhe 'ffe«: U fh "''°" *' ='"""■ "•" »"" °"'" -S--i».a.ed in he re 'on affected by the mot.on as well as upon the abdominal walls and viscera EXERCISE NO. lo Seated upon a mattress, with legs extended horizontalK- the hands should be placed upon the head. Bend the trunk slowly a7 ar ft >vard as possible. Then return it slowly to its primary posUio , Th ." actton may be repeated five or six times. The movement' ele™ he ri ca„,,es the abdomtnal muscles to contract, and elevates the content! of" he EXERCISE NO. ii The trunk lies in a horizontal position, face downward. Lock the arms, and elevate the body so that its weight will res, entirely upon 303 CONSTIPATION the elbows and toes. The trunk may be held in this position a greater or less time, accord nig to the strength of the patient. The movement may be varied by raising and lowering the hips. This movement presses the contents of the abdomen toward the diaphragm, and often instantly relieves prolapsus of any of the pelvic organs, as that of the womb, vagina or rectum, restoring the parts to their natural condition and relation. Indeed, all other medical applications designed to meet the end here indi- cated, bear no comparison to this simple movement. By repetition the weak parts are strengthened, and a radical cure is effected. In closing this chapter I wish to impress upon my reader this one fact, that constipation can be prevented much easier than it can be cured. Let the mother bear this in mind, let her save her child from constipation, and she will save her from a hundred and one disorders that will render her Hfe a life of misery. TABLE SHOWING CONSTIPATING FOODS Laxative.— Rolled and cracked wheat, entire wheat bread, gems, mush from flour of the en.ire wheat, granula, bran gruel and jelly, fruit puddings, frui pies, with the crust made of ko nut (a vegetable oil), all fresh acid fruits, especially apples; tropical fruits, like oranges, lemons, grape fruit, etc. ; dried figs, French prunes and prunellas eaten raw. and stewed dried fruits. Of these peaches, plums, rhubarb and prunes are the best. Onions, celer\', tomatoes, cabbage, raw, corn, squash, cauliflower, green peas, spin- ach, lentils, beets, etc., are the best. Constipating.— Hot bread, white bread, white crackers, pastry made of white flour and lard, bread rolls, dumplings, etc., made with baking pow- ders, cake, all custard puddings, salted meats, salted fish, dried meats, dried fish. smo!:ed meats, poultry, cheese, boiled milk, tea. coffee, coffee' made from whe-t, corn, barley, toast, etc., etc. Lean .resh meats, fresh fish, eggs, raw milk, barley, buckwheat, and corn meal have no marked action either way, unless in exceptional cases. PART V HELPFUL HINTS TO MOTHERS CHAPTER XXII REGULATING NUMBER OF OFFSPRING ^ ' * learned the laws of self rnnfr^ *'"'' '''"^ '"''^ "^^' -V^'^ may have proved tin f fli*> ..,^*i vc iai..i. i re\ious diiid-Ix-annif bringing of children into »,e worid d De ' «^ ''''' ""''^"'""'"'e .r a .re snui.:^:" "s^;:; ;e™ ::- stsi;--^ WHEN CONCEPTION TAKES PLACE and retains its vitality a few davs after trtlt^" 7 Tl?' '" ' " """* nun (.cabcb, 1 he cotuIitKjns of 30J 304 LIMITATION OF OFFSf'RING health, teinperament and surrdiiiuHnKs are so varied that no iiifalhhlc law can he stated that will govern all cases. It may Ik.- ;• lid with certainty, how- ever, that from ten days after the cessation of the menstrual How until three days preceding its return, there is very little chance of conception, while the conver-e is e(|ually true. An understanve it to l>e a wise course to follow. If necessary husband and wife should occupy different ajKirtments at this time. The (|uestion involves a problem of a very prac- tical nature. Selfishness, the rfx)t of all evil, must here l)e exterminated if the husband desires to follow the highest law and be to his family and humanity the greatest gootl. He must, of necessity, be full of force, of will, of love! The law of cause and effect can no more be annulled than can the law of gravi- tation. He who creates the cause and sets in motion the current of activities that produce the efifect must accept the effect. This methcMl of procedure is ideal and well carries out G(^ethe's l)eautiful ideas, "The highest state of man is a tranquillity of soul in which he loves what he commands himself to do." All self-denial is in its very nature, temporal ; all joy is in its nature, eternal. HOW TO HAVE A BOY OR GIRL The question is frequently asked, "Can a physician tell, liefore the child is born, whether it will be a boy or a girl ?" Many eminent physicians THE SPKRMATO/OA OR I.IFF (iEIlM OF THE MAI.K. LI MIT. IT I OS or or r STRING 305 claim that this can he .1 i„ all cases, there can he little .louht l>iit. notwithstanding the excepti.)ns. I think that there is r.h„1 ground for the hehef. and that m a majority of cases the supj.ose.l law will prove true. From this it will he seen that if the unhorn child is a girl confinement should take place at the .late den.Me,l hy the pregnancy tahle. an.l that when a woman goes heyon.l this .Int. it should prove a hov. This will gen- crally he the case. Besi.les the ahove metlu^d of ascertaining the sex .)f the fnctus. the skilled physician can usually determine the same hy the f.ctal heart-heat. ;he pulsations heing more rapid in the female than tiie male. ' CHAPTER XXIII GENERAL DISEASES— THEIR PRETENTION AND CURE M AW physiciai 'ill contend that a disease must run its course. Tins can be proven to the contrary, hy a method I have found available in every disease, from a common cold or headache to a contagious, or a violent scwcr gas fever. If there is vitality enough to carry a patient through a disease by allowing it to run its course, then there is certaiidy enough vitality to arrest it before injurious drugs arc added, to act as a further inducement to derangement. The most dreaded diseases can be treated and prevented with absolute certainty. I>y the use of n fe\" harmless remedies, and by proper attention to the hygic'iic laws. By rcuulaling and restoring the capillaries of the system, we prevent or cure - iall-po\, typhoid, dengue, scarlet, yellow, remittent and intermittent fevi:. measles, diphtheria, peritonitis, cholera, cholera infnnlum, and all inlhnnmations and congestions. To maintain a healthy action -A the difTcrent tissues and apparatus of the skin, and the differcin sets of vessels found in them, attention to e.xercise, diet, respira- tion, clothing, bathing, light and air is of the greatest practical importance. Sickness, as a rule, is the penali . of physical wrong doing, yet Nature in her infinite wisdom, provides for its relief. This provision consists in the power of the system to remove diseased conditions. The vital energies may be aided in their work of restoration in two ways: first, by removing all the c.T'.res that tend to produce disease or to continue it. Second, by assisting the forces of the system in their effort to remove disease. HOW TO PREVENT DISEASE First. — Ordinarily, in all acute diseases, the patient does not desire food, and if it is taken and digested, the disease will be greatly increased 306 CESERAL DISH ASUS 307 by the stimuIati.M, of ,IK. d.ylc ula-„ into I,I,..,.|. If it is ,.„ < K-tc.,. .t w... a.M to the prostration of tl,o s, stnn. through irri.atio, ! the nuK-o„s „ie,nl.rane of the stutmch. S. tl,at in all inMances of ac • ^I.sease food shonhl he withhel.I for a feu .lav. Thirst n.av he allave.. wnh COM water, l.arley or a,.,.Ie water, crust coffee, etc. When the patient n^ve.. h.s foo.l shonM he ,iven with regularity, in quantities not oppl^J' sue to he systetn. and not too frequently. In all instances where a physi- ,s „. attendance, the foo-I shouhl he prepare.l un.ler lus ..d.- ^ ' .on. pnrt.cularly after medicine has heen withdrawn and the patien s„,l._l|y ,|ie acliu,, „f 11,0 pcrspirnlnrv fla„,ls „f il,c sk;„ „ ,.„„ .nmoun, ,, was.c „,„„er is rcnu.vcl ,n„„ ,,,0 ..u.,n. I„ ,i L .' , , "I.stn,cte,l, f ,1,0 „,,.,n. niatter is s„ffcT.,l ,„ rcn,.-,i„ „,„,., ,1,0 .l ""-'•"■ 'I- etching a rl „ e „,ro„ghon, ,he entire ho,ly .hrongh ,l,e acion of ,he svmpa. 1 ' T. "" '"""'""" """ "" "'"''' -KK-.ions will gener- allv prevent the most contagions of diseases. MATERIA MKDICA Honroopathic remedies are preparee dyspepsia and vomiting. Pale, bloated appearance, occasional loss ,.1 appetite, dropsy, and frequent desire to urinate. The urine is Ijoht in specific gravity, and forms a thick white dep.jsit of albumen when l).,ilo(l. Causes.— Hereditary tendency, frequent exposure to cold, cold feet. 54. nu. scarlet fever or dyspepsia. Treatment.— The secretions (.f the skin should be kept active by frequent hot baths. Turkish. Russian, iiut water and alcohol baths are all excellent, and should be taken in a warm room two or three times a week. Arsenicum Oth and helonias 3d are the principal remedies. The condition of the stomach, bowels and skin should receive special attention, as the disease results principally from a defective condi- tion of these emunctories. One uf the most important features in the treatment is to maintain a free action of the skin, as by this means the blood is diverted from the kidneys, and purified. All stimulants and diuretics must be avoided. TREATMENT OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE The specific treatment for degeneration of the kidneys consists in the building up of the system by extra breathing, diet, bathing, and rest from mental worry. Bathe the lower half of the back, also base of brain, if pain exists, and the bowels, if inactive, with alccjhol and hot water. e(|ual parts of each. Bathe and rub freely every other night, using only cold water over the parts with a sponge or coarse cloth, then drying thoroughly. Diet.— The diet given here is unlike that usually prescribed for Bright's disease. The most nourishing food is selected, that which docs not "con- tain sugar or starch, as these ingredients do not give strength but only produce heat, thereby causing inflammation. Bread made from entire wheat flour, beef, mutton, tongue, oysters, raw or cooked without flour, and all kinds of fish or poultry not cooked or thickened with flour. Let- tuce, cucumbers, onions, asparagus, cold .law, celery, string beans, sour amim Q^ 310 GENERAL DISEASES apples, peaches with cream, strawberries without sugar, coffee and tea in moderation, milk and buttermilk are all beneficial. Eat slowly, in moderate quantities, and take as little liquid as possible at meals. Sleep eight hours of the twenty-four. Patients in the last stages of the disease have been perfectly restored to health, under the above treatment, even when able to pass only two-thirds of a teaspoonful of urine at a time, which, being set in the sun, would ahnost entirely coagulate into albumen. DIABETES Definition.— A constitutional disease characterized by an excessive dis- charge of pale, sweet and heavy urine, containing grape sugar. Diabetes is a morbid condition of the blood, characterized by an abnormal increase of sugar. In healthy blood, it exists in an extremely minute quantity and is most abundant a short time after meals. Causes.— Diabetes is con- sidered by most physicians a nervous disease, and incurable. There is a defect in the chemical process by which the sugar and starch of the food are appropriated to the nutrition of the body. The natural process is inter- rupted at the point where grape sugar is produced, and the excess of this substance in the blood is carried off by the kidneys. Treatment —The same as prescribed for Bright's disease. Deep breathing, and hot baths, concludmg by sponging off with cold water, are most important. All dis- eases of the kidneys are curable under this treatment. The remedies used are. phosphoric acid water, prepared as omonade, for the thirst, and urani- um nitncum, third trituration. Give a powder every night. Diet.— The same as for Bright's disease. CRAMPS Cramps are a violent involuntary action of a few of the voluntary muscles. Causes.-Cramps of the muscles of the stomach and bowels are caused by worms, or by indigestible food, poisons or ice water. Cramps of the legs and arms occur in cholera. They may also be produced bv exposure to cold, as in bathing, or may be the result of a deficient supply of blood to the parts. Treatment.-Hot poultice-a quart of scalded corn GEXERAL DISEASES ,„ mea! and a tablespoonful of red pepper, placed bet.veen two flannel clo.hs ani ZZ " '°'" "■""" "- ''"' - -"-'-■ ■"«-''" SIMPLE CHOLERA toi" XT "'"*" '"''^"'"'^"■°" <" «'« ^'o-acl, and intestines. ness, and somefmes cramps of the legs an.ratrum alba once an hour. If thirst predominafes giv Is f cu . J , -Apply heat to the extremities, also hot capsicun,. Pre ar no lay over the abdomen and stomach. ASIATIC CHOLERA Symptoms.-Sudden prostration of strength, coldness of the surface ^^.th great mternal heat and thirst, cramps in the thighs I... toes and ^vater. In the advanced stage, the pulse is hardlv perceptible the eves are sunken, the face is pinched, the voice reduced to a hoarse u hi per th IS extreme restlessness and thirst, with cold, clammy sweat. ST. VITUS DANCE ease'«7::a7o;;'h'- h''-'" '""• "' '"'"''■ '•' "^«-'' - ^ -"ous dis- tTm'; ,L!', 1 " '"PP"^'"' '° ^" « '""« '" "'^ l'"i". and a, other « f ti ::!,':l: t: ""™'r-"'^"'- ■'>• ''^r--' ••- ™h,ntarv n,„s. much ,o h " """"■"^'' ''>' "" »°"' "' involuntarv grimace, much ,he annoyance of the patient. Children between the ;ge, of file «oi d^ " TatrM t'T' '" '"' ="'«'""■,.-Pi?i„, 1 i! contitted rive! r • ;" '"^ ""•"■ •™'' ^•'"Se off with cold. If onsttnated, g,ve a powder of nux vomica every night. If there is a pale, 312 GENERAL DISEASES bloodless conclition, give ferrum phosphoricum, first decimal trituration, one grain aftei every meal. If there are symptoms of coma, give santo- nine. If there is delayed menstruation, give Pulsatilla every morning. COLDS Treatment. — ^ or muscular soreness and tenderness, headache, cold feet, stiff, sore feeling over entire body, take aconite and bryonia in alter- nation, wrap up warmly, and promote perspiration. See catarrh, neural- gia and sore throat. CATARRH If precautions are taken to maintain an increased capillary action over the entire surface of the body, until normal and healthy action of the mucous membranes be established, and the treatment repeated with every new cold, catarrh of any kind could not become chronic. If the feet are permanently kept warm by proper dressing, and bathing from two to three times a week, as described in previous chapters, by placing in hot and cold water alternately, from thirty to forty minutes at a time, one of the greatest causes of disease would be removed. Patients who are subject to the use of tobacco in any form, need never look for a permanent cure or relief from catarrh or disease of any kind until this habit is overcome, and the system rid of the tobacco poison. There are numerous nervous coughs that arise from irritation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and capillaries of the lungs. Give two to three doses of nux vomica, third trituration, two to three times a day, dry on the tongue, for two or three days, and the cough readily disappears, but not permanently unless the tobacco habit is discontinued. With Turkish, or hot baths of any kind, taken twice a week, inducing free perspiration, to eliminate the offending poison of the tobacco from the system, the most obstinate catarrh can be permanently cured if the treatment is persevered in. Nux vomica is an antido*? for tobacco, and the best local and constitutional tonic in the Materia Medica. Deep extra breathing is also an important essential. GENERAL DISEASES 313 COLIC . ^^"^.^^--Exposure to cold. alsc. indigestion. uorn)s. lead poison- ing. It .s distinguished from inflaninialion of the bowels, in that pressure relieves pain where in intlammation pressure is pai.,ful. Treatment -The hot corn meal and red pepper poultice placed between Hanuel cloths and laid over the entire bowels. Wrap the patient warmly, and give a httle nux vomica, third attenuation, in some water. CORXS Treatment.-Bathe the feet v.ell until the hard skin is softene.l about he corn, and apply strong nitric acid to the hornv center, with a camel's hair brush. Then take a sharp penknife and peel awav the soft, .leadened skin. Apply the acid two or three times during the treatment. The acid destroys the horny center COUGH Causes.-Taking cold, but is usually a symptom of some other trouble such as bronchitis, dyspepsia, or constnnption. It mav also result from' the use of tobacco, which produces a nervous rough. Treatment - Cough, with a dry. inflamed throat, recpdres belladonna, which should 'be taken as frequently as the severity of the case mav reqmVe. For drv hard painful cough, with stitches in the chest, bryonia should be given ' 'if the' cough IS caused by irritation, owing to the poison of tobacco give nux vomica, mght and morning. For lou.l. hollow, ringing cough, give spon- g.a. For short, hacking cough, with tight feeling in the chest, and frothv rust colored sputa, give phosphorus three times a day. DIARRHJIA Causes.-Usually. the causes are. taking cold, indigestion, or dentition Symptoms.— Frequent fluid evacuatioiis from the bowels. Treatment — Tf the attack is cans- taking cold. • onite shouK' be given, in connec- tion with a hot foot .. and hot applications over the bowels. If the 3U GENERAL DISEASES result of indigestible food, mix vomica is the most efficient remedy, in connection with the hot local ai)plications. Food should he taken in f^uid form, at regular intervals. Corn starch is excellent, as well as oatmeal or farina gruel. When diarrhrea is the result of teething, use camomile. DROPSY Dropsy may be induced by chronic or acute disease of the kidneys, or by chronic disease of the liver. Dropsy of the brain or chest, by inflamma- tion of the serous membranes. Symptoms. — Dropsy, from disease of the kidneys, may early be noticed under the eyes; it also begins at about the same time in different parts of the body. It is accompanied by pain in the region of the kidneys, and .scantiness of the urine. If the cause is in the liver, the swelling begins in the cavity of the abdomen, afterwards commencing in the feet, and working upward in the same manner as in cases of heart, or kidney disease. Dropsy of the brain is usually i. onfined to children. Dropsy of the chest is generally the result of chronic pleurisy, as mani- fested r\ the swelling of the affected side of the chest. Treatment. — Arsenicum is one of the best remedies for dropsy of the tissues, from what- ever cause. Apis mellifica is the best known remedy for acute dropsy aris- ing from disease of the kidneys. Hot baths are excellent: also bathing and friction over the region of the kidneys, with alcohol. Excite capillary action by wearing a capcine plaster over the kidneys for two days, then remove and use the alcohol again in the same manner. In this way a healthy action of the kidneys will be restored. Keep the feet w-arm, and bathe them every other day in hot and cold water alternately. DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION Causes. — Dyspepsia may be proc' ced by various causes. It may result from an abnormal condition of the nervous system, or from over stimulat- ing food or drink, such as mustard, pepper, fermented liquors, ice cream, tea or coffee. Worr\' and anxiety of the mind, or depression of the spirits from any cause, are the principal .sources of dyspepsia. So long as the . ^^ARV AND THE CHILD JESUS ;:■' -holly acquiescent kr the "mothe^'caS' nTr* " fr-,J/V.„ >:", ^T^P'^' '"other-heart '■"t Wholly acquiescent t-cept her own babe." — Gunsaulus. MAIDENHOOD. A child no more! a maiden now — A graceful maiden, with a gentle brow: A cheek tinged lightly and a dove-like eye; And all hearts bless her as she passes by. Mary Howitt. GliXliRAL DISH. IS US ,,, J'/ mind is dull and gloomy. fn„n disai.,...intnK-nts in l.usincss .,r l.uc the cfYoct Ks the san.c-dircct oppression of ,ho vital forces. All fn...l Ih-c'.mk-s po.sonons to the syste.n in time, if retained in the ston.-u-h until s„„red and en.emeor,„«s „f l,ro.,.h. a„,l. i„ sn„,o ca,c,. ol,„r,H-,i„,. .1.0 crcula,,,,,, „f M„o.I i„ „,e ,„ain. Tr..-.,„u.,„.-,;iv. ,„„ J , of COUT taking col, . Symploms—Pain in the small j„i„,s, con.mcncinL- i„ ih. grea. ,oe .„e Ik-oI. .„e k„oe, ..,c l,an,l. ,l,c wris.!or ,l,o di.o T ',,1 ,' of ..ce. „,1 and one ounce of amn.onia. Mix. an,l apply freely. i;iv liour. ..\lsn make „se of ho, l,a>h.. Die, sl,„„l,l be light wi.U no animal food or paslr>-. HAY FEVF.R This is a supersensitive condition of the mncons meml.rane aggn- vated "y .He pollen of various growths, principally the ragweed S 2e;~n ; ^ ^^ '■• "' '"" '""" "' "">• ■<'■""• --•'"■^^.>K- with cold « ter. n ectncty, scientifically applied, is also heneficial. The positiv u face, with a small nasal electrode covered with fine sponge. Make the >a.h, of some kind, a tlaily cistom. Patients a.ldiced !o the se o tohacco cannot be cured unless this habit is discontinued, as the poiso , o tobacco antidotes any remedy. HEADACHE Treatment.-When headache results from cold, bathe the fee, in ho, and cold water, alternately. Aconite is ,he remedy. For periodical head ches. om,t food twentyfour hours. Ignatia 3d is the remedv. I, ,a i- Che occurring before and after menstruation should l,e treated' with nux omica and Pulsatilla; if caused by anxiety or excitement give ignatr .hird atte^uation, in water, every hour. Bryonia will cure a Ilea ale 320 GENERAL DISEASES which is more paitifu! uhcn the patient moves ahout. This headache is chaMctcrize*! by irritabihty. PALPITATION OF THE HEART The most common iHsease of the heart is palpitation, caused by mental troul)' .'S, dyspepsia, formation of gases, suppressed meustrualion, or an impoverished conditio; of the blood. If the disease results from mental troubles, jjivc ijjnatia. If from dys|)cpsia, nux vomica and Pulsatilla. If caused by worms, give santonine or cina. Pulsatilla is the best reme«ly if the patient is suffering from suppressed menstruation. FAINTING Causes. — Sudden fright, violent injuries, severe pains, oppressive odors, the presence of indigestible matter in the stomach, loss of blood. Treatment. — Anmionia or camphor held to the nostrils. The patient should be laid Hat on the tloor, or a bed, and the feet placed first in hot water, then in cold. HYSTERIA Hysteria is a disease of the nervous system, confined almost wholly to females. Usually, the attacks are sudden and irregular, though in some cases, periodical. The patient bursts into a fit of weeping, soon to be followed by convulsive laughter. The disease generally makes its appear- ance before puberty, and is supposed to have its origin in deranged uterine action, also debility and nervous exhaustion. Ignatia is the remedy for nervous exhaustion; macrotin and Pulsatilla for the menstrual derange- me' t. Exercise, deep breathing and outdoor life are very important. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER Causes. — Taking cold, intoxicating drink, cold feet, too long retention of urine. Symptoms. — Pain and weight in the sides and lower part of the abdomen. Treatment. — Aconite is the remedy in the first stage, given in alternation with cantharis. Rest in bed is necessary. Apply external heat (JUS URAL DISU.lSliS 331 over the blad.Icr. ^ivc imicilaKiM.,us .Irink:. plain fcnl. an.l .sec tliat the bowels arc kept regular rKRITOMTIS Causes—Absorption of animal p.,isons after chiMl.irth. itirpica! injuries. Ushere.l in with chills, fever, an.l small, quick, hard pulse. AKo extreme pain, ati.l tenderness of the alxlonien. INFLAM.MATIOX OF THK im.\I.\. OR MKXI.NGITIS Symptoms.-Me.unKitis is characterized by ri^ a h..t. drv skin, hard and fre.,uent pulse, hurrie.l respiration, depression „f spirits vcrtij,'o nitensc headache, loss of appetite, vmitinff and c.nstipation. 'Hie eyes have a wild expression. Delirium sets in earlv. the patient bein^ n..isy violent an.l restless. These continue three or four .lavs after which the fever abates, the pulse lla^s. the t..nKue is ,lry an.l an.l the delirium is apt to pass into stupor or etna. In a few .lavs there is extreme prostration, the symptoms resemblin^r tl,.,sc ..f tvj.'hus fever W hen the disease terminates favorably, the impr..vement ' is K'ra.lual. Treatment.— (JeNcmium or veratrum vir-'de everv half hour. I!atl,c the feet in hot water, then cold, alternatinj,- in this xsay f..r tlurtv minutes, two to three times a .lay. gra.lually increasinjj the temperature .,f the h..t water and decreasing that of the col.l. Also bathe the head in h..t water, then in cold. In the intervals of treatment, keep a wet cloth on the head Induce free perspiration. The nourishment should be mild, such as Iamb broth, and gruels made from the cereals. SOFTENING OF TEIF RRAIN Causes.— -Imperfect nutrition, alcoholic drinks, tobacco, injuries to the brain, growth of tumors upon the imicr surface of the skull. Symptoms.— Similar to those in inHammation of the brain. There is an impairment of the intellectual faculties, embarrassment in askin- .|ncs- tions. melancholy, drowsiness, particularly after eating, impaired vi.ion an.l hearing, and pricking and twitching of the limbs, sometimes accom- panled by pain, or by numbness. In -the inflammatory form, the limbs are 322 GENERAL DISEASES more fretiuently the seat of painful cramps, stiffness, and contraction. There may be nausea, constipation, difficult micturation, and laljored respi- ration, which becomes stentorious towards the last. A state of coma ensues, which may pass off in a day or two, but only to return and become more profound, until terminating fatally. Softening of the brain occurs more frequently after the fiftieth year, although it is possible at any period of life. Treatment. — Turkish and vapor baths, hot and cold foot baths, daily. Rest from mental application is necessary, also abstaining from all liquors. If addicted lO the use of tobacco, the habit must be discon- tinued. Diet. — Select food from that prescribed for lean and nervous people. The best remedies are, phosphoric acid prepared as a lemonade, and nux vomica. 3d trituration, three times a day. Take plenty of out- door exercise, and live in an atmosphere of music and agreeable company. This will assist in niainta-'ning a cheerful frame of mind. INFLAMMATION OF THE BREASTS This develops chiefly during the period of nursing. Causes. — Stagna- tion of the milli within the glands, from taking cold, or external injuries. Symptoms. — Cold chills and rigors, with severe pain in the breasts, which feel hard and congested. Treatment. — Aconite every half hour. Prepare a poultice of flaxseed, adding a tablespoonful of black pepper. Mix thor- oughly and spread on a cloth the size of the breast, cutting a hole for the nipple. Soak the feet in hot salt water, and remain in bed, covered warmly, keeping an even heat over the entire body. EARACHE Causes. — Taking cold, the extension of inflammation, as in scarlet fever, chronic catarrh, etc. Symptoms. — Buzzing in the ears, with pain. headache, and dullness of hearing. Treatment. — Aconite in the first stage, copious hot douches into the ear by means of a fountain syringe. Also mix a few drops of chloroform with a teaspoonful of cosmoline, place on cotton baiting and lay in the ear. GENERAL DISEASES INFLAMMATION OF THE THROAT 32i This is an inflammation xii »'-.■ ,->i,..r and hack portions of the throat. Symptoms.— Pain, swelling, ar .! a dark n.d to or of the mucous membrane. In the chronic condition, ulci-.-« ma} aj-pt ir scattered over the surface. Treatment.— Belladonna, ^d au.,i.;^t. • . Gargle the throat with alcohol and water, equal parts, every hour. JAUNDICE Symptoms. — Yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes. Treat- ment.— Febrifugo No. I, of the Mattei remedies, hot baths of all kinds, and correct living. NEURALGIA This is a functional disorder of some particular nerve. Thysiologically, an irritation in the course of one or several sensory nerves. Causes.— Hereditary predisposition, malaria, exposure to cold, thinness of the blood. Treatment. — For constitutional debility, enrich the blood, and excite its circulation with hot baths. Iron phosphate, third attenuation, is the rem- edy. Keep the feet warm. Diet.— Bread made of whole wheat flour, eggs, vegetables, oatmeal at breakfast, and fruits. Indulge in plenty of pure air, and omit fluids at meals. NERVOUSNESS Treatment. — If caused by general debility, nux vomica is the best remedy, in connection with hot baths. If by mental anxiety, read chapter on mental healing. If the cause is disease of the uterus, use hot injections, two or three times a week. Pulsatilla and helonias. night and morning. Dyspepsia is one of the greatest sources of debility, causing various degrees of nervous disturbance. Remove the cause by eating with great precaution only such food, in small quantities, as is easily digested. THE NOSE-ITS INDICATION, IN HEALTH OR DISE.ASE General Observations. — An habitually pointed nose denotes derange- ment in the mesenteric glands of the bowels, and general atrophy. When 324 GENERAL DISEASES the nose becomes suddenly pointed in children, it denotes an impending spasm. A thick, swollen nose indicates intlamniation, if accompanied by pain, heat and redness, or scrofula; rachitic diseases. If the nose becomes ■ suddenly pointed during the act of parturition, it indicates internal hemor- rhage, complete exhaustion, or threatening convulsions. The pointed nose of a nursing mother indicates her complete unfitness for that ofhce. When observed during severe illness, it is always a grave symptom, indicating extreme exhaustion and collapse. A heavy motion of the nasal wings during respiration is a sign of impeded respiration, due either to asthma, pneumonia, croup, dropsy in the chest, or incipient paralysis of the respiratory muscles; also utter pros- tration. Circumscribed redness of the point of the nose, cheeks, and forehead, with paleness and coldness of the other parts of the face, denotes, in pneu- monia, that suppuration has taken place. A coppery, shining redness of the root of the nose is a sign of existing syphilitic ulcers within the nose. An habitually cold nose is found in disordered states of the abdominal viscera, in dropsical complaints, and in chlorosis. A grayish, lead-colored nose is found in dropsy of the chest and peri- cardium, in induration of the lungs, and in some malignant forms of typhoid fever. Single, lead-colored stripes on the nose have been observed in obstruc- tion of the portal vein. A bluish color of the nose is found occasionally in apoplexy, croup, diseases of the lungs, heart, and larger blood-vessels; in short, in all mor- bid conditions which cause stagnation of the blood. Brownish, yellowish spots on and over the nose, in the form of a saddle, usually indicate a diseased liver, or chronic leucorrhoea. "A blackish fur at the base of the nostrils, is found in typhus epidemic, dysentery, cholera, in fact, in any condition of great prostration." — Cow- perthwaite. GEXERAL DLSE.iSES HEARTBURN' OR WATF.R-RRASII 325 Drink crust coffee in p,ace of water, l.oth at n,eal tin,e and otherwise Take as a remedy the following: ciuksc. Tinct. of night-blooming cereus. 6 drops, in full glass of water. Dose- Tahlespoonful every hour until relieved. Take both night an,| n,orning one to two teaspoonfuls of pure olive oil. ^ GAS IX THE STOMACH drint'llT; " '° '° ''"'' " """" = "■"" '■■ «-^ o, wan,, „; GUxMBOIL A decaycl roo, of a tooth causes inlla„,n,„,i„„ an.l abscess of tl,c ,->„„ ahsccss breaks an.l becomes a g.nnboil Fon,e„t the „,„si,le of the face with a hot ca,„„„,ile an.l p,,,pv hea.l fonten a„o„, a,Kl apply ,„ ,he .,„„boil. between the cheek and \L ,., , a stmll „h,.e bread an.l „.:■• „o„„ice. which renew fre.,„e,„b. As s„o„ as the g„„,bo„ has becor .. ,. by all n.eans have the aiTcce.l t.,ot X trac e< . or ,t „,ay eanse , , an.l eonse,,nen,ly serions injnrv of the jaw. Whenever the pal.en, catches col.l there will be a renewal of the .nflantmatton of the abscess, an.l the ^nntboil. an.l, as a .natter of course renewed ,>a,„, tronble, an.l annoyance. Deeaye.l fangs .,f teeth often cause the breath to be offensive. EARLY STAGES OF COXSUMPTION Spitting blood is always to be looked upon with suspicion: even when a yo"th appears, in other respects, to be in goo.l health, it is frequentlv he forerunner of consumption. It may be said that, bv mentioning th'e fact. I am unnecessarily alarming a parent, but it would !«. a false kindness li 1 did not do so : "I be cruel, only to he kindrShakcsfrarc. Let me ask. When is consumption to be cured? Is it at the nn.ct oris It when It IS confirmed? If a mother had been more generally aware that 326 GENERAL DISEASES spitting blood was frcfiuciitly the forerunner of consumption, she would have taken far greater precautions. Consumption more frequently shows itself between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, after that the liability of the disease gradually diminishes, until at the age of forty-five it becomes ^ comparatively rare. Boys are more prone to this complaint than girls. It may be well for a parent to recognize the symptoms in order that she may seek aid early. It is perfectly hopeless to expect to cure consump- tion unless attended to at once, as the only effectual good in this disease is to be done at first SIGNS OF CONSUMPTION Consumption creeps on insidiously. One of the earliest symptoms of this areadful scourge is a slight, dry, short cough, attended with tickling and irritation at the top of the throat. There is usually hoarseness, not constant, but coming on if the patient is tired, or toward the evening. Tliere is also a sense of lassitude and depression, shortness of breath, a feeling of weariness on the slightest exer- tion. The hair of a consumptive person usually falls off, and what little remains is weak and poor; the joints of the fingers become enlarged, or clubbed as it is sometimes called; the patient loses flesh, and, after some time, night sweats make their appearance, then we may know that hectic fever has commenced. Hectic fever begins with chilliness, which is soon followed by flushings of the face and burning of the hands and feet, especially of the palms and soles. This is soon succeeded by perspirations. Tlie patient has generally two decided paroxysms of hectic fever during the day, one at noon which lasts about five hours; the other in the evening, which is more severe, and ends in violent perspirations; these perspirations continue the whole night through. Tlie expectoration at first is merely mucus, but after a time it assumes a characteristic appearance; it has a roundish, flocculent. woolly form, each portion of phlegm keeping, as it were, distinct; and if the expectora- tion is stirred in water, it has a milk-like appearance. .The feet and ankles swell. The perspiration comes on in the evening and continues all night — GENERAL DISEASES 327 more toward morning, and while the patient is asleep. Durinu the tune he .s awake, even at night, he seldom sweats The thrush generally shows itself toward the close of the .lisease. attacking the tongue tonsds, and soft palate, and is a sure harbinger of approaching death' hmaciation rapidly sets in. The most common exciting causes of consumption are slighted neglected mflammation of the chest, long continuance of intluenza, allow-' mg wet clothes to dry on the body, too little exercise, etc. TREATMENT FOR E.ARLY ST.VGES OF CONSUMPTION The health should by all means be the first consideration; throw books to the wmds: if he is at school, take him away; if he is in trade, cancel his mdentures; if he is in town, send him to a sheltered healthy spot in the country, the mountains are best. Be particular in his clot'hing. taking special care to keep his chest and feet warm. The feet must be carefully attended to: they ought to ])e kei)t both warm and drv. the slightest damp- ness of either shoes or stockings should cause them to be immediatelv changed. The diet must be nutritious and generous: the patient shoul.l be encouraged to eat plentifully of beef and mutton. There is nothing better for breakfast, where it agrees, than milk: indeed, it mav be fre- quently made to agree by previously boiling it. Wine and spirits must on no account be allowed. I caution parents in this particular, as manv have an idea that wine is strengthening, and that rum and milk is a good thing to cure or prevent a cough. If it is summer, let him be much in the open air. avoiding the evening and the night air. If it is winter, he should, unless the weather is mild for the season, keep within doors. DEEP BREATHING A MAGIC WAND IN CONSUMPTION Loosen thoroughly every band, corset and appendage that ob- structs, and never tighten them again. Seek an easv position, in a rocking-chair, or on a lounge, with shoulders and head' a little inclined. 328 GENERAL DISEASES Now, with perfect calmness, draw, slowly, the air into the lungs through the nostrils, deeper and deeper; he very careful to give attention to calm- ness. You may do yourself much harm here, as violent, spasmodic effort, inflating only the top of the lungs, will make you more nervous, and be harmful. Natural law is imi)erious and enforces exact justice. Do not hold your breath, but draw the air in calmly, deeper and deeper, and exhale as calmly as possible. The will has much influence in allaying nervous and spasmodic tendencies in the chest and system, such as a tendency to cough, and other manifestations of disturbed function. Keep this up a half hour or so at a time, and as often as you wish in repetition. As you proceed, the ability to breathe (lcc])cr and deeper and more calmly will be marked. Do not fail to use the agency of the will to preserve a perfectly calm state when you are taking these inhalations. Keep these exercises up. No great work is accomplished in a day; remember you are now to be made a new being; time and will are required, and are both indispensable to success. A marked change will be perceptible very soon if your work is done aright and well. At night when you retire, and through the night, when you awaken, you will find this deep breathing to be a magic wand; within the reach of all is this elixir of mind and body. Will and a little intelligence is the price demanded. This habit persisted in, will, in time, give a breathing capacity that cannot fail to astonish the one who persists in it. And we feel certain it will efifect a cure. It is a magic balm, and were it costly, would be sought with avidity SURE CURE FOR LA GRIPPE Make a foot-bath as follows: Have two shallow pans, one containing very cold, and the other very hot water. Dip your feet from one to the other, holding them in each pan as long as possible. Have a kettle on the stove containing boiling hot water; as you proceed with the bath you can gradually endure a greater degree of heat and of cold. Keep the temperature at the greatest extremes you can endure. Continue this an hour at a time two or three times a day, fast two or three days. GEXERAL DISEASES 3-^9 and yoi,r la grippe will loose its grip. I have curer all time, and vou should strive to think rationally on all themes concerning life. Health, both of mind and body, concerns us more than anv other theme Unless we possess it. we cannot fail to be vacillating. unr. i,. I^ Kf's,,, ^\^ come to h,m to have bug., removol from their cirs. \cci, cnliv 1,- discovered that by holding a lighted candle near the ear. tli i e 1 M once leave the cavit.v and eome forth. The patient shonW uark when tins is clone. TO REMOVE FOREIGx\ BODIES FROM THE STOMACH If a child swallows a piece of broken glass, avoid purgative, as the free act.on of the bowels would be likeiv to force the .las' into the n-ucoul 336 ACCIDENTS AND THEIR TREATMENT membrane of the bowels, and thus would wound them, and might cause ulceration, and even death. The object of treatment will be to allow them to pass through the intestines well enveloped by other contents of the tube; and for the purpose a solid, farinaceous diet should be ordered, and purgatives scrupulously avoided. If a child swallows a pin, treat him as for broken glass. Give him no aperients, or it might, in action, force the pin into the bowel. If a child swallows a coin of any kind, there is, as a rule, no danger. A dose or two or castor oil will be all that is usually necessary. The evacuations ought to be carefully examined until the coin is discovered. I once knew a child to swallow a penny piece and pass it in his stool. TREATMENT OF A FLESH WOUND If a child cuts his finger, there is nothing better than tying it up. Do not wash the blood away, but apply the rag at once, taking care that no foreign substance is left in the wound. If there is either glass or dirt in it, it will be necessary to bathe the cut in warm water before the bandage is applied. Some mothers use turpentine on a fresh wound. This plan is cruel and unnecessary, and frequently makes the cut difficult to heal. If it bleeds immoderately, sponge the wound freely with cold water. TREATMENT FOR A BkUISE If a child receives a blow, causing a bruise, immediately smear a small lump of fresh butter on the part affected, and renew it every few minutes for two or three hours; this is an old fashioned, but a very good remedy. If fresh butter is not at hand olive oil may be used, or soak a piece of brown paper in one-third of French brandy and two-thirds of water, and immediately apply; when dry, renew it. Either of these simple plans .will generally prevent both swelling and disfiguration. A Black Eye.— For a blow over the eye there is no remedy superior to fresh butter or a piece of fresh beef, or common brown paper soaked in vinegar and applied. Well anoint the parts for two or three inches around the eye. renewing it every few minutes for the space of an hour or two; ACCIDENTS AND THEIR TREATMENT 337 if well done the disagreeable appearance of a black eye will probably be prevented. Another capital remedy is the arnica lotion: Take of— Tincture of Arnica, one ounce ; Water, seven ounces. To make a lotion. Bathe the eye frequently by means of a soft piece of men with this lotion, and between times, let a piece of linen wet with the bandage '° '^' '^'' ''"'^ ^^ ^"''"""^ '" ''' '''^''-' ^^ "''"='"' ^^^ " TREATMENT OF A STUNNED CHILD If a child falls upon his head and is stunned, he will look deadly pale, very much as if he had fainted. In a few minutes he will in all probability regain his consciousness. Sickness frequently supervenes, which makes the case more serious, it being a proof that injury, more or less severe, has been done to the brain. Immediately loosen his collar and tie, lay him flat on his back, sprinkle cold water upon his face, wet the scalp with cold or hot water, open the windows so as to admit plenty of fresh air. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES It is a frequent practice for a mother or nurse to leave external applica- tions within the reach of a child. It is also highly improper to put a mi.x- ture and an external application on the same tray or on the same mantel- piece. Many liniments contain large quantities of opium, a teaspoonful of which would cause the death of a child. Hartshorn and oil has fre- quently been swallowed by children, and in several instances has caused death. Many lotions contain sugar of lead, which is also poisonous. There is not generally suflficient lead in the lotion to cause death : but there is enough to make the child very sick. All these accidents occur from carelessness. This advice admits of no exception. If a child has swallowed a portion of a liniment which contains opium, administer a strong nuistard emetic (composed of two teaspoonfuls of flour of mustard, mixed with a half a teacupful of warm water). Encourage the vomiting by afterward forcing 338 ACCIDENTS AND THEIR TREATMENT him to swallow warm water. Tickle the throat either with your finger or with a feather. Plunge him alternately in a hot and then in a cold bath. Dash cold water on his head and face. Throw open the windows. Walk him about in the open air. Rouse him by slapping him, by pinching him, and by shouting to him; rouse him, indeed, by every means in your power, for if you allow him to go to sleep, it will, in all probability, be the sleep that knows no waking. When a child has swallowed hartshorn and oil, force him to drink vinegar and water, lemon-juice and water -weetened with sugar, barley water, and thin gruel. If he has swallowed a lead lotion, give him a mus- tard emetic, and then vinegar and water, sweetened either with honey or with sugar, to drink. In case a child swallows either laudanum, paregoric, Godfrey's cordial, or any other preparation of opium, give, as quickly as possible, a strong mustard emetic. Mix two teaspoonfuls of flour of mustard in half a tea- cupful of water, and force it down his throat. If free vomiting is not induced, tickle the upper part of the throat with a feather, drench the little patient's stomach with large quantities of warm water. As soon as it can be obtained from a druggist, give the following emetic: Take of — Sulphate of Zinc, one scruple; Simple Syrup, one dram; Distilled Water, seven drams. To make a draught. In poisoning by the poison vine or sumach, the parts may be bathed with a solution of borax or copperas, or a wash inay be made by boiling elder bark in butter or milk. When a person has been rendered insensible by poisonous gases, as carbonic acid, or sulphureted hydrogen, he should be immediately stripped, and cold water dashed over the body. The lungs should be filled with fresh air. The patient should be made to swallow dilute ammonia, or wine and brandy, or other stimulants. In poisoning by strychnine, emetics, such as mustard, or sulphate of zinc, should be used, as well as a stomach pump. ACCIDENTS AND THEIR TREATMENT ^yj If vomiting cannot be produced or proves useless, cbloroform by inhalation should be administered. TO MAKE A BREAD POULTICE It is well for a mother to know how to make a white bread poultice ' Sea d a basm, for you can never make a good poultice unless you have per ectly bo.hng water, then throw in coarsely crumbled bread, a.ul cover with a plate. When the bread has soaked up as much water as it vvill, dram off the remaining water. an,l there will be a light p.dp left Spread ,t a third of an inch thick on folded linen, and apply. It mav be said that this poultice will be very inconvenient if there /no lard in it font wdl soon get dry; but this is the very thing you want, an.l it can' easily be moistened by dropping warm water on it, while a greasv poultice will be moist, but not wet. TAKING ACCOUNT OF THE PULSE Every mother should have a general idea of what the pulse of children of different ages should be in health and in disease. Every person slu.uM know how to ascertain the state of the pulse in health; then, by compar- ing It with what it is when he is ailing, he may have some ulea of the urgency of his case. Parents should know the healthy pulse of each child since now.and then a person is born with a peculiarly slow or fast pulse' and the very case in hand may be of such peculiarity. An infant's pulse is 140, a child of seven about 80. and from 20 to 60 years it is 70 beats a minute, declining to 60 at fourscore. At 60. if the pulse always exceeds 70. there is a disease; the machine working itself out. there 'is a feyer or inflammation somewhere, and the body is feeding on itself, as in con- sumption, when the pulse is quick. CHAPTER XXV NURSING THE SICK THE most important condition necessary to the maintenance of health, and the first requisite toward recovery of the sick, is perfect ventilation. A sunny exposure, an open fire, and in summer an open fireplace, are the greatest aids. Under all circumstances, keep the air pure in the sick-room. Cut flowers should not be suffered to remam any length of time; as soon as their first freshness is gone, remove them. The presence of carbon n the room, due to the wick of a lamp bemg turned too low, or to aiy cause whatever, is to be avoided as a deadly poison. Place the bed where all danger from draughts may be avoided, and always protect the patient's eyes from the direct rays of sun or lamp light. It is of the utmost importance that all bed-linen and clothnig should be changed very frequently; it should be washed and sunned thoroughly, previous to using. Sweep the floor with a damp broom to prevent dust rising, or remove dust with a damp cloth. DESIRABLE QUALITIES IN A NURSE A nurse should have calmness and self-possession. She should be gentle, kind, good-tempered, and obliging, but firm withal, and she should have a cheerful countenance. "Some seem by nature to have a vocation for nursing; others do not. Some have the light sten, the pleasant voice, the cheering smile, the dexterous hand and the gentle touch; some are gifted in cookery for the sick, are excellent to drive away the dumps and give life and cheer to the sick room." The former good qualities ar« esseii^ tial to a nurse, and if she can combine the latter— she will be invaluable. She ought neither to be a tattler, nor a tale-bearer, nor a croaker, nor a putterer. A tattler is an abomination; a clacking tongue is most weari- some and injurious to the patient. A tale-bearer is to be especially 340 NURSING THE SICK 341 I avoided; if she tells tales of her former cases, my reader may depend upon it that her turn will come. Have nothing to do with a gossip of a nurse; she is a most dangerous person to have about you. But of all nurses to be shunned as the plague is the croaker, one that discourses of the dismal and of the dreadful cases that have occurred in her experience, many of which, in all probability, she herself was the cause of. She is a very upas tree in a house. A putterer should be ban- ished from the lying-in room; she is a perpetual worry— a perpetual blis- ter! She is a nurse without method, without system, and without smart- ness. She putters at this, and putters at that, and worries the patient beyond measure. She dreams, and drawls, and putters. It is better to have a brusque and noisy nurse than a puttering one. She ought to be either a married woman or a widow. She must be sober, temperate and healthy, and free from deafness, and from any defect of vision. She should have a gentle manner, but yet not melancholy. She ought to have the softest step and the gentlest tone. She ought to be fond of children, and must neither mind her trouble nor being disturbed at night. She should be a light sleeper. Scrupulous attention to cleanliness, freshness, and neatness in her own person, and toward the patient and the infant, are most important requi- sites. In choosing a nurse select one who has a bright, sunshiny countenance — having nothing to do with a sour-faced individual. WHEN TO ENG.'\GE A NURSE The nurse ought to be engaged early in pregnancy, as a good nurse is caught up soon, and is full of engagements. This is most important advice. A lady frequently has to put up with an indifferent nurse from nelecting to engage her in time. The physician, at the eleventh hour, is frequenutly besought to perform an impossibility— to select a good nurse, and which he could readily have done if time had been given him to make the selec- tion. Some of my best nurses are engaged by my patients as early as two 343 NURSING THE SICK or three months after conception, in order to make sure of having their favorite nurses. A nurse ought to be in the house for a week or ten days before the commencement of labor, in order that there may be neither bustle nor excitement, and no hurrying to and fro at the last moment to find her; and that she may have everything prepared, and the linen well aired for the coming event. My reader may say, "You want a nurse to be perfection?" Well, I do; a nurse ought to be as near perfection as poor human nature will allow. None but good and true women should enter the ranks of nurses; for their respunsiLility is great, and their power of doing either good or evil is enormous. Hence good nurses are prizable, and should be paid most liberally. The selection of a nurse is, for the well-being both of mother and of babe, quite as important as is the choice of a doctor; indeed, I do not know whether she is not of more importance. Mother and babe are thor- oughly dependent up^n her for most important services. I hope I have said enough — I am quite sure that I have not said one word too much — on the care required in the selection of a nurse. It is impossible when such important interests are at stake, to be too partic- ular, or to overstate its importance. CHAPTER XXVI DISHES FOR INFALIDS ' WHEN any article of food causes increased action of the heart quickness of the inilse, headache, or pains in the stomach, or bowels, it is then an indication that such food is injurious. When the patient is recovering from disease, but is still weak, though gradually regaining strength, strict attention should be given to the diet In regard to the kinds of food which may be allowed, it should be remem- bered that first of all, it must be light and nutritious. Milk is probably as easy of digestion as any other substance; it may I.e given at all times durmg the sickness and convalescence without injurv. Ice cream in small q.iantities eaten slowly, is most excellent. Boiled rice is easv of digestion, and beef tea. mutton broth and chicken are useful in convalescence.' Fruits are sometimes very beneficial, and at other times verv hurtful. In fever, the juice of ripe oranges will be extremely grateful; the pulpy p^rt should always be rejected. Grapes may also he allowed, being careful not to swallow the seeds or skin. Lemon juice, lemonade, strawberries which have their juice bruised out and strained, may also be allowed. TO MAKE GRUEL Pour a quart of hot water into a clean earthen or tin vessel over a brisk fire; when it boils, add two large tablespoonfuls of corn or oatmeal; mix it smooth in just water enough to thicken it; put a small lump of butter into the water, and when melted, add the meal and stir for about half an hour; then add a teacupful of sweet milk, and when it boils again, throw in the upper crust of hard baked bread cut into small pieces; let it boil some time, and add a little black pepper, a little salt, a pinch of graterl nutmeg, a little more butter and a teaspoonful of French brandy. The butter, spices and brandy should be omitted when the case is a serious one. 343 344 DISHES FOR INVALIDS \ TOAST WATER Toast slightly a piece of bread, and add to it boiling water; if pre- ferred, sweeten. It may be flavored with lemon or orange peel. BARLEY COFFEE Roast barley until well brown, and bou a tablespoonful of it in a pint of water for five minutes; strain and add a little sugar, if desired. A nourishing drink toward the close of fever, and during convalescence. . OATMEAL COFFEE Mix common oatmeal and water to form cake; bake and brown it, powder it, and boil in water five minutes. Good for checking obstinate vomiting, especially in cholera morbus. MILK PORRIDGE Two dozen raisins quartered, two cups milk, one tablespoonful flour, salt to taste. Boil raisins in water twenty minutes. Allow the water to boil away and add the milk. When it boils, add the flour rubbed to a thin paste with a little cold milk. Boil eight or ten minutes, and season with a little salt. Adding the beaten white of one egg after the porridge comes from the stove, improves it. BARLEY GRUEL Boil one ounce of pearl barley a few moments to cleanse it. Pour off the water, add a quart of cold water, a half teaspoonful of salt; simmer to one half, and strain. Excellent for fevers and gastric inflammation. INDIAN MEAL GRUEL One teaspoonful flour, two tablespoonfuls corn meal, one teaspoonful salt, one quart boiling water. Mix flour, meal, and salt, working into a thin paste with a little cold water. Stir into boiling water, and boil thirty DISHES I'OR L\l\IUDS 3^5 minutes, stirring frequently. Thin with milk or cream. Corn meal is heating, and not good where there is fever. O.MMEAL GRUEL Two tablespoonfuls oatmeal, a pinch of salt, one quart boiling water. Boil one hour and serve with milk or cream. F.ARIN.\ GRUEL One tahlespoonful Heckcr's farina, one teaspoonfiil salt, one cup boil- ing water, one of milk. Cook all together except the milk, for fifteen minutes, or until it thickens, then add the milk and boil again. Farina is a preparation of wheat and very healthful. CRACKER GRUEL Four tablespoonfuls powdered cracker, one cup boiling water, one cup of milk, and a little salt. Boil up once and serve fresh. EGG GRUEL The yolk of one egg beaten well, one teaspoonful sugar, one cup hot milk, white of egg beaten to a foam. Flavor with nutmeg or lemon. Good for cold if taken very hot before retiring. ARROWROOT GRUEL Add a tahlespoonful of arrowroot to half a pint of boiling water; mix well, add half a pint of milk, and boil together for two or three minutes; sweeten to the taste. PANADA NO. I One cup stoned raisins, one quart water, two slices toasted bread, or one cup bread crumbs, two eggs, one tahlespoonful sugar. Boil the raisins one hour, skim them out. then add bread to the boiling water. Boil fifteen minutes, stirring well. Beat the eggs, adding sugar, and pour the panada over them, stirring constantly. Xo. 2. — Split two fresh gra- ham crackers. Put them into a bowl, sprinkle with a little sugar and 346 DISHLS J OR INVALIDS cover with boiling water. Slip them out and serve with a Httle cream. No. 3. — Boil one talilespoonful cracker crumbs five minutes in one cup boiling water, slightly sweetened, and Havored with lemon or straw- berry. OATMEAL MUSH FOR INVALIDS One cup granulated oatmeal, pinch of salt, one scant quart boiling water. Put meal and salt in a doul)le boiler, pour over them boilin;, water and cook two or three hours. Remove the cover just before serving and stir slightly with a fork, allowing steam to escape. Serve with sugar and cream. Baked apples, apple sauce, and apple jelly are delicious eaten with the oatmeal. They should be eaten with the mush, the cream being poured over both mush and fruit. INDIAN MEAL MUSH One cup corn meal, one cup cold milk, one pint boiling water, salt to taste. Mix meal and salt with cold milk. Stir this gradually into boiling water. Cook half an hour in a double boiler, stirring oftc l. ENTIRE WHEAT MUSH Mix half cup graham flour and half teaspoonful salt into thin, smooth paste, with a little cold water. Stir into one pint of boiling water, and cook twenty minutes, stirring frequently. Serve with cream. Rye mush is excellent made in the same manner, eaten also with sugar and cream. BRAIN FOOD Wet one cup of entire wheat flour in a !=*Me cold water and stir into one quart of salted boiling water. Cook ovc. hot fire one to two hours. Eat hot or cold, with sugar and cream. RICE JELLY Two tablespoonfuls rice, one quart cok! water, salt and sugar to taste. Pick over and wash the rice and cook in water one hour, or until the rice t\ ('issolved. Add ^ little salt and sugar to taste. If desired for jelly, add DISHES rOR ISI'ALIDS 347 lemon juice and strain into a mold Whrn ,oi i crea,,,. „ .„ ,,e „„„ .. „ „„„. JJ^^ , t ^1::^^^ ""," and hoi, ,„„„„ „,„, a „,„ ,,„„„ ,, ,,,., , , i ""'^ «, " ;"" ' TAPIOCA JFLl.V IRISH MOSS JELLY One half cup Irish moss, one pint boihng water, one lemon one thir.! cup of sugar. Soak the moss in cold wnter until so ft. p ck o"; ^"' agam. then put into the boiling water an.l simmer until lil • \ lemon jmce and sugar, and strain into a mol.l Currant ioK i . \ -on. is good, or four or five figs steeped with n^ '^:;:T\:1 use of sea and Iceland moss is recommended in rheun^atic d ses they contam bromine and iodine. ""teases, as RESTORATIVE JELLY gum aral„c. t„o tablespoonful, Ic.on j„ice, ,l,rce tal,lcs,,o„„f ,1, ,,„,, »jr' Place :;' '•" *""^ '"'""""'- '"^^"'" ^" - «'■- i- "•' '- and „.he„ coo,. „,. into s.a,, .,„ Good ,o. aged »: ;::><*;;.' '' GUM WATER One ounce clean gum arabic and half an ounce of sugar dissolved in one pmt bodmg water, with juice of one lemon. Add le'mon ' :rce a J 348 DISHES FOR INVALIDS otiier articles arc dissolved, and strain all through a fine strainer. This is soothing in iiitlaniniation of the mucous membrane. TOAST VVATRR NO. a Toast one pint of white or brown bread cnists very hrovvn, but be careful not to burn. Tour over them otrc pint of cold water, and kt stand for one hour. Strain, and add cream and sugar to taste. CRUST COFFEE Pour one pint of boiling water over two slices of brown bread, or white bread toasted. Steep ten minutes and strain. Add sugar and cream to taste. RICE COFFEE Brown one cup of dri< '! "^weet corn or rice; pound or grind fine. Add one pint of cold water, and steep one hour. Strain and serve with cream and sugar. These are very nice beverages for the sick, for invalids, or those in perfect Ix^alth. SLIPPERY ELM TEA Pour one cup hot water over one teaspoonful of powdered slippery elm bark, or on a piece of the fresh bark. When cool, strain through wire strainer and flavor with very little lemon. Add a little sugar. This is soothing fur inflamed mucous surfaces. ACID FRUIT DRINKS Pour !>oiliiig water on mashed cranberries, barberries, whortleberries or cherries. When cold, strain and sweeten as desired. No. 2. — Stir a tablespoonful of any acid jelly or fruit syrup into a tumbler of ice water. ^<'o. 3. — Dissolve one tablespoonful cream of tartar in one pint of water. Sweeten to taste. APPLE TEA Roast two large, sour apples, cover with boiling water. When cool, pour water off, strain and sweeten to taste. \ .fl^'M^ DWIES rOR L\lJUD:i J49 JELLY AND I CI- Chip half a cup of ice fmc. Mix .ith it Icm.m. errant, hlackl.errv cherry, or barberry jelly. Kxcellc.u in fevers. -'^Knerrv. TAMARI.VD \V\T[:R Boil two ounces of tamarin.Is with four ounces of stone it t;.l.lcs,,n„„,„i s„ Pour over th.s one cup of boiling water an.l cool. Drink hot after retiring if taken for a cold. ■vunnj,, FLAXSEED LE.MOXADK Pour one quart boiling water over fo.,r tablesp,„i„fn!s <,f wl,.,k- llnx- seed and steep three hours. Strain, sweeten to taste, an.l ad.l the juice of two lemons. If too thick, add a little more water. Excellent for fevers or IRISH MOSS LEMONADE Soak, pick over and wash one-quarter of a cup of Irish moss and a.l-l one pmt of boiling water. Heat to the boiling point, but do not alio, t > bo.l. Keep at that temperature half an hour. Strain, an.l squeeze n,* . •t^t^he ju.ce of one lemon. Sweeten to taste. Use acid phosphate if pn- WINE WHEY Boil one cup of new milk, add one cup of wine. Let it stanrl on the i^ack of the stove five minutes. Strain and .sweeten. HERB TEAS Pour one cup of boiling water o\ .r a tablespoonfu' of the herb Tover the bowl, set it over the teakettle and steep ten minutes. Sweeten a verv httle if desired. Mullein tea is go.vl for inflammation of the lune^ ramrC •mle tea for sleeplessness, calamus and catnip teas for colds and infant's 350 DISHES FOR INVALIDS colic. Tea made from the root of carpenter square is a specific for colic, and is also excellent for disordered liver, stomach and kidneys. Cinna- mon tea is good for hemorrhages, watermelon seed and pumpkin seed tea for strangury and summer complaint. BURDOCK ROOT TEA Burdock is a biennial plant, sending, the first season, a straight root deep into the ground, penetrating hard clay soils, often two feet deep. These roots are the portions utilized for medicinal purposes. They should be gathered, for best results, in the fall, winter or spring, and used fresh or dried. Slice the rocLs into thin pieces, and pour hot water over them; place in a jar or pitcher, and keep covered till cool. Drink this tea when thirsty, instead of w^ater. It is the best blood purifier known, being a specific for boils, carbuncles, jaundice and all ordinary skin diseases. Dur- ing the spring and fall, when the system is undergoing change and so many people suffer from debilitation, it should be used as a common drink. MEATS The majority of mankind believe animal food to be a necessary con- stituent of the diet. We therefore give a few formulas for the best prej)- aration of meats for the sick. Every particle of fat, skin and membrane must be removed. BEEF TEA Take a pound of lean beef, cut it fine, put it in a bottle corked tightly, and put the bottle into a kettle of warm water; the water should be allowed to boil for a considerable time; the bottle should then be removed, and the contents poured out. The tea may be salted a little, and a tea- spoonful given each time. Another way of preparing it is as follows: Take a thick steak, broil slightly on a gridiron until the juices have started, and then squeeze thoroughly with a lemon squeezer. The juice thus extracted will be highly nutritious. r A Happy Home. However humble the home may be, Or tried with sorrow bv heaven's decree. The blessings that never w ere bought or sold And I enter there, arc better than gold. DISHES FOR INVALIDS BROILED BEEF PULP 353 Scrape raw beef to a pulp, make into small cakes and broil as steak Season with salt and a little cayenne pepper. Serve hot. MUTTON BROTH To make it quickly for an invalid, chop one pound of lean, juicy mut- ton very fine. Pour over it one pint of cold water, let it stand u^ftilTe water . red. then heat slowly, simmering ten minutes. St" n si: and add two tablespoonfuls of soft boiled rice, or thicken shght y w t rle flour wet with cold water. Serve warm. y wuii rice BARLEY SOUP Remove the (at and bones from one pound of neck of mutton Cut the meat mto s hces and add to it one tablespoonfu, of well washed bar^y and one pmt of cold water. Heat slowly, and simmer two hours. Pu^ he bones mto a cup of cold water, boil gently half an hour and strain into the meat and barley. Season with salt. Skim off the fat and serv with whole wheat wafers. CHICKEN BROTH Clean a small chicken, disjoint and cut the meat into half-inch pieces Remove.ll at break or pound the bones. Dip the feet in boiling .X and scald till the skin and nails peel off. The feet contain gelatine and we cleaned may be used for jelly. Cover the meat, feet and bones ."h cold water, heat very slowly, and simmer till the meat is tender. Strain taltnd I71\r":" '': '"'- '""" ^'^'^ "'^' p^pp^^- -^^^ '-°" tj as e^ and add the white of one .g^. Place over the fire, stir well, and boilf^ve minutes. Skim, and strain through a fine napkin. If intended for jelly, pour into small cups and cool. Serve warm. BARLEY WATER One tablespoonful pearl barley, three cubes loaf sugar, half a lemon one quart bo ling water. Wash the barley in cold water and place it Z' the sugar and lemon, in the boiling water. Let it stand covered and warm l-f ■te' 354 DISHES POR INVALIDS for three hours, then strain. Cnirant jelly or orange juice may be used instead of lemon. Valuable for colds, strangury, diseases of bladder and urinary organs. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ One cup of cold roasted or boiled chicken, pounded to a paste. Add half a cup of stale bread crumbs, and enough boiling chicken liquor to make one quart. Serve hot a cup at a time. HEALTH BREAD. MADE OF ENTIRE WHEAT FLOUR To three pints of water add a small cake of yeast and a teaspoonful of salt. I^Iix with this a sufficient quantity of entire wheat flour to make, a soft dough, and mould into baking pans. Let it rise about one-half as much as is usual with other bread before baking. Allowing bread to rise but once increases its nutrition. As the flour is ver>' coarse, makmg the dough soft allows for swelling. Bake in a hot oven in the same man- ner as other bread, with the exception that it should be baked a trifle longer. PART VI FEMALE BEAUTY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT CHAPTER XXVII BATHING FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTT THE Divine architect of our bodies has taken great precautions for the elimination of all waste of the body. One of the apparatus provided to this end is the skin, by means of which the blood is exposed to the influence of the atmosphere. The skin is one of four means the body has for eliminating impurity; the others are the lungs, kidneys and lower bowel. For the purpose of elimination, and also reg- ulating bodily temperature the skin is provided with two and a quarter millions of little glands. The external openings are called the pores of the skin. These glands are situated in the connective tissue beneath the skin, in the shape of a coil; on the outside of the coil is a network of capillaries from which perspiration is derived. It is estimated that there are not far from three thousand of these gland?^ to the square inch, and that they eliminate from one to five pounds of fluid in twenty-four hours. The fluid evaporates or is absorbed by the clothing; the solid impurity remains at the surface. The bath removes this impurity. If the bath is neglected the impurity becomes rancid, and more or less of it is reab- sorbed into the body to create disease. Beside the impurity left through perspiration there are also the scales of dead scarf-skin and the oily matter which is secreted to preserve the texture of the skin. None can with impunity neglect the removal of all of this waste. For a person in health, there should be a daily sponge bath, supple- mented twice a week by a full warm bath with plenty of soap. This will keep the glands of the skin in activity. 355 356 BATHING FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY GENERAL RULES FOR BATHING All full bathing should be taken when the body is warm. In chronic cases the bath should be followed by walking, or other active exercise, if the patient's strength will admit. Eating should not be indulged within an hour after bathing, nor should a bath be taken within two hours after eating. The best times for bathing are on rising in the morning, at lo a. m., at 3 p. m., and at bedtime. Every full bath should be taken quickly, the patient, if able, rubbing himself vigorously, then dressing and exercising. Wetting the head and the chest before taking a full bath is a useful precaution, and especially for persons liable to head affections. The fact of a person being in a full perspiration is no objection to taking a bath, provided the body is not in a state of exhaustion, nor the breathing disturbed. THE OIL BATH FOR THE SKIN Among the most helpful, invigorating and at the same time nourishing baths, there is none that surpasses the olive oil bath. This cleanses the pores of the skin from all foreign matter. Pour a little in the palm of the hand and rub it thoroughly into the flesh, taking a part of the body at a time. After the use of the hand, produce a friction by means of a coarse towel. This is especially good for sick and thin people. Very soothing. THE SPONGE BATH ■ Persons who are reduced, physically, may bathe part of the body first; as the head, face, arms, and chest, drying and rubbing with a dry towel, or the dry hand, before bathing the rest of the body. This form of spong- ing the body in fevers, or other acute diseases, is frequently better than exposing the whole body. It may be commenced with tepid water, grad- ually reducing it to cool, or cold water, as the patient is able to bear it. In acute diseases when the object is to reduce fever, water at a tempera- ture of seventy-five or eighty-five degrees is better than colder water. The best time for taking a sponge bath is the morning, immediately after BATHING FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY 357 rising from bed; sometimes a second bath may be taken before going to bed. Exercise in the open air should follow the bath. The baths may be continued for a quarter pf an hour or longer, if it is desired to act as a stimulant, or to cool off the body. When a shorter time is used, it has a TT^^'^'J '""• exhilarating efifect. and also equalizes the circulation 01 the blood. THE AIR BATH ■ The air bath can be taken morning, evening or midday. It consists of exposing the body or any portion of the body to the air and at the same time rub the part exposed with a coarse towel until a warmth has l)een established throughout the system. This cleanses the pores and is espe- cially appropriate to thin people. THE WET SHEET PACK-KNEIPP CURE This is a valuable process to reduce the heat of the body in fevers and to remove unhealthy secretions. The sheet for packing should be of cot- ton or coarse linen, sufficiently long to reach from the patient's head to his feet, and about two yards in width, or one can use instead a coarse linen mantle. In feeble, chronic cases, it is better not to have it come quite to the ankles. The bed should be stripped of its covering one or two pillows being left for the patient's head. One or two comfortables should be spread conveniently upon the bed and two woolen blankets upon these. If the patient is subject to coldness of the feet, he should have a jug or can of hot water, or hot bricks placed to the feet, having one or two thicknesses of the blanket between, to protect the feet from too great heat. The patient lying flat on his back should raise his arms while the assistant wraps one side of the sheet over the body and lower limbs, and tucks it closely to the body. The arms are then dropped to the side, and the other side of the sheet quickly wrapped and tucked. The person should remain in this packing from thirty minutes to an hour and a half. If he gets comfortably warm in fifteen or twentv min- utes, thirty or forty minutes will be a sufficient length of time to remain in the pack, but if he warms more slowly, two or three hours is sufficient. 358 BATHING FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY If sweating is desired, the patient should remain until perspiration appears on the forehead, generally from an hour to two or three hours. If the patient remains long enough to produce perspiration, just before it appears, he will have a chilly sensation, which will be succeeded by copious perspiration. For very delicate persons, the sheet should be first wrung out of tepi«l or warm water. On coming out of the pack, the plunge, rubbing, wet sheet or towel bath may be used. It may be used in the fever stages of remittent and intermittent fevers, and in some chronic difficulties. When the patient is very feeble, the half pack, or towel pack should be used. In the commencement of the treat- ment, one towel should be wet and laid across the chest and bowels, and the rest of the body enveloped in dry blankets. In a few days a second towel may be placed along the spine, and this gradually increased until he will be able to bear a full pack. Headache, muscular debility, and giddi- ness, indicate that the pack is continued too long. THE VAPOR BATH The vapor bath is excellent for colds, catarrh, pleurisy, fever, and affections of the bowels, kidneys or skin. The perspiratory glands are excited to unusual activity and bear out. at least in part, the morbific matter. There are many cabinets on the market for hot-air and vapor baths, but a home-made apparatus answers quite as well. This consists of either an alcohol lamp over which is placed a small vessel containing water or a small tub or tin pan filled with hot water and placed under the chair. In the latter case, red hot bricks or stones should occasionally be put into the vessel, so as to keep the vapor constantly rising. The time required to produce perspiration will vary from ten to twenty minutes. If the hearl is affected unpleasantly, producing faintings. sickness, or fullness of blood in the head, it should be stopped. The patient may be allowed to drink cold water or bathe the face with cold water, or a wet towel may be placed upon the head at the commencement. After using this bath, a full bath should be taken to cleanse the skin. Wrap the bather in blankets after BATHISG FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY 359 being placed on the chair for a vapor hath, hut he need put on no an or clothing of any kind. THF. CABIXF.T nATH This is the same in principle as ti.e above. It reciuires. however, a cal)- inet and a sniaii alcohol l^inj). These can he procured fur about ^5. THli SITZ HATH A common wash tub will answer for this bath, alihoui;]! a ^itz bath tub is better. The tub should be lar}.jc enough to admit of the niutiun of the arms in rubbing, and deep enough to allow the legs to bend over each other without producing pressure, or checking the circulation. When the bath is used as a tonic, the water sIk)u1(1 be cold and the iiatifiit remain in from five to ten or fifteen minutes. Persons who are feeble >lionld use warm water, and remain in from one to five miniUes. gradualK reducing the temperature until they can take a cold bath. The water should cover the hips and lower part of the abdomen. In the cold .stage of interniittcnt fever the warm sitz-l)ath will very much mitigate the severity of the chill; and when followed by rubbing will often break up the attack. In acute inflammation of the liver, stomach, bowels, spleen and kid- neys, the sitz-bath should be used very frequently. .\t the same time, use injectirms of cold or warm water. THE SHALLOW B.\TH A shallow bath tub may be used, or a common wash tub. The water should be from four to six inches deep. During the bath, the abdomen and lower part of the body should be well rubbed by the patient, or bv an attendant, and the head should also be sprinkled, and the back and chest rubbed. When there is no chilliness, a pail of cold water should bo poured on the chest and shoulders. This bath may be employed from one to fifteen minutes by those who are very feel)le and sensitive to cold, and from fifteen to thirty minutes by others. It may be followed by the dry rtibbing sheet or by hand rubbing. It will be found usefti! in the treat- 36o BATHING FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY ment of skin diseases, sick headache, rush of blood to the head, apoplexy, paralysis, sunstroke, etc. THE PLUNGE BATH The plunge bath should be taken in a large reservoir or bath tub, filled _ with water. It may be used with advantage in all chronic diseases, which are not attended with determination of blood to the head, or difficulty of breathing, or disturbance of the circulation. The temperature of the bath should be from fifty-five to sixty-five degrees, and the person should remain in from a few seconds to two or three minutes in chronic diseases. In high fever the patient may remain in from ten to fifteen minutes. THE FOOT BATH This is an excellent means, especially in disease of the head and chest, and may be used also to prevent cold feet. If the object is to determine blood from the head and chest, the vessel should not be too large, and the bath be continued from twenty minutes to an hour. If the congestion increases during the bath, cold applications should be made to the parts affected. The feet should be rubbed during and after the bath. The warm foot bath is valuable to relieve attacks of headache, and to quiet the nervous system. THE EYE AND EAR BATH Forcing a small stream of hot water through a fountain syringe, is use- ful in some diseases of the eye and ear, especially is this true in a case of "gathered ear." THE NOSE BATH In catarrh, colds in the head, nose bleed, etc., this is beneficial. Water should be used by the means of a nasal douche. This should be repeated several times a day as a tonic. BATHING FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY. 36l WET COMPRESSES When intended to be cooling, the cloths must he of a size suite.l t.> the part inHamed; they should then be folde.l six or ciKJu times dip.u.i «n very cold water and squeezed, and renewe.l every five ..r ten minutes according to the degree of inflammation. If the water cannot l,e ol.taine.l cold, add .ce to it. The ban.lages must be without intermis- sjon day and night until danger is averted. Neglect of changing the cloths will produce bad results. When the object is to raise the temperature of the part, the bandages may consist of linen folded two or throe times and dipped into cold water- they should then be well wrung out. and not change.l until drv The action may be aided by covering the br.idages with a drv towel ' These applications are useful in derangements of the digestive organs, liver afTec- tions of the bowels, etc. CHAPTER XXVIII FEMALE BEAUTT AND ACCOMPLISHMENT Ml'CH thoiiKlit is employed aiKl much expense incurred in order to preserve and improve personal appearance, and endow it with new charms. If nature has hestowed upon us good features we should he thankful anuur portrait could be made only by the painter's brush as h. ' ,<• the j;ht ck-niciit, that which will make you weak, helpless . r ; ,k. .'im "If in your mind you are ever buildini,' an hl.;il cf • .mu^cII as strong, healthy and vigorous, you are building to yonvHlf i.\ mi> i-;il)Ic element. that which is ever drawing to you more health, strc :^th ,m.l \!j,'or "Persistency in thinking health, in imaginiuR (,i i.K liizin- ycntrvdf as healthy, vigorous and symmetrical is the cornerstone nt lualtli and beauty. Of that which you think most, that you will be and that will you have most of." There are always a few men and women ready to enter into the light of new possibilities. The belief that we nnist be old at fifty and in our graves at seventy-five, is fast becoming a thing of the past. There arc those to-day who are younger and healthier at fifty than they were at fifteen, and this renewed life is possible to all who are willing to renounce their old ideas and march forward under the banner of progress. This thought is not new, for you remember that Shakespeare said. "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." "Outer life must correspond to inner life, else law and scciucncc would be at fault, and the chain which binds cause and effect be sevcreil." Let us place ourselves in harmony with a natural means to beautify, and thereby derive the benefits of all natural law. There are many methods for adding to external beauty, but only that is real an' '-'•^^gg^^'-^ted contour in place ot shght and subtle curves. 2. Sickly, sallow complexion, 3- Pale, thin, compressed lips. 4- Red noses. pidity ^^''' °^ buoyancy, general feebleness, lassitude, apathy, and stu- 6. Distorted features. 7. Soured tempers. 8. Wrinkles. 9. Lustreless eyes. 10. Ugly shoulders. 11. Ugly bust. 12. Clumsiness. (Corsets render any woman more or less inelegant and ungraceful in her movements. Her imprisone.l waist with its flabbv unused muscles has no chance of performing beautiful un.lulnting move- ments.) ^ Stays do not strengthen the body; on the contrarv. thev weaken it The pressure upor the muscles causes them to waste, so that in the end' a girl cannot do without them. The stays are then obhge.l to perform the duty of the wasted muscles. They weaken the lungs bv interfering the,r functions. Every inspiration is accompamed bv a movement of the ribs. If this movement is impede.], the functions of the lun-s are impeded likewise, and. consequently, disease is likelv to follow, an.l either •lifficulty of breathing, cough or consumption mav ensue. Thev weaken the heart's action, and thus frequently produce palpitation, an.l event.nllv orgamc or incurable disease of the heart. Thev weaken the digestion by pushmg down the stomach and liver, and bv compressing the latter and thus induce indigestion, flatulence and liver disease. Thev weaken the 366 FEMALE BEAUTY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT bowels by impeding their peristaltic motion, and thus produce either constipation or rupture. THE ELIXIRS OF LIFE In disease, rest and pure air is half the cure: indeed, some forms of disease are cured by rest and deep breathing alone. Almost any form of indigestion, or headache, will yic.d if that system is allowed proper rest and plenty of good heavenly air. One may, with advantage, fast from one meal up co three, four, or seven days. This time allows the system to rid itself of whatever is clogging it, at the same time g.vmg an over- worked digestion rest. The sleep of all persons should be calm, without pain, uneasmess or dreams It should be neither interrupted nor too long undisturbed. The more noiseless the breathing the more healthy. The better position to assume on retiring is to lie upon the right side. If there is food m the stomach it passes out the more readily. The pillow should be just enough to allow the body a horizontal position when lying on the side. The mat- tress mav be of straw, husks, hair or wool, but not feathers. The covenng should combine warmth with lightness, .\bsolute cleanliness in regard to beds is the most essential requirement THINK JOY. LOVE. PE.\CE The following mental treatment, recommended by Charles Fillmore, is guaranteed to cure every ill that ilesh is heir to: "Sit for half an hour every night at 9 o'clock and mentally forgive every one against whom you have anv ill-will or antipathv. If you fear or are prejudiced against even an ani- mal mentally ask forgiveness of it and send it thoughts of love. If you have accused anv one of injustice, or talked about them unkindly, or criticise.l them or gossiped about them, withdraw your words by asking them m the silence to forgive you. If you have hav.\iM Tkv oi- !.-\ri: bRUNKTTr-A TVPK OF BEAUTY FEMALE BEAUTY A.\D ACCOMPLlSHMEXr 371 "unnecessary evils-anyway until one gets to be a hundrc.l or so " appear because the subcutaneous fat has been al)sorbecl. an.l the .k.n falls "Uo folds. U hen the skin food or olive oil is applied the fattening, quali- ties arc nourished and they in turn build up the underlying tissues. Mme. Pote says nut even wcjrry will make a woman grow wrinkled and old so rapidly as sleeping with the head upon high pillows. The tendency of tlie mus- cles through the day is to droop; this can be counteracted by sleeping on a low pillow. The facial massage should con- sist mainly of upward pressure. F.\CI.\L ERLTTIOXS-HOW CURED TREATMENT TO PREVENT WRINKLES. Facial erui)iions are largelv due to internal impurity, but are sometimes caused by disease or by an irritating soap, or use of ix)wder. Where the face is washed and cleaned more than the rest of the body the impuri- ties are called to where escape is most freely offered. When it is made unsightly by blotches, attention must be given to the diet, to the inter- nal bath, and other hygienic measures. All pastries and ccjnfections must be given up. Feast on fniits and nuts instead of candies: eat apples, oranges, lemons, grapes, etc. Pimples or blotches must never be irritated;' keep the skin clean, the skin food applied, and let the cure come from' bathing and purifying through fresh air and pure food. PIMPLES ON THE F,\CE-HOW CURED Hard red pimples are a common and an obstinate atifection of the skin, affecting the forehead, temples, the nose, chin, and cheeks: occasionally attacking the neck, shoulders, back, and chest. As they more frequently afTect the young, and are disfiguring, they cause nuich annoyance. 1 fnid. in these cases, great benefit from bathing the face, night and m.jrning, 372 FEMALE BEAUTY AND ACCOMPLISH MENT V with strong salt and watcn— a tahlespoonful of table salt to a teacupfiil of water; paying attention to the bowels; living on plain, wholesome, nour- ishing food, and taking a great deal of outdoor exercise. Sea bathing is often very beneficial. Cirubs and worms have a mortal antipathy to salt. Blackheads require nuich the same treatment. They are due to inac- tivity of the sebaceous glanils and hence disappear when activity becomes a form of treatment. Do not bathe the face with soap and water before going out without fortifying it with some preparation, such as the following: Take of— Distilled witch hazel, three ounces. Prepared cucumber juice, lliree ounces. Rosewater, one and one-half ounce. Essence white rose, one and one-half ounces. Tincture of benzoin, one-half ounce. After using a little of the above a powder may be dusted lightly over the face. Sunburn is a burn and should be treated as such. Treat with a cold cream rubbed well into the skin. BE.\UTY AND EXPRESSION OF THE EYES The eyes, of all the features, .stand pre-eminent for their beauty and expression. They are the windows of the soul. They alone "reveal the internal thought of the mind." Melting with sadness, or sparkling with joy, or glowing with love, they impart to the countenance those real fascinations which are the attributes of man and man alone. An eye is beautiful when it is full, clear and brilliant, corre- sponding in color with the complexion, especially so if the eyelids, eye- lashes and eyebrows, which, with it, are also beautiful, and in keeping with it. The care of the eyes consists chiefly in daily bathm^ or washing thetii with pure water. To face the light when reading or writing, to sew or embroider in a flickering artificial light, to read lying abed, are a few of the things to be ^-» "BM.-wi: „n,rry ./at, .>ccoMrus,u„vr ,. mMk ,l,i„fc,, „.ri,„„ ai„„„ „,^„^,„ ;.;;>• ' '^■^'' ""■ '>"■„ ,„.„,. ,1,,,. p"-;. u'eepin,. i„„..., J:;:: :: :'^^':'- ■ ■••■>' - of his siEh, ,„„i| |,J ,|i„, ,,;' ' " "'""7 .^' •"'■» ("-''"v..! tlu. iHTlccncss,„„,n„-„„, ,„„,,„„ „„;X'™">;;,^'";;;>-' •'-• ■■•>- an,, „„.,,„„. ,...„„, BRILLIANCY OF THE EYES .Hen, .,.„ «a;er: :;''?:r.'c, j:,;::;':i:.;;t'''' •■■/—'> •••- « and actresses. ,o enhance he I i i ", "" ''"''"'"'"''': »"n,cn P"hnc.fre,n,en.lve, oethem ,", "•" '"'"" "'^''''""'^ '" a. '.::;:,:;: „?: '::^;"'a:,'r2;,;'r," '" '"•' ■ - •'- I '"-^'^'-"P. and tnen Iioldinfj n t,, (]„. ,...,. r^,^ ^ r seconds. *^>^ '""^ '^ few lh,s ,l,l„„, ,t,e pnp,|, ^.,,j„j, ,., p^^,,|._^ j^^i^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ 374 FEMALE BEAUTY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT expression of languor to the eyes, which, by some, is regade.l as raptivat- incr. The use of these medicines, in this way, is extremely injurious, result- ing in impaired vision. BEAUTIFYING THE EYEBROWS The eyebrows should never be cut or shaved. Their beauty consists in their being full, smooth, glossy, and well-defined. They should have little breadth vertically, but extend in a graceful, arched line well over the eyes. In cutting they grow coarse. After washing the face, the fingers or brush should be passed over the eyebrows to smooth and set the hairs in place. Some women, when mak- ing their toilet, pass the finger, very slightly moistened with pomade, or a burnt match, over the eyebrows, to darken and give them gloss. The practice is not to be recommended. A prominent gray hair m the eye- brows may be plucked out. but not cut off. BEAUTIFUL TEETH-HOW POSSIBLE. The care of the teeth is of the utmost importance. Besides the per- sonal appearance, it is highly necessary to health, on account of their use in preparing the food for the process of digestion, that they have the utmost attention. Even those who are most attentive to their teeth, and who highly value their beauty, direct their mai,- efforts to the care of the front teeth, because these are seen when speaking, smiling or eating. Yet the preservation of the teeth and their permanent beauty are nearly one and the same. The management of the teeth consists in thorough cleanliness and the avoidance of those things that exert an injurious action on them Among the substances to be avoided are acid piquant sauces, pickles, or anything containing vinegar. Also medicines containing acids or acid-salts, or any salt in which a strong acid is used should be avoided. The teeth should be examined at least once every year by a dentist and all decayed spots removed and filled. IBMALE BEAUTY AXD ACCOMPLISHMEXT 375 THE CARE OF THE TEETH Cannot f)egin too early; tlirouRhout life they are necessary adjnncts to health as well as heauty. Wiien the infant teeth come they should he washed every niornitig with warm, clean water. Should a dark-c(»l..rc(l formation appear next the gum it may be removed by rubi)iiig prepared chalk over the discoloration. If it cannot be reached by the soft cloth itse a toothpick biuen into pulp. If the milk-teeth are not care.l for. the permanent teeth are apt to come in irregularly and be a lasting deformity. By the time a child is three years old he can be taught to use his brush himself, moving up and down rather than from side to side. Teeth are apt to become diseased from insufficient or improper nour- ishment as well as a lack of cleanliness. But this tells in all parts of the body. Cleansings of the teeth should be after each meal, and upon retiring. Use a mild tooth-powder (Lyon's is good), rinsing the mouth as well as the brush, thereafter. Tepid water should be used, as excessive cold or heat destroys the enamel. When making the morning toilet the mouth may be rinsed with water in which there is a drop of listerine or carbolic acid; it prevents tenderness of the gums. Occasionally a little juice from a lemon may be s(|ueeze(! over the brush and rubbed over the teeth, to remove the yellowish deposit; it must be used quickly and the mouth rinsed as it may damage the enamel. It must be borne in mind that the enamel. Nature's protection for the teeth, when once destroyed is never formed anew. Hard sub- stances that break or scratch it should never come in contact with the teeth. A splendid strengthener and beautificr to the teeth of children and young folks is that known as "Ostine." If not found in your drug store, address the "Ostine Company." Masonic Temple. Chicago, and a pamphlet will be sent you with price. Never bite threads, or crack luits with the teeth. BEAUTIFUL HANDS While it nay seem a little out of place to treat the hands when speak- ing of the features of the face, yet our space is so limited that unless we MICROCO^ RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ■ 2.8 2.5 m 2.0 1.8 jd -APPLIED IIVMGE Inc ^Sr 1653 EosI Main Street S%a Roct>esfer, New York 14609 USA '■as (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^^ (716) 286 - 5989 - Fo« 376 I' EM ALE BEAUTY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT do, we fear it will he crowded out altogether. The liands — their shape, contour and texture — is a large subject and deserves more than a passing notice, hut a word as to their care will, we hope, pro\ c helpful. After bathing the hands, the skin should I)e pushed back from the nails to prevent hang-nails. Nails should be trimmed the same shaj)e as the fmgcr. Use no sharj) instrument about the nails except the scissors f ,r trinnning. Rub callous spots with pumice stone. Kedness of the hands is due to restriction of the circulation. Either the sleeves, corset, or waist, is too tight. Lemon juice will whiten the hands: apply cold cream immediately after using it. Protect the hands from cold; it is destructive to their beauty. FOR CHAPPED H.'\NDS Tie a teacupful of bran in a muslin bag, and put over night into a large water can or jug of rain water. Use this water to wash with on the fol- lowing morning, and every morning until the chaps are cured. As often as water is withdrawn from the water can or jug. refill with fresh rain water, in order that the bran may be constantly soaking in it. The bran in the bag should be renewed about twice a week. Take particular care to dry the skin well every time it is washed; then, as well as every night at bedtime, rub a piece of deer's suet over the parts affected ; a few dressings will perform a cure. The deer's suet may be bought at any of the shops where venison is sold. Another excellent remedy is glycerine, which should be smeared, by means of the finger or a camel's hair brush two or three times a day on the parts affected. CHAPTER XXIX IDEAL FACE AND FEATURES Her eyes her l„.s, her cheeks, her shape, her features Sceni to be drawn by love's own liand ; by 1, ,ve Himself in love. ,, , — JJryden. utcs A lugl, (orclicad ,s always ,„ l,o a.|,„i,x-,l. I.u. „■ wc ,|„„-, 1 o»css ... the,, le, .. ,or„ .o s„ .Ires ,„c la-a,! as ■„ ,„a.e „„„, J, >..nv o a,hantage. Perhaps „„„, i,„„„rla,„ an.l ,1,.„ ul.iol, ne , c.osest care an.I watcli is the coniplcxi,,,, O, r eel,„gs are por,r.a,e,l very accra.ely .,„ ,l,e surface „f ,„c ace a, I are te egraphe,! ,„ all ,vl,„ l,elu,W i,. C„„se„„en,ly there I way of ,hsg„,s,„g the real ca„se of a l,a,l expressi.,,, " There may be lotions for the con.plexion a,„l tonics for the hair l,„t .mless the ,„ner wotnan he nn.ler cultivation also, the venee v ' 1" va.l or long. I, „„e shoul.l he nn.ler a cl.„ , i| . , e m ■ ,. ,s not natural to look for the hright t can he .lisp.'r'e T| culttvattng cheerfulness an.I antiahility until the hahit I ro th,s ettd ,t vvtll be of great assistance to practice Mrs. Talbof, t Lesson; „h,cl, ,s, to go to your room an.I lock the .loor; sit ,l„,vn I v v„n aft ; h "Tk " """' '°' ^'°""- "■'"'"'' '" <"'- "-"Kl.- an men. of gladness ,U.„a,„re. or '•the blues." will he banished as .larkness tades before an influx of light. IDEAL SKIN AND COMPLEXION Every individual knows what the skin is so far as its external anpcar- ful construction and uses. It not merely acts as an organ of sense and a 377 378 IDEAL PACE AND FEATURES protection to the surface of the body, but it cioMies it in a garment of the most delicate texture. The skin is very sensitive, and while it possesses the softness of velvet and the hues of the lily and rose, it nevertheless jmssesses strength and power of resisting external injury, and is not only capable of repairing, but of actually renewing itself. It is not protected with hair, wool, or with feathers, as with the brjte creation, yet the human skin is furnished with innumerable nerves, which make it extremely susceptible to all climates. Instinct teaches us to provide clothing, to shield it from the glaring rays of the sun and the cold of winter. LAYERS OF SKIN— HOW FORMED The skin, though in appearance a single membrane, is composed of three distinct membranes, each of which .has special duties to perform. The exterior or cuticle is the one which immediately meets the eye. It is of uneven thickness. Some parts are extremely thin and delicate, and others thicker and harder. It is devoid of feeling, and thus well fulfills its office as a protective cov- ering of the body. Throughout its surface it consists of minute pores, which permit the escape of the perspiration. Its renewals are carried on at its under surface, while its damaged, worn-out and useless portions are thrown off in the form of scales. Under the cuticle, and resting on the cutis, is the mucous networ'-. This is a thin layer of soft, pulpy matter, of a fibrous character and appears to be the seat of the color of the skin. Beneath the mucous network, and forming the third, last in succession inwards, and principal tegumentary covering of the body, is the true skin. It is highly sensitive and of a very complex structure. It is fil)rous and ot a whitish color. It is verj' thickly supplied with absorbent and excretorv vessels, with arteries, veins, and nerves. SKIN STRUCTURE— HOW TO PERFECT The minute capillaries of the arteries spread themselves out and arc- thus able to exhale the peculiar secretion which we call perspiration; here IDEAL FACE AND FEATURES ^j.j the so-called roots of the hair originate and find nourishment; and here all the functions of tiie skip, are performed. It is this portion of the body that gives the relative thickness to the whole skin. Thus the general structure of the human skin is absolutclv perfect. It combines within itself the organ of sense, of excretion, secretion, respi- ration and nutrition. The life of its functions is not otdy highly conducive to health, but is absolutely essential to its perfect enjoyment, to both phys- ical and mental vigor, and to beauty. This then surdy deserves our seri- ous attention. In perfect health, the management of the skin is very simple, and con- sists of habitual cleanliness by daily personal ablution. To preserve the softness of its texture, and the delicacy of its hues, it is necessary to pro- tect It. as much as possible, fron- .xternal influences and all external acci- dents capable of injuriously afifecimg it. Exposures to the extremes of heat and cold, and sudden changes of temperature, tend to destroy its natural sensibility, to thicken and harden it, to render it coarse and rough. It imparts to it also a streakv. ruddy, weather, jeaten appearance. Drying winds, whether hot or cold, also prove injurious, as they carry off the moisture which is essential to its proper action. HOW SUNLIGHT AFFECTS THE COMPLEXION On the other hand, continual exposure to a moist atmosphere, or hum" • tends to relax it and remove its impurities. Light and shade also aiiect the skin. Sun baths for some little time each day are favorable to health and beauty of the skin, and improve the color of the complexion; but the direct rays of hot sun. particularly the summer, when long con- tinued, thicken and darken it. An insufificient exposure to light, on the contrar>-. causes the skin to assume a pale and sickly hue, and to become lax and unhealthy. To overcome the ill effect of external influences the dry skin, after ablution or bathing, may be slightly anointed with some mild oil, like the pure olive oil and any vegetable oil. Friction should at the same time be employed 38o I DUAL I- ACE A. FEATURES by means of the fingers, and the whole surface subsequently gently wiped with a napkin or towel. Glycerine may also be used instead of oil. By diluting tlnV with five or six times its bulk of soft water we have a lotion which is not only -apable of imparting delicacy and an agreeal)le sensation to the skin, but also of presen'ing it, to a very great extent, from the effects of drying winds. Pure food, pure water and pure air in addition to the above suggested care will do wonders for a good complexion. To keep the skin in good cr^ndition the body must be kept cleansed of impurity from its millions oi perspiratory pores. AIR B.'MH.S BENEFICIAL TO THE SKIN Stimulating the little nerves that lie upon the surface of the body tends to stimulate the heilthy action of the skin, the circulation of the blood, and. finally the operations of all the organs. To do this successfully completely disrobe, go into a room filled with fresh air, and rub down. This is particularly gratifying after a long day of hard work or shopping or visiting. If you feel nervous or irritable try this simple method of opening the pores. It will riake you doubt if you were in a bad humor after all, so pleasing will be the change. LOTIONS In bathing the face, be careful not to be rough in application of soap and towel. From exposure to the air and dust the face and hands need extra care. Use warm, soft water, lather the face and hnnds with a good soap, and then massage every portion of the face and neck until the flesh tingles; after which rinse, and dry by patting the skin with a soft towel. Apply then the following skin food: Spermaceti, one-half out ce. White wax, one-half ounce. Sweet almond oil, two ounces. Lanoline, one ounce. Cocoanut oil, one ounce. Tincture benzoin, three drops. Orange flower water, one ounce. IDEAL PACE ASD FEATVKES 38« A GREAT BFAUTIFIKR There are few things more con.h.cive to hcaltl, than walking exorcise \\ alk,ng-I mean a walk, not a stroll-is a gloriuns exercise: ii the ehest and throws haek the shonhlers; it strengthens the nn.scies- it promotes digestion; it tends to open the howels. and is Letter t ,an any apenent pill ever invente.l; it dears vi,e complexion, giving roses to the cheeks .-m.I brilliancy to the eye. and. in point of fact, is one of the greatest beautifiers in the world. The early mor.iing is the most desirable time for a walk. The dews of cvenmg are fre(|nently dangerons. giving eolds. fevers, and other diseases Do you desire to be strong? Then take exercise. Do von hope to retam your bloom and youthful appearance and still look channing in the eyes of your husban.l? Then take exercise. Do vou wish to banish ner- vousness and low spirits? Then take exercise. There is n<.thing stan.ling still m nature; if ,t were, creation would languish an"•" the out- side, Nvhereas the law means first J,e healthy nnn-l Breath is the first need of a healthy life. The hahe's lir.t crv ,s his physical need ..r air. Respiration introduces .>syKen. a f..,.d. into the ungs and by the diffusion of gases leaves son.e of it with tl,c old air in the^lobules and carries away carbonic acid gas-a wa,te and poisonous Oxygen is the most abundant and the most important of all the ele- ments. Almost all of the chemical changes in the bodv are between the oxygen c the air and tho carbon and hydrogen of the food. When Jlepnved c. pure air the body is injured as much as whe.t .leprived of pure food— though m a different manner. The body need.s. in pounds, three times as much air as it .Iocs foo.l and c^nnK combmed; yet so accustome.l are people to eat an.l drink, and to breathe scantily, that tb- body is fille.l with .lisease an.l inipuritv. Morbid lungs mean morbid con.litions in every function of the UnW ' It IS very desirable that every person sh.,ul.l go thn.ugh a regular breatbmg exercise each day. Thry shoubl be ma.le t., stand u,,nght throw back the shoul.lers. an.l alternately an.l regularlv full, f.ll an.l fullv empty the lungs of air. f this plan .vere .laily followe.l. devoting fifteen or twenty minutes to the exercise, the chest and lungs wouM be wonder- tully mvigoraied. and the whole .ody benefited. E.ASR AXD GRACE In middle life and even in old age suppleness of the bodv may be preserved by attention to certain needs of the bodv. One writer savs 3S5 ' ' ^" 386 GRACEFUL DEVELOPMENT OP THE BODY "Exercise all yoitr life. When you stop exercising and becoine indolent, you bcKin to die. Nature has \villcains in the back as if it were broken; forcing pains, and sickness at the stomach; urging to urinate. Secale Cornutum — Tearing and cutting colic, with profuse and long continued flow; pale face, cold limbs, and cold sweat. Veratrum — Colic, with nausea and vomiting; nervous headache; cold- ness of the feet, nose, and hands: fainting fits. CHANGE OF LIFE (See page 200.) The remedies most called for are Pulsatilla, Lachesis, Bryonia, Coccu- lus. Ignatia, and Sulphur. Generally the treatment may be commenced with Pulsatilla and Lachesis. Give one dose (six globules) of Pulsatilla for four days; then omit all medicines for four days; then give Lachesis in the same manner. If the symptoms abate do not give any more medi- cine, so long as improvement continues. Bryonia is to be given when HOME REMEDIES 307 there is a tendency of the blood tc the head, dizziness, etc. Ignatia, when the patient is nervous and irritable. FALLING OF THE WOMB (See page 191.) Belladonna — When there is a feeling of pressure in the abdomen as if the contents would fall out; heaviness in the thij,'hs. with crampy pains in the abdomen, extending even to the end of the spinal column; great sensibility and irritability; leucorrhrta and profuse menstruation. Sepia — Menstruation too early, too feeblt, or suppressed; pains in the back and abdomen, which are aggravated by walking; frtMjuetU desire to urinate; pressing pain in the abdomen, as if everything would fall out; itching, burning leucorrhoea, with a discharge of yellowish, reddish, or fetid fluid. Nux Vomica — Pressure downward, especially when walking, or after walking; heat and weight in the worrh and vagina; liarp lik.- ;i stitcli in tlie side. The patient cannot lie on the a..ecte.l side, on account of tlu- pain and the breathing is more (li.T>cnIt when he lies on the ..ppuMte >i.le hence he lies mostly on the hack. A dry. painful cough is present the beginning, but sometimes it is moist, and the e.xpectoration is white and transparent, becoming afterward rust colored, or streaked witli blood. The skin is dry. an.l there is thirst. flushe.I face. an.I anxiety. The inllammation generally reaches its height about the fifth or sixth day. and the symptoms remain stationary for or two davs. and then begin to subcide. and the patient finally recovers, if pneumonia unfavorably, the patient lingers along for a great while, and the svmptoms gradually grow worse until death ends his sutTerings. Sometimes inflammation of the lungs appears as an epidemic, ii which case it is very apt to assume a malignant form, and become tvphoid pneu- monia. The symptoms are similar to those of simple pneumonia, with the e.xception of the low condition of the system, which is present. The inflammation is. however, of a less acute character than pneu- mo-iia. As the di.sease progresses, the active symptoms of pneumonia disappear, and the patient lies in a drowsy state, or stupor comes on. the skin becomes harsh and dry. and the tip and edges of the tongue present a very red appearance, while the upper surfuce will be ccate.l with a yellowish or brownish fur. The bowels swell and are very tender. Causes— Cold is generally the exciting cause: hence' vou will find pneumonia more frequent during the winter than during the summer months. A severe blow, or fall upon the chest, and the inhalation of irritating vapors may also produce it. General treatment— The patient should be conllned to a well venti- lated room, the temperature of which should be moderate, not too warm, or too cold. Care should be taken that he is not exposed to draughts of air. Aconite .should be given at the comn .nt. either alone or in alternation with Bryonia, especiallv when the ,.,er is hi-h, .^Md the p.ain in 40O HOME REMEDIES the chest is severe. The pain is rendered worse l)y movement, or cough- ing, the expectoration is blooily and of the color of brick (hist, ton^^c coated, ijreat thirst. These reniecHes should be gi'.en in alternation (lurn atM)ut) every half hour or hour, a teaspoonful. until the patient is better. Belladonna may le given cither alone or in alternation with Aconite, if the fever sti!l increases, and there is considerable congestion of the head, with violent beating of the arteries of the neck and temples. Phospl ^ — This is a valuable remedy in severe cases; may precede Bryonia ami Uelladonna, either alone or in alternation with Ai 'uite, and especially if the following symptoms are present: A short, hacking cough, especially in the evening, with a sense of sufTocation. little or no expectoration; severe pain in the chest; heaviness, fullness and tightness, as ihough a baml were drawn around the chest, great prostration, fullness of the; stitcl.cs in the side, especi.lly in the left, picking at the bed- clothes; pulse small and quick. Tartar emetic may be given in alternation (turn about) with Phosphorus, especially when Aconite and Hryonia do not relieve; also v hen there is great repression of breathing and cough; the cough is loo-, with profuse expectoration, hollow and rattling; little or no pain; nausea md vomiting, especially after coughing. Pj.lsatilla — Difticulty of breathing, especially when lying upon the back. Particularly ijood for children when there is regular, short cough- ing, hoarseness and heaviness of the chest. Mercuriu. —When Aconite has diminished the but there is still difficulty of breathir.;. and the patient is exhausted by night sweats. In typhoid pneumonia. China may be used, especially when the patient is reduced by loss of blood, and when the following symptoms are present : Pressi:re in the chest, stitches in the breast and sides; palpitation of the heart when breathing and coughing; great weaku' ss. pulse thin and quick. If this does not relieve i.fter having used several hours. Rhus Tox may be riven in alternation with it. Opium — When there is great drowsiness, with snoring breathing, lov mutterings. picking at the bedclothes, and discharges passing without the knowledge of the patient. HOME KHMEDIES 4t„ Hyoscyatmjs— When the eolith is very irritating an I spasuuxhc. face red ami hot; eyes sparklinj;; tongue dry and Imnxniili. \eratrum— If the pulse is very small and weak, the linih^ cold, .lelir- ium. vomiting, diarrliaa. and rapid sinking of >trength. .\rnica— May be given for the >iam? synipttiius as Opium. I ••• «heti there is no delirium. Camphor an.l Coftea in alternate dost, if the patient is sinking rapi.lly. with coi.l liml.s. and delirium: an.l particularly if he is covered with col ^ the symptoms. The diet should be plain, consisting of easily digoste.l substance*, such as gruel, etc. It is well to use a poultice of hot corn meal, applie.l to the chest This must be continued until the patient is dccideuly relieved. DYSI'LI'SIA Dyspepsia is one of the most common diseases wit'i which the physi- cian meets. It is found in every ccnuitry. ani..iig all c' sses. aiul more frequently in persons of middle age. Those who arc of .,cdentary habit.s. who have nn opportunity to take exercise; those addicted to the of liquors, tobacco, etc., are more subject to it than others. Symptoms— Dyspepsia may be occasional, or habitual. P.y occasional is meant a slight attack of indigestion, which arises from overeating, or from some indigestible and unwholesome article of food. 15y habitual dyspepsia is meant those cases which continue for a great length Of time- months or even years. In this disease the stomach loses its digestive powers, and the patient is only able to eat by always taking bitters cr pills, and drugging himself incessantly. Ah occasional attack of indigestion is characterized by a distension of the stom-^ch; belching of wind; loss of appetite; loathing of food; sometimes by nausea and vomiting. In the habitual or chronic form the appetite is changeable, and sometimes entirely lost, or may be voracious. 4oa HOME REMEDIES If the patient eats a full, hearty nical, he becomes low spirited, with pain or weight in the stomach; there is sometimes a desire to cat. after having already eaten, and the first mouthful satisfies; the tongue is pale, flabby or slimy, or becomes dry, clammy or thickly coated, especially on , rising in the morning; there is a constant uneasy feeling of weight in the stomach: there are also eructations of a sour or disagreeable character, with acidity of the stomach, and wind; a sensation of sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, tenderness on pressure, sometimes nausea and vomiting; headache, languor, and great depression of spirits; fear of death, and impending evil; palpitation of the heart, or strong beating in the region of the stomach; constipation; disagreeable taste in the mouth, especially in the morning on first waking; the memory is impaired; the dis- position is fickle, and the temper is irritable; there is lowness of spirits; confusion of thought, or of ideas; dizziness; weakness of sight, specks appear before the eyes; the countenance becomes sallow with an anxious appearance, skin dry and wrinkled; nightmare is of common occurrence; twitching, or spasmodic action of the muscles; flushes of heat and cold; wandering pains in the back and shoulders; frequent sighing; a sense of great c^>pression ab(.ut the region of the heart; noise, or singing in the ears. Causes— One of the most frequent causes of dyspepsia, is hasty and imperfect mastication of food; want of exercise; want of a tranquil state of the mind; improper food, such as powerful stimulants, alcoholic liquors; too frequent use of warm fluids; the use of tobacco; late hours; highly seasoned dishes; profuse evacuation; sedentary life; long, intense study; indolence; over indulgence in sleep; breathing impure air; venereal excesses; persons who eat rapidly, and at the same time drink large quanti- ties of water, tea or coffee, are more subject to it; going to meals from severe bodily or mental exercise is very injurious; or violent exercise after meals; eating late at night or just before retiring, is another fruitful cause; anger; jealousy; great joy; night watching, etc.. are exciting causes; the abuse of purgative medicines, inducing a torpid state of the bowels, is extremely hurtful. HOME REMEDIES 403 GENERAL TREATMENT OF DVSPErSIA Good cooking is a very important part of the treatment of dyspepsia; the food should be well cooked, but not overdone; rare meats are the test for dyspeptics. Persons subject to dyspepsia should avoid all cured meats, such as ham, tongue, smoked or pickled meats, sausages, lIc. also raw vegetables, pickles, salads, etc. The food should be masticated slowly and well before allowing it to enter the stomach, each moutliful should be chewed until it is gone, for food when well chewed will enter the stomach of its own accord; different kinds of pastry, hot bread, hot biscuit, eggs, soups, highly seasoned dishes, puddings, etc., must be avoided. Fish is most digestible when boiled, is less so when broiled, and is least so when fried. Most kinds of wild game may be allowed; mutton, venison, the white flesh of chickens and turkeys, and raw oysters, roasted, baked or boiled ripe fruits, brown or wheat bread, potatoes may be used. Tea, coffee and all intoxicating drinks should lie avoided. The best drink is water, or milk when it can be taken without unpleasant symptoms. Too much liquid should not be taken at a meal, and it is liettcr that the patient should not drink until after the meal. At least six hours should elapse between one meal and another. In healthy stomachs, however, from three to four hours is sufficient. Persons should never travel or enter upon an excursion with an empty stomach, or with an overloaded one. In drinking it is better that it should be taken by sipping, or (lri:ik- ing by mouthfuls than by large draughts. After exercise of any kind, such as riding, walking, etc.. the person should rest at least half an hour before taking a meal, and after taking a meal; a rest of about the same time should follow before any exercise is taken. Walking, running, jump- ing, dancing, sawing wood, or rowing a boat, should be practiced rcj^Mi- larly every day. The following table is, with slight modification, from Dr. Leared: Easy of Digestion — Mutton, venison, hare, sweet bread, young pig- eons, partridge, pheasants, grouse, beef tea. mutton broth, milk, turbot, haddock, flounders, sole, fresh fish generally, roasted oysters, stale bread. 404 HOME REMEDIES rice, tapioca, sago, arrowroot, asparagus, secale. French lieans, cauliflower, baked apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, peaches, toast water, black tea, sherry, claret. Moderately Digestible— Beef. lamb, rabbit, turkey, duck, wild water fowl, woodcock, snipe, soups, eggs not hard boiled, butter, turtle, cod, pike, trout, raw or stewed oysters, potatoes, turnip, cabbage, spinach, arti- choke, lettuce, celery, apples, apricots, currants, raspberries, bread, fari- naceous puddings, jelly, marmalade, rhubarb plant, cooked fruits, cocoa, coffee, malt drinks, pi rt wine. Hard to Digest— Pork, veal, goose, liver, heart, brain, salt meat, sausage, hashes and stews, mackerel, eels, salmon, herring, halibut, salt fish, lobster, crabs, shrimps, mussels, oil. melted butter, hard boiled eggs, cheese, fresh bread, nntffins, buttered toast, pastry, custards, nuts, peas, plums, cherries, dried fruits, cucumbers, onions, carrots, parsnips, beets, beans, mushrooms, pickles, chocolate, champagne, cordials. To facilitate the choice of remedies the disease is here classified, with the remedies attached to each kind. Before selecting a remedy, consult the details below: For dyspepsia of adults. Aconite, Antimony, Arnica. Belladonna, Bry- onia. Calcarea Carb.. Carbo Veg., Chamomilla. China. Hepar Sulphur, Ipecac, Mercurius, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Sepia, Sulphur, Veratrum. Of children. Aconite, Bryonia, Calcarea Carb., Chamomilla, Ipecac, Pulsatilla. Sulphur. When dyspepsia is caused by prolonged watching, Nux V^omica, Ar- nica. Pulsatilla. Veratrum, Carbo Veg. Bv excessive study, Nux Vomica. Sulphur, Lachesis. Pulsatilla, Cal- carea Carb. By abuse of ardent spirits, Nux Vomica, Sulphur, Lachesis, Arsenic, Carbo Veg. By the abuse of coffee. Nux Vomica. Ignatia. By the abuse of tobacco, Nux Vomica, Hepar Sulphur, Cocculus, Staphysagria. -MOTHER. THE DEAREST BEING ON EARTH. "She is my friend— I ha\i' but her— no more. No other upon earth— and as tor lieaven. I am as they that seek a sign. Uj wimni No sign is given. .My muiher! Oh. mv mother!" HEALTHY STOMACH Alcoholic Stomach Healthy Heaht Alcoholic hcart WHAT ALCOHOL DOLS TO THK HUMAN SVSTtM. HOME REMEDIES 407 If the Dyspepsia is worse after drinking cold water. Arsenic, China, Pulsatilla, V'eratrum. After drinking beer. Arsenic. Calcarea Carh., Rhus Tox. Sepia. Sul- phur. After drinking milk, Bryonia, Xux \'omica. Calcarea. Sulphur. After using acids. Xux \'omica. Sepia. Sulphur. Arsenic. Lachesis. After using bread. Xux Vomica. Sulphur, Pulsatilla. Bryonia. Mer- cury. After eating fat substances. Pulsatilla. China. Carbo Veg. If Dyspepsia is combined with constipation. Xux Vomica. Sulphur, Brj'onia. Lachesis. If with diarrhoea. Pulsatilla, China. Phosphoric Acid. Carbo Veg., Mer- cury, Arsenic, Veratrum. If with sour stomach. Pulsatilla, Xux Vomica. Calcarea Carb. If with piles, Xux Vomica, Sulphur, Sepia. Aconite — When at the commencement of the attack there is consider- able fever, with thirst, and nausea; also when there is redness and sore- ness of the mouth and throat. Arnica — When it is caused by a fall, or a blow upon the stomach, with pain, and sensation as if the small of the back was broken; tongue covered with a thick, yellowisl coating; nausea, with inclination to vomit: fre- quent eructations with a putrid or bitt?r taste; nervous excitement; heavi- ness of the limbs. Xux Vomica — Suitable in most cases cf -'.yspepsia. at the commence- ment; particularly when there is consti-jation and tendency to piles: sour, bitter taste in the mouth: when food, particularly bread, tastes sour, bit- ter, or insipid; the patient has not much appetite, but a craving for beer, wine or spirits; easily satisfied v ith food: after eating he is trouI)le(l with nausea; vomiting of food; dizziness; heaviness; drowsiness: fullness and distension of the stomach; tender to the touch; head confused; reeling, with dullness in the head: headache, increased by mental exertion; ring- ing in the e ^ngue coate ■■ bite: metallic, bitter, sour or putrid taste in the mout. lie morning, or after eating: heartburn; colic: feel- 4o8 HOME REMEDIES ing of tightness of the clothes around the waist; sour stomach; ineflfectual urging to stool; hard and difficult stool streaked with blood. Sulphur suits well after this. Sulphur — Especially good in cases of long standing, or when there is no appetite for meat and bread, but with a craving for wines and acids; difficulty of breathing; nausea after eating; belching and vomiting of food; shivering; acidity and waterbrash; sour stomach; mental depression, dissatisfied with everything and everybody. Calcarea Carb. suits well after this. Pijlsatilla — An important remedy in dyspepsia; particularly for recent cases caused by overeating; by the use of pork, mutton, butter, or any greasy substance; taste of the food comes up again in the mouth; inclina- tion to vomit, especially after eating or drinking; taste flat, or putrid, resembling bad meat or tallow; pressure in the pit of the stomach, espe- cially after eating; the pp'ient feels chilly, is weak, cross and melancholy. Antimonium Crudum — Particularly useful when the disorder is caused by an impure atmosphere, and when the following symptoms are present : Taste of the food last partaken of conies up in the mouth, gulping up of articles of undigested food soon after eating; tongue coated with a white or yellowish mucus, stomach feels tender to the touch, and distended. Belladonna — When there is painful distension of the abdomen, with griping, as if the bowels were clutched; hiccough; nausea, or a loathing of food; vomiting of water or bile, also when there is dullness of the head, or congestion of blood to the head. Arsenic — Particularly useful in chronic cases; when the countenance is sunken; the extremities cold; dark circles around the eyes: nose pointed; tongue white, or brownish; also when there are cramps in the stomach: with a sense of coldness ; heat; everything taken into the stomach is vomited ; the skin is hot and dry. If Arsenicum does not produce a bene- ficial efifect. give Lachesis. Bryonia — An important remedy for dyspepsia, especially when it occurs in summer; also when it is accompanied with chilliness, headache HOME REM HI ^i US 409 and pain in the limbs, and small of tlie hack; also with the following symp- toms: Tongue covered with yellowish fur. and dry and hot : loss of ai)pe- tite; bitter taste: great aversion to food; sometimes has a groat craving for food: a craving for acid drinks: sensation of fidlness and burning in the stomach after meals; much thirst; gulping up particles of food after every meal; waterbrash; constipation of the bowels: nausea in the morn- ing; burning in the stomach; temper irritable an.hen the globules are used, use ten for an adult. HOME REMEDIES 41' IRRITATION OF THE SKIN This is an eruption of a fine rash under the skin, and colorless. It produces a very disaj,'recal)le and distrossinj,' itchin<,^ which is sometimes almost unhcarahle. The severer form is accomprmied hy a sensation of ereepinj; ants, or the stinj, of insects. It lasts s<)nietinK'> for months and years, and is generally caused hy exi)osurc to e.xtrcmes of heat and cold, some i)articular kinds of food. etc. General Treatment— Wash well every evening before going to hed, with water and Castile soap, and allow it to dry in. I'.randy or alcohol may he used in the same manner. An ounce of lemon juice in a i)int of water or vinegar, used in the same proportion, will he found useful: also water and spirits of camphor. The diet should he carefully regulated, and all stimulants avoided Pulsatilla— If the itching is worse in hed. or wiien near a fire, particu- larly after scratching. A dose (six glohules) every night an.l morning. Ledum Palustre— If the itching commences after going to hed. and .shifts from one part to another, and the eruption resemliles Ilea bites. Give in the same manner as Pulsatilla. Mercurius— When the itching continues during the whole night, and bleeds easily after scratching. It is well to give this remedy ancrCausti-- cum on alternate evenings. W'hen it occurs in old 'people, give Opium and Sccale. a dose (six globules) on alternate evenings. When it is caused by the heat of summer, give Lachesis and Lyco- podium on alternate evenings. Silicea and Sulphur are good for obstinate cases. HYSTERIA (Sec page 320.) This is an affection peculiar to women of a nervous or ncrvnus-san- guine temperament, with cheerful, lively and ardent dispositions and vivid imaginations. It takes its name from the Greek word meanint^ the " or.iU 4ia HOME REMEDIES and was supposed to be causc-d by some irritation arising from diseases of the j^'cnerative system. Causes— Delicate, nervous temperament, coiifmemcnt in close and over-heated apartments, the roadinj; of exciting works of fiction, and attending theatrical exhibitions, tight lacing, want of e :ercise, want of sleep, excessive fatigue, luxurious living. The exciting causes may be vio- lent mental emotion, such as anger, rage, grief, fright, disappointed love, the sight of disagreeable objects, or the smell of dis.igreeable odors, indi- gest;^n. Symptoms— An attack of hysterics is generally preceded by low spirits, and it occurs in paro.xysms of greater or less (iurafon. It is' found more commonly among v ' 'nvs and the unmarried than the married, and the paroxy.,ms are more 1 .ady to occur about the period of menstruation than at any other time. Generally, preceding or during the attack, there is a se: ;■ -" as of a ball ascending from the left side of the abdomen to the throat, V. sing a sensation of strangulation. The patient cries and laughs alternately, or gives vent to sobs and of tears, wringing the hands and tearing the hair. Sometimes the body and limbs are violently con- vulsed, and the patient may struggle, so as to require the strength of several persons to hold her. The head is thrown back, and there is delir- ium and loss of consciousness. These are a few of the symptoms which occur in this disease. General Treatment— The patient should be placed in a draught of fresh air. and the dress loosened, so as to allow free circulation and breathing. The head and face should be washed freely with cold water, and sometimes a bucket of cold water thrown over the patient will bring the spasm to an end. When the attack arises from costiveness. and is attended with bitter or sour taste in the mouth, fullness and pain in the stomach, nausea, weak- ness, headache, dizziness. Nux Vomica and Sulphur should be given— Nux Vomica at night, and Sulphur in the morning. Pulsatilla. Sabina. Silicea— If the attack is caused by the derange- ment of the generative organs. HOME HflMUDlES 413 Ignatia, IIyoscyanv.;s. T'.clladonna. CotTea— If the attack lia> l)ccii caused by any violent mental excitement, as anKer or fri>,'Iit. Administration of Remedies— During the {)anixysni>. .)f tiie selected remedy, give a soluticjn ,'i'en in alternation with Ikdhndonna or Mryonia. Nux \ omica— Pains worse in the mornin.y: and in tlic open air. heavi- ness of the head. esi)ecially on moving' the eyes an.) thinking, sensation as if t!ie skull would s|)Iit. bruised pain in the brain, worse on stooping or motion; rush of blood to the head. Opium— Cf)nstipation. with rush of blood to the head, violent tearing and pressing pains through the whole 1)rain. and heaviness, with beating in the head. Administration of Remedies— Dissolve six globules in three table- spoonfuls of water, and take a teaspoonful every half hour, hour. two. three, or four hours, during the attack, according to the severity of the symptoms. If not relieved within a few hours, select a new remedy. SICK HF.AIMCHE This form of headache is generally of a chronic nature, and depends tipon some derangement of the stomach or bowels. It receives its name from the constant nausea and vomiting which usually attcntiii)cf>iii)', nin^ity 111 ilic forehead, aixt accompanied .soinetiino witli Io-n of iiiii-.rioiisiie». I lure is a sciisati«)n a« if the head would ?«|»ht. the pains heiiiy .if a vi. hut afterward iiicreasiuK to a fearftil intensity. This retne'P stairs, Im/xintj in tlic cars, thmness of sight, pains extend to the eyes ane. hy stooping forward, or leaning the licad hackwanl. scalp very sore: there is alleriiate chilliness and heat, tongue being coated, accompanied with nausea, and loathing of food. Ipecac — Stitch-like pains and great heaviness, giddiness when walk- ing, pressure in the head, especially in the forehead, the pains affecting the bones of the skull, with coldness of the han be given in cases of headache winch commence with nause.i and vomiting, accompanie*! with a bruised sensation about the head. This may be given in alteni.ition with Xux \'oniica. when there arc shooting pains in the side of the head, worse in the open air. and vomiting. Hyoscyamus — If with the headache there is great sensitiveness to light, and where the pain is worse in the warmth of the bed on lying down, or in a draught of air. Spigelia — Pains worse on the left side, great sensitiveness to noise. beating in the temples, which is aggravated by the least motion, even by opening the mouth; the headache appearing at regular times each morn- ing and increasing in severity as the day wears on. This remedy may be given in alternation with Belladonna. Aconite — Cramp-like pains through the forehead or above the r!..)i of tlie nose, headache as though the brain were raised or moved about, especially upon motion; the least noise or motion is intolerable, the pain being aggravated bv reading or speaking. With this sensation tlicro is r.\l 416 HOME REMEDIES buzzing in the ears, and a feeling on the top of the head as though the hair was being pulled. Sanguinaria — Chilliness and nausea, great sensitiveness to the talking of others in the same room, accompanied with a fullness of the head as if it would burst, the sensation being worse on the right side, with a feeUng as if the eyes were pressed outward. Antimonium — Dull, boring pains, especially in the bones of the head, boring in the temples and forehead, from within, outward; pains worse in the open air, accompanied with rush of blood to the head, nausea and vomiting of bile and mucus. Pulsatilla may be given where Antimonium does not relieve. Aloes — If the patient complains of stitches in the left temple, the head- ache appearing periodically. To eradicate the disposition to sick headache, Pulte recommends that Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur should be taken, each remedy for si.x weeks, commencing with Sepia; for the first three weeks, take each week two doses in the evening on going to bed; for the last three weeks, one dose every week. Administration of Remedies — Three or four globules may be given at a dose, or if dissolved, put twelve globules in as many teaspoonfuls of water, and take one teaspoonful at a dose. This may be repeated every fifteen minutes, half hour, hour, or two or three hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. NERVOUS HEADACHE This headache occurs more frequently among women. Symptoms — Acute, lancinating, excruciating or darting pains, worse in the light, a feeling as if the temples were being pressed together, dizziness, with a feeling of sinking down, great despondency and restless- ness, exertion, either physical or mental, impossible; dark spots floating before the eyes, head generally cool, and face pale. The pain is frequently confined to small spots, and is generally worse in the morning. Treatment — CofTea — Pain as if a nail was being driven into the head, or as if the brain were bored and bruised, seeming to be intolerable, and HOME REMEDIES 4t7 driving the patient aln-. : •li'^tractcd; tlie patient very restless, screams, weeps, has an aversit i to the ojn.;- ;.ir: i)ain excited or a.ijgravated l)y the slightest noise, even i.i' tc hcirg ufficient to prodnce this effect. This may he followed by \'.-v\- Si-N^h-.r. Xux \omica or Ciiina. Aconite— For symptoms calhng for the administration of this remedy, see Sick Headache. Belladonna— Especially when the pains come on in the afternoon, and last until the next morning, and also when the pain commences gently and increases to a fearful intensity. Ignatia — Aching pains above the nose, relieved by l)ending the head forward, pressing of the head, from within outward, sensation as if a nail had been driven into the head, with nausea, dimness of sight, pale face, pain momentarily relieved by change of position: the patient is full of fear, inclined to start, impatient, and wants to be let a'mc. Pulsatilla — Tearing pains, worse toward night, accompanied by dizzi- ness and sickness at the stomach, dimness of sight, ringing in the ears, countenance pale, yellowish, or haggard, no thirst, chilliness, palpitation of the heart, a feeling as if the brain would be torn, or as if the head were in a vise, or as if the skull would fly to pieces, especially when moving the eyes; headache after lying down in the evening, or early in the morning in bed, increased by quiet, or sitting still, and relieved in the open air. or by the pressure of a tight bandage. Bryonia — Fullness or heaviness of the hearl. with pressing or burning pains in the forehead, sensation as if everything would fall from the fore- head when stooping; tearing pains which extend to the face and temples, heat in the head and face, with red cheeks, and thirst, nausea and vomiting, everything having a bitter taste, headache worse when moving about, or on moving the eyes. Platina — Headache generally increases and decreases, roaring in the head as of water, with coldness in the ears. eyes, and oi> one side of the face; twitching of the eyelids, buzzing in the ears, objects appearing smaller than they really are, stupefying pressure on the cheek bones. Is useful after Belladonna. 418 HOME REMEDIES . Mercurius — Headache as if the head would tly to pieces, with fullness of the hraiii, tearing sensation, especially in the left side, a pain shooting down from the teeth, stitching; pain in the ears, the pain heing relieved by pressing the head with the hands. This may follow Relladonna, and where both these remedies fail to give relief, give Hepar Sulphur, espe- cially when there is a boring pain at the root of the nose, or a sensation as if a nail were driven into the head. Colocynth — Violent, tearing, excruciating pain on one side of the head, pressing in the forehead, worse on stooping, or lying on the back, headache coming on every afternoon, or toward evening, and is attended with a copious flow of urine, very offensive, together with profuse perspira- tion smelling like urine. Arsenicum— Beating pain in the forehead, inclination to vomit, buzz- ing in the ears, weeping and moaning, tenderness of the scalp. Cold applications relieve this pain for awhile. It is worse when within doors, and relieved on going out into the open .-, r. This remedy may follow Pulsatilla. Veratrum — Oppressive headache on top or on one side of the head, accompanied by pains in the stomach, and diarrhtca, nausea and vomiting, painful sensitiveness of the hair. The pain is sometimes so severe as to deprive the patient of reason, is worse when lying in bed, accompanied with cold perspiration and chills. This remedy suits well after Arsen- icum. Silicea— Pain ascends from the back of the neck to the top of the head, often caused by getting heated. Tearing pain comes on in the forenoon, stitches in the head, especially in the temples, scalp painful to contact, and the hair falling out. Sulphur— Headache with nausea, feeling of fullness or weight in the head, especially at the top, pain as of a hoop around the head, and throb- bing, tearing pains, with heat, after arising in the morning, headache every day as if the head would split to pieces, humming in the head, hair painful to touch, or falling out. China -Suitable for a person sensitive to pain, of a feverish, dissatisfied HOME REMEDIES 419 jJir-osition. Tins remedy will be found advantageons where there is heav„,ess ni the head, pressing from within tl,e I,ead outward, teann. pam ni the temples as though the head wouM burst, sensation a> thou-h the bran, jolted about, and hit against the skull, the scalp tender to toud, pam aggravated by contact, motion, stooping, conversation, or by -a draught of a,r XVater. either hot or cold, as is nu,st agreeable. nuM.e applied to the h-ad. Adniimstration of Remedies-Give four or six globules at a dose, or dissolve tvvelve globules in as many teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every half hour. hour, or two hours, according to necessity. EARACHE (See page 322.) This complaint should not be confounded with inflammation of the ear. as ,t .s quite a different thing, there being no fever present, an.l the pa.n IS rather of a neuralgic or rheumatic nature. The attacks come on suddenly, and are - My of short duration; the pain shoots <,ver the head. The cause is ,, taking cold. Pulsatilla-Is the principal remedy in this complaint; particular! v if the pams are darting and tearing, as if something would press out ih'c ear. The ear ,s red and hot. swollen: where there are itching and tearing pains through the whole side of the face; particularly applicable to females and persons who are inclined to be chilly. Chamomilla-Particularly where "the pains are acute, and short as if from a knife wound, especially after taking cold or after perspiration has been suddenly checked; tearing, lancinating pains, which e.xtend to the lobes of the ear, the patient very cross and irritable. Belladonna— When there is congestion of blood to the head with stitches in and behind the ear. tearing, boring or sporting pains extend- ing to the throat. Hepar Suli)lnir— May be given for the same symptoms as Bella.lonna. especially when the latter does not relieve; also when the pain is beating, throbbing and ro.^rtng. 420 HOME REMEDIES Mercurius — If Pulsatilla or Chaniomilla do not relieve; also where the pain is tearing, extending to the cheeks, pains are worse in a warm room. and there is a sensation in the ear. The patient perspires a great deal without relief. Nux Vomica — When the pains are violent, of a tearing, stinging nature and extending to the forehead and temples, and down to the bones of the face. Spigelia — When there is a painful aching as if a nail was sticking in the ear, aching and tearing in the cheek bones. Rhus — Suitable when the earache is caused by taking cold. Arnica — When the pain returns on the slightest occasion with great sensitiveness, and noise, and pressing, and singing in, and behind the ea'-s; more suitable for sensitive, nervous persons. China — Suits frequently after Arnica or Pulsatilla, especially if the pains are tearing and are felt more outside the ear, are made worse by touching the ear, singing and ringing noises in the ear. Administration of Remedies — Of the remedy selected, dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every fifteen minutes, half hour, or two hours, according to the urgency of the .symptoms. It sometimes happens after the severe pain has been relieved by these remedies, that soreness and grumbling pains remain in the ear; for this, Sulphur or Calcarea Carbonica may be given, one dose night and morning. COLD IN THE HEAD— CATARRH • (See page 312.) This is an affection of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, sometimes extending into the windpipe and lungs. Symptoms — The catarrh usually commences with dull pain and seiise of weight in the forehead, oppression at the chest, and difificulty in breath- ing, frequent sneezing, heaviness of the head, and dr ness and fullness with stuflRng in the nose, soreness of the throat, hoarseness, eyes more or less red and watery; in a short time a thin fluid is discharged from the nOMli REMEDIES 421 nose, tlie cough becomes more moist, and tlic oxi.cctiMaiion Ijccuuks yellow and thick, the patient complains of a ruu,i;lnK>-, ui- .^.a-nos ..t ilic throat, loss of sense of smell, dullness of licariu:,. liuarscnos, tickling cough; the person affected is generally worse at night, with some fever and severe pains in various parts of the body, thirst, and dashes ..f heat alternating with chilliness. When the inflammation is conlined t.. the mucous membrane of the nostrils, there is sneezing, a sense of fullness and heat of the parts, witli a thin, watery discharge. Treatment— Aconite— Is always proper in the beginmng of a cold, even if there is but slight fever, also when the discharge from the nn>c is suppressed and is followed by a headache. Camphor is also good f„r the same symptoms; if there is nothing but the ordinary Spirits of Camiihor convenient, one or two drops should be put on a lump of >ugar. :ind the sugar dissolved in a tumbler half full of water, and give according to the directions. Arsenicum— Not much, heat or thirst, pat-ent restless, partic- ularly at night, drinks often and but little at a tiiue. discharge acrid and corrosive, burning heat of the nose, the discharge produces a swelling of the adjacent parts, redness and watering of the eyes. 1 i)ccac may be given if Arsenic does not relieve. Nux Vomica— Should be given when there is obstruction, with little if any rutming from the nose, but if there is running, it is in the morning. with dryness at night, mouth dry and parched without much thirst, con- stipation, fever and chills alternate in the evening. Chamomilla — When the difiticulty is caused by checked perspiration. shivering, with heat and thirst, heaviness of the head, swelling of the face, and redness of the cheek, redness and inflammation of the eyes. Mercury— Constant sneezing, soreness of the nose, with constant watery discharge, which produces soreness of the part with which it conies in contact, swelling and redness of the nose, tearing headache, pains in the hones of the nose. Catarrh worse in the morning, offensive smell. Belladonna— Swelling, redness and burning of the nose, pain in the 422 HOME REMEDIliS nose, aggravated by touching throbbing pain in the head, aggravated l)y motion. llcpar Sulpluir — Particularly when but one nostril is affected, burn- ing headache, especially about the root of the nose, which is made worse by the slightest movement. Catarrh renewed by every breath of wind. Hepar should be given, especially when Mercury affords but little relief. Pulsatilla — Thick, green or yellowish discharge through the nose, which is very offensive, heaviness and confusion in the head; frecpiently toward night and in the warmth of the room, the obstruction of the nose increases, pain in half of the head, frequent sneezing, painful pressure at the root of the nose, flying pains from place to place, roaring in the ears. Euphrasia — Especially when the eyes are irritated and watery. Lycopodium — Obstruction of the nose, especially at night, sense of smell very acute, tearing pains in the forehead, dryness of the mouth, with- out thirst. Silicea — Chronic Catarrh, with severe pains in the bones of the nose. Tartar Emetic may be given in some cases, when there is sneezing, chill- iness, loss of taste and smell; sometimes when the secretion becomes sup- pressed, or before it has commenced, and the nose is hot and dry, a little almond oil, or cold cream may be applied to the inside of the nose with a feather, or a camel's hair pencil, or a vapor of hot water may be allowed to pass up the nostril, which will be found to afford some relief. Administration of Remedies — Where the directions are not given with the remedy, dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every hour or two or three hours, according to the urgency of the symptoms. The application of water is very beneficial in this disease and may be used at the same time that the remedies are being given: the patient should be confined to a room which is not too warm, and a wet bandage should be applied around the breast and abdomen, and the patient should remain in bed, well covered, and be allowed to drink plenty of cold water to induce perspiration. After having perspired some time, take a milk-warm bath. MOTHERHOOD A DIVINF. ATTRIBUTE As tlie Ininiaii niotlicr nestks her child to her hrca.-t. so docs the hen (rather her brcdd undtT \ut winjrs. READY FOR A TURKISH BATH. HOME REMEDIES 4-'5 NEURALGIA Neuralgia is one of the most painful atYcctions to wliicli the Imniaii family is subject. In t>lain lauLjua^a.. it means jiain in tlu- nerve. a> the pain generally follow:: along the course of a nerve, though at other tinie^, the pain is confined to a ])articular six.t, and may arise from a distant source of irritation, as the brain, stomach or Ik vvels. In most cases, the pain is the only symptom, there being no swelling or otlier sign of inllani- mation. Neuralgia may affect different parts of the Ixxiy. but i> more generally confined to the head. Neuralgia of the face is mostly conlined to the fifth pair of nerves which branch out over the face. The branch over the eyebrows is most frequently affected, but sometimes all the I)ranches are affected, the i)ain being very severe. The attack generally comes on suddenly, with a sensa- tion as of a shock of electricity, subject, however, to imermissions and remissions; the pain is very sharp, darting and lancinating, shooting alom^^ the nerves, the sensation being frequently as if red hot wires were thrust into the part. After the pain has passed away, it is generally succeeded for a consider- able time by numbnt ^. Sometimes, however, the attack comes on gradually, becoming constantly more severe. During the paroxvsm. the features are apt to be distorted, by the sjjasmodic action of the muscles of the face. Causes — A current of air. sudden jar or shock, exposure to damp air. debility, derangement of the digestive organs, etc. Treatment — Aconite — Throbbing, burning, shooting i)ains. appearing in paroxysms, and preceded by slight aching or crawling i)ains, worse at night, swelling of the cheek or jaws, thirst, agitation and tossing about. pain confined to one side of the face, violent beating of the arteries of the neck and head, eyes sparkling, buzzing ])ain through the cars, temples and sides of the neck, fever. Belladonna — Paroxysms commencing £jradnallv. with a creeping; or Itching in the affected part, cheeks red and swollen, darting shooting. 426 HOME REMEDIES (Irawinfj pains in the dieck htines. nose and jaw. twitcliinij of the eyelids and muscles of the face, tlirohhing p.iins iti the forehead, roariiijf in the cars, heat and redness of the face, j^reat sensibility to cold an per- spiration, too much saliva in the month, sleeplessness. rhosphorus — Tearinjj pains in the left side. \\or>e on movin-,' the muscles of the face in eatinj;. As an external application either cold or warm water, as hest suits the patient, will he found beneficial. (Ireat relief may sometimes be obtained by bathinj; the affected i)art with a mixture of six drops of the Tincture of Aconite, to six tablespoonfnis t)f water. Administration of Remedies — Of the remedy chosen, dissolve twelve RJobules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water. Of this sohuion };ivc a tea- spoonful every fifteen minutes, half hour, or two hours, accordint; to the urgency of the case. As the patient grows better, lengthen the inter-. to four, six, eight, or ten hours. H'et — Coffee and green tea should be avoided by persdus Mibjcct to Neuralgia, and care should be taken not to eat food which is known to disagree, or is proved to be indigestible. OFFENSIVE BRE.ATH Offensive breath is induced by a variety of causes, among which are defective teeth, perverted secretions of the glands of the mouth, neglect- ing to clean the teeth, by tartar, or bits of food allowed to remain in the mouth. The obstinate cases result from imperfect digestion. causeyeil 1»y taking a little wine, eatinp a pear, or boiled beets. Bad Taste in the Month — This may be caused by many diseases, but is f*)und most frecpiently in fevers and di.sordered stomadi. Sometimes, however, it appears as a solitary symj)tom. Treatment — Cuprum. Kluis and Cocculns — If the taste is coppery. Lachesis. Mercury and N'ux Vomica — If the taste is metallic. Arnica. Hryonia. Sulphur. Rhus. Mercury :.nd Pulsatilla — If the taste is putrid. China. Pulsatilla or Mercury — If the taste is earthy. Bryonia, Pulsatilla. Arnica and Chamomilla — It the taste is bitter. Mercury. Pulsatilla and Sulphur — If the taste is sweetish. Mercury. Xux Vomica, Arsenic. Tartar Emetic antl Carbo X'cgetabilis — If the taste is Administration of Remedies — Take one dose (four globules) of the remedy selected, twice a day. SORE THROAT— QUINSY This disease consists in an inflammation and swelling of the back part of the throat, palate and tonsils, which interferes with the breathing to more or less extent, and occasions high fever. It may ajipear as a slight irritation of the throat, or form abscesses in the tonsils or sides of the throat, and become very painful. Symptoms — generally begins with restlessness, high fever, slight cough: more or less soreness of the throat, especially when swallow- ing, smooth and shining redness of the tonsils and throat, face flushed with co'nsi^lerable fever, breath quickened, voice thick, speaking some- times difificult'or painful, glands of the neck sometimes enlarged and pain- ful, cheeks swollen, inflammation extensive, ending in the formation of iiL>Mi: Kr.Mi.niiis 4a9 abscesses in the tonsils an«l ailj.Kcnt parts. toiisiU Mtinetimcs so nnich enlarged as to interfere very much with tlie hrcathinii;. tmally KuUicrin^ and hreakinjj. T„ examine the threat uril. the hea.l should l.t- thrown hack, the mouth widely opened, and the root of the tonijue depn-sed hy the handle of a .spoon. By this means tiie whole iiUerior ol the tin. .at is brouj^ht into view. Sometimes repeated attacks of Oninsy will leave the ton.ils perma- nently enlarged, in which case, if remedies do not relieve, they must l,e cut out hy a surj^eon. •Aconite and nelladonna— These arc generally the most ap;.ropri.ite remedies with which to commence treatment, j.articulariy if tlie followinj; symptoms are present : Violent fever, pulse full aii.i l.oniidin;:. -reat heat, thirst, restlessness, constant desire to suallou. tlu- suallowint,' j.roducinfr spasms in the throat, which forces Ii(| out thmuiih tlu' ii(.>e— l.nniinj? or prickinjj sensation and dryiirss of the throat, pains >Ii(jotin<,' iiuo the tonsils and ears, swellinj- on the outside of the throat, profuse saUvation, face red and swollen, skin hot and dry. thirsi, putrid and bitter taste in the mouth. Mercurius— Putrid and ofTensive odor from the mouth; mouth dry and filled with \ou^\\ saliva, palate eloiifrated and red, tonsils red. dark, inflamed and enlarged, violent throhhini,' of the throat and cars, extend- ing to the neck, especially during; the swallowini,', profuse cli:,char};c of saliva, chills in the evening: and heat followed by perspiratioti. of the neck painful on motion of the jaws or on sv.ailowinf,'. loss of appetite and disgust at food, putrid and coppery taste in the mouth. Bryonia — Shooting sensations, with dryness of the throat and diftlculty of speech, hoarseness, oppressive breathing. breakiuL^ and painful sensa- tion of the throat, swallowing painful, sonic fever either with or without thirst, chilliness, pains in the limbs, and back of the head. This may be given in alternation with Rhus. Chamomilla — Especially when the disease is caused by taking cold or exposure to a draught of air while perspiring, swelling of the tonsils, hack- ing cough, flushed cheeks, or one cheek flush.ed and the oth'-r i.tiIc, fever 430 HOME REMEDIES in the evening, with flashes of heat, the glands of the neck under the chill, and tonsils being much swollen. I.achesis — This has been proved a very useful remedy when Mercury and Belladonna have been used without effect, and especially when the following symptoms are present : Swelling and redness with a feeling of rawness of the tonsils and palate, dryness of the throat, constant disposi- tion to swallow, sensation as of a tumor or lump in the throat, worse in the afternoon and morning, after sleeping, or on very slight pressure on the neck, small ulcers on the throat, and on the left tonsil. Hepar Sulphur — In cases where the abscesses in the tonsils threaten to break, this remedy will hasten the process; may be given in the begin- ning of the disease when there are lancinating pains in the throat, in alternation with Mercurius. Nux Vomica — It may be given when Chamomilla does not relieve, and also when there is soreness, with a feeling of rawness, as if the throat had been scraped. Pulsatilla — Suits frequently in the case of females or persons of mild character, when the throat feels swollen inside, with tonsils and palate of a dark red appearance, shooting pains in the throat toward the ear when swallowing, patient feels chilly toward evening, the chill being followed by heat. Nitric Acid — Suitable after Mercury has been given or in alternation with it, when the throat is filled with small ulcerations, with a whitish appearance, and of a fetid smell. Capsicum — In cases where Nux Vomica seems to be indicated but does not relieve, and when there are burning and roughness in the throat, with a feeling of stiffness and contraction, together with running of the no.>e and eyes. The application of cold water will be found excellent, used in the fol- lowing manner: In the evening when going to bed, place on the throat a wet bandage, covered with a dry cloth, keeping the bandage on rhiring the day. and changing it frequently. HOME REMEDIES 431 In cases of persons subject to Quinsy, spons-ing ti-e throat and breast with cold water every morninjr. will prevent or nuxhfy the attacks. Administration of Remedies— Of the selecte.l remedy (hssolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water and frive a teaspoonful of the solution every one. two or three lunirs. If swallowin- is difficult and very painful, a dose of three globules may be given dry upon the tongue. GRIPING COLIC The term colic is applied to almost any severe pain in the bowels. There is a peculiar twisting or racking sensation behind the navel, accom- panied with constipation of the bowels, and sometimes nausea and vomiting; the pain is relieved by pressure, with intervals of ease: the belly is hard, and drawn up in lumps and knots, and distended with wind. It may be known from inflammation of the bowels by the fact of pressure affording relief: the absence of fever, and the occasional absence of pain. It may be divided into three varieties. The common or flatulent colic, bilious colic, painter's colic. The symptoms of flatulent colic are frequent belching up of wind with- out relief, violent pain, with a sense of twisting or griping about the navel; pain not increased on pressure: occasionally disappearing to be renewed in a short time;. feeling of fullness in the abdomen with constipation: rum- bling: nausea: coldness of the stomach. Causes — Indigestible food. wind, over distension of the stomach by articles of diet which give rise to gases, constipation, exposure to cold. etc. Bilious colic is sometimes confounded with flatulent colic, but is a more violent and alarming disease. The i)aticnt generally before an attack complains of derangement of the stomach and bowels, constipation, loss of appetite, coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting; as the disease advances, the pain comes on and is of a cutting and screw- mg character, sometimes commencing in the region of the stomach and extending to the back, or at other times it attacks the bowels, twisting around the navel as in common colic. The pain at first is relieved by pressure, and afterward the bowels arc tender to the touch; the extremities 432 HOME REMEDIES cold, with a yellowish hue of the skin, and of the whites of the eyes; rest- lessness. Causes — Bilious colic may be caused by a neuralgic affection of the stomach, exposure to cold, the transferring of rheumatism or neuralgia to the stomach or bowels, constipation, etc. Painter's or lead colic, is a disease caused by lead, and is found among those who work in lead, as painters, plumbers, miners, type founders, etc. The colic comes on gradually, being preceded with a feeling of general depression, despondency, wandering pains in the bowels and extremities, heaviness of the limbs, deranger ent of the stomach and bowels; chilliness; depression of spirits; uneasy sensation at the pit of the stomach; this sensation gradually increases until it becomes excruciating, and extends down into the bowels, and is very severe and twisting in its character, nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, great thirst, pains in the wrists and ankles; the pain is not increased by pressure; the muscles of the abdomen, however, are tender to the touch, sometimes so much so that the patient cannot bear the weight of bedclothes; sometimes accompany- ing or following the attack we have paralysis, particularly of the muscles of the forearm. Treatment— The patient should be placed in a warm bath, seated in a tub, and covered with a blanket to confine the hot steam. After being in the bath for about ten minutes, he should lie down in the blankets without being wiped, and covered with sufficient clothing; hot bricks, or bottles of hot water should be placed around the patient, especially on the spots where the pain is most severe. As soon as perspiration occurs, the patient will be relieved. The medicines may be given from the com- mencement of the attack. The different forms of colic, with the remedies applicable to each, are here given : Bilious colic: Nux Vomica. Colocyntli. Chamomilla. Bryonia. Common, or flatulent colic : Pulsatilla, China, Cocculus, Nux Vomica, Colocynth. Sulphur, Carbo Veg. Painter's or lead colic: Opium. Platina. Belladonna. Colic from worms : Mercury, Cliina, Sulphur. HOME REMEDIES Aconite. Colocyntli. Mercurius. Xux \omica. 433 ^ Colic from indigestion: Pulsatilla. China. Bryonia. Bciiatlonna, Carbo Veg., Nux Vomica. Colic from a chill: Chamomilla. Colic with obstinate constipation: Nux \'omica. Opium. Colic from bathing : Nux \'omica. Colic from exposure to cold, damp weather: Pulsatilla. Rhus. Bryonia. Colic occurring in children : Chamomilla. Rheum. Coffea, Belladonna and Aconite. Colic occurring in pregnant women : Nux \-omica. Bryonia. Pulsa- tilla, Sepia and Chamomilla. Colic in hysterical women : Ignatia. Nux ' "omica. Cdcculus. Detail of Symptoms— Colocynth— This is the principal remcdv lor all kinds of colic. The pains are cutting and pinching, or as if the bowel.s were cut with knives. Cramps in the limbs, shivernig. abdomen swollen. or else very empty and tender, as if from a i)ruisc. Chamomilla. Mercury and Belladonna, may be given after this. Nux Vomica— Constipation, with pressure in the abdomen, the pain is pinching and drawing, pressure at the pit of the stomacli with swelling and tenderness of the abdomen when touched, griping in the abdomen, with cold hands and feet. Belladonna— Pain, as if the bowels were grasped by the fuiger nails, relieved by pressing upon the bowels, or upon d.oubling! a feeling of bear- ing down as if something would fall out. head and face hot'^and red. severe pain in the head rendered worse by movement, throat dry. May be followed by Mercury or Hyoscyamus. China— Excessive swelling of the abdomen with fullness and pressure. as from hard bodies: pain with stoppage of wind, worse at night. Pulsatilla— Shooting, biting pains in the pit of the stomach, a feeling of heaviness and fulness in the abdomen with tenderness ajid pain as from a bruise, colic caused by indigestion, worse when sitting or lying, or in the evening, with shivering, patient feels better out of doors, has diarrhcca, pale face. May be followed by China. Mercury. Lycopodium. 434 HOME REMEDIES Cocculus — Particularly useful in common or flatulent colic, and for colics of women, before and at the time of their menses; the pains are spasmodic and constrictive, with nausea; dnnculty of breathing; full, dis- tended stomach; or a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, with squeezing and tearing in the stomach. CofTea — Great pain with agitation and grinding of teeth, coldness of the limbs. Ignatia — Colic in the night, with shooting in the sides and chest, relieved by discharge of wind; suitable for sensitive and delicate women. Bryonia — Fullness and pressure in tkie abdomen after eating; cutting pain in the bowels, especially after drinking warm milk; colic with diar- rhcea. after taking cold; or in the heat of summer. Chamomilla — Tearing pain with great restlessness; bitttr vomiting; fullness in the , t of the stomach; one cheek red, and the other pale; the colic appears generally at night, or after a meal. Rhus — Pressure in the pit of the stomach; pain in the abdomen at night; diarrhoea of slimy and watery substances. CarboVeg. — Swelling and fullness of the abdomen; belching up of wind; colic after riding in a carriage; colic with rumbling in the bowels; discharge of wind with a putrid smell. Arsenic — Great pain with uneasy, burning sensation, or sensation of cold in the abdomen; pains worse at night, or after eating or drinking; vomiting of watery or bilious matter; diarrhcea with thirst, shivering, and great weakness. Veratrum — Pain as if from cutting with knives in the abdomen; burn- ing in the abdomen; rumbling of wind. May be given in alternation with Arsenic, in severe cases. Opium — Abdomen hard and swollen; obstinate constipation with vomiting of substance from the bowels. Lachesis — In spasmodic colic, especially when Colocynth. Belladonna, Nux Vomica and Chamomilla have been given without effect. Lycopodium — Swelling and fullness of the stomach, with pain; rum- bling of wind. May follow Pulsatilla or Lachesis. m HOME Rl'.MLDIES 435 Platina— When the colic is in conscinence of fear or an-cr: or ulieii caused I.y lead; tlie patient is afraid of dyin.^c contractin^M'ai.i.^ in the abdomen: pressure in the stomach after oatin^^; the colic di^ai.pears when the distress ot mind begins, or the distress of n>in.l .Hsappears as the colic begins. Aconite— Great tenderness of tlie abdomen: restlessness and twisting- boxvels seem to retract; desire to urinate, uith unsuccessful attempt. Arnica— Bruised pains in the sides of the alxlomen; fullness in the stomach, as if one had eaten too much: stitches in the pit <.f the stomach- oppression on the chest, worse after eating and drinking, or on touch;' swell.rg and hardness of the abdomen. Cina^Colic from worms, with pain, especially around the navel. Mercury— Shooting, or violent contracting pains in the pit of the stomach, with nausea; frequent desire to evacuate: great (piantitv of saliva in the mouth; abdomen tender to the touch; shivering with heat, espe- cially in the face; pain worse at night. Rheum— For colic, particularly in infants, when accompanied by diar- rhcea with a sour smell; or in adults when the pains are cutting, forcing one to bend over frequently, pain worse when standing. Sepia— Colic in pregnant woman, cutting pains after motion, burning and stitches in the abdomen, which is hard and swollen, sensation of bearing down in the abdomen, with pressure. Calcarea Carb— Gnawing or cutting i)ain in the abdomen, imeasy rumbling in the bowels with a difficult discharge of winil. acidity of the stomach, with vomiting of food, diarrhoea of a light color. Administration of Remedies— Di.s.solve twelve globules of the selected remedy in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every ten, fifteen, twenty or thirty minutes. acc(jrding to the severity of the symptoms. Each remedy should be repeated three or four times before changing to another. The intervals should be lengthened as the patient grows better. Persons liable to colic should be careful in regard to their diet, avoid- ing all green vegetables, acid drinks, etc. During an attack only the 436 HOME REMEDIES slightest nourishment sliould l)e given, as toast water, gruels, etc. The feet should be kept warm and dry. INFL.\MM.\TION OF THi: STOM.\CH Gastritis is an inllanunation of the lining membrane of the stomach, and may be either acute or chronic. The acute form, however, is a rare disease, and is generally caused by acid and corrosive substances taken into the stomach; as arsenic, corrosive sublimate, nitric acid, and the habitual use of lifjuor. Blows upon the stomach, and sudden checking of perspiration may also excite it. Symptoms — In severe cases, there is a burning pain in the stomach, with thirst: restlessness: constant nausea and vomiting: great desire for cold drinks: anxiety: prostration of strength: i)ain increased by pressure upon and by substances taken into, the stomach; the thirst is intense and distressing, for fluids unless given in very small (juantities are immediately rejected; there is sometimes a severe cough which is very annoying; the tongue is either red on the tip and edges, and whitish in the middle, or is re' over; the bowels arc consti])ated unless the intlammation extends to them, when we have diarrlura. As the disease increases iti violence, we have great difficulty of breath- ing, and pain, which increases by inspiration: great loss of strength; hiccough; cold, clammy sweats; skin becomes pale and cool; the tongue becomes smooth, red and dry: vomiting of dark-colored matter: delirium, stupor, or convulsions and death. Chronic inilammation of the stomach is quite a common disease, and is frequently mistaken for dyspepsia. It may be caused by the acute form, but it more frequently follows attacks of fever, as scarlet fever, small pox. etc. There is pain in the stomach which is increased by the presence of food, or by pressure, the appetite is irregular and fastidious: the food is imperfectlv digested, and gas which is exceedingly offensive, escapes by the mouth; the appetite will sometimes be very craving, but when the patient takes food, he is easily satisfied, or is made sick. HOME RP.MIIDIPS 437 At other times the appetite is emirdy l(.>t; t.m^u.' is wliitc in the center, and red at the sides and tip; soinetink-s siiK.otii ;m there will he diarrii,,;,: in some cases cuii-Ii is present, and if the disease is allowed i<. omtniue." all the symptoms of consnmi)tion appear. The disease, tu.less uell' age.l. is liable to, nloeration of the e..alin- uf the M.mi;uh. and death. The principal remedy in this disease is .\r>enio. to be -iven especially when the followin- symptoms are present : The eonnten;nu-e sunken and contracted, stomach swollen an.l hot to the touch, the patient lies upon the back, breath short, rapid and dillicidt. ton-ue re.l :ni,l clean, or red on the qdges with dirty fur in the center, voice ho.-use and >uppre->ed. skin hot and dry. burning or shootiu- p;,in in the stomach, -ripin- ,,r burning pain in the throat, great desire for col.j tin-uishcd from c.hc I y il,e fever symptoms which occur in intlammati..n ..f the houel... and the pain on pressure, neither of wliich are found in c.hc. It mav he .hstin-uished from inflammation of the peritoneum, hy tlie fact tliat .harrliaa is sel.jom present in the latter affection, and that sweUini,' of the al)d.Mnen with tenderness on pressure are always present in inllannnation of tlie peri- toneum. Causes— Irritating and in.ligestihle food: colic; exposure to cold; ohstinate constipation; strangulated hernia or rupture; may also he caused by the driving in of eruptions, or the suppression u\ customary discharges. The treatment of this disease is similar to tliat for in!lanunation of the stomach, .\conite should he the used, and continued as long as the lever is intense, and the skin very hot. .After this Arsemcuni and Ver- atrum should he given alternately (turn ahoi 'i.« vomiting is violent and persistent, after having n.sed these remedie for a consi.IeraI)le length of time, give ipecac. In some cases P.cllado ma and Mercury may he given in alternation after the .Aconite has redi ccd the fever, hut there is still great soreness of the abdomen, with inten e thirst. When the vomit- ing is so severe as to throw up the conteius of the bowels. Opium must be given, and if not relieved within eight or ten hours, give Plumbum. At this stage, weak injections of an infusion of tobacco will sometimes be of benefit. A warm bath may also be administered with success. Administration of Remedies— Of the selected remedy dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water and give a teaspoonful every one. two. three or four hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. If the pellets are used give six at a dose. The diet should be of the mildest description, as gruel made of rice or flour; milk and water; milk toast and gum arabic water. 440 HOME REMEDILS i WORMS • (Sec page 284.) There are three principal varieties of worms to which the human race is subject. The Ascaris or Pin Worm, also called the maw or thread worm; it is very small, resembling a white threail, from half an i;ich to an inch in length. The number is sometimes very great, forming rolls and balls in the intestines. They frequently crawl 'iito the vagina, or •urethra, causing a troublesome itching. Another variety is the Lumbricus. or Ascaris Lumbricoides, which is a very long, round worm, about an eighth of an inch in thickness, and from three to twelve inches in length; it very much resembles the common earth worm. They are found generally in the large intestines and some- times in the stomach, and not infrequently make their appearance in the throat. The third variety is the Taenia Solium, which is a long, flat tapeworm, varying in length from a few feet to several hundred. It dwells in the small intestines, and feeds on the chyle whic) is the substance of the food after it has passed through the stomach, and in this way causes r "at emaciation, exhaustion and loss of flesh. Symptoms — The symptoms of the presence of worms are veryo'. ..ure, and it is sometimes impossible to check tl.em until they have been dis- charged. The presence of the thread worm may be known by the annoying and intolerable itching within the anus or fundament. In children, worms are indicated by paleness, itching in the nc ,e, grinding of the teeth; start- ing from sleep, irregular appetite, bad breath, swollen belly, upper lip considerably swollen; one of th heeks more or less flushed. Taj)eworm may be known by a gnawing pain in the stomach, irregular appetite, but which is generally voracious, the amount eaten does not furnish a corresponding amount of nourishment; the patient grows thin. and there is frequently a hard cough-present; a sensation as of something suddenly rising from the left side into the throat and falling back; dizziness, particularly in the morning before eating. DIXORATIXG GRANDMAMMA. Frame your mind to mirth and nurriment. VMiich bars a thousand harms and lenKthen> liiV. Shakespeare. WOMAN'S INFLUENCE THE WORLD. Ii we wish to know the political and moral condition of a State, we must ask what rank women hold in it. Their influence embraces the whole of life. A wife! — a mother! — two magical words, comprising the sweetest source of man's felicitv. 'Fheirs is the reign oi beauty, of love, of reason. — always a reign! .■\imi ^lartin. HOME REM U PIES Treatment — Aconite (;iv<.ii -n .1. . , in the same manner. "^ '^,llatla .vmni"'''"^"" ''""''"""■'''' '^''""'>- '^^''^•^•'•'•"^ ^^"- ^'- •■■'!■•.• -u, ^mptums are present: liurin. the ,in,n - n, ,h. ,...- ,„.. ' M .s nervous, and cries at ni^ht in h,s .leep; has .evcro a„ kU . Z •^'''^^^'^^"•.-•- -"' f-tful: face bloa.e.l; .udln.. an,I pan, n the alKiomen: constipation or .liarrhua; Kn.i.,, .,f ,!,. Seville'!; "'"'T~''''"" "'"' '" """^ ^>- ''''^'"^ '"-^ i--...M,pat„.n severe uchm^.. In,nun,. an.l prickin. ..„sati.M, at the an„s Sp,geha-In severe cases of uonn colic when ,hcrc ,s f.-vcr a„.| .h.r- riuea. with cravmjr ai>i)ctite an.l chilhiu'ss. Sih-cea-Especially for chil.lren uho arc of >cn.fuln„. hal.i, Lycopoclium-Especially uhcn there is ^rcat itchi„. at ,!.• f„„,,a,ne„t *jr citius. ca.^7'r'""'~^' recommencle.1 hy Freli^h for the irrnat, „. an.l ,tchn>. caused by worms. " Santonin-Is an excellent for the .hfferent vari.. ,f uohms Por the tapeworm, pumpkin seeds given a. foHow., v, he found Take eight ounces of the seeds, and eat at night fou^ ouur.. ,„, an empty stomach: then in the morning take the oth-r f.;.,- ounces havir^^ steeped them in hot water, and drink the infusion. Nothing sl„ ,„ld be eaten tnUd noon. Tins will generally suffice to expci the worn,. If not eltectual, repeat the next night. Administration of Remedies-Give a dose of the ..elected remcrlv, three t.mes a day unless the symptoms are urgent, when it should be repeated every two or three hours. 444 HOME REMEDIES In chronic cases, the remedy should be repeated once a day and con- tinued for a long time. Diet — The patient should avoid all heavy food, such as boiled vege- tables, rich pudding and cake ; but he may be allowed meat soups, roasted or boiled meat, and milk. For the intense itching which is present in some cases, injections of cold water, or water to which has been added a little salt or vinegar, will be found beneficial. Sweet oil will sometimes answer the purpose. CONSTIPATION (See Ch.-iptcr XXI.) This is one of the most common disorders to which mankind is subject. For the symptoms, causes and general treatment, see page 80. The principal remedy is Nux Vomica, when there is frequent and ineffectual urging to stool, or a feeling as if the anus was closed; dis- agreeable taste in the mouth; loss of appetite; swelling of the abdomen. If the Nux is insufficient, give an occasional dose of Bryonia, especially if the disorder occurs in warm weather. Opium — May be sometimes given in alternation with Nux Vomica, especially when there is great torpidity of the bowels, and without any desire to stool; redness of the face; rush of blood to the head; headache. Platina — When the feces are voided in small, hard lumps, with much difficulty; shuddering; sensation of weakness in the abdomen. Lycopodium — When there is a painful urging, with a severe bearing down, but inability to pass the feces. Antimonium Crudum — In cases where constipation and diarrhoea alter- nate. Sulphur — For long continued constipation, particularly where the patient is troubled with piles. Also when there is frequent desire to stoo!. but without any result. Plumbum — For obstinate constipation, the stools are hard and diffi cult, and the feces come away in hard lumps or balls. For constipation of pregnant women, give Nux Vomica, Opium. HOME REMEDIES 445 Sepia. For lying-in women, Bryonia. Xux \-oniica. For nursins infants. Bryonia, Xnx Vomica, Opinm. Snlpluir. Administration of Remedies— (Jive of tlic selected remedy a .lose on.e in two. three or four hours. When the remedy is -iven drv. from three to six pills at a dose. When siven in water, dissolve six globules in six teaspoonfuls of water, and give one teaspoonful for a dose. Injections of, and batliing in, cold water, will be found very beneficial. DI.XRRHCEA (See page 313.) This disease is of frequent occurrence, especially during the warm months of the year. The syminoms are, f- equent discharges from the bowels of a more or less fluid character, each discharge being i^receded by a rumbling noise in the bowels, together with a sense of heaviness or weight: there is gener- ally more or less griping, and sometimes nausea and vomiting: when the discharges are frequent or in large quantities, the strength of the patient is rapidly reduced. Causes— Exposure to extreme heat and cold; the use of acids; indi- gestible or other irritating food; overloading the stomach with food; violent mental emotions, such as fear, anger, etc. It may also be caused by too close confinement in ill ventilated habitations, and also by teething, in infants. General Treatment— The use of all food that is not perfectly easy of digestion should be forbidden, as well as acids, coffee, and all highly seasoned vegetables, fruits, fresh meats, and soups of all kinds. The patient may be allowed toast, rice, boiled milk, oatmeal, hominy, arrow- root, barley water, sago, tapioca and gum arable water; boiled rice flavored with cinnamon may also be allowed. Dulcamara — For diarrhcra which is caused by cold: when the evacua- tions are watery, greenish, or yellowish; worse at night with slight pain. It may be followed by Bryonia. Aloes — Violent stools; the whole body becoming hot during cvacua- 446 HOME REMEDIES ^^ ■1 tion, with a feeling of sickness at tlic stomacli, or in the region of the liver, the evacuations Iiavc a very putrid smell, and are not very profuse or watery. Ipecac — Evacuations of thin mucus, or frothy, fermented or yellow stools, with considerable pain in the rectum; stools with a white substance scattered through: i)alcness of the face; great prostration. Chamomilla — Uilious, watery or slimy diarrlKca. the evacuations resembling ch()i)i)ed straw, and smell like rotten eggs; coated tongue; swelling of the bowels; bitter taste in the mouth. Particularly useful when diarrlura is caused by cold, fear or anger, and for diarrhcca of infants, when the child tosses up its legs, frets', worries and tosses about, and wants to be carried. Rheum — Sour smelling evacuations, with contractive colic in the bow- els; shuddering when evacuating; diarrha-a from acidity of the stomach; sour smell proceeding from the child which is not removed by washing. Especially useful in diarrlKx-a of infants and diarrhcca of lying-in women. If Rheum does not relieve, give Chanicmilla. ^lercurius — Suitable for almost any diarrhaa; especially when accom- panied with grii)ing in the bowels before, and burning in the anus after stool; great i)rostration and trembling; evacuation? bilious, slimy or frothy or mixed with blood; violent colic; bad breath. Nux Vomica will sometimes relieve when Mercury seems indicated, but does not have the desired effect. Colocynth — J'.ilious or watery diarrhoea, with severe cramp-like pains. Podophyllin— DiarrluL^a with cramp-like pains in the bowels; light colored and ofTensive stools; evacuations frothy and slimy. Pulsatilla — Diarrlura from indigestion, with watery, offensive evacua- tions, particularly at night, bitter taste in the mouth; foul tongue. Piryonia — Diarrhd-a from heat of summer. Arsenic — Evacuations burning, with severe colic pains. May be given in alternation with Vcratrum. or in alternation with Carbo Veg. when the diarrluta is putrid, and consists of undigested matter; or waterv. slimy, burning evacuations. HOME REMEDIES 447 Magnesia— Diarrha-a with evacuations resembling the scum (if a in.-r pond, green and frothy. * Nux Vomica— When there are frecinent and .cantv evacuation^ of watery and greenish sui)stances, accompanied with nmch strainin- and pressing down pain. May be given sometimes in alternation with'.Mer- cury. Administration of Remedies— Of the remcdv selected. di.M.Ke twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a tea>p.„,nfnl everv half hour, hour, two. or three hours, acconling to the severitv of the pain and the frequency of the evacuations. If the pills are used, give three ..r four at a dose. In chronic cases give a dose every morning and evening. DVSE.VTKRY This is an inHammation of the nuicous niend)rane lining the large bowels. Symptoms— The disease commences generally with a loss of ajipetite: constipatic'i; shivering: heat of skin; excessive thirst, etc. It sometimes begins with diarrhoea; the passages are small and frecpient. ;md are com- posed of mucus streaked with blood; there is constant straining, and pain- ful griping of the anus called tenesmus. Causes— Sudden change in the temperature fnmi li,,t lo coM; unripe or sour fruits; stale vegetables, or meat; drinking cold water when heated. General Treatment— The patient should not be allowed to sit up. but be kept very quiet. For food, use Hour porridge well boiled, rice water. arrowroot, sago. When recovering, a little mutton broth may be allowed. Aconite— rain in the bowels; bilious, or thin, watery evacuati(jns. mixed with mucus and sometimes .'Streaked with bl(jooration has contiiuied for a long time, Lycopodium or Sulphur may be taken. If the bowels feel painful, Bryonia and Ignatia will often prove beneficial. DIARRHCEA DURING PREGNAN'CY This disease does not occur so often during pregnancy as constipation, but is much more injurious, as it rapidly weakens the patient if not 454 llOMH THli.iTMHNT checked. Sometimes there is simply looseness of the bowels, where the movements arc more frccus. Administration of Remedie-— Of the ^elected remedv. (;.--,. ve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and take a leasp,„Mifu! every half hour. hour, two, or three horns, acconling to the .-everitv of the svmptoms. (Svc puKi' .UO. 1 Cramps frequently occur in tJK calves of the legs. hips, back or abdo- men, and are very annoying. 456 HOME TREATMEST For cramps in the limbs. Vcratrum, Nux Vomica. Colocynth, Chamo- milla. For cramps in the abdomen or stomach. Nux Vomica. Colocynth, Pulsatilla, Belladonna. For cramps in the back. Ignatia, Rhus. 'Administration of Remedies— Of the selected remedy, dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful at a dose; or pive six globules. INCONTINENCE OF URINE-ENURESIS This is a partial or total inability to retain the urine, and is a very annoying complaint. The principal remedies are Pulsatilla. Sepia. Belladonna. Hyoscyamus, Causticum. Of the remedy chosen, take six pills once in three or four hours. DIFFICULT URINATION This is an exceedingly troublesome complaint, caused by pressure of the enlarged uterus upon the bladder. Pulsatilla is the principal remedy. If Pulsatilla does not relieve, give Nux Vomica. Acid. Other remedies are Belladonna, Cantharides, Cocculus, Phosphoric Of the remedy chosen, take six globules every two hours. CHAPTF.R XXXIV SrMPTOMS AND TREJTMEXr IM IMS (Sec ( lia;.nr XX.) nrsE.isEs OF CONVULSIOXS— Sp:?..■.. „, Mu uk f ih, sp,,.„,s. By the word convulsion we mean, a yiolcnt .n„i mu .inntary contn.ction „f the nnisdcs of the whole or part of the bo,l>, „i cc.msI. in .„mc affection uf the spmal system of nerves. Not ail ...n.ulsions arc dangerous, althoujih some are very dangerous, and sonic c\ en fat;.l. The ones to be feared th' most are those which occur after .in.psy of the brain has set i-i severe falls or bruises, or after any acute attack of brain or bowel <\:^ -. ^ They are more likely to occur before the age of >eyen. especial;-. .,":::. the first three years. The brain of an infant is yery tender, ai : , quently is liable to sudden congestions, wiiicli n cannot resist s ,, the brain of an adult. Causes— Children of a susceptible. irrital)le and temperaiuo, ; or disposition, are more liable to them than other.. The most common causes are, irritation of the bowels from iiHligcstible food, difticult teeth- ing, and worms, excessive crying and pains, anger and joy. A dangerous form results from overloading the stomach with indigestible Unnl, as nuts, apples, etc. Eruptive fevers, as .scarlet fever, small pox. and measles, are frequently ushcrea in by convulsions, but they (juickly disapi)ear. on the appearance of the eruption, and arc not considered dangerous; if, however, they make their appearance during the course of the, they are greatly to be dreaded. Spasms luuc been i)roduced by the milk of the mother becoming poisoned by some great mental emotion, as anger, also by her nursing the child when overheated. Symptoms — "The attack generally commences in the eyes, iy, 458 HOME TREATMENT arc at first fixed in one position, staring; but as the case advances, they become agitated, and are turned up beneath the upper eyelid, leavnig only the wiiites visible; the eyelids are sometimes open, sometimes shut; the eyes are fre(iuently crossed; the pupils may be either contracted or dilated. The muscles of the face next become affected, and the contrac- tions produce at times most horrid contortions; the mouth is distorted into various shapes. Sometimes the jaws are firmly set. again they are in violent motion. At times, but -arely. there is foaming at the mouth. In severe cases, when the spasm becomes general, the wliole body is violently convulsed; the head is drawn backward, or to either side: the body may Ijccome stiff and rigid, or variously contorted; the. fingers are drawn into the palms of the hands; the arms are thrown backward or forward, or jerked and drawn into all conceivable positions. The lower extremities arc likewise affected, but not generally in so violent a manner." A fit may last but for a fe>\ moments, or it may rontinue for several hours. A child will sometimes have several fits durii. ..le day. but there will always be a longer or shorter interval between each spasm. General Treatment— The first thing to be done, is to prepare a warm bath and put the child in as soon as possible. Where the convulsion is slight, a foot bath with a little mustanl in the water is sufficient, but in other cases the l^ath must be a general one. Pour cold water in a steady stream on the head of the child while in the bath, and continue it so long as the heaL"T1.\G Health is the greatest of all possession'^, and 'tis a maxim with nie, thai .1 hale i.hhlcr is a better man than a sick IcmK HukersiatY LOVE ME LITTLF. I.OVK Ml-: l.OXG. O wnman! lovely vvoinan' nature niaiit- ilice To teinpcr man: wi- had been brutes willioiit you ! Otwav. HOME T RE AT M EXT 461 ation may be hastened by ticL'ing tlie throat with the toatlicrcd ciul of a quill. The remedies to be given are as follow - ; Nux Vomica— If there has been constipation, colic: spasms arc violent, and attended with shrieks; jerking backward of the head; tlie eyes are set.' Pulsatilla may be given in alternation. Veratrum— If the child is pale and cold; sweat on the forehead. Ipecac — If there are atteinpts at vomiting. If the spasms are caused by teething, and the gums are red and swollen, cut them with a sharp penknife. Belladonna and CotYca may be given in' alternation, every ton or tifteen minutes. If there is mucli fever, give Aconite, especially if there is great restlessness, crying and starting. ( ,ive Chamomilla, if the muscles of the eyes and face twitch convulsively; roll- ing of the head from side to side; one cheek red and the other pale. ' Bella- donna may be given in alternation, when Chamomilla alnne fails. Cina — If convulsions are caused by worms, and tiiere arc spasms of the chest, with stiffnes' of the entire body. May follow Mercnrius. or be given in alternation with it. Ignatia — When the patient starts suddeidy from .deep, with violent crying and shrieks. Hyoscyamus— For sudden attack- after eating; the child gives a shriek, and become.^ insensible; twitching of the nui.scles of the face; foaming at the mouth, and great wildness. If convulsions appear in the beginning of eruptive fever- a- niradcs. scarlet fever, or small ])o.x. give CotTea and .\c<.nite. Alter Uu-e llry- onia and Bclladoima. which will generally bring oia the eruption. If the convulsion appears during the cour.-e of a fever, -ivi- Belladonna if in scarlet fever; Bryonia if in measles. If these do not relieve, give Cup- rum in alternation with Belladonna. If not better in two hour-, give Stramonium and Cuprum. Convulsions from frigiit re<|'iire ( )!)ium. c-pc- cially if there is trembling over the whole body; the clnld lie- as if -tunned; breathes heavily like snoring; face almost bine. If the Opium fail-, give Stramonium or Ignatia. Hyoscyannis, if there is foaming at tlie mouth 'jfia HOME TRE.ITMILXT and twitching of tlie muscles of the face. When convulsions occur from blows, or falls upon the head, give Arnica. Sometimes convulsions occur from a cold on the lungs being trans- ferred to the head. In such a case, put the child in a warm bath, and apply cold water to the head. Persevere in its use, until the trouble returns to the lungs, which may be known by the difficult breathing, rattling, etc. Internal'y give Belladonna and Cuprum in alternation, after- ward CJpium and Camphor. Administration of Remedies — Of the remedy selected, dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes, according to the urgency of the symp- toms. Lengthen the intervals as the child improves. DENTITION The period of teething is one fraught with considerable danger to the infant. Teeth-cutting generally begins between the ages of five and seven months. It is indicated by redness, heat, and tenderness of the gums, and salivation, commonly called "drooling." Sometimes there is watering of the eyes, fever, fretfulness, disturbed sleep. More frequent discharges from the bowels. General Treatment — When the gums are hoi and swollen, and espe- cially if there is a determination of blood to the head, with twitching of the mu.scles, the gum should be lanced immediately over the tooth: this will generally relieve the symptoms. The chilil may be allowed to bite upon some hard substance, as an ivory ring. .\conite — May be given when there is much fever, with restlessness and pain : the child cries and starts. Belladonna — Especially when the child is nervous, head is hot. face flushed, gums swollen and red, also when convulsions are threatened, the (hild starts from sleep and stares, the pupils of the eyes are dilated, the body becomes stifT. Chamomilla — Especially good when the child is uneasy and restless at nigra, starts at liie leasi noise, twitches and jerks in sleep, redness of HOME TREATMEXT A'' one cheek, moaning and gp.aning. uneasiness, diarrlia-a ul wateiy au.l greenish substances. Chaniumilla oiay lie given in alicriiatiun u iih hdla- • lonna. • Coffea— When the chiM is re^tk-ss. and can not -kv\K lia- -nw: lovrr. May he given in alternati(jii uitl. Belladunna. Ignatia— If there arc lla.she> of heat with -U'l-lcii ^tarimj; fiuin sleep. and piercing cries. If tlie diarrli.ea is yellowi.sli. heoinin- m„mi .u-ierward of a whitish color, shniy and curdletl. give CotlVa. Ipecac ..r Calcarea Carb. If it is greenish, give .Mercurius. .Magnesia. ( liainomilla, Sidi)lnn-. Administration of Remedies— Of the remedy >elected, di>solve six globules in si.\ teaspoonfnis of water, and give on. aspoonful of the .solution for a dose, every on-,-, two, ihree or four hoin>. according to tin- urgency of the case. When tlie globules are given, three or four will lie a dose. SNUFFLE.S-COI.I) IN' THK Ili:.\n This IS a common complaint among children, caused by sji-hi inilani- mation of the membrane lining the nose, pnxluced In old. Camphor— Is the best remedy for the first syniptnms. If there is nothing convenient but the ordinary spirits of Cunpliur, pnt one ,.i- luu drops upon a lump of sugar and di^.solvc the sugar in a luin!)ler li.alf full of water, and give a teaspoonful every two hours. Arsenicum — If Camphor does not relieve, and espccia!l\ if the fnllow- mg -symptoms are present: Obstruction of the nose. with ;t discliar-c of watery acrid mucus: the discharc:e from the nose produces redne-. an.I swelling of the parts. Ifvecac may be given, if this .1,^- not relieve. Nu.x Vomica— Especially when there is but little nnnun- the nose; also with heat in the face; constipation. Chamomilla— When the difficulty is caused by check. 1 perspiration: redness and inflammatinrax. MILK CRL'ST (Sec colorril plate.) When the disease first appears, and the itching is severe, particularly at night, give Aconite, either alone or in alternation (turn about) with Chamomilla, a dose every two hours. Calcarca Carb. may be given when the eruption is dry. If the eruption is moist, the discharge profui^e, and smells badJy. give Lycopodium. Administration of Remedies— Dissolve twelve globules in twelve tea- spoonfuls of water, and when the first appears, give a teaspoonful every three hours. .\s the child improves, give it two or three times a day. unless other directions are given with the remedy. If preferred, give three globules dry upon the tongue. REMITTKNT FflVKR OF INF.WTS At the commencement there is generally languor for several days, with irritability, nausea; lips dry and parched; he starts in his sleep, and there is drowsiness and stupidity. These symptom? increase; there is fever, pulse rapid, tongue coated, dry, and red on the margins; extremi- ties cold; moans, and grinds his teeth; picks at his no^c, mouth or eyes; belly swells, and there is constipation, or diarrhixa of mucus, fetid sub- stances; urine looks as if mixed with milk. General Treatment — The application of water will be found useful in this disease. Inuring the fever, pack the patient in a wet or najikin, well covered until he perspires; he is then to be taken out and washed with tepid water. Tf the head is hot, put cloths, wet in cold water, and well wrung out. on the head, changing them frequently. Ipecac may be given at first, one globule every three or four hours for 466 HOME TREATMUXT a (lay; then Bryonia and Rhus, alternately every three hours (or two (lays; then stop the medicine for a day; if the patient is better, give Sulphur. Where there are head symptoms, give Belladonna ur Opium, one globule every three or four hours. Where there is considerable fever, skin hot and dry, yellow, slimy or green diarrha-a, pain in the stomach or bowels on pressure, give C!iamomilla or Ipecac; when there is obsti- nate constipation, burning heat of the whole body, occasional spasms, evidences of trouble of the liver or stomach, give Nu\ Vomica. If there are evidences of trouble in the lungs, such as dry, hacking cough, painful, anxious, hurried respiration, hot skin, thirst, stitches in the side, nightly delirium, give Bryonia. Administration of Remedies— Dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every two to four hours, according to urgency of symptoms. CHOLERA INFANTUM (See page 228.) This is one of the most dangerous diseases of infancy, and generally occurs during the first and second summers. The period of teething is more liable to it, on account of the system at that time being in an unusually excitable condition. Very slight causes, which at other times would produce no effect— as errors in diet, exposure to night air. fatigue —at this time produce serious results. The principal cause, however, is error in diet. It is highly dangerous to change the food at the period of teething, to wean them from the breast, and place them upon artificial diet. This should be done only when absolutely necessary. Svmploms — The disease may l>e cither sudden or gradnal in its api)roach. The child may be attackci suddenly with violent vomiting and purging, or ma}- have had, for several days, a slight diarrhd-a The stomach becomes so irritable as to thnm off everything taken into it. The substance vomited consists of the contents of the stomach, undi- gested food, mixed with mucus, and bili»nis matter. When cvcrvthins has hcen tlim-uT; .1,-1-- ---tl t . -~ -^.^.. i » «. ■ •.^♦.■»|,«»irrc f';tirtci' Vjc^-^fc HOML Ti a day. The diarrluia i> nno of the most important symptoms. The >tools. which at lir>t CDU^i^t nf uiuli ycsted food, come to he streaked uiih j;rcci . lii time tlicv Imik like chopped-up greens. Thex may lie yelli>\\i.-h. \ery waterv. and the otim is decidedly fetid and had. There may he also, severe pain, as in dy-entery. ;ind the disch.'ir^e- may contain hlood and mucus. There is cun.^iderahle t\\er. (piick pulse. mouth Ik I and dry. threat thirst; tonj^nie coated dirty uhite or yllouish white, except at the edL;es. which are red: extremities cold; head Imt; exe-' sunken; nose poiiUed; features look withered and dried up. like tliose of an old person; helly swollen, and sometimes tender tu the touch; fever generally worse duriiif; afternoon ami evenintj. As very much de])euds upon the diet in the treatment uf this disease. if possihie. tlie child should not he weaned until after the second summer. When, however, this is done, the diet must he regulated according to tiie peculiarities of the child. As there is generally great thirst, the infaiu may have as much water as it desires. I"re>h cow's milk is uudouhtedly the best thing which can he given. The following preparation will he ftnmd e.xcelleiU : Dissolve a tahle- spoonful of sugar of milk in three cups of water, hod down to two cups. and add one cup of fresh tuilk; let the child eat it while warm. If sugar of milk cannot he procured, use loaf sugar; hut the first i> liy far the best. Rice flour gruel .sometimes makes ;> good diet. l're]>are as follows: "Take one tablespoonful of rice flour, ami one tabic- poouful of milk; stir them together, and add a little salt, and nearly a pint of warm water; stir well and boil for fifteen minutes; when cold, this is about the tliiokne--s of starch; add a little white sugar to sweeten." When the >lom:u!i is very weak, take one part cream, to five of water, and to tlii^ mid ;i little arrow- root, sago or tapioca, .\nother UKitter of importance is that the child should have plenty of fresh air. If lu.^-il.le. take it intu tin- ctjuntry. When this cannot be done, let it be earned in the yard, in tlie park, or in the street. If the child it too sick. carr\ it on a pillow in a large room 468 HOME TREATMENT which is well ventilated. A tepid bath, occasionally, will also be found beneficial. Ipecac— This is generally the most important remedy. To be given when there is nausea and vomiting, with watery diarrlioca. green or fer- mented stools, with white flecks; tongue coated; great thirst. Veratrum — Where the attack been violent, and there is great exhaustion from vomiting, or when the vomiting cDUies on in paroxysms. or from the slightest movement; brownish or watery evacuations, and coldness of the extremities; face pale, eyes sunken, great thirst. Chamomilla— Mucous or sour vomiting; passages look like stirred eggs, or green or slimy, with pains like colic; fever worse at night. Better adapted to children when they are cross and fretful from teething. Mercurius — Stools attended with colic and strainini;; passages green- ish and sour, sometimes mixed with blood ; the child smells sour. Rheum is also good for the same symptoms. Podophyllin — Cramp-like pains; stools frothy, slimy, and very oflfen- sive; child moans in its sleep, and rolls his head. Carbo Vcgetabilis — Stools smell putrid, are very thin, and attended with burning pain. Arsenicum — For great prostration and weakness; nausea; vomiting of everything; stools brown, green or yellowish, and very offensive; skin dry, or cold and clammy; lips qnd tongue black and cracked; moans in his sleep; abdomen hard and swollen. Calcarea — For cases of long standing, where there is great emaciation and weakness; abdomen hard and swollen; stools mushy and clay-colored; skin withered and dry. Sulphur — This remedy is indicated in about the same cases as Cal- carea. When the disease appears to be afTecting the head. Aconite. Hellebore. Belladonna or Bryonia. Administration of Remedies — Where the attack is sudden, dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a tcaspoonfu! every fifteen minutes or half hour, until the child is better. W'herc the case has continued for a long time, give a dose every two or four hours. HOME TRli.lTMEM- CROLT (See page y>i) Croup is divided into two furnis: Spasmudic and Mcmbranotts. TIic former is sometimes called false croup, and tlic latter the true. Children under five years of age are more liable to it than others, althou^jh older persons have been attacked, even nj) to seventy years. It is very alanri- ing, from the suddenness of its attack, and the (juicknes". with which it produces fatal results. Causes — It is most frecjuent in col>hed, skin hot. and a profuse perspiration breaks out; be tosse> wildlv about from one side to the other, with clenched hand^ and protruding eyeballs. As morning approaches the symptoms decline, ami the child may fall to sleep. During the day he may appear a ell. excc])t a slight hoarseness, and perhaps some fever. Toward evening, however, the boarscnc.-s increases, and he will be awakened from sleep, as on the night before, by a more violent paroxysm than the first. The cough becomes more strangulating and difficult; the obstruction to the passage of air is increased; the face assumes a dark, leaden, dusky hue; the pulse is feeble; the voice broken and suppressed; the head is thrown back to enable the sufferer to breathe. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1 2.0 .8 A -^IPPLIED INAHGE J^r^ '6S-5 Eost Mam Street S^S Rochester, Ne* York U609 UV '■^SS (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^S (^^6) 288 - 5989 - Fax 470 HOMll r RE ATM EXT ami the face is puffed; the muscles of the neck, chest and abdomen, arc brought into powerful action, and the breathing is loud and hissing; the child throws himself about the bed. seeking in vain for relief, and his whole appearance is one of intense agony and suffering; he grasps at his throat as if to tear away the obstruction ; drowsiness slowly comes on. the breathing is interrupted ; he gasps convulsively, and death closes the hor- rible scene. Croup may. however, come on very suddenly, the child going to bed in perfect health, and be attacked in the night. This form is not so dangerous, unless allowed to run on without efforts being made to stop it. Again, the child may have a hoarse, croupy cough for several days, and at the time when the parents are least expecting it, he will be seized with a violent paroxysm, which may terminate fatally. An attack of croup may last from twenty-four hours to fifteen days. When compli- cated with bronchitis, pneumonia or after scarlet fever, measles or quinsy, it is much more dangerous. When the first symptoms of croup make their appearance, such as hoarse cough, with fever, give Aconite and Spongia in alternation, every hour. If, however, the child is awakened from sleep, with the peculiar crowing, barking cough of croup, give Tartar Emetic and Spongia in alternation, every ten or fifteen minutes. A warm bath is beneficial when the symptoms are severe. It should be about 96 degrees at first, and gradually made warm by the addition of hot water. When taken from the bath, he should be wiped dry, quickly, and well wrapped up. Cloths wet in cold water applied to the throat, and covered with flannel, will be found of great service. For the ringing, moist and loose cough, which remains after the violence of the paroxysm has subsided, give Spongia and Hepar in alternation, every hour. When the cough is loose, and there is rattling of mucus in the throat and chest, and spitting of thick phlegm, give Tartar Emetic in alterna- tion with Hepar Sulphur, half an hour, or an hour apart. For the hoarse- ness remaining after an attack, and to prevent a return the following ni^ht. give Phosphorus or Hepar Sulphur, a dose every two or four hours. UuMli TREATMEXT ^7, When the attack has l,cc.„ne very viuk.u. and t!,cre i> evidence- of ,he ormafon of a false membrane, and the child . ti.eatened ui.h .nf.uca- t.on. g,ve Kah Bichromacum. A small pow.ler should be ,iven every three or five mintUes. If this does not relieve. ,,ne .\r.enicun,, and nse liot apphcat.ons to the throat. When the b>-eathincr is verv labored wheezing, rough cough, gasping for air. great danger of sn.Tocation' give Bromme. Phosphorus alone, or in alternation with LacheMs. i. also valuable in these severe forms. Administration of Remedies-[f the remedv is in -lobules ,li..,|ve nvelve. m twelve teaspoonfuls of water. If i„ powder. ,i,n\e a pon; „ the size of a small pea. Diet— This should be oatmeal gruel, barlev water, toast water or milk. WHOOPIXG COL-GH CSi-e p.ige 27 i.) This is a contagious disease, occurring generallv but once in the s.ime person. The complaint commences with hoarseness, sneezin^^ and other symptoms of a cold. It is characterized by a convulsive paroxvs,,, of cough, which is attended with hissing breathing, an.l rattling 'in the the convulsive breathing attended by a whooping sound, until a quantity of thick, ropy mucus is thrown up. when the breathing is again free. During the paroxysms of coughing the chiurs face is red, and there is sweating about the head, and agitation of the whole body- blood sometimes starts from the nostrils, and he i.ivoiuntarilv passes water, or evacuates the bowels. A very valuable remedy is Mephitis Tutorius. A dose mav be given every four hours. Drosera is another valuable remedv. especiallv when the following symptoms are present: Dry. .-pasnio.lic cough, worse at night; when coughing, the child presses it^ hand up-n the pit of the quick Miccession. stomach: severe f^ts of coughing following each other in ., with hemorrhage from the mouth and nose: cough excited bv talking, or laughing; expectoration of thick, tough phlegm. Coralha— May be given in some cases with great benelii 47a HOME TREATMENT Aconite — May be given when thfre is much fever, with short, dry cough, and pain in the chest. This remedy may be given in alternation with Bryonia or Phosphorus, especially when there is threatened inflam- mation of the lunt,'s. Tartar Emetic — When at the commencement, there is hard, suffo- cating cough, and when there is rattling of mucus in the chest, paroxysn:s of cough, with immediate danger of suffocation, cough caused by tickling in the throat, short fits of coughing following in quick succession. Ipecac will be beneficial where the same symptoms are present. Chamomilla — Wheezing and rattling at each inspiration, cough excited by an irritation of the windpipe, the child is cross and fretful. Cuprum — Frequent fits of coughing with stiffness of the whole body, and rattling of mucus in the windpipe, prostration after a fit of coughing. Other remedies are Carbo Veg., Dulcamara, Cina, Belladonna, Mer- cury, Opium, Hellebore. Administration of Remedies — Of the remedy chosen, dissolve twelve pills in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every two, three, or six hours. COLIC This is a very frequent and troublesome disorder of infants. It is frequently caused by cold, or by some mental emotion of the mother, affecting the milk. The child screams, kicks and draws up its legs. Fre- quently there is stoppage of the urine. Chamomilla — May be given, especially if there is swelling of the abdo- men, the child cries, twists the body and draws up its knees, coldness of the extremities. If in addition to these symptoms there is nausea, vomit- ing and diarrhoea, rumbling of wind and shivering, give Pulsatilla. If the bowels are constipated, give Nux \'oniica. If the discharges are fermented, and have a putrid odor, give Ipecac. If the evacuations are of a sour smell, give Rheum. When it is caused by worms, give Cina, Sulphur, Mercurius. If there is restlessness, sleeplessness and fever- ish heat, and crying, give Coffea and Belladonna, in alternation (turn about). A tepid bath will frequently relieve the sufferings of the infant. HOME TRn.!TM/:XT Ach.inistratio„ of Remcciies-Put two or three ,,lol>uIes .Irv npon .he tongue, or dissolve twelve globules in tuehe ten^poonfu's of " or \ give a teaspoonful at a dose rcoaun^ .u-.t ,; '^ °"'"'^ "^ ''•'^'■'- ■^•"' or hour. repeating e\ory fifteen minutes, half hour DIPHTHERIA (See chapter "DiMM^o. of Children ") This disease is a comparatively new one, with the character of which we have been but little acquainted until within the last few ^ar t extremely dangerous, and is contagious, and infectious. I . ek . ages but principally the young. an'•- disease. Mercur>— Arc the principal remedies in tliis Aconite ar elladonna-In alternation, if the disease commences VMth a fever, every hour a teaspoonful. until the fever subsides If how- ever, the symptoms grow worse, other remedies should be resorted to Belladonna. Kali Chloricum. Kali Bi-Chromicum an,-. .,... a ,,„.. ,„a, ,,. ,...„ „;„;; CAXKER OF TIIK MoLTll This form of sore monti, is .cuTally f..nn,l i„ .„il,Ircn. of fn.n, ,..• to ten vcars of ,,,,, an.l by sonu- i, is cunM.lcrcl conta-Mo,. ,. J , -nflammauon of the nu.cous „,e,n,,rane of th. „,.„„„. .:.,.„ „ e" P-re.. out a yellowish m,i.,. .ss.ncs a v.-y ,.s,r.,ctiv. , .f allowed to jro on. causinj,^ deep. .lark sores o play or move al.out. loss of appetite, thirst. ,,n,.-n. heco.nin,. wo!'cn pongy. and bleeding when touched, the internal surface ,.f the h , and gtuns are spotted with patches of false n,en,bra„e. under uhid. appears ulcers. In .some cases, the false me„,brane is wa„tin,^ the tdcers presenting a greyish or livid appearance. swolle^i ''r'','"' '"T- "'' •'^'""'^ "■"'■''^"' '^^"^'-'^'^ ^I'^- i='- ''— • suollen, hard and pamful. the breath hecomin,- verv ofTensive. and the secrenon of the saliva being very increased. Son^etimes the tec.. may be loosened and fall out. There may be a copious discharge of otVcn- .ve bloody matter from the n,outh. and the breath n,av beconu. .rv fetul almost gangrenous. The moven,e.Us of the ja^v are stiff and swallowmg ,s mterfc.ed with, accon,panied with soreness of the neck and throat. The patient loses strength rapidly, and becomes verv nuuh prostrated. Merculy-This remedy is indicated in almost everv case, and n.ay always be gn-en at the commencement of the .lisease. except when it is caused by Mercury, in which case, give Carbo Vegetabilis, Hepar Sulphur, or Aitric Acid. 476 HOME TREATMENT Nux Vomica — Ulcers putrid and painful, swelling of the gums, there being fetid ulcers all over the surface of the mouth, accompanied by con- stipation. Arsenicum — Ulceration of the margins of tlic tongue, with violent, burning pains, gums swollen and easily bleeding, great restlessness, and a desire to drink frequently. Capsicum — Especially for persons of full habit, in quiet life, and where there are blisters or vesicles on the tongue, togethi r with swelling of the gums. Nitric Acid — If Mercury does not relieve, or if the gums are swollen, looking whitish and bleeding easily, accompanied with looseness of the teeth, salivation, and putrid odor from the mouth. Carbo Vegetabilis — Ulceration of the gums and tongue, with profuse bleeding, accompanied by a burning sensation, and excessive fetidness of thp ulcers. Sulphur — To be given at the end of the cure, when there is swelling of the gums, together with beating pain, blisters which burn when eating, offensive or sour smell from the mouth, constipation, or green, slimy diarrhcea. As a wash use cold water, or sometimes lemon juice or sage tea; a weak solution of brandy and water will also prove beneficial. Administration of Remedies — Of the remedy chosen dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaSpoonful every two, three, or four hours, according to the violence of the symptoms. MEASLES (See chapter "Diseases of Children.") This disease occurring generally in childhood, although it sometimes attacks grown persons, who are liable to have it more severely than chil- dren. One attack will generally secure the person agninst another. It is a contagious disease, and requires from seven to twenty days after exposure for its appearance. Note. — If the Measles is malignant, showing symptoms of putrid fever, SALT WATER BATHS I-'OR HEALTH AND BE.\UTV. MOTHERHOOD. "The mother, in her office, holds the key Of the soul; and she it is who stamps the coin Ot character." 1 10 Mr. TRn.iTMEsr ,^ 479 crup ton and ^o.nfc^ a c.rnpetct physician shonl 1 1.c called ' Ulvcn the attack .s mild. Aconu and Pulsatilla ,.ve„ i„ alternation (•lose, four s:IobnIes) every two or three hn„rs. uill ^H„eraIIv he all that W.II be rcc.u,red. If there is tn,nl>.e with the .tun,ach ,Mve an ocoas.unal dose of Ipecac or Belladonna. When the throat is sore. drv. and pan,fnl ilunnj; swallowing: thirst and spasmodic c. .,,d,; also when' there .s con- gestion of the head with !»«!, fever, rcstlessno.s and .lelirinm Aconite an,! Bryonia shonid he j,nvcn in alternation .twelve ^dohules dissolved n, twelve leaspoonfuls of water, and a teaspoonft.I at a .lose) every two or three hours, when there is violent, drv congh. with shooting pams m the chest, indicating bronchitis or pneumonia. Ipecac an.l Bryonia in alternation every half hour or hour if the eruption does not come out well, or strikes in su.ldenlv. with paleness and sickness at the stomach. Euphrasia-when the eye's are inflamed and watery. During an epidemic o' Measles, it is recommended to give a dose (four globules) of Pulsat-ha every night, wi.-ch will either prevent an attack or make it much milder. Administration of Remedies-When the dose is not mentioned with the remedy, dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every two or three hours. SCARLET RASH This is a different disease from scarlet fevtr, althou-h sometimes mis- taken for It, and also for measles. The eruption of scarlet rash consists of minute grain-like elevations, v ich can be easilv felt bv passing the hand over the surface, while the eruption of scarlet fever is perfec Iv smooth. '■' Causes— Children of any age are liable to it. although it is found oftener in infants. It may be caused by irritation o' the stomach and bowels, by sudden changes in the weather, by the sudden suppression of ft ^' 48o IIOMU TREATMENT f erspiration, by the use of cold drinks when tlic body is licatcd. and !>> violent exercise. It is not contagious. Symptoms— The eruption is generally preceded by chilliness, alici- nating with heat, weakness, heaviness and fullness of the head, restlessness. heat and dryness of the skin, loss of appetite, etc. These symptoms dis- appear as soon as the t.uption shows itself, which will generally i»c about the third or fourth day. Scarlet ra:!i may be distinguished from scarlet fever by the facts, that in scarlet fever the eruption is of a bright red or scar; t. and is spread uniformly over the surface: in scarlet rash the eruption is much darker, being sometimes almost purple, is spread over the body in irregular circular patches, and on being pressed with the finger. leaves no white imprint. In scarlet fever we have a sore throat, and in scarlet rash none. Scarlet rash may be distinguished from -aslcs by the fact that in the latter we have symptoms of catarrh, such as run- ning at the nose, eyes, etc. Treatment— In ordinary cases the only remedy necessary is Aconite, which may be given in alternation (turn about) with Coflfea, when there are irritability anil restlessness. If there are nausea and vomiting, give Ipecac or Pulsatilla. In case the rash suddenly disappears give Ipecac and Bryonia in al' .- nation (turn about) every half hour, or hour, a dose, at the same time covering the patient well. If there appears to be congestion of the head with drowsiness, give Opium. If there be sudden startings, bloodshot eyes, and fullness of the head, give Belladonna. Administration of Remedies— Dissolve twelve globules in twelve tea- spoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. SCARLET FEVER (See chapter "Diseases of Children.") In the treatment of this disease the remedy of the greatest importance is Belladonna. It is to be given in all forms and stages of the disease, and - 0. HOM^ TKr.\TML\'T ^i hi St. d . red or ul„„.h-cuatc.l tunguc; .hruat an.l ,u„>ils .In „„ll. ami suollcn: d.ftlcult, ..f swallouing; ,,,.,.!„,. ..f „„. am-ric-s i a sl'oofng pa.ns. are aggravatcl in motion: loss of appctit. ...d -us^ and vonming: violcn, congh; dr,. ...rnin, „.at of s^il, . ■ ;^ from sleep: great ag.tat.on. ans„o.V give CofTea and Belladonna, every hour alternately (turn about) until the patient is composed. When there is great drowsiness and to.ssing about, tongue -v drv swelling of the glands of the neck, skin shining on ,he face, head ihrown back, and almost constant delirium, give Rhus Tox. and Belladonna overv hour alternately. Mercurius may be given in alternation every hour, with ndladonna when there are ulceration of the tonsils, swelling of the glands of the .Kck great quantity of saliva running from the mouth, an.l offensive breath If no improvement takes place in twelve hours, give Xitric Acid the same as Mercury. If, however, the symptoms continue to grow wor.e after having given the Nitric Acid six or eight hours, and the discharge from the mouth IS very oflfensive. give Arsenic and Lachesis alternatelv everv hour, a dose until the patient is better. Opium mav be given wlirn the breathing resembles snoring; starting or constant deiir jm: face puffed and red; burning heat of skin, with or without perspiration. When the eruption strikes in, or the skin assumes a livid, bluish hue, 482 HOME TREATMENT give Bryonia and Belladonna in alternation (turn about) every half hour. If tl'.cse afford no relief, give Ipecac or Camphor. Sulpliur is a valuable remedy, and should be given (an occasional dose) when the skin begins to peel off. When the symptoms calling for Bella- donna tlo not yield promptly to that remedy, give an occasional dose of Sulphur. If symptoms of croup appear, give Aconite and Hepar Sulphur, a dose every hour, alternately. For Earache, after Scarlet Fever, give Pulsatilla, a dose every one or two hours, according to the severity of t'.e symptoms. If this affords no relief, give Belladonna and Hepar Sulphur in alternation. For running from the ears, give Pulsatilla, a dose every six hours, for three or four days: when, if not better, give Calcarea or Silicea, in the same manner. If after the disease the child shows symptoms of dropsy of the brain (head hot, extremities cold, sleeps with eyes half open, vomits on moving), give Bryonia and Hellebore alternately (turn about) every two hours, until the symptoms arc better. When the whole body swells give Belladonna and Hellebore, alter- nately every two hours, and afterward Bryonia. Rhus, or Apis Mellifica. When, before the eruption comes out, there are convulsions, give Belladonna and Cuprum in alternation, a dose every fifteen minutes. Administration of Remedies — Of the remedy chosen dissolve twelve globules in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give one teaspoonful at a dose, every half hour, hour, or two hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Abdomen, Increased Size of 119 Abdomen, Stretching of 119 Abdomen, Muscular Pains of 112 Ablutions in Labor i6t') A Boon to Woman 158 Abortion 175 Abortion, a Murder 179 Abortion, Danger of 180 Abortion, No Apology for 179 Accidents 330 Accomplishments, Female 363 Acid Fruit Drinks 3^8 Advice to a Mother 27 Affection, Filial 57-63 Afterbirth, How to Remove the 168 Affection, Enlargement of 56 A Great Mistake 26 Age of Puberty, The 30 Amusements 64 Antipathy for Food 255 Appearance, Personal 377 Appetite in Pregnancy 107-156 Apples, Value of 159 Apple Tea 348 Arteries 30 Artificial Foods 216 Awkward Persons 389 483 B PACK Baby's First Xecd 210 Baldness, How to Cure 383 Bandage After Labor i;^ Barley Coffee, How to Make 344 Barley Soup ^^^ Barley Water ,55 Bath, The Air .VS6-380 Bath, The Caliinet ^:;g Bath. The Eye Yn Bath. The Foot ^fio Bath, The Xose 360 Bath, The Oil 356 Bath, The Plunge 360 nath. The Shallow 359 Bath, The Sitz 359 Bath, The Sponge 356 Bath. Turkish 157 Bath'"!? 330 Bathing of Children J47 Bathing of Infants jir Bathing. General Rules for 355 Beautifier. Nature's Greatest 38^) Beauty, Decay of 386 Beauty, Female 377 Beauty, Impaired by Disease 34 Beauty of Face and Feature 377 Beauty, True Basis of 3^-32 484 ALPHABETICAL LXDEX TO SUBJECTS. PAQB Bee Sting, How to Treat 335 Beef Tea 350 Bibbs, For Health's Beauty 220 Bladder. Attention to in Labor 165 Bladder. Inflammation of 320 Blcshing to Humanity 27 Blood, Color of 25 Blood, Circulation of 208 Blood, Currents of 25 Blood, How Purified 385 Blood-vessels 28 Body, Exhalations from 353 Body, Development 385 Body, Impurities of 36 Boil, Treatment of 278 Bowed Legs 255 Bowels, Large 281 Bowels, Neglect of 289 Bowels, Before Confinement 166 Bowels, Protrusion of 281 Boy. A Perfect 35 Boys, Our 35 Boy or Girl. Which 304 Brain. The 37 Brain. Cure For Water on 260 Brain. Softening of 321 Brain. Water on the 260 Bre.-ist. The 27-84-232 Breast, Gathered 239 Breast, How to Treat Gathered 240 Breast. Inflamed 322 Breast Pumps 234 Breast, Remedy for Full 234 Breath, OflFensive 427 Breathing 25 Breathing Exercises 386 Breathing Properly 162 P.right's Disease 309-329 PAOB Broiled Beef Pulp 363 Bronchitis, How Cured 266 Brown Bread, Value of 294 Bruise. How to Treat 336 Bryonia. How to Use 393 Budding Childhood 31 Burdockroot Tea 350 Calcarea Carb. How to Use 394 Cancer of the Womb 197 Canker of Mouth 475 Catarrh 312-420 Chafing 225 Change 26 "Change of Life" 200-396 Change of Life. Diet for 203 Change of Life in a Man 207 Change of Life Not to be Dreaded. . . . 201 Change of Life, Symptoms of 200 Chamomilla, How to Use 393 Character. How Best Formed 47 Characteristics, One-sided 143 Charlie's Case 38 Chicken Broth 353 Chicken Po.x 273-473 Chilblains 2S4 Childbirth, How made Painless 153 Childbirth, Mother's Joy in 153 Childbirth, Natural 154 Childbirth. Essentials for Painless.... 161 Child-crowing 265 Child, Weaning of 242 Children, Diseases of 245 Children, Limiting Number of 303 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX TO SUBJECTS. 485 • 394 . 197 . 475 12-420 , . 225 . 26 X)-396 . 203 . 207 . 201 . 200 • 393 47 1-13 33 353 ■3-473 2S4 153 153 154 161 265 242 • 245 303 Children, Training of 56 Cliina and Carbo Veg, How to Ujc ... 394 Choice of Profession ^3 Choking, How to Overcome 332 Chloroform, Value of 172 Chlorosis, Treatment of 96-394 Cholera. Asiatic ^n Cholera Infantum, How to Treat.. 228-466 Cholera Morbus ^^g Cholera, Simple 3, , Chorion g2 Circulation of the Blood 208 Circumcision Cleanliness Clitoris Clumsiness Coffea. How to Use Colds Colic 41 30 72 36s 396 312 313-431-472 Companionship .g Complexion, How Perfected 35 Complexion, How Sunlight Aflfects 379 Compresses, Wet 361 Conception, Manner of 59 Conception, When it Takes Place... 77-81 Conception, How Prevented 304 Confidences 26 Confinement, Dress for 167 Confinement, When Take Place 128-129 Confinement, Stages of Labor 165 Confinements, Succeeding 234 Confinement, Treatment After 160 Congenial Spirits 46 Consideration, A Husband's 58 Constipation 287-444 Constipation, A Slow Poison 287 Constipation, Exercises for. 278-299-300-304 Constipation, How Overcome 296 ConMmiption, liarly Stages of ^ ^5 C()n>um[)tii)n, I'lnind.uidii uf ,7 Consumption. How to Cure ^.y Consumption, Signs of ,,(-, Contagion, How to Prcvint... Convulsions Convulsions, Treatment for Corns Corpulency. Cure for ,^,7 Corset Crimes Cough Courtship Cramps Creative Principle Crocus, How to Use ^g- Croup 2r)3-4(H, Croup, Cure For ,(11 Crust Coffee ,^3 Culture Before Birth . 273 219-458 ^. . 220 .^3 ■•• 3'>5 ••• 313 ••• 45 310-455 . .. 27 141 Dandruff. To Remove 38^ Daughter's Companion. A 27 Deformed Figures 364 Deformities, How to Correct ^o Delayed Menstruation 392 Dentition 210-462 Dentition and its Dangers jiq Dentitions, Eruptions During 221 Dentition. Second 259 Depression. Attacks of 236 Desirable Traits in Women 47 Despair of the World. The 391 Development 27 Development of Figure 30 486 ALPHABETICAL LWDEX TO SUBJECTS. PAGK Diabetes 310 Diarrhoea 1 12-1 13-313-445 Diet After Labor 1-4-168 Diet During Pregnancy 155 Diphtheria, Treatment of 268-269-473 Diseases, How to Arrest 391 Disease Fatal to Beauty 34 Diseases, How to Prevent 306-391 Diseases Peculiar to Women 181 Divinity 27 Doctor in the Home 391 Domestic Enjoyment 63 Dress for Children 248 Dress, Hygienic 184-213 Drinking at Meal-time 295 Dwelling Place 25 Dysentery 447 Dyspepsia 314-401-403-434 Easy Confinements 166 Earache 322-419 Ear, Gatherti' 278 Ear, To Remove Foreign Bodies from. 335 Ea ^e and Grace 385 Eating Between Meals 254 Education 48 Effect of Iodine 38 Embryo 82 Embryo. Development of 82 Embryo, Growth of 84-85-86-87 Embryo, Nourishment of 83-89 Embryo, Thirty Days Old 85 Enemas 205 PAGE Enemas for Infants 226 Entire Wheat Bread 294 F-i>'l<-"p^y 317 Erysipelas 314 Eternal Endeavors 24 Exercise 32 Exercise for an Infant 222 Experiment, An 38 Eye, Accidents to 331 Eye, The 24 Eyes, Bad Effects of Belladonna 3-3 Eyes, Brilliancy of 373 Eyes, Expression of 372 Eyes, To Remove Foreign Bodies from. 318 Eyebrows, How to Beautify 374 Face and Features 377 Face, The Blanched Cheek 33 Face Eruptions, How Cured 371 Fainting 320 Falling Womb, Treatment for. . 75-191-397 Fallopian Tubes 28-78 Fallopian Tf.bes, Description of 76 Fallopian Tubes, Office of 7S False Labor Pams 127 False Modesty 37 False Notions 30 Fathers of the Next Generation 35 Felon 31S Female Accomplishments 3'iJ Ferrum, How to Use 304 Fibrous Tissue 28 Fine Clothes 26 PAGX 294 3^7 314 ■24 3-J 222 38 331 24 373 373 372 318 374 377 33 371 3-20 191-307 28-;8 rc 7S 1^7 37 30 35 3if^ 3'^- 304 28 2b 'ALPHABETICAL L\DEX TO SUBJECTS. PAHB First Step-i, Little Feet jm Flaxseed Lcinoiiadc ^4^ Flooding at Ciiildbirth 168 Flooding, "Cliangc of Life" 202.104 Fluids of Life 24 Foetal Circulation 8<) Foetus, Development ot 8j Food of Foods 218 Foods, Ar« ficial 216-217-J18 Fresh Air Tonic 184 Fruit Diet, The 159 Garden Culture - 256 Garters, Effect of 2-:ji Generation. Organs of 28 Germ, A 27 Germ, The Life jy Gestation, Period of 128 Girls, How to Help Them '. . . Goitre 318 Good Features 30 Good Manners 26 Gout ^if) Graafian Follicles 77 Gf^vel 318 Green Sickness 394 Groin Rupture 212 Growing Girls 230 Gruel 343 Gruel. Arrowroot 345 Gruel, Barley 344 Gruel, Cracker 345 Gruel, Egg 345 Cruel, Farina Gnicl, Iiiduin .M(.;ii. .. Gruel, Oatmeal. .. (iuiii Bi)il GuniN How to Treat. Gum Water 487 p«nie 34.1 ■ .544 • 345 .P3 210 • .?47 Gymnastics 3,^5 H I f ahit<. Good .111(1 Rid Hair Hair. How to Dros Hair. Loss of Hair, Prcserv.Tiioii of Hair, Rc^torati\c for Hair, Slianipoo for Hair. Tonic^ for Hair. To Prevent (ictting Gray Hand. Ma-tcr of Detail tiie Hands, How to Care for Happiiu'^s and Love I lay Fever Hcad.ichc 319-413-414-416 Hcahh Broad Hcaltliful Drt-s Hcaltlifiil .'^uRgestions Health. Natural Health. Promoted 'ly Bathing Heart. The Heartburn iit-117- Heart Disca'^e. Foundation of Heart, Palpitation 125- Helpmate Herb Teas 258 .182 .^2 384 ,?82 382 :«<2 ,?«3 24 375 4.5 31,- ■455 354 .12 202 rx> 355 24 .VS 37 320 57 349 488 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO SUBJECTS. VACC I Heredity 54-66 Heredity, How to Overcome 66 Hiccoughs 28 Highest Ideal, The 26 Hives 229 Home Remedies ;gi "Home Sweet Home" 55 Home, The Kingdom of Woman 64 H->usework 32 How to Prevent Disease 306-391 How to Produce a Poet or Inventor. .. 138 Human Effort 45 Human Happiness 45 Husband and Wife, Adaptation of 58 Husband's Duty in the House 55 Hymen 29 Hysteria 320-41 1 Ideal i''ace and Features 377 Imperfections, How to Eradicate 363 Improvement for the Race 70 Infant. Diet for 215-218 Infant, Hygienic Dress for 213 Infant, Wants Required by 225 Inflammation of Lungs 398 ' Inflammation of Stomach 436 Inflammation of Bowels 438 Infants 209 Injections 295 Irish Moss Lemonade 349 Irritation of Skin 411 Itching of Private Parts 452 Invalids, Dishes for 343 rtam Jaundice 333 Jealousy 48 Jelly and Ice 349 Jelly, Irish Moss 347 Jelly, Restorative 347 Jelly, Rice 346 Jelly, Tapioca 347 Ket ping Control of One's-self 68 Kidneys, Inflammation of 308 Kindergarten, The 257 Know Thyself.'. 26 Labor, Pains of , 168 Labor, Oief after 174 Labor, Preparations for 171 Labor, Stages of in Childbirth 165-166 Labor, Symptoms of 163 Labor, Without a Doctor 166 La Grippe 328 Laxative Medicines 288 Lemonade, As a Beverage 349 Leucorrhea 198 Leucorrhea, Treatment of 199 Life 21 Life Hath Snares. , 33 PAoa • 323 48 349 347 347 346 347 68 308 2S7 26 168 174 i;i 55-166 165 166 328 288 349 198 199 2' 33 ALPHABETICAL IS PAOE Life. The Elixirs of /lO Life, The MyNtiT) of 1/) Life, The Scat of (jo Like Begets Like j^j Limbs. Phimp _^j Living Truths 3- Lotion., for the Skin 580 Love. Natural 4^ Love of Woman >(, Love. The Sun of Life 46 Love. Woman's 46 Lungs, Inflammation of 2(iS Lycopodium, How to Use jgj DLX TO SflUlLCTS. 4*) M Madam Yale's Experience 365 Madonnas, Reproducing Faces of 145 Mammary Glands 28-29 Man's Sphere of Intluence 23 ' Man's Spirit 23 i Marriag- oo Marriage, An Unharpy 48 Marriage, Natural 45 Married Life 5.2-64 Married Life, Preparation for 53 Massages 205 Maternity 53 Materia Medica 307 Matrimony 53, Meats 350 Measles 259-4;o Measles, How to treat 269 Medicine Chest 391 ^ll'^licin^ for a Boy ,_. Mi'iiin({iti> , ,, Menkes, After NursinR. Return .if. . .■44 Menses, Snppres>ion of 9-1 W? Meii^tni.Uicin .'ij-ijo Men^tru;iti.)ii Delayed ^,)2 Menstruation. I'"xplanatioii ..t ip Menstruation, Irregularitie-. of 93 Menstruation, Little Understood go Menstruation, Painful, Symptoms of . . loi •Menstruation, Painful, Treatment of. . 10I-I02-3(X) Menstruation, F'rofuse 100-395 Men>truation, Profuse. Causes of r» Menstruation. Profuse. Syniptoui^ of. . lou Menstruation, i'roluse. Treatment f(,r. i.ic .Milk-Crust 286-465 Mi'k Ft VI r 234 Milk, Mother's the Best 232 Milk Porridge 344 Mind Building 137 Mind. The 25 Miscarriage. Causes of 175 Miscarriage. Care of Palieiil .\fter 177 Miscarriage, Greatest Danger of 175 Miscarriage. Prevention of 177-178 Miscarriage, Symptoms of ,. . 176 Miscarriage, Time of 176 Miscarriage, Treatment for 177 Mother's Influence 26 Moulding the L'nhorn 140 Movements, Vigorous 25 Mumps 277 Muscles, Firm 35 Mush, Entire Wheat 346 Mush, Indian Meal 346 Mush, Oatmeal 346 Mutton Broth 353 490 ALPHABETICAL L\ N PAGB Nature Has No Sccrtt J7 Nature's Law ^7 Nature's Way of Removing Obstruc- tions 20J Navel, Care of 2\o Navel Cord, Cutting of i"J Neatness ■2.26 Nerves 30 Nerves Excited i7 Nervousness 3^3 Nervous People, Diet for ,;'^ Neuralgia 323--4-5 Nipples 233 Nipple, Bitter Application for 24^ Nipples, Cracked and Fissured 238 Nipples, How to Harden 1-22 Nipples, Small and Retracted 1.17 Noblest Work of God A^ No Hinges of Bronze ^3 Nose, The 23 Nurse, Desirable Qu-'lties in a 3A0 N' -se. When to Engage 34i Nurse, When Not to 235 Nursing 332 Nursing, Diet While 236 Nursing, Mother's Duty 232 Nursing, Occupation During 237 Nursing, Stated Time for 234 Nursing the Sick 34° Nursing Infants Too Long 243 Nux Vomica, How to Use 395 o Oflfspring, Limitations of 303 Organs of Creative Life 27 DEX TO SUBJECTS. VAOB Outer and Inner Life 363 , Ovaries of the Female 28-76 Ovaries, Description of 76 ' Ovaries, Location of 7') , i Ovaries, Office of 76 ! Ovum Entering the Womli Cavity 81 1 Ovum of I-'ight Weeks 86 I Ovum in Fallopian Tube 82 Ovum of Five Weeks 85 Ovum of Five Months 87 Ovum of Fourteen Days 8s Ovimi. The Human 82 Ovum, Ripe 77 Ovum of Seven Weeks 85 Palpitation of Heart 455 Panada 345 Panada, Chicken 35' Paralysis, Foundation of 37 Parents' Characteristics 142 Passion, Blind, Effects of 65 Pelvis. The Human 71 Perfect Children Possible 136 Perfect Figure, Law of 31 Perfect Physique 34 Perfect Woman, Size of 32 Personal Beauty, Basis of 3^4 Peritonitis, How to Treat .^21 Physical Culture 389 Physical Figure, Foundation of 31 Physical Union 63 Phosphorus, How to Use 392 Pimples, How Cured 3/1 Placenta ^3 ALI'UABETICAL IS PAOI 4.2 Poison Poisons and Their Antidotes j^; Position When Asleep ..,6 PouUicr, Bread. How to Make ,i V) Power of Mind Over Matter 142 Pregnan:y ,0, Pregnan.-y. Additional Symptoms 107 Pregnancy, Air During ,08 Pregnancy, Cause of Fainting During 108-IJ4 Pregnancy. Constipation During 45 ? Pregnancy, Deep Breathing During. ... 157 Pregnancy, Discomforts of 1 n Pregnancy, Drinking Water During log Pregnancy, Exercise During 108 Pregnancy, Fainting During 124 Prc3nancy, Fifth, Sixth. Seventh and Eighth Symptoms 106 Pregnancy, First Symptoms 103 Pregnancy, Fourth Symptoms 104 Preg-iancy, Itching of External Parts Djring 126 Piegnancy, The Bladder During 123 Pregnancy, Leucorrhea During 123 Pregnancy, Mental Worries During 1 1 1 Pregnancy, Morning Sickness During. . 120 Pregnancy. Second Symptoms 102 Pregnancy, Sleeplessness During 113 Pregnancy, Things to Be Avoided Dur- ing 149 Pregnancy, Third Symptoms During. . . 103 Pregnancy Table 129-133 Pregnancy, Thrush During 126 Pregnancy, Toothache During 120 Pregnancy, Treatment of Fainting Dur- ing 124 Pregnancy, Treatment of Toothache During 120 D'dX TO SLBJLCTS. 491 ! r«ai j Prcgn-ncy. Ven'ilation During 109 , Pn-KHiiniy, In Kat During 155 \ Pre- .Vatal Culture I3f)-I44 ! rre-N'atal Culture. Fifth .St.ige (48 Pre-N'atal Culture, Fourth .Stage 147 Pre-N'atal Culture, First Stage 144 Pre-Natal Culture, Sermul Stage 146 Pre-N'atal Culture. Third Stage 146 Pretty Hair 26 Progress jg Prolapsus of the Womb 30 Proportions, Law of jj Pulsat'lla. How to Use jqj F'ulse. Taking Accouni of 339 Pure Thoughts 25 I'urpose of Life, Th. 39 Q Quinsy, How to Cure 428-4^ R Rare Beauty 26 Refreshment .\fter Labor 168 Remittent Fcver.s 455 Reproductive Function 27 Rice Coffee 348 Rising Early 43 Round Shoulders. How to Overcome.. 389 s Sallow Faces 365 Save Your Boy 37 Scabbj Eruptions 235 492 ALPHABETICAL LXDEX TO SUBJECTS. VAOB Scald, Treatment for 3.)o Scalp, Friction for 38j Scarlet Fever J70-480 Scarlet Ru>li 470 Scrofula 2«j Scrofula. Its Treatment 3»2-3»3 Sccale, How to Use 393 Secret ot Ka-v Confinement ifi6 Secret Mystery 27 Seed 27 Self- Abuse Among Boys 36 Self- Abuse Among Girls 33-36-38 Self-Abuse, How Overcome 34 Self- Abuse, Its Effect on System 33 Self-Abuse, Its Evils 33 Self-Culture 54 Self-Discipline 54 Sepia, How to Use 392 Sex, Can It Be Determined? 304 Sexual Excitement to Be Avoided 185 Sexual Organs "^ Cexual Organs, Abuse of 30 Sexual Orpins, Growth of 3t Short Dresses 214 Sins of P&rents 1.37 Skin, How Cared for 377 Skin, How Formed 3/8 Skin. How to Perfect 378 Sleep Required 43 Slippery Elm Tea 348 Snuffles 463 Sow Good Seed 35 Spermatozoa 3^4 Spine, The 37 Stillbirths >72 Stomach. Gas in the .^5 Stomach, to Remove Foreign Bodies From 335 Siudy Nature 25 Stunncd-ChiUl. Tre.itment for 337 St. Vitus Dance 3'l Sucking the Thumb -'JO Sulphur, I low to I'sc 3'>i Symbol o' Life 33 Symmetrical Form i,V> Sunday, the Best Day in (he Week -•57 Swelling of Lower Limbs i>9 Tamarind Water .149 Teach Your Boy 35 Teaching the Daughters 27 Teeth, How to Make Beautiful 374 Teething -IQ Teeth, Second Set 259 Temple of the Soul 33 Thought Is Force 68 Thoughts. How They Affect Us 366 Throat, Inflammation of 3^1 Throat Trouble 271-46^ Thrush in Infants 23c Time for Bathing 35^ Toast Water 244-24S Toothache During Pregnancy 12c Transgression ^ Tree. The -/ Trials and Distouragcmcnts ^ Twins, How Produced S: Umbilical Cord Unmarried, Advice to. rAOB ... 25 ... 3.17 ... .VI . . . .' JO . . . .V)J ... 2.1 ... 1.W . .. -'57 ... 119 ... 349 . . . .15 ... 27 ... .174 ... JI9 • • 259 . . . .13 ... 68 ... 366 . .. .123 271-464 ... 230 ... 3.S6 244-248 . . . 120 ... y> ... -V ... .V) ... 82 ... ^.\ 5; ALPHABETICAL L\ Urine, Difficult to Retain .l6-45f> L'rinatc, Difficult to 45(1 'J*""" 28-r3 Utoriis, Dcscripiiim of -^ Uterus, Location of - ^ Uterus, Office of -^ Utcrui, Substance of 73 V Vagina .• 28-73 Vagina, Docription of 7J Varicose Vein i ig Ventilation and Drainage imj Vcratrum, How to Use y)\ Vulva 71 w Walking Exercises 301 Walking, Graceful .?f^i-3f<5 Water Brash, How to Treat 114 Water Cure ^35 Weaning 242 Weaning Infant. How to 242 Weaning Infant, Necessity of J43 Weaning Infant, Time for J4.' Wedlock 45 Wet Sheet Pack, The 357 Wetting the Bed J83 What the Air Contains 25 Whites, Treatment for 198-109 Whooping Cough 275 Whooping Cough, Position to .\ssume When 276 DES. TO SllULCTS. 493 WliJiopmp 0>iiRh, Trcaitmnt of 27,^471 Uiii'> |)iii> in ihf ll.)iiic ^j \ViiH' W ,4, \\ inU KM iho Sioinaili .•.7 \\ oiiianly Tlii nights ^i Wi)iii;iii\ Kc(|ui»ilc ^7 Wnnili ,X| Wdtnh. AnifMTMon of |,,i WoMll), Appiiidani's Womb. .VrtiTU'^ and \ \in> tor 74 Womb, '.'au'ts of Fall. MB joi Womb. Ch' mic IntiaiiiMiation of iKa Womb. Excrcuifs to Strinjjthen 181) Womb. ralliiiK of ibf iQi Womb, Iiitlamiiiation of iS| Womb RiirotU-xinn of i.jj WiMub. H(iriMr>.ion of ig^ Womb Structure 75 Womb, Symptom^ of Antcvcr-ion \i)\ Womb, Symptoms of Ritmilrxion 195 Womb. Symptom^ of Krtnncr-ion. . . . 194 Womb, TriatiiRnt of .Xntovcr^ion 19a Womli.Trcatmmt of Retroflexion of tb ■ 196 Womb, Triatmcnt of RctroMr^Jon of the iq4 Womb 'I'roublf, l.ocai Trcitnuiit for . 189 Womb Troiibli-, Otic Cau>c of 290 Worms 285 Worms, Symptom^ and Trcatnunt of. . -'""yAAP Wound. Trc.'itr.'.tnt of jyi Wrinkles, How to Prevent 371 Young Mothers 213 I n.ATi: II s ■•► lilt fRVtl K fKLVIS Ml' >U IN.. \ ».,1S« I'l.Al i: i;. ran . and ^ihMHn\Mfs AT FIPTII MONTH REPRODUCTUK ORGANS OF WOMAN I'l.ATF. JO. riu' f. flu-. ill its nicinhrancs, with I xpandintr (IS uteri. in first -tase of lalior. PL.\TK 21. TWINS IN I TERO, HKAD AND BREECH PRESENTINO. At eight tnonths. the fa'tii.< seems to grow rather in thickness than in lengtli; it is only si.xteen to eighteen in- ches long and yet weighs fnun four to five pounds. The skin is very red. and covered with down and a considerable quan- tity of sebaceous matter. The lower jaw, which at first was very short, is now as long" as the ujiper one. Finally, at term the fietus is about nineteen to twenty- three inches long, and weighs from six to nine pounds. The red blood circulates, in the capillaries and the skin per- forms the functions of perspira- tion : the nails are fully de- velojjcd. RF.PRODUCTIVF. ORGAN'S AT CHILDBIRTH I THE NATURE AND EFFECT OF ALCOHOL (Dr. L. I-:. FoRTiKR, of Laval University.) ALCOHOL is a clear, colorless licjiiid. very volatile and intlainmable, and burns with an intense licat. It has a peculiar, hut pleasant odor, pungent taste, not necessary U> Ik described here, as its prui^rties arc well known. Alcohol is largely empkned in the industrial arts and sciences. As a drink its use is known everywhere. "Fire-water," as it is called by the Indians in their primitive language, is compo-sed of carlxm, hydrogen and o.xygen. One molecule of alcohol contains two atoms of carlx)n, six atoms of hydrogen, and one atom of o.xygen. These different atoms have not cvjual weight: thus, in a hundred ounces of alcohol there arc fifty-two ounces of carl)on. thirteen ounces of hydrogen, and thirty-five ounces of oxygen. Alcohol is the result of fermentation of vegetable matter containing sugar; it is a transformation of the sugar. It can l>c made from all the >wcet fruits, but it is esj>ccially the grajie which is used for this i)uri>ose. The sugar of the grai)e fermctited produces wine, but wine is not pure slcohol : for that it must undergo distillation. The apparatus used nowadays for distilling alcohol has I>een made so perfect that one can obtain at the first ojieration alcohol nearly pure, containing but little more than five [)er cent of water. Wine was for a long time the only source of alcohol known: its high price rendered its use very restricted, but the desire for it stinuilated its production, and to supply the growing demand new sources of production were discovered. Chemists .searched, and found it in grain. It was sewn ascertained that starch could easily Ije converted into sugar, and so prove an inexhaustible source of alcohol, inasmuch as many of the grains contain starch in great quantity. But how can sugar be converted iiito alcohol ? What is the change that it undergoes? The explanation that chemistry gives is simple enough. Sugar and alcohol are composed of the same elements, but in different pro- 40S I 49^) THE XATURR AXD EFI-FCT OF ALCOHOL portions. A molecule of sugar contains six atoms of carbon, twelve o hydrogen, and six of oxygen. To change the relation of these atoms, cans ing them to recomhinc into other snUstances than sugar, it is nccessarv t< use a ferment. Tliis ferment is really vcgctalilc life, small germs, which ii masses, like yeast in hread. act as a ferment in Isread-making. (ir like "mothe of vinegar." produces fermentation of the sugar in fruit juices. Pasteur has demonstrated that yeast is an organic germ, that multiplie itself prodigiously at the ex|R.'nse of the sugar. These germs are found ii the air. which explains the phenomenon of siKintaneous fermentation ; the arc, however, found especially, and multiply most a' undantly, in liquid containing yeast and sugar. Under the action of fermentation, like ; leaven, a molecule of .sugar is converted into two molecules of alcohol anc two molecules of carlxmic acid. The first process is to convert the starch inti sugar, then follows fermentation, afterwards distillation. When the gardener plants in the ground a seed, of corn for example, an( leaves it to grow, the grain "sprouts;" the starch in the seed is changed int( sugar, giving sugar- food as nourishment to the plant-germ. The moisture and heat of the earth have caused this result. In a similar way starch i; changed artificially into sugar. In beer-making, for example, (juantities o grain are moistened and exposed to artificial heat. In a short time the graii swells and sprouts. The sprouts are allowed to grow until thev arc w\w\ as long as the barley-seed, and then they are killed by the heat, raised to : roasting degree, which varies according to the liquor to l:>e made. For al< the roasting of the grain is light, browned for beer, and charred for porter This process is called malting. In the "mashing" ojieration the starch ir still further converted into sugar. ..iterwards fermentation is caused which is facilitated by the addition of yeast. If we stop at the fermentation process we obtain beer: lieer and ];orlc, only differ in the aromatic substances which they contain. In the producb of fermentation, brewing or distillation, alcohol is the essential principle Thus then l)eer, wine, cider, which is only wine from apple, as well a- brandy, whisky, gin, etc.. contain alcohol, but with varying proixirtion< Beer and jMrter contain from two to six i^er cent of alcohol; white wino^ contain from ten to twelve per cent; they are made from grapes, the skin- and seeds being removed. Red wines contain the same proportion of alcohol but more of tannin than the white wines; they are made from the wliolr. THE X.lTL'Ri: .1X1) lU-I-lUT or .ILCOUOI. 497 grape, liraiuly. wliicli is nirulc from wine, has fmm fi.rtv to ilftv p^-r cent of alcohol. Whisky and gin, which arc made fium grain or't,-,,,,, potatoes, contain also from forty to fifty [xr cent of ;ilo.Ii,,l. (ij,, differs from whisky in the flavor, which is that of the jniiiK-r herry. Rum c-ntains aix)nt fifty i^er cent of alcohol and i^ distiik-d from in.ilas>e>. Alo.lm! pure IS not nsed as a drink, hut is mixed with more or les- water, and ;it he>i d.-es not contain over eighty-five jier cent of pure alcohol. All drinks containing ale n the > irganic tissues. The t" o principal characteristics of this action are a al'hni'y for water and ..ic proiK'ity of coagulating the alhumen. To judge of the affinity of alcohol for water, look at the anatomical s]>ecimcns preserved in r cums. After l)eing a short time in the alcohol they iK'coine dry and i^.emhle a mummy. If one puts a piece of l)ecf in a glass and fills the glass with alcohol, the alhumen would he coagulated. Alcohol exercises such a [wwcrful action on dead tissues that we -Imuld e.\-i)ect it to 'exert a deleterious effect on living tissues, and to injuiv ;ill the organs of the human system, which arc comijosed in great part ,.t allmmiii- ous matter. Take the digestive system: What is the effect uikhi the stomach? It would Ix- supi»sc.l that alcohol. l)eing rapi.lly ah~ ih.d. and in not remaining long in the stomach. woul taKcn int.> the stomach it ahsorhs the water from the mucous lining of the >i(.in;.ili. fhc internal wall of the stomach, which is very sen live, is >uppliid v.iih a multitude of small and extremely fine I>1(xm1 vessels. gi\ing \n thi< lini.. ' a rosy color, which is its normal apix-arancc. Scarcely ha\e ;i few t;!a-js (if alcohol come in contact with this mucous lining l>ef..rc these little hlo^d- vessels are swollen with blood and congested, causing a sensati.iu m' dulhie^s an>. tension at the pit of the stomach. See illustration " Health. .SLniiach" and ".Mcoholic Stomach." Continuous drinking of alcoholic licjuor for many davs grc tl\- iullames and ulcerates the stomach, and is followed by other seriou> dis rders. The blood-vessels, unduly swollen, are ruptured, the internal wall of the >t: macli is highly inflamed, and full of dark colored spots at the -eat ..f the hemor- rhages. The patient suffers great pain, vomits what he tats or drinks, sometimes with blood, and passes bkxsd in his stools. His tongue is red and parched: it indicates the state of the stomach, which is thai of inflani- 4y8 THE NATURE AND EFFECT OF ALCOHOL mation, and finally ulceration, which may i>erforate the wall of the stomach, and I)e followed by j^ritonitis and death. The action of alcohol on the stomach, which is acute or chronic accord- ing to the habits of the individual, is marked by the three successive stages of congestion, inflammation, ulceration. Does alcohol in moderate or small doses injuriously affect the functions of the stomach? Y i. The healthy stomach secretes a digestive juice — the gastric juice. This organ, congested, secretes too much or t(X) little. dei>end- ing ujxjn the degree of congestion. Alcohol, even in small quantities, pro- duces, as we have seen, congestion in the coating of the stomach, which not only interferes with the proixjr secretion of the gastric juice, but weakens and robs that liquid, already secreted in the stomach, of its digestive proper- ties. In consequence there is derangement of the digestive organs, wind, acidity, and a series of little ailings, which end later on in dyspepsia. Expe- rience proves this, and we may show it by experiment. Place in each of three different Iwttles an equal quantity of chopi^ed l>eef. In tlie first Ixtttle add a mixture of gastric juice and water ; in the second a mixture of gastric juice and alcohol ; in the third gastric juice and ale. Expose the bottles to a temperature equal to that of the stomach. The result will be that the beef in the first tottle will rapidly decomp(5se and without interruption will pass on to a perfect digestive condition : that in the other two will not be digested. Under the influence of alcohol and beer the active principle of the gastric juice — pepsin — will be precipitated and form a deposit at the bottom of the bottle. These experiments, and others of a scientific nature, show that alcahol cannot but l>e hurtful to die stomach. It exercises a similar action on the intestines, esjiecially on the upper part of the duodenum, before being absorlied by the other organs. What is the effect of alcohol upon the liver? One need not ask if this exerts a deleterious action upon that organ. It is well known that the majority of drinkers die from liver disease. The liver has the largest quan- tity of blood in it of any organ of the body ; it absorbs freely alcohol, which affects 't in a similar way to that of the stomach, if not more seriously. The liver, at first congested and enlarged, because of the irritation pro duced by alcohol, afterwards diminishes in size, becomes hard, and loses its original shipe. Its surface becomes covered with projections, like nail Tim XATUKE .IXD lill'ECT 01- AlxOIlOI. ■IW licads. snnietimcs called "!.i Inailcil" liver, K'caiisc ■ f the re-enililaiice to the sIkjc Sdle (if an I"n.;L,'ii.-Ii cartin:;ii. The wcifiht (iiniinislus. ^^nutimes \veiiL,diiii,',' so:'rocly a inhiii<1. wliilc in normal rondititiii the liver \vei!;li> tnitii f(Uir tn five pinnd^. rhi> kind ni inllainmation of the liver is e^lK•cially Cdniiiioii aiiKmu' i;in drinkers. Some- times .imonj^ l)cer drinkers the liver increases larji^ely in >\yx and j^ains cnn- sideral;ly in \veii,dit. In tl^^e two cases the liver lose> the f nnrnial function am! so produces a serie-^ nf trouhles which commence with dys- pepsia and terntinate in jaundice, dmpsy and death. The kidneys suffer the same trouhle as tliat of tlie liver. In many cases the use of alcohol is the cause of I>rif;['it's disease. Occasionally. es]>ecially ^ong beer drinkers, the kidneys undergo a fatty degeneration so great as to prevent them [)erforming their normal functions. We will not sjieak of the heart and lungs: the injury to these organs generally follows that of the other viscera. How e described: we unfortunately -ee too many examples of it in our streets. We pass over also delirium tremens: liiese troubles, however grave they may Ix;, are generally teni]Hirary. The brain manifestations, which are caused by chroni-: alcoholism, vary according to the (juantity of ..Icohol drunk and the habit of the subject. The brain is largely cotuiK>sed of albumen. a:id this is largely water. As alcohol has great affinity Un- water the result of drinking the former to excess is to harden and shrink the brain substaix-e. The brain is the scat of the ncrvi us system, and as alcohol has a iKiralyz- ing efifect upon the nerves, the brain suffers likewise, the |>atietU is jiaralyzctl, prostrated, dead drunk. L'nder the influence of alcohol, savs Magnan, there is a two-fold morbid development: the brain is made i)rematurely ol-l, and suffers fatty degeneration. alsi> the bloc ;! vessels which nourish it: but this degeneration is not the only one; with it is a tendency to chronic irritation, or inflammation, resulting in the first case in general par.ilysis. .and in the next case in iiisanit- ''•om the intlamuT'tion or irritation. Delirium tremens is insanity in a vc "iful form. 500 THE NATURE AND EFFECT OF ALCOHOL As to tlie intellectual faculties we find that the memory l)Ccoir.e; eiifccl)lc(I. the judgment less certain and discerning, the imagination dulled, the association of ideas weakened, finally the moral sensibility thoroughly blunted. Is alcohol a f(XKl? What is its value ?s nourishment? Foot! digests; alcohol does not, but retards digestion. Animal strength and heat arc pro- duced by combustion, by oxidation of the tissues, by the changes which are continuj'lly working in the system. Exj)erience shows that alcohol has the effect of diminishing this combustion, this destruction of tissues. It is well known, for example, that alcohol, after being drunk, seems to raise the temiKTature of the body, but this is only temporary and on the surface; its real effect is to lower the animal heat several degrees. Alcohol seems to preserve the tissue, but this preservation of tissues detracts from the pro duction of strength and heat. From the point of view of the conservation of tissues alcohol is neither necessary nor useful to the health of man. Army sergeants know that troops bear better the fatigues and rigors of climate without alcohol. This was proved 1 the celebrated retreat from Moscow; as long as they were not allowed to have alcohol, the health of tlie men was good enough, but as soon as they were allowed to use alcohol, their ranks were decimated by death ; the false strengtli was short-lived, and was fol- lowed by depression and numbness, which paralyzed the men, leaving them unable to march. A great numl)er were al)andoned to die, frozen along the icy roads of Russia. In brief, alcohol in the stomach paralyzes the nerves, hinders digestion, chemically acts uix>n the i^eixsin of the gastric juice, changes the secretion of the liver, and injures the whole pr(x:ess of digestion throughout the ali- mentary tract, perverting the action of the sympathetic nervous system ; and thus, disordering all the organs of the liody, clogging their functions, and diminishing the oxidation of the tissues, prevents the production of animal force. MEDICylL DICTION J Rr OR GLOSS J RT XoTK. — In tlic pronunciation of the following wwnl^. Wch-icr Iia-^ Wvu followed as autiiority. In several eases the words have k'en re-spelled accunlini,' to the pr-nnir- ciation. in which cases it is j^nven in i)arentheses. thu-. i i. Ab-do'-mk.v. The helly, or the lower part of the Ixxly l)elow the dia- phragm. Ab-lu'-tion. Cleansing l>y water, washing of the IxxIy externally. Ab-xor'-mai.. Unnatural: not according to rule; irregular. A-noR'-TiON. Birth of a child l>efore tlie projKT time. A-bra'-sion. a 'iuijerficial wound ])r(Miuced hy the rubbing off of the skin. Ab-sorb'-ext. Glands and vessels which absorb or suck up substances from within or without; also metlicines which absorb, or combine with acid matter in the stomach or l)owels. Ac-col'cii-ei'r' (ak-k(j<)sh-ur'). A man who attends women in childbirth. Ac-e-tab' The socket that receives the head of the thigh Ixmic. A-Ciio'-LIA. Deficiency of bile. A-ciD. Acrid ; sour, sharp, pungent, bitter or biting to the taste. Ac'-TUAL Cau-ter-y. Burning or searing with a hot iron; used in sur- gery. Ac-U-Pcxc'-TIRE (ak-u-punk'-ture). Pricking with needles; one of the operations of surgery. A-ci'Te'. Diseases of short duration, attended with violent symptoms ; the reverse of chronic. Ad-he'-sive. Tenacious, sticky, apt or tending to adhere. Ad-iie'-.'^ive Plaster. Sticking-plaster. Ad'-i-puse. Matter, membrane or tissue; fat. Ad'-jl'-vaxt. .\ su1)stance added to a prescription to aid the oi)eration of the i)rincipal ingredient. A-dult' Age. A person grown to full size or strength ; manhood or wom- anhood. 502 MEDICAL DICTIOXAKV OR GLOSSARY Af-kec'-tiox. Disorder, disease malady. Al-bi''-.mi:n. The white of an egg. It is an essential constituent of animal bodies. Al-bu'-mi-nose. a substance pnxluced in t!)e stomach during digestion. Al'-i-mext. Nourishment, nutrition ; anything necessary for the support of life. Al-i-ment'-a-ry Ca-nal. The tube by which aliments are conveyed through the Ixxly ; it is comp a>m- I>Iaints. AN'-Ti-t)()Ti:. A jin tcctivc against, or remcily li>r. |><'i>«>ii or any di>ia-.e. An-ti-dvs-entf.r'-k- (an-ti-dys-in-tcr'-ik ). A remedy for dy-eiitery. An-tm->mkt'-ic (an-ti-e-mel'-ik ). A remedy {<> clieek or allay vnmilinn. An-ti-i.itii'-ic ( an-ti litli-ik ). A medicine to prevent or ren'.ove urinary calculi or jf ravel. An-ti-mor-bif'-ic. Anything to prevent or remove disease. An-ti-scorbu'-tic. a remedy used for the scurvy. An-ti-sep'-tic (an-ti-sep'-tik). Whatever resists or removes putrefaction or mortification. An-ti-spas-mod'-ic. Medicines which relieve cramns. s|>asms, and convul- sions. A-Nt'S. The orifice of the alimentary canal, of which it is the outlet. A-or'-ta. The great artery from the heart. Ap'-a-thy. Insensrbility to mental or Ixxlily pain. A-pe'-ri-en't. a mild purgative or la.xative. A'-PEX. The top or summit. A-piia'-si-a. .\ lack of the power of speech, caused often by an attack of ajxiplexy. A-Piio'-NiA. A loss of the voice. Ap'-pe-tite. a desire for fo)rtion of the bowels. As-ci'-TE.s. Dropsy of the abdomen. As-PHVx'-iA. Suspended animation; apparent death as from drowning. As-sim-i-la'-tiox. The process by which the food is changed into tissue. As-TiiE.v'-ic. Debilitated, 504 MEDIC. IL PKTlOX.INy OR Gl.OSS.IRy As-trjn'-gknt. a medicine which tiiKTatos ur puckers up the tissues of the Ixuly, thcrchy chcckiiij; discharges. At'-o-ny. Dehihty; want of tone ; defect of nutscnlar iK)\ver. A r'-Ko-piiv. A wasting of tlesh and loss of strenglli without any sensible catise. At-ten'u-ants. Medicines for reducing the body. Au'-Ri-CLE, A cavity of the heart. Aus'-cul-ta-tion. The art of detecting disease by hstening to the sounds of the hmgs, heart, etc. Ax-il'-la. The armpit; hence axillary, pertaining to the armpit. Ax'-iL-LA-RV Glands. Situated in the armpit, secreting a fluid of peculiar odor. ' Bal-sam'-ics. Medicines employcu or healing purposes. Bi-en'-ni-al. Continuing alive for ivvo years. Bile or Gall. A flutd secreted by the liver, which promotes digestion. Blls'-ter. a th. -y bladder on the skin. Bou'-gie (boo-zhe). . tai)er '^ody introduced into a passage or sinus to keep it open or enlarge it. Bright's Disease. A serious disease of the kidneys. Bron'-chi-al. Pertaining to the branches of the windpipe in the lungs. Bul'bous. Round or roundish. Ca-chex'-y (ca-keks'-y). A bad state of the body. It may be caused by blood poisons. Cal'-cu-li. Gravel and stone found in the kidneys and bladder. Cal'-lous. Hard or firm. Ca-lor'-ic. He?t. Cap'-il-la-ry. Fine, hair-like. Cap'-sule a dry hollow vessel containing the seed or faiit. Car'-bon. Charcoal. Car-bon'-ic Acid Gas. A gas of two parts of oxygen and one part of carlx>n. Ca'-ri-es. Ulceration of a bone. Car-min'-a-tives. Medicines which allay pain by expelling wind from the stomach and bowels. MEDICAL DUTIOSAKV UK o/.O.vV. fA')' 5«5 Ca-rot'-io Aktkkv. The j,'iv,it .ntiTic- ..f the luvk cunvev Mcx^d t.i i! heart. ('\i{'-Ti-i..\i;i:. .\ hard chistic stih>taiue df tlie Ixidy : fjristle. C at-.\-.vie'-.\:-.\. The menses, nr iiinnthly discliarjjes nf wnmet C.\t'-.\-pl.\.sm. IC ixmltice Ca-tarrii' (ka-tar'). A r cnrrude. 'i\ 11114 tissues. Cai;'-i;r-v. A hurning or searing ."My part of the anitnal Ixxly. Cell. .\ small elementary form found in vegetable and .ininKd tissue. Ckr'-e-bel'-H'M. The lower and kack part of the lirain. Cer'-e-bral. Relating to the brain. Cer'-e-bri'm. The upi)er and front i>art of the I>rain. Cer'-e-bro-Spi'-xal. Pertaining to tlie brain and spinal cord. Ce-iiu'-.mExV. The ear wax. C:t.\-LYB'-E-ATE { a-lib'-e-ate ) . Containing iron in suhition. as (Kxnrriiig in mineral springs. Chan'-cre (shank'-er). A venereal or syphilitic sore. Ciiol'-a-gogie.s. Medicines that increase the flow of bile, as calomel and podophyllin. Chol'-er-(c (kol'-er-ic). Easily irritated: irritable. Ciior-dee'. a painful drawing up of the iKjnis. It occurs in gonorrhea. Curon'-ic. Continuing for a I(jng time, and Incoming a tixed condition of the bcxiy. Chvle (kil). A milky thtid, sei)arated from the aliment in the intestines, mixing with and forming the blixid. Chyme (kim). The pulp formed by the fixxl after it ha> Ix-cn for some time in the stomach, mixed with the gastric secretions. Ci-ca'-trix. a scar that remains after a wound. Cir-cu-la'-tiox. The inotion of the blcKxl, wliich is ])roi)elled by the heart through the Ij«xly. Cl.w'-i-cle (klav'-i-kl). Col1;ir-lx>ne. Cli'-mac' TER-ic. A term generally aiiplied to the at which tl'.e menses finallv cea^^ Sofi MEDICAL DICTIOSARY OR GLOSSAKY Clys'-tf.r. An injection; a li<|uivers tlie contents ict. >• its. e. irntatin MEDICAL DICTIOS.IRY g,- G7-().V.V.//v'1- 507 Cl--T.\'-Nr-ni-s. rertainitit,' t^ the skin. a> ctitaiio.ti^ .li-fa-iCT*. Ci'-Tl-ci-E (ku'-ti-kl). TIic uutcr ..r scarf >kiii. ( VST. .\ hag iir sac cuntaiiiiiiy; matter ur ..tlier tltiiluiii>j. Medicines ])ro|>arc(l hy Itoilinj,'. DEtr-i.r-Ti'-Tio.N. TIic act of swalluwing. I)EL-n-TE'-Ri-ors. That wliich i> hnrtfnl. I)E-Litj'-ii-r.M (de-lik'-uc-nin). Fainting. De-ur'-I-v.\i. \\'ililiu"«s ur wandering uf the mind. De-mll'-cents. .\ nuicilaginons medicine which siMhes diseased nuiciHis n)enil>ranes. Den-ti'-tiox. Teetliing. l)K-(»n'-sTRi--ENT. .\ mild la.\ativc: an ajwrient. De-i'Le'-tk)n. Dimiinninii ut tlie (inaniity ui hl< .ud hy hlixKl-letting or other process, Dep'-u-r.\-tio.\. Cleansing fruin iininirc matter. Dr.RM. The natnral tegument or covering of .in animal. I)i;.s-(ji'.\-.MA'-rio.\-. .'^ u i>f the >V.'\v in -r.ilc> ; -(.•'li".' olT. I)E-TER'-cii:NT. .\ medicine that cleanses from otYending matter. Di-AG-No'-sis. The act of ilistingnishing di>ea>es l>v >ynii>toin>. ni-.\-iMlo-RET'-lcs. Medicines which promote i)crsi>iration or -wealing. Dl'-.\-PUR.\r.M (di'-a-fram). The nui.-t and alxlomen. Eh-.XTll'-E-sis. Tendency of the Ix^ly to any form of disease, as scrofulons diathesis. Di-e-TEt'-ic. Relating to diet or regimen. DlL-A-T.\'-Tio.v. Act of expanding or spreading in all directions. Dil'-c-ent.s. That which thins, weakens, or reduces the strength of li, Kx-To-zo'-A. Intestinal wcnn. ]:,:,. i„ .,,,„ ,,art ^f an auunal l,.„h. K-lMii;.M -i;-KAi.. 0|- sli. rt (hnati.m. El'-I-l)l•:^!'-Ic■. A disease that prevails. Ep-i-uekm'-is. The scarf-skin: tlie entiele. Er-i-GAs'-Tuic. I'ertainin- tn the npper and anteri. r part ..f the ahd.;- nien. Ep-i-glot'-tis. a leaf-sliaped cartihi-e. uho.e u~e i> t,. prevent i.o,l ,,r drnik from entering tlie larynx nd .il)strnetin,- ihv I,reath uhile eating. Kv-i-hEr'-nc. Subject to epilepsy or the falhng sickness, E-pipii'-o-RA. An ovcr-ahundant secretion of tears, causing- what is termed a watery eye. I'>-i-SPA.s'-Tic. .\n apphcation for l)Iistering. Ep-is-rAx'-i.s. Bleeding from the nom the of its surface ood. rspira- cle. lusing Flf\'-i-ble. E. .ilyl)ein: viddinc; k, pressure. Fr.ooD' Profuse flow of hlcMxl. Fi,rsn. A sudden flow of blond to the face. Fi.rx. An unusual discliarg-e from the l)owels. i-oK'-Ti-s (fe-tus). The child in tlie wunil>. I'o-ME.v-TA'-TiON. Bathing by means oi flannels dii)F)ed in hot water or medicated liquid. l-oR-Mi-CA'-Tiox. A sensation like the creeniuj- of ants J"UR-MU-LA. A prescription. Fract'-lre. a broken bone. Fric'-tiox. The act of rubbing. Ff-Mi-GA'-TION. A \aiK)r raised by burning. FuNc'-TiON. The work or office performed by any part or organ of the body. Fun'-da-ment. The seat : the lower extremity of tlie large intestine. Fl-n'-gus. a spongy excrescence, as proud flesh. Gal-van'-i-za'-tio.\. Use of the . \c current. Gax'-gli-on (gang'-gU-on). Ai. ^ement in the course of a nerve. Gan'-grene. Mortification or deadi of a part. Gar'-gle. a wash for the mouth and tliroat. Gas'-tric. Belonging to the stomach. Gas-tri'-tis. Fever or inflammation of the stomach. Ges-ta'-tion. The i)eriod of pregnancy. Gland. A soft body, the function of which is to secrete some fluid. Glot'-tis. The opening into the windpipe, covered by the epiglottis. Glu'-te-us. a name given to the muscles of the hip. Gran-u-la'-tiox. The healing of a wound or ulcer by the formation of graindike fleshy masses. Gru'-mous. Thick ; clotted ; concreted ; as grumous blood. Cii-T'-TUR-AL. Pertaining to the throat. Hab'-it. a particular state or temperament of the body. Hec'-tic. a remitting fever, with chills, heat and sweat. Hem-a-to'-sis. An excessive or morbid quantity of blood. Hem-i-ple'-gi-a. Paralysis of one side of the bodv. 512 MEDICAL DICriOXARY OR GLOSS IRY \ '^nittine of bloocl. 'Bleeding ; a flow of blcM^cl. a. from the lungs, nose. etc. The pile;: tul^ercle from which blood or mucus .s d.s- He-mop'-ty-sis. Hem'-or-rhage. Hem'-or-rhoids. charged. He-pat'-ic. Pertaining to the hver. Hv'o«t"? 'Z:TiT:L..ry principles. aUva.s e.i.ln, i„ waur, HV-o.--. ^,':rtrr"an'rl.a,.nsi>,,,i.,. Hyp-not'-ics. Medicines which cause sleep. Hy-po-der'-mic. Undeitheskm. Hys-ter'-ic-al. Nervous ; subject to hysterm. rv r^ \ thin waterv. and acrid discharge from an ulcer. ^ToP' :; n Am bid condition not preceded by any other disease. V^L The lower part of the small mtestmes. T / ^ ' Pprt-iinine to the small intestmes. IM BE c.lM-t1- F«blene.. ; weakness of „,ind or intelleC. ,M-.M..--s.o.. ;^^'^"^„,,,, weakness; exhaustion. Tv-\-Ni'-TioN (m-a-nish-un). cn'in iN-ci'-soR. A front tooth that cuts or d.vides. IN-DIG'-E-Nous. Native to a country. Ik-di-gestM-bee. Difficult of d.gest,o,i_ lN-m.,'-PO-si-Tiox. A disorder of health. Tm PFr'-TioN. Contagion. T . Jma' tion a redness or swelling of any part. IN-FLAM-MA -Tiu>. Mcv] tlic lica 513 )injr. t'l l>v in- MUDICAL DKriUXARY OR Cl.USSAKY In-fu'-siox (in-fu-zhun). Medicine |tici>;irc(l by l)iiiliiis,' or In-ges'-tion ( ill-jest '-yuii ). Tlipi\vin,i^ intu the -ti iiinch. In-jec'-tion ( in-jek'-slnm ). Licjiiid sent into smnc \r.\xx oi means of a syringe'. In-oc-l'-la'-tiox. Communicating a disease to a ixTsmi in serting contagious matter in the skin. In-spi-ra'-tiox. Drawing or inhaling air into tlie hin,L;s. In-spis-sa'-tiox. Rendering a fluid tliicker l>y evaixiratiun. In-teg'-u-mext. a covering; the skin. In-ter-cos'-tal. Between the rihs. In-ter-mit'-text. Ceasing at intervals. In-tes'-tixes. The lx,nvels. Joint. The junction of two or more lx>nes: articulation. Lac'-er-a'-ted. Torn asunder. Lach'-ry-mal (lak'-ri-mal). Pertaining to tlie tears. Lac-t.\'-tiox. Act of nursing or sucking. Lax'-ci-xa-tixg. Piercing, as with a shar]>-ix)intcd instrument: licnce lancinating pain. Lax'-guor (lang'-gwur). Feebleness, weakness, lassitude of the l»'dy. Lar'-yxx. The upi)er part of the windpiin;. Lax'-a-tive. a mild purgative; a medicine that loosens the l-owels. Le'-siox. a rupture or tearing of the flesh; a wound. Leth'-ar-gy. Unusual or excessive drowsiness. Leu-cor-rhe'-a. .\ white or yellowish discharge from the wonili. Lig'-a-ture. a thread for tying blood-vessels to prevent hemorrhage. Li-ga'-tiox. The art of tying a vessel. Lin'-i-mext. a medicated lotion or wash ; a soft ointment. Lith'-ox-trip-tic. a solvent of the stone or gravel in the bladder. Li-thot'-o-my. The operation of cutting for stone in the bladder. Liv'-iD. Black and blue ; of a lead color. Lo'-CHi-AL. Pertaining to discharges from the wimih after chi!dl)irth. Lum-b.\'-go. Rheumatic pains in the loins and the small of the back. Lum'-bar. Pertaining to the loins. Lymph (limf). A whitish fluid contained by the lymphatic vessels. Lvm-ph.\t'-ic (vessels). Fine tubes pervading the body ; absurU'iits. 514 MEDICAL DICTIONARY OR GLOSSARY Mac-er-a'-tion. Dissolving or softening with water. Mac'-l'-lar. Colored spots: blemishes. Ma-la'-ri-a. Bad air ; air which tends to cause disease. Mal-for-ma'-tion. a wrong formation of structure of parts. Ma-lig'-nant. Virulent; dangerous; tending to produce death. Mar'-row. a soft substance in the bones. Mas-ti-ca'-tion. The act of chewing. Mat-u-ra'-tion. The formation of pus or matter in any part of the body. Me-dul'-la Oblongata. A nervous mass in the lower part of the brain. Men'-ses, Menstri.'.\tion. The monthly courses of women. Men'-strl-um. a solvent; any liquid used to dissolve solid substances. Me-phit'-ic. Suffocating; noxious; pestilential. Met-a-car'-pus. The hand lietween the wrist and fingers. Me-tas'-ta-sis. a change of disease from one part of the body to another. Met-a-tar'-sus. That part of the foot between the ankle and the toes. Mi'-as-ma. Miasmata. Malaria; exhalations from swamps and decaying matter. Mor'-bid. Diseased; corrupt. Mor-bif'-ic. Causing disease. Mu'-ci-lage. a glutinous, viscid fluid substance. Mu'-cus. The ropy, lubricating, tenacious fluid secreted by the mucous membrane. Mus'-cles (mus'-sls). The organs of motion; they constitute the flesh. Nar-cot'-ics. Med'cines that cause sleep, relieve pain, or stupefy. Nau'-se-a (naw'-she-a). Sickness at the stomach, with a desire to vomit. Ne'-gus. a liquor made of wine, water, sugar, nutmeg, and lemon-juice. Ne-phrit'-ic. Pertaining to the kidneys. Ner' a medicine that acts on the nerves. Neu-ral'-gi-a. Pain of a nerve, without apparent inflammation. Neu-ras-the'-nia. Nervous exhaustion. Nor'-mal. Natural, regular. Nos'-TRUM. A quack or patent medicine. Nu-TRi'-Tious (nu-trish-us). A substance which nourishes or feeds the bodv. MEDILAL DICTIONARY OR GLO^^ARV o'.i Ob'-long. Longer than broad. Ob-tuse'. Dull, not acute. CK-de'-m.x. a watery swelling. Ol-f.\c'-t<)Ry Xkkvk.s. The nerves of smell. O-mkn'-tcm. The eaul or cnvering uf the lK)\vels. Opm-tu.m.'-.mi-a (of-thal'-nii-ai. Intlannnatioi! nf tlic wes. C-Pl-.-VTES. Medicines uhicli jjroniote s!eei>. Op'-tic Xerve. The nerve whicli enters the hack ])art . t the eye. Or-TI£op-.\oe'-.\. (ireat difficulty <.f breathing. can~ect\veen the anus and testicles. 1'f.r-i o.s'-tk-l'M. a thin, hard nienihrane coverinj.; the Ixines. I'i:r-i-to-n-k'-i-m. The meniijrane lining the al)d(inien and covering the Ixjwels. l'i;-Ti:'-ciii-.\t:. Purple spots which apivear u]K)n the skin in low fevers. I'iiag-e-uen'-ic. Corroding; eating: ajjplied to ulcers.'-ges. The Ixnies of the tingcrs and toes. Piileg-mat'-ic. . Mm lunding in phlegm; cold; dull; sluggish; heavy. Piiar'-yxx. The upjx^r part of the throat. PiiLO-Gis'-Tic. Inllaniniatory. Phtij.ys'-ic-al (tiz'-ik-al). A condition of tiie system tending to pulmo- nary consumption. Phlegm (flem). A stringy mucus of the respiratory and digestive pas- sages. Ple'-thor-ic. Of a full habit of body. Pleu'-ra. a membrane that lines the inside of the chest and covers the lungs. ]'lel"'-ri-sy. Inflammation of the pleura. Pneu-mo'-ni-a (nu-mo-ni-a). Inflammation of the substance of the lungs. Pol'-y-pl's. i\. pear-shai)ed tumor. Pre-scrip'-tion. The f(jrmula for the prejKiration of medicines. Probe. An instrument for examining the depth of a wound. Prog-xo'-sis. The art of foretelling the termination of a disease. Propu-y-lac'-tic. a medicine to prevent disease. Pty'-.\-lism (ty'-a-lism). A copious flow of saliva ; salivation. Pu-bes'-cext. Covered with down or very short hairs. Pul'-mo-xa-ry. Pertaining to or affecting the lungs. Pulp. A soft mass. Pulse. The lieating or throbbing of the heart or blood-vessels, especially of the arteries. Pun'-gext. Sharp, piercing, biting, stimulating. Pur'-g.\-tive. a medicine acting on the bowels to loosen them. Pu'-RULEXT. Consisting of pus or matter. Pus. Yellowish white matter, found in abscesses, etc. MIIDIC.iL DlCTIOX.lKV oR <,LOSS.L\y -,y PUS'-TULES. I-.lcvatin„> of the ^kiu liav in,;; an inllanu.l l,a>c and contain- ing pus. Pl--TRKS'-CEXT. Deccmin- ,,utri.I; i.crtannn.i,^ i, i\k- prm-os of putrefac- tion. Py-ro'-si.s. a iK-cuIiar disease of tlie stoniacl; called Re-^'-tl-m. The termination of the large interline. Re-frig'-er-a.\t. MecHcines winch lessen the iieat of the Inxiy. Reg'-i-mex. The regulation of diet in order to proerve or restore health. Res-o-ll-'-tion. Disi)ersion of an intlainniation U-fore pu> is formed. Re-solv'-ents. Medicines to di.ssipate intlamination. Res-pi-ra'-tiox. Tlie process of breathing. Re-sus-ci-ta'-tion. Reviving from apparent dcatli. a.> drowning. Ret'-i-xa. Tlic semi-transparent, internal nervous tis>ue of the eye. Rl--be-fa'-ciexts (shents;. Applications that cau>e redness of the skin. Rl--bif'-ic. Making red. S.\c'-ctr.\-RixK (rin). Sugary; having the (iualitie> of ,,iijrar. Sa-li'-va. Tlie spittle : the secretions of the salivary glands of the mouth. Sal-i-v.v'-tiox. Increase of the secret: n of saliva. Sax'-a-tive. Healing, or tending to heal. Sax'-guixe (sang-guinj. Alxjunding in blood, or having the ojlor thereof. Sa'-xi-es. a thin, often purulent discharge from wounds or sores. Scab. A crust formed over a sore in healing. Scarf Skix. The outer skin of tlie body. Scir'-rhous (^skir'-rus). Hard, knotty. ScuR-Bu'-Tic. Pertaining to. or partaking of tlie nature of scurvy. ScRO'-TUM. The bag containing the testicles. Se-cre'-tiox. The separation of any substance from the blood for a spe- cial purpose. Sed'-a-tive. A quieting medicine which allays irritation and >ootlies i>ain. Sed'-en-ta-ry. Accustomed to. or requiring much sitting: inactive. Sem'-i-nal. Pertaining to or contained in seed. Se'-rous. Thin, watery, like whey. Se'-ru.m. The watery parts of the blood, or of milk. 5»8 MEDICAL DlLTIOSARY OR GLOSSARY Sl-Ai/-o-C(H;ri:s. Mi-diciiics that promote the How of saHva. Sin'-a-imsm. a imtstanl plaster. Sin'-evv (sin'-yu). Tliat wliich unites a muscle tn a Ixnie. Si.oi(;ii (sluf). The i>art tliat separates fmm a wnuiid. Slolcii'-ing ( shiff'-ing ). The separation of the ilead tiesh from a sore. So-i.f'-TioN. A licjuid in wliich a solid substance has l>€cn dissolved. S(>i/-vK.\T. Havint,' the power to dissolve solid substances. Sor'-dks. The dark matter deposited uin.n the lips and teeth in low fevers. Sp.vsm. An involuntary contraction of the muscles. Spe-cif'-ic. An infallible remedy. Si'i'-.\'AL C01/-UM.N. The ..^ck-lM-ne. Spi'-nal Cord. The nervous marrow in the spinal column. SpLKii.v. The milt ; it is situated in the abdomen and attached to the stomach. Sqi-a'-.mols (s(|ua'-mus). Scaly; having scale:.. Stek''.m. The breast-Imne. Ster'-tor. Xoisy breathing, as in ajxiplexy; snoring. Ster-to'-rols. Snoring. Stim'-l'-I-ants. Medicines that excite. Sto-macii'-ic. a cordial f^r the stomach, exciting its action. Stool. A discharge from the bowels. Stran'-gl-rv. Difficult and painful expulsion of urine. Strict'-lre. Unnatural contraction of any passage of the body. Stru'-ma. Scrofula. Stl'-por. Insensibility; numbness. Styp'-tic. A medicine which coagulates the Jood, and stops bleeding. Si'b-cu-ta'-ne-ois. Under the skin. Sf-DOR-iF'-ics. Medicines that cause sweating. Si'P-Pos'-i-TORiE^:. Medicinal substances introduced into the rectum to favor or restrain evacuations, or to ease pain. Sup-Pu'-R.VTiON. Forming of pus. Sut'-ire. The peculiar joint uniting the bones of the skull. Symp'-tom. a sign or token; the {peculiar marks of any disease. Svn'-co-pe. Fainting or swooning. Syn'-o-ciia. Inflammatory fever. Sypii-i-lit'-ic. Pertaming to the venereal disease or pox. MnnicAL nu iiox.ih'v oa- (,7.n.s.s./A'y 5"> Syr'-INOk. An instnnm-m for iiijcctiii-,' !i.|ui.k in;,, tin- •HiwcN, car, ihr-iat. or Dtlicr cavities of the IxmIv, Te.m'-pi:r-a-mi:\t. Indiviilnal ciiivtitiitinii ; a |iivi;liar . f 1mi.Iv. Ten'-don. a filinms oml aitailicl t-. tju' ixtrcmitv <>{ a iim-cii-. Te-nes'-mi-s. a painful k-ariiitj or il'jwn. ToR-Mi'-XA. Severe Kril'injj pains. Ton'-ics. Remedies wiiich >;ivc tone and strength to the >\>ttm. Ton'-siu.s. Cilands sitnated on each side of the throat. ToR'-pin. r^ " stnpid. Tra'-ciie-.i. X windi)ii)c. Tre'-mor. Invoinntary skakinj;. Tu'-ber-ci.e ( tu'-lKT-kl). A pinii>ic. swellinj;-. or small tumor. Tu-me-fac'-ti()X. The act of swellinjj^ or forminjj a tumor. Tu'-MOR. A distention or enlargement of any part of the kidy ; a swell- ing. Ty'-phoiu. Resemhlinjj typhus ; weak: low. Ty'-phl's. A form of low nervous fever, malignant, infectious, etc. Ul'-cer. a sore, discharging pus. Um-bil'-ic. The navel, or pertaining to the navel. U'-REA. A substance found in the urine. U-re'-ter. The duct or tul)c through which the urine passes from the Icidneys to the bladder. U-re'-thra. The canal of the penis through which the urine pas-c>- fn/n the bcxiv. 520 MEDICAL DICTIOSARY OR GLOSSARY L"-KINK. Water cvaciiatcil fmin the bladiUr. U'-TE-Ris. The womb. U'-vi-i..\. Tlic small conical ImhIv pri)jectinfj from the middle i)f the soft palate. Vac'-ci-nate ( vak'-sitMiate). To inoculate with the cow-pox by inserting the vaccine in the skin. Vac'-cine (vak'-sin). Hclon^inj? to, or matter of, the cow-ihix. Va-ui'-na. The passaj,'e tliat cniniccts the vulva with the womb. Vag-in-is' Spasm of the vagina, caused by morbid irritability. Val-e-tu-oi-na'-ki-an. a |)erson of a weak, infirm, or sickly constitution. VA-Ki'-o-LOf s. Pertaininff tu or denoting small-i)ox. Ve'-iii-cle (ve'-hi-kl). A litjuor in which to administer medicines. Ven'-e-rv. Sexual intercourse. \'e' xoi'.s. Relating to the veins. \"e.v-ti-la'-tio.n. .\ free admission or motion of air. \'ER'-Mi-Fir.E. .\ medicine that expels worms. Ver'-ti-go. Dizziness; swimming' of the head. Ves'-i-ca-tinc. Blistering. Ves'-i-cee (ves'-i-kl). .\ little bladder of water formed under the skin. Vir'-l'-eent. Extremely injurious; malignant; poisonous. Vi'-RL'S. Active, contagious matter. Vis'-CE-RA. The internal organ of the body. Vis'-ciu. Glutinous ; sticky ; tenacious. Vit'-re-ous HfMOR. One of the fluids of the eye, resembling glass. Vol'-a-tile. Easily evaporated ; substances that waste away on exposure to the atmosphere. Vul'-ner-a-ry. Pertaining to wounds. Vul'-va. The external jxirts of the female organs of generation. Zy-mot'-ic. Contagious ; infectious ; such diseases as may be inoculated. PRESCRIPTION RHGISTF.R. ■!«ri,»^»TIOV Th. ,...„Kn.,r„„. K.,.„..r l» 10 rPM.rd |.r.-.rl|,.i,„„a„.| r. in.., ,• . |,„„ b....n proved valuahl... *hl, i, »..,„|,, ,.„>..rwi... t». Irr.rarably !„,, ,,r l,r,,„iu,„, ||„ ,.„„.„„. ,, , ■lu|.l(.nt... .\ proper,-. In ra... will giv.. the dl,e«»e 11 I. |nt..«,l..,I ,o r. Il.w iI.h .|.,>, «h'f. Ih.. r>hy.l.l»„ «,H ,ail...i, „r »,„ „ .'i,,. ""■""'""• *«' "«•■«■ by whnm pr,.H, rll,..,| „.. r^QUlrod d„...; .ho I.ruwu. ,„„„„,„„„„„ „ and Ih.- numbrr. ThHr prr-rv .||„„ for fmurr u.^ »||| be found n»t „„ly a ,„„. v..ntenr... but will .,r„.„ „rov.. "a frlrnd 1.. „....,! • inakInK IhU „„ InvaluabU- r.-uiur,. „f ,h- w.,rk 8to «nnfx«'d blank nil.d out, TIIK mil.lsilKn 1» Dortor Remedy for l>cluf» ol lob>l>i. Tincluro of Hanb«i«<, Compound Spirit! a| jth«r. Sirup ol Tolu. Otl« Ounce iJJ Cr.m,) „ch One Tmpoonlul. Eirer) Hill Hour. Well Shaken Brlof. Taken. I'nUfk'M. >«. 8274 l» B D08« How often. RemarkM J>ninri>it. Xo. How off«'B Remarks OniKirlst. >o. Dose How often. Remarks Dose How often. Remarks -Dmgjbt No. 521 .Dnigflst. >■©.. i I 533 Doctor. ftemedf for. B PRESCRIPTION REGISTER. 19 Doctor. Remedy for B .19 Dose How often. 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Remarks .Druggist. No. . Dose How often. Remarks .Urugglst. So.. Doctor Remedy for PRESCRIPTIOX KK<.ISTER. 19 . Doctor Remedy for 5-'5 19 Do8e_ How often I'Ofie How often Remarks Remarks _ — Dni^st. So, ^ Druggln* No. 1» Doctor Doctor Remedy for — .!» Remedy for B R Dose_ B How often Remarks Dm^st. No. in Doctor Remedy for Dose. How often RemarkK DtM-tor _ Remedy for B Dninrtrfst. \o. .19 Dote. How often How often Remarks Remarks DrugrgisU No. DruffKist. So.