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 To //^y//// /A? /oJ^/^fi^// y J^''-^ Agent for svperintending 
 the Settlement of the Townshipfop 
 Th£ Governor-in-Chief, or Lieutenant-Governor, having been pleased to nominate 
 you to be Agent for superintending the settlement of the Township of 
 1st. You are to reside within the Township to the superintendency whereof you are 
 appointed^ or in its vicinity, in order the better to accomplish the end of your nomina* 
 2d. Your next duty will be to lay off, with the advice and participation of the Sur- 
 veyor-General, a block of 500 acres, as a site for a village, of which 200 acres will be 
 set apart for a Church, School-House, and Court-House for the Sessions of the Peace ; 
 the remaining 300 acres to be granted into lots of the average dimensions of one acrt, 
 by ticket of occupation, on condition that a comfortable log house be built thereon ; 
 and in conformity to other conditions therein contained, a projected plan of the 
 subdivision of such a village to be submitted by the Surveyor-General to the Governor, 
 or Lieutenant-Governor, for approval. 
 3d. The lots to be granted, to be one-half of an ordinary Township lot, divided 
 through the centre, not longitudinally, but so as to give to each settler nearly a com- 
 pact square farm of 100 acres, and the usual allowance of five per cent, for highways. 
 4th. Each applicant io receive from you a Location Certificate, of which printed 
 forms will be furnished you, for the half-lot you will assign to him, (each settler being 
 entitled to the vacant half-lot next after the number of the last preceding certificate, 
 provided he be the first applicant,) and no such location certificate to be granted, un- 
 less the applicant be of good character, a British subject, and upon the spot, ready to 
 commence the performance of the conditions of his Location Ticket. Such applicants, 
 however, of good moral character, having large families, and probably some of a suffi- 
 cient age, and capable of improving land, should be particularly encouraged, and re- 
 commended by you io Government for an additional portion of land, as contiguous as 
 possible to the land already located to them ; and such of the sons being arrived Xo the 
 age of majority, or even to that of eighteen, being desirous of cultivating lands for 
 themselves, provided they appear to you capable of undertaking the management of a 
 farm, in such case they ought to be located to a half-lot nearest to that of their father. 
 5th. You will quarterly transmit Xq the Surveyor-General's office, exact returns of 
 the Locations made in the Township<||)rou superintend, in the following form, accom- 
 panying the same with remarks on the general state and prosperity of the settlements 
 QuABTERLT RETunN of Locottons made ia the Toanship of 
 between the 
 and the 
 Dato of 
 Ticket of 
 from the 
 or what 
 and by whom 
 and by 
 Whether the road Tickets of La> 
 and aettling duties cation that have 
 have been made in eipired. whether 
 whole or in part, 
 what extent of 
 land cleared and 
 in culture. 
 the lots am whoi 
 ly unoccupied 
 nrwhat has ueei 
 Rem aubs. 
 A copy of which return the Surveyor-General will transmit to the Civil Secretary's 
 ofiice, to obtain through its medium the ratification and approval of Government of 
 the Locations therein stated to have been made ; the same to be subsequently forwarded 
 to you, through the Survevor-Gcneral's office, where entries of the ratified list and re- 
 turn will be first duly made. 
 6th. You will make a separate report, for the consideration of Government^ {io 
 accompany each quarterly return) of such lands where the conditions of settlement 
 have been wholly neglected, and the time for performing them, or any of them, hai 
 expired, (after giving due notice io that effect to the parties interested,) but you are 
 not to proceed to a new Location of the Lots until you receive an authority to that 
 effect from this office. 
 7th. Every settler to be held to clear the road in front of his lot, to the width of 20 
 feet within from the date of his Location Ticket ; and in 
 default of so doing, his Location Ticket to be null and void, unless satisfactory reasons 
 are given why the same could not be performed, in which case discretion is left you to 
 act thereupon with equity and justice towards the individual. 
 8th. Every person who shall be located, shall be held to clear the entire front of his 
 half-lot, by the depth of one acre from the front, within two years from the date of his 
 Location Certificate ; and in default thereof, shall forfeit his right to the half-lot for 
 which he may have been located, but at th» same time, shall be entitled to his grant of 
 such half-lot, upon producing the certificate of the Agent of the Township in which 
 such lot is situate, of the performance of the above conditions, at any time before the 
 expiration of the two years allowed for the performance of the said conditions. 
 9th. You will take care to reserve and point out the ground for bye-roads to com- 
 municate from one range to the other, and with the roads running in front of the lots; 
 which bye-roads you will lay out at convenient distances from each other, as near on 
 the division lines of the lots as practicable, five per cent, being allowed for that object. 
 10th. With reference to the Crown and Clergy Reservations, you will be governed 
 by the diagram hereunto subjoined ; and you are to refrain from granting such parts of 
 the Township under your superintendance, as you may think proper to be retained in 
 the power of the Crown, for its future disposition, according; to the circumstances 
 accompanying the settlement of that Township, of which you will give an early com- 
 municaton to Government. , 
 11th. You are to consider yourself as the guardian of the ungranted lands of the 
 Crown, and of the Reservations in block, or otherwise, set apart for the future disposi- 
 tion of His Majesty, within the limits of the Township under your superintendance ; and 
 as such you are to report to this office the trespass and depredations committed there- 
 on, that instructions may in consequence be given to the Law Officers of the Crown, to 
 prosecute the individuals concerned. 
 I2th. You will be entitled to a per-centage of five acres on every hundred located 
 by you as Agent, and it will be optional with you to take in each range your per-centage 
 on the lands located therein, or to select it in block in the rear of each half of the 
 Township ; but it is to be understood that the same will be secured to you by Letters 
 Patent, so soon only as the conditions of settlement shall have been complied with by 
 the settlers on their respecti^'e lots. 
 13th. In consideration of postage, stationery, &c. you will be entitled to demand for 
 yourself, upon each Location made by you, a sum of two shillings and six-pence, ac- 
 counting to the Surveyor-General for his fees. 
 14th. You will consider yourself as linked with this, the office of His Majesty's Sur- 
 veyor-General, and from whom you shall receive from time io time, such further com- 
 munications as the exigency and nature of this branch of the public service may require, 
 and through him make all your reports or communications to the Governor. 
 By His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief 's Command, 
 Surveyor-Gftnerjiri Office, 
 Quebec,;?/^ ^'.^ /r//r/A7Y7rr 
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